Velo Press - Manual For Bicycle Mechanics - CH 1 (5th Ed, 2003)

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Down tube: The lower tube of the frame that

extends from the bottom of the head tube to the bot-
This chapter has several sections. It should be read tom of the frame (the bottom-bracket shell).
carefully to prepare for using all the other chapters. Seat tube: The near-vertical tube that is at the
The first section is GENERAL TERMINOLOGY OF middle of the frame, which the seat post slides into.
BICYCLE PARTS. This section covers only the most
Bottom-bracket shell: The portion of the frame
basic and universal terms. The other chapters will that contains the crankset bearing parts, which are
each start with a terminology section with terms that called the bottom bracket.
are more specific. Seat stay: The two tubes of the frame that start
The second section is THREADS. Understanding from below the seat and meet the chain stays at the
thread descriptions and thread types is perhaps the center of the rear wheel.
most important basic mechanical skill. Chain stay: The two tubes of the frame that go
The third section is PRESS FITS. Press fits are a from the lower end of the seat tube and meet the seat
means of holding pieces together other than by thread- stays at the center of the rear wheel.
ing them. It is a system with its own unique set of Dropout: The fittings at the end of the fork, and
techniques and rules. at the juncture of the seat stays and the chain stays, to
The fourth section is LUBRICANTS. Understand- which the wheels are attached.
ing the proper use of greases and oils is critical to be-
ing a good mechanic. Top tube
The fourth section is CLEANSERS AND POLISHES.
This section covers what types of cleansers, sol-
vents and polishes might be used, and how to use Seat stay Head tube
them properly.
The last section is TOOLS. This section covers use
of common mechanic’s tools. The other chapters de-
Seat tube
scribe how to use bicycle mechanic specific tools. A
list of recommended tools is in the appendix.
Chain stay Down tube

Dropout Fork

GENERALTERMINOLOGY Bottom-bracket shell


OFBICYCLEPARTS 1.1 Parts of the frameset.

Chapters on individual component areas of the
bicycle have more specific terminology and definitions. Derailleur: There are two such mechanisms: a
For the purpose of this manual, the following terms front derailleur and a rear derailleur. The front de-
apply to the frame and basic components. railleur moves the chain between the selection of gears
Frame: The structural piece, usually a number of on the crankset; the rear derailleur moves the chain
tubes joined together, to which all of the components between the selection of gears on the rear wheel.
are attached. Chain: The loop of links that connects the front
Fork: The structural piece that attaches the frame gears to the rear gears.
to the front wheel. The fork turns to allow the rider Freewheel: The set of rear gears. Freewheels and
to control the bicycle. freehubs have a confusing overlap of terminology. For
Frame set: The frame and fork combination. clarification, see the terminology section of the chapter
Head tube: The near-vertical tube that is the for- regarding these items. In a general sense, the freewheel
ward most part of the frame. is the set of gears that the chain turns in order to ap-
Top tube: The upper tube of the frame that ex- ply drive forces to the rear wheel.
tends back from the head tube to the seat tube.

1 – 1

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER identify the threads. For reference information on

bottom-bracket thread types, see the ADJUSTABLE-
This section is about using bottom-bracket taps
CUP BOTTOM BRACKETS chapter (page 9-5).
to improve the thread condition in a bottom-
bracket shell. Crank-arm removal and installation
In order to tap the bottom-bracket shell it will be
necessary to remove the bottom bracket, which starts
with crank-arm removal. At the completion of the
GENERALINFORMATION job it will be necessary to reinstall the crank arms.
Bottom-bracket overhaul
TERMINOLOGY In order to access the threads it will be necessary
Bottom-bracket shell: The part of the frame that to remove the bottom bracket. At the completion of
houses the bearings that the crank arms rotate around. the job it will be necessary to install and adjust the
Bottom-bracket tap: A tool used to chase the bottom bracket. These procedures are covered in the
existing threads in a bottom-bracket shell. chapter ADJUSTABLE-CUP BOTTOM BRACKETS.
Chasing: Using a tap to improve the condition of
existing threads.
Tapping: In the broad sense, tapping is creating
new threads. With regard to bottom brackets, the term Symptoms indicating need for tapping
“tapping” is used to signify the improvement of the bottom-bracket-shell threads
condition of existing threads (chasing). The usual reason for tapping bottom-bracket
Pilot: A part of a bottom-bracket tap that is used threads is the resistance encountered when remov-
to align the left and right taps to each other so that ing or installing the bottom-bracket cups or cartridge
they will cut on a common axis. A pilot consists of a bottom-bracket mounting rings. This resistance can
pilot shaft and a pilot hole. be caused by several things. New bikes often have
poorly cut bottom-bracket-shell threads, or good
PREREQUISITES threads that are fouled with paint. Used bikes often
have rust in the threads. Another possible cause of
Usually the need for tapping the bottom-bracket
the resistance could be that a cup or mounting ring
shell is discovered in the course of doing another job,
has been cross-threaded.
such as installing or overhauling a bottom bracket. In
This resistance to unthreading is aggravating to
this case the condition of a bare bottom-bracket shell
the mechanic during the removal of parts; however,
already exists, and the only prerequisite required for
during installation of parts, this extra resistance will
the job is an understanding of bottom-bracket thread
not just be aggravating, it can cause three problems.
types and directions. The additional prerequisites listed
The first problem that this extra resistance can
are only applicable in the case that it is your intent to
cause is that it can make it difficult to tell whether the
tap the bottom-bracket threads before you have re-
thread is starting correctly, possibly leading to cross-
moved the bottom bracket.
threading and further thread damage.
Understanding bottom-bracket-thread types The second problem that this extra resistance can
There are several types of bottom-bracket cause is when attempting to adjust an adjustable-cup
threads. Bottom-bracket taps are not used to change bottom bracket, difficulty in rotating the adjustable
from one thread type to another but to improve the cup can make it almost impossible to find a good start-
condition of existing threads. For this reason it is ing point for the adjustment, leading to a prolonged
vital to be sure of the existing thread type in the bot- and more difficult adjustment procedure.
tom-bracket shell. The following bottom-bracket-
tapping procedure will provide an opportunity to

2– 1
The third problem that might be encountered tap has been designed to be suitable for titanium, it
when this type of resistance is being experienced is will no longer be suitable for other materials. Spe-
that poor thread condition can lead to failure of the cial taps for titanium are available, but the cost is
threads on aluminum and plastic cups, or aluminum prohibitive. Since titanium is not generally painted
and plastic mounting rings. This failure may occur and does not rust, difficulty in threading parts in
during installation or removal. If the factory installed would most likely be due to poor manufacture and
an aluminum or plastic part into a poorly threaded should be warrantable.
shell, then the failure may occur while the parts are
being removed. Nothing can be done to prevent this,
Aluminum is a perfectly suitable material for tap-
but tapping should be done to prevent future failures.
ping, but presents some special concerns to the me-
Preparation for shell facing chanic. First, the type of cutting oil used is critical. There
The only other reason to tap the bottom-bracket- are cutting oils made specifically for use on aluminum.
shell threads is that it is a necessary first step to facing Any cutting oil suitable for use on aluminum will say
the bottom-bracket shell; the reasons for facing a bot- so on the container. Do not interpret words like “all-
tom-bracket shell are given later in this chapter. purpose” and “multi-purpose” to mean: includes alu-
minum. Second, it is critical that the taps be sharp. Alu-
minum has a higher tendency than steel to gall (tear).
TOOL CHOICES Dull taps increase the likelihood of galling, to a de-
The thread type of the bottom-bracket shell de- gree that the threads in the bottom-bracket shell may
termines what tool you will need. The following list be destroyed.
covers all tools for the job. The preferred choices are
in bold. A tool is preferred because of ease of use, Threads destroyed beyond repair
quality, versatility, and/or economy. See table 2-1. The most likely complication when tapping a
bottom-bracket shell is that threads may be damaged
beyond repair. Since the next solution after thread
TIME AND DIFFICULTY chasing is a drastic one, always attempt the repair by
Tapping a bottom bracket in a bare frame is a 10 chasing first and test for success by torquing the bot-
minute job of moderate difficulty. tom-bracket cups or retaining rings into the shell to
the recommended torque and see if further stripping
COMPLICATIONS occurs. If the recommended torque cannot be achieved,
the threads have stripped completely.
Titanium has completely different metallurgical
characteristics than steel or aluminum. It is neces-
sary for a tap to be designed in a dramatically differ-
ent way to be suitable for tapping titanium. Once a


Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo 721 Piloted handles w/ 1.37" × 24tpi BSC/ISO taps , very expensive
Campagnolo 721/5-I Italian 36mm × 24tpi tap only for 721, two needed
Campagnolo 721/5-F French 35mm × 1mm tap only for 721, two needed
Cyclo 1042 1.37" × 24tpi double ended un-piloted chaser only
Hozan C402E 1.37" × 24 tpi un-piloted tap set
Hozan C402FS Un-piloted tap set fits French and Swiss
Park BTS-1 Piloted tap handles w/ 1.37" × 24tpi BSC/ISO taps, includes facer also
Park 693 36mm × 24tpi Italian tap for BTS-1, two needed
Park 694 35mm × 1mm French tap for BTS-1, two needed
VAR 380/2/C Piloted tap handle set w/ 1.37" × 24tpi BSC/ISO taps
VAR 42IR 36mm × 24tpi Italian tap for 380/2/C, two needed
VAR 42FR 35mm × 1mm French tap for 380/2/C, two needed

2 – 2

Unusual thread types CARE OF BOTTOM-BRACKET TAPS

Only one brand of bottom-bracket tap (VAR) Bottom-bracket taps are very expensive and eas-
makes taps available for every conventional thread ily damaged. Proper cutting technique is important
type. If you do not buy this brand you will not be to ensure good life, but that is not all. When storing
able to tap all bikes. You should not buy this brand taps, make sure they are clean and coated with oil.
just to be able to tap all thread types, because several The cutting edges are easily chipped by light impact
thread types are very rare and it could be financially with other metal objects, so handle and store them in
unrewarding to buy the tools to tap these threads. a way so this will not happen. On hooks on a peg-
About 95% of bikes have BSC or ISO thread type, board is a good way to store taps.
which are interchangeable. Most of the remaining 5% Clean taps with a brush and solvent. Blowing them
are Italian thread. This is as far as it may be practical clean with compressed air is not damaging to the taps,
to be equipped with taps. Other thread types are but it is dangerous. Coat the taps with a light oil after
French, Swiss, and English Whitworth (1–3/8" × 26tpi). cleaning and drying to prevent rust.
These are all no longer manufactured, already rare, Using taps on chrome-plated bottom-bracket
and getting rarer fast. shells will also dull them quickly. It can be done but
Obstructions it is not advised.
It is possible that there will be obstructions inside Using taps to cut new threads in an unthreaded
a bottom-bracket shell that will interfere with the in- shell, or to extend the length of existing threads will
sertion of the taps. The most likely obstruction is a also dull them quickly. These procedures can be done,
bolt or fastener (rivet) that holds a cable guide to the but they are not what the taps are designed for and
bottom of the bottom-bracket shell. If it is a bolt, re- are strongly recommended against.
move it. If the obstruction is some sort of pressed-in
device or rivet, then it is possible that the pressed-in
device or rivet will be destroyed if removed. If this
happens it may be necessary to do some creative me- BOTTOM-BRACKET-
chanics to re-secure the cable guide.
Another possible obstruction is frame tubes pro-
1 . [ ] See TAPER-FIT CRANKARMS chapter for removal
truding into the shell. This type of obstruction occurs
of crankarms and ADJUSTABLE-CUP BOTTOM
most commonly with lugged frame construction. Use BRACKETS chapter for removal of bottom
a round file or a small grinding stone on a rotary tool brackets, and remove crank arms and bot-
or die grinder to remove this type of obstruction. tom bracket if necessary.
Difficult tapping 2 . [ ] Inspect any cups or mounting rings that
were removed for thread identification and
Difficult tapping may be caused by dull taps, ex-
note thread description here: _____________,
cessive material needing to be removed, poor tech- unless markings are inadequate.
nique, or brass contamination in the threads. Brass
has special properties that cause it to create a lot of
resistance when being tapped. If brass is present on
the bottom-bracket threads it means that the manu-
facturer was sloppy during the brazing process.
The most important things to be conscious of
when tapping is difficult are 100% assurance of thread
compatibility and good technique. If tapping becomes
difficult, then pull the taps out immediately and check
for obstructions and brass in the threads. If these are 2.1 Inspect cup faces for any markings that might indicate the
not a problem, assume the taps are dull and do not thread type. The 1.37 × 24 marks on this cup indicate it is a
continue without sharp taps. BSC thread.

3 . [ ] Only if cup markings were inadequate mea-

sure cup O.D. and pitch, then use table 9-2
(page 9-5) to determine nominal thread de-
scription and note here: ______________.

2 – 3
Bottom-bracket-shell threads are identified by tak- To identify whether an unmarked tap is a right-
ing measurements in the bottom-bracket shell; how- hand or left-hand thread, hold the tap so the leading
ever it is only necessary to do this if steps #1, #2, and end points up. Examine the top groove in any one of
#3 do not yield positive results. Usually all that is the lands. If the top groove is deep on the left and
needed is inside diameter and pitch. In the case that tapers off to the right, the tap is left-hand thread. If it
the pitch is 1mm and you are prepared to tap French is deep on the right and tapers off to the left, it is a
or Swiss bottom brackets, then you must be able to right-hand thread. See figure 2.2.
identify whether the threads in the right side of the
shell or left-hand or right-hand. The technique for this First groove
is described in the BASIC MECHANICAL SKILLS chapter
in the section called THREADS (page 1-4).
4 . [ ] If no cups were removed from bottom
bracket, measure shell I.D. and pitch inside
shell, then use table 9-2 (page 9-5) to de-
termine nominal thread description and note
here: ______________.
The next step is to check whether the correct
thread type is on the tap handles. With Campagnolo Lands Flutes
and Park taps this is a simple matter of looking at 2.2 Inspect which side of the lands the first grooves start on to de-
the base of the tap (Campagnolo) or in the flutes termine whether the tap is left-hand or right-hand thread.
between the lands (Park) for the thread description
of the tap (see figure 2.2). Certain VAR taps may have 7 . [ ] Identify which tap is left-hand thread and
either of two complications. VAR taps frequently which is right-hand thread.
have the thread description on the end of the tap If tapping an ISO, BSC, or Swiss threaded bottom
where the description becomes hidden when the tap bracket, it is vitally important to get the correct taps
is installed. If this is the case, buy an engraving tool on the correct sides of the bottom-bracket shell. All
and write the thread description in the flutes between others have double right-hand thread, so the taps can-
the lands. The other complication is that VAR is in- not be put in wrong. With ISO, BSC, and Swiss thread
clined to describe BSC or ISO thread types in an un- types the right side of the shell is a left-hand thread.
conventional fashion with the diameter shown in mil- The right side of the shell is right from the rider’s
limeters instead of inches. If a VAR tap is marked viewpoint while riding the bike. It is the side that the
34.85 × 24, it is suitable for a BSC (1.37 × 24) or chainrings, chain, and derailleurs go on.
ISO (1.375 × 24) threaded bottom bracket.
5 . [ ] Verify that taps on tap handles are correct NOTE: VIEW FROM BOTTOM OF BIKE
thread (replace with correct thread if not).
Left side Right side
Campagnolo and VAR taps use a threaded retain- of bike of bike
ing device to hold the tap on the handle. If the retain- (drivetrain)
ing device is loose it will compromise the precision of
the tapping. Use a headset locking spanner to secure
the taps on the Campagnolo tool and a large adjust-
RH BSC, ISO, or Swiss LH
able wrench to secure the nuts on a VAR tool.
thread thread thread
6 . [ ] Secure both tap retention nuts (skip if using tap bottom-bracket shell tap
Park tool).
If you are using a BSC, ISO, or Swiss tap set, the
next step is to identify which tap is a left-hand thread
and which is a right-hand thread. If the taps are the
Campagnolo or the Park brand, there will be a RH or
LH notation as part of the thread description marked
on the tap. If you cannot find such a notation, or your
taps are VAR (which are not marked), then use the
following technique. 2.3 If installing taps in a BSC, ISO, or Swiss-threaded bottom-
bracket shell, the left-hand tap goes in the right (drivetrain) side of
the bike, and the right-hand tap goes in the left side of the bike.

2 – 4

NOTE: VIEW FROM BOTTOM OF BIKE 9 . [ ] Start both taps simultaneously so that they
just engage shell threads.
Left side Right side One of the most important things when cutting
of bike of bike metal is the proper use of cutting oil. If cutting steel,
(drivetrain) the type of oil is not important (high speed or low
speed), but if cutting aluminum it is critical to use oil
labeled specifically for use on aluminum.
RH RH In addition to using the right oil, it is important
Italian or French thread
thread bottom-bracket shell thread to use enough of it. Cutting oil does not simply lubri-
tap tap cate. One of its most important functions is to absorb
heat generated by the cutting of the metal. If the heat
builds up, the metal being cut gets harder. Tools dull
quicker, and the quality of the threads will be com-
promised. By using ample quantities of cutting oil and
re-applying it repeatedly, heat will be kept to a mini-
mum. There should be a substantial quantity of oil on
the floor when done if enough was used. Use a drip
rag if you are concerned about this mess.
2.4 If installing taps in an Italian or French-threaded bottom-
10. [ ] Add generous amounts of appropriate type
bracket shell, since both taps are right-hand thread, side of installa-
tion does not matter.
of cutting oil to both taps.
Sometimes all the threads in the shell will need
8 . [ ] Place left-hand threaded tap (right-handed chasing and sometimes just some of them will. As long
threaded if both taps are right-hand) in right as there is no significant resistance to threading the
side of the bottom-bracket shell, and place tap in, then no cutting is happening and no special
the other tap into left side of shell. technique is required to advance the tap. No signifi-
The whole point to using a piloted tap set is to cant resistance is defined as when you can thread the tap
guarantee that threads on both sides of the shell have in with one finger!
a common axis. For this reason in the next step the 11. [ ] Thread each tap in as far as it will go with-
taps are started simultaneously. Do not start one tap, out encountering significant resistance.
and then start the other. Once significant resistance is encountered then
cutting has begun and a technique called cut-and-clear
is needed to advance the tap.
To cut-and-clear with the tap, advance it approxi-
mately one quarter turn once resistance indicates the
tap has begun to cut. Then back the tap out about one
half turn to clear the cut fragments away from the
leading edges of the cutters. Finally, advance the tap
one half turn to be in position to start the cycle again.

BSC, Italian,
ISO, or French
or Swiss thread

2.5 To start the taps simultaneously, turn them in the direc-

tions shown. 2.6 The cut-and-clear technique: cut (1), clear (2), then advance (3).

2 – 5
12. [ ] Once resistance is encountered use cut-and-
clear technique to advance each tap, repeat-
edly flooding each tap with cutting oil (about
every 2–3 full revolutions of tap).
Depending on several circumstances, the point at
which the tapping is complete varies. With all types
of taps, the objective is to clean all of the threads. When
the last thread has been reached, it will feel as though
the tap has “hit-the-wall” (extremely high resistance
to further tapping). If Park-brand taps are being used,
and the bottom-bracket shell is to be faced with a Park
BTS-1 facing tool, then the taps must end up fully
inside the bottom-bracket shell. Due to the short
length of the Park taps, this objective should always
be easy to achieve. If a Campagnolo 725 bottom-
bracket-facing tool is to be used, then the criteria is
that a thread depth of 17mm must be achieved. Since
every tap has 5–7mm of taper at the leading end, this
means that 22–24mm of tap must end up inside the
shell. This objective may be difficult to achieve, be-
cause the 17mm of threading is more than most bot-
tom-bracket cups require and, consequently, more
threading than exists in many bottom-bracket shells.
To achieve this 17mm thread depth in some cases, new
threads must be cut. You must go past the point the
taps “hit-the-wall.” This will require considerable ef-
fort on your part, and will be hard on the taps as well.
13. [ ] Continue cut-and-clear technique and re-
peated flooding with cutting oil with each
tap until both taps have reached the last ex-
isting thread.
NOTE: In order to face the bottom-bracket shell
with a VAR tap set modified for facing, pro-
ceed at this point to MODIFIED VAR 380/2/C FACING
PROCEDURE (page 3-5).
NOTE: In order to face bottom-bracket shell with a
Park BTS-1, proceed at this point to PARK BTS-1
14. [ ] If taps are unevenly engaged, unthread one
until taps are evenly engaged.
15. [ ] Unthread both taps simultaneously until they
both will pull out, then pull taps out of bot-
tom-bracket shell together.
16. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket threads with tooth-
brush and solvent.
17. [ ] Clean outside of bottom-bracket shell and
rest of frame as necessary.
18. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket taps.
19. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to
install bottom bracket and crank arms as nec-
essary, unless shell facing will be done next.

2 – 6

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Although Hayes makes no recommendation re-

garding lacing patterns, other manufacturers require
This chapter covers five specific brake models: the that the left-side head-out spokes radiate clockwise
Hayes hydraulic disc brake, the Magura hydraulic rim from the hub and that the right-side head-in spokes
brake, the Magura Gustav M disc brake, the Magura radiate counterclockwise from the hub. These are the
Louise (or Clara) disc brake, and the Shimano Deore same directions that result from following the wheel-
XT disc brake. Unlike other chapters in this book, there lacing instructions in this manual. The vernacular
is no general information preceding the procedural in- terms for these patterns are that the “pulling” spokes
formation for each of these items. There is little simi- are “head out” and the “pushing” spokes are “head
larity between these brake systems other than that they in.” An alternate term to “pulling” is “trailing” and an
use hydraulics at some point in their operation. alternate term to “pushing” is “leading.”
Rotor and wheel installation
NOTE: Build wheel before installing rotor.
HAYES HYDRAULIC 1. [ ] Place rotor on hub with rotation arrow facing
out from hub.
DISC BRAKE 2. [ ] If rotor-mounting bolts are being reused, treat
threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for first-
time installation).
ABOUT THIS SECTION 3. [ ] Using a Torx T25 wrench, thread in all six ro-
This section specifically covers the Hayes fully hy- tor bolts until heads just contact rotor.
draulic disc-brake system. This does not included the 4. [ ] Use marker to mark each bolt clockwise 1 to
6, then tighten each to 55in-lbs in a sequence
Hayes cable-actuated disc brake system. The procedures
of 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, then 6.
covered in this section include wheel-building guide-
It is recommended that the quick-release skewer
lines, rotor and wheel installation, lever installation,
be installed opposite of normal. This insures that the
hose installation, filling and bleeding the system, cali-
quick-release lever, when fully closed, cannot inter-
per installation, caliper overhaul, and pad replacement.
fere with the rotor. Although quick-release security
is always of critical importance, wheel security is an
TOOLS even greater issue on a disc-brake hub than a hub with
No special tools are required for normal instal- no brake. When securing the skewer, be sure to fol-
lation and adjustment. Hose replacement and bleed- low the guidelines in Chapter 18.
ing and filling the system requires a Hayes bleed 5. [ ] Install quick-release skewer into right end of
kit, which consists of a two hoses, a plastic fitting, axle (opposite of normal) then install adjusting
nut on skewer.
and a squeeze bottle.
6. [ ] Install wheel in proper alignment and with opti-
mum quick-release security.
INSTALLATION Brake-lever installation
Wheel building guidelines 7. [ ] Install brake lever in normal lateral and rota-
The recommended cross patterns are limited to tional position, then secure mounting bolts to
3: and 4:. Deceleration can occur much more rap-
8. [ ] Use small slotted screwdriver to turn reach ad-
idly than acceleration, so consequently the torsional justing screw (in brass fitting at inner end of
loads from deceleration are much higher than those brake lever), fully counterclockwise, then back
generated during acceleration. The recommended in two full turns. Note: reach adjustment does
cross patterns are required to transfer the higher tor- not affect clearance adjustment or brake opera-
sional loads that hub-mounted brakes can generate tion–this adjustment is only intended to make
during rapid deceleration. reach appropriate for average-sized hands.

37 – 1

Compression nut
13mm nut Cartridge

Hose Cover Gasket

Compression fitting Bladder

Lever body


Wavy washer
Cylinder cartridge Clip
Pivot shaft

Compression nut Wavy washer


Compression fitting Banjo bolt


Banjo fitting
Back caliper-half


O-ring Front caliper-half

Bleed valve
Piston seal
Piston seal
Bleed-valve cover

Caliper bolt

Pad Oval washer

Caliper bolt

Oval washer

Caliper-mounting bolt

Caliper-mounting bolt

37.1 Hayes hydraulic disc brake caliper and lever.

37 – 2

Caliper installation and adjustment

NOTE: For frames or forks with International Standard
If the caliper hose is damaged, too short, or too long,
mounting (bolt holes aligned perpendicular to
then it is necessary to install a new hose or re-size the
bike, rather than parallel to bike), an adapter
plate is mounted first. Install adapter and secure existing hose. The same procedure suffices for both. A
bolts to 110in-lbs (Loctite 242 on threads). hose is too short if it must bend sharply at any time. A
9. [ ] Treat threads of caliper-mounting bolts with hose is too long only if it interferes with other compo-
Loctite 242. nents or snags on things during use of the bicycle. Per-
10. [ ] Place caliper over rotor, align mounting holes formance of the brake system is unaffected by hose length.
in caliper with frame, fork, or adapter holes, CAUTION: This brake contains DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake
then install and gently secure mounting bolts. fluid, which is a skin and eye irritant, damages
11. [ ] Squeeze brake lever firmly, then secure caliper paint, and destroys brake pads. Working with the
mounting bolts to 110in-lbs. Release lever and hose means fluid will be released. Wear appropri-
check clearance between rotor and caliper ate safety equipment to protect eyes and skin!
pads. Rotor should be centered in slot between 1. [ ] Remove wheel and brake pads.
pads. If not, loosen bolts and align caliper to 2. [ ] Slide plastic sleeve on lever-end of hose away
achieve equal pad clearance on each side of from brake lever, then unthread 10mm hose-
rotor, then secure bolts. nut fitting from brake lever.
3. [ ] Only if replacing hose: Unthread 10mm hose

PAD REPLACEMENT nut at caliper-end of hose and pull hose off

banjo fitting.
Theoretically, the pads can be used until just short 4. [ ] Only if replacing hose: Install 10mm fitting re-
of the point where the metal backing plates are exposed. moved from caliper-end of old hose onto new
However, if allowed to wear through to the metal the hose (round-end first).
brakes will be unsafe and the rotor will be damaged. 5. [ ] Only if replacing hose: Place new compression
The braking material on new pads is approximately bushing over caliper-end of hose, then press
1.8mm thick. When worn down to .3mm, the margin hose onto barbed fitting (long nipple) protruding
from banjo fitting. Secure hose nut to 40in-lbs,
for safety is very narrow, so pads should be replaced if
plus one full turn.
braking material thickness is .3mm or less. This means 6. [ ] Route hose to lever and decide on appropri-
that each pad has a usable thickness of approximately ate length. Use sharp razor knife to trim
1.5mm. Remaining life can be calculated by determin- hose to desired length. End should be cut as
ing the percentage of usable thickness that has been used square as possible.
up. If 1mm of thickness remains, then .8mm has been 7. [ ] Place plastic fitting cover (small-end first),
used up, and .7mm of usable thickness remains. The hose nut (round-end first), then new compres-
remaining life would be 47% (.7÷1.5=.466). sion bushing onto cut end of hose.
1. [ ] Remove wheel. 8. [ ] Press hose onto barbed fitting (long nipple)
2. [ ] Remove pads by pulling on tabs (pads are held protruding from brake lever. Secure hose nut
in place by springs clips on back faces of pads). to 40in-lbs, plus one full turn.
3. [ ] Use depth gauge of caliper to measure remain- 9. [ ] Perform FILLING AND BLEEDING procedure.
ing thickness (consider .3mm or less worn out).
4. [ ] Clean inside caliper around piston with water
and detergent on brush. CAUTION: Do not
use automotive brake cleaners! Seal damage Filling and bleeding are normally done as part of
will occur! hose replacement or sizing, or when repairing a leak
5. [ ] Use box end of 10mm wrench to depress pis- in the system. Hayes does not recommend filling and
tons back into caliper. Avoid pressing on studs bleeding as routine maintenance.
in centers of pistons! Pistons may need to be CAUTION: This brake contains DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake
rocked back and forth until fully depressed. fluid, which is a skin and eye irritant, damages
6. [ ] Observe that one pad has tab in line with re- paint, and destroys brake pads. Wear appropriate
taining spring, and other pad tab that is offset safety equipment to protect eyes and skin!
to retaining spring. 1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike.
7. [ ] Install pad with in-line tab in outer side of 2. [ ] Remove both brake pads.
caliper slot, then install other pad in inner 3. [ ] Put bike in position so that bleed fitting (brass
side of caliper slot. fitting protruding from caliper) is pointing straight
8. [ ] Install wheel. up. Remove rubber cap fully from bleed fitting.

37 – 3
4. [ ] Position handlebar and brake lever so bleed CAUTION: This brake contains DOT 3 or DOT 4
screw (Phillips screw) in brake lever is at highest brake fluid, which is a skin and eye irritant,
point of brake system. Lever body should be damages paint, and destroys brake pads. Ser-
pointing up from handlebar and hose leaving le- vicing the caliper will drain the entire system of
ver should be pointing down approximately 45°. brake fluid. Wear appropriate safety equipment
5. [ ] Suspend waste-oil receptacle from brake lever. to protect eyes and skin!
6. [ ] Remove Phillips bleed screw from brake lever, 1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike.
then insert hose with conical fitting into brake- 2. [ ] Remove pads from caliper.
lever bleed hole. Other end of hose goes into 3. [ ] Unthread bolt through banjo fitting so hose de-
waste receptacle. taches from caliper. Rubber O-rings on bolt will
7. [ ] Fill squeeze bottle from bleed kit with fresh oil retain bolt is banjo fitting.
from sealed and uncontaminated container of 4. [ ] Remove caliper from mount.
DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid. DOT 5 or mineral 5. [ ] Unthread two bolts in outer face of caliper and
oil are not acceptable substitutes! separate caliper halves, watching for small O-
8. [ ] Place remaining hose on nozzle of squeeze ring that is sandwiched between caliper halves.
bottle. 6. [ ] Thread a short 6×1mm bolt into hole where
9. [ ] Place other end of squeeze-bottle hose over banjo-fitting bolt was removed.
bleed fitting, then secure hose to bleed fitting 7. [ ] Wrap rag around one caliper half, leaving trans-
with zip tie. fer port (small hole in center of O-ring that was
10. [ ] Keeping squeeze bottle upside down, squeeze sandwiched between caliper halves exposed.
and release several times to release air 8. [ ] Place rubber-tipped air gun against transfer
bubbles in hose up into bottle. port hole, then use compressed air to blow
11. [ ] Unthread bleed fitting 1/4 turn. piston out of caliper half. Piston should be
12. [ ] Squeeze bottle 5 seconds and release 3 sec- caught in rag.
onds, repeating cycle continuously until no 9. [ ] Repeat steps 7–8 for other side, then remove
bubbles appear in bottle hose during release, bolt that was threaded into banjo-bolt hole.
then squeeze bottle continuously until fresh 10. [ ] Remove seal from inside each slave cylinder.
fluid with no bubbles is seen coming out hose 11. [ ] Clean all parts with alcohol and dry with com-
at brake lever. Maintain pressure on bottle at pressed air. Thoroughly blow out all holes, in-
completion of bleeding cycle! cluding bleed fitting, which should be loosened
13. [ ] While maintaining pressure on bottle, secure to blow dry.
bleed fitting. 12. [ ] Lubricate new seals with DOT 3 or DOT 4,
14. [ ] Remove bottle hose from bleed fitting, then then seat carefully in grooves.
install rubber cap on bleed fitting. 13. [ ] Lubricate pistons with DOT 3 or DOT 4, then
15. [ ] Remove waste line from brake lever and install press carefully into caliper halves until pistons
bleed screw until O-ring begins to compress. seat fully (below seals). Difficulty seating pis-
16. [ ] Clean caliper of any fluid, then install brake tons indicates seals are not in grooves properly.
pads and wheel. 14. [ ] Place transfer-port O-ring into seat in one
17. [ ] Operate brake and check for soft or spongy caliper half.
feel and leaks at hose fittings, bleed fitting, 15. [ ] Place caliper halves together, then thread in
and bleed screw. Repeat bleeding procedure if bolts and secure to 90–120in-lbs.
brake feels soft or spongy. 16. [ ] Thoroughly clean outside of caliper. Alcohol is

CALIPER OVERHAUL 17. [ ] Install caliper to mounts and gently snug

mounting bolts.
Hayes supports overhauling the caliper. If a leak 18. [ ] Inspect O-rings on banjo bolt and replace if
develops at the pistons, then seals in the caliper need torn or damaged. Special O-rings are required
to be replaced. If the studs on the pistons that engage that are part of a banjo service kit.
the pads are bent or broken, the pads will fall out. In 19. [ ] Place banjo fitting on caliper and secure banjo
this case, the piston(s) need replacement. An overhaul bolt to 55in-lbs.
20. [ ] Fill and bleed system.
kit includes new pistons, piston seals, and a transfer-
21. [ ] Install wheel, then align and secure caliper.
port O-ring. All new parts should be used when ser-
vicing the caliper. The O-ring is a special material, so
no substitution should be made.

37 – 4

LEVER (MASTER CYLINDER) 14. [ ] Line up oval shape of bladder end with oval
shape of plastic cartridge retainer, then seat
SERVICE bladder onto ridges of retainer.
15. [ ] Seat small end of bladder onto end of cartridge
Hayes supports servicing the master cylinder. If a
and against ridge on cartridge.
leak develops at the master cylinder (not at the hose),
16. [ ] Rotate cartridge in cartridge retainer so flat on
then the lever should be rebuilt This usually just re- end of cartridge faces same way as long prong
quires a service kit, but may require replacement of on cartridge retainer.
the master cylinder cartridge. An overhaul kit includes 17. [ ] Place new gasket over end of cartridge.
a new boot, new bladder, a gasket, and special grease. 18. [ ] Insert cartridge into lever body fully. Check
All new parts should be used when servicing the lever. that flat on cartridge has engaged flat inside
1. [ ] Remove hose from lever (if not servicing whole lever body by trying to rotate exposed end of
brake system, fix end of hose pointing up to cartridge. It should not rotate.
retain fluid). 19. [ ] Thread on 13mm nut hex-end first and secure
2. [ ] Unthread 13mm nut where hose came off (do to 55in-lbs.
not push in on shaft that nut is threading off of). 20. [ ] Engage brass bushing of lever to threaded
3. [ ] Pry clip of lever-pivot shaft and push out pivot shaft at back end of cartridge, then use small
shaft. Watch for wavy washers sandwiched slotted screwdriver to thread shaft fully into
between lever and lever body! brass bushing.
4. [ ] Use very small slotted screwdriver to thread 21. [ ] Start lever pivot into lever outer face of lever
reach adjuster clockwise until it threads out of body, then place wavy washer over shaft once
brass fitting in lever. it just protrudes inside lever body.
5. [ ] Pull master-cylinder cartridge out back end of 22. [ ] Place lever inside lever body, then push lever-
lever body. pivot shaft partially through lever.
NOTE: The master cylinder cartridge my come out by 23. [ ] Place second wavy washer between lever and
itself, or with other pieces. The next step as- lever body, then push lever-pivot shaft fully
sumes the other pieces have remained in the le- through and push retaining ring onto shaft.
ver body. If not, remove them in reverse order 24. [ ] Put new compression bushing on end of hose,
from the cartridge, instead. then engage hose nut to lever. Secure hose
6. [ ] Remove cartridge retainer (plastic piece nut to 40in-lbs, then tighten one full turn more.
that bleed screw is threaded into) from lever 25. [ ] Bleed system.
body. Cartridge bladder may come out with
cartridge retainer, or may stay inside lever
body (remove it).
7. [ ] Remove round gasket from inside of lever
body where end of cylinder cartridge seated
inside body.
8. [ ] Remove small shaft boot from small shaft at
The Magura HS series brakes uses three hydraulic
end of cylinder cartridge.
cylinders. One master cylinder is located at the brake
9. [ ] Thoroughly clean lever body and cylinder car-
tridge (unless being replaced) with alcohol and lever. Hydraulic hose connects the master cylinder with
blow dry with compressed air. two slave cylinders at the calipers. The brake pads are
10. [ ] Insert cartridge shaft through small hole in connected to the slave cylinders. The slaves are connected
shaft boot, making sure boot seats between by hose, which equalizes pressure between the pads.
raised rings on shaft, then seat large end of
boot onto cartridge body.
11. [ ] Grease shaft boot with special grease supplied BRAKE INSTALLATION
with service kit.
12. [ ] Insert cartridge into plastic cartridge re-
1. [ ] Lubricate brake-lever-mounting bolt.
tainer so cartridge body sticks out retainer
2. [ ] Align rotational and lateral position of levers
the same way as the long plastic prong on
similar to other levers, then secure to 35in-lbs.
retainer points, then seat cartridge into re-
A 2mm Allen screw for micro-adjustment of the
tainer with a “snap.”
13. [ ] Grease inside edges of both ends of cartridge lever is located on the back side of the lever and behind
bladder with special grease, then slide bladder the brake lever pivot. Locate it now. Some models have
(large-end first) over cartridge. a knob at the base of the brake lever that is the micro-
adjust. These models may not have a reach adjust screw.

37 – 5
3. [ ] Loosen micro-adjuster fully counterclockwise. 19. [ ] Inspect backside of bracket so that curved
Some models have a reach-adjustment screw lo- portion of adapter bracket does not hit frame.
cated in front of the lever adjacent to the lever pivot. (If clearance problem occurs, use supplied D-
4. [ ] Set brake-lever reach (if adjustable) to cus- shaped washers to gain clearance. Flats on
tomer preference or shop standard. washers face up.)
The calipers consist of two slave cylinders, two 20. [ ] Place lever of quick release in down (open) posi-
cylinder rings, two pair of “Evolution” adapter brack- tion, then slide other caliper onto braze-on fitting.
21. [ ] Pull upward on lever, which should be set too
ets, two D-washers, one booster plate, two (or four)
tight at this time.
bracket-clamp bolts (5mm × .8mm), one bracket- 22. [ ] Loosen quick-release stud 1/4 turn and at-
mount bolts (6mm × 1mm), one quick-release stud tempt to close lever. Repeat until lever is prop-
(6mm × 1mm), and one quick-release mechanism. erly set. Lever should have resistance through
The adapter brackets are offset, and may be last half of swing, and should be pushed fully
switched from side to side. Changing the adapter brack- against cylinder. Lever must be parallel to
ets moves the cylinders laterally 10mm. adapter brackets.
5. [ ] Treat all adapter-bracket-bolt threads with Bracket Adjustment
Loctite 242. 23. [ ] Install and center wheel to <1mm difference
6. [ ] Install special quick-release stud into braze-on, between rim and each stay.
then secure until shoulder contacts braze-on. 24. [ ] Loosen all bracket bolts, mounting bolts, and
(Quick release is mounted on left side of front QR (if any),
brake and right side of rear brake.) 25. [ ] Align each bracket to that it’s inside face is at
7. [ ] Place D-washer on each braze-on. same angle as braking surface of rim, then se-
8. [ ] Assemble quick-release unit onto adapter plate. cure mounting bolt (or QR) to hold each in posi-
9. [ ] Install booster plate on upper adapter bolt. tion (brackets should be symmetrical).
10. [ ] Assemble plastic rings over slave cylinders. 26. [ ] Rotate bracing stud on non-QR side up or down
11. [ ] Place slaves between adapter brackets. until it contacts stay or fork blade (while main-
12. [ ] Slide quick-release unit onto bracket. taining bracket alignment), then secure upper
NOTE: If adapter bracket has adequate clearance to bolt to 35in-lbs.
frame, D-washer may not be required. In some 27. [ ] Engage brake booster (arch) to upper bolt of
cases, more than one washer may be required non-QR bracket. It may be necessary to try
for bracket to clear frame. both mounting holes in booster to keep from
Some models use two 5mm bolts in the adapter misaligning QR bracket.
bracket. Newer models replace the lower 5mm bolt 28. [ ] Rotate second bracing stud up or down to
with a hooking-tab system that holds the front and match the first one, so that it contacts stay or
back evolution pieces together. The next step is writ- fork blade while angle of bracket is main-
ten for the two-bolt system, but if the brake you are tained, then secure upper bolt to 35in-lbs.
working with has a single bolt, the different technique Pad Adjustment
required should be easily apparent. 29. [ ] On each side of rim, clean a 3" section with
13. [ ] Position slave cylinders in brackets so both alcohol, and fix a 2mm stack of Post-it Notes
are as far outward as possible. to cleaned section of rim so that top edge of
14. [ ] Install and gently secure upper and lower each stack is tangent to rim.
5mm bolts in adapter brackets. (It should still 30. [ ] Use a bungee cord to fix wheel rotation so
be possible to move slave cylinders in brack- stacks of Post-it Notes are between rim and
ets at this point.) brake pads.
15. [ ] Loosen both adapter-bracket bracing studs 31. [ ] Loosen all bolts (or bolts and QR) in one
from back of adapter brackets by twisting bracket, then push in on cylinder while pulling
stud flat with 13mm wrench. out on bracket until pad face contacts Post-
16. [ ] Position non-quick-release cylinder and adapter its. NOTE: DO NOT PUSH CYLINDER ENOUGH
plate to braze-on, then thread in 6mm braze-on TO DEFLECT RIM!
mounting bolt. 32. [ ] Align cylinder so pad is flush to Post-Its and
17. [ ] Snug, but do not secure, all bolts in adapter tangent to rim, then secure clamp bolt(s) to
bracket. 35in-lbs. and secure QR (or mounting bolt to
18. [ ] Put non-quick-release-caliper assembly onto 60in.lbs.) Note: Pad height may be approxi-
braze-on and install bolt loosely. mate at this time.
33. [ ] Repeat steps 31–32 for other side.
34. [ ] Rotate rim and remove Post-its.

37 – 6

Equalizer tube
Master-cylinder tube

Barb fitting

Bleed screw

Slave cylinder
Barb fitting

Use this bracket Sleeve nut

configuration if Compression fitting (olive)
pads end up too
far from rim Pads

Slave cylinder
Bracing stud

Bracing stud


This adapter-bracket configuration D-washer

(clamps offset to outside of mounts)
creates the widest pad separation. Plastic ring
Start with this configuration.

Bracket-mount Plastic Rear adapter brackets

bolt ring
Booster plate stud Front adapter brackets

Bracket clamp bolts

Quick release

37.2 Magura HS series hydraulic rim brake and lever.

37 – 7
35. [ ] Operate brake and check both pad heights. If
necessary, loosen mounting bolt or QR on each
side and adjust pad heights to be fully contacting
brake surface and symmetrical with each other.
Note: Never use automotive or motorcycle brake-cyl-
36. [ ] Use micro-adjuster to adjust pad clearance to inder fluids. These fluids will damage seals and
2mm per side, or customer preference. hydraulic hose of Magura system.
Use Magura Aseol Terra 60-789 brake fluid or
ROUTING AND SIZING any bicycle-suspension fluid.
The Magura bleeding kit comes with two pieces
HYDRAULIC HOSE of hose that have the barbed fittings attached. The
Magura uses 5mm O.D. hose. The hose secures shorter piece needs to be attached to the tip of the
to both the brake lever and the caliper slave cylinder syringe. It will be a lot easier to thread the syringe
with compression fittings. Slave cylinders are con- into the caliper if the hose is cut to three inches.
nected with the barbed fitting (like a fish-hook barb 1. [ ] Back out reach-adjuster and micro-adjuster fully.
— a fitting that slides into the hose, but bites into the 2. [ ] Attach short piece of hose with barbed fitting
hose to resist sliding out). to tip of syringe.
1. [ ] Loosen compression fitting counterclockwise 3. [ ] Insert tube on syringe into container of fluid
using 8mm wrench. and pull out on syringe plunger to fill syringe
2. [ ] Place rag over caliper and pull hydraulic hose with hydraulic fluid.
from caliper, then remove sleeve nut and 4. [ ] Hold syringe pointing up, let air bubbles float to
compression ring. (It is always recom- top, then depress syringe plunger to push all
mended to use new compression ring when air out of syringe.
servicing hydraulic line.) 5. [ ] Remove bleed screw at caliper.
3. [ ] Route hose as short as possible, however use 6. [ ] Thread barbed fitting on end of syringe into
care not to stress hose at either fitting. (Full- bleed screw hole in caliper.
suspension bikes may require excess hose to 7. [ ] Remove bleed screw at lever.
allow for movement of rear stays. Route to 8. [ ] Screw waste line (other longer tube with
avoid abrasions or rubbing of hose.) barbed fitting) into bleed screw hole in lever.
4. [ ] Cut hose with Magura hose cutter #431-880, or 9. [ ] Depress syringe plunger to push fluid through
very sharp knife. Do not use diagonal cutters. system until clean fluid and no more air bubbles
Clean cut is required for good hydraulic seal. are coming out of lever into waste line.
5. [ ] Install sleeve nut onto hose with threads to- 10. [ ] Remove waste line from lever.
ward cut end, then install new compression 11. [ ] Replace bleed screw in lever with new washer.
ring onto hose. (Rounded side of ring faces cut 12. [ ] Remove syringe assembly from caliper.
end of hose.) 13. [ ] Repeat steps 2–12 if syringe empties before
6. [ ] Slide compression ring to within 3mm of end air and old fluid are pumped out of system.
of hose, then place in caliper and thread in 14. [ ] Replace bleed screw in caliper with new
sleeve nut. washer.
7. [ ] Secure sleeve nut to 40in-lbs. 15. [ ] Operate brake system and inspect for leaks at
8. [ ] If necessary, barbed fittings may be removed bleed screws and all other fittings.
using 8mm wrench.
9. [ ] To press barbed fitting into hose, secure hose
vertically in vise using Magura installer clamps NOTES ON SERVICING
#431 883. (Place approximately 20mm of Brake pads are removed by pulling the pad from the
hose above clamps.) cylinder. Remove the wheel to access pads. New pads
10. [ ] Place barbed fitting with threaded-side upward install by snapping them onto the stud in the slave cylin-
and barbed-side facing into hose. der. Color codes designate pad compound hardness: clear
11. [ ] Tap fitting with plastic mallet until hose is is softest, black is medium, and gray is hardest.
flush with shoulder of fitting. (Note: Magura In very cold climates, lighter-viscosity fluid will
tool “Intruder” is press that installs hose into
work best. Use low-viscosity bicycle-suspension fluids.
barbed fittings.)
Special routing is possible using two fittings in
12. [ ] Secure barbed fittings to 24in-lbs. (Barbed fit-
ting will rotate inside hose to allow threaded the brake levers. One lever may be made to operate
end to secure.) both front and rear calipers. Alternatively, two le-
vers may be made to operate same caliper.

37 – 8

MAGURA GUSTAV M NOTE: Build wheel before installing rotor.

1. [ ] Place rotor on hub with rotation arrow facing

DISC BRAKE out from hub. Two-piece rotors should be in-

stalled with smooth rivet heads facing out.
2. [ ] If rotor-mounting bolts are being reused, treat

ABOUT THIS SECTION threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for first-
time installation).
This section specifically covers the Magura Gustav 3. [ ] Thread in all six rotor bolts until heads just
M disc-brake system. The procedures covered in this contact rotor.
section include wheel-building guidelines, rotor and 4. [ ] Use marker to mark each bolt clockwise 1 to
wheel installation, lever installation, hose installation, 6, then tighten each to 35in-lbs in a sequence
filling and bleeding the system, caliper installation, of 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, then 6.
and pad replacement. This section does not cover re- It is recommended that the quick-release skewer
building the caliper, which Magura does not support. be installed opposite of normal. This insures that the
quick-release lever, when fully closed, cannot inter-
fere with the rotor. Although quick-release security
TOOLS is always of critical importance, wheel security is an
No special tools are required for normal installation even greater issue on a disc-brake hub than a hub with
and adjustment. Hose replacement and bleeding and fill- no brake. When securing the skewer, be sure to fol-
ing the system requires a syringe, a bleed fitting, a hose, low the guidelines in Chapter 18.
and a tool for holding the hose when installing the barbed 5. [ ] Install quick-release skewer into right end of
fitting, all of which are part of the Gustav Service Kit. axle (opposite of normal) then install adjusting
nut on skewer.
6. [ ] Install wheel in proper alignment and with opti-
INSTALLATION mum quick-release security.
Wheel building guidelines Brake lever installation
The recommended cross patterns are limited to 7. [ ] Install brake lever in normal lateral and rotational
3: and 4:. Deceleration can occur much more rap- position, then secure mounting bolts to 35in-lbs.
idly than acceleration, so consequently the torsional 8. [ ] Adjust reach with 2mm Allen screw (at lever
loads from deceleration are much higher than those pivot) to middle of range (approximately two
turns from either end of range). Note: reach ad-
generated during acceleration. The recommended
justment doesn't affect clearance adjustment or
cross patterns are required to transfer the higher tor- brake operation–this adjustment is only to make
sional loads that hub-mounted brakes can generate reach appropriate for average-sized hands.
during rapid deceleration.
Although Magura makes no recommendation Caliper installation and adjustment
regarding lacing patterns, other manufacturers require The caliper assembly consists of two basic parts,
that the left-side head-out spokes radiate clockwise the caliper mount and the caliper. The caliper mount
from the hub and that the right-side head-in spokes has two threaded holes that the bolts that go through
radiate counterclockwise from the hub. These are the the frame or fork mounting holes. There is a smooth
same directions that result from following the wheel- stud fixed to the caliper mount that goes through a
lacing instructions in this manual. The vernacular hole in the caliper, and a smooth stud fixed to the
terms for these patterns are that the “pulling” spokes caliper that goes through a hole in the caliper mount.
are “head out” and the “pushing” spokes are “head There are several models of caliper mounts avail-
in.” An alternate term to “pulling” is “trailing” and an able. A bolt threaded into the end of the smooth
alternate term to “pushing” is “leading.” stud fixed to the caliper mount retains the caliper to
the mount. This bolt can be removed to separate
Rotor and wheel installation the two. It should be reinstalled with Loctite #222
Prior to the 2000 model year, the Gustav M ro- and torqued to 26in-lbs.
tor is compatible only with the Gustav M hub and The caliper mount floats side-to-side on the two
Mavic Crossmax or CrossLink wheels, but not other smooth studs. This floating design allows the caliper to
Magura hubs or International Standard disc-brake move laterally to accommodate rotor wobble. Observe
hubs. As of the 2000 model year, the Gustav M brake that there is a slot in the caliper mount that coincides
is fully compatible with International Standard hubs. with the slot between the two brake pads in the caliper.

37 – 9
The Gustav M brake has no adjustments for pad 11. [ ] Install and gently snug caliper-mounting bolts.
clearance. It is not problematic if it rubs lightly at times, Check clearance between rotor and slot in cali-
similar to motorcycle and automotive disc brakes. per mount. Rotor should be centered in slot. If
NOTE: For frames or forks with Hayes-type post rotor is closer to inside edge of slot, adjust
mounting (bolt holes aligned parallel to bike, clearance by remounting caliper with .2mm
rather than perpendicular to bike), an adapter shim washer between caliper and each fork/
plate must be mounted first. Install adapter frame mount. then check centering again.
and secure bolts to 55–70in-lbs. 12. [ ] Once centering is adequate, secure caliper-
9. [ ] Remove plastic pad spacer (if any) from be- mounting bolts to 50in-lbs.
tween brake pads, then slide caliper over rotor 13. [ ] Secure hose to frame and/or fork, then turn
and align bolt holes in caliper with mounting handlebars and/or move suspension through its
holes of fork or frame. full range to check for interference with hose.
10. [ ] If caliper-mounting bolts are being reused,
treat threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for
first-time installation).

Magura disc-tube (unfinished end)

Cover bolts
Plastic cover
Reservoir cover

Sleeve nut

Barb fitting

Master cylinder

Magura disc-tube
Caliper mount (prefit end)

Rotor slot
Magura disc-tube
("straight-in" prefit end)

Bleed screw

bolt Caliper
.2mm shim retaining bolt
Pad washer*
Four-prong spring
Caliper-mounting bolt
*Amount varies to align
caliper-mount rotor slot
Pad centered to rotor

Frame/fork mount
(not part of brake)
Caliper-mounting bolt
37.3 Magura Gustav M hydraulic disc brake caliper and lever.

37 – 10

PAD REPLACEMENT 1. [ ] Slide plastic sleeve on lever-end of hose away

from brake lever, then unthread 8mm hose fit-
The pads have “ears” at the end of the caliper op- ting from brake lever. It may be necessary to
posite the hose. A shaft goes through the ears, which remove brake lever from handlebar if hose
retains the pads in the caliper. With the brake operated twists with fitting.
to close the pads firmly to the rotor, measure the dis- 2. [ ] Only if replacing hose, unthread bolt through
tance between the ears. If the measurement is 4.8mm banjo fitting (or hex-fitting built into end of
or less, the pads must be replaced. With fresh pads in hose) at brake caliper.
the caliper, this measurement is about 6.8mm. Remain- 3. [ ] Only if replacing hose, install bolt (with new
washer) through banjo fitting (or thread in hex
ing pad life can be estimated by calculating the reduc-
fitting built into end of hose) and secure to
tion of the current measurement from the original
35in-lbs. Note: Use only hoses marked
6.8mm as a percentage of the 2mm total wear life. In “Magura disc-tube.”
other words, if the current measurement is 5.8mm 4. [ ] Route hose to lever and decide on appropriate
(1mm reduction from 6.8mm), then the pads have 50% length. Use Magura hose cutter or sharp razor
of their life remaining (1mm is 50% of 2mm). knife to trim hose to desired length. End should
1. [ ] Remove wheel, then unthread bolt through be cut as square as possible.
ends of pad plates with 2mm Allen wrench. 5. [ ] Place plastic fitting cover (small-end first),
2. [ ] Remove pads and four-prong spring out rotor sleeve nut (hex-end first), then new Magura olive
slot in inner edge of caliper. fitting (black, never brass) onto cut end of hose.
3. [ ] Clean inside caliper at piston with water and 6. [ ] Press hose into slot in red tool (part of service
detergent on brush. CAUTION: Don't use auto- kit) so approximately 20mm of hose extends
motive brake cleaners, seal damage will occur! past tool, then insert new barbed fitting into
4. [ ] Assemble replacement pads and four-prong hose until fitting head contacts hose. If instal-
spring so braking-material sides face each other lation is difficult, sandwich red tool and hose in
and spring is sandwiched between them, with soft jaws of vise and tap barbed fitting in with
prongs contacting metal plates (not contacting plastic mallet.
surface of braking material). When properly as- 7. [ ] Insert end of hose into hole in brake lever,
sembled, tips of spring prongs point to edge of then hand thread sleeve nut into brake lever.
pads that pad ears angle away from. 8. [ ] After installing sleeve nut as far as possible
5. [ ] Install pad assembly into caliper slot so closed by hand, secure nut to 35in-lbs.
end of spring goes in first and ear-ends of 9. [ ] Perform FILLING AND BLEEDING procedure.
pads are at end of caliper opposite where hy-
draulic hose attaches.
6. [ ] Treat pad-retaining bolt threads with Loctite FILLING AND BLEEDING
222. Filling and bleeding are normally done as part of
7. [ ] Install pad-retaining bolt through hole in inner hose replacement or sizing. Magura does not recom-
face of caliper and through holes in ears of mend filling and bleeding as routine maintenance.
pads, then secure bolt to 9in-lbs. CAUTION: At all times while working with oil, it is criti-
8. [ ] Face backside of caliper, put your thumbs into cal to keep oil off rotor surface and brake pads!
access holes on back face of caliper, then press 1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike.
firmly against inner brake shoe. This causes 2. [ ] Remove both brake pads.
slave pistons to retract fully into caliper, which 3. [ ] Put bike in position so that head of bleed
allows adequate clearance for the rotor. screw (at opposite end of caliper from hose) is
9. [ ] Install wheel. at top of caliper.
4. [ ] Remove bleed screw with 5mm Allen wrench.
HOSE INSTALLATION AND SIZING 5. [ ] If necessary, attach hose and 6mm-thread
bleed fitting to syringe, then fill syringe with
If the caliper hose is damaged, too short, or too Magura Blood hydraulic oil. With syringe upright,
long, then it is necessary to install a new hose or re- pump until all air bubbles are out of syringe and
size the existing hose. The same procedure suffices bleed hose. Other mineral oils such as Finish
for both. A hose is too short if it must bend sharply Line 5wt suspension oils are also suitable.
at any time. A hose is too long only if it interferes 6. [ ] Thread bleed fitting into caliper where bleed
with other components or snags on things during use screw was removed and gently secure fitting.
of the bicycle. Performance of the brake system is
not affected by hose length.

37 – 11
7. [ ] Position bike and/or brake lever so that reser-
voir cap on face of brake lever is completely
horizontal. Wheel building guidelines
8. [ ] Use T7 Torx wrench to remove 4 bolts that The recommended cross patterns are limited to
retain reservoir cap, then remove cap and rub-
3: and 4:. Deceleration can occur much more rap-
ber membrane.
9. [ ] Slowly pump syringe contents into system,
idly than acceleration, so consequently the torsional
being prepared to catch overflow at lever. loads from deceleration are much higher than those
Continue pumping until no air bubbles are seen generated during acceleration. The recommended
in reservoir. cross patterns are required to transfer the higher tor-
10. [ ] Place rubber membrane into bottom face of sional loads that hub-mounted brakes can generate
reservoir cap, then insert four bolts into reser- during rapid deceleration.
voir cap. Although Magura makes no recommendation
11. [ ] Place reservoir-cap assembly on top of lever regarding lacing patterns, other manufacturers require
so that overflow hole in edge of reservoir cap that the left-side head-out spokes radiate clockwise
will be at top edge of cap when brake lever is
from the hub and that the right-side head-in spokes
in normal position.
12. [ ] Gradually tighten 4 bolts in crisscross pattern
radiate counterclockwise from the hub. These are the
until all are tight to equivalent of 5in-lbs. same directions that result from following the wheel-
13. [ ] Return bike to position that puts caliper in same lacing instructions in this manual. The vernacular
position as when bleed screw was removed, terms for these patterns are that the “pulling” spokes
then unthread bleed fitting from caliper. are “head out” and the “pushing” spokes are “head
14. [ ] Install bleed screw into caliper and secure to in.” An alternate term to “pulling” is “trailing” and an
51in-lbs. alternate term to “pushing” is “leading.”
15. [ ] Clean caliper of any oil, then install brake pads
and wheel. Rotor and wheel installation
16. [ ] Operate brake and check for soft or spongy If installing the rotor on a 1999 Magura Gustav
feel and leaks at hose fittings and bleed hub or Mavic Crossmax or CrossLink wheels, use
screw. Repeat bleeding procedure if brake the 3mm-thick spacer between the rotor and the hub.
feels soft or spongy. If using a Magura Louise Pro or Louise Comp hub,
no spacer is needed behind the rotor.
NOTE: Build wheel before installing rotor.

MAGURA LOUISE & CLARA 1. [ ] Place rotor on hub with rotation arrow facing
out from hub.

DISC BRAKES 2. [ ] If rotor-mounting bolts are being reused, treat

threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for first-
time installation).
3. [ ] Thread in all six rotor bolts until heads just
ABOUT THIS SECTION contact rotor.
This section specifically covers the Magura Louise 4. [ ] Use marker to mark each bolt clockwise 1 to
and Clara disc-brake systems. Service techniques are 6, then tighten each to 35in-lbs in a sequence
identical for both systems. The procedures covered in of 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, then 6.
this section include wheel building guidelines, rotor and It is recommended that the quick-release skewer
wheel installation, lever installation, hose installation, be installed opposite of normal. This insures that the
filling and bleeding the system, caliper installation, and quick-release lever, when fully closed, cannot inter-
pad replacement. This section does not cover rebuild- fere with the rotor. Although quick-release security
ing the caliper, which Magura does not support. is always of critical importance, wheel security is an
even greater issue on a disc-brake hub than a hub with
no brake. When securing the skewer, be sure to fol-
TOOLS low the guidelines in Chapter 18.
No special tools are required for normal installa- 5. [ ] Install quick-release skewer into right end of
tion and adjustment. Hose replacement and bleeding and axle (opposite of normal) then install adjusting
filling the system requires a syringe, a bleed fitting, hose, nut on skewer.
and a tool for holding the hose when installing the barbed 6. [ ] Install wheel in proper alignment and with opti-
fitting, all of which are part of the Louise Service Kit. mum quick-release security.

37 – 12

Brake lever and hose installation 9. [ ] Loosen volume-adjusting bolt on outer face of
7. [ ] Install brake lever in normal lateral and rota- caliper fully with 5mm Allen wrench.
tional position, then secure mounting bolt to 10. [ ] Remove fixed-shoe adjusting plate from inside
35in-lbs. face of caliper with 5mm Allen wrench, treat
8. [ ] Adjust reach with 2mm Allen screw (at lever threads with Loctite 242, then install plate un-
pivot) to middle of range (approximate two til face is just flush with inner face of caliper.
turns from either end of range). Note: reach 11. [ ] Remove plastic pad spacer (if any) from be-
adjustment does not affect clearance adjust- tween brake pads, then slide caliper over rotor
ment or brake operation–this adjustment is and align bolt holes in caliper with mounting
only intended to make reach appropriate for holes of fork or frame.
average-sized hands. 12. [ ] If caliper-mounting bolts are being reused,
treat threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for
Caliper installation and adjustment first-time installation).
NOTE: For frames or forks with Hayes-type post 13. [ ] Install and gently snug caliper-mounting bolts.
mounting (bolt holes aligned parallel to bike, Check clearance between rotor and inner edge
rather than perpendicular to bike), an adapter of caliper slot (spin rotor). If there is contact,
plate must be mounted first. Install adapter and remount caliper with a .2mm shim washer be-
secure bolts to 55–70in-lbs. tween caliper and each fork/frame mount and
check for rub again.

Cover bolts

Reservoir cover



Barb fitting
Lever body Sleeve nut
(master cylinder)

Magura disc-tube
Plastic cover
Fixed-pad Ear (prefit end)
Magura disc-tube
adjuster plate (unfinished end)

Pads Volume adjuster

Bleed screw

Caliper .2mm shim washer (quantity varies for caliper alignment)

(slave cylinder)

.2mm shim washer Caliper-mounting bolt

(quantity varies for
caliper alignment) Caliper-mounting bolt
37.4 Magura Louise hydraulic disc brake caliper and lever.

37 – 13
14. [ ] Once clearance is adequate, secure caliper-
mounting bolts to 50in-lbs.
15. [ ] With wheel stationary, turn fixed-shoe adjust- If the caliper hose is damaged, too short, or too
ing plate on inner face of caliper clockwise just long, then it is necessary to install a new hose or re-
until gap between pad and rotor disappears, size the existing hose. The same procedure suffices
then loose just enough to see gap again. Spin for both. A hose is too short if it must bend sharply
wheel and check for rub. If rub occurs, loosen at any time. A hose is too long only if it interferes
adjusting plate a tiny amount and check again. with other components or snags on things during use
16. [ ] With wheel spinning, slowly tighten volume-ad- of the bicycle. Performance of the brake system is
justing bolt on outer face until slight rub is heard,
not affected by hose length.
then loosen bolt just enough to eliminate rub.
1. [ ] Fully loosen volume-adjusting bolt in outer face
17. [ ] Operate brake several times, then spin wheel
of caliper with 5mm Allen wrench.
to check for rub. If rub persists, only the vol-
2. [ ] Slide plastic sleeve on lever-end of hose away
ume adjusting bolt needs to be loosened.
from brake lever, then unthread 8mm hose fit-
18. [ ] Secure hose(s) to frame and/or fork, then turn
ting from brake lever. It may be necessary to
handlebars and/or move suspension through its
remove brake lever from handlebar if hose
full range to check for interference with hose(s).
twists with fitting.
3. [ ] Only if replacing hose, unthread hose fitting
PAD REPLACEMENT from brake caliper.
4. [ ] Only if replacing hose, thread end of hose with
The pads have “ears” which protrude out a small
pre-installed fitting into caliper and secure to
slot in the outer edge of the caliper (opposite the slot 35in-lbs. Note: Use only hoses marked
for the rotor). With the brake operated to close the “Magura disc-tube.”
pads firmly to the rotor, measure the distance between 5. [ ] Route hose to lever and decide on appropriate
the ears. If the measurement is 4mm or less, the pads length. Use Magura hose cutter or sharp razor
must be replaced. With fresh pads in the caliper, this knife to trim hose to desired length. End should
measurement is about 6.5mm. Remaining pad life can be cut as square as possible.
be estimated by calculating the reduction of the cur- 6. [ ] Place plastic fitting cover (small-end first),
rent measurement from the original 6.5mm as a per- sleeve nut (hex-end first), then new Magura olive
centage of the 2.5mm total wear life. In other words, fitting (black, never brass) onto cut end of hose.
7. [ ] Press hose into slot in red tool so approximately
if the current measurement is 5.25mm (1.25mm re-
20mm of hose extends past tool, then insert
duction from 6.5mm), then the pads have 50% of their new barbed fitting into hose until fitting head
life remaining (1.25mm is 50% of 2.5mm). contacts hose. If installation is difficult, sand-
1. [ ] Remove wheel, then unthread fixed-pad adjust- wich red tool and hose in soft jaws of vise and
ing plate from inner face of caliper. tap barbed fitting in with plastic mallet.
2. [ ] Pull both pads out hole where adjusting plate 8. [ ] Insert end of hose into hole in brake lever,
was removed. A magnet can be used. then hand thread sleeve nut into brake lever.
3. [ ] Clean inside caliper around piston with water 9. [ ] After installing sleeve nut as far as possible
and detergent on brush. CAUTION: Do not by hand, secure nut to 35in-lbs.
use automotive brake cleaners! Seal damage 10. [ ] Perform FILLING AND BLEEDING procedure.
will occur!
4. [ ] Install first pad so braking material faces you
and the pad “ear” goes out slot in outer edge FILLING AND BLEEDING
of caliper. Filling and bleeding are normally done as part of
5. [ ] Install second pad so braking material faces hose replacement or sizing. Magura does not recom-
away from you and pad “ear” goes out slot in
mend filling and bleeding as routine maintenance.
outer edge of caliper.
CAUTION: At all times while working with oil, it is criti-
6. [ ] Loosen volume-adjusting bolt on outer face of
cal to keep oil off rotor surface and brake pads!
caliper fully with a 5mm Allen wrench.
1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike.
7. [ ] Treat threads of fixed-shoe adjusting plate
2. [ ] Remove fixed-pad adjusting plate from inner
with Loctite 242, then install plate until face is
face of caliper, then remove both brake pads.
just flush with inner face of caliper.
3. [ ] Put bike in position so that outer face of cali-
8. [ ] Install wheel, then perform steps 15–17 of
per is pointing straight up.
Caliper installation and adjustment.
4. [ ] Loosen volume-adjusting bolt in outer face of
caliper fully with 5mm Allen wrench.

37 – 14
5. [ ] Use 2mm Allen wrench to remove bleed screw
from center of volume-adjusting bolt.
6. [ ] If necessary, attach hose and bleed fitting to Wheel building guidelines
syringe, then fill syringe with Magura Blood Shimano specifies the cross pattern to be used
hydraulic oil. With syringe upright, pump until
when building a wheel with their disc-brake hub, and
all air bubbles are out of syringe and bleed
hose. Other mineral oils such as Finish Line
also specifies which way the pulling and pushing spokes
5wt suspension oils are also suitable. should radiate.
7. [ ] Thread bleed fitting into caliper where bleed The recommended cross patterns are limited to
screw was removed. 3: and 4:. Deceleration can occur much more rap-
8. [ ] Position bike and/or brake lever so that res- idly than acceleration, so consequently the torsional
ervoir cap on face of brake lever is com- loads from deceleration are much higher than those
pletely horizontal. generated during acceleration. The recommended
9. [ ] Use 2mm Allen wrench (T7 Torx wrench for cross patterns are required to transfer the higher tor-
Clara model) to remove 4 bolts that retain reser- sional loads that hub-mounted brakes can generate
voir cap, then remove cap and rubber membrane.
during rapid deceleration. Shimano will not warranty
10. [ ] Slowly pump syringe contents into system,
being prepared to catch overflow at lever.
failures when other cross patterns are used!
Continue pumping until no air bubbles are Shimano additionally requires that the left-side head-
seen in reservoir. out spokes radiate clockwise from the hub and that the
11. [ ] Place rubber membrane in bottom face of reser- right-side head-in spokes radiate counterclockwise from
voir cap, then insert four bolts into reservoir cap. the hub. These are the same directions that result from
12. [ ] Place reservoir-cap assembly on top of lever following the wheel lacing instructions in this manual.
so that overflow hole in edge of reservoir cap The vernacular terms for these patterns are that the “pull-
will be at top edge of cap when brake lever is ing” spokes are “head out” and the “pushing” spokes are
in normal position. “head in.” An alternate term to “pulling” is “trailing”
13. [ ] Gradually tighten 4 bolts in crisscross pattern
and an alternate term to “pushing” is “leading.”
until all are tight to equivalent of 5in-lbs.
14. [ ] Return bike to position that puts face of cali- Rotor and wheel installation
per pointing up, then unthread bleed fitting Shimano makes a 160mm rotor and a 170mm
from caliper. rotor. The 160mm size fits most configurations, but
15. [ ] Install bleed screw into caliper and secure to when using the adapter plate on a Hayes-type post
mounting on a front fork, the 170mm size is required.
16. [ ] Install wheel, then install pads and adjust clear-
NOTE: Build wheel before installing rotor.
ance as per steps 3–8 of PAD REPLACEMENT.
1. [ ] Place rotor on hub with rotation arrows facing
17. [ ] Operate brake and check for soft or spongy
out from hub.
feel and leaks at hose fittings and bleed
2. [ ] If rotor-mounting bolts are being reused, treat
screw. Repeat bleeding procedure if brake
threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for first-
feels soft or spongy.
time installation).
3. [ ] Place a tightening plate (thin plate shaped some-
what like a chain-link plate) over each pair of

SHIMANO DISC BRAKE holes with flat side of each plate against rotor.
4. [ ] Thread in all six rotor bolts until heads just
contact tightening plates.
ABOUT THIS SECTION 5. [ ] Use marker to mark each bolt clockwise 1 to
6, then tighten each to 20–35in-lbs in a se-
This section specifically covers the Shimano Deore quence of 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, then 5.
XT M755 disc brake system. The procedures covered in In the next step, the tightening plates are bent so
this section include wheel-building guidelines, rotor and that they work as a lock to prevent accidental loosen-
wheel installation, lever installation, hose installation, ing of the rotor bolts. If removing a rotor, it will be
filling and bleeding the system, caliper installation, and necessary to flatten the plate again before loosening a
pad replacement. This section does not cover rebuilding bolt. Repeated installation and removal of the rotor is
the caliper, which Shimano does not support. There are likely to necessitate replacement of the tightening plates.
four bolts holding the two caliper halves together, but
nothing can be accomplished by separating the halves.

37 – 15
6. [ ] Pry under raised edge of each tightening plate dures. In step #17, the reservoir cover is removed. If
to fold plate up against one flat of each trian- the system is used, at this point inspect the brake fluid.
gular bolt head. If it is dark and discolored, it should be replaced.
Shimano recommends the quick-release skewer be CAUTION: At all times while working with oil, it is criti-
installed opposite of normal. This insures that the cal to keep oil off rotor surface and brake pads!
quick-release lever, when fully closed, cannot inter- 17. [ ] Position bike so plate on top of brake-lever
fere with the rotor. Although quick-release security reservoir is completely flat and parallel to
is always of critical importance, wheel security is an ground, then remove reservoir cover-plate
even greater issue on a disc-brake hub than a hub with screws, metal cover, plastic cover, then rub-
no brake. When securing the skewer, be sure to fol- ber diaphragm.
18. [ ] Arrange hose and caliper so they dangle
low the guidelines in Chapter 18.
straight down from lever, without bends or
7. [ ] Install quick-release skewer into right end of
kinks in the hose, with room for a waste-oil
axle (opposite of normal) then install adjusting
receptacle below. Note: if bleeding an already-
nut on skewer.
installed system, remove caliper and install
8. [ ] Install wheel in proper alignment and with opti-
pad spacer between pads!
mum quick-release security.
19. [ ] Only if filling empty system: Turn bleed valve
Brake lever and hose installation 1/8 turn counterclockwise to open.
9. [ ] Install brake lever in normal lateral and rota- 20. [ ] Flip rubber cap off bleed valve on caliper, then
tional position, then secure mounting bolt to attach plastic tubing to bleed-valve nipple and
55–70in-lbs. route tubing to waste receptacle.
10. [ ] Adjust reach with 2mm Allen screw (at lever 21. [ ] Only if flushing and refilling system: Open
pivot) to middle of range (approximate six bleed valve 1/8 turn, pump brake lever repeat-
turns from either end of range). Note: reach edly to clear oil from system, then allow sev-
adjustment does not affect clearance adjust- eral minutes for draining to complete.
ment or brake operation–this adjustment is Shimano recommends only using Shimano Min-
only intended to make reach appropriate for eral Oil in the brake at the time of this writing. In the
average-sized hands. following steps where oil is mentioned, it is assumed
11. [ ] Check for O-rings in recess in each face of the recommended oil is being used. Shimano Mineral
banjo fitting at each end of hose. O-rings Oil comes in a one-use size container to eliminate con-
should not protrude.
cerns about contamination. Mineral oil (Shimano or
12. [ ] Slide rubber cover over banjo fitting at one end
other) that is left open can absorb moisture from the
of hose.
13. [ ] Place covered banjo fitting over hole at inner air, which can vaporize when the brake reaches high
end of brake-lever body, then thread in hollow temperature. Do not use any mineral oil that is possi-
bolt finger tight (do not secure). Check for pro- bly contaminated with moisture!
truding O-ring and correct. NOTE: In the next step, it is critical to not allow the
14. [ ] With bike in on-ground position (axles equal reservoir to become empty to keep from intro-
height), align banjo fitting at lever to point ducing air into the system!
straight down, then secure banjo-fitting bolt to 22. [ ] Only if filling empty system: Fill reservoir with
45–60in-lbs. Check for protruding O-ring again mineral oil, then compress brake lever repeat-
and correct. edly to prime system with oil, adding oil as
15. [ ] Attach other banjo fitting to caliper and install necessary to keep reservoir full. Stop when oil
but do not secure bolt. Check for protruding O- is seen in plastic tubing and close bleed valve.
ring and correct. 23. [ ] Compress brake lever repeatedly and watch
16. [ ] Rotate banjo fitting at caliper to point away for air bubbles rising in reservoir. Stop for a
from caliper and to be parallel to plane of rotor minute or two, then repeat. No further repeti-
slot (in or out 10° is acceptable), then secure tion is needed when bubbles cease to rise.
to 45–60in-lbs. Check for protruding O-ring 24. [ ] Compress brake lever firmly with Quick-Grip
and correct. clamp or similar device.
25. [ ] Open and close bleed valve repeatedly for 1/2
Filling system with oil second intervals (1/8 turn each time), watching
This segment of the procedure describes both fill- for air bubbles in plastic tubing. Repeat two more
ing a new (empty) system, flushing and refilling a used times, or until no air bubbles are seen, then leave
system, and bleeding a system. Certain steps, as noted, bleed valve closed. Remove clamp from lever.
apply to a limited number of these alternate proce-

37 – 16
26. [ ] Move caliper to location where overflowing oil 31. [ ] Squeeze brake lever firmly numerous times
from brake-lever reservoir cannot drip on caliper. while checking at reservoir cap, banjo fittings,
27. [ ] Check and refill reservoir to overflow point as and bleed valve for oil leaks.
needed. 32. [ ] Remove plastic tube from bleed valve, then
28. [ ] Assemble plastic reservoir cap to metal cap, cap valve.
then assemble rubber diaphragm to plastic cap.
29. [ ] Fill grooves in rubber diaphragm with oil, then Caliper installation
quickly place cap assembly on reservoir and NOTE: For frames or forks with Hayes-type post
secure cap with screws. mounting (bolt holes aligned parallel to bike,
30. [ ] Thoroughly wipe excess oil off of lever and all rather than perpendicular to bike), an adapter
other parts. Rotor may be cleaned with alcohol plate must be mounted first. Install adapter and
or similar solvent, but all other parts should be secure bolts to 55–70in-lbs, then use steps 41–
cleaned with water and detergent to avoid de- 45 before proceeding.
grading plastic and rubber parts and seals. 33. [ ] If caliper-mounting bolts are being reused,
treat threads with Loctite 242 (not needed for
first-time installation).

Safety plate and Cap bolts

triangle-head bolts

Metal reservoir cap

Folded up Plastic reservoir cap

(close-up and edge view) Banjo-bolt

Reservoir diaphragm
Orientation of
O-ring safety wire on
Banjo fitting

Reach adjust

Lever-mounting bolt Caliper Banjo fitting

* Variable mix of .2mm and .5mm

washers to adjust pad clearance
2mm washer O-ring
Bleed valve Banjo-bolt
Caliper-mounting bolt

2mm washer
* Clip
Bleed-valve cover

Caliper-mounting bolt

Pad-retaining bolt

Four-prong spring
37.4 Shimano Deore XT hydraulic disc brake.

37 – 17
34. [ ] Put longer caliper-mounting bolt through 42. [ ] Feed 6" safety wire halfway through upper
frame/fork mounting hole further from drop- mounting bolt head, wrap one end clockwise
out, and shorter bolt through other frame/ around bolt head to meet other end, then twist
fork mounting hole. ends together tightly with pliers until twisted
35. [ ] Put .5mm shim washer on end of each bolt on section is approximately 50mm long.
inner face of frame/fork mounting plate. 43. [ ] Wrap twisted pair clockwise around bolt head
36. [ ] Remove plastic pad spacer from caliper, slide less than one full turn, then pull wire to second
caliper onto rotor, align caliper mounting holes bolt head so that it approaches second bolt
with mounting bolts, then engage mounting head on opposite side from where it left first
bolts and snug bolts finger tight. bolt head (wire goes on diagonal line from first
37. [ ] Inspect for interference between rotor and bolt to second bolt). Insert one wire end
ends of bolts. If interference exists, remove through first wire hole in bolt head, then out
bolts and put 2mm washer under each bolt second wire hole.
head and reinstall bolts finger tight. 44. [ ] Wrap remaining wire end counterclockwise
38. [ ] Compress brake lever with clamp and rotate around second bolt until it reaches point first
wheel in operating direction, then secure bolts wire end comes out of second bolt, then
gently with Allen wrench. tightly twist ends together.
In the next step, inspect for rub between the pads 45. [ ] Hook second twist around section of twisted
and rotor. Light rub is tolerable, but increasing or re- wire between bolts so that loose end cannot
ducing the .5mm shim thickness between the caliper get tangled in brake mechanism.
mount and caliper can correct excessive rubbing. Rub- 46. [ ] Secure hose(s) to frame and/or fork, then turn
handlebars and/or move suspension through its
bing is easy to hear, but locating whether it is against
full range to check for interference with hose(s).
the outer pad or inner pad can be difficult. Try back-
lighting the gaps between the pads and the rotor with a
flashlight, or try a .05mm feeler gauge. Unlike some PAD REPLACEMENT
disc-brake systems, this brake is self-adjusting for pad Pads need to be replaced when the braking-mate-
clearance, so there is no manual adjustment to elimi- rial thickness is reduced at any point to .5mm. Since
nate rub other than changing the shim stacks. the braking material is originally 2mm thick, remain-
39. [ ] Spin rotor and listen for rubs. If rubs are ing life can be predicted by measuring pad thickness.
heard, inspect closely for whether they are at For example, when the thickness is 1.5mm, two-thirds
inner or outer pad, and which end of the pad of the pad life remains, and when the thickness is
the rub is occurring.
1mm, one third of the pad life remains.
When changing the shim stack to reduce rub, using
different combinations of shims can make adjustments Pad removal
by as little as .1mm increments. It is acceptable to shim 1. [ ] Remove clip from end of pad axle bolt, then
each bolt differently. Possible combinations are: unthread bolt.
0mm – no shims 2. [ ] Pull out four-leg pad spring and pads.
3. [ ] Measure braking material thickness at thin-
.2mm – one .2mm shim
nest point and replace pads if .5mm or less.
.4mm – two .2mm shims 4. [ ] Clean inside caliper around pistons with wa-
.5mm – one .5mm shim ter and detergent on brush. CAUTION: Do
.6mm – three .2mm shims not use automotive brake cleaners! Seal
.7mm – .5mm and .2mm shim damage will occur!
.8mm – four .2mm shims
40. [ ] Use different combinations of .2mm and .5mm Pad installation
shims to move one end of caliper in or out, NOTE: If original pads are being reinstalled and brake
then check again for rub and redo shimming as lever has not been squeezed while pads or rotor
necessary. Note: use step 38 technique each was out, then skip the next step.
time caliper is secured! 5. [ ] Insert stack of feeler gauges between pistons
41. [ ] When rub is minimized, torque mounting bolts and one side of rotor to fill gap between pistons
to 55–70in-lbs. Check for change in rub and and rotor, then insert a slotted screwdriver be-
correct if necessary. tween other pistons and rotor and press pistons
back into caliper. Switch feeler gauge stack to
opposite side and repeat. Note: if wheel is re-
moved, use box end of a small combination
wrench to push pistons back into caliper.

37 – 18
6. [ ] Install onto pad axle bolt in order: first pad
(metal-side first), pad spring (with legs strad-
dling braking material), then second pad (brak-
ing-material-side first).
7. [ ] Inspect all four ends of spring to verify spring
ends are not beyond ends of metal shoe backs,
or resting against face of braking material.
8. [ ] Squeeze pads together until gap between
them is just enough to fit rotor, then insert
pad stack partially into slot in caliper and re-
move pad-axle bolt.
9. [ ] Press pad stack in until holes in pads and
spring line up with hole in caliper for pad axle
bolt, then insert pad axle bolt (treat threads
with Loctite 222).
10. [ ] Secure pad-axle bolt to 20–35in-lbs, then in-
stall clip in slot in end of bolt.
11. [ ] Operate brake, then spin rotor and check for
unacceptable pad rub. Adjust shims as neces-
sary to reduce rub.

37 – 19

37 – 20

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Dual-pivot caliper: A caliper system that has two
pivots; the pivot for one arm is centered over the top
This chapter is about the mechanisms mounted
of the rim (like a sidepull caliper), and the pivot for
near the wheel that apply pressure to the rim to con-
the other arm is above, and outward from the rim
trol the bike’s speed. This chapter does not cover
(like a centerpull caliper).
brakes that are mounted at the hub, or brakes that are
hydraulically operated. The brake calipers in this chap-
ter are operated by a wire-cable system, which is cov-
ered in the earlier chapter, BRAKE-CABLE SYSTEMS. Right-arm/sidepull pivot
When working on the brake calipers covered in this
Left-arm/centerpull pivot
chapter, it is usually necessary to work with the brake (hidden)
levers (covered in the earlier chapter, BRAKE LEVERS),
and the brake-cable system, as well.
After the GENERAL INFORMATION section, this chap-
ter has a section about brake-pad-alignment systems,
and separate sections for several different styles of brake
calipers. These sections are: PAD-ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS,
After the sections on specific types of caliper systems,
there is a section called FINISHING that applies to com-
pleting brake work on all types of calipers, and then
the chapter ends with the section CABLE-OPERATED RIM-
BRAKE-CALIPER TROUBLESHOOTING. 36.2 A dual-pivot caliper.

Sidepull caliper: A caliper that is distinguished

GENERAL INFORMATION by two things: the caliper arms share a common pivot
(centered above the rim) that also serves as the mount
for the caliper, and the cable system attaches to the
TERMINOLOGY caliper by means of the housing stopping at one arm
and the inner wire attaching to the other arm. The
Cantilever caliper: A caliper system that has
sidepull caliper gets its name from the fact that the
each caliper arm mounted to its own pivot; the piv-
common configurations of this design rely on a cable
ots are fixed to the frame or fork, and are mounted
system routed to the side of the caliper.
below the rim.

36.1 A cantilever brake caliper. 36.3 A typical sidepull caliper.

36 – 1
Centerpull caliper: A caliper system that has two Brake caliper: The mechanism that applies brak-
pivots mounted on an arch; the pivots are above and ing force to the rim. It consists of calipers arms
outward of the rim. The centerpull caliper gets its name mounted on pivots. A brake shoe is mounted on one
from the fact that the cable system goes directly to the end of the caliper arm. The cable system is attached to
center of the caliper. The name is misleading, because the other end of the caliper arm. The brake caliper
U-brakes (and most cantilevers) have this same feature, can also simply be called a caliper.
but differ in other ways. It is the number and location Caliper arm: The lever arm that applies braking
of the pivots that are unique to centerpull calipers. force to one side of the rim. The brake caliper always
consists of two caliper arms that work in opposition to
each other. A caliper arm can also just be called an arm.
Straddle wire Front or rear (of the brake): Any reference to
Mounting bolt the front of the brake applies to the portion that faces
out from the frame or fork. This applies to both front
and rear brakes. All references to the rear of the brake
will mean the portion closest to the frame or fork.
Again, this applies to both brakes.
Bridge Left or right (side of brake, or caliper): These ref-
erences always apply to the side of the caliper, as seen
Pivot Pivot when viewing the portion of the caliper that faces out
from the frame or fork. It does not refer to a particu-
lar side of the bike.
Pivot bolt: A bolt that goes through the pivot hole
in a caliper arm. Most typically, a pivot bolt is found in
sidepull brakes, where it also serves as a mounting bolt.
Brake shoe: The assembly that holds the rubber
piece that rubs on the rim.
Shoe stud: The post that connects the brake shoe
to the caliper arm. It may be threaded or un-threaded.
36.4 A typical centerpull caliper. Brake pad: The rubber piece that rubs against
the rim.
U-brake caliper: A caliper that is a cross between Entry-end (of brake pad): The end of the pad that
centerpull and cantilever calipers. Like a centerpull, a point on the rim reaches first as the rim rotates through
the pivots are located above and outward of the rim. the brake pads. Traditionally, the word back-end would
Unlike the centerpull caliper, the pivots are fixed to be used, but this only makes sense when the brakes are
the frame or fork, rather than to part of an arch inte- located somewhere near the top of the wheel, which is
gral to the caliper. Unlike the cantilever caliper, the not always the case on suspension bikes.
pivots are above, instead of below, the rim. Exit-end (of brake pad): The end of the pad that a
point on the rim reaches last as the rim rotates through
the brake pads. Traditionally, the word front-end would
be used, but this only makes sense when the brakes are
located somewhere near the top of the wheel, which is
not always the case on suspension bikes.
Smooth-stud brake shoe: A brake shoe that has
an un-threaded shoe stud. It is retained to the caliper
by means of an eyebolt called a shoe-anchor bolt.
Pivots/ Threaded-stud brake shoe: A brake shoe that has
mounts a threaded stud. It is retained to the caliper by a nut
threaded onto the stud.
Shoe anchor bolt: The shoe-anchor bolt is an eye-
bolt that the stud of a smooth-stud brake shoe inserts
into, in order to mount the brake shoe to the caliper
36.5 A typical U-brake.

36 – 2
arm. An eyebolt is a bolt with a hole in its head. When on the frame. The brake inner wire goes through the
the shoe-anchor bolt is pulled through the caliper arm, adjusting barrel. The outer end of the adjusting barrel
the shoe stud is pressed against the face of the caliper has a socket into which the cable housing is inserted.
arm and immobilized. Pinch mechanism: A bolt and/or nut that secures
Shoe-anchor nut: The nut that threads onto the the inner wire to a caliper arm or a cable carrier.
shoe-anchor bolt to pull the shoe-anchor bolt Braking surface: The relatively flat face of the
through the caliper arm to secure the brake shoe to rim that the brake pads contact.
the caliper arm. Pivot stud: A hollow stud, smooth on the outside
Shoe-fixing nut/bolt: A shoe-fixing bolt is a and threaded on the inside, that a cantilever arm or U-
bolt that threads directly into a brake shoe to se- brake arm is mounted on. Some pivot studs are brazed
cure it to a caliper arm. A shoe-fixing nut threads or welded onto a frame; pivot studs may be threaded
onto the stud of a threaded-stud brake shoe to se- into a mount that is part of the frame or fork.
cure the shoe to the caliper arm. Spring plate: A surface with one or more holes into
Alignment washers: Sloped, concave, or convex which the caliper-arm return spring inserts.
washers that permit the brake shoe to be aligned at dif- Pivot bushing: The bushing inside the pivot hole
ferent angles for pad toe and vertical-angle adjustment. of the caliper arm. Some pivot bushings are fixed to
Straddle-wire: A cable on a cantilever, centerpull, the caliper arm and rotate with it. Other pivot bush-
or U-brake that goes from one side of the caliper to the ings rotate independently of the caliper arm and stay
other to connect the caliper arms. By means of a cable fixed to the pivot stud once the caliper arm is mounted.
carrier, the primary wire pulls up on the straddle-wire.
Cable carrier: Connects the primary brake wire
to the straddle-wire. The cable carrier contains a pinch
mechanism that secures it to the primary wire. Brake calipers are part of a system. To service the
Link wire/unit: Used instead of a straddle-wire caliper without checking or servicing the other parts
on some cantilever brakes, the link unit connects to of the system could be considered negligent. This
one caliper arm and diverts the primary wire to the omission is also just bad service. The systems consists
other caliper arm. of the brake lever, the cable system, the caliper (in-
Pad height: An adjustment of the brake pad that cluding pads), and the rim.
sets the face of the pad so that it contacts the rim’s Brake lever
braking surface at the right height. When servicing brake calipers, the brake should
Pad toe: An adjustment of the brake pad that be checked for damage, proper alignment, and secu-
sets whether both ends of a pad reach the rim si- rity. The inner wire is likely to need attachment to
multaneously, or not. the brake lever. All of these items are covered in the
Pad tangent: An adjustment of the brake pad that BRAKE LEVERS chapter.
sets whether both ends of the pad are the same height
relative to the rim.
Brake-cable system
Attachment of the cable system to the caliper is
Pad vertical angle: An adjustment of the pad that
covered in the procedures in this chapter, but cable-
sets whether the top and bottom edges of the pad face
system replacement, sizing, and lubrication should all
reach the rim’s braking surface simultaneously.
be done when servicing a caliper. These items are cov-
Pad clearance: The clearance between the pad face
ered in the BRAKE-CABLE SYSTEMS chapter.
and the rim.
Pad centering: The adjustment of the pad clear- Hub adjustment
ances on both sides of the rim to be equal. If a hub is loose, it will result in lateral motion of the
Quick-release: A mechanism that changes the pad rim. That affects pad clearance and pad centering. Hubs
clearance so that the tire will clear the brake pads when should be adjusted to eliminate visible motion of the rim.
the wheel is removed. Hub adjustment is covered in the ADJUSTABLE-CONE
Adjusting barrel: A hollow screw that changes the HUBS chapter and the CARTRIDGE-BEARING HUBS chapter.
effective length of the brake inner wire. It is inserted
into the lever body, a caliper arm, or a hanger or stop

36 – 3

Rim true taminated by metal fragments, pads worn so that

Lateral true of the rim affects pad-clearance and grooves or other patterns in the face are gone, and
pad-centering adjustments. Dish errors affect center- pads worn 50% or more.
ing adjustments and pad-height adjustments on brake
calipers that mount on pivot studs, such as cantilevers
and U-brakes. Round errors affect setting pad height; if
the rim braking surfaces have a pronounced slope, round
errors create erratic brake feel. Spoke-tension errors do
not affect brakes, but they lead to unstable true. For tru- Wear from exess toe
ing rims, see the WHEEL TRUING AND REPAIRchapter.
Wear from too high or low
Wheel installation Wear from poor
The wheels must be properly aligned in the bike vertical angle
before the pads can be adjusted. The vertical position alignment
of the wheel affects pad height. The centering of the
wheel in the frame or fork will affect pad-centering 36.6 Pad wear that indicates poor pad alignment.
adjustments, and in many cases the centering of the
wheel will affect pad-height adjustments. Symptoms indicating
need for pivot adjustment or service
INDICATIONS Some calipers have adjustable pivots, and others
do not. Sidepull and dual-pivot calipers usually have
Maintenance adjustable pivots. Loose pivots can cause brakes to
Brake systems need periodic maintenance because squeal and to feel grabby. Either of these symptoms
pads wear and cable systems deteriorate. Because of should lead to inspection for free-play in the pivot ad-
safety issues, shops should encourage periodic preven- justment if the caliper has an adjustable pivot. If the
tive maintenance, rather than limiting service to re- pivot adjustment is too tight, the caliper will fail to open
pair of existing problems. It is a reasonable policy to fully when the brake lever is released. This symptom
require service of the entire brake system if any work can be caused by several other factors including excess
is to be done on the brake system at all. cable friction, lack of lubrication on pivot surfaces, dam-
Replacing the wheel or rim aged pivot studs, and weak or damaged return springs.
When a rim or wheel is replaced with one that is Symptoms indicating need
not identical, changes in the shape of the rim can cause for clearance or centering adjustment
problems with the brakes. Changes in rim width af- Pad clearance may need adjustment because the
fect pad clearance, pad height, and pad vertical angle. pads are too far, or too close to the rim. When the
Changes in the angle of the rim’s braking surface af- pads are too far from the rim, the brake lever will
fect the pad’s vertical angle. Changes in the height of come too close to the handlebar or grip during brake
the rim’s braking surface can affect pad height. When operation, and braking force will be limited. When
a rim or wheel is replaced with one that is not identi- the pads are too close to the rim, three problems oc-
cal, count on doing extensive brake work. cur: it is difficult to keep the pads from rubbing the
Symptoms indicating rim, the rider cannot use the brake levers comfort-
need for pad replacement and alignment ably, and on some brakes it becomes difficult to use
It would be a good idea to replace brake pads any the release system to move the pads away from the
time any type of brake service is being performed. rim for wheel removal.
There are, however, some specific conditions that in- On most brake types, the pads need to be cen-
dicate the pads should be replaced. These include: pads tered to reduce the likelihood of the pads rubbing the
worn unevenly because of excess toe, pads worn un- rim when the brakes are not in use. On some caliper
evenly because of poor vertical-angle alignment, pads designs, notably on dual-pivot calipers, when the pads
worn unevenly because of being positioned too high are not properly centered the brakes tend to push the
or low on the rim’s braking surface, pad faces con- rim to one side during brake operation. This increases
the force needed to apply the brakes.

36 – 4

TOOL CHOICES preferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred for a

balance among: ease of use, quality, versatility, and
Some brake tools are virtually universal, while
economy. When more than one tool for one function
others are specific to certain brands and models of
is bold, it means that several tools are required for
brakes. Table 36-1 covers all the tools for the job. The
different configurations of parts.

BRAKE TOOLS (table 36-1)

Tool Fits and considerations
THIRD-HAND TOOLS (for holding pads to rim)
Park BT-1 Inexpensive, not universally effective
Park BT-4 Inexpensive, works on some cantilevers
Park BT-5 Expensive “universal” tool that is not truly universal
Pocket Pro Velcro Velcro strap, not universally effective
United Bicycle Tool A truly universal third-hand tool borrowed from the carpentry trade (called
WB-BRK Quick Grip, also)
VAR 02 Expensive, not universally effective
VAR 939 Expensive, not universally effective
Wire-types, various Inexpensive consumer tools, not universally effective
FOURTH-HAND TOOLS (for pulling slack from brake inner wire, same tool used for derailleurs)
Dia-Compe 556 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Hozan C356 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Lifu 0100 Consumer tool
Park BT-2 Least tendency for inner wire to jam in tool
VAR 233 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Dia-Compe 445 Set, includes: 10mm open with 8mm box, and 10mm box with 9mm box: thin
wrenches for brake-pivot nuts
Dia-Compe 446 Set, includes: 13mm open with 12mm box, 10mm open with 9mm box,
8mm open with10mm box: thin wrenches for brake-pivot nuts
Park BT-3 (pair) Used for twisting ends of caliper arms to toe brake pads
Park CBW-6 Set (includes CBW-1 thru CBW-5) of thin 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, and 11mm
wrenches for brake-pivot nuts
Park OBW-1 10mm & 13mm thin offset wrench for brake centering and pivot adjustment
Park OBW-2 11mm & 12mm thin offset wrench for brake centering and pivot adjustment
Park OBW-3 14mm thin offset wrench for brake centering and pivot adjustment, with
pronged end for muscling caliper springs to adjust centering
Scura Centering Tool Fits in the coils of a sidepull spring so that spring can be muscled
Weinmann 682/683/693 Set, includes: 9mm/10mm box, 11mm open, 8mm box with 10mm open:
thin wrenches for brake nuts
Weinmann 685 & 687 4mm & 5mm sockets for hex fitting on end of pivot bolt on old Weinmann
brakes (for centering)
United Bicycle Tool Very useful for disengaging and engaging caliper springs
Langley Fifth Hand
Bicycle Research BM-1 Mill for repairing pivot-stud damage and cleaning paint off pivot stud
Shimano TL-CB-10 Set of 6 tools for setting up Shimano Pro-Set type brakes with link-wires

36 – 5

TIME AND DIFFICULTY brake. Furthermore, if the pivot stud is bent, it may
be very difficult to correctly align the pads. When a
Brake service (including caliper, cable system, and
mounting bolt is tightened too much on a caliper
lever), is a 10–25 minute job of moderate difficulty.
arm that has a bushing fixed to the arm, the pivot
The wide range is because of the differences in types
stud takes the load of the mounting bolt. The result
of brakes, and because it would be considered normal
can be that the end of the pivot stud can become
to include some minor lateral rim truing in many cases.
mushroomed, and inhibit the pivoting of the caliper
This time is for a single brake, not a pair.
arm. This condition can be repaired by delicate fil-
ing, or by patient use of emery cloth, to reduce the
COMPLICATIONS diameter. The Bicycle Research BM-1 mill makes this
repair quickly, precisely, and easily.
Rim-true problems
It is normal to anticipate having to touch-up the Mis-positioned pivot studs
lateral true so that pads do not rub at a reasonable Unfortunately, it is not unusual for bikes to be
clearance setting. In many cases, the condition of the manufactured with poorly-positioned cantilever pivot
rim cannot be made reasonable with just a touch-up. studs. If the pivot studs are not parallel to each other
Ideally, this should be determined at the time the re- and to the central plane of the wheel, then it can be
pair is checked into the shop. If it is not caught at this difficult to correctly adjust pad toe. If the pivot studs
time, the mechanic is faced with choosing between are too low or too high, then it can be difficult to
compromising the brake adjustment, giving away ex- adjust the vertical angle of the pads. In both cases, a
tensive time for rim work, or putting the job on hold repair can be made by changing the angle of the pad
until the customer authorizes the necessary rim work. face with emery cloth. The negative consequence is
Some rim problems cannot be repaired, and the reduced pad wear-life.
compromise the brake performance to the point that Mis-positioned spring plates
it would be a mistake to complete the brake work, The spring plates are usually an integral part of
and then imply to the customer that everything is the pivot stud. If the pivot studs are not rotated
acceptable. If the rim has a significant flat spot, then equally, then the spring-hole heights may not be sym-
pads that are set at the correct height will rub the metrical, making it difficult to center a cantilever
tire at the flat spot. If the braking surface of the rim brake. Holes can be enlarged with some difficulty.
is distorted (bulging out or indented), then the The only other alternative is to deliberately distort
brakes will grab whenever the damaged section one of the springs in the brake.
moves through the brake pads. If the rim cannot be
brought into a condition of true with 1mm or less Sidepull and centerpull brake reach
lateral wobble, then brake clearance must be com- The reach range of a brake caliper is the range
promised (either by letting brakes rub or leaving of height that the brake pads can be positioned
them too loose). The importance of taking a good within, measured from the center of the caliper-
look at the wheels before selling a customer brake mounting bolt. Sidepull and centerpull brake cali-
work cannot be over-emphasized. pers come in different reaches. If a caliper with in-
correct reach is installed on the bike, it can be im-
Wheel-installation problems possible to set the brake-pad height correctly. Mi-
It is very important to make sure the wheels nor improvement can be made by lengthening the
are correctly installed before starting any brake slot into which the shoe stud is inserted.
work. For example, if cantilever pads are adjusted
to a rim that is 3–4mm off-center in the fork, when Poor routing design at the seat cluster
the wheel is positioned correctly, the pad heights On some frames, the rear brake cable is forced to
could easily be off enough to cause a pad to hit the make some awkward changes in direction in a very
tire or drop below the rim. confined area. This can cause several problems. The
loop of housing may end up with compound bends
Damaged pivot studs that increase cable friction. This may cause the brake
Cantilever pivot studs can be easily damaged in to feel spongy, and to fail to fully release. On very
a crash, or by over-tightening the caliper-arm mount- small-frame bikes with cantilever brakes, this has been
ing bolt. When a pivot stud is crash-damaged, there such a problem that the frame designers have tried to
is a chance that it may break off during use of the

36 – 6
dispense with the piece of housing in this location. per arm), then the cantilever manufacturer is in con-
The alternative is some sort of metal tube that routes trol of the tolerances on both critical parts, and
the bare wire around the seat tube. These tubes also sloppy pivots are rarely an issue.
create extra friction, and sometimes forces the inner
wire to approach the caliper at an odd angle. That can
Damaged caliper parts
Damaged caliper arms and pivot bolts are danger-
adversely affect brake centering.
ous. Bent parts should not be bent back. If the parts
Compatibility of levers and calipers are available, then they should be replaced. Most of-
Not all brake calipers are compatible with all types ten, it is necessary to replace the whole caliper.
of brake levers. If the lever pulls too little cable, then
the brake pads will need to be set very close, and maxi-
Alignment washers and shoe studs
mum brake force will still be limited. If the lever pulls with memory
too much cable, it is less of a problem, but the brake Alignment washers and smooth shoe studs of-
pads would need to have more clearance than normal ten get imprinted by the surface they press against
so that the rider would not have to operate the brake when the brake shoe is secured. If the pad was se-
with fingers fully extended. There is no way to deter- cured when it was improperly aligned, then it may
mine the compatibility in advance. Inspect for the tend to seek the same improper position each time
problems described above, if not using brand- and the pad is secured. Sometimes the imprinted sur-
model-matched brake levers and calipers. faces can be cleaned up with a file or emery cloth.
Sometimes rotating a washer, or switching it to the
Fat tires with narrow rims and cantilevers opposite side of the caliper, will solve the problem.
When fat tires are used with narrow rims, pads Other times it will be necessary to replace the wash-
on cantilever brakes may interfere with the tire when ers or brake shoe to solve the problem.
the pad height is correct. There is no good solution
that does not involve changing equipment; compro-
mising ideal pad height is the only choice except chang- ABOUT THE REST
ing the tire, rim, or brake caliper (to something other OF THIS CHAPTER
than a conventional cantilever). The rest of this chapter is divided into the fol-
Small frames and cable-carrier clearance lowing sections:
Small frames with conventional cantilever brakes PAD-ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS
sometimes have a clearance problem between the cable CANTILEVER CALIPERS
carrier (or link-unit head) and the stop for the cable SIDEPULL CALIPERS
housing. If the cable carrier is too close, then it may DUAL-PIVOT CALIPERS
stop at the housing stop before full braking force is CENTERPULL CALIPERS
applied to the rim. It can appear to be acceptable when U-BRAKE CALIPERS
the brake is first set up, but then become a problem as FINISHING
the brake pads wear. If necessary, shorten the ideal CABLE-OPERATED RIM-BRAKE-CALIPER TROUBLE-
straddle-wire length or the link-unit length in order SHOOTING
to maintain at least 20mm of exposed wire between Each caliper section contains sub-sections about
the cable-carrier/link-unit head and the housing stop. pivot overhaul and adjustment (when appropriate),
caliper installation, cable attachment, pad alignment,
Loose pivots on cantilevers and clearance and centering adjustments. Each of these
Cantilever brakes usually do not have an adjust- sections may be further subdivided into further sub-
ment to reduce play in the pivots, but excess play sections that cover specifics for a variety of brakes.
can cause brakes to squeal. If a cantilever arm has a This means that to complete a section (on cantilever
fixed pivot bushing, then the manufacturer is rely- brakes for example), it will be necessary to skip over
ing on the pivot-stud manufacturer to provide a stud several sub-sections that apply only to brakes of an-
with the correct dimension. If the pivot stud is loose other type. This is necessary because of the recent
in the bushing and causing squeal, a shim can be made proliferation of brake-caliper designs.
out of thin steel, such as feeler-gauge blades that are
under .2mm thick. When cantilevers have indepen-
dent pivot bushings (rotate separately from the cali-

36 – 7

PAD-ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS 2. [ ] Slide shoe stud up/down in slot until desired

height setting is achieved.
There are four systems for aligning brake pads.
Many of these apply to several types of brake cali- Good height
(sidepull, cantilever, Too high
pers. Rather than repeating the same alignment tech-
dual-pivot right)
nique for several systems, each is described in detail
in this section, before description of the various
brake-caliper types. In the procedure for a specific
caliper type, you will be asked to identify the pad-
alignment system. It is assumed that you will al-
ready be familiar with the different systems, or that
you will refer back to this section to determine the
correct method of pad alignment.
The simplest alignment system is a plain threaded-
stud pad in a slot in the caliper arm. With this sys- Good height Too low
tem, the stud is always perpendicular to the mount- (centerpull, U-brake,
dual-pivot left)
ing surface on the caliper arm. For obvious reasons,
this system is called simple threaded-stud-pad align- 36.7 Proper pad height varies with the type of brake.
ment. A variation on this system relies on a set of
concave and convex washers between the caliper arm 3. [ ] Gently secure mounting nut/bolt.
and the shoe, and between the caliper arm and the Tangent alignment
mounting nut. These washers permit the stud to be 4. [ ] View brake pad from side of bike, then move
moved away from a perpendicular position to the viewpoint up or down until top corners of
mounting face of the caliper arm, so that more align- brake shoe are even with top edge of rim.
ments can be done. This system is called threaded- 5. [ ] Twist brake shoe around axis of shoe stud
stud/curved-washer pad alignment. until front and back corners of pad are si-
There are two pad-alignment systems in which multaneously even with top edge of rim.
the shoe stud is smooth, instead of threaded. One
smooth-stud system features a curved washer be-
tween the shoe stud and face on the caliper arm. Good tangent ft rr
This system is called smooth-stud/curved-washer (A=B)
pad alignment. The other of these systems features
a sloped washer between the shoe stud and the cali-
Poor tangent ft rr
per arm face. This system is called smooth-stud/
sloped-washer pad alignment.


ALIGNMENT 36.8 When pad tangent alignment is correct, the upper front and
This type of pad-alignment system is found on rear corners of the pad are equidistant from the top of the rim.
dual-pivot calipers, sidepull calipers, and centerpull
calipers. A threaded stud on the brake shoe fits in a 6. [ ] Check that height adjustment is still correct,
slot in the caliper arm. Height and tangent of the pad then stabilize shoe with fingers or adjustable
are fully adjustable, but no adjustments for toe or ver- wrench while tightening mounting nut to
50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3').
tical angle are built into the system.
Height adjustment Vertical-angle alignment
1. [ ] Loosen mounting nut/bolt.
There is no easy adjustment for vertical-angle align-
ment. The vertical angles of the faces on different brake
pads vary. One type of pad may match the angle of
the rim’s braking surface closely, while another may
not. If possible, change pads to get a closer vertical-

36 – 8
angle alignment between the pad face and rim. The spinning grinding wheel. The following procedure cov-
following procedure should be considered a good op- ers the arm-twisting method only (see figure 36.12).
tion if the vertical-angle alignment is close, but the When twisting arms, it is important to not twist the
procedure should not be ignored even if there is a big pivot bolt or mounting bolt of the caliper. To prevent
angle difference. When there is a big difference in the this, both caliper arms should be worked with at once.
angles, pad wear will be rapid and the clearance ad- If one needs to be twisted and not the other, then sup-
justment will be lost quickly. port one with the tool while bending the other. If both
need twisting, twist both at once.
Good vertical-angle Poor vertical-angle alignment
alignment Good Too little
.5–1.5mm <.5mm

36.9 The vertical angle of the pad face should closely match the ro tation ro tation
vertical angle of the rim’s braking surface.
Too much Reversed
7. [ ] Place strip of 80-grit emery cloth between >1.5mm
rim and brake pad (grit toward pad face).
8. [ ] Squeeze pads against rim with third-hand tool.
9. [ ] Rotate wheel and emery cloth back and
forth through brake pads until vertical angle
of pad face matches angle of rim face. rotation rotation

36.11 Properly-toed pads should clear the rim by .5–1.5mm at the

80-grit emery cloth entry end of the pad when the exit end just touches the rim.

10. [ ] Place Park BT-3 on each caliper arm, above

or below pad (whichever is most conve-
11. [ ] Apply twisting load to arm(s) until desired
amount of clearance is achieved at rim en-
try-end of brake pad(s).
36.10 With the aligned pad pressed against the emery cloth, move
the emery cloth and rim back and forth until the pad has been 1–1.5mm 1–1.5mm
sanded to match the rim’s vertical angle.
Caliper arm Caliper arm

Toe alignment
Brake pads need toe to reduce squeal, particularly
when the pads are new. When a pad is properly toed,
the exit-end of the pad should reach the rim before
the entry-end of the pad (see figure 36.11). If both
brakes were at the 12:00 position on the wheel, toe
could be described as having the front ends of the brake Park BT-3 Park BT-3
pads reach the rim before the rear ends. If pads have
broken in properly to the rim, no toe should be rotation
needed, unless the pads squeal on a test ride.
Because simple threaded-stud shoes have no means
36.12 Using Park BT-3 tools to twist the caliper arms to adjust toe.
for adjusting toe, some rather crude means must be used
to make this alignment. The most common method is
to twist the caliper arms to align the pads. This method
is suitable in most cases, but when the calipers are too
strong or too finely finished, the preferred method is
to modify the face of the pad by holding it against a

36 – 9

THREADED-STUD/CURVED- put between the entry-end of the pad and the rim to
space it further out. A #4 (1/2") thumb tack pressed
WASHER PAD ALIGNMENT into the face of the entry-end of the pad makes a good
This type of pad-alignment system is primarily spacer. With this thumb tack (henceforth called toe-
found on cantilever brakes and U-brakes. It is also found tack) in place, toe adjustment is semi-automatic. Mov-
on upgrade pad sets that can be used with any caliper ing the toe-tack closer to the exit-end of the brake pad
that comes with a simple threaded-stud pad-alignment increases the amount of toe. Manipulation of the
system. A threaded-stud on the brake shoe fits in a slot washer may be necessary to finesse the alignment.
in the caliper arm. Height and tangent of the pad are
fully adjustable (in the same way as the simple threaded-
stud system), but alignment washers between the shoe
and the caliper arm permit simultaneous alignment of
the toe and vertical angle of the pad face.
Toe alignment Rim rotation
Brake pads need toe to reduce squeal, particularly
when the pads are new. When a pad is properly toed,
the exit-end of the pad should reach the rim before
the entry-end of the pad. If both brakes were at the
12:00 position on the wheel, toe could be described as
having the front ends of the brake pads reach the rim
before the rear ends reach the rim. If pads have bro- Toe tack moved forward
ken in properly to the rim, no toe should be needed,
unless the pads squeal on a test ride. 36.14 Toe tacks can be moved toward the exit-end of the pad to
increase the toe.

1. [ ] Complete ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER procedure

for the type of cable system being used.
2. [ ] Check that toe-tack and exit-end of brake
pad are both contacting rim simultaneously,
Rim rotation and manipulate curved washer between arm
and shoe to improve toe as necessary.
Vertical-angle alignment
Vertical-angle alignment can also be affected by
changing the position of the curved washer against
the inside face of the caliper arm. When this washer is
pushed in one direction, the pad face angles down.
Convex washer moved to creat toe
When the washer is pushed in the other direction, the
36.13 When the convex washer is moved forward or backward, pad face angles up. Some mechanics find it easier to
the end of the pad moves in or out. manipulate the washer to align the pad. Other me-
chanics, find the easier approach is to manipulate the
The curved washer between the inside face of the pad to position the washer. The procedure for setting
caliper arm and the brake shoe enables toe adjustment. the toe usually also sets the vertical-angle alignment,
When this washer is pushed one way, the forward end but it may need additional fine tuning.
of the pad moves in. When the washer is pushed the
other way, the forward end of the pad moves out. Some Good vertical-angle Poor vertical-angle alignment
mechanics find it easiest to manipulate the washer to
align the pad. For other mechanics, the easiest ap-
proach is to manipulate the pad in order to position
the washer. If the mounting nuts are loose and the
cable is adjusted so that the caliper arms are pressing
the pads against the rim, the pads will automatically 36.15 The vertical angle of the pad face should closely match the
align to have no toe. To adjust pad toe, a spacer can be vertical angle of the rim’s braking surface.

36 – 10
When manipulating the washer or pad to improve 7. [ ] Gently secure mounting nut/bolt.
the vertical angle of the pad face, it is not unusual for 8. [ ] Stabilize shoe with fingers or adjustable
the height of the pad to end up too high or too low. wrench while tightening mounting nut to
The height is adjusted later, so do not compromise 50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3').
the vertical-angle alignment at this time in order to 9. [ ] Check that all alignments were maintained
maintain acceptable height. during securing of mounting nut.
3. [ ] Inspect at either end of brake pad to see if
vertical angle of pad face is parallel to verti-
cal angle of rim face, then manipulate
washer between caliper arm and shoe up or
down to fine-tune alignment.
This type of alignment system is found on most
Tangent alignment Shimano cantilevers, many other cantilevers, and some
4. [ ] View brake pad from side of bike and move U-brakes. The front of the caliper arm has a curved
viewpoint up or down, until top corners of face against which an oppositely-curved washer is
brake shoe are even with top edge of rim. nestled. The shoe stud is inserted through a hole in a
5. [ ] Twist brake shoe around axis of shoe stud,
shoe-anchor bolt. The stud of the shoe-anchor bolt is
until front and back corners of pad are si-
multaneously even with top edge of rim. inserted through the curved washer and the slot in
the face of the caliper arm. Like other pad-alignment
A B systems, height is adjusted by moving the bolt up and
ft rr
down in the slot (see figure 36.18, below). Tangent is
Good tangent
aligned by rotating the shoe about the axis of its stud.
Toe is adjusted by means of moving the curved washer
in the face of the caliper arm (see figure 36.19, page
Poor tangent ft rr 36-12), which enables the end of the shoe anchor to
twist in or out (relative to the rim). Vertical angle of
the pad is adjusted by rotating the shoe-anchor bolt
Poor tangent ft rr about its axis (see figure 36.21, page 36-12).

36.16 When pad tangent alignment is correct, the upper front Shoe-anchor bolt
and rear corners of the pad are equidistant from the top of the rim.

Height adjustment
6. [ ] Slide shoe stud up/down in slot until desired Vertical-angle alignment
height setting is achieved. If acceptable height
cannot be achieved, compromise vertical angle
just enough to enable setting of height. Convex washer
Good height
(sidepull, cantilever, Too high 36.18 Height is adjusted by moving the shoe-anchor bolt up or
dual-pivot right) down in the slot. Vertical-angle alignment is done by rotating the
shoe-anchor bolt around its axis.

Toe alignment
Brake pads need toe in order to reduce squeal. This
is particularly true when the pads are new. When a
pad is properly toed, the exit-end of the pad should
reach the rim before the entry-end of the pad. If both
brakes were at the 12:00 position on the wheel, toe
Good height Too low
could be described as having the front ends of the brake
(centerpull, U-brake, pads reach the rim before the rear ends reach the rim.
dual-pivot left) If pads have broken in properly to the rim, no toe
36.17 Proper pad height varies with the type of brake. should be needed, unless the pads squeal on a test ride.

36 – 11
The curved washer between the face of the cali- that is in front of the face of the caliper arm moves
per arm and the shoe-anchor bolt enables toe adjust- closer to the rim. When the low side of the plastic hous-
ment, by allowing the head of the shoe-anchor bolt to ing is on the non-rim-side of the shoe-anchor bolt, the
pivot toward or away from the rim. When the head end of the pad that is in back of the face of the caliper
of the shoe-anchor bolt pivot moves out from the rim, arm moves closer to the rim. Use the figure 36.20 as a
the exit-end of the pad moves in. Conversely, when guide to positioning the plastic housings.
the head of the shoe anchor bolt pivot moves in to-
ward the rim, the exit-end of the pad moves out. Some
mechanics find it easier to align the pad by manipulat-
ing the shoe anchor. For other mechanics, the easier
approach is to position the shoe-anchor bolt by ma-
nipulating the pad. If the shoe-anchor nut is loose and Front brake Plastic housing Rear brake
the shoe stud is pushed to press the pad against the
rim, the pads will automatically align to have no toe.
To adjust pad toe, a spacer can be put between the
entry-end of the pad and the rim to space it further
Front of bike
out. A #4 (1/2") thumb tack pressed into the face of
the entry-end of the pad makes a good spacer. With
this thumb tack (henceforth called toe-tack) in place, 36.20 The plastic housings reverse orientation on front and
toe adjustment is almost automatic. Moving the toe- rear brakes.
tack closer to the exit-end of the brake pad increases
1. [ ] Complete ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER procedure
the amount of toe. Manipulation of the washer may for the type of cable system being used.
be necessary to finesse the alignment. 2. [ ] Push in on shoe stud to press pad against
rim, then check that toe-tack and exit-end of
Cross-section of caliper arm brake pad are both contacting rim simulta-
neously; manipulate shoe-anchor-bolt head
in or out to improve toe as necessary.

Washer Vertical-angle alignment

moves Vertical-angle adjustment is also enabled by chang-
outward ing the position of the shoe-anchor bolt, but in this
case it is done by rotating the shoe-anchor bolt around
Shoe-anchor Shoe-anchor bolt
rotates inward
its axis. When the bolt is rotated in one direction, the
pad face angles down and when it is rotated in the other,
the pad face angles up. Some mechanics find it easier to
36.19 When a toe-tack is put between the entry end of the pad and align the pad by manipulating the bolt. For other me-
the rim, it cause the head of the shoe-anchor bolt to rotate toward
chanics, the easiest approach is to manipulate the pad
the rim and the convex washer to twist and move outward.
in order to position the bolt. If done properly, the pro-
Some Shimano calipers have an automatic-toeing cedure for setting the toe usually also sets the vertical-
system called Easy-Set. With the Easy-Set system, there angle alignment. If it does, it may still need fine tuning.
is no need to use toe-tacks, or any other system that
creates toe alignment before the shoe-anchor nut is tight-
ened. This system, instead, relies on a special washer
between the shoe stud and the curved washer to auto-
matically create toe. The washer sits inside a plastic
housing that fits flat against the curved washer. It ap- Vertical-angle alignment
pears flat but has a distinctly sloped face that faces out
from the brake caliper. The washer is designed to col-
lapse on one side, but not on the other. The side of the
washer that collapses is in the lower portion of the plastic Height
housing. When the low side of the plastic housing is on
the rim-side of the shoe-anchor bolt, the end of the pad 36.21 Rotate the shoe-anchor bolt around its axis to change the
vertical-angle alignment.

36 – 12
When rotating the shoe-anchor bolt to improve Good cantilever Too high
the vertical angle of the pad face, it is not unusual for pad height
the pad to end up too high or too low. The height is
adjusted later, so do not compromise the vertical-angle
alignment at this time.

Good vertical-angle Poor vertical-angle alignment


Good U-brake Too low

pad height
36.22 The vertical angle of the pad face should closely match the
vertical angle of the rim’s braking surface.
36.24 Correct pad height varies depending on the type of brake
3. [ ] Inspect at both ends of brake pad to see if
vertical angle of pad face is parallel to vertical
7. [ ] Stabilize shoe-anchor bolt with Allen wrench
angle of rim face, then rotate shoe anchor
and tighten shoe-anchor nut to 70–80in-lbs
bolt around its axis to fine-tune alignment.
Tangent alignment 8. [ ] Check that all alignments were maintained
4. [ ] View brake pad from side of bike and move during securing of shoe anchor nut.
viewpoint up or down until top corners of
brake shoe are even with top edge of rim.
ft rr
This type of alignment system is commonly found
Good tangent
on older Shimano cantilevers and on many after-market
cantilevers. The front of the caliper arm has a flat face.
The shoe stud is inserted through a hole in a shoe-
Poor tangent ft rr anchor bolt. The stud of the shoe-anchor bolt is in-
serted through the sloped washer and through the slot
in the face of the caliper arm. The sloped washer has a
Poor tangent ft rr tab at its perimeter. Like some other pad-alignment
systems, height is adjusted by moving the shoe an-
chor bolt up and down in the slot, and tangent is
36.23 When pad tangent alignment is correct, the upper front aligned by rotating the shoe about the axis of its stud.
and rear corners of the pad are equidistant from the top of the rim.
Toe is adjusted by moving the tab on the sloped-washer
5. [ ] Twist brake shoe around axis of shoe stud between the 10:00 and 2:00 position. That enables the
until front and back corners of pad are si- end of the shoe anchor to twist in or out (relative to
multaneously even with top edge of rim. the rim). Vertical angle of the pad is adjusted by rotat-
ing the shoe anchor bolt around its axis. (See figure
Height adjustment 36.25, page 36-14.)
6. [ ] Slide shoe stud up/down in slot until desired
height setting is achieved. If acceptable Toe alignment
height cannot be achieved, compromise ver- Brake pads need toe in order to reduce squeal. This
tical angle just enough to enable setting of is particularly true when the pads are new. When a
height (see figure 36.24). pad is properly toed, the exit-end of the pad should
reach the rim before the entry-end of the pad. If both
brakes were at the 12:00 position on the wheel, toe
could be described as having the front ends of the brake
pads reach the rim before the rear ends reach the rim.
If pads have broken in properly to the rim, no toe
should be needed, unless the pads squeal on a test ride.

36 – 13
The sloped-washer between the face of the caliper Keep fixed
arm and the shoe-anchor bolt enables toe adjustment,
by allowing the head of the shoe-anchor bolt to pivot
toward or away from the rim. When the head of the
shoe-anchor bolt pivots out from the rim, the exit-
end of the pad moves in. Conversely, when the head Rotate
of the shoe-anchor bolt pivots in toward the rim, the
exit-end of the pad moves out. The only way to align
the toe is to rotate the sloped washer.
36.26 The vertical-angle alignment is adjusted by rotating the
shoe-anchor bolt around its axis.

Sloped washer When rotating the shoe-anchor bolt to improve

the vertical angle of the pad face, it is not unusual for
the pad to end up too high or too low. The height is
B adjusted later, so do not compromise the vertical-angle
alignment at this time.

B A Shoe-anchor bolt Good vertical-angle Poor vertical-angle alignment


36.25 When the tab on the sloped washer is rotated back and
forth, the end of the pad moves in or out.
36.27 The vertical angle of the pad face should closely match the
vertical angle of the rim’s braking surface.
1. [ ] Complete ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER procedure
3. [ ] Inspect at either end of brake pad to see if
for the type of cable system being used.
the vertical angle of the pad face is parallel
2. [ ] Push on end of shoe stud to move pad to
to the vertical angle of the rim face, then
rim, then check that toe-tack and exit-end of
rotate shoe-anchor bolt around its axis to
brake pad are both contacting rim simulta-
fine-tune alignment.
neously; manipulate sloped-washer tab in or
out to improve toe as necessary. Tangent alignment
Vertical-angle alignment 4. [ ] View brake pad from side of bike and move
viewpoint up or down until top corners of
Vertical-angle alignment is also enabled by chang-
brake shoe are even with top edge of rim.
ing the position of the shoe-anchor bolt, but in this 5. [ ] Twist brake shoe around axis of shoe stud
case it is done by rotating the shoe-anchor bolt around until front and back corners of pad are si-
its axis. When the bolt is rotated in one direction, multaneously even with top edge of rim.
the pad face angles down and when it is rotated in
the other, the pad face angles up. Rotating the shoe- A B
anchor bolt changes the effective position of the
sloped washer; it is likely the toe will need fine-tun- Good tangent ft rr
ing if the shoe-anchor bolt needs rotation to adjust (A=B)
the vertical-angle alignment.
Poor tangent ft rr

Poor tangent ft rr

36.28 When pad tangent alignment is correct, the upper front

and rear corners of the pad are equidistant from the top of the rim.

36 – 14

Height adjustment systems are found on cantilever brakes; the following

6. [ ] Slide shoe stud up/down in slot until desired procedure defines the alignment tolerances, but it is
height setting is achieved. If acceptable height expected that you will refer back to PAD-ALIGNMENT
cannot be achieved, compromise vertical angle SYSTEMS for the alignment procedure.
just enough to enable setting of height.

If working on a bike with the caliper arms already
installed , it is still a good idea to remove and reinstall
them using the following procedure. Pivot cleaning, pivot
greasing, pivot-stud inspection, and spring greasing are very
important and should not be taken for granted!
When installing caliper arms, it is a good idea to
check the pads for proper orientation. Usually, a left-
rear caliper arm and a right-front caliper arm are in-
terchangeable, except that the pads might be facing in
the wrong direction were you to switch the arms from
one end of the bike to the other.
Brake pads often have distinctly different top and
36.29 To adjust pad height, move the shoe-anchor bolt up and bottom sides. If the pad is curved over its length, it
down in the slot in the caliper arm. should be clear which is the top. Obviously, the curve
of the pad should match the curve of the rim. Pads that
are not curved may, nonetheless, still have distinct top
Good cantilever- Too high and bottom sides. Usually, if there is a manufacturer’s
pad height
name on only one side of the pad, that would be the
top side. If it is not clear which side of the pad should
face up, then determine whether there is a front or back
end (front or back of bike), whether the pad should
face in any direction in regard to the rim’s rotation (exit-
end or entry-end), or whether there are any other indi-
cations that a pad is a left or right pad.
Some pads are specifically designed to work only
on the front or back of the bike. This is often done so
Too low Too low that a longer pad can be used. Longer pads often come
with the stud off-center. The shorter end of the pad
36.30 Correct cantilever brake-pad height. always faces the frame or fork, so that the pad will
clear the frame or work when the brakes are released.
7. [ ] Stabilize shoe-anchor bolt with Allen wrench It is not unusual for a pad to be specifically de-
and tighten shoe anchor nut to 70–80in-lbs
signed for its orientation to the rim’s rotation. If the
8. [ ] Check that all alignments were maintained shoe is open at one end so that the pad rubber can be
during securing of shoe-anchor nut. slid in or out, then the open end must be the entry-
end, and the closed end would consequently be the
exit-end. This orientation prevents the pad from slid-
ing out of the shoe. When a manufacturer marks a
CANTILEVER CALIPERS pad with the word forward, the end that is forward
This section covers cantilevers equipped with sev- would be the exit-end of the pad.
eral different cable systems, including straddle-wire Some pads are marked for left and right usage.
systems, link-wire systems (such as Shimano Pro-Set Shimano has done this for years, putting an L or R
models), link-unit systems (such as Shimano M-sys- directly on the pad. Usually, however, it is unlikely
tem brakes), and transverse-wire systems (such as that a pad will be marked this way. A combination of
Shimano V-brakes). Several different pad-alignment other markings may, in effect, make a pad a left or
right pad. If a pad were marked for the front of the

36 – 15
bike, curved so that it had a specific top side, and without relying on high torque. The Loctite should
marked with an arrow or the word forward (for direc- be put inside the pivot stud, not on the mounting bolt
tion of rim rotation), then it could only go on one side threads; Loctite on the bolt threads has a tendency to
of the front brake to meet all these criteria. back out of the pivot-stud hole and get into the space
1. [ ] Check for any indications of: which side of between the pivot stud and the caliper arm. The fac-
each brake pad is top side, which end of each tory often puts dry Loctite on the mounting bolt that
pad should point to direction rim rotates, is good for several installations. If the bolt can be
whether pads are specific to front or rear of threaded in by hand, then fresh Loctite is needed.
bike, and for any markings that indicate pads 5. [ ] Use Loctite 242 inside pivot-stud threads un-
are specific to left or right side of the bike. less mounting bolts have dry factory Loctite
The next step suggests installing toe-tacks in the face in good condition (or nylon insert) on threads.
of the brake shoes. Toe-tacks are simply #4 thumb tacks. 6. [ ] Grease any coil springs that will be enclosed
Placing toe tacks in the pad face is a convenient way to inside caliper arms.
set the toe adjustment. The amount of toe can be con- There are springs specific to the left and right caliper
trolled by how deep the toe-tack is pressed in, and by arms. When a spring is on the correct side, it will always
how far the toe-tack is installed from the entry-end of coil tighter as the caliper arm moves the pad closer to the
the brake pad. Rubber bands wrapped around the entry- rim, and uncoil as the pad moves away from the rim.
end of the pad are alternative method for creating toe. Over the years, Shimano has remained very consistent
Brake pads that are well broken-in to the rim, and brake and used a silver spring in the right caliper arm, and a
pads on Shimano V-brakes, may not need any toe; if this gold spring in the left caliper arm (left and right when
is the case, the next step should be skipped. facing front of caliper, not in regard to side of bike).
2. [ ] Install toe-tacks in face of entry-end of pad Coil springs often have one leg that fits into a hole
so that they do not extend beyond pad face. in the spring-mounting plate at the base of the pivot
Before preparing to install the caliper arms on the stud, and another leg that goes in a hole in the caliper
pivot studs, it is a good idea to test fit the caliper arms arm. When a spring has legs of different length, the
on the pivot studs. If the fit is difficult, it could be longer leg almost always fits into the spring-mount-
caused by several things. Paint or rust on a pivot stud ing plate at the base of the pivot stud.
can make it a tight fit; these conditions can easily be Certain vintages of Shimano brakes had multiple
repaired by using some medium-grit emery cloth on holes inside the caliper arm into which the spring leg
the pivot stud. Pivot studs could be mushroomed on installs. This was done to offer the option of setting up
the end, if caliper-mounting bolts have been over-tight- the brake with a soft (SLR) feel, or firmer (NORMAL)
ened. This mushrooming damage is harder to repair feel. After putting the spring into one of the holes, a
with emery cloth. A Bicycle Research BM1 is a simple dustcap is placed over the spring. The triangular indi-
and effective tool that will repair mushrooming, as cator on the caliper arm points either to the SLR or
well as remove paint with ease. NORMAL notation on the dustcap, depending into
If the bike is used, it is a good idea to inspect the which hole in the caliper arm the spring was installed.
pivot studs for bends or cracks at the base. It is not a These SLR/NORMAL-marked dustcaps were also
good idea to bend pivot studs back into alignment. marked for left and right side of the brake with an L
Cracked studs are a safety and liability risk that no or R. Particularly as the brakes are getting older, it is a
one should take. If the pivot stud is not replaceable, good idea to select the spring hole that sets the brake
it may still be possible to repair it without brazing. at the NORMAL setting.
Some types of brazed-on pivot studs can be repaired
with a replacement retained by a bolt that attaches
to the original pivot-stud base.
3. [ ] Grease outside of pivot studs.
4. [ ] Grease outside of any bushings to be in-
stalled over pivot studs.
It is very critical that the caliper arms be well-se-
cured, but the design of pivot studs prevents using
high torques on the mounting bolts (mushrooming of
the pivot stud may occur). The solution to this is to
use Loctite #242 to retain the mounting bolt securely 36.31 Shimano SLR and NORMAL spring and dustcap orientations.

36 – 16
7. [ ] Select spring for each side so that spring 13. [ ] Link-wire and Link-unit systems: Position
will coil tighter as brake pad moves in to- pads so that they will go below rim when
wards rim, and install spring in caliper. caliper arms move in.
8. [ ] Put any dustcaps or spring-adjusting nuts (if Straddle-wire systems and Shimano V-brake:
any) on backside of caliper, and any remov- Position pads on caliper to approximately cor-
able bushings (greased) inside of caliper hole. rect height, tangent, and toe. Leave nuts/
9. [ ] Slide caliper assembly onto pivot stud. If there bolts just tight enough to keep shoe in place.
are multiple spring holes in spring-mounting
plate, make sure springs go in middle holes.
10. [ ] If caliper is Dia-Compe 984 or similar (with ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER
spring-tension-adjusting nut on front of cali- At this point, determine whether the brake sys-
per), install nut on face of caliper. tem uses a straddle-wire, a link-wire, a link-unit, or a
11. [ ] Install, but do not tighten, mounting bolts. transverse cable. Once this is determined, use the ap-
All caliper arms have a bushing that fits between the propriate following section for attaching the cable
pivot stud and the caliper arm to act as a bearing. In system to the calipers.
some cases, the bushing is a fixed and permanent part of
the caliper arm. In other cases, the bushings is either re-
movable or can be rotated in the caliper arm. If a caliper Cable carrier
arm has a fixed bushing, the head of the mounting bolt
presses against the end of the pivot stud. In these cases,
low torque is needed to prevent mushrooming the pivot
Primary wire
stud. If the caliper arm has an independent bushing (re-
movable or free-rotating), then the head of the mount-
ing bolt presses against the bushing. In these cases, the
bushing can take higher torque than the pivot stud, and
the bushing needs higher torque to prevent it from turn-
ing. Inspect the caliper arm to determine whether it has
a fixed, or independent, bushing.
Some caliper arms have a nut (or plate) that is in-
stalled in front of or behind the caliper arm, to which
the spring is attached. This is seen on some Dia-Compe
and SunTour brakes. This feature is usually found on 36.32 A cantilever with a straddle-wire.
one caliper arm. This spring-tension-adjusting nut (or
plate) will stay at the position it is set when the mount-
ing bolt is secured. When securing the mounting bolt
in the next step, position the spring tension nut so
that the positions of the caliper arms on each side of
the wheel are symmetrical.
12. [ ] Fixed-bushing caliper(s): Secure to 25in-lbs
Link-wire head
Independent-bushing caliper(s): Secure to
50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3").
If the brake uses a link-wire or link-unit cable-
attachment system, the brake pads can interfere with
getting the cable-attachment system set up properly.
For this reason, if the brake has one of these cable
systems, the next step requires positioning the pads so
that they will miss the rim when the caliper arms move
in. On the other hand, brakes with straddle-wires or
transverse wires require that the pads are in a normal
position in order to attach the cable system to the cali-
per arms. The pads should be set up close to their
final position, but precision adjustment is done later. 36.33 A cantilever with a link-wire.

36 – 17
The cable carrier should be installed on the pri-
mary wire so that the name and the nut both face out
from the frame or fork, and so that the trough the
straddle-wire sits in is on the side of the cable carrier
that faces the frame or fork. The purpose of this is
Link-unit head
threefold: it creates access so that the nut can be tight-
ened with a torque wrench, it creates clearance so that
the cable carrier does not interfere with the headset
cup, and it is aesthetically correct.
Traditional cable carriers with a simple pinch
Link unit mechanism are being replaced by carriers made out of
extruded aluminum in all types of fanciful shapes.
Primary These are most often used to replace link-unit and link-
wire wire systems, on the premise that the link-unit or link-
wire system is too troublesome to learn to set up prop-
erly. Most of these fancier cable carriers attach to the
wires by means of set screws, rather than by a pinch
mechanism. A pinch mechanism works by squeezing
the wire between two flat surfaces; pinch mechanisms
36.34 A cantilever with a link-unit. flatten and distort the wires, but do not break strands.
Set screws work by biting into the wire; they are de-
signed to do this biting on solid metal surfaces, not
wires. Set screws cause wires to fray; cable carriers that
use set screws to secure the wire should not be used!
3. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on
cable carrier.
4. [ ] Slide cable carrier over primary wire so that
nut faces out from frame or fork.
5. [ ] Position cable carrier on primary wire so bot-
tom edge of cable carrier clears tire tread by
35–45mm, or to just clear reflector bracket.


36.35 A Shimano V-brake with a transverse wire.

Straddle-wire systems
Straddle-wire systems are found on older Shimano
cantilever brakes, and almost all current cantilever
brakes made by companies other than Shimano.
Newer Shimano cantilevers use link-wires, link-units,
or transverse wires. It is not unusual to find Shimano
cantilevers that were designed with link-wires or link- 36.36 Position the cable carrier on the primary wire so that it
units converted to a straddle-wire setup. clears the tire tread by 35–45mm.
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not
already installed. 6. [ ] Hold cable-carrier bolt with wrench, then
2. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full torque nut to 50–70in-lbs (17–23lbs@3").
turns out from fully-in position. 7. [ ] Hold pads to rim with third-hand tool.

36 – 18
8. [ ] Thread straddle cable through cable carrier 3. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on
and caliper-arm pinch mechanism, then hook link-wire head.
straddle-wire bead into other caliper arm. 4. [ ] Slide link-wire head over primary wire so
9. [ ] Use fourth-hand tool on end of straddle that aluminum side faces out from frame or
wire to pull slack out of straddle-wire and fork, when bead of link wire points to caliper
inner wire. arm that has socket for link-wire bead.
10. [ ] Torque caliper-arm pinch to 50–70in-lbs 5. [ ] Oil threads of pinch bolt on caliper arm.
(17–23lbs@3"). 6. [ ] Thread primary wire under pinch plate on
11. [ ] Remove third-hand tool. Both brake pads caliper arm.
should be rubbing the rim at this time! 7. [ ] Hook link-wire bead into socket on other
caliper arm.
Link-wire systems Shimano Pro-Set tools are marked with the same
Link-wire systems are found on a series of Shimano letter codes as the link-wires. There is also a number
cantilever models that were called Pro-Set cantilevers.
on the tool. The number corresponds to the length of
The link-wire replaces the straddle wire and cable car-
the exposed wire in the link-wire (from the edge of
rier. The straddle-wire/cable-carrier system is prone
the bead to where the wire enters the head). The num-
to several problems that Shimano helped to solve with
ber is useful if the marking cannot be found on the
the link-wire system (see figure 36.33, page 36-17).
link-wire. It is also useful if the link-wire is a non-
Brake performance is closely tied to the geometry of
Shimano imitation (which is likely to be mis-marked).
the cable-attachment system. Since straddle wires have
adjustable length, there is no good way for the manufac-
turer to ensure the brake system would be set up with
optimum performance. The link-wire systems solves this Loose
problem because the link-wire has a fixed length.
The fact that cable carriers can float back and forth
on the straddle-wire creates problems with creating a
ProSet tool A
stable pad-centering adjustment. The fixed nature of
the link-wire also solves this problem. Contact
Shimano’s original attempts at using a link-wire did
not rely on using their Pro-Set tools to set up the link
wire. Mechanics found setup to be very problematical. Pull
After a short period, Shimano introduced their Pro-Set
tools for setting up link-wire systems. The Pro-Set tools
make clearance and centering adjustments semi-auto-
matic, if properly used. If the Pro-Set tools are not used, Pads below rim
setting up a brake with a link wire can be problematic.
Link-wires come in a variety of sizes that are marked 36.37 A link-wire set-up, with a Pro-Set tool in place.
with a letter, or a letter/number combination. The let-
ters are A, B, C, D, E, and S. The A and B sizes are 8. [ ] Select Shimano Pro-Set tool that has match-
most commonly seen. When replacing a link-wire, try ing letter to letter that appears on link wire;
to match the existing size. If a longer link-wire is used, install tool so that link wire head is nestled in
watch out for the link wire head getting too close to cradle at center of tool, and so that primary
the housing stop. A clearance of 20mm is required be- wire and link wire are in slots at ends of tool.
tween the link-wire head and the housing stop. 9. [ ] Use fourth-hand tool to pull slack out of pri-
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not mary wire until both caliper arms are against
already installed. ends of Pro-Set tool; make sure that tool is
2. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full properly seated on wires and link-unit head.
turns out from fully in position. (Rotate pads down if pads touch rim before
There are two ends to the link-wire. One end is Pro-Set tool seats against caliper arms.)
simply a lead cylinder that is called the bead; the other 10. [ ] Torque caliper-arm pinch to 50–70in-lbs
end has another bead that is trapped between two (17–23lbs@3").
11. [ ] Hold head of bolt in link-unit with wrench and
plates. The primary wire is routed through these two
torque nut to 35–45in-lbs (12–15lbs@3").
plates, as well. The two plates are called the link-wire
12. [ ] Do not remove Pro-Set tool at this time.
head. There is a pinch bolt and nut through the link- 13. [ ] Position pad faces against rim and snug
wire head that fixes the head to the primary wire. shoe-anchor nuts.

36 – 19
14. [ ] Hold shoes to rim with third-hand tool. 3. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on
15. [ ] Loosen shoe-anchor nuts. caliper arm.
16. [ ] Move calipers/Pro-Set tool assembly to one 4. [ ] Thread primary wire through link-unit head
side or other until equal amounts of shoe and then through link-unit housing.
stud protrude from each shoe-anchor bolt, 5. [ ] Move primary wire over ramp and into work-
then gently secure one shoe-anchor nut. ing slot in link-unit head.
NOTE: Side with loose shoe-anchor nut will
be first side to adjust pad alignment on.
17. [ ] Remove third-hand tool, but do not remove 2 – Slide wire over ramp
Pro-Set tool at this time. 1 – Insert

Link-unit systems
Shimano invented the link-unit system to replace
the link-wire system. Link-units are used on a Shimano 4 – Tighten BACK VIEW
brakes called M-system brakes. The link-unit serves
all the purposes and functions of the link-wire sys- Contact
tem, but does not require the use of Pro-Set tools to
set it up. A link-unit consists of a link-wire, a link- 3 – Pull
wire head, and a piece of housing attached to the head
that goes to the caliper arm with the pinch mecha-
nism. The piece of housing fixes the distance of the
head from the right caliper arm and eliminates the 36.39 Installing the primary wire into the link-unit.
need for the Pro-Set tool.
6. [ ] Hook lead bead on link-unit into caliper arm.
7. [ ] Insert primary wire through pinch mecha-
Link-unit head nism on right caliper arm, then tighten pinch
bolt just enough so that cable can still slide
through pinch mechanism.
8. [ ] Push on link-unit head until link-unit housing
stops against caliper arm.
9. [ ] Move primary wire through link-unit housing
Link unit
with fourth-hand tool, to align alignment line in
link-unit head so that groove is aligned to link-
unit wire. (Use straight edge to extend align-
ment line to make alignment easier to see.)

Alignment line

36.38 A link-unit system.

1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not

already installed. Maintain contact
2. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full
turns out from fully-in position.
Link-units come in a variety of sizes. They may be
marked with letters A, B , C, or D. The A and B sizes
are the most common. When replacing a link-unit, try
to match the existing size. If a longer link-unit is used,
watch out for the link-unit head end up too close to the
housing stop. A clearance of at least 20mm is required
36.40 Use a fourth hand on the primary wire to align the align-
between the link-unit head and the housing stop.
ment line with the link-unit wire.

36 – 20
10. [ ] Torque caliper-arm pinch to 50–70in-lbs pivot-stud width. The washers are the same concave
(17–23lbs@3"). types used for pad alignments. There is one 6mm-thick
11. [ ] Use cable-adjusting barrel to raise link-unit concave washer, and another that is 3mm. They can
head up until alignment line points to posi- be switched back and forth between their positions
tion A in figure 36.41. (Use straight edge to
inward and outward of the caliper arm to change the
extend alignment line to make alignment
easier to sight.)
distance between the ends of the caliper arm when
the pads meet the rim. See figure 36.42, and try switch-
ing the washers if the dimension is less than 39mm.

Alignment line

A 39mm or more


Adjust clockwise to increase R,

counterclockwise to increase L

36.41 Use adjusting barrel to move link-unit head up until align- 36.42 If the dimension shown is less than 39mm, switch the posi-
ment line points to A. tions of the 3m and 6mm concave washers in the pad-mounting
12. [ ] Use adjusting screw in side of right caliper
arm to center arms to rim to <1mm differ- 5. [ ] Measure from end of bracket that holds
ence. Measure from each caliper to rim as cable-guide tube, to edge of pinch-bolt head.
shown in figure 36.41. 6. [ ] If dimension in previous step is <39mm, re-
install pads with 6mm concave washers be-
Shimano V-brake (transverse wire) tween caliper arm and brake shoe, and 3mm
The Shimano V-brake system differs in appearance concave washers between caliper arm and
from a cantilever, but acts in essentially the same fash- mounting nut.
ion. It is simpler to set up than most cantilever brakes, 7. [ ] Insert cable-guide tube into bracket in left arm.
because the primary wire attaches directly to the cali- 8. [ ] Insert inner wire through cable-guide tube
per arms, much like a sidepull brake. and through pinch mechanism.
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not 9. [ ] Pull slack wire through pinch mechanism un-
already installed. til pads are against rim, then torque pinch
2. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full bolt to 50–70in-lbs (17–23lbs@3").
turns out from fully-in position.
3. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on
right caliper arm.
4. [ ] Hold pads to rim with third-hand tool. 1. [ ] Loosen shoe-mounting bolts/nuts just enough
so that shoe alignment can be manipulated
It is possible to set up a Shimano V-brake so that
with your fingers (except link-wire and link-
the ends of the caliper arms actually end up touching
unit brakes; this step is already done).
under certain conditions. That, of course, makes the Determine the type of pad-alignment system used
application of additional brake force impossible. To on the calipers. Use the procedures in the earlier section
ensure that this does not happen, Shimano provides for SIMPLE THREADED-STUD-PAD ALIGNMENT (page 36-8),
washers that can be moved to different locations to THREADED-STUD/CURVED-WASHER PAD ALIGNMENT (page
compensate for different combinations of rim and

36 – 21
ALIGNMENT (page 36-14) Align the pads to the toler- washers
ances described in step 2.

Sloped washer


36.43 A simple threaded-stud-pad alignment design.

Shoe stud

36.46 A smooth-stud/sloped washer pad-alignment design.

Proper-pad height is a very critical to the correct

Concave washer installation of cantilever brakes. The nature of a typical
Convex washer cantilever arm causes the pads to arc significantly down-
Concave washer Convex-faced nut ward as the pads move in toward the rim. The inward
36.44 A threaded-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design. motion that results from compression after the pads con-
tact the rim causes even more downward motion. Over
time, pad wear has an even greater affect on the height of
the pad when it reaches the rim. For these reasons, it is
Shoe-anchor nut
critical to set the pads as high on the rim as is safe, when
setting up cantilever brakes. Normally, this highest set-
ting would place the top edge of the pad even with the
top edge of the braking surface on the rim. Unfortu-
Convex washer Concave washer
nately, the braking surface is not always clearly delin-
eated. If the braking surface gradually transitions to the
“top” of the rim, the correct height is somewhat subjec-
bolt tive. Certainly, the top edge of the pad should not be
more than 1mm below the top edge of the rim. Figure
36.47 shows good cantilever-pad height on a rim with a
clearly delineated braking surface, and on a rim with a
Shoe stud gradual transition from the top of the braking surface to
the top of the rim. After setting pad height to the ideal
position, it is important to check whether the pads inter-
fere with the tire after the brakes are released. This can-
not be checked until the brake setup is completed.

Top of brake Top of brake

36.45 A smooth-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design. surface is clear surface unclear

Good Good Too low

36.47 Correct cantilever-pad height.

36 – 22
2. [ ] Determine what pad-alignment system to ance is adequate for virtually all brakes, but for some
use by looking at way shoes are mounted to low-performance equipment you might exercise dis-
caliper arm, then use appropriate pad-align- cretion and set a larger clearance.
ment-system procedure to achieve following Second, the cables system should release effort-
tolerances (in order indicated by pad-align-
lessly. It is common for mechanics to set brake-pad
ment-system procedure):
Pad toe: entry-end of pad clears rim by .5–
clearance tighter than necessary. There is a belief that
1.5mm when exit-end touches rim. it makes the brakes “feel better,” and that it is a hall-
Vertical angle: vertical angle of pad face is mark of a meticulous mechanic. These misdirected
parallel to vertical angle of rim face. goals should be avoided. Instead, adhere to this sec-
Pad tangent: top corners of pad are equidis- ond parameter. The primary convenience feature that
tant from top edge of rim. is established by following this guideline is that it will
Pad height: top edge of pad face is even be easy for the rider to release the brakes when wheel
with top edge of rim’s braking surface (un- removal is required. The common mechanic’s error is
less interference with tire occurs when cali- to check the cable-system release with the benefit of a
per is released).
mechanic’s strong fingers. The procedure recommends
Smooth-stud engagement: Position shoes
so that both contact rim and amount of
handicapping yourself by using any finger combina-
shoe stud protruding past anchor bolts is tion not inluding your thumb, to simulate a rider with
equal on both sides. more typical finger strength. Another is that the brake
lever will travel a reasonable amount before engaging
the pads to the rim. When the lever does not travel far
CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT before pad engagement, riders with short fingers have
1. [ ] Remove Pro-Set tool from link-wire system, to operate the brake levers with fingers that are un-
if applicable. comfortably extended. The additional pad clearance
The brake system is ready to be stressed. To stress that is created by this parameter makes it more conve-
the system, squeeze the lever 10 times, as hard as it nient for the rider to install the wheel without the
would be squeezed in a panic stop. This stressing pro- rim rubbing the pads. You (the mechanic) will appre-
cedure performs several functions: it seats wire beads ciate the extra pad clearance established when this rule
into their sockets fully, it seats housing ends into the is followed. Extra pad clearance makes the pad-cen-
stops fully, it double-checks that pinch mechanisms tering adjustment easier.
are adequately secure, it confirms that pads are ad- 4. [ ] Go to step 5 of Straddle-wire systems (page 36-
equately secure, and it tests for defective wire beads 23), Link-wire systems (page 36-24), Link-unit
that could pop off under high load. systems (page 36-24), or Shimano V-brake (page
2. [ ] Stress cable system by pulling on lever 36-25), as appropriate.
equivalent of 10 hard panic stops.
3. [ ] Inspect for pads that have lost alignment Straddle-wire systems
and wires that have slipped through pinch 5. [ ] Pull on brake lever just until pads touch rim
mechanisms. and check if clearance between lever and
Before going to the next step, which leads directly grip is <25mm.
to setting the pad clearance, it is important to under- 6. [ ] If lever clears grip by <25mm in previous
step, turn cable-adjusting barrel out (up to 5
stand the parameters for pad clearance. There are two
full turns out from fully-in) to tighten cable,
parameters: when the pads first reach the rim, the le- then check lever clearance again. (If clearance
ver should have at least 25mm of clearance to the grip, is still <25mm after turning adjusting barrel
and when the pads are held to the rim by hand, it out to 5-turn limit, turn adjusting barrel in 2
should be relatively effortless to release the cable sys- full turns, then pull approximately 2–3mm of
tem from the caliper. straddle-wire through caliper-arm pinch
The 25mm clearance between the lever and the mechanism; check lever clearance again.)
grip is the rule that determines that the brakes are 7. [ ] Hold pads to rim with one hand and pull
safely set up. If there is not enough lever travel left straddle-wire bead out of socket in caliper
after the pads first reach the rim, then the potential arm using any combination of fingers not in-
cluding your thumb.
braking force will be compromised. The 25mm toler-

36 – 23
8. [ ] If straddle-wire bead is too difficult to re- 9. [ ] Unhook link-wire bead, remove toe-tacks,
move, turn adjusting barrel in 1 full turn and then re-hook link-wire bead.
check again. Repeat adjustment if straddle-
wire removal remains difficult. (If straddle-
Link-unit systems
wire removal is still difficult after adjusting There is a line on the face of the link-unit head
barrel is fully-in, release 2–3mm of straddle- that is supposed to come close to lining up with the
wire through caliper-arm pinch mechanism, link-wire when the brake is all set up. Establishing
secure pinch mechanism, then check this alignment ensures that the cable geometry will
straddle-wire removal again.) offer maximum brake performance.
9. [ ] Unhook straddle-wire, remove toe-tacks, 5. [ ] Check if alignment line in link-unit head falls
then rehook straddle-wire. between A and C in figure 36.48.
Link-wire systems
5. [ ] Pull on brake lever just until pads touch rim
and check if clearance between lever and
grip is <25mm.
Alignment line
In the next step, if the adjusting barrel needs to be
turned out more than a total of five full turns to cor-
rect the condition of the lever getting too close to the
grip, several things may have gone wrong in the setup
of the brake. It is possible that the primary wire has
slipped through the pinch mechanism, the housing C
ends were never fully seated in the stops, or that the
pads were not set to contact the rim when the pad 36.48 After stressing the cable system, the alignment line in the
alignment was done with the Pro-Set tool in place. link-unit head should point between points A and C.
All of these problems require that you start over at
ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER(page 36-17). 6. [ ] If alignment line failed to point between
6. [ ] If lever clears grip by <25mm in previous points A and C as in figure 36-48, move in-
step, turn cable-adjusting barrel out (up to 5 ner wire through pinch mechanism on caliper
full turns out from fully-in) to tighten cable, arm to improve alignment.
then check lever clearance again. (If clear- 7. [ ] Pull on brake lever just until pads touch rim
ance is still <25mm after turning adjusting and check if clearance between lever and
barrel out to 5-turn limit, return to ATTACH grip is <25mm.
CABLE TO CALIPER and start over.) In the next step, if the adjusting barrel must be
7. [ ] Hold pads to rim with one hand and pull link- turned out more than 5 full turns (or if the alignment
wire bead out of socket in caliper arm using line would end up pointing above point A) to prevent
any combination of fingers not including the lever from coming closer than 25mm to the grip
your thumb. when the pads contact the rim, several things may
If, in the next step, the adjusting barrel cannot be have gone wrong in the setup of the brake. It is pos-
turned in far enough to create easy cable-system re- sible that the primary wire has slipped through the
lease, several things may have gone wrong in the setup pinch mechanism, the housing ends were not fully
of the brake. It is possible that the adjusting barrel seated in the stops, or that the pads were set to con-
was not out three full turns before attaching the cable tact the rim when the alignment line was pointing
to the caliper, the Pro-Set tool was not properly in- above point A. All of these problems require that you
stalled, the Pro-Set tool was removed before the pads start over at ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER (page 36-17).
were adjusted, or that too much tension was put on 8. [ ] If lever clears grip by <25mm in previous
the wire by the fourth-hand tool. All of these prob- step, turn cable-adjusting barrel out (up to 5
lems are best solved by starting over again at ATTACH full turns out from fully-in, or until alignment
CABLE TO CALIPER (page 36-17). line points no higher than point A) to tighten
8. [ ] If link-wire wire bead is too difficult to re- cable, then check lever clearance again. (If
move, turn adjusting barrel in 1 full turn and clearance is still <25mm after turning ad-
check again. Repeat adjustment if link-wire- justing barrel out to limit, return to ATTACH
bead removal remains difficult. (If link-wire- CABLE TO CALIPER and start over.)
bead removal is still difficult after turning ad-
justing barrel fully-in, return to ATTACH CABLE
TO CALIPER and start over.)

36 – 24
9. [ ] Hold pads to rim with one hand and pull link-
wire bead out of socket in caliper arm using
any combination of fingers not including Caliper with spring-tension-adjusting nut
your thumb. Spring-tension-adjusting nuts are usually found
If, in the next step, the adjusting barrel cannot be on the back side of the left caliper arm, but may be
turned in far enough (or the alignment line must point found on the faces of both caliper arms. The caliper-
below point C) to create easy cable-system release, mounting bolt should be loosened to adjust the
several things may have gone wrong in the setup of spring-tension-adjusting nut(s). A cone wrench works
the brake. It is possible that the adjusting barrel was well on spring-tension-adjusting nuts located on the
not out three full turns before attaching the cable to back side of the caliper.
the caliper or that the pads were set to contact the rim 1. [ ] Operate brake several times, then check
when the alignment line was pointing below point A. whether pads clear rim equally.
All of these problems are best solved by starting over 2. [ ] If caliper has a cable-carrier/straddle-wire-
again at ATTACH CABLE TO CALIPER(page 36-17). cable-attachment system, try sliding carrier
10. [ ] If link-unit wire bead is too difficult to re- toward side with too much pad clearance;
move, turn adjusting barrel in 1 full turn and operate brake and see if centering improves
check again. Repeat adjustment if link-unit and cable carrier holds its position.
wire-bead removal remains difficult, but do 3. [ ] Loosen caliper-mounting bolt on caliper arm
not adjust until alignment line points below that has spring-tension-adjusting nut on
point C as in figure 36.48. (If link-unit wire- front or back face of caliper arm.
bead removal is still difficult after turning ad- 4. [ ] Rotate spring-tension-adjusting nut either
justing barrel in to limit, return to ATTACH way until pad centering is acceptable.
CABLE TO CALIPER and start over.) 5. [ ] Holding spring-tension-adjusting nut station-
11. [ ] Unhook link-unit wire bead, remove toe- ary, torque caliper-arm-mounting bolt to
tacks, then rehook link-unit wire bead. 50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3").
6. [ ] Operate brake and check whether further
Shimano V-brake (transverse wire) adjustment is needed.
5. [ ] Pull on brake lever just until pads touch rim
and check if clearance between lever and Caliper with spring-tension-adjusting screw
grip is <25mm. Spring-tension-adjusting screws adjust the position
6. [ ] If lever clears grip by <25mm in previous of a spring-mounting plate located inside the caliper
step, turn cable-adjusting barrel out (up to 5 arm (where it cannot be seen). The spring-tension-ad-
full turns out from fully-in) to tighten cable, justing screw might be a recessed Allen screw or an
then check lever clearance again. (If clear-
exposed Phillips screw. The spring-tension-adjusting
ance is still <25mm after turning adjusting
barrel out to 5-turn limit, turn adjusting bar-
screw is usually located on the right caliper arm on
rel in 2 full turns, then pull approximately 2– the outside edge above the arm pivot and below the
3mm of wire through caliper-arm pinch shoe mount. Turning the screw into the caliper arm
mechanism; check lever clearance again.) always increases spring tension and clearance on the
7. [ ] Hold pads to rim with one hand and pull cable- side where the screw is found. Turning the screw out
guide tube out of bracket on left caliper arm. of the caliper arm always decreases spring tension and
8. [ ] If cable-guide tube is too difficult to remove, clearance on the side where the screw is found.
turn adjusting barrel in 1 full turn and check 1. [ ] Operate brake several times, then check
again. Repeat adjustment if cable-guide-tube whether pads clear equally.
removal remains difficult. (If cable-guide- 2. [ ] If caliper has a cable-carrier/straddle-wire-
tube removal is still difficult after adjusting cable-attachment system, try sliding carrier
barrel is fully-in, release 2–3mm of wire toward side with too much pad clearance;
through caliper-arm pinch mechanism, se- operate brake and see if centering improves
cure pinch mechanism, then check cable- and cable carrier holds its position.
guide-tube removal again.) 3. [ ] Tighten spring-tension-adjusting screw to in-
crease clearance of pad attached to caliper
arm that has spring-tension-adjusting screw,
or loosen spring-tension-adjusting screw to
decrease clearance of pad attached to caliper
arm that has spring-tension-adjusting screw.

36 – 25
4. [ ] Operate brake and check whether pad clear-
ance is uniform on both sides. If not, repeat
adjustment of spring-tension-adjusting screw. The double-nut-pivot type of sidepull caliper is
characterized by two nuts that are locked to each other
Changing shoe-stud engagement on the face of the caliper. These nuts are used to ad-
When setting up brakes with smooth-stud brake just the pivot. The other common type of pivot de-
shoes, the objective is to have the same amount of shoe sign is the safety-pivot type, which has a bolt head on
stud protruding out past both anchor bolts. If the cen- the front of the pivot, instead of the two nuts.
tering methods described above do not get the pads
equally centered, check whether the shoe studs are pro- Spring-mounting
truding evenly. If not, the shoe alignments should be plate
redone. Be certain to set the shoe studs equally.
If the shoe-stud engagements are equal, the cable
Pivot bolt
system is set up properly, and the brakes still cannot
be centered, there are usually other problems with
the brakes. These problems could be sticky caliper- Spring
arm pivots, damaged springs, mis-installed springs, or
simply that the wheel is poorly centered between the
pivot studs. If any of these problems are found, they
should be addressed. If there is still a problem equaliz-
ing pad clearance, then shoe-stud engagement in the
shoe anchor bolts can be deliberately offset to improve Double-nuts
pad-clearance symmetry.

FINISHING 36.49 Blow-up of a typical double-nut-pivot assembly.

See the section called FINISHING (page 36-43) for

cable finish, rim cleaning, and test-ride procedures.
1. [ ] Grasp back end of pivot/mounting bolt in
soft jaws of bench vise.
2. [ ] Disconnect springs from caliper arms by
SIDEPULL CALIPERS popping them out of their mounts with
screwdriver, or Langley fifth-hand tool.
This section contains the following sub-sections, 3. [ ] Hold inner nut stationary while turning outer
which may all be used, or can be used in part: nut counterclockwise, until removed.
DOUBLE-NUT PIVOT SERVICE 4. [ ] Remove inner nut.
SAFETY-PIVOT SERVICE 5. [ ] Remove front washer(s) and note
PAD ADJUSTMENT 6. [ ] Remove front caliper arm, and look for
washers stuck on back side of arm.
7. [ ] Remove any washers between front and
CENTERING ADJUSTMENT back caliper arms. Shimano Dura-Ace caliper
Even if the brake caliper is not being disassembled #BR7400 may have central washer that is
as part of the brake service, it is nonetheless a good sandwich of plastic washer (contains 14-
idea to readjust the pivots. Loose pivots cause brake 2mm ball bearings) between two metal
squeal and “grabby” feeling brakes. It is important to washers. Be careful when separating wash-
remember that loose pivot-adjusting nuts on a double- ers so that balls do not drop out.
nut-type pivot can cause the brake to come apart! 8. [ ] Remove back caliper arm and look for
The PAD ADJUSTMENT section provides alignment washer stuck on backside of arm. Note ori-
tolerances only. You must refer back to the earlier sec- entation of washer.
9. [ ] Remove any washer left on pivot bolt and
tion, PAD-ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS, to use the procedure
note its orientation.
for aligning the pads. (Page numbers are provided in 10. [ ] Note orientation of spring and remove it
the procedure when needed.) from slot in spring-mounting plate.

36 – 26
If you are disassembling front and rear calipers at 21. [ ] Place spring in spring-mounting plate.
the same time, it is critical that you do not mix up the 22. [ ] Place back washer in its correct orientation
arms. They may be different lengths, or they may have on pivot.
been twisted to create the pad-toe adjustment. When 23. [ ] Oil front and back of rear caliper arm at pivot.
caliper arms have been twisted for toe adjustment, the 24. [ ] Place rear caliper arm on pivot, but do not
direction of twist on the front is opposite of that used engage spring.
on rear calipers. Use a scribe to mark the back face of 25. [ ] Place middle washer(s) on pivot. (Oil bear-
each caliper arm. A single scribe mark can be used to ings in Shimano Dura-Ace #BR-7400
indicate a front caliper arm, and a double scribe mark middle washer.)
can indicate a rear caliper arm. 26. [ ] Oil front and back of front caliper arm at pivot.
11. [ ] If disassembling front and rear brakes, mark 27. [ ] Place front caliper arm on pivot, making sure
front and rear arms with different marks. that cable-pinch-mechanism end of arm is
below housing stop end of rear caliper arm.
Brake pads that have broken-in to the rim should
Do not engage spring ends at this time.
always be reinstalled at their original locations and ori-
28. [ ] Place front washer(s) on pivot in correct ori-
entations, even if there were no original orientation guide-
lines on the pads. A convenient way to mark pads is to 29. [ ] Thread on two front nuts.
use the corner edge of a file to put a groove in the back 30. [ ] Engage spring ends to posts on back face of
and bottom edge of the pad. This location for the groove caliper arms, and lubricate points at which
is well hidden from view when the pad is on the bike they bear against arms. Additional oil may
and has no effect on braking quality. By putting the be needed in coils themselves, between
groove on the back and bottom edge, there is no way coils and spring-mounting plate, and be-
the pad can be installed incorrectly. See figure 36.53 (page tween spring and rear caliper arm.
36-29) for clarification as to where the pads should be 31. [ ] If shoes have been removed, oil mounting
marked. Once again, one mark can be used to signify threads and mount shoes securely.
front brake, and two marks to signify rear brake. 32. [ ] Additional oiling should be done on pinch-
12. [ ] Remove brake pads for replacement or mechanism threads, cable-adjusting-barrel
cleaning. Note front and back ends of pads, threads, and quick-release-mechanism pivots.
and mark pads so that they will not be
switched between front and back of bike.
Pivot adjustment
Adjustment can be accomplished with the brake
Cleaning and inspection still mounted on the bike, as long as it is secure, The
13. [ ] Clean all parts in solvent. adjustment can also be done with the mounting bolt
14. [ ] Inspect pivot bolt for bends. secure in a vise with soft jaws.
15. [ ] Inspect caliper arms for bends.
16. [ ] Inspect pivot bolt and adjusting nuts for
damaged threads. Adjust looser Adjust tighter
17. [ ] Inspect adjusting nuts for damaged flats.
18. [ ] Inspect spring for stiffness (should be too
stiff to remove or install without tools, ex-
cept when lever has return spring). Release
Assembly and lubrication
19. [ ] Grasp pivot bolt by mounting end in soft
jaws of vise.
20. [ ] Lubricate pivot and threads in front of Secure
spring-mounting plate only. adjustment
In the next step, the spring is put into the spring-
mounting plate. Be careful, it is easy to install the spring
incorrectly. The spring should be oriented so that coils
protrude back from mounting point and the coils are
beside the mounting plate (not above or below). Most
calipers are designed so that the slot in the spring-mount-
ing plate should be above the pivot bolt. If, however,
mounting the spring above the pivot bolt causes the 36.51 Proper setup for adjusting the pivot on a double-nut-type
pivot. The adjustment can be done with the caliper on the bike, or
coils to rise above the caliper arms, then the slot in the mounted in the vise.
spring-mounting plate belongs below the pivot bolt.

36 – 27
33. [ ] If brake was not just oiled, oil front and back
of each caliper arm at pivot and at points at
which spring ends bear against caliper arms. Disassembly
34. [ ] If brake adjusting nuts are still locked to- The safety-pivot type of sidepull caliper is distin-
gether, hold inner one stationary and break
guished by the fact that the pivot bolt has a head on
loose outer nut.
35. [ ] Turn inner nut clockwise until it bears
the front of the caliper, unlike the double-nut type
against caliper arms, then turn it counter- which has two nuts threaded onto the pivot bolt at
clockwise 90°. the front of the caliper. The adjustment nut and lock-
36. [ ] Holding inner nut stationary, tighten outer nut nut are located between the caliper and the mounting
to torque of 50–70in-lbs (13–18lbs@4"). point on the frame or fork. On some models, there is
37. [ ] Grasp bottoms of caliper arms and jerk them no adjustment locknut and the adjustment must be
vigorously forward and back to check for done with the caliper mounted on the bike (the mount-
any knocking sensation that indicates adjust- ing nut serves as the adjustment locknut).
ment is too loose.
For the proper directions to turn the inner nut
and outer nut for adjusting and securing the pivot ad-
justment, see figure 36.51 (page 36-27). Sandwich washer
38. [ ] To tighten adjustment, hold inner nut sta- (occasionally)
tionary while breaking loose outer nut, then
turn inner nut 10° clockwise (about 3/4" at
end of 4.5" wrench), and hold it at this posi- Adjusting nut
tion while re-securing outer nut.
In the next step, it is important to eliminate all
play from the pivot adjustment. Loose pivot adjust-
ments cause grabby brakes and squealing brakes.
39. [ ] Check for knocking again, and repeat adjust-
ment as many times as necessary to elimi- Pivot bolt
nate knocking that indicates pivot adjust-
ment is loose. 36.52 Blow-up of a safety-pivot-design sidepull caliper.
In the next step, the pivot adjustment is checked
for excessive tightness. It can appear that the adjust- 1. [ ] Remove brake from bike.
ment is too tight because the spring is too soft. The 2. [ ] Disengage spring. With many models, spring
spring should be stiff enough so that it cannot be re- needs to be rotated up for wrench access to
moved or installed comfortably by hand (unless lever adjusting nut (nut closest to caliper).
has return spring). Soft springs should be replaced. The adjustment locknut (outer nut) on some mod-
Soft springs can be stiffened, if necessary, by bending els of Shimano brakes is a 12-point nut that is fit only
the ends further away from each other. Use a pair of by a 13mm or 14mm box-end wrench. In the next
Langley fifth-hand brake tools (or pliers on each end step, the end of the pivot bolt is grasped in the vise;
of spring) to spread the spring ends further apart. the box-end wrench needs to be placed over the end
40. [ ] To check for too-tight pivot adjustment, of the pivot bolt first.
squeeze caliper arms together about 1/2", 3. [ ] Mount pivot bolt in soft jaws of vise.
then release them slowly. If they do not 4. [ ] Facing caliper from its back, hold inner nut
open all way by themselves, adjustment stationary with cone wrench, then turn
may be too tight, or spring too soft. Check outer nut counterclockwise to break it loose.
spring before loosening adjustment. 5. [ ] With caliper in hand (not in vise), hold nuts
41. [ ] To loosen adjustment, hold inner nut station- and arms stationary while turning pivot-bolt
ary while breaking loose outer nut, then turn head counterclockwise to unthread it from
inner nut 10° counterclockwise (about 3/4" nuts. Note order and orientation of each nut
at end of 4.5" wrench), and hold it at this as it comes off.
position while re-securing outer nut. Repeat In the next step, a simple washer may be found
adjustment until knocking is detected, then between the caliper arms. There may also be a more
return to last setting. complex thrust washer with bearings. The thrust
washer is a sandwich with a plastic retainer contain-

36 – 28
ing 14 tiny 2mm bearings. Because the bearings are 14. [ ] Inspect spring for stiffness (should be too
easily lost, be careful when separating the metal washer stiff to remove or install without tools ex-
from either face of the plastic retainer. cept when lever has return spring).
6. [ ] Remove caliper arms and washers, noting Assembly and lubrication
order and orientation of each. 15. [ ] Oil pivot area of pivot bolt.
If you are disassembling front and rear calipers at 16. [ ] Oil threads for adjusting nut(s).
the same time, it is critical that you do not mix up the 17. [ ] Install front washer on pivot.
arms. They may be different lengths, or they may have 18. [ ] Oil front and rear face of front caliper arm at
been twisted to create the pad-toe adjustment. When pivot point.
caliper arms have been twisted for toe adjustment, the 19. [ ] Install front caliper arm on pivot.
direction of twist on the front is opposite of that used 20. [ ] Install middle washer(s) and bushing (if any).
on rear calipers. Use a scribe to mark the back face of Oil bearings in Shimano sandwich washer
with bearings.
each caliper arm. A single scribe mark can be used to
21. [ ] Oil front and rear face of rear caliper arm at
indicate a front caliper arm, and a double scribe mark
pivot point.
can indicate a rear caliper arm. 22. [ ] Install rear caliper arm on pivot.
7. [ ] If disassembling front and rear brakes, mark 23. [ ] Install rear washer.
front and rear arms with different marks. In the next step, the spring is put into the spring-
Brake pads that have broken-in to the rim should mounting plate. Be careful, it is easy to install the spring
always be reinstalled at their original locations and ori- in incorrectly. The spring should be oriented so that
entations, even if there were no original orientation guide- coils protrude back from mounting point and the coils
lines on the pads. A convenient way to mark pads is to are beside the mounting plate (not above or below).
use the corner edge of a file to put a groove in the back Most calipers are designed so that the slot in the spring-
and bottom edge of the pad. This location for the groove mounting plate should be above the pivot bolt. If, how-
is well hidden from view when the pad is on the bike ever, mounting the spring above the pivot bolt causes
and has no effect on braking quality. By putting the the coils to rise above the caliper arms, then the slot in
groove on the back and bottom edge, there is no way the spring-mounting plate belongs below the pivot bolt.
the pad can be installed incorrectly. See figure 36.53 for 24. [ ] Thread on spring-mounting plate in correct
clarification as to where the pads should be marked. Once orientation, until it is just close enough to
again, one mark can be used to signify front brake, and caliper to allow installation of spring. Then
two marks to signify rear brake. install spring.
25. [ ] Thread pivot bolt rest of way into spring-
mounting plate.
Notch 26. [ ] Install outer nut.

Back of brake Pivot adjustment

Front of brake
The pivot adjustment on a safety-pivot caliper has
to be done with the caliper removed from the bike.
27. [ ] Mount pivot bolt in soft jaws of vise.
28. [ ] Flip spring up out of way if it prevents ac-
36.53 Notch the back-bottom edge of the pad. Use one notch for cess to inner nut with wrench from above.
front-brake pads, or two notches for rear-brake pads.
29. [ ] If brake was not just oiled, oil front and back
of each caliper arm, and points at which
8. [ ] Remove brake pads for replacement or
spring ends bear against caliper arms.
cleaning. Note front and back ends of pads,
and mark pads so that they will not be In the next step, make the adjustment while view-
switched between front and back of bike. ing the caliper from its back face.
30. [ ] If brake adjusting nuts are still locked to-
Cleaning and inspection gether, hold inner nut (spring-mounting
9. [ ] Clean all parts in solvent. plate) stationary while turning outer nut
10. [ ] Inspect pivot bolt for bends. counterclockwise.
11. [ ] Inspect caliper arms for bends. 31. [ ] Turn inner nut clockwise until it bears
12. [ ] Inspect pivot bolt and adjusting nuts for against caliper arms. Then turn it counter-
damaged threads. clockwise 90°.
13. [ ] Inspect adjusting nuts for damaged flats. 32. [ ] Holding inner nut stationary, tighten outer nut
to torque of 50–70in-lbs (13–18lbs@4").

36 – 29
33. [ ] Grasp bottoms of caliper arms and jerk them 5. [ ] Oil: between pivot-bolt head (or double nuts)
vigorously forward and back to check for and face of front caliper arm, between cali-
any knocking sensation that indicates adjust- per arms at pivot, at backside of back cali-
ment is too loose. per arm at pivot, where springs push against
34. [ ] To tighten adjustment, hold inner nut sta- posts on back side of caliper arms, pinch-
tionary while breaking loose outer nut, then mechanism threads, shoe-mounting threads,
turn inner nut 10° clockwise (about 3/4" at and adjusting-barrel threads.
end of 4.5" wrench), and hold it at this posi-
tion while re-securing outer nut.
In the next step, it is important to eliminate all PAD ADJUSTMENTS
play from the pivot adjustment. Loose pivot adjust- 1. [ ] Check each pad for directional arrows and/or
ments cause grabby brakes and squealing brakes. right/left indications; make sure pads will be
installed with arrows pointing in the direction
35. [ ] Check for knocking again and repeat ad-
of rim rotation, and any pad marked with “R”
justment as many times as necessary to
is mounted on right side of bike and any
eliminate knocking that indicates pivot ad-
marked with “L” is on left side of bike.
justment is loose.
In the next step, the pivot adjustment is checked Determine what type of pad-alignment system is on
for excessive tightness. It can appear that the adjust- the calipers. Use the procedures in the earlier section for
ment is too tight because the spring is too soft. The SIMPLE THREADED-STUD-PAD ALIGNMENT (page 36-8), or
spring should be stiff enough so that it cannot be re- THREADED-STUD/CURVED-WASHER PAD ALIGNMENT
moved or installed comfortably by hand (unless lever (page 36-10). Align the pads to the tolerances de-
has return spring). Soft springs should be replaced. scribed in step 2.
Soft springs can be stiffened, if necessary, by bending
the ends further away from each other. Use a pair of
Langley fifth-hand brake tools (or pliers on each end
of spring) to spread the spring ends further apart.
36. [ ] To check for too-tight pivot adjustment,
squeeze caliper arms together about 1/2",
then release them slowly. If they do not
open all way by themselves, adjustment
may be too tight, or spring too soft. Check 36.54 A simple threaded-stud pad-alignment design.
spring before loosening adjustment.
37. [ ] To loosen adjustment, hold inner nut station-
ary while breaking loose outer nut, then turn
inner nut 10° counterclockwise (about 3/4"
at end of 4.5" wrench), and hold it at this
position while re-securing outer nut. Repeat
adjustment until knocking is detected, then
return to last setting.
Concave washer


Concave washer Convex-faced nut
AND LUBRICATION 36.55 A threaded-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design.
1. [ ] Make sure radiused washer is between
brake and mounting surface if mounting sur-
Sidepull-caliper pads move down as they move in.
face is curved.
2. [ ] Treat mounting-nut threads with Loctite So that the pads do not end up too low, they should
242, unless mounting nut has nylon insert. be set so that the top edge of the pad is even with the
3. [ ] Put caliper-mounting stud in mounting hole top edge of the rim’s braking surface. Complicating
and thread nut on end of mounting stud (use pad height setting is the fact that the top edge of the
flat washer under hex nut that seats against braking surface is not always distinct. Sometimes the
flat surface; use radiused washer under hex rim just begins to curve inward gradually, and the brak-
nut that seats against curved surface). ing surface just “fades” away. In this case, consider the
4. [ ] Holding pads firmly to rim, torque mounting edge of the braking surface to be the point of transi-
nut to 70–85in-lbs (23–28lbs@3").

36 – 30
tion where the surface of the rim changes from facing 5. [ ] Make sure Q.R. mechanism lever is in non-
towards the pad to facing more up. In no case should released position.
the top edge of the left pad be more than 1mm below 6. [ ] Thread inner wire through cable-adjusting
barrel and cable-pinch mechanism.
the absolute top of the rim. 7. [ ] Draw slack out of cable with fourth-hand tool.
8. [ ] Secure pinch bolt to torque of 50–70in-lbs
Top of brake Top of brake
surface is clear surface unclear
9. [ ] Stress cable system by pulling against lever
10 times with maximum force that would be
used during a panic stop.
10. [ ] Set up stack of feeler gauges to equal 3mm
(or use 3mm Allen wrench) to check clear-
Good Good Too low ance at exit-end of one brake pad when
other pad is held to rim.
36.56 Correct sidepull caliper-pad height.
11. [ ] If clearance is >3mm, draw more wire
through pinch mechanism.
2. [ ] Determine what pad-alignment system to
12. [ ] When clearance is <3mm, turn down cable-
use by looking at way shoes are mounted to adjusting barrel(s) until clearance is 3mm.
caliper arm, then use appropriate pad-align- 13. [ ] If clearance is still <3mm when adjusting
ment-system procedure to achieve following barrel is fully down, let 2–3mm more cable
tolerances (in order indicated by pad-align- through pinch mechanism and check clear-
ment-system procedure): ance again.
Pad toe: entry-end of pad clears rim by .5–
1.5mm when exit-end touches rim.
Vertical angle: vertical angle of pad face is CENTERING ADJUSTMENT
parallel to vertical angle of rim face.
Pad tangent: top corners of pad are equidis- Double-nut-caliper pad centering
tant from top edge of rim. NOTE: In steps 1 and 2, references to clockwise
Pad height: top edge of pad face is even and counterclockwise are as seen when view-
with top edge of rim’s braking surface. ing the brake from its front.
1. [ ] If right pad is closer to rim, rotate inner nut
(on front of brake) and mounting nut simul-
CABLE ATTACHMENT taneously counterclockwise the same

AND CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENT amount, to rotate pivot assembly.

2. [ ] If left pad is closer to rim, rotate outer nut
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not (on front of brake) and mounting nut simul-
already installed. taneously clockwise the same amount, to
2. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on cali- rotate pivot assembly.
per arm and threads of cable-adjusting barrel 3. [ ] Operate brake with lever to check result of
on other caliper arm, if not already done. adjustment.
3. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full 4. [ ] Repeat adjustment in either direction as nec-
turns out from fully-in position. essary.
4. [ ] Hold pads to rim with third-hand tool. Safety-pivot caliper pad centering
Many sidepull calipers come equipped with quick 1. [ ] With one wrench on pivot-bolt head and an-
release (Q.R.) mechanism. This mechanism is usually a other wrench on mounting nut, rotate both
lever that can be flipped up or down to change the pad wrenches simultaneously clockwise to move
clearance in order to facilitate wheel removal. The cable- left pad away from rim, or simultaneously
pinch mechanism is usually attached to the Q.R. mecha- counterclockwise to move right pad away
nism. When the Q.R. mechanism is operated, it should from rim (viewed from front of brake).
be possible to see the pinch mechanism moving closer 2. [ ] Operate brake with lever to check result of
to and further from the cable-housing stop. When the adjustment.
3. [ ] Repeat adjustment in either direction as nec-
two are closer together, the Q.R. mechanism is in the
released position and when the two are farther apart,
the Q.R. mechanism is in the non-released (brake op-
erational) position. The brake should be setup with the FINISHING
Q.R. mechanism in the non-released position. See the section called FINISHING (page 36-43) for
cable finish, rim cleaning, and test-ride procedures.

36 – 31

DUAL-PIVOT CALIPERS • One more unique part is found on top of the

extreme right end of the left caliper arm. It is
The dual-pivot brake is unique, with one caliper a screw that can fit a Phillips or standard
arm operating like a sidepull-caliper arm, and the other screwdriver. It is used to center the caliper
operating like a centerpull-caliper arm. arms, and is called the centering screw.
All references to the brake in this section will be NOTE: If adjusting brakes only, and no pivot ad-
the same, regardless of the brake’s position on the bike. justment is necessary, go to MOUNTING CALIPER
Simply put, the right arm is on the right as viewed TO FRAME (page 36-35).
from the face of the brake. “Front” is the face of the This section contains the following sub-sections,
brake, and “rear” is the backside of the brake, or the which may all be used, or can be used in part:
part that faces the frame or fork. DISASSEMBLING THE CALIPER
If the brake caliper is not being disassembled as
Half-bridge part of the brake service, it is still a good idea to use
Center pivot
Set screw the part of the ASSEMBLING THE CALIPER section re-
Centering screw garding pivot adjustment (page 36-33). Loose pivots
can cause the brakes to squeal and feel grabby.
The PAD ADJUSTMENT section provides alignment
Right tolerances only. You will need to refer back to the
earlier section, PAD-ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS, to use the
procedure for aligning the pads (page number provided
in the procedure when needed).
36.57 Blow-up of a Shimano dual-pivot caliper.

The caliper consists of three main pieces and two DISASSEMBLING THE CALIPER
pivots. Refer to the accompanying illustration. 1. [ ] Remove caliper assembly from bike.
• The right caliper arm is the most forward piece. 2. [ ] Use Langley fifth hand (or pliers) to disen-
It is the one that operates like a centerpull arm, gage spring, then remove rectangular sleeve
on the springs (Shimano non-Dura-Ace only).
arcing on a pivot that is outward of the rim.
3. [ ] Remove brake shoes, note and mark right/left
• The left caliper arm is the middle piece of and front/back orientations as necessary.
the brake. It is the one that operates like a 4. [ ] If intending to disassemble or adjust center
sidepull-caliper arm, arcing on a pivot that is pivot only, face brake and push down and in
centered over the rim. on right arm to expose center pivot-bolt
• The remaining piece, closest to the frame head (Shimano only).
or fork, is similar to the bridge of a center- NOTE: Shimano and Campagnolo dual-pivot cali-
pull caliper. Due to this similarity, it is called pers differ primarily in regard to the design of
the half-bridge. the right pivot. Use steps 5–8 only for the type
• At the center of the brake, there is a bolt that of caliper being serviced.
serves to mount the brake to the bicycle and Disassembling Shimano right pivot
also as a pivot bolt for the left arm. It will be 5. [ ] Hold pivot bolt stationary with 4mm Allen
called the center pivot. With the other parts wrench.
that make up the pivot assembly, it is called 6. [ ] Turn 10mm nut on back side of half-bridge
the center-pivot assembly. counterclockwise (facing back) to break nut
• The right caliper arm is mounted to the loose and remove nut.
7. [ ] Turn pivot bolt counterclockwise (facing
half-bridge. The bolt that holds these to-
front) to remove bolt.
gether is referred to as the right-pivot bolt. 8. [ ] Disassemble pivot assembly and observe se-
With the accompanying parts, it is called quence of parts.
the right-pivot assembly.

36 – 32
NOTE: Go to Disassembling center-pivot assembly ing the caliper arm and half-bridge because the sand-
now. wich washer has twelve 2mm bearings trapped in holes
in the plastic washer which are easily lost.
Disassembling Campagnolo right pivot 20. [ ] From between left caliper arm and half-bridge,
NOTE: There is a set screw in one of the faces of the
remove washer or sandwich-washer assembly.
hex nut on the back of the right-pivot assembly
that will destroy the threads on the pivot stud, if
not loosened before turning the hex nut. ASSEMBLING THE CALIPER
5. [ ] Loosen set screw in wrench flat of rearmost 21. [ ] Lubricate washer or sandwich-washer that
nut on right-pivot assembly. goes between left arm and half-bridge, and
6. [ ] Hold square nut stationary and unthread hex place it between these two pieces.
nut on back side of right-pivot assembly. 22. [ ] Lubricate small washer that goes on face of
7. [ ] Unthread square nut from backside of right- left arm, and place it on face of left arm.
pivot assembly. 23. [ ] Lubricate larger diameter threads of center-
8. [ ] Disassemble pivot assembly and observe se- pivot bolt. Slip bolt into face of left caliper
quence of parts. arm and thread it fully into half-bridge.
Disassembling center-pivot assembly 24. [ ] Place spring and large washer onto back of
NOTE: There is a set screw in the half bridge (or the center-pivot assembly.
nut on the back of the center-pivot assembly) 25. [ ] Thread nut onto center-pivot bolt (Shimano:
that will destroy the threads on the pivot stud if make sure subtly concave face is against
not loosened before turning the center pivot. large washer).
9. [ ] Loosen set screw on bottom of half-bridge Adjust center-pivot assembly
immediately below center-pivot bolt with Even if the caliper has not been disassembled, it is a
2mm hex wrench (set screw is on rearmost
good idea to adjust the pivots to eliminate any free play.
nut of center-pivot assembly on Dura-Ace
and Campagnolo models). Such play can cause brakes to squeal and feel grabby.
10. [ ] Place wrench on nut on back side of half- The Shimano center-pivot assembly can be adjusted
bridge (12-point nuts require box-end without disassembling the right-pivot assembly. With
wrench), and then secure threaded end of the mounting bolt held in soft jaws of a vise, by push-
the center-pivot bolt in soft jaws in vise. ing down and in on the right-pivot assembly, the head
(Place assembly in vise so that you can eas- of the center-pivot bolt becomes exposed. The
ily face assembly’s back side.) Campagnolo center-pivot assembly is only accessible
11. [ ] Holding half-bridge stationary, turn nut after disassembling the right-pivot assembly.
counterclockwise to break it loose.
12. [ ] Remove assembly from vise.
13. [ ] Thread off nut. Secure
14. [ ] Slip off large thin washer.
15. [ ] Remove spring from groove in back face of
half-bridge, being sure to observe how
Tighten Release
unique end of spring fits in groove so that
spring cannot pull straight out. Hold
16. [ ] Thread center-pivot bolt counterclockwise (in vise)
out front of assembly, being careful to not
let assembly fall apart.
17. [ ] With bolt out, disassemble center-pivot as- Tighten
sembly and observe sequence of parts.
18. [ ] From face of left caliper arm, remove small
19. [ ] From inside hole in left caliper arm, remove
plastic bushing (except Campagnolo).
Depending on the model, there may be a simple Loosen
washer, or a sandwich-washer, between the left cali-
Insert and secure
per arm and the half-bridge. Be careful when separat- (after adjustment)

36.58 Adjusting the center-pivot assembly.

36 – 33
26. [ ] Place wrench on nut.
27. [ ] Grasp threaded-end of center pivot firmly in
soft jaws of vise with assembly positioned Secure in vise
so that you are facing its back side. or bike
28. [ ] Turn half-bridge clockwise until it bottoms
out, then counterclockwise about 60°.
29. [ ] Holding half-bridge stationary with your fin-
gers, turn nut clockwise to tighten it against
half-bridge to a torque of 60–70in-lbs
30. [ ] Jerk in and out on end of left caliper arm to
check for free play or knock.
31. If knock is felt:
[ ] Hold half-bridge stationary.
[ ] Break nut loose (counterclockwise).
[ ] Turn half-bridge clockwise so that its end
moves 5–10mm.
[ ] Hold half-bridge stationary and secure nut.
[ ] Check for knock again. Repeat step 31 as Tighten Secure
many times as necessary until no knock is felt. Loosen
32. If no knock is felt, check that left caliper arm is
pivoting freely without excessive drag. If ex- 36.59 Adjusting a Shimano right-pivot assembly.
cessive drag is felt:
[ ] Hold half-bridge stationary. 36. [ ] Lubricate both sides of both washers, inside
[ ] Break nut loose (counterclockwise). and outside of bushing, and threads of right-
[ ] Turn half-bridge counterclockwise so that pivot bolt.
its end moves 5–10mm. 37. [ ] Sandwich large washer between back of
[ ] Hold half-bridge stationary and secure nut. right caliper arm and front of right end of
[ ] Check for excessive drag again. Repeat half-bridge.
step 32 as many times as necessary until 38. [ ] Put small washer on face of right caliper arm.
knock is felt, then return to last setting. 39. [ ] Put right-pivot bolt through right caliper arm
33. [ ] Shimano non-Dura-Ace only: Slip spring and thread it fully into half-bridge.
sleeve onto spring. 40. [ ] Thread on, but do not secure, 10mm nut on
34. [ ] Engage spring in its notch on back side of back side of half-bridge.
left caliper arm. 41. [ ] Mount brake securely to frame or fork.
On Shimano non-Dura-Ace calipers, the sleeve on 42. [ ] Turn right-pivot bolt clockwise (facing brake)
the spring can be flip-flopped two ways to adjust spring until it bottoms out, then back it off 90°.
tension. On Shimano Dura-Ace and Campagnolo 43. [ ] Hold right-pivot bolt stationary while secur-
models, there is a threaded adjustment for changing ing 10mm nut to torque of 50–70in-lbs
spring tension. The tighter setting is for excess cable
44. [ ] Jerk in and out on end of right caliper arm
friction that results from long or unusual routings.
and check for free play or knock.
35. [ ] Secure set screw in half-bridge (or locknut
45. If knock is felt:
on backside of half-bridge) with 2mm Allen
[ ] Hold bolt stationary.
[ ] Break loose 10mm nut.
NOTE: Go to Assembling and adjusting Campagnolo [ ] Turn bolt clockwise (1/2" at end of 3"
right pivot, if brake being serviced is a Allen wrench
Campagnolo model. [ ] Hold bolt stationary and secure 10mm nut.
[ ] Check for knock again. Repeat step 45 as
Assemble and adjust Shimano right pivot many times as necessary until no knock is felt.
Even if the caliper has not been disassembled, it is
a good idea to adjust the pivots to eliminate any free
play. Such play can cause brakes to squeal or feel
grabby. The Shimano right-pivot assembly can be ad-
justed without removing the caliper from the bike.

36 – 34
46. [ ] If no knock is felt, check that right caliper 36. [ ] Lubricate sandwich-washer, then assemble
arm is pivoting freely without excessive centering cam and washer onto pivot stud in
drag. If excessive drag is felt: back face of right arm.
[ ] Hold bolt stationary. 37. [ ] Place half-bridge over right-arm pivot stud.
[ ] Break loose 10mm nut. 38. [ ] Put small washer on back face of half-bridge.
[ ] Turn bolt counterclockwise (1/2" at end 39. [ ] Grease square-head sleeve nut, then thread
of 3" Allen wrench). onto pivot stud so that sleeve goes inside
[ ] Hold bolt stationary and secure 10mm hole in half-bridge.
nut again. 40. [ ] Thread nut onto right-arm pivot stud, but do
[ ] Check for excessive drag again. Repeat not secure.
step 46 as many times as necessary until 41. [ ] Grasp bottom end of right caliper arm in soft
knock is felt, then return to last setting. jaws in vise, with back face of brake up.
NOTE: Go to MOUNTING CALIPER TO FRAME. 42. [ ] Turn square nut clockwise until bottomed,
then back of approximately 90°.
Assemble and adjust Campagnolo right pivot 43. [ ] Hold square nut stationary and secure hex
Even if the caliper has not been disassembled, it is nut to torque of 50–70in-lbs (17–23lbs@3").
a good idea to adjust the pivots to eliminate any free 44. [ ] Jerk in and out on end of right caliper arm
play. Such play can cause brakes to squeal or feel and check for free play or knock.
grabby. The Campagnolo right-pivot assembly can be 45. If knock is felt:
adjusted without removing the caliper from the bike. [ ] Hold square nut stationary.
[ ] Break loose hex nut.
Set screws [ ] Turn square nut clockwise (1/2" at end of
3" wrench).
[ ] Hold square nut stationary and secure
hex nut again.
[ ] Check for knock again. Repeat step 45 as
Square nut many times as necessary until no knock is
felt, then secure 2mm Allen set screw in
Center pivot Half-bridge wrench flat on hex nut.
46. [ ] If no knock is felt, check that right caliper
Right pivot arm is pivoting freely, without excessive
drag. If excessive drag is felt:
[ ] Hold square nut stationary.
Centering screw
[ ] Break loose hex nut.
[ ] Turn square nut counterclockwise (1/2"
at end of 3" wrench).
36.60 Blow-up of a Campagnolo dual-pivot assembly. [ ] Hold square nut stationary and secure
hex nut again.
[ ] Check for excessive again. Repeat step 46
Turn clockwise to as many times as necessary until knock is felt,
tighten adjustment then return to last setting and secure 2mm
Turn clockwise to Allen set screw in wrench flat on hex nut.
secure adjustment


1. [ ] Treat mounting-nut threads with Loctite
242, unless mounting nut is hex-nut variety
with nylon insert for thread locking (leave
2. [ ] Install mounting stud on back of caliper into
hole in frame or fork, then thread mounting
nut onto mounting stud.
3. [ ] Install brake pads so that they will strike
Secure in vise rim at normal position. This is not final pad

36.61 Adjusting a Campagnolo right-pivot assembly.

36 – 35
Shimano and Campagnolo dual-pivot brakes have Pad height is a very different with dual-pivot
centering screws that must be used to make an ad- brakes. The right pad swings up as it moves in, and
justment in either direction. The screws are located the left pad swings down as it moves in. Consequently,
in different places. For Shimano, look for a Phillips the right-pad height needs to be set so that its bottom
screw on top of the left caliper arm at its rightmost edge is even with the bottom edge of the rim’s brak-
end. For Campagnolo, look for a recessed Allen set ing surface, and the left-pad height needs to be set so
screw in the outward face of the right caliper arm, that its top edge is even with the top edge of the rim’s
just below the right pivot. braking surface. Although it looks unusual, dual-pivot
4. [ ] Shimano: Adjust centering screw so that bot- pad heights are correct when the heights are not even.
tom edge of its head is even with the top of Complicating pad-height setting further, is the fact that
hole in left caliper arm that screw goes into. the bottom and top edges of the braking surface are
Campagnolo: Adjust centering screw so that not always distinct; sometimes the rim just begins to
it is in one full turn out from flush with face
curve inward gradually, and the braking surface just
of right caliper arm.
5. Hold caliper so that pads are equidistant from
“fades” away. In this case, consider the edge of the
rim, then secure mounting nut to torque of braking surface to be the point of transition where
70–85in-lbs (23–28lbs@3"). the surface of the rim changes from facing towards
the pad to facing more up or down. In no case should
the top edge of the left pad be more than 1mm below
INSTALLING AND ADJUSTING PADS the absolute top of the rim, and in no case should the
1. [ ] Check each pad for directional arrows and/or bottom edge of the right pad extend below the rim.
right/left indications; make sure pads will be
installed with arrows pointing in the direction Good left-pad
of rim rotation, and any pad marked with “R” height Good right-pad
is mounted on right side of bike and any height
marked with “L” is on left side of bike.
Determine what sort of pad-alignment system is on
the calipers. Use the procedures in the earlier section for
SIMPLE THREADED-STUD-PAD ALIGNMENT (page 36-8), or 36.64 Correct dual-pivot pad height.
36-10). Align the pads to the tolerances described 2. [ ] Determine what pad-alignment system to
in the next step. use by looking at way shoes are mounted to
caliper arm, then use appropriate pad-align-
ment-system procedure to achieve following
tolerances (in order indicated by pad-align-
ment-system procedure):
Pad toe: entry-end of pad clears rim by .5–
1.0mm when exit-end touches rim.
Vertical angle: vertical angle of pad face is
parallel to vertical angle of rim face.
Pad tangent: top corners of pad are equidis-
36.62 A simple threaded-stud pad-alignment design.
tant from top edge of rim.
Right-pad height: bottom edge of pad face is
even with bottom edge of rim’s braking surface.
Left-pad height: top edge of pad face is
even with top edge of rim’s braking surface.

Concave washer
Convex washer
Concave washer Convex-faced nut

36.63 A threaded-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design.

36 – 36

CABLE ATTACHMENT, 14. [ ] Move inner wire through pinch mechanism

to change clearance if adjusting barrel can-
CLEARANCE, AND CENTERING not move down far enough, or if adjusting
barrel must be moved up >4mm from bot-
ADJUSTMENTS tomed, to make clearance tight enough.
Cable attachment
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not FINISHING
already installed. See the section called FINISHING (page 36-43) for
2. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on cable finish, rim cleaning, and test-ride procedures.
right caliper arm, and threads of cable-
adjusting barrel on left caliper arm.
3. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full
turns out from fully-in position.
4. [ ] Hold pads to rim with third-hand tool.
5. [ ] Make sure Q.R. mechanism lever is fully down.
6. [ ] Thread inner wire through cable-adjusting
barrel and cable-pinch mechanism.
7. [ ] Draw slack out of cable with fourth-hand tool. 1. [ ] Install radius washer between caliper and
8. [ ] Secure pinch bolt to torque of 50–70in-lbs frame, wherever frame/fork mounting sur-
(17–21lbs@3"). face is not flat. Reflector bracket may serve
9. [ ] Stress cable system by pulling against lever this function in some cases.
10 times with maximum force that would be 2. [ ] Install radius bushing between frame/fork
used during a panic stop. and mounting nut, if surface is not flat.
The mounting nut should be the type with a ny-
Adjust pad centering lon insert so that it cannot work loose. If no such nut
The purpose of the centering adjustment is to en- is available, use Loctite #222 or #242 on the threads.
sure that the pads reach the rim simultaneously. The 3. [ ] Install flat washer under mounting nut.
centering adjustment is not primarily designed to en- The brake should be mounted loosely enough so
sure that the pads end up equally clear of the rim when that it can be centered by hand, but secure enough
released, as a sidepull or cantilever does. When the cen- that it will not shift on its own. A nylon insert or
tering is set so that the pads reach the rim simultaneously, Loctite on the threads, and not high torque, ensures
they will also end up clearing the rim almost evenly. If that brake will not work loose.
not set in this way, then the first pad to reach the rim 4. [ ] Secure nut to torque of 12–36in-lbs (4–
will push the rim to the side until the other pad meets 12lbs@3").
the rim. This then requires higher braking effort.
10. [ ] Operate brake and observe whether brake
tends to push rim to one side, or one pad
reaches rim before other. If either condition 1. [ ] Oil arm pivots at front and back of each arm.
exists, centering adjustment is needed. 2. [ ] Oil spring ends where they bear against cali-
11. [ ] Turn centering screw clockwise to move the per-arm posts and bridge posts.
brake’s right pad (as seen when facing brake) 3. [ ] Oil sockets in caliper arm for straddle wire
away from rim and left pad toward rim. end(s) and pinch mechanism (if any).
12. [ ] Turn centering screw counterclockwise to 4. [ ] Oil threads of any pinch mechanism on
move brake’s right pad (as seen when facing straddle wire or primary wire.
brake) toward rim and left pad away from rim. 5. [ ] Oil threads of adjusting barrel at end of
cable housing.
Fine tune brake-pad clearance 6. [ ] On many Weinmann and Dia-Compe brakes,
When released, each pad should clear the rim by at there is tab on back side of front caliper arm
least 1mm and a maximum of 2mm. The clearances need that rides in slot in face of rear caliper arm
not be precisely identical. Use feeler gauges to check clear- so that arms always move in unison. Oil tab.
ance at the point the pad(s) is closest to the rim.
13. [ ] Move cable-adjusting barrel in to increase
clearance, or out to reduce clearance until
each pad clears rim by 1–2mm.

36 – 37

Most centerpull pivots are not adjustable. Non-
adjustable pivots are characterized by the lack of a
locknut on the back end of the pivot bolt, or by a
locknut mounted in a recess in the back side of the
brake-arm bridge. The pivot is usually a bushing
Concave washer
that is longer than the hole in the caliper arm. When
Convex washer
the pivot bolt is tightened, it seats against the bush-
Concave washer Convex-faced nut
ing, but not the caliper arm. The bolt should be
checked for proper security on all new bikes and 36.66 A threaded-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design.
during all repair situations. The bushing parts may
be replaced, when available, to reduce free play in Pads on centerpull calipers swing up as they
the pivots, but this is rarely done. move in; set the pad height so that the bottom edge
Adjustable pivots are found on some models, in- of the pad is even with the bottom edge of the rim’s
cluding the old Shimano Tourney centerpull. When braking surface.
the pivot is adjustable, there will be a fully accessible
locknut for each pivot bolt on the back side of the
brake-arm bridge. Hold the pivot bolt stationary, then
turn the locknut counterclockwise (as viewed from
the back of the caliper) to release the pivot bolt. The
pivot bolt may now be turned clockwise to reduce Good
play, or counterclockwise to reduce binding. After 36.67 Correct centerpull pad height.
changing the adjustment, hold the pivot bolt station-
ary and secure the locknut. 3. [ ] Determine what pad-alignment system to
use by looking at way shoes are mounted to
caliper arm, then use appropriate pad-align-
PAD INSTALLATION ment-system procedure to achieve following
AND ALIGNMENTS tolerances (in order indicated by pad-align-
ment-system procedure):
1. [ ] Rock caliper bridge side-to-side until pads Pad toe: entry-end of pad clears rim by .5–
are equidistant from rim. 1.5mm when exit-end touches rim.
2. [ ] Check each pad for directional arrows and/or Vertical angle: vertical angle of pad face is
right/left indications; make sure pads will be parallel to vertical angle of rim face.
installed with arrows pointing in the direction Pad tangent: top corners of pad are equidis-
of rim rotation, and any pad marked with “R” tant from top edge of rim.
is mounted on right side of bike and any Pad height: bottom edge of pad face is even
marked with “L” is on left side of bike. with bottom edge of rim’s braking surface.
Determine what type of pad-alignment system is on
the calipers. Use the procedures outlined in the earlier
ALIGNMENT (page 36-10). Align the pads to the toler-
ances described in the next step. AND CENTERING
1. [ ] Set cable-adjusting barrels so that they are
turned 3–4 turns out from fully-in.
2. [ ] Hook cable carrier onto straddle wire (name
side of carrier should face out).
3. [ ] Thread primary wire through pinch bolt. If
pinch bolt is in carrier correctly, primary wire
should be on same side of cable carrier as
straddle wire.
4. [ ] Hold pads to rim with third-hand tool.
36.65 A simple threaded-stud pad-alignment design.

36 – 38
5. [ ] Check that wire end is properly seated in le-
ver, and that housing ends are fully seated
in their stops and adjusting barrels. 1. [ ] Disconnect cables.
6. [ ] Use fourth-hand tool to simultaneously 2. [ ] Turn mounting bolt(s) counterclockwise
tighten straddle wire and primary wire by (spring tension will be lost) to remove. (On
bracing fourth-hand on bottom side of cable Dia-Compe #AD-990/992, mounting bolts
carrier, then pulling primary wire through are Allen bolts, not large nuts with 13mm
pinch bolt. pair of flats and 19mm hex.)
7. [ ] Secure pinch nut enough to hold cable tem- 3. Caliper arms should pull off studs once mount-
porarily, then remove fourth-hand tool. ing bolts are removed.
8. [ ] Use an open-end 8mm, 9mm or 10mm Disassembling of Shimano-type U-brake
wrench to hold pinch bolt while tightening It is not necessary to disassemble these brakes for
nut to torque of 50–70in-lbs (17–23lbs@3"),
adequate cleaning and lubrication. It is recommended
then remove third-hand tool.
9. [ ] Stretch cable system by squeezing lever
to leave Shimano U-brakes assembled, except to replace
firmly at least 10 times. If cable seems to slip, damaged parts!
loosen cable pinch and repeat from step 4.
10. [ ] Check pad clearance by pushing one pad to
rim while measuring gap between other pad
and rim at closest point.
11. [ ] Use cable-adjusting barrel to adjust clear-
ance so that gap at one pad (when other
touches rim) is 2–3m. If clearance cannot be
achieved when adjusting barrel is turned all
the way in, or out more than 5 full turns,
then cable must be reset in cable-carrier
pinch mechanism.
12. [ ] Center pads by rocking caliper bridge to one
side or other by hand. Loosen mounting nut
if necessary. Tension plate
Dust cover

See the section called FINISHING (page 36-43) for 36.68 Blow-up of a Shimano U-brake.
cable finish, rim cleaning, and test-ride procedures.
1. [ ] Remove plastic dustcap or “shark’s tooth.”
2. [ ] Put an Allen wrench of appropriate size in

U-BRAKE CALIPERS spring-tension plate.

3. [ ] For inner arm (no pinch bolt), turn Allen
U-brake calipers are similar to centerpull brakes, wrench small amount clockwise while press-
but the pivot studs are an integral part of the frame, ing in. Then pull out with wrench and let
rather than simply a part of a caliper bridge which is tension plate unwind (counterclockwise).
bolted to the frame. The fact that the pivot studs are Tension plate should pull out after spring
tension is released.
part the frame makes U-brakes appear similar to canti-
3. [ ] For outer arm (with pinch bolt), turn Allen
lever brakes, but the dimensions and locations of the
wrench small amount counterclockwise
pivot studs in relation to the rim are completely differ- while pressing in. Then pull out with wrench
ent. Because of those differences, U-brakes are a com- and let tension plate unwind (clockwise).
pletely different brake system than cantilever brakes. Tension plate should pull out after spring
Another variety of brakes, called Rollercam tension is released.
brakes, fits on the same pivot studs as U-brakes. 4. [ ] Pull spring(s) out and observe which end of
Rollercam brakes have been discontinued, and never each spring was in caliper arm, and which
were as popular as U-brakes. Parts availability is lim- color spring was in each arm.
ited. Service instructions for Rollercam brakes are not
included in this book. It is strongly recommended to
replace problematic Rollercam brakes with U-brakes.

36 – 39

Disassembly of Dia-Compe AD-990/992 type Assembling Shimano-type U-brake

1. [ ] Grease springs.
2. [ ] Install gold spring in arm without pinch bolt.
Long end should be pointing out, and should
be winding in clockwise direction.
3. [ ] Install silver spring in arm with pinch bolt.
Long end should be pointing out, and should
be winding in counterclockwise direction.
4. [ ] Install tension plates with Allen fitting face
Dust cover
out, with end of spring in hole in plate.
5. [ ] Plate on gold spring should be wound clock-
wise about 60°, until tab on perimeter of
plate is past stop inside arm. Then, press in
firmly on tension plate with Allen wrench to
seat it in arm.
6. [ ] Plate on silver spring should be wound coun-
Spring-adjuster nut
terclockwise about 60°, until tab on perim-
eter of plate is past stop inside arm. Then,
press in firmly on tension plate with Allen
36.69 Blow-up of Dia-Compe AD-990 U-brake.
wrench to seat it in arm.
7. [ ] Place dustcap(s) over tension plate so protrud-
ing spring will engage slot in back of dustcap,
Ractchet and so two notches in back perimeter of
dustcap line up with stop tabs inside arm(s).


Dia-Compe AD-990/992 type
36.70 Dia-Compe AD-992 spring-tension mechanism. 1. [ ] Install arm without pinch bolt first, then
other arm.
1. [ ] Pull off large spring-tension nut or ratchet. 2. [ ] Grease springs.
2. [ ] Remove plastic dust cover. 3. [ ] Install gold spring in pinch-bolt arm and sil-
3. [ ] Pull out spring, observing which color spring ver spring in arm without pinch bolt.
comes from which arm. 4. [ ] Install dust covers.
5. [ ] Install spring-adjuster nuts.
6. [ ] Model AD-992 only: install right and left ratch-
ASSEMBLING CALIPER ARMS ets. Then install and secure mounting bolts.
All models of U-Brakes fit the same pivot studs as Model AD-990 only: install, but do not se-
Rollercam brakes, but not the same pivot studs as canti- cure, mounting bolts.
levers. The pivot stud should be 9mm outside diameter Shimano type
and 16.5mm long. It may be a female or male thread. A 1. [ ] Install arm without pinch bolt first, and then
conversion kit may be needed if the pivot stud is male. other arm.
1. [ ] Fit caliper arm(s) onto pivot stud(s) and 2. [ ] Thread in, but do not secure, mounting
check whether they are good fit. bolts/nuts.
2. [ ] If they are tight going on, pivot stud may be 3. [ ] Hold caliper arms in their fully-open position,
rusted, covered with paint, or swollen at tip while securing mounting bolts/nuts to torque
if mounting bolt was over-tightened. In any of 50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3").
case, reduce diameter with an emery cloth.
3. [ ] If pivot stud is short, it will not protrude
past end of brass bushing in caliper arm PAD INSTALLATION
when arm is slipped all way on. File or grind
back end of bushing in arm to shorten it. AND ADJUSTMENT
4. [ ] Remove caliper arm after checking fit. 1. [ ] Loosen shoe-mounting bolts/nuts just
5. [ ] Grease outside of pivot stud(s). enough so that shoe alignment can be ma-
6. [ ] Add Loctite 222 or 242 to female threads nipulated with your fingers.
(in pivot stud or mounting nut).

36 – 40
Determine what type of pad-alignment system is face gradually transitions to the “bottom” of the rim,
on the calipers. Use the procedures outlined in the then the correct height is somewhat subjective. The fol-
earlier section for THREADED-STUD/CURVED-WASHER PAD lowing illustration shows good U-brake-pad height on a
ALIGNMENT (page 36-10), or SMOOTH-STUD/CURVED- rim with a clearly delineated braking surface.
WASHER PAD ALIGNMENT (page 36-11). Align the pads
to the tolerances described in the next step.

36.73 Correct U-brake-pad height.

2. [ ] Determine what pad-alignment system to

Concave washer
use by looking at way shoes are mounted to
Convex washer caliper arm, then use appropriate pad-align-
Concave washer Convex-faced nut ment-system procedure to achieve following
tolerances (in order indicated by pad-align-
36.71 A threaded-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design.
ment-system procedure):
Pad toe: entry-end of pad clears rim by .5–
Shoe-anchor nut
1.0mm when exit-end touches rim.
Vertical angle: vertical angle of pad face is
parallel to vertical angle of rim face.
Pad tangent: top corners of pad are equidis-
tant from top edge of rim.
Pad height: bottom edge of pad face is even
Convex washer Concave washer with bottom edge of rim’s braking surface.
Smooth-stud engagement: Position shoes
Shoe-anchor so that both contact rim and amount of
bolt shoe stud protruding past anchor bolts is
equal on both sides.

Shoe stud
1. [ ] Install brake lever and cable system, if not
already installed.
2. [ ] Lubricate threads of pinch mechanism on cali-
per arm and threads of cable-adjusting barrel.
3. [ ] Set cable-system adjusting barrel to 3 full
36.72 A smooth-stud/curved-washer pad-alignment design.
turns out from fully-in position.
4. [ ] Install cable carrier on primary brake wire so
Pad height is a very critical consideration with U-
that name side and/or pinch nut faces away
brakes. The nature of a typical U-brake arm causes the from frame or fork.
pads to move up significantly as the pads move in to- 5. [ ] Position cable carrier so that there is mini-
ward the rim. Even the compression after the pads con- mum of 20mm between it and anything that
tact the rim also results in significant upward motion. it would bump into when cable is pulled by
The additional pad travel that results from pad wear has brake lever. It is preferable to have similar
an even greater effect on the height of the pad as it reaches clearance (minimum 20mm) between bottom
the rim. For these reasons, it is critical to set the pads as of carrier and caliper arms, if possible.
low on the rim as is safe, when setting up U-brakes. 6. [ ] Hook one end of straddle wire into caliper
arm with socket. This socket should be oiled.
Normally, this lowest setting would place the bottom
7. [ ] Place straddle wire in cable-carrier cradle,
edge of the pad even with the bottom edge of the brak-
between carrier and primary cable.
ing surface on the rim. Unfortunately, the braking sur- 8. [ ] Thread end of straddle wire through pinch
face is not always clearly delineated. If the braking sur- mechanism. Oil pinch-bolt threads.

36 – 41
9. [ ] With brake pads held to rim by third-hand tool, 5. [ ] If adjusting barrel is already 5 full turns out
draw slack out of straddle wire, and simulta- and brake lever is too close to handlebar
neously primary wire, with fourth-hand tool. when pads reach rim, loosen straddle-wire
10. [ ] Secure pinch bolt to torque of 50–70in-lbs pinch bolt and draw more cable through
(17–23lbs@3"). with fourth-hand tool.


TENSION: DIA-COMPE AD-990/992 Shimano types
A tension-adjusting screw for the left arm return
AD-990 spring is recessed in a hole in the outward side of the
1. [ ] Loosen mounting bolts if they have been
secured. caliper arm. It is fit by a 2mm Allen wrench.
2. [ ] Turn left tension-adjusting nut approximately 1. [ ] If pad is too close on left, turn screw clock-
20°–30° clockwise, and hold it stationary wise to increase clearance on left side and
while tightening mounting bolt to torque of reduce clearance on right side.
50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3"). 2. [ ] If pad is too close on right, turning screw
3. [ ] Turn right tension-adjusting nut approxi- counterclockwise to decrease clearance on
mately 20°–30° counterclockwise, then hold left side and increase clearance on right side.
it stationary while tightening mounting bolt to 3. [ ] Operate brake two or three times, then re-
torque of 50–60in-lbs (17–20lbs@3"). check pad centering and adjust further if
AD-992 Dia-Compe types
1. [ ] If brake return springs have too much ten-
sion already, release torque on mounting The spring tension on either side is adjustable, but
bolts and tension will be lost. only one side needs to be adjusted to improve the cen-
2. [ ] Secure mounting bolts to torque of 50–60-lbs tering. The AD-990 must have its mounting bolt loos-
(17–20lbs@3"). ened before the spring-adjuster nut can be turned.
3. [ ] Turn spring adjusters with 19mm wrench to Do not turn the adjuster nut past the MAX mark
add tension. on the AD-992. If the mark is reached, loosen both
4. [ ] Turn left one clockwise to increase tension. mounting bolts to release all tension, and start from
5. [ ] Turn right one counterclockwise to increase scratch. Do not force the spring-adjusting nuts in the
opposite direction to reduce the tension!
6. [ ] Make sure mark on spring adjuster does not
1. [ ] If left pad is too close to rim, turn left spring-
pass MAX mark on outside of caliper arm.
adjuster nut clockwise to increase clearance
on left and reduce clearance on right.
SETTING PAD CLEARANCE 2. [ ] If right pad is too close to rim, turn right
1. [ ] Squeeze brake lever firmly 10 times so that spring-adjuster nut counterclockwise to in-
cable system will be stressed and checked crease clearance on right and reduce clear-
for failure. ance on left.
2. [ ] Release lever, then pull it gently until pads just
touch rim. There should be minimum 25mm
clearance at this point between lever and bar.
3. [ ] If there is >25mm clearance, turn cable-ad- See the section called FINISHING (page 36-43) for
justing barrel in to reduce clearance at lever cable finish, rim cleaning, and test-ride procedures.
when pads reach rim. If cable-adjusting bar-
rel does not provide enough adjustment,
loosen straddle-wire pinch bolt and let some
more cable back through pinch mechanism.
4. [ ] If there is <25mm clearance, and cable-ad-
justing barrel is less than 5 full turns out of
lever, use adjusting barrel until it is up to 5
full turns out to adjust clearance.

36 – 42

FINISHING Rim cleaning and test-ride procedures

It is always important to clean the braking surface
Trimming, soldering, and capping wires on a rim as you finish any brake job. It is also a very
Excess inner wire should be trimmed and finished. good idea to test ride the bike at that time. Cleaning
Excess length is unsightly and may get caught in the the rims with alcohol or acetone removes residues left
wheel or brake. Soldering prevents fraying, and al- from hands, or just dirt left over from riding. Remov-
lows reuse of the cable whether a wire cap is used or ing either ensures optimum brake performance. Test
not. Wire caps do not prevent fraying, but they do riding should be done to check for squeal, and to check
prevent someone getting poked by the wire. overall brake performance. If squeal is detected, check
Trim the inner wire to leave about 25–30mm of for caliper-arm pivot play and adequate brake-pad toe.
wire past the pinch mechanism. Before doing this,
check to see if the caliper manufacturer has provided
a spot to hook the free end of the wire behind the
caliper arm. If there is a good spot to do this, leave the
wire just long enough to hook it in place.
1. [ ] Trim inner wire with wire cutters 25–30mm
past cable-pinch mechanism.
The next step suggests soldering the end of the
wire. This is easy to do and prevents fraying. To sol-
der, a soldering gun, thin 40/60 rosin-core solder, and
soldering flux are needed. Put flux on the inner wire.
Hold the soldering gun tip flat against one side of the
wire until the flux sizzles away. Still holding the sol-
dering gun tip flat against one side of the wire, hold
the tip of the solder against the other side of the wire
until the heated wire causes the solder to melt and
flow into the wire. Some wires are specially coated or
made of stainless steel and will not accept solder. In
these cases the wire will melt the solder, but the solder
will not flow into the wire. Instead, it beads up and
runs off the wire.

Inner wire


36.74 Correct soldering technique.

2. [ ] Solder inner wire end.

Wire-end caps are sometimes used instead of sol-
der to prevent fraying. This will not work. Crimping
the cap onto the wire frequently causes fraying. A sol-
dered wire will not fray when the cap is crimped on.
The real function of the wire cap is to cover the sharp
end of the wire.
3. [ ] Put cap on end of inner wire if desired.

36 – 43

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Brake squeals when applied hard or softly.
Loose pivot(s). Adjust pivot(s) if adjustable, and/or replace pivot
bushings. Condition is not always correctable,
particularly with cantilever brakes.
Contamination on rims (oil or dirt). Clean rims with solvent or heavy-duty cleanser that
leaves no residue.
Brakes shoes need toe adjustment. Toe pads to a maximum clearance of 1.5mm at tail end
of pad.
Caliper arms are flexing. Long and/or skinny caliper arms are prone to flexing,
which can only be prevented by using higher-quality,
stiffer arms.
Humidity conditions. Changes in humidity may change a brake’s tendency to
squeal; there is no solution.
Contamination on pad faces. Replace pads or regrind pad face(s).
Pads incompatible with rim. Changing brands of pads may reduce squeal.
Pads not broken-in to rim. New pads may squeal under high braking force only, then
not squeal once they have conformed to the shape of the
rim. Recheck all pad alignments, or run emery cloth
between the pads and the rim while applying the brakes
gently, to accelerate pad break-in.
SYMPTOM: Brake mechanism(s) squeak when applied and/or released.
Lever pivot(s) need oil. Oil lever pivots.
Cable-anchor pivots in lever need oil. Oil cable-anchor pivots.
Cable-end socket for barrel-ended cable Oil cable-end socket.
needs oil in lever.
Spring ends need oil where they brace Oil spring ends.
against caliper arms.
Spring coils need oil. Oil spring coils.
SYMPTOM: Sidepull caliper will not hold its center adjustment.
Caliper-mounting nut not secure. Secure caliper-mounting nut.
Spring not fixed securely in slot in spring- Peen down slot in spring-mounting plate to eliminate play
mounting plate. between spring and spring-mounting plate.
Caliper pivots need oil. Oil caliper pivots.
Spring ends need oil. Oil spring ends.
Spring is fatigued. Replace spring.
SYMPTOM: Properly centered sidepull caliper has one arm that moves in before the other.
Cable housing resists motion of only one This is a normal response and needs no correction. The
caliper arm. arms act uniformly once both pads reach the rim.
Housing loop to rear brake may be too Lengthen housing loop.
short, particularly on BMX bikes, so that it
loses all bow before the pad contacts the
(continued next page)

36 – 44

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Sidepull-caliper-pivot adjustment does not stay correctly adjusted.
Improper centering technique. See section on sidepull-caliper-centering adjustment.
Inadequate adjustment security. Reset adjustment and secure adequately.
Heavy-duty use. Treat adjustment nut and adjustment-locknut threads
with Loctite #222 and reset adjustment.
SYMPTOM: Sidepull-caliper-pivot adjustment remains too tight no matter how it is adjusted.
Adjustment nut or pivot-bolt threads are Inspect and replace damaged parts.
Return spring is fatigued. Check and replace spring.
SYMPTOM: Sidepull caliper will not release completely after release of the lever.
Pivot needs oil. Oil pivot.
Pivot too tight. Adjust pivot to eliminate bind and/or play.
Spring fatigued. Check and replace spring.
Friction in cable system. Inspect for poor cable routing, the remove cable system
and inspect for rust, kinks, improperly finished housing
ends, and lack of lubrication.
Sticky lever. See BRAKE LEVERSchapter (page 34-9).
SYMPTOM: Centerpull caliper will not hold its centering adjustment.
Mounting nut not secure. Secure mounting nut.
SYMPTOM: Cantilever brakes cannot be properly centered.
Wheel out-of-center in frame/fork. Check and correct wheel centering.
Pivot studs in need of grease. Remove calipers and grease pivot studs.
Link-wire improperly setup. Setup again, using proper Pro-Set tool and technique.
Primary wire approaches brake from off- It may be necessary to deviate from standard setup
center approach. procedures to center brake when frame manufacturer
forces primary wire to approach brake from off-center.
Caliper arm not pivoting freely on Remove arm and use Bicycle Research BM1 pivot-stud
damaged (flared) pivot stud. mill (or emery cloth) to reduce flare.
Pivot bushing of caliper arm longer than File caliper-pivot bushing shorter.
pivot stud.
Deformed mounting washer pressing Replace washer.
against face of caliper arm.
Depth of shoe stud in each anchor bolt Reset shoe-stud depth.
not equal.
Damaged, mis-matched, or mis-installed Disassemble caliper and inspect springs.
Springs not engaged in equal hole Reposition springs.
positions in multiple-hole braze-ons.
Braze-ons mis-positioned. Not correctable.

(continued next page)

36 – 45

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Cantilever arm is not pivoting freely.
Pivot stud needs grease. Grease pivot stud.
Pivot stud flared from over-tight mounting Remove arm and use Bicycle Research BM1 pivot-stud
bolt. mill (or emery cloth) to reduce flare.
Rust on pivot stud. Clean with emery cloth and grease.
Caliper-arm-pivot bushing longer than File bushing shorter.
pivot stud.
Deformed mounting washer pressing Replace washer.
against face of caliper arm.
SYMPTOM: Cantilever pads force their way to below the rim.
Pads adjusted too low on rim. Reset pads to as high as possible on rim face.
Poor vertical-angle alignment causes pads Align vertical angle of pad face to match vertical angle of
to travel too far. rim face.
V-shaped rim cross-section incompatible – Use firm pads to reduce deflection.
with cantilever brakes. – Switch rim to more vertical or inverted-slope face.
SYMPTOM: Cantilever pads cannot be adjusted to have proper height and vertical-angle alignment at
the same time.
Improper pivot-stud position in relation to – No complete solution possible; sacrifice proper alignment
rim. for best possible height.
– Wider rim, narrower rim, or rim with taller braking surface
may help.
Caliper arm with threaded-stud/curved- If available, switch fat washers from outboard of caliper
washer pad-alignment system is having to arm to between caliper arm and brake shoe.
swing too far to reach rim.
SYMPTOM: U-Brake will not release completely when hooked up, even though there is no problem
with the cables detached.
Straddle wire too short. Lengthen straddle wire.
SYMPTOM: Shimano U-Brake cannot be centered using the correct technique on the adjustment
Pivot stud rusty or needing lube. Remove, clean and lube.
Improper mounting. Loosen mounting bolts and resecure with both caliper
arms open fully, to reset basic spring tension.
Rim cannot be centered to pivot studs. Loosen mounting bolt on side where clearance is greater,
and re-secure caliper arm with pad rotated closer to rim.
Poorly matched springs. Reset the basic spring tension to be higher or lower as
necessary on just one side.

(continued next page)

36 – 46

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Brake levers bottom-out easily when pads are set at minimal clearance to the rims.
Excess housing-loop length. Shorten housing loops to minimum recommended length.
Spongy housing. Upgrade housing.
Poorly finished housing ends and/or lack Finish properly and use end caps.
of end caps where they might improve fit.
Light-duty inner wires. Upgrade inner wires.
Levers mis-positioned on handlebars. Reposition levers to recommended guidelines.
Mismatched leverage ratio of lever and Replace one or the other, using brand- and model-
caliper arms. matched equipment whenever possible.
Poor vertical-angle pad alignment on Realign vertical-angle alignment of pads.
cantilever brakes.
SYMPTOM: Brake has inadequate stopping power, but levers are not bottoming out on handlebars.
Excess cable friction. Set housing-loop lengths properly, lubricate cables, finish
ends properly, and use end caps where appropriate.
Poor pad alignment. Realign pads to improve contact to rim.
Pad surfaces hardened from overheating Replace pads.
or age.
Cable carrier, link-wire head, or link-unit Check that there is 20mm clearance between cable
head is bumping into housing stop. carrier, link-wire head, or link-unit head and housing stop.
Straddle wire too long. Shorten straddle wire to minimum recommended length.
Oil on rim. Clean rim and replace pads.
Water on rim. Use high-performance brake pads.
SYMPTOM: Brake levers require a very high force to start motion, or when pulled gently, they seem to
move as though indexed (jerky, not smooth).
Excess cable friction. Set housing-loop lengths properly, lubricate cables, finish
ends properly, and use end caps where appropriate.
Adjustable pivot adjusted too tight. Check pivot adjustment.
Caliper pivot(s) need lubrication. Lubricate caliper pivots.
Cable-anchor pivot in lever sticking. Oil cable-anchor pivot.
Barrel-type cable end sticking in lever Lubricate cable-end socket.
SYMPTOM: Levers require excess force to pull.
Dual-pivot caliper is off-center, causing Check and correct pad centering.
rim to deflect laterally before second pad
will contact.
Excess cable friction. Set housing-loop lengths properly, lubricate cables, finish
ends properly and use end caps where appropriate.
Caliper-spring tension set too high. Reset caliper-spring tension.
Lever pivots and caliper pivots sticky. Oil all pivots.
SYMPTOM: Cable frays where it leaves brake lever.
Bent or kinked cable housing. Replace or trim housing.

(continued next page)

36 – 47

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Lever fails to release.
Caliper pivot sticking. Check pivot adjustment, pivot lubrication, pivot studs for
damage or rust, or deformed washer on face of caliper.
Calipers with adjustable spring tension set Reset spring tension.
too soft.
Excess cable friction. Set housing-loop lengths properly, lubricate cables, finish
ends properly, and use end caps where appropriate.
Lever pivot sticking. Oil pivot.
Adjustable lever pivot too tight. – Check for gum-cover interference.
– Check for bent pivot or lever.
– Adjust lever pivot.
SYMPTOM: Brakes are grabby or lack sensitivity.
Pivot adjustment loose. Eliminate all free play if possible.
Wide or narrow seam on rim. No solution.
Offset seam on non-welded rim. Use rim pliers to eliminate offset.
Damaged rim sidewalls bulging out. Use rim pliers to eliminate bulge.
Rim out-of-round (particularly with sloped Improve rim round.
sidewall rims).
Improper match of lever and caliper. Use brand- and model-matched parts.
Excess cable friction. Set housing-loop lengths properly, lubricate cables, finish
ends properly, and use end caps where appropriate.
SYMPTOM: Brake pads rub tire.
Pad height set wrong. Reset pad height.
Loose sidepull-caliper pivot. Eliminate all free play.
Wheel mounted incorrectly. Check and remount wheel height and center.
Brake caliper’s reach too short for frame Replace calipers.
and wheel combination.

36 – 48

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Inner wire: The wire that is attached to the brake
lever, passes through housing on the way to the brake,
This chapter is about setting up and servicing the and attaches to the brake. At times it may just be
cables that operate the brakes. It covers selection of called the wire.
the inner wire and housing, as well as the sizing and Drawn wire: Wires that have been drawn through
preparation of the housings. Attaching the inner wire a die to change their shape. The process flattens the
to the brake lever is covered in the previous chapter. individual strands of the inner wire so that the surface
Attaching the inner wires to the brakes and adjusting of the inner wire is smoother.
the tension on the inner wire is covered in the CABLE- Inner-wire head: The barrel-shaped or mushroom-
OPERATED RIM BRAKES chapter (at different locations shaped bead at the end of the inner wire. It fits in a
for different types of calipers). socket in the brake lever arm.
Housing stop: A socket-like fitting on the frame,
brake lever, or brake. The stop is the point where the
GENERAL INFORMATION housing ends and the inner wire continues.
Adjusting barrel: A hollow screw that changes the
effective length of the brake inner wire. It is inserted
TERMINOLOGY into the lever body. The brake inner wire goes through
the adjusting barrel. The outer end of the adjusting bar-
Cable: The term cable is used to refer to the com- rel has a socket into which the cable housing is inserted.
plete cable system, including the inner wire, housings,
and fittings. The term cable is often used to refer to the
inner wire as well. To avoid confusion, this book will PREREQUISITES
always use cable to describe the whole system, and inner Whenever cables are serviced or installed, brake
wire to describe the wire portion of the cable system. adjustments must be done.
Housing: The outer sheath that covers portions
of the inner wire. It is used to guide the inner wire
around bends and to connect points that move in re-
lation to each other. Maintenance
Compressionless housing: This is housing that has Cables just wear out. There may be no overt symp-
stiff wires embedded in it that run along the length of toms, but a cable can operate sluggishly just because it is
the housing to reduce compression. To identify this old. Cables are vital to brake performance and relatively
housing, look at the cut end. Many wire ends will be inexpensive. It is no extravagance to regularly replace
seen. This housing is used exclusively on derailleur systems! the cable system, particularly if you are adjusting a brake.
Housing liner: A plastic sheath inside the hous- Difficult brake operation
ing that is used to reduce friction. It is almost always When the lever becomes difficult to operate, and
fixed permanently in place. lubing the brake lever does not solve the problem, it
Wound housing: This type of housing, typically is likely there is a cable problem.
used on brakes, consists of a single coil wound from
one end of the housing to the other. It is usually cov- Rusty or damaged inner wire
ered in a plastic sheath and often has a liner inside. To Inner wires fail because they get rusty, fray, become
identify it, look at the cut end. It will look like the kinked, or because the wire sheath tears on a Gore-Tex
end of a coil spring. If not sure after looking at the cable. Replace all wires with these problems, even when
end, strip off the plastic sheath for a few millimeters the damage does not seem to be in a critical location.
at the end. Whether it is a single coil (wound), or multi- Damaged and dirty housings
strand (compressionless), will become clear. Housings fail because they get kinked or bent, and
Ferrule: A cap that fits on the end of the housing because the plastic outer sheath cracks. Dirt can also
to improve its fit into a housing stop. get inside a housing and substantially increase friction.

35 – 1
Housings get kinked or bent because of impact and housings used for brake systems, and compatibility of
over-extension, but they also get damaged in the same the different types with different braking systems. The
way because they are mis-sized. Kinked and bent hous- next section is SIZING HOUSING LOOPS, which covers
ings should be replaced, unless the housing is too long how to determine the optimum length of housing loops
and the damage is confined to an area that will be cut off. to either brake and to brake levers of all types. The
Dirt gets inside housings and increases friction. final section is PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE
There is no good way to inspect for it and there is no CABLE SYSTEM, which covers housing-end finishing,
good way to clean it out. It could be abrasive particles cable-system lubrication, and routing considerations.
embedded in the inner liner. This hidden dirt is the Unlike other chapters in this book, there is no
likely reason that a used cable system that looks fine section on troubleshooting. This is because cable prob-
still does not feel as good as when new. This hidden lems are covered in the CABLE-OPERATED RIM BRAKES
dirt is reason enough to routinely replace cable sys- chapter (page 36-44).
tems when adjusting brakes.
Handlebar and stem changes
When the handlebar width, stem height, and stem
length are changed, the loops of housings at the brake CABLE TYPES AND
levers need to be re-sized. If the brake levers are moved
further away because of wider bars or longer stem, it
usually means cable replacement.
TOOL CHOICES Inner wires differ by diameter, type of surface, and
The only tools required for installation of cables are type of construction.
appropriate tools for cutting inner wire and housing. Inner-wire diameter
Preferred tools are in bold. Tools are preferred because Wire diameter is important in regard to compat-
of a balance among: versatility, quality, and economy. ibility with the housing. Conventional housing has a
5mm outside diameter; wires of 1.5–1.8mm diameter
CABLE TOOLS (table 35-1) will fit this size. Oversize brake-cable housing has a
Tool Fits and considerations diameter of 6mm, and works with inner wires with a
Park CN-2 Cuts inner wires only 2.0mm diameter.
SunTour TA110 Cuts inner wires only There are no real advantages to the oversize-cable
Hozan C214 Cuts inner wires only
system, and manufacturers don’t design cable systems
this way any more. Some older bikes have brake-
Hozan C215 Cuts inner wires and
lever fittings and frame fittings that are designed for
compressionless housing
the 6.0mm housing. If this is the case, then it is best to
Shimano TL-CT10 Cuts inner wires and
use the oversize cables.
compressionless housing
VAR 990 Cuts inner wires and Inner-wire surface
compressionless housing Unlike indexing-derailleur systems, brake systems
Felco C7 Deluxe Cuts inner wires and will work adequately no matter what the quality of
compressionless housing the cable is. To optimize performance, however, a
United Bicycle Tool Removes burr from filed or smooth cable surface is preferred to a rough surface.
MS-BURR ground housing end One way to ensure that the wire is smooth enough is
7–8" diagonal side Cuts wound housing
to use drawn inner wires, which have the smoothest
cutter, any brand surface available. Most drawn inner wires will be mar-
keted as such, but the appearance will identify them
as well. Drawn inner wires have a more reflective sur-
ABOUT THE REST face, and the individual strands are much less obvi-
OF THIS CHAPTER ous. When looking at drawn inner wire, instead of
seeing individual strands, it just looks like there are
The rest of this chapter is divided into several sec-
which covers the different types of inner wires and

35 – 2
tiny grooves spiraling around the inner wire. Drawn
inner wire also feels much smoother when pulled be-
Housing for brake systems must of be the wound
tween the fingertips.
variety. The compressionless variety is not designed to
Inner-wire construction withstand the loads that are put on brake inner wires.
Most inner wires today are a simple twisted wire. Catastrophic failure could result if compressionless hous-
Several strands are laid parallel and then twisted to- ing were used on a brake system!
gether all at once. There is another construction, which Wound housings have a metal strip that is wound
might be called braided. It is not actually braided, but like a coil spring. Most wound housing has a plastic
has that appearance. It is made by making several very liner inside to reduce friction, but some cheap variet-
small twisted-wire cables, and then twisting these to- ies are exposed metal inside. The ones without a liner
gether to make a larger cable. This braided (or double- generate more friction, and are more likely to rust
twisted) inner wire is more supple than the same thick- solid, rendering the brake useless. Wound housing
ness of a simple twist. For this reason, most 2.0mm might be “flat wound” or “round wound.” The flat-
inner wires are the braided type. wound variety is more common, stiffer, and stronger;
flat-wound housing is made from wire that is flat.
INNER-WIRE HEADS End view Flat-wound with sheath cut away
Barrel heads
The barrel-headed inner wire is used on virtually
all brake levers except those found on brake levers made
for drop-bars on road bikes. This type has a cylinder-
shaped head that is usually slightly longer than its di-
ameter. The wire goes into the side of the cylinder. End view Round-wound with sheath cut away

35.1 Inner wire with barrel head. 35.3 Flat-wound and round-wound housing types.
The most common barrel diameter is approxi-
mately 7.0mm. An 8.0mm-size barrel has been made,
but wires with this size barrel are probably very diffi-
cult to find. The 7.0mm size can be used, instead. SIZING AND ROUTING
The length of the barrel also varies. Even if the
barrel protrudes from the socket or anchor, it is not a HOUSING LOOPS
problem unless the barrel interferes with the lever body.
Barrels that are too long can easily be filed shorter.
Mushroom heads are used almost exclusively on
brake levers made for use on drop-bars for road bikes. Sizing the housing loops is critical to good brake
The mushroom head typically has two diameters. The performance for several reasons. The shorter the hous-
inner wire comes out the end of a narrower cylinder ing, the less friction there will be on the inner wire (to
that with a 3.5–4.0mm diameter that mushrooms out a point). When the housing is too short, then it bends
to 6.0mm at the end. more, which increases friction and increases compres-
sion under load. The additional compression creates
lost brake-lever motion. Tight bends should be avoided
because they cause the coils in the housing to open more.
When the brake inner wire is under load, these coils
compress, which causes lost lever motion and effort.
35.2 Inner wire with mushroom head.

35 – 3
The housing loop at the brake lever must also be 3. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (180° max.) to
sized to permit a normal range of motion of the handle- side opposite the side of the stem that the
bar, or the housings will be damaged when the bar housing is routed on.
moves to its limit. 4. [ ] Pull housing as far as it will go past housing
stop that is on frame (without damaging
The goal, when sizing any housing loop, is to make
housing), making sure housing remains in-
it as short as possible without creating any abrupt serted in housing stop on brake lever.
bends, or limiting the handlebar’s range of motion. 5. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
Most factories set up new bikes with brake lever closed end of housing stop on frame.
housings that are much longer than is ideal. This may 6. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
be because it allows use of the same cable sets on mul- housing at mark.
tiple bike sizes, or it may be because the factory an-
ticipates that the shop may end up putting on a longer 1 – Rotate to limit 3 – Trim here
stem for the customer (requiring more cable length). (180° max.) 2 – Pull tight
Unfortunately, bikes routinely set up with housings
too long train the customer’s (and the mechanic’s) eyes
to accept something wrong as normal. Do not let any
preconceptions about what looks normal prevent the
decision to correctly size the housing loops.

Normal routing
It is normal that the cable from the right lever go
to the rear brake. It may be changed at customer re-
quest, but not because the shop decides that the un-
conventional routing is better and should be the shop
standard. Anyone that has ever ridden a bike with
hand brakes expects the right lever to operate the rear
brake; it would be dangerous to surprise someone with
a bike that had levers set up opposite from the norm.
Sizing right-lever housing loop
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire com- 35.4 Sizing the housing loop from a right-side MTB lever.
ing out of brake lever.
There may be a housing stop for the rear-brake
cable at the front end of the top tube, either centered Sizing left-lever housing loop
on the top or offset to the right or left side. If the The loop of housing from the left lever may go to
housing stop is centered on the top of the tube, then any one of locations; it may end at a stop on top of the
the loop from the right lever may go around either stem, at a stop on the bottom of the stem, at a stop
side of the stem. If the bars are narrow or the stem is built into the headset, at a stop built in to a bridge that
short, it may be preferred to go around the left side of connects the two sides of the fork, or at the brake. In
the stem to correct the abrupt bend. If the housing every case, the housing-loop length should be set as short
stop is on the right side of the frame, then the housing as possible, without creating an abrupt bend where it
loop must pass the right side of the stem. If the hous- enters the stop at either end. It should also be routed so
ing stop is on the left side of the frame, then the hous- that it does not have to deflect around anything.
ing loop must pass the left side of the stem.
2. [ ] Route housing to housing stop on frame that
will be used, making sure that loop does not
have to deflect around derailleur cables.

35 – 4

Aero’ brake levers that are designed to have the
brake-cable housing routed along the handlebar (un-
derneath the handlebar covering). Non-aero’ levers
have free loops of housing that rise several inches above
the brake lever and handlebar. The housing leaves the
aero’ lever at its base and remains adjacent to the
handlebar until it reaches the end of the handlebar
covering, a few inches from the point the handlebar
goes into the stem.
35.5 When the housing length is correct (1), it enters the stop on
the top of the stem in a straight line. When the housing length is too Normal routing
long (2) or too short (3), the housing enters the stop on top of the It is normal that the cable from the right lever go
stem at an angle.
to the rear brake. It may be changed at customer re-
quest, but not because the shop decides that the un-
2 conventional routing is better and should be the shop
1 standard. Anyone that has ever ridden a bike with
3 hand brakes expects the right lever to operate the rear
brake; it would be dangerous to surprise someone with
a bike that had levers set up opposite from the norm.
Sizing right-lever housing loop
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing into socket on base of
lever body.
2 [ ] Route housing so that it comes out of the
35.6 When the housing length is correct (1), it enters the stop on base of the lever body and gradually transi-
below the stem in a straight line. When the housing length is too
tions to underside of handlebar, unless a
long (2) or too short (3), the housing enters the stop below the stem at
an angle. groove is provided in face of handlebar to
seat housing in.
If one end of the housing ends at a stop on a caliper 3. [ ] Retain housing temporarily with adhesive
arm, then the motion of the caliper arm should be con- tape or ties to handlebar, only to point
handlebar covering will end near stem.
sidered. When sizing the housing, the caliper arm should
There may be a housing stop for the rear-brake
be in a position close to its actual working position.
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire com-
cable at the front end of the top tube either centered
ing out of brake lever. on the top, or offset to the right side. If the housing
2. [ ] Find route for housing from lever to other stop stop (or guide) is centered on the top of the tube, then
(at stem, headset, bridge, or caliper) that is as the loop from the right lever may go around either
direct as possible without any unnecessary side of the stem; usually, it is preferred to go around
deflections or avoidable abrupt bends. the left side of the stem to reduce the abruptness of
3. [ ] If housing will be routed to stop on a caliper the bend. However, if the housing stop is on the right
arm, use brake fourth-hand tool to hold pads side of the frame, then the housing loop must pass the
to rim to put caliper in its working position. right side of the stem. If the housing stop is on the left
4. [ ] With housing positioned adjacent to stop
side of the frame, then the housing loop must pass the
that is closer to brake, adjust housing longer
and shorter until length is found that keeps
left side of the stem.
abrupt bends to a minimum, where housing 4. [ ] Route housing to housing stop on frame that
enters stops. will be used.
5. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with 5. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (90° max.) to side
closed end of housing stop. opposite side of stem that housing is routed on.
6. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing at mark.

35 – 5
6. [ ] Pull housing as far as it will go past housing 7. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
stop on frame (without damaging housing), closed end of housing stop.
making sure housing remains inserted in 8. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing stop on brake lever and does not housing at mark.
pull out of tape or tie on handlebar.
7. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
closed end of housing stop on frame. DROP-BAR/NON-AERO’-BRAKE-
8. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut LEVER HOUSING LOOPS
housing at mark. Non-aero’ brake levers are brake levers that are
designed to have the brake-cable housings rise out of
the top of the lever bodies and form free loops that go
over the top of the handlebar on the way to the brakes.
Normal routing
It is normal that the cable from the right lever go
to the rear brake. It may be changed at customer re-
quest, but not because the shop decides that the un-
conventional routing is better and should be the shop
35.7 Cable routing from aero’ brake levers. standard. Anyone that has ever ridden a bike with
hand brakes expects the right lever to operate the rear
Sizing left-lever housing loop brake; it would be dangerous to surprise someone with
The loop of housing from the left lever may go to a bike that had levers set up opposite from the norm.
any number of locations. It may end at a stop on the The housing loops should be of equal height, and
bottom of the stem, at a stop built into the headset, at should peak at a height of 115mm (±10mm) above the
a stop built in to a bridge that connects the two sides handlebar. This is equal to a height of 4.5" (±.5").
of the fork, or at the brake. In every case, the housing- Even
loop length should be set as short as possible, without
creating an abrupt bend where it enters the stop or 105–125mm 4–5"
departs from the handlebar. It should also be routed
so that it does not have to deflect around anything.
If one end of the housing ends at a stop on a caliper
arm, then the motion of the caliper arm should be con-
sidered. When sizing the housing, the caliper arm should
be in a position close to its actual working position.
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing into socket on base of
lever body.
2 [ ] Route housing so that it comes out of the
base of the lever body and gradually transi- 35.8 Normal cable routing when the housing stop on the front
tions to underside of handlebar, unless a brake is on the bike’s left side.
groove is provided in face of handlebar to
seat housing in. Even
3. [ ] Retain housing temporarily with adhesive
tape or ties to handlebar (only to point 105–125mm 4–5"
handlebar covering will end near stem).
4. [ ] Find route for housing from handlebar to
other stop (at stem, headset, bridge, or cali-
per) that is as direct as possible, without any
unnecessary deflections or abrupt bends.
5. [ ] If housing will be routed to stop on a caliper
arm, use brake fourth-hand tool to hold pads
to rim to put caliper in its working position.
6. [ ] With housing positioned adjacent to stop,
adjust housing longer and shorter until
length is found that keeps abrupt bends to a 35.9 Normal cable routing when the housing stop on the front
minimum (where housing enters stops). brake is on the bike’s right side.

35 – 6

Sizing right-lever housing loop If one end of the housing ends at a stop on a caliper
1. [ ] Insert ferrule into hole in top of lever body. arm, then the motion of the caliper arm should be con-
2. [ ] Insert one end of housing piece into ferrule. sidered. When sizing the housing, the caliper arm should
There may be a housing stop (or housing guide) be in a position close to its actual working position.
for the rear-brake cable at the front end of the top 1. [ ] Insert ferrule into hole in top of lever body.
tube either centered on the top, or offset to the right 2. [ ] Insert one end of housing piece into ferrule.
or left side. If the housing stop (or guide) is centered 3. [ ] If housing stop is on brake caliper, use brake
on the top of the tube, then the loop from the right fourth-hand tool to hold pads to rim so that
housing stop will be in its working position.
lever may go around either side of the stem. If the
If the housing stop for the front brake is in any of
front brake has a housing stop on the right side of the
the following locations: on the left side of the brake
bike , it may be preferred to go around the left side of
caliper, on the headset, on the center of a bridge be-
the stem to make the front and rear loops appear more
tween the sides of the fork, or on the brake at the
symmetrical. If the housing stop is on the right side of
center, then the left-lever housing loop should come
the frame, then the housing loop must go by the right
down on the left side of the stem. If the housing stop
side of the stem. If the housing stop is on the left side
is on the right side of the brake, then the housing loop
of the frame, then the housing loop must go by the
should come down on the right side of the stem.
left side of the stem.
Some bikes are set up with the housing loops
Some bikes are set up with the housing loops from
from the brake levers routed under the handlebar.
the brake levers routed under the handlebar. This de-
This increases housing bends, leading to an increase
creases support for the housing, leading to an increase
in housing failure; routing over the top of the handle-
in housing failure; routing over the top of the handle-
bar is strongly recommended.
bar is strongly recommended.
4. [ ] Route housing over handlebar, past correct
3. [ ] Route housing over handlebar, past correct
side of stem, and to housing stop.
side of stem, and to housing-stop/guide on
5. [ ] Adjust length of loop so that it peaks
115mm (± ±10mm) above top of handlebar.
4. [ ] Adjust length of loop so that it peaks
(Make loop height equal to right-side loop, if
115mm (± ±10mm) above top of handlebar.
right-side loop is in acceptable height range.)
(Make loop height equal to left-side loop, if
6. [ ] Mark housing at point even with closed end
left-side loop is in acceptable height range.)
of housing stop, then cut housing at mark.
5. [ ] If housing will stop at fitting on top tube,
mark housing at point that is even with
closed end of housing stop on frame, then BMX/FREESTYLE-BRAKE-LEVER
cut housing at mark.
6. [ ] If housing will go through a tunnel guide and HOUSING LOOPS
will not stop until it is past the seat tube,
use tape to temporarily fix housing to top
Sizing and routing
tube when loop height is correct. (Excess the right-brake-lever housing loop
housing length will be removed when sizing The housing loop from the right brake lever goes
loop at rear brake.) to the top tube in most cases, but on occasion goes to
Sizing left-lever housing loop a device on the stem called a rotor.
The loop of housing from the left lever may go to If the housing loop goes to the top tube, it should
a variety of locations. It may end at a stop built into be set just long enough to allow full rotation of the
the headset, at a stop built in to a bridge that connects handlebar, or 360° of rotation (whichever comes first).
the two sides of the fork, or at the brake. The stop at The housing should go below the handlebar and stay
the brake may be on the left, the right, or even at the to the right side of the stem.
center. In every case, the housing-loop length should If the housing is routed to a rotor, it should be a
be set at a length that makes it equal in height to the gentle curve that is as short as possible, without creat-
right-lever loop (unless the right-lever loop is outside ing any abrupt bends at either end.
the acceptable range). It should also be routed so that
it does not have to deflect around anything.

35 – 7

Sizing and routing

the left-brake-lever housing loop
The housing loop from the left brake lever usu-
ally goes directly to the brake, but is sometimes routed 1
down through the center of the stem.
If the loop of housing goes directly to the brake,
the brake pads must be held to the rim while sizing
the housing loop. The loop should be a gentle curve
that is as short as possible, without creating any abrupt 35.11 When an adjustable cable hanger is correctly aligned (posi-
tion 1), then the inner wire leaves the adjusting barrel without a
bends at either end. The housing should stay in front bend. If the hanger is incorrectly aligned (position 2), the inner wire
of the handlebar. changes direction as soon as it exits the adjusting barrel.
If the housing is routed into the center of the stem,
the loop should be a gentle curve that is as short as pos-
sible, without creating any abrupt bends at either end.
The housing should stay in front of the handlebar.
The position of the housing stop on a caliper
changes as the caliper opens and closes. The small
UPRIGHT-BAR BRAKE-LEVER amount of motion that occurs under normal opera-
HOUSING LOOPS tion of the caliper is not an issue; however, when the
caliper is not hooked up, the housing stop will move
The housing loop from the right lever should be
a significant distance from its operating position. For
set up in the same fashion as on an MTB right lever.
this reason, the brake pads should always be held to
The housing loop for the left lever should be set up in
the rim when sizing a loop of housing that goes to the
the same fashion as a BMX/freestyle left lever that
caliper. The length of the loop should be set to mini-
has housing routed directly to the brake.
mize abrupt bends where the housing enters the stops,
and to minimize double bends.
The loop can go around either side of the seat post/
seat tube, except that it should be on the opposite side
of any seat post quick-release lever. The length of the 1
loop should be set to minimize abrupt bends where the
housing enters the stops, and to minimize double bends. 3
If the housing stop is a hanger mounted to the seat-post
binder, the angle of the hanger might need to be ad-
justed. The hanger position should be set so that the
inner wire will come out of the hanger parallel to the
line of the hanger or any adjusting barrel on the hanger.

35.12 When the length of the housing loop to a rear sidepull brake
2 is correct (1), then it enters the adjusting barrel in a straight line. If
the length is too long (2), or too short (3), then the housing bends as
1 it enters the adjusting barrel.

35.10 When housing is the correct length (1), it enters the stop
straight. When it is too long (2) or too short (3), then it bends at the
point it enters the stop..

35 – 8

PREPARATION After filing or grinding a piece of housing, the

inner liner may need to be reopened, and burrs left by
AND INSTALLATION the filing or grinding need to be removed. A pushpin
is a useful devise for reopening the inner liner. A min-
OF THE CABLE SYSTEM iature taper reamer (of the type used with a rotary/
Dremmel tool) is useful for removing the burr from
the inside of the housing end.
After cutting a piece of wound housing to length,
the end must be properly finished to optimize brake
It is important to use ferrules anytime they will fit.
performance. The fresh-finished surface should cover
Fit a ferrule onto the housing and check if the ferrule
all 360° of the end of the housing, and the surface should
will install into the housing stop or adjusting barrel.
be perpendicular to the axis of the housing. A hand file
If it fits without jamming, it must be used. Dia-Compe
or grinder can be used to clean up the end of the hous-
aero’ brake levers use a special ferrule that has a larger
ing. After the end has been filed or ground, then a taper
O.D. than common ferrules.
reamer is used to remove any internal burr that may
have been created during the filing or grinding. Crimping ferrules onto housing
When using a grinder to finish the end of the hous- Ferrules come from the factory crimped onto the
ing, a great deal of care must be used to prevent heat housing so that they won’t get lost in transit. Once a
from building up and melting the outer plastic sheath cable is installed on a bike, there is no advantage to
or inner liner. Press the end of the housing very lightly having the ferrules crimped on. Crimping is a waste
against the grinding wheel to reduce heat. A useful of time, and it complicates re-using them. Crimping
technique to keep the housing cool is to dip the end ferrules is not recommended.
into a water bath after every 2–3 seconds of grinding.
The housing should be supported on the grinder’s tool
rest to keep the housing aligned to the wheel surface,
and to prevent the end of the housing from being Any housing used for brake systems should be lined
pulled out of line by the grinding wheel. with a plastic sheath. Performance will always be im-
A file is slower to use, but less likely to create proved by dripping or spraying oil into the housing
enough heat to melt the plastic on the housing. Care before installing the cable system. Grease should not
must be taken to keep the end of the housing perpen- be used because it can congeal when it gets cold or old,
dicular to the file face to prevent the finished face of which lowers the performance of the cable system.
the housing from ending up at the wrong angle. Unlined housing is not recommended, but if
used, the best lubricant is grease, which should be
1 2 3 put on the inner wire.

4 5 6

35.13 1. Mangled coil: needs to be re-cut. 2. Good cut: ready for

finishing. 3. Incompletely filed or ground end. 4. Filed end not per-
pendicular to housing axis. 5. Completely finished end ready for
reaming. 6. Filed and reamed housing end.

35 – 9

35 – 10

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Cast clamp: The portion of a lever body that
wraps around the handlebar. A cast clamp is usually
This chapter is about the levers used to operate
an integrated part of the lever body, but sometimes
the brakes. It covers brake levers for: flat bars on
the clamp is made in two pieces; half the clamp is cast
MTBs, drop-bars on road bikes, BMX/freestyle bars,
as part of the lever body, and the other half is attached
and upright-bars. For most of these, several subjects
by two bolts (or a hinge and a bolt). Some brake le-
are covered, including installation, inner-wire attach-
vers are fixed to the handlebar with a cast clamp, and
ment, failures, and service.
others are fixed to the handlebar with a pull-up strap.


Brake lever: The lever mechanism that that is
operated to control the brake calipers at the wheels.
Brake caliper: This is the mechanism at the wheel
that closes the brake pads against the braking surface
when pressure is applied to the brake lever.
Lever body: The part of the brake lever that is
fixed to the handlebar and does not move when the
lever is operated. 34.1 An MTB lever with a cast clamp.
Lever arm: The part of the brake lever that is
moved toward the handlebar to apply the brakes. Pull-up strap: A flexible steel strap that holds the
Mounting bolt: A bolt that causes a cast clamp lever body to the handlebar. Some brake levers are
or strap clamp to tighten around the handlebar to se- fixed to the handlebar with a pull-up strap, while oth-
cure the lever body to the handlebar. ers are fixed to the handlebar with a cast clamp. See
Lever pivot: The shaft on which the lever arm figures 34.2 and 34.3 (next page).
Pivot stud: An unthreaded lever pivot that slides Pull-up strap
or presses into the lever body.
Pivot bolt: A lever pivot that threads into the Pull-up bolt
lever body. It can also thread into a nut fixed to a socket
in the lever body.
Pivot bushing: A plastic bushing that fits between
the lever arm and the pivot stud/bolt.
Adjusting barrel: A hollow screw that changes the
effective length of the brake inner wire. It is inserted
into the lever body. The brake inner wire goes through
the adjusting barrel. The outer end of the adjusting bar-
rel has a socket into which the cable housing is inserted.
Barrel locknut: A nut threaded onto the adjust-
34.2 An MTB lever with a pull-up strap.
ing barrel between the socket end of the adjusting
barrel and the lever body. This nut is secured against Pull-up bolt: A bolt that holds the lever body to
the lever body to keep the position of the adjusting the pull-up strap. As the bolt is tightened, it secures
barrel from changing. the body to the handlebar .

34 – 1
Pull-up nut: The nut that the pull-up bolt threads Ferrule: Any of a wide variety of shapes of fit-
into. tings that adapt the end of the cable housing to fit to
the socket in the lever body or adjusting barrel.

To install a brake lever, it is necessary to know
how to adjust the brake. In many cases it is also
Gum cover (rolled up) necessary to know how to install handlebar cover-
ings, such as tape or grips.
Lever body

Pull-up strap
Symptoms indicating
34.3 A typical brake lever for drop bars on a road bike. a brake lever should be replaced
Brake levers need to be replaced for four reasons:
Strap clamp: This is like a cast clamp with a hinge bends in the lever at any point, cracks in any part of the
or hook on one end, but the separate part that wraps lever, stripped threads for the mounting bolt in the cast
around the side of the handlebar opposite the lever body, or excessive play in the lever pivot that cannot be
body is a semi-flexible plate of metal, rather than a adjusted out or repaired by replacing pivot bushings.
rigid casting. The strap clamp is found most often on Symptoms indicating
BMX/freestyle bikes, and on bikes with upright bars
such as are found on classic 3-speeds.
brake levers need service
Brake levers need service for many reasons:
• Pull-up mechanisms fail and need to be re-
Strap clamp placed.
• Levers operate roughly because of dirt in the
Hinge/hook • Levers operate roughly because of lack of lu-
brication in the pivots.
• Jerky brake operation or squeaks indicate that
the cable anchors need lubrication.
• Bent adjusting barrels should be replaced.
• Slop in the lever pivots indicates that the piv-
ots need adjustment or that the bushings need
to be replaced.
• In some types of levers, sticky lever action
might indicate that a bent pivot stud might
34.4 An inexpensive BMX/freestyle lever. More expensive BMX/ need replacement.
freestyle levers are similar in design to MTB levers.
Symptoms indicating
Cable anchor: The part of the lever arm to which a brake lever needs to be repositioned
the brake inner-wire attaches. It might be a simple The position of the brake levers is critical to
socket in the body of the lever arm, or it may be a the safe operation of the brakes. The brake levers
pivoting mechanism (with a socket for the inner-wire need to be readily accessible from any normal riding
head) attached to the lever arm. position, and they should be positioned so that the
Inner wire: The wire that attaches to the lever arm, rider can operate the levers with a minimum of hand
passes through the lever body and adjusting barrel, and wrist contortion.
through the cable housing, and attaches to the brake. One way to identify whether brake levers need to
Cable housing: The outer sheath of the cable sys- be repositioned is to ride the bike and operate the le-
tem. It stops against the adjusting barrel or a non-ad- vers from all normal hand positions on the handlebar.
justable fitting on the lever body. If some hand positions provide dramatically easier

34 – 2
access to the levers than others, then the levers should
be repositioned. If the wrist must be cocked too close
to its limit of range of motion to operate the brake Fit of brake levers to different-size bars
lever, then a better position should be found. For most types of brake levers, fit to the handlebar
You should also review the positioning guidelines is simple. For example, if installing a brake lever on an
offered in this chapter. MTB handlebar, use an MTB brake lever; fit is assured.
Brake levers that fit on road-bike handlebars are more
Symptoms indicating complicated. There are three basic sizes of drop bars,
a brake lever needs to be secured and different pull-up straps available to fit the different
The issues of lever security are different for brake sizes of bars. For more information on the sizes of straps
levers on road bikes with drop bars and for brake le- and handlebars, see table 34-1 (page 34-6).
vers on off-road bikes. On drop-bar road bikes, the le- Interference with shift-control mechanisms
ver bodies are often used like handlebar extensions and Brake levers and shift-control mechanisms are often
twisted with great force, but on all other types of bikes mounted close together on MTB handlebars. The manu-
the lever bodies are never grasped. For this reason, brake facturers of each cannot anticipate all the designs that
levers on drop bars should be virtually rigid on the might exist or be created. Consequently, there is some-
handlebar. Any time the lever rotates easily around a times interference between the brake lever and the shift-
drop handlebar, the lever should be secured to the limit control mechanism even if both are mounted correctly.
of the equipment. For all other brake-lever types, there Sometimes a minor change in the position of the shift-
is a desireable degree of freedom to rotate; freedom to control mechanism is all that is needed. Do not compro-
rotate prevents damage to the brake levers when they mise the brake lever position. On rare occasions, it might
experience impact. More details on lever security are be necessary to change either the brake lever or the shift-
provided in the instructions for lever installation. control mechanism to eliminate this interference.
Handlebar and stem replacement Compatibility with brake calipers
To replace a stem, at least one brake lever must be Brake levers may be incompatible with some brake
calipers. The distance from the center of the lever pivot
removed, and then properly installed on the bars. To
to the center of the cable anchor determines the amount
replace the handlebars, both levers must be removed,
of inner wire that will be moved per degree of lever arm
and then properly installed on the bars. motion. If a replacement brake lever has a significantly
General brake service larger dimension between the lever pivot and cable an-
Any time a mechanic services the brakes in any chor, then the lever will move the pads much more
way, the brake levers should be given a thorough in- quickly to the braking surface. This will result in greater
spection. If the levers are damaged they should be re- maximum power, but less ability to modulate the brake.
placed. If misaligned they should be aligned. The le- If a replacement brake lever has a significantly smaller
vers should be torqued to the recommended torque dimension between the lever pivot and cable anchor, then
and checked for security. If operating roughly, the le- the lever will move the pads much less quickly to the
vers should be cleaned or lubricated. braking surface. This will result in less maximum power,
but greater ability to modulate the brake.

TOOL CHOICES Failure of pull-up-strap system

Pull-up-strap systems are prone to several types of
The only special tool recommended for brake le- failure that prevent the lever from securing fully.
ver service is a Park SD-1. This is a T-handled screw- Some types of pull-up nuts are not fixed to the pull-
driver with a hollow-ground tip. This tool is essential up strap. When the system has too much slack, the pull-
for the proper installation of slotted-head pull-up bolts. up nut can disengage, resulting in a failure of the lever to
secure, and damage to the pull-up strap. The strap is dam-
TIME AND DIFFICULTY aged because the nut usually remains engaged to one end
of the strap; when the nut is pulled up, only one end of
Installing or servicing a brake lever is a relatively
the strap is pulled, which destroys its symmetry.
easy job of that should only take 1–2 minutes. The
A pull-up strap can crack or break where it joins
real work is the work comes as a result of installing a
the pull-up nut. This damage cannot be seen except
lever: adjusting the brakes or covering the bars. when the brake lever is off the bar and disassembled.
The threads on the pull-up nut or pull-up bolt
often strip. This damage is hidden inside the lever.

34 – 3

Levers will not secure REMOVAL

Levers may fail to secure for a variety of reasons 1. [ ] Remove grip(s).
due to fit problems or parts failure. In some cases, the 2. [ ] If mounted outward from brake lever, re-
lever will fail to secure adequately even when every- move shift-control mechanism.
thing is the correct size and nothing has failed. This 3. [ ] Unhook cable system from brake caliper(s).
can be caused by two things. Plastic lever bodies do 4. [ ] Align slots in lever body, adjusting barrel,
not offer enough friction against the bar to prevent and barrel locknut.
5. [ ] Pull housing out of end of adjusting barrel
slippage. Chrome-plated-steel bars are more slippery
and drop inner wire through slots in lever
than aluminum bars and can keep levers from prop- body, adjusting barrel, and barrel locknut.
erly securing. The combination of a plastic lever body 6. [ ] Pull lever arm toward handlebar, align inner
and a chrome-plated-steel handlebar is certain to be a wire with slot in cable anchor, then pull in-
problem. Without changing the equipment, there is ner-wire head out of cable anchor.
no solution. The mechanic must make sure that ev- 7. [ ] Loosen mounting bolt or pull-up bolt.
erything is in working order and the maximum al- 8. [ ] Slide lever off end of handlebar.
lowable torque is used.
ABOUT THE REST 9. [ ] Inspect lever body and lever arm for cracks.

OF THIS CHAPTER 10. [ ] Inspect lever arm for bends.

Loose lever pivots detract from the rider’s feeling
The rest of this chapter is divided into five sec- of control. Wiggle the end of the lever arm side-to-
tions. The first section is MTB-BRAKE LEVERS. It is side to check for excessive play. A couple of millime-
followed, in order, by DROP-BAR BRAKE LEVERS, BMX/ ters is normal, but more than that should be elimi-
FREESTYLE-BRAKE LEVERS, UPRIGHT-BAR BRAKE LEVERS, nated, if possible. Some MTB lever pivots are adjust-
and finally BRAKE-LEVER TROUBLESHOOTING. able, and some are not. If the pivot bolt threads into a
Detailed information about removal, installation, nut in a socket, then the lever pivot is probably not
inspection, and installation is provided about MTB brake adjustable. If the nut is exposed, then the pivot is ad-
levers and brake levers for drop-bars on road bikes. For justable. To adjust, loosen the nut, turn the pivot bolt
BMX/freestyle levers and levers for upright-bars, only clockwise, then secure the nut while holding the bolt
significant differences from the other types of levers are stationary. If the adjustment is made too tight, then
covered. The BRAKE-CABLE SYSTEMS chapter covers setup the lever will not return when released (once the brake
of the cable system. Individual chapters about different system is fully set up).
11. [ ] Inspect lever pivot for looseness and adjust
types of brake calipers cover the setup of the calipers and
if possible.
attachment of the cable system.

MTB-BRAKE LEVERS 12. [ ] Oil both sides of lever arm at lever pivot.
13. [ ] Oil cable-anchor pivots, or inside cable-
For purposes of installation and removal, MTB- head socket in lever arm if socket is in alu-
brake levers come in several varieties. These are closed- minum casting.
clamp types, open-clamp types, closed-strap types, and 14. [ ] Grease adjusting-barrel threads if not already
obviously greased.
open-strap types. The open-clamp and open-strap types
If the lever will be secured, it is critical that the
can be removed and installed without sliding the le-
mounting-bolt/pull-up-bolt threads are lubricated,
ver over the end of the bar. The closed-clamp and
because the recommended torques are based on the
closed-strap varieties must be slid off and on the end
assumption that the threads are lubricated. If the
of the bar. Since the vast majority of MTB-brake le-
threads are visible and clearly have lubrication on
vers are of the “closed” variety, the following proce-
them, it is reasonable to assume that no more need be
dure assumes this type.
NOTE: If working on a bike with already-installed
added. If the threads are not visible, or no lubrication
levers, go to the section of this procedure can be seen, even if it means removing the bolt, the
called INSPECTION for used bikes, or LUBRICATION threads should be lubricated.
for new bikes. 15. [ ] Oil mounting-bolt/pull-up-bolt threads if not
obviously lubricated already.

34 – 4

INSTALLATION, ALIGNMENT measure to measure from the center of each axle to

the ground. If the axles are equidistant from the
AND SECURITY ground, then the bike is in the “on-ground” position.
There are right and left brake levers for MTBs. 22. [ ] Put bike at angle it would be when sitting on
When the lever is on the correct side, the mounting level ground.
bolt will be on the back/bottom face of the lever. If 23. [ ] Place dial protractor on lever body so that
the wire head is installed in a socket that is on one dial is visible from side of bike (if lever body
has no flat surface, hold protractor so that
face of the lever arm, this socket also will be on the
its base is parallel to the plane in which the
back/bottom face of the lever. lever arm swings).
16. [ ] If shift-control mechanism is to be mounted 24. [ ] Adjust lever position until protractor reads
inward of brake lever (most non-integral shift- 45° (± ±5° is acceptable range).
control mechanisms except twist grips), in-
stall it on bar first, but do not secure.
17. [ ] Slide brake lever over end of handlebar.
18. [ ] Install twist-grip-type shift-control mecha-
nism onto handlebar (if any).
19. [ ] Install grip fully onto bar.
20. [ ] Position brake lever as far outward as grip
(and twist grip) will allow. (Some old-style
brake levers are so long that this positioning
would place the tip of the lever arm past the 45°
outward end of the grip. In this case, posi-
tion the brake lever as far outward as pos-
sible without the tip of the lever extending
beyond the outward end of the grip.)

34.6 Set the rotational position of the lever so that the plane that
As far out the lever swings in is 45° down from flat.
as possible
25. [ ] Lever with cast clamp: Secure mounting bolt
to 35–60in-lbs (12–20lbs@3").
Lever body held on by pull-up strap: Secure
pull-up bolt to 60–70in-lbs (20–24lbs@3").
26. [ ] Viewing from rider’s perspective, check
that both levers extend in front of handle-
bar equally, indicating that their rotational
34.5 Set the lateral position of the brake lever as close to the grip positions match.
as possible.

21. [ ] Gently secure mounting-bolt/pull-up-bolt. INNER-WIRE ATTACHMENT

(Lever should still easily rotate around bar.) 27. [ ] Align slots in adjusting barrel and barrel lock-
To properly align the brake levers, the bike needs nut with slot in bottom of lever body.
to be at the angle that it would be when sitting on 28. [ ] Pull lever to grip and place inner-wire head
level ground. This can be done several ways. If the in cable anchor.
bike is known to have a level top tube, then use a dial 29. [ ] Swing wire up into slots in lever body, ad-
protractor to check that the top tube is parallel to the justing barrel, and barrel locknut.
ground. If it is not known whether the top tube is 30. [ ] Turn adjusting barrel or locknut so that slot
level, or it is known that it is not, then use a tape no longer lines up with slot in lever body.

34 – 5

DROP-BAR BRAKE LEVERS 6. [ ] Manipulate inner wire to move it through

slot in cable anchor and remove inner wire
from brake lever, or push inner wire fully

FIT OF LEVERS TO DROP BARS through cable anchors that have no slot.
7. [ ] Loosen pull-up bolt until it almost disen-
Drop-style handlebars are made in several dimen- gages the pull-up nut.
sions at the point the brake levers mount. Therefore, the 8. [ ] Slide lever off end of handlebar.
pull-up straps used for mounting brake levers to drop
bars also come in a variety of sizes. The nature of a pull-
up strap permits it to work only within a limited range
9. [ ] Inspect lever body and lever arm for cracks.
of handlebar dimensions. No pull-up strap will work 10. [ ] Inspect lever arm for bends.
across the full range of available handlebar diameters. Loose lever pivots detract from the rider’s feeling
To determine the handlebar dimension, measure of control. Wiggle the end of the lever arm side-to-
the diameter of the bar at the end. Measuring in the side to check for excessive play. A couple of millime-
curve where the brake lever mounts will yield inaccu- ters is normal, but more than that should be elimi-
rate results. Use a caliper and measure to the nearest nated, if possible. Most drop-bar brake levers have
tenth of a millimeter. bushings between the lever arm and the pivot. That
The size of pull-up straps cannot be determined by bushing an wear out, but replacement bushings are
measurement because of their flexible nature. Virtu- only sporadically available.
ally all straps are marked with a size. If there is no size 11. [ ] Inspect lever pivot for looseness and replace
on a strap, then a trial and error process is necessary to bushings if possible.
determine whether the strap will fit the bar. A strap
that is too small will be difficult to slide over the end of
the bar, even when the pull-up bolt is fully loosened. A LUBRICATION
strap that is too large will not secure the lever when the 12. [ ] Oil both side of lever arm at lever pivot.
maximum torque is put on the pull-up bolt. 13. [ ] Oil cable-anchor pivots.
14. [ ] Grease adjusting-barrel threads if not already
obviously greased (if any).
PULL-UP STRAP FIT (table 34-1) If the lever is to be secured, it is critical that the pull-
Strap size Fits handlebar sizes up-bolt threads are lubricated, because the recommended
22.0mm 22.0–22.2mm torques are based on the assumption that the threads are
lubricated. If the threads are visible and clearly have lu-
23.5mm 23.5–23.8mm
brication on them, it is reasonable to assume that no
23.8mm 23.5–23.8mm
more need be added. If the threads are not visible, or no
23.8–24.2mm 23.8–24.2mm lubrication can be seen, even if it means removing the
24.2mm 24.0–24.2mm bolt, the threads should be lubricated.
15. [ ] Oil pull-up-bolt threads if not obviously lubri-
NOTE: If working on a bike with already-installed cated already.
levers, go to the section of this procedure
called INSPECTION for used bikes, or LUBRICATION
REMOVAL There are right and left brake levers for road bikes.
1. [ ] Remove handlebar covering. If you’re mounting an aero’ lever, in nearly all cases
2. [ ] Remove shift-control mechanism if mounted the socket for the housing in the base of the lever will
in end of handlebar. be on the inward face. Some inexpensive levers have
3. [ ] Unhook or detach cable system from brake auxiliary levers attached, or mounts for the future at-
caliper(s). tachment of auxiliary levers. The auxiliary levers (or
4. [ ] Pull housing away from brake lever a few mounts for them) go on the inward side of the lever.
Levers with integrated shifters should be the easiest to
5. [ ] Push inner wire into brake-lever body to un-
seat inner-wire head from cable anchor. figure out. When the lever is correctly mounted, the
shifter housing-stop should point inward.
16. [ ] Slide brake lever over end of handlebar.

34 – 6
17. [ ] Slide lever up bar until it is obviously too high.
18. [ ] Place straight edge flat on bottom side of
handlebar so that it extend forward of
handlebar by several inches.
The brake-lever-height setting described in step #19
creates equal access to the lever, whether the rider is
riding on the tops of the bars, or on the drops. Some
riders might prefer favoring access from one riding
position more than another. It is acceptable to move
the tip of the lever up or down 1/2" from the position
in step #19, at the customer’s request, only. Deviations
greater than 1/2" will make it too difficult to access the
brake lever from one of the riding positions, and should
not be done even at customer request.

34.8 Brake lever rotational alignment.

22. [ ] Rotate brake lever so that centerline of lever

body is parallel to centerline of stem.
23. [ ] Hex- or Allen-head bolts: Secure pull-up bolt
to 70–85in-lbs (24–28lbs@3").
Slot-head bolts: Secure bolt to equivalent of
18–24lbs applied simumlaneously at both
ends of a Park SD-1 screwdriver handle.
24. [ ] When both levers are installed, lay straight
edge across both lever bodies, and compare
straight edge to flat center section of handle-
bar to see if brake-lever heights are equal.
34.7 Acceptable brake-lever height.

19. [ ] Slide brake lever down until tip of lever

reaches straight edge (with lever arm fully
released, or forward).
20. [ ] Adjust tip of lever arm up or down no more
than 1/2" to suit rider preference, if any. A B
21. [ ] Gently secure pull-up bolt. (Lever should still
easily rotate around bar.)
Lever rotation affects access to the lever as well. If
the levers are rotated in, they are harder to use. If they
are rotated out, they tend to get bumped and hit more. 34.9 If lever heights are equal, the straight edge should end up paral-
lel to the center section of the handlebar (A and B should be equal).
The best way to see the lever rotation is to get a view-
point from high above the handlebars. The imaginary 25. [ ] When both levers are secure, press them
centerline of each brake lever should be parallel to firmly towards each other with force of ap-
the imaginary centerline through the stem (see figure proximately 75 pounds to check security.
34.8, next column). If the wheel is in, it can be used as
a reference, instead of the stem.
26. [ ] Aero’ levers only: Compress lever arm, insert
inner wire through cable anchor, then insert
inner wire through lever body.
Non-aero’ levers only: Compress lever arm,
insert inner-wire head through hole in top of
lever body, then hook inner wire into cable

34 – 7


LEVERS Upright bars are the classic type of handlebar most
often found on 3-speed bicycles. They are also called
For most purposes, BMX/freestyle-brake levers tourist bars. Upright bars might also be found on bikes
are the same as MTB-brake levers. Refer to the earlier with derailleurs.
section about MTB-brake levers for full information. The brake levers that go on these handlebars are
The primary differences are with the rotational angle, unique, but simple. The general principles that apply
and with the torque required for levers that use a strap to other types of brake levers apply to these as well.
clamp, instead of the cast clamp found on MTB-brake When installing or aligning these brake levers, use the
levers. For these different specifications, see the fol- following guidelines.
lowing special notes. 1. The rotational angle should be 15–30° out
NOTE: The rotational position of a BMX/freestyle from directly below the grip.
lever should be so that the lever is rotated 2. If retained by a pull-up strap, the pull-up-bolt
down 25–30° from horizontal.
torque should be 60–70in-lbs (15–17lbs at
NOTE: Many BMX/freestyle levers have a strap
clamp that holds the lever to the handlebar.
both ends of a Park SD-1 screwdriver handle).
The torque on the bolt that tightens this type 3. If retained by a strap clamp, torque bolt to
of strap should be 25–35in-lbs (8–12lbs@3"). 25–35in-lbs (8–12lbs@3").

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Brake lever will not secure on the handlebars at the recommended torque.
Pull-up strap is the wrong size. Check strap and bar size, and look in table 34-1 (page 34-6)
for fit.
Pull-up-bolt or mounting-bolt threads If the threads are seized, the bolt will be difficult to loosen.
have seized. Use penetrating oil and force the bolt loose, then replace
damaged parts.
Lever body is plastic; normal security Advise the customer of the problem and recommend
cannot be achieved. replacement of the brake levers.
Handlebar is chrome- plated steel; Advise the customer of the problem and recommend
normal security cannot be achieved replacement of either the handlebars or brake levers.
with a pull-up-strap-type brake lever.
SYMPTOM: Mounting bolt or pull-up bolt will not reach recommended torque.
Threads of bolt or nut have stripped. Replace the damaged part.
Threads in lever-body casting have In some cases, a thread coil can be installed. If there is not
stripped. enough material or access, replace the brake lever.
Pull-up strap has failed. Replace the pull-up strap.
Lever body is cracked. Inspect the lever body for cracks, and replace the brake lever
if any cracks are found.
Pull-up stud is cracked. Disassemble the lever and replace the pull-up stud.

34 – 8

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Brake lever will not return fully when released.
Cable system or caliper is causing the Detach the inner wire from the brake lever and see if the pro-
problem. blem persists. If not, the problem is with the cable system or
caliper (see appropriate troubleshooting charts for these items).
Adjustable pivot is too tight. Loosen the pivot adjustment (if adjustable).
Lever pivot needs oil. Oil the lever pivot.
Lever pivot needs cleaning. Remove and clean the brake lever.
Rubber gum cover is interfering with Peel back the gum cover to check if the symptom persists. If
lever. it does, then reposition or trim the gum cover.
Pivot area of lever arm is bent. Remove the lever arm and inspect for a bend in the pivot
area. If there is one, replace the lever arm or the brake lever.
Pivot stud is bent. Remove and inspect the pivot stud. Replace it if it is bent.
SYMPTOM: Pull-up strap fails when pull-up bolt is correctly torqued.
Error in using or reading torque Check the recommended torque value and the setting on the
wrench. torque wrench, if the torque wrench is the preset type.
Pull-up bolt was previously over-torqued, Replace the damaged parts and use the recommended
or torqued repeatedly in the past. torque.
SYMPTOM: Brake lever does not operate smoothly.
Lever-arm pivots need oil. Oil on both sides of the lever-arm pivots.
Cable-anchor socket or anchor pivots Oil the cable-anchor socket, or the cable-anchor pivots.
need oil.
Cable system or caliper is the source of Inspect cable system and caliper if oiling the brake lever does
the problem. not solve the problem.
SYMPTOM: A squeak (or similar noise) comes from the brake lever when it is operated.
Cable-anchor socket or anchor pivot Oil the cable-anchor socket.
needs oil.
SYMPTOM: Lever arm is bent.
Impact from crash has bent lever arm. Replace the part, or the whole brake lever.

34 – 9

34 – 10

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER culating gear ratios, not because the top of this chainring
is lower than the other chainrings (as is commonly as-
This chapter is about installing, adjusting, and ser-
sumed). These two explanations of the term are consis-
vicing front derailleurs. The procedures for installa-
tent with each other, but if this same system is used
tion and adjustment make references to installing the
with rear gears it can be confusing. For this reason this
chain, shifter, and cable. These items are covered in
book will always use the more wordy alternative, inner-
most chainring, or a letter code that is described in NAM-
The front derailleur procedure assumes that the rear
Bottom gear: Same as low gear.
derailleur is already installed. The rear derailleur need
Innermost chainring: The one that has the least
not be precisely adjusted, but must be able to move the
teeth and is closest to the frame.
chain to the innermost and outermost cogs. It may seem
Limit screws: Adjustable stops that are used to stop
like a good idea to install and adjust the rear derailleur
the inward and outward motion of the derailleur at
first, because of this. However, the rear-derailleur pro-
points that enable the chain to shift to the innermost
cedure requires that the front derailleur be able to shift
and outermost chainrings without going too far.
the chain to the innermost and outermost positions, as
H-screw: A limit screw for stopping the de-
well. Whichever is done first, to complete one derailleur
railleur from shifting the chain out past the outer-
adjustment it is necessary to do at least some prelimi-
most chainring.
nary work on the other derailleur.
L-Screw: A limit screw for stopping the derailleur
There is some confusing and contradictory termi-
from shifting the chain in past the innermost chainring.
nology used regarding derailleurs, so be sure to review
Derailleur cage: The assembly that surrounds and
the terminology section to become clear on the terms
moves the chain.
used by this book.
Outer plate: The plate in the derailleur cage that
is on the outward side of the chain.
Inner plate: The plate in the derailleur cage that
GENERAL INFORMATION is on the inward side of the chain.
Cage or plate tail: The rear end of the derailleur
cage or of one of the cage plates.
TERMINOLOGY Cage or plate nose: The front end of the derailleur
High gear: On front derailleurs, high gear refers to cage or of one of the cage plates.
the chainring furthest from the frame. It is called high Parallelogram: In regard to the front derailleur,
gear because using it results in the highest number when this is the part of the body (consisting of two arms on
calculating gear ratios, not because the top of this four pivots, between the mounting clamp and the cage)
chainring is higher than the other chainrings (as is com- that moves the derailleur cage inward and outward.
monly assumed). These two explanations of the term Adjusting barrel: A hollow screw in the shift-con-
are consistent with each other, but if this same system is trol mechanism (and rarely, in the derailleur) that the
used with rear gears it can be confusing. For this rea- inner wire passes through and the housing stops against.
son, this book will always use the more wordy alterna- As it is screwed in and out, the relative length or ten-
tive, outermost chainring, or a letter code that is described sion of the cable system is changed.
in NAMING COGS AND GEAR COMBINATIONS (page 33-2). Pinch mechanism: This is the mechanism that
Outermost chainring: The one that has the most attaches the inner wire to the derailleur. The inner
teeth and is furthest from the frame. wire is usually routed through a groove in a plate on
Top gear: Same as high gear. the derailleur, and a bolt or nut presses a washer or
Low gear: On front derailleurs, low gear refers to plate on top of the inner wire to trap and compress it
the chainring closest to the frame. It is called low gear in the groove. The groove in the plate is often hidden
because using it results in the lowest number when cal- by the pressure washer/plate.

33 – 1
Indexing: The type of shifting in which the shift
mechanism moves in distinct increments. These incre-
ments are designed to precisely move the chain from COMBINATIONS
one chainring to the next. Indexing has virtually re- To perform certain adjustments, the chain needs to
placed friction shifting. In friction shifting, the lever be in certain gear combinations. Numbering the gears
moves smoothly over its full range of motion without to identify them does not work, because rear-cog sets
any incremented stops. It is up to the operator to de- have between 5 and 8 gears (so the innermost could be
cide what the correct amount of lever motion is to get called 5, 6, 7, or 8), and cranksets have between 1 and 3
from one chainring to the next. chainrings (so the innermost might be called 1, 2, or 3).
Mounting bolt: This is the bolt through the de- To avoid confusion, gears will be assigned codes as
railleur clamp that attaches the derailleur to the seat tube. shown in figures 33.2 and 33.3 (below).
Return spring: A spring inside the parallelogram
that causes the derailleur to move in as far as the in- Z
ner-limit screw will allow, when the tension on the
inner wire is released.
Over-shift: When the chain moves too far to shift B
to, and align with, the intended chainring. A
Under-shift: When the chain does not move far 33.2 “A” is always the outermost cog. “B” is always the next-to-
enough to shift to, and align with, the intended outermost cog. “Y” is always the next-to-innermost cog. “Z” is al-
chainring. ways the innermost cog.
In-shift: A shift to a chainring that is further in-
ward than the one that the chain is currently on.
Out-shift: A shift to a chainring that is further M
outward than the one that the chain is currently on.
Up-shift: This is a term that will not be used, be-
cause it is an imprecise phrase. 33.3 “H” is always the outermost chainring. “M” is always the
Down-shift: This is a term that will not be used, middle chainring of a triple. “L” is always the innermost chainring.
because it too is imprecise.
Using the above diagrams, it should be easy to con-
clude that putting the chain in a gear combination of
Pinch mechanism A/M would place the chain in the outermost position
Limit screws in the rear, and the middle position of a triple crank. Y/
L would mean the chain was in the next-to-innermost
position in the rear and the innermost in the front.

Nose Shifter and cable installation
In order too adjust the front derailleur, the shift-
control mechanism and cable system must be installed.

Outer cage plate
Inner cage plate

33.1 Back and face views of a front derailleur. Dirt and wear both affect derailleur performance.
Dirt in the parallelogram can affect shifts. This
can be cleaned by immersing the fully-assembled de-
railleur in solvent, which can quickly remove the dirt.
Wear can adversely affect the parallelogram piv-
ots. When the pivots are worn out, the derailleur must
be replaced.

33 – 2

Changing chainrings, right crank arm, Symptoms indicating

or bottom bracket derailleur replacement is needed
Any time a chainring, the right crank arm, or a The inner plate of the cage can get gouged and
bottom bracket is changed, it is necessary to check the worn out from trying to shift when the derailleur is
front derailleur adjustment. not properly adjusted. If the inner cage plate is gouged
or scarred in any way, the derailleur should be replaced.
Changing chain The derailleur cage can get bent from abusive shift-
Whenever a chain is replaced, shift performance
ing, crashes, or failure to secure the derailleur. Minor
is affected. Fresh chains have less lateral flexibility than
bends can be realigned, but sometimes the derailleur
worn chains. Different chains have different perfor-
needs to be replaced.
mance characteristics. After replacing a chain, the de-
Parallelogram pivots wear out, resulting in excess
railleur should be checked and readjusted if necessary.
play in the derailleur. This excess play would show up
Symptoms indicating adjustment is needed by wiggling the tail of the cage in and out.
There are a number of symptoms indicating a prob-
able need for derailleur adjustment.
If the derailleur under- or over-shifts when shift- TOOL CHOICES
ing to the H chainring, or the cage rubs the Table 33-1 (below) shows most of the tools avail-
chain while on the H chainring, the front- able for front-derailleur adjustment. Most of them are
derailleur H-screw may need adjustment, or the same tools used for rear derailleurs. Preferred
the derailleur height and rotation may be choices are shown in bold type. These highlighted tools
wrong. are recommended because of a balance among: ease of
If the derailleur under- or over-shifts when shift- use, versatility, durability, and economy.
ing to the L chainring, or the cage rubs the
chain while on the L chainring, the front-de- TIME AND DIFFICULTY
railleur L-screw may need adjustment, or the Front-derailleur adjustment, including hanger
derailleur height and rotation may be wrong. alignment and cable-system setup, is a 12–16 minute
If any shift feels hesitant or results in the cage job of moderately-high difficulty. Front-derailleur re-
rubbing the chain after the shift is completed, moval, cleaning, installation, and adjustment is a 25–
the indexing needs adjustment. 30 minute job of moderately-high difficulty.
Symptoms indicating
derailleur service is needed COMPLICATIONS
If the derailleur is dirty and the inward action is
sluggish, the derailleur should be removed and cleaned, Wobbling chainrings
then installed and adjusted. Wobbling chainrings make it difficult to find a
limit-screw setting that enables the shift, without end-
ing up with the chain rubbing on the derailleur cage.


Tool Fits and considerations
Park BT-3 Actually a brake tool for aligning caliper arms, this tool works well for bending
the front-derailleur cage.
FOURTH-HAND (CABLE TENSION) TOOLS (These tools are same as those used for rear derailleurs and
Dia-Compe 556 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Hozan C356 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Lifu 0100 Consumer tool
Park BT-2 Least tendency for inner wire to jam in tool
VAR 233 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool

33 – 3
Chainring wobble can be caused by a number of cific distance in order to line up with the next
things. It could be a loose bottom bracket, mis-mounted chainring. If the amount of cable moved is wrong, the
crankarm, mis-aligned chainring-mounting arms, or derailleur will move the wrong distance.
bent chainrings. Before adjusting the limit screws, the The shifter and derailleur should be brand-
chainring wobble must be checked and whatever the matched, whenever possible. There are, however, a
problem (if any) must be fixed. few after-market shifter controls that are made specifi-
cally for a different brand of derailleur. Grip Shift con-
Component compatibility problems trols made for Shimano derailleurs are the most com-
See COMPONENT COMPATIBILITY (below), for the nu-
mon example.
merous complications you might encounter.
Even within the same brand, there may be prob-
Damaged derailleur lems. For example, Shimano Dura-Ace shift controls
Bent derailleur cages are fairly common, but not and derailleurs are not compatible with other models
always obvious. It is not unusual to spend time adjust- of Shimano equipment.
ing the derailleur, only to find that it will never work
well due to cage damage.
Inner wire and shifter
The inner wire must be compatible with the
Worn components other than derailleur shifter because it is the combination of the shifter-
Worn chains, chainrings, cables, and shift controls drum diameter and the inner-wire thickness that de-
can all affect derailleur adjustment. It is usually not termines how much cable is moved for a given amount
until the attempt to adjust the derailleur fails, that these of lever motion. See SHIFT-CONTROL MECHANISMS
other factors will get considered, resulting in duplica- (page 30-2) for more information on shifter and inner-
tion of effort to adjust the derailleur. If out-shifts are wire compatibility.
the problem, chainring-tooth wear should be checked.
Derailleur and seat-tube size
Derailleur wear Derailleurs come with a variety of clamp sizes to
Derailleur wear can be difficult to detect. The par- fit a variety of seat-tube sizes. Some seat tubes have a
allelogram pivots develop wear. This wear cannot be fitting built into the side of the seat tube that the de-
quantified or seen, except by comparing free play at railleur attaches to. This “braze-on” fitting is virtually
the tail of the derailleur to a new one of the same model. universal, but requires a specially-designed derailleur.
The common seat-tube sizes are 1" (25.4mm), 1.125"
Dirty drive train (28.6mm), 1.25" (31.8mm), and 1.375" (34.9mm). The
Dirt in the chain, cable system, shift-control
two middle sizes are most common. The 1.125" size is
mechanism, and chainrings can affect shift perfor-
found on most steel frame bikes, except MTBs with over-
mance. Adjusting a derailleur (particularly an index-
size tubing. The 1.25" size is found on most MTB’s and
ing one), without cleaning the related components, is
frames made of materials other than steel. The rarer 1"
a waste of time.
size is found on inexpensive bikes sold in department
stores and on old Schwinns. The 1.375" size is found on
COMPONENT COMPATIBILITY just a few bikes with extremely oversized tubing.
It is always best to follow manufacturer’s recom-
mendations when selecting components. When non-
Maximum chainring-size difference
Every derailleur is rated for the largest size differ-
compatible components are used together, it is likely
ence between chainrings that can be tolerated. This is
to show up as a shifting problem. Not all such prob-
called the derailleur’s maximum capacity. The maxi-
lems are immediately obvious. If using unmatched
mum capacity represents the greatest differential that
components, do not assume that there are no compat-
can exist between the number of teeth on the smallest
ibility problems until the indexing has been checked.
chainring and the largest chainring being used. When
There is a section in this chapter that explains how to
this capacity is exceeded, the chain will drag on the
test indexing performance.
bottom of the derailleur cage, when the chain is in the
Derailleur and shifter A/L position. The rated capacity can sometimes be
With indexing systems, compatibility between the exceeded, and there are times when the full rated ca-
shifter and derailleur is critical. This is because an in- pacity cannot be used. The rating is based on an as-
dexing shifter will pull a very specific amount of cable sumption of the angle between the seat tube and the
for each click. The derailleur must move a very spe- line from the center of the bottom bracket to the cen-

33 – 4
ter of the rear wheel. If this angle is less than the as- ences between chainrings are usually ten teeth or more.
sumption (shallow seat-tube angle or low bottom Since most derailleurs have a minimum capacity of eight
bracket), then the capacity can be exceeded. If this angle or ten teeth, minimum capacity is rarely an issue.
is more than the assumption (steep seat-tube angle or It does show up as an issue when a bike is equipped
high bottom bracket), then the full rated capacity might with a “half-step” gear selection. Half-step gearing gets
not be available to use. its name from the fact that changing from one chainring
Ratings for derailleurs can be determined in sev- to another results in about half the change in gear ratio
eral ways. that results from changing from one rear cog to an adja-
Manufacturer’s literature: There is often an in- cent rear cog. When the chainrings are a half-step con-
struction sheet that comes with a new de- figuration, they will have a difference only of 4–6 teeth
railleur. This instruction sheet normally in- between the outermost chainring and the next one in.
cludes the ratings for the derailleur. Some If the chainrings are set up like this, it is important to
manufacturers will supply literature on request. check the front derailleur’s minimum capacity. De-
Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechan- railleurs that are described as “alpine” or “cross-over”
ics: This book includes ratings for a wide va- are never suitable for use with half-step chainrings.
riety of derailleur models, but is up-to-date Some compact drive chainring sets that have an 8-
for only a brief time after publication. It is tooth difference between a large chainring with 42 teeth
particularly useful if trying to figure out the have and a middle chainring with 34 teeth. Many MTB
capacity of an older-model derailleur. derailleurs are not suitable for this 8-tooth difference.
Bike’alog: This computerized source reference
for bicycle parts has capacity information for
many currently-available models of derailleurs. Front derailleur positioned
Test method: To test if a derailleur’s maximum over outer chainring
capacity is being exceeded, follow this proce-
dure. Install the derailleur at the correct
Interference between
height, and put a chain through the cage from cage plate and teeth
the top of the innermost chainring to the top
of the outermost rear cog. Pull the chain tight.
If the chain drags on the cross-piece at the
tail of the derailleur cage, then the maximum
capacity has been exceeded. It is not mean-
ingful if a slack chain dangles and touches the
cross-piece that connects the cage plates to- 33.5 The bottom edge of the inner cage plate interferes with the
teeth of the middle chainring on a triple crankset when the mini-
gether at the tail of the derailleur cage. mum capacity has been violated.

Ratings for derailleurs can be determined in sev-

eral ways.
Under tension Manufacturer’s literature: There is often an in-
To A cog struction sheet that comes with a new de-
Rub railleur. This instruction sheet normally in-
cludes the ratings for the derailleur. Some
manufacturers will supply literature on request.
Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechan-
33.4 The chain drags on the cross-piece of the tail of the derailleur ics: This book includes ratings for a wide va-
cage if the maximum capacity of the derailleur is exceeded. riety of derailleur models, but is up-to-date
for only a brief time after publication. It is
Minimum chainring-size difference particularly useful if trying to figure out the
For every derailleur there is a minimum difference capacity of an older-model derailleur.
between the size of the outermost chainring and the Bike’alog: This computerized source refer-
next chainring inward. This is a rare problem, but it is ence for bicycle parts has capacity informa-
important to be aware of it. On most bikes, the differ- tion for currently-available models of de-

33 – 5
railleurs. Instead of numerical ratings, there brand differences and wear. If the derailleur
may simply be a reference to “alpine,” manufacturer’s recommendations are not followed,
“cross-over,” or “half-step.” shift performance may be compromised.
Test method: To test if a derailleur’s minimum
capacity is being exceeded, follow this proce-
Chain and chainrings
The width of a chain must be suitable to the
dure. Install the derailleur to the correct height
chainring set or it may rub against adjacent chainrings.
on the seat tube. Swing the derailleur out far
See the CHAINS chapter (page 26-2 and 26-16).
enough that the inner plate swings over the
The shaping of the side plates of the chain affects
top of the next-to-outermost chainring. If the
a chain’s ability to engage the chainring’s teeth. When
inner plate clears, then the minimum capac-
not using the manufacturer’s recommended chain, shift
ity has not been exceeded.
performance may be compromised.
Measurement method: If the bottom edge of
the inner cage plate is never more than 10mm
below the bottom edge of the outer cage plate, UNDERSTANDING
then the derailleur is half-step compatible. If
the offset is greater than 10mm at any point,
then the derailleur cannot be used with half- The operation of a front derailleur is relatively
step chainrings. complex. By understanding what is happening in a
front derailleur, the installation and adjustment pro-
cedures outlined here will become clearer.
How a cable moves the derailleur in and out
Cage offset Most shift-control mechanisms operate by pulling
the inner wire through one or more lengths of hous-
ing. The mechanism takes up excess inner wire and
pulls the derailleur to its outermost position. Figure
33.7 shows this in a simplified form.
33.6 Measure cage-plate offset here. The piece of exposed wire closest to the derailleur
is attached to an arm that serves as an extension of one
of the parallelogram arms. When this lever is rotated
Derailleur and chainring-set position about its pivot, the whole parallelogram structure
It is possible for the chainring set to end up too
changes shape so that it expands or contracts, moving
close to the frame for the front derailleur to work. This
the derailleur cage out or in.
can happen even though chainline is acceptable and
When the tension on the cable is released, a spring
chainring-to-frame clearance is adequate. When the
in the parallelogram causes it to return toward its origi-
chainrings are too close to the frame, the moving part
nal position.
of the derailleur may bump into the seat tube or itself
before the cage has moved enough to complete the shift. Cable pinch
The best solution to this is to change the bottom
bracket to move the chainrings as far out as the
chainline will allow. At times, it may be necessary to Derailleur parallelogram
re-space the rear hub and move the chainring set, so
that the chainrings and rear cog set can both be moved
out together to maintain the chainline. Derailleur cage

Derailleur and chain

Indexed derailleurs moved in fixed amounts. The
chain must respond as expected for the shift to be com-
pleted. If the chain has more lateral flexibility than
expected, when the derailleur moves its fixed amount,
then the chain will not respond enough to complete
the shift. Chains vary in lateral flexibility because of 33.7 How a derailleur parallelogram is deformed across its diago-
nal, to deflect it laterally to a more outward position.

33 – 6

How limit screws work The importance of derailleur height

The two limit screws act like two adjustable barri- One of the most important factors affecting front
cades. There is usually some projection or surface on shifting performance is the distance from the derailleur
a parallelogram arm that the limit screw butts up cage to the chainrings. Consider the point that the cage
against. By adjusting one limit screw, the range of travel pushes on the chain to be the deflection point (see fig-
for the parallelogram in one direction will be changed. ure 33.10). Consider the point that the chain engages
In other words, by loosening the H-screw, the barri- the chainring to be the engagement point (see figure
cade that stops the outward motion of the parallelo- 33.11). The engagement point is always at the top dead
gram is changed so the parallelogram can move fur- center of the chainring; it never moves. As the derailleur
ther out. By loosening the L-screw, the barricade that moves up, the deflection point on the chain moves
stops the inward motion of the parallelogram is changed further back in the derailleur cage. Consequently, as
and the derailleur can move further in. the derailleur moves up, the distance between the en-
Changing one limit screw does not affect the other. gagement point and the deflection point increases. The
Changing the H-screw setting only changes the shift greater this distance is, the more derailleur motion is
to the outermost cog. Changing the L-screw only needed to deflect the chain enough to cause it to disen-
changes the shift to the innermost cog. Figures 33.8 gage one chainring and engage another. Figures 33.10
and 33.9 show a simplified and exaggerated model of and 33.11 show in an exaggerated fashion how mov-
how limit screws affect the range of motion of the par- ing the derailleur up increases the distance from the
allelogram. engagement point to the deflection point.

Deflection Engagment
point point

Stop tab attached

to parallelogram

33.10 With the derailleur at the recommended height, the deflec-

tion point is only two and a half links behind the engagement

33.8 A stop tab attached to the parallelogram bumps into the H-

Deflection Engagment
screw to stop the derailleur’s outward motion.
point point

Stop tab attached

to parallelogram
33.11 Note how the deflection point has moved to three and a half
links behind the engagment point now that the derailleur height has
moved up.

What happens when the derailleur shifts

the chain from the outermost chainring
inward to the next chainring
Before reading this, put a bike in the stand and
shift the chain off of the outermost chainring. As you
33.9 A stop tab attached to the parallelogram bumps into the L-
screw to stop the derailleur’s inward motion. shift, turn the crank very slowly and move the de-

33 – 7
railleur in very slowly. Observe exactly what is hap- is lower and further back in the derailleur cage. This is
pening with the chain and derailleur cage for the dura- when the motion of the tail of the derailleur cage af-
tion of the shift. fects the shift inward from the outermost chainring.
When the derailleur moves inward, the nose of the Two things determine the range of motion of the
outer plate deflects the chain just behind the engage- tail of the outer plate. One is the L-screw setting
ment point. Since the distance between the deflection (double-chainring sets) or cable tension (triple-
point and the engagement point is very small, only chainring sets). The less the whole mechanism is al-
minimal cage motion is needed to cause the chain to lowed to travel inward, the less the outer plate will
derail to the inside of the outermost chainring. move. The primary function of the L-screw or cable
Once the chain disengages from the outer chainring, tension setting, however, is to position the inner plate
it is moving inward. Something has to stop the chain so that it will stop the chain from moving too far.
from moving too far. That is accomplished by the inner The second factor that influences the inward range
plate of the cage. The rest position of the inner plate is of motion of the outer plate is the shape of the de-
determined either by the derailleur’s L-screw on a railleur cage. If the tail of the cage is wide, the tail of
double-chainring set, or by the indexing adjustment of the outer plate will not end up as far in when the in-
the cable on a triple-chainring set. If either the L-screw ner plate arrives at its innermost position. If the tail of
or the cable-tension adjustment is too loose, then the the cage is narrow, the tail of the outer plate will end
derailleur cage will move too far inward. up further inward when the inner plate stops at the
After the nose of the outer plate starts the chain same point. The width of a derailleur-cage tail can be
derailment and inward motion, two things can add to modified by bending the plates or by changing spacers
this inward motion. One is the angle of the chain com- between the tail ends of the two plates.
ing from the rear cogs, and the other is the motion of
the tail of outer plate.
What happens when the derailleur shifts
Chains naturally want to run straight, rather than the chain from a middle chainring to the
in the S-shaped curve that is required when the chain innermost chainring
is on two gears that are not in line with each other. Before reading this, put a bike in the stand and
When the chain is on an inward cog in the rear, and shift the chain from the middle chainring in. As you
the chain gets released from the chainring, it tries to shift, turn the crank very slowly and shift the de-
straighten itself out. This straightening tends to move railleur in very slowly. Observe exactly what is hap-
the chain inward. The opposite is true if the chain is pening with the chain and derailleur cage for the
on one of the outermost cogs when the shift in from duration of the shift.
the outermost chainring occurs. Since the chain is fixed This is a more difficult shift than the shift from an
to a rear cog that is already further out than to where outer chainring to a middle or inner chainring. The
the chain is being pushed, the tendency of the chain reason is that the top of the middle chainring is much
to straighten out actually resists the inward motion of further below the derailleur, so the deflection point is
the chain. Consequently, when a chain is on an in- way back on the outer cage plate. This difference is
ward cog in the rear, the inward shift of the chain in what led Shimano to redesign their chainring teeth to
front is enhanced; when the chain is on an outward make it easier for the chain to derail inward. This way,
cog in the rear, the inward shift of the chain is restricted. the outer plate does not have to move as far to achieve
Whenever chainline is off, one of these two tenden- chain derailment.
cies becomes exaggerated. If the chainrings are too far Other than the fact that this shift naturally de-
out relative to the rear cogs, then the chain has a ten- mands more of the derailleur, the principles are the
dency to shift too far in the front, when being shifted same as the shift from the outer chainring.
in. If the chainrings are too far in relative to the rear
cogs, then the chain resists inward shifts in the front.
What happens when the derailleur shifts
The tail of the outer cage plate also affects the in- the chain out to the outer chainring
ward motion of the chain. When the in-shift starts, Before reading this, put a bike in the stand and
the chain is high on the outermost chainring and is shift the chain from the next-to-outermost chainring
being pushed by the highest, most forward, part of out. As you shift, turn the crank very slowly and move
the outer plate. Once the chain derails, the chain be- the derailleur cage out slowly. Observe exactly what is
gins to drop to the smaller chainring. At this point, it happening with the chain and derailleur cage for the
duration of the shift.

33 – 8
With this shift, the inner plate moves the chain What happens when the derailleur shifts
and the outer plate prevents it from going too far. The
shift starts when the tail of the inner plate contacts
the chain from an inner chainring to a
the chain and pushes it outward. The next thing to middle chainring
happen is that the teeth of the outer chainring (at about Before reading this, put a bike in the stand and
the 10:00 position), begin to catch the chain, causing shift the chain from the innermost chainring to the
it to rise. As the chain begins to rise, it moves in the middle chainring. As you do this, turn the crankset
derailleur cage and the deflection point moves forward. very slowly and move the derailleur cage out slowly,
The nose of the inner plate completes the shift by press- and observe exactly what is happening with the chain
ing the chain the rest of the way onto the chainring, and derailleur cage for the duration of the shift.
close to the engagement point. Because of the short Like the shift to the outermost chainring, this
distance between the nose of the inner plate and the shift is initiated by the contact of the tail of the inner
engagement point, small changes in the nose position plate to the chain. This occurs at a considerable dis-
can make big differences in shift performance. Al- tance from the engagement point. Consequently, a
though it is the tail of the inner plate that begins the great deal of lateral motion is required to move the
shift, the final position of the nose of the inner plate is chain enough to engage the middle chainring. As in
the most critical factor affecting the completion of the the case of a shift to the outermost chainring, the
shift to the outermost chainring. teeth of the middle chainring intersect the chain, and
Two factors influence the final position of the nose cause it to rise. Unlike the shift to the outermost
of the inner plate. These are: the H-screw setting and chainring, the chain never rises enough to engage the
the width of the nose of the cage. nose of the inner plate. This means that the deflec-
When the H-screw is set, it determines the range tion point never gets very close to the engagement
of motion of the entire cage. The function of this screw point. The only way to keep the chain moving out is
is to position the outer cage plate close enough to the to move the inner plate outward more. Consequently,
outer chainring so that it is impossible for the chain to a lot more outward motion is required to shift out to
move out past the chainring. Consequently, the H- a middle chainring than is required to shift out to an
screw cannot be used to adjust the final position of the outer chainring. This is perhaps the most demand-
nose of the inner plate. ing shift for a front derailleur to make.
Unlike in-shifts, the width of the tail is relatively The amount of outward motion of the cage is con-
unimportant to out-shifts. It is the cage width at the trolled by the operator on a friction system. It is con-
nose that is the most important factor. This is con- trolled by the cable-tension adjustment on an indexing
trolled by toeing the nose of the inner plate. The final system. It is the difficulty of this shift that led Shimano
position of the nose of the inner plate is adjusted by to develop the HyperDrive chainring design, which fea-
bending the nose towards or away from the chain. This tures an extra set of teeth on the inner face of the middle
is called toeing the nose. These days, most derailleurs chainring. These extra teeth help pick up the chain.
already come with a good amount of toe, but toeing The HyperDrive chainring’s primary teeth are also de-
can be used to speed up the shift to the outer chainring signed to make it easier for the chain to engage.
anytime it is sluggish. The importance of the rotational alignment
Chain angle and load on the chain dramatically of the cage
affect this shift. As in the case of in-shifting, the posi- Rotational alignment of the derailleur cage (ad-
tion of the chain in the rear affects the tendency of the justed by rotating the derailleur mount around the seat
chain to move one direction or the other. When the tube), controls two important things. It affects the rela-
chain is in an inward position in the rear, it resists tive angles of the cage plates to the chain, and it affects
outward motion at the chainrings. When the chain is the relative width of the cage.
in an outward position in the rear, it encourages the Rotational alignment affects the relative angle of
outward motion of the chain. Load is important be- the cage plates to the chain. This is most critical when
cause the rising teeth on the chainring being shifted to looking at the relationship between the chain and the
must help the chain rise by just brushing against the outer cage plate, when the chain is on the large
chain. When there is load on the chain, it keeps the chainring. If the chain is on an outer rear cog, the out-
chain down. ward motion of the chain is enhanced; the chance of
the chain shifting out past the outer chainring is at

33 – 9
its greatest. Consequently, it is at this time that it is 2. [ ] Check reference information to determine
most important to keep the nose of the outer plate as that inner wire, housing, and shift-control
close to the outer chainring as possible. The chain mechanism are compatible.
angles out to the outermost cog. The outer plate should 3. [ ] Check reference information to determine that
shift-control mechanism is compatible with
remain in a position so that it stays parallel to the chain
brand of crankset and number of chainrings.
when the chain is on the outermost chainring and rear 4. [ ] Check reference information to determine if
cog. Make certain that the outer plate is parallel to the chain is compatible with chainring set.
chain, and not the chainrings. Otherwise, there will
be large gap between the chain and the nose of the Lubrication
outer plate at the point the chain just clears the tail of 5. Lubricate following points:
[ ] Both ends of all four parallelogram pivots.
the cage. This reduces the effectiveness of the outer
[ ] Mounting bolt threads.
plate in preventing an over-shift.
[ ] Pinch mechanism threads.
Rotational alignment also affects the effective
width of the derailleur cage. Think of the opening in
the back of the cage like a window opening in a wall. Pinch mechanism threads
If you are facing the wall directly and the window is
right in front of you, then the full width of the win-
dow is apparent, and it would be relatively easy to
throw a ball through the window. On the other hand,
Both ends
if the wall is rotated so that you are no longer facing
the window squarely, its apparent width is reduced, Both ends
and it becomes much more challenging to throw the
ball through the opening. When a derailleur cage is
not rotated correctly, it is effectively narrower, and it
is a lot more likely that the chain will end up rubbing
the cage in some gear combination.

ABOUT THE REST 33.12 Oil at all these points.

OF THIS CHAPTER Setting derailleur height

The rest of this chapter is divided into five parts: The derailleur height is critical to the performance
INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT of the front derailleur. The height is ideal when the
TESTING INDEX PERFORMANCE outer cage plate clears the teeth on the outer chainring
FRONT-DERAILLEUR SERVICE by 2mm, as it passes over the teeth. The height is ac-
FRONT-DERAILLEUR TROUBLESHOOTING ceptable within a clearance range of 1–3mm.
EIGHT -AND NINE-SPEED COMPATIBILITY There are several complications to setting the height.
The derailleur cage moves upward as it moves out, so if
the height is checked when the outer plate is not ex-
INSTALLATION AND actly over the teeth of the outer chainring, then the
setting will not be accurate. Another complication is
ADJUSTMENT that all the teeth on the outer chainring may not be all
equal in height. This may be because the chainring is
deliberately not round, or it may be because some teeth
INSTALLATION are shaped differently to facilitate shifting. When set-
NOTE: Before proceeding further, be sure to be ac- ting the derailleur height, make sure that the crank is
quainted with the section, NAMING COGS AND rotated to position the tallest teeth under the derailleur
GEAR COMBINATIONS (page 33-2). cage. The last complication is that the curve of the bot-
Compatibility checks tom edge of the outer plate may not be concentric to
1. [ ] Check reference information to determine the curve created by the tips of the chainring teeth. This
that derailleur and shift-control mechanism means that the clearance between the bottom edge of
are compatible. the outer plate and the teeth may not be uniform

33 – 10
over the whole length of the outer plate. When setting Setting derailleur rotation
the height, be sure the clearance is being checked at the The derailleur’s rotational alignment is critical to
point that the bottom edge of the outer plate comes the shifting performance. The rotational alignment is
closest to the chainring teeth. ideal when the portion of the outer plate that overlaps
the chain is parallel to the chain (when the chain is on
the outermost chainring and outermost rear cog).
There are several items to consider when to set-
ting rotational alignment.
One important consideration is that the outer plate
of the derailleur cage is rarely a simple flat shape. Add
to that the fact that the chain is not flat. Consequently,
it is difficult to say that the two are parallel, or not
parallel. Furthermore, the whole length of the outer
plate does not overlap the chain all at one. The nose is
generally above the chain and from the midpoint to
the tail, the outer plate is generally below the chain.
The only portion of the cage plate that matters is the
33.13 The correct range of derailleur height. short section that would rub the chain if the cage plate
6. [ ] Place derailleur clamp around seat tube, then
were moved in far enough to contact the chain (the
install and gently secure mounting bolt overlap zone, see figure 33.14, next page).
(enough so derailleur will not slide down tube). Another consideration is the fact that the derailleur
7. [ ] Check that outer plate is close to parallel to tends to move while the mounting bolt is being se-
outer chainring, and reposition derailleur if it cured.
is not. Finally, it makes a difference whether the chain is
8. Perform one of following steps, depending on already installed, or the derailleur is being installed
whether the derailleur is just being installed, before the chain. With the chain already in place, the
or already has cable attached. outer plate must be aligned to the chain. That can be
[ ] If cable is attached to derailleur, use
somewhat awkward. With the chain not in place yet,
shifter to position derailleur so that outer
plate is directly above outer chainring teeth
a simple and superior substitute for the chain is used
(raise derailleur if necessary). to align the derailleur.
[ ] If cable is not attached, use fingers to This simple substitute for the chain must be hand-
move derailleur cage out until outer plate is made. It cannot be purchased. The materials needed
directly of outer chainring teeth (raise de- are two short sections of chain and some string. It
railleur if necessary). works best if you use elastic string. Try a store that
9. [ ] Turn L-screw in (usually innermost screw) until sells fabric and sewing supplies. One section of chain
it supports derailleur so that the outer plate is (3–4") will sit on top of the outer chainring. The other
held directly over teeth of outer chainring (re- section of chain (3–4") will sit on top of the outermost
lease shifter at this time, if cable is attached).
rear cog. The string needs to be attached to both chain
10. [ ] Rotate crank so that tallest teeth are under-
neath derailleur cage and find point on outer
sections. If it is elastic, the length should be set so that
plate that chainring teeth come closest to it must be stretched slightly for the two segments of
bottom edge of outer cage plate. the chain to end up where they need to be.
11. [ ] Arrange stack of feeler gauges until they To use the string tool, clamp or tie the wheel and
total close to 2mm thickness. the crank so that they cannot rotate. Place one piece
12. Insert stack of feeler gauges between teeth of the chain on the outermost chainring so that the
and bottom edge of outer cage plate and de- end with the string attached is close to 12:00. Place
termine if they: the other piece of chain on the outermost rear cog so
[ ] just fit, height is good that the slack is pulled out of the string. It is impor-
[ ] fit loosely, derailleur should be lowered
tant that the string attaches to both sections of chain
[ ] fit too tight, derailleur should be raised.
13. [ ] Leave, lower, or raise derailleur on seat
in the same way. If the string lines up with a chain
tube as determined in previous step, then roller on one section, it should line up with a chain
recheck height.

33 – 11
roller on the other section. If the string comes out the 14. Perform one of following steps, depending on
outer face of one section of chain, it should come out whether chain and cable are installed, or not:
the outer face of the other section of chain. [ ] Shift chain to A/H position, and use shifter
or cable-tension adjustment to position outer
cage plate close to chain without contact oc-
[ ] Place string tool on outermost chainring
Overlap zone and outermost rear cog and adjust L-screw to
hold outer cage plate close to string without
touching it.
15. [ ] With mounting bolt just loose enough to al-
low derailleur to twist around seat tube,
twist derailleur until outer cage plate is par-
allel to chain or string.
33.14 With the wheel and crank fixed from turning, install the 16. [ ] Secure mounting bolt to 40in-lbs
derailleur-alignment-string tool in the fashion shown in this illus- (13lbs@3").
tration (distance between the freewheel and chainrings is shortened
17. [ ] Check rotational alignment again, and repo-
for this depiction).
sition and torque again if necessary, until
It is easiest if you leave the string outside of the alignment is maintained after torquing
mounting bolt.
derailleur cage. That way you may use it to line up the
outer face of the outer cage plate. The design of some
outer plates requires that the string be inside the de- ADJUSTMENT
railleur cage. In these cases, line the string up with the The processes of describing cogs and chainrings by
inner face of the outer plate. See figure 33.15 to see how their relative positions and describing gear combinations
different shaped cage plates are lined up with the string. involving different front chainrings and rear cogs can
get very wordy and awkward. For this reason, all the
following procedures use a code system (illustrated be-
FLAT OUTER PLATE low) to name different chainrings and gear combina-
tions. This code system is described in detail in the ear-
lier section of this chapter, NAMING COGS AND GEAR COM-
Overlap zone BINATIONS (page 33-2). Become acquainted with this
method before attempting the following procedures.

Overlap zone
INSIDE-ANGLED OFFSET Codes for freewheel cogs.

Overlap zone

Codes for chainrings.

Overlap zone

33.15 Regardless of the shape of the outer plate, rotate the de-
railleur so that the portion of the outer plate in the overlap zone (see
figure 33.14) is parallel to the string (or chain) connecting cog A to
chainring H. Note in the the third example that the string needs to
be inside the cage because the angle of the inside of the outer plate is
different than the angle on the outside of the outer plate.

33 – 12
NOTE: before proceeding further, be sure to be ac- 18. [ ] Adjust L-screw so innermost chainring ap-
quainted with the section, NAMING COGS AND pears in center of cage, halfway between
GEAR COMBINATIONS (page 33-2). noses of cage plates.
Pre-setting limit screws
The limit screws need to be set in a very approxi- 1
mate fashion before the cable and chain are installed.
The purpose of this is to keep the chain from shifting
off the chainring set while performing the final adjust- 2
ments. Precise adjustment of the limit screws must be done
after cable installation. Do not waste effort doing steps #18 Positions
and #19 too precisely! When the H-screw is tightened, it reversed on
reduces the outward range of motion of the derailleur. top-swing
When the L-screw is tightened, it reduces the inward 1 models
range of motion of the rear derailleur. See figures 33.16
and 33.17 for clarification of the consequequences on 2
tightening and loosening each limit screw.


33.18 Adjust the L-screw so that the nose of the derailleur cage
2 centers over the L chainring.
reversed on
models 19. [ ] Adjust H-screw so that when derailleur is
pushed out to its limit, outermost chainring
appears in center of cage, halfway between
noses of cage plates.


33.16 Turning the H-screw will change the derailleur’s outward rest Positions
position in the direction indicated by the corresponding numbers. 2 reversed on

2 2 H

reversed on
top-swing 33.19 Adjust the H-screw so that when the derailleur is pushed
1 models outward, the nose of the cage ends up centered over the H chainring.

Cable attachment
When adjusting an indexing derailleur, cable setup
is critical for proper performance. Even if adjusting a
33.17 Turning the L-screw will change the derailleur’s most inward derailleur on a bike with the cable already installed,
position in the direction indicated by the corresponding numbers. removing the cable and setting it up by the procedures
outlined in the preceding chapter (DERAILLEUR-CABLE
SYSTEMS, page 31-3) is strongly recommended.

33 – 13
20. [ ] Use procedures in DERAILLEUR-CABLE SYSTEMS Chain installation
chapter (page 31-3) to install cable system.
21. [ ] Put front-derailleur shift-control mechanism and derailleur-capacity checks
in fully released position. The derailleur should be checked for whether its
22. [ ] Loosen or disassemble pinch mechanism to maximum or minimum capacities have been exceeded.
find groove covered by pinch plate or washer. 28. [ ] Install chain and size by procedure in CHAINS
Routing the inner wire through the pinch mecha- chapter (page 26-10).
nism correctly can be counter-intuitive. The best proce- 29. [ ] Put chain in A/L position, put load on chain,
dure is to disassemble the pinch mechanism in order to then check if chain touches cross-piece at
tail of front-derailleur cage. If so, maximum
find the groove that the inner wire sits in. The inner wire
capacity has been exceeded.
usually does not maintain a straight line as it goes through 30. [ ] Shift front derailleur until inner cage plate is
the pinch mechanism, but it bends to go over the top of just above next-to-outermost chainring. If
the pinch mechanism. See the illustration below for ex- interference with teeth occurs, minimum ca-
amples of normal and incorrect cable routing. pacity has been exceeded.
Wire groove Correct Incorrect H-screw setting
Set the H-screw to stop the outward motion of the
derailleur cage at a point where the outer plate clears
the chain by .5–1.0mm (with chain in A/H position).
This is complicated by chainring wobble and chain
wiggle. The crank must be turned for several revolu-
tions, and stopped at the point that there is the least
clearance between the chain and the outer cage plate.
33.20 Routing the inner wire through the pinch mechanism. If the chainrings don’t wobble much and the chain
doesn’t wiggle much, then the 1.0mm clearance should
23. [ ] Lay inner wire into groove and gently secure be safe. On the other hand, if there is a lot of lateral
pinch bolt/nut just enough to keep wire from motion of the chain while the cranks are turning, once
falling out or slipping. If the pinch plate has the closest point is found, the H-screw should be set
a narrow tab that folds over edge of plate closer to .5mm of clearance.
with groove, narrow tab always goes coun-
terclockwise of section of wire entering
pinch mechanism. 1
The inner wire needs slack removed, but not too
much or it will interfere with the setting of the L-screw
(particularly if the preliminary setting of the L-screw was 2
too tight). In the next step, pull most of the slack out of
the inner wire before torquing the pinch nut/bolt.
24. [ ] Pull of slack out of inner wire by hand and
secure pinch mechanism to 35in-lbs
(12lbs@3") (check that inner wire is still in
To A cog
NOTE: Install rear derailleur and attach rear cable 2
system at this time, if not already installed.
Checking chainring wobble .5–1.0mm
If the chainrings wobble, it interferes with limit-
screw setting. The next steps checks for wobble and 33.21 Set the H-screw so that this clearance is achieved when the
derailleur stops its outward motion.
refer to other chapters for correction of wobble.
25. [ ] Align nose of outer cage plate directly over The best way to check clearance is to insert a feeler
teeth of outer chainring.
gauge between the cage plate and the chain.
26. [ ] Rotate crank and observe whether outer
31. [ ] Shift chain to A position in rear.
chainring wobbles >.5mm.
32. [ ] While turning crank, pull on exposed section
27. [ ] See CHAINRINGS chapter (page23-12) and
of inner wire to move front derailleur out as
TAPER-FIT CRANKARMS chapter (page 20-10) for
far as it will go, then hold it at this position.
procedures for aligning chainrings.

33 – 14
33. [ ] Rotate crank several revolutions and stop at 39. [ ] Make sure shift-control mechanism is fully
point where least clearance occurs between released.
chain and outer cage plate. 40. [ ] Insert feeler gauge to check clearance be-
34. [ ] Insert feeler gauge to check clearance be- tween chain and inner cage plate.
tween chain and outer cage plate. 41. Correct clearance error by one of following
35. Correct clearance error by one of following methods:
methods: [ ] Clearance is .5–1.0mm, no change nec-
[ ] Clearance is .5–1.0mm, no change nec- essary.
essary. [ ] Clearance is <.5mm, turn L-screw coun-
[ ] Clearance is <.5mm, turn H-screw coun- terclockwise about 1/8 turn.
terclockwise about 1/8 turn. [ ] Clearance is >1.0mm, turn L-screw
[ ] Clearance is >1.0mm, turn H-screw clockwise about 1/8 turn.
clockwise about 1/8 turn. 42. [ ] After making adjustment of L-screw, repeat
36. [ ] After making adjustment of H-screw, repeat steps 39–41.
steps 33–35.
Fine-tuning shift to outer chainring
L-screw setting Once the H-screw is set, the chain should shift ef-
Set the L-screw to stop the inward motion of the fortlessly to the H chainring. In some cases, the shift
derailleur cage at a point where the inner plate clears may be slow or hesitant. In this case, some further ad-
the chain by .5–1.0mm (with chain in Z/L position). justment is needed, but not of the H-screw. Instead, the
This is complicated by chainring wobble and chain angle of the nose of the inner cage plate must be changed.
wiggle. The crank must be turned for several revolu- When the chain is in a more inward position in the
tions, then stopped at the point that there is the least rear, the angle of the chain retards out-shifting at the
clearance between the chain and the inner cage plate. chainrings. Consequently, to test whether further tuning
If the chainrings don’t wobble much and the chain is needed, the chain should be on the most inward cog it
doesn’t wiggle much, then the 1.0mm clearance should would normally be on when shifting to the H chainring.
be safe. On the other hand, if there is a lot of lateral
This is the Y cog. The shift to the H chainring should
motion of the chain while the cranks are turning, once
always be made from the adjacent inward chainring,
the closest point is found, the L-screw should be set to
which would be the L chainring on a double-chainring
get something more like the .5mm clearance.
set, or the M chainring on a triple-chainring set.



.5–1.0mm 33.23 Correct chain position when checking the shift to the H
1 chainring.

2 43. [ ] Put the chain in the Y/L position (double-

To Z cog chainring sets), or Y/M position (triple-
chainring sets).
When the rider shifts to the H chainring, it is
33.22 Set the L-screw so that this clearance is achieved when the usually because the pedaling speed is getting too high
derailleur stops its inward motion. in the current chainring. It is a false test to check
The best way to check clearance is to insert a feeler the shift to this chainring while pedaling slowly. For
gauge between the cage plate and the chain. this test, the minimum pedaling speed should be
NOTE: If inner-wire is too tight, L-screw cannot be 60rpm and there is nothing unrealistic about test-
set. ing the shift at 80rpm.
37. [ ] Shift chain to Z/L position. 44. [ ] While pedaling at 60rpm or better, shift
38. [ ] Rotate crank several revolutions and stop at chain to H chainring and observe whether
point where least clearance occurs between chain shifts promptly, or with clatter and/or
chain and inner cage plate. hesitation.

33 – 15
45. [ ] If shift is too slow, use Park BT-3 to bend Basic cable tensioning
nose of inner cage plate closer to chain Coarse adjustment of the inner-wire tension is done
(without bending it far enough that it will
by pulling or releasing wire through the pinch mecha-
rub when chain is on H chainring).
nism on the derailleur. Fine tuning will be done after-
Park BT-3 wards, by using the adjusting barrel on the shift-con-
trol mechanism.
50. [ ] Loosen pinch mechanism.
Before starting, the shift-control-mechanism adjust-
ing barrel should be two full turns out from fully in,
so that it can be turned in or out to loosen or tighten
the inner-wire tension.
33.24 Bending the nose of the inner plate closer to the chain to 51. [ ] Set shift-control-mechanism adjusting barrel
improve the shift to the H chainring. so that it is two full turns out from fully in.
The fourth hand is a very convenient tool for re-
46. [ ] Shift chain in one chainring and check shift moving inner-wire slack, but it can easily make the
to H chainring again. If shift hesitates, toe
inner wire much too tight. Watch for any outward mo-
nose further and check shift again.
tion of the derailleur, indicating the fourth hand tool
Cable stressing is being squeezed too tightly.
Cable stretch is a commonly misused term. There 52. [ ] Using fourth hand tool, gently pull slack out
is really never enough force on the inner wire to actu- of inner wire, being sure to stop before de-
ally stretch it. Somehow, however, cable systems de- railleur begins to move.
velop slack rapidly after installation. This development It is easy for the inner wire to slip out of its groove
of slack can compromise the indexing adjustment. in the pinch mechanism while the tension is being
What causes this slack is: the inner-wire head seats reset. Be certain that the inner wire is in place before
into its socket, and the housing ends and fittings seat torquing the bolt/nut. If it is out of place, then the
into theirs. This can happen gradually as shifting loads correct torque may not keep it secure.
are repeatedly put on the cable systems, or it can be 53. [ ] Making sure inner wire is still seated in
simulated by stressing the cable system one time at a groove in pinch mechanism, secure pinch
substantially higher load than normal. This over-load nut/bolt to 35in-lbs (12lbs@3").
stressing also tests the cable system for integrity. 54. [ ] Put chain in B/H position (double-chainring
Since the systems will be over-loaded, it is impor- sets), or the B/M position (triple-chainring
sets), then check shift to L chainring. If shift
tant that the shift-control mechanism and the derailleur
hesitates, inner wire was tightened too
be in positions that can support the load. The derailleur
much in step 52.
should be at its outermost position, supported by the
H-screw. The shift-control mechanism should be at its Indexing adjustment
fully released position, supported by its own internal The concept of making an index adjustment is
stop. To accomplish this, the lever must be operated to similar to a limit-screw adjustment. There is a range of
put the chain on the L chainring, and then the inner adjustments that work, but the tightest setting is best,
wire must be pulled manually (while pedaling) to put since that allows for the greatest amount of deteriora-
the chain on the H chainring. Once the chain is in place, tion to happen before the system becomes non-func-
stop pedaling and pull out hard on the inner wire a few tional. The most effective approach to adjustment,
times. Protect your hand from damage by using a multi- therefore, is to deliberately create symptoms that the
folded rag between your hand and the inner wire. inner wire is too tight, then loosen the adjustment by
47. [ ] Make sure front shift control mechanism is small increments until the symptom is eliminated.
fully released.
48. [ ] While pedaling, pull on exposed inner wire at Z
down tube or top tube until chain is on H
chainring and stop pedaling.
49. [ ] With chain still on H chainring, pull hard on Z
exposed inner wire to seat cable heads and
housing ends in stops and sockets, and to
test integrity of pinch mechanism and cable
system. 33.25 Starting chain position when checking the indexing adjust-

33 – 16
55. [ ] Shift chain to Z/H position. Inner wire
56. [ ] Shift chain to next chainring inward. Solder

Z L Solder-gun

Z M 33.27 Correct soldering technique.

As an easier alternative to using soldering wire, con-

sider using a flux/solder paste mix (Galaxy Fluxo 50/
33.26 Final chain position when checking the indexing adjustment. 50, or similar). Apply like flux, heat up until flux stops
57. Check clearance between chain and inner cage
bubbling, then wipe off while still hot. This method
plate and check one of following choices: will work on some coated wires and stainless-steel wires
[ ] Chain rubs derailleur-cage inner plate, that the solder-wire method does not work on.
cable-adjusting barrel needs to be turned 62. [ ] Solder inner-wire end.
clockwise 1/4 turn. Wire-end caps are sometimes used instead of sol-
[ ] Clearance is >.5mm, cable-adjusting barrel der to prevent fraying. This will not work. Crimping
needs to be turned counterclockwise 1/4 turn. the cap onto the wire frequently causes fraying. A sol-
[ ] Clearance is >0mm and ≤.5mm, cable dered wire will not fray when the cap is crimped on.
tension is correct. The real function of the wire cap is to cover the sharp
58. [ ] Shift chain back to H chainring. end of the wire.
59. [ ] Repeat steps 56–58 until clearance is 63. [ ] Put cap on end of inner wire if desired.
>0mm and ≤.5mm.
Inner-wire finish Fine-tuning shift to inner chainring
Occasionally, additional adjustment is needed to get
Excess inner wire should be trimmed and finished.
the chain to shift quickly to the innermost chainring.
Excess length is unsightly and may get caught in the
The normal way to improve this shift is to sacrifice the
chain. Soldering prevents fraying, and, therefore, al-
.5–1.0mm clearance between the chain and the inner
lows the cable to be reused whether a wire cap is used
cage plate that has been set with the L-screw. Be careful;
or not. Wire caps do not prevent fraying, but they do
the clearance should never exceed 4mm.
prevent someone getting poked by the wire.
The most difficult time for the chain to shift to the
The fourth hand is place on the inner wire to act
innermost chainring is when the chain is on the outer-
as a gauge to determine how much wire to leave. This
most portion of the rear cog set. The B cog is the fur-
remaining wire does not need to be any more than
thest-out position that is normal for the chain to be in
what the fourth hand needs to grab.
when shifting to the L chainring. When testing the shift
60. [ ] Put fourth hand tool on inner wire as if re-
moving slack.
to the L chainring, the correct starting position is with
61. [ ] Trim inner wire with wire cutters just past the chain in the B/H position (double-chainring sets),
fourth-hand tool. or the B/M position (triple-chainring sets).
The next step suggests soldering the end of the
wire. This is easy to do and prevents fraying. To sol-
der, a soldering gun, thin 40/60 rosin-core solder, and
soldering flux are needed. Put flux on the inner wire.
Hold the soldering gun tip flat against one side of
the wire until the flux sizzles away. Still holding the B M
soldering gun tip flat against one side of the wire,
hold the tip of the solder against the other side of the 33.28 Correct chain position to check the shift to the L chainring.
wire until the heated wire causes the solder to melt
and flow into the wire. Some wires have are specially 64. [ ] Put chain in B/H position (double-chainring
coated or made of stainless steel and will not accept sets), or B/M position (triple-chainring sets).
solder. In these cases the wire will melt the solder, The rider will usually shift to the L chainring be-
but the solder will not flow into the wire. Instead, it cause the pedaling speed is too slow. It is unrealistic to
beads up and runs off the wire. check if the shift is too slow if the test is performed at

33 – 17
a high pedaling speed. Too slow a pedaling speed is 68. [ ] Shift chain to Z/H position (double-
also unrealistic. Keep the pedaling speed close to 60rpm chainring sets), or to Z/M position (triple-
for the following test. chainring sets).
65. [ ] While pedaling at no more than 60rpm, 69. [ ] While pedaling at no more than 60rpm, shift
check shift to L chainring. chain repeatedly to L chainring to check for
66. Check one of following results: tendency of chain to shift too far.
[ ] Shift hesitated, or chain did not complete If there is not an L-screw setting that eliminates
shift to L chainring, L-screw needs to be slow shifting without introducing over-shifting, then
turned 1/8 turn counterclockwise. there is a likely problem with chainline (chainrings
[ ] Shift was good, no further L-screw ad- are too far out). It could also be that the tail of the
justment needed. derailleur cage needs to be customized (widened) to
Often it is not possible to fully eliminate hesitation reduce the tendency to over-shift.
in the shift to the L chainring. There are three limits to 70. Check one of following options:
how much the L screw can be loosened. First, part of [ ] Chain shows no tendency to over-shift in
the derailleur may bump into itself or the frame, in step 69, L-screw setting is final.
which case further loosening of the limit screw will not [ ] Chain does show tendency to over-shift in
result in additional inward motion of the derailleur. Sec- step 69, chainline should be checked and
ond, the cable tension, which has already been set for modifying width of tail of derailleur cage
should be considered.
optimal indexing, may create an inner limit that is more
restrictive than the screw. Consider a slightly looser in-
dexing adjustment to allow a looser L-screw setting. In
both these cases, stop adjusting the screw when the de- TESTING INDEX
railleur stops responding with additional inward mo-
tion. If the shift is still unacceptable, examine other fac-
The performance of any indexing front-derailleur
tors, such as derailleur height and rotation. Third, if the
system can be tested and measured. The procedures
inside clearance in the Z/L gear combination exceeds
described above are designed to set the indexing ad-
4mm, stop loosening the screw, because more clearance
justment at the tightest setting that allows for good shift-
than 4mm is certain to cause an overshift to occur.
67. [ ] Repeat step 65, and 66 if necessary, until
ing. If the indexing system has normal performance,
shift is good. Stop if derailleur does not move then there are probably looser settings for the cable
further, or if chain/inner-cage-plate clearance that also allow proper shifts into all the gears. The range
reaches 4mm (with chain in Z/L position). of adjusting-barrel positions from the tightest that pro-
After loosening the L-screw to improve a hesitant vides good shifting to the loosest that will allow shift-
shift to the L chainring, it is important to check that ing into all the gears is called the Functional Range of
the chain does not then over-shift when in other gear Adjustment (or FRA).
combinations. If the L-screw is too loose, the chain The performance of all systems deteriorates with
will try to shift in past the L chainring. This is most wear and the accumulation of dirt. When the FRA is
likely to occur when the chain is on the inner portion narrow, it will take only a small amount of riding be-
of the rear cog set, because this position for the chain fore service is needed to restore acceptable shifting.
encourages inward motion of the chain. Put the chain When the FRA is extremely narrow, finding a correct
in the Z/H position (double-chainring sets), or the Z/ adjustment at all is challenging. When the FRA is
M position (triple-chainring sets) to test the chain’s ten- broad, it will take much longer before service is needed.
dency to shift in past the L chainring. Therefore, it is to the rider’s and the mechanic’s ad-
vantage for the system to have a broad FRA.
Z L There are two reasons to measure the FRA. First, it
enables an accurate determination of whether parts
might need replacement or cleaning on a used system.
Z L Second, it permits an evaluation of whether a non-rec-
ommended part negatively affects indexing performance.
There is no absolute value for an appropriate FRA.
It varies with the brand and quality of equipment, as
33.29 Correct chain position when checking for an over-shift to the well as some other factors. For popular systems, an
L chainring. FRA of about two quarter turns of the cable-adjusting

33 – 18
barrel should be expected of new equipment. One of 2. [ ] Turn cable-adjusting barrel in 1/4 turn.
the most critical things to getting a decent FRA is 3. [ ] Shift chain to A/H position.
proper rotational alignment of the derailleur. 4. Check for chain rubbing outer cage plate and
If evaluating properly set-up used equipment that check one of following options:
[ ] No rub, shift chain back to M chainring
all meets manufacturer’s specifications for compatibil-
and repeat steps 2–4.
ity, and the FRA is not at least two quarter turns, then [ ] Chain rubs, inner-wire tension is too
something in the system needs to be cleaned or replaced. loose, record number of turns to create too
If evaluating any equipment, used or new, that does loose symptom here: _____ quarter turns.
not meet manufacturer’s specifications for compatibility 5. [ ] If measuring FRA to evaluate a component
and the FRA is not at least two quarter turns, then the change, install new component and repeats
non-matched equipment probably needs to be replaced. steps 1–4.
If considering installing equipment on a system
that may not be compatible, measure the FRA before
the change, and again afterwards. If it is reduced, then
the equipment change will downgrade shift perfor- FRONT-DERAILLEUR
mance. If it is still above one quarter turn, then it may
be acceptable even though it is a downgrade of perfor- SERVICE
mance. This test process applies to mis-matching chains, The only service performed on front derailleurs is
derailleurs and shifters, cable systems, and even de- removal and cleaning of the fully-assembled derailleur;
railleurs with chainring sets. most front derailleurs are not designed to be disas-
sembled to any significant degree. It is a good idea to
MEASURING THE FUNCTIONAL perform a few inspections before installing the de-
railleur. Before installing the derailleur, inspect for
RANGE OF ADJUSTMENT (FRA) cracks in the mounting clamp and roughness or gouges
1. [ ] Perform an index adjustment using steps in the inner cage plate.
procedure for front derailleurs (page 33-17).

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The shift to the H chainring is slow.
Inner wire is not tight enough. Shift to L chainring and check inner-wire tension.
The inner-cage-plate nose needs toe Trying bending inner cage-plate nose toward chain.
The H-screw is too tight. This is only the cause Loosen H-screw only enough to create up to 1.0mm
if the chain is also rubbing the outer cage plate clearance between chain and outer cage plate (when
when the chain is in the A/H position. the chain is in the A/H position).
The derailleur is mounted too high. Check and correct derailleur height.
The chainring teeth are worn out. Compare teeth to a new chainring of the same type.
The inner cage plate is chewed up. Inspect plate and replace the derailleur if the cage
plate is damaged.
SYMPTOM: The chain is shifting past the H chainring.
If the derailleur rotation is correct, then the H- Check derailleur rotation, and tighten H-screw to
screw is too loose. create no more than 1.0mm clearance between the
cage and the outer cage plate (when the chain is in
the A/H position).
If the clearance between the chain and the Check and correct derailleur rotation, then set limit
outer cage plate is correct, then the derailleur screws and cable tension again.
is positioned with the tail rotated too far in.
(Continued next page)

33 – 19


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the outer cage plate continuously when the chain is in the A/H position.
The H-screw setting is too tight. Adjust the H-screw so that the chain clears the
outer cage plate by at least .5mm.
The inner-wire tension is too low on an Follow the recommended procedure to set the
indexing derailleur. indexing adjustment for the front derailleur.
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the outer cage plate intermittently.
The chainrings are out of true. Check and align the chainrings until they wobble
less than .5mm.
If clearance is good when checked in the bike No adjustment can be made to correct this
stand, then the chainrings, bottom-bracket condition.
spindle, and/or frame are flexing under load.
There is play in the bottom-bracket bearings. Check and adjust the bottom bracket.
SYMPTOM: When the H-screw is loosened to eliminate a rub between the chain and outer cage plate,
a rub develops between the chain and the inner cage plate.
The derailleur’s rotational alignment is wrong. Check and align the derailleur’s rotation so that the
outer cage plate is parallel to the chain when the
chain is in the A/H position.
The chainrings have too much wobble. Check and align the chainrings.
The nose of the inner cage plate is toed Reduce the inner-cage-plate-nose toe and check
towards the chain too much. whether the shift to the H chainring is still good
when the chain is on the Y cog in the rear.
SYMPTOM: The shift to the L chainring is slow.
The L-screw is too tight. Loosen the L-screw by 1/8 turn increments until the
shift improves.
The inner-wire tension is too tight. Check and adjust the inner-wire tension.
The derailleur rotation is wrong, with the tail of Check and align the derailleur’s rotation so that the
the derailleur too far out compared to the nose. outer cage plate is parallel to the chain (when the
chain is in the A/H position).
The derailleur is too high, particularly if the Check and correct derailleur height.
chainring set is a triple.
There is excess friction in the cable system. Remove, inspect, and correct any problems with the
cable system.
The derailleur is fouled with dirt. Remove and clean the derailleur.
SYMPTOM: Loosening the L-screw makes no improvement in the slow shift of the chain to the L
The inner-wire tension is too tight. Check and adjust the inner-wire tension.
The chainrings are too close to the frame and Check for interference between the frame and the
some part of the derailleur is bumping into the bottom inside pivot of the derailleur’s parallelogram,
seat tube or itself before the cage has moved or for a fully compressed parallelogram; if interference
far enough. exists, replace the bottom bracket with one that moves
the chainrings as far out as chainline will allow.
The derailleur is fouled with dirt. Remove and clean the derailleur.
(Continued next page)

33 – 20
SYMPTOM: The chain is shifting past the L chainring.
The L-screw is too loose. Tighten the L-screw by 1/8 turn increments until
symptom goes away.
If tightening the L-screw results in the chain Check and correct the chainline error.
being slow to shift to the L chainring without
eliminating the over-shift, then the chainline is
off (with the chainrings too far out relative to
the rear cogs).
SYMPTOM: When the L-screw is loosened approximately 1/8 turn to eliminate a slow shift to the L
chainring, then the chain develops a tendency to shift past the L chainring.
The chainline is off, with the chainrings too far Check and correct the chainline error.
out relative to the rear cogs.
The rotation of the derailleur is wrong, with the Check and align the derailleur’s rotation so that the
tail end too far in compared to the nose. outer cage plate is parallel to the chain (when the
chain is in the A/H position).
The tail of the derailleur cage is too narrow. Widen the tail of the cage by changing spacers, or
by bending the tail end of the outer plate.
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the inner cage plate continuously when the chain is in the Z/L position.
The L-screw is too tight. Loosen the L-screw.
The inner-wire tension is too tight. Check and loosen the inner-wire tension.
There is excess friction in the cable system. Remove, inspect, and correct problems in cable system.
SYMPTOM: The rubs the inner cage plate intermittently when the chain is in the Z/L position.
Chainring wobble is excessive. Check and align chainrings.
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the outer cage plate when the chain is on the L chainring and one of the
outer rear cogs.
The L-screw is too loose. Tighten the L-screw as much as possible without
creating a slow shift to the L chainring, or a rub
between the chain and inner cage plate (when the
chain is in the Z/L position).
The derailleur’s rotational alignment is off, with Check and align the derailleur’s rotation so that the
the tail too far in compared to the nose. outer cage plate is parallel to the chain (when the
chain is in the A/H position).
If the derailleur is non-indexing, it may not be The operator needs to trim the cage position with
designed to clear the chain in all gear the shift-control mechanism.
combinations without its position being
manually trimmed.
The tail of the derailleur cage is too narrow for Add spacers to the tail of the cage or deform the
the gear set-up and bike. outer plate at the tail end to widen the tail end of
the cage.
SYMPTOM: The shift from the L chainring to the M chainring is slow.
Inner-wire tension is too low if the derailleur is Check the indexing adjustment of the front
indexing. derailleur.
The teeth on the M chainring are worn out. Compare teeth to a new chainring of the same type.
SYMPTOM: The shift from the H chainring to the M chainring is slow.
Inner-wire tension is too tight if the derailleur is Check the indexing adjustment of the front
indexing. derailleur.
There is excess friction in the cable system. Remove, inspect, and correct problems in the cable
The derailleur is fouled with dirt. Remove and clean the derailleur.
(Continued next page)

33 – 21


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the inner cage plate after shifting to the M chainring (the derailleur is indexing).
Inner-wire tension is too tight if the derailleur is Check the indexing adjustment of the front
indexing. derailleur.
There is excess friction in the cable system. Remove, inspect, and correct problems in cable system.
The derailleur is fouled with dirt. Remove and clean the derailleur.
SYMPTOM: The chain rubs the outer cage plate when the chain is on the M chainring and is shifted to
one of the outer rear cogs.
If the derailleur is indexing, the inner-wire Check and correct the indexing adjustment.
tension is too low.
The derailleur’s rotational alignment is off, with Check and align the derailleur’s rotation so that the
the tail too far in compared to the nose. outer cage plate is parallel to the chain (when the
chain is in the A/H position).
If the derailleur is non-indexing, it may not be The operator needs to trim the cage position with
designed to clear the chain in all gear the shift-control mechanism.
combinations without its position being
manually trimmed.
The tail of the derailleur cage is too narrow for Add spacers to the tail of the cage, or deform the outer
the gear set-up and bike. plate at the tail end to widen the tail end of the cage.
SYMPTOM: There is a tick once per crank revolution, whenever the chain is on the H chainring.
The tail of the derailleur cage is interfering with The H-screw is too loose, or the derailleur is rotated
the crank arm. with the tail too far out.
SYMPTOM: The tail of the derailleur cage hits the crank arm when the derailleur is properly rotated
and the H-screw setting is correct.
The crankset does not provide enough Change derailleurs to one with a flatter outer cage
clearance between the arm and the outer plate (no tail offset), or compromise the rotational
chainring for the derailleur being used. alignment of the derailleur (check for ill consequences
if the compromise is made).
SYMPTOM: There is a continuous scraping sound when the chain is on the H chainring, but the chain
is not rubbing either cage plate.
The minimum capacity of the derailleur has been Change the derailleur or the size of the next-to-
exceeded, and the teeth of the next-to-outermost outermost chainring.
chainring are rubbing on the inner cage plate.
The outer cage plate is rubbing on a chainring Remove the chainring guard or compromise the
guard. derailleur height or rotation (check for ill
consequences if the compromise is made).
SYMPTOM: The chain drags over the cross-piece at the tail of the derailleur cage when the chain is in
the A/L position.
Chain is dangling when there is no load. If the symptom only occurs when chain is not under
load, it is not a problem.
Derailleur is mounted too high. Check and correct derailleur-mounting height.
If symptom occurs when derailleur height is Change the derailleur to one that can handle the
correct and there is load on the chain, the difference in largest and smallest chainring sizes, or
maximum capacity of derailleur has been change size of chainrings so that the difference is
exceeded. within the capacity of the derailleur being used.

33 – 22


The narrower chain and chainring spacing used in
the Shimano nine-speed drive trains requires a narrower
front derailleur cage for optimal performance. There-
fore, Shimano derailleurs marked “Mega-9” are not fully
interchangeable with other Shimano derailleurs.
Mega-9 front derailleurs have the same actuation
ratio (the amount the derailleur moves for a given
amount of cable movement), so there is full compat-
ibility between all Shimano MTB front derailleurs and
Shimano MTB front shift levers.
While there is no problem mixing shift levers and
derailleurs there is a problem with mixing a Mega-9
front derailleur with a chain that is not nine-speed type.
Obvious rubbing will occur that cannot be eliminated
by any adjustment.
As long as the chain is changed also, excellent re-
sults can be attained when using a Mega-9 front derailleur
on a Shimano chainring set that is not nine-speed spac-
ing. Since the nine-speed chain works with all cog sets,
this is a very acceptable mix of components.
The reverse combination of using a front de-
railleur that is not Mega-9 on a full nine-speed drive
train will work, but you should expect a compro-
mise in performance. In particular, the shift from the
middle chainring to the inner chainring will be slow
and unpredictable.


In addition to the component compatibility issues,
it is important to keep in mind that Mega-9 models of
derailleurs sometimes have different minimum and
maximum-tooth-difference ratings than the earlier ver-
sion of the same derailleur. This is due to the fact that
at the same time that Shimano introduced nine-speed
drive trains, they also switched from compact chainring
sets to “Mega” sized chainring sets. For example, the
older seven- or eight-speed Deore LX model FD-M567
is rated for a minimum chainring size difference of 10
teeth and the matching crankset is a 22-32-42 configu-
ration, but the more current Mega-9 type Deore LX
model FD-M570 is rated for a minimum difference of
12 teeth. Consequently, the FD-M570 will not work
on the older crankset, regardless of nine-speed issues.

33 – 23

33 – 24

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Outermost gear: The cog on the rear wheel that
has the fewest teeth and is closest to the dropout. This
This chapter is about installing, adjusting, and ser-
term will be used instead of high gear, top gear, or first
vicing rear derailleurs. The procedures for installation
gear, or a letter code (described in the following sec-
and adjustment make references to installing the wheel,
chain, shift-control mechanism, and cable. These items
3) will be used.
are fully covered separately in preceding chapters. This
Low gear: With regard to rear derailleurs, low gear
chapter also covers repair of derailleur-hanger threads.
typically means the rear cog with the greatest number
The procedure assumes that the front derailleur is
of teeth. It is called low gear because it results in the
installed. The front derailleur need not be precisely
lowest number when calculating gear ratios. It is con-
adjusted, but must be capable of moving the chain to
fusing because the cog with the fewest number of teeth
the innermost and outermost chainrings. It may seem
sticks up the least, and fewer teeth may seem to some
like a good idea to install and adjust the front derailleur
to be “lower.” For this reason, this book will always
first, because of this. However, the front-derailleur pro-
use the more wordy alternative, innermost gear, or a
cedure requires that the rear derailleur be able to shift
letter code (described in the following section NAMING
the chain to the innermost and outermost positions,
COGS AND GEAR COMBINATIONS, page 32-3) will be used.
as well. Whichever is done first, to complete one de-
Bottom gear: Same as low gear.
railleur adjustment it may be necessary to do some
Last gear (or last position): A gear is called last
preliminary work on the other derailleur, as well.
gear because it is the last one counted when counting
There is some confusing and contradictory termi-
cogs on the freewheel/freehub, this term is avoided
nology used in regard to derailleurs, so be sure to be-
because the outermost cog provides the highest gear
come acquainted with the following terminology sec-
ratio, which might also be called last gear.
tion to become clear on the terms used in this book.
Innermost gear: The cog on the rear wheel that
has the most teeth and is closest to the spokes. This
term will be used instead of low gear, bottom gear, or last
GENERAL INFORMATION gear, or a letter code (described in the section NAMING
COGS AND GEAR COMBINATIONS, page 32-3) will be used.

TERMINOLOGY Mounting bolt

Guide pulley
High gear: With regard to rear derailleurs, high B-screw
gear typically means the rear cog with the fewest num-
ber of teeth. It is called high gear because it results in H-screw H

the highest number when calculating gear ratios. It is L-screw L

confusing because the cog with the greatest number

of teeth sticks up higher, and more teeth may seem to
some to be “higher.” For this reason, this book will Pinch
always use the more wordy alternative, outermost gear,
or a letter code that is described in the following sec- Cage Cage
(inner plate) (outer plate)
3). Tension pulley
Top gear: Same as high gear.
First gear (or first position): Called first gear be- 32.1 This side view and back view show the major parts of the
rear derailleur.
cause it is the first one counted when counting cogs
on the freewheel/freehub, this term is avoided because
the innermost cog provides the lowest gear ratio, which
might also be called first gear.

32 – 1
Limit screw: Adjustable stops that are used to stop smoothly over its full range of motion without any
the inward and outward motion of the derailleur at incremented stops. It is up to the operator to decide
points that enable the chain the shift to the innermost what the correct amount of lever motion is to get from
and outermost cogs without going too far. one gear to the next.
H-screw: A limit screw for stopping the derailleur Derailleur hanger: The plate that the derailleur
from shifting the chain out past the outermost cog. attaches to. Sometimes it is integral to the right rear
L-Screw: A limit screw for stopping the derailleur dropout. Sometimes the right rear dropout is a two-
from shifting the chain in past the innermost cog. piece constructions so that the hanger can be replaced.
B-Screw: A screw used to adjust the spring ten- On the most inexpensive bikes, the derailleur hanger
sion on the mounting pivot, which affects the distance is the plate that mounts between the dropout and the
between the cogs and the guide pulley. wheel-retention mechanism.
Pulley wheel: A toothed wheel in the derailleur Stop tab: The tab near the bottom of the derailleur
cage that the chain runs on. hanger that stops the forward rotation of the derailleur.
Jockey wheel: An alternate name for a pulley Mounting bolt: The bolt through the topmost
wheel, generally the upper one. Guide pulley will be part of the derailleur that attaches the derailleur to the
used instead. derailleur hanger.
Guide pulley: The upper pulley wheel in the Mounting pivot: The derailleur pivots around the
derailleur cage that guides the chain from one cog mounting bolt at the mounting pivot. This pivoting
to the next. allows the derailleur to change position to accommo-
Tension pulley: The lower pulley wheel in the date changes in gear size as the derailleur moves in and
derailleur cage that pulls back on the lower section of out. This pivot also allows the derailleur to be rotated
chain to keep it under tension. back to allow rear-wheel removal.
Derailleur cage: The assembly at the bottom of Return spring: When the tension on the inner
the derailleur that encloses the chain, consisting of two wire is released, this spring inside the parallelogram
plates and two toothed wheels called pulley wheels. causes the derailleur to move out as far as the outer-
Outer plate: The plate in the derailleur cage that limit screw will allow.
is outward of the pulley wheels. Cage pivot: The pivot that the derailleur cage ro-
Inner plate: The plate in the derailleur cage that tates about. The cage rotates so that the tension pulley
is inward of the pulley wheels. can move forward or backward. This keeps the chain
Parallelogram: With regard to the rear derailleur, taught when its effective length changes as it is moved
this is the part of the body between the mounting pivot to gears of different sizes.
and the cage pivot (consisting of two arms on four Cage stop screw (or pin): A screw (or pin) in the
pivots) that actuates to move the derailleur cage in- outer cage plate that bumps into the cage pivot hous-
ward and outward. ing to keep the cage pivot spring from completely un-
Adjusting barrel: A hollow screw in the de- winding when the chain is not in the derailleur.
railleur that the inner wire passes through and the Over-shift: When the chain moves too far, and
housing stops against. As the adjusting barrel is does not align with the intended cog.
screwed in and out, the relative length or tension of Under-shift: When the chain does not move far
the cable system is changed. enough, and does not align with the intended cog.
Pinch mechanism: The mechanism that attaches the In-shift: Any shift to a cog that is more inward
inner wire to the derailleur. The inner wire is usually than the one that the chain is currently on.
routed through a groove in a plate on the derailleur, and a Out-shift: Any shift to a cog that is more out-
bolt or nut presses a washer or plate on top of the inner ward than the one that the chain is currently on.
wire to trap and compress it in the groove. The groove in Up-shift: This term will not be used because there
the plate is often hidden by the pressure washer/plate. are two opposite ways that it could be understood. On
Indexing: This describes a type of shifting in a rear cogset, an up-shift could be an in-shift because
which the shift mechanism moves in distinct incre- the chain is moving up onto a cog of larger diameter.
ments. These increments are designed to be just the An out-shift could also be called an up-shift because
right amount to get the chain to move precisely from the chain is being moved to a cog that will create a
one gear to the next. Indexing has virtually replaced higher gear ratio. The terms in-shift and out-shift will
friction shifting. In friction shifting, the lever moves be used to avoid this confusion.

32 – 2
Down-shift: This term will not be used because Shifter and cable installation
there are two opposite ways that it could be under- To adjust the rear derailleur, the shift-control
stood. On a rear cogset, a down-shift could be an out- mechanism and the cable system must be installed.
shift because the chain is moving down onto a cog of
smaller diameter. An in-shift could also be called an Chain sizing
down-shift because the chain is being moved to a cog Rear-derailleur performance is influenced by chain
that will create a lower gear ratio. The terms in-shift length. It is necessary to size the chain to optimized
and out-shift will be used to avoid this confusion. shift performance and to prevent derailleur damage.


Dirt accumulation and wear both affect derailleur
To perform certain adjustments, the chain needs to
be in certain gear combinations. Numbering the gears performance.
to identify them does not work because rear cogsets The obvious dirt on the pulley wheels is a factor,
have from 5 to 8 gears (so the innermost could be called but dirt hidden inside the mounting pivot and cage pivot
5, 6, 7, or 8), and cranksets have from 1 to 3 chain rings can drastically influence shift performance. For this rea-
(so the innermost might be called 1, 2, or 3). son, normal maintenance of a rear derailleur should
To avoid confusion, gears will be assigned codes as include disassembling and cleaning the entire derailleur.
shown in figures 32.2 and 32.3 below. Wear is a factor in the parallelogram pivots, the
mounting pivot, and the cage pivot, but the most criti-
Z cal wear factor is a worn-out guide pulley. A normal
Y part of derailleur service would be to replace the guide
pulley. When the pivots are worn out, the derailleur
must be replaced.
Changing freewheel/freehub cogset
32.2 “A” is always the outermost cog. “B” is always the next-to- Any time a freewheel or freehub cogset is replaced
outermost cog. “Y” is always the next-to-innermost cog. “Z” is al- with anything other than an identical replacement, it
ways the innermost cog. is necessary to adjust the rear derailleur.
Replacing rear wheel
L Any time a rear wheel is replaced with anything
H other than an identical replacement, it is necessary to
adjust the rear derailleur.
32.3 “H” is always the outermost chainring. “M” is always the Aligning rear dropouts
middle chainring of a triple. “L” is always the innermost chainring. After aligning the rear dropouts, the derailleur-
hanger alignment may have changed, which affects
Using the above diagrams, it should be easy to con- derailleur position and adjustment. Check and align
clude that putting the chain in a gear combination of the rear-derailleur hanger and adjust the derailleur.
A/M would place the chain in the outermost position
in the rear, and the middle position of a triple crank. Y/ Bent derailleur hanger
L would mean the chain was in the next-to-innermost When bikes fall over on the right side, or when the
position in the rear and the innermost in the front. derailleur is shifted past the Z cog and into the spokes,
the derailleur hanger is likely to be significantly bent.
This requires hanger alignment and derailleur adjustment.
Changing chain
Rear wheel installation Whenever a chain is changed, even if replacing
Part of a complete derailleur set-up is to align the a worn chain with an identical replacement, shift
derailleur hanger. The wheel must be installed in precise performance is affected. Fresh chains have less lat-
alignment to perform the derailleur-hanger alignment. eral flexibility than worn chains. Different chains

32 – 3
have different performance characteristics. After re- sighting through the central plane of one pulley wheel
placing a chain, the derailleur adjustments should towards the other, the further wheel should be hidden
be checked. by the closer wheel. If not, the cage is probably bent.
Although it is possible to improve this condition, it is
Symptoms indicating adjustment is needed difficult to eliminate it.
There are a number of symptoms indicating a prob-
It is also possible that the parallelogram arms
able need for derailleur adjustment.
might be bent. It may be possible to see a twist along
If the derailleur under-shifts or over-shifts when
the length of the arm, or it may appear that the plate
shifting to the A cog, or the chain makes ex-
on the back of the mounting pivot is not parallel with
cessive noise while on the A cog, the rear-
the portion of the outer cage plate where it mounts
derailleur H-screw may need adjustment.
to the cage pivot.
If the derailleur under-shifts or over-shifts when
After a catastrophic shift of the derailleur into the
shifting to the Z cog, or the chain makes ex-
spokes or spoke guard, it is possible that either the
cessive noise while on the Z cog, the rear-
plate on the backside of the mounting pivot, or a tab
derailleur L-screw may need adjustment.
on the mounting-pivot housing may be damaged. If
If any in-shift or out-shift to any cog between A
the plate is bent, it can often be bent back. If the tab
and Z is hesitant, or results in excessive chain
on the mounting-pivot housing is sheared off, the de-
noise after the shift is completed, it indicates
railleur needs to be replaced.
that the indexing needs adjustment.
The mounting pivot, cage pivot, and parallelo-
If the shift performance is poor in several outer
gram pivots may all wear out to the point that shift
cogs but good in all the inner cogs, it may
performance is compromised. There is no way to
indicate that the B-screw or chain length need
quantify this wear, or point to a specific symptom
that proves any of these pivots are significantly worn.
Symptoms indicating When everything else is fine, but shift performance
derailleur service is needed remains poor, consider these points for wear. Check
There are several symptoms indicating that the the wear by jerking the bottom of the derailleur cage
derailleur should be cleaned or the guide pulley should in and out and noting the amount of free play that
be replaced. is evident. Compare this to a new derailleur of simi-
Any time normal adjustments do not create ac- lar brand and quality. If there is an obvious differ-
ceptable shifting and all the components are ence, then pivot wear may be the factor that is af-
known to be compatible, assume that disas- fecting shift performance.
sembling and cleaning is needed and the guide
pulley may need replacement.
When the derailleur body remains cocked back
Table 32-1 (page 32-5) shows most of the tools
when shifting from the innermost cog out to
available for rear-derailleur adjustment. Preferred
the outermost cog, it is a good indication that
choices are shown in bold type. Choices are preferred
the mounting pivot and cage pivot are fouled
because of a combination among: ease of use, versa-
with dirt.
tility, durability, and economy. If more than one
When the derailleur is obviously congested with
choice of a particular tool type is bold, it indicates
dirt and gummed up, it should be disas-
that either different tools are needed to work on equip-
sembled and cleaned.
ment with different configurations, or that several
Symptoms indicating tools are equally preferred.
derailleur replacement is needed
The primary reason that derailleurs must be re-
placed is because they get bent. Other than adjusting
barrels, pinch mechanisms, and pulley wheels, most
parts are either unavailable or too costly to replace.
The most likely part of a rear derailleur to get bent
is the cage. The symptom of a bent cage is that the two
pulley wheels no longer share a common plane. When

32 – 4

TIME AND DIFFICULTY Worn components other than derailleur

Worn chains, rear cogs, cables, and shift controls
Rear-derailleur adjustment, including hanger align-
ment and cable-system setup, is a 12–16 minute job of can all affect derailleur adjustment. It is usually not
moderate difficulty. Rear-derailleur removal, disassem- until the attempt to adjust the derailleur fails that these
bling, cleaning, installation, and adjustment is a 30–35 other factors will get considered, resulting in duplica-
minute job of moderate difficulty. tion of effort to adjust the derailleur.
Derailleur wear
COMPLICATIONS Derailleur wear can be difficult to detect. The guide
pulley is the most likely part to wear out, but removal
Component compatibility problems is required to tell if the bearing is worn. The derailleur-
See the following section, COMPONENT COMPATIBIL- mounting pivot, cage pivot, and parallelogram pivot
ITY, for the numerous complications that exist. can all be worn out without any clear evidence, but
with a significant effect on the performance of the rear
Damaged derailleur derailleur.
Bent derailleurs are somewhat common, but not
always obvious. It is not unusual to spend time adjust- Dirty drive train
ing the derailleur, only to find that it will never work Dirt in the derailleur cage, pulley wheels, chain,
well due to damage. cable system, shift-control mechanism, and rear cogs
can affect shift performance. Adjusting a derailleur (par-
Damaged hanger ticularly an indexing one) without cleaning all the re-
Derailleur-hanger damage can be very minor, or
severe. Minor damage consists of slight bends or dam- lated components has very limited potential for suc-
aged threads. Slight bends can be aligned and damaged cess.
threads can be repaired or replaced. Major bends may
require replacement of the dropout by a frame builder. COMPONENT COMPATIBILITY
The recommended procedure starts all derailleur As a rule, it is always best to follow manufacturer’s
adjustments with a derailleur-hanger check. This elimi- recommendations when selecting components. If not
nates the problem of getting most of the way through following the manufacturer’s recomendations, when
an adjustment procedure, only to find the hanger needs non-compatible components are used together, it
alignment and the adjustments will need to be redone. should show up as a shifting problem. Not all prob-


Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo R Sloppy pivot, not compatible with many wheel sizes
Park DAG-1 Low-play pivot, easy to use and to measure errors, fits all wheel sizes
Shimano TL-RD10 Expensive, complicated, sloppy pivot, allows hanger alignment without wheel
in place in very limited circumstances
VAR 139 Even easier to use than Park DAG-1, but lacks Park’s precision pivot
Wheels Mfg. GHT Sloppy pivot, not compatible with many wheel sizes
FOURTH-HAND (CABLE-TENSION) TOOLS (These tools are same as used for front derailleurs and brakes.)
Dia-Compe 556 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Hozan C356 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool
Lifu 0100 Consumer tool
Park BT-2 Least tendency for inner wire to jam in tool
VAR 233 Tends to let inner wire jam in tool

32 – 5
lems are immediately obvious. If using non-matched for longer hanger lengths. Filing the stop tab can com-
components, do not assume that there are no com- pensate for angles above 35°. Use of a longer B-screw
patibility problems until the indexing performance may compensate for angles below 25°.
has been tested. There is a section in this chapter fol-
lowing the derailleur adjustment section about test-
Derailleur and shift-control mechanism
With indexing systems, compatibility between the
ing indexing performance (page 32-21).
shift-control mechanism and derailleur is critical. This
Derailleur and hanger is because an indexing shifter will pull a specific amount
These days, most derailleur hangers are of a rela- of cable for each click. The derailleur must move in or
tively-uniform design. The variations that are exist are out the right amount to line up with the next cog. If
in the thread type, the hanger length, and the angle of the amount of cable that is moved is wrong, then the
the stop tab on the hanger. derailleur will move the wrong amount.
Almost all derailleur hangers have a 10 × 1mm The shift-control mechanism and derailleur should
thread, except Campagnolo dropouts, which have a be brand-matched whenever possible. At the time of
10mm × 26tpi thread. Fortunately, these two threads this writing, the only exceptions to this are a few after-
are a class B (acceptable) fit, in most cases. The prob- market shift-control mechanisms that are made spe-
lem comes if installing an aluminum mounting bolt cifically for a different brand of derailleur, such as Grip
into an aluminum hanger. The best solution is to al- Shift or Sachs controls made for Shimano derailleurs.
ways run a 10 × 1mm tap through the hanger before Even with brand-matching, there may be problems.
installing a derailleur or hanger-alignment tool. This Shimano Dura-Ace shift controls and derailleurs are not
will clean the threads if they already match, or con- compatible with other models of Shimano equipment.
vert a 10mm × 26tpi thread to the more common type. A customer’s 7-speed system may not be upgraded to 8-
Derailleur hangers differ in how far below the axle speed just by changing the shifter and the cogs. An 8-
they position the mounting bolt of the derailleur. This speed-compatible derailleur may be needed, as well.
affects two things: 1) The maximum-cog-size capacity Derailleur and cogset
of the derailleur (how large a rear cog can be accom- In addition to being compatible with the shifter,
modated). If the hanger is longer than normal, the the derailleur must be compatible with the cogset. For
derailleur may work with a larger cog size than it is proper index perfromance, ideally the cogset should
rated for. If the hanger is shorter than normal, the de- be a brand match with the derailleur. In addition, the
railleur may not work with the largest cog size that it derailleur needs to be suitable to the number of cogs
is rated for. 2) The other problem created by hanger in the cogset. In particular, 8-speed cogsets require de-
length is how it affects shift performance when it is railleurs that have 8-speed capacity.
longer than normal. An extra-long hanger will move
the guide pulley further from the cogs (particularly Inner wire and shift-control mechanism
outer ones). This means greater lateral motion of the The inner wire must be compatible with the shift-
derailleur is required for shifting, and can mean that control mechanism because it is the combination of
an indexing derailleur will not perform adequately. A the shifter-drum diameter and the inner-wire thick-
normal range of hanger length is approximately 24– ness that determines how much cable is moved for a
30mm (axle-center to mounting-hole-center). Devia- given amount of lever motion. See the SHIFT-CONTROL
tions from this norm are most often found on frames MECHANISMS chapter (page 30-2) for more informa-
with aluminum dropouts. tion of shifter and inner-wire compatibility.
Also, deviations in the angle of the hanger stop Maximum cog size
tab affect the distance from the guide pulley to the Every derailleur is rated for a maximum cog size.
cogs. On many derailleurs, there is a body-angle-ad- This number reflects the largest size cog that the de-
justment screw (B-screw) that compensates for these railleur can shift onto without jamming. The
deviations. On some unorthodox dropouts, the angle manufacturer’s rating is based on an assumed derailleur-
of the stop tab may be beyond the capacity of the B- hanger length. If the actual hanger is longer than the
screw to compensate for. A normal range for this angle assumed length, the derailleur may work on a cog that
(measured from the vertical line through the center of is a few teeth larger than the rating. If the actual hanger
the mounting hole) is 25°–35°, with larger values good length is shorter than the assumed length, then the
for shorter hanger lengths, and smaller values good derailleur may not even work on a cog that is equal to
the maximum-rated cog size.

32 – 6
Ratings for derailleurs can be determined in sev- tial of 18 teeth. If the chainring set was 26–36–46, its
eral ways. differential would be 20 teeth. The sum of these dif-
Manufacturer’s literature: There is often an ferentials would be 38T. A derailleur rated 36T would
instruction sheet that comes with a new de- not be able to pull up all the chain slack if used on a
railleur. This instruction sheet normally in- bike with these gears.
cludes the ratings for the derailleur. In ad- Ratings for derailleurs can be determined in sev-
dition, some manufacturers can supply lit- eral ways.
erature on request. Manufacturer’s literature: There is often an
Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechan- instruction sheet that comes with a new de-
ics: This book includes ratings for a wide va- railleur. This instruction sheet normally in-
riety of derailleur models, but is up-to-date cludes the ratings for the derailleur. In addi-
for only a brief time after the date of publica- tion, some manufacturers can supply litera-
tion. It is particularly useful if trying to fig- ture on request.
ure out the capacity of an older-model de- Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechan-
railleur that is currently on a bike. ics: This book includes ratings for a wide va-
Bike’alog: This computerized source reference riety of derailleur models, but is up-to-date
for bicycle parts has capacity information for for only a brief time after the date of publica-
currently-available derailleur models. tion. It is particularly useful if trying to fig-
Test method: To test if a derailleur’s maximum- ure out the capacity of an older-model de-
cog-size capacity is being exceeded, follow this railleur that is currently on a bike.
procedure: Install the derailleur and size the Bike’alog: This computerized source reference
chain normally. Shift the chain to the L for bicycle parts has capacity information for
chainring, then the Z cog. If the chain will not currently-available derailleur models.
shift to Z (and the limit screw is loose enough), Test method: To test if a derailleur’s maxi-
then maximum cog size has been exceeded. If mum total capacity is being exceeded, fol-
the shift is completed, then tighten the B-screw low this procedure: Install the derailleur and
(if any) all the way in. Backpedal and push up size the chain at the shortest length that
on the cage pivot housing. If the guide pulley will allow the chain to keep a double bend
moves closer to the Z cog, maximum cog size through the derailleur cage when the chain
has not been exceeded. is in the Z/H position. Shift the chain to
the A/L position. Check if the chain hangs
slack at the bottom or touches itself or the
derailleur cage an extra time on its way from
the tension pulley to the chainring.

32.4 If the chain length is correct and the B-screw is as tight as

possible, this symptom indicates the maximum freewheel size of the
derailleur has been exceeded.

Maximum total capacity

Every derailleur is rated for maximum total capac-
ity. This number shows the derailleur’s capacity to pull
up slack chain when in the A/L position. The number
Extra contact
(36T, for example) indicates the maximum sum for the
rear-cog tooth differential added to the front-gear tooth 32.5 These symptoms indicate the maximum capacity has been
differential. For example, a 12–30 cogset has a differen- exceeded if the chain is not too long.

32 – 7

Derailleur and first-cog position This piece of exposed wire is routed diagonally
The surface that the derailleur mounts to must be across the derailleur parallelogram. When the wire is
in a specified range of distance from the face of the A pulled, the distance across the parallelogram is short-
cog. If not, then indexing problems will be experienced. ened, which deflects the lower end of the parallelo-
This relationship is a function of the thickness of the gram inward. Figure 32.6 below shows this in a simpli-
dropout/hanger and the right-side axle spacing. It can fied form.
be adjusted by adding or subtracting spacers from the
right side of the axle. In general, the shorter this di-
mension is, the better. The only limit is when the chain (fixed)
interferes with the frame or dropout when on the A
cog, or when shifting between the A cog and the B Housing stop Cable pinch
cog. A typical distance from the face of the derailleur Housing
hanger to the face of the A cog is 11–14mm.
Derailleur and chain
Indexed derailleurs moved in fixed amounts. The Derailleur parallelogram
chain must respond as expected for the shift to be com-
pleted. If the chain has more lateral flexibility than 32.6 When the inner wire is pulled through the housing, it short-
expected, then when the derailleur moves its fixed ens the distance from the housing stop to the pinch mechanism,
which changes the distance from one end of the parallelogram to the
amount, the chain will not respond enough to com- other. This tanslates into lateral motion of the derailleur cage.
plete the shift. Chains vary in lateral flexibility because
of brand differences and wear. If manufacturer’s rec- When the tension on the cable is released, a spring
ommendations are not adhered to, shift performance in the parallelogram causes it to return in the direc-
may be compromised. tion of its starting point.
Chain and cogs How limit screws work
The width of a chain must be suitable to the free- The two limit screws are like two adjustable barri-
wheel/freehub cogset or it may rub against adjacent cades. There is usually some projection or surface on
cogs. See the CHAINS chapter (page 26-2). a parallelogram arm that the limit screw butts up
The shaping of the side plates of the chain affects against. By adjusting one limit screw, the limit of the
the chains ability to engage the cog teeth. When not range of travel for the parallelogram in one direction
using the manufacturer’s recommended chain, shift will be altered. By loosening the H-screw, the barri-
performance may be compromised. cade that stops the outward motion of the parallelo-
gram is moved further out, so the parallelogram may
UNDERSTANDING move further out. By loosening the L-screw, the barri-
cade that stops the inward motion of the parallelogram
HOW REAR DERAILLEURS WORK is moved further inward.
The operation of a rear derailleur is relatively com- Changing the H-screw setting only changes the
plex. By understanding what is happening in a rear shift to the outermost cog. Changing the L-screw set-
derailleur, the sense of the procedures will become ting only changes the shift to the innermost cog. Fig-
more apparent, and what to do when problems arise ures 32.7 and 32.8 (page 32-9) shows a simplified and
will be clearer. exaggerated model of how limit screws affect the range
of motion of the parallelogram.
How the cable moves the derailleur
in and out
When the shift-control mechanism is operated in
a way that pulls on the inner wire, the inner wire moves
through the pieces of housing. This extra wire has to
come from somewhere. That “somewhere” is the piece
of exposed inner wire between the adjusting barrel and
the pinch mechanism on the derailleur.

32 – 8
distance between the guide pulley and cog is short, it
H Stop tab attached to parallelogram arm takes less lateral motion of the guide pulley to deflect
the chain and get it to derail from one cog and engage
another. For example: if 6mm of lateral motion of the
guide pulley caused a 20° chain deflection when the
length of unsupported chain was one link, then it might
take 8mm of lateral motion of the guide pulley to cause
a 20° chain deflection when the unsupported chain
length was two links long. Consequently, for good in-
dex-shifting performance, the distance of the guide pul-
ley from the cogs must be kept short and consistent.
This is done by a complex set of mechanical pro-
The simplest to understand is that the parallelo-
gram is slanted. This is done so that the end of the
parallelogram will move down as it moves inward to-
wards the bottom of the larger cogs.
On most derailleurs, the center of the guide pul-
ley is offset from the center of the cage pivot. The
32.7 When the derailleur moves outward, a stop fixed on one of result of this is that as the cage rotates to take up more
the parallelogram arms bumps into the end of the H-screw to stop or less slack chain, the center of the guide pulley ro-
the derailleur’s motion.
tates around the cage pivot and changes its position
relative to the cogs. It is this offset of the guide pulley
to the cage pivot that makes chain length so impor-
Stop tab attached to parallelogram arm tant to shift performance.

Derailleur body B

Cage pivot

Guide pulley

32.8 When the derailleur moves inward, a stop fixed on one of the
parallelogram arms bumps into the end of the L-screw to stop the A
derailleur’s motion.
Tension pulley

Why and how the guide pulley

tracks close below the cogs
One of the most important factors in shift perfor-
mance is the distance from the guide pulley to the bot-
32.9 If the chain is shortened a link or two, the tension pulley
tom of the cogs. Between the guide pulley and the cog, moves (A) and the pivoting cage moves the guide pulley away from
there is an unsupported section of chain. When the the cogs (B).

32 – 9
The last thing that affects guide-pulley position is TESTING INDEX PERFORMANCE
the balance of the opposing springs in the mounting REAR DERAILLEUR SERVICE
pivot and the cage pivot. One spring tends to move DERAILLEUR-HANGER THREAD REPAIR
the guide pulley down, and the other moves it up. The REAR-DERAILLEUR TROUBLESHOOTING
mounting-pivot spring tension is adjustable by adjust- SHIMANO RAPID-RISE DERAILLEURS
ing the B-screw. The cage-pivot spring tension is ad- EIGHT -AND NINE-SPEED COMPATIBILITY
justable by disassembling the rear derailleur and mov-
ing the spring to a different mounting hole in the de-
railleur-cage plate. Consider this example: when the
chain is shifted to the larger chainring, it pulls the bot- INSTALLATION AND
tom of the derailleur cage forward, which moves the
guide pulley down. This counterclockwise cage rota- ADJUSTMENT
tion also increase the tension on the cage-pivot spring,
which counterbalances the mounting-pivot spring
more, and causes the derailleur body to rotate coun-
NOTE: before proceeding further, be sure to be ac-
terclockwise, moving the guide pulley back up. quainted with the section, NAMING COGS AND
Compatibility checks
1. [ ] Check reference information to determine
that derailleur and shift-control mechanism
are compatible.
2. [ ] Check reference information to determine
that inner wire, housing, and shift-control
mechanism are compatible.
3. [ ] Check reference information to determine
B that shift-control mechanism is compatible
with brand of cogset and number of cogs.
4. [ ] Check reference information to determine if
chain is compatible with cogset.
5. [ ] Check that face of A cog is no more than
14mm from face of derailleur hanger.

14mm or less
32.10 When the chain is shifted to a larger chainring, the tension
pulley moves (A), this moves the cage pivot counterclockwise (B).
Due to the offset between the guide pulley and the cage pivot, the
guide pulley moves less (C) than the cage-pivot moved.

32.11 Measuring hanger face to A cog face.

ABOUT THE REST Hanger alignment

OF THIS CHAPTER The derailleur hanger is aligned to the plane of the
The rest of this chapter is divided into seven parts. rear wheel. For this to work well, the wheel should be
The sections are: correctly dished, reasonably true, and in the frame in
AND INSTALLATION chapter (page 18-17) about install-

32 – 10
ing wheels. To measure whether the wheel is centered goes to 3:00, anticipating that the gap will be found
between a pair of stays, butt the end of the caliper up there. If there is a gap at 3:00, then it must be mea-
against a stay and extend the depth gauge to the rim. sured to determine if it is significant. If the tool indica-
Get a similar reading from the opposite side, making tor overlaps the rim at 3:00, then the tool should be
sure the caliper is aligned in the same way and touches reset at 3:00 and the gap should be checked at 9:00.
the rim at the equivalent point. If the readings are 1mm 11. [ ] Adjust DAG-1 to just contact RRP at 9:00
or less different, the wheel is well centered. If not, try position.
re-aligning it by moving the axle slightly in the slots.
The length of the slot allows adjustment in one direc-
tion, and the fact that the slot is wider than the axle
allows some limited adjustment in the other direction. Contact
DAG-1 indicator
Lack of precision in the rear triangle may make it im-
possible to achieve the desired tolerance, in which case
the wheel should be left as close as possible to centered.
6. [ ] Install correctly dished and trued rear wheel,
so that there is ≤1mm centering error to seat
stays and chain stays.
When aligning the hanger, measurements will be
taken at the 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 positions on
the rim. If the bike is tipped at the wrong angle, then
the chain stay may interfere with getting the tool to
the 3:00 position, or the seat stay may interfere with
getting the tool to the 12:00 position. If the bike is 32.12 Set the tool to contact the RRP at 9:00.
positioned with the chain stay parallel to the ground
To easily move the DAG-1 to 3:00, slide the indica-
or sloping slightly up to the front, then the tool will
tor assembly in towards the tool pivot a few inches, then
access all the points easily.
7. [ ] Put bike in position that puts chain stay par-
move the RRP and the end of the tool to 3:00. Once
allel to ground or sloping up to front slightly. there, slide the indicator assembly out to the rim.
NOTE: Some bikes have replaceable derailleur 12. [ ] Move DAG-1 and RRP to 3:00 position (if
hangers that are brittle and prone to failure tool overlaps rim, skip to step 14).
while being aligned. Do not align replaceable In the following step, use a 4mm stack of feeler
hangers unless a replacement is at hand. gauges or a 4mm Allen wrench to check whether the
8. [ ] Thread Park DAG-1 into hanger. gaps is more or less than 4mm. If 4mm or less, the
The Park DAG-1 can be adjusted to reduce play at hanger alignment in the horizontal plane is good. If
the mounting-bolt pivot. This is done by means of more than 4mm, then the error should be corrected.
tightening a small set screw in the portion of the tool
that houses the mounting bolt. Reducing this play is
critical to the accuracy of the tool, so do not skip the
following step.
9. [ ] Check for excess play in tool pivot and ad-
1 4
just out play with set screw, if necessary.
To reduce the significance of true errors, the rim
will be rotated to the same four points as the tool, so 2
that the reading is always being done to the same point
on the rim. If the tire is installed, the valve stem makes Gap?
a great rim reference point (RRP). If not, then put a DAG-1 indicator
piece of tape of the rim to make a RRP.
10. [ ] Put a piece of tape or a mark on rim for a
rim reference point (RRP), or use valve stem.
Horizontal error is determined by measuring at 32.13 1) move the indicator assembly in towards the wheel center,
2) rotate the DAG-1 to the 3:00 position, 3) rotate the RRP to the
the 9:00 and 3:00 positions. If there is error, there is no 3:00 position, 4) move the indicator assembly until the indicator is
way to know in advance whether it will be a gap at at the rim. Now, check the gap (or overlap) between the rim and
9:00 or 3:00. The procedure starts at 9:00, and then indicator.

32 – 11
To correct the error, slide the indicator along the [ ] Return tool and RRP to 6:00 and check that
main bar, away from the rim, then push in on the main gap is <4mm. (If overlap was created, correc-
bar of the tool. Keep in mind that a full correction will tion was too much and should be reversed.)
be done by pushing in enough to reduce the gap by [ ] Repeat correction as necessary until gap
is <4mm.
half. If an over-correction is done, then the gap will
NOTE: If tool did not overlap rim at 6:00 in step
switch to the position where the tool was initially set to 19, skip step 20–22.
have contact. It does not matter if the gap switches to 20. [ ] Reset tool at 6:00 position to just contact rim.
the other position, as long as it ends up at 4mm or less. 21. [ ] Move DAG-1 and rim reference point (RRP)
13. If there is error, circle whether it is: to 12:00 position:
0–4mm gap, minor error — go to step 17 22. If there is a gap, circle whether it is:
Overlaps rim, go to step 14 0-4mm gap, minor error, done
>4mm gap, continue below: >4mm gap, continue below.
[ ] Correct by applying leverage to tool until [ ] Correct by applying leverage to tool until
gap is reduced by 50%. gap is reduced by 50%.
[ ] Return tool and RRP to 9:00 and reset tool [ ] Return tool and RRP to 6:00 and reset
to just contact. tool to just contact.
[ ] Return tool and RRP to 3:00 and check that [ ] Return tool and RRP to 12:00 and check
gap is <4mm. (If overlap was created, correc- that gap is <4mm. (If overlap was created, cor-
tion was too much and should be reversed.) rection was too much and should be reversed.)
[ ] Repeat correction as necessary until gap is [ ] Repeat correction as necessary until gap
<4mm, then go to step 17. is <4mm.
NOTE: If tool did not overlap rim at 3:00 in step While correcting the vertical alignment at 12:00
13, skip step 14–16. and 6:00, it is easy to mess up the horizontal align-
14. [ ] Reset tool at 3:00 position to just contact
ment slightly. After correcting the vertical, check the
15. [ ] Move DAG-1 and RRP to 9:00 position:
horizontal again and correct whatever minor error may
16. If there is error, circle whether it is: have been created. This need for a repeat correction
0–4mm gap, minor error — go to step 17 can be reduced by achieving a near-perfect alignment
>4mm gap, continue below. when first doing the 3:00/9:00 alignment.
[ ] Correct by applying leverage to tool until 23. [ ] Recheck at 3:00 and 9:00 for a difference
gap is reduced by 50%. of 4mm or less, and correct as necessary in
[ ] Return tool and RRP to 3:00 and reset tool same fashion.
to just contact.
[ ] Return tool and RRP to 9:00 and check that
Lubrication of derailleur
24. Lubricate following points:
gap is <4mm. (If overlap was created, correc-
[ ] Edge of each pulley-wheel dustcap.
tion was too much and should be reversed.)
[ ] Both ends of all four parallelogram pivots.
[ ] Repeat correction as necessary until gap is
[ ] Mounting-bolt threads.
[ ] Adjusting-barrel threads.
After correcting the horizontal error, the vertical
[ ] Pinch-mechanism threads.
error needs to be checked and corrected. The proce-
dure is exactly the same, other than the fact the two
Front and back
positions are 12:00 and 6:00. Front and back
17. [ ] Adjust DAG-1 to just contact rim at 12:00
position. Threads
18. [ ] Move DAG-1 and rim reference point (RRP) H

to 6:00 position. (If tool overlaps rim skip to


step 20.)
19. If there is error, circle whether it is:
0–4mm gap, minor error, done Threads
Overlaps rim, go to step 20
>4mm gap, continue below:
[ ] Correct by applying leverage to tool until
gap is reduced by 50%.
[ ] Return tool and RRP to 12:00 and reset
tool to just contact. 32.14 Oil at all points indicated by arrows.

32 – 12

Attaching derailleur to hanger

When mounting the derailleur to the hanger, it is
The processes of describing cogs by their relative
easy to damage the derailleur or hanger if the derailleur positions and describing gear combinations involving
is not lined up properly as the mounting bolt is tight- different front chainrings and rear cogs can get very wordy
ened. To prevent this, rotate the derailleur considerably and awkward. For this reason, all the following proce-
clockwise from its operating position, so that the stop dures use a code system to name different cogs and gear
tab or B-screw on the back of the derailleur is behind combinations. This code system is described in detail in
the stop tab on the bottom of the derailleur hanger. the earlier section of this chapter, NAMING COGS AND GEAR
COMBINATIONS (page 32-3). Become acquainted with this
before attempting the following procedures.
NOTE: before proceeding further, be sure to be ac-
quainted with the section, NAMING COGS AND
Pre-setting limit screws
The limit screws need to be set in a very approxi-
mate fashion before the cable and chain are installed.
32.15 The derailleur should be kept in this position while engag- The purpose of this is to keep the chain from shift-
ing and threading the mounting bolt into the hanger. ing off the cogset while performing the final adjust-
ments. Precise adjustment of the limit screws is done later;
25. [ ] Line mounting bolt up with mounting hole in do not waste effort doing step #30 and #31 too precisely!
hanger. When the H-screw is tightened, it reduces the out-
26. [ ] Rotate derailleur clockwise until stop tab on
ward range of motion of the derailleur. When the L-
mounting plate or end of B-screw is clock-
wise of stop tab on derailleur hanger.
screw is tightened, it reduces the inward range of
27. [ ] Use T-handle Allen to thread mounting bolt motion of the rear derailleur.
into hanger, but do not secure.
Although it does not matter with most modern
derailleurs, the derailleur should be rotated fully coun-
terclockwise when the bolt is being secured. Some older
derailleurs would hold any position they were in at the
point the mounting bolt was secured. Rather than try- 2
ing to figure out whether the derailleur being installed
is one of the ones that holds whatever position it is H
secured in, just rotate all derailleurs fully counterclock- L1
wise just before the mounting bolt begins to tighten. H

1 2

32.17 Turning the H-screw will change the derailleur’s outward

rest position in the direction indicated by the corresponding num-
32.16 The derailleur should be kept in this position while securing bers. Adjust the screw so that the guide pulley ends up in the range
the mounting bolt. indicated by the dashed lines.

28. [ ] Rotate derailleur counterclockwise until stop 30. [ ] Standing behind bike, check whether guide
tab on mounting plate or end of B-screw is pulley is lined up below A cog. Tighten H-
against stop tab on derailleur hanger. screw to move guide pulley in, or loosen to
29. [ ] Secure mounting bolt to 70in-lbs (18lbs@4"). move guide pulley out.

32 – 13
to find the groove that the inner wire should sit in. The
inner wire usually approaches the pinch mechanism in
close to a straight line from the adjusting barrel, and
goes through the pinch mechanism without bending.
Some pinch mechanisms have an irregularly-
shaped plate that presses on the top of the inner wire.
It is not always obvious how this plate is rotated. There
are some that will fit in two different positions, but
only one is correct. These plates typically have a nar-
row tab that hangs over one edge of the plate that is
beneath the inner wire. See figure 32.19 for the cor-
H rect orientation of this type of pinch plate.

L Pinch plate
1 Tab


32.19 The left picture shows correct orientation of the pinch plate,
2 1 and the right one shows the wrong orientation.

34. [ ] Lay inner wire into groove and gently secure

pinch bolt/nut just enough to keep cable
from falling out of pinch mechanism. If the
pinch plate has a narrow tab that folds over
edge of plate with groove, narrow tab al-
ways goes clockwise of section of wire en-
32.18 Turning the L-screw will change the derailleur’s most in- tering pinch mechanism.
ward position in the direction indicated by the corresponding num- The inner wire needs slack removed, but not too
bers. Adjust the L-screw so that the innermost position of the guide much or it will interfere with the setting of the H-
pulley ends up in the range indicated by the dashed lines. screw (particularly if the preliminary setting of the H-
screw was somewhat too tight). In the next step, just
31. [ ] Standing behind bike, move derailleur inward
by hand to its limit of motion and check
pull most of the slack out of the inner wire before torqu-
whether guide pulley lines up below Z cog. ing the pinch nut/bolt.
Tighten L-screw to restrict guide pulley from 35. [ ] Pull most of slack out of inner wire by hand
moving inward of cog, or loosen to allow and secure pinch mechanism to 35in-lbs
guide pulley to move inward more. (12lbs@3") and check that inner wire is still
in groove.
Cable attachment NOTE: Install front derailleur to roughly final posi-
When adjusting an indexing derailleur, cable setup tion and attach front-cable system at this time,
is critical to get good performance. Even if adjusting a if front derailleur not already installed.
derailleur on a bike with the cable already installed, Chain length and capacity checks
removing the cable and setting it up by the procedures 36. [ ] Install chain and size by procedure in CHAINS
outlined in the preceding chapter, DERAILLEUR-CABLE chapter (page 26-10).
SYSTEMS is highly recommended. 37. [ ] Shift chain to A/L position and check that
32. [ ] Use procedures in DERAILLEUR-CABLE SYSTEMS chain does not hang slack or touch itself or
chapter to install cable system. derailleur cage an extra time, indicating
33. [ ] Loosen or disassemble pinch mechanism to length is too long or derailleur maximum ca-
find groove covered by pinch plate or washer. pacity is exceeded.
Routing the inner wire through the pinch mecha- 38. Check whether maximum-cog-size capacity of
nism correctly can be counter-intuitive. The best pro- rear derailleur is exceeded:
cedure is to disassemble the pinch mechanism in order [ ] Loosen B-screw fully.

32 – 14
[ ] Shift chain to Z/L position. [ ] While keeping rear derailleur in position
[ ] Backpedal and push up on cage pivot under Z cog by maintaining pull on inner
housing to check whether guide pulley is wire, backpedal to check whether guide pul-
jammed against bottom of Z cog, indicating ley is bouncing off teeth on bottom of Z cog.
maximum-cog-size capacity is exceeded. [ ] Tighten B-screw by 1 turn increment if
39. Check whether chain is too short: bouncing experienced, and repeat checks
[ ] Shift chain to Z/H position and adjustment until symptom is eliminated.
[ ] Check whether chain has double bend
where it passes through derailleur cage, indi- H-screw setting
cating chain is not too short. When the chain is on the H chainring, the rear-
derailleur pulley wheel is pulled further from the A
B-screw setting cog, making the shift more challenging. For this rea-
To maximize shift performance, the B-screw (if son, the chain should always be on this chainring while
any) should be set to keep the guide pulley as close to performing an H-screw adjustment.
the bottom of the cogset as possible. This procedure is
based on starting with the B-screw as loose as possible,
then turning it in if symptoms indicate that the guide H
pulley is too close to the Z cog.
The third check-off in step #40 suggests looking for a
32.21 Proper chain position for beginning the check of the H-
symptom that indicates that the guide pulley is too close screw adjustment.
to the Z cog. This symptom is described as bouncing.
What will be experienced is either a grinding or rum- 41. [ ] Shift chain to H using front-derailleur shift-
bling noise, or it will appear that the derailleur is jerking control mechanism.
up an down slightly at the guide pulley as each cog tooth The shift-control mechanism should not be used
passes by the pulley. It is possible that the symptom is to operate the rear derailleur because it can introduce
caused by poor alignment of the guide pulley to the Z variables that may make it appear as though the H-
cog, because the L-screw and the indexing have not yet screw needs adjustment, when it does not. To bypass
been finally adjusted. This can easily be checked. Rotate the shift-control mechanism, operate the rear derailleur
the derailleur body clockwise just enough to move the by pulling out on the exposed inner wire at the down
guide pulley 1/8" further from the Z cog. If the symp- tube or top tube (wherever it is routed).
tom goes away, the B-Screw needs adjustment. If the symp- 42. [ ] Shift chain to B by pulling on exposed inner
tom does not go away, the guide pulley needs to be aligned wire at down tube or top tube with hand.
more precisely with the Z cog before continuing with Pedaling cadence is very important when check-
the B-screw check and adjustment. ing the shift to the A cog, because slow chain motion
creates slow shifting. The normal time for a rider to
shift to the A cog is when pedaling speed in the B cog
has gotten too fast, so there is nothing realistic about
checking the shift from the B cog to the A cog at low
Bouncing pedaling speed. The 60rpm recommended below is
conservatively slow, so do not pedal any slower.
The inner wire should be released quickly, not gradu-
ally, because that is the way it will happen when the rider
is using the shift-control mechanism to operate the rear
32.20 With the chain in the gear combination shown, back-pedal derailleur. Slow release of the inner wire will create a false
and check for the bouncing symptom that indiates the B-screw is too impression that the H-screw is too tight.
loose. If the chain shifts promptly to the A cog when first
checked, it does not mean the adjustment is acceptable.
40. Adjust B-screw:
[ ] Turn B-screw fully counterclockwise, if There is always a range of settings of the H-screw that
not already. will create an acceptable shift, but only the tightest set-
[ ] Shift chain to Z/L position by using the ting that does so is a good one. The reason for this is that
shift control for front derailleur, and pulling all settings of limit screws tend to change from tighter to
on exposed inner wire with fingers to oper- looser with time and wear. By setting the screw at the
ate rear derailleur. tightest good setting, the longest time before the need

32 – 15
for readjustment is assured. Consequently, if the initial If there was no symptom of the H-screw being too
check of the shift to the A cog shows no negative symp- tight in step #43, then one must be created in step #44.
toms, then step #44 is done in order to deliberately create There is no great precision needed when creating this
a condition of the H-screw being too tight. symptom, so half-turn adjustments of the H-screw will
When the H-screw is too tight, one of two symp- get quick results. Later, when eliminating the too-tight
toms will be experienced: either there will be unac- symptom, greater precision is needed, so the H-screw
ceptable noise after completing the shift, or there will will be loosened by quarter-turn increments.
be a delay, hesitation, or failure to the complete the
Unacceptable noise after the completion of the
shift can be subtle, and can be confused with normal
noises that are always occurring as a chain feeds onto a
cog. Two things will clarify whether the noise is nor-
mal, or from the H-screw being too tight. First, when
the H-screw is too tight, the noise is created by the 2
inner face of the chain rubbing against the outer face
of the B cog while the chain is on the A cog. By stand- H
ing behind the bike and looking under the cogset, this 1
rubbing can be seen. If there is noise but no contact H
between the chain and the B cog, then the noise is not L

due to the H-screw being too tight. The second way to

confirm whether the noise is because the H-screw is
1 2
too tight is to loosen the screw one quarter turn more.
Creates Eliminates
If the noise is reduced, the over-tight H-screw was the
hesitation hesitation
cause. If the noise does not reduce, then the noise is or noise or noise
normal chain noise.
The other symptom that the H-screw is too tight
is that the chain hesitates when shifting to the A cog.
This hesitation can be a function of slow pedaling or 32.22 Turning the H-screw will change the derailleur’s outward
slow release of the inner wire, so be sure these things rest position in the direction indicated by the corresponding num-
are avoided. Not all derailleur systems shift equally bers.
quick, so this evaluation is somewhat subjective. The
44. [ ] Turn H-screw 1/2 turn and repeat shift from
chain should begin to shift the instant the cable is re- B to A, checking for whether hesitation or
leased. If the cable is released and the shift happens post-shift clatter happens. Repeat this step
half a pedal stroke later, that is definitely hesitation. as many times as necessary until either
Most modern derailleurs perform well enough that the there is hesitation, or clatter after shifting.
primary symptom of a tight H-screw will be noise af- If the too-tight H-screw symptom was experienced
ter the shift, not a hesitant shift. Obviously, if the chain when first checking the shift to the A cog in step #43,
will not shift to the A cog at all, then the H-screw is it could take any number of quarter turns of the H-
too tight. screw to eliminate the symptom. On the other hand,
When repetitive loosening of the H-Screw creates no if the too-tight symptom was deliberately created in
progress, then the inner wire is probably too tight! step #44, then it should take either one quarter turn
43. While pedaling at 60rpm or better, quickly re- or two quarter turns of H-screw loosening to elimi-
lease rear-derailleur inner wire and observe nate the symptom. This is because the H-screw was
whether (check one): turned 1/2 turn to create the too-tight symptom from
[ ] Chain does not hesitate shifting to A, H-
a setting that was not too tight in step #44.
screw should be tightened, go to step 44.
45. [ ] Turn H-screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn and
[ ] Chain hesitates or clatters after shifting
repeat shift from B to A, checking for
to A, H-screw should be loosened, go to
whether hesitation or post-shift clatter is
step 45.
eliminated. Repeat this step as many times
NOTE: Skip step 44 if chain hesitated or clattered
as necessary until symptoms are eliminated.
after shifting in step 43.

32 – 16
A simple double-check can be done after the the shift from the Y cog to the Z cog at too high a ped-
completion of the H-screw adjustment to check that aling speed. The 60rpm recommended here is some-
it is not too loose. Tighten the H-screw 1/2 turn and what fast, so do not pedal faster than 60rpm.
check the shift. Too-tight symptoms should be obvi- The inner wire should be pulled quickly, not gradu-
ous at this point, if the H-screw was set at the best ally, because that is the way it will happen when the
possible setting. rider is using the shift-control mechanism to operate
the rear derailleur. Slow pulling of the inner wire will
L-screw setting create a false impression that the L-screw is too tight.
Having the chain on the correct chainring when
If the chain shifts promptly to the Z cog when first
shifting to the Z cog to check the L-screw is important
checked, it does not mean the adjustment is acceptable.
because the size of chainring changes the distance be-
There is always a range of settings of the L-screw that
tween the guide pulley and the Z cog. The largest
will create an acceptable shift, but only the tightest set-
chainring that would normally be used when the chain
ting that does so is a good one. The reason for this is
is on the Z cog is the M chainring on a triple-chainring
that all settings of limit screws tend to change from
set, or the L chainring on a double-chainring set. If
tighter to looser with time and wear. By setting the screw
the L-screw is set when the chain is on the H chainring,
at the tightest good setting, the longest time before the
then the L-screw would end up even looser. On mod-
need for readjustment is assured. Consequently, if the
ern high-performance derailleurs this would usually
initial check of the shift to the Z cog shows no negative
be a small difference and only reduce the time before
symptoms, then step #49 is done in order to deliberately
the L-screw would need readjustment by a small
create a condition of the L-screw being too tight.
amount. On low-performance derailleurs the conse-
When the L-screw is too tight, one of two symp-
quence would be more critical; setting the L-screw
toms will be experienced. Either there will be unaccept-
while the chain is on the H chainring could result in
able noise after completing the shift, or there will be a
the chain shifting into the spokes, particularly when
delay, hesitation, or failure to the complete the shift.
shifting onto the Z cog while the chain is on the L
Unacceptable noise after the completion of the
chainring (particularly on a bike with three chainrings).
shift can be subtle, and can be confused with normal
46. [ ] Shift chain to M (triple chainrings) or L (double
chainrings) using front derailleur shift control. noises that are always occurring as a chain feeds onto
The shift-control mechanism should not be used Z cog. Two things will clarify whether the noise is
to operate the rear derailleur because it can introduce normal, or from the L-screw being too tight. First,
variables that may make it appear as though the L- when the L-screw is too tight, the noise is created by
screw needs adjustment when it does not. To bypass the inner plates of the chain rubbing against the teeth
the shift-control mechanism, operate the rear derailleur of the Z cog as the chain feeds onto the Z cog. By stand-
by pulling out on the exposed inner wire at the down ing behind the bike and looking under the cog set,
tube or top tube (wherever it is routed). this rubbing can be seen and the guide pulley should
47. [ ] Shift chain to Y by pulling on exposed inner appear obviously outward from the Z cog. If there is
wire at down tube or top tube with hand. noise, but the guide pulley lines up directly under or
inward of the Z cog, then the noise is not being caused
Y by a too-tight L-screw. The second way to confirm
whether the noise is because the L-screw is too tight is
to loosen the screw 1/4 turn more. If the noise is re-
duced, the over-tight L-screw was the cause. If the noise
Y M is not reduced, then the noise is normal chain noise, a
too-loose B-screw, or even a too-loose L-screw.
The other symptom that the L-screw is too tight is
32.23 These are the correct positions for the chain when preparing that the chain hesitates when shifting to the Z cog. This
to check the shift to the Z cog. hesitation can be a function of slow pedaling or slow
pulling of the inner wire, so be sure these things are
Pedaling cadence is very important when checking avoided. Not all derailleur systems shift equally quick,
the shift to the Z cog because slow chain motion creates so this evaluation is somewhat subjective. The chain
slow shifting. The normal time for a rider to shift to the should begin to shift the instant the cable is pulled. It
Z cog is when the pedaling speed in the B cog has gotten should not clatter while shifting. If the cable is pulled
too slow, so there is nothing realistic about checking

32 – 17
and the shift happens half a pedal stroke later, that is if the too-tight symptom was deliberately created in
definitely hesitation. Obviously, if the chain will not step #49, then it should take either one quarter turn
shift to the Z cog at all, then the L-screw is too tight. or two quarter turns of L-screw loosening to eliminate
48. While pedaling at approximately 60rpm, pull the symptom. This is because the L-screw was turned
rear-derailleur inner wire quickly and observe two quarter turns to create the too-tight symptom from
whether (check one): a setting that was not too tight in step #49.
[ ] Chain does not hesitate shifting to Z, 50. [ ] Turn L-screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn and
L-screw should be tightened, go to step 49. repeat shift from Y to Z, checking for
[ ] Chain hesitates or clatters after shifting to whether hesitation or post-shift clatter is
Z, L-screw should be loosened, go to step 50. eliminated. Repeat this step as many times
NOTE: Skip step 49 if chain hesitated or clattered as necessary until symptoms are eliminated.
after shifting in step 48. A simple double-check can be done after the
If there was no symptom of the L-screw being too completion of the L-screw adjustment to check that it
tight in step #48, then one must be created in step #49. is not too loose. Tighten the L-screw 1/2 turn and check
There is no great precision needed when creating this the shift. Too-tight symptoms should be obvious at this
symptom, so half-turn adjustments of the L-screw will point if the L-screw was set at the tightest good setting.
get quick results. Later, when eliminating the too-tight
symptom, greater precision is needed, so the L-screw Cable stressing
will be loosened by quarter-turn increments. A frequently used term is cable stretch. There is
never a great enough force on the inner wire to perma-
nently change its length (stretch). Somehow, however,
cable systems develop slack rapidly after installation.
This development of slack can compromise the index-
ing adjustment. What causes this slack is the inner wire
head seats into its socket, and the housing ends and
fittings seat into their sockets. This can happen gradu-
H 2 ally as shifting loads are repeatedly put on the cable
systems, or it can be simulated by stressing the cable
system one time at a substantially higher load than
1 normal. This over-load stressing also tests the cable
system for integrity.
Since the systems will be over-loaded, it is impor-
Eliminates Creates tant that the shift-control mechanism and the derailleur
hesitation hesitation be in positions that can support the load. The derailleur
or noise or noise
2 1
should be at its innermost position, supported by the
L-screw. The shift-control mechanism should be at its
fully-released position, supported by its own internal
stop. To accomplish this, the lever must be operated to
put the chain on the A cog, and then the inner wire
must be pulled manually while pedaling to put the
chain on the Z cog. Once the chain is in place, stop
32.24 Turning the L-screw will change the derailleur’s most in- pedaling and pull out hard on the inner wire a few
ward position in the direction indicated by the corresponding num- times. Protect the hand from damage by using a multi-
folded rag between your hand and the inner wire.
49. [ ] Turn L-screw 1/2 turn and repeat shift from Y 51. [ ] Make sure rear shift-control mechanism is
to Z, checking for whether hesitation or post- fully released.
shift clatter happens. Repeat this step as many 52. [ ] While pedaling, pull on exposed inner wire at
times as necessary until either there is hesita- down tube or top tube until chain is on Z
tion on the shift, or clatter after the shift. cog and stop pedaling.
53. [ ] With chain still on Z cog, pull hard on exposed
If the too-tight H-screw symptom was experienced
inner wire to seat cable heads and housing
when first checking the shift to the Z cog in step #48, ends in stops and sockets, and to test integrity
it could take any number of quarter turns of the L- of pinch mechanism and cable system.
screw to eliminate the symptom. On the other hand, 54. [ ] Pedal crank so chain returns to A cog.

32 – 18

Basic cable tensioning ing to another cog. Consequently, the indexing ad-
Coarse adjustment of the inner-wire tension is justment consists of shifting into many different gear
done by pulling or releasing wire through the pinch combinations, and loosening the index adjustment
mechanism on the derailleur. Fine tuning will be each time a too-tight symptom is encountered.
done afterwards by using the adjusting barrel on the The index adjustment should start with the chain
rear derailleur. on the H chainring and the A cog.
55. [ ] Loosen inner-wire pinch mechanism. 60. [ ] Shift chain to H/A with shift-control mecha-
The derailleur adjusting barrel should be turned nisms.
back three full turns from fully in so that it can be turned In the next step, the shift-control mechanism is used
in or out to loosen or tighten the inner-wire tension. to move the chain to the B cog. One of three things may
The shift-control-mechanism adjusting barrel happen. First, the chain may fail to make the shift at all,
should be turned back one full turn from fully in so indicating that the inner-wire slack was not adequately
that the rider can easily adjust the wire tension tighter removed in step #57 (which should be redone). Second,
or looser while riding. the chain will complete the shift and it is time to con-
56. [ ] Set derailleur adjusting barrel so that it is tinue with step #61. Third, the chain may shift all the
three full turns out from fully in, and shift- way to the C cog, indicating that the inner wire was pulled
mechanism adjusting barrel so that it is one too tight in step #57 (which should be redone).
full turn out from fully in. 61. [ ] While pedaling, move rear shift control one
The fourth-hand tool is a very convenient tool for position to shift chain to B cog.
removing inner-wire slack, but it can easily be used to If the inner-wire tension was set correctly in step
make the inner wire much too tight. If the inner wire #57, the chain has just shifted to the B cog. Step #62
is being tightened too much by the fourth-hand tool, assumes that the chain is not rattling against the C cog
it will usually show up as inward motion of the de- and starts by creating that condition. If that condition
railleur parallelogram. Watch for this while squeezing exists from the beginning, just perform the portion of
the fourth-hand tool. step #62 that loosens the adjusting barrel by 1/4 turn
57. [ ] Using fourth-hand tool, gently pull slack out increments to eliminate the rattle.
of inner wire, being sure to stop before de-
railleur begins to move.
It is easy for the inner wire to slip out of its groove
in the pinch mechanism while the tension is being
reset. Be sure to check that the inner wire is in place
before torquing the bolt/nut. If it is out of place, then C
the correct torque may not keep it secure.
58. [ ] Making sure inner wire is still seated in H

groove in pinch mechanism, secure pinch L

nut/bolt to 35in-lbs (12lbs@3").

59. [ ] Put chain in H/B position and check shift to
A cog. If shift hesitates, inner wire was
tightened too much in step 58.
Indexing adjustment
The concept of making an index adjustment is
similar to a limit-screw adjustment. There is a range
of adjustments that work, but only the tightest set-
ting is best because it allows the greatest amount of
32.25 Turning the adjusting barrel counterclockwise to cause the
deterioration to happen before the system becomes chain the rub against the C cog.
non-functional. The fundamental approach to the
adjustment, therefore, is to deliberately create symp- 62. [ ] While pedaling, turn adjusting barrel coun-
toms that the inner wire is too tight, then loosen the terclockwise until chain begins to rattle
adjustment by small increments until the symptom against C cog, then turn in adjusting barrel
is eliminated. The complication comes from the fact by 1/4 turn increments to eliminate rattle.
that when a shift is good to one cog, there may still (At the point where rattle is detected, make
a visual check from behind that the chain is
be symptoms of a too-tight adjustment when shift-
touching the C cog.)

32 – 19
Step #63 through #65 check whether there are any 70. [ ] Shift out one cog at a time, eliminating
too-tight symptoms when shifting the rest of the way rattles by turning in adjusting barrel in 1/4
inward on the cogset (only to the Y cog) and all the way turn increments, until chain is on A cog.
back out to the A cog. At any point a too-tight symp- If at any time during the index adjustment, symp-
tom is encountered, the adjusting barrel should be turned toms that the cable is too loose are experienced at the
clockwise just enough to eliminate the symptom. same setting that creates symptoms that the inner wire
63. [ ] Shift chain to C cog and check for rattle is too tight, then something is set up wrong or parts
against next cog inward. Turn in cable ad- are damaged, worn out, or not compatible. At this
justing barrel by 1/4 turn increments to point, review the entire set up and refer to the trouble-
eliminate rattle if found. shooting information (page 32-29).
Inner-wire finish
Excess inner wire should be trimmed and finished.
Excess length is unsightly and may get caught in the
chain. Soldering prevents fraying, which allows reuse
of the cable whether a wire cap is being used or not.
H Wire caps do not prevent fraying, but they do prevent
someone getting poked by the wire.

The fourth hand is put on the inner wire to act as

Rubbing a gauge to determine how much wire to leave. This
1/4 turn
remainder does not need to be any more than the fourth
hand needs to grab.
71. [ ] Put fourth-hand tool on inner wire as if re-
moving slack.
72. [ ] Trim inner wire with wire cutters just past
fourth-hand tool.
The next step suggests soldering the end of the
wire. This is easy to do and prevents fraying. To
32.26 Turn adjusting barrel 1/4 turn clockwise to eliminate solder, a soldering gun, thin 40/60 rosin-core sol-
rattle of chain against next cog inward. Repeat if necessary and der, and soldering flux are needed. Put flux on the
check in all other gear combinations. inner wire. Hold the soldering-gun tip flat against
one side of the wire until the flux sizzles away. Still
64. [ ] Continue in-shifts one cog at a time, elimi-
nating any rattles found with 1/4 turn ad-
holding the soldering-gun tip flat against one side
justments of the adjusting barrel, until the of the wire, hold the tip of the solder against the
chain is on Y cog. other side of the wire, until the heated wire causes
65. [ ] Shift out one cog at a time, eliminating the solder to melt and flow into the wire. Some wires
rattles by turning in adjusting barrel in 1/4 have a coating or are stainless steel and will not ac-
turn increments, until chain is on A cog. cept solder. In these cases, the wire will melt the
After all gear combinations with the H chainring solder, but the solder will not flow into the wire.
have been checked and too-tight symptoms eliminated, Instead it beads up and runs off the wire.
it is time to run a similar check with the chain on the
L chainring. The difference this time is that the chain Inner wire
needs to be shifted all the way to the Z cog. Solder
66. [ ] Shift chain to L with shift control.
67. [ ] Pedal and check for chain rattling on B cog
and turn in adjusting barrel to eliminate Solder-gun
rattle if found. tip
68. [ ] Shift chain to B cog and check for rattle
against next cog inward. Turn in cable ad-
justing barrel to eliminate rattle if found. 32.27 Correct soldering technique.
69. [ ] Continue in-shifts one cog at a time, elimi-
nating any rattles found, until the chain is on 73. [ ] Solder inner wire end.
Z cog.

32 – 20
Wire end caps are sometimes used instead of sol- If evaluating any equipment, used or new, that
der to prevent fraying. This will not work. Crimping does not meet manufacturer’s specifications for com-
the cap onto the wire frequently causes fraying. A sol- patibility and the FRA is not at least three quarter
dered wire will not fray when the cap is crimped on. turns, then the non-matched equipment probably
The real function of the wire cap is to cover the sharp needs to be replaced.
end of the wire. If considering installing equipment in a system that
74. [ ] Put cap on end of inner wire if desired. may not be compatible, measure the FRA before the
change, and again afterwards. If it is reduced, then the
equipment change will downgrade shift performance.

TESTING INDEX If it is still above three quarter turns, then it may be

acceptable even though it is a downgrade of perfor-
PERFORMANCE mance. This test process applies to mis-matching pul-
ley wheels, chains, derailleurs and shifters, cable sys-
The performance of any indexing-rear-derailleur tems, and even mis-matching derailleurs with cogsets.
system can be tested and measured. The procedures
described above are designed to set the indexing ad-
justment at the tightest setting that provides good shift- MEASURING THE FUNCTIONAL
ing. If the indexing system has normal performance,
then there are probably looser settings for the cable
1. [ ] Perform an index adjustment using steps
that also enable shifting into all the gears. The range 60–65 of the INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT
of adjusting-barrel positions from the tightest that pro- procedure for rear derailleurs.
vides good shifting to the loosest that will allow shift- 2. [ ] Mark adjusting barrel at 12:00 so turns of
ing into all the gears is called the Functional Range of adjustment can be tracked.
Adjustment (or FRA). 3. [ ] Turn adjusting barrel in (clockwise) 1/4 turn.
The performance of all systems deteriorates with In the next step, a somewhat subjective evalua-
wear, a bent derailleur hanger, and the accumulation tion of whether the adjustment is too loose must be
of dirt. When the FRA is narrow, then it will take made. As the adjustment is loosened, it is normal for
only a small amount of riding before service is needed performance to degrade before shifting actually is un-
to restore acceptable shifting. When the FRA is ex- acceptable. In an in-the-stand test, this loss of perfor-
tremely narrow, finding a correct adjustment at all is a mance will be quite noticeable. It will even reach a
challenge. When the FRA is broad, it will take much point where a delay in releasing the shifter (after the
longer before service is needed. Consequently, it is to click is reached) will be required to effect the shift.
the rider’s and the mechanic’s advantage for the sys- For the rider on the bike, this deterioration of per-
tem to have a broad FRA. formance will take place gradually over a long period
There are two reasons to measure the FRA: first, of time, without being nearly so noticeable.
it enables an accurate determination of whether parts For this reason, consider a symptom of the cable
might need replacement or cleaning on a used system; adjustment being too loose to be either of the three
second, it permits an evaluation of whether a non- following things: first, when an in-shift cannot be
recommended part compromises indexing perfor- completed except by moving the shifter two posi-
mance unacceptably. tions, the cable adjustment is too loose; second,
There is no absolute value for an adequate amount when moving the shifter one position to create an
of FRA. It varies with the brand and quality of equip- out-shift and the chain unavoidably moves two cogs,
ment, as well as some other factors. For seven- and then the cable adjustment is too loose; third, if after
eight-speed systems, a FRA of at least three quarter completing a shift, the chain clearly is making a noise
turns of the cable adjusting barrel should be expected as a result of trying to shift to the next cog outward,
of new equipment. It is not unusual to get something then the cable adjustment is too loose. Before con-
more like four to six quarter turns. cluding that the adjustment is too loose based on
If evaluating properly set-up used equipment that chain noise after the shift, always look below the
all meets manufacturer’s specifications for compatibil- cogset to see that the chain is actually angled obvi-
ity and the FRA is not at least three quarter turns, then ously out from the cog it is on.
something in the system needs cleaning or replacement.

32 – 21
4. [ ] With chain on H chainring, shift chain from
A, to B, to C, etc., until cog Y is reached, REAR-DERAILLEUR SERVICE
then out one at a time until back to A. Pedal
several crank revolutions at each cog and
check for symptoms of indexing adjustment PULLEY-WHEEL REPLACEMENT
too loose (circle result).
At 1 quarter turn in: too loose? No Yes
At 2 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes The rear-derailleur cage and pulleys may need ser-
At 3 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes vice when nothing else in the rear derailleur needs ser-
At 4 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes vice, because of wear and the accumulation of grime
At 5 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes that builds up in this area. This is a very simple service
At 6 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes to do. It can be done without derailleur, cable, or chain
At 7 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes removal; usually no adjustments are required (unless
At 8 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes they were already needed).
5. [ ] With chain on L chainring, shift chain from
A, to B, to C, etc., until cog Z is reached, Pulley-wheel removal
then out one at a time until back to A. Pedal 1. [ ] Shift chain to A/L position, then manually
several crank revolutions at each cog and drop chain off to inside of L chainring so
check for symptoms of indexing adjustment that chain rests on bottom-bracket shell.
too loose (circle result). 2. [ ] Use marker or scribe to put mark on each
At 1 quarter turn in: too loose? No Yes derailleur-cage plate near bottom end so that
At 2 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes marks line up with each other and are both
At 3 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes visible from same side of derailleur cage.
At 4 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes
At 5 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes
At 6 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes
At 7 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes
At 8 quarter turns in: too loose? No Yes
6. [ ] Repeat steps 3–5 as many times as neces-
sary until first symptom of indexing adjust-
ment being too loose is encountered. Record
how many quarter turns it takes to reach
this point here: ___ quarters.
7. [ ] If comparing performance between two
equipment choices, install other equipment
and repeat steps 1–6, but record new num-
ber of quarter turns needed to create symp-
Mark both cage plates
tom of indexing adjustment too loose in this
blank: ___ quarters. 32.28 Mark both cage plates to make it easy to restore their correct
The resulting numbers in step #6 and #7 are not orientation.
the FRA because the last adjustment made the shift-
ing non-functional. The actual functional range of When the tension pulley is removed (if it is an after-
adjustment would be described as 1/4 turn less than market cartridge-bearing pulley) there is a good chance
the number in either of these steps. Thus, if the first that there are small washers between the pulley wheel
symptom of too loose showed up at three quarter turns, and cage plates so that the cage plates end up correctly
then the FRA would be two quarter turns (truly poor). spaced from each other. Look carefully for these wash-
ers, as they are easy to loose and hard to replace.
3. [ ] Remove bolt through tension pulley (lower)
from either front or back of cage, and catch
tension pulley as it falls out of cage. (Watch
carefully for any washers that might be
sandwiched between tension pulley and in-
ner faces of cage plates.)
Tension pulleys and guide pulleys are often not iden-
tical on indexing derailleurs. The word “tension” or
the letter “T” may appear on the tension pulley. The

32 – 22
only difference that may be seen, at this time, is that Inspection of pulley wheels
the tension pulley may have thinner teeth than the guide Conventional pulley wheels (with bushings) wear
pulley, or there may be a wear difference. If any differ- out two different ways, and both affect shifting per-
ence can be seen at this time, note it in step #4. If no formance.
difference can be seen now, it is still possible that a dif- Guide pulleys, in particular, develop tooth wear.
ference will be apparent once the guide pulley is re- The teeth are normally shaped like short plateaus. As
moved. There will be another opportunity to note marks they wear, the width of the top of the plateau is nar-
or features when the guide pulley is removed. rowed and the tooth may actually develop a point on
4. [ ] Inspect tension pulley for any marks or fea- top. See figure 32.29 below. When there is tooth wear
tures that might distinguish it from guide on the tension pulley, it is usually more on one face of
pulley, which is often different. Note fea-
the teeth than the other. This often indicates a prob-
tures or marks here: ______________________
__________________________________________ lem with chainline, hanger alignment, or a bent cage.
5. [ ] If bolt through guide pulley has head on
outer face of cage, rotate cage counter-
clockwise until bolt head is easily accessed.
6. [ ] Remove bolt through guide pulley and
catch inner cage plate and guide pulley as
bolt is withdrawn from them. (Watch care-
fully for any washers that might be sand-
wiched between tension pulley and inner
faces of cage plates.) Fresh Worn
The guide pulley often has special features that 32.29 A fresh guide pulley and a worn one.
enhance shift performance. It may be marked or have
features that distinguish it from the tension pulley. The Pulleys also wear between the bushing and the hole
word “guide” or letter “G” may appear on the pulley. in the pulley. This may show up two ways. When the
Shimano pulleys may have the word “Centeron” on pulley wheel is mounted in the cage, if it has obvious
the guide pulley, or the guide pulley may have a white radial play then it is worn out. Radial play is detected
ceramic bushing and sleeve inside the pulley. The guide by jerking the pulley wheel up and down on its pivot.
pulley is likely to have thicker teeth than the tension See figure 32.30. Also, when the pulley wheel is apart, a
pulley. The guide pulley may show more wear on the groove may be apparent in the surface of the bushing.
teeth than the tension pulley.
7. [ ] Inspect guide pulley for any marks or fea- Vertical play
tures that might distinguish it from tension
pulley, which is often different. Note fea-
tures or marks here: ______________________
Shimano pulley wheels sometimes have soft rub-
ber seals around the metal dustcaps. These seals have an
inner and outer face, and it is not intuitive which face is
which, so observe closely as the seals are removed. Sealed
cartridge-bearing pulley wheels have a broad flat rub- 32.30 If the pulley wheel can be moved up and down, the bushing
ber seal and no dustcap. This seal can be carefully pulled and sleeve are worn out and the pulley should be replaced.
out with a seal pick, so that the bearings can be cleaned
Cartridge-bearing pulleys fail regularly due to
and greased. Be careful not to bend the seals. The front
grease failure in the bearings. If, after removing the
sides are black rubber, but the back faces of these seals
seals, cleaning out the grease and adding fresh grease,
are thin metal plates that are easily bent.
the pulley does not turn smoothly on its bearing, it
8. [ ] Carefully remove any dustcaps or seals from
faces of pulley wheels.
should be replaced.
9. [ ] Remove any bushings from inside of pulley Replacement of pulley wheels
wheels, noting whether bushings in guide Always replace pulley wheels with original equip-
and tension pulleys are different. ment. Even simple brand matching may not be enough.
10. [ ] Clean all parts thoroughly, including both
For example, an older Shimano Deore XT derailleur
cage plates.

32 – 23
for use with 7-speed cogsets has pulley wheels that are stuck outside this keeper tab. In the next step, check
fatter than the ones that are used on newer Deore XT that the chain goes straight from the front of the guide
derailleurs that are 8-speed compatible. pulley to around the back and bottom of the tension
“Upgrade” pulley wheels are marketed heavily to pulley, without interfering with any parts of the cage
the consumer. These products promote that they have plates.
more durable teeth and bearings, and that they pro- 20. [ ] If derailleur and chain are installed,
vide lower friction. Their metal teeth often make the backpedal briefly and observe that chain
drive train noisier. Their “sealed” bearings are prone runs over pulley wheels and through cage
to seizure because of water-caused grease failure. How- without interference.
21. [ ] If pulley wheels were replaced, check limit
ever, their teeth are generally more durable. Some make
screws and indexing adjustment.
claims of index compatibility, yet have none of the
key features of the pulley wheels they are supposed to
replace. If curious about index compatibility of pulley PIVOT SERVICE
wheels, test for it by using the indexing performance
test described earlier in this chapter (page 32-21).
It is important to service the mounting pivot and
Pulley-wheel installation cage pivot because dirt and lack of internal lubrication
11. [ ] Oil bushings and inside faces of dustcaps can severely handicap derailleur performance. The
lightly, or stuff bearings of cartridge-bearing sealed nature of the pivots makes it pointless to try to
pulley wheels with grease. flush the mechanism with solvent and inject lubricant,
12. [ ] Assemble bushings into pulley wheels, and
without disassembling the pivots. Additionally, disas-
install dustcaps and seals to each pulley
sembling the cage pivot allows changing the cage-spring
13. [ ] Treat threads in cage plate for cage bolts tension, which is useful when mounting the derailleur
with Loctite 222. to an unconventional derailleur hanger (or other spe-
14. [ ] Hold inner plate and outer plate together and cial circumstances).
find orientation that puts marks together and Over the decades there have been more models of
visible from same side. derailleur made than anyone could ever remember.
15. [ ] Insert bolt through upper hole in cage plate Many of them are still in use. Most of them require
that has no threads in holes, and slip guide different techniques to service. It is not practical to
pulley over hole. write comprehensive instructions on disassembling and
After torquing the cage bolt, the next step checks servicing rear derailleurs. The following procedure is
whether the pulley rotates freely. If it does not rotate suitable for a variety of modern Shimano derailleurs,
freely, the bushing may have been left out or switched which are both dominant in the market, and some-
between pulleys, spacing washers on cartidge-bearing what consistent to each other.
pulleys may be out of place, the dustcap or seals may
be out of place, the inner cage plate may be upside
down or facing backwards, or non-compatible pulley
wheels are being used. Failure of the pulley wheel to ro- Cage-pivot housing
tate freely is never caused by too much torque on the bolt!
16. [ ] Line up other cage plate and thread bolt into
hole, torquing to 35in-lbs (12lbs@3"). Check 2 1
that guide pulley rotates freely.
17. [ ] If derailleur and chain are on bike, place ten-
sion pulley inside loop of chain and push
tension pulley into lower end of cage.
18. [ ] Line up lower holes of cage plates and ten-
sion pulley, and insert bolt through holes. Cage-pivot bolt
19. [ ] Thread in lower bolt and torque to 35in-lbs
Cage-stop pin
(12lbs@3"). Check that tension pulley ro-
tates freely. 32.31 Blow-up of a typical Shimano derailleur with a cage-
There is often a keeper tab on one or both of the mounting bolt accessed from the front of the cage-pivot housing.
cage plates that helps keep the chain inside the cage.
When assembling the cage, it is possible to get the chain

32 – 24

Disassembling the cage pivot

Phillips screw 1 Cage-stop pin The procedure assumes that the cage plates are sepa-
rated and the pulley wheels are removed, which is cov-
ered earlier in this chapter (page 32-22).
1. The derailleur may have one of several configu-
Cage-pivot housing
rations. Either there is a cage-stop screw in
3 the face of the outer cage plate immediately
4 adjacent to the cage-pivot housing, or the
2 cage stop is a fixed pin that does not un-
[ ] If cage-stop screw is fit by a Phillips
screwdriver, wind derailleur cage slightly
counterclockwise and unscrew Phillips
[ ] If there was no Phillips screw in face of
outer cage plate, look for 2mm Allen set
screw recessed in bottom side of cage-pivot
housing and remove screw completely.
2. Cage and derailleur body will separate in one of
three ways:
[ ] If there is an Allen bolt head in hole in
outward end of cage-pivot housing, turn bolt
32.32 Blow-up of a typical Shimano derailleur with a cage- counterclockwise to remove it.
mounting screw accessed from the back side of the cage-pivot hous- [ ] If cage-stop pin was unthreaded from
ing. face of outer cage plate, but there is no hole
in outward end of cage pivot housing, look
on backside of cage pivot housing for small
Phillips screw accessible just past edge of
Cage-pivot housing cage plate.
[ ] If cage-stop pin did not thread out of
cage plate, look for 2mm Allen screw to
thread out of bottom side of cage-pivot
Cage-stop pin 4
2 housing. When this is removed, cage can be
pulled away from back side of housing, at
which time it will unwind.
3 [ ] If cage-stop pin is not removable and
there is no Phillips screw accessible from
back, no bolt head accessible from front
face of cage pivot housing, or no 2mm Allen
screw accessible from bottom side of cage
pivot housing, then cage pivot assembly
cannot be serviced.
There are usually two holes in the cage plate that
Allen cage-retaining bolt the cage-pivot spring can engage in. Looked at from
the outer face of the cage plate, the more clockwise
32.33 Blow-up of a typical Shimano derailleur with a cage-retain- hole is the normal position that creates the lower spring
ing bolt accessed from the bottom side of the cage-pivot housing.
tension. The more counterclockwise hole creates an
optional high-tension setting.
3. [ ] Remove cage from derailleur and observe
which hole that cage return spring engaged
in outer plate. Which hole? ________________
4. [ ] Remove any seals from cage-pivot housing
or face of cage plate.
5. [ ] Remove spring from cage-pivot housing, not-
ing which end of spring inserts into housing.

32 – 25

Disassembling the mounting pivot 13. [ ] Remove mounting bolt from front of mount-
The B-screw will get in the way of manipulating ing-pivot housing.
the mounting plate when re-assembling the mounting Cleaning and lubrication
pivot. It should be removed now, but measured first, in 14. [ ] Soak derailleur and parts in solvent, then
which case the setting was correct and should be re- scrub with stiff brush to remove all dirt and
stored. Use a depth gauge to measure from either end of grease. Dry thoroughly.
the screw to the face of the tab it is threaded into. 15. [ ] Grease springs, cage-pivot stud in outer cage
6. [ ] Measure length of B-screw protruding from plate, and smooth shaft of mounting bolt.
plate on back of mounting pivot and record 16. [ ] Oil parallelogram pivots, pinch-mechanism
here so that B-screw can be removed and threads, and adjusting-barrel threads.
installed without having to readjust. Assembling the mounting pivot
B-screw protrusion: _____mm 17. [ ] Place Allen wrench securely in vise with end
7. [ ] Remove B-screw from plate on back of pointing up, and place mounting bolt upside
mounting pivot, and pull off any plastic cover. down on Allen wrench.
In step #8 through #10, the clip that holds the pivot 18. [ ] Install any seals in outer face of mounting-
assembly together is removed. The assembly is spring- pivot housing and slip derailleur (outer face
loaded and prone to blowing apart once the clip is re- down) over mounting bolt.
moved. The clip itself is prone to flying a long distance 19. [ ] Insert spring into mounting-pivot housing
when it is removed. To prevent this, the removal is done and engage end of spring in hole. Make sure
with a rag draped over the derailleur and tools, so that that end of spring with reduced diameter coil
everything will be trapped if the parts try to fly. is facing out of mounting-pivot housing.
8. [ ] Find clip that engages groove in mounting bolt 20. [ ] Put seal in place between mounting plate
on back side of mounting pivot, and insert tip and mounting-pivot housing.
of small screwdriver between clip and mount- 21. [ ] Place mounting plate over bolt and engage
ing bolt to prepare to pry clip out of groove. end of spring in hole in mounting plate.
9. [ ] With screwdriver in place and ready to pry
out clip, drape rag over hand and derailleur
so that parts will be trapped inside rag when
clip is pried out. Mounting plate
10. [ ] Pry out clip.
11. [ ] If plate and spring did not pop off when clip Seal
was removed, pull out on plate and allow to
unwind clockwise. Mounting-pivot spring
Shimano mounting-pivot springs are not symmetri-
cal. One end fits in the housing and the other end fits
in the mounting plate. The difference is not obvious,
but the illustrations below should make it clear. The
end that has the spring leg set in from the full diameter
of the spring never goes into a pivot housing.

Full diameter Reduced diameter

Mounting bolt
Into pivot housing Out of pivot housing

32.34 The end of the spring that goes in the housing is on the left.
The spring ends shown on the right never go into the housing. Allen wrench Vise

12. [ ] Remove plate, seals, and spring from back-

side of mounting-pivot housing, noting
32.35 Assembling the mounting pivot.
which end of spring was inserted in housing.

32 – 26
22. [ ] Using pliers to hold mounting plate by the 30. [ ] Rotate cage plate to align desired hole with
tab that B-screw threads into, press mount- end of spring and engage plate to spring.
ing plate down until it is against upper end 31. [ ] Push outer cage plate firmly to end of cage
of mounting-pivot housing. pivot housing.
23. [ ] Holding mounting plate down, rotate de- 32. [ ] Except models where removal of 2mm Allen
railleur clockwise until tab on mounting plate bolt disengaged cage from derailleur body,
stops against tab on outside of mounting insert small Phillips screw from back, or
pivot-housing. cage-pivot bolt from front, to retain cage to
24. [ ] Carefully pull up mounting plate with pliers so derailleur body.
that tab on outside of mounting-pivot housing 33. [ ] Holding derailleur so that outer face is vis-
can rotate clockwise past tab on mounting ible, rotate outer cage plate counterclock-
plate, then push mounting plate back in. wise until cage-stop pin or mounting hole for
cage-stop screw clears tab on outside of
cage-pivot housing. If cage-stop pin is still
fixed to cage plate, cage plate will need to
be pulled away from cage-pivot housing just
enough to allow cage-stop pin to clear tab
on cage-pivot housing.

Hold stationary counterclockwise

32.36 Loading the mounting pivot spring.

25. [ ] Insert clip in groove in mounting bolt.

In the next step, the B-screw position is restored. If
it was not recorded or correct to start with, thread the
B-screw in just enough to engage the threads. It will be
adjusted when the derailleur is installed and adjusted. 32.37 Winding up the cage tension spring.
26. [ ] Put any plastic cover over mounting plate
and thread in B-screw until protrusion equals 34. [ ] Thread in cage stop pin, or 2mm Allen screw
measurement in step 6. into hole in bottom of cage-pivot housing.
Assembling the cage pivot
27. [ ] Insert spring into cage-pivot housing and en-
gage end of spring in hole. Make sure that
end of spring with reduced-diameter coil is
facing out of cage-pivot housing.
28. [ ] Put seal in place on outer face of outer plate,
or on inward end of cage-pivot housing.
29. [ ] Place outer cage pivot into hole in cage-pivot
Which cage hole the spring engaged should have
been recorded in step #3. Facing the outer face of the
outer cage plate, the most clockwise hole is the nor-
mal position that provides less tension for the cage-
return spring. The most counterclockwise hole pro-
vides a high-tension setting for the return spring that
compensates for age, small cogsets, and non-standard
derailleur-hanger designs.

32 – 27


Sleeve inserts to repair damaged hanger threads are
REPAIR sleeve nuts that go into an enlarged hanger hole. At
the time of this writing, the primary product available
is the Wheels Manufacturing Dropout Saver (DS-1 and
THREAD CHASING DS-2). When a sleeve insert is used, the hanger is basi-
Derailleur-hanger threads may be fouled with con- cally being sandwiched between a nut on the inside
taminants, or cross-threaded, leading to difficult instal- face of the hanger and the derailleur on the outside
lation of the derailleur-mounting bolt. To solve either, face. The sleeve inserts are effective. The worst prob-
use a tap of the correct size (usually 10mm × 1mm) lem with them is a tendency for them to disappear
from the back side of the hanger to clean out the when someone unfamiliar with the repair removes the
threads. derailleur at a later time. To perform the repair, the
old threads should be drilled or reamed out to 15/32"
THREAD REPLACEMENT diameter. The sleeve nut should be installed from the
backside. Loctite RC680 can be used to reduce the like-
There are several brands of thread-replacement
coils. These work by enlarging the hole, tapping the lihood of the sleeve nut falling out when the derailleur
hole to an over-size-thread description, and then using is not mounted, but this is no guarantee.
a tool that comes with the coil kit to insert a wire coil The nut should be held with a cone wrench while
that matches the new thread description on the out- the derailleur-mounting bolt is being secured or loos-
side and creates a new set of original threads on the ened.
inside. The instructions that come with the kit should
be adequate, and should differ depending on the brand HANGER REPLACEMENT
of thread-repair kit being used. The following steps A number of brands of bikes with aluminum drop-
are generic, and may not exactly match the brand of outs now have replaceable hangers. These are entirely
kit being used. brand specific and cannot be used on any frame ex-
1. [ ] Drill or ream hole in hanger to 13/32" diam- cept the original one that they were designed for. The
are usually held in place by small screws or bolts. The
2. [ ] Tap hole with oversize tap provided with kit.
3. [ ] Treat hole threads with heaviest grade of
threads should be prepared with Loctite 222 or 242.
Loctite available.
4. [ ] Use tool that comes in kit to thread in coil
from outer face of dropout, until end of coil
is flush with outer face of hanger.
5. [ ] Remove coil-insertion tool.
6. [ ] Use diagonal side cutter to clip off excess
coil length on back side of hanger.
7. [ ] Allow Loctite to cure before installing and
securing derailleur.

32 – 28

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The shift to the A cog is slow.
The H-screw is too tight. Loosen H-screw; Look for rapid improvement if
the H-screw is the source of the problem.
If the H-screw is not too tight, then the inner-wire Turn in an adjusting barrel or let more inner
tension may be too tight. wire through the pinch mechanism; expect
instant improvement if inner-wire tension was
the source of the problem.
If none of above, the B-screw may be too tight or Check B-screw adjustment and chain length.
the chain may be too short, causing the guide pulley Try setting chain at longest length that works
to be too far below the A cog. to attempt to eliminate symptom.
If none of the above, the cable system may have Check for poor cable routing, housing damage,
too much friction. inner-wire damage, inner-wire rust, dirt on
inner wires, or lack of lubrication.
If none of the above, the guide pulley may be worn out. Check guide-pulley teeth and bushing for wear.
If none of the above, the chain may be worn out. Check chain wear.
If none of the above, dirt may be fouling the cage Disassemble, clean, and lubricate the derailleur.
and/or mounting pivot, the return spring, or the
parallelogram pivots; causing the guide pulley to
track too low below the cogset or the parallelogram
to be hesitant to return to its outermost position.
If none of the above, the derailleur may have too Try installing a spring over the inner wire
little return-spring force to pull the inner wire between the rear-derailleur adjusting barrel and
through the housing bends. This is most likely if the the pinch mechanism. Use a compression
derailleur and shifter are not brand and model spring 1.75" long, with a 3/8" diameter, and
matched. .035 wire gauge (or larger).
Old-style Campagnolo pulley wheels with low-profile Change pulley wheels to Shimano type.
teeth are being used with a new-style low-profile
chain that does not have side plates extending
above the rollers.
SYMPTOM: There is excessive noise when the chain is on the A cog.
If the guide pulley is offset inward of the A cog, Check guide-pulley position, then loosen H-screw
then H-screw or inner-wire tension is too tight. and/or inner-wire tension.
If the guide pulley is offset outward of the A cog, Check guide-pulley position, then tighten H-screw
then H-screw too loose.
If the guide pulley is close to centered under the A Check chainline and chain/cogset compatibility
cog, check if the chain is rubbing against the B cog
where the top section of chain goes forward to the
chainrings. If this is the case, then the chainline is
off or the chain is a wide chain being used on a
narrow-spaced cogset.
SYMPTOM: The chain shifts past the A cog when shifting from the B cog.
The H-screw is too loose. Tighten the H-screw until the symptom goes away.
If tightening the H-screw creates the symptom that B-screw adjustment is too tight, chain is too
the H-screw is too tight before the original symptom short, or the mounting and cage pivots are
goes away, the guide pulley is too far below the cog. fouled with dirt.

(continued next page)

32 – 29


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The shift to the Z cog is slow.
The L-screw is too tight. Loosen the L-screw 1/4 turn at a time. Rapid
improvement should happen with very little
If derailleur is indexing and the symptom only occurs Tighten inner-wire tension with the adjusting
when using the shift-control mechanism, inner-wire barrel.
tension is too loose.
The chain is on the H chainring. The shift combination should be avoided.
SYMPTOM: There is excessive noise when the chain is on the Z cog.
If the guide pulley appears offset inward of the Z cog, Tighten the L-screw.
the L-screw is too loose.
If the guide pulley appears offset outward of the Z cog, Loosen the L-screw.
the L-screw is too tight.
If the guide pulley appears somewhat centered Tighten the B-screw.
under the Z cog, then the B-screw may be too loose.
If the B-screw cannot be tightened enough to Check if the chain can be shortened without
eliminate the symptom, the chain may be too long. creating a too-short condition.
If the B-screw cannot be tightened enough, the Check derailleur capacity.
chain cannot be shortened, and adjusting the L-screw
is no help, the maximum cog size capacity of the
derailleur may have been exceeded.
SYMPTOM: The chain shifts past the Z cog when shifting from the Y cog
The L-screw is too loose. Tighten the L-screw.
If the guide pulley appears far below the Z cog, and Loosen the B-screw.
tightening the L-screw creates a slow shift, the
B-screw is too tight.
If loosening the B-screw does not move the guide Use cogset with larger cogs, change derailleur,
pulley reasonably close to the cog, then the derailleur or try changing the spring tension in the cage
is being used on a cogset smaller than was intended. pivot.
SYMPTOM: Some or all in-shifts are slow (rear derailleur is indexing).
Inner-wire tension is too low. Turn adjusting barrel out.
Guide pulley is worn out. Check guide-pulley teeth and bushing for wear.
Chain is worn out. Check chain for wear and replace if necessary.
SYMPTOM: Some or all out-shifts are slow (rear derailleur is indexing).
Inner-wire tension is too high. Turn adjusting barrel in.
Guide pulley is worn out. Check guide-pulley teeth and bushing for wear.
Chain is worn out. Check chain for wear and replace if necessary.
Excess cable-system friction. Check for poor cable routing, housing damage,
inner-wire damage, inner-wire rust, dirt on
inner wires, or lack of lubrication.
If symptom is progressively worse as the chain is Check for too tight a B-screw, too short a
shifted further and further out, the guide pulley may chain, or dirt in the cage and mounting pivots.
be too far below the cogs. Correct any problem found.

32 – 30

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The chain moves out two positions when the shift-control mechanism is moved one position.
Inner-wire tension is too low. Turn adjusting barrel further out, or pull more
inner wire through the pinch mechanism if the
adjusting barrel is running out of threads.
Shift-control mechanism is not compatible with Check component compatibility and test shift
derailleur and/or cogset. again after replacing any suspect components.
The shift-control mechanism had already been Recheck the shift.
released one position when chain wasn’t moving,
so it had actually been moved two positions.
SYMPTOM: The chain moves in two positions when the shift-control mechanism is moved one position.
Inner-wire tension is too high. Turn adjusting barrel further in, or release more
inner wire through the pinch mechanism if the
adjusting barrel is running out of threads.
Shift-control mechanism is not compatible with Check component compatibility and test shift
derailleur and/or cogset. again after replacing any suspect components.
The shift-control mechanism had already been Recheck the shift.
moved one position when the chain was not moving,
so it had actually been moved two positions.
SYMPTOM: The chain will not move inward to the next gear when the shift-control mechanism is
moved one position, or the shift-control mechanism must be moved two positions to get the chain to
move inward one position.
Inner-wire tension is too low. Turn adjusting barrel further out, or pull more
inner wire through the pinch mechanism if the
adjusting barrel is running out of threads.
Shift-control mechanism is not compatible with Check component compatibility and test shift
derailleur and/or cogset. again after replacing any suspect components.
Chain is badly worn out. Check chain wear.
Chain and cogs are not compatible. Check manufacturer’s chain recommendations.
SYMPTOM: With an indexing rear derailleur, the chain makes noise against the next cog inward after
an in-shift to a specific cog, but not after making an out-shift to the same cog.
Excess cable-system friction. Check for poor cable routing, housing damage,
inner-wire damage, inner-wire rust, dirt on
inner wires, or lack of lubrication.
Excess friction in the shift-control mechanism Test by temporarily installing a different shift-
caused by wear, dirt, or lack of lubrication. control mechanism. Service the shifter if the
test eliminates the symptom.
(continued next page)

32 – 31


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: At one cable-tension adjustment, the shifting acts as though the cable is too tight for
some shifts, but acts as though the cable is too loose for other shifts.
Excess cable-system friction. Check for poor cable routing, housing damage,
inner-wire damage, inner-wire rust, dirt on
inner wires, or lack of lubrication.
Incorrect inner wire for shift-control mechanism. Check inner-wire compatibility.
Distance from face of derailleur hanger to face of Reduce axle spacing to move first cog as close
first cog is too great. as possible to the dropout without chain-to-
frame interference.
General system congestion from dirt. Clean cogs, chain, inside and outside of .
derailleur, and inside shift-control mechanism.
General component incompatibility. Check that shift-control mechanism, derailleur,
and cogset are all compatible.
General system wear. Check chain wear, guide-pulley wear, and
derailleur-pivot wear.
SYMPTOM: The chain shifts out one position on its own when the shift-control mechanism is not
being operated.
If derailleur is indexing, inner-wire tension is too low. Check and adjust inner-wire tension by turning
adjusting barrel out.
If derailleur is friction-type, shift-lever friction is too light. Adjust shift-lever friction.
SYMPTOM: When testing the FRA, the acceptable range is very narrow.
Parts are dirty. Clean drive train, derailleur, and shift-control
Parts are worn out. Check chain wear, guide-pulley wear, or
derailleur-pivot wear.
Excess cable-system friction. Check for poor cable routing, housing damage,
inner-wire damage, inner-wire rust, dirt on
inner wires, or lack of lubrication.
Non-compatible chain is being used. Check chain compatibility.
Non-compatible guide pulley is being used. Use only manufacturer’s original pulley.
Non-compatible cable system is being used. Use only high-quality indexing inner wires of the
correct diameter, and compressionless housing.
Shift-control mechanism is not compatible with Check manufacturer’s specifications for
derailleur or cogset. compatible components.

32 – 32

SHIMANO RAPID-RISE 8. [ ] To set L screw, use shifters to put chain in

Z/M combo (Z/L if double chainring), then pull

DERAILLEURS on exposed wire to shift chain from Z to Y

cog. Adjust limit normally, but release cable
to check shift to Z instead of pulling cable.
OVERVIEW Setting the cable tension and adjusting the in-
Shimano Rapid-Rise rear derailleurs differ from dexing are where the most significant differences be-
others in that they move outward when the cable is tween Rapid-Rise and conventional derailleurs are
pulled, and move inward by means of the parallelo- found. Everything involving the cable is exactly re-
gram spring when the cable tension is released. Their versed with Rapid-Rise. Consequently, the slack is
motion is the opposite of conventional derailleurs. removed when the chain is on the Z cog instead of
For many purposes, these derailleurs are no differ- the A cog. Less obvious is the fact that when the
ent to install, adjust, or service than regular derailleurs, indexing is adjusted, the adjusting barrel should al-
but some of the sequences in which things are done ways be turned the opposite way from normal to
need to be changed to make the procedures easier. The correct any symptom.
following procedure is very generalized for the pur- 9. [ ] Use shifter to put chain on Z cog, then pull
pose of illustrating the correct sequence to go through on exposed inner wire while pedaling until
chain reaches A cog, then stop pedaling and
derailleur setup and adjustment. The assumption of
stress cable system.
this procedure is that you are already familiar with all
10. [ ] Pedal until chain returns to Z cog, then re-
the details of proper setup and adjustment as they are lease pinch mechanism, set adjusting bar-
done on conventional derailleurs. rels, pull slack from inner wire, and secure
pinch mechanism.
RAPID-RISE PROCEDURES As always, the best indexing adjustment is the tight-
est good setting. With Rapid-Rise, however, the tight-
Derailleur, cable, and chain installation est good adjustment is one just short of the point where
1. [ ] Align hanger, lubricate derailleur and install.
2. [ ] With derailleur at rest under Z cog, pull the chain tends to shift outward one cog if the cable is
down on derailleur cage to allow upper pul- tightened further (opposite of normal).
ley to clear cog, then preset L screw so pul- 11. [ ] Adjust indexing to tightest good setting, turn-
ley is centered under cog. ing adjusting barrel out (ccl) to improve shifts
3. [ ] Pull outward on derailleur to move upper outward and in (cl) to improve shifts inward
pulley under A cog, then check if pulley (opposite of adjusting conventional derailleur).
stops centered under cog and preset H
screw as necessary.


4. [ ] With upper pulley pulled out to A cog and
parallelogram positioned parallel to chain

stay, size housing loop to rear derailleur.
5. [ ] With derailleur at rest position under Z cog
(pull down on cage if upper pulley catches Because nine-speed derailleurs have the same ac-
against outer face of cog), install cable sys- tuation ratio (the amount the derailleur moves for a
tem, pull slack out of cable with fingers,
specific amount of inner-wire travel) as derailleurs
then secure pinch mechanism.
6. [ ] Using shift mechanism, move derailleur so that are not nine-speed, they are technically accept-
upper pulley is under A cog, then install and able to mix. However, Shimano made other changes
size chain normally. coincidental with introducing nine-speed systems
that also affect interchangeability. The primary con-
Limit screw and indexing adjustments cern is the derailleur capacity. Most Shimano nine-
7. [ ] To set H screw, use shifters to put chain in
speed MTB derailleurs work with up to a 34T rear
Z/H combo, then pull on exposed wire to
shift chain from B to A cog. Adjust limit nor-
cog. Most pre-nine-speed derailleurs have a maxi-
mally, but pull on cable to check shift to A mum capacity of 32T. Consequently, if the bike has
instead of releasing cable. a nine-speed cog set with a 34T cog, a nine-speed
derailleur must be used. Otherwise, there are no de-
railleur compatibility issues.

32 – 33
When replacing pulley wheels, it is important to
be aware that there are nine-speed-specific pulleys. The
significant difference is not the thickness of the pul-
ley, but the number of teeth. Using a pulley wheel
with the wrong number of teeth can adversely affect
the capacities of the derailleur. If the teeth numbers
match, the pulleys are generally compatible.

32 – 34

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Wound housing: This type of housing, more typi-
cally used on brakes, consists of a single coil wound
This chapter is about setting up and servicing the
from one end of the housing to the other. It is usually
cables that operate the derailleurs. It covers selection of
covered in a plastic sheath and usually has a liner in-
the inner wire and housing, and the sizing and prepara-
side. To identify it, look at the cut end. It will look
tion of the housings. Attaching the inner wire to the
like the end of a coil spring. If not sure after looking
shifter is covered in the SHIFT-CONTROL MECHANISMS
at the end, strip off the plastic sheath for a few milli-
chapter (page 30-1). Attaching the inner wires to the
meters at the end. Whether it is a single coil (wound),
derailleurs and adjusting the tension on the inner wires
or multi-strand (compressionless), will become com-
is covered in the REAR DERAILLEURS (page 32-1) and
pletely clear. Wound housing is not considered suit-
FRONT DERAILLEURS (page 33-1) chapters.
able for use on indexing derailleur systems.
Ferrule: The cap that fits on the end of the hous-
ing to improve fit to the housing stop.
GENERAL INFORMATION Inner wire: The wire that is attached to the shifter,
passes through housing on the way to the derailleur,
and attaches to the derailleur. At times, it may just be
TERMINOLOGY called the wire.
Indexing-compatible: This term signifies that a Drawn wire: A type of inner wire that has been
component is suitable for use with an indexing derailleur drawn through a die to change its shape. The process
system. Most modern derailleurs are indexing. This flattens the individual strands of the inner wire so that
means that the shifter moves in distinct increments. the surface of the inner wire is smoother.
When the shifter is moved from one position to the Inner-wire head: The drum- or disc-shaped bead at
next, it is supposed to be just the right amount to move the end of the inner wire. It fits in a socket in the shifter.
the derailleur from one gear to the next. The thickness Housing stop: The socket-like fitting on the
of an inner wire determines how much inner wire will frame, shifter, or derailleur that is the point where the
move as it wraps around the shifter drum. The friction housing stops and the inner wire continues.
and compression in the cable system have to be low Adjusting barrel: An adjustable housing-stop that
and consistent for the indexing to work. is threaded into the derailleur and/or shifter. An ad-
Cable: The term cable will be used to refer to justing barrel is a screw with a socket on the end that
the complete cable system, including the inner wire, the housing fits into. There is a small hole all the way
housings, and fittings. The term cable is often used through that the inner wire passes through.
to refer to the inner wire as well. To avoid confu- Cable guide: An inner-wire guide, but the con-
sion, this book will always use cable to describe the ventional term will be used here to avoid confusion.
whole system, and inner wire to describe the wire It is usually a plate of plastic with a groove or tunnel
portion of the cable system. that guides a bare inner wire around a bend, such as
Housing: The outer sheath that covers part of the bottom of the bottom-bracket shell.
the inner wire. It is used to guide the inner wire around
bends and to connect two points that move in rela-
tion to each other.
Whenever cables are serviced or installed, de-
Compressionless housing: This housing type has
railleur adjustments must be done.
stiff wires embedded in it, running along the housing
length, that reduce compression. To identify this hous-
ing, look at the cut end. Many wire-ends will be seen.
Housing liner: A plastic sheath inside the hous-
ing that is used to reduce friction. These days, it is
almost always fixed permanently in place.

31 – 1

INDICATIONS Handlebar and stem changes

When the shifters are mounted on the handlebars,
Maintenance and the handlebar width or stem height and length
Cables just wear out. There may be no overt symp- are changed, the loops of housings at the shifters need
toms, but a cable can operate sluggishly just because it to be re-sized. If the shifters are moving further away
is old. Cables are relatively inexpensive and are vital because of wider bars or a longer stem, cable replace-
to derailleur performance. It is not an extravagance to ment is often required.
automatically replace the cable system annually, par-
ticularly if adjusting a derailleur.
Indexing malfunctions
The only tools required for installation of cables are
Problems with the cable can cause an indexing de- appropriate tools for cutting inner wire and housing.
railleur to malfunction. The usual scenario is that a sys- Preferred tools are in bold. Tools are preferred because a
tem has stopped working that formerly worked. When balance between versatility, quality, and economy.
the cable tension is adjusted so that it does not seem
too tight for the release shifts, it is not tight enough for
the opposite shifts. Then if it is adjusted to be tight CABLE TOOLS (table 31-1)
enough for the shifts when the inner wire is being pulled, Tool Fits and considerations
it becomes too tight when the cable is being released.
Park CN-2 Cuts inner wires only
This problem can be caused by chain wear and compo-
nent-compatibility problems, as well. SunTour TA110 Cuts inner wires only
Hozan C214 Cuts inner wires only
Difficult shifter operation
Hozan C215 Cuts inner wires and
Particularly on friction-shifting systems, when the
compressionless housing
lever becomes difficult to operate, and lubing and ad-
justing the friction tension on the shifter does not solve Shimano TL-CT10 Cuts inner wires and
compressionless housing
the problem, it is likely there is a cable problem.
VAR 990 Cuts inner wires and
Rusty or damaged inner wire compressionless housing
Inner wires fail because they get rusty, fray, become Felco C7 Deluxe Cuts inner wires and
kinked, or because the wire sheath tears on a Gore-Tex compressionless housing
cable. Replace all wires with these problems, even when
7–8" diagonal side Cuts wound housing
the damage does not seem to be in a critical location. cutter, any brand
Damaged and dirty housings
Housings fail because they get kinked or bent, and
because the plastic outer sheath cracks. Dirt can also get
inside a housing and substantially increase the friction.
Housings get kinked or bent because of impact and OF THIS CHAPTER
overextension, but they also get damaged in the same The rest of this chapter is divided into several
way because they are mis-sized. It is very common that sections. The first section is about CABLE TYPES AND
the loop of housing at the rear derailleur is too short, COMPATIBILITY, which covers the different types of in-
resulting in a bend in the housing where it comes out of ner wires and housings used for derailleur systems and
the rear-derailleur adjusting barrel. Kinked and bent hous- compatibility of the different types with different shift-
ings should be replaced, unless the housing is too long ing systems. The next section is SIZING HOUSING LOOPS,
and the damage is confined to an area that will be cut off. which covers the determination of the optimum
Dirt gets inside housings and increases friction. length of housing loops from stops on the frame to
There is no good way to inspect for dirt and there is shifters mounted on the bar or stem. The final sec-
no good way to clean it out. It could be abrasive par- tion is PREPARATION AND INSTALLATION OF THE CABLE
ticles embedded in the inner liner. This hidden dirt is SYSTEM, which covers housing-end finishing, cable-
the likely reason that a used cable system thatlooks system lubrication, and routing considerations.
fine does not shift as well as it did when new. This Unlike other chapters in this book, there is no
hidden dirt is a good reason to just routinely replace section on troubleshooting. This is because cable prob-
cable systems when adjusting derailleurs. lems are covered in the respective derailleur chapters.

31 – 2

CABLE TYPES Inner-wire construction

Most inner wires today are a simple twisted wire.
AND COMPATIBILITY Several strands are laid parallel and then twisted to-
gether all at once. There is another construction which
might be called braided. It is not actually braided, but
INNER WIRES has that appearance. It is made by making several very
Inner wires differ by diameter, type of surface, and small twisted-wire cables, and then twisting these to-
type of construction. gether to make a larger cable. This braided or double-
twisted inner wire is more supple than the same thick-
Inner-wire diameter ness of a simple twist. The 1.5mm wire required for
Wire diameter is important in regard to indexing
use with Shimano Dura-Ace down tube indexing
performance and fit in the housing. The typical wire
shifters should be the braided or double-twisted type.
diameters are 1.2mm and 1.5mm. There have been
some less common sizes, as well. For 1995 only,
Shimano used a 1.1mm diameter. Older Campagnolo INNER-WIRE HEADS
equipment came with a 1.6mm diameter wire.
All index systems, with the exception of down-
Barrel heads
The barrel-headed inner wire has always been
tube Shimano Dura-Ace levers, require 1.2mm diam-
the most common, and today is almost universal.
eter wire. The compressionless housing used for in-
This type has a cylinder-shaped head that is usu-
dex systems will not fit anything larger than 1.2mm
ally slightly longer than its diameter. The wire goes
wire. The 1.1mm Shimano wire was used in a smaller
into the end of the cylinder.
housing that would not fit the 1.2mm wire. To pre-
vent problems when replacing a 1.1mm inner wire,
always replace the housing as well. When Shimano
Dura-Ace indexing down-tube levers are used, the wire
diameter must be 1.5mm.
Non-indexing systems have no requirements for 31.1 A barrel-head on a derailleur inner wire.
wire diameter, other than it fit through the housing
being used. The most common barrel diameter is approxi-
mately 4.5mm. Old Simplex and all Campagnolo
Inner-wire surface shifters require something closer to 4.0mm. It is pos-
Indexing systems require wires with a smooth sur- sible to grind or file the wire head to improve fit.
face to reduce cable-system friction. One way to in- Even some barrel heads that are the correct diam-
sure that the wire is smooth enough is to use nothing eter can be a fit problem. Flashing material left over
but original equipment for replacement inner wires. from fabrication and out-of-roundness can cause the
Another alternative is to use drawn inner wires, which barrel to jam in the socket in the shifter. Always test fit
have the smoothest surface. Most drawn inner wires the barrel before setting up the cable system all the way.
will be marketed as such; however, their appearance
should identify them clearly. Drawn inner wires have Disc heads
a more reflective surface, and the individual strands Some old Schwinn and Huret shifters required a
are much less obvious. When looking at drawn inner disc-shaped cable head. This type was also used briefly
wire, instead of seeing individual strands it just looks by SunTour in the X-Press levers. The disc type has
like there are tiny grooves spiraling around the inner the inner wire enter the head at the perimeter of the
wire. Drawn inner wire also feels much smoother disc. Disc-types are uniform in size. Inner wires that
when pulled between two fingertips. are sold as universal or double-ended usually have a
Non-indexing systems have no requirements for barrel at one end and a disc at the other end.
the wire surface, but whatever makes a wire smoother
will improve the feel of any shifting system.

31.2 A disc-head on a derailleur inner wire.

31 – 3


Housing for derailleur systems may be the
compressionless variety, or the wound variety.
Compressionless housing
Compressionless housings are required for index- Normal routing
ing systems, but are optional for friction systems. In normal routing, the loop from the right shifter
However, they improve performance of a friction sys- goes by the right side of the head-tube/stem to a hous-
tem. Housing is compatible with a particular inner ing stop on the right side of the frame, and then the
wire as long as the wire inserts comfortably into the inner wire stays on the right side of the bike all the
housing. In 1995, Shimano made compressionless hous- way to the rear derailleur. The left side is the same,
ing that was specifically for use with a 1.1mm inner except everything is on the left. On bikes with nar-
wire. The 1.2mm wires are a tight fit in this housing. row handlebars (and particularly if the stem is short
To use a 1.2mm inner wire on a bike with this hous- also) the normal routing may cause the housing to
ing, just replace the housing. All compressionless have a dramatic double-bend on its way from the
housing has a plastic liner inside. shifter to the housing stop on the frame. If this is the
case, consider crisscrossed routing.
End view Sheath cut away

31.3 Compressionless housing.

Wound housing
Wound housings have a metal strip that is wound
like a coil spring. These coils compress under load,
which translates into lost motion at the shifter. Lost 31.5 Normal routing, but crisscross routing would be more suit-
motion occurs when the shifter moves, but the de- able on this bike.
railleur does not respond. Most wound housing has a
plastic liner inside to reduce friction, but some cheap
varieties are exposed metal inside. The ones without a
Crisscrossed routing
Crisscrossed routing is used only when normal
liner are not recommended for use with any derailleur
routing is a problem. Crisscrossed routing cannot be
system, indexing or friction.
used on all frames, even when the normal routing is a
End view Sheath cut away problem. Any time using crisscrossed routing causes
an inner wire to drag on a frame tube on its way from
the housing stop to the cable guide, it is unacceptable.

31.4 Wound housing.

The Shimano Dura-Ace indexing down-tube levers

that use a 1.5mm inner wire require high-quality wound
and lined housing for the loop at the rear derailleur.

31.6 Crisscrossed routing.

31 – 4
Crisscrossed routing is done by routing the hous-
ing loop from the right shifter around the left side of
the head-tube/stem to the housing stop on the left side LOOPS
of the frame. The inner wire is then routed back to
the right side of the cable guide at the bottom-bracket
Normal routing
In normal routing, the loop from the right shifter
shell. The left side is the reverse. The inner wires end
goes by the right side of the head-tube/stem to a hous-
up crossing each other between the top of the down
ing stop on the right side of the frame, and then the
tube and the bottom-bracket shell.
inner wire stays on the right side of the bike all the
Sizing procedure way to the rear derailleur. The left side is the same,
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire that except everything is on the left.
comes out of shift-control mechanism.
2. [ ] Route housing to the housing stop on frame Sizing procedure
that will be used, making sure that loop 1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire that
does not have to deflect around any exist- comes out of shift-control mechanism.
ing brake cables. 2. [ ] Route housing to housing stop on frame
3. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (180° max.) to that will be used, making sure that loop
side that is opposite housing stop on frame does not have to deflect around any exist-
that loop is being routed to. ing brake cables.
4. [ ] Pull housing as it will go past the housing 3. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (90° max.) to side
stop on the frame (without damaging hous- that is opposite housing stop on frame that
ing), making sure housing remains inserted loop is being routed to.
in housing stop on shift-control mechanism. 4. [ ] Pull housing as it will go past the housing
stop on the frame (without damaging hous-
ing), making sure housing remains inserted
in housing stop on shift-control mechanism.

1 – Rotate to limit
(180° max.)
2 – Pull tight
3 – Trim here

1 – Rotate to limit 2 – Pull tight 31.8 Sizing the housing loop from an integral shift/brake lever.
(180° max.) 3 – Trim here
5. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
31.7 Sizing the housing loop from a bar-mounted shift control closed end of housing stop on frame.
mechanism. 6. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing at mark.
5. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
closed end of housing stop on frame.
6. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing at mark.

31 – 5

Housing loops from bar-end controls on drop-style
handlebars are run under the handlebar tape where
the housing leaves the shifter. The housing comes out
of the handlebar tape where the curve of the bar starts
up toward the brake lever.

1 – Rotate to limit
(180° max.)
2 – Pull tight
3 – Trim here

31.10 Sizing the housing loop from the handlebar to the frame.

6. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with

closed end of housing stop on frame.
7. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing at mark.

31.9 Routing of the housing loop from a bar-end control. STEM-SHIFTER LOOPS
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire that
1. [ ] Slide piece of housing onto inner wire that comes out of shift-control mechanism.
comes out of shift-control mechanism. 2. [ ] Route housing to the housing stop on the
2. [ ] Temporarily retain housing to handlebar only frame that will be used, making sure that
to point bar begins to curve upward, with loop does not have to deflect around any
adhesive tape or ties. existing brake cables.
3. [ ] Route housing to housing stop on frame 3. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (180° max.) to
that will be used, making sure that loop side that is opposite housing stop on frame
does not have to deflect around any exist- that loop is being routed to.
ing brake cables. 4. [ ] Pull housing as it will go past the housing
4. [ ] Rotate handlebars to limit (180° max.) to stop on the frame (without damaging hous-
side that is opposite housing stop on frame ing), making sure housing remains inserted
that loop is being routed to. in housing stop on shift-control mechanism.
5. [ ] Pull housing as it will go past the housing 5. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with
stop on the frame (without damaging hous- closed end of housing stop on frame.
ing), making sure housing remains inserted in 6. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut
housing stop on shift-control mechanism and housing at mark.
does not pull out of tape or tie on handlebar.

31 – 6


Sizing the cable-housing loop for the rear derailleur Most front derailleurs do not have housing go-
is a somewhat subjective process. Consistantly facto- ing to the front derailleur. When they do, try to
ries set this loop up too short, resulting in frequent make the loop a simple curve without any abrupt
kinking of the housing or housing ferrule where it bends or double bends at the points the housing en-
comes out of the adjusting barrel. This factory setup ters a housing stop.
leads to mechanics getting used to seeing too short as
normal. Consequently, when setting the loop length
up by the following rules, it is likely to look too long
to an experienced mechanic. PREPARATION
The key to setting the length of the loop to the
rear derailleur is to just focus on the entry of the hous- AND INSTALLATION
ing into the cable-adjusting barrel. As the housing loop
gets longer and shorter, the end of the housing in the
adjusting barrel will twist up and down, and not come
straight out of the adjusting barrel. When it is not HOUSING-END FINISH
twisted up or down, the length is correct.
Compressionless housing
Compressionless housing should be cut with an
enclosing style of cable cutter, such as the Shimano
TL-CT10. Careful alignment and stabilization of the
tool and housing will insure a relatively square cut. If
cutting the housing makes it out-of-round, a gentle
Parallel squeeze between the handles of the tool or pliers will
make it round again.
The inner liner often gets closed when the hous-
1 2
3 ing is cut. A push pin or similar sharp object can be
used to open up the liner again.
Unlike wound housing, compressionless housing
should never be filed or ground flat on the end!
31.11 Sizing the housing loop at the rear derailleur. Wound housing
Wound housing is used much more on brake sys-
1. [ ] Install inner wire into housing piece, but
tems than it is on derailleurs. Discussion of the proper
do not route inner wire through housing
stop on frame. finishing of wound housings is covered in the BRAKE
2. [ ] Install a ferrule on one end of housing piece, CABLE SYSTEMS chapter (page 35-9).
then insert that end into cable-adjusting bar-
rel, with inner wire going into adjusting bar-
rel, as well.
3. [ ] Hold other end of housing piece adjacent to It is critical to use ferrules anytime they will fit. Fit
housing stop on frame. a ferrule onto the housing and check if the ferrule will
4. [ ] Position derailleur so parallelogram body is install into the housing stop or adjusting barrel. If it
roughly parallel to line from axle to center of fits without jamming, it must be used.
bottom bracket, or pointing slightly down.
5. [ ] Move housing back and forth at housing stop
Ferrules for compressionless housing
at frame and stop at point housing ferrule in There are ferrules made for wound housing that
adjusting barrel is not twisted up or down in will fit onto compressionless housing, but are not
adjusting-barrel socket. suitable. Compressionless-housing ferrules are spe-
6. [ ] Mark housing at point that is even with cially reinforced at the closed end to resist corrup-
closed end of housing stop on frame. tion from the ends of the wires that are part of the
7. [ ] Remove housing from inner wire and cut compressionless housing. If the wrong ferrule is
housing at mark. used, the housing wires will force themselves though
the hole in the ferrule where the inner wire comes

31 – 7
out. Pre-sized pieces of compressionless housing come
with appropriate ferrules installed. Most packages of bulk
compressionless-housing come with a supply of suitable
ferrules. When purchasing separate ferrules that are suit-
able for use with compressionless housing, they are more
likely to be described as fitting Shimano SIS housing than
as fitting compressionless housing. In any case, to iden-
tify a compressionless-housing-compatible ferrule, look
at the hole at the end where the inner wire comes out. If
the material is obviously more than .5mm thick, the fer-
rule is compressionless-housing compatible.
Reusing ferrules
Factory ferrules that are on compressionless hous-
ing can be reused when installing new housing if there
are no new compatible ferrules available.
1. [ ] Put old housing in vise about 1/2" from end
of jaws, with end of ferrule sticking up
above vise about 3/4".
2. [ ] Gently grasp housing with needle-nose pliers
just below ferrule.
3. [ ] Lever pliers down against vise to lift fer-
rule off end of housing.
4. [ ] Place ferrule(s) on new housing.
5. [ ] Insert old derailleur inner wire through a fer-
rule until inner-wire head is against ferrule.
6. [ ] Use cable fourth-hand tool to draw inner
wire through housing, simultaneously press-
ing both ferrules onto housing.
Crimping ferrules onto housing
Ferrules come from the factory crimped onto the
housing so that they won’t get lost in transit. Once a
cable is installed on a bike, there is no advantage to
having the ferrules crimped on. Crimping is a waste
of time, and it complicates reusing ferrules. Crimping
on ferrules is not recommended.

Any housing used for derailleur systems should be
lined with a plastic sheath. Performance will always be
improved by dripping or spraying oil into the housing
before installing the cable system. Oil will reduce the
friction caused by dirt that gets into the housing, and
will reduce the tendency for the inner wire to rust.
Grease should not be used because it can congeal when
it gets cold or old, which will lower the performance of
the cable system.

31 – 8

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Housing: The outer sheath of the shift-control

This chapter is about shift levers and twist-grip
Shift-control cable: The inner wire and housing
shifters. There are separate chapters about the setup of
that work as a unit to transfer a change at the shift-
control cables that attach to the shift-control mecha-
control mechanism to the derailleur.
nisms (DERAILLEUR-CABLE SYSTEMS, page 31-1), but this
Adjusting barrel: A hollow bolt that the inner
chapter includes information about installing the in-
wire passes through, with a socket head that the hous-
ner wire into the shift-control mechanism. There is a
ing inserts into. The adjusting barrel is screwed in and
separate REAR DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-1) and
out of the shift-control mechanism to adjust the rela-
FRONT DERAILLEURS chapter (page 33-1).
tive length of the inner wire.
Indexed (shifting): A shifting system in which
the shift-control mechanism stops at prescribed incre-
GENERAL INFORMATION ments, rather than anywhere within a prescribed range.
When an indexed shift-control mechanism is moved
to one of the prescribed positions, the shift is com-
TERMINOLOGY pleted automatically.
Shift-control mechanism: A lever or twist grip Friction (shifting): A shifting system in which
that the rider uses to control the derailleur operations. the shift-control mechanism moves to an infinite num-
Shift lever: A lever that is rotated about a pivot to ber of positions within a prescribed range. The shift-
move the inner wire that operates the derailleur. control mechanism is moved to wherever the operator
Shifter drum: A cylinder that the cable wraps chooses to complete the shift. It is not automatic.
around when the shifter is rotated. Front derailleur: The mechanism that moves the
Twist grip: A cylinder that is part of the hand chain between gear choices on the crankset.
grip on the handlebar that is rotated around the handle- Rear derailleur: The mechanism that moves the
bar to move the inner wire that operates the derailleur. chain between gear choices on the rear hub.
Grip Shift: See twist grip.
Down-tube levers: Shift-control mechanisms that
are mounted on the down tube of the frame.
If installing a new shift-control mechanism or re-
Stem shifters: Shift-control mechanisms that are
placing an existing one, cable installation and derailleur
mounted on the vertical shaft of the stem.
indexing adjustment will be required. There are no
Bar-end shifters: Shift-control mechanisms that
other prerequisites.
are mounted in the ends of drop-style handlebars.
Bar cons: See bar-end shifters.
Top-mount shifters: Shift-control mechanisms INDICATIONS
that are mounted on top of MTB-style handlebars.
Thumb shifters: See top mount shifters. Maintenance
Most of the time, the only maintenance needed
Below-bar shifters: Shift-control mechanisms that
by a shift-control mechanism is lubrication. Sometimes
are mounted so that they are reached by using the
they need partial disassembling and cleaning.
thumb below the bar on MTB-style handlebars.
Integral shift/brake levers: Shift-control mecha- Derailleur replacement
nisms found on road bikes with which the shift levers Derailleurs and shift-control mechanisms must be
are integrated into the brake levers. compatible. Sometimes changing a derailleur means
Inner wire: The wire portions of the shift-con- that a new shift-control mechanism is needed.
trol cable.

30 – 1

Rear cogset replacement

Sometimes a cogset will be changed to have more
gears. The derailleur may be able to handle the increase, Compatibility with derailleur
but an indexing shift-control mechanism is almost al- Shift-control mechanisms must be compatible with
ways set for a specific number of gears. the derailleurs they are used with. An indexing shifter
moves a fixed amount of cable for each click of the
Symptoms indicating need for cleaning control. This amount of cable motion must be the
Any shifting system is complex, and a symptom correct amount to move the derailleur precisely from
may be caused by any of several parts of the system. one gear to the next.
An indexing lever in need of cleaning will create a Any table of compatibility is doomed to becoming
symptom of the indexing adjustment being too tight outdated rapidly. Manufacturer’s technical support and
and too loose at the same time. This can also be caused literature will always be a better source of information.
by control-cable problems, dirty or worn-out chain or As a general guideline, different brands of shifters and
derailleur, or compatibility problems with the shift- derailleurs can rarely be matched (except Grip Shift
control mechanism, derailleur, chain, and cogset. brand, which are made specifically for other brands of
Symptoms indicating need for replacement derailleurs). Even models within a brand may be in-
The symptom indicating need for replacement is compatible; for example, Shimano Dura-Ace compo-
the same as the symptom indicating need for cleaning, nents can’t be mixed with other Shimano components.
except when all the other causes have been eliminated When in doubt, it is possible to test for whether
and cleaning has been done, the symptom persists. two components are compatible. In the REAR DE-
Indexing shift-control mechanisms have delicate RAILLEURS chapter is a section called FUNCTIONAL
internal parts that sometimes break. The symptom will RANGE OF ADJUSTMENT (page 32-21) that describes a
be either a lever that will not move, or it moves but test that measures shifting performance. If mismatched
the control cable cannot. The same symptom can also equipment performs well in this test, it is compatible.
be caused by the inner wire being installed wrong. If Compatibility with inner wire
the inner wire is in correctly, the shift-control mecha- Shape and size of the inner-wire head is important.
nism needs to be replaced. Some modern shifters have plastic sockets that the in-
ner-wire head seats in. If it is not a good fit, it can jam in
TOOL CHOICES place and be very difficult to ever get out. Before using
a wire, insert its head backwards into the shifter socket
Installing and removing a shift-control mechanism
requires no special tools. As a consequence of install- and make sure it slips all the way in and out easily.
ing a shift-control mechanism, a derailleur will need Inner-wire diameter is important with indexing
adjustment, but any special tools for this are covered shifters. The amount of cable pulled with each click
in the REAR DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-5) and FRONT of the shifter is a function of the diameter of the cylin-
DERAILLEURS chapter (page 33-3). der (shifter drum) that the cable is wrapping around
Shimano STI levers (road-bike shift levers that are and the inner-wire diameter. Until 1995, all indexing
integrated into the brake levers) require a couple of levers used a 1.2mm inner wire except Shimano Dura-
special tools called the TL-ST01 and TL-ST02 for dis- Ace (1.6mm). Shimano switched to a 1.1mm wire in
assembling the lever. 1995, and back to 1.2mm in 1996.
Integration with brake levers
TIME AND DIFFICULTY Certain shifters on MTBs share a mount with the
brake lever. The configuration of the mount is spe-
In most cases, installing a shift-control mechanism
cific to the model of shifter. When one of these older
is a 2–5 minute job of little difficulty. Adjustment of
shifters needs replacement, it is possible that the brake
the derailleur is additional. If installing bar-end shifters,
levers and shifters will both need replacement.
taping the bars is additional. If changing between a
lever system that is integrated with the brake levers Symptom caused by multiple items
and one that is not, brake-lever installation and brake When indexing shift performance is poor, the
adjustment would take additional time. For the time nature of the symptom will not necessarily point to
and difficulty rating of all these additional factors, see one specific cause. A shifter, cable, derailleur, chain,
the chapters that pertain to them. or rear cogset could all cause the same symptom.

30 – 2
Patience to investigate all the possible causes of the
symptom is required to narrow it down to, or to ex-
clude, the shifter as the cause. Integrated shift/brake levers
1. [
] Remove grip if necessary.


] Slide shift/brake lever over end of bar.
] Install grip to final position.
] Slide shift/brake lever outward until clamp is
against inside edge of grip.
The rest of this chapter is divided into seven sec- 5. [ ] Remove and lubricate brake-lever binder bolt.
tions for each type of shift-control mechanism. Each 6. [ ] Install brake-lever binder bolt and gently snug.
section is divided into an installation sub-section and a 7. [ ] With bike in on-ground position, use dial pro-
service sub-section. Some sections are divided further, tractor to rotate lever so that brake lever
when different brands or models within a category re- body is 45° from horizontal.
quire different procedures. The seven sections are:

Types 30.1 Rotate the brake lever 45° down from horizontal.
Many below-bar shifters are integrated with the 8. [ ] Tighten brake-lever binder bolt to:
brake lever. They can be removed from the brake lever 35–50in-lbs (9–12lbs@4").
for cleaning or replacement, but to install and align
them, the brake lever must be installed and aligned. Non-integrated below-bar shifters
Another type of below-bar shifter is not integrated 1. [ ] Remove binder bolt from shifter-mounting
strap or clamp.
with the brake lever. This type needs to be positioned
2. [ ] Lubricate binder-bolt threads.
relative to the brake lever after correctly positioning
3. [ ] Install shifter, brake lever, then grip onto
the brake lever. handlebar. Correctly position brake lever (ad-
Terminology jacent to grip and rotated down 45° from
flat), then secure brake lever.
Up-shift lever: The lever that is pushed to move
4. [ ] Install shifter binder bolt and gently snug.
the derailleur from a smaller diameter gear (fewer teeth) 5. [ ] Slide shifter outward against brake lever, until
to a larger diameter gear (more teeth). release lever is just far enough outward to not
Release lever: The lever that is pushed to release touch brake lever when shifter is operated.
the derailleur to a smaller diameter gear (fewer teeth) 6. [ ] Rotate shifter so that shifters will operate in
from a larger diameter gear (more teeth). a plane 45° down from horizontal.
Shifter pod: The complete shift-control mecha-
nism that is part of an integrated shift/brake lever.
Pod-mounting plate: The flat plate that is part of
the brake-lever body.
Brake-lever binder bolt: The bolt that secures the
brake-lever clamp to the handlebar. 45°
Pod-mounting bolt: The bolt that secures the
shifter pod to the pod-mounting plate.

30.2 Rotate the shifter 45° down from horizontal.

30 – 3
8. [ ] Tighten shifter-clamp binder bolt to: swinging out of place, two tiny Phillips screws hold it
25–30in-lbs (6–8lbs@4"). in place. In both cases, the cover is accessed from the
SunTour X-Press shifters back face of the lever unit, just below the handlebar;
The correct rotational alignment for these shifters where the inner-wire slot ends in the mount for the
is 60° down from horizontal (starting with shifters at adjusting barrel, the cover begins. Underneath the
horizontal in front of handlebars). cover is a pivoting cable anchor, just like the one in
the brake lever that the brake inner wire attaches to.
1. [ ] Press release lever 7 times to make sure shift
INNER-WIRE INSTALLATION mechanism is in fully-released condition.
2. [ ] Remove cable-anchor cover by pivoting it up
Shimano Rapidfire and Rapidfire Plus towards handlebar, or by removing small
inner-wire installation Phillips screws and lifting cover off lever (de-
Shimano Rapidfire levers (both levers pushed with pending on model).
the thumb) havea cover plate retained by a Phillips 3. [ ] Line up slot in adjusting barrel with slot in
screw that has to be removed to access the inside of the adjusting-barrel mount.
4. [ ] Swing cable anchor up towards handlebar.
shifter for inner-wire installation. Some Rapidfire Plus
5. [ ] Hook inner-wire head into cable anchor.
levers have a plug in the access hole for the inner wire.
6. [ ] Swing inner wire into slot in adjusting-barrel
Rapidfire SL levers (described after the next heading), mount and into slot in adjusting barrel.
have a completely different cable-installation process. 7. [ ] Rotate adjusting barrel 1/2 turn so inner wire
Shimano Rapidfire and Rapidfire Plus (release le- will not accidentally come out.
ver operated by index finger) shifters need to be fully 8. [ ] Replace cable-anchor access cover.
released in order to correctly install the inner wire.
The wire can be installed without fully releasing the
SunTour X-Press inner-wire installation
1. [ ] Unscrew shifter cover screw at center of
shifter, but the lever will not operate correctly. shifter cover and remove cover.
1. [ ] Remove access cover plate if any. 2. [ ] Feed inner wire out adjusting barrel.
2. [ ] Operate release lever at least 7 times to in- 3. [ ] Hook inner-wire head into socket in shifter
sure lever is fully released. plate inside shifter.
Earlier Shimano levers were difficult to install in- 4. [ ] Replace shifter cover.
ner wires in, because once the inner wire was installed
through the hole in the shifter drum it would not pass
easily through the adjusting barrel. Sometimes it is SERVICE
necessary to remove the adjusting barrel from the Shifter pods can be replaced or cleaned, but they
shifter to complete the inner-wire installation. are never disassembled to replace individual parts be-
3. [ ] Insert end of wire through access hole into in- cause the individual parts are not sold.
ner-wire head socket and out adjusting barrel.
4. [ ] Pull inner wire through until head seats into
Shimano shifter-pod replacement
socket in the shifter drum. Shifter pods are attached one of three ways at
5. [ ] Pulling firmly on inner wire, push up-shift le- this time. First, a little orientation. The front of the
ver and then release lever to make sure wire shift/brake-control unit is the side that can be seen
moves to and away from shifter as levers are when standing in front of the bike and facing it.
operated. (If not, inner wire is in wrong and The back face is the side that would face toward the
should be removed.) rider’s knees. Some models have the shifter pod
Shimano Rapidfire SL inner-wire mounted on a plate that is visible from the front.
There is a bolt head in the center of the shifter pod
installation on the back face of the assembly. These will be called
Shimano Rapidfire SL shift mechanisms are dis-
exposed-plate models (see figure 30.3, page 30-5).
tinguished in appearance by the fact that there is a slot
Some models have the shifter pod mounted on a
in the derailleur-cable adjusting barrel for quick-releas-
plate that is enclosed between the shifter pod and
ing the cable out of the shift mechanism. On less ex-
the gear-indicator unit. There is a bolt head in the
pensive models, there is a cover that swings out of place
center of the shifter pod on the back face of the
to expose the anchor for the inner-wire head. More
assembly. These will be called enclosed-plate models
expensive models have a similar cover, but instead of
(see figure 30.4, page 30-5). Shimano Rapidfire SL mod-
els have an exposed plate, but there is no bolt head in the

30 – 4
center of the shifter pod (see figure 30.5, below, posed to engage it. Use Loctite #222 on the mounting-
right). Rapidfire SL levers can also be identified by bolt threads and torque to 25in-lbs (6lbs@4"). On some
the unique fact that they have a slot in the derailleur- models, the pod cannot be removed unless the gear-
cable adjusting barrel that is used for moving the indicator unit is also removed. This includes STX and
inner wire in and out of the adjusting barrel. This Alivio Models with “MC” in the model number, which
last type will be called Rapidfire SL models. are visually distinguished by having an enclosed mount-
Exposed-plate models: To remove the shifter, ing plate and an under-the-bar indicator unit.
loosen the bolt that is visible on the front face of the
mounting plate. Note the rotational orientation of the Plastic cover Gear indicator
shifter because it may have multiple mounting posi- Front of bike
tions. When the bolt is fully removed, the shifter pod
will pull off the back side of the plate. When reinstall-
ing, make sure that the positioning pegs go into the Brake lever
desired positioning holes in the mounting plate. Use Brake-lever body
Loctite #222 on the mounting-bolt threads and torque
the bolt(s) to 25in-lbs (6lbs@4").

Exposed plate Shifter pod

Pod-mounting bolt

Pod-mounting bolt 30.4 Removing the pod from an enclosed-plate unit.

Rapidfire SL models: Remove the gear indicator

and the derailleur inner wire first. The shifter pod on
these models is held in place by three Phillips screws.
All the screws are on the back face of the pod. One is
close to the derailleur-cable adjusting barrel. Another
Front of bike is just clockwise of the release lever. The third one is
just counterclockwise of the release lever. One of the
Brake lever screws near the release lever will be hidden by the up-
shift lever. When these three screws are removed, the
shifter pod pulls easily of its mount. (See figure 30.5,

30.3 Removing the pod from the exposed plate.

Enclosed-plate models: The shifter-pod mount-

ing bolt goes through the center of the pod and is ac- 3– (hidden)
cessed from the back face of the pod. It is often se-
cured with a heavy-duty Loctite and may be difficult
to break loose. The bolt is threaded into a sleeve nut
with a flatted flange that is hidden behind the gear- 2
indicator unit. The flatted flange tends to pop out of 1
its recess and just spin, so pull out on the shifter pod
firmly while loosening or tightening the mounting
bolt. If the sleeve nut spins uncontrollably, it will be
necessary to remove the gear-indicator unit. When in-
stalling the pod, make sure the lever is fully released 30.5 To remove the pod from a Rapidfire SL model, remove
so that the post on the colorful plastic plate that acti- screws 1, 2, and 3.
vates the gear indicator goes in the hole that is sup-

30 – 5

Shimano Rapidfire and Rapidfire Plus gear- On the front side of the indicator unit, remove the
Phillips screw that is adjacent to the brake-cable ad-
indicator-unit replacement justing-barrel locknut. Lift off the indicator-unit
The following information covers gear-indicator
cover. The orange indicator arm (spring loaded, be
removal and replacement for earlier Shimano Rapidfire
careful) just lifts out of the cover plate. When rein-
and Rapidfire Plus models. There is another section
stalling the indicator arm, the spring must be set up
following this one for Rapidfire SL models (distin-
to force the arm fully counterclockwise. The plastic
guished by slot in derailleur-cable adjusting barrel).
actuator lifts out of the shifter-pod mounting plate
There are several ways that the gear indicator is
to expose the flanged sleeve nut that the pod-mount-
mounted to the shift/brake control. When the pod is
ing bolt screws into. When reinstalling, the pod unit
mounted to an exposed-plate model, the indicator unit
needs to be shifted to the fully-released condition
comes off with the pod. These will be called integrated
so that the long pin on the actuator will line up
type (figure 30.6). Other types on enclosed-plate mod-
properly with the hole it inserts in.
els may be over-the-bar or under-the-bar indicator units.
All of these are not integrated with the shifter pod and
come off separately. The under-the-bar type will be
called non-integrated under-the-bar type (figure
30.7). The over-the-bar types come in three variations
at the time of this writing! These will be called hid-
den-screw over-the-bar type (figure 30.8), visible-
screw over-the-bar type (figure 30.9), and Rapidfire 2
SL type (described under separate heading).
Integrated type: This is found on 700CX and
400CX models. After removing the pod from the
mount, unthread two Phillips screws on the back side
of the pod that are just below the indicator window.
The indicator unit cover will lift off of the pod. The
indicator itself is a thin sliding plastic strip that can-
not be removed correctly without fully disassembling 3
the pod unit, which should not be done. If the strip is
damaged and jamming, it can be ripped out with a
pair of pliers after removing the cover.

Indicator-cover screws
30.7 To remove an indicator unit from a non-integrated under-
the-bar type, remove screws 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Hidden-screw over-the-bar type: When this

type is on the handlebar, no screws can be seen in
the indicator unit when viewed from the front. The
whole shift/brake control must be removed from
the handlebar to remove the indicator. Once the
whole assembly is off the bar, one screw will be-
come visible that was hidden by the handlebar. The
other screw is on the back face of the casting just
below the bottom of the shifter pod. Remove both
30.6 Shifting pod with an integrated gear indicator.
these screws. Do not remove the two screws in the in-
Non-integrated under-the-bar type: Remove dicator unit that are close to the window! Remove the
two Phillips screws that are on the backside of the brake-cable adjusting barrel. On the front face of
pod and just outside the perimeter of the pod cover, the control unit, the brake-lever reach-adjustment
which rotates when the up-shift lever is operated.
Remove the brake-lever reach-adjustment screw.

30 – 6
screw must be removed so that the indicator unit Shimano Rapidfire SL gear-indicator-unit
can be lifted off. Pull on the indicator unit to re-
move it from the lever body.
removal and installation
Rapidfire SL models are distinguished by a slot in
the derailleur-cable adjusting barrel. The gear indica-
tor is on the front face of the plate on which the shifter
pod mounts. Removing two small Phillips screws en-
ables the gear-indicator unit to be lifted off the mount-
ing plate. An asymmetrical hexagonal plastic stud in
1 the back face of the gear indicator engages an asym-
metrical hexagonal socket that is in a hole in the mount-
2 ing plate; if the shifter pod is in the fully-released mode
3 when installing the gear indicator unit, the asymmetri-
cal stud and socket will line up automatically. When
installing the gear-indicator unit, the brake-lever reach-
adjusting bolt may need to be removed in order to line
the gear-indicator unit up properly.
Shimano shifter-pod cleaning
and lubrication
Before replacing a shifter pod that is not function-
ing, consider cleaning and re-lubing it. To clean it, the
pod must be removed from the mount and the cover
must be removed from the pod. On pods with inte-
30.8 To remove the indicator unit from a hidden-screw over-the- grated indicators, the indicator cover should also be
bar type, remove screws 1 and 2, adjusting barrel (3) and screw 4. removed.
The technique for removing pod covers is differ-
Visible-screw over-the-bar type: This type can be ent for different models. On exposed-mount types only,
removed without removing the whole shift/brake con- there may be a single large Phillips screw at the center
trol unit from the lever. Viewed from the front, small of the pod cover on the back side. Some exposed mount
screws at the base of the indicator-unit tower and close types have an additional small Phillips screw at the
to the brake-cable adjusting barrel will be seen. Remove perimeter of the pod cover that must also be removed.
these with a #0 Phillips screwdriver, and the indicator Some exposed mount types have only a small Phillips
unit lifts right off. Do not disassemble the unit! The plas- screw at the perimeter of the pod cover. All enclosed
tic actuator lifts up, and the mount cover snaps off. mount types have only a small Phillips screw at the
perimeter of the pod cover.
The Rapidfire SL models have a small Phillips
screw at the base of the up-shift lever that must be
removed in order to remove the pod cover.
After removing the pod and cover(s), soak the pod
in solvent. After it has soaked, agitate it in the solvent
1 2 and repeatedly operate the levers while it is submerged.
Blow it dry thoroughly and generously lube it with a
heavy-weight spray lube.

30.9 To remove the indicator unit from a visible-screw over-the-

bar type, remove screws 1 and 2.

30 – 7


Top-mount shifters are installed inward of the brake
levers. The shifter is above and in front of the handlebar.
The following instructions are suitable for models
The end of the lever extends to the grip, and if the
SRT 100/150, SRT 400i/300i/200i, SRT 500R,
lever is positioned too far outward the lever can inter-
Quickshift, MRX-100, and SRT 400/600/800/900 (X-
fere with use of the grip. Some models have cast clamps
ray). These models were current in 1995 at the time of
and must be slid on the bar from the end before in-
this writing. Models after this time may be similar or
stalling the brake lever or grip. Some models have strap
completely different.
clamps that can be spread open and slipped over the
bar while the brake lever and grip are in place. Installation
1. [ ] With brake lever and grip in final positions, 1. [ ] Loosen brake lever.
mount shifter loosely, inward of brake lever. 2. [ ] Slide Grip Shift shifting unit onto handlebar.
2. [ ] Lubricate mounting-bolt threads and snug The washer installed in the next step is very im-
bolt gently so that shifter can easily be portant because it keeps the shifter from binding
moved, but will stay in place by itself. against the grip.
3. [ ] Operate shift lever so that lever is parallel to 3. [ ] Slide 7/8" thin plastic washer onto handle-
handlebar. bar.
4. [ ] Move lever unit laterally so that end of lever 4. [ ] Install grip fully onto handlebar.
is even with and not overlapping inward end 5. [ ] Slide Grip Shift shifter outward so that it is
of grip. against inward end of grip.
5. [ ] Rotate lever unit around handlebar until lever 6. [ ] Secure brake lever at final rotational and lat-
swings in a plane that is parallel to ground. eral positions.
Lever rotation is acceptable in a range from paral- For securing the Grip Shift to the handlebar, there
lel to the ground, to rotated 45° forward. A position of is either a binder bolt or set screw with an Allen head.
25–30° forward is recommended. Either is located at the inward end of the unit, at a
6. [ ] Rotate lever forward to desired angle location that will be toward the back side and bottom,
(25–30° recommended).
when the unit is on the handlebar with the adjusting
7. [ ] Secure mounting bolt to 20–25in-lbs
barrel positioned just below the brake lever.
7. [ ] Remove and lube mounting-binder bolt or set
INNER-WIRE INSTALLATION Depending on the set-up of the frame and handle-
When installing the inner wire, thread it fully bars, the conventional positioning of the adjusting
through the socket on the shifter drum so that the barrels below the brake levers might create an awk-
head ends up in the socket, then put the end of the ward cable routing. If this is the case, do not hesitate
wire through the housing stop or adjusting barrel and to try positioning the Grip Shift adjusting barrels above
draw the wire fully through. Putting the wire partially the brake-lever bodies.
through the hole in the shifter drum and then through 8. [ ] Rotate Grip Shift shifter until its adjusting
the housing stop, before pulling the wire all the way barrel is just below brake-lever body, then
install and gently secure binder-bolt/set-
through the hole in the shifter drum, will result is the
inner wire developing a corkscrew bend. 9. [ ] Operate brake lever to make sure Grip Shift
does not interfere with operation and reposi-
SERVICE tion shifter as necessary.
10. [ ] Secure set screw (2.5mm Allen) to 20in-lbs
Look for a shifter-mounting bolt on the bottom
(7lbs@3"), or binder bolt (3mm Allen) to
side to remove the shifter from the mount. If there is a 17in-lbs (6lbs@3").
screw in the shifter cover, remove it. Soak and agitate
the shifter in solvent, then blow dry and lubricate thor- Detaching cable
oughly. There is no point to disassembling the mecha- 1. [ ] Rotate shifter forward to fully release inner
nism because there are no parts available. wire and disconnect inner wire from derailleur.

30 – 8

Cover-plate removal If a cover plate was removed, the twist unit will pull
Most Grip Shift mechanisms have a cover plate out of the housing effortlessly. If the model had no cover
that must be removed for dissassembly, but some do plate, it must be rotated fully back (pulling the cable as
not. far as possible) before pulling it off with some effort.
If the inner wire is exposed in a groove around the 4. [ ] Pull twist unit out of housing. Models with
bend at the base of the adjusting barrel, there is no no cover plate must be rotated fully back be-
fore pulling.
cover plate.
5. [ ] Push inner wire into adjusting barrel until
If there is no exposed wire, look for a Phillips screw end is through and out of adjusting barrel.
in the outward face of the base that goes out to the Some shifters have the inner-wire head inserted in
adjusting barrel (see figure 30.1). When the screw is a socket that is in the inward face of the shifter hous-
removed, the plate comes right off. ing. Some shifters have the inner-wire head inserted in
If there is no exposed wire or Phillips screw, look the large cylinder surface of the twist unit.
for a shallow slot that just fits a 3/16" screwdriver blade 6. [ ] Push inner wire out of twist unit or out of
on the inward face of the base that goes out to the shifter housing.
adjusting barrel (figure 30.11). Insert a screwdriver in
this slot and twist or pry to pop the cover plate off. Cleaning and lubrication
7. [ ] Parts should only be cleaned with a mild
soap. Solvents may degrade plastic parts.
2 Cover-plate screw 8. [ ] Lubricate shifter-housing barrel, spring, spring
cavity, cable groove on way to adjusting bar-
rel, and détentes in twist unit with Grip Shift
Jonnisnot grease or petroleum jelly only.
NOTE: If inner-wire head is in twist unit, skip to
step 12.
Inserting inner wire in shifter
with wire-head socket in shifter housing
NOTE: If wire is already installed, skip to step 14.
9. [ ] Feed wire end into socket on inward face of
shifter housing and seat head fully.
30.10 This outward-end view shows the Phillips screw that holds 10. [ ] Wrap wire one time around shifter-housing
on the cover plate on some models. barrel and then into adjusting barrel, pulling
so that loop ends up slightly smaller than di-
ameter of enclosure.
Slot Cover plate 11. [ ] Slide shifter onto barrel of housing and place
loop of housing up feed ramp and into
groove around inward end of twist unit, then
go to step 14.


30.11 This inward-end view shows the slot used to pry off the
cover plate on some models. 2

2. [ ] Remove cover plate on base that goes out to

adjusting barrel.
30.12 To install the inner wire: 1) wrap the wire once around the
Removing twist unit and cable shifter-housing barrel, 2) feed the wire onto the ramp and into the
3. [ ] Remove the grip and washer just outward of groove around the twist unit, 3) then push the twist unit into the
shifter. shifter housing.

30 – 9

Inserting inner wire in shifter 5. [ ] While holding bottom cover up against handle-
bar, pull cover off top of shift mechanism.
with wire-head socket in twist unit 6. [ ] Pull lock button up out of back side of lower
12. [ ] Insert wire into socket in twist unit, and seat cover.
head fully. 7. [ ] Pull J-ring off of top of inward end of twister.
13. [ ] Slide twist unit onto barrel of shifter hous- 8. [ ] Pull inner-wire guide out of front side of
ing, and insert wire through adjusting barrel. lower cover.
Assembling shifter 9. [ ] Drop lower cover off of handlebar and slide
14. [ ] Line up twist unit so that any part of gear- cover off end of inner wire.
indicator range on twist unit lines up with 10. [ ] If cleaning parts, remove grip and twister
gear-indicator mark on shifter housing. from handlebar.
15. [ ] Pull firmly on inner wire while pressing in 11. [ ] Clean all parts, if desired.
twist unit with firm pressure. Rotate twist 12. [ ] Grease inside of twister & both sides of J-ring.
unit back-and-forth to get spring to line up 13. [ ] Install twister and grip on bar, if previously
with détente, until parts seat together fully. removed.
16. [ ] Install cover plate, if any. 14. [ ] Insert inner wire into hole on twister.
17. [ ] Pull on inner wire while operating twist unit 15. [ ] Insert inner wire into back side of adjusting-
back-and-forth to check that cable moves barrel hole in lower cover.
and twist unit clicks in détentes. 16. [ ] Slide lower cover up inner wire and put
lower cover on bottom side of handlebar so
that lip on inner edge engages groove in bot-
SACHS POWER GRIP tom side of twister.

AND POWER GRIP PRO 17. [ ] Holding lower cover up against bottom of
handlebar, place lock button in back face of
Installation lower cover with tab going down into cover.
18. [ ] Place J-ring over inward end of twister so
1. [ ] Install brake lever on handlebar loosely.
that pawl on inside surface of J-ring engages
2. [ ] Slide shifter onto handlebar and leave loose.
top-most détente in twister.
3. [ ] If shifter has separate grip, slide both 7/8"
19. [ ] Rotating twister and deflecting end of J-ring
I.D. washers onto handlebar and install sta-
as necessary, seat end of J-ring in slot in
tionary grip fully on, then slide shifter out
lower cover.
gently against washers.
20. [ ] Install inner-wire guide in lower cover so that
4. [ ] If shifter includes full grip, slide shifter fully
small end goes in back side of adjusting bar-
on bar.
rel hole and top end catches under shoulder
5. [ ] Position and secure brake lever.
on twister where inner wire first appears.
6. [ ] Rotate shifter until adjusting barrel is just be-
21. [ ] Place upper cover over mechanism.
low brake-lever body.
22. [ ] Insert bolts in lower cover and gently snug.
7. [ ] Secure shifter bolts on bottom side of hous-
23. [ ] Slide adjusting-barrel assembly over cable
ing to 35in-lbs (12lbs@3").
and insert nut on adjusting barrel into hole in
Inner-wire replacement and service lower cover.
Before performing the following procedure, con- 24. [ ] Position and secure shifter as described in
firm that the model being dealt with is one this proce- previous section, Installation.
dure covers. The most current models do not require
any disassembly for wire removal. Simply detach the
inner wire from the derailleur and attempt to push it
out of the shifter. INTEGRAL SHIFT/BRAKE
If this works, do not use the following procedure
for inner-wire replacement.
1. [ ] Leave shifter on handlebar during disassembly.
2. [ ] Shift to release all cable tension and detach
inner wire from derailleur and remove all
1. [ ] Pull out on rubber cover on outward side of
cable housings. shift/brake lever to reveal head of lever-
3. [ ] Pull cable-adjusting barrel out of shift- mounting bolt and loosen bolt until almost
mechanism cover. out of nut in mounting strap.
4. [ ] Remove both bolts in bottom of shift-mecha-
nism cover.

30 – 10
2. [ ] Lubricate threads of nut in mounting strap.
3. [ ] Slide lever onto bottom of handlebar. If lever
is correct for this side of bike, housing stop
will point inward.
4. [ ] Snug mounting bolt so that lever can just be
moved up and down.
5. [ ] Move lever up or down so that bottom tip of
lever is .5" above or below line extended for-
3– pull
ward from bottom of bar. lever out
6. [ ] Rotate lever so that it points straight for-
1– loosen set screw
7. [ ] Secure lever-mounting bolt to 70–85in-lbs 2– remove lever pivot


Shifter unit: The entire lever assembly that pulls
back to the handlebar to operate the brake, or pushes
to the center of the bike to operate the gears.
Brake/shift lever: The primary lever, that is pulled
back for braking and pushed inward to pull the de- 30.13 To remove the shifter unit: 1) loosen the set screw, 2) push
out the lever pivot, 3) then pull the shifter unit out of the lever body.
railleur inner wire.
Release lever: The secondary lever that is pushed 7. [ ] Operate brake lever to relieve pressure from
inward to release the derailleur inner wire. brake-lever return spring and push brake-le-
Housing-stop/front-cover: The cover in front of ver pivot stud inward using 4mm Allen or
the head of the brake/shift lever.The housing-stop por- similar tool. (Note orientation of stud. Re-
tion is the protrusion that points inward that has a cessed portion of stud is on end to inward
socket in it for the cable housing to insert in. side of lever.)
Lever-pivot stud: A small axle that the shifter unit 8. [ ] Carefully remove lever assembly from lever
pivots on when pulling the brake/shift lever backward housing. (Watch for lever bushings and lever-
return spring that may fall out.)
to operate the brake.
Brake-lever housing: The stationary body of the Dura-Ace models: lever-unit service
lever that attaches to the handlebar. See figure 30.14 (page 30-12) for an illustration of
Chrome adapter: A large piece of chromed metal steps #1–5.
that connects the shifter unit to the brake-lever hous- NOTE: Perform shifter-unit removal before this pro-
ing. cedure.
1. [ ] Gently pry cable-anchor pivot upward using
Shifter-unit removal small tipped screwdriver. (Note orientation of
1. [ ] While pedaling, operate release lever until bushings and place on bundle.)
chain reaches last gear, then detach inner 2. [ ] Remove retaining nut at back of shift lever
wire from derailleur. by turning TL-ST01 with 5mm Allen wrench.
2. [ ] Remove cable housings and pull inner wire (Hold tool square to nut and apply force to-
from all guides on frame. ward nut while turning counterclockwise.)
3. [ ] Compress brake lever to handlebar to reveal 3. [ ] Remove lock washer that was behind nut.
cable head in socket in outward side of head 4. [ ] Remove chrome adapter and plastic dust
of brake/shift lever. cover together from lever assembly. (Note
4. [ ] Push inner wire into housing stop on inward the spring is engaged on dust cover. Leave
side of lever and pull inner-wire head out spring on cover.)
outward side. 5. [ ] Remove small metal washer from splined
5. [ ] Remove entire brake lever from handlebar. stud.
6. [ ] Loosen brake-lever-stud fixing screw using 6. [ ] Noting engagement of release lever to re-
2mm Allen key, one complete turn. lease plate, remove release plate from
splined stud.

30 – 11
5. [ ] Separate release lever and brake/shift lever
Cable-anchor pivot to expose internal mechanisms.
Shimano TL-ST01
6. [ ] Carefully clean and flush unit in solvent, tak-
ing care not to disturb internal parts.
2 7. [ ] Using care, dry with compressed air.
8. [ ] Lubricate pivot points with oil or light grease.
9. [ ] Apply Loctite 222 to thread of shift-unit fix-
Retaining nut
ing screw.
Chrome adapter 10. [ ] Place cleaned and lubricated mechanism (or
new mechanism) back inside brake/shift lever.
Plastic cover Make sure mechanism is fully seated inside.
11. [ ] Move release lever to expose Phillips screw,
and secure screw to 12–18in-lbs.
12. [ ] Apply Loctite 242 or 222 to threads of fix-
ing bolt that holds on housing stop/front le-
ver cover.
13. [ ] Seat seal ring in groove in face of brake/shift
14. [ ] Engage end of large coil spring into slot in
back face of housing stop/front cover. (Only
one end of spring may allow spring to fit
easily into recess.)
30.14 To disassemble Dura-Ace shifter unit: 1) remove cable-an- 15. [ ] Place housing-stop/front-cover over brake/shift
chor pivot; 2) remove retaining nut with Shimano TL-ST01 tool; lever so that end of spring in cover inserts into
then pull lock washer, chrome adapter, and plastic cover off of small hole in face of brake/shift lever.
brake/shift unit. 16. [ ] Rotate cover approximately 90° in direction
that housing stop points to, until square hole
7. [ ] Carefully clean and flush unit in solvent, tak- in cover lines up with flats on stud, then
ing care not to disturb internal parts. press cover onto stud.
8. [ ] Using care, dry with compressed air. 17. [ ] Treat cover-fixing-bolt threads with Loctite
9. [ ] Lubricate pivot points with oil or light grease. 222 and install lock washer and bolt to 50in-
10. [ ] Install release plate (flat side out) onto lbs (17lbs@3").
splined stud, engaging tab on release lever 18. [ ] Ultegra models, affix name plate to lever
to notch in release plate.
front with adhesive.
11. [ ] Install small metal washer over splined stud.
12. [ ] Install chrome adapter (includes plastic dust
cover and spring) over splined stud.
13. [ ] Install lock washer over splined stud.
14. [ ] Apply Loctite 242 inside nut, install and se-
cure nut to 50in-lbs (17lbs@3").
15. [ ] Lubricate and install bushings onto cable-
anchor pivot.
16. [ ] Press cable-anchor pivot downward into 1– remove Cover 3– loosen
slots in chrome adapter. fixing bolt Spring Phillips
Bushing screw
Non-Dura-Ace models: lever-unit service Brake/shift lever
See figure 30.15 for steps #2–5.
NOTE: Perform shifter-unit removal before this pro- Release lever
1. [ ] Ultegra models only, pry name plate off front 2– deflect
of lever. lever
2. [ ] Remove fixing bolt and lock washer from
front of lever.
3. [ ] Pull housing-stop/front-lever-cover off. (Note
orientation of seal and spring behind cover.)
4. [ ] Looking at back side of lever assembly, move 30.15 To dissassemble non-Dura-Ace lever-unit: 1) remove fixing
return lever to side to expose release-lever fix- bolt, 2) delflect release lever to side, 3) loosen the Phillips screw until
ing screw and remove screw with #2 Phillips. the release lever and brake/shift lever will separate..

30 – 12

Shifter-unit installation Disassembling and cleaning

1. [ ] Lubricate brake-lever bushings and install in the shift mechanism
chrome adapter. (Long bushing installs in 1. [ ] Push release lever (the smaller inward lever)
outward side of chrome adapter, opposite repeatedly to make sure mechanism is fully
housing stop.) relaxed. (Do not operate lever again until
2. [ ] Place spring over longer bushing, with 90°- work is completed!)
bend end engaged into small hole in chrome 2. [ ] Levers with plastic bodies only, remove cover
adapter. on bottom of lever body to expose shift
3. [ ] Hold shift unit horizontally, with housing mechanism.
stop facing up. 3. [ ] Pull on brake lever to open and insert a 4mm
4. [ ] Place TL-ST02 (or 3/32" tension/roll pin) L-shaped Allen wrench inside the front of
over long end of spring. brake lever into the 4mm-Allen fitting deep
5. [ ] Guide brake-lever housing onto shift unit and inside of lever body.
align lever-pivot-stud holes. This process 4. [ ] Secure this Allen wrench in soft jaws in vice.
may be awkward. 5. [ ] Insert another 4mm Allen wrench into bolt in
6. [ ] Insert lever-pivot stud from above, with end base side of brake-lever body. For right-hand
containing recess pointing up. (Recess must lever, unthread bolt by turning clockwise. For
end up lined up with lever-pivot-stud set left-hand lever, unthread bolt counterclock-
screw.) wise. Pulling up (from vise) on release lever
7. [ ] Secure set screw. will tip it so it does not apply side-load to
8. [ ] Pull TL-ST02 off of spring. bolt while bolt is being turned.
Inner-wire installation
1. [ ] Press release lever numerous times to make 2– remove cover
sure lever is fully released. (plastic-body levers, only)
2. [ ] Compress brake lever so that head of lever
moves out of brake lever housing. 3– remove
3. [ ] Insert inner wire into socket on outward side bolt
of head of lever unit, then pull inner wire
through housing stop until inner-wire head
seats in socket.

Inner-wire and brake-lever removal
1. [ ] Operate release lever to shift derailleur into
most released position, and disconnect inner
wire from derailleur.
2. [ ] Disconnect brake inner wire from brake cali-
3. [ ] Un-tape handlebars and remove all cable
1– Install 4mm Allen wrench,
housings from inner wires.
then secure wrench in vise
4. [ ] Remove rubber cover from lever. Vise
5. [ ] Compress brake lever, push brake inner-wire
head out of brake lever, and pull brake inner-
wire fully out.
30.16 To remove the release-lever retaining bolt: 1) install 4mm
6. [ ] Push derailleur inner-wire so head comes out
Allen into bolt head in brake-lever body, 2) remove plastic cover
bottom of brake-lever body and pull de- (plastic-body levers only), 3) remove bolt.
railleur inner-wire fully out.
7. [ ] Loosen Allen nut on outward side of top of 6. [ ] Pull up on release lever and use needle nose
lever body, then pull whole lever off of pliers to remove bolt.
handlebar. 7. [ ] Remove any shims under head of bolt. Note
number of shims and bundle them together.

30 – 13
8. [ ] Tip release lever to disengage from spring, 14. [ ] Use small screwdriver or seal pick to gently
then rotate release lever approximately 90° encourage ring (in which indexing springs
to pull it out of brake-lever body. were mounted) out of lever body.
9. [ ] Lift up toothed ring and pull partially out of 15. [ ] Further disassembly is possible, but not usu-
brake-lever body until long end of spring ally required. Cleaning of unit possible while
clears spring hole in brake-lever body. still assembled. (To disassemble further, re-
10. [ ] Rotate toothed ring approximately 180° and move brake lever to better access internal
tip to pull out of lever body. parts. Remove snap ring from back of body
to fully disassemble.)
16. [ ] Using care not to displace any internal parts,
Release lever clean parts using mild solvents.
17. [ ] Carefully dry with compressed air.
Assembling the shift mechanism
Toothed ring 1. [ ] Grease new indexing springs, grease inside
indexing-spring mounting ring, as well as
ring seat in lever body.
2. [ ] With flatter side of indexing-spring mounting
ring facing down, install indexing springs
into small holes so that curve of springs
matches curve of mounting ring.
3. [ ] Install indexing-spring mounting ring into
body, seating it on two studs.
5. [ ] Front levers have a split washer under
toothed ring. Grease washer, and place on
top of spring-mounting ring. (Align split with
hole in lever body for release-lever spring.)
6. [ ] Grease outside and inside of toothed ring.
Grease the return spring.
7. [ ] Place release-lever spring into toothed ring
so that long end of spring sticks out of slot
in toothed ring.
8. [ ] Aluminum body levers only, align toothed
ring so that vertical-spring end enters big
30.17 Remove release lever, spring, then toothed ring. slot in lever body first, then slide toothed
ring into lever body.
11. [ ] Note any washers under toothed ring and 9. [ ] Rotate toothed ring so that horizontal end of
remove. spring points at spring hole in lever body.
12. [ ] Lift prong on coil spring and gently pull 10. [ ] Use tip of small screwdriver to deflect hori-
spring out of toothed ring. zontal end of spring to line up with hole,
13. [ ] Use needle-nose pliers to remove two odd- then push toothed ring in all the way. (Index-
shaped (indexing) springs down inside lever ing spring can displace below toothed ring
body that were exposed by removal of and interfere. If this is difficult, removed
toothed ring. toothed ring and make sure indexing spring
is against wall of mounting ring.)
11. [ ] Rotate toothed ring so that flats in hole line
Spring ring up with flats on stud below, then drop
(plastic-body levers only)
toothed ring onto stud below.
Indexing springs 18. [ ] With recess in release-lever disc facing up
and end of lever pointing toward brake lever,
insert release lever over toothed ring and en-
gage release-lever spring into hole in release
As an alternative to the previous step, put the re-
lease lever in place without engaging the spring, with
the big hole in the disc lined up with the hole in the
30.18 Removing the indexing springs.

30 – 14
toothed ring, and the release lever positioned where it the way forward. The next part is usually a thick washer
stops against the lever body. Modify a very small slot- with a round hole in the middle. This is followed by the
ted screwdriver by putting a notch in its tip and use lever itself. After the lever is another washer that usually
this to guide the vertical end of the spring into the has a flatted hole that engages the flats on the end of the
small hole in the disc of the release lever. braze-on. A cover plate typically follows this, and the last
19. [ ] Pivot release lever around end of spring until part is the mounting/tension screw that holds everything
hole in release lever is centered over hole in on and adjusts the amount of friction. This screw should
toothed ring. (Expect this to be awkward be oiled, not treated with Loctite.
since the spring will provide resistance.) If the lever has too much friction and will not
20. [ ] Reinstall any shims on retaining bolt. Apply
operate smoothly without loosening the tension screw
Loctite 242 to threads of bolts.
21. [ ] Maintaining upward pressure on the end of
to the point that it will not resist the derailleur return
the release lever to keep the spring down in spring, try lubricating both faces of the lever where it
the toothed ring, install and secure retaining is sandwiched between the washers.
bolt to 50in-lbs (17lbs@3"). Right-hand lever
secures by turning bolt counterclockwise.
Left-hand lever hand secures clockwise. SERVICE
If the lever comes off as a unit, then the only ser-
vice is to soak it in solvent, dry with compressed air,
and inject oil. If this does not solve the problem, the
DOWN-TUBE LEVERS lever must be replaced.
Levers that come off in parts when the central
screw is undone can be cleaned thorougly, dried, then
INSTALLATION lubricated and installed. In rare cases, the washers that
sandwich the lever can be replaced (if worn out).
Clamp-mounted shifters
Clamp-mounted shifters have a strap that wraps
around the down tube, with a binder bolt that pulls
the ends of the strap together, located on the bottom
side of the down tube. There is usually a small tab
brazed to the top side or bottom side of the down tube
that locates the shifters. The strap should be up the REMOVAL
tube from the tab, but touching it. In case there is no The shift mechanism usually must be removed
tab, locate the shifters so that the ends of the levers from the mount to access a bolt that secures the mount
come within 1–1.5" of the back side of the head tube. inside the handlebar. Turn the bolt clockwise to loosen
Secure the binder bolt to 24–30in-lbs (8–10lbs@3"). the mount. If the bolt will not turn clockwise with-
Braze-on mounted shifters out stripping the Allen socket, turn the mount coun-
Braze-on mounted shifters mount to brazed-on fit- terclockwise.
tings mounted on both sides of the down tube. They
sometimes have a unitized construction and go on all
at once, and they sometimes are several parts that are
The shift unit must be removed from the mount
placed on the braze-on one at a time. to install the mount in the end of the handlebar. When
If they are a single unit, simply slip them onto the installing, be sure to grease the mounting-bolt threads
braze-on and tighten the screw or bolt that goes and the inside and outside surfaces of the expander
through the center of the lever drum. The screw threads that fits inside the handlebar. Align so that shifter will
should be treated with Loctite 222, and the torque point straight down and torque bolt (counterclockwise)
should be 10–15in-lbs (3–5lbs@3"). to 50in-lbs (12lbs@3").
If they are friction (non-indexing) levers, they will
usually consist of several parts. The first part is usually a
plate that fixes to the large square at the base of the braze- SERVICE
on. This plate usually has a stop that stops the forward Bar-end shifters usually have a unitized construc-
motion of the lever. If the plate is on wrong, the lever tion. The only service is to soak in solvent, dry, and
will not stop parallel to the down tube when pushed all oil. If problems continue, replace the shifters.

30 – 15

STEM SHIFTERS cable housings to deflect awkwardly around the head-

set. Lubricate bolt threads and torque bolt to 50in-lbs
Stem shifters are installed on the vertical shaft of SERVICE
the stem. They should be mounted as close to the head- Stem shifters can be disassembled, cleaned and
set locknut as possible, unless this position causes the oiled. There are no individual parts available, so non-
functional levers should be replaced as a unit.

Cause Solution
SPECIAL NOTE: All shifting problems can easily be caused by other parts of the drive train. Always
check derailleur, shifter, cable, chain, and gear compatibility before assuming the problem is with the
shift-control mechanism. Check for cable-friction problems, derailleur wear, and chain wear, also.
SYMPTOM: Shimano Rapidfire lever will not operate.
Inner wire was installed when lever was not fully Remove inner wire and install when lever is
released. fully released. Remove pod cover if necessary.
Internal mechanisms are dirty. Remove pod and pod cover, soak in solvent,
dry, and oil.
Parts have failed internally. Replace pod after checking for first two causes.
SYMPTOM: Grip Shift does not allow derailleur to align with cog after completing shift.
Inside of Grip Shift needs lubrication. Disassemble Grip Shift, clean, and lubricate.
Grip Shift is worn out internally. After eliminating other possible causes, replace
SYMPTOM: Shimano rear derailleur operated by Grip Shift will not shift to outermost cog without
hesitation when derailleur adjustments, shifter lubrication, and cable setup are all good.
Some models of Shimano derailleurs had too light a An additional spring can be installed on the
return spring to pull the cable through the Grip Shift derailleur (see page 32-??), or a Grip Shift
even when everything was set up correctly. Bassworm can be added to the cable system.
SYMPTOM: Shimano STI integrated shift/brake levers on road bike will not stay in a gear after shifting
Internal part in shifter has failed. Contact Shimano for warranty.
SYMPTOM: Friction-type shift lever will not hold its position after completing the shift.
Tension/mounting screw needs to be tightened. Tighten tension/mounting screw.
SYMPTOM: Friction-type shift lever is sticky at loosest tension setting that will hold against derailleur
return spring.
Friction washers need lubrication. Drip oil in crevasses on both faces of lever drum,
or disassemble shifter and lubricate faces directly.

30 – 16

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Friction-type shift lever will not hold its position after completing the shift, no matter how
much the tension screw is tightened.
Friction washers that sandwich lever are worn out. Replace washers, if parts available.
Slick-plastic friction washers that do not need Disassemble lever, clean washers with alcohol,
lubrication have been oiled. and re-install.
Tension/mounting screw is not screwing fully into Put washers under head of tension/mounting
braze-on because of interference in hole. screw.
SYMPTOM: Braze-on-mounted down-tube friction lever keeps loosening up after proper friction tension
has been achieved.
Flats in hole in outer friction washer are a loose fit Replace outer friction washer.
to flats on braze-on stud.
If washer is fresh, braze-on flats are under-sized or Deform washer to create tighter fit, or find shim
worn. stock to jam between washer and braze-on flats.
SYMPTOM: Mounting screw will not start threading into braze-on when installing down-tube shifter on
5 × .8mm mounting screw is being installed in Replace screw with correct size, or install
braze-on with more rare 4.5mm thread type. shifter that comes with correct screw.
Threads in braze-on are damaged. Chase thread with correct tap (usually 5× .8mm)
SYMPTOM: Campagnolo/Sachs integrated brake/shift levers are difficult to operate when pressing on
the release lever.
Levers are new and need to break in. Make sure lever is clean and lubricated, and if
so, allow adequate time for break-in.
Levers are dirty internally. Disassemble, clean, and lubricate.

30 – 17

30 – 18


This chapter is about removing and installing seats There are no prerequisites for removing and in-
and seatposts. stalling seatposts and seats.

There are three reasons seatposts need to removed
TERMINOLOGY and installed; 1) because they are bent; 2) because they
are undersized and will not secure; 3) or because they
Seat: The platform on which the rider sits. It may
are being upgraded.
also be called a “saddle.”
Seatposts can corrode and stick inside the seat tube
Seatpost: The shaft that the seat is mounted too
so it is good preventive maintenance to remove them
that inserts into the seat tube of the frame.
and grease them periodically.
Seat clamp: The mechanism that clamps the seat
to the seatpost. Seats
Integral seat clamp: A seat clamp that is built Seats need to be removed and installed for the fol-
into the seatpost. lowing reasons: 1) because the seatpost is being
Non-integral seat clamp: A seat clamp that is changed; 2) the seat rails are bent; 3) the seat is torn or
separate from the seatpost. worn out; 4) or because the seat is being upgraded.
Seat rails or rails: The rods or wires that are un-
derneath the seat to which the seat clamp attaches.
Seatpost binder: The mechanism that secures the
There are no special tools required for servic-
seatpost to the frame.
ing seatposts and seats, but Odyssey MS-200 sizing
Seat lug: The portion of the frame where the
rods are extremely convenient for determining the
seatpost inserts.
correct seatpost size.
Compression slot: The slot in the seat lug that is
compressed by the seatpost binder to secure the seatpost.
Seatpost removal is a 1 minute job of little diffi-
culty, unless it is stuck.
Seat removal and installation is a 1–3minute job
of little difficulty.

Difficult seatpost removal
Seatposts can easily get stuck in the frame. They
may even get permanently stuck. There is a section of
this chapter about dealing with stuck seatposts.
Sizing seatposts
Because the seat lug may be deformed, it can be
difficult to determine the correct size of seatpost. Be-
29.1 The compression slot in the back of the seat tube. cause the hole may not be round, measuring with a
caliper can give misinformation.

29 – 1

Difficult seatpost insertion mean that the seatpost will have to be deliberately
Corrosion and seat-tube distortion can make seatpost destroyed to get it out. Follow this procedure only as
insertion difficult, even with the proper-size seatpost. far as necessary to get the post out.
Difficult insertion should never be used as proof of poor 1. [ ] Remove seatpost-binder bolt completely.
fit. See the SEAT-TUBE MILLING chapter (page 7-2), when a 2. [ ] Use lever to spread compression slot so that it
is slightly wider at the top than at the bottom.
correctly-fit seatpost is difficult to insert.
3. [ ] Drip penetrating oil between seatpost and seat
Slipping seatposts tube and allow 5 minutes for it to penetrate.
Slipping seatposts are almost always undersized. 4. [ ] With the bike on the floor and one foot in
An undersized post has been installed usually because crotch of seat tube and down tube (being
careful to not damage derailleurs or
the correct-fit post was difficult to install.
chainrings), twist seat back-and-forth,
Adjusting seat angle while pulling up forcefully, for no more
Some seat clamps make it difficult to change the than 30–45 seconds.
seat angle. Either the seat changes angle while the 5. [ ] Add more penetrating oil and allow the
clamp is being tightened, or the clamp does not allow seatpost and frame to cool off for 15 minutes.
6. [ ] Repeat steps 4–5 as many times as neces-
for fine adjustment of the seat angle. Always check
sary, unless progress is not being made.
the seat angle after securing the clamp, and if the cor- 7. [ ] If steps 1–6 are inadequate, disassemble
rect angle is between two available settings, choose seat clamp and remove seat.
the setting with that leaves the nose of the seat higher. 8. [ ] With bike upside down in stand, strike bot-
tom of integral clamp (if any) repeatedly
ABOUT THE REST with plastic mallet.
9. [ ] If previous step is not possible, or fails, take
OF THIS CHAPTER bike out of stand and clamp end of seatpost
The rest of this chapter is divided into two sec- firmly in vise. Two people can pull and twist
on frame to pull it off of seatpost.
tions. These are SEATPOSTS and SEATS.
10. [ ] If everything to this point has failed, use
hacksaw to cut seat post off approximately
1" above seat lug.
SEATPOSTS 11. [ ] Use jabsaw (special hacksaw holder), to cut
3–4 slots down inside of seatpost stub as
deeply as possible without cutting into seat-
REMOVAL tube material.
12. [ ] Crush protruding section of seatpost in vise
1. [ ] Mark seatpost with tape or marking pen if and use twist and pull procedure to pull
height needs to be restored. frame off of seat post.
2. [ ] Loosen seatpost-binder bolt.
3. [ ] Remove seatpost with a gentle twisting and
pulling motion. SIZING
4. [ ] Inspect inserted portion of seatpost for The best way to measure a seat tube for the correct
scratches that indicate seat tube should be size of seatpost is to use an Odyssey MS-200 sizing rod.
honed and/or reamed. If this is not available, then a caliper can be used, but
5. [ ] Inspect inserted portion of seatpost for cor-
several measurements should be taken and averaged.
rosion that indicates need for honing of seat
Because the seat lug may be deformed or contami-
tube and better greasing in future.
nated, force may be required to install the MS-200 to
the largest possible diameter that will fit. As long as
DIFFICULT REMOVAL the force is by hand (no impact), it is not possible to
If the seatpost will not remove easily in the previ- insert the tool to a larger dimension than will be cor-
ous step #3, extra measures will be required. These rect. When inserting the tool, align the flatted side
measures may be as simple as the application of pen- with the compression slot.
etrating oil and a little patience, or they may mean 1. [ ] Spread or compress compression slot to uni-
that the seat and clamp need to be removed so that form width at top and bottom.
the seatpost can be grasped in a vise (usually destroy-
ing the seatpost). In the worst-case scenario, it may

29 – 2
nisms cannot be torqued at all. Quick-release mecha-
nisms also require a wide variety of setups in order to
secure them properly.
It is not required that a seatpost-binder mecha-
nism make the seatpost immobile. It is likely that the
seat lug will be damaged if immobilization is at-
tempted. Step #122 requires putting a lateral load on
the nose of the seat. The binder should be tightened
until the post resists slipping at 50 pounds of force at
the nose of the seat.
11. [ ] Bolt-type seatpost-binder mechanisms: Se-
cure bolt to 60in-lb minimum.
Quick-release mechanisms: Adjust quick re-
lease so that force occurs through 45° of
motion while closing lever to parallel-to-
frame position.
29.2 The compression slot is narrow at the top due to previous 12. [ ] Test seatpost security. It should withstand
installation of an undersized seatpost. Use stacks of feeler gauges to at least 50lbs applied to side of seat nose
compare the slot width from top to bottom. without seatpost rotating.
13. If seatpost fails step 12 test:
2. [ ] Insert MS-200 sizing rod as far as it will go [ ] Bolt-type seatpost-binder mechanisms:
and read dimension off of largest segment Increase torque by 5in-lb increments, until
that inserted. test is passed.
[ ] Quick-release mechanisms: Adjust quick

INSTALLATION release so that clamping force begins earlier

by 15° increments, until test is passed.
1. [ ] If old seatpost was scratched or corroded,
hone and ream seat tube as necessary. (See
2. [ ] If re-installing old scratched or corroded
seatpost, clean it thoroughly with emery cloth.
3. [ ] Grease inserted portion of seatpost thor-
4. [ ] Grease inside of seat tube thoroughly.
Before removing any customer’s seat that will be
5. [ ] Grease seatpost-binder-mechanism threads.
6. [ ] Oil quick-release pivot (if any).
re-installed, measurements of its angle and fore-and-
Seatposts have a mark for minimum insertion. aft position should be taken.
It must never be left above the seat lug, even on a If the seat is being removed because a bent seatpost
used seatpost that was being ridden that way be- is being replaced, then it would do little good just to
fore. If no mark can be found, insert the seatpost to measure the seat angle. Instead, measure the differ-
a depth of at least 2.5". ence between the seat angle and the seatpost angle. A
7. [ ] Insert seatpost at least to Minimum insert or dial protractor can be used for both of these angle
Maximum height mark, or to previous mark measurements. To measure the seat angle accurately,
if restoring customer setting. place a long straight edge from seat nose to tail and
8. [ ] Gently secure post at desired height. place the protractor on top of it.
9. [ ] Install seat, if not already installed (see To measure fore-and-aft, just record the distance
INSTALLATION, page 29-5). from the backside of the stem shaft to the seat nose.
10. [ ] Align nose of seat directly above center of 1. [
] Measure and record seatpost angle: ______°
top tube of frame. 2. [
] Measure and record seat angle: –______°
There is not a recommend torque in the follow- 3. [
] Subtract to get angle difference: =______°
ing step for seatpost-binder mechanisms for several 4. [
] Measure seat nose distance from back of
reasons. Variations in thread pitch, bolt size, and seat- stem shaft and record here: ______mm
lug design make if too difficult to establish a narrow 5. [ ] Loosen clamp bolt and remove seat.
range that is always acceptable. Quick-release mecha-

29 – 3


Non-integral clamps are the most primitive type Double-bolt integral clamps have two clamp bolts
and offer the least angle adjustment. Make sure the that work in opposition. When one is loosened and
serrations on the facing plates are engaged before tight- the other is tightened, the seat angle will change. The
ening the nut(s). If there are nuts on both sides, be two bolts are generally identical and are on opposite
sure to tighten them equally. Normal torque on nuts sides of the center of the cradle, with neither bolt go-
(threads greased) is 130–170in-lbs (11–14lbs@6"). See ing through the center of the cradle.
the following illustrations for clamp orientations. Grease threads, and alternate tightening which-
ever bolt is needed to change the seat angle to de-
sired position. When angle is correct, alternate tight-
ening both bolts equally until both have reached a
Normal torque of 85–95in-lbs (18–24lbs@4").

Rail clamps
Moves seat
Rocking cradle
Seat rail

Clamp bolt
Lowers seat Clamp bolt

29.5 Double-bolt integral seat clamp.

29.3 Normal and optional clamp orientations.

Clamps with an angle-adjustment screw are varia-
Single-bolt integral clamps have a single bolt, usu-
tions of a single-bolt integral clamp. Like the single-
ally accessed from below the clamp and behind the
bolt integral clamp, there is a large bolt that goes through
seatpost. The threads should be greased and the bolt
the center of the cradle. There is a second bolt or screw
should be torqued to 120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6").
(generally smaller), that is towards the front or back of
Angle is adjusted by moving the seat when the clamp
the cradle. This is the angle-adjustment screw.
bolt is loose. Some models have a tendency for the
With the main clamp bolt loose, adjust the angle-
angle to change while the clamp bolt is secured. Check
adjustment screw to the desired location, then tighten
the angle after securing the bolt.
the main clamp bolt is to 120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6").
Upper plate Clamp nut Upper plate Clamp nut

Lower plate Seat rail Seat rail

Lower plate
Integral cradle
Integral cradle B– Angle bolt

Clamp bolt Seat post

Clamp bolt– A Seat post

29.4 Single-bolt integral seat clamp.

29.6 Single-bolt integral seat clamp with an angle-adjustment
screw. To set angle, loosen A, then tighten or loosen B. To secure,
tighten A.

29 – 4

The customer’s existing seat position should be
maintained as closely as possible if the seat is removed
and re-installed or replaced, no matter how unortho-
dox the position is. There’s certainly no harm in bring-
ing their unorthodox seat position up when they re-
turn for the bike, but don’t be surprised if there ada-
mant that its comfortable just the way it is.
When setting up bikes for sale, the seat should be
set at a neutral position. This means that the fore-and-
aft adjustment should be in the middle of the range,
and that the angle should be as close to flat as pos-
sible. If serrations in the seat clamp do not allow a flat
angle, set the nose at the first click up.
6. [ ] Install seat in seat clamp, but do not secure.
7. [ ] Adjust seat to match original position, or to
shop's angle and fore/aft standards.
8. [ ] Secure clamp to recommended torque.
Non-integral clamps:
130–170in-lbs (11–14lbs@6")
Single-bolt integral clamps:
120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6")
Double-bolt integral clamps:
85–95in-lbs (18–24lbs@4")
Single-bolt integral clamps with angle-
adjustment screws (main bolt only):
120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6")
Testing seat security
It is not sufficient to simply torque the seat clamp
to the recommended torque and forget it. A seat that
tips when the rider is on it can dump the rider on the
top tube or rear tire with catastrophic results. To test
seat security, exert a downward pressure of at least 75
pounds on the nose of the seat. It should not slip at all.
9. [ ] Apply 75lb load down on nose of seat to
check for slip.

29 – 5

29 – 6


This chapter is about stems, handlebars, handlebar
extensions and clip-ons, and handlebar coverings. With
regard to stems, it covers removing stems from the bike, Drop
fitting stems to the bike, installing and aligning the stem,
and problems with stems. With regard to handlebars, it
covers removing handlebars from the stem, fitting
handlebars to the stem, installing and aligning the Ferrule
handlebars, and problems with handlebars. With regard
to handlebar extensions and clip-ons installation, align-
ment and security are covered. Each of these subjects
simultaneously addresses road and off-road varieties. With
regard to handlebar coverings, there are instructions
for installing and removing off-road handlebar grips and
road-bike handlebar tape.
Supplemental information about BMX/Freestyle
bars and stems and upright (touring and cruiser) styles 28.1 Parts of a drop bar.
is also included. There are no specific procedures in-
cluded for these types.
One type of stem is not covered in this chapter. Stem-binder bolt Handlebar bore
Bikes with a threaded fork column have a headset that
threads onto the fork column and a stem inserts in-
side the fork column. Bikes with a threadless fork
column have a headset that slides onto the fork col-
umn, and a stem that clamps onto the fork column
where it extends above the headset. Because the stem
in this system functions as a lock for the headset ad-
Compression slot
justment, it is covered in the HEADSET chapter in the
section on threadless headsets (page 11-21). Stem shaft
Handlebar-binder bolt

Handlebar: The tube that is gripped in the hands,
and to which the brake levers and shift levers are usu-
ally mounted.
Stem wedge
Bar: Short for handlebar.
Drop bar: The traditional road-bike handlebar
that goes out from the stem, hooks forward, than
curves down and back (the drop).
28.2 Parts of a stem

28 – 1
Bar center: The usually bulged or sleeve-rein- If changing stem length or bar size, it is possible that
forced center of the handlebar. all the control cables will need to be re-sized. Once again,
Handlebar ferrule: A reinforcing sleeve on a it will be necessary to adjust derailleurs and/or brakes.
handlebar where the bar goes through the stem.
Stem: The component that connects the handle-
bar to the fork. It has also been called a “goose-
neck,” or “neck.” The primary reasons to change the bar or stem is
Stem shaft: The vertical shaft of the stem that to upgrade quality or change the way the customer
inserts in the fork. fits the bike. Bent MTB bars are somewhat common,
Stem rise: The vertical height of the stem. as well. A stem would be also taken out to service the
Stem extension: The horizontal length of the stem. headset or replace a fork.
Handlebar bore: The hole through the stem that Maintenance cycles
the handlebar goes into. Although stems and bars do not have moving
Handlebar-binder bolt: The bolt that compresses parts, maintenance is very important. The stem runs
the handlebar bore to secure the handlebar in the stem. the risk of becoming a permanent installation if the
Compression slot: The slot in the handlebar bore bike is exposed to a wet or humid environment, or if
that is compressed when the handlebar-binder bolt is the customer rides a lot indoors and sweats on the
tightened, causing the inside of the handlebar bore to stem. At least once every six months (and as often as
compress on the handlebar. There is also a compres- monthly if conditions dictate it), the stem should be
sion slot in the fork column bore of some stems that removed from the bike and the stem shaft, head of
are used in threadless headsets (see page 11-21). the stem bolt, stem-bolt threads, and stem wedge
Stem-binder bolt: The vertical bolt that goes should be liberally greased. Bars need monthly in-
through the stem shaft that is used to secure the spections for fatigue bends and fatigue cracks. Handle-
stem in the fork. bars should also be closely inspected for bends and
Stem wedge: The wedge piece below the stem shaft cracks after every crash.
that secures the stem in the fork column when the stem
bolt draws the wedge up. The wedge is usually a cylin-
Symptoms indicating bars should be replaced
Handlebars need to replaced when they crack.
der with a sloped end that slides across a corresponding
Bent handlebars are bars in the process of cracking, so
slope on the bottom of the stem shaft. As the sloped
all bent handlebars should be replaced immediately.
wedge is drawn up, it displaces the bottom of the stem
Regular inspections of handlebars for cracks is very
shaft laterally, causing it to bind against the inside of
important. The most likely place for a crack to ap-
the fork column. Occasionally the wedge is a conical
pear is on top of the bar and just outward of the stem.
shape that slides up into a conical hole in the bottom of
Other places to check for cracks on off-road bars is
the stem, causing the split stem shaft to expand. (See
on either side of the brake-lever clamp and just in-
figure 28.2, page 28-1.)
ward of any handlebar-extension clamp.
Handlebar extension: The forward extension
Inspect for bent handlebars after any crash. With
that can be mounted on the outward end of an off-
someone holding the bike straight up and the front
road handlebar.
wheel straight, crouch down in front of the bike and
Handlebar clip-on: A forward extension of the
look straight at the handlebars. If the two sides are
handlebar that can be mounted to a drop bar to en-
not symmetrical then the bars are bent.
able the rider to ride in a more aerodynamic position.
Handlebar grips: The rubber or plastic sheaths
that cover the end of an off-road bar where the bar is
grasped. Also called “grips.”

In certain instances, it is necessary to disconnect
the brake-control wires and/or the shift-control wires
in order to remove and replace a handlebar or stem. If
this is the case, it will be necessary to adjust the de- 28.3 Crash-bent bars.
railleurs and/or brakes.

28 – 2
Bars bend from fatigue as well as from crashing. point down to the back or be flat. Anytime the bot-
This is particularly true of extra-light-weight off-road tom of the drop bar is pointing up to the back, check
bars. When bars bend from fatigue, they will appear if the handlebars are loose.
symmetrical, but when viewed from in front it will Off-road bars experience less leverage than drop
be apparent that they begin to drop down immedi- bars, unless they have bar extensions or have a for-
ately from the point that they come out of the stem. ward bend. Once again, note the angle of any built-in
When drop bars bend from fatigue, they exhibit this or bolt-on forward extension when the bar or exten-
same symptom, and the drops move closer together, sion is first installed. Check this angle after a few rides
as well. For example, a drop bar that originally mea- to see if it has changed. If both bolt-on extensions
sured 40cm from center of one bar end to center of change the same amount, then the bar is probably slip-
the other bar end might measure as little as 36cm. ping. If one changes more than the other, then either
the bar or the extension(s) could be slipping.
Bent down equally on both sides
Symptoms indicating
stem should be replaced
Stems can bend in a crash or may bend or crack
from fatigue. If they bend from a crash, the bars may
also be bent and the damage to the stem may not be-
come obvious until after replacing the bent bar. If the
bars are in good condition but one side is lower than
the other, then the stem is bent. Stems that bend from
28.4 Fatigue-bent drop bars fatigue are rare, but what happens in these cases is that
the stem shaft makes a forward bend where it comes
out of the headset. Stems that crack from fatigue will
Bent down equally on both sides have cracks in numerous locations. The cracks may
appear around the handlebar-binder bolt, where the
extension joins the handlebar clamp, where the stem
shaft and forward extension join, or in the stem shaft
in the portion below the top of the headset.

28.5 Fatigue-bent MTB bars.

Symptoms indicating bars should be secured

Handlebars can exhibit two symptoms when they
are loose and need to be secured. They may make
creaking sounds or they may slip.
Creaking sounds can be caused by other things, 28.6 If these bars are straight, then the stem is bent from a crash.
but nothing is more important than loose handle-
bars so always treat this symptom as reason to check
the bar security.
Slipping can be sudden and dramatic, in which
case there will be no wondering whether the bars need
to be secured, or it can be gradual and subtle. On road
bikes with drop bars, it might be noticed that the brake
levers seem lower, or that when riding on the drops it
feels different. When installing bars, it is a good idea
to note the angle of the bottom portion of the bar,
and inspect after the first few rides to see if it remains
the same. It is normal for the bottom of a drop bar to
28.7 This stem is bent forward from fatigue.

28 – 3

Symptoms indicating stem should be secured COMPLICATIONS

The symptom indicating that the stem is loose
could be creaking or slipping. Creaking is more likely. Wedge will not go down
Creaking can be caused by other things, so if secur- after loosening stem-binder bolt
ing the stem does not solve the problem be sure to It is normal to have to strike the top of the handle-
check handlebar security. Creaking can also be caused bar-binder bolt after loosening, to get the wedge to drop.
by the fit of headset pressed races to the head tube When this does not work, it means that the wedge is
and by a looseness between the bar center ferrule badly corroded in place. See step #6, page 28-6.
and the bar. A loose stem will slip by rotating, not
by sliding down. Rotation that happens when a crash
Stem will not remove
occurs does not indicate that the stem is too loose. once wedge has dropped
In fact, it is desirable that the stem rotate to prevent It is natural to assume that this is caused by corro-
damage to the bars. A stem that rotates when riding sion, but it could be as simple as binding caused by an
is one that is too loose. off-center hole in a headset locknut. Try loosening the
locknut before preparing to work on a corroded stem.
Headset overhaul and replacement
Stem removal is required for headset overhaul or Stem will not install
replacement. even if it is the correct size
This could be caused by corrosion, in which case
Fork replacement the inside of the fork should be honed. It could also
Stem removal is required for fork replacement.
be caused by an under-sized or off-center headset-
locknut hole. Check the installation with the lock-
TOOL CHOICES nut loosened or removed.
There are no special tools required for stem and Handlebars slip when properly torqued
bar service. There is one optional type of tool, used This is caused by poor bar-to-stem fit, or contami-
for cleaning out a fork after removing a stuck stem. nation on the mating surfaces. The complication comes
This is either a Flex-hone BC27 (1" fork columns), when it occurs during a assembly of a bicycle that
BC29 (1–1/8" fork columns), or BC35 (1–1/4" fork came with a fully assembled and taped bar set, which
columns). These tools are installed on a drill and must be stripped on one half to clean the mating sur-
spin at high speed inside the fork column to clean faces or measure to check fit.
out rust.
Extensions slip when properly torqued
Handlebar extensions are prone to slipping due to
TIME AND DIFFICULTY contamination on the mating surfaces, poor fit, or painted
Removing and installing a stem and bar set is a or anodized mating surfaces. Check fit, clean mating sur-
job of little difficulty that takes 2–4 minutes. If the faces, and sand mating surfaces to expose raw aluminum.
stem is corroded in place, it can become a job of
high difficulty. Control cables end up too short
Replacing a stem is a job of little difficulty in it- after installing wider bars or a longer stem
self, but to the extent that it requires disconnection of This one should be caught before the job is ever
brake or derailleur cables, it can become a job of mod- started. Nothing can be done but install new cables
erate to high difficulty. and adjust any brakes or derailleurs affected.
Replacing a handlebar is a job of little difficulty Cables will not allow stem
in itself, taking only 5–10 minutes, but to the ex-
tent that it requires disconnection of brake or de-
to lift far enough to remove from fork
Sometimes a cable will interfere with removal of
railleur cables, it can become a job of moderate to
a stem. Cables routed under the handlebar tape to a
high difficulty. If the stem is corroded in place and
front sidepull brake often cause this problem. It is
must be removed to access the bars, it can become a
usually easiest to remove the caliper from the fork. It
job of high difficulty.
all other cases, try to operate the mechanism in a way
that will cause the inner wire to slacken and then slip
a housing end out of any split housing stop.

28 – 4

ABOUT THE REST brake wire by a roughly triangular device called a cable
carrier. If this is the case, the straddle wire is usually
OF THIS CHAPTER resting in an open cradle in the back of the cable car-
The rest of this chapter is in six sections. The first rier. By deflecting the loose end of the primary wire,
is STEM REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION. the straddle wire can be lifted out of the cradle. If the
It is followed by HANDLEBAR REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, cable carrier is a circular disc and there is no open
AND INSTALLATION. This is followed by INSTALLING cradle, then unhooking the wire from the cable car-
HANDLEBAR CLIP-ONS AND EXTENSIONS . Next there is rier will require full re-adjustment of the brake. It
a brief section on HANDLEBAR-COVERING REMOVAL AND would be easier to just unmount the caliper arm (that
INSTALLATION. Following this is a section, OTHER BAR still has the cable attached to it) from the frame by
SYSTEMS, regarding BMX and upright (touring and loosening the bolt that goes through the caliper arm
cruiser) systems. The last part is HANDLEBAR AND STEM and into the fork. Be familiar with mounting cantile-
TROUBLESHOOTING. Depending on what operation is ver arms before deciding to remove one.
being done, use any section by itself, or it may be Non-aero’ road-bike brake levers: If the brake
best to include parts (or all) of various sections to cables are free loops of housing that come down into
complete the task. the top of the brake levers on drop bars, they can
usually be released from the brake levers in a way that
re-adjustment will not be required. Release any quick-

STEM REMOVAL, release mechanisms on both brakes. Remove both

wheels from the bike. Using a third-hand tool, squeeze
REPLACEMENT, a caliper so that the brake pads meet. Squeeze the brake
lever in just enough so that the point that the cable
AND INSTALLATION head hooks into the anchor (inside the lever) can seen.
If there is a slot in the anchor, then push enough slack
cable into the lever so that the cable head drops below
STEM REMOVAL the anchor, push the cable out the slot in the anchor,
When removing the stem from the fork, any de- then pull the cable out of the lever and lever body.
railleur- and/or brake-control cables can interfere with Aero’ road-bike brake levers: Only the front cable
being able to pull the stem out of the fork column. can be freed without requiring re-adjustment of the brake.
Furthermore, any of these cables are more prone to In many cases, this will be all that is needed to get the
damage if left attached to the bar set and they end up stem out of the fork column or to replace the stem. Sim-
supporting the weight of the bar set. How these con- ply unbolt the brake caliper from the fork. There will
trol cables can be disengaged is highly variable depend- be a 10mm hex nut or 5mm Allen nut on the back of the
ing on the type of equipment. The following are guide- fork crown for this purpose. The only brake adjustment
lines that will apply often, but not always. needed will be centering the pad clearance.
Mountain-bike brake levers: Usually brake cables Mountain-bike shift levers: All cables are at-
can be released from the brake levers and reconnected tached to the shift levers in a way that the cable can-
in a way that will not require any adjustment. Un- not be released from the lever without having to ad-
hook the lead-beaded end of the straddle wire from just the cable after re-installation. However, it is some-
one of the caliper arms. On the brake lever, line up times possible to release the lever from the handle-
the slots in the cable adjusting barrel, adjusting barrel bar without having to re-adjust the cables/derailleurs.
locknut, and bottom of the body of the lever. Pull the If the shift-control mechanism is a separate unit from
housing and end cap straight out the end of the adjust- the brake lever and has a thin steel strap that wraps
ing-barrel socket and then swing the inner wire down around the handlebar, then a binding bolt can be re-
through all the lined-up slots. If necessary, compress moved and the strap can be spread to allow removal
the lever to the grip and then slip the head of the in- of the entire lever unit from the handlebar. If the
ner wire out the back face (usually) of the lever. lever is a separate unit and has a thick cast aluminum
Cables to front cantilever brakes when the cable body that wraps around the lever, it may be possible
is routed through the stem: Unhook the lead-beaded to remove the shifting unit from the mounting body.
end of the straddle wire from one of the caliper arms. Look for a 5mm or 6mm Allen bolt on the backside
The straddle wire may be connected to the primary from the lever face.

28 – 5
Before removing the stem, confirm that the stem [ ] Turn bike over and flood bottom of stem
is conventional, and not a stem that clamps on the (through hole in bottom of fork crown) with
outside of an unthreaded fork column (AheadSet or light oil or penetrating oil.
other threadless headset). Conventional stems have an [ ] Pull up while twisting vigorously on stem
until is has moved, then stop and wait 15
Allen bolt that goes down through the stem shaft. The
only other bolt in the stem is at the handlebars to [ ] After waiting 15 minutes for stem to
secure the bars in the stem. The other type of stem cool, repeat oiling, pulling and twisting, and
has an Allen bolt in the same location, but has one or another waiting period.
two other bolts on the backside or just in front of the [ ] If after stem is removed if corrosion is
“stem shaft.” If the stem is this type, then the bike has evident, use Flex-hone or emery cloth to
an threadless-type headset bearing, and the stem is clean inside of fork column and emery cloth
actually part of the headset. To perform stem removal to clean stem shaft.
in this case, see the HEADSET chapter in the section for 7. If stem will not rotate in fork column or lift at
threadless headsets (page 11-21). all after performing step 6:
1. [ ] Release any cables from control levers or [ ] Clamp fork crown in bench vise (protect-
levers from handlebars that will facilitate ing crown with blocks of wood).
bar removal. [ ] Use oiling, twisting, pulling and waiting
2. [ ] Turn the Allen bolt that goes down through techniques describe in step 6.
stem shaft 4–6 full turns counterclockwise. [ ] After stem is removed, if corrosion is evi-
3. [ ] If bolt head rises up, strike bolt head sharply dent use Flex-hone or emery cloth to clean
with plastic mallet to force stem wedge inside of fork column and emery cloth to
down. (If it will not drop, then try ball peen.) clean stem shaft.
If the stem will not remove after trying steps #6 and
2– strike
#7, it must be destroyed to remove it. First, decide
whether the fork must be saved. The method of remov-
ing the stem to save the fork will take at least one hour.
1– loosen Would it be about as cheap just to replace the fork, also?
To replace the stem and fork, simply remove the
stem-binder bolt and use a hacksaw to cut the stem shaft
off about 1/2" above the headset locknut. Disassemble
3– lift the headset and drop the fork out of the head tube.
To save the fork, use a jab saw (special holder for a
hacksaw blade) to cut three slots inside the stub of the
stem shaft as deep as possible without cutting into the
fork-column material. It may be necessary to force the
wedge down below the stem-shaft stub. Once the stub
28.8 Loosening the stem. of the stem shaft is slotted, use a punch to deflect the
three sections inward. Once the stem shaft stub has been
4. [ ] When loosened bolt head has dropped to (or collapsed inward, it should be possible to remove it.
remained at) its original position, pull up
with gently twisting motion to lift stem shaft
out of fork column. STEM REPLACEMENT
5. [ ] If any remaining cables resist stem’s range When replacing a stem, several factors of fit (both
of motion so that it will not lift clear of fork mechanical and biomechanical) should be considered.
column, detach cables from brake or de- This book is about mechanics, not riding, so discus-
railleur (derailleur or brake adjustment will be
sions about biomechanical considerations are left out
required) and then remove stem.
6. If stem is difficult to remove:
except as how they may affect mechanical ones.
[ ] Loosen headset locknut fully and slide it The first mechanical-fit consideration is the fit of
up stem shaft (headset adjustment will be the stem to the fork column. Fork columns are made
required later). in three sizes today, none of which are close enough
[ ] Drip light oil or penetrating oil in crack be- together that there should be any confusion about fit.
tween stem shaft and fork column. The three sizes are 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4". These num-
bers refer to the outside diameter of the fork column,

28 – 6
which is different from the outside diameter of the 10. [ ] Measure new stem-shaft diameter and
stem shaft. The stem diameter that will fit 1" forks is record here: __________mm.
22.2mm. The stem diameter that will fit 1–1/8" forks 11. [ ] If measurements in steps 9 and 10 differ by
is 25.4mm, The stem diameter that will fit 1–1/4" forks <.2mm, then new stem is comparable fit.
12. [ ] Measure old stem handlebar-bore diameter
is 28.6mm. The best way to determine which is
and record here: __________mm.
needed is to measure and match the one removed. 13. [ ] Measure new stem handlebar-bore diameter
The next best way is to measure the inside diameter and record here: __________mm.
of the fork column, which should be .0 to .1mm
larger than the stem diameter.
The second mechanical-fit consideration is the
fit of the stem to the bars. In the mountain bike
world this is relatively uncomplicated, with almost
all handlebars currently being made holding a stan-
dard of 25.4mm. Older mountain bikes could be
either 26.0mm or 22.2mm, but these are rare now.
In the road-bike world, things get more complicated,
with several sizes prevailing in the marketplace.
These are 25.4mm, 26.0mm, and 26.4mm. The
25.4mm size is most common, with the larger sizes
showing up on upscale European bars and some
other high-priced brands. Cinelli, Mavic, Modolo,
28.9 Measure handlebar-bore diameter here.
TTT, and Italmanubri are traditional European
manufacturers that have used the 26.0mm and 14. [ ] If measurements in steps 12 and 13 differ by
26.4mm dimensions. New U.S. companies are also <.2mm, then new stem is comparable fit.
frequently inclined to use these larger dimensions. 15. [ ] Lay new stem on top of old stem so that
Ideally, the bar diameter should be within .2mm of stem shafts are lined up and maximum-
the diameter of the handlebar bore. The difficulty height marks are even and compare loca-
is in measuring the diameter of the handlebar bore, tions of both handlebar bores to determine
which is not a complete circle and can easily be de- whether new stem will move bars signifi-
cantly up, down, forward, or back. If so,
formed. The best place to measure the handlebar
cable re-sizing may be required.
bore is at the back edge of the compression slot to a
point 180° away. Very old European bikes might STALLATION to install bars in new stem.
have a variety of non-standard (and no longer avail-
able) bar-center dimensions.
To enhance the fit of the customer’s body to the STEM INSTALLATION
bike, it may be necessary to change the stem to get the Stem installation is a relatively simple procedure,
bars closer, farther, lower, or higher. Any of these but has dire consequences if done wrong. Failure to
changes affect the length of cable housing for the con- lubricate properly can turn the fork and stem into
trol levers on the handlebars. If lowering the bars or virtually a single piece of metal, requiring replace-
shortening the stem, the loops could end up too long, ment of both. Under-tightening the stem can lead to
which can cause more friction and poorer shift or brake a disastrous loss of control at the most critical time.
response, or even kinking or failure of the control-cable Over-tightening the stem can lead to a hidden weak-
housing(s). If raising the bars or lengthening the stem, ening of the fork column, which could break with-
the loops could end up too short, which can cause all the out warning with extremely injurious consequences.
same problems. If making these sort of changes, check Installing the stem too high in the fork can lead to
the DERAILLEUR-CABLE SYSTEMS chapter (page 31-4) and catastrophic fork-column failure.
the BRAKE-CABLE SYSTEMS chapter (page 35-3) to check 17. [ ] If handlebars are not installed at this time,
on sizing loops of control-cable housing. see HANDLEBAR, REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND
8. [ ] See HANDLEBAR REMOVAL to remove handlebars INSTALLATION (MTBs, page 28-11 or drop-
from stem. bars, page 28-9) to install bars to stem.
9. [ ] Measure old stem-shaft diameter and record 18. [ ] Unthread stem-binder bolt and grease under
here: __________mm. head of bolt and bolt threads.

28 – 7
19. [ ] Grease stem wedge where it contacts stem
shaft and inside of fork column.
20. [ ] Grease portion of stem shaft that will be in-
side fork column.
21. [ ] Grease inside of fork column to depth stem
shaft will be inserted.

Under bolt head


Dropout tips
Stem shaft
28.11 Align the handlebar center with the tips of the dropouts.

Threads 29. [ ] Check that Max. Ht./Min. Insert line is still

30. [ ] Secure steel or titanium stem-binder bolt to
torque of 145–180in-lbs (24–30lbs@6" or
Slope of wedge 36–45lbs@4"), or aluminum stem-binder
bolt to torque of 145–150in-lbs
(24–25lbs@6" or 36–37.5lbs@4").
28.10 Grease points on a stem. 31. [ ] With bike on floor and facing front of bike,
grasp front wheel firmly between legs and
22. [ ] Install any washer on stem-binder bolt and try to rotate bars side-to-side with about 30-
install bolt into stem shaft. 40 pounds of pressure on one end of bars. If
23. [ ] Engage stem-binder bolt into stem wedge. bars move with difficulty or don’t move at
24. [ ] Locate mark on stem shaft labeled Maximum all, stem-binder bolt is adequately secure.
Height or Minimum Insertion (either may be
25. [ ] Insert stem into fork column at least until
Max. Ht. or Min. Insert mark is below top
of headset.
26. If stem is difficult to install:
[ ] Try loosening stem-binder bolt more and
insert again.
[ ] Check inside of fork column for rubber
NOTE: Skip to step 9 if removing off-road bars.
seal on inner perimeter of headset locknut
getting displaced and forced into fork col-
umn with stem shaft.
[ ] Loosen headset locknut and try again
Drop handlebars must be rotated wildly to snake
(headset will need adjustment).
them through the handlebar bore of the stem, and
27. [ ] Set stem to lower height if desired.
28. [ ] Turn bars side-to-side until either bar cen- often end up interfering with another part of the bike
ter appears in line with fork dropouts or if the stem is in the bike when the bars are being re-
front axle (figure 28.11), or stem extension moved, so stem removal should generally be done first.
appears in line with front tire. Bars may be removed to replace a stem, in which
case only one side of the bars needs to be stripped, or
bars may be removed in order to replace the bars, in
which case both sides will need to be stripped. This sec-
tion strips only one side, then in the section of the
worksheet for bar replacement the other side is stripped
of handlebar coverings and control levers.

28 – 8
1. [ ] Remove handlebar tape or handlebar cover- 10. [ ] Unhook or detach control cables from con-
ing from one side of bar. trol levers on both sides.
2. [ ] Unhook or detach control cables from con- NOTE: If replacing stem only, see STEM REMOVAL,
trol levers on both sides. REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION to remove stem.
3. [ ] Measure angle of bars with angle finder, if 11. [ ] Loosen handlebar-binder bolt(s).
customer position will be restored. Record Now that the handlebar-binder bolt has been
angle here: ______ loosened, the bars should just slip out of the stem. In
many cases, it is not this easy. In order to get the bars
out of the stem, the stem bore needs to be expanded.
When the bars will not slip out, first remove the
handlebar-binder bolt completely. Use something like
a fat screwdriver to pry open the compression slot,
and then slide the bars out.
12. [ ] Slide handlebar out of stem.
Dial protractor
13. [ ] Remove handlebar covering and control le-
28.12 Measuring drop-bar position. vers from second side of bar.
14. [ ] Measure handlebar-bore diameter in stem
4. [ ] Note position of control levers (so position
and record here: __________mm.
can be restored if desired) and remove con-
15. [ ] Measure handlebar-center diameter of new
trol levers from one side of bars (see brake
bars and record here: __________mm.
and derailleur chapters).
16. If step 14 is .0 to .2mm more than step 15, bar
5. [ ] Remove stem (see STEM REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
and stem are good fit. If different by more, test
for good fit. Check one of following choices.
6. [ ] Loosen handlebar-binder bolt.
[ ] Fit is good.
7. [ ] Slide stem off fat center section of bar to
[ ] Need to test fit.
the side where covering and controls were
It can be tricky getting the stem past the bends in DROP-HANDLEBAR INSTALLATION
the bars. Look closely at the handlebar bore in the NOTE: If installing off-road bars, skip to step 28.
stem to see that at one point it is narrower than else- 17. [ ] Remove handlebar-binder bolt(s) from stem.
where. Keep this narrow side of the bore to the inside 18. [ ] Use caliper to measure diameter of handlebar-
of each bend in the bar, then it will be unlikely the binder-bolt thread and record here: ______mm.
stem will jam as it is removed. 19. [ ] Grease threads and under head of handlebar-
8. [ ] Rotating stem about bar to keep narrowest binder bolt(s).
part of handlebar bore at inside of each bend NOTE: If positioning and securing already installed
of bar, slip stem off of bar. drop bars, skip to step 22.
Note: Skip steps 9–12 if drop bars already removed. 20. [ ] Use alcohol or acetone to clean inside of
handlebar bore in stem and center section of
OFF-ROAD-HANDLEBAR REMOVAL 21. [ ] Insert handlebar into stem, rotating stem
9. [ ] Remove grip from one end of handlebar, around bar to keep narrowest part of handle-
then measure bar angle with angle finder bar bore always at inside of bar bends, and
and record here: _____ center bar in stem.
22. [ ] Install and gently snug handlebar-binder bolt(s).
The rotation of the handlebars is strictly a matter
Dial protractor of personal preference, but it is likely that the customer
has simply been living with whatever position the shop
set them up at. If the customer would like to try the
bars in a different position, consider these guidelines. If
the top extension of the bar is parallel to the ground, it
favors riding primarily on the tops of the bars, and
28.13 Measuring off-road bar position.
handicaps access to the brake levers when riding in the

28 – 9
drops. If the bottom grip of the bar is parallel to the
ground, it favors riding primarily in the drops, and
handicaps access to the brake levers when riding on the INSTALLATION
tops of the bars. Usually the best position is a compro- 28. [ ] Remove handlebar-binder bolt(s) from stem.
mise between these extremes, with the top extensions 29. [ ] Use caliper to measure diameter of handlebar-
of the bars sloping slightly down toward the brake le- binder-bolt thread and record here: ______mm.
vers, and the grips sloping slightly down toward the 30. [ ] Grease threads and under head of handlebar-
binder bolt(s).
back of the bike. This position is recommended if set-
NOTE: If positioning and securing already-installed
ting up new bikes, without a customer preference indi-
off-road bars, skip to step 33.
cated. For the ideal neutral position, the angle of the 31. [ ] Use alcohol or acetone to clean inside of
reach should equal the angle of the grip. handlebar bore in stem and center section
of handlebar.
Highest (reach flat) 32. [ ] Insert handlebar into stem & center bar in stem.
33. [ ] Install and gently snug handlebar-binder bolt(s).

The rotation of the handlebars is strictly a matter
of personal preference, but it is likely that the customer
Lowest has simply been living with whatever position the shop
(grip flat)
set them up at. If the customer would like to try the
bars in a different position, consider these guidelines. If
Y° the grips of the bars slope up to the outside, it tends to
put the elbows in an inflexible position, which reduces
Ideal position (X°=Y°) Acceptable range comfort and control. If the grips are flat or slope down
to the outside no more than five° (about 3/4" drop over
28.14 Acceptable range of drop handlebar rotations. the length of the grip), the elbows are relaxed. If the
grips slope down too much, then the hand will tend to
23. [ ] Rotate bar to desired position.
24. Transfer measurement in step 18 to here slip off the end of the grip. Somewhere between flat
(______mm) and torque handlebar-binder bolts and 5° down is recommended if setting up new bikes,
to one of following torque ranges depending without a customer preference indicated.
on handlebar-binder-bolt-thread diameter:
[ ] Torque bolts w/ thread diameter ≤6mm to
120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6" or 30–36lbs@4"). Flat (0°)
[ ] Torque bolts w/ thread diameter >6mm to Flat (0°)
205–240in-lbs (34–40lbs@6"or 51–60lbs@4"). Acceptable range
25. [ ] Install control levers per SHIFT-CONTROL MECHA- Acceptable range
NISMS (page 30-10 or 30-15) and/or BRAKE Down 5°
LEVERS (page 34-6) chapter instructions. Down 5°
26. If Need to test fit option is checked in step 16,
perform following security test:
[ ] With bike on floor, stand facing bike and
straddle front wheel.
[ ] Grasp brake-lever bodies in similar fashion
to when riding with weight supported at Unacceptable
brake levers, and support full weight on brake
levers until feet lift off floor.
[ ] Check if bar position has changed.
[ ] If bars slip and handlebar-binder bolts are
not torqued to maximum recommendation,
add torque and test again.
[ ] If bars slip at maximum torque, fit is bad.
Change bar or stem to improve fit. 28.15 Acceptable range of MTB-bar rotation.
27. [ ] Attach control cables to derailleur and/or
brake levers and adjust derailleurs and/or 34. [ ] Rotate bar to desired position.
brakes as per instructions in derailleur and/or
brake chapters.

28 – 10
35. Transfer measurement in step 29 to here the handlebar may be subjected to more rotational
(_____mm) and torque handlebar-binder bolts load than the stem clamp is designed to withstand,
to one of following torque ranges depending resulting in the bars slipping in the stem.
on handlebar-binder-bolt thread diameter: To reduce problems with clip-ons, follow these
[ ] Torque bolts w/ thread diameter ≤6mm to
several rules: 1) recommend that the customer always
120–145in-lbs (20–24lbs@6" or 30–36lbs@4").
[ ] Torque bolts w/ thread diameter >6mm to
use them as they are intended and do not rest weight
205–240in-lbs (34–40lbs@6"or 51–60lbs@4"). out at the end of the clip-ons; 2) always clamp them
36. [ ] Install control levers per SHIFT-CONTROL directly to the bar, and not on top on any handlebar
MECHANISMS (page 30-3 or 30-8) and/or covering; 3) always clean the mating surfaces of the
BRAKE LEVERS (page 34-5) chapter instructions. clamps and the bar thoroughly, including removing
37. If Need to test fit option is checked in step 16, epoxy, paint, or anodized finishes with emery cloth;
perform following security test if handlebar 4) lubricate bolts properly and follow torque recom-
extensions are being used: mendations closely; 5) inspect bars for fatigue cracks
[ ] With bike on floor, stand facing bike and regularly where clip-on clamps engage bars.
straddle front wheel. 1. [ ] Remove handlebar tape or handlebar covering
[ ] Grasp handlebar extensions and support full from portion of the bar where clamp secures.
weight on extensions until feet lift off floor. 2. [ ] Remove anodization finishes, paints, or ep-
[ ] Check if bar position has changed, or if oxy coats from inside of clamp and outside
handlebar extensions have slipped. of bar where clamps engage.
[ ] If bars slip and handlebar-binder bolts are 3. [ ] Clean mating surfaces with alcohol/acetone.
not torqued to maximum recommendation, 4. [ ] Remove clamp bolts, measure thread diam-
add torque and test again. eter, and record here: __________mm.
[ ] If bars slip at maximum torque, fit is bad. 5. [ ] Thoroughly grease bolt threads and under
Change bar or stem. bolt heads.
38. [ ] Attach control cables to derailleur and/or 6. [ ] Mount clip-ons, install bolts, and gently
brake levers and adjust derailleurs and/or secure.
brakes as per instructions in derailleur and/or 7. [ ] Position clip-ons at desired angle.
brake chapters.


NOTE: Skip to step 8 if installing extensions on an

off-road bike.
Aerodynamic clip-on extensions for drop handle-
bars may be great for improved perfomance or com-
fort riding, but mechanically they are a nightmare.
Manufacturers make the clamps for clip-on bars in
two configurations, V-block and radius clamp. The
28.16 Normal range of clip-on positions.
V-block system has the advantage of fitting any diam-
eter handlebar, but slips easily and damages bars eas- 8. Torque bolts to following torque ranges de-
ily if tightened enough to avoid slippage. The radius- pending on thread diameter:
clamp type is a more secure grip, but only if it matches [ ] ≤5mm, torque to 50in-lbs (8lbs@6" or
the diameter of the bar closely. Either type is adequate 12.5lbs@4").
to secure if the rider always rides in the intended fash- [ ] 5.1–6mm, torque to 120–145in-lbs
ion with the bulk of load on the elbow pads. In an (20–24lbs@6" or 30–36lbs@4").
emergency, or with poor riding habits, the load may [ ] 7–8mm, torque to 155–205in-lbs
end up at the outer end of the clip-on, which is when (26–34lbs@6" or 39–51lbs@4").
the clamps may slip. Even if the clamps do not slip,

28 – 11

OFF-ROAD-HANDLEBAR 5. [ ] Mount extensions, install bolts, and gently

EXTENSIONS 6. [ ] Position extensions at desired angle.
Off-road-handlebar extensions may be great for
improved perfomance or comfort riding, but mechani-
cally they are a nightmare. Manufacturers make the
clamps for clip-on bars in two configurations, exter-
nal and internal clamping. The external system has
the advantage of fitting any handlebar equally well, 0°
but the clamp is bulkier and requires that the grips
and controls be moved inward. The internal-clamp
type doesn’t require moving grips and controls, and
the clamp is less bulky, but will be secure only if it
matches the inside diameter of the bar closely (there
are no standards for inside bar-diameter). Provided
that an internal-clamp extension is a good fit, either 28.17 Normal range of extension positions.
clamp type will adequately secure the extension, if
the rider always rides in the intended fashion, which 7. [ ] Torque bolts to 120–145in-lbs
is using extensions when climbing or high-speed cruis- (20–24lbs@6" or 30–36lbs@4").
ing on smooth terrain. In an emergency, or with poor
riding habits, the load may end up on the extensions
when the customer hits a bump, which is when the
clamps may slip. Even if the clamps do not slip, the HANDLEBAR-COVERING
handlebar may be subjected to more rotational load
than the stem clamp is designed to withstand, result-
ing in the bars slipping in the stem.
Extra-light-weight bars create another problem.
The external extension clamp can crush the bar due
to the thin wall. Inserts are made to reinforce the bar. OFF-ROAD GRIPS
The insert should match the bar I.D. closely and be at Steps #1–5 are 100% reliable and safe. Filling the
least as wide as the extension clamp. bars with compressed air to remove grips works in some
To reduce problems with handlebar extensions, cases, but not if grips are torn on the end or made of
follow these several rules: 1) recommend that the cus- certain foams. Cutting the grips off with a sharp knife
tomer always use them as they are intended and do always works if the grips will not be re-used, but the
not rest weight on them when traveling on rough ter- following procedure has no risk of self-injury.
rain; 2) always clean the mating surfaces of the clamps
and the bar thoroughly, including removing epoxy, Removal
1. [ ] Insert long skinny screwdriver between grip
paint, or anodized finishes with emery cloth; 3) lubri-
and bar to create gap between grip and bar.
cate bolts properly and follow torque recommenda-
2. [ ] Spray or drip water between grip and bar
tions closely; 4) inspect bars for fatigue cracks regu- then remove screwdriver.
larly where clamps engage bars. 3. [ ] Insert screwdriver between grip and bar at a
1. [ ] If installing external-clamp handlebar exten- 180° opposite original insertion.
sion, move controls and grips inward enough 4. [ ] Spray or drip water between grip and bar
to provide room for full engagement of then remove screwdriver.
clamp to bar. 5. [ ] Twist grip back and forth to spread water
2. [ ] Rremove paint, epoxy coats, or anodization around, then pull grip off.
finishes from inside of clamps and outside of
bar where clamps will engage. Installation
3. [ ] Clean mating surfaces with alcohol/acetone. 1. [ ] Clean bar of any contamination with alcohol.
4. [ ] Thoroughly grease bolt threads and under 2. [ ] Spray inside of grip with hair spray and slip
bolt heads. grip onto handlebar quickly.
3. [ ] Allow several hours for hair spray to set be-
fore riding, check grip security before riding.

28 – 12

DROP-BAR TAPING 7. [ ] Pulling with a gentle-to-firm pressure, con-

tinue wrapping around bar, advancing tape
1. [ ] Remove old tape unless fatter bar diameter with each wrap so that each wrap overlaps
is preferred. the last by about 1/3 the tape width until
2. [ ] Roll back rubber cover on brake lever to ex- first bend of bar is reached.
pose base of brake-lever body.
3. [ ] Unless provided, cut 3" piece from end of
tape and cover brake-lever mounting strap,
so that both ends of piece will end up under
rubber cover when rubber cover is down.

Rolled-back rubber cover

3" piece wrapped

around bar
28.20 Overlap each wrap by 1/3 the width of the tape.

8. [ ] Continue advancing up bend of bar, main-

taining 1/4 – 1/3 of tape width overlap at
outside of bar bend.

28.18 Put a 3" piece of tape over the brake lever mounting strap.

4. Check fit of handlebar plug or cap to end of

bar and check one of following options:
[ ] No handlebar plug will be used, handle-
bar-end shifters are mounted in bars, first
wrap of tape will start flush with end of bar.
[ ] Handlebar plug is snug fit to bar, first
wrap of tape will start flush with end of bar.
[ ] Handlebar plug is loose in bar, first wrap of
tape needs to overlap end of bar by 10–15mm.
5. [ ] Start tape at bottom of bar, with end of 28.21 Overlap each wrap by 1/4 – 1/3 the width of the tape on
tape on top of bar and pointing in, with edge the outside of the bend of the bar.
of tape flush to or overlapping bar as deter-
mined in step 4. 9. [ ] Adjust amount each wrap overlaps last wrap
so that when tape reaches bottom of brake
lever, it overlaps bottom edge of lever body
by 1/8" to 1/4".
10. [ ] After overlapping bottom of brake lever, ad-
vance next wrap enough to end up above
brake lever at completion of wrap, and over-
lap top of brake lever body by 1/8" to 1/4".

28.19 Start with a full wrap with no advance.

6. [ ] Complete one wrap of tape without advanc-

ing it so that end of tape is hidden by wrap. 28.22 Wrap around the brake lever like this.

28 – 13
11. [ ] Continue wrapping around upper bend of Securing BMX/freestyle stems
bar, maintaining 1/4 – 1/3 of tape overlap at BMX/freestyle stems should be torqued in the fork
outside bend of bar.
to 170in-lbs (28lbs@6" or 42lbs@4").
12. [ ] Finish wrapping with tape-edge flush to
edge of fat center section of bar, then cut Most BMX and freestyle bikes have a stem with
tape so end is on bottom side of bar. four handlebar-binder bolts. The handlebar is sand-
13. [ ] Use colored friction tape or tape supplied wiched between two blocks of metal. When the binder
with handlebar tape to cover last wrap, leav- bolts are secured, these two blocks need to remain
ing end on bottom side of bar. parallel to avoid bending the bolts (see figure 28.24,
14. [ ] If using friction tape, use soldering iron or below). In addition, the bolts should be tightened in a
hot knife blade to weld end of friction tape specific sequence to avoid effectively loosening one
to overlap. bolt while tightening another. Basically, this means
15. [ ] Tuck any excess tape into bottom end of bar always crossing over the handlebar to get to the next
and install handlebar-end plugs (if any).
bolt. See figure 28.25 (below) for a tightening pattern.
The bolts should be tightened in several stages, to a
final torque of 240in-lbs (40lbs@6" or 60lbs@4").
BMX handlebar positions
BMX and freestyle handlebars should be posi-
tioned with the rise of the bar ranging from 10° for- Keep gaps equal at all times
ward from straight up to 30° back. The normal posi-
tion when setting up new bikes is with the rise of the
bars pointing straight up.

10° forward
28.24 Keep an even gap at the front and back of the bar clamp at
30° back all times.

1 3

4 2

28.25 Tighten the four bolts in this pattern.

28.23 Position BMX/freestyle bars in this range.

28 – 14

See figure 28.26 for the acceptable range of handle-
bar positions.

28.26 This the range of acceptable positions for upright bars.


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Wedge will not drop when tapping the stem-binder bolt with a ballpeen hammer.
Wedge is rusted in place. Unthread handlebar-binder bolt, remove stem
without wedge, drive wedge out with punch.
SYMPTOM: Stem will not remove after the wedge has dropped.
Off-center hole in locknut is cutting into stem shaft. Loosen headset locknut before removing stem.
Stem is corroded in place. See procedure for removing difficult stems
(page 28-6, steps 6 and 7).
SYMPTOM: After loosening handlebar-binder bolt, bars will not slip easily through stem.
Handlebar bore had to be spread for installation, so Insert something in compression slot to expand
in relaxed state it is still exerting pressure. handlebar bore.
SYMPTOM: Stem jams in bend of drop bar when installing or removing the stem from the bars.
Stem with wide bar clamp for MTB-type bars is Do not use this combination if installing. Spread
being used on drop bars. compression slot as much as necessary if
removing the bars from the stem.
SYMPTOM: Bar center is difficult to fit in stem.
Bar center is wrong dimension for handlebar bore Measure both diameters. The bar should be
in stem. no more than .2mm larger than the handlebar
bore I.D. in the stem.
Stem is good fit, but handlebar-bore diameter is Expand compression slot in stem after verifying
slightly collapsed or undersized. stem and bar are compatible.
SYMPTOM: Stem is difficult to install in fork column.
Stem is over-sized for fork column. Measure stem O.D. and fork column I.D. Stem
cannot be larger than fork column by any
Headset-locknut seal is displaced. Check seal and insert correctly if displaced.
Headset locknut has off-center hole. Loosen locknut and install stem to test. Replace
locknut to fix.
Corrosion in fork column or on stem shaft. Clean stem shaft with emery cloth and hone
inside of fork column.
(Continued next page)

28 – 15


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Stem will not secure.
Stem was installed with stem-binder bolt too loose, Remove stem and install with stem-binder bolt
and slope-style wedge has rotated 180° out of no looser than necessary to get stem into fork
position. column.
Stem-binder-bolt head, stem-binder-bolt threads, and Grease all appropriate points.
wedge surface are not greased.
SYMPTOM: Handlebars slip when properly torqued.
Handlebar-binder bolt(s) need grease on threads and Grease handlebar-binder bolt.
under head.
Bars are undersized to handlebar bore in stem. Measure both and make sure bar diameter is
not more than .2mm less than bore diameter.
Bar center has collapsed or is worn out from Remove bars and check condition of mating
previous slipping. surface to stem.
Mating surfaces are contaminated. Remove bars from stem and clean mating
surfaces with alcohol or acetone.
Reinforcing sleeve has separated from handlebar. Check if bar center sleeve is staying stationary
when bar slips. If so, replace handlebar.
SYMPTOM: After installing new handlebars, one side is lower than the other.
Stem was bent in a crash. Replace stem.
SYMPTOM: Handlebar extension or clip-on will not secure when bolts properly torqued.
Bolt heads and threads not greased. Grease bolts.
Mating surfaces are contaminated. Remove and clean mating surfaces.
Mating surfaces coated with paint or annodization. Clean to raw aluminum with emery cloth.
Internal extension clamp, or radiused clip-on clamp Change bar, or clip-on, or extension, for better
diameter is wrong diameter for bar. fitting item.
SYMPTOM: Handlebar-binder bolt breaks when torqued.
Torque was excessive for bolt diameter. Check thread diameter and use appropriate torque.
If torque was correct, bar diameter is too small for Check fit and replace one item to improve fit.
stem, causing bolt to bend before bar is secured.
SYMPTOM: Stem-binder bolt breaks when torqued.
Torque for steel bolts is being used on aluminum bolt. Check material and use correct torque.
SYMPTOM: Handlebars creak when riding.
Handlebar-binder bolt is loose. Check torque.
Stem-binder bolt is loose. Check torque.
Stem shaft is creaking inside fork column due to Remove and grease stem shaft.
lack of grease.
Headset is creaking. Check headset for marginally-loose pressed
races and loose headset locknut.
Reinforcement sleeve is creaking. Can only be identified by eliminating all other
choices. Try dripping penetrating Loctite into
end of sleeve. If this fails, live with noise or
replace handlebar.

28 – 16


This chapter is about chainline. Chainline is the
alignment between the chainrings and the rear cogs.
By centering the rear cogs to the center of the TERMINOLOGY
chainring set, the chain will experience the minimum Chainline: The alignment between the rear cogset
lateral deflection as it is used in all the possible gear and the front chainring set (see figure 27.1).
combinations. The benefits of minimizing chain de- Rear-cogset center: The point halfway between
flection are less drive-train noise, less drive-train wear, the innermost and outermost cogs. If the cogset has
and better shifting. five cogs, the center is the third cog from either end. If
the cogset has six cogs, the center is the third space
Double chainring
between cogs, counting from either end. If the cogset
has seven cogs, the center is the fourth cog, counting
from either end. If the cogset has eight cogs, the cen-
8-speed ter is the fourth space between cogs, counting from
Double chainring
either end. (See figure 27.1)
Chainring-set center: The center of the chainring
7-speed set is the point halfway between the innermost and
Triple chainring
outermost chainrings. If there are two chainrings, the
center is the center of the space between the two
chainrings. If there are three chainrings, the center is
Triple chainring the center of the middle chainring. (See figure 27.1)
Chainrings-out error: When there is an error in
chainline, it could be because the chainrings are too
27.1 Examples of perfect chainline. far out from the center of the bike compared to the
freewheel. This could be called either chainrings-out
Chainline is different from other aspects of bi- error or rear-cogs-in error. Although they are the same
cycle mechanics. If two out of five indications point thing, chainrings-out error is used because chainline
to a bottom bracket needing an overhaul, it would be adjustments are easier to make by moving the
prudent to overhaul the bottom bracket. The same chainrings than by moving the rear cogs.
applies to adjusting a derailleur, truing a wheel, or Chainrings-in error: When there is an error in
just about any other procedure; however, it is not chainline, it could be because the chainrings are too
prudent to adjust chainline if it is uncertain that there far in toward the center of the bike compared to the
is a problem. The difference is that chainline error is freewheel. This could be called either chainrings-in
difficult to measure accurately and extremely com- error or rear-cogs-out error. Although they are the same
plicated to correct. Most bikes are quite tolerant of thing, chainrings-in error is used because chainline ad-
some chainline error, so it is a big mistake to mea- justments are easier to make by moving the chainrings
sure for chainline error and then correct it only be- than by moving the rear cogs.
cause a quantifiable error exists. Unlike other proce- Lateral deflection (of chain): The twist of the
dures in this book, the procedure in this chapter starts chain (in or out) that occurs when the chain goes from
with an inspection to determine whether any signifi- a chainring to a rear cog that is not directly in line
cant symptoms exist, and only goes further if symp- with the chainring. Lateral deflection increases chain
toms are detected. Arbitrary correction of any detect- friction, wear, and noise.
able chainline error is usually a mistake!

27 – 1

PREREQUISITES the rear triangle gets aligned later for other reasons, the
chainline could be lost. Frame alignment can only be
There are no prerequisites to determine whether
done with steel frames. With titanium, aluminum, and
there is a chainline error, what direction it is, and what
carbon-fiber frames, the first choice of chainline-error
size the error is. Correcting chainline can include mov-
correction should be moving the chainrings. If reposi-
ing the chainrings, moving the freewheel, and align-
tioning the chainrings does not solve the problem, then
ing the rear triangle of the frame. Each of these gen-
change the chainline by moving the freewheel.
eral procedures can require several more specific pro-
If re-spacing a hub to move the freewheel to fix a
cedures, which are outlined below.
chainline error, it is possible that the overall hub width
Crank-arm removal will change, and it will no longer fit the frame. In this
In order to correct a chainline error, it may be nec- case, frame alignment would also be needed.
essary to replace a bottom bracket or bottom-bracket
spindle. Crank-arm removal is necessary to perform
these procedures.
Chainline does not have to be perfect, so measur-
Bottom-bracket overhaul ing chainline just for the sake of preventative mainte-
In order to correct a chainline error, it may be nec- nance is not recommended. Think about chainline
essary to replace a bottom bracket or bottom-bracket only when there are symptoms that indicate chainline
spindle. error, or when making a change to a bike that can
Front-derailleur adjustment introduce chainline error.
If the chainrings are moved in or out to correct a There are a great number of changes that can be
chainline error, the front derailleur will need to be re- made to a bicycle that can introduce symptoms of
adjusted. chainline error. Each time a change is made in one of
the following areas, operate the bike and observe whether
Freewheel removal any symptoms of chainline error have developed.
In order to correct a chainline error, it may be nec-
essary to move the freewheel in or out. This is done Change: New crankset
by changing the spacers on the hub axle. To overhaul Whether the crankset is going on an existing bot-
the hub and change the spacers, it will be necessary to tom bracket or comes with a new bottom bracket, there
remove the freewheel. If the hub is a freehub, then go is no way to know whether the chainring position will
directly to hub overhaul without removing anything be the same until after installation. If the position of
in regard to the rear cogs. the chainrings is different, check whether chainline-
error symptoms have developed.
Hub overhaul
In order to move the freewheel in or out, it may Change: New right crank arm
be necessary to re-space the hub axle, requiring a hub If replacing the right crank arm with one that is
overhaul. not identical, it may move the position of the chainrings.
If the position of the chainrings is different, check
Rear-derailleur adjustment whether chainline-error symptoms have developed.
If the freewheel is moved in or out to correct a
chainline error, it will be necessary to re-adjust the Change: New bottom bracket
rear derailleur. If replacing the bottom bracket with one that is not
identical, it may move the position of the chainrings. If
Wheel truing the position of the chainrings is different, check whether
If re-spacing the hub, then the wheel may require chainline-error symptoms have developed.
Change: New or reversed
Rear-triangle alignment bottom-bracket spindle
A chainline error is often caused by a misalignment If replacing the bottom-bracket spindle with one
of the rear triangle. Although an alignment problem that is not identical, or just reversing an old one to
can be compensated for by moving the chainrings or improve the chainring or crank-arm clearance, it may
rear cogs, the ideal place to start is by correcting any change the position of the chainrings. If the position
rear-triangle-alignment error. If this is not done and the of the chainrings is different, check whether chainline-
chainline error is corrected by other means, then when error symptoms have developed.

27 – 2

Change: New rear wheel one of the inner rear cogs. If it only happens when
If replacing the rear wheel with one that is not back pedaling and self-corrects when pedaling forward,
identical, then the wheel may move the rear cogs fur- ignore it. If significant chainline error cannot be found
ther out or in. If the position of the rear cogs from the after experiencing this symptom, it could be caused
frame is different, check whether chainline-error symp- by an incompatibility between the chain and pulley
toms have developed. wheel, an alignment error to the rear-derailleur hanger,
or damage to the rear derailleur that affects the align-
Change: New freewheel or freehub body ment of the rear-derailleur cage.
with different number of cogs Symptom: Chain makes popping or
Anytime the number of rear cogs is changed, there
is a new center to the cogset. Check whether chainline- snapping sound as it feeds onto a chainring
error symptoms have developed. only in certain gear combinations.
This chainrings-out symptom is most likely to oc-
Change: New spacing on rear hub cur when the chain is on an outer chainring in front
If changing the spacing on the rear axle to change
and one of the inner rear cogs. If it goes away when
the fit of the wheel to the frame, or to accommodate a
shifting the chain further out on the rear cogs and
different freewheel or freehub body, or to correct a
there is an identifiable chainline error, then it is fair to
clearance problem between the outermost rear cog and
assume the problem is chainline. If significant chainline
the frame, the position of the rear-cogset center will
error cannot be found after experiencing this symp-
change. Check whether chainline-error symptoms have
tom, it could be caused by a low-quality chain or
Change: New chain Symptom: While shifting, chain derails
As chains wear, they develop greater lateral flex-
ibility. The degree of lateral flexibility differs from one to inside of chainrings, and front derailleur
model of chain to another. A chain’s lateral flexibility cannot be adjusted to eliminate problem.
determines to what degree certain amounts of chainline This chainrings-out symptom requires a very se-
error will be tolerated. Check whether chainline-error vere chainline error on the average bike, but road-rac-
symptoms have developed after installing a new chain. ing bikes with eight-speed cogsets can be very sensi-
tive to this error and may exhibit this symptom even
Change: New rear-derailleur pulley wheels when the error is not large. The symptom generally
or new rear derailleur. occurs when the chain is on the innermost rear cog
One of the symptoms of chainline error is that and shifting the front derailleur to put the chain on
the chain derails from the lower derailleur pulley wheel. the innermost chainring. Because this symptom can
Different pulley wheels engage the chain in varying be caused by poor derailleur alignment and limit-screw
degrees of effectiveness. Anytime pulley wheels are settings, first check the derailleur adjustment. If the
changed, on an old derailleur or by installing a new derailleur cannot be adjusted to eliminate the symp-
derailleur, check whether chainline-error symptoms tom without introducing the symptom where the chain
have developed. is hesitant to shift to the innermost chainring (or rubs
Change: Newly aligned frame rear triangle the chain after the shift), then chainline is likely to be
If changing the rear-triangle alignment to fix a the cause. With some of the eight-speed road-racing
tracking error, or to have it fit the rear wheel differ- bikes, the symptom will not go away until the front-
ently, it will move the center of the rear cogset. Check derailleur cage is modified to make it wider at the tail.
whether chainline-error symptoms have developed. Symptom: While pedaling, chain derails
Symptom: Chain derails to outside of to inside of chainrings.
lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel The symptom generally occurs when the chain is
on the innermost rear cog and the middle or inner-
only in certain gear combinations. most chainring. It is most likely to occur when the
This symptom, which is one of the most likely
chain is under high load, or when pedaling very fast
symptoms resulting from the chainrings being too far
(low load) and the chain is bouncing (due to rough
out relative to the rear cogs, is most likely to occur
when the chain is on an outer chainring in front and

27 – 3
terrain or choppy pedaling style). It is less likely to The square bar stock is used as a straight edge. A
occur with the bike in the stand, but will happen par- conventional straight edge made from flat stock (like a
ticularly at high pedaling speeds. ruler) will not work. Instead of a solid bar stock, square
tubing may be used. The stock or tubing may be 1/2"
Symptom: Chain derails to inside of lower instead of the preferred 3/8" size.
rear-derailleur pulley wheel only in certain The alternate procedure (page 27-13) uses a new tool,
gear combinations. the Stein CLC-1. The procedure utilizing this tool is
This symptom, which is one of the most likely both easier and more accurate than the first procedure.
symptoms resulting from the chainrings being too far Another tool used in the procedure is the Park
in, relative to the rear cogs, is most likely to occur FAG-2. This tools is used to measure the rear-triangle
when the chain is on an inner chainring in front and alignment of the frame. It is a recommended tool in
one of the outer rear cogs. If it only happens when the chapter FRAME AND FORK ALIGNMENT AND DAMAGE.
back pedaling and self-corrects when pedaling forward,
ignore it. If significant chainline error cannot be found
after experiencing this symptom, it may be caused by TIME AND DIFFICULTY
an incompatibility between the chain and pulley wheel, Chainline-error inspection
an alignment error to the rear-derailleur hanger, or dam- It only takes a couple of minutes to put the bike in
age to the rear derailleur that affects the alignment of a stand and run it through all the gear combinations to
the rear-derailleur cage. see if there are any symptoms. There is no difficulty.
Symptom: Chain rubs against adjacent rear Chainline-error identification
cog only in certain gear combinations. Measuring chainline error takes only 3–5 minutes.
This chainrings-in symptom is most likely to oc- The job has moderate difficulty.
cur when the chain is on an inner chainring and one
of the outer rear cogs. If this symptom is caused by
Chainline-error correction
All the difficulty with chainline comes with cor-
incorrect spacing between rear cogs or use of a wide
rection. At the minimum, chainline correction is a
chain with narrow-spaced cogs, it will not go away
matter of overhauling a bottom bracket to reverse the
when the chain is shifted to an outer chainring.
spindle or put in a different one. With crank-arm re-
Symptom: Chain rubs against adjacent moval and installation and re-adjustment of the front
chainring only in certain gear derailleur, this could easily be a 45–60 minute job of
moderate to high difficulty. It may be necessary to over-
combinations. haul the rear hub to re-space the rear axle, and that
This chainrings-in symptom is most likely to occur
will also require rear-derailleur adjustment and re-dish-
when the chain is on an inner chainring in front and
ing the rear wheel. This could be 75–100 minute and
one of the outer rear cogs. If the chainrings have been
the difficulty would be high. Neither of these options
recently installed on the crank arm, then spacers may
includes alignment of the rear triangle, which could
be out of place. If the chainrings and crank arm did not
add an additional 15–30 minutes.
come together as a set, they may be incompatible.


There is one tool, the Park CLG-2, that is not rec- Chainrings will not move far enough
ommended due to limitations of its accuracy and lim- In some cases, there may not be a long enough
ited conditions in which it fits well. bottom-bracket spindle available to move the chainrings
There are two alternate procedures for measuring out far enough to correct the chainline error. In other
chainline in this chapter. The first (pages 27-6 through cases, in order to move the chainrings in far enough to
27-7) requires the following tools. None of them are correct the chainline error, the chainrings or crank
bicycle-specialty tools. arm might end up rubbing against the frame. In all
Caliper these cases, after correcting chainline at the chainrings
Quick Grip clamp (hardware stores or United as far as is possible, the chainline correction needs to
Bicycle Tool) be continued by changing the rear-cogset position
2' long 3/8" square bar stock (hardware store) (which could include hub re-spacing, wheel dishing,
and frame alignment).

27 – 4

Poor frame alignment is causing the Any of these symptoms can be caused by something
other than a chainline error. After determining the
problem, but frame cannot be aligned symptom exists, identify if a significant error exists in
Non-steel frames and many full-suspension frames
a direction that is consistent with the symptom. If this
cannot be aligned. This limits correction to moving
cannot be done before correcting any chainline error,
the chainrings and shifting spacers from one side of
check and correct any other possible causes of the
the hub to the other in order to move the cogset.
Moving chainrings solves chainline NOTE: If symptom indicating chainrings-out or
symptom, but front derailleur chainrings-in error is already known, skip to
step 7.
will not adjust to new position 1. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost chainring and in-
If the chainrings end up too far out or too close nermost rear cog and pedal fast, then slow,
in, the front derailleur may have difficulty shifting to and observe whether chain rides off of lower
the innermost or outermost chainring. In this case, pulley wheel of rear derailleur. If yes, go to
the derailleur may need to be changed, or the MEASURING CHAINLINE ERROR and check for
chainrings moved less and additional chainline correc- chainrings-out error.
tion done at the rear cogs. 2. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost chainring and
innermost rear cog and pedal slow, and ob-
serve whether chain side-plates catch on
ABOUT THE REST top of chainring teeth before chain rollers

OF THIS CHAPTER settle between teeth. If yes, go to MEASUR-

The rest of this chapter is divided into five parts. The chainrings-out error.
first three parts are procedures that are combined together. If a chain refuses to shift down to the innermost
In order, the procedures are inspecting for chainline-er- chainring without jumping off all the way to the bot-
ror symptoms, measuring chainline error, and determin- tom-bracket shell, chainline error can be the culprit.
ing a course of action for chainline-error correction. Af- This is tested for in step #3. It can also be caused by
ter determining the course of action to be taken, refer to poor front-derailleur adjustment, including inner-
the appropriate chapters for crank-arm removal, bottom- limit screw too loose (allowing to much inward travel
bracket service, and front-derailleur adjustment; or hub of the front derailleur) and poor rotational alignment
overhaul, wheel dish, and rear-derailleur adjustment. The of the front derailleur. This symptom has been expe-
fourth part of this chapter is a troubleshooting chart. The rienced on road-racing bikes with eight-speed rear
fifth part is an alternate procedure for measuring chainline. cogsets where the derailleur adjustments and chainline
were good. In this case, the only solution is to de-
form the front-derailleur cage so that its tail end is 2–

CHAINLINE-ERROR 3mm wider, and then re-adjust the rotation and limit
screws of the front derailleur.
INSPECTION, Because this next symptom can’t even be consid-
ered as a chainline-error symptom unless all these front-
MEASUREMENT, derailleur considerations are eliminated, attempt ev-
erything possible with the front derailleur before per-
AND CORRECTION forming the test in step #3.
3. For this next test, it is important that front de-
railleur be in known good adjustment.
INSPECTING FOR CHAINLINE- [ ] Shift chain onto innermost rear cog and
innermost chainring and check that inner
ERROR SYMPTOMS plate of front-derailleur cage clears inner
It is unnecessary and not recommended to correct face of chain by ≤1mm.
chainline error unless there is a symptom indicating [ ] Shift chain onto next chainring outward.
one exists. Do not skip the steps to determine if symp- [ ] Shift chain back to inner chainring and
toms exist unless already experiencing one of the symp- observe whether chain drops past chainring
toms, or troubleshooting in another chapter has led and onto bottom-bracket shell. If yes, go to
you to this chapter to correct a chainline error.
chainrings-out error.

27 – 5
4. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost rear cog and in- The following procedure is only as accurate as the
nermost chainring and pedal fast, then slow, outer chainring is straight. Every effort should be made
and observe whether chain rides off of lower to align the outer chainring as straight as possible be-
pulley wheel of rear derailleur. If yes, go to fore measuring the chainline error (chainring alignment
is described in the TAPER-FIT CRANK ARMS chapter [page
chainrings-in error.
5. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost rear cog and in-
20-10] and the CHAINRINGS chapter [page 23-12]). Most
nermost chainring and pedal slow, and ob- chainrings have a reasonably flat outer face; chainrings
serve whether chain rubs against the next that have bumps and protrusions on their face will
rear cog. If yes, go to MEASURING CHAINLINE make this procedure less accurate. The straight edge
ERROR and check for chainrings-in error. needs to be clamped against the face of the outer
6. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost rear cog and in- chainring near the top, and the left end of the straight
nermost chainring and pedal slow, and ob- edge should extend back as far as possible without en-
serve whether chain rubs against the next countering resistance from the seat stay or dropout
front chainring. If yes, go to MEASURING (see figure 27.2).
CHAINLINE 8. [ ] Attach straight edge against outer face of
ERROR and check for chainrings-in error. outermost chainring so that end of straight
edge stops just short of rear dropout, and
MEASURING CHAINLINE ERROR straight edge goes across face of chainring
at whatever point enables straight edge to
7. [ ] Shift chain to any middle cog in rear, and
sit flat.
drop chain off inside of innermost chainring.
9. [ ] Use caliper to measure from outside face of
Attaching the straight edge straight edge to inside face of innermost
chainring and record here: ______mm

Butt end of caliper against

face of straight edge

Quick-grip clamp

Adjust tip of depth

Clamp this end of straight gauge to inside
edge flat to face of chainring face of chainring

Straight edge 27.3 Measure from outer face of straight edge to inner face of in-
nermost chainring.

Place this end of straight

edge on top of rear cogs

27.2 Attaching the straight edge to the outer chainring with a

Quick Grip clamp.

27 – 6
In the next step, use the long jaws of the caliper to In the next step, use the depth gauge of the cali-
measure from the outside face of the outermost per to measure from the outside face of the outer-
chainring to the inside face of the innermost chainring. most rear cog to the inside face of the innermost rear
Take care to hold the calipers perpendicular to the plane cog. Take care to hold the calipers perpendicular to
of the chainrings. the plane of the cogs.

Align caliper butt to

face of outer cog

Align jaw with inner face

of innermost chainring
Align tip of depth gauge
with inside face of cog

27.6 Measure from the face of the outermost rear cog to the inside
27.4 Measure from the outside face of the outermost chainring to face of the innermost rear cog with calipers.
the inside face of the innermost chainring with calipers.
13. [ ] Measure width of rear cogset with caliper
10. [ ] Measure width of chainring set with caliper from outer face of outer cog to inner face of
from outer face of outer chainring to inner inner cog, then record here and divide by 2:
face of inner chainring, then record here and width: ______ ÷2 = ______mm
divide by 2: width: ______ ÷2 = ______mm 14. [ ] Subtract result at end of step 13 from step
11. [ ] Subtract result at end of step 10 from step 12 and record sum here:
9 and record sum here: REAR CENTER FACTOR = ______mm
FRONT CENTER FACTOR = ______mm 15. [ ] Repeat FRONT CENTER FACTOR from step
In the next step, use the depth gauge of the cali- 11 here: – ______mm
per to measure from the outside face of the straight The sum in step #16 may end up as a positive or
edge to the inside face of the innermost rear cog. negative number. If the number is positive, then the
Take care to hold the calipers perpendicular to the chainrings are further out from the bike center than
plane of the cogs. the rear cogset. Chainline-error symptoms consis-
tent with a chainrings-out condition might be fixed
Butt caliper against by correcting the problem, unless the error is insig-
face of straight edge nificant (less than 1mm). If the number is negative,
then the chainrings are closer in to the bike center
than the rear cogset. Chainline-error symptoms con-
sistent with a chainrings-in condition might be fixed
by correcting the problem, unless the error is insig-
nificant (less than 1mm).
16. [ ] Subtract step 15 from step 14:
Adjust tip of depth gauge

to inside face of cog

27.5 Measure from the face of the straight edge to the inside face of
the innermost rear cog with calipers. ACTION FOR ERROR CORRECTION
12. [ ] Use caliper to measure from outside face of If frame will not be aligned
straight edge to inside face of innermost rear If not intending to align the frame, even if there
cog and record here: ______mm is an error, then skip to step #23. This may be be-
cause the frame is not steel or because the shop does
not align frames.

27 – 7

Measuring rear-triangle-alignment error It is arbitrary which side to start on when using

The procedure in steps #17–#22 is an abbreviated the FAG-2 tool, but the procedure starts on the left. If
procedure for checking rear-triangle alignment. In the the rear triangle is off-center to the left, then it will
FRAME AND FORK ALIGNMENT AND DAMAGE chapter show up as a gap at the right dropout. If the rear tri-
there is a detailed procedure and diagrams of this pro- angle happens to be off to the right, then a gap will
cess (page 8-5). It is strongly recommended that you show up at the seat tube on the right side. In this case,
be familiar with rear-triangle alignment before perform- since the error cannot be quantified at this point, it
ing steps #17–#22. These steps are also mentioned in will be necessary to reset the tool on the right so that
the PREREQUISITES section of this chapter (page 27-2). the gap will show up at the left dropout.
When measuring the rear-triangle-centering error,
there will be a measurement that tells the difference in
one dropout position relative to the central plane of
the bike compared to the other dropout’s position rela-
tive to the central plane of the bike. This measure-
ment will be arrived at by measuring the gap between
the adjustable tip of the tool and the face of a dropout.
Whatever the gap is, the cogs will move by one half
the amount of the gap when the rear triangle is aligned
perfectly. If the gap is found at the right dropout, the
rear cogs will move to the right. If the gap is at the left
dropout, the rear cogs will move to the left. Gap?



27.8 Transfer the tool to the right side of the frame, check whether
Contact there is a gap, and check whether it is at the seat tube or dropout.

18. Transfer FAG-2 to right side of bike and observe

[ ] Tool contacts simultaneously at head
tube, seat tube, and right rear dropout face.
There is no rear-triangle-centering error.
[ ] Tool contacts at head tube and right rear
dropout and has gap at seat tube. There is
some rear-triangle-centering error and adjust-
Contact ing tip must be set so that tool contacts at
three points on right side, then transferred to
left so error can be measured at left rear
27.7 This drawing shows the initial set up of the FAG-2 on the left dropout. Check third part of this step also.
side of the bike.
[ ] Adjustable tip shows gap at rear dropout
face (either). With stack of feeler gauges or
17. [ ] Place long flat section of Park FAG-2 against
caliper, measure gap between tip of FAG-2
left side of head tube and seat tube so that
and dropout face and record here: ______mm
adjustable tip is overlapping face of rear
left side? or right side? (circle one).
dropout, and adjust tool tip so that it gently
contacts dropout face.

27 – 8
error corrections is at the chainrings. Chainrings may
be moved in or out by changing the bottom-bracket
spindle. The only practical limit to how far the
chainrings can be moved out is the sizes of the avail-
FAG-2 able spindles. The limit to how far crank-arm/
chainrings can be moved in is the potential of the crank
arm or chainrings to rub the frame. The clearance be-
Dropout tween the frame and the crank-arm/chainrings must
be 2mm or more to account for the amount that the
Feeler gauges chainrings, crank arm, and frame flex under load. The
next steps measure the existing clearance and determine
the maximum amount the chainrings can move in.
If the maximum amount the chainrings can move
is not enough to eliminate the symptom, then resort
to the more difficult solution of moving the rear cogs.
Keep in mind that the chainrings do not necessarily
27.9 When a gap at the dropout is found, measure the gap with have to be moved enough to make the chainline per-
feeler gauges. fect, only enough to eliminate the symptom. For this
reason, always move the chainrings as much as pos-
19. [ ] If measurement in step 18 is ≤2mm, the ef- sible to achieve perfect chainline, and then test for
fect of rear-triangle alignment on chainline
symptoms before deciding to make any additional cor-
error would be negligible. Leave rear triangle
as is and skip to step 24.
rection at the rear cogs.
20. [ ] If gap is between FAG-2 adjustable tip and 24. [ ] Use stack of feeler gauges to measure gap
right dropout face, correcting rear triangle between chain stay and closest part of right
will move rear cogset out by half amount of crank-arm/chainring assembly and record
gap recorded in step 18. This would have here: __________mm.
same effect as moving chainrings in by same 25. [ ] Subtract 2mm from number in step 24 and
amount. record answer here: __________mm.
21. [ ] If gap is between FAG-2 adjustable tip and 26. [ ] Number in step 25 is maximum chainring cor-
left dropout face, correcting rear triangle will rection. If this number is more than 1mm less
move rear cogset in by half amount of gap than the number in step 16, moving chainrings
recorded in step 18. This would have same in to limit will not complete chainline-error cor-
effect as moving chainrings out by same rection (continue at cogset).
amount. 27. [ ] If number in step 25 is <.5mm, chainline
22. [ ] If rear-triangle-alignment error is significant correction by moving chainrings is not pos-
and frame is steel, consider aligning rear tri- sible. Skip to step 35.
angle before doing any other chainline-error Determine best replacement bottom-
23. [ ] If rear triangle has been aligned after discov-
bracket spindle to correct chainline error
ering chainline error, repeat steps 1–16 to Bottom-bracket-spindle interchangeability is com-
determine if symptoms remain and amount plex. The next steps simply accumulate the necessary
and direction of remaining chainline error. information to calculate what bottom-bracket spindle
would be better, but do not do actual calculations. To
Calculate maximum correction possible calculate the appropriate replacement spindle, use the
for moving chainrings in spindle-interchangeability procedure in the ADJUST-
If performing a frame alignment has not solved ABLE-CUP BOTTOM BRACKETS chapter (page 9-13).
the chainline error, then the best place to continue to 28. [ ] If chainrings-in error exists, number in step
solve the chainline error is at the chainrings. If there is 14 is amount new bottom-bracket spindle
no frame-alignment error, then the best place to start should move chainrings out. Record again
making chainline-error corrections is still at the here: __________mm.
chainrings. If you are not aligning the frame because 29. [ ] If chainrings-out error exists, smaller of two
the frame is not suitable (or it is not shop policy to numbers in steps 12 & 24 is amount new
bottom-bracket spindle should move
align frames), the best place to start making chainline-
chainrings in. Record again here: ______mm.

27 – 9
30. [ ] Remove bottom-bracket spindle and record 35. If rear cogs need to move out (chainrings could
all markings that might identify existing bot- not be moved in enough) to correct remain-
tom-bracket spindle. Record brand and mark- ing chainline error:
ings here: ____________________________ [ ] Amount of error recorded in repeated
31. [ ] Go to SPINDLE INTERCHANGEABILITY in ADJUSTABLE- step 16 is amount of spacer thickness that
CUP BOTTOM BRACKETS chapter (page 9-13) to needs to be transferred from right side of
determine acceptable replacement spindles. axle set to left side of axle set. Clearance of
chain to frame when chain is on outermost
Determine if symptoms remain rear cog or shifting from outermost rear cog
after correcting chainline error to the next cog should be checked. Wheel
by moving chainrings needs to be re-dished and rear derailleur
Once the chainrings are moved, it is necessary to needs adjustment after transferring spacers.
[ ] If spacers unavailable to transfer from
see if symptoms persist. If the error was fully corrected
right side of axle to left side of axle, amount
but the symptoms persist, look for other causes. If the of error in repeated step 16 is half of
error was not fully corrected but the symptoms are amount of spacer thickness that needs to be
gone, chainline correction is done. If the error was not added to left side of axle set. Wheel needs
fully corrected and the symptoms remain, go ahead to to be re-dished, rear triangle must be re-
moving the rear cogs to further correct chainline. aligned (not an option unless frame is steel),
32. [ ] Repeat steps 1–6 to determine if chainline- and rear derailleur needs adjustment after
error symptoms remain after making full or adding spacers.
partial correction of error by moving
chainrings. Determine if symptoms remain after cor-
33. [ ] If error symptoms remain, repeat steps 8–16 recting chainline error by moving rear cogs
to determine direction and amount of re- Symptoms indicating chainline error may be
maining error. If error is ≤1mm or is in wrong caused by a variety of problems other than chainline
direction to create symptom, see INDICATIONS error. After checking that chainline error has been
(page 27-2) or CHAINLINE TROUBLESHOOTING eliminated, check if any symptoms remain (step #36).
(page 27-11) to determine other possible
If symptoms remain, it is time to look toward other
causes of symptom.
things as the source of the symptoms. The other things
Error and symptoms remain after moving that cause symptoms similar to chainline error are cov-
chainrings as much as possible ered in the INDICATIONS section (page 27-2) and the
and significant error remains 36. [ ] Repeat steps 1–6 to determine if chainline-
34. If rear cogs need to move in (chainrings could
error symptoms remain after making com-
not be moved out enough) to correct remain-
plete correction of error. If they do, see INDI-
ing chainline error:
[ ] Amount of error recorded in repeated
SHOOTING (page 27-11) to determine other
step 16 is amount of spacer thickness that
possible causes of symptom.
needs to be transferred from left side of axle
to right side of axle. Wheel needs to be re-
dished and rear derailleur needs adjustment
after transferring spacers.
[ ] If spacers are unavailable to transfer from
left side of axle to right side of axle, the
amount of error in repeated step 16 is half
of amount of spacer thickness that needs to
be added to right side of axle set. Wheel
needs to be re-dished, rear triangle must be
realigned (not an option unless frame is
steel), and rear derailleur needs adjustment
after adding spacers.

27 – 10

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: When pedaling in a gear combination that has the chain on one of the outer rear cogs and
the innermost chainring, the chain comes off the lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel and rides against
the rear-derailleur-cage plate.
Chainrings are too far in relative to rear cogs and Check for chainrings-in error and correct if
lateral force on chain is forcing it to derail from significant and in the correct direction.
lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel.
If lower derailleur pulley wheel or chain was changed Replace lower pulley wheel with brand or model
just before symptom developed, they are incompatible, that has tall teeth, or replace chain with model
particularly if both are a low profile configuration. that has side plates protruding above rollers.
If chainline is good or error is in the opposite Check and correct rear-derailleur-hanger
direction to what would normally cause this alignment.
symptom, the derailleur hanger is mis-aligned.
If chainline is not the cause, pulley-wheel/chain Align rear-derailleur cage or replace rear derailleur.
compatibility is not an issue, and the rear-derailleur-
hanger alignment is good, then the rear-derailleur
cage is bent.
SYMPTOM: When pedaling in a gear combination that has the chain on one of the outer rear cogs and
the innermost front chainring, the chain seems to rub on the next inboard rear cog.
The chainrings are too far in, relative to the rear Check for chainrings-in error and correct if
cogs, and the angle of the chain to the innermost significant and in the correct direction.
chainrings is more than the space between the rear
cogs will allow without interference between the
chain and an adjacent cog.
If chainline is good or error is in wrong direction, Check and correct spacers between cogs.
spacers could be wrong between cogs, particularly
if cogs have recently been installed.
If chainline is good or error is in the wrong direction, All seven- and eight-cog sets are narrow. A few
wide chain could be in use with narrow-spaced cogset, six-cog sets are narrow. If cog set is narrow use
particularly if either chain or cogset has been replaced. chain that has rivet length of 7.4mm or less.
SYMPTOM: When pedaling in a gear combination that has the chain on one of the outer rear cogs and
the innermost front chainring, the chain seems to rub on the next chainring out.
The chainrings are too far in, relative to the rear Check for chainrings-in error and correct if
cogs, and the angle of the chain to the outer rear significant and in the correct direction.
cog is more than the space between the chainrings
will allow without interference between the chain
and the adjacent chainring.
If chainline is good or error is in the wrong direction, Check and correct spacers between chainrings.
spacers could be wrong between chainrings,
particularly if chainrings have recently been installed.
A most likely case causing this would be if Shimano
SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainrings have been installed
on a non-compatible crank arm.
If chainline is good or error is in the wrong direction, Replace chain with one that has a rivet length of
wide chain could be in use with narrow-spaced chain- 7.4mm or less.
ring set, particularly if either chain or chainring set
has just been replaced. A most likely case would be if
Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainrings are being used
with a chain that has rivets more than 7.4mm long.
(Continued next page)

27 – 11


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: When pedaling in a gear combination that has the chain on one of the inner-rear cogs and
the outermost chainring, the chain comes off the lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel and rides against
the rear-derailleur-cage plate.
Chainrings are too far out relative to rear cogs, Check for chainrings-out error and correct if
and lateral force on chain is forcing it to derail significant and in the correct direction.
from lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel.
If lower rear-derailleur pulley wheel or chain was Replace lower pulley wheel with brand or model
changed just before symptom developed, they are that has tall teeth, or replace chain with model
incompatible, particularly if both are a low profile that has side plates protruding above rollers.
If chainline is good or error is in opposite direction Check and correct rear-derailleur-hanger
to what would normally cause this symptom, alignment.
derailleur hanger is mis-aligned.
If chainline is not the cause, pulley-wheel/chain Align rear-derailleur cage or replace rear derailleur.
compatibility is not an issue, and rear-derailleur-
hanger alignment is good, rear-derailleur cage is bent.
SYMPTOM: The chain seems to snap or pop onto the chainring teeth when pedaling in a gear
combination that has the chain on one of the inner rear cogs and on the outermost chainring.
Chainrings are too far out relative to rear cogs, and Check for chainrings-out error and correct if
chain side plates are hanging up on top of chainring significant and in the correct direction.
teeth before chain drops into place.
Chain is wiggly or bent. Sight down length of chain to inspect for wiggles.
New cheap steel chainrings have sharp edges to Should go away with break-in.
teeth that are catching on chain side plates.
SYMPTOM: The front derailleur cannot be adjusted to eliminate the tendency of the chain to drop
past the innermost chainring when shifting to it and the chain is on one of the inner rear cogs.
The chainrings are too far out relative to the rear Check for chainrings-out error and correct if
cogs, and the lateral force on the chain is causing it significant and in the correct direction.
to whip past the inner chainring once it is free of
the next chainring out.
If chainline is good, front derailleur is out of Check front-derailleur height, front-derailleur
adjustment. rotational alignment, and inner-limit screw setting
of front derailleur.
If chainline and front-derailleur adjustment are good, Modify width of tail of front-derailleur cage
and bike is a road-racing model with 8 rear cogs, (widen) to retard front-derailleur performance.
front-derailleur performance is too good.

27 – 12

Clamp knob
The Stein CLC-1, in conjunction with a caliper, is Spacer
a relatively accurate and easy-to-use tool for measuring Spacer
chainline error. The tool consists of two parts: a main Nut flange
bar that attaches to the chainrings and extends back to
the rear cogs, and a second calibrated bar that is butted
against the rear cogs in order to take an error reading.
The calibrated bar over-simplifies the process. It is
Main bar
good for indicating whether the chainline is “good” or
“not good,” but it is not very effective at indicating 27.11 Position the tool so the main bar and spacers are on the
the amount of error. The following procedure substi- outer side of the outer chainring, and the flanges of the sleeve nuts
tutes a table of dimensions and a caliper for the cali- are against the inner face of the outer chainring teeth.
brated bar, which makes it possible to accurately de-
termine the amount of error. NOTE: Skip step 2 if using non-digital caliper!
The procedure is designed with the assumption To use the table in step #2, simply look up the
that a digital caliper is being used, but there are extra intersection of the row for the number of chainrings
steps at the end that make the procedure work with a on the bike with the column for the number of rear
non-digital caliper, as well. cogs on the bike.
2. [ ] Set digital caliper to appropriate value from
For optimal accuracy, the tool should be put in
table below (in millimeters), then zero caliper.
four different locations on the chainrings, and the
results averaged. This neutralizes error created by out- Stein CLC-1 Chainline Values
of-true chainrings. If the chainrings have excellent Rear cogs: 5 6 7 8 9
true, then one reading should be sufficient. If four
readings will be taken, be sure to start with one end Chainrings: 2 27.5 28.5 29.5 31.5 33.0
of the tool immediately adjacent to the crank arm so 3 31.5 32.5 33.5 35.5 37.0
that the additional readings can be taken at 90° inter-
vals around the chainrings. 3. [ ] Set depth gauge against outer face of inner-
When attaching the main bar to the chainrings, most rear cog, and adjust butt of caliper un-
note that the chainring teeth are to be sandwiched til it is just against face of CLC-1, then
between the flange on the inner end of each clamp record 1st reading in step 4.
mechanism and the large spacer that is adjacent to the [ ] Move tool to a position 8–10 teeth away
inner face of the main bar. from its current position, repeat measure-
ment, then record 2nd reading in step 4.
1. [ ] Place tool on outer chainring so that it is on
[ ] Move tool to a position 8–10 teeth away
outer face of chainring and adjacent to crank
from its current position, repeat measure-
arm. Left end of tool should be at rear cogs,
ment, then record 3rd reading in step 4.
and not interfering with frame.
[ ] Move tool to a position 8–10 teeth away
from its current position, repeat measure-
ment, then record 4th reading in step 4.
Step #4 calculates the actual chainline error if a
digital caliper has been used. If not using a digital
caliper, then use the result in step #4 as part of the
calculation in steps #5–7. Regardless of whether the
actual error is determined in step #4 or step #7, note
that a positive error means the chainrings are positioned
too far out relative to the rear cogs, and that a negative
27.10 Attach the Stein CLC-1 to the outer chainring so the tool is error means the chainrings are positioned too far in rela-
outside the chainring and the left end of the tool is in front of the
freewheel and not interfering with the frame. For the first measure-
tive to the rear cogs.
ment, start with the right end of the tool close to the crank arm.

27 – 13
4. [ ] Add readings recorded below, then divide by
4 to find chainline error.
1st reading: _______mm

2nd reading: _______mm

3rd reading: _______mm

4th reading: _______mm

TOTAL _______mm
divide by 4 ÷4
Chainline error: _______mm (result)
NOTE: Steps 5-7 are only needed if a non-digital
caliper was used.
5. [ ] Look up appropriate value in table in step 2,

and record here: ________mm

6. [ ] Subtract step 4 result: –________mm

7. [ ] Chainline error is: ________mm

27 – 14


This chapter is about removing, replacing, install-
ing, cleaning, and lubricating chains. Bikes without
derailleurs typically have chains with master links. Mas- Inner plates
ter links are covered in a separate section, as well as
information about sizing and tensioning chains on non-
derailleur bicycles. Rollers

Rivets (pins)
Side-plates: The usually dog-bone-shaped plates
Outer plates
that are seen when looking at the chain from the side.
Side-plates come in two versions on every chain: inner
side-plates and outer side-plates. The outer side-plates
are the ones that are seen in their entirety when view-
ing the chain from the side. The inner side-plates are 26.1 These are the parts of the chain.
the ones hidden partially by the outer side-plates.
Half-link: A section of chain including only two
Rollers: The metal cylinders that are between the
inner side-plates.
Narrow chain: Chains for derailleur bicycles have
Bushings: Not all chains have bushings. Bushings
been made in several widths. The widest part of the
are metal cylinders that are inside the rollers and can-
chain is the rivet, so the chain width is a measurement
not be seen when the chain is assembled. Normally
of the rivet length. A narrow chain’s rivet length can-
there is no need to be concerned with whether a chain
not exceed 7.4mm. All modern chains have a narrow
has bushings or not.
configuration, and narrow chains are compatible with
Rivets: The round metal rods that protrude just
all derailleur bicycles, even those made when the only
beyond the face of the outer side-plates. Each roller
chains that existed were wide chains.
goes through an outer side-plate, an inner side-plate,
Wide chain: The original chains for derailleur bi-
the roller, another inner side-plate, and another outer
cycles had a width (measured by measuring the length
side-plate. The rivets are what hold the chain together.
of the rivet) of 7.6mm or more. These are sometimes
They work by friction and are jammed into under-
called normal because they existed first, but they have
sized holes in each outer side-plate, but slip easily
become extremely rare, so in this book the designa-
through the inner side-plates and the roller.
tion wide is used. Wide chains are only compatible
Link: The smallest complete section of chain. It
with bikes that have wide spacing between the rear
consists of two outer side-plates, two inner side-plates,
cogs and between the chainrings. It is not important
two rollers, and two rivets. If a unit with only two
what this spacing is because virtually all replacement
inner side-plates was removed or added (one roller and
chains today have a narrow configuration. Narrow
one rivet), then the chain would be left with both ends
chains are compatible with freewheels and chainrings
ending in outer side-plates, which cannot be joined
that were made for wide chains.
together. A full link, including four side-plates, has an
Peened: When a rivet is installed at the factory, the
effective length of one inch, measured from the center
ends of it are deformed so that they become fatter and
of the rivet at one end to the center of the rivet hole at
will not pass through the hole in the outer side-plate as
the other end.

26 – 1
easily. Sometimes this deformation is created by strik- ing to the side-plates and unusually tight rivets that
ing the pin at two points with a chisel-like tool. This is put special demands on a chain tool. Once again,
called double-peened. When a rivet is double-peened, the Shimano does not provide any standards to other manu-
end of it will have two parallel grooves in it. A rivet can facturers in this area, so the term Hyperglide-compat-
also be fully-peened. A fully-peened rivet has been de- ible does not guarantee proper results. The fact that a
formed all the way around its perimeter. This may be tool is described as Hyperglide-compatible never makes
visually apparent if it has been done in a crude fashion, it less suitable for non-Hyperglide chains, and often
but it may not be obvious. If a rivet does not appear to makes it a better choice for a non-Hyperglide chain.
be double-peened, then assume it is fully-peened. IG chain: The latest descendant to the Shimano
Hyperglide chain. All information about Hyperglide
Double-peened Fully-peened chains with regard to tools and rivet techniques ap-
plies to IG chains.


26.2 The left rivet is the end of a double-peened rivet. The right
one is fully-peened.

Chain stretch: As chains are used, they become Outside

longer. This is often called stretch, which is a misno- width
mer because nothing actually stretches. The reason that
chains become longer is that wear occurs between the Pitch Inside
rollers and the bushing, or rivet inside the roller. This
wear creates slop or free play between the various parts
of the chain, which makes the chain longer. More im-
portant than the change in length is the fact that the
distance from roller-to-roller increases minutely from
the original half inch, which means that the chain will 26.3 Chain dimensions.
not mesh well with the gear teeth, which are spaced at
There are two basic types of chains: 1/2" × 3/32"
half-inch intervals. As a consequence of this wear, the
(derailleur bikes), and 1/2" × 1/8" (non-derailleur
chain also develops more lateral flexibility, which af-
bikes). A bike must use a 1/2" × 1/8" chain if the
fects its shifting performance long before the poor mat-
teeth on either the front or rear gears are wider than
ing to the gear teeth becomes an issue.
2.6mm (usually approximately 2.7mm). All bikes with
Hyperglide-compatible chain: Shimano makes
coaster brakes, most bikes with internally-geared hubs,
freehubs and freewheels that are called Hyperglide.
some BMX bikes with freewheels, and some track bikes
These have a special configuration to the teeth that
require the 1/2" × 1/8" size.
make it possible for the chain to simultaneously en-
These numbers that name the chain size (for ex-
gage two cogs when being shifted. Non-Hyperglide
ample, 1/2" × 3/32") refer to the pitch of the chain
systems work by the chain disengaging one cog, be-
and the inside width. See figure 26.3 above to deter-
fore engaging the next. When Hyperglide-compatible
mine the parts of the chain to which these dimensions
is used with regard to a chain, it implies that the shap-
ing and strength of the chain are suitable for use with
The 1/2" × 3/32" derailleur-bike chains vary in
a Hyperglide cog set. Shimano does not provide other
outside width. These outside widths fall into three cat-
manufacturers with any standards for what makes a
egories: wide chains, narrow chains, and super-narrow
chain Hyperglide compatible, so it is up to the manu-
facturers of Hyperglide-compatible chains to define
that compatibility. There is no guarantee that a chain Wide chains
called Hyperglide-compatible will perform in the same Wide chains are virtually unused today, except on
way as a Shimano Hyperglide chain. older bikes. They have an outside width of 7.6mm or
Hyperglide-compatible chain tool: The term more, but are generally wider than 8mm. Narrow and
“Hyperglide-compatible” is also used in regard to chain super-narrow chains can always be used where a wide
tools. The Shimano Hyperglide chains have special shap- chain is being replaced.

26 – 2

Narrow chains New chains (and chains on new bikes) are coated
Narrow chains have an outside width of 7.2mm to with a rust-preventive compound that is usually a less-
7.4mm. They are required for use on most 6-speed cog than-ideal chain lubricant. The stickiness of this com-
sets and all 7-speed cogsets. They are adequate for use pound makes it inclined to collect dirt. To maximize
on most 8-speed cogsets, although they may be slightly chain life, clean and lubricate new chains or chains on
noisier than super-narrow chains. new bikes immediately. This cleaning time might be
difficult to cost-justify, in which case it should turn
Super-narrow chains into a recommendation to the customer.
Super-narrow chains always have an outside width
of about 7.2mm. They are preferred, but usually not Symptoms indicating worn chain
required, on 8-speed cog sets. They can be used on any Poor shifting can result from a worn or dirty chain.
other cog sets just as well. If after performing all possible derailleur service and
cleaning the chain, the shifting is still not as good as
Nine-speed chains when the chain was new, wear is probably significant.
Nine-speed chains have an outside width of 6.6– When a chain wears too much, the distance from
6.8mm. They are required on 9-speed cog sets. They roller to roller increases to the point that the chain
can be used on any other cog sets just as well. and gear teeth do not fit together properly. Chain wear
is usually detected when installing a new freewheel or
PREREQUISITES cog(s) while keeping a used chain, or installing a new
chain on worn cogs. In these situations, a loud metal-
There are no prerequisites to chain removal, re-
placement, installation or service. lic “clunk” is heard from the rear of the drive train,
and the pedals jump forward and catch again. This
symptom is strictly experienced when there is high
INDICATIONS load on the chain. What is actually happening is that
as the chain feeds on to the bottom of a rear cog, a
Maintenance cycles roller sits on top of a tooth instead of between the
There are two types of maintenance that need to
be performed on chains. The first is cleaning and lu- teeth. When this roller reaches the top of the cog, the
bricating. Chain cleaning should be performed when- load on the chain forces the roller on top of the tooth
ever the chain is obviously dirty. Differences in riding to drop down between the teeth, so the chain suddenly
conditions make it impossible to put a time or mile jumps forward a quarter inch or so. This makes a loud
value on this need. It could even be after every ride. noise. Depending on the size of the chainring that the
This is expecially true of mountain-bike chains. Lu- chain is on when this occurs, the pedals will seem to
bricating should be done whenever the chain is cleaned, slip forward an inch or two and then catch again.
or whenever it develops a chirping or squeaking noise Symptoms indicating need of lubrication
and is not dirty. On the other hand, routine chain oil- Chirping or squeaking sounds may come from the
ing can lead to a chain getting dirty faster, so only oil chain while pedaling. This is a sure sign that the chain
when there is need. is overdue for lubrication. Initially the sounds may be
The second type of maintenance is routine check- intermittent, occurring at an interval that takes more
ing for excessive chain wear. Waiting for symptoms to than one crank revolution to reoccur. This is because
develop will lead to increased wear of expensive rear the link that needs lubrication is most likely to make
cogs and chainrings. Replacing chains before they get noise as is passes through the rear derailleur. When
worn out is more economical than getting full life out the chain has just been cleaned and oiled and this symp-
of them, and prevents problems with shifting perfor- tom occurs, it indicates that there is still solvent in one
mance. Check chain wear every 500 miles on road or more of the links that is displacing the lubricant, or
bikes, and every 100 miles on off-road bikes. that the chain was not completely lubricated.
On a new bike, it is important to make a simple
inspection to determine whether all the rivets are cor- Symptoms indicating a tight link
A tight link is a link that does not pivot freely,
rectly installed. It is not unusual for the factory to fail to
and manifests itself as a clunk that occurs once per
install a rivet completely, which eventually leads to the
chain revolution. With the bike in the stand, pedal
chain breaking. Look on both faces of the chain for any
backwards slowly, then look for a link holding its bend
rivet protruding significantly more than the others.
at the point the chain comes out of the rear derailleur.

26 – 3
This could be caused by three things: 1) if only one could be caused by twisted side-plates or a protruding
tight link develops immediately after installing a chain, rivet. First, inspect both faces of the chain for a rivet
it means that the four side-plates where the rivet was protruding farther than the others. If this is not found,
pressed in are tightly compressed against each other then remove the chain and hang it vertically. If the
and the symptom will go away once a tight-link-elimi- chain develops a twist over its length, so that the up-
nation procedure is performed; 2) dirt can cause a tight permost links do not face the same way as the lower-
link, and the only solution will be to clean the chain; most links, then the chain has one or more twisted
3) lack of lubrication or rust can cause a tight link. If side-plates and should be replaced. Twisted side-plates
rust is the cause, try adding oil. If this solves the prob- usually are caused by the chain jamming somewhere
lem, fine. If rust is present and oiling does not elimi- when there is a mis-shift (chain comes off gears).
nate the tight link, then the chain needs to be replaced.
Protruding rivet

Look for poor engagement

26.5 When a rivet is installed inadequately, the protrusion at one

end is more obvious, but the less obvious poor engagement at the
other end is what leads to chain failure.

Tight link

26.6 This chain is twisted.

26.4 Pedal backwards and watch the lower pulley wheel to detect a
tight link. As the tight link goes by each pulley wheel, it may cause
the derailleur cage to jump a little. If you stop pedaling right away,
Derailleur removal and installation
the tight link should be visible just in front of the lower pulley. It is optional to remove and re-install the chain
when installing or removing either derailleur. The cage
of either derailleur can be opened instead of separat-
Symptoms indicating need of cleaning ing the chain.
New chains (and chains on new bikes) are coated
with a rust-preventive compound that is usually a less- Freewheel or cog replacement
than-ideal chain lubricant. The stickiness of this com- It is a good idea to replace an even moderately-
pound makes it inclined to collect dirt. Cleaning and worn chain whenever installing new rear cogs. A worn
lubricating new chains or chains on new bikes will maxi- chain greatly accelerates the wear on the cog teeth.
mize chain life, but whether the time spent cleaning
would be considered cost effective is another matter.
A dirty chain will cause an advanced rate of wear,
so do not wait for a symptom to lead to cleaning a The design or brand of chain will determine the
chain. A dirty chain will develop tight links, will shift tools needed. Table 26-1 (page 26-5) covers all the tools
poorly, and contributes to “chain suck,” a condition for the job. The preferred choices are in bold. A tool is
where the chain remains stuck to the small chainring preferred because of a balance among: ease of use, qual-
and jams into the chain stay. ity, versatility, and economy. When more than one tool
for one function is bold, it means that several tools are
Symptoms indicating required for different configurations of parts.
damaged chain or protruding rivet Shimano chains have a design that is very demand-
A clunk or click may come from a chain at regu- ing on the chain tool. If the wrong tool is used, then
lar intervals less than once per crank revolution. If the chain or the tool is likely to be damaged. The dam-
this symptom is not caused by a tight link, then it age to the chain may be subtle and could result in a

26 – 4
mysterious chain break at a later time. Several tool
manufacturers make “HG-compatible” chain tools, but
none of these tools work as well as the Shimano tool Chain removal and installation
designed for the job (and most are completely unac- Chain removal and installation is a 3–5 minute job
ceptable). The Shimano chain tool that is recommended of little difficulty, but if not done with care it is easy to
in the list is very expensive by chain-tool standards, but damage the tool or the chain.
has proven to work well on virtually all chains, is du-
rable, and is a pleasure to work with. Despite informa-
Chain cleaning
Chain cleaning is a 5–15 minute job of little diffi-
tion that might be seen in print elsewhere, it is per-
culty, but does require elbow grease in some cases. Ad-
fectly suitable for non-HG chains. Few mechanics that
ditional time is required if not using compressed air to
have ever used the Shimano TL-CN31 in the shop have
remove the solvent from the chain. Thorough drying
ever considered it to not be worth the money.
is critical, and it could take a few hours in the hot sun
or all day and overnight to thoroughly dry a chain on
the bench top or on the bike.

CHAIN TOOLS (table 26-1)

Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo 1130020 Plier-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
Cyclo Rivoli 158 Consumer use only
Cyclo Rivoli 158R Use for tight-link removal only, non-HG/IG chains only
Finish Line Chain Pup Consumer use only
Hozan C301 Screw-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
Hozan C320 Plier-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
Lifu 60UO Consumer use only
Off Dirt Quick Link QL4 Consumer use only
Park CT-2 Plier-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
Park CT-3 Screw-type, HG/IG compatible, best for tight-link removal
Park CT-5 Consumer use only
Rohloff Revolver 2 Screw-type tool, not HG/IG compatible, prevents occurence of tight links
Shimano TL-CN22 Consumer use only, HG/IG compatible, 9-speed compatible
Shimano TL-CN31 Screw-type tool compatible with all chains (inc. 9-speed), durable, easy to use
VAR 06 Screw-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
VAR 303 Plier-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
VAR 303ST Plier-type tool, not HG/IG compatible
Park CC-2 Numerical gradations, accurate and consistent
Rohloff Caliber 2 Simple “no go” gauge, accurate and consistent
Speedtech CW-1089 Measures four degrees of wear, difficult to get consistent results
“On-the-bike” chain Useful for cosmetic cleaning or consumer use only
cleaners, all brands
Park GSC-1 Good stiff brush for cleaning chains and cogs
Off Dirt QL1 Compresses chain for working on without tension, unneeded if using TL-CN31
VAR 424 Compresses chain for working on without tension, unneeded if using TL-CN31

26 – 5

COMPLICATIONS through the process of determining the size by testing.

If the old chain was the correct size, the new chain can
Identifying chain as narrow or wide just be cut to match. New chains all come in one uni-
When performing certain operations, it is impor- form length which is long enough for all bikes, and
tant to know whether the chain is wide or narrow. It usually must be sized to fit.
is not essential to distinguish the difference between
narrow and super-narrow chains for the purposes of
Length inspection
1. [ ] Shift chain onto outermost chainring in front
the following procedures. Determining chain width is and outermost cog in rear.
simply a matter of measuring the rivet length. If the There are several legitimate methods to determine
measurement is 7.4mm or less, the chain is narrow. whether a chain is an acceptable length. The method
Identifying whether a chain here is universal and should always get a close enough
result. “Perfect” length is when in the specified gear
is Hyperglide/IG or non-Hyperglide/IG combination, and with the bike at the angle it would
When performing certain operations, it is important
to know whether the chain is a Hyperglide chain or not. be in if on level ground, the line through the center of
With extremely few exceptions, a Hyperglide chain will both the rear derailleur pulley wheels is perpendicular
have the marking “HG” or “IG” stamped on the outer to the ground. It is not necessary or always possible
side-plates. Some early models of the chain were marked that the length be perfect, and in most cases, it is ac-
“UG,” but not all UG chains are Hyperglide. If a narrow ceptable if the chain is up to one inch shorter or longer
chain marked UG is assumed to be a Hyperglide chain than perfect. If it is not possible to get the chain length
and it is treated as such, no serious consequences will close to perfect, then it is necessary to test for unac-
arise if you are wrong. On the other hand, if a Hyperglide ceptable chain length. If the chain cannot be sized to
chain marked UG is treated as though it were a non- pass both the too-long and too-short tests, it means
Hyperglide chain, rivet failure may be experienced. If that the gear combination of the front chainrings and
you treat any narrow chain marked UG or HG as a the rear cogs exceeds the maximum total capacity of
Hyperglide chain, there shouldn’t be any problems. the rear derailleur.


OF THIS CHAPTER Ground plane
The rest of this chapter is in four parts. These are
COMPATIBILITY. Derailleur-chain service includes length <1" forward or back
inspection, wear identification, removal, cleaning, siz-
26.7 With the bike in the “on-ground” position, and with the chain
ing, lubrication, installation, and inspection of chains. in the outermost position front and rear, this is the alignment of the
NON-DERAILLEUR CHAINS covers master links and two rear derailleur pulley wheels when the chain length is perfect.
tensioning of chains. Information about rivets, clean-
ing, and lubrication of non-derailleur chains is the same It is not unusual for bike manufacturers to supply
as derailleur chains, so it is not repeated. a bike with a derailleur that does not have the proper
capacity for the gears that come on the bike, particu-
larly on high-performance mountain bikes. The cus-

DERAILLEUR-CHAIN SERVICE tomer may also elect to install a rear derailleur that
does not have the capacity for all possible gear combi-
nations. If the customer is aware of the limitations of
CHAIN-LENGTH INSPECTION running a chain that is too short or too long and can
limit gear selection to avoid the consequences, then
AND WEAR IDENTIFICATION the customer may choose to keep a chain that is the
It is a good idea to inspect whether the length of wrong length. If the chain is left too long, that means
the chain is correct before removing it (for cleaning or that when the chain is on the smaller chainring it will
other service). If during the service it is determined be slack on one or more of the outermost rear cogs. If
that a new chain is needed, then there is no need to go these combinations are avoided, there will be no prob-

26 – 6
lem. If the customer rides with the chain slack, there 4. To check for chain too long:
is a chance it will come off, or possibly come out of [ ] With chain on outermost rear cog, shift
position in a way that it will jam in the rear derailleur derailleur to put chain on innermost
and damage the rear derailleur. However, too long is a chainring.
[ ] Check whether chain hangs slack be-
better choice than too short.
tween top of rear cog and top of chainring.
If the chain is left too short, it can have two conse- If it does, chain is too long (circle if so).
quences. It can reduce shift performance of the rear de- [ ] Check whether chain contacts itself or
railleur, particularly when on the large chainring and any part of rear derailleur after leaving bot-
shifting onto one of the innermost rear cogs. The cir- tom side of lower pulley wheel on way to
cumstance that the customer must avoid at all times is bottom of chainring. If it does, chain is
shifting into a large chainring/large rear cog combina- too long (circle if so).
tion that exceeds the capacity of the derailleur. The con-
sequence is that the derailleurs can jam so badly that Sag
they cannot shift out of the unacceptable gear combi-
nation, or worse yet, the rear derailleur can be destroyed.
In step #2, the bike must be in the position that it
is in when both wheels are on and the bike is on level
ground. If the bike is in a stand and the top tube of the
frame is not sloped, then simply level the top tube. If 26.9 With the chain on the outermost rear cog and the innermost
chainring, this is what the chain will look like if it is too long, in
the top tube is not known to be level, adjust the angle some cases. Note that the top section of chain is dangling.
of the bike so that both hub axles end up equidistant
from the ground.
2. With bike in the “on ground” position, put a
straight edge against center of rear
derailleur’s upper pulley wheel, so that
straight edge is perpendicular to ground, and
check one of following options:
[ ] Center of lower pulley wheel is ≤1" in Extra contact
front of or behind straight edge, chain length
appears acceptable. 26.10 With the chain on the outermost rear cog and the innermost
[ ] Center of lower pulley wheel is >1" in chainring, this is what the chain will look like if it is too long, in some
front of straight edge, go to step 3 to check cases. Note that the chain touches itself under the upper pulley wheel.
for chain too short.
[ ] Center of lower pulley wheel is <1" be- Wear inspection
hind straight edge, go to step 4 to check for 5. [ ] Place Park CC-2 on top of chain with both
chain too long. pegs on underside of tool inside of a link.
3. To check for chain too short: Gauge should be on left end of tool.
[ ] With chain on outermost chainring, shift 6. [ ] Push gauge up as far as it will comfortably
chain to innermost rear cog. go and inspect whether both pegs are press-
[ ] Check whether chain bends twice passing ing against rollers and not against the end of
through rear derailleur cage. If not, chain is an inner side-plate.
too short (circle if so). 7. Read number on gauge in window of tool and
check one of following options:
[ ] Reading 0 – .5, chain is fresh.
[ ] Reading .5 – <.75, chain is medium worn.
[ ] Reading .75 – <1.0, chain is highly worn.
[ ] Reading 1.0, chain is worn out.

26.8 With the chain on the innermost rear cog and outermost 8. [ ] Spin chain-tool shaft to check whether rivet-
chainring, this is what the chain and rear derailleur will look like if driving pin of tool is bent.
the chain is not too short. The chain must bend past each pulley 9. [ ] Shift chain to smallest chainring and small-
wheel. est rear cog to reduce tension on chain.

26 – 7
The biggest problem mechanics have with chain- In the next step, push a chain rivet partially out. A
rivet extraction is not making sure the chain is in the common mistake is too push it too far, which causes
tool correctly before beginning the rivet extraction. The all kinds of trouble. It is better to push it too little
chain must be in the tool cradle completely, so that it than too much. The correct amount to push the rivet
does not shift around under load. The driving pin of is so that the end being pushed clears the first outer
the tool must be straight and centered on the chain rivet. side-plate, the first inner side-plate, the roller, and no
Although this procedure requires high force in some more than half the second inner side-plate. When the
cases, be sensitive and stop if it seems excessive. If the links are separated, the rivet should be left protruding
force does seem excessive, stop and double check every- about .5mm to 1.0mm in the inner face of the second
thing. Failure to exercise proper care will result in the outer side-plate. This protrusion is used to hold the
destruction of a chain link and/or the chain tool. links together temporarily when sizing the chain, or
On certain chains, not all rivets are removable. In when preparing to drive the rivet back in. Even with
these cases, attempting to remove the wrong rivet can Hyperglide chains, with which the rivet is eventually
lead to chain failure. In general, any rivet that is double- replaced, it is an advantage to leave the rivet protrud-
peened is removable. Shimano Hyperglide/IG chains ing in this fashion.
feature special replacement rivets (no double-peening) Most chain tools have a thread pitch on the tool
that must not be removed. The Sedis ATB chain fea- shaft of 1mm. By counting the half-turns of the tool
tures a single black half-link that includes the only rivet handle from the point it begins to push on the rivet, it
that should be displaced and reinstalled, but any rivet is possible to control the amount that the rivet is
other than this special rivet should be removed to pushed. Before starting the rivet extraction, measure
shorten the chain. There are other lesser-known chains the rivet length to determine whether the chain is a
that can have special rivets, so check any literature that narrow or wide chain. If the handle is turned ten half-
comes with a chain for this information. turns, it should push the rivet out just enough for a
Some chain tools have two cradles on which to narrow chain. Eleven half-turns should be the correct
seat the chain. One of these cradles is for rivet removal amount for wide chains. It would not be a bad policy
and installation and the other is for eliminating tight to stop a half-turn early and attempt to separate the
links. If the wrong cradle is used, it will damage the links. Only if they are too difficult to separate should
chain and the tool. In all cases where there are two the rivet be pushed out 1/2 turn more. To separate the
cradles, the one furthest from the rotating tool handle links, flex them sideways while pulling them apart.
is for rivet removal and installation.

2 2
Chain goes here for
rivet removal/installation
Chain goes here to 1
eliminate tight link 1

26.12 When the rivet is pushed out enough, flex the chain in this
direction while pulling to get the links to separate.

26.11 This is a side view of a chain tool with two cradles. Note
which one is for rivet removal and installation.
Rivet protrudes inside last plate
10. [ ] Engage tool to lower section of chain and
turn handle just until tool pin contacts chain 26.13 Once the links are separated, the rivet will protrude inside
the outer side-plate if it was pushed out the correct amount.
rivet and make sure that tool pin is centered
on chain rivet and that chain rollers are
seated fully in cradle in chain tool.

26 – 8
11. [ ] Note starting position of tool handle and turn vent from the side-plate cleaning may be enough to
handle appropriate number of turns to drive use while scrubbing the rollers, but periodically re-
rivet through 2-1/2 side-plates. (If tool shaft fresh the scrub brush in fresh solvent, if necessary.
has normal 1mm pitch, for narrow chains 20. [ ] Remove and uncoil chain put it on its edge
turn handle 10 half-turns, wide chains 11 (rollers visible from directly above).
half-turns. Park CT-3 has circlip on tool shaft 21. [ ] Use stiff-bristle brush to scrub rollers and
to stop rivet removal at correct point.) inside of inner side-plates, periodically dip-
12. [ ] Loosen tool shaft until pin is out of chain ping brush in fresh solvent.
and disengage tool from chain. 22. [ ] Turn chain over and scrub other edge in
13. [ ] Flex chain laterally while pulling both direc- same fashion.
tions from link with pushed-out rivet to com- Scrubbing the side-plates and the rollers does not
plete separation of chain.
remove the dirt from the chain, it has merely dislodged
14. [ ] Pull on end of chain with protruding rivet to
remove chain from bike.
it. In the next step, rinse the chain repeatedly to get
the dislodged dirt out of and off of the chain.
23. [ ] Rinse chain thoroughly in fresh solvent.
CHAIN CLEANING It is very important that the chain be totally dry
15. [ ] To control chain properly while cleaning, fold before lubricating it. If solvent is inside the rollers when
chain in half and coil with loose ends at cen- oil is added, then the solvent will displace or break-
ter of coil. down the oil and the most important part of the chain
If a chain is neatly coiled and contained in a con- to be lubricated will not be lubricated. If using com-
tainer that is correctly sized to prevent uncoiling, then pressed air for the drying, blow air over the entire chain
the chain is much less likely to end up tangled. A short on both edges and both faces repeatedly until there is
can that has a diameter of 4.5–5.0 inches should fit no solvent creeping out from the overlapping side-
most chains. A typical half-pound peanut can is just plates or from between the rollers and the inner side-
the right size. plates. If not using compressed air, it is difficult to know
16. [ ] Submerge chain in can of solvent and let when the chain is dry, because the last and most criti-
soak as long as possible. cal part to dry is inside the rollers. Experience has
17. [ ] Drain off solvent until chain is only slightly
shown that two hours in the direct sun on a warm day
submerged, but can be easily seen.
should be adequate, or 24 hours otherwise. Do not
If a chain has been dirty a long time, then it may
use application of heat to evaporate solvent because of
not be possible to clean it thoroughly. Clumps of hard
the risk of fire and of the possible generation of toxic
dirt that cannot be dislodged by a stiff-bristle brush
develop on parts of the link where metal-to-metal con-
24. [ ] Use compressed air to dry chain completely
tact does not normally occur. Do not worry too much
(or 2 hours in direct sun, or 24 hours with-
about removing this kind of dirt. The Park GSC-1 is a out direct sun or compressed air).
good brush for this purpose, which is also a recom-
mended tool for freewheel cleaning.
18. [ ] Use stiff-bristle brush to clean side of chain CHAIN LUBRICATION
that is facing up. There is probably more voodoo about chain lu-
19. [ ] Turn chain coil over and scrub second face in brication than there is about any other subject regard-
a similar fashion. ing bicycle mechanics. The function of chain lubrica-
The most important part of the chain to clean is tion is actually very simple. The lubricant must re-
the rollers. The chain must be uncoiled to access the main between the moving parts to reduce friction and
rollers and laid out full length, or folded in half. It will to keep rust from developing where moving parts touch
not be possible to contain it in a container of solvent each other, and it must remain as clean as possible be-
when it is extended in this fashion. If not using a full- cause the contaminants create friction. The loads on
size solvent tank, spread out several thick sections of bicycle chains are not so unusual that exotic lubricants
newspaper on a large work surface big enough to cover are required to reduce wear and friction. If an exotic
the length of the entire chain. Make sure that the news- oil with outstanding friction-reducing properties evapo-
paper is thick enough to absorb all the solvent, or put a rated or broke down quickly, or promoted the accu-
layer of plastic under the newspaper. The left-over sol- mulation of dirt, then it would not be a better lubri-
cant for a chain.

26 – 9
There are two important properties to chain lu- get it in one quick pass of the nozzle over the chain. If
bricants: they must minimize the accumulation of dirt, using a drip lubricant, put a drip between each side-
because dirt accelerates wear and chain cleaning is a plate overlap and on each side of each roller.
hassle; they must also be durable, because lack of lu-
bricant increases chain wear. Durability is the less sig- Oil
nificant factor because it is relatively easy to repeat-
edly lubricate a chain. In general, oils that are mar-
keted specifically as bicycle-chain lubricants are going
to be superior to all non-bicycle-specific products, in-
cluding those general household and handyman oils
that are also recommended for bicycles.
One of the factors that promotes dirt accumula- 26.14 Lubricate each link at the four points shown.
tion is the quantity of oil on the chain. Avoid oiling
too frequently. Oil only when there is need. Avoid 25. [ ] Apply lubricant to chain so that it penetrates
using certain aerosols, because they promote over-oil- every overlap between an inner side-plate
ing. Always wipe off excess oil thoroughly with a clean and an outer side-plate, and so that it pen-
rag. etrates between roller and where each roller
Some aerosols are more of a problem than others. contacts an inner side-plate.
26. [ ] If chain is installed, backpedal for 30 sec-
When considering some aerosol lubricants, perform a
onds, or if chain is off bike, wiggle it like
simple test. Squirt an equal quantity of each lubricant snake for 30 seconds to help lubricant pen-
being considered on a clean, flat, metallic or glass sur- etrate into crevasses.
face. After 10 minutes, see if any of the lubricants have 27. [ ] Use clean rag (terry cloth preferred) to thor-
dried noticeably. This test simply identifies whether a oughly wipe excess lubricant off of chain.
lubricant has an evaporative base, or not. Those that
stay wet are going to make the chain a gooey mess
because the aerosol guarantees over application and CHAIN INSTALLATION
28. [ ] If replacing chain and existing chain was an
the excess wet oil will be great at accumulating dirt.
acceptable length in step 2, remove links from
The same lubricant might be excellent in a drip con-
new chain so that number of links in new
tainer, because with a drip container it is possible to chain matches number of links in old chain.
avoid over-application. 29. [ ] Position rear derailleur under outermost rear
If the bike is ridden in conditions that expose the cog and front derailleur over innermost
chain to water frequently, be concerned with whether chainring.
the lubricant will wash off the chain too easily. A lu- When threading a chain through the derailleurs
bricant that does not hold up well to water will cause and around the gears, you will need to start with the
the chain to squeak within half an hour of riding after end of the chain that has no rivet sticking out from a
being in the rain. Historically, the lubricants that are side-plate. Consider this the “no-rivet” end. It’s a handy
best at remaining on after exposure to water are the technique to make sure that the rivet that is sticking
worst about accumulating dirt. It may be best to com- out faces away from the bike once the chain is installed.
promise. Keep in mind that is always easier to add more This makes use of the chain tool less awkward.
lubricant (even in mid-ride) than it is to clean a chain. Getting the chain correctly through the rear de-
When lubricating, there are four points at each railleur and around the gears can be confusing. Grab
rivet that need lubrication: between each overlap of the end of the derailleur and rotate the cage until it is
an outer side-plate and an inner side-plate, and between approximately straight up and down. See that the cage
the inner side-plates and each side of the roller. These has a lower pulley wheel and an upper pulley wheel.
are the four points where metal slides against metal. The chain will go through the derailleur in a reverse
Oil is needed inside and on the surface of the rollers as “S,” and it will be fed from the bottom to the top.
well, but it will get there automatically when oiling Once it has gone around the front and over the top of
each edge of the roller. The mistake is to think that the upper pulley wheel, it goes up and around the back
the external surface of the chain needs oil. This just side of the outermost rear cog. When ready to put the
increases the mess and dirt accumulation. If using a no-rivet end through the front derailleur cage and
spray lubricant, everything that needs lubrication will around the large chainring, it is easiest if there is about

26 – 10
a foot of the end of the chain dangling from your fin- symptoms in figure 26.16. If one of these symptoms is
gertips to drop through the derailleur cage. Once it lands exhibited, then adjust the length by one inch (two link)
on the teeth, rotate the crank to pull the chain through. increments until the symptom just disappears.
Chain length is always important because it af-
fects rear-derailleur shift performance. When there is
a significant deviation from the recommended length,
or when the rear-derailleur total capacity is being
stretched to its limit, chain length is even more impor-
tant because too short or long of a chain can lead to a
damaged rear derailleur.
A common misconception about chain length is
that it is adjusted to change the tension on the chain,
particularly in the lower section of chain between the
rear derailleur and the bottom of the chainrings. This
is not adjustable, except by changing the rear
derailleur’s internal springs. The tension on the lower
section of chain is also not of any great significance.


26.15 Follow the arrow to feed the chain through the rear de-
railleur and around the rear cog.

30. [ ] Feed no-rivet end of chain up around back-

side of lower rear derailleur pulley wheel,
through derailleur cage, up and in front of
upper pulley wheel, up and over backside of
outermost rear cog, and down through front Extra contact
derailleur cage and onto innermost chainring
(rotating crank to help pull chain through 26.16 With the chain on the outermost rear cog and the inner-
once chain falls on chainring teeth). most chainring, this is what the chain will look like if it is too long,
31. [ ] Join ends of chain temporarily together be- in some cases. In the top example, note that the top section of chain
tween bottom of chainring and rear derailleur noticeably sags. In the bottom example, note that the chain touches
by slipping end of chain with no rivet over itself under the upper pulley wheel.
rivet protrusion on other end of chain. (Inner
half-link will be outside of an outer plate.) 32. If existing chain is wrong length, or if replacing
wrong-length chain with new chain:
[ ] Inspect chain for sag in top section.
CHAIN SIZING [ ] Inspect chain for extra contact at upper
pulley wheel.
NOTE: If reinstalling an old chain that was an ac-
ceptable length and not installing a new chain, [ ] Adjust chain length one link at a time un-
new rear derailleur, new-size chainrings, or til sag or extra contact is just eliminated.
new-size rear cogs, skip to RIVET INSTALLATION.
If chain length was not acceptable originally, then
it is necessary to perform some tests to determine the
best length. There is no standard number of links, for-
mula, or table that can be used because there are too
many variables. Chain length is set in a specific gear
combination, with the chain on the outermost rear
cog and innermost chainring. In this gear combina-
tion, if the chain is too long it will exhibit one of the

26 – 11

RIVET INSTALLATION Chain goes here for

NOTE: Steps 33–38 are for non-Hyperglide chains rivet installation
only. For Hyperglide/IG chains skip to Shimano Do not put chain here
HG/IG rivet installation. to install rivet

Non-Shimano HG/IG rivet installation

Before putting the chain on the chain tool to push
in the rivet, join the ends of the chain together. If the
rivet is protruding inside the outer side-plate, as it is
supposed to, this can be awkward. Put the no-rivet
end between the outer side-plates until it bumps into
the protruding rivet. Use the no-rivet end as a lever to
spread apart the outer side-plates, then force the no- 26.18 This is a chain tool with two chain cradles. Put the chain on
rivet end past the protrusion of the rivet. the cradle indicated when preparing to push in the rivet.
Mechanics get in trouble for several reasons when
33. [ ] Join ends of chain together and put chain
pressing in the rivet. First, they do not make sure that
tool on chain so that rollers are fully down in
the holes in the four side-plates all line up before push- cradle and turn tool shaft in until tool pin is
ing in the rivet. This jams the rivet into the last side- just touching protruding end of chain rivet.
plate it goes through and deforms the side-plate and Check that tool pin is centered on rivet.
bends the tool’s driving pin. Second, they do not make 34. [ ] Inspect that side-plates appear to be prop-
sure that the chain is well seated in the tool cradle, so erly lined up.
the rivet does not get pressed straight in, causing it to When pressing in the rivet, look to see when to
jam and damage the link or the tool. Finally, they do stop turning the tool handle. The objective is to end
not make sure that the tool pin is straight and centered up with equal amounts of rivet protruding out past
on the rivet, which causes the rivet to jam and dam- each outer side-plate. If the rivet is pushed too far, re-
ages the side-plates or the tool. move the chain tool and switch it to the other side.
35. [ ] Turn tool handle until same amount of rivet
is showing outside each outer side-plate, be-
ing careful not to force rivet when side-
plates are not properly lined up.
36. [ ] Loosen tool handle and remove tool from
Hole does not line up Pressing the rivet through all four side-plates at
once causes the side-plates to compress against each
26.17 This is what it looks like when the four side-plates do not other and pinch on the roller, which causes the link to
line up.
be tight and hold a bend. Step #37 spreads the side-
Although high force may be required to push in plates apart by flexing the chain laterally (perpendicu-
the rivet, be sensitive to any excess force that indicates lar to the direction the links pivot). Chains are very
things are not lined up and the rivet is jamming. strong, so do not be afraid to flex the chain vigorously.
Some chain tools have two cradles on which to If the flexing technique does not work, a chain
seat the chain. One of these cradles is for rivet removal tool is needed that has a tight-link-removal feature.
and installation and the other is for eliminating tight This is always a tool that has two cradles on which to
links. If using the wrong cradle, it can damage the chain mount the chain. The one for tight-link removal is
and the tool. In all cases where there are two cradles, always the cradle that is closest to the rotating handle
the one furthest from the rotating tool handle is for of the tool. When the chain is on this cradle, only
rivet removal and installation. the first two plates (closest to the tool pin) are sup-
ported by the tool. When the rivet is pressed further,
it is moved further only through the first two side-
plates. Since the rivet is moving through one outer
plate, and is remaining unmoved in the other outer
side-plate, the distance between the two outer side-

26 – 12
plates is increased. This eliminates the bind on the plates to accommodate the larger rivet, and pushes the
roller. A very little amount of displacement of the old rivet the rest of the way out. Once the replace-
rivet is required to achieve this. ment rivet is in place, the pilot shaft easily snaps off.
37. [ ] Pivot chain at rivet just installed and release
slowly to see if chain holds bend.
38. If chain holds bend in previous step (tight link), Hyperglide replacement rivet
perform these two steps (second one only if
[ ] Grasp chain firmly on both sides of tight Replacement-rivet pilot
link and flex chain vigorously side-to-side (at
right angles to direction chain is meant to
pivot) and test for tight link again.
[ ] If side flexing did not eliminate tight link,
put chain on correct cradle of tight-rivet-re-
moval tool, turn in tool shaft just until tool
pin is firmly against rivet, turn tool 1/3 to
1/2 turn, and check again for tight link.
Original rivet

Do not put chain here

to loosen tight link 26.20 This is a Hyperglide replacement rivet.
Put chain here to
loosen tight link 39. [ ] Oil full length of Hyperglide replacement
40. [ ] Join ends of chain and insert tapered end of
pilot shaft of Hyperglide replacement rivet
through side-plates until replacement pilot
shaft is butted against old rivet.
41. [ ] Put chain tool on chain so that rollers are
fully down in cradles and turn tool shaft in
until tool pin is just touching replacement
rivet. Check that tool pin is centered on
26.19 This is a chain tool with two chain cradles. Put the chain on rivet.
the cradle indicated when preparing to loosen a tight rivet. As the leading end of the replacement rivet passes
NOTE: Skip to CHAIN INSPECTION if not installing rivet
through each outer side-plate, there is more resistance
in Hyperglide chain. than when the leading end of the replacement rivet is
passing through the inner side-plates and the rollers
Shimano HG/IG rivet installation (which have larger holes than the outer side-plates).
Hyperglide and IG replacement rivets require a When starting the replacement rivet in with the tool,
great deal of force to install, and a great deal of resis- expect an initial high resistance, followed by less resis-
tance occurs at the final outer side-plate that the rivet tance, and then an increase in resistance as the rivet
goes into. If not done carefully, this procedure can eas- begins to go through the final outer side-plate. When
ily damage the tool and the chain. Lubricating the rivet an equal amount of rivet protrudes from both outer
reduces the force required, which makes it easier to side-plates, stop. However, stopping early will cause a
tell if something is jamming and actually reduces the tight rivet.
amount of deformation of the outer side-plates that 42. [ ] Turn tool handle until full length of replace-
always occurs. A Hyperglide-compatible chain tool ment-rivet pilot shaft is exposed on far side
supports the outer side-plate in a way that reduces the of chain and equal amounts of replacement
deformation that occurs, as well. rivet are exposed outside both outer side-
The Hyperglide replacement rivet consists of two plates.
parts, a pilot shaft that has a tapered tip and a flare at 43. [ ] Loosen tool handle and remove tool from
the other end, and a flanged rivet that is a tighter fit
44. [ ] Use plier to grasp and snap off replacement
than the rivet it replaces. The pilot shaft guides the
rivet pilot shaft.
rivet into place, expands the holes in the outer side- 45. [ ] Pivot chain at rivet just installed and release
slowly to see if chain holds bend.

26 – 13
A tight rivet on a Hyperglide chain is usually 49. [ ] Inspect both faces of chain thoroughly for
caused by incomplete installation of the replacement any rivet protruding significantly more than
rivet. In any case, try side-flexing the chain first. If others and correct as necessary.
that does not work, use step #46 to center the rivet. 50. [ ] With chain on innermost chainring and out-
46. If chain holds bend in previous step (tight link), ermost rear cog, rotate crank slowly back-
perform these two steps (second one only if wards and look for tight links coming out of
necessary): rear derailleur, and correct as necessary.
[ ] Grasp chain firmly on both sides of tight
link and flex chain vigorously side-to-side (at
right angles to direction chain is meant to
pivot) and test for tight link again. NON-DERAILLEUR CHAINS
[ ] Inspect replacement rivet to see if either
end is sticking out more than the other and
put chain tool on to push that end of rivet MASTER LINKS
further in. With the exception of track bikes, virtually all bikes
without derailleurs have a chain with a master link.
CHAIN INSPECTION Master links are occasionally used on derailleur chains.
Master links come in several varieties, although
When finished with chain installation, check to only two that are generally encountered. These are the
make sure that everything has been done correctly, clip-on variety and the snap-on variety.
but also whether any previous work was done incor-
rectly. This inspection is a good idea, particularly for Clip-on master links
new bikes. Virtually 100% of chain failures can be at- The clip-on master link consists of three parts. One
tributed to improper installation of rivets. With proper part is an outer plate with two rivets permanently fixed.
inspection, about the only thing a customer will ever Another part is an outer plate with two holes for riv-
use a chain tool for when on a ride is fixing other ets. The third part is an elongated circlip that clips
people’s chains. into grooves in the ends of both rivets. See the follow-
47. [ ] Inspect both outer side-plates where rivet ing illustrations for removal and installation methods.
was installed for deformation (bulging) It is good practice (and makes for easier mainte-
around rivet hole or metal shards from frac- nance) to install the clip on the outer face of the chain,
tured edge of rivet hole. Replace link if either with the closed end of the clip pointing in the direc-
problem is found. tion of the chain’s rotation.
In step #32, when the chain was sized, it was set at
the longest acceptable length. If there is a problem with Screwdriver
derailleur capacity, or an error was made in sizing the
chain, there is a possibility it is now too short. The
next step tests for whether the chain is too short. If at 1
its original length (as of completion of step #32) the
chain was too short, then the maximum total capacity
of the rear derailleur has been exceeded. Ideally, the
derailleur or the size of the chainrings/rear-cogs should
be changed. If this is not an option, reinstall a link and
check again for symptoms of a short chain. Go back 2
to the section CHAIN SIZING (page 26-11) to consider
the implications of running a chain that is too short
or too long. 26.21 Removing the clip from a clip-on master link.
48. [ ] Put chain on innermost rear cog and outer-
most chainring and check whether chain
bends twice as it passes through rear de-
railleur cage. If chain exhibits signs of being
too short (not bending twice), and chain was
too long when it was one link longer, it indi-
cates maximum capacity of rear derailleur
has been exceeded.

26 – 14

2 3
1 2

26.24 Installing snap-on master link.

Direction of chain rotation

26.22 Installing the clip on a clip-on master link. If the chain tension is too tight, it will not operate
smoothly. If it is too loose, it will fall off. Because gears
are not perfectly round, chain tension will vary de-
Snap-on master links pending on the point of rotation of the crank. Find
The snap-on master link consists of two parts. One
the point at which the chain is tightest and adjust the
part is an outer plate with two rivets permanently fixed.
wheel forward or backward until the chain will move
The other part is an outer plate with two holes for
up and down 1/2" at the point halfway between the
rivets. The rivets on one outer plate have grooves that
front and rear gears.
engage the holes in its counterpart. The rivets are fixed
so that their ends are slightly farther apart than the
holes in the outer plate. The plate with the rivets must
be flexed to move the rivet ends close enough together
to insert the rivets into the other plate. Once joined 1/2"
together, the outer plate with holes is trapped in the
grooves in the rivets. Although this design has existed
for decades on chains for non-derailleur bikes, a new
version by Taya is available with dimensions that are
compatible with derailleur chains. The Taya version 26.25 Proper chain tension on a non-derailleur chanin.
differs in two minor respects other than dimension:
the assistance of a screwdriver may be needed to pry
the plates apart, and Taya is adamant that a link that
has been removed should not be reinstalled.
It is good practice to install the plate with holes on
the outer face of the chain.

1 1

26.23 Removing the snap-on master link.

26 – 15

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Chain slips or skips on a cog when pedaling hard.
Fresh chain not meshing with worn cog. Replace cog or cogs.
Worn chain not meshing with fresh cog(s). Replace chain.
Pawls are not catching on internal ratchet ring Clean and oil freewheel/freehub body and
because they are dirty, rusty, worn, or broken. replace if symptom persists.
SYMPTOM: The top section of chain hangs slack when the chain is on an outermost rear cog and the
innermost chainring.
Chain is too long. Put chain in correct gear and check chain length.
If chain length checked to be correct, rear-derailleur Change gearing or derailleur to match capacity, or
maximum total capacity has been exceeded. learn to ride with limits of a chain that is too long.
SYMPTOM: The bottom section of chain touches itself or the derailleur cage just below the upper
pulley wheel when the chain is on an outermost rear cog and the innermost chainring.
Chain is too long. Put chain in correct gear and check chain length.
If chain length checked to be correct, rear-derailleur Change gearing or derailleur to match capacity, or
maximum total capacity has been exceeded. learn to ride with limits of a chain that is too long.
SYMPTOM: The derailleur jams going on to or off of the innermost rear cog, only when the chain is
already on the outermost chainring.
Chain is too short. Put chain in correct gear and check chain length.
If chain length checked to be correct, rear-derailleur Change gearing or derailleur to match capacity, or
maximum total capacity has been exceeded. learn to ride with limits of a chain that's too short.
SYMPTOM: The chain seems to skip or jump regularly, but at a cycle that is equal to once every
several crank revolutions.
Tight link. Rotate crank backwards and check for tight
link where chain comes out of rear derailleur.
Protruding rivet on inner face of chain. Inspect inner face of chain for rivet(s)
protruding more than others.
Twisted side-plates from chain jamming during Replace chain.
catastrophic over-shift off gears.
SYMPTOM: A tight link cannot be eliminated by the side-flexing technique or by using the tight-link-
removal feature of the chain tool.
Chain is rusty, dirty, or needs lubrication. Clean and oil chain. Replace if problem persists.
SYMPTOM: A rivet has come out and the link has blown apart while riding the bike.
Rivet was incompletely installed. Replace link if chain new, otherwise replace chain.
A pebble or other small hard object was jammed Replace link if chain is new, otherwise replace
inside the link with the gear tooth and spread chain.
the outer side-plates too far apart.
SYMPTOM: Chain seems to rub against next cog inward in most or all gears.
Wide chain is being used with narrow-spaced rear Replace chain with narrow chain.
cogs if symptom happens in most gears.
Spacing is wrong between two cogs, particularly if Check and correct spacers between cogs.
symptom only happens in one gear and cogs have
recently been removed and re-installed from
freewheel/freehub body.

26 – 16

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Chain doesn’t squeak but seems to be noisier after cleaning than before.
Excessively dirty, gummy chain was muffling normal Start worrying when it gets quiet again, and
chain noise. then clean it again.
SYMPTOM: Chain makes a regular chirping or squeaking sound after being cleaned and oiled.
Certain links were not oiled. Back pedal slowly and stop as soon as chirping
occurs. Un-oiled link is now in rear-derailleur
cage or has just moved out of the rear-
derailleur cage.
Chain was not thoroughly dried of solvent and Back pedal slowly and stop as soon as chirping
solvent is displacing or breaking down lubricant in occurs. Noisy link is now in rear-derailleur cage or
certain links. has just moved out of the rear-derailleur cage.
Flood offending link with lubricant. If this fails,
remove and clean chain again and dry thoroughly.
SYMPTOM: Chain seems to stick to inner chainring and does not release to go to rear derailleur, then
jams between chainring and chain stay.
Chain or chainring is fouled with dirt. Clean chain and chainring.
Chainring is worn out and has hooked teeth. Replace chainring (steel preferred).
Thick aluminum chainring is intolerant of certain Replace inner chainring with narrow-steel model.

26 – 17

EIGHT- AND NINE-SPEED nine-speed chain, whether used on a nine-speed drive

train or a drive train that is other than nine-speed, will
COMPATIBILITY not shift as well from larger to smaller-diameter gears
(particularly under high load).

Nine-speed chains are technically 1/2" × 3/32"
chains, just like all other derailleur chains. Even be-
fore nine-speed chains were introduced, the dimensions
for derailleur chains in this size category varied (see
CHAIN DIMENSIONS AND TYPES, page 26-2), but the
variations were small enough that all chains still fit on
most cogs and chainrings. The nine-speed chain has
an outside width of approximately 6.6–6.8mm, .5mm
less than any other type of chain. This narrower width
allows the cogs on a nine-speed rear cog set to be spaced
much closer together, so that the nine cogs fit in al-
most the same total space as eight cogs.

The nine-speed chain is still close enough to the
dimensions of other derailleur chains that it fits eight-
speed and lesser configurations. However, the lesser
spacing between cogs on nine-speed cog sets makes it
impossible to use anything other than a nine-speed
chain on nine-speed cog sets.
Shimano nine-speed drive trains have other differ-
ences in addition to the chain and spacing between
cogs. Spacing between chainrings has been reduced,
and the width of the front derailleur cage has been
reduced as well. As a result, chains that are not the
nine-speed dimension are not compatible with
chainrings and front derailleurs that are designated as
nine-speed configurations.
The nine-speed chain can be used with other than
nine-speed chainrings and front derailleurs. Due to
design differences more than dimension differences,
performance might be slightly compromised, but this
combination will be functional.
At the time of this writing, Shimano nine-speed
chains have a different design from their previous
chains, not just different dimensions. Most current
Shimano chains that are not nine-speed type are the
IG design. This design has side-plate shaping that is
designed to optimize shifting from smaller to larger-
diameter gears and additional shaping that is designed
to optimize shifting from larger to smaller-diameter
gears. The nine-speed chain is an HG design, which
only has the shaping designed to optimize shifting from
smaller to larger-diameter gears. Consequently, the

26 – 18

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER With this system, freewheeling-mechanism re-

moval is generally required for hub-bearing adjustment
This chapter is about removing and installing free-
or overhaul and for accessing spokes. Thread-on-free-
hub mechanisms, thread-on freewheels, and the cogs
wheel/hub systems allow independent selection of hub
that go on freewheels and freehubs. These items are re-
and freewheel brands and models. This does not cre-
moved for cleaning, replacement, access to spokes, and
ate all the versatility that might be imagined because
in the case of thread-on freewheels, access to the axle set
many indexing-derailleur systems require specific
and hub bearings. Some cartridge-bearing hubs are
cogsets in order to function at peak performance, and
freehubs, but the freehub design is unique to the hub.
in some cases these cogsets might be available only on
This section only covers conventional freehub-mecha-
a freehub mechanism.
nism designs. Special freehub mechanisms are covered
in the procedure for the hub that uses the special design
Freewheel bearing Freewheel outer body
(see the CARTRIDGE-BEARING HUBS chapter, page 13-1).
Freewheel pawl Freewheel inner body


Some of these terms are confusingly similar, so it
makes sense to spend a bit of time considering termi-
nology and definitions before looking at the list of
Thread-on freewheels
A thread-on freewheel is a mechanism consisting Hub
of a freewheeling mechanism and a set of cogs attached. Freewheel
The mechanism threads onto a hub shell, and is inde-
pendent of the bearings of the hub. This means that
the entire freewheel can be removed without disassem-
bling the hub, and once it is removed the hub is still 25.1 A hub and thread-on freewheel in cross-sectional view.
fully intact and functional.
The freewheel mechanism consists of a two-piece Freehubs (freehub mechanisms)
body, with the inner and outer body rotating inde- A freehub usually has the same freewheel-mecha-
pendently of each other on sets of bearings. The inner nism inner body, pawl and ratchet mechanism, free-
body threads onto the hub shell and remains fixed to wheel-mechanism outer body, and cogs attached to the
the hub shell. The outer body engages the inner body outer body. Some freehub mechanisms use alternative
by means of pawls and a ratchet ring that cause the systems to the pawl and ratchet-ring design. The inner
two body pieces to rotate as one when the chain drives body still fixes to the hub shell, although not neces-
the cogs attached to the outer body-piece. When the sarily by threading on. When the hub has conventional
chain is not applying drive force and the bike is coast- cup-and-cone bearings, the inner body-piece has inte-
ing, the pawls disengage the ratchet ring and allow the grated into its outer end the right-side hub-bearing cup.
inner body to turn free of the outer body, so that the
cogs do not drive the chain.

25 – 1
This means that the freewheel mechanism and the Freewheel: Used to describe a freewheel that
hub bearings are not independent systems. The practical threads onto a rear hub. (The freewheel mechanism
consequence of this is that it is not necessary to remove and the hub bearings are independent systems.)
the freewheel mechanism to service the hub bearings, Freewheel mechanism: A mechanism that con-
but it is necessary to remove the hub axle and bearings to sists of two pieces that can rotate separately. Usually
remove and service the freewheel mechanism. To access one has a ratchet ring and the other has pawls, so that
spokes on a freehub rear wheel, it is not necessary to they can rotate together when the outer piece is being
remove the freewheel mechanism. However, the cogs driven, and independently when the inner piece is
must be removed from the freewheel mechanism. being driven. (See figures 25.1 and 25.2.)
Freehubs may be required for use with certain in- Freewheel body: Used to describe the freewheel
dexing-derailleur systems because compatible cogsets mechanism of a freewheel without the cogs attached.
are only available on a freehub. Freehubs have an ad- Freehub: This applies to the complete integrated
vantage in their design due to the repositioning of the hub/freewheeling-mechanism with or without the
right-side hub bearing. The different position reduces cogs attached.
the stack of spacers on the right end of the axle, which
reduces the occurrence of bent axles (something that Freehub body
is problematic on thread-on-freewheel/hub combina-
tions, particularly when exceeding six cogs).
Freehubs are sometimes called “cassette hubs,” but
this is a misnomer; although, some freehubs have a
cassette cogset. This means that the cogs are removed
and installed as a group, rather than individually. Indi-
vidual cogs can always be put back on where the cas- 25.3 A freehub.
sette was removed, so there is no such thing as a cas-
sette hub, or a hub that requires cassette cogs. Freehub body: This applies to the freewheeling-
mechanism portion of a freehub, without the cogs at-
Freewheel-mechanism bearings tached.
Outer freewheel Cogs: Also gears, or freewheel cogs, this refers to
mechanism body Inner freewheel- the toothed gears that engage the chain, whether
Hub cup/ mechanism body mounted on a freewheel body or a freehub body.
freewheel cone Hub shell Pawl: A pivoting tooth that engages or slides over
Hub bearing the teeth in a ratchet ring, depending on the relative
Freewheel pawl
direction of rotation.
Ratchet ring: A geared ring that has teeth point-
ing in one direction that engage a pawl if rotated one
way and pass over the pawl if rotated the other way.
Cassette: Also cassette cogs. A set of cogs for a free-
hub that are removed, replaced, or installed as a set
instead of individually.
Lockring: A threaded ring that holds cogs onto a
freehub body.
retaining bolt
Lockring Cassette cogs PREREQUISITES
Wheel removal and installation
Wheel removal and installation is required for any
25.2 A freehub in cross-sectional view. type of freewheel or freehub work.

The following are the terms and definitions that Rear-derailleur adjustment or replacement
are used in this chapter. Rear-derailleur adjustment or replacement may be
required in several cases. If an identical model of free-
wheel or freehub cogs are being installed, but cog sizes

25 – 2
are different, derailleur adjustment will be required. If It is recommended to periodically check the cogs
the derailleur’s maximum capacity is exceeded, de- for wear, particularly if replacing a chain or cogs, but
railleur replacement will be required. Any time the not both at once. There is a tool (Rohloff HG-Check)
brand, model, or number of cogs are changed, de- that can be used for just this purpose. A shop should
railleur adjustment is required. find this tool indispensable, but it is possible to deter-
mine cog wear without the tool. When putting a new
Axle removal and hub adjustment chain on, pedal hard in every rear cog. If the chain
Axle removal and consequential hub adjustment
jumps or skips, and the old chain did not, then the
may be required for two reasons. The axle will need to
cog(s) that exhibits the symptom are worn out.
be removed for certain difficult freewheel removals,
and the axle will need to be re-spaced if changing the
number of cogs when replacing a freewheel or free-
hub body.
Wheel dishing and truing 1 – Firm pressure
If the hub axle is re-spaced to accommodate a free-
wheel or freehub body with a different number of cogs,
then it will be necessary to re-dish the wheel, and con- Rohloff HG-Check
sequentially re-true the wheel.
Frame alignment
If the hub is being re-spaced to accommodate a
freewheel or freehub body with a different number of
cogs, then it is likely that the wheel will no longer fit
the frame correctly. In this case, it may be required to
align the rear triangle of the frame.

Maintenance cycles
There are two types of maintenance that need to
be performed on freewheels/freehubs: external clean-
ing, and internal cleaning and oiling. External (cog)
cleaning should be performed whenever the chain is
cleaned. Differences in riding conditions make it im-
possible to put a time or mile value on this need. In-
2 – Move last link in and out of teeth
ternal cleaning and oiling should be done whenever
there is a problem with the freewheel mechanism ex- 25.4 Use a Rohloff HG-Check to check cog wear. If any resis-
hibiting symptoms of sticking (not freewheeling) or tance is felt when moving the last link in or out of the cog, the
skipping (not engaging). In the case of freewheels, the cog is worn out.
internal cleaning will generally be done when clean-
ing the cogs because it is easiest to do both at once. In Symptoms indicating worn-out cogs
the case of freehubs, the cogs are generally removed If the chain slips or skips on a cog when pedaling
from the freehub body to be cleaned, so internal clean- hard, the cog or cogs may be worn out. With this prob-
ing and oiling is not done at that time. On the other lem, it may be possible to ride all day with the chain on
hand, the freehub body is easiest to clean when doing a certain cog as long as pedal pressure is light. As soon
a hub overhaul. as extra force is applied to the pedals, there is a loud
It is a common mistake to routinely oil the metallic clunk that comes from the vicinity of the rear
internals of the freewheel mechanism. This is a good wheel and the pedals may seem to give way and then
way to introduce dirt to the inside. If there are nega- catch again after an inch or two of motion. Cog teeth
tive symptoms, always assume that internal cleaning wear from load, so that they eventually deviate from
is needed, and only oil after cleaning. If negative symp- their original half-inch pitch (the distance from one
toms are not present, there is no need for oiling. tooth to the next). As long as the same chain is used,

25 – 3
there will probably be no symptom, because the chain or pawl springs have failed. These parts are generally
wears to match the teeth. As soon as the worn chain is not available separately, so the normal solution is to
replaced, the symptom is more likely to occur. replace the entire freewheel or freehub body.
When this symptom occurs, it calls for replace-
ment of the worn cogs. If only a few cogs are worn
Symptoms indicating need
and individual replacements are available, then it may of freewheel or freehub-body overhaul
make financial sense to only replace these cogs, but in Due to the lack of replacement parts availability,
general it is advisable or even necessary to replace whole and due to the fact that freewheels old enough to have
freewheels, or cogs on a freehub in sets. internal problems undoubtedly have limited life left
A similar symptom can occur when the pawl and in the cogs, overhauling the inside of freewheels or
ratchet mechanism inside the freehub-body/freewheel- freehub bodies is not recommended. When cleaning
body is malfunctioning. If the problem is cog-tooth and oiling does not eliminate symptoms, replace the
wear, then the problem will happen on a specific cog freewheel or freehub body.
or cogs. If it is a problem with the pawl and ratchet Symptoms indicating
mechanism, it will happen in every gear but only when
there is a high-level load.
loose freewheel/freehub-body bearings
When a steady, light clunking sound comes from
A similar symptom may occur on a bike with an the freewheel in some gears more than others, and at
indexing rear derailleur when the indexing adjustment some pedaling speeds but not others, it indicates the
is borderline. In this case, what is actually happening is bearings are loose. If the freewheel/freehub-body-bear-
that the chain is jumping from one cog to the next when ing adjustment gets too loose, it allows the outer body
the shift lever is not being operating, and it should feel to float side-to-side and make a clunk when it reaches
like the gear has changed after the symptom occurs. its limit each way. This happens in some gears but not
Symptoms indicating need others, and at some pedaling speeds but not others,
for internal cleaning because the direction and amount of load from the
chain influences whether the outer body is free to float.
or freewheel/freehub-body replacement All freewheel-mechanism bearings are designed to have
When freewheeling occurs when pedaling, con-
some free play. It is too much only when this symp-
stantly or intermittently, the freewheel mechanism
tom occurs. The play in these bearings is not adjust-
may need internal cleaning or parts may have failed.
able, so when the symptom occurs on a new mecha-
The pawl and ratchet mechanism inside the freewheel
nism it should be considered a warrantable failure, and
body or freehub body is surprisingly delicate for the
when it occurs on an old mechanism it should be con-
job it does of converting the pedaling load to the rear
sidered time to replace the freewheel or freehub body.
hub. Small parts are moved by hair-thin springs in tight,
confining spaces. Dirt or rust can severely inhibit the Symptoms indicating
motion of the pawls and create the symptom of the bad freewheel or freehub mounting
freewheel not engaging when pedaling force is applied. If the cogs appear to wobble side-to-side while coast-
Cleaning and lubrication can potentially solve this ing, it might seem as though there is a problem with
problem. When they do not, it means the rust is too the way the freewheel or freehub body is mounted. This
far advanced or the pawls or pawl springs are worn is a normal condition due to a lack of precision in the
out or damaged. These parts are generally not avail- freewheel/freehub-body bearings and is not a problem
able separately, so the normal solution is to replace if the wobble does not occur while pedaling.
the entire freewheel or freehub body. If the cogs appear to wobble side-to-side while ped-
Another symptom that may be experienced is aling, there may be a problem with the mounting of
when coasting, the cogs continue to turn with the the freewheel or freehub body. This occurs for differ-
wheel, pushing the chain. Dirt, rust, and worn or dam- ent reasons on thread-on freewheels and freehubs. It is
aged pawls or pawl springs can cause this symptom. only a problem if the degree of wobble interferes with
Sometimes this symptom is called “ghost rider” be- making a good derailleur adjustment and getting the
cause while the rider’s feet are off the pedals, the ped- chain to run on one cog without rubbing on the next.
als continue to turn on their own. If cleaning and lu- If the problem of wobbling-while-pedaling occurs
bricating does not solve the problem, then the pawls on a hub with a thread-on freewheel, it generally indi-
cates that the freewheel is cross-threaded, in which

25 – 4
case the hub is probably destroyed. If the freewheel-
mounting threads are in good condition, it indicates Park FR-4
that the spoke guard is mounted off-center (try a new
one or none at all), or that the hub or freewheel was
mis-threaded from the factory (generally warrantable).
It never has anything to do with a bent axle.
If the wobbling-while-pedaling problem is on a
freehub, it indicates that the bolt that holds the free-
hub body to the hub shell is loose. Immediate service
is required. To tighten the bolt, the axle must be re-
moved from the hub.
Thread-on-freewheel-hub service
It is necessary to remove and re-install a thread-on
freewheel if adjusting or overhauling a thread-on-free- 25.6 This splined-freewheel with a 20.4mm hole is made by several
wheel hub. manufacturers. The preferred tool that fits it is shown.
Spoke access
If replacing a spoke or rebuilding a wheel, the free-
Park FR-1
wheel or cogs on the freehub block access to the hub
flange. If it is a hub with a thread-on freewheel, the
freewheel must be removed first. It is important to note
that there is no way to remove the freewheel reliably if
the spokes are cut before the freewheel is removed. If the
hub is a freehub, the cogs must be removed from the
freehub body to access the hub flange, but the freehub
body need not be removed.
The design or brand of the freewheel/freehub will
determine the tools needed. The preferred choices are
in bold. A tool is preferred because of a balance among: 25.7 This Shimano splined-freewheel with a 20.4mm hole is the
ease of use, quality, versatility, and economy. When most recent configuration. The preferred tool that fits it is shown.
more than one tool for one function is bold, it means
that several tools are required for different configura-
tions of parts. (See table 25-1, page 25-6.) Bicycle Research
Shimano TL-FW20


25.5 This Shimano splined-freewheel with an 18.8mm hole is rare. 25.8 This is a Maillard/Atom/Sachs splined-freewheel with a
The preferred tool that fits it is shown. 30.0mm hole. The preferred tool that fits it is shown.

25 – 5

20mm 20.3mm

Park FR-2
Shimano TL-FW10

25.11 This two-notch freewheel with a 20.3mm hole is an older

25.9 This older Shimano notched-freewheel with a 20.0mm hole variety made by SunTour. The preferred tool that fits it is shown.
sometimes requires removal of a plastic dustcap before the tool will
fit. The preferred tool that fits it is shown.

Shimano TL-FW45


Park FR-3 25.12 This four-notch BMX freewheel with a large hole has been
made by Shimano and SunTour. The tool that fits it is shown.
25.10 This four-notch freewheel with a 20.3mm hole is the last
configuration made by SunTour. The tool that fits it is shown.


Tool Fits and considerations
SPLINED-FREEWHEEL REMOVERS (see figures 25.5, 25.6, 25.7, and 25.8 on page 25-5)
Bicycle Research CT2 Thick-wall tool fits Atom, Regina, & Zeus w/ 20.4mm hole (requires axle removal)
Park FR-4 Thin-wall tool fits Atom, Regina, and Zeus w/ 20.4mm hole
Phil Wood Atom tool Thin-wall tool fits Atom, Regina, and Zeus w/ 20.4mm hole
Bicycle Research CT3 Fits Atom, Maillard, Normandy, Schwinn freewheels w/ 30mm hole
Bicycle Research CT4 Thick-wall tool fits old Shimano w/ 18.8mm hole (requires axle removal)
Shimano TL-FW20 Thick-wall tool fits old Shimano w/ 18.8mm hole (requires axle removal)
Bicycle Research CT6 Thin-wall tool fits Shimano and Sachs freewheels w/ 21.9mm hole
Bicycle Research Thick-wall tool fits Shimano & Sachs freewheels w/ 21.9mm hole (requires
CT6MB axle removal)
Park FR-1 Thin-wall tool fits Shimano and Sachs freewheels w/ 21.9mm hole
Shimano TL-FW30 Thin-wall tool fits Shimano and Sachs freewheels w/ 21.9mm hole
VAR 414 Thin-wall tool fits Shimano and Sachs freewheels w/ 21.9mm hole
Bicycle Research CT5 Fits rare TDC three-spline freewheel

25 – 6

Tool Fits and considerations

NOTCHED-FREEWHEEL REMOVERS (see figures 25.9, 25.10, 25.11, and 25.12 on page 25-6)
Bicycle Research CT7 Fits SunTour 2-notch freewheels
Park FR-2 Fits SunTour 2-notch freewheels
Bicycle Research CT10 Fits SunTour 4-notch freewheels
Park FR-3 Fits SunTour 4-notch freewheels
Bicycle Research CT1 Fits Shimano/Regina 2-notch freewheels, not recommended
Bicycle Research CT600 Fits Shimano/Regina 2-notch freewheels, not recommended
Shimano TL-FW10 Fits Shimano/Regina 2-notch freewheels (plastic dustcap removal sometimes
required on some Shimano 600 models)
Bicycle Research CT-9 Fits Campagnolo 2-notch
Campagnolo 0520/40 Fits Campagnolo 2-notch
VAR 404 Fits Campagnolo 2-notch
Shimano TL-FW45 Fits Shimano and SunTour 4-notch BMX freewheels
Shimano TL-FW40 Fits Shimano and SunTour 2-notch BMX freewheels
Park FR-5 Fits Shimano HG/IG lockrings
Shimano TL-HG15 Fits Shimano HG/IG lockrings
Stein HLW-2 Fits Shimano HG/IG lockrings, works best used with Stein HLW-1 wrench
Campagnolo 7130036 Fits Campagnolo freehub-cog-retaining lockrings
Park BBT-5 Fits Campagnolo freehub-cog-retaining lockrings
VAR 414B Fits Campagnolo freehub-cog-retaining lockrings
Bicycle Research CV1 Freewheel vise holds freewheel for cog removal
Stein HLW-1 “Hyperhandle” holds sprockets while using Stein HLW-2 lockring driver
Hozan C62 Strongest sprocket remover made, with good leverage and hand protection
Pamir TW-1 Strong sprocket remover with excellent hand protection, hex fitting fits
Shimano cog and lockring tools
Park SR-1 Strong sprocket remover with fair hand protection, also acts as handle for
Park freewheel removers
Park SR-2 Similar to Hozan C62, slightly more expensive, bolts hold chains to tool
Wheels CRT-A1 Strong sprocket remover with fair hand protection with 3/32" chain
Rohloff HG-Check Excellent tool for check cog wear on all brands and models of cogs
Park GSC-1 Cleaning tool for cogs
Shimano TL-FH40 For securing race or disassembling freehub body
Park SPA-2 Red pin spanner fits certain freewheel dustcaps and bearing cones
Morningstar FHB1 Adapter allows flushing Shimano (except Dura-Ace 6- & 7-speed) freehub
bodies with solvent and air
Morningstar FHB2 Adapter allows flushing Shimano Dura-Ace (except 8-speed) freehub bodies
with solvent and air
Morningstar FHB3 Adapter allows flushing pre-1991 SunTour freehub bodies with solvent and air
Morningstar FHB4 Adapter allows flushing SunTour freehub bodies with solvent and air
Morningstar J4M Removes dustcap from Shimano freehub body
Stein FWG Adapter allows flushing most freewheels with solvent and air
Shimano TL-FH10 For removing Dura-Ace freehub body
Shimano TL-FH30 For removing rare Dura-Ace AX and 600 AX freehub bodies
10mm Allen-bit socket For removing most Shimano and SunTour freehub bodies

25 – 7

TIME AND DIFFICULTY splines turn with the cogs when the cogs are turned back-
ward, then it is a freehub (probably a Shimano or Sachs).
Freewheel removal/installation If it is none of these, it is probably a SunTour freehub or
Once the wheel is off, it is usually a simple matter some lesser-known brand of freehub.
to remove and install a freewheel. It normally takes 2–
3 minutes and poses little difficulty. In cases where the
Damaged freewheel-removal system
Notched-freewheel-removal systems are prone to
freewheel is damaged where it engages the remover,
damage. The tool slips and the notches strip out. When
the nature of the job changes completely; freewheel
this happens, the freewheel is a loss. Instead of remov-
disassembly is required, a job that may take 10–15
ing it in the conventional manner, it will need to be
minutes and is moderately difficult. In cases where the
disassembled for removal. This removal technique is
freewheel is so tight that thin-walled splined removers
described in detail later (page 25-12).
such as the Park FR-1 and FR-4 are failing before loos-
Prevention of this failure is always possible. Use
ening the freewheel, it is necessary to remove the axle
of the correct removal tool and careful adherence to
set so that a heavier-duty remover (that can only be
the recommended procedures will prevent virtually
used with the axle out) can fit. Removing and replac-
all failures.
ing the axle set is an additional 10–15 minute job of
moderate difficulty. Stuck freewheel won’t break loose,
Freehub-body removal and installation or remover breaks
Freehub bodies are only accessible when the axle A freewheel can be so tight that it may take two
set is removed from the hub. Removing and installing people to remove. If the remover is the correct fit,
the axle is a 10–15 minute job of moderate difficulty. properly secured, and the wheel is in a stable condi-
While the hub is apart, the freehub body can be re- tion, then the worse that may happen is that the free-
moved and installed in 2–3 minutes with little difficulty. wheel remover (thin-wall type) may break. If this oc-
curs, there are heavier-duty removers that are more
Freewheel/freehub-cog awkward to use, but effective.
removal and installation Axle set interferes with freewheel remover
Cog removal and installation is a 5–10 minute job
Thick-wall splined removers require locknuts and
of little technical difficulty, but a great deal of exertion
spacers to be removed from the right side first. Some-
may be required. At times, the cog-removal tool will
times this hardware will just thread off the right side
break or bend before the cog will break loose.
of the axle, but usually the axle must be stripped on
Freewheel, freehub-body, and cog cleaning the left side in order to be pushed out the right side.
Once the parts to be cleaned are removed and ac- Some cartridge-bearing hubs cannot have the hard-
cessible, the cleaning will take 2–10 minutes. It is not ware stripped off the right side and cannot have the
technically difficult, but can take a lot of elbow grease. axle pushed out the right side of the hub unless the
freewheel is removed. In these cases, there are two
COMPLICATIONS options. The choices are to use a thin-wall remover, or
to disassemble the freewheel to remove it without a
Identifying freehubs versus remover (which destroys the freewheel).
threaded hubs with thread-on freewheels No correct remover available
The first complication is just to know whether it
is a freehub or a threaded hub with thread-on free-
for freewheel type
Almost all freewheels ever made still have remov-
wheel that is being dealt with. ers available. In the unlikely event that there is no re-
When the wheel is off, look at the face of the free- mover available, then the only option is to disassemble
wheel/freehub body. If the axle appears to come out of a the freewheel to remove it without a remover (which
hole in the body and the edge of the hole has two or four destroys the freewheel).
indentations (notches) in its inner perimeter, then it is a
thread-on freewheel that takes a pronged freewheel re- Rim has been removed before freewheel
mover. If the hole has splines (about 20) and the splines The leverage of the rim is required to turn the
do not move when turning the cogs backward, then it is hub out of the freewheel. When the rim has been re-
a thread-on freewheel that takes a splined remover. If the moved, there is a good likelihood that either the hub

25 – 8
or freewheel will need to be sacrificed. The section of FREEHUB-BODY REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT AND INSTALLA-
this chapter about difficult freewheel removal describes TION. The next section is EIGHT- AND NINE-SPEED
all the options in detail (page 25-13). COMPATIBILITY. The last section is FREEWHEEL AND
Difficult threaded-cog removal
Threaded cogs are tightened by the rider’s legs and
consequently can be extremely secure. The result is
that it can take the strength of two people or a large
lever to break loose a cog. It is not unusual for the cog-
removal tool to fail during removal of extremely diffi-
cult cogs. For this reason, it is important to never skimp
on the quality of a cog-removal tool, and to always AND INSTALLATION
inspect it carefully before use. Furthermore, set the
work up in anticipation of what might happen if some-
thing suddenly gave way. REMOVAL
1. [ ] Use steps 1–16 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
Freehub-cog lockrings can be difficult to remove. REAR WHEEL) to remove wheel (page 18-6).
Use of a proper tool and technique is critical. It is im- 2. [ ] Remove quick-release skewer or right-side
portant to have the tool properly retained so that it does axle nut from axle.
not slip out of place and it is necessary to resist the cogset 3. [ ] Mate freewheel remover to freewheel.
rotation by using a cog-removal tool on the outermost In the next step, use the quick-release skewer or
cog. The larger inner cogs can easily warp if they are axle nut to retain the remover against the freewheel-
used to resist rotation during a difficult lockring removal. body face. Freewheel removal is a very high-force pro-
cedure and the potential for damaging the remover or
Lockring will not engage the freewheel is high. Stabilizing the remover minimizes
after installing new cogset on freehub any chance of damage, so do not skip this step, regardless
If the lockring will not engage the freehub body of how many times this has been successfully attempted
after installing a new cogset, it usually means that the in the past!
new cogset has more cogs than the freehub body is 4. [ ] Install quick-release skewer or right-side axle
designed for. nut and tighten to hold remover firmly
against freewheel.
Lockring secures, but new cogset 5. [ ] With wheel horizontal and freewheel-side
remains loose on freehub body down, put wrench flats of remover in vise
Not all Shimano cogsets are compatible with all and secure vise.
Shimano freehub bodies. In particular, installing a com- In the next step, a great force will be applied to the
pact-drive cogset (usually with a 11 tooth cog) on a wheel to break loose the freewheel. As soon as it breaks
freehub body that was not originally designed for com- loose, stop turning the wheel and remove the skewer
pact drive will result in this symptom. or axle nut. The reason for this is that as the freewheel
threads further off, the skewer or axle nut will be in
the way. If the retaining device is left in place and the
ABOUT THE REST wheel is turned much past the break-free point, then
OF THIS CHAPTER the hub, the skewer, or the axle may be destroyed.
6. [ ] With hands positioned 180° apart, turn
The rest of this chapter is divided into the follow-
wheel counterclockwise just until freewheel
breaks loose.
AND INSTALLATION. The next section is DIFFICULT FREE- 7. [ ] Remove wheel from vise and remove quick-
WHEEL REMOVAL, which includes removing notched release skewer or axle nut that is retaining
freewheels with stripped-out notches, and remov- freewheel remover.
ing freewheels when there is no rim attached to the 8. [ ] Turn freewheel remover counterclockwise
hub. This is followed by NON-LOCKRING FREEHUB-COG with fingers or wrench to thread freewheel

25 – 9

CLEANING AND LUBING 12. [ ] Dry freewheel thoroughly, then squirt small
amount of oil into crack between inner body
Skip to REPLACEMENT (page 25-10) if installing new and outer body, both on outer and inner face
freewheel, or skip to INSTALLATION (page 25-11) after of freewheel body.
performing other operations, or if freewheel is just
being removed to enable hub or spoke work.
Some sources state that it is a bad idea to submerge REPLACEMENT
a freewheel in solvent. This is the only practical way Skip to INSTALLATION (page 25-11) if installing the
to clean the inside. The only reason not to submerge a same freewheel that was removed.
freewheel in solvent is that if it is not dried thoroughly, Replacing a freewheel with a different one brings
the remaining solvent will break down the lubricants up all kinds of issues about compatibility. There are
added. compatibility issues with the thread of the hub and
Most Sachs freewheels have a special port for in- the thread of the freewheel; with the width of the free-
jecting solvent, compressed air, or lubricant into the wheel and the space on the hub for the freewheel to
inside of the body. This port is hidden underneath the fit; with the size of the cogs and the capacity of the
cogs, which must be removed. With a Sachs freewheel, derailleur; with the spacing of the freewheel cogs and
it is preferable to use this port than to use the tech- the adjustment of the rear derailleur; with the spacing
niques described in the following procedure for clean- of the freewheel cogs and the incrementation of an
ing, drying, and lubing. indexing shift system; and with the spacing of the free-
9. [ ] Submerge freewheel in solvent and let it wheel cogs and the width of the chain.
soak for as much time as is available.
10. [ ] With freewheel still submerged, rotate free-
Thread compatibility
Thread compatibility is important, but rarely an
wheel-mechanism inner body back and forth
to agitate solvent and break loose dirt inside issue. Older French bikes had hubs with a 1mm thread
freewheel body, or use Stein FWG to force pitch, and the only replacement freewheels available
solvent through freewheel body. today are a 24tpi pitch. There are actually several thread
11. [ ] Use Park GSC-1 to scrub outside of free- descriptions that have a 24tpi pitch, but they are all
wheel, cleaning cog teeth and inner and acceptable to interchange, so only pitch need be con-
outer faces of freewheel body thoroughly. sidered in regard to thread compatibility. The proce-
The ideal way to dry the inside of a freewheel is dure provides an opportunity to compare pitch of the
by blowing compressed air through it. This can do the old and new freewheel.
job in minutes. For really fast cleaning and drying,
install a Stein FWG on the back of the freewheel and Freewheel width
force solvent and then air through the port in the tool. If the new freewheel has a different number of
If a compressor is not available for freewheel drying, cogs, or if changing from a narrow-spaced six-speed
then patience is required. Out in the sun on a hot day, to a wide-spaced six-speed (or the reverse), then there
the inside of the freewheel might dry out in an hour will definitely be an issue of whether the freewheel
or two. Left on a bench top with no direct sunlight, width will fit with the existing space on the hub for
count on it taking at least overnight. the freewheel and whether the derailleur will need
Contrary to popular opinion, the only lubricant re-adjustment. If modifying the hub to fit the new
needed inside a freewheel is oil. Grease can actually freewheel, then the wheel needs to be re-dished and
damage a freewheel, or inhibit its ability to function the frame needs to be re-spaced. Even when the new
normally. Another popular mistake is to put too much freewheel uses the same number of cogs, and does
oil in the freewheel. This causes oil to drip out, which not change in spacing from narrow to wide (or vice
leads to more problems with dirt on the freewheel and versa), the spacing might be slightly different if the
to a mucky mess on the spokes and perhaps the rim. new and old freewheels are different brands or mod-
Using an aerosol lubricant that does not have a rapid- els. A derailleur adjustment may be required. The
evaporation base is a sure way to over-lube the free- procedure provides an opportunity to detect whether
wheel. Test the aerosol by spraying a small amount on the width of a new freewheel will require any of the
a surface and checking in 10 minutes to see if it has above modifications. But if the modifications are re-
obviously dried. If so, it should be fine in the free- quired, refer to the appropriate chapters for the pro-
wheel. If using a non-aerosol oil, drip in just 10–15 cedures for performing the modifications.
drops of oil on each face of the freewheel.

25 – 10

Freewheel size and derailleur capacity 15. Check one of following options to determine
Derailleurs are made to fit certain maximum cog course of action, depending on type of width
sizes, and to take up a certain amount of slack chain,
[ ] Difference in step 14 is between .5mm
which is a function of the size differential between the and –.5mm, freewheel is width-compatible
smallest and largest freewheel cogs and the smallest and will require no hub re-spacing, wheel re-
and largest chainrings on the bike. This is most likely dishing, or frame re-spacing.
to be a problem if the bike is a road bike with narrow [ ] Difference in step 14 is >.5mm, free-
“racing” type gearing and the freewheel is being wheel is not width-compatible and may re-
changed to get lower gear ratios, or if putting a free- quire hub re-spacing, wheel re-dishing, frame
wheel with a 34-tooth cog on any bike. The procedure re-spacing, and rear-derailleur adjustment.
provides an opportunity to check for a problem with [ ] Difference in step 14 is a negative value
rear-derailleur capacity, but not until the new cogs have below –.5mm, rear-derailleur adjustment is
been installed and the wheel is back on the bike. The
means to correct the problems that might occur with
chain length and rear-derailleur capacity are covered INSTALLATION
in the CHAINSchapter and the REAR DERAILLEURchap- 16. [ ] Thoroughly grease threads inside freewheel
ter (page numbers are provided when needed in the body.
following procedure). It is easy to carelessly cross-thread a freewheel onto
the hub. Once started wrong, it is very difficult to re-
Index compatibility and chain-width start correctly. In the following step, you install the
compatibility freewheel while the wheel is horizontal and with the
Problems with index-shifting compatibility are axle visibly centered in the hole in the freewheel to
covered in the REAR DERAILLEURchapter (page 32-5). help prevent this. It is also important to use fingers
Problems with chain-width compatibility are cov- and not a tool to thread on the freewheel, so that if the
ered in the CHAINSchapter (page 26-2 and 26-16). freewheel does begin to thread in crossed-up, the dam-
13. [ ] With pitch gauge, measure pitch of old free- age will be minimized.
wheel and new freewheel. If pitches match, 17. [ ] With wheel horizontal and right end of axle
freewheels are thread compatible. facing up, drop freewheel onto hub, center
If old and new freewheel are not identical axle in freewheel hole, and use fingers only
to thread freewheel onto hub.
model and number of cogs Once the freewheel is hand-threaded on, it does
NOTE: Skip to step 16 if new freewheel is same
model and number of cogs as old freewheel.
need to be tightened with a tool, particularly if a de-
14. Perform following calculation to determine railleur adjustment is to be performed. In the next step,
width compatibility: secure the freewheel so that it is ready for derailleur
[ ] Use caliper to measure width from inner adjustment and also makes sure that the outermost
face of inner cog to outer face of outer cog cog is secure — a common need with new freewheels.
of old freewheel and record here: ______mm. There is likely to be some confusion the first time you
[ ] Use caliper to measure width from inner use a cog-removal tool on a cog. There are usually two
face of inner cog to outer face of outer cog pieces of chain and both must engage the cog. One
of new freewheel and record here: section of chain is short and fixed at both ends to the
tool. Engage this to the cog first. The other section of
[ ] Subtract first measurement from second
measurement and record difference here:
chain is long and is attached to the tool at one end
__________mm. only. This piece wraps around the cog in the opposite
(Be sure to include negative sign if first mea- direction than the cog and freewheel will be turning.
surement is larger than second.) See figure 25.14, page 25-12.

25.13 Measure freewheel width in this fashion.

25 – 11
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring. Check
whether chain hangs slack between top of
freewheel and top chainrings, or whether
chain touches itself or derailleur an extra time
between lower jockey wheel and bottom of
chainrings. Either condition indicates maxi-
mum-total-capacity of rear derailleur has been
exceeded. (See REAR DERAILLEURS, page 32-7.)
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring (if not
already). Shift rear derailleur to put chain on,
and then off of, innermost freewheel cog and
observe whether chain jams trying to go on
or off innermost freewheel cog. If chain jams
either way, rear-derailleur maximum-free-
wheel-capacity has been exceeded. (See REAR
DERAILLEURS, page 32-6.)

Freewheels can be difficult to remove because the
freewheel fails, the tool fails, or the rim is no longer
25.14 Place cog-removal tool on outermost sprocket as shown, to attached to the hub. This section is actually three sepa-
simultaneously tighten outermost cog and freewheel. rate procedures appropriate for each of these condi-
18. [ ] Use cog remover on outermost cog to simul-
taneously secure outermost cog to free- Notches stripped-out
wheel and freewheel to hub. where pronged freewheel-remover fits
If the wrong remover has been used or the remover
WHEEL INSTALLATION was not properly retained with the skewer or axle nuts,
the notches in the innermost ring of the face of the
AND POST-INSPECTION freewheel can strip. First, try the correct tool properly
19. [ ] Use steps 9–20 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE- retained to see if that will work. If further stripping
MENT, AND RE-INSTALLATION (INSTALLING THE occurs, the freewheel must be removed and replaced.
WHEEL) to install wheel (page 18-17). To do this, the following procedure suggests disassem-
The next step is needed only if the size of the out- bling the freewheel so that the inner body can be
ermost and/or innermost cogs has changed. These grasped directly in the vise to hold it while threading
changes can affect chain length and derailleur capac- the hub out of the freewheel inner body.
ity. The tests for chain length and derailleur capacity 1. [ ] Remove freewheel remover if still in place.
are given here without detailed explanation. If unfa- Most freewheels have a cone that is the flat ring
miliar with these items, see CHAINS(page 26-6) and just out from the innermost ring of the freewheel-body
REAR DERAILLEURS(page 32-6). face (the one that has the removal notches). This cone
20. If replacement freewheel with different number typically has two small round holes in it for the en-
of teeth on largest or smallest cog has been
gagement of a pin spanner. Although such pin span-
[ ] Shift chain to outermost chainring and
ners are made, they are rarely sturdy enough to re-
then shift chain to outermost freewheel cog move a tight cone. A punch with a small pointed tip
to check and correct chain length. (See that will fit in one of the holes is the recommended
CHAINS, page 26-6.) tool. The cone is always a left-hand thread, so it must
be turned clockwise to loosen it. Once the cone is off,
there will be all sorts of tiny ball bearings and small
pieces of metal called pawls that can be seen. Once

25 – 12
the freewheel has been pulled apart, these little things fully engaged to prevent this from ever happening! Once
are going to go all over the place, but don’t worry about it has happened with the remover properly engaged,
it because a new freewheel will be installed. then more drastic measures need to be taken. Heavy-
duty removers with thick walls are made that never
Punch fail, but they require removal of the axle set to be
used, and that is a time-consuming inconvenience.
Some cartridge-bearing hubs with flanges on the
axle require freewheel removal before the axle can be
removed. Unfortunately, the only solution is to sacri-
fice the freewheel. In this case, just treat the freewheel
as though it were one with damaged notches and dis-
assemble the freewheel to remove it.
1. [ ] If hub has cartridge-bearing axle that re-
quires freewheel removal before axle can
be removed, the freewheel will have to be
destroyed. Use procedure under Notches
stripped out where pronged freewheel remover fits
(page 25-12).
25.15 Removing the freewheel cone. 2. [ ] If hub is adjustable-cone type, use steps 17–
2. [ ] Use punch to drive cone clockwise to loosen JUSTMENT PROCEDURE to remove axle from hub
it, then unthread completely. (page 12-9).
3. [ ] Lift cogset and outer body of freewheel 3. [ ] Use Bicycle Research CT2 (20.4mm diam-
body off of inner body. eter, 20-spline hole) or Bicycle Research
4. [ ] Remove pawls from inner body. CT6MB (21.9mm diameter, 12-spline hole)
5. [ ] With wheel horizontal and freewheel on bot- to remove freewheel in normal way, except
tom side, grasp inner body of freewheel in without using quick-release skewer or axle
vise jaws. Use recesses where pawls were nut to retain remover.
removed to get best grip. 4. [ ] If hub is adjustable-cone type, use steps 55–
JUSTMENT PROCEDURE (page 12-13) to install
axle and adjust bearings.
5. [ ] If hub is cartridge-bearing type, use appropri-
ate procedure for specific brand of hub from
Chapter 13 to re-install axle.
Rim has been detached from hub
before freewheel has been broken loose
One of the worst bonehead mistakes a mechanic
(or customer) can make is to cut the spokes or unlace
a wheel before removing the freewheel from the hub.
The leverage of the rim is required for freewheel re-
25.16 Grasp remaining piece of freewheel body (at points indicated) moval. If the wheel is unlaced but the spokes have not
in vise, then turn wheel counterclockwise to unthread freewheel. been cut, it is worth the trouble to rebuild the wheel
with the old spokes and rim and then remove the free-
6. [ ] Turn wheel counterclockwise with both
wheel, because the only alternatives require sacrific-
hands to break loose and unthread hub from
ing either the hub or the freewheel.
freewheel inner-body.
7. [ ] Replace freewheel. If the spokes are cut, decide whether to sacrifice
the hub or freewheel, then pick the appropriate step.
Thin-wall-splined remover blows-up If the hub has large-diameter flanges, there is one
without breaking loose freewheel alternative not shown in steps #1–#3; remove the
Freewheels that require a thin-wall-splined re- cogs from the freewheel body, relace the hub and
mover can be a problem if the remover fails before new rim together with new spokes, then remove the
the freewheel breaks loose. Make sure the remover is freewheel if necessary.

25 – 13
1. If spokes are still in hub and not cut:
[ ] Rebuild wheel. NON-LOCKRING COG
[ ] Remove freewheel normally.
2. If saving hub and sacrificing freewheel: REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
[ ] Use steps 1–4 under Notches stripped out
where pronged freewheel remover fits to disas- AND INSTALLATION
semble freewheel (page 25-12). Cog removal for freewheels and non-lockring
[ ] Use grinder to grind conical flange off of freehubs is similar, because in both cases some cogs
inner body of freewheel to expose spoke slip onto the freewheel/freehub-body with a spline
holes in hub flange. configuration, and these are retained by outer posi-
[ ] Rebuild wheel.
tion cog(s) that thread onto the freewheel/freehub-
[ ] Use steps 5–7 under Notches stripped out
where pronged freewheel remover fits to complete
body. Shimano Hyperglide freehubs and several oth-
freewheel removal (page 25-12). ers are different because all the cogs fit with a splined
configuration and there is a lockring that threads into
Partially ground-off the freehub body to retain the cogs.
freehub-body cone Depending on the specific model of freewheel/
freehub, there may be from one to four cogs that thread
on and the remainder will be splined. If the cogs are
very dirty, it can be hard to see whether the one about
to be removed is threaded or splined. After removing
the first threaded cog, always assume that the next one
is splined and attempt to remove it by pulling out on
it. If it will not pull off, then it is a threaded cog.
It is very important to maintain the orientation of
the cog at all times while it is off. Most cogs can be
installed facing either way, but only one way is cor-
rect. The differences may be very subtle and are not
consistent enough from one brand to the next to be
worth mentioning here.
Cogs from one freewheel brand or model are al-
25.17 Grind the inner body cone off as shown. most never interchangeable with another. It is even
rare that cogs in one position on a freewheel are inter-
In the next step, the hub is held in the vise while changeable with cogs in another position on the same
the freewheel is removed. It does no harm to initially freewheel. This means that if changing gear selection,
grasp the hub flanges as hard as possible without crush- a new cog generally must be installed in every posi-
ing them, and then attempting the removal. If the free- tion where changing the number of teeth. Some spac-
wheel removes and the hub flanges are fine, then both ers are made to work specially with one size of cog.
are reusable. If the hub slips and it must be clamped For example, if removing a 15-tooth cog in the second
tighter, then nothing has been lost by trying removal position and replacing it with a 14 tooth, it is likely
without destroying the hub first. that the spacer outward of the second position will
3. If saving freewheel and sacrificing hub: also need to be changed. To help with all these prob-
[ ] Attach freewheel remover to freewheel
lems, manufacturers generally make “maps” of their
and retain remover with quick-release
freewheels. Do not attempt customizing freewheels
skewer or axle nut.
[ ] Grasp hub shell firmly in vise, crushing without a map or guide.
flanges if necessary.
[ ] Use large adjustable wrench to turn re-
mover counterclockwise to remove free-
1. [ ] Use steps 1–16 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
wheel from hub.
A FRONT OR REAR WHEEL) to remove wheel
(page 18-6).
2. [ ] Put wheel on floor and lean wheel against
legs with freewheel facing out.

25 – 14
3. [ ] Put one cog-removal tool on next-to-inner- 9. [ ] With fingers, pull outward on remaining out-
most freewheel cog with long free piece of ermost cog to check whether it is a slip-on
chain wrapped counterclockwise around cog cog or a thread-on cog. If cog slips off,
and short fixed piece of chain pinched be- check if next cog is also a slip-on type.
tween tool handle and cog. Check for spacers between each cog pair.
Put all cogs and spacers on surface in order,
with outer face of each facing up.
10. [ ] Repeats steps 5–9 for each remaining
thread-on type cog, if any.

11. [ ] Substitute each cog to be replaced in layout
with its replacement cog, being sure to put
replacement cog in same position and with
same side facing up.
12. [ ] Substitute each spacer to be replaced in lay-
out with its replacement spacer, being sure
to put replacement spacer in same position
and with same side facing up.

13. [ ] One at a time and in order, starting with the
largest cog, put all slip-on cogs and spacers
onto freewheel body, making sure upper
25.18 The correct setup for using the two cog-removal tools to face ends up facing out in each case.
break loose the outermost cog. 14. [ ] Lubricate threads on thread-on cogs.
15. [ ] Install, in order, remaining spacers and
4. [ ] Rotate wheel as necessary to position cog- thread-on cogs, making sure upper faces
removal tool so that it is parallel to floor and end up facing out.
on left side. 16. [ ] Put wheel on floor and lean wheel against
5. [ ] Put second cog-removal tool on outermost legs with freewheel facing out.
cog so that handle ends up parallel to floor,
Although thread-on cogs are self-tightening when
with long free piece of chain wrapped clock-
wise around cog and short fixed piece of
the bike is ridden, if they are not deliberately tightened
chain pinched between tool handle and cog. in the correct order, there can be problems the first time
Cogs can be very difficult to break free. In the next the bike is ridden after cog installation. For this reason,
step it is sometimes necessary to have a partner, each secure each cog as best as possible as it is installed!
one pressing with two hands on one tool. 17. [ ] Put one cog-removal tool on innermost
6. [ ] Press down firmly on both cog-removal tools thread-on cog with long free piece of chain
simultaneously to break loose outermost wrapped counterclockwise around cog and
cog, then thread outermost cog off. short fixed piece of chain pinched between
tool handle and cog, then rotate tool clock-
Remember: as cogs come off, it is very important
wise to secure cog as best as possible. Mov-
to keep track of where spacers came from, which way ing out one at a time, secure each additional
the cogs faced, and the order of the cogs. As cogs are thread-on cog in a similar fashion.
removed, check for spacers stuck to the backside of 18. [ ] Use steps 9–20 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
the cog just removed and to the front side of the next MENT, AND RE-INSTALLATION procedure (INSTALL-
cog to be removed. ING THE WHEEL) to install wheel (page 18-17).
7. [ ] Place cog on surface with outer-face facing The next step is needed only if the size of the out-
up. ermost and/or innermost cogs has changed. These
8. [ ] Check for spacer on face of remaining outer- changes can affect chain length and derailleur capac-
most cog and remove spacer (if any). Put ity. The tests for chain length and derailleur capacity
spacer on surface so that its outer surface is
are given here without detailed explanation. If unfa-
facing up.
miliar with these items, see CHAINS(page 26-6) and

25 – 15
19. If replacement cogs of different sizes have been than the recommended Park FR-5 that it is Hyperglide
installed in the innermost or outermost posi- compatible. If the diameter of the splines on the tool
tion: is at least 23.5mm, then the tool is appropriate.
[ ] Shift chain to outermost chainring and 2. [ ] Remove skewer and install Park FR-5 (or
then shift chain to outermost freewheel cog other Hyperglide-lockring tool) into splines of
to check and correct chain length. (See cog-retaining ring.
CHAINS, page 26-6.) Even with a properly fit tool, engagement is poor
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring. Check
for the forces involved. Be sure that the tool is fully
whether chain hangs slack between top of
freewheel and top chainrings, or whether
engaged and firmly secured with the quick-release
chain touches itself or derailleur an extra time skewer.
between lower jockey wheel and bottom of 3. [ ] Install skewer and thread adjusting nut until
chainrings. Either condition indicates maxi- tight to secure FR-5 in place.
mum-total-capacity of rear derailleur has been 4. [ ] With wheel horizontal and cog-side down,
exceeded. (See REAR DERAILLEURS, page 32-7.) grasp wrench flats of FR-5 in vise jaws.
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring (if not 5. [ ] Put cog-removal tool on next-to-outermost
already). Shift rear derailleur to put chain on, cog with long free piece of chain wrapped
and then off of, innermost freewheel cog and clockwise (viewed from above) around cog
observe whether chain jams trying to go on and short fixed piece of chain pinched be-
or off innermost freewheel cog. If chain jams tween tool handle and cog.
either way, rear-derailleur maximum-free-
wheel-capacity has been exceeded. (See REAR 1 – Place lockring remover in vise,
DERAILLEURS, page 32-6.) then wheel on lockring remover

AND INSTALLATION Sprocket remover

Shimano Hyperglide cogs (and other similar ones)

have a special configuration to facilitate shifting under
load. For this configuration to work, the cogs need to
be synchronized with each other. For this reason,
Shimano designed these cogs so that there is only one
way that they can fit on the freehub body. This is done
by means of making one spline fatter than the others
and not centering it between the adjacent splines. This 3 – Turn sprocket
configuration makes cog installation simpler. remover counterclockwise
The complication comes if trying to replace indi-
vidual cogs in a Hyperglide set. A 17-tooth cog marked
S-17 is not compatible with a 17-tooth cog marked T-
17. Only if all the cogs in the set have the same letter
code is there assurance of compatibility. There are cases
when letters can be mixed, but data on these are skimpy
and subject to rapid change. 2 – Place sprocket remover
1. [ ] Use steps 1–15 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE- on lowermost cog in this fashion
A FRONT OR REAR WHEEL) to remove wheel 25.19 This is a side-view and top-view of the proper setup for
(page 18-6). breaking loose a cog-retaining lockring. The top-view (at bottom)
The Hyperglide tool closely resembles the most portrays the hub, cogs, and spokes in a see-through fashion with
dashed lines so that you can see the proper orientation of the cog-
popular splined-freewheel remover, but they are not
removal tool.
interchangeable! Make sure that if using a tool other

25 – 16
The retaining ring’s back face is deeply serrated and 14. [ ] One at a time and in order, starting with the
the face of what it tightens against is also deeply serrated. largest cog, put all slip-on cogs and spacers
It will make a loud snapping or crackling sound when it in order onto freehub body, making sure fat
is being broken loose. This is alarming but normal. splines go into fat groove.
6. [ ] Apply force to cog-removal tool in counter- 15. [ ] Lubricate threads on retaining ring and
clockwise direction (viewed from above) to thread into freehub body.
break loose cog and continue rotating tool 16. [ ] Put wheel on floor and lean wheel against
just until clicking noise stops. legs with freewheel facing out.
7. [ ] Remove wheel from vise and remove skewer 17. [ ] Install FR-5 into retaining ring and install
from wheel. skewer to retain FR-5.
8. [ ] Facing cogset, turn FR-5 counterclockwise In the next step, tighten the retaining ring. When
to remove ring completely. it was removed, the FR-5 was held in the vise. The
9. [ ] Slip off cogs and spacers, placing them in same thing could be done for installation but the po-
order on surface with all outer-faces facing tential to over-tighten the retaining ring is great. For
up. this reason, in the next step, use a wrench with 8" of
Some Hyperglide cogs come off one at a time, and leverage (unless using a torque wrench) to minimize
others remove and install as a group held together by the potential of over-tightening.
three bolts or rivets. The only reason they are grouped 18. [ ] With large adjustable wrench or end of Park
is to make factory installation quicker and easier. If not SR-1 tool on FR-5, tighten retaining ring to a
replacing individual cogs, there is no reason to separate torque of 265in-lbs (33lbs@8").
the group. If replacing individual cogs, then separate the 19. [ ] Remove skewer and FR-5, then reinstall
group but do not worry about reinstalling the bolts or skewer.
20. [ ] Use steps 9–20 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
rivets. To get the rivets out, grind or file off the head of
each rivet and drive it out with a punch or nail. ING THE WHEEL) to install wheel (page 18-17).
10. [ ] If replacing individual cogs and cogs came
The next step is needed only if the size of the outer-
off as a cassette, unthread bolts from back
of cogset to separate cogs and place them
most and/or innermost cogs has changed. These changes
in order on surface with all outer-faces fac- can affect chain length and derailleur capacity. The tests for
ing up. chain length and derailleur capacity are given here with-
out detailed explanation. If unfamiliar with these items,
see CHAINS(page 26-6) and REAR DERAILLEURS(page 32-6).
COG REPLACEMENT 21. If replacement cogs of different sizes have
11. [ ] Substitute each cog to be replaced in layout been installed in the innermost or outermost
with its replacement cog, being sure to put position:
replacement cog in same position and with [ ] Shift chain to outermost chainring and
same side facing up. then shift chain to outermost freewheel cog
12. [ ] Substitute each spacer to be replaced in lay- to check and correct chain length. (See
out with its replacement spacer, being sure CHAINS, page 26-6.)
to put replacement spacer in same position [ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring. Check
and with same side facing up. whether chain hangs slack between top of
freewheel and top chainrings, or whether
COG INSTALLATION chain touches itself or derailleur an extra
time between lower jockey wheel and bot-
All the cogs have a fat, off-center spline that en- tom of chainrings. Either condition indicates
gages a fat, off-center groove in the freehub body so if maximum-total-capacity of rear derailleur
a cog is rotated or facing the wrong way it will simply has been exceeded. (See REAR DERAILLEURS,
not go on. Stay out of trouble with spacers by making page 32-7.)
sure the three holes or notches in each spacer line up [ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring (if not
with the comparable holes or notches in each cog. If already). Shift rear derailleur to put chain on,
the spacers have tabs sticking out from one face, make and then off of, innermost freewheel cog
and observe whether chain jams trying to go
sure that the tabs all face outward.
on or off innermost freewheel cog. If chain
13. [ ] Find fat spline on each cog and orient cog so
jams either way, rear-derailleur maximum-
fat spline is at 12:00. Find fat groove on free-
freewheel-capacity has been exceeded. (See
hub body and orient so fat groove is a 12:00.

25 – 17

FREEHUB-BODY REMOVAL, There is often a rubber seal in the back face of

Shimano freehub bodies. It can be hard to see. It needs
REPLACEMENT, to be removed so that solvent, air, and oil can get into
the freehub body. Once found, it can be pried out with
AND INSTALLATION a pin or needle. Be sure to get it back in before install-
ing the freehub body on the hub shell.
The only time it is necessary to remove a free-
7. [ ] Remove any rubber seal ring from back face
hub body is when replacing it. It is easier to clean of freehub body and submerge freehub body
the hub when doing a hub overhaul and easier to in solvent and let it soak for as much time
clean the freehub body when the freehub body is as is available.
removed, but it is not necessary to remove the free- 8. [ ] With freehub body still submerged, rotate
hub body for these purposes. freehub-body-mechanism inner body back
1. [ ] Use steps 1–15 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE- and forth to agitate solvent and break loose
MENT, AND RE-INSTALLATION procedure (REMOVING dirt inside freehub body, or use Morningstar
A FRONT OR REAR WHEEL) to remove wheel Freehub Buddy to inject solvent through
(page 18-6). body.
2. [ ] Use steps 17–20 from ADJUSTABLE-CONE-HUB 9. [ ] Use Park GSC-1 to scrub outside of freehub
OVERHAUL & ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE to remove body, cleaning cog teeth (if still installed)
axle from hub (page 12-9). and inner and outer faces of freehub body
These instructions cover only the specific brands thoroughly.
and models of freehubs indicated. Other brands exist, 10. [ ] Dry freehub body thoroughly, then squirt
but are far less common. The methods to remove free- small amount of oil into crack between inner
hub bodies from other brands may be completely dif- body and outer body, both on outer and in-
ner face of freehub body. Replace rubber
ferent, especially if the other brand has cartridge bear-
seal ring, if any.
ings. This section specifically does not cover Ringlè,
Hugi, Hope, or Mavic freehubs.
FREEHUB-BODY REMOVAL When a separate bolt is used to hold a freehub body
in place, unlike a regular freewheel, riding the bike
3. [ ] If freehub is Shimano, non-Dura-Ace, 1985
or later, insert 10mm Allen wrench into free-
will not tighten the body to the hub shell. For this
hub body and rotate counterclockwise to re- reason, if the freehub body is held on by a separate
lease freehub. A hollow bolt will come out bolt it is very important to tighten the bolt adequately.
and freehub body will slip off. Loose bolts will loosen further, causing the cogs to
4. [ ] If freehub is Shimano Dura-Ace (any year, wobble and ultimately leading to the rear wheel lock-
but excluding AX model), insert TL-FH10 ing up.
into freehub body and rotate counterclock- 11. If freehub is Shimano, non-Dura-Ace, 1985 or
wise to release freehub. later:
5. [ ] If freehub is SunTour brand, insert 10mm [ ] Slip freehub body onto hub-shell splines.
Allen wrench through left side of hub shell [ ] Lubricate hollow-bolt threads and thread
and turn wrench counterclockwise to through freehub body and into hub shell.
unthread retaining bolt. Freehub body will [ ] Use 10mm Allen wrench to tighten bolt
slip off right side. to 310in-lbs (52lbs@6").
6. [ ] If freehub is Shimano, non Dura-Ace, pre- 12. If freehub is Shimano Dura-Ace (any year, but
1985 (or Dura-Ace AX), remove cogs from excluding AX model);
freehub body, thread TL-FH30 onto freehub [ ] Thread freehub body into hub shell.
body, and tighten shaft of TL-FH30 to pull [ ] Use TL-FH10 to snug freehub body, ped-
freehub body off of hub shell. aling torque will tighten freehub body fully.
13. If freehub is SunTour brand:

FREEHUB-BODY [ ] Slip freehub body onto hub-shell splines.

[ ] Lubricate hollow-bolt threads and thread
CLEANING AND OILING through hub shell and into freehub body.
[ ] Use 10mm Allen wrench to tighten bolt
to 310in-lbs (52lbs@6").
if installing a new freehub body.

25 – 18
14. [ ] If freehub is Shimano, non-Dura-Ace pre- Because the nine-speed cogset has less space be-
1985 (or Dura-Ace AX); tween the cogs than the eight-speed cogset, it is neces-
[ ] Slip freehub body onto hub shell. sary to change the chain to a nine-speed compatible
[ ] Slip axle through hub and freehub body. model when making this conversion.
[ ] Put installation washers from TL-FH30
Although there are nine-speed specific derailleur
onto ends of axle.
[ ] Thread nuts or cones onto axle and
models for MTBs, it is not always necessary to change
tighten towards each other until freehub the derailleur. The reason for this is that at the same
body is pressed fully on. time that Shimano introduced the nine-speed configu-
[ ] Remove nuts, washers, and axle. ration for MTBs, the company also increased the maxi-
mum cog size to 34 teeth (from the traditional 32 teeth).
If the nine-speed cogset being installed has a largest
HUB ASSEMBLY cog size of 32 teeth or less, then there is no need for a
AND WHEEL INSTALLATION derailleur change.
15. [ ] Use steps 55–82 from ADJUSTABLE-CONE-HUB Of course, any time the number of cogs is changed,
OVERHAUL & ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE to install it is necessary to replace the shift-control mechanism
axle and adjust bearings (page 12-13). with one designed for the matching number of gears.
16. [ ] Use steps 9–20 of WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACE- In the unlikely case that a nine-speed configured
MENT, AND RE-INSTALLATION procedure (INSTALL- bike were being converted to eight-speeds, then the
ING THE WHEEL) to install wheel (page 18-17). only change other than the cogs would be the shift-
17. If replacement cogs of different sizes have
control mechanism. The nine-speed chain is compat-
been installed in the innermost or outermost
ible with eight-speed cogsets, and a nine-speed rear
[ ] Shift chain to outermost chainring and derailleur would be compatible, as well.
then shift chain to outermost freewheel cog
to check and correct chain length. (See
CHAINS, page 26-6.)
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring. Check
whether chain hangs slack between top of
freewheel and top chainrings, or whether
chain touches itself or derailleur an extra
time between lower jockey wheel and bot-
tom of chainrings. Either condition indicates
maximum-total-capacity of rear derailleur
has been exceeded. (See REAR DERAILLEURS,
page 32-7.)
[ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring (if not
already). Shift rear derailleur to put chain on,
and then off of, innermost freewheel cog
and observe whether chain jams trying to go
on or off innermost freewheel cog. If chain
jams either way, rear-derailleur maximum-
freewheel-capacity has been exceeded. (See


Shimano has introduced nine-speed cogsets that
fit on the same freehub body that fits eight-speed
cogsets. No modifications of the hub or axle spacing
are necessary to make this conversion.

25 – 19


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Chain slips or skips on a cog when pedaling hard.
Fresh chain not meshing with worn cog. Replace cog or cogs.
Pawls are not catching on internal ratchet ring Clean and oil freewheel/freehub-body and
because they are dirty, rusty, worn, or broken. replace if symptom persists.
SYMPTOM: Freewheeling occurs while pedaling, constantly or intermittently.
Pawls are not catching on internal ratchet ring Clean and oil freewheel/freehub-body and
because they are dirty, rusty, worn, or broken. replace if symptom persists.
SYMPTOM: While coasting, the cogs continue to turn with the wheel, pushing the chain.
Pawls are not riding over teeth of internal ratchet Clean and oil freewheel/freehub-body and
ring because they are dirty, rusty, fouled with replace if symptom persists.
grease, worn, or broken.
SYMPTOM: A steady light clunking sound comes from the freewheel in some gears more than others
and at some pedaling speeds but not others.
Freewheel-bearing adjustment is loose because cone Turn cone ring on face of freewheel
has come loose. counterclockwise to secure it.
Freewheel-bearing adjustment too loose because Check for loose cone. If tight, replace freewheel.
bearing parts are worn.
SYMPTOM: The cogs appear to wobble side-to-side while coasting.
Normal occurrence due to lack of precision in bearings. Ignore it.
SYMPTOM: The cogs appear to wobble side-to-side while pedaling and the derailleur cannot be
adjusted to eliminate cyclic rubbing of the chain against adjacent cog(s).
Spoke guard has oversize hole and is off-center. See if wobble goes away when spoke guard
removed, and if it does replace spoke guard.
Freewheel is cross-threaded onto hub. Remove freewheel and check threads on hub.
Hub will probably need to be replaced.
If spoke guard and cross-threading are not the Try substitute freewheel to determine whether
cause, hub-threading or freewheel-threading are hub or freewheel threads are bad and try to get
defective. warranty satisfaction for bad part.
SYMPTOM: Cog teeth are broken.
Teeth are extremely worn and are being ripped off Check cogs for wear and replace cogs or
by chain when pedaling load is high. freewheel.
Extreme abusive shifting under load, or impact to teeth. Avoid abusive behavior.
SYMPTOM: Cog teeth appear to be bent or not in line with each other.
Normal condition for Hyperglide/IG teeth. Ignore.
Teeth bent from impact. Avoid abusive behavior.
SYMPTOM: No matter how the rear derailleur is positioned, the chain seems to rub against the adjacent
If happening on most cogs, particularly if after Use appropriate chain.
replacing chain or freewheel, wide chain is being
used with narrow-spaced freewheel.
If happening on one cog only, particularly if cogs where Check and replace spacers.
removed and installed, improper spacer between cogs.
If happening in outer positions only, chainline is See CHAINLINE chapter to identify error (page
poor. 27-6) and correct chainline error (page 27-7).

25 – 20


This chapter is about removing and re-installing
pedals, as well as installing replacement pedals. There
The only maintenance needed in regard to pedals
are separate chapters about pedal-bearing service. Af-
is to periodically check that they are secure.
New pedals often have problems with loose bolts
that retain the cage or cleat-retention pieces. These
The mounting threads in the crank arm can be dam-
should be checked and secured when pedals are new.
aged, and this section enables repair of those threads.
troubleshooting chart. Pedals must be removed when replacing crank arms.
It is optional to remove pedals for crank-arm cleaning.
INFORMA It is optional to remove the right pedal if remov-
ing the chainrings.

TERMINOLOGY Symptomsindicating
Pedal cage: The plate or plates that support the
When poor installation technique fails to keep the
foot on the pedal.
pedal secure, the loose pedal may manifest itself by a
Shoe cleat: A device attached to the bottom of
once-per-crank-revolution click or clunk sound. The
the shoe that helps fix the shoe to the pedal. There are
same symptom can be caused by a loose pedal-cage
two types. The traditional type is a block of metal or
bolt a or loose cleat-retention mechanism. This symp-
plastic that is slotted. The slot in the cleat engages the
tom can also be caused by bottom-bracket, crank-arm,
edge of the pedal-cage plate. A toe-clip and strap is
and chainring problems. If securing the pedal and the
used with this system to help retain the foot. The
pedal-cage-retention bolts does not solve the problem,
modern cleat snaps into a cleat-retention mechanism
be sure to consult the appropriate chapters regarding
that is integrated into the pedal. No toe-clip or strap
these other possible causes.
is used with this type.
Cleat-retention mechanism: The integral portion Symptomsindicatingbentpedalshafts
of the pedal that clips to a cleat on a shoe. A pedal shaft can be bent in a crash, or from abu-
Toe clip (and strap): A cage attached to the front sive jumping. The symptom of a bent pedal shaft is an
of the pedal that encloses the toe of the shoe. A strap oscillating sensation in the ankle while pedaling. This
goes through the pedal, over the arch of the foot, and oscillation may feel like the ball of your foot is twist-
through an eyelet in the top-end of the toe clip. This ing back and forth; or the outer edge of the foot is
strap (called “toe strap”) secures the foot to the pedal. rocking up and down; or like both at once. The iden-
tical symptoms are caused by bent crank arms, which
can easily be damaged by the same forces that damage
PREREQUISITES the pedal. The first step is to remove the pedal and
There are no prerequisites to being able to remove
look at the end of the shaft as it rotates. If the end
and install pedals.
does not oscillate, then it is the crank arm that is bent.
If the pedal shaft oscillates, install new pedals. If the
symptom is still felt when riding with new pedals, then
the arm is also bent.

24 – 1

Symptomsindicating If the pedal threads are damaged, it could take an

damagedpedal-mountingthreads additional 1–2 minutes to chase the threads.
If threads are stripped, it may take 10–30 minutes
Pedal-mounting threads can be damaged by im-
to install a thread bushing.
proper pedal installation. The only symptom that
will be encountered is difficulty threading in the
pedal. It may be repairable, or it may be necessary to COMPLICATIONS
replace the crank arm.
Pedals can be difficult to break loose because of
TOOL CHOICES over-tightening, corrosion, or from turning them the
In the accompanying table of tool choices, the wrong direction. Penetrating oil, a good wrench, and
tools shown in bold are the preferred choices. A tool good technique are the only solutions when the prob-
is preferred because of a balance among: ease of use, lem is over-tightness or corrosion.
quality, versatility, and economy. When multiple tools The left-side pedal removes with a clockwise rotation!
of the same size are shown in bold, it means that each
is the best under different circumstances.
When a pedal is difficult to unthread after it has
TIME AND DIFFICULTY been broken loose, it often indicates that the threads
Pedal removal and re-installation is a 1–2 minute- are stripped or cross-threaded. Use penetrating oil and
per-pedal job of little difficulty. In some cases, the pedal frequent breaks to allow cooling. Inspect for damaged
may be over-tightened and require patience and forti- threads after removal.
tude to break it loose.

AL/INST ATION TOOLS (table 24-1)
Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Campagnolo 1101 Fits 15, 16, and 17mm, durable, poor hand protection and poor mechanical
Cyclo 1329 Fits 15mm only, poor hand protection, poor durability
Eldi 61 Fits 15mm and 9/16", poor durability and hand protection
Hozan C200 Fits 15mm only, durable, good hand protection and good mechanical advantage
Park HCW-6 Fits 15mm only, poor hand protection, poor durability
Park PW-3 Fits 15mm and 9/16", acceptable durability and excellent hand protection
Zog’s Pedal Wrench Fits 15mm only, poor hand protection, good durability
Eldi 2299 Oversize tap and thread-bushing set for repairing stripped mounting threads
in crank
Park TAP-3 1/2"×20tpi left and right tap set
Park TAP-6 9/16"×20tpi left and right tap set
VAR 41A 1/2"×20tpi left and right tap set
VAR 41E 9/16"×20tpi left and right tap set
VAR 41F 14×1.25mm left and right tap set (virtually extinct French thread)

24 – 2

When a pedal is difficult to start in, do not force
it! Check whether the pedal is on the correct side,
whether it is cross-threading, or whether the crank-
arm threads should be cleaned with a tap.
After removing pedals that were cross-threaded, run
a tap in from the back side of the crank arm for a fully-
effective repair.
After removing pedals that were installed on the
wrong side, run a tap in from the back side of the
crank arm for a fully-effective repair.


The rest of this chapter is divided into three parts:
MOUNTING TROUBLESHOOTING. 24.1 This is the correct orientation of crank arm and wrench, and
the correct directions to apply force, to make a pedal as easy as pos-
sible to break loose.

1 . [ ] With bike elevated in bike stand and horizon-

PEDAL REMOVAL, tal, stand on side of bike where pedal is to
be removed, facing rear of bike.
REPLACEMENT, 2 . [ ] Position crank arm with pedal being removed
pointing to rear axle.
AND INSTALLATION 3 . [ ] Reaching through or over frame with hand
closest to bike, grasp end of crank arm on
side that pedal is not being removed.
PEDAL REMOVAL 4 . [ ] Put wrench on pedal flats so that that it is
Right-side pedals remove with a counterclockwise as close as possible to horizontal and point-
rotation. Left-side pedals remove with a clockwise ro- ing straight forward.
tation. This can get confusing, particularly if standing 5 . [ ] Push down on crank arm not having pedal
on the opposite side of the bike from the pedal being removed and pull up simultaneously on end
removed. To reduce this confusion, the following pro- of pedal wrench until pedal breaks free.
cedure specifies where to stand, the position of the crank Once the pedal is broken loose, it will be awk-
arms, and which direction to move the wrench. ward to unthread it the rest of the way by rotating the
Another problem with pedal removal is that a great wrench around the pedal. It is easier just to use the
deal of force may be required to break a pedal loose. wrench and pedal together to turn the cranks in the
If the leverage of the opposite crank arm and other direction they turn when riding. The pedal will
principles of mechanical advantage are not used, then unthread automatically. Grasp the pedal wrench close
it will be unnecessarily difficult. The following steps, to the pedal to make it easier to keep the wrench on
if followed faithfully, provide the greatest mechanical the pedal while turning the crank.
6 . [ ] Stand facing pedal being removed. Grasp
advantage, so that it is as easy as possible to break
pedal in one hand and grasp wrench with
loose a pedal. This is not to say that it is always easy. other hand and use both hands to turn
Pedals can be very difficult to break loose. Other than crank in same direction that crank rotates
using the following technique and using penetrating when pedaling bike.
oil, nothing helps more with difficult pedal removal. 7 . [ ] Repeat steps 1–6 on other side of bike to
remove second pedal.

24 – 3
NOTE: Go to step 14 if not transferring toe clips
PEDAL REPLACEMENT and straps to new pedals.
Determiningthreadcompatibility 1 3 . [ ] Remove straps and toe clips (if any) from
old pedals.
There are three thread types (see table 24-2). Of these
three, the BSC thread is almost universal. The American PEDAL INSTALLATION
thread is found exclusively on inexpensive bikes with Pedals that go in the right crank arm have a right-
one-piece cranks and BMX bikes with one-piece cranks. hand thread. Pedals that go in the left crank arm have
Both have such a different diameter that there is no pos- a left-hand thread. There is usually, but not always,
sibility of mismatching BSC and American threads. The an “R” or “L” notation on the pedal. If other letters
French thread is close enough to BSC to confuse them are there, or it is difficult to read the letters, the thread
without measurement, but it is so rare these days that it direction is easy to determine by observation, as indi-
should not be a concern unless replacing pedals on a bi- cated in step #14.
cycle made in France before the late 1970s.
8 . [ ] Measure thread pitch of old pedals with Left-hand Right-hand
thread-pitch gauge. Record pitch here: thread thread
__________ tpi/mm.
9 . [ ] Measure O.D. of old pedal-mounting threads
with caliper and record here: _________ mm.
10. [ ] Measure pitch of new pedal threads and L R
compare to step 8. Pitch must be identical.
11. [ ] Measure O.D. of new pedal thread and com-
pare to step 9. Difference must be <.3mm. 24.2 The threads sloping up to the left on the left example indicate
that it is a left-hand thread. The threads sloping up to the right on
Checkingcage-retentionbolts the right example indicate that it is a right-hand thread.
orcleat-mechanismbolts 14. [ ] Hold each pedal so that threaded shaft
A common source of mysterious noises coming
points up and examine which direction
from the crank/pedal region is loose hardware on the threads slope. (Threads sloping up to right,
pedal. Factories are notorious for not getting bolts pedal installs on right. Threads sloping up to
tight. Once they are properly tightened, they should left, pedal installs on left.)
stay tight. If allowed to loosen up and fall out, they 15. [ ] Grease pedal threads thoroughly.
could cause damaged threads in the pedal body and It is best to start pedals threading in with fingers.
damaged pedal cages (holes will not line up). It would This way no damage can be caused if they get installed
be good insurance to remove the bolts and treat them on the wrong side of the bike, or cross-threaded. Once
with Loctite #222 or #242. engaged at least one full turn, then use a tool to install
12. [ ] Check and secure all bolts holding pedal cage them the rest of the way.
to pedal body or cleat-retention mechanism to 16. [ ] Using fingers, start each pedal in on its ap-
pedal body. Torque to 50in-lbs (12lbs@3"). propriate side (step 14) and thread in as far
as possible without using pedal wrench.


Nominal measurement Approximate Approximate Typicaloccurrences
(threadtype) axle-threadO.D. mounting-holeI.D.
9/16" × 20tpi 14.0–14.2mm 12.9–13.1mm Most quality bicycles with conventional three-
(BSC) piece crank sets.
14mm × 1.25mm 13.7–13.9mm 12.6–12.8mm Older French-made bicycles from the late
(French) 1970s or earlier.
1/2" × 20tpi 12.4–12.6mm 11.3–11.5mm Bikes with one-piece crank arms including
(American) American-made department-store derailleur
bikes, BMX bikes, and juvenile non-derailleur
bikes. Also old Schwinns.

24 – 4
It is awkward to rotate the wrench around the feel. A 15mm crow’s-foot adapter for a socket wrench
pedal to thread the pedal the rest of the way in. In- can be used on a torque wrench when the pedal wrench
stead put the wrench on the pedal and rotate the crank flats are wide. Using this technique reduces liability,
(one hand on wrench and one hand on pedal) back- and also improves development of the proper feel for
wards to thread the pedal the rest of the way in. tightening pedals that cannot fit a crow’s-foot.
17. [ ] Stand facing pedal being installed. Place 22. [ ] Pull up on crank arm not having pedal se-
wrench on pedal flats. Grasp pedal in one cured and push down simultaneously on end
hand and wrench with other hand and use of pedal wrench with force of 300–360in-lbs
both hands to turn crank in opposite direc- (33–40lbs@9"). Reposition wrench if it ro-
tion than when riding. Stop when pedal be- tates past 90° from crank arm before
gins to feel snug. achieving torque.
If not set up and positioned correctly, it will be Tightening the pedal against the crank-arm face
unnecessarily difficult to adequately secure the pedals. often creates a small sharp aluminum burr. If excess
Steps #18–#22 are the easiest way to secure the pedals. grease has oozed out, then this burr can be hidden in
the grease. Avoid the painful experience of getting this
burr in a fingertip later, by using a rag to wipe around
the end of the pedal to remove any grease and any
hidden burrs, as indicated in step #23.
23. [ ] Use rag to wipe excess grease away at point
pedal enters crank arm.
2 4 . [ ] Repeat steps 17–23 for other pedal if nec-


NOTE: Skip remaining steps if not installing toe
clips and straps.
2 5 . [ ] Treat toe-clip-bolt threads with Loctite
222 or 242.
26. [ ] Place toe clip on outside face of front side of
pedal cage and install bolts and nuts (if any).
27. [ ] Align toe clip laterally.
28. [ ] Secure toe clip bolts to 24–36in-lbs
29. [ ] Feed end of toe strap into hole on outer end
24.3 With the crank arms and wrench in this position, apply force of pedal cage/body.
in the directions indicated to easily secure the pedal. 30. [ ] Twist toe strap one full twist, then thread
end of strap through hole in inner end of
18. [ ] With bike elevated in bike stand and horizon- pedal cage/body.
tal, stand on side of bike where pedal is to 31. [ ] Feed end of top strap through loop at top of
be installed, facing rear of bike. toe clip and once through buckle.
19. [ ] Position crank arm with pedal being secured 32. [ ] Repeat steps 25–31 for other side if neces-
pointing to rear axle. sary.
20. [ ] Reaching through or over frame with hand
closest to bike, grasp end of crank arm on
side pedal is not being secured.
21. [ ] Put wrench on pedal flats in way that it is as
close as possible to horizontal and pointing
straight forward.
Many pedals have thin wrench flats that require
the use of a special pedal wrench. Many others have
wider wrench flats that fit any open-end wrench. The
ones that require a special wrench must be torqued by

24 – 5

REPAIRING Thread-bushinginstallation
Thread bushings can be installed in all aluminum
PEDAL-MOUNTING THREADS crank arms that are threaded with a 9/16" × 20tpi
thread. A special tool (Eldi 2299) is required. The tool
Pedal threads can be damaged in a number of ways,
reams the old threads out and then taps the arm to a
and the way that they are damaged determines whether
new oversize-thread description. The thread bushing
or not the threads are repairable. If the pedal is poorly
matches the new thread on the outside and the old
aligned and threaded in with a wrench, it will cross-
thread on the inside.
thread the crank arm, which is repairable. If a wrench
The Eldi tool tends to ream slightly undersize.
is used to start a pedal installation and it is the wrong
Using a 15mm or 19/32" drill bit should work better.
pedal for that side of the bike, the damage will be re-
9 . [ ] Use correct Eldi 2299 reamer/tap for side of
pairable. If a pedal is improperly secured and
bike and clean out all existing threads.
unthreads, at some point it will rip out of the crank 10. [ ] Using cutting oil generously, tap through
arm. How far it has threaded out and how much pres- crank arm with oversize tap.
sure there is on the pedal at the moment it rips out, 11. [ ] Grease pedal-shaft threads and thread bush-
determines how many threads in the crank arm are ing by hand onto pedal shaft.
damaged. Depending upon the extent of the damage, 12. [ ] Treat outside threads of bushing with Loc-
this may or may not be repairable. Step #7 is an integ- tite 242, 272, or RC680.
rity test that determines, after attempting repair, 13. [ ] Thread in pedal (with bushing attached) same
whether the repair will hold, or not. as normal pedal installation, but do not torque.
14. [ ] After Loctite has cured overnight, torque
Threadchasing pedal normally.
1 . [ ] Make sure that tap is correct for side of 15. [ ] File excess bushing material (if any) off back
bike. (Right-hand thread for right side, left- face of crank arm.
hand thread for left side.)
2 . [ ] Squirt cutting oil inside damaged threads
and cover tap threads with cutting oil.
3 . [ ] Thread tap into back side of crank arm that
has damaged threads.
4 . [ ] When encountering cutting resistance, ad-
vance tap no more than 1/4 turn before back-
ing out 1/2 turn to clear cutting edge of frag-
ment build-up. Add cutting oil repeatedly.
5 . [ ] Continue advancing tap (adding cutting oil
repeatedly) in this fashion until tap comes
fully out of front face of crank arm.
6 . [ ] Clean threads in crank arm with toothbrush
and solvent.
If threads were stripped because the pedal came
out while the bike was being ridden, perform the in-
tegrity test in step #7 to determine if the remaining
threads are adequate. If the threads strip further dur-
ing the test, then the crank is no worse off than be-
fore (still unusable). In this case, a thread bushing can
be installed. The labor to install a thread bushing may
be up to half an hour, so it may be cheaper to replace
the damaged arm in some cases.
7 . [ ] Install pedal normally but torque to 50ft.lbs.
(67lbs@9") to test thread integrity.
8 . Select one of two following choices:
[ ] Threads stripped in step 7, replace crank
arm or install thread bushing.
[ ] Threads passed integrity test in step 7,
loosen and torque normally.

24 – 6

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: When riding, one ankle feels as though the end of the pedal is rocking up and down,
and/or it feels as though the surface of the pedal is rotating back and forth.
Pedal shaft is bent from a crash. Remove pedal and inspect end of pedal shaft for oscillation
when rotating. Replace if bad. If symptom persists when
pedal shaft is good, crank arm is bent and should be replaced.
If pedal shaft is not bent, crank arm is Replace crank arm.
SYMPTOM: A popping sound or sensation is experienced once per crank-revolution, often on the
down-stroke of the right pedal.
Loose pedal-cage piece(s). Check and secure pedal-cage piece(s).
Loose pedal mounting. Check and secure pedal mounting.
Shoe cleat is moving on cage or in Check cleat wear and security.
retention mechanism.
Cleat-retention mechanism is loose. Check and secure cleat-retention mechanism.
Loose crank arm. Check and secure crank arm.
Loose chainring bolt(s). Check and secure chainring-mounting bolt(s).
Loose bottom-bracket cups, lockrings, Check and secure bottom-bracket cups, lockrings, or retaining
or retaining rings. rings.
Bent chainring tooth. Inspect and bend back.
SYMPTOM: The pedal loosens up while riding
Pedal was improperly torqued. Secure pedal to 300–360in-lbs.
SYMPTOM: Looseness is felt in the pedal
Loose pedal mounting. Check and secure pedal.
Loose cage-retention bolts or cleat- Check and secure cage-retention bolts or cleat-retention-
retention-mechanism bolts. mechanism bolts.
Loose bearing adjustment or loose See chapters 14 and 15.
bearing-unit retention.

24 – 7

24 – 8


This chapter is about removing and re-installing Chainring sleeve nuts
chainrings from the right crank arm. There are sepa-
rate chapters about crank arms (20
ARMS ARMS) which should
be referred to if the crank arms will be removed, re-
placed, or secured.
Chainrings might be removed for cleaning or re-
placement. It is possible to clean chainrings adequately Chainring-mounting arm
(s pider arm)
without removing them from the crank arm and with-
out removing the crank arm from the bike. Replace-
ment of worn and damaged chainrings is possible on
Chainring bolts
most cranks, but some cranks may have permanent
chainrings, or the chainrings may be in an unusual
configuration for which no replacements are available.
There are several critical issues of compatibility be-
tween crank arms and chainrings, so before beginning
to replace chainrings with non-identical parts, become
familiar with the section of this chapter on chainring/
crank-arm compatibility (page 23-5). 23.1 Parts of the chainring set.

Chainring: A toothed ring that is part of the
crankset. Other words used are “chainwheel” and
Chainring bolt: There are several chainring bolts
that attach the chainring to the crank arm. These bolts
may thread directly into the crank arm or directly
Double-chainring s et T riple-chainring set
into another chainring, but most likely thread into a
sleeve nut. Usually the bolt has a broad flange for a 23.2 Chainring sets.
head and is fit by an Allen wrench. It may at times
just be called an “Allen bolt.” Double-chainring set: A set of two chainrings
Sleeve nut: The thin-walled cylinder that the on a crank arm. Usually found on road bikes, particu-
chainring bolt threads into. larly for racing bikes.
Chainring-bolt set: A set comprised of the Triple-chainring set: A set of three chainrings
chainring bolt, the sleeve nut, and any spacers that fit attached to a crank arm. Usually found on off-road
between the bolt, nut, and chainrings. bikes and on road-touring bikes.
Chainring-mounting arms: The arms (usually Bolt-circle diameter: A measurement used to de-
five), that go from the end of the crank arm out to the
scribe the fit of a chainring to a crank arm. It is the
chainrings. The chainrings are attached to the end of
diameter of the imaginary circle that goes through the
the chainring-mounting arms. Chainring-mounting
centers of all the holes in the chainrings where the
arms are also called “spider arms.”
chainring bolts are inserted (see figure 23.5, page 23-6).

23 – 1
Hole-to-hole dimension: A measurement used to the next smaller one, but the original front derailleur
identify the bolt-circle diameter of the chainring. The was designed to use triple-chainring sets with differ-
hole-to-hole dimension is measured from the edge of ences of 10 teeth or more, a new front derailleur may
one chainring-bolt hole to the opposite edge of the ad- be needed. See the FRONT-DERAILLEURS chapter (page
jacent chainring-bolt hole (see figure 23.5, page 23-6). 33-4) to tell how front-derailleur capacity has been
The hole-hole-dimension is located in a table (page exceeded. Second, if installing a “micro-drive” or other
23-6) to be converted into the bolt-circle diameter. crankset with reduced-size chainrings, there could be
Bolt pattern: The chainring-bolt pattern is the other problems with front-derailleur capacity.
combination of the number of bolts that hold on the
chainring and the bolt-circle diameter, such as “The
When installing new chainrings of a different size,
bolt pattern is 5-hole, 130mm.”
or a new crankset or a new right arm with different size
BioPace: A quasi-elliptical chainring designed by
chainrings than the original ones, it is possible to exceed
Shimano. Essentially, the shape is that of a generously
the capacity of the rear derailleur to wrap up the slack
rounded parallelogram, not a true ellipse. Other brands
chain when in the smallest-size-chainring and smallest-
of non-round chainrings are simple ovals (ellipses).
rear-cog combination. It is the difference in number of
SG/SGX/HyperDrive: Loosely interchangeable
teeth between the smallest and largest ring that is impor-
terms used by Shimano to describe a chainring design
tant, not the absolute size of either chainring. See the
that features specially-shaped teeth and other features
REAR DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-6) to determine if the
that allow a chain to simultaneously engage two
capacity matches the new chainring set.
chainrings while in the process of being shifted. With
regular chainrings, the chain must disengage one
chainring fully before it can engage another. INDICATIONS
Chain stay: A frame tube that goes from the bot-
tom bracket to the rear dropout, and comes close to
Chainrings need periodic cleaning (whenever the
the chainrings and crank arms. It is mentioned here
chain is being cleaned), and the mounting bolts should
because clearance between the chainrings and the chain
be periodically checked for tightness.
stay is often a concern.
Chainrings wear out, affecting front-derailleur
shifting and the tendency for the chain to remain at-
PREREQUISITES tached to the inner ring and jam against the chain stay.
These problems should be dealt with on a symptom-
Crank-armremovalandinstallation atic basis, rather than as part of routine maintenance.
Before removing chainrings, the right crank arm
Chainrings can be damaged by striking objects in
may need removal, particularly if the chainrings are
the trail (off-road riding) and by catastrophic shifting
a triple-ring set. See the TAPER-FIT CRANK ARMS chap-
errors (derailing and jamming the chain). The
ter (page 20-6), or the COTTERED CRANK ARMS chap-
chainrings should be inspected for damage after any
ter (page 21-4) for crank-arm removal.
such occurrences.
Chainsizing Symptomsindicatingshift-wornchainrings
If replacing the chainrings with ones of different
Shifting from a smaller ring to a larger ring slowly
size, then it may be necessary to re-size or replace the
wears out the teeth on the larger chainring. When the
chain. See the CHAINS chapter (page 26-11).
teeth become significantly worn, they lose their shift-
Front-derailleuradjustment ing performance. This can also be caused by derailleur
andreplacement problems and chain wear. Check chain wear and check
If replacing chainrings with ones of a different size all derailleur adjustments. If the shifting cannot be
(particularly the outer ring), it will be necessary to restored to previous good performance levels, when
adjust the front derailleur. See the FRONT-DERAILLEURS the chain is not worn out and the derailleur adjust-
chapter (page 33-10). ment is good, then the teeth are worn out and the
Front-derailleur replacement is only required in chainring should be replaced.
two cases. First, if installing new chainrings, crankset, With an experienced eye, visual inspection can de-
or right crank arm with chainrings that have less than termine whether this wear is getting significant. Worn
an eight-tooth difference between the largest ring and teeth (from shifting) get shorter and thinner. If all teeth

23 – 2
had a uniform shape when new, this would be simple, Symptomsindicatingbentchainring(s)
but they do not. Visual determination of wear is best Bent chainrings wobble side-to-side when spun,
done by comparing the used chainring to a fresh one of but not all wobbling chainrings are bent. They can
the same brand. In some cases, it is possible to compare also wobble because the mounting arms are mis-aligned
teeth on one part of the ring to teeth on another part of (see page 23-12) or because the crank arm needs to be
the ring. This can work because most riders have a ten- mounted in a different position (steps #22 through #32
dency to shift in the same part of the pedaling stroke in the CRANK-ARM INSTALLATION procedure, page 20-10).
every time, causing some teeth to wear out before oth- If the chainring is bent, it will wobble side-to-side
ers. The limitation to this is that not all chainrings start independently of the other ring(s). If the mounting arms
out with uniform teeth all the way around the ring. need alignment, or the arm needs to be mounted in a
Specifically, Shimano BioPace and SG/SGX/ different position, all the rings will wobble in unison.
HyperDrive chainrings do not have uniform teeth. Although minor chainring bends are repairable,
it is generally best to replace the damaged ring. When
metal bends, its molecular structure elongates (the
space between the molecules increases). Bending it back
does not eliminate this elongation. What this means
with a thin piece of metal like a chainring, is that the
23.3 These chainring teeth are worn from shifting. The dashed best that can be done when trying to repair a bend is
line represents the original tooth profile. to change a single large wobble into a series of smaller,
less obvious wobbles. There are tools available that
Symptomsindicatingload-wornchainrings are for the purpose of bending chainrings, but they
Chainrings can wear from the load of driving the are little more than clamps with levers attached that
chain. The symptom is sometimes called “chain suck.” grip the chainring. What really gets the job done is
The worn teeth develop a hook that causes the chain the finesse of the person using the tool. For the shop
to remain attached to the chainring at the six o’clock mechanic, there is no substitute for practice.
position, where the chain is supposed to be released to Symptomsindicatingbentchainringteeth
go back to the rear derailleur. When the chain is carried Chainring teeth can be bent from impact, usually
up far enough, it jams into the chain stay. This damages with a stone, curb, or log. The symptom that might
the stay and chainrings, and could lock up the crankset. be experienced will be a click or snap sound or feeling
This symptom can be caused by a dirty chain or coming from the crank once per-revolution when the
chainrings, as well. Before concluding the chainrings chain is on the affected chainring (usually the outer
are worn out, clean the chain and chainrings. one). To find the bent tooth, close one eye, line the
The visual indicator that this condition exists is a other eye up with the chainring so that only the teeth
pronounced hook to the leading edge of each chainring and neither face of the chainring can be seen, spin the
tooth. Although it is easy to think of the force ap- crank slowly, and look for a tooth that jumps out of
plied to the chain by the chainring to be a pulling line from the others. Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive
force, what actually happens is that the leading edge chainrings come from the factory with teeth that de-
of each tooth pushes against the backside of each chain liberately stagger back and forth to facilitate shifting.
roller. This is why the wear is on the leading edge of If a bent tooth is found, simply grasp it with an
each tooth. Most chainring teeth have symmetrical adjustable wrench or pliers and bend it back into line
leading and trailing edges, so detecting this wear visu- with the other teeth.
ally is often just a matter of comparing the two edges.
When the mounting arms of the chainrings are
misaligned, all the chainrings will wobble side-to-side
Rotation in unison. This could also be because the crank arm is
not mounted in the best of the four possible positions
(steps #22 through #32 in the CRANK-ARM INSTALLATION
23.4 This chainring is worn from load. The dashed line shows the procedure, page 20-10). The only way to isolate the
original tooth profile. source of the problem is to test-mount the crank in all

23 – 3
four positions to see if it reduces or eliminates the rider will end up pushing the bike home. It is even
wobble. Once this has been done and the wobble re- possible the collapsed ring could jam into and damage
mains unacceptable, then it should be clear that the the chain stay or front derailleur.
problem is with the chainring-mounting arms. Similar symptoms can be caused by crank-arm-
Wobbles of less than .5mm are insignificant. Wobbles mounting problems, pedal-mounting problems, loose
larger than this but less than 1mm are tolerable under pedal parts, pedal/cleat-interface problems, and bot-
most conditions, but not with certain narrow-cage front tom-bracket problems (loose cups or retaining rings).
derailleurs. Wobbles larger than these limits will always If securing the chainring bolts does not eliminate the
cause problems with the front derailleur. symptom, be sure to check all these areas until the
There are steps for aligning chainring-mounting arms cause of the problem is found.
AND ALIGNMENT procedure (see page 23-8).
Symptomsindicatingloosechainringbolts Table 23-1 (below) covers all the tools for the job.
When chainring bolts are slightly loose, there may The preferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred
be a creaking or snapping sound that comes from the because of a balance among: ease of use, quality, versa-
crankset once per crank-revolution. With a triple tility, and economy. When more than one tool for one
crankset that has two rings held on by one bolt set function is in bold, it means that several tools are re-
and the third ring held on by another bolt set, the quired for different configurations of parts.
noise will follow the bolt set involved. In other words,
if the noise occurs when using either of the rings held
on by the first bolt set but not when using the third
ring held on by its own bolt set, then the noise is likely Chainring removal and re-installation is a 5–10
to be the bolts. minute job of little difficulty, as long as the replace-
In all cases, diagnosis by analysis is unnecessarily ment rings are compatible and the same size. If differ-
complicated. The simplest thing is just to check all ent-size rings require front-derailleur adjustment or
the bolts for security whenever this symptom occurs. replacement, the job has a moderately-high difficulty
Left unattended, a loose bolt can be catastrophic. rating and could take 25–45 minutes more. If the chain
Without the support of all the bolts, a chainring might must be shortened or replaced due to a change in
collapse under pedaling load. At least, the chainring chainring size, add 5–10 minutes. If the rear derailleur
will be destroyed. It is quite likely the collapsed ring must be replaced because of capacity problems, this is
will interfere with the rotation of the crank and the also a moderately-high difficulty job and another 25–
45 minutes should be added.

CHAINRING TOOLS (table 23-1)

Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Campagnolo 768 Fits 12mm sleeve nuts
Shimano TL-FC20 Fits 12mm sleeve nuts, but preferred for use on Shimano crank dustcaps
Sugino 207 Fits rare 10mm sleeve nuts
Sugino 208 Fits 12mm sleeve nuts
VAR 352 Fits 12mm sleeve nuts, simultaneously secures sleeve nut while built-in Allen
is used to tighten or loosen bolt.
Park CDG-1 Caliper-like tool easily measures chainring bolt-circle diameter
Bicycle Research LC1 Narrow engagement more likely to crease chainring
VAR 940 Wide engagement prevents damage, use two at a time for control

23 – 4

COMPLICATIONS Chainring-to-armcompatibility
As many as four different things influence whether
StrippedAllenfittings a chainring will fit a crank arm. These are number of
Over-tightened chainring bolts often have rounded bolt holes, diameter of holes, diameter of the bolt
Allen fittings. The only solutions are to try to turn circle, and whether the arm will create the proper spac-
the sleeve nut instead, and if that fails, to drill out the ing between the chainrings. Chainrings can meet the
bolt with an 8mm bit. first three factors (but not the fourth) and still be
Spinningsleevenuts mounted on the crank arm. If the fourth is not dealt
The sleeve nut may have a tendency to spin as the with, the results could be mysterious shifting prob-
bolt is loosened or tightened. A sleeve-nut spanner or lems and chain noise.
the VAR 352 (preferred) should solve the problem.
Missingspacers ABOUT THE REST
If a chainring bolt falls out, a spacer between the OF THIS CHAPTER
chainrings is often missing. If an identical spacer can- The rest of this chapter has two sections. The first
not be found, then the whole set should be replaced is COMPATIBILITY AND FIT and the second is CHAINRING
with the closest-thickness spacers available. REMOVAL, INSTALLATION, AND ALIGNMENT.
Uniquespacers COMPATIBILITY AND FIT is about the fit of the
Some chainrings require spacers of unique thick- chainrings to the crank-arm-bolt pattern, the offset
ness or configuration. Keep track of spacers at all times! (or spacing) between the chainrings, chainring size and
derailleur capacities, and chainring compatibility with
Bolttypes special shifting systems.
There are several types of chainring bolts, and sev- CHAINRING REMOVAL, INSTALLATION, AND ALIGNMENT
eral lengths of bolts of the same type. Sometimes a is about removing the chainrings, installing them, and
triple crankset will have two sets of bolts that are the aligning them if necessary. It includes sections on check-
same type but different lengths. The shorter bolts are ing compatibility if changing the size of the rings or
used to hold on a pair of chainrings and the longer brand. If these checks indicate a need to adjust and/or
bolts are used to hold the single chainring. This runs replace the front or rear derailleur, then it refers to the
contrary to what logic would dictate. If the longer appropriate chapters to perform those procedures (page
bolts are put where the shorter bolts should be, they numbers are provided at these points). When checking
will usually extend through the back of the sleeve nut chainring alignment, there will be a reference to check-
and interfere with the chain on the inner chainring. ing the four mounting positions for the right crank arm.
Some triple-chainring-set inner bolts are a 6mm If this needs to be done, the appropriate page number
diameter thread. Some of these have a 1mm pitch and is provided at that point.
some have a .75mm pitch. Failure to note this differ-
ence could destroy the crank arm by stripping the
threads in the chainring-mounting arms.
Reversingchainrings COMPATIBILITY AND FIT
Chainrings need to face a specific way in most Compatibility and fit of chainrings is a complex
cases. There are no universal rules of thumb about and often ignored subject. As shifting systems become
how to tell which way they should face. It’s best to more sophisticated, the issue becomes more impor-
mark them or make clear notes before removal to tant. The issues of compatibility and fit can be bro-
prevent reversing them on installation. ken down into six general areas:
1. Bolt pattern
Rotationalposition 2. Bolt-hole size
Many chainrings are meant to be used at one spe-
3. Offset (spacing) between chainrings
cific rotational position. With others, it does not mat-
4. Derailleur capacity
ter. Always assume that rotational position matters
5. Non-round chainrings
unless it is known for certain that it does not.
6. Special shift systems

23 – 5

BOLT PATTERN Formulamethodfordeterminingchainring

Chainrings and crank arms must have the same bolt-circlediameterforfive-holechainrings
bolt pattern for the chainrings to fit. The bolt pattern If the measurement of the hole-to-hole dimension
is a function of how many bolts are used (almost al- was in millimeters, multiply the measurement by 1.699
ways five), and the diameter of the circle that goes and round the answer to the nearest whole millimeter
through the center of all the bolts (see figure 23.5). (bolt-circle diameters are always in whole millimeters).
For example, if the measurement was 71.6mm, calculate
Convertinghole-to-holedimension 71.6 × 1.699 = 121.65, then round 121.65 to 122mm.
Since the number of bolts is almost always odd, it Toolmethodfordeterminingchainring-bolt
is difficult to directly measure the bolt-circle diam- patternforfiveholechainrings
eter. Instead, the recommended method is to measure Park makes a tool (CDG-1) that measures bolt-circle
the distance from one bolt to the next and then look diameter. The two tips of the tool are placed in adja-
up the corresponding bolt-circle diameter on table 23-2 cent chainring-bolt holes, or chainring holes, and the
(below, right). This measurement is called the “hole-to- corresponding bolt-circle diameter is read off a scale.
hole” dimension. If the measurement is not on the table,
then use the formula method (top of column to right) BOLT-HOLE SIZE
to calculate the approximate bolt-circle diameter.
Perhaps the simplest issue of fit is bolt-hole size.
Even if using a caliper, it can be difficult to mea-
The mounting arms on the crank arm have holes for
sure from the center of one hole (or bolt) to the cen-
the bolts to go through. The chainrings do also. The
ter of the adjacent hole (or bolt) because the center is
holes in both must be the same diameter. It is extremely
somewhere in the middle of a big hole. The same thing
can be achieved by measuring from the edge of one
hole (or bolt) to the opposite edge of the adjacent hole
(or bolt) . If the chainring is not mounted, measure FIVE-HOLE-CHAINRING
from the edge of one bolt hole to the opposite edge of
the adjacent bolt hole (see figure 23.5). Whichever BOLT-CIRCLE DIAMETERS(table 23-2)
measurement method is used, look it up in the Hole- Approximate Bolt- Typical uses or common brands
To-Hole column and then read across to the adjacent Hole-To-Hole Circle
Bolt-Circle Diametercolumn on table 23-2. Dimension Diameter
32.9mm 56mm SunTour Micro (inner ring)
34.1mm 58mm Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive-
C (inner two rings)
43.6mm 74mm Smallest chainring of most
triple cranksets
55.3mm 94mm SunTour Microdrive (outer
two) and Shimano SG/SGX/
HyperDrive-C (outer ring)
55.9mm 95mm Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive-
Bolt-circle diameter
C, (if stamped steel, less
expensive models only)
64.7mm 110mm Outer pair of chainrings on
most triple cranksets
dimens ion
69.4mm 118mm SR (Sakae) road (less
76.5mm 130mm Double-ring cranks: Shimano,
Sachs, Sugino, Mavic,
23.5 Chainring dimensions. 79.5mm 135mm Current Campagnolo (1985
to present)
84.8mm 144mm Double-ring cranks: Older
Campagnolo, Mavic, SR,

23 – 6
rare that chainrings would share a common bolt-circle upgrading to some exotic, lightweight, high-tech crank
diameter and not share a common hole diameter. The arms. To further compound the problem, the derailleur
only likely occurrence is on some older 10-speeds that and shift lever are designed to work specifically with
had Sakae cranks with a 118mm bolt-circle diameter. the SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainrings. If the crank
arms are upgraded, and non-SG/SGX/HyperDrive
chainrings are put on, the front derailleur will not shift
OFFSET BETWEEN CHAINRINGS correctly. Normal offset for these chainrings is approxi-
Offset between chainrings can be an issue for two mately 6.4mm from the outer to the middle chainring
reasons. The first reason is that not all chainrings are and 7.2mm from the middle to the inner chainring.
the same thickness, so manufacturers use a different
spacer to achieve the correct positioning. The second
reason is that some manufacturers have special or DERAILLEUR CAPACITY
unique offset to suit special design considerations. Front derailleurs have both a minimum and maxi-
mum capacity. If changing the size of the chainrings,
Measuringoffset consider whether there will be a problem with capacity.
The simplest approach is to use a stack of feeler gauges
Maximum front-derailleur capacity is a rating of
to measure the gap between chainrings, record it, and
the largest difference between the smallest and largest
restore that dimension if installing non-identical
chainrings that the derailleur can handle. If it is exceeded,
chainrings. The problem develops when the new
the chain will drag on the tail end of the front-derailleur
chainrings require different spacers. These are not broadly
cage when the chain is in the small-front/small-rear
available in a full range of thickness. The most common
combination. This symptom is only significant if it
offset between chainrings is approxiamtely 6.4mm.
shows up when there is tension on the chain. If a slack
Another problem develops when the chainring is
chain dangles and rubs, it is not a serious problem.
not a simple flat piece of metal. Anytime the chainring
Minimum front-derailleur capacity is a rating of
has bulges or offsets, the issue is the distance from the
the smallest difference between the largest and next-
teeth of one chainring to the teeth of another, and
to-largest chainrings. It is generally only relevant on
there is no simple way to measure this. The best way
triple cranks, and then only if the gearing is a very
would be to put the crankset on a flat surface, face up;
unusual design called half-step. With half-step gearing,
measure the distance from the teeth on one ring to
the difference between the chainrings will be as little
the surface; measure the distance from the teeth on
as four to six teeth. If the derailleur is not compatible
another ring to the surface; and subtract the differ-
with half-step, the symptom will be that the bottom
ence to determine the ring-to-ring offset.
edge of the inner plate of the front-derailleur cage will
Common offset problems rub against the middle chainring when the derailleur
There are two relatively common chainring off- is in a position to put the chain on the outer chainring.
set problems to watch out for. The first can present
itself if the ring being replaced is approximately 2mm
thick and flat, and has a thin washer (1.5mm) between
it and the mounting arm. Do not use the 1.5mm Although they are out of favor now, for a num-
washer if the replacement ring is a more normal 3.5mm ber of years in the late 1980s and early ’90s, non-round
thick. If switching from the thick ring to the thinner, chainrings such as Shimano BioPace were popular.
then a washer will need to be added. (Some thin rings Mechanically, there is little concern with compatibil-
have a 1.5mm offset just out from the mounting hole, ity when mixing round and non-round rings on one
in which case they do not need the thin washer.) crank. However, biomechanical concerns do exist. The
The second problem is specific to Shimano SG/ muscular coordination required to pedal each type of
SGX/HyperDrive chainrings. These chainrings re- chainring is different, and in each case it is a learned
quire special offset that is built into the Shimano crank skill. When mixing types, the rider will be physically
arms. Although the bolt-circle diameter of Shimano unable to take advantage of either (according to
SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainrings is the same as many Shimano), so it is not recommended. If the bike has
non-Shimano cranks and older non-SG/SGX/ non-round chainrings and the customer is consider-
HyperDrive Shimano cranks, these chainrings can ing replacing some of them with round chainrings,
only be used on Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive style replacing the whole set is recommended.
cranks. This problem usually is encountered when

23 – 7

SPECIAL SHIFT SYSTEMS mounted. In some of these ways, there will be more
chainring wobble, and in other ways less. If starting
Front indexed-shifting systems rely on compat-
with little or no wobble, then it would be nice to not
ible components to function correctly. The shift le-
have to go through a trial and error process to find
ver, cable housing, inner wire, front derailleur,
the best of four positions. This is not a problem if not
chainring type, and chainring offset must all be cor-
removing the left arm, because with it already installed
rect for the indexing to work to its full potential. If
there is only one possible position for the right arm.
the bike has front indexed shifting and the rider is
If removing both arms and starting off with accept-
considering replacing the chainrings, sticking with
able chainring wobble, mark the spindle (paint-pen,
exact replacements (except, perhaps, number of teeth)
piece of tape, scratch mark) so that the trial-and-error
is strongly recommended. If installing a front indexed-
process of finding the best mounting position for the
shifting system, it should include the correct crank
right arm can be avoided.
arm and chainrings.
1 . [ ] Rotate crank and check whether chainrings
Shimano SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainrings have wobble side-to-side ³.5mm.
one other factor to consider: the chainrings are de- Yes? No? (circle one)
signed to work as matched sets. For example, if a bike 2 . If yes to step 1, do they wobble in unison or
has a SG/SGX/HyperDrive crank with original separately?
chainrings of 26, 36, and 46 teeth, and the rider would [ ] Unison: Arm should be check for best-of-
like to replace the 46 with a 48 SG/SGX/HyperDrive four mounting positions and/or mounting
ring, it will not be compatible! The reason for this is arms need alignment.
that these rings have special teeth at specific locations [ ] Separately: Wobbling chainring(s) should
be replaced.
for releasing and picking up the chain. The release
3 . [ ] If left arm will also be removed, and if outer
teeth and the pickup teeth have to be the correct dis-
ring or all rings are rotating with <.5mm
tance apart. When Shimano makes a 48, the pickup wobble, mark spindle so that arm can be re-
teeth have been designed to be the correct distance installed in same position.
from the release teeth on a 38, not on a 36. Shimano In step #4, check the distance between the chainrings
makes chainrings available individually, so that worn and the frame. Later, when everything is back together,
ones can be replaced with identical ones, not for cus- there will be an opportunity to check if this distance
tomizing gear combinations. remained the same. This is important because it tells
whether the front derailleur might need to be readjusted.
A change here is only likely if the arm was on too tight
or too loose, if changing the brand of chainrings, or if
CHAINRING REMOVAL, changing the position of some chainring spacers.
INSTALLATION, 4 . [ ] Use stack of feeler gauges to measure clear-
ance between innermost chainring and chain
AND ALIGNMENT stay (measure with calipers to seat tube if
bike has raised chain stays). Record mea-
surement here: __________mm
PREPARATION 5 . [ ] Remove pedal (optional). See PEDAL REMOVAL,
In step #1, inspect the chainrings for side-to-side 6 . [ ] Remove crank arm. See TAPER-FIT CRANK-ARM
wobble. Too much wobble interferes with making a
4–10 (page 20-6).
proper front-derailleur adjustment. If the chainrings
In step #7, mark the chainrings so that when they
wobble independently of each other, it indicates bent
are re-installed, it will be easy to install them facing
chainrings. If they wobble in unison, it means that the
and rotated the same way. It is always mandatory that
mounting arms need alignment, or that the right arm
they face the same way. An “×” mark is suggested
should be tried in all four possible mounting positions
because it cannot be confused with a scratch.
to find the one that creates the least chainring wobble.
In the case of non-round chainrings, outer
A spindle-to-crank-arm mating is basically a square
chainrings with an over-shift peg, or chainrings that
shaft that fits in a square hole. This mean that there
have special teeth at certain points to facilitate shifting,
are four possible ways that the crank arm can be
it is mandatory to maintain the rotational alignment.

23 – 8
(An over-shift peg is a protrusion built into the outer NOTE: Skip steps 12 and 13 if crankset has two
face of the outer chainring that is located behind the chainrings.
crank arm that prevents an over-shifted chain from 12. [ ] If crank has three rings, use depth gauge of
dropping down between the chainring and the crank caliper to measure from front face of outer-
ring teeth to surface and record here:
arm.) If the chainrings have none of these features, it
may prolong chainring life to deliberately rotate the 1 3 . [ ] If crank has three rings, subtract measure-
chainrings to a new position when re-installing them. ment in step 10 from measurement in step
7 . [ ] If re-installing any or all chainrings, put an “×” 12 to determine offset from middle
mark with scribe or indelible marker on back chainring to outer chainring and record cal-
face of each ring, in line with crank arm. culation here: _________mm
Steps #8 through #13 are a method to measure and
calculate the offset between the chainrings. By using
the same procedure for re-installing the old chainrings REMOVING CHAINRINGS
(or identical replacements), it is possible to check that When disassembling the chainring set, it is very im-
all the spacers are in correctly. By using the same proce- portant to keep track of the sequence of parts, differ-
dure after installing non-identical chainrings, it is pos- ences between spacers, and differences between similar,
sible to check whether the offset has been altered in a but not identical, bolt sets. The following steps suggest
way that will cause problems with shifting. loosening and removing bolt sets so that each chainring
remains held on by only one bolt. Then, while remov-
ing the last bolt from each chainring, pay close attention
to the sequence of parts and record the sequence.
NOTE: Skip steps 14–17 if crankset has a double-
chainring set.
14. [ ] If triple-chainring set, loosen but do not re-
move 5 bolts retaining innermost chainring.
15. [ ] If triple-chainring set, remove 4 of 5 bolts
retaining innermost chainring and remove 4
of 5 spacers/spacer sets (if any).
Depth gauge In the next step, measure the length of the bolt
that comes out. On many triple-chainring sets, there
are two bolt sets that are similar in every way except
length. It is critical that they not get mixed up, and
23.6 Measure first one chainring, then another, in this fashion. there have been countless times a mechanic — relying
Subtracting the smaller number from the larger calculates the on logic or intuition, rather than measurement — has
chainring offset. gotten it exactly backwards.
16. [ ] If triple-chainring set, measure and record
8 . [ ] Place crank assembly face up on flat surface length of one removed bolt here: _______mm
and stabilize the crank so that chainrings are 17. [ ] If triple-chainring set, measure and record
parallel to surface. thickness of spacer/spacer-set here: ____mm
9 . [ ] Using depth gauge of caliper, measure dis- 18. [ ] Double and triple-chainring sets, loosen but
tance from front face of inner-ring teeth to do not remove 5 bolts of remaining bolt set
surface and record here: ________mm that retains outer ring(s).
10. [ ] Using depth gauge of caliper, measure dis- 19. [ ] Remove 4 of 5 bolts retaining outer ring(s) and
tance from front face of teeth of second ring remove 4 of 5 spacers/spacer sets (if any).
to surface and record here: _________mm 20. [ ] Measure length of one of bolts just removed
11. [ ]Subtract measurement in step 9 from mea- and record measurement here: _________mm
surement in step 10 to determine offset 21. [ ] Measure and record thickness of spacer/
from inner chainring to next chainring and spacer-set just removed here: ____mm
record calculation here: _________mm Step #22 is only for cranks with a triple-chainring
set. Now that the inner chainring is retained by one
bolt, it is time to remove it and carefully note the
sequence of bolts, spacers, and ring in step #22. An
example step #22 is included here to make what needs

23 – 9
to be filled in the blanks clear. The notations that you 23. [ ] Doubles and triples, remove remaining bolt
would be add to the worksheet if your crank were that retains outer two rings and note se-
identical to the example are written in script. quence of parts as removed here:
___________________ , ___________________ ,
Example: ___________________ , mounting arms,
22. [ ] 12mm Allen bolt , 26 tooth ring , ___________________ , ___________________ ,
4mm spacer , .5mm spacer . ___________________ , ___________________ .


26 tooth chainring For description and pictures of the visual nature
of different types of chainring wear, see under the
4mm s pacer
heading INDICATIONS (page 23-2).
.5mm s pacer 24. [ ] Clean all chainrings thoroughly (if being re-
used), particularly faces and edges of teeth.
Chainring-mounting arm
25. [ ] Inspect outer ring for visible evidence of
23.7 Possible sequence for inner chainring of a triple. shift wear.
26. [ ] Inspect middle ring, if any, for visible evi-
22. [ ] If triple-chainring set, remove remaining bolt dence of shift and load wear.
that retains inner ring and note sequence of 27. [ ] Inspect innermost ring for visible evidence of
parts as removed here: load wear.
____________________ , ___________________ , 2 8 . [ ] Inspect all rings for non-round design or
____________________ , ___________________ . special teeth that indicate rotational align-
Step #23 notes the sequence of parts as the outer ment of chainring must be maintained
when re-installing.
two chainrings (double or triple-chainring set) are re-
29. [ ] Inspect outer ring for presence of over-shift
moved. An example step #23 is written as the parts are peg on outer face that indicates that rota-
removed from the outside to the inside. There are some tional alignment of chainring must be main-
parts that are outward of the chainring-mounting arms, tained when re-installing.
and there are some parts that are inward of the chainring- 30. [ ] (Optional), clean and inspect crank arm for
mounting arms. In the example below, the notes that cracks and damage. See TAPER-FIT CRANK-ARM
you would add to the worksheet if your crank were REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION procedure, steps
identical to the example are written in script. 13–17 (page 20-9).
31. [ ] (Optional), inspect spindle flats for marks
that indicate whether crank arm is worn out
23. [ ] Doubles and triples, remove remaining bolt or bad fit to spindle. See TAPER-FIT CRANK-ARM
that retains outer two rings and note se- REMOVAL AND REINSTALLATION procedure, step
quence of parts as removed here: 11 (page 20-9).
10mm Allen bolt , 46 tooth ring ,
, mounting arms ,
1.5mm spacer , 36 tooth ring ,
sleevenut , . TO CRANK ARM
In steps #32 and #33, new marks are put on the
10mm Allen bolt chainrings at the same location, but on the opposite
46 tooth chainring face from, the “×” marks. Use an “O” for these new
marks to stand for “outer face.” These marks are
needed because it is the outer face that will be seen
when installing the outer chainrings of a triple or both
Chainring-mounting arm chainrings of a double.
1.5mm s pacer
Obviously, if installing replacement chainrings,
36 tooth chainring there will not be any “×” mark to place the “O” mark
S leeve nut opposite of. If the chainrings have special rotational-
position requirements, the manufacturer has probably
23.8 Possible sequence for outer two chainrings. marked them in some way. Sometimes there will be a
triangular engraving or stamp mark that is supposed to

23 – 10
be in line with the crank arm. Other times there will than between the chainring and the sleeve-nut flanges.
be a small tab at the inner perimeter of the ring that Typical offset between the outer chainrings is about
serves the same function. Sometimes, both these 6.5mm. If there was a spacer in this position and the
manufacturer’s marks will be found on one chainring, existing offset between the rings was below this range,
in which case both will always be in the same location. then it is likely the spacer was misplaced.
Determining which way a chainring should face is 35. [ ] Put spacers, if any originally, over sleeve
another matter. If there is a triangular mark, there is no nuts (see step 23 to check spacer position).
consistency as to whether it faces in or out. There may Lining the “O” mark up with the crank arm in
be no marks on the face of the chainring other than steps #36 and #40 ensures that the original rotational
brand, model, and tooth number, and these can face position of the chainring is restored. This is often de-
either way. The best clue is if there are recesses in a sirable, but not always. If the chainrings are round,
chainring face at each bolt hole. These recesses are for do not have special teeth at certain points only to fa-
the bolt flange or the sleeve-nut flange. If they are there, cilitate shifting, and do not have an over-shift peg,
they should face out on the outer chainring, and in on then it may be desirable to deliberately rotate the
any inner chainring(s). Some thin inner rings (doubles), chainring(s) two to three positions either direction,
and middle rings (triples) have an offset to the mount- so that the shift wear would continue on fresher parts
ing-tab portion of the ring where the bolt hole is (see of the chainring(s).
figure 23.9). If this is the case, the ring should face in 36. [ ] Place inner ring of double (or middle ring of
the direction that positions the chainring teeth the fur- triple) over sleeve nuts, with “O” mark up,
then align sleeve nuts so they all fit through
thest away from the surface the ring mounts against.
holes in ring.
When there are not offsets or recesses around bolt holes, 37. [ ] Put spacers, if any originally, over sleeve
there is no choice but to guess. The best guess is that nuts and on top of chainring (see step 23 to
any brand markings on an outer ring will face out, and check spacer position).
that any tooth markings on inner rings will face in. 38. [ ] Place crank arm (outer-face up), with arm
over “O” mark, on top of sleeve-nut/
T his s ide toward chainring mounting arms chainring assembly.
Offs et mounting tabs 39. [ ] Put spacers, if any originally, over sleeve
nuts and on top of chainring-mounting arms
23.9 Cross-section of a chainring with offset mounting tabs. (see step 23 to check spacer position).
40. [ ] With “O” mark facing up (or any over-shift
32. [ ] If re-installing inner ring of double or middle peg facing up), slip outer ring over end of
ring of triple, put an “O” mark on outer face of crank arm and rotate so “O” mark and/or
ring at same location as “×” on inner face. If over-shift peg is hidden behind crank arm and
installing new inner ring of double or middle align chainring-bolt holes with sleeve nuts.
ring of triple, put an “O” mark on outer face of In step #41 and #46, oiling the chainring-bolt
same ring in line with any manufacturer’s rota- threads is recommended. This applies to steel chainring
tional orientation mark (if any). bolts. Treat aluminum-bolt threads with Loctite #242.
33. [ ] If re-installing outer ring of double or triple, 41. [ ] Oil chainring-bolt threads and thread all
put an “O” mark on outer face of ring at chainring bolts of correct length (see step
same location as “×” on inner face. If in- 20) into sleeve nuts.
stalling new outer ring of double or triple, In step #42 and #46, the recommended torque mini-
put an “O” mark on outer face of same ring mum is 50in-lbs. This only applies to steel chainring
in line with any manufacturer’s rotational bolts. Bolts of lightweight material should be torqued
orientation mark (if any). to a maximum of 35in-lbs (11lbs@3" or 9lbs@4").
34. [ ] Double- and triple-chainring sets, place sleeve
42. [ ] Using Var 352 (substitute Shimano TL-FC20)
nuts flange-side down on flat surface at spac-
to hold sleeve nuts from turning, snug all
ing that approximates holes in chainrings.
chainring bolts, then torque to minimum
In step #35, replace the spacers between the flange 50in-lbs (16lbs@3" or 12lbs@4").
of the sleeve nut and the next-to-largest chainring, if NOTE: Skip steps 43–46 if crank has a double-
there were any there originally. There is no reason for chainring set.
spacers to be in this position, so if they were here 43. [ ] If triple-chainring set, turn crank over on sur-
before it is likely that they were moved from between face so outer face is down.
the chainring and the chainring-mounting arms, rather

23 – 11
44. [ ] If triple-chainring set, put spacers, if any 53. [ ] If crank has three rings, subtract measure-
originally, over holes on inner face of ment in step 50 from measurement in step
chainring-mounting arms (see step 22 to 52 to determine offset from middle chainring
check spacer position). to outer chainring and record calculation
45. [ ] Place inner ring so “×” mark (if reinstalling here: _________mm
original ring) is facing up and in line with 54. Compare calculation in step 53 to calculation
crank arm. If installing new ring with manu- in step 13 and check one of two following
facturer’s rotational orientation mark, install choices.
so that mark is in line with crank arm. (Rely [ ] There is <.5mm difference, there is no
on manufacturer’s information to determine significant offset change.
whether marked face should be up or down.) [ ] There is ³.5mm difference, spacer is posi-
46. [ ] Oil chainring-bolt threads and thread all tioned wrong or one of different thickness
chainring bolts of correct length (see step must be substituted.
16) into crank arm. Torque to minimum
50in-lbs (16lbs@3" or 12lbs@4").
55. [ ] If chainrings had no significant wobble (see
CHECKING OFFSET step 1), then position crank arm in same po-
sition marked in step 3, then install crank
BETWEEN CHAINRINGS arm by steps 33, 34, and 38–43 of NORMAL
In steps #47 through #54, re-measure the offset CRANK-ARM REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION proce-
between the chainrings in order to compare the final dure (page 20-11).
result with the original conditions. Changes of .5mm 56. [ ] If chainrings had significant wobble (see step
or greater indicate that original equipment has been 10), or new chainrings are installed, then
re-assembled wrong, or that changes need to be made remove left arm also (if not removed already)
to make replacement equipment work. and install crank arm by steps 19–43 of
47. [ ] Place crank assembly face up on flat surface NORMAL CRANK-ARM REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
and stabilize so that chainrings are parallel procedure (page 20-10).
to surface.
48. [ ] Using depth gauge of caliper, measure dis-
tance from front face of inner-ring teeth to
surface and record here: _________mm CHAINRING WOBBLE
49. [ ] Using depth gauge of caliper, measure dis- Excess chainring wobble can cause problems with
tance from front face of teeth of second ring
the front derailleur. At this point, bent chainrings and
to surface and record here: _________mm
needing to mount the right crank arm in a better po-
50. [ ]Subtract measurement in step 48 from mea-
surement in step 49 to determine offset sition should have been eliminated as causes of the
from inner chainring to next chainring and problem. The only thing that can be causing chainring
record calculation here: _________mm wobble is mis-aligned chainring-mounting arms. The
51. Compare calculation in step 50 to calcula- condition has probably existed from the point the
tion in step 11 and check one of two fol- crank arm was manufactured. The following steps
lowing choices. enable correction of this condition. The chainring-
[ ] There is <.5mm difference, there is no mounting arms should remain true unless they receive
significant offset change. a direct blow from the side.
[ ] There is ³.5mm difference, spacer is posi- 57. [ ] Position front derailleur so that nose of outer
tioned wrong or one of different thickness cage plate is directly over outer chainring
must be substituted. teeth.
NOTE: Skip steps 52–54 if crankset does not have 58. [ ] Rotate crank backwards rapidly and watch
three chainrings. for wobbles, paying attention to whether
52. [ ] If crank has three rings, use depth gauge of they seem to deviate out or in from straight
caliper to measure from front face of outer- portion of chainring.
ring teeth to surface 59. [ ] After finding wobbles and determining direc-
and record here: _________mm tion of error, slow down crank rotation to
identify point wobble begins and ends.
60. [ ] Find chainring-mounting arm closest to cen-
ter of wobble.

23 – 12
In step #61, it is recommended to use a specific CHECK FOR CHAIN-LENGTH
wrench for leverage. If using an adjustable wrench, it
must have smooth jaws at right angles to the handle. PROBLEMS AND DERAILLEUR-
An adjustable wrench of this type is superior to any CAPACITY PROBLEMS
tool made specifically for chainring-mounting-arm
Changing the size of the largest and/or the smallest
alignment, because it can be adjusted to fit snugly on
chainring affects the capacity requirements for both the
the chainring bolts rather than directly on the mount-
front and rear derailleurs. Operating derailleurs outside
ing arm (which inevitably scars the arm).
their capacities can damage them or cause poor shifting.
There are times when no tool will fit to apply
Do not skip these steps if chainring sizes have changed.
leverage. Control is lost, but in this case there is no
64. [ ] If replacement outer ring of different size
alternative but to use a plastic or rubber mallet di- than original has been installed, position
rectly on the chainring bolt or end of mounting arm. chain on outermost chainring and outermost
61. [ ] Secure Diamond C79 (Headset-tool set) ad- rear cog to check chain length and correct as
justable wrench to front and back end of necessary. (See CHAINS chapter, page 26-11.)
chainring-bolt set on mounting arm at center 65. [ ] If size of innermost or outermost chainring
of wobble, then lever up to correct outward has changed, adjust chain length. Then, put
wobble or down to correct inward wobble. chain in innermost-chainring/outermost-rear-
62. [ ] Remove wrench, spin crank again to check cog combination to check that rear-derailleur
for under- or over-correction, or other capacity has not been exceeded. (See REAR
wobbles that still need correction. DERAILLEURS chapter, page 32-7.)
66. [ ] If size of innermost or outermost chainring
has changed, adjust chain length. Then, put
FRONT-DERAILLEUR ADJUSTMENT chain in outermost chainring/innermost rear
If the number of teeth on the outer chainring has cog combination to check that rear-derailleur
changed by any amount, the front derailleur needs to capacity has not been exceeded. (See REAR
DERAILLEURS chapter, page 32-7.)
be moved up or down. This usually requires complete
67. [ ] If size of innermost or outermost chainring
re-adjustment. If chainring offset has changed slightly has changed, reposition height of front de-
(but acceptably), the limit screws and perhaps the cable railleur (if outermost chainring size changed).
tension for the front derailleur will need to be reset. If Then, put chain in innermost-chainring/out-
the offset between the chainrings is the same, but the ermost-rear-cog combination to check that
whole set has moved in or out from the frame, then it front-derailleur maximum capacity has not
is necessary to reset the limit screws and perhaps the been exceeded. (See FRONT DERAILLEURS
chapter, page 33-4.)
cable tension for the front derailleur. 68. [ ] If size of middle chainring or outermost
63. [ ] Adjust front derailleur if outer chainring size chainring of triple has changed, reposition
has changed, chainring offset has changed height of front derailleur if outermost chainring
(steps 51 and 54), or chainring clearance size changed. Then, put chain on outermost
has changed (compared to step 4). chainring and check that front-derailleur mini-
mum capacity has not been exceeded. (See
FRONT DERAILLEURS chapter, page 33-5.)

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: A popping sound or sensation is experienced once per crank-revolution, often on the
down stroke of the right pedal.
Loose chainring bolt(s). Check and secure chainring-mounting bolt(s).
Loose crank arm. Check and secure crank arm.
Loose pedal-cage piece(s). Check and secure pedal-cage piece(s).
Loose pedal mounting. Check and secure pedal mounting.
Loose B.B. cups, lockrings, or retaining rings. Check and secure B.B. cups, lockrings, or
retaining rings.
SYMPTOM: A popping sound or sensation is experienced once per crank-revolution, on one chainring.
Bent chainring tooth. Inspect and bend back.
(Continued next page)

23 – 13


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: A ticking or scraping sound is heard once per crank-revolution.
Chainring wobble is causing chain to intermittently Check whether mounting arm in any of the other
rub inside of front-derailleur cage. three positions reduces wobble.
Check whether outer two rings wobble in
unison and if so, align chainring-mounting arms.
Replace bent ring if one ring is wobbling
independently of all others.
Loose crank arm or bottom bracket is causing Check and secure crank arm.
chainring wobble.
Crank arm is hitting front-derailleur cage. Re-adjust front-derailleur limit screws and/or
rotational alignment.
SYMPTOM: Chainrings, chainring-mounting bolts, or some other part of the crank-arm assembly is
rubbing the chain stay continuously or intermittently when the crank is being spun when not under load.
Crank arms are worn out or a bad fit to the spindle. Perform removal process, including fit inspections.
Bottom-bracket spindle is too short. Replace spindle or cartridge bottom bracket
with one that will position crank arm further out.
SYMPTOM: Wear marks are found on the chain stay where they might be left by the chainrings,
chainring-mounting bolts, or some other part of the crank-arm assembly, but no rubbing is evident
upon visual inspection.
Clearance that is adequate without load is not Check for worn-out or misfit crank arm.
adequate when crank assembly and/or chain stays Replace spindle or cartridge bottom bracket
flex under load. with one that will position crank arm further out.
SYMPTOM: Chain shifts poorly from smaller ring to larger ring after checking chain for wear and
checking that derailleur is properly adjusted.
Chainrings have excessive shift wear. Replace ring(s) if substantial wear is evident.
SYMPTOM: Chain suck occurs. Chain remains attached to chainring where it is supposed to release
and return to the rear derailleur and jams into the chain stay.
Chain or chainrings are fouled with dirt. Clean chain and chainrings.
Chainring is worn out from load. Replace ring if substantial wear is evident.
SYMPTOM: Chain is rubbing against sleeve-nut flanges of outer bolt set when chain is on innermost
chainring of triple-chainring set.
Middle chainring is installed facing wrong way so Check for recesses in chainring face and reverse
that flanges are not fitting into recesses in direction chainring is facing if recesses are not
chainring face. on side of chainring facing sleeve-nut flanges.
SYMPTOM: Chain is rubbing against adjacent chainring.
Chainline is bad, with chainrings too far in relative Check chainline error. (See CHAINLINE chapter,
to rear cogs. page 27-5.)
Offset between chainrings is inadequate due to Re-check offset measurements and add,
misplacement of spacers, chainrings facing wrong remove, or move spacers to correct problem.
way, or replacement with non-compatible Use compatible chainrings or crank arm, or
chainrings or crank arm. modify with different spacers to eliminate
compatibility problems.
SYMPTOM: Chain is dropping completely in-between two chainrings when shifting.
Incorrect use of chainring spacers causing too much Check and change location or use of spacers.
chainring offset.
Non-SG/SGX/HyperDrive chainring used on Replace with compatible chainring(s).
SG/SGX/HyperDrive-type crank arm.
SYMPTOM: Chain is rubbing against inner end of bolts of outer bolt set when chain is on innermost
chainring of triple-chainring set.
Long bolts for inner ring have been used in location Switch bolts back if problem has been caused
where short bolts for outer bolt set are required. by reversing locations of the two bolt sets.
Install new bolts if problem is caused by
installation of wrong bolts.

23 – 14

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Locknut: A nut that is threaded against the ad-
justable cone to secure its position.
This chapter is about a type of crankset called a
Lock washer: A keyed washer that goes between
one-piece crank. The name comes from the fact that
the locknut and the adjustable cone so that one can be
the crank arms and the bottom-bracket spindle are all
turned without affecting the position of the other.
integrated into one piece. Consequently, crank-arm
Bearing retainer: A circular clip filled with ball
removal and bottom-bracket-bearing service are all one
bearings. Also called simply a “retainer.”
Spider: A structure that mounts to the crank arm
These cranksets are found on many types of bikes
behind the fixed cone to which the chainring attaches.
with one common characteristic: low cost. Most de-
It originally consisted of five arms, hence the name
partment store models, including derailleur and non-
“spider.” These days, the spider is often a disc.
derailleur types, have this crank style. Almost all BMX
Chainring: A disc or ring with teeth at the outer
bikes of any quality do, also. Older Schwinns of all
perimeter that mounts to the spider or directly to the
types and virtually all single-speed coaster brake bikes
crank arm behind the fixed cone.
have this crank style.
One of the few virtues of this crank style is that it
uses a universal bottom-bracket shell. No matter what
the brand, bike type, or vintage, a new complete
crankset can always be installed.

Adjus table cone (left-hand thread)


Bottom-bracket s hell

One-piece crank(set): A crankset that has one
continuous piece of metal that forms both the left and
right crank arms and the bottom-bracket spindle.
Pressed cups: Bearing cups that press into the
bottom-bracket shell.
Crank arm: The arm to which the pedal attaches.
Arm set: The piece that includes both crank arms
and the bottom-bracket spindle.
Bottom bracket: The bearing assembly about Keyed lock was her
which the crank arms rotate, installed in the bottom-
Locknut (left-hand thread)
bracket shell.
Bottom-bracket shell: The cylindrical shell at the Fixed cone (right-hand thread)
bottom of the frame into which the crankset bearings Chainring (or s pider and ring)
are installed.
Fixed cone: A bearing cone that is fixed in posi- One-piece crank arm

tion. The fixed cone is threaded onto the left end of

the spindle-portion of the crank-arm set.
Adjustable cone: A bearing cone that has an ad-
justable position. The adjustable cone is threaded onto
the left end of the spindle-portion of the crank-arm set. 22.1 Parts on a one-piece crankset.

22 – 1

PREREQUISITES Symptomsindicating
The only prerequisites for servicing one-piece needofarm-setreplacementorrepair
cranks are the ability to remove and install pedals and Crank arms bend frequently on these cranks.
the rear wheel. If they are bent from abusive jumping, either of
the two following symptoms might be immediately
apparent: 1) crank arms that are no longer 180° apart,
INDICATIONS 2) chainrings that appear to oscillate as they rotate. If
Maintenancecycles the crank-arm set is bent in the spindle portion, upon
Due to the soft metal that is used in all brands and further inspection it is likely to be found that the bear-
models of these cranks and the exposed nature of the ing adjustment becomes too tight at the point free-
bearings, adjustment and overhaul of these bearings is play is eliminated, or that the faces of the cones will
required much more frequently than with adjustable- appear to oscillate as the crank turns (certain proof of
cup bottom brackets. Its likely that anytime a bike a bent spindle-portion). If further inspection shows
with this type of equipment comes into the shop, the that the cones and cups are not worn out, then the
bearings will be in need of some sort of service. It is tight-adjustment problem is caused by the spindle
unlikely that the typical owner of a bike with this portion of the crank-arm set being bent. In all cases
equipment is going to be willing to have a shop ser- the crank-arm set must be replaced.
vice the bearings as often as the bearings need it. Con- When the bike falls over, a crank arm may bend in
sequently, the shop is often forced to leave problem- on one side. Oscillating will be felt in the ankle on that
atic one-piece-crank bearings alone, or is left with no side when the bike is ridden. It could also be a bent
choice but to make less-than-satisfactory adjustments pedal shaft. A bent crank arm can sometimes be re-
to worn-out and dirty equipment. paired. It is repaired on the bike using the Park HSC-1.
Stripped pedal-mounting threads cannot be repaired
Symptomsindicating by using a thread-bushing (as is the case with other
bearingsneedadjustment cranks, see page 24-6) due to the thin amount of mate-
If play is felt at the ends of the crank arms, adjust- rial around the hole. The arm set must be replaced.
ment is needed. Since the bearings lack precision and
the arms cannot be removed from the spindle, over-
tight adjustments are harder to detect. With the chain needofchainringreplacement
removed from the chainring, a good shove should spin Single chainrings rarely need to be replaced be-
the crankset around several revolutions. If it stops cause, if bent, they can be bent back with great suc-
quickly, the bearings should be adjusted. cess. They do not need to be very straight to work,
since there is no shifting or front derailleur.
Symptomsindicating Multiple chainrings usually need to be replaced
bearingsneed overhaul when they wobble. Precision repair is difficult, but
When play has been eliminated, if the crank does true chainrings are critical to derailleur performance.
not spin for several revolutions after a good shove
with the chain off the rings, then the bearings are
due for overhaul.


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Diamond C79 Old-fashioned monkey wrench fits odd-size fixed cones not fit by fixed-cone
spanners and all sizes of locknuts (special order from Ace hardware stores)
Park HCW-1 26mm open end for locknut, some adjustable cones, and 43mm for fixed cone
Park SPA-4 Fits slots in face of some adjustable cones
Hozan C205 Hook spanner fits some fixed cones
Bicycle Research CP1 Fits bottom-bracket pressed cups and BMX headset cups
Park HHP-1 Expensive, fits bottom-bracket pressed cups and BMX headset cups

22 – 2

TOOL CHOICES The problem that results from using a #66 retainer
in the wrong cup will be experienced only while disas-
The design or brand of bottom bracket will deter-
sembling. Since there is no good way to grasp a re-
mine the tools needed. Table 22-1 (page 22-2) covers tools
tainer and pull it out of a cup, it is essential that the
for one-piece bottom brackets only. This list covers all
retainer be a loose fit in the cup, so that it can fall out
the tools for the job. The preferred choices are in bold.
on its own once the cone is out of the way. The #66
A tool is preferred because of a balance among: ease of
retainer in a wrong-size cup is too tight a fit to fall
use, quality, versatility, and economy. When more than
out. In this case, the retainer must be mangled and
one tool for one function is in bold, it means that several
pried out before the arm set can be removed.
tools are required for different configurations of parts.
The arm set and cones are either threaded 24tpi or
TIME AND DIFFICULTY 28tpi. There are no simple guidelines about when a spe-
Adjustment of a one-piece-crank bearing is a 2–5 cific pitch might be encountered. The simplest approach
minute job of little difficulty. is to always replace complete bearing sets, and to select
Overhaul of the bearings, replacement of the arm one that matches the pitch of the arm set.
set, or replacement of the spider/chainring is a 30–35
minute job of little difficulty. Difficultpressed-cupinstallation
There is officially only one dimension for the fit
of the pressed cups to the bottom-bracket shell, but
COMPLICATIONS sometimes it will seem as though the cups must be the
Left-handthreads wrong size because they are so difficult to install. This
The locknut and adjustable cone on the left side of is usually in chromed frames and is due to thick layers
the bike are left-hand threaded. This is the opposite of of chrome. The best solution is to grease the cups (not
the thread direction on the left side of a adjustable-cup normally done), use a press tool made specifically for
bottom bracket. A mechanic’s first few encounters with these cups (see table 22-1, page 22-2), and just use what-
a one-piece crank are confused by this need to turn all ever force is necessary.
the left-side parts the opposite direction of normal. Loosepressedcups
Strippedkeyonlockwasher Extremely loose cups cause mysterious knocking
Many bottom brackets do not allow simultaneous sounds while riding the bike. Marginally loose cups will
use of a tool on the locknut and adjustable cone. The creak. There are not different sizes available to improve
design relies on the lock washer to keep the adjustable fit to the shell. Use Loctite RC680 to improve fit.
cone from rotating when the locknut is being broken Primitiveadjustment
loose or secured. When the washer fails during lock- The adjustment of these bearings is primitive be-
nut removal, the cone and locknut rotate together and cause the precision of the parts is poor and because
never break loose from each other. Persistent high force the control over the adjustable cone while securing
is required to turn the locknut until it is all the way the locknut is sometimes limited. Do not apply con-
off the threads. ventional standards to what a “good” adjustment is.
If the lock washer fails while securing the lock- Of course, there should be no free play in the finished
nut, the adjustable cone will turn and tighten up the adjustment. If the crank spins a few times once play
bearings until the crank will not rotate. If this is de- has been eliminated, consider the adjustment good.
tected early, the locknut is usually not very tight against
the cone, and can easily be threaded off so that the
lock washer can be replaced. ABOUT THE REST
Non-compatibleretainers OF THIS CHAPTER
There are two sizes of retainers used in this type The rest of this chapter is divided into two sec-
of crank. They are called #64 and #66, and are not tions, OVERHAUL AND REPLACEMENT and ONE-PIECE-
easily distinguished by sight. They fit inside cups that CRANKSET TROUBLESHOOTING.
are slightly different in size inside, but are not marked If you are just adjusting the bearings, go to the
differently in any way. The #66 retainer snaps into a section of OVERHAUL AND REPLACEMENT titled BEARING
cup made for a #64 retainer. ADJUSTMENT (page 22-6).

22 – 3


As in all other bottom brackets, cones and cups wear
REPLACEMENT by pitting. In addition, the cups may have cracks at the
inner edge, indicating over-tight bearing adjustment (all
the way around), or jumping abuse (bottom half only).
PREPARATIONS The lock washer has a key on the inner perim-
1 . [ ] Remove left pedal. eter. This key is critical to adjusting the bearings, so
2 . [ ] Only if replacing arm set, remove right pedal. the lock washer should be replaced if the key is de-
3 . [ ] Move rear wheel to create chain slack, and formed in any way.
drop chain off of chainring. 12. [ ] Inspect cones, cups, and lock washer to de-
4 . [ ] Inspect for arms not 180° apart. termine wear and failure.
5 . Spin crank and look for (check all that apply):
[ ] bent chainring Bearing-setremoval
[ ] oscillating chainrings/spider NOTE: Skip step 13 if cups and cones were fine in
[ ] oscillating cone faces inspection (step 12).
1 3 . [ ] Use punch to drive both pressed cups out
of shell.
DISASSEMBLY NOTE: Skip step 14 if cups and cones were fine in
inspection (step 12), and chainring/spider will
Arm-setremoval not be replaced.
6 . [ ] Turn locknut clockwise to break loose and 14. [ ] Secure right arm in soft jaws in vise with
thread fully off. spindle portion of arm set facing up, and
turn fixed cone counterclockwise to remove.

22.2 Turn locknut clockwise to remove.

Park HCW-1
7 . [ ] Remove lock washer. Vis e
8 . [ ] Turn adjustable cone clockwise to 22.3 Removing the fixed cone.
unthread fully.
9 . [ ] Pull retainer out of left cup.
10. [ ] Shift crankset to right and drop retainer out Chainring/spiderremoval
of right cup and onto spindle. NOTE: Skip step 15 if chainring/spider will not be
11. [ ] Snake crankset out right side of bottom- replaced.
bracket shell. 15. [ ] Noting direction it faces, lift chainring/spider
off arm set.

22 – 4

CLEANING All multiple chainring sets have a uniform tooth

thickness, which fits only a 1/2" × 3/32" derailleur
16. [ ] Clean all parts thoroughly, including inside of
shell (except retainers, which should always chain. Single chainrings could have a tooth thickness
be replaced). of approximately 2.2mm or approximately 2.7mm.
The thinner teeth fit all chains, but the 2.7mm teeth
fit 1/2" × 1/8" chains only.
PARTS REPLACEMENT If the number of teeth change when installing a
Retainerreplacement new chainring, the chain length will need to be
Bearing retainers are usually marked “64” or “66.” changed.
20. [ ] Determine chainring-bolt pattern and find
If not marked, #64 retainers have nine balls and #66
matching chainring or spider (select one-
retainers have 10 or more. If unsure which size is
piece chainring/spider) of suitable tooth
needed for existing cup, try pressing a #66 retainer number and tooth thickness.
into the cup. If it snaps in, the cup fits a #64. If it goes
in effortlessly, the cup fits a #66 retainer.
17. [ ] Determine if existing retainers are #64 or ASSEMBLY
#66 and find matching replacement. The pressed cups are kept in by friction. The
Bottom-bracketreplacement mating surfaces should be cleaned with alcohol or ac-
It is not recommended to replace individual cups etone. If the cups are an extremely tight fit, or loose,
and cones due to limited parts availability and com- there are exceptions. Extremely difficult to install cups
patibility issues, as well as economy issues. Since the should be greased. Loose cups should be installed with
fit to the bot tom-bracket shell is universal, the only Loctite RC680.
21. [ ] Clean cups and shell with alcohol/acetone
critical thing to selecting a suitable replacement bear-
and use press to install cups fully in bottom-
ing set is the arm-set thread pitch, which could be 24tpi bracket shell.
or 28tpi. Measure the pitch with a thread-pitch gauge.
18. [ ] Determine if existing arm set thread pitch is Bicycle Resear ch CP-1
24tpi or 28tpi and find matching bottom Pres sed cups
bracket. Bottom-bracket s hell
Arm sets vary in thread pitch and in arm length.
Measure the pitch with a thread-pitch gauge. Arm length
is measured from the center of the spindle axis to the
center of the pedal-mounting hole. Arms come in 1/2"
increments, so precision of measurement is not critical.
19. [ ] Determine if existing arm-set thread pitch is
24tpi or 28tpi and find matching arm set of 22.4 Setup for using the Bicycle Research CP1 to install the cups.
same or preferred arm length.
Chainring/spiderreplacement 22. [ ] Secure right arm in soft jaws of vise with
spindle portion of arm set pointing up.
Chainrings and spiders can have different mount-
ing-bolt patterns. Although almost all spiders and Installchainring/spider
chainrings have five-bolt patterns, the hole-to-hole di- 23. [ ] Place chainring/spider over left end of arm
mension of the chainring and mounting arms may vary set and rotate to engage arm-set peg into
(see page 23-6). If the number of bolt holes in the chainring chainring/spider hole.
and spider match, and hole-to-hole dimensions match, 24. [ ] Grease fixed cone threads.
25. [ ] Thread fixed cone on clockwise and secure
then two parts have the same bolt pattern.
to 300–350in-lbs (30–35lbs@8").

22 – 5

Arm-setinstallation BEARING ADJUSTMENT

26. [ ] Put heavy coat of grease on fixed cone. NOTE: If bearings were not just overhauled or in-
27. [ ] Place retainer (exposed-bearings-side up) on stalled, turn locknut clockwise to break loose
fixed cone and cover heavily with grease. and loosen adjustable cone before doing step 35.
35. [ ] Thread adjustable cone counterclockwise
towards bearings until contact is just felt,
then back off clockwise 90°.
Bearing retainer
36. [ ] Holding adjustable cone stationary if pos-
sible, secure locknut counterclockwise to
approximately 300in-lbs (30lbs@10").
37. Jerk on ends of crank arms to feel for free play:
Fixed cone
[ ] If none felt, redo step 35 even looser.
[ ] If play felt, proceed to next step.
38. [ ] Use marker to put matching marks at edge
of cone and lip of cup.
39. [ ] Break loose locknut.
22.5 Place retainer on fixed cone. 40. [ ] Rotate cone counterclockwise to put cone
mark 5mm past cup mark and put new
28. [ ] Put heavy coat of grease on adjustable cone. matching mark on cup lip.
29. [ ] Place retainer (exposed-bearings-side up) on
adjustable cone and cover heavily with grease. 5mm
30. [ ] Grease left-side threads on arm set.
31. [ ] Snake left end of arm set into right side of
bottom-bracket shell until right-side retainer
is inside of right cup.
32. [ ] Thread adjustable-cone/retainer assembly
counterclockwise onto left threads of arm set.

22.7 Cone moved to 5mm counterclockwise of original cup mark,

and new mark added to cup.

When securing the locknut, the cone mark may

shift counterclockwise from the new cup mark. If this
happens once, it should happen the same every time. If
this is the case, deliberately set the cone mark short of
22.6 Thread adjustable cone on counterclockwise. the new cup mark so that when the locknut is secured,
33. [ ] Slide lock washer onto left end of arm set.
the cone mark will shift to line up with the cup mark.
34. [ ] Thread locknut counterclockwise onto left- 41. [ ] Holding adjustable cone stationary if pos-
side threads. sible, secure locknut counterclockwise to
approximately 300in-lbs (30lbs@10").
42. Jerk on ends of crank arms to feel for free play:
[ ] If no play felt, adjustment is complete.
[ ] If play felt, repeat steps 39–42.

43. [ ] Install pedal(s), if removed.
44. [ ] Mount chain on chainring.
45. [ ] Tension chain and secure rear wheel.

22 – 6

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER department stores. The crank arms slip onto a round
shaft and are retained by a pin (cotter pin) that goes
This chapter is about removing and installing
through a hole in the arm and a slot in the shaft.
cottered crank arms. There are different chapters for
Crank arm: The lever arm that attaches to the
taper-fit crank arms (20
bottom-bracket spindle at one end and the pedal at
for one-piece crank arms (22
the other end. The right crank arm has chainrings
There is also a separate chapter (23
(gears) attached to it, usually by means of chainring-
which should be referred to if the chainrings will be
mounting arms.
removed, replaced, or secured. There is also a sepa-
Cotter pin: A round shaft with a sloped and tapered
rate chapter (24
flat along its length and a threaded stud at one end.
INSTALLATION), which includes information about
pedal removal and installation, a job that is often done
as part of crank-arm removal and installation.
S tud T aper Head

21.2 A cotter pin.
Cotter-pin taper (or “taper”): The shaft of the
Crank arm S pindle Cotter pin cotter pin has a section cut off along the length of the
pin that is cut at an angle to the axis of the shaft. This
results in a flat surface that is sloped and tapers to a
point at one end. This is the taper.
Cotter-pin stud (or “stud”): A threaded stud at
one end of cotter pin onto which a retaining nut threads.
Cotter-pin head (or “head”): The end of the
cotter-pin shaft without threads.
Cotter-pin hole (or “pin hole”): The cotter pin
inserts in a small round hole in the crank arm into
which the cotter pin is inserted. This hole is perpen-
dicular to the hole in the crank arm for the bottom-
bracket spindle.
Cotter-pin stud (or “stud”): The threaded stud
at one end of the cotter pin onto which a retaining
nut threads.
Face view Cross -s ection view Spindle hole: The large round hole in the crank
arm that the bottom-bracket spindle inserts in.
21.1 Face view and cross-section view of the end of a cottered Chainrings: The gears attached to the right crank
crank arm at the end joined to the bottom-bracket spindle.
arm that drive the chain when pedaling.
Cottered crank: The term “cottered cranks” ap- Chainring-mounting arms: The arms (usually
plies to a crank-arm type that once was seen on al- three, occasionally five) that go from one end of the
most all European imports, but is now limited prima- crank arm out to the chainrings. The chainrings are
rily to the sort of inexpensive Asian imports found in attached to the end of the chainring-mounting arms.
Chainring-mounting arms are also called spider arms.

21 – 1

PREREQUISITES Symptomsindicatingdamagedpedal-
See the PREREQUISITES section of the preceding mountingthreads
chapter, TAPER-FIT CRANK ARMS (page 20-1). All prereq- Pedal-mounting threads can be damaged from im-
uisites are the same for both types of crank designs. proper pedal installation. The only symptom is diffi-
culty threading in the pedal. Sometimes it is repair-
able, which is described in the chapter PEDAL REMOVAL,
Maintenancecycles sometimes it is necessary to replace the crank arm.
If properly installed, crank arms should not need
any routine maintenance. TOOL CHOICES
Bottom-bracketservice For many mechanics, the tool of choice to remove
Crank arms must be removed to adjust, overhaul, cotter pins is a hammer. This is a sure way to damage
or replace the bottom bracket. There may be no ap- cotter pins, achieve inadequate security, and dramati-
parent problems with the crank arms, but this is an cally increase the time it takes to complete the job.
excellent opportunity to check for potential problems. Special cotter-pin presses are made by VAR and Park,
but the Park CR-2 is clearly superior to use and less
Symptomsindicatingloosecrankarms than one-third the price of the VAR. Some of this price
One of the most persistent problems with crank
savings is lost because it is a good idea to have two
arms is that they work loose. This can strand the rider
Park CR-2 tools.
— and it can easily destroy the arm that works loose,
One of the tools should be left in its original form
an expensive concern. Knocking or popping noises from
and be used exclusively for pin installation. The sec-
the crank area are a warning sign that the arms may be
ond CR-2 should be permanently modified to make it
loosening. But loose pedal parts and loose chainrings
more suitable for cotter-pin removal (and unsuitable
can cause similar noises, so check all these areas at the
for installation).
same time. When the arm makes a knocking sound or
feels loose while pedaling, the situation is critical. ModifyingaParkCR-2forpinremoval
With proper installation, most riders do not need The tip of the pressing shaft of the tool is a smooth
to periodically tighten the crank arms. shaft approximately 9mm long with an 11mm O.D. It
needs to be modified on a grinder or with a file to be
Symptoms indicating damaged crank arms approximately 13–15mm long and less than 8.5mm
When proper installation technique fails to keep
O.D. This modification does not have to be very pre-
the arm secure, it means the cotter-pin hole in the
cise. It can be done on a grinding wheel in 1–2 minutes.
arm is deformed (enlarged or distorted). The crank
arm should be replaced. 9mm 13-15mm

Crank arms bend sometimes when the bike is 12mm 8.5mm
crashed, and they can bend from abusive jumping. The
symptom of a bent crank arm is an oscillating sensa-
U n-modified Park CR-2 Modified Park CR-2
tion felt in the ankle while pedaling. This oscillation
may feel like a twisting back and forth on the ball of 21.3 Modifying the end of a Park CR-2
the foot; it may feel like the outer edge of the foot is
rocking up and down; or it may feel like both at once. This modification allows the tip of the tool to go
The identical symptoms are caused by bent pedal inside the pin hole in the arm, which is particularly
shafts, which can easily be damaged by the same forces useful when the pin jams or when the stud bends and
that damage crank arms. The first step is to remove must be broken off (common).
the pedal and look at the end of the pedal shaft as it
rotates. If the end does not oscillate, then it is the crank TIME AND DIFFICULTY RATING
arm that is bent. If it does oscillate, new pedals are Crank-arm removal and re-installation is a 1–2
needed. If the symptom is still felt when riding with minute-per-arm job of little difficulty. Fitting a new
new pedals, then the arm is also bent. replacement crank arm, which can include chainring
and pedal removal and installation as well as front

21 – 2
derailleur adjustment, is a 10–45 minute job of little If installing a replacement right-side crank arm,
difficulty (unless derailleur adjustment is included, in the chainrings may move in or out. This would neces-
which case difficulty may be high). sitate changing both limit screws and the cable setting
on the front derailleur. If the replacement crank arm
has a large chainring of a different size, then derailleur
COMPLICA height and rotation would need to be reset (which leads
Exactreplacementcotterpins to limit screw and cable adjustment, as well).
It is very unusual to be able to find exact replace- ABOUT THE REST
ment cotter pins. Included in this chapter are guide-
lines for determining suitability of a nonidentical re- OF THIS CHAPTER
placement and how to accommodate for a pin that is The rest of this chapter is the procedure for crank-
not suitable (page 21-5). arm removal and installation. There are double check-
boxes next to all the steps that would be done twice,
Replacementarmdoesnotfitspindle once for each crank arm. It includes all the necessary
Depending on the country of origin, there is some steps for crank-arm replacement except that it refers
variation in spindle and spindle-hole diameters. En- to other chapters for pedal and chainring removal
glish and Japanese are interchangeable. French and and installation.
Italian are interchangeable.
Replacement arm changes
chainringclearance CRAN
There is usually a 1–2mm range of position of the
arm on the spindle. First, try sliding the arm in or out
to improve the situation.
A nonidentical right-side replacement arm may
be suitable fit to a spindle, but not necessarily put the IF REPLACING ARM(S)
chainrings in the same position relative to the frame.
This could be a problem if the chainrings end up closer
1 . [ ] [ ] Remove pedal(s) (optional). See PEDAL
to the frame. The following procedures have steps for REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION pro-
checking the original clearance and the clearance after cedure (page 24-3).
installing a new right arm.
Replacementarmchangeschainline PREPAR
There is usually a 1–2mm range of position of the
arm on the spindle. First, try sliding the arm in or out PRE-REMOVAL INSPECTIONS
to improve the situation. In the next step, measure the clearance between
Because a replacement right-side arm can change the right-crank assembly and the chain stay. The chain
the chainring positions, it can change the alignment stay is the frame tube that runs from the bottom
of the chainrings to the rear cogs (chainline). The fol- bracket to the rear dropout. If the bike has raised chain
lowing procedures have steps for checking chainline stays (they connect to the seat tube above the front
before and after, but the separate CHAINLINE chapter derailleur), measure to the side of the seat tube instead.
should be referred to for help in how to measure The measurement is useful even if just re-installing
chainline (page 27-5) and how to identify whether an the same crank arm, for two reasons.
error is significant (page 27-3). Due to frame flex and chainring flex, there must
be at least 2mm clearance between any part of the
Newchainring-size/positionchanges right-crank assembly and the chain stay. Otherwise,
front-derailleuradjustment rubbing that can damage the frame may occur while
There is usually a 1–2mm range of position of the the bike is being ridden. Measuring before removal
arm on the spindle. First, try sliding the arm in or out can reveal a problem, or borderline problem, before
to improve the situation. going to the trouble of re-installation the arm. If clear-
ance is poor before removal, it will be necessary to

21 – 3
check and replace the arm if it is found to be worn 4 . [ ] Measure position of face of right crank arm
out, or put in a longer bottom-bracket spindle if the relative to right end of spindle.
arm is fine. If the clearance is marginal before removal, Spindle protrusion/recess: _______mm.
measuring it is a warning to check carefully when the
arm is re-installed. CRANK-ARM REMOVAL
After re-installing the original arm or installing a From this point on, steps that need to be repeated
replacement arm, measuring the change in the clear- for both arms (if servicing both arms) have two check-
ance reveals whether it will be necessary to readjust boxes. One is to use for the first arm, and one for the
the front derailleur. second arm. If only servicing one arm, use one check-
box only and do not repeat the step for the second arm.
5 . [ ] [ ] Remove nut and washer from cotter pin.
Cotter pins can be difficult to remove; when they
are, the stud will almost always bend. Prevent this as
much as possible by using penetrating oil, as indicated
in the next step.
6 . [ ] [ ] Flood both ends of pin with penetrating oil.
In the next step, cotter-pin removal is attempted.
Meas ure clearance It is not unusual for the stud to bend before removal
is accomplished. If this occurs, don’t waste time
straightening the stud and trying removal again. Bend
the stud back and forth until it snaps off and continue
the removal process without the stud. The modified
21.4 Use a stack of feeler gauges to measure the clearance between CR-2 is required for this purpose.
the chain stay and the part of the crank assembly that comes closest If you have only the non-modified Park CR-2, the
to rubbing the chain stay. best approach is to break off the stud (bend it back
2 . [ ] Measure clearance between chain stay and
and forth), then insert a 8–10mm length piece cut from
part of right crank that comes closest to the head-end of a used cotter pin between the CR-2
chain stay (usually inner chainring or bolt shaft and the remainder of the stud. This insert needs
heads holding on inner chainring, but occa- to be smaller or equal to the diameter of the cotter pin
sionally another chainring). Record measure- being removed. The insert will have a tendency to
ment here: _______mm. If bike has raised cock to the side and jam. The modified CR-2 is a much
chain stays, measure to side of seat tube. better solution to this common problem.
In the next step, measure the chainline error (de-
tailed procedure on page 27-5). Chainline is covered
in its own chapter. Chainline is the alignment of the
Crank arm
front gears to the rear gears. It affects drive-train noise
and shift performance. Measure chainline now and Cotter-pin s tud
then again after re-installing the original right arm or Park CR-2 s haft
a new right arm. This measurement allows you to
know whether chainline has improved, stayed the
same, or gotten worse, in which case it would be nec-
essary to check for symptoms in order to determine
whether the error was significant. (See page 27-3.)
3 . [ ] Measure chainline error: Chainrings out (+)
or in (–) (circle one)? Amount: __________
In the next step, the position of the right crank-
arm face relative to the right end of the spindle is mea- Park CR-2
sured, using the depth gauge of a caliper. There is usu- with
ally a range of position in which the arm can be in- modified s haft
stalled. Taking this measurement and reestablishing it
during re-installation avoids messing up the front-de-
21.5 Correct set up of Park CR-2 for cotter-pin removal.
railleur adjustment.

21 – 4
7 . [ ] [ ] Install modified CR-2 so end of shaft is
against stud and turn handle clockwise to
drive cotter pin fully out. COTTER-PIN SUITABILITY
8 . [ ] [ ] Pull arm off end of spindle. Exact replacement cotter pins are almost impos-
sible to find. Use the following guidelines to deter-
INSPECTION mine suitability of a replacement cotter pin.
9. Inspect pin holes in arms for enlargement 1. Pin diameter must match. (Common sizes
and for being ovalized: are 9.0mm and 9.5mm, but 8.0mm and 8.5mm
[ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one). sizes also exist.)
If not OK, arm should be replaced. 2. Pressed-in pin must have head protruding
[ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one). from arm. If not, different pin must be used.
If not OK, arm should be replaced. See example 1 (figure 27.7).
3. Pressed-in pin must have enough stud pro-
truding to engage washer and nut. Pin can
be filed to improve this condition. See ex-
ample 2 (figure 27.8).
Notch 4. Pressed-in pin should not have full stud ex-
posed. Washers with I.D. larger than pin can
be used over pin shaft to improve this condi-
21.6 Top cotter pin has burr, but can be reused. Bottom one is tion. See example 3 (figure 27.9, page 21-6).
notched and must be replaced. 5. Pin-taper angles must match or arms will not
be 180° apart. Both pins should be replaced to
10. Inspect pin tapers on pins for notches or de- avoid this problem. See example 4 (figure 27.10,
formation (burrs may be filed off):
page 21-6).
[ ] Right pin OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, pin should be replaced.
[ ] Left pin OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, pin should be replaced.
11. Thread nuts back onto studs to check for
damaged studs:
[ ] Right pin OK? not OK? (circle one). Head does not protrude
If not OK, pin should be repaired or replaced.
[ ] Left pin OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, pin should be repaired or replaced.

IF REPLACING RIGHT ARM, 21.7 Example 1: The cotter pin in this picture does not have
ACILIT enough head protruding to allow further pressing after break-in.
12. [ ] Remove chainrings (optional). See CHAINRING
cedure (page 23-9) if removing or replacing
Not enough s tud to engage nut

13. [ ] Clean crank arms and chainrings (if any).

21.8 Example 2: The cotter pin in this picture does not have
enough stud protruding. The taper can be filed deeper to improve
this condition.

21 – 5

T aper protrusion unacceptable

Add 10mm I.D. axle was hers ,

until taper is covered

21.9 Example 3: The cotter pin in this picture has too much of the
stud end protruding. Add washers to improve this condition.

21.11 When the cotter pin in the left arm is “head-up,” the pin in
the right arm should be “head-down.”

17. [ ] [ ] Slide cotter pin into pin hole. (When install-

ing second arm, be sure pin heads point oppo-
site directions when viewed simultaneously.)
18. [ ] Position right arm (if re-installing original) to
restore measurement from step 4.

Crank arm

Cotter-pin head
21.10 Example 4: The arms are not 180° apart because the cotter
pins do not have the same taper angle. Both pins should be replaced Park CR-2 s haft
with identical replacements to solve this problem.

A flat file can be used to file the taper deeper so
that a pin will insert further. Do not try to change the
angle of the taper, just its depth. A VAR 371 is a tool
designed to hold the cotter pin for filing. Although
not required, it makes an awkward job effortless.
Park CR-2
14. [ ] Install chainrings if removed. See CHAINRING
REMOVAL. REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION pro- 21.12 Setup for using the CR-2 to press in the cotter pin.
cedure (page 23-10).
15. [ ] [ ] Clean cotter pin, pin hole, and spindle flat 19. [ ] [ ] Use CR-2 to press in pin fully. With
with acetone or alcohol. handle extended fully to one end, minimum
16. [ ] [ ] Slide crank arm onto spindle. of 55 pounds of force is required at 4".
20. [ ] [ ] Grease stud threads.
21. [ ] [ ] Thread on retention nut and secure to
60in-lbs (20lbs@3").

21 – 6
[ ] Error is in same direction but less than step
CHECKING FIT 3, arm is acceptable unless previous chainline
OF REPLACEMENT CRANK ARM error was unacceptable and change is not
NOTE: Skip to step 25 if arms installed are same enough to eliminate symptoms. Bike should
ones removed, not replacements. be evaluated for chainline-error symptoms.
[ ] Error is in new direction. Bike should be
Checkingchainringfit evaluated for chainline-error symptoms.
ifreplacementarmisarightarm [ ] Error is in same direction but greater. In-
If using old chainrings with a new crank arm, spect bike for chainline-error symptoms.
check the CHAINRINGS chapter (page 23-5) to deter-
mine whether the new arm is compatible with the INSTALL PEDALS
chainrings before installing the chainrings. Chainring 25. [ ] Install pedal(s) if removed. See PEDAL
compatibility is not just a matter of whether the REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION pro-
mounting holes in the chainrings and the crank arm cedure (page 24-4).
match up. With some chainrings, spacing between
them is critical and not universal.
In the next step, measure the right chainring clear-
ance with the new arm installed to check if the
chainring position has changed. Be concerned with
discovering whether a clearance problem to the chain
stays has been created or solved, and whether the
chainrings have moved enough to require readjusting
the front derailleur.
22. Measure chainring-to-chainstay clearance
and check one of following choices:
[ ] Clearance is ³2mm, but is more than .2mm
different than number in step 2. Front-
derailleur limit screws and cable will need
adjustment. (Measure to seat tube if raised-
chain-stay bike, ignore minimum clearance.)
[ ] Clearance is <2mm, replacement arm is un-
acceptable to use with existing spindle.
(Skip this step for raised-chain-stay bikes.)
[ ] Clearance is different by £.2mm from num-
ber in step 2, front-derailleur adjustment is
not needed. Arm is a good fit.
In the next two steps, measure the chainline after
installing a new right crank arm to determine whether
it has been changed enough to create or solve a prob-
lem. Consider not only whether there is a measurable
error, but whether the error has changed enough to
introduce or eliminate chainline-error symptoms. See the
CHAINLINE chapter for information about how to mea-
sure chainline error (page 27-5) and symptoms of
chainline error (page 27-3).
23. Measure chainline error, record here:
Chainrings out (+) or in (–) (circle one)?
Amount: __________
24. Compare step 23 to number and direction in
step 3, and choose one of following
[ ] Error is equal to step 3, arm is acceptable if
no chainline-error symptoms were experi-
enced with original arm.

21 – 7

Cause Solution
NOTE: Symptoms not unique to cotter-pin crank arms are found in the troubleshooting chart in the
previous chapter TAPER-FIT CRANK ARMS (page 20-14).
SYMPTOM: Cotter pin becomes loose quickly after installation.
Was not installed with enough force. Use minimum of 55 lbs. force at 4" on Park CR-2.
Lubrication present on pin, pin hole, or spindle flat. Clean all mating surfaces with acetone or alcohol.
Under-sized pin has been used. Cotter-pin diameter must match pin-hole diameter
Pin hole in arm was enlarged by being ridden with Replace arm.
loose pin too long.
Pin is poor fit (too much stud protruding), and Replace pin, or use washers with an I.D. larger than
retaining-nut washer stopped against shaft of pin pin shaft between arm and retaining-nut washer.
instead of arm surface.
Head swells when hammer is used for installation. Replace pin and use press tool for installation.
SYMPTOM: Stud folds over during pin-removal attempt.
Failure to use penetrating oil before removal. Break stud off and perform removal without stud.
Use of hammer for pin removal. Break stud off and perform removal without stud,
using modified Park CR-2.
SYMPTOM: Cotter pin is extremely difficult to remove, in some cases even though arm is loose on spindle.
Bike has been ridden while pin was loose, bending No tricks available. Use modified Park CR-2,
pin in arc around spindle. penetrating oil, and cheater bar on tool handle.
SYMPTOM: Taper has deep notch in its surface.
Bike has been ridden while pin was loose, pin has Replace pin and tighten adequately.
been bearing against edge of spindle flat.
SYMPTOM: Arms are not 180° apart.
Matching pins are not installed with heads facing Reverse direction of one pin.
opposite directions, when viewed simultaneously.
Non-matching pin has been installed. Remaining original pin should be replaced with
replacement pin that matches other side.
SYMPTOM: Retaining-nut threads or stud threads stripped out.
Retaining nut over-tightened. Replace nut, tighten nut to 60in-lbs (20lbs@3").
Retaining nut was used to install cotter pin. Replace nut. Retaining nut cannot be used for
installing pin.
SYMPTOM: Cotter-pin head is flush with arm surface and cannot be pressed in further to secure arm.
Pin worn out or wrong-size pin. Install better-fitting cotter pin.
SYMPTOM: Washer and retaining nut do not bear against crank arm when tightened fully.
Poor fitting pin has been used. Replace pin, or use washers with I.D. larger than
pin shaft between arm and retaining-nut washer.
SYMPTOM: Not enough stud protrudes to engage washer and retaining nut.
Poor-fitting cotter pin. Remove pin and file taper deeper, or use different pin.

21 – 8

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER the name “cotterless crank.” This design uses a square,
tapered shaft with four flats. The crank arm has a simi-
This chapter is about removing and installing taper-
lar tapered hole. A bolt or nut presses the arm onto
fit crank arms (commonly called cotterless crank arms),
the tapered shaft and the friction of the tapered shaft
as well as installing replacement crank arms. The
jamming into the tapered hole holds it all together.
COTTERED CRANK ARMS chapter covers cottered crank
This taper-fit design is predominant now, and is the
arms (page 21-1). The ONE-PIECE CRANK ARMS chapter
design that this chapter focuses on. From here on, the
covers one-piece crank arms (page 22-1). There is also a
word “cotterless” is dispensed with, and the dominant
CHAINRINGSchapter (page 23-1), which should be re-
design of today will be called a “crank arm” without
ferred to if the chainrings will be removed, replaced, or
repeatedly modifying it with any adjective.
secured. The chapter PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
Crank arm: The lever arm that attaches to the
AND INSTALLATION (page 24-1) includes information
bottom-bracket spindle at one end and the pedal at
about pedal removal and installation — a job that is of-
the other end. The right crank arm has chainring(s)
ten done as part of crank-arm removal and installation.
(gears) attached to it, usually by means of chainring-
A variation of this design is the splined-fit crank
mounting arms.
arm types being made by Shimano. These are discussed
Chainrings: The gears attached to the right crank
in the final section of this chapter SHIMANO SPLINE-FIT
arm that drive the chain when pedaling.
CRANK ARMS (page 20-16).
Chainring-mounting arms: The arms (usually
five) that go from the end of the crank arm out to the
chainrings. The chainrings are attached to the end of
GENERAL INFORMATION the chainring-mounting arms, which are also called
spider arms.
Crank-arm extractor: The tool used for removal
TERMINOLOGY of the crank arm from the bottom-bracket spindle.
Extractor body: The portion of the crank-arm
Spindle taper
extractor that threads directly into the crank arm.
Extractor shaft: The portion of the crank-arm
Retaining nut/bolt
extractor that threads into the extractor body and
pushes against the end of the bottom-bracket spindle.
Extractor threads: These are the threads in the
Crank arm crank arm that the crank-arm extractor threads into.

20.1 Cross-section of a taper-fit crank arm attached to a spindle.

Pedal removal and installation
Taper-fit crank: A crank design that has a tapered Before removing a crank arm, the pedal should be
square hole in the crank arm that is pressed onto a removed. Pedals are much easier to remove with the
tapered, square bottom-bracket spindle. crank arm still attached to the bike. If removing the
Cotterless crank: The term “cotterless cranks” is crank arms(s) for simple maintenance (cleaning) or
becoming obsolete and probably ought to be replaced. bottom-bracket service, pedal removal is optional. Al-
Decades ago, almost all quality bicycles had crank arms though it may not appear so, pedal removal is gener-
that slipped onto a round shaft and were retained by a ally not required for chainring removal; although, this
pin (cotter pin) which went through a hole in the crank is something that may be done to the crank arm once
arm and a slot in the shaft. When a new style of crank it is off. See the PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND
(with no cotter pins) was invented, it was named by INSTALLATION chapter for pedal removal (page 24-3)
how it was different from the existing design, hence and installation (page 24-4).

20 – 1

Chainring removal and installation Rear-derailleur replacement

If replacing a right crank arm, chainring removal In the case of installing a new crankset or a new
will be required. For anything else, chainring re- right arm with different-size chainrings than the origi-
moval is strictly optional. It is easier to do a thor- nal ones, it is possible to exceed the capacity of the
ough job of cleaning the cranks arms and chainrings rear derailleur to eliminate the chain slack when the
with the chainrings removed. See the CHAINRINGS chain is in the smallest chainring and smallest rear cog.
chapter for chainring removal (page 23-8) and in- It is the difference in number of teeth between the
stallation (page 23-10). smallest and largest chainring that is important, not
the absolute size of either chainring. See the REAR
Front-derailleur adjustment and replacement DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-6) to determine if the
If replacing a right crank arm with a non-identical
capacity matches the new chainring set.
one, the new one may position the chainrings slightly
further in or out, requiring additional adjustment of
the derailleurs limit screws and cable tension. If re- INDICATIONS
placing the right crank-arm/chainring assembly with
an identical arm, but a larger or smaller chainring, then
Maintenance cycles
If properly installed, crank arms should not need
the front-derailleur height must be changed. When
any routine maintenance. Other books and periodi-
changing the height of the front derailleur, the
cals recommend routine tightening of crank-arm
derailleur’s rotational adjustment may also change,
mounting nuts/bolts. This would only be necessary if
which in turn may affect limit screws and cable ten-
they were under-tightened initially. Routine tighten-
sion. See the FRONT DERAILLEURS chapter for front-de-
ing of the nuts/bolts without using a torque wrench
railleur adjustment (page 33-10).
to make sure that they are not being over-tightened
Front-derailleur replacement is only required in two
invites damage to the arm from over-tightening.
cases: if installing a new crankset or right crank arm
with chainrings that have less than an 8-tooth differ- New bikes
ence between the largest ring and the next smaller one; If assembling a new bike, removing and re-install-
or when the front derailleur was designed for a triple ing the crank arms is recommended. This is the only
chainring with a 10-tooth or more difference. See the way to know that the mounting surfaces are prop-
FRONT DERAILLEURS chapter to tell how front-derailleur erly prepared and the torque is correct. It is an unfor-
capacity has been exceeded (page 33-4). If installing a tunately common problem with new bikes that the
“micro-drive,” Shimano “compact drive,” or other crank arms work loose and are destroyed. Although
crankset with reduced-size chainrings, there could be this would be covered by warranty, it would be nicer
other problems with front-derailleur capacity. to avoid it altogether.

Chainline error Bottom-bracket service

If replacing a right crank arm with one that is not To adjust, overhaul, or replace the bottom bracket,
identical, the chainrings may end up further in or out. crank-arm removal is required. There may be no ap-
While this might be acceptable in terms of chainring- parent problems with the crank arms, but this is an
to-frame clearance and/or front-derailleur range of mo- excellent opportunity to check for potential problems.
tion, it might change the chainline alignment. This align- Symptoms indicating loose crank arms
ment affects front-derailleur performance, drive-train One of the most persistent problems with crank
noise, and drive-train wear. Only by knowing how well arms is that they work loose. This can strand the rider,
the chainrings aligned originally, and combining that and it can easily destroy the arm that works loose —
information with how much further in or out the an expensive concern. Creaking noises from the crank
chainrings will end up relative to the frame, can you area are a warning sign that the arms may be loosen-
determine whether the new crank arm is acceptable for ing, but loose pedal parts and loose chainring bolts
use with the existing bottom-bracket spindle. can cause similar noises, so check all these areas at the

20 – 2

same time. When the arm makes a knocking sound or crank arm that is bent. If it does oscillate, new pedals
feels loose while pedaling, the situation is critical. If it are needed. If the symptom is still felt when riding
is not too late, it may be possible to save the arm by with new pedals then, the arm is also bent.
not pedaling on it until it can be secured. Pedaling
lightly, for even one block, may destroy the arm.
Symptoms indicating damaged
With proper installation, most riders do not need
pedal-mounting threads
Pedal-mounting threads can be damaged from im-
to periodically tighten the crank arms. Other books
proper pedal installation. The only symptom is diffi-
and magazine articles often state “re-tighten crank arms
culty threading in the pedal. Sometimes it is repair-
every 100 miles,” or something similar. The crank arm
able, which is described in the chapter PEDAL REMOVAL,
would be the most under-designed part on the bicycle
if this was the case, and bike shops would be selling as
times it is necessary to replace the crank arm.
many replacement crank arms as they do inner tubes.
In fact, it is possible to damage crank arms from rou- Symptoms indicating damaged
tine tightening without a torque wrench, which is why crank-arm-removal threads
it is not recommended. With a torque wrench, crank The crank-arm-removal tool threads into the
arms can be regularly checked without risk. If they crank arm where the bolt/nut dustcap comes out.
are remaining tight (as they should), then the torque Damage to these threads will be indicated by diffi-
wrench will show this without adding any tightness. culty threading in the crank extractor, or by the ex-
If they have worked loose, the torque wrench will tractor pulling out of the crank-arm threads when
tighten them back to the original torque. If they work attempting a crank-arm removal. These threads can
loose more than once, consider a higher torque. This be damaged from failure to protect them with the
“torque checking” (as opposed to periodic re-tightening) bolt/nut dustcap, improper removal tool use, or fail-
is an excellent form of preventive maintenance. ure during removal due to over-tight arm installation.
Symptoms indicating damaged crank arms In some cases, this thread damage may be repairable,
When the normal installation techniques (plus but in most cases it is not. When the threads are dam-
using the maximum recommended torque) fail to keep aged beyond repair, the arm should be replaced. There
the arm secure, it means the tapered square hole in the is a section at the end of this chapter on repair of
arm is deformed (enlarged or distorted). The crank arm these threads, and how to remove the arm when the
should be replaced. threads are unrepairable.

Symptoms indicating bent crank arms Symptoms indicating cracked crank arms
Crank arms bend sometimes when the bike is Crank arms can crack in a number of places. Some-
crashed, and they can bend from abusive jumping. times a crack will develop between the pedal mount-
The symptom of a bent crank arm is an oscillating ing hole and the end of the arm. Sometimes a crack
sensation felt in the ankle while pedaling. This oscil- will develop at the crotch of the chainring-mounting
lation may feel like a twisting back and forth on the arms (spider arms) and the crank arm. Sometimes a
ball of the foot, or like the outer edge of the foot is crack will develop between a corner of the tapered
rocking up and down, or it may feel like both at square hole and the mounting end of the arm. These
once. The identical symptoms are caused by bent cracks may make themselves known through creak-
pedal shafts, which can easily be damaged by the same ing noises, but that is not likely. Most likely, the cracks
forces that damage crank arms. Depending on the will be discovered through inspection. Whenever ser-
relative strength of the crank arm or pedal shaft, ei- vicing the crank arms (especially when cleaning), in-
ther may be more likely to bend. The first step is to spect in all these areas for cracks. If the arm cracks and
remove the pedal and look at the end of the shaft as is not replaced, it can result in a catastrophic failure,
it rotates. If the end does not oscillate, then it is the which can lead to serious injury.

20 – 3


The design or brand of crank arm and spindle will Crank-arm removal and re-installation is a 1–2
determine the tools needed. minute-per-arm job of little difficulty. Fitting a new
Table 20-1 (below) covers all tools for the job. The replacement crank arm, which can include chainring
preferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred be- and pedal removal and installation, as well as front-
cause of a balance among: ease of use, quality, versatil- derailleur adjustment, is a 10–45 minute job of little
ity, and economy. When more than one tool for one difficulty (unless derailleur adjustment is included, in
function is in bold, it means that several tools are re- which case difficulty may be high).
quired for different configurations of parts.
Although some distributors sell special pullers for
removing crank arms with stripped threads, none of
these tools are listed here because the best techniques
for doing the job do not require any special tools.


Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo 770 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with bolt-type spindles only
Campagnolo 1170005 22×1mm LH-thread extractor for C-Record track cranks and Campagnolo
road cranks that have an Allen-wrench removal system that is absent
Park CCP-2 22×1mm & 23×1mm extractor with built in handle for removing common
(replaces CCP1 that crank arms and T.A. brand crank arms from both nut-type or bolt-type spindles
had poor tip design) (poor leverage due to handle length and thinness)
Park CWP-5 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with nut-type and bolt-type spindles
Shimano TL-FC10 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with bolt-type spindles only
Sugino Mighty 202 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with bolt-type spindles only
Sugino Maxi 203 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with nut-type spindles only
VAR 11 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with bolt-type spindles only
VAR 12 23×1mm (fits T.A.), removes from bolt-type spindles only
VAR 22/2 Fits older Stronglight cranks with 16mm bolt and unique 23.35×1mm thread
VAR 392/2 22×1mm RH-thread extractor, works with bolt-type spindles only
VAR 393 22×1mm & 23×1mm extractor for removing common crank arms and T.A.
brand crank arms from only bolt-type spindles (poor mechanical advantage)
VAR 932 Use on crank arms with stripped threads, expensive, very limited effectiveness
Bicycle Research TC-8 Thread chaser, repairs mangled 22×1mm crank-arm threads
Shimano TL-FC20 Fits 2 pin-hole dust cap on older Shimano crank arms
VAR 22/3 23×1mm tap for repairing stripped 22×1mm arms
Stein CES Converts stripped 22×1mm threads to 24×1.5mm. Comes with shop extractor
(24×1.5mm) and one-key-release system to be left installed in crank. Expensive.

20 – 4

COMPLICATIONS years of the same brand. Many older European brand

crank arms cannot be used with most spindles manu-
Dustcap will not unthread factured in Asia. New Shimano crank arms cannot be
Cross-threading or corrosion can turn the relatively used with anything but new Shimano spindles. The re-
simple task of removing a crank-arm dustcap into an moval and installation procedures in this chapter include
ordeal. The tool-fitting in the dustcap usually strips out. inspections to determine whether an arm and spindle
The best solution is to drill two holes in the face of the are compatible. Unfortunately, it is not practical to cre-
dustcap and use an adjustable pin spanner to get it out. ate a table of compatibility for the huge and ever-chang-
Some plastic threaded dustcaps with this problem will ing selections of spindles and crank arms.
just rip apart instead of unthreading. In this case, there
is no choice except to use some sort of pick or pry tool Replacement arm changes
to dig out the remaining pieces bit-by-bit. chainring clearance
A non-identical replacement of the right-side crank
Extractor will not thread into arm arm may fit the spindle, but not necessarily put the
Never force the extractor in! The first thing to check chainrings in the same position relative to the frame.
when the extractor will not thread in is whether the If the chainrings end up closer to the frame, it could
bolt/nut has actually been removed. Next, try more be a problem. The following procedures have steps for
carefully to keep the axis of the extractor aligned with checking the original clearance and the clearance after
the axis of the spindle rather than perpendicular to
installing a new right arm.
the face of the crank arm. If this does not solve the
problem, then the threads are probably mangled. There Replacement arm changes chainline
is a section at the end of the chapter about repairing Because a replacement right-side arm can change
mangled threads. the chainring positions, it can change the alignment
of the chainrings to the rear cogs (chainline). The fol-
Threads are stripped out in arm lowing procedures have steps for checking chainline
If the threads are stripped out before crank-arm
before and after, but the separate CHAINLINE chapter
removal is attempted, then it is simply a matter of re-
should be referred to for help in how to measure
moving and replacing the arm (procedure at end of
chainline (page 27-5) and how to identify whether an
this chapter). If they strip while attempting removal,
error is significant (page 27-3).
it is important to determine why. If correct removal
technique has been used, then the failure has occurred New chainring size/position changes
because the arm was too tight. This is not unusual. front-derailleur adjustment
The responsibility lies with the last person to install If installing a replacement right-side crank arm,
the arm. If there is not 100% certainty that the re- the chainrings may move in or out. This would neces-
moval technique was correct, then the shop owes the sitate changing both limit screws and the cable setting
customer a replacement arm. on the front derailleur. If the replacement crank arm
Chainrings wobble excessively has a large chainring of a different size, then derailleur
with crank in all four mounting positions height and rotation would need to be reset (which leads
Lack of precision with the spindle flats and with to limit screw and cable adjustment as well).
the square hole in the arm can effect the amount of
chainring wobble that occurs in each of the four pos- ABOUT THE REST
sible positions that the arm can be mounted on a
spindle. If the wobble is unacceptable in the best of OF THIS CHAPTER
these four positions, then the problem is with the The rest of this chapter is divided into two parts.
chainring-mounting arms or the chainrings themselves, The first part is the procedure for crank-arm removal
and not with the crank-arm/spindle fit. Both of these and installation. There are double check-boxes next to
problems are addressed in the CHAINRINGS chapter (page all the steps that would be done twice, once for each
23-3 and 23-12). crank arm. It includes all the necessary steps for crank-
arm replacement; however, it refers to other chapters
Replacement arm does not fit spindle for pedal and chainring removal and installation. The
It is not unusual for one brand of crank arm to not second part is about how to remove a crank arm with
fit another brand’s spindle. Sometimes there are even damaged extractor threads.
compatibility problems between different models or

20 – 5

NORMAL CRANK-ARM 2. [ ] Measure clearance between chain stay and

part of right crank that comes closest to

REMOVAL AND chain stay (usually inner chainring or bolt

heads holding on inner chainring, but occa-
INSTALLATION sionally another chainring). Record measure-
ment here: _________. If bike has raised
chain stays, measure to side of seat tube.
IF REPLACING ARM(S) In the next step, measure the chainline error.
OR TO FACILITATE CLEANING Chainline is the alignment of the front gears to the
rear gears, and is covered extensively in the CHAINLINE
1. [ ] [ ] Optionally, remove pedal(s). See PEDAL RE-
MOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION chapter (page 27-6). It affects drive-train noise and shift
worksheet. performance. Measure it before making any changes,
and then again after re-installing the original right arm
PREPARATION AND PRE-REMOVAL or a new right arm so it will be known whether
chainline ended up worse, in which case it would be
INSPECTIONS necessary to check for symptoms in order to deter-
In the next step, measure the clearance between mine whether the error was significant.
the right-crank assembly and the chain stay. The chain 3. [ ] Measure chainline error:
stay is the frame tube that runs from the bottom bracket Chainrings out (+) or in (–) (circle one)?
to the rear dropout. If the bike has raised chain stays Amount: _______mm
(they connect to the seat tube above the front de- 4. [ ] [ ] Remove dust cap(s) (if any). (Except
railleur), measure to the side of the seat tube instead. crank arms with built-in removers. Evidence
The measurement is useful, even if just reinstalling the will be an Allen bolt visible through a hole in
same crank arm, for two reasons. a heavy duty steel dust cap.)
First, due to frame flex and chainring flex, there If the bolt being removed in step #5 is an Allen
must be at least 2mm clearance between any part of bolt, then there is a possibility that the crank arm has
the right-crank assembly and the chain stay. Other- a built-in removal system. In this case, the arm will
wise, frame damage may occur while the bike is being come off as the bolt is loosened, and the arm and bolt
ridden. Measuring before removal reveals a problem, will stay together as a unit. There are not special con-
or borderline problem, before going to the trouble of cerns or precautions necessary.
re-installing the arm. If clearance is poor before re- NOTE: Skip ahead to step 11 if the arm and bolt
moval, it will be necessary to check and replace a worn- come off as a unit.
out arm, or put in a longer bottom-bracket spindle if 5. [ ] [ ] Remove nuts or bolts/washers.
the arm is fine. If the clearance is marginal before re- In the next step, check for evidence that the crank
moval, measuring will alert you to a potential prob- arm is worn out or was originally a poor fit to the
lem when the arm is re-installed.
spindle. After removing the nut or bolt/washer, a
Second, after re-installing the original arm or in-
square hole in the crank arm should become visible
stalling a replacement arm, measuring the change in
(this is where the spindle is inserted). If the end of the
the clearance reveals whether it will be necessary to
re-adjust the front derailleur. square portion of the spindle is recessed inside the
square hole of the crank arm by any amount, then the
fit is most likely acceptable. If the square end of the
spindle fills up the entire depth of the square hole in
the crank arm, then the fit is unacceptable. In this lat-
ter case, the nut or bolt that secures the crank arm
Measure clearance will be stopped by the end of the spindle before it has
at closest point pushed the crank arm far enough on to secure it. The
resulting symptoms would be creaking sounds and re-
20.2 Use a stack of feeler gauges to measure the clearance between
the chain stay and the part of the crank assembly that comes closest
petitive loosening of the arm.
to rubbing the chain stay.

20 – 6

Spindle taper
eter, it is designed for use with spindles that accept a
bolt to retain the crank arm. If the tip of the extractor
Recessed Flush shaft is approximately 10mm diameter, it is designed
for use with spindles that accept a nut to retain the
crank arm. Use of the wrong extractor type may destroy
Crank arm
the crank arm or the spindle! The Park CCP-2 and
CWP-5 are the only commonly available tools that are
compatible with both spindle types.
Park CWP-5

20.3 The left picture shows the position of the spindle when fit
is good and the right one shows when fit is bad, because the
square portion of the spindle fills the full depth of the square hole
in the crank arm.

6. After removing bolts/washers, inspect if spindle

fills square hole (should not). Circle one
choice for each arm removed:
[ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, arm should be replaced.
[ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, arm should be replaced.
domed-end flat-end


In the following steps, a crank-arm extractor is in- NO NO
stalled and a crank arm removed. This is a very critical
procedure. If done improperly, the crank arm or the
spindle can be destroyed. Use the tool list (page 20-4)
to select an appropriate extractor. It is critical that the
extractor is compatible with the thread of the crank
arm and with the shape of the end of the spindle. If
using one of the recommended tools, simply follow
the guidelines indicated in the table.
If using an existing extractor and it is not one of 20.4 This picture shows the two types of spindle ends with the cor-
responding correct remover to use. Note that the extractor used with
the models listed in the table, consider these factors. a spindle that has a threaded stud on the end has a domed and rela-
Thread compatibility is not an issue unless the crank tively narrow tip. Note that the extractor used with a spindle that
arms are one of the following brands/models: T.A. (all has no threaded stud on the end is flat on the end and has a rela-
models), Stronglight (models retained by a 16mm bolt tively fat tip.

only), Viscount (all models), Lambert (all models), or

When threading the extractor into the crank arm,
Campagnolo (all models since 1990). Viscount and
it should go in easily using just fingers. If the extractor
Lambert removers are no longer available. For remov-
does not thread in easily, it may be cross-threading, or
ers that are a compatible-thread type for the other
the threads may be damaged. To avoid cross-thread-
brands, see the preceding tool list (page 20-4). All other
ing, align the shaft of the extractor in line with the
cranks have the common 22×1mm thread. The other
spindle axis rather than perpendicular to the face of
important factor is whether the spindle is a nut-type
the crank arm. If the threads are damaged, move ahead
or bolt-type. Many different brands of extractors are
to the section of this chapter titled REMOVING CRANK
compatible with each of these spindle types. If the tip
of the extractor shaft is approximately 12mm diam-

20 – 7
In step #9, tighten the extractor shaft to remove
the crank arm. At this point in the procedure, there is
still a possibility of removal failure and damage to the
crank arm. If the correct warning signs are looked for
during arm removal, it may be possible to detect a fail-
ure before the damage gets critical, solve the cause of
the problem, and then successfully remove the arm.
While tightening the extractor shaft, simultaneously
watch for either of the following warning signs. First,
if the extractor body starts to rotate, the crank-arm ex-
tractor-threads may be stripping. Second, if the extractor
appears to begin pulling out of the arm (or start cocking
20.5 The drawing shows that a properly installed extractor must to one side in the arm), the crank-arm extractor-threads
be in line with the spindle axis, but not necessarily perpendicular to
the face of the crank arm.
may be pulling out. In both cases, immediately stop tight-
ening the extractor shaft and remove the extractor from
In step #7, the extractor is secured in the arm with the arm. Inspect for a nut, bolt, or washer that was not
a wrench. There is no particular torque, and a lot of removed. Inspect thread compatibility of the extrac-
force is not required. The purpose is simply to ensure tor to the crank arm, and inspect for compatibility of
that the extractor is fully installed instead of just hang- the extractor type with the spindle type. If no prob-
ing up on a rough thread. If it is installed fully and it lems are found, then the only problem might be that
begins to rotate further during arm removal, stop the the arm is seized to the spindle. Flood the hole with
procedure before unrecoverable damage occurs. penetrating oil and attempt removal again.
7. [ ] [ ] Thread extractor into crank arm with fin-
gers and snug with wrench.
A common mistake is to fail to install the extrac-
tor all the way in because the extractor shaft bottoms
against the spindle before the extractor is fully threaded
into the crank arm. Step #8 is a safety check so that
this does not happen. If everything is set up right when
the extractor body is secured with a wrench, it should Clockwise
until arm
still be possible to turn the extractor shaft either way removes
with fingers. If the extractor shaft cannot be turned
with fingers, the shaft is engaging the spindle before
the extractor body is fully engaged in the crank-arm
threads. When there is poor thread engagement, crank-
arm-thread failure is likely to occur.



20.6 When the extractor is properly installed and when ready to

remove the arm, the extractor body should be tight and the shaft
20.7 Turn the extractor shaft clockwise with a wrench to remove
should be loose and easily turned with fingers.
the crank arm.
8. Check with fingers whether extractor shaft
9. [ ] [ ] Tighten extractor shaft to remove crank
turns and check one of following choices:
[ ] [ ] Shaft is tight, loosen it further and re- arm(s).
snug extractor into crank. 10. [ ] [ ] With arm still on spindle but loose, break
[ ] [ ] Shaft is loose, ready for arm removal. loose extractor from crank arm.

20 – 8
After removing the crank arm, inspect for another end of the spindle flat stopped. When an arm is ridden
indication of poor fit between the spindle and the crank while it is loose, the spindle rotates slightly inside the
arm. Crank arms invariably leave marks on spindle hole of the arm. This will show up as extra corners on
flats. As long as these marks do not extend all the way the edge of the hole. (See the following illustration for
to the inner end of the flats, the crank-arm fit is ac- clarification.) Once this happens, the arm has a ten-
ceptable. If the marks cover the full length of the dency to loosen up rapidly after proper installation.
spindle flats, the arm is worn out or has always had a The best solution is to replace the arm. A temporary
bad fit to the spindle. If the crank arm presses all the repair using Loctite RC680 (bearing supply houses) on
way onto the spindle, then the arm is bottoming against the mating surfaces of the spindle and arm may be
the fat part of the spindle at the end of the flats, in- attempted, if the damage is not severe. Be aware that
stead of the taper firmly wedging inside the square hole each time the damaged arm is removed and re-installed
of the arm. This will result in creaking and ultimately a fresh application of RC680 is required.
in repetitive loosening of the crank arm.

Mark from crank arm

20.9 Compare the hole in the left crank arm (good) to the hole in
20.8 The marks on the left spindle indicate good fit because they the right crank arm (damaged).
do not cover the full length of the spindle flat. The marks on the
right spindle indicate poor fit because they cover the full length of 14. Inspect inside square hole in each crank arm
the spindle flat. for deformed flats and circle one choice for
each arm removed:
11. Inspect marks on spindle flats and circle one [ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
choice for each arm removed: If not OK, arm should be replaced.
[ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one). [ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, arm should be replaced. If not OK, arm should be replaced.
[ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one). 15. Inspect arm for cracks originating at square
If not OK, arm should be replaced. hole in each crank arm and circle one choice
for each arm removed:
IF REPLACING RIGHT ARM [ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, arm should be replaced.
OR TO FACILITATE CLEANING [ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
12. [ ] Remove chainrings (optional). See CHAINRING If not OK, arm should be replaced.
REMOVAL, INSTALLATION, AND ALIGNMENT procedure 16. Inspect for cracks originating at pedal-
if removing or replacing chainrings. mounting hole in each crank arm and circle
one choice for each arm removed:
[ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
CRANK-ARM CLEANING If not OK, arm should be replaced.
AND DAMAGE INSPECTION [ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
If not OK, arm should be replaced.
13. [ ] Clean crank arms and chainrings (if any). 17. [ ] Inspect right arm (if removed) for cracks at
In step #14, inspect inside the square hole in the crotch of spider arms to crank arm.
crank arm for damage. A normal hole will have four OK? not OK? (circle one).
flat sides, and maybe a burr on each flat where the If not OK, arm should be replaced.

20 – 9

CRANK-ARM INSTALLATION In step #22 and some later steps, spin the crank
and check chainring wobble. If the front derailleur is
18. [ ] Install chainrings, if removed. See CHAINRING
REMOVAL, INSTALLATION, AND ALIGNMENT proce- still mounted and the cable hooked up, the best way
dure (page 23-10). to check chainring wobble is to position the nose of
NOTE: If re-installing a single arm that was re- the derailleur’s outer plate directly over the outer
moved, skip to step 33. chainring. Sight down through the outer plate of the
In steps #19 through #31, install a right arm in all derailleur while spinning the crank and observe to what
four possible positions in order to determine the posi- degree the chainring moves inside and outside of the
tion that results in the least chainring wobble. There is nose of the derailleur’s outer plate.
imprecision in both the fabrication of the spindle flats If the front derailleur is not set up, use another
and in the fabrication of the square hole in the crank method to check wobble. Brace a hand against a frame
arm. In some combinations, the imprecision of each tube and position the tip of a finger lightly against the
will add together to cause the chainrings to wobble un- inside face of the teeth of the outer chainring. As the
acceptably. In other combinations, the imprecision of rings spin, see and feel the teeth move towards and
each will cancel the other out, allowing the chainrings away from the finger.
to run relatively true. This is why it is best to try mount-
ing the crank arm in all four positions.
The above-mentioned technique requires that the
arm be somewhat secured on the spindle. Of course,
this could be done by securing the arm with the nut/
bolt, checking the chainring wobble, removing the
nut/bolt, and then using the extractor to remove the
arm so that another position could be checked. This
method is good, but time consuming. The method
described in the following steps uses a soft hammer to
strike the arm on and off, which will save consider-
able time and effort. If done properly, it is effective
and will not damage any equipment. If unwilling to
strike the crank arm with a soft hammer, then use nor-
mal mounting and removal procedures wherever the 20.11 Use the tip of a finger against the inner face of the outer
step suggests using a hammer. chainring teeth. As the chainrings spin, check the degree of wobble.

Installing a pair of crank arms 22. [ ] Check that crank arm is not loose on
19. [ ] Use a marker to mark one corner between spindle and spin crank to check degree of
two flats on right end of spindle. chainring wobble.
20. [ ] Turn spindle so that mark is at 12:00.
21. [ ] Place right crank arm on spindle so that
arm points to 6:00 and tap firmly on with
rubber/plastic mallet.

Rubber head Plastic head

20.12 Tap on the back of the crank arm with the rubber/plastic
20.10 Strike the crank arm with a rubber/plastic mallet to tem- mallet to remove the crank arm in order to check chainring
porarily secure the arm to the spindle. Pull on the arm to check that wobble in another of the four possible mounting positions of the
it does not jiggle or come off. right crank arm.

20 – 10
23. [ ] Tap on back of crank arm with rubber/plastic surfaces from moisture or dirt, reduce creaking prob-
mallet to remove arm. lems, will not cause the arms to be less secure, and will
24. [ ] Rotate spindle so that mark is at 3:00, and allow arm removal with normal effort.
place right crank arm on spindle so that 33. [ ] [ ] Clean flats on spindle end(s) and in crank-
arm points to 6:00. Tap firmly on with rub- arm square hole(s) with acetone or alcohol.
ber/plastic mallet. 34. [ ] [ ] Grease bolt/nut threads (inside nuts) and
25. Check that crank arm is not loose on spindle, under bolt head(s) or nut flange(s).
and spin crank to check degree of chainring NOTE: Go to step 38 if one crank arm was re-
wobble. Check one of following choices: moved and only one needs to be installed.
[ ] Better than with spindle mark at 12:00.
[ ] Not better than with spindle mark at 12:00. Installing right arm
26. [ ] Tap on back of crank arm with rubber/plastic 35. [ ] Place right arm on spindle in same “better
mallet to remove arm. than” position as it was in highest numbered
27. [ ] Rotate spindle so that mark is at 6:00, and of steps 22, 25, 28, and 31.
place right crank arm on spindle so that arm 36. Install nut, or bolt and washer (if any), and
points to 6:00. Tap firmly on with rubber/ torque bolt/nut to one of following choices:
plastic mallet. [ ] Manufacturer’s maximum recommended
28. Check that crank arm is not loose on spindle, torque (if literature for crank is available, and
and spin crank to check degree of chainring spindle and arm are brand-matched parts).
wobble. Check one of following choices: [ ] Torque nut/bolt to 390in-lbs (32.5ft-lbs, or
[ ] Better than with spindle mark at 12:00 or 65lbs@6" or 50lbs@8"), then check for
3:00. ≥2mm clearance of chainrings to frame.
[ ] Not better than with spindle mark at 12:00 37. [ ] Grease dust-cap threads (if any) and in-
or 3:00. stall. Torque to 48in-lbs (16lbs@3") if
29. [ ] Tap on back of crank arm with rubber/plastic dustcap is threaded.
mallet to remove arm.
30. [ ] Rotate spindle so that mark is at 9:00, and
Installing second arm
38. [ ] Place arm on spindle so that it points 180°
place right crank arm on spindle so that
away from already-installed arm.
arm points to 6:00. Tap firmly on with rub-
39. Install nut, or bolt and washer (if any), and
ber/plastic mallet.
torque bolt/nut to one of following choices:
31. Check that crank arm is not loose on spindle,
[ ] Manufacturer’s maximum recommended
and spin crank to check degree of chainring
torque (if literature for crank is available, and
wobble. Check one of following choices:
spindle and arm are brand-matched parts).
[ ] Better than with spindle mark at 12:00,
[ ] Torque nut/bolt to 390in-lbs (32.5ft-lbs, or
3:00, or 6:00.
65lbs@6" or 50lbs@8").
[ ] Not better than with spindle mark at 12:00,
40. [ ] Grease dust-cap threads (if any) and in-
3:00, or 6:00.
stall. Torque to 48in-lbs (16lbs@3") if
32. [ ] Tap on back of crank arm with rubber/plastic
dustcap is threaded.
mallet to remove arm.
In step #33, prepare the arm for installation by
cleaning the mating surfaces of the spindle and arm CHECKING FIT
with acetone or alcohol. The purpose of this is to re-
move any traces of lubricant. Since these two pieces OF REPLACEMENT CRANK ARM
are held together by friction, grease or oil may enable NOTE: Skip to step 53 if arms installed are original
arms removed, not replacements.
the arm to go on further (not necessarily a good idea).
Further is not more secure if arrived at by using lubri- Checking chainring fit if replacement arm
cation. Crank manufacturers are unanimous in recom- is a right arm
mending against lubrication of the spindle when If using old chainrings with a new crank arm,
mounting the arm. Arguments to the contrary have check the CHAINRINGS chapter (page 23-5) to determine
been voiced, but never lubricate the spindle flats! If there whether the new arm is compatible with the
is a concern about preventing corrosion or about con- chainrings. Chainring compatibility is not just a mat-
taminants getting in the gaps between the spindle flats ter of whether the mounting holes in the chainrings
and the hole flats in the arm, then treat the mating and the crank arm match up. With some chainrings,
surfaces with Loctite 222 or 242 (bearing-supply or spacing between the two is critical and not universal.
automotive-supply stores). The Loctite will seal the

20 – 11
In the next step, measure the right chainring clear- [ ] Error is in the same direction but less than
ance. With the new arm installed, check the chainring step 3. Arm is acceptable unless previous
position. Any change in clearance could represent a chainline error was unacceptable and
change is not enough to eliminate symp-
potential problem with shifting, chainline alignment,
toms. Bike should be evaluated for chain-
and frame clearance. Step #41 establishes whether the line-error symptoms.
chainrings have changed position in a way that will cause [ ] Error is in new direction. Bike should be
a problem with frame clearances, and whether they have evaluated for chainline-error symptoms.
changed position enough to require adjustment of the [ ] Error is in same direction but greater. Bike
front derailleur. Step #42 and #43 establish whether any should be evaluated for chainline-error
chainline error has worsened or improved. symptoms.
Some bikes have raised chain stays (chain stays that Checking fit to spindle of either or both arms
are above the chainrings and do not overlap the NOTE: Perform steps 44–52 complete for one arm
chainrings). In this case, clearance between the before doing 44–52 for a second arm.
chainrings and the chain stays is no longer an issue. When installing mismatched brands of arm and
However, changes is chainring position still affect front- spindle, or installing a used arm on a different spindle,
derailleur adjustment and chainline. With these bikes it is important to check whether the arm and spindle
clearance to the chainstays cannot be measured, so the are a compatible fit. The only practical way to check
distance between the seat tube and the chainrings this is to remove the arms again and inspect the condi-
should be measured. tions found during and after removal. If everything is
41. Measure chainring-to-chainstay clearance fine, then just reinstall the arms. To avoid having to re-
and check one of following choices (mea- find the best of four positions for the right arm, do
sure clearance to seat tube if bike has not remove both arms at once.
raised chain stays):
44. [ ] [ ] Remove dust cap(s) (if any).
[ ] Clearance is ≥2mm (ignore for bikes with
45. [ ] [ ] Remove nuts or bolts/washers.
raised chain stays), and clearance is >.2mm 46. Inspect crank-arm fit (does spindle fill square
different than number in step 2. hole?) after removing bolts/washers and
Front-derailleur limit screws and cable will circle one choice for each arm removed:
need adjustment. [ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
[ ] Clearance is <2mm, replacement arm is un- If not OK, arm should be replaced.
acceptable to use with existing spindle. [ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
(Skip this step for bikes with raised chain If not OK, arm should be replaced.
stays.) 47. [ ] [ ] Thread extractor into crank-arm fit with
[ ] Clearance is different by ≤.2mm from num- fingers and snug with wrench.
ber in step 2, front-derailleur adjustment is 48. Check with fingers whether extractor shaft
not needed. Arm is a good fit. turns and check one of following choices:
In the next two steps, measure the chainline after [ ] [ ] Shaft is tight, loosen it further and re-
installing a new right crank arm to determine whether snug extractor into crank.
it has been changed enough to create or solve a prob- [ ] [ ] Shaft is loose, ready for arm removal.
lem. Don’t limit your focus to whether there is a mea- 49. [ ] [ ] Tighten extractor shaft to remove crank
surable error, but include whether the error has arm(s).
50. [ ] [ ] With arm still on spindle (but loose),
changed enough to introduce or eliminate chainline er-
break loose extractor from crank arm.
ror symptoms. See CHAINLINE chapter for information 51. Inspect marks on spindle flats and circle one
about how to measure chainline error (page 27-6) and choice for each arm removed:
symptoms of chainline error (page 27-3). [ ] Right arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
42. Measure chainline error, record here: If not OK, arm should be replaced.
Chainrings out (+) or in (-) (circle one)? [ ] Left arm OK? not OK? (circle one).
Amount: __________ If not OK, arm should be replaced.
43. Compare step 42 to number and direction in 52. [ ] [ ] Repeat steps 38 through 40 for each arm
step 3, then choose one of following choices: removed.
[ ] Error is equal to step 3. Arm is acceptable if
no chainline-error symptoms were experi-
enced with original arm. INSTALL PEDALS
53. [ ] Install pedal(s) if removed. See PEDAL REMOVAL

20 – 12

REMOVING CRANK ARMS lem is how to get the arm off in order to replace it.
The following steps actually include two methods for
WITH DAMAGED arm removal. If at the end of step #3 the arm has loos-
ened adequately, then no more is needed. If not, con-
EXTRACTOR THREADS tinue to the end of the steps.
Many modern right arms are shaped in such a way
that there is no flat surface to strike with the hammer.
MANGLED THREADS (See figure 20.14.) Since the arm should be considered
With luck, the only problem being experienced is a loss already, the solution to this is not as drastic as it
getting the extractor to start threading into the crank sounds. Remove the chainrings and use a hacksaw to
arm without jamming. If this is the case, there is a cut off the chainring-mounting arm that is just past
simple repair. The tool needed is a Bicycle Research the chainring-mounting arm that is immediately adja-
TC-8 crank-arm-thread chaser. This simple tool has a cent to the crank arm. This should create the spot
pilot shaft that attaches to the spindle once the nut/ needed to strike with the hammer.
bolt is removed. A thread chaser slips over the pilot 1. [ ] Reinstall any arm or pedals that have been
and then threads into the crank arm, re-aligning the removed, and put bike in rideable condition.
mangled threads. Removal of the crank arm is then 2. [ ] Install nut/bolt onto spindle on side with
stripped extractor threads in arm, then
done normally after removing the TC-8.
loosen nut/bolt 2–3 full turns.
3. [ ] In an untrafficed parking lot or up a steep hill,
ride bike hard. (Use brakes to create resistance
in flat parking lots.) Crank arm should loosen
Cutting oil noticeably. If not, proceed to next step.
4. [ ] Back in shop, remove nut/bolt fully.


(threaded to

20.13 After attaching the pilot shaft to the spindle, thread the
chaser part of the TC-8 into the crank arm to re-align the threads.

1. [ ] Attach pilot shaft to spindle.

2. [ ] Lubricate threads of thread chaser with alu-
minum cutting oil or other very light oil.
3. [ ] Slip chaser onto pilot shaft and thread
chaser into crank arm. Resistance may be
encountered and force may be necessary to Anvil
thread chaser in fully.
4. [ ] Remove thread chaser and pilot and attempt 20.14 With the nut/bolt removed and the arm supported on an
normal removal of crank arm. If threads fail, anvil or similar surface, strike hard and repeatedly with a ball peen
proceed to STRIPPED THREADS. hammer to get the arm to pop off.

5. [ ] With crank arm horizontal, support crank

STRIPPED THREADS arm under the end that spindle is inserted in
Stripped threads are clearly identified when the on anvil or some other firm support.
extractor pulls out of the arm, instead of the arm pull- 6. [ ] Strike top side of arm with a ball peen ham-
ing off of the spindle when attempting arm removal. mer as hard as possible with control. Strike
In this case, count on needing a new arm. The prob- repeatedly until crank arm pops off of
spindle. (Arm is not re-useable.)

20 – 13

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: When riding, one ankle feels as though the end of the pedal is rocking up and down, and/or
it feels as though the surface of the pedal is rotating back and forth.
Pedal shaft is bent from a crash. Remove pedal and inspect end of pedal shaft for oscillation
when rotating. Replace if bad. If symptom persists when
pedal shaft is good, crank arm is bent and should be
If pedal shaft is not bent, crank arm is bent. Replace crank arm.
SYMPTOM: A popping sound or sensation is experienced once per crank revolution, often on the down
stroke of the right pedal.
Loose crank arm. Check and secure crank arm.
Loose pedal-cage piece(s). Check and secure pedal-cage piece(s).
Loose pedal mounting. Check and secure pedal mounting.
Loose chainring bolt(s). Check and secure chainring-mounting bolt(s).
Loose B.B. cup, lockring, or retaining ring. Check and secure B.B. cups, lockrings, or retaining rings.
Bent chainring tooth. Inspect and bend back.
SYMPTOM: A ticking or scraping sound is heard once per crank revolution.
Loose crank arm causing chainring wobble, Check and secure crank arm.
causing chain to scrape derailleur cage.
Crank arm is hitting front-derailleur cage. Re-adjust front-derailleur limit screws and/or rotational
SYMPTOM: Chainrings, chainring-mounting bolts, or some other part of the crank-arm assembly is
rubbing the chain stay continuously or intermittently when the crank is being spun when not under load.
Crank arms worn out or bad fit to spindle. Perform removal process, including fit inspections.
Bottom bracket spindle is too short. Replace spindle or cartridge bottom bracket with one that
will position crank arm further out.
SYMPTOM: Wear marks are found on the chain stay where they might have been left by the chainrings,
chainring-mounting bolts, or some other part of the crank-arm assembly, but no rubbing is evident upon
visual inspection.
Clearance that is adequate without load is Check for and replace worn out or misfit crank arm.
not adequate when crank assembly and/or Replace spindle or cartridge bottom bracket with one that
chain stays flex under load. will position crank arm further out.
SYMPTOM: Extractor mounting threads fail when crank-arm removal is attempted.
Extractor was not fully threaded into crank Attempt repair with Bicycle Research TC-8 thread chaser.
arm. If threads fail completely when attempting removal again,
use procedure for removing crank arms with damaged
extractor-mounting threads. Replace crank arm.
Crank-arm removal was attempted without Attempt repair with Bicycle Research TC-8 thread chaser.
removal of the retaining nut or bolt, or If threads fail completely when attempting removal again,
without removal of the washer that was use procedure for removing crank arms with damaged
under the bolt head. extractor-mounting threads. Replace crank arm.
Crank arm was mounted excessively tight. Use procedure for removing crank arms with damaged
extractor-mounting threads. Replace crank arm.

20 – 14

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: A creaking sound is coming from the crank, particularly under hard pedaling load.
Crank arm is loosening. Check and secure crank arm.
Mating surfaces of crank arm and spindle Remove and clean mating surfaces. Optional: add Loctite
are contaminated. #242 or #222 to mating surfaces to fill gaps.
Crank arm is a poor fit to spindle due to Remove and inspect crank arm and spindle for evidence of
incompatibility or wear. poor fit. Replace if there is evidence that fit is bad.
Loose pedal-cage piece(s). Check and secure pedal-cage piece(s).
Loose pedal mounting. Check and secure pedal mounting.
Loose chainring bolt(s). Check and secure chainring-mounting bolt(s).
Cracks in crank arm or chainring-mounting Remove, clean, and inspect crank arm and chainring-
arms. mounting arms.
Loose B.B. cup, lockring, or retaining ring. Check and secure B.B. cups, lockrings, or retaining rings.
SYMPTOM: A crank arm is repeatedly loosening up.
Inadequate torque. Use torque wrench if not already.
Use maximum recommended torque, if not already.
Crank arm is worn out and fits poorly, or is Remove and inspect crank arm and spindle for evidence
not compatible with spindle and fits poorly. of poor fit.
Crank-arm and spindle-mating surfaces are Clean mating surfaces and remount dry or with Loctite
contaminated with lubricant. #242 or #222.

20 – 15

SHIMANO SPLINE-FIT tool. That additional tool is a Shimano TL-FC15,

which is a plug that goes in the spindle after the re-
CRANK ARMS moval of the crank-arm mounting bolt. Only with this
plug in place is it possible to use a regular crank-arm
remover, because otherwise the shaft of the extractor
TERMINOLOGY would insert inside the oversize hole in the spindle
Splines: An alternating arrangement of axially- and therefore not press against the end of the spindle.
aligned lands (ridges) and flutes (grooves) around a
Splined spindle: A bottom-bracket spindle that is
If replacing parts or assembling parts that have
splined on the ends, as opposed to the traditional never previously been installed, make sure the spline
squared taper. pattern of the spindle and the crank arms are compat-
Splined hole: A cylindrical hole that is splined. ible. Since the splined hole of the crank arm is par-
One-Key Release: A design of crank-arm retaining tially filled by the mounting bolt, it is difficult to take
bolt that serves as a remover when the bolt is loosened. any measurements of the spline pattern. Check
whether the spindle splines are 5mm or 9mm long.
TYPES As of the 2000 model year, if the spindle splines are
There are two types of spline patterns used. The 9mm long, then the only compatible arms are marked
original pattern, found on Shimano XTR, Dura-Ace, XT and LX. According to Shimano, the longer spline
Ultegra, and 105 crank arms and corresponding bot- pattern is required by the softer metals used in the less
tom brackets are the “short-spline” type. The critical expensive models, so in subsequent years expect this
spline dimensions of this type are that the eight lands spline pattern on more basic models only.
(ridges) are 2.2mm thick and 5mm long. The second The following arm-installation procedure includes
pattern, introduced on 2000 Deore XT and LX mod- removal of the One-Key Release, which insures that
els and corresponding bottom brackets, are the “long- the splines will engage properly. Leaving the One-Key
spline” type. This type has eight lands that are each Release in the arm while installing the arm risks im-
2.8mm thick and 9mm long and is not interchange- proper engagement of the splines. Furthermore, the
able with the 2.2 × 5mm pattern. After seeing both, it proper setup of the One-Key Release is critical to its
is effortless to visually distinguish the types from each function when removing the arm, and it is likely it is
other by the relative length of the splines. not installed correctly. If not removing the One-Key
Release because there is no question that it is properly
installed, take every caution to insure that the splines
CRANK-ARM REMOVAL are engaging properly when securing the arm.
Some of the models feature Shimano One-Key If the arm being installed does not utilize the One-
Release. This feature can easily be identified by look- Key Release, simply perform steps 1–6.
ing at the cap that surrounds the Allen bolt that se- 1. [ ] Grease spindle splines and cylindrical taper.
cures the crank. If the cap has two pin holes 180° 2. [ ] If installed, remove One-Key Release.
apart, then the mechanism is a One-Key Release. In 3. [ ] Place arm on spindle, checking that splines
this case, to remove the crank arm, first make sure are engaged.
that the cap is secure with a pin spanner, then loosen 4. [ ] Grease metal washer and install in arm.
the Allen bolt, which automatically removes the arm. 5. [ ] Grease bolt threads and thread into spindle.
6. [ ] Torque bolt to 435in-lbs.
If the cap tends to unthread while loosening the bolt,
7. [ ] Install plastic washer over bolt head.
remove the cap, check that the plastic washer is be- 8. [ ] Grease inside of One-Key Release cap.
tween the cap and bolt head, grease the back side of 9. [ ] Put one drop of Loctite 242 on One-Key Re-
the cap, then reinstall the cap and try again. If the lease cap threads.
One-Key Release fails or is missing parts, remove the 10. [ ] Install and secure cap.
bolt and use the technique described next for cranks
with no One-Key Release.
Certain models of spline-fit crank arms do not have
a One-Key Release, and cannot be removed by a con-
ventional remover without the use on an additional

20 – 16

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Tread: The textured or smooth rubber on the outer
perimeter of the tire where the tire contacts the road.
This chapter is about removing and installing tires
Sidewall: The portion of the tire that starts at the
and tubes, fixing a punctured inner tube, as well as
outer perimeter of the rim and ends where the tread
installing a replacement tire and/or tube.
begins. It may be fabric that is coated with so little
rubber that the coating is not apparent, or it may be
covered with an obvious layer of rubber such as: a
GENERAL INFORMATION natural gum color, black, or other assorted colors.
Carcass: The structural body of the tire. The car-
cass consists primarily of a fabric of cloth threads that
TERMINOLOGY stretch from one edge of the tire to the other. This
Tire: The rubber, cloth, and wire construction fabric is generally impregnated with rubber.
that touches the ground as you roll. A common mis- Threads: The individual cloth fibers that make
use of the term is to use “tire” to refer to the entire up the carcass.
wheel, including hub, spokes, rim, and tire. Tire bead: The edge of the tire that attaches to
Inner tube: The rubber air bladder that is in- the rim. The tire bead is usually metal wire, but could
side the tire. be a Kevlar cord. The wire or cord is wrapped in the
Valve: The stem on the inner tube that air is hem of the tire carcass.
pumped through to fill the inner tube. When the in- Seating line: About 1/4" to 3/8" above the bot-
ner tube is installed in the tire and the tire is installed tom edge of the tire is the seating line. This is usually
on the rim, the valve may appear to be attached to the a molded rubber line, but may be nothing more than
rim, as it is on automotive wheels, but it is always a color change between the edge of the carcass hem
part of an inner tube. and the sidewall of the tire. The color change might
Schrader valve: The correct name for the com- be because a portion of the tire bead has been dyed, or
mon bicycle inner-tube valve that is the same design because a coating on the sidewall of the tire begins or
as the one used on cars. ends at this point.
Presta valve: A valve that is narrower than a Rim strip: The tape-like strip that mounts between
Schrader valve and has a built-in nut that must be loos- the inner tube and the rim. The rim strip’s function is
ened or tightened to open or close the valve. The Presta to protect the inner tube from damage by the rim and
valve is sometimes called a “European valve” or the spokes. Rim strips come in many forms; they may
“French valve.” be rubber, plastic, cloth, or an adhesive cloth tape.
Tire liner: This tape-like strip that inhibits punc-
S chrader Pres ta tures is an optional protective liner that goes between
valve valve
the inner tube and the tire. The tire liner is always
plastic, and is approximately as wide as the tread.
(loos en to open,
tighten to close)
In order to replace or service a tire or a tube, the
wheel should be removed from the bike. See the WHEEL
19.1 Schrader valve and Presta valve. if unsure about wheel removal (page 18-6) and instal-
lation (page 18-15).

19 – 1


Tire removal and re-installation is a 4–6 minute
Flat-tirerepair job of little difficulty. Patching a tube might take ad-
The tire and tube will need to be removed and re-
ditional 1–3 minutes.
installed in order to fix a flat. It is important to keep
in mind that all tires loose air gradually, even without
a puncture. The fact that the tire has lost pressure does COMPLICATIONS
not always indicate that it is flat. Depending on the
type and weight of rubber that the tube is made of,
this loss could amount to just a few pounds a week, or Tires may be difficult to remove because of a tight
fit or because of tire adhesion to the rim. If you are
as much as 20 pounds a day (lightweight latex tubes).
having trouble getting a tire off the rim, deflate the
Shops should have a policy of airing virtually all tires
tube fully by squeezing the tire while the valve is open.
to the recommended pressure when a repair is checked
Push the tire away from the rim bead all the way
in. This way, the mechanic can check for pressure loss
around on both sides to eliminate adhesion.
when starting the job. However, there is little point
in attempting to inflate a tire that has an obvious ob- Difficulttireinstallation
ject sticking out of it. Tires can be difficult to install for several reasons:
There is another reason that tires might lose pres- the tire may simply be too tight a fit, there may be
sure and not be punctured. This is because some valves too much air in the tube, the tube or rim strip may be
come loose from the factory, or develop looseness caught under the tire bead, the rim strip may be too
from age. In these cases, the valve just needs to be bulky for a tight-fitting tire, or the tube may be too
tightened. The TIRE AND TUBE REMOVAL procedure large for the tire cross-section.
(page 19-3) starts with a check for a loose valve before Pinchflatsoninstallation
going to the trouble of removing the wheel and tire. Pinch flats can occur during installation when tire
Worn and damaged tires levers are used incorrectly.
The following list covers several of the symptoms Directionaltreadpatterns
that might be detected and would lead to replacing a tire: Many tires have directional tread designs. Look
Tread on road-bike tires worn to the point for directional arrows and notations to avoid install-
that carcass threads are showing, or are ing the same tire twice.
about to show
Knobs on off-road-bike tires worn to the point High-seatingbeadsection
that they cause loss of traction Sometimes a portion of the tire bead seats higher
Tread develops cracks from age and exposure on the rim than the rest of the tire. When you spin
to the elements the wheel, you may see what appears to be a lump in
Cuts in the tire that are through the rubber and the tire. Chances are this condition will lead to a blow-
have damaged threads in the carcass out. Newly-installed tires should be checked carefully
Abrasions in the tire’s sidewall that have dam- for this condition. Causes may be the tube or rim strip
aged threads in the carcass caught under the tire bead, the valve-stem base caught
under the tire bead, a damaged bead, poor fit, or a
Bulges or distortions in the tire’s shape (when
low-seating area elsewhere on the same side.
inflated) that indicate hidden carcass damage
Wheeltruing,replacement,andrebuilding Low-seatingbeadsection
When a portion of the tire bead sits too low on
The tire needs to be removed and re-installed
the rim, the tire has a flat spot. The low spot encour-
to do any wheel truing, wheel rebuilding, or wheel
ages a high spot elsewhere, which can lead to a blow-
out. The causes usually are low inflation, or a high-
seating area elsewhere.
TOOL CHOICES Tirewillnotstaymounted
The only tools required are tire levers, pump or If the tire is seated properly at full inflation, and
compressor, and pressure gauges. All choices are ad- then develops high-seating areas or blows off the rim,
equate and any personal preference is fine. the tire bead is probably damaged. Check for damage
and replace the tire if the bead is damaged.

19 – 2
0c. [ ] If tire will hold air, inflate and spin wheel to
ABOUT THE REST check for tire rubbing on brake pads or
OF THIS CHAPTER frame tubes. Replace tire if damaged
The next part of this chapter assumes the most com- threads are found.
plex variation of the job being done, including remov-
ing a tire, patching an inner tube, replacing the tube
(perhaps because the patch failed), solving problems
with the rim strip, replacing the tire with a non-identi-
cal tire, installing a tire liner, and installing the tire.
The following procedures for tire and tube service are
divided into clear sections for each of these, so if do-
ing a less complex job (removing and re-installing a 19.4 This sidewall was damaged by a brake pad.
tire in order to true a wheel, for example), then sim- 0d. [ ] If tire will hold air, inflate and check for
ply skip over the inappropriate sections. bulges or deformations in tire’s shape that
At the end of the chapter is a table of rim and tire would indicate there are cut or ruptured tire-
sizes and a troubleshooting chart. carcass threads, hidden or not. Replace tire
if damaged threads are found.


damagedtires 19.5 The bulge in this tire indicates that the carcass threads are dam-
0a. [ ] If tire will hold air, inflate and inspect valve aged and separating.
core for leaks. Tighten (Schrader valve
only) if leaking. Inspectingtreadwear
S oap bubble indicates valve leak
Determining if the tread is worn out is a subjec-
tive process. It differs for tires used on pavement and
tires used off-road.
Road tires come with textured-tread and smooth-
tread (bald or slick) designs. In either wet or dry condi-
tions, the texture pattern is non-essential for traction,
because bicycle tires do not hydroplane. The function
of a tread pattern on an auto tire is to reduce hydro-
planing. (Hydroplaning happens when a tire floats on
19.2 Smear a liquid (liquid soap) on top of the valve. If it bubbles the surface of the water; grooves in the tread allow the
up, the valve core needs to be tightened. water to escape from under the tire. Automobile tires
0b. [ ] If tire will hold air, inflate and inspect tread for hydroplane because they have less load-per-square-inch
cuts that have damaged threads in carcass. of road contact than bicycle tires. This is not to say
Replace tire if damaged threads are found. that a bicycle is not more likely to slide on wet pave-
ment than on dry pavement; wet pavement causes bi-
T read not cut to carcas s T read cut through to carcas s cycles to slide simply because the water changes the
coefficient of friction of the pavement and the tire, not
because of hydroplaning.) It is quite normal for a tire
with a tread pattern to develop a smooth strip down
the middle before the tire has seen many miles. The
fact that the texture has worn off is not in itself an indi-
cation that the tire is shot. However, when the wear is
19.3 Cuts in the rubber are no problem, but cuts that go through
the rubber into carcass threads mean the tire should be replaced. getting bad, the bald section will become noticeably

19 – 3
wider. If the tire has an obvious “flat top” that covers 0f. [ ] Inspect for and remove foreign objects in
the majority of the tread width (seen when looking in- tread such as thorns, glass, tacks, wire, etc.
line with the tire, sighting across the top of the tire), Replace tire if damaged threads are found.
then it’s time for a new tire. Looking for this wide “flat
top” is the best way to determine whether a treadless WHEEL REMOVAL
tire is getting worn out. When the tire is off, feel the 0g. [ ] See WHEEL REMOVAL, RE-INSTALLATION, AND RE-
thickness and flexibility at the center of the tread. If the PLACEMENT WORKSHEETS: REMOVING A FRONT OR
tire is obviously thinner and much more flexible in the WHEEL, steps 1–16.
center of the tread than at the edges, wear is advanced.
The issues are different with knobby off-road tires.
The height and definition of the knobs create trac-
tion. When knobs are worn in the center of the tread, In the next step, mark the tire and valve in a spe-
it affects braking and climbing traction. When knobs cific way before removing them. By laying the tube
are worn on the outer portion of the tread, it affects on the tire in the orientation they had when both were
cornering traction. Knobs wear two ways, they get mounted on the wheel, then it will be clear which
shorter and they get rounded off. With the wheel on section of the tire is likely to have the cause of the
the bike and looking at the top of the wheel, check flat. Since a large part of successful flat repair is pre-
whether the center knobs are rounded on the front or venting the next flat, this localized cause-search is valu-
back edges. If the tire shows wear on the leading edges able in and of itself.
(rear wheel only), climbing traction is affected. If worn However, after searching the specific area of the
on the trailing edges, braking traction is affected. If tire, a thorough inspection of the tire is recommended.
the center section knobs just appear short compared For example, if the reason for the flat was a piece of
to the others, then they are simply worn out from glass, then the rider probably ran through a patch of
miles, and all types of traction are affected. If the knobs glass. It is quite likely that there are several pieces of
on the outer portion of the tread appear worn, cor- glass in the tire, but only one has penetrated far enough
nering traction is affected. to cause a flat, so far. A grease pencil/crayon or a regu-
If the tread does not appear worn out, and there lar ball-point pen can be used to mark on rubber.
1 . [ ] Use a crayon or felt marker to mark tire
are no damaged carcass threads, it does not necessar-
sidewall on right side at valve and also mark
ily mean the tire is fine. Later, when the tire is re-
valve stem on right side.
moved, it should be inspected for age rot, one of the There are two basic valve types, Schrader (same as
most common reasons for tire replacement. valve on car tires), and Presta (European style, narrower).
The Schrader valve has a small plunger in the top
Expos ed carcas s threads
that must be depressed for air to escape. This plunger
is pushed up by a spring (hidden beneath the plunger),
which is what keeps the valve closed, even when there
is no air pressure in the tube. This plunger, the spring,
and the piece they are both built into are collectively
called the valve core. The valve core can be threaded
Low, rounded knobs in and out of the valve stem, using a valve-core tool.
The Presta valve also has a little plunger, but no
spring hidden inside to keep the valve closed. Instead,
there is a small knurled nut on top of the plunger. When
this nut is threaded down (with fingers), the plunger is
pulled up and the valve is held closed. When the nut is
threaded up, then the plunger can be pushed down with
a finger to release air from the tube. Just below the
19.6 The exposed carcass threads indicate this road tire is worn plunger nut are the valve threads, which the valve cap
out, and the rounded knobs indicate this MTB tire is worn out.
screws onto. On rare occasions, there will be two
0e. [ ] Rotate wheel slowly and inspect tread wear wrench flats in these threads. In this case, the valve core
around whole tire.

19 – 4
is removable, and it may need to be tightened to pre- 5 . [ ] Two spokes clockwise from first tire lever, in-
vent the valve core from leaking. A small adjustable sert second tire lever under edge of tire, lever
wrench is adequate to tighten a Presta-valve core. tire out of rim, and hook tire lever onto spoke.
Either valve type may be partially rubber coated, or
either may be an exposed threaded metal shaft that is
threaded all the way to the rim. When the valve is
threaded, then a valve-retaining nut is often used. This
nut is threaded (by fingers only) down against the rim.
The only function of the valve-retaining nut is to keep
the valve from escaping into the rim when trying to press
a pump head onto the valve. Valve-retaining nuts are
also reputed to prevent movement between the tire and
tube under hard braking conditions (and thus prevent
the valve from separating from the tube), but the real
cause of this problem is under-inflation, and nothing will 19.8 Insert a second tire lever two spokes away from the first and
hook it onto a spoke.
reduce the problem other than higher inflation pressures.
2 . [ ] Remove valve cap (if any), valve-stem-re- 6 . [ ] Two spokes clockwise from second tire le-
taining nut (if any), and loosen valve nut ver, insert third tire lever under edge of tire,
(if Presta valve). lever tire out of rim, and slide tire lever
3 . [ ] Deflate tire, if not already deflated. clockwise around rim to unseat tire bead
4 . [ ] On right side of wheel, 180° away from valve from rim. If tire lever will not slide, hook it
(at a point where a right-side spoke joins rim), to spoke, remove second tire lever, and in-
insert tire lever under edge of tire and lever sert second lever two spokes past third lever
tire out of rim, hooking tire lever onto spoke. and try sliding it. Continue to leapfrog sec-
ond and third levers in this fashion until a
lever can be inserted and slid around rim.

19.7 Insert a tire lever under the right tire bead and lever down
until the lever can be hooked onto a right-side spoke.
19.9 Insert a third tire lever about two spokes away from the sec-
ond, lever it down, and attempt to slide the tire lever around the
rim away from the second tire lever, all the way to the valve.

19 – 5
7 . [ ] Unhook first tire lever from spoke and slide 9 . [ ] Use tire lever to lift second bead over same
counterclockwise around rim back to valve. side of rim as first bead.

19.12 Use a tire lever to lift the second bead over the same side of
the rim as the first bead.

19.10 Unhook the first tire lever from the spoke and slide it
around the rim the opposite way back to the valve.

8 . [ ] 180° away from valve, pull inner tube out of

tire and continue to pull until all of inner tube
is out of tire. Finish by pulling valve out of rim.
Many bike shops do not do tube repair. The rea-
son they give is that it is more economical to just re-
place the tube. It is possible that they reach this conclu-
sion by taking short cuts that should not be taken when
installing a new tube. The process of putting a patch on
a tube is not time consuming, in itself. It takes a me-
chanic that knows what to do less than 1 minute to
apply the glue and the patch, and then inspect whether
the patch is good. The real time that is required comes
from searching for the hole in the tube. When shops
don’t patch tubes (citing the economy), it is a good bet
that they don’t inspect the old tube. Inspecting the old
tube should never be skipped, because this is one of the
best ways to determine the cause of the flat (and pre-
vent its re-occurrence). Regardless of whether your shop
does or doesn’t patch tubes, don’t skip inspecting the
old tube. (While we are on this subject, patching tubes
is a highly efficient form of recycling of a product made
19.11 Opposite the valve, pull the tube out of the tire. from a non-renewable resource.)
10. Perform following steps (in order) until leak is
found, then ignore remaining steps:
[ ] Attempt to inflate tube and listen for leaking
air to find hole.

19 – 6
[ ] If tube is holding air easily, over-inflate tube [ ] Puncture is a large shredded hole. Inspect
to enlarge puncture and make it easier to tire for large holes and tire bead for damage
find. Tubes can easily be over-inflated until from being blown off rim.
they are twice as fat as their inflated and [ ] Puncture is a pin hole or slit on inner perim-
un-expanded size. eter of tube. Inspect rim strip for position
[ ] If leak is not audible, rotate tube with outer problem or failure. Inspect inside of rim for
perimeter close to cheek or tip of nose to feel sharp burrs. Inspect spokes for protruding
for fine streams of air that cannot be heard. through nipple heads.
[ ] Submerge tube in water to look for bubbles [ ] Puncture is a cut in rubber at base of valve.
rising from tube to find hole if all other tech- Install tube so valve is straight, and keep tire
niques have failed to find hole. fully inflated to prevent tire creep around rim.
11. [ ] Mark hole (with crayon or ball-point pen) [ ] Puncture is a failure of seam where the ends
with an X or cross that extends an inch in of tube are joined together to make a circle.
every direction from middle of hole. Inspect whether tube size is too small for
12. Inspect hole and check off one or more of fol- fatness or diameter of tire.
lowing choices to find and eliminate cause
of puncture:
[ ] Puncture is a single or multiple pin hole in
outer perimeter of tube. Inspect tire for
thorns, tacks, or small wires.
[ ] Puncture is a cut or slit on outer perimeter.
Inspect tire for glass, nail, or other large for-
eign objects.

19.15 This blown-out tube was caused by either a large hole in the
S lice V-cut tire or a tire-mounting failure.

19.13 Cuts like these should mean inspect the tire for glass, a nail,
or some other large foreign object.

[ ] Puncture is a pair of horizontal, parallel slits

on side of inner tube. Inspect for rim bead
damage. Keep tires better inflated and avoid
hitting obstacles on riding surface.

S cuffed bead lip Expos ed bead wire

(exposed threads ) (torn threads)

19.16 These abrasions and tears on the tire bead could lead to
another blowout.

NOTE: If tube will be replaced, go to CHECKING NEW

INNER-TUBE FIT (page 19-8). If not repairing or
replacing inner tube, go to TIRE INSPECTION
Parallel slits
(page 19-9). If not repairing or replacing inner
19.14 Two parallel slits on the side of the tube indicate that the tube, but installing a new tire, go to TIRE FIT
tire has been bottomed out and the tube has been pinched between AND COMPATIBILITY (page 19-10). If simply re-
the rim and the riding surface, or that a tire-removal tool has been installing the original tube and tire, go to
used improperly. INSPECTING AND INSTALLING RIM STRIPS (page 19-12).

19 – 7
15. [ ] Put dime-sized blob of glue on hole and use
TUBE REPAIR finger to spread glue out thoroughly. Glued
Many bike shops do not patch tubes. The usual area must be at least slightly larger than
excuse is that it is not financially sensible. Although patch to be applied.
this argument has some holes in it, there is a more 16. [ ] To speed glue drying, inflate tube if possible
important issue at stake. The variety of tubes out there until it is expanded.
in the real world usually exceeds the variety of stock 17. [ ] Deflate tube if it was expanded in previous
of tubes that a bike shop has on hand. Given the choice
18. [ ] When glue is dry, peel foil-back off patch,
between installing a tube that is not a good match, or being careful not to touch exposed surface
patching a tube that has a minor puncture, it is prefer- of patch, and apply to tube. Center patch
able to patch the tube. For this reason, a mechanic over hole.
should know how to patch tubes in a way that will 19. [ ] Roll a screwdriver handle back and forth
make the patched tube as reliable as a replacement over patch, or apply pressure in some other
tube. A well-done patch job will successfully repair a way to get patch to stick well. Cellophane
simple puncture. Slits, tears, multiple punctures, and on patch (if any) can be left in place, or may
be removed.
seam failures cannot be reliably patched.
20. With tube mostly inflated, check for:
There are several brands of good patch kits on the [ ] Patch for security (edges not peeling up)
market, and they all have one thing in common: the [ ] Leaks coming from edge of patch
patches have feathered edges. This is easy to see, be- [ ] Other leaks elsewhere in tube.
cause the perimeter of the patch will be a different 21. [ ] Deflate tube just enough so that it still has
color than the center of the patch. Feathered patches shape, but is not expanded at all.
are not only better quality and more suited to light- 22. [ ] Optional: use talcum powder, tire talc, or
weight bicycle tubes, they are a lot easier to use. This cornstarch on patched area to neutralize
glue past edges of patch, so tube will not
is because the patch is laminated between a layer of
stick to inside of tire.
foil and a layer of cellophane. The foil protects the NOTE: If inner tube has been patched, go to TIRE
adhesive side of the patch and the cellophane provides INSPECTION (page 19-9). If installing a new tire,
something to hold onto without touching the adhe- go to TIRE FIT AND COMPATIBILITY (page 19-10).
sive once the foil has been peeled. The old standby If simply re-installing the original tube and
brand is REMA, but several other companies now tire, go to INSPECTING AND INSTALLING RIM STRIPS
make feathered patches. (page 19-12).
Keep these following tips in mind to insure a suc-
cessful patch job: CHECKING NEW INNER-TUBE FIT
Don’t miss the hole. If the hole is well marked It would seem that tube fit would simply be a mat-
by an X or cross that is larger than the size of ter of putting a tube inside a tire of the same nominal
the patch, then it is less likely the hole will size. Because tire nominal sizes are not exact measure-
be near the edge of the patch. ments, and because tire manufacturers “play” with real-
Roughing the tube up eliminates surface contami- ity for marketing reasons, the marking on the tire does
nation and creates a rough surface, which helps not accurately say how wide the tire is. The size number
the glue adhere to the tube. Do a thorough job. (27", 700C, 26") is generally accurate, but there are sev-
Gluing needs to be thorough, but don’t overdue eral sizes that are easily confused and not interchange-
it. Use a thin layer that evenly extends slightly able, and there are dissimilar-named sizes that are inter-
past the area the patch will cover. A lumpy changeable. The 26"×1-3/8" size sounds similar to a tube
buildup creates a greater likelihood of patch that might be marked 26"×1.5" & 1.75", but these num-
failure. Starting with plenty of glue and smear- bers come from completely different sizing systems and
ing it around quickly as far as necessary to get the two 26" are not at all the same. On the other hand
the covering thin will achieve the best result. 27" and 700C don’t sound at all alike, but with regards
Putting on a little, finding that it’s not enough, to tube fit, they are fully interchangeable.
then adding more after the first application Another factor that further complicates tube fit is
has partially dried is asking for trouble. that tubes are simply inconsistent. I have seen two
13. [ ] Use emery cloth (usually comes with patch brands of tubes marked 700C×25 vary in width by as
kit) to rough up an area around hole that is much as 50%. Use the marked designation of the tire
slightly larger than the patch. to determine which tube to use, but then perform these
14. [ ] Use rubber buffer to clean roughed area. simple tests to confirm that it is a good fit.

19 – 8
23. [ ] Inflate tube until it has shape but is not ex- [ ] If tube is fatter than tire height (viewing tire
panded. from side, tube extends beyond inner perim-
24. Place tube on rim and check for following eter of tire all way around tire), tube is too
symptoms that tube is too small: fat for tire.
[ ] If tube needs to be stretched to fit on rim it
is too small.
[ ] If tube is skinnier than inside width of rim,
tube is too small.
Inflated (but not expanded) tube
Inflated (but not expanded) tube

T ire

19.19 The inflated tube will not fit inside the tire. The tube is
too fat.

19.17 The fact that the inflated tube is narrower than the inside NOTE: If inner tube has been replaced, go to
width of the rim suggests it will be to small for the tire. CHANGING VALVE TYPES (below). If inner tube has
been replaced with one of same valve type, go
If several fingers can fit between the tube and rim, to TIRE INSPECTION (page 19-9). If installing a
it is normal. The tube should be installed in a tire, not new tire, go to TIRE FIT AND COMPATIBILITY (page
the rim, to be checked for being too large. 19-10). If simply re-installing the original tube
25. Place tube inside of tire and check for follow- and tire, go to INSPECTING AND INSTALLING RIM
ing symptoms that tube is too large: STRIPS (page 19-12).
[ ] If tube has doubled over itself to fit inside
tire, diameter of tube is too large for tire.
26. [ ] If replacing Presta valve with Schrader
valve, ream or drill rim hole to >9mm.
27. [ ] If replacing a Schrader valve with a Presta
valve, valve grommet should be installed in
rim to reduce hole size and restrict entry of
dirt into rim.

When the tire was still on the wheel, it was inspected
for external damage and wear. Now it needs further in-
spections that are best done while the tire is off the rim.
The first of these inspections is for age rot. Rubber
deteriorates with age, and it will show up in the tread
of a tire as thousands of hairline cracks that appear more
obviously when squeezing the tread. The tread is a pri-
mary factor in puncture resistance. Each of these cracks
is like having an open door in a fortress wall. These
cracks make the tire more vulnerable to punctures,
19.18 If the tube has doubled over to fit in the tire, it is too large. particularly from glass. The tread also protects the car-
cass threads from exposure to the elements. With cracks

19 – 9
in the tread, there is a greater chance of these threads Traditional tire sizes were measurements of the
deteriorating, leading to more stone bruises (carcass outside diameter of the tread of the tire (size) and the
threads ruptured by sharp stones) and blow outs. fatness of the tire when mounted and inflated on the
28. [ ] Squeeze sides of tire together and inspect rim (width). Although these numbers might have been
tread for hairline cracks that open up when close to reality when they were created, tires have
tire is squeezed. changed their shape and proportions without chang-
29. [ ] If tube was punctured, place tube on tire ing their dimensions at the interface to the rim many
with valve lined up with mark (from step 1)
times since this system of categorization was created.
on right sidewall and with sidewall and valve
marks both facing up. Find the puncture and
Rims are named by the size of the tire that fits it, and
closely inspect the tire 3" either way from this is why a 26" MTB rim measures approximately
the puncture for foreign objects. 22.5". To further complicate matters, sometimes there
3 0 . [ ] Visually inspect inside of tire for foreign is more than one name for a size. The 700C size was
objects (thorns, wire, glass, etc.) and re- developed in France, and is a metric size. Canadian
move them. companies copied the size, but gave it their own name,
After a thorough visual inspection of the inside of 28"×1-1/2". To further confuse matters, this is a smaller
the tire, use your finger tips to feel for foreign objects. size than the familiar 27" (British in origin).
The visual inspection should have detected anything that To solve this problem, there are now ISO (Interna-
could cut fingers. The feel test will find small thorns, tional Standards Organization) sizes, which are based
more than anything else. Out here in eastern Colorado, on measurements of the tire and rim that relate to how
we have small cactus thorns that are as thin as hairs. They these two parts fit together. These measurements are
cannot be seen, but they certainly can be detected by metric. Traditional tire sizes have always listed size fol-
feel. If you want to be cautious, use a rag instead of your lowed by width, such as 27" (size) × 1-1/4" (width) or
fingers. Most thorns and staples will catch on a rag, but 700C (size) × 25 (width). So that ISO sizes will not be
you’re sure to miss a few that fingers would find. confused with traditional sizes, they list width, then
31. [ ] Stroke inside of tire softly and carefully with size. The ISO equivalent of a 700C×25 tire would be
finger tips to find thorns or other small for- 20-622. The ISO equivalent of a 26"×1.75" rim would
eign objects that might have missed by vi- be 20-559. In both cases, the second three-digit part of
sual inspection and remove them.
the number refers to the bead diameter. On the tire,
32. [ ] Visually inspect inside of tire for damaged
threads in the carcass. Replace tire if any
this number is simply the diameter at the inside perim-
threads are cut. eter. On the rim, this number is the diameter at the
33. [ ] Inspect tire beads for abrasions and delami- point on the rim where the tire bead sits, in which case
nations, especially if tube was blown out. it is called the bead-seat diameter.
Replace tire if problems are found. The first part of the ISO number refers to the width
NOTE: If installing a new tire, go to TIRE FIT AND of the tire or rim. With regards to the rim, this is sim-
COMPATIBILITY (page 19-10). If simply re-install- ply a measurement between the rim flanges. For the
ing the original tube and tire, go to INSPECTING tire, the measurement is not so simple. Because tire fat-
AND INSTALLING RIM STRIPS (page 19-12). ness changes with rim size, inflation pressure, and
whether the tire is installed or not, the ISO started its
TIRE FIT AND COMPATIBILITY tire-width number by measuring the only constant there
Nothing is any more confusing on the bicycle than is in regard to tire width — its width when flattened.
tire and rim sizes. The basic confusion is that the sizes This flattened width is a very unfamiliar number (the
consist of numbers that sound as though they might very narrow 700C×21 tires have flattened widths of
be measurements of the rim and tire. It would seem to close to 50mm). The ISO chose to divide the flattened
make sense that these measurements relate to the di- width by an arbitrary constant of 2.5 to convert flat-
mensions of the rim and tire where these two parts tened width to ISO section width so that ISO’s width
attach to each other, but with the exception of the number might be a more familiar number.
new and rarely-used ISO designations, the numbers The advantage of the ISO approach to tire and
have nothing to do with the measurements of the tire rim width is that whether a tire’s width is compatible
and rim where they attach to each other. with a rim’s width can easily be measured and calcu-
lated. For any given rim, the tire’s section width can
be between 1.4 and 2.0 (road bikes) or 1.4 and 3.0

19 – 10
(MTBs) times the rim’s inside width. When the tire [ ] Use TIRE AND RIM SIZES table (page 19-16) to
width is outside the range created by multiplying these convert ISO sizeto Nominal size
size, or Nominal size
factors times the rim’s inside width, then handling may to ISO size in order to compare tire’s size to
rim’s size, whichever nomenclature is used.
be compromised, tires may be damaged by the brake
Enter here: __________
pads, the wheel may be difficult to remove, or the rim 36. [ ] Check that tire size and rim size are compat-
may be more vulnerable to damage. If the ISO width ible by comparing steps 34 and 35.
information is not used, and the mechanic relies on Assuming that the tire is being replaced with one
traditional size information alone, then all the prob- of the same size category and the old rim will be re-
lems listed above are risked. used, if the new tire is a different width, check if the
In the following steps, “size” refers to the overall tire is compatible with the rim width. In everyone’s
diameter of the wheel, and “width” refers to how fat mind, tire selection should simply be a matter of
the tire and rim are. matching the named width of the rim with the named
34. Determine rim size by one or all of following width of the tire, and that all 26" MTB tires should be
choices: compatible with all 26" MTB rims. However, for any
[ ] Look up rim size on sticker or engraved on size (such as 26" MTB) there are a variety of rim widths
rim. Enter here: __________ and a variety of tire widths. To complicate matters
[ ] Convert ISO size marked on rim to conven- further, the actual width for two rims that are named
tional size by looking in ISO size column on the same can be quite different. The same is true of
the TIRE AND RIM SIZES table (page 19-16) and tires. If combining the narrowest of rims with the
read across to Nominal size column. widest of tires in a given size group, or vice versa,
Enter here: __________ then there may be a problem. There are a few simple
[ ] Determine ISO size of rim and convert to measurements that can be taken and calculations to
conventional size by measuring exact rim make to determine whether the tire width is accept-
diameter and subtracting flange height twice
able to use with the rim.
to determine ISO size, then looking in ISO size
If the tire is too narrow for the rim, there are sev-
column on the TIRE AND RIM SIZES table (page
19-16) and read across to Nominal size col-
eral consequences. The height profile of the tire will
umn. Enter here: __________ be too low, which can lead to more rim damage and
[ ] Measure outside diameter of rim and look up more pinch flats. Also, the shape of the tire will be
size by finding measurement on the TIRE AND deformed in a way that reduces cornering performance
RIM SIZES table (page 19-16) in the Approxi- (particularly on road bikes). If the tire is too wide for
mate rim O.D. column and reading across to the rim, there may be different consequences. If the
Nominal size column. Enter here: __________ bike has cantilever brakes, a common occurrence with
a tire that is too wide for the rim is that the brake pads
Flange height Flange height end up rubbing on the tire, resulting in its premature
demise. When a tire that is too wide is installed on a
road bike, the brake pads may still not clear the tire,
Bead s eats even with the quick release all the way open. Also on
road bikes, when this rim and tire combination is used,
there could be a squirmy feel in the handling, depend-
ing on the tire design and the air pressure.
Rim diameter
The following steps determine whether the new
19.20 Measure the rim’s diameter and subtract the flange height tire is within the range of widths that is acceptable
twice to calculate the ISO bead seat diameter.
on the rim.
37. [ ] Use caliper to measure inside width of rim.
35. Determine size of new tire by one or all of
Record measurement here: __________
following choices:
[ ] Look on sidewall of tire or molded in edge of
Inside-r im width
tread for nominal size description. Enter
here: __________
[ ] Look on sidewall of tire or molded in edge of
tread for ISO size description. Enter here:

19.21 Rim width is measured between the flanges.

19 – 11
38. [ ] Measure width from bead-to-bead (edge-to- when the tire and tube is off, but when the tire and
edge) of tire (flattened as best possible) and tube are installed and under pressure the rim strip sinks
record width here: __________ down into the nipple access hole, exposing the sharp
edges of the hole to the tube.
Flattened width between beads
Bicycle manufacturers are often ignorant of this and
Cross -s ection of flattened tire supply bikes with this rim type and include inexpen-
sive black rubber rim strips that are too elastic. Other
19.22 Flatten the tire and measure bead-to-bead to determine
publications often mention using strapping tape as an
flattened width.
alternative. Strapping tape is known to crack easily and
39. [ ] Divide answer in step 38 by 2.5 to deter- allow the tube to go into the nipple-access holes (caus-
mine “section width” and record answer ing flats). Adhesive cloth rim strips and polyurethane
here: __________ rim strips do the best job. Polyurethane rim strips are
40. [ ] Multiply rim inside width from step 37 by 1.4 thin and smooth (makes tire installation easier), elastic
to determine narrowest acceptable “section enough for easy installation and removal, resistant to
width” and record answer here: __________ cracking, and stiff enough that they do not deflect down
41. [ ] Multiply rim inside width from step 37 by into the nipple-access hole. In either case, the challenge
2.0 (road bikes) or 3.0 (MTBs) to determine
is getting the correct-width rim strip. Too narrow and
widest acceptable “section width” and
record answer here: __________ the slightest shift of the rim strip exposures the spoke
42. Check one of following choices: access holes. Too wide and the rim strip overlaps the
[ ] Step 39 is included in range of steps 40 and rim’s bead seat, interfering with proper mounting of
41, so tire width is ideal for rim. the tire.Polyurethane rim strips that are too wide can
[ ] Step 39 is outside of range of steps 40 and be cut down to size with scissors.
41, so tire width is potentially unacceptable 46. [ ] Inspect that rim strip completely covers all
for rim. (See preceding text for description spoke-nipple heads, or all access holes to
of possible problems.) spoke nipples. Adjust or replace as necessary.
47. [ ] Inspect that rim strip has no tears, cuts, or
splits. Replace rim strip if damaged.
48. [ ] Inspect that rim strip is not twisted. Adjust
INSTALLATION as necessary.
49. [ ] Inspect that rim strip does not overlap rim
bead seat (part of rim on which tire bead
INSTALLING A TIRE LINER (OPTIONAL) sits). Adjust or replace as necessary.
43. [ ] Roll tire liner out on inside of tire. 50. [ ] If replacing rim strip, insert valve, pencil, or
44. [ ] Overlap the liner over itself and tape excess #2 Phillips screwdriver through rim-strip valve
down, but do not cut off excess (sharp edge hole and rim valve hole to keep holes aligned,
left by cut may cut tube). then stretch rim strip around rest of rim.
45. [ ] Use masking tape to hold tire liner centered Check that rim strip is correctly positioned.
under tread (optional).
INSPECTING AND INSTALLING 51. [ ] Inflate tube so that it has shape but is not
RIM STRIPS 52. [ ] Place tube inside tire with valve adjacent to
The rim strip protects the tube from the rim, the pressure rating on side of tire.
spoke nipples, and the spokes. Problems with the rim 53. [ ] Stand wheel on table or floor with valve hole
strip are often the cause of “mystery” flats. There is a at 12:00, with wheel’s right side facing you.
common type of rim called a “modular” or “double- In the next step, be careful not to jam the rim
wall” rim. The characteristic of this rim is that the strip through the rim hole with the valve. If neces-
tube rests on one wall of the rim, and holes are drilled sary, lift the rim strip up, insert the valve through the
in this wall for access to the spoke nipples. Sometimes rim strip, then put the valve (with rim strip already
these holes are filled with re-enforcing sockets called on it) into the valve hole in the rim (see figure 19-23).
ferrules. The problem with this rim type is that the
rim strip can appear to cover these holes adequately

19 – 12
57. [ ] Holding tire bead firmly to rim with one
hand, use a tire lever from one end of the
uninstalled portion to lever bead of tire over
rim until bead is completely installed be-
tween rim flanges.

Rim strip

Rim valve hole 3

19.23 1) Lift the rim strip out of the rim. 2) Insert the valve
through the rim strip. 3) Insert the valve into the valve hole. 19.25 Lever the bead onto the rim, using the tire lever in the same
orientation as when bead was removed.
54. [ ] Place valve into valve hole (being careful not
to jam the rim strip through the valve hole). 58. [ ] Deflecting tire towards center of rim, inspect
Tire should have directional arrow (if any) all around wheel for rim strip that has been
pointing in the direction of rotation. If un- pushed out of place, or section of tube
sure, put tire’s label on right side. caught under installed bead of tire.
55. [ ] Starting at valve, work back-bead into rim 59. [ ] With wheel horizontal, use fingers to work
with both hands simultaneously, working tube between rim flanges all around wheel.
down toward 6:00 position. Deflate tube slightly if necessary to get it
between rim flanges.
60. [ ] Stand wheel up, face wheel’s right and ro-
tate so valve is at 12:00.
61. [ ] Starting at valve, use fingers to work second
bead over rim flange both ways away from
1 1 valve until half or more of bead is in place.

1 1

2 2

2 2
3 3

3 3
19.24 Use your hands to work the back-bead into the rim at the
valve, then at the #1 positions, then at the #2 positions, and then at
the #3 positions.

56. [ ] When bead gets difficult to install, turn

wheel over so that valve is at 6:00 and re-
maining uninstalled portion of back-bead is 19.26 Use your hands to work the bead into the rim at the valve,
near 12:00. then at the #1 positions, then at the #2 positions, and then at the #3

19 – 13
62. [ ] Seat valve by pushing it as far as it will go slide it a few inches over, lever up again, let it drop
into tire to prevent valve base from becom- again, then slide over again and repeat the process.
ing lodged under tire beads. (See figure 19.28.)
6 4 . [ ] Holding tire bead firmly to rim at one end of
uninstalled portion, use tire lever (approxi-
mately 2" from other end of uninstalled
portion) to lever tire bead over rim flange.
(Tire lever should be oriented same as it is
for tire removal, with spoke hook facing to-
wards spokes.)

19.27 When the second bead is mostly in the rim, stop to press the
valve into the tire. 1- hold here 3- pus h in here
2- lever up halfway
63. [ ] Turn wheel over so that valve is at 6:00 po-
sition, and continue to work bead into rim
with fingers until it becomes too difficult.
A common problem when installing tires is to pinch
the tube with the tire lever when installing the second
bead. For this reason, a lot of “authorities” say never to
use a tire lever to install a tire, insisting that a “real”
mechanic can always install a tire with fingers alone.
There is no reason not to try using just fingers, but
when this method doesn’t work, it is important to know
how to use a tire tool without pinching a tube.
There are two tricks to not pinching inner tubes.
When using a tire lever to remove a tire, the tool faces
out, so the hook on the handle end can be attached to
a spoke. To many people, it seems that the tool should 19.28 Holding the tire bead firmly at the end where it enters the
be turned around when installing the tire because the rim, use a tire lever at the other end to lever the tire halfway to
curve or hook on the business end of the tool catches push it over the rim with fingers.
nicely on the edge of the rim. Well, this same hook
65. [ ] Remove tire lever and re-insert 2" closer to
catches nicely on the tube. So use the tire lever for
the hand holding tire bead firmly to rim, lever-
tire installation in the same orientation used for re- ing in tire again. Moving 2" at a time, repeat
moval. The other trick has to do with how far the tire until all of tire bead is levered over rim flange.
is levered with the tire lever. Start with the tip of the 66. [ ] Deflate tube fully as possible.
tool under the bead and the handle pointing in to- 67. [ ] Squeezing sides of tire together, inspect all
wards the hub. Lever up only 90°, so that the tool around wheel for rim strip out of place and
ends up perpendicular to the rim face, and use fingers tube caught under bead of tire. Correct any
to push the tire over the top of the rim if necessary. problems detected.
When the lever is moved a full 180° so that the tire 68. [ ] Check that valve is straight, and strike tire
lever points up above the tire, the tip of the tire lever obliquely with hand to force it around rim if
necessary to straighten valve.
can catch on the tube and pinch it. To do this cor-
69. [ ] Install valve stem retaining nut, if any.
rectly, place a thumb on top of the tire lever while it
is against the tire in that 90° position, and push in on
the tire while pulling out on the lever. If you just pull INFLATION AND SEATING OF TIRE
out on the lever, the tire will probably come out with Different techniques and fittings are needed to
it. An alternate technique is to not remove the tire inflate Schrader and Presta valves. To inflate a Schrader
lever at all, but let it drop down after levering up, valve, simply remove the valve cap (if any), and place
a standard air chuck or pump with a Schrader head on
the valve. To inflate a Presta valve, first loosen the

19 – 14
valve nut on the top end of the valve. Presta valves Ifseatinglineperiodicallyrisesnoticeably
require a fitting with a smaller aperture than Schrader aboveedgeofriminplaces:
valves. The air line or the pump needs to be equipped 73. [ ] Deflate tire and inspect in places where
with a Presta head or air chuck. There are inexpen- seating line rises for rim strip or inner tube
sive adapters that fit on Presta valves so that a Schrader caught between tire bead and rim. Correct
chuck or pump head may be used. any problems found.
70. [ ] Inflate tire to approximately half final pressure. 74. [ ] Re-inflate tire to half pressure and fully in-
71. [ ] Find molded rubber line (seating line) in tire spect both seating lines again.
sidewall just above top of rim flange. Do not 75. [ ] If seating line is too high where there is
confuse color change from sidewall to bead nothing caught under tire bead, deflate and
area with molded rubber seating line. try holding that section of tire firmly down
into rim while re-inflating.
76. [ ] Deflate and use a soapy solution or liquid
soap to lubricate section of bead where
seating line is dipping low, then re-inflate.
Edge of tire S eating line
77. [ ] If seating line remains low after lubricating
19.29 The seating line is the line about 1/4"–3/8" above the edge with soap, full inflation may be required to
of the tire. get bead to pop up.

72. Spin wheel and inspect seating line on both

sides of tire and check one or both of fol- uniformpositionjustaboveedgeofrim:
lowing choices: 78. [ ] Inflate tire to full pressure and immediately
[ ] Seating line periodically rises noticeably inspect for sections where seating line is too
above edge of rim in places. high. (Deflate immediately if seating line is
high and repeat steps 73–75.)
79. [ ] Inspect both seating lines for section where
seating line is below rim edge. If bead is al-
ready soaped in these areas, over-inflate 10psi
and check again. Continue over-inflating 10psi
at a time until tire is 50% over maximum, if
necessary. Return tire to desired pressure.
80. [ ] Tighten valve nut (if Presta valve) and install
S eating line high valve cap (if any).

19.30 Here the seating line rises too high above the edge of the rim WHEEL INSTALLATION
for a few inches. 81. [ ] See WHEEL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, AND REINSTAL-
[ ] Seating line periodically dips below edge of REPLACEMENT (page 18-8) steps 1–10 and IN-
rim in places. STALLING THE WHEEL (page 18-15) steps 1–8
(front wheels) or steps 9–20 (rear wheels).

S eating line

19.31 Here the seating line sinks too low below the edge of the
rim for a few inches.

[ ] Seating line maintains a relatively uniform

position just above edge of rim.

19 – 15
The ISO size column is an alternate sizing system
TIRE AND RIM SIZES based on actual dimensions of tires and rims where
The following table is a selection of popular tire they attach to each other. ISO stands for International
and rim sizes found on adult and juvenile road bikes Standards Organization. The two digit number before
and off-road bikes. The common practice is that rims the dash is the tire’s section width. Section width is
are named by the tire that they fit. described fully in the portion of this chapter about
The Nominal size column includes the most popu- tire fit and compatibility (page 19-10). For each size in
lar name for a size. The reason that these numbers are the table, the smallest and largest known section widths
called nominal sizes is that they are not actual mea- are shown. The three-digit number after the dash is
surements. The diameter (27", 700, 26") is the approxi- the tire’s bead diameter and the rim’s bead-seat diam-
mate diameter of the tire at the tread. Tire profiles eter. The table does not provide ISO rim-width infor-
have changed dramatically since the sizes were cre- mation, which can be obtained easily by measuring
ated and it is rare that a tire actually measures the same the width between the inside faces of the two rim
as its name size. Rims are named by the tire they fit, flanges. This number is expressed in millimeters.
rather than by the dimension where they fit the rim. The Approximate rim O.D. column is useful for iden-
Check a 26"×1.75" rim; it measures approximately tifying unmarked rims. It is expressed as a range for
22.5" in diameter. The second part of the nominal size two reasons: one is that two rims of the same size
is the tire’s inflated width. This number is based on have to have the same bead seat diameter, but their
the width of the tire when mounted on the rim, and it outside diameters (O.D.) can vary because their flange
changes with the rim width and the tire pressure. Fur- heights can be different without affecting fit; the other
thermore, tires have historically shrunk without the reason is that when measuring a rim with a hub al-
widths being renamed. A typical 1-1/4" tire is usually ready built in, the tape measure will have to deflect
closer to 1-1/8". somewhat around the hub. Even if the measurement
The Alternate names column covers both vernacu- is slightly outside one of the ranges, it should be safe
lar names, and names used by another country for the to assume the size of the rim. No two common sizes
same size tire. An example of a vernacular name would come closer than 3mm.
be to say “MTB tire” instead of 26"×1.75". The Typical use column describes types of bikes where
TheBead-seat diameter/tire-bead diametercolumnis the size is most likely to be encountered, but other types
the dimension that is most important in regard to tire occur. The suggestions are not a complete or limiting list
fit. Bead diameter is the diameter of the tire at its inner of the types of bikes that use a particular size.
perimeter. Bead-seat diameter is the diameter of the rim There are literally dozens of sizes that exist but
at the point the tire bead sits. The procedures in this are not listed. Most of the other sizes are a once-in-a-
chapter describes how to measure and calculate rim-bead- lifetime encounter for a shop mechanic and will prob-
seat diameter. Tire-bead diameter can only be determined ably never be encountered (other than a few juvenile
by looking up the tire’s nominal size on this table and sizes smaller than 24"). For a comprehensive listing of
readingacrosstotheBead-seat diameter/tire-bead diameter tire and rim sizes, see Sutherland’s Handbook for Bi-
column, unless the tire has an ISO marking. cycle Mechanics.

TIRE AND RIM SIZES (table 19-1)

Nominalsize, Alternate names Bead-seat ISOsize Approximate Typicaluse
rimortire (country/name) diameter/ (tiresection rimO.D.
(common name) tire-bead width1/rimor
diameter tirediameter)
27"× 1-1/4" British/K2 630mm 20-630 640-644mm Recreational-level road
other widths are through bikes, touring road bikes
1, 1-1/8, 1-3/8 30-630
700C 2 French/28×1-5/8 622mm 20-622 632-636mm Performance road bikes,
widths are all Canada/28×1-1/2 through “cross” bikes, “hybrid”
sizes 18mm 47-622 bikes
through 47mm
(Continued next page)

19 – 16

TIRE AND RIM SIZES (table 19-1 continued)

Nominalsize, Alternate names Bead-seat ISOsize Approximate Typicaluse
rimortire (country/name) diameter/ (tiresection rimO.D.
(common name) tire-bead width1/rimor
diameter tirediameter)
26"× 1-3/8" British/26×1-1/4 597mm 32-597 607-611mm Older Schwinn 3-
(tire to fit S-5 or to fit EA1 rim through speeds, 5- & 10- speed
S-6) 37-597 “heavy” bikes
26"× 1-3/8" French/650A 590mm 28-590 600-604mm American made dept.
(to fit EA3 or E3 through store “12-speeds,”
rims) other 40-590 narrow widths on some
widths are 1 and performance road bikes
1-1/4 with small frames
26"× 1-1/2" French/650B 584mm 32-584 597-601mm Schwinn MTB/cross
(to fit S4 rim) through bike size, rare French
47-584 touring bikes
650C USA/26" 571mm 20-571 583-587mm Triathlon bikes with
through compact, high-
47-571 performance wheels
26"×1-3/4" 3 Schwinn S-7 571mm 583-587mm Beach cruisers, old
balloon-tire Schwinns
2 6 " × 1.7 5 " 4 26" MTB 559mm 20-559 571-575mm MTBs, ATBs, “Cross”
other widths are through bikes
all sizes 1"–2.5" 54-559
24"× 1-1/4" Schwinn/ 547mm 20-547 557-561mm Narrow sizes on
other width is 2 4 × 1- 3 / 8 through “proportional”
1-1/8 (to fit S5 or S6 37-547 performance road bikes,
rim) 24×1-3/8 on juvenile
Schwinn derailleur bikes
24"× 1-3/8" 540mm 32-540 550-554mm Juvenile, department-
(to fit E5 or F3 through store 12-speeds by USA
rim) 37-540 manufacturers
2 4 " × 1.7 5 " BMX cruiser 507mm 44-507 521-525mm Juvenile MTBs, BMX
other widths are class through cruiser class
1"–2.125" 54-507
2 0 " × 1.7 5 " BMX 406mm 44-406 420-424mm BMX bikes, all qualities,
other widths are through other juvenile 20" wheel
1.5"–2.125" 54-406 bikes
ISO rim width is a measurement of the width between the rim flanges. A 20-622 tire might fit
a 14-622 rim.
The “C” is sometimes omitted, which is wrong since 700, 700A, 700B, and 700C are completely dif-
ferent sizes. The “C” sometimes appears after the width (example: 700×25C) which is also wrong as
the “C” qualifies the size, not the width.
Do not confuse this with 26×1.75 MTB size. They do not interchange.
Do not confuse this with beach-cruiser and balloon-tire classic size, 26"×1-3/4". They do not inter-

19 – 17


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Bead-seat line is too high at the valve.
Tube around base of valve is caught under rim bead. Deflate tire and push valve into tire and then pull
out again.
Rim strip is too wide for rim. Inspect rim strip and replace it if against bottom
edge of rim-bead lip.
SYMPTOM: Bead-seat line is too high at points other than the valve.
Tube is caught under bead of tire. Deflate, inspect, and reposition tube.
Rim strip is too wide or out of position so that it is Reposition or replace rim strip as necessary.
against lip of rim bead seat.
Tire fits rim loosely. High-seated areas are probably With tire at a pressure of approximately 10–15
caused by low-seated areas elsewhere on the rim. psi, manipulate the tire by pulling out at low
points while pushing in at high points. Add
pressure once bead is more evenly seated.
SYMPTOM: Bead-seat line will not pop out above the rim bead at one or more points.
Bead is too high at other points due to rim strip or Check and fix high-seating problems.
tube caught under tire bead.
Tire fits the rim loosely and high-seated areas With tire at a pressure of approximately 10–15
elsewhere are probably keeping the tire bead in at psi, manipulate the tire by pulling out at low
this point. points while pushing in at high points. Add
pressure once bead is more evenly seated.
Tire is a tight fit. – Deflate tire, lubricate tire bead with liquid
soap or lanolin hand cream and re-inflate.
– If bead is lubricated and there are no
high-seating areas, inflate past recommended
pressure until bead pops out.
SYMPTOM: Tire seats correctly initially, then blows off of rim.
Tire was over-inflated. Inspect for bead damage, then re-install.
Tire bead is damaged. Inspect for damage and replace.
SYMPTOM: Tire is extremely difficult to install.
Tire is wrong size. Check tire fit.
Tube is over-inflated. Remove air from tube.
Tube is too fat for tire. Check tube fit.
Rim strip is too wide, interfering with bead seat area Inspect and replace rim strip if it is jamming
of rim. against bead lip on either side of rim.
Rim strip is too bulky for tight fitting rim/tire Avoid using thick black rubber and cloth rim
combination. strips.
Tire and rim are an unusually tight combination. Lube complete tire beads with liquid soap or
lanolin hand cream.
SYMPTOM: Tire fabric has numerous ruptures all the way around both sides below the tread, but not
just above the rim. There are no rub marks.
Tire has been ridden while punctured or virtually flat. Replace tire and avoid riding with extremely low
Tire sidewalls have been rubbing on riding surface. air pressure or no air pressure.

(Continued next page)

19 – 18


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Tire is extremely difficult to remove.
Tube needs additional deflation. Squeezing tire, deflate tube further.
Tire has adhered to rim sidewall. Run tire lever between tire and rim all the way
around both sides to break free adhesion. Smear
as much liquid soap or lanolin hand cream as
possible between tire bead and rim.
Tire and rim are an unusually tight combination. Lube complete tire beads with liquid soap or
lanolin hand cream.
SYMPTOM: Valve was in straight initially, but is now at an angle.
Hard braking has rotated tire around rim, probably Deflate tire, rotate it in a direction that
because bike has been ridden with inadequate air straightens the valve, and maintain correct
pressure. pressure when riding.
SYMPTOM: Rim strip is broken at valve hole.
Incorrect procedure was used when installing tube – Replace rim strip.
valve into rim strip and rim hole. – Avoid reoccurrence by lifting rim strip up at
valve hole and installing valve through rim strip
first and then drop rim strip and valve together
into rim.
SYMPTOM: Tire is flatting repeatedly from simple punctures on the outside perimeter of the tube.
Tire tread has worn thin. Inspect tire tread and replace tire if worn.
Tire is full of cracks from aging. Inspect for cracks and replace tire if needed.
Flat-causing object still stuck in tire. Inspect more thoroughly for cause of flat.
SYMPTOM: Tire has flatted from blowing off the rim.
Tire was over-inflated. Inspect for bead damage and adhere to
manufacturer’s recommendations.
If tire was properly inflated, the tire probably was Inspect for bead damage, and inspect tires for
not mounted correctly. mounting problems before inflating fully.
Tire bead is damaged. Remove and inspect tire, and replace tire if bead
is damaged.
SYMPTOM: Tire has flatted shortly after installation due to parallel slits in the sidewall of the inner tube.
Improper tool use during tire installation has Replace the tube, use only tire levers for tire
damaged the tube. installation, and avoid using the tire levers to
lever the tire up any further than necessary to
push the tire over the top of the rim with fingers.
SYMPTOM: Tire has flatted in mid-ride due to parallel slits in the sidewall of the inner tube.
Tire has bottomed out, and tube was pinched – Avoiding riding with under-inflated tires.
between rim bead and riding surface. – Un-weight when hitting obstacles that cannot
be avoided.
– Use wider tires.
SYMPTOM: Tire has a slow leak but inspection reveals no holes.
Valve is leaking because valve core is loose or bad. Use bubble test to check for leaking valve with
tire installed and fully inflated. Secure valve and
replace if leaking continues.

(Continued next page)

19 – 19


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Holes found on “rim side” of tube.
Rim strip is out of position, exposing nipple heads or Inspect and reposition rim strip.
nipple access holes.
Elastic rubber rim strip appears to be covering nipple Use polyurethane rim strips on rims with nipple-
access holes when inspected, but is deflecting to access holes.
expose holes when tire is fully inflated.
Spokes are too long and are protruding out of nipple Remove rim strip and use edge of a file to file
heads and poking through the rim strip. down excess spoke length.
Particularly at rim seam, rim has raw unfinished Inspect rim and file off any sharp protrusions.
material that is puncturing or abrading the tube.
SYMPTOM: Tube has leak at edge of the oval mounting base of the valve.
Tube cross section is too narrow for tire and is being Replace with fatter tube.
stretched too far to fill tire.
SYMPTOM: Tube has failed at the seam where two ends of tube were joined during manufacture to
create a circle.
Tube is wrong size for rim (must be stretched to reach Replace with proper-size tube.
around rim) and is pulling on seam too much.
Tube cross section is too narrow for tire and is being Replace with fatter tube.
stretched too far to fill tire.
SYMPTOM: Tire bead is damaged, evidenced by torn fabric wrapped around bead wire or scuffed
rubber coating at bead wire, over a distance of approximately 1/2".
Improper tools or technique when levering tire off Use plastic tire levers and find ways to solve
of rim. problem if tire is difficult to remove or install.
SYMPTOM: Wire bead in tire is broken, or rubber lip molded on at wire bead is scuffed off for several
Over-inflation caused tire to blow off rim, which Replace tire and avoid over-inflation.
damages the beads.
SYMPTOM: Tire sidewall has wear marks and frayed fabric most of the way around, just above the rim.
Brake pads are rubbing on tire because pads are Replace tire and adjust brake-pad height.
out of position.
Brake pads cannot be adjusted to correct height Replace tire with narrower size. Tire is too fat for
without rubbing on tire. rim width, and either rim or tire should be
SYMPTOM: Tire sidewall has rub marks and frayed fabric over a short distance just above the rim.
Rim is out of round, causing the brake pads to rub Replace tire and correct out-of-round error.
against tire intermittently. Replace rim/wheel if necessary.
SYMPTOM: Tire tread or sidewall rubber is full of countless little cracks.
Rubber has hardened due to aging. Replace tire and avoid unnecessary exposure to
sunlight and/or water.
SYMPTOM: Tire fabric is ruptured in tread area. Tread may or may not be damaged.
Fabric has rotted due to age. Replace tire and inspect more frequently for
cracks in the rubber.
Tire has been damaged by sharp stone. Replace tire.

19 – 20

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER The locknut is a nut that threads onto all threaded axles
and locks the position of the cone on the axle. When
This chapter is about removing and re-installing
looking at a mounted wheel, any nut inside the frame is
wheels, as well as installing a replacement wheel or
a locknut, and any nut outside the frame is an axle nut.
rebuilt wheel.
Solid-axle wheel: A wheel that is secured to the
bike by the means of axle nuts.
Dropout: The portion of the frame or fork that the
GENERAL INFORMATION wheel attaches to. It may also be called a fork end or fork
tip (these terms apply to both front and rear dropouts).
Fork blades: The two tubes that join the frame
TERMINOLOGY to the front hub.
Rim: The metal hoop at the outer perimeter of Seat stays: The two frame tubes that go from the
the wheel that the tire attaches to. rear dropouts to the frame joint just under the seat.
Wheel: The assembly of the hub, spokes, and rim. Chain stays: The two frame tubes that go from
The word “rim” is sometimes misused to mean “wheel.” the rear dropouts to the frame joint that is between
When the tire is mounted to the rim, the word “wheel” the pedals (usually at the bottom-bracket shell).
can be used to refer to the hub, spokes, rim and tire.
Quick-release mechanism: When used in regard
to a wheel, this term refers to a mechanism that at-
taches the wheel to the bicycle. It includes a quick- Tireremovalandinstallation
release lever, a skewer, and a quick-release adjusting Before replacing a wheel, the tire should be re-
nut. The quick-release mechanism is often called just moved. See the TIRES AND TUBES chapter (page 19-3)
the “quick-release.” if unsure about tire removal and installation.
Quick-release wheel: A wheel that is secured to
the bike by the means of a quick-release mechanism. Freewheelremovalandinstallation
Quick-release lever: The approximate two-inch To replace a wheel, it is necessary to remove the free-
lever that pivots 180° to apply the clamping force that wheel or freehub cogs. See the FREEHUB MECHANISMS
holds the wheel to the bicycle. It may also be called a AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS chapter for freewheel re-
“cam lever,” because the pivot of the lever is a cam moval (page 25-9) and freehub-cog removal (page 25-16).
that converts rotational motion to linear motion. Hubre-spacingandadjustment
Skewer: The shaft of the quick-release lever that To improve the fit of an original or replacement
goes through the hollow axle in the hub. It connects hub, it may be necessary to add or subtract spacers
the cam mechanism at one end to the tension-adjusting from the axle set or change the amount that the axle
nut at the other end. The word “skewer” is sometimes protrudes past the outer locknut. These operations
used to refer to the entire quick-release mechanism. may require hub overhaul, and definitely require hub
Quick-release adjusting nut: On the opposite adjustment. See the ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter
end of the quick-release mechanism from the quick- (page 12-7) for hub overhaul and adjustment.
release lever is the quick-release adjusting nut. When
the mechanism is loose, this nut is tightened or loos- Wheeldishing
ened to determine how tightly the quick-release After spacing an axle set to improve fit of the wheel
mechanism will clamp. to the frame or fork, or fit of the freewheel to the
Axle nut: A large hex nut that threads onto the axle wheel, chances are it will be necessary to re-dish the
that is outside the dropout that the wheel attaches to. wheel (center the rim to the hub). See page 17-15.
The axle nut should not be confused with the locknut.

18 – 1

Rear-derailleuradjustment TOOL CHOICES

If installing a replacement rear wheel that does There are no special tools required to remove and
not exactly match the way the original hub positioned install a wheel.
the rear cogs (or if in re-spacing the original hub the
positioning of the rear cogs is changed), it will be nec-
essary to re-adjust the rear derailleur. See the REAR TIME AND DIFFICULTY
DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-1). Wheel removal and re-installation is a 1–2 minute
job of little difficulty. Fitting a new replacement wheel,
Brakeadjustment which can include hub overhaul, wheel dishing, and
If re-installing an original wheel that was not cor-
brake adjustments is a 30–45 minute job of moderate
rectly installed before removal, or if installing an origi-
difficulty. If brake adjustments or rear-derailleur ad-
nal wheel that has been re-dished, or if installing a
justments are required after installing the wheel, these
replacement wheel that has more correct rim dish than
will add to the time of the job. See the appropriate
the original wheel, it will be necessary to center the
chapters on these subjects to get an idea of what time
brake pads to the rim. If installing a wheel with a dif-
might be involved in these operations.
ferent rim diameter or width, it will be necessary to
adjust pad alignment and brake-cable length. See the
36-1) for brake adjustments.
It is not unusual to find a wheel on a bike that has
INDICATIONS been unsafely installed, due to loose axle nuts or miss-
ing washers on nut-type hubs, or loose or mis-used
Wheelremovalandre-installation quick-release skewers on quick-release hubs. It is the
Wheels need to be removed and re-installed for a
mechanic’s responsibility to make sure that the cus-
variety of reasons, including flat-tire repair, tire re-
tomer gets informed about the problem and the cor-
placement, wheel truing, wheel rebuilding, hub ad-
rect way to install the wheel.
justment and overhaul, freewheel/freehub-cog servic-
ing, and headset adjustment and overhaul. Wheel-mountingfailure
There are five traditional methods used to deter-
Wheel replacement mine whether a quick-release mechanism is adequately
Either during the course of repair, or even before
secure, and all are flawed. One traditional method is
attempting repair, symptoms might be experienced
to base whether the quick-release lever is adequately
indicating that it would be better to replace the wheel
secure is to adjust the mechanism so that the lever
than repair it. These are
leaves an imprint on the palm of the hand from the
Multiple broken spokes, either all at once or one
effort of closing the lever. This is the “palm-imprint”
at a time over the last few hundred miles of use
method; any method that focuses on the closure ef-
Multiple corroded nipples that won’t turn
fort is a variation of the “palm-imprint” method. Sim-
Multiple damaged nipples (rounded-off
ply stated, there are too many variables that affect
wrench flats)
whether a properly adjusted quick-release mechanism
Dents or bends in the rim that cannot be ad-
would leave on imprint on the palm. The quality of
equately straightened by normal spoke ad-
fabrication, the presence of rust or dirt, the types of
justment and unbending techniques
materials used, the type of surface on the lever, and
Cracks in the rim
the toughness of the mechanic’s palm are just a few of
Severe rim-sidewall wear, evidenced by a con-
the factors that could affect the outcome of the “palm-
cave rim sidewall, or by rim beads that have
imprint” method. More importantly, the palm-imprint
become wider then they were originally
method leads the mechanic to focus on the wrong
All these problems aside, you may also elect to
things; the right things to focus on are the point in
replace the wheels in order to upgrade the bicycle’s
the lever’s motion where clamping begins, and the
position at which the lever stops.
Another traditional method of determining
whether a quick-release mechanism is adequately se-
cured is the “dropout-imprint” method. With this

18 – 2
method, it is said that the quick-release mechanism is needed, after the adjusting nut has been turned as far as
adequately secured when it leaves an imprint in the is possible with fingers. The shape of the adjusting nut
face of the dropout. The size of the clamping surface, (how easy it is to grasp), and whether the adjusting nut
the texture of the clamping surface, and the type of face is smooth or textured, also influence the point at
dropout material all affect what it will take to cause which the adjusting-nut feels “snug.”
the quick-release mechanism to leave an imprint in a The method recommended in the following pro-
dropout. Furthermore, once the dropout has been cedure is based on starting position and ending posi-
imprinted numerous times from previous closings of tion of the quick-release lever. To understand why this
the quick-release mechanism, there is no way to tell method is best, it is necessary to understand how a
whether the quick-release mechanism at its current quick-release mechanism works (see figure 18.1). The
setting is creating a new imprint. Most importantly, axle (pivot) of the quick-release lever is a cam. A cam
this method leads the mechanic to focus on the wrong is a cylinder that rotates around a point that is not at
things; the right things to focus on are the point in the center of the cylinder, for the pupose of convert-
the lever’s motion where clamping begins, and the ing rotational motion into linear motion. On a quick
position that the lever stops at. release, as the cam rotates, the skewer-head (which
The third flawed method is the “release-force” encircles the cam) is moved away from the dropout
method. In this method, the mechanic adjusts and (linear motion). The cam turns inside the skewer-head,
closes the quick-release mechanism, then opens it again which is often hidden inside the housing that the quick-
to subjectively evaluate the effort required to open, release lever pivots in (the cam housing). Rotating the
or release, the mechanism. This method has all the quick-release lever rotates the cam, which changes the
same limitations of the palm-imprint method. position of the skewer-head in the cam housing (cam-
The fourth flawed method involves striking the nut). The number of degrees of rotation determines
wheel to determine if it is secure. With this method, the amount that the skewer head is pulled into the
the mechanic simply strikes the tire with a fist to see if cam nut; when this happens, the distance between the
the wheel comes out. The CPSC (Consumer Product cam-nut and the adjusting-nut decreases, which causes
Safety Commission) requires that wheels resist a force the two nuts to apply pressure to the dropouts. Since
of hundreds of pounds without coming out. A mean- virtually all skewers are steel rods of a relatively con-
ingful striking force applied with a fist would either stant diameter (all types of steel rods are equally elas-
break the mechanic’s fist or put a flat spot in the rim. tic if dimensions are constant), the only factor that
The last traditional method (also flawed) involves determines clamping force is the amount that the
setting the lever to a specific position, tightening the skewer-head moves after the clamping force begins.
adjusting nut, then closing the lever. This method could Virtually all traditionally-designed quick-release
be called the “nut-setting” method. In this method, the mechanisms have the same amount of movement dif-
mechanic starts by setting the base of the quick-release ferential over a 90° rotation.
lever to be parallel to the skewer, and then turns the
adjusting nut until it is snug. After snugging the adjust- S kewer head Open
ing nut, the lever is closed. The problem with this
method is that there are a number of factors that influ- Cam-nut
ence the point at which the adjusting-nut feels snug. If Clos ed Cam
the dropouts are wider than the hub width, and the
frame is reasonably stiff, then the adjusting-nut will get
difficult to turn when it begins to compress the drop-
Adjus ting-nut
out width down to the width of the hub. In this case,
closing the quick-release lever will do little more than
reduce the dropout width further, closing the gaps be- 18.1 As the lever swings from the open to closed position, it ro-
tween the inside faces of the dropouts and the faces of tates the cam, which moves the skewer-head further into the cam-
the hub locknuts. When this condition exists, it is not nut, effectively moving the cam-nut and adjusting-nut closer to-
gether (which creates the clamping force).
unusual to have to turn the quick-release lever like a
big wing-nut, in order to tighten the adjusting nut The recommended method for setting the quick-
enough; it is quite possible that several revolutions of release mechanism is to start by setting the adjusting
the lever-end of the quick-release mechanism will be nut so that as the lever swings from the open position

18 – 3
to the closed position, the clamping force begins when (A well-known former bike racer recently infuri-
the base of the quick-release lever is perpendicular to ated the bicycle industry by testifying that quick-re-
the dropout face. This ensures that the clamping force lease levers have a tendency to open on their own even
begins at a point that will allow enough rotation of when properly secured. He says that he has experi-
the cam to create enough displacement of the skewer enced this personally. It is quite probable that he was
head after clamping begins. The lever is then closed relying on closing force (palm-imprint method, or
until the base of the lever is parallel to the dropout variation), not position, to determine when the lever
(see figure 18.2). This does two things. First, it creates was properly set. When the lever is not closed to the
a 90° rotation of the cam after clamping force begins, “parallel-to-dropout position,” friction alone is resist-
which ensures that adequate skewer-head displacement ing its natural tendency to achieve a state of greater
occurs (pressure). Second, the “parallel-to-dropout” relaxation [i.e. open]. When the proper position is
position ensures that the cam is rotated just past its achieved, the lever actually wants to stay closed, rather
high-point. This ensures that the force required to re- than trying to open. Its like the snap on your blue
lease the lever will increase slightly before it gets easier, jeans. The moment of highest force is when the snap
which ensures that the quick-release lever has no ten- is halfway together. Once you overcome the point
dency to open on its own. In case the above instruc- where the snap is halfway on, it actually helps itself
tions were unclear, the recommended method for us- go the rest of the way on. When you unsnap your
ing quick-release mechanisms is this: set the adjusting jeans, at first the mechanism resists as much or more
nut so that as the lever is swung from the open posi- than it resisted going together, but once you force the
tion to the closed position, the clamping force begins snap to come apart to a certain point, it virtually pops
at the point where the base of the lever is perpendicu- itself apart. Quick-release mechanisms are like snaps,
lar to the face of the dropout, then close the lever at but without as dramatic and obvious a transition.
least until its base is parallel to the dropout (90° from Unlike a snap, it is possible to stop the quick-release
starting point and perpendicular to the skewer, see at the point where it is halfway on [highest force];
figure 18.2). The force that is required to accomplish this is not the point of highest security.)
this can range dramatically, from minuscule, to be-
yond the capacity of human fingers (in which case the
adjustment needs to be compromised). The amount releasemechanisms
of force that is required to close a properly-set quick- The recommended technique for securing quick-
release mechanism is dependent on the surface-smooth- release mechanism in this chapter applies to traditional,
ness of the cam, the diameter of the cam, the smooth- steel quick-release mechanisms with a cam enclosed
ness of the cam-pivot surface, the length of the lever inside a housing. There are a number of un-conven-
(and its shape and texture), the total surface-area of tional designs in existence today that deviate enough
the cam, and the surface condition of the cam (wear, in design that the recommended procedure may not
lubrication, rust, and dirt). be appropriate. Primarily, these alternative designs
incorporate aluminum cams (or no cam at all), and
the cam mechanism is exposed, rather than enclosed.
Dimensions of these external cams also deviate from
convention. Since these alternative quick-release
Clamping force s hould be
mechanisms are not consistent with each other, or with
firs t felt in this range
80° 90°
conventional quick-release mechanisms, there is no
general recommended procedure for their use; a me-
chanic should pursue information from the manufac-
turer of each of these alternative mechanisms.
Closed Open
If the wheel was installed incorrectly, then the
brakes may have been mis-adjusted to line up with
18.2 When properly set, as the lever swings from the open to closed the rim. On bikes with anything but cantilever brakes,
position, clamping force should first be felt when the base of the le- it is a minor correction to center the brakes to the
ver is 80-90°from the closed position (the base of the lever parallel to
the dropout face).
correctly-installed wheel, but on bikes with cantile-

18 – 4
ver brakes, the pads often must be repositioned if the Roundedaxlenuts
rim position changes. A decision must be made as to Rounded axle nuts often require a vise-grip tool
whether to put the wheel back in wrong (to match to remove. They should never be re-installed because
the brake adjustment), or put the wheel in right and a torque wrench should be used for installation.
adjust the pads for free, or contact the customer and
tell them additional brake work will be needed. The Strippedaxles
best solution is for the service writer to identify the Stripped axle threads may be encountered on
problem and give the customer all the options before wheels with axle nuts. Minor damage can be repaired
checking in the job. with a thread chaser, but stripped axles must be re-
placed. This means a simple flat-tire repair can turn
Out-of-truewheels into a hub overhaul as well. The customer must be
When wheels are removed for tire or hub work, informed and asked to authorize an axle replacement,
it may be the case that the rims are out of true and rub but under no conditions should the wheel be re-in-
the brake pads intermittently. Although this is not stalled with stripped axle threads.
the shop’s responsibility, if the customer doesn’t no-
tice the problem until after getting the bike back, it Damagedquick-releaseskewers
will reflect poorly on the shop and may lead to a com- Quick-release skewers can be damaged in several
plaint. Usually, it is worth doing a few minutes of ways. The skewer shaft can be bent or elongated. The
complimentary wheel truing before re-installing the cam housing can be cracked or deformed. The cam
wheel. The best solution is to spot the problem be- lever may be bent. The cam lever may get sticky (due
fore the bike is checked in and to get the customer to to cam-surface wear) and be difficult to close fully from
agree to getting the wheel trued or to accept that the a normal starting position. In all these cases, the quick-
rim will rub the pads when they get the bike back. release mechanism must be replaced.

Poorfittodropouts Differentquick-release-skewersizes
It is not unusual for a wheel to be too wide or too Quick releases can differ in length and shaft diam-
narrow for the dropouts, causing awkward removal eter. Length may be an issue if installing a replace-
and installation. Usually the customer would be fa- ment rear wheel that fits more cogs. Diameter of the
miliar with the problem and it is nothing the mechanic shaft may be an issue for some “suspension” front hubs.
cannot deal with. Complimentary repair of the prob- Protrudingaxles
lem by giving the stays or fork blades a squeeze or If a quick-release axle protrudes too far from the
pull is not recommended because it could introduce face of the locknut, it can cause unsafe wheel installa-
handling or chainline problems. It is a good idea to tion. The axle should not protrude more from the
contact the customer and see if they would like to pay locknut face than the thickness of the dropout it will
for the additional work that required to make their be installed in. It is the mechanic’s responsibility to
existing wheel fit better. check every wheel being installed for this condition
Rearcogpositionchanges and correct it. Fortunately, it can be corrected ad-
When replacing rear wheels, there is always a pos- equately by simply removing the skewer and holding
sibility that the new wheel will position the rear cogs the end of the axle up to a grinding wheel.
slightly differently, causing problems with rear-de- Brokenaxles
railleur adjustment. A derailleur adjustment should A broken axle may not show itself until the
always be planned as part of a rear-wheel replacement. wheel is removed and the skewer removed from the
Multipleaxlethreadstandards hub. Under no circumstances can the wheel be rein-
There are many different thread descriptions for stalled without replacing the axle! The customer must
axles. This is only an issue if re-installing an axle- agree to axle replacement, or accept the bike back
nut-type wheel and a new axle nut is needed. Never in pieces. A broken axle is usually a symptom of a
use test-mating to determine if a new nut fits. See the mis-aligned dropout.
ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter (page 12-4) for infor- Bentaxles
mation on axle-thread types, or compare inside diam- Bent axles are broken axles in the making. They
eter of new nut and old nut (if not stripped) and then should never be bent back because it just causes fur-
test mate to determine thread compatibility. ther weakening. Even re-installing the wheel with a

18 – 5
bent axle is a questionable choice. The customer should 2 . [ ] Operate brake once or twice, spin wheel,
be advised of the problem and encouraged to agree to and observe whether rim or tire is rubbing
axle replacement. on brake pads.
3 . [ ] Observe whether rim appears centered be-
Poorhubadjustments tween fork blades or seat stays (frame tubes
When the wheel is removed, a tight adjustment, a from below seat to rear axle).
loose adjustment, or loose cone locknuts may be dis- 4 . [ ] Spread brake pads by operating quick re-
covered. Adjustments should not be altered, but the lease on sidepull caliper or unhooking
customer should be advised of the condition. Loose straddle wire on cantilever/U-brake/center-
adjustments may interfere with installing the wheel pull brake. If neither is possible, deflate tire
if it is too fat to pass through brake pads.
in a fashion that the rim will not rub the brake pads.
Mis-adjusted brake pads are a problem if they end
up rubbing the tire or are at risk of deflecting below
the rim when braking hard. Since it could appear that
the shop was responsible if a problem relating to these
conditions occurred after the wheel was installed, these
conditions must be dealt with. In some cases it is
simple, but the amount of work involved with some Brake
brakes ends up being almost a full brake job. In these quick releas e
cases, it would be best to contact the customer and get
authorization to perform the additional work. The
best solution is to look for problems with brake pads
missing the rim whenever checking in a bike for any A
service that involves wheel removal.

OF THIS CHAPTER 18.3 By flipping the quick release in direction A, the pads will
The rest of this chapter is divided into three parts. move in direction A so that the tire will clear the pads more easily.
The first part is about wheel removal. The emphasis
here will be on following a procedure that not only
makes wheel removal easy, but on getting the right
information before removing the wheel, which makes
wheel installation easier. The second part is about the
fit of the wheel to the bike and additional consider-
ations when replacing a wheel. The third part is about
installation of a wheel so that it ends up properly
aligned and secure. 2


PREPARING ALL WHEELS 18.4 To release a straddle wire to improve brake-pad clearance,
FOR REMOVAL 1) squeeze the calipers in toward the rim, 2) then pull the end of the
straddle wire out of the caliper arm.
1 . [ ] Put bike in bike stand.

18 – 6
5 . [ ] Some front wheels have safety-retention Ifthewheelisheldtobikebyaxlenuts
mechanisms that hold wheel in place if quick 10. [ ] Turn either axle nut counterclockwise to
release fails. Look for plates of metal sand- loosen.
wiched between quick release and dropout 11. [ ] Turn second axle nut counterclockwise to
face and remove any screw/bolt that goes loosen. If axle tends to turn with axle nut,
through plate. re-tighten first axle nut just enough to fix
NOTE: Skip to step 8 if removing a front wheel. axle while breaking loose second axle nut,
then break loose first nut again.
PREPARING A REAR WHEEL 12. [ ] If wheel does not slide out easily, loosen ei-
ther or both axle nuts further.
FOR REMOVAL NOTE: If removing a front wheel, wheel removal is
6 . [ ] Shift chain to innermost chainring in front done. Ignore remaining steps.
and outermost cog in rear so that chain has
as much slack as possible.
7 . [ ] Observe whether tire appears centered be-
tween chain stays just behind the bottom FROM DERAILLEUR AND CHAIN
bracket. 13. [ ] If removing rear wheel, it probably has come
to a rest on top of rear derailleur. Rotate de-
LOOSENING QUICK RELEASES railleur back (clockwise viewed from right
side of bike) around its mounting bolt while
OR AXLE NUTS pushing wheel forward and down.
NOTE: If wheel is held to bike by axle nuts, skip to
step 10.
8 . [ ] Locate quick-release lever (generally on
left side of bike) and flip lever (do not ro-
tate) 180°.

S ecured

Releas ed

18.5 Opening a quick-release lever. 18.6 Rotate the derailleur back so it will clear the wheel when the
wheel is removed.
9 . [ ] If wheel does not want to easily slide out of
dropouts, hold conical-nut end of quick-re- 14. [ ] Once freewheel clears rear derailleur, drop
lease mechanism on side opposite lever and wheel down and to bike’s left to get rear
rotate lever counterclockwise to loosen cogs and right end of axle to clear lower
mechanism further, or simply loosen conical section of chain.
nut further.

18 – 7


A number of the following steps might require hub TO DROPOUT THICKNESS
work. Inspect now for whether the axle is bent. A bent
The amount that the axle protrudes past the lock-
axle often indicates that the dropouts need alignment.
nut on the hub is important. If the wheel is a quick-
15. [ ] Looking into each end of axle, rotate axle and
observe whether there is any oscillation that release type and the axle is too long, it may prevent the
would indicate either end of axle is bent. wheel from securing properly. Simply, a quick-release
axle should never protrude past the locknut by more
than the thickness of the dropout that the axle will in-
sert into. If the wheel is the type held on by axle nuts,
the axle protrusion should be at least equal to the sum
of the dropout thickness, the thickness of the axle
washer (if any), and the thickness of the axle nut, or the
axle nut may not engage the axle adequately.
1 . [ ] Measure axle protrusion on each side of hub
and record here:
Right-side protrusion: __________
Left-side protrusion: __________

Caliper Depth gauge



18.7 Inspect the end of the axle for oscillation when rotated.

18.8 Measuring axle protrusion.

FITTING WHEELS, ORIGINAL 2 . [ ] Measure dropout thickness and record here.

Right side (include derailleur-mounting plate
AND REPLACEMENT that bolts on to the face of the dropout, if
any): __________
Whether reinstalling an existing wheel or install- Left side: __________
ing a replacement wheel, check whether it fits. The fol-
lowing is a short list of fit aspects common to all wheels:
Fit of axle length to dropout thickness
Fit of hub width to width between dropouts
For replacement wheels the following additional Dr opout
aspects of fit should also be considered:
Fit of axle to dropout-slot width (particularly Dropout with Bolt-on
derailleur hanger
integral hanger
if replacing front solid-axle wheel with
quick-release wheel)
Fit of thread-on freewheel or freehub-cog cas-
sette to hub (if replacing rear wheel)
For replacement wheels and rebuilt wheels, these
additional aspects of fit should also be considered:
Fit of rim width to brake-pad width
Fit of rim diameter relative to brake-pad height
Centering of rim to brakes Dr opout thicknes s Dr opout thicknes s
Fit of rim to existing-tire size
18.9 Measuring dropout thickness.

18 – 8
NOTE: If wheel is held on by axle nuts, skip to
step 5.
Ifwheelisquick-releasetype TO WIDTH BETWEEN DROPOUTS
Axle-length protrusion can be too long, resulting A good fit between the hub and the dropouts en-
in the quick-release mechanism clamping against the sures that the wheel is easy to remove and install. In
end of the axle instead of against the dropout. Axle- the case of suspension forks, a good fit is essential to
length protrusion cannot be functionally too short, it keep the suspension working properly.
simply makes alignment of the wheel more awkward Toleranceforerror
if there is no protrusion (wheel security is unaffected If the hub width differs from the dropout width
by axle-to-dropout engagement). by 2mm or more, awkward wheel installation or re-
3 . Subtract right-side axle protrusion from right- moval will probably be experienced.
side-dropout thickness. If the hub is too wide, the wheel will always be
Record answer here: __________
difficult to install, regardless of how much the axle
[ ] If answer is a negative value, shorten axle
by filing, cutting, or replacing. Excess length nuts or quick-release adjustment is loosened.
can also be shifted to other side if other side If the hub is too narrow, the wheel will come out
is too short. relatively easily when the quick-release mechanism is
[ ] If answer is ³0, axle protrusion is accept- released or the axle nuts are un-torqued; however, the
able. frame will expand to a wider state after the wheel is
4 . Subtract left-side axle protrusion from left-side- removed. The expanded frame makes reinstalling the
dropout thickness. Record answer here: wheel a struggle without additional loosening of the
__________ quick-release mechanism or axle nuts, because other-
[ ] If answer is a negative value, shorten axle
by filing, cutting, or replacing. Excess length
wise the frame will need to be compressed to fit back
can also be shifted to other side if other side between the quick-release parts or the axle nuts.
is too short. Modern front dropouts often have a recess in their
[ ] If answer is ³0, axle protrusion is acceptable. faces or tabs that protrude from the tips so that the
Ifwheelissolid-axletype wheel is trapped even when the quick release is re-
Axle-length protrusion can be too short, result- leased. These require that the quick-release adjusting
ing in inadequate engagement of the axle nut. Axle- nut (on the non-lever end) be loosened further just so
length protrusion cannot be functionally too long, it that the quick-release will clear these safety mecha-
is simply unsightly and hard on shins. nisms. In this case, needing to loosen the quick release
5 . Subtract right-side axle protrusion from sum of further to remove the wheel is not necessarily a sign
right-side-dropout thickness, axle-nut thick- that there is a problem with wheel fit. To adjust and
ness, and axle-nut-washer thickness. Record readjust the quick release every time because of these
answer here: __________ safety devices is a pain. Every millimeter the drop-
[ ] If answer is a positive value, axle must be outs are too wide adds to the pain.
replaced unless enough excess length is
found on left side.
With regard to the fit of the hub to a suspension
[ ] If answer is £0, axle protrusion is accept- fork, the tolerance for error is even less. The hub must
able. Extra length can also be shifted to be less than 1mm wider or narrower than the width
other side if other side is too short. between the dropouts on the suspension fork. If the
6 . Subtract left-side axle protrusion from sum of fit is worse than 1mm, then the tubes sliding in and
left-side-dropout thickness, axle-nut thick- out of each other (as the suspension compresses and
ness, and axle-nut-washer thickness. Record extends) tend to bind.
answer here: __________
[ ] If answer is a positive value, axle must be Quantifyingerror
replaced unless enough excess length is To quantify of the width error between the hub
found on right side. and the dropouts, two measurements must be taken
[ ] If answer is £0, axle protrusion is accept- and a difference must be calculated. First, use a cali-
able. Extra length can also be shifted to per to measure the width from the face of one hub
other side if other side is too short. locknut (the surface that presses against the inside
face of the dropout) to the face of the other hub
locknut. For rear hubs it will usually be necessary

18 – 9
to remove the freewheel or freehub cogs (see the the hub, the wheel dish, the freewheel fit, or the rear-
FREEHUB MECHANISMS AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS derailleur adjustment, refer to the appropriate chap-
chapter, page 25-9 and 25-16). Next, use a caliper to ters on these components.
measure the distance between the inside faces of the 7 . [ ] Measure over-locknut width
two dropouts (the parts of the frame that the wheel of hub and record here: __________
attaches to). The width error is the difference be-
tween these two measurements. Over-locknut width

To correct a width error, there are two basic ap-
proaches. It is possible to spread or compress the width
between the dropouts. This is not an option with alu-
minum frames or forks, carbon-fiber frames or forks,
or suspension forks (unless the suspension system is
not part of the fork blades). The other option is to
change the width of the hub. This is not an option 18.10
with many cartridge-bearing hubs, which often do not
have means to add or subtract spacers from the axle.
In these cases, a new axle set may need to be installed.
Assuming that the hub is an adjustable-cone hub
with a threaded axle, re-spacing the axle is simply a
matter of adding, subtracting, or substituting spacers
behind the locknuts on each end of the axle.
Although the process of adding or subtracting
space from the axle is relatively simple, the conse-
quences can be quite complex. When adding, subtract-
ing, or substituting spacers from either end of the axle, Dropout-ins ide width
it will be necessary to re-adjust the hub bearings (see
the ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter, page 12-12). As
long as changes made are equal on both sides of the 18.11
axle, then there is no concern about wheel dish (cen- 8 . [ ] Measure width between dropout
tering of the rim to the hub). If at any time unequal inside faces, record here: __________
spacing changes occur on the two ends of the axle, 9 . [ ] Subtract smaller number from steps 7 or 8
then the wheel will need to be re-dished (see the chap- from larger number from steps 7 or 8 and
REPAIR, page 17-15). record answer here: __________
As long as spacers are being added to the right end 10. Check one of following depending on answer
of a rear hub, there is no concern about the fit of the in step 9:
freewheel cogs, but if subtracting space from the right [ ] Hub width needs to be increased by amount
end there is a possibility that the outermost cog may in step 9.
[ ] Hub width needs to be decreased by amount
end up too close to the frame and that the chain might
in step 9.
jam against the frame, either while on the outermost [ ] Hub width is acceptable (step 9 is <1mm
cog or while shifting on to or off of it. Anytime spac- for suspension forks or £2mm for others).
ers are being added or subtracted from the right side NOTE: If just re-installing a wheel, skip following
of the rear hub, it will affect the rear-derailleur limit- section FITTING WHEELS, REPLACEMENT ONLY and go
screw settings and the index-cable-tension adjustment. directly to INSTALLING THE WHEEL.
See the REAR DERAILLEURS chapter (page 32-10) in or-
der to adjust the rear derailleur.
The following steps enable calculation of the to-
tal change necessary to make the hub a perfect fit to
the dropouts. To make the necessary corrections to

18 – 10
rear dropout) is bulky where it attaches to the drop-
FITTING WHEELS, out, the minimum freewheel space may not be ad-
REPLACEMENT ONLY equate (the chain may rub against the end of the seat
stay while on the outermost cog or shifting on and off
of the outermost cog).
(following step 21) if re-installing an original
hub built up with a new rim.
To determine whether the new rear hub has ad-
equate freewheel space, take two measurements on
the hub, add them together, and see if the answer is
AXLE equal to or more than the space requirement for the
TO DROPOUT-SLOT WIDTH specific freewheel. In the case of a six-speed freewheel,
it will also be necessary to take a measurement on the
NOTE: Use this section only if replacing front solid-
axle wheel with quick-release wheel. freewheel to determine whether it is a narrow- or wide-
If upgrading a front solid-axle wheel to a quick- spaced six-speed. An alternate approach is to compare
release wheel, there may be a problem fitting the axle the new hub’s freewheel space to the old hub’s free-
to the slots in the fork dropouts. Most road-bike front wheel space. As long as the new hub has equal to or
axles that use axle nuts are 5/16" diameter (7.95mm), greater space than the old hub, the freewheel space
and all quick-release front axles are at least 9.5mm di- should be adequate. It is also possible to calculate the
ameter. Some forks are made with dropout slots just difference between the new and old hub’s freewheel
wide enough to accommodate the axle-nut-type axles. spaces to determine how much space to add or sub-
If upgrading to quick-release front axle, do the fol- tract from the right side of the new hub’s axle set, in
lowing steps. If the dropout axle slots are too narrow, order to get an identical match and avoid having to re-
they will need to be enlarged with a file. MTB front adjust the rear derailleur.
axles that use axle nuts are usually fatter, so the drop- If the freewheel space on the new hub needs to be
outs may not need this modification to accommodate modified, then it will affect the wheel dish and the fit
a quick-release axle. of the hub to the dropouts (see above). See the chapter
WHEEL TRUING AND REPAIR (page 17-15) to adjust the
Ifreplacinganaxle-nut-typefrontwheel wheel dish. If the hub’s fit into the dropouts is good,
withaquick-releasewheel then whatever amount of spacing will be removed from
11. Measure width of slot in fork dropout and con- the right side of the axle should be added to the left side
clude one of following: of the axle. If adding spacers to the right side of the
[ ] Slot width is ³9.5mm, quick-release axle will hub, the equivalent amount should be subtracted from
fit without filing axle slots. the left side of the hub. If the freewheel space is wrong
[ ] Slot width is <9.5mm, axle slots must be
and the hub width is also wrong, try to fix both at the
filed to fit quick-release axle.
same time. See the ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter
(page 12-12) to add and subtract spacers from the axle
FIT OF FREEWHEEL TO HUB and adjust the hub after doing so.
NOTE: Use this section only if replacing a rear Older French bikes (before 1985) occasionally had
wheel equipped with a thread-on freewheel. freewheel threads that were a 1mm pitch. Just about
Rear wheels that fit thread-on freewheels (as op- any replacement wheel will have freewheel threads
posed to freehubs, which have the freewheel built in) that are a pitch of 24tpi. These two pitches are not
are not all made with the same space for the freewheel compatible. In such a case, the freewheel will need to
to fit (called freewheel space). Also, in rare cases, there be replaced along with the wheel.
is a possibility that the threads on the freewheel are not
compatible to the threads on the hub. Even when the
hub has adequate freewheel space, if it is not the identi- thread-onfreewheelwithanewwheel
cal amount as the original hub, it will be necessary to 12. [ ] Measure pitch of freewheel threads on free-
re-adjust the rear-derailleur limit screws and cable. wheel and hub and make sure they match.
13. [ ] Measure distance from shoulder at bottom
For every type of freewheel (five-speeds, narrow
of hub’s freewheel threads to end of hub
six-speeds, wide six-speeds, and seven-speeds), there is shell and record: (new hub) __________
a minimum-freewheel-space value. In certain cases (old hub) __________
where the seat stay (tube from below the seat to the

18 – 11
14. [ ] Measure from end of hub shell to face of 20. [ ] If necessary, subtract or add spacers to left
locknut and record: (new hub) __________ side of rear axle so that over-locknut width
(old hub) __________ equals step 8 (±2mm). (See ADJUSTABLE-
CONE HUBS chapter, page 12-12.)
A B 21. [ ] Re-dish wheel if spacers have not been
added or subtracted equally on right and left
sides of wheel. (See WHEEL TRUING AND REPAIR
chapter, page 17-15.)


In many cases, if a replacement wheel has a differ-
ent rim width than the original wheel, then nothing
is needed other than a minor cable adjustment to
change the brake pad-to-rim clearance. If the bike has
cantilever brakes, U-brakes, centerpull brakes, or
18.12 Measure these two dimensions to determine freewheel space. Shimano dual-pivot brakes, then even minor changes
in rim width can have a major effect on brake-pad-
15. [ ] Add both new hub numbers from steps 13 height adjustment. The reason for this is that the
and 14 and record answer here: __________ above-listed brakes (all brakes other than conventional
16. [ ] Add both old hub numbers from steps 13 sidepull brakes) have a very short caliper-arm length.
and 14 and record answer here: _________ When the caliper arm is short, the pads move almost
17. [ ] If freewheel has six cogs, measure distance
an equal amount up and down for the amount they
from outer face of outermost cog to inner
face of innermost cog and record measure- move in and out. For example, a 21mm-wide moun-
ment here: __________ tain-bike rim might be replacing a 27mm-wide moun-
tain-bike rim. Each pad will need to move 3mm fur-
ther in to reach the rim. When a cantilever arm moves
a pad 3mm further in, the pad ends up 1–2mm further
down. This might end up with the pad partially be-
low the rim. All this means is that the brake-pad height
18.13 If freewheel is a six-speed, measure the freewheel width. on the caliper arm needs to be adjusted, not that the
narrower rim cannot be used.
18. Check appropriate choice below, depending on
freewheel to be installed on new wheel:
[ ] Five-speed freewheel, minimum freewheel
space is 29mm.
[ ] Six-speed freewheel width is <28mm, mini-
mum freewheel space is 31mm.
[ ] Six-speed freewheel width is >28mm, mini-
mum freewheel space is 35mm.
[ ] Seven-speed freewheel, minimum freewheel
space is 37mm.
19. [ ] If new hub freewheel space (step 15) is less
than minimum-freewheel-space requirement
(step 18), add necessary spacers to right
side of axle so that it equals minimum-free-
wheel-space requirement (derailleur adjust-
ment will be required unless step 18 amount
also equals step 16), or add or subtract nec-
essary spacers on right side of axle so that
new freewheel space equals step 16 (no de-
railleur adjustment will be required). (See 18.14 Brake pads change height as they move laterally.
ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter, page 12-12.)

18 – 12
With sidepull and cantilever brakes, pads move If replacing a smaller wheel size with a larger size
down as they move in. If the replacement rim is nar- (for example replacing 700C with 27") there is also a
rower, inspect for pads that end up too low on the rim. question as to whether the tire tread will clear the frame
If the replacement rim is wider, inspect for pads that or fork. If the new tire is of a similar fatness as the old
end up too high on the rim. With centerpull and U- one, then it is simply a matter of checking the old tire
brake calipers, the pads move up as the move in. If the to see if there is at least 8mm clearance. If the new tire
replacement rim is narrower, inspect for pads that end is skinnier or fatter than the old tire, factor in that dif-
up too high on the rim. If the replacement rim is wider, ference as well as the wheel-radius difference. Ideally,
inspect for pads that end up too low on the rim. try to end up with about 6mm clearance (without fend-
22. [ ] Measure and compare old and new rim ers), and 12mm clearance if fenders will be used.
widths. NOTE: If replacing a wheel with one of the same
Rim width Ifreplacingawheelwithoneofanothersize
25. [ ] Measure radius of old wheel, and write an-
swer here: __________

18.15 Measuring rim width.

23. If new rim width is narrower, check one of fol-

lowing choices: Radius
[ ] Brakes are cantilever or sidepull brakes,
check if brake pads hit too low on new rim. 18.16 Measure the rim radius.
[ ] Brakes are U-brake or centerpull, check if
brake pads hit too high on rim. 26. [ ] Measure radius of new wheel, and write an-
24. If new rim width is wider, check one of follow- swer here: __________
ing choices: 27. [ ] Subtract smaller of steps 25 and 26 from
[ ] Brakes are cantilever or sidepull brakes, larger of steps 25 and 26 and write answer
check if brake pads hit too high on new rim. here: __________
[ ] Brakes are U-brake or centerpull, check if This is amount brake pads will need to be
brake pads hit too low on rim. adjusted up or down to reach new rim.
28. [ ] Measure amount brake pad can move down
FIT OF RIM DIAMETER (if step 26 is smaller than step 25), or up (if
step 26 is larger than step 25,) and write
RELATIVE TO BRAKE-PAD HEIGHT answer here: __________
In almost every case, a wheel must be replaced
with one of an identical size or the brakes will not
reach the rim. The only exception to this is the 700C
and the 27" sizes, which differ in radius by approxi-
mately 4mm. In most cases, even this small differ-
ence would mean that the brakes will not fit. If re-
placing a 27" wheel with a 700C wheel, and the brake
pads are currently at the top of their height-adjust-
ment range, then there is a possibility the 700C wheel Up
will fit. If replacing a 700C wheel with a 27" wheel,
and the brake pads are currently at the bottom of
their height-adjustment range, then there is a possi-
bility the 27" wheel will fit. (This example assumes
the brakes are sidepull, not cantilever.) Down

18.17 Vertical pad adjustment of a sidepull brake.

18 – 13
29. Choose one of following choices: more pinch flats. Also, the shape of the tire will be de-
[ ] Step 28 is larger than step 27, so brakes formed in a way that reduces cornering performance
will accommodate new wheel size. (particularly on road bikes). If the tire is too wide for the
[ ] Step 28 is smaller than step 27, so brakes new rim, there is some risk of different consequences. If
will not accommodate new wheel size.
the tire is too wide for the rim and the bike has cantile-
30. [ ] If replacing a smaller wheel with a larger one,
check clearance between tread and frame to
ver brakes, the brake pads often end up rubbing on the
make sure there will be room for a larger tire. tire — resulting in its premature demise. If the bike in
question has sidepull brakes, the pads probably will not
spread wide enough to clear an oversize tire. Also, on
CENTERING OF RIM TO BRAKES road bikes where the tire is too wide for the rim, a squirmy
Assuming the wheel is correctly dished initially (and feel in the handling might be experienced — depending
this may prove false later), if the axle spacing was modi- on the tire design and the air pressure.
fied in any way, dish should be checked and corrected. The following steps determine whether the exist-
Assuming the original wheel centered correctly between ing tire is within the range of widths that is acceptable
the brake pads, if the new wheel does not center up on the new rim.
well, either the brakes were mis-adjusted to a poorly- 34. [ ] Use a caliper to measure inside width of rim.
dished old wheel, or the new wheel is not correctly Record measurement here: __________
dished. When installing the new wheel, if it does not
center to the brake pads, there is either a problem with Inside rim width
the wheel dish or the brake adjustment. Use a dish gauge
to check the dish of the new wheel (see page 17-15)
before centering the brakes to the new wheel.
31. [ ] Install wheel temporarily and check if rim is
centered between brake pads. If centered,
skip steps 32 and 33.
32. [ ] If not centered, check and correct wheel
18.18 Measure inside width of rim.
dish if necessary.
33. If wheel dish is correct, brakes need centering.
35. [ ] Measure width from bead-to-bead (edge-to-
edge) of tire (flattened) and record width
Assuming the replacement wheel is the same size Flattened width between beads
category as the original and the plan is to re-use the old
tire, check that the new rim width is compatible with Cross -s ection of flattened tire
the old tire. In a perfect world, it would be a matter of
18.19 Measure flattened width of tire between the beads.
matching the named width of the rim to the named
width of the tire, and all 26" MTB tires would be com- 36. [ ] Divide answer in step 35 by 2.5 to deter-
patible with all 26" MTB rims. Unfortunately, the world mine “section width” and record answer
isn’t perfect, at least not as far as tires and rims are con- here: __________
cerned. For any size (such as 26" MTB), there are a 37. [ ] Multiply rim-inside width from step 34 by
variety of rim widths and a variety of tire widths. To 1.4 to determine the narrowest acceptable
complicate matters, the actual width for two rims that “section width” and record answer here:
are named the same can actually be quite different. The __________
same holds true of tires. If combining the narrowest of 38. [ ] Multiply rim-inside width from step 34 by
2.0 (road bikes) or 3.0 (MTBs) to determine
rims with the widest of tires in a given size group, or
the widest acceptable “section width” and
vice versa, then there may be a problem. There are a record answer here: __________
few simple measurements that can be taken and calcu- 39. Check one of following choices:
lations to make to determine whether the tire width is [ ] Step 36 is included in range of steps 37 and
acceptable to use with the new wheel. 38, so tire width is ideal for rim.
If the tire is too narrow for the new rim, there are [ ] Step 36 is outside of range of steps 37 and
several consequences. The height profile of the tire will 38, so tire width is potentially unacceptable
be too low, which can lead to more rim damage and for rim. (See preceding text for description
of possible problems.)

18 – 14


NOTE: If installing a rear wheel, skip to REAR WHEELS.

Installing a front wheel is relatively simple, but don’t
let the simplicity lead to carelessness. Nothing is more
disastrous than a front-wheel-mounting failure! Axle
1 . [ ] Check that sidepull-brake quick-release Axle nut
mechanism is released, or cantilever/
U-brake/centerpull straddle wire is unhooked. Axle was her

18.22 Orientation of axle nut, washer, and dropout.

[ ] If wheel has quick-release mechanism and

quick-release mechanism has been re-
Brake moved from axle:
quick releas e
a) Lubricate skewer shaft and threads.
b) Lubricate pivot of quick-release lever.
c) Install conical spring so that small end
points to threaded end of skewer (OK to
A omit both springs, but not one).
d) Install skewer in axle so that lever ends
up on wheel’s left side.
A A e) Install second spring over threaded end of
skewer so that small end points inward (un-
18.20 A sidepull brake should be released before installing the less using no springs).
wheel. f) Thread on skewer adjusting nut.

Adjus ting nut

Conical s pring

Greas e

S kewer s haft (interrupted)

Quick-releas e lever

18.21 A cantilever brake should be released before installing the Conical s pring
Cam nut
2 . Check one of following choices, then perform Oil
lettered steps that follow checked choice: Quick-releas e-lever pivot (cam)
[ ] If wheel is retained with axle nuts:
a) Remove axle nuts and washers, grease 18.23 Parts identification and lubrication points of a quick-re-
axle threads. lease mechanism.
b) Install axle washers (textured face, if any,
toward dropout).
c) Thread on axle nuts (any flange on axle
nut faces toward dropout).

18 – 15
[ ] If skewer is already installed: that have been proven by research. “Existing lore” is
a) Lubricate quick-release lever pivot. the cause of many of the problems with quick-release
b) Check that there are two conical springs, or mechanisms. It is strongly recommended that you read
no conical springs (one is worse than none). the earlier section, Wheel-mounting failure (page 18-2),
c) Check that small ends of conical springs
before proceeding with wheel installation.
point toward center.
7 . Select one of following steps depending on
3 . [ ] Slip wheel between fork blades and axle ends
whether wheel is retained by axle nuts or
into dropout slots. For quick-release wheels,
quick-release mechanism:
convention is that Q.R. lever is on bike’s left.
[ ] If wheel has axle nuts, secure nuts to a
4 . [ ] Close sidepull quick-release mechanism or
torque of 180–240in-lbs (30–40lbs@6")
hook up cantilever/U-brake/centerpull
and check that rim is still centered as in step
straddle wire.
5. If axle tends to rotate while securing axle
In the next step, make sure that the wheel is cen- nut, alternate tightening nuts on each side a
tered between the fork blades. This is not achieved little at a time.
automatically by shoving the axle fully into the drop- [ ] If wheel has quick-release mechanism:
out slots. Few manufacturers make forks so precisely a) Flip lever from open position toward
that a properly-dished wheel will automatically cen- closed position and check if clamping force
ter. It is possible to use a round file to extend the length is first encountered when lever is close to
of the axle slot in the dropout that is on the side of the pointing straight out (base of lever perpen-
fork that the rim ends up too close to. In most cases, dicular to dropout face). If dropouts are
this is not worth the trouble. A more practical ap- wider than hub width, clamping force does
not begin until both dropouts are contacting
proach is to make sure the wheel is dished, and install
faces of axle hardware.
the wheel so that it is centered to the fork blades, cen- b) If necessary, tighten or loosen adjusting-nut
ter the brake to the rim, and from then on for all so that clamping force is first encountered
further wheel installations just install the wheel so that when lever is close to pointing straight out
it ends up centered between the brake pads. (base of lever perpendicular to dropout face).
5 . Check one of following choices, depending on c) Flip lever to open position and rotate
whether brake was centered to correctly skewer so that when lever is flipped to
dished wheel previously or not: closed position, lever will end up adjacent
[ ] If brake was not centered to correctly dished to, but not overlapping, fork blade.
wheel previously, position rim so that it is d) Close lever so that base of lever ends
centered between fork blades. Secure wheel up at parallel to dropout, or past point
temporarily and recheck centering. where it is parallel.
[ ] If brake was centered to correctly dished e) If unable to close lever fully (base of lever
wheel previously, position rim so that it is parallel to dropout), open lever enough to be
centered between brake pads. Operate brake able to turn adjusting nut and loosen adjusting
several times to ensure pads are returning to nut by very small increments until just able to
their natural positions. Secure wheel tempo- close lever to parallel-to-dropout position.
rarily and recheck centering. f) Check that rim is still centered as in step 5.
6 . [ ] If quick-release wheel has safety-retention
plates, install screws and tighten screws now. Incorrect
In the next step, the wheel is secured. There are Correct
few errors a mechanic can make that are more cata-
strophic than a wheel-mounting failure. If the wheel
is retained by axle nuts, there is a simple procedure
that guarantees a secure wheel: use axle washers, make OPEN CLOS ED
sure the clamping surfaces of the axle fully engage the Incorrect Correct
dropout surface, then use a torque wrench to tighten
the axle nuts to the recommended torque.
If the wheel is retained by a quick-release mecha- 18.24 The solid images are quick-release mechanisms as they ap-
nism, the solution is not so simple. Few manufactur- pear when they have been closed properly by utilizing the cam (flip-
ers provide guidelines for use of the quick-release ping the lever). The outlined levers are quick-release mechanisms as
mechanisms; some of the manufacturers that do are they appear when they have been secured incorrectly (as though the
lever was a wing-nut).
simply quoting existing lore, rather than techniques

18 – 16

Installing a rear wheel is relatively simple, but
compared to a front wheel it is complicated by the
Clamping force s hould be chain and the fact that the wheel needs to be aligned
firs t felt in this range
between the chain stays (frame tubes between the
80° 90°
crank set and rear axle) and the seat stays (frame tubes
between the seat and the rear axle).
9 . [ ] Check that sidepull-brake quick-release
Clos ed Open mechanism is released, or cantilever/U-
brake/centerpull straddle wire is unhooked.


18.25 When properly set, as the lever swings from the open to
closed position, clamping force should first be felt when the base of
the lever is 80-90°from the closed position (wih the base of the lever
parallel to the dropout face).

Fully clos ed Not clos ed

quick releas e


18.26 When closed, the base of the lever must be parallel to the A A
18.28 A sidepull brake should be released before installing the

U nacceptable U nacceptable

U nacceptable Ideal Acceptable

18.29 A cantilever brake should be released before installing the

18.27 When closed, the lever should be adjacent to, but not over-
lapping, the fork blade.

8 . [ ] Center brake pads as necessary (see chapter

on brakes).

18 – 17
10. Check one of following choices, then perform [ ] If skewer is already installed:
lettered steps that follow checked choice: a) Lubricate quick-release lever pivot.
[ ] If wheel is retained with axle nuts: b) Check that there are two conical springs, or
a) Remove axle nuts and washers, grease no conical springs (one is worse than none).
axle threads. c) Check that small ends of conical springs
b) Install axle washers (textured face, if any, point toward center.
toward dropout). 11. [ ] Use right shift control to make sure rear de-
c) Thread on axle nuts (any flange on axle railleur is moved out as far as it will go.
nut faces toward dropout).

Axle nut H
Axle was her

18.30 Orientation of axle nut, washer, and dropout.

[ ] If wheel has quick-release mechanism and

quick-release mechanism has been removed
from axle:
a) Lubricate skewer shaft and threads.
b) Lubricate pivot of quick-release lever.
18.32 Use the shift-control mechanism to position the rear de-
c) Install conical spring so that small end railleur fully out before installing rear wheel.
points to threaded end of skewer (OK to
omit both springs, but not one). 12. [ ] Position wheel so that cogs are above sec-
d) Install skewer in axle so that lever ends tion of chain running from bottom of
up on wheel’s left side. crankset to bottom of derailleur and below
e) Install second spring over threaded end of section of chain running from derailleur to
skewer so that small end points inward (un- top of crankset.
less using no springs).
f) Thread on skewer adjusting nut.

Adjus ting nut

Conical s pring

Greas e

S kewer s haft (interrupted)

Quick-rel eas e lever

Conical s pring

Cam nut

Oi l
Quick-rel eas e-lever pivot (cam)
18.33 Rotate derailleur back, then place outermost cog of wheel
18.31 Parts identification and lubrication points of a quick- between upper and lower sections of chain and engage outermost
release mechanism. cog to upper section of chain.

18 – 18
13. [ ] Pull back on derailleur and pull wheel up into and between the chain stays. If the dropouts have ver-
dropout axle slots, making sure top of outer- tical axle-slots, precise centering between the seat stays
most cog engages chain. should be possible, but the potential to center the wheel
between the chain stays may be limited; if the drop-
outs have horizontal axle-slots, precise centering be-
tween the chain stays should be possible, but the po-
tential to center the wheel between the seat stays may
be limited. After installing the wheel as best as pos-
sible, then center the brake to the rim. On subsequent
wheel installations, the wheel should be installed so that
it ends up centered between the brake pads.
Some dropouts with horizontal axle-slots have po-
sitioning screws in the dropouts that butt against the
axle. Once the wheel is properly positioned, these screws
can be adjusted so that both butt against the axle. To
position the wheel when installing it at a later time,
then just pull it back until both ends of the axle are
against the positioning screws.
16. Check one of following choices, depending on
whether the brake was centered to correctly
dished wheel previously or not:
[ ] If brake was not centered to correctly dished
18.34 Pull wheel back and up so that axle seats in axle slots, then wheel previously, position rim so that it is cen-
allow derailleur to swing forward. tered between seat stays and chain stays. Se-
cure wheel temporarily and recheck centering.
14. [ ] Temporarily secure wheel with quick release [ ] If brake was centered to correctly dished
or axle nuts. wheel previously, position rim so that it is
15. [ ] Close sidepull quick-release mechanism or centered between brake pads and chain
hook up cantilever/U-brake/centerpull stays (unless brake is under chain stays, in
straddle wire. which case rim should be centered between
In the next step, make sure that the wheel is cen- brake pads and seat stays). Operate brake
tered between the seat stays and chain stays. This is several times to ensure pads are returning to
not automatically achieved by shoving the axle fully their natural positions. Secure wheel tempo-
rarily and recheck centering.
into the dropout slots. Few manufacturers make
In the next step, the wheel is secured. There are
frames so precisely that a properly-dished wheel will
few errors a mechanic can make that are more cata-
automatically center.
strophic than a wheel-mounting failure. If the wheel
If the dropouts have horizontal axle-slots, then
is retained by axle nuts, there is a simple procedure
there will be ample adjustment to center the rim be-
that guarantees a secure wheel: use axle washers, make
tween the chain stays and a limited range of adjust-
sure the clamping surfaces of the axle fully engage the
ment to center the wheel between the seat stays.
dropout surface, then use a torque wrench to tighten
If the dropouts have vertical axle-slots, then there
the axle nuts to the recommended torque.
will be limited adjustment to center the rim between
If the wheel is retained by a quick-release mecha-
the chain stays and ample range of adjustment to cen-
nism, the solution is not so simple. Few manufactur-
ter the wheel between the seat stays.
ers provide guidelines for use of the quick-release
Because axle slots are often wider than the axle, it is
mechanisms; some of the manufacturers that do are
usually possible to center the rim by moving the end of
simply quoting existing lore, rather than techniques
the axle at right angles to the direction of the slot. The
that have been proven by research. “Existing lore” is
slot may be filed wider to increase the amount of ad-
the cause of many of the problems with quick-release
justment available. In most cases, this is not worth the
mechanisms. It is strongly recommended that you read
trouble. A more practical approach is to make sure the
the earlier section, Wheel-mounting failure (page 18-2),
wheel is correctly dished, then install the wheel so that
before proceeding with wheel installation.
it is centered as best as possible between the seat stays

18 – 19
17. Select one of following steps, depending on
whether wheel is retained by axle nuts or
quick-release mechanism:
[ ] If wheel has axle nuts, secure nuts to a
torque of 240–300in-lbs (40–50lbs@6") Clamping force s hould
and check that rim is still centered, as in be firs t felt in this range
step 16. If axle tends to rotate while secur- 90° 80°
ing axle nut, alternate tightening nuts on
each side a little at a time.
[ ] If wheel has quick-release mechanism:
a) Flip lever from open position toward Open Clos ed
closed position and check if clamping force
is first encountered when lever is close to Dropout
pointing straight out (base of lever perpen-
dicular to dropout face). If dropouts are 18.36 When properly set, as the lever swings from the open to
wider than hub width, clamping force does closed position, clamping force should first be felt when the base of
not begin until both dropouts are contacting the lever is 80-90°from the closed position (the base of the lever par-
faces of axle hardware. allel to the dropout face).
b) If necessary, tighten or loosen adjusting-nut
so that clamping force is first encountered Not clos ed Fully clos ed
when lever is close to pointing straight out
(base of lever perpendicular to dropout face).
c) Flip lever to open position and rotate
skewer so that when lever is flipped to
closed position, lever will end up adjacent to,
but not overlapping, seat stay or chain stay.
d) Close lever so that base of lever ends
up at parallel to dropout, or past point
where it is parallel. 18.37 When closed, the base of the lever must be parallel to the
e) If unable to close lever fully (base of lever dropout.
parallel to dropout), open lever enough to be
able to turn adjusting nut and loosen adjusting
nut by very small increments until just able to
Correct U nacceptable
close lever to parallel-to-dropout position.
f) Check if rim is still centered as in step 16. Correct

U nacceptable

Correct U nacceptable
Correct Incorrect

U nacceptable


18.35 The solid images are quick-release mechanisms as they ap-

pear when they have been closed properly by utilizing the cam (flip- U nacceptable U nacceptable
ping the lever). The outlined levers are quick-release mechanisms as
they appear when they have been secured incorrectly (as though the
lever was a wing-nut).
18.38 When closed, the lever should be adjacent to, but not over-
lapping, the chain stay or seat stay.

18 – 20
18. [ ] Center brake pads as necessary (see chapter
on brakes).
19. [ ] Pedal cranks to make sure chain is running
smoothly through derailleur and over free-
wheel cogs, and shift chain to more inner
freewheel cog so that the bike will be in an
easier gear to get started in.

If the chain tension is too tight, it will not operate
smoothly. If it is too loose, it will fall off. Because
gears are not perfectly round, chain tension will vary
depending on the point of rotation of the crank. Find
the point at which the chain is tightest and adjust the
wheel forward or backward until the chain will move
up and down 1/2" at the point halfway between the
front and rear gears.

18.39 The chain should have 1/2" of free play when the crank has
been rotated to the point that puts the chain under the most tension.

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Axle nuts or quick-release mechanism must be loosened further for wheel installation than
was required for removal.
Dropout spacing is too wide for hub width. Add spacers to axle set, or re-space the rear
triangle or fork blades.
SYMPTOM: Hands are needed to spread the dropouts in order to install the wheel.
Dropout spacing is too narrow for hub width. Remove spacers from axle set, or re-space the
rear triangle or fork blades.
SYMPTOM: Wheel will not center automatically between fork blades when installed fully.
Axle is bent. Remove wheel and inspect for bent axle.
Wheel is not properly dished. Remove wheel and inspect wheel dish.
Dropouts are different height. Live with the problem or use a file to change the
axle slot in the dropout until the wheel centers

18 – 21

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Wheel cannot be centered between chain stays on bike with rear-dropout vertical axle-slots.
Axle is bent. Remove wheel and inspect for bent axle.
Wheel is not properly dished. Remove wheel and inspect wheel dish.
Chain stays are different lengths. Live with the problem or use a file to change the
axle slot in the dropout until the wheel centers
SYMPTOM: Wheel does not center between seat stays when installed fully in rear-dropout vertical
axle-slots, or cannot be centered between seat stays at all (regardless of dropout type).
Axle is bent. Remove wheel and inspect for bent axle.
Wheel is not properly dished. Remove wheel and inspect wheel dish.
Dropouts are different height. Live with the problem or use a file to change the
axle slot in the dropout until the wheel centers
SYMPTOM: When axle is rotated, wheel changes position between fork blades or rear stays.
Axle is bent. Remove wheel and inspect for bent axle.
SYMPTOM: Wheel changes position after being installed.
Quick-release axle protrudes past axle locknut too Remove wheel and make sure that axle
far. protrusion is less than dropout thickness.
Quick release or axle nuts not adequately secure. Secure quick release or axle nuts properly.
Axle nuts need washers. Install washers between axle nuts and dropouts.
SYMPTOM: Wheel is difficult to install when dropout width is good and wheel-retention mechanisms
are adequately loose.
Dropouts badly misaligned. Check and align dropouts.

18 – 22

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Eyelet: A separate metal reinforcement that goes

in the spoke nipple hole in the rim.
This chapter is about repairing wheels. It covers
Cross pattern: The pattern created by two sets of
truing the wheels (adjusting spokes so that the rim is
spokes in a hub flange that radiate in opposite direc-
more round, centered, and wobbles less), replacing
tions on their way to the rim. If one clockwise radiat-
broken spokes and damaged nipples, and fixing mi-
ing spoke crosses three counterclockwise radiating
nor rim damage. The chapter WHEEL BUILDING AND RIM
spokes from the same hub flange, then the wheel is
REPLACEMENT is about replacing rims and building
said to be a “three-cross pattern.”
new wheels. That chapter does not include anything
Interlace: If a spoke switches from crossing over
about truing wheels, but refers back to this chapter
spokes to crossing under the last spoke it crosses on
for that process.
way to the rim, the switch from crossing over to cross-
ing under is called an interlace.
Dish: The centering of the rim to the hub lock-
GENERAL INFORMATION nuts. Because the flanges of a rear hub may not be
equidistant from the locknuts, a rim centered to the
locknuts is not necessarily centered to the hub flanges.
TERMINOLOGY Viewed from the wheel’s edge, this makes the wheel
Rim: The metal hoop at the outer end of the appear like a dish viewed from its edge.
spokes that the rubber tire attaches to. The word “rim” Radial error: This is a deviation in the round of the
is sometimes misused to apply to the wheel, including rim. Radial errors are sometimes called “round errors.”
the spokes and hub. Radial bump: This is a radial error that devi-
Rim sidewall: The face of the rim that contacts ates further from the center of the wheel than the
the brake pads. rest of the rim.
Rim beads: The two edges of the rim at the rims Radial dip: This is a radial error that deviates closer
outer perimeter. to the center of the wheel than the rest of the rim.
Hub: The mechanism at the center of the wheel Kgf: Stands for kilograms of force. This is a unit
that an axle rotates inside of, and the spokes attach to used to measure the tension of a spoke.
the outside of. Reading unit: A number that is read from a spoke-
Hub flange: The disc on either end of the hub to tension meter. The reading unit must be looked up
which the spokes attach. on a chart specific to the spoke-tension tool being used
Spokes: The wires that go between the hub and to convert to kgf.
the rim.
Spoke elbow: The end of the spoke that makes a PREREQUISITES
90° bend where the spoke goes through the hole in
the hub flange. Wheelremovalandinstallation
Spoke head: The flattened disc at the end of the Before repairing a wheel, the wheel must be
spoke elbow that keeps the spoke from pulling through removed from the bike. See the WHEEL REMOVAL,
the holes in the hub flange. REPLACEMENT, AND RE-INSTALLATION chapter (page
Nipple: The elongated nut that threads onto the 18-6) if unsure about wheel removal and installation.
threaded end of the spoke and attaches the spoke to
the rim.
Before repairing a wheel, the tire usually must
Spoke hole: The hole in the rim where the nipple
be removed from the wheel. See the TIRES AND
comes out, although it would be better called the
TUBES chapter (page 19-3) if unsure about tire re-
“nipple hole.” With regard to the hub, the hole in the
moval and installation.
hub flange that the spoke goes through is also called
the spoke hole.

17 – 1

Freewheelremovalandinstallation Symptomsindicatingneedofwheel
To replace a broken spoke, it is necessary to re- replacementorrebuilding
move the freewheel or freehub cogs. See the FREEHUB Either during the course of a wheel repair, or even
MECHANISMS AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS chapter for before the repair is attempted, symptoms might be
freewheel removal (page 25-9) and freehub cog removal experienced that indicate it would be better to replace
(page 25-16). or rebuild the wheel. These symptoms are:
Hubadjustment Multiple broken spokes, either all at once or
Before truing a wheel, the hub must be adjusted one at a time, over the last few hundred miles.
to have no free play when out of the bike. See the Multiple corroded nipples that won’t turn.
ADJUSTABLE-CONE HUBS chapter (page 12-13). Multiple damaged nipples (rounded off flats).
Dents or bends in the rim that cannot be ad-
equately straightened by normal spoke ad-
INDICATIONS justment and unbending techniques.
Symptomsindicatingneedofwheelrepair Cracks in the rim.
There are several reasons to repair wheels. Severe rim-sidewall wear.
Truing is needed when the side-to-side wobble (lat- Maintenancecycles
eral error) of the rim makes it difficult to adjust the There is not much routine maintenance to wheels
brakes (to eliminate brake-pad rub) without compro- other than repairing them when one of the above
mising the brake adjustment. Truing might also be symptoms is experienced, but two things are very
needed because the rim is out of round (radial error), important. First, the key to wheel longevity is proper
causing difficulty with getting the brake pads set at one spoke tension. Proper tension promotes longer spoke
height that is not too high at one point and too low at life, long-lasting true, and longer rim life. Fortunately,
another point. Another reason wheel truing might be another thing proper spoke tension promotes is stable
needed is that the rim needs to be centered to the hub spoke tension. Once tension is set right, it probably
(dished). The symptoms that would lead to suspicion will not need regular attention. Unfortunately, only
that the wheel needs dishing are that the bike has a a minority of bicycle manufacturers and bike shops
tendency to pull to one side (particularly when riding pay attention to this critical factor. Whenever assem-
no hands), or that it is difficult to get the rim properly bling a bike, or truing used wheels, check the spoke
centered in the frame or fork. The symptoms indicat- tension first.
ing that the rim needs dishing can be caused by many The second form of wheel maintenance is nipple
things other than rim dish, but dish is one of the easiest lubrication. The nipples are the little elongated nuts at
causes to check for and correct, so it should be done the rim end of each spoke. These nipples are tightened
first. See the troubleshooting section of this chapter or loosened, which is how the wheel is trued. In many
(page 17-30) for other possible solutions when dishing climates, the nipples have a tendency to corrode solid
a rim does not eliminate the symptom(s). even before the wheel needs to be trued the first time.
Replacing a broken spoke needs to be done when- The shop should put a drop of light oil that can pen-
ever a spoke breaks. More importantly, a broken spoke etrate at the top of each nipple so that it will soak down
indicates other problems. If spokes continue to break, into the threads whenever general maintenance is done.
it indicates that the life of the spokes is used up and The only exceptions to this are when it is known that
the wheel should be rebuilt or replaced. the threads have been treated with a compound such as
Repairing minor rim damage is advisable when Wheelsmith Spoke Prep (a “lifetime” corrosion preven-
truing is unsuccessful in eliminating the lateral errors tative) or when you know that the climate is so dry
while maintaining proper spoke tension. There are that rust and corrosion are not a problem.
severe limitations to what can be done about repair-
ing damaged rims, so very often the ultimate repair is
rim or wheel replacement.

17 – 2

TOOL CHOICES and economy. When more than one tool for one func-
The following list covers all tools for the job. The tion is in bold it means that several tools are required
preferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred be- for different configurations of parts, or that two or
cause of a balance of ease of use, quality, versatility, more tools are equally suitable for the job.


Tool Fits and considerations
NIPPLE WRENCHES (inaccurately called “spoke wrenches”)
Campagnolo 1103 Fits six sizes, but awkward to hold
Generic multi-wrenches Fit multiple sizes, but usually not all critical ones, awkward to hold
Park SW-0 Black wrench fits 2.0/1.8mm-gauge spokes with 3.2mm nipples
Park SW-1 Green wrench fits 2.0/1.8mm-gauge spokes with 3.3mm nipples
Park SW-2 Red wrench fits 2.0/1.8mm-gauge spokes with 3.5mm nipples
Park SW-3 Blue wrench fits 12-gauge spoke nipples
Park SW-4 Yellow wrench fits 11-gauge spoke nipples
Park SW-7 Three-size multi-wrench that is painful to hold
Park SW-10 Adjustable clamping wrench fits all odd sizes and partially damaged nipples
Rika Spokey (red) Comfortable, resists slippage, fits 3.3mm nipples
Rika Spokey (yellow) Comfortable, resists slippage, fits 3.5mm nipples
Spline Drive S/T Fits spline-drive nipples
VAR 51/1 Fits 2.0/1.8mm-gauge spokes with 3.3mm nipples
VAR 51/2 Fits 2.0/1.8mm-gauge spokes with 3.5mm nipples
Hozan C915 Relatively inexpensive spoke-threading machine, impractical for more than
2–3 spokes at a time. Valuable for creating replacement spokes in unusual
sizes. For wheels that just need a few spokes replaced
Phil Wood Spoke Cuts and threads spokes, difficult to cost-justify, difficult to create
Threading Machine consistent length of threading (makes truing more difficult).
DT Spoke Ruler Inexpensive spoke ruler measures in millimeters and inches, aluminum gauge
notches loose accuracy quickly.
Phil Wood Spoke Length Expensive, precise and durable. Metric and inches. Superior variety of gauge
Gauge notches that retain accuracy.
Wheelsmith TR-001 Precise and durable. Metric and inches. Limited variety of gauge notches.
Hozan C737 Expensive, fragile, precise readings, cannot be re-calibrated
Wheelsmith N001 Less expensive, durable, less precise readings, but can be re-calibrated
Eldi 2620 Heavy duty spoke cutter for cutting out old spokes
Eldi 297 Cuts excess spoke off at nipple head, fits inside few rims
Hozan C216 Cuts excess spoke off at nipple head, fits inside few rims
Campagnolo N Slow to use, fits 26" and larger only
Minoura (all) Cheap, effective, not compatible with all locknuts, fits 26" and larger only
Park WAG-1 Will fit wheel in stand, can create false readings in some cases, fits 20" and
VAR 143 Quick and easy to use, fits 20" and up
Wheelsmith F001 Awkward to read at axle, foldable, fits 26" and larger only

17 – 3

TIME AND DIFFICULTY Roundedwrenchflatsonnipples

Truing a wheel is a 15–35 minute job of moderate- As soon as one rounded nipple is encountered,
to-high difficulty. Replacing broken spokes, then tru- turn all the nipples on the wheel to see if others will
ing the wheel, is a high-difficulty job that could take be a problem. A wheel with many damaged nipples is
from 20–35 minutes. Repairing a damaged rim then tru- not cost effective to repair. A damaged nipple can be
ing the wheel could take 25–90 minutes, and is excep- turned or removed with a Park SW-10 nipple wrench.
tionally difficult to do successfully unless the damage is Frozennipples
minor. Precision spoke-tension balancing (optional on As soon as one frozen nipples is encountered, turn
high-performance wheels) can add 15–30 minutes. all the nipples on the wheel to see if others will be a
problem. A wheel with many frozen nipples is not
COMPLICATIONS cost effective to repair. A frozen nipple can be turned
or removed with a Park SW-10 nipple wrench, although
Loosehubadjustment it is often necessary to find a way to keep the spoke
A wheel cannot be trued if the hub adjustment has from turning.
any free play. The mechanic changes the existing ad-
justment by eliminating free play. The mechanic is re-
A broken spoke is routine in itself, and not nec-
sponsible to return the adjustment to at least as good as
essarily a complication. On a rear wheel, it often
it was originally. The mechanic is not responsible to
leads to freewheel removal, which itself can become
make the adjustment more correct than it started out,
very problematic.
unless the customer agrees to pay for a hub adjustment.

WHEEL-REPAIR TOOLS (table 17-1 continued)

Tool Fits and considerations
Bicycle Research RS-1 Pliers-type tool squeezes blips out of rims and aligns offset spliced rim seams
Bicycle Engineering TSAG Gauge for centering Park TS-2 truing stand, not needed
United Bicycle Tool Metric feeler-gauge set for measuring round, lateral, and dish errors
Coyote Jaw Inserts Beefs up axle slot on Park TS-2
Hozan A340 Oversize motorcycle-wheel true stand
Minoura Workman Pro Consumer-model stand that will cost more time than cheap price justifies
Park TS-2 Durable, easy wheel in/out, easy adjust of reading gauges
Park TS-6 Consumer-model stand that will cost more time than cheap price justifies
Park TSB-2 Tilt base for Park TS-2 helps compensate for mounting TS-2 at poor height
Pure Cycle True Stand Only consumer stand suitable for shop use. Prime advantage is compactness.
United Bicycle UB-DI Dial indicator for adding to existing true stand that can provide readouts to
.025mm. Unnecessary accuracy, not a time saver.
VAR 74 Awkward wheel installation and indicator adjustment
VAR 485 Expensive, awkward wheel installation, amplifying runout pointers make
small errors look big
DT Spoke Freeze Thread-preparation compound reduces corrosion and vibration loosening, can
be applied to assembled wheel
Wheelsmith Spoke Prep Thread-preparation compound reduces corrosion and vibration loosening,
cannot be applied to assembled wheel so is best used during lacing
Sanford Sharpie Fine Used for marking on rim to keep track of correction zones and tension
Point permanent marker readings
1/2” masking tape Used for tagging a spoke in order to keep track of it

17 – 4

Multiplebrokenspokes Radial flat spots are revealed by having loose

Multiple broken spokes can be encountered sev- spokes in the very section of the wheel that should be
eral different ways: the wheel may come into the shop loosened in order to make the rim more round. These
with several broken spokes; several spokes may break radial flat spots are caused by impact to the rim that
while truing the wheel; there may be only one bro- occurs in-line with the plane of the wheel (such as
ken spoke currently, but evidence of other previously hitting curbs or landing too hard). Repair is possible,
broken spokes due to the presence of mismatched but success is rare.
nipples or spokes. The problem is that a wheel with Simple lateral bends are revealed by having loose
multiple broken spokes is certain to break more spokes spokes just in the section of the wheel on the side that
soon. Replacing the current broken ones becomes a should be loosened to correct a lateral error, or by
very temporary repair that costs the customer a lot of very tight spokes right where it would be best to
money in the long run, especially if it is done over tighten some to correct a lateral error. These lateral
and over again. bends are caused by impact to the rim from the side.
Repair is possible, but success is rare.
Damaged spokes Another type of rim bend is a ding in the bead.
Spokes may be bowed, bent, kinked, or chewed
The outer perimeter of the rim is deformed, but the
up. Most bows and bends are not a problems, but a
body of the rim is unharmed. If the bead is collapsed
kinked spoke (sharp bend) is weak.
straight in, there is no real problem and no solution.
The most common damage is for all the head-in
If the bead is deformed outward, it can be pressed back
spokes in the right flange to be chewed up by a chain
in with some success.
that has shifted past the innermost rear cog. Although
Rims can collapse catastrophically. The wheel will
these spokes are weakened, one must balance the fact
that they could have some reasonable life left, against have a shape like a potato chip, with two large wobbles
the fact that the only cost-effective repair for the shop is to the right alternating with two large wobbles to the
to rebuild the wheel (complicated by the issue of whether left. This is unrepairable.
or not to rebuild with the same rim). It’s usually best to Crackedrims
true a wheel with chewed-up spokes, and rebuild it com- Cracks can occur in rims at the nipple holes, at
pletely if and when the spokes begin to break. the inner perimeter of the sidewall, or in the sidewall.
Replacingspokesofunusuallength In all these cases, the rim is useless. Cracks around
It is very likely that customers will bring in nipple holes or at the inner perimeter of the sidewall
wheels for which the shop has no matching lengths usually indicate excessive spoke tension. Cracks in the
of spokes. Hozan makes an inexpensive spoke face of the sidewall may be from abuse or, more likely,
threader that is a better choice than turning away from excessive rim wear.
the work or ordering the spokes. Wornoutrimsidewalls
Spokesprotrudingpastnipples Worn-out sidewalls occur primarily on off-road
When spokes protrude past the nipples, they may bikes that are used in a lot of wet conditions. The dirt
puncture the tube, or the nipples may be running being ground between the brake pads and the rim
out of thread. wears away the rim surface. Although texture is a good
A small amount of protrusion in a rim that has indicator of wear, the best indicator is a concave shape
nipples down in a recessed well is not a problem. If (curved in) to the sidewall. Most rims have flat sur-
the end of the spoke can reach the rim strip, then it faces or convex surfaces. Rim failure is imminent and
must be ground down with a small stone on a rotary can be catastrophic.
tool, or filed if accessible. This is time consuming. Poorqualityrimseams
If the spoke protrudes, the nipple is hard to turn, Rim seams can be offset, narrow, fat, or flat at
and the spoke tension is low, the nipples are running the bead. A Bicycle Research RS1 can be used to elimi-
out of thread on the spoke. Since proper tension can- nate offset on non-welded rims, or to squeeze down
not be achieved, the wheel is unreliable. a fat seam. If a rim has a narrow seam or a very short
Bentrims radial dip at the seam, the error at the seam should
Four types of bent rims may be encountered. be ignored while truing the wheel. Any error at the
These are radial flat spots, simple lateral bends, bent
rim beads, and collapsed rims.

17 – 5
seam that includes less than the distance between the ing spoke and one pushing spoke. When this pattern
two spokes adjacent to the seam is a seam problem, occurs, it indicates that one whole side is mis-laced
not a true problem. (all the spokes at least one hole off from where they
should be in the flange). The wheel should be re-laced.
Inexpensive bikes often have rims that are so
poorly made that both beads cannot be round at the ABOUT THE REST
same time and/or both sidewalls cannot be true at the
same time. If one side looks round and true and the
other jumps all over the place, then rim quality is to The next section is about truing a wheel that has
blame and further truing is a waste of time. no rim damage, broken spokes, or damaged nipples.
Everything in this section is also part of the process of
Tubulartireonrimtobetrued repairing a wheel with rim damage, broken spokes, or
Tubular tires (glued on) present problems with damaged nipples. After the section on repairing the
correcting round, dish, and replacing a nipple. The undamaged wheel is a section on replacing damaged
shop cannot afford the expense of removing and re- nipples and broken spokes. The procedure for this sec-
gluing within the normal price of truing a wheel. In tion goes only as far as necessary to recover from the
addition, many shops refuse to glue tubulars because damage, then refers back to truing an undamaged wheel
of liability. to complete the job. The last section is concerned with
If the rim is box shaped, then radial truing can be repairing damaged rims, which once again only goes as
done by setting the truing-stands radial-true indica- far as recovering from the damage, then refers back to
tors to the inner perimeter of the rim. If the rim has the first part on truing undamaged wheels.
an aerodynamic profile, then nothing is possible ex-
cept eyeballing the round.
Dish is problematic on tubular rims because the
tire interferes with the dish tool, and it is not unusual TRUING WHEELS WITH
for the tire to wobble back and forth on the rim. The
best solution is to deflate the tire and deflect it enough UNDAMAGED RIMS,
so that the dish tool can rest on the rim.
Nipple replacement is a problem because the tire
must be partially unglued from the rim. Usually lift-
ing up a two-inch segment is adequate. Using an unat- AVOIDING COMMON PITFALLS
tached spoke, feed the spoke up through the nipple Based on decades of teaching experience, there are
hole at angle so that it comes out beside the tire, at- ten common pitfalls to truing wheels a mechanic
tach the nipple, and use the spoke to pull the nipple should watch out for at all times. The pitfalls are listed
down into the rim. Remove the spoke from the nipple, here, and in some cases are repeated as the procedure
then thread the nipple onto the spoke that is coming is described later on.
from the hub. Be sure to put fresh glue under the section Pitfall #1: Avoid turning the nipple the wrong
of the tire that was lifted! way. Nipples are a right-hand thread, just like any
Mis-lacedwheels type of jar lid. The problem is that while turning the
Usually mis-laced wheels are encountered when nipple, the viewpoint is the same as looking at the
truing up a wheel that has just been laced up. There “jar” upside down. With the tire off and looking at
may either be erratic tight and loose spokes, or there the nipple from the tire-side of the rim (the nipple’s
will be a pattern of tight and loose spokes. “tire end”), the viewpoint is the same as looking at the
Erratic tight and loose spokes usually indicated top of the “jar lid.” When the view is of the end of the
that a few spokes were installed wrong, such as one nipple that the spoke attaches to (the “hub end”), it is
two cross and one four cross in a wheel that is oth- the same as looking at the “jar” upside down.
erwise fully three cross. Find and fix the offending Try this experiment. Get any empty jar (prefer-
mis-laced spokes. ably clear), and hold it upside down. Now, look
A pattern of tightness and looseness will usually through the bottom of the jar, and turn the lid off.
have alternating pairs, with two in a row tight, then The lid had to be turned clockwise (the normal way
two in a row loose. Each pair would include one pull- to tighten lids) to get it off. Loosening a nipple when

17 – 6
looking at it from “hub end” is just like loosening the Pitfall #5: Don’t check for dish error when the
lid on the upside-down jar. Tightening it is just the wheel has significant lateral errors. This is like using a
opposite. If you have trouble with this visualization level to check whether a warped stud is perpendicular
technique, use a felt tip pen to draw a half-circle ar- to the ground. Where the level is put completely changes
row on the inner perimeter of the rim around every the interpretation of any error. Always be sure that the
fourth nipple in the counterclockwise direction. Turn lateral true is acceptable before using a dish gauge.
nipples the direction the arrow indicates when tight- Pitfall #6: Don’t lose track of the right and left
ening, and opposite the arrow when loosening. sides of the wheel when making dish corrections. A
Pitfall #2: There is feedback designed into the wheel- good technique is to always wrap a rubber band around
truing procedure recommended in this chapter that con- the right end of the axle before starting truing the wheel.
firms things are on the right track; don’t bypass the pro- Always install the wheel in the truing stand with the
cedure and lose the feedback. When correcting lateral rubber band on the right, and always start each dish
(side-to-side) errors and radial (round) errors, set the tru- measurement on the right side of the wheel. By using
ing stand so that its indicators just barely contact the rim. these habits consistently, the chance of getting turned
Then, a very small correction is made. If the correct ad- around and performing a reverse correction is minimized.
justment is made there will be immediate feedback in Pitfall #7: Avoid assuming that the lateral align-
the form of the slight contact disappearing! If it does not ment of the rim remains constant when correcting a
disappear, either the wrong spoke is being turned, or the series of radial errors. It is natural to loose some lateral
correct spoke in the wrong direction. true while adjusting radial. For this reason, after every
If the contact between the truing-stand indicator three radial corrections, interrupt the process and go
and the rim is too heavy, there will be no immediate back and recheck for lateral errors. What makes switch-
feedback as to whether the correction is the right one. ing back and forth between radial and lateral correc-
Then it is easy to do the wrong thing for a long time tions so important is that a rim never moves strictly
before discovering it, or too much of the right thing, side-to-side. Think of the rim as a swinging pendulum.
which is ultimately the wrong thing, as well. As it goes left of center it goes up. As it goes right of
Along with this, keep the following guidelines center, it goes up. While working on radial errors, the
in mind: turning a nipple a whole turn is a huge wheel will develop more and more lateral error. If you
adjustment, turning a nipple a half turn is a nor- work on radial errors for too long without backtrack-
mal adjustment, turning a nipple a quarter turn is ing to lateral-error correction, there will be more and
a fine adjustment. more false radial errors. It’s a viscous cycle.
Pitfall #3: Don’t make dish (rim centering to the Pitfall #8: Don’t fail to balance the left- and right-
hub) corrections backwards, worsening instead of side corrections when correcting a round error (I am
improving an out-of-dish problem. For some reason, getting a little ahead here, but just try to grasp this
many people have an intuitive understanding of how concept). If trying to move a section of the rim closer
to correct a dish problem that is just the opposite of to the hub, spokes need to tightened. If only a left-
the correct way. When making dish corrections, fol- side spoke is tightened, the rim will be pulled closer
low procedures, not instinct! to the hub, but it will also be pulled closer to the left
Pitfall #4: Don’t assume that once dish is checked side of the hub, since that is where the spoke comes
and found to be correct, it will remain correct from from. If a nearby right-side spoke is tightened an equal
then on. On rear wheels, there is a tendency for the amount, it too will pull the section of rim closer to
rim to pull to the left slightly as the spokes get tighter. the hub, but to the right side as well. Since both spokes
Advanced wheel mechanics use this to their advan- were tightened equally and one pulled the rim left and
tage by tolerating minor errors to the right when the the other pulled the rim right, the net effect is that the
wheel is at low tension, expecting them to self-correct rim moved closer to the hub, but stayed laterally stable
as the wheel is tightened. Another way that dish is (did not move closer to the left or right). For this rea-
sometimes lost is when starting with a well-dished son, never use one spoke when correcting a radial er-
wheel with a major round error. In correcting the ror. If using two spokes, the amount each spoke should
round error, some substantial lateral error is created. be adjusted will always be equal. If adjusting three
In correcting the lateral error, the dish adjustment is spokes in a row (it gets trickier now), the total adjust-
lost. As a beginner, just keep checking wheel dish, ment on left-side spokes has to equal the total adjust-
even if it checked out fine early on. ment on right-side spokes. For example, if the group

17 – 7
of three included two left-side spokes straddling one more able to see errors. A significant number of stu-
right-side spoke, tighten the left-side spokes a quarter dents at Barnett Bicycle Institute make substantial
turn each (two quarters equals one half) and the one progress on a wheel and become convinced that it was
right-side spoke one half turn. worse than when they started! For this reason, it is im-
Pitfall #9: Don’t make errors reading the spoke- perative to measure errors before fixing them, and
tension-meter tool, and don’t make errors using math measure them to determine when to stop, rather than
to average a series of readings. The tension meter does relying on subjective judgment.
not read in familiar units like a ruler. If measuring
something familiar like a letter-size sheet of paper with
a ruler and the measurement was something ridicu-
lous like 12" x 18", it would obviously need to be AND INSPECTIONS
redone. Without any fundamental understanding of 1 . [ ] Remove wheel from bike and skewer (if any)
the realities of spoke tension and the units that ten- from hub.
sion is measured in, extreme care is called for. Watch 2 . [ ] Remove tire from rim.
out for these pitfalls: 3 . [ ] Mark right end of axle with tape or rubber
Confusing very low readings with very high band.
4 . [ ] Jerk axle side-to-side to check hub for play.
readings. The nature of the Wheelsmith ten-
(Adjust hub to eliminate play if hub is loose.)
sion meter is to simultaneously read “0” and
5 . [ ] Install wheel securely in stand with right
“100” when measuring tension on a tension- side of wheel on right side of stand.
less spoke. As readings of “100” are virtually 6 . [ ] Put a drop of oil where each nipple enters
impossible, and readings of “0” are quite com- rim and a drop of oil on the end of each
mon, it is safe to assume the lower number. nipple where spoke comes out.
Pluck the spoke in question and trust what it 7 . Measure spoke at its midpoint to determine
feels like. If it sings like a bird, the “100” is gauge. Check off closest of following mea-
right. If it has no tone at all, go with the “0”. surements.
Do not measure left-side spokes when deter- ROUND CROSS-SECTION SPOKE SIZES
[ ] 2.0mm– 14 gauge
mining a rear wheel’s overall tension aver-
[ ] 1.8mm– 15 gauge
age. By nature, rear-wheel left-side spokes
[ ] 1.7mm– 16 gauge
are significantly lower in tension than right- [ ] 1.55mm– 17 gauge
side spokes. It is the right-side spokes that ELLIPTICAL CROSS-SECTION SPOKE SIZES
reach maximum tension first, and if left-side (measure the minor thickness)
spokes are measured it will result in over- [ ] 1.2mm, 2.0mm ends
tightening the right side. [ ] 1.2mm, 1.8mm ends
Part of tensioning the wheel is taking readings
on a number of spokes and then average the ESTABLISHING
readings. Over and over again, students at
Barnett Bicycle Institute take ten readings STARTING TENSION
ranging from 60 to 70 each, average them, In the next step, measure the tension on the spokes
come up with an answer of 72.3, and then go (right side only if a rear wheel). The reason to start
on as though nothing were wrong. Their with this measurement is that the process of truing
mistake is to have left one of the readings more than likely will add tension to the wheel. If the
out of a group of ten, but still divide by ten wheel starts out with a high tension, it might end up
to get the average. Sometimes they make the being tightened too much. Usually, if the tension is
opposite error of adding a number in twice. over 80kgf, it makes sense to loosen the wheel before
In this case the average will be near or below starting to true the wheel. Resist the tendency to
the lowest readings they took. Be suspicious if tighten a wheel that starts out loose (under 80kgf); a
an average that is close to or beyond the lowest loose wheel automatically becomes tighter from the
or highest numbers being averaged! truing process (tightening the wheel before truing will
Pitfall #10: Don’t lose perspective, avoid seeing lead to too much tension). If the wheel does not gain
little errors as big errors. As the wheel takes longer enough tension from truing, more tension can be eas-
and longer to complete, it is easy to become more and ily added at the end of the truing process.

17 – 8
Before tension can be measured, get familiar with One more important tip about the Wheelsmith
how to use the Wheelsmith Tensiometer. Take a look Tensiometer is how to hold it while taking a reading.
at figure 17.1 (below) to see how the tool is placed on It is best to support it on one finger, as in the next
the spoke. One ear of the tool goes over the spoke picture. If held between two fingers, there is a chance
and one goes under the same spoke. When the tool is the additional pressure will influence the reading.
installed correctly, it will hold itself on the spoke.
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10


A 17.2 Holding a Wheelsmith Tensiometer while taking a reading.

Now look at the tool scale and figure out how to
read it. The top scale has lines numbered 10 to 100
(right to left). The bottom scale has no numbers. The
B D easiest reading to make is if one of the lines on the
E bottom scale touches one of the lines on the top scale.
The reading is then the number adjacent to the line
on the top scale that is being touched by a line on the
bottom scale. (See following figures 17.3 and 17.4.)
A reading of 50
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

17.3 In this example, the reading on the Wheelsmith Tensiometer

is 50 because the lower-scale line indicated by “A” lines up exactly
17.1 The Wheelsmith Tensiometer is placed on the spoke so that with the upper-scale line marked “50.”
the ear marked “A” goes over the spoke and the ear marked “B” goes
under the spoke. When point “C” contacts the spoke, squeeze the
tool together at the points marked “D,” so that the points marked A reading of 60
“E” can catch on the opposite side of the spoke from point “C.” 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

It is important where the tool is placed along the B A

length of the spoke. The entire tool must be between
the rim and the last point where the spokes cross each 17.4 In this example, the reading on the Wheelsmith Tensiometer
is 60 because the lower-scale line indicated by “B” lines up exactly
other on the way to the rim. Also, if the spokes are with the upper-scale line marked “60.”
butted (thick on the ends and thin in the middle) the
entire tool needs to be on the thin portion of the spoke.
Sometimes butting is hard to see. Grasp the spoke
If none of the lines on the bottom scale touch any
between two fingertips and feel for a change as you
of the lines on the top scale, look for the two lines
slide your fingers from one end of the spoke to the
that come closer to touching than any of the others.
other, or set a caliper tight on the spoke near the middle
Let’s say there is a line on the bottom scale that comes
of its length and see if the caliper jams before it will
close to touching the 50 line on the top scale, and
slide all the way to the nipple.

17 – 9
there is another line on the bottom scale that comes aged 62.5. The spoke gauge is 1.8mm. On the accom-
equally close to touching the 60 line. In this case, split panying chart, the average reading is found in the read-
the difference between 50 and 60 and call the reading ing column (halfway between 60 and 65), and the kgf
a 55. (See following figure 17.5.) is interpolated to be 118 (halfway between 108 which
A reading of 55 is the tension for a reading of 60, and 128 which is the
tension for a reading of 65).
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

S poke T ens ion in Kilograms of Force (kgf)

S poke Gauge and center dimens ion (mm)*

17.5 In this example, the lower-scale line indicated by “A” is close T ens iometer S S -14 S S -15 DB-14
to the upper-scale line marked “50,” the lower scale line indicated by Reading 2.0 1.8 1.7
“B” is close to the upper-scale line marked “60,” and they are
equally close. Consequently, the reading is halfway between 50 and
60, which is 55. 15
20 48
Readingincrementsof2.5and7.5 25 49 52
When no lines touch, it will not always be the
case that the two closest will be equally close to the 30 53 57
lines they don’t quite touch. Sticking with the above 35 58 63
example, if the line close to 50 is closer to 50 than the 40 64 70
line close to 60 is close to 60, then the reading would
45 51 71 78
be 52.5. If the reverse were true, with the line near 60
being the closer, then the reading would be 57.5 in- 50 55 80 90
stead. (See following figures 17.6 and 17.7.) 55 61 92 105
A reading of 52.5 60 68 108 126
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
65 77 128 158
B A 70 89

17.6 In this example, the reading on the Wheelsmith Tensiometer 75 104

is close to 50 because the lower-scale line marked “A” is closer than 80 127
any other line on the lower scale is close to any other line on the
62.5 = 118
upper scale. The reading is more than 50 because the “A” line is on
the 60 side of 50. The reading is below 55 because the “A” line is 17.8 A Wheelsmith Tensiometer chart.
closer to 50 than the “B” line is close to 60, so the reading is 52.5.
8 . [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right-
A reading of 57.5 side spokes, record readings in following
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 blanks, and total.

B A _____+_____+_____+_____+_____
17.7 In this example, the reading on the Wheelsmith Tensiometer _____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______
is close to 60 because the lower-scale line marked “B” is closer than
9 . [ ] Divide step 44 total by 10 ÷10
any other line on the lower scale is close to any other line on the
upper scale. The reading is less than 60 because the “B” line is on the Average reading is: =_______
50 side of 60. The reading is above 55 because the “B” line is closer 10. [ ] Record reading that is equal to 70kgf for
to 60 than the “A” line is close to 50, so the reading is 57.5. spoke gauge in use: _______
11. [ ] Look average reading up on tension-meter
To get an idea of what the tension level is, mea- chart and across to column for spoke gauge
sure about ten spokes and average their readings, then used on wheel, and decide whether tension
look up the average reading in the reading column on is: <70kgf >70kgf (circle one choice).
a table supplied with the tool, then look across to the NOTE: If <70kgf circled in previous step, skip to
step 13):
appropriate spoke-gauge column to find the equiva-
lent tension in kilograms of force (kgf). Let’s pretend Iftheaveragetensionismorethan70kgf
we have just taken a batch of readings and they aver- 12. [ ] Loosen all spokes one-half turn and repeat
steps 8–12 until average is <70kgf.

17 – 10

CORRECTING LATERAL ERRORS the wheel slowly and find what looks like the largest
gap that occurs between the lateral-true indicator that
Lateral error needs to be corrected before radial
rubbed the rim and the rim.
error or dish error because measuring and correcting
radial or dish errors is compromised if there is signifi-
cant lateral error. The basic technique when correct-
ing lateral error is to set the truing indicators to barely
rub the rim at one point as the wheel rotates in the
stand, stop the wheel at that point, and tighten one
spoke just enough to eliminate the rub. Then the in-
dicators are moved in just enough to create another
rub, which is then eliminated. This is repeated over Lateral-true indicator
and over again until the lateral error becomes insig-
nificant (<.5mm). Because there is no way to predict
Bigges t gap
how many times it will be necessary to repeat the pro- this s ide of wheel
cess, the next steps are written as a repetitive cycle,
each time ending with: “Insert .5mm feeler gauge in
gap to determine if it is<.5mm and return to step
16 if it is not.” Once the tolerance is met, move on to 17.9 Using a .5mm feeler gauge to check the lateral error.
the next step.
Depending on the brand of truing stand being 13. [ ] Spin wheel and set lateral-truing indicators
used, there are different techniques to setting the tru- so that they just barely touch rim.
14. [ ] Turn wheel slowly and find largest gap be-
ing indicator(s) so that they just rub. If using a stand
tween rim and indicator that touched rim.
such as the VAR 74, which has separately adjustable 15. [ ] Insert .5mm feeler gauge into gap to deter-
left and right indicators, it takes a little adjustment to mine if gap is: ³.5mm (bad) <.5mm (good)
set them into position. First, just get the wheel spin-
A handy technique is to use a “marker” on the
ning at a good clip. As it spins, try to get an idea of
rim at each point a correction will be made. The
where the rim is the majority of the time. If it is run-
marker could be a 1/2" piece of tape, such as masking
ning generally straight but with a few pronounced
tape. Each time a rub is found, mark the center by
wobbles, decide whether those wobbles are primarily
putting the tape on top of the rim (not on the face
to the right, or to the left. If they are predominantly
where the truing indicator might knock it off). Alter-
to one side, use the indicator on that side of the stand.
natively, use two markers to mark where a rub begins
If unsure, or the rim appears to wobble equally to the
and where it ends.
right and the left, alternate each lateral correction be- 16. [ ] Spin wheel slowly and stop it at the point
tween the worst rub on the left and the worst rub on where rim just rubs the lateral-truing indica-
the right. If using the Park stand, the two indicators tor. If wheel rotates past rub, be sure to turn
move in simultaneously to the rim. This can be a bless- wheel back so rim is contacting indicator.
ing or a problem. It’s a blessing because the indicators Find center of rub zone, not just one end,
determine by themselves whether the worst rub is to and put a marker on rim at this point.
the right or left side. It’s a problem when the wheel or In the next step, pick which spoke(s) to use to cor-
stand is off-center and it keeps rubbing on one side rect the rub. It will always come from the opposite side
when the worst wobble is to the other side. This can of the wheel than where the indicator is rubbing. If the
be solved by either turning the wheel around in the indicator is rubbing on the right side of the rim over a
stand, or finding something to wedge underneath one short distance directly opposite a left-side spoke, then
of the indicators so that it does not move in anymore. tighten that left-side spoke one-half turn. If the rub on
Start the next series of steps with a measurement the right is short and halfway between two left-side
to determine whether there is a need to make correc- spokes, or slightly longer and includes two left-side
tions. Use feeler gauges to measure the error. Start the spokes, then it is necessary to pick which spoke to use
wheel spinning, and adjust the lateral-true indicator(s) for the correction. Pluck the two spokes in question. If
until there is the slightest detectable rub. Now turn one is obviously looser than the other, tighten it. If

17 – 11
they are equal, then it is OK to split the half turn cor- 19. [ ] Spin wheel and set lateral-truing indicators
rection between them with a quarter turn each. Begin- so that they just barely touch rim.
ners should stick with using one spoke. 20. [ ] Only if wheel looks reasonably true, turn
17. [ ] Find spoke (or two, at most) from side of wheel slowly and find largest gap between
hub opposite side of rub that is closest to rim and indicator that touched rim. If errors
center of rub (or lesser-tensioned spoke of remain obvious, return to step 16 now.
pair that are both close to center of rub) and 2 1 . [ ] Insert a .5mm feeler gauge in gap to deter-
tighten it one-half turn (quarter turn each if mine if it is <.5mm and return to step 16
adjusting two spokes). if it is not.
NOTE: If gap is <.5mm go to step 22.


Radial-error correction is probably the most de-
manding part of truing wheels. Many judgments have
to be made about how many spokes to include in a
correction. Both rubbing and the lack of rubbing may
indicate errors. So, some corrections must be done by
loosening and some by tightening. Radial corrections
1/2 turn must constantly be interrupted to recheck and cor-
rect any lateral errors that develop while working on
round. Remember: make sure that the total turns of
correction on one side of the wheel equal the total
turns of correction on the other side of the wheel.
Rub on left centered Radial errors can either be a place where the rim is
on right-s ide spoke further or closer to the hub than a perfectly round
wheel. Those places where the rim is further from the
wheel center are called “bumps” and those that are closer
17.10 If there is a short rub on the left centered exactly opposite a to the wheel center “dips.” Think of it as though the
right-side spoke, tighten that spoke one-half turn. outer perimeter of the rim were a road, and the irregu-
larities on the road are bumps and dips.
The strategy when correcting radial errors is to
take care of bumps before taking care of dips. There
are two reasons for this. First, it is easier to detect the
1/4 turn bumps (by the rim rubbing on the truing indicators)
B than it is to detect the dips (by looking for gaps). Sec-
ond, it is like building a nice flat highway through
hilly terrain. It is easier to smooth off the hilltops than
it is to fill in the valleys. Also, by reducing the size of
A the hills, you also diminish the valleys — if you don’t
1/2 turn get that right away, you will. Rims are not quite the
same, but the effect is. By working on eliminating
bumps first, there will be less to do with dips.
The first step is to measure the radial error, so it is
Rub on left centered
on left-side s poke known how much work must be done and when
progress has been made. To do this, set the truing in-
dicator so that it barely scrapes against the outer pe-
rimeter of the turning rim. Turn the rim slowly and
17.11 There is a short rub on the left that is centered between two
right-side spokes; if A is looser than B, tighten A one-half turn. If
find the biggest gap between the rim and the truing
they seem equally tight, then tighten them both a quarter turn. indicator, and use a feeler gauge(s) to measure this gap.
If the truing stand is a VAR or similar model, there
18. [ ] Move marker past true indicator again to is a separate plate that slides up and down that is the
check that rub is eliminated. radial-truing indicator. If the plate will tip a little to

17 – 12
the side, it can be set so that it contacts one edge of the
rim only. This is preferable! The Park stand uses the
same indicators for radial true as it does for lateral
true. Tighten the knob under the big arm so that the
indicators will miss the rim entirely when they are
adjusted in toward the rim. When the indicators are
under the rim, start the rim turning and loosen the
knob under the big arm until an indicator just touches 1/2 turn
the rim. In almost every case, it will touch at one edge
of the rim before the other. Once again, this is prefer- 1/2 turn
able. When correcting radial true, it is preferable to
get information from only one edge of the rim. The
adjustment for the radial at the right edge of the rim is
the identical adjustment for the radial at the left edge
of the rim. When correcting deviations observed at S hort rub centered
one edge, the other edge is getting rounder simulta- between two s pokes
neously. Since it is impossible for any rim to have
exactly identical left and right edges, if the indicator
touches both edges at once you will get confusing in-
formation. Adjust the radial by one edge of the rim 17.12 Fix a radial bump including two spokes in its range by
tightening both spokes equally.
and trust that the other will also end up in tolerance.
2 2 . [ ] Spin wheel and adjust radial-truing indica-
tor so that rim just barely rubs it as rim
turns. Observe whether rub is on left or
right edge of rim.
23. [ ] Turn rim slowly and look for biggest gap be- 1/4 turn
tween indicator and edge of rim on same side
as rub occurred and stop rim at biggest gap.
24. [ ] Insert .5mm feeler gauge into gap to deter- 1/2 turn
mine if gap is: ³.5mm (bad) <.5mm (good)
1/4 turn
With the radial indicator still set in the same way,
give the wheel another spin and again find the slight
rub that is occurring. If the wheel spins past the rub, be
sure to back up to it. Figure out where the rub begins
and where it ends. Put a marker on the inner perimeter S hort rub centered
on one s poke
of the rim at the center of the rub. The rub might be
short (including two or three spokes in its range), or 17.13 Fix a radial bump including three spokes in its range by
long (including four or more spokes in its range). Long tightening the end spokes a quarter turn each and the middle spoke
rubs in the early going often indicate that the truing a half turn.
indicator is set to tight against the rim. See if the indica-
tor can be set looser to get a shorter rub. Fixing rubs over four or more spokes is different.
A different technique is required for fixing a short The easiest way to deal with a bigger problem is to
rub including two spokes than a short rub including make it a number of smaller problems. In this case,
three spokes. For two spokes, tighten both spokes instead of putting the marker in the middle of the rub,
equally (generally a half turn each, or perhaps just a put a marker at each end of the rub. Instead of think-
quarter). For three spokes, tighten the two on the ends ing of the rub as one big error, think of it as a number
a quarter turn each and the one in the middle a half of two-spoke rub errors. (If the rub range included an
turn. With this method, the total number of turns on odd number of spokes, the last correction will be a
right-side spokes equals the total number of turns on three-spoke correction [1/4, 1/2, 1/4], instead of a two-
left-side spokes; therefore, the impact on the lateral spoke correction like all the others.) If you are unclear
true will be minimized. about this system, follow the two examples below. The

17 – 13
first example is a rub that includes four spokes in its As with the correction of lateral rubs, if these cor-
range. For the sake of this discussion, the spokes will rections are done properly, the result will be that the
be called spoke A, B, C, and D. Correct this four- rub disappears. If it does not, either nipples are being
spoke rub by treating it like two short rubs involving turned the wrong way, the range of the rub has not
two spokes each. Tighten A and B a half turn each been determined accurately, or the truing indicator
(first correction) and then C and D a half turn each have been set too tight so that the rub was not light.
(second correction). The second example involves a Once the rub goes away, go on to the next correc-
longer rub including seven spokes, called spokes F, G, tion. After three corrections (count every two- or
H, I, J, K, and L. The first correction is to tighten F and three-spoke group as a correction), interrupt the ra-
G a half turn each. The second correction is to tighten dial work and check the lateral again, correcting it if
H and I a half turn each. The third correction is to necessary until the largest gap is <.5mm.
tighten J a quarter turn, K a half turn, and L a quarter 25. [ ] Rotate rim slowly to find radial rub and place
turn. Once again the rule of tightening left- and right- marker at center of range of rub.
side spokes equal amounts applies. 26. [ ] Tighten appropriate group of spokes (two or
three) so that spokes on each side of the
wheel are tightened equal amounts (1/2, 1/2
or 1/4, 1/2, 1/4).
27. [ ] Move rim back and forth to check that rub is
gone at marker.
28. [ ] Spin wheel and adjust radial-true indicator to
barely rub again.
29. [ ] Turn wheel slowly to check for largest gap
at edge where rub occurs to check if gap is
<.5mm and repeat steps 25–29 if not. Af-
L ter every three cycles of steps 25 through
(1/4, 1/2, 1/4)
29, check and correct lateral errors until
largest gap is <.5mm.
NOTE: At end of step 29 if largest gap is <.5mm,
K proceed to CORRECTING DISH ERRORS section.
30. [ ] If largest gap is >.5mm, but setting truing in-
dicator to slight contact results in rub around
rim at a number of sections including over
J 50% of spokes, proceed to Eliminating dip errors.
1/2 turn
The very nature of a dip error makes it harder to
each I find because the truing indicator skips over the dip
without any obvious feedback that the error is there.
Make this an advantage by setting the radial-true indi-
H cator so that it rubs so firmly against the rim that it
1/2 turn rubs everywhere but one short range. This quiet range
each is the worst radial dip. Determine where the dip be-
G gins and ends and put a marker on the inner perim-
Long rub including eter of the rim at the center of the quiet range. Just
F odd number of s pokes like the bumps, dips can involve two spokes, three
spokes, or longer sections involving four or more
spokes that must be broken down into a series of two-
or three-spoke corrections. Other than looking for
the quiet range instead of a rub, the only difference
between fixing dips instead of bumps is that spokes
must be loosened in the quiet range instead of tight-
17.14 Fix a radial bump of four or more spokes by breaking it ened in the rubbing range. A correction is completed
down into short sections including two spokes, with the last section
when the rim just barely rubs at the marker where
including three spokes if the total range of the rub included an odd
number of spokes. before it was quiet.

17 – 14
31. [ ] Set truing-stand radial indicators firmly For example, if a dish error is detected that would
against outer perimeter of rim so that only be corrected by either tightening all the right-side
one short section of rim does not rub as spokes a half turn or loosening all the left-side spokes
wheel is rotated. a half turn, but the tension on the wheel is correct,
32. [ ] Rotate rim slowly to find quiet range and
then the dish correction would be made by tightening
place marker at center of quiet range.
33. [ ] Loosen appropriate group of spokes (two or
the right-side spokes a quarter turn each and loosen-
three) so that spokes on each side of wheel ing the left-side spokes a quarter turn each.
are loosened equal amounts (1/2 & 1/2, or Dishandlateralerrors
1/4 & 1/2 & 1/4). Lateral error and dish error are closely related. As
34. [ ] Move rim back and forth to check that rub
mentioned in pitfall #5, useful information about dish
has developed at marker.
35. [ ] Spin wheel and adjust radial-true indicator to cannot be determined when the wheel has significant
barely rub again. lateral errors. At the conclusion of the radial-error
36. [ ] Turn wheel slowly to check for largest gap corrections, lateral errors were checked and cleaned
at edge where rub occurs to check if gap is up as necessary, so at this point the wheel is ready for
<.5mm and repeat steps 31–36 if not. Af- the initial dish observation. Once a dish correction is
ter every three cycles of steps 31–36, made, check the lateral again (and correct if necessary)
check and correct lateral errors until largest before re-checking the dish.
gap is <.5mm.
37. [ ] If largest gap is <.5mm proceed to CORRECT- Measuringdisherror
ERRORS. To determine the amount of dish error, use a tool
called a dish gauge. The dish gauge rests on the rim at
two points 180° apart, and then an adjustable part is
CORRECTING DISH ERRORS set to contact the face of the locknut on the axle, so
Dish corrections are made to center the rim in the that the tool is contacting the wheel at three points
bike. A rim can be moved to the right by tightening all (two on the rim and one on the hub). Theoretically,
the right-side spokes, or loosening all the left-side spokes. the tool can be initially set on either side of the wheel;
A rim can be moved to the left in the opposite way. for the purposes of simplicity and clarity, the follow-
ing discussion assumes that the dish tool has been set
Dis h tool for three-point contact on the right side of the wheel.

Contact Contact

17.16 Adjust the dish tool to have three-point contact.

17.15 Dish error exists when dimension A and B are not equal.
The dish tool is used to make this comparative measurement. Next, the tool is transferred to the left side of the
wheel. At random, one of three conditions might be
Dishandspoketension found. The tool might contact at three points, indi-
The average tension of the wheel has changed since cating no dish correction is needed. Second, when the
lateral and radial errors were corrected. After deter- dish tool is held down against the rim at one end, it
mining a dish error exists, you need to know whether contacts at the hub, but has a gap at the other point
to tighten or loosen spoke tension, and on which side. on the rim (180° away). In this case, the gap should be
If it is still low, spokes must be tightened. If the ten- measured (with feeler gauges) and perhaps corrected.
sion is too high, spokes must be loosened to correct The last possibility is that the tool might contact the
dish. If the tension is fine, a mix of tightening and rim at two points, but has a gap at the hub. There is
loosening spokes is needed to correct the dish error. an error that needs to be measured and perhaps cor-
rected, but not until the tool is reset on the left side of

17 – 15
the wheel for three-point contact and transferred back the formula is designed to be correct for converting
to the right side so that the error can be measured at a gap-at-rim to turns-of-correction, then it will be wrong
gap at the rim. for converting gap-at-hub to turns-of-correction.
The formula for converting gap-at-rim to turns-
of-correction is simply to divide the size of the gap by
eight (if gap is measured in millimeters). For example,
an 8mm gap measured at the rim on the right side
would be corrected by turning all the nipples on one
side one whole turn (8÷8=1). If the wheel were in
need of tightening, it would a whole turn on the right.
If it were in need of loosening, it would be a whole
17.17 A gap seen at the hub after transferring the tool to the sec- turn on the left. Whether to tighten or to loosen all the
ond side. Reset the tool and transfer back to the other side. nipples is determined by the exiting spoke tension.
Consider two more examples. There is a 5mm gap
on the right side. Divide 5mm by eight and the an-
swer is .625. Should the correction be 625 thousandths
of a turn on each nipple? No, too complicated. The
Pres s number .625 is exactly halfway between .500 (one half)
and .750 (three quarters). Quarter-turn increments are
the smallest ones that should be used when adjusting
Meas ure gap nipples to correct dish. What should you do in this
example, one half turn or three quarter turns? Be con-
17.18 Measure the gap between the end of the dish tool and the rim. servative and err on the side of caution by going with
one half turn. On the other hand, if you divided the
Whethertomeasuredisherrorathuborrim gap by eight and got .718 (for example), definitely go
The last condition of re-setting the tool and trans- with three-quarter turn nipple adjustments.
ferring back to the right side needs to be explained. Fixingdisherrors
Error can legitimately be measured either at the gap
To fix dish, set the dish tool so that a gap is found
at the rim or at the gap at the hub. (When referring to
between one end of the tool and the rim on the side of
gap at the rim, it always mean that with one end of
the wheel opposite from where the tool had perfect
the tool held to the rim there is gap at the other end of
three-point contact. Second, measure the gap and di-
the tool.) Two things change, in either case.
vide by eight (gap in millimeters) and round the an-
If the gap is at the rim (on the left, for example)
swer to the nearest quarter-turn increment to deter-
and spokes will be tightened, they will be tightened
mine the size of the nipple adjustments. Third, mea-
on the same side of the wheel (left side, in this case). If
sure the tension in order to know whether to tighten
the gap is at the left side of the rim and spokes will be
or loosen nipples when correcting dish (see page 17-
loosened, they will be loosened on the opposite side of
9). Make the adjustment by either tightening the
the wheel (right side, in this example). If the gap is at
nipples on the same side of the wheel as where the
the hub (on the left, for example) and spokes will be
dish tool showed a gap to the rim, or by loosening the
tightened, they will be tightened on the opposite side
nipples on the other side of the wheel.
of the wheel (right side, in this case). If the gap is at 38. [ ] Set dish tool to have three-point contact on
the left side of the hub and spokes will be loosened, right side of wheel.
they will be loosened on the same side of the wheel 39. [ ] Transfer dish tool to left side of wheel.
(left side, in this case). Check one of following:
Additionally, for a given amount of dish error, [ ] gap at rim is 0–2mm, proceed to step 52.
the gap seen at the hub will always be half the size of [ ] gap at rim is >2mm, proceed to step 42.
the gap at the rim when the tool is transferred to the [ ] gap is seen at the hub.
other side. Use a formula (described in the next para- Ifgapisseenatthehub:
graph, and built into the procedure) to convert gap 40. [ ] Set dish tool to have three-point contact on
size to the size (number of turns) of the correction. If left side of wheel.

17 – 16
41. [ ] Transfer dish tool to right side of wheel. Gap the checked choice should be filled in with the value
will now be found at rim, proceed to step 42. that was calculated in step #43. After checking off a
Ifgapisseenatoneendofdishtool choice and filling in the blank, circle the notation left
or right in the checked choice in step #48. Wherever
whenoneendisheldtorim: the option checked is “tighten,” circle the left or right
42. [ ] With one end of dish tool held to rim, mea-
sure gap at other end and record gap here: choice to match whether Left side or Right side was
________ on Left side Right side (circle one) circled in step #42. Wherever the option checked is
TENSION.) “loosen,” circle the left or right choice to be the oppo-
43. [ ] Divide number in step 42 by eight and round site of whether Left side or Right side was circled in
answer to nearest quarter. This number is step #42.
necessary turns of correction for nipples. 48. Check one of following choices, based on
Record here: ________ turn(s) of nipples whether to tighten, split, or loosen spokes
Before making the dish correction, determine the (determined in step 47). If tightening, al-
wheel tension in order to know whether to tighten or ways tighten on same side of wheel as gap
loosen when correcting dish. The acceptable tension was found at rim; if loosening, always
range for a wheel is 80–120kgf, with ideal being about loosen on opposite side of wheel from
where gap was found at rim (determined in
100kgf. If the existing tension is anywhere under 90kgf,
step 42). Fill in blank in checked option with
nipples should be tightened (unless the size of the cor-
amount calculated in step 43:
rection is going to be a whole turn or more, in which [ ] Tighten on left right (circle one) by
case it should be split into a correction in which spokes ________ turns of nipples.
on one side of the wheel are tightened and the other [ ] Split, loosen on left right (circle one) by
side are loosened). If the tension is between 90–100kgf, ________ turns of nipples
loosen all the spokes on one side by half the necessary and tighten on left right (circle one) by
correction and tighten all the spokes on the other side ________ turns of nipples.
by half the necessary correction. If the existing ten- [ ] Loosen on left right (circle one) by
sion is anywhere over 100kgf, loosen nipples for the ________ turns of nipples.
49. [ ] Perform correction described in step 48,
dish correction.
turning nipples as uniformly as possible.
44. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right-
50. [ ] Check and correct lateral errors until largest
side spokes, record readings in following
gap is <.5mm.
blanks, and total.
51. [ ] Check with dish tool for size of gap at rim
again. If gap is £2mm go to SETTING FINAL
TENSION. If >2mm repeat steps 38–51.
_____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______
45. [ ] Divide step 44 total by 10
Average reading is:
Even after all this, the wheel’s average tension
46. Look average reading up on tensiometer chart
and across to column for spoke gauge used
might still be too low, or it might be too high. The
on wheel and decide whether tension is: tension is important because low tension causes pre-
(check one choice) mature spoke fatigue and unstable true. High tension
[ ] <80kgf & step 43 is £1(tighten nipples) causes fatigue cracks in the rim and increases the like-
[ ] 80–100kgf or step 43 is >1 (split, one lihood of a complete wheel collapse.
side tighten, other side loosen) The acceptable tension range for all wheels is very
[ ] >100kgf (loosen nipples) broad, about 80–120kgf. Specific wheels might need a
47. Based on step 46, dish correction should be: more specific tension. The conditions that lead to a
[ ] Tighten nipples need for setting spoke tension in the lower half of the
[ ] Split, loosen one side and tighten other
range (80–100kgf) are
[ ] Loosen nipples
Front wheels
In step #48, one of three choices will be checked,
Light-weight rider
then the blank in the checked choice should be filled
Extreme light-weight rims
in. Check the same choice as was checked in step #47
Poor nipple condition or corroded nipples that
(for example, if “[ ] Tighten...” was checked in step
won’t turn
#47, check “[ ] Tighten...” in step #48). The blank in

17 – 17
The conditions that lead to a need for setting spoke 62. Tension is (check one of following):
tension in the higher half of the range (100–120kgf) are [ ] 95–120kgf, go to step 81
Rear wheels with pronounced dish [ ] <50 kgf, tighten by 1 turn
Heavy-weight riders [ ] 50–80kgf, tighten by ½ turn
[ ] 81–95kgf, tighten by ¼ turn
Extreme heavy-duty usage
[ ] >120kgf, loosen by ½ turn
When making a tension adjustment, always turn 63. [ ] Perform adjustment indicated in step 62 on
all the spokes in the wheel an equal amount. This all nipples.
amount might be a quarter turn, a half turn, or a whole 64. [ ] Check and adjust lateral error until largest
turn. In general, never use a whole turn unless increas- gap is <.5mm.
ing from average tension that is 50kgf or below. Use a 65. [ ] Check and correct dish error as in steps 38
half turn if increasing from an average that is more through 51, if gap at rim is >2mm.
than 50kgf and less than 80kgf. Use quarter turns when 66. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right-
increasing from a tension that is in the 80–95kgf range. side spokes, record readings in following
If over-tight, always loosen by half turns. If you re- blanks, and total.
lease too much tension, increase tension again in quar-
ter-turn increments.
52. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right- _____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______
side spokes, record readings in following 67. [ ] Divide step 66 total by 10 ÷10
blanks, and total. Average reading is: =_______
68. [ ] Look up average reading on tension-meter
_____+_____+_____+_____+_____ chart and read across to column for spoke
gauge used on wheel
_____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______ Write approximate kgf here: ________kgf
53. [ ] Divide step 52 total by 10 ÷10 69. Tension is (check one of following):
Average reading is: =_______ [ ] 95–120kgf, go to step 81
54. [ ] Look up average reading on tension-meter [ ] <50 kgf, tighten by 1 turn
chart and read across to column for spoke [ ] 50–80kgf, tighten by ½ turn
gauge used on wheel. [ ] 81–95kgf, tighten by ¼ turn
Write approximate kgf here: ________kgf [ ] >120kgf, loosen by ½ turn
55. Tension is (check one of following): 70. [ ] Perform adjustment indicated in step 69 on
[ ] 95–120kgf, go to step 81 all nipples.
[ ] <50 kgf, tighten all nipples 1 turn 71. [ ] Check and adjust lateral error until largest
[ ] 50–80kgf, tighten all nipples ½ turn gap is <.5mm.
[ ] 81–95kgf, tighten all nipples ¼ turn 72. [ ] Check and correct dish error as in steps 38
[ ] >120kgf, loosen all nipples ½ turn through 51, if gap at rim is >2mm.
56. [ ] Perform adjustment indicated in step 55 on 73. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right-
all nipples. side spokes, record readings in following
57. [ ] Check and adjust lateral error until largest blanks, and total.
gap is <.5mm.
58. [ ] Check and correct dish error as in steps 38 _____+_____+_____+_____+_____
through 51, if gap at rim is >2mm.
59. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive right- _____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______
side spokes, record readings in following 74. [ ] Divide step 73 total by 10 ÷10
blanks, and total. Average reading is: =_______
75. [ ] Look up average reading on tension-meter
_____+_____+_____+_____+_____ chart and read across to column for spoke
gauge used on wheel
_____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______ Write approximate kgf here: ________kgf
60. [ ] Divide step 59 total by 10 ÷10 76. Tension is (check one of following):
Average reading is: =_______ [ ] 95–120kgf, go to step 81
61. [ ] Look up average reading on tension-meter [ ] <50 kgf, tighten by 1 turn
chart and read across to column for spoke [ ] 50–80kgf, tighten by ½ turn
gauge used on wheel [ ] 81–95kgf, tighten by ¼ turn
Write approximate kgf here: ________kgf [ ] >120kgf, loosen by ½ turn

17 – 18
77. [ ] Perform adjustment indicated in step 76 on down and the other up. When many consecutive high-
all nipples. tension spokes are found (and the wheel is true) it in-
78. [ ] Check and adjust lateral error until largest dicates rim damage. The same is true when there are
gap is <.5mm. multiple consecutive low-tension spokes.
79. [ ] Check and correct dish error as in steps 38
through 51, if gap at rim is >2mm. Threeprocedurealternatives
80. [ ] Repeat steps 73 through 79 as many times There are three ways to tension-balance wheels.
as necessary until tension is 95–120kgf. The first method, preventative balancing, is infor-
mal and imprecise, but reasonably effective. It is in-
TENSION BALANCING SPOKES corporated into the lateral-truing procedure described
earlier. All it consists of is checking two adjacent
Theory spokes for relative tension when deciding which one
In taking the readings to determine the tension of them to use to correct a lateral error.
average, it will probably be observed that the spokes The second method, reading balancing, has a de-
on one side of the wheel vary wildly in tension. Varia- tailed procedure starting with step #81 following. With
tions in readings are within acceptable limits if they this method, an average reading based on all the spokes
vary by the equivalent of ±20kgf and would be con- on one side of the wheel is determined and a simple
sidered excellent at the equivalent of ±10kgf. mathematical formula is applied to the average to de-
When spoke tension needs balancing, there will termine the acceptable-reading range. Spokes outside
be excessively tight spokes and excessively loose the range are then adjusted. This method works well
spokes. Both conditions cause problems. on spokes of common thickness in wheels that are near
High-tension: a 100kgf average, but is less applicable to wheels with
High-tension spokes cause localized stress at very thin spokes or very low or high average tensions.
the rim at each nipple hole, which can lead The third method, precision balancing, is described
to rim failure. at the end of the whole wheel-truing process under
High-tension spokes are much more likely to the heading PRECISION TENSION BALANCING (page 17-
lead to nipple failure (rounded wrench flats) 24) . This method is the most precise, but is very time
than spokes under normal tension, particularly consuming and has some complicated mathematical
if the overall tension is near its upper limit procedures. This method is the best one to use if the
and/or the spoke and nipple quality is low. spokes are a thin gauge or the tensions are near the
High-tension spokes twist (called wind-up) more limits of the acceptable range.
while truing the wheel and lead to more work
when stressing the wheel to eliminate wind-up.
Low-tension: Tensiometer
Low-tension spokes fatigue more quickly be- Step #85–#89 and #103–#107 use the reading bal-
cause of the likelihood that they will go slack ancing method of determining the acceptable range.
when they are at the bottom of the loaded This method is only suitable if a Wheelsmith tensi-
wheel, leading to a “snap” effect when they ometer is being used and the average tension is 80–
return to tension. 100kgf. The reason for this tension limitation is that
Low-tension spokes are more likely to have there is not a direct linear comparison between read-
their nipples unwind, leading to loss of true. ing values and kgf values on the tension-meter chart.
Low-tension spokes limit the potential to true If the tension is 80–100kgf, then reading balancing can
errors by loosening spokes. This is particu- be done by adding and subtracting 3 from the average
larly true when working with the left side of reading and rounding the result to the nearest incre-
a rear wheel with exaggerated dish. ment of 2.5 (plus-3/minus-3 method).
The tension-balancing process is a good diagnos- For example, consider a wheel with 2.0mm spokes
tic tool. During the process, a normal wheel will have and an average tension reading of 72. Using the plus-
some spokes that have a high tension and others that 3/minus-3 method of determining the acceptable-read-
are low. If the wheel is not damaged, these high and ing range, the result would be a reading range of 70 to
low-tension spokes will virtually always be present as 75. Looking these values up on the example tension-
adjacent pairs. The process of correction is to find a meter chart on page 17-10, a tension range of 89-104kgf
high and a low spoke that are adjacent and adjust one

17 – 19
is determined. The average reading of 72 equals 95kgf; subtract 3 from the average reading to determine the
the tension range of 89-104kgf is well within the rec- minimum and maximum acceptable readings. Round
ommended ±10kgf range of the 95kgf average. these two answers to the nearest 2.5 reading increment
If the average tension is above 100kgf, the plus- value. The two numbers that result from the rounding
3/minus-3 method will create a tension range that is are the minimum and maximum acceptable readings,
too wide to achieve the desired properties of rim du- and should range from 5 to 7.5 reading units.
rability and true stability (unacceptable spoke ten- For example, if the average reading is 70.2:
sions will be left alone). If on the same wheel with 70.2 + 3 = 73.2 (round to 72.5)
2.0mm spokes, the spoke tension averaged 110kgf, 70.2 – 3 = 67.2 (round to 67.5)
the average reading would be 76.25. Using the plus- See in this example that the average reading is close
3/minus-3 method of determining the acceptable- to halfway between the minimum and maximum read-
reading range, the result would be a reading range of ings (2.3 below 72.5 and 2.7 above 67.5). The result-
72.5–80. Looking these readings up on the same chart, ing acceptable-reading range is 5 reading units.
it is apparent that a tension range of 96.5–127kgf re- For another example, if the average reading is 71.3:
sults. This range is –13.5kgf to +17kgf of the 110kgf 71.3 + 3 = 74.3 (round to 75)
average tension for this wheel. This is well outside 71.3 – 3 = 68.3 (round to 67.5)
of the recommended ±10kgf range. This discrepancy See in this second example that the average read-
is why the alternate precision tension-balancing ing is close to halfway between the minimum and
method involves so much math. Using the precision maximum readings (3.7 below 75 and 3.8 above 67.5).
tension-balancing method would determine an accept- The resulting acceptable-reading range is 7.5 reading
able-reading range of 72.5–77.5 for the same wheel units. Had a 5 unit reading range been used in this
at 110kgf. This reading range would result in some- case (70 to 75), then the average would not be close to
thing much closer to ±10kgf recommendation. halfway between the minimum and maximum read-
If the average tension is below 80kgf, the plus-3/ ings, making the mechanical process of correcting the
minus-3 method will create an unacceptable tension unbalanced pairs more challenging.
range that is too narrow (spokes with acceptable ten- This method, in summary, requires picking an
sions will be adjusted unnecessarily). If on the same acceptable-reading range that has the average reading
wheel with 2.0mm spokes, the spoke tension averaged close to halfway between the minimum and maximum
75kgf, the average reading would be 63.9. Using the readings. Ideally this range would be 5, but if neces-
plus-3/minus-3 method of determining the acceptable- sary it would be 7.5. Any reading range (when using a
reading range, the result would be a reading range of Wheelsmith tension meter) of 10 or more would usu-
60.0–67.5. Looking these readings up on the same ally be considerably more than a ±10kgf range, and
chart, it is apparent that a tension range of 68–83kgf in some cases more than ±20kgf.
results (–7kgf/+8kgf of the 75kgf average tension). This
is well within the recommended ±10kgf range; spokes
within this range are pointless to balance. This dis- readingrange
crepancy is why the alternate precision tension-balanc- The following procedure only applies if using a
ing method involves so much math. Using the preci- Wheelsmith Tensiometer.
sion tension-balancing method would determine an NOTE: If not tension balancing the wheel, go to
step 117.
acceptable-reading range of 57.5–67.5 for the same
81. [ ] Measure tension of all spokes on right side
wheel at 75kgf. This reading range would result in of wheel and record readings on right face
something much closer to ±10kgf recommendation. of rim adjacent to each spoke.
If the plus-3/minus-3 reading balance method is used 82. [ ] Add all right-side readings together
when tensions are outside the 80–100kgf range, it is and record right-side total here: _________
quite likely that time will be spent trying to balance 83. [ ] Divide by number of readings: ÷____
spokes that are acceptable, or some spokes that need 84. [ ] Right-side average reading is: =_________
balancing will not be balanced. NOTE: For a more precise alternative to determin-
Following are some examples that show that using ing the minimum and maximum readings than
the plus-3/minus-3 reading balancing method will cre- the method in steps 85–89, use steps 1–37 of
ate an acceptable-reading range that will be either 5 or
85. [ ] Range reduction: –3
7.5. To calculate the acceptable-reading range, add and 86. [ ] Right-side MINIMUM READING: =_________

17 – 20
87. [ ] Repeat step 84: _________ spoke. These isolated unbalanced spokes indicate ei-
88. [ ] Range increase: + 3 ther a truing error in the wheel at that point or a de-
89. [ ] Right-side MAXIMUM READING: =_________ fect or damage point in the rim. If it is a new rim that
Examine the tension markings on the rim for sets is precisely trued, this might be grounds for seeking
of “high/low” spokes. A high/low set would be two warranty satisfaction.
consecutive spokes at the rim from the same flange in If the wheel is true and there are multiple con-
which one spoke was higher than the acceptable-read- secutive high-tension or low-tension spokes, it is a sure
ing range calculated, and the other was either unac- sign of rim damage.
ceptably low or in the low side of the acceptable range. In figure 17.19, a wheel has had the tension read-
Or, it could be one spoke that was unacceptably low ings written on the face of the rim and pairs (marked
and the adjacent spoke was in the high side of the A, B, and C) have been selected for balancing. The
acceptable range. Mark these pairs by drawing bracket reading marked D is an isolated low-tension spoke that
marks on the face of the rim that include the pair of cannot be balanced. The reading marked E is an iso-
high/low-tension readings. lated high-tension spoke that cannot be balanced. The
It is possible to find isolated single spokes that are group marked F is a group of consecutive low-tension
high or low tension, and there are no apparent spokes spokes that indicate a rim defect if both the lateral
next to them to balance with the high- or low-tension and radial true are good at that point.




Reading average: 70.4
Minimum acceptable: 67.5
Maximum acceptable: 72.5

17.19 This rim has been marked with tension readings for all the spokes on this side. Pairs suitable for balancing are bracketed. See the
above text for a detailed explanation.

17 – 21

Correctingright-sidetension-balanceerrors 96. [ ] Measure new tensions on spokes being bal-

A high/low pair of adjacent, same-side spokes can anced and repeat steps 93–95 if necessary.
be balanced because the spokes have overlapping zones Even though true has been maintained at the
of influence on the rim. Two adjacent spokes on the point halfway between the spokes, there is a chance
same side of the wheel both influence the lateral true that the true has been lost just outside the zone be-
at the halfway point between the spokes. If a lateral- tween the two spokes.
true indicator on the truing stand is set to almost con- Check to see if more than one spoke might po-
tact the rim at this halfway point, and the low-tension tentially be used to correct the lateral error. Remem-
spoke on one side of the true indicator is tightened a ber, depending on the lateral stiffness of the rim, each
quarter turn, then when the high-tension spoke on spoke can affect an area 3–5" in each direction. The
the other side is loosened then the true can be restored spoke that will be used to correct the lateral error will
at the halfway point. Tension of both spokes has been be on the same side of the rim as the ones that are
maintained and the lateral true halfway between them being tension balanced.
has been maintained. See the below illustration for a To correct the lateral error that has developed,
graphic example of how to tension balance a pair of choose whichever spoke has the most appropriate ten-
spokes. sion level to allow further loosening or tightening, as
the case may be. See the below illustration.
? tur ns
77.5 T ighten to
S mallest 77.5 77.5
reduce gap
B B 75.0 B
vis ible Res tore
gap Contact gap 77.5 70.0
75.0 B Z Large


1/4 turn C A
65.0 65.0 65.0
D D D 67.5
65.0 77.5
S tep 1 S tep 2 S tep 3 75.0 B
17.20 In this example, spokes B and D need to be balanced. Contact
Step 1) Eliminate the left true indicator and set the right
true indicator to the smallest visible gap.
Step 2) Turn nipple D 1/4 turn counterclockwise. The
indicator should contact.
Step 3) Turn nipple B clockwise just until the original gap Loos en until
is restored, then mark new tensions for spokes B gap is r estored
and D. 72.5 65.0
90. [ ] Bracket pairs of spokes on wheel that need Condition 1 Condition 2
91. [ ] Select pair to balance. 17.21 Condition 1— When lateral true is checked at E after
92. [ ] Cancel out lateral-truing indicator on left balancing B and D, a contact is found at E. Since F is
side of wheel. tighter than D, loosen F to eliminate the contact.
93. [ ] Set right-side indicator to just barely clear Condition 2— When lateral true is checked at A after
rim at point halfway between spokes being balancing B and D, an excessive gap is found. Since Z is
balanced. looser than B, tighten Z to fix the gap.
94. [ ] Tighten looser of two spokes being balanced
1/4 turn. Observe clearance at point halfway 97. [ ] Once both spokes have tension in accept-
between spokes disappear. able range, check true just outside of bal-
95. [ ] Loosen tighter of two spokes being balanced ance zone on both sides. Correct true by
just enough to restore initial clearance set at finding closest spoke with suitable tension
point halfway between two spokes being that will affect lateral in area in need.
balanced. 98. [ ] Repeat steps 91–97 for all other pairs brack-
eted on right side of wheel.

17 – 22

Determineleft-sideacceptable-readingrange There are several techniques for stabilizing wheel

99. [ ] Measure tension of all spokes on left side of true. Two are safe but ineffective, one is safe and ef-
wheel and record readings on left face of fective but inefficient, and one is risky but effective
rim adjacent to each spoke. and efficient.
.[ ] Add all left-side readings together
100. One safe and ineffective technique is often seen in
and record left-side total here: _________ books. It consists of slightly over-tightening a nipple
.[ ] Divide by number of readings:
101. ÷____ and then backing off some. Although this technique
.[ ] Left-side average reading is:
102. =_________
works in principle, there is no correct amount of over-
.[ ] Range reduction:
103. –3
tightening and backing off that works every time.
NOTE: For a more precise alternative to determin-
ing the minimum and maximum readings, use The other safe but ineffective method is to squeeze
steps 1–37 of the PRECISION TENSION BALANCING parallel pairs of spokes on each side of the wheel once
procedure. the truing is completed. After using this method,
.[ ] Left-side MINIMUM READING: =_________
104. spokes still ping on the first test ride and the wheel
.[ ] Repeat step 102:
105. _________ still goes out of true.
.[ ] Range increase:
106. + 3 A safe, effective, and inefficient method is to sim-
.[ ] Left-side MAXIMUM READING: =_________
107. ply test-ride the wheel after truing it. Follow this up
Correctingleft-sidetension-balanceerrors with another ride and another re-true if necessary.
.[ ] Bracket pairs of spokes on wheel that need
108. Then another, if necessary. It could take up to three
balancing. or four cycles of installing the wheel on the bike,
.[ ] Select pair to balance.
109. riding, removing the wheel, and re-truing before the
.[ ] Cancel out lateral-truing indicator on right
110. true is stabilized. Another version of this is to put
side of wheel. some sort of vertical load on the wheel at the axle or
.[ ] Set left-side indicator to just barely clear
111. at the top of the rim. Experimentation with this shows
rim at point halfway between spokes being that it is only partially effective. The wheel will still
ping and go out of true some once ridden.
.[ ] Tighten looser of two spokes being balanced
1/4 turn. Observe clearance at point halfway The risky but effective technique is to side-load
between spokes disappear. the wheel. The wheel is supported at the axle and
.[ ] Loosen tighter of two spokes being bal-
113. pressed down simultaneously at two points 180° apart
anced just enough to restore initial clear- at the rim. This is done repeatedly on both sides of
ance set at point halfway between two the wheel until all the spokes have been momentarily
spokes being balanced. relieved of tension. What makes this effective is that
114. [ ] Measure new tensions on spokes being bal- the wheel has very little lateral strength so it is easy to
anced and repeat steps 111–113 if necessary. deflect the rim enough to successfully unload a spoke.
.[ ] Once both spokes have tension in accept-
115. It is this very thing that makes this technique risky.
able range check true just outside of balance
The lateral weakness of the wheel, combined with
zone on both sides. Correct true by finding
closest spoke with suitable tension that will careless technique, can result in a collapsed wheel.
affect lateral in area in need. To safely side-load a wheel the tension must not be
.[ ] Repeat steps 109–115 for all other pairs
116. to high. This technique should never be used when a
bracketed on left side of wheel. tension meter has not been used to confirm the average
right-side tension is below 120kgf. Additionally, it is
important to use several forms of feedback to be able to
STABILIZING THE TRUE tell when just enough load has been applied. The feed-
While the nipples were being tightened, some of back might be a noise from a spoke, a twitching sensa-
the spokes have been turning with them (wind-up). tion felt in a spoke, or any sensation that the rim is de-
When the bike is ridden, the spokes will all unload flecting. Whichever form of feedback occurs first, indicates
temporarily and will unwind to varying degrees. The that the wheel has been adequately loaded at that point!
unloading effects the lateral true. The common signal The correct technique to side-load the wheel is to
that this is happening is one or several sounds coming place it on a solid surface that is low enough to be able
from the wheel when it is first ridden after truing, to lean over it. Protect the surface from the axle by
that then go away. using a small block of wood. Place a hand at the 3
o’clock position on the rim and a hand at the 9 o’clock

17 – 23
position on the rim. At both positions the hand should ing the rim. For example: if the contact is on the right
be centered over a spoke that comes from the lower side of the rim, loosen the right-side spoke that is clos-
flange and a finger should rap around the outside of est to the center of the contact. Loosening will not cre-
the rim and touch the lower-flange spoke. This finger ate as much wind-up as tightening.
is critical because it is used to feel for any twitch in .[ ] Correct lateral-true errors if necessary by
the spoke that indicates the side-load level is enough. loosening spoke(s) at point of contact com-
With elbows locked, shove gently down on the rim ing from same side of hub as side that is
and be sensitive to the ping sound, a spoke twitch, or contacting.
.[ ] Repeat steps 117–123 repeatedly until
the feeling of the rim deflecting. If nothing is felt, shove
wheel remains within desired lateral toler-
a little harder. If the rim seems to suddenly give way, ance. (When spokes are adjusted on one
break loose the locked elbows immediately. side only, side-loading need only be done
with that side down.)

5 Post-truingcompletion
.[ ] Re-adjust hub as necessary. (Remember, a
3 7 properly adjusted quick-release, conven-
tional-bearing hub has play when out of bike
2 8 that had to be eliminated to true wheel.)
.[ ] Reinstall tire, quick release skewer, and
1 1 wheel in bike.
.[ ] Clean rim of any oily residues left over from
truing process.

6 4
5 Precision balancing is a more precise way to de-
termine the acceptable tension reading range for a
given side of a wheel. This procedure is an alternative
17.22 To stress the wheel, center the balls of your thumbs over to steps #85–89 or #103–107 of the TRUING WHEELS
two spokes from the bottom flange that are 180° apart. Reach from
below to place a finger against each spoke. Press firmly until you
hear or feel a spoke unwind. Repeat for sets 2–8, then repeat on dure. This procedure is preferred if limitations of the
other side of wheel. wheel require that the average tension be outside the
recommended 80-100kgf range, or if more precision
.[ ] Place wheel right-side down on low surface.
117. is desired. For most wheels, the reading-balancing
118. [ ] Position hands 180° apart on rim with hands method is adequate. The precision tension-balancing
centered over spokes coming from low flange method requires more time and more math.
and fingers touching same spokes.
The precision tension-balancing process consists of
119. [ ] With locked elbows gently shove against rim
until ping, spoke twitch, or rim flex is experi- four basic steps. Each step is a mathematical calcula-
enced. Increase effort if none are experienced. tion. The first step is to convert the average reading
120. [ ] Move hands to adjacent spokes from lower from the wheel into an exact tension average. Because
flange and repeat step 119. Repeat until all the tension-meter chart has relatively large jumps be-
spokes from lower flange have been unloaded. tween values in the reading column, when the average
.[ ] Turn wheel over and repeat steps 118–120
121. reading falls between two readings that appear on the
for second side. chart, a mathematical process called “interpolation” is
.[ ] Place wheel in truing stand and check if lat-
122. needed to determine the tension value that is equiva-
eral-true error exceeds maximum allowed. lent to the average reading . The second step is to deter-
Side-loading eliminates spoke wind-up. Spoke wind- mine an acceptable tension range for the wheel. This is
up was created by tightening nipples. If nipple tighten- accomplished by adding 10 to the average tension to
ing is used to eliminate lateral errors that appear after determine that maximum tension, and by subtracting
side-loading, then the wind-up will be reintroduced. 10 from the average tension to determine the minimum
Therefore, when correcting these lateral errors, the best tension. The last two steps of the process use the pro-
technique is to loosen a spoke that is on the same side cess of interpolation to convert the maximum and mini-
of the wheel as the lateral-true indicator that is contact- mum acceptable tensions to minimum and maximum

17 – 24
acceptable reading values. Once the process of calculat- DeterminingatensionreadingequaltoM
ing the minimum and maximum acceptable reading Steps #14 through #24 convert the maximum ac-
values is completed, then the wheel can be reviewed ceptable tension (M) from step #12 into an equivalent
for spokes that fall outside the acceptable range. tension-meter reading (X) for the tension meter in use.
The maximum reading value (X), determined in 14. [ ] Maximum tension for this side: ______M
the following process, can be used in steps #89 or #107, 15. [ ] Closest kgf value <M from
and the minimum reading value (y), determined in tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ N
the following process, can be used in steps #86 or #104 16. [ ] Closest kgf value >M from
of the TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAMAGED RIMS, tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ P
SPOKES, AND NIPPLES worksheet. Step #1 gets its value 17. [ ] Reading value equal to N from
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ Q
from step #84 or #102 of the TRUING WHEELS WITH
18. [ ] Reading value equal to P from
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ R
Determiningexacttension 19. [ ] M – N = S ______ – ______ = ______ S
fromaveragereading 20. [ ] R – Q = T ______ – ______ = ______ T
By means of mathematical interpolation, steps #1 21. [ ] S × T = U ______ × ______ = ______ U
22. [ ] P – N = V ______ – ______ = ______ V
through #11 convert the average reading from the ten-
23. [ ] U ÷ V = W ______ ÷ ______ = ______ W
sion meter into a precise average tension (K).
24. [ ] W + Q = X ______ + ______ = ______ X
1 . [ ] Average of readings from one side
Steps #19 through #24 can be expressed algebra-
(from step 84 or 102): ______ A
2 . [ ] Closest reading value <A from ically, which is easier for someone familiar with alge-
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ B bra. The formula is:
3 . [ ] Closest reading value >A from (M–N) × (R–Q) + Q = X
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ C (P–N)
4 . [ ] Kgf value equal to B from In the next step, the exact value of X needs to be
tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ D rounded to a number that can actually be read from
5 . [ ] Kgf value equal to C from the tension meter. The finest increments recom-
tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ E mended earlier for reading a Wheelsmith Tensiometer
6. [ ] A – B = F ______ – ______ = ______ F are 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5. Here are some examples.
7. [ ] E – D = G ______ – ______ = ______ G Round anything from 58.8–61.2 to 60.0
8. [ ] F × G = H ______ × ______ = ______ H Round anything from 61.3–63.7 to 62.5
9. [ ] C – B = I ______ – ______ = ______ I Round anything from 63.8–66.2 to 65.0
10. [ ] H ÷ I = J ______ ÷ ______ = ______ J Round anything from 66.3–68.7 to 67.5
11. [ ] D + J = K ______ + ______ = ______ K
The value determined in step #25 is used in the
Steps #6 through #11 can be expressed algebra- TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES, AND
ically, which is easier for someone familiar with alge- NIPPLE worksheet. Transfer the value to step #89 of
bra. The formula is:
the wheel truing worksheet (if tension-balancing the
(A–B) × (E–D) + D = K
right side of wheel), or to step #107 (if tension-balanc-
ing the left side of wheel).
Determiningtheacceptabletensionrange 25. [ ] Round X to nearest reading ending in 0, 2.5,
fortensionbalancing 5, or 7.5 and record here:
Now that the precise average spoke tension has MAXIMUM READING is: ________
been determined, a simple process is used to deter-
mine the acceptable tension range.
12. [ ] Maximum tension in kgf (M)
K + 10 = M ______ + ______ = ______M
13. [ ] Minimum tension in kgf (L)
K – 10 = L ______ – ______ = ______ L

17 – 25

DeterminingatensionreadingequaltoL termine the spoke length for a replacement spoke, and

Steps #26 through #36 convert the minimum ac- it is necessary to determine the spoke gauge for a re-
ceptable tension (L) from step #13 into an equivalent placement nipple. There can also be a little bit of a
tension-meter reading (y) for the tension meter in use. problem removing the damaged nipple.
26. [ ] Minimum tension for this side: ______ L Preparationsandinspections
27. [ ] Closest kgf value <L from 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–7 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN-
tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ n DAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES OR NIPPLES procedure.
28. [ ] Closest kgf value >L from 2 . [ ] Remove rim strip from rim.
tension-meter chart kgf line: ______ p 3 . [ ] Rear wheels only, remove freehub cogs, or
29. [ ] Reading value equal to n from freewheel.
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ q
30. [ ] Reading value equal to p from Determiningcorrectspokelength
tension-meter chart reading line: ______ r ifreplacingspoke
31. [ ] L – n = s ______ – ______ = ______ s The spoke length can be calculated using various
32. [ ] r – q = t ______ – ______ = ______ t spoke-length programs or tables; when replacing a
33. [ ] s × t = u ______ × ______ = ______ u
spoke, the simplest way to determine the correct length
34. [ ] p – n = v ______ – ______ = ______ v
is to measure an existing spoke in the wheel. It will
35. [ ] u ÷ v = w ______ ÷ ______ = ______ w
not be a precise measurement, but it will be adequate.
36. [ ] w + q = y ______ + ______ = ______ y
Steps #31 through #36 can be expressed algebra- Measure with a metric tape measure.
ically, which is easier for someone familiar with alge- The proper way to measure a spoke that is in-
bra. the formula is: stalled in the wheel is to measure from the base of the
(L–n) × (r–q) + q = y nipple (where the nipple comes out of the rim) to edge
(p–n) of the spoke hole in the hub flange (the edge that is
In the next step, the exact value of y needs to be closest to the center of the wheel). This is easiest to do
rounded to a number that can actually be read from by measuring a spoke that has its head on the inside
the tension meter. The finest increments recom- of the hub flange, otherwise the spoke head covers
mended earlier for reading a Wheelsmith Tensiometer the hole. On rear wheels, left and right spokes can be
are 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5. Here are some examples. different lengths, so measure on the side of the wheel
Round anything from 68.8–71.2 to 70.0 that needs the spoke replaced.
Round anything from 71.3–73.7 to 72.5
Round anything from 73.8–76.2 to 75.0
Round anything from 76.3–78.7 to 77.5
The value determined in step #37 is used in the
NIPPLE worksheet. Transfer the value to step #86 of
the wheel truing worksheet (if tension-balancing the
right side of wheel), or to step #104 (if tension-balanc-
ing the left side of wheel).
37. [ ] Round y to nearest reading ending in 0, 2.5,
5, or 7.5 and record here:
MINIMUM READING is: ________


BROKEN SPOKES OR 17.23 Measuring a spoke in the wheel.

DAMAGED NIPPLES 4 . [ ] Measure length of an installed spoke on

same side of wheel as replacing spoke. Mea-
Most of repairing a wheel with a damaged nipple
sure from inside face of rim to far edge of
or broken spoke is the same as truing an undamaged spoke hole in flange and write number here:
wheel. The main differences are it is necessary to de- ___________mm.

17 – 26

Determiningthecorrectspokegauge Removingandreplacingadamagednipple
ifreplacinganippleorspoke Nipples are damaged from being over-tightened
In step #7, from the TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAM- or from a misfit wrench being used. Sometimes they
AGED RIMS, SPOKES, AND NIPPLES procedure, the spoke round off while being tightened and can still be turned
gauge at the midpoint was measured so that the infor- the opposite way to loosen them. Sometimes they must
mation could be used later to determine spoke ten- be grasped with pliers or vise-grip pliers to break them
sion. If the spoke is butted or aerodynamic, this mea- loose. Try using a Park SW-10 nipple wrench instead.
surement will not determine the right gauge for the If the SW-10 slips, use a file to increase the flats on the
nipple or spoke. It is best to double check, anyway. nipple. Once the spoke is getting slack, it’s all right to
Use the midpoint measurement and the following end cut the spoke. Often the threads of the spoke are also
measurement to get a replacement spoke of the cor- damaged, and the spoke must be replaced.
rect gauge as well. 8 . [ ] Remove damaged nipple(s).
5 . Use calipers or spoke ruler to measure diameter 9 . [ ] Thread on new nipple(s) without tightening.
of spoke just before it enters nipple. Com- Determiningstartingtensionforthereplaced
pare measurement to following and check
off one to indicate spoke gauge:
[ ] 2.6mm– 12 gauge When a nipple is removed or a spoke is broken,
[ ] 2.3mm– 13 gauge the wheel can go wildly out of true, and it can look
[ ] 2.0mm– 14 gauge like a lot more than one spoke will be involved in
[ ] 1.8mm– 15 gauge making the correction. If the wheel was reasonably
true to start with before the spoke broke or damaged
Removingandreplacingabrokenspoke nipple was removed, then all it will take to get it back
The easiest way to remove a broken spoke is to
to the same degree of true is to adjust the new spoke/
cut it an inch from the hub flange and then work the
nipple. The key to doing this is to determine the ten-
remainder out. Note which side of the flange the spoke
sion average on the side of the wheel with the new
head is on, then install the new spoke so that the spoke
spoke or nipple, then tighten the new nipple/spoke
head ends up on the same side of the flange.
to that tension. In the following steps, measure the
Look at the hub flange and see that the spokes
tension of ten spokes on the side with the new spoke
alternate having their heads to the inside and to the
or nipple (excluding the new spoke or spoke with new
outside of the flange.
nipple) and average the readings. Then tighten the new
If the new spoke is going to be a “head-out” spoke,
spoke or spoke with new nipple to the average read-
after starting the new spoke through the hole in the
ing. There is no need to use the tension-meter chart to
correct direction, it may be necessary to flex it away
convert readings to kilograms.
from the hub when it gets to the other flange so that it
10. [ ] Measure tension on ten consecutive spokes
will come out the opposite side of the wheel just be- on side with new spoke/nipple and record
yond the crotch of two spokes in the opposite flange. If readings in following blanks.
the spoke bows while doing this, it is not a problem.
A “head-in” spoke can just be laid out flat once it _____+_____+_____+_____+_____
is pushed all the way into the flange.
Spokes will need to be bowed slightly to weave _____+_____+_____+_____+_____ =_______
them past the other spokes and into their final posi- 11. [ ] Divide step 10 total by 10 ÷10
tion. Note that each spoke crosses several others in its Average reading is: =_______
path from the hub to the rim. Typically “head-in” 12. [ ] Tighten new spoke/nipple to average reading
calculated in step 11.
spokes cross under the last spoke on the way to the
13. [ ] Replace freewheel/freehub cogs.
rim, and “head-out” spokes cross over the last spoke 14. [ ] Do steps 8–127 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN-
on the way to the rim. Just follow the pattern of the DAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES AND NIPPLES procedure
other spokes. (page 17-10).
6 . [ ] Remove broken spoke(s).
7 . [ ] Put new spoke(s) in and thread on nipple(s)
without tightening.

17 – 27
correct and make the rim too narrow. To check
TRUING WHEELS WITH whether the job is done, set a caliper to the rim width
on an undamaged section of rim and try to slide the
DAMAGED RIMS caliper past the damaged point. If it hangs up, con-
The fundamental problems with repairing wheels tinue to squeeze the rim narrower.
with bends is that when metal bends it elongates. Bend- 2 . [ ] Use Bicycle Research RS1 to squeeze in any
ing it back will not shrink it again. Bending it back sidewall bulges detected during step 13 or
just elongates it more. What this implies is that once a step 16 of TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAMAGED
rim is bent, it can never be fully straightened. One big RIMS, SPOKES, AND NIPPLES worksheet.
dent can be changed into a series of small, less obvi- 3 . [ ] Do steps 21–127 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN-
ous dips and bumps, but in cannot be eliminated. The DAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES , AND NIPPLES worksheet.
more severe the bend is, the less likelihood of a suc-
cessful outcome. The more over-correcting and re- FIXING RADIAL BENDS
correcting is done, the less likely the repair will ever
make it to a successful point. IN THE BODY OF THE RIM
Rim bends can be broken down into three catego- Radial bends in the body of the rim are detected
ries. These are dings in the outer perimeter of the rim, during normal truing when the point is reached of cor-
radial bends in the body of the rim, and lateral bends. recting dips while truing radial. When correcting a dip
Dings in the outer perimeter of the rim can be identi- (which is done by loosening spokes in the vicinity of the
fied by two characteristics. There is a lack of any ap- dip) it is found that the spokes are already looser than
parent radial error in the inner perimeter of the rim any others in the wheel, a radial bend has been found.
and there is no evidence of loose spokes at the point of To fix the problem loosen the loose spokes even
the radial error. Radial bends in the body of the rim further, support the rim on wood blocks, apply im-
can be identified by the fact the fact that the very spokes pact to the inner perimeter of the rim, and then re-
that should be loosened to let out the dip are already tighten the spokes. The reason that spokes must be
looser than all the other spokes in the wheel. Lateral loosened first is that the rim needs to be moved past
bends in the rim are identified by the fact that the very the point where it must end up. Before the rim was
spokes that should be tightened to correct the rub are damaged, the loose spokes at the point of damage were
already tighter than any other spokes on their side of probably tight. If the repair is attempted without loos-
the wheel, or the very spokes that should be loosened ening the spokes, there will be resistance from the
to correct the rub are already looser than any other spokes before the rim is moved far enough.
spokes on the same side of the wheel. To set up the wheel for repair, first loosen the spokes
in the affected area at least five full turns each. Support
the rim just outside the flattened area on two soft blocks
FIXING DINGS IN THE OUTER of wood, such as firring strips (1×2 boards). The blocks
PERIMETER OF THE RIM of wood should be in line with the rim, not perpen-
Dings limited to the outer perimeter of the rim dicular. The repair will be done by striking the center
are only a problem if they cause the rim sidewall to of the bent section of rim with a rubber mallet.
bulge out at the point of the ding, and this is unusual After pushing out the rim, the spokes are tight-
with aluminum rims. In any case, a tool is made to fix ened until the bump is eliminated. If they are at nor-
these, and they are relatively easy to fix as long as the mal tension once the rim is round, the correction is
dings are not severe. done. If they are still loose, additional correction is
1 . [ ] Do steps 1–21 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN- needed. If they end up over-tight, the bend has been
DAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES, AND NIPPLES worksheet. over-corrected. There is no good solution to this ex-
The Bicycle Research RS1 Rim Saver is used to cept to live with the rim having a bump and the spokes
squeeze in rim-sidewall bulges. This tool is a pair of at that point being a little over-tight.
pliers with a wide jaw and a narrow jaw. The narrow On paper this all sounds better than in actually
jaw is placed against the sidewall bulge and the wide works. It is difficult to hit the rim with the correct
jaw is placed against the other side of the rim. Be care- force, and the rim may bend in where it is supported
ful to squeeze the handles gently. Because no tool is on the blocks. A great deal of patience and skill with
made to spread the rim back out, it is better to under a rubber hammer is needed.
correct and need to repeat the attempt then to over

17 – 28


A lateral bend is identified when the spokes that
need tightening to correct a rub are already over-tight,
or a spoke that needs loosening to correct a rub is
already very loose.
There is no more difficult wheel repair then repair-
ing a rim with a lateral bend. The rim needs to be un-
bent and the only way to do it is to hit it on something
(or with something), or stick the affected area in some
sort of crack and apply leverage to the wheel. How much
force to use can only be learned by trial and error. If
putting the wheel in some crack and apply leverage, find-
ing the right crack and figuring out how much rim to
insert are a challenge. If using impact, it is recommended
to put the rim on two wood blocks that support the rim
just beyond the damaged area, with the side of the wheel
that the rim bends to facing up. Next, cut a wood block
that is just a little bit shorter than the damaged area and
rest it on top of the rim on the damaged section. Strike
the block on top of the rim with a hammer.
Like when repairing a radial bend, it is important
Loos en 5 full turns each
to loosen the spokes on the side of the wheel where
the damage is so that the rim can be pushed easily past
the point that it should end up.


Loos ened
5 full turns
17.24 Fixing a radial bend.

1 . [ ] Do steps 1–36 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN-

2 . If at any time in step 33, spokes needing loosen-
ing seem too loose to start with, rim is bent.
[ ] Loosen all spokes in affected area until
nipples are almost off (at least 5 full turns).
[ ] Place rim on wood blocks in line with rim,
with blocks just past end of dip.
[ ] Strike inner perimeter of rim near center
of dip with rubber mallet.
[ ] Put wheel in truing stand. 17.25 Fixing a lateral bend.
[ ] Tighten spokes in affected area until
bump is eliminated. 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–17 from TRUING WHEELS WITH UN-
[ ] Measure tension on spokes in affected DAMAGED RIMS, SPOKES AND NIPPLES procedure.
area and compare to other spokes just out- 2 . [ ] When a lateral bend is detected while doing
side affected area. step 17, mark all spokes that are loose. (If
[ ] If tensions are low, loosen spokes again none are obviously loose but on other side
and repeat procedure. of wheel there are obviously tight spokes,
[ ] If tensions are normal or high, continue mark all spokes on contact side of wheel
from step 35 on TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAM- from tight spokes that are within zone of
AGED RIMS, SPOKES AND NIPPLES procedure. tight spokes.)

17 – 29
3 . [ ] Loosen nipples on all marked spokes exactly 6 . [ ] Cut a short section of firring strip (one-by-two
five full turns. board) to be slightly shorter than affected area
4 . [ ] Remove rim from truing stand. and place it on top of affected area.
5 . [ ] Use 3 foot-long two-by-fours to support the 7 . [ ] Strike firring strip with hammer.
rim in following fashion. With the side of 8 . [ ] Put wheel in truing stand and check whether
the wheel with loosened spokes facing up, rub in affected area has switched to oppo-
put one two-by-four on its edge under rim site side of wheel. (If not, repeat steps 4–8.)
180° away from loosened spokes. Put 9 . [ ] Tighten spokes that were loosened exactly
other two-by-fours on their edges so that five full turns and check how spoke tension
they are just either side of range of loos- in affected area compares to adjacent
ened spokes and so that each two-by-four’s spokes. If spokes that were loose are still
full length supports rim. loose, repeat steps 3–9.
10. [ ] Continue at step 19 from TRUING WHEELS WITH

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: A wheel fails to stay true for a reasonable time after truing, but there is no evidence of a
damaged rim.
Wheel was not stabilized. Stabilize the true. (See page 17-24, step 117.)
Spoke tensions were too low. Re-true wheel and set tension average closer to
the maximum.
SYMPTOM: Spokes lose tension rapidly.
Spokes were not tightened well. Re-tighten spokes closer to maximum tension.
SYMPTOM: Wheel will not hold tension even when it was tensioned high to begin with.
Rim and/or spoke choice is too light. Rebuild with heavier components, or rebuild with
Wheelsmith Spoke Prep or DT Spoke Freeze.
SYMPTOM: Spokes are breaking at the bend or at the nipple.
Spokes are fatigued from age. Rebuild or replace wheel.
Spokes are too light gauge (particularly if wheel is Rebuild wheel with heavier spokes.
new and rider or usage can be described as heavy).
Tensions are too low. Rebuild wheel. (Low tension causes premature
fatigue of all spokes.)
SYMPTOM: Spokes are breaking in the middle.
Impact to spoke(s). Replace broken spokes.
Low tension if at interlace. Replace spoke, tighten spokes.
SYMPTOM: Butted spokes are breaking at the transition of one gauge to the other.
Low-quality spokes. Rebuild or replace wheel.
SYMPTOM: More than one spoke is broken at the flange or at the nipples, or a variety of nipple and/or
spoke types in the wheel indicate that spokes have broken in the past in addition to a single broken
spoke that is being dealt with now.
Spokes are generally fatigued. Rebuild or replace wheel.
SYMPTOM: A spoke breaks when accelerating hard, hitting a bump or while truing the wheel.
Spokes are generally fatigued. Rebuild or replace wheel.
SYMPTOM: Dimples or bulges are found in the sidewall of the rim.
Tire compresses fully when the wheel hits bumps. Maintain full tire pressure and/or use a larger
cross-section tire.
SYMPTOM: Cracks are appearing in the rim sidewall, the rim sidewall is concave when it used to be flat
or convex, the rim beads are wider apart than they were originally.
Rim sidewall is being worn thin by brake pads. Replace rim immediately.

17 – 30

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Cracks are appearing at the nipple holes in the rim.
Spoke tension too high. Replace rim immediately.
SYMPTOM: While truing a lateral deviation, the spoke that needs tightening is too tight, or the spoke
that needs loosening is too loose.
Rim has a lateral bend. Bend rim back or replace rim.
SYMPTOM: Rim has a lateral bend.
Excessive side loads have been applied to the rim Avoid excessive side loads and/or use a stronger
through accident or abuse. rim.
SYMPTOM: While eliminating a radial dip (flat spot), the spokes that need to be loosened are too loose
Rim has a radial bend. Bend rim back or replace rim.
SYMPTOM: Rim has a radial bend (flat spot).
Impact to wheel. Maintain correct tire pressure and avoid road
hazards, or use larger cross-section of tire.
Rim is too light (particularly when bend occurs Use a heavier rim.
repeatedly and tire pressure has been maintained).
Spoke gauge is too heavy for a lightweight rim. Use light spokes with light rims.
SYMPTOM: Complete wheel collapse (hyperbolic parabola).
Over-tight spokes. Repair if possible, avoid over-tightening spokes.
Excess lateral loads on wheel. Repair if possible, avoid loading wheel from side
if possible.
SYMPTOM: Stripped nipple wrench flats.
Over-tight spokes. Avoid over-tightening.
Failure to lubricate nipple threads and heads. Lubricate before truing.
Use of oversize nipple wrench. Use correct size.
Attempted repair of damaged rim by spoke Re-bend, then re-true if possible.
adjustment only.
SYMPTOM: Nipples frozen by corrosion.
Failure to lubricate or treat threads. Lubricate or treat threads at time of building, at
all times when re-truing and once a month in
climates where rust is a problem. Use stainless
steel spokes whenever possible.
SYMPTOM: Bulges in the sidewall of the rim at each spoke, or cracks or bulging at each spoke hole in
the rim.
Spoke tension too high for rim strength. Use less tension, but replace rim if cracked.
Inadequate support of the nipple at the rim. Use nipple washers in non-eyeleted lightweight
SYMPTOM: Wheel will not install centered in frame or fork or bicycle pulls to one side when ridden.
Dish is incorrect. Check and correct dish.
If dish is correct, frame or fork may be off-center. Check and correct frame or fork alignment.
If dish is correct and frame or fork is aligned, File dropout slots to equalize height.
dropouts may be unequal height.
SYMPTOM: A pinging or popping sound is heard continuously from the wheel (particularly rear) while
Spoke tension is too low and slack spokes are Tighten spokes.
rubbing on each other or on the spoke guard.
SYMPTOM: When the wheel is first ridden, popping and pinging sounds are emitted from the wheel,
particularly when accelerating.
True was not stabilized, and spokes are unwinding Stabilize the true. (See page 17-24, step 117.)
when relieved of tension.

17 – 31

17 – 32

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Rim: The metal hoop at the outer end of the
spokes that the rubber tire attaches to. The word rim
This chapter is about rebuilding wheels. It cov-
is sometimes misused to apply to the wheel.
ers designing the wheel, determining the spoke
Spoke hole: The hole in the rim where the nipple
length, assembling the spokes to the hub and rim
comes out, although it would be better called the
(lacing the wheel), and getting the wheel ready for
“nipple hole.” In regard to the hub, the term refers to
truing. Additional information is included about re-
the hole in the hub flange that the spoke goes through.
placing rims and re-using old spokes. This chapter
Eyelet: A separate metal reinforcement that goes
does not include anything about truing the wheels,
in the spoke-nipple hole in the rim.
but refers to the WHEEL TRUING AND REPAIR chapter
Valve hole: The hole in the rim that the tire-infla-
(page 17-6) for that purpose.
tion valve inserts through.
The information in this chapter can be used for
Spoke wall: The wall of the rim that the spokes
rebuilding a damaged wheel (saving the hub and using
attach to.
a new rim), or building a new wheel with all new com-
Outer wall: The wall of the rim that faces the
ponents; however, it is written as though a wheel is
tube and tire. This wall only exists on modular-style
being rebuilt. If building a new wheel with new com-
clincher rims and tubular rims.
ponents, merely substitute the word “build” for the
Sidewall: The vertical face of the rim where brake
word “rebuild.”
pads contact. There are rim sidewalls and tire sidewalls;
in regard to a tire, sidewall refers to the portions of
the tire between the rim bead and the tire tread.
GENERAL INFORMATION Rim bead: The edge of the rim where the tire
R im beads
Wheel: The structure consisting of the hub, Outer w all
spokes, nipples, and rim. S idew all

H ub S pok es R im N ipples E y elet

S pok e hole
S pok e w all

16.2 Parts of a rim.

Hub: The mechanism at the center of the wheel

that an axle rotates inside of and the spokes attach to.
Hub flange: The disc on either end of the hub
that the spokes attach to.
Spokes: The wires that go from the hub to the rim.
Spoke elbow: The end of a spoke that makes a
90° bend where the spoke goes through the hole in
the hub flange.
Spoke head: The flattened disc at the end of the
spoke elbow that keeps the spoke from pulling through
the holes in the hub flange.
16.1 Parts of a wheel.

16 – 1
Nipple: The elongated nut that threads onto the INDICATIONS
end of the spoke and attaches the spoke to the rim.
Nipple head: The fat portion at one end of the Symptomsindicatingtheneed
nipple (usually round). forrimreplacementorwheelrebuilding
Nipple slot: A slot in the nipple head that fits a During wheel repair, or even before, symptoms
slotted screwdriver. may be experienced that indicate wheel replacement
Cross pattern: The pattern created by two sets of or wheel rebuilding is desired. These symptoms are:
spokes in a hub flange that radiate in opposite direc- Multiple broken spokes, either all at once or
tions as the spokes go out to the rim. If a clockwise- one at a time, over the last few hundred miles.
radiating spoke crosses three counterclockwise-radiating Multiple corroded nipples that won’t turn.
spokes from the same hub flange, then the wheel is Multiple damaged nipples (rounded-off
said to be a “three-cross pattern.” Cross patterns are wrench flats).
described symbolically. A three-cross pattern is usu- Dents or bends in the rim that cannot be ad-
ally just written “3X.” equately straightened by normal spoke ad-
Interlace: When a spoke leaves the hub, it crosses justment and unbending techniques.
over other spokes; if it switches to crossing under at Cracks in the rim.
the last spoke it crosses on way to the rim, then this Severe rim-sidewall wear, evidenced by a con-
pattern is called an interlace. cave rim sidewall, or by rim beads that have
Dish: The centering of the rim to the hub lock- become wider apart than they were originally.
nuts. Because the flanges of a rear hub may not be Whenever these symptoms are specific to the
equidistant from the locknuts, a rim centered to the spokes and nipples, decide whether to keep the rim or
locknuts is not necessarily centered to the hub flanges. replace it. The dilemma is that if the problem with
Viewed from the wheel’s edge, this makes the wheel the spokes or nipples is bad enough to prevent truing
appear like a dish viewed from its edge. the wheel, then there is no good way to tell if the rim
is in good shape. If the rim is reused, the damage may
PREREQUISITES not be discovered until most of the work of truing
has been done. As a rule, replace the rim when the set
Wheelremovalandinstallation of spokes needs to be replaced.
Before rebuilding a wheel, the wheel must be
removed from the bike. See the WHEEL REMOVAL,
if unsure about wheel removal and installation. The most important tool for building a wheel is
the spoke-length system that will be used to deter-
Tireremovalandinstallation mine the correct spoke length. There are many sys-
Before rebuilding a wheel, the tire must be re- tems on the market, and all will determine the length
moved from the wheel. See the TIRES AND TUBES correctly most of the time; however, there is no ideal
chapter (page 19-3) if unsure about tire removal and system. Each has its own compromise. Short reviews
installation. of several of the systems are included. In the section
Freewheelremovalandinstallation of this chapter on determining spoke length, there
To rebuild a wheel, it is necessary to remove the are tips for some of these systems and complete in-
freewheel or freehub cogs. See the chapter FREEHUB structions for a few of them. The systems are basi-
MECHANISMS AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS for free- cally sound, but the instructions that come with them
wheel removal (page 25-9) and freehub-cog removal are over-simplified, making each system appear
(page 25-16). simple and easy-to-use. Because the systems come
with over-simplified instructions, this chapter in-
Hubadjustment cludes very detailed instructions that will enable you
Before building a wheel, the hub must be adjusted to get better results out of any of these systems than
to have no free play when out of the bike. See the you would get by just using the manufacturer’s over-
appropriate chapter on hub adjustment. simplified instructions.
The spoke-length-calculation systems are either
manual, or electronic. The electronic ones require a
computer or a special scientific calculator. The manual

16 – 2
ones require the use of written tables for looking up SpokeMaster (BOD). SpokeMaster is a com-
factors, and leave the math up to the user. Most sys- ponent of the BOD bicycle-product data-
tems provide hub and rim data for existing equipment base. This program (based on the
to simplify calculations, but inevitably wheels need Sutherland’s book) is easy to use but is se-
to be built with components that are not listed. Con- verely limited by the complete lack of any
sequently, the system’s provisions for dealing with way to deal with rims or hubs that are not
unlisted equipment are more critical than the lists of listed in its database. It is difficult to con-
existing equipment. firm whether a hub or rim matches a listing
Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Mechan- due to lack of dimensional and descriptive
ics. This book covers much more than spoke information about the hubs and rims. This
length, but its spoke-length system is one of program is not recommended!
its most important features. The database on SpokeMaster for Windows by Two-Bit Soft-
existing rims and hubs is good when an edi- ware. This is a completely different program
tion is first published, but becomes seriously than SpokeMaster (BOD). The name is likely
out of date between editions. The book pro- to change because of trademark infringement,
vides a system for determining data for rims so look for a spoke-length program for Win-
not listed, but the instructions for measuring dows by Two-Bit Software. It has a database,
and calculating rim data are vague. This and allows custom entries for hubs and rims.
manual includes instructions for Sutherland’s The descriptions of how to measure hubs and
fifth and sixth editions for no other reason rims are inadequate, so use procedures rec-
than these editions are the one most widely ommended later in this chapter. The program
used at the time of this writing. is inexpensive and easy to use, but forces the
Spoke Calc by DT. This is a wall poster full of user to complete the process for both sides
data tables and measuring devices for hubs of rear wheels, resulting in inconsistent dif-
and rims. The data tables are based on dimen- ferentials between the left and right sides (in-
sions, rather than models, so they never go consistent differential values are the result of
out of date. On the other hand, no model the program’s use of a simple geometrical
information means that every rim and hub model of the wheel, rather than a more real-
needs to be measured, instead of just looked istic one based on physics). Use the recom-
up. The built-in measuring systems are primi- mended left-side length and calculate the
tive and a likely source of error. In this chap- right-side length differential by methods rec-
ter, full instructions for use of Spoke Calc ommended later in this chapter.
(with more accurate methods for measuring Tool choices and useful supplies are listed in table
components) are provided. 16-1 (page 16-4). The preferred tools or supplies in
Wheelsmith Spoke Length Calculator. This table 16-1 are shown in bold face. If there are several
scientific calculator, programmed specifically tools for the same purpose that are shown in bold
for spoke-length calculation, is simple and type, the choice is strictly a matter of personal prefer-
quick. The accompanying book has a reason- ence or price.
able range of existing component data, and
the system comes with a good device for
measuring rims. The system for measuring
hubs is less precise, but this chapter provides
more accurate hub-measurement techniques.
Blue Pig Industries Wheel Calculator. This
PC-based computer program is accurate,
has a comprehensive database, allows add-
ing and editing data, and has many extra
features. It requires hub and rim measure-
ments for unlisted equipment. Procedures
for making these measurements are in-
cluded in this chapter.

16 – 3

TIME AND DIFFICULTY RATING for methods for removing freewheels once the rim has
been detached. Usually, a choice must be made between
Lacing new spokes into a wheel is a 8–12 minute
sacrificing the freewheel or sacrificing the hub.
job of little difficulty. This time is based on starting
with a bare hub. This does not include calculating Knowing whether to reuse a rim
spoke length (which varies from 2–10 minutes depend- When spokes start breaking repeatedly, then it
ing on the system used), or truing. makes more sense to replace them all at once, rather
than one at a time. It might also be desirable to re-
place a set of spokes because of corroded nipples,
COMPLICATIONS rounded nipple-wrench flats, or spokes mangled from
Removing spokes before removing a chain over-shift. For reasons of economy, a decision
thefreewheelfromhub is often made to reuse the rim.
On the freehub-type rear hubs that are most com- If the problems with the spokes make it impos-
mon today, it is not a big concern if the cogs are not sible or impractical to true the wheel precisely before
removed from the hub before the spokes are cut or rebuilding it, then there is no way to know whether
unthreaded. Making this mistake on a traditional hub the rebuilt wheel will end up true with good uniform
with thread-on freewheel can be disastrous because the spoke tension. It can turn out to be very false economy
rim is an indispensable part of the freewheel-removal to reuse a rim. Unless it is possible to true the wheel
procedure, and because the freewheel blocks access to and evaluate spoke-tension uniformity before
the spoke holes in most cases. See the chapter FREEHUB unbuilding the wheel, it is recommended to use a new
MECHANISMS AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS (page 25-13) rim when the spokes need to be replaced.


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Blue Pig Wheel Calculator
PC computer program. See preceding review of spoke-length systems.
DT Spoke Calc Wall chart or PC computer program. See preceding review of spoke-length
SpokeMaster (BOD) Not recommended — see preceding review of spoke-length systems.
SpokeMaster for Windows Name for this is likely to change due to trademark conflict. Make sure pro-
by Two-Bit Software gram is by Two-Bit Software. See preceding review of spoke-length systems.
Sutherland’s Handbook Book, includes spoke-length system. See preceding review of spoke
length systems.
Wheelsmith Programmed scientific calculator. See preceding review of spoke-length
Spoke Length Calculator systems.
Bicycle Research ND-1 Offset screwdriver for speed-threading of nipples.
VAR 265 Special nipple driver for electric drills. Only useful for production runs of
identical wheels.
Hozan C915 Relatively inexpensive spoke-threading machine, impractical for more than
2–3 spokes at a time. Valuable for creating replacement spokes in unusual
sizes for wheels that just need a few spokes replaced.
Phil Wood Cuts and threads spokes, difficult to cost-justify, difficult to create
Spoke Threading Machine consistent length of threading (makes truing more difficult).
DT Spoke Ruler Inexpensive spoke ruler, aluminum gauge-notches loose accuracy quickly.
Park SBC-1 Inexpensive spoke ruler, no gauge-notches
Phil Wood Expensive, precise, and durable. Superior variety of gauge-notches that
Spoke Length Gauge retain accuracy.
Wheelsmith Spoke Ruler Precise and durable. Limited variety of gauge-notches.
Eldi 2620 Heavy duty spoke cutter for cutting out old spokes.
DT Spoke Freeze Thread preparation compound reduces corrosion and vibration loosening.
Wheelsmith Spoke Prep Thread preparation compound reduces corrosion and vibration loosening.
Sanford Sharpie Fine Used for marking on hub and rim to keep track of where spokes will go.
Point permanent marker
1/2” masking tape Used for tagging a spoke in order to keep track of it.

16 – 4

Knowing whether to reuse the spokes When spokes are too long, they protrude past the
When a rim is damaged, it may seem to make sense nipple into the tire area. If the nipple is in a recessed
to replace the rim, but reuse the spokes. This can be socket and the protrusion 1mm or less, this is not a
another false economy. There is no way to tell what problem. If the nipple is not in a socket, the protrud-
life is left in old spokes. They may all be on the verge ing spokes will need filing, which is time-consuming
of fatigue failure. It is strongly recommended to al- and awkward.
ways use new spokes when installing a new rim. When spokes are too short, they will show thread
outside the nipple. Up to 1mm of exposed thread is
Calculatinginaccuratespokelengths nothing more than a cosmetic flaw. More than this
Determining the correct spoke length can depend raises concerns that there may be inadequate thread
on taking numerous measurements precisely, looking engagement between the nipple and the spoke.
up numbers accurately from complex tables without
error, and performing a number of mathematical pro- Poorfitofspokestohubflange
cedures without error. Manual systems have all these Spokes may seem to be too tight or too loose in
potential problems. Electronic systems can reduce the spoke holes.
some of them, but usually not all. Until a mechanic Some high performance hubs are made with
has calculated spoke length for a large number of 1.8mm spokes in mind. The 2.0mm size usually fits,
wheels without error, it is a mistake not to double- but is difficult to install and causes the spokes to come
check all spoke-length calculations — recalculation is out of the flange at an awkward angle. The lacing pro-
far less time-consuming than building a wheel twice. cedure recommended here effectively deals with the
problem of the tight spokes coming out of the flanges
Correctspokelength(s)unavailable awkwardly.
It is not unusual to calculate the correct spoke Sometimes a flange seems too thin for the elbow of
length, only to find that it is not on hand or readily the spoke. Traditionally, it has been recommended to
available from a supplier. For most wheels there is an use washers between the spoke head and hub flange in
ideal length, and a range of acceptable lengths of at this case, however these washers are virtually impos-
least plus or minus 1mm from the ideal. sible to find. Structurally it makes little difference.
If deviating slightly from the ideal does not solve Light gauge spokes, such as 1.8mm, sometimes
the problem, then consider switching to another gauge seem loose inside the spoke hole in the hub flange. As
or another cross pattern. Most wheels are built as a long as the spoke is a harder metal than the hub flange,
three-cross, but a four-cross pattern is practically iden- then the spoke under load will always create its own
tical in function. On front wheels only, a two-cross ideal bed of support in the hub flange.
pattern might be an option.
Wrong spokes in box There are numerous special hub configurations,
One of the most common situations in a bike shop and between the time this manual is being written and
is for spokes in a container to be mixed, or all the the time that a new edition comes out, there will un-
spokes different from the label on the box (due to lids doubtedly be more.
getting switched). Another problem is that gauges of The rage at the time of this writing is “direct pull”
spokes or nipples are wrong or mixed. hubs that use spokes that have no elbow. The only
It is always easier to measure length and gauge of certain thing is that this rage will be replaced by an-
the spokes before lacing the wheel, than it is to unlace other before this edition of the manual gets old.
a wheel and start over again. Measuring every time is This chapter only applies to the tried-and-true
the only way to prevent this common problem. drilled-flange hubs and elbowed-spoke designs.
Buildingwithwrong-lengthspokes Even with this traditional design there are varia-
For each wheel there is a range of spoke lengths tions that create complications. The simplest varia-
that will not cause problems. Beyond this range, there tion is one in which every other spoke hole is coun-
are lengths that are too long or too short, but can be tersunk on the outer face of the flange, and all the
lived with. Spokes that are too long or too short can- other holes are countersunk in the inside face of the
not be used. flange. The countersinks are designed to accommo-
date the elbow of the spoke (highly debatable — see
Countersunk or chamfered spoke holeson page 16-9), so

16 – 5
dealing with this design is simply a matter of choos- Hold the rim horizontal with the valve hole on
ing the first hole correctly so that the head of the spoke the opposite side of the wheel from your body. Look
ends up on the opposite side of the flange from the at the two spoke holes to the right of the valve hole to
countersink. see which of the following styles a rim matches:
Staggered down/up: This is the most common
S pok e hole w it h pattern, and the first hole to the right of the
count er s ink on ins ide valve hole is staggered down.
Staggered up/down: This is a less common
pattern, and the first hole to the right of the
H ub f lange valve hole is staggered up.
Unstaggered: This pattern is usually found on
aerodynamic-profile rims, and all spoke holes
S pok e hole w it h are directly in line with each other.
count er s ink on outs ide
Deep cross-section rims have awkward access when
putting a nipple down into its hole. Although tools
F lange cr os s -s ection
have been made for this process, nothing works better
Counters ink than putting the nipple on a square-shaft toothpick.
16.3 Cross-section of a hub flange with alternately-countersunk Some aerodynamic-rim designs keep the nipple
spoke holes. entirely inside the rim. Special tools may be required
to install and adjust the nipples.
Some hubs are designed so that all the spokes have
their heads on the inside of the flange. To accomplish
this, there are usually two “levels” to the outer face of oneachsideofthewheel
the flange. The “upper level” is the normal outer face The rules change on how to lace a wheel when
of the flange. The “lower level” is usually a “V-shaped” the lacing pattern is not the same on both sides of the
notch in the outer face of the flange that allows a spoke wheel. Be sure to read about the special technique re-
to come out of the hole (in the notch) and pass under quired whenever building something like a wheel with
the spokes in the “upper lever.” This design causes 3-cross on one side and 2-cross on the other side.
two problems: 1) when selecting the spoke length, it Lacingerrors
is important to know if the V-notches limit the cross The complexity of lacing a wheel makes it inevi-
pattern (3-cross or less is typical) so that you may se- table that errors will occur. The lacing method in this
lect a pattern and the appropriate length accordingly; chapter is designed to reduce error, but more impor-
2) when lacing, it is necessary to feed all spokes into tantly it includes periodic checks as the wheel devel-
the flange from the inside, and install the spokes (to ops stage-by-stage, so that the errors will be discov-
the rim) in the “lower level” before attaching any ered early. Always perform the checks!
spokes from the “upper level.”
Specialrimconfigurations Rims can be very expensive, and maintaining the
Special rim configurations present several types cosmetic finish in good condition is an important part
of challenges. of building a wheel. Don’t hesitate to bow spokes
Not all rims have the same spoke-drilling style. when installing them in order to get the tips to clear
There are three drilling styles; furthermore, the manu- the rim — just avoid kinking them.
facturers and distributors tend to ignore the issue en-
tirely, so it is up to the mechanic to determine the
drilling style. There are no commonly accepted terms ABOUT THE REST
for different styles, so the following terms are unique OF THIS CHAPTER
to this book. Depending on how the rim is oriented The rest of this chapter is divided into four parts.
when being examined, a drilling style can appear two The first part is about wheel design. This section helps
exactly opposite ways. determine which hub, rim, spoke, and lacing pattern
will be best for any particular reason. The second sec-
tion is about how to determine spoke length. The third
section is about how to lace the spokes into the hub

16 – 6
and rim from scratch. The fourth section is about re- The reliability of the wheel is one more consider-
placing a damaged rim while reusing the spokes and ation in the design of a wheel. A wheel that will with-
keeping them in place. This should only be done when stand high radial load is more reliable for the type of
a new wheel is damaged and it is known that the spokes user that will subject the wheel to extreme levels of
are not damaged and have not yet begun to fatigue. off-road use. Heavier riders are also concerned with a
wheel’s ability to withstand high radial loads. Rim
weight and shape would be important considerations
for this user. A wheel that will last many thousands
WHEEL DESIGN of miles without spoke breakage is more reliable for
When designing a wheel, the designer should keep the type of user that rides many miles of smooth road.
in mind the three types of load that the wheel experi- For this user, spoke gauge and spoke number choices
ences, and the performance and reliability criteria that might be most significant.
suit the user. The rest of this section on wheel design discusses
Wheels experience three types of load; radial load, the specifics of how rim shape, rim weight, rim materi-
lateral load, and torsional load. als, lacing patterns, spoke gauges, spoke quantity, and
Radial load is the load that is experienced in a hub choices affect how a wheel will hold up, and meet
straight line between the hub and the rim. Radial loads the user’s expectations of performance and reliability.
result from the weight on the wheel, and from hitting
bumps and dips in the riding surface.
Lateral load is load experienced at the rim that is
at right angles to the plane of the wheel. Normal lat- Materials
eral loads are relatively slight, and occur when the Materials used for rims include steel, aluminum,
wheel is leaning over, but the rider is not (for example, carbon fiber, and titanium. Steel is economical, but oth-
when rocking the bike side to side while climbing out erwise undesirable. Aluminum has a superior strength-
of the saddle). Extreme lateral loads are experienced to-weight ratio and superior braking performance and
when control is lost and the wheel receives impact is the only choice for most applications. Titanium rims
from the side. of a reasonably low weight have extremely thin wall
Torsional load is experienced on all rear wheels, thickness, so their use is limited to the track. Carbon-
and on any wheel that has a hub-mounted brake (disc fiber rims can either be full carbon fiber, or a carbon-
brakes, drum brakes, and coaster brakes). Torsional fiber “fairing” on the inner diameter of an aluminum
load is experienced when drive forces cause the hub rim. A full carbon-fiber rim is prone to catastrophic
to rotate, which then causes the rim to rotate by means failure and provides an inferior surface for braking.
of the spokes. Hub brakes cause torsional load because Aluminum/carbon-fiber combinations have neither of
the momentum of the vehicle is causing the rim to the disadvantage of plain carbon fiber.
rotate, and the brake at the hub is resisting the rota- Because of its combination of desirable proper-
tion. Rim brakes do not cause torsional load on the ties, aluminum remains the material of choice for most
wheel structure because the resistance to the rim’s bicycle rims.
rotation is at the rim, not at the hub.
In addition to designing a wheel to withstand these
The cross-sectional shape of a rim and the thick-
loads, the wheel designer must consider the perfor-
ness of its walls are the primary things affecting rim
mance expectations of the user. Wheel weight and
strength. Rims are of either of two categories, tubular
aerodynamic resistance are the primary considerations
(tires are glued on) or clincher (conventional tires).
that affect performance. In regard to wheel weight,
Tubular rims have a cross-section shaped like a
rim weight is most important, spoke weight is less
modified tube. This is the best shape for strength-to-
important, and hub weight is the least important.
weight ratio, but only sew-up tires that are glued onto
These differences are because of the relative speed of
a rim can be mounted on these rims, so tubular rims
rotation of each wheel component. The faster the
are therefore impractical for the average cyclist.
speed of rotation is, the more significant a weight dif-
Clincher rims are either U-shaped, box section,
ference will be. Rim shape and spoke shape are the
or modular. U-shaped rims for clincher tires have no
most significant factors affecting aerodynamics.
hollow to their cross-section and have the least strength
for their weight. Box-section rims have a hollow box

16 – 7
section at each corner of the rim cross-section and have Eyelets(holereinforcements)
an improved strength-to-weight ratio. Modular rims Rims may be eyeleted to reinforce the rim at the
have a tubular cross-section with rim flanges attached spoke hole. Single eyelets reinforce the rim only at
for mounting a clincher tire. This design features the the spoke wall. Double eyelets form a socket that dis-
best strength-to-weight ratio for clincher rims. tributes the spoke load between the spoke wall and
outer wall of a tubular or modular-clincher rim. Eye-
lets also reduce friction between the nipples and the
rim, and are critical for this reason when using alumi-
num nipples.
Eyelets are a desireable, but not critical, feature.
U -s haped clincher B ox -s ection clincher Anodizedrims
Anodized aluminum rims have been chemically
treated to make the surface more corrosion resis-
tant. The anodization could be a variety of colors
including clear, gray, silver, gold, blue, red or black.
This results in a rim that keeps its appearance bet-
ter; however, the anodization wears off the brak-
M odular clincher T ubular ing surface rapidly.
Hard-anodized rims have been chemically
16.4 Common rim cross-sections. treated to create an anodized layer that not only
resists corrosion, but is more abrasion resistant than
Aerodynamic rims can be tubular or clinchers with plain-anodized rims. The process incidentally im-
box or modular cross-section. They are generally proves the strength of the rim insignificantly. These
heavier than their non-aerodynamic counterparts, rims will be dark in color, such as smoky gray,
weaker laterally and stronger radially. Aerodynamic brownish gray, dark gray, dark blue-gray or black.
rim shapes are compatible with sidepull brakes, but The result is that the hard anodization remains on
are not very suitable for cantilever brakes (touring and the braking surface longer, but it seems to detract
mountain bikes). from braking performance.
The best shape for a rim to be used with cantile- In conclusion, anodization of all types is an insig-
ver brakes is sort of a reverse-aerodynamic shape, nar- nificant consideration in wheel design.
rower at the outer perimeter than at the inner perim-
eter of the sidewall. Straight-wall (no slope) rims are Heat-treatingandworkhardening
almost as suitable for use with cantilever brakes. Any A variety of alloys and hardening processes (heat
rim that is wider at the point where it meets the tire is treating) are used in manufacturing rims. These al-
a poor choice for use with cantilever brakes, or brakes loy choices and hardening processes cannot be de-
that mount on cantilever braze-ons. scribed as having any special significance without also
considering the rim weight and design. There is a
very narrow range of hardness that is suitable to a
bicycle rim. Too hard and the rim is brittle and tends
to crack around the spoke holes, and elsewhere. Too
soft and it bends to easily. Whether a manufacturer
uses “heat treating,” “work hardening,” or some other
exotic-sounding hardening process, the end results
must be very close to the same or the rim will be too
brittle or too soft.
16.5 The aero’ rim type on the left is unsuitable for use with canti- In conclusion, the use of different materials and
lever brakes; the rim in the right has the ideal slope to the sidewalls hardening processes mean more to the rim designer
for use with cantilever brakes.
than they do to the end user. Marketing people look
In conclusion, shape is important because it de- for every little tidbit to make their products sound
termines whether a rim gets the most out of the superior. Do not let these marketing concepts have
amount of material that is used. too much influence on rim choice.

16 – 8

Ceramiccoating HUB CHOICES

Ceramic coatings are put on rim sidewalls to im-
prove brake performance. They have no effect on Small-versuslarge-flangehubs
overall rim strength, other than to reduce rim wear Large-flange hubs were traditionally thought to
from the brake pads (an important consideration for increase a wheel’s lateral, radial and torsional stiffness.
many mountain bikers). These ceramic coatings are Of these, only torsional stiffness has been scientifi-
effective for the purpose of improving braking. cally verified, but the increase in torsional stiffness
In conclusion, ceramic coatings are an expen- reduces spoke fatigue by an insignificant degree.
sive plus. Small-flange hubs have been traditionally described
as having less radial stiffness (making them more com-
Rim weight fortable), less lateral stiffness (making them less stable
Rim weight is a significant factor in determining in cornering) and less torsional stiffness, which is true,
wheel strength and the bicycle’s acceleration and brak- but of low significance (see above). The assumptions
ing performance. Weight is a function of the overall about comfort and lateral stiffness with either flange
dimensions of the rim, the cross-sectional design, and type are false and the difference in torsional stiffness
the wall thickness. It is most useful when comparing is not significant, so flange diameter should not be a
two rims of similar cross-section design (both modu- major consideration in designing a wheel. This is also
lar, for example) and similar dimensions (both 19mm true for mixed-flange designs (small flange on one side
wide and 14mm deep, for example). If one rim weighed and large flange on the other side).
10% more than the other, the likely reason would be In conclusion, flange-diameter considerations
that the heavier rim would have thicker rim walls at are relatively insignificant with regard to wheel
some point. Thicker means stronger. If the extra thick- properties.
ness is uniform throughout, then it means that the
rim is overall stronger. If the sidewalls only are thicker, Five-,six-,seven-,oreight-speedcapacity
it means that the rim is stronger radially. If the spoke Providing more space for a greater number of
wall is thicker, it means that the rim is less likely to sprockets increases the offset of the right flange to
fail at the spoke holes, and it has greater lateral strength. the left, which in turn significantly increases the
Whether the extra thickness would be uniform wheel’s vulnerability to failure when exposed to high
throughout is unknown, unless you are have access to lateral loads (generally only experienced during
the manufacturer’s specifications or have a rim cross- crashes or other forms of losing control of the bike).
section to measure. In some cases, this is compensated for by adding space
Clincher rims of the 27" and 700C sizes range in to the left side of the hub. A standard seven-speed
weight from more than 800 grams to as little as 400 grams. hub might have 130mm overall spacing, but be avail-
Less than 475 grams is generally considered to be in a able in a 135mm “dishless” (actually not dishless, just
range where strength is significantly compromised for less dish) option.
the advantage of low weight. Manufacturers of 26" nar- In conclusion, giving up a needed gear or spread-
row triathlon rims claim weight savings ranging from 0 ing a frame to accept a wide version of a hub to pre-
to 40 grams for a 26" rim compared to the 700C size of vent wheel failure during crashes is a questionable
the same model; general weight guidelines for these 26" priority choice. Build wheels with no consideration
rims should not be considered different. Tubular rims to how the number of gears affects lateral strength.
(700C ) range in weight from 480 grams to as little as 280 Countersunkorchamferedspokeholes
grams. Less than 375 grams is generally considered to be Countersinking is done to improve the mating of
in a range where strength is significantly compromised the spoke elbow to the flange to reduce fatigue. Alu-
for the advantage of low weight. Mountain bike rims minum flanges are softer than spokes, so the edges of
(26") range in weight from 750 grams to as little as 390 non-countersunk holes will easily conform (shape) to
grams. Less than 450 grams is generally considered to be the shape of the spoke . This “shaping” of non-coun-
in a range where strength is significantly compromised tersunk spoke holes is superior to the “shaping” that
for the advantage of low weight. occurs if the spoke holes are countersunk.
In conclusion, rim weight is a significant factor in For this reason, ignore the countersinking pat-
wheel design, but rim shape determines whether two tern if it interferes with lacing the wheel in the
rims of comparable weight have comparable strength way desired.
and stiffness.

16 – 9

Hub-corediameter SPOKE CHOICES

The advent of front suspensions has led to front-
suspension hubs. These hubs often have a larger di- Materials
ameter core, which has been reputed to increase stiff- Carbon-steel spokes (most common, called
ness. Research has shown that front-suspension hubs chrome plated, galvanized, zinc plated) are inexpen-
that do reduce separate fork-leg action do so because sive. Stainless-steel spokes are corrosion resistant and
of changes in axle design. Larger hub cores alone are are usually made with superior manufacturing tech-
irrelevant to wheel strength. niques, making them a generally more reliable
choice. Stainless-steel spokes can be identified by
Suspension-hubconsiderations the fact that they are not magnetic, or very mildly
Special front hubs are made for use on bikes with magnetic, whereas carbon-steel spokes are fully at-
front suspensions. These hub features may include tracted to magnets.
large diameter hub cores, oversized axles, oversized There are exotic material choices, as well. Both
skewers, and oversized locknut faces. All these fea- titanium and carbon-fiber spokes are available in lim-
tures (except larger diameter hub cores) reduce inde- ited lengths and gauges at extremely high prices.
pendent leg action on front forks. It cannot be de- Titanium spokes are only available in thicker
signed into the hub, but nothing reduces indepen- gauges that make them no lighter than the thin-
dent fork-leg action more than maximizing the secu- nest gauge steel spokes. Thin-gauge titanium spokes
rity of the hub in the fork. Wheel performance is are not possible because of the greater elasticity of
unaffected by all these factors, which work by re- the material.
ducing flex in the axle and motion between the axle Carbon-fiber spokes are quite thick and may be a
and the fork leg. serious aerodynamic disadvantage. Carbon-fiber
Direct-pullflangedesigns spokes are very susceptible to failure due to nicks. The
Direct-pull flange designs use a spoke that has no carbon-fiber spokes are aerodynamically shaped, but
elbow. This is a poor design that attempts to solve a due to their great thickness, they create more drag
problem that does not exist. It has been reinvented than thin round steel spokes.
and abandoned numerous times in the history of bi- Neither carbon-fiber or titanium spokes allow
cycles. The rational is that since spokes break at the use of conventional tension meters, resulting in hav-
elbow, the elbow should be eliminated. Spokes do not ing to guess about the most critical factor in wheel
break at the elbow because it is an elbow, but because building — correct spoke tension.
it is the anchor-point of the spoke. Stick with stainless-steel spokes for a proven com-
The dynamics of a rear wheel require that the hub bination of reliability, low weight potential, selection,
rotate under torque-loads slightly before the rim re- and vital compatibility with tension meters.
sponds. The traditional elbowed spoke compensates Gaugechoices
for this by allowing the spoke to rotate in the hole in The most common gauge is English 14g, or ISO
the flange, which, in itself, adds no stress to the spoke. (and Japanese) 2mm. Note that English gauge num-
Direct-pull designs allow the hub to wind up before bers increase as the spoke diameter decreases, so that a
the rim only by flexing the spoke, which does add 15g spoke is thinner than a 14g spoke.
additional stress to the spoke. Plain-gauge spokes are spokes that are uniform
The direct-pull design complicates determination gauge over their entire length (except the thread).
of spoke length, reduces cross-pattern options, in- Common plain-gauge spokes are 2mm (14g) and
creases spoke inventory, reduces choice of spoke 1.8mm (15g). Plain-gauge spokes are economical. Plain-
brands and gauge options, and in some cases makes it gauge 2mm spokes are the easiest to build with be-
more difficult to tighten nipples because of a tendency cause they wind up the least as nipples are tightened.
of the spoke to spin in the flange hole. For this reason, most machine-built-wheel spokes are
Avoid recommending this hub type to customers, 2mm. If a spoke breaks, a wheel built with 2mm spokes
and inform those who request it of the disadvantages. will go out of true less than a wheel with thinner
spokes, because the spokes are less elastic.
Butted spokes are spokes that are thicker at the
ends than they are in the middle. Common butted
spokes are 2mm/1.8mm/2mm, 2mm/1.6mm/2mm,

16 – 10
1.8mm/1.6mm/1.8mm, and 1.8mm/1.5mm/1.8mm. Spokequantity,weight,andtruetolerances
Differentials of up to 3 gauges are now being seen. When the number of spokes is reduced, weight is
Butted spokes have the advantage of resisting fatigue saved, but more importantly, aerodynamic resistance
by virtue of their thickness at the ends where fatigue is reduced. When the number of spokes is reduced,
occurs, and of enhancing wheel strength by making it the wheel structure is slightly more elastic and resis-
more elastic, allowing a wheel to flex under load with- tant to bending. When the number of spokes is re-
out bending. Butted spokes are more difficult to build duced, each spoke is asked to control the true of a
with than plain 2mm spokes because they wind up longer section of rim, which may lead to a worsening
more as the nipples are tightened. Butted spokes can of the lateral-true and radial-true tolerances that can
save several ounces of weight per wheel compared to be achieved, particularly with lightweight rims. This
plain 2mm spokes, and their smaller diameter creates loss of control over true is particularly troublesome
less aerodynamic drag. with light-weight rims and less than 32 spokes.
Aerodynamic spokes are spokes that do not have
a round cross-section. They may be bladed (flattened), Spokequantityandfatiguelife
elliptical (oval), or airfoil (best aerodynamics) cross- The fatigue life of a spoke is directly proportional
section. These shapes reduce the frontal area exposed to the number of spokes. Consequently, 28 spoke
to the air as the wheel moves through the air. The wheels will start breaking spokes at 78% of the life of
aerodynamic benefit is clear when riding in windless the same wheel built with 36 spokes. This statistic is
conditions, or directly in line with the wind, but in even more significant in regards to tandem wheels. It
cross winds even greater turbulence (and drag) may is reasonable to assume that a tandem experiences ap-
be encountered with aerodynamic spokes than would proximately twice the load per wheel as a single bike.
be encountered with round-section spokes. With many If both bikes had the same wheels with 36 spokes each,
aerodynamic spokes, there is a potential that there will the life of the spokes in the tandem wheel would be
be a compatibility problem with a tension meter. 50% of the life of the spokes in the single wheel. To
Bladed spokes are usually 2mm spokes that have get equal spoke life, the tandem wheel would need 72
been flattened. Their weight is comparable to plain spokes. Increasing from 36 to 48 spokes only makes a
2mm spokes. If bladed spokes have conventional spoke 33% improvement in the life expectancy of the spokes
heads, the holes in the hub flange must be slotted with on a tandem.
a special tool, which voids any manufacturer’s war- On the other hand, extra-spoke wheels on tour-
ranty. Spokes with an oval or airfoil cross-section are ing bikes are probably more trouble than they are
usually 1.8mm spokes and have a weight comparable worth. If the average rider is about 160 pounds and
to butted 1.8mm spokes. The aerodynamic shape of the average touring bike is about 30 pounds, the aver-
oval or airfoil spokes is generally superior to bladed age 45-pound load of touring gear only increases the
spokes, and they usually do not require modification load on the spokes by 24%. More importantly, the
of the hub flange. total vehicle load (235 pounds) is only about 4% more
The best overall spoke choice is a butted 2mm, than what would be considered a normal but heavy
and the best overall choice when performance is a rider and bike (225 pounds). Although 40-spoke wheels
greater priority than durability is a butted 1.8mm would have 11% greater spoke life than 36-spoke
spoke. In addition, extra-light rims should always be wheels, the trade off is that replacement rims and
built with light-gauge spokes. spokes are much harder to find.
NUMBER OF SPOKES At drillings above 36 holes, the selection of rims
becomes very limited. Also, every bike shop in the
Conventional full-size wheels almost always use
country is likely to have 36-hole replacement rims and
36 or 32 spokes per wheel. Racing wheels usually use
the appropriate length spokes, but probably less than
at most 32 spokes per wheel, but sometimes are built
5% of the shops in the country have 40- or 48-hole
with 28 or 24 spokes per wheel. Touring bikes and
rims, or the unusual spoke lengths sometimes needed
tandems usually use 40 or 48 spokes.
for such wheels. Since a tourist can’t carry spare rims,
the trade-off is not worth it.

16 – 11

NIPPLE CHOICES advantage over 4X in that the hub does not need to
wind up as far when installing the third set of spokes,
Nipplelength so that 3X is less awkward to build with.
Long nipples are designed to protrude further On wheels with less than 36 spokes, 4X spoking
through thicker rim walls, or to provide a greater is not compatible.
length for the wrench to engage. Long and short Pick between these patterns on the basis of spoke-
nipples of the same brand usually have the same depth length availability, and build 3X when lengths for both
of thread engagement, so use of long nipples does not are available.
usually allow the use of shorter spokes.
Nipplematerials Cross patterns with fewer crosses than 3X are best
Most nipples are made of brass and are plated with used on very small wheels (less than 20") and are used
chrome or a similar plating. Aluminum nipples are to reduce congestion of spokes at the hub.
used to save weight, and more significantly, in condi- Performance advocates sometimes suggest using
tions where the spokes may snag on obstacles, alumi- 2X, 1X, or radial spoke patterns to save weight
num nipples are more likely to fail than pull through (through use of a shorter spoke) or reduce aerody-
the rim. The weight saved is less than 1 ounce per namic resistance (only in regards to radial spoking,
wheel. Aluminum nipples have a high coefficient of and in this case the logic is false). Since spoke lengths
friction on non-eyeleted aluminum rims and may be get shorter when crosses get fewer and shorter lengths
more difficult to tighten. are more rare, using 2X, 1X, or radial patterns often
means not getting your choice of spoke gauges in or-
der to build the lesser-cross wheel. To build a radial-
SPOKING PATTERNS spoked wheel with 14g spokes would be heavier and
A cross pattern, such as three cross (3X), gets its have more aerodynamic drag than to build the same
name from the number of times a spoke radiating one wheel 3X with butted-1.8mm spokes.
direction from a flange crosses the path of spokes ra- The weight loss of radial spoking compared to
diating the opposite direction from the same flange. 3X is 4%, or as little as 7 grams per wheel. One- and
Most wheels are either built with a 3X or 4X pattern. two-cross patterns are an even lesser weight savings
Cross-patternvoodoo compared to 3X. Aerodynamic resistance is not a
The discussion of cross pattern in regard to wheel- factor, because, at the top of the wheel where the
performance characteristics is the source of a great deal spokes are moving the fastest in relation to the air
of “voodoo mechanics.” Countless unsubstantiated mass, changing the cross pattern does not change
theories based on subjective experience abound. Suf- the face the spokes present to the air. Radial spok-
fice it to say that wheel builders have been experiment- ing (and to a lesser degree 1X and 2X) does put
ing with cross patterns for as long as there have been stresses on the hub flange in directions that they
spoked wheels. Decades ago the bulk of wheel design- are not designed to withstand, and may lead to sud-
ers settled on the virtually indistinguishable 3X and 4X den, complete wheel failure.
patterns as the reliable ones. Scientific studies have veri- Radial spoking, 1X, or 2X have inadequate tor-
fied these patterns to be the best and roughly compa- sional stiffness to support the wheel under high hub
rable. All other cross patterns are voodoo, not science. torque loads from pedaling (rear wheels) or hub-
mounted brakes (such as disc brakes on either wheel).
Three-crossandfour-crosspatterns For this reason, radial spoking should not be used on
Traditionally, 3X patterns were thought to create
any rear hub, or any front hub with a disc brake.
a wheel with greater lateral, radial and torsional stiff-
Traditionally, radial spoking is thought to increase
ness, and 4X wheels were thought to have all the op-
the radial and lateral stiffness of the wheel. These char-
posite characteristics. All of these opinions have been
acteristics have not been proven through testing. Ra-
scientifically disproved. On the contrary, the only
dial spoking does reduce the torsional stiffness of the
measurable difference in strength between 3X and 4X
wheel (proven), and for this reason should not be used
is that 4X patterns have an insignificantly greater tor-
on rear wheels, even if just on the left flange (which
sional stiffness. In a more practical sense, 3X has an
does do part of the job of transferring torque to the
rim from the hub).

16 – 12

Five-crosspattern Pullingspokesheads-inorheads-out
If 4X is better than 3X (debatable) then 5X is even The argument has been made that pulling spokes
better, right? No. Even if 4X were better, it would be should be installed with the heads on the inside of the
better because it achieves an ideal 90° relationship flange because the spoke is better supported when in-
between the spoke and the radius of the hub. The 5X stalled in this fashion. Research has shown that pull-
pattern deviates just as much above the ideal of 90° as ing spokes (counterclockwise radiating, viewed from
the 3X pattern deviates below. Furthermore, the 5X the bike’s right side) are no more inclined to fail from
pattern causes the spokes to interfere with each other fatigue than the pushing spokes. This negates the ar-
in a way that cause them to become kinked or bent. gument; furthermore, the argument is based on the
assumption that the spoke touching the flange after it
Mixingcrosspatterns leaves the spoke hole somehow gives the spoke more
Mixing cross patterns on rear wheels is sometimes
support. Since the primary loads in the spoke are in
suggested as a way to save weight or improve aerody-
the shear direction, there is no way that this additional
namics. A typical mix might be 3X on the right side
contact could provide more support.
and radial on the left. The weight savings by using
The other argument about which way the pull-
radial on the left would typically be about 3 grams.
ing-spoke heads should face has to do with what will
The aerodynamic savings would be none.
happen when the chain over-shifts the innermost cog
Another reason given for mixing cross patterns
and goes into the spokes. When the pulling-spoke
on the two sides of a rear wheel is to minimize the
heads are inside the flange, then the chain has a greater
tension difference between left and right-side spokes.
tendency to jam in the spokes if pedaling pressure is
Think of a wheel like a tug-of-war game in which the
maintained on the chain; in this case, the pulling spokes
objective is to keep the flag on the middle of the rope
act like guides that catch the chain and force it closer
over the center line. The rim is the flag on the rope.
to the center of the wheel. What is often overlooked
The spokes on each flange are like the two tug-of-war
is that when the pulling-spoke heads are outside the
teams. The balance of tension on each side of the flag
flange, then the chain has a greater tendency to jam in
must never change if the flag (rim) is to stay centered.
the spokes if the rider resists the continued rotation of
The positions of each member of the team on one
the chain by keeping the cranks stationary after the over-
side of the rope can be rearranged countless ways, but
shift occurs; in this case, the non-pulling spokes act like
it will not change the net force they must pull with to
guides that catch the chain and force it closer to the
keep the flag centered. Pretty much the only way to
center of the wheel. It is impossible to predict what
change the average amount of force required from each
the rider’s behavior will be in this situation, so there
team member is to change the number of team mem-
is no real value to build one way instead of the other.
bers (number of spokes).
The procedure in this chapter creates a wheel that
When cross patterns are mixed on a rear wheel,
has the pulling spokes in the flanges with the heads
the only real difference between cross patterns be-
facing out. Because no real difference exists, there are
comes more significant. That difference is torsional
not detailed instructions on how to build a wheel the
stiffness. If the right-side spokes are a higher cross pat-
opposite way. The least confusing way to get the op-
tern than the left-side spokes, then the right side will
posite result is to put each set of spokes into the oppo-
have greater torsional stiffness. This means that load
site face of the flange than the instructions indicate.
on the right-side spokes will start the rim moving be-
fore the left-side of the hub will have wound up enough Conclusion
to generate torsional load to the rim. In other words, Stick with 3X and 4X patterns for all types of
on a mixed-cross wheel, only the spokes on the side wheels except those smaller than 20".
with the higher cross pattern will do the work of trans-
mitting load from the hub to the rim. Because there
are no significant advantages, and because fewer spokes
will be supporting the torsional load, mixing cross Tying and soldering is a technique used to restrain
patterns is not recommended. the spokes in case they should break. Although it has
been credited with increasing the strength and stiff-
ness of the wheel, this has been scientifically disproved.
Any process that alters the metallurgy of the spoke
by exposing it to high heat should be avoided.

16 – 13
circle diameter, or hole diameter. It is easiest to mea-
DETERMINING SPOKE LENGTH sure from the inside edge of one hole to the outside
edge of the opposite hole.
This section includes complete instructions for
using Spoke Calc by BPP, Wheelsmith Spoke Length
Calculator, and Sutherland’s Handbook for Bicycle Me-
chanics (fifth and sixth editions). The process for sev-
M eas ur e
eral of these systems requires common measurements
of the hub and rim. Before any specific system is cov-
ered, there are procedures described for making these
common measurements.
In addition to complete instructions for these
three systems, there are guidelines for using three
computer programs. These programs are Blue Pig 1 . [ ] Measure Hub-Flange diameter to nearest mil-
Wheel Calculator, PC Quick Spoke, and limeter:( _______ is HFD)
SpokeMaster for Windows. Center-to-flangedimension
The center-to-flange dimension is the distance
COMMON HUB MEASUREMENTS from the center of a flange to the centerpoint between
the two locknuts. It is easy to describe and easy to
AND FACTORS diagram, but not so easy to measure accurately be-
Over-locknutwidth cause of the large offset between the edge of the flange
As seen in the illustration below, over-locknut and the face of the locknut. For this reason, a series of
width is the distance from the face of one locknut measurements and calculations are required.
to the face of the other locknut. Some cartridge-
Flange thicknes s
bearing hubs do not use locknuts. In this case, mea-
sure to the surfaces that butt against the inside faces
of the dropouts.

Over-locknut width

1 . [ ] Measure Flange thickness ( _______ is FT)

2 . [ ] Record Over-locknut width ( _______ is OW)
Flange thickness and over-locknut width are used
in the following formula:
1 . [ ] Measure Over-locknut width ( _______ is OW) (OW – FT) ÷ 2 = CWF
In the following steps, formulas are not written
Hub-flangediameter in their correct mathematical form, but as a series of
Hub-flange diameter is not actually a measurement calculator entries. In the blanks under each letter code,
of the flange diameter, but a measurement of the di- fill in the correct measurements. Then enter the val-
ameter of the circle that goes through the center of all ues and calculator function keys as indicated, to get
the spoke holes in a flange. Depending on the length the result.
system being used, it will be called hub-flange diam- 3 . [ ] Center-width factor of hub (CWF) Calculator
eter, flange diameter, actual hub diameter, spoke-hole-
entries (round result to whole millimeter):
_____ _____ 2 ( _______ is CWF)

16 – 14

Many spoke-length-calculation systems create dif-
ferent lengths for the left and right sides of the rear
hub by repeating all the calculations separately for
Ins et Ins et
both sides. Others may use a simplified mathemati-
lef t right cal calculation that determines the difference between
T r uing s t and ar m s the left and right sides. Most systems create an ac-
ceptable (but less than ideal) difference, because they
rely on a simple geometrical model for determining
4 . [ ] Measure Inset left ( ________ is IL) the length differential; the simple geometrical model
5 . [ ] Measure Inset right (skip for front hub): does not account for additional stretch that occurs
( ________ is IR)
on the tighter right-side spokes. The numbers in the
The formula for calculating the center-to-flange
table 16-2 are based on experience (not calculation),
(left) dimension is: C WF – I L = CF L. The following
and should provide more consistently satisfactory
step shows the calculator entries, not the mathemati-
length differentials than differentials that are deter-
cal formula.
mined by geometric calculation.
6 . [ ] Center-to-Flange left (CFL) Calculator entries
(round result to whole millimeter): The table 16-2 shows the correct length differen-
CWF IL tial for most wheel types. By looking up the inter-
section of the over-locknut width and the freewheel
_____ _____ ( ______ is CFL)
space (or number of freehub cogs), the correct dif-
The formula for calculating the center-to-flange ferential is determined. This difference can be sub-
(right) dimension is: CWF – I R= CF R. The following tracted from the calculated left-side length to deter-
step shows the calculator entries, not the mathemati- mine the correct right-side length, or it can be added
cal formula. to the calculated right-side length to determine the
7 . [ ] Center-to-Flange right (CFR) Calculator en- correct left-side length.
tries (skip for front hub):
_____ _____ ( ________ is CFR)
Freewheel/freehubspace Over-locknut-width measurement
NOTE: Step 1 is for conventional hubs that a free- inmillimeters
wheel threads on to. Freewheel 90– 119.6– 124.6– 128.6 131.1–
1 . [ ] Measure freewheel space (freewheel shoul- spaceor#of 119.5 124.5 128.5 –131 136
der to locknut face): +________mm freehub cogs
none,orless 0mm N/A N/A N/A N/A
than 29mm
29-34mm N/A 1mm 0mm N/A N/A
35-38mm, or N/A N/A 2mm 1mm 0mm
F reew heel freehub
s pace 8-speedfreehub N/A N/A N/A 2mm 1mm
T r uing s t and ar m s
1 . [ ] Record over-locknut width: ________mm.
16.10 Measuring freewheel space with the hub in a truing stand. 2 . [ ] Record freewheel space or number of free-
hub cogs: ________ cogs.
NOTE: Step 2 is for freehubs only.
3 . [ ] Look up in table 16-2 at intersection of over-
2 . [ ] Count and record the number of cogs that
locknut width and freewheel-space/no.-of-
fit on the freehub and record here:
freehub-cogs value for rear-wheel-spoke-
Number of cogs on freehub is: __________.
length differential factor and record here:
___ mm (rear-wheel-spoke-length differential)

16 – 15


Rim diameter is the diameter at the end of the
Rimsize spokes in the rim. It is not a measurement of the rim,
Rim size is often marked directly on the rim. If but of the spokes. Other names for this are spoke end
not, one measurement needs to be taken and then the diameter, actual rim diameter, and rim inner diameter,
rim size can be looked up in table 19-1 (page 19-16) in When measuring the rim, the rim should be lying
the TIRES AND TUBES chapter. on a flat surface. The rim rulers stand on their edges
1 . [ ] Use tape measure to measure outside diam- on the same surface, inside the rim, overlapping each
eter of rim. other. Set the rulers up so that the 350–700mm ruler
2 . [ ] Look up outside diameter in Approximate rim
faces you with the 350mm mark on the left. The sec-
O.D. column of TIRE AND RIM SIZES table 19-1
(page 19-16) and record equivalent rim size ond piece will overlap in front and on the right, with
from the Nominal size column here: the backside of the ruler facing you (no ruler mark-
______________ rim size. ings visible). The left edge of the right piece is the
point at which the reading is taken. If the end of the
Makingarim-measurementtool right piece is touching the 511mm mark, the reading
For most spoke-length systems, a dimension called is 511mm. If it clears the 511mm but does not expose
effective rim diameter or spoke end diameter is required. the 512mm mark, then call it 511.5mm. Always read
To get this dimension, an accurate inside diameter of the ruler to the nearest half millimeter.
the rim is needed (except if using the Wheelsmith
Spoke Length Calculator). To get the inside diameter 3 5 0 m m to 7 0 0 m m r ule 0 mm to 3 5 0 m m r ule
dimension, a tool must be made. This will be called a
rim ruler. R im R im
The tool is made by modifying two metal metric
yardsticks (available at hardware stores). One of the
3 6 0 3 7 0 3 8 0 3 9 0 4 0 0 4 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 4 9 0 5 0 0 5 1 0 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690

yard sticks needs to be cut off once so that it goes B ench

from 0–350mm. The other needs to be cut twice, so
that it goes from 350–700mm. Because material is lost 16.11 Setting up the rim rulers.
when the ruler is cut, it is not possible to use one yard-
stick to get both pieces. R ead here (5 1 1 m m )
When cutting the piece that must start at
350mm, use a hacksaw to cut 1–2mm before the
350mm mark (between 348 and 349) and then use a 3 6 0 3 7 0 3 8 0 3 9 0 4 0 0 4 1 0 4 2 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 5 0 4 6 0 4 7 0 4 8 0 4 9 0 5 0 0 5 1 0 520 530 540 550
file to carefully remove the excess to the midpoint
in the thickness of the 350mm mark. Make sure that
the end is square (perpendicular to the top and bot-
tom edges of the ruler). If too much material is re-
moved, it can be compensated for by leaving that
much extra on the second piece. Cut the other end
at 700mm. Precision is not important for this cut. 16.12 Reading the rim rulers.
The second ruler must be cut so that its actual
To take readings, place one end of the rim-sizing
length ends up exactly equal to the starting dimension
rulers adjacent to the second hole past the valve hole,
of the first ruler. If the first ruler ended up cut pre-
and the other end adjacent to the hole half the num-
cisely at 350, then the second ruler needs to be 350mm
ber of holes in the rim away from the second hole
long. If the first ruler ended up cut between the 350
past the valve hole. Do not put the rulers against rein-
and 351mm marks, then the second ruler needs to end
forcements of the nipple holes, but against the main
up as close as possible to 350.5mm long. Make sure
body of the rim. For additional measurements, move
that all cut ends are square. Remember, if the first piece
each end of the rulers four-holes clockwise. Take four
ends up with too much cut off at the 350 millimeter mark,
measurements and average, to account for imperfec-
leave the second piece long by the amount of the error.
tions in the rim.

16 – 16
1 . [ ] Measure rim Inside Diameter at four equally- tween each item of data. The second time (directly
spaced points and record: below), substitutes blanks that must be filled in; for
( _________= ID1) example, in step #4 (in the blank below ID1), fill in
( _________= ID2) the value recorded for ID1 in step #1. When all the
( _________= ID3)
blanks have been filled in, then enter the values and
( _________= ID4)
the key functions as shown. After pressing the equals
In the next step, measure the nipple length with a
key, round the answer to the nearest whole and enter
caliper. In this and all other steps involving caliper
this in the last blank.
measurements (unless noted otherwise), read the cali-
Step #4 calculates something called rim diameter.
per to the nearest tenth millimeter.
It is not actually a measurement of the rim but of the
N ipple lengt h diameter at the bottom of the slots in the nipple heads
when all the nipples are in the rim. This is the point
that the spoke should stop, so this calculation deter-
mines the spoke end diameter. By adding in the nipple
length and subtracting the nipple drop, the actual dis-
16.13 Measure the nipple length by putting one caliper jaw in the tance from the inner perimeter of the rim to the bot-
slot in the nipple head and the other against the other end of the tom of the slot in the nipple head is calculated. This
nipple. distance must be added at both ends of the rim inside
2 . [ ] Measure and record Nipple length (NL) from
diameter, so that is why length and drop are included
bottom of slot to tip of nipple: ( ______ is NL) twice in the calculator entries.
In the next step, insert the nipple in the rim, then 4 . [ ] Rim diameter (RD) Calculator entries (round
result to whole millimeter):
measure the amount of nipple that protrudes from
the rim. Use the depth gauge on the caliper to mea-
sure with, and make sure the nipple is held firmly in ______ ______ ______ ______
place while measuring.

Pr es s 4 _____ _____ _____

_____ ( _______ is RD)
If not using a calculator, the formula for this cal-
Caliper depth gauge culation is:
((ID1 + ID2 + ID3 + ID4) ÷ 4) + 2(NL – ND) = RD.

The Spoke-Calc system is a wall poster that has
graphics on which the hub and rim are placed to de-
termine dimensions, and tables in which numbers are
16.14 Measure nipple drop by placing the butt of the caliper
against a nipple and extending the depth gauge of the caliper until it looked up based on the dimensions. The table con-
meets the rim (not nipple hole eyelets). tain good data, but experimentation has shown that
the method for determining rim dimensions is too sub-
3 . [ ] Measure and record Nipple drop (ND) from jective, with different people getting results varying
rim to nipple tip: ( __________ is ND) by up to 4mm for the same rim.
The next step is a calculation. The step is written The following information needs to be measured
as a series of entries into a calculator, not as a math- and looked up to use Spoke-Calc:
ematical equation. Treating it as a mathematical for- Over-locknut width
mula will result in error. Round all calculator results to Hub-Flange diameter
the nearest whole millimeter. For this step the process Center-to-flange dimension (left side)
is expressed twice. The first time shows the letter codes Freewheel/freehub space (rear wheels only)
for the variable data that must be entered and sym- Rear-wheel-spoke-length differential
bols for the function keys that must be pressed in be-

16 – 17
Rim diameter In the next step, a lacing pattern must be cho-
Differential-length factor sen. Discussion of the merits of different lacing pat-
The following instructions use Spoke-Calc for terns occurs earlier in this chapter under the head-
data, but rely on the hub and rim measurement sys- ing SPOKING PATTERNS
tems detailed earlier in this chapter. The data in the 6 . [ ] Decide on lacing (cross) pattern and enter
portions of the Spoke-Calc tables that are repre- here: ( ______ is lacing pattern)
sented here has been altered because the tables are NOTE: SPOKE-CALC TABLE B has factors for combina-
provided only as an illustration of how the system tions of lacing patterns and numbers of holes
in the hub that can’t be built (because spokes
works. Do not use the data in these partial tables to
would interfere with each other). The most
determine spoke length! common of these unbuildable combinations are
DetermineTableAfactor 4-cross lacing on hubs with 32 or fewer holes,
NOTE: All tables in following procedure are small and 3-cross lacing on hubs with 24 or fewer
simulated portions of SPOKE-CALC TABLE A from holes. A small portion of SPOKE-CALC TABLE B
SPOKE-CALC by BPP and DT. from SPOKE-CALC by BPP and DT has been
Steps #1, #2, and #4 require information that is reproduced here.
common to many spoke-length-calculation systems.
The instructions for measuring and calculating these HUB DRILLING AND LACING PATTERN
pieces of information are earlier in this chapter un- 32 HOLE HUBS 36 HOLE HUBS
der the headings COMMON HUB MEASUREMENTS AND 0 1x 2x 3x 4x 0 1x 2x 3x
MEASUREMENTS. H 41 21 19 14 8 1 21 20 16 11
1 . [ ] Calculate Hub Center-To-Flange Dimension U 42 21 19 15 8 1 21 20 16 11
B 43 22 20 15 8 1 22 20 17 11
for left flange and record here: ________mm.
44 22 20 15 8 1 22 21 17 11
2 . [ ] Calculate Rim Diameter and record result F 45 23 21 16 8 1 23 21 17 11
here: ________mm. L 46 23 21 16 9 1 23 22 18 12
The following table is a simulated segment of Table A 47 24 21 16 9 1 24 22 18 12
A on the Spoke-Calc poster. The information is de- N 48 24 22 17 9 0 24 23 19 12
liberately altered and cannot be used. It is provided to G 49 25 22 17 9 0 25 23 19 12
E 50 25 23 17 9 0 25 24 19 13
help recognize which table to use. 51 26 23 18 9 0 26 24 19 13
D 52 26 24 18 9 0 26 25 20 13
SPOKE-CALC TABLE A(segment) I 53 26 24 18 10 0 27 25 20 13
A 54 27 25 19 10 0 27 26 20 13
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
R 535 269 269 269 269 269 269 270 270 270 535 M 55 27 25 19 10 0 28 26 21 14
I 536 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 536 E 56 28 26 19 10 0 28 27 21 14
M 537 270 270 270 270 270 270 271 271 271 537 T 57 28 26 20 10 0 29 27 21 14
538 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 271 538 E 58 29 26 20 10 0 29 27 22 14
D 539 271 271 271 271 271 271 272 272 272 539 R 59 29 27 20 11 + 1 30 28 22 15
I 540 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 540 0 1x 2x 3x 4x 0 1x 2x 3x
A 541 272 272 272 272 272 272 273 273 273 541
M 542 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 273 542 7 . [ ] Table B factor (TBF). Look up in correct
E 543 273 273 273 273 273 273 274 274 274 543
T 544 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 544
# Hole Hubs column of Table B for intersec-
E 545 274 274 274 274 274 274 275 275 275 545 tion of:
R 546 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 546 HFD row and Lacing Pattern column
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ( _____ is TBF)
3 . [ ] Table A factor (TAF). Look up in Table A for DetermineBase-Spokelength
intersection of: In step #8 Base-Spoke length is calculated. Cor-
Rim diameter (RD) row and rect front length, correct right-rear length, correct left-
Center-to-Flange dimension (CFL ) column: rear length, and correct non-differential rear length
( _________ is TAF)
are all based on Base-Spoke length.
DetermineTableBfactor 8 . [ ] Base-Spoke length Calculator entries (round
4 . [ ] Measure and record Hub-flange Diameter result to whole millimeter):
here: _______mm. TAF TBF
5 . [ ] Count number of holes in one flange, _____ _____ _______ is BSL.
double, and record here:
( _______ is holes in hub)

16 – 18

Front-wheel-spokelength WHEELSMITH SPOKE LENGTH

NOTE: Skip to step 10 or 14 for rear wheels.
9 . [ ] Front spoke length equals BSL. CALCULATOR
FRONT spoke length is: _______mm
In addition to the calculator and rim measuring
Rear-wheeldifferential-spokelengths rods that come with the system, a metric caliper is
The dish of a typical rear wheel creates a situation
needed. Common measurements and factors needed
where the distance from the left flange to the rim is
(from the earlier section of this chapter COMMON
greater than the distance from the right flange to the
rim. Therefore, different spoke lengths should be used
DIMENSIONS) include:
to ensure equal thread engagement on all the nipples
Over-locknut width
and to reduce the likelihood of spokes protruding
Hub-flange diameter
through nipples or leaving thread exposed at the top
Center-to-Flange dimension (left side only for
of the nipples.
rear wheels)
There are drawbacks to using two spoke lengths.
Freewheel/Freehub space (rear wheels only)
When two sizes are needed, it is more likely that at
Rear-wheel-spoke-length differential factor (rear
least one is out of stock. When lacing the wheel, it
wheels only)
complicates things to work with two lengths and make
Rim diameter
sure that they do not get mixed up.
Differential-length factor
10. [ ] Record BSL here: _______mm
11. [ ] Record Differential Factor here: –_______mm The following instructions assume that the
12. [ ] REAR RIGHT length is: =_______mm Wheelsmith System, with the HP 332SII, is being used.
13. [ ] Rear left length is same as BSL (step 8) Preliminarymeasurementsandcalculations
REAR LEFT length is: _______mm 1 . [ ] Record Rim Diameter here: _______mm.
Rear-wheelnon-differential-spokelengths 2 . [ ] Record Hub-flange diameter here: _____mm.
Non-differential rear length is a compromise. It 3 . [ ] Calculate and record left-side Center-to-
usually means that the right-side spokes will be a little Flange dimension here: ______mm.
4 . [ ] Count number of holes in hub and record
longer than ideal, and the left-side spokes will be a
here: ______ spokes.
little shorter than ideal. This sometimes results in a 5 . [ ] Decide on a cross pattern and record cross
little thread showing at the left-side nipples. Non-dif- pattern number here: _____X.
ferential-spoke length is particularly useful when the 6 . [ ] For rear wheels only look up Rear-wheel-
correct lengths for differential spoking are not avail- spoke-length differential factor and record
able. It is also useful for beginners because there is no here: _____mm.
complication of keeping track of different spokes for
the right and left sides while lacing the wheel.
NOTE: "C" restarts calculation, key with back-
When using one spoke length, it is almost never space arrow clears entry.
acceptable to just use the Base-Spoke length for both 7 . [ ] Press ON key (marked "C") to turn calcula-
sides. This will usually result in right-side spokes pro- tor on.
truding all the way through the nipples. It is also un- 8 . [ ] Press XEQ key.
acceptable to just use the right-side length for both 9 . [ ] Press 9 key. R? appears.
sides in many cases. If the correct right-side length 10. [ ] Enter Rim Diameter on keypad and press R/S
were to be used on the left side, then it is likely that key. F? appears.
the thread engagement to the nipples would be com- 11. [ ] Enter Hub-flange diameter on keypad and
press R/S key. C? appears.
promised too much.
12. [ ] Enter Center-to-Flange dimension on keypad
NOTE: Next step is optional and is only used for
and press R/S key. N? appears.
rear wheels, when needing (or preferring) to
13. [ ] Enter number of holes in hub on keypad and
build with one spoke length.
press R/S key. X? appears.
14. [ ] Record BSL (step 8) here: _______mm
14. [ ] Enter cross pattern number on keypad and
– 1mm
press R/S key.
15. [ ] Round value on display screen to nearest
whole number and record here:
Base-spoke length (BSL) equals ________mm.

16 – 19

Front-wheel-spokelength SUTHERLAND’S HANDBOOK

NOTE: Skip to step 17 or 21 for rear wheels.
16. [ ] Front spoke length equals BSL. FOR BICYCLE MECHANICS
FRONT spoke length is: _______mm The following instructions can be used for deter-
Rear-wheeldifferential-spokelengths mining spoke length using either the fifth or sixth edi-
The dish of a typical rear wheel creates a situa- tion of Sutherland’s. Note that although the procedures
tion where the distance from the left flange to the are the same, tables occur on different page numbers
rim is greater than the distance from the right flange for each edition. When the instructions refer to
to the rim; therefore, different spoke lengths should Sutherland’s, there is a fifth edition page number, then
be used to ensure equal thread engagement on all a sixth edition page number.
nipples, and to reduce the likelihood of spokes pro- Several of the first steps require information that
truding through nipples or leaving thread exposed at is determined by procedures in the earlier sections
the top of the nipples. in this chapter COMMON HUB MEASUREMENTS AND
There are drawbacks to using two spoke lengths. FACTORS and COMMON RIM MEASUREMENTS
When two sizes are needed, it is more likely that at Determinehub-diametercategory
least one is out of stock. When lacing the wheel, it 1 . [ ] Determine Hub-flange diameter and record
complicates things to work with two lengths while here: _______mm.
making sure that they do not get mixed up. Sutherland’s groups similarly-sized hub flanges into
17. [ ] Record BSL (step 16) here: _______mm groups called hub-diameter categories. The following
18. [ ] Enter Differential Factor here: –_______mm procedure recommends measuring the Hub-flange di-
19. [ ] REAR RIGHT length is: =_______mm ameter (previous step) and from that determining
20. [ ] Rear left length is same as BSL (step 16). the category.
REAR LEFT length is: _______mm If the hub is not on hand, it may be possible to
Rear-wheelnon-differential-spokelengths determine the hub-diameter category by looking up the
Non-differential rear length is a compromise. It brand and model in Sutherland’s (fifth edition 11–5
usually means that the right-side spokes will be a little through 11–13, or sixth edition 11–2 through 11–35).
longer than ideal, and the left-side spokes will be a Look in the lists below each category heading for the
little shorter than ideal. This sometimes results in a make/model that corresponds to the hub in question
little thread showing at the left-side nipples. Non-dif- to determine the category into which it fits.
ferential-spoke length is particularly useful when the
correct lengths for differential spoking are not avail- HUB-FLANGE-DIAMETER CATEGORIES
able. It is also useful for beginners because there is no (table 16-3)
complication of keeping track of different spokes for Spoke-hole-circle-diameterrange Hub-diameter category
the right and left sides.
30–32mm 31mm
When using one spoke length, it is almost never
acceptable to just use the Base-Spoke length for both 33–36mm 34mm
sides. This will usually result in right-side spokes pro- 37–42mm 40mm
truding all the way through the nipples. It is also un- 43–46mm 44.5mm
acceptable to just use the right-side length for both 47–52mm 48mm
sides in many cases. If the correct right-side length 53–60mm 58mm
were to be used on the left side, then it is likely that
61–64mm 63mm
the thread engagement to the nipples would be com-
promised too much. 65–69mm 67mm
NOTE: Next step is optional and is only used for 80–90mm 90mm
rear wheels, when needing (or preferring) to 102.5–112mm 102.5mm
build with one spoke length.
21. [ ] Record BSL (step 15) here: _______mm 2 . [ ] Determine hub-diameter category by finding
– 1mm range in table 16-3 that includes result from
NON-DIFFERENTIAL REAR =_______mm step 1, then look up corresponding Hub-diam-
category. Hub-diameter categoryis: ____mm
eter category

16 – 20

Determinetheoreticalspokelength LOCATIONSOF SUTHERLAND’S

In the next step, the rim size must be determined. RIM-CORRECTION-FACTOR TABLES
Usually, this can be done by looking on the rim for (table 16-5)
size markings (such as 26 × 1.75). In the absence of Rimsize 5thedition 6thedition
markings, the outside diameter of the rim should be 28 × 1–1/2 11–16 11–40
measured and the rim size looked up in the TIRE AND 27 × 1–1/4, 27 × 1–1/8, 27 × 1 11–16thru 11–40thru
RIM SIZES table 19-1 in TIRES AND TUBES (page 19-16). 11–19 11–44
3 . [ ] Record rim size here:_____________. 700C, 28 × 1–5/8 × 1–3/8 11–20thru 11–48thru
4 . [ ] Count number of spoke holes in hub and 11–25 11–55
rim, make sure they match, and record here: 700C sew–ups (Tubulars) 11–26thru 11–56thru
_____ Number of spokes. 11–29 11–60
5 . [ ] Decide on a cross pattern and record cross 26 × 1–1/4 EA1 11–32 11–74
pattern number here: ______X 26 × 1–3/8 EA3 and 650A 11–33 11–75thru
6 . [ ] Turn to correct Sutherland’s page for rim size 11–76
determined in step 3 according to table 16-4: 650B and 26 × 1–1/2 11–34 11–76
700D 11–34 11–76
LOCATIONS OF SUTHERLAND’S 26 × 1–3/4 and 650C 11–34 11–77
THEORETICAL SPOKE-LENGTH TABLES 26 × 1.5, 26 × 1.75, 26 × 2.125 11–35thru 11–64thru
11–38 11–70
(table 16-4)
26 and 650 SEW–UPS (TUBULARS) 11–39 11–78thru
Rimsize fifthedition sixthedition
27" & 28" rims 11–15 11–39
24 × 1–1/4 11–42 11–84thru
700Crims 11–15 11–47
26" MTB rims 11–31 11–63
24 × 1.25 and 24 × 1.375 11–43 11–84
26"(other),700D,&650rims 11–31 11–73
600A 11–43 11–85
24", 22", 600 & 550 rims 11–41 11–83
24 × 1–3/8 11–44 11–86
20" & 500 rims 11–51 11–93
24 × 1–3/4 11–45 11–86
18" & 17" rims 11–58 11–99
24 × 1–1/8 none 11–87
16" & 400 rims 11–60 11–101
24 × 1.5, 24 × 1.75, 24 × 2.125 11–46thru 11–87thru
14"rims 11–62 11–104
11–47 11–88
12"rims 11–64 11–106
22 × 1–3/8 11–48 11–90
10"rims 11–65 11–107
550A 11–48 11–91
22 × 1.5, 22 × 1.75, 22 × 2.125 11–48 11–91
7 . [ ] On page determined in step 6, find table for 25", 24", 22", 600 SEW–UPS 11–49 11–89thru
hub-diameter category determined in step 2. 11–90
8 . [ ] Look at intersection of cross pattern column 20 × 1–3/8, 20 × 1–1/4 20 × 1–1/8 11–52thru 11–94thru
and number of spokes row to find theoreti- 11–53 11–95
cal spoke length and record here: _____ mm. 500A 11–53 11–95
Lookinguprim-correctionfactors 20 × 1.5, 20 × 1.75, 20 × 2.125 11–54thru 11–96thru
NOTE: If exact brand and model of rim are not 11–55 11–98
found in step 11, it will be necessary to mea- 20 × 1–3/4 11–55 11–96
sure the rim and calculate rim-correction factor 20 × 2 and 20" sew–ups 11–56 11–98
starting at step 12. 18" and 17" 11–59 11–100
9 . [ ] Find correct Sutherland’s correction-factor 16" and 400 11–61 11–102
table. Use table 16-5 to find correct page. 14" 11–63 11–105
12" 11–64 11–106
10" 11–65 11–107

10. [ ] Starting on page determined in step 9, lo-

cated rim brand.
11. [ ] Under rim brand, locate exact rim model and
record corresponding correction factor here.
Rim-correction factor is: __________mm
(Skip this step and proceed to step 12 if ex-
act model was not found in table.)

16 – 21

Calculatingrim-correctionfactors There are drawbacks to using two spoke lengths.

NOTE: Steps 12–17 should be skipped if correc- When two sizes are needed, it is more likely that at
tion factor was found in tables using step 11. least one is out of stock. When lacing the wheel, it
12. [ ] Determine Sutherland’s constant from fol- complicates things to work with two lengths, and
lowing table based on rim size determined in make sure that they do not get mixed up.
step 3 and record constant here: _________. 22. [ ] Record BSL (step 20) here: _______mm
23. [ ] Enter Differential Factor here: –_______mm
SUTHERLAND’S RIM CONSTANTS 24. [ ] REAR RIGHT length is: =_______mm
(table 16-6) 25. [ ] Rear left length is same as BSL (step 20).
Rimsize Sutherland’s rimconstant REAR LEFT length is: _______mm
28", 27", 700C, 315 Rear-wheelnon-differential-spokelengths
& 700C tubulars
Non-differential rear length is a compromise. It
26" 300
24" 270
usually means that the right-side spokes will be a little
20" 225 longer than ideal, and the left-side spokes will be a
18" 200 little shorter than ideal. This sometimes results in a
16" 175 little thread showing at the left-side nipples. Non-dif-
14" 150 ferential-spoke length is particularly useful when the
12" 125 correct lengths for differential spoking are not avail-
10" 100 able. It is also useful for beginners because there is no
complication of keeping track of different spokes for
13. [ ] Measure and calculate Rim Diameter by the right and left sides.
method described in COMMON RIM MEASURE- When using one spoke length, it is almost never
MENTS section of this chapter and acceptable to just use the Base-Spoke length for both
record Rim Diameter here: _______mm sides. This will usually result in right-side spokes pro-
14. [ ] Divide by 2 ÷ 2 truding all the way through the nipples. It is also un-
15. [ ] Rim radius equals: =_______mm acceptable to just use the right-side length for both
16. [ ] Subtract Sutherland’s constant: –_______mm sides in many cases. If the correct right-side length
17. [ ] Rim-correction factor is: =_______mm were to be used on the left side, then it is likely that
DetermineBase-Spokelength the thread engagement to the nipples would be com-
18. [ ] Record theoretical spoke length from step 8
promised too much.
NOTE: Next step is optional and is only used for
here: _______mm
rear wheels, when needing (or preferring) to
19. [ ] Correction factor from step 11 or
build with one spoke length.
step 17 +_______mm
26. [ ] Record BSL (step 16) here: _______mm
20. [ ] Base-Spoke length (BSL) is: =_______mm
– 1mm
NOTE: When adding a negative number (the rim-
correction factor), simply subtract it as though NON-DIFFERENTIAL REAR =_______mm
it were a positive number.
Front-wheel-spokelength BLUE PIG WHEEL CALCULATOR
NOTE: Skip to step 22 or 25 for rear wheels.
Blue Pig Wheel Calculator is a DOS program for
21. [ ] Front spoke length equals BSL. IBM-compatible computers. Use the operator’s manual
FRONT spoke length is: _______mm to learn how to use the program. For unlisted hubs or
rims, the program will require input on several hub
Rear-wheeldifferential-spokelengths and rim measurements that are the same as some of
The dish of a typical rear wheel creates a situation the common hub and rim measurements described
where the distance from the left flange to the rim is earlier in this chapter.
greater than the distance from the right flange to the Blue Pig references to “Actual Rim Diameter” or
rim; therefore, different spoke lengths should be used “Average Rim Diameter” are the same as Rim Diam-
to ensure equal thread engagement on all the nipples eter as described in this chapter (page 16-16).
and to reduce the likelihood of spokes protruding Blue Pig references to “Hub Diameter” or “Ac-
through nipples or leaving thread exposed at the top tual Hub Diameter” are the same as Hub-flange Di-
of the nipples. ameter as described in this chapter (page 16-14).
To get the value Blue Pig calls “Dish,” subtract
the left flange inset from the right flange inset and
divide by 2.

16 – 22
Blue Pig references to “Lock nut- Lock nut” are A common beginner mistake with disastrous conse-
the same as Over-locknut width as described in this quences is to cut out or unthread the spokes on a rear
chapter (page 16-14). hub before removing the freewheel. Since normal free-
wheel removal requires the presence of the rim, this
will mean either sacrificing the hub or the freewheel.
SPOKEMASTER FOR WINDOWS Once the rim has been removed, there is no guaran-
SpokeMaster for Windows is a Windows-based teed way to save and reuse both the hub and freewheel.
program for IBM-compatible computers equipped 0a. [ ] Remove wheel from bike.
with the Windows operating system. Hubs and rims 0b. [ ] Remove tire, tube, and rim strip.
may be selected from lists, or new hubs and rims can 0c. [ ] Remove thread-on freewheel or freehub
be added to the lists. cogset, if any.
When entering a new rim, a dimension must be 0d. [ ] If saving rim, loosen all spokes until slack.
listed in an empty box underneath the label “inner 0e. [ ] Cut out all spokes.
(mm).” Use Rim Diameter as described earlier in this
chapter. An empty box labeled “outer(mm)” should PREPARING THE RIM AND HUB
also be filled in with the approximate outside diam-
The steps in this group are the most critical to the
eter of the rim. Although this second number is not
entire process. All thinking and decisions that need to
used for calculating anything, the program will not
be made are made here. If these steps are done cor-
continue the process without some value in this box
rectly, the rest of wheel lacing is little more than con-
that is larger than “inner (mm).”
nect-the-dots. The general concept here is to prepare
When entering a new hub, a dialog box appears
the rim by giving every spoke hole in the rim a unique
with four unlabeled empty entry boxes. The upper
name. These names will be based on names that will
left one is the left-side Center-to-Flange dimension.
be given to each spoke. Like names for people, each
The upper right one is the right-side Center-to-Flange
of these names will have two parts, indicating the fam-
dimension. The lower left one is the left Hub-flange
ily the spoke belongs to and the name for the indi-
Diameter. The lower right one is the right Hub-flange
vidual as well. In the case of wheels, there are always
Diameter. All of these dimensions are described in the
four families. The spokes are divided into two obvi-
section of this chapter COMMON HUB DIMENSIONS AND
ous groups, the left side and right side of the wheel.
FACTORS (page 16-14).
Look at a wheel from either side. See that on each side
Although the program forces the user to calcu-
of the wheel there is a set of spokes that radiate out
late both sides of a rear hub, only the left-side infor-
from the hub in a clockwise direction and a set of
mation should be used; the right-side length infor-
spokes that radiate counterclockwise from the hub.
mation is based on a faulty geometry-only approach
Two sides with two directions on each side cre-
that fails to take spoke stretch into account. Use this
ates four families of spokes. The family names are
chapter’s rear-hub differential-length factor to deter-
A, B, C, and D. In a 36-spoke wheel there are nine
mine how much shorter the right side should be than
spokes in each set, so each family of spokes (and cor-
the left.
responding holes) will be numbered A1–A9, B1–B9,
C1–C9, and D1–D9. When building the wheel, the
process will alternate from right side to left side, so
LACING WHEELS the A and C spokes will be on the right side of the
wheel and the B and D spokes will be on the left
NOTE: If building a new wheel from scratch, start
with step 1.
side. Once this system of marking the rim has be-
come familiar, it will suffice to simply mark the first
spoke hole for each family.
PREPARING AN EXISTING WHEEL 1 . [ ] Lay rim on a surface, rotate in order to look
directly at valve hole in inner face of rim,
FOR REBUILD and observe that spoke holes are staggered
If re-using an old rim, there is a chance that rim so that every other hole is up and every
damage will be discovered after it has been laced and other hole is down. There are some cases
partially trued. If reusing an existing rim, it is impor- when there is no obvious stagger.
tant to loosen all the spokes before cutting them out.
Cutting spokes under full tension can damage the rim.

16 – 23
2 . [ ] Put an “R” at valve hole on side of rim fac- The following step #4 is useful the first few times
ing up with marker or tape to indicate right a wheel is built, but after the lacing process becomes
side of rim. familiar, it is a good step to skip.
D ow n/up s tagger 4 . [ ] Continue clockwise around rim marking ev-
ery fourth hole A2, A3, A4, etc., until back
to A1. There should be three holes in-be-
U p/dow n s tagger tween each pair of “A” holes. The last mark
should be A7 for 28-hole rims, A8 for 32-
hole rims, A9 for 36-hole rims, etc.
N o s tagger A2

16.15 Mark an “R” on the rim at the valve hole. Note that on 16.17 Working to the right (clockwise) mark every fourth hole
some rims the spoke holes are staggered so that when the rim is on A2, A3, etc.
its side the holes alternate up and down, on other rims the spoke
holes are staggered the opposite, and that on some rims there is no 5 . [ ] With right side of rim still up, mark hole that
spoke-hole stagger. is two holes to right (clockwise) of A1 to be
C1. This hole will always be halfway be-
In the next step, the first up-hole to the right of tween A1 and A2.
the valve hole is marked A1. Rims are drilled three
different ways (going right/clockwise from the valve D ow n/up s tagger
hole): spoke holes staggered down/up, spoke holes
staggered up/down, and without any stagger to the
spoke holes. On most rims, the first up-hole clock-
wise from the valve hole is the second hole. On a few U p/dow n s tagger
models, the first up-hole is also the first hole clock-
wise from the valve hole. With the rare rims that have
no stagger to the spoke holes, the remainder of the
N o s t agger
procedure will be easier to follow if you pretend that A1
such a rim is a staggered-hole rim of the more com-
mon variety (first up-hole is the second hole clock-
wise/right of the valve hole).
3 . [ ] Mark first up-hole to right (clockwise) of 16.18 Mark the first up-hole to right of A1 to be C1.
valve hole to be A1. In cases where there is
no obvious stagger, mark second hole clock- The following step #6 is useful the first few times
wise of valve hole to be A1. a wheel is built, but after the lacing process becomes
D ow n/up s tagger familiar, it is a good step to skip.
R 6 . [ ] Continue clockwise around rim marking ev-
ery fourth hole C2, C3, C4, etc., until back
to C1. The last mark will be C7 for 28-hole
rims, C8 for 32-hole rims, C9 for 36-hole
U p/dow n s tagger
R rims, etc.

N o s tagger
16.19 Starting four holes to the right (clockwise) from C1, mark
every fourth hole C2, C3, C4, etc.

7 . [ ] Turn rim over, rotate rim to look directly at

16.16 Mark the first up-hole to right of valve hole to be A1.
valve hole in inner face of rim, and put an
“L” at valve hole.

16 – 24
8 . [ ] Mark first up-hole counterclockwise (left) of The following step #11 is useful the first few times
valve hole to be B1. In cases where there is a wheel is built, but after the lacing process becomes
no obvious stagger, mark first hole counter- familiar, it is a good step to skip.
clockwise of valve hole to be B1. 11. [ ] Continue counterclockwise (left) around rim
D ow n/up s tagger marking every fourth hole D2, D3, D4, etc.,
B1 L until back to D1. The last mark will be D7
for 28-hole rims, D8 for 32-hole rims, D9 for
36-hole rims, etc.
(A 1 )
U p/dow n s tagger

(A 1 ) 16.23 Starting four holes to the left (counterclockwise) from D1,

N o s t agger mark every fourth hole D2, D3, D4, etc.
B1 L

Steps #12 and #13 establish a starting hole in the

(A 1 ) right flange for spokes of the “A” set. On the rear
hub, the freewheel-mounting threads or freehub body
16.20 Mark the first up-hole counterclockwise of the valve hole clearly distinguish the right side. There is no true right
to be B1.
to a front hub, but it is necessary to create one in
The following step #9 is useful the first few times order to follow the lacing procedure. An easy way to
a wheel is built, but after the lacing process becomes do this is to wrap a rubber band around the axle set to
familiar, it is a good step to skip. mark the right side.
9 . [ ] Continue counterclockwise (left) around rim 12. [ ] Front hubs only, mark one side of hub to in-
marking every fourth hole from B1 to be B2, dicate an arbitrary right side.
B3, B4, etc., until back to B1. The last mark In the following step, any hole in the right flange
will be B7 for 28-hole rims, B8 for 32-hole may be marked. If alternating holes are countersunk,
rims, B9 for 36-hole rims, etc. it is optional (but unnecessary) to select a hole that is
not countersunk. The merits (or lack of them) to
countersinking holes is discussed in the earlier sec-
tion Countersunk or chamfered spoke holes(page 16-9).
13. [ ] Use marker to mark any spoke hole in right-
side hub flange on both faces of flange. If
16.21 Working to the left (counterclockwise) mark every fourth holes are alternately countersunk, it is op-
hole B2, B3, etc. tional to mark a hole that is not countersunk.
Step #14 is very straightforward, unless the rim is
10. [ ] With left side of rim still up, mark second
one of the rare models that have no apparent spoke-
hole counterclockwise (left) of B1 to be D1.
hole stagger. In this case, as it was in step #3, it is im-
This hole will always be halfway between
B1 and B2. portant to pretend that there is a stagger to the spoke
holes, so that the instructions will be consistent for
D ow n/up s tagger staggered and unstaggered rims.
14. [ ] With either side of rim up, observe whether
first hole to right (clockwise) of valve hole
is: up or down (circle one).
U p/dow n s tagger (If, in step 3, second hole clockwise from
B1 valve hole was marked to be A1 because
there was no obvious hole stagger, circle
down for this step.)
N o s tagger

16.22 Mark the first up-hole to left of B1 to be D1.

16 – 25
15. [ ] From outside of flange, temporarily insert a The following procedure only applies to wheels
spoke several inches into marked hole in that use the same cross pattern on the left and right
right flange. sides. There is no detailed procedure elsewhere on
how to build a mixed-cross pattern (design is not
recommended). Marking the hole in which to in-
stall the first B spoke is where the change occurs
when building mixed-cross wheels; for example, in
step 16, assuming a 4X pattern is being built on the
right side, to build a 3X on the left side, mark the
second hole instead of the first hole to the left. For
M ar k one a 2X it would the third hole. For 1X in would be
hole the fourth hole, and for radial it would be the fifth
hole. Always mark on additional hole away for each
reduction in cross number.
16. Hold hub to face right end of axle (left end of
axle is pointing away), and the hole with
spoke in it is at 12 o’clock. Keeping spoke in
R ight f lange line with the axle, push spoke through until
it bumps into back side of left flange be-
tween two spoke holes. If spoke is straight,
16.24 Mark any hole in the right flange and insert a spoke as end of spoke should end up between two
holes in left flange (holes in left and right
flange are staggered to each other and do
Step #16 is a critical step that selects the correct
not line up).
hole in the left flange for the first spoke of the “B” set. [ ] Mark first hole (both faces of flange) in left
Insert a spoke from into the right flange (from the flange to left of spoke if down was circled in
outside), keep it parallel to the axle, and stop it against step 14.
the backside of the left flange between two spoke holes. [ ] Mark first hole (both faces of flange) in left
The design of hubs is such that there is never a spoke flange to right of spoke if up was circled in
hole in the left flange that is directly opposite a spoke step 14.
hole in the right flange, so pick a space between two M ar k this hole M ar k this hole if
holes in the left flange to stop the spoke. If not sure if dow n is up is cir cled
the spoke is in the right space between holes, try one circled in in s tep 1 4
space to the right and one space to the left. It should s t ep 1 4
be easy to see obvious differences in whether the spoke
remains parallel to the axle.
With the left flange away and the right flange close,
mark a hole in the left flange to the left or right side of
the spoke that is inserted through a spoke hole in the
right flange. Whether to mark the hole to the left or
to the right depends on whether the first spoke hole
to the left of the valve hole in the rim is up or down,
an observation made in step #14. There is no benefit
to having the first hole to the left of the valve hole up
or down; manufacturers do it different ways as a mat- R ight flange L ef t f lange
ter of preference. However, when building the wheel,
ignoring this difference will result in half the spokes end- 16.25 With the spoke held parallel to the axle, mark the appropri-
ing up much tighter than the others, and the wheel must ate hole in the left flange to be the first hole of the “B” set.
be rebuilt! The explanation for why this would hap-
pen would only create confusion; simply take care to
mark the hole in the left flange correctly. When mark-
ing the hole in the left flange, mark it so that the mark
can be seen from the outside face of the flange.

16 – 26
22. [ ] Insert second spoke from same right-side set
PREPARING THE SPOKES in similar fashion into second hole clockwise
17. [ ] Divide total number of spokes by 4 to deter- from marked hole. Continue working clock-
mine number of spokes to be in each set of wise filling every other hole until right flange
four. Spokes per set is: __________ has every other hole filled with spokes, all
Nothing is more exasperating then getting a wheel with heads facing out.
laced up and mostly trued and then discovering that
the spokes are the wrong length. Either they all are A1
wrong, or they are mixed up. Step #18 and #19 are criti-
cal to prevent this, so they are well worth the effort. In
step #18, if using two lengths of spokes for a rear wheel,
it is critical to get the correct length on each side of the R ight flange
wheel. Start by putting the short spokes on the right
side of the bench and long spokes on the left side of the
bench. When selecting a spoke set to install in the right
flange, choose a set from the right side of the bench;
when selecting a spoke set to install in the left flange,
choose a set from the left side of the bench.
In step #19, use a spoke ruler to make sure that all
the spokes in a group are the same length, and that all
are the correct length. To use a spoke ruler, hang the
bend of the spoke in the hole at the “0” end of the
ruler and read the length at the end of the thread. If
the end of the spoke ends up between two marks, use
the higher value. If using a regular ruler, measure from 16.26 Insert spoke in marked hole and mark it A1. Insert spokes
the inside of the bend to the end of the thread. in every other hole and mark them A2, A3, etc.
18. [ ] Put two sets of spokes on bench to right of
rim and two sets to left of rim. If building 23. [ ] With right side of rim and right end of hub
rear wheel with shorter spokes on right side, facing up, attach marked spoke to A1 hole
be sure shorter spokes are on bench on right in rim, covering approximately half of thread
side of wheel! length with nipple. Continue clockwise
19. [ ] Arrange all spokes in each set so that thread around hub and rim, inserting each next
ends are together. Stand each set up on clockwise spoke to fourth hole clockwise in
thread ends and make sure all spokes are rim from last spoke and threading each
same length. Measure one spoke from each nipple halfway on.
set to make sure it is correct length. A2

Prepping the threads with either oil or a special

spoke-prep compound is vital. Oil will provide rea-
sonable protection from corrosion, but it needs to be A2
renewed periodically. Spoke-prep compounds last
longer (in terms of corrosion prevention) and also act R ight f lange
as a mild Loctite to keep nipples from unthreading if
they loose tension. 16.27 Attach the spokes to their correspondingly-marked holes.
20. [ ] Prep all threads with spoke-prep compound
or oil. Step #24 is a set of inspections to confirm ev-
erything is done correctly so far. It becomes a real
nightmare to find out in a later set that something
LACING THE “A” SET was wrong from early on, so be thorough about
21. [ ] Insert spoke from one right-side set into
these inspections.
marked hole in right flange so that spoke
24. With right side of rim facing up rotate rim to
head ends up on outside of flange and tag
look at valve hole in inner face of rim and
this spoke with masking tape and mark it A1.
inspect for following:
[ ] Right side of axle should be pointing up.

16 – 27
[ ] If building a rear wheel with two different 29. [ ] With left side of rim and left end of hub fac-
spoke lengths, two sets of spokes should be ing up, attach marked spoke to B1 hole in
left on bench on left side of wheel. rim, covering approximately half of thread
[ ] A spoke should be in first up-hole clockwise length with nipple. Continue counterclock-
from valve hole. wise around hub and rim, inserting each
[ ] Three empty holes should be between every next counterclockwise spoke to fourth hole
filled spoke hole in rim. counterclockwise in rim from last spoke and
[ ] Every other hole in right hub flange is filled. threading each nipple halfway on.
[ ] All spoke heads are on outside face of
flange. B2

25. [ ] If any of inspections in step 24 are failed, re-

move all spokes and repeat LACING THE “A” SET

LACING THE “B” SET L ef t f lange

The “B” set is the mirror image of the “A” set,
just on the other side of the wheel. The most impor- 16.29 Attach the B1 spoke the B1 hole, and all other B set spokes
tant parts of doing the “B” set are already done, step in every fourth hole counterclockwise from B1. “A” set spokes are in
#8 and step #16, when the starting holes for the “B” place at this time, but are not shown.
set in the rim and in the left flange were marked. Be-
cause the wheel is turned over, and because the “A” Step #30 is a series of inspections. Just as with
and “B” sets are a mirror image, work counterclock- the “A” set, if anything is left wrong with the “B”
wise in this set, instead of clockwise. set, it can be extremely difficult to figure out what
26. [ ] Turn wheel over so left side of hub and rim went wrong with the “C” set. When something goes
are up and rotate rim to look directly at wrong putting in the “C” set, the tendency will be to
valve hole in inner face of rim. think the problem is with the “C” set, instead of with
27. [ ] Insert spoke from one left-side spoke set into
the “B” set. Perform these inspections religiously.
marked hole in left flange, so that spoke head
ends up on outside of flange and tag this Then, if anything goes wrong with the “C” set it
spoke with masking tape and mark it B1. will be known that the problem is limited to the
spokes just put in.
B1 30. With left side of rim facing up, rotate rim to
look at valve hole in inner face of rim and
inspect for following:
[ ] If building a rear wheel with two different
L ef t f lange spoke lengths, one set of spokes should be
left on bench on each side of wheel.
[ ] A spoke should be in first up-hole counter-
clockwise of valve hole.
[ ] Two empty holes should be between every
pair of filled spoke holes in rim.
[ ] Every other hole in left hub flange is filled.
[ ] All spoke heads are on outside face of
31. [ ] If any of inspections in step 30 are failed,
remove all B spokes and repeat LACING THE

16.28 Spoke B1 is put in the hole marked in the left flange in step #16.

28. [ ] In similar fashion, insert second spoke from

same left-side set into hub, in second hole
counterclockwise from marked hole. Continue
working counterclockwise, filling every other
hole until left flange has every other hole
filled with spokes, all with heads facing out.

16 – 28

LACING THE “C” SET the C1 spoke will be the first “C” set spoke clock-
wise of the marked hole. For 1X pattern, the C1
32. [ ] Cross-pattern wheel only: With left side of
wheel still facing up, insert remaining set of spoke will be the first “C” spoke counterclockwise
right-side spokes down into right flange so of the marked hole in the right flange. For 2X pat-
that spokes end up with heads on inside of tern, the C1 spoke will be the second “C” spoke coun-
right flange. terclockwise of the marked hole in the right flange.
Radial wheel only: With right side of wheel For 3X pattern, the C1 spoke will be the third “C”
facing up, insert remaining set of right-side spoke counterclockwise of the marked hole in the
spokes down into right flange so that spokes right flange. For 4X pattern, the C1 spoke will be
end up with heads on outside of right flange. the fourth “C” spoke counterclockwise of the marked
hole in the right flange. With the exception of radial
" C" s et s pok es spoking, the number of “C” spokes counted coun-
terclockwise from the marked hole to find C1 al-
ways equals the number of the cross pattern.
L ef t f lange
After finding C1, the rest of the spokes are num-
bered C2, C3, C4, etc. clockwise from C1.
33. [ ] Turn wheel over so that right flange faces up.
In the following step, if comfortable with the pro-
cedure it is OK to just mark the C1 spoke and skip
marking the additional spokes of the C set.
34. Do one of next five options depending on
spoke cross pattern being used (see figure
16.31 on following page):
[ ] Mark “C” set spoke that is fourth spoke
counterclockwise of only marked hole in
R ight f lange right flange, C1.
[ ] Going clockwise from C1, mark remaining
16.30 Insert the remaining spokes from the right side of the bench spokes C2, C3, C4, etc.
in the right flange in this fashion. 3X SPOKE PATTERN:
[ ] Mark “C” set spoke that is third spoke coun-
The cross pattern is established in the “C” set. terclockwise of only marked hole in right
Rather than counting crosses to determine where the flange, C1.
spokes need to go, the spokes are installed by rote, [ ] Going clockwise from C1, mark remaining
spokes C2, C3, C4, etc.
and then the cross is counted to verify what happened.
The “C” set is going in the right flange. The “A” set [ ] Mark “C” set spoke that is second spoke
was the other set in the right flange, and its spokes counterclockwise of only marked hole in
had the heads to the outside of the flange. Just as sets right flange, C1.
are alternating from right flange to left flange and back [ ] Going clockwise from C1, mark remaining
to right flange, sets in the same flange will alternate so spokes C2, C3, C4, etc.
that the spoke heads alternate head-out (“A” set) and 1X SPOKE PATTERN:
head-in (“C” set). To do this, the spokes are fed into [ ] Mark the “C” set spoke that is counterclock-
the right flange from the left side of the hub. Then wise of the only marked hole in the right
the wheel is turned over so that the right flange is up. flange, C1.
[ ] Going clockwise from C1, mark remaining
A key step here is finding the right spoke to mark
spokes C2, C3, C4, etc.
to be C1. Because the location of C1 will change with RADIAL SPOKE PATTERN:
each cross pattern, it is necessary to count a different [ ] Mark the “C” set spoke that is clockwise of
number of spokes (for each different cross pattern) the only marked hole in the right flange, C1.
counterclockwise from the marked hole in the right [ ] Going clockwise, mark remaining spokes in
flange (marked in step #13 and now containing spoke “C” set C2, C3, C4, etc.
A1) to find the correct spoke to mark C1. The ex-
ception to this is with radial spoking, in which case

16 – 29

" C1 " f or 1 X " C1 " if radial that C1 crossed A1, A9, and A8. For a 3X and 32
A1 spoke wheel, it will be found that C1 crossed A1,
A8, and A7.

" C1 " f or 2 X R ight flange " B " s pok es in place, but not s how n
1 0 C2 , C3 , etc. in f lange, but not s how n


Cr os s 2
Cr os s 1 Cr os s 3 (under )
(A 7 )
" C1 " f or 3 X 16.33 In this 3X-32° example, C1 crosses over A7 and A8, then
under A1. See figure 16.34 for 3X -36° and 4X-36° examples.

" C1 " f or 4 X

16.31 Depending on the cross pattern, different spokes will be

marked C1.

16.34 The left example is a 3X-36° wheel, and the right example
is a 4X-36° wheel.

36. [ ] Move spoke C1 until it points to hole C1.

Flex it slightly, in order to pass tip of spoke
C1 under spoke A1, then insert spoke C1
into hole C1, covering approximately half of
spoke-thread length with nipple.
16.32 Mark the remaining “C” set spokes clockwise from C1 to be
C2, C3, etc.
37. [ ] Repeat previous step for spoke C2, C3, C4,
etc., consecutively. Each spoke will attach
35. [ ] Holding rim stationary, rotate hub clockwise to rim exactly four holes after last spoke and
as far as it comfortably can. will always cross under last A spoke before
In the next step, create the cross pattern. After reaching rim.
attaching spoke C1 to the rim at hole C1, trace the
path of spoke C1 back from the rim to the hub flange.
It will be found that it crosses the same number of
“A” set spokes as the name of the cross pattern. Af-
ter building a 3X and 36 spoke wheel, it will be found

16 – 30
The next three steps are inspection steps. As with
the previous spoke sets, do not let confidence encour- " D " s et s pok es
age skipping these steps before doing the “D” set.
38. [ ] Inspect at rim for each set of three filled
spoke holes separated by one empty spoke
hole. R ight flange

16.35 Each set of three spokes separated by an empty hole should

consist of one up spoke, a down spoke in the middle, and another up L ef t f lange

39. [ ] Inspect one set of three consecutive spokes 16.36 Insert the remaining spokes from the left side of the bench
at rim for whether set consists of, in order, in the left flange in this fashion.
one right (up) flange spoke, one left (down)
flange spoke, then one right (up) flange 42. [ ] Cross-pattern wheel only: With right side of
spoke. wheel still facing up, insert remaining set of
40. [ ] Inspect that each “C” spoke crosses under a left-side spokes down into left flange so
“A” spoke just before reaching rim. Correct that spokes end up with heads on inside of
any spokes that don’t cross under. left flange.
41. [ ] If any of inspections in steps 38 through 39 Radial wheel only: With left side of wheel
are failed, or if remaining group of spokes on facing up, insert remaining set of left-side
bench is on right (if building a rear wheel spokes down into left flange so that spokes
with two spoke lengths), remove all C end up with heads on outside of left flange.
spokes and repeat LACING THE “C” SET
SET. 43. [ ] Turn wheel over so that left flange faces up.
A key step here is finding the right spoke to mark
to be D1. Because the location of D1 will change with
LACING THE “D“ SET each cross pattern, it is necessary to count a different
The “B” set is the first set in the left flange, and its number of spokes clockwise from the marked hole in
spokes have the heads to the outside of the flange. the left flange to find the correct spoke to mark D1
Just as the insertion of spoke sets has alternated from (for each different cross pattern). The exception to
right flange to left flange and back to right flange, this is with radial spoking, in which case the D1 spoke
spokes sets in the same flange will alternate so that will be the first “D” set spoke counterclockwise of the
the spoke heads alternate head-out (“B” set) and head- marked hole. For a 1X pattern, the D1 spoke will be
in (“D” set). To do this, the spokes are fed into the left the first “D” spoke clockwise of the marked hole in
flange from the right side of the hub. After the spokes the left flange. For a 2X pattern, the D1 spoke will be
have been inserted, the wheel is turned over so that the second “D” spoke clockwise of the marked hole
the left flange is up (see figure 16.36). in the left flange. For a 3X pattern, the D1 spoke will
be the third “D” spoke clockwise of the marked hole
in the left flange. For a 4X pattern, the D1 spoke will
be the fourth “D” spoke clockwise of the marked hole
in the left flange. With the exception of radial spoking,
the number of “D” spokes counted clockwise from the
marked hole to find D1, always equals the number of
the cross pattern.
After finding D1, the rest of the spokes are num-
bered D2, D3, D4, etc. counterclockwise from D1.

16 – 31
In the following step, if comfortable with the pro-
cedure, it is OK to just mark the D1 spoke and skip
marking the additional spokes of the D set.
44. Do one of next five options depending on
spoke cross pattern being used (see figure
[ ] Mark “D” set spoke that is fourth spoke clock-
wise of only marked hole in left flange, D1.
[ ] Going counterclockwise from D1, mark re-
maining spokes D2, D3, D4, etc.
[ ] Mark “D” set spoke that is third spoke clock-
wise of only marked hole in left flange, D1.
[ ] Going counterclockwise from D1, mark re-
maining spokes D2, D3, D4, etc.
[ ] Mark “D” set spoke that is second spoke
clockwise of only marked hole in left 16.38 Working counterclockwise from D1, mark the remaining
flange, D1. spokes D2, D3, D4, etc.
[ ] Going counterclockwise from D1, mark re-
maining spokes D2, D3, D4, etc. 45. [ ] Move spoke D1 until it points to hole D1.
1X SPOKE PATTERN: Flex it slightly, in order to pass tip of spoke
[ ] Mark the “D” set spoke that is clockwise of D1 under spoke B1, then insert spoke D1
the only marked hole in the left flange, D1. into hole D1, covering approximately half of
[ ] Going counterclockwise from D1, mark re- spoke-thread length with nipple.
maining spokes D2, D3, D4, etc.
" A " and " B " s pok es in place, but not s how n
[ ] Mark the “D” set spoke that is counterclock-
D 2 , D 3 , etc. in f lange, but not s how n
wise of the only marked hole in the left
flange, D1. D8

[ ] Going counterclockwise, mark remaining

spokes in “D” set D2, D3, D4, etc. Cr os s 2
Cr os s 1
" D 1 " if r adial Cr os s 3 (under )
" D 1 " f or 1 X
(B 7 )

16.39 In this 3X-32° example, D1 crosses over B7 and B8, then

under B1.
0 1 " D 1 " f or 2 X
46. [ ] Repeat previous step for spoke D2, D3, etc.
47. [ ] Inspect that each “D” spoke crosses under a
“B” spoke just before reaching rim. Correct
any spokes that don’t cross under.

" D 1 " f or 3 X
Reusing old spokes is strongly recommended
against. Spoke fatigue is impossible to detect by in-
" D 1 " f or 4 X spection. Building a new rim onto an existing wheel,
16.37 Depending on the cross pattern, different spokes will be only to have to rebuild the wheel because of fatigued
marked D1. spokes, is a terrible waste of time and money; further-

16 – 32
more, two rims of the same size do not necessarily
take the same-size spokes, so unless the replacement PREPARING WHEEL
rim is identical, the old spokes may not work. FOR TRUING
Only if the customer has smashed a virtually new
1 . [ ] Put wheel securely in truing stand so that right
rim and an identical replacement is available, then it
end of axle is on your right and secure fully.
would it make sense to reuse the old spokes. 2 . Do one of next two options depending on
1 . [ ] Lay replacement rim on top of damaged rim whether wheel is front wheel, rear wheel
(right-side up) with valve holes lined up and with two different spoke lengths, or rear
fix rims together with tape. multi-sprocket wheel with one spoke length:
[ ] If building a front wheel or a rear wheel with
two spoke lengths, tighten all nipples until
1mm of thread (or two whole threads) is ex-
posed above nipple.
[ ] If building a multi-cog rear wheel with one
spoke length, tighten all nipples until 2mm
of thread (or 4 whole threads) is exposed
above nipple.
NOTE: If building a front wheel, skip to step 4.
16.40 Tape new rim on top of right side of old rim in this fash-
ion, then tape the outermost spoke crosses on the upper set of
spokes together. Over-locknut width

2 . [ ] Wrap tape securely around each pair of

spokes where they cross each other the last
time before reaching rim.
3 . [ ] Unthread all nipples on spokes coming from
right-side flange.
4 . [ ] Re-attach all right-side spokes to new rim in
holes directly adjacent to holes that spokes
have been removed from. 16.42 Measure over-locknut width in this fashion.

F reew heel
s pace
T r uing s t and ar m s

16.41 Transfer spokes to new rim. 16.43 Measure freewheel space in this fashion.
5 . [ ] Turn wheel over so left side is up and new
rim is on bottom.
6 . [ ] Unthread all nipples on spokes coming from
left-side flange.
7 . [ ] Re-attach all left-side spokes to new rim in
holes directly adjacent to holes that spokes
have been removed from. 16.44 Measure cogset width in this fashion.
8 . [ ] Remove tape from spoke crosses and re-
move tape holding rims together.

16 – 33
The following recommended dish corrections are FIVE- OR NARROW SIX-SPEED COGSET AND
just ball park estimates of what it will take to get the WIDE-WIDTH HUB
dish adjustment close to ideal. Further dish correc- (cogset width is less than 27.5mm or free-
tion will be likely for many wheels. wheel space of 30–34mm, over-locknut
3 . Do one of the following options depending on width is 124.6–127.5mm)
width of cogset, over-locknut width, and [ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all
amount of spoke-length differential used be- right-side nipples one full turn.
tween left and right side of rear wheel: FIVE- OR NARROW SIX-SPEED COGSET AND
(over-locknut width is 131.1–136.0mm) (cogset width is less than 27.5mm or free-
[ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all wheel space of 30–34mm, over-locknut
right-side nipples three full turns. width is 119.6–124.5mm)
[ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right [ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right
side, tighten all right-side nipples two full side, tighten all right-side nipples 1 full turn.
turns. [ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all
[ ] If 2mm shorter spokes were used on right right-side nipples three full turns.
side, skip to step 4. Establishworkingtension:
EIGHT-SPEED COGSET, NARROW-WIDTH HUBS 4 . Jiggle rim at bottom vigorously side-to-side and
(over-locknut width is 127.6–131.0mm) observe amount nipples move up and down
[ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all in rim, then:
right-side nipples four full turns. [ ] If nipples move up and down >2mm, tighten
[ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right all nipples 3 full turns and check again.
side, tighten all right-side nipples three full [ ] If nipples move up and down 1–2mm, tighten
turns. all nipples 2 full turns and check again.
[ ] If 2mm shorter spokes were used on right [ ] If nipples move up and down <1mm, tighten
side, tighten all right-side nipples one full turn. all nipples 1 whole turn and check again.
NORMAL SIX- OR SEVEN-SPEED COGSET [ ] If nipples do not move up and down, skip to
(cogset width is 29-32.5mm or freewheel 5 . [ ] Pluck numerous spokes on right side of
space of 35.0-38.0mm, over-locknut width wheel and feel and hear for resonation in
is 131.1–136.0mm) rim. If no resonation is felt or heard, tighten
[ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all all nipples ½ turn.
right-side nipples two full turns.
[ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right Pre-setspokebends
side, skip to step 4. (skiptostep11ifreusingoldspokes):
NORMAL SIX- OR SEVEN-SPEED COGSET As can be observed, spokes do not naturally take
AND MEDIUM-WIDTH HUB a straight line from the hub flange to the rim. They
(cogset width is 29-32.5mm or freewheel
tend to arc on their way out of the flange, although
space of 35.0-38.0mm, over-locknut width
is 127.6–131mm)
they will straighten up when tensioned. Once the ten-
[ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all sion is gone, they will go back to being bowed. When
right-side nipples three full turns. a wheel is in use, the spokes are constantly getting
[ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right tighter and looser. If they are also bowing and straight-
side, tighten all right-side nipples one full turn. ening when riding, then they will fatigue much faster.
NORMAL SIX- OR SEVEN-SPEED COGSET The following group of steps is designed to get the
AND NARROW-WIDTH HUB spokes to follow a straight line from the hub to the
(cogset width is 29-32.5mm or freewheel nipple, even when the spokes are relaxed, so that as
space of 35.0-38.0mm, over-locknut width they loosen and tighten under use, they will not be
is 124.6–127.5mm)
bowing and straightening as well.
[ ] If one spoke length was used, tighten all
right-side nipples four full turns.
[ ] If 1mm shorter spokes were used on right
side, tighten all right-side nipples two full
[ ] If 2mm shorter spokes were used on right
side, skip to step 4.

16 – 34
6 . [ ] On right side of wheel, insert broad flat tool 8 . [ ] On right side of wheel, grab spoke pair A1
(such as a cone wrench or large combination and C1 close to rim and squeeze pair to-
wrench) between cross of spokes A1 and gether firmly. Repeat for pairs A2 and C2,
C1 and the right hub flange, then apply le- A3 and C3, etc.
verage in direction that forces A1 away
from central plane of wheel and C1 toward
central plane of wheel. Repeat for A2 and
C2 pair, A3 and C3 pair, etc.

Pr es s in her e

" A " s pok e " C" s pok e

" A " s pok e " C" s pok e

S queez e
toget her

16.46 Squeeze each A–C pair with the same number, and then
each B–D pair with the same number firmly together just above the
nipples to preset the bend where the spokes come out of the nipples.

9 . [ ] On left side of wheel, grab spoke pair B1

16.45 Just inside of the point where they cross each other, lever and D1 close to rim and squeeze pair to-
each A–C pair with the same number so that the A spoke is moved gether firmly. Repeat for pairs B2 and D2,
out and the C spoke is moved in to preset the spoke bends where the B3 and D3, etc.
spokes come out of the flange. 10. [ ] Repeat steps 4 and 5 as necessary.
7 . [ ] On left side of wheel, insert broad flat tool
(such as cone wrench or large combination WHEEL TRUING
wrench) between cross of spokes B1 and 11. [ ] Jiggle rim side-to-side to check hub for play
D1 and the left hub flange, then apply lever- (Remove wheel and adjust hub to eliminate
age in direction that forces B1 away from play if hub is loose. Reinstall wheel in stand
central plane of wheel and D1 toward cen- when done).
tral plane of wheel. Repeat for B2 and D2 12. [ ] Put a drop of oil where each nipple enters rim.
pair, B3 and D3 pair, etc. 13. Use procedure TRUING WHEELS WITH UNDAMAGED
RIMS, SPOKES, AND NIPPLES (page 17-11) from
step 13 to complete truing.

16 – 35

16 – 36

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Spline: A cylindrical fitting that has alternat-

ing ribs and grooves on its surface parallel to the
This chapter is about pedals with cartridge bear-
axis of the cylinder. Splines are usually engaged by
ings. The design of this kind of pedal can vary tre-
a tool with the opposite spline pattern. A spline is
mendously, with almost every manufacturer design-
used as an alternative to a standard six- or eight-
ing pedals a different way. About the only factor these
sided wrench fitting.
manufacturers have in common is that they all use a
cartridge bearing (Hadley and Conrad are names that
are sometimes used for the bearing) that is pressed into PREREQUISITES
the pedal body. This chapter addresses the Look pedal
(which is the same as the Mavic), the Time pedal, and
It is optional, but strongly recommended, to re-
the onZa pedal. The onZa pedal design is typical of a
move the pedals from the crank arm to service the
number of cartridge-bearing MTB pedals.
bearings. The procedures are written as though the
pedals are removed from the crank arms. It is strongly
recommended to overhaul only one pedal at a time,
GENERAL INFORMATION so as not to mix parts between pedals.

There are several reasons that the pedals may need
Pedal body: The main structure of the pedal. The
bearing replacement, and several reasons they may
pedal body includes the housing for the bearings and
need adjustment. Bearing replacement should be done
can also include a pedal cage or a retention mechanism.
as part of a regular maintenance cycle, the duration of
Pedal cage: A one-piece or two-piece plate of metal
which will change depending on the type of riding,
that is on the front and back, or just the back, of the
the amount of riding, and the type of equipment.
pedal. The pedal cage supports the shoe and may be
Adjustment should be done on the basis of need.
the point to which a toe clip mounts.
Retention mechanism: This mechanism is simi- Maintenancecycles
lar to a ski binding. Usually by means of springs, the If starting out with the pedals(s) known to be in
retention mechanism engages some sort of clip to the good condition with good quality grease, they should
cleat that is attached to the rider’s shoe. be able to be ridden thousands of miles without need-
Pedal axle: The shaft that threads into the crank ing bearing replacement. If the equipment sees little
arm and about which the pedal rotates. wet-weather riding, then an appropriate maintenance
Cartridge bearing: A fully self-contained bear- cycle would be 2000–3000 miles in most cases. If a lot
ing unit that cannot be disassembled. The bearing car- of wet-condition riding is done, then the maintenance
tridge includes ball bearings and an inner and outer cycle might need to be as often as every 750–1000 miles.
race. The bearings are usually hidden behind seals. The Parts rust whether the bike is being ridden or not, so
entire assembly is shaped like a short cylinder with a another factor is how long the bike may be sitting
hole through the center. before it will be used again; for example, if ridden 200
Locknut: A nut that threads onto an axle against miles in the rain in the fall, then put away four months,
a bearing cartridge to lock the position of the bearing it would be a good idea to overhaul the pedal(s) be-
relative to the axle. fore putting the bike away.
Dustcap: A piece of plastic, metal, or rubber that Seal mechanisms used in these pedals are not effec-
threads or presses onto the outer end of the pedal tive water-tight seals. Their effectiveness varies with
body to cover the hole through which the bearings the brand and model. At best, they can lengthen the
are accessed. acceptable time between overhauls. With seal mecha-
nisms, the best policy is to initially overhaul the

15 – 1
pedal(s) on a normal length maintenance cycle (2000- COMPLICATIONS
3000 miles), and if the grease is found to be in good
condition, then extend the cycle the next time. Limitedpartsavailability
Some pedals have limited parts availability or no
Symptomsindicating parts availability. This is because the value of the la-
needofbearingreplacement bor required to service the pedal exceeds the replace-
What symptom would lead to feeling the pedal(s) ment value of the pedal. Before beginning service of a
should have the bearings replaced? One is that when pedal, make sure there is a source for parts.
performing an “adjustment,” the looseness (free-play)
in the bearings cannot be eliminated. Another is that Damaged body parts
when removing the pedal and rotating the axle, the Pedals are extremely exposed to damage. If the
end of the axle oscillates, indicating a bent axle (which main structure of the pedal is damaged, there is usu-
should always be replaced). ally no point in overhauling the pedal. If body parts
are loose and cannot be tightened, it will interfere with
Symptomsindicating checking whether the bearing adjustment is loose.
needof“adjustment” Mixingleftandrightpedalparts
Cartridge bearings cannot be “adjusted,” but if the
Parts are often similar, but not interchangeable,
retaining mechanism that holds the pedal parts to-
between left and right pedals. Even experienced me-
gether is loose, it may seem like a loose bearing. When
chanics do not overhaul pedals frequently, so it is a
the retaining mechanisms are secured, the looseness
good idea to have only one pedal apart at a time, to
may go away. If securing the retention mechanism
eliminate any possibility of mixing parts between the
does not eliminate the sensation of looseness, parts
left and right pedals.
are probably worn out and need to be replaced. With
Look, Mavic, and Onza pedals the retaining mecha-
nism is the dustcap. ABOUT THE REST
The primary symptom that will be experienced
indicating the pedal(s) needs “adjustment” is looseness
in the bearings. This can be detected by grasping the There are three sections to the rest of this chapter:
pedal and jerking it side-to-side while feeling for a the first section is LOOK/MAVIC PEDALS; the second sec-
knocking sensation. Inspect for loose bearings and tion is TIME PEDALS; the third section is ONZA PEDALS.
loose locknuts every 300–500 miles. The only way to
check for a loose locknut is to put a tool on the lock-
nut and see if it is secure.
Each type of pedal requires some different spe-
cial tools that will be needed; therefore, there is no This section covers almost all Look pedals and
tool list. Reading the complete procedure is recom- Mavic pedals that are the “Look-clipless” style, as well
mended before preparing to service the pedal. It is as some models that use toe-clips. All the models cov-
also a good idea to know what tools will be needed ered have a dustcap in the outside end of the pedal. If
before starting. the pedal has no dustcap, this section does not cover
it, with one exception.
Look makes a pedal that is similar in appearance
TIME AND DIFFICULTY RATING and external configuration to the Shimano and
Overhauling a pedal (including pedal removal, Campagnolo “Look-style” models that have no out-
disassembly, cleaning, assembly, and bearing adjust- side-end dustcap (see figure 14.2 on page 14-2), but
ment) is a 10–15 minute job of little difficulty. Double once the pedal-axle assembly is extracted from the
this time for two pedals. Adjusting the pedal alone is a pedal body, you will find that it has cartridge bearings
1–2 minute job of little difficulty. instead of adjustable-cone/cup bearings.

15 – 2


Locknut The pedal axle must be held securely from rotat-
ing while removing the locknut. Soft jaws made of
Cartridge bearing
Pedal body copper, aluminum, or plastic are recommended to
protect the threads of the pedal axle from damage while
clamped firmly in the vise.
4 . [ ] Clamp threaded portion of pedal axle in vise,
using soft jaws to protect threads from steel
jaws of vise.
In step #5, remove a locknut, which could be a
right-hand or left-hand thread, depending on whether
Needle bearing the pedal is from the left or right side of the bike. Be
O-ring sure to pay attention to the clockwise/counter-
clockwise notations in this step. Older Mavic quill
Pedal axle pedals that use toe clips have right-hand thread on both
left and right pedal locknuts.
5 . [ ] Hold axle from turning with a pedal wrench
while breaking loose locknut with an 11mm
15.1 A Look/Mavic pedal. socket wrench (counterclockwise for right
pedal, clockwise for left pedal).
6 . [ ] Support pedal body on vise so that axle is free
to drop down between jaws. Use punch to
PEDAL REMOVAL drive end of axle down through outer bearing.
AND PRELIMINARY INSPECTION 7 . [ ] Turn pedal body over so outer bearing car-
tridge will drop out of pedal body.
1 . [ ] Do steps 1–6 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-3). At this point, a cylindrical cage of needle bearings
In the next step, inspect the end of the axle for os- is still inside the pedal body. Although Mavic instruc-
cillation, which indicates it is bent. A bent axle is an tions indicate that this cylindrical cage is removable,
axle in the process of breaking and should be replaced. and the replacement part is available, removal is not
2 . [ ] Spin pedal axle and observe whether there is recommended. Using the tools and methods Mavic
any oscillation in the end of the pedal axle, describes has proven unreliable and the installation
indicating that it is bent. tool is difficult, if not impossible, to find.
8 . [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of pedal.


It is strongly recommend that only one pedal is INSPECTION
disassembled at a time. There are parts that are unique 9 . [ ] Rotate outer bearing cartridge to check for
to each pedal. If both pedals are disassembled at the rough feeling, indicating need of replacement.
same time and parts get mixed from right to left, each In step #10, inspect the polished cylindrical sur-
overhaul will have to be done all over again (at best); face that is the inner race for the needle bearing, which
at worst, getting the parts mixed up between left and is still inside the pedal body. If this surface on the axle
right pedals will damage some parts. is gouged or pitted, then the bearing is probably bad
In step #3, the dustcap is removed. Older models as well. Because the bearing cannot be replaced, re-
had a plastic dustcap with a hex-nut on its face. The placing only the axle will provide a very short-term
dustcap should be tight and the plastic is soft, so it is benefit, and would be a waste of money. Suggest to
important to use a 6-point socket on this dustcap to the customer that they ride with a bad pedal bearing
prevent rounding the corners. More recent models until it becomes intolerable, or suggest replacing the
have a dustcap with multiple pin holes. A bottom- pedals now.
bracket pin spanner can be used to remove these. 10. [ ] Inspect polished cylindrical surface on axle
that rolls inside of needle bearing assembly
3 . [ ] Remove pedal dustcap from outside end of
for gouges and pits.

15 – 3
Next, inspect the axle for bends. This was already
inspected for in step #2, but this is another way of
looking at it, and is worth doing. Roll the axle on a
flat smooth surface such as a Formica counter top or PEDALS THIS SECTION COVERS
a glass counter top. Look under the axle as it rolls for
This section covers the original Time pedals, which
a humping up and down that indicates it is bent. A
feature a large-diameter cartridge bearing in the inside
bent axle is an axle in the process of breaking and
end of the pedal, which is retained by a circlip, and a
should be replaced.
small-diameter needle bearing permanently fixed in
11. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad?
the outside end of pedal.


12. [ ] Grease needle bearings in inside-end of
pedal body. There is no bearing adjustment. Excess play or
13. [ ] Grease bearings of outside-end cartridge tightness means the bearings are damaged or worn out.
14. [ ] Insert axle into pedal. P edal body
15. [ ] Grasp fat threaded end of axle in soft jaws
in vise.
16. [ ] Slip outside-end cartridge bearing onto end
of axle.
To remove the outside-end bearing from the axle,
impact is needed. Instead of using impact to install a N eedle bear ing
new bearing, the locknut on the end of the axle can
be used as a press to drive the bearing onto the axle.
Do not be surprised by the high resistance encoun-
tered when threading the locknut down.
Once again, note that left and right pedals differ
in regards to whether this locknut is a left-hand or
S nap-ring
right-hand thread. Pay attention to the clockwise/coun-
terclockwise notations. Car tr idge bear ing
17. [ ] Holding axle from turning with pedal
wrench, use 11mm wrench to secure lock- S nap-ring
nut (counterclockwise for left pedal, clock-
P edal ax le
wise for right pedal). Tightening locknut
presses bearing onto spindle.

15.2 A Time pedal.

A surprising feature of this pedal is that the dustcap
fixes the location of the axle/bearing assembly in the
pedal body. When the dustcap is not in place, or not PEDAL REMOVAL
tight, then the pedal body will move in and out on AND PRELIMINARY INSPECTION
the axle by several millimeters. 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–6 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
18. [ ] Install and secure dustcap. AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-3).
2 . [ ] Spin pedal axle and observe whether there is
any oscillation in the end of the pedal axle,
INSTALL PEDAL indicating that it is bent.
19. [ ] Do steps 14–23 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
MENT, AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-4).
3 . [ ] Use internal snap-ring plier to remove snap-
ring from inside face of pedal body.

15 – 4
The pedal axle must be held securely from rotat- 13. [ ] Slip inward-side cartridge bearing onto end
ing while removing the locknut. Soft jaws made of of axle. Support bearing on vise jaws and
copper, aluminum, or plastic are recommended to tap axle in with plastic hammer if necessary.
protect the threads of the pedal axle from damage while 14. [ ] Use external snap-ring plier to install small
snap-ring on axle.
clamped firmly in the vise.
15. [ ] Insert axle into pedal.
4 . [ ] Clamp threaded portion of pedal axle in vise,
16. [ ] Use internal snap-ring plier to install large
using soft jaws to protect threads from steel
snap-ring into inside face of pedal.
jaws of vise.
5 . [ ] Pull up sharply on pedal body to remove it
from axle assembly. INSTALL PEDAL
6 . [ ] Use external snap-ring plier to remove snap- 17. [ ] Do steps 14–23 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
ring (just outside of cartridge bearing) from MENT, AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-4).
In the next step, use impact to remove the car-
tridge bearing from the axle. This impact can damage
the bearing, so do not remove the bearing unless pre-
pared to replace it.
7 . [ ] Remove axle from vise and support outer
perimeter of bearing on jaws of vise with PEDALS THIS SECTION COVERS
threaded end of axle down and use ball peen This section covers original onZa pedals, which
hammer to gently tap axle out of bearing. have a cartridge bearing in the outer end of the hole
At this point, all the parts that can be removed through the pedal body, and a brass bushing in the
have been removed . There is a needle bearing still in inner end of the hole through the pedal body.
the pedal at the outside end of the pedal that cannot
be removed.
8 . [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of pedal. BEARING ADJUSTMENT ONLY
There is no bearing adjustment. If the dustcap or
INSPECTION locknut on the axle is loose, it will allow the pedal
body to float laterally on the axle assembly. If there is
9 . [ ] Rotate bearing cartridge to check for rough
feeling, indicating need of replacement. excess play or tightness once the dustcap has been
Inspect the polished cylindrical surface that is the checked, it means the bearings are bad.
inner race for the needle bearing, which is still inside
the pedal body. If this surface on the axle is gouged or PEDAL REMOVAL
pitted, then the bearing is probably bad as well. The
axle can be replaced with the bad bearing still in the AND PRELIMINARY INSPECTION
pedal; however, it would probably be a waste. Either 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–6 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
suggest riding with the bad axle until it becomes in- AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-3).
2 . [ ] Spin pedal axle and observe whether there is
tolerable, or replace the pedals.
any oscillation in the end of the pedal axle,
10. [ ] Inspect polished cylindrical surface on out-
indicating that it is bent.
side end of axle for gouges and pits.
Next, inspect the axle for bends. This was already
inspected for in step #2, but this is another way of ACCESS PEDAL BEARING
looking at it and is worth doing. Roll the axle on a flat It is strongly recommend that only one pedal is
smooth surface such as a Formica counter top or a disassembled at a time. There are parts that are unique
glass counter top. Look under the axle as it rolls for a to each pedal. If both pedals are disassembled at the
humping up and down that indicates it is bent. Bent same time and parts get mixed from right to left, each
axles are axles in the process of breaking and should overhaul will have to be done all over again (at best);
be replaced. at worst, getting the parts mixed up between left and
11. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad? right pedals will damage some parts.
3 . [ ] With 6mm Allen wrench, remove pedal
ASSEMBLY dustcap from outside end of pedal.
12. [ ] Grease bearings in inner-end of pedal body.

15 – 5


The pedal axle must be held securely from rotat- 10. [ ] Rotate outer bearing cartridge to check for
ing while removing the locknut. Soft jaws made of rough feeling, indicating need of replacement.
copper, aluminum, or plastic are recommended to 11. [ ] Inspect polished cylindrical surface on axle
protect the threads of the pedal axle from damage while that rolls on inside of bushing for gouges
and pits.
clamped firmly in the vise.
12. [ ] Inspect inside of brass bushing for gouges
and pits.
Dustcap Next, inspect the axle for bends. This was already
inspected for in step #2, but this is another way of
looking at it and is worth doing. Roll the axle on a flat
Cartridge bearing smooth surface such as a Formica counter top or a
glass counter top. Look under the axle as it rolls for a
humping up and down that indicates it is bent. Bent
axles are axles in the process of breaking and should
be replaced.
13. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad?

14. [ ] Using same tool used for brass bushing re-
moval, drive brass bushing back into hole
Bras s bus hing
(unthreaded) in inside-end of pedal.
Rubber seal 15. [ ] Press rubber seal into hole in inside-end of
pedal body (with inner-perimeter lip facing
Pedal axle
out of pedal body).
16. [ ] Oil or grease cylindrical bearing surface on
inner end of axle and insert axle into pedal.
17. [ ] Insert bearing cartridge into hole (threaded)
in outside-end of pedal body.
18. [ ] Thread locknut onto end of axle.
19. [ ] While holding axle from turning with pedal
15.3 An Onza pedal. wrench, use 8mm socket to secure locknut.
Torque to 10–15in-lbs (3.5–5.0lbs@3").
4 . [ ] Clamp threaded portion of pedal axle in vise,
using soft jaws to protect threads from steel
jaws of vise. ADJUSTMENT
5 . [ ] Hold axle from turning with a pedal wrench A surprising feature of this pedal is that the dustcap
while breaking loose locknut with 8mm fixes the location of the axle/bearing assembly in the
socket. pedal body. When the dustcap is not in place or not
6 . [ ] Pull pedal body off of axle. tight, then the pedal body will move in and out on
7 . [ ] Turn pedal body over so outer bearing car- the axle by several millimeters.
tridge will drop out of pedal body. If it will
20. [ ] Lube threads, install and secure dustcap to
not drop out, drive it out with a 10mm diam-
torque of 24in-lbs (4lbs@6").
eter drift punch or same-size pipe.
8 . [ ] Use small-tip screwdriver to pry rubber seal
out of inside-end of pedal body. INSTALL PEDAL
9 . [ ] Use 10.5–11.1mm diameter drift punch or 21. [ ] Do steps 14–23 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
same-size pipe (a long 10mm Allen wrench MENT, AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-4).
also works) to drive brass bushing out of in-
side-end of pedal body.

15 – 6


This chapter is about pedals with conventional Pedal cage
bearings. Conventional bearing systems have loose
balls, cones, and cups. Most pedals use an adjustable Dustcap
cone threaded on the end of the pedal axle. These Locknut
closely resemble hubs in principle. Another variety Keyed lock was her
uses an adjustable cup threaded into the pedal body.
These closely resemble adjustable-cup bottom brack-
ets in principle. This chapter has separate procedures Cup
for service of these two types, which are called “Ad-
justable-cone” pedals and “Adjustable-cup” pedals. A
troubleshooting chart that covers both of these pedal
types follows at the end of the chapter.
Pedal body


Pedal body: The main structure of the pedal. The S eal
pedal body includes the housing for the bearings and
can also include a pedal cage or a retention mechanism.
Pedal cage: The one-piece or two-piece plate of
metal that is on the front and back, or just the back,
of the pedal. The pedal cage supports the shoe and
may be the point to which a toe clip mounts.
Retention mechanism: This mechanism is simi- 14.1 Diagram of a common adjustable-cone pedal.
lar to a ski binding. Usually by means of springs, the
retention mechanism engages some sort of clip to the Dustcap: A piece of plastic, metal, or rubber that
cleat that is attached to the rider’s shoe. threads or presses onto the outer end of the pedal
Pedal axle: The shaft that threads into the crank body to cover the hole through which the bearings
arm and about which the pedal rotates. are accessed.
Cone: A surface that bearings roll on that is Spline: A cylindrical fitting that has alternat-
positioned inside the circle of balls. A pedal cone ing ribs and grooves on its surface that are parallel
may be a built-in feature on an axle, or it may thread to the axis of the cylinder. Splines are usually en-
onto an axle. gaged by a tool with the opposite spline pattern. A
Cup: A surface that bearings roll on that is posi- spline is used as an alternative to a standard six- or
tioned outside the circle of balls. A cup may be pressed eight-sided wrench fitting.
permanently into the pedal body or it may be threaded Bearing-cylinder: A complete bearing-system
into the pedal body. housing that is cylindrical-shaped and includes two
Locknut. A nut that threads onto an axle against cup races. When the bearing-cylinder is assembled to
a threaded-on cone, to lock the position of the cone the axle with cones and bearings, it is a complete bear-
relative to the axle, or it may thread onto a threaded- ing unit that can be inserted and removed from the
in cup against the pedal body, to lock the position of pedal body with the bearings intact.
the cup relative to the pedal body.

14 – 1

L ock nut The design of pedals varies more than conventional
Cone hub, bottom bracket, and headset bearings. For this
reason, the procedural steps are somewhat more gen-
eralized, and may not apply directly to the make and
B ear ing-cy linder
model of pedal being serviced.
R et ention m echanis m This chapter does not cover pedal installation or
bearing service on cartridge-bearing pedals. See PEDAL
24-1), or CARTRIDGE-BEARING PEDALS (page 15-1).


It is optional, but strongly recommended, to re-
S plined f it ting move the pedals from the crank arm to service the
bearings. The procedures are written as though the
Pedal ax le pedals are removed from the crank arms. It is strongly
recommended to overhaul only one pedal at a time,
so as not to mix parts between pedals.
14.2 Diagram of a adjustable-cone pedal with bearing unit re- It is optional, but recommended, to be familiar
movable from pedal body. with servicing hubs and/or bottom brackets. Due to
the greater variation in design of pedals, the following
instructions are generalized to a greater degree than
other bearing service information in this book. If al-
ready familiar with servicing other bearings, then ap-
ply that sense of knowledge about the other bearings
to the variations that might be encountered with ped-
B all bearings als. This keeps the more generalized instructions for
Cup pedals from being a handicap.
R oller bear ing cage
P edal body There are several reasons pedals require an over-
haul, and several reasons they require adjustment. An
P edal ax le
overhaul should be done as part of a regular mainte-
S nap-ring nance cycle, the duration of which will change de-
pending on the type of riding, the amount of riding,
B all bearings
and the type of equipment. Adjustments should be
Cup R etention done on the basis of need.
m echanis m
L ock nut
Cup w r ench f lat s MAINTENANCE CYCLES
If starting out with the pedals(s) known to be in
good condition with good quality grease, they should
be able to be ridden thousands of miles without need-
ing an overhaul. If the equipment sees little wet-
14.3 Diagram of an adjustable-cup pedal.
weather riding, then an appropriate maintenance cycle
would be 2000–3000 miles in most cases. If a lot of
wet-condition riding is done, then the maintenance

14 – 2
cycle might need to be as often as every 750–1000 miles. moving the pedal and rotating the axle, the end of the
Parts rust whether being ridden or not, so another axle oscillates, indicating a bent axle (which should
factor is how long the bike may be sitting before it always be replaced).
will be used again; for example, if the bike is ridden
200 miles in the rain in the fall, then put away four
The primary symptom that will be experienced
months for the winter, it would be a good idea to indicating that pedal(s) needs adjustment is looseness
overhaul the pedal(s) before putting the bike away. in the bearings. This can be detected by grasping the
Some other factors affecting pedal maintenance pedal and jerking it side-to-side while feeling for a
cycles are whether there is grease injection and whether knocking sensation. Inspect for loose bearings and
there are seal mechanisms. Grease-injection systems do loose locknuts every 300–500 miles. The only way to
not eliminate the need for overhaul. Grease injection check for a loose locknut is to put a tool on the lock-
only increases the acceptable time between overhauls. nut and see if it is secure. Another possible symptom
Grease-injection systems are only as good as the cus- indicating need to adjust the pedal(s) is that the pedals
tomer is consistent and thorough about pumping in simply feel tight when removed and the axle is turned.
new grease. Seal mechanisms (conventional bearings If tightness is felt when rotating the pedal body on its
with rubber seals between the cone and dustcaps) are axle while the pedal is attached to the crank arm, the
not effective water-tight seals. Their effectiveness varies bearing is extremely tight.
with the brand and model. At best, they can lengthen One other case in which pedal-bearing adjustment
the acceptable time between overhauls. With seal is recommended is on any new bike. Most retail outlets
mechanisms or grease-injection systems, the best policy assume the factory has done the job correctly, and don’t
is to initially overhaul the pedal(s) on a normal-length check the adjustment. Factory adjustments are not very
reliable. Hubs may be completely worn out after as
maintenance cycle, and if the grease is found to be in
little as 1000 miles of use, due to poor factory setup.
good condition, then extend the cycle the next time.
Symptomsindicatingneedofoverhaul TOOL CHOICES
What symptom would lead to feeling that the
The design or brand of pedal(s) will determine the
pedal(s) should be overhauled? One is that when per-
tools needed. The following list covers tools for ad-
forming an adjustment, the looseness (free-play) in the
justable cone/cup pedals only.
bearings cannot be eliminated without the bearing In addition to these specialized tools, a variety of
becoming excessively tight (does not turn smoothly). spanners used on brakes, hubs, and bottom brackets
The lack of smoothness could be caused by dry grease, are needed for the cones and adjustable cups. These
contaminated grease, or worn parts. Another symp- include the Park HCW-3, Park OBW-1, Park OBW-2,
tom indicating a need for overhaul is that when re- and 14–17mm cone wrenches.


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Campagnolo 7130025 Campy adjustable-cup “Three-bearing” models called TBS, SGR, Record, and
Croce deAune
Campagnolo 7130034 Campagnolo QR pedals with removable bearing unit
Campagnolo 710 Dustcap spanner for classic Campagnolo Nuovo Record and Super Record
road quill-style pedals
Shimano TL-SH-PD73 Socket-in-socket tool required for Shimano adjustable-cone pedals with no
lock washer between locknut and cone including: Deore XT PD-M735, Deore
DX PD-M650, PD-M525, Ultegra PD-6402, PD-A525
Shimano TL-SH-PD40 Bearing-unit-removal tool for accessing bearings on following models: Dura-Ace
PD-7410, Ultegra PD-6400, Ultegra PD-6401, Ultegra PD-6402, 105SC PD-
1055, 105SC PD-1056, PD-M737, PD-M525, PD-A525, and any other models
w/20.7mm diameter 10-tooth spline just outward of the mounting-wrench flats
Shimano TL-SH-PD30 Lockring tool for adjustable-cup models including Dura-Ace PD-7400 and Dura-
Ace PD 7401, or any other model with a 8-face locknut with concave faces
Park HCW3 25mm bottom-bracket adjustable-cup spanner for Shimano adjustable-cup
models with 25mm locknut including: Ultegra PD-6400, 105 PD-1050, Exage
PD-A450, PD-A550

14 – 3

TIME AND DIFFICULTY RATING pedals being serviced, and a list of some particular styles
it does not cover; the third section is the ADJUSTABLE-
Overhauling a pedal including pedal removal, dis-
assembly, cleaning, assembly and bearing adjustment
to both styles of pedals.
is a 20–30 minute job of moderate difficulty. Double
this for two pedals. Adjusting the pedal alone is a 5–8
minute job of moderate difficulty.
Limitedpartsavailability PEDALS THAT
Many pedals have limited parts availability or no THIS SECTION COVERS
parts availability. This is because the value of the la-
The most common type of pedal has an adjust-
bor required to service the pedal often exceeds the
able cone. This adjustable cone is located at the out-
replacement value of the pedal. Before beginning ser-
side end of the axle. All traditional pedals have a
vice of a pedal, make sure there is a source for parts.
dustcap that can be removed at the outside end of the
Damaged body parts pedal. If there is such a dustcap, then it is certain that
Pedals are extremely exposed to damage. If the the pedal is an adjustable-cone type.
main structure of the pedal is damaged, there is usu- Shimano and Campagnolo make pedals that have
ally no point in overhauling the pedal. If body parts adjustable cones but no dustcap on the outside end of
are loose and cannot be tightened, it will interfere with the pedal. This includes all Shimano “SPD” type ped-
checking whether the bearing adjustment is loose. als, and all “Look-retention-system compatible” mod-
Mixingleftandrightpedalparts els except Dura-Ace. Specific Shimano models include
Dura-Ace model PD-7410; Ultegra models PD-6400,
Parts are often similar, but not interchangeable,
PD-6401, and PD-6402; 105SC models PD-1055 and
between left and right pedals. Even experienced me-
PD-1056; model PD-A525; and off-road models PD-
chanics do not overhaul pedals frequently, so it is a
M737 and PD-M525. The distinguishing characteris-
good idea to have only one pedal apart at a time, to
tic of these above-listed Shimano models and any un-
eliminate any possibility of mixing parts between the
listed Shimano models is that on the inside face of the
left and right pedals.
pedal body there is a 10-spline, 20.6mm cylinder. This
Trial-and-erroradjustments spline rotates with the pedal body. The Campagnolo
Unlike bottom brackets, headsets, and hubs, there pedals of this type are the “Look-retention-system
is no convenient way to mark and calibrate the incre- compatible” QR models including Record. The dis-
ments of adjustment when adjusting a pedal bearing; tinguishing Campagnolo feature is an octagonal-
furthermore, there is usually no way to hold the cone splined fitting on the inside face of the pedal body
while securing the locknut, making the adjustment a measuring 21mm across the flats. This octagonal fit-
frustrating trial-and-error process. ting rotates with the pedal body.
Wrench flats for
ABOUT THE REST pedal removal

There are three sections to the rest of this chapter:
the first section is ADJUSTABLE-CONE PEDALS, which
starts with a description of the type of pedals this sec-
tion covers, some common models and styles, what
to look for if uncertain about the type of pedals being
serviced, and a list of some particular styles this sec- S plined fitting for
tion does not cover; the second section is ADJUSTABLE- bearing-unit removal
CUP PEDALS, which begins with a description of the S HIMANO CAMPAGNOLO
type of pedals it covers, some common models and
styles, what to look for if uncertain about the type of 14.4 Shimano and Campagnolo adjustable-cone pedals that have
removable bearing cylinders.

14 – 4
Shimano and Campagnolo both make pedals that to left, each overhaul will have to be done all over again
have no dustcap on the outside end that are not the (at best); at worst, getting the parts mixed up between
adjustable-cone type. The distinguishing feature in each left and right pedals will damage some parts.
case is that there are places to put two different span- If there is access to the adjustable cone through a
ners on the inside face of the pedal body. These two dustcap on the outside end, then the cups will be pressed
fittings both rotate with the pedal body, and are in directly into the pedal body. If the pedal is the type
addition to the wrench fitting that is on the pedal axle that has bearings accessed by threading an assembly out
that is used to install and remove the pedal from the of the pedal body, then the cups will be at either end of
crank arm. All of these have an adjustable cup that a cylinder that rotates on the pedal axle. This “bearing-
fits a 15mm or 17mm cone wrench and a locknut of a cylinder” will not be evident until the bearings have
much larger size threaded onto the cup. been accessed. After accessing the bearings, there is no
great difference in how to treat each system. The only
difference will be the terminology used to refer to the
W rench f lats f or piece that includes the bearing cups and either the pedal
pedal r em ov al body or the bearing-cylinder. From this point on, the
portion including the bearing cups will be called the
There is one optional difference about how to treat
the pedals with a bearing-cylinder design. Instead of
overhauling this type of pedal to clean and grease the
B ear ing cup bearings, it is possible to pump fresh grease into the
w r ench f lats bearings without any further disassembly. In order to
L ock nuts do this, a grease gun and a piece of flexible hose that
fits snugly over the bearing-cylinder are needed. At-
tach the hose to the grease gun and to the outer end of
14.5 Shimano and Campagnolo adjustable-cup pedals. the bearing-cylinder, then pump grease through the
bearing-cylinder until nothing but clean grease comes
Look makes a pedal that is similar in appear- out the other end. The only disadvantage to this short-
ance and external configuration to the Shimano and cut is that the ball bearings cannot be replaced; usu-
Campagnolo models that has no dustcap on the out- ally the other parts that could be accessed by full dis-
side end of the pedal, but once the pedal-axle as- assembly are not available.
sembly is extracted from the pedal body, it will be 3 . [ ] If pedal has dustcap on outside end
found to have cartridge bearings instead of adjust- unthread or pry out dustcap.
able-cone/cup bearings. 4 . [ ] If pedal has no dustcap on outside end, and
NOTE: If just adjusting pedal bearings and not is a Shimano, use TL-PD40 to remove bear-
overhauling them, skip to step 33. ing assembly from pedal body. Use large ad-
justable wrench to turn TL-PD40 counter-
clockwise on left-side pedals or clockwise
PEDAL REMOVAL on right-side pedals.
5 . [ ] If pedal has no dustcap on outside end and is
AND PRELIMINARY INSPECTION a Campagnolo, use Campagnolo 7130034 to
1 . [ ] Do steps 1–6 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, remove bearing assembly from pedal body.
AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-3). Turn tool counterclockwise on left-side ped-
2 . [ ] Spin pedal axles and observe whether there als or clockwise on right-side pedals.
is any oscillation in the end of the pedal ax-
les, indicating that they are bent.
The pedal axle must be held securely from rotat-
ACCESS PEDAL BEARING ing while removing the locknut/cone, and when ad-
It is strongly recommend from this point on that justing the bearing later.
only one pedal is disassembled at a time. There are parts 6 . [ ] Clamp threaded portion of pedal axle in vise,
that are unique to each pedal. If both pedals are disas- using soft jaws to protect threads from steel
sembled at the same time and parts get mixed from right jaws of vise.

14 – 5
Step #7 measures the offset (if any) between the check for whether the bearing adjustment is too loose,
end of the pedal spindle and the face of the locknut. If it is important that there be no looseness in the struc-
bearing size is lost track of, or a guess must be made ture of the pedal.
about bearing size, or if the pedal gets assembled with 15. [ ] Inspect pedal body for unrepairable loose-
bearings out of position it will show up as a change in ness. Good? Bad?
this number after putting the pedal back together. The bearing cups are supposed to be permanently
7 . [ ] Use depth gauge of caliper to measure off- pressed into the pedal body (except bearing-cylinder
set between upper end of pedal axle and types). Occasionally, they work loose. If not inspected
face of locknut and record here: ______ mm. for, this might cause considerable trouble later when
8 . [ ] Hold cone stationary with cone wrench or trying to eliminate play when making the adjustment.
special tool while breaking loose locknut Firmly press a finger into a cup and try to force it to
with adjustable wrench or fit wrench. rotate. If it does rotate, it must be fixed. Drip Loctite
9 . [ ] Thread parts off pedal axle and onto bundling
290 around the edge of the cup to fix a loose cup. It is
tie while maintaining order and orientation.
designed to penetrate and flow behind the cup and
There are no standards for bearing quantities and
then cure to lock the part securely in place.
sizes in pedals. There are usually different quantities
16. [ ] Inspect pressed-in cups for looseness. See
in each cup, and there may be different sizes. Step #10 if they rotate or jiggle. Good? Bad?
keeps track of the first set of balls encountered, so By design, bearing cups wear out long after the
that there is no need to rely on trial-and-error when cones have worn out. This is good because they can-
assembling. Step #11 records similar information for not be replaced. A new pedal or axle assembly is
the second set of bearings encountered. needed. Check for cup wear by looking in the cups
10. [ ] Use magnet to remove bearings from outer
for the wear line left by the balls. Trace this wear line
bearing cup. Count and measure ball-bearing
size and record here:
with the tip of a ball point pen. If it snags on any-
Outer-bearing quantity __________ thing, the cup is shot.
Outer-bearing size __________ mm. 17. [ ] Trace ball path in cups with a ball point pen
11. [ ] Lift pedal-body/bearing-cylinder off axle, to check for pits. Good? Bad?
cupping hand below pedal to catch interior If the cups were worn out, the cones are virtu-
ball bearings. Count and measure ball-bear- ally certain to be. If not, be sure to check the cones
ing size and record here: carefully so that a worn-out one will not damage a
Inner-bearing quantity __________ cup, leading to a pedal replacement. One cone is
Inner-bearing size __________ mm. threaded off the outside end of the pedal axle. The
Rubber seals on pedal bodies or axle cones may other cone is built into the pedal axle and is only
rotate relative to the part they are attached to. Seal replaceable if the pedal axle is replaceable. Cones wear
effectiveness can be improved and seal drag reduced out by developing pits (galling). Find the shiny wear
by lubricating between the seal and what it is attached line left by the balls on the conical portion of the
to, so they will be removed at this time to enable greas- cone. Trace this wear line with the tip of a ball point
ing later. Seals can possibly be re-installed backwards, pen to check for pits.
so note their orientation if removing them from a 18. [ ] Trace ball path on cones with a ball point
dustcap, or simply leave them on the bundle if remov- pen to check for pits. Good? Bad?
ing them from a cone. Next, inspect the axle for bends. This inspection
12. [ ] Remove rubber seals, if any, from pedal was already done in step #2, but this is another way of
body (note orientation) or axle cone. looking at the axle and is worth doing. Roll the axle
13. [ ] Pry dustcaps out of inside face of pedal body on a flat smooth surface such as a Formica counter
unless damage is likely. Were dustcaps very top or a glass counter top. Look under the axle as it
loose? Yes? No? (circle one)
rolls for a humping up and down that indicates it is
14. [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of pedal.
bent. A bent axle is an axle in the process of breaking,
and should be replaced.
INSPECTION 19. [ ] Inspect for a bent axle. Good? Bad?
Pedal-body damage that will affect the bearings is Some axles have slots along their length. A tab
rare. Some inexpensive pedal bodies made of multiple on the lock washer engages the slot. The function of
parts joined together can fail at the joints. Since the the tab is to enable adjusting the pedal without a cone
pedal body must grasped and jiggled vigorously to wrench, a necessity in some cases; however, the

14 – 6
washer often rotates around the axle and the tab dam- 29. [ ] Drop pedal-body/bearing-cylinder (inside-end
ages the threads as well as itself. If a tab is damaged, down) onto pedal axle.
the washer is sure to rotate again. Replace washers 30. [ ] Thread on cone until it presses against bear-
with damaged tabs. ings, slip on lock washer (if any), and thread
20. [ ] Inspect keyed lock washers for damaged locknut down fully.
keys. Good? Bad? 31. [ ] Measure offset between end of pedal axle
and face of locknut and record: _______ mm.
Inspect the locknuts for damage, usually resulting
32. Compare measurement in step 7 to measure-
from being over-tightened, or from poor wrench fit ment in step 31 and check one of following
or use. Locknuts have to match the original thread choices.
and thickness. If the new nut is thicker, it may inter- [ ] If step 7 and step 31 are equal or differ-
fere with the dustcap. ent by less than .5mm, then balls are in cor-
21. [ ] Inspect locknuts for damaged threads, rect position and are correct size and quan-
cracks, warpage, and rounded off flats. tity.
Good? Bad? [ ] If step 31 is less than step 7, balls are
Inspect the dustcaps for looseness and damage. If out of position in cup(s), balls are too large,
they were loose (determined during removal), then or too many balls installed.
re-install them with Loctite 242. If they are bent, try [ ] If step 7 is less than step 31, balls are
to straighten them out. Bends in dustcaps are only too small.
critical if the dustcaps are deformed to the point that
the rub on the part of the axle that they overlap. PRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENT
22. [ ] Inspect dustcaps for looseness (done) and NOTE: If just adjusting pedal only, do steps 1–8.
damage. Good? Bad? 33. [ ] Position cone so that it gently contacts balls
then turn it counterclockwise 90°.
Preparationofpedal-body/bearing-cylinder FINAL ADJUSTMENT
forassembly Adjusting a pedal can be challenging. The first
challenge of adjusting a cone is that adjustment cali-
Put a light coating of grease in each bearing cup
brations like the ones used with other bearings can-
and put the balls into the grease. If unsure of the ball
not be used. This is made further challenging by the
quantity, fill the cups with balls without forcing any
fact that some cones need to be turned only a fraction
in. Cover the balls with a light coating of grease.
of the distance that a hub cone is turned, which is a
Some pedals have dustcaps pressed into the in-
small adjustment to start with. If that were not enough,
side end of the body. The most important thing
there is sometimes no access to the cone with a wrench
about dustcap installation is to make sure that they
while tightening the locknut. The tabbed washer be-
end up level rather than tipped. Tap the dustcap in
tween the cone and locknut must be relied on entirely
with a rubber or plastic mallet. Level the dustcap as
on to keep the cone from turning while securing the
well as possible at this point; when the pedal is com-
locknut. Since the washer almost always has some
pletely re-assembled, give it a spin and check
rotational free-play, this can become very frustrating.
whether the dustcaps wobble as they spin.
Unfortunately, there are no tricks. A lot of patience
Straighten them as necessary.
23. [ ] Lightly grease bearing cups.
and hand control is needed. If relying on the tabbed
24. [ ] Place correct quantity and size of ball bear- washer to maintain the cone position, then allow for
ings in each cup. rotation of the cone when setting its position.
25. [ ] Cover balls with a light coating of grease. 34. [ ] Hold cone stationary (if accessible) and
26. [ ] Press dustcap (if any) into inside end of tighten locknut to it to 60–70in-lbs
pedal body. (20–25lbs@3").
27. [ ] Grease seals, if any, and install on pedal 35. [ ] Jiggle the pedal-body/bearing-cylinder side-
body or pedal axle. to-side and check for obvious knocking. If
the adjustment is not adequately loose, go
Assemblebearings back to step 33 and start even looser.
28. [ ] Clamp threaded portion of pedal axle in vise, In the next step, hold the cone stationary while
using soft jaws to protect threads from steel breaking loose the locknut. If the cone and locknut
jaws of vise.
both turn counterclockwise simultaneously, the axle

14 – 7
will turn with them. This will cause the frame of ref- that on the inside face of the pedal body there is a
erence for the cone to be lost so there will be no idea octagonal locknut that fits a 25mm spanner (except
if a small or large adjustment has been made. Avoid Dura-Ace, which has an octagonal locknut with con-
this if possible by keeping the cone absolutely stationary cave faces). The Campagnolo pedals of this type are
while breaking loose the locknut. the TBS models including Record, SGR, and Croce
36. [ ] Holding cone absolutely stationary, loosen deAune. The distinguishing Campagnolo feature is an
locknut. octagonal fitting on the inside face of the pedal body
37. [ ] Adjust cone 10° tighter, hold cone abso- measuring 23mm across the flats.
lutely stationary and secure locknut to Shimano and Campagnolo both make pedals that
60–70in-lbs (20–25lbs@3").
have no dustcap on the outside end that are not the
The next step is to jiggle the pedal-body/
adjustable-cup type. The distinguishing feature in each
bearing-cylinder and feel if there is knocking that in-
case is that there is a single spanner fitting on the in-
dicates the adjustment is too loose, then reset the cone
side face of the pedal body that rotates with the pedal.
additional 10° clockwise. This adjustment needs to be NOTE: If only adjusting pedal bearings and not
very precise. If the mark is under- or over-shot, try overhauling them, skip to step 29.
again. The adjustment needs to repeated over and over
again until the knocking is eliminated.
38. [ ] Jiggle the pedal-body/bearing-cylinder side- PEDAL REMOVAL
to-side and check for knocking.
39. Check one of two following choices depending
on result of step 38. 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–6 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT,
[ ] No knocking is felt, adjustment is done. AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-3).
[ ] Knocking is felt, repeat steps 36–39. 2 . [ ] Spin pedal axle and observe whether there is
40. [ ] Install dustcap or insert pedal-axle assembly any oscillation in the end of the pedal axle,
into pedal body. indicating that it is bent.


41. [ ] Do steps 14–23 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACE- 3 . [ ] Clamp pedal body in vise, using soft jaws to
MENT, AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-4). protect pedal from steel jaws of vise.
4 . [ ] Use depth gauge of caliper to measure off-
set from face of locknut to face of adjust-
able cup and record here: __________ mm.
ADJUSTABLE-CUP PEDALS 5 . [ ] Use 15mm or 17mm cone wrench to hold
adjustable cup stationary while using special
spanner to turn locknut counterclockwise to
PEDALS THAT break it loose.
6 . [ ] Thread locknut off of adjustable cup.
THIS SECTION COVERS 7 . [ ] Thread adjustable cup counterclockwise un-
Non-cartridge-bearing pedals that do not have an til it is out of pedal body, but do not lift axle
assembly out of pedal body.
adjustable cone have an adjustable cup. This adjust-
8 . [ ] Lift adjustable-cup/pedal-axle assembly out
able cup is located at the inside face of the pedal body. of pedal body by pulling up on pedal axle
This type of pedal never has a dustcap on the outside and carefully lay assembly down on rag to
end of the pedal body and always has two fittings on collect any loose bearings that may drop out
the inside face of the pedal body where spanners can of the cup.
attach. These two fittings rotate with the pedal, and 9 . [ ] Dura-Ace models only, examine pedal shaft
should not be confused with a third fitting on the pedal and inside pedal body for caged cylindrical
axle that the pedal-mounting wrench mates to. roller bearing and remove.
Shimano and Campagnolo make pedals that have 10. [ ] Dura-Ace models only, use snap-ring plier to
adjustable cups. Specific Shimano models include: remove external snap-ring from pedal axle.
11. [ ] Remove loose balls from adjustable cup and
Dura-Ace models PD-7400 and PD 7401; 105 model
record quantity and size here:
PD-1051; and Exage models PD-A450 and A550. The Inside-end-bearing quantity: __________
distinguishing characteristic of these above-listed Inside-end-bearing size: __________ mm.
Shimano models and any unlisted Shimano models is

14 – 8
12. [ ] Remove outside-end ball bearings from a glass counter top. Look under the axle as it rolls for
depth of pedal body and record quantity and a humping up and down that indicates it is bent. Bent
size here: axles are axles in the process of breaking, and should
Outside-end-bearing quantity: __________ be replaced.
Outside-end-bearing size: __________ mm. 18. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad?
13. [ ] Clean all parts, including pedal body.
Inspect the locknuts for damage, usually resulting
from being over-tightened, or from poor wrench fit
INSPECTION or use. Locknuts have to match the original thread
One bearing cup is supposed to be permanently and thickness. If the new one is thicker, it may inter-
pressed into the pedal body at the deep end of the fere with the dustcap.
hole in the pedal body. The bearing cup’s inaccessible 19. [ ] Inspect locknuts for damaged threads,
location makes it virtually un-inspectable for loose- cracks, warpage, and rounded off flats.
Good? Bad?
ness, unless it is so loose that it falls out.
14. [ ] Inspect pressed-in cup for looseness. See if
it falls out. Good? Bad? ASSEMBLY
By design, bearing cups wear out long after the
cones have worn out. This is good because they can- Preparationofpedal-bodycup
not be replaced, and a new pedal or axle assembly is andadjustablecupforassembly
needed. Check for cup wear by looking in the cups Put a light coating of grease in each bearing cup
for a wear line left by the balls. The cup fixed in the and put the balls into the grease. If unsure of the ball
pedal body can only be inspected visually. The adjust- quantity, fill the cups with balls without forcing any
able cup can be inspected normally; trace the wear in. Cover the balls with a light coating of grease. The
line in the cup with the tip of a ball point pen. If it balls can be difficult to position down in the pedal
snags on anything, the cup is shot. body. The pedal axle can be used to seat the balls cor-
15. [ ] Visually inspect fixed cup inside pedal body, rectly before covering them with grease.
and trace ball path in adjustable cup with a 20. [ ] Lightly grease cups and slide adjustable cup
ball point pen to check for pits. Good? Bad? onto pedal axle.
If the cups are worn out, the cones are virtually 21. [ ] Fill cups with appropriate size and quantity
certain to be. If not, be sure to check the cones care- of ball bearings, then coat with grease.
fully so that a worn-out one will not damage a cup, 22. [ ] If Campagnolo pedal with roller bearing
leading to pedal replacement. One cone is at the outer pressed inside pedal body, coat roller bear-
end of the pedal axle. The other cone is built into the ings with grease.
pedal axle towards the inner end and is only replace- Preparationofaxleassembly
able if the pedal axle is replaceable. Cones wear out forinstallationintopedal
by developing pits (galling). Find the shiny wear line Depending on the brand and model of pedal, some
left by the balls on the conical portion of the cone. or all of the following steps will need to be done.
Trace this wear line with the tip of a ball point pen to 23. [ ] Lightly grease adjustable-cup threads.
check for pits. 24. [ ] Install locknut onto adjustable cup (unless
16. [ ] Trace ball path on cones with a ball point not removed) and position at end of cup
pen to check for pits. Good? Bad? with spanner fitting.
Campagnolo and Dura-Ace models have a cylin- 25. [ ] Shimano Dura-Ace pedals, install adjustable-
drical bearing surface on the pedal axle between the cup retainer snap-ring in slot in pedal axle.
inner and outer cone. If this bearing surface is worn, 26. [ ] Shimano Dura-Ace pedals, slip roller bearing
it will appear scored. In this case, the pedal axle needs cage onto end of pedal axle.
to be replaced. Installationofpedal-axleassembly
17. [ ] Campagnolo and Dura-Ace only, inspect cy-
lindrical bearing surface on pedal axle. intopedalbody
Good? Bad? 27. [ ] Put pedal body in vise, open-end of bearing
Next, inspect the axle for bends. It was already hole facing up.
28. [ ] Maintaining upward pressure on pedal axle
inspected in step #2, but this is another way of look-
(to keep balls trapped in adjustable cup), in-
ing at the axle and is worth doing. Roll the axle on a sert pedal-axle assembly in pedal body and
flat smooth surface such as a Formica counter top or thread adjustable cup fully into pedal.

14 – 9

BEARING ADJUSTMENT In the last step, either knocking in the bearings

was felt, or it was not. If knocking is felt, then the
This bearing system adjusts like a bottom bracket.
adjustment is too loose. When knocking is not felt,
Tightening the locknut that is threaded onto the cup
it does not mean that the adjustment is correct. Step
actually draws the cup sllightly out of the pedal body.
#29 is designed to create an initial adjustment that
When a cup is set right up against the bearings so
has knocking. If knocking is not felt, the adjustment
that rotating the axle might feel a little tight, the act
could easily be too tight. For this reason, the “If no
of securing the locknut loosens the adjustment, even
knocking is felt” option in step #35 suggests redoing
if the cup does not turn. There is no point to feeling
step #29 (setting the adjustable cup slightly more
the axle to check the adjustment except when the
locknut is secure.
35. [ ] If no knocking is felt: Redo step 29 with ad-
29. [ ] With locknut loose, adjust cup until it is gen-
justable cup left in a slightly more counter-
tly pressing against bearings.
clockwise position.
30. [ ] With felt-tip pen, put matching marks on ad-
If knocking is felt: Loosen locknut and posi-
justable-cup face and pedal body.
tion adjustable cup 10° (1–2mm) further
31. [ ] Use spanner to hold adjustable cup station-
clockwise, remark, then secure adjustment.
ary and secure locknut.
36. [ ] Repeat step 35 repeatedly until knock is not
32. [ ] Use depth gauge of caliper to measure off-
set from face of locknut to face of adjust-
37. [ ] Do steps 14–23 of PEDAL REMOVAL, REPLACE-
able cup.
MENT, AND INSTALLATION procedure (page 24-4).
33. Compare measurement in step 4 to measure-
ment in step 32 and check one of following
[ ] If step 4 and step 32 are equal or differ-
ent by <.5mm, then balls are in correct po-
sition and are correct size and quantity.
[ ] If step 32 is less than step 4, balls are
out of position in cup(s), balls are too large,
or too many balls installed.
[ ] If step 4 is less than step 32, balls are
too small.
34. [ ] Jerk on end of pedal axle to check for

14 – 10

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The axle feels tight or rough when play is first eliminated.
Last adjustment was too many degrees. Try to find an in-between adjustment.
Mis-installed dustcap rubbing on axle. Observe whether dustcap turns true as the pedal
turns and reset if needed.
Bent axle causing a portion of the axle set to rub Inspect for bent axle and replace.
Dry grease. Disassemble, inspect, overhaul.
Cones and/or cups galled. Disassemble, inspect, replace parts.
Seal mechanism drag. Check that seal mechanisms are not incorrectly
positioned and/or lubricate seals.
Wrong size balls. Disassemble, measure balls.
SYMPTOM: Play cannot be eliminated without severely over-tightening the adjustment.
Cups and/or cones galled. Disassemble, inspect and replace.
Loose cups in pedal body. Disassemble, inspect and repair with appropriate
SYMPTOM: Properly adjusted bearings feel sluggish but not rough when rotating the axle.
Seal mechanism drag. Grease seal mechanisms.
Dry grease. Disassemble, inspect, overhaul.
Plastic dustcap rubbing. Align dustcap.
SYMPTOM: When adjusting or inspecting the pedal, an erratic looseness or tightness is detected
that comes and goes and changes location.
Too many balls in the cup(s), or a ball has Disassemble and check ball quantity and for out-of-
dropped into the pedal-body core. place ball(s).
SYMPTOM: When rotating the axle, a pattern is detected of a consistent tight spot and a consistent
loose spot.
Bent axle. Inspect for bent axle and replace.
Low-precision parts. None.
SYMPTOM: When inspecting the cone, a wear pattern is detected that is high on the cone profile on
one-half of the cone and is low on the cone profile 180° away.
Bent or broken axle. Inspect and replace.
SYMPTOM: When riding the bike, a clicking sound is heard from a pedal, but the axle feels normal
when inspected.
Loose parts in the pedal body Tighten cage bolts or other pedal-body hardware.
Loose or worn shoe cleat Inspect and secure or replace cleat.
SYMPTOM: When inspecting the cone, the wear pattern is very high or very low on the cone profile.
Wear life has probably been very short.
Wrong size balls. Measure balls.

14 – 11

14 – 12

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Bearing cartridge: A fully self-contained bearing

unit that cannot be disassembled. A bearing cartridge
This chapter is about cartridge-bearing hubs. These
includes ball bearings and an inner and outer race. The
hubs are often called sealed-bearing hubs, but both
bearings are usually hidden behind seals. The entire
adjustable-cone hubs and cartridge-bearing hubs can
assembly is shaped like a short cylinder with a hole
have sealed bearings. The design of cartridge-bearing
through the center.
hubs varies tremendously, with almost every manu-
Inner race: The cylinder at the inner perimeter of
facturer designing hubs in a different way. About the
a bearing cartridge.
only factor all cartridge-bearing hub manufacturers
Outer race: The cylinder at the outer perimeter
have in common is that they all use a cartridge bear-
of a bearing cartridge.
ing that is pressed into the hub shell. Hadley and
Locknut: A nut that threads onto an axle and
Conrad are names that are sometimes used for the car-
against another locknut or the bearing cartridge to
tridge bearing. Cartridge-bearing hubs include front
lock the position of the bearing cartridge relative to
hubs, rear hubs that accept a thread-on freewheel, and
the axle.
freehubs (rear hubs that have the freewheel mecha-
Sleeve nut: A locknut that threads onto an axle
nism integrated into the hub).
and inserts into the bearing cartridge to lock the posi-
There is no way all brands and models can be cov-
tion of the bearing cartridge relative to the axle.
ered in this chapter, so several common or representa-
Dustcap: A piece that threads or presses onto the
tive types have been selected. The first hub covered
outer end of the hub shell to cover the hole through
here is a SunTour type with a threaded axle, much like
which the bearings are accessed.
an adjustable-cone hub. This type of cartridge-bearing
Circlip: A metal ring that fits in a groove on the
hub is sold under the SunTour name and under the
outside or inside or a cylinder to trap the location of
names Matrix, Sanshin, Specialized, and Performance.
another item, on or in, the cylinder. Its shape must be
Cane Creek hubs are similar to the SunTour type. The
deflected to get a circlip out of its mounting groove.
second type of cartridge-bearing hub has an unthreaded
Sometimes called a snap-ring.
axle. Nuke Proof is an example of this type of hub. It
is similar (but not identical) to hubs made by Ameri-
can Classic, Bullseye, and Cook Bros. The third type PREREQUISITES
is the Hügi hub, which is a unique design, but com-
mon enough to merit covering it. The fourth hub is a Wheel removal and installation
Before overhauling or adjusting a hub, the wheel
Ringlè hub, which is also unique. The fifth type is a
must be removed from the bike. See the WHEEL REMOVAL,
Phil Wood FSA model. The next hub is a White In-
dustries TI Cassette Hub, and finally the Chris King
if unsure about wheel removal and installation.
hub. There is also a section on special tools required
for these hubs. Freewheel removal and installation
To overhaul or adjust a rear hub with a thread-
on freewheel, it is necessary to remove the free-


ON FREEWHEELS chapter (page 25-9) for freewheel
removal. If not yet be acquainted with chapter 25,
TERMINOLOGY it may be unclear whether the hub has a thread-on
freewheel or is a freehub. If the hub is a SunTour
Hub shell: The main structure of the hub. The
brand freehub, the hub core will appear unusually
hub shell includes the housing for the bearings, which
fat. If unsure, or if a mistake identifying whether
contains a hub core and two hub flanges.
the hub is a freehub is made, it will not be a big
Axle: The shaft that goes through the hub, about
problem. If unsure or mistaken in identifying
which the hub turns.

13 – 1
whether the rear hub is a freehub, it will not be a Symptoms indicating need of overhaul
big problem. If the rear hub is actually a freehub, What symptom would lead to the feeling that the
then when attempting freewheel removal no notches hub(s) should be overhauled? One is that when turn-
or splined hole in the face of the freewheel will be ing the axle it does not turn smoothly. Since there are
found to engage the freewheel remover. This chapter no adjustments on most cartridge-bearing hubs, the
is also needed to perform an optional freehub-body tightness is unlikely to be caused by a poor adjust-
removal and installation on a freehub. ment. The lack of smoothness could be caused by dry
grease, contaminated grease, or worn parts. Another
INDICATIONS is that when removing the wheel and rotating the axle,
the end of the axle oscillates, indicating a bent axle
There are several reasons to overhaul the hub(s), and
several reasons to adjust them. An overhaul should be (which should always be replaced). Yet another symp-
done as part of a regular maintenance cycle, the dura- tom is a squealing or clicking sound coming from the
tion of which will change depending on the type of hub that indicates a bearing is loose in its mount. Fi-
riding, the amount of riding, and the type of equip- nally, the hub may have a broken axle, which may not
ment. Adjustments should be done on the basis of need. be obvious until the quick-release skewer is removed,
and then the axle falls out in two pieces.
Maintenance cycles Symptoms indicating need of adjustment
If starting out with hub(s) known to be in good
condition with good quality grease, they should be Technically, cartridge bearings cannot be “ad-
justed.” This is because, unlike an adjustable-cone hub
able to be ridden thousands of miles without needing
which has a cup facing out toward the end of the axle
an overhaul. If the equipment sees little wet-weather
and a cone facing in toward the middle of the axle, a
riding, then an appropriate maintenance cycle would
cartridge bearing has an inner race facing out from the
be 2000–3000 miles in most cases. This short cycle may
axis of the axle and an outer race facing in toward the
be surprising. It is commonly thought that cartridge-
axis of the axle. On an adjustable-cone hub, the bear-
bearing hubs are maintenance-free because they are
ing is adjusted by moving the cone on the axle so that
“sealed.” The seals in these hubs are effective for keep-
it becomes closer to or further from the cup. In a car-
ing dirt out, and increase the longevity of the grease
tridge-bearing hub, moving the inner race closer or
by minimizing exposure to air that dries out grease.
further from the outer race could only be accomplished
The seals are no guarantee that water will not get in
by expanding or shrinking the race, which is impos-
the bearings, and they do not prevent internal wear
sible since it is hardened steel. On the other hand it is
from contaminating the grease with microscopic abra- possible to mis-adjust a cartridge bearing on a threaded
sive particles of metal. If a lot of wet-condition riding axle. If the hardware on the axle just outside of the
is done, then the maintenance cycle might need to be inner race is threaded onto the axle too far, it will dis-
as often as every 750–1000 miles. Parts rust whether place the inner race from the correct orientation with
being ridden or not, so another factor is how long the the outer race, causing the ball bearings to bind be-
bike may be sitting before it will be used again. For tween them. This happens because the balls ride in
example, if ridden 200 miles in the rain in the fall, shallow troughs in each race. When the troughs do
then put away four months for the winter, it would not line up with each other, the effective width of the
probably be a good idea to overhaul the hub(s) before channel they create together becomes narrower than
putting the bike away for the winter. the ball bearings.
Another factor affecting the maintenance cycle is
whether there is grease injection. Grease-injection sys-
Outer race
tems do not eliminate the need for overhaul. They only
increase the acceptable time between overhauls; further- Inner race
more, they are only as good as the customer is consis- Side-load on inner race
tent and thorough about pumping in new grease. At
best, they can lengthen the acceptable time between
overhauls. With grease-injection systems, the best policy
is to initially overhaul the hub(s) on a normal length
maintenance cycle, and if the grease is found to be in 13.1 The side-load on the inner race of the right bearing cartridge
good condition, then extend the cycle the next time. causes contact to occur between the races and the ball bearings at
inappropriate points (contact points indicated by arrows).

13 – 2
The symptom created when the hardware is too the grinder, because the height of the wrench flats on
tight against the inner race is that of a tight bearing. In the Dropout Saver is less than the thickness of any
the case that the axle is quick release (usually), the cone wrench.
symptom may go away when the wheel is removed
from the bike because of the nature of quick-release
axles to expand when the load of the quick-release
skewer is released. Therefore, a hub that is apparently The following table covers tools for SunTour-type
fine when checked out of the bike could be over-tight cartridge-bearing hub(s) only.
in the bike (when there is no way to check it). Mavic
hubs are an exception to this because they are designed SUNTOUR HUB TOOLS (table 13-1)
to be adjusted while the wheel is mounted in the bike. Tool Fits and considerations
For this reason, adjusting the hub(s) is recom- SunTour TA-340 Removes and installs bearing
mended for any new bike. On threaded-axle cartridge- cartridges, no longer sold.
bearing hubs, the only way to know that the hard- CalVan 28 Removes bearing cartridges
ware is not too tight is to adjust it. Most retail outlets only.
assume the factory has done its job correctly, and don’t
check the adjustment. Factory adjustments are not very
reliable. Hubs may be completely worn out after as
little as 1000 miles of use, due to poor factory setup. TIME AND DIFFICULTY RATING
Overhauling the hub, including freewheel removal
and bearing replacement, is a 15–20 minute job of little
ABOUT THE REST difficulty. Adjusting the hub alone (including freewheel
OF THIS CHAPTER removal) is a 5–10 minute job of little difficulty.
From here on, this chapter is divided into nine sec-
tions. The sections are for servicing the SunTour type
hubs, the Nuke Proof type hubs, Hügi hubs, Ringlè
hubs, Phil Wood FSA hubs, White Industries hubs, and Difficult bearing removal
Chris King hubs. The final section is about tools for If using the SunTour TA-340 removal tool, the tool
servicing cartridge-bearing hubs. Remember, the sometimes pops out of the bearing before the bearing
SunTour steps apply almost verbatim to certain Matrix, removes from the hub shell. This may happen because
Specialized, Sanshin, and Performance hubs. The Nuke the tool being used to drive against the TA-340 is the
Proof steps apply loosely to American Classic, Bullseye, wrong shape, or because the TA-340 has been distorted.
and Cook Bros. The remaining sections are completely The driving tool needs to be close in diameter to the
specific to the hub each is written about. hole in the middle of the bearing and should be com-
pletely flat on the ends. An old 10mm quick-release
axle is adequate, but an 11mm round shaft with a flat
end is better. See figure 13.10 (page 13-7).
SUNTOUR HUBS Once the TA-340 removal tool is forced through

AND SIMILAR HUBS the hole in the middle of the bearing, it becomes dis-
torted and is more likely to push through again. Bend
As of the summer of 1995, the SunTour company the tool so that the two ends are even and parallel.
has quit doing business in the U.S. This situation pre-
sents some potential service limitations. Fortunately,
Difficult bearing installation
Bearings are usually not difficult to install in this
axles for SunTour hubs are not unique, and neither
type of hub unless they become misaligned during
are the cartridge bearings. The sleeve nuts are the only
installation. If the bearing, installation washer, and
unique part in this type of hub, and these are unlikely
sleeve nut are assembled as a unit and kept together,
to wear out. Wheels Manufacturing of Boulder, Colo-
this will not be a problem. Make sure that the bear-
rado, makes an item called the Dropout Saver DS-1
ing and installation washer are both on the sleeve of
(used for replacing threads in a derailleur hanger) that
the sleeve nut before beginning installation. See fig-
is an adequate substitute. To use the Dropout Saver, a
ure 13.11 (page 13-9).
cone wrench would needed to be thinned down on

13 – 3

Mysterious squeals, clicks, and pops

Mysterious noises of these types usually occur only
while riding the bike. They are caused by the bearing Dropout
moving inside the hub shell, or by motion between the
sleeve nut and the inner race of the bearing. The bear- Protruding axle
ing cartridge is supposed to be a press fit to both the (unacceptable)
shell and the sleeve nut, so Loctite 222 or 242 should be
used when these noises occur and there is evidence that
the bearing is a loose fit inside or outside.
Lack of correct tools
The SunTour TA-340 tool set is no longer distrib-
uted by SunTour. For bearing removal, the CalVan 28 13.2 It is unacceptable for the quick-release axle to protrude be-
yond the face of the dropout.
(United Bicycle Tool) is a good substitute. The SunTour
tool set also comes with special washers for pressing in 3. [ ] Observe wheel in bike and determine whether
the bearings. These washers have a lip at the outer QR axles protrude beyond dropout faces.
perimeter that presses against the outer race of the 4. [ ] If QR axles protrude, measure dropout thick-
bearing without pressing on the inner perimeter. They ness. This is maximum allowable axle protru-
also are slightly smaller in diameter so that they could sion. Maximum axle protrusion (dropout
drive the bearing inside the hub shell without getting thickness) is: _________mm.
stuck themselves. The best substitute for these wash- 5. [ ] Rotate axle and check for oscillation at ends
that indicates bends.
ers is a pair of used bearings. Use a small grinding stone
6. [ ] Rotate axle and feel for severe grittiness that
on a rotary or Dremel tool to recess the lip of the in- indicates worn out parts or over-tight adjust-
ner race of the old bearings by a small amount. Spin ment.
the outside of the old bearings against a grinding wheel 7. [ ] Remove freewheel (if any, for overhaul or ad-
for a moment to reduce their O.D. justment) or freehub cogs (for overhaul only,
not adjustment).

HUB-AXLE THREADS In the next step, the correct axle protrusion will
be determined (the distance the end of the axle pro-
Axle threads for these hubs (regardless of brand trudes beyond the face of the locknut that is found
and whether the axle is solid or quick release) are 9mm just inboard of the dropout). In most cases, the axle
× 1mm for the front hub and 10mm × 1mm for the protrusion should be equal on both sides. One rare
rear hub. These diameters are nominal, the 9mm axle exception is when one dropout is thicker than the other
measures between 8.7–8.9mm and the 10mm axle mea- (in which case the axle protrusions should differ by
sures between 9.7–9.9mm. The inside diameter of the the amount that the dropout thicknesses differ). Cer-
nuts that fit on the 9mm axle will range from 7.8–8.1mm tain inexpensive bikes have a plate of metal that the
and the inside diameter of the nuts that fit on the 10mm derailleur attaches to, which bolts onto the outer face
axle will range from 8.8–9.1mm. of the right-rear dropout. This is called a bolt-on de-
NOTE: If just adjusting hub and not overhauling it,
railleur hanger. The bolt-on derailleur hanger is part
do steps 1–7, then skip to heading FINAL
SETTING just after step 66 (page 13-9). of the dropout, so in this case consider the right drop-
out to be thicker than the left dropout by the thick-
ness of the bolt-on hanger.
COMPONENT REMOVAL AND In the next steps, measure the two axle protrusions
PRE-DISASSEMBLY INSPECTION and average them to determine the correct axle protru-
sion. If there is a right-rear dropout that is thicker, add
1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike and skewer (if any)
from hub. half the difference in thickness to the average axle pro-
2. [ ] Place wheel back in dropouts. trusion for the correct right-side protrusion, and sub-
tract half the thickness difference from the average axle
protrusion for the correct left-side protrusion.

13 – 4
When measuring the axle protrusion, use the depth cogs sit from the dropout. This distance must be main-
gauge of a caliper and measure from the high point on tained when overhauling the hub or the rear derailleur
the face of the locknut to the end of the axle. Some might need adjustment or the freewheel may not even
axles have a recess in their face. Do not measure down have enough room to be re-installed. The measurement
into any recess. will not be needed unless replacing right-side parts with
non-identical parts, or if left-side and right-side parts
Caliper Depth gauge
get mixed up.
(cutaway) A B


13.3 Measuring the axle protrusion.

Determine correct axle protrusion:

8. [ ] Right-side axle protrusion: ______mm
9. [ ] Left-side axle protrusion: +______mm
10. [ ] Total axle protrusion is: =______mm
11. [ ] AVG. AXLE PROTRUSION IS: =______mm 13.5 Measure freewheel space by adding these two measurements
Measure over-locknut width
In the next step, measure the overall width from NOTE: Skip to step 16.
the left locknut to the right locknut. This measure- Thread-on-freewheel rear hubs only,
ment is needed if replacing any parts on the hub with
non-exact replacements. If some sort of substitute part
measure and calculate freewheel space
13. [ ] Freewheel shoulder to
that is not the same effective width as the original is end-of-shell: _________mm
used, it could affect the fit of the wheel to the frame or 14. [ ] End-of-shell to
fork. By knowing how much the final width differs locknut face: +_________mm
from the original width, it will be known how many 15. [ ] FREEWHEEL SPACE: =_________mm
washers to add or subtract on the side of the hub where NOTE: Skip to step 17.
the substitute part was installed. 16. [ ] For freehubs, measure from end of free-
wheel-mechanism body (where cogs came
Over-locknut width off) to locknut face.
FREEHUB SPACE IS: __________mm

13.4 Measuring the over-locknut width.

12. [ ] Measure over-locknut width.

NOTE: Front hubs skip to step 17.
Step #13 through #16 apply to rear hubs only. The
purpose of these steps is to get a measurement that
corresponds to the distance the freewheel or freehub

13 – 5
Hold stationary
with cone wrench

Sleeve nut
Shield (dustcap)
Cartridge bearing

Hozan axle vixe

(secured in bench vise)

13.7 With the hub secured in a Hozan axle-vise, use a cone wrench
to hold the inner nut while breaking loose the locknut.

17. [ ] Clamp right end of QR axle in axle-vise, or

right end of solid axle in soft jaws.
18. [ ] Hold left inner nut stationary with cone
Cartridge bearing wrench while breaking loose left locknut
Shield (dustcap) with adjustable wrench. (Use cone wrench
only if locknut is round.)
Sleeve nut There are few standards about the number and
sequences of parts on the end of the axle. Further-
more, keeping left-side and right-side axle parts sepa-
rate is critical on rear hubs (front hubs usually have
13.6 A SunTour cartridge-bearing hub. symmetrical parts). For this reason, transfer parts di-
rectly from the axle to a bundling tie (wire or plastic
bread-bag ties work) one at a time. Some parts, par-
DISASSEMBLY ticularly outer locknuts, have a certain way they need
Disassembling the first end of the axle is a lot easier to face, so it is just as important to maintain the spe-
if the axle is not free to turn. The ideal way to do this cific orientation of each part as it comes off the axle as
is to have the end of the axle that is not being disas- it is to maintain the order.
sembled held in a bench vise. When securing the axle
in a vise, it is easy to damage either the axle or the
locknut. If the axle is a not-quick-release type, there is
enough axle to grasp securely with the axle directly in
“soft jaws.” Soft jaws are inserts made of aluminum,
copper, plastic, or wood that cover the face of the vise
jaws. All of these materials are softer than the axle
threads so the axle threads will not be damaged. Quick- 13.8 Transfer the parts one-by-one from the end of the axle to a
release axles do not protrude far enough to get a good bundling tie to maintain the correct order and orientation.
grip with soft jaws, which might lead to clamping the
vise tighter, which could crush the hollow quick-re- 19. [ ] Thread left-end parts off axle and onto bun-
dling tie while maintaining order and orienta-
lease axle. For this reason, a special axle-vise is required
tion. If hub rises up as inner nut is turned
for use with quick-release axles. Grasping the axle by (called a sleeve nut because of sleeve that
the locknut can lead to damage of the locknut. extends inside bearing), push down firmly on
wheel to get it free of sleeve nut.

13 – 6
20. [ ] Lift hub off axle. It may require a bit of a jerk If just wanting to clean and regrease the bearings,
to get it to release from lower sleeve nut. they should be left in the hub. Removing the seals is a
Steps #21 through #24 remove the right-side axle little tricky, but it can be done. The seal looks like
parts. This enables checking for a bent axle, damaged black rubber, but actually it is a flat metal ring pressed
threads, and to reset the right-side axle protrusion if into the outer race and coated with rubber. At its in-
necessary. The tendency is to skip these steps but some ner perimeter, there is a rubber lip that a small screw-
important problems could be missed, especially if this driver or seal pick can pass by and catch under the
is the first time overhauling this hub. metal ring in order to lift it out. The metal ring is
In these steps, put the right-side parts onto two easily bent, so pry gently and try prying at several
bundling ties. This will enable keeping track of the points right next to each other if the seal does not lift
left-side (first off, single tie) and right-side (second off, right out. If it is only bent a little bit, it can be flat-
two ties) parts. tened and reused.
21. [ ] Reverse axle in axle-vise or soft jaws.
22. [ ] Hold sleeve nut (or lower locknut of double-
locknut hub) stationary with cone wrench
while breaking loose locknut with adjustable
wrench. (Use cone wrench if locknut is
23. [ ] If double-locknut hub: hold sleeve nut sta-
tionary while breaking loose lower locknut.
24. [ ] Thread right-end parts off axle and onto two
ties, while maintaining order and orientation. 13.9 Removing the seal from the bearing.
Some models of this hub may have a metal dustcap
between the sleeve nut and the bearing. The dustcaps 27. [ ] Gently insert tip of a 1/8" slotted screw-
are symmetrical on front hubs, but rear hubs usually driver or seal pick under soft lip at inner pe-
have different dustcaps on the right and left sides. If rimeter of black rubber seal on face of bear-
ing and lift out seal.
there is confusion as to which dustcap goes on which
28. [ ] Clean grease out of bearing area with sol-
side, the right one is usually less “attractive” then the vent and a toothbrush and dry thoroughly.
left one. The left one may have a brand name on it, 29. [ ] Pack bearings with grease and press seals
and will have a shiny polished finish. back in.
25. [ ] Remove metal dustcaps, if any, from bear- 30. [ ] Skip to heading INSPECTION.
ings and attach to appropriate bundles.
Next, either remove the bearing seals in order to Removing bearing cartridges
clean and regrease the inside of the bearing cartridges, 31. [ ] Insert removal-tool portion of SunTour TA-340
tool set into either of bearings so that lips
or remove the bearing cartridges in order to replace
catch behind bearing.
them. The act of removing the cartridges involves im-
pacts that can destroy the bearing. Never attempt car- 11mm blunt drift, TA-340
tridge-bearing removal unless planning to replace the or blunt-end axle
bearings and it is known where to get replacements.
There are numbers on the seal that indicate the bear-
ing type to help find replacements, if needed. On most
models the number is 6001.
26. [ ] Rotate inner races to inspect their condition
and decide whether to attempt cleaning and
Apply impact here
regreasing or full replacement of cartridges.
13.10 Driving out the bearing cartridge.
Regreasing bearing cartridges
NOTE: If replacing, skip to step 31.
32. [ ] Insert axle from opposite side of hub against
If, when rotating the inner race of the bearings, inward end of removal tool and tap on axle
they feel rough or sluggish, they may need cleaning with a ball peen hammer to drive tool and
and regreasing, or replacement may be required. If they bearing out of hub.
don’t feel good after cleaning and regreasing they will 33. [ ] Look for a spacing washer (only some mod-
need to be replaced. els) in hub shell that was behind the bearing
and attach it to appropriate parts bundle.

13 – 7
34. [ ] Repeat steps 31–33 for second side. 41. [ ] Inspect axle for damaged threads.
The next step only applies to rear freehubs, and Good? Bad?
is optional. The hub can be cleaned with the freehub 42. [ ] Inspect locknuts for damaged threads,
body still attached. It makes for extra work when cracks, warpage, and rounded off flats.
drying after cleaning. Techniques for freehub-body Good? Bad?
removal are not covered here, as they are optional
and are covered as part of the FREEHUB MECHANISMS ASSEMBLY
AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELSchapter (page 25-18). If installing a new axle, the length does not have
35. [ ] Only if working on rear freehub, remove free- to match exactly. For quick-release axles, the minimum
hub body (optional).
axle protrusion per side should be no less than one-
36. [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of hub shell.
half the dropout thickness, and the maximum should
be no more than the dropout thickness. For non-quick-
INSPECTION release axles, the minimum length should be no less
Hub-shell damage with regard to the bearings is than the sum of the dropout thickness, plus the thick-
rare. Primarily this will occur if the original toler- ness of the washers under the axle nuts, plus the thick-
ances were poor and the bearing cartridge was a loose ness of the axle nuts.
fit in the hub shell. Loose bearing cartridges would NOTE: If not replacing axle with a new one of dif-
have been noticed during bearing removal, or before ferent length skip to step 46.
even attempting removal. The hub shell is now over- Calculate new axle protrusion
sized, but the problem can be solved by reinstalling 43. [ ] Measure difference between axle lengths.
the bearing cartridge with Loctite 242. Difference is: ______mm
37. [ ] If bearing cartridges have been regreased, Divide by two: ÷2
turn inner race to feel for any roughness. If 1/2 difference is: =______mm
they are rough they should be replaced. Re- 44. [ ] Repeat original average axle
turn to step 31. protrusion here (from step 11): ______mm
38. [ ] Inspect fit of bearing cartridges to hub shell. 45. [ ] If new axle is shorter, subtract (or if longer,
Good (tight)? Bad (loose)? add) the difference from/to old protrusion.
The sleeve nuts are supposed to be a mild press fit NEW AVG. PROTRUSION IS: =______mm
inside the bearing cartridges. If they slip in and out 46. [ ] Replace bad parts on bundles with good parts.
effortlessly, or if the outside of the sleeve on the sleeve Freehub-body installation
nut has a polished appearance, the fit is bad. It can be If the freehub body was removed in step #35, it is
corrected by using Loctite 242 between the sleeve nut time to install it. Be sure it is dry and oiled inside.
and the bearing. Techniques for cleaning, drying, oiling, and installa-
39. [ ] Inspect sleeve nuts for looseness in bearing
tion are all covered in the FREEHUB MECHANISMS AND
cartridges. Good? Bad?
THREAD-ON FREEWHEELSchapter (page 25-??).
Next, inspect the axle for bends. Roll the axle
47. [ ] Install freehub body if it was removed in
on a flat smooth surface such as a Formica counter step 35.
top or a glass counter. Look under the axle as it rolls NOTE: Hubs with bearing cartridges already in-
for a humping up and down that indicates the axle stalled skip to step 56.
is bent. A bent axle is an axle in the process of break-
ing, and should be replaced. A bent axle can be Installation of the cartridge bearings
caused by misaligned dropouts, so check the drop- Bearing cartridges sometimes have the same seal
outs. Axles can also bend from severe impact to the on both faces, and sometimes the seals are different.
wheel or high pedaling loads. In general, the black rubber seal should face out when
40. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad? the bearing cartridge is installed. In the next step, the
Threads can be damaged on the axle from getting sleeve nuts, axle, and the black washers from the TA-
nicked, or from excess torque on a locknut, which re- 340 tool set combine to form a bearing-cartridge in-
sults in stripped threads. If the threads are nicked from stallation tool. If used properly, the set-up guarantees
impact, they can be repaired with the thread file. that cartridges go in straight and do not bind. The key
Threads stripped from an over-tightened locknut can- to this is having the sleeve nut inside the bearing car-
not be repaired. Replace the axle. tridge during installation.

13 – 8
48. [ ] Secure vise on flats of sleeve nut, with 62. [ ] Loosen axle-vise (or vise) slightly, so that
sleeve pointing up. axle is free to turn.
49. [ ] Thread axle into sleeve nut. 63. [ ] Hold sleeve nut with cone wrench and
50. [ ] Slip TA-340 washer and then bearing car- torque locknut to 120–180in-lbs
tridge over sleeve. Install bearing-spacer (30–45lbs@4").
washer (if any) on top of bearing. It may be
necessary to use a little force to get bearing Install axle in hub
cartridge onto sleeve nut. 64. [ ] Turn axle over.
65. [ ] Drop hub (right-side down) onto axle assem-
Sleeve nut 66. [ ] Transfer left-side parts bundle to axle. It may
TA-340 installation washer be necessary to press hub down onto lower
sleeve nut to have enough room to install
Cartridge bearing left-side parts.

13.11 Assemble the TA-340 installation washer and the bearing

cartridge to the sleeve nut. FINAL SETTING
The final setting is different if the hub has a quick-
51. [ ] Place hub on axle, resting on bearing. release axle, than it is if the hub has a solid axle (wheel
52. [ ] Install other bearing-spacer washer (if any)
held on by axle nuts). The reason for this difference is
into hub shell.
that the force of closing down a quick-release lever
53. [ ] Slip other TA-340 washer and then other
bearing cartridge over other sleeve nut. It compresses the axle, making any out-of-the-bike ad-
may be necessary to use a little force to get justment of the hub that is perfectly adjusted over-
bearing cartridge onto sleeve nut. tight once the wheel is in the bike. There are two pro-
54. [ ] Thread sleeve-nut/washer/bearing assembly cedures for the final setting; whether the hub has a
onto axle and use wrench on sleeve nut to quick-release axle or a solid axle determines which
press bearing cartridges fully into hub. procedure to follow.
55. [ ] Unthread sleeve nuts from axle and return
sleeve nuts to parts bundles. If axle is non-quick release
NOTE: If axle is quick release type skip to step 70.
Set right-side axle protrusion 67. [ ] Turn sleeve nut in clockwise until both sleeve
56. [ ] Grease axle threads. nuts bottom against bearings.
57. [ ] Install axle in axle-vise or soft jaws with 68. [ ] Back sleeve nut out counterclockwise 45°
right end up. (Right end is longer-threaded (one-eighth turn).
end if right parts bundle is bigger bundle, or 69. [ ] Holding sleeve nut stationary with cone
shorter-threaded end if right parts bundle is wrench, secure locknut to 120–180in-lbs
smaller bundle.) (30–45lbs@4").
When disassembling an axle set, the assumption is
that all parts are in the correct orientation. If the parts If axle is quick release
NOTE: Skip to step 73 for non-quick-release axles.
are not in correct orientation, or if the bundle came
70. [ ] Turn sleeve nut in clockwise until both sleeve
apart during cleaning and the parts orientation is un- nuts bottom against bearings.
certain, make sure the outer locknuts go on correctly. 71. [ ] Back sleeve nut out counterclockwise 90°
If one side of the locknut is flat and smooth and the (one-quarter turn).
other side is not, then the non-smooth side faces out, 72. [ ] Holding sleeve nut stationary with cone
so as to grip the inside face of the dropout and hold wrench, secure locknut to 120–180in-lbs
the wheel more securely in the bike. (30–45lbs@4").
58. [ ] Transfer all parts from right-side bundle (two
ties) to axle.
73. [ ] Remove wheel from vise, install freewheel or
59. [ ] Position top locknut so axle protrusion
freehub cogs (if any), install wheel normally.
equals average axle protrusion plus .2mm.
60. [ ] Hold top locknut stationary with wrench and
tighten parts below it snugly up against
61. [ ] Measure axle protrusion and adjust if neces-

13 – 9

NUKE PROOF 6. [ ] Tap on either end of axle to drive out axle

and one bearing. A shoulder on the axle

AND SIMILAR HUBS bears against the bearing to drive it out.

The Bullseye hub is an exception to the above step.
This section is written primarily about Nuke Proof There are no shoulders on the axle, so when it is tapped
hubs, but applies as well to other varieties that are simi- out the bearings remain in place. A spacer sleeve that
lar, including Suzue, Bullseye, American Classic. goes around the axle and between the bearings will
drop to one side when the axle is removed. A drift
TOOL CHOICES punch can be used through one bearing against the
end of the spacer sleeve in order to drive the first bear-
The design of the Nuke Proof hub requires only a
ing out. A punch or the CalVan 28 can be used to drive
3/64" size Allen wrench. The Bullseye hub requires a
the remaining bearing out.
5/64" Allen wrench. A drift punch is also needed to
7. [ ] Turn inner race on each cartridge bearing to
remove one of the bearings. inspect bearing condition.
In addition, a plastic mallet and a variety of other
common tools are used.
Apply force to end of spacer sleeve
to drive out bearing
Overhauling a Nuke Proof style hub, including
freewheel removal and bearing replacement, is a 10–
15 minute job of little difficulty.


1. [ ] Remove wheel from bike and skewer (if any)
or wheel mounting bolts from hub.
2. [ ] Rotate axle and feel for severe grittiness that
indicates worn out parts.
13.12 Bullseye bearing unit removal.
3. [ ] Remove freewheel if overhauling hub.
NOTE: Skip to step 11 for all hubs except Bullseye.
DISASSEMBLY Regreasing Bullseye bearing cartridges
Of the varieties of hubs that this section covers, If the bearings feel rough, there is an option of
almost all have some sort of cap or spacer: one that cleaning and regreasing them, or replacing them. Im-
slips onto the end of the axle. This cap may be re- pact is required to remove the bearings, so once they
tained by a set screw, or it may simply slip on and be are removed, they must be replaced. If cleaning and
held in place by the dropouts, once the wheel is regreasing does not eliminate the roughness, replace-
mounted in the frame. ment is the only option.
The one exception to this approach are Suzue hubs. If the inner race of the bearings feel rough or slug-
These have a threaded axle and a pair of locknuts (with gish when rotated, they may need cleaning and
spacers between them) that are locked together on each regreasing, or they may need replacement. If they
end of the axle just outward of the bearings. A wrench don’t feel good after cleaning and regreasing, replace-
and cone wrench would be used to unlock the lock- ment is required.
nuts from each other so the axle can be made bare If only cleaning and regreasing the bearings, they
outward of the bearings. should remain in the hub. Removing the seals is a
4. [ ] Loosen set screws on right-side spacer cap little tricky, but it can be done. The seal looks like
on end of axle, slip spacer cap off axle, and black rubber, but actually it is a flat metal ring pressed
slip off any spacer washers. Bundle all these
into the outer race and coated with rubber. At its
parts together on a tie.
inner perimeter, there is a rubber lip that a small
5. [ ] Repeat step 4 for left side.
screwdriver or seal pick can pass by and catch under

13 – 10
the metal ring in order to lift it out. The metal ring is Hollow retaining bolt
easily bent, so pry gently and try prying at several
Bearing mount
points right next to each other if the seal does not lift
right out. If it is only slightly bent, it can be flat- Freehub body
tened and reused. Nuke Proof hub shell

13.14 Freehub-body removal from a Nuke Proof hub.

13.13 Removing the seal from the bearing.

8. [ ] Gently insert tip of a 1/8" slotted screw-

driver or seal pick under soft lip at inner pe- ASSEMBLY
rimeter of black rubber seal on face of bear-
ing and lift out seal. Installing the cartridge bearings and axle
9. [ ] Clean grease out of bearing area with sol- 14. [ ] Place axle (axle and spacer sleeve if Bullseye
vent and a toothbrush and dry thoroughly. hub) inside hub shell.
10. [ ] Pack bearings with grease and press seals 15. [ ] Slide bearings onto each end of axle.
back in. In the next step, load needs to be placed against
the face of the bearings. Although it is possible to
Removing other bearing cartridge install them by tapping around their perimeter with
Removing bearings may damage them beyond re-
a plastic mallet, this method can cause them to mis-
use, so do not remove them unless prepared to replace
align and jam.
them. There should be a four digit number on the
A better method is to devise some sort of support
bearing seals that is the identification number for the
cylinder and driving cylinder. The perfect driving cyl-
inder for the Nuke Proof hub is a pair of Shimano TL-
11. [ ] To remove bearing that was driven out with
axle, support bearing on vise jaws and tap FW30 freewheel removers. The diameter of the splined
axle down out of bearing. end of these tools closely matches the diameter of the
12. [ ] Insert axle in hub and drive out left-side Nuke Proof bearings and allows the pressure to be born
bearing. Remove second bearing from axle. by the outer races only. The length of these tools al-
13. [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of hub shell. lows the axle to be cleared whether working on a front
Clean bearing mating surfaces of any corro- or rear hub.
sion, remnants of Loctite, grease, and dirt. 16. [ ] Support one end of hub on support cylinder
The Nuke Proof freehub has a bearing mount in- and use another cylinder to drive in upper
side the freehub mechanism. There is no need to re- bearing until both bearings are fully inserted.
move this for normal bearing service. It is retained by 17. [ ] Turn axle to feel if bearings are binding. If
the same hollow bolt that holds the freehub to the binding, tap alternately on opposite sides of
hub shell. Use a 10mm Allen wrench to remove the axle until bearings turn smoothly.
18. [ ] Install caps/spacers on ends of axles.
bolt and the cartridge-bearing mount will come out
of the freehub mechanism, and the freehub mecha- Completion
nism will be free to slip off the hub shell. 19. [ ] Install freewheel or freehub cogs (if any), in-
stall wheel normally.

13 – 11


Overhauling the hub including cog removal and bear-
This section is about Hügi freehubs. These hubs
exist in several design variations, but most varieties ing replacement is a 15–20 minute job of little difficulty.
are similar to this example.
1. [ ] Remove cogset from hub.
Spacer cap (threaded) 2. [ ] Pull spacer cap off left end of axle (hold
spacer cap in vise soft jaws if necessary).
Washer 3. [ ] Hold left end of axle in 10mm smooth jaw
axle vise (fabricate larger diameter clamp
blocks for other axle size).
Freehub mechanism 4. [ ] Use 17mm cone wrench to unthread right-
(replace as a unit) side spacer cap.
5. [ ] Pull freehub mechanism off axle.
6. [ ] Remove small washer from inside bearing
dustcap on outboard face of freehub mecha-
Seal 7. [ ] Remove ratchet/gear ring from back face of
Ratchet/gear ring freehub mechanism.
8. [ ] Remove ratchet/gear ring, spring, and metal
Ratchet/gear ring bushing from right end of axle.
9. [ ] Carefully remove seal from right side of hub
Axle shell.
When removing the bearing in step #10, it is im-
Bushing portant to support the hub shell in a way that will
Spring protect it. A simple support for the hub shell can be
made out of a section of PVC pipe with a 1–9/16" in-
side diameter.
Cartridge bearing
10. [ ] Tap right end of axle with soft hammer to
drive bearing and dustcap out of left side of
Fixed gear ring hub shell.
11. [ ] Remove bearing from left end of axle.
12. [ ] Insert axle back into hub shell, and drive
bearing out right side of hub shell.

Hub shell
13. [ ] Place axle into hub shell with longer end on
14. [ ] Place bearings on each end of axle.
When removing pressing the bearings in step #15,
a support cylinder (under the lower bearing) and a
driving cylinder are needed. These cylinders can be
Axle fabricated from a 1" fork column, or from the center
Cartridge bearing section of a handlebar that has a 1" O.D.
15. [ ] Place right side of hub down on top of 1"
cylinder (section of fork column, or section
Spacer cap (snap-fit) of handlebar center).
16. [ ] Place second 1" cylinder on top of left-side
bearing and align it carefully to bearing.
17. [ ] Tap on upper cylinder to simultaneously
press in both bearings fully.
18. [ ] Mount left end of axle in axle vise.
13.15 A Hügi freehub.

13 – 12
19. [ ] Place seal ring over lip on inward end of free-
hub mechanism so that metal side of ring Axle spacer (threads on)
will face hub shell.
20. [ ] Grease metal bushing and place over right
end of axle. Internal snap ring
21. [ ] Place conical spring over metal bushing, Cartridge bearing
small end facing out.
22. [ ] Grease one ratchet/gear ring and place in
right end of hub shell with toothed-face fac- Spacer
ing out.
23. [ ] Grease other ratchet/gear ring and place in Cartridge bearing
inside end of freehub mechanism so that
toothed face faces out of freehub mecha-
24. [ ] Slide freehub mechansim onto right end of
axle and press firmly to seat seal inside hub Freehub mechanism
shell (some rotation may be required to align
teeth on ratchet/gear ring, and inner ratchet/
gear ring may need to be poked with a finger
to get it to center up).
25. [ ] Place washer over right end of axle. Pawl
26. [ ] Treat right-side spacer cap threads with Loc-
tite 242, then gently secure cap on right end
of axle.
27. [ ] Use tip of 3/16" slotted screwdriver to press
seal down (accessible through each groove Internal snap ring
in freehub mechanism).
28. [ ] Remove hub from axle vise and support
right-end down on surface.
29. [ ] Use 1" cylinder to gently tap left side Axle
dustcap into left end of hub shell.
30. [ ] Tap left-side spacer cap onto left end of axle.
31. [ ] Install cogs.

Ratchet ring
RINGLÈ FREEHUBS Cartridge bearing

In addition to common bicycle mechanic’s tools, Hub shell
the following tools will be needed.
Ringlè bearing tool kit including:
a) Bubbahub bearing driver with 24mm
O.D. driving surface (for front hub),
b) Superbubba bearing driver with 27.5mm
O.D. driving surface, Cartridge bearing
c) Large Diameter Tool, which is 47 × 57mm Internal snap ring
cylinder with 1/2" hole on one side and
Axle spacer
large 35mm cavity on other side. A 2–1/4" (held in place by O-ring)
length of 2–1/4" O.D. PVC pipe works.
Bicycle Research Sealed Bearing Remover Kit
(Substitute White Industries removers)
White Industries bearing press.
13.16 A Ringlè freehub.

13 – 13

DISASSEMBLY 15. [ ] Place old splined cassette cog on freehub

body and place body with right-side down in
1. [ ] Pry under edge of left-side axle spacer to re- vise using soft jaws to gently hold body.
move it. 16. [ ] Tap on shaft to drive bearing downward.
Older models lack the snap-ring referred to in the 17. [ ] Insert 15mm Bicycle Research Bearing Re-
next step, or the other snap-ring referred to adjacent to mover into remaining bearing from inner end
the right-side hub bearing. of freehub body, then secure tool. Alterna-
2. [ ] Remove internal snap-ring from left end of tively, use CalVan 28 tool to extract bearing
hub shell. (White Industries tool will not fit).
3. [ ] Mount left end of axle in smooth radius axle- 18. [ ] With freehub body supported in vise (resting
vise and secure. on cog), tap on tool to remove bearing and
Older models lack the 16mm flats for the cone spacer sleeve.
wrench mentioned in the next step. Use a small ad- 19. [ ] Loosen tool bolts and remove bearing from
justable pin spanner or snap-ring pliers in the pin holes tool (it may be necessary to tap tool out of
in the face of the nut instead. bearing).
4. [ ] Use 16mm cone wrench to remove spacer
nut from right end of axle.
5. [ ] Thread cog lockring into freehub body, put Install bearings in freehub body
freehub body between vise jaws so that 20. [ ] Secure White Bearing Installer in vise,
flange of lockring keeps hub from dropping, threaded end up.
then tap on axle with plastic mallet to sepa- 21. [ ] Place large spacer, freehub body (open-end
rate freehub body from hub shell (remove up), 28×15mm (O.D.×I.D.) bearing, alumi-
pawls and springs). num sleeve, and then 28×12mm bearing
6. [ ] Place 2–1/4" section of 2–1/4" PVC pipe on onto tool shaft.
bench, then place left side of hub into pipe. 22. [ ] Place large spacer and handle/bearing as-
7. [ ] Strike right side of axle with plastic mallet to sembly onto tool, then tighten until bearings
remove left-side bearing. are fully pressed into freehub body.
8. [ ] If old axle will be reused, remove bearing 23. [ ] Unthread tool handle and remove freehub
from axle. Support bearing and tap axle with body from tool shaft.
plastic mallet to remove. 24. [ ] Put internal snap-ring into end of freehub
Inner right-bearing removal body.
Older models have a smaller-diameter ratchet ring, Install right-side hub bearing
which will not allow the bearing to pass through. This 25. [ ] Place large spacer and hub shell (left side
must be unthreaded before with a special Ringlé tool first) onto tool shaft.
before the right bearing can be removed. 26. [ ] Place 32×15mm bearing into right side of
9. [ ] Remove internal snap-ring from inside of hub shell.
right end of hub shell. 27. [ ] Place large spacer on tool, then thread on
10. [ ] Install 15mm Bicycle Research Bearing Re- handle/bearing assembly and tighten handle
mover (insert from left) into right bearing, until bearing is fully seated.
then secure with expansion ring positioned 28. [ ] Unthread handle and remove hub from tool
inside bearing. Alternatively, use 15mm and tool from vise.
White Industries Bearing Extractor, installed 29. [ ] Install large internal snap-ring in hub just
from right). past ratchet ring.
11. [ ] Support right side of hub on PVC pipe.
12. [ ] Tap on shaft to remove bearing.
Install axle and left-side bearing
30. [ ] Place right side of hub on top of PVC tube.
Bearing removal from freehub body 31. [ ] Insert right end of axle (threaded) down into
13. [ ] Remove internal snap-ring in right end of hub shell and tap axle gently with mallet un-
body using snap-ring pliers. til axle shoulder for left bearing is even with
14. [ ] Insert 12mm Bicycle Research Bearing Re- bearing shoulder in left end of hub.
mover into outward bearing (insert from in- 32. [ ] Place new left-side bearing over axle, then
ward end), then secure tool. Alternatively, use Ringlé bearing driver to install left-side
use 12mm White Industries Bearing Extrac- bearing. Alternatively, use a hollow cylinder
tor inserted from outer end. with an O.D. of 26–27.8mm.
33. [ ] Install internal snap-ring in left end of hub

13 – 14

Install freehub body, axle spacers, and nuts Outer left cap
34. [ ] Hold left side of axle using smooth radius (14mm cone wrench)
jaw axle-vise.
35. [ ] Lubricate pawls of freehub with light oil and
install pawls and springs. Inner left cap
(5mm Allen wrench)
In the next step, a hard-to-find tool by Campagnolo
is recommended to hold the pawls compressed during Axle (left end)
freehub-body installation. Alternatively use a rubber Cartridge bearing
band with a thickness 1/8" or less, and a length of 2–
Wavy washer
3". Wrap the rubber band once around the pawls, give
it a single twist, then wrap all the slack around the
splined body. Hub shell
36. [ ] Use Campy clip (or rubber band) to hold
pawls compressed. Spacer sleeve
37. [ ] Install freehub onto right side of axle. Turn
freehub counterclockwise to engage pawls
into ratchet ring, then withdraw Campy clip
(or rubber band).
38. [ ] Lubricate threads of spacer nut and install
Wavy washer
on right side of axle.
39. [ ] Secure spacer nut to equivalent of 60in-lbs Cartridge bearing
(10lbs@6"). Axle (right end)
40. [ ] Install left-side axle spacer.

Right cap

PHIL WOOD FSA HUBS (5mm Allen wrench)

Phil Wood FSA hubs are unique in that the axle

and bearings can be removed with nothing more than
a 14mm cone wrench and a 5mm Allen wrench. No 13.17 Representative Phil Wood FSA hub. Number and thickness
impact or pressure is supposed to be required to get of spacers may vary. Front hubs are symmetrical both sides and con-
figured like right side of illustrated hub.
the bearings or the axle in or out.
This ease of disassembly relies on the assump- 1. [ ] Holding left end of axle with 14mm cone
tion that all the parts are adequately lubricated to wrench (rear) or 5mm Allen (front), use a
prevent corrosion. Once corrosion sets in, disassem- 5mm Allen wrench to loosen right-side
bly can be very difficult, if not impossible. It would axle cap.
be worthwhile to disassemble and grease everything 2. [ ] Unthread cap from right end of axle.
on a new hub. 3. [ ] Pull axle assembly out left end of hub.
4. [ ] Use axle to poke bearing out of right end of
hub shell.
DISASSEMBLY 5. [ ] Find wavy washers that were between bear-
In the next step, a cap is removed from one end of ings and hub shell (on both sides) and remove.
the axle. If the hub is a rear hub, there will be a double 6. [ ] Slide spacing sleeve off axle.
cap on the left end. The two left caps may remain 7. [ ] Slide left-side bearing off axle.
locked together, in which case the right cap will
unthread. The following procedure assumes that the ASSEMBLY
two left caps will remain locked together, and it is the 8. [ ] Clean and grease bearings, or replace.
right cap that will come off. 9. [ ] Check axle for bends and replace if necessary.
Another possibility is that the outer left cap will 10. [ ] If replacing axle, insert long 5mm Allen from
break loose from the inner left cap, in which case the right end of axle and use 14mm cone
axle will still be trapped in the hub. The inner left cap wrench to break loose outer cap, then
has a 5mm Allen fitting in the end. This allows the unthread inner cap. (If inner cap is secure to
axle, there is no choice except to grasp axle
use of two 5mm Allen wrenches to remove either of
in vise to unthread inner cap.)
the caps from the axle.

13 – 15
11. [ ] If axle was replaced, thread cap(s) onto new
12. [ ] Grease axle thoroughly.
13. [ ] Grease inner and outer cylindrical surfaces Adjustable axle end
of both bearings.
14. [ ] Grease bearing-mounting surface inside shell.
15. [ ] Place wavy washers in each end of shell.
16. [ ] Slide bearing and spacing sleeve onto axle.
17. [ ] Slide axle assembly into left end of shell.
18. [ ] Slide bearing onto right end of axle.
19. [ ] Thread right-side cap onto axle. Axle collar
20. [ ] Holding axle with 14mm cone wrench (rear)
or 5mm Allen (front), use 5mm Allen wrench 2mm Allen set screw
to gently secure right-side axle cap.
Set screw access hole

WHITE INDUSTRIES Cartridge bearing

This hub is one of several made by White Indus-
tries. The other models are simpler (front or rear for Hub shell
(cross section)
thread-on freewheel). By ignoring steps and illustra-
tions that are specific to the freehub mechanism (called
Axle assembly
“driver” by the manufacturer), the following proce-
dure can be used as a guide to service any White Indus- Cartridge bearing
tries hub.
Ratchet ring
DISASSEMBLY Thrust washer
1. [ ] Remove cogset from hub (same as Shimano
freehubs). Cartridge bearing
In step #2, three 2mm Allen set screws are loos-
Pawl Pawl
ened. If loosened too little, the parts will still remain Driver
together. If loosened too much, the set screws will in- O-ring seal
terfere with the inside of the hub shell, and it will not
be possible to rotate the axle collar relative to the hub
shell, or to pull it out of the hub shell. Loosen all three
2mm Allen set screws one full turn. This amount Cog body
should be ideal.
2. [ ] With 2mm Allen wrench, loosen 3 set
screws accessible through hole in lip in left
end of hub shell 1 full turn each.
In the next step, the adjustable axle-end is pulled
Cartridge bearing
out of the left end of the axle. It is supposed to pull
out easily after loosening the set screws (in the previ- Spacer
ous step). Corrosion could make axle-end removal
difficult. There is a 6 × 1mm thread inside the axle- Fixed axle end
end piece. If it is difficult to remove the axle-end,
thread in a long bolt of the correct thread. Grasp the
bolt head firmly in the vise and pull the wheel away 13.18 The White Industries TI Cassette hub.
from the vise.
3. [ ] Pull adjustable axle-end out of left axle end.

13 – 16
The axle collar can be difficult to pull out because 18. [ ] Insert bearing remover into inner bearing(s),
one (or all) of the set screws has been loosened too then support inward end of driver on top end
much, or because the axle is corroded. With the left- of any race installer that can be used on a
side down, press the wheel against the bench top to 1–1/8" fork.
19. [ ] Use small White drift to tap out bearing.
get the axle to move. If this does not work, try insert-
ing a conventional axle inside the White Industries axle, Installing bearing cartridges in hub shell
then tap on the conventional axle. The drive-side axle- 20. [ ] Slide large spacer and right-side hub bearing
end is a press fit augmented with Loctite. It may pop onto shaft of White Bearing Installer.
out before the axle releases. If this happens, it will need 21. [ ] Put tool shaft into hub shell from right side.
to be tapped back in with fresh Loctite. 22. [ ] Place left-side bearing over end of tool shaft.
4. [ ] Pull axle collar out of left side of hub shell. 23. [ ] Put large spacer over tool shaft, then thread
5. [ ] Pull axle and driver together out right side of on handle/bearing assembly.
hub shell. 24. [ ] Place fixed end of tool in soft jaws in vise.
6. [ ] Remove thrust washer (which may be stuck 25. [ ] Tighten tool handle until both bearings are
to inside face of driver or outside face of fully seated.
bearing in right side of hub shell). 26. [ ] Unthread handle, then remove hub from tool.
7. [ ] Pull driver off of axle. Installing bearing cartridges in driver
27. [ ] Place large spacer, then small spacer, then
CLEANING AND RE-GREASING outer bearing over tool shaft.
28. [ ] Place driver outer-end down over tool shaft,
8. [ ] Use seal pick or small pointed device to gen- then inner bearing(s), then both spacers,
tly lift seals out of both bearings in hub shell then thread on handle/beraring assembly.
and both bearings in driver. 29. [ ] Tighten handle until all bearings are seated.
9. [ ] Scrub, flush, and dry all exposed bearings, 30. [ ] Unthread handle, remove driver from tool,
hub shell, driver assembly, and axle parts. and remove tool from vise.
10. [ ] Pack all bearings with grease.
11. [ ] Replace seals in bearings with lettered-sides
facing out. ASSEMBLY
31. [ ] Grease outside of axle shaft and grease out-
BEARING REPLACEMENT side of inserted portion of left-side adjust-
able axle-end.
Hub-shell bearing-cartridge removal 32. [ ] Use light oil on pawl springs, pawls, and O-
See page 13-22 for up-to-date information on tools ring seal on driver.
for bearing removal and installation. 33. [ ] Slide spacer onto axle, followed by driver
and thrust washer.
12. [ ] Insert lip end of White 15mm bearing re-
34. [ ] Insert axle/driver assembly into right side of
mover into left-side bearing, then support
hub shell.
left side of hub shell on top end of any race
35. [ ] Rotate driver counterclockwise while main-
installer that can be used on a 1–1/8" fork.
taining slight inward pressure to get pawls to
13. [ ] Use small White drift to tap out bearing.
seat inside ratchet ring.
14. [ ] Insert lip end of White 15mm bearing re-
36. [ ] With right end of axle supported on bench,
mover into right-side bearing, then support
press down firmly on wheel to make sure
right side of hub shell on top end of any race
everything is seated.
installer that can be used on a
37. [ ] Install axle collar on left end of axle.
1–1/8" fork.
38. [ ] Install adjustable axle-end in left end of axle.
15. [ ] Use small White drift to tap out bearing.
39. [ ] Rotate axle or axle collar to align set screws
Driver bearing-cartridge removal with access hole in lip on left side of hub
16. [ ] Insert bearing remover into outer bearing, shell and secure each set screw.
place any used Shimano freehub cog on 40. [ ] Install and secure cogset.
driver, then place driver upside-down in vise
with cog resting on top of vise and vise jaws
not clamping on driver.
17. [ ] Use small White drift to tap out bearing.

13 – 17

CHRIS KING FREEHUBS Axle end: A cap that threads onto the left end
of the axle.
This section applies specifically to the Chris King Capture plate: A simple metal washer that keeps
MTB, road, and DiscGo-Tech rear hubs. Although not the needle-bearing cage from moving out of the
specifically for the BMX hub, once you are familiar needle-bearing race.
with the hubs covered here, the BMX hub should not Capture sleeve: A metal cylinder with one flat
be a challenge to service. face that keeps the needle bearing cage from moving
There are two levels of service possible. The basic the other way out of the needle-bearing race.
service includes cleaning or replacement of drive Drive ring: A ring that has teeth on one face and
mechanisms and greasing of bearings. The full service helical splines on the inner perimeter.
adds to this bearing replacement and drive mechanism Drive side of hub shell: The side of the hub shell
parts replacement. The basic service requires one in- with the larger-diameter hole.
expensive special tool, Hub Cone Adjusting Tool Drive spring: A large-diameter spring that moves
#77301. The full service requires a complete Chris King the drive ring.
Hub Service Kit (number unavailable). Additionally, Driven ring: A ring that has teeth on one face
a 2–1/4" section of 2–1/4" I.D. PVC pipe and ordi- and splines on the outer perimeter.
nary shop tools are needed. Driveshell: A complexly-shaped cylinder to which
the cogs attach. When installed, it resembles a freehub
TOOL TERMINOLOGY body on a conventional freehub.
Needle bearing: A bearing that is a cylinder in-
The following tools are all part of the Chris King
stead of a ball.
Hub Service Kit.
Needle-bearing cage: A plastic cage of cylindri-
Cog spline wrench: A large-diameter ring with
cal shape that holds the needle bearings.
splines on the inner perimeter. It is labeled “cog
Needle-bearing race: A steel bearing surface in
spline wrench.”
the shape of a simple cylinder on which the needle
Cone washer: A steel washer with a conical face
bearings roll.
on one side.
Non-drive side of hub shell: The side of the hub
Driveshell bushing: A long cylinder with a larger
shell with the smaller-diameter hole.
diameter at one end. It is labeled “driveshell bushing.”
Plastic seal (small and large): A thin washer-like
Extension shaft: A threaded shaft with two thread
seal made of plastic that resembles a shim washer.
diameters, ending in a knurled shaft at one end.
RingDrive: The Chris King name for the free-
Hub cone adjusting tool: A medium-length cyl-
wheeling design that is used in these hubs instead of a
inder with four steel pins in a recess in one end. It is
conventional pawl and ratchet-ring design.
labeled “hub cone adjusting tool.”
Seal ring: A ring that is threaded on the outside,
Knurled ring: A ring with several steps of vari-
splined on the inside, and has a blue rubber seal in-
ous diameters on each face, with a knurled texture at
stalled in one face.
the outermost perimeter. It is labeled “knurled ring.”
Spring retainer: A flat metal ring that has a slight
Spline driver: A short cylinder with a square hole
taper to one face and a clear step-down in diameter on
in one face and a splined configuration in the opposite
the other face that supports the drive spring.
face. It is labeled “spline driver.”
Split rings: Two rings (large and small) split in
half and held together by means of an O-ring in the FULL HUB SERVICE
groove in the outer perimeter of the ring. They are
labeled “lg split ring” and “sm split ring.” Axle and bearing-seal removal
1. [ ] Remove cogs.
T-handle: A large stepped cylinder with a threaded
2. [ ] Insert a 5mm Allen wrench in each end of
shaft at one end and a handle inserted through a ball axle, then unthread left-side axle-end/
at the other end of the cylinder. It is labeled “T-handle.” adjusting-cone assembly.
3. [ ] Pull driveshell and axle out drive side of hub
PART TERMINOLOGY with firm counterclockwise twisting motion.
NOTE: Skip to step 7 if replacing bearings.
Adjusting cone: A ring with four holes in its
face that resembles a dust cap that is used to adjust
the bearing preload.

13 – 18

Driveshell bushing Spline Driver


Hub cone adjusting tool

Cog spline wrench

Seal ring
Cone washer Lg split ring Sm split ring Capture plate
Needle-bearing cage
Needle-bearing race

Extension shaft Capture sleeve

Plastic seal

T-handle Driveshell

Knurled ring Bearing

Plastic seal
13.19 The Chris King hub tool set.
Driven ring
4. [ ] Insert tip of razor knife in diagonal split of Drive ring
metal snap ring in face of drive-side hub-shell
bearing to lift one end of ring, then pull snap Drive spring
ring out of bearing. Repeat on non-drive side.
5. [ ] Use seal pick to lift soft rubber seal out of Spring retainer
face of each bearing.
Chris King recommends use of a light spray lubri-
cant instead of solvent when cleaning parts and bear- Hub shell
ings to avoid any possibility of damaging plastic and
rubber parts with solvent.
6. [ ] Flush exposed bearings with light spray lu-
bricant and dry with compressed air. Use
light lubricant on brush to carefully clean
helical splines on driveshell and inside drive
end of hub shell. Plastic seal
In the next step, removing the O-ring makes it
easier to pull the axle out, but it is not necessary. If Adjusting cone
you remove it, take care not to lose it and to remem-
ber to replace it. Axle end
7. [ ] Remove small O-ring from non-drive end of
axle, then push axle out large end of
driveshell. 13.20 The Chris King cassette hub.

13 – 19
NOTE: Skip to step 35 if not replacing bearings. 18. [ ] Thread knurled ring (big-end first) onto
extension shaft exactly three full turns.
Non-drive side bearing removal 19. [ ] Pull tool assembly out non-drive side of hub
In the next step, the split ring, extension shaft, and until knurled ring seats against hub, then hold
cone washer are assembled to the T-handle. If the ex- extension shaft stationary and turn T-handle
tension shaft is threaded in too much, the split ring is clockwise until split ring is fully expanded.
expanded and will not pass through the bearing. The 20. [ ] Turn knurled ring fully clockwise.
small split ring is not symmetrical, so observe which In the next two steps, as the bearing is pressed out
face of the ring is a larger diameter. there are a number of other parts that will come out
8. [ ] Place small split ring (large-diameter-face at the same time. The set up of the tool is designed to
first) on small end of extension shaft, place insure that all the parts come out together, trapped on
cone washer (cone-side first) against split the tool in the order they are installed in the hub shell.
ring, then thread extension shaft fully into By following the directions closely, it is possible to
end of T-handle without expanding split ring.
then take these numerous parts off the tool in order,
9. [ ] Insert T-handle through drive side of hub.
so as to become familiar with the sequence and orien-
The knurled ring is a complexly-shaped tool with
tations of the parts.
several steps or shoulders of various diameters on each
21. [ ] With drive side of hub supported on PVC
of its faces. The purpose of the configuration is to in- pipe, tap on T-handle tool with plastic mallet
sure, if properly oriented, that the knurled ring acts to drive bearing out drive side of hub.
somewhat like a pilot to align the bearing and the T- 22. [ ] Unthread knurled ring, then remove in order
handle. Another function of the knurled ring, achieved drive-side bearing, large plastic seal, driven
by threading it on the recommended amount, is to set ring (externally splined), drive ring (internally
the depth of the split ring so that when the split ring is splined), drive spring, and spring retainer.
expanded it is in the correct position relative to the 23. [ ] Unthread extension shaft and remove tools
bearing. If the wrong end of the knurled ring is from hub.
threaded on first, then the number of turns will not Driveshell disassembly
work to correctly position the split ring. In the next step, the driveshell is inserted in the cog
10. [ ] Thread knurled ring, big-end first, fully onto spline wrench, and both are grasped in the vise. There
extension shaft, then back off exactly seven is no need for high force when closing the vise, and the
full turns.
tools and parts could easily be damaged by excess force.
A sure sign in the next step that the knurled ring
Consider the side of the tool with writing to be the
has been threaded on the wrong amount is that the T-
front face, and the blank side to be the back face.
handle gets tight in a fraction of a turn when tighten- 24. [ ] Insert driveshell into back face of cog spline
ing it to expand the split ring. If this happens, loosen wrench, then gently secure flats of wrench
the T-handle and unthread the knurled ring about one in vise.
turn, then try again. 25. [ ] Place spline driver on 3/8" drive wrench,
11. [ ] Pull tool assembly out drive side of hub until then use spline driver to unthread seal ring
knurled ring seats against hub, then hold ex- from driveshell.
tension shaft stationary and turn T-handle 26. [ ] Remove capture plate then needle-bearing
clockwise until split ring is fully expanded. cage from driveshell with your fingers
12. [ ] Turn knurled ring fully clockwise. (needle-bearing race and capture sleeve re-
13. [ ] Tap on T-handle tool with plastic mallet to main in driveshell).
drive bearing out non-drive side of hub. The previous step says that the needle-bearing race
14. [ ] Unthread knurled ring, then remove in order and capture sleeve remain in the driveshell. In some
non-drive-side bearing and small plastic seal. cases, in the next step they may be loose and prone to
15. [ ] Unthread extension shaft and remove tools
falling out without encouragement. If this is the case,
from hub.
it is fine to let them come out at this time.
Drive-side bearing removal 27. [ ] Remove cog spline wrench from vise, re-
16. [ ] Place large split ring on small end of exten- move driveshell from cog spline wrench,
sion shaft, place cone washer (cone-side then reinsert driveshell into front face of
first) against split ring, then thread extension cog spline wrench.
shaft fully into end of T-handle without ex-
panding split ring.
17. [ ] Insert T-handle into non-drive side of hub.

13 – 20
28. [ ] Place small split ring (large-diameter-end hole is tapered inside. When each bearing is installed,
first) on small end of extension shaft, place be sure to note which way this “internally-tapered end”
cone washer (cone-side first) against split should face. Failure to orient the bearings correctly
ring, then thread extension shaft fully into will make it impossible to complete the hub assembly,
end of T-handle without expanding split ring.
and also makes it extremely difficult to remove the
29. [ ] Insert T-handle through small end of driveshell.
30. [ ] Thread knurled ring (small-end first) onto
bearing without damaging the plastic seal that sits be-
extension shaft exactly 2–1/2 turns, then hind each bearing. In all three cases, the correct bear-
pull tool through drive shell until large ing orientation is such that the tapered end of the hole
shoulder on face of knurled ring seats in- ends up facing out from the center of the hub.
side end of driveshell. 39. [ ] Holding T-handle threaded-end up, place
31. [ ] Holding extension shaft stationary, turn small bearing (internally-tapered end first)
T-handle clockwise until split ring is fully onto T-handle, then place small plastic seal
expanded, then turn knurled ring fully on top of bearing.
clockwise. In the following bearing installation, as well as all
32. [ ] Grasp flats of cog spline wrench in vise, the other bearing installations, the correct orientation
then tap on T-handle with plastic mallet to of the knurled ring is critical in two respects. First, the
drive bearing parts out bottom of driveshell. knurled ring must face the correct way so that the
33. [ ] Remove cog spline wrench from vise, intended surface on the hub shell or driveshell sup-
unthread knurled ring from extension shaft,
ports the high load of pressing in the bearings and so
then remove in order needle-bearing race,
capture sleeve, bearing, and small plastic
that the knurled ring serves its purpose of aligning
seal. everything. Second, the knurled ring needs to be cor-
34. [ ] Unthread extension shaft and remove all rectly seated against the supporting surface. If these
tools from driveshell. cautions are not observed, the supporting surface and
the bearing counterbore can easily be damaged while
Bearing and RingDrive lubrication pressing the bearings.
Chris King makes special grease for use in the 40. [ ] With T-handle tool held threaded-end up,
Chris King hubs. Although deviation from the rec- place hub shell (non-drive-side first) over
ommended grease may not be as critical inside the tool, then thread knurled ring (large-end
ball bearings, the wrong lubricant can make the first) onto T-handle.
RingDrive non-functional. The recommended grease By Chris King’s recommendation, a seemingly
is very light, and in its absence Chris King recom- redundant process is used when seating each bearing.
mends a high-quality 10W oil, never another grease! The company’s position is that this process insures
When greasing the bearings, it is critical to use a proper bearing alignment. This is why the next step
moderate amount. Too much grease will make it im- includes tightening the T-handle twice.
possible to seat the rubber seal and snap ring. 41. [ ] Tighten T-handle until bearing seats fully,
NOTE: Skip to step 39 if replacing bearings. loosen T-handle, rotate knurled ring 180°
35. [ ] Place small bead of Chris King grease one- either way, then secure T-handle again.
half to two-thirds of way around inside of Remove tools.
hub-shell bearings.
36. [ ] Place rubber seals over grease and carefully Drive-side bearing and RingDrive installation
42. [ ] Check that O-ring is in place inside inner
seat between inner and outer races.
perimeter of spring retainer, then install
37. [ ] Engage one end of split ring in groove be-
spring retainer in drive side of hub so that
tween inner and outer races, then work all
stepped face faces out drive side of hub.
the way around, seating split ring into bear-
43. [ ] Insert drive spring in drive side of hub.
ing. Repeat for other bearing.
44. [ ] Use Chris King grease to lubricate toothed
38. [ ] Use finger to separate drive rings and put
face and helical spline of drive ring
bead of Chris King grease in gap between
(internally splined), then insert ring so teeth
drive rings. Release ring, then smear excess
face out drive side of hub.
grease over helical splines.
45. [ ] Insert driven ring (externally splined) tooth-
NOTE: Skip to step 56 if not replacing bearings.
face first into hub so splines engage hub
Non-drive-side bearing installation shell splines.
All three of the bearing cartridges are non-sym- 46. [ ] Place large plastic seal over driven ring, then
metrical. Upon examining the hole in each of the three insert large bearing so internally-tapered end
bearing cartridges, it can be seen that one end of the

13 – 21
faces out of hub. Like all other hubs that utilize quick-release re-
47. [ ] Insert T-handle through non-drive side of tention, the axle of a Chris King hub compresses
hub, then thread knurled ring (large-end first) when the wheel is installed in the dropouts and the
onto T-handle and against face of bearing. quick release is properly secured. Unlike conventional
48. [ ] Tighten T-handle until bearing seats fully,
hubs, it is not possible to simulate this compressive
loosen T-handle, rotate knurled ring 180°
either way, then secure T-handle again. load at the same time as making the adjustment, so it
Remove tools. is necessary to use a trial and error process of adjust-
ment, starting with an adjustment that is clearly too
Driveshell assembly loose, then making fine adjustments until the loose-
49. [ ] Holding T-handle threaded-end up, place ness just disappears once the wheel is correctly in-
onto threaded end in order driveshell bushing
stalled in the bike.
(small-end first), small bearing (internally-
60. [ ] Holding axle end stationary, rotate adjusting
tapered end first), small plastic seal, and
cone clockwise until contact is felt, then
driveshell (large-end first).
counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Stabilize adjust-
50. [ ] Thread on knurled ring (large-end first) until
ing cone while gently securing axle end.
it seats over end of driveshell.
61. [ ] Place wheel in frame and correctly secure
51. [ ] Tighten T-handle until bearing seats fully,
quick release, then check for knock by jerking
loosen T-handle, rotate knurled ring 180°
laterally on rim. (If no knock is felt the first
either way, then secure T-handle again.
time this step is attempted, redo step 60
Remove tools.
with a slightly looser starting adjustment.)
If the needle-bearing race did not fall out while dis- 62. [ ] If knock is felt, remove wheel and put right
assembling the driveshell assembly, then the following end of axle back on Allen wrench in vise.
step will be needed in full to install the capture sleeve 63. [ ] While stabilizing adjusting cone, loosen axle
and needle-bearing race. If they did fall out during dis- end, then turn adjusting cone a few degrees
assembly, the two parts should simply slip into place clockwise and secure axle end. Repeat check
during the next step, and then it will be unnecessary to in step 61, and stop if knock is eliminated.
use the seal ring as an installation press for these parts.
52. [ ] Place capture sleeve (flat face facing out)

and needle-bearing race into large end of
driveshell. If necessary, use spline driver and
seal ring to seat needle-bearing race fully, There are several tools recently available or cur-
then remove seal ring. rently available that are in the category of “universal”
53. [ ] Insert driveshell into back face of cog spline
cartridge bearing removers and installers.
wrench, then gently secure cog spline
Due to the variety of hub designs, no tool can be
wrench in vise.
54. [ ] Grease needle-bearing cage with Chris King truly universal, but with a good assortment of tools and
grease, then insert needle-bearing cage and a little ingenuity, virtually any hub can be serviced.
capture plate into driveshell.
55. [ ] Thread seal ring into driveshell, then secure
to 100in-lbs. Remove driveshell from tools.
There are three choices of removal tools. These
Axle assembly and adjustment are the Bicycle Research Sealed Bearing Remover Kit
56. [ ] Insert axle into large end of driveshell until it (#SBR-K), the White Industries Bearing Extractors, and
seats with a “pop,” then put small O-ring the CalVan #28.
back onto threaded end of axle.
The Bicycle Research SBR-K is the most universal
57. [ ] Insert axle/driveshell assembly into drive side
of hub with a clockwise rotation and a tool. It works on the principle of an expanding cylin-
forceful push, until it seats with a “pop.” der that grips the inside bore of the bearing by means
58. [ ] Put 5mm Allen wrench in vise, end of friction. This design eliminates the need for access
pointing up, then place right end of axle to the back face of the bearing, which is not always
onto Allen wrench. accessible. This tool kit includes five sizes of remov-
59. [ ] Thread adjusting cone fully onto axle end, ers: 10mm, 12mm, 1/2", 15mm, and 17mm. The limi-
then thread assembly onto left end of axle tation of the tool is that bearings that have a large I.D./
(do not secure). O.D. difference, are heavily secured with Loctite, or
are corroded in place may have more friction holding

13 – 22
them in place then the tool can generate between the ness of the tool. Once removal has been accomplished,
tool and the bearing. If this is the case, the tool will it can be somewhat awkward to remove the bearing
keep slipping out before the bearing is moved. from the tool. This problem can be reduced by greas-
ing the inside of the expansion cylinders.
White Industries sells tools that work on the prin-
cipal of a lip that catches on the back side of the bear-
ing. The early version of their tool consisted of three
sizes of these split cylinders with lips (12mm, 15mm
and 17mm). To use the tool, the lip-end of the re-
mover was compressed in order for the lip to be able
to pass through the bearing, then held in an expanded
state by means of a special shaft that was used both
to hold the split cylinder open and to drive against
the cylinder in order to press out the bearing. The
current version is much less expensive, but not nearly
as strong. It, too, uses a split cylinder with lips that
catch the bearing, but relies on a screwdriver as the
means to spread the cylinder and drive against the
cylinder. The advantage of these lip-type tools is that
they never slip out. The disadvantage is that if there
is not adequate clearance on the back side of the bear-
CalVan 28 (partial) ing, the tool will not fit.
The CalVan #28 is a single tool with lipped prongs
Bicycle Research White Industries
that spread apart as the tool handle is tightened. The
lips are somewhat thinner than the White Industries
Drift Drift
tool, so the CalVan #28 will fit some bearings that the
White Industries tool will not. Since it is not size spe-
cific like the other removers, it is more universal. How-
ever, the fit is not precise and the tool is much more
Expanding cylinder awkward to use.
For the complex area of bearing removal, the well-
Split cylinder
equipped mechanic would want each of these tools.

Expansion bolt
There are two varieties of universal bearing install-
13.21 Bearing removal tools. ers. These are the Bicycle Research Sealed Bearing In-
stallation Kit (#SBI-K) and the White Industries Bear-
Proper care and use of the SBR-K is important. ing Press (#Bearing-PR). Both work on the principle
The expanding cylinders are easily destroyed if they that various diameters of spacers mate against the face
are expanded when not contained by a bearing they of the bearing, with a threaded shaft that inserts
are designed to fit, so never tighten the bolts unless through the bearings and spacers to draw the whole
the expanding cylinder is inside a bearing that it is assembly together when tightened. The difference be-
intended to fit. With the expansion cylinder inside the tween the tools is primarily in the number and con-
bearing, simply tighten the bolts at each end of the figuration of spacers.
tool to the typical limit of the Allen wrench, then tap The White Industries tool has spacers that match
on the end of the tool to drive the bearing out. Using the bearing O.D. of 24mm, 28mm and 30mm, and some
a high-strength, zero-residue solvent such as acetone of these spacers have lips that fit in 15mm and 17mm
or alcohol on the mating surfaces of the tool and bear- holes. The shaft itself fits a bearing with a 12mm I.D.
ing will increase the maximum friction and effective-

13 – 23



Large spacer

Small spacer

Small spacer

Large spacer

13.22 White Industries bearing-installation tool.

The Bicycle Research tool has spacers that match

the O.D. of 24mm, 26mm, 28mm, 30mm, 32mm and
35mm bearings. Additional spacers match the bearing
I.D. of 12mm, 15mm and 17mm. The shaft itself fits a
bearing with a 10mm I.D.
Despite these differences in spacers and shaft di-
ameters, both tools will fit all the popular hub designs.
The I.D. spacers on the Bicycle Research tool tend to
get lost in the hub unless the entire installation pro-
cess is done with the tool precisely horizontal. The
White Industries tool has an edge in ease of use be-
cause its I.D. spacers cannot slip out of position.

13 – 24
12 – ADJUS

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Locknut: A nut that threads onto an axle and tight-
ens against a cone to lock the position of the cone
Adjustable-cone hubs have a threaded axle, loose
relative to the axle.
balls or balls in a retainer, cones that thread onto the
Dustcap: A piece of plastic, metal, or rubber that
axle, and cups that are fixed inside the hub shell. This
threads or presses onto the outer end of the hub shell
includes adjustable-cone front hubs, adjustable-cone
to cover the hole through which the bearings are ac-
rear hubs that accept a thread-on freewheel, and
cessed. In some cases, the dustcap attaches to the cone
freehubs (rear hubs that have the freewheel integrated
instead of the hub shell.
into the hub). Shimano Parallax hubs are adjustable-
Seal: A rubber piece attached to the dustcap, cone,
cone hubs that sometimes require a special adjustment
or axle spacer that fills the gap between the axle and
procedure, which is covered in a separate section later
dustcap to reduce the entry of dirt.
in this chapter.
Freewheel: A set of gears on a freewheeling mecha-
There are also cartridge bearing hubs, with car-
nism that threads onto a rear hub.
tridge bearings that press into the hub shell. These are
covered in a separate chapter, CARTRIDGE-BEARING
HUBS (page 13-1). This additional chapter covers Suzue L ock nut
sealed hubs, SunTour/Sanshin/Specialized hubs,
W as her
Bullseye hubs, Ringlè hubs, Mavic hubs, and other
brands that are similar in design to the listed brands.
A djus table cone
A x le
D us tcap


Hub shell: The main structure of the hub. The H ub s hell
hub shell includes the housing for the bearings, a hub
core, and two hub flanges.
Axle: The shaft that goes through the hub about
which the hub turns.
Quick-release axle: A hollow axle, so the quick-
release mechanism can be installed through the axle
to retain the wheel to the bicycle.
Solid axle: An axle that has axle nuts threaded
onto it that retain the wheel to the bicycle.
Cone: A conical-shaped piece of metal that the B all bearing
bearings roll on that is positioned inside the circle of A djus table cone
balls. A cone may be a built-in feature on an axle, or it D us tcap
W as her
may thread onto an axle.
Inner lock nut
Cup: A surface that bearings roll on that is posi-
S pacer
tioned outside the circle of balls. A cup is usually a
L ock nut
permanent part of the hub shell.
Race: The surface of a cup or cone on which ball
bearing rolls. 12.1 Adjustable-cone rear hub for thread-on freewheel.

12 – 1
12 – ADJUS
Freehub: A hub that uses the freewheeling mecha- to determine this. If the hub is a Shimano or Campagnolo
nism as part of the hub. model and has a bulge on the hub core just inside the
Freehub body: The portion of a freehub that is right-side hub flange, it is definitely a freehub. If the hub
the freewheeling mechanism. is a SunTour brand, the hub core will appear fatter than
the core of the same front hub. If unsure or mistaken in
identifying whether the rear hub is a freehub, it will not
Was her
be a big problem. If the rear hub is actually a freehub,
Adjus table cone then when attempting freewheel removal no notches or
splined hole in the face of the freewheel will be found to
Axle engage the freewheel remover. This chapter is also needed
to perform an optional freehub-body removal and in-
stallation on a freehub.

Ball bearings INDICATIONS

There are several reasons to overhaul the hub(s),
and several reasons to adjust them. An overhaul should
be done as part of a regular maintenance cycle, the du-
ration of which will change depending on the type of
Hub s hell riding, the amount of riding, and the type of equip-
ment. Adjustments should be done on the basis of need.
If starting out with hub(s) known to be in good
condition with good quality grease, they should be able
to be ridden thousands of miles without needing an
overhaul. If the equipment sees little wet-weather riding,
then an appropriate maintenance cycle would be 2000–
Freehub body 3000 miles in most cases. If a lot of wet-condition riding
Cup is done, then the maintenance cycle might need to be
Ball bearing as often as every 750-1000 miles. Parts rust whether
Dustcap being ridden or not, so another factor is how long the
Adjus table cone
Was her
bike may be sitting before it will be used again. For
Locknut example, if ridden 200 miles in the rain in the fall then
put away for four months of winter, it would prob-
ably be a good idea to overhaul the hub(s) before put-
12.2 Adjustable-cone freehub. ting the bike away for the winter.
Other factors affecting the maintenance cycle are
the presence of a grease injection system and/or whether
PREREQUISITES there are seal mechanisms. Grease-injection systems do
Wheelremovalandinstallation not eliminate the need for overhauling. They only in-
Before overhauling or adjusting a hub, the wheel crease the acceptable time between overhauls; further-
is removed from the bike. See the WHEEL REMOVAL, more, they are only as good as the customer is consis-
REPLACEMENT, AND INSTALLATION chapter (page 18-6) tent and thorough about pumping in new grease. Seal
if unsure about wheel removal and installation. mechanism hubs (adjustable-cone hubs with rubber seals
between the cone and dustcaps) do not have effective
Freewheelremovalandinstallation water-tight seals. Their effectiveness varies with the brand
To overhaul or adjust a rear hub with a thread-on and model. At best, they can lengthen the acceptable
freewheel, the freewheel must be removed. See the FREE- time between overhauls. With seal mechanisms or grease-
HUB MECHANISMS AND THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS chapter injection systems, the best policy is to initially over-
(page 25-9) for freewheel removal. If not yet be acquainted haul the hub(s) on a normal-length maintenance cycle
with chapter 25, it may be unclear whether the hub has and see if the grease is found to be in good condition. If
a thread-on freewheel or is a freehub. There are two ways so, then extend the maintenance cycle the next time.

12 – 2

Symptomsindicatingneedofoverhaul possible symptom indicating that hubs need adjust-

What symptom would lead to feeling the hub(s) ment is that when loosening the quick-release lever
should be overhauled? One is that when performing 45° from its fully-closed position, play cannot be de-
an adjustment, the looseness (free play) in the bear- tected at the rim. A properly adjusted quick-release hub
ings cannot be eliminated without the bearing becom- has no play when installed to full security in the bike,
ing excessively tight (does not turn smoothly). The but does have play when the skewer is not clamping
lack of smoothness could be caused by dry grease, with full force. Non-quick-release hubs simply feel
contaminated grease, or worn parts. Another symp- tight when removed and the axle is rotated. A quick-
tom is that when removing the wheel and rotating release axle that feels a little tight out of the bike is
the axle, the end of the axle oscillates, indicating a extremely tight when installed in the bike.
bent axle (which should always be replaced). Finally, One other case in which it is recommend to ad-
there may be a broken axle, which may not be obvi- just the hub(s) is on any new bike. Factory adjust-
ous until the quick-release skewer is removed, and then ments are not very reliable. Due to poor factory set-
the axle falls out in two pieces. up, hubs may be completely worn out after as little as
1000 miles of use.
The primary symptom experienced indicating the
hub(s) need adjustment is looseness in the bearings. TOOL CHOICES
This can be detected by grasping the rim (with the The design or brand of hub(s) will determine the
wheel mounted in the bike) and jerking it side-to-side tools needed. Table 12-1 covers tools for adjustable-
while feeling for a knocking sensation. Inspect for cone hub(s) only. This table covers all tools for the
loose bearings and loose locknuts every 300–500 miles. job. The preferred choices are in bold. A tool is pre-
The only way to check for a loose locknut is to put a ferred because of a balance among: ease of use, qual-
tool on the locknut and see if it is secure. Another ity, versatility, and economy.


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Hozan C354 Axle vise w/threaded holes for holding axle during hub disassembly, grips very
Campagnolo P Axle vise w/smooth holes for holding axle during hub disassembly
Park AV-1 Axle vise w/smooth holes for holding axle during hub disassembly
Stein HV-1 Hub vise for holding hub during adjustment
Bicycle Research TC/S Thread chaser set for numerous thread descriptions of axles with inch pitch
Campagnolo 1170004 Dustcap puller for Campagnolo C-Record hubs
Bicycle Research CW1 13, 14, 15, & 16mm cone wrench
Campagnolo Q1 13 & 14mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Campagnolo Q2 15 & 16mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Hozan C57 Three cone wrenches fit 13/14mm, 15/16mm, & 15/17mm
Kingsbridge 250A 11 & 12mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Kingsbridge 250B 13 & 14mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Kingsbridge 250C 15 & 16mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Kingsbridge 250D 17 & 18mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Kingsbridge 250E 14 & 17mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Kingsbridge 250F 13 & 15mm cone wrench, lacks leverage and hand protection
Park SCW-13 Six high-quality cone wrenches from 13–18mm with good leverage and hand
thru SCW-18 cushioning, thin design fits all cones
VAR 20/1 13 & 14mm cone wrench, too thick and lacks hand protection
VAR 20/2 15 & 16mm cone wrench, too thick and lacks hand protection
VAR 20/3 17 & 18mm cone wrench, too thick and lacks hand protection
Wheels Mfg. C1 13 & 14mm cone wrench, lacks hand protection
Wheels Mfg. C2 15 & 16mm cone wrench, lacks hand protection
Wheels Mfg. C3 15 & 16mm cone wrench, lacks hand protection

12 – 3
12 – ADJUS


Overhauling a hub, including freewheel (or cog) After disassembling the parts and cleaning, the first
removal and bearing adjustment, is a 30-45 minute job thing that should be inspected for is pitted cups. Cups
of moderate difficulty. Adjusting the hub alone (in- are not replaceable and this would be the end of the job.
cluding freewheel removal) is a 10-12 minute job of The only repair would be hub or wheel replacement.
moderate difficulty. Conesnotavailable
Many older hubs and inexpensive new ones have no
COMPLICATIONS parts available. This becomes critical if cones are needed.
There is a section of this chapter about cone interchange-
Bentaxles ability. If it is no help, then the hub with bad cones will
The only complication created by a bent axle is need to be replaced or ridden until it “dies.”
that there is no point to adjusting the hub if the axle is
bent. The job description must be changed to over-
Damaged dustcaps
Dustcaps for many hubs are not an available re-
hauling the hub.
placement part. If they are damaged or lost it can be
Brokenaxles the “end of the line” for the hub.
It is not unusual to have a job description of ad-
justing a hub with a quick-release axle, and upon re-
There are two things that can cause a mysterious
moving the wheel and quick release it is found that
play in the bearings of the hub that will not go away no
the axle is broken. In this case the job description must
matter how the adjustment is refined. A loose cup in
be changed to hub overhaul.
the hub shell will cause this problem, and so will a loose
locknut on the side of the hub not being adjusted.

HUB-AXLE THREADS (table 12-2)

Approximate Approximate measurement
Pitch axleO.D. nutorconeI.D. (threadtype1) Typicaloccurrences
1mm 8.70–8.90mm 7.80–8.10mm 9mm × 1mm QR axle front hubs on most road and mountain bikes
(Metric/ISO) from Europe and Asia. Front hub solid axles2 on
SunTour/Specialized and Shimano (modern) hubs.
1mm 9.70–9.90mm 8.80–9.10mm 10mm × 1mm QR axle rear hubs on most road and mountain bikes
(Metric/ISO) from Europe and Asia. Rear hub solid axles2 on
SunTour/Specialized and Shimano (modern) hubs.
26tpi 7.70–7.90mm 6.80–7.10mm 5/16" × 26tpi 3 Solid axle2 front hubs on most European road bikes (not
(BSC) Campagnolo) and from Asia (includes older Shimano).
26tpi 8.70–8.90mm 7.80–8.10mm 9mm × 26tpi Campagnolo (and other Italian brands) and some Joy
(Italian) Tech (Jou Yu) front QR axles.
26tpi 9.30–9.50mm 8.40–8.70mm 3/8" × 26tpi 4 Solid axle2 rear hubs on most European road bikes and
(BSC) from Asia (includes older Shimano). Occasional older
solid axle front MTB hubs (usually w/flats on the axle ends).
26tpi 9.70–9.90mm 8.80–9.10mm 10mm × 26tpi Campagnolo (and other Italian brands) and some Joy
(Italian) Tech (Jou Yu) rear QR axles.
24tpi 7.70–7.90mm 6.80–7.10mm 5/16" × 24tpi Solid axle2 front hubs from American hub manufacturers
(BSC) found on many bikes from department stores.
24tpi 9.30–9.50mm 8.40–8.70mm 3/8" × 24tpi 4 Solid axle2 rear hubs on bikes with a coaster brake or
(BSC) three-speed type hub.
The listed thread types are only the ones that occur commonly. Other thread types exist and should be identified
by measuring the diameter and pitch.
Solid axles are those that use axle nuts to hold the wheel to the frame/fork.
The 5/16" diameter is sometimes called 8mm. This is incorrect because the resulting mixed-unit diameter and
pitch end up sounding like an Italian thread when it is, in fact, a BSC thread.
The 3/8" diameter is sometimes called 9.5mm. This is incorrect because the resulting mixed-unit diameter and
pitch end up sounding like an Italian thread when it is, in fact, a BSC thread.

12 – 4

Unusualbearingsizes charts or systems to make it easier to deter-

Almost all hubs use 3/16" balls in the front hub mine which Shimano cone substitutes for
and 1/4" in the rear. The consistency of this is so great another Shimano cone.
that it lulls mechanics into thinking that all hubs use Suzue hubs are knockoffs of some older
these sizes. Consequently a wrong size gets used and Shimano hubs, so there is often compatibil-
the hub either adjusts or wears poorly. Campagnolo ity between Suzue and Shimano cones.
hubs are the most likely cause of trouble, with their Atom, Normandy, Maillard, and some
frequent use of 7/32" balls, which are barely distin- “Schwinn Approved” hubs are all different
guishable from 3/16". names that appear on what are essentially the
same hub, so cones of one type can often be
used on a hub with one of the other names.
THREADS Sachs has bought the Maillard company and
Axle threads come in several standards. Measure sometimes the older parts will be called Sachs
pitch and diameter and make sure a replacement axle when they fit the older Maillard, Normandy,
matches. This is usually not an issue unless trying to and Atom hubs.
upgrade a non-quick-release axle to a quick-release axle, “Schwinn Approved” has appeared mostly on
or have Joy Tech (Jou Yu) or Campagnolo brand hubs, Maillard products (early seventies through the
which have relatively unique threads. See table 12-2 mid-seventies), but during the same time pe-
(page 12-4) for axle-thread information. riod “Schwinn Approved” appeared on
Sanshin and Shimano products on occasion.
CONE INTERCHANGEABILITY Sanshin, Sunshine, and SunTour are different
brand names that appear on hubs made by
In every possible case, replace a worn cone with
the Sanshin company, so compatibility often
an identical cone. There will be many times when this
exists between hubs with these brand names.
will not be possible so it becomes necessary to know
Jou Yu and Joy Tech are two names for the
how to pick a correct substitute cone. For this there
same company.
are some general guidelines and testing procedures that
Wald company makes a number of replacement
can be used to determine compatibility.
axle sets that fit a variety of historical and
These general guidelines are based on certain ten-
current American-made front hubs that are
dencies that are common to certain brands.
found on department-store bikes and older
Shimano has made more models of hubs over
fat-tire one-speeds. These brands include
the years than anyone could possibly keep
Wald, Weco, Union, Schwinn, Ross, New
track of. Many of these models are externally
Departure, Excel, and Enlite.
different only. It is quite common that the
The test to determine cone compatibility has a num-
cones in one model are identical to another
ber of steps that originally test for a likely replacement
model. Even when not identical, the cones
cone, and then empirically tests for compatibility. See
may differ only in ways such as quality, fin-
figures 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, and 12.8 (page 12-6).
ish, design of seal, or overall length. If seal
Hold the old cone and possible substitute to-
differences exist, then the quality of the seal
gether small end to small end.
may be compromised but not the function-
Check whether the small-end diameters match.
ality of the hub. If only a length difference
Check whether the curves of the two cones
exists, it can often be made up for with a
appear symmetrical.
spacer change. The Shimano Parts Dealer
Check whether the overall cone length of the
Parts Catalog has excellent descriptive infor-
possible replacement is equal or longer (re-
mation about cones. If the dimensions for
placement can’t be shorter).
two different cones match, they are usually
Check whether replacement’s overall diameter
interchangeable with few critical complica-
is equal to or less than original (replacement
tions. Wheels Mfg. makes duplicates of cer-
diameter cannot be larger unless hole in
tain Shimano cones. Some distributors (in-
dustcap can be enlarged).
cluding United Bicycle Parts and Quality Bi-
cycle Products) have created compatibility

12 – 5
12 – ADJUS
Test-mate the replacement cone against the balls
in place in the hub cup and see if the grease
print on the cone indicates that the balls will
be rolling on the middle of the cone race (balls
cannot roll on either end of the cone race).
If everything is acceptable except that the thread
descriptions don’t match, replace the axle and
hardware as well. 12.7 Although the small-end diameters match and the curves of
the races match, the right cone is an probably an unsuitable replace-
ment for the left cone because of its larger overall diameter. Due to
the diameter difference, the right cone is unlikely to fit in the hole in
the dustcap.

12.3 The right cone is possibly a suitable replacement for the left
cone because the small-end diameters match and the curves of the 12.8 The grease prints in the middle of the race on this cone indi-
races match. cate that the ball bearings will contact the correct area on the race.

When a compatible cone cannot be found, there

is one additional thing to try short of running the hub
with worn-out cones or replacing the hub or wheel. If
a substitute cone was found that failed the grease print
test because the balls were contacting too high or low
on the cone race, then it may still be useable by chang-
ing the ball-bearing size.
12.4 Although the curves of the races match, the right cone is not Smaller balls will allow the cone to insert further
likely to be a suitable replacement for the left cone because the so the contact will be further from the small end of
small-end diameters do not match.
the cone (watch for the wrench flats ending up below
the dustcap face). Larger balls will position the cone
further out so the contact will be closer to the small
end of the cone race. Using smaller balls may reduce
the wear life, but the hub has no wear life left without
replacing the worn cones, so anything that works is a
meaningful gain. When the ball-bearing size changes
so will the quantity. Just put in the maximum num-
12.5 Although the small-end diameters match, the right cone is ber of balls that will fit in the cup without jamming.
not likely to be a suitable replacement for the left cone because the For this purpose it is useful to have some odd-
curves of the races do not match. size balls on hand, such as 11/64", 7/32", 15/64", and
17/64". These ball sizes (except 7/32"— used in
Campagnolo hubs) are likely to be available only
by special order from larger industrial bearing sup-
ply houses.

12.6 Although the small-end diameters match and the curves of

the races match, the right cone is an probably an unsuitable replace-
ment for the left cone because of its shorter overall length. Due to
the length difference, the cone wrench flats are likely to end up inac-
cessible (below the face of the dustcap).

12 – 6
equal on both sides. One rare exception is when one
ADJUSTABLE-CONE-HUB dropout is thicker than the other (in which case the
OVERHAUL & ADJUSTMENT axle protrusions should differ by the amount the drop-
out thickness differs). Certain inexpensive bikes have
PROCEDURE a plate of metal that the derailleur attaches to, which
bolts onto the outer face of the right-rear dropout.
NOTE: If just adjusting hub and not overhauling it,
do steps 1–7, then skip to PRELIMINARY ADJUST- This is called a bolt-on derailleur hanger. The bolt-on
MENT just after step 57. derailleur hanger is part of the dropout, so in this case
consider the right dropout to be thicker than the left
dropout by the thickness of the bolt-on hanger.
COMPONENT REMOVAL AND In the next steps, measure the two axle protru-
PRE-DISASSEMBLY INSPECTION sions and average them to determine the correct axle
1 . [ ] Remove wheel from bike and skewer (if any) protrusion. If the right-rear dropout is thicker, add
from hub. half the difference in thickness to the average axle pro-
2 . [ ] Place wheel back in dropouts. trusion for the correct right-side protrusion, and sub-
tract half the thickness difference from the average
axle protrusion for the correct left-side protrusion.
When measuring the axle protrusion, use the depth
gauge of a caliper and measure from the high point on
D r opout the face of the locknut to the end of the axle. Some
axles have a recess in their face. Do not measure down
Pr otruding ax le into any recess.

Caliper D epth gauge

L ock nut
(cut aw ay )
Cor r ect

12.9 It is unacceptable for the quick-release axle to protrude be- Incor r ect
yond the face of the dropout.

3 . [ ] Observe wheel in bike and determine whether

QR axles protrude beyond dropout faces. 12.10 Measuring the axle protrusion.
4 . [ ] If QR axles protrude, measure dropout thick-
ness. This is maximum axle protrusion.
Maximum axle protrusion is: _________mm. Determinecorrectaxleprotrusion
5 . [ ] Rotate axle and check for oscillation at ends 8 . [ ] Right-side axle protrusion: _________mm.
that indicates bends. 9 . [ ] Left-side axle protrusion: +_________mm.
6 . [ ] Rotate axle and feel for severe grittiness 10. [ ] Total axle protrusion is: =_________mm.
that indicates worn out parts. ÷ 2
Adjustable-cone rear hubs with thread-on free- 11. [ ] AVG. AXLE PROTRUSION =_________mm.
wheels require freewheel removal for hub adjustment Measureover-locknutwidth
or overhaul. It is recommended, but not required, to In the next step, measure the overall width from
remove freehub cogs when overhauling a freehub, but the left locknut to the right locknut. This measure-
there is no reason to remove the cogs to adjust a free- ment will be needed if parts are replaced with non-
hub bearing. exact replacements. If some sort of substitute part that
7 . [ ] Remove freewheel (if any, for overhaul or
is not the same effective width as the original is used,
adjustment) or freehub cogs (for overhaul
it could affect the fit of the wheel to the frame or
only, not adjustment).
In the next step, determine the correct axle protru- fork. By knowing how much the final width differs
sion (the distance the end of the axle protrudes beyond from the original width, it will be known how many
the face of the locknut that is found just inside of the washers to add or subtract on the side of the hub that
dropout). In most cases, the axle protrusion should be has the substitute part.

12 – 7
12 – ADJUS

Over-locknut width


12.11 Measure the over-locknut width.

12. [ ] Measure over-locknut width.

NOTE: Front hubs, go to step 17.
Steps #13 through #16 apply to rear hubs only.
The purpose of these steps is to get a measurement
that corresponds to the distance the freewheel or free-
hub cogs sit from the dropout. This distance must be
maintained when overhauling the hub or the rear de- 12.13 Determine freehub space by adding measurement A to mea-
railleur might need adjustment or the freewheel may surement B.
not even have enough room to be re-installed. The
measurement will not be needed unless right-side parts 16.[ ] For freehubs, measure from end of freehub
body (where cogs came off) to locknut face.
are replaced with non-identical parts, or if left-side and
Add this to measurement from right flange
right-side parts get mixed up.
to outer end of freehub body to calculate
freehub space.
A B Freehub body to nut face: __________mm
Body flange to outboard end
of freehub body +__________mm
FREEHUB SPACE =__________mm

Disassembling the first end of the axle is a lot easier
if the axle is not free to turn. The ideal way to do this
is to have the end of the axle that is not being disas-
sembled held in a bench vise. When securing the axle
in a vise, it is easy to damage either the axle or the
locknut. If the axle is a not-quick-release type, there is
enough axle to grasp securely with the axle directly in
12.12 Determine freewheel space by adding measurement A to “soft jaws.” Soft jaws are inserts made of aluminum,
measurement B. copper, plastic, or wood that cover the face of the vise
NOTE: Freehubs, go to step 16. jaws. All of these materials are softer than the axle
threads so the axle threads will not be damaged. Quick-
Measureandcalculatefreewheelspace: release axles do not protrude far enough to get a good
13. [ ] Freewheel shoulder to end- grip with soft jaws, which might lead to clamping the
of-shell: ________mm vise tighter, which could crush the hollow quick-re-
14. [ ] End-of-shell to locknut face: +________mm
lease axle. For this reason, a special axle vise is required
15. [ ] FREEWHEEL SPACE =________mm
(Skip to step 17.)
for use with quick-release axles. Grasping the axle by
the locknut can lead to damage of the locknut.

12 – 8
20. [ ] Lift hub off axle, cupping hand below hub to
Loos en
catch ball bearings.

Hold s tationary
with cone wrench

Hozan axle vixe

(s ecured in bench vise)

12.14 With the hub secured in a Hozan axle vise, use a cone
wrench to hold the cone while breaking loose the locknut.
12.16 Cup a hand under the hub with the axle between two fin-
17. [ ] Clamp right end of QR axle in axle vise, or gers while lifting off the hub in order to catch any ball bearings that
right end of solid axle in soft jaws. fall out.
18. [ ] Hold left cone stationary with cone wrench
while breaking loose left locknut with adjust- Steps #21 through #24 are about removing the
able wrench. (Use cone wrench on locknut right-side axle parts. Removing these enables check-
only if locknut has round face.) ing for a bent axle, damaged threads, replacing the cone
There are few standards about the number and if damaged, and resetting the right-side axle protru-
sequences of parts on the end of the axle. Further- sion if necessary. The tendency is to skip these steps if
more, keeping left-side and right-side rear-axle parts the cone is not in need of replacement, but some im-
separate is critical on rear hubs (front hubs usually are portant problems could be missed , especially if this is
symmetrical). For this reason, the next step suggests the first time overhauling this hub.
transferring parts directly from the axle to a bundling If the hub is a rear hub with a thread-on freewheel,
tie (wire or plastic bread-bag ties work). Some parts, a variety of parts configurations might be found in
particularly outer locknuts, have a certain way they the next step. These will break down into one of two
need to face, so it is just as important to maintain the fundamental categories, axles sets with a single lock-
specific orientation of each part as it comes off the nut on the right and axle sets with a double locknut
axle as it is to maintain the order. on the right. Some of the variations might be whether
there is a big spacer built into the outer locknut of a
double-locknut design and whether there are single
or multiple spacers.
In these next steps, use two ties to bundle the
right-side parts. This will enable keeping track of the
left-side (first off, single tie) and right-side (second
off, two-ties) parts.
21. [ ] Reverse axle in axle vise or soft jaws.
22. [ ] Hold cone (or lower locknut of double-locknut
hub) stationary with cone wrench while
breaking loose locknut with adjustable
12.15 Transfer the parts one-by-one from the end of the axle to a
wrench. (Use cone wrench on locknut only if
bundling tie to maintain the correct order and orientation.
locknut is round.)
19. [ ] Thread left-end parts off axle and onto bun- 23. [ ] Only if double-locknut hub: hold cone sta-
dling tie (maintaining order and orientation). tionary while breaking loose lower locknut.

12 – 9
12 – ADJUS
24. [ ] Thread right-end parts off axle and onto two moval are not covered here, as they are optional and
bundling ties, while maintaining order and are covered as part of the FREEHUB MECHANISMS AND
orientation. THREAD-ON FREEWHEELS chapter (page 25-9).
Rubber seals on dustcaps or cones rotate relative 28. [ ] Only if working on rear freehub, remove
to the part they are attached to. Seal effectiveness can freehub body (optional).
be improved and seal drag reduced by lubricating be- 29. [ ] Clean all parts, including outside of hub shell.
tween the seal and what it is attached to. Seals will be
removed at this time to enable greasing later. Seals
can possibly be re-installed backwards, so note their
orientation if removing them from a dustcap, or sim- Hub-shell damage in regard to the bearings is rare.
ply leave them on the left-side and right-side parts Cracks may appear on some inexpensive steel hubs
bundles if removing them from a cone. on the backside of the bearing area when the bearings
2 5 . [ ] Remove rubber seals (if any) from become extremely over-tight. Some inexpensive hub
dustcaps (note orientation) or cones (leave shells made of multiple parts joined together may fail
seals on bundles). at the joints. The evidence of this type of failure is
Next, remove the ball bearings. This is a critical greasing oozing out a seam in the hub shell. This ex-
step because bearing sizes and quantities are not uni- ternal inspection is done first because any failure is
versal. For front hubs, 10– 3/16" balls per side is most non-repairable and the job is over.
common. The most likely exception that will not be 30. [ ] Inspect outside of hub shell for damage.
obvious is that some older Campagnolo hubs use Good? Bad?
slightly oversize 7/32" balls. For rear hubs, the most The bearing cups are supposed to be permanently
common quantity and size are 9– 1/4" balls per side. pressed into the hub shell. Occasionally they work
The quantity of balls for the right side and left side of loose. If not inspected for, this might cause substan-
any hub is almost always universally equal, so if eleven tial frustration when trying to eliminate play when
are counted on the right and nine on the left, it is making the adjustment. Firmly press a finger into a
certain that a ball dropped from one side to the other cup and try to force it to rotate. If it does rotate, it
and that ten per side is the correct amount. On the must be fixed by dripping Loctite 290 behind the cup.
other hand if the quantity per side differs by one, it is 31. [ ] Inspect pressed in cups for looseness. See
if they rotate or jiggle. Good? Bad?
extremely possible that one ball was lost.
By design hub cups wear out long after the cones
26. [ ] Remove ball bearings one side at a time and
determine quantity and size per side and have worn out. This is good because the cups cannot
record observations here: be replaced. When a cup wears out, a new hub is
Quantity: Left ______ Right ______ needed. Check for cup wear by looking in the cups
Size: Left ______ Right ______ for the wear line left by the balls. Trace this wear line
Dustcap removal is next. It is optional, with re- with the tip of a ball point pen. If it snags on any-
moval only making cleaning and inspection easier. thing, the cup is shot and the hub should be replaced.
That dustcap removal is optional is important, because
with some hubs it is easy to bend or break the dustcap
when attempting to remove it. This happens most
often with some Shimano freehubs. To pry out the
dustcap use a plastic tire lever. Lever gently in one
location, then move a few degrees and lever a little
more, then move again and lever a little more. Con-
tinue like this until the dustcap eases out. If it will not
come out easily, do not remove it.
27. [ ] Pry dustcaps out unless damage is likely.
Were dustcaps very loose? Yes? No?
(circle one)
The next step only applies to rear freehubs, and is 12.17 Inspect the cup for pits with the tip of a ball point pen.
optional. The hub can be cleaned with the freehub
body still attached. It makes for extra work when dry- 32. [ ] Trace ball path in cups with a ball point pen
ing after cleaning. Techniques for freehub-body re- to check for pits. Good? Bad?

12 – 10
If the cups were worn out, the cones are virtu-
ally certain to be. If not, be sure to check the cones
carefully so that a worn out one will not damage a
cup, leading to a hub replacement. Cones wear out
by developing pits (galling). Find the shiny wear line
left by the balls on the conical portion of the cone.
Trace this wear line with the tip of a ball point pen
to check for pits. 12.20 A wear line that is at the top of the cone race (left cone), or
bottom of the cone race (right cone) indicates that the cone is the
wrong one for the hub or that the balls are the wrong size.

12.18 Inspect the cone for pits with the tip of a ball point pen.
12.21 When the wear pattern is fatter on half the cone race it
When inspecting the cone for pits, other symp- indicates that the axle has been in the same position for most of the
life of the hub, no particular problem is indicated.
toms with the wear line might be detected. If the wear
line wanders from high on the cone race to low on 33. [ ] Trace ball path on cones with a ball point
the cone race, the cone may still be useable but the pen to check for pits and inspect for other
wear pattern indicates a probable bent axle. If the wear wear problems. Good? Bad?
pattern is at the top or bottom of the cone race, it Next, inspect the axle for bends. Roll the axle on
indicates that the cone is the wrong one for that par- a flat smooth surface such as a Formica counter top
ticular hub, or that the wrong-size bearings are in use. or a glass display case. Look under the axle as it rolls
An unusual looking wear pattern that does not indi- for a humping up and down that indicates it is bent.
cate a particular problem is when the wear line is fat A bent axle is an axle in the process of breaking, and
halfway around the cone and thin on the other half. should be replaced, not straightened. A bent axle can
This happens because the cone does not rotate during be caused by misaligned dropouts. Axles can also bend
use so all the load is experienced on the bottom half. from severe impact to the wheel or high pedaling loads.
This pattern is not seen all the time because in many 34. [ ] Inspect axle for bends. Good? Bad?
cases the rear wheel is in and out often, and the axle Threads can be damaged on the axle from getting
and cones end up rotated into a different positions nicked, from a keyed lock washer rotating around the
with each installation of the wheel. axle, or from excess torque on a locknut, which re-
sults in stripped threads. If the threads are nicked from
impact against something or damaged by a rotated lock
washer, they can be repaired with the thread file (met-
ric-pitch quick-release axles) or Bicycle Research thread
chaser (inch-pitch solid axles). Threads stripped from
an over-tightened locknut cannot be repaired. Replace
the axle.
35. [ ] Inspect axle for damaged threads.
12.19 A wear line that is low on the cone race at one point and Good? Bad?
high on the cone race at another point indicates the axle is bent. Some axles have slots along their length. A key
on the lock washer engages the slot. The only func-
tion of the key is to enable the factory to adjust the
hub without a cone wrench. However, the washer
often rotates around the axle and the key damages the
threads as well as itself. If a key is damaged, the washer

12 – 11
12 – ADJUS
is sure to rotate again. File out the damaged key or Partsreplacement
replace the washer with an unkeyed one. If installing 42. [ ] Replace bad parts on bundles with good parts.
a replacement axle without a slot, get rid of the keys
on the inside of the washers.
36. [ ] Inspect keyed lock washers for damaged If the freehub body has been removed in step #28,
keys. Good? Bad? it is time to replace it. Be sure it is dry and oiled in-
Inspect the locknuts for damage, usually result- side. Techniques for cleaning, drying, oiling, and in-
ing from being over-tightened or from poor wrench stallation are all covered in the freewheel chapter.
fit or use. Locknuts have to match the original 43. [ ] Install freehub body if it was removed in
thread and thickness. If the new locknut has a dif- step 28.
ferent thickness, make up the difference by adding Fill both cups generously with grease and put the
or subtracting washers. balls into the cups. If unsure of the ball quantity, fill
37. [ ] Inspect locknuts for damaged threads, the cups with balls without forcing any in.
cracks, warpage, and rounded off flats. The most important thing about dustcap installa-
Good? Bad? tion is to make sure that they end up level rather than
Inspect the dustcaps for looseness and damage. If tipped. Tap the dustcap in with a rubber or plastic
they were loose (determined during removal), then mallet. Do the best possible to level the dustcap at
re-install them with Loctite 242. If a dustcap is bent, this point, and then when the hub is assembled, give
try to straighten it out. It is only critical if the dustcap the wheel a spin and check whether the dustcaps
is deformed to the point that it rubs on a part of the wobble as they spin. Straighten them as necessary.
axle set that the dustcap overlaps. 44. [ ] Pack grease and balls in one side of hub,
A simple technique for straightening a bent then install dustcap.
dustcap is to put the dustcap on the bench face down 45. [ ] Pack grease and balls in other side of hub,
and insert a socket that is a close fit inside the dustcap then install dustcap.
46. [ ] Grease seals, if any, and install on dustcaps
and tap on the dustcap with a soft mallet.
or cones.
38. [ ] Inspect dustcaps for looseness (done in step
27) and damage. Good? Bad? Setright-sideaxleprotrusion
47. [ ] Grease axle threads.
48. [ ] Install axle in axle vise or soft jaws with
ASSEMBLY right end up. (Right end is longer-threaded
If installing a new axle, the length does not have end if right parts bundle is bigger bundle, or
to match exactly. For quick-release axles, the mini- shorter-threaded end if right parts bundle is
mum axle protrusion per side should be no less than smaller bundle.)
one-half the dropout thickness, and the maximum When disassembling the axle set, the assumption
should be no more than the dropout thickness. For is that all the parts are in the correct orientation. If
non-quick-release axles, the minimum length should these parts were not correctly oriented, or if the bundle
be no less than the sum of the dropout thickness, plus came apart during cleaning and the order and orienta-
the thickness of the washers under the axle nuts, plus tion is uncertain, make sure the outer locknuts go on
the thickness of the axle nuts. correctly. If one side of the locknut is flat and smooth
Calculatenewaxleprotrusion and the other side is not, the non-smooth side faces
NOTE: If not replacing axle with new one of differ- out, so as to grip the inside face of the dropout and
ent length, go to step 42. hold the wheel more securely in the bike.
39. [ ] Repeat original average axle
protrusion from step 11 here: _________mm.
40. [ ] Measure difference between axles and di-
vide by two.
Difference is: ________mm
÷ 2
1/2 axle difference =________mm
41. [ ] If new axle is shorter, subtract difference (or
if longer, add) from/to old protrusion.
Old protrusion (step 39) ________mm
1/2 axle difference (step 40) ±________mm
New protrusion is: =________mm 12.22 Transferring the parts from the bundling tie to the axle.

12 – 12
49. [ ] Transfer all parts from right-side bundle (two The next few steps are a preliminary to adjusting
ties) to axle. the hub. The left-side parts will be put in a position
50. [ ] Position top locknut so axle protrusion close to their final position, but deliberately at a very
equals average axle protrusion plus .2mm. loose adjustment. This prepares the hub for adjustment
5 1 . [ ] Hold top locknut stationary with wrench
because the adjustment procedure is based on starting
and tighten parts below it snugly up
against locknut.
too loose and eliminating the looseness. A very high
52. [ ] Measure axle protrusion, then adjust protru- degree of initial looseness is required for quick-release
sion if necessary. hubs because the axle is compressed by the load of the
53. [ ] Loosen axle slightly in axle vise (or vise) so closed quick release, which will take up some of the
that axle is free to turn. excess play before the adjustment is even started.
54. [ ] Hold cone with cone wrench and torque The adjustment procedure recommends using cali-
locknut to 120–180in-lbs (30–45lbs@4"). bration stickers (BBI Hub Dial stickers). The stickers
Installaxleinhub will be put on the hub to calibrate the adjustment.
55. [ ] Turn axle over in axle vise (or vise). The surfaces must be grease-free for the stickers to
56. [ ] Drop hub (right-side down) onto axle. stick well, particularly on the cone. Even if not using
57. [ ] Transfer left-side parts bundle to axle. the stickers, it will be necessary to mark the hub in
some way, so cleaning is still required.
The adjustment procedure (page 12-15) is very dif-
PRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENT ferent from the way most mechanics adjust hubs. The
NOTE: If just adjusting a front hub or thread-on-
procedure uses an adjustment-calibration sticker (a BBI
freewheel rear hub:
1. Do steps 1 through 7,
product), but a piece of masking tape that you mark
2. Break loose left-side locknut from cone by yourself can be used as an alternative to the sticker.
holding cone stationary and turning locknut This approach (with sticker or tape) may seem awk-
counterclockwise. ward at first, but students at BBI that were very expe-
3. Hold right cone with cone wrench and rienced with hub adjustment prior to arriving at BBI,
torque locknut to 120–180in-lbs (30– endorse this approach wholeheartedly.
45lbs@4"). If parts were replaced, or right and left parts were
NOTE: If just adjusting (not overhauling) a freehub: mixed together, it is time to check the over-locknut
1. Back cone off enough to push right side of width and freewheel-space/freehub-space measure-
axle out far enough to access right-side cone.
ments against the originals.
2. Secure right-side cone and locknut together
58. [ ] Tighten cone until it very gently contacts
to 120–180in-lbs (30–45lbs@4").
bearings, then back it off a full 90°.
3. Place right side of axle in axle vise/soft
59. [ ] Hold cone stationary and tighten locknut to
it to 120–180in-lbs (30–45lbs@4").

T orque w r ench (t ighten) 2 – P lace tools on

lef t end of ax le

Cone w r ench (hold s tationar y ) 6 – T ighten


3– 90º
Clock w is e
(t o gentle

5 – H old
1 – P lace in vis e
H oz an ax le v is e (in bench v is e)

12.23 Preparing a hub for adjustment. 12.24 Preliminary setting of the cone.

12 – 13
12 – ADJUS
60. [ ] Jerk rim up and down and check for obvious lent tool, as an alternative the wheel can simply be
(even extreme) knocking. If adjustment is mounted to the outside of a rear dropout on a bike.
not adequately loose, go back to step 58 Alternatively, cut a few inches of chainstay and a rear
and start even looser. dropout out of a trashed frame to clamp in the vise to
substitute for the HV-1.
NOTE: For quick-release axles, go to step 65.
64. [ ] Clamp Stein HV-1 in vise and use axle nut to
bolt right end of axle into hole of HV-1 se-
curely (about 240in-lbs).
12.25 Jerk up and down on the rim to check for obvious knocking Quick-releasehub-adjustmentpreparation
that indicates that the adjustment is loose enough. NOTE: For non-quick-release axles, go to step 70.
65. [ ] Put Stein HV-1 in vise securely.
61. [ ] Clean left dustcap and left cone thoroughly
66. [ ] Insert QR skewer through bottom of HV-1
(with acetone or alcohol).
and into right end of axle (no springs).
62. [ ] If non-matching right-side hub parts were
In the next step, a nut (standard 5mm ×.8mm or
installed, check freewheel/freehub-space
from steps 15 or 16 and adjust if necessary. quick-release adjusting nut) is put on the end of the
63. [ ] If non-matching hub parts were installed, skewer so that it will bear against the end of the axle
compare to over-locknut width in step 12 when the skewer is secured. The nut then transfers
and adjust if necessary. the load though the axle, simultaneously securing the
axle from rotation and compressing the axle in the
same fashion that it will be when the wheel is installed
FINAL ADJUSTMENT in the bike. When the wheel is mounted normally in
Adjusting a hub can be challenging. The first chal- the bike, the force is applied through the dropout to
lenge of adjusting a hub is that the cone needs to be the outer locknut and then to the axle.
adjusted relative to the axle. The axle wants to turn
unless fixed somehow. This could be done in the vise, N ut
but there is another challenge in that the quick-re-
S k ew er
lease axle in the bike is compressed compared to its
length out of the bike. If a perfect adjustment of a
quick-release axle out of the bike were made, it would
be over-tight in the bike and with no easy way to
tell. The wheel can’t mounted inside the dropouts to
make the adjustment because then there is load on
both outer locknuts and they can’t be turned. Yet
S tein H V -1 hub vis e
one more challenge is to keep track of the adjust-
ments. The cone position must be compared to where B ench v is e
it was relative to the axle; however, the axle is so Quick r eleas e
small that there is no way to mark it to track the
progress of the adjustment.
The following adjustment procedure solves all
these problems. It pre-loads the axle so that the in- 12.26 The hub is mounted in the Stein HV-1 vise (in bench vise
the-bike adjustment will not be tighter than when jaws), using a 5 × .8mm nut on the end of the quick-release skewer.
performing the adjustment. It fixes the axle from ro-
tating, and by also fixing the hub from rotating, this Using a 5mm ×.8mm nut instead of the quick-
technique allows tracking the cone position relative release adjusting nut has some advantages. Sometimes
to the hub rather than relative to the axle. the large diameter of the quick-release adjusting nut
This adjustment procedure assumes a Stein HV-1 interferes with an open-end or adjustable wrench be-
hub axle vise is being used to hold the wheel station-
ary. Although the HV-1 is an inexpensive and excel-

12 – 14
ing used on the locknut. The regular nut allows use of Next, the rim needs to be fixed from turning so
any wrench, including a deep socket (so that a ratchet the cone can be adjusted relative to the hub. A bungee
drive or torque wrench can be used to secure the ad- cord or its substitute is used. It will need to be at-
justment). Some older French skewers and some tached, detached, and re-attached several times with-
American skewers are not compatible with a 5mm out loosing the position of the hub, so set up the
nut so use the quick-release adjusting nut in these cases. bungee cord to a fixed point on the rim and a fixed
67. [ ] Put nut (no spring) on skewer. point on the bench or vise.
The quick-release lever must be clamped with the
same force during the adjustment as it is during nor-
mal wheel installation for the adjustment to be accu-
rate. The common tendency is to not secure the lever
tight enough. When it is properly set, force is required
to close the lever starting when the lever is parallel to
the axle and the lever must be closed down all the
way until it is perpendicular to the axle. Many quick-
release levers are curved; when the lever is curved, the
straight portion at the base of the lever is the only 12.29 Attach a bungee cord to the rim at the valve hole (or valve),
part to be concerned with regarding the starting and then attach the other end to a fixed point on the bench.
ending positions. See figure 12.27.
68. [ ] With base of quick-release lever parallel to 71. [ ] Attach a bungee cord to valve/valve hole,
axle, secure nut tight with fingers. and to fixed point on bench/vise to fix rim
69. [ ] Close quick-release lever 90° until base of from turning.
lever is perpendicular to axle. The following adjustment procedure is very dif-
ferent from the way most mechanics adjust hubs. The
procedure uses an adjustment-calibration sticker (a BBI
product), but a piece of masking tape that you mark
yourself can be used as an alternative to the sticker.
This approach (with sticker or tape) may seem awk-
ward at first, but students at BBI who were very expe-
rienced with hub adjustment prior to arriving at BBI
endorse this approach wholeheartedly.

12.27 Adjust the quick release so force to close begins at A and

close the lever until it matches position B.

70. [ ] Jiggle rim to check hub for looseness, and
set left cone and locknut to looser position if 12.30 A BBI Hub Dial Sticker.
no play is felt.
If the hub has a dustcap that rotates with the hub
shell, the cone needs to be marked with a scribe be-
tween the wrench flats, or use one edge of one of the
wrench flats as the cone mark.
If the hub has a dustcap that remains stationary as
the hub shell rotates, use a fine-tip felt marker to put
a mark on the hub shell right at the edge of the sta-
tionary dustcap.
72. [ ] Check whether dustcap rotates with hub
12.28 With a finger on the end of the end of the axle to feel for shell and mark cone if dustcap rotates or
knocking, jerk up and down on the rim. hub shell if dustcap is stationary.

12 – 15
12 – ADJUS
If the hub has a dustcap that rotates with the hub, In the next step, hold the cone stationary while
use the BBI Hub Dial sticker that has numbers out- breaking loose the locknut. If the cone and locknut
side of the dial marks. If the hub has a dustcap that both turn counterclockwise simultaneously, the axle
remains stationary as the hub rotates, use the BBI Hub may turn with them. This will cause the locknut on
Dial sticker that has numbers on top of the dial marks. the other end of the axle against the HV-1 to break
The Hub Dial sticker needs to be cut out and at- loose. This will not be obvious, but as adjustment
tached to the dustcap so that the calibration lines are continues to be set tighter and tighter, a slight amount
right against the cone and so that the “0” mark lines of play will persistently remain. The play being felt
up with the cone mark or hub-shell mark. will be the loose locknut on the end of the axle against
the HV-1. By this time the adjustment is probably way
over-tight and the right-side locknut and cone need to
be resecured. Start over. Avoid this by keeping the cone
absolutely stationary while breaking loose the locknut.
74. [ ] Holding left cone absolutely stationary,
loosen left locknut.
75. [ ] Adjust cone clockwise to next dial mark
–2 –1 0 +1 + 2 (+), hold cone absolutely stationary and se-
–3 +3

– 4 + 4
cure locknut 120–180in-lbs (30–45lbs@4").
If not using a BBI Hub Dial sticker, simply
draw a new mark 1–2mm clockwise from
original on dustcap.
The next step is to jiggle the rim and feel if there
is knocking that indicates the adjustment is too loose,
then reset the cone to the next positive mark on the
Hub Dial. This adjustment needs to be very precise.
If the mark is under- or over-shot, try again. See fig-
ures 12.33 and 12.34.
12.31 BBI Hub Dial Sticker placed on a rotating dustcap so that 76. [ ] Remove bungee cord and check for knock in
the “0” mark lines up with the edge of a cone-wrench flat.
hub by jiggling rim (rotate wheel and check
at many points about rim).
77. [ ] Re-attach bungee cord and repeat adjust-
ment process to next “+” mark. If not using
a BBI Hub Dial sticker, draw a new mark 1–
2mm clockwise on dustcap or hub shell.

+2 0 –2
+4 –4
+6 –6

–2 –1 0 +1 + 2
–3 +3
– 4 + 4
–5 +5
–6 +6
–7 +7

12.32 When the BBI Hub Dial Sticker goes on a stationary

dustcap, mark the hub shell in line with the “0” on the sticker.

73. [ ] Cut out Hub Dial sticker and put it on

dustcap so that “0” mark lines up with cone
mark or shell mark. If not using a BBI Hub 12.33 The cone has been turned 10° clockwise so that the edge of
Dial sticker, draw a mark on dustcap lining the wrench flat lines up with “+1” on the sticker.
up with cone mark or hub-shell mark.

12 – 16
NOTE: If knock is not felt in step 79 (with lever
loosened), perform step 80, otherwise go to
step 81.
80. [ ] Secure skewer lever, re-attach bungee, re-
turn halfway to last adjustment and repeat
check with bungee off and QR lever loos-
ened 45°.
NOTE: Once knock is felt in step 80 (with lever
loosened) perform steps 81–83.
81. [ ] Adjustment is good: Yes? No?
82. [ ] Remove wheel from HV-1, remove skewer
and nut if any, install freewheel or freehub
cogs, install wheel normally.
83. [ ] Check at rim for knocking and adjust skewer
setting tighter (within normal range) if
knocking is felt.
12.34 The cone (and sticker) has been turned 10° clockwise so that
the “+1” on the sticker lines up with the mark on the hub shell.

NOTE: If knock is felt easily in step 76, perform

steps 77–78.
Shimano makes several front hubs that are in a
78. [ ] Repeat step 71, then 74–76 as many times style group called “Parallax.” Some of these hubs are
as necessary (each time moving cone mark
completely conventional in every way except the over-
to next “+” mark on hub dial), until play is
not felt. If at any time play becomes detect- size diameter of the hub-shell core. Some of them have
able intermittently (play can be felt at some special axle designs that requires some slightly differ-
points on rim, but not at all points on rim) ent techniques.
the next adjustment should only be halfway All models of Parallax hubs have rubber seal cov-
to next mark. ers that hide the access to the cones. These soft seals
The objective in the next step is to loosen the must be pulled over the locknut and off the end of the
quick-release lever enough to take the compression axle before servicing the hub.
load off the axle, but to leave it tight enough so that The way to tell the difference between the variet-
the wheel will not wiggle relative to what it is mounted ies of Parallax hubs is simple. If a threaded axle pro-
to, when jiggling the rim to check for free play in the trudes past the face of the locknut, the hub is com-
adjustment. To accomplish this, the lever needs to be pletely conventional. If a smooth unthreaded stud
opened halfway back from the perpendicular-to-axle protrudes from the face of the locknut, then the hub
position a position parallel to the axle (45°). If the has a special axle.
wheel ends up loosely mounted at this quick-release There are actually two different special axles. One
position, the quick release was not properly set ini- is a 10mm conventional axle with a 9mm unthreaded
tially, and the adjustment should be started over again. end that protrudes past the locknut. The other is a
11mm axle that does not protrude through the lock-
nut at all. Both of these designs require a different
approach from each other and different approach from
other hubs.
The way to identify the 10mm design is to break
loose the locknut. If the smooth stud remains station-
ary while the locknut turns, then the axle is the 10mm
variety. Currently hubs of this design have the desig-
nation “Parallax 100” on a gold sticker, but this could
45° change or the sticker might be removed. Another in-
dicator that the hub may be of this variety is that the
12.35 Loosen the quick-release lever 45°, then check for knock.
smooth protruding stud is black steel; however, this
79. [ ] Once knock is eliminated, remove bungee, could change also.
loosen QR lever 45°, and check for knock.

12 – 17
12 – ADJUS
The certain way to identify the 11mm design is to The steel locknut threads onto an aluminum axle
break loose the locknut. If the smooth stud rotates with very little thread engagement due to the low pro-
while the locknut turns, then the axle is the 11mm va- file of the locknut. The possibility of stripping axle
riety. Currently hubs of this design have the designation threads is high. There is no way to measure torque, so
“Parallax 110” on a gold sticker, but this could change the mechanic must subjectively reach a tightness that
or the sticker might be removed. Another indicator will not strip the axle or allow the cone to work loose.
that the hub may be of this variety is that the smooth Using Loctite 222 on the cone and locknut threads
protruding stud is chrome steel; however, this could greatly reduces this problem.
change also. Some of the 11mm-axle hubs have special
locknuts with a built in rotating washer shaped like the
The hub with no “D”-shaped washer can be held
letter “D.” If this washer is present, then the hub defi-
by grasping the smooth stud protruding from the
nitely is the 11mm-axle variety. (See figure 12.36.)
locknut face in a smooth jaw axle vise such as the
Park AV-1.
There are only two special considerations with
servicing these hubs. When overhauling this variety,
a different technique is required for holding the axle.
Also, although the axle-thread description is a con- 2 1
ventional 10mm × 1mm, the special reduced diam-
eter 9mm ends and extra thread length require the axle 3 2
to be replaced with original matching parts only.
The recommended Hozan C354 axle vise with
threaded hole is adequate but not ideal for grasping 3 4
the end of the axle for disassembly purposes. Better
choices would be Park AV-1, United Bicycle Tool AX,
or Campagnolo P.

There are actually two varieties of this hub. One
has a simple round-face locknut on the end of the axle.
The other has a built-in rotating washer that is shaped
like the letter “D” and has a tab in the face of the
washer that fits into the axle slot.
The fact that the axle does not protrude through
the locknut means that there is no way to pre-load
the axle and then adjust the hub. This reduces the hub
adjustment to pure trial-and-error; furthermore, the
design of the hub makes it impossible to use the Hub 12.36 Parts of a Shimano Parallax hub with an 11mm axle:
Dial Stickers or any other marking system to track 1. rubber seal, 2. locknut/“D”-washer assembly, 3. alternate regular
the increments of adjustment. Estimating the amount locknut, 4. cone w/seal, 5. 11mm axle.
that the cone wrench moves for each adjustment is
the only way to control the size of each adjustment. To hold the axle while disassembling a hub with a
The presence of the “D”-shaped washer makes it “D”-shaped washer, gently grasp the smooth stud and
virtually impossible to grasp the axle in any kind of a the tab on the face of the “D”-shaped washer in a
vise and makes it extremely difficult to grasp the end smooth-jawed vise.
of the axle to feel for free play or a tight adjustment.

12 – 18
When adjusting the hub, grasp the axle in an axle
vise or bench vise so that it cannot rotate. Start with the
cone backed off at least 90° from the point it first con-
tacts the bearings. Secure the locknut. Jiggle the end of
the axle to check for free play. Do not interpret the loose-
ness of the “D”-shaped washer as play in the bearings.
When the amount of free play is correct, it should
disappear when the wheel is securely mounted in the
fork and reappear when the skewer is loosened 45°.
It will take repeated trial and error adjustments to
find the subtle setting that has no play when the
skewer is fully tight but has play when the skewer is
loosened 45°.

12 – 19
12 – ADJUS

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The axle feels tight or rough to rotate when play is first eliminated (or on a quick-release
hub it fails to develop play when the quick-release lever is loosened 45°).
Last adjustment was too large. Try to find an in-between adjustment.
Misinstalled dustcap rubbing on axle set. Observe whether dustcap turns true as the
wheel turns and reset if needed.
Bent axle causes portion of the axle set to rub dustcap. Inspect for bent axle and replace.
Dry grease. Disassemble, inspect, overhaul.
Cones and/or cups galled. Disassemble, inspect, replace parts.
Seal mechanism drag. Check that seal mechanisms are not incorrectly
positioned and/or lubricate seals.
Wrong size balls. Disassemble, measure balls.
SYMPTOM: Play cannot be eliminated without severely over-tightening the adjustment.
Locknut on end of axle set that is mounted in vise Check locknut security.
not secured.
Cups and/or cones galled. Disassemble, inspect and replace.
Loose cups in hub shell. Disassemble, inspect and repair with
appropriate Loctite.
SYMPTOM: Properly adjusted bearings feel sluggish but not rough when rotating the axle.
Seal mechanism drag. Grease seal mechanisms.
Dry grease. Disassemble, inspect, overhaul.
Plastic dustcap rubbing. Align dustcap.
SYMPTOM: When adjusting or inspecting the hub, an erratic looseness or tightness is detected that
comes and goes and changes location.
Too many balls in the cup(s). Disassemble and check ball quantity.
SYMPTOM: When rotating the axle set, a pattern is detected of a consistent tight spot and a
consistent loose spot.
Bent axle. Inspect for bent axle and replace.
Low-precision parts. None.
SYMPTOM: When inspecting the cone, a wear pattern is detected that is high on the cone race on
one-half of the cone and is low on the cone race 180° away.
Bent or broken axle. Inspect and replace.
SYMPTOM: Axle is bent or broken.
Dropouts are misaligned. Check and align dropouts.
Weak dropouts combined with a weak axle. Avoid using quick-release axle, or upgrade
quality of solid axle.
High torque from very low gear pulls cog set and hub Use strongest axle available.
forward beyond the elasticity of axle.
SYMPTOM: When riding the bike, a clicking sound is heard from a hub (usually the front), but the hub
feels normal when inspected.
Loose balls rotating around the cone drop over the Normal, but possibly the hub is short on
top of the cone and bump into the last ball over the grease.
SYMPTOM: When inspecting the cone, the wear pattern is very high or very low on the cone race.
Wear life has probably been very short.
Wrong size balls. Measure balls.
Inappropriate cone for hub. Inspect cone.

12 – 20

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Fork: The portion of the frame that attaches di-
rectly to the front wheel and allows the front wheel
Sections to rotate side-to-side relative to the rest of the frame.
The first section of this chapter is designed as Fork column: The tube at the top of the fork
general information for all types of headsets. The that rotates inside the head tube. The fork column
second section of this chapter is about threaded head- may also be called steering column, steering tube, steerer
sets. Threaded headsets press into the head tube, press tube, or fork steerer.
onto the fork, and thread onto the fork. The third Fork-column base: The largest-diameter portion
section of this chapter is about threadless headsets. of the fork column, at the absolute bottom of the fork
The threadless system uses no fork threads. The column. The fork-crown race presses onto the fork-
fourth section of this chapter is about headsets that column base.
use roller bearings instead of ball bearings. The fifth Fork crown: The large joining piece between the
section is about the Mavic headset and similar de- base of the fork column and the top of the fork blades.
signs without a locknut. The final section is a table Crown-race seat: The top surface of the fork
of headset-stack heights to enable selection of an ap- crown on to which the fork-crown race sits.
propriate replacement headset. Race: The cone or cup surface on which bearings
roll. A misuse of this term is to use it to describe a set
of ball bearings held together in a holder, which is
more properly called a retainer.
GENERAL INFORMATION Pressed race: A race that is pressed onto the fork
column or into the head tube.
Upper head-tube race: The pressed race that in-
TERMINOLOGY stalls in the upper end of the head tube. It may be a
cone or a cup.
Lower head-tube race: The pressed race that in-
stalls in the lower end of the head tube. It may be a
Was her
cone or a cup, but is virtually always a cup.
Adjus table race Cone: A surface that bearings roll on that is posi-
Bearing tioned inside the circle of balls. A cone may thread onto
S eal the fork column, or it may be pressed into the top end
of the head tube or the bottom of the fork column.
U pper head-tube race
Cup: A surface that bearings roll on that is posi-
tioned outside the circle of balls. A cup is pressed into
either end of the head tube, or may thread onto the
fork column.
Lower head-tube race
Adjustable cup or cone: A bearing cup that
threads onto the fork column would be an adjustable
Bearing cup. A cone could serve this function also, so a more
Fork-crown race
generic term might be adjustable race, which would
S eal
include an adjustable cup or an adjustable cone. On a
11.1 Parts in a headset. threadless headset the adjustable cone does not thread
onto the fork column, but slips effortlessly on.
Headset: The bearing assembly that allows the Adjustable race: A bearing cup or cone that threads
fork to rotate in the frame’s head tube. onto the fork column would be an adjustable race. On
Head tube: The semi-vertical tube at the front of a threadless headset the adjustable race does not thread
the frame that the fork rotates inside of. onto the fork column, but slips effortlessly on.

11 – 1
Fork-crown race: The bearing race that is pressed should be done as part of a regular maintenance cycle,
onto the base of the fork column. It may be a cone or the duration of which will change depending on the
a cup, but is virtually always a cone. Sometimes called type of riding conditions, the amount of riding, and
a crown race. the type of equipment.
Locknut: A nut that threads onto a fork column
against an adjustable race to lock the position of the
If starting out with a headset known to be in good
adjustable race to the fork column.
condition with good quality grease, it should last thou-
Lockring: Similar to a locknut, but instead of
sands of miles without needing an overhaul. If the
having the flats that are fit by regular wrenches, a
equipment sees little wet-weather riding, then an ap-
lockring is round and has notches that are engaged by
propriate maintenance cycle would be 2000–3000
a curved tool with hooks.
miles, in most cases. If a lot of wet-condition riding is
Retainer: A clip that holds a group of balls that
done, then the maintenance cycle might need to be as
fit in-between a cup and a cone. A retainer is some-
often as every 750–1000 miles. Parts rust whether be-
times falsely called a race.
ing ridden or not, so another factor is how long the
Cable hanger: A bracket used by some brake sys-
bike may be sitting before being used again. For ex-
tems that is installed under the headset locknut to serve
ample, if ridden 200 miles in the rain in the fall then
as a stop for the brake-cable housing.
put the bike away four months for the winter, it would
Reflector bracket: A bracket that mounts under
probably be a good idea to overhaul the headset be-
the headset locknut for mounting of a front reflector.
fore putting the bike away for the winter. With a new
bike, there is no way to have an idea how well the
PREREQUISITES bearings were prepped, greased, and adjusted. In par-
ticular, it is common that new bikes come with ball
Stem removal retainers in the headset. In the case of headsets, ball
Stem removal is optional for headset adjustment, retainers lead to premature failure and should always
but required for headset overhaul or replacement. be replaced with loose balls as soon as possible. Ide-
Although other writers have indicated that having the ally, overhaul a new bike within the first 100 miles of
stem in place affects the headset adjustment, scientific use (not usually practical). With a new bike poor fac-
testing has shown that this is not the case; however, tory greasing is common, and the initial break-in pe-
having the stem in place does make the adjustment riod puts a lot of microscopic metal fragments into
more awkward. See the chapter HANDLEBARS, STEMS, the grease, two additional good reasons to overhaul
AND HANDLEBAR EXTENSIONS (page 28-5). the headset almost immediately.
Brakeremoval/disconnection Some other factors affecting the maintenance cycle
Depending on the type and design of the brake, it are whether there is grease injection and whether there
will be necessary to remove the brake calipers from are seal mechanisms. Grease-injection systems do not
the fork, or remove the brake cable from the caliper, eliminate the need for overhaul. They only increase the
in order to overhaul the headset. If the cable does not acceptable time between overhauls; furthermore, they
go through a cable hanger that is part of the headset, are only as good as the customer is consistent and thor-
or cannot be released from the bracket without dis- ough about pumping in new grease. Seal mechanisms
connecting the cable from the brake, then caliper re- (conventional headsets with rubber seals between the
moval is probably the best choice. When the cable cones and cups) are not effective water-tight seals. Their
cannot be released from the headset or the fork (sus- effectiveness varies with the brand and model. At best,
pension forks) without disconnecting the cable, leave they can lengthen the acceptable time between over-
the calipers in place and just disconnect the cable. See hauls. With seal mechanisms or grease-injection sys-
CABLE-OPERATED BRAKE CALIPERS (page 36-1). tems, the best policy is to initially overhaul the head-
set on a normal length maintenance cycle, and if the
grease is found to be in good condition, then extend
INDICATIONS the cycle the next time.
There are several reasons a headset may need to
be adjusted, and several reasons it may need to be over-
hauled. Adjustment should generally be done on the
basis of need (looseness or tight rotation). Overhaul

11 – 2

Symptomsindicatingneedforoverhaul ease of use, quality, versatility, and economy. When

One of the most common conditions that leads more than one tool for one function is bold, it means
the cycling enthusiast to believe that their headset that several tools are required for different configura-
should be overhauled is when the races are “brinelled.” tions of parts.
Brinelled races are races that are dented. A headset
with brinelled races does not turn smoothly side-to- TIME AND DIFFICULTY
side, but moves in distinct increments — almost like Overhauling the headset including stem and brake
an indexed shift lever. When this symptom exists it is caliper/cable removal, stem and brake reinstallation,
possible that overhaul will eliminate it, but in most and headset adjustment is a 25-35 minute job of mod-
cases the headset will need to be replaced. erate difficulty. Adjusting the headset alone is a 8-12
The only symptom indicating a need for a head- minute job of moderate difficulty.
set overhaul is that when performing an adjustment
the looseness (free play) in the bearings cannot be elimi-
nated without the bearing becoming excessively tight COMPLICATIONS
(it does not turn smoothly). The lack of smoothness
could be caused by dry grease, contaminated grease,
There are numerous reasons that headsets loosen
or worn parts.
up. The reasons include:
Symptomsindicatingneedforadjustment Poorly pressed races seating fully after adjustment.
The primary symptom experienced indicating that Inadequate torque on locknuts/lockrings.
a headset needs adjustment is looseness in the bear- Chrome plating peeling off race surfaces of in-
ings. This can be detected by grasping the end of the expensive new headsets.
fork and jerking it in and out while feeling for a knock- Riding on extremely rough terrain (or abusive
ing sensation. One method for detecting a loose ad- jumping), when the headset is designed more
justment that is recommended against is to lock up for light weight than for durability.
the front brake and feel for a knocking sensation while Use of keyed washers between adjustable race
rocking the bike forward and back. This method can and locknut/lockring.
lead to the impression that the headset is loose when
it is not, because a loose brake pivot will feel just like
Loose races in the head tube can be due to poor
a loose headset. Inspect for loose bearings and a loose
initial tolerance or due to damage to the head tube. If
locknut after 300–500 miles of use. The only way to
the head tube has been damaged, there will often be a
check for a loose locknut is to put a tool on the lock-
visible flare at the bottom in front or back (see figure
nut and see if it is secure. Whenever the locknut is
8.29, page 8-16). Loose races due to poor tolerances
loose, simply securing the locknut is not adequate
can be solved by finding a better fitting headset (if
because the adjustment may have been lost while the
available), or by the use of Loctite RC680.
locknut was loose.
Other reasons to adjust the headset are that it feels Loosecrownrace
tight or feels brinelled (moves in increments). A tight Loose fork-crown races are usually due to poor
headset shows up when lifting the front of the bike manufacturing tolerances in the race or on the fork-
by the top tube and the wheel does not flop to one column base. The solutions include finding a headset
side under its own weight. The brinelled symptom, if with a more suitable fork-crown-race I.D., using Loc-
caught early enough, can be eliminated through ad- tite RC680, or expanding the fork-column base with
justment, but when it is not known whether there are a Stein KT knurling tool.
loose bearings instead of retainers, it is best to over- Removaltoolwillnotengage
haul the headset.
The designs of certain head tubes and certain head-
TOOL CHOICES tube-race-removal tools are not compatible. When this
The design or brand of headset will determine the is the case, the removal tool passes right back through
tools needed. Table 11-1 (page 11-4 through 11-5) cov- the head-tube race when removal is attempted. The
ers all tools for the job. The preferred choices are in solution is to put the tool in place and install an inter-
bold. A tool is preferred because of a balance among: nal snap ring through the race being removed so that

11 – 3

HEADSET TOOLS (table 11-1)

Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Diamond C79 Old fashioned monkey wrench fits all flatted locknuts better than pre-fit
headset wrenches below
Park HW-2 Precise fitting 12" long 32 & 36mm locknut tool, fits 8-flat nuts
Stein HW-32/8 Precise fitting 12" long 32mm locknut tool, fits 8-flat nuts
Stein HW-36/6 Precise fitting 12" long 36mm locknut tool, fits 6-flat nuts
Stein HW-36/8 Precise fitting 12" long 36mm locknut tool, fits 8-flat nuts
Stein HW-40/8 Precise fitting 12" long 40mm locknut tool, fits 8-flat nuts
VAR 988 Fits 8-flat 36 & 40mm locknuts
VAR 65/2 Fits 8-flat 32 & 35mm locknuts
Park HW-1 Anatomically shaped 32 & 36mm adjustable-race tool
Park HCW7 Fits 30 & 32mm adjustable races
Park HCW8 Fits 33 & 34mm adjustable races
Park HCW9 Fits 31 & 40mm adjustable races
Park HCW10 Fits 35 & 36mm adjustable races
Park HCW6 Fits 32mm adjustable races, with 15mm pedal wrench
Park HCW12 Fits 32mm adjustable races, with single-peg bottom-bracket-lockring wrench
Campagnolo 712 Fits 32mm adjustable races, with multiple-peg bottom-bracket-lockring wrench
for Campy bottom brackets
Campagnolo 712/1 Fits 32mm adjustable race wrench with bottom-bracket adjustable-cup pin
wrench for Campy bottom brackets
Campagnolo 7130033 Fits 36 & 40mm adjustable races
Hozan C431 Fits 36 & 40mm adjustable races, heavy duty and comfortable
Lifu 0600 Fits 30 & 32mm adjustable races
Lifu 0601 Fits 33 & 34mm adjustable races
Lifu 0606 Fits 36 & 40mm adjustable races, with useful offset to 36mm end
Tange 3640 Fits 36 & 40mm adjustable races
VAR 78 Adjustable-race pliers that grasp the race body instead of wrench flats
Park HCW12 Single-peg style wrench fits all headset lockrings
Hozan C205 Single-peg style wrench fits all headset lockrings, also fits bottom-bracket
Hozan C203 Lockring pliers fit all lockrings with even number of notches
Park RT1 Fits all headset sizes
Stein FS Fork stabilizing tool used to keep fork from turning while adjusting headset
Campagnolo 723 Fits 1" headsets
Campagnolo 1170006 Fits 1–1/8" & 1–1/4" headsets
Wheels Mfg. HR1 Fits 1" headsets
Wheels Mfg. HR2 Fits 1–1/8" headsets
Hozan C436 Fits 1–1/8" & 1–1/4" headsets, excellent quality

11 – 4

HEADSET TOOLS (table 11-1 continued)

Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Stein CRR1 Universal, works on most suspension forks and fork-crown shapes
Campagnolo 729 Fits 1" headsets with larger diameter crown races on limited fork-crown shapes
Campagnolo 7170003 Fits some 1–1/8" headsets on limited fork-crown shapes
Campagnolo 7170002 Fits some 1–1/4" headsets on limited fork-crown shapes
Shimano TL-HP20 Fits 1" headsets with smaller diameter crown races on limited fork-crown
Hozan C437 Fits some large diameter races on 1" headsets, plus 1–1/8" & 1–1/4" headsets
on limited fork-crown shapes
VAR 983 Fits some large diameter races on 1" headsets, plus 1–1/8" & 1–1/4" headsets
on limited fork-crown shapes
Hozan C438 Fits all sizes of headsets, uses stepped inserts
United Bicycle Tool Dedicated 1–1/8 “ & 1–1/4” inserts for Hozan C438 that provide better
TRC & TRC4 support and accommodate longer head tubes
VAR 34 Fits all sizes of headsets, uses stepped inserts
Park HHP1 Fits all sizes of headsets, uses stepped inserts (does not maintain headset
race alignment adequately), also fits one-piece bottom-bracket cups
VAR 146/2 Fits 1" forks, heavy slide hammer
VAR 973 Fits 1–1/8" forks, heavy slide hammer
VAR 972 Fits 1–1/4" forks, heavy slide hammer
Hozan C435 Fits all sizes of forks when used in conjunction with United Bicycle Tool HP50,
HP51, and HP52, heavy slide hammer
Campagnolo 722 Fits 1" forks, light-weight slide hammer (but can be hammered)
United Bicycle CRS Fits 1" forks, light-weight slide hammer, compatible w/ all fork columns
United Bicycle CRS2 Fits 1–1/8" forks, light-weight slide hammer, compatible with all fork columns
United Bicycle CRS3 Fits 1–1/4" forks, light-weight slide hammer, compatible with all fork columns
Shimano TL-HP50 Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
fork column on 1" forks
Shimano TL-HP51 Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
fork column on 1–1/8" forks
Shimano TL-HP52 Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
fork column on 1–1/4" forks
United Bicycle Tool Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
HP50 fork column on 1" forks
United Bicycle Tool Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
HP51 fork column on 1–1/8" forks
United Bicycle Tool Adapter for other slide hammers that clears any interference with bottom of
HP52 fork column on 1–1/4" forks
Park TNS-1 Installs star nut for threadless headset in 1" & 1–1/8" fork columns
Park TNS-2 Installs star nut for threadless headset in 1–1/4" fork columns

11 – 5
it expands and ends up trapped between the race and
the end of the removal tool. The tool drives against
the snap ring, which has a smaller I.D. than the race,
so that the tool cannot pass through. Cup-pres s -tool handle
The correct sizes of internal snap rings to use are
T ool s haft threaded to limit
as follows: 1–1/16" for 1" headsets, 1–1/8" for 1–1/8"
headsets, and 1–1/4" for 1–1/4" headsets.
These may be a little sloppy after being installed
past the race, but they are the largest sizes that will
pass through the respective race sizes, and will work
Cup-pres s -tool ins ert
despite the sloppiness.
The snap ring solution may not work if the head- Upper head-tube race
tube race is unusually tight in the head tube.
Incomplete ins tallation
orcrownracewillnotclear Head tube
The fork may stick when pulling it through the
head-tube races, or the fork-crown race may stick be- Incomplete ins tallation
fore it comes off the end of the fork column. Both of Lower head-tube race
these symptoms occur when the fork column (below
Cup-pres s -tool ins ert
the threads) is bulged as a result of an over-tightened
stem-binder bolt.
Pres s -tool-ins ert keeper plate
If this problem does occur, there is no alternative
except to use whatever force is necessary to get the S lot in cup-press -tool s haft
fork clear of the race, and then dispose of the fork.
There are several reasons that a head-tube race
might not seat fully when being pressed in. If using an 11.2 If the keeper plate is engaged in the wrong slot, then the tool
inferior pressing tool, the races may cock to the side shaft may thread to its limit before pressing is complete.
and jam.
A beveled or sloped head-tube face or beveled race
If installing aluminum body races into a steel head
body may make a gap appear between the outer pe-
tube, a sharp edge on the inner perimeter of the head-
rimeter of the head-tube face and the race when, in
tube face may create shavings or burrs that get trapped
fact, there is full contact at the inner.
between the head-tube face and the race. Remove the
race, then clean off any burrs or shavings off the race
with a file. File or deburr the inner perimeter of the
head-tube face with a round file or deburring tool. Gap
Some head-tube-race pressing tools have multiple
slots for the keeper plate of the tool to engage with,
and a limited range of thread for the handle. Some-
times it is necessary to thread the tool shaft out of the
tool head more and move the keeper plate up one slot
on the tool shaft to ensure a complete pressing.

11.3 The curve of the cup may make it appear as though the race is
not fully seated, when it is.

11 – 6

Slide hammer jams If the race is undersized to the fork-column base,

beforepressingcrownracefully or gets cocked during installation, burrs may peel off
the surface of the fork-column base. In this case, re-
The recommended VAR slide hammers are some-
move the race, clean off the burrs, check the fit, and if
times a very tight fit on the fork column, usually due
fit is good attempt another installation (watching align-
to a buildup of paint or chrome on the fork column.
ment carefully).
An expansion reamer can be used to easily modify the
tool to solve this problem (see chapter 7, page 7-3). Fork-crownracecracks
The Hozan C435 I.D. is a very close fit to the whenbeinginstalled
fork-column base. If the fork-column base is taller than Certain small-profile steel races are very intoler-
the fork-crown race being installed, then the tool will ant of fit errors. Check fit carefully, especially when
jam on the fork-column base before pressing the fork- the fork-crown race is very small. Larger races will
crown race fully. Use a different brand tool or use simply jam before installing completely, instead of
Shimano or United Bicycle Tool (HP50, HP51, and cracking, when fit tolerances are poor.
HP52) adapters with the Hozan tool.
Some forks, particularly some suspension forks, Head-tuberacesmakecreakingnoises
have a taper just above the fork-column base that many Aluminum head-tube races may creak in an alu-
slide hammers will not clear. Use United Bicycle Tool minum head tube even when properly fit. Use Loc-
slide hammers CRS, CRS2, and CRS3 to solve this tite 242 on mating surfaces to solve this problem.
problem, or use Shimano or United Bicycle Tool
(HP50, HP51, and HP52) adapters with the Hozan, HEADSET FIT
VAR, or Campagnolo tool (see table 11-1, page 11-5). Headset parts press into the head tube, press onto
Some carbon-fiber and aluminum forks have an the fork, and thread onto the fork. There are several
extra-fat fork column. Hozan, VAR, and Campagnolo different fit standards listed in table 11-2 (page 11-8).
tools all jam in the first few inches before pressing When replacing the headset, match the thread stan-
ever begins. United Bicycle Tool slide hammers CRS, dard and the press fit dimensions (head-tube-race O.D.
CRS2, and CRS3 solve this problem (see table 11-1, and fork-crown-race I.D.). If the bike has JIS standard
page 11-5). press fit dimensions, or a mix of JIS and “Campy”
Fork-crownracewillnotseatfully standards, use reaming tools to convert the frame and
See the above problem regarding slide hammer fork to the “Campy” standard (30.0mm head tube and
jamming before race installs fully. If none of these 26.5mm fork-crown base), which is the one that most
are the cause of the problem, it may be one of the replacement headsets are available in. Headsets are bro-
following items. ken down into three groups: 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4"
A bevel or slope to the crown-race seat or the race sizes. These numbers refer to the outside diameter of
body may make a gap appear between the outer pe- the fork threads. In some cases, a quicker way to iden-
rimeter of the crown-race seat and the race when, in tify what size headset is in the bike is by checking the
fact, there is full contact at the inner perimeter. stem’s O.D. Some types of headsets are unique to one
manufacturer. Old inexpensive English Raleighs
(1" × 26tpi), Murrays, and Huffys have unique head-
sets, as well as some Austrian bikes and other bikes
from European countries that would not be consid-
ered part of the cycling industry mainstream anymore.
Another important aspect of fit is the “stack
height” of the headset, which relates to the differ-
ence in the length of the fork column and the head
tube. In this area there are no standards, and the
worksheets provided give a formula for calculating
the maximum acceptable stack height for a replace-
ment headset. Tables at the end of the chapter (page
11-24 through 11-28) help find a headset that is of a
11.4 A bevel at the edge of the crown-race seat may make it appear suitable stack height to fit the bike.
as though the race is not seated fully when the race is seated fully.

11 – 7


Headset type 1" “Campy” 1"JIS(Asian) 1" American 1" French 1–1/8" OS 1–1/4" OS

Typical Mostbicycles MostAsian Quality BMX1 OlderFrench Mostmountain FisherMTBs3,

occurrences fromItalyand bicycles2 that andold bicycles, bikeswith limitedother
USfactories1 , arenotoversize Schwinns discontinuedin oversize MTBs, some
notUSbrand (OS) early1980s headsets,some tandems
imports,most tandems

Stem O.D. 22.15–22.25mm 22.15–22.25mm 21.05–21.15mm 21.95–22.05mm 25.35–25.45mm 28.50–28.60mm

Pitch 24tpi 24tpi 24tpi 1mm 26tpi 26tpi

ForkthreadO.D. 25.1–25.3mm 25.1–25.3mm 25.1–25.3mm 24.7–24.9mm 28.3–28.5mm 31.5–31.7mm

Nominal thread 1" × 24tpi or 1" × 24tpi 1" × 24tpi 25mm × 1mm 1–1/8" × 26tpi 1–1/4" × 26tpi
description 25.4mm × 24tpi4

Head-tube- 30.15–30.30mm 29.95–30.10mm 32.65–32.80mm 29.95–30.10mm 34.00–34.10mm 37.00–37.10mm


HeadtubeI.D. 29.95–30.05mm 29.75–29.85mm 32.45–32.55mm 29.75–29.85mm 33.75–33.85mm 36.75–36.85mm

Fork-crown- 26.30–26.40mm 26.90–27.00mm 26.30–26.40mm Variable5 29.90–30.00mm 32.90–33.00mm


Fork-column- 26.45–26.55mm 27.05–27.15mm 26.45–26.55mm Variable533 30.05–30.15mm 33.05–33.15mm


Lower quality adult bikes and BMX bikes sold in department stores often have headset dimensions that are unique
to the specific manufacturer of the bike. This is most notably true with Huffy and Murray brand bikes.

Occasional Asian bicycles used mixed standards for the head-tube-race O.D. (Campy standard) and fork crown
race I.D. (JIS standard).

Fisher MTBs ceased utilizing the 1–1/4" oversize headset in approximately 1994.

BSC and ISO thread description is 1" × 24tpi. Italian thread description of 25.4mm × 24tpi is fully interchange-
able, but not exactly the same, resulting in a slightly tight feel in the threads when mixing types.

Peugeot uses a unique fork-crown-race I.D. of 26.5mm. Some French bikes adhere to the Campy standard and
some to the JIS standard.

11 – 8

THREADED-HEADSET 6 . [ ] Inspect for poorly seated cups and for rela-

tive depth of cones in cups.

NOTE: If simply adjusting the headset, proceed di-
T urn counterclock w is e
rectly to step 65.

Remove brake calipers from the fork, or remove
cable from brake calipers, whichever seems easier to H old s tationar y
do (keep in mind putting everything back together).
If the cable goes through a cable hanger in the head-
set, or on a fork that has no slot to enable the cable to
be released, it will be necessary to remove the cable
from the brake.
1 . [ ] Remove brake calipers from fork, or remove
cable from brake calipers. H old w heel
2 . [ ] Mark stem height with felt marker or piece betw een k nees
of tape.
3 . [ ] Loosen stem bolt (the one that goes down
shaft of stem) about four full turns.
4 . [ ] If stem-bolt head has come up out of stem,
tap it down forcefully with plastic hammer
or ball peen hammer and block of wood to
protect bolt head.
5 . [ ] Pull stem out of fork, and use something to
tie bars to top tube, so that weight of bars
does not hang against brake and derailleur
cables and so that cables are not kinked.

Poor s eating

11.6 Removing the locknut.

7 . [ ] Use headset wrench to hold adjustable race

stationary while using large adjustable
wrench to turn locknut (counterclockwise)
to break it loose and remove it. If possible
hold wheel between legs while doing this to
may make it easier to control.
8 . [ ] Remove front wheel.
In the next step, measure the amount of fork
thread exposed above the remaining headset pieces.
R elativ e cone/cup
pos ition This number is useful for many things. If this number
increases when the headset is assembled, it indicates
that pieces were left out or the use of ball bearings
that are too small. If this number becomes smaller, it
indicates use of balls that are too large or that the ball
11.5 Look for poorly seated race and depth of cone insertion be- bearings are out of place. If this number is less than
fore disassembly. 4.5mm to start with, it indicates that the locknut has

11 – 9
poor engagement and washers or spacers should be by trial and error, so don’t be too concerned about
removed from the headset until the exposed thread keeping track of every last ball. Keep track of at least
measures 4.5mm or more. one for size reference.
13. [ ] Pull down on fork while turning adjustable
race (counterclockwise) until fork comes out
bottom of head tube. Adjustable race will
M inim um 4 . 5 m m Caliper remain perched on top of head tube.
In the next steps, look for seal mechanisms (see fig-
ure 11.1, page 11-1) and remove them. They will be
W as her (s )
plastic or rubber rings between the pairs of races at the
top and bottom of the head tube. The seal mechanisms
can be different at the top and bottom, and which way
each one faces is critical as well. If seal mechanisms are
switched, or the way they face is reversed, then adjust-
ing the headset will become impossible.
14. [ ] Lift adjustable race off top of head tube and
look for seal mechanism and remove it (if
11.7 Measure the exposed thread available for the locknut.
any). Bundle it with adjustable race now so
9 . [ ] Use depth gauge on end of caliper to mea- it does not get confused with lower seal
sure exposed thread above washers/brack- mechanism. Note its orientation here:
ets and record number here: ________mm. ____________________
15. [ ] Remove balls (usually in a retainer) from top
Underneath the locknut there may be one or sev-
part of headset and measure them with Park
eral washers and brackets (for reflectors or for the SBC-1 or caliper. Note upper ball-bearing
brake cable). Sometimes a washer will be difficult to size here: __________
lift off. Usually this means that it has rotated and 16. [ ] Look on fork-crown race, or up inside the
jammed its key into the threads. In this case, grasp the race pressed into lower end of head tube for
washer with large pliers (Hozan C203 if you have one) seal mechanism and remove it. Note its ori-
and rotate it back until its key lines up with the slot in entation here: ____________________
the threads. It should lift off easily then. 17. [ ] Remove balls (usually in a retainer) from bot-
The sequence of washers and brackets is impor- tom part of headset and measure them with
tant. Sometimes there is a special washer that must go Park SBC-1 or caliper. Note lower ball-bear-
ing size here: __________
against the adjustable race, and often this special washer
must face a certain way. If there is a cable hanger
bracket, changing its position in the sequence could CLEANING THE PARTS
change the brake adjustment (which could be danger- 18. [ ] Clean head-tube races with solvent.
ous if not detected). In some cases, there might be a 19. [ ] Clean adjustable race with solvent.
second locknut or lockring between the top nut and 20. [ ] Clean fork threads with solvent.
the adjustable race. If there is a lockring, a lockring 21. [ ] Clean balls bearings with solvent only if re-
wrench is needed to break it loose. To keep track of using them. (Re-using bearings not recom-
the sequence and orientation of the washers, brack- mended.)
ets, and any additional lockring either write descrip-
tive notes, draw an exploded diagram, or bundle them
together with something like a plastic bag tie until INSPECTION
ready to reinstall them. When headsets wear out, the surfaces on which the
10. [ ] Lift any washers and brackets off fork and balls roll develop dents (smooth craters in the metal)
note their order and orientations. called brinelling. Once this occurs, a proper adjustment
11. [ ] Remove lockring (if any). cannot be made. In some cases there will be galling
12. [ ] Remove additional washers (if any).
(rough craters in the metal where the balls roll). The
Be prepared for loose ball bearings to drop out in
design of the headset is such that the lower pair of races
this next step. They should not be reused, and the
tends to wear out first. Although it is sometimes pos-
correct quantity is something that will be determined
sible to get individual replacement parts; more often
than not, only complete headsets are available. It is not

11 – 10
advisable to mix parts from different headsets in one damage fork threads, it may even interfere with se-
stack. In any case, if any parts are heavily worn, it is a curing the position of the adjustable race. This type
good idea to replace them all. The dents or pits may of interference happens when the adjustable race is
show up clearly to the naked eye, but the ultimate test held stationary and the locknut is torqued down to
to determine whether there are pits is to trace the wear the adjustable race. The keyed washer tends to rotate
path the bearings have left on the cup or the cone with and jam its key into the fork threads. When this hap-
the tip of a ball point pen. If the tip of the pen catches pens the washer is no longer capable of transferring
anywhere, it is a pit or dent. force down to the adjustable race since it is stuck
Severely over-tightened headsets or badly abused against the fork threads. The end result is a locknut
headsets may fail by the lower cup cracking. The cracks that is tight but an adjustable race that is not.
will show up on the top of the lower cup, usually in a This could be prevented by turning the adjustable
radial pattern. Another problem found with headsets race up in addition to turning the locknut/lock washer
is that the pressed parts may be loose. This can be due down, but this turns the adjustment process into a
to poor original tolerances, or by an enlargement of trial-and-error fiasco.
the head tube as a result of abusive riding.
Thread damage may also occur on the fork. This
will primarily be where a lock washer has been forced
D am age f r om w as her k ey
to rotate. Occasionally the threads may be stripped at
the engagement with the locknut or the adjustable race.
Do not inspect the ball bearings for wear. Signifi-
cant wear on bearings is not necessarily detectable with
the naked eye or by feel. It is recommended to always
replace the bearings if going to the trouble to over-
haul the headset.

11.9 Fork threads damaged from rotated lock washer.

26. [ ] Inspect keys on inside of lock washers and

brackets, and replace washers or brackets if
keys are damaged. (It is optional and recom-
11.8 Dents in these races are called brinelling and are cause to mend to replace keyed washers or file out
replace the headset. Note that the positions of the dents correspond keys on washers.)
to the spacing between the ball bearings created by the retainer.

22. [ ] Inspect cup races and cone races for dents

from brinelling or galling (pits).
23. [ ] Inspect lower cup for cracking.
24. [ ] Inspect pressed races in head tube and on
fork crown for looseness by trying to jiggle
or twist them. They should be immobile.
25. [ ] Inspect for damaged fork-column threads or
bent fork column (evidence is a bow along
the length of the column, any bulges in the
column, and any groove worn into the col-
umn, particularly about 1–2" above base).
Headsets often have keyed washers between the
locknut or lockring and the adjustable race. The key
on the washer is not only unnecessary and likely to

11 – 11


NOTE: If not replacing or installing a headset, skip
Impact here
ahead to step 49.
Removalofpressedraces Crown-race remover

Impact here

Head-tube-race remover

Fork crown
(cros s -section)

Fork-crown race
(cros s -section)
Head tube

Fork column
(cros s -section)

11.11 A traditional crown-race remover in use. This type of tool

has very limited usefulness.

Lower head-tube race

Fork blade
11.10 Removing the lower head-tube race.
Fork crown
27. [ ] Remove head-tube races. (cros s -section)
The fork-crown race can be very awkward to re-
Fork-crown race
move. There are several styles of tools and techniques. (cros s -section)
The traditional tool design looks like an upside-
down U or a horseshoe. The tool straddles the fork S tein CRR1
adjus table jaw
crown from below and the ends of the tool catch on
any of the fork-crown race that extends beyond the
profile of the fork crown (see figure 11.11). Fat fork 1
crowns or deep-profile fork crowns both interfere with S tein CRR1
this type of tool, and it is virtually certain that this tool head
tool will be of no use on a typical suspension fork. In Fork column
addition, many sizes and varieties of this tool are re- (cros s -section)
quired to fit different sizes and brands of races. S tein CRR1
Stein makes a completely different crown-race tool s haft
remover (CRR1) that has two wedge-like jaws that
S tein CRR1
come together from the sides to catch under the edge
of the fork-crown race. A hollow shaft that fits over
slide hammer 2
the fork column is joined to these jaws. A slide ham-
mer slides down the shaft to provide the impact that
removes the race. The jaws can be pressed together in
a vise to wedge the race up slightly to get better en-
gagement of the jaws before using the slide hammer. 11.12 To use the Stein CRR1 crown-race-removal tool, (1) squeeze
the adjustable jaws in until they catch between the crown race and
This design is the most universal yet, with minimal the fork crown (squeeze in vise if necessary), then (2) vigorously ac-
chance of damaging the race or fork crown. celerate the Stein CRR1 slide hammer down to drive the fork-
crown race off.

11 – 12
Traditionally mechanics have used a punch and 30. [ ] Record original crown-race I.D. here:
hammer on the bottom face of the fork-crown race to __________mm.
drive it off, but certain types of races are marred or 31. [ ] Record original thread description here:
damaged with this technique and it is completely in- ____________________
applicable to most suspension forks. The Stein CCR1 Stack height is an important consideration, if not
makes this technique virtually obsolete. replacing a headset with an identical model. If the new
28. [ ] Remove fork-crown race. headset has a greater stack height than the old one,
then there will not be enough room to install the lock-
Verificationoffit nut. Shorter is acceptable because washers can be added
When replacing parts and the old parts are at hand, to the new headset to make it taller. Rather than mea-
measure fork-thread diameter and pitch. Measure the suring the old headset, determine the maximum al-
head-tube-race O.D. and the fork-crown-race I.D. lowable stack height by measuring the length of the
Check HEADSET-FIT FACTORS ( (table 11-2, page 11-8) to head tube and the length of the fork column and sub-
help determine the headset type to use or order. tracting the difference. This number is the maximum
stack height for the replacement headset.
To measure stack height of a headset, start by stack-
ing up the parts of the lower half of the headset (in-
cluding bearings). Measure the total height of the stack,
.9 .1
.8 then subtract the length of the cylinder on the pressed
.7 race that inserts inside the head tube. Assemble the
complete upper stack including washers and locknut(s),
0 1 2 3 .5 measure the total height, subtract the length of the
.4 cylinder on the pressed race that inserts inside the head
.3 tube, and subtract the thickness of the lip of the lock-
.1 .9
nut that sits on top of the fork column. The stack
height of the headset is the upper and lower stack added
together. If this number is greater than the difference
between the head-tube length and the fork-column
length, the headset will not fit.

11.13 Measuring the head-tube race. A

29. [ ] Record original head-tube-race O.D. here:


.9 0 .1
.8 E

0 1 2 3 .5


.3 11.15 Measure A, B, C, D, and E. (A–B–C)+(D–E) = stack height.

.1 0 .9
32. [ ] Measure total length of fork column in milli-
meters with metric tape measure and record
here: __________
11.14 Measuring the fork-crown race.

11 – 13
33. [ ] Measure head-tube length in millimeters with Example 2:
metric tape measure and record here: head-tube I.D.: 30.1mm
__________ race O.D.: 30.2mm.
34. [ ] Subtract step 33 from step 32 and record 30.1 – 30.2 = –.1
difference here: __________mm. This is maxi-
The negative difference indicates that there
mum stack height.
35. [ ] Replace headset with one of compatible
will be some interference to the fit, but it is
thread size, press fits, and stack height. not enough, so Loctite 680 should be used
In the next few steps, verify that the press-fit di- to improve the fit.
mensions for the new headset are a good fit, or whether Example 3:
Loctite is needed to make the fit ideal. The process head-tube I.D.: 30.0mm
involves measuring the inside diameter of the head race O.D.: 30.25mm.
tube and the outside diameter of the head races to de- 30.0 – 30.25 = –.25
termine the diameter difference. The head-tube I.D. The negative .25mm difference is inside the
should be smaller than the race O.D., so that there acceptable difference range (–.2 to –.3mm),
will be interface when the race is pressed in to the so the part can be installed as is.
head tube. When subtracting race O.D. from head- Example 4:
tube I.D., a negative answer indicates that there will head-tube I.D.: 29.9mm
be interference. The ideal answer range is –.2mm to – race O.D.: 30.25mm.
.3mm. Based on the diameter difference calculated in 29.9 – 30.25 = –.35
step #38, choose an option: install as is, augment fit The negative .35mm difference is outside
with Loctite, machine the head tube to improve the the acceptable difference range (–.2 to
fit, or get a better fitting headset. –.3mm), so the part can be installed only
These measurements require an accuracy of once the head tube is reamed to improve
.05mm. Measurements of this accuracy not only re- the fit.
quire a high quality caliper, the method in which the 36. [ ] Measure I.D. of head tube in two or more
places and average result. Record here:
caliper is used is critical. If not 100% confident in the
_____ + _____ = _____ ÷ 2 = ______mm.
measurements, pay close attention to what happens
when attempting to install the parts. If they slip to-
R eam ed portion
gether with little or no effort, it indicates the press fit
of head tube
is marginally loose. Loctite will be needed. If the parts
are extremely difficult to press together, the tolerance
difference is too great. In this case, either a different
headset is needed or some machine work is needed on
the fork and/or head tube.
In steps #36 through #38, measurements are taken .8
.9 0 .1

and a calculation is made to determine the dimensional .7

difference between the head-tube-race O.D. and the .6
head-tube I.D. In step #39, a course of action is cho- 0 1 2 3 .5
sen, based on the dimensional difference determined .4
in step #38. Consider the following examples.
Example 1: .2
head-tube I.D.: 30.1mm .1 0 .9

race O.D.: 30.0mm.

30.1 – 30.0 = .1 (>.0mm)
A different headset is needed because the
positive .1mm difference indicates that
there will be no interference between the
race and head tube.
11.16 Use the caliper jaws to measure inside diameter and make
sure that the tips of the jaws are not inserted beyond the reamed
portion of the head tube.

11 – 14
37. [ ] Measure O.D. of new races to be pressed Example 3:
into head tube and record here: crown-race I.D.: 27.0mm.
_______mm. fork-column-base O.D.: 27.15mm
38. [ ] Subtract step 37 from step 36 and record 27.0 – 27.15 = –.15
answer here: __________mm. The negative .15mm difference is inside the
39. If step 38 is (check one): acceptable difference range (–.1 to –.2mm),
[ ] >.0mm, find different headset. so the part can be installed as is.
[ ] .0 to –.19mm, install race w/Loctite RC680. Example 4:
[ ] –.20 to –.30mm, install headset as is. crown-race I.D.: 27.0mm.
[ ] <–.30mm, ream head tube (not always fork-column-base O.D.: 27.25mm
possible) or get new headset.
27.0 – 27.25 = –.25
In the next few steps, verify that the press-fit di- The negative .25mm difference is outside
mensions for the new headset are a good, or whether the acceptable difference range (–.1 to
Loctite is needed to make the fit ideal. The process –.2mm), so the part can be installed only
involves measuring the inside diameter of the fork- once the fork-column base is counter-
crown race and the outside diameter of the fork-col- reamed to improve the fit.
umn base to determine the diameter difference. The 40. [ ] Measure I.D. of fork-crown race and record
crown-race I.D. should be smaller than the fork-col- here: __________mm.
umn-base O.D., so that there will be interface when 41. [ ] Measure O.D. of fork-column base and
the race is pressed on to the fork. When subtracting record here: __________mm.
fork-column-base O.D. from race I.D., a negative an- 42. [ ] Subtract step 41 from step 40 and record
swer indicates that there will be interference. The ideal answer here: __________mm.
answer range is –.1mm to –.2mm. Based on the diam- In the first option of step #43, it indicates that if
the result of the calculation is greater than .0mm, a
eter difference calculated in step #42, choose an op-
different-sized headset must be used. There is one ad-
tion: install as is, augment fit with Loctite, machine
ditional option that can be very effective if the result
the fork-column base to improve the fit, or get a bet-
in step #42 is between .0 and .2mm. A Stein KT
ter fitting headset.
knurling tool can be used to increase the effective di-
In steps #40 through #42, measurements are taken ameter of the fork-column base by up to .2mm. Use
and a calculation is made to determine the dimensional Loctite RC680 in addition to knurling.
difference between the crown-race I.D. and the fork- This knurling technique has the same effect as an
column-base O.D. In step #43, a course of action is old mechanic’s trick called “staking.” To stake a fork-
chosen, based on the dimensional difference deter- column base a chisel would be used to make indenta-
mined in step #42. Consider the following examples. tions at multiple points around the fork-column base.
Example 1: Both the knurling tool and the staking technique cause
crown-race I.D.: 27.1mm. some metal to rise up by forcing other metal to be
fork-column-base O.D.: 27.0mm indented. The knurling tool does a more thorough
27.1 – 27.0 = .1 (>.0mm) and consistent job without any risk of mis-striking
A different headset is needed because the with the chisel when performing the staking technique.
.1mm difference indicates that there will be The knurling tool serves triple use, enlarging handle-
no interference between the race and fork. bar centers and seat posts as well.
Example 2: To use the knurling tool, the tool is put in the vise
crown-race I.D.: 27.0mm. jaws and the fork column is inserted inside the knurling
fork-column-base O.D.: 27.05mm tool. Close the vise just enough to cause the toothed
27.0 – 27.05 = –.05 wheels of the knurling tool to indent the fork-column
The negative difference indicates that there base, then rotate the fork around several times. If the
will be some interference to the fit, but it is knurling pattern is not very pronounced, repeat the
not enough, so Loctite 680 should be used process with the vise closed tighter.
to improve the fit. 43. If step 42 is (check one):
[ ] >.0mm, find different headset.
[ ] .0 to –.09mm, install race w/Loctite RC680.
[ ] –.10 to –.20mm, install headset as is.
[ ] <–.20mm, mill fork crown (not always pos-
sible) or get better-fitting headset.

11 – 15

Installationofpressedraces while doing this! Simply hold the fork in mid-air with
44. [ ] Clean with alcohol or acetone all three one hand while accelerating the slide hammer with
pressed race mating surfaces: plus outside of the other hand.
fork-crown-race seat, and inside of head
tube. Prepare same surfaces with Loctite 242
to prevent corrosion (optional) or Loctite
RC680 to improve poor fit (if necessary). Crown-race ins taller
When pressing in the head-tube races, they must
be pressed on fully. There is no specific force required,
but there will be a distinct “bottomed-out” feeling
when they are in fully.
Crown race


Cup-pres s -tool ins ert 11.18 With the crown race sitting on top of the crown-race seat,
rapidly accellerate the fork and the crown-race installer towards
Upper head-tube race each other.
Pres s until gap is gone
47. [ ] Press crown race onto fork.
48. [ ] Inspect that crown race appears fully
Head tube seated.
The original ball bearings are usually in a retainer
Pres s until gap is gone (a clip that holds the balls together in a set). Although
Lower head-tube race there are no mechanical advantages to using retainers,
Cup-pres s -tool ins ert there are several disadvantages. Installing loose balls is
always recommended. If installing loose balls, try to
Pres s -tool-ins ert keeper plate find the highest quality ones available. Good balls are
described as grade 25. Decent ball bearings might be
described in the range of grade 100 to grade 200. Any
higher number than these is a mediocre bearing.
Balls in a retainer are more expensive to buy in a
high grade, and grade information is rarely available
11.17 Installing the races into the head tube with a Hozan C438. for balls in a retainer. Retainers create a fixed rela-
tionship between the balls, which is one of the causes
45. [ ] Insert larger race into bottom of head tube and of brinelling, the primary cause of headset failure.
smaller one into top of head tube and press in
fully with press. If aluminum races appear to Importantinformation
be developing shavings as they press in, re- ifinstallingballretainers
move shavings before completing installation. Forget any rules of thumb about which way ball
46. [ ] Inspect head-tube races to confirm they ap-
retainers face in relation to the cups and cones, or rela-
pear pressed in fully.
tive to the ground. There is only one way to get ball
To use a slide hammer to install a fork-crown race,
retainers in correctly and that is to test-mate them both
simply place the race on the fork-column base and
ways to the cone and both ways to the cup. In one of
accelerate the slide hammer down the fork column
the four combinations, the clip that holds the balls
against the race. Do not support the fork on its dropouts
together (instead of the balls) will be obviously con-

11 – 16
tacting the ball race on the cone or the cup. Install the In the next step, some balls will be removed. The
retainers opposite this. If good measurements of the reason this is done is to prevent headset failure from
exposed thread were taken once the locknut was re- brinelling. By leaving the balls room to move around
moved, and original retainers were in correctly, and relative each other it guarantees that any brinelling
the original or an identical headset has been installed, that occurs is in random locations. When ball retain-
putting a retainer in backwards will reduce the ex- ers are used or the cup is left full, the brinelling occurs
posed thread by more than a millimeter. in the same places over and over again until it reaches
a noticeable depth and causes headset failure.
Getting a headset assembled with loose balls can
be tricky. Follow these steps carefully and there will
be a good chance of success.
49. [ ] Replace ball bearings (check steps 15 & 17
for sizes).

B ear ing

Gr eas e


11.21 If the balls are not jumbled after test-mating the parts, re-
move two balls.
11.19 Put a light layer of grease in each cup. The thickness of the
layer of grease should be less than 1/2 the diameter of the ball bearing.

50. [ ] Lightly coat cup race with grease. One milli-

meter thickness of grease should be more
than enough. The upper cup could be an ad-
justable race or upper head-tube race.

L as t ball ins t alled

11.22 If the balls remain jumbled after test-mating the parts, re-
move three balls.
11.20 Place the balls in the cup so that they touch each other. If a
gap remains that is too small for a ball, put one more in anyway. 53. [ ] Remove two balls from cup if they sit level,
three balls if jumbled.
51. [ ] Fill cup with balls and make sure they are all In the next step, re-mate the cup and cone back
touching each other.
together. The function of this step is to observe the
52. [ ] Test mate upper cup to upper cone, sepa-
depth of the cone in the cup. This way, if the balls get
rate, and inspect balls.

11 – 17
jumbled during assembly, it will show up as a cone not
inserting as far into the cup; take the headset apart and
reassemble it before going to the trouble of adjusting it.
Also, this same observation was made before disassem-
bly. If the relation between these parts has changed, it
probably means the ball size has changed.

11.23 Mate the cone and cup together again to seat the balls in
place, then check the depth of the cone in the cup. When the headset
is finally assembled, the cone should be in the same position relative
to the cup, or ball bearings are out of place.

54. [ ] Test-mate cone and cup again to seat balls

and inspect depth of each cone in each cup.
55. [ ] Coat balls lightly with grease.
56. [ ] Insert seal (if any) into cup or onto cone.
57. [ ] Repeat steps 50–56 for lower cone and cup.
58. [ ] Grease fork threads and fork column fully. 11.25 With the upper race seated and with a downward pressure
on the fork, turn the adjustable race clockwise to draw the fork up
into place.

60. [ ] Drop fork down and thread race fully on to

draw fork up fully.
61. [ ] Inspect if positions of cones in cups appear
similar to how the cone positions appeared
when checked in step 54, then check for
smooth rotation of fork.
N o contact 62. [ ] Install washers, lockring (if any), and brack-
ets (if any).
If ball size has increased, a retainer has been inverted,
or the balls are jumbled and out of position, it will show
up as a reduced amount of thread available for the top
locknut. If the ball size has been reduced, or washers or
brackets have been left out, it will show up as an in-
creased amount of thread available for the top locknut.
In the next step, measure the result and compare it to
the measurement taken during disassembly.
63. [ ] Measure exposed thread and verify it
matches pre-disassembly dimension (step 9).
If installing a new headset check that at least
4.5mm of thread is available for locknut.
11.24 Engage the adjustable race to the top of the fork, while If changing the number or washers, whether a
maintaining no contact between the balls and the cones. bracket is used, or the entire headset, verify that there
is not too much thread for the locknut. If there is,
59. [ ] Assemble fork into head tube and adjustable
race onto fork. (Cones should not insert fully
into cups at this point.)

11 – 18
the lip on the top of the locknut will stop against the The following adjustment procedure is very dif-
top of the fork column before securing against the ferent from the way most mechanics adjust head-
adjustable race. sets. The procedure uses an adjustment-calibration
sticker (a BBI product), but a piece of masking tape
Ins ert . 2 m m f eeler gauge under lock nut lip that you mark yourself can be used as an alterna-
tive to the sticker. This approach (with sticker or
tape) may seem awkward at first, but students at
BBI that were very experienced with headset adjust-
ment prior to arriving at BBI, endorse this approach
69. [ ] Put sticker with top tube mark (or marked
masking tape) on top tube, with mark close
to adjustable race and centered on top of
top tube (see figure 11.27).

11.26 Use a thin feeler gauge between the locknut lip and the top
of the fork column to verify that the lip is not stopping against the
fork column.

64. [ ] Thread on, but do not secure, locknut. Verify

lip does not bottom on top of steering tube. 11.28 This is the BBI Headset Apron sticker that is recommended
for precise and easy headset adjustment.

65. [ ] If headset has not just been overhauled,
break loose locknut and turn adjustable race W as te piece
1/4 turn (counterclockwise).
66. [ ] Gently thread race down to contact balls.
67. [ ] Install wheel if not already installed. H eads et A pron
68. [ ] Hold fork stationary and turn race 90° coun- s tick er

11.29 Install the Headset Apron sticker. Note that the Headset
Apron Sticker is installed with the numbers upside down and the
edge as close to the Top Tube Sticker as possible.

70. [ ] Hold fork square to frame and put BBI Head-

set Apron sticker on adjustable race so that
it hangs down like an apron and “0” mark
lines up with top tube mark. (When sticker
is on correctly, calibration lines are on bot-
tom edge and numbers are upside down at
1 - Clock w is e unt il top edge of sticker.) If not using Headset
gent le contact Tape sticker, just put matching marks on top
tube and masking tape on adjustable race.
2 - Counterclock w is e 9 0 º

11.27 Turn the adjustable race clockwise until it gently contacts

the ball bearings, then turn it at least 90° counterclockwise. Place-
ment of the top tube mark sticker (step #69) is also illustrated.

11 – 19

T urn clock w is e
1 0 1

H old
s tationar y

H old w heel
betw een k nees

11.31 With fork square to frame, turn the race clockwise to the
next “+” mark to tighten the adjustment, or counterclockwise to
the next “–” mark to loosen the adjustment.

73. [ ] If using Headset Apron Sticker: tighten ad-

justment by putting the next “+” mark on
sticker at top tube mark with wheel lined up
with down tube. (If headset had no play, but
11.30 Stabilizing the fork while securing the adjustment. was smooth, loosen adjustment to next “–”
mark instead.)
71. [ ] Stabilize fork with wheel (or Stein FS) be- If not using sticker: put new mark 2–3mm
tween knees, hold race stationary, and se- counterclockwise from last mark and adjust
cure locknut to 300in-lbs (38lbs@8"). new mark to line up with top tube mark to
In step #72, bearing play is checked by jerking on tighten adjustment.
74. [ ] Secure locknut to minimum 300in-lbs
the bottom ends of the fork blades. With non-suspen-
sion forks, this method is preferred because it pro- 75. [ ] Check for play and repeat adjustment as
vides the greatest leverage. With suspension forks, it necessary, securing locknut each time be-
is necessary to jerk on the fork crown or the stan- fore checking for play. (If headset originally
chion (upper) tubes, instead. This is because play be- had no play, repeat loosening adjustment
tween the sliders (lower tubes) and stanchions can be until play is found, then return to last “no
misinterpreted as play in the headset adjustment. play” adjustment.)
72. [ ] Check for play by grasping both fork blades
(or Stein FS clamp) in one hand and bottom
of down tube in other hand, then jerking
fork forward and back. Rotate fork to sev-
eral positions and check further for play. If
there is no play, check for smooth rotation.
If not smooth, restart at step 67, but start
with race turned further counterclockwise.

11 – 20
special stem that clamps on the outside of the fork
THREADLESS-HEADSET column. So, assuming all three pressed races are in-
SYSTEMS stalled and it is time to slip on the adjustable race,
proceed with step #7.
NOTE: If replacing a conventional fork and headset 7 . [ ] Do steps 1–31 (page 11-9), then steps
with threadless fork and headset, skip to step 7. 36–48 (page 11-14) from THREADED-HEADSET
P las tic cap 8 . [ ] Grease stem bolt threads and threads on
bolt that goes through cap that mounts on
Cap bolt top of fork column.
9 . [ ] Install ball retainers in cups. Slide adjustable
S tem
race, split cone called “compression ring”,
S tar-f angled nut
spacer washers, and stem onto fork.
10. [ ] Mark fork column 3mm below top of stem
W as her and remove fork.
Com pr es s ion r ing 11. [ ] Cut fork column at this point with a hack-
A djus t able r ace saw or tubing cutter. File off any burrs or
12. [ ] Press star-shaped nut called “the star
U pper head-
tube r ace fangled nut” fully into fork column with Park
TNS-1 or TNS-2.
F or k colum n
Im pact
11.32 Cross-section of the top half of a threadless headset installed.

1 . [ ] Remove wheel from fork.
2 . [ ] Remove brake calipers from fork, or remove
cable from brake calipers.
3 . [ ] Remove cap bolt and plastic cap at top of
fork column just above stem.
4 . [ ] Loosen stem-binder bolt(s) and remove stem
from fork column. (Be prepared for fork to
drop out.)
5 . [ ] Slide fork out bottom. (Note adjustable race,
compression ring, and spacer washers will
Par k T N S -1 or T N S -2
be left balanced on top of headset.)
6 . [ ] Do steps 14–24 from THREADED-HEADSET
(page 11-10).
NOTE: If overhauling an existing threadless head- S tar-f angled nut
set, skip steps 7–12.
F or k colum n

11.33 Installing the “star-fangled nut.”

A threadless headset installs into the head tube ASSEMBLY
and onto the fork crown just like a normal headset. 13. [ ] Do steps 50–57 from THREADED-HEADSET OVER-
The difference comes with the installation of the ad- HAUL, AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE (page 11-17).
justable race. In fact, it is no longer threaded but slips 14. [ ] Put fork in and slide on adjustable race,
onto the fork column, and is trapped in place by a compression ring, washers, and stem.

11 – 21
15. [ ] Put plastic cap with bolt on top of fork col-
umn and engage bolt in star-fangled nut ROLLER-BEARING
Roller-bearing headsets use cylindrical bearings
NOTE: If adjusting an already installed threadless
instead of ball bearings. These cylinders are held in a
headset, loosen the stem-binder bolts before
starting the adjustment. conical retainer, which is sandwiched between two
conical races. The conical races can be machined di-
A djus t ing bolt rectly into the pressed cups and cones, or they can be
loose and floating.

S tem -binder bolts

Adjus ter cup

Non-integral race
Roller-bearing retainer
Integral race

Upper press ed piece

Lower press ed piece

11.34 Loosen stem bolts before starting the adjustment.

1 6 . [ ] Tighten cap bolt slowly until just a trace of

knocking can be felt when jerking on end
of fork. Conical-race/retainer
17. [ ] Align stem and torque bolts to 85in-lbs sandwich
(24lbs@3" or 21lbs@4") if double-bolt
stem, or 100in-lbs (33lbs@3" or 25lbs@4") Fork-race mount
if single-bolt stem.
18. [ ] Check again for knocking when jerking on 11.35 A roller-bearing headset.
fork. If knocking is not felt, adjustment is
done. If knocking is felt, proceed to next step. Assembly
19. [ ] Loosen stem bolts until stem rotates about 1 . [ ] Do steps 1–48 from THREADED-HEADSET
20. [ ] Turn adjusting bolt in plastic cap approxi- (page 11-9).
mately 1/6 turn (clockwise). 2 . [ ] If conical races are not integral with pressed
21. [ ] Align stem and torque bolts to 85in-lbs pieces, grease both sides of each race.
(24lbs@3" or 21lbs@4") if double-bolt 3 . [ ] Grease bearing retainers fully.
stem, or 100in-lbs (33lbs@3" or 25lbs@4") 4 . [ ] If conical races are separate, sandwich re-
if single-bolt stem. tainers between pairs of conical races.
22. [ ] Check again for knocking when jerking on 5 . [ ] Install retainers/retainer sandwiches in cups.
fork. If knocking is not felt, adjustment is 6 . [ ] Insert fork into head tube.
done. If knocking is felt, repeat steps 19–22 7 . [ ] Thread on adjuster cup all the way.
as many times as necessary.

8 . [ ] Do steps 62–75 from THREADED-HEADSET
(page 11-18).

11 – 22

Most new Mavic headsets have a locking mecha-
nism built into the adjustable cup, instead of a sepa-
rate locknut. The adjustable cup has a tiny Allen bolt
that is tightened to compress the adjustable-cup threads
against the fork threads. Warning— there are 32mm
wrench flats on the adjustable cup that can easily be
rounded off if a wrench is used to turn the cup with-
out first loosening the Allen bolt. It is easy to destroy
the adjustable-cup threads.

1 . [ ] Do steps 1–60 from THREADED-HEADSET
11-9), except that no washers or locknuts
are removed (unless replacing conventional
headset with Mavic).

2 . [ ] Loosen locking bolt with 2.5mm Allen
wrench if not already loose, and turn adjust-
able cup 1/4 turn (counterclockwise) to pre-
vent over-tightening.
3 . [ ] Adjust adjustable cup (clockwise) gently
down against bearings until slight resistance
is felt, then back off about 1/8 turn (about
10–15mm at the cup perimeter).
4 . [ ] Use 2.5mm Allen wrench to gently secure
locking bolt in cup.
5 . [ ] Grasp the fork and jerk it to check for play.
6 . [ ] To eliminate play loosen locking bolt, turn
adjustable cup 3–4mm (clockwise) at its pe-
rimeter, then resecure locking bolt. Check
for play and repeat as necessary.

11 – 23
The following table is divided into four sections.
HEADSET-STACK HEIGHT These are 1" threaded, 1–1/8" threaded, 1–1/4"
Headset-stack height is the room that the headset threaded, and threadless headsets.
takes up on the fork column. Stack height plus head- Each section of table 11-3 (pages 11-23 through
tube length should equal fork-column length. 11-27) has headsets arranged in ascending order of stack
It is acceptable to use a shorter stack height than height on the assumption that the desired stack height
will fit (washers must be added or fork column short- is known and the suitable brands/models need to be
ened), but a headset with too great a stack height can- found. This assumption makes the layout of table
not be made to fit. 11-3 less suitable for situations where the headset is
known and the stack height needs to be looked up.


30.0mm Shimano Dura-Ace (HP-7600) Campy1
31.2mm Tange-Sekei MA-60 Campy/JIS3
32.5mm Shimano Sante Campy1
33.0mm American Classic Trilock Campy 1
33.0mm Campagnolo Veloce Campy1
33.0mm King Short Stack Campy1
33.0mm Ritchey Logic Comp, Pro WCS, Logic Expert Campy1
33.0mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M730, HP-M732) Campy 1
33.0mm Tange-Sekei Extrude (steel) Campy1
33.4mm Tange-Sekei Levin CDS Campy1, JIS2, Campy/JIS3
33.5mm Shimano 105 (HP-1050) Campy1
33.5mm Shimano 105SC (HP-1055) Campy1, JIS2
33.5mm Shimano 600 Ultegra (HP-6400) Campy1
33.5mm Shimano Deore (HP-MT60), Deore DX (HP-M650, HP-M651) Campy1, JIS2
33.5mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M735) Campy1, JIS2
33.5mm Shimano Exage (HP-M350, HP-A450, HP-M450) Campy1
33.5mm Tioga DSL Campy1
33.8mm Campagnolo Nuovo Record (track), Gran Sport Campy1
34.0mm Odyssey Pro Campy1
34.3mm Shimano XTR (HP-M900, HP-M901) Campy1
35.0mm Specialized Pro (alloy and steel) Campy1, JIS2
35.5mm Shimano RX100 (HP-R500) Campy 1
35.5mm Suntour Superbe Pro Campy1
36.0mm American Classic Airlock Campy1
36.0mm Dia-Compe Threadhead Campy1
36.0mm Tange-Sekei Extrude (alloy) Campy1
36.2mm Suntour Superbe Track Campy1
36.3mm Shimano Dura-Ace (HP-7400) Campy1
36.5mm YST HP-8311 Campy1, JIS2
Campy means head-tube races are 30.2mm or equivalent and fork-crown race is 26.4mm or equivalent.
JIS means head-tube races are 30.0mm or equivalent and fork-crown race is 27.0mm or equivalent.
Campy/JIS means head-tube races are Campy 30.2mm and fork-crown race is JIS 27.0mm.

(Continued next page)

11 – 24

37.0mm Onza Mongo UFO, Mongo II Campy1
37.0mm Stronglight X94 Campy1
37.0mm Suntour XC-Pro Grease Guard Campy1, JIS2
37.6mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M740), Deore LX (HP-M563), Campy1, JIS2
STX (HB-MC30), DuraAce (HP-7410),
600 Ultetgra (HP-6500)
38.0mm Mavic 315 Campy1
38.0mm Specialized Direct Drive Campy1, JIS2
38.0mm Tioga Beartrap Campy1
38.0mm Tange-Sekei Levin Campy1, JIS2, Campy/JIS3
38.5mm Campagnolo C-Record (track) Campy1
39.0mm Mavic 305 Campy1
39.1mm Campagnolo Nuovo Record, Victory, Triomphe, Olympus Campy1
39.5mm Campagnolo Xenon Campy1
40.0mm Shimano 600EX (HP-6207) Campy1
40.0mm Tange-Sekei Comet (cartridge bearing) Campy1
40.0mm Tange-Sekei MTB225 Campy1, JIS2, Campy/JIS3
40.2mm Stronglight Delta Campy1
40.7mm Campagnolo Euclid, Centaur, Olympus (alloy) Campy1
40.7mm Stronglight X-14MTB, X-12, A-9 3 Campy1, Campy/JIS3
41.0mm Wilderness Trail WTB/King Campy1
41.2mm Campagnolo Athena, Chorus, Croce D’Aune Campy1
41.5mm Campagnolo Record (aluminum), C-Record Campy1
42.2mm Campagnolo Super Record (road) Campy1
43.0mm Stronglight B-10, C-11 Campy1
44.0mm Tange-Sekei G-Master 2000 Campy1, Campy/JIS3

Campy means head-tube races are 30.2mm or equivalent and fork-crown race is 26.4mm or equivalent.
JIS means head-tube races are 30.0mm or equivalent and fork-crown race is 27.0mm or equivalent.
Campy/JIS means head-tube races are Campy 30.2mm and fork-crown race is JIS 27.0mm.

11 – 25


33.0mm Ritchey Logic Expert Conventional
33.0mm Tange Extrude (steel) Conventional
33.5mm Shimano Altus (HP-R501) Conventional
33.5mm Shimano Deore DX (HP-M650, HP-M651) Conventional
33.5mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M736) Conventional
33.5mm Tioga Avenger OS Conventional
33.9mm American Classic Trilock Allen bolt locking
33.9mm King Threaded Sealed
34.0mm Odyssey Pro OS Allen bolt locking
34.3mm Shimano XTR (HP-M900, HP-M901) Conventional
35.0mm Specialized Pro Conventional
35.0mm Stronglight X-15MTB Roller (needle) bearings
35.0mm YST CS-717 Conventional
35.5mm Shimano Altus (HP-R501) Conventional
35.5mm Tange-Sekei AP-1 OS Conventional
36.0mm American Classic Airlock Allen bolt locking
36.0mm Dia-Compe Threadhead Threaded version of Aheadset
36.0mm Tange-Sekei Levin OS CDS Conventional
36.5mm Race Face Real Seal II Allen bolt locking
37.5mm Tange Extrude (alloy) Conventional
37.5mm YST CS-737 Conventional
37.6mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M741), Deore LX (HP-M564), Conventional
38.0mm Mavic 316 Allen bolt locking
38.5mm Onza Mongo II Allen bolt locking
38.5mm Tange High Roller Needle bearing
39.5mm Campagnolo Record OR Conventional
40.6mm Tange Comet Cartridge bearing
41.0mm Campagnolo Chorus, Athena Conventional

11 – 26


33.0mm Ritchey Logic Conventional
33.0mm American Classic Trilock Allen bolt locking
33.5mm Shimano Deore DX (HP-M650, HP-M651) Conventional
35.0mm YST Ultralight Conventional
35.0mm King Threaded Sealed
36.0mm American Classic Airlock Allen bolt locking
36.0mm Dia-Compe Threadhead Threaded version of Aheadset
37.0mm Tange-Sekei VP-5000 Conventional
38.0mm Mavic 317 Allen bolt locking
38.5mm Onza Mongo II Allen bolt locking
39.5mm Campagnolo Record OR Conventional
39.9mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M742) Conventional
40.3mm Shimano Deore XT (HP-M737), XTR (HP-M902) Conventional
41.0mm YST CS-707S Conventional
41.0mm Campagnolo Chorus Conventional
43.0mm YST CS-707A Conventional
44.0mm Dia-Compe Threadhead S-Series II Conventional

11 – 27


NOTE: The height of the stem must be added to the following stack-height figures when calculating fit.

24.0mm Tange-Sekei NSS-STS 1" Campy
24.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak DL 1" Campy
27.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak SA 1" Campy
28.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak 1" Campy
28.0mm King NoThreadSet, Team NoThreadSet 1" Campy
28.0mm Tange-Sekei NSS-ALS 1" Campy
28.0mm Tioga Alchemy 1" Campy
29.8mm Dia-Compe AheadSet S-series 1" Campy
30.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet S-series II 1" Campy
35.0mm Ritchey Fuzzy Logic, Logic 1" Campy
37.0mm Ritchey Logic Pro, Logic Pro WCS 1" Campy
37.0mm American Classic TriLock 511010, 511020 1" Campy
41.0mm YST G-force 1" Campy/JIS 3
41.9mm Kor G-force 1" Campy/JIS 3
25.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak DL 1-1/8" OS
27.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak SA 1-1/8" OS
27.6mm Dia-Compe AheadSet S-series 1-1/8" OS
28.0mm Tioga Alchemy, High Roller 1-1/8" OS
30.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak S-Series II 1-1/8" OS
31.3mm Tange-Sekei NSS-ALM 1-1/8" OS
31.4mm King NoThreadSet, Team NoThreadSet 1-1/8" OS
31.5mm Race Face Real Seal 1-1/8" OS
33.0mm American Classic TriLock 511010, 511020 1-1/8" OS
33.5mm Dia-Compe AheadSet, Kontak 1-1/8" OS
35.0mm Ritchey Fuzzy Logic, Logic 1-1/8" OS
37.0mm Ritchey Logic Pro, Logic Pro WCS 1-1/8" OS
41.0mm YST G-force 1-1/8" OS
41.9mm Kor G-force 1-1/8" OS
26.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak DL 1-1/4" OS
27.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak SA 1-1/4" OS
29.7mm Dia-Compe AheadSet S-Series 1-1/4" OS
30.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet S-Series II 1-1/4" OS
31.0mm King NoThreadSet, Team NoThreadSet 1-1/4" OS
32.0mm Dia-Compe AheadSet Kontak 1-1/4" OS

11 – 28

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: As the headset is turned, there is a constant pattern of the adjustment feeling tight at one
point and loose at another.
Head tube and/or fork crown need facing and are Face both always.
causing the races not to be in line with each other.
Fork column is bent, causing the races not to be in Replace the fork.
line with each other.
Races are not fully seated, causing the races not to Inspect, then disassemble headset and repress
be in line with each other. the races (all three).
SYMPTOM: As the headset is turned, it has one or more positions that it tends to settle at, as though
it were indexed. Also, the fork tends to lock in the straight-ahead alignment and will not stay on its
own if turned a degree or two to the side. The symptom is sometimes described as automatic pilot.
The proper name is brinelling.
Dents in the races of the lower stack. Replace the lower stack or entire headset. Use
(Aggravating factors are use of ball retainers and loose balls, two less balls than the maximum,
over-tight adjustments.) and do not over-tighten the adjustment.
Dents in one portion of the race more than another Face the head tube and fork crown (shop) and
indicate races have been out of alignment. replace the lower stack or complete headset.
SYMPTOM: When adjusting the headset, it changes from having a trace of play to being obviously
over-tight with only one ten-degree adjustment .
Wrong size balls (likely if ball size was assumed or Disassemble and try the next likely size.
Inverted retainer(s). Disassemble, inspect and assemble correctly.
Mismatched brands of parts within one stack. Replace necessary parts.
Head tube and fork crown need facing, particularly Face head tube and fork crown.
if loose spot is at only one location of rotation.
Dry grease (particularly if headset is old). Overhaul headset.
SYMPTOM: An erratic symptom of tightness or looseness appears and disappears, particularly when
the fork is rotated, or a sound of clicking, popping or snapping accompanies a change from an
adjustment that is tight to one that is loose when the fork is turned, but the headset has not been
adjusted. Any erratic tightness or looseness.
Ball(s) out of position in races. Disassemble, inspect, reassemble.
Too many balls in a cup. Disassemble, inspect, reassemble.
SYMPTOM: Headset will not hold its adjustment after riding bike.
Inexpensive, new headset breaking in. Readjust.
Locknut inadequately secured. Tighten locknut.
Locknut properly tightened, not remaining secured. Use Loctite 242 on threads.
Aluminum locknut not remaining secured. Replace with steel locknut or use Loctite 242 on
Headset pressed races not fully pressed. Inspect, repress if necessary, and readjust.
SYMPTOM: Headset feels very sluggish, but not rough, when it is rotated and the adjustment is correct.
0-ring type seal out of position. Inspect, disassemble and reassemble with seal in
Seal mechanism inverted. Disassemble, inspect and reassemble with seal
correctly oriented.
Grease is dry and congealed. Disassemble, inspect and overhaul.

(Continued next page)

11 – 29


Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Headset squeaks when rotated.
Grease is dry. Overhaul headset.
SYMPTOM: Creaking noises come from the headset area when the bike is being ridden.
Loose stem. Secure stem.
Loose handlebars. Secure handlebars.
Handlebars creaking internally at ferrule. Ignore or replace handlebars.
Loose pressed races. Inspect, disassemble, reinstall with Loctite 242 or
install a better fitting headset.
Aluminum pressed pieces in aluminum head tube, Reinstall with Loctite 222.
even if press fit tolerances are correct.
SYMPTOM: Looseness cannot be eliminated even by over tightening the adjustment.
Loose pressed pieces. Replace with better fitting headset or reinstall
with Loctite RC680.
Locknut lip stopping against steering tube instead of Inspect and install stack washer under locknut.
stopping against the screwed race.
SYMPTOM: Headset makes a rumbling sound when riding over bumps.
Loose adjustment. Check and readjust.
Loose pressed pieces. Check and correct.
SYMPTOM: Headset locknut will not secure.
Stripped fork-column threads. Remove locknut and inspect. Replace fork if
threads are stripped.
Fork column has collapsed at washer key slot. Visually inspect inside of fork column for
deformation, or test-fit stem into fork column.

11 – 30


Unlike many chapters in this book, this chapter
deviates from the worksheet approach used in other BOTTOM BRACKETS
chapters. The procedures for cartridge-bearing bottom
brackets are relatively simple, and do not require most
of the same structure for recording data. Instead of pro- ASSEMBLING NEW BIKES
cedures being written in bold type with check-boxes, The plastic and aluminum threaded rings provided
they are written just as numbered steps. There are no with Shimano cartridge bottom brackets have proven
comparable worksheets in the WORKSHEETSsection at to be very intolerant of poor thread quality in the shell,
the back of the book. resulting in stripped threads. If the pieces do not thread
in and out easily, tap the bottom-bracket shell.
Sections When assembling new bikes, the only other con-
This chapter has sections covering: Shimano car- cern is whether the factory installed and secured the
tridge bottom brackets, Fisher cartridge bottom brack- main cartridge unit and adapter ring correctly.
ets, Mavic cartridge bottom brackets, and multiple In order to check this, crank-arm removal is required.
brands of bottom brackets that have threaded cups with Use the Park BBT-2 to secure the main cartridge unit in
cartridge bearings inside the cups. the frame and secure the lockring. A standard 32mm
Threads headset spanner will fit the Park BBT-2, but the Park
All threaded cartridge-sealed-bearing bottom brack- tool can be driven with a 3/8" drive ratchet or torque
ets fit the same bottom-bracket-shell threads as adjust- wrench, as well. The torque specification is 260–350in-
able-cup bottom brackets. For thread information, see lbs.
the BOTTOM-BRACKET THREADS table (page 9-5) in the The Shimano specification is that no grease should
ADJUSTABLE-CUP BOTTOM BRACKETS chapter. be put on the main body threads or on the adapter-
ring threads. In many climates, corrosion between
Prerequisites metal threads on the bottom bracket and metal threads
For all types of bottom brackets, the only prereq- inside the shell is a genuine concern. If concerned about
uisite is crank-arm removal and installation. this, remove the bottom bracket and treat the threads
If changes in the effective spindle length creates with Loctite #222 or #242. There have been some re-
changes in the chainring position, then front derailleur ports of problems with the plastic adapter ring loos-
adjustment would also be required. ening. It would be of no harm, and perhaps some ben-
Tools efit, to treat these threads with Loctite #222 or #242 as
The special tools needed for each type of cartridge well. When either the bottom-bracket shell or an
bottom bracket are mentioned in each section as part adapter ring is aluminum, use anti-seize compound.
of the procedure for servicing that bottom bracket. The only tool needed is the Park BBT-2.
When making sure the unit is secure, follow these
steps exactly:
1. Loosen the adapter ring (the side with no
flange, possibly either side).
2. Use a Park BBT-2 to snug the main body into
the bottom-bracket shell. The flange may be
left up to 1mm from the end of the shell if
desired, to improve chainring position.
3. Secure the adapter ring to 260–350in-lbs.

10 – 1

CARTRIDGE-INSTALLATION tic or silver aluminum. It is important to understand

these distinctions because there are no thread-direc-
PROCEDURE tion marks, and because the plastic adapter rings will
readily install if put in the wrong side of the shell,
Considerations quickly destroying the adapter-ring threads.
The only tool needed is the Park BBT-2.
The plastic and aluminum threaded rings pro- Installation
vided with the Shimano cartridge bottom brackets There is no worksheet for this procedure in the
have proven to be very intolerant of poor thread qual- WORKSHEETSsection of this book. To install a Shimano
ity in the shell, resulting in stripped threads. If the cartridge bottom bracket in the bottom-bracket shell:
pieces do not thread in and out easily, tap the bot- 1. Treat the main-body threads with Loctite #222
tom-bracket shell. Thread damage on the adapter rings or #242 (or anti-seize whenever there are any
sometimes occurs at the factory due to over-tighten- aluminum threads).
ing or cross-threading. 2. Install the main body fully in the correct side
When installing a new cartridge-bottom-bracket and snug gently.
unit, always install the main body completely before 3. Treat the adapter-ring threads with Loctite
installing and securing the lockring. #222 or #242 (or anti-seize whenever there
On the low end models (CS, LP, etc.), the main are any aluminum threads).
body has a right-hand thread and installs into the left 4. Install the adapter ring from the opposite side.
side of the bottom-bracket shell. The adapter ring (cur- 5. Secure the adapter ring to 260–350in-lbs.
rently made of black plastic, but there is no guarantee
it will remain so) has a left-hand thread and installs
Fixing creaking Shimano cartridges
Shimano cartridge bottom brackets often develop
from the right side of the shell.
an annoying creak. The source of this creak could be
lack of enough torque on the adapter ring, but the
source is just as likely to be looseness between the in-
side of the adapter ring and the portion of the car-
tridge shell that the adapter ring engages. This can be
fixed by using Loctite #242 between the adapter ring
L shell
R and the cartridge shell. The same problem may de-
velop if the fixed ring that is supposed to be a perma-
nent part of the main body works loose. It can be fixed
in the same way.

Shimano designed these bottom brackets with the
intent that they be maintenance free. This does not
mean that they will last forever, but that during their
Bottom-bracket life, no maintenance is needed.
shell The inexpensive (CS and LP) series models have
soft neoprene seals that can easily be pried out with a
small screwdriver, or seal pick, with little risk of dam-
aging the seals. Once the seals are removed, it is an
easy matter to flush the old grease with solvent, and/
10.1 Depending on the model, the Shimano cartridge may install or squeeze more grease in from a tube.
from the left or right. Once the seals are out, the wrench flats on a lock-
nut and cone will easily be seen. Do not attempt to use
All the other models (UN series) have a left-hand
the locknut and cone for further disassembly or adjust-
thread on the main body, which installs into the right
ment! The only way to disassemble or adjust the car-
side of the shell. The adapter ring is right-hand threaded
tridge is with a Park BBT-6, a tool that is not recom-
and installs into the left side of the shell. The adapter
mended due to high tool expense. Replacing these inex-
ring currently is, depending on the model, gray plas-
pensive cartridges is cheaper than servicing them.

10 – 2
Shimano generally warranties bottom brackets Shimano makes different versions of most cartridge
with excessively tight or loose bearings, within nor- models that fit 68mm and 73mm bottom-bracket shells.
mal bottom-bracket life. Always use the cartridge that matches the shell size.
The UN series units have snugly fitting seals with The spindle mark cannot always be found on the
thin metal parts that are instantly damaged when any spindle, in which case measure the overall spindle
attempt to remove the seals is made. length. Use the overall-spindle-length measurement in
combination with the model name of the cartridge
INTERCHANGEABILITY shell to identify the specific cartridge. For example, a
cartridge is marked with the name CS10 and has an
Use the following table to replace adjustable-cup overall spindle length of 115mm. According to table
bottom brackets with Shimano cartridge bottom brack- 10-1, this cartridge would be a CS10 (D-H).
ets, or one cartridge with another. If the bike is equipped The Relative chainline column (table 10-1) does not
with newer Shimano crank arms it is never appropriate show the actual chainline, but instead shows the rela-
to replace a Shimano cartridge bottom bracket with an tive amount the chainline will change if using an un-
adjustable-cup bottom bracket! A single variety of matched replacement; by determining the difference be-
Shimano cartridge bottom bracket is sometimes suit- tween the relative chainline values for two different car-
able to replace several lengths of conventional spindles; tridges, the amount the chainline will change can be
this is possible because the main body of the cartridge determined. For example, a UN90 cartridge marked MM
can be fixed in a variety of positions. The CS and LP 107 has a relative chainline value of 1mm. Using the
series can be moved up to 1mm to the left, shortening UN90 marked LL113 (with a relative chainline value of
the effective right-side length by up to 1mm. The UN 2mm) will position the chainrings 1mm further out from
series can be moved up to 1mm to the right, lengthen- the frame than would the UN90 marked MM 107.
ing the effective right-side length by up to 1mm.
Spindle length


Spindle mark Cartridge model #


Adjustable-cup bottom bracket Cartridge model (not all available for both Mark/Length Relative
Spindle types 68mm and 73mm shell) chainline
For 68 shell: D-3K UN51 MM 107 0mm
UN51, LP 25 MM 110
For 68 shell: 3I-B UN52, UN71, UN72, UN90, UN91 MM 107 1mm
UN52, UN 72 MM 110
For 68 shell: 3H, D-3H, 3H-B UN51, UN 90 LL 113 2mm
For 73 shell: 7H, D-7H
For 68 shell: 3J, 3J-B, 3L, D-3L, 3L-B UN52, UN71, UN72, UN91, LP20, LP30 LL 113 3mm
For 73 shell: 7L CS10, CS11, CS20, CS21, UN50, UN51, D-H 115
UN70, UN71, UN91
For 68 shell: 3A, D-3A, 3A-B, 3K, UN50, UN51, UN52, UN71, LP26 XL 118 5mm
3K-B, 3P, D-3P, 3P-B
For 73 shell: 7P-B, 7NL, D-7NL, 7NL-B
For 68 shell: 3N, 3N-B, 3NL, D-3NL, CS10, CS11, CS21, UN50, UN51, UN70, D-NL 122.5 7mm
3NN For 73 shell: 7EL, D-7EL, 7EL-B UN71
For 68 shell: 3SS, D-3SS, 3SS-B, 3S, UN52, UN72 D-NL 122.5 8mm
D-3S, 3S-B For 73 shell: D-7S
For 68 shell: 3T, D-3T, 3T-B, 3TM-B, CS21 D-EL 127.5 10mm
3TS, D-3TS For 73 shell: 7T-B, D-7TL
For 68 shell: 3U, 3U-B, D-3U, 3XA, 3X UN50, UN51, UN52, UN70, UN71, UN72 D-EL 127.5 11mm

10 – 3


(73mm shell only)

Fisher used to have its own design of cartridge-
bearing bottom brackets. Fisher no longer does this; it
uses threaded bottom-bracket shells like most other


Fishers have cartridge bearings held in by a mild

press fit and retained by snap rings in a groove in the 10.4 Cross-section of a new-style Fisher bottom bracket.
bottom-bracket shell. After removing the snap ring
with a snap-ring plier, use a plastic hammer to drive
the spindle out of the shell. One bearing will also come
out. After removing the bearing from the spindle, the
spindle is reinserted to drive out the remaining bear-
ing on the opposite side of the bottom-bracket shell.
Positioning rings are held to the spindle with set screws
to position the bearings on the spindle. Use Loctite Advantages
RC680 between the spindle and bearings, and bear- The Mavic bottom bracket does not use the bot-
ings and frame, when reassembling. Cartridge bear- tom-bracket-shell threads. This makes it a viable way
ings can be replaced separately, or cleaned and re- to salvage a frame that has stripped shell threads. Dif-
greased while removed. ferent models have spindle lengths of 112, 114, 116,
119, 123, 124, and 134 millimeters.
Set screw Positioning ring
Installation and removal
Mavic bottom brackets require no threads in the
shell to install, and are a viable alternative for repair
of moderate-to-expensive bikes that have damaged
bottom-bracket threads. The shell must be prepared
for installation of the bottom bracket by facing it with
the Mavic tool 65234. This tool faces the ends of the
shell to be conical, to match the conical-faced bot-
Bearing Snap-ring
tom-bracket mounting rings. Face the shell until the
face is chamfered to a depth of 2–2.5mm (chamfering
10.3 Cross-section of an old-style Fisher bottom bracket. is to cut the inside edge of the bottom-bracket-shell
face at an angle).
To install a Mavic bottom bracket, grease the
NO SNAP-RING STYLE threads on the outside of the cartridge-shell unit. Put
a lockring onto the end of the cartridge with the dust
Newer Fisher bottom brackets have the following
cap marked “Fixe.” Slip a conical plastic fixing washer
features: the positioning rings on the spindles are fixed
over the cartridge so that it is against the inside face of
instead of adjustable; spacing sleeves slip onto the
the lockring. Older versions of the bottom bracket will
spindle to mount between the positioning rings and
not necessarily have this ring. Slide the bottom bracket
the bearings, so that the same spindle can fit in the
into the shell from the right side of the bike. If it will
original-width bottom-bracket shell and the newer
not slide in effortlessly, remove obstructions inside the
73mm bottom-bracket shell. Fisher’s most recently
bottom-bracket shell. Do not force!
made models may not have snap rings retaining the
Slip the other conical plastic fixing washer onto
bearings in the shell, instead relying entirely on the
the left end of the bottom bracket (older bottom brack-
Loctite for security.
ets may not have one). Attach the other lockring to

10 – 4
the left end of the unit. Use one lockring spanner to There is no worksheet for this procedure in the
hold one of the lockrings, and another to tighten the WORKSHEETSsection of this book.
other lockring. Secure to 240–300in-lbs (13–17lbs@8"). 1. With the cartridge mounted securely in the
bottom-bracket shell, use Mavic 670 to
unthread the cover marked “MOBILE” and
the cover marked “FIXE.” A crank-arm bolt
can be used to retain the 670 to the cover
marked “FIXE.”
2. Tap the axle out with a plastic mallet. One
bearing will remain in the cartridge and one
will be on the axle.
10.5 A Mavic cartridge bottom bracket in a cross-section of a bot- 3. Use a drift punch or Mavic 670-3 to drive the
tom-bracket shell. bearing out of the cartridge shell.
4. Use a plastic mallet to tap the bearing off
Install the right crank arm and check the chainline. the axle.
If it needs adjustment, remove the crank arm, break 5. Use Mavic 6702 to tap a bearing (black rub-
loose the left lockring, adjust the right lockring in or ber seal facing out) into the chainring side of
out to move the bottom bracket, and then resecure the the cartridge shell until it is deep enough to
lockrings. expose most of the cover threads inside the
To remove the bottom bracket, remove either or end of the cartridge shell.
both lockrings with a lockring spanner and slip the 6. Install the “FIXE” cover into the right end of
unit out of the shell. the shell with the Mavic 670.
7. Insert the spindle into the left side with the
Bearing replacement desired long or short end (if not symmetri-
cal) on the right side and tap into place with
a plastic mallet.
8. With black rubber seal facing out, use
Cover Bearing
"MOBILE" Mavic 6702 to tap a bearing into the left
side until it is deep enough to expose most
of the cover threads.
9. Use the Mavic 670 to thread the “MOBILE”
cover into the shell and seat the bearing all
the way.
Bearing 10. Loosen the “MOBILE” cover 1/4 turn.
11. Tap gently on the right end of the spindle with
a soft mallet, if it seems tight when rotated.

Cover "FIXE"

10.6 Blow-up of a Mavic bottom bracket.

10 – 5

CARTRIDGE BEARINGS retaining collar. If the Allen set screw is difficult to

access, use the edge of a file to notch the lip of the cup
IN THREADED CUPS 90° from a wrench flat to allow access.
To remove and/or install the bottom bracket, per-
form the following steps. There is no worksheet for
STRONGLIGHT, AMERICAN this procedure in the WORKSHEETSsection of this book.


These bottom brackets are similar to a adjustable- 1. Use a 7/32" Allen wrench to loosen the set
cup bottom bracket, but with cartridge bearings used screw in one of the retaining collars on ei-
instead of loose balls. Cartridges may be a slip fit or ther end of the spindle.
mild press fit into the cups and onto the spindle and 2. Use a Stein FCC2 to retain a Park HCW-2
can be replaced without the replacement of the entire (35mm) to each cup and break loose both cups
assembly. Adjustments should be performed as with without removing.
an adjustable-cup bottom bracket. 3. Use a plastic mallet to drive the spindle out
Cartridges can be removed from the assembly (ex- the opposite side of the bike from where the
cept American Classic). A removed cartridge can have set screw was loosened. The spindle and other
its seal removed and can be cleaned and re-greased in retaining collar will go out the opposite side.
case of moisture contamination, or can be replaced if The opposite-side bearing may go out with
worn out or damaged. Sugino bottom brackets of this the spindle or stay in the cup.
configuration require a special tool, Sugino 214. 4. Use a drift punch or bearing puller to remove
the bearing(s) from the cups.
5. Use the Park HCW-2 to remove both cups.
COOK BROS. Installation
Although the Cook Bros. bottom bracket has
cups that thread into the shell, the bearings are in- 1. Prepare the cup threads with Loctite 242.
serted into the cups from the outer face instead of the 2. Thread both cups into the shell fully and se-
inner face. cure gently with the Park HCW-2.
3. Slide a retaining collar onto one end of the
spindle and secure the set screw with a 7/32"
Retaining collar
Bearing Allen wrench.
4. Slide a bearing cartridge onto the spindle
against the backside of the retaining collar.
5. Slide the spindle/bearing assembly into one
side of the bottom bracket.
6. Slide the other bearing onto the other end of
the spindle.
7. Tap against the end of the spindle with the
Cup retaining collar mounted so that it will drive
Set screw the bearing into the cup.
8. Use a metal cylinder that clears the spindle
10.7 Cross-section of a Cook Bros. bottom bracket. and closely matches the outside diameter of
the bearing to drive the other bearing into
This bottom bracket presents two problems. The the cup.
aluminum cups have very delicate wrench flats that 9. Rotate the spindle and feel if it rotates
are easily distorted by poor-fitting tools or brutish tech- smoothly. If it is binding, tap gently on al-
nique. Once distorted, the lip of the cup may interfere ternating ends of the spindle to eliminate side
with the retaining collars on the spindle, causing the load.
spindle to rotate roughly. Also, in some cases it may 10. Slide on the remaining retaining collar and
be difficult to access the 7/32" Allen set screw in the secure the set screw.

10 – 6

SHIMANO SPLINED-SPINDLE The second variety includes the Dura-Ace model

BB-7710 (track), the Ultegra model BB-6500, the 105
BOTTOM BRACKETS model BB-5500, and the XTR model BB-M952. At first
glance they appear very similar to the adjustable vari-
ety described in the previous paragraph, but the right-
TERMINOLOGY side threaded cylinder lacks the notched flange and
Splines: An alternating arrangement of axially can only be fit by the splined tool normally used to
aligned lands (ridges) and flutes (grooves) around a install and remove regular Shimano cartridge-bearing
cylinder. bottom brackets (Park BBT-2 or Shimano TL-UN74).
Splined spindle: A bottom-bracket spindle that is Functionally, these bottom brackets are the same as
splined on the ends, as opposed to the traditional the squared-taper models. The difference is in the
squared taper. spindle configuration and which crank arms will fit
it. One other minor difference is that the left-side
mounting ring (on the BB-M952) has a notched-flange
VARIETIES configuration in addition to the internal spline that
There are three basic varieties of Shimano bottom fits the splined tools. Additional information on this
brackets that have splined spindles. Each variety re- variety appears under the heading CARTRIDGE-BEARING
quires somewhat different technique to properly in- SPLINED-SPINDLE BOTTOM BRACKETS (page 10-10).
stall and service. The third variety includes the year 2000 Deore
The first variety includes the Dura-Ace model BB- XT/LX model BB-ES70. This is a simple cartridge-
7700 and the XTR model BB-M950. Other than the bearing bottom bracket that is serviced just like all
model numbers, the distinguishing visual characteris- other squared-taper Shimano bottom brackets. This
tic of these varieties is the fact that the right-side model is separate because it has different spline dimen-
threaded cylinder has a notched flange that resembles sions and does not interchange with any other models
a conventional lockring for the left side of an adjust- listed earlier. Additional information is under the head-
able-cup bottom bracket. At first glance, these models ing LONG-SPLINED SPINDLES (page 10-11).
may appear to be simple cartridge-bearing bottom
brackets. When the bottom bracket is in the package
it comes in, the parts are securely fit together in a way TOOL CHOICES
that makes it appear as though it is a cartridge-bearing The design or model of the bottom bracket will
bottom bracket. In fact, this bottom bracket consists determine the tools needed. The following list covers
of a spindle with two cone races, two threaded cups tools for all varieties of Shimano splined-spindle bot-
with cup races, and a lockring just like an adjustable- tom brackets. This list covers all the tools for the job.
cup bottom bracket. Directions for servicing this con- The preferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred
figuration appear under the heading ADJUSTABLE because of a balance among: ease of use, quality, versa-
SPLINED-SPINDLE BOTTOM BRACKETS (page 10-8). tility, and economy. When more that one tool for one
function is bold, it means that several tools are required
for different configurations of parts.


Tool Fits and Considerations
Park BBT-2 Installs all non-adjustable models, allows use of 3/8" drive wrenches. Older
versions might not fit over splined spindles.
Shimano TL-UN74-S Installs all non-adjustable models, does not permit use of 3/8" drive wrenches.
VAR 966/PRO2 Installs all non-adjustable models, does not permit use of 3/8" drive wrenches.
Includes retaining bolt to improve security for difficult bottom bracket removal.
Park BBT-8 Required to install Dura-Ace BB-7700 and XTR BB-M950 (adjustable models).
Park TWB-368 Crow foot adapter that allows use of torque wrench with BBT-8.
Shimano TL-UN96 Required to install Dura-Ace BB-7700 and XTR BB-M950 (adjustable models).
Torque wrench cannot be used.
Lockring spanner Required to secure lockring on BB-7700 and BB-M950. Assorted varieties
available. See table 9-1 (page 9-3).

10 – 7

ADJUSTABLE SPLINED-SPINDLE The seals in this bottom bracket are different be-
cause they are a multi-part design. Each cup has a soft
BOTTOM BRACKETS rubber seal fixed to the inner perimeter of the hole
There are two versions of this design, designated where the spindle goes through. The fit between the
Type 1 and Type 2 by Shimano, and these designa- rubber seals and the spindle is somewhat loose. The
tions only appear in the Shimano parts catalog. The second part of each seal set is a plastic cap (metal on
XTR model BB-M950 exists in both types, but the the right side of the Type 2) that is a very tight fit to
Dura-Ace model BB-7700 is the Type 1 configuration the spindle. The rubber seal and the cap engage each
only. To distinguish Type 1 from Type 2 when the other is such a way as to create a labyrinth seal, which
bottom bracket is already installed, remove the right- is highly effective at keeping out grit.
side crank arm, and then look inside the notched ring Both the Type 1 and Type 2 versions of these bot-
on the right-side “cup.” If there is a black plastic cap, tom brackets have bearing cones that are separate from
the bottom bracket is Type 1. If there is a silver metal the spindle. They slip onto the spindle and seat against
plate, then the bottom bracket is Type 2. To distin- flanges on the spindle that fix the position of the cone.
guish the type when removing it from the packaging, On the Type 1 spindle, these cones are a mild press
the same observation could be made, or you could fit. On the Type 2 spindle, the cones are a loose fit.
inspect the plastic sleeve between the two “cups.” If Because of this difference, when disassembling the
the sleeve is obviously dumbbell-shaped, with a cen- Type 1 bottom bracket, the cones tend to remain in
ter diameter approximately 5mm less than the cup di- place on the spindle during disassembly. By nature
ameters, then the bottom bracket is Type 1. If the sleeve of the design of the Type 2 version, the cone stays
is a uniform diameter and just slightly smaller in diam- with the left-side cup and bearing assembly when they
eter than the cups, then the bottom bracket is Type 2. are removed from the spindle. On the right side of
Regardless of the type, this bottom bracket style the Type 2 version, the cone may stay on the spindle
(Dura-Ace BB-7700 or XTR BB-M950) is fundamen- or may stay with the cup when separating the right-
tally the same as a conventional adjustable-cup bot- side cup and spindle.
tom bracket, but there are some differences. These dif- The final feature of these bottom brackets that sets
ferences include: what tools fit, the nature of the seals, them apart from conventional adjustable-cup bottom
the removable nature of the spindle cones, and the brackets is that there are two sets of needle bearings in
presence of an additional set of bearings (needle type) addition to the two sets of cup-and-cone ball bearings.
in addition to the cup-and-cone ball bearing set. The function of the needle bearings is to support most
The tools required are listed on page 10-7 in table of the radial loads (which tend to be high). Since the
10-2. These tools are used to install and remove the ball bearings are not supporting these high loads, they
fixed cup, and to adjust the adjustable cup. Addition- are much smaller than normal bottom-bracket ball
ally, the same tools are used to install and remove the bearings (1/8" instead of 1/4"). With the needle bear-
lockring that holds the chainring arms to the crank ings supporting the primary radial loads, the only func-
arm on many Shimano crank models. tion of the ball bearings is to enable adjustment of
play so that the spindle does not move laterally.

Lockring Cone Spindle
Plastic seal cap Needle-bearing retainer Internal snap-ring Fixed cup*
Adjustable cup Ball-bearing retainer Plastic sleeve Plastic seal cap

*Includes snap-ring, ball-bearing retainer, and needle-bearing retainer

10 – 8

Type 1 disassembly 3. [ ] Loosen lockring by using lockring spanner

1. [ ] Remove both crank arms. to turn it fully counter-clockwise (lockring
2. [ ] Look for black plastic cap on right end of is larger notched ring on left side of bot-
spindle to confirm unit is Type 1. If silver tom bracket).
metal cap is found, use Type 2 directions. 4. [ ] Turn adjustable cup (smaller notched ring)
3. [ ] Loosen lockring by using lockring spanner counterclockwise to remove it.
to turn it fully counter-clockwise (lockring 5. [ ] Pull plastic seal cap out of outer face of cup.
is larger notched ring on left side of bot- 6. [ ] Use plastic mallet to tap on right end of
tom bracket). spindle to remove it from bottom bracket.
4. [ ] Turn adjustable cup (smaller notched ring) Watch for metal seal cap that will fall off
counterclockwise to remove it. right end of spindle as spindle is removed.
5. [ ] Pull plastic seal cap out of outer face of cup. Observe whether cone remained on spindle.
6. [ ] Pull spindle out left side of bottom-bracket 7. Measure thread diameter of left-side cup to de-
shell. termine if bottom bracket is English/BSC or
7. Measure thread diameter of left-side cup to de- Italian thread:
termine if bottom bracket is English/BSC or [ ] Approximate 35mm O.D. is English/BSC
Italian thread: [ ] Approximate 36mm O.D. is Italian
[ ] Approximate 35mm O.D. is English/BSC 8. [ ] Use TL-UN96 (or equivalent) to turn fixed cup
[ ] Approximate 36mm O.D. is Italian clockwise to remove (unless Italian thread).
8. [ ] Use TL-UN96 (or equivalent) to turn fixed cup 9. [ ] To remove short plastic sleeve cylinder from
clockwise to remove (unless Italian thread). adjustable cup, carefully pry under inner pe-
9. [ ] Pull plastic seal cap out of outer face of cup. rimeter with seal pick. Be prepared for nu-
10. [ ] Remove plastic seal cylinder from whichever merous loose parts held in place only by
cup it has remained attached to. this plastic sleeve, including a cone, a ball
11. [ ] Use seal pick to carefully remove plastic split bearing retainer, and a needle-bearing re-
ring from inside end of each cup. Be pre- tainer to fall out!
pared for many small bearings to fall out 10. [ ] To remove long plastic sleeve cylinder from
once ring is removed! fixed cup, just pull pieces apart with your
12. [ ] Remove ball-bearing retainer from each cup. fingers. Be prepared for loose parts held in
13. [ ] Remove needle-bearing retainer from each place only by this plastic sleeve, including a
cup. cone, a ball bearing retainer, and a needle-
14. [ ] Remove balls and needles from retainers. bearing retainer to fall out!
11. [ ] Remove cones from each cup assembly (un-
Type 2 disassembly less right-side cone remained on spindle).
1. [ ] Remove both crank arms. 12. [ ] Remove ball-bearing retainer from each cup.
2. [ ] Look for silver metal cap on right end of 13. [ ] Remove needle-bearing retainer from each
spindle to confirm unit is Type 2. If black cup.
plastic cap is found, use Type 1 directions. 14. [ ] Remove balls and needles from retainers.

Lockring Cone Spindle
Plastic seal cap Needle-bearing retainer Short plastic sleeve Fixed cup*
Adjustable cup Ball-bearing retainer Long plastic sleeve Metal seal cap

*Includes cone, ball-bearing retainer, and needle-bearing retainer

10 – 9

Type 1 & 2 cleaning and parts replacement Type 2 assembly

15. [ ] Clean all parts with solvent and dry com- 24. [ ] Insert roller-bearing retainers into each cup.
pletely. 25. [ ] Insert ball-bearing retainers into each cup
16. [ ] Inspect cones for pitting and replace if nec- with smaller-diameter end going in first.
essary. 26. [ ] Install cone into left-side cup.
In the previous step, the cones were inspected. If 27. [ ] Snap short plastic cylinder into left-side
they need replacing, the XTR Type 1 and 2 cones are cup, and snap long plastic cylinder into
interchangeable with each other, but the Dura-Ace right-side cup.
cones are unique. 28. [ ] Press remaining cone onto right end of
17. [ ] Inspect cup races for pitting. spindle until it seats against flange.
18. [ ] Inspect needle races inside cups for pitting. 29. [ ] Insert spindle into fixed cup, then press
metal seal cap over right end of spindle until
In the previous steps, the cups and needle races
it bottoms against seal and cup.
were inspected. Type 1 cups (XTR or Dura-Ace) are
available separately. The Type 2 XTR left-side cup is Types 1 & 2 installation and adjustment
available separately, but the right-side cup is sold only 30. [ ] If installing new unit, separate left-side cup
as part of a cup and spindle assembly. Cups are sold assembly from clear plastic seal cylinder and
complete with new ball and needle bearings. remove black plastic seal cap from outer
19. [ ] Inspect needle races on spindle for pitting. face of left-side adjustable cup.
31. [ ] Thread adjustable-cup lockring inward, then
In the previous step, the needle races on the
coat threads that were covered by lockring
spindle were inspected. Type 1 spindles (XTR or
with anti-seize, then thread lockring back
Dura-Ace) are available separately. The Type 2 XTR out to end of cup.
spindle is only available as part of a spindle and right- 32. [ ] Coat all exposed threads on both cups with
side cup assembly. anti-seize.
20. [ ] Pack all four retainers with grease suitable The bottom bracket comes with several spacer
for high-quality bearings. washers, which change location depending on the con-
21. [ ] Put 18 new 1/8" ball bearings into each ball figuration. The variables are the shell width (68mm or
bearing retainer (insert from outside).
73mm), the spindle length (112.5mm or 116mm), and
22. [ ] Put 18 roller bearings into each roller bearing
retainer (insert from outside). whether the front derailleur being used is an E-type
23. [ ] Inspect seals and seal caps for damage and (mounts by means of bracket secured behind the fixed-
replace as necessary. cup flange). Use the following guide for the spacer
The rubber seals are available only as part of the thickness used with each configuration:
cup assembly. The plastic seal caps are available sepa- 68mm shell/112.5mm spindle—2.5mm each side
rately, but the metal seal cap on the right side of the 68mm shell/116mm spindle—3.5mm each side
Type 2 bottom bracket is only available as part of a 73mm shell/112.5mm spindle—no spacers
spindle and right-side cup assembly. 73mm shell/116mm spindle—1mm each side
All combinations, right side, with E-type
Type 1 assembly derailleur—bracket only on right, no spacers
24. [ ] Insert roller-bearing retainers into each cup.
68/112.5mm setup with E-type—2.5mm on left
25. [ ] Insert ball-bearing retainers into each cup
with smaller-diameter end going in first.
73/116mm setup with E-type—nothing on left
26. [ ] Install plastic split ring into each cup until 33. [ ] Install correct spacer or bracket on each
securely engaged in groove. cup.
27. [ ] Press cones onto spindle until they are 34. [ ] Carefully thread right-side cup and spindle
seated against flanges. assembly into right side of bottom-bracket
28. [ ] Press either end of plastic seal cylinder shell (counterclockwise for English/BSC,
firmly into end of fixed cup. clockwise for Italian).
29. [ ] Insert spindle into fixed cup, then press plas- 35. [ ] Using Park BBT-8 and TWB-368, secure fixed
tic seal cap over right end of spindle until it cup to 435in-lbs.
bottoms against seal and cup. 36. [ ] Double-check that lockring is threaded all
the way out on adjustable cup, then thread
adjustable cup in until it gently contacts

10 – 10
37. [ ] Place BBI bottom bracket tape on shell so Service
that “0” mark lines up with one edge of a The service techniques are the same as all Shimano
notch in the adjustable-cup flange (not a
UN-series cartridge bottom brackets (pages 10-1
notch in the lockring).
through 10-3). Note, the recommended torques on
In the next step, you simultaneously stabilize the
these pages are less than the Shimano recommenda-
adjustable cup and secure the lockring. The adjust-
tions. They have been well proven in the field, and are
able cup can be fit by the TL-UN96 or equivalent,
preferred on the bottom brackets that have a plastic-
but this type of tool requires a second tool for lever-
mounting ring on the left side. The Shimano recom-
age, such as a headset spanner. Since you also have to
mended torque often leads to damage of the plastic
use another lockring spanner on the lockring, you
splines. The bottom brackets with splined spindles all
would end up with three tools, none of which se-
have metal splines in the mounting rings, and can eas-
curely attach to each other or the part they engage.
ily withstand Shimano's recommended minimum
Consequently, the best technique is to use two
torque of 435in-lbs.
lockring spanners and no TL-UN96 or equivalent.
The bottom bracket comes with several spacer
This technique is much less awkward.
38. [ ] Use one lockring spanner to stabilize adjust- washers, which change location depending on the con-
able cup, and another to secure lockring. figuration. The variables are the shell width (68mm or
39. [ ] Jerk vigorously on end of right crank arm at 73mm), the spindle length (112.5mm or 116mm), and
a variety of positions to check for knock. whether the front derailleur being used is an E-type
40. [ ] Tighten adjustment (clockwise) by one mark (mounts by means of bracket secured behind the fixed-
to eliminate knock, or loosen (counterclock- cup flange). Use the following guide for the spacer
wise) to create knock. Final adjustment is thickness used with each configuration:
first setting clockwise of adjustment with 68mm shell/112.5mm spindle—2.5mm each side
knock that eliminates knock. 68mm shell/116mm spindle—3.5mm each side
41. [ ] Press black plastic seal cap onto left end of
73mm shell/112.5mm spindle—no spacers
spindle until it is fully seated against seal
and cup. 73mm shell/116mm spindle—1mm each side
All combinations, right side, with E-type
derailleur—bracket only on right, no spacers
CARTRIDGE-BEARING SPLINED- 68/112.5mm setup with E-type—2.5mm on left
SPINDLE BOTTOM BRACKETS 73/116mm setup with E-type—nothing on left

Tool compatibility Fit to crank arms

These models of bottom brackets all have a uni-
These bottom brackets include the Dura-Ace
form spindle-spline pattern. The critical spline dimen-
model BB-7710 (track), the Ultegra model BB-6500,
sions are that the eight lands (ridges) are 2.2mm thick
the 105 model BB-5500, and the XTR model BB-M952.
and 5mm long. As long as the spindle length is suit-
These are all simple cartridge-bearing bottom brack-
able, any bottom brackets with these spline dimen-
ets such as the UN, LP, or CS series. The only differ-
sion are interchangeable. Shimano has another bottom-
ence is that the spindle configuration is splined instead
bracket type (model BB-ES70) with eight lands that
of a squared taper. However, this difference can cause
are each 2.8mm thick and 9mm long that is not inter-
problems with the fit of earlier versions of the tools
changeable with the 2.2mm × 5mm pattern.
for this type of bottom bracket. Older versions of the
Park BBT-2 or the Shimano tools will not work. Spe-
cifically, the BBT-2 with 20mm hex flats on the smaller LONG-SPLINED SPINDLES
diameter of the tool is not compatible. The newer BBT- The Shimano model BB-ES70, introduced in
2 has 32mm hex flats on the larger portion of the tool, 2000, is a simple cartridge-bearing bottom bracket
and is compatible. The Shimano TL-UN65 or TL- with a different spline pattern than previously intro-
UN74-S will clear the larger-diameter splined spindles. duced splined-spindle models. The service tools and
The older Shimano tool models TL-UN50, TL-UN52, techniques are identical to the sealed splined bottom
TL-UN70, and TL-UN70 either are incompatible with brackets described in the immediately previous sec-
the splines in the mounting rings, or lack the internal tion, CARTRIDGE-BEARING SPLINED-SPINDLE BOTTOM
clearance to clear the larger-diameter splined spindles. BRACKETS (page 10-10).

10 – 11

Fit to crank arms

This model of bottom bracket has a new spindle-
spline pattern. The critical spline dimensions are that
the eight lands (ridges) are 2.8mm thick and 9mm long.
As long as the spindle length is suitable, any bottom
brackets with these spline dimension are interchange-
able. Shimano has another bottom-bracket type with
eight lands that are each 2.2mm thick and 5mm long
that is not compatible. The difference between the 5mm
and 9mm long lands is obvious without measurement
once you have seen both, so distinguishing between the
two spline patterns should not be difficult.
The BB-ES70 is made to fit 2000 model crank arms
including Deore XT and LX models with splined arm
holes (model numbers FC-M751 and FC-M571). Deore
LX model FC-M570 is also considered a 2000 model,
but it fits a squared spindle. Deore XT and LX models
from 1999 and earlier (1999 model numbers FC-M750
and FC-M570, respectively) both fit squared spindles.
9mm 2.8mm

Long spline

5mm 2.2mm

Short spline

10 – 12

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Spindle: The axle that rotates inside the bottom-
bracket shell. The word axle is sometimes used in the
This chapter is about adjustable-cup bottom brack-
vernacular in regards to the bottom-bracket spindle.
ets. Adjustable-cup bottom brackets have a spindle,
Lockring: A ring with notches on its outer pe-
loose balls or balls in a retainer, and cups that thread
rimeter that threads onto the adjustable cup and
into the bottom-bracket shell. There are also sealed car-
against the left end of the bottom-bracket shell, and
tridge-bearing bottom brackets, which may press into,
fixes the position of the adjustable cup relative to
or thread into, the bottom-bracket shell. These are gen-
the bottom-bracket shell. Lockrings are round and
erally less serviceable, and are covered in a chapter called
have notches that are engaged by a special tool called
a lockring spanner.
Seal mechanism: A rubber insert that fills the gap
where the spindle goes through the holes in the ad-
GENERAL INFORMATION justable cup and fixed cup.

3 4 5

Bottom bracket: The bearing assembly that al-

lows the crankset to rotate in the bottom-bracket shell.
Bottom-bracket shell: The 1.5" diameter 3" long
horizontal frame tube at the bottom of the frame that
contains the bottom bracket.
Cone: A surface that bearings roll on that is posi-
tioned inside the circle of balls. Two cones are built
into the bottom-bracket spindle.
Cup: A cup is a surface that bearings roll on that 7
is positioned outside the circle of balls. The cups thread 2
into the bottom-bracket shell. Bottom-bracket
Race: The cone or cup surface on which a ball shell
bearing rolls. A misuse of this term is to use it to de-
scribe a set of ball bearings held together in a holder,
which is more properly called a retainer.
Retainer: A clip that holds a group of ball bear-
ings that go between a cup and a cone. A retainer is
9.1 Parts of the bottom bracket: 1. Lockring, 2. Seal mechanisms,
sometimes mistakenly called a race. 3. Adjustable cup (left side), 4. Ball bearings, 5. Plastic sleeve protec-
Adjustable cup: A bearing cup that threads into tor, 6. Spindle, 7. Fixed cup (right side).
the left side of the bottom-bracket shell, which is po-
sitioned further in or out to loosen or tighten the bear-
ing adjustment.
Fixed cup: A bearing cup that threads into the
right side of the bottom-bracket shell that is seated
fully and left in one fixed position. The fixed cup has
a built in flange that stops against the right end of the
bottom-bracket shell.

9– 1

PREREQUISITES Seal mechanisms (adjustable-cup bottom brackets with

rubber seals between the spindle and cups) are not ef-
Chainline error fective water-tight seals. Their effectiveness varies with
Before removing crank arms the chainline should the brand and model. At best, they can lengthen the
be checked. The reason for this is that one way to fix acceptable time between overhauls.
a chainline error is to change the bottom-bracket
spindle, something that may be done when overhaul-
Symptoms indicating need of overhaul
One of the most common symptoms that leads
ing the bottom bracket. See the CHAINLINE chapter
the customer to believe that his or her bottom bracket
(page 27-1) before removing the crank arms.
needs overhaul is noise coming from the general area
Crank-arm removal of the bottom bracket. Most noises that seem to come
In order to overhaul the bottom bracket, it is nec- from the bottom bracket are crankset and pedal noises.
essary to remove the crank arms. To just adjust the When bottom brackets do make noise, it is almost
bottom bracket, it is recommended, and often re- always from a loose cup or lockring and can be fixed
quired, to remove the crank arms. See the TAPERED- without an overhaul. A bottom bracket with enough
FIT CRANK ARMS (page 20-6) or COTTERED CRANK ARMS internal damage or wear to make a noise that is au-
(page 21-3) chapter before starting the bottom-bracket dible while riding, would be an extremely damaged
overhaul or adjustment. piece of equipment.
So what symptom would indicate that the bottom
INDICATIONS bracket should be overhauled? The only one is that
when performing an adjustment, the looseness (free
There are several reasons the bottom bracket may play) in the bearings cannot be eliminated without the
need an overhaul, and several reasons it may need ad- bearing becoming excessively tight (does not turn
justment. A bottom-bracket overhaul should be done smoothly). The lack of smoothness could be caused by
as part of a regular maintenance cycle, the duration of dry grease, contaminated grease, or worn parts.
which will change depending on the type of riding,
the amount of riding, and the type of equipment. Symptoms indicating need
Adjustments should be done on the basis of need. of adjustment
Maintenance cycles The primary symptom that will be experienced
If you start out with a bottom bracket known to indicating that the bottom bracket needs an adjust-
be in good condition with good quality grease, it ment is looseness in the bearings. This can be detected
should be able to be ridden thousands of miles with- by grasping the end of the crank arms and jerking
out needing an overhaul. If the equipment sees little them in and out while feeling for a knocking sensa-
wet-weather riding, then an appropriate maintenance tion. Another possible symptom indicating that the
cycle would be 2000–3000 miles in most cases. If a lot bottom bracket needs adjustment is a clicking sound
of wet-condition riding is done, then the maintenance that cannot be solved by tightening the crank arms,
cycle might need to be as often as every 750–1000 miles. chainrings, pedals, or pedal parts. A loose fixed cup
Parts rust whether being ridden or not, so another or loose lockring can be the source of this sound.
factor is how long the bike may be sitting before it Whenever the lockring or fixed cup is loose, it is not
will be used again. For example, if ridden 200 miles in adequate to simply secure the loose part, as the bot-
the rain in the fall, then the bike is put away for four tom-bracket adjustment may have been lost while the
months for the winter, it would probably be a good part was loose.
idea to overhaul the bottom bracket before the bike is One other case in which it is recommended to
put away for the winter. adjust the bottom bracket is on any new bike assem-
Some other factors affecting the maintenance cycle bly. Most bikes come in the box from the factory with
are whether the bottom bracket is equipped for grease an installed bottom bracket. It is common that the
injection and whether the bottom bracket has seal factory is not very reliable, and bottom brackets some-
mechanisms. Grease-injection systems do not eliminate times are completely worn out after as little as 1000
the need for overhauling. They only increase the ac- miles of use due to poor factory setup.
ceptable time between overhauls; furthermore, grease-
injection systems are only as good as the customer is
consistent and thorough about pumping in new grease.

9 – 2

TOOL CHOICES ease of use, quality, versatility, and economy. When

more than one tool for one function is bold, it means
The design or brand of bottom bracket will deter-
that several tools are required for different configura-
mine the tools needed. The following list covers tools
tions of parts.
for adjustable-cup bottom brackets only. This list cov-
ers all the tools for the job. The preferred choices are
in bold. A tool is preferred because of a balance among:


Tool Fits and considerations
FIXED-CUP TIGHTENING (cup already installed)
Stein FCC2 Attaches to nut-type and bolt-type spindles to retain spanners to cup.
Campagnolo 713 36mm fixed cup (also 15mm pedal flats)
Cobra 36mm fixed cup (also 15mm pedal flats)
Cyclo 1329 36mm fixed cup (also 15mm pedal flats)
Diamond C79 Old-fashioned monkey wrench odd-size fixed cups not fit by fixed cup
spanners (special order from Ace hardware stores)
Park HCW-2 35mm fixed cup (also with hinged single peg lockring spanner)
Park HCW-3 Slotted 36mm spanner fits with right crank still mounted, if inner ring does not
overlap fixed cup (also fits 25mm one-piece bottom-bracket cones and nuts)
Park HCW-4 36mm fixed cup (also fits pin-hole adjustable cups w/ 29mm dia. hole pattern)
Park HCW-11 16mm flats found on old English and some Taiwan fixed cups (also fits
adjustable cups with slots or square holes)
Shimano TL-FC30 (set) Set includes 36mm fixed-cup wrench
Sugino 201 (set) Set includes 36mm fixed-cup wrench
Campagnolo 793/A 36mm fixed cups
Hozan C358 35.7mm and 36mm
Kingsbridge 301 Universal (works by friction, may slip on most difficult removals)
United Bicycle Tool BBCR Universal (works by friction, may slip on most difficult removals)
VAR 30 with 30/2 & 30/3 35mm, 35.4mm, 36mm, 36.7mm, 37.7mm and 38mm fixed cups
LOCKRING TOOLS (Single-hook design fits all lockrings, but is best used when plier will not fit
because number of notches is odd. Pliers are superior grip, but don’t fit three-notch lockrings. Multiple-
hook design tools fit specific brand of lockring only).
Campagnolo 712 Multiple-hook design fits Campagnolo lockrings (also fits 32mm headset
Cyclo 1333 Multiple-hook design fits Campagnolo lockrings (also fits 32mm headset
Eldi 2712 Single-hook hinged design (fits headset lockrings also)
Hozan C205 Single-hook design (other end fits headset lockrings)
Hozan C203 Pliers have excellent fit to all lockrings with even number of notches (also
fits headset lockrings with even number of notches)
Park HCW-2 Hinged single-hook design (fits headset lockrings also, and 35mm fixed cups)
Park HCW-5 Single hook design on one end fits all lockrings, multiple-hook design on
other end fits some 3 and 6 notch lockrings
Park HCW-12 Single-hook design (also fits 32mm headset races)
Shimano TL-FC30 (set) Set includes multiple-hook design fits Shimano lockrings only
Stein LW Vise grip plier has secure grip for stuck lockrings w/even number of notches
Sugino 201 (set) Set includes single-hook design lockring tool
VAR 16 Plier (bulky and awkward compared to Hozan C203)

9 – 3


Tool Fits and considerations
ADJUSTABLE-CUP PIN SPANNERS (Adjustable spanners can be adjusted to fit various cups. They may
be light duty or heavy duty. Fixed spanners fit certain cups only and are all heavy duty).
Cyclo 1330 Fixed pin spanner fits Campagnolo cups
Park SPA-1 (green) Light duty adjustable with 3.0mm pins
Park SPA-2 (red) Light duty adjustable with 2.4mm pins
Park SPA-6 Heavy duty adjustable with 2.4mm pins (not as stout as VAR 13)
Park HCW-4 Fixed pin spanner (fits many, but not all, pin-hole cups)
Shimano TL-FC30 (set) Set includes fixed pin spanner that fits Shimano cups
Sugino 201 (set) Set includes fixed pin spanner that fits Sugino cups
VAR 13 Heavy duty adjustable with 2.4mm pins
SLOTTED ADJUSTABLE-CUP SPANNERS (for adjustable cup with square holes or slots in its face)
Park SPA-4 (yellow) Light duty, limited fit
Park HCW-11 Heavy duty (fits cups with 16mm flats also)
VAR 311 Heavy duty, but awkward compared to Park HCW-11
16MM FLATS ADJUSTABLE-CUP SPANNERS (for adjustable cup with 16mm wrench flats)
Park HCW-11 Good tool, only one made for the job (works on similar fixed cups also)
HEX-FACED ADJUSTABLE-CUP SPANNERS (for adjustable cup with hex fittings on its face)
Diamond C79 Old-fashioned monkey wrench fits all size hex faces with crank arm
removed (special order from Ace hardware stores)
Park HCW-3 25mm (36mm fixed-cup spanner on other end)
VAR 19/1 22mm & 24mm
VAR 19/2 26mm & 28mm
VAR 19/3 22mm & 24.9mm


Overhauling the bottom bracket (including crank- One other difficulty that might be experienced is
arm removal and bottom-bracket adjustment) is a 30– that it may not be possible to get a good adjustment
40 minute job of moderate difficulty. Adjusting the even with good quality new parts. If the symptom
bottom bracket alone (including crank-arm removal) experienced is that the spindle feels smooth through
is a 10–15 minute job of moderate difficulty. part of its rotation, then gets difficult to turn, and
finally easy again, then the bottom-bracket shell may
need facing. See the FACING THE BOTTOM BRACKET chap-
COMPLICATIONS ter (page 3-4).
Difficult cup removal
Difficulty may be experienced removing the ad- THREADS
justable cup or fixed cup. Using a self-retaining fixed- Bottom brackets thread into the frame. There are
cup tool such as the VAR 30 and a cheater bar, will several different thread standards listed in the follow-
generally solve the problem for the fixed cup. When ing table. It is necessary to identify what thread stan-
the adjustable cup is difficult to turn, retain the ad- dard is used on a particular bike in order to determine
justable-cup spanner with something like a Stein Fixed which way to turn the fixed cup, or to determine com-
Cup Spanner Clamp (FCC-2). patible replacement parts. To identify the threads a
Difficulty may be experienced threading the cups thread-pitch gauge and a caliper are needed.
out even after they have broken loose, or difficulty See the following page for a table of bottom-
may be experienced threading them in. In this case, it bracket-thread information.
is recommended to tap the bottom-bracket threads.
(page 2-3).

9 – 4


ADJUSTABLE CUPS: Always found on the left side of the bike and always are right-hand thread.
FIXED CUPS: Always found on the right side of the bike, see Right-side thread direction row below for thread direction.
Thread type “BSC”1 “ISO”1 “Italian” “Swiss” “French” “Whitworth”
Typical All Asian and most American Most Italian, French bikes French bikes English
occurrences bicycles, as well as many others. some Mexican from the from the inexpensive
All unmarked Taiwan and Japan and American late-seventies mid-eighties or three-speed and
cups are BSC or ISO thread. bicycles to mid-eighties earlier ten-speed bikes
Pitch 24tpi 24tpi 1mm 1mm 26tpi
Cup O.D. 34.6–34.9mm 35.6–35.9mm 34.6–34.9mm 34.6–34.9mm 34.6–34.9mm
Right-side left-hand right-hand left-hand right-hand left-hand
thread direction thread thread thread thread thread
Left-side right-hand right-hand right-hand right-hand right-hand
thread direction thread thread thread thread thread
Nominal thread 1.370" × 24tpi1 1.375" × 24tpi1 36mm × 24tpi 35mm × 1mm 35mm × 1mm 1–3/8" × 26tpi
description2 (Shimano4) (left3) (right3)
Shell I.D. 33.6–33.9mm 34.6–34.9mm 33.6–33.9mm 33.6–33.9mm 33.6–33.9mm
BSC (British Standard Cycle) and ISO (International Standards Organization) sizes are fully interchangeable. The
.005" diameter difference shown in the Nominal thread description row is a difference on “paper” only.
Nominal thread description is the name of the thread type. The diameter value is not a measurement, but a value
rounded-up from the actual measurement.
French and Swiss threads are identical except that the thread direction of the fixed cup (right side) is left-hand for
the Swiss and right-hand for the French. The notations (left) and (right) rarely show up in the nominal thread
descriptions, although sometimes the letter “G” (stands for left in French and Italian) might be part of the name
(example: 35 × 1G) if it is a Swiss thread.
Shimano marks BSC cups “BC 1.37 × 24”.

9 – 5

OVERHAUL AND 5. [ ] Measure adjustable-cup protrusion (or re-

cess) from lockring face:___________mm

ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE (write recess as a negative number).

NOTE: If just adjusting bottom bracket and not Protrusion

overhauling it, do step 3, turn lockring counter-
clockwise to loosen it, then skip to step 46. Recess

1. [ ] Measure chainring-to-chainstay clearance
with stack of feeler gauges: _________mm. Adjustable cup


9.5 The adjustable cup should not recess into the lockring at all,
but may protrude up to 2mm.

6. [ ] Turn lockring counterclockwise with lockring

tool to remove it.
9.2 Check clearance here before removing crank arm.

2. [ ] Measure chainline error (see CHAINLINE chap-

ter, page 27-5). Chainrings are out or in
(circle one) __________mm.

chainrings in by –__mm 9.6 Remove the lockring.

7. [ ] Turn adjustable cup counterclockwise with

adjustable-cup tool to remove it.
chainrings out by +__mm

9.3 Determine the chainline error. Write the measurement as a

negative number if the chainrings are in.

3. [ ] Remove crank arms.

BOTTOM-BRACKET REMOVAL 9.7 Remove the adjustable cup.

4. [ ] Measure bottom-bracket-axle right-side pro- 8. [ ] Inspect cup faces for thread identification.
trusion from cup face: ___________mm. Record markings here:


9.4 Measuring right-side axle protrusion.

9.8 Inspect cup and lockring face for thread identification
(1.37×24 in this case).

9 – 6
9. [ ] Only if adjustable-cup markings are inad- 18. [ ] Remove fixed cup with fixed-cup tool (check
equate, measure cup diameter and pitch and thread direction noted in step 11).
record here: ________________
10. [ ] Look thread type up in BOTTOM-BRACKET
THREADS (table 9-2) from cup marks or from
measurements that were taken.
11. [ ] From table information, choose whether fixed
cup is right- or left- (circle one) hand thread.
12. [ ] Remove ball bearings from inside adjustable
cup or from left end of spindle.
13. [ ] If replacing bearings (strongly recom-
mended), pop one out of the retainer and
measure it with the Park SBC-1 bearing
ruler. Record ball bearing size here: ______
14. [ ] Remove spindle (keeping careful track of
which end was on the right and which was
on the left), measure spindle ends, and note
whether right long? or left long? or sym-
metrical (circle one).

9.10 Assemble fixed-cup tool into bottom-bracket shell.

.9 0 .1
.8 .2

.7 .3

.6 .4

.5 .5

.4 .6

.3 .7

.2 .8
.1 .9

9.9 Correct way to measure the spindle end.

9.11 Turn the fixed-cup tool in the correct direction noted previ-
If the spindle needs to be replaced because it is ously in step #11.
worn out or a bad fit (due to poor chainline, poor
Both cups have now been removed. Was either or
chainring clearance, or poor adjustable-cup position),
both difficult to thread out? If so, it would be a good
a suitable replacement needs to be found. Spindles have
idea to tap the threads. It can make a big difference in
code numbers on them that can be used to determine
whether the cups might cross-thread when re-install-
the appropriate solution. There is a section later in
ing them, and it will also make adjustment easier. It
this chapter on spindle interchangeability.
15. [ ] Note spindle markings here:
could be that all the threads need is cleaning, so after
___________________________________ cleaning them test install the cups to decide whether
16. [ ] Remove plastic sleeve if there is one. to tap the threads.
17. [ ] Remove other set of bearings from right end Many bottom-bracket cups have rubber seals in
of spindle or from inside fixed cup. the hole where the spindle goes through the cup. It is
optional to remove these seals, but it helps cleaning if
done. The seals are generally soft rubber and pull out
easily with fingers. The seals are often asymmetrical,
with some sort of lip protruding from one face with
no comparable lip on the other face. If put in back-
wards the seals may not do their job and may inter-
fere with the rotation of the spindle.
19. [ ] Remove seals from cups (if any) and write
down orientations here:

9 – 7

CLEANING THE PARTS 26. [ ] Inspect inside cups for cracks in vicinity of
ball wear line.
20. [ ] Clean spindle, inside cups, and inside cre- 27. [ ] Inspect in fixed-cup threads for any cracks
vasses where any seals were mounted. between threads, particularly at end near
21. [ ] Clean inside of bottom-bracket shell. cup flange.
22. [ ] Clean cup threads and shell threads with
toothbrush and solvent.
23. [ ] Clean balls bearings only if re-using them
(re-using bearings not recommended).

PARTS INSPECTION 9.14 Cracks can be seen at the points indicated by arrows.
When bearings wear out, the surfaces on which the
balls roll develop pits (rough craters in the metal) called
galling. Once this occurs a proper adjustment cannot be
made, and the wear will continue at a high rate. The PARTS REPLACEMENT AND
design of the bottom bracket is such that the spindle INSTALLATION OF NEW PARTS
tends to wear out first, the fixed cup next, and the adjust-
able cup last. This order is not cast in stone, especially if Verification of thread compatibility
all three parts have not been in service an equal amount When replacing parts and old parts are at hand,
of time. Although it is sometimes possible to get indi- measure cup-thread diameter and pitch. Observe fixed-
vidual replacement parts, more often than not only com- cup-thread direction. Verify that replacement parts
plete bottom brackets are available. In any case, if any match in all respects.
parts are heavily worn, it is a good idea to replace them When installing new parts with no original parts
all. The ultimate test to determine whether there are pits on hand, measure pitch and inside diameter of the
is to trace the wear path the bearings have left on the cup bottom-bracket shell. See BOTTOM-BRACKET THREADS
or the spindle with the tip of a ball point pen. If the tip (table 9-2), and use the Pitch row and the Shell I.D. row
of the pen catches anywhere, you have found a pit. to determine the thread type.
Spindle compatibility
Spindle interchangeability is a challenging prob-
lem. First you must decide if you:
Want the new spindle to match as closely as
possible in all respects.
Want the new spindle to move the adjustable
cup in or out by how many millimeters.
9.12 Trace the ball path with a ball point pen to check for pits in Want the new spindle to move the chainrings
the cone race. in or out by how many millimeters.
For example, if the adjustable cup is recessed 1mm
Adjustable cup in the face of the lockring with the original spindle, it
(cut-away view) would seem that you would want a spindle with 1mm
additional width between the cone races. What com-
plicates matters is that cone diameters on the spindle
vary from brand-to-brand. A replacement spindle
might have the extra millimeter of width between the
9.13 Check for galling (pits) on the ball path in the cup by tracing cone races, but due to a smaller cone diameter no ef-
the ball path with a ball point pen.
fect will be seen on the adjustable-cup position at all.
Inspecting the ball bearings for wear is not rec- In regards to chainring position, it would seem that
ommended. Significant wear on bearings is not neces- all that matters is the length of the spindle from the
sarily detectable with the naked eye or by feel. Al- cone race to its end. For example, if you want the
ways replace the bearings if going to the trouble to chainrings to move in 2mm, get a spindle with a right-
overhaul the bottom bracket. end length that is 2mm shorter; unfortunately, the
24. [ ] Inspect cone race on spindle for pits. thickness of the taper that fits into the crank arm var-
25. [ ] Inspect inside cups for pits in ball wear line. ies brand-to-brand. If the replacement spindle was

9 – 8
2mm shorter on the end, but the taper was thicker, If test-assembling to determine replacement suit-
then it could end up that the chainrings would not ability, the lockring must engage three full threads of
move in at all. As long as the replacement spindle is a the adjustable cup, no more than two threads of the
brand match, a simple comparison of width between adjustable cup should protrude past the face of the
cone races and length from cone race to end of spindle lockring, and the chainwheels should clear the frame
should be sufficient. by at least 2mm.
Fortunately most bikes with adjustable-cup bottom 30. [ ] Replace any worn out or damaged cups.
brackets use Taiwanese or Japanese parts, which all ad- Replacing ball bearings
here to the JIS standard. There is a section later in this The original ball bearings are usually in a retainer
chapter about spindle interchangeability in regard to these (a clip that holds the balls together in a set). There
JIS spindles, with a table of dimensions and worksheets are no mechanical advantages to using retainers, but
for determining appropriate replacement spindles. there can be several disadvantages. Installing loose
28. [ ] If original spindle caused problems with
balls is always recommended, but the following in-
chainline, chainring-to-frame clearance, or ad-
justable-cup protrusion from lockring, go to formation is provided about retainers in case they
SPINDLE INTERCHANGEABILITY (page 9-13) to de- come with a new bottom bracket you are installing.
termine appropriate replacement(s). If installing loose balls, try to find the highest qual-
29. [ ] Replace any worn out spindle, or spindle ity balls available. Good balls are described as grade
that is causing problems with chainring posi- 25. Decent ball bearings might be described in the
tion or adjustable-cup position. range of grade 100 to grade 200. Any higher number
Cup compatibility than these is a mediocre bearing.
Many cups, particularly Asian ones, are compat- Balls in a retainer are more expensive to buy in a
ible fit across brands. Use the following test to deter- high grade, and grade information is rarely available
mine compatibility between old and new parts. for balls in a retainer. Retainers often have fewer than
Check the diameter of the hole in the cup. This the maximum number of balls that will fit, leading
will be the minimum for any cup to be considered to an increased rate of wear. Any retainer with 1/4"
for replacement. balls can be replaced by 11 loose 1/4" balls. Any time
With the spindle held vertically, place a ball re- the original balls were 1/4" (loose or retained), the
tainer and the worn cup on the top end of the spindle. correct quantity of loose balls to use is 11. If the re-
If it is an adjustable cup, measure the distance from tainers include a size of ball bearing other than 1/4"
the end of the spindle to the face of the cup. If it is a (usually 3/16" or occasionally 7/32"), the quantity of
flanged fixed cup, measure the distance from the end loose balls that will fit is less certain. Fill the cups
of the spindle to the inside face of the flange. with balls without forcing any in. Retainers can be
Install any candidate replacement cup on the put in backwards, which can destroy the bottom
spindle in the same fashion, and take the same mea- bracket or drive you nuts when you are trying to
surement. If the difference is less than .5mm, the re- adjust the bottom bracket.
placement is acceptable. A cup with a difference greater Important information
than .5mm may work, but at this point test-assembly if installing ball retainers
of the bottom bracket would be best. Forget any rules of thumb about which way ball
retainers face in relation to the cups and spindle. There
is only one way to get ball retainers in correctly and
that is to test mate them both ways to the spindle and
both ways to the cup. In one of the four combina-
tions, the clip that holds the balls together will be ob-
viously contacting the ball race on the spindle or the
cup instead of the balls themselves contacting the race.
Install the retainers opposite this. If good measure-
ments of the right-side spindle protrusion were taken,
9.15 The fixed cup on the right has a lower stack height and would and the original retainers were in correctly, and the
position the spindle further out from the end of the bottom-bracket original (or an identical) spindle has been put in, put-
shell. Measure from the back side of the fixed-cup flange to the end of ting a retainer in backwards will reduce the spindle
the spindle (as shown) to compare fixed-cup stack height.

9 – 9
protrusion by more than a millimeter. If good mea- 34. [ ] Only if installing balls in a retainer, test
surements of the adjustable-cup protrusion from the mate retainers facing both possible ways
lockring face were taken, and the original retainers in cups and on spindle to determine cor-
were in correctly, and the original (or an identical) rect orientation.
35. [ ] Grease seals (if any), then install into cups.
spindle and adjustable cup has been put in, putting a
36. [ ] Thoroughly grease adjustable-cup threads
retainer in backwards will increase the cup protru- on cup and inside left side of bottom-
sion by more than a millimeter. bracket shell.
31. [ ] Replace ball bearings. 37. [ ] Put an ample quantity of grease in adjust-
able cup.
ASSEMBLY 38. [ ] Put bearings into adjustable cup and cover
bearings with grease.
32. [ ] Loctite fixed-cup threads (Loctite 242).
39. [ ] Put an ample quantity of grease onto right
Cups are about to be threaded into the bottom- end of spindle.
bracket shell. It is easy to cross thread them, which can 40. [ ] Put bearings into grease on spindle and
damage the shell and require thread tapping. If fingers cover bearings with grease.
are used to start the cups, and no tools are used until
the cups have turned in several full revolutions, there is
no chance of damaging the shell. If the cups were easy
to thread out they should be easy to thread in. If they
were hard to thread out, it is best if the shell threads
have been chased. If not, be extremely careful to not
cross thread the cups. If there is trouble getting the
threads started, try rotating the cups backwards just
until a little “pop” is felt, then turn the correct direc-
tion. Remember, if the fixed cup was a left-hand thread
it turns counterclockwise to install. To avoid the po-
tential for cross-threading, start by installing the fixed
cup on a piloted fixed-cup tool, such as the VAR 30.
33. [ ] Put fixed cup on fixed-cup tool and as- 9.17 Put an ample quantity of grease on the bearing race on the
semble tool together inside bottom-bracket right end of the spindle, then submerge the balls in the grease.
shell with fixed cup. Secure to 25ft-lbs
(25lbs@6", on two levers simultaneously). 41. [ ] Install right end of spindle into left side of
bottom-bracket shell.

9.18 Use a finger to guide the right end of the spindle through the
fixed cup.

42. [ ] Install plastic sleeve protector (if any).

43. [ ] Thread in adjustable cup until it exerts light
pressure on spindle.

9.16 Set-up for using the VAR 30 fixed-cup tool. With the fixed
cup already on the handle end of the tool, assemble the tool inside
the bottom-bracket shell.

9 – 10
44. [ ] Verify that right-side spindle protrusion used in the accompanying illustrations. If preferred,
matches pre-disassembly dimension (unless draw some pen lines onto some 1/2" masking tape at
spindle is changed or deliberately reversed 1/8" intervals to duplicate the function of the sticker.
to improve chainline). 50. [ ] Clean adjustable-cup face with acetone or
alcohol and put masking tape or BBI Bottom
Bracket Tape sticker.


9.19 Measure right-side axle protrusion.

45. [ ] Hand-thread on lockring and verify that cup

protrusion matches pre-disassembly dimen-
sion (unless spindle was changed). If cup
protrusion has increased and spindle is un-
changed, disassemble bottom bracket and
find if bearing retainer(s) are out of place or
if a loose ball is out of place.

9.21 BBI Bottom Bracket Tape sticker in place.

51. [ ] Set adjustable cup to gently contact ball
52. [ ] Use fine-tip permanent marker to put mark
on cup face to match “0” mark on sticker.

9.20 Verify adjustable cup still protrudes the same distance from
the lockring face.

NOTE: If the bottom bracket was just installed skip
to step 50.
46. [ ] Loosen lockring and loosen adjustable cup
one full turn.
47. [ ] Secure fixed cup to 360in-lbs (30lbs@12").
48. [ ] Loosen lockring one extra turn.
49. [ ] Thread in adjustable cup until it exerts light
pressure on spindle.
This book comes with some complimentary bear-
ing calibration stickers sold by Barnett Bicycle Insti-
tute. A supply of these stickers is available from BBI
for $14.99 (price subject to change). The stickers are
9.22 Put a mark on the cup face in line with the “0” mark on

9 – 11
53. [ ] Holding adjustable cup stationary with ad- 56. [ ] Loosen lockring and turn adjustable-cup
justable-cup spanner, secure lockring with mark to next clockwise mark on sticker or
lockring spanner to at least 300in-lbs on masking tape.

Hold stationary

9.25 Move the cup clockwise to make the cup mark line up with
the next sticker mark to eliminate the knocking.

57. [ ] Holding adjustable cup stationary, tighten

9.23 Secure the lockring while holding the adjustable cup abso- lockring to at least 300in-lbs (38lbs@8").
lutely stationary. 58. [ ] Check for knocking. When knocking is diffi-
cult to feel, rotate the spindle to various po-
54. [ ] Check that mark on cup still lines up with sitions and check further for knocking. Re-
“0” mark. Reset if cup slipped. peat adjustment (steps 56–58) one mark
55. [ ] Grasp both ends of spindle firmly and jerk clockwise at a time as necessary until play
vigorously to check for knocking sensation is eliminated.
that indicates adjustment is too loose. If no
When rotating the spindle at the point the knock-
knocking is felt, reset cup 4 marks looser
counterclockwise and check again.
ing seems to be eliminated, it is possible that it might
feel sluggish, tight, rough, or tight and smooth si-
multaneously at this point. How good it feels is
largely a function of the quality and condition of the
parts, and whether there are rubber seal mechanisms.
If the parts were high quality and in great condition,
it is likely they will feel great at this point. If there
are any seal mechanisms, they will make the spindle
feel sluggish when rotated. If an non-overhauled bot-
tom bracket feels sluggish or tight, the grease may
be dried out. If the bottom bracket feels rough and
has not just been overhauled, the parts are worn out.
If the spindle feels tight through a portion of its ro-
9.24 Jerk spindle vigorously to check for knocking. tation and loose through another portion, it indi-
cates inexpensive new parts that need break-in, or if
using broken-in used parts (or high quality new parts),
that the bottom-bracket shell needs facing.
59. [ ] Rotate spindle and decide whether it feels

9 – 12
60. [ ] Install right crank arm (see TAPER-FIT CRANK there are descriptions of what do, followed by nota-
ARMS chapter on page 20-10 for correct tions such as, “Example worksheet: The adjustable-
technique). If changing spindle, be sure to cup-protrusion measurement for the example is
check chainring clearance, chainline, and 3mm.” When encountering one of these notations
front derailleur adjustment.
refer to the example worksheet (pages 9–16 through
61. [ ] Rotating crank arm to various positions, jerk
vigorously in and out on end of crank arm to
9-18) and see how and where the information has
see if any knocking remains. If additional been entered.
knocking is felt, repeat adjustment. Preliminary measurements
Decide next whether to make a break-in adjust-
ment. A break-in adjustment is one that is left one
and observations
Measure the adjustable-cup protrusion from the
increment tighter than necessary to eliminate play.
lockring face. If the adjustable cup sticks out past
The purpose of a break-in adjustment is to compen-
the face of the lockring, give this number a positive
sate for the initial high rate of wear that occurs with
value (+). If the adjustable-cup face is recessed in the
new and inexpensive cups and spindles. As an alterna-
lockring face, give this number a negative value (–).
tive to a break-in adjustment, anticipate needing to re-
Record the number in EXISTING CONDITIONS box
adjust the bottom bracket within the first couple hun-
on the first page (9-16) of the worksheet. It goes in
dred miles. If new parts appear especially polished
the first blank.
where the balls roll on the spindle or cup, a break-in
Example worksheet: The adjustable-cup-protru-
adjustment would be a mistake. If not sure, then skip
sion measurement for the example is 3mm.
making a break-in adjustment.
Measure the chainring-to-chainstay clearance. This
62. [ ] If desired, reset cup to next clockwise mark
for break-in adjustment. can be measured from whatever part of the chainring
63. [ ] Remove tape or sticker and clean off marks. set comes closest to the chain stay. This could be the
64. [ ] Install left crank arm (see crank-arm chap- inner chainring, a middle chainring of a triple, or some-
ters for correct technique). times the chainring bolt. Record this number in the
EXISTING CONDITIONS box on the second page of
the worksheet (9-17). It goes in the first blank.

SPINDLE Example worksheet: The chainring-to-chainstay

clearance measures 1.5mm.
INTERCHANGEABILITY Measure the chainline error. For a method of mea-
suring chainline error, see the CHAINLINE chapter (page
27-5). If the chainrings need to move out, describe
USING THE SPINDLE- the error as a negative (–) number. If the chainrings
need to move in, describe the error as a positive (+)
INTERCHANGEABILITY number. Record this number in the EXISTING CON-
WORKSHEETS DITIONS box on the second page of the worksheet.
It goes in the second blank.
Purpose of the worksheets Example worksheet: The chainrings are in by
Spindle-interchangeability worksheets serve the 3mm, this is a chainline error of –3mm.
mechanic in three general areas: when the original
spindle has been acceptable, but no identical replace-
Spindle information
After removing the spindle, check the spindle for
ment is available; when the original spindle positioned
brand markings and identification codes. Record these
the chainrings in an unacceptable location with re-
brand and code marks in both EXISTING CONDI-
gards to chainline and/or chain stay clearance; select-
TIONS boxes on the first and second pages of the
ing a replacement spindle when the original spindle
put the adjustable cup in an unacceptable position.
Example worksheet: The spindle is of Taiwanese
About the example worksheets or Japanese origin. Brand is not important, as all cur-
The worksheet in this chapter (pages 9-16 rent spindles from these countries are of the JIS (Japa-
through 9-18) is a filled-in example. There is a blank nese Industrial Standard) type. The code on the spindle
worksheet in the WORKSHEETS section of the book is D-5A.
to photocopy and use. In the following explanation,

9 – 13
Find the spindle on the JIS SPINDLE DIMEN- On the first page of the worksheet, fill in all the
SION (table 9-3, page 9-20) later in this chapter, or blanks in the box titled DETERMINE RANGE OF
measure the spindle as shown in the drawing on the ACCEPTABLE CENTER WIDTHS. Work down the
same pages. Record the existing spindle center width box, one line at a time, completing each line before
in the last blank in the EXISTING CONDITIONS box moving down to the next. An arrow points to each
on the first worksheet page (9-16). blank that needs to be filled in. To fill in the blank,
Example worksheet: From table 9-3 (page 9-20), follow the arrow back to its source, and copy the num-
the center width for this spindle is 55mm. ber found there. Be sure to indicate a negative value
Record the existing right-side axle-end length in whenever copying a negative number.
the last blank in the EXISTING CONDITIONS box, Example worksheet: The value 3 is carried down
on the second page of the worksheet (9-17). into both the formulas under DETERMINE RANGE
Example worksheet: The spindle in the bike had OF ACCEPTABLE CENTER WIDTHS.
the long side on the right. From table 9-3 (page 9-20), Example worksheet: The result of the “upper
the long-side length for this spindle is 32.5mm. limit” formula is –1.
Example worksheet: The result of the “lower
Completing the worksheet limit” formula is –3.
To complete the worksheet, it may be necessary
At the end of this box are blanks for Maximum
to add and subtract negative numbers. The following
center width and Minimum center width. If the
examples explain how to do this using a pocket calcu-
calculations are correct to this point, these two numbers
lator (other than a Hewlett-Packard). The key to be-
will always differ by 2. Transfer the numbers that are
ing able to do this is to know how to use a key on the
filled into these two boxes to the Maximum center
calculator that changes the value of a positive number
width and Minimum center width boxes on the third
to negative. This key is usually marked “+/–.” In the
page of the worksheet.
following examples, each key stroke on the calculator
Example worksheet: 55 is carried down into the
is shown in a set of brackets [ ].
first blank of the Minimum center width and Maxi-
To calculate 3+2, enter:
mum center width formulas.
[3] [+] [2] [=]
Example worksheet: –3 is carried down to the
The answer is 5.
second blank of the Minimum center width formula.
To calculate 3+(–2), enter:
The result of the formula is 52.
[3] [+] [2] [+/–] [=]
Example worksheet: –1 is carried down to the
The answer is 1.
second blank of the Maximum center width for-
As can be seen in this example, the only differ-
mula. The result of the formula is 54.
ence between the first and second examples is press-
On the second page of the worksheet, fill in all
ing the [+/–] key after the [2] to change the 2 to a
the blanks in the box titled AXLE END LENGTH
negative value.
To calculate (-3)+2, enter:
CHAINLINE. Work down the box one line at a time,
[3] [+/–] [+] [2] [=]
completing each line before moving down to the next.
The answer is -1.
An arrow points to each blank that needs to be filled
To calculate 3-(-2), enter:
in. To fill in the blank, follow the arrow back to its
[3] [–] [2] [+/–] [=]
source, and copy the number found there. Be sure to
The answer is 5.
indicate a number has a negative value whenever copy-
To calculate (–3)–(–2), enter:
ing one that is a negative. The result of the first two
[3] [+/–] [–] [2] [+/–] [=]
calculations, labeled UPPER LIMIT and LOWER LIMIT,
The answer is –1.
will always differ by 4 if the calculations are correct.
If not using a calculator, two simple rules apply
Example worksheet: –3 is carried down into the
to adding and subtracting negative numbers. To add a
first blank of the UPPER LIMIT and LOWER LIMIT
negative number, simply consider the value of the
number and subtract it. To subtract a negative num-
Example worksheet: The result of the UPPER
ber, simply add the number as though it were a posi-
LIMIT formula is 5.
tive number (the two minus signs cancel each other).
Example worksheet: The result of the LOWER
LIMIT formula is 1.

9 – 14
The last formula in this box is RESULTING RING- Example worksheet: 1 is carried down into the
TO-STAY CLEARANCE. Sometimes, if you use the second blank of the Minimum axle end length for-
full tolerance range for the spindle, it will result in the mula.
chainrings ending up too close to the frame. If this is Example worksheet: The result of the Maximum
the case, use the left-hand CORRECTED TOLER- axle end length formula is 37.5.
ANCE box to determine the acceptable tolerance Example worksheet: The result of the Minimum
range; if it is not the case, then use the right-hand axle end length formula is 33.5.
CORRECTED TOLERANCE box . There are blanks at the end of this box for Maxi-
Example worksheet: 1.5 is carried down into the mum axle end length and Minimum axle end
first blank of the RESULTING RING-TO-STAY length. Transfer the numbers that are filled into these
CLEARANCE formula. two boxes to the Maximum axle end length and
Example worksheet: 1 is carried down into the Minimum axle end length boxes on the third page
second blank of the RESULTING RING-TO-STAY of the worksheet.
formula. Example worksheet: 52 is carried from the bot-
Example worksheet: The result of the RESULT- tom of the first worksheet page (9-16) to the Mini-
ING RING-TO-STAY CLEARANCE formula is 2.5, mum center width box (page 9-18).
indicating only the right-hand box should be used in this Example worksheet: 54 is carried from the bot-
example, when moving down the worksheet to the next tom of the first worksheet page (9-16) to the Maxi-
step. mum center width box (page 9-18).
Below the box just completed are a left and right Example worksheet: 33.5 is carried from the bot-
box. Only one of these boxes should be completed! tom of the second worksheet page (9-17) to the Mini-
Use the left box only if the answer in the blank to the mum axle end length box (page 9-18).
left of the statement “Pick which box below now!” Example worksheet: 37.5 is carried from the bot-
is less than 2. Use the right box only if the answer in tom of the second worksheet page (9-17) to the Maxi-
the blank to the left of the statement “Pick which mum axle end length box (page 9-18).
box below now!” is 2 or more. An arrow points to Search table 9-3 (page 9-20) for spindles that have
each blank that needs to be filled in. To fill in the center width and axle end length that fall in the ranges
blank, follow the arrow back to its source, and copy calculated and list them in the CONCLUSION:... box
the number found there. Be sure to indicate a nega- on the third page of the worksheet. It is preferred, but
tive value whenever copying a negative number. not required, to select spindles that have a long end
Example worksheet: 5 is carried down into the that is within the axle-end-length range, but it is ac-
Upper limit blank found in the CORRECTED TOL- ceptable to select spindles that have a short end that is
ERANCE box. correct, as long as the spindle is installed with the short
Example worksheet: 1 is carried down into the end on the right. In the case that the worksheet calcu-
Lower limit blank found in the CORRECTED TOL- lates a minimum that is larger than the maximum, the
ERANCE box. minimum is the only length that will work! Use the
On the second page of the worksheet, fill in all spindle that is in stock and closest in quality to the
the blanks in the box titled ADD CORRECTED original spindle.
TOLERANCE TO EXISTING AXLE END LENGTH. Example worksheet: JIS 3A is listed as a suitable
Work down the box, one line at a time, completing substitute with center width of 52 and axle end of 33.5.
each line before moving down to the next. An arrow Example worksheet: JIS 3P is listed as a suitable
points to each blank that needs to be filled in. To fill substitute with center width of 52 and axle end of 35.
in the blank, follow the arrow back to its source, and Example worksheet: JIS 3N is listed as a suitable
copy the number found there. Be sure to indicate a substitute with center width of 52 and axle end of 36.
negative value whenever copying a negative number. Example worksheet: JIS 3SS is listed as a suit-
Example worksheet: 32.5 is carried down into able substitute with center width of 52 and axle end
the first blank of both formulas in the last box. of 37.5.
Example worksheet: 5 is carried down into the NOTE: See example worksheets on next page.
second blank of the Maximum axle end length for-

9 – 15


a) specify suitable replacement spindles that
b) improve or maintain adjustable cup protrusion and
c) improve or maintain chainline while
d) improving or maintaining adequate chainring clearance to the chainstay.
*** First, fill in all blanks on the first and second worksheet pages marked with ***.
** Second, fill in all blanks on the first and second worksheet pages marked with **.
Third, start at the top of the worksheet, completing each line before moving to the next line down.
Each empty parenthesis is filled in by following the arrow pointing to it back to its source.

3 mm
Measure cup protrusion from lockring face *** _______
D-3? JIS
Observe the spindle brand *** ___________ 5L
and code ***__________

Measure the distance from the top of

?mm 55
** _______ one cone profile to the top of the other.

(The cup face may end up protruding from the
lockring face by a range of +2 to –0mm)


2 - ( ________ –1 upper limit
) = ________

0 - ( ________ –3 lower limit
) = ________


(to determine new spindle center width range)

55 –3
( ________ ) + ( ________ ) = 52 Minimum center width

55 –1 ) =
( ________ ) + ( ________ 54 Maximum center width

Numbers in these boxes are the range of acceptable center widths.


9 – 16


chainrings in by ?mm
chainrings out by ?mm

Measure chainline error and write below.

Measure chainring-to-chainstay clearance: Write as a negative number if chainrings are in.
Clearance measures ***_________mm –3
Error is *** __________mm

Observe spindle brand ***__________ 5L
and spindle code ***__________
Measure the right end of the spindle from the top of the cone profile to the end:

32.5 Axle end length



(Chainring center may be ±2mm off freewheel centerline)

UPPER LIMIT –3 __ )=_________

2 – (________ 5

LOWER LIMIT (–2) – (_____–3 1

_____ )=_________


(rings must clear stays by 2mm)

Pick which box

( ________ 1 ) = ________
1.5 ) + ( ________ 2.5 below now!

This way only if above is less than 2 This way only if above is 2 or more

Upper limit ( ________ ) TOLERANCE
Lower limit: 5
Upper limit ( ________ )

2 – ( ________ ) = ________ 1 )
Lower limit ( ________


5 )=
32.5 ) + ( __________
( ________
37.5 Maximum axle end length
32.5 ) + ( __________
( ________ 1 )= 33.5 Minimum axle end length
Numbers in these boxes are the range for acceptable axle end lengths.


9 – 17


52 Minimum center width

54 Maximum center width

33.5 Minimum axle end length

37.5 Maximum axle end length

Look up in table 9-3 (page 9-20), and list below the choices that have
both a center width and axle end length that fall in the ranges indicated above.

BRAND_______________________ 3A
CODE_________ 52
CENTER WIDTH__________ 33.5
AXLE END__________
BRAND_______________________ CODE_________ 52 35
AXLE END__________

BRAND_______________________ 3N
CODE_________ 52
CENTER WIDTH__________ 36
AXLE END__________

BRAND_______________________ 3SS CENTER WIDTH__________
CODE_________ 52 37.5
AXLE END__________

BRAND_______________________ CODE_________ CENTER WIDTH__________ AXLE END__________

BRAND_______________________ CODE_________ CENTER WIDTH__________ AXLE END__________


9 – 18

USING THE JIS SPINDLE- ness to come up with “axle end factor” values that can
be compared to each other just like the long end and
DIMENSIONS TABLE short end lengths. Sutherland’s has factored variables
Table 9-3 (page 9-20) is a list of commonly avail- such as variations in cone diameter to come up with
able bottom-bracket spindles that are manufactured “center width factor” values, which can be compared
to JIS specifications. They can, in most cases, be manu- to each other just like the center widths can be com-
factured by any number of companies but be consis- pared. The SPINDLE-INTERCHANGEABILITY WORKSHEETS
tent enough in design to be interchangeable despite can be used with Sutherland’s “factors” with the fol-
brand differences. The numbers provided are direct lowing considerations. When the worksheet suggests
from the manufacturer, not measured by Barnett Bi- measuring the existing center width or axle end, use
cycle Institute. It is our experience that manufactur- the “center width factor” and the “axle end factor” in
ers sometimes do not hold very tight tolerances, so do the appropriate Sutherland’s tables. Do not mix these
not be surprised if a spindle does not exactly match “factors” with actual spindle dimensions. The whole
the given numbers. Even when the JIS standardizes worksheet has to be done one way or the other.
something, such as that a 3S spindle should measure The values on the following table can be used
37.5mm on the long end, 52mm in the center, and on the SPINDLE-INTERCHANGEABILITY WORKSHEET.
32mm on the short end, manufacturers may deviate When the worksheet suggests measuring an exist-
dramatically; for example, a Sugino brand 3S spindle ing spindle, look up information on the existing
is 35mm on the short end instead of the usual 32mm. spindle in the following table or take measurements
Even when a spindle measures exactly as it is sup- directly from the spindle.
posed to, it does not mean that it will fit exactly like it It is generally accepted that the long end is the
is supposed to. Two spindles from two companies, or right side and the short end is the left, but there is no
even from two batches by the same company, may reason that these cannot be reversed if it improves the
both have the same long-end length, but the chainrings chainring position.
may end up several millimeters closer to the frame
with one spindle than the other. This could be caused
by variations in taper thickness. A fatter spindle will
not insert as far into a crank arm as a thinner spindle.
It could also be caused by differences in surface tex-
ture on the spindle flats. A smoother spindle will in-
sert further into a crank arm than a coarser one when
the crank arm is secured to both with the same torque.
This dimension table is useful only for common
Asian spindles. Certain spindles, such as Shimano
Dura-Ace, all Campagnolo, all other European brands,
Specialized, and SunTour are so different in design that
comparing measurements on one brand to measure-
ments on another brand is meaningless. For example,
a Specialized spindle marked 114-68 has a center width
of 49mm. All of the spindles in the following table
with a “3” in the code have a center width of 52mm. It
is logical to assume that if removing the Specialized
spindle and installing one of the “3” coded spindles in
its place that the adjustable cup would stick out 3mm
more. In fact, due to the smaller cone diameter on the
“3” coded spindles, the adjustable-cup position remains
virtually the same.
When interchanging spindles that are not on this
list, stick with trial and error, or with spindle tables in
Sutherland’s fourth and fifth editions. Sutherland’s has
factored variables such as variations in and taper thick-

9 – 19

Short end Center width Long end


Codes Long end Short end Center width Codes Long end Short end Center width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

Sugino MS-68, 28.0–28.5 28.0–28.5 52 Sugino MS-70 28.5 27.5 53.5

Shimano D-3K Sugino MW-70 32.5 29 53.5
3I-B 30 29 52 Sugino MT-70 37 29.5 53.5
3H, D-3H, 3H-B 30.5–31.0 30.5–31.0 52
3J, 3J-B, 3L, 32 32 52 5H, D-5H 31 31 55
D-3L, 3L-B 5J-B 32 32 55
Sugino MW-68 33.5 30.5 52 5L, D-5L 32 32 55
3A, D-3A, 3A-B, 33.5 32 52 5LL 32 32 55
3K, 3K-B D-5A 32.5 31 55
3P, D-3P, 3P-B 35 32 52 5P, D-5P 33.5–34.0 31 55
3N, 3N-B 36 32 52 5N, 5N-B 35 32 55
3NL, D-3NL 36 34.5 52 D-5NL 35 33.5 55
3NN, 3NN-B 36 36 52 D-5SP, 5SP-B 37.5 30.5 55
Sugino MT-68 37.5 29.5 52 5SS, 5-SSB 37.5 32 55
3SS, D-3SS, 37.0–37.5 32 52 5S (Sakae Royal, 37 32 55
3S, D-3S, 3S-B 37.5 32 52 Sugino 5S-B 37.5 32 55
Sugino & Tange 37.5 35 52 5S 37.5 35 55
3S 5T, D-5T 39 35 55
3T, D-3T, 3T-B 38.5–39.0 32 52 Sugino 5U, 5U-B 40.5 32 55
Sugino & Tange 38.5–39.0 35 52 5U, D-5U, 5U-B 40.5 35 55
3T, 3T-B 5R 42 35 55
3TM-B, 3TS, 39 37.5 52
Sugino 3U-B 40.5 32 52 7H, D-7H 30.5 30.5 57
3U, D-3U 40.0–40.5 35 52 7L 32 30.5 57
Tange 3U 40 39 52 7P-B 33.5 30.5 57
D-3XA 40.5 39 52 7NL, D-7NL, 33.5 32 57
3X 40.5 40.5 52 7NL-B
Sugino 3R, 3R-B 42 32 52 7EL, D-7EL, 36.0–36.5 35.0–35.5 57
3R, D-3R, 3R-B 42 35 52 7EL-B
Sugino 3RR-B 42 35 52 D-7S 37.5 35 57
3TR-B 42 39 52 7T-B, D-7TL 39 35 57
3RR-B 42 42 52 7R-B 42 35 57
3M 43.5 35 52

9 – 20

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: The bearing adjusts with a tight/loose pattern, i.e., with the adjustment completed, the
spindle is tight through a portion of its rotation, and looser in another portion.
Bearing cups seated against misaligned Face bottom-bracket shell.
shell faces.
Low-precision parts. Will go away with break-in if facing shell does not solve.
Bent spindle (detect by rolling on flat Replace spindle.
Cup(s) cross-threaded. Tap shell with piloted taps.
SYMPTOM: The spindle feels “sluggish” to rotate after completing a precision adjustment.
Grease is dried out. Inspect, then overhaul.
Seal mechanism causes drag. Lubricate seal mechanism, problem may reduce with use.
Seal mechanism is installed wrong. Check that seal is properly mounted in groove. Try reversing
SYMPTOM: Bearings feel “rough” after completing a precision adjustment.
New, low-precision parts. Will improve with break-in.
Contamination in bearings. Overhaul.
SYMPTOM: Play cannot be eliminated without making the spindle very difficult to rotate.
Parts are worn out. Disassemble and inspect.
Too many ball bearings. Disassemble and inspect.
Bearing retainer reversed (evidence Disassemble and inspect.
would be that the adjustable cup would
not be inserting as far as it did originally).
Seal mechanism in wrong. Disassemble and inspect.
SYMPTOM: A gritty or rough feeling that is not constant in location.
Contamination in bearings. Overhaul.
SYMPTOM: Adjustable cup will not reinstall to original depth.
Retainer in backwards. Disassemble and inspect.
Balls out of position in cups. Disassemble and inspect. Balls may be caught on upper lip of
Too many balls. Check ball quantity and use fewer if balls are jumbled in cup.
Cup is cross threading. Remove cup and attempt to thread straight. Disassemble and
tap shell if necessary.
Ball bearings wrong size. 1/4" balls have been used where 7/32" or 3/16" are required.
SYMPTOM: A clicking, knocking, popping sound or sensation is heard or felt from the bottom bracket
after eliminating loose cranks, loose pedal mounting, loose pedal parts or bearings or loose chainwheel
bolts as possible causes.
Loose lockring. Tighten lockring.
Loose fixed cup. Tighten fixed cup.
Extremely worn parts. Disassemble and inspect.

Continued next page

9 – 21

Cause Solution
SYMPTOM: Fixed cup is loose.
Not properly installed (common). Reinstall with correct Loctite and torque.
Threads have failed. Simple and inexpensive solution is to install a cup in good
condition with Loctite #RC680. This installation should be
considered permanent. A more difficult and expensive solution
appropriate on expensive bikes is to convert the threading to
Italian if it is not already; converting threads to Italian is time-
consuming, dulls the taps rapidly, and results in poor-quality
threads. One other solution is to install a Mavic bottom
bracket (if there is one available compatible with the crankset)
because they do not use threads to install. The bottom bracket
must be modified with a Mavic facing tool (see page 10-4).
SYMPTOM: Premature wear of components.
Improper original lubrication or Check all factory assemblies.
adjustment (common).

9 – 22

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Bottom-bracket shell: The portion of the frame

that contains the crankset bearings, called the bot-
This chapter has four sections.
tom bracket.
The first section is REAR-TRIANGLE ALIGNMENT,
Seat stay: The two tubes of the frame that go from
which is designed to be used when there are problems
below the seat to the center of the rear wheel.
with rear wheel fit, bicycle tracking, or alignment of
Chain stay: The two tubes of the frame that go
the front and rear gears.
from the lower end of the seat tube to the center of the
The second section is FORK-BLADE ALIGNMENT,
rear wheel.
which is designed to be used when there are problems
Brake bridge: The short piece of tubing joining
with front wheel fit or bicycle tracking.
the two seat stays together just above the rear wheel.
The third section is DROPOUT ALIGNMENT, which
Chain-stay brace: The piece of tubing or flat metal
is designed to be used in conjunction with either the
that joins the chain stays together between the bot-
sections on rear-triangle alignment or fork alignment,
tom-bracket shell and the rear wheel.
or can be used by itself when there are problems with
bent axles in hubs. Top tube
The fourth section is FRAME AND FORK DAMAGE,
which should be used whenever a bike has been in a Head tube
Seat stay
collision or accident, or as a guide to routine inspection
of bicycles for damage as a service to the customer.
Seat tube

GENERAL INFORMATION Chain stay Down tube


TERMINOLOGY Bottom-bracket shell

Frame: The structural piece, usually a number of
tubes joined together, to which all of the components 8.1 Parts of the frame.
are attached (the fork is a component).
Rear triangle: The portion of the frame that en- Dropout: The fittings at the juncture of the seat
closes the rear wheel, consisting primarily of the seat stays and the chain stays, or at the bottom of the fork,
stays, chain stays, and rear dropouts. that the wheel attaches to.
Head tube: The near vertical tube that is the for- Axle slot: The slot in the dropout that the hub axle
ward-most part of the frame. inserts into when mounting the wheel to the frame.
Seat tube: The near vertical tube that is at the Fork: The structural piece that connects the front
middle of a conventional (non-suspension) frame. wheel to the frame.
Top tube: The upper tube of the frame that ex- Fork column: The tube at the top of the fork that
tends back towards the seat from the head tube. inserts into the head tube of the frame (also called
Down tube: The lower tube of the frame that ex- steerer tube, or steering tube).
tends from the bottom of the head tube to the bottom Fork blades: The two tubes that go on either side
of the frame (usually connecting with the bottom- of the front wheel.
bracket shell).

8– 1
Fork crown: The joint, or connecting piece, be-
tween the fork blades and the fork column.
Symptoms indicating need
for centering the rear triangle
Fork column or fork blades
Fork crown There are two types of symptoms that indicate that
the rear triangle may need centering, and one of these
indicates that the fork blades need centering.
Fork blade The first type of symptom that indicates either
the rear triangle and/or the fork blades need centering
is a problem getting the bike to go in a straight line
without undue correction at the handlebars and/or
with the rider’s body position. This tracking problem
Dropout can be caused by many other things, as well, and most
8.2 Parts of the fork. of these should be checked before considering or at-
tempting rear-triangle or fork-blade centering. Other
Hub-over-locknut width: A dimension of the hub causes of tracking problems include:
measured from the outer face of one locknut on the Twisted front triangle
axle to the outer face of the other locknut. The lock- Mis-dished wheel(s)
nuts are the parts of the axle set that butt up against the Mis-mounted wheel(s)
inside face of the dropouts when the wheel is installed. Mis-aligned fork
Inside-dropout width: The distance between the Out-of-center rear triangle
inside face of one dropout to the inside face of the Damaged or over-tight headset
other dropout. Out-of-true wheels
Extremely loose hub bearings
The other set of symptoms that could indicate that
PREREQUISITES the rear triangle needs centering is: a problem with
Wheel removal and installation chain noise, or a problem shifting with the front de-
Wheel removal and installation are required to align railleur. Chainline is affected by rear-triangle alignment,
either the fork or the rear triangle. and there are numerous symptoms of chainline error.
See the CHAINLINE chapter (page 27-3 and 27-5) for more
Rear wheel cog removal details about chainline-error symptoms.
The rear cogs must be removed so that the rear The rear triangle or fork blades do not need cen-
hub can be measured. This measurement is used to tering just because there is a measurable centering er-
align the rear triangle. Depending on the type of hub, ror. If the error does not create a symptom, then it is a
either the freewheel will need to be removed or the mistake to do an alignment.
cogs removed from a freehub.
Symptoms indicating need
Crank-arm and bottom-bracket for adjusting rear-triangle
removal and installation or fork-blade width
The empty bottom-bracket shell must be held in a
There are two types of symptoms indicating that
jig, or vise, when applying leverage to the rear stays
the rear-triangle or fork-blade width needs to be ad-
(to align them). The crank arms must be removed to
justed: difficult wheel removal, and difficult wheel in-
remove the bottom bracket, and must be installed when
the bottom bracket is reinstalled.
Wheels may be difficult to remove because the
Headset removal and installation axle nuts, or quick release, need to be loosened exces-
To align the fork, it is necessary to remove the head- sively before the wheel will remove easily, or even
set. This will also require stem removal and perhaps after adequately loosening the retention device, force
some brake work. is required to get the wheel out of the dropouts. The
symptom of excessive loosening of the retention de-
vices to make it easy to remove the wheel indicates

the width between the dropouts is too great. The symp- Dropout-inside width should not be adjusted just
tom of difficult wheel removal, even when the reten- because a measurable error exists. There should be a
tion devices are loose, indicates the width between the symptom of difficult wheel removal or installation
dropouts is too narrow. before any fork or rear-triangle alignment is done.
Wheels may be difficult to install for several rea-
sons. The wheel may be difficult to install because the
Symptoms indicating need
retention device (quick release or axle nuts) needs to for dropout alignment
be loosened more than was necessary for removal be- The most likely symptom that that indicates that
fore the wheel will install easily. The wheel may be the dropouts need alignment is a bent or broken axle
difficult to install because the wheel requires excessive in a hub. A bent axle will cause excess bearing wear.
force to install, even with the retention devices ad- In extreme cases, mis-aligned dropouts may inter-
equately loosened. The wheel may be difficult to in- fere with installation of the wheel.
stall because the dropouts require spreading before the
wheel will go in easily. When the retention devices
need to be loosened more to install the wheel than
Which of the following alignment tools will be
they needed to be loosened to remove the wheel, it needed for a given job is determined by which
indicates the dropout-inside width is too wide. When procedure(s) will be done. The preferred tool choices
the wheel is difficult to install even when the reten- in the following list (table 8-1) are in bold type. The
tion devices are adequately loose, it indicates that the preference is based on a combination of consider-
dropout-inside width is too narrow. ations including usability and versatility, economy,
and tool quality.


Tool Fits and considerations
Park FRS-1 Rigid and functional device for holding the frame at the bottom-bracket shell,
comes with inaccurate alignment gauge (needs Park FAG-2 to be more complete)
Park FRS/RS FRS-1 combined with a regular bike stand
Used steel bottom- In conjunction with a high quality vise and heavy duty bench, a good way to hold
bracket cups in as- the frame by the bottom bracket
sorted thread types
Park FAG-2 Accurately compares relative positions of left and right stays for centering purposes
Park FFS-1 Leverage tool used for bending rear stays and fork blades
Park SS-1 Used to straighten stays that have been bowed from impact
Stein FCG Fork alignment jig fits all sizes fork of fork columns. Should be used with Stein
dropout alignment tools (available separately, or as part of set).
VAR 478 Fork-alignment jig fits all sizes fork columns, not as easy to use as Park FCG-1
Stein FG Fork-alignment gauge used to check whether fork needs alignment before removing
it from bike
Campagnolo H Dropout-alignment tools that are adjusted for width by changing washer locations
for a range of 100–135mm in limited steps
Park FFG-1 Dropout-alignment tools that are adjustable infinitely in 82–150mm range
Stein J Dropout-alignment tools that are adjustable infinitely, clamps very securely by means
of QR levers. Calibrated so width can be checked simultaneously.
Park HTS-1 Tool used for pushing head tubes forward that have been pushed back from frontal
impact. This procedure is not recommended!


COMPLICATIONS Suspension forks

Suspension forks cannot be aligned by bending.
Aluminum, titanium, See the SUSPENSION FORKS chapter (page 38-???) for
and composite tubing techniques for alignment of dropouts.
Aluminum stays or fork blades should not be bent
unless specifically authorized by the frame manufac-
Unbendable dropouts
The design of some dropouts makes them virtu-
turer. Titanium is simply too difficult to bend and
ally impossible to align. A conventional dropout is
should not be attempted. Composites, such as carbon
basically two-dimensional and “necks-down” (gets nar-
fiber, break before they will bend.
rower) between the main body of the dropout and the
If fit to the wheel is a problem, increase or de-
stays or blade it attaches to. This type can always be
crease hub width. Wheel fit problems are defined in
the preceding INDICATIONS section, under the heading
Some dropouts are not flat two-dimensional plates,
Symptoms indicating need for adjusting rear-triangle or fork-
but incorporate additional structural material perpen-
blade width.
dicular to the plane of the dropout face. Often this
If centering is a problem, create a wheel-dish error
type fits like a plug into a large-diameter end to a fork
in the opposite direction.
blade. This type (found on some mountain bikes with
If chainline is a problem, first attempt to correct
rigid forks) cannot be aligned.
the problem at the chainrings (if possible). If this does
not work, try shifting spacers from one side of the
hub to the other (requiring wheel-dishing corrections). Blade

Aluminum and titanium dropouts

It is generally permissible to align aluminum drop-
outs. Titanium dropouts are an unknown at this time. Dropout

Excessive misalignment
Whenever the degree of alignment error is high,
concerns arise about whether the metal will be fatigued
by the amount of bending required. There is no way to
Alignable Un-alignable
quantify this. The greater concern is the number of times
the tubing gets bent, rather than the amount that it has 8.3 The right dropout/fork-blade style makes dropout alignment
or will be bent. Most factory misalignments are not impossible because the dropout is not a narrow plate where it at-
severe enough to be a concern. Modifying rear triangles taches to the fork blade.
to accept a hub of 5mm greater width should not be a
problem; however, larger corrections, or corrections Dropouts or stays/blades first
necessitated by collision damage, are a concern. If stays or blades are aligned first, and then drop-
Damage outs, some accuracy to the stay or blade alignment
Damage may be present before alignment is at- will be lost. If dropouts are aligned first, and then stays
tempted, or damage may result from excessive attempts or blades, then when the stays or blades are aligned
to align the stays or fork blades. Inspect before and some accuracy of the dropout alignment will be lost.
after every alignment job for cracks, wrinkles, or de- The normal range of dropout misalignment is not
formations in the shape of the tubing. significant enough to have an unacceptable influence
on stay or blade alignment, if the dropouts are aligned
Unbendable steel tubing after the stays or blades. If, doing the alignments in
Some steel tubing is so strong that it is virtually this order, it is found that the dropouts were severely
unbendable. Oversize fork blades are the most likely misaligned, then it is necessary to check and correct
candidate for this problem. In this case, there is a dan- the stay or blade alignment again, and then the drop-
gerous risk of bending the fork column while attempt- outs again.
ing to bend a fork blade. Excessive effort should be


REAR-TRIANGLE- The Park FAG-2 is used by putting the adjustable

end at the dropout, the end of the flat section (near
ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE the curve of the FAG-2) against the seat tube, and the
non-adjustable end at the head tube. The adjustable
Even when symptoms indicate that there is a need end is then adjusted so that contact is achieved at all
to correct width error only or centering error only, a three points. When positioning and setting the Park
procedure should be used that corrects both. The rea- FAG-2, four things should be kept in mind.
son for this is that if only one type of error exists it is The end of the tool at the head tube needs to
possible and likely that the other error will be created rest on a flat portion of the tube.
while correcting the original error. The adjustable end of the tool at the dropout
The following procedure is designed to diminish should be positioned so that the tip is on the
any existing width error while starting out with a surface that the axle nut or quick release nut
centering-error correction. The procedure is based on clamps against, preferably at a point close to
the assumption that any width error of more than the juncture of the stays.
1mm would create a symptom. If, after correcting a The curve of the tool should not be against the
centering error, the remaining width error creates no seat tube. Extend the indicator further out if
symptom (check by installing and removing wheel), the curve of the bar touches the seat tube.
then there would be no point in correcting any re- Pressure against the long flat portion of the tool
maining width error. between the seat stay and head tube easily
distorts the tool. Hold the tool close to the
PREPARATION seat tube to avoid this.
1. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to The fact that the procedure starts with setting the
remove rear wheel, gears from rear wheel, FAG-2 on the left side is absolutely arbitrary. A side
crankset and bottom bracket. has to be specified so the words “right” and “left” can
There are two good ways to clamp the frame by be used instead of more awkward alternatives like “the
the bottom bracket while performing a rear-triangle side you started on” and “the side opposite the side
alignment. you started on.”
If a Park FRS or FRS/RS is available, mount the
frame to the clamp. This gives a very stable mounting
with an unlimited range of adjustments, enabling a
comfortable and effective working position.
The alternative is to thread some used steel cups
into the bottom-bracket shell (as deeply as possible
without recessing the face of the cups in the ends of
the shell) and clamp the cup faces into a bench vise.
This is adequate and more economical, if your shop is
not already equipped with the FRS. A sturdy bench
and top quality vise are necessary. The range of adjust- Contact
ment to put the frame in a good working position is
more limited with this frame-holding technique.
2. [ ] Clamp frame securely by faces of bottom-
bracket shell.

Before making any corrections, it is necessary to
know all the existing problems with width error and Contact
centering error. Width error is checked by measuring
the hub-over-locknut width and comparing it to the
dropout-inside width. Centering error is checked with 8.4 Position the flat portion of the FAG-2 against the head tube
and the seat tube, and the adjustable tip of the tool against the for-
a tool called the Park FAG-2. ward portion of the surface that the axle nut/quick release nut
clamps against.

3. [ ] Set FAG-2 to 3-point contact on left side. 4. Transfer FAG-2 to right side and check one of
When the FAG-2 is transferred to the second side following choices:
there may be no gap at the seat tube or right dropout [ ] no gap seen at seat tube or dropout, skip to
(centering is perfect); a gap might be detected at the step 8.
dropout that is insignificant; a gap might be detected [ ] gap is at right dropout and is <1mm, skip to
step 8.
that is significant; or a gap might be detected at the
[ ] gap is ≥ 1mm at right dropout, gap measures
seat tube (indicating that the procedure should be ______mm, skip to step 8.
started over from the other side). [ ] gap is at right side of seat tube (do not mea-
sure), proceed to steps 5–7.
If a gap is detected on the right side of the seat
tube, then the procedure should be started over on the
right side.
NOTE: Skip to step 8 if any of first 3 lines were
checked in step 4.
5. [ ] Only if step 4 resulted in gap on right side of
seat tube set FAG-2 to three point contact
on right side.
6. [ ] Transfer FAG-2 to left side.
Gap? 7. Measure gap at left dropout and check one of
following choices:
[ ] gap is <1mm.
[ ] gap is ____mm (measure if not <1mm).
8. [ ] Hub-over-locknut width is _________mm.
Over-locknut width


8.5 Transfer the FAG-2 to the right side, then check if there is a gap
between the tool and the frame at the seat tube or dropout.
8.7 Measure hub-over-locknut width with calipers.

In the next step, when measuring dropout-inside

width, to reduce the error created by mis-aligned drop-
outs, measure on the surfaces where the hub locknuts
touch as close as possible to the juncture of the drop-
out to the stays.

Feeler gauges

Dropout-inside width
8.6 To measure the gap between the tip of the FAG-2 and the drop-
out, use a feeler gauge or stack of feeler gauges.
8.8 Measure dropout-inside width with calipers.

9. [ ] Dropout-inside width is _________mm.

Compare the hub-over-locknut width to the drop- Each time a side is bent, it is possible and likely
out-inside width to conclude whether the existing drop- that the other side will move some in the same direc-
out-inside width is wider or narrower than the hub- tion, as well. This is due to the connection between the
over-locknut width. sides made by the brake bridge and chain-stay brace.
10. [ ] Dropouts are: wide or narrow (circle one). When this happens, the point of reference for the FAG-
2 is lost, so it is necessary to reset the FAG-2 each time
CENTERING CORRECTIONS to check the progress the bend has made. Always reset
the FAG-2 on the side where there was no gap ini-
In the next step, whether to bend a stay in or out
tially. This will be the non-bending side if bending a
to correct the centering error is decided. Which stay is
stay out, or the bending side if bending a stay in.
best to bend also needs to be decided. If the dropout
12. [ ] Reset FAG-2 after each bend, as necessary,
width is too narrow, then obviously it makes sense to and check opposite-side gap. (Reset to non-
bend a stay out. If the dropout width is too wide, then bending side if bending out, reset to bending
a stay should be bent in. If bending a stay in, then it side if bending in.)
should be on the side where the FAG-2 contacted the It is unlikely that a final correction will be achieved
dropout. If bending a stay out, then it should be on in one step. Step #13 suggests that steps #11 and #12 be
the side where the FAG-2 showed a gap at the drop- repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the de-
out. These choices ensure that width error will not be sired tolerance of error, suggested as being a gap at the
worsened while correcting the centering error, and will dropout of less than 1mm.
generally be improved. If there is no width error ini- One possibility is that during one of the bending
tially, then skip to step #23. attempts an over-correction is made, resulting in a gap
NOTE: Always attempt to bend stays with just between seat tube and the FAG-2, after resetting the
hands and start with very low effort on the as- FAG-2, and transferring it to the second side. If this
sumption that they will be easy to bend. If they happens, avoid the confusion that will be created by
do not respond, then gradually increase effort.
turning this side into a new reference side. Instead, sim-
If they are too difficult to bend by hand, then
use the Park FFS-1 leverage tool on the chain ply bend the side back that was bent too far and con-
stay to provide greater leverage. tinue using the original side as the reference side for
the FAG-2.
13. [ ] Repeat steps 9–12 as many times as neces-
sary until final gap is <1mm.


Move amount
To calculate the width error, the current dropout-
equal to gap inside width needs to be subtracted from the hub’s over-
locknut width. If the result is positive, then the drop-
8.9 This diagram shows centering correction if the dropouts are too outs are too wide and the corrections will be accom-
narrow and the FAG-2 shows a gap on the right side. plished by moving the sides in. If the result is nega-
tive, then the dropouts are too narrow and the correc-
tions will be accomplished by moving the sides out.
In the following step, the width error is divided by
two to determine the needed correction per side. The
correction of the width error has to be split between
Wide both sides in order to maintain the centering alignment.
Move amount 14. Calculate needed correction per side:
equal to gap over-locknut width _______mm
dropout-inside width – _______mm
8.10 This diagram shows centering correction if the dropouts are width error = _______mm
too wide and the FAG-2 shows a gap on the right side. divide ÷ 2
correction per side = _______mm
11. [ ] Bend stays:
out? in? (circle one)
on right side? left side? (circle one)
by approx. _______mm (equals FAG-2 gap).

The width correction, therefore, is done in two If the acceptable tolerance for centering error has
phases: been lost, then there are two approaches to fixing it.
• First, either side is bent to achieve the interme- The easiest way, if it will get the job done, is to
diate width, the distance halfway between the work with one stay until the width error is just in toler-
current width and the hub-over-locknut width. ance. If the final width is currently narrower than the
• Second, the other side is bent the same amount hub-over-locknut width, then bend the side out that
in the opposite direction to achieve the final improves the centering error as far as possible without
width, which is the hub-over-locknut width plus exceeding the maximum acceptable dropout-inside
or minus a suggested tolerance of 1mm. width. If the final width is wider than the hub-over-
15. Calculate needed intermediate width: locknut width, then bend the side in that improves the
dropout-inside width _______mm centering error as far as possible without exceeding the
correction per side + _______mm minimum acceptable dropout-inside width. Then check
intermediate width = _______mm the centering error, which will be better, but perhaps
16. [ ] Bend one stay in or out as appropriate to not within the acceptable tolerance.
achieve intermediate width ± .5mm. 21. [ ] If centering is out of tolerance and final width
17. [ ] Record actual intermediate width achieved is narrower than hub-over-locknut width,
here: ________mm. bend “gap-side” stays out until width of up to
18. [ ] Bend other stay in or out as appropriate to over-locknut width +1mm is achieved.
achieve final width (final width is over-lock- 22. [ ] If centering is out of tolerance and final width
nut width ± 1mm). is wider than hub-over-locknut width, bend
“non-gap side” stay in until width of down to
over-locknut width –1mm is achieved.
23. [ ] Use FAG-2 to check whether centering error
is ≤1mm.
If this approach does not get both within tolerance
at once, then use step #24 through step #26 to correct
A B the centering error while maintaining the correct width.
Maintaining correct width
8.11 This diagram shows width correction if the dropouts are too while re-correcting centering error
narrow. Move A to achieve the calculated intermediate width and B
NOTE: Skip to step 27 if gap in step 23 is ≤1mm.
to achieve the final width. Use the calipers to track progress. 24. [ ] Bend gap-side stays out until width is in-
creased by approximately 1/4 of gap amount.
25. [ ] Bend other side stays in until desired width
is restored.

Width correct
8.12 This diagram shows width correction if the dropouts are too
wide. Move A to achieve the calculated intermediate width and B to 8.13 To correct centering error when width is correct, move A
achieve the final width. Use the calipers to track progress. until width is increased by approximately 1/4 of gap amount, and
then B until width is restored. Repeat as necessary.
19. [ ] Record actual final width achieved here:
________mm. 26. [ ] Repeat steps 24–25 as many times as nec-
Despite all efforts to the contrary, it is not unlikely essary to achieve width error of ≤1mm and
that the tolerance previously achieved for centering FAG-2 gap of ≤1mm.
will have worsened to an unacceptable point while Finish
correcting the width. Check to see whether this is the 27. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to
case. align dropouts if desired.
20. [ ] Recheck centering error and record here: 28. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to
________mm gap (tolerance is ≤1mm). re-assemble bike.


FORK-BLADE-ALIGNMENT Over-locknut width

Even when symptoms indicate that there is need
to correct only width error or only centering error, a
procedure should be used that corrects both. The rea-
son for this is that if only one type of error exists it is
likely that the other error will be created while cor-
recting the original error.
The following procedure is designed to correct both
types of error simultaneously. The procedure is based 8.14 Measure front-hub-over-locknut width with calipers.
on the assumption that any width or centering error
of more than 1mm would create a tracking problems 2. [ ] Measure front-hub-over-locknut width
or wheel-fit problem. If, after correcting a centering (front-hub locknut width: _________mm).
error, the remaining width error creates no additional Align and secure fork in jig
symptom(s) (check by installing and removing wheel), The Park FCG-1 has three interchangeable clamp-
then there would be no point in correcting any re- ing blocks for 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4" fork columns.
maining width error. The older Park FT-4 fits 1" only, and the VAR 478 fits
In addition to centering error and width error, fork all sizes without changing blocks.
blades can have a fore-and-aft error. This type of error NOTE: Skip step 3 unless using a Park FCG-1.
exists if one dropout is further forward compared to 3. [ ] Secure correct block inside Park FCG-1 (skip
the fork crown than the other dropout. if using Park FT-4).
Although there would be no negative symptoms Depending on the brand and model of fork jig
if a fore-and-aft error existed without centering or width used in the next step, it is possible to insert the fork
errors, the existence of a fore-and-aft error can make column too far into the jig. This is not possible with
the wheel appear misaligned to the rider when it is the Park FCG-1, but with the other models make
not. It is also inconsistent with good mechanical tech- sure that the clamp of the jig does not go on the fat
nique to have the fork out and in the jig to align the portion at the base of the fork column, or on the
width and centering errors, but ignore the fore-and-aft fork-crown race.
error. Do not secure the clamp at this time. It will be
Finally, looking for fore-and-aft error can help iden- secured in step #8.
tify a fork that has been damaged in a crash or ship- 4. [ ] Slip fork column into jig until crown race or
ping. It is normal to see a fore-and-aft error of up to fork-column base is against, but not inside,
about 2mm. If significantly more error than this is jig clamp. Do not secure clamp now!
seen, then it is likely that the fork is damaged. The In the next two steps, the sliding gauge is set so
fork should be inspected thoroughly before proceed- that it can be used to align the fork in the jig before
ing further. securing the jig clamp. The sliding gauge is positioned
above the fork blades just below the point they join
the fork crown (or where the blades begin curving in-
PREPARATIONS ward, if the fork is a unicrown style). The sliding gauge
1. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to must be secured on the main bar before bringing it down
remove fork from bike. against the fork blades in step #7.
In the next step, front-hub-over-locknut width is 5. [ ] Move sliding gauge to position that will con-
measured with calipers and recorded. It is not neces- tact fork blades just below fork crown.
sary, but would be handy if the calipers were locked at 6. [ ] Secure sliding gauge.
this setting until step #16 is completed. 7. [ ] Swing main bar down until sliding gauge is
firmly against both fork blades.
With the sliding gauge positioned and secure, and
the fork still loose in the clamp, applying pressure
down on the main bar will automatically bring the

fork into proper rotational alignment. Maintain the 11. [ ] Check with feeler gauge(s) to see if gap at
downward pressure while securing the fork clamp in other end of sliding gauge exceeds 1mm.
the next step. 12. [ ] If gap exceeds 1mm, turn jig in vise so that
It is easy for the fork to slip in the clamp while one side-mounting plate is in vise.
bending the blades, so get the clamp as tight as pos-
sible. The design of the clamp mechanism insures that
the fork column will not be crushed.

Fork clamp Sliding-gauge Sliding gauge Main bar


2 3

Park FT-4 or FCG-1 Vise

8.15 Perform in order: 1. Position sliding gauge. 2. Secure sliding- 8.17 Turn the jig on its side to bend fork blades fore-and-aft.
gauge clamp. 3. Press downward on main bar. 4. While maintain-
ing pressure on main bar, secure fork clamp.
NOTE: Always attempt to bend blades with just
hands and start with very low effort on the as-
8. [ ] While holding main bar firmly down, secure
sumption that they will be easy to bend. If they
fork clamp.
do not respond, then gradually increase effort.
If they are too difficult to bend by hand, then
FORE-AND-AFT ALIGNMENT use the Park FFS-1 leverage tool with a conser-
vative effort initially.
9. [ ] Move sliding gauge into axle slots, if pos-
sible, or over leading edge of dropout if not. 13. [ ] Using the FFS-1 only if necessary, bend one
Secure to main bar. blade until difference at each end of sliding
10. [ ] Move main bar until bottom surface of one gauge is <1mm.
end of sliding gauge contacts a dropout. 14. [ ] Move sliding gauge back to just below fork
crown, secure, and check that there is still
two-point contact when the sliding gauge is
swung down to contact the blades. Reset
fork in jig as necessary to re-establish two-
point contact.
1mm feeler
Determine correct end location
for each dropout inner face
In the next step, the caliper is set to the hub’s over-
locknut width and then held up against the sliding
gauge and centered to the sliding gauge (see figure 8.18).
15. [ ] Transfer hub-over-locknut width to sliding
gauge by holding calipers up to sliding
gauge, and moving calipers side-to-side until
they are centered relative to marks on each
end of sliding gauge.

8.16 Use feeler gauge to check gap between dropout and sliding
gauge to check if gap (if any) exceeds 1mm.

8 – 10
In the next step, do not mark the diagram on this
page. Instead, mark the diagram on your photocopy DROPOUT-ALIGNMENT
of page WORKSHEETS – 10.
16. [ ] Mark on below diagram of sliding gauge
points where caliper tips end up when cen- If performing dropout alignment before fork-blade
tered: or rear-triangle alignment, then dropout alignment may
need to be redone. This is certainly the case if fork blades
Mark diagram on worksheet
have been aligned in the fore-and-aft respect.
at points caliper tips line up If performing dropout alignment after fork-blade
or rear-triangle alignment, then fork-blade or rear-tri-
angle alignment may need to be redone after the drop-
out alignment. This is only likely if the dropouts were
found to be severely misaligned.
All brands of dropout-alignment tools have a fat
spacer washer 10–13mm thick that goes outside the drop-
outs on front dropouts and inside the dropouts on rear
Set caliper to equal over-locknut width, dropouts. When securing the dropout-alignment tools
then center caliper to diagram .8
to the dropouts, make sure that they are fully inserted
and do not squirm out of position while being secured.
  ! " # $ % & '  .5

They do not need to be secured very tightly.
.3 1. [ ] Insert tools in dropouts and secure.

The alignment cylinders should be as close to each

other as possible without touching. With Park FFG-1
tools, simply rotate the alignment cylinders so that
8.18 In this example, the caliper is set to the over-locknut width they thread closer or further apart as needed. With
and centered to the sliding gauge lines up between the middle and Campagnolo H tools, shift washers from one face of
outer ridges on each end of the sliding gauges, so sliding-gauge dia- the dropout to the other to adjust spacing. For fine-
gram on your photocopy of page WORKSHEET – 10 should be
marked to reflect this.
tuning the Campagnolo H tools, 1mm rear hub axle
spacers can be added to the tool on either of both sides.
2. [ ] Adjust so that alignment cylinders are close
Align blades to correct width and center but not touching.
17. [ ] Align each blade so that inner face of each There are two types of misalignments that will be
dropout ends up directly in line with points seen at the ends of the alignment cylinders. These will
on sliding gauge marked on sliding-gauge
be called offset and gap spread. Both of these
18. [ ] Measure dropout-inside width: ________mm.
misalignments need to be checked from two perspec-
19. [ ] Difference between over-locknut width and tives: viewed from in front and from above.
dropout-inside width is: _____________mm. Offset is when one cylinder edge is offset to the
20. [ ] If difference is ≤1mm, alignment is done. closest edge of the other cylinder. The following illus-
21. [ ] If difference is >1mm, move both blades in trations show simple offset error (figure 8.19) and com-
or out equally until difference is ≤1mm. bined offset and gap-spread error (figure 8.20).
The force of aligning the blades can cause the fork
column to twist in the clamp. In the next step, whether
this has happened is checked, and if two-point contact
with the sliding gauge is not still occurring at the top
of the fork blades, then the fork needs repositioning
and the alignment should be redone.
22. [ ] Make sure fork is still aligned in jig correctly 8.19 Simple offset error.
when all blade alignments are done. If not,
reset fork in jig and repeat steps 17–22.
23. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to
align dropouts if desired.
24. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to in-
stall fork and stem.

8 – 11
Gap spread should only be corrected when there
is no offset error. The below illustration shows a simple
gap-spread error.

Gap and offset

8.20 Offset error and gap-spread error combined.
When offset error is slight, check whether it is
tolerable by placing a .5mm feeler gauge on the lower 8.23 Simple gap-spread error.
cylinder. If the top of the feeler gauge is even with the
other cylinder or above the other cylinder, offset er- To measure a gap-spread error, adjust the alignment
ror is in tolerance. cylinders until they are just touching (Park FFG-1)
and use a feeler gauge to measure the gap at the widest
.5mm feeler gauge point. Less than or equal to .5mm is good. With
Campagnolo tools, the alignment cylinders cannot be
set to contact, so use a feeler gauge at the closest and
widest points and calculate the difference.
The easiest way to fix a gap-spread error is to grab
both tool handles simultaneously and bend them the
same direction the same amount at the same time. If
8.21 Use a feeler gauge to check whether the offset error is in toler- they don’t bend equally, then a slight offset error will
ance. This example shows unacceptable offset error because the offset
is more than .5mm.
be created, which can be corrected after the fact.

Correct offset by applying leverage to one tool

handle only, until offset is reduced to acceptable. If
there is also a gap-spread error, it is possible to correct
offset in a direction that also reduces gap-spread error.
If there is no gap-spread error initially, correcting off-
set error will introduce gap-spread error unavoidably.

8.24 Fix a gap error by applying leverage to both tools at once, in

the same direction.

4. [ ] If gap spread (viewed from in front) is not in

tolerance from top to bottom, bend both
sides equally in same direction until gap-
spread difference is .5mm or less.
After eliminating offset and gap-spread errors evi-
8.22 Correct offset error by applying leverage to one tool only un-
til error is reduced to acceptable. dent when viewing the alignment cylinders from in
front, the process needs to be repeated viewing the
3. [ ] If offset between cylinders viewed from in alignment cylinders from a viewpoint 90° away, such
front exists, bend one side to reduce offset as from directly above.
to .5mm or less. 5. [ ] If offset between cylinders viewed from
above exists, bend one side to reduce offset
to .5mm or less.
6. [ ] If gap spread (viewed from above) is not in
tolerance from front to back, bend both
sides equally in same direction until gap-
spread difference is .5mm or less.

8 – 12
It’s quite possible that the alignment tools have meant that either the down tube or top tube became
shifted in the dropouts during all the bending. In the twisted over its length. Twisting the head tube will not
next step, they are loosened and re-installed to check if untwist the damaged tube; it will simply twist another
the adjustments are still good. tube in an offsetting direction. The result is a frame
7. [ ] Loosen and resecure both tools. that ends up stressed and unstable.
It is easy to mess up the original alignments while A frame builder can repair the damage by replacing
doing the second set. Steps #8 and #9 have you recheck the top tube or down tube, as necessary. This is rarely
everything. financially feasible, and is certainly a job for a profes-
8. [ ] Check and repeat steps 3 & 4 if necessary. sional frame builder and not a bicycle repair shop.
9. [ ] Check and repeat steps 5 & 6 if necessary.
10. [ ] Recheck rear-triangle or fork-blade alignment
if dropout misalignment was severe. BUCKLED DOWN TUBE
Frontal impact can easily buckle the top tube and/
FRAME AND FORK DAMAGE or the down tube. This type of damage is not obvious
through casual observation, but is easily spotted if the
correct warning signs are known.
TWISTED FRONT TRIANGLE Identifying buckled down tubes
When a front triangle of a frame is twisted, the
head tube is not in the plane of the seat tube. Since the and top tubes
front wheel is in the same plane as the head tube and Down tubes and top tubes become buckled dur-
the rear wheel is in the same plane as the seat tube, the ing any type of frontal impact. This impact usually
two wheels are in different planes. When the wheels damages the fork in some way, either bending the
are in different planes, the bike will have a tendency to blades back or the fork column back. Anytime either
pull to one side. of these conditions are detected, the down and top tubes
should be inspected for buckling.
Identifying a twisted front triangle Even when there is no apparent fork damage, there
The key to identifying a twisted front triangle is are some good warning signs to look for. When tubes
knowing when to look for it, since it is not usually are buckled, it usually damages the paint on the tube
obvious during casual observation. Lateral impact to directly opposite the buckle. Any cracks or chips in
the front end is what does the damage. This impact is the paint on the top of the down tube or top tube
not directly to the head tube but through the wheel directly behind the head tube are signs that the tubes
and fork, or through the handlebars. When fork blades have been flexed severely and probably have buckled.
are bent dramatically to the side or handlebars are
crushed from the side, it is time to inspect for a twisted
front triangle.
To inspect, put the bike in a bike stand so that the Chips and cracks here
seat tube is vertical, rather than laid back. Put a mag-
netic base angle finder on the side of the head tube
and the side of the seat tube. Ideally, these two should
be identical. If the angles are different by less than one
degree it should be no problem. More than one degree
of difference probably indicates damage, and two or
more degrees is a certain indicator of damage.
Repair of twisted front triangles
There are two approaches to repair a twisted front Inspect here
triangle, neither of which would be considered stan-
dard shop operating procedure.
Using a frame builder’s frame table, it is possible to 8.25 Paint cracks indicate the top tube may be buckled. Inspect
insert a leverage bar into the head tube and twist it back. opposite the cracks for any bulge or deformity.
This is not recommended because the original damage

8 – 13
On the underside of these tubes, directly behind The optimum time to inspect for fatigue cracks is
the head tube, is where the buckling would be found. any time the frame is being cleaned.
Any bulge or deformity in this area means the tube What is most consistent about fatigue cracks is
is buckled. that they almost always occur near joints. The in-
spection should focus on all the joint areas of the
frame and fork:
anywhere the design of the frame creates a stress
anywhere damage to the frame or fork creates a
stress riser
on or near the dropouts
anywhere on the head tube
both ends of the down tube
bottom of the seat tube
front end of the chain stays
all around the seat lug
top end of the fork blades
8.26 The bulge on the bottom side of this tube indicates it is dam- where the fork column enters the fork crown
aged from frontal impact. Fatigue cracks often just appear as paint cracks;
however, not all paint cracks indicate metal fatigue.
Chip away cracked paint to inspect for cracks in the
Repair of buckled down tubes metal below, particularly if the cracked paint is in one
and top tubes of the areas listed above.
The obvious consequence of this type of damage
is that the head-tube angle is steeper and the front wheel
has moved further back, often so much so that the DENTED TUBES
rider’s feet or the pedals or crank interfere with the The location and severity of a dent in a tube deter-
front wheel when it is turned to the side. The Park mines the extent of the problem. A dent near a joint is
HTS-1 is designed to push the head-tube angle back, more of a concern then somewhere near the middle of
but it does not repair the damage. a tube. A dent with a crease is far worse then a dent
The real problem with these buckled tubes is not without a crease. Dents with creases or near a frame
the change of head-tube angle, but the buckling itself, joint are likely locations for fatigue cracks.
which causes a stress riser in the tubing. A stress riser There is no reason to repair a non-significant dent
is an irregularity in a structural piece that causes stress except cosmetics. The technique for removing the dent
to localize in the area of the irregularity, rather than will damage the paint and also require the use of a
distribute more evenly over the entire piece. This con- filling compound to completely eliminate the dent.
centration of stress leads to premature metal fatigue Unless prepared to go as far as a paint job, there is no
and ultimately leads to failure. point in trying to reduce or eliminate dents in tubes.
The only legitimate repair, consequently, is to have Critical dents cannot be repaired except by tube
the damaged tubes replaced by a framebuilder. This replacement by a framebuilder, which is rarely finan-
option is rarely financially sensible. cially sensible.
When buckled tubes are detected, always advise
the customer the bike is unrideable and unrepairable.
Bowed stays are an uncommon form of damage,
FRAME AND FORK FATIGUE which can look quite severe, but are actually very re-
CRACKS pairable. Typically it is the seat stays that are bowed,
but occasionally the chain stays.
Fatigue cracks can occur at any time, anywhere in
A bowed stay is displaced from its normal path in
a metal structure. They are most likely to occur in the
a gradual curve. Sharp bends or wrinkled tubing fall
areas of highest stress, but poor design or construc-
under the category of severely dented tubing and are
tion technique can lead to cracks in relatively unstressed
not repairable.

8 – 14
A Park SS-1 is a tool specifically made for pull-
ing the bow out of a stay. Its use is simple and self
After using the SS-1 to correct the bow, full rear-
triangle alignment will be required.


When a rear derailleur is shifted past the inner-
most gear and caught by the rear wheel, it can dam- Dropout-alignment tool
age the axle slot in the right-rear dropout by spread-
ing it open. Derailleur-mounting bolt
This damage can look very severe and still be re-
pairable. Even if cracks are evident before or after, re-
pair reliability is not an issue, because the stressed and
cracked area does not normally experience any signifi-
cant load during riding.
The rule of thumb when dealing with this prob-
lem is to tell the customer that the frame should be Impact here
considered a loss, but there is a simple repair that can
be attempted that is quite effective as long as the drop- 8.28 This is the setup for repairing a damaged axle slot.
out does not break in two during the repair.
There are two tricks to the repair. First, the drop- The repair is done when the width of the slots
out must be sandwiched firmly between two surfaces in both dropouts are equal. Normal dropout align-
so that it does not collapse sideways while being pushed ment and derailleur-hanger alignment should be
back. A dropout-alignment tool supplies the necessary done afterwards.
support. Second, the hole for the derailleur mounting
bolt must be filled to prevent it from collapsing while RUSTED FRAME OR FORK
force is applied to the dropout through the derailleur Rust is not much of a problem as long as it is lim-
hanger. ited to rust at a few points where the paint is chipped.
Rust that is a problem cannot usually be seen. It is
hidden inside every tube of the bicycle.
When a rust condition exists, there is nothing that
can be done to eliminate it. Prevention has more to do
with the customer than the mechanic, but if a cus-
tomer wants to know what can be done the mechanic
10.5mm can advise them of the following tips to prevent rust:
14mm Spray the inside of any accessible tubes with
lubricant when the bike is new.
Avoid submersion in water.
Avoid washing the bike with a hose.
Put a drain hole in the bottom of the bottom-
bracket shell.
Put a drain hole in the top of the bottom-bracket
shell and into the bottom of the seat tube, if
8.27 This is a damaged axle slot resulting from the derailleur get- the seat tube is not open to the bottom-
ting caught in the wheel. bracket shell.
Avoid leaving the seat post out of the frame
without covering the top of the seat tube.

8 – 15


Enlarged head tubes can occur when excessive
loads are experienced from landing hard after the front
Crown race dropped
wheel leaves the ground or from frontal impact. Usu- lower in front
ally there will be some sort of visible flare in the bot-
tom of the head tube at the front or back, but the
most noticeable symptom is that the cup pressed into
the bottom of the head tube has become loose. The
stretched metal cannot be shrunk, so the only fea-
sible repairs are to install a larger cups (unlikely), or
to fill the space between the head tube and cup some-
how. Depending on the extent of enlargement it might
be possible to use Loctite RC680 or 660 (Quick Metal)
to fill the gap between the head tube and cup. If these
do not work, there is no other effective repair tech-

8.30 Crown race dropped lower in front, indicating fork column

may be bent back from frontal impact.

All of these symptoms have other causes. Their

value is only that they lead to further inspection of
the fork column by taking the fork out of the bike
and holding a straight edge to the front and back of
Flare the column.

8.29 This head tube is enlarged. Note the flare at the bottom on Scratches or gouges here
the front of the head tube. indicate possible bent fork column


Fork columns get bent back at the bottom from
frontal impact; they get bent forward from harsh land-
ings. It is likely, but not necessary, that the blades are
also bent. Bent blades are only one clue that the fork
column might be bent. Another clue is that the head-
set rotates with a tight/loose pattern (tight through
part of its rotation and loose through another part). 8.31 The gap between the straight edge and fork column indicates
Yet another clue is that the fork-crown race appears that the fork has been bent back from frontal impact.
dropped out of the lower cup, more in the front than
in the back, or vice versa. The mere fact that the fork column is bent is cause
for replacement of the fork. In many cases the situa-
tion is critical. When a fork column bends it often

8 – 16
ends up rubbing against the top edge of the lower head- hangs up where the bottom of the stem was inserted
set cup. This creates a groove in the fork column which into the fork column, then the column is damaged
becomes a dangerous stress riser. and the fork should be replaced.


FORK-COLUMN THREADS Fork blades should be considered damaged any
time there is a wrinkle, dimple, or bulge in the tub-
There are two reasons that a fork column will
ing. These deformities create stress risers in a most
fail in the threaded area: either the stem was installed
critical area. If unsure, attempt alignment of the fork
too high, or the fork column had too long a threaded
blades and check closely for any type of deformity.
area. In both cases, the stem expander ended up in-
If another mechanic is unable to determine the fork
side the threaded portion of the fork column. If the
had been bent, then assume that there are no criti-
stem was too high, a taller stem should be installed.
cal deformities.
After the fork has been replaced, a taller stem allows
the rider to maintain his or her original handleabar
position. If the problem was too much thread length
on the fork column, be sure to install a fork that has
no more than 1.5" of thread after being cut to size, or
use and extra-tall stem that can be inserted deeper
into the original fork column.


An easily overlooked, but dangerous, condition is
a fork column that has been expanded by a too-tight
stem expander. To secure the stem in the fork, a mecha-
nism on the stem “enlarges” the stem. If the stem-binder
bolt is tightened too much, the expander can perma-
nently deform the fork column. The thinned fork-
column wall is weakened. This weakening happens
exactly where loads on the stem causes the fork col-
umn to flex.


8.32 Bulge indicating fork column has been destroyed by a too-

tight stem-binder bolt.

If an expanded fork column is suspected but not

clearly evident, set a caliper to the fork-column diam-
eter and slide the caliper up or down the column. If it

8 – 17


The Stein FCG fork clamp and gauge, used in con-
Use this
junction with the Stein J-style dropout alignment tools,
employs the easiest method to precisely align forks.
Since Park has discontinued its tool, the Stein is now
the method of choice.
8.33 This is the scale that appears on the J-tool cylinders. There are
INSTALLING THE FORK two scales, one to use when using just the J-tools by themselves
(marked “No Gauge”), and the other to use when using the J-tools
1. [ ] Fully loosen both bolts on triangular crown with the Stein fork alignment gauge.
2. [ ] Securely clamp main bar in vise just below 11. [ ] Install J-tools fully and securely into drop-
black clamping plates. outs (10mm fat spacers go outward of drop-
3. [ ] Position crown aligner on main bar so that outs).
triangle points down and so aligner is lo- 12. [ ] Adjust gauge on main bar so that 19mm-
cated under where fork crown will be. long target cylinder is positioned between
4 [ ] Liberally loosen 19mm bolt on top of clamp, faces of J-tools (bend fork blade outward to
and install fork (face up) into clamp. allow knurled cylinder to clear target cylin-
5. [ ] Secure 19mm bolt until fork will just twist in der, if necessary).
clamp, but no play (slop) can be felt. 13. [ ] Apply leverage to J-tools until faces of
6. [ ] Slide crown aligner along main bar until it is knurled cylinders are parallel to faces of tar-
just below top end of fork blades. get cylinder.
7. [ ] Secure bottom bolt of crown aligner. 14. [ ] If either knurled cylinder ends up higher or
8. [ ] Tighten top bolt of crown aligner to bring lower than target cylinder, bend fork blade
aligner up to contact both fork blades, up or down until alignment is achieved.
which aligns fork to jig. 15. [ ] Bend each blade in or out as necessary until
9. [ ] Secure 19mm bolt on top of clamp so that 1mm clearance exists between inside face of
fork will not move in jig. each knurled cylinder and faces of target cyl-
inder. When 1mm clearance exists on each

ALIGNING THE FORK BLADES side, dropouts are correct width, and drop-
outs are centered to fork axis.
AND DROPOUTS 16. [ ] Move knurled cylinders close to target cylin-
der, then apply leverage to J-tool handles to
10. [ ] Position knurled cylinders on J-tools (dropout
fine-tune parallel of knurled cylinder faces to
alignment tools) so that inward ends of
target cylinder faces, as necessary.
knurled cylinders align with “Front/R120”
calibration lines. Do not use the “No Gauge”
set of calibrations. (If front hub is not stan-
dard width, compensate knurled cylinder po-
sitions on each J-tool by half of difference
between actual hub width and 100mm.)

8 – 18


This chapter is about two procedures that might The only prerequisites for seat-tube honing or
be done separately, or together, to improve the fit of reaming are the ability to remove and install a seat
a seat post in the frame. One procedure is honing, post and the ability to determine whether a seat post
which removes corrosion and minor irregularities is the correct size for the seat tube.
from the inside of the seat tube. The other procedure
is reaming, which restores roundness and removes large
irregularities from the inside of the seat tube.
Symptoms indicating need of honing
Rust or corrosion on the seat post definitely indi-

GENERAL INFORMATION cates the need for honing.

Difficult removal or installation of the seat post is
a definite indicator that the seat tube needs honing,
TERMINOLOGY and perhaps reaming as well. If not caused by rust or
corrosion, this symptom is caused by imperfections
Seat tube: The portion of the frame that the seat
inside the seat tube. Although the tube probably
post inserts into.
started out smooth and round inside, the process of
Seat post: The post that connects the seat to the
welding or brazing tubes together can deform a seat
frame (seat tube).
tube by making it out-of-round, or by introducing
Seat lug: The joint in the frame where the seat
bulges of material inside the tube on the backside of
tube and top tube join; usually the seat stays join at
each weld; these bulges are called weld penetrations.
this point as well.
Compression slot: The slot that allows the top Symptoms indicating need of reaming
of the seat tube to close down around the seat post If after honing a seat tube it is still difficult to install
when the seat post binder mechanism is tightened. the correct size of seat post, then it needs reaming.
Hone: The name of a tool (and the process of us-
ing it) that polishes the inside of a cylinder, such as a
seat tube.
The size of the stem or seat tube to be honed or
Ream: Cutting material from the inside of a tube.
reamed determines the size of hone or reamer required.
The tool used to do this is a reamer.
All sizes are common, and all tools in the below list
Expansion reamer: A reamer that has an adjust-
are recommended.
able diameter.


Tool Fits and considerations
Flex Hone BC20 13/16"–7/8" (BMX), fits common fork columns also
Flex Hone BC22 7/8"–15/16" (BMX), fits larger fork columns also
Flex Hone BC25.4 25.0–27.4mm seat tubes
Flex Hone AL25.4 25.0–27.4mm aluminum seat tubes
Flex Hone BC27 26.4mm–28.0mm seat tubes
Flex Hone BC29 Oversize seat tubes up to 31.6mm
Chadwick & Trefethen 26 20.64–22.23mm seat-tube reamer
Chadwick & Trefethen 28 25.4–28.5mm seat-tube reamer
Chadwick & Trefethen 29 28.5–31.7mm seat-tube reamer

7– 1

TIME AND DIFFICULTY Wrong size seat post

Honing a seat tube is a 2–3 minute job of little Reaming is not used to enlarge a seat tube to fit a
difficulty. Reaming a seat tube is a moderately diffi- seat post larger than the one designed for that particu-
cult job that can take 5–20 minutes, depending on the lar frame. On the other hand, just because a seat post
amount of material that needs to be removed. is difficult to install does not necessarily mean that
the seat post is too large. Obstructions in the seat tube
will make a correctly sized seat post seem as though it
COMPLICATIONS is too large.
Aluminum If reaming were used to fit a seat post that is too
There are no problems with reaming aluminum large, the job would take an unbelievably long time to
seat tubes, but there is with the honing process. The complete, and there would be a stress riser in the seat
grit material for honing aluminum is completely dif- tube at the lowest edge of where the reaming was done.
ferent than the material used for steel. The Flex Hone
AL25.4 is available for aluminum seat tubes of con-
ventional size, but there is currently no hone avail-
able for under- or over-size seat tubes.
Hones or reamers suitable for use on titanium seat 1. [ ] Measure seat post to determine correct size
tubes currently do not exist. of hone to use.
To keep messy cutting oil and metal fragments from
Carbon fiber/composites collecting in the bottom bracket or at the bottom of
Carbon fiber or composite seat tubes are unsuited the seat tube, position the frame so that it is uphill to
to being honed or reamed. If there is an aluminum the bottom bracket from the top of the seat tube.
insert in the seat tube, then it may be honed. 2. [ ] Position frame so top end of seat tube is
Deformed seat-lug/seat-tube top lower than bottom end of seat tube.
3. [ ] Install hone in drill and coat hone with cut-
If an under-sized seat post has been installed in
ting oil or honing oil.
the frame then the top of the seat tube may be de-
In the next step the hone is inserted in the frame
formed. This is easy to check and correct. The com-
fully before starting the drill. Oil will be slung every-
pression-slot width should be uniform. If it is more
where if the drill is started while the hone is outside
narrow at the top than the bottom, then insert a broad
the seat tube.
slotted screwdriver in the compression slot and lever 4. [ ] Insert hone fully into seat tube, then start
it open, before beginning honing or reaming. drill (moderate speed).
A hone will polish away roughness, but will not
cut away lumps of excess metal or restore a non-round
seat tube to round. What polishing it can do can al-
ways be accomplished in 20–30 seconds. Any more
time spent honing is a waste of time. Most of the help
needed is in the top two to three inches of seat tube,
so spend the time there and just make a quick pass to
the full depth of the hone.
5. [ ] Hone for 20–30 seconds in seat lug and
joint of top-tube and seat-tube area.
6. [ ] Insert spinning hone to its limit and pull back
up to top of seat tube.
7. [ ] Stop drill and remove hone from seat tube.
In the next step progress is checked by inserting
the seat post. Corrosion should be cleaned out first.
8. [ ] Insert seat post to check for resistance to
7.1 If the seat-tube compression slot is narrower at the top like the insertion.
one in this drawing, the slot should be expanded before attempting 9. [ ] If excessive resistance remains after honing,
honing or reaming. select appropriately sized expansion reamer.

7 – 2
10. [ ] Adjust expansion-reamer blades up or down 11. [ ] Squirt cutting oil into seat tube.
until reamer inserts easily but does not jiggle 12. [ ] Rotate expansion reamer clockwise until it is
inside seat tube. effortless to turn.
13. [ ] Test fit seat post.
Expansion reamers can only cut a very small
amount of material at a time. If the expansion adjust-
Shallow slot
ment is too much (more than a 1/4 turn of the col-
lars) the tool will not fit in the seat tube or will jam
when rotated. It is likely that many small adjustments
will be needed to get the job finished.
14. [ ] If seat post was too difficult to install, ad-
just upper expansion-reamer collar 1/4 turn
up, then lower expansion-reamer collar 1/4
turn up.
15. [ ] Coat blades with cutting oil and insert ex-
pansion reamer into seat tube.
16. [ ] Rotate expansion reamer clockwise until it is
effortless to turn.
Blade 17. [ ] Remove expansion reamer.
18. [ ] Repeat steps 13–17 as many times as nec-
essary until seat post is a satisfactory fit.
After completing the reaming, it is advisable to
use the hone one more time to smooth the inside sur-
face of the seat tube to prevent any further galling.
19. [ ] Repeat steps 4–7.
20. [ ] Stuff a rag or a wind-instrument swab inside
seat tube to clean out oil and cuttings.

Deep slot

7.2 An expansion reamer with a blade removed to show the sloped

slot that is shallower at the top end of the tool. Adjust A up, then B
up to enlarge the reamer.

7 – 3

7 – 4


This chapter is divided into two sections. The first
is about sizing the fork column, which includes pro-
Stem and headset removal and installation
Sizing a fork column is generally done when install-
cedures for threaded and unthreaded columns, and the
ing a new fork in a bike. To do this, the stem and headset
second section is about repairing fork-column threads
must be removed. At the completion of the fork sizing,
or adding fork-column threads.
the stem and headset will need to be installed. If unfamil-
iar with stem removal and installation, see the HANDLE-
SIZING FORK COLUMNS 28-5). If unfamiliar with headset removal and installa-
tion, see the HEADSET chapter (page 11-9). In some cases
the brake cable or front brake may need to be detached
TERMINOLOGY or removed in order to remove the stem.
Fork column: The tube on the top of the fork
that goes inside the head tube of the frame.
Screwed race: The portion of a threaded headset
The only reason for sizing a fork column is be-
that threads onto the fork column directly against the
cause a replacement fork is being installed and its fork
upper bearings.
column is too long for the combination of head tube
Threadless headset: A headset that does not
length and headset height being used. A replacement
thread onto a fork column; instead, the stem slips over
fork might be installed because: the original one is
the upper end of the fork column and is set against
damaged, the original one has a fork column that is
the topmost race of the headset and secured, which in
too short, and the original one is being upgraded.
turn sets the headset adjustment.
Threadless-fork column: A fork column that has
no threads. A threadless-fork column must be used TOOL CHOICES
with a threadless headset. The diameter of the fork column determines
which of several tool choices you will need. In the
below list (table 6-1) there are several mitre jigs listed
for aligning the saw blade when cutting the fork.
These jigs for threaded-fork columns are unneces-


Tool Fits and considerations
Park FCG-1 plus 637 & 638 Fork alignment jig with inserts for all sizes of fork columns that
doubles as a holder for fork column sizing
Bicycle Research FB1, FB2, & FB3 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4" clamp blocks that can be used as an
inexpensive alternative to the Park FCG-1
Used 1" steel screwed race Free guide used with Park FCG-1 for cutting 1" fork columns
Used 1–1/8" steel screwed race Free guide used with Park FCG-1 for cutting 1–1/8" fork columns
Used 1–1/4" steel screwed race Free guide used with Park FCG-1 for cutting 1–1/4" fork columns
Hacksaw 28–32 teeth per inch
Stein CG-3 Threadless-fork mitre that fits 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4" forks
Park SG-5 Threaded-fork mitres that fit 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4" forks
Stein CG-1 Threaded mitre for 1" × 24tpi
Stein CG-8 Threaded mitre for 1–1/8" × 26tpi
Stein CG-4 Threaded mitre for 1–1/4" × 26tpi
Park SG-6 Threadless-fork mitre that fits 1", 1–1/8", and 1–1/4" forks

6– 1
sary if the shop is equipped with a Park FT-4 or Park Stem will not go in far enough
FCG-1 fork alignment jig. These jigs, in conjunction With some short frames, the fork column can end
with a used steel screwed race for each diameter of up short enough that the stem will not install far
fork column, make a more-than-adequate jig for align- enough. Near the base of the fork column the I.D. is
ing the saw blade. The mitre jigs are indispensable usually reduced to take advantage of the strength that
for threadless forks. The preferred choices are in bold. a thicker wall provides. On most forks, the diameter
A tool is preferred because of a balance among: ease reduction is well below the deepest point the stem
of use, quality, versatility, and economy. When more inserts to. On short fork columns, the diameter re-
than one tool for one function is in bold it means duction interferes with stem insertion. Different forks
that different tools are required for different configu- start this diameter reduction at different heights. The
rations of parts. best way to check for this problem before cutting the
fork is to insert a seat post of the same diameter as the
TIME AND DIFFICULTY stem into the fork column, and see how far it will
install. Some BMX seat posts are the same diameter as
On a bare fork, sizing the fork column is a 5–7
minute procedure of little difficulty. the common 22.2mm stem. A 25.4mm seat post is
close enough to the size of stem that goes in a 1–1/8"
fork column. A 28.6mm seat post is a decent fit inside
COMPLICATIONS a 1–1/4" fork column.
Too much thread left
It is possible to have too much thread on the fork
column after sizing it. For safety, it is important that
the stem wedge end up below the threaded portion of
the fork column, so that the fulcrum and stress is not
in the weak threaded portion of the fork column. The
only way to prevent this is to start with a fork that is
not threaded too far down. In borderline situations it
may be necessary to insert the stem so that the mini- MAX HT
mum insertion or maximum height mark is below the Stem
top of the fork. If this positions the bars too low, then
a stem with more height should be installed.

Stem wedge

Fork column


6.2 The fork is unacceptable because the stem will not install far
enough because of the change of diameter inside the fork column.
Thread length

Cut too short

Stem wedge If the fork column has been cut too short and the
headset locknut will not engage properly, try the fol-
lowing procedures.
Fork column Try dispensing with any simple flat washers in
the headset. They are used to adjust stack
height and improve locknut security. Lock-
6.1 The fork-column thread is too long if the bottom of the stem/ nut security can be improved with Loctite
wedge is above the bottom of the thread. 242 instead.

6 – 2
If there are any brackets for reflectors, consider If there is no original fork to measure, or if you
an alternate location. If there is a brake cable do not know whether the original fork column was a
hanger, consider one built into the stem. It suitable length, or if the headset is being changed, then
may also be possible to find thinner brackets. the correct fork-column length must be calculated by
Consider a new headset with a shorter overall adding the headset stack height to the head tube length.
stack height. The headset consists of two stacks. The lower stack
Use a head tube reamer/facer to shorten the consists of: the fork crown race, lower ball bearings, and
head tube. It is best to remove material from lower race (which is pressed into the head tube). Assemble
these parts and measure all but the portion of the lower
the top as much as possible before removing
head tube race that is inserted inside the head tube. This
any from the bottom. Shortening the head
combined measurement is the lower stack height.
tube is a drastic solution that should only be The upper stack consists of: the upper race (which
considered when all other alternatives have is pressed into the head tube), the upper ball bearings,
been exhausted. the race that screws onto the fork column, any wash-
Cut too long ers that will be used, any brackets (reflector or brake
If for some reason, the fork column has been cut cable hanger) that will be used, and the locknut(s).
too long, and the headset locknut will not tighten Assemble and measure the upper stack except for the
portion of the upper head tube race that will be in-
against the headset washers and screwed race, add more
serted in the head tube, then subtract 2mm to deter-
washers to the headset. This correction will work for
mine the upper stack height.
error less than or equal to 5mm. For error greater than
5mm, cut the fork column to the appropriate length.

1. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to re-
move headset and fork.
Determine the correct fork-column length by one Pressed
of two methods.
If replacing an existing fork and re-using an exist- U – 2 = upper stack height
ing headset, then determine the correct fork-column
length simply by measuring the fork that is being re- race
placed. Measure from the top of the fork column down
to the crown-race seat (top of the fork crown). Bearing
L = lower stack height

6.4 Measure U, then subtract 2mm to determine the upper stack

height of the headset. Measure L to determine the lower stack height
of the headset.

The correct fork-column length is the sum of the

Fork-column length lower stack height, the upper stack height, and the
head tube length.
2. Determine correct fork-column length by one of
these two methods:
[ ] If using same headset, measure existing fork
column and record length here: _______mm.
[ ] If installing new headset or there is no origi-
nal fork to match:
Measure head tube length: _______mm
Measure headset lower stack: +_______mm
Measure headset upper stack: +_______mm
6.3 Measure fork-column length here. Total is correct column length: =_______mm

6 – 3
When sizing the new fork, it is easier to set the If using a threaded mitre jig, then the distance
mitre to the correct position to remove the excess length from the bottom edge of the saw blade slot to the
than it is to set the mitre to leave the correct length. top face of the mitre must be measured. This dimen-
For this reason, the calculated-correct length is sub- sion must be subtracted from the excess column
tracted from the new fork’s actual length to determine length to be removed. Adjust the fork in the mitre
the amount of excess to remove (in the next step). until the amount of exposed fork column is equal to
3. [ ] Measure new fork-column length and record the amount of this calculation.
here: _______mm.
4. [ ] Determine excess column to remove: Fork column
Step 3 length: _______mm A Saw slot
Subtract step 2 length: –_______mm
Excess to remove: =_______mm
Setting the fork in the correct position to cut just B
the right amount of excess off is a different procedure Fork mitre
depending on what system is being used to guide the
hacksaw blade. Either a fork alignment jig and old steel
screwed race can be used, or a threaded-fork mitre jig.
To set up the fork-alignment-jig system, insert the 6.6 A plus B equals excess fork-column length.
fork in a Park FT-4 or Park FCG-1, but do not secure 5. [ ] Insert fork in mitre or saw guide system and
it; later, when the length to be cut off has been set, the adjust so blade will remove no more column
fork will be secured in the jig. Bicycle Research frame length than step 4.
tube blocks (in the appropriate size) provide an inex- When cutting the column using an old steel
pensive way to hold the fork column in a vise. Thread screwed race as a guide, angle the hacksaw slightly
on an appropriately-sized steel headset race. Set the towards the screwed race to get as flush a cut as pos-
depth indicator of a caliper to the dimension of the sible. The screwed race will be of a hard enough steel
excess length to be removed and use the caliper to posi- that the saw blade will not cut it. Use a bastard file to
tion the screwed race so that only the excess length is file the cut flush to the face of the screwed race if the
exposed past the screwed race. Slide the fork in the align- hacksaw does not cut flush.
ment jig so that the screwed race butts against the jig,
then clamp the fork column securely in the jig.
Adjustable Fork column



Fork jig Depth gauge

Butt end of caliper

6.5 To set the proper amount of fork column to be removed; 1. set 6.7 Angle the hacksaw blade towards the screwed race.
the depth gauge of the caliper to the desired amount, 2. butt the end
of the caliper against the end of the fork column, 3. rotate the ad- If using a threaded mitre, make sure that the fork
justable race up the fork column until it butts against the depth
gauge, 4. slide the fork-column assembly until the race butts against column does not rotate in the mitre during the cut.
the fork jig. 6. [ ] Cut off excess column length.

6 – 4
The saw will leave a burr inside the fork column
that will interfere with stem installation. Use a
deburring tool (United Bicycle Tool GN-BHE) or a
small round file to remove this burr.
7. [ ] Remove burr inside fork column.
The saw cut leaves the first thread on the fork
column in a condition that will make it difficult to
start a screwed race when assembling the headset. The
technique to improve the first thread differs depend-
ing on which system was used to guide the saw.
If the system used was the fork alignment jig and
the used steel race, loosen the alignment jig clamp,
push the fork through, and thread down the screwed
race so that it is about 10mm from the end of the fork
column. Leave the clamp loose enough so that the
fork can easily be rotated. Put a flat mill bastard file
on the cut end of the fork column at an angle that is
closer to parallel to the axis of the column than it is
perpendicular to the axis of the column (between 30°
and 40°). Push the file forward while rotating the fork
against the direction of the file stroke. Continue ro-
tating and filing around the column several revolu-
tions until there is a taper all the way around with a
length of one to two threads.
6.9 Filing a taper on the fork threads.
End of file File handle
If using a threaded-fork mitre, remove the mitre
from the vise but not the fork and thread it down the
fork column so about 10mm of thread is exposed.
Holding the fork in your hand, use a mill bastard file
to file a steep taper all the way around the end of the
fork column that is one to two threads long.
8. [ ] Taper outside thread.
To chase the threads, simply unthread the mitre
or screwed race that was used to guide the saw.
9. [ ] Chase threads.
Most forks come with a slot in the threads that
accommodates a key on a headset washer. Sometimes
when a fork column is shortened there is not enough
slot length left. It is difficult and unnecessary to
lengthen the slot. The easiest solution is to remove
the key from the washer or brackets. The key is a
convenience item, but not required; in fact, the washer
6.8 Filing a taper on the end of the fork. The file should be used at or bracket with the key often rotates, and when the
an angle of 30–40° from the axis of the fork column.
key rotates out of its slot, it mangles threads.

6 – 5
If it is desired to keep the key and slot system, tending above the stem. Add 3mm to the amount of
extend the slot with the edge of a small (6") flat file, or fork column exposed to determine the amount of ex-
with the edge of a grinding disk on a rotary tool. An- cess length. When assembled, the top of the fork col-
other alternative is to file the threads flat. This will umn is supposed to be 3mm below the top of the stem.
allow the key to rotate some, but not all the way 2. Determine correct fork-column length by one of
around the fork column. these two methods:
[ ] If using same headset, measure existing fork
column and record length here: _______mm.
[ ] If installing new headset, or there is no origi-
nal fork to match, assemble fork and head-
set into frame and install stem:
Measure protruding column: _______mm
Add 3mm: +3 mm
Total is excess column length: =_______mm
Setting the fork in the correct position to cut ex-
actly the right amount of excess off is simply of a
matter of putting the jig on the fork column and mea-
suring from the top of the jig to the end of the fork.
This dimension should be the excess length minus the
distance from the bottom of the saw slot to the top
face of the jig.

6.10 On the left are fork threads with a slot in them; on the right
are fork threads that have been filed flat. B

10. [ ] Modify or replace headset washers if slot in Fork mitre

fork-column threads is no longer long enough
to accommodate key in any keyed washers.
11. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to in-
stall fork, headset, and stem. Threadless
fork column


1. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to re-
move headset and fork. 6.11 A plus B equals excess fork-column length.
Determine the correct fork-column length by one
of two methods. 3. [ ] Remove fork from headset.
4. [ ] Insert fork in mitre, so blade will remove no
If replacing an existing fork and re-using an exist-
more column length than step 2.
ing headset, then determine the correct fork-column 5. [ ] Cut off excess column length.
length simply by measuring the fork that is being re- 6. [ ] Remove cutting jig from fork column.
placed. Measure from the top of the fork column down The saw will leave a burr on the inside of the fork
to the crown-race seat (top of the fork crown). column that will interfere with star-nut or expansion
If there is no original fork to measure, or if you plug installation. Use a deburring tool or a small round
do not know whether the original fork column was a file to remove this burr.
good length, or if the headset is being changed, then 7. [ ] Remove burr inside fork column.
the correct fork-column length must be calculated. The saw cut will leave a burr on the outside of the
To calculate the correct fork-column length, as- fork column that will make it difficult to slide the
semble the headset into the head tube and place the stem on. Use a mill bastard file to lightly dress the
fork into the headset. Put all washers and brackets in outside edge of the cut.
place that will be between the top of the headset and 8. [ ] File off burr on outside of column.
the stem. Slide the stem onto the fork column, but do 9. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to in-
not secure it. Measure the amount of fork column ex- stall fork, headset, and stem.

6 – 6

THREAD CHASING Symptoms indicating need
for thread chasing
AND EXTENDING Thread chasing on a fork column is needed when-
ever parts are difficult to thread on or off of the fork.
The cause may be cross-threading a part on, threads
TERMINOLOGY damaged from impact while exposed, rust on the
Thread die: Sometimes referred to as just “die,” is threads, or damage from a key on a washer or bracket
a tool for cutting or improving external threads. It is that has been rotated out of its slot and into the threads.
the opposite of a tap.
Thread chasing: Sometimes referred to as just Symptoms indicating need
“chasing,” it is to use a die to improve the condition for thread extending
of existing threads. The threads need to be extended whenever the
fork that must be used does not have enough thread
PREREQUISITES for the screwed race to thread all the way down to
compress the bearings between the stationary and ro-
Stem and headset removal tating upper races of the headset. The usual cause for
this problem is that an inappropriate fork has been
and installation selected as a replacement. Always pursue to the limit
Chasing threads, or extending threads, on a fork
the option of finding a fork with more threads before cut-
column is done when a fork is out of the bike. In
ting a fork that will need its threads extended. On rare
order to chase or extend threads, the headset and fork
occasions there is no fork available that has threads
must be removed. The stem and headset must come
far enough down the fork column.
out to do this if they are in place when the job is be-
gun. At the completion of the job, the stem and head-
set will need to be replaced. If unfamiliar with stem TOOL CHOICES
removal and installation, see the HANDLEBARS, STEMS, Tool choices are determined in part by the diam-
AND HANDLEBAR EXTENSIONS chapter (page 28-5). If eter and thread description of a particular fork col-
unfamiliar with headset removal and installation, see umn that will be chased or have threads extended. The
the HEADSET chapter (page 11-9). In some cases the following list (table 6-2) covers all tools required for
brake cable or front brake may need to be detached the job. The preferred choices are in bold. A tool is
or removed in order to remove the stem. preferred because of a balance among: ease of use, qual-
ity, versatility, and economy. When more than one
tool for one function is in bold it means that different
tools are required for different configurations of parts.


Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo 714 Complete handle and die for BSC 1" × 24tpi (not useable for extending threads)
Campagnolo 714/F 25mm × 1mm French die for Campagnolo 714
Campagnolo 714/I 25.4mm × 24tpi Italian die for Campagnolo 714
Campagnolo 714/8OS Complete handle and die for 1–1/8" × 26tpi threads
Hozan C421 Complete handle and die for BSC 1" × 24tpi threads
Hozan C421/8 Complete handle and dies for BSC 1" × 24tpi and 1–1/8" × 26tpi threads
Hozan C432 Complete handle and dies for 1–1/8" × 26tpi and 1–1/4" × 26tpi threads
Park FTS-1 Complete handle, dies, and pilots for BSC 1" × 24tpi, 1–1/8" × 26tpi,
and 1–1/4" × 26tpi threads
VAR 40S Complete handle and die for BSC 1" × 24tpi threads
VAR 40S18 Complete handle and die for 1–1/8" × 26tpi threads
VAR 40S14 Complete handle and die for 1–1/4" × 26tpi threads

6 – 7


This moderately difficult job takes a highly vari- Chrome-plated fork columns can be threaded, but
able amount of time depending on the amount of it wears the tool much faster.
thread length that needs to be added; furthermore,
frequent long pauses are required to allow the mate- CARE OF FORK-COLUMN-
rial to cool. The actual working time could easily vary
from 5 to 30 minutes. THREADING TOOLS
Fork-column-threading tools are very expensive
and easily damaged. Proper cutting technique is im-
COMPLICATIONS portant to get good life from them, but that is not all.
Threads too stripped to fix with chasing When storing fork-column-threading tools make sure
Threads can strip to the point that chasing them they are clean and coated with oil. The cutting edges
with a die will not restore their usability. If this is sus- are easily chipped by light impact with other metal
pected, chase them anyway and try torquing the screwed objects, so handle them and store them in a way that
race and locknut together on the fork column with all this will not happen. On hooks on a pegboard is a
the washers and brackets that will be used between good way to store fork-column-threading tools.
them. If the threads hold up to this torque test then the When cleaning fork-column-threading tools use a
fork is useable. If not, a new fork is needed. brush and solvent. Blowing them clean with com-
pressed air is not damaging to the cutting edges but is
Chrome-moly steel making fork unsuitable dangerous because of flying metal debris. Coat the
for thread extension cutter with a light oil after cleaning and drying.
The tools used for extending threads are not actu-
ally designed for that purpose. With softer metals it
usually can be done, but even with the best of tools
and techniques the result on high quality chrome-moly Table 6-3 shows the pitch and diameter measure-
tubing may be disastrous, resulting in a trashed fork ments for all fork-thread types. Diameters can vary
and a dull die. slightly within a range but still be the same standard.

Titanium FORK-THREAD TYPES (table 6-3)

Titanium has completely different metallurgical Thread name and
characteristics than steel or aluminum. It is necessary Pitch Measured O.D. nominal description
for the die to be designed in a dramatically different
24tpi 25.1–25.3mm BSC 1" × 24tpi
way to be suitable for threading titanium. Once de-
24tpi 25.1–25.3mm Italian
signed to be suitable for titanium it will no longer be 25.4mm × 24tpi*
suitable for other materials. Special dies for titanium 1mm 24.7–24.9mm French 25mm × 1mm
are not yet available, but whether enough titanium 26tpi 28.3–28.5mm Oversize
forks will be encountered that need thread repair or 1–1/8" × 26tpi
extension is a significant question. 26tpi 31.5–31.7mm Oversize
Aluminum 1–1/4" × 26tpi
Aluminum is a perfectly suitable material for * Italian is interchangeable with BSC. After chas-
threading, but presents some special concerns to the ing an Italian thread with a BSC die, the head-
mechanic. The type of cutting oil used is critical. There set should still fit.
are cutting oils made specifically for use on aluminum.
Any cutting oil that is suitable will specify for use on
aluminum on the container. Do not interpret words
such as “all-purpose” and “multi-purpose” to mean:
includes aluminum.
For good quality results it is also critical that the
die be very sharp.

6 – 8

1. [ ] Measure thread pitch and record here (circle 1. [ ] Determine length of additional thread
correct units): _________mm/tpi. needed and note here: _________mm.
2. [ ] Measure fork thread outside diameter and 2. [ ] Measure thread pitch and record here (circle
record here: _________mm. correct units): _________mm/tpi.
3. [ ] Find in FORK-THREAD TYPES (table 6-3) match- 3. [ ] Measure fork thread outside diameter and
ing pitch and diameter and record corre- record here: _________mm.
sponding nominal description here: 4. [ ] Find in FORK-THREAD TYPES (table 6-3) match-
__________________. ing pitch and diameter and record corre-
4. [ ] Verify die of correct thread type is in handle. sponding nominal description here:
VAR and Hozan dies have adjustable diameters. __________________.
In the next step, the die diameter needs to be enlarged. 5. [ ] Verify die of correct thread type is in handle.
A set screw or bolt, 90° from the split in the die, needs VAR and Hozan dies have adjustable diameters,
to be loosened to allow expansion. A set screw or bolt by virtue of a split in the die. Brands of dies that have
at the split is tightened to expand the die. Once the no split cannot be used for extending threads. In the
diameter is set, the set screw or bolt 90° from the split next step, the die diameter needs to be enlarged. A set
is tightened to secure the die in the handle. screw or bolt, 90° from the split in the die, needs to
5. [ ] If die diameter is adjustable, adjust to largest be loosened to allow expansion. A set screw or bolt at
diameter. the split is tightened to expand the die. Once the di-
6. [ ] Apply cutting oil to threads and die. ameter is set, the set screw or bolt 90° from the split is
When cutting threads, always use a technique tightened to secure the die in the handle.
called “cut-and-clear.” Once resistance is encountered 6. [ ] Adjust die to largest diameter (handle should
by the die, advance it no more than 1/4 turn. This is jiggle up and down obviously).
the “cut” segment. After the cut has been done, back 7. [ ] Apply cutting oil to threads and die.
the die off about 1/2 turn. This is the “clear” segment, In the next step, thread the die down as far as it
named so because this action clears the fresh cut frag- easily goes. Once resistance is met, the die is all the way
ments away from the cutting edges. Advance the die down the existing threads and the cutting of new threads
until resistance is encountered again, and repeat the is about to begin. Use a caliper to measure how far the
cut-and-clear technique. die is from the top of the fork column so that the
7. [ ] Thread die onto fork, using cut-and-clear progress of extending the threads can be monitored.
technique when resistance is encountered 8. [ ] Thread die onto fork until die reaches end of
(adding cutting oil repeatedly). existing threads.
If an adjustable die was used for the first pass, it 9. [ ] Use depth gauge to measure exposed thread
probably did the bulk of the thread clean-up, but an- from top of fork column to top of die and
other pass is needed to finish. In the next step the die record here: ________mm.
10. [ ] Add step 1 to step 9 to determine amount
is adjusted again, preferably while on a portion of the
of exposed threads that will be above die
threads where there is no damage. When making the when extending threading is complete. Note
adjustment, the die should jiggle imperceptibly, or if result of calculation here: ________mm.
there is no jiggle it should be clear that no cutting is Extending the threading on a fork is a misuse of
occurring when the die is rotated in the undamaged a fork die. What is likely to suffer, however, is the
portion of the threads. fork. If extreme care is not take to avoid heat buildup,
8. [ ] If die diameter is adjustable, adjust die diam- then the fork column will expand in the die, result-
eter to as snug as possible without cutting,
ing in galled threads and undersized thread diameter.
on portion of thread where no damage was
Four techniques can be used in combination to avoid
9. [ ] Run die over full length of damaged heat buildup.
threads, using cut-and-clear technique Use an expandable die so that the threads can
when resistance is encountered (adding be cut to partial depth on the first pass, and
cutting oil repeatedly). then be cut progressively deeper on the sec-
10. [ ] Remove die and clean fork and tool. ond pass and the last pass.

6 – 9
Use a very conservative cut-and-clear technique. 17. [ ] Remove die from fork.
Advance the die no more than 1/8 turn into 18. [ ] Clean fork and tools with brush and solvent
the resistance (cut), then back off 1/4 turn then coat die with oil.
(clear) before starting again.
After completing one complete revolution of
the die, take a break for long enough to be
sure all heat has dissipated. Fifteen minutes
should generally be enough. Compressed air
could be used to speed the cooling, but there
is a risk of blowing sharp metal fragments
about in a dangerous fashion.
Flood the threads with ample quantities of fresh
cutting oil to absorb the heat while it is be-
ing created. For this to work, the oil should
be applied about once per full die revolution
in a quantity that will wash away the last
application of oil.
When using a nice sharp die on a carbon-steel fork,
this combination of techniques should result in a good
quality job, although a very time-consuming one. If a
dull die is used, or if the fork is high-quality chrome-
moly steel, there is no guarantee that the result will
be acceptable.
11. [ ] Use cut-and-clear technique to advance die
down fork column, stopping to let metal
cool after every full revolution and adding
cutting oil each time before re-starting.
12. [ ] Stop cutting when top of die is below end of
fork by amount in step 10.
Now that one pass has been completed, a second
one must be done at a slightly smaller diameter. This
will not be the final pass, so adjust the die diameter
so that it has noticeably less jiggle on the original
threads then the first setting, but it still jiggles. This
pass will cut substantially less metal than the first, so
it is not necessary to take a long rest in between ev-
ery revolution. Bigger turns for the cut-and-clear tech-
nique can be used, as well (1/4 turn for the cut and
1/2 turn for the clear).
13. [ ] Turn die up until it is fully on original threads
and adjust diameter tighter, but leaving
somewhat loose (jiggling).
14. [ ] Repeat steps 11 and 12.
For the final pass the die should be returned to
the original threads and adjusted as tight as it will go
without cutting when turned on the original threads.
There should be little or no apparent jiggle between
the die and the threads.
15. [ ] Turn die up until it is fully on original threads
and adjust diameter tighter until jiggling is
gone or near gone, but cutting does not oc-
cur when die is rotated.
16. [ ] Repeat steps 11 and 12.

6 – 10


Milling the fork crown consists of two procedures.
One is facing, which cuts the surface that the headset
crown race sits on so that the surface is flat and per-
pendicular to the axis of the fork column. The other
is counter-reaming, which is to cut the outside diam-
eter of the fork-column base to change the fit of the Fork column
fork-crown race. Fork-column
Counter-reaming can be done without facing, but bas e
facing cannot be done without counter-reaming. Crown-race

Counter-reaming: To reduce the outside diam-
eter of a cylinder. In this case it is specific to the fork-
column base where the fork-crown race fits. Fork crown
Counter-reamer: A cutting tool that reduces the
outside diameter of the fork-column base. The cutter
teeth that do the counter-reaming also do the facing.
Facing: With regard to milling a fork crown, fac-
ing means to cut the top surface of the crown-race
seat, so that the crown-race seat is flat and precisely
perpendicular to the axis of the fork column. 5.1 Parts of the fork.
Facer: The cutter that is used during facing. The
teeth that do the facing also do the counter-reaming, Pilot: The main body of the counter-reaming/fac-
also called a facing mill. ing tool. Some counter-reaming/facing tools have a
Fork crown: The large joining piece between the hole through the body that acts as the pilot, and some
base of the fork column and the top of the fork blades. counter-reaming/facing tools have an insert that is held
Fork column: The tube on top of the fork that in place by a set screw. The inserts can be changed to
goes inside the frame’s head tube. accommodate different sizes of fork columns.
Fork-column base: The largest diameter portion 1" fork: A fork column with a diameter of ap-
of the fork column at its absolute bottom. The fork- proximately 1". Headsets of several press-fit standards
crown race presses onto the fork-column base. fit 1" forks.
Crown-race seat: The top surface of the fork 1–1/8" fork: A fork column with a diameter of
crown that the fork-crown race sits on. approximately 1–1/8". Headsets called 1–1/8" fit
Fork-crown race: The bottom piece of the head- these forks.
set, which presses onto the fork-column base. The 1–1/4" fork: A fork column with a diameter of
fork-crown race is sometimes called the crown race. approximately 1–1/4". Headsets called 1–1/4" fit
Crown race: See fork-crown race. these forks.

5– 1

PREREQUISITES Otherreasonsforfacing
Stemremovalandinstallation thecrown-raceseat
Facing the crown-race seat is cheap insurance to en-
In order to counter-ream or face the fork, the head-
able easy adjustment of the headset and maximize parts
set and fork must be removed. The stem must be re-
longevity. For this reason, some shops will routinely
moved before counter-reaming/facing can begin. At
counter-ream and face forks on higher priced bikes.
the completion of the job the stem will need to be
In the case that a shop sells framesets bare, it is good
replaced. If you are unfamiliar with stem removal and
marketing technique to face forks before putting them
installation, see the HANDLEBARS, STEMS, AND EXTEN-
out for display. Knowledgeable customers will look for
SIONS chapter. In some cases the brake cable or front
whether facing has been done to evaluate whether the
brake may need to be detached, or removed com-
frame has been properly prepped for assembly.
pletely, in order to remove the stem.
Headsetremovalandinstallation TOOL CHOICES
In order to counter-ream or face the fork, the head-
The fit dimension of the headset crown race and
set and fork must be removed. At the completion of
the fork-column diameter are what determines what
the job, the headset and fork will need to be replaced.
tool will be needed. The following list (table 5-1, page
If you are unfamiliar with these procedures see the
5-2) covers all tools for the job. The preferred choices
HEADSETS chapter.
are in bold. A tool is preferred because of a balance
among ease of use, quality, versatility, and economy.
INDICATIONS When more than one tool for one function is bold, it
means that several tools are required for different con-
Symptomsindicatingneed figurations of parts.
ofcounter-reaming All dimensions are in millimeters because these
One likely reason that a fork should be counter- are the only units used by manufacturers.
reamed is that a JIS dimension headset has been re-
moved and the replacement headset is of a different
fit standard. Another likely reason is that a replace- TIME AND DIFFICULTY
ment fork is being installed that has a fork-column- Milling the fork column is a job of moderate
base diameter that is too large for the existing fork- difficulty that takes approximately 10 minutes on a
crown race. bare fork.
There is only one symptom that indicates a need COMPLICATIONS
for facing the crown-race seat. When attempting to
adjust new, high-quality headsets, a condition be-
The traditional 1" fork-column size has multiple
comes apparent in which the headset feels smooth
standard dimensions for the fork-column base. They
through a portion of its rotation and tight in another
are as follows:
portion of its rotation. This is called a tight/loose
26.5mm: Traditional size associated with
pattern. The tight/loose pattern can be caused by
Campagnolo and other professional quality
things other than a crown-race seat that needs fac-
headsets. Virtually all quality replacement
ing, such as: low precision parts, worn out parts, bent
headsets for 1" forks require this dimension.
fork column, head tube that needs facing, and mis-
26.6mm: Common to most Peugeot bicycles
installed head-tube races or crown race. When a fork
made in France, this size is close to, but not
crown needs facing, it is due to poor quality of manu-
interchangeable with, the 26.5mm size. The
facturing, not abuse or wear.
counter-reamer for this dimension is required
When the head tube has been faced to eliminate a
whenever installing a replacement fork on a
tight/loose pattern, the job is not complete until the
Peugeot while keeping the original headset.
crown-race seat has been faced as well.
This size counter-reamer is not needed if the
customer is willing to always install new head-
sets with new forks on Peugeots.

5 – 2
27.1mm: Common to all Taiwanese and Japa- dramatically different way to be suitable for counter-
nese original equipment and replacement reaming and facing titanium. Once a counter-reamer/
forks. This size counter-reamer is needed if facer is designed to be suitable for titanium it will no
this size fork is to be faced without having to longer be suitable for other materials. Special facers
change the headset. for titanium may become available, but whether
Numerous others: Other sizes periodically pop enough titanium forks will be encountered that need
up on obscure brands from Europe and Ameri- counter-reaming and facing is a significant question.
can-made discount store bicycles. Counter-
reamers are not available, so converting to the
Aluminum is a perfectly suitable material for
next smaller common size is the usual option.
counter-reaming and facing, but presents some spe-
Bulge-baseandoversized-forkcolumns cial concerns to the mechanic. The type of cutting oil
The counter-reamer body has a close tolerance used is critical. There are cutting oils made specifically
hole for the fork column. Some fork columns are fat- for use on aluminum. Any cutting oil that is suitable
ter than the standard that some counter-reamer pilots will specify for use on aluminum on the container.
will not clear. Words like “all-purpose” and “multi-purpose” should
Suspension forks are the most common forks with not be interpreted to mean: includes aluminum.
bulged bases, but these are not much of a problem
because their un-welded fabrication process allows
Using a counter-reamer or facer on a chrome-
greater precision during manufacturing.
plated fork crown will also dull it quickly. Facing a
Aluminum and carbon fiber forks often have a
chrome-plated fork crown is very difficult to do, with
fatter fork column than normal. These forks may need
the facer failing to get a bite at normal pressure. This
counter-reaming or facing and the VAR 963 is the only
job can be done with extremely high cutting pressure,
tool that will fit.
but it is strongly advised against.
Heavy build-ups of chrome or paint can also cause
Chrome-plated crown-race seats should not be
interference with the counter-reamer pilot. There is
faced unless the chrome is first removed, a potentially
nothing that can be done about chrome, but paint
difficult procedure. A file or grinding stone can be
can be sanded off with patience.
used for chrome removal. Counter-reaming can be
Titanium done without facing, but it wears the tool severely.
Titanium has completely different metallurgical
characteristics than steel or aluminum. It is necessary
for the counter-reamer and facer to be designed in a


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Bicycle Research FCS Complete counter-reaming/facing tool with 26.5mm, 30.1mm, and 33.1mm
Bicycle Research FC2 Additional 27.1mm counter-reamer required if using Bicycle Research FCS to
face 1" fork column with JIS dimensions
Campagnolo 718 Complete counter-reaming/facing tool with 26.5mm counter-reamer for 1" fork
Campagnolo 718/8OS Complete counter-reaming/facing tool with 30.1mm counter-reamer for 1–1/8"
fork column
VAR33AC Complete counter-reaming/facing for JIS and French 1" fork columns
(w/26.6 & 27.1 mills)
VAR 38D/4E Additional 26.5mm & 27.2mm double-sided cutter needed for 1" fork columns if
not using VAR 963C or Bicycle Research FCS, which include critical 26.5mm size
VAR 963C Complete counter-reaming/facing tool with 26.5mm, 30.1mm, and 33.1mm
counter-reamer (least interference w/ bulge-based fork columns of all models)
VAR 965 Complete counter-reaming/facing tool for 1–1/4" fork columns
VAR 966 Complete counter-reaming/facing tool for 1–1/8" fork columns

5 – 3

Incompletecounter-reaming When cleaning counter-reamers and facing tools

After completing the counter-reaming and facing, it use a brush and solvent. Blowing them clean with
may appear that the counter-reaming was not completed compressed air is not damaging to the cutting edges
because the counter-reamer has not left a 360° cut. This but is dangerous because of flying metal debris. Coat
is normal and happens because the fork-column base is the cutter with a light oil after cleaning and drying.
off-center to the axis of the fork column. In fact, in
this case the counter-reaming that has occurred may COUNTER-REAMER
be excessive.
Excessivecounter-reaming SIZE REQUIREMENTS
The I.D. of the fork-crown race that will be pressed
After using the correct counter-reamer, the fork-
onto the fork-column base determines the correct size
crown race may end up fitting loose. This usually oc-
of counter-reamer to use. If replacing the headset, be
curs when an off-center fork-column base that did not
sure to measure the new headset. Do not measure the
actually need counter-reaming has been counter-
O.D. of the fork-column base to determine the counter-
reamed. The counter-reamer removes metal at the high
reamer size.
points so that the average outside diameter is reduced
Measure the I.D. of the fork-crown race (see fig-
when it was not required. There is no simple way to
ure 5.2) that will be pressed onto the fork-column base,
avoid this, except to eliminate paint when it causes
find the range that includes this measurement in the
the pilot to fit too closely. When excessive counter- Race I.D. column in table 5-2, and look to the right in
reaming happens, the fork-crown race will need to be
the Counter-reamer size column in table 5-2 to deter-
installed with Loctite RC680.
mine the correct size to use.
Excessivecounter-reamingtime All dimensions are in millimeters because these
Most fork-column bases have already been are the only units used by manufacturers.
counter-reamed to close to the correct size before the
mechanic ever sees them. Using a counter-reamer on COUNTER-REAMER SIZES (table 5-2)
one of these will be a very quick process. On the other RaceI.D. Counter-reamersize
hand, the counter-reamer is sometimes used to con- 26.30–26.40mm 26.5mm
vert a fork-column base from a 27.1mm size to a 26.41–26.50mm 26.6mm
26.5mm size. When using a counter-reamer to make 26.90–27.00mm 27.1mm
this conversion, instead of simply to improve an ex- 29.90–30.00mm 30.1mm
isting fit, then expect it will take 5–10 extra minutes 32.90–33.00mm 33.1mm
to cut this much metal.
It is not unusual for the fork-column length to be
too short or too long to use a tension device on the
counter-reaming tool. This is not a problem, and the
procedure can be done easily without the use of a ten-
sion device.

Counter-reaming and facing tools are very expen-
sive and easily damaged. Proper cutting technique is
important to get good life from them, but that is not
all. When storing counter-reamer/facers make sure
they are clean and coated with oil. The cutting edges
are easily chipped by light impact with other metal
objects, so handle them and store them in a way that
this will not happen. On hooks on a pegboard is a
good way to store facing tools.

5 – 4

FORK COUNTER-REAMING 4 . [ ] Check or install correct size counter-reamer

on tool.
There are two good ways to hold the fork while
AND FACING PROCEDURE doing the procedure.
Fork counter-reaming and facing can be done at The simplest way is to mount the fork on a quick
the same time with a single tool, or counter-reaming release front wheel (it’s best to have an old dead wheel
can be without facing (depending on the desire for around just for this purpose). Stand facing the front of
facing). Only one procedure is described here, despite the fork. With the wheel on the floor, stand straddling
the above-mentioned choices, because the difference the front of the wheel to stabilize it. Lean over the fork
in the required procedure for each choice is minimal. and wheel to use the tool and apply cutting pressure.
This procedure is written on the assumption that
counter-reaming and facing will be done at the same
time. If counter-reaming only, simply stop the proce-
dure when the counter-reaming has been completed.
All dimensions are in millimeters because these
are the only units used by manufacturers.
1 . [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to re-
move headset and fork.

.9 0 .

0 1 2 3 .5


.1 0 .

5.3 Using a wheel to hold a fork that is being counter-reamed and

5.2 Measuring the fork-crown race to determine the correct
counter-reamer size.
Another very effective method for holding the
2 . [ ] Measure I.D. of fork-crown race to be in- fork is to salvage any old quick release hub and use
stalled and record here: ________mm. some sort of metal straps to secure it to the middle of
Some sizes of fork-crown races are extremely close a 2' × 2' piece of plywood or chip board. Clamp the
without being interchangeable. Measurement to the fork (standing straight up) to the hub and lean over
nearest .05mm is required. the fork to operate the tool and apply cutting pres-
3 . [ ] Look up appropriate counter-reamer dimen- sure. This system is more stable than the wheel mount-
sion on COUNTER-REAMER SIZES table 5-2 and ing system, but requires bending over further.
record here: ________mm. 5 . [ ] Mount fork on front wheel or fork platform
The only way to determine the size of some (see explanatory notes).
counter-reamers is to measure the I.D. with a caliper. Cutting oil is vital to the quality of the cutting
This is particularly true when determining the size of and the life of the cutting tools. Apply oil liberally
VAR double-ended counter-reamers, which are marked when starting and as you continue to cut. Use oil la-
with two sizes, but are not marked as to which end is beled for use on aluminum when cutting aluminum.
which size.

5 – 5
6 . [ ] Apply ample cutting oil to crown-race seat Fork column
and counter-reamer.
7 . [ ] Place tool on fork column. bas e
8 . [ ] With weight on handles, turn tool clockwise
several full turns. Crown-race
9 . [ ] Pull tool up to check progress of counter-
reaming or facing. Crown race
10. [ ] If counter-reaming only, repeats steps 6–10 (cut-away)
until fork-column base is counter-reamed Chamfer
fully at outer perimeter.
With bottom bracket and head-tube facing, the
only factor determining whether the facing is com-
pleted is whether fresh metal has been cut for a full
360°. The nature of the fork-crown race requires that
this complete 360° cut be at the outer perimeter of
the crown-race seat or it may be ineffective. A con-
tinuous 360° cut adjacent to the fork-column base,
but not complete all the way around the outer perim-
eter of the crown-race seat, will not do the job. This is
because many fork-crown races have a chamfer on the
inner perimeter of the bottom face of the race (see
figure 5.5). If the cut portion of the crown-race seat
does not extend beyond the diameter of this chamfer,
then the fork-crown race may not be sitting on faced Fork crown
surface at all.

5.5 The chamfer at the inner edge of the bottom face of the crown
Incomplete race makes it necessary to face the crown-race seat all the way to the
facing outer perimeter of the crown-race seat.

11. [ ] If facing, repeats steps 6–11 until facing cut

is a complete 360° at outer perimeter of
Not faced Faced crown-race seat.
12. [ ] Remove tool from fork.
13. [ ] Remove fork from front wheel or from fork
Incomplete 14. [ ] Clean fork and tool.
facing 15. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to
install fork, headset, and stem as necessary.



5.4 Face the crown-race seat until there is a complete 360° cut at
the outer perimeter of the crown-race seat.

5 – 6


This chapter is about two head-tube milling proce-
dures: reaming the head tube, and facing the head tube.
Stem removal and
Reaming the head tube is done to improve, or change, installation
the fit of a headset pressed-race into the head tube. Fac- Before removing the headset and fork, the stem must
ing the head tube is done to improve the alignment of a be removed. After the head tube has been reamed or
headset pressed-race. Improving the alignment of the faced, and after the headset has been installed, the stem
headset parts improves the quality of the adjustment and will need to be installed. If unfamiliar with stem removal
the longevity of the parts. and installation, see the HANDLEBARS, STEMS AND
EXTENSIONS chapter. In some cases the brake cable
or front brake may need to be detached at some point,
or removed completely, in order to remove the stem.
GENERAL Headset removal and
INFORMATION installation
In order to ream or face the head tube, the headset
and fork must be removed. After the head tube has been
TERMINOLOGY reamed or faced, the headset and fork need to be rein-
Reaming: To enlarge the diameter of a hole. stalled. If unfamiliar with these procedures, see the HEAD-
Reamer: A cutting tool that enlarges the inside diam- SETS chapter.
eter of a hole.
Facing: To cut the end of a cylinder (the head tube in
this case) so that it is flat and precisely perpendicular to INDICATIONS
the axis of the cylinder. Symptoms indicating need
Facer: The cutting tool that is used to face the head of reaming
tube, also called a facing mill. The most likely reason that a head tube must be
Head tube: The near-vertical frame tube at the front reamed is that a JIS dimension headset (a headset made
of the frame in which the fork column rotates. to Japanese industrial standard race dimensions of
Pilot: There are two different pilot systems for a 30.0mm and 27.0mm) has been removed, and the re-
headtube reaming/facing tool. There is always a conical placement headset is of a different fit standard. It is pos-
pilot insert that goes into the end of the tube not being sible, however unlikely, that a head tube will deviate so
reamed or faced. This pilot keeps the tool shaft cen- much from the ideal dimension that a correctly fit head-
tered in the head tube. In addition to this pilot, there set will be too difficult to press in. In this case, reaming
may be a pilot built into the cutting end of the tool. will be required to improve the fit.
This other pilot may be below the reamer or below the
facer in place of the reamer. In either case, the pilot that Symptoms indicating need
is built into the cutting end of the tool should be a close of facing
fit to the inside diameter of the head tube. There is only one symptom that indicates the need
1" headset: A headset that fits on a fork column for facing the head tube. When attempting to adjust a
with a diameter of approximately 1". high-quality cup and cone headset with new parts, the
1–1/8" headset: A headset that fits on a fork col- fork feels smooth through a portion of its rotation and
umn with a diameter of approximately 1–1/8". tight in another portion of its rotation. This is called a
1–1/4" headset: A headset that fits on a fork col- tight/loose pattern. The tight/loose pattern can also be
umn with a diameter of approximately 1–1/4". caused by conditions other than a head tube that needs
facing, such as: low precision parts, worn out parts, a
bent fork column, a crown race seat that needs facing,

4– 1
and mis-installed cups or crown race. When a head tube In the case that a shop sells framesets bare, it is good
needs facing, it is due to poor quality of manufacturing, marketing technique to face them before putting them
not abuse or wear. out for display. Knowledgeable customers will look for
whether facing has been done to evaluate whether the
Other reasons for facing frame has been properly prepped for assembly.
the head tube
Facing the head tube is cheap insurance to enable easy
adjustment of the headset and maximize parts longevity. TOOL CHOICES
On higher priced bikes some shops will routinely ream The fit dimensions of a pressed head-tube race are
and face head tubes. what determines what tool is required. The following list
(table 4-1) covers all the tools available for reaming and


Tool Fitsandconsiderations
Bicycle Research HT1 Complete reaming/facing tool with 30.0mm reamer
Bicycle Research HT1/4 Additional 29.8mm reamer required if using Bicycle Research HT1 to face
head tube with JIS dimensions
Bicycle Research HR3 Additional 33.8mm reamer required if using Bicycle Research HT1 to face
head tube with 1–1/8" oversize headset
Bicycle Research HT1 Additional 36.8mm reamer required if using Bicycle Research HT1 to face
head tube with 1–1/4" oversize headset
Campagnolo 733 Complete reaming/facing tool with 30.0mm reamer, cannot be used to face
JIS head tube
Campagnolo 7185016 Additional 33.8mm reamer required if using Campy 733 to face head tube
with 1–1/8" oversize headset
Fisher 15 Additional 36.8mm reamer required if using Campy 733 to face head tube
with 1–1/4" oversize headset
Park HTR-1 Complete reaming/facing tool w/30.0mm reamer, includes all necessary
pilots to face head tubes, instead of requiring additional 29.8mm, 33.8mm,
and 36.8mm reamers
Park 754 33.8mm reamer for Park HTR-1, only needed if preparing head tube at frame
manufacturing level
Park 755 36.8mm reamer for Park HTR-1, only needed if preparing head tube at frame
manufacturing level
VAR 32C Complete reaming/facing tool with 30.0mm reamer
VAR 968 Additional 33.8mm reamer required if using VAR 32C to face head tube with
1–1/8" oversize headset
VAR 969 Additional 36.8mm reamer required if using VAR 32C to face head tube with
1–1/4" oversize headset
VAR 970 Oversize facer for VAR 32C required to face head tube with 1–1/4" oversize
United Bicycle Tool Bushing required if using VAR 32C to face head tube with 1–1/8" oversize
32BUSH/8 headset instead of more expensive VAR 968
United Bicycle Tool Bushing required if using VAR 32C to face head tube with 1–1/4" oversize
32BUSH/4 headset instead of more expensive VAR 968

4 – 2
facing the head tube. The preferred choices are in bold. cutting oil suitable for use on aluminum will say so on the
A tool is preferred because of a balance among: ease of container. Do not interpret words such as “all purpose”
use, quality, versatility, and economy. and “multi-purpose” to mean: includes aluminum.
All dimensions are in millimeters because these are
the only units used by manufacturers.
Chrome plating
Chrome-plated head tubes cannot be faced unless
the chrome is first removed, a potentially difficult pro-
TIME AND DIFFICULTY cedure. A file or grinding stone can be used for chrome
Reaming and facing the head tube is a moderately removal. Reaming chrome head tubes can be done with-
difficult job that takes 15–25 minutes on a bare head out facing, but severely wears out the reamer.
tube. Failure of VAR pilot to
install fully
COMPLICATIONS Stock VAR pilots (fat shaft below the reamer) can
be too fat and/or too long for many head tubes. If the
Whether to use a reamer pilot is too fat, it will interfere with any imperfection in
or a pilot a head tube, including a tube seam. The stock VAR pilot
Some tools give you a choice between using a reamer is too long for very short head tubes and interferes with
or just a pilot on the reaming/facing tool. You must use a the conical pilot at the other end of the head tube. United
reamer if converting the head tube from one size stan- Bicycle Tool Supply has modified the VAR bushing to a
dard to another. Otherwise the reamer is probably not trouble-free length and diameter. This modified bush-
required and a pilot will do. ing is available separately (VAR-971/3), but it is the stock
When not converting the size, the decision can be bushing on all VAR 32C reamer/facers sold by United
made by trial and error, or measurement. To make the Bicycle Tool Supply.
choice by trial and error, test install the headset pressed
races with proper technique and tools (see page 11-16). Incomplete reaming
If the headset pressed-races are unusually difficult to After completing the reaming and facing, it may
install, stop and remove them. Reaming is required. appear that the reaming was not completed because the
To determine if reaming is required by measure- reamer has not left a 360° cut. This is normal and hap-
ment, use the REAMER & PILOT SIZES table 4-2 pens because few head tubes are truly round; in fact, in
(page 4-5) to determine the correct reamer size, then the case of 360° of clean metal on the inside of the
take two inside diameter measurements of the head tube head tube, the reaming that has occurred may be exces-
(90° apart) and average the two measurements. If the sive.
average of the two measurements is less than the rec- Excessive reaming
ommended reamer size by .05mm or more, reaming is Even after using the correct reamer, the headset part
required. may end up fitting loose. This usually occurs when an
Titanium out-of-round head tube that did not actually need ream-
Titanium has completely different metallurgical char- ing has been reamed. The reamer removes metal at the
acteristics than steel or aluminum. It is necessary for the low points so that the average inside diameter is increased
reamer and facer to be designed in a dramatically differ- when it was not required. An out-of-round head tube
ent way to be suitable for reaming and facing titanium. will become round when the head-tube race is installed.
Once designed to be suitable for titanium, the reamer/ Out-of-round head tubes are not a problem. Avoid
facer will no longer be suitable for other materials. If excessive reaming by using the Park HTR-1 (with stock
special facers for titanium become available, whether pilots) or VAR 32C (with custom United Bicycle Tool
enough titanium frames will be encountered that need pilots) when facing an out-of-round head tube that has
reaming and facing is a significant question. an acceptable average inside diameter.

Aluminum Excessive reaming time

Aluminum is a perfectly suitable material for ream- Most head tubes have already been reamed to close
ing and facing, but presents some special concerns to the to the correct size before the mechanic ever sees them.
mechanic. The type of cutting oil used is critical. There are Using a reamer in one of these will be a very quick pro-
cutting oils made specifically for use on aluminum. Any cess. On the other hand, the reamer is sometimes used to
convert a head tube from a 29.8mm hole size to a 30.0mm

4 – 3
hole size. When using a reamer to make this conversion, form, full-width cut; the only reason to attempt to create a
instead of simply to improve an existing fit, expect ream- uniform, full-width cut is to improve the cosmetics. It may
ing to take 5–10 minutes extra. take several extra minutes of work to achieve a cosmeti-
cally-superior facing cut. If the appearance of the cut can
Facer interference with be substantially improved by working 1–2 extra minutes,
down tube fine; otherwise, leave the cut with a non-uniform width, as
Avoid certain combinations of large diameter facers long as it is a full 360°. See figure 4.2.
(suitable for bikes that use 1–1/4" headsets) with head
tubes that do not extend very far below the bottom side
of the down tube. This combination of wide facer and
short head tube may result in the facer cutting into the
down tube or down tube lug/joint. This will destroy a frame!
NOTE: When facing the bottom end of every head
tube, check that there is adequate clearance be- Narrow cut
tween the facer and the down tube or down
tube lug/joint.
Facing tool chatter
Facing tool chatter is the tendency of the facing tool
to bite and jump at rapid frequency. This tendency leaves
a series of radial lines in the face of the head tube. These
radial lines are a cosmetic flaw, not a mechanical flaw. To
some degree the chatter marks are preventable, but cir- Wide cut
cumstances outside the control of the mechanic make Narrow cut
make chatter marks unavoidable at times. Proper facing
technique can reduce the likelihood of chatter occuring,
but if the type and hardness of the head-tube material is
not compatible with the design of the facing tool, then
chatter cannot be prevented. In the facing procedures there
are detailed instructions of the technique that reduces the 4.2 As long as the facing cut is a full 360°, it does not matter if the cut is
narrow, or not a uniform width. Both the head-tube faces shown here are ac-
likelihood of chatter occuring. See figure 4.1 below. ceptably faced.

General tool care
Reaming and facing tools are very expensive and easily
damaged. Proper cutting technique is important to en-
sure good life, but that is not all. When storing reamers
and facers make, sure they are clean and coated with oil.
4.1 The radial lines in the face of this shell are the result of chatter. The cutting edges are easily chipped by light impact with
other metal objects, so handle them and store them in a
Uniform width of cut way that this will not happen. On hooks on a pegboard is
When facing a head tube, the objective is to complete a good way to store reaming and facing tools.
a cut that is a full 360° around the face of the head tube. When cleaning reaming and facing tools use a brush
Sometimes, once the 360° cut is achieved, the cut is not a and solvent. Blowing them clean with compressed air is
uniform width; in fact, the cut may be very narrow at points, not damaging to the cutters but is dangerous because of
and not near as wide as the head-tube face. There is a ten- flying metal debris. Coat the cutter with a light oil after
dency to conclude that more facing is needed when this cleaning and drying.
occurs. It is not a mechanical necessity to achieve a uni-

4 – 4

Reaming and facing HEAD-TUBE REAMING

chrome-plated head tubes
Using a reamer or facer on chrome-plated head tubes
will dull the tool quickly. Reaming and facing a chrome-
plated head tube is impossible because the facer fails to PROCEDURE
get a bite at normal pressure. With very high cutting pres- Head-tube reaming and facing can be done at the
sure reaming and facing the head tube can be done in same time with a single tool, or facing can be done with-
some cases, but it is strongly advised against. Try using a out reaming, depending on the tool used. It is theoreti-
file to remove chrome from the face of the head tube. cally possible to ream without facing, but pointless to do
so. Only one procedure is described here despite the
above-mentioned choices because the difference in the
REAMER AND PILOT required procedure for each choice is minimal. This pro-
SIZE REQUIREMENTS cedure is written on the assumption that reaming and fac-
The outside diameter of the inserted portion of the ing will be done at the same time. If facing is the only
headset race, which will be pressed into the head tube, procedure done (with a suitable brand of tool), simply
determines the correct size of reamer or pilot to use. If substitute the correct-size pilot for the correct-size reamer,
replacing the headset, be sure to measure the new head- and skip the procedure that says to apply cutting oil to
set. Do not measure the inside diameter of the head tube to deter- the reamer.
mine the reamer/pilot size. This measurement is only needed If the head tube being faced has clean raw metal
in order to determine whether to use a reamer or a pilot. showing on the face, it can be difficult to track facing
Measure the diameter of the inserted portion of the progress. In this case, use a material called machinist’s
race that will be pressed into the head tube (see figure dykem (available from a general tool supply or from a
4.3), find the range that includes this measurement in the machinist’s supply) to paint the head-tube face before
Race insert O.D. column of table 4-2 below, then look proceeding.
to the right in the Reamer size or Pilot size columns to All dimensions are in millimeters because these are
determine the correct size to use. the only units used by manufacturers.
All dimensions are in millimeters because these are 1. [ ] Use appropriate procedure/worksheet to re-
the only units used by manufacturers. move headset and fork.
2. [ ] Measure O.D. of inserted portion of race to
be pressed into head tube and record mea-
surement here: __________mm.

REAMER & PILOT SIZES (table 4-2)

RaceinsertO.D. Reamer size Pilotsize
29.95–30.10mm 29.8mm 29.75mm
30.15–30.30mm 30.0mm 29.95mm
32.65–32.80mm 32.5mm none available
33.95–34.10mm 33.8mm 33.75mm
36.95–37.10mm 36.8mm 36.75mm

4 – 5
Average ID =__________mm
Subtract reamer size –__________mm
Material removed by reamer
.9 .1
.8 5. Check one of following choices with regard to
.7 reaming:
.6 [ ] Step 4 final sum is > –.05mm, reaming is not
0 1 2 3 .5 required.
[ ] Step 4 final sum is £ –.05mm, reaming is re-
In the next step you make sure that the reamer/pilot
.1 0 .9 on the tool is the correct size and replace it if necessary.
Reamer/pilot dimensions cannot be seen when the reamer
or pilot is installed on the handle. Reamers cannot be mea-
sured to determine their dimension. Most bike shop have one
set of reamers/pilots. Often, the easiest way to deter-
mine which reamer/pilot is on the handle, is to look at the
markings on the reamers and pilots that are not on the handle.
Use a process of elimination to determine which size
must be on the handle.
4.3 Measure the O.D. of the inserted portion of the race in this way to 6. [ ] Check or install correct reamer/pilot on
determine the appropriate reamer/pilot size. reaming/facing tool.
7. [ ] Install reamer/facer into top end of head
Use the measurement you have just taken to deter- tube.
mine both the correct reamer and pilot sizes. Whether you In step #8, the tension device is assembled to the
will use a reamer or pilot is determined in step #5. tool shaft. Assembly is done differently on different brands
3. [ ] Look up appropriate reamer/pilot size in of tools.
REAMER & PILOT SIZES table (4-2) and Park HTR-1:
record correct sizes here: Depress the large black button on the base of the
_______mm reamer. one-piece tension device.
_______mm pilot. Slide the device all the way up the shaft and release
In the next step calculate whether reaming is neces- the button.
sary. If the reamer will remove material, then the sum of
the calculation will be a negative number (if that number
is between .00 and –.05mm then the amount of material
removed is insignificant). If the number is equal to or
greater than .00mm, then no material will be removed by
the reamer. If the number is –.05 or less, then a signifi-
cant amount of material will be removed by the reamer.
4. Calculate material reamer will remove:
Head tube ID #1 __________mm
Head tube ID #2 +__________mm
Total of ID#1 + ID#2 =__________mm
Divide total by 2 ÷2

4 – 6

Head tube
Head tube

Conical pilot
Conical pilot

Black button

S lip nut

4.4 Tension device for the Park HTR-1.

VAR 32C:
Slide the conical pilot up the shaft into the head
Slide the spring onto the shaft.
Rotate the slip nut so that the internal prong lines 4.5 Tension device for the VAR 32C.
up with the vertical slot in the shaft and slide the
slip nut onto the shaft. Campagnolo 733 & Bicycle Research HT:
Rotate the slip nut so that the internal prong en- Slide the conical pilot up the shaft into the head
gages a horizontal slot in the shaft. tube.
Slide the spring onto the shaft.
Campagnolo only: slip the lockwasher onto the
Both: thread the tension nut onto the shaft.

4 – 7
In step #10 generous amounts of cutting oil should
be applied to the reamer. This is most easily done by
rotating the frame so that the head tube is parallel to the
floor. The addition of cutting oil improves the ease and
quality of the cut and preserves the sharpness of the tool.
10. [ ] Apply generous amounts of cutting oil to
Whenever turning a reamer/facer, remember to al-
ways turn the tool clockwise, otherwise the tool will dull
11. [ ] Turn reamer/facer handle clockwise several
turns, then check whether conical pilot is
still secure (if not, tighten tension device).
12. [ ] Add more cutting oil to reamer and repeat
steps 10–12 until facer is in contact with end
of head tube.
13. [ ] Apply generous amounts of appropriate
type of cutting oil to facer.
14. [ ] Turn reamer/facer clockwise several turns.
In the next step, inspect the facing progress. A par-
tially faced head tube will have freshly cut metal only for
a portion of the 360° face. It is of no concern whether
the width of the cut is uniform, only whether there is
freshly cut metal for a full 360°. If it is not a full circle,
continue on to step #16.


50% faced

4.6 Tension device(s) for Campagnolo 733 and Bicycle Research HT mod- Faced

8. [ ] Assemble conical pilot and tension device

to end of reamer/facer tool.
When adjusting spring tension on a reamer/facer tool,
it is important to not have too much or too little tension.
If there is not enough tension, the conical pilot will be
loose and jiggling in the head tube and a sloppy cutting 100% faced
job will be done. If there is excessive tension, then too
much cutting will happen at once, resulting in greater heat,
a rougher cut, and more wear and tear on the cutters.
9. [ ] Adjust spring tension to be just tight
enough to keep conical pilot from moving
when jiggled. 4.7 The cut needs to be a full 360° to be complete.
NOTE: If using a pilot and not a reamer, skip to step
13. 15. [ ] Loosen tension device, then pull facer
away from head tube and check progress of
16. [ ] If more facing is needed, repeat steps 13–16.
Under the pressure needed to cut metal, the facer
can leave burrs when it stops. The next step is to spin
the facer one more revolution under very light pressure
4 – 8 to knock off any burrs. The brand of tool being used
determines the appropriate technique for burr removal.
This chapter is about a milling procedure (called fac-
ing) that is done to bottom-bracket shells. Facing the bot-
Symptoms indicating need
tom-bracket shell improves the alignment of the bearing of facing
parts that are installed in the bottom-bracket shell. Im- There is only one symptom that indicates the need
proving the alignment of the bearing parts improves the for facing the bottom-bracket shell. When attempting to
quality of the adjustment and the longevity of the parts. adjust a high-quality adjustable-cup bottom bracket with
After the GENERAL INFORMATION section, there new parts, the spindle feels smooth through a portion of
are separate sections for using three different types of its rotation and tight in another portion of its rotation.
bottom-bracket shell facing tool systems. These sections This is called a tight/loose pattern. The tight/loose pat-
are: tern can also be caused by conditions other than a bot-
PARK BTS-1 FACING PROCEDURE tom-bracket shell that needs facing, such as: low preci-
MODIFIED VAR 3802/2/C FACING PRO- sion parts, worn out parts, bent spindles, and cross-
CEDURE threaded cups. Under these conditions, the tight/loose
PARK BFS-1 & CAMPAGNOLO 725 pattern is due to poor quality of manufacturing, not abuse
FACING or wear.
PROCEDURE Other reasons for facing
the bottom-bracket shell
When tapping a bottom-bracket shell (particularly
with a Park BTS-1) it is a simple matter to go a step
GENERAL further and face the bottom bracket as well. This is
INFORMATION cheap insurance to enable easy adjustment of the bot-
tom bracket and maximize the longevity of bottom-
bracket parts. For this reason, some shops will rou-
TERMINOLOGY tinely tap and face bottom-bracket shells on high-end
Facing: To cut the end of a cylinder (the bottom- bikes.
bracket shell in this case) so that it is flat and precisely In the case that a shop sells bare framesets, it is a
perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. good marketing technique to face them before putting
Facer: The cutter that is used to do facing. The facer them out for display. Knowledgeable customers will look
may also be called a facing mill. for whether facing has been done to evaluate whether
Bottom-bracket shell: The part of the frame that the frame has been properly prepped for assembly.
houses the bearings that the crank arms rotate around.
Pilot: A part of a bottom-bracket facer that is used
Cartridge-bearing bottom
to align the facer so that it will cut precisely perpendicular brackets
to the axis of the bottom-bracket-shell threads. The pilot When a cartridge-bearing bottom bracket has bear-
consists of the pilot shaft and the pilot hole. ings mounted in cups with flanges or lockrings that bear
against the ends of the bottom-bracket shell, facing the
bottom-bracket shell is just as important as with cup and
cone type bottom brackets.
Some cartridge-bearing bottom brackets are an en-
closed unit. The bearings and spindle are inseparable, and
the bearings are inside a cylinder. This type might be held
in the bottom-bracket shell by two mounting rings, or
one end of the unit might be threaded, and the other end
is secured by a separate mounting ring. With this enclosed-

3 – 1
unit type of cartridge-bearing bottom bracket, an out-of- Aluminum
face shell will not affect the bearing and spindle align- Aluminum is a perfectly suitable material for facing,
ment. If this is the case, then there is no value to facing but presents some special concerns to the mechanic. The
the bottom-bracket shell. type of cutting oil used is critical. There are cutting oils made
specifically for use on aluminum. Any cutting oil that is
TOOL CHOICES suitable will specify for use on aluminum on the container.
The thread type of the bottom-bracket shell is what Words like “all-purpose” and “multi-purpose” should not
determines what tool you will need. The following list be interpreted to mean including aluminum.
(table 3-1, below) covers all tools for the job. The pre- Chrome plating
ferred choices are in bold. A tool is preferred because Chrome-plated bottom brackets cannot be faced un-
of a balance among: ease of use, quality, versatility, and less the chrome is first removed, a potentially difficult
economy. procedure. A file or grinding stone can be used for chrome
TIME AND DIFFICULTY Failure of Campagnolo
Facing a bottom bracket is a job of little difficulty. threaded inserts
With tapping already done it should take an additional
10–15 minutes.
to install fully
Campagnolo threaded inserts are the female pilot of
the facing tool. Their design creates several problems.
COMPLICATIONS These threaded inserts must be installed so that they are
completely inside the bottom-bracket shell. The insertion
Titanium of threaded inserts requires at least 17mm of thread length
Titanium has completely different metallurgical char- on both sides of the bottom-bracket shell, whereas few
acteristics than steel or aluminum. It is necessary for a cups require more than 13mm of thread depth; conse-
facer to be designed in a dramatically different way to be quently, many bottom-bracket shells do not have enough
suitable for facing titanium. Once designed to be suitable thread length to use the Campagnolo 725 facing tool.
for titanium, a facing tool will no longer be suitable for Adding threads is a difficult procedure and hard on the
other materials. Special facers for titanium are not avail- taps.
able at the time of this writing; if they do ever become The threaded inserts are also very fat and interfere
available, whether enough titanium frames will be encoun- with anything that protrudes into the bottom-bracket shell,
tered that need facing is a significant question. such as fasteners for bottom-bracket cable guides and
excess tubing length on lugged frames.


Tool Fits and considerations
Campagnolo 725 Piloted handles w/ 1.37" × 24tpi BSC/ISO inserts, very expensive.
Campagnolo 724I Italian 36mm × 24tpi inserts for 725.
Campagnolo 724F French 35mm × 1mm inserts for 725.
Campagnolo 730 Spanners used for installing 725 inserts.
Park BFS-1 Heavy duty facing tool made for frame manufacturers to shorten shells (can be
used with its own BSC threaded guides or any Park taps as guides).
Park BTS-1 Same tool as bottom-bracket tap, faces 1.37" × 24tpi shells, excellent quality
and convenience.
Park 693 36mm × 24tpi taps needed to use BTS-1 to face Italian shells.
Park 694 35mm × 1mm taps needed to use BTS-1 to face French shells.
VAR 380/2/C Same as tap set, can be modified to use as a facer with addition of VAR 37DL2
and United Bicycle Tool 37B.
VAR 37DL2 Used with VAR 380/2/C tap set to convert to a facer.
United Bicycle Tool Used with VAR 380/2/C tap set to convert to a facer.
VAR 380/3/C Facer set uses unthreaded pilots, low precision.

3 – 2

Facing-tool chatter
Facing-tool chatter is the tendency of the facing tool
to bite and jump at rapid frequency. This tendency leaves
a series of radial lines in the face of the bottom-bracket
shell. These radial lines are a cosmetic flaw, not a me-
chanical flaw. To some degree the chatter marks are pre-
ventable, but circumstances outside the control of the
mechanic make make chatter marks unavoidable at times. Narrow cut
Proper facing techinque can reduce the likelihood of chat-
ter occuring, but if the type and hardness of the bottom-
bracket shell material is not compatible with the design
of the facing tool, then chatter cannot be prevented. In
the facing procedures there are detailed instructions of
the technique that reduces the likelihood of chatter
occuring. See figure 3.1 below.

Wide cut

Narrow cut

3.2 As long as the facing cut is a full 360°, it does not matter if the cut is
narrow, or not a uniform width. Both the shell faces shown here are acceptably

3.1 The radial lines in the face of this shell are the result of chatter. Uniform width of cut
When facing a bottom-bracket shell, the objective is
to complete a cut that is a full 360° around the face of the
shell. Sometimes, once the 360° cut is achieved, the cut is
not a uniform width; in fact, the cut may be very narrow
at points, and not near as wide as the shell face. There is a
tendency to conclude that more facing is needed when
this occurs. It is not a mechanical necessity to achieve a
uniform, full-width cut; the only reason to attempt to cre-
ate a uniform, full-width cut is to improve the cosmetics.
It may take several extra minutes of work to achieve a
cosmetically-superior facing cut. If the appearance of the
cut can be substantially improved by working 1–2 extra
minutes, fine; otherwise, leave the cut with a non-uni-
form width, as long as it is a full 360°. See figure 3.2 (be-
low and in left column).

3 – 3
Park BTS-1 tap handles are not retained in the taps
CARE OF FACING TOOLS by a threaded device, but by internal spring clips. Just pull
Facing tools are very expensive and easily damaged.
out firmly on a handle and it will leave the tap behind.
Proper cutting technique is important to get good life
3. [ ] Withdraw one tap handle.
from them, but that is not all. When storing facers, make 4. [ ] Place facer on withdrawn handle and insert
sure they are clean and coated with oil. The cutting edges handle back into taps.
are easily chipped by light impact with other metal ob-
jects, so handle and store them in a way that this kind of
accidental contact will not happen. On hooks on a peg- Pilot s haft
board is a good way to store facing tools. Bottom-bracket shell
When cleaning facing tools use a brush and solvent.
Blowing them clean with compressed air is not damaging
Facing mill
to the facer but is dangerous. Coat the cutter with a light
oil after cleaning and drying.
Using a facer on chrome-plated bottom-bracket shells T aps
will dull it quickly, and is almost impossible to do. The
facer will fail to get a bite on a chrome-plated bottom-
bracket shell at normal pressure. In some cases a chrome- 3.3 Cut-away view of a bottom-bracket shell with a Park BTS-1 facing tool
plated bottom-bracket shell can be faced by using very in place.
high cutting pressure, but facing chrome-plated bottom-
bracket shells is strongly advised against; tool damage is likely! Cutting oil needs to be added in the next step to as-
sure the ease and quality of the cut, as well as to preserve
the sharpness of the tool.
5. [ ] Add generous amount of appropriate type
PARK BTS-1 of cutting oil to facer teeth.
A very important part of the remaining steps is that
FACING PROCEDURE the facer should be turned clockwise only. Unlike taps, the
design of facer teeth causes them to dull easily if rotated
If the shell face is clean raw metal, it can be difficult
to track facing progress. In this case, use a material called counterclockwise.
machinist’s dykem (available from general tool supply It is also important to use correct pressure and speed,
stores or machinist’s supply stores) to paint the shell face as little pressure is required to get a sharp tool to cut.
before proceeding. Handle dykem carefully, as it can stain Pressing in with one hand at the center of the tool is
almost anything. generally enough pressure. There is very little leverage
1. [ ] Complete BOTTOM-BRACKET-TAPPING PRO- needed to face, so there is no reason to turn the handles
CEDURE (page 2-3) through step 13 before pro- with both hands. A slow steady speed should be adequate.
ceeding. Fine modulations of the cutting pressure and slower
The Park BTS-1 uses the taps as the pilot hole for cutting speed should be used to prevent or reduce a phe-
the pilot shaft of the facing tool. If the taps are left pro- nomenon called chatter. Chatter is the tendency of the tool
truding from the ends of the shell then the facer will cut to bite and jump at a rapid frequency, resulting in a chat-
against them instead of against the end of the shell. The tering feeling and noise from the tool as it cuts. For every
taps have a very short length, so it is unlikely once the metal there is an optimum pressure; try reducing or in-
taps are all the way into the existing thread that they will creasing the pressure to eliminate chatter. If chattering
need to go in further to be recessed in the shell. occurs it will leave a series of radial lines in the face of
2. [ ] If either or both taps are protruding from
end of shell, continue tapping procedure
until each tap is recessed in end of shell.

3 – 4
the bottom-bracket shell, which is a cosmetic flaw, not a
mechanical one (see figure 3.1). Chatter cannot always be
prevented, but it can be minimized by modulating the
cutting pressure and speed. In addition to pressure and
speed being factors, the design of the facer teeth has to Unfaced
be suitable to the particular hardness of metal being cut.
When the design of the facer teeth is too aggressive for
50% faced
the hardness of the metal being cut, then some chatter is
inevitable and must be lived with.
6. [ ] Rotate facer clockwise only at moderate Faced
pressure and speed for approximately four
full revolutions.
In the next step, the progress of the facing is in-
spected. A partially faced bottom bracket will have freshly
cut metal only for a portion of the 360° shell face. It is no
concern whether the width of the cut is uniform, only
whether there is freshly cut metal for a full 360°. If it is
not a full circle, proceed to step #8.
7. [ ] Pull facer away from end of shell and in-
100% faced
spect progress of cut.

3.4 The cut needs to be a full 360° to be complete. Uniform width of cut is

8. [ ] If more facing is needed, repeat steps 5–7.

Under the pressure needed to cut metal, the facer
can leave burrs when it stops. The next step is to spin the
facer one more revolution under very light pressure to
knock off any burrs.
9. [ ] When first side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
light pressure.
10. [ ] Pull both handles out and reinstall each
handle on opposite side.
11. [ ] Repeat steps 5–8 for second side until sec-
ond side is adequately faced.
12. [ ] When second side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
light pressure.

3 – 5
13. [ ] Remove handle that has facer mounted and with the reduced diameter goes against the facer. If the spacer is
remove facer. put on backwards then the retaining nut will not engage
14. [ ] Put handle back into taps and shell. the handle thread fully.
15. [ ] Turn both tap handles until taps are almost 4. [ ] Place 37DL2 facer and spacer on withdrawn
fully out and are evenly protruding from handle, secure retaining nut, and insert
shell. handle back into remaining tap and handle
16. [ ] Rotate both handles simultaneously already in shell.
enough to be sure that both taps are fully
unthreaded, then withdraw both taps at
same time. T ap
17. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket threads with tooth- Pilot s haft
Bottom-bracket shell
brush and solvent.
18. [ ] Clean outside of bottom-bracket shell and Handle
rest of frame as necessary. Facing mill
19. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket taps and facer.
20. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to 37B s pacer
install bottom bracket and crank arms as Retention nuts
3.5 Cut-away view of a bottom-bracket shell with a modified VAR 380/2/
C facing tool in place.

MODIFIED VAR 380/ Cutting oil needs to be added in the next step to as-
sure the ease and quality of the cut, as well as to preserve
2/C FACING the sharpness of the tool.
PROCEDURE 5. [ ] Add generous amount of appropriate type
of cutting oil to facer teeth.
The VAR 380/2/C piloted bottom-bracket taps can A very important part of the remaining steps is that
be converted into an economical and effective facing tool. the facer should be turned clockwise only. Unlike taps, the
One handle is converted into a facing tool, while the other design of facer teeth causes them to dull easily if rotated
tap handle and tap is left inside the bottom-bracket shell counterclockwise.
to act as a pilot mechanism. The conversion requires a It is also important to use correct pressure and speed,
VAR 37DL2 facer and a spacer made and sold by United as little pressure is required to get a sharp tool to cut.
Bicycle Tool called the 37B. The spacer is needed because Pressing in with one hand at the center of the tool is
the 37DL2 is shorter than the tap that is being replaced generally enough pressure. There is very little leverage
when modifying. needed to face, so there is no reason to turn the handles
If the shell face is clean raw metal, it can be difficult with both hands. A slow steady speed should be adequate.
to track facing progress. In this case, use a material called Fine modulations of the cutting pressure and lower
machinist’s dykem (available from general tool supply cutting speed should be used to prevent or reduce a phe-
stores or machinist’s supply stores) to paint the shell face nomenon called chatter. Chatter is the tendency of the tool
before proceeding. Handle dykem carefully, as it can stain to bite and jump at a rapid frequency, resulting in a chat-
almost anything. tering feeling and noise from the tool as it cuts. For every
1. [ ] Complete BOTTOM-BRACKET-TAPPING PRO- metal there is an optimum pressure; try reducing or in-
CEDURE (page 2-3) through step 13 before pro-
creasing the pressure to eliminate chatter. If chattering
2. [ ] Unthread one tap and handle from the shell.
occurs it will leave a series of radial lines in the face of
3. [ ] Unthread retaining nut from handle and re- the bottom-bracket shell, which is a cosmetic flaw, not a
move tap from handle. mechanical one (see figure 3.1). Chatter cannot always be
To convert the tap handle to a facer the tap is re- prevented, but it can be minimized by modulating the
moved, the facer is installed, a spacer is installed, and the cutting pressure and speed. In addition to pressure and
retaining nut is installed. In some cases the peg on the tap speed being factors, the design of the facer teeth has to
handle is too long to fit in the hole in the backside of the be suitable to the particular hardness of metal being cut.
facer and needs to be filed shorter. This has no effect on
using the handle for a tap later. The spacer is not sym-
metrical and must be installed correctly. The end of the spacer

3 – 6
When the design of the facer teeth is too aggressive for In the next two steps the handle that was used as a
the hardness of the metal being cut, then some chatter is facer is converted back into a tap and installed in the bot-
inevitable and must be lived with. tom-bracket shell before the other tap is removed. This pre-
6. [ ] Rotate facer clockwise only at moderate vents a tap from cross-threading on the way out due to
pressure and speed for approximately four lack of piloting.
full revolutions. 11. [ ] Install and secure tap back on handle.
In the next step, the progress of the facing is in- 12. [ ] Thread tap back into shell fully.
spected. A partially faced bottom bracket will have 13. [ ] Remove other tap and handle from shell.
freshly cut metal only for a portion of the 360° shell 14. [ ] Convert removed handle into facer, same as
face. It is no concern whether the width of the cut is in step 4.
uniform, only whether there is freshly cut metal for a 15. [ ] Repeat steps 5–8 for second side until sec-
full 360°. If it is not a full circle, proceed on to step ond side is adequately faced.
16. [ ] When second side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
7. [ ] Pull facer away from end of shell and in-
light pressure.
spect progress of cut.
17. [ ] Remove handle that has facer mounted and
remove facer.
In the next two steps the facer is converted back to a
tap and put back in the shell before the other tap is removed
from the shell. This prevents a tap from cross-threading on
the way out due to lack of piloting.
Unfaced 18. [ ] Convert handle that was facer back to a tap.
19. [ ] Thread tap 1–2 full turns into shell.
50% faced
20. [ ] Back other tap out of shell until both taps
are equally outside of shell.
21. [ ] Rotate both handles simultaneously enough
Faced to be sure that both taps are fully unthreaded,
then withdraw both taps at same time.
22. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket threads with tooth-
brush and solvent.
23. [ ] Clean outside of bottom-bracket shell and
rest of frame as necessary.
24. [ ] Clean bottom-bracket taps and facer.
25. [ ] Use appropriate procedures/worksheets to
install bottom bracket and crank arms as
100% faced


3.6 The cut needs to be a full 360° to be complete. Uniform width of cut is
The Park BFS-1 and Campagnolo 725 facers are iden-
8. [ ] If more facing is needed, repeat steps 5–8. tical tools except for one thing: the Park BFS-1 utilizes
Under the pressure needed to cut metal, the facer the taps as guides, and the Campagnolo 725 uses special
can leave burrs when it stops. The next step is to spin the threaded guides that are not taps. The difference in use is
facer one more revolution under very light pressure to that when using Park BTS-1 taps to tap the bottom-
knock off any burrs.
9. [ ] When first side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
light pressure.
10. [ ] Remove handle with facer and remove re-
taining nut, spacer, and facer.

3 – 7
bracket-shell threads, the taps are left in the shell to pro- Fine modulations of the cutting pressure and lower
vide the pilot hole. Installing and removing the threaded cutting speed should be used to prevent or reduce a phe-
guides that the Campagnolo 725 uses is an additional step. nomenon called chatter. Chatter is the tendency of the tool
If the shell face has clean raw metal, it can be diffi- to bite and jump at a rapid frequency, resulting in a chat-
cult to track facing progress. In this case, use a material tering feeling and noise from the tool as it cuts. For every
called machinist’s dykem (available from general tool sup- metal there is an optimum pressure; try reducing or in-
ply stores or machinist’s supply stores) to paint the shell creasing the pressure to eliminate chatter. If chattering
face before proceeding. Handle dykem carefully, as it can occurs it will leave a series of radial lines in the face of
stain almost anything. the bottom-bracket shell, which is a cosmetic flaw, not a
1. [ ] If using Park BTS-1 for tapping, complete mechanical one (see figure 3.1). Chatter cannot always be
BOTTOM-BRACKET-TAPPING PROCEDURE prevented, but it can be minimized by modulating the
(page 2-3) through step 13 before proceed- cutting pressure and speed. In addition to pressure and
ing; otherwise, complete the entire tapping speed being factors, the design of the facer teeth has to
be suitable to the particular hardness of metal being cut.
2. [ ] Thread appropriate thread guides into shell
until both are recessed into shell and se-
When the design of the facer teeth is too aggressive for
curely fixed. the hardness of the metal being cut, then some chatter is
3. [ ] If either or both guides are protruding from inevitable and must be lived with.
end of shell remove guides and continue It is difficult to modulate the pressure responsively
tapping procedure until each guide is able when using these tools’ tensioning device. Hand pressure
to recess in end of shell. should be adequate unless the facer is dull.
4. [ ] Insert facer in either side and assemble ten- 6. [ ] Rotate facer clockwise only at moderate
sion device (large pressure washer, small pressure and speed for approximately four
lockwasher, spring, and tension nut) if de- full revolutions.
sired. In the next step, the progress of the facing is in-
spected. A partially faced bottom bracket will have freshly
cut metal only for a portion of the 360° shell face. It is no
Pilot s haft concern whether the width of the cut is uniform, only
Bottom-bracket s hell
whether there is freshly cut metal for a full 360°. If the
Handle cut metal is not a full circle, proceed to step #8.
Facing mill

T hreaded guides

3.7 Cut-away view of a bottom-bracket shell with a Campagnolo 725 facer in


Cutting oil needs to be added in the next step to im-

prove the ease and quality of the cut, as well as to pre-
serve the sharpness of the tool.
5. [ ] Add generous amount of appropriate type
of cutting oil to facer teeth.
A very important part of the remaining steps is that
the facer should be turned clockwise only. Unlike taps, the
design of facer teeth causes them to dull easily if rotated
It is also important to use correct pressure and speed,
as little pressure is required to get a sharp tool to cut.
Pressing in with one hand at the center of the tool is
generally enough pressure. There is very little leverage
needed to face, so there is no reason to turn the handles
with both hands. A slow steady speed should be adequate.

3 – 8


50% faced


100% faced

3.8 The cut needs to be a full 360° to be complete. Uniform width of cut is

If the tension device is engaged and not set too tightly,

it should be possible to pull the facer away from the shell
without un-setting the tension. If the tension device is
not being used, then just slide the facer out of the shell to
inspect the cutting progress.
7. [ ] Pull facer away from end of shell and in-
spect progress of cut.
8. [ ] If more facing is needed, repeat steps 5–8.
Under the pressure needed to cut metal, the facer
can leave burrs when it stops. The next step is to spin the
facer one more revolution under very light pressure to
knock off any burrs.
9. [ ] When first side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
light pressure.
10. [ ] Remove tension device (if used) and pull
facer out of pilot hole.
11. [ ] Repeat steps 5–8 for second side until sec-
ond side is adequately faced.
12. [ ] When second side is adequately faced, use
facer for one more revolution under very
light pressure.
13. [ ] Remove tension device (if used) and pull
facer out of pilot hole.
There are two choices in the next step. Choosing the
correct one determines which of the following steps need
to be done. The choice is based on whether the pilot sys-
tem being used up to this point had threaded guides, or
whether the Park BTS-1 taps were left in place after tap- 3 – 9

3 – 10

ABOUT THIS CHAPTER Rear shock: The spring and/or damper unit that
provides suspension to a pivoting structure attached
This chapter is about suspension forks and shock
to the rear of a frame.
units used on suspension frames. After some general
Air/oil suspension: A suspension system that uses
information, there are sections for the following spe-
an air spring and oil for damping.
cific types of equipment.
Elastomer/oil suspension: A suspension system
that uses an elastomer spring and oil for damping.
Spring/oil suspension: A suspension system that
uses a metal coil spring and oil for damping.
Damping: A function that modifies the rate of
suspension compression or rebound.
Oil damping: A system that uses the resistance to
oil flow through holes in a valve to provide a means to
alter the rate of suspension compression or rebound.
Friction damping: A system that uses the resis-
tance of friction caused by bushings, seals, elastomers,
and friction rings to provide a means to alter the rate
of suspension compression or rebound.
Compression damping: Restriction of the rate
that the suspension compresses under load.
Rebound damping: Restriction of the rate that
the suspension rebounds when load is relieved.
Compression: The phase of the suspension op-
eration in which the wheel travels up, or travels closer,
to the frame.
Rebound: The phase of the suspension operation
in which the wheel returns to its original position,
Each of the listed sections includes complete infor-
following completion of the compression phase. When
mation on service procedures and tuning considerations.
a suspension rebounds, it is extending its length.
The GENERAL INFORMATION section that begins this chap-
Travel: The amount that the wheel moves be-
ter covers generic terminology, prerequisites, indications,
tween the most compressed and most extended states
tool choices, time and difficulty ratings for suspension
of the suspension.
service, and complications that may occur. The final
Stanchion tube: The suspension-fork tube fixed
section in the chapter is TUNING DATA REPORT, presented
to the fork crown. It remains stationary during the
in a generic format for reporting to the customer the
operation of the suspension. The comparable part on
“before and after” conditions of the suspension.
rear suspensions is the piston.
Piston: The part of a rear-suspension spring/
damper that slides back and forth inside the main body
GENERAL INFORMATION of the suspension unit. In most cases, the comparable
part on a suspension fork is the stanchion tube.
Slider: The tube of a suspension fork that remains
TERMINOLOGY fixed to the wheel. It slides up and down on the stan-
Suspension: A device that permits a wheel to travel chion as the suspension operates. The comparable part
up and down independently of the rest of the bicycle. on a rear shock is the cylinder.
Suspension fork: A bicycle fork that incorporates Cylinder: The part of a rear shock in which the
a suspension device. piston slides. It may also be called shock body.

38 – 1
Fork crown: The component that joins the stan- Valve: A mechanism that controls the flow of oil
chion tubes to the fork column. between a stanchion and slider, or between a piston
Stanchion clamp: The portion of the fork crown and cylinder.
that clamps around the top of the stanchion tube. Hydraulic oil: A fluid that is used in some sus-
Slider brace: An arch that joins the two sliders pension designs to provide damping. It is usual a min-
together. It may also serve as a mount for the cable- eral oil with special characteristics that determine how
housing stop for the front brake. It is sometimes called it reacts when exposed to compressed air, how it
a brake arch, or fork brace. changes viscosity when its temperature changes, and
Pivot stud: The stud on which the brake caliper how it moves through valves.
arm (usually a cantilever brake) is mounted to. Pivot Oil weight: A description of the relative viscosity
studs are mounted to the slider, and often help retain of an oil, such as hydraulic oil. Oils with low weight
the slider brace. numbers (5w or 10w) flow through valves with less
Dropout: The end of the slider where the wheel resistance; oils with high weight numbers (15w or 20w)
attaches. flow through valves with more resistance.
Elastomer spring: A spring made from a rubber- Viscosity: A description of how a liquid flows.
like substance; when an elastomer spring is compressed, Liquids with high viscosity are thicker and flow less
it tends to return to its original length vigorously. Elas- easily or quickly than liquids with low viscosity.
tomers have some potential to provide damping by con- Bushing: A cylindrical sleeve that acts as a bearing.
verting dynamic energy to heat energy as they heat up Seal: A stiff neoprene-rubber ring sometimes re-
from repeated compression. Elastomer spring will of- inforced with a metal washer that fits tightly between
ten be shortened to elastomer. two components in order to prevent escape of oil or
MCU elastomer: This stands for micro-cellular air pressure.
urethane elastomer. Micro-cellular urethane is full of O-ring: A soft, flexible neoprene-rubber ring
tiny air cells that act like springs when the elastomer with a round cross-section, that is used for sealing
is compressed. and retention.
Durometer: A method of describing the firm- Wiper seal: A neoprene-rubber seal that keeps dirt
ness of an elastomer spring. High-durometer elas- out, but is not designed to keep in oil or air pressure.
tomers are stiffer. Dust boot: A soft, flexible sleeve (usually with an
Bumper: An other word for an elastomer spring. accordion-like shape) that covers the portion of the
Pre-load: A condition of compressing an elastomer stanchion tube that goes in and out of the slider. Dust
before the operating loads are put on the suspension, boot may be shortened to boot.
so that it provides a stiffer spring rate. Internal snap-ring: A metal ring with a gap that
Spring rate: The rate at which the resistance of a allows compression. The outer perimeter of the ring
spring increases as it is compressed. is a smooth circle, and the ends have two tabs (on the
Top-out bumper: A rubber or elastomer device inner perimeter) with holes that are engaged by a
that absorbs the small shock that occurs when the load snap-ring plier for purposes of removing and install-
is taken off a suspension so that it is allowed to re- ing the ring. Internal snap-rings sit in grooves on the
bound to its limit (also called rebound bumper). inside of cylinders.
Bottom-out bumper: A rubber or elastomer de- External snap-ring: A metal ring with a gap in
vice that absorbs the shock that occurs when a sus- it that allows expansion; the inner perimeter of the
pension is compressed to its limit. ring is a smooth circle, and the ends have two tabs
Stiction: The tendency of parts that slide against (on the outer perimeter) with holes that are engaged
each other to remain stuck together until adequate force by snap-ring pliers for purposes of removing and in-
is expended to cause them to begin moving in relation stalling the ring. Internal snap-rings sit in grooves on
to each other. the outside of cylinders.
Air spring: An enclosed body of air that shrinks C-clip: A metal ring with a wide gap that allows
in volume as the suspension is compressed. This re- expansion; the outer perimeter of the ring is a smooth
duction in size acts like a spring, because the air has a circle, and the ends have two tabs (on the inner perim-
tendency to try to return to its original volume. eter) that engage the groove in which the C-clip sits.
C-clips sit in grooves on the outside of cylinders. C-
clips are unlike external snap-rings in that they push

38 – 2
on and off the side of the cylinder on which they are Bushing maintenance
mounted. External snap-rings are expanded by a tool Bushings are the bearings between a fork stanchion
called a snap-ring plier so that they can be slipped on tube and a fork slider. When bushings wear they should
and off the end of the cylinder. be replaced. Worn bushings cause slop between the
E-clip: Like a c-clip, but with a third tab on the stanchion and slider, and cause stiction by allowing
inner perimeter directly opposite the gap in the clip. the stanchion to misalign with the slider when the fork
Circlip: Like an internal snap-ring, but with no is fully extended.
holes for a snap-ring plier to engage. The end of the
ring needs to be deflected radially towards the center, Dirt and lubrication maintenance
so that it can be pried out of its slot. Dirt contaminates a suspension as the stanchion
Détente: An indentation that causes a rotating or piston goes in or out of the slider or cylinder. Dirt
adjuster to stop at fixed increments. It usually oper- increases wear and friction, so suspensions should be
ates by means of a spring-loaded ball bearing press- cleaned periodically. Greases are used to reduce fric-
ing into the détente. tion and enhance seals. Eventually, however, grease dis-
solves and breaks down. Periodic regreasing of bush-
ings, elastomers, and seals improves durability, main-
PREREQUISITES tains seal integrity, and reduces stiction.
For oil change for an air/oil fork Symptoms indicating
There are no prerequisites for performing an oil need of seal replacement
change in most air/oil-suspension forks except wheel If an air/oil system fails to hold air pressure for a
removal and installation. reasonable time, or leaks oil at the seal, then seal re-
For suspension-fork overhaul placement is needed.
Wheel removal and brake service are always re- Symptoms indicating
quired. It is optional, but recommended, to remove
the fork from the frame, which requires headset over-
need of bushing replacement
If the bike exhibits symptoms of a loose headset
haul and stem removal and installation.
(but the headset is not loose), then the bushings be-
For service of rear shocks tween the stanchions and sliders in the fork are prob-
There are usually no prerequisites for any type of ably worn out. Clunking sounds when hitting
service that can be performed on a rear-suspension bumps, or applying the brake, knocking sensations,
spring/damper. or a feeling of sloppiness in the handling all may
indicate worn bushings.
INDICATIONS Symptoms indicating
Oil maintenance need of general overhaul
Suspension systems that use oil for damping pur- In addition to the presence of symptoms indicat-
poses need periodic oil changes. Oil breaks down and ing need for seal or bushing replacement, problems
becomes contaminated. Performance and durability with excess stiction or failure of the suspension mecha-
can be improved by periodic oil changes. Oil systems nism to compress or rebound properly, indicate that
are temperature-range sensitive, so it may be necessary the suspension should be fully serviced.
to put in lighter-weight oils for cold weather, and
heavier-weight oils for hot weather. TIME AND DIFFICULTY
Air pressure maintenance An oil change on an air/oil fork is a 15 minute job
Air/oil systems can bleed air slowly even when the of little difficulty. A complete service of an air/oil fork
seals have not lost their integrity. Periodic pressuriza- is a 50 minute job of moderate difficulty. A complete
tion is needed, but probably not as often as for a tire. service of an air/oil rear shock is a 25–35 minute job
of moderate difficulty. A complete service of an elas-
Seal maintenance tomer fork is a 15–20 minute job of little difficulty.
Seals wear out and periodically need replacement. If
seals are not maintained, then they may fail and cause air
pressure loss or oil loss in and air/oil-suspension system.

38 – 3

Table 38-1 is a list of all the suspension-specific tools required to perform all of procedures in this chapter.
If a tool’s use is limited to a specific brand or model, it is indicated in the Fits and considerations column.


Tool Fits and considerations
RockShox 70100 Kit for servicing many RockShox models, and useful in many applications for
non-RockShox suspensions (includes: stanchion-clamping blocks #70101, seal
and bushing installer #70103, seal and bushing puller #70113, valve-body tool
#70105, and dropout vise blocks #70107)
RockShox 70106 Bushing-removal tool for Quadra 5, 21, and 21R
RockShox 70108 Bushing-installation tool for Quadra 5, 21, and 21R
RockShox 70113 Friction-ring installer for original (1993) Quadra
RockShox 70118 Bushing-removal tool for Judy fork
RockShox 70119 Bushing-installation tool for Judy fork
RockShox 70142 Judy damper-cartridge-service tool kit
RockShox 70165 Kit for servicing Deluxe and Super Deluxe rear shocks
RockShox 59309 Pump required for pressurizing Deluxe and Super Deluxe rear shocks
Risse bullet tool For installing seal head on Risse Genesis and Elroy rear shocks
12mm Allen wrench For Marzocchi Zokes fork
United Bicycle Tool Needle-type pump with 60psi capacity, bleeder valve, and gauge for
RS-109 pressurizing Rock Shox air/oil systems
United Bicycle Tool Needle-type pump with 300psi capacity, bleeder valve, and gauge for
RS-300R pressurizing Risse air/oil systems without Schrader valve
United Bicycle Tool Schrader-valve pump with 300psi capacity, bleeder valve, and gauge for
RS-300S pressurizing forks with recessed Schrader valve
Amp vise blocks Split block of aluminum with split holes for clamping to various diameters of
Amp damper shafts
Marzocchi 104 For threading onto Schrader valve to pull air cap out of stanchion on various
Marzocchi air/oil suspensions
6"section of 3/8" For servicing Amp and Risse shocks, available at hardware store
round bar stock
6"section of 5/16" For servicing Amp and Risse shocks, available at hardware store
round bar stock
Bicycle Research Used for holding Risse piston in vise
1–1/8" frame block
Sport-ball inflation Use for depressurizing air chambers, must be type that has hole in end, not hole
needle on side of tip (wrong type will damage air seal)
Bulb syringe Useful for adjusting oil level in air/oil forks
(automotive battery
United Bicycle Tool Reversible snap-ring pliers with assorted tips in a variety of angles and
CV-521 thickness

38 – 4

COMPLICATIONS If they are slightly deformed, they may appear to be

secure, but may fail during use. There is sometimes a
Difficult seal removal on air/oil forks great deal of load placed on these clips. Most clips have
Seals are deliberately a very tight fit. Most forks with asymmetrical faces; one face has sharp corners on the
seals require some sort of puller, but some manufacturers edges, and the other has more rounded corners on the
expect the mechanic to use brute force. These methods edges. As a rule, always install these clips so that the
are inconsistent, messy, and potentially dangerous. sharper-edged side faces away from the direction of
the load (or pressure) that is against the item being
Air contamination in rear shocks retained by the clip.
Certain units are designed to have no air in the
chamber where there is oil. The presence of air may Hydraulic-fluid toxicity
be noisy, or it may interfere with the passage of oil The fluids used in oil-damped systems may be toxic.
through tiny valve holes. Furthermore, air can intro- Minimize your exposure and wear rubber gloves while
duce a spring effect. Special care is required to get the working with these units.
unit assembled without air getting inside, and in some
cases it is required to perform the assembly while the
whole unit is submerged in the same hydraulic fluid
that is going inside the unit. Viscosity testing is needed for two reasons. First,
there is no way to know what oil is being removed
Frozen bolts in bottom of slider from a suspension without testing. If the original oil is
A number of products put bolts down in the bot- unknown, then there is no way to know what might
tom of the slider, where moisture from condensation be suitable as a replacement. Second, manufacturer’s
collects. This can lead to corrosion developing on ratings of their own oils are often unreliable. By test-
threads, and very difficult bolt removal. Persistence and ing, it is possible to know how different oils compare.
penetrating oil are the only solutions.
Viscosity testing of suspension fluid
Stripped threads in fork crowns and sliders The viscosity of shock fork fluid has a large im-
Very soft materials, such as aluminum and magne- pact on the performance of the fork. The following
sium, are used in certain sliders and fork crowns. Fe- fluid-viscosity table (page 38-6), and fluid viscosity-test
male threads in these parts strip easily when bolts are procedure (page 38-6), can help the mechanic estimate
over-tightened. Use Loctite to eliminate the need for the current relative viscosity of a shock fork fluid.
higher torques, and always use torque wrenches. When a shock fork is disassembled, most mechan-
Unreplaceable bushings ics simply remove the old fluid and dump it in the
Some poorly-designed forks rely on bushings that recycling barrel. The new fluid selected may be quite
are a permanent part of the slider or the stanchion different than the old fluid. This will, of course, af-
tube. The only way to replace these bushings is to re- fect the handling in a way which may or may not be
place the slider or stanchion, which is usually imprac- desired by the customer. It is possible to determine
tical (due to price or availability). the approximate viscosity of the old fluid, then com-
pare it to known viscosities of popular brands. It is
Wear on impractical-to-replace parts likely that the old fluid is dirty. This particulate mat-
Some forks are designed so that the bushings slide ter may, in fact, have changed the viscosity of the
up and down against the inside surface of an alumi- fluid. However, because the dirty fluid is what the
num or magnesium slider. These softer materials wear customer was most currently using, it is still appro-
out easily; replacement is usually impractical (due to priate to test the old fluid. Remember that the test
price or availability). Stanchion tubes on air/oil forks rates the “effective viscosity” of the old fluid, not
can fail in two ways: the surface may become nicked necessarily its original viscosity.
or scratched so that seal integrity is lost, or the stan-
chions may become bent from excessive load. Needed testing equipment
Clear “Bic” pens (the Bic Classic Stic, model
Clip failure #MSP10). These are plastic, and are some-
The snap-rings, c-clips, e-clips, and circlips used in what fragile, so purchase several. Older and
suspensions are delicate; expansion or compression is used pens are often warped and deformed,
required to install them, and they are easily damaged. so purchase new pens.

38 – 5
Stop watch accurate to one tenth of a second. 7. [ ] Pull magnet away and start timer simulta-
Magnet strong enough to hold a ball bearing neously.
through the plastic. 8. [ ] Stop timer when ball stops at bottom.
A 3/16" ball bearing. 9. [ ] Repeat at least three times, to see if results
are consistent. Record time here: ____secs.
A vise or other devises that will hold the pen steady
10. [ ] See table 38-2 for data for common bi-
and vertical during the testing. Again, the pens cycle-suspension fluids, and compare re-
are plastic, so take care in how you hold it. sult in step 9 to determine what fluid
The Bic Classic Stic pen needs some modification. might be comparable.
Use a drop of super-glue to cover the side-hole. Upon completing the test, remove the pen tip and
Remove the top cap. drain the fluid. Clean inside the pen with a mineral
Remove the pen tip and pull the ink tube off of spirit solvent. Do not use acetone or other solvents
the pen tip. The ink tube is not needed for that harm plastics. Dry the inside with compressed
the test. air, then install the tip.
Reinstall pen tip.
Put a rubber-coated strap clamp (that fits tub- Hydraulic-fluid viscosity
ing the size of the pen) around the pen, then Table 38-2 can be used to compare the relative vis-
secure the clamp with a nut and bolt. Grasp- cosity of popular brands of bicycle hydraulic fluids. Vis-
ing the bolt and nut in the vise will be the cosity is a nominal measurement of the degree to which
way the pen will be held upright. a fluid resists flow under applied force. The popular mea-
Mark the “starting line” for the test with a per- surement of this property is referred to as a fluid’s weight.
manent marker or a scribe line. The start- The more a fluid resists flow, the more the assigned weight.
ing line for the ball bearing is the middle of Manufacturers are not necessarily consistent with one
the U in the phrase, “Made in USA.” This is another regarding their assigned weights, but they tend
5mm from the top. to be consistent within their own product line. For ex-
ample, one manufacturer’s 5 weight can have a higher
Viscosity-test procedure viscosity than another manufacturer’s 5 weight.
1. [ ] Secure pen vertically in vise. Table 38-2 (below) is based on the preceding test
2. [ ] Fill to top with fluid to be tested. of fluid viscosity (see preceding procedure). Note that
3. [ ] Inspect for air bubbles; allow oil to sit if
the table is only a measure of a fluid’s relative viscos-
bubbles are present.
4. [ ] Place 3/16" ball bearing on a magnet.
ity, and is not intended to be a statement on its quality.
5. [ ] Place ball in top of pen, then force it off The exact viscosity may also differ between different
magnet with your finger while holding mag- shipments from the same manufacturer.
net close to pen top (magnet will hold bear-
ing inside pen, at top).
6. [ ] Position center of bearing at middle of U in
USA, or at marked line.


Brand Weight or Designation Time at 72° Time at 45° % change 72° to 45°
(in seconds) (in seconds)
Englund blue 5w 5 9 80%
Finish Line 2.5w 6 8 33%
RockShox 5w 7 18 128%
Englund purple (approx. 7w) 7 13 85%
Finish Line 5w 9 17 88%
Englund red (approx. 10.5 w) 11 21 91%
Finish Line 10w 13 28 115
RockShox 8w 14 36 157%
Pedro’s no designation 15 32 133%
Englund gold (approx. 12.5 w) 18 39 117%
Finish Line 20w 22 60 172%

38 – 6

CANE CREEK REAR SHOCKS 10. [ ] AD-4 and AD-5 only: Pull up on white plastic
plug to remove it from volume adjusting plate.
AD-8 and AD-10 only: Pull on aluminum

ABOUT THIS SECTION adjuster rod to remove it from volume ad-

justing plate.
This section applies to the following models: 11. [ ] Remove shaft from vise, then insert rub-
AD-4, AD-5, AD-8, and AD-10. Procedurally, there is ber-tipped blow gun into hole in volume
virtually no difference between the AD-4 and AD-5, adjusting plate and use compressed air to
and there is also virtually no difference between the force out plate. Note: Be prepared for plate
AD-8 and AD-10. There are small technique differ- and two small plastic adjusting ramps to
fly out of shaft!
ences between the 4 or 5 and the 8 or 10, but one
12. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Inspect inside shaft
procedure with notations about the differences follows.
for valve adjuster ramps that may have re-
mained in shaft during step 11.
TOOLS 13. [ ] Inspect and remove damaged O-rings from
volume adjusting plate.
There are no special tools provided by the manu-
14. [ ] Remove compression and rebound adjusters
facturer for working on these shocks. The AD-4 and fully. O-rings will provide light resistance to
AD-8 have a large ring that is unthreaded by hand that removal after threads are disengaged.
can be difficult to break loose. Wrapping a large rub- 15. [ ] Use 8mm socket to remove valve nut from
ber band around the ring, such as the rubber band bottom face of piston.
that comes in Aheadset packages, improves grip. A 16. [ ] Remove washer, then remove compression
section of inner tube also works, but not quite as well. valve shim and record thickness here: ______
FULL SHOCK SERVICE 17. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and dry
with compressed air and/or lint-free rag.
Services include cleaning and lubrication, replace-
ment of seals when air leaks develop, and changing Volume adjustment
the valving for tuning purposes (AD-4 and AD-5 only). 18. [ ] If it is desired to change volume to change
spring rate, carefully remove circlip inside
Disassembly shaft and move to higher groove to in-
1. [ ] Depress valve plunger to deflate shock. crease spring rate, or lower groove to de-
2. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Loosen compression crease spring rate.
and rebound adjusters to just short of point
O-rings are revealed. Assembly
3. [ ] Clamp body eyelet carefully into soft jaws in 19. [ ] Replace all damaged O-rings and seals that
vise (use rag to protect finish). were removed, then grease all O-rings.
4. [ ] Wrap wide rubber band around black ring at 20. [ ] Install compression shim, small washer, and
top of body to improve grip, then turn ring then valve nut into piston.
counterclockwise to unthread. 21. [ ] AD-4 and AD-8 only: Slide seal head onto
5. [ ] Pull up on shaft to remove shaft/piston as- closed end of shaft, threaded-end first.
sembly from shock body. AD-5 and AD-10 only: Install seal bushing
6. [ ] Clamp eyelet end of shaft assembly in the (small end first) over closed end of shaft,
soft jaws in vise (protect finish with rag). then install lockring (knurled-end first) over
7. [ ] Use pin spanner (Park SPA-1) to unthread closed end of shaft.
piston. 22. [ ] Secure eyelet end of shaft into vise (open-
8. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Remove compression end up).
cylinder and compression washer from inside 23. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Inspect ramp hous-
of shaft assembly, and record compression ing inside shaft unit. It must be aligned with
washer thickness here: _______ its center divider parallel to axis of holes for
9. [ ] AD-4 and AD-8: Pull seal head off shaft, adjuster bolts. Push one adjuster bolt into
then inspect and remove damaged seals its hole to see if tip of bolt appears inside
and O-rings. ramp housing. If not, try rotating ramp
AD-5 and AD-10: Pull lockring off shaft as- housing 180°.
sembly, then pull seal bushing off shaft as-
sembly. Inspect and remove damaged seals
and O-rings from lockring and seal bushing.

38 – 7

Seal bushing LEGEND
Seal head

adjusting rod

adjusting rod
+ 4
adjusters Compression






adjuster ramp

adjuster ramp



38.1 Cane Creek AD-4, AD-5, AD-8, and AD-10 shocks.

38 – 8
In the next step, when the bolts with O-rings are Air volume
inserted into the holes in the shaft, it is difficult not to These shocks have a volume adjusting plate in the
damage the O-rings by catching them on the lips of shaft section of the shock. Changing the volume
the holes. Use a small chamfering tool to chamfer the changes how progressive the spring is. For example,
holes and it will be no problem. with the plate adjusted to reduce volume, even if the
24. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Thread silver adjust- starting pressure is constant, it will take more force to
ing screw into hole marked “C, ” and black compress the suspension fully. The suspension will be
adjusting screw into hole marked “R,” taking
progressively more stiff the more it is compressed and
care not to deform or tear O-rings. Thread in
bolts just until first calibration mark on less likely to bottom on big hits. Conversely, if the
smooth bolt shaft reaches the top of hole. plate is adjusted to increase volume, even if the start-
25. [ ] AD-4 and AD-5 only: Insert white plug into ing pressure is constant, it will take less force to com-
volume adjusting plate. press the suspension fully. The suspension will be less
AD-8 and AD-10 only: Grease blunt end of stiff when it is compressed the same amount and the
adjuster-rod assembly, mate valve adjuster ride will be softer.
ramps together, then install ramp assembly
onto blunt end of adjuster-rod assembly. In- Compression and rebound adjusters
sert assembly into ramp housing inside shaft The AD-8 and AD-10 have external adjusters for
so that slope of ramps face toward holes for compression and rebound damping. They are clearing
valve adjusters. marked. The rider should determine the optimal set-
26. [ ] Insert volume-adjusting plate into shaft, tings by using simple trial and error. The AD-4 and
smooth-face up, until it seats fully. AD-5 have no external adjustment, but rebound damp-
27. [ ] AD-8 and AD-10 only: Place compression ing can be adjusted by means of replacing the valve
valve shim on top of valve adjusting rod,
nut with one with a different size orifice, and com-
then place compression cylinder (notched
pression damping is adjusted by changing a valve shim
end first) on top of compression valve shim.
28. [ ] Thread in and secure piston. washer inside the shock.
29. [ ] Grease inside of shock body with recom- AD-4 and AD-5 compression shim washers
mended grease, then carefully slide over Cane Creek makes available a tuning kit with an
assortment of thickness of compression shim wash-
30. [ ] Turn shock over and carefully grasp body
eyelet in vise.
ers. Changing the compression washer is the only way
31. [ ] AD-4 and AD-8 only: Thread seal head into to change the compression damping on the AD-4 and
shock body as far as it will go (wrap with AD-5. The washer(s) should be changed on the AD-8
rubber band to improve grip). and AD-10 only if the external adjuster cannot be loos-
AD-5 and AD-10 only: Slide bushing seal as ened or tightened enough to achieve the desired amount
far as it will go into body, then slide lockring of damping. All models have a compression washer
over seal bushing and thread it onto body that is removed in step #16 (of the preceding proce-
(until lockring covers half of wire clip at end dure) from beneath the valve nut. Another compres-
of body threads). sion washer is the washer removed in step #9 (AD-8
32. [ ] Inflate shock. Cover with soapy water to
and AD-10 only).
check for leaks.
Three washers are available with thickness mea-
surements of .10mm, .15mm, and .20mm. These in-
TUNING OPTIONS crements are large, so in most cases a change of one
step up or down should be the most attempted at first.
Air pressure
A simple formula can be used to determine an AD-4 and AD-5 valve orifice diameter
appropriate pressure for the shock, depending on the The tuning kit also includes three sizes of valve
rider’s weight: rider’s weight (in pounds) plus 10 equals nuts, with orifice diameters of .56mm, .61mm, and
pressure (in psi). If the rider finds the suspension bot- .66mm. These are used to adjust the rebound damping
toms out too frequently, the pressure should be in- on the AD-4 and AD-5 only. Smaller orifice size cre-
creased. If the rider finds the suspension is too stiff, ates greater damping. To identify the size of the in-
pressure should be reduced. Adjustments should be stalled valve or the replacement valve, look for a num-
used in five-pound increments. ber stamped on the side of the valve. The number “6”
indicates the smallest size, “7” the middle size, and “8”

38 – 9
the largest size. Unfortunately, early production runs Stacked elastomers
of the shocks and the tune-up kits had unmarked
valves. In this case, the only way to identify the size is
by purchasing very rare drill bits in wire sizes #71 and
#73. If the #71 fits in the hole, then it is the largest. If
the #71 doesn’t fit, but the #73 does fit, it is the middle
size. If neither fits, then it is the smallest size. These
inexpensive drill bits are available from Grainger In-
dustrial Supply ( and are part nos. Skewered elastomers
1F945 and 1F950.
38.3 Stacked elastomers (Comp and Pro XC) and skewered elas-
tomers (SX) assemblies.

MANITOU MACH 5 FORKS 7. [ ] Note sequence of washers and elastomers in

skewer stacks.
This section covers three models of forks: Comp, _________________________________________
Pro XC, and SX. They are functionally identical, ex- _________________________________________
cept that the SX model has an oil damper in the left _________________________________________
leg. Servicing the SX oil damper is included in the _________________________________________
MANITOU EFC/MACH 5 SX OIL DAMPERS section. _________________________________________
8. [ ] Remove elastomers and washers from
skewer shafts (or from top caps).
DISASSEMBLY 9. [ ] Pull slider assembly off ends of stanchions.
1. [ ] SX model only: Count number of turns it 10. [ ] Pull dust boots off of stanchions.
takes to turn each adjuster knob at top of 11. [ ] Use 1/8" slotted screwdriver to deflect end
stanchion to most counterclockwise position, of circlip in top of slider inward, then pry
then record here: Turns on left: _____ circlip out of slider.
Turns on right: _____ 12. [ ] Lift wiper seals out of tops of sliders.
2. [ ] SX model only: Count number of turns it 13. [ ] Pull top bushings out of tops of sliders.
takes to turn each adjuster knob at bottom 14. [ ] Pull bushing spacers out of sliders.
of left slider to most counterclockwise posi- In some cases, the lower bushing may fall out of
tion, then record here: _____ the slider effortlessly. If it does not, a custom bushing
3. [ ] Disconnect front-brake cable. remover can be fabricated by grinding the threaded
4. [ ] Jiggle sliders to feel for free play that indi- end of a spoke to a fine point and bending about 1/2"
cates bushings are worn. of the threaded end over, at a 90° angle. The pointed
5. [ ] Comp & Pro XC (either leg), & SX (right leg): tip of the spoke can then be used to snag the bottom
Remove bolts on bottom ends of sliders.
edge of the lower bushing.
SX left leg only: Pull or pry knob out of cyl-
15. [ ] Pull lower bushings out of sliders with cus-
inder at bottom of left slider, then use 8mm
tom bushing puller.
Allen wrench to unthread cylinder.
Bushing Bushing spacer Bushing Seal
2– Thread out 1– Pull out

38.4 Wiper seal and bushing assembly.

38.2 SX left leg damper-adjuster assembly.
NOTE: To service damper of SX left leg, go to
6. [ ] Turn stanchion caps counterclockwise, to MANITOU MACH 5 SX OIL DAMPERS section (page
remove elastomer stacks from top of stan- 38-12) now.
chion tubes. 16. [ ] Comp and Pro XC only: Pull keeper plate out
of slot in black shaft that is protruding from
end of stanchion tube.
17. [ ] Comp & Pro XC (either leg), & SX (right leg):
Pull bumper(s) off black shaft.

38 – 10
18. [ ] Turn stanchion over to remove black shaft. 35. [ ] Comp & Pro XC (either leg), & SX (right leg):
19. [ ] Repeat steps 11–18 for other leg. Treat mounting-bolt threads with Loctite
222, then gently secure mounting bolt into

CLEANING AND INSPECTION bottom end of slider.

SX left leg only: Treat threads of large sleeve
20. [ ] Clean all parts with non-abrasive cleansers. nut with Loctite 222, thread large sleeve nut
Avoid chemicals that might violate plastic into bottom of slider, then insert adjuster
and rubber parts. knob on bottom of slider.
21. [ ] Inspect bushings for variable thickness, indi- 36. [ ] SX left leg only: Turn adjuster knob at bottom
cating wear. of slider fully counterclockwise, then clock-
22. [ ] Inspect seal for nicks, tears, or cracking. wise number of turns indicated in step 2.
23. [ ] Inspect elastomers for cracks or other dete- 37. [ ] SX only: Turn adjuster knobs on tops of
rioration. stanchions fully counterclockwise.
38. [ ] SX only: Turn adjusters clockwise number of
ASSEMBLY turns recorded in step 1.

24. [ ] Comp & Pro XC (either leg), & SX (right leg):

Drop black shaft into stanchion, then make SECURING STANCHION TUBE
sure shaft sticks out hole in bottom of stan-
chion tube. IN FORK CROWN
25. [ ] Grease elastomer stacks, then assemble NOTE: The following procedure applies only to
elastomers to skewer or between separator models that have one 6mm bolt in the crown
washers. that is inward of each of the stanchion tubes.
26. [ ] Drop elastomer stacks and top caps into The following torques do not apply to the origi-
stanchions and thread in top caps. nal Manitou forks, which had two bolts in the
27. [ ] Comp & Pro XC (either leg), & SX (right leg): crown between the fork column and each stan-
Slide greased bumper(s) onto black shaft, chion tube, or to Manitou models that have
until just past slots in shaft. two bolts outward of each stanchion.
1. [ ] Remove crown bolts.
2. [ ] Adjust height of stanchion tube so top is no
Black elastomer lower than top of fork crown, and no higher
than the maximum-height mark on the stan-
Plastic cup washer (SX only) chion tube. (In the absence of a maximum-
Orange elastomer (SX only) height mark, position top of stanchion tube
flush with top of fork crown.)
3. [ ] Treat bolts with Loctite 242.
Keeper plate Comp slot
4. [ ] Torque mounting bolts 110–130in-lbs
(Comp/Pro only) Pro slot (27–33lbs@4").
Black shaft

38.5 Shaft-bumper arrangements on Comp, Pro XC, and SX shafts.
Changing elastomers
28. [ ] Comp and Pro XC only: Slide keeper plate A variety of elastomers with different durometers
into slots in black shaft (upper slot for are available for these forks. Stiffer durometer elastomers
Comp, lower slot for Pro XC). will give the fork greater resistance to compression and
29. [ ] Slide dust boots onto stanchion tubes. offer faster rebound. The different elastomers can be
30. [ ] Grease bushings and bushing spacers inside combined in any way (both legs should match), as long
and out. as the original elastomer stack length is maintained.
31. [ ] Insert bushing, bushing spacer, then bushing
into each slider. Adjusting Comp and Pro XC pre-load
32. [ ] Seat wiper seals (conical-ends up) into sliders. The adjuster knobs at the tops of the stanchions
33. [ ] Place circlips over wiper seals. must be threaded out of the stanchions to adjust the
34. [ ] Install slider assembly onto ends of stan- pre-load. Once the knobs are out, the plunger on the
chions and push up fully. bottom of the knob can be pulled out. The clip can be

38 – 11
moved to different slots to change the pre-load. When
the clip is moved further up, the pre-load is increased, MANITOU MACH 5 SX OIL
and decreased when the clip is moved further down.
The oil damper is built into the left stanchion tube
on SX models. The damper can be replaced as a whole
by replacing the stanchion, or the damper can be ser-
viced by disassembling the stanchion assembly.

Keeper plate 1. [ ] Use DISASSEMBLY steps 1–15 of MANITOU MACH
5 FORKS (page 38-10) to access oil damper.
2. [ ] Remove left stanchion assembly from fork
38.6 To change the pre-load adjustment on the Comp and Pro XC crown.
models, move the keeper plate to a different slot. 3. [ ] Prepare to catch ball bearing that is trapped
under elastomer on end of shaft, then care-
Adjusting SX pre-load fully remove elastomer from shaft.
4. [ ] With stanchion held upside down, carefully
The adjuster knobs at the tops of the sliders can
unthread seal-head with large hex fitting on
be turned to change the effective spring stiffness.
bottom end of stanchion, then pull seal-head
Turning the knobs clockwise increases spring stiff- a few millimeters away from stanchion.
ness and turning the knobs counterclockwise de-
creases spring stiffness.
Adjusting damping on Manitou SX left leg
The adjusting knob on the bottom of the left slider
primarily adjusts rebound damping but compression
damping will be increased slightly whenever rebound Foam
Adjuster rod Damper donut
damping is increased significantly. Turning the knob shaft
counterclockwise decreases rebound damping and turn- Seal gland
ing the knob clockwise increases rebound damping. Ring
See MANITOU MACH 5 SX OIL DAMPERS (immediately Pin
following this section) for damper service. Ring

Changing oil in damper in SX left leg Seal head Ring Piston

Oil weight affects the damping rate. The weight Seal ring
of the oil affects both the compression and rebound 1/8" Valve
damping. Heavier-weight oils increase the damping bumper
ball washers
effect (retarding compression and rebound); lighter-
weight oils decrease the damping effect (speeding up Ring
compression and rebound).
Oil weight also might be varied to compensate for 38.7 Blow-up of EFC and Mach 5 SX oil damper.
weather conditions, with very light-weight oils being
5. [ ] Turn stanchion over so that oil will drain into
used for extreme-cold conditions.
catch pan.
See MANITOU MACH 5 SX OIL DAMPERS (immediately 6. [ ] Carefully pull seal-head off end of shaft.
following this section) for damper service. 7. [ ] With end of stanchion still pointing into
catch pan, pump shaft fully in and out to
pump oil out of stanchion.
NOTE: If changing oil only, go to step 32 now. Do
not go to step 8 unless in possession of a re-
build kit.
8. [ ] Insert long rod into top of stanchion tube,
then push remaining parts out bottom of

38 – 12
9. [ ] Holding shaft securely by bottom 25mm (in 29. [ ] Find face of seal gland that internal seal ring
fashion that will not mar shaft), use 5mm is closest to, then carefully slide seal gland
Allen wrench to unscrew flange from top (with that face first) over top end of shaft.
end of shaft. 30. [ ] Holding shaft securely by bottom 25mm
10. [ ] Pull foam donut and seal gland off top end (in fashion that will not mar shaft), use
of shaft. 5mm Allen wrench to secure flange into
11. [ ] Remove O-ring from outside of seal gland, top end of shaft.
then seal ring from inside of seal gland. 31. [ ] Taking care to not damage seal-gland O-ring
For the remaining steps, it is important to dif- on threads in end of stanchion, insert shaft/
ferentiate between the top and bottom of the shaft. piston assembly into end of stanchion
The bottom end has a diameter reduction for the (flanged-end first), then bottom shaft fully
last 7mm and also has a hole in the shaft about 12mm into stanchion.
32. [ ] Holding stanchion tube upside down, care-
from the end.
fully fill stanchion with 2.5w, high-quality,
12. [ ] Being careful not to scratch shaft, remove
suspension oil.
external snap-ring from topside of piston/
33. [ ] Without moving shaft to its limit in either di-
valve assembly at center of shaft.
rection, slowly pump shaft up and down,
13. [ ] Remove small metal washer, plastic washer,
several times to pump air out of system.
two large metal washers, and then piston.
34. [ ] When bubbles have dissipated from top of
14. [ ] Remove O-ring from outside of piston.
oil, add more oil until level is 2–3mm below
15. [ ] Find pin that was covered by piston, then
end of stanchion.
tap shaft on soft surface so that pin will fall
35. [ ] Look at bottom face of seal-head to find lo-
out; pushing plastic adjuster rod inside shaft
cation of bleed hole.
one way or other can relieve load on pin, so
36. [ ] Keeping track of location of bleed hole, care-
that it will fall out.
fully slide stanchion seal-head over end of
16. [ ] Pushing from top end of shaft, push adjuster
shaft until threads of seal-head contact
rod out bottom end of shaft.
threads in end of stanchion.
17. [ ] Remove three O-rings from adjuster rod.
37. [ ] Wrap rag around stanchion, then thread
18. [ ] Remove O-ring from outside of threaded
stanchion onto seal-head while holding seal-
stanchion seal-head, then seal ring from in-
head stationary, until seal-head is engaged a
side of seal-head.
few threads.
38. [ ] Tip stanchion in direction that will keep
CLEANING AND INSPECTION bleed hole on high side, until stanchion is
leaning at about 45°.
19. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and wa-
ter, then dry thoroughly with compressed air. 39. [ ] Holding seal-head stationary, thread stan-
Avoid leaving solvents or lint from rags on, chion on to seal-head until O-ring just con-
or in, any part! tacts end of stanchion.
20. [ ] Inspect shaft for scratches or gouges on In the following step, great care is needed to pre-
portions of shaft that move through O-rings vent the O-ring from becoming trapped between the
in seal gland and seal-head. seal-head flange and the end of the stanchion. As the
seal-head is threading in, the oil coming out the bleed
ASSEMBLY hole tends to force the O-ring out of its groove. Back-
ing the seal-head out slightly after threading it in a
21. [ ] Thoroughly grease all O-rings and seal rings.
little encourages the O-ring to settle back down into
22. [ ] Install O-ring (outside) and seal ring (inside)
the groove of the seal-head. Important! If at any time
of threaded seal-head.
23. [ ] Install 3 O-rings on adjuster rod. it appears that the O-ring is being squeezed between the
24. [ ] Install O-ring (outside) and seal ring (inside) seal-head flange and the end of the stanchion, remove the
of seal gland. seal-head and start over again!
25. [ ] Install O-ring on outside of piston. 40. [ ] Thread seal-head in tiny amount, back out
26. [ ] Slide onto top end of shaft in order: piston, slightly less, in again, out slightly less again
two large metal washers, plastic washer, (repeatedly), until flange on seal-head is
then small metal washer. seated against end of stanchion.
27. [ ] Carefully slide external snap-ring over top end 41. [ ] Secure seal-head to 35–50in-lbs.
of shaft, then seat in groove above washer(s). 42. [ ] Turn adjuster rod in end of shaft fully coun-
28. [ ] Slide foam donut over top end of shaft. terclockwise.

38 – 13
43. [ ] Pull shaft out of stanchion to its limit. The bushing removal and installation procedure
44. [ ] Place ball bearing in its socket 12mm from utilizes the following tools. The removal tool can be
end of shaft, then slip bumper over shaft to easily modified to improve its function. The modifica-
retain bearing. tions are described at the point in the procedure where
45. [ ] Place upper end of stanchion fully into fork
the use of the tool is described. These bushing tools
crown, then secure bolt in fork crown to
were introduced in 2000, but are similar to the older
tools (remover #85-3892 and installer #38-3893).
Answer Products #85-3909 bushing remover
TUNING OPTIONS Answer Products #85-3911 bushing installer
Other tools needed are:
Adjusting damping on Mach 5 SX left leg Modified 24mm socket ground on end to elimi-
The adjusting knob on the bottom of the left slider
nate internal bevel to improve purchase.
primarily adjusts rebound damping but compression
Modified 27mm socket ground on end to elimi-
damping will be increased slightly whenever rebound
nate internal bevel to improve purchase.
damping is increased significantly. Turning the knob
counterclockwise decreases rebound damping and turn-
ing the knob clockwise increases rebound damping. FULL FORK SERVICE
Damper oil change in Mach 5 SX left leg This section covers a wide range of Manitou mod-
Oil weight affects the damping rate. The weight els from 1997 through 2000 models, as long as they
of the oil affects both the compression and rebound feature TPC damping. All the covered models should
damping. Heavier-weight oils increase the damping have a decal that indicates it is a TPC model.
effect (retarding compression and rebound); lighter- Slider-assembly removal
weight oils decrease the damping effect (speeding up 1. [ ] Pull plastic adjuster knob from bottom of left
compression and rebound). leg (right leg if 2000 model).
Oil weight also might be varied to compensate for 2. [ ] Remove bolt that adjuster was removed from
weather conditions, with very light-weight oils being with 8mm Allen wrench.
used for extreme-cold conditions. 3. [ ] Remove second bottom bolt with 4mm Allen
wrench, then remove bushing (if any).
4. [ ] Pull slider assembly off stanchion tubes,
then remove boots from stanchions.
MANITOU ’98–’00 SX & Spring-stack and plunger-shaft removal
XVERT FORKS 5. [ ] Count number of turns to turn pre-load ad-
juster on top of sprung leg fully counter-
clockwise and record here: ______ turns
6. [ ] Unthread cap with pre-load adjuster with fin-
ABOUT THIS SECTION gers (27mm wrench if equipped with flats),
This section covers a wide range of Manitou SX and then remove spring-stack assembly.
XVert models from 1998 through 2000 models. This sec- 7. [ ] Remove elastomer stack from shaft on
tion does not cover the air-sprung 2000 Mars models, spring side and note sequence of elas-
which were not available at the time of this writing. This tomers and spacers.
8. [ ] Push plunger shaft out top end of stanchion
section does not cover the 1999 Spyder or 2000 Magnum
where spring was removed. A spoke or simi-
models. The covered 2000 models can be distinguished
lar long, skinny object may be necessary to
from the covered 1998 and 1999 models by looking for push shaft fully out.
the “preload” adjuster, which is on the right side on the 9. [ ] Remove accordion-like top-out bumper from
2000 models. These 2000 models are essentially the same shaft by pulling it off bottom end of shaft.
fork to service as the earlier ones, with one significant
exception. In 1998 and 1999, all the models had a spring Damper removal
assembly in the right leg and a hydraulic damper in the Dampers are removed to facilitate cleaning and
left leg. For the 2000 models, this is reversed.This section inspection. Damper-valve disassembly is not neces-
covers full fork service, including bushing replacement. sary, and is not supported by separate parts from
the manufacturer.
10. [ ] With fork upright, unthread top cap and slowly
remove damper piston to avoid spilling oil.

38 – 14
11. [ ] Carefully turn fork over to drain oil from 13. [ ] Push rebound-damper shaft almost fully into
stanchion into waste receptacle. seal nut on bottom of stanchion.
12. [ ] Be prepared to catch small ball bearing 14. [ ] Use 24mm or 27mm socket to remove seal
trapped under bumper on rebound-damper nut, then pull damper piston out bottom of
shaft, then remove bumper(s) from end of stanchion.
shaft, noting sequence if multiple. 15. [ ] Pull seal nut off end of rebound-damper shaft.

shaft Stanchion
Compression cap
Seal damper

Bushing spring


Top-out Elastomer
bumper spring

Coil spring




Boot (2)
nut Shaft guide
5mm bolt
Rebound Bumper

Bumper Bottom-out

38.8 Manitou '00 X-Vert fork.

38 – 15
16. [ ] Use rebound-damper adjuster knob to fully 21. [ ] Holding handle, push long tube down col-
unthread adjuster shaft, then pull adjuster umn to force epander to end of column.
out bottom of damper shaft. Note: Adjuster 22. [ ] Turn assembly upside down and use slide
shaft has needle tip that will be damaged if hammer to pull bushing from slider.
something is inserted thorough top of 23. [ ] Repeat steps 18–22 for remaining bushings.
damper to push out adjuster! 24. [ ] Proceed to step 32.
NOTE: Alternate steps 17–31 work if remover has
Seal and bushing removal been modified to work on a threading principle.
The pre-2000 bushing remover is a relatively crude 17. [ ] Pry seals out of top ends of sliders.
tool that relies on awkward yanking to remove the bush- 18. [ ] Clamp handlebar-clamp end of stem securely
ings. With a few simple modifications, it can be made in vise so that quill of stem is above vise and
to work on a threading principal, instead of by yanking horizontal.
on it. The 2000 tool comes with a slide-hammer system 19. [ ] Using rubber mallet, make sure expander is
that is superior to the yanking approach, but it, too, compressed so that it is a close fit to diam-
can be made to work on a threading principal. eter of top end of column.
There are four additional parts needed for the 20. [ ] Slide expander (tapered-end first) down col-
umn just to point column fattens.
modification. They include a pressed headset cup from
21. [ ] Place long tube over column, thread locknut
a bike with a 1" fork diameter; a threaded race or lock- on just until it reaches long column, then
nut (type without a metal lip) from the same-sized slide column assembly onto stem several
headset; an old quill stem with a 22.2mm quill diam- inches and secure stem-binder bolt.
eter (extra-tall preferred); and a 100mm section of steel 22. [ ] Place slider over end of column assembly un-
frame tubing with outside diameter of 1–1/8". For til bushing contacts expander.
purposes of simplicity, the following procedure will 23. [ ] Push slider until expander is forced through
call these four pieces, in respective order, the “cup,” top bushing.
the “locknut,” the “stem,” and the “short tube.” 24. [ ] Thread locknut to end of threads.
The remover tool (#85-309) itself has several pieces, 25. [ ] Pull firmly on slider assembly until expander
is felt to bottom against lip at end of col-
which are described below with the names that are
umn, remove assembly from stem, then re-
used in the procedure: move locknut and long tube from column.
Tube with lip on one end and threads on other 26. [ ] Place cup (cupped-side first) and long tube
– “column” over column, then thread on locknut. Make
Aluminum knurled cylinder – “handle” sure cup is seated over lip on top of slider.
Short cylinder split along its length – “ex- 27. [ ] Install column back onto stem and secure,
pander” tighten locknut until bushing pulls out, then
7–1/2" tube – “long tube” remove slider assembly.
Steel knurled cylinder on acme-threaded shaft– 28. [ ] Loosen locknut completely, slide loose
“slide hammer” (2000 and later model only) pieces up to locknut, then close adjustable
wrench onto flats filed onto column lip.
The version of the tool introduced in 2000 has two
Tap on wrench to drive expander off fat
of everything above, except the slider hammer. The part of column.
smaller-diameter version of each item is for Magnum 29. [ ] Remove all tools and pieces, leaving stem
model forks only. There are three sizes of expanders. in vise.
The smallest is for Magnum forks, the medium is for 30. [ ] Repeat steps 19–29 for lower bushing, using
SX and Spyder forks, and the largest is for X-Vert forks. short tube instead of long tube in step 26.
NOTE: Steps 17–24 work for the 2000 model tool 31. [ ] Repeat bushing removal for other leg.
in its stock configuration. If using modified
tool, skip to alternate step 17 (following step Cleaning and inspection
24). 32. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and dry
17. [ ] Pry seals out of top ends of sliders. with lint-free rag and compressed air. Avoid
18. [ ] Install largest expander (tapered-end first) on using solvents to prevent damage to plastic
larger column, then install long tube. and rubber parts!
19. [ ] Assemble slide hammer assembly to handle, 33. [ ] Check all O-rings and rubber seals for tears
then thread handle onto column. or nicks and replace as needed.
20. [ ] Insert column into slider, then use slide ham- 34. [ ] Inspect stanchion tubes for bends and wear
mer to push expander through first bushing. marks.

38 – 16
35. [ ] Inspect bushings for wear. Cream-colored 39. [ ] Place smaller O.D. bushing over sizing donuts
plastic coating in bushings will be partially and onto mandrill, then place depth gauge
missing, exposing metal base material if (marked-end up) over other end of shaft. Put
bushings are worn out. 3-4 drops of Loctite 680 on bushing.
36. [ ] Inspect rebound damper shaft for scratches 40. [ ] Insert assembly into slider, then tap on top
or wear marks. of shaft with weight until maximum mark is
within 1" of top of slider tube.
Bushing and seal installation 41. [ ] Remove depth gauge and place slotted
The 2000 model installation tool (#85-3911) has plate over shaft and against end of slider
several pieces, which are described below with the (flat-face up). Note: Small slotted plate fits
names that are used in the procedure (pre-2000 tool Magnum only.
has fewer pieces and fits fewer models): 42. [ ] Tighten nut until both sizing donuts pull
12" threaded rod – “shaft” through bushing, then remove tools.
Three multi-stepped cylinders, each measuring 43. [ ] Test fit stanchion in bushing and decide
25.5mm, 28.5mm, or 30mm diameter at sec- whether fit is too tight. If too tight, replace
ond-largest point – “installation mandrills” installation mandrill with sizing mandril, reas-
semble tool with 3rd then 2nd largest do-
One two-step cylinder – “sizing mandrill”
nuts and repeat procedure. When satisfied
Fifteen donut-shaped rings – “sizing donuts” with fit, reinstall installation mandrill with
A 25.4mm O.D. cylinder, 17mm long – smaller then larger sizing donuts finally used.
“17mm spacer” 44. [ ] Place larger O.D. bushing over sizing donuts
Two long sleeves, 5–3/8" and 3–5/8" long and onto installation mandrill. Put 3-4 drops
sleeve respectively – “depth gauges” of Loctite 680 on bushing.
Two 3" long sleeves (one small and one large 45. [ ] Insert assembly into slider, then tap on top of
diameter) – “upper sleeves” shaft with weight until nut on top of mandrill
Two round plates with slot – “slotted plates” is only partially above top of slider.
Knurled steel cylinder with hole in one end – 46. [ ] Place upper sleeve and slotted plate over
shaft and against end of slider (flat-face up).
Note: Use smaller-diameter upper sleeve and
The sizing donuts consist of three sets. The 1.003– slotted plate for Magnum model only.
1.006 set is for Magnum forks only, and is used with the 47. [ ] Tighten nut until both sizing donuts pull
smallest mandrill. The 1.128 through 1.131 set is for all through bushing, then remove tools.
forks with 28.5mm O.D. stanchions and are used only 48. [ ] Tap seals into tops of sliders.
with the medium mandrill. The 1.186 through 1.191 set
is for forks with 30.0mm O.D. stanchions, and are used
Slider installation
49. [ ] Install boots onto stanchion tubes.
only with the large mandrill. Only two sizing donuts are 50. [ ] Install adjuster rod into rebound damper,
used at one time, and these should always be consecutive making sure threads engage and it is fully
sizes. For example, 1.128 and 1.129 can be used together threaded in, then install seal nut (threaded-
but 1.128 and 1.130 cannot be used together. end first) onto rebound-damper shaft.
Once the correct set is selected for the model be- 51. [ ] Thread rebound damper into left stanchion
ing serviced, always start installation with the small- (right stanchion if 2000 model).
est pair, which provides the tightest fit to the stan- 52. [ ] Install bumper(s) and spacer (if any) that
chions. If the fit proves too tight, then use the next were removed from rebound-damper shaft to
larger pair on the mandrill, instead. just past small hole in side of shaft.
37. [ ] Assemble bushing-installer parts in following 53. [ ] Insert 1/8" bearing into hole in side of re-
order to one end of shaft: bound-damper shaft, then pull bushing(s)
nut down until bearing is covered.
installation mandrill (large-diameter-end first) 54. [ ] Install top-out bumper onto plunger shaft,
smallest sizing donut (of correct set) then insert 6mm Allen bit on long
17mm spacer extension(s) and guide plunger shaft down
second-smallest sizing donut (of correct set) stanchion and out hole at bottom.
washer 55. [ ] Install bottom-out bumpers onto shaft.
nut 56. [ ] Grease stanchion tubes and bushings, then
38. [ ] Secure nuts together, with assembly fully at carefully guide slider assembly onto stan-
one end of shaft, then install third nut on other chions just until bottoms of shafts contact
end of shaft just until it is fully engaged. bottoms of sliders.

38 – 17
57. [ ] Treat bottom bolts with Loctite 242, insert is removed too quickly. Once removed, locate the small
bolts (and bushing, if any) through holes in Allen set screw in the side of the top end of the piston
bottoms of sliders, then thread bolts into assembly. Tightening the screw increases the damp-
shafts. ing, and loosening the screw reduces the damping. Use
58. [ ] Stabilizing plunger shaft with 6mm bit
one-turn increment adjustments. If there is no set screw,
socket on the extension(s), secure small bolt
to 25–30in-lbs.
the model has no compression adjustment.
59. [ ] Secure large bottom bolt to 25–30in-lbs In some cases, it is possible to disassemble the
with 8mm bit socket. valving on the compression piston, and in other cases
60. [ ] Insert plastic adjuster knob into large bolt. the nut has been permanently bonded. In addition
to this complication to customizing the valving, there
Spring and compression-damper is the fact that the manufacturer has been very poor
installation at supporting customization with individual valve
61. [ ] Thoroughly grease spring elastomer and parts. Add to these problems the fact that understand-
coils, insert spring assembly into side with ing and evaluating changes in valving is too esoteric
small bolt at bottom, then secure top caps
for the vast majority of mechanics, and the practical-
with wrench flats to 20–30in-lbs (no wrench
flats–finger tight). ity of customizing the valving is close to none. If the
Answer Products recommends over ten different oil- ability to adjust valving by the means provided by
level ranges for the forks covered in this section. Many the manufacturer was inadequate, this would be a
of these recommended ranges overlap, so the following problem, but the built-in adjustability has a very
four recommended ranges are all within the broad range of performance.
manufacturer’s recommendations, but may not be as Rebound damping
wide a range as the manufacturer’s recommendations. The rebound damper is the lower damper piston in
Furthermore, the manufacturer cautions strongly against the left leg. It is externally adjustable by turning the
too much or too little oil, and oil level can be difficult adjuster knob on the bottom of the left leg. Turning the
to measure, so these more conservative ranges reduce knob clockwise increases the rebound damping, and
the risk of ending up with an unacceptable oil level. counterclockwise reduces the damping. The knob moves
’00 XVert, ’00 XVert DC 80–85mm in 1/6 turn clicks so that it is possible to track the amount
’99 XVert TI and all other of adjustment. From fully clockwise to fully counter-
double-crown XVerts 205-225mm clockwise is about 40-42 clicks, or up to seven full turns.
’98 XVert TI 130-175mm Although it is theoretically possible to disassemble
Other single-crown XVerts the valving on the rebound damper, the same compli-
except XVert TI, all SX’s 95-105mm cations that make it impractical to customize the com-
59. [ ] Fill stanchion with 5wt suspension fluid to pression damper apply to the rebound damper.
appropriate level.
60. [ ] Carefully insert compression damper, then Spring pre-load adjustment
thread in and secure top caps with wrench The spring system has adjustable pre-load. When
flats to 20–30in-lbs (no wrench flats–finger the knob is turned clockwise the spring is stiffened,
tight). and when it is turned counterclockwise the spring is
softened. The pre-load adjustment is used to set the
TUNING OPTIONS desired sag. The manufacturer does not provide rec-
ommended sag guidelines, but sag is typically set in a
Compression damping range from 10–20% of total travel.
On some models, compression damping is exter-
nally adjustable. There is a clearly-marked adjusting Spring-tuning kits
Spring-tuning kits are available in a range of spring
knob on top of the left top cap, if this is the case. It is
stiffness. If the fork has inadequate sag when the pre-
on the opposite side from the knob marked “preload.”
load is fully loose, or the fork never bottoms under
On models that are not externally adjustable, the
any of the conditions the rider experiences, then a
compression damper may be internally adjustable. The
softer spring kit is called for. If the fork has too much
compression damper is the top damper piston. It can
sag no matter how much the pre-load is tightened, or
be removed without any other fork disassembly. Be
bottoms frequently when ridden, then a firmer spring
careful of overflowing oil that will occur if the damper
kit is called for.

38 – 18

MARZOCCHI ’99–’00 FORKS- cedures and examining the features on the fork, it
should be possible to determine which alternate pro-
COIL & OIL-DAMPER TYPES cedure is appropriate.


Marzocchi makes two tools for servicing this fork,
Marzocchi made three basic types of forks dur- specifically for bushing and seal removal and installa-
ing this period. The most basic type is a simple coil tion. These are the Slider Protector #536003AB and
spring with non-adjustable oil damping, which is the Seal Press #R5068. In addition, two sizes of sock-
covered in this section. This type is identified by the ets are needed for the top caps. Due to the low profile
lack of any slotted rods protruding from the top caps of the wrench flats on the top caps, it is necessary to
and the lack of air valves (on front or back of top end custom grind the ends of the sockets to eliminate any
of slider tubes, or hidden under a plastic cap on top internal bevel. The socket sizes are 21mm and 26mm.
of the stanchion cap). Another type has coil springs, RockShox Dropout Vise Blocks #70107 are very
but adjustable oil damping. These are covered in useful for securing the sliders in the vise with mini-
MARZOCCHI ’97–’00 FORKS-COIL & ADJUSTABLE OIL mal chance of cosmetic or structural damage. The
TYPES (page 38-22). The third type has air springs dropout vise blocks only work on models that fit a
and oil damping. These are covered in MARZOCCHI standard quick-release hub. An alternative is to put
’99–’00 FORKS-AIR SPRUNG TYPES (page 38-26). a dummy axle set into the dropouts, clamp the axle
The forks covered in this section include many set directly into the vise jaws, then attach the fork
models (listed below), but have a few minor variations to the axle set. One more alternative is to use a fork
(regarding service techniques). One variation is distin- mount such as those used for securing a bike in the
guished by external pre-load adjusting knobs. Another bed of a pickup truck.
variation is distinguished by pre-load adjusters hidden
under rubber caps on top of the stanchion top caps.
The models and the type of pre-load adjuster used are: FULL FORK SERVICE
Year and model Pre-load adjuster
’00 Z3 BAM 80 external
Top-cap and spring removal
1. [ ] Remove brake calipers and cable system
’99 &’00 Z1 Dropoff external from fork.
’00 Z3 QR 20 external 2. [ ] External pre-load models: Counting number
’99 &’00 Jr T & Jr T QR 20 external of turns, turn pre-load adjuster knobs fully in
’99 Z3 Light, Z3 Long Travel external “–” direction and record number of turns
’99 Z4 Alloy hidden here: right _______ left _______
’00 Z3.5 & Z3 M80 hidden Hidden pre-load models: Remove rubber cap
’00 Z5 QR 20 Spring hidden (if any), or unthread cap with 4mm Allen fit-
Some of the models, regardless of the pre-load ting from stanchion cap, then use 4mm
Allen to turn pre-load adjuster. Counting
adjuster type, have removable stanchions, and some
number of turns, turn pre-load adjuster fully
have stanchions permanently fixed in the fork crown. counterclockwise (until it reaches top of
The presence of two bolts in the crown at the top of stanchion cap) and record number of turns
each stanchion indicates the stanchions are remov- here: right _______ left _______
able. Some models have one additional difference. 3. [ ] All external pre-load models except ’00 Z3
Most of the other models have a stanchion top cap BAM 80: Remove circlips from grooves in
that threads into the stanchion, but a few models have stanchion caps (just above top of fork
a top cap that inserts into the stanchion and is re- crown).
tained by an internal circlip. 4. [ ] Models with removable stanchions: Re-
All of these variations are covered in the follow- move crown bolts, then remove stanchions
from crown.
ing procedure. It can be difficult to correctly iden-
5. [ ] ’00 Z5 only: Depress top cap slightly, then
tify the year and model of fork being worked on, remove internal snap-ring. Caution–spring
but when there are variations and alternate proce- may eject top cap suddenly. Do not stand
dures are provided, by reading all the alternate pro- directly over stanchion!

38 – 19
6. [ ] If stanchions have been removed and top Bushing and seal installation
caps are still in place: Clamp stanchion tube NOTE: If bushings and seals were not removed,
in bike-stand clamp, then unthread stanchion skip to step 32.
cap from stanchion. 25. [ ] With slider clamped upright in dropout vise
All others: Unthread stanchion caps. blocks, carefully slide thoroughly-oiled bush-
7. [ ] Remove aluminum sleeves (if any), washers, ing into slider so that slot in bushing ends up
and springs from inside of stanchions. on side of slider.
8. [ ] Carefully drain old oil into waste receptacles, 26. [ ] Place large steel washer over bushing
pumping stanchions to drain out oil. 27. [ ] Place thoroughly greased seal (lip side up)
Slider and plunger removal onto seal installer then tap seal into slider
9. [ ] Place RockShox dropout vise blocks on until bottomed.
dropout, and secure in vise so that access 28. [ ] Place triple-dip clip into slot above seal.
hole on bottom of slider is accessible. 29. [ ] Check carefully that triple-dip clip is fully
10. [ ] Use 15mm socket on extension to break loose seated in groove inside slider.
bolt inside access hole in bottom of slider. 30. [ ] Repeat steps 25–29 for other side.
11. [ ] While pulling continuously on stanchion, 31. [ ] Place dust seal(s) onto seal installer and in-
continue to loosen 15mm bolt until stan- stall into slider(s).
chion separates from slider. Plunger and slider installation
12. [ ] Remove bolt from bottom of slider. 32. [ ] Install split rings into grooves in piston heads
13. [ ] Repeat previous three steps for other side. on top ends of plunger rods.
14. [ ] Remove aluminum caps from bottoms of 33. [ ] Install onto plunger rods in order: short top-
plunger rods (caps may have fallen off in- out springs, metal stop plate (with three tabs
side stanchions). on inner perimeter), plastic washer (lip-face
15. [ ] Remove snap-rings from bottoms of stan- first), then valve sleeve (cupped-face first).
chions, then pull out plunger-rod assemblies. 34. [ ] Insert plunger assemblies into stanchions,
16. [ ] Remove valve sleeves, plastic washers, stop install snap-rings into stanchions (sharp-
rings, and top-out springs from shafts. edged-faces out), then install aluminum caps
17. [ ] Remove split rings from piston heads on onto ends of shafts.
plunger rods. 35. [ ] Insert 15mm-head bolt in socket, and
NOTE: Do not proceed with further disassembly check whether any portion of bolt more
unless inspection or symptoms have indicated than the wrench flats is inside socket. If
need for seal replacement or bushing replace- too much bolt is in socket, wad some tis-
ment. If either item is removed, it must be re- sue paper to fill socket until no more than
placed with a new one. wrench flats are in socket.
Seal and bushing removal 36. [ ] Clamp slider in dropout vise blocks so that
18. [ ] If necessary, re-clamp slider in dropout vise slider is upright and hole on bottom of slider
blocks so top end of slider is accessible. is accessible to 15mm socket on extension.
19. [ ] Pry out dust seals, then use screwdriver or 37. [ ] Use socket on extension to hold bolt in ac-
seal pick to pry out triple-dip clip that retains cess hole on bottom of slider in place.
seal in slider. 38. [ ] Install stanchions into sliders.
20. [ ] Place slider protector over top of slider, and 39. [ ] Using foot-long 7/8" dowel or similar device,
use large flat screwdriver to pry out seal (be exert downward pressure on plunger unit
careful not to get screwdriver under washer while turning extension to engage 15mm
that is just below seal, pry as though you were bolt. Maintaining downward pressure on
trying to lift seal through slot in protector). plunger unit, tighten nut to 80in-lbs.
21. [ ] Lift large washer out of slider. 40. [ ] Repeat steps 36–39 for other side.
22. [ ] Using seal pick with 90° bend, lift bushing
out by catching tip of seal pick under lip of
Oil, spring, and top-cap installation
41. [ ] Pull stanchions fully up.
bushing at slot in bushing.
Cleaning and inspection
23. [ ] Using mild detergent, thoroughly clean and
dry all parts, making sure there is no
cleanser or lint left on parts.
24. [ ] Inspect all O-rings for nicks and tears.

38 – 20


Fork crown

Wiper seal

Triple-dip clip This configuration Stanchion cap

is external pre-load
Seal adjuster/threaded-
cap variation.
Washer Sleeve


NOTE: Right and left

sides are identical.

Split ring

Plunger rod


Stop ring
Plastic washer

Valve sleeve

Snap-ring Stanchion

Foot valve


38.9 Marzocchi '99 Z3 Light fork typical of coil and oil-damper types.

38 – 21
42. [ ] Fill each stanchion with recommended Sag guidelines are not provided by the manufacturer,
amount 7.5wt non-foaming oil. but when the rider sits stationary on the bike, the fork
Model Volume should compress about 10–20% of its total travel. More
’99 Z3 Light & Z3 Long Travel 65cc sag improves comfort, and less sag suits high-perfor-
’99 Z4 model 65cc
mance or competitive riding.
’99 Z3 M80& ’00 Z3 BAM 80 85cc
’00 Z3.5 & Z1 Dropoff 100mm 90cc
On the models with external pre-load adjusting
’00 Z1 Dropoff 130mm, Z3 OR 20 95cc knobs, the knobs are turned fully counterclockwise
’99 Z1 Dropoff 100cc (except ’98 models) to maximize sag, and fully clock-
’00 Z5 QR 20 Spring 100cc wise to minimize sag. On the models with hidden pre-
’99 Jr T 160cc load adjusters, a rubber cap must be pried out, or an
’00 Jr T’s 175cc aluminum cap threaded out, then the adjuster is turned
43. [ ] Place long compression springs into stan- with a 4mm Allen wrench. The direction of adjust-
chions, then place aluminum washers and ment is the same on the external and hidden adjusters.
sleeves on top of springs.
44. [ ] Models with unthreaded stanchion caps: Damping adjustments
Insert top cap until groove for snap-ring is These forks do not have adjustable damping. The
exposed, then insert snap-ring (sharp- non-adjustable oil dampers are rebound dampers only.
edged-face up). The only way to change the rebound damping re-
Models with threaded stanchion caps: Hand sponse is by changing the oil weight. As always, us-
thread stanchion caps fully into stanchions ing a heavier-weight oil increases damping, and a
until cap lips contact tops of stanchions.
lighter-weight oil reduces damping. The standard
45. [ ] Models with removable stanchions: Secure
each stanchion into bike-stand clamp, and weight for these forks is 7.5wt. The design of the
secure each stanchion cap to 105in-lbs. damping units makes it critical that a non-foaming
NOTE: When tightening a pair of clamp bolts, al- suspension fluid is used.
ways go back and forth between bolts until
both are stationary at the recommended torque!


46. [ ] Models with removable stanchions: Insert
stanchions into fork crown fully, then secure


stanchion clamp bolts to 70in-lbs.
47. [ ] ’00 Z3 BAM 80 only: Secure stanchion caps

to 105in-lbs.
48. [ ] Models with external pre-load adjuster: En-
gage circlips in grooves in stanchion caps. Marzocchi made three basic types of forks dur-
49. [ ] Models with external pre-load adjuster: Turn ing this period. The most basic type is a simple coil
pre-load adjuster rings fully in “–” direction,
spring with non-adjustable oil damping, which is
then back number of turns indicated in step 2.
Models with hidden pre-load adjuster: : covered in MARZOCCHI ’99–’00 FORKS-COIL & OIL-
Turn pre-load adjuster rings fully counter- DAMPER TYPES (page 38-19). Another type, covered
clockwise, then clockwise number of turns in this section, has coil springs but adjustable oil
indicated in step 2. Install covers over pre- damping. One or two slotted rods protruding out
load adjusters. the top caps identifies a fork as belonging to this
50. [ ] Re-attach brake system and install wheel. type (except Mr. T, which can be identified by de-
51. [ ] Check torque on crown bolts at base of fork cals). The third type has air springs and oil damp-
column. Recommended torque is 70in-lbs. ing. These are covered in MARZOCCHI ’99–’00 FORKS-
AIR SPRUNG TYPES (page 38-26).
TUNING OPTIONS The forks covered in this section include many
models (listed below), but have a few minor variations
Spring pre-load (regarding service techniques). One variety has two
The pre-load on the springs is adjustable. Pre-load adjustable oil dampers. These have two slotted rods
should be adjusted to achieve the desired amount of protruding from the top caps. Another variety has one
sag. Pre-load in both legs should be adjusted equally. adjustable oil damper. This variety has one slotted rod
protruding from the top caps.

38 – 22
Year and model
’97–’98 Z2
Adjustable dampers
’99 Z2 Alloy, Atom Bomb one Top-cap and spring removal
’99 Z2 BAM one 1. [ ] Remove brake calipers and cable system
’00 Z2 Atom 80 one from fork.
’97–’98 Z1 & Mr. T two 2. [ ] Counting number of turns, turn pre-load ad-
’99 Z1 Alloy & Z1 BAM two juster rings fully counterclockwise and
record number of turns here:
’99 Z1 QR20 two
right _______ left _______
’99 Z1 Dual Slalom two 3. [ ] Counting number of turns, turn rebound
’99-’00 Mr. T two damping adjuster fully in “–” direction and
’99-’00 Monster T two record number of turns here: _______
’00 Z1 CR & Z1 QR 20 two 4. [ ] Removable stanchion models only: Remove
All of the models above, except the ’00 Z2 Atom circlips from grooves in stanchion caps (just
80, have removable stanchions. The presence of two above top of fork crown).
bolts in the crown at the top of each stanchion indi- 5. [ ] Removable stanchion models only: Remove
cates the stanchions are removable. The Mr. T and crown bolts, then remove stanchions from
Monster T models are similar to the other models crown.
6. [ ] Use 1.5mm Allen wrench to loosen set
covered in the following procedure, but have enough
screws in perimeters of pre-load adjuster
differences that the following procedures can only be rings, and pull rings off.
used as a general guideline. Covering the variations 7. [ ] Carefully remove e-clips from studs on top of
for the Mr. T and Monster would make the follow- stanchion caps.
ing procedure too complex. 8. [ ] ’00 Z2 Atom 80 only: Use socket to
The one or two adjustable damper varieties and unthread stanchion caps.
the removable or non-removable stanchion varieties 9. [ ] All except ’00 Z2 Atom 80: Clamp stanchion
are covered in the following procedure. It can be diffi- tube in bike-stand clamp, then unthread stan-
cult to correctly identify the year and model of fork chion cap from stanchion. (Single-damper
being worked on, but when there are variations and models only: on left side, stanchion cap as-
sembly comes out all at once – push stud out
alternate procedures are provided, by reading all the
of cap. Single damper right side and both
alternate procedures and examining the features on the sides of double damper models: cap will
fork, it should be possible to determine which alter- come out alone, leaving adjuster rod in place.)
nate procedure is appropriate. 10. [ ] Unthread pre-load adjusting cylinders clock-
wise off tops of studs.
TOOLS 11. [ ] Push stanchions down, then remove plastic
washers and springs from inside of stanchions.
Marzocchi makes two tools for servicing these forks,
specifically for bushing and seal removal and installa- Slider and plunger removal
tion. These are the Slider Protector #536003AB and the 12. [ ] Carefully drain old oil into waste receptacles,
Seal Press #R5068. In addition, two sizes of sockets are pumping stanchions and damping adjuster
rod as necessary to drain out oil.
needed for the top caps. Due to the low profile of the
13. [ ] Place RockShox dropout vise blocks on
wrench flats on the top caps, it is necessary to custom dropout, and secure in vise so that access
grind the ends of the sockets to eliminate any internal hole on bottom of slider is accessible.
bevel. The socket sizes are 21mm and 26mm. 14. [ ] Use 15mm socket on extension to break loose
RockShox Dropout Vise Blocks #70107 are very nut inside access hole in bottom of slider.
useful for securing the sliders in the vise with mini- 15. [ ] While pulling continuously on stanchion,
mal chance of cosmetic or structural damage. The continue to loosen 15mm nut until stan-
dropout vise blocks only work on models that fit a chion separates from slider. (Right side,
standard quick-release hub. An alternative is to put damper and top-out spring are free to fall
a dummy axle set into the dropouts, clamp the axle out; left side, plunger and top-out spring
are free to fall out.)
set directly into the vise jaws, then attach the fork
16. [ ] Repeat previous two steps for other side.
to the axle set. One more alternative is to use a fork
mount such as those used for securing a bike in the
bed of a pickup truck.

38 – 23

Seal and bushing removal 34. [ ] Use socket on extension to hold nut in ac-
NOTE: Do not proceed with further disassembly cess hole on bottom of slider in place, then
unless inspection or symptoms have indicated drop plunger (left side of single-damped
need for seal replacement or bushing replace- models) or damper unit (all others) into stan-
ment. If either item is removed, it must be re- chion so coarse-threaded stud (of either) is
placed with a new one. pointing down. Note: Double-cartridge ’00
17. [ ] If necessary, re-clamp slider in dropout vise models have different left and right car-
blocks so top end of slider is accessible. tridges. Cartridge with multiple holes at bot-
18. [ ] Pry out dust seals, then use screwdriver or tom end of cylinder is left-hand cartridge.
seal pick to pry out triple-dip clip that retains 35. [ ] Side without adjustable damper: Using foot-
seal in slider. long 7/8" dowel or similar device, exert
19. [ ] Place slider protector over top of slider, downward pressure on plunger unit while
and use large flat screwdriver to pry out turning extension to engage 15mm nut.
seal (be careful not to get screwdriver un- Maintaining downward pressure on plunger
der washer that is just below seal, pry as unit, tighten nut to 105in-lbs.
though you were trying to lift seal through Side(s) with adjustable damper: Maintaining
slot in protector). downward pressure on adjuster rod, tighten
20. [ ] Lift large washer out of slider. nut to 105in-lbs.
21. [ ] Using seal pick with 90° bend, lift bushing 36. [ ] Repeat steps 33–35 for other side.
out by catching tip of seal pick under lip of Oil, spring, and top-cap installation
bushing at slot in bushing. 37. [ ] Pull stanchions up fully, then fill each stan-
Cleaning and inspection chion with appropriate amount of 7.5wt oil:
22. [ ] Using mild detergent, thoroughly clean and Model Volume
dry all parts, making sure there is no Lt./Rt.
cleanser or lint left on parts. ’97-’98 Z2 85/75cc
23. [ ] Inspect all O-rings for nicks and tears. ’99 Z2 Atom Bomb & Z2 Alloy 85/75cc
’99 Z2 BAM & ’00 Atom 80 100/900cc
Bushing and seal installation ’97-’98 Z1 & Mr. T 90/90cc
NOTE: If bushing and seal were not removed, skip ’99 Z1 Alloy 96/96cc
to step 30. ’99 Z1 BAM & Z1 Dual Slalom 100/100cc
24. [ ] With slider clamped upright in dropout vise ’99-’00 Z1 QR 20 100/100cc
blocks, carefully slide thoroughly-oiled bush- ’99 Mr. T 160/160cc
ing into slider so that slot in bushing ends up ’00 Mr. T QR 20 170/170cc
on side of slider. ’99-’00 Monster T 380/380cc
25. [ ] Place large steel washer over bushing. 38. [ ] Push stanchions down, then carefully pump
26. [ ] Place thoroughly greased seal (lip-side up) damper-unit rod(s) up and down repeatedly
onto seal installer and tap seal into slider un- to pump air out, and oil into, damper.
til bottomed. 39. [ ] Place long compression springs into stan-
27. [ ] Place triple-dip clip into slot above seal. chions, then place plastic washers (cavity-
28. [ ] Check carefully that triple-dip clip is fully face up) on top of springs.
seated in groove inside slider. NOTE: In the next four steps, the right-side version
29. [ ] Repeat steps 24–28 for other side. of each step is done at the fork assembly, but
30. [ ] Place dust seal(s) onto seal installer and in- the left-side version is done with parts that are
stall into slider(s). not yet part of the fork assembly. The left-side
versions only apply to single-adjustable damper
Plunger and slider installation models. Double adjustable models use right-
31. [ ] Install stanchions (threaded-ends up) into side versions on both sides.
sliders. 40. [ ] Thread pre-load adjuster cylinder (round-end
32. [ ] Install short top-out springs into stanchions. first) onto stud that goes through stanchion
33. [ ] Clamp slider in dropout vise blocks so that cap, until four threads are exposed beyond
slider is upright and hole on bottom of slider hex-end of cylinder.
is accessible to 15mm socket on extension. 41. [ ] Slide stanchion cap(s) onto pre-load adjuster
cylinders until caps snap into place and ex-
pose e-clip slot on stud (above top of cap).
42. [ ] Put e-clips into slots in studs.

38 – 24


Stanchion Circlip

The configuration below

Pre-load is found on the left side
sleeve of single-damper models.

Wiper seal
Coil spring Triple-dip
clip E-clip
Seal Stanchion

Stanchion Pre-load


Coil spring

Damper Sliders


Top-out Plunger
spring Boot shaft

The configuration above

is found on both sides
of two-damper models.

38.10 Marzocchi '99 Z2 fork typical of coil and adjustable-oil types.

38 – 25
43. [ ] Place pre-load adjuster rings on flats of stud, Damping adjustments
then secure setscrews with 1.5mm Allen. Depending on the model year, these forks have
44. [ ] Pull stanchions up, then hand thread stan-
different degrees of adjustable damping.
chion caps fully into stanchions until cap lips
contact tops of stanchions. With 1997 and 1998 models, single and dual ad-
45. [ ] All except ’00 Z2 Atom 80: Secure each justable cartridge models are both adjustable for re-
stanchion into bike-stand clamp, and secure bound damping by turning the adjuster rod(s). Clock-
each stanchion cap to 105in-lbs. wise increases rebound damping. The only way to
Only ’00 Z2 Atom 80: Secure each stan- change compression damping is by changing oil
chion cap to 105in-lbs. weight. The stock oil is 7.5wt non-foaming oil.
46. [ ] Slide boots (if any) over stanchions and en- Changing the oil weight also changes the potential
gage boots to lips on dust seals. amount of rebound damping.
Stanchion installation and final setup With 1999 models, single and dual adjustable car-
NOTE: When tightening a pair of clamp bolts, al- tridge models are adjustable for compression and re-
ways go back and forth between bolts until bound by turning the adjusting rod(s). Clockwise ad-
both are stationary at the recommended justments increase rebound and compression damp-
torque! ing simultaneously.
47. [ ] All except ’00 Z2 Atom 80: Insert stan- With 2000 models, single adjustable cartridge
chions into fork crown fully, then secure models are adjustable for rebound only. Compression
stanchion clamp bolts to 70in-lbs.
damping can only be changed by changing oil weight,
48. [ ] All except ’00 Z2 Atom 80: Engage circlips
in grooves in stanchion caps.
which also affects the potential amount of rebound
49. [ ] Re-attach brake system and install wheel. damping. For this model year only, dual adjustable
50. [ ] Turn pre-load adjuster rings fully counter- cartridge models have compression damping adjust-
clockwise, then clockwise number of turns ment in the left cartridge and rebound damping ad-
indicated in step 2. justment in the right cartridge. Turning either adjuster
51. [ ] Turn rebound damper adjuster fully counter- clockwise increases the damping.
clockwise, then clockwise number of turns
indicated in step 3.
52. [ ] Check torque on crown bolts at base of fork
column. Recommended torque is 70in-lbs. MARZOCCHI ’99–’00 FORKS-
Marzocchi made three basic types of forks dur-
Spring pre-load adjustment ing this period. The most basic type is a simple coil
The pre-load on the springs is adjustable. Pre-load spring with non-adjustable oil damping, which is
should be adjusted to achieve the desired amount of covered in MARZOCCHI ’99–’00 FORKS-COIL & OIL-
sag. Pre-load in both legs should be adjusted equally. DAMPER TYPES (page 38-19). Another type has coil
The manufacturer does not provide sag guidelines, but springs but adjustable oil damping. One or two slot-
when the rider sits stationary on the bike, the fork ted rods protruding out the top caps identifies a fork
should compress about 10–20% of its total travel. More as belonging to this type. These are covered in
sag improves comfort, and less sag suits high-perfor- MARZOCCHI ’97–’00 FORKS-COIL & ADJUSTABLE OIL
mance or competitive riding. TYPES (page 38-22).The third type, covered in this
On the models with external pre-load adjusting section, has air springs and oil damping. For identifi-
knobs, the knobs are turned fully in the “–” direction cation purposes, look for a standard air valve in one
to maximize sag, and fully the opposite way to mini- of three locations: on the front of the slider adjacent
mize sag. On the models with hidden pre-load adjust- to the brake-pivot stud, on the back of the fork di-
ers, a rubber cap must be pried out, or an aluminum rectly behind the brake-pivot stud, or under a three-
cap threaded out, then the adjuster is turned with a pronged cap in the top cap on each stanchion.
4mm Allen wrench. The direction of adjustment is The forks covered in this section include many
the same on the external and hidden adjusters. models (listed below), but have a few minor variations
(regarding service techniques). One variety has adjust-
able oil dampers. These have the air valve on the front

38 – 26
or back of the sliders. The other variety has non-ad- RockShox Dropout Vise Blocks #70107 are very
justable oil dampers. This variety has the air valves useful for securing the sliders in the vise with mini-
inside the top caps. mal chance of cosmetic or structural damage. The
Year and model Adjustable dampers dropout vise blocks only work on models that fit a
’99 Z5 Alloy no standard quick-release hub. An alternative is to put
’99 Z2 Superfly yes a dummy axle set into the dropouts, clamp the axle
’00 Z5 QR 20 no set directly into the vise jaws, then attach the fork
’00 Z5 Flylight Air no to the axle set. One more alternative is to use a fork
’00 Z5 Flylight 100 no mount such as those used for securing a bike in the
’00 Z4 Flylight Air no bed of a pickup truck.
’00 Z2 X Fly QR 20 yes
’00 Z2 X Fly
’00 Z1 X Fly
Several of these models, have removable stanchions. Top-cap and oil removal
The presence of two bolts in the crown at the top of 1. [ ] Remove brake calipers and cable system
each stanchion indicates the stanchions are removable. from fork.
Other models have stanchions that are an integral part 2. [ ] Find and uncap air valves. Deflate fork
of the fork crown. These differences in stanchion con- completely.
figuration occur with no correlation to other differ- 3. [ ] Removable stanchion models with threaded
stanchion caps: Remove circlips from stan-
ences. Additionally, some of the models have stanchion
chion caps, unthread crown bolts, remove
caps that thread in, and others are threadless and re- stanchions from crown, then clamp each
tained by a snap-ring. When alternate procedures exist stanchion in bike-stand clamp to hold while
for all these variations, the following terms will be used: unthreading stanchion caps with custom
Adjustable and non-adjustable dampers 26mm socket.
Integral and non-integral stanchions Removable stanchion models with unthreaded
Threaded and unthreaded stanchion caps stanchion caps: Depress stanchion caps sev-
Front, back, and top air valves eral millimeters, pry out circlips from stan-
All varieties are covered in the following proce- chions, thread cap puller onto valve threads,
dure. It can be difficult to correctly identify the year then pull on tool to remove cap(s).
Integral stanchion models: Use custom
and model of fork being worked on, but when there
21mm socket to unthread stanchion caps
are variations and alternate procedures are provided, from stanchions.
by reading all the alternate procedures and examining 4. [ ] Carefully drain old oil into waste receptacles,
the features on the fork, it should be possible to deter- pumping stanchions to drain out oil.
mine which alternate procedure is appropriate.
Slider and damper removal
5. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Find 2.5mm
TOOLS Allen fitting inside 10mm nut in bottom end
Marzocchi makes five tools for servicing these of sliders, then turn fully counterclockwise,
forks, two of which are specifically for bushing and counting turns:
seal removal and installation. These are the Slider Pro- ______ turns counterclockwise on right
______ turns counterclockwise on left
tector #536003AB and the Seal Press #R5068. The third
6. [ ] ’99 Z5 Alloy only: Use 17mm socket on ex-
Marzocchi tool is a Seal Guide #R5082CD, which is tension to break loose bolts inside access
used in servicing the adjustable-damper models. The hole in bottom of slider.
fourth tool, pump #R4002, is essential for inflating Adjustable-damper models: Use 10mm
models with front or top air valves. The fifth tool, socket on extension to break loose nuts in-
Stanchion Cap Puller #R5008BZ, is used to remove side access hole in bottom of slider.
unthreaded stanchion caps. Non-adjustable-damper models: Use 15mm
In addition, two sizes of sockets are needed for the socket on extension to break loose nuts in-
top caps. Due to the low profile of the wrench flats on side access hole in bottom of slider.
the top caps, it is necessary to custom grind the ends 7. [ ] While pulling continuously on slider, continue
to loosen nuts or bolts until sliders separate
of the sockets to eliminate any internal bevel. The
from stanchions.
socket sizes are 21mm and 26mm.

38 – 27

Stanchion cap

Configuration below is
identical on both sides
Wiper seal

Seal ring Triple-dip clip

Seal ring
Stanchions Seal



Damper rod


Adjuster bolt

Top-out spring


*Seal pack is:

Parker seal (flat-side down)
Seal pack*
Body (O-ring end down)
Parker seal (flat-side up)
Washer Sliders



38.11 Marzocchi '00 Z2 X-Fly fork typical of air-sprung types.

38 – 28
8. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Remove caps 22. [ ] With slider clamped upright in dropout vise
from ends of plunger rods. If caps are not blocks, carefully slide thoroughly-oiled bush-
on rods, push rods from below out tops of ing into slider so that slot in bushing ends up
sliders. on side of slider.
Non-adjustable-damper models: Remove foot 23. [ ] Place large steel washer over bushing.
valves from ends of plunger rods. 24. [ ] Place thoroughly greased seal (lip side up)
9. [ ] Adjustable-damper models only: Inspect caps onto seal installer then tap seal into slider
for external O-rings. If O-rings are missing, until bottomed.
inspect inside sliders and remove O-rings. 25. [ ] Place triple-dip clip into slot above seal.
10. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Remove snap- 26. [ ] Check carefully that triple-dip clip is fully
rings from bottoms of stanchions, then care- seated in groove inside slider.
fully pull out plunger-rod assemblies. 27. [ ] Repeat steps 22–26 for other side.
Non-adjustable-damper models: Remove 28. [ ] Place dust seal(s) onto seal installer and in-
damper assemblies from tops of stanchions. stall into slider(s).
11. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Remove washer,
seal pack, washer, then top-out springs Damper assembly and installation
from shafts. 29. [ ] Adjustable-damper models only: With 3mm
Non-adjustable-damper models: Remove top- Allen wrench engaged to head of adjuster
out springs from bottoms of shafts. rod (through top of piston), use 2.5mm Allen
12. [ ] Remove split rings from piston heads on wrench to check that bolt on bottom end of
plunger shafts. adjuster rod is secure. If not, remove bolt
and reinstall with Loctite 242.
Seal and bushing removal 30. [ ] Install split rings into grooves in piston heads
NOTE: Do not proceed with further disassembly on top ends of plunger rods. Note: On ad-
unless inspection or symptoms have indicated justable-damper models, stepped-split ring
need for seal replacement or bushing replace- goes in top groove and diagonal-split ring
ment. If either item is removed, it must be re- goes in next groove.
placed with a new one. 31. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Install onto
13. [ ] Clamp slider in RockShox dropout vise plunger rods in order: short top-out springs,
blocks so top end of slider is accessible. washer, seal-guide tool #R5028CD, seal
14. [ ] Pry out dust seals, then use screwdriver or pack (O-ring-end last), then second washer.
seal pick to pry out triple-dip clip that retains Remove seal-guide tool.
seal in slider. Non-adjustable-damper models: Install top-
15. [ ] Place slider protector over top of slider, and out springs onto bottoms of shafts.
use large flat screwdriver to pry out seal (be 32. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Insert plunger
careful not to get screwdriver under washer assemblies into stanchions, then install snap-
that is just below seal, pry as though you were rings into stanchions (sharp-edged-face out).
trying to lift seal through slot in protector). Non-adjustable-damper models: Install
16. [ ] Lift large washer out of slider. damper shafts through tops of stanchions,
17. [ ] Using seal pick with 90° bend, lift bushing then install foot valves on ends of shafts.
out by catching tip of seal pick under lip of 33. [ ] Adjustable-damper models only: Install caps
bushing at slot in bushing. onto shafts, then install O-rings onto caps.
Cleaning and inspection Slider installation
18. [ ] Using mild detergent, thoroughly clean and 34. [ ] Install boots (if any) onto stanchions, then
dry all parts, making sure there is no carefully push slider assembly onto stan-
cleanser or lint left on parts. chions only 2-3".
19. [ ] Inspect all O-rings and seals for nicks and 35. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Turn fork upside
tears. down, then inject 7cc of 7.5wt oil into each
20. [ ] If air pressure has been leaking, remove and hole in bottoms of sliders, then push slider
replace seals in seal pack and O-rings on top assembly further onto stanchions until shafts
caps and air valves. protrude from holes.
Non-adjustable damper models: Turn fork up-
Bushing and seal installation side down, then push sliders on until ends of
NOTE: If bushings and seals were not removed, shaft assemblies contact ends of sliders.
skip to step 29.
21. [ ] Grease all O-rings, seals, and plastic split rings.

38 – 29
36. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Use dowel or 44. [ ] Check for clamp bolts at base of fork col-
similar tool through tops of stanchions to umn. Secure to 70in-lbs if two-bolt type.
seat shaft assemblies fully, insert 10mm nut
in socket on extension, then engage nut to
shaft protruding from hole in bottom of
slider. Repeat for other side. TUNING OPTIONS
Non-adjustable damper models: Use dowel
or similar tool through tops of stanchions to
Sag adjustment
maintain pressure on tops of damper assem-
These forks have air springs, and sag is adjusted by
blies, then place nut/bolt in socket on exten- changing the air pressure. Depending on the model, the
sion and engage nut/bolt to ends of shafts. factory standard pressure is 35–45psi. There is no factory
37. [ ] Adjustable-damper models: Torque 10mm guidelines for desired sag, so use a general guideline of
nuts to 105in-lbs. If necessary, use 8mm bit pressurizing the fork so that the sag is 10–20% of the
socket on extension from top of stanchion to total travel. More sag creates higher comfort, and less sag
keep shaft(s) from turning. creates higher performance for competitive riding.
’99 Z5 Alloy only: Torque 17mm bolts to
80in-lbs. If necessary, use dowel though top Damping adjustments, adjustable models
of stanchion to keep shaft(s) from turning. A 2.5mm Allen wrench is inserted into a fitting
Non-adjustable-damper models: Torque accessed through the bottom of the slider. Clockwise
15mm nuts to 105in-lbs. If necessary, use adjustment increases rebound damping. The only way
dowel though top of stanchion to keep to change compression damping is by changing oil
shaft(s) from turning. weight. The stock oil is 7.5wt non-foaming oil. Chang-
Oil filling and final setup ing the oil weight also changes the potential amount
38. [ ] Adjustable-damper models only: Use 2.5mm of rebound damping.
Allen wrench to loosen adjuster in bottom of
each slider fully counterclockwise.
Non-adjustable models damping models
39. [ ] Turn fork over, push sliders fully down, then These forks do not have adjustable damping. The
fill each stanchion with an appropriate vol- non-adjustable oil dampers are rebound dampers only.
ume of 7.5wt non-foaming oil. The only way to change the rebound damping response
Model Volume is by changing the oil weight. As always, using heavier-
’99 Z2 Superfly 50cc weight oil increases damping, and lighter-weight oil
’99 Z5 Alloy 65cc reduces damping. The standard weight for these forks
’00 Z2 X Fly & X Fly QR 20 60cc is 7.5wt. The design of the damping units makes it
’00 Z1 X Fly 75cc critical that a non-foaming suspension fluid is used.
’00 Z4 Flylight Air 85cc
’00 Z3 Flylight 100 100cc
’00 Z5 QR 20 & Z5 Flylight Air 110cc
40. [ ] Threaded stanchion-cap models: If non-inte-
gral stanchions, clamp stanchion(s) into
bike-stand clamp. All: Thread in stanchion
caps and secure to 105in-lbs.
Unthreaded stanchion-cap models: Press
stanchion caps in until several millimeters
below circlip grooves inside stanchions, seat
circlips into grooves, then use cap puller to This section is specifically about the Risse Astro-5
pull stanchion caps up to circlips. rear shock. It is similar to the earlier Genesis models,
41. [ ] Use pump to pressurize each leg to 35– with the exception of an external hydraulic damper
45psi (factory standard). Install valve caps. that has been added.
42. [ ] Adjustable-damper models only: Restore
damping adjuster settings recorded in step 5.
NOTE: When tightening a pair of clamp bolts, al- TOOLS
ways go back and forth between bolts until Four specialized Risse tools are required:
both are stationary at the recommended Combo Bearing Wrench #20621
torque! 1–1/8" Shaft Clamp #20224
43. [ ] Non-integral stanchion models: Secure stan- 1–1/8" Bullet Tool #20355
chion-clamp bolts to 70in-lbs. 1–1/8" Blowout Body #20659

38 – 30

FULL SHOCK SERVICE 15. [ ] Maintaining order and orientation, remove

rebound shims from top side of piston and
Shock removal record their dimensions here:
1. [ ] Use Schrader-valve pressure gauge to record I.D. O.D. Thickness
pressure in shock: ____psi. ________ ________ _________
2. [ ] Depress plunger in valve, put weight on ________ ________ _________
bike to fully compress shock, then release ________ ________ _________
valve plunger. (stock configuration below)
3. [ ] Remove shafts through body eyelet and 12.7mm 28.1mm .16mm
shaft eyelet, then remove shock. 12.7mm 28.1mm .16mm
16. [ ] Noting orientation, remove piston.
Shaft removal 17. [ ] Maintaining order and orientation, remove
4. [ ] Place 5/16” steel rod horizontally in vise, compression shims from below piston and
then place body eyelet on rod. record their dimensions here:
5. [ ] Orient shock so that shaft points up, then I.D. O.D. Thickness
use Combo Bearing Wrench to unthread ________ ________ _________
seal-head from end of shock body. ________ ________ _________
6. [ ] Place 3/8” steel rod into shaft eyelet; ________ ________ _________
while holding body upright with one hand, (stock configuration below)
pull upward on rod to remove shaft assem- 12.7mm 28.1mm .16mm
bly (oil may spill). 12.7mm 17.8mm .30mm.
7. [ ] Remove body from 5/16" shaft, then pour oil 18. [ ] Push seal head fully to piston end of shaft,
into empty waste receptacle to be properly then thread Blowout Body onto seal head.
recycled later. Inflate Blowout Body to eject floating piston.
8. [ ] Test viscosity of oil from waste receptacle 19. [ ] Remove Blowout Body, then remove seal-
using test from OIL-VISCOSITY TESTING (page head from shaft.
38-5). Approximate weight of fluid is: ______ 20. [ ] Remove O-ring from shaft.
NOTE: If changing fluid only, proceed to step 52.
Removal of adjustable damper
Shaft-eyelet and seal-head removal 21. [ ] Use 2mm Allen to unscrew 8 bolts that hold
9. [ ] Clean piston-end of shaft with alcohol, then adjustable damper to body.
place 1–1/8" Shaft Clamp around cleaned 22. [ ] Watching carefully for the spring/bearing
portion of shaft. détente mechanism that is under the “R”
10. [ ] Secure 1–1/8" Shaft Clamp in vise, so that end of the assembly, lift the assembly off
eyelet end of shaft is up. the shock cylinder.
11. [ ] Use rod (diameter should match eyelet hole) 23. [ ] Remove détente spring from hole in cylinder,
to turn shaft eyelet counterclockwise. (If re- remove O-rings from oval grooves in cylinder,
moval is very difficult, heat shaft with pro- remove 3/32" détente bearing from bottom
pane torch, applying constant pressure while face of “R” end of damper unit, pull both
applying heat, and moving heat to avoid ends of damper unit off shaft, then remove
concentration.) O-rings from both end pieces of damper unit.
12. [ ] Clean eyelet threads of any old Loctite.
O-ring and seal removal
Valve disassembly 24. [ ] Remove O-ring from inside and outside of
and floating-piston removal seal-head.
13. [ ] Turn shaft/Shaft-Clamp assembly over in 25. [ ] Remove wiper seal from end of seal-head.
vise, so that piston-end of shaft is up. 26 [ ] Remove O-ring from shaft eyelet.
14. [ ] With 17mm wrench, remove nut on end of 27. [ ] Remove O-rings from floating piston.
piston. Cleaning and inspection
28. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and wa-
ter, then dry thoroughly with compressed air.
Avoid leaving solvents or lint from rags on,
or in, any part!
29. [ ] Inspect valve shims (thin washers) for chip-
ping or cracks
30. [ ] Inspect O-rings and seals for tears, nicks,
and cracks.

38 – 31

Shaft eyelet

Floating piston


Seal head




Piston-end of shaft
Detente ball
& spring

Valve shims
Letter head


Valve shims

Arrow head
Valve nut

Bolt (8)

38.12 Risse Astro-5 rear shock.

38 – 32

O-ring installation and floating-piston Oil filling and assembly

assembly 52. [ ] Attach pump to air valve, then pressurize to
31. [ ] Grease all O-rings and wiper seal. pressure recorded in step 1.
32. [ ] Install wiper seal (conical-lip out), in end of 53. [ ] Remove shaft assembly from vise (if appro-
seal-head. priate).
33. [ ] Install O-rings on floating piston, and inside 54. [ ] Push O-rings and seal-head to piston-end of
and outside of seal-head. shaft assembly.
55. [ ] Place shock body upright in vise, and fill
Shaft assembly with 5wt oil.
34. [ ] Put 1–1/8" Shaft Clamp around piston-end 56. [ ] Manually thread seal-head as far as possible
of shaft, then clamp radius blocks into vise into shock body.
with piston end pointing up. 57. [ ] Place 5/16” steel rod horizontally in vise,
35. [ ] Install shim stack that was below piston onto then place body eyelet onto rod.
end of shaft in reverse order of removal. 58. [ ] Check that O-ring under seal-head flange
36. [ ] Install piston (face with bigger 3-leg protru- has disappeared inside shock body.
sion facing up). 59. [ ] Use Combo Bearing Wrench to secure seal-
37. [ ] Install shim stack that was above piston head into to end of shock body to torque of
onto end of shaft. 240in-lbs (24lbs@10").
38. [ ] Apply Loctite #242 to threads of nut, then 60. [ ] Install shock into bike.
thread nut onto stud (slightly snug). 61. [ ] Test shock by sitting in saddle and bouncing.
39. [ ] Hold piston stationary and rotate nut until Rear suspension should have damping. No
flats on nut align centered to legs on top sound of air in valving should be present.
face of piston. Listen for unusual noises, such as “gurgling”
40. [ ] Torque nut to 70–80in-lbs, making sure nut or “sucking” noise, which would indicate
flats maintain orientation to piston legs. presence of air.
41. [ ] Turn shaft/Shaft-Clamp assembly over in
vise, then clamp securely.
42. [ ] Insert air piston (spring-end first) fully into TUNING OPTIONS
piston shaft.
43. [ ] Install 1–1/8" Bullet Tool in end of shaft.
Air pressure
44. [ ] Install remaining O-ring over tool and onto Typical pressure is from 150–200psi. Increasing
shaft. air pressure increases spring stiffness, which reduces
45. [ ] Install seal-head (threaded-end first) over rate of compression and increases rate of rebound
tool and onto shaft, then remove tool. while decreasing air pressure decreases spring stiff-
46. [ ] Apply Loctite 242 on threads of shaft eyelet, ness, which increases rate of compression and de-
then secure shaft eyelet to 100in-lbs. creases rate of rebound. Air pressure should be ad-
Damper adjuster assembly justed to create the desired amount of static sag. With
47. [ ] Install O-rings into adjuster-rod damper the rider on the bike, the shock should compress 5%–
blocks, and O-rings into oval grooves in 20% of its total compression for cross-country riding,
shock cylinder. or 30%–40% for downhill riding.
48. [ ] Insert orifice-end of adjuster rod into “R”
Damping adjustment
49. [ ] Insert détente bearing and spring into small Turning the damper-adjusting lever switches the
hole in back face of “R” block. damper unit through five progressive orifices settings.
50. [ ] Holding damper unit with bottom face facing The rebound and compression damping are both si-
up, position shock body over damper unit multaneously affected.
with open end of body pointing the same
way as R-block end of damper unit, then
mate together so détente spring inserts into
spring hole (smaller hole) in mounting sur-
face for damper unit.
51. [ ] Insert and tighten eight bolts that hold
damper to shock cylinder.

38 – 33

RISSE TERMINATOR 11. [ ] Use rod (diameter should match eyelet hole)
to turn shaft eyelet counterclockwise. (If re-

REAR SHOCK moval is very difficult, heat shaft with pro-

pane torch, applying constant pressure while
applying heat, and moving heat to avoid

ABOUT THIS SECTION concentration.)

12. [ ] Clean eyelet threads of any old Loctite.
This section is specifically about the Risse Termi-
nator rear shock. Valve disassembly
and floating-piston removal
13. [ ] Turn shaft/ Shaft-Clamp assembly over in
TOOLS vise, so that piston-end of shaft is up.
Four specialized Risse tools are required: 14. [ ] With 17mm wrench, remove nut on end of
Combo Bearing Wrench #20621 piston.
1–1/2" Shaft Clamp #20222 15. [ ] Maintaining order and orientation, remove
1–1/2" Bullet Tool #20242 rebound shims from top side of piston and
record their dimensions here:
1–1/2" Blowoff Body #20658
I.D. O.D. Thickness
________ ________ _________
FULL SHOCK SERVICE ________ ________ _________
________ ________ _________
Shock removal ________ ________ _________
1. [ ] Use Schrader valve pressure gauge to record ________ ________ _________
pressure in shock: ____psi. (stock configuration below)
2. [ ] Depress plunger in valve, put weight on 12.7mm 27.9mm .30mm
bike to fully compress shock, then release 12.7mm 34.3mm .20mm
valve plunger. 12.7mm 34.3mm .20mm
3. [ ] Remove shafts through body eyelet and 12.7mm 34.3mm .20mm
shaft eyelet, then remove shock. 16. [ ] Noting orientation, remove piston.
17. [ ] Maintaining order and orientation, remove
Shaft removal compression shims from below piston and
4. [ ] Carefully grasp body eyelets in soft jaws in record their dimensions here:
vise, with rag to protect finish. I.D. O.D. Thickness
5. [ ] Use Combo Bearing Wrench to unthread ________ ________ _________
seal-head from end of shock body. ________ ________ _________
6. [ ] Place 3/8” steel rod into shaft eyelet and ________ ________ _________
pull upward on rod to remove shaft assembly ________ ________ _________
(oil may spill). ________ ________ _________
7. [ ] Remove body from vise, then pour oil into (stock configuration below)
empty waste receptacle to be properly re- 12.7mm 38.7mm .25mm
cycled later. 12.7mm 34.3mm .16mm
8. [ ] Test viscosity of oil from waste receptacle 12.7mm 27.9mm .16mm
using test from OIL-VISCOSITY TESTING (page 12.7mm 17.8mm .30mm
38-5). Approximate weight of fluid is: ______ 18. [ ] Push seal head fully to piston end of shaft,
NOTE: If changing fluid only, proceed to step 52. then thread Blowout Body onto seal head.
Shaft-eyelet and seal-head removal Inflate Blowout Body to eject floating piston.
9. [ ] Clean piston-end of shaft with alcohol, then 19. [ ] Remove Blowout Body, then remove seal-
place 1–1/2" Shaft Clamp around cleaned head from shaft.
portion of shaft. 20. [ ] Remove O-ring from shaft.
10. [ ] Secure Shaft Clamp in vise, so that eyelet
end of shaft is up.
Removal of adjustable dampers
21. [ ] Use 2mm Allen to unscrew 8 bolts that hold
rebound adjustable damper (marked “R”) to
body, noting R end points to open end of
body, then repeat for compression adjustable
damper (marked “C”), noting that C end
points to closed end of body.

38 – 34


Shaft eyelet

Floating piston
Shaft Seal head

ball & spring


Piston-end of shaft

Valve shims

Piston (end w/ larger holes facing )

Bolt (16x) Valve shims


38.13 Risse Terminator rear shock.

38 – 35
22. [ ] Watching carefully for the spring/bearing 43. [ ] Install remaining O-ring over tool and onto
détente mechanism that is under the R or C shaft.
end of the assembly, lift the assembly off 44. [ ] Install seal-head (threaded-end first) over
the shock cylinder. tool and onto shaft, then remove tool.
23. [ ] Remove détente springs from holes in cylin- 45. [ ] Apply Loctite 242 on threads of shaft eyelet,
der, remove O-rings from oval grooves in cyl- then secure shaft eyelet to 100in-lbs
inder, remove 3/32" détente bearing from (17lbs@6").
bottom face of R and C ends of damper
units, pull both ends of damper units off ad- Damper-adjuster assembly
justment shafts, then remove O-rings from During normal disassembly, there is no reason to
both end pieces of damper units. Remove 3/ remove or loosen the adjusting rings on the adjusting
16" ball bearing and spring from inside the rods. If the rings have been loosened, then it is pos-
blocks with the engraved arrow. sible the numbers on the rings are not in correspon-
dence with the correct-size orifices. When the adjuster
O-ring and seal removal ring is correctly positioned and you are seeing the “1,”
24. [ ] Remove O-ring from inside and outside of
seal-head. you should simultaneously be seeing the smallest ori-
25. [ ] Remove wiper seal from end of seal-head. fice through the next-to-largest orifice.
26 [ ] Remove O-ring from shaft eyelet. 46. [ ] Install O-rings into adjuster-rod damper
27. [ ] Remove O-rings from floating piston. blocks, and O-rings into oval grooves in
shock cylinder.
Cleaning and inspection 47. [ ] Insert orifice-end of adjuster rods into R
28. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and wa- and C blocks, insert spring and 3/16" ball
ter, then dry thoroughly with compressed air. bearing into each “arrow” block, then in-
Avoid leaving solvents or lint from rags on, sert remaining end of each adjuster rod
or in, any part! into each arrow block.
29. [ ] Inspect valve shims (thin washers) for chip- 48. [ ] Insert détente bearings and springs into
ping or cracks small holes in back faces of R and C blocks.
30. [ ] Inspect O-rings and seals for tears, nicks, The Terminator shock has a rebound damper and
and cracks. a compression damper. Either can be installed facing
O-ring installation and floating-piston either way, but only one way allows the dampers to
assembly function in the correct way. When correctly installed,
31. [ ] Grease all O-rings and wiper seal. the arrow on the rebound damper points toward the
32. [ ] Install wiper seal (conical-lip out) in end of body eyelet and the arrow on the compression damper
seal-head. points away from the body eyelet. Simply put, the
33. [ ] Install O-rings on floating piston, and inside arrows point the way the body moves during rebound
and outside of seal-head. and compression strokes.
49. [ ] Holding damper unit with bottom face facing
Shaft assembly up, position shock body over damper unit
34. [ ] Put Shaft Clamp around piston-end of shaft,
with eyelet end of body pointing the same
then clamp tool into vise with piston end
way as arrow end of “R” damper unit, then
pointing up.
mate together so détente spring inserts into
35. [ ] Install shim stack that was below piston onto
spring hole (smaller hole) in mounting sur-
end of shaft in reverse order of removal.
face for damper unit.
36. [ ] Install piston. Side with smaller-diameter
50. [ ] Insert and tighten eight bolts that hold
valve holes in flat surface faces up.
damper to shock cylinder.
37. [ ] Install shim stack that was above piston
51. [ ] Repeat previous two steps for compression
onto end of shaft.
damper unit, but install so arrow end points
38. [ ] Apply Loctite #242 to threads of nut, then
away from eyelet end of body.
thread nut onto stud (slightly snug).
39. [ ] Torque nut to 70–80in-lbs (12–13lbs@6"). Oil filling and assembly
40. [ ] Turn shaft/ Shaft-Clamp assembly over in 52. [ ] Attach pump to air valve, then pressurize to
vise, then clamp securely. pressure recorded in step 1.
41. [ ] Insert air piston, spring-end first, fully into 53. [ ] Remove shaft assembly from vise (if appro-
piston shaft. priate).
42. [ ] Install 1–1/2" Bullet Tool in end of shaft. 54. [ ] Push O-rings and seal-head to piston-end of
shaft assembly.

38 – 36
55. [ ] Place shock body upright in vise, and fill
with 5wt oil. TOOL CHOICES
56. [ ] Manually thread seal-head as far as possible See table 38–3 for tool requirements. All the tools
into shock body. in the table are required for the job.
57. [ ] Check that O-ring under seal-head flange
has disappeared inside shock body.
58. [ ] Use Combo Bearing Wrench to secure seal-
head into to end of shock body to torque of (table 38-3)
240in-lbs (24lbs@10"). Tool Fits and considerations
6mm Allen bit socket minimum 4" bit length
59. [ ] Install shock into bike.
Ratchet extension 6" may be adequate,
60. [ ] Test shock by sitting in saddle and bounc- longer is recommended
ing. Rear suspension should have damping. RockShox 70096 Judy/Quadra/Indy bushing
No sound of air in valving should be remover
present. Listen for unusual noises, such as RockShox 70098 Quadra/Indy/Jett bushing
“gurgling” or “sucking” noise, which would installer
indicate presence of air. UBT AL-11912B 22mm socket custom ground
for optimal purchase


Air pressure
Typical pressure is from 150–200psi. Increasing Spring-stack removal
air pressure increases spring stiffness, which reduces 1. [ ] Leave fork in bike, but release front brake
cable from brake lever.
rate of compression and increases rate of rebound
2. [ ] Count number of turns require to loosen
while decreasing air pressure decreases spring stiff- spring pre-load knobs fully counterclockwise
ness, which increases rate of compression and de- and record here: left______ right______
creases rate of rebound. Air pressure should be ad- 3. [ ] Use 22mm socket to unthread plastic caps
justed to create the desired amount of static sag. With in tops of stanchions, then remove cap/
the rider on the bike, the shock should compress 5%– spring-stack assemblies. (’99 Indy C and ’00
20% of its total compression for cross-country riding, Jett XC have spring stack only in right side.)
or 30%–40% for downhill riding. Slider removal
Damping adjustment 4. [ ] Compress fork completely.
Turning each numbered damper-adjusting ring 5. [ ] Use ratchet drive, extension, and 6mm bit
adjusts the damper unit through five progressive ori- socket to unthread plunger bolts down in
bottom of stanchions.
fice settings, corresponding to the numbers on the
6. [ ] Remove wheel from fork.
rings. The rebound and compression damping are com- 7. [ ] Slide slider assembly off bottom of stan-
pletely independent. chion tubes.
8. [ ] Poor oil from sliders into waste receptacle.
9. [ ] Attach small O-rings or rubber bands to

ROCKSHOX ’97–’99 INDY & plunger bolts exposed below bottoms of

plungers, so that bolts cannot escape into

JETT FORKS plungers.

Friction-damper removal (SL model only)
10. [ ] Use snap-ring pliers to remove internal snap
ABOUT THIS SECTION rings at bottoms of stanchions.
11. [ ] Use extension with bit socket to push or
This section covers RockShox Indy model forks
tap plunger assemblies out bottoms of
from 1997 and 1998, including the S, C, SL, and XC
models. In addition, the 1999 RockShox Jett C, 1999 12. [ ] Remove friction dampers from ends of
Jett T2, and 2000 Jett XC can be serviced using these plungers.
instructions. These are all similar to each other and 13. [ ] Remove O-rings from friction dampers.
are described with one procedure, with notes regard-
ing the minor differences.

38 – 37

Seal and bushing removal 28. [ ] Place in order on Bushing Installer: 25mm
14. [ ] Remove boots and wiper seals from tops of sleeve and upper bushing.
slider tubes (insert screwdriver through seal 29. [ ] Insert assembly into fork and tap with plas-
and pry up on inside bottom edge of seal). tic mallet until assembly is fully bottomed,
NOTE: Before removing lower bushings, it is recom- then remove tools.
mended to measure depth from top of slider to 30. [ ] Repeat steps 26–29 for other side.
top edge of lower bushing. 31. [ ] Grease wiper seals, then place wiper seals in
15. [ ] Place upright on top of slightly open vise top ends of sliders and tap into place with
jaws RockShox Seal Separator (large-end plastic mallet.
up), and place sleeve from RockShox Bush- Friction-damper installation (SL model only)
ing Remover (small-end up) on top of Seal 32. [ ] Grease and install O-rings into friction
Separator. dampers.
16. [ ] Holding slider upside down, insert RockShox 33. [ ] Slide top-out bumpers half-way down
Bushing Remover with 28mm-long extractor plunger shafts if bumpers have been forced
plate up into one side of slider and engage over flange-ends of plungers.
plate against back of first bushing. 34. [ ] Install friction dampers onto ends of plung-
17. [ ] With tool still engaged to bushing, drop ers so that end of damper with groove in
end of tool through sleeve, Seal Separator, outer perimeter goes on first.
and vise jaws until slider seats on sleeve, 35. [ ] Wiggle and push plungers into stanchions.
then firmly secure vise on Bushing Re- 36. [ ] Use 15mm socket or 7/8" PVC pipe to seat
mover handle. friction dampers just beyond snap-ring
18. [ ] Hold one cylinder of Seal Separator sta- grooves.
tionary and rotate other cylinder to pull 37. [ ] Use snap-ring pliers to install internal snap-
bushing out. rings (sharp-edged-face out) into bottoms of
19. [ ] Repeat previous three previous steps for stanchions.
other bushing, then repeat for both bushings
in other side. Slider assembly
20. [ ] Using a spoke or seal pick, fish bottom-out 38. [ ] Remove rubber bands or O-rings from
bumpers out of sliders. plunger bolts, then prep plunger-bolt threads
with Loctite 242.
Cleaning and inspection 39. [ ] Check alignment of conical bottom-out
21. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and bumpers in bottoms of sliders, then use
thoroughly dry with compressed air and/or spoke to align flat as necessary (conical-
lint-free rag. side down).
22. [ ] Inspect wiper seals for nicks or tears. 40. [ ] Put 5wt oil in each slider (15cc in XC, or
23. [ ] Inspect and replace all elastomer and coil 10cc in S, C, SL, and Jett T2).
springs that do not meet RockShox specifi- 41. [ ] Grease bushings, and fill pockets in wiper
cations. seals with Judy Butter or similar grease.
Seal and bushing installation 42. [ ] Use fingers to check if wiper seals are de-
formed at bottom edge, and pull wiper
24. [ ] Install bottom-out bumpers in sliders so coni-
cal ends face down. seals out just enough to eliminate defor-
25. [ ] Thoroughly grease all replacement bushings mity (if found).
with Judy Butter or equivalent non-lithium 43. [ ] Place slider assembly onto stanchions and
grease. compress fully.
26. [ ] Place in order on Bushing Installer: 25mm 44. [ ] Use extension and bit socket to engage
sleeve, 85mm sleeve #110-02265-00 plunger bolts into sliders.
marked “98 Indy,” and lower (smaller O.D.) 45. [ ] Use torque wrench to tighten plunger bolts
bushing. Note: ’97 Indy uses 78mm sleeve to 80in-lbs.
#70196 instead of 85mm sleeve. 46. [ ] Pull sliders down fully, then engage bottoms
27. [ ] Insert assembly into fork and tap with plas- of dust boots to wiper seals.
tic mallet until assembly is fully bottomed,
then remove tools.

38 – 38

Spring-stack installation gets on the bike. If it is not possible to achieve the

47. [ ] Grease elastomer and/or coil springs. recommended sag with the existing springs, then con-
48. [ ] Insert cap/spring-stacks into stanchions, and sider changing springs.
secure caps to 30in-lbs. (’99 Indy C and ’00
Jett XC have spring stack only in right side.) Spring-rate adjustment
49. [ ] Restore pre-load settings. Spring rate can be changed two ways. The spring-
50. [ ] Install wheel in fork. rate adjusters can be changed, and the coil springs can
51. [ ] Connect brake cable. be changed. The spring-rate adjuster is the plastic stud
that inserts into the coil spring. When the length of the
Crown-bolt security stud is changed, the point at which the coil spring is
52. [ ] Check crown bolt torque (if any). RockShox
fully compressed is changed. This, in turn, changes the
recommended torque is 60in-lbs.
point of fork compression when only the elastomer part
of the spring set continues to compress. The spring-rate
TUNING OPTIONS adjuster kit (#59136) contains different-length adjusters.
A shorter length of stud makes the spring system softer,
Sag and pre-load adjustment and a longer length of stud makes the spring stiffer.
RockShox recommends 7–10mm of sag for 72mm-
Coil springs are available in four degrees of firm-
travel models, 5–8mm of sag for 60mm-travel models,
ness. These are soft (red, #110-000591-00), medium
3–5mm for 48mm-travel models. Adjust the pre-load
(yellow, #110-000592-00), firm (green, #59141), and
adjusters (up to 5 full turns from loosest to tightest) to
extra firm (purple, #59139).
achieve sag in the recommended range. Check sag by
measuring the change in distance from the top of the Travel adjustment
slider tube to the bottom of the crown after the rider Travel kit #59123 converts ’97–’98 Indy XC/SL
and ’98 Indy C to 75mm of travel.

Plunger cap

Stanchion cap

Seal Plunger shaft

Bushing Coil spring
Top-out bumper

Stanchion Spring-rate adjuster



Elastomer spring

SL model only Friction damper


38.14 RockShox '98 Indy.

38 – 39

ROCKSHOX ‘99–‘00 JETT 3. [ ] Remover plastic spring spacer and spring

from each side, then turn fork over to re-

HYDRACOIL FORKS move plastic spring retainer. Note: Oil will

pour out, and fork may need to be tapped
with plastic mallet before spring retainers

ABOUT THIS SECTION will drop out.

This section covers service of several 1999 and Slider and plunger/damper removal
2000 Jett forks including ’99 Jett XC, ’00 Jett Race, 4. [ ] Use 6mm Allen bit on 8" ratchet extension
to unthread bolts in bottoms of stanchions.
and ’00 Jett SL models. The ’99 Jett C, ’99 Jett T2
5. [ ] Pull slider and boots off stanchions.
and ’00 Jett XC models are comparable to the 1998 6. [ ] Turn fork over to remove plunger assembly
Indy model for service purposes (see page 38-37). The and damper assembly from each stanchion.
’00 Jett is completely different from other Jett mod-
els, but is briefly covered at the end of this section Seal and bushing removal
(page 38-42). Complete service techniques, including 7. [ ] Remove boots and wiper seals from tops of
slider tubes (insert screwdriver through seal
bushing replacement, are included. RockShox recom-
and pry up on inside bottom edge of seal).
mends an oil change, complete cleaning, and lubrica- NOTE: Before removing lower bushings, it is recom-
tion every 100 hours of use or one year, whichever mended to measure depth from top of slider to
comes first. Bushing replacement should be done top edge of lower bushing.
when the fork develops obvious play between the 8. [ ] Place upright on top of slightly open vise
stanchions and sliders. jaws RockShox Seal Separator (large-end
up), and place sleeve from RockShox Bush-
ing Remover (small-end up) on top of Seal
For all services other than bushing replacement, 9. [ ] Holding slider upside down, insert RockShox
the following specialized tools are required: Bushing Remover with 28mm long remover
United Bicycle Tool AL-11912B (22mm socket plate up into one side of slider and engage
already custom ground for optimal purchase) plate against back of first bushing.
24mm socket (must be custom ground to elimi- 10. [ ] With tool still engaged to bushing, drop
end of tool through sleeve, Seal Separator,
nate internal bevel for optimal purchase).
and vise jaws until slider seats on sleeve,
6mm Allen bit socket with >6" bit length
then firmly secure vise on Bushing Re-
It may be difficult to find an appropriate 6mm bit mover handle.
socket. A Proto 4990-6MXL is slightly too short, but 11. [ ] Hold one cylinder of Seal Separator sta-
the bit can be replaced with a 160mm section cut from tionary and rotate other cylinder to pull
an extra-long Allen wrench, such as a Bondhus T- bushing out.
handle 6mm. 12. [ ] Repeat previous three previous steps for
For busing replacement, specialized tools from other bushing, then both bushings in other
RockShox are required. The same tools work on nu- side.
merous other models of RockShox forks. The re- 13. [ ] Using a spoke or seal pick, fish bottom-out
bumpers out of sliders.
quired tools are:
Bushing Remover #70096 Cleaning and inspection
Bushing Installer #70098 14. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and
Seal Separator #70113 thoroughly dry with compressed air and/or
lint-free rag.
15. [ ] Inspect wiper seals and damper-shaft glide
FULL SERVICE ring for nicks or tears.
16. [ ] Measure coil springs and replace if length is
Spring-stack removal 156mm or less.
1. [ ] Turn spring adjuster fully counterclockwise, 17. [ ] Measure top-out springs and replace if
counting number of turns on each side: length is 22mm or less.
No. of turns on right: ______
No. of turns on left: ______ Seal and bushing installation
2. [ ] Use 22mm or 24mm socket to unthread 18. [ ] Install bottom-out bumpers in sliders so coni-
spring caps on each side, then remove caps. cal ends face down.

38 – 40
19. [ ] Thoroughly grease all replacement bushings 29. [ ] Put a drop of Loctite 242 on threads of bolts
with Judy Butter or equivalent grease. at bottom of damper shaft and plunger shaft.
20. [ ] Place in order on Bushing Installer: 25mm 30. [ ] Drop damper shaft into left stanchion and
sleeve, 85mm sleeve (#110-02265-00 plunger rod into other stanchion.
marked “98 Indy”), and lower (smaller 31. [ ] Secure both bolts to 80in-lbs.
O.D.) bushing. 32. [ ] Attach boots to wiper seals.
21. [ ] Insert assembly into fork and tap with plas-
tic mallet until assembly is fully bottomed, Spring-stack installation
then remove tools. 33. [ ] Install spring retainers into each stanchion
22. [ ] Place in order on Bushing Installer: 25mm (short-end up).
sleeve and upper bushing. 34. [ ] Pour 85cc’s of RockShox Extra Light (5wt)
23. [ ] Insert assembly into fork and tap with plas- oil into each stanchion.
tic mallet until assembly is fully bottomed, 35. [ ] Grease spring coils thoroughly and install in
then remove tools. stanchions.
24. [ ] Repeat steps 20–23 for other side. 36. [ ] Install spring spacers in stanchions (large-
25. [ ] Grease wiper seals, then place wiper seals in diameter-ends up).
top ends of sliders and tap into place with 37. [ ] Thread top caps into stanchions and torque
plastic mallet. to 30in-lbs.
38. [ ] Reset spring preload on each top-cap adjuster.
Slider and plunger/damper installation Crown-bolt security
26. [ ] Slide boots onto stanchions
27. [ ] Grease bushings, and fill pockets in wiper 39. [ ] Check crown bolt torque (if any). RockShox
seals with Judy Butter or similar grease. recommended torque is 60in-lbs.
28. [ ] Guide slider assembly onto stanchions.

Stanchion cap
Split ring
Spring spacer

Plunger Damper
Coil Spring


Spring retainer


38.15 RockShox '00 Jett.

38 – 41


Sag and pre-load adjustment
RockShox recommends 12–16mm of sag for 63mm
travel models, and 14–18mm of sag for 75mm travel
models. Adjust the pre-load adjusters (up to 5 full turns ABOUT THIS SECTION
from loosest to tightest) to achieve sag in the recom- This section covers a variety of models and years
mended range. Check sag by measuring the change in of RockShox Judy forks, including:
distance from the top of the slider tube to the bottom 1997 C, XC, DH, SL
of the crown after the rider gets on the bike. If it is not 1998 T2, XC, SL, XL
possible to achieve the recommended sag with the ex- 1999 SL, XL
isting springs, then consider changing springs. The soft The model names can be found on the forks, but
(yellow), medium (red), and firm (black) springs can not the years. Depending on the model year, slightly
be used in various mixtures to achieve the desired spring different procedures are required. Observing decal
rate. RockShox recommends a progression of soft-soft styles can help identify the model year. The 1997
(100–150lb. rider), soft-medium (125–175lb. rider), models have a 6" tall decal that wraps almost all the
medium-medium (150–200lb. rider), medium-firm way around each slider tube and extends from just
(175–225lb. rider), and firm-firm (200–250lb. rider). below the swell to just above the start of the dropout.
For hard riding on extreme terrain, consider the rider All wording is horizontal. The 1998 models have a
to be of a higher weight classification. similar decal, but it is shorter (3.5") and stops about
Rebound damping halfway down to the start of the dropouts. The 1999
The damping valve of this fork affects rebound models have decals that do not wrap around the slider
only. The valving is not intended to be adjusted, but tubes, but are on the outer face of the sliders only,
RockShox recommends switching to 15wt oil if re- with the model name written vertically on the decal.
bound damping is insufficient. Several levels of service of this fork are possible,
including only replacement of the spring stacks, only
Travel adjustment replacement of the damper cartridge, complete clean-
Travel kits are available to convert between 63mm ing and lubrication, or complete overhaul including
and 75mm travel ranges. The travel kit includes plung- bushing replacement. The following procedure is writ-
ers, springs, and spring spacers. ten for a complete overhaul, including bushing re-
placement, but by skipping unnecessary steps. As
‘00 JETT written, the procedure can be used for any lesser
degree of service.
The ’00 Jett can be distinguished by the fact that
it has forward-offset dropouts just like other 2000 Jett
models, but unlike these other models there are no TOOL CHOICES
pre-load adjusters on top of the legs, and there are small Several specialized or customized tools are required
bolts on the bottoms of the legs. to service these forks. With the exception of the tools
The fork is an extremely basic OEM model, and listed for overhauling the 1997 damper cartridge, all
the only service possible is to disassemble it and the tools work on virtually all of the models.
clean it. Unthreading the 24mm top caps enables
the springs to be removed, cleaned, and greased. Tool Considerations and fit
Unthreading the bottom bolts enables removal of UBT AL-11912B 22mm socket custom ground
the slider assembly, so that the bushings and stan- for optimal purchase
20cc syringe Oral type, available at pet stores
chions can be cleaned and greased.
RockShox 70096 Judy/Quadra/Indy bushing
RockShox 70113 Seal Separator
RockShox 70119 Judy Bushing Installer Kit
RockShox 70142 1997 Cartridge Tool Kit

38 – 42

FORK SERVICE Neutral-shaft removal and disassembly

9. [ ] Depending on model, remove conical bumper
The fork can be serviced while installed on the
from one or both shafts extending from bot-
bike, but the brake calipers or disc brake need to be
toms of stanchions.
removed from the slider assembly. 10. [ ] Operate both shafts extending from bottoms
Spring-stack removal of stanchions to determine which is the neu-
1. [ ] Turn pre-load adjusters fully counterclock- tral shaft (it offers no resistance) and which
wise and record number of turns here: is damper (resistance is felt). Note: T2 has
Right side: ______ turns two neutral shafts and DH has two dampers!
Left side: ______ turns 11. [ ] Remove snap-ring from bottom of stanchion
2. [ ] Carefully use 22mm socket to unthread top with neutral shaft (both on T2). Note: On
caps from tops of stanchions. Note: custom- some models, watch for wavy washer that
ized socket required in addition to careful comes out when snap-ring is removed.
maintenance of alignment of socket to avoid 12. [ ] Insert 7/8" dowel or similar shaft through
damaging flats of soft plastic top cap! top of stanchion to push out neutral-shaft
In the next step, the spring stacks are removed. assembly.
13. [ ] 1997 and 1998 models only: Remove plastic
The various configurations of the spring stacks con-
end plate from the top of neutral-shaft as-
stitute one of the two big difference areas between all
sembly and then remove upper shaft guide.
of these models. All 1997 models and the 1998 T2 have 14. [ ] 1997 and 1998 models: From bottom of
(from top down) a coil spring, a plastic spacer(s), and neutral shaft, remove: lower shaft guide,
an elastomer spring. The remaining 1998 models and conical bumper, then washer(s).
the 1999 SL model have (from top down) a short coil 1999 models: From bottom of neutral shaft,
spring, a plastic spacer (or connector), then a longer remove: shaft guide, shaft-guide retaining
coil spring. The 1998 XL has an additional aluminum ring, top-out spring (elastomer), top-out
spacer rod (with two plastic end plates) below the spring spring guide, upper shaft guide (with O-
stacks. The 1999 SL and XL have (from top down) a ring), then pin.
plastic spacer and then one very long coil spring. Cartridge removal
3. [ ] Turn fork upside down to remove spring 15. [ ] Remove snap-ring from bottom of stanchion,
stacks, or spring stacks and spacer rods. then remove wavy washer (if any).
Slider removal 16. [ ] Pull on cartridge shaft to remove cartridge
from stanchion.
4. [ ] Pull out plastic adjuster knob (if any) from
17. [ ] Remove shaft end plate from top end of car-
bottom end of one slider. Note: 1999 XL
tridge shaft.
and SL have a metal adjuster knob retained
18. [ ] 1997 models: Remove cartridge washer
by a Phillips screw. Remove screw and knob
from bottom end of cartridge shaft.
at this time.
5. [ ] Unthread both bolts at bottoms of sliders Seal and upper-bushing removal
about three full turns. Note: 1999 XL and Bushing wear can be determined in two ways. Af-
SL have a nut instead of a bolt – unthread ter removing the seals in step #19, insert the stanchions
just until shaft protruding from nut no
into the sliders again and check for any fore-and-aft
longer protrudes.
play. Obvious looseness is caused by worn bushings.
6. [ ] Turn fork upright and position over recep-
tacle for waste oils (no oil in 1997 models). Alternatively, before removing the bushings, clean
7. [ ] Use plastic mallet to tap on both bolts (or them thoroughly and inspect their condition with the
bolt and nut) until heads are back against aid of a flashlight. Good bushings have a gray coating.
sliders, then finish unthreading bolts (or nut). Worn bushings have a metallic gold or bronze appear-
7. [ ] Pull sliders downward about one inch to al- ance where the coating has worn away.
low oil to drain, then remove sliders and 19. [ ] Insert screwdriver into seal on top of slider,
boots from stanchions. then pry seal out. Note: 1997 models, also
8. [ ] Separate boots from sliders, then turn sliders remove seal spacers positioned on top of up-
upside down to allow rest of oil to drain. per bushings.
20. [ ] Place Seal Separator upright on slightly open
vise jaws with large-diameter end up.

38 – 43


Boot Coil spring

Wiper seal

Upper bushing
Lower bushing

Coil spring


Shaft end plate

Shaft end

Damping Upper shaft

cartridge guide

Neutral shaft

lock ring Spacers
crush washer Top-out
8mm crush washer bumper
Crush washer
retainer Lower shaft
Crush washer guide
6mm bolt 8mm bolt Wavy washer Wavy
Damping Snap-ring
38.16 RockShox '98 Judy (cartridge type).

38 – 44
21. [ ] Install 30mm-long extractor plate onto ex- 33. [ ] While pushing and pulling cartridge shaft,
tractor tool, push slider onto end of extrac- listen for gurgling sounds that indicate air
tor tool until upper bushing clears extractor in cartridge, which is reason for replace-
plate, then pull out on slider until extractor ment or overhaul.
plate catches on edge of upper bushing. 34. [ ] Thoroughly clean outside of cartridge, then
22. [ ] Guide handle of extractor down through Seal pump shaft repeatedly. Look for oil seepage
Separator and vise jaws until top of slider at both ends of cartridge, indicating need of
tube rests on Seal Separator, then firmly se- replacement or overhaul.
cure extractor handle in vise. Note: Vise may
need to be repositioned to enable end of tool Cartridge-service procedure
to clear bench. NOTE: Skip this procedure if cartridge is being re-
23. [ ] Hold large cylinder of Seal Separator stationary placed or there are no problems indicated in
and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing out. steps 32-34.
24. [ ] Remove slider, then pull extractor tool out of 35. [ ] Firmly grasping shaft with fingers, use Allen
Seal Separator and retrieve bushing. key (3mm, occasionally 2mm) to turn ad-
25. [ ] Repeat procedure for upper bushing in other juster rod (if any) in lower end of shaft fully
slider tube. clockwise (counting turns), and record num-
ber of turns here: ________.
Lower bushing removal 36. [ ] Unthread adjuster rod (if any) from shaft.
26. [ ] On top of slightly open vise jaws, place 37. [ ] If adjuster rod has been removed, point
RockShox Seal Separator (large-end up), and lower end of shaft into waste-oil receptacle
place sleeve from RockShox Bushing Remover and pump damper unit repeatedly until oil
(small-end up) on top of Seal Separator. has been pumped out.
27. [ ] Holding slider upside down, insert RockShox 38. [ ] Place Cartridge-Body Fixture on bench
Bushing Remover with 30mm-long remover (small-I.D.-end up) then place lower end of
plate up into one side of slider and engage cartridge body centered on end of fixture.
plate against back of first bushing. 39. [ ] Gently tap on shaft with plastic mallet to
28. [ ] With tool still engaged to bushing, drop end of ease seal out end of cartridge body. Increase
tool through sleeve, Seal Separator, and vise effort gradually if light tapping is insufficient.
jaws until slider seats on sleeve, then firmly 40. [ ] Remove cartridge body from top of Car-
secure vise on Bushing Remover handle. tridge-Body Fixture, then carefully drain re-
29. [ ] Hold one cylinder of Seal Separator stationary maining oil into receptacle while withdraw-
and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing out. ing shaft assembly from cartridge body.
30. [ ] Repeat previous three previous steps for 41. [ ] Remove seal, aluminum washer, and top-out
other lower bushing. O-ring from lower end of shaft.
31. [ ] Using a spoke or seal pick, fish bottom-out 42. [ ] Remove internal snap-ring from end of car-
bumpers out of sliders. tridge body.
43. [ ] Place cartridge body into large-I.D. end of
Cartridge overhaul or replacement Cartridge-Body Fixture, then support other
Only the 1997 forks came with a cartridge that end of fixture on bench.
can be overhauled. It is possible that a 1997 fork has 44. [ ] Insert Upper-Seal Installer tool into cartridge
already had the cartridge replaced with a newer model body, then tap vigorously on tool to drive
that cannot be overhauled. Look at both ends of the out plastic shaft guide and upper seal.
cartridge body for an internal snap-ring, which indi- 45. [ ] Inspect shaft for nicks and scratches (re-
cates it is a 1997 cartridge. place if any).
With all 1998 and 1999 cartridges, replacement is 46. [ ] Inspect glide ring on piston for nicks and
the only option. It may also be more economical to scratches (replace if any). Inspect that glide
ring floats freely.
replace the 1997 cartridge instead of overhauling it.
47. [ ] Clean all parts with a lint-free rag.
Check with RockShox technical support for upgrade 48. [ ] Install internal snap-ring in groove in upper
options to newer improved cartridges. end of cartridge body, making sure face of
32. [ ] Push cartridge shaft to limit both ways and snap-ring with sharp edges faces out of car-
inspect both ends of shaft for wear marks tridge body.
that indicated need of replacement. 49. [ ] Coat new upper seal with Judy Butter (or
non-lithium Teflon grease) inside and out.
50. [ ] Place seal (cavity-side first) onto shaft of
Upper-Seal Installer tool.

38 – 45
51. [ ] Place plastic shaft guide (cavity side, if any, 71. [ ] If installing adjuster rod, fill shaft with oil.
first) onto shaft of Upper-Seal Installer tool. 72. [ ] If fishing line was used when installing seal,
52. [ ] Coat inside of cartridge body with light coat- remove line now.
ing of hydraulic oil that will be used to fill 73. [ ] Grasping shaft firmly with fingers, thread ad-
damper unit. justing rod into shaft until fully bottomed.
53. [ ] With Upper-Seal Installer tool standing up 74. [ ] Turn adjusting rod out by number of turns
on bench, slide cartridge body over seal/ recorded in step 35.
tool assembly.
54. [ ] Place Cartridge-Body Fixture over cartridge Bushing and seal installation
body, then tap on end of fixture with plastic 75. [ ] Secure Judy Bushing Installer base upright in
mallet to seat seal and plastic shaft guide vise, with vertical post positioned out past
into cartridge body. end of vise jaws.
55. [ ] Remove tools from cartridge body, then in- The Judy Bushing Installer tool comes with four
stall Shaft-Guide tool through seal so small long sleeves of various lengths. Originally, these sleeves
end of tool is inside cartridge body. were intended for setting the correct lower-bushing
56. [ ] Place Cartridge-Body Fixture on bench height for different models. Because travel can be
(large-I.D.-end up) then place cartridge body changed on any model, RockShox now recommends
into fixture. using the red (128mm) sleeve only, which sets the lower
57. [ ] Fill cartridge body halfway with oil. bushing at the correct height regardless of model or
58. [ ] Insert shaft assembly (end with no internal travel configuration.
thread) into cartridge body until end of shaft
76. [ ] Place red (128mm) sleeve on tool shaft, then
engages end of Shaft-Guide tool.
place smaller-diameter bushing (O.D.
59. [ ] Press shaft assembly into cartridge until
30.5mm) on tool shaft.
Shaft-Guide tool is heard to drop to bench.
77. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
Then seat shaft assembly fully into cartridge.
small end of driving tool into hole in end of
60. [ ] Fill cartridge body two-thirds full with oil.
slider, then tap on driving tool until bushing
61. [ ] Taking care not to pull shaft out of seal,
is fully seated.
pump shaft up and down several times to
78. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps
work oil into, and air bubbles out of, valve
for other slider tube.
79. [ ] Remove red sleeve and place short (10mm)
62. [ ] Slide top-out O-ring, then aluminum washer,
sleeve on tool shaft, then place larger-diam-
over end of shaft and submerge both into
eter bushing (O.D. 31.0mm) on tool shaft.
the oil.
80. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
63. [ ] Fill cartridge body with oil to within 5mm of
small end of driving tool into hole in end of
the top and let sit undisturbed for five min-
slider, then tap on driving tool until top edge
utes so air can dissipate from oil.
of bushing is even with second shoulder
64. [ ] Fill cavity side of new bottom seal with
from top of slider. Note: It is possible to in-
grease, and grease outside of seal.
sert bushing too far, with top edge below
65. [ ] If adjusting rod was not removed from shaft,
second shoulder. During installation, stop
place a short section of fishing line through
and inspect depth repeatedly!
hole in seal.
81. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps
66. [ ] Place seal (cavity-side first) over end of shaft
for other slider tube.
(making sure line, if any, stays in place),
82. [ ] Insert bottom-out bumpers into slider tubes
then engage seal to cartridge body (making
and push both down until they are below
sure line is not trapped between seal and
lower bushings.
cartridge body.
83. [ ] Insert seal spacers (1997 models only) and
67. [ ] Place conical washer (conical-face out) over
seals into top end of each slider tube, then
shaft and against face of seal.
tap with mallet until each is fully seated
68. [ ] Place cavity end of Lower-Seal Installer tool
and level.
over washer and seal.
84. [ ] Thoroughly grease all bushings and pockets
69. [ ] With tool covered with rag to catch excess
inside seals with Judy Butter grease.
oil that might spurt out, tap plastic mallet
against Lower-Seal Installer tool to seat seal
fully into cartridge body, then remove Lower-
Seal Installer tool.
70. [ ] If adjuster rod has been removed, replace ad-
juster-rod O-ring with a new, greased O-ring.

38 – 46

Neutral-shaft installation 96. [ ] Install new crush washers to shaft bolts/nuts

85. [ ] 1997 and 1998 models: Install to bottom (except 1997 models), prepare bolt/nut
(threaded) end of neutral shaft in order: threads with Loctite 242, then engage bolts/
washer(s), conical bumper (large-end first), nuts to neutral and damper shafts.
then lower shaft guide (cupped-face first). 97. [ ] Secure bolts/nuts to 50in-lbs.
Note: T2 model right-side neutral shaft order 98. [ ] 1998 only: Insert adjuster knob through
is: washer, conical bumper (fat-end first), shaft bolt into damper shaft.
then shaft guide (cupped-face last). T2 left 1999 only: Slide adjuster knob over shaft
side has no washer or conical bumper, but nut on damper shaft, then install small screw
shaft guide goes cupped-face first. to retain knob.
86. [ ] 1999 models: Install to bottom (threaded) Spring-stack and top-cap installation
end of neutral shaft in order: pin, upper 99. [ ] Thoroughly grease springs, then insert into
shaft guide (with O-ring), top-out spring tops of stanchions in following orders:
(elastomer), top-out spring guide, shaft guide 1997 and T2: elastomer, spacers, then coil
retaining ring, then shaft guide. 1998: long coil, spacer, then short coil
87. [ ] Only 1997 and 1998 models: Install upper 1998 XL: spacer rod with end plates, long
shaft-guide assembly then plastic end plate coil, spacer, then short coil.
to top of neutral-shaft. 1999: coil spring, then plastic spacer.
88. [ ] Insert neutral-shaft assembly into left slider 100.[ ] Carefully thread in top-cap assembly, then
(right side if 1997 model), install wavy secure to 30in-lbs.
washer (only if model has two), then install 101.[ ] Restore pre-load setting from step 1.
snap-ring so face with sharp edges faces 102.[ ] Engage boots to seals on top of sliders.
out. T2 model, repeat for second side.
89. [ ] 1998 models only: Install conical bumper
large-end first on neutral shaft. TUNING OPTIONS
Cartridge installation Pre-load adjustment
90. [ ] Install end plate on top (unthreaded) end of One tuning option for this fork is to adjust the
shaft, then install conical cartridge washer pre-load adjusting knobs to add or subtract pre-load
(1997 only) flat-face first onto lower end of
on the springs. Greater pre-load on the springs makes
cartridge shaft.
the fork stiffer, which increases resistance to compres-
91. [ ] Insert cartridge into stanchion, insert wavy
washer (if any), then install snap-ring so face sion and increases rebound speed. Less pre-load on the
with sharp edges faces out. Note: T2 and springs makes the fork softer, reducing resistance to
1998 models with 63mm travel, install coni- compression and decreasing rebound speed.
cal bumper large-end first on cartridge shaft. The fork should sag when the rider’s weight is on
it. Sag helps keep the tire in contact with the ground
Slider installation on rough terrain, when rolling over dips or holes. The
92. [ ] Pull both neutral shaft and damper shaft
fully out of stanchions. pre-load should be adjusted to create the correct amount
93. [ ] Place boots on stanchion tubes, then care- of sag, when the rider sits on the bike. RockShox’s
fully push slider assembly partially onto recommended sag amounts are:
stanchions, using gentle rocking motion un- Fork with 100mm travel: 18–25mm sag
til alignment is achieved and sliders move Fork with 80mm travel: 13–20mm sag
up easily. Stop before bottoms of sliders Fork with 63mm travel: 7–15mm sag
engage either shaft.
94. [ ] 1998 and 1999 models: Position fork so Changing springs
bottoms of sliders are higher than fork Springs should be changed if the sag cannot be set
crown, then pour 10cc of 5wt shock oil (non within the desired range by changing the pre-load ad-
seal-swelling) into each slider tube through justment. Even if sag can be set, if the fork bottoms
holes for bottom bolts. out too frequently, stiffer springs are needed and if the
95. [ ] Push sliders on just far enough to see ends fork never bottoms out on the most severe bumps,
of shafts engaging holes in bottoms of slider softer springs are needed.
tubes. Use small tool to align shafts to
holes, if necessary.

38 – 47
There are three different spring systems used in wrench can be inserted through the hollow bolt to
these models: Type 2 springs (a combination of elas- turn the adjuster. Always start by turning the adjuster
tomer and coil springs), Type 3 springs (a combina- fully clockwise (increases damping), counting turns.
tion of two coil springs), and Single Coil (’99 XL only). From this point, the adjustment can be turned up to
Type 2 springs: The progressiveness of the two full turns counterclockwise (reducing damping).
spring can be modified by changing the Spring Rate Caution: Turning the adjuster rod too far counterclock-
Adjuster, which is a plastic stud that fits into the wise will cause an oil-seal failure on some models!
coil spring. Different lengths of studs affect how The DH fork that comes with two damping car-
soon the coil spring compresses fully, which results tridges has adjustable compression damping (de-
in additional compression of the elastomer spring. scribed above) in the left leg, and adjustable rebound
The Spring Rate Adjusters are color-coded. They damping in the right leg. There are four full turns
come as a kit (part #59136 for ’97 models, and part of adjustment available from fully clockwise; clock-
#110-001414-00 for the ’98 T2 model). wise increases damping, and counterclockwise re-
Soft: beige duces damping.
Medium: black The models that come with the C3 cartridge will
Hard: gray have a 23mm-long aluminum adjusting knob in the
The coil springs are available in several varieties, bottom of the right leg. With the knob pushed fully
which are: in, turning it clockwise increases rebound damping
Soft: red (#110-000591-00) and counterclockwise reduces rebound damping. With
Medium: yellow (#110-00592-00) the knob pulled fully out, turning it clockwise increases
Firm: green (#59141) compression damping and counterclockwise reduces
Extra firm: purple (#59139) compression damping. Always return the knob to the
Type 3 springs: This spring type is a combination pushed-in position after completing adjustment of the
of two coil springs. All four coils can be independently compression damping.
changed to fine tune the overall spring strength. The
shorter (top) spring is the primary spring, and the
Oil viscosity
In the 1997 models with serviceable cartridges,
longer (bottom) spring is the secondary spring. In the
RockShox recommends 5wt or 8wt oil. Lighter-weight
following list for 63mm and 80mm travel models, the
oils reduce compression and rebound damping.
first part number is the primary spring, and the sec-
Heavier-weight oils increase compression and rebound
ond part number is the secondary spring.
damping. It may also be preferable to use lighter oils
Xtra soft: silver (nos. 44460-01 & 44459-01)
in extremely cold conditions.
Soft: yellow (nos. 44460-02 & 44459-02)
Medium: red (nos. 44460-03 & 44459-03) Travel adjustment
Firm: black (nos. 44460-04 & 44459-04) Changing travel requires a travel kit, which con-
The following list for the 100mm travel ’99 SL sists of a damper cartridge and different spacers for the
model has only one part number because there is only springs. Due to extra stress on the fork crown, only
one spring length. XL and XLC models should be increased to 100mm
Xtra soft: silver (#110-000333-00) of travel. There is no kit to reduce travel to 63mm.
Soft: yellow (#110-000333-01) The following kits are available:
Medium: red (#110-000333-02) 1997 Judy models: 80mm, #59126
Firm: black (#110-000333-03) 1998 T2 model: 80mm, #110-000611-00
Single Coil springs: This variety of spring is found 1998 XC/SL models: 80mm, #110-000607-00
only in the ’99 XL model. The following varieties of 1998 XL/XLC models: 100mm, #110-000608-00
springs are available. 1999 SL model: 80mm, #110-002062-00
Soft: yellow (#510-001379-02)
Medium: red (#510-001379-03)
Firm: black (#510-001379-04)
Cartridge damping-rate adjustment
If the damper cartridge has adjustable compres-
sion damping, there will be a hollow bolt at the bot-
tom end of one, or both, of the sliders. A 2mm Allen

38 – 48

ROCKSHOX ’99–’00 JUDY 6. [ ] All except ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Turn fork
over and push plunger and damper out tops

HYDRACOIL FORKS of stanchions. Only ’00 XC, remove plastic

All-Travel spacers from shafts.
Only ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Remove snap-rings

ABOUT THIS SECTION from bottoms of stanchions and pull plunger

and damper out bottoms of stanchions.
This section covers service of several 1999 and 2000 7. [ ] Only ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Remove shaft
Judy forks including ’99 Judy C, XC, 100, and XLC guide (Homer Valve), brass washer, then plas-
and ’00 Judy XC, SL, Race, and XL models. The ’00 tic All-Travel spacers from bottoms of shafts.
Judy XC, SL, Race, and XL are “All-Travel” models, Seal and bushing removal
which require slightly different procedures, which are Seal and bushing removal is identical to forks cov-
specified at various points. This section does not cover ered in ROCKSHOX ’97–’99 JUDY FORKS. See page 38-43.
the 1999 Judy XL and SL, which are covered in
ROCKSHOX ’97–’99 JUDY CARTRIDGE FORKS (page 38-42). Cleaning and inspection
Complete service techniques, including bushing replace- 8. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and
ment, are included. RockShox recommends an oil thoroughly dry with compressed air and/or
lint-free rag.
change, complete cleaning, and lubrication every 100
9. [ ] Inspect wiper seals and damper-shaft guide
hours of use or one year, whichever comes first. Bush- ring for nicks or tears.
ing replacement should be done when the fork devel- 10. [ ] Measure coil springs and replace if length is
ops obvious play between the stanchions and sliders. unacceptable (too short).
Models Unacceptable
TOOL CHOICES All-Travel models
Other 63/80mm models
For all services other than bushing replacement, Other 100mm travel models ≤220mm
the following specialized tools are required: All negative springs ≤22mm
United Bicycle Tool AL-11912B (22mm socket
already custom ground for optimal purchase) Seal and bushing installation
24mm socket (must be custom ground to elimi- With the exception of models with All-Travel spac-
nate internal bevel for optimal purchase). ers, seal and bushing installation is identical to forks
covered in ROCKSHOX ’97–’99 JUDY FORKS (page 38-46).
With those models that use All-Travel spacers, the only
FULL FORK SERVICE difference is the sleeve used to set the depth of the
lower bushing. For All-Travel models, use sleeve 140-
Spring-stack removal 002860-00 (131mm) instead of the red sleeve recom-
1. [ ] Turn spring adjuster fully counterclockwise,
counting number of turns on each side: mended in the procedure.
No. of turns on right: ______ Slider and plunger/damper installation
No. of turns on left: ______ 11. [ ] All-Travel models only: Install All-Travel spac-
2. [ ] Use 22mm or 24mm socket to unthread ers on damper and plunger shafts with
spring caps on each side, then remove caps. small-diameter ends up. Use following guide
3. [ ] Remover plastic spring spacer (if any) and to create desired amount of travel.
spring from each side, then turn fork over to 63mm travel: two spacers per shaft
remove plastic spring retainers. Note: Oil will 80mm travel: one spacer per shaft
pour out, and fork may need to be tapped 100mm travel: no spacers on shafts
with plastic mallet before spring retainers Note: Any remaining spacers go on bottoms
will drop out. of main springs!
Slider and plunger/damper removal 12. [ ] Only ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Install brass
4. [ ] Use 5mm Allen wrench to partially unthread washer, then Homer Valve (cupped-end first)
bolts in bottoms of sliders, tap on bolt heads onto damper and plunger shafts.
with plastic mallet until heads are back
against sliders, then remove bolts.
5. [ ] Pull slider and boots off stanchions.

38 – 49


Wiper seal
Foam ring


Upper bushing
Lower bushing

Coil spring

spacer (top

Sliders Spring

*All-travel Split ring

spacers may
be both in
top position,
both in bot-
tom position, Damper
or split (as

Lower spring

*All-travel spacer Plunger shaft

(bottom postion)

crush washer
8mm crush washer
Crush washer
retainer Crush washer
hollow bolt 8mm bolt
Brass washer
Homer valve

38.17 RockShox '00 Judy (hydracoil type).

38 – 50
13. [ ] All except ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Drop
damper shaft into right stanchion and TUNING OPTIONS
plunger shaft into other stanchion. Shafts Sag and pre-load adjustment
should protrude from stanchions. RockShox recommends the following amounts of
Only ’00 SL, Race, and XL: Insert damper-
sag, depending on the maximum travel of the fork.
shaft assembly in bottom of right stanchion
and plunger-shaft assembly in left stanchion,
63mm travel 7–15mm sag
then install snap-rings (sharp-edged-face 80mm travel 13–20mm sag
out) into each stanchion. 100mm travel 18–25mm sag
14. [ ] Slide boots onto stanchions Adjust the pre-load adjusters (up to 5 full turns
15. [ ] Grease bushings, and fill pockets in wiper from loosest to tightest) to achieve sag in the recom-
seals with Judy Butter or similar non- mended range. Check sag by measuring the change in
lithium grease. distance from the top of the slider tube to the bottom
16. [ ] Guide slider assembly onto stanchions. of the crown after the rider gets on the bike. If it is not
17. [ ] Replace crush washers on bottom bolts. possible to achieve the recommended sag with the ex-
18. [ ] Put drop of Loctite 242 on threads of
isting springs, then consider changing springs. The
bolts, insert bolts into bottoms of sliders
(hollow bolt, if any, on right), then thread
extra soft (silver), soft (yellow), medium (red), and firm
bolts into shafts. (black) springs can be used in various mixtures to
19. [ ] Secure both bolts to 60in-lbs. achieve the desired spring rate. RockShox recommends
20. [ ] Install adjuster knob (if any) into right-side bot- these combinations: soft-soft (for 100–150lb. rider),
tom bolt, turn fully clockwise (1/4 turn range soft-medium (for 125–175lb. rider), medium-medium
of motion possible), then remove knob and re- (for 150–200lb. rider), medium-firm (for 175–225lb.
install so indicator points at “+” on decal. rider), and firm-firm (for 200–250lb. rider). For hard
21. [ ] Attach boots to wiper seals. riding on extreme terrain, consider the rider to be of a
Spring-stack installation higher-weight classification.
22. [ ] Pour correct amount of RockShox Extra
Light (5wt) oil into each stanchion. Recom-
Changing spring rates
Springs with different firmness are available for
mended oil volumes are:
Judy models Volume
’99 and ’00 HydraCoil Judy forks. For the ’99 Judy C
’99 C 115cc and XC models, three spring kits are available: soft
’99 XC and 100 110cc (yellow, #110-002056-01), medium (red, #110-002056-
’00 SL, Race, and XL 120cc 03), and firm (black, #110-002056-05). For the ’99 Judy
’99 & ’00 XLC 130cc 100, 100mm XL, and XLC models, three spring kits
23. [ ] Install spring retainers into each stanchion are available: soft (yellow, #110-002056-02), medium
(short-end up). (red, #110-002056-04), and firm (black, #110-002056-
24. [ ] All-Travel models only: Install correct number 06). For the ’00 Judy models, four spring kits are avail-
of spacers to bottoms of springs. Use follow- able: extra-soft, (silver, #100-004473-00), soft (yellow,
ing guide to create desired amount of travel.
#100-004774-00), medium (red, #100-004775-00), and
63mm travel: no spacers on springs
80mm travel: one spacer per spring
extra-firm (black, #100-004776-00).
100mm travel: two spacers on springs Rebound damping
Note: There should be no remaining spacers! All except ’00 SL, Race, and XL: The damping
25. [ ] Grease spring coils thoroughly and install in valve of these model forks affects rebound only. The
valving is not intended to be adjusted, but RockShox
26. [ ] Install spring spacers (if any) in stanchions
(large-diameter ends up). recommends switching to 15wt oil if rebound damp-
27. [ ] Thread top caps into stanchions and ing is inadequate.
torque plastic caps to 40in-lbs, or alumi- Only ’00 SL, Race, and XL: The damping valve of
num caps to 50in-lbs. these model forks affects rebound only. The valving is
28. [ ] Reset spring pre-load on each top-cap ad- adjustable by means of the knob on the bottom of the
juster. right leg, which has a range of adjustment of slightly
Crown-bolt security less than 90°. Turn the knob towards the “+” mark to
29. [ ] Check crown-bolt torque (if any). RockShox increase rebound damping. RockShox recommends
recommended torque is 90in-lbs. switching to 15wt oil if rebound damping is insufficient
with the knob turned all the way to the “+” mark.

38 – 51

Travel adjustment 2. [ ] Remove Phillips screws in stanchion caps

All-Travel models only (2000): As described in (note small O-rings under screw heads).
3. [ ] Grease RockShox inflation needle, and insert
the procedure in this section, these models can be set
into stanchion caps to release air pressure
up as 63mm, 80mm, or 100mm travel, depending on from both sides of fork.
the location of the All-Travel spacers. There are two 4. [ ] Use 22mm socket or adjustable wrench to
spacers in each leg, which can be switched between unthread stanchion caps (note O-rings under
being on the shafts below the top-out springs, or be- cap flanges).
ing positioned below the main springs. The correct 5. [ ] Turn fork over to drain oil out tops of stan-
spacer locations are: chions.
63mm travel two below each top-out spring NOTE: Observe Allen fittings accessible inside each
80mm travel one below each spring stanchion tube. The 8mm Allen fitting adjusts
100mm travel two below each main spring spring rate. 2mm Allen fitting inside the 8mm
Allen fitting adjusts damping.
All other models (1999): Travel kits are available
6. [ ] Use 8mm Allen to unthread titanium bolts at
to convert from 63mm to 80mm, and from 80mm to bottoms of sliders 4 full turns.
100mm. The XLC is the only model that can be set 7. [ ] Gently tap on bolt heads until heads are
up with 100mm travel. The travel kit includes plunger seated against sliders again, then finish re-
and damper shafts, springs, and spring spacers. moving bolts.
8. [ ] Turn fork over and drain oil out bottoms of
9. [ ] Pull sliders off stanchion tubes, then remove
ROCKSHOX ’98 SID FORKS boots from stanchion tubes.
Cartridge and neutral-shaft removal
ABOUT THIS SECTION 10. [ ] Remove internal snap-rings from bottom ends
of stanchions, then remove wavy washers.
This section covers RockShox 1998 SID fork ser- 11. [ ] Thread bolts back into damper shaft and
vice, including bushing removal and replacement. The neutral shaft.
1998 SID forks can be distinguished by looking at NOTE: Remove neutral shaft for cleaning and lubri-
the RockShox decals. If the decals have a black back- cation, negative-spring adjustment, replace-
ground, the fork is a 1998 model. If the decals are ment of piston rings if air pressure is being
missing, inspect the bolt heads at the bottom of the lost, or to change top-out bumper spacers.
slider tubes. If the bolt heads are titanium and have NOTE: Remove damper cartridge for cleaning and
six 2mm diameter holes drilled in each head, the fork lubrication of piston rings, replacement of pis-
ton rings, adjustment of negative spring, or re-
is a 1998 SID. If neither the decals or bolt heads con-
placement of damper cartridge.
firm the SID fork is a 1998 model, then the fork is a
12. [ ] Insert spoke through holes in bolt heads, and
later model, in which case see ROCKSHOX ‘99–‘00 SID pull on spoke to remove damper cartridge
FORKS (page 38-56). and/or neutral shaft assembly from stan-
chion tubes.
TOOL CHOICES 13. [ ] If adjusting negative spring, move e-clip on
damper shaft down to increase negative-
This fork requires several tools that are used to ser- spring force, or up to reduce. (Negative spring
vice other RockShox forks, but no tools that are unique can be removed entirely by unthreading pis-
to servicing only the SID fork. For bushing replace- ton, then removing e-clip and spring.)
ment, the same tools are required that are used with 14. [ ] With 8mm Allen, remove pistons from tops
Judy forks. This includes the Universal Bushing Re- of shafts. Remove shaft guide, bumper, and
moval Tool #70096, the Judy Bushing Installer #70119, washers from bottom of neutral shaft.
and the RockShox Seal Separator #70113. NOTE: If not servicing bushings, go to step 27.
Seal and upper-bushing removal
FULL FORK SERVICE Bushing wear can be determined in two ways. Af-
ter removing the seals in step #15, insert the stanchions
Top-cap and slider-assembly removal into the sliders again and check for any fore-and-aft
1. [ ] Remove front wheel, and disconnect brake play. Obvious looseness is caused by worn bushings.
cable from brake lever. Alternatively, before removing the bushings, clean

38 – 52

Air valve cover screw

Stanchion cap


Wiper seal damper
bushing Piston
bushing e-clip
Stanchions Negative
spring guide

Negative spring

spring guide


Damping Neutral shaft


8mm crush washer

Crush washer retainer
8mm bolt lock ring Lower shaft

38.18 RockShox '98 SID.

38 – 53
them thoroughly and inspect their condition with the 30. [ ] Push cartridge shaft to limit both ways and
aid of a flashlight. Good bushings have a gray coating. inspect both ends of shaft for wear marks
Worn bushings are metallic gold or bronze in appear- that indicated need of replacement.
ance where the coating has worn away. 31. [ ] While pushing and pulling cartridge shaft,
15. [ ] Insert screwdriver into seal on top of slider, listen for gurgling sounds that indicate air in
then pry seal out. cartridge, which is reason for replacement.
16. [ ] Place Seal Separator upright on slightly open 32. [ ] Thoroughly clean outside of cartridge, then
vise jaws with large-diameter end up. pump shaft repeatedly. Look for oil seepage
17. [ ] Install 30mm-long extractor plate onto ex- at both ends of cartridge, indicating need of
tractor tool, push slider onto end of extrac- replacement.
tor tool until upper bushing clears extractor 33. [ ] Inspect stanchion tubes for bends,
plate, then pull out on slider until extractor scratches, or heavy wear.
plate catches on edge of upper bushing. 34. [ ] Inspect fork crown for cracks.
18. [ ] Guide handle of extractor down through Seal Bushing and seal installation
Separator and vise jaws until top of slider 35. [ ] Secure Judy Bushing Installer base upright in
tube rests on Seal Separator, then firmly se- vise, with vertical post positioned out past
cure extractor handle in vise. Note: Vise may end of vise jaws.
need to be repositioned to enable end of tool The Judy Bushing Installer tool comes with four
to clear bench. long sleeves of various lengths. Originally, these sleeves
19. [ ] Hold large cylinder of Seal Separator station-
were intended for setting the correct lower-bushing
ary and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing.
20. [ ] Remove slider, then pull extractor tool out of height for different models. Because travel can be
Seal Separator and retrieve bushing. changed on any model, RockShox now recommends
21. [ ] Repeat procedure for upper bushing in other using the red (128mm) sleeve only, which sets the lower
slider tube. bushing at the correct height regardless of model or
travel configuration.
Lower-bushing removal 36. [ ] Place red (128mm) sleeve on tool shaft, then
22. [ ] Place RockShox Seal Separator (large-end up) place smaller-diameter bushing (O.D.
on top of slightly open vise jaws then place 30.5mm) on tool shaft.
sleeve from RockShox Bushing Remover 37. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
(small-end up) on top of Seal Separator. small end of driving tool into hole in end of
23. [ ] Holding slider upside down, insert RockShox slider, then tap on driving tool until bushing
Bushing Remover with 30mm-long remover is fully seated.
plate up into one side of slider and engage 38. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps
plate against back of first bushing. for other slider tube.
24. [ ] With tool still engaged to bushing, drop 39. [ ] Remove red sleeve and place short (10mm)
end of tool through sleeve, Seal Separator, sleeve on tool shaft, then place larger-diam-
and vise jaws until slider seats on sleeve, eter bushing (O.D. 31.0mm) on tool shaft.
then firmly secure vise on Bushing Re- 40. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
mover handle. small end of driving tool into hole in end of
25. [ ] Hold one cylinder of Seal Separator station- slider, then tap on driving tool until top edge
ary and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing. of bushing is even with second shoulder
26. [ ] Repeat previous three previous steps for from top of slider. Note: It is possible to in-
other lower bushing out. sert bushing too far, with top edge below
Cleaning and inspection second shoulder. During installation, stop
1998 damper cartridges cannot be overhauled. and inspect depth repeatedly!
Replacement is the only option. 41. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps
for other slider tube.
27. [ ] Use mild detergent to thoroughly clean all
42. [ ] Insert bottom-out bumpers into slider tubes
parts. Dry with lint-free rag and/or com-
and push both down until they are below
pressed air. Avoid solvents, which may dam-
lower bushings.
age seals and other non-metallic parts.
43. [ ] Insert seals into top end of each slider tube,
28. [ ] Inspect all rubber O-rings and glide rings for
then tap with mallet until each is fully
nicks and tears, and replace as necessary.
seated and level.
29. [ ] Replace crush washer on each shaft bolt.
44. [ ] Thoroughly grease all bushings and pockets
inside seals with Judy Butter grease.

38 – 54

Cartridge and neutral-shaft installation 8mm. The air pressure should be adjusted to create
45. [ ] Replace worn or damaged O-rings, glide this amount of sag. RockShox recommends the fol-
rings (on pistons), or seals. lowing depending on rider weight:
46. [ ] Thread pistons fully into tops of shafts, but <130lbs 40psi
do not secure. 120–150lbs 50psi
47. [ ] Install in order onto bottom of neutral 140–170lbs 60psi
shaft: plastic washers, conical bumper 160–190lbs 70psi
(large-diameter-end first), then shaft guide
>180lbs 80psi
(cupped-face first).
The rider’s style affects the necessary pressure, as
48. [ ] Grease shaft and piston of damper cartridge
assembly, then slide piston-end first into well. This is why the weight ranges in the list overlap
right-side stanchion. somewhat. For example, a less aggressive 165lb rider
49. [ ] Use 7/8" O.D. PVC pipe or similar cylinder to might do best with the 60psi recommendation, but a
gently seat cartridge body just beyond snap- more aggressive 165lb rider might do best with the
ring groove, then install snap-ring. 70psi recommendation. If air pressure cannot be main-
50. [ ] Pull damper shaft out as far as negative tained, seals may need replacement, or there may be a
spring will allow. problem with the low-speed damping adjusters. See
51. [ ] Grease neutral shaft piston rings and top-out the following section Low-speed-damping adjustment.
52. [ ] Slide neutral shaft into left leg, engage snap- Changing air-spring volume
ring, then pull shaft out until even with The air springs get more progressive if the volume
damper shaft. is reduced. A more progressive spring gets more resis-
Slider assembly and top-cap installation tant to compression at a given point in the travel than
53. [ ] Install boots on stanchions. a less progressive spring. To adjust the volume, the
54. [ ] Use Judy Butter or equivalent grease to grease springs must be depressurized and the top caps re-
stanchion tubes, bushings in sliders, and pock- moved. A long 8mm Allen wrench can be used to ad-
ets in inner perimeters of wiper seals. just the piston height at the bottom of the air cham-
55. [ ] With bike/fork upright, put 5cc of oil in each ber. First, turn the wrench clockwise, counting the
stanchion tube, then install top caps to 35– number of turns until it stops, to determine the cur-
40in-lbs each. rent position. From the fully bottomed position, the
56. [ ] Put 5cc of oil in each slider tube and swirl
pistons can be turned up to five full turns counter-
around to coat inside of tubes.
clockwise. It is critical to start by finding the bottom,
57. [ ] Place sliders onto stanchions until just short
of point shafts will be compressed. because there is no stop to prevent loosening the pis-
58. [ ] Invert fork/bike, then pour 15cc of oil into tons more than five full turns, which will cause the air
bolt hole at bottom of each slider. chamber to not maintain pressure.
59. [ ] Treat both bottom bolts with Loctite 242. The pistons do not have to be adjusted equally, so
60. [ ] Press sliders on fully, then engage bolts maximum volume is with both turned fully clockwise.
through holes in bottoms of sliders into neutral A medium adjustment is with both up 2.5 turns, or
shaft and damper shaft and torque to 50in-lbs. with one fully down and the other up five full turns.
61. [ ] Use pump with RockShox inflation needle to A minimum volume is with both turned five full turns
pressurize both stanchions to desired pressure.
up (counterclockwise).
62. [ ] Install Phillips screws in stanchion caps.
63. [ ] Install wheel and reattach brake cable. Cartridge damping-rate adjustment
The damping cartridge is not adjustable, but three
TUNING OPTIONS damping cartridges are available: soft (#20882-001),
medium (#20882-002), and firm (#20882-003). RockShox
Air-spring pressure recommends switching to the firm cartridge if 70psi or
The fork should sag when the rider’s weight is on more is the best air pressure for the rider, but the fork
it. Sag helps keep the tire in contact with the ground acts to quick (too lightly damped) at this pressure. Con-
on rough terrain, when rolling over dips or holes. The versely, the soft cartridge is recommended if the correct
air pressure should be adjusted to create the correct pressure for the rider is 50psi or less, but at that pressure
amount of sag, when the rider sits on the bike. The the fork seems too heavily damped (sluggish).
recommended sag for this fork is between 3mm and

38 – 55

Low-speed-damping adjustment cantly different. The lack of the adjuster knob and the
RockShox no longer feels the low-speed damping large RockShox decals with a black background dis-
adjustment is effective, and may be a source of air- tinguish 1998 models.
pressure leaks. RockShox recommends installing the
low-speed damping screws with Loctite 242 and tight-
ening each fully. If pressure loss continues, remove the
Servicing this fork requires one specialized tool that
piston heads from the neutral and damper shafts and is unique to this model, the RockShox Cartridge Sleeve
seal the holes in the threaded studs on the bottom ends Retainer Tool #140-001905-00. For sake of brevity, the
of the pistons. Alternatively, put rubber plugs under following procedure will refer to this tool simply as
the low-speed damping adjuster screws. the “cartridge driver.” This fork needs one other tool
Negative-spring adjustments common to several RockShox forks for removing the
There are two possible adjustments to the nega- caps at the tops of the legs, the United Bicycle Tool
tive spring. The negative-spring pre-load can be ad- AL-11912B (custom-ground 22mm socket for fitting
justed, and there are two strengths of springs available. low-profile wrench flats). The standard RockShox
The negative spring serves to counteract the in- pump is adequate for inflation, with the addition of a
herently high main-spring pre-load that exists with air- 1999 Sid valve adapter.
sprung forks. With the fork pre-load too high, the fork For bushing replacement, the same tools are re-
tends to not react to small bumps. Increasing negative- quired that are used with Judy forks. This includes
spring pre-load decreases the fork pre-load. the Universal Bushing Removal Tool #70096, the
The negative-spring is on the damper shaft. When Judy Bushing Installer #70119, and the RockShox
the damper is removed, the e-clip on top of the nega- Seal Separator #70113.
tive spring can be moved into one of several grooves.
The fork has the most pre-load when the spring is
removed, and the least pre-load when the e-clip is in
the lowest groove. Each groove changes the spring Slider removal
rate by 4 lb-in. 1. [ ] Remove plastic valve caps from top and bot-
The stock spring is the light spring. Light riders (un- tom of left leg and top of right leg.
der 130lbs) may need the heavy spring (#510-00689-00). 2. [ ] Push in adjuster knob on bottom of right
leg, unscrew Phillips screw, then remove
adjuster knob.
3. [ ] Depressurize air valve in bottom of left leg.
ROCKSHOX ‘99–‘00 SID 4. [ ] Unthread 8mm nut on bottom of right leg
just until hex-shaped adjuster rod no longer
5. [ ] Unthread 10mm nut on bottom of left leg
about 5mm.
ABOUT THIS SECTION 6. [ ] Depressurize both air valves at tops of legs.
7. [ ] Use 22mm socket to remove both air cap
This section is specific to RockShox SID forks assemblies from tops of legs.
made in 1999 and 2000. For the 2000 models, this sec- 8. [ ] Tap on nuts at bottoms of legs with plastic
tion only applies to the Race, SL, and XL models. The mallet until nuts are against sliders, then
2000 SID XC and 100 are a different design and are unthread both nuts completely. Note: Be
not available at the time of this writing. The 1999 and prepared for oil to drain out holes at bot-
2000 models this section does apply to are distinguished toms of sliders!
by the C3 cartridge adjuster knob on the bottom of 9. [ ] Pull slider assembly of bottoms of stan-
the left leg. This 23mm-long aluminum knob can be chions, then remove boots. Drain remaining
oil from sliders.
pulled down another few millimeters to change be-
tween compression and rebound damping adjustment. Cartridge and negative spring disassembly
Decals that say “C3 Dual Adjust” further identify the There are two cartridges in the stanchions of the
models this section applies to. See ROCKSHOX ’98 SID fork. The left cartridge is a negative air spring and the
FORK (page 38-52) for the 1998 model, which is signifi- right cartridge is a hydraulic damper. The damper car-

38 – 56

Air valve cover screw

Stanchion cap


Wiper seal


bushing Glide ring

Shaft guide


air spring


8mm nut
8mm crush washer

Adjuster knob 10mm nut

Air valve cover screw


38.19 RockShox '99 SID.

38 – 57
tridge is non-serviceable, but is removed for cleaning, 23. [ ] Holding slider upside down, insert RockShox
inspection, and replacement of the glide ring and O- Bushing Remover with 30mm-long remover
ring at the top of the damper shaft. plate up into one side of slider and engage
10. [ ] Pull conical bottom-out bumpers off car- plate against back of first bushing.
tridge shafts. 24. [ ] With tool still engaged to bushing, drop end of
11. [ ] Push both cartridge shafts fully in. It is nec- tool through sleeve, Seal Separator, and vise
essary to open air valve in left shaft to re- jaws until slider seats on sleeve, then firmly
lease air pressure. secure vise on Bushing Remover handle.
12. [ ] Use cartridge driver to turn both cartridges 25. [ ] Hold one cylinder of Seal Separator station-
clockwise until completely unthreaded, then ary and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing.
pull on cartridge shafts to remove cartridges. 26. [ ] Repeat previous three previous steps for
13. [ ] Carefully remove blue glide ring and black O- other lower bushing.
ring from top end of each cartridge shaft. Cleaning and inspection
14. [ ] Pull cylinder off bottom of negative-spring 1999 and 2000 damper cartridges cannot be over-
assembly, then remove washer, conical top-
hauled. Replacement is the only option.
out bumper, and plastic plate.
27. [ ] Use mild detergent to thoroughly clean all
Seal and upper-bushing removal parts. Dry with lint-free rag and/or com-
Bushing wear can be determined in two ways. Af- pressed air. Avoid solvents, which may dam-
ter removing the seals in step #15, insert the stanchions age seals and other non-metallic parts.
into the sliders again and check for any fore-and-aft 28. [ ] Inspect all rubber O-rings and glide rings for
nicks and tears, and replace as necessary.
play. Obvious looseness is caused by worn bushings.
29. [ ] Replace crush washer on each shaft nut.
Alternatively, before removing the bushings, clean 30. [ ] Push cartridge shaft to limit both ways and
them thoroughly and inspect their condition with the inspect both ends of shaft for wear marks
aid of a flashlight. Good bushings have a gray coating. that indicated need of replacement.
Worn bushings have a metallic gold or bronze appear- 31. [ ] While pushing and pulling cartridge shaft,
ance where the coating has worn away. listen for gurgling sounds that indicate air in
15. [ ] Insert screwdriver into seal on top of slider, cartridge, which is reason for replacement.
then pry seal out. 32. [ ] Thoroughly clean outside of cartridge, then
16. [ ] Place Seal Separator upright on slightly open pump shaft repeatedly. Look for oil seep-
vise jaws with large-diameter end up. age at both ends of cartridge, indicating
17. [ ] Install 30mm-long extractor plate onto ex- need of replacement.
tractor tool, push slider onto end of extrac- 33. [ ] Inspect stanchion tubes for bends,
tor tool until upper bushing clears extractor scratches, or heavy wear.
plate, then pull out on slider until extractor 34. [ ] Inspect fork crown for cracks.
plate catches on edge of upper bushing.
18. [ ] Guide handle of extractor down through Seal Bushing and seal installation
Separator and vise jaws until top of slider 35. [ ] Secure Judy Bushing Installer base upright in
tube rests on Seal Separator, then firmly se- vise, with vertical post positioned out past
cure extractor handle in vise. Note: Vise may end of vise jaws.
need to be repositioned to enable end of tool The Judy Bushing Installer tool comes with four
to clear bench. long sleeves of various lengths. Originally, these
19. [ ] Hold large cylinder of Seal Separator stationary sleeves were intended for setting the correct lower-
and rotate other cylinder to pull bushing out. bushing height for different models. Because travel
20. [ ] Remove slider, then pull extractor tool out of can be changed on any model, RockShox now rec-
Seal Separator and retrieve bushing. ommends using the red (128mm) sleeve only, which
21. [ ] Repeat procedure for upper bushing in other sets the lower bushing at the correct height regard-
slider tube. less of model or travel configuration.
Lower bushing removal 36. [ ] Place red (128mm) sleeve on tool shaft, then
22. [ ] Place RockShox Seal Separator (large-end up place smaller-diameter bushing (O.D.
on top of slightly open vise jaws then place 30.5mm) on tool shaft.
sleeve from RockShox Bushing Remover 37. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
(small-end up) on top of Seal Separator. small end of driving tool into hole in end of
slider, then tap on driving tool until bushing
is fully seated.

38 – 58
38. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps rity of the main springs, and to provide resistance to
for other slider tube. the cartridge shafts, which facilitates securing the nuts
39. [ ] Remove red sleeve and place short (10mm) to the bottoms of the cartridge shafts.
sleeve on tool shaft, then place larger-diam- 53. [ ] Install RockShox SID pump in each top cap
eter bushing (O.D. 31.0mm) on tool shaft. and inflate to 100psi.
40. [ ] Place one slider tube over tool shaft, insert
small end of driving tool into hole in end of Slider installation
slider, then tap on driving tool until top edge 54. [ ] Place boots on stanchion tubes, then care-
of bushing is even with second shoulder fully push slider assembly partially onto stan-
from top of slider. Note: It is possible to in- chions, using gentle rocking motion until
sert bushing too far, with top edge below alignment is achieved and sliders move up
second shoulder. During installation, stop easily. Stop before bottoms of sliders engage
and inspect depth repeatedly! either shaft.
41. [ ] Remove slider and repeat previous two steps 55. [ ] Position fork so bottoms of sliders are higher
for other slider tube. than fork crown, then pour 10cc of 15wt
42. [ ] Insert bottom-out bumpers into slider tubes shock oil (non seal-swelling) into each slider
and push both down until they are below tube through holes for bottom bolts.
lower bushings. 56. [ ] Push sliders on until shafts protrude through
43. [ ] Insert seals into top end of each slider tube, sliders.
then tap with mallet until each is fully 57. [ ] Prepare nut threads with Loctite 242, then
seated and level. engage nuts to neutral and damper shafts.
44. [ ] Thoroughly grease all bushings and pockets 58. [ ] Secure bolts/nuts to 50in-lbs.
inside seals with Judy Butter grease. 59. [ ] Slide adjuster knob over shaft nut on damper
shaft, then install small screw to retain knob.
Cartridge assembly and installation 60. [ ] Engage boots to seals on top of sliders.
45. [ ] Install O-Ring then blue glide ring in grooves
in pistons at tops of each cartridge shaft. Spring inflation
46. [ ] Install plastic plate, conical bumper (large-end 54. [ ] Refer to following table (or use rider prefer-
first), washer, then negative-spring cylinder ences). First inflate main springs, then inflate
(unthreaded-end first) onto negative-spring negative spring to desired pressures.
shaft. Leave cylinder at bottom end of shaft. 55. [ ] Install valve caps in all three air-spring
47. [ ] Grease piston assemblies with Judy Butter valves.
48. [ ] Carefully insert damper cartridge into right SID AIR-SPRING PRESSURES
stanchion tube, then engage cartridge Rider weight Main Negative-XC Negative-racing
threads counterclockwise to stanchion-tube <120lbs 30–40psi 30–40psi 25–30psi
120–140lbs 40–50psi 40–50psi 30–45psi
threads. Secure cartridge with cartridge
140–160lbs 50–60psi 50–60psi 40–55psi
driver to 20in-lbs. 160–180lbs 55–65psi 55–65psi 50–60psi
49. [ ] Carefully insert negative-spring assembly >180lbs 65–75psi 65–75psi 55–65psi
into left stanchion tube, then engage car- Important: To prevent pressure loss, never exceed 100psi
tridge threads counterclockwise to stan- in main springs or negative spring!
chion-tube threads. Secure cartridge with
cartridge driver to 20in-lbs.
50. [ ] Pull shafts fully out of cartridges. Air valve in TUNING OPTIONS
neutral spring needs to be opened while pull-
ing on neutral shaft.
Damping adjustment
51. [ ] Install conical bumpers onto shafts (large- The damper has an adjusting knob at the bottom
diameter-ends first). of the right leg. With the knob pushed fully in, turn-
52. [ ] Install top-cap assemblies into tops of stan- ing it clockwise increases rebound damping and coun-
chions and secure to 35–40in-lbs. terclockwise reduces rebound damping. With the knob
In the next step, the main springs are inflated to pulled fully out, turning it clockwise increases com-
100psi each. This is the maximum recommended pres- pression damping and counterclockwise reduces com-
sure. Individual riders will usually use a lower pres- pression damping. Always return the knob to the
sure. The 100psi pressure is to test the pressure integ- pushed-in position after completing adjustment of the
compression damping.

38 – 59

Sag adjustment except for slight differences in dimension. The indi-

RockShox recommends setting sag at 20% of total vidual tools are unmarked, so make sure that the tool
travel for cross-country riding (recreational) or 10% of you select seems dimensionally appropriate for the
total travel for racing. Sag is adjusted by balancing the procedure being performed.
main spring and negative-spring pressures. If the sag is
correct, but the fork bottoms too easily on bumps, in-
crease all pressures proportionally. If the sag is correct
but the fork never bottoms on severe bumps, decrease Shock removal
all pressures proportionally. Changing negative-spring The compressed spring length needs to be measured,
pressure independently of main-spring pressure will also so that the customer’s pre-load setting can be restored.
affect responsiveness to small bumps. More negative- 1. [ ] Measure length of spring between red ad-
spring pressure increases responsiveness to small bumps. juster ring and silver stop plate: _____mm
2. [ ] Turn red adjuster ring fully away from spring,
Travel adjustment until spring moves easily between plates.
On the 1999 models, travel can be adjusted only The shock unit may mount to the frame in a variety
by replacing the cartridge. The 2000 models come with of ways, depending on the design of the frame. Usually,
an All Spacer Kit, which are spacers that can be repo- there will be a bolt and nut through the shock eyelets, or
sitioned to change the travel. their will be a stud with retaining clips on each end.
3. [ ] Remove shafts that go through both shock
Adjusting main-spring progressiveness eyes, then remove shock from bike.
Changing the volume of the main-spring air cham-
bers varies the progressiveness of the spring. Less vol- Spring removal
ume creates more progressiveness. A more progressive 1. [ ] Thread red spring-adjuster ring off end of shock.
spring gets more resistant to compression at the same 2. [ ] Slide spring off shock unit.
amount of travel. RockShox has spacers available that
are added to the bottoms of the top caps that reduce OIL CHANGE/SHOCK
the volume of the main-spring air chamber.
procedures before proceeding further.
ROCKSHOX Body-eyelet-bushing removal
DELUXE REAR SHOCK There is an air valve hidden by the bushing located
inside the eyelet on the end of the shock body. The
This shock is a air/oil shock with an external coil bushing must be removed to depressurize the shock.
spring. It is available in several lengths of travel and 1. [ ] Place flat face of body eyelet on top of vise,
with several different spring ratings. Some versions have with vise jaws open enough to permit eyelet
a floating piston that separates the air and oil in the bushing to clear.
shock body, but others have no piston for this pur- The bushing tool used in the next step is a cylin-
pose. The service of all these variations is so similar der with different diameter reductions at each end.
that the following procedure is adequate for all of them. 2. [ ] Place large-diameter end of bushing tool
There is another model, called the Super Deluxe, against bushing, then tap on bushing tool
that is significantly different. Instead of a uniform- with plastic mallet to drive out bushing.
diameter shock body, the Super Deluxe body gets sub- Depressurization
stantially fatter at the end that is not inside the spring. 1. [ ] Remove needle from pump, by unscrewing
There is a section called ROCKSHOX SUPER DELUXE first brass fitting at base of needle.
REAR SHOCK (page 38-64) that should be used for ser- The pump needle needs to be removed from the
vicing this type. pump for depressurization. The needle has a sharp
This procedure requires several tools that are in- tip that punctures the air valve (the puncture self seals
cluded in the RockShox 70106 tool kit. The tool kit is when the needle is removed). Goggles are needed be-
designed for other models as well, so some tools in cause hydraulic fluid can spray out the end of the
the kit will not be used in this procedure. In some needle at high speed.
cases, there may be two tools that are very similar,

38 – 60
2. [ ] Wearing safety goggles to prevent getting hy- 7. [ ] Place rag over flats of shaft eyelet to pro-
draulic fluid in your eyes, insert needle through tect finish.
small hole in end of body eyelet, then into air 8. [ ] Grasp flats of eyelet securely in large adjust-
valve that was covered by eyelet bushing. able-wrench jaws.
9. [ ] Turn wrench counterclockwise to unthread
eyelet from shaft.
10. [ ] Remove spring-stopper plate and bumper.
11. [ ] Remove shaft from shaft-clamping blocks.
Pump needle 12. [ ] Remove seal cover, shaft wiper, and seal-
cover washer from end of shock.
13. [ ] Use snap-ring pliers to remove internal snap-
ring from inside shock body.
14. [ ] Clamp body-eyelet flats in soft jaws in vise.
38.20 Depressurizing the shock. 15. [ ] Thread shaft eyelet back onto shaft.
16. [ ] Wearing safety goggles, insert round bar
3. [ ] Remove needle. through shaft eyelet; using rocking/pulling
motion to pull shaft assembly out of shock
Shaft-assembly removal, and oil draining body (oil will spill).
17. [ ] Remove shock body from vise, then care-
Shaft eyelet fully drain oil into waste receptacle for
later recycling.
NOTE: If performing oil change only, go to step 40.
Spring 18. [ ] Inset 2mm spoke through small hole in end
stopper plate
of body eyelet, then push air valve and float-
ing piston (piston not in all models) out open
end of body.
Main seal 19. [ ] Remove seal washer and seal from shaft.
Air cap
Shaft 20. [ ] Remove bushing carrier and bushing from
Bushing carrier shaft.
NOTE: Remaining parts on piston assembly are un-
Air valve
Bushing necessary to remove, except to change, add, or
subtract washers.
Seal cover

21. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and wa-
Seal cover
ter, then dry thoroughly with compressed air.
Avoid leaving solvents or lint from rags on,
Piston with
glide ring snap-ring or in, any part!
22. [ ] Inspect shaft for scratches or nicks that will
Seal washer
compromise oil seal.
23. [ ] Inspect inside of threaded tube for nicks or
38.21 Blow-up of Deluxe shock. scratches that will compromise oil seal.
24. [ ] Inspect glide ring on piston for nicks or
4. [ ] Clamp faces of body eyelet in vise soft jaws. scratches, and remove now if damaged.
5. [ ] Hold drift or screwdriver against bottom 25. [ ] Inspect bushing in bushing carrier for wear,
edge of seal cover (on top end of body), and check for loose fit between bushing and
then tap on tool with hammer to remove shaft (use large end of bushing tool to drive
seal cover from body. bushing out of carrier if bushing is worn).
6. [ ] Place shaft-clamping blocks around shaft, then
firmly secure shaft-clamping blocks in vise.

38 – 61

ASSEMBLY 35. [ ] Insert inflation needle through end of body

eyelet, then puncture air valve as close to
NOTE: If glide ring was not removed, go to step 30. center as possible.
Glide-ring installation 36. [ ] Insert floating piston (cavity-side up) into
37. [ ] Models with 1.25" travel only: With fine
Glide-ring pusher
marker, mark line on air valve installer
53.34–53.84mm from flat end of tool.
Glide ring Models with 1.50" travel only: With fine
Glide-ring expander marker, mark line on air valve installer
Piston 58.17–58.67mm from flat end of tool.
Shaft 38. [ ] Insert flat end of air-valve tool into shock body
Shaft clamps
until line is even with end of shock body.
39. [ ] Remove needle from air valve.
40. [ ] Fill body with oil until top of oil is between
38.22 Setup for glide-ring installation. 24.13mm and 24.64mm below top of body.
41. [ ] Let bubbles rise and dissipate from oil for at
26. [ ] Place shaft (piston-end up) in shaft vise least 5 minutes.
block, then clamp very securely in vise.
27. [ ] Install new glide ring onto piston. Shaft-unit and seal installation
42. [ ] Install bushing carrier and bushing over end
Bushing installation of shaft.
NOTE: Go to step 30 if bushing was not removed In the next step, a tool called a glide-ring sizer is
from bushing carrier.
installed over the glide ring and left in place for at least
28. [ ] Place new bushing on small end of bushing
one minute. The glide-ring sizer is a cylinder that slips
29. [ ] Place bushing carrier on flat surface, posi- over the glide ring and compresses it. The material the
tion bushing and bushing tool over hole in glide ring is made of has “short-term memory.” This
bushing carrier, then use plastic mallet to memory allows the material to remain shrunk for a
drive in bushing. short while once the glide-ring sizer is removed. This
enables the glide ring to fit more easily into the shock
Body assembly and preparation body. Once there, the glide-ring expands to fit closely
30. [ ] Grease all O-rings and seals with light-
weight, high-quality grease, then grease all along the inside of the shock.
seal-mounting points. The tool kit includes a glide-ring sizer for this
31. [ ] Insert lightly-greased air valve in recess in shock, and a different one for the Super Deluxe model.
conical end of air-valve tool. The correct glide-ring sizer will fit somewhat snugly
32. [ ] Place air-valve tool into shock body. over the glide ring.
33. [ ] Insert rod into air-valve tool, then press on 43. [ ] Install glide-ring-sizer tool over glide ring,
rod to install air valve (remove tools). and leave together at least 1 minute.
44. [ ] Remove glide-ring sizer from shaft assembly,
3 – Air-valve installer then immediately insert piston-end of shaft
(push through air-valve guide assembly slowly into body, until top of pis-
to seat air valve)
ton is just below surface of oil (oil will spill).
2 – Air-valve guide 45. [ ] Let bubbles rise and dissipate from oil for at
(insert in body)
least 5 minutes.
1 – Air valve 46. [ ] Grease seal inside and out.
(insert in air-valve guide) In the next step, a tool called a bullet is used. The
bullet is called a bullet because it looks just like a bul-
38.23 Setup for installing air valve. let. It enables the seal to slide onto the shaft without
the soft inner lip of the seal catching on the sharp edge
NOTE: Models without floating piston, go to step 40. at the top of the shaft. The tool kit includes a bullet
34. [ ] Place O-ring on floating piston. for this shock, and a different version for the Super
Deluxe model. The correct bullet will closely match
the diameter of the shaft.

38 – 62
47. [ ] Place bullet on end of shaft. 4. [ ] Turn red spring-adjuster ring to restore mea-
When installing the seal in the body, a small surement recorded in SHOCK AND SPRING RE-
amount of air will end up trapped in the seal cavity. MOVAL (step 1), unless this requires more than
This has no effect on a shock that does not have a 8 full turns after spring compression begins.
floating piston, but introduces air to the wrong side of
the piston for those shocks that do have a floating pis-
ton. This unwanted air can be prevented by filling the
1. [ ] Place flat face of eyelet on top of vise, with
seal cavity with a lightweight grease. vise jaws open enough to permit eyelet
48. [ ] Install seal (cavity-side first) over bullet and bushing to clear.
onto shaft, then remove bullet. 2. [ ] Place large-diameter end of bushing tool
49. [ ] Press bushing carrier and seal into body, us- against bushing, then tap on bushing tool
ing seal-press tool. with plastic mallet to drive out bushing.
50. [ ] Install seal washer, then install seal-retaining 3. [ ] Place new bushing on small-diameter end of
clip (face of clip with sharper edges should bushing tool.
face out of body). 4. [ ] Supporting eyelet face on flat surface,
51. [ ] Install seal-cover washer onto shaft. place bushing-tool/bushing on top face of
52. [ ] Install shaft wiper and seal cover onto shaft. eyelet, then use plastic mallet to tap bush-
53. [ ] Seat seal cover onto end of body with seal ing into eyelet.
press (tap lightly with plastic mallet).
54. [ ] Install needle on pump, then insert needle
into air valve. TUNING OPTIONS
55. [ ] Wearing safety glasses, pressurize to 175psi,
then remove pump. Spring pre-load
56. [ ] Inspect for leaks at all seams and seals. RockShox recommends compressing spring length
by no more than 8 full turns of the spring-adjuster ring.
Body eyelet bushing replacement Compressing the spring increases the resistance to com-
57. [ ] Place new bushing on small-diameter end of pression and increases the speed of rebounding. If the 8-
bushing tool.
full-turn adjustment does not stiffen the spring ad-
58. [ ] Supporting eyelet face on flat surface,
place bushing-tool/bushing on top face of equately, or if the spring is too stiff at the lowest pre-
eyelet, then use plastic mallet to tap bush- load setting, consider using a different spring.
ing into eyelet. Different springs
Shaft eyelet installation RockShox makes springs rated from 500 to 800 lbs.
59. [ ] Place shaft vise blocks around shaft, then Higher ratings mean the spring is stiffer. Stiffer springs
firmly secure shaft vise blocks in vise. resist compression more, and rebound more quickly.
60. [ ] Install bottom-out bumper and silver spring-
stopper plate onto end of shaft. Air pressure and type of gas
61. [ ] Put one drop of Loctite 271 in threads inside The recommended gas pressure is 175psi.
shaft eyelet.
62. [ ] Thread shaft eyelet onto shaft.
Changing oil weight
RockShox recommends 5w oil, but anything from
63. [ ] Place rag over shaft eyelet flats to protect
2.5w to 15w may be used. The heavier-weight the oil,
64. [ ] Secure large adjustable wrench to shaft eyelet the more damping will occur.
flats, then secure to 100in-lbs (17lbs@6"). Changing valving
The shim washers on top of the piston controls
SPRING AND SHOCK INSTALLATION the rate of compression damping. Increasing the stack
of washers will increase damping rate, while reducing
1. [ ] Slide spring over body end of shock.
2. [ ] Thread spring-adjuster ring onto shock body. the stack will reduce damping rate.
3. [ ] Install shock on bike.

38 – 63

ROCKSHOX 7. [ ] Use spring-compression tool to compress

spring (if spring does not develop slop when

SUPER DELUXE REAR SHOCK red adjusting ring is fully loosened).

8. [ ] Slip silver spring stop plate off shaft.
This shock is a air/oil shock with an external coil 9. [ ] Slide spring off shock unit.
spring. It is available in several lengths of travel and 10. [ ] Use thin slotted screwdriver to turn damper-
with several different spring ratings. The service of adjusting shaft fully counterclockwise (so
all these variations is similar enough so that the fol- damping will be reduced to make piston re-
moval easier).
lowing procedure applies to all of them.
11. [ ] Thread ring off of threaded tube, leaving it in
Another model, the Deluxe, is significantly dif- space between shaft eyelet & threaded tube.
ferent. Instead of a shock body that gets substantially
fatter at the end that is not inside the spring, the De- Shaft eyelet
luxe body is a uniform diameter throughout. There is
Red adjuster knob
a section called ROCKSHOX DELUXE REAR SHOCK that
Spring stopper plate
should be used for servicing this type (page 38-60).
This procedure requires several tools that are in-
cluded in the RockShox 70106 tool kit. The tool kit is
designed for other models as well, so some tools in the Spring
kit will not be used in this procedure. In some cases,
there may be two tools that are very similar except for
slight differences in dimension. The individual tools are
Red adjuster ring
unmarked, so make sure that the tool you select seems (adjust down)
dimensionally appropriate for the procedure being per-
formed. On some versions, when the spring pre-load
adjuster is loosened fully, there is enough slack to re-
move the spring keeper plate. On the shortest-travel
model, however, an extra tool is needed to compress the
spring further in order to remove the spring keeper plate. 38.24 Spring removal on Super Deluxe shock.


Shock removal
The compressed spring length needs to be measured procedures before proceeding further.
so that the customer’s pre-load setting can be restored.
1. [ ] Measure length of spring between red ad- Depressurization
juster ring and silver stop plate: _____mm The pump needle needs to be removed from the
2. [ ] Turn red adjuster ring fully away from spring. pump for depressurization. The needle has a sharp
The shock unit may mount to the frame in a variety tip that punctures the air valve (the puncture self seals
of ways, depending on the design of the frame. Usually, when the needle is removed). Goggles are needed be-
there will be a bolt and nut through the shock eyelets, or cause hydraulic fluid can spray out the end of the
there will be a stud with retaining clips on each end. needle at high speed.
3. [ ] Remove shafts that go through both shock
eyes, then remove shock from bike. Pump needle Threaded body

Spring removal Screw

4. [ ] Turn red damper-adjusting knob fully coun-
terclockwise, counting turns: _____.
5. [ ] Holding red damper-adjusting knob station- Reservoir can
ary, use 2mm Allen wrench to unthread bolt
from center of knob, then remove knob. 38.25 Wearing safety goggles, remove the screw and insert the
6. [ ] Use thin slotted screwdriver to turn damper- pump needle through the air-valve rubber to depressurize the shock.
adjusting shaft fully clockwise (so spring will
clear when removed). 1. [ ] Remove needle from pump by unscrewing
first brass fitting at base of needle.

38 – 64
2. [ ] Unthread slotted screw fitting in face of res- 10. [ ] Remove shaft from shaft-clamping blocks.
ervoir (near base of threaded tube that red 11. [ ] Thread red adjusting ring off threaded tube
ring was threaded on). and slip adjusting ring off end of shaft.
3. [ ] Wearing safety goggles to prevent getting In the next step, the threaded tube of the shock
hydraulic fluid in your eyes, insert needle body is clamped in a special tool. Unlike the shaft-
through hole brass screw came out of, to clamping tool, too much clamping force can cause dam-
depressurize reservoir. age. Too little clamping force can also cause damage. It
4. [ ] Remove needle.
is strongly recommended to use a torque wrench!
Shaft-assembly removal and oil draining
In the next step, and at several points throughout
the remaining procedure, the shaft is placed in a pair
of blocks with radius jaws that match the diameter of
the shaft closely. The blocks are then placed in the
vise, and the vise secured. The design of the shaft-
clamping blocks ensures that the shaft will not be dam- 40in-lbs
aged by too much tightening of the vise, but failure to
tighten the vise enough will result in the shaft spinning
in the vise clamping blocks, which could destroy the shaft! 38.27 Clamp the threaded tube in the clamp, and the clamp into
5. [ ] Grasp shaft securely in shaft-clamping the vise.
blocks (in vise), eyelet end up.
6. [ ] Protect shaft eyelet flats with rag. 12. [ ] Slide threaded-tube clamp over shaft and
7. [ ] Grasp flats of eyelet securely in large adjust- onto threaded tube, then secure bolts in
able-wrench jaws. clamp to 40in-lbs each. Caution, too much
8. [ ] Turn wrench counterclockwise to unthread or too little torque can destroy threaded
eyelet from shaft. tube!
9. [ ] Remove conical bumper. 13. [ ] Secure tab of threaded-tube clamp in vise so
that shaft points up.
14. [ ] Hand-thread shaft eyelet onto shaft.
15. [ ] Using 22mm open-end wrench (or well-
Shaft eyelet
snugged adjustable wrench), unthread seal-
Adjuster rod Red adjuster head (cap at end of threaded tube that has
ring two wrench flats).
16. [ ] Once seal-head is unthreaded, insert non-me-
Conical tallic shaft through shaft eyelet, to pull shaft/
seal-head assembly out of threaded tube.
Shaft Threaded tube 17. [ ] Remove shaft eyelet from shaft.
Conical-face Reservoir/body disassembly
washer 18. [ ] Remove threaded-tube clamp from vise, then
carefully drain oil into waste receptacle for
Reservoir can later recycling.
Seal head NOTE: If performing oil change only, go to step 71.
19. [ ] Turn tube-clamp over so reservoir can is on
Valve washers
Floating piston
top, insert clamp in side of vise jaws, then
secure vise.
20. [ ] Place rag over flats of body eyelet to protect
Eyelet cap
Piston 21. [ ] Grasp flats of body eyelet snugly in large ad-
justable-wrench jaws, then turn wrench
counterclockwise to unthread eyelet cap
Valve washers
from threaded tube.
22. [ ] If can came off with can lid: Hold reservoir
Valve nut can in one hand, then pull eyelet from end of
can (pressure of O-ring keeps parts together).

38.26 Blow-up of Super Deluxe shock.

38 – 65
23. [ ] If can stayed on threaded tube: Pull reservoir 31. [ ] Remove piston only, noting which side
can carefully off threaded tube, being careful faces up (if not symmetrical).
not do damage O-rings as they pull past In the next steps, a different series of washers (be-
threads on end of tube. low the piston location) need to be removed. The
24. [ ] Pull the floating piston out the large-diam- number and dimensions of the washers will vary, be-
eter end of the reservoir can. cause these factors are what enable customization of
25. [ ] Remove O-rings from inside and outside
the damping rate. There are several washers that are
edges of floating piston.
26. [ ] Remove O-ring from edge of eyelet cap.
nearly identical. Critical variations might be as slight
27. [ ] Remove O-ring from threaded tube. as .05mm. If unable to measure dimensions this pre-
cise (or if no valving changes will be made), carefully
Piston/valve disassembly transfer the washers to a bundling tie, maintaining
The disassembly procedure from this point for- the order and orientation of the washers as they are
ward assumes you have access to all seals, O-rings, and removed. Keep them bundled together from the time
a replacement seal-head. It is not recommended to go of removal until the time of installation.
further without the necessary parts on hand. It is also 32. [ ] Remove washers and shims one at a time
recommended to replace the seal-head, all the seals, from below piston, measuring O.D., thickness,
and all the O-rings, each time a service is performed. and I.D. of each washer as it comes off:
28. [ ] Slide seal head up against piston. Put shaft- O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
clamping blocks around shaft, and secure O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
clamping blocks in vise with high force; it is O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
critical that the shaft not spin in the clamp- O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
ing blocks in the next step! O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
29. [ ] Use 10mm box wrench (or socket), to O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
unthread nut on end of shaft. O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
In the next steps, a series of different washers (that O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
were sandwiched between the just-removed bolt and O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
the piston) need to be removed. The number and di- 33. [ ] Remove aluminum base-plate washer, noting
mensions of the washers will vary, because these fac- which side faces up (if not symmetrical).
34. [ ] Inspect glide ring for nicks or scratches, and
tors are what enable customization of the damping rate.
if damaged, remove glide-ring from outer pe-
There are several washers that are nearly identical. rimeter of piston.
Critical variations might be as slight as .05mm. If un-
able to measure dimensions this precise (or if no valving Damping-adjuster-rod removal
changes will be made), carefully transfer the washers 35. [ ] Push adjuster rod out end of shaft where
to a bundling tie, maintaining the order and orienta- eyelet was removed.
36. [ ] Remove O-ring from adjuster rod.
tion of the washers as they are removed. Keep them
bundled together from the time of removal until the Seal-head removal and disassembly
time of installation. There is a similar bundle of wash- Some early versions of RockShox service litera-
ers on the other side of the piston. It is critical to not ture described disassembling the seal head. This is
confuse the two sets of washers. likely to damage the seal head, and is no longer rec-
30. [ ] Remove washers one at a time from above ommended. If the bumper plate and washer (below
piston, measuring O.D. (outside diameter), the bumper plate) come out accidentally, it is not a
thickness, and I.D. (inside diameter) of each problem. Removing the seal from the open end of
washer as it comes off: the seal-head is when damage will occur.
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
37. [ ] Pull seal-head off end of shaft.
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
38. [ ] Note orientation of bumper plate, so that it
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
can be reinstalled if it accidentally falls out.
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
NOTE: If oil has been leaking from seal between
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
seal head and shaft, RockShox requires replac-
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
ing seal-head as a unit. Do not attempt further
O.D. _____ Thickness _____ I.D. _____
disassembly of seal-head.

38 – 66

CLEANING AND INSPECTION bullet for this shock, and a different version for the
Deluxe model. The correct bullet will closely match
39. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and wa-
ter, then dry thoroughly with compressed air. the diameter of the shaft.
Avoid leaving solvents or lint from rags on, 54. [ ] Place shaft bullet on top of small-diameter end
or in, any part! of shaft, then coat bullet & shaft with grease.
40. [ ] Inspect shaft for scratches or nicks that will 55. [ ] Place seal-head (flange-end first) over top of
compromise oil seal. bullet.
41. [ ] Inspect inside and outside of threaded tube 56. [ ] Push seal-head assembly fully onto shaft.
for nicks or scratches that will compromise 57. [ ] Remove bullet from shaft.
oil or gas seal. 58. [ ] Clean grease from outside and inside of shaft.
42. [ ] Inspect inside of reservoir can for nicks or 59. [ ] Install aluminum base-plate washer (conical-
scratches that will compromise gas seal. face, if any, up) on shaft.
43. [ ] If no gas hissed out of needle during depres- 60. [ ] Install washers listed in step 32 on shaft, in
surization step, air seal is bad; pry air seal reverse order of list.
out of can, grease new air seal, then push 61. [ ] Install piston, 3-leg-protrusion face up.
air seal back into can (until flush). 62. [ ] Install washers listed in step 30 on shaft, in
reverse order of list.
63. [ ] Treat shaft-bolt threads with one small drop
ASSEMBLY of Loctite 242.
64. [ ] Thread shaft bolt into end of shaft, taking
Damping-adjuster-rod assembly care to align shim washers so that shaft bolt
44. [ ] Grease small O-ring, then install O-ring on inserts through all washers above piston.
adjuster rod. 65. [ ] Secure shaft bolt with 10mm box-end
45. [ ] Push adjuster rod into end of shaft where wrench or socket to 60in-lbs (20lbs@3").
eyelet was removed. NOTE: If glide ring was not removed, go to step 88.
46. [ ] Grasp shaft in shaft-clamping blocks in vise
very securely (full-diameter end up). Glide-ring installation
47. [ ] Make sure red adjusting rod is threaded
fully counterclockwise, then thread eyelet
Glide-ring pusher
onto shaft.
48. [ ] Protect eyelet flats with rag.
Glide ring
49. [ ] Grasp eyelet flats snugly with adjustable Glide-ring expander
wrench, then secure eyelet to shaft to Piston
100in-lbs (17lbs@6"). Shaft

Seal-head assembly Shaft clamps

NOTE: Steps 51–52 are only required if bumper
and bumper washer have accidentally come 38.28 Installling the glide ring.
out of seal-head
50. [ ] Place seal-head assembly (flange-side down) 66. [ ] Place glide-ring expander on top of piston.
on flat surface. 67. [ ] Install new glide ring onto tapered end of
51. [ ] Install bumper washer into seal-head. glide-ring expander.
52. [ ] Install bumper (flat-face first) into seal-head. 68. [ ] Place large-I.D. end of glide-ring pusher over
Shaft-unit assembly glide ring, then push glide ring down until
glide ring snaps into groove in piston.
53. [ ] Place conical bumper on shaft (large-diam-
69. [ ] Remove glide-ring expander & glide-ring pusher.
eter end first) and fit onto eyelet, then clamp
70. [ ] Slide seal-head fully away from piston.
flats of shaft eyelet securely in soft jaws in
71. [ ] Pack top-out-bumper-end of seal head with
vise (shaft pointing up).
light-weight grease to eliminate air pockets.
In the next step, a tool called a bullet is used. The
NOTE: If performing oil-change only, go to step 87.
bullet is called a bullet because it looks just like a In the next step, a tool called a glide-ring sizer is
bullet. It enables the seal to slide onto the shaft with- installed over the glide ring, then left in place for at
out the soft inner lip of the seal catching on the sharp least one minute. The glide-ring sizer is a cylinder that
edge at the top of the shaft. The tool kit includes a slips over the glide ring and compresses it. The mate-
rial the glide ring is made of has “short-term memory.”
This memory allows the material to remain shrunk

38 – 67
for a short while, once the glide-ring sizer is removed. 92. [ ] Using thin slotted screwdriver, turn damping
This enables the glide ring to fit more easily into the adjuster rod fully counterclockwise.
shock body. Once there, the glide-ring expands to fit 93. [ ] Remove glide-ring sizer from shaft assembly,
closely along the inside of the shock. then immediately insert piston-end of shaft
assembly slowly into threaded tube, until top
The tool kit includes a glide-ring sizer for this
of piston is at least 1/2" below top of
shock, and a different one for the Deluxe model. threaded tube (oil will spill). Stop before seal
The correct glide-ring sizer will fit somewhat snugly head reaches threaded tube.
over the glide ring. 94. [ ] Let bubbles rise and dissipate from oil for at
72. [ ] Place large-I.D. end of glide-ring sizer over least 5 minutes.
glide ring fully, then leave in place until 95. [ ] Holding piston/shaft assembly stationary, push
ready to install shaft into shock body. seal-head down shaft and engage seal-head in
73. [ ] Remove shaft assembly from vise. threads of threaded tube (oil will spill).
Reservoir/body assembly 96. [ ] Thread seal-head fully into threaded tube (oil
will spill), then secure to 100–120in-lbs
74. [ ] Grease all O-rings with light-weight, high-
quality grease, then grease all seal-mounting
97. [ ] Clean assembly of all excess oil.
98. [ ] Thread red adjuster ring off of threaded tube.
75. [ ] Carefully slide O-ring over end of threaded
99. [ ] Insert needle in air valve and pressurize to
tube, then seat seal in groove.
225psi (nitrogen preferred, air is acceptable).
76. [ ] Install O-rings in inside and outside edges of
100.[ ] Inspect for leaks at all seams and seals.
floating piston that fits inside reservoir can.
77. [ ] Install O-ring in outer perimeter of eyelet
cap cap.
78. [ ] Clamp flat tab of threaded-tube clamping tool
1. [ ] Thread red adjusting ring back onto threaded
in end of vise, so that short-threaded end of
tube, then thread fully-down.
tube points up.
2. [ ] Turn red damper-adjusting shaft fully clock-
79. [ ] Slide small-I.D. end of reservoir can over end
wise with thin slotted screwdriver.
of threaded tube, until can is seated against
3. [ ] Slide spring over shaft-end of shock.
shoulder on threaded tube.
4. [ ] Compress spring (if necessary) with spring-
80. [ ] Slide floating piston (cavity-side first, coni-
compression tool, then install silver spring
cal-face up) carefully over end of threaded
keeper plate (recessed side facing towards
tube, just until it clears threads on
eyelet) onto shaft.
threaded tube.
5. [ ] Apply Loctite 222 to Allen bolt that retains
81. [ ] Clean grease off tube threads.
damper-adjusting knob.
82. [ ] Apply drop of Loctite 271 to tube threads.
6. [ ] Attach damper-adjusting knob to damper-
83. [ ] Thread body-eyelet cap onto tube.
adjusting shaft, and secure by threading in
84. [ ] Place rag over body-eyelet-cap flats to pro-
adjusting-knob retaining bolt.
tect finish.
7. [ ] Turn damper-adjusting knob fully counter-
85. [ ] Grasp flats securely with large adjustable
wrench, then secure to 100–120in-lbs (17–
8. [ ] Turn damper-adjusting knob in, number of
returns recorded in SHOCK AND SPRING REMOVAL
86. [ ] Loosen bolts and remove body from threaded-
(step 4).
tube clamp. Remove clamp from vise.
9. [ ] Install shock on bike.
Oil filling and final assembly 10. [ ] Turn red spring adjusting ring out to restore
87. [ ] Grasp flats of body eyelet in soft saws in vise. measurement recorded in SHOCK AND SPRING
88. [ ] Insert pump needle into air valve, then pres- REMOVAL (step 1), unless this requires more
surize to 50psi (floating piston may seat than 8 full turns.
with a “pop”).
89. [ ] Thread red adjusting ring (flatter-face first)
90. [ ] Pour 5wt oil into threaded tube until oil 1. [ ] Place flat face of body eyelet or shaft eyelet
level reaches bottom of threads inside on top of vise, with vise jaws open enough
threaded tube. to permit shaft eyelet bushing to clear.
91. [ ] Let bubbles rise and dissipate from oil for at 2. [ ] Use large-diameter end of bushing tool to
least 5 minutes. drive bushing out of eyelet.

38 – 68
3. [ ] Place new bushing on small-diameter end of
bushing tool. RST ’98 MOZO FORKS
4. [ ] Supporting eyelet face on flat surface,
place bushing-tool/bushing on top face of
eyelet, then use plastic mallet to tap bush- ABOUT THIS SECTION
ing into eyelet. This supplement covers full service of 1998 RST
Mozo XL, Mozo Pro, and Mozo Comp forks, includ-
TUNING OPTIONS ing bushing replacement.

Spring pre-load TOOL CHOICES

RockShox recommends compressing spring length
RST provides a bushing remover and installer (Hot
by no more than 8 full turns of the spring-adjuster ring.
Karl tool) for remove bushings from the models that
Compressing the spring increases the resistance to com-
have pressed-in bushings.
pression and increases the speed of rebounding. If the 8-
full-turn adjustment does not stiffen the spring ad-
equately, or if the spring is too stiff at the lowest pre- FULL FORK SERVICE
load setting, consider using a different spring.
Different springs 1. [ ] Remove front wheel and front brake.
RockShox makes springs rated from 500 to 800 lbs. 2. [ ] Remove slider brace from both sliders.
Higher ratings mean the spring is stiffer. Stiffer springs 3. [ ] Turn pre-load adjusters on stanchion caps
resist compression more, and rebound more quickly. fully counterclockwise, noting number of
turns: ______
Gas pressure and type of gas 4. [ ] Loosen stanchion clamp bolts slightly.
The recommended gas pressure is 225psi. Nitro- 5. [ ] With fingers, unthread stanchion-cap/spring-
gen is recommended, but regular air can be used with assemblies from stanchion tubes.
only a small performance loss. 6. [ ] Compress sliders completely.
NOTE: Only the Mozo XL and Pro have air dampers
Changing damper setting in the stanchions. In all the following steps,
The damper adjustment affects compression and models with no air-damper have a simple
rebound damping. Turning the damper-adjusting knob plunger shaft instead of a damper shaft with
clockwise increases damping while turning the adjuster an air valve. For these models, substitute the
knob counterclockwise reduces damping. Increased word “plunger” for “damper,” and ignore all
damping slows the rate of compression or rebound. references to the air valve.
7. [ ] Insert 8mm Allen bit socket on 6" extension
Changing oil weight into 8mm fitting in top of damper shaft (in-
RockShox recommends 5w oil, but anything from side stanchion).
2.5w to 8w may be used. The heavier-weight the oil, 8. [ ] Holding extension stationary with ratchet
the more damping will occur. wrench, use 4mm Allen wrench to unthread
bolt at bottom of each slider.
Changing valving 9. [ ] Pull sliders off bottom of stanchions.
The shim washers on either side of the piston con- 10. [ ] Pull bottom-out bumpers from damper shafts
trols the rate of damping. The washers between the that extend from bottoms of stanchions.
shaft nut and piston control the rebound damping rate; 11. [ ] Remove internal snap-rings from bottom of
the washers between the piston and the conical washer stanchions.
control the compression damping. Increasing a stack 12. [ ] Pull firmly on damper shafts to remove from
of washers will increase damping rate and reducing the
13. [ ] Pull damper-shaft guides, then top-out
stack will reduce damping rate. bumpers from damper shafts.
14. [ ] Insert 8mm Allen in fitting in head of damper
shaft(s) to hold shaft while unthreading air-
valve nut.
15. [ ] Remove air valves from damper shafts.
16. [ ] Inspect all O-rings for nicks and tears, and
replace if damaged.

38 – 69
NOTE: The remaining disassembly steps should 31. [ ] Grease O-rings on air valves, then slide air
only be performed if replacing the bushings. If valves onto damper shafts so that face with
not replacing bushings, skip to step 29. large slots faces away from shaft-head. (Re-
17. [ ] Carefully pry dust wipers from top of sliders. versing orientation of valve will decrease re-
NOTE: On the Mozo XL model, the bushings re- bound damping and increase compression
tained by a circlip) are not a press fit, and can damping).
be pulled out with a hooked seal pick or bent 32. [ ] Hold damper shaft with 8mm Allen, then se-
spoke, and inserted by hand. Use this hand cure valve nut on shaft. Repeat for other side.
technique for removal and installation, then 33. [ ] Grease top-out bumpers (shorter ones), and
skip to step 29. slide onto damper shafts flat-face first.
18. [ ] Unthread double-flatted plate from shaft of 34. [ ] Grease shaft guides and slide onto damper
Hot Karl bushing remover, and drop plate shafts cavity-face first.
into slider. It should pass through bushings 35. [ ] Insert air-damper assemblies into stanchions
and rest flat on top of spool spacer. head-ends first.
19. [ ] Unthread nut from tool shaft, then insert 36. [ ] Install internal snap-rings into bottom ends
non-flatted end of shaft into slider and en- of stanchions.
gage into threads of double-flatted plate. 37. [ ] Grease and install bottom-out bumper onto
Make sure shaft is engaged with plate with damper shafts, round-ends first.
threads to spare. 38. [ ] Place sliders onto thoroughly-greased stan-
20. [ ] Slide large washer over tool shaft, then chions, and engage boots to dust wipers.
thread nut on until double-flatted plate Compress sliders fully.
snugs up against bottom of lower bushing. 39. [ ] Treat slider-securing bolts with Loctite 242.
21. [ ] Hold flats of tool shaft in soft jaws of vise. 40. [ ] Use 8mm Allen bit socket on ratchet with
Tighten nut against washer while holding extension to hold damper shaft(s) from turn-
slider from rotating. After one inch of tight- ing, then install slider-securing bolt(s) in bot-
ening against resistance, lower bushing will tom of slider(s) to 40in-lbs.
become loose, then several more inches of 41. [ ] Grease spring assemblies (steel coil and
effortless tightening will be needed before elastomer stacks) that are attached to stan-
tool begins to pull upper bushing out. chion caps.
22. [ ] Remove tool, remove bushings from tool, 42. [ ] Install stanchion-cap/spring-assemblies fully
then remove spool spacer from bottom of into stanchions, then secure with fingers.
slider. 43. [ ] Pull down on stanchions until stanchion-cap
NOTE: Repeat steps 18–22 for other slider. flanges are against fork crown.
44. [ ] Secure stanchion-clamp bolts to 80in-lbs.
Assembly 45. [ ] Check that fork-column-clamp bolts are se-
23. [ ] Put spool spacers (cavity-end up) into bot- cured to 80in-lbs.
tom of each slider. 46. [ ] Treat slider-brace-bolt threads and brake-
24. [ ] Place smaller-diameter bushing on fat end of pivot-stud threads with Loctite 242.
Hot Karl bushing installer, and insert tool and 47. [ ] Install slider brace, then secure slider-brace
bushing into slider. bolts to 90in-lbs and brake pivot studs to
25. [ ] Tap on tool with plastic mallet until line in 115in-lbs.
middle of sticker on tool is even with top of 48. [ ] Install front wheel and attach front brake.
slider. Repeat for other slider.
26. [ ] Place larger-diameter bushing over small-di-
ameter end of Hot Karl bushing installer until
it seats against fattest part of tool, then in-
sert tool into slider until tool passes through
lower bushing.
27. [ ] Tap on tool with plastic mallet until top of
bushing is even with shoulder that is ap-
proximately 10mm down from top of slider.
Repeat for other slider.
28. [ ] Press dust wipers into tops of stanchions.
29. [ ] Clean and dry all parts, making sure they
end up lint and solvent free.
30. [ ] Grease threads on damper-shaft heads.

38 – 70

WHITE BROTHERS FORKS 9. [ ] Remove springs from tops of stanchions.

Neutral-shaft and cartridge removal
10. [ ] Remove conical bumpers from shafts.
ABOUT THIS SECTION 11. [ ] Unthread cartridge from bottom of left stan-
This section specifically covers the ’97–’99 White chion.
Brothers SC70, SC90, DC90, DC110 and DC118 12. [ ] Turn stanchions upside down and remove
neutral shaft.
models, but can be used as a general guideline for ser-
13. [ ] Remove top caps from damper shaft and
vicing other models. neutral shaft.
14. [ ] Remove top-out bumper from bottom end of
TOOLS neutral shaft.
White Brothers sells a tool kit (#97-713) for bush- Seal and bushing removal
ing replacement and cartridge overhaul. The tools are 15. [ ] Remove circular coil spring from lips of
also available separately. The kit includes: seals.
Cartridge Drift 97-707 16. [ ] Insert screwdriver into each seal, catching tip
Cartridge Bleed Tool 97-708 under bottom edge of seal, then pry out seal.
17. [ ] Remove foam ring(s).
Cartridge Holder 97-700
18. [ ] Turn right stanchion over and shake out bot-
Cartridge Bush & Seal Driver 97-709
tom-out spacer (large plastic spool).
Cartridge Upper Seal R&R Tool 97-710 Bushings should be cleaned and inspected before
Fork Bushing Install Tool 97-711 removal. The appearance of brass flecks or solid-me-
Fork Bushing Removal Tool 97-712 tallic areas on the surfaces of the bushings indicates
In the following procedure, the Cartridge Drift is need for bushing replacement. Do not remove bush-
called the “small drift,” the Cartridge Bush & Seal ings unless intending to replace them.
Driver is called the “medium drift,” and the Cartridge 19. [ ] Assemble Bushing Removal Tool parts in fol-
Upper Seal R&R Tool is called the “large drift.” Each lowing sequence onto threaded shaft:
of these tools is a cylinder with several steps in diam- Flat washer (conical-face first)
eter. They also vary in length. The small drift is the Rectangular plate (flat-face first)
short, skinny cylinder. The medium drift is the short, Expander mechanism (large-end first)
fat cylinder. The large drift is the long cylinder. 20. [ ] Secure 1/3 of rectangular plate in vise so it
The Fork Bushing Removal Tool has a ring that is sticks out end of vise and rest of tool hangs
free to slide up and down the shaft of the tool (when a down past edge of bench.
21. [ ] Push slider onto bottom of tool until expander
setscrew in its side is loosened). This ring is called the
is heard or felt to snap clear of first bushing.
“depth ring” in the following procedure.
22. [ ] While holding onto slider, tighten tool shaft
continuously until slider is free.
FULL FORK SERVICE 23. [ ] Remove expander and bushing from bottom
of tool shaft and repeat bushing removal for
Slider removal lower bushing, then both in other slider.
1. [ ] Remove brakes and front wheel.
2. [ ] Loosen bolts at bottoms of stanchions two
Cartridge overhaul
24. [ ] Place Cartridge Holder in vise, then place
full turns.
cartridge in Holder so end of shaft with flats
3. [ ] Tap on loosened bolts with plastic mallet un-
points up, but do not secure vise.
til heads contact bottoms of sliders, then
25. [ ] Remove circlip (older models) or snap-ring
complete bolt removal.
(newer models) from top end of cartridge
4. [ ] Remove slider assembly.
body, then turn cartridge body over in Car-
5. [ ] Remove bolts from both ends of slider brace.
tridge Holder.
Top-cap and spring removal 26. [ ] Position Cartridge Holder so split end of tool
6. [ ] Turn pre-load adjusters fully counterclock- is half way into vise jaws.
wise, counting number of turns and record 27. [ ] Position cartridge in Holder so bottom of
here: right: ______ left: ______ body is flush with bottom of Holder, then
7. [ ] Unthread top caps. secure vise.
8. [ ] SC70 only: Remove plastic spacers and 28. [ ] Place receptacle for waste oil below car-
spring caps from tops of springs. tridge.

38 – 71
29. [ ] Place small end of Cartridge Drift (small 49. [ ] Remove Bleed Tool, then fill cartridge body
drift) in top of shaft, then slowly tap on tool to top with additional oil. Let sit five minutes
to drive parts out bottom of cartridge. Be or until bubbles are gone.
prepared to catch cartridge shaft. 50. [ ] Fill pocket in seal with light grease and
30. [ ] Place small end of Cartridge Upper Seal R&R grease outer perimeter of seal.
Tool (large drift) on top of cartridge, then 51. [ ] Place 8mm Delrin washer onto shaft, then use
carefully tap parts out bottom end of car- long end of Cartridge Bush & Seal Driver (me-
tridge. Be prepared to catch parts. dium drift) to seat washer to 12mm depth.
31. [ ] Use 2mm Allen wrench to unthread adjuster 52. [ ] Place seal (cupped-side first) onto shaft and
rod off end of cartridge shaft, then remove use short end of medium drift to seat seal to
O-ring from needle end of adjuster rod. 5mm depth.
32. [ ] Remove plastic washers and seal from car- 53. [ ] Place conical washer (flat-face first) into car-
tridge shaft. tridge body, then install circlip/snap-ring.
33. [ ] Remove split ring from shaft piston. 54. [ ] Insert shaft end of bleed tool fully into car-
tridge shaft to purge shaft of excess oil.
Cleaning and inspection 55. [ ] Install new O-ring over pointed end of ad-
34. [ ] Clean all parts with mild detergent and dry juster rod.
with lint-free rag and/or compressed air. 56. [ ] Thread adjuster rod into cartridge shaft until
35. [ ] Inspect stanchion tubes for heavy wear it bottoms. Stock settings from this point
marks or scratches. are: SC70 2 turns out
36. [ ] Inspect lips of slider-tube seals for tears. SC90 & DC90 3 turns out
37. [ ] Inspect cartridge shaft for heavy wear marks DC110 & DC118 4 turns out
or scratches. 57. [ ] Wipe excess oil off cartridge.
38. [ ] Inspect inside cartridge body for heavy wear
marks or scratches. Bushing installation
39. [ ] Inspect cartridge-seal lips for nicks or tears. 58. [ ] Secure dropout of slider into vise with
RockShox dropout vise blocks, or other
Cartridge assembly method that will not mar dropout.
40. [ ] With Cartridge Holder loosely supported in 59. [ ] Loosen set screw on depth ring of Bushing
vise, install cartridge body in vise so end Install tool, then position and secure ring
with circlip/snap-ring is down. with setscrew in upper dimple in tool shaft.
41. [ ] Place Delrin conical-face washer into car- 60. [ ] Place bushing on bottom end of tool and in-
tridge body (conical-face first), then drive it sert tool into slider, then tap on top of tool
to bottom of cartridge body with large end until depth ring contacts top of slider.
of large drift. 61. [ ] Remove tool and repeat for other slider.
42. [ ] Grease cartridge seal and install (cupped- 62. [ ] Remove tool and set depth ring with set-
face up) into cartridge body, then seat fully screw in lower dimple on tool shaft, then re-
with large end of large drift. peat procedure for both upper bushings.
43. [ ] Place 2mm flat Delrin washer into car-
tridge body, then seat fully with large end Cartridge and neutral-shaft installation
of large drift. 63. [ ] Place plastic conical caps on top ends of
44. [ ] Remove cartridge body from Holder, insert cartridge shaft and neutral shaft.
small end of small drift into seal until large 64. [ ] Thread cartridge body into bottom end of
end of drift is flush with conical washer, left stanchion and secure.
then put cartridge body (closed-end down) 65. [ ] Slide smallest conical bumper (conical-end
back into Holder. first) onto bottom end of neutral shaft, then
45. [ ] Put split ring into groove in piston, then insert neutral shaft into top end of right
place shaft (round-end down) carefully on stanchion.
top of drift. 66. [ ] Pull damper and neutral shafts fully down,
46. [ ] Fill cartridge body with 2.5wt oil to 1/2" then place larger conical bumpers (conical-
from top of body. ends first) onto shafts.
47. [ ] Carefully push shaft down fully into car-
tridge body, making sure split ring does not Spring and top-cap installation
catch on top edge of cartridge body. Small 67. [ ] Grease springs and install into stanchions.
drift will fall to floor. 68. [ ] SC70 only: Insert discs into stanchions, then
48. [ ] Thread Bleed Tool into top end of shaft, then insert plastic sleeves.
pump shaft 1/2" up and down repeatedly. 69. [ ] Thread in top caps fully, then turn pre-load
adjusters fully clockwise.

38 – 72

Slider installation
70. [ ] Drop bottom-out spacer (large plastic spool)
into right slider.
71. [ ] Place round coil springs over lips of seals.
72. [ ] Grease seals thoroughly (use non-lithium
grease) and place onto stanchions (lip-face
first), making sure lips do not fold in.
73. [ ] Grease foam rings and place onto stan-
74. [ ] Thoroughly grease bushings (non-lithium
75. [ ] Carefully guide right slider onto right stan-
chion, then carefully guide left slider onto
left stanchion.
76. [ ] Attach slider brace to sliders.
77. [ ] Prep slider-brace bolts (anti-seize if bolts are
titanium), then secure bolts to 50in-lbs.
78. [ ] Treat bottom bolts with Loctite 242, then
insert into holes in bottoms of sliders (hollow
bolt, if any, in left) and thread into bottoms
of shafts. Note, it may be necessary to use
small hooked tool such as head of spoke to
align shafts with holes!
79. [ ] Compress fork fully, then secure bolts to
60in-lbs. Note: If bolts will not secure, re-
move top cap and spring on side not being
secured, compress again and secure side
with spring.
80. [ ] Slide foam rings down into tops of sliders.
81. [ ] Slide seals down into tops of sliders and
seat seals fully.
82. [ ] Install adjuster knob, if any, in bottom of
right-side slider.
83. [ ] Turn pre-load adjusters fully counterclock-
wise, then clockwise number of turns re-
corded in step 6.

38 – 73


The following information should be recorded
whenever servicing a suspension unit for a customer.
All of the information does not apply in every case.
The information is recorded during performance of
service procedures, but does not occur at uniform
points in each procedure, so no step numbers are pro-
vided for where the information can be found.
Original damper setting: _______ #/turns
Current damper setting: _______ #/turns
Original air pressure: ________ psi
Current air pressure: ________ psi
Original oil level: _______ mm
Current oil level: _______ mm
Approximate weight of original suspension oil:
2.5w, 5w, 7.5w, 10w, 15w, 20w,
other: ________
Brand and weight of current suspension oil:
Valving changes:
Spring pre-load YES NO Amt: ______mm
Compression reed-valve washers:
added/subtracted number? ____
thickness change? ____
Rebound reed-valve washers:
added/subtracted number? ____
thickness change? ____
Travel added YES NO Amount: ______mm
Original spring pre-load setting: _______ #/turns
Current spring pre-load setting: _______ #/turns
Original elastomers and/or coil-spring rate:
Current elastomers and/or coil-spring rate:

38 – 74

Crankset: The mechanism that is turned by the Headset: The bearing assembly that connects the
rider’s feet. It consists of two lever arms called crank- fork to the frame and allows the fork to rotate inside
arms, one to three gears called chainrings, and a bear- the head tube.
ing assembly that the crank arms rotate around called Pedal: A mechanism that supports the rider’s
the bottom bracket. foot. It contains a bearing assembly and is mounted
Bottom bracket: The bearing assembly that al- to the crank arm.
lows the crankset to rotate in the bottom-bracket shell. Seat post: The pillar (usually a tube of metal) that
attaches the seat to the frame.
Saddle: The soft structure that supports the
F ro n t d e ra ille u r rider’s posterior.
Stem: The piece that connects the handlebars to
F re e w h e e l
C h a in the fork.
Handlebar: The piece that supports the rider’s
C ra n k s e t
hands and is turned to control the bike.
Brake lever: The levers that are operated by the
R e a r de ra ille u r rider’s hands to control the braking function.
Shift lever: The levers operated by the rider’s
hands that control the derailleurs.
C h a in
Brake caliper: The mechanisms that squeeze
against the rims to control the bike’s speed.
1.2 Parts of the drivetrain.

Wheel: The assembly consisting of the hub,

spokes, rim, tire and tube. THREADS
Hub: The assembly at the center of the wheel that
houses the axle bearings, and to which spokes attach.
Freehub: A hub and freewheel that have been THREADIDENTIFICATION
combined into a single integrated assembly. One of the key challenges to the mechanic is to
Spokes: The tensioned wires that join the hub and be able to replace or upgrade parts with compatible
rim together. parts. One of the most significant obstacles to be over-
Rim: The hoop at the outer edge of the wheel to come is the number of different thread standards used
which the tire is mounted. on bicycles. For example rear axles alone come in seven
Tire: The rubber hoop at the outer edge of the different varieties. Threads are described by a two part
wheel assembly. number, such as 3/8" × 26tpi or 10mm × 1mm. The
first number refers to the diameter of the male ver-
Hub Spokes Rim Tire sion of the thread and the second number refers to
the pitch. When identifying a thread, start with pitch.
The first step to identifying a thread is to measure
the pitch with a pitch gauge. Pitch is a measurement of
the frequency of threads, or the distance from one thread
to the next. In an inch system (BSC and Whitworth),
pitch is measured by the number of threads that occur
in one inch of thread length, and in a metric system
pitch is the distance from one thread to the next.
Pitch is measured with a pitch gauge by mating
the gauge to the thread. If the gauge can be held down
in the thread at both ends simultaneously, the thread
is identified (see figure 1.4). The best pitch gauges avail-
able come with both metric and Whitworth gauges.
Although Whitworth is quite rare, Whitworth pitch
gauges are compatible with the BSC (British Standard
Cycle) threads found on many bicycle parts. Although
gauges are not normally marked with the appropriate
1.3 Parts of the wheel. units, the thread is metric whenever the number in-

1 – 2

cludes a decimal point, and the pitch is in inches when- mon BSC freewheel threads. Also, Jou Yu (Joy Tech)
ever the number on the gauge is followed by the let- hub axles have metric diameter combined with inch
ter “G” or the letters “TPI” (for Threads Per Inch). pitch in some inconsistent cases.
When measuring diameter use a caliper. Measure
the thread with the axis of the thread perpendicular
1 .0
T h is 1 . 0 m m ga ug e d o e s n o t
to the face of the caliper, the axle centered in the cali-
m a t c h t h e t h re a d
per jaws and not on any slot in the threads.

C o rre c t (e n ga gin g k n if e e d g e s )

T h is 2 6 t p i ga ug e ( m a rk e d 2 6 G )
.9 0 .1
26G m a t c h e s t h e t h re a d .8 .2
.7 .3
.6 .4

0 1 .5 .5
1.4 When the teeth of the thread pitch gauge will all go into the .4 .6
threads simultaneously, then the gauge matches the thread.
.3 .7
.2 .8
The next step to thread identification is to mea- .1 0 .9

sure the diameter. Diameter is a measurement of the

male thread’s outside diameter (O.D.). It is usually a C o rre c t (t h re a d a x is p e rp e n -

nominal measurement. A measurement is a nominal dic u la r t o c a lip e r f a c e )

measurement when an actual measurement is rounded

up to an even number. For example, a thread with a In c o rre c t ( t h re a d a x is p a ra l-

6mm diameter is only nominally 6mm. The actual le l t o c a lip e r f a c e )

diameter is more like 5.9mm.

Metric bicycle threads are available in .5 millime-
ter increments, so always round the actual measure-
ment up to the nearest .5mm to arrive at the nominal
measurement. Inch bicycle threads are available in
minimum 1/16 inch increments, so always round up
to the nearest 1/16 inch or its decimal equivalent to In c o rre c t ( b e lo w k n if e e dg e s )

arrive at the nominal measurement.

Examples: 0
.9 .1
If the thread measures 5.9mm— it is 6.0mm. .8 .2
If the thread measures .370"— it is .375". .7 .3

If the thread measures 23/64"— it is 3/8". .6 .4

Diameter may be measured in inches or millime- 0 1 .5 .5

ters. The best way to determine which units to use is .4 .6

by measuring the pitch first, because the diameter is .3 .7
almost always in the same units (a 1.0mm pitch .2
.1 .9
threaded item is sure to have a metric diameter). The
exceptions are on Italian-manufactured frames, which
have metric diameter and inch pitch on the fork and
In c o rre c t ( in p a rt o f ja w t hat

do e s n ' t c lo s e f u lly )
in the bottom-bracket shell, and on Italian-made hubs,
which may have metric diameter axles with inch pitch.
In c o rre c t ( k nif e e d g e s o f ja w

in s e rt in g in t h re a d s )
Italian bikes will also have this combination of metric
diameter and inch pitch on the freewheel mounting
threads, but in this case it is not an issue because the
Italian thread happens to be compatible with the com-
1.5 Correct and incorrect ways to measure thread diameter.

1 – 3

Female thread diameters are rarely provided. R igh t -h a n d

L e f t -h an d
When the pitch is 24tpi, 26tpi, or 1mm the inside t h re a d t h rea d

diameter will be approximately .7–.9mm less than

the male.
Following is a chart of useful equivalents of thread 1.6 Whether the thread slopes up to the left or up to the right shows
the thread direction.
diameter. Start by taking a measurement in inches or
millimeters and then look in the right-most column Female threads may be identified as left or right
for the nominal thread diameter. by the following test. Install a matching thread pitch
gauge into the thread in question with exactly one
tooth of the gauge left outside the thread. Rotate the
gauge in the threads at least one-half turn clockwise.
Approximate Approximate Nominal
Observe the amount of gauge teeth outside the thread
measurement in measurement in fractional inch at this point. If they have increased, it is a left-hand
millimeters inches thread diameter thread. If they have decreased, it is a right-hand thread.
7.7mm .303" 5/16" If the gauge is rotated counterclockwise instead of
9.4mm .366" 3/8" clockwise, the results will be opposite.
12.5mm .492" 1/2"
14.1mm .555" 9/16"
25.2mm .992" 1"
28.4mm 1.118" 1–1/8" 1 .0 mm

31.6mm 1.244" 1–1/4"

T w o h a lf - t e e t h o u t a f t e r
34.7mm 1.366" 1–3/8" S t a rt w it h a h a lf - t o o t h o u t

a h a lf - t u rn ro t a t io n

Approximate Approximate Nominal

measurement in measurement in metric thread

1.7 Rotate a thread pitch gauge in a female thread to determine
inches millimeters diameter
the thread direction.
.149" 3.8mm 4.0mm
.189" 4.8mm 5.0mm
.228" 5.8mm 6.0mm THREADTENDENCIES
.307" 7.8mm 8.0mm
It is helpful to know what threads are likely to be
.351" 8.8mm 9.0mm
.346" 9.3mm 9.5mm
encountered in certain situations. The country of origin
.389" 9.8mm 10.0mm of a bicycle frame is likely to determine the thread used in
.976" 24.8mm 25.0mm the bottom bracket and the fork/headset. Different coun-
1.358" 34.5mm 34.7mm tries tend to use different thread standards. The standards
1.370" 34.8mm 35.0mm are BSC (British Standard Cycle), Metric, Italian
1.409" 35.8mm 36.0mm Whitworth, and ISO. ISO stands for the International
Standards Organization. The ISO has adopted many ex-
On all pedals and most bottom-bracket threads isting thread descriptions to be the ISO standard. Some of
(as well as other rare occurrences), the final aspect of these existing threads are metric, and some are BSC. ISO
thread identification is the thread direction. Right-hand standard threads may have a metric or inch description.
threads (most common) tighten or are installed with a Bicycle frames made in Taiwan, and Japan are cer-
clockwise rotation and loosen or are removed with a tain to be BSC or ISO thread. Bicycle frames made in
counterclockwise rotation. Left-hand threads (left ped- the U.S. are also virtually certain to be BSC or ISO thread,
als, some right-hand-side bottom-bracket parts, and but sometimes small manufacturers of top end racing
certain freewheel cones and dust caps) tighten or are bikes use Italian threads. Bicycle frames made in Italy are
installed with a counterclockwise rotation and loosen virtually certain to be Italian thread. French bicycles are
or are removed with a clockwise rotation. the greatest source of confusion because they used to be
Thread direction of male threads may be identi- French thread, then switched to Swiss thread, and fi-
fied by observation. Held vertically, the threads on a nally have switched to ISO threading. Bicycle frames from
right-hand thread will slope up to the right, and the other countries are seen much more rarely, and it is best
threads on a left-hand thread will slope up to the left to rely strictly on measurements in these cases. See the
(see figure 1.6). bottom bracket and headset chapters for description of
BSC, ISO, French, Swiss, and Italian threads.

1 – 4

The country of origin of a component is useful in Loctite 222 is the lightest grade available and is ap-
determining the thread type of fittings within the compo- plicable on thread diameters up to 6mm. Typical uses
nent, but the threads that attach a component to another of Loctite 222 include: accessory mounting bolts/nuts,
component or the frame may be unrelated to the country brake mounting bolts/nuts, and derailleur limit screws.
of origin. For example a bottom bracket made in Japan If only one grade of Loctite were to be used, it
for an Italian bicycle would be Italian thread. Another should be Loctite 242. It is heavier than the 222, and
example would be that an Italian made freewheel installed is used on larger diameter threads. Typical uses of
as original equipment on an older French bicycle would Loctite 242 include bottom-bracket fixed cups and
probably be a French thread. The threads used within
headset locknuts, but it is also acceptable to use it on
any Japanese, Taiwanese, or French component are likely
smaller thread diameters.
to be metric. The threads used within any Italian compo-
nent are likely to be metric or Italian Whitworth (a bi- Loctite 290 is a special application thread locker
zarre combination of metric diameter and inch pitch). that is more heavy-duty than 242, but can be applied
There is little consistency with U.S. component manufac- to already assembled components to penetrate into
turers to use metric or inch threads. Those U.S. compo- the threads. Typical uses of Loctite 290 include already
nent “manufacturers” that contract to have their products installed accessories (such as fenders) and already in-
made in Asia are more likely to use metric threads. For stalled bottom-bracket fixed cups.
example, Grip Shift uses metric threads on fittings, but Loctite 272 or 277 are extremely heavy-duty com-
fittings on Bullseye hubs use inch pitch threads. pounds that would not allow removal without dam-
age to the tool or part. They are used when threads
are damaged and as an alternative to replacement when
permanent installation will not be a problem.
OFTHREADS Loctite RC680 serves as a substitute for 272/277
The primary form of thread preparation is lubri- and can be used in other non-thread applications on
cation. Preparation of threads with oil or grease per- the bike, such as enhancing the security of a pressed-
mits ease of assembly and disassembly. Lubrication in part like a headset cup.
makes it easier to feel when the threaded component Loctite 660 (Quick Metal) is not applicable to threads
is becoming tight enough. Corrosion is also prevented at all, but will fill gaps for press fits of up to .5mm.
by lubrication; however, lubrication is counter effec- When assembling threads pay close attention to
tive on threads with nylon inserts. how they feel. Threads that feel tight during assem-
In most cases the lubrication choice is between oil bly should be checked for:
and grease. Oil is generally used on threads of small Thread compatibility
diameter or fine pitch. Ease of application is the pri- Paint in threads (Clean with tap.)
mary advantage compared to grease. Grease is used
Damaged threads (Clean with tap, die, thread
on threads of larger diameter and coarser threads. Its
chaser or file.)
advantage over oil is durability under exposure to
moisture and less of a tendency to evaporate. Cross-threading (Restart thread with better
In some cases it is preferable to use a compound called alignment.)
Loctite instead of lubrication. Loctite is a liquid that hard- That threads feel effortless to assemble is not by it-
ens and expands after application. It is not a glue, but self an indication of thread compatibility. When the fe-
works by expanding to fill a gap and exerting pressure male thread is a larger diameter than the male, no effort
between the parts. Loctite used on threads aids ease of will be required for assembly, even when there is a pitch
assembly, prevents corrosion, prevents threaded com- mismatch. If pitch match has not been verified but the
ponents from coming loose and consequentially reduces difference between the O.D and I.D. of the parts is ac-
the need to over-tighten parts, risking their damage. ceptable, then it is acceptable to use test-mating of parts
Loctites generally cure in a few hours. The hard cake as a way to determine compatibility. This is a useful tech-
that Loctite compounds cure into is not an adhesive. The nique in cases where it is impractical to check the pitch
hard cake deteriorates if the threaded item is turned after because of small I.D., or short overall thread length.
curing. Use of Loctite is redundant on threads with ny- A thread that gets tight and then feels easier to
lon inserts. (Loctite is toxic– minimize contact.) turn as it is secured is probably stripping.
There are several grades of Loctite. Some of the
following grades are available from automotive stores
or United Bicycle Tool Supply, but some must be
purchased at industrial bearing supply companies.

1 – 5

diameter and re-tapping to use a new size, or replac-
ing the damaged part. Using Loctite is a solution only
Ideally, when threads are damaged the part should
when there is no further need to remove the part.
be replaced. If tools are available and the damage is
Converting to a larger diameter thread may be lim-
not too severe, it may be possible to repair the thread.
ited by available material or parts. Replacing the dam-
The best repair will be accomplished with a thread
aged part has no disadvantage, except cost or limita-
cutting tool such as a tap (for internal threads) or die
tions of availability.
(for external threads). When repairing threads with a
To repair a stripped thread by going to the next larger
tap or die, first make sure the damaged thread and tap
diameter, first drill out the old threads to the appropri-
or die have compatible thread description. Start the
ate size for the tap that will create the new thread. When
tap or die on the end of the threaded item that is in
drilling to tap, the use of a larger bit than recommended
the best condition to ensure proper alignment.
will lead to poor thread depth and will probably result
If the die is a variety with a split in it so it can be
in further thread failure. The use of a smaller bit than
compressed or expanded, it should be fit in a special
recommended will result in the tap jamming and break-
die handle that has expansion and compression adjust-
ing off in the hole. To determine the correct drill size a
ers. Thread the die onto the good portion of the thread
simple formula can be used. If it is a metric thread, sub-
with it expanded to a loose fit. Then compress it until
tract the pitch from the nominal diameter of the thread;
it is barely snug before starting to cut on the threads
for example, converting a stripped 4.5mm × .8mm fe-
that need repair.
male thread to 5mm × .8mm requires drilling the hole
An alternative to using a tap or die is to use a thread
out to 4.2mm (5.0 – .8 = 4.2). Another example: the
chaser. A thread chaser does not actually cut threads.
correct tap drill for tapping a 6mm × 1mm thread would
It does realign threads that have been mangled. It is
be 5mm (6 – 1 = 5). For inch thread (which is unlikely
most often used on solid axles or the dustcap threads
to be needed due to the rare use on inch threads on bi-
in crank arms.
cycles), a special or unusual drill bit size is needed. Inch
The least expensive way to repair a thread is with
size threads require “tap drills” which are unique sizes
a thread file. The thread file is best when there is just
that are numbered instead of described by dimension.
a small ding in a thread. Thread files can be used on
After drilling out the hole use the appropriate tap for the
mangled male threads. Available from various bicycle
new thread size.
tool and general tool suppliers, thread files come in
both inch and metric pitches. After matching the pitch
on the file to the pitch of the thread being repaired, REMOVALOFDIFFICULT
the file is then stroked in the direction of the thread
angle, while the item being repaired is slowly rotated.
To remove a stubborn nut or bolt first use a pen-
etrating oil and allow to soak for a few minutes. Then
use the best-fitting tool possible. If it is a screwdriver,
apply heavy, downward force while turning the screw.
If a screw or bolt head is deformed in the attempt to
remove it, try vise grips locked securely on the head. If
vise grips fail, use a small saw (Dremel or rotary tool)
to cut a slot in the head to fit a slotted screwdriver.
Another alternative is to file flats on the side of the bolt
or nut head to fit an open-end wrench. If all of the
above fail, the next option is to drill a hole in the bolt
or screw between one-half and three-quarters of the bolt
diameter and then hammer in a screw extractor to turn
1.8 To use a thread file, match the file pitch to the thread pitch, out the bolt. The screw extractor is the first option if
then stroke the file at the angle of the thread while rotating the
threaded item. the screw or bolt head shears off. The last resort is to
carefully drill the bolt out with the tap drill that is the
Stripped threads can sometimes be repaired just appropriate size for the existing thread diameter. The
by chasing them with the appropriate tap, die, or method for determine the correct size for the drill bit is
thread chaser. If the thread still does not hold after covered in the preceding section, REPAIR OF DAMAGED
this repair, repair options include use of Loctite 277 THREADS. Then chase the threads out with a tap.

or RC680, drilling the damaged thread out to a larger

1 – 6

To remove a stripped nut, screw, or bolt that ro- Another type of press fit is the tapered press fit.
tates without removing first use penetrating oil. If In this case the male component is tapered so that the
possible, grab nut, screw, or bolt with vise grip to pull farther it is pressed in, the tighter it becomes. Examples
up while unthreading. Another alternative is to insert of this fit include:
something like a screwdriver underneath the nut or Cotter pins on cotter-type crank arms
screw or bolt head and apply leverage while Cotterless crank arms that fit on a spindle with
unthreading. The last alternative is to use a saw to cut tapered flats
off the nut, screw, or bolt head.
PRESSFITS Preparation to install a press fit should include
identifying that the male component is a suitable
amount larger than the female; cleaning the mating
DEFINITIONANDIDENTIFICATION surfaces so that they will be free of lubrication, corro-
sion, and dirt; and treatment with Loctite 222 if pre-
OFPRESS-FITTOLERANCES venting corrosion is a concern.
A press fit occurs when one part is inserted into To install press-fit components, a special pressing
another with pressure and is held together by the fric- tool is often required (see the section of the book that
tion between the mating surfaces. applies to the particular component in question.) In
A common press fit is the interference type. With the absence of a proper tool, sometimes a vise can be
an interference type, the fit is accomplished when a used, and if that is not suitable, a hammer may be
male cylindrical shape is pressed into a smaller hole. used. In either case, pay particular attention to the
The tolerance between the two parts is generally in alignment of the parts as they go in. With a hammer,
use a block of wood or a plastic hammer to protect
the range of .1–.3mm (.004–.012"). Examples of inter-
the components from damage. With a vise, similar
ference press fits include:
types of protection may also be required.
Headset races pressed into the head tube Proper installation of tapered-press fits simply
Headset race pressed onto the fork involves pressing the part in hard enough so that it
Dustcaps pressed into hub shells and pedals will hold. Preparation to install tapered-press fits
Bottom-bracket bearing cartridges pressed into includes an examination to determine that the length
a bottom-bracket shell of engagement is acceptable and cleaning the mat-
Bearing cups pressed into hub shells and pedals ing surfaces, so that they will be free of lubricants,
Cartridge bearings pressed into bottom brack- corrosion and dirt.
ets and hubs For more information and diagrams concerning
Cartridge bearings pressed into pedals tapered press fits see the section of this book regard-
ing crank arms.
Fric tion
When press fits slip together with little or no ef-
H e a d s e t ra c e fort, Loctite compounds may be used to improve the
3 0 .2 mm fit. If the fit requires only mild force to install, it will
3 0 .2 mm probably creak or slip under operating conditions, or
3 0 .0 mm moisture may penetrate and cause corrosion, then the
C ut a w a y 3 0 .0 mm use of Loctite RC680 would be appropriate in most
he a d t ub e
cases. When installing sealed cartridge bearings (hubs,
bottom brackets, and pedals) Loctite 242 is preferred,
so that removal will not be too difficult. If a press-fit
part slips right in with no effort, but does not jiggle
about once installed, then Loctite RC680 is required
Pressure in all cases except for sealed cartridge bearings. Sealed
1.9 These cross-sections show a properly sized headset race before cartridge bearing installation requires Loctite 242, usu-
installation into a head tube, and again after the head tube has de- ally. If Loctite RC680 is used to improve a marginal
flected to accommodate the press fit. press fit, the fit should be considered as good as new,
except that removal and reinstallation would require
re-application of Loctite. If the press-fit part is loose

1 – 7

and jiggling after installation, it is best to find a better

fitting part. If a better fitting part is not available, LUBRICANTS
Loctite RC680 is recommended. Effectiveness may be
limited by how loose the parts are initially, and the
by fact that with press fitting there is no way to en- GREASE
sure proper alignment of the parts. Not all greases are suitable for bicycle use. Bicycle
bearings operate in a relatively low temperature range,
so grease designed for automotive use often does not
Ex p a n d e d L o c t it e
H e a d s e t ra c e become effective at bicycle operating temperatures.
3 0 .0 5 mm Greases made specifically for bicycle use include Phil
Wood, Bullshot, V ar, Shimano, Finish Line, Pedros
3 0 .2 mm
3 0 .0 mm and Campagnolo. The best automotive grease is a light
C ut a w a y 3 0 .0 mm
grade of Lubriplate.
Grease failure could come at any time. Factory
he ad t ube
original greases are often of the lowest quality, and
also are applied in very limited or erratic quantities.
Frames are often inadequately cleaned at the factory,
so bottom-bracket and headset grease is often con-
P re s s u re taminated with abrasives even before the bike has
1.10 The headset race and headtube here do not have enough di- been ridden. For these reasons it is difficult to project
mensional difference to create enough friction; when Loctite RC680 the normal time or miles between bearing overhauls.
is added before installation, it expands and creates more pressure As a soft rule of thumb, 2000–3000 miles or two to
(and therefore more friction). three years of generally fair-weather riding should
make a bike ready for an overhaul. The best method
Loctite 660 (Quick Metal) is a thick paste that will to determine whether grease is overdue for replace-
provide security when the male part is up to 1mm ment is inspection. See table 1-2 below, for causes
smaller in diameter than the female part. No preci- and evidence of grease failure.
sion alignment of the parts is assured, but loose pieces The container and applicator of grease is as im-
that cannot be repaired in any other way may benefit portant as the quality. Open tubs invite contamina-
from Quick Metal. A good example would be when tion; application from open tubs is messy. Grease is
the head tube on a Murray or Huffy juvenile bike best used in squeeze tubes or grease guns.
becomes flared and the headset parts are loose and jig- Whether greasing a thread, insertion, or bearing,
gling. Because these bikes use non-standard oversized an ample quantity of grease will reduce likelihood of
headset dimensions, there are no practical alternatives drying and moisture contamination. Wipe excesses
away when assembly is complete.
for repair except the use of Loctite 660 (Quick Metal).
Grease should be treated like any other unnatural
substance that can penetrate the skin. Minimize expo-
sure or avoid it entirely by wearing disposable latex
painter’s gloves. Clean hands when exposure is over.

GREASE FAILURE (table 1-2)

Cause of grease failure Evidence of grease failure

Age: This is one of the most likely reasons for grease Lack of grease, grease absent from ball path,
to fail, particularly on bikes that see little use. grease caked like half-dry mud.
Internal contamination: This other highly likely cause Light-colored greases turned dark, translucent
of grease failure is caused by particles worn from the greases turned darker and opaque.
bearing surfaces.
Moisture contamination: This cause is only likely Reddish rust color in grease, rust on bearing
when the bike is ridden extensively in wet conditions. parts, water droplets in grease or bearing area.
Colored greases turn a lighter shade.
Dirt contamination: This cause of grease failure is Gritty feeling like sand in the grease, not the
most likely if contaminated grease that has oozed out same as the rough feeling from a tight bearing.
of the bearing is wiped off the wrong way.

1 – 8

Manufacturers of internally-geared hubs recom-
mend special oils that are generally unsuitable for use
Oil is used on threads, derailleur pivots, brake piv-
elsewhere on the bike. Sturmey Archer Cycle Oil is
ots, lever pivots, the chain, inside freewheels and in-
one of these, but a suitable replacement would be 10-
side internally-geared multispeed hubs.
weight motor oil.
Not all oils are equally suitable for bicycle use.
The oil needs to be resistant to accumulating grit, du-
rable to exposure to the elements, and light enough to
penetrate into tight areas. These characteristics out-
weigh the significance of any more technical consid-
erations, such as the type of oil base or whether Teflon One of the cleansers needed for proper bicycle
is part of the formula. Oils that are specifically suit- cleaning is an ammonia and water solution for clean-
able to bicycle use include: ing dirt and removing greasy fingerprints. If using a
Phil Wood Tenacious Oil household cleanser such as 409, Fantastik, or Top Job,
Triflow they will leave a soapy film that will need rinsing.
Bullshot Window-cleaning compounds clean as well and do not
Superlube leave a film behind.
For cleaning bearings, drive train components and
any other heavily greased or oily components, choose
between either mineral spirits or non-toxic biodegrad-
Finish Line
able solvents (such as citrus-based solvents.) These are
Pedros the environmentally correct alternative to gasoline and
Lube Wax kerosene. If using mineral spirits, avoid excess con-
The oils at the top of this list are generally more tact with skin, eyes, and fumes by wearing rubber
suited to use in wet conditions while oils that appear gloves, safety goggles, and by working in a well venti-
lower down on the list are more suitable for use in lated area. Mineral spirits and citrus-based solvents
dry, dusty conditions. leave an oily film and are not suitable as a last prepara-
Popular oils that are specifically unsuitable for tion before assembling a press fit. Drying time (of
most bicycle applications include: mineral spirits or biodegradable solvents) in confined
WD40 areas such as inside chains, freewheels, derailleur and
Sewing machine or gun oil brake pivots, is quite slow and generally is aided by
3-in-1 oil blowing with compressed air. If using a biodegradable
Motor oil solvent, remember that once it is contaminated with
Method of application is very important with oils. oil or grease it is no longer environmentally friendly.
Aerosols are environmentally unfriendly and usually For certain uses, a more heavy duty solvent (such
lead to excessive application. The only exception to as acetone) is needed. Use acetone or rubbing alcohol
the problem of excessive application is with spray lu- when an oil-free surface is required (press fits, braking
bricants that are designed to “dry” in a matter of min- surfaces). Use acetone on extremely stubborn dry grease.
utes after application (such as Finish Line and Allsop Both acetone and alcohol are highly flammable and
oils), but these may be the worst offenders environ- volatile, so do not use them around flames or high heat
mentally. In general, oils used in external applications sources (no smoking). Avoid skin and eye exposure,
should be used sparingly to avoid dripping and dirt and keep fumes to a minimum by disposing of soaked
accumulation, and excesses should always be wiped rags promptly in a fire-safe self-closing metal bucket.
Alcohol is far more environmentally friendly than ac-
off immediately. Overall, the best form of applica-
etone. There are no biodegradable-type solvents that
tion is from drip applicators. They are economical to
perform the same function as these two compounds.
use as well, because waste is limited.
Wax or polish is used to improve the appearance of
In addition to their value as lubrication, oils are
paint jobs and to protect them. Most automotive waxes
also used to facilitate disassembling frozen threaded are suitable for bicycles. Wax should be applied to clean
components. Special penetrating oils perform this surfaces with light rubbing. After it dries it should be
function best. Triflow, Allsop, and some other bicycle wiped off with a soft cloth. Check the label of any au-
oils are somewhat effective for penetration. tomotive product before using it on the painted surface
of a bicycle. Test products of uncertain suitability on
the bottom of the bottom-bracket shell.

1 – 9

fit. Their limitation is with low-profile fittings, or fit-

TOOLS tings with no access from the end. Box-end wrenches
This section covers the proper use of common tools come in six-point and twelve-point configurations. The
that are not unique to bicycle mechanics. This section six-point configuration is more durable and has better
also covers the use of the bicycle repair stand. There is purchase (surface engagement), but twelve-point
a comprehensive list of common tools and bicycle spe- wrenches are quicker to get positioned on the fitting.
cific tools in the appendix. The types of tools and con-
cepts covered in this section are as follows:
Box- and open-end wrenches
Ratchet drives and sockets
Torque and torque wrenches
Adjustable wrenches
Pliers and vise grips
Utilizing mechanical advantage
Hacksaws 1.11 Open-end wrench on top, box-end wrench below.
Taps Ratchet drives enable working faster because they
Using repair stands do not require removal of the wrench on the return
stroke. Good applications of a socket and ratchet drive
BOX-ANDOPEN-ENDWRENCHES include crank-arm bolts, brake-mounting nuts, axle
Always use the smallest wrench that will fit. A nuts, and seat-post binder nuts.
16mm cone wrench seems to fit on a hub cone with Socket wrenches (which can be fitted to a ratchet
15mm flats, but a 15mm wrench is the smallest that drive, torque wrench, or socket driver, or may come
will fit. It may be possible to turn a 15mm cone with prefixed on certain spanners) are similar in their ad-
a 16mm wrench, but it is likely to damage the nut and vantages to box-end wrenches, but even more useful
the wrench. when there is limited or no side access to the fitting,
Box- and open-end wrenches are non-adjustable such as with crank-arm-mounting bolts.
wrenches that are made in specific sizes that are sup-
posed to closely match the fittings they will be used on.
They come in inch and metric sizes. Metric sizes are
most common for bicycles. Certain inch and metric
sizes are interchangeable in one direction only (because
the substitute is only slightly over-sized). These are:
13mm wrench on 1/2" fitting
14mm wrench on 9/16" fitting
16mm wrench on 5/8" fitting
1.12 Six-point socket (left) and twelve-point socket (right).
Open-end wrenches contact the fitting at only two
points, making them inclined to round off nuts, espe-
cially if they are held in poor alignment to the fitting.
Their advantage is access from the side of the fitting TORQUEANDTORQUE
when access from the end is difficult. They also gen- WRENCHES
erally allow a more flush fit against surfaces adjacent Torque is a measurement of a force’s tendency to
to the fitting, so are well suited to low-profile nuts produce torsion and rotation about an axis, used most
and bolt heads. often in bicycle mechanics to describe the tightness of
Box-end wrenches enclose the fitting and contact
it at six points, reducing the likelihood of rounding
the fitting under heavy load or poor alignment and

1 – 10

a threaded fitting. It is measured most often in ft-lbs In many cases the design of a fitting does not al-
(foot pounds), in-lbs (inch pounds), and kgf-cm (kilo- low the use of a socket that fits on a torque wrench.
grams of force per centimeter). For this reason I have invented a new unit of measure
A torque of 1ft-lb is a pound of force on a lever that will be used in this book. After many in-lb nota-
one foot long. If the lever were six inches long, it would tions there will be another notation in parenthesis (the
require two pounds of pressure to apply 1 ft-lb of new unit that describe torque). This second notation
torque. A torque of 1in-lb is one pound of force on a is the amount of load to place on the end of a com-
one inch long lever. If the lever was six inches long it mon tool to achieve the correct torque. For example,
would require two pounds of force to apply 12in-lbs the torque for a hub locknut might be shown as 180in-
of torque (12in-lbs ÷ 6" = 2lbs). lbs (45lbs@4"). The notation (45lbs@4") means apply
All the torques in this book are in in-lbs. For some 45 pounds of force at a leverage length of 4 inches.
of the larger values a torque wrench calibrated in ft-lbs The leverage length will be based on the common tool
will be needed. It will be necessary to convert. At other length used for the job. If there is a wide range of tool
times, it will be necessary to convert manufacturers’ lengths commonly used for doing a job, then the le-
recommended torques in ft-lbs to in-lbs to use an in-lb verage length will be based on one of the shorter tools
wrench. Use the following formulas. available. If the tool is longer, either recalculate the
in-lbs ÷ 12 = ft-lbs load or “choke up” on the lever to the stated length.
ft-lbs × 12 = in-lbs Even while use torque wrenches, it will be neces-
Sometimes manufacturers provide recommended sary to rely on feel for certain items. The best way to
torques in kgf-cm, which are found on very few torque develop the correct feel for those items that a torque
wrenches. In this case, convert kgf-cm to in-lbs or ft- wrench cannot be used for, is to feel the torqued item
lbs. Use the following formulas. with a regular wrench after every time a torque wrench
kgf-cm ÷ 1.2 = in-lbs has been used. Since the recommended torques in this
kgf-cm ÷ 13.8 = ft-lbs book are never the absolute maximum that a fitting
These two formulas contain generously rounded can withstand, it is easy to check for the correct feel
conversion factors for ease of calculation. They should by advancing the regular wrench no more than a few
be accurate enough for the precision required in bi- degrees past the point reached by the torque wrench.
cycle mechanics.
Torque wrenches are tools used to measure torque
while tightening a fitting. They come in two variet-
ies. The torque beam variety has a bar that swings Adjustable wrenches should be used only when
across a scale as force is applied. Its advantage is that it no pre-fit wrench is suitable or available. Always make
is easy to know when calibration is needed and they sure that the adjustable wrench is well snugged before
are easy to calibrate. If the needle fails to return to applying force. Position the wrench so that when the
“0”, bend the bar until it points to “0”. The preset wrench rotates, the tip of the adjustable jaw follows
type has a cylinder that is twisted until the desired the tip of the fixed jaw through the rotation. Rotating
torque is set. The head will swivel when that setting is the adjustable wrench in this direction is critical be-
achieved. The preset torque wrench is difficult to cali- cause experience shows that the adjustable jaw is less
brate, but has an advantage in that it may be available likely to break.
with a ratcheting drive. It is difficult to know when
the preset type is out of calibration (other than expe-
riencing mechanical failures), and it must be sent back
to the supplier/manufacturer for calibration.
Using torque wrenches is strongly recommended.
All mechanics have trouble torquing things correctly
by feel. Unfortunately, we learn torque from the nega-
tive feedback of numerous failures. All mechanics can
benefit from the use of a torque wrench. When a 1.13 Direction to apply force with an adjustable wrench.
mechanic’s feel is off either the part fails (stripped
threads or bolt head) as it is tightened or it comes apart
while riding the bike.

1 – 11

Pliers are used for grasping and holding, not for Hammers are used to apply force when removing
turning nuts and bolts unless the flats are already dis- press-fit items, and to install pressed items when there
torted so that a pre-fit or adjustable wrench cannot be is no specialized tool. Before using a metal hammer,
used. Vise grips are locking pliers that have a much always try a soft hammer first. Soft hammers are usu-
stronger grasp than regular pliers. They are used to ally made of plastic or rubber. When using a metal
hold things firmly, such as when using the grinder on hammer, it should be a 12 ounce ball peen, not a claw
small pieces, and may be used on nuts and bolts when hammer. Claw hammers have the wrong weight, bal-
the wrench flats are already destroyed. ance and head shape. Wear eye protection when using
a metal hammer to hit anything metal.
Always use the largest screwdriver that will in- HACKSAWS
sert fully into the slot of the screw. This applies Hacksaws are generally used for cutting fork col-
equally to slotted screwdrivers and Phillips screw- umns (steerer tubes) to length, removing locks and
drivers. Maintain the axis of the screwdriver in line chains with lost combinations and keys, and shorten-
with the axis of the screw. ing bolts and axles that are too long. For most uses, a
blade of 32 teeth per inch is sufficient. Install toothed
MECHANICALADVANTAGE blades with the teeth pointing away from the handle
and apply force on the pushing stroke. Cutting with a
With two opposing levers, the shortest lever de-
hacksaw generates a lot of heat, so be careful when
termines the limit of force that can be applied. In-
touching items that have just been cut. Metal frag-
creased mechanical advantage can be achieved by
ments created by hacksawing can easily get in your
lengthening leverage (by using a longer tool or add-
eye, so always wear eye protection. Hacksaw blades
ing a cheater bar to a tool). Increased mechanical ad-
wear out easily. Replace them regularly.
vantage can also be achieved by changing the angle
between opposing levers. The worst mechanical ad-
vantage is with levers 180° apart, and the best is when FILES
the levers are close to 0° apart (allowing clearance Files are used for smoothing a metal surface,
for hands and tools). particularly after using a hacksaw or grinder, and they
are used to alter the fit of parts that are too large.
Flat files should be 10–12" long and come in two
different cuts: bastard and mill-bastard. Bastard files
are coarse files with a crisscross cut that are used for
removing large amounts of metal quickly. They of-
ten leave a rough finish. Mill-bastard files have a finer
1.14 Two wrenches arranged for good mechanical advantage. cut with no crisscross and are used when little mate-
rial is to be removed. They leave a smoother finish
than the bastard file.

1.15 Two wrenches arranged for poor mechanical advantage.

Increased mechanical advantage on a screwdriver

can be achieved by wrapping the handle with a rag to
increase the diameter. Apply increased force into the
screw to prevent the slot from stripping. The tendency,
when a screw head is about to strip out, is for the
screwdriver to rise up out of the screw head. By press-
ing firmly down on the screwdriver, it will be kept
fully engaged with the screw head. This reduces the
chance of the stripping occurring because more mate-
rial engages the tip of the screwdriver. 1.16 Bastard file (top) and mill bastard file (bottom).

1 – 12

Round files, or rat-tail files, also come in both cuts, 6mm bit. This is called drilling in “stages.” Moderate
and are used for cleaning inside tubing or inside a hole, the speed and pressure. A variable-speed drill is rec-
particularly after cutting a fork steerer tube. For coarse ommended. Surprisingly, a lower speed will often al-
work, use a 10–12" bastard cut. For fine work, use a low faster progress. Cutting oil should be flooded into
chainsaw file or jeweler’s file. A small triangular file is the hole regularly because it not only lubricates, but
used for precision inside corners. it also cools the metal being drilled, and only a con-
With all files, the power stroke is on the push. tinuous flow of cool oil will accomplish this.
Applying pressure on the return stroke dulls the file. Most jobs will require metric drills. Half millime-
Files may be used on all types of metal. Wear eye ter increments from 1mm through 9.5mm should be
protection when filing. A file card (a special wire adequate, with an additional 4.2mm bit for drilling a
brush) is used to clean filings from between the teeth hole for a 5mm tap.
of the file when the build-up reduces the effective- Drill bits dull quickly. Although it is possible to
ness of the file. sharpen them, it is an advanced technique, and it is
more economical to simply replace them.
The grinder is used when a file would be too time TAPS
consuming, and when there is less need for preci- When using a tap in existing threads, first verify it
sion. Only steel can be ground on the grinder; do not is the correct diameter and pitch to match the existing
grind aluminum. Grinding aluminum causes the alu- thread. When tapping in a hole without existing
minum to melt, filling the pores of the grinding wheel threads, first verify the hole is the correct diameter to
with aluminum, which renders the wheel useless. accept the tap.
Wear eye protection at all times with the grinder. Taps break easily and then are almost impossible
Hold small objects firmly with a vise grip to prevent to remove, so the following precautions should always
them from being wrenched from your hand. Reduce be observed. Always flood the hole with cutting oil.
heat build-up (which occurs very rapidly with no Repeated application of fresh cutting oil keeps the
visible change in the metal) by grinding with little material that is being tapped cool and keeps it from
pressure, frequent rests and periodic dips in a water hardening. When tapping existing threads, always tap
bath to cool the item. Never apply pressure to the from the end of the hole that has the threads in best
side of a grinding wheel— it will break. When using condition to ensure good alignment. Never force a
a new wheel, give it a hand spin before turning it on tap— it will break. When the cutting gets tough, ad-
to make sure it does not wobble side-to-side, which vance the tap no more than one-quarter turn further,
could cause it to shatter at high speeds. If the grinder then back it out about one-half turn. Turn the tap in
loses its flat edge, or becomes clogged with alumi- again until it gets tough again, and repeat the process.
num, it can be improved with a tool called a grind- This procedure clears the cuttings away from the cut-
ing wheel dresser, which is simply held against the ting edge of the tap so it does not jam.
grinding wheel while it is spinning. General-purpose cutting oil is suitable for tapping
in steel, but specifically formulated cutting oil should
be used when tapping aluminum, or total thread fail-
ure may occur.
Drilling some steels used in bicycle frames and Tapping aluminum is much more difficult than
components require the highest grade bits available. tapping steel, and requires more care. Make sure the
These will generally be described as “carbide.” tap starts cleanly in existing threads because it is easy
For accuracy, start the hole by making a prick to start the thread in a new spot, which creates a double
mark with a center punch. thread, which is much weaker. Dull taps are far more
Heat generated by drilling hardens the material likely to tear through, rather than cut through, alu-
being drilled, which dulls the bit and lengthens the minum. This is called galling. To prevent galling, never
job. To prevent heat build-up, drill holes in stages, use use a dull tap, especially on aluminum.
moderate speed and pressure, and always use cutting
oil. Drill larger holes by starting with a smaller bit
first. For example, a 6mm hole might be drilled with
a 2mm bit followed by a 4mm bit, and then finally a

1 – 13

Place the bike in the stand so that the right side
faces away from the stand with the bike in an upright
Depending on the clamp used and obstacles on
position. With Park brand stands, position the clamp
the frame tubes, the clamp should be placed (in de-
with the handle on the right (as you face the stand)
scending order of priority): onto the seat tube, the
before attaching the bike. Using a Park stand this way
seat post, or the top tube. The clamp should never be
allows the handle to be accessed through the main tri-
placed on top of decals that are not under a clear coat
angle. Once the bike is correctly mounted, use all the
of paint, braze-on fittings, or cables or housings. When
adjustments built into the stand to put the bike in a
possible, clamp onto the portion of the seat tube that
convenient position. Avoid decals and braze-ons when
is supported by the insertion of the seat post. Always
placing the clamp on the tube.
set the clamp for the minimum force required to se-
curely hold the frame in place; this helps prevent crush- Right side of bike should face out
ing a frame tube. Clamp handle should point to right

Avoid frame fittings

2 Set clamp so it will close

with two-finger pressure

1 Avoid decals

1.18 This bike is properly positioned in a Park stand.

1.17 These are the three positions that the Park stand clamp can be
clamped in. The positions are numbered in order of preference.

1 – 14

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