Reflective Quiz 1 and 2 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT

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ID: CM210614024



1. How do companies make use of social collaboration tools like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook for
training and informal learning of employees? Choose ONE (1) local and ONE (1) international
company. Describe the training that the two companies have conducted through social media and
comment, based on what you have learned whether the training was effective or not. Provide the
links to the company’s social media that you have reviewed in your answer. (6

Local Company: XYZ Clothing Co
Link to XYZ Clothing Co.'s Instagram: XYZ Clothing Co. Instagram

XYZ Clothing Co. has trained and educated its staff informally by using social media platforms like
Instagram. They made specific Instagram posts and stories with brief instructional videos covering
different facets of store operations including product knowledge, customer service strategies, and
merchandising advice. These films were made by business trainers or seasoned workers, and they
were intended to be educational and entertaining.

International Company: ABC Tech Inc.

Link to ABC Tech Inc.'s TikTok: ABC Tech Inc. TikTok

TikTok has been utilized by ABC Tech Inc. for staff informal learning and training. They have
produced a number of brief, entertaining TikTok films that address issues including business culture,
new software releases, and technical abilities. To make the learning process more entertaining and
memorable for staff members, these films combine comedy and innovation.

2. There are many factors that may act as a trigger for training programs. For the pressure point given
below, explain and provide a clear example to illustrate how each point results in a company having
to carry out training for their employees.

a. Legislation. (3 Marks)
the Legislative changes frequently call for employee training programs to guarantee adherence to
new rules and laws. To prevent legal ramifications for the organization, these modifications may
bring new regulations or processes that staff must be informed on and aware of. For instance, Let's
say a new data protection regulation is passed by the government and businesses are mandated to
follow more stringent guidelines for managing consumer data. A business may be required by this
legislation to provide training to its staff members about the most recent revisions to its data
protection policies, how to handle sensitive data, and the possible repercussions of non-compliance.
This training helps the business stay out of legal hot water by ensuring that staff members are aware
of their obligations under the new legislation.

b. New technology. (3

When new technology is introduced, workers frequently need to pick up new abilities and
information in order to utilize it efficiently and incorporate it into their daily tasks. Employees may
find it difficult to adjust to the new technology without the right training, which might result in
mistakes and lower production. To increase productivity, imagine a manufacturing corporation using
a new automated assembly line system. The organization arranges training courses on how to use
the equipment safely, diagnose common faults, and improve production processes in order to
guarantee that staff members can operate and maintain the new technology successfully.
Employees receive the skills they need from this training to effectively use the new technology,
reducing downtime and increasing output.

c. Customer request. (3

needs from customers for certain goods, services, or assistance may lead businesses to train staff
members in order to properly fulfill these needs. Businesses may better boost customer happiness
and loyalty by customizing their training programs based on a knowledge of client demands and
preferences. Let's say a software provider gets several requests from clients for individualized
instruction on how to utilize their product for certain business needs. The business creates specially
designed training modules that cater to the particular requirements of every client group in
response to these demands. Advanced functionality, system integration, and best practices for
optimizing the software's usefulness in various business scenarios might all be covered in these
training sessions. Through focused training initiatives, the business satisfies these client needs,
improving its standing for customer service and




1. Explain with example how a properly done training needs analysis can support a company’s
strategic planning. (4 Marks)

Compliance with Strategic Goals:

As an illustration, let's say a retail firm wants to reach a wider audience by creating an online
store to go along with its physical locations. The organization performs a TNA as part of its
strategic planning process to evaluate staff members' preparedness to operate digital inventory
systems, collaborate with online sales platforms, and deliver first-rate customer care in an
online setting.

Budgeting and the Allocation of Resources:

Example: An engineering company intends to enter the renewable energy sector in order to
broaden the range of services it offers. The corporation does a thorough TNA to assess the
technical proficiency of its workers in renewable energy technologies, including solar and wind
power, in order to support this strategic ambition.

Planning for Succession and Talent Development:

For instance, a healthcare company understands the need of succession planning in preserving
leadership and subject-matter knowledge in pivotal positions. The company does a TNA as part
of its strategic planning process to evaluate the abilities and proficiencies of prospective and
present leaders.

Enhancing Performance and Gaining a Competitive Edge:

Example: By shortening the time it takes for new inventions to reach the market and speeding
up the cycles of product development, a technological business hopes to strengthen its
competitive edge. The organization does a TNA to assess the engineering teams' competency in
agile project management techniques and best practices for software development in order to
meet this strategic goal.

2. TNA is important because it helps to determine whether a deficiency can be corrected through
training. However, there can be circumstances where a TNA is not relevant or necessary.
Describe TWO (2) situations where a company need not carry out TNA before implementing a
training program. Justify your answer.
(4 Marks)

Instruction in Legal Compliance:

Justification: Performing a TNA may not be required in situations where training is required by
law or regulation, such as occupational safety training or sexual harassment prevention training.
In certain sectors or jurisdictions, these training programs are frequently mandated for all
employees, regardless of their particular job duties or skill levels.
For instance, it is legally essential for a construction business operating in an area where
workplace safety requirements are strict to offer safety training to all of its employees, even
those who are newly hired. To guarantee adherence to legal obligations, regulatory bodies have
standardised and mandated the content and delivery of this training. In some situations, the
requirement for training cannot be waived, and a TNA might not be able to offer any extra
information above what the law currently requires.

3. In carrying out training needs analysis, one of the component is to do a person analysis (PA).

a. State TWO (2) importance of carrying out a person analysis. (2


Targeted Training Delivery: By identifying each employee's unique needs, skills, and
weaknesses, person analysis enables training programs to be specifically designed to meet
the needs of the workforce. Organizations are able to provide more specialized and
successful training interventions by knowing the knowledge gaps and preferred methods of
learning of each employee.
Resource Optimization: By concentrating on the people who would benefit from the training
the most, doing a person analysis helps HR and training professionals allocate training
resources effectively. This guarantees that scarce training resources, including time and
money, are used efficiently to optimize the influence of training programs on worker
productivity and organizational results.

b. If you are the HR person in charge of the PA and the company wishes to implement a
cybersecurity and fraud awareness training, describe THREE (3) questions that you would
ask an employee to determine whether he/she would be a suitable candidate to attend the
training. Explain your answer. (6

Have you ever taken a course on fraud awareness or cybersecurity?


Justification This inquiry is to ascertain the employee's current proficiency with

cybersecurity and fraud prevention ideas. While employees without any prior training may
need more in-depth teaching, those who have had it before may have a base upon which to

What position do you have inside the company, and what part does it play in managing
confidential data or money transfers?

Justification: Determining an employee's vulnerability to fraud and cybersecurity risks

requires an understanding of their work duties, including managing sensitive data and
financial transactions. Workers in positions granting access to financial systems or private
information could need specialist training catered to their particular responsibilities and
possible security risks.

Could you give an instance of a cybersecurity issue or fraudulent conduct that you witnessed
or experienced at work?

To evaluate an employee's knowledge of cybersecurity and fraud concerns in the workplace,

ask them to provide examples from their own experiences. Workers who can recall incidents
of fraud or security lapses show that they are aware of possible dangers and weak points.
Insights regarding the employee's capacity to identify suspicious activity or security issues
are also provided by this question, which is crucial for successful preventative and mitigation

4. Describe the most suitable seating arrangement and training method that a company should
provide to participants that attend the following training/ workshops. Explain your choice.

a. Training provided to a group of new lecturers on how to access and use the learning
management system in the university to administer their courses and deliver teaching
materials to students. (3

A classroom-style setup with desks or tables arranged in rows facing the front of the room
would be a good seating configuration for training given to a group of new professors on how to
access and utilize the university's learning management system (LMS). This setup makes it
possible for attendees to see the teacher and any presentation materials clearly, which
promotes efficient communication and learning. Furthermore, giving each participant access to
their own computer or device can improve practical use of the LMS features and hands-on
learning. In terms of training methodology, the best approach would be to combine instructor-
led lectures with practical activities. The first thing the teacher may do is give a thorough
rundown of the LMS's features, navigation, and best practices for managing classes. After that,
there can be supervised practice sessions where participants can generate sample course

materials, experiment with the LMS interface, and become acquainted with its main functions.
Participants may apply what they've learned in real time through hands-on practice, which
strengthens their comprehension and confidence in their ability to use the LMS efficiently.

b. Training for managers in a company to come up with a new standard operating procedure
(SOP) for the organization in handling new work arrangements in response to a health
pandemic. (3

A roundtable configuration would be an appropriate seating arrangement for teaching

managers in a firm to develop a new standard operating procedure (SOP) for handling
changing work arrangements in response to a health pandemic. Participant involvement,
debate, and idea sharing are encouraged by roundtable seating, which is crucial for
brainstorming and creating SOPs that work. A workshop or assisted group discussion would
be the best training technique in this situation. An overview of the existing circumstances
and the requirement to modify work arrangements in response to the health pandemic
might be given at the start of the training session. After that, participants can participate in
brainstorming sessions led by a moderator or facilitator with facilitation experience.
Participants can collaboratively identify possible obstacles, hazards, and solutions associated
with establishing new work arrangements through facilitated talks. With the use of this
interactive technique, managers may create inventive and useful SOPs that are suited to the
needs of the business while also encouraging active engagement and innovation.

c. Training delivered to employees to raise awareness on sexual harassment and violence in

the workplace.

A proper seating arrangement for training sessions aimed at educating staff members about
sexual harassment and violence in the workplace would put comfort, safety, and inclusion
first. It is important to think about creating a private, secure space where staff members
may talk freely about delicate subjects. In this case, a combination of interactive workshops,
group discussions, and scenario-based learning would be the best training approach. In
order to teach important ideas, legal terminology, and corporate policies regarding sexual
harassment and violence prevention, the training session may start with interactive
presentations or films. After that, staff members can participate in led group conversations
where they can raise questions, explore potential solutions, and share their opinions in
order to gain a deeper understanding of the problems at hand. Role-playing games and case
studies can also offer useful perspectives on identifying, stopping, and dealing with incidents
of sexual harassment and violence in the workplace. Empathy, respect for one another, and
a shared commitment to establishing a safe and courteous work environment for all
employees are encouraged by this participative approach.


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