Transformers RPG

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Transformers RPG

Tags Transformers RPG

Created time @April 26, 2024 6:16 PM

Transformers RPG is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the Transformers
franchise. Transformers RPG is intended to be fast, fluid, and fun, with a focus
on cinematic, narrative gameplay derivative of the action-oriented bots. All you
need to play are these rules, something to write with, some paper or index
cards, and a fistful of dice.
You may also opt to play Transformers RPG using battle maps and miniatures,
but they are not required.
Transformers RPG uses the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game as its
foundation, with important outcomes being determined by rolling a twenty-
sided die (d20). Other polyhedral dice are used for rolling damage, repairing
bots, resisting exhaustion, etc.
In Transformers RPG, players create their own heroic Autobots, loaded out with
armor and weapons, and serve together as soldiers in a squad. You will battle
robotic and monstrous enemies against the backdrop of the Transformers lore,
and prevail or falter as a team.
Forge your bot. Form a squad. Enter the groundbridge. Transform and roll out!

The Core Mechanic

Transformers RPG is a d20-based system with roll-under resolution. Anything
that challenges you is resolved by testing the corresponding skill with the roll
of a d20. If you roll under the appropriate skill, you succeed. If you roll equal to
or over the corresponding skill, you fail. This mechanic is called a skill test.

How to Play
Transformers RPG is a complete game, and does not require any other rules in
order to play. Rather than creating a character with a species, background, and

Transformers RPG 1
class, players build their own bots with a chassis, influence, and class. The
chassis is the bot’s alternate mode, usually a vehicle. The influence is a past
job, experience from which shapes their personality. The class is the bot’s
specialization, the specific role they have in the squad.

Skills Tests
In Transformers RPG, you test skills in order to overcome obstacles, attack
enemies, and avoid damage. These rolls are called skill tests. While many
mundane actions do not require rolls, anything that challenges you is resolved
by testing the corresponding skill. If you roll under that skill, you succeed. If you
roll equal to or over that skill, you fail. In simpler terms, the value of the skill
represents your limit; going over your limit can be disastrous. The skills are
explained in detail below:

Power is tested for strength and attacks. Skill tests of Power include
breaking open a jammed door, firing a blaster rifle at an enemy, or
maintaining your footing as an enemy charges into you.

Mobility is tested for agility and avoiding damage. Skill tests of Mobility
include dodging fire from an enemy turret emplacement, parrying an
opponent’s flame sword, or moving stealthily through a ruined building.

System is tested for observation and knowledge. Skill tests of System

include scanning for hostile combatants, detecting a weak point on a foe, or
recalling historical facts and figures.

Presence is tested for a bot’s resilience and influence on the field. Skill
tests of Presence include intimidating enemies, persuading reluctant allies,
or overcoming fear and uncertainty.

Edge and Snag

Oftentimes, a skill test will be modified with either an edge or a snag.

If you have an edge on a skill test, you roll two d20s and take the more
favorable result.

If you have a snag on a skill test, you roll two d20s and take the less
favorable result.

While an edge and a snag often occur because of bot abilities, the GM can also
choose to reward an edge or impose a snag for a variety of reasons.

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If you have an edge and a snag on the same roll, they cancel each other out.
Roll as you normally would.

Modifying Rolls
Though rolling under an skill is generally all you need to succeed, some tests
require additional effort. While performing a particularly difficult task or going
toe-to-toe with an exceptionally powerful foe, the difficulty of the test may
increase, and an appropriate modifier may be added to the roll at the GM’s
When fighting a powerful enemy, for instance, for every hit die (HD) the enemy
has above your level, you add 1 to every roll you make for any test that would
determine the outcome of the conflict. So a level 3 bot defending against an HD
5 enemy’s attack would add 2 to their roll.

During your turn, you can perform any two actions. The available action types

Move to a near location.

Attack an enemy in range.

Test a skill to complete a task.

Use bot, chassis, or hardpoint ability.

Transform into bot mode or alt mode.

This is by no means a concrete list of actions, but most tasks in Transformers

RPG fall under one of these four categories. It is possible to take the same
action twice - but you must also roll your energon reserve die.
Mundane actions, such as communicating with your squad or dropping a
weapon, can be done as free actions within reason and at the GM’s discretion.

Order of Actions
Actions always occur in the order they are written. For instance, this former
senator ability reads: “As a use action, choose one close or near bot. They can
immediately take a single action that does not count towards their total actions,
then your turn resumes.” Using that ability would entail taking a use action,

Transformers RPG 3
choosing a single close or near bot, allowing them to take an action, then
resuming your turn, in that order.

Time and Turns

Cybertronians use their own time measurements, listed below:

Nano-klik: one second.

Klik: one minute.

Cycle: one hour.

Solar cycle: one day.

Orbital cycle: one month.

Stellar cycle: one year.

Astro cycle: one century.

Vorn: One millenium.

Kilks are used in combat and other fast-paced, action-oriented scenes. Cycles
are used when exploring and traveling. A GM may advance the clock as they
see fit, and may also substitute kilks for cycles, solar cycles, or even orbital
cycles, depending on what the mission requires. Generally, one klik equals 10

Movement and Distance

There are four abstract ranges for measuring distance: close, near, far, and
distant. Close locations can be reached without using a move action. You can
move to a near location with a single move action. You can use two move
actions to move somewhere far. Anything beyond far is considered distant, and
requires three or more move actions to reach.

If you are playing a more tactical game or prefer concrete distances, you can
use the Tactical Distances table for reference.

Tactical Distances

Range Actions Meters Squares

Close - 10 1

Transformers RPG 4
Range Actions Meters Squares

Near 1 30 6

Far 2 60 12

Distant 3+ 90+ 18+

Turn Order
At the start of each session or at the GM’s discretion, every bot must roll turn
order. The bot with the lowest result takes their turn first, and the bot with the
highest roll takes their turn last. This applies to both non-combat and combat
scenarios, and the GM will roll for any third parties present. This turn order will
persist until the end of the session, unless the GM asks for a new roll. You may
skip your turn if it allows for something cool to happen, or a plan to take place.

Hit Dice
Hit dice (HD) represent a bot’s power level and are determined by their class.
Enemy hit dice represent an enemy’s power level, and determine how much
damage they do, and how many hit points they have.

Attacking and Defending

When you attack an enemy, you generally test Power to determine if you hit.
When you are attacked, you generally test Mobility to avoid taking damage.
Some hardpoint abilities or enemy actions (or the GM’s discretion) may create
exceptions to these rules.

The damage you deal is determined by your class, while enemy damage is
based on their HD.

To make a melee attack, your target enemy must be at close range. Ranged
attacks against close and distant enemies have a snag.

Heavy Weapons
Larger, more powerful weapons like grenade launchers, maces, and
greatswords are considered heavy weapons, and require two hands to wield.
You add 2 to both attack and damage rolls with heavy weapons – they’re more
difficult to aim, but deal more damage.

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Unarmed Damage
When you attack without a weapon, or attempt to use improvised weapons or
maneuvers, you deal one damage die lower than your standard damage die. For
instance, a bot with a damage die of d6 would deal d4 damage on unarmed and
improvised attacks.

Critical Damage
Remember – the lower your d20 roll, the better. If you roll a 1 on an attack roll,
it’s a critical success, and you can double the damage rolled. Likewise, if you
roll a 20 when avoiding an attack, it’s a critical failure, and you take double
damage and must roll your energon reserve die.

While in cover, you have an edge on Mobility tests made to avoid ranged
attacks. If an enemy is in cover, you have a snag on ranged attacks against
them. Cover can be a crumbling wall, dense wilderness, a ship, etc. It is up to
the Game Master to determine if you or an enemy has cover.

Difficult Terrain
Battles often occur among ruined cities, thick wilderness, or space debris.
Areas of difficult terrain require twice as many move actions to move through
(so, moving to a near location through difficult terrain requires two move
actions). This penalty only applies to the movement spent inside the difficult

You can test Mobility to become hidden, at the discretion of the GM. Typically,
you will need sufficient cover in order to become hidden. You cannot be
targeted by attacks while hidden, but become immediately visible if you make
an attack or can no longer reasonably be hidden

Armor Points
Your bot’s armor provides protection by reducing incoming damage with armor
points (AP). Each type of armor, light or heavy, provides armor points. When
you’re dealt damage, you can choose to spend a number of your remaining

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armor points to reduce the damage by an equal amount. Once the points are
used to reduce damage, you must complete a rest to regain them. If you have
no armor points left, you take damage as normal.

Energon Reserve Die

Your personal energon reserve is your bot’s sustenance. Additionally, many
abilities rely on its energy. Your bot class has an energon reserve die type
associated with it. When you take the same action twice in one turn, use certain
class or hardpoint abilities, or take damage from a critical hit, you must roll your
energon reserve die. If the roll is a 1 or 2, your energon reserve die is
downgraded to the next lowest die in the following chain: d20 > d12 > d10 > d8
> d6 > d4.

When you roll 1 or 2 on a d4 reactor die, your bot goes offline. Your energon
reserve die remains a d4 until you complete a rest.

Going Offline
An offline bot cannot take actions, and has a snag on all skill tests. You skip
your next turn to recharge, and lose the offline condition at the start of the
following turn.

When you are reduced to 0 HP, your bot becomes deactivated. Being
deactivated is similar to being unconscious. Sometimes, you may even be on
the verge of death. A deactivated bot cannot take actions until repaired, and
automatically fails all tests. Additionally, when you become deactivated, you
must roll on the Deactivated table to see what occurs – the effects last until you
complete a long rest.

d8 Effect

1 Your sensors are fried. You have a snag on System tests.

You lose the use of an arm. You cannot use heavy weapons or both

3 You are hobbled. You have a snag on Mobility tests.

Transformers RPG 7
d8 Effect

Your targeting systems are malfunctioning. You have a snag on


5 Your comm systems are down. You cannot communicate.

6 You are severely damaged. You have a snag on all skill tests.

7 You take permanent damage. Remove one hardpoint. It is destroyed.

Your body is destroyed and your spark is on the verge of failure. You
need urgent repair or you will die.

Resting and Repairing

You cannot gain more hit points than your maximum, and can never be reduced
below 0 hit points. If you regain hit points while deactivates, you are no longer
considered deactivated.

A short rest, considered a cycle or more, allows you to regain armor points up
to your maximum, roll one hit die to regain hit points up to your maximum, and
upgrade your energon reserve die by one step up to your maximum. This
represents refueling, making minor repairs, cooling your processors, etc.
A long rest, considered eight or more cycles, allows you to regain hit points up
to your maximum and restore your energon reserve die up to its maximum. This
represents making major repairs or modifications to your bot and going offline
to recharge for a few hours. You can only gain the benefits from a long rest
once per solar cycle.

Gaining Levels
You can improve your bot by defeating enemies and completing missions. For
every significant milestone reached, you gain one level. This is mostly left to
the GM’s discretion.
When you level up, your maximum hit points increase by rolling your bot’s hit
die. You also roll a d20 for each skill – if the result is higher than the skill’s
current value, that skill increases by 1. At levels 3, 6, and 9, you also get to
choose a new hardpoint for your bot.

The maximum level for a bot is 10.

Forging Your Bot

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To create your bot, follow these steps:

1. Roll your skills.

2. Choose a chassis.

3. Choose an influence and roll (or choose) an origin.

4. Choose a class and roll (or choose) a name.

5. Choose a starting hardpoint.

6. Buy equipment (if you didn’t opt for starting equipment).

Roll Skills
Skills in Transformers RPG are generated by rolling 3d6 down-the-line in the
following order: Power, Mobility, System, and Presence.

If you roll a 15 or higher on any one skill, you must roll the next skill with 2d6 +
3, instead of 3d6. Once all skills are generated, you may swap two skills of your

Choose a Chassis
Choose your alt mode, picking from 3 broad categories.

Choose an Influence
There are numerous influences in Transformers RPG. Your influence is skills
gained from your prior role in society before the Great War. It grants bonuses to
a handful of skills, and also includes a single unique ability. Once you’ve
chosen your influence, roll for or choose an origin. Origins are how you entered
the Great War and the Autobot cause.

Choose a Class
There are multiple unique bot classes in Transformers RPG. This is your
specialization in your squad. Your class determines your damage die, hit die,
energon reserve die, and weapon and armor proficiencies. It also grants two
unique abilities. Once you’ve chosen your class, roll for or choose your name.

Choose a Hardpoint

Transformers RPG 9
Every bot begins with a hardpoint that grants a unique boost or ability. Choose
from the list of possibilities to customize your bot.

Buy Equipment
If you didn’t use your class’s starting gear, you get 120 shanix. You can use
these shanix to buy weapons and armor for your bot.

Your chassis is your alternate mode (alt mode). It can range from a vehicle to
even an ornament; the choice is yours. All alt modes fall under one of the
following categories, and these categories grant certain abilities to your bot. If
there are multiple size options, consult with your GM to decide which one suits
your alt mode.

There are multiple size categories in Transformers RPG. Listed below are the
scale measurements for each of them.

Tiny. Less than 4’ tall.

Small. 4’ — 8’ tall
Large. 8’ — 15’ tall.

Huge. 15’ – 30’ tall.

Gigantic. 30’ — 50’ tall.
Towering. 50’ — 80’ tall.

Titanic. 80’+ tall.

Monoliths are large land vehicles such as trucks and buses. Examples of
monolith characters include Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Motormaster.
Their hulking size gives them an advantage, as they tower over smaller bots.

Large and in Charge

You have an edge on all skill tests associated with intimidation, and are Huge-
sized. You have an edge on all attacks against bots smaller than you.

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Seekers are air-based vehicles, such as jets, planes, and helicopters. Examples
of seeker characters include Windblade, Starscream, and Whirl.

Aerial Superiority
In alt mode, moving costs one less action. You are Large-sized, and have an
edge on attacks using ranged weapons.

Rainmakers are built for war, and have offensive alt modes. Examples of
rainmaker characters include Megatron, Strika, and Roadbuster.

You have an edge on attacking with melee weapons and skill tests associated
with intimidation, and are Huge-sized.

Champions are speedy race cars, classy sedans, and luxurious cars. Examples
of champion character include Bumblebee, Mirage, and Sunstreaker.

I Am Speed
In alt mode, moving costs one less action, and are Small-sized. You have an
edge on skill tests related to persuasion and driving.

Outriders are built for utility and support, and are commonly vehicles such as
jeeps, four-wheel drives, and ambulances. Examples of Outrider characters
include Hound, Ratchet, and Hook.

You suffer no negative effects from difficult terrain, and are Large-sized. You
have an edge on all skill tests associated with driving and resisting harm, such
as poison or force.


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Cutters are small water-based vehicles such as boats, submarines, and jet skis.
Examples of Cutter characters include Broadside, Depthcharge, and Seaspray.

Smooth Sailing
You have an edge on all skill tests associated with water-based activities, and
can travel over water in alt mode. You are Large or Small-sized depending on
your alt mode.

Micromasters are smaller objects such as ornaments, devices, and weapons.
Examples of Micromaster characters include Rewind, Blaster, and Reflector.

You have an edge on all skill tests associated with stealth, and are Tiny or
Small-sized depending on your alt mode.

Former Senator
Former senators are natural-born leaders and skilled tacticians. They represent
the heart and soul of a squad, and lead their allies to victory against all odds.

Capable Leader
Former senators add 2 to Power and 1 to Presence.

As a use action, choose one close or near bot. They can immediately take a
single move or attack action that does not count towards their total actions,
then your turn resumes.

Former Senator Bonds

d12 Bond

1 The relationship I have with my mentor is invaluable and unbreakable.

2 I believe that I am a better leader than my direct superior.

Transformers RPG 12
d12 Bond

I want to change the world and the political environment of my current


I am wary of those involved in Earth politics, and I believe their

motivations are corrupt.

Following the law to the letter is important for society and the well-
being of others.

I believe that rules are meant to be broken, especially if you're the one
in charge.

7 A bodyguard once saved my life, and I will return the favor one day.

I find ease with entertaining and conversing with bots and humans

There are secrets about me on a hard drive somewhere that I'm afraid
will go public someday.

10 I strive to help those who are underprivileged and underrepresented.

I was a witness to political corruption and carry the secret with me to

this day.

I carry a letter in a language I do not understand, found in my

predecessor's files. I hope to translate it and unravel its secrets

Machinists are top-notch mechanics and battle medics. They keep their squad
up and fighting at peak efficiency.

Machinists add 2 to System and 1 to Mobility.

Quick Fix
As a use action, reduce your AP by 1 to restore 2 HP to a close bot.

Machinist Bonds
d12 Origin

1 I am precise in my work and my actions.

I am eager to make improvements on tools and equipment ! encounter,

always evaluating what can be "better."

Transformers RPG 13
d12 Origin

I will work around the clock with no recharge time if it means

completing the job at hand.

I have battle damage on my chassis from an attack many years ago

4 that I could easily fix, but I keep it as a reminder of the day I received

I hide a maker's mark on every machine I build. My friends and

5 colleagues have often asked for me to mark them after patching them
up, and I consider that a great honor.

A little grit and grease never bothers me. In fact, I'm happy to be
covered in it.

7 I speak loudly, a habit from working in noisy environments all day.

As a young Cybertronian, I was told I was too clumsy for delicate

machinist work, but it has always been my passion.

I am obsessed with an Earth television show about a man who relies

9 on unconventional problem-solving and creating wacky inventions
under pressure to save the day. He's my ultimate hero.

My gruff attitude is the result of a wall I put up to prove to others that

I'm tough.

My curiosity about how things work translates into other pursuits, and
it often leads me into places and conversations where I don't belong.

When something needs to be done, I step in without hesitation.

12 Some see this as me steamrolling the situation, but I see it as taking
care of business as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Cube Player
Cube players are experienced athletes with unmatched skill. They excel in
combat, where their Cube skills can be a boon to their squad.

Seekers add 2 to Mobility and 1 to Power.

Whatever It Takes
When you make a successful attack, you can choose to reduce your AP by 2 to
roll one additional damage die.

Cube Player Bonds

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d12 Bond

1 I love being the center of attention.

When I fail at any athletic-based endeavor, I retreat in anger or


I love being a coach to others and will happily explain how I perform
any skill.

I often take random items from wherever I am and turn them into
4 sport, either by aiming to throw at a target or using them for dexterity

5 I long for the days when all I had to worry about was the next game.

6 I perform best as part of a team, and my team is my family.

Being the best is most important to me, and I'm not above bragging
when I do well.

8 I am fascinated by Earth sports.

I often make quips comparing situations to Cube and other sports, and
9 I won't miss an opportunity to make sports-based references, idioms,
and jokes.

I worry about my health and am extremely cautious about taking

damage to my precious chassis.

11 I'm humble about my talents and don't like the attention it brings.

One day, I want to start my own Cube league and turn it into a major

At first glance, the racer’s nonchalant demeanor and egocentric attitude might
mark them as the weak link of a squad – but their jovial nature belies a deep,
heartfelt magnitude that can boost the morale of their squad and ensure

Racers add 2 to Presence and 1 to System.

Inspiring Speech
As a use action, choose a close or near bot. They can choose to gain an edge
on a single skill test made before the start of your next turn.

Transformers RPG 15
Racer Bonds
d12 Bond

1 I am fearless in the face of challenges that can also give me a thrill.

I beat my mentor in an important race, and they no longer speak to


3 I prefer to be in my alt mode form whenever possible.

Giving up racing forever to take on the Deceptions or other threats is

something I'm prepared to do.

5 I have a lucky charm that I always keep with me.

6 My overconfidence annoys others and often gets me in trouble.

7 I have a hard time with authority and break traffic laws often.

8 I'm not afraid to do what it takes to gain an edge on my competition.

9 Win or lose, as long as I've put on a good show, I'm happy.

10 My competitiveness gets in the way of my friendships.

I don't always see that being impulsive and taking risks for myself can
endanger others.

12 It is my dream to be in a televised racing event.

Whether a hobbyist or a scientist working directly for a faction, inventors are
technological geniuses who were in the higher castes of a Functionist society.
Unlike machinists, who focus on repair, inventors focus on creation and rely on
their wits to get them through dangerous situations.

Inventors add 2 to System and 1 to Mobility.

Synthetic Energon
If you fail a energon reserve die roll, you can choose to reduce your AP by 2
instead of downgrading your energon reserve die.

Inventor Bonds

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d12 Bond

Breakthroughs in my work and research bring me the greatest

satisfaction I can imagine.

Someone I perceived as a mentor once told me my ideas were

fruitless, and those words still haunt me.

I once stole a colleague's blueprints for a new invention and took the
credit myself.

4 My biggest dream is to invent Energon-creating fusion.

5 I once invented technology that ended up in the Deceptions' hands.

I want to travel to distant planets to discover new technology to

incorporate into my work.

7 Human biology fascinates me.

There is no such thing as an original idea, but we can always improve

on existing ones.

9 I am secretly obsessed with Dark Energon and its properties.

I have a hard time relating to those who do not share my love of


No matter the situation, I am constantly observing and monitoring

everything I can.

My logical mind often gets in the way of making decisions that require
emotional thinking.

Mercenaries are freelance warriors, hired guns. These soldiers of fortune may
lack the conviction and loyalty of other bots, but are no less handy in a fight.
Concerned primarily with their next payday, mercenaries fight for the highest
bidder – and they do it well.

Guts and Glory

Mercenaries add 2 to Power and 1 to Presence.

Armed to the Teeth

Choose one additional hardpoint at level 1.

Mercenary Bonds

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d12 Bond

1 I never give up on any of my pursuits.

2 I only care about the money, and nothing else.

I once let my quarry go out of mercy, and that action resulted in the
death of someone I care about.

4 The thrill of the hunt makes me giddy and energized.

I am obsessed with "the one that got away" and will find them one

6 When a hunter errs, they become the prey.

I carry a small trinket taken from a target I once captured. I hope to

return it one day.

I once took a job to hunt and kill a creature I was told was threatening
8 a town, but later I found out it was part of an endangered species, and
I will never forgive myself for it.

Any traitor to our noble cause deserves what is coming to them after I
get them in my sights.

I pride myself on being able to track down and find absolutely

anything or anyone.

11 I often have nightmares that I am the one being hunted.

12 I am happiest alone on the hunt, waiting for my opportunity to strike.

Bureaucrats are never in the limelight, but always foundational to the execution
and planning of the leadership. They are vital to seeing the squad function at
their maximum efficiency, and were administrators, desk jockeys, and lawyers
in before the Great War.

Bureaucrats add 2 to Presence and 1 to one other ability they choose.

Once per round, you can choose to roll your Presence instead of Mobility to
avoid damage.

Bureaucrat Bonds

Transformers RPG 18
d12 Bond

1 Organization is the key to success.

Day to day accomplishments are my main focus, and I leave the big
picture goals to my superiors.

I evaluate all members of my team for efficiency, so my job is easier

and more effective.

I am distrustful of newcomers to my team and believe that anyone has

the potential to defect to the enemy.

Interpersonal relationships with my coworkers are difficult for me, as I

am more focused on making the organization I'm part of run smoothly.

6 I do not tolerate mistakes, and I'm angriest at myself if I fail.

When a new idea is presented, I am the first to document the

procedure and who will be responsible for seeing it through.

8 I find myself intimidated by those in positions above me.

While on the job or a mission, I'm focused on the task at hand, but
once that's over, I like to cut loose and have fun.

I secretly wish that I was on the front lines of action instead of pushing
paperwork and policy.

11 I'm only doing this job to gain more power and control.

I have a hard time controlling my temper when procedure isn't


War Veteran
War veterans are battle-hardened, world-weary warriors. These lifelong
soldiers have seen too much and lost too many over their years in the field, but
provide invaluable experience and wisdom to their squads.

War veterans add 1 to Power, 1 to Presence, and 1 to one other skill they

Innermost Energon
Your energon reserve die only downgrades on a roll of 1.

War Veteran Bonds

Transformers RPG 19
d12 Bond

1 I live by a strict warrior ethos bound by honor and courage.

2 Trust in your team is necessary for a mission's success.

A good leader is nothing without obedient followers, and I strive to be


I once made the wrong call on the battlefield, resulting in the

destruction of many of my allies.

I have recurring flashes of my time at war during my daily recharging

that I cannot escape.

6 Commitment, loyalty, and integrity are of great importance to me.

7 I take accountability for my mistakes, but I revel in my successes.

8 War is always inevitable, so I'm always prepared to fight for the cause.

Joining up for war is a great way to travel to exciting places and meet
new friends.

I idolize my first sergeant and will forever measure my deeds and

choices against what I believe they'd do.

11 Diplomacy is for those who don't know how to wield a proper weapon.

I'll never forget the crushing defeat my team suffered or my enemies

who dealt it.

Your origin, along with your influence, suggests a backstory for your bot.

d10 Origin

1 I'm the sole survivor of a horrific battle.

2 l used to be a Decepticon, but defected.

Though I've seen countless battles, I have yet to make a confirmed


I'm an amnesiac. Much of my past is missing - but I remember how to


5 My neutral friends were collateral damage in a battle.

6 I've been forced to fight since I was forged.

7 A loved one of mine is fighting on the other side of this war.

8 I have yet to see combat outside of a training simulator.

Transformers RPG 20
d10 Origin

9 I once took pity on an enemy and let them live.

10 I’m infamous for my ruthlessness in combat.

The brawler excels at closing the distance on the battlefield and dishing out
damage up close.
This class designed to outlast opponents in close-quarters combat.
Hit Die: d8

Damage Die: d8
Energon Reserve Die: d6

Starting Hit Points

1d8 + 4

Weapons and Armor

All armor, all weapons, shields

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Power and Mobility. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, energon axe (light melee weapon), blaster (light ranged weapon),
shield (+2 AP), light armor (+3 AP)

Crippling Damage
You score a critical success and deal critical damage on attack rolls of 1 or 2.

As a move action, immediately move to a near enemy and make a melee attack
against them. Roll your energon reserve die.

Transformers RPG 21
The scout is a light, quick bot, excelling at concealment and hit-and-run tactics.
The scout can use its cloak generator to become hidden even without the use
of cover.
Hit Die: d6
Damage Die: d6
Energon Reserve Die: d6

Starting Hit Points

1d6 + 4

Weapons and Armor

Light armor, light weapons, shields

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Mobility and System. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, energon dagger (light melee weapon), blaster (light ranged weapon),
light armor (+3 AP)

You have advantage on attacks made while hidden, and deal 1d6 additional

Cloaking Field
As a use action, activate your cloaking field and become hidden. Roll your
energon reserve die.

The warrior is a well-rounded, balanced bot class that excels in both combat
and utility. Its energon reserve has the greatest capacity of all the classes, and
it has the unique ability of restoring the energon reserves of allies.
Hit Die: d8

Transformers RPG 22
Damage Die: d8
Energon Reserve Die: d8

Starting Hit Points

1d8 + 4

Weapons and Armor

Light armor, all weapons, shields

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for System and Presence. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, energon sword (light melee weapon), blaster (light ranged weapon),
shield (+2 AP), light armor (+3 AP)

Plan B
When you roll a 20 on a skillxtest, you can choose to reroll the die. You must
use the new roll.

Energon Converter
As a use action, choose a close bot. Their energon reserve die improves by one
step, up to its maximum. Roll your energon reserve die.

The rainmaker is a heavily armored bot class, relying on thick steel and brute
force to outlast the enemy. They excel at absorbing damage and protecting
their allies.
Hit Die: d10
Damage Die: d6
Energon Reserve Die: d6

Starting Hit Points

1d10 + 4

Transformers RPG 23
Weapons and Armor
All armor, all weapons, shields

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Presence and Power. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, rifle (heavy ranged weapon [+2 attack and damage]), heavy armor
(+5 AP)

If a close bot would take damage, you can choose to take that damage instead.

Force Field
As a use action, choose yourself or another close or near bot. Roll your
energon reserve die. Once at any point before the start of their next turn, the
bot may roll 1d4 and reduce incoming damage by the result.

The auxiliary is a support-based bot class that excels in assisting allies with its
matchless utility and powerful energon reserve. Its abilities primarily augment
and assist the actions of allied bots.
Hit Die: d6

Damage Die: d6
Energon Reserve Die: d8

Starting Hit Points


Weapons and Armor

Light armor, all weapons, shields

Leveling Up

Transformers RPG 24
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for System and Presence. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, energon flail (light melee weapon), scattergun (heavy ranged
weapon), shield (+2 AP), light armor (+3 AP)

Once per moment, when a close or near bot is required to roll their energon
reserve die, you can choose to roll your energon reserve die instead.

Cover Fire
As a use action, choose a close or near bot. They gain a d6 they can choose to
roll and add to any damage roll. Roll your energon reserve die. Only one d6 can
be assigned to each bot at a time.

These ancient bots are remnants of long-fallen titans. Forged astro cycles ago,
the titanmaster utilizes advanced technology lost to time. Reforged and
awakened by Cybertronians, the titanmaster delivers in awe and power on the

Hit Die: d10

Damage Die: d6
Energon Reserve Die: d6

Starting Hit Points


Weapons and Armor

Heavy armor, all weapons, shields

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Power and Presence. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment

Transformers RPG 25
Comlink, greatsword (heavy melee weapon [+2 attack and damage]), beam
cannon (heavy ranged weapon [+2 attack and damage]), heavy armor (+5 AP)

If you roll the maximum result on an energon reserve die roll, you can choose to
roll your damage die and deal that damage to a close or near enemy.

Titan Speaker
You can psychically communicate with titans.

Garrison Mode
As a use action, enter garrison mode. Roll your energon reserve die. You
reduce incoming damage by 1d4 and add 1d4 to all damage rolls, but have
disadvantage on Mobility tests. You can exit garrison mode with a use action.

This macabre, patchwork bot is part machine and part monstrosity. Metal fuses
with flesh to create something neither machine nor beast. The unmatched
ferocity of an animal, melded with the armor and firepower of a bot, with
nothing to lose.
Hit Die: d6
Damage Die: d10
Energon Reserve Die: d6

Starting Hit Points


Weapons and Armor

Heavy armor, heavy weapons

Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Power and Mobility. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment

Transformers RPG 26
Comlink, greataxe (heavy melee weapon [+2 attack and damage]), beam
cannon (heavy ranged weapon [+2 attack and damage]), heavy armor (+5 AP)

Pretender Shell
If you would become energon drained, you instead become berserk, and roll on
the Pretender Shell table.

Fear Factor
As a use action, test Presence to deal your damage die to a single enemy within
far range. Roll your energon reserve die.

Pretender Shell

d8 Effect

You damage yourself in your rage - roll your damage die and take that
much damage.

You flee the battlefield - immediately move one range band away from

7-8 You emit a thunderous screech - near targets take 1d4 damage.

The experiment is a bleeding-edge, experimental bot created using parts from
other bots. It is sleek, state-of-the-art, and dangerous. With a more powerful
but less stable energon reserve, the experiment dishes out deadly firepower on
the battlefield with additional limbs and unmatched control over its power
Hit Die: d6
Damage Die: d8
Energon Reserve Die: d8

Starting Hit Points


Weapons and Armor

Light armor, all weapons, shields

Transformers RPG 27
Leveling Up
Roll your hit die to gain new hit points. Roll to see if skills increase, rolling twice
for Power and System. At levels 3, 6, and 9, gain a new hardpoint.

Starting Equipment
Comlink, energon sword (light melee weapon), beam rifle (light ranged
weapon), light armor (+3 AP), shield (+2 AP)

Utility Appendage
You can wield one additional hand’s worth of items. When wielding a heavy
weapon with all three limbs, you roll your attack normally (without the +2
modifier) while still applying the +2 damage.

Divert Power
As a use action, choose one: downgrade your energon reserve die and upgrade
your damage die by one step each, or upgrade your energon reserve die and
downgrade your damage die by one step each. You cannot exceed a d12 when
upgrading, or drop beneath a d4 when downgrading.

Hardpoints represent powerful add-ons or upgrades for your bot. They are
integrated into your metal body, and you can use them in both bot mode and alt
mode. You choose one hardpoint when you create your bot, and gain new ones
at levels 3, 6, and 9. Some of the hardpoints grant passive bonuses, while
others need to be activated by using actions and/or rolling your reactor die. You
cannot have more than one of the same hardpoint unless otherwise specified.

Transformers RPG 28

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