GT Upgrade Options

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By Jeffrey Phillips and Philip Levine

This article reviews some specific methods for boosting power and improving heat rate −
either by increasing inlet air density or by boosting specific power. While the techniques
mentioned here are by no means the only ones available to gas turbine owners, they
represent some of the most cost-effective upgrade options.
While some of the gas turbine upgrade options reviewed here are clearly less expensive
than others, there is no one “best” technique (table). The best option for a particular gas
turbine will depend on its age, location, and operating cycle.
Comprehensive Upgrades
Comprehensive upgrades of gas turbine involve the replacement of “flange-to-flange”
parts with more advanced designs. Because late-model gas turbines already incorporate
advanced technology, these comprehensive upgrades apply only to older gas turbines that
are part of a series or model line that the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has
redesigned. Examples of these model lines include the Frame 7 and 9 series supplied by
GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY, and the W251 and W501 series supplied by
Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp., Orlando, Fla.
An upgrade can be applied to individual components or to the entire engine. Examples of
components that can be upgraded include:
• Inlet guide vanes, which allow more air flow
• Improved seals, tighter clearances
• Combustion liners and transition pieces, enabling higher firing temperatures
• Turbine blades and vanes, also enabling higher firing temperatures
The results of a comprehensive upgrade on performance depend, of course, on what is
included in the project. However, the upgrades of eight GE Frame 7Bs by Houston Light
& Power Co. (now Reliant Energy HL&P, Houston Texas) in the 1990s provide a good
example of what can be accomplished.1 Reliant replaced the combustion liners, transition

J. Svatek, M. Elliott, P. Crabtree, G. Jurczynski, and J. Johnston, “Results of the GT Prime Program
Improvements to General Electric MS7001B Gas Turbines at the Houston Light and Power T.H. Wharton
Site”, ASME Technical Paper 97-GT-450, June 1998.
pieces, 1st stage turbine vanes, and 2nd stage vanes and blades with Frame 7EA parts.
This allowed operators to increase the firing temperature of the machines by 170 deg F.
After the upgrades, the eight machines yielded power increases of 16 to 26%, while the
heat rate decreased by 4.5 to 11% − improvements that are approximately three times
greater than what could have been expected from a normal overhaul using new Frame 7B
The cost for the upgrades divided by the increase in power output was approximately
$250/kW. This low figure actually overstates the incremental cost of the additional
capacity because it does not account for the expenses Reliant would have incurred if it
had performed a normal overhaul using 7B parts.
One upgrade option Reliant did not choose is high-flow inlet guide vanes (IGVs). This
option can be very cost effective. The thinner vanes of advanced designs allow more air
flow to pass through the turbine, compared to older IGVs. On a Frame 7B, you can
expect a 4.5% boost in power and a slight improvement in heat rate − approximately 1%.
The cost of new IGVs typically is less than $100/kW.
Hot Section Coatings
Another option for upgrading gas turbine performance is to apply ceramic coatings to
internal components. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are applied to hot section parts in
advanced gas turbines. These same coatings can be applied to the hot sections of older
gas turbines in the field. The TBCs provide an insulating barrier between the hot
combustion gases and the metal parts. TBCs will provide longer parts life at the same
firing temperature, or will allow the user to increase firing temperature while maintaining
the original design life of the hot section.
A recent analysis sponsored by the Combustion Turbine Combine Cycle Users
Organization showed that adding a 10 mil coating to the 1st stage blades and vanes of a
GE Frame 7EA would allow an increase in firing temperature from 2020 deg F to 2035
deg F. The report calculated that this small increase could provide $4 million of net
revenue over the life of the coating.2
A similar study conducted by Fern Engineering, Inc., Pocasset, Mass., for the Electric
Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, Calif., concluded that the addition of TBCs to a GE
Frame 7B would provide an increase of 5.5 MW in power, at an incremental cost of
$140/kW. Note that this is cheaper than the cost of a comprehensive upgrade.
Compressor Coatings
Coatings can also be applied to gas turbine compressor blades (the “cold end” of the
machine) to improve performance. Unlike hot section coatings, the purpose of
compressor blade coatings is not to insulate the metal blades from the compressed air.
Rather, the coatings are applied in order to provide smoother, more aerodynamic
surfaces, which increase compressor efficiency. In addition, smoother surfaces tend to

Vandergriff, D., “The Life Cycle Value of TBC Coatings on MS7001E/EA 1st Stage Nozzles and
Buckets”, Power-Gen 2000 Proceedings, Orlando, FL, Nov. 2000.
resist fouling because there are fewer “nooks and crannies” where dirt particles can
Some coatings are also designed to resist corrosion, which can be a significant source of
performance degradation, particularly if a turbine is located near saltwater. Corrosion-
resistance tests on the 3rd stage high-pressure compressor vanes of a Rolls Royce
Mainville, Ohio, RB211 revealed dramatic improvements with a coating. The tests,
conducted by Sermatech International, Limerick, Penn., subjected the vanes to five cycles
of exposure to salt-saturated fog followed by simulated full-load operation. One
compressor section had no coating; another was coated with a 1.3 mil layer of SermeTel
5380DP – an aluminum-filled ceramic primer (Figure 1).



Figure 1 – Corrosion-resistance tests conducted on high-pressure compressor

vanes revealed the significant benefit of coatings. The upper section has no
coating; bottom section was coated with SermeTel 5380DP.

Florida Power & Light (FP&L), Juno Beach, Fla., has evaluated the benefit of the same
Sermatech coating on the axial compressor of W501F gas turbine. The utility coated one
of two units that were in combined cycle operation. Both machines were overhauled at
the same time, and the same maintenance was performed on each machine, except for the
smooth coating that was applied to the compressor of only one of the turbines.
FP&L then measured operating efficiencies at peak loads. The results of the tests showed
that the unit with the coated compressor had:
• Higher compressor efficiency of 0.64%
• Better heat rate, 0.58%
• Higher power output, 1.26%
While these improvements may not be as great as those that can be achieved with hot
section coatings, they are obtained at a relative low cost. The incremental capital cost of
the capacity boost was approximately $60/kW, and payback for the cost of applying the
coating occurred in just 6 months.
Applying compressor coatings on much older gas turbines can provide much larger gains
than those achieved by FP&L. The compressor airfoils of older turbines tend to be
rougher than a newer model simply because of longer exposure to the environment. In
addition, the compressor of older models consumes a larger fraction of the power
produced by the turbine section. Therefore, improving the performance of the
compressor will have a proportionately greater impact on total engine performance.
For example, Turbine Resources Unlimited (TRU), West Winfield, NY, recently
completed a compressor overhaul of two W501AA gas turbines for a customer in New
Jersey. According to company president Bill Howard, TRU applied its compressor
lubricity coating, TRU-Flow 2000, to the compressor diaphragm sections and custom-fit
the radial seals to optimize clearances. The combination of these two actions allowed its
customer to produce 4 MW of additional power from each turbine − an increase of 6%
over previous power levels.

Gas Turbine Upgrade Options

Option MW Impact, Heat Rate Capital Cost,
% Impact, % $/kW
Comprehensive Upgrade +10 to +20 1 to 5 150 to 250
High-Flow IGVs +4.5 1 < 100
Hot Section Coatings +5 to +15 0.5 to 1 50 to 100
Compressor Coatings +0.5 to +3 0.5 to 3 50
Inlet-Air Fogging +5 to +15 1 to 5 50 to 100
Supercharging Plus Fogging +15 to +20 4 200

Raising Air Flow

Perhaps the simplest way to increase the power output of a gas turbine is to increase the
mass flow through the machine. And one of the most popular ways to do this is to
increase the density of the inlet air − by evaporative cooling, mechanical chilling, or inlet
fogging (Figure 2).
Figure 2 − A fogging nozzle array inside a GE 9FA filter house (right) and a high-
pressure fogging pump skid (left). Photos: American Moistening Co., Pineville, NC

A more novel approach, but one that deserves more attention, is supercharging.
Supercharging of a gas turbine entails the addition of a fan to boost the pressure of the air
entering the inlet of the compressor by 40 to 80 in. H2O. In some ways, supercharging
mimics the upgrade tactic used by several OEMs of adding a “zero stage” to the
compressor. However, in the case of supercharging the additional stage of compression
is not driven by the main gas turbine shaft, but rather by an electric motor. The parasitic
power of the fan motor is less than the additional output of the gas turbine, so the net
result is a capacity boost.
The impact of supercharging is especially significant if it is coupled with inlet fogging
downstream of the fan. The fan stage increases the air temperature, which increases the
difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures. This allows more cooling to
be provided by the fogging system.
One application of supercharging was on a W301G combined cycle in San Angelo,
Texas, in the 1960s. However, analysis has shown that the net power boost from
supercharging increases with turbine firing temperature (Figure 3). As a result, the cost
per kilowatt of supercharging should be significantly less than it was for turbines built 40
years ago.
At least one company has recognized the potential impact supercharging could have on
advanced gas turbines. Enhanced Turbine Output, LLC (ETO), Washington, DC, has
patented a design of a supercharging system3 and is actively marketing the concept to
turbine owners. According to William Kopko, ETO’s VP of engineering, an ETO
variable supercharging and fogging system could increase the output of a GE 7FA by
20% beyond fogging alone in the Memphis, Tenn. climate while improving the heat rate

William L. Kopko, “Supercharging System for Gas Turbines”, US Patent No. 6,308,512, Issued October
30, 2001.
by 4%. The ETO system would achieve this improvement without entraining any water
into the turbine, despite the large increase in total fogging. The estimated cost for the
increased power is a low $200/kW.
Net Power Gain/Fan Power

1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000
Firing Temperature (deg F)
Figure 3 – Supercharging a gas turbine boosts power output in proportion to firing
temperature. Graph assumes a 40 in. H2O, fan-driven pressure increase, followed
by fog cooling back to ambient temperature.

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