Kota Tua

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A Indonesia Seasons

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It is one of the most favourite tourist c. Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik
spots in the capital city of Indonesia, (Museum of Fine Art and
Jakarta. The buildings located in Kota Ceramics) keeps the ceramics
Tua area are dominated with European from Majapahit Kingdom in the
and Chinese architectural designs 14th century with its unique and
from the 17th to 20th centuries. Kota beautiful special features. They
Tua has been established for a long have historical values and come
time and has been a part of the long with varieties of shapes and
history of Jakarta. functions.
d. Museum Mandiri displays
Kota Tua is also called as a heritage collections of old currency notes,
site with its 1,3-kilometre square safes, deposit boxes and aged
width go across the West Jakarta and ATM's scattered throughout
North Jakarta. Sunda Kelapa Port and multiple rooms. You can feel the
Java Sea are bordered to the north of atmosphere of the 1930s bank era.
Kota Tua. It borders with Kali Krukut It has audio-visual room, meeting
on the west, Kali Ciliwung on the east room, auditorium and art display
and Jalan Jemabatan Batu and Jalan room.
Asemka on the south.
As a tourist site, Kota Tua also
Kota Toa area has some historical provides culinary travel
buildings functioned as museums experiences and many street food
such as: stalls found in Kantor Pos Kota
a. Museum Wayang contains building and Kafe Batavia located
wayang kulit, wayang golek, in Taman Fatahillah area.
wayang kardus, wayang Kota Tua is also supported by many
rumput, wayang janur, facilities for transport such as KRL
masks, puppets, wayang Commuter Line and Transjakarta
beber and gamelan. buses. In addition to that, there is a
b. Museum Fatahillah bicycle rental for the visitors to take
(Fatahillah Old Town a tour around Kota Tua.
Museum) holds and cares for
the remains of Dutch citizens
live in Batavia sin the early
16th century, such as the
furnitures, house utensils,
weapons, ceramics, maps
and books.

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