Analysis On Consumer Behavior of Domestic Skin Care Products
Analysis On Consumer Behavior of Domestic Skin Care Products
Analysis On Consumer Behavior of Domestic Skin Care Products
Abstract: With the rapid development of China 's economy and the improvement of people 's living standards, skin care
products have gradually become one of the most frequently used products in daily life. Consumer awareness rising skin care
products market competition has become increasingly fierce, high-end market by foreign brands to seize skin care products
become an indisputable fact. Under the impact of fierce market competition and international brands, how to develop domestic
skin care products sustainably and healthily is a problem that many domestic skin care brands need to pay attention to. By
combing the relevant literature of domestic skin care products, this paper makes a SWOT analysis of the domestic skin care
industry, and analyzes the process of purchasing decisions of domestic skin care products by female consumers aged 18-25, so
as to summarize the marketing strategies of domestic skin care products, retain old customers and attract new customers for
domestic skin care products, and promote domestic skin care products to occupy more shares in the whole skin care market.
Provide advice and inspiration, and provide some reference for the future development of local skin care product companies.
Keywords: Domestic skin care products, Consumers, Consumer demand, Marketing.
become an important topic in academic research, and the mostly focused on two aspects. On the one hand, it is the
research on this has begun to enrich. research on the shortcomings and improvement measures of
Yin Jianzhong and Li Ping ( 2005 ) put forward the idea of skin care products or their sales strategies. The related
shaping the corporate image and establishing the brand strategies are mostly focused on improving brand image,
concept through the study of the skin care market. In view of differentiated marketing, innovative management and
the defects of backward management, low technology and emphasis on services. On the other hand, from the perspective
low price competition in domestic skin care products, they put of customer psychological perception, this paper studies the
forward suggestions such as innovative management, psychological factors that may affect the purchase behavior
developing characteristics and improving product quality. of skin care consumers, such as product attention, quality and
The research of Lv Zhimei ( 2010 ) and Miao Dan ( 2013 ) emotional trust. The attention to the degree of care, customer
affirmed the importance of brand image in skin care industry. loyalty and related factors in the skin care industry is low.
The difference is that Lv Zhimei ' s research also explores the
multiple effects between brand sensitivity and brand 2.2. Foreign Research on Skin Care Products
personality, customer perceived quality and face psychology, Foreign research on skin care products focused on the
and believes that brand sensitivity has a positive impact on purchase behavior and influencing factors of skin care
brand loyalty. Miao Dan 's research shows that brand products.
cognition has a significant positive impact on brand Weber J.M. ( 2002 ) studied the differences in purchase
personality, brand image, brand trust and brand perceived risk. behavior in the cosmetics market between the United States
Brand awareness affects brand preference, and perceived risk and France. The results showed that the differences were due
will affect consumer buying behavior. Enterprises should pay to psychological factors, social influences and purchase status.
attention to the generation of positive attitudes of consumers Due to cultural differences, customers have different
and the maintenance of brand image and service image. Luo motivations and personalities for the purchase of skin care
( 2014 ) concluded that the quality and professionalism of products, and then the purchase behavior is different.
online word-of-mouth have a positive impact on the Rungruangkul ( 2006 ) analyzed the purchase behavior of
emotional trust of skin care products consumers, and Chinese herbal cosmetics in Thailand and its influencing
cognitive trust and emotional trust of consumers have a factors, and believed that the product itself, product price,
significant impact on purchase intention. The number of promotion activities and sales channels had a certain impact
online word-of-mouth also has a significant impact on skin on the purchase behavior of Chinese herbal skin care products.
care consumers due to the mediating effect of consumer Among them, consumers are most concerned about the safety
emotional trust. Du ( 2015 ) emphasized the importance of of products, product quality and ease of purchase. Khan
domestic cosmetics brands in improving customer Taufique et al. ( 2015 ) explored the factors affecting
satisfaction, arguing that customer expectations are difficult consumers ' motivation to purchase herbal skin care products
to predict, and that customer needs vary widely and easily. by establishing structural equations. The study found that
Customer satisfaction can be improved through the following customers ' motivation to purchase herbal skin care products
ways : establish customer first service concept, authorized to is directly affected by consumer values and indirectly affected
front-line staff, pay attention to training and establish an by marketing mix factors ( product, price, channel and
effective platform for customer feedback. This is one of the promotion ). Velly Anatasia et al. ( 2016 ) studied the
few skin care products research emphasis on service and influence of advertising strategy of skin care products on
customer feedback mechanism. Chen Xiaoqin ( 2017 ) consumer trust with the four elements of advertising
conducted a study on the market of infant skin care products, spokesperson, brand, product attribute and third-party
taking into account the characteristics of the purchasing group, certification as the research object. It is concluded that the
and believed that product characteristics, reference groups, four elements have a significant impact on the trust of skin
corporate behavior, and consumers ' age, occupation, and care advertising, among which brand has the greatest impact.
family monthly income have a significant impact on Dawid Szutowski et al. ( 2017 ) believed that the global
consumer purchase behavior, and proposed to implement cosmetics industry is characterized by regular growth and
differentiated marketing, strengthen skin care product high competitiveness. The product innovation of L 'Oreal,
research and development, enhance brand image, improve Estee Lauder and Shiseido was analyzed. It was emphasized
product reputation, and create word-of-mouth strength. Liu that product innovation was a key factor influencing the
Qing et al. ( 2017 ) believe that the understanding of customer competitive advantage of cosmetics. Kelsey M. Vella ( 2017 )
psychology helps to transform the potential market into actual analyzed consumers ' purchasing behavior and concluded that
purchasing power. Skin care products should be packaged the primary reason consumers buy cosmetics is their ' self-
simply and focus on research and development. Marketing image, ' and they want to buy cosmetics that are high-quality,
can use the network platform and pay attention to the star affordable, durable, and safe in composition. Although
effect. The price should be strict, fair and flexible. Yuan consumers prefer to shop in physical stores, a large number
Longteng ( 2018 ) clarified its advantages, disadvantages, of consumers actually choose to shop online because their
opportunities and threats by analyzing the macro environment favorite cosmetic brands cannot be found locally. In addition,
and market competition situation faced by Baicaoji brand. consumers believe that the most credible sources of
Insight into user needs, enhance brand awareness, strengthen information are ' video reviews ', ' social media ' and ' word of
communication and enhance the user experience is the mouth '. Sun-HeeJeong ( 2018 ) conducted a survey in areas
marketing optimization strategy. Based on a female such as Seoul, South Korea and found that respondents prefer
perspective, Li and Chen ( 2018 ) found that appropriate skin to buy cosmetics online, believing that the purchase channel
care packaging can stimulate customers ' desire to buy and is reasonably priced. By age, people in their 20 s prefer to buy
convey the company 's brand culture. cosmetics in stores, while people in their 30 s and 50 s prefer
In summary, China 's research on skin care products is online stores. From the distribution channel preference,
reliability, satisfaction and loyalty, the online store is the best mostly male. The arrival of ' other economy ' has brought
choice for preference and reliability, and department store more market opportunities to China 's skin care market.
customers are the most satisfied and most loyal.
In the related research on skin care products abroad, the 3.4. External Threats
research perspectives and methods are different. Many factors With the development of science and technology, the
such as product innovation, brand image, sales activities and understanding of the concept of green environmental
personal preferences have an important impact on the protection, nature and healthy life has been continuously
purchase behavior of skin care products. However, few improved. Various alternative products have emerged in the
studies have been conducted from the perspective of customer skin care industry, such as home beauty instrument, home
satisfaction and loyalty. This paper will carry out relevant beauty instrument, beauty salon, sports beauty and so on.
research from the perspective of customer satisfaction and Most of China 's raw material suppliers can produce basic raw
loyalty. materials for water emulsion, but the process of high-end skin
care raw materials is temporarily backward. Compared with
3. SWOT Analysis of Domestic Skin foreign raw material suppliers, the overall strength is weak,
Care Industry and the level of technology research and development needs
to be improved.
This paper uses SWOT analysis principle to analyze the
four strategic elements of strength, weakness, opportunity and 4. Domestic Skin Care Products
threat of China 's skin care industry. Consumer Decision-Making Process
3.1. Internal Advantages Analysis
The gradual rise of national self-confidence, the rise of the The decision-making process of consumers is actually the
national tide to create opportunities for the development of process of solving problems. Consumer decision-making
local skin care group. While going international, local brands refers to the process in which consumers carefully evaluate
are also tapping the markets of third- and fourth-tier cities and the attributes of a product, brand or service and make rational
rural areas. Local brand enterprises are more capable of choices in order to obtain a product or service that meets a
understanding China 's national conditions and history, the specific need with the least effort. Women pay more and more
Chinese culture into the aesthetic concept of cosmetics, into attention to their skin and external image, so skin care
different regions at different levels of consumer experience. products are essential for women. They use skin care products
The trend of the increasingly strong, 42 % of consumers have on weekdays to evaluate their effects and have a certain
bias on domestic brands, nearly 90 % of consumers said they degree of understanding and selection criteria for products.
will buy domestic skin care products again in the future. Therefore, skin care consumers generally belong to nominal
Chinese local brands are superior in cultural advantages and decision-making and limited decision-making in the purchase
create Chinese aesthetic concepts. process. Consumers ' purchase decision-making process
refers to the process in which consumers carefully evaluate
3.2. Internal Disadvantages
the attributes of a product, brand or service and select and
At present, R & D, management, management personnel purchase products that meet a specific need. In complex
gap is serious, China 's skin care industry is facing the purchases, the consumer purchase decision-making process
problem of attracting talent. In recent years, the rise of the generally consists of the following five stages.
local brand Peraiya cosmetics company, has its own
production line, there are only more than one hundred 4.1. Understanding Needs
researchers. High-grade cosmetics belong to high-level This is the starting point of consumers ' purchase decision-
process, and the key raw materials of high-level process are making process. When consumers feel that their skin has
highly dependent on foreign manufacturers. China 's skin care problems in real life and want to buy skin care products with
products market is huge, early on the market of enterprises is related effects such as water replenishment and whitening,
uneven, product safety accidents continue to appear, such as they have the idea of wanting to buy. In this case, consumers
illegal to add raw materials, packaging and label unqualified will clear up and confirm the needs and desires in their minds
events, fake flood, false advertising, product safety and other to decide whether to take and how to take action. For
issues, cosmetics industry laws and regulations need to be consumer awareness of this stage of the problem, we should
further improved. strengthen the stimulation of consumers to stimulate
consumer motivation and desire. One way is to influence
3.3. External Opportunities
consumers ' understanding of the reality by increasing the
By the end of 2018, China 's Internet users reached 829 advertising or other promotional means of domestic skin care
million, and the Internet penetration rate reached 59.6 %. products, so that they have the idea of purchasing skin care
With the rapid development of the Internet and the vigorous products.
promotion of e-commerce platforms, online sales have
become the mainstream way for consumers to purchase skin 4.2. Information Gathering
care products and increase the penetration rate of the skin care After consumers realize the existence of demand problems,
market. ' Face value economy ' and ' his economy ' the arrival they will seek ways to meet demand, that is, solutions to
of consumer awareness of skin care. The society 's ability to problems. At this time they will begin to collect the required
accept skin care products has improved, the face value information, including the type of goods to meet the demand,
economy has exploded, the audience of skin care products has price, quality, brand and so on. For the stage of consumer
become wider and wider, the male skin care consciousness information collection, the key to marketing is to grasp what
has begun to awaken, and the male customers after 95 are methods consumers will use when collecting information :
from the time level of obtaining information, there are 5. Domestic Skin Care Marketing
memory information extraction and external instant Strategy Recommendations
information utilization ; from the perspective of information
sources, there are mainly interpersonal sources, public 5.1. Product Innovation, Focusing on
sources, business sources and experience sources. Among Component Safety
them, interpersonal sources have the greatest impact on
consumers ' purchase decisions. Public sources mainly refer With many skin care companies being exposed to harmful
to television, newspapers, magazines, etc., which are ingredients, the safety of skin care ingredients has become the
objective and authoritative. Commercial sources are focus of current consumers. Safe and non-irritating natural
exhibitions, salesmen, advertisements, etc. This part of the herbal skin care products are increasingly sought after in the
information is very large. The source of experience mainly market. Manufacturers should not use too many chemical
refers to the experience of consumers in purchasing and using drugs that have side effects on the human body in order to
goods. This part of the information plays a decisive role in achieve immediate whitening and anti-wrinkle effects, but
making the final purchase decision. Therefore, we need to should pay more attention to the safety of the product itself,
make domestic skin care products in the information and develop more ingredient-safe herbal skin care products to
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