45 Corporate Accounting March 2023 TTM

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NP - 290

lll Semester B.Gom. Examination, MarchlApril 2023

eA22 - 23 and Onwards) (Freshers)
Paper - 3.1 : Corporate Accounting
8'an -rrfrl
Time '.2T2 Hours Max. Marks: 60
! only.
lnstruction : Answers to be written in English
1. Answer any six sub-questions. Each question carries two marks. (6x2=12)
a) Give the meaning of subscribed capital.
b) What is IPO ?
c) What is pure underwriting ?
d) What is the maximum rate of commission payable to an underwriter to
underwrite shares and debentures of a company as per law ?.
e) What is branding ?
f) Name different types of goodwill.
g) List any two factors affecting the value of shares.
h) What is preference share ?
Answer any three questions. Each question carries four marks. (3x4=12)
2. Naveen Ltd. issued 50000 shares of Rs. 10 each. The whole issue was fully
underwritten by A, B, C and D as follows :

A - 20000 shares, B - 1 5000 shares, C - 5000 shares and D - 1 0000 shares. The
company received applications for 45000 shares of which marked applications
were as follows :
A = 22000 shares ; B = 1 1000 shares, C = 1000 shares and D = 9000 shares.
Determine the net liability of each underwriter.

3. Prashanth Limited agreed to purchase the business of a sole trader and for that
purpose goodwill is to be valued at 3 years purchase of the average of previous
4 years adjusted profits.
The profits for the year ending 31't March 2019 ;2020;2021 ;2022 were as
follows :
t 80,000, { 1,00,000, { 96,000 and t 1,20,000.
Following additional information is available :
a) Annual management expenses { 9,600.
b) Provide insurance premium at { 400 p.a.
Compute the value of Goodwill.
NP - 290 I llltfllt ilil [ ffifitilil lill llll

4. Following are the particulars of AS Ltd. :

Fixed Assets { 8,00,000
Current Assets { 5,00,000
100000 Equity Shares of t 10 each { 1 0,00,000
Bank Overdraft T 80,000
6% Debentures { 4,00,000
Other Current Liabilities '1,20,000
Goodwill t 2,00,000
The rnarket value of fixed assets is 12'/" more than the book value and that of
current assets is 5% less than book value. There is an unrecorded liability of
t 15,000. Ascertain the value of equity share by net asset method.

5. The Vasu Company Ltd. issued 10000 shares of t 10 each. The public
subscribed for 8000 shares and were fully allotted. The amount of each shares
was payable as under:
1) t 2 per share on applications.
2) T 3 per share on allotment.
3) t 2 per share on first call
4) T 3 per share on final call.
All the calls were made and the money was duly received except first call on
500 shares and final call on '1000 shares.
Give journal entry in the books of the company.

6. Under which heading would you show the following in company final accounts ?
a) Provision for taxation.
b) Pension fund.
c) Unclaimed dividend.
d) Underwriting commission.
e) Work in progress.
f) Loan to employees.

Answer any three questions. Each question carries twelve marks. (3x12=36)
7" The Siddu Co. Ltd., issued for public,subscription 20000 shares of T '10 each
at a premium of T 2 per share payable as follows :

On application T 2 per share

On allotment { 5 per share (including premium)
On first call t 2 per share
On final call T 3 per share
rilillllilililril]ililililfllllr NP - 290
Applications were received for 30000 shares, 20000 shares were allotted and
excess application money received is returned.
The company made allthe calls and the money due were duly received except
the final call on 1000 shares. These shares were forfeited and later re-issued
as fully paid at t 8 per share.
Pass necessary Journal Entries.

8. Sharath Company Limited issued 100000 equity shares of Rs. 60 each. X,Y,Z
and M underwrite the entire issue in the proportion ol 4A"/",3A/",20"/" and 10/o
respectively in consideration of commission in cash at 4h. They also apply for
firm share application as follows :
X - 3000 shares, Y - 2000 shares, Z 20A0 shares and M - 3000 shares.
Besides the firrn applications, the public apply for 60000 shares of which marked
applications are as follows :
X - 10000 shares, Y - 6000 shares, Z - 8000 shares and M - 16000 shares.
Show the number of shares to be taken up by each of the underwriters
a) firm applications as marked applications.
b) firm applications as unmarked applications and
c) find out the commission payable to underwriters.
9. The Balance Sheet of Chethan Ltd. as on 31-12-2018.
Liabilities T Assets T
Equity Shares of Rs. l0 each 2,50,000 Fixed Assets 2,00,000
General Reserves 1,00,000 lnvestments
Profit and Loss Account 50,000 (5% Govt. Bonds) 50,000
Current Liabilities 50,000 Current Assets 2,00,000
fi 4,50,000 4,50,000
Additional lnformation :
a) Net profit after taxation
2016- { 65,000, 2017 - t 62,500, 2019 - t 75,000
b) Normal rate of return is 10%.
c) Current Assets are to be taken at T 2,1 0,000
Ascertain the value of goodwill under:
i) 4 years purchase of super profits.
ii) Capitalisation of super profits.
iii) Annuity of super profits taking annuity factors of Re. 1 for five years at 10%
as t 3.78.
NP - 290 Illlilililililtillltlllililililt

10. Following is the Balance Sheet of Apoorva Limited as on 3't-3-2019 :

Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2019

Liabilities t Assets t
20000 Equity Shares of Goodwill 50,000
t 10 each fully paid up 2,00,000 Fixed Assets 2,25,000
Reserve Fund 50,000 Current Assets 95,000
Profit and Loss A/c 17,500 Preliminary Expenses 12,500
6% Debentures 50,000
Current Liabilities 65,000
3,82,500 3,82,500
For the purpose of valuation of shares fixed assets were valued at { 2,50,000
and goodwill at{ 75,000. There is a necessityof RBD at 10% on debtors of
t 37,500. lt was found that the stock was overvalued by t 4,500.
The net profits for the three years were T 34,500, t 35,900 and { 4.5,100
respectively, after taxation. Out of this profit 20"h was placed to reserve, the
proportion being considered reasonable in the industry in which the company
is engaged and where the normal rate of return is 20"h.
Compute the value of each equity share by :
1) lntrinsic value method
2) Yield rnethod and
3) Fair value method.
11. From the given Trial Balance, prepare the Balance Sheet of Ronav Ltd. as on
Trial Balance as on 31-3-22
Particulars Dr. (T) Cr. (t)
Share capital (40000 equity shares of t 10 each) 4,00,000
Bills receivable 90,000
10% Mortgage *oan 1,70,000
Stores and spares 1,15,000
Debtors 1,66,000
Plant and Machinery t
Goodwill 40,000
Provision for tax 26,00;
General Reserve 1,30,000
Cash in hand 1g,00;
Calls in arrears (at t 2 per share) 2,000
Marketable securities 5,000

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