Ghana Insurance Act 2021

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INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Act 1061

The Commission
1. Establishment of the Commission
2. Objects of the Commission
3.. Functions of the Commission
4. Guiding principles
5. Independence of the Commission
Governance of the Commission
6. Governing body of the Commission
7. Functions of the Board
8. Duties and liabilities of members of the Board
9. Tenure of office of members of the Board
10. Meetings of the Board
11. Resolutions of the Board without a meeting
12. Reliance on report, financial data and other information
13. Disclosure of interest
14. Avoidance of transactions in breach of section 13
15. Establishment of committees
16. Allowances
17. Policy directives
Administrative Provisions
18. Appointment of the Commissioner of Insurance
19. Qualification of the Commissioner
20. Functions of the Commissioner
21. Appointment of the Deputy Commissioner of Insurance
22. Qualification of the Deputy Commissioner
23. Functions of the Deputy Commissioner
24. Secretary to the Board
25. Appointment of other staff
26. Publication of appointment and revocation of appointment
27. Internal Audit Unit Provisions
28. Funds of the Commission
29. Bank account of the Commission

Act 1061 INSURANCE ACT, 2021

30. Expenses of the Commission

31. Borrowing powers of the Commission
32. Levies and contributions payable to the Commission
33. Budget and work programme of the Commission
34. Accounts and audit
35. Annual report and other reports
Prohibitions and Restrictions
36. Prohibition against unlicensed insurance business
37. Exemption of certain class of insurers
38. Restricted insurance contract
39. Authorisation in relation to restricted and specified types of insurance
40. Categories of licence
41. Prohibition against licensing composite insurers
42. Application for insurance or reinsurance licence
43 . Grant of insurance or reinsurance licence
44. Notification and publication of decision
45. Duration of licence
46. Commencement of business
4 7. Contact office
48. Cancellation of licence
49. Notice of cancellation of licence
50. Application for renewal of licence
51. Grant of renewal of licence
Changes in Significant Ownership and Level of Control
52. Requirement for approval for change in significant ownership or
level of control
53. Application for approval of change in control
54. Power to require disposal of interest or prohibit exercise of rights
Changes in Directors, Senior Managers and Key Persons in
Control Functions
55. Approval for appointment of directors and other key persons
56. Approval for removal of directors and other key persons
57. Eligibility of directors, senior managers and key persons

INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Actl061

Solvency and Capital Requirements

58. Maintenance of financially sound condition
59. Stated capital
60. Capital adequacy requirements
61. Direction in relation to capital
62. Maintenance of segregated funds
63. Notification of failure to comply
64. Prudential requirements specified in a directive
Restrictions on Licensed Insurers and Licensed Reinsurers
65. Shares to be fully paid for in cash
66. Distribution by licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
67. Prolu'bition on advances and loans
Statutory Deposits
68. Requirement to make statutory deposit
69. Use of deposited assets
70. Release of deposit
71. Payment of interest or other income to licensed insurer or licensed
Reinsurance and Retrocession
72. Reinsurance or retrocession strategy, procedures and plans
73. Restrictions on the placement of reinsurance by licensed insurers

Governance and Management

74. Governance framework
75. Directors of insurers and reinsurers
76. Senior management
77. Control functions
78. Risk management
Appointed Actuary
79. Appointment of appointed actuary
80. Approval of appointed actuary
81 . Notice to Commission

Act 1061 INSURANCE ACT, 2021

82. Actuarial investigation and financial condition report

83. Reporting obligations of an appointed actuary
Conduct of Bus£ness
84. Obligations for conduct of business
Transfers and Mergers
85. Restriction on transfers and mergers
86. Application for approval of scheme of transfer or merger
87. Hearing of application for approval of scheme of transfer or merger
88. Determination of an application
89. Effect of approval of scheme
90. Application of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
Liquidation and Statutory Management of Licensed Insurers and Licensed
91. Winding up by private liquidation
92. Application of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015)
93. Commencement of proceedings
94. Petition for liquidation by Commission
95. Service on Commission
96. Reduction of contracts as alternative to official liquidation
97. Continuation of long term business by liquidator
98. Insurance liabilities to have priority
Statutory Management
99. Statutory management of a licensed insurer or a licensed
100. Moratorium
101. Qualification of statutory manager
102. Duties of statutory manager
103. Powers of statutory manager
104. Remuneration of charges and expenses of statutory manager
105. Report of statutory manager
106. Indemnity of statutory manager
107. Removal of statutory manager
108. Termination of statutory management
INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Actl061

Licensing of Insurance Intermediaries

109. Prohibition of unlicensed business
110. Categories of insurance intermediary licence
111. Application for insurance intermediary licence
112. Grant of insurance intermediary licence
113. Duration of insurance intermediary licence
114. Obligation in relation to commencement of business
115. Restriction on issuance and use of licence
116. Notification and publication of decision of the Commission
117. Application for renewal of insurance intermediary licence
118. Renewal of insurance intermediary licence
119. Change in insurer or insurance agent
120. Grounds for cancellation of insurance intermediary licence
121. Notice of cancellation of insurance intermediary licence
Changes in Significant Ownership and Level of Control
122. Approval required for change in significant ownership or level of
123. Application for approval under section 122
124. Power to require disposal of interest or prohibit exercise of rights
Changes in Directors, Senior Managers and Key Persons in
Control Functions
125. Approval required
126. Power to require the removal of director, senior manager or key
person in a control function
Information Material to Fit and Proper Assessment
127. Matters affecting the eligibility of the director, senior manager,
significant owner, and key person in a control function
Regulation and Supervision ofLicensed Insurance Intermediaries
128. Maintenance of financially sound condition
129. Equity
130. Direction of Commission in relation to capital resources
131. Notice oflikely failure to comply
Governance and Management
132. Governance framework

Act 1061 INSURANCE ACT, 2021

133. Directors of insurance intermediaries

134. Control function
135. Risk management
Other Obligations and Restndions ofLicensed Insurance Intermediary
136. General obligations in the conduct of business
13 7. Prohibition against dealing with unlicensed insurer or unlicensed
138. Directives to provide for receipt of and dealing with premiums and
other insurance moneys
139. Receipt and holding of moneys by licensed insurance agent
140. Receipt and holding of moneys by licensed insurance broker or
licensed reinsurance broker
141 . Professional indemnity insurance and other insurance
Relationship between Licensed Insurers and Licensed Insurance Agents
142. Insurer not to appoint unlicensed insurance agents
143. Insurance agent considered agent of insurer
144. Liability of licensed insurer for conduct of agent
Conduct of Business with Unlicensed Broker
145. Insurer or reinsurer not to conduct business with unlicensed
insurance broker
146. Insurance intermediary not to be wound up by private liquidation
147. Application of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015)
148. Commencement of proceedings
149. Petition for liquidation of relevant company
150. Service on Commission
Financial Records
151. Maintenance of financial records
Financial Statements and Audit
152. Financial year of licensee

INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Act 1061

153. Meaning of "financial statements"

154. Preparation of financial statements
155. Submission of financial statements to the Commission
156. Submission of periodic financial statements and returns
157. Amendment of financial statements
158. Group financial statements
159. Appointment of auditor by reporting licensee
160. Duties of reporting licensee in relation to audit
161. Audit and auditor's report
162. Reporting obligations of an auditor
163. Powers of Commission to appoint an auditor
Inspection Visits
164. Commission to undertake inspection visit
165. Duties of relevant person
Power of Commission to Obtain Information
166. Notice to provide information or produce documents
Remedial Measures
167. Recovery plan
168. Approval of recovery plan by Commission
169. Licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to comply with recovery plan
170. Amendment of recovery plan
171 . Appointment of skilled person
172. Interview by Commission
173. Conduct of interview by Commission
174. Examination under oath or affirmation by Court
175. Search wari;ant
176. Appointment of investigator
177. Powers of investigator
178. Direction to licensed insurer and licensed reinsmer
179. Direction to licensed insurance intermediary

Actl061 INSURANCE ACT, 2021

180. D:irection to person carrying on unlicensed business

181. General provisions concerning d:irections
182. Application to Court for order
183. Public statements
Administrative Penalties
184. Penalty for late payment
185 . Arrangements for disclosures of concerns by employees and d:irectors
General Supervisory Matters
186. Applications under this Act
187. Conditions
188. Returns and reports
Supervisory Co-operation
189. Duty to co-operate
190. Provision of assistance to other authorities
191. Matters relevant to the provision of assistance
Protection of Confidential Information
192. Restrictions on disclosure of information
193. Permitted disclosure
194. Privileged information
19 5. Admissibility of statements
196. Protection for disclosure
Regulatory Powers
197. Regulations
198. Directives
199. Directives for insurance intermediaries
200. General provisions relating to directives
201. Guidelines
202. International standards and best practice
203. Approved forms
204. Requirement to consult
205. Publication of Guidelines and approved forms

INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Actl061

Protection of Commission, Board, Staff and Agents

206. Immunity
Mediation of Complaints
207. Procedure for complaints
208. Court proceedings
Inclusive Insurance and Index Insurance
209. Sale of microinsurance by unlicensed insurance agents
210. Index insurance contract
Innovative Insurers and Innovative Insurance Intermediaries
211. Innovative insurance licence
212. Innovative insurance intermediary licence
213. Criteria for grant of an innovative licence
Public Liability Insurance
214. Requirement to insure and maintain public liability insurance
215. Scope of cover of public liability insurance
Professional Indemnity Insurance
216. Requirement to insure and maintain professional indemnity insurance
217. Scope of cover of professional indemnity insurance
Insurance of Commerclal Buildings
218. Requirement to insure commercial buildings
219. Scope of cover of commercial building insurance contracts
Compulsory Insurance Contracts
220. Requirements relating to compulsory insurance contracts
221. Insurance for risk arising in Ghana
222. Marine insurance
Fire Control Fund
223. Establishment of Fire Control Fund
224. Object of the Fire Control Fund
225. Sources of money for the Fire Control Fund
226. Fire Control Fund Committee
22 7. Management of the Fire Control Fund

Act1061 INSURANCE ACT, 2021

Motor Compensation Fund

228. Establishment of the Motor Compensation Fund
229. Object of the Motor Compensation Fund
230. Sources of money for the Motor Compensation Fund
231. Motor Compensation Fund Committee
232. Management of the Motor Compensation Fund
233. Emergency treatment for road traffic accident victims
234. Conditions for making payments from the Motor Compensation
Client Rescue Fund
235. Establishment of Client Rescue Fund
236. Object of the Client Rescue Fund
23 7. Sources of money for the Client Rescue Fund
238. Client Rescue Fund Committee
239. Management of the Client Rescue Fund
Insurance Education Fund
240. Establishment of the Insurance Education Fund
241 . . Object of the Insurance Education Fund
242. Sources of money for the Insurance Education Fund
243. Insurance Education Fund Committee
244. Management of the Insurance Education Fund
Agricultural Insurance Fund
245. Establishment of the Agricultural Insurance Fund
246. Object of the Agricultural Insurance Fund
247. Sources of money for the Agricultural Insurance Fund
248. Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee
249. Management of the Agricultural Insurance Fund
Miscellaneous Provisions
250. Accounts, audit and annual report
251. Misleading advertisements and statements
252. False or misleading representations, statements, reports or returns
253. Other penalties
254. Appeal to court

INSURANCE ACT, 2021 Act 1061

255. Avoidance of contracts of insurance of unlimited amount

256. Minimum premium rates and maximum levels of commission or
257. Insurance database
258. Payment of premium
259. Interpretation
260. Repeal and savings
261. Transitional provisions

Table of Offences and Penalties

Classes ofPersons and Properties Covered
by Compulsory Insurance




AN ACT to establish the National Insurance Commission, to provide
for the regulation and supervision of the insurance market and for
related matters.
DATE OF ASSENT: 5m January, 2021.

PASSED by Parliament and assented to by the President

The Commission
Establishment of the Commission
1. (1) There is established by this Act, the National Insurance
Commission as a body corporate.
(2) The Commission may, for the performance of the functions of
the Commission, acquire and hold property, dispose of property and
enter into a contract or any other related transaction.
(3) Where there is a hindrance to the acquisition of land, the land
may be acquired for the Commission under the Land Act, 2020
(Act 1036) and the cost shall be borne by the Commission.
Objects of the Commission
2. (1) The objects of the Commission are to
(a) promote a fair, safe, efficient and stable insurance market
and the development of a sustainable insurance market;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) secure protection for past, current and prospective customers;

(c) contribute to the stability of the financial system of the
(d) support and encourage financial inclusion within the
insurance market; and
(e) support and promote insurance penetration.
(2) The Commission shall, in implementing the object under
paragraph (b) of subsection (1), have regard for the
(a) different degrees of experience and expertise that different
customers and prospective customers may have in relation
to the insurance market and insurance products;
(b) needs that past, current and prospective customers may have
for advice and accurate information, including the insurance
needs of the customers, insurance products, insurance
services and insurance markets; and
(c) general principle that past, current or prospective customers
have to take responsibility for their informed decisions in
respect of an insurance product.
(3) The Commission shall, in implementing the object under
paragraph (c) of subsection (1), have regard for the need to ensure that
the regulation and supervision of insurance products and insurance
services that support financial inclusion are proportionate to the nature,
scale, complexity and diversity of the insurance business.
Functions of the Commission
3. To achieve the objects under section 2, the Commission shall
(a) issue directives, directions, instructions and guidelines to
insurers, reinsurers and insurance intermediaries;
(b) issue licences under this Act;
(c) monitor the operations of the insurance market;
(d) enforce compliance by licensees with the provisions of this
Act and any other relevant enactment;
(e) supervise licensees on an individual basis and where
appropriate on a group basis;
(f) enforce compliance, in the insurance market, of regulatory
requirements on anti-money laundering and countering the
financing of terrorism;

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(g) promote public awareness and undertake public education

on insurance;
(h) co-operate with and provide assistance to law enforcement
authorities, regulatory authorities in the country and foreign
regulatory authorities;
(i) where appropriate, approve
(i) minimum rates of premiums in respect of any class
or sub-class of insurance business; and
(ii) maximum rates of commission in respect of any
class or sub-class of insurance business;
(j) invest any moneys standing to the credit of the Commission
in safe securities that the Minister considers appropriate;
(k) take enforcement action against persons carrying on
unlicensed insurance or reinsurance business; and
(!) perform any other functions under this Act and any other
en actment that are ancillary to the objects of the
Guiding principles
4. The Commission shall, in implementing the objects of the
Commission, have regard for
(a) international standards and best practice;
(b) promoting the adoption of a risk sensitive approach in the
regulation and supervision of licensees;
(c) promoting effective risk management by licensees;
(d) the need to avoid unnecessary compliance costs;
(e) promoting
(i) effective competition in the insurance market, in the
interest of consumers; and
(ii) growth and development in the insurance market;
(/) enhancing transparency in the performance of the functions
of the Commission.
Independence of the Commission
5. Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution or by any other
enactment, the Commission is not subject to the direction or control of a
person or an authority in the performance of the functions of the

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Governance of the Commission

Governing body of the Commission
6. (I) The governing body of the Commission is a Board consisting
(a) a chairperson nominated by the President;
(b) the Commissioner of Insurance;
(c) a representative of the Ministry of Finance not below the
rank of a Director, nominated by the Minister;
(d) a lawyer of not less than ten years standing at the Bar with
the relevant experience in the insurance industry nominated
by the Ghana Bar Association;
(e) an experienced chartered insurer or a qualified insurance
practitioner nominated by the insurance industry trade
bodies; and
(/) two other persons nominated by the President at least one
of whom is a woman.
(2) The President shall, in making nominations under paragraphs
(a) and(/) of subsection (1), have regard to the qualification and experience
of the persons in finance and insurance.
(3) The President shall, in accordance with article 70 of the
Constitution, appoint the chairperson and other members of the Board.
(4) A member of the Board shall not
(a) be an officer, a Manager, a Director or a shareholder of an
insurance regulated entity; or
(b) have an interest in an insurance regulated entity.
Functions of the Board
7. (I) The Board
(a) is responsible for the formulation of strategy for the
(b) shall oversee the management of the Commission and the
use of the resources of the Commission;
(c) shall ensure that the Commission establishes and maintains
an effective governance framework; and
(d) shall ensure the efficient and effective performance of the
functions of the Commission.
(2) The Board shall, in the performance of the functions of the
(a) have regard to the guiding principles specified in section 4;
(b) ensure that

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(i) the Commission operates in a financially

responsible manner;
(ii) the internal financial and management controls of
the Commission are adequate; and
(iii) the Commission operates in accordance with the
principles of good governance.
Duties and liabilities of members of the Board
8. (1) A member of the Board has the same fiduciary relationship
with the Commission and the same duty to act with loyalty and in good
faith as a director of a company incorporated in accordance with
section 190 of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992).
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a member of the Board has a
(a) to act honestly and in the best interest of the Commission
in the performance of the functions of the member;
(b) to exercise the degree of care and diligence in the
performance of the functions of the member that a person
in that position would reasonably be expected to exercise in
the circumstance;
(c) not to disclose information that would not otherwise be
available to the member, to any person or make use of or
act on, that information, except in the performance of the
functions of the Commission or as may be permitted by
(d) not to abuse the position of the office; and
(e) not to pursue the personal interest of the member at the
expense of the interest of the Commission.
(3) A member of the Board who contravenes subsection (1) or (2)
commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a
term of imprisonment or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Tenure of office of members of the Board
9. (1) A member of the Board shall hold office for a period of four
years and is eligible for re-appointment for another term only.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the Commissioner of Insurance.
(3) A member of the Board may, at any time, resign from office in
writing addressed to the President through the Minister and copied to
the chairperson of the Board or in the case of the chairperson resigning,
copied to each member of the Board.
Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

(4) A member of the Board who is absent from three consecutive

meetings of the Board without sufficient cause ceases to be a member of
the Board.
(5) The President may, by a letter addressed to a member, revoke
the appointment of that member.
(6) Where a member of the Board is, for a sufficient reason, unable
to act as a member, the Minister shall determine whether the inability
would result in the declaration of a vacancy.
(7) Where there is a vacancy
(a) under subsection (3), (4), (5), or subsection (2) of section
(b) as a result of a declaration under subsection (6); or
(c) by reason of the death of a member
the Minister shall notify the President of the vacancy and the President
shall, in accordance with this Act, appoint another person for the
unexpired term.
Meetings of the Board
10. (1) The Board shall meet at least once every three months for the
conduct of business at a time and place determined by the chairperson.
(2) The chairperson shall, on the request in writing of not less than
one-third of the membership of the Board, convene an extraordinary
meeting of the Board at a time and place determined by the chairperson.
(3) The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Board and in
the absence of the chairperson , a member of the Board, other than the
Commissioner elected by the members present from among the number
shall preside.
(4) The quorum for a meeting of the Board is five members of the
Boar d.
(5) Matters before the Board shall be decided by a majority of the
members present and voting and in the event of an equality of votes, the
person presiding shall have a casting vote.
(6) The Board may co-opt a person to attend a meeting of the
Board, but that person shall not vote on any matter for decision at the
(7) The proceedings of the Board shall not be invalidated by
reason of a vacancy among the members or a defect in the appointment
or qualification of a member.
Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(8) Subject to this section, the Board shall determine the procedure
for the meeting of the Board.
Resolutions of the Board without a meeting
11. (1) The Board may pass a resolution without holding a meeting if
(a) the Board, at a meeting, has
(i) resolved that resolutions may be passed under this
section; and
(ii) approved procedures for passing a resolution under
this section, including the method for members of
the Board to indicate the approval of the resolution;
(b) a majority of the members of the Board indicate agreement
with the resolution in accordance with the procedures
referred to in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a); and
(c) all the members of the Board were informed of the proposed
resolution or in a case where a member of the Board was
not informed of the proposed resolution, reasonable effort
was made to inform that member of the Board of the
proposed resolution.
(2) A resolution passed under this section shall take effect as if the
resolution was passed at a meeting of the Board.
Reliance on report, financial data and other information
12. (1) A member of the Board may rely on a report, financial data,
professional or expert advice or any other information prepared or given
(a) an employee of the Commission who the member
reasonably believes to be reliable and competent in relation
to the matters concerned;
(b) a professional or expert in relation to matters that the
member reasonably believes to be within the competence
of that person;
(c) another member of the Board; or
(d) a committee of the Board on which the member of the
Board did not serve.
(2) This section applies to a member of the Board who
(a) acts in good faith;
(b) makes a proper inquiry if the circumstances require the need
for that inquiry; or

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) has no knowledge that the reliance on the information given

is unwarranted.
Disclosure of interest
13. (1) A member of the Board who has an interest in a matter for
consideration by the Board
(a) shall disclose, in writing, the nature of the interest and the
disclosure shall form part of the record of the consideration
of the matter; and
(b) is disqualified from being present at or participating in the
deliberations of the Board in respect of that matter.
(2) Where a member contravenes subsection (I), the chairperson
shall notify the Minister who shall inform the President, in writing, to
revoke the appointment of that member.
(3) Without limiting any further cause of action that may be
instituted against a member, the Board shall recover any benefit derived
by the m ember who contravenes subsection (1) in addition to the
revocation of the appointment of that member.
(4) A disclosure of interest made under subsection (1) shall be
en tered in the Register of Board Members' Interest kept by the
Avoidance of transactions in breach of section 13
14. (1) Subject to this section, a transaction entered into by the
Commission in respect of which a member of the Board has an interest
is voidable unless the interest was disclosed by that member in accordance
with section 13.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a transaction
(a) m ay be avoided only within six m onths of the Board
becoming aware of the failure by the member of the Board
to disclose the interest; and
(b) is not voidable if the Board received a fair value in respect
of the transaction.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a determination as to whether
the Board received a fair value for a transaction shall be made on the
basis of the information known to the Board and the m ember of the
Board a t the time that the transaction was entered into.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(4) The avoidance of a transaction under subsection (1) does not

affect the title or interest of a person in a property that that person has
acquired if the property was acquired
(a) from a person other than the Commission;
(b) for valuable consideration; and
(c) without knowledge of the circumstances of the transaction
under which the person referred to in paragraph (a) acquired
the property from the Commission.
Establishment of committees
15. (1) The Board may establish committees consisting of members
of the Board or non-members or both to perform a function of the Board.
(2) A committee composed of members and non-members of the
Board shall be chaired by a member of the Board.
(3) Section 13 applies to members of a committee of the Board.
16. Members of the Board and members of a committee of the Board
shall be paid the allowance determined by the Board in consultation with
the Minister.
Policy directives
17. The Minister may give directives to the Board on matters of policy
and the Board shall comply.
Administrative Provisions
Appointment of the Commissioner of Insurance
18. (1) The President shall, in accordance with article 195 of the
Constitution, appoint a Commissioner of Insurance.
(2) The Commissioner shall hold office on the terms and conditions
specified in the letter of appointment.
Qualification of the Commissioner
19. A person is qualified for appointment as a Commissioner of
Insurance if that person has
(a) a professional insurance qualification; and
(b) at least ten years post qualification experience in insurance

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

Functions of the Commissioner

20. (1) The Commissioner is responsible for the day-to-day
administration and operation of the Commission.
(2) The Commissioner may delegate a function to an officer of
the Commission but shall not be relieved of the ultimate responsibility
for the performance of the delegated function.
Appointment of the Deputy Commissioner of Insurance
21. (1) The President shall, in accordance with article 195 of the
Constitution, appoint a Deputy Commissioner of Insurance.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall hold office on the terms and
conditions specified in the letter of appointment.
Qualification of the Deputy Commissioner
22. A person is qualified for appointment as a Deputy Commissioner
if that person has
(a) a professional insurance qualification; and
(b) at least five years post qualification experience in insurance
Functions of the Deputy Commissioner
23. (I) The Deputy Commissioner shall assist the Commissioner and
perform any other function assigned by the Board.
(2) The Deputy Commissioner shall act in the absence of the
Secretary to the Board
24. (I) The Board shall designate an officer of the Commission as
Secretary to the Board.
(2) The Secretary shall
(a) arrange the meetings of the Board;
(b) keep records and minutes of meetings of the Board;
(c) keep record of resolutions passed by the Board;
(d) keep the Register of Board Members ' Interest; and
(e) perform any other functions assigned by the Board.
(3) The secretary, in the performance of the functions under
subsection (2), is answerable to the Board.

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Appointment of other staff

25. (1) The President shall, in accordance with article 195 of the
Constitution, appoint other staff of the Commission that are necessary
for the efficient and effective performance of the functions of the
(2) The Commission may, on the recommendation of the Board,
engage the services of consultants and experts for the effective discharge
of the functions of the Commission.
Publication of appointment and revocation of appointment
26. The Commission shall, by publication
(a) in the Gazette,
(b) in a daily newspaper of national circulation, and
(c) on the website of the Commission
issue a notice of the appointment or revocation of appointment of the
Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and any other member of the
Internal Audit Unit
27. (1) The Commission shall have an Internal Audit Unit in accordance
with section 83 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921).
(2) The Internal Audit Unit shall be headed by an Internal Auditor
who shall be appointed in accordance with the Internal Audit Agency
Act, 2003 (Act 658).
(3) The Internal Auditor is responsible for the internal audit of
the Commission.
(4) The Internal Auditor shall, subject to subsections (3) and (4) of
section 16 of the Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658), at intervals of
three months
(a) prepare and submit to the Board, a report on the internal
audit carried out during the period of three months
immediately preceding the preparation of the report; and
(b) make recommendations in each report, with respect to
matters which appear to the Internal Auditor as necessary
for the conduct of the affairs of the Commission.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(5) The Internal Auditor shall, in accordance with subsection (4)

of section 16 of the Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658), submit a
copy of each report prepared under this section to the Commissioner
and the chairperson of the Board.
Financial Provisions
Funds of the Commission
28. T he funds of the Commission include
(a) don ations and grants;
(b) loans, advances and overdrafts;
(c) levies and contributions;
(d) administrative penalties;
(e) income from investments made by the Commission; and
(/) · any other internally generated funds.
Bank account of the Commission
2 9. The moneys for the Commission shall be paid into a bank account
opened for the purpose by the Commission with the approval of the
Controller and Accountant-General.
Expen ses of the Commission
30. T he expenses of the Commission shall be charged on the funds of
the Commission .
Borrowing powers of the Commission
31. Subject to section 76 of the Public Financial Management Act,
2016 (Act 921), the Commission may obtain loans and any other credit
Levies and contributions payable to the Commission
32. (1) A licensee shall, durin g a financial year, pay
(a) a levy,
(b) a motor contribution, if the licensee sells motor insurance,
(c) an y other type o f contrib ution determined by the
to the Commission in respect of that financial year.
(2) The Commission shall, in consulta tion with the insuran ce
industry trade bodies, determine the amount of levies and contributions
Act 1061 Insurance ActJ 2021

payable by a licensee in accordance with the Fees and Charges

(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2018 (Act 983).
Budget and work programme of the Commission
33. (1) The Commissioner shall, within three months before the
commencement of each financial year, prepare, in respect of that financial
(a) a budget setting out the estimate of the expected
(i) income; and
(ii) recurrent and capital expenditure; and
(b) a work programme containing a general description of the
work and activities that the Commission plans to undertake.
(2) The estimated expenditure of the Commission shall include an
amount for the reserves of the Commission.
(3) The reserves shall be invested in safe securities to earn optimal
(4) The Commissioner shall submit to the Board, a copy of the
budget and work programme not less than two months before the
commencement of the financial year.
(5) The Board shall, not later than one month before the
commencement of the financial year, consider the budget and work
programme and
(a) approve the budget and work programme for the
(b) reject the budget or work programme or both; or
(c) revise the budget or work programme or both.
(6) Where the budget is not approved by the Board before the
commencement of the financial year, the Commission shall, on an interim
basis, adopt the budget of the Commission for the previous financial
(7) Where the budget is approved by the Board after the
commencement of the financial year, the approved budget shall apply to
the Commission from the beginning of that financial year.
Accounts and audit
34. (1) The Commission shall keep books, records, returns and other
documents relevant to the accounts in the form approved by the Auditor-
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) The Commission shall, at the end of each financial year, submit
the accounts of the Commission to the Auditor-General for audit.
(3) The Auditor-General shall, within six months after the end of
the immediately preceding financial year, audit the accounts, submit the
report to Parliament and forward a copy each of the audit report to the
Minister and the Commission.
(4) The financial year of the Commission is the same as the
financial year of Government.
Annual report and other reports
35. (1) The Commission shall, within thirty days after the receipt of
the audit report, submit an annual report to the Minister covering the
activities and operations of the Commission for the year to which the
annual report relates.
(2) The annual report shall include the report of the Auditor-
(3) The Minister shall, within thirty days after the receipt of the
annual report, submit the report to Parliament with a statement that the
Minister considers necessary.
(4) The Commission shall submit to the Minister any other report
that the Minister may require in writing.
Prohibitions and Restn'ctions
Prohibition against unlicensed insurance business
36. (1) Subject to section 37, a person shall not carry on or purport to
carry on an insurance business unless that person holds a licence that
authorises the person to carry on the insurance business in accordance
with this Act.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a person
(a) is considered to carry on an insurance business if the person,
as an insurer or reinsurer
(i) enters into a restricted insurance contract;
(ii) occupies any premises in the country with a view
to carry on an insurance business; or
(iii) makes an offer to or invites a person resident in the
country to enter into, renew or vary an insurance
contract; and

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(b) purports to carry on an insurance business if that person

uses a
(i) name,
(ii) style,
(iii) designation ,
(iv) description,
(v) title, or
(vi) trade or service mark,
that represents or implies that the person is an insurer or a reinsurer.
(3) A person who carries on or purports to carry on an insurance
business contrary to subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on
summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment as specified in
the First Schedule.
Exemption of certain class of insurers
37. (1) Subsection (1) of section 36 does not apply to
(a) a foreign reinsurer or an underwriter that is a member of a
recognised association of underwriters that enters into
(i) a reinsurance contract with a licensed insurer; or
(ii) a retrocession contract with a licensed reinsurer; or
(b) a foreign insurer that carries on an insurance business in
accordance with an authorisation granted by the
Commission under section 39.
(2) A foreign reinsurer that opens a contact office in the country
does not contravene subsection (1) of section 36 if
(a) the Commission has approved the contact office under
section 47; and
(b) the foreign reinsurer operates the office in accordance with
(i) any requirements of the directives or Regulations
relating to contact offices; and
(ii) any conditions imposed by the Commission.
Restricted insurance contract
38. (1) A person shall not enter into a restricted insurance contract with
a foreign insurer unless the contract is authorised by the Commission in
accordance with section 39.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) Despite subsection (1), a restricted insurance contract entered

into, without lawful authorisation under section 39, is enforceable by a
party to the contract.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Authorisation in relation to restricted and specified types of insurance
39. (1) Despite subsection (1) of section 37, the Commission may
authorise a foreign insurer, either as the sole insurer or as a coinsurer
with one or more licensed insurers, to enter into
(a) one or more restricted insurance contracts; or
(b) an insurance contract of a specific type or description.
(2) The Commission shall not grant an authorisation under
subsection (1) unless
(a) the Commission is of the opinion that the authorisation is
justified on any of the following grounds:
(i) there is insufficient capacity in the country to insure
the risk covered under the insurance contract;
(ii) there is no licensed insurer who is willing to insure
the risk covered under the insurance contract; or
(b) the Commission is satisfied that
(i) the foreign insurer is authorised, in the home
country in which the principal place of business of
the foreign insurer is situated, to enter into an
insurance contract of the type for which the
authorisation is sought;
(ii) the foreign insurer has satisfied the regulatory and
supervisory requirements in the home country in
relation to the insurance business to be carried out
under the authorisation; and
(iii) the insurance contract would be considered as
lawfully entered into by the foreign insurer if entered
into in the home country of the foreign insurer.
(3) For the purpose of this section and section 37, "foreign insurer"
includes an underwriter that is a member of a recognised association of

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(4) An application by a foreign insurer shall be made through a

licenced insurer or reinsurer.
Categories of licence
40. (1) A licence to carry on an insurance business shall be in one of
the following categories:
(a) insurance licence;
(b) reinsurance licence; or
(c) innovative insurance licence.
(2) An innovative insurance licence may be granted in the class of
(a) innovative insurer; or
(b) innovative reinsurer.
(3) A licensee shall not carry on an insurance business contrary to
the category or class of licence issued to the licensee.
(4) The holder of an insurance licence shall carry on direct
insurance business only.
(5) A holder of an insurance licence who undertakes co-insurance,
shall do so with
(a) one or more licensed insurers; or
(b) a foreign insurer granted an authorisation under subsection
(I) of section 39.
(6) The holder of a reinsurance licence shall carry on a reinsurance
business only.
(7) The holder of an innovative insurance licence shall carry on
insurance business in accordance with
(a) this Act, the Regulations and any directives that apply to
innovative insurance business; and
(b) the terms and conditions of the licence that the Commission < I
may specify.
(8) The Commission shall not grant an insurance licence and a
reinsurance licence to the same person.
(9) A licensee that contravenes subsection (3) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

Prohibition against licensing composite insurers

41. (1) The Commission shall not grant an insurance licence that
authorises the holder to carry on both short term and long term insurance
(2) Despite subsection (1), the Commission may authorise
(a) a short term insurer to enter into a specified type of micro
life insurance contract; and
(b) a life insurer to enter into a specified type of short term
micro insurance contract that meets the requirements
specified in the Regulations.
Application for insurance or reinsurance licence
42. (1) A company incorporated in the country that seeks to carry on
an insurance business may apply to the Commission for an insurance
licence or a reinsurance licence.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be
(a) made in the approved form; and
(b) accompanied by
(i) a business plan containing the information
required by the Commission;
(ii) any relevant documents specified in the directives;
(iii) the fee that the Commission may determine.
Grant of insurance or reinsurance licence
43. (1) The Commission may grant an insurance licence or a
reinsurance licence to an applicant if the Commission is satisfied that
(a) the applicant has met the requirements for licensing under
this Act, the Regulations and the directives with respect to
the application;
(b) the applicant intends to carry on an insurance business of
the class for which the applicant seeks authorisation;
(c) the applicant has the capacity to carry on the proposed
insurance business in a prudent manner in accordance with
(i) this Act,
(ii) sound insurance principles,
(iii) the capital resource requirements, and

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(iv) any other relevant requirements specified in the

(d) the applicant has the capacity to comply with a condition
in the licence imposed by the Commission in accordance
with section 187;
(e) the following are appropriate having regard for the nature,
scale, complexity and diversity of the insurance business
of the applicant or proposed insurance business and the
risks to which the applicant is, or will ·be, exposed
(i) the ownership, corporate and management structure
of the applicant; .
(ii) the governance :framework of the applicant;
(iii) the procedures and controls of the applicant;
(iv) the financial resources of the applicant; and
(v) the reinsurance or retrocession strategy and
procedures of the applicant;
(/) in the case of an applicant that is a member of a group,
(i) the Commission will be able to obtain adequate
information concerning the other members of the
(ii) the structure of the group, of which the applicant
is a member, shall not prevent or hinder the effective
supervision by the Commission of the applicant;
(iii) if appropriate, the group of which the applicant is a
member shall be subject to group-wide supervision;
{g) the significant owners, proposed directors, senior managers
and key persons of the proposed insurance business meet
the fit and proper criteria requirements of the Commission;
(h) it is not against the public interest to grant the licence.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an innovative insurance licence.
(3) Without limiting subsection (1), the Commission may refuse
to grant a licence to an applicant if the Commission has reasonable
grounds to believe that any person who has an interest in the applicant
does not satisfy the fit and proper requirements of the Commission.
(4) The Commission shall, within four months after the date of
receipt of a complete application for an insurance licence or a reinsurance
licence, take a decision on the application.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

Notification and publication of decision

44. (1) The Commission shall, within fourteen days of determining
an application for an insurance licence or a reinsurance licence, give notice
in writing of the decision of the Commission to the applicant.
(2) Where the Commission
(a) refuses to grant a licence to an applicant, or
(b) imposes conditions on the grant of the licence,
the decision shall contain the reasons for the refusal or imposition of the
(3) Where the Commission grants a licence to an applicant, the
Commission shall, within fourteen days of giving notice to the applicant,
publish the decision of the Commission
(a) in the Gazette; and
(b) on the website of the Commission.
(4) Where the Commission has imposed conditions on the grant
of the licence, the Commission shall publish the conditions imposed
together with the publication of the grant of the licen ce unless the
Commission considers that it would not be in the public interest to do so.
Duration oflicence
45. (1) A licence issued by the Commission is valid for twelve months
from the date of issue and may, on application, be renewed.
(2) Where an application for renewal of a licence is made on or
before the period specified in paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
50 but is not determined by the Commission by the expiry date, the licence
shall continue in force until the application for renewal is determined by
the Commission.
Commencement of business
46. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall, within fourteen
days of commencing a licensed insurance business, give written notice
of the commencement of the business to the Commission.
(2) Where a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer does not
commence the licensed insurance business within six months from the
date of the issuance of the licence, the insurer or reinsurer shall not
commence the licensed insurance business without the prior written
consent of the Commission.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Contact office
47. The Commission may, on the application of a foreign reinsurer,
grant approval, in writing, for the establishment by that reinsurer of a
contact office in the country.
Cancellation of licence
48. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Commission may cancel an
insurance licence or a reinsurance licence if
(a) the insurer or reinsurer applies to the Commission in
writing for the cancellation of the licence;
(b) the insurer or reinsurer does not commence the licensed
insurance or reinsurance business within a period of six
months from the date of issuance of the licence;
(c) the Commission determines that the insurer or reinsurer
has ceased to carry on the licensed insurance or reinsurance
business in or from the country;
( d) the Commission is entitled to an enforcement action against
the insurer or reinsurer in accordance with sections 178 to
(e) the Commission determines that the insurer or reinsurer
has provided false or misleading information to the
Commission for the purposes of obtaining the licence; or
(f) the insurer or reinsurer has been wound-up and dissolved.
(2) The Commission shall not cancel an insurance licence or
reinsurance licence on any of the grounds specified in paragraphs (a) to
(e) of subsection (I) unless the Commission is satisfied that the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer does not have any liabilities under an
insurance contract in respect of the insurance business of the insurer or
(3) The Commission shall not cancel an insurance licence or a
reinsurance licence under paragraph (d) of subsection (1) unless the
Commission has obtained an order under section 182.
Notice of cancellation of licence
49. (1) The Commission shall, before cancelling an insurance licence
or a reinsurance licence under paragraphs (b) to (e) of subsection (1) of

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

section 48, give the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer a written notice
of the intention to cancel the licence, stating
(a) the grounds on which the Commission intends to cancel
the licence; and
(b) that unless the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer objects
in writing to the cancellation, the licence shall be cancelled
on a date not Jess than fourteen days after the date of the
(2) The Commission shall consider any objection received under
subsection (1) before deciding whether or not to cancel the licence.
(3) Where the Commission decides to cancel an insurance licence
or a reinsurance licence after considering an objection raised by the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer, the Commission shall provide, in
writing, the reasons for the cancellation of the licence.
Application for renewal of licence
50. (1) An insurer or reinsurer may apply to the Commission for the
renewal of the licence of that insurer or reinsurer.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall
(a) be in writing,
(b) contain the prescribed information and be in the prescribed
(c) be accompanied with the prescribed document and renewal
fee, and
(d) be made not later than
(i) three months before the date of expiry of the licence,
(ii) a later date that the Commission permits.
(3) The Commission may require a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer to furnish the Commission with any oth er document or
info rmation as the Commission considers necessary to determine the
application for renewal of a licence.
(4) The Commission may, after the review of the application,
(a) grant
(i) a licence, or
(ii) a licence with conditions, or
(b) refuse to grant a licence.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Grant of renewal of licence

51. (1) The Commission shall renew the licence of an insurer or a
reinsurer where the Commission is satisfied that the insurer or reinsurer
(a) continues to meet the requirements for the licence issued,
(b) is in compliance with this Act, the Regulations and
(2) The renewal of a licence under this section is effective from the
date when the licence renewed would have expired but for the renewal.
Changes in Significant Ownership and Level of Control
Requirement for approval for change in significant ownership or level
of control
52. (1) A person shall not, except with the prior written approval of
the Commission, become a significant owner of a licensed insurer or a
licensed reinsurer.
(2) A person who is a significant owner of a licensed insurer or a
licensed reinsurer shall not, except with the prior written approval of the
(a) increase or reduce the level of control of that person over
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer; or
(b) cease to be a significant owner of the insurer or reinsurer.
(3) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall not
(a) cause,
(b) permit, or
(c) acquiesce in
any dealing with the shares of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
that would result in a contravention of subsection (1) or (2).
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1), (2) or (3) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
Application for approval of change in control
53. (1) An application to the Commission for approval under
subsection (1) or (2) of section 52 shall be made by the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer concerned on behalf of the person who intends to
{a) become or cease to be a significant owner of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer; or

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

(b) significantly increase or reduce the level of control of that

person over the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(2) The Commission may, in determining whether to grant
approval under section 52, take into account any matter which the
Commission reasonably considers relevant.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Commission shall consider
(a) a person becoming a significant owner or significantly
increasing the level of control of that person over the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer satisfies the fit and
proper criteria of the Commission;
(b) following the change of significant ownership or level of
control, the ownership structure of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer shall be appropriate having regard for the
nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the insurance
business; and
(c) the change in significant ownership or level of control is or
likely to
(i) adversely affect the financial soundness of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer or the ability
of the Commission to supervise the significant
ownership or level of control;
(ii) be prejudicial to the policyholders of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer; or
(iii) pose a significant systemic risk.
Power to require disposal of interest or prohibit exercise of rights
54. (1) The Commission may issue a direction to
(a) a person who
(i) becomes a significant owner in, or
(ii) significantly increases the level of control of that
person over a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer,
without obtaining the prior written approval of the
Commission; or
'(JJ) a person who is a significant owner of a licensed insurer or
a licensed reinsurer if the Commission has reasonable
grounds to believe that
(i) the person does not satisfy the fit and proper criteria
of the Commission; or

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(ii) any of the factors specified in subsection (3) applies

as a result ofthe significant ownership ofthat person
in, or the level of control of that person over, the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(2) A direction issued by the Commission under subsection (1) may
{a) require that person to dispose of the interest of the person
in the licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer, in whole or
in part, within the period specified in the direction; or
(b) prohibit that person from exercising any rights, including
voting rights, attached to the interest of the person in the
licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer.
(3) Where the ownership structure ofthe licensed insurer or licensed
(a) is not appropriate having regard for the nature, scale,
complexity and diversity of the insurance business of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(b) adversely affects the financial soundness of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer or the ability of the
Commission to supervise the licensed insurer or licensed
(c) is prejudicial to the policyholders of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer, or
( d) poses a systemic risk
the Commission may issue a direction to that person for the purpose of
subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1).
(4) Where the Commission issues a direction under paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) to a peison, the Commission may direct that during the
period before the interest of that p erson is disposed of, the person is
prohibited from exercising any rights that attach to the interest including
(a) voting rights; and
(b) rights to receive a distribution.
(5) Sections 52, 53 and 57 apply in relation to a disposal to be made
in compliance with a direction issued under subsection (1). /
(6) A person who, without justifiable excuse, fails to comply with
the requirements of a direction issued under this section is liable to pay
to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Changes in Directors, Senior Managers and Key Persons in Control Functions

Approval for appointment of directors and other key persons
55. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not appoint a
director, senior manager or key person~ a control function except with
the prior written approval of the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall not grant approval under subsection (1)
unless the Commission is satisfied that
(a) the person concerned has satisfied the fit and proper criteria
of the Commission; and
(b) following the appointment, the management structure of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is appropriate
having regard for the nature, scale, complexity and diversity
of the insurance business of the licensed insurer or licensed
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall provide written
notice to the Commission within fourteen days after a director, senior
manager or key person in a control function
(a) is appointed; or
(b) ceases to
(i) hold office with the licensed insurer or licensed
(ii) be employed by the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; or
(iii) act for the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(4) The written notice provided under subsection (3) shall include
a statement of the reasons for the director, senior manager or key person
in a control function ceasing to hold office with, be employed by or act
for the licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer.
(5) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or subsection (3) is
liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in
the First Schedule.
Approval for removal of directors and other key persons
56. (1) Where the Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that
a person who holds a position or performs a function specified in
subsection (2) is not fit and proper to continue to hold that position or

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

perform that function, the Commission may, by written direction,

require the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer concerned to
(a) remove that person from office and replace the person with
another person acceptable to the Commission;
(b) ensure that the person ceases to undertake certain specified
functions in relation to the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; or
(c) take any other remedial action in relation to that person as
the Commission may determine.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to the following persons:
(a) a director;
(b) a senior manager;
(c) a key person in a control function; and
(d) a person undertaking any function for the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer that may be specified by the
Regulations for the purpose of this paragraph.
(3) A direction issued under subsection (1)
(a) shall state whether the specified requirements have
immediate effect or the period within which they must be
complied with;
(b) may include directions consequential upon or ancillary to
the requirements specified in the notice; and
(c) may direct that, in the case ofa person who the Commission
has required the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to
remove from office, that person may not be reappointed,
or accept reappointment, to the same position, or to any
specified position, with the insurer or reinsurer
(i) at any time;
(ii) for a period specified by the Commission; or
(iii) until the conditions specified by the Commission
have been met.
(4) A contract of employment entered into by the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer or any provision in the constitution of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer does not affect the validity of this section.
(5) A person who accepts an appointment contrary to the direction
issued under subsection (I) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(6) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that fails to comply

with a direction issued under subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Eligibility of directors, senior managers and key persons
57. (1) Where before or after the Commission approves
(a) the appointment of a director, senior manager or key person
in a control function of a licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer, or
(b) a significant owner of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer becomes aware of any
information that is reasonably material to the fit and proper assessment
by the Commission of the director, senior manager or key person, the
Jicensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall notify the Com.mission of the
information as soon as reasonably practicable.
(2) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer that contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalcy
as specified in the First Schedule.
Solvency and Capital Requirements
Maintenance of financially sound condition
58. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall
(a) maintain the insurance business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer in a financially sound condition by
(i) maintaining assets,
(ii) providing for the liabilities of the msuran ce
business, and
(iii) conducting the insurance business
in a manner that allows the licensed ins.urer or licensed reinsurer to meet
the liabilities of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer when the
liabilities fall due and
(b) maintain the capital resources of that licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer at a level adequate to support the licensed
insurance or licensed reinsurance business, taking in to
account the nature, scale, complexity, diversity and risk
profile of the insurance or reinsurance business; and
(c) conduct the insurance business or reinsurance business in
accordance with sound insurance principles.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) This section does not limit the specific prudential requirements
specified in this Act, the Regulations or the directives.
Stated capital
59. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall ensure that the
stated capital of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is equal to or
(a) the minimum amount specified in the directives, or
(b) the amount spec ified in a direction iss ued by the
Commission under section 61.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not, without the
prior written approval of the Commission,
(a) pass a resolution to reduce the stated capital of that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer; or
(b) cause or permit the stated capital of that licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer to be reduced.
(3) A resolution passed in contravention of paragraph (a) of
subsection (2) is void.
(4) Subsection (2) applies in cases where the stated capital of the
licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer is higher than the minimum
amount specified in the directives or in any direction issued by the
Commission under section 61.
(5) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) or (2) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Capital adequacy requirements
60. (I) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall maintain capital
resources, determined in accordance with the directives, that are equal to
or exceed
(a) the capital adequacy requirements specified in the directive;
(b) in a case where the Commission issues a direction under
section 61, the capital adequacy requirements specified in
that direction.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall, on an ongoing
basis, maintain adequate procedures and controls to monitor and assess
the capital resources and capital requirements of that licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes

subsection (1) or (2) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Direction in relation to capital
61. (1) Where the Commission considers it appropriate, having regard
for the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the insurance business
carried on, or proposed to be carried on, by a licensed insurer or a licensed
re insurer and the risk profile of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
the Commission may issue a direction to the licensed insurer or licensed
(a) requiring the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to
increase the stated capital to an amount higher than the
minimum specified in the directions;
(b) increasing the capital adequacy requirements applicable to
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to an amount
higher than that specified in the directive;
(c) limiting or restricting the capital components that may be
relied upon by the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer in
determining the capital resources of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer.
(2) A direction issued under subsection (1) shall specify a reasonable
period for compliance unless the circumstances justify an immediate
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who fails to comply
with a direction issued under subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Maintenance of segregated funds
62. (1) A long term insurer or a reinsurer shall establish and maintain
segregated funds as required by the directives.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Notification offailure to comply
63. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shaJl, as soon as
practicable, notify the Commission, in writing, if the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer
(a) is not in compliance with section 58, subsection (1) of
section 59, section 60 or 62; or

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(b) has reasonable grounds to believe that, at any time in the

ensuing three years, it is likely to fail to comply with a
requirement imposed under section 58, 59, 60 or 62.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Prndential requirements specified in a directive
64. (1) The Commission shall
(a) specify the capital resource, capital adequacy and other
prudential requirements applicable to licensed insurers and
licensed reinsurers in a directive; and
(b) ensure tha t the directive requires that the capital
requirements applicable to a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer take account of the risks to which that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer is exposed.
(2) The requirements specified in the directive may, in accordance
with subsection (1), require the valuation of different types of risk to
which a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is exposed.
(3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), the directive
(a) shall specify
(i) the capital components that constitute capital
resources; and
(ii) the capital adequacy requirements applicable to a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer;
(b) shall specify res trictions and limits on the capital
components that may be relied upon to meet the capital
requirements specified in the directive;
(c) shall specify requirements in relation to the valuation of
assets and liabilities, including liabilities under insurance
(d) shall include
(i) methods for estimating or valuing the assets of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, including
contingent assets, and for this purpose, may specify
the assets of an in surer or reinsurer that are
admissible or inadmissible, whether in whole or in
part; and

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(ii) methods for estimating or valuing the liabilities, of

a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, :including
contingent liabilities and any technical provisions,
and for this purpose may specify specific types and
categories of the technical provisions;
(e) shall specify requirements in relation to licensed insurers
and licensed reinsurers that are part of a group, with the
objective of ensuring that
(i) group risks and impact are taken into account; and
(ii) there is adequate prudential regulation of insurance
(/) shall require licensed insurers or licensed reinsurers to
establish and maintain reserves;
(g) shall include requirements in relation to
(i) the maintenance, operation and restructuring of
segregated funds; and
(ii) the allocation of profits and losses, and
distributions, regarding participating policies;
(h) shall include requirements and restrictions relating to
investments; and
(i) may include any other requirements or matters as the
Commission considers appropriate to
(i) the maintenance by licensed insurers and licensed
reinsurers of a sound financial condition;
(ii) the assessment of the solvency and financial
condition of licensed insurers and licensed
re insurers;
(iii) the protection of policyholders from financial loss;
(iv) the protection of policyholder funds.
(4) For the purposes of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3),
the method for determining or calculating capital adequacy requirements
may be by reference to a formula, framework or amount or a combination
of methods and may adopt a standardised approach, perrrtit the use of
full or partial internal models or adopt a combined approach.

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(5) The directives may require licensed insurers and licensed

reinsurers to comply with internationally recognised standards, practices
or methodologies.
(6) The directives may provide for matters specified in this section
in relation to different categories or descriptions of licensed insurers,
licensed reinsurers or circumstances.
Restrictions on Licensed Insurers and Licensed Reinsurers
Shares to be fnlly paid for in cash
65. (1) A share issued by a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer on or
after the commencement date of the business shall be fully paid for in
cash unless the Commission approves otherwise in writing.
(2) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer that issues a share for a
consideration other than cash without the written approval of the
Commission is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
(3) For the purpose of subsection (1), "paid for in cash" means the
receipt of money by the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer for a share
at the time of or subsequent to the issue of shares. ·
Distribution by licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
66. (1) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall not make a
distribution unless, immediately after the distribution, the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer complies with
(a) the requirements specified in subsection (1) of section 58,
subsection (1) of section 60 and subsection (1) of section
62; and
(b) the capital and solvency requirements specified in the
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that contravenes
subsection (I) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
(3) A distribution by a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer to a
shareholder, means
(a) the direct or indirect transfer of an asset, other than the
shares of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer for the
benefit of that shareholder, or
(b) incurring a debt for the benefit of a shareholder in relation
to shares held by that shareholder and whether by means

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

of the purchase of an asset, the purchase, redemption or

other acquisition of shares, a transfer of indebtedness or
Prohibition on advances and loans
67. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) and any exemptions specified
in a directive, a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall not
(a) acquire or deal in the shares of that licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer;
(b) lend money or make advances on the security of the shares
of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(c) lend any of the funds of that licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer to a connected person;
(d) grant credit; or
(e) guarantee or provide a security in connection with a loan
to a connected person.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a distribution permitted under
section 66.
(3) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer that intends to carry out
a transaction under subsection (I) shall provide the Commission with a
written notice
(a) of the intention to carry out the transaction, and
(b) specifying the details of the transaction.
(4) Where the Commission, on receiving a notice under subsection
(3), considers that the Commission has no objection to the transaction,
the Commission may issue the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer with
a written notice of no objection.
(5) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer that carries out a
transaction specified under subsection (1) without having received a
written notice of no objection from the Commission under subsection
(4) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Statutory Deposit
Requirement to make statutory deposit
68. (1) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall deposit in an account
established and maintained with an approved bank in the joint names of

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

the licensed insurer and the Commission or licensed reinsurer and the
Commission, funds in an amount at least equal to
(a) the amount specified in the directives; or
(b) a greater amount as may be specified by the Commission
in a direction issued under subsection (2).
(2) Where the Commission considers it appropriate, having regard
for the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the business carried on
by a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer and the risk profile of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer, the Commission may issue a
direction to the
(a) licensed insurer requiring the licensed insurer to increase
the statutory deposit of the licensed insurer; or
(b) licensed reinsurer requiring the licensedreinsurer to increase
the statutory deposit of the licensed reinsurer
to an amount greater than the amount specified in the directive.
(3) A direction issued under subsection (2) shall specify a reasonable
period within which the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall comply
with the direction by depositing additional funds in the account
maintained with the approved bank.
(4) The deposited funds may be invested as permitted by the
(5) Where the total value of deposited assets is at any time less
than the minimum amount, the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
shall make good the deficiency by depositing additional funds with the
approved bank.
(6) For the purpose of this section,
(a) "approved bank" means a bank that is licensed by the Bank
of Ghana and approved by the Commission as an escrow
agent to hold a deposit on behalf of a licensed insurer;
(b) "minimum amount" means the greater amount of
(i) the amount specified in the direction; or
(ii) the amount specified by the Commission in a
direction issued under subsection (2); and
(c) "deposited assets" means the total of
(i) the funds deposited in accordance with this section
that are retained as cash; and
(ii) any investment that represents the deposited funds
or any part of the deposited funds.
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(7) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer who contravenes

subsection (1) or (5) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Use of deposited assets
69. (I) The deposited assets of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
shall be dealt with solely as follows:
(a) to make a payment or transfer to the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer in accordance with section 70; or
(b) to make a payment or transfer to a statutory manager or
liquidator appointed with respect to the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer in accordance with this section.
(2) The deposited assets of a licensed insurer or licensed Ieinsurer
shall not be used to
(a) make a payment to, or
(b) make a payment with respect to
any other licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(3) Where a statutory manager or liquidator is appointed for a
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
(a) the deposited assets shall be realised; and
(b) the net proceeds shall be paid to the statutory manager or
the liquidator.
(4) Any mone'ys paid to the statutory manager or the liquidator
shall only be used
(a) for the purpose of satisfying the liabilities of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer to the policyholders of the
licensed insurer or cedants of the licensed reinsurer; and
(b) ifthere is any surplus after the liabilities of the policyholders
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer have been
sa tisfied, for the other purposes of the statutory
management or liquidation.
(5) The Commission may transfer an investment to the statutory
manager or liquidator.
(6) Where a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer becomes insolvent
at a time when a statutory manager or liquidator has not been appointed,
the Commission may
(a) realise any deposited assets, and
(b) retain the net proceeds together with any deposited assets
held as cash, pending the appointment of a statutory
manager or liquidator.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Release of deposit
70. (1) The Commission may, on the application of a licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer, authorise the payment or transfer to the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer, of deposited assets equal in value to the
surplus if the Commission is satisfied that the total value of the deposited
assets attributable to a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer exceeds the
minimum amount.
(2) The Commission shall not authorise a payment or transfer under
subsection (1) unless after the payment or transfer is made, the total value
of the deposited assets is equal to or exceeds the minimum amount.
(3) Where a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer ceases to carry
on insurance business, the insurer or reinsurer may apply to the
Commission for the release of any deposited assets.
(4) The Commission shall not authorise the release ofany deposited
assets on the application of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer unless
that insurer or reinsurer has
(a) satisfied the liabilities of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer to policyholders and to cedants; or
(b) made arrangements satisfactory to the Commission for the
satisfaction of the liabilities of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer to policyholders.
Payment of interest or other income to licensed insurer or licensed
71. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Commission shall, on or before
30th January of each year, authorise payment to a licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer of
(a) any interest earned on, or
(b) income received from,
deposited assets in the immediately preceeding financial year.
(2) Where the value of the deposited assets attributable to a licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer is less than the minimum amount, the
Commission shall
(a) require the retention of the interest or other income received
in respect of approved assets that would otherwise be
payable to the insurer or reinsurer as is necessary to make
good the deficit; and
(b) authorise payment of the balance, if any, to the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Reinsurance and Retrocession

Reinsurance or retrocession strategy, procedures and plans
72. (I) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall establish and
(a) a written reinsurance or retrocession strategy appropriate
for the
(i) nature,
(ii) scale,
(iii) complexity and diversity of the business of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(iv) risk profile of that licensed insurer or licensed
(v) risk tolerance of that insurer or reinsurer; and
(b) a written reinsurance procedure for the implementation of
the reinsurance strategy of that licensed insurer.
(2) The Board of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall set
or approve a reinsurance plan for each financial year consistent with the
reins urance or retrocession strategy.
(3) The reinsurance o r retrocession strategy, procedures and
reinsurance plans shall comply with directives.
(4) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Restrictions on the placement of reinsurance by licensed insurers
73. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a licensed insurer shall not, without
the prior written authorisation of the Commission under subsection (3),
enter into a reinsurance contract, other than
(a) with a licensed reinsurer;
(b) in accordance with arrangements, as may be specified in
the directives which may include facultative reinsurance
with a licensed insurer;
(c) with a qualifying foreign reinsurer;
(d) in accordance with the arrangements, as may be specified
in the directives which may include reinsurance
arrangements with underwriters that are members of a
recognised association of underwriters.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) The Commission may, on the application of a licensed insurer,

authorise that insurer to enter into a reinsurance contract as cedant with
(a) a foreign reinsurer, or
(b) an underwriter that is a member of a recognised association
of underwriters.
(3) A licensed insurer who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
Governance and Management
Governance framework
74. (I) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall establish and
maintain a governance framework that provides for
(a) a clear and appropriate apportionment of significant
responsibilities between the directors, senior managers and
key persons in control functions to clarify the responsibilities
of each person;
(b) separation of the oversight function from the management
responsibilities; and
(c) adequate monitoring and control of the business and affairs
of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer by the directors
and senior managers.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall
(a) establish and maintain
(i) the strategies, policies, procedures and controls,
including internal controls, as are appropriate for
the nature, scale and complexity of the business and
risk profile of that licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; and
(ii) internal policies, procedures and controls to prevent
money laundering and financing of terrorism; and
(b) ensure that the policies, procedures and controls of that
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer are regularly reviewed
and updated as required.
(3) The procedures and controls established and maintained by a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer under subsection (1) shall
{a) provide for

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(i) the prudent management of the business of that

licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer in accordance
with sound insurance principles; and
(ii) the effective oversight of the senior managers of that
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer and key persons
in control functions;
(b) recognise and protect the interests of policyholders of that
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer; and
(c) take into account
(i) the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the
business ofthat licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(ii) the degree of risk associated with each area of the
business of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(4) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), a licensed insurer or a
licensed reinsurer shall establish and maintain the policies, procedures
and controls that are specified in the directives.
(5) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall maintain an up
to date written record of the governance framework of that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer to include
(a) details of reporting lines; and
(b) the responsibilities of different members of senior
(6) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1), (2), (4) or (5) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Directors of insurers and reinsurers
75. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall have an adequate
number of directors who
(a) are capable of exercising independent judgment;
(b) have suffici en t knowledge, skills, experience a nd
understanding of the
(i) business of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(ii) the risk to which that licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer is exposed, and

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) have sufficient time and commitment to undertake the duties

of a director diligently in order to ensure that the board of
that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer carries out the
duties of the board.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall ensure that the
directors of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer have sufficient
powers to
(a) obtain, in a timely manner, information required for the
effective performance of the functions of the directors; and
(b) assess senior managers, key persons in control functions and
any other relevant persons.
(3) The board of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer has
ultimate responsibility for
(a) the business and affairs of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; and
(b) ensuring the effective organisation of the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer.
(4) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) or (2) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Senior management
76. The senior management of a licensed insmer or a licensed reinsurer
(a) oversee the operations of the licensed insurer or licensed
(b) provide directions on a day-to-day basis in accordance with
the strategy and policies established by the Board;
(c) provide the board with recommendations, for the review
and approval of the senior management, on the strategy,
business plans and significant policies of that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(d) provide the board with timely and accurate information,
including financial information, that is adequate to enable
the board to carry out the duties of the board including
holding the senior management to account; and
(e) promote a culture of
(i) sound risk management;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(ii) compliance with directives; and

(iii) fair treatment of policyholders and po tential
Control functions
77. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall establish and
maintain the following control functions:
(a) a risk management function;
(b) a compliance function;
(c) an actuarial function;
(d) an internal a udit function; and
(e) any other functions as may be specified in the directives or
as the insurer or reinsurer considers appropriate for the
nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the insurance
business of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall ensure that
(a) a control function is provided with the authority, independence
and resources required to enable the control function to
operate effectively; and
(b) an individual is appointed
(i) to undertake the responsibilities of each control
function; or
(ii) if the responsibilities of the control function are to
be undertaken by more than one employee or to be
outsourced, to have overall responsibility for, and
oversight of, the control function.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not outsource a
control function unless the outsourcing is permitted under a directive.
(4) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
sub section (1) , (2) or (3) is liable to pay to the Commissi on an
act.rllinistrative p enalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Risk managem ent
78. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall establish and
(a) a clearly defined strategy and policy for the effective
management of significant risks to which that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer is or may be exposed;
(b) risk management procedures where a customer is permitted
to use the business relationship before verification;

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) appropriate policies and internal risk assessment for

new technologies and non-face-to-face products and
distribution; and
( d) procedures and controls that are sufficient to ensure that
the risk management strategy and policies are effectively
(2) The risk management strategy and policies shall
(a) be appropriate for the nature, scale, complexity and
diversity of the licensed insurance or reinsurance business;
(b) specify how risks are to be identified, monitored, managed
and reported on in a timely manner;
(c) take into account the probability, potential impact and the
time duration of risk;
( d) provide for the effective identification and management of
the following risks:
(i) insurance risk;
(ii) credit risk;
(iii) liquidity risk;
(iv) market risk;
(v) operational risk;
(vi) related party risk; and
(vii) any other risks specified in the directive;
(e) develop and implement an internal risk assessment
framework; and
(/) comply with any other requirements in relation to risk
management as may be specified in the directives.
(3) Without limiting paragraph (/} of subsection (2), the directives
(a) specify the types or descriptions of micro life insurance
contract that a short term licensed insurer may enter into;
(b) specify the types or descriptions of short term micro
insurance contract that a life insurer may enter into;
(c) specify activities that a contact office may undertake;
(d) specify requirements in relation to the reinsurance strategy,
procedmes and plans to be established and maintained by
licensed insurers;
(e) specify retrocession arrangements to be established and
maintained by licensed reinsurers;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

(f) include requirements for the mandatory reinsurance ofrisks;

(g) include restrictions on the reinsurance of risks with foreign
reinsurers; and
(h) provide for alternative risk transfer arrangements.
(4) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (I) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Appointed Actuary
Appointment of appointed actuary
79. (1) Subject to subsection (3), a licensed insurer or a licensed re insurer
shall appoint an appointed actuary who may be
(a) an external actuary; or
(h) an employee of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
provided that the employee meets the criteria for a qualified
actuary specified in the directives.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the directives issued by the Commission
may exempt a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer from the requirement
to appoint an appointed actuary.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not appoint a
person as the appointed actuary of that licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer unless
(a) that person has consented in writing to be appointed as the
appointed actuary of the licensed insurer or the licensed
(h) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has complied with
subsection (5); and
(c) the Commission has given prior written approval for the
appointment of that person as the appointed actuary of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer under section 80.
(4) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not appoint a
person as the appointed actuary of that licensed insurer or licensed rein-
surer unless the board of the insurer or reinsurer determines that that
person does not
(a) have an interest, or
(h) hold any position, whether in or outside the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer
that may conflict with the functions or duties of the appointed actuary.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(5) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall

(a) require the appointed actuary to advise that licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer of any potential conflict that may arise
during the tenure of that person as an appointed actuaiy;
(b) further to an appointment as an appointed actuary, disclose
in writing, any conflict of interest that may arise on or after
the appointment of the person as appointed actuary.
(6) Where a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer appoints an
employee of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer as an appointed
actuary, that employee shall, for purposes of this Act, be regarded as the
key person of the actuarial function.
(7) A person shall cease to operate as the appointed actuary of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer where
(a) the person resigns as an appointed actuary or dies;
(b) the board of the insurer or reinsurer terminates the
appointment of the person as an appointed actuary;
(c) the tenure of office of the person as an appointed actuary
exprres; or
(d) any circumstance arises such that if the person were not an
appointed actuary, would cause the person to be disqualified
or ineligible for appointment as an appointed actuary.
(8) Where a person ceases to operate as the appointed actuary of a
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer under subsection (7), the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer shall, within two months of the date on
which the former appointed actuary ceased to act, appoint another
person as the appointed actuary.
(9) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (3), (4) or (8) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Approval of appointed actuary
80. (1) The Commission shall not grant approval for the appointment
of an appointed actuary of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer unless
the Commission is satisfied that the person
(a) possesses the requisite qualification to act as an appointed
(b) has sufficient experience as an appointed actuary; and
(c) is competent to act as the appointed actuary of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer.

56 Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) The Commission may refuse to approve the appointment of a

person as an external actuary of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
where the Commission is not satisfied that adequate arrangements have
been made, in accordance with the directives, for training the actuarial
staff of that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
Notice to Commission
81. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall, within fourteen
days from the date of
(a) appointment of an appointed actuary,
(b) expiry of tenure of office of an appointed actuary, or
(c) cessation of office of an appointed actuary
notify the Commission in writing of that date.
(2) A notification given to the Commission under paragraph (c)
of subsection (1) shall indude the reasons for the appointed actuary
ceasing to bold office.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Actuarial investigation and financial condition report
82. (1) Except as provided in the directives, a licensed insurer or a
licensed reinsurer shall ensure that the appointed actuary of that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer
(a) undertakes an actuarial review of the business of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer, within the year to which the
report relates and where required by the Commission, a
group actuarial review, in respect of each financial year;
(b) prepares a written financial condition report within the
period specified in the relevant directives, guidelines and
Regulations for submission to the Commission in
accordance with section 155.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall grant an
appointed actuary access to the documents and information required to
enable the appointed actuary
(a) carry out an actuarial investigation; and
(b) prepare a financial condition report.
(3) An appointed actuary may require a director or an employee
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to provide the appointed
actuary with information or documentation that is in the possession or

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

under the control of that director or employee, and explanations, that

the appointed actuary considers necessary to facilitate the
(a) actuarial investigation; and
(b) preparation of the financial condition report.
(4) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Reporting obligations of an appointed actuary
83. (1) Despite any other enactment, the appointed actuary of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall report immediately to the
Commission any information, relating to the affairs of that licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer, obtained by the appointed actuary in the
course of the performance of the functions or discharge of duties under
this Act that in the opinion of the appointed actuary suggests that
(a) the business of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is
not in a financially sound condition;
(b) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer does not meet, or
is not likely to meet the solvency control level specified in
the directives within three years after the information is
brought to the attention of the appointed actuary;
(c) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is in breach of
(i) the stated capital or the capital adequacy
requirements under this Act; or
(ii) any prudential requirements specified in the
directives; and
(d) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has exposures that
jeopardise the long term financial viability or stability of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(2) Where the appointment of an appointed actuary is terminated
by the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer or the appointed actuary
resigns from office, that appointed actuary shall
(a) immediately inform the Commission of the termination
of the appointment or the resignation, in writing, and
disclose to the Commission, the circumstances which gave
rise to the termination or the resignation; and
(b) where, but for the termination of the appointment or the
resignation, the person would have reported the

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

information to the Commission under subseccion (1 ), the

person shall report on the information concerned to the
Commission, irrespective of the termination or resignation.
(3) The Commission may require the appointed actuary of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer to discuss an actuarial investigation
conducted or commenced by that appointed actuary or provide additional
information on the actuarial investigation to the Commission.
(4) Where, in good faith, an appointed actuary of a licensed insurer
or a licensed reinsurer provides information to the Commission under
subsection (1) or subsection (2)
(a) that appointed actuary is nae liable for a contravention of
any relevant enactment, agreement, regulatory or
administrative requirement, or professional code of conduct
to which that person is subject; and
(b) a civil, criminal or disciplinary proceeding shall not lie
against that appointed actuary.
(5) The failure of an appointed actuary to submit a report or other
information to the Commission under subsection (1) or (2) does not confer
on any other person a right of action against the appointed actuary, which
but for the failure, that other person would not have bad.
(6) The appointed actuary of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
shall not inform the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer of the intention
of that appointed actuary to report on a matter under this section, if the
appointed actuary is of the opinion that the information given may be
detrimental to the interest of the customers of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer.
(7) Subject to subsection (6), the appointed actuary of a licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall, before submitting a report or other
information under this section to the Commission, take reasonable steps
to inform the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer of the intention to
submit the report or other information and the nature of the report.
(8) A person who fails to comply with subsection (1) or (2) is liable
to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the
First Schedule.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Conduct of Business
Obligations for conduct of business
84. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall
(a) conduct the business of that licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer with
(i) integrity;
(ii) optimum skill;
(iii) due diligence; and
(iv) care;
(b) observe good conduct of business standards and practices;
(c) in accordance with the arrangements, as may be specified
in the directives, develop and implement internal policies,
procedures and controls to prevent money laundering and
financing of terrorism.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not seek to
exclude, restrict or rely on any exclusion or restriction of any obligation
or liability which that licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer may have
towards a customer arising out of a regulatory, legal or contractual
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) or (2) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Transfers and Mergers
Restriction on transfers and mergers
85. (I) Subject to section 90, a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
shall not
(a) transfer the insurance business, or any part of the insurance
business, to another person;
(b) accept a transfer ofthe insurance business of another person,
or any part of that insurance business; or
(c) merge the insurance business, or any part of the insurance
business, with the business of another person
without the prior written approval of the Commission.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

(2) A scheme of transfer or merger shall

(a) set out the terms of the agreement or deed under which the
proposed transfer or merger is to be carried out;
(b) set out the particulars of other arrangements that are
necessary to give effect to the scheme;
(c) contain any other information specified in the directives
issued by the Commission; and
(d) otherwise comply with the requirements set out in the
directives issued by the Commission in relation to a scheme
of transfer and merger.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer who contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
(4) For the purpose of sections 85 to 90,
"merger" means the joining of a licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer with another company or body corporate that
results in
(a) absorption by which the undertaking, property and
liabilities of one or more companies, including the
company in respect of which a scheme of merger is
proposed, are to be transferred to another existing
company; or
(b) the formation of a new body corporate by which
the undertaking, property and Liabilities of two or
more companies, including the company in respect of
which the scheme of merger is proposed, are to be
transferred to a new company and the consideration
envisaged for the transfer is shares in the transferee
company receivable by a member of the transferor
company with or without any cash payment to that
"transfer" includes an assignment; and
"transferee" means
(a) the person to whom all or part of the insurance busi-
ness of the licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer
is proposed to be transferred under paragraph (a)
of subsection (I); or

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(b) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer under

paragraph (b) of subsection (1); and
"transferor" means a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that
transfers, or proposes to transfer, the insurance business or
any part of the insurance business, to another person.
Application for approval of scheme of transfer or merger
86. (1) An application to the Commission for the approval of a scheme
of transfer or merger shall be made jointly by the licensed insurer or the
licensed reinsurer or on behalf of the licensed insurer or licensed re insurer
and other parties to the scheme.
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall
(a) be in the form as provided on the website of the
(b) contain the information specified in the directives and any
other relevant information;
(c) be accompanied by the document specified in the directives;
(d) be accompanied by any other relevant document.
(3) Where the Commission considers that the mode of
advertisement and the mode of provision of notice of an application for
approval of a scheme specified in the directives are insufficient, the
Commission may direct another mode of advertisement and mode of
provision of notice as an alternative to the mode specified in the
guidelines issued by the Commission.
(4) Before determining an application under this section, the
Commission may
(a) at the cost of the licensed insurer or the licensed reinsurer,
undertake an investigation into the desirability or otherwise
of the scheme; and
(b) require the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer and each
party to the scheme to provide the Commission with the
documents and information that the Commission may
determine in accordance with the guidelines issued by the
Commission for that purpose.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(5) An investigation subsection (4) may be carried out by the

Commission or by a person appointed by the Commission.
(6) A transaction to which a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
is a party, which has the effect of
(a) transferring a part of the business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer to another person; or
(b) merging any part of the business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer with the business of another person,
is void unless effected under a scheme of transfer or merger approved by
the Commission.
Hearing of application for approval of scheme of transfer or merger
87. (1) The Commission may conduct a hearing in respect of an
application for the approval of a scheme under section 86 at which
{a) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(b) each party to the scheme, and
(c) any interested person who has made representations to the
Commission concerning the scheme
is entitled to attend and give evidence in person or in the case of a
company, through an officer of the company, or a legal representative.
(2) The Commission may, at a hearing conducted under subsection
(1) , consider evidence relevant to the determination of the application.
Determination of an application
88. (1) The Commission may, on an application for approval of a
scheme of transfer or merger
(a) consider the document, information and relevant evidence,
where necessary; and
(b) approve or refuse an application for approval of a scheme
of transfer or merger, subject to the terms and conditions
that the Commission considers appropriate.
(2) Where the application is approved the Commission shall
communicate, in writing, the decision to
(a) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(b) each party to the scheme, and

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) any interested person

within twenty-eight days of taking the decision and publish the decision
in the Gazette, a daily newspaper of national circulation and on the
website of the Commission.
(3) Where the Commission refuses an application for approval of
a scheme of transfer or merger, the Commission shall disclose in writing
the reasons for refusal of the application.
(4) Where a scheme of transfer or merger is approved by the
Commission, the transferee licensed insurer or transferee licensed
reinsurer or the merged licensed insurer or merged licensed reinsurer shall,
within ten days from the date of completion of the transfer or merger,
submit to the Commission certified copies of
(a) statements of the respective assets and liabilities of each
party to the scheme; and
(b) the documents under which the transfer or merger was
Effect of approval of scheme
89. (1) Where the Commission approves a scheme of transfer or merger,
the scheme
(a) is binding on all parties to the scheme; and
(b) has effect, despite anything to the contrary in the
constitution of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer or
of any company that is a party to the scheme.
(2) Where, for the purpose of a transfer under an approved scheme,
the transferee accepts an assignment of liabilities from the transferor, the
following are deemed to have occurred:
(a) contracts of insurance in respect of which liability is
accepted by the transferee are deemed to have been
transferred by novation from the transferor to the transferee;
(b) an insurance policyholder under a transferring contract is
deemed to have the same rights against the transferee as
that insurance policyholder would have had against the
transferee had the contract of insurance of that policyholder
been transferred by novation to the transferee; and

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) the rights of the transferee against any other policyholders

under a transferring contract are the same had the
transferring contract been transferred by novation to the
transferee from the transferor.
(3) An agreement between the transferee and the transferor may,
with the approval of the Commission, assign liabilities in respect of the
transferring contract, and that agreement is binding on
(a) the transferee,
(b) the transferor, and
(c) policyholders under the contract of insurance.
Application of the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)
90. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer may effect an
arrangement or merger in accordance with the Companies Act, 2019
(Act 992).
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not pass a special
resolution in accordance with the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) which
may put the company into voluntary liquidation by members for the
purpose of an arrangement or merger without the prior written approval
of the Commission in respect of that special resolution.
(3) A special resolution passed by a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) without the prior
written approval of the Commission is void.
(4) An arrangement or merger effected by a licensed insurer or a
licensed reinsurer under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) is void unless
approved by the Court.
(5) The Commission may appear and be heard at each Court
hearing in respect of an arrangement or merger effected by a licensed
insurer or a licensed rein surer under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992).
Liquidation and Statutory Management ofLicensed Insurers and Licensed
Winding up by private liquidation
91. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not be wound up
by a private liquidation under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) without
the prior written approval of the Commission.

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) A resolution of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer to be

wound up by a private liquidation under the Companies Act, 2019
(Act 992) without the prior written approval of the Commission is void.
Application of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015)
92. The provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act,
2020 (Act 1015) relating to the official liquidation of companies shall,
with the necessary modification, apply to a
(a) licensed insurer,
(b) licensed reinsurer, and
(c) company that carries on or has carried on unlicensed
insurance business
to the extent specified in sections 93 to 108.
Commencement of proceedings
93 . (1) The official winding up of a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer shall commence with a petition to the Court.
(2) A special resolution passed by a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer to appoint a liquidator for the purpose of official winding up is
Petition for liquidation by Commission
94. (1) The Commission m ay present a p etition to the Court in
accordance with the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015) for the official liquidation of a
(a) licensed insurer,
(b) licensed re insurer, or
(c) company that is carrying on or that ha s carried on
unlicensed insurance business.
(2) On a petition presented to the Court under subsection (1), the
Court may make an order for the official liquidation of the company
(a) on any ground specified in the Corporate Insolvency and
Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015);
(b) where the Court is satisfied that the winding up of the
company is in the public interest; or
(c) in the case of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, where
the Commission is entitled to take enforcement action under
this Act.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(3) On the hearing of a petition for the official liquidation of a

(a) licensed insurer,
(b) licensed reinsurer, or
(c) company carrying on or that has carried on unlicensed
insurance business,
any evidence that the company has been insolvent, at any time before the
date of the presentation of the petition unless the contrary is proved, is
prima facie evidence that the company continues to be insolvent.
(4) For the purpose of paragraph (b) of subsection (2), "public
interest" includes the interest of the customer of the licensed insurer or
the licensed reinsurer.
Service on Commission
95. A petition for the official liquidation of a company shall, where
presented by a person other than the Com mission, be served on the
Commission and the Commission is entitled to
(a) appear in Court; and
(b) be heard
at the hearing of the petition.
Reduction of contracts as alternative to official liquidation
96. W here, on the hearing of a petition for the official liquidation of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer under section 94, the Court is
satisfied that the licensed insurer or licen sed reinsurer is insolvent, the
Court may, instead of making an official winding up order, reduce the
amount of the insurance contracts on conditions that the Court considers
Continuation oflong term business by liquidator
97. (1) The liquidator of a Jong term licensed insurer shall, unless the
Court otherwise orders, carry on the long term business of the licensed
insurer, with a view to the business being transferred as a going concern
to another licensed insurer, whether the other licensed insurer is in
existence or is yet to be incorporated for the purpose.
(2) The liquidator may, in carrying on the long term business of
the licensed insurer under subsection (1), agree to the variation of any
contract of insurance at the commencement of the official liquidation,
except that the licensed insur er shall not effect any new contract of
Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(3) On the application of the liquidator of a long term licensed

insurer, the Court may, by order, reduce the amounts of the insurance
contracts made by the licensed insurer in the course of carrying on the
long term business of the licensed insurer.
(4) The Court may make an order under subsection (3) on the
conditions that the Court considers appropriate.
(5) The liquidator of a long term licensed insurer may
(a) appoint an appointed actuary to investigate and report to
the licensed insurer on the business of the licensed insurer;
(b) where appropriate, require the appointed actuary to conduct
an actuarial review of the business of the licensed insurer;
(c) apply to the Court for the appointment of a special manager
to manage the business of the licensed insurer.
(6) A special manager appointed by the Court
(a) shall act in accordance with the directives issued to that
special manager by the Court;
(b) shall account for the actions of that special manager in the
manner that the Court may direct; and
(c) is entitled to be paid the remuneration as may be
determined by the Court.
Insurance liabilities to have priority
98. (1) Despite the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015), on the official liquidation of a company that is currently or
was previously a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, the assets of the
company, after payment of the properly incurred costs and expenses of
the liquidation, are applicable, in priority to all other claims, in satisfying
the liabilities of the company under an insurance contract.
(2) Where the Court makes an order under the Corporate
Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020(Act1015), in respect ofa licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer, which requires a person
(a) to repay, restore or account for money or other assets to the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) to pay compensation to the licensed insurer or licensed

reinsurer; or
(c) to pay interest to the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
the Court shall order that the money, assets, interest or compensation
is treated for the purposes of subsection (1), as an asset of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(3) Where the value of the asset referred to in subsections (1) and
(2) exceed the amount of liabilities of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer under the insurance contracts of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer, the excess constitutes an asset, available for distribution in
accordance with the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015).
Statutory Management
Statutory management of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
99. (1) The Commission may appoint any qualified and experienced
person as the statutory manager of a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer, if the Commission is
(a) satisfied on reasonable grounds that any of the
circumstances specified in paragraphs (a) to (d) of subsection
(1) of section 167 apply; and
(b) of the opinion that the appointment of a statutory manager
is required to
(i) prevent or limit the risk that the failure of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer will cause to
the financial system of the country or to the
insurance industry;
(ii) prevent or limit the risk of the further financial
distress of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(iii) protect policyholders or enable a better outcome for
(iv) enable the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to
be rescued or restored as a going concern; or
(v) manage the affairs of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer, in a more orderly and expeditious manner
rather than the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

being wound up, without being subject to statutmy

(2) The appointment of a statutory manager shall be in writing
and shall specify the
(a) date and time on which the appointment takes effect;
(b) reasons for the appointment;
(c) terms and conditions for the appointment; and
(d) date by which the statutory manager is required to submit
to the Commission the report as specified in section 105.
(3) The Commission shall
(a) within ten days, notify the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer, in writing, of the appointment of the statutory
manager, indicating the grounds for the appointment; and
(b) publish the appointment of the statutory manager
(i) in the Gazette;
(ii) on the website of the Commission; and
(iii) in a daily newspaper of national circulation.
(4) During the period of statutory management, the statutory
manager has control of, and shall manage, in whole or in part, the
(a) business,
(b) assets,
(c) liabilities, and
(d) affairs
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer as the Commission shall
100. (1) During the period of statutory management, a person shall
(a) take any steps to enforce any security over the assets of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer, including any assets
subject to an equitable assignment in favour of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(b) take any steps to repossess the assets that are being used or
occupied by or are in the possession of the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer;
(c) commence or continue proceedings, or any other legal
process or execute a judgment against the licensed insurer
Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

or licensed reinsurer or levy distress against the assets of the

licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(d) transfer any shares of the licensed insurer or licensed
(e) alter the status of the members of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer, whether by an amendment of the
constitution or in any agreement of the shareholders or
members or otherwise; or
(/) pass any resolution as a member of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer.
(2) Subsection (1) does not
(a) affect the existence of any security over the property of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer under statutory
management or the priority of the security over other debts;
(b) prevent a person from commencing or continuing an action
or proceedings to determine whether a right or liability
exists; or
(c) prevent a person from commencing or continuing an action
or proceedings, or executing or enforcing a judgment, with
respect to any contract entered into, or obligation incurred,
by the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer after the
commencement of statutory management proceedings.
Qualification of statutory manager
101. The statutory manager shall
(a) have relevant qualification and experience in the business
that the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is engaged in;
(b) satisfy the fit and proper requirements.
Duties of statutory manager
102. (1) The statutory manager is responsible for
(a) managing the business, assets and affairs of a licensed insurer
or a licensed reinsurer or that part of the business, assets
and affairs of a bcensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer in
respect of which the statutory manager is appointed;
(b) taking into custody and control the assets of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer or, where the statutory manager

Actl061 Insurance A ct, 2021

has been appointed in respect of only part of the business,

those assets necessary to enable the statutory manager
perform the function; and
{c) carrying out such other duties as may be specified in the
notice of appointment or subsequent notification by the
(2) A person who, immediately before the commencement of the
statutory management, is vested with the management of the business of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer, or that part of the business in
respect of which the statutory management order is made, is divested of
that managerial function on the appointment of the statutory manager.
(3) The statutory manager shall
(a) consult with the Commission, in the performance of
functions under this section; and
(b) comply with the direction issued by the Commission in
relation to
(i) the duties and powers of the statutory manager; or
(ii) any matter that may arise in the course of the
statutory management.
(4) The statutory manager shall provide the Commission with
(a) any information that the Commission may require, at the
times and in the form and manner as the Commission may
direct; and
(b) a notice, in writing, of any application made to the Court.
Powers of statutory manager
103. (1) Unless the Commission otherwise directs, the statutory
manager of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer has
(a) the powers, rights, and privileges that the licensed insurer
or licensed reinsurer has under any contract or otherwise;
(b) the powers of the members in general meeting and of the
board of directors of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; and
(c) the powers to act in respect of the specific instances provided
for in subsection (2).
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (c) of subsection (1), the statutory
manager has the powers
(a) to institute or defend any legal proceedings in the name of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(b) to appoint a legal practitioner to assist the statutory manager
in the performance of functions under this Act;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) to appoint an actuary to assist the statutory manager in the

performance of functions under this Act;
( d) to sell or otherwise dispose of any of the property of the
licensed insw-er or licensed reinsurer;
(e) to do all acts including to execute a deed, receipt or any
other document in the name of or on behalf of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
{/) to appoint an agent to perform a function that is
impracticable for the statutory manager to perform in
person or that the statutory manager may not reasonably
be expected to perform;
(g) with the prior written consent of the Commission,
(i) to carry on the business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer and, where the business of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is carried on,
all the powers, rights and authorities necessary to
carry on the business; and
(ii) to pay any creditor or class of creditors of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer in whole or in
part, and to make any compromise or
arrangements with any creditor or person claiming
to be a creditor;
(h) for the purpose of paragraph (e), to use the common seal
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(i) to prove in the bankruptcy of any debtor of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer or under any deed executed
under the Insolvency Act, 2006 (Act 708);
(j) to draw, accept, make and endorse any bill of exchange or
promissory note in the name and on behalf of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(k) to obtain credit, whether on the security of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer or otherwise; and
(l) to take letters of administration of the estate of a deceased
debtor of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer and to
take any other necessary steps to obtain payment of any
moneys due from a debtor, or out of the estate of a deceased
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(3) The statutory manager shall not enter into any insurance
contract except with the written approval of the Commission.
(4) The statutory manager shall, in exercising the powers
conferred by this section, be guided by the purpose for statutory
management as provided for under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of
section 99.
Remuneration of charges and expenses of statutory manager
104. (I) The costs, charges, and expenses properly incurred by a
statutory manager, including remuneration agreed on with the
Commission, are payable out of the assets of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer in respect of which the statutory manager is appointed
and shall
(a) have priority over all other claims; and
(b) for all purposes be treated as a charge over the assets of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer.
(2) The charge specified in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall
(a) rank in priority to any floating charge to which the assets
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer may be subject;
(b) continue to subsist after the termination of the statutory
Report of statutory manager
105. (1) The statutory manager shall, on or before the date specified by
the Commission on making the appointment, or such different date as
the Commission may subsequently direct in writing, submit to the
Commission, a report covering the activities of the statutory manager in
the performance of functions under this Act.
(2) The report shall make any . one of th e following
(a) the transfer of the business, or part of the business, of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to some other licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(b) the carrying on of the business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer, by the licensed insurer or the licensed

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) the official liquidation of the licensed insurer or licensed

reinsurer; or
(d) any other co u.rse of action that the statutory manager
considers appropriate.
(3) The statutory manager
(a) may recommend, in the report, different courses of action
in respect of the different parts of the business of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer; and
(b) shall set out the reasons for any recommendations made in
the report.
Indemnity of statutory manager
106. A statutory manager is not subject to any liability to any person
in respect of any act done or omitted to be done, in good faith, in the
exercise of powers and the discharge of duties under this Act or
determined by the Commission.
Removal of statutory manager
107. The Commission may
(a) remove the statutory manager appointed under section 99;
(b) appoint another person of relevant competence and
experience as statutory manager to replace a statutory
manager removed under paragraph (a).
Termination of statutory management
108. (1) The Commission may, by notice in wr iting, terminate the
statutory management of a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer where
the Commission is satisfied that
(a) the purpose of the statutory management has been fulfilled;
(b) for any other reason the continued statutory management
of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is undesirable.
(2) A notice terminating the statutory management of a licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall specify the date and the time at which
the termination takes effect.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(3) With effect from the time and date specified in the written
notice of termination of a statutory management, the appointment of
any person as the statutory manager of the licensed insurer or the licensed
reinsurer terminates consequentially.
(4) The Commission shall
(a) within ten days, give notice to the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer of the termination of a statutory management;
(b) advertise the termination of a statutory management by
publication in the Gazette and on the website of the
Licensing of Insurance Intermediaries
Prohibition of unlicensed business
109. (1) Subject to subsection (3)
{a} a person shall not carry on or purport to carry on business
as an insurance intermediary in the country; and
(b) a body corporate that is incorporated under the Companies
Act, 2019 (Act 992) shall not carry on or purport to carry
on business as an insurance intermediary outside the
unless that person or body corporate holds an insurance intermediary
licence issued by the Commission for that purpose.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a person
(a) is considered to carry on business as an msurance
intermediary in the country if that person
(i) by way of business as an insurance intermediary,
occupies premises in the country; or
(ii) invites another person in the country or causes
another person to be invited as a customer, through
an advertisement or otherwise; and
(b) purports to carry on business as an insurance intermediary
where that person uses any name, style, designation,
description, title or trade mark that represents or implies
that that person is an insurance intermediary, whether or

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

not that person has been issued with a licence for that
(3) Subsection (I) does not apply to a person carrying on business
as an innovative insurance intermediary in accordance with an
exemption specified in the directives.
(4) A person who carries on business as an insurance intermediary
contrary to subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Categories of insurance intermediary licence
110. (1) A licence to carry on an insurance intermediary business shall
be in one of the following categories:
(a) insurance broker;
(b) reinsurance broker;
(c) insurance agent;
( d) bancassurance;
(e) insurance loss adjuster;
(/) insurance loss assessor;
(g) technical service provider;
(h) micro insurance agent;
(i) insurance investigator;
(j) innovative insurance intermediary;
(k) insurance syndicate manager;
(1) third-party cell captive provider; and
(m) any other category as may be specified in the Regulations.
(2) A person applying for a licence as an insurance broker referred
to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall have at least seventy-five
percent of the controlling interest in terms of shares, paid-up capital,
interest or voting rights in a company held by a citizen of Ghana.
(3) The holder of a bancassurance licence under paragraph (d) of
subsection (1) shall be regarded, for purposes of this Act, as a corporate
insurance agent.
(4) The Commission shall grant an innovative insurance
intermediary licence in a class equivalent to one of the categories
specified in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (g) or (h) of subsection (1) .
(5) The holder of an innovative insurance intermediary licence
Act 1061 Insurance A ct, 2021

shall carry on insurance intermediary business in accordance with

(a) the provisions of this Act, the Regulations and any
directives that apply to innovative insurance intermediary
business; and
(b) the terms and conditions of the licence that the Commission
may specify.
Application for insurance intermediary licence
111. (1) Subject to subsection (1) of section llO, a company may apply
to the Commission for an insurance intermediary licence in the category
(a) insurance broker, reinsurance broker, insurance loss
adjuster, technical service provider; and
(b) insurance agent, insurance loss assessor or micro insurance
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall be in the form
determined by the Commission and accompanied by the documents
specified in the directives.
(3) An application for an insurance intermediary licence which
falls within the category of
(a) an insurance agent,
(b) a micro insurance agent, or
(c) bancassurance,
shall be submitted to the Commission by a licensed insurer with whom
the applicant is or will be contracted as an agent.
Grant of insurance intermediary licence
112. (1) The Commission may apprnve an application for a licence
specified in subsection (1) of section 110 where the Commission is
satisfied that
(a) the applicant has met the requirements of this Act, the
Regulations and the directives with respect to the
(b) the applicant is able to meet and maintain any applicable
minimum capital requirement specified in the directives
for the category of licence applied for;
(c) the applicant for a licence specified in paragraph (a), (c) or
(h) has met the requirements of subsection (2) of section

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(d) the applicant has in place appropriate management

structures, where the applicant is a company;
(e) where the applicant is a company, the significant owners,
directors, senior managers and key persons in a control
function of the applicant meet the fit and proper criteria of
the Commission; and
(f) where the applicant is an individual, that individual meets
the fit and proper criteria of the Commission.
(2) The Commission may refuse to grant a licence to an applicant
if the Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that
(a) any person having an interest in the applicant does not
satisfy the fit and proper requirements of the Commission;
(b) issuing the licence is against the public interest.
(3) The Commission shall, within four months after the date of
receipt of an application for an insurance intermediary licence, take a
decision on the application and inform the applicant within fourteen
days of taking the decision.
Duration of insurance intermediary licence
113. (1) An insurance intermediary licence issued by the Commission
is valid for twelve months fro m the date of issue and may, on application,
be renewed.
(2) Where an application for renewal ofan insurance intermediary
licence is made on or before the period specified in paragraph (d) of
subsection (2) of section 117 but is not determined by the Commission
by the expiry date, the licence shall con tinue in force until the application
for renewal is determined by the Commission.
Obligation in relation to commencement of business
114. (1) A licensed insurance intermediary shall notify the Commission,
in writing, within fourteen days of the commencement of the insurance
business of that licensed insurance intermediary.
(2) Where a licensed insurance intermediary does not commence
the insurance business of that licensed insurance intermediary within six
months of the date of the grant of the licence by the Commission, that

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

licensed insurance intermedia1y shall not subsequently commence the

insurance business without the prior written approval of the Commission.
Restriction on issuance and use of licence
115. (1) The Commission may issue the following categories oflicences
only to a company:
(a) insurance broker licence;
(b) reinsurance broker licence;
(c) insurance loss adjuster licence; and
( d) technical service provider licence.
(2) A significant owner of a licensed insurance broker or licensed
reinsurance broker shall not be
(a) granted an insurance intermediary licence as an insurance
agent or a micro insurance agent; or
(b) appointed as a director of
(i) a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer; or
(ii) a company that holds an insurance intermediary
licence in the categories of insurance agent,
insurance loss assessor, insurance loss adjuster or
micro insurance agent.
(3) A director, officer or employee of a licensed insurance broker
or a licensed reinsurance broker shall not be appointed as a director of a
licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer.
(4) A director, officer, employee or significant owner of a licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not be appointed as a director, officer
or employee of a licensed broker.
(5) A significant owner of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
shall not be issued with an insurance broker licence or a reinsurance broker
(6) A company which is issued with an insurance agent licence
shall not hold an insurance broker licence or a reinsurance broker licence.
(7) A licensed insurance broker or a licensed reinsurance broker
shall not be issued with an insurance agent licence.
(8) A company that is issued with an insurance loss adjuster
licence shall not operate as an insurance broker, reinsurance broker or an
insurance agent and be issued with the corresponding category oflicences.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(9) A person who has been issued with an insurance intermediary

licence shall not be a significant owner of a licensed insurer or a licensed
re insurer.
(10) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not have an
interest in a company which has been issued with a licence as an insurance
Notification and publication of decision of the Commission
116. (1) The Commission shall, within fourteen days of determining
an application, notify the applicant of the decision of the Commission.
(2) Where the Commission
(a) refuses an application for a licence,
(b) grants an application for a licence but, in the case of an
application for an insurance broker licence, a reinsurance
broker licence or an insurance loss adjuster licence, refuses
to authorise all the classes of insurance businesses specified
in the application, or
(c) grants an application for a licence on the imposition of a
condition that the Commission may determine,
the notice shall contain a statement of the reasons for the grant, refusal
or imposition of the condition.
(3) Where the Commission notifies an applicant of the grant of
a licence pursuant to subsection (1), the Commission shall, within fourteen
days of notifying the applicant, publish the decision on the website of
the Commission.
(4) Where the Commission has imposed conditions on the grant
of the licence, the Commission shall publish the conditions imposed
together with the publication of the grant of the licen ce unless the
Comntission considers that it would not be in the public interest to do so.
Application for renewal of insurance intermediary licence
117. (1) An insurance intermediary, other than an insurance agent, may
apply to the Commission for the renewal of the licen ce of that insurance
(2) An application under subsection (1) shall
(a) be in writing,
(b) contain the prescribed information and be in the prescribed
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) be accompanied with the prescribed document and renewal

fee, and
(d) be made not later than
(i) three months before the date of expiry of the
licence, or
(ii) a later date the Commission permits.
(3) The Commission may require a licensed insurance
intermediary to furnish the Commission with any other document and
information as the Commission considers necessary to determine the
application for renewal of a licence.
(4) The Commission may, after the review of the application,
(a) grant
(i) a licence, or
(ii) a licence with conditions, or
(b) refuse to grant a licence.
Renewal of insurance intermediary licence
118. (1) The Commission shall renew the licence of an insurance
intermediary where the Commission is satisfied that the insurance
(a) continues to meet the requirements for the issue of a licence;
(b) is in compliance with this Act and the Regulations.
(2) The renewal of a licence under this section is effective from
the date when the licence renewed would have expired but for the renewal.
Change in insurer or insurance agent
119. (1) A licensed insurance agent shall not act as the insurance agent
for an insurer unless the name of the insurer is stated on the insurance
agent licence.
(2) Subject to the directives of the Commission, a licensed insurer
may, at any time, apply to the Commission to
(a) insert on the licence, the name of the licensed insurer of an
insurance agent or a micro insurance agent of that licensed
insurer, or
(b) delete the name of the licensed insurer from the licence of
an insurance agent or a micro insurance agent of that
licensed insurer.

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

(3) An application under paragraph (a) of subsection (2) to insert

the name of a licensed insurer on the licence of an insurance agent shall
be accompanied by written confirmation from the licensed insurer
concerned, to the effect that, on the amendment of the licence, the licensed
insurer shall appoint the insurance agent as an agent of that licensed
(4) Where a licensed insurance agent ceases to act as the insurance
agent for a licensed insurer, the licensed insurer shall, within fourteen
days of the insurance agent ceasing to act, notify the Commission in
Grounds for cancellation of insurance interme<liary licence
120. The Commission may cancel an insurance intermediary licence
(a) the licen sed insurance intermediary applies to the
' Commission in writing for the cancellation of the licence;
(b) the licensed insurance intermediary does not commence the
licensed insurance intermediary business within six months
from the date of the grant of the licence;
{c) the licensed insurance intermediary ceases to carry on the
licensed business;
( d} the Commission is entitled to take an en forcement action
against the licensed insurance intermediary under this Act;
(e) the application for the licence contains false or misleading
information; or
(/) in the case of a company, the li censed insurance
intermediary has been wound up and dissolved.
Notice of cancellation of insurance intermediary licence
121. (1) The Commission shall, before cancelling an insurance
intermediary licence under paragraph (b), (c), (d) or (e) of subsection (1)
of section 120, give the licensed insurance intermediary a written n otice
of the intention to cancel the insurance intermediary licence, stating
(a) the grounds on which the Commission intends to cancel
the insurance intermediary licence; and
(b) that unless the licensed insurance intermediary objects, in
writing, to the cancellation, the insurance intermediary

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

licence shall be cancelled on a date not less than fourteen

days after the date of the notice.
(2) The Commission shall consider any objection received under
subsection (1) before deciding whether or not to cancel the insurance
intermediary licence.
(3) Where the Commission decides to cancel an insurance
intermediary licence after considering an objection raised by the licensed
insurance intermediary, the Commission shall provide, in writing, the
reasons for the cancellation of the insurance intermediary licence.
Changes in Significant Ownership and Level of Control
Approval required for change in significant ownership or level of control
122. (1) A person shall not, except with the prior written approval of
the Commission, become a significant owner of a corporate insurance
intermediary. '
(2) Despite subsection (1), a person who is a significant owner
of a corporate insurance intermediary shall not, except with the prior
written approval of the Commission,
{a) significantly increase or reduce the level of control of that
person over the corporate insurance intermediary, or
(b) cease to be a significant owner of the corporate insurance
(3) A corporate insurance intermediary shall not cause, permit or
acquiesce in any dealing with the shares of that corporate insurance
intermediary that would result in a contravention of subsection (1) or (2).
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2), is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
(5) A corporate insurance intermediary who contravenes
subsection (3) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Application for approval under section 122
123. (1) An application to the Commission for approval under
subsection (1) or (2) of section 122 shall be made by the corporate

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

insurance intermedia1y on behalf of the person who seeks to

(a) become or cease to be the significant owner of a corporate
insurance intermediary; or
(b) significantly increase or reduce the level of control of that
person over the corporate insurance intermediary.
(2) In determining whether to grant approval under section 122,
the Commission may take into account any factors which the Commission
considers relevant.
(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the Commission shall consider
(a) a person becoming a significant owner, or significantly
increasing th e level of control of that person over the
corporate insurance intermediary, satisfies the fit and proper
criteria of the Commission;
(b) following the change of significant ownership or level of
control, the ownership structure of the corporate insurance
intermediary will be appropriate having regard for the
nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the licensed
business of that corporate insurance intermediary; and
(c) the change in significant ownership or level of control will,
or is likely,
(i) in the case of a licensed broker, to adversely affect
the financial capacity of the licensed broker;
(ii) in the case of any corporate insurance intermediary,
to adversely affect the ability of the Commission to
supervise the licensed insurance broker, licensed
insurance agent, and licensed micro insurance agent
or be prejudiciaJ to the customers of the licensed
insurance broker, licensed insurance agent and
licensed micro insurance agent or preclude the
licensed insurance broker, licensed insurance agent
or licensed micro insurance agent from meeting the
eligibility requirements to hold a licence under
subsection (1) of section 110; or
(iii) to pose a significant systemic risk.
Power to require disposal of interest or prohibit exercise of rights
124. (1) The Commission may issue a direction under subsection (3)
(a) a person who becomes a significa nt owner in , or
significantly increases the level of control of that person
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

over a corporate insurance intermediary, without obtaining

the prior written approval of the Commission; and
(b) a person who is a significant owner of a corporate insurance
intermediary if the Commission has reasonable grounds to
believe that
(i) that person does not satisfy the fit and proper
criteria; or
(ii) by virtue of the significant ownership of that person
in, or level of control over the insurance
intermediary, any of the factors specified in
subsection (2) apply.
(2) The factors referred to in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (b)
of subsection (1) are that the ownership structure of the insurance
(a) is not appropriate having regard for the nature, scale,
complexity and diversity of the licensed business of the
insurance intermediary;
(b) in the case of a licensed broker, adversely affects the financial
soundness of the licensed broker;
(c) in the case of any corporate insurance intermediary,
adversely affects the ability of the Commission to supervise
the insurance intermediary or is prejudicial to the customers
of the insurance intermediary; or
(d) poses a systemic risk.
(3) Where any of the circumstances specified in subsection (1)
applies, the Commission may issue a direction in writing to the person
(a) requiring that person to dispose of, in whole or in part, the
interest of that person in the corporate insurance
intermediary within the time period specified in the
direction; or
(b) prohibiting the person from exercising any rights, including
voting rights, attached to the interest.
(4) Where the Commission issues a direction to a person under
paragraph (a) of subsection (3), the Commission may direct that during
the period before the disposal of the interest of that person, that person is
prohibited from exercising any rights, including voting rights and rights
to receive a distribution, that attach to the interest.
(5) Sections 122, 123 and 127 apply in relation to any disposal
made in compliance with a direction issued under subsection (I).

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(6) A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply

with a notice issued by the Commission under this section commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of
imprisonment or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Changes in Directors, Senior Managers and Key Persons in Control Functions
Approval required
125. (1) A corporate insurance intermediary shall not appoint a
director, senior manager or, if applicable, key person in a control function
except with the prior written approval of the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall not grant approval under subsection
(1) unless the Commission is satisfied that
(a) the person to be appointed satisfies the fit and proper criteria;
(b) following the appointment of the person, the management
structure of the corporate insurance intermediary is
appropriate having regard to the nature, scale, complexity
and diversity of the licensed business of the corporate
insurance intermediary.
(3) A corporate insurance intermediary shall, within fourteen
days, provide written notice to the Commission after a director, senior
manager or a key person in a control function is appointed by the corporate
insurance intermediary or ceases to hold office with, be employed by or
act for the insurance intermediary.
(4) The written notice under subsection (3) shall include a statement
of the reason for appointment of the director, senior manager or a key
person in a control function or a reason for the director, senior manager
or a key person in a control function ceasing to hold office with, be
employed by, or act for, the corporate insurance intermediary.
(5) A corporate insurance intermediary that contravenes subsection
(1) or (3) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as
specified in the First Schedule.
Power to require the removal of director, senior manager or key person
in a control function
126. (1) Where the Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that
a person specified in subsection (2) does not satisfy the fit and proper

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

criteria, the Commission may, by direction, in writing, require the

corporate insurance intermediary to
(a) remove that person from office and if the Commission
considers it appropriate, to replace the person with another
person acceptable to the Commission;
(b) ensure that the person ceases to undertake certain specified
functions in relation to the insurance intermediary; or
(c) take such remedial action in relation to that person as the
Commission may direct.
(2) For purposes of subsection (1), the following are specified
(a) a director; or
(b) a senior manager; and
(c) a key person in a control function.
(3) A direction issued under subsection (1)
(a) shall state whether the specified requirements have
immediate effect or the time period within which the
specified requirements must be complied with;
(b) may include directions consequential upon, or ancillary to,
the requirements specified in the notice; and
(c) may direct that, in the case ofa person who the Commission
has required the corporate insurance intermediary to
remove from office, the person may not be reappointed, or
accept reappointment, to the same position, or to any
specified position, with the insurance intermediary
(i) at any time;
(ii) for a period specified by the Commission; or
(iii) until conditions specified by the Commission have
been met.
(4) This section has effect despite any agreement, contract of
employment, enactment or rule of law or any provision in the constitution
of the corporate insurance intermediary.
(5) Where a direction issued under subsection (1) contains a matter
specified under paragraph (c) of subsection (3), any person to whom the
direction relates and who accepts an appointment contrary to the direction
is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
(6) A corporate insurance intermediary that fails to comply with
a direction issued under subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission
an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

Information Material to Fit and Proper Assessment

Matters affecting the eligibility of the director, senior manager, significant
owner, and key person in a control function
127. (1) Where, before or after the Commission has approved
(a) the appointment of a director, senior manager or key person
in a control function of a corporate insurance intermediary,
(b) a significant owner of a corporate insurance intermediary,
that corporate insurance intermediary becomes aware of any information
that is reasonably material to the fit and proper assessment of the person
by the Commission , the corporate insurance intermediary shall give
notice of the information to the Commission as soon as practicable.
(2) A corporate insurance intermediary who contravenes subsection
(1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Regulation and Supervision of Licensed Insurance Intermediaries
Maintenance offinancially sound condition
128. A corporate insurance intermediary shall maintain the business
of that corporate insurance intermediary in a financially sound condition
(a) ensuring that the corporate insurance intermediary has
(b) providing for the liabilities of the corporate insurance
intermediary, and
(c) generally conducting the business of the corporate insurance
inter mediary
in a prudent manner to enable the corporate insurance intermediary meet
the liabilities of the corporate insurance intermediary as and when the
liabilities fall due.
129. (I) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall ensure that the equity of that
licensed insurance broker, licensed insurance loss adj uster or licensed
technical service provider is equal to or exceeds
(a) the minimum amount specified in the directives; or
(b) the amount spedfied in a direction issued by the Commission
under section 130.
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster or

a licensed technical service provider that contravenes subsection (1) is
liable to pay to the Commission an adrniillstrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Direction of Commission in relation to capital resources
130. (1) Where the Commission considers it appropriate, having
regard to the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the licensed business
carried on, or proposed to be carried on, by a licensed insurance broker,
a licensed insurance loss adjuster or a licensed technical service provider,
the Commission may issue a direction requiring the licensed insurance
broker, licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed technical service
provider to increase the capital resources of that licensed insurance broker,
licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed technical service provider to
an amount higher than the minimum specified in the directives.
(2) Unless the circumstances justify immediate compliance with
a direction issued under subsection (1), the direction issued under
subsection (1) shall specify a reasonable period for compliance.
(3) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider that contravenes subsection (1) is
liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Notice of likely failure to comply
131. (1) A corporate insurance intermediary shall, as soon as
practicable, give notice in writing to the Commission that the corporate
insurance intermediary has reasonable grounds to believe that, at any
time in the ensuing twelve months, that corporate insurance intermediary
is likely to fail to comply with the requirements under section 128.
(2) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall, as soon as practicable, notify
the Commission, in writing, if that licensed insurance broker, licensed
insurance loss adjuster or licensed technical service provider has reasonable
grounds to believe that, at any time in the ensuing twelve months, that
licensed insurance broker, licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed
technical service provider is likely to fail to comply with a requirement
imposed under section 129.
(3) A corporate insurance intermediary that contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(4) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster

or a licensed technical service provider who contravenes subsection (2) is
liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in
the First Schedule.
Governance and Management
Governance framework
132. (1) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall establish and maintain a
governance framework that provides for
(a) a clear and appropriate apportionment of responsibilities
among the directors, senior managers and key persons in
control functions;
(b) separation of oversight function from the management
responsibilities; and
(c) adequate monitoring and control by the directors and senior
management of the business and affairs of the licensed
insurance broker, licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed
technical service provider.
(2) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall
(a) establish and maintain strategies, policies, procedures and
controls, including internal controls, as are appropriate for
the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the business
of the licensed insurance broker, licensed insurance loss
adjuster or licensed technical service provider;
(b) ensure that the policies, procedures and controls of the
licensed insurance broker, licensed insurance loss adjuster
or licensed technical service provider are regularly reviewed
and updated as required; and
(c) make and retain for the period specified in the directives, a
record of compliance with this section.
(3) The directives shall
(a) without limiting subsections (1) and (2), specify the policies,
procedures and controls to be established and maintained
by licensed insurance brokers, licensed insurance loss
adjusters and licensed technical service providers; and
(b) specify the governance requirements applicable to other
types of licensed insurance intermediaries.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(4) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster

or a licensed technical service provider that contravenes subsection (1) or
(2) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Directors of insurance intermediaries
133. (1) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall have an adequate number of
directors who, on appointment, and on an on-going basis
(a) are fit and proper persons;
(b) are capable of exercising independent judgment;
(c) collectively, as a board, have sufficient knowledge, skills,
experience and understanding ofthe business of the licensed
insurance broker, the licensed insurance loss adjuster or the
licensed technical service provider, and the risks involved
in the business, to ensure that the board is able to fulfil the
responsibilities of the board; and
( d) have sufficient time and commitment to undertake the duties
of a director diligently.
(2) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider that contravenes subsection (1) is
liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in
the First Schedule.
Control function
134. (1) A corporate insurance intermediary shall establish and
maintain the following control functions:
(a) a compliance function; and
(b) any other control function as may be specified in the
directives; or
(c) any other function appropriate for the nature, scale,
complexity and diversity of the business of the corporate
insurance intermediary.
(2) A corporate insurance intermediary shall not outsource a
control function unless the outsourcing is permitted, in whole or in part,
by the directives.
(3) A corporate insurance intermediary shall ensure that a
control function is provided with the authority, independence and
resources required to enable the control function operate effectively.
(4) A corporate insurance intermediary that contravenes subsection
(1), (2) or (3) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Risk management
135. (1) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider shall establish and maintain
(a) a clearly defined strategy, for the effective management of
all significant risks that the licensed insurance broker,
licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed technical service
provider is or may be exposed to;
(b) policies, if the directors consider it appropriate, for the
effective management ofall significant risks that the licensed
insurance broker, licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed
technical service provider is or may be exposed to;
(c) an internal risk assessment framework;
(d) risk management procedures where a customer is permitted
to use the business relationship prior to verification;
(e) appropriate policies and internal risk assessment for new
technologies and non-face-to-face products and distribution;
(/) procedures and controls that are sufficient to ensure that
the risk management strategy and policies are effectively
(2) The risk management strategy and policies shall
(a) be appropriate for the nature, scale, complexity and
diversity of the business of the licensed insurance broker,
licensed insurance loss adjuster or licensed technical service
(b) specify how risks are to be identified, monitored, managed
and reported in a timely manner;
(c) take into account the probability, potential impact and the
time duration of risk; and
(d) comply with other requirements specified in the directives.
(3) Without limiting subsections (1) and (2), the risk management
strategy and policies shall provide for
(a) operational risk; and
(b) other risks specified in the directives.
(4) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss adjuster
or a licensed technical service provider that contravenes subsection (1) is
liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Other Obligations and Restrictions of Licensed Insurance Intermediary

General obligations in the conduct of business
136. (1) A licensed insurance intermediary shall
(a) conduct the business of that insurance intermediary with
integrity, due skill, care and diligence;
(b) observe good conduct of business standards and practices
and be transparent in the business arrangements of that
insurance intermediary;
(c) have due regard for the interes t of the customers and
prospective customers of that insurance intermediary and
treat customers and prospective customers fairly;
(d) make adequate arrangements to protect the assets of the
customers, over which that insurance intermediary exercises
(e) manage conflict of interest fairly, whether the conflict arises
between the insurance intermediary and the customers, or
prospective customers or between different customers and
prospective customers;
(/) pay due regard to the information needs of customers and
prospective customers of the licensed insurance
(g) take reasonable steps to ensure that information is
communicated to customers and prospective customers in
a manner that is
(i) clear, fair and accurate; and
(ii) not misleading;
(h) ensure that customer information is adequately protected
and used appropriately; and
(i) in accordance with directives, develop and implement
internal policies, procedures and controls to prevent money
laundering and financing of terrorism.
(2) A licensed insurance intermediary that contravenes subsection
(1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as
specified in the First Schedule.
Prohibition against dealing with unlicensed insurer or tmlicensed
137. (1) A licensed insurance intermediary shall not act in relation to
an insurance contract or reinsurance contract to be effected by or with an

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

insurer or reinsurer who does not hold a licence as an insurer or reinsurer

unless that insurer or reinsurer falls within the exempted class of persons
specified under subsection (1) of section 37.
(2) A licensed insurance intermediary that contravenes subsection
(1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as
specified in the First Schedule.
Directives to provide for receipt of and dealing with premiums and other
insurance moneys
138. (1) Directives, iss ued by the Commission, sh all specify
requirements and provide for the receipt, holding and dealing with
premiums and other moneys related to insurance transactions by a licensed
insurance intermediary.
(2) A licensed insurance intermediary shall receive, hold or deal
with premiums or other client moneys in accordance with the directives.
(3) A licensed insurance intermediary who contravenes subsection
(2) is liable to pay to the Com mission an administrative penalty as
specified in the F irst Schedule.
Receipt and holding of moneys by licensed insurance agent
139. (1) Where a licensed insura nce agent receives any moneys,
including a premium or part premium, payable under an insurance
contract issued by an insurer by which the licensed insurance agent is
(a) the licensed insurance agent is considered to have received
the moneys as agent of the licensed insurer and holds the
money in trust for the licensed insurer; and
(b) payment to the licensed insurance agent is, despite any
agreement to the contrary, deemed to be payment to the
licensed insurer.
(2) Where a licen sed insurance agent receives any moneys from a
licensed insurer by which the licensed insurance agent is appointed, which
is intended to be paid to an insurance policyholder including a premium
refund and money paid in relation to the settlement of a claim under an
insurance contract,
(a) tbe licensed insurance agent is deemed to hold the moneys
in trust for the licensed insurer; and
(b) payment of the m on ey is considered not to have been
received by the insurance policyholder or prospective

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

policyholder until the moneys have been paid to the

insurance policyholder or prospective policyholder.
Receipt and holding of moneys by licensed insurance broker or licensed
reinsurance broker
140. (1) A licensed insurance broker or licensed reinsurance broker shall
not receive moneys
(a) from or on behalf of an insurance policyholder or
prospective policyholder for or on account of a licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer in connection with an insurance
contract or proposed insurance contract, or
(b) from or on behalf of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer
for or on account of a policyholder or prospective
unless the receipt of the moneys is permitted in the directives.
(2) A licensed insurance broker or licensed reinsurance broker shall
pay any insurance moneys that the licensed insurance broker or licensed
reinsurance broker receives into a customer account established in
accordance with the directives solely for the purpose of holding insurance
(3) A licensed insurance broker or a licensed reinsurance broker
who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) is liable to pay to the Commission
an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Professional indemnity insurance and other insurance
141. (1) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed reinsurance broker, a
licensed insurance loss adjuster or a licensed technical service provider
shall maintain the professional indemnity insurance and other insurance
specified in the directives.
(2) A licensed insurance broker, a licensed reinsurance broker, a
licensed insurance loss adjuster or a licensed technical service provider
who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Relationship between Licensed Insurers and Licensed Insurance Agents
Insurer not to appoint unlicensed insurance agents
142. (1) A licensed insurer shall not appoint a person as the insurance
agent of that licensed insurer unless the person is licensed as an insurance

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of the appointment

by a licensed insurer of a person as an insurance agent for the licensed
insurer if
(a) the person appointed is non-resident in the country; and
(b) the person is appointed to act as the agent of that licensed
insurer solely outside the country.
(3) A licensed insurer who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
Insurance agent considered agent of insurer
143. (1) Despite anything to the contrary contained in an insurance
contract, an insurance agent of a licensed insurer who completes a
proposal form or a similar document on behalf of a person is considered
to be the agent of the licensed insurer and not the agent of the person on
whose behalf the agent completes the proposal form.
(2) Knowledge acquired by an insurance agent in the course of
completing an insurance proposal form or a similar document under
subsection (1), is considered to be knowledge acquired by the licensed
(3) Nothing contained in an insurance contract shall absolve the
licensed insurer from liability in respect of knowledge obtained by an
insurance agent of the licensed insurer under subsection (2).
Liability of licensed insurer for conduct of agent
144. (1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), where a person is appointed
as the agent of a single licensed insurer, the licensed insurer is responsible,
as between the licensed insUier and the insured or prospective insured,
for the conduct of the agent in relation to any matter relating to insurance,
whether or not the agent acted within the scope of the authority granted
by the licensed insurer.
(2) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), where a person is appointed
as the agent of different licensed insurers for different classes of business
and the person engages in conduct in relation to any matter relating to a
particular class of insurance business, the licensed insurer that appointed
the person as an agent for that class of insurance business is responsible
for the conduct of the agent, as between the licensed insurer and the

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

insured or prospective insured, whether or not the agent has acted within
the scope of the authority granted by the licensed insurer.
(3) This section applies whether the person appointed as an agent
is a licensed insurance agent or, contrary to this Act, is an unlicensed
insurance agent.
(4) This section applies to any conduct of an agent of a licensed
(a) on which a person in the circumstances of the insured or
prospective insured could reasonably be expected to rely;
(b) on which the insured or prospective insured, relied in good
(5) Where a licensed insurer is responsible for the conduct of an
agent under subsection (1) or (2), the liability of the licensed insurer to an
insured or prospective insured is in respect of any loss or damage suffered
by the insured or prospective insured as a result of the conduct of the
(6) This section does not limit or affect any liability of an agent
of a licensed insurer to an insured or prospective insured.
Conduct ofBusiness with Unlicensed Broker
Insurer or reinsurer not to condud business with unlicensed insurance
145. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall not conduct
business with or pay any commission or other remuneration to an
insurance broker unless the person is licensed as an insurance broker.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the person concerned
(a) carries on business outside the country; and
(b) does not require to be licensed as an insurance broker under
this Act.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Insurance intermediary not to be wound up by private liquidation
146. (1) A company that holds a licence as
(a) an insurance broker,

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) a reinsurance broker,

(c) a technical service provider, or
(d) an insurance loss adjuster,
referred to in this section and sections 148 to 150 as a relevant company,
shall not be wound up by a private liquidation under the Companies Act,
2019 (Act 992) without the prior written consent of the Commission.
(2) A resolution of a relevant company to be wound up by private
liquidation under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992) without the prior
written consent of the Commission is void.
Application of Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020
(Act 1015)
147. The provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring
Act, 2020 (Act 1015), relating to the official liquidation of companies
apply with the necessary modification in respect of insurance
intermediaries and companies carrying on unlicensed insurance
intermediary business to the extent specified in sections 144 to 146 and
sections 148 to150.
Commencement of proceedings
148. (1) The official winding up of a relevant company may be
commenced by a spec ial resolution of the company where the
Commission has given prior written consen t to the passage of the
(2) A resolution of a relevant company to appoint a liquidator in
contravention of subsection (1) is void.
(3) Where the members of a relevant company appoint a liquidator
in accordance with this section, the Commission may, by direction, in
writing, direct the liquidator to advertise the appointment in a manner
specified in the notice.
Petition for liquidation of relevant company
149. (1) The Commission may present a petition to the Court under
the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring Act, 2020(Act1015) to wind
(a) a relevant company; or
(b) a company that is carrying on or has carried on unlicensed
business as an insurance intermediary.

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) Where a petition is presented under subsection (1), the Court

may make an order for the official liquidation of the company
(a) on any ground specified in the Corporate Insolvency and
Restructuring Act, 2020 (Act 1015);
(b) where the Court is satisfied that it is in the public interest
that the company be wound up; or
(c) in the case of a relevant company, where the Commission
is entitled to take an enforcement action under sections 178
to 183.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (2), the public
interest includes the interests of the customers of a relevant company.
(4) On the hearing of a petition for the official liquidation of a
relevant company or a company carrying on unlicensed business as an
insurance intermediary, presented by the Commission under this section,
evidence that the company has, at any time prior to the date of the
presentation of the petition, been insolvent is, unless the contrary is
proved, evidence that the company continues to be insolvent.
Service on Commission
150. A petition for the official liquidation of a relevant company shall,
where presented by a person other than the Commission, be served on
the Commission and the Commission is entitled to appear and be heard
at the hearing of the petition.
Financial Records
Maintenance offmancial records
151. (1) A licensed insurer, a licensed reinsurer and a licensed insurance
intermediary, whether a company or an individual, shall keep in the
country, records that are sufficient to show and explain the transactions
of the licensed insurer, the licensed reinsurer and the licensed insurance
(2) A reporting licensee shall keep at the principal office of the
reporting licensee in the country, adequate records
(a) to enable the financial position of the reporting licensee to
be determined with reasonable accuracy;
(b) to enable the reporting licensee to prepare financial
statements and make returns as it is required to be prepared
and made under this Act or the Regulations; and

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) if applicable, to enable financial statements of the reporting

licensee to be audited in accordance with this Act and
(3) The directives may specify
(a) the form and manner, in which the records specified in
subsections (1) and (2) are to be kept;
(b) other records required to be kept by a licensee under this
Act; and
(c) the form, manner and place in which the other records are
to be kept.
(4) A licensee to which subsection (1) or (2) applies, including a
former licensee, shall retain the records required to be kept under this
section for a period of at least six years after the completion of the
transaction to which the records relate.
(5) A licensee that contravenes subsection (1), a reporting licensee
that contravenes subsection (2) or a former licensee that contravenes
subsection (4) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Financial Statements and Audit
Financial year of licensee
152. The financial year of a reporting licensee is the same as the financial
year of the Government.
Meaning of "financial statements"
153. For the purposes of sections 151and 154 to 161, and the directives,
"financial statements", in relation to a reporting licensee and to a financial
year mean
(a) a statement of financial position;
(b) a statement of comprehensive income;
(c) a statement of changes in equity;
(d) a statement of cash flows;
(e) a description of significan t accounting policies, and
explanatory notes to the financial statement of the reporting
licensee prepa red in compliance with International
Financial Reporting Standards approved or adopted by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana, or any other
standards approved or adopted by the Institute; and
(f) any other statement determined by the Commission.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Preparation offinancial statements

154. (1) A reporting licensee shall prepare financial statements for each
financial year.
(2) The financial statements shall be
(a) prepared in accordance with the specified accounting
standards; and
(b) in compliance with this Act, the Regulations and the
(3) If, in complying with the specified accounting standards, the
financial statements do not give a true and fair view of the matters to
which the financial statements relate, the notes to the financial statements
shall contain information and explanations which give a true and fair
view of those matters.
(4) The financial statements prepared under subsection (1) shall
(a) be approved by the directors of the reporting licensee; and
(b) subsequent to the approval under paragraph (a), be signed
on behalf of all the directors by at least
(i) two directors, in the case of a licensed insurance
intermediary; or
(ii) three directors in the case of a licensed insurer or
(5) The directors who sign the financial statements shall state
(a) the date when the financial statements were approved by
the directors; and
(b) the date when each director signed the financial statements.
(6) A reporting licensee that contravenes subsection (1) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
Submission of financial statements to the Commission
155. (1) A reporting licensee shall, within three months after the end
of the financial year, submit to the Commission financial statements of
the reporting licensee, signed in accordance with paragraph (b) of
subsection (4) of section 154, accompanied
(a) with a certificate of the directors in the approved form;
(b) with the report of an auditor;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) in the case of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, with

a financial con dition report prepared in accordance with
section 82, if the insurer or reinsurer is required to prepare
a financial condition report;
(d) with any report on the affairs of the reporting licensee made
to the members of the reporting licensee in respect of the
financial year;
(e) if appropriate, with an actuarial valuation report; and
(/} with other documents specified in the directives.
(2) A reporting licensee that fails to submit the financial statements
of the reporting licensee to the Commission within the period specified
in subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty and a further penalty as specified in the First Schedule for each
week that the financial statements are outstanding. ·
Submission of periodic financial statements and returns
156. (1) In this section, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) "financial statements" has the meaning specified in section
153 with the substitution of the period covered by the
financial statement for "financial year"; and
(b) "periodic" means any period shorter than a financial year
in respect of which financial statements are required to be
submitted to the Commission.
(2) A reporting licensee shall, in respect of, and within the period
determined by the Commission, submit to the Commission
(a) periodic financial statements, that may be unaudited;
(b) a return in the approved form; and
(c) any other information or document determined by the
Commission .
(3) A reporting licensee that contravenes subsection (2) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty and a further penalty
as specified in the First Schedule for each week that the financial
statements are outstanding.
Amendment of financial statements
157. (1) The Commission may, by written direction, require the
reporting licensee to amend the document or to submit a replacement

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

document, if the Commission considers that a document submitted by a

reporting licensee under section 155 or 156 is
(a) inaccurate;
(b) incomplete; or
(c) not prepared in accordance with this Act.
(2) Where a reporting licensee fails to comply with a direction
under subsection (1), the Commission may reject the document.
(3) A reporting licensee that fails to comply with a direction issued
under subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Group f"mancial statements
158. (1) Where a reporting licensee is a member of a group of
companies, the Commission may require that reporting licensee to submit
group financial statements.
(2) The Commission may require that the group financial
statements are audited by the auditor of the reporting licensee or by any
other auditor approved, in writing, by the Commission.
(3) The directives may provide for the form and content of group
financial statements to be submitted under this section and specify
requirements in relation to group financial statements.
Appointment of auditor by reporting licensee
159. (1) A reporting licensee shall have an auditor who meets the
requirements specified in the directives.
(2) A reporting licensee shall appoint an auditor to audit the
financial statements of that reporting licensee.
(3) A person shall not be appointed as auditor under subsection
(2) unless
(a) that person is qualified as an auditor of a reporting licensee
under subsection (1);
(b) that person has consented in writing to be an auditor of the
reporting licensee; and
(c) the Commission has given prior written approval for the
appointment of that person as an auditor of the reporting
(4) The Commission shall not approve the appointment of a
person as an auditor of a reporting licensee unless the Commission is
satisfied that the person
(a) is qualified as an auditor,

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) has sufficient experience, and

(c) is competent to audit the financial statements of the
reporting licensee.
(5) The approval of the Commission is not required where
(a) the auditor appointed in respect of a financial year acted as
the auditor of the reporting licensee in the preceding
financial year, and
(b) the Commission has not revoked the approval of the auditor
under subsection (1) of section 163.
(6) A reporting licensee shall, within fourteen days of the
appointment of an auditor, submit a notice of appointment in the
approved form to the Commission.
(7) Where a person ceases to be the auditor of a reporting licensee,
the reporting licensee is deemed not to have contravened subsection (I) if
the reporting licensee appoints another auditor in accordance with this
section , within two months of the date that the person who was previously
appointed as auditor ceases to hold that appointment.
(8) A reporting licensee who,
(a) subject to subsection (6), does not have an auditor, or
(b) appoints an auditor contrary to subsection (3),
is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
Duties of reporting licensee in relation to audit
160. A reporting licensee shall make arrangements to enable an auditor
of the reporting licensee to audit the financial statements of the reporting
licensee in accordance with this Act and the Regulations, including
(a) giving the auctitor a right of access, at all reasonable times,
to the financial records, and to all other documents and
records of the reporting licensee; and
(b) providing the au ditor with th e information and
explanations that the auditor reasonably requires for the
purposes of the audit.
Audit and auditor's report
161. (1) An auditor shall carry out sufficient investigation to enable
that auditor form an opinion on the financial statements, and prepare an
audit report, in compliance with this Act and the directives.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) On the completion of the audit of the financial statements of

a reporting licensee, the auditor shall provide an audit report to the
reporting licensee.
(3) The Commission may, by direction in writing, direct a
reporting licensee to submit to the Commission a report, which may
(a) an opinion on the adequacy of the accounting systems and
controls of the reporting licensee; and
(b) in the case of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer, an
opinion on the asset quality and the adequacy of the
technical provisions of the licensed insurer or the licensed
(4) A report prepared under subsection (3) shall be
(a) prepared by the auditor of the reporting licensee or any
other person nominated by the Commission; and
(b) at the cost of the reporting licensee.
Reporting obligations of an auditor
162. (1) Despite anything to the contrary in any other enactment, an
auditor of a reporting licensee shall report immediately to the
Commission any information relating to the affairs of the reporting
licensee that the auditor has obtained in the course of acting as the auditor
of the reporting licensee that, in the opinion of the auditor, suggests that
(a) in the case of a licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer,
(i) the business of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer is not, or is likely not to be, in a financially
sound condition;
(ii) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is not in
compliance with subsection (1) of section 59,
subsection (1) of section 60 or subsection (1) of
section 62;
(iii) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is in
material non-compliance with any prudential
requirements specified in the directives; or
(iv) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has a
significant weakness in the internal controls which
render the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

vulnerable to a significant risk or exposure that has

the potential to jeopardise the financial viability of
the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(b) in the case of a corporate insurance intermediary, the
corporate insurance intermediary
(i) is in breach of, or likely to breach, the equity
requirement specified in section 129, if applicable;
(ii) is insolvent or likely to become insolvent;
(c) that a criminal offence has been or is being committed by
the reporting licensee or in connection with the business of
the reporting licensee; or
(d) that a serious breach of this Act, the Regulations, the
directives issued or anti-money laundering and terrorist
financing legislation has occurred in respect of the reporting
licensee or the business of the reporting licensee.
(2) Where the appointment of an auditor of a reporting licensee
is terminated, or the auditor of a reporting licensee resigns, the auditor
whose appointment has been terminated, or who has resigned, shall
(a) immediately inform the Commission, in writing, of the
termination of the appointment or the resignation, and
disclose to the Commission the circumstances that gave rise
to the termination or resignation; and
(b) where, but for the termination of the appointment, or the
resignation, the auditor would have reported information
to the Commission under subsection (1) , repor t the
information concerned to the Commission, as if the
appointment had not been terminated or the auditor had
not resigned.
(3) The Commission may require an auditor or former auditor
of a reporting licensee to
(a) discuss with the Commission any audit that the auditor
has conducted or commenced, or
(b) provide additional information regarding the audit to the
(4) Where, in good faith, a person who is, or was, an auditor of a
reporting licensee provides any information to the Commission under
subsection (1), (2) or (3),
(a) the auditor or former auditor is considered not to be in
contravention of any enactment, rule of law, agreement,

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

regulatory or administrative requirement or professional

code of conduct to which the auditor or former auditor is
or was subject; and
(b) civil, criminal or disciplinary proceedings shall not lie
against the auditor or former auditor.
(5) The failure, in good faith, of a person who is, or was, an
auditor of a reporting licensee, to provide a report or information to the
Commission under subsection (1), (2) or (3) does not confer on any other
person a right of action against the auditor or former auditor which, but
for that failure, the other person would not have had.
(6) An auditor or former auditor who fails to comply with
subsection (1) or (2) or paragraph (b) of subsection (3) is liable to pay to
the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
Power of Commission to appoint an auditor
163. (1) Where the Commission is satisfied that the auditor of a
reporting licensee
(a) has failed to fulfil the obligations of an auditor under this
Act, or
(b) is otherwise not a fit and proper person to act as the auditor
of a reporting licensee,
the Commission may, by written direction to the reporting licensee,
revoke the approval of the appointment of the auditor and the reporting
licensee shall appoint a new auditor in accordance with section 159.
(2) The reporting licensee shall give a notice revoking the
appointment of an auditor under subsection (1) to the auditor.
(3) Where a reporting licensee fails to appoint an auditor, the
Commission may appoint a qualified person to be the auditor of the
reporting licensee.
(4) An auditor appointed under subsection (3) is considered, for
the purposes of this Act, to have been appointed by the reporting licensee
and the reporting licensee shall be responsible for the costs and
remuneration of the auditor.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Inspection Visits
Commission to undertake inspection visit
164. (1) The Commission may, for the purpose of performing the
functions of the Commission
(a) inspect the premises and the business of a relevant person,
whether within or outside the country;
(b) inspect any premises or business of a person to whom a
relevant person has outsourced any function or activity,
whether within or outside the country;
(c) inspect the assets, including cash, belonging to or in the
possession or control of a relevant person or of a person to
whom any function or activity of the relevant person has
been outsourced;
(d) examine and make copies of documents belonging to or in
the possession or control of a relevant person or of a person
specified in paragraph (b) that, in the opinion of the
Commission, relate to the insurance business or the business
as an insurance intermediary, by the relevant person; and
(e) seek information and an explanation from
(i) an officer,
(ii) an employee,
(iii) an agent, or
(iv) a representative of a relevant person specified in
subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph, or
of a person specified in paragraph (b),
whether verbally or in writing, and whether in preparation for, during or
after an inspection visit.
(2) The Commission shall, when undertaking an inspection visit,
ensure that the relevant person has adequate procedures in place to prevent
the licensee from being used for purposes of money laundering or
financing of terrorism.
(3) An inspection visit may be undertaken by
(a) an authorised employee of the Commission;
(b) an authorised employee of the Commission and a person
authorised by the Commission; or
(c) any other person authorised by the Commission.
(4) An inspection visit undertaken in relation to a person to whom
a function or an activity of a relevant person has been outsourced, shall
be limited to the aspects of the premises, business, assets or documents
that are relevant to the functions of the Commission in relation to the
relevant person.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(5) Subject to subsection (6), the Commission shall give reasonable

notice to a relevant person of the intention of the Commission to exercise
the power of the Commission under subsection (1).
(6) Where the Commission considers that the circumstances so
justify, the Commission may exercise the power of the Commission
under subsection (1) without notice.
(7) The Commission shall provide a relevant person with a brief
written report on the outcome of each inspection visit that the
Commission undertakes.
Duties of relevant person
165. (1) A relevant person shall permit an authorised employee of the
Commission, or a person authorised by the Commission, undertaking
an inspection visit, to have access to
(a) any premises of the relevant person, the business and any
assets ill possession or control of the relevant person that
the Commission requires to illspect, and
(b) all documents, including financial records and electronic
records, that the Commission requires.
(2) A relevant person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to
pay to the Commission an admillistrative penalty as specified in the First
(3) For the purposes of section 164 and this section, "relevant
person" means
(a) a licensee;
(b) a subsidiary or holding company of a licensee; or
(c) a former licensee.
Power of Commission to Obtain Information
Notice to provide information or produce documents
166. (1) For the performance of the functions of the Commission under
this Act or any other enactment, the Commission may, by notice, in
writing, given to a person specified in subsection (2), require that person
(a) to provide specified information or information of a
specified description; or
(b) to produce a specified document or a document of a
specified description.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) A notice under subsection (1)

(a) may be issued to
(i) a licensee;
(ii) a former licensee;
(iii) a person the Commission reasonably believes to be
carrying on , or to have at any time carried on,
unlicensed business;
(iv) a person connected with a person specified in
subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iii);
(v) a person who the Commission has reason to believe
is in possession of the information; or
(vi) in the case of a notice requiring the production of
documents, any person who the Commission has
reason to believe is in possession of the documents;
(b) shall specify the place where and the period within which
the information or documents is to be provided or produced.
(3) The Commission may require
(a) information provided under this section to be provided in
the form specified by the Commission;
(b) information provided or documents produced under this
section to be verified or authenticated in a manner that the
Commission may specify;
(c) that the information is to be provided to, or the documents
are to be produced to or by a person specified in the notice;
(d) that the person to whom the notice is issued, or a person
who is or has been a director, auditor or actuary of that
person, p rovide an expl anation in relation to the
in formation or documents that the Commission may
reasonably require.
(4) The Commission may take copies or extracts of any document
produced under this section.
(5) Where a person claims a lien on a document, the production
of the document under this section is without prejudice to that lien.
(6) A person who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with
a notice issued under this section commits an offence and is liable on
summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment or to both as
specified in the First Schedule.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Remedial Measures
Recovery plan
167. (1) The Commission may give a licensed insurer or a licensed
reinsurer a written direction to prepare a recovery plan if the Commission
has reasonable grounds to believe that any of the following occurs:
(a) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has breached, is
breaching or is likely to breach a solvency control level;
(b) the business of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has
not been, or is not being, conducted in a prudent manner
or in accordance with sound insurance principles;
(c) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer is carrying on, or
is likely to carry on, the licensed insurance or reinsurance
business in a manner detrimental to the
(i) interest of the policyholders or the prospective
policyholders of the insurer or reinsurer; or
(ii) public interest; or
(d) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has failed, is failing
or is likely to fail to comply with a condition of the licence
or a notice issued by the Commission.
(2) The recovery plan shall
(a) be in writing;
(b) set out the actions that the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer will take to effectively address the matters that
caused the Commission to give the direction and in
particular to ensure that,
(i) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer meets the
prescribed capital adequacy requirements;
(ii) the business of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer is conducted in a prudent manner and in
accordance with sound insurance principles; and
(iii) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer complies,
or remains compliant with, any notice, condition,
or other requirement imposed by the Commission
under this Act, the Regulations or directives;
(c) set out an appropriate timetable for taking the actions
specified in paragraph (b), which shall ensure that those
actions are taken and completed as soon as practicable;
(d) specify the steps that the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer is to take to ensure that the plan remains current,

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

including procedures for regular review of the plan to

systematically identify deficiencies in the effectiveness of
the plan;
(e) be appropriate to the operations of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer, having regard for
(i) the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of the
business ofthe licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(ii) the risk to which the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer is exposed;
(f) be prepared within the time and in the manner specified by
the Commission in the direction; and
(g) be approved by the board of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer within the time specified by the Commission in
the direction.
(3) The Commission may, by the direction, require the recovery
plan to specify a final date, to the satisfaction of the Commission, by
(a) all of the actions referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection
(2) are to be undertaken; and
(b) the outcomes in subparagraph (i), (ii), or (iii) of paragraph
(b) of subsection (2) are to be achieved.
(4) The Commission may, in the direction, require the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer to obtain assistance in the preparation of
the recovery plan from a person determined by the Commission.
(5) A direction given under this section shall state the grounds on
which the direction is given.
(6) A licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer that fails to comply
with a direction of the Commission to prepare a recovery plan is liable
to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the
First Schedule.
Approval of recovery plan by Commission
168. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer to which a direction
has been given under section 167 shall, within the time specified by the
Commission, provide a copy of the recovery plan to the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall, after receipt of the recovery plan,
inform the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer whether the Commission

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

is satisfied that the plan meets the requirements specified in subsections

(2) and (3) of section 16 7.
(3) Where the Commission is not satisfied that the recovery plan
meets the requirements specified in subsections (2) and (3) of section 16 7
(a) the Commission may require the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer to amend the recovery plan and resubmit the
amended recovery plan to the Commission for approval
within a reasonable time that the Commission may specify;
(b) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall comply with
those requirements.
Licensed insurer or licensed reinsnrer to comply with recovery plan
169. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer shall, after the
recovery plan has been approved by the Commission, take all reasonable
steps to comply with the recovery plan.
(2) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that contravenes
subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Amendment of recovery plan
170. (1) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer may amend the
recovery plan only with the written approval of the Commission.
(2) Where the Commission is no longer satisfied that the recovery
plan meets the requirements specified in subsections (2) and (3) of section
167, the Commission may, by written direction given to the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(a) require the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to amend
the plan in the manner specified by the Commission; and
(b) resubmit the amended recovery plan to the Commission
for approval within a reasonable time that the Commission
may specify.
(3) The licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer shall comply with
requirements of subsection (2).
Appointment of skilled person
171. (1) The Commission may, by direction, in writing, require a
licensee or a subsidiary or holding company of a licensee to appoint a

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

skilled person, at the cost of the licensee or a subsidiary or holding

company of the licensee
(a) in the case of a licensee, to advise the licensee on the proper
conduct of the business of the licensee; and
(b) in the case of a subsidiary or holding company of a licensee,
to carry out an investigation and provide the Commission
with a report on, or on any aspect of,
(i) the business and affairs ofthe licensee or a subsidiary
or holding company of the licensee, or
(ii) the financial condition of the licensee or a subsidiary
or holding company of the licensee.
(2) The Commission may require the report provided under
paragraph (b) of subsection (1) to be in the form specified in the direction.
(3) The person appointed as a skilled person under subsection (1),
shall be a person
(a) with the relevant qualification and experience;
(b) approved by the Commission; and
(c) who the Commission considers to have the skills necessary
to advise the licensee or make a report on the matter in
(4) A licensee or a subsidiary or holding company of a licensee
that appoints a skilled person under this section and a person who is
providing, or who, at any time has provided, services to the licensee or
subsidiary or holding company of the licensee in relation to a matter on
which a report is required, shall give the skilled person the assistance that
the skilled person may require.
(5) A person to whom a direction is issued under subsection (1)
who fails to comply with the direction issued under subsection (I) is liable
to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the
First Schedule.
(6) A person who contravenes subsection (4) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Interview by Commission
172. (1) Where the Commission believes, on reasonable grounds, that
a person can provide information that the Commission requires for the
purposes of performing the functions of the Commission, the
Commission may, by notice, in writing, require the person to attend an
interview before a designated staff of the Commission on a date and at a

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

time and place specified in the notice to answer questions relevant to the
information that the Commission requires.
(2) A notice under subsection (1) shall state
(a) the general nature of the matters on which the person is to
be interviewed;
(b) the date, time and place the person is required to attend the
interview; and
(c) the right of the person to be represented by a legal
representative in accordance with subsection (1) of section
(3) Where there is a change in the matters required to be stated in
the notice under subsection (2), the Commission shall confirm to the
person in writing before the date on which the person is to be interviewed.
Conduct of interview by Commission
173. (I) A person may be represented at an interview conducted by the
Commission by a legal representative who may, at the time that the
interviewer determines
(a) address the interviewer; and
(b) question the interviewee on any matters on which the
interviewer has asked the interviewee questions.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), an interview under this s_ection shall
be held in camera.
(3) The interviewer may permit to be present at the interview
(a) any officer or employee of the Commission and any other
person that, in the opinion of the interviewer, is necessary
for the interview; and
(b) any person who the interviewee requests to be present.
(4) The interviewer shall cause a written record to be made of the
interview and shall, not more than fourteen days after the conclusion of
the interview, provide a written copy of the record to the interviewee,
subject to the conditions that the interviewer may impose.
(5) An interview scheduled by the Commission in accordance with
this section may proceed despite the failure of an interviewee or other
person to
(a) attend the interview in accordance with the notice;
(b) answer a question that has been properly put to the
interviewee or the other person; or
(c) comply with conditions imposed by the interviewer.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(6) The findings of an interview conducted under subsection (5)

is binding on all parties.
Examination under oath or affirmation by Court
174. (1) Where the Commission has reason to believe that a person
can provide information that the Commission reasonably requires for
the performance of the functions of the Commission, the Commission
may apply to the Court to have that person examined under oath or
affirmation before the Court and to have the results of that examination
transmitted to the Commission.
(2) On an application under subsection (1), the Court may, on
terms and conditions as the Court considers appropriate, order
(a) the examination of a person under oath or affirmation; and
(b) the production by that person to the Court of documents
specified in the order.
(3) A person may choose to be represented by a legal representative
at an examination held under this section and the proceedings of the
examination may be held in camera.
(4) An application to the Court under subsection (1) shall be
(a) processed by the Court within fourteen days of the
application and the results of the examination, together
with the documents produced, and
(b) provided to the Commission within a period not exceeding
fourteen days, after the date of the examination.
Search warrant
175. (1) The Court may issue a search warrant under this section if the
Court is satisfied, on information on oath or affirmation given on behalf
of the Commission, that there are reasonable grounds to believe that one
or more of the conditions specified in subsection (2) have been satisfied.
(2) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) are
(a) that a person has failed to comply with a notice issued by
the Commission under subsection (1) of section 166 within
the period specified in the notice and that on the premises
specified in the warrant
(i) there are documents that are required to be
produced; or
(ii) there is information that is required to be provided;
(b) that a notice may be issued by the Commission to a person
under subsection (1) of section 166, and

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(i) there are documents, or there is information, on the

premises that may be required to be produced or
provided; and
(ii) if the notice was issued, the notice would not be
fully complied with or the documents or
information to which the notice relates would be
removed, tampered with or destroyed; and
(c) that
an offence under this Act or the Regulations has
been, is being or may be committed by a person;
(ii) there are documents, or there is information, on the
premises specified in the warrant that evidence the
commission of the offence; and
(iii) if a notice under subsection (1) of section 166 was
issued, the notice would not be complied with or
the documents or information to which the notice
relates would be removed, tampered with or
(3) A warrant issued under this section shall authorise a named
representative of the Commission, together with a police officer and any
other person named in the warrant to
(a) enter the premises specified in the warrant at any time within
seven days from the date of the warrant;
(b) search the premises and take possession of any documents
or information appearing to be documents or information
of a type in respect of which the warrant was issued or to
take, in relation to such documents or information, any
other steps necessary for preserving or preventing
interference with the document or information;
(c) take copies of, or extracts from, any documents or
information appearing to be documents or information of
a type in respect of which the warrant was issued;
(d) requ ire any person on the premises to provide an
explanation of any document or information appearing to
be documents or information of a type in respect of which
the warrant was issued or to state where the documents or
information may be found; and
(e) use such force as may be necessary to execute the warrant.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(4) Except as the Court otherwise, on the application of the

Commission, orders, a document of which possession is taken under
this section may be retained
(a) for three months; or
(b) if within the period specified in paragraph (a), proceedings
for a criminal offence, to which the document is relevant
are commenced against any person, until the conclusion of
those proceedings.
(5) In this section, "premises" includes a building, a vehicle, a
vessel or an aircraft.
Appointment of investigator
176. (1) The Commission may appoint, in writing, one or more persons
with the relevant competence as investigators to conduct an investigation
on behalf of the Commission
(a) with respect to a licensee if it appears to the Commission
that there are grounds, or there may be reasonable grounds,
for the licensee to
(i) appoint a statutory manager under section 99;
(ii) require a recovery plan under section 167;
(iii) require the appointment of a skilled person under
section 171;
(iv) issue a direction under section 178 or 179; or
(v) apply to the Court for an order under section 182;
(b) if the Commission is of the opinion that it is desirable to
appoint an investigator in the
(i) interest of the customers or creditors or prospective
customers or creditors of the licensee; or
(ii) public interest;
(c) with respect to a former licensee, if the Commission would
have been entitled to appoint an investigator under
paragraph (a) or (b), but for the cancellation of the licence
of the licensee; and
(d) with respect to a person, if it appears to the Commission
that the person is carrying on, or has carried on, unlicensed

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) The matters investigated by an investigator appointed under

subsection (1) may include any of the following in respect of the person
being investigated:
(a) the nature> conduct or financial condition of the business
of the person;
(b) a particular aspect of the business of the person;
(c) the ownership or control of the person being investigated;
(d) in the case of a licensee, whether there are grounds for the
taking of any of the actions specified in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) against the licensee; and
(e) whether the person is carrying on, or has carried on,
unlicensed business.
(3) The Commission may give a direction to the investigator in
respect of any of the following:
(a) the scope of the investigation;
(b) the period for the conduct of the investigation;
(c) the methodology for the conduct of the investigation; and
(d) the manner in which the investigator shall report to the
(4) Where an investigator is appointed with respect to a former
licensee, an investigation under subsection (2) shall extend only to
(a) in the case of paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (2), the
business of the person carried on at the time the person
was a licensee; and
(b) in the case of paragraph (c) of subsection (2), to the
ownership or control of the person at the time the person
was a licensee.
(5) An investigator shall, within fourteen days of completion of
the investigation, submit a report of the investigation to the Commission.
(6) The Commission may direct that the licensee pays for the cost,
or a part of th.e cost as the Commission may specify, of an investigation
conducted under this section.
(7) A person who fails to provide the assistance required by an
investigator appointed under this section commits an offence and is liable
on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment or to both
as specified in the First Schedule.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Powers of investigator
177. (1) Subject to subsection (2) and to a direction given by the
Commission under subsection (3) of section 176, an investigator
appointed under this section
(a) may require the person under investigation or any person
connected with the person under investigation to attend
before the investigator at such time an d place as the
investigator may determine to answer questions; and
(b) has the power of the Commission to
(i) require the provision of information or documents
under section 166;
(ii) apply to the Court under section 174 for the
examination of a person under oath or affirmation;
(iii) apply to the Court under section 175 for a search
(2) The investigator may only exercise a power under subsection
(1) to the extent that the investigator considers necessary for the purpose
of the investigation.
(3) An investigator appointed under section 176 may, if th e
investigator considers it n ecessary for the purposes of the investigation,
on giving written notice to the person concerned, also investigate the
business of a person who is, or at any relevant time has been
{a) a member of the group of which the person under
investigation is a part; or
(b) a partnership of w hich the person under investigation is a
Direction to licensed insurer and licensed reinsurer
178. (1) The Commission may issue a direction to a licensed insurer
or a licensed reinsurer if any of the following occurs:
(a) the Commission has reason to believe that any of the
following applies in relation to the insurer or reinsurer:
(i) there are grounds for the Commission to direct the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to prepare a
recovery plan under section 167;
(ii) the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer has
departed substantially from the most recent business
plan submitted to the Commission; or

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(iii) the governance structure of the licensed insurer or

licensed reinsurer is no longer appropriate having
regard of the nature, scale, complexity and diversity
of the business of the insurer or reinsurer and the
risk to which the insurer or reinsurer is exposed; or
(b) the Commission has, whether as a result of an inspection
visit or otherwise, identified a matter that, in the opinion
of the Commission, represents a supervisory risk; or
(c) the Commission has reason to believe that the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer has failed, is failing, or is likely
to fail to comply with any requirement of this Act, the
Regulations or the directives or any direction of the
Co~ssion or any condition of the licence of the insurer
or remsurer.
(2) A direction issued under subsection (1) may
(a) impose one or more prohibitions, restrictions, limitations
or conditions on the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
or the business of the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer,
(i) not to enter into a new contract of insurance or vary
an existing contract;
(ii) ceasing to engage in any type of insurance business;
(iii) carrying on or ceasing to carry on business, or any
part of the business of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer, in accordance with the direction;
(iv) refraining from making, or realising, investments
of a specified type or description;
(v) not to transfer the assets, or specified assets of the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer, to any other
(vi) not to declare or make any distribution to the
shareholders of the licensed insurer or licensed
reinsurer; or
(vii) giving of notice to the Commission, or obtaining
specific approval from the Commission, before the
licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer undertakes
certain specified actions or types or descriptions of
(b) require the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer
(i) to increase the capital resources of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(ii) to enter into one or more reinsurance contracts or

retrocession contracts as cedant or take other
specified mitigating measures;
(iii) to arrange the transfer of obligations under any
contract to another insurer or reinsurer that is willing
to accept the obligation;
(iv) to provide specified r eports or returns to the
(v) to appoint a skilled person under section 171;
(vi) to appoint additional directors, senior managers or
persons in key control functions, approved by the
Commission; or
(c) require the licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer to take other
action that the Commission considers necessary to
(i) safeguard the financial condition of the licensed
insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(ii) protect property in the custody, possession or control
of th.e licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer;
(iii) protect the policyholders of the licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer; or
(iv) address a supervisory risk identified by the
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that fails to comply
with a direction issued under this section is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Direction to licensed insurance intermediary
179. (1) The Commission may issue a direction to a licensed insurance
intermediary if the Commission
(a) has reason to believe that any of the following applies in
relation to the licensed insurance intermediary:
(i) the licensed insurance intermediary has failed, is
failing, or is likely to fail to comply with any
requirement of this Act or the Regulations, a
directive or a condition of the licence of the
insurance intermediary;
(ii) the licensed insurance intermediary is carrying on,
or is likely to carry on, the licensed business in a
manner detrimental to the interests of the customers

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

of the licensed insurance intermediary, or the public

(iii) the licensed insurance intermediary has departed
substantially from the most recent business plan
submitted to the Commission; or
(iv) the governance structure of the licensed insurance
intermediary is no longer appropriate having regard
for the nature, scale, complexity and diversity of
the business of the licensed insurance intermediary
and the risk to which the licensed insurance
intermediary is exposed;
(b) whether as a result of an inspection visit or otheiwise, has
identified a matter that, in the opinion of the Commission,
represents a supervisory risk; or
(c) has reason to believe that the licensed insurance
intermediary has failed, is failing, or is likely to fail to
comply with a requirement of this Act or the Regulations,
any direction of the Commission or a condition of the
licence of the licensed insurance intermediary.
(2) A direction issued under subsection (1) may
(a) impose one or more prohibitions, restrictions, limitations
or conditions on the licensed insurance intermediary or the
business of the licensed insurance intermediary, including
the ceasing of
(i) the licensed insurance intermediary to act as an
insurance intermediary; or
(ii) the licensed insurance intermediary to accept
particular types of business; or
(b) require the licensed insurance intermediary to take any other
action that the Commission considers necessary to
(i) protect the interest of the customers or prospective
customers of the licensed insurance intermediary;
(ii) address a supervisory risk identified by the
(3) A licensed insurance intermediary that fails to comply with a
direction issued under this section is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Direction to person carrying on unlicensed business

180. (1) The Commission may issue a written direction to a person
that is carrying on, or has carried on, unlicensed business requiring the
(a) to cease carrying on the unlicensed business;
(b) to take an action that the Commission considers necessary
to protect
(i) the property of, or pr operty in the custody,
possession or control of, that person ; or
(ii) the interests of persons with whom the person is
carrying on or has carried on the unlicensed business.
(2) A person who fails to comply with a direction issued under
subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction
to a fine or a term of imprisonment or to both as specified in the First
General provisions concerning directions
181. (1) A direction given under section 178, 179 or 180 shall
(a) be in writing; and
(b) state the grounds on which the direction is given.
(2) The Commission may
(a) amend or modify a direction;
(b) replace a direction with another direction; or
(c) revoke a direction.
Application to Court for order
182. (1) The Commission may apply to the Court for an order under
this section with respect to
(a) a licensee, where
(i) the licence of the licensee has been or is about to be
cancelled; or
(ii) the Co mmission is entitled to take enforcement
action against the licensee;
(b) a former licensee; or
(c) a person that is carrying on, or has carried on, unlicensed
(2) On an application made under subsection (1), the Court may
make an order as the Court considers necessary to protect or preserve the
(a) business or property of the person with respect to whom
the application is made; or
(b) interest of the
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(i) customers, prospective customers, creditors of the

person; or
(ii) public.
(3) An order made under subsection (2) may include any of the
following orders:
(a) an order preventing the person concerned or any other
person from transferring, disposing of or otherwise dealing
with property belonging to that person or in the custody or
under the control of that person;
(b) an order appointing an administrator to take over and
manage the business, or any part of the business of that
(c) an order granting the Commission a search warrant; or
(d) where the person concerned is in contravention of this Act,
the Regulations or the directives, an order requiring the
person concerned to take an action, or to refrain from taking
an action, as is necessary to bring that person back into
compliance with this Act, the Regulations or the directives.
( 4) An order made under paragraph (b) of subsection (3) shall
specify the powers of the administrator.
(5) An order under subsection (4) may
(a) include
(i) the powers of a licensee under this Act; or
(ii) the power of a liquidator appointed by the Court
under the Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring
Act, 2020 (Act 1015);
(b) require an administrator to provide security to the
satisfaction of the Court;
(c) fix and provide for the remuneration of the administrator;
(d) require any person that the Court considers necessary to
appear before the Court for the purposes of giving
information or producing documents concerning the person
with respect to whom the order is made or the business
carried on by that person.
(6) An order made under paragraph (b) of subsection (3) shall
make provision for reports to be submitted by the administrator to the
(a) Court; and
(b) Commission.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(7) The Court may, on its own initiative or on the application of

the Commission or the administrator, make any of the following orders:
(a) an order giving directions to the administrator concerning
the exercise of the powers of the administrator;
(b) an order varying the powers of the administrator;
(c) an order terminating the appointment of the administrator;
( d) an order that the person in respect of whom the order is
applied for or made, pays the cost, in whole or in part, of
or in connection with
(i) the application of the Commission under this
section, whether or not an order is made; and
(ii) giving effect to any order made.
(8) An application under subsection (1) may be made
(a) without notice by the Commission or upon such notice as
the Court may require; and
(b) before the Commission gives notice of the intention to
cancel a licence.
Public statements
183. (I) Subject to subsection (6), the Commission may issue a public
statement in a manner that the Commission considers appropriate.
(2) A public statement issued under subsection (1) shall indicate
(a) enforcement action that the Commission intends to take
against a licensee; or
(b) enforcement action that the Commission has taken against
a licensee or a former licensee.
(3) A public statement issued under subsection (1) may include
(a) the reasons for the enforcement action taken or to be taken;
(b) the nature of the enforcement action taken or to be taken;
(c) any other information that the Commission considers
(4) Where the Commission considers it in the public interest, the
Commission may issue a public statement in a manner that the
Commission considers appropriate with respect to
(a) any person who the Commission has reason to believe is
carrying on, has carried on, intends to carry on or is likely
to carry on unlicensed business;

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(b) any matter relating to the insurance market where the

Commission considers that the statement is desirable for
(i) the protection of the public, whether within or
outside the country, against financial loss arising
out of the dishonesty, incompetence, malpractice
or insolvency of persons engaged in business within
the insurance industry; or
(ii) the deterrence of financial crime and other unlawful
activities relating to the insurance industry.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), where a public statement is to be
issued under this section in relation to a licensee or a former licensee, the
Commission shall give the licensee or former licensee seven days written
notice of the intention of the Commission to issue the public statement
and the reasons for the intended issue of the statement.
(6) If the Commission is of the opinion that it is in the
(a) public interest, or
(b) interest of the customers, prospective customers or creditors
of a licensee or former licensee,
that subsection (5) should not have effect or that the period referred to in
that subsection should be reduced, the Commission may issue the public
statement without notice to the licensee or former licensee or within a
shorter period that the Commission considers appropriate.
(7) The Commission shall not, in accordance with subsection (5),
issue a public statement in relation to the imposition of an administrative
penalty until the administrative penalty has become final.
Administrative Penalties
Penalty for late payment
184. (1) An administrative penalty imposed shall be paid by a licensee
within a period of thirty days or any other period as may be agreed between
the Commission and the licensee.
(2) The penalty for the late payment by a licensee of any fee, charge,
levy, contribution or penalty payable under this Act or the Regulations,
including an administrative penalty, is equal to zero point five percent of
the penalty for each day that the contravention subsists.

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

(3) Where the contravention constitutes the late payment of a fee,

charge, levy, contribution or penalty payable under this Act or the
Regulations, the Commission may impose an administrative penalty by
written notice stating
(a) the fee, charge, levy, contribution or penalty in respect of
which the administrative penalty for late payment is being
imposed; and
(b) the amount of the penalty.
(4) A licensee who receives a notice under subsection (3) shall pay
the late payment penalty stated in the notice to the Commission, or appeal
against the imposition of the penalty, within ten days of the date of the
administrative penalty notice.
Arrangements for disclosures of concerns by employees and directors
185. (1) A licensed insurer, a licensed reinsurer or a licensed insurance
intermediary that is a company shall establish, maintain and implement
effective arrangements for the disclosure, by an employee or a director to
the licensed insurer, licensed reinsurer or licensed insurance intermediary,
or to the Commission, of the concerns of the employee or director in
relation to
(a) a breach of the legal or regulatory obligations of the licensed
insurer, licensed reinsurer or licens ed insurance
{b) a contravention of the policies and procedures of the
licensed insurer, licensed reinsurer or licensed insurance
intermediary; or
(c) the behaviour that harms or is likely to harm
{t.) the interest of customers or potential customers; or
(ii) the reputation or financial soundness of the licensed
insurer, licensed reinsurer or licensed insurance
(2) The arrangements maintained in accordance with subsection
(I) shall
(a) ensure the protection of the identity of the employee or a
director who makes a disclosure;

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(b) ensure the effective investigation, assessment and, where

appropriate, escalation of concerns disclosed by the
employee or a director, including to the Commission;
(c) ensure the protection from retaliation or victimisation of
the employee or director who has made a disclosure;
(d) if the disclosure is made to the licensed insurer, licensed
reinsurer or licensed insurance intermediary
(i) require that the employee or director who has made
a disclosure is provided with appropriate feedback;
(ii) require that disclosures are recorded in writing;
(e) require that the board is provided with periodic reports on
the effectiveness of the arrangements; and
(f) include appropriate training for employees and directors
on the arrangements.
(3) A licensed insurer, a licensed reinsurer or a licensed insurance
intermediary shall ensure that the employees and directors of the licensed
insurer, licensed reinsurer or licensed insurance intermediary are made
aware of the right to make disclosures under the Whistleblower Act, 2006
(Act 720), in addition to the arrangements maintained in accordance
with this section.
(4) A licensed insurer, a licensed reinsurer or a licensed insurance
intermediary that contravenes subsection (1) or (3) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
General Supervt'sory Matters
Applications under this Act
186. (1) An application made under this Act, the Regulations or the
directives shall
(a) be in writing and, where applicable, in the approved form;
(b) include the information, and be accompanied by the
documents, required by this Act, the Regulations or the
(2) The Commission may
(a) require an applicant to provide the Commission with the
relevant information and documents, in addition to those

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

specified in paragraph (b) of subsec tion (1), that the

Commission may require to determine the application;
(b) specify the form in which the information and documents
are to be provided and the p eriod within which the
documents and in formation are to be provided; and
(c) require any documents and information provided to be
verified in the manner that the Commission may determine.
(3) Where, before the determination by the Commission of an
(a) there is a material change in any information or document
provided by or on behalf of th e applicant to the
Commission in connection with the application, or
(b) the applicant discovers that the information or document
provided is incomplete, inaccurate or misleading,
the applicant shall immediately give the Commission written particulars
of the change or of the incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information
or document.
(4) An applicant that fails to comply with subsection (3) is liable
to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the
First Schedule.
187. (1) A licence may be issued, or an approval or exemption granted,
subject to such conditions as the Commission considers appropriate.
(2) Where a licen ce is issued, or an approval or exemption is
granted, subject to conditions determined by the Commission,
(a) the Commission shall, together with the licence, approval
or exemption, issu e a written notice specifying the
conditions; and
(b) if, in respect of any conditions, the Commission considers
that it is in the public interest to do so, the Commission
may state those conditions on the licence, approval or
(3) The Commission may, upon giving reasonable written notice
to a licensee,
(a) vary or revoke any condition; or
(b) impose a new condition on the licen ce, approval or
(4) A licensee may apply to the Commission in writing for a
condition to be revoked or varied.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(5) Where the Commission is satisfied that a condition is no

longer necessary or should be varied, the Commission may revoke or
vary the condition.
(6) Where the Commission revokes or varies a condition or
imposes a new condition, the licensee shall, if requested to do so by the
Commission, deliver the licen ce, approval or exemption of the licensee
to the Commission for re-issue.
(7) For the purpose of this section,
"approval" means a permission granted under this Act or the
"condition" means a requirement attached to a licence or to an
approval or exemption; and
"exemption" means an exception granted under this Act or the
Returns and reports
188. (1) A licensee shall submit to the Commission such reports and
returns relating to the financial condition and business of the licensee as
specified in the Act, the Regulations or the directives or as requested by
the Commission.
(2) Where the Commission considers that any report or return
submitted by a licensee under subsection (1) is
(a) inaccurate,
(b) incomplete,
(c) delayed,
(d) not prepared in accordance with this Act, the Regulations
or the directives, or
(e) not in the approved form,
the licensee is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty
as specified in the First Schedule.
Supervisory Co-operation
Duty to co-operate
189. (1) The Commission shall co-operate with
(a) law enforcement authorities;
(b) supervisory authorities in the country; and
(c) foreign supervisory authorities.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(2) Co-operntio n under subsection (1) includes the sharing of

information and documents which the Commission is not prevented by
this Act or any other enactment from disclosing.
Provision of assistance to other authorities
190. (1) Subject to subsection (2), on the written request of a relevant
supervisory or law enforcement authority, the Commission may
{a) exercise the power to undertake an inspection visit under
section 164;
(b) exercise the power conferred on the Commission by section
166 to obtain inf01mation or documents;
(c) require a person to be interviewed by the Commission under
section 172;
(d) make an application under section 174 for the examination
of a person under oath or affirmation by the Court; or
(e) appoint one or more persons as investigators to investigate
any matter.
(2) The Commission shall not exercise a power conferred on the
Commission by subsection (1) on the request of a relevant supervisory or
law enforcement authority, unless the Commission is of the opinion that
the information or document to which the request relates is reasonably
required by the relevant supervisory or law enforcement authority for the
purposes of the functions of the relevant supervisory or law enforcement
(3) An investigator appointed under paragraph (e) of subsection
(1) of this section has the power of an investigator under section 177.
(4) The Commissio n may disclose information, or provide
document, to a relevant supervisory or law enforcement authority whether
the information or document
(a) was obtained through the exercise of a power specified in
subsection (l); or
(b) is in the possession of the Commission.
(5) Where the Commission would, on the written request of a
relevant supervisory or law enforcement authority, be entitled to disclose
information or provide document in the possession of the Commission
to the relevant supervisory or law enforcement authority, the Commission
may disclose the information or document to the relevant supervisory or
law enforcement authority with put having received a written request from
the relevant supervisory or law enforcement authority.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Matters relevant to the provision of assistance

191. (1) In deciding whether or not to exercise the power conferred
on the Commission by subsection (1) of section 190, the Commission
may take into account,
(a) in the case of a request from a foreign supervisory authority,
whether reciprocal assistance would be given to the
Commission in the country or the for eign supervisory
(b) the nature and seriousness of the matter to which the request
for assistance relates and whether the assistance can be
obtained by other means;
(c) the relevance of the information or document to the
enquiries to which the request relates;
(d) whether it is in the interest of customers or prospective
customers of a licensee and the public interest to provide
the assistance sought; and
(e) other matters that the Commission considers relevant.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (1), the
Commission may require the foreign supervisory authority making the
request to give a written undertaking, in the form that the Commission
may require, to provide reciprocal assistance to the Commission.
(3) The Commission may decide that the Commission will not,
on the request of a foreign supervisory authority, exercise the power of
the Commission under this section unless
(a) the Commission has received satisfactory assurances from
that foreign supervisory authority that any information and
document provided to the foreign supervisory authority will
not be used in any criminal proceedings against the person
furnishing the information other than proceedings for an
offence equivalent to the offence specified in paragraph (b)
of subsection (2) of section 195 or for an offence of perjury
or any equivalent offence;
(b) that foreign supervisory authority undertakes to contJibute
towards the cost of exercising the power of the Commission
as the Commission considers appropriate; and
(c) the Commission is satisfied that that foreign supervisory
authority is subject to adequate legal restrictions on further
disclosure of the information and documents and that the

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

foreign supervisory authority will not, without the written

permission of the Commission,
(i) disclose information or the content of documents
provided to the foreign supervisory authority to any
person other than an officer or employee of the
authority engaged in the exercise of any of the
supervisory functions of the fo reign supervisory
authority; or
(ii) take any action on information or documents
provided to the foreign supervisory authority.
Protection of Confidential Information
Restrictions on disclosure of information
192. (1) Subject to section 193, protected information shall not be
disclosed by a recipient of that information, whether the recipient of the
information is a person specified in subsection (4) or a person who has
directly or indirectly received the protected information from ~ person
specified in subsection (4), without the consent of
(a) the person from whom the recipient obtained the
information; and
(b) if different, the person to whom the information relates.
(2) Information is not protected information
(a) if the information is or has been available to the public from
any other source; or
(b) where the information is disclosed in a summary form or
in statistics expressed in a manner that does not enable the
identity of a particular person to whom the information
relates to be determined.
(3) For the purpose of this Act, "protected information" means
information which
(a) relates to the business or other affairs of a licensee or any
other person; and
(b) is acquired by a person specified in subsection (4), for the
purposes of, or in the performance of, functions of the
person under this Act, Regulations or directives and is in
the nature of information that is obtained from a foreign

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

supervisory authority, a supervisory authority in the country

or a law enforcement authority.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), information is "protected
information" if acquired by any of the following in the performance of
the functions of the person under this Act, Regulations or directives:
(a) the Commission;
(b) a member of, or a member of a committee of the governing
body of the Commission;
(c) an employee of the Commission;
(d) a person appointed as a skilled person under section 171;
(e) a person appointed as an investigator under section 176;
(/) a person acting as agent, or under the authority, of the
Commission; and
(g) an employee of a person specified in paragraphs (d) to (f).
(5) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment
or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Permitted disclosure
193. Section 194 does not apply to a disclosure
(a) by a person, where the disclosure is
(i) required or permitted by, and made pursuant to an
order of a court;
(ii) required or pemritted by this Act or any other
(iii) made to a law enforcement agency in the country;
(iv) made to the Financial Intelligence Centre;
(b) by a person specified in subsection (4) of section 192, where
the disclosure is made to a person for the purpose of
performing or exercising a function, duty, responsibility or
power under this Act or the Regulations, in either case
whether the function, duty, responsibility or power is of
the person disclosing the information or of the Commission
or the Board;
(c) by the Commission
(i) to a relevant supervisory or law enforcement
authority in accordance with section 190; or

Insurance Act, 2021 Act1061

(ii) to help protect the public, or a section of the public,

from falling victim to a crime; or
(d) by a person , o ther than the Commission, where the
(i) is made w ith the written consent of the
Comm ission; and
(ii) could lawfully have been made by the Commission.
Privileged information
194. (I) A person shall not be required to disclose information or
produce or permit the inspection of a document under this Act if the
person is entitled to refuse to disclose the information or to produce, or
permit the inspecti on o f the document on th e gro unds of legal
professional privilege in legal proceedings.
(2) For the purposes of this section, information or a document
comes to a legal representative in privileged circumstances if the
information is communicated or given to the legal representative
(a) by, or b y a representative of, a client of the legal
representative in connection with the giving oflegal advice
to the client;
(b) by, or by the representative of, a person seeking legal advice
from the legal representative; or
(c) by a person
(i) in contemplation of, or in connection with, legal
proceedings, and
(ii) for the purposes of the legal proceedings.
(3) Information or a document shall not be treated as coming to
a legal representative in privileged circumstances if the information is
communicated or given with a view to furthering a criminal purpose.
(4) Despite subsection (1), a legal representative maybe required,
pursuant to a power undeJ this Act to provide the name and address of a
Admissibility of statements
195. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a statement made
(a) by a person in compliance with a n otice given by the
Commission under section 166,
(b) to an interviewer conducting an interview under section

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) in compliance with a request made by the examiner, to the

Court under section 174, or
(d) to an investigator appointed under section 176 or paragraph
(e) of subsection (I) of section 190,
is admissible in evidence in any proceedings, if the statement also
complies with any requirements governing the admissibility of evidence
in the circumstances in question.
(2) A statement made by a person in compliance with a
requirement imposed by this Act may only be used in evidence against
the person in criminal proceedings if
(a) the person has introduced the statement in evidence; or
(b) the prosecution of the person relates to
(i) a failure or refusal by that person to produce
documents or give assistance in accordance with
this Act;
(ii) an omission by that person to disclose a material
fact which should have been disclosed or the
provision by that person of false or misleading
information; or
(iii) an untruthful statement by that person .
Regulatory Powers
Protection for disclosure
196. A person who, in accordanec with this Act, the Regulations and
directives, discloses information or produces documents is not in
contravention of any enactment, agreement or professional code of
conduct to which that person is subject and civil, criminal or disciplinary
proceedings shall not lie against that person in respect of the disclosure.
197. (1) The Minister may, in consultation with the Board, by legislative
instrument, make Regulations for carrying out or giving effect to this
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Regulations may
(a) provide for matters that materially impact on third party

Insurance Act, 2021 Actl061

(b) provide for matters that impose obligations or duties on

the Commission;
(c) provide for matters that relate to group life insurance;
(d) increase or decrease the minimum percentage of Ghanaian
ownership that an insurance broker is required to have
under subsection (2) of section 110;
(e) provide for the notice to be given to a person to be
investigated under section 176;
(/) provide for the methodology for the conduct of an
(g) provide for the payment of remuneration to an investigator;
{h) provide for the termination of appointment of an
investigator appointed under section 176;
(i) specify the procedure for lodging complaints by customers
against a licensee to the Commission for mediation;
(j) provide that only specified categories or description of
customers are entitled to make complaints to the
Commission under this section;
(k) specify the circumstances under which complaints may be
referred to the Commission;
(!) provide for the fees payable to an expert in respect of
proceedings for the mediation of complaints;
(m) exempt a specified person from the requirement to obtain
an insurance intermediaries licence;
(n) provide for application for an innovative licence;
(o) provide qualifications of persons who may hold an
innovative licence;
(p) provide for the operations of holders of innovative licences;
(q) prescribe contracts of insurance or classes or descriptions
of contracts of insurance that are exempt from subsection
(1) of section 255.
(3) The Regulations may, for the purpose of compulsory
(a) prescribe the
(i) terms and conditions; and

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(ii) provis10ns;
that shall not be contained in a qualifying employer liability
insurance; and
(b) provide for the form and content, display and inspection
of certificates of compulsory insurance issued under this
(4) For the purpose of paragraph(!) of subsection (2) , "expert"
means a professional engaged by the Commission for the purpose of a
particular mediation.
198. (1) The Commission shall issue directives specifying or providing
(a) classes of insurance business, separating the classes between
long term and short term business;
(b) the strategies, policies, procedures and controls to be
established and maintained by licensed insurers and licensed
reinsurers, including internal controls, risk management and
(c) requirements relating to business conduct, including
requirements relating to the disclosure by licensed insurers
and licensed reinsurers of information to their customers
and the public;
(d) information to be provided and returns to be submitted to
the Commission by licensed insurers and licensed reinsurers;
and ·
(e) such other matters, as are required by this Act or the
Regulations, to be provided for in directives.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the directives may specify or
provide for
(a) the responsibilities of the directors and senior management
of licensed insurers and licensed reinsurers;
(b) the performance of the control functions oflicensed insurers
and licensed reinsurers and the activities and responsibilities
of key persons in control functions;
(c) policies and procedures to be maintained by licensed insurers
and licensed reinsurers with respect to the assessment and
management of risk;
(d) principles and rules of corporate governance to be adhered
to by licensed insurers and licensed reinsurers;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(e) internal audit requirements;

(/) internationally recognised accounting standards to be
adopted by licensed insurers and licensed reinsurers;
(g) circumstances in which prior notice is to be given of new
insurance products;
(h) requirements relating to insurance contracts;
(i) procedures for approval of new insurance contracts and
the circumstances in w hich products can be submitted on a
file and use basis;
(j) circumstances in which approval is required for premium
methodologies and rates;
(k) outsourcing of insurance activities;
(l) reinsurance and fronting arrangements;
(m) the development and sale of index-based insurance contracts
and inclusive insurance contracts, including micro insurance
(n) the preparation of, and requirements relating to, business
(o) measures for th e detection, prevention, remedial and
reporting of finan cial crime;
(p) complaints made against licensed insurers and licensed
re insurers;
(q) the supervision by the Commission of insurance groups
and non-insurance groups, including group governance and
internal controls;
(r) coinsurance and insurance pools;
(s) insurance database;
(t) mobile insurance; and
(u) such other matters that are required by this Act or
Regulations to be provided for in the directives.
Directives for insurance intermediaries
199. (1) The Commission shall issu e d irectives for insurance
intermediaries specifying or providing for
(a) the strategies, policies, procedures and controls to be
established and maintained by licensed insurance
intermediaries, including internal controls, risk
management and compliance;
(b) requirements relating to business conduct, including
requirements relating to the disclosure by licensed insurance

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

intermediaries of information to their customers and the

(c) the handling of premiums and client moneys;
( d) information to be provided and returns to be submitted to
the Commission by licensed insurance intermediaries; and
(e) such other matters as are required by this Act or the
Regulations to be provided for in the Insurance
Intermediaries Directives.
(2) Without limiting subsection ( 1), directives for insurance
intermediaries may specify or provide for
(a) the responsibilities of the directors and senior management
of licensed insurance intermediaries;
(b) the performance of the functions of licensed insurance
intermediaries and the activities and responsibilities of key
persons in control functions;
(c) principles and rules of corporate governance to be adhered
to by licensed insurance intermediaries;
(d) the requirements for and preparation of business plans;
(e) measures for the; detection, prevention, remedial and
reporting of financial crime;
(f) requirements relating to the disclosure by licensed insurance
intermediaries of information to their customers and the
(g) complaints made against licensed insurance intermediaries;
(h) the distribution of index-based insurance contracts and
inclusive insurance contracts, including micro insurance
contracts; and
(i) such other matters as are permitted by this Act or the
Regulations to be provided for in the Insurance
Intermediaries Directives.
General provisions relating to directives
200. (1) The directives may
(a) make different provisions with respect to persons, cases or
circumstances of different descriptions;
(b) include such transitional provisions as the Commission
considers necessary or expedient; and
(c) come into operation on such date or dates specified in the
(2) The Commission may amend, substitute or revoke the
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

201. (1) The Commission may issue Guidelines
(a) on the criteria to determine fit and proper persons to
perform specific roles or functions under the Act;
(b) to facilitate compliance by a licensee with the Act and the
(c) to combat money launderin g and terrorist financing
activities; and
(d) on any oth er matters related to the functions of the
(2) The Guidelines may make provision for different persons,
circumstances or cases.
(3) Where a licensed insurer or licensed reinsurer or licensed
insurance intermediary fails to comply with the Guidelines issued under
this section, the Commission may take into account the failure in
determining whether there has been a contravention of this Act or the
International standards and best practice
202. In discharging the functions of, and exercising the powers of the
Commission, the Commission shall take into account
(a) international standards and best practice relating to the
regulation and supervision of insurance companies and
insurance intermediaries; and
(b) the proportionate application of the international standards
taking into consideration the stage of development of the
insurance market.
Approved forms
203. (1) The Commission may approve forms for the purposes of
this Act, the Regulations, the directives and the Guidelines.
(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a form may be approved in
relation to
(a) an application, return or report or any other document
required or permitted to be submitted to the Commission
by or on beh alf of a licensee;
(b) any document required to be submitted to the Commission,
by or on behalf of a person carrying out any function in
relation to a licensee; or

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(c) any document r equired or permitted to be issued or

published by or on behalf of a licensee, or a person carrying
out any function in relation to a licensee, to
(i) customers or prospective customers of a licensee,
(ii) creditors of the licensee; or
(iii) the public.
(3) Where the Commission has published an approved form with
respect to a document, that document shall
(a) be in that form and contain the information specified in
the approved form; and
(b) have attached to it such documents as may be specified in
the approved form.
Requirement to consult
204. (1) The Commission shall, before issuing, amending, revoking
or substituting the Regulations, Guidelines or approved forms,
(a) provide persons that the Commission considers will be
substantially affected, with a copy of
(i) existing Regulations for the purposes of insurance,
insurance intermediaries, the Guidelines or
approved forms; or
(ii) the proposed amendment to the Regulations for the
purpose of insurance, insurance intermediaries, the
Guidelines or approved form;
(b) give persons referred to in paragraph (a), a reasonable
opportunity to make written representations to the
Commission; and
(c) consider the written representation submitted to the
Commission under paragraph (b).
(2) The Commission may comply with obligations under
paragraph (a) of subsection (1) by consulting with any professional or trade
association of which the person referred to in paragraph (a) is a member.
Publication of Guidelines and approved forms
205. The Commission shall publish the Guidelines or an approved
form or an amendment to the Guidelines or approved form on the website
of the Commission.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Protection of Commission, Board, Staff and Agents

206. (1) A person to whom subsection (2) applies is not liable to any
action, claim, suit or demand whether criminal or civil in respect of
anything done or omitted to be done by that person in good faith in the
performance of or purported performance of a function, duty, responsibility
or power under this Act, the Regulations, directives and Guidelines unless
it is proved that the act or omission was in bad faith.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to
(a) the Commission;
(b) a Board member or a member of a committee of the Board;
(c) an employee of the Commission;
(d) a person authorised by the Commission to perform any
function, discharge any duty, or exercise any power, on
behalf of the Commission; and
(e) an agent of the Commission.
(3) A person is not liable to civil, criminal or disciplinary
proceedings by reason solely of the fact that the person has provided
information or produced documents to the Commission pursuant to a
notice issued by the Commission under section 166.
Mediation of Complaints
Procedure for complaints
207. (1) Subject to Regulations made under section 197, a customer
may make a complaint to the Commission for mediation if
(a) the complaint relates to a licensable activity undertaken by,
or offered to be undertaken by a licensee; and
(b) the person has a right or interest in relation to the respective
licensable activity.
(2) The Commission shall establish procedures for the mediation
of complaints as may be submitted to the Commission in accordance
with Regulations made under section 197.
Court proceedings
208. (1) If an application is made to a Court in relation to an act or
omission, or alleged act or omission of a licensee and a complaint relating
to the same act or omission is, or has been, submitted to the Commission
under procedures established under section 207, the Court may adjourn
the application subject to the terms the Court considers appropriate,
pending the determination by the Commission of the complaint.
Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) The utilisation of the complaint procedures by a customer of

a licensee does n ot affect any application that a customer or a licensee
may make to a Court in respect of the matter complained of, whether
before or after the Commission has made a determination under the
Inclusive Insurance and Index Insurance
Sale of microinsurance by unlicensed insurance agents
209. The Regulations may exempt a specified person from the
requirement to obtain an insurance intermediary licence to act as an
insurance agent in relation to the distribution and sale of inclusive
insurance contracts, including microinsurance contracts.
Index insurance contract
210. (1) An index insurance contract is an insurance contract under
(a) the liability of the insurer to make a payment in respect of
a stated insured risk is triggered by an index;
(b) the amount of the payment is determined in accordance
with, one or more indexes, rather than on an assessment of
the actual loss of the insured; and
(c) payment is designed to provide a level of compensation,
although not necessarily an indemnity, to the insured in
respect of any of the following:
(i) losses, including consequential losses, that the insured
is expected to suffer; or
(ii) costs, including mitigation costs, that the insured
is expected to incur,
as a result of the occurrence of the insured risk.
(2) An index insurance contract may includ.e terms which provide
for the amount of the payment to an insured to be determined by
(a) the index that triggers the liability to pay;
(b) another index; or
(c) an assessment or other estimation of adverse impact.
(3) An in dex insurance contract may be designed to trigger
payment by the insurer before the occurrence of the insured risk, where
the payment is designed, at least in part, to compensate the insured for
meeting the costs of preparing for, and mitigating the effect of, the insured
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(4) For the purposes of this Act, the following are not considered
index insurance contracts:
(a) life insurance contracts or annuities;
(b) investment linked contracts under which the value of an
investment is determined in whole or in part by reference
to a financial index or an index of asset values; or
(c) any other types of insurance or other contract that may be
prescribed by Regulations.
Innovative Insurers and Innovative Insurance Intennediaries
Innovative insurance licence
211 . (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act applies to
(a) an application for an innovative insurance licence as if the
application was for a licence for an insurer or a licence for
a reinsurer as the case may be; and
(b) an innovative insurer or an innovative reinsurer as if the
innovative insurer or innovative reinsurer was a licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer, as the case may be.
(2) An innovative insurance licence shall be granted for a period
not exceeding two years in aggregate.
(3) The Commission may, on the application of the holder of
the licence, extend the period of an innovative insurance licence for a
period of not more than two years in aggregate.
Innovative insurance intermediary licence
212. (1) Subj ect to subsection (2), this Act applies to
(a) an application for an innovative insurance intermediary
licence as if the application was for an insurance
intermediary licence in the appropriate category; and
(b) an innovative insurance intermediary as if the innovative
insurance intermediary was a licensed ins urance
intermediary in the appropriate category.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), an innovative insurance
intermediary licence shall be granted for a period not exceeding two years.
(3) The Commission may, on the application of the holder of an
innovative insurance intermediary licence extend the period of an
innovative insurance intermediary licence for a period of not more than
two years in aggregate.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Criteria for grant of an innovative licence

213. (1) The Commission shall not grant an innovative licence to an
applicant unless the Commission determines that
(a) the applicant is capable of using a new or different
technological or innovative measure
(i) to carry on the proposed innovative insurance
business or
(ii) to provide products or services;
(b) customers of the applicant have been or, by the time that
the business commences will be, adequately protected; and
(c) the grant ofthe innovative licence will not materially impact
on the ability of the Commission to supervise the licensee.
(2) In considering the protection of customers, the Commission
shall have regard to the sophistication of the customers, or potential
(3) The Commission shall grant an innovative licence subject to
such conditions as the Commission considers appropriate.
Public Liability Insurance
Requirement to insure and maintain public liability insurance
214. (1) A person of a class, type or description specified in the Second
Schedule shall insure and maintain an insurance under any qualifying
public liability insurance contract with a licensed insurer.
(2) If a person takes out and maintains two or more public liability
insurance contracts, the insurance contracts, taken together, shall meet
the requirements with respect to the minimum amount of public liability
insurance required by the Regulations.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment
or to both as specified in the First Schedule.

Scope of cover of public liability insurance

215. A public liability insurance contract shall provide indemnity for
the insured person against
(a) the liability of the person to another person for bodily injury
or property damage that occurs during the policy term that
arises out of or in connection with the business, activity or
operations of the insured; and

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) the legal and other costs connected with investigating,

defending and settling a claim in relation to a liability
specified in paragraph (a).
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Requirement to insure and maintain professional indemnity insnrance
216. (I) An employer of a professional person specified in the Second
Schedule shall insure and maintain an insurance under any qualifying
professional indemnity insurance contract with a licensed insurer for the
professional person.
(2) If the employer or another person takes out and maintains
two or more professional indemnity insurance contracts, the insurance
contracts, taken together, shall comply with the Regulations with respect
to the minimum amount of professional indemnity insurance required.
(3) An employer that contravenes subsection (1) commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of
imprisonment or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Scope of cover of a professional indemnity insurance
217. A professional indemnity insurance contract shall, indemnify the
insured professional against
(a) the liability of the professional person for loss or damage
caused to another person where the claim arises from
(i) a negligent act, error or omission, a negligent
misstatement or misrepresentation or a breach of a
duty of care in connection with the carrying on by
the person of the business;
(ii) the dishones ty of the employees of the insured
professional or persons engaged under a contract
for services and, in the case of a body corporate,
the directors of the body corporate; or
(iii) the loss and theft of documents and data, including
the cost of replacement, the reinstatement of data
and the increased cost of working;
(b) the legal and other costs connected with defending a claim
referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) the cost of investigating and settling such a claim.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Insurance of Commercial Buildings

Requirement to insure commercial buildings
218. (1) A person who constructs or causes to be constructed a
commercial building specified in the Second Schedule shall insure and
maintain insurance under any qualifying commercial building insurance
contract with a licensed insurer.
(2) The occupier or owner of a commercial building shall insure
and maintain an insurance under any qualifying commercial building
insurance contract with a licensed insurer.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of
imprisonment or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Scope of cover of commercial building insurance contracts
219. (1) A commercial building insurance contract shall provide with
respect to
(a) a commercial building under construction
(i) an indemnity against liability for loss or damage
caused to a person where the claim arises from the
negligence of, or a breach of a duty of care by the
owner, the building contractor or any employee or
agent of, or consultant to, the building contractor
in connection with the construction of the building;
(ii) the legal and other costs connected with defending
a claim referred to in subparagraph (i); and
(iii) the cost of investigating and settling such a claim;
(b) any commercial building
(i) an insurance cover against the hazards of collapse,
fire, earthquake, storm and flood; and
(ii) an indemnity against the liability of the owner or
occupier of the commercial building for loss or
damage caused to any person using the premises.
Compulsory Insurance Contracts
Requirements relating to compulsory insurance contracts
220. (1) A compulsory insurance contract shall
(a) except in exceptional cases be for a period of twelve months;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) provide cover and include terms and conditions that may
be required by the Regulations.
(2) A compulsory insurance contract that provides an indemnity
against the liability of the insured person to another person, shall not
(a) contain any term or condition that excludes or limits the
liability of the insurer, whether generally or in respect of a
particular claim, if anything is done or omitted to be done
after the occurrence of the event that gives rise to a claim
under the policy; and
(b) require the insured person to pay to a person to whom the
insured person is liable, the first amount of any claim or
aggregation of claims.
(3) Despite paragraph (b) of subsection (2), a compulsory
insurance contract may require the insured person to pay or make a
contribution to the insurer in respect of
(a) the satisfaction of any claim made under the contract of
insurance; or
(b) any cost or expense incurred in relation to the claim.
(4) The exceptional cases referred to in subsection (1) shall be
prescribed by Regulations.
(5) Any term or condition in a qualifying compulsory insurance
contract that contravenes subsection (1) or (2) is void and of no effect.
Insurance for risk arising in Ghana
221. (1) A person shall not, unless authorised by the Commission, enter
into a contract of insurance with an insurance company not licensed
under this Act in respect of
(a) a property situate in the country;
(b) liability arising in the country; or
(c) goods other than personal effects being imported into the
(2) A person wh o contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment
or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
(3) Nothing in this section affects the validity or enforceability
of a contract of insurance entered into in contravention of this provis ion.
Marine insurance
222. (1) A person who imports goods, other than personal effects,
into the country shall insure the goods with an insurer licensed under
this Act.

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) A person shall not place any marine cargo or hull business,
other than reinsurance business, with an insurer who is not licensed under
this Act, except with the prior written approval of the Commission.
(3) For the purposes of subsections (I) and (2), a letter of credit
or similar document issued by a bank or financial institution
(a) in the country, in respect of the goods being imported into
the country, shall be on prime cost, insurance and freight
with the insurance taken from an insurer licensed under
this Act; or
(b) outside the country, in respect of the goods being imported
into the country, shall be on cost and freight.
(4) A person who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) commits an
offence and is liable on su mmary conviction to a fine or a term of
imprisonment or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Fire Control Fund
Establishment of Fire Control Fund
223. There is established by this Act, the Fire Control Fund.
Object of the Fire Control Fund
224. The object of the Fire Control Fund is to provide financial
resources to
(a) state institutions to fight fire; and
(b) any other organisation the Commission may determine
for the purposes of fighting fire.
Sources of money for the Fire Control Fund
225. (1) The sources of moneys for the Fire Control Fund include a
percentage of gross premiums specified by th e Commission in
consultation with the recognised insurance industry trade bodies.
(2) A licensed insurer that fails to pay the contribution required
under subsection (1) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
(3) For the purpose of subsection (1), a licensed insurer shall pay,
on an annual basis, the percentage of gross premiums on any insurance
contract that the licensed insurer issues in respect of all insurance contracts
that provide·an insurance cover against the risk of fire.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Fire Control Fund Committee

226. (1) Without limi ting subsection (1) of section 15, there is
established by this Act a Fire Control Fund Committee comprising
representatives of
(a) the Commission;
(b) the Ghana National Fire Service; and
(c) the insurance regulated entities that contribute to tbe Fire
Control Fund.
(2) The Commission shall appoint one of the members of the
committee as the chairperson of the Fire Conttol Fund Committee.
(3) The functions of the Fire Control Fund Committee are to
advise the Commission on
(a) the management of the Fire Control Fund; and
(b) the disbursement of moneys from the Fire Control Fund.
(4) The F ire Control Fund Committee is an advisory committee.
(5) The Fire Control Fund Committee shall determine the
procedure for meetings of the Committee.
Management of the Fire Control Fund
227. (1) The Commission shall manage the Fire Control Fund on the
advice of the Fire Control Fund Committee in accordance with procedures
specified in the Regulations.
(2) The Commission shall, in consultation with the Fire Control
Fund Committee, specify conditions for the disbursement of moneys from
the Fire Control Fund.
Motor Compensation Fund
Establishment of the Motor Compensation Fund
228. There is established by this Act the Motor Compensation Fund.
Object of the Motor Compensation Fund
229. The object of the Motor Compensation Fund is to compensate
persons who suffer injury or the dependants of a person who dies through
a motor accident and who are unable to obtain compensation from an
insurance company.
Sources of money for the Motor Compensation Fund
230. (1) The Commission shall, in consultation with the recognised
insurance industry trade bodies, allocate a percentage of the motor
contributions received by the Commission on every sticker issued by a
licensed insurer to an insured, for payment into the Motor Compensation
F und.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) A licensed insurer that fails to pay the motor contribution to

the Commission is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Motor Compensation Fund Committee
231. (1) Without limiting subsection (1) of section 15, there is
established by this Act a Motor Compensation Fund Committee
comprising representatives of the Commission and representatives of
the insurance regulated entities that contribute to the Fund.
(2) The Commission shall appoint one of the members of the
committee as the chairperson of the Motor Compensation Fund
(3) The Motor Compensation Fund Committee shall advise the
Commission on the management and disbursement of moneys from the
Motor Compensation F und.
(4) The Motor Compensation Fund Committee is an advisory
(5) The Motor Compensation Fund Committee shall determine
the procedure for meetings of the Committee.
Management of the Motor Compensation Ftmd
232. The Commission shall, in consultation with the Motor
Compensation Fund Committee, manage the Motor Compensation Fund
in accordance with procedures as may be specified in the Regulations.
Emergency treatment for road traffic accident victims
233. A percentage of the motor insurance premium jointly agreed by
(a) the Commission,
(b) insurers authorised to carry on motor business, and
(c) the National Health Insurance Authority,
shall be paid by insurers, into the National Health Insurance Fund to
cover the cost of emergency treatment of road traffic crash victims.
Conditions for making payments from the Motor Compensation Fund
234. The Commission shall, in consultation with the recognised
insurance industry trade bodies, specify in writing the conditions for
making payments from the Motor Compensation Fund.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Client Rescue Fund

Establishment of Client Rescue Fund
235. There is established by this Act the Client Rescue Fund.
Object of the Client Rescue Fund
236. The object o f th e Clie nt Rescue Fund is to co mpensate
policyholders of insurers and reinsurers, that are wound up as insolvent.
Sources of money for the Client Rescue Fund
237. (I) A licensed insurer and a licensed reinsurer is required to pay
to the Commission, each year, a contribution to the Client Rescue Fund,
calculated in accordance with subsection (2).
(2) The Commission shall, in consultation with the recognised
insurance industry trade bodies, specify the contribution that a licensed
insurer or a licensed reinsurer is required to pay into the Client Rescue
F und.
(3) A licensed insurer or a licensed reinsurer that fails to pay the
contribution required under subsection (1) is liable to p ay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Client Rescue Fund Committee
238. (I) Withou t limiting subsection (I) of section 15, there is
established by this Act the Client Rescue Fund Committee comprising
representatives of the Commission and representatives of the insurance
regulated entities that contribute to the Client Rescue Fund.
(2) The Commission shall appoint one of the members of the
committee as the chairperson of the Client Rescue Fund Committee.
(3) The Client Rescue Fund Committee shall advise th e
Commission on the
(a) m anagement of the Client Rescue Fund; and
(b) disbursement of moneys from the Client Rescue Fund.
(4) The Client Rescue Fund Committee is an advisory committee.
(5) The Client Rescue Fund Committee shall determine the
procedure for meetings of the Committee.
Management of the Client Rescue Fund
239. (1) The Commission shall manage the Client Rescue Fund in
consultation with the Client Rescue Fund Committee and in accordance
with the procedures as may be specified in the Regulations.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) The Commission shall, in consultation with the Client Rescue

Fund Committee, specify conditions in writing for the making of
payments from the Client Rescue Fund.
Insurance Education Fund
Establishment of the Insurance Education Fund
240. There is established by this Act the Insurance Education Fund.
Object of the Insurance Education Fund
241. The objects of the Insurance Education F und are to provide
financial support to
(a) the Ghana Insurance College for training persons working
in the insurance industry, particularly in the areas of
competence and ethics; and
(b) educate Ghanaians on insurance matters through the
Commission, the Ghana Insurance College and any other
relevant institution.
Sources of money for the Insurance Education Fund
242. (I) A licensed insurer and a licensed reinsurer shall pay to the
Commission, each year, a contribution to the Insurance Education Fund.
(2) The Commission shall, in consultation with the recognised
insurance industry trade bodies, specify the contribution that a licensee
is required to pay into the Insurance Education Fund.
(3) The Insurance Education Fund may receive contnbutions from
funding agencies and any other source approved by the Commission.
(4) A licensed insurer that fails to pay the contribution required
under subsection (I) is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Insurance Education F1md Committee
243. (1) Without limiting subsection (1) of section 15, there is
established by this Act the Insurance Education Fund Committee
comprising representatives of the Commission and representatives of
the insurance regulated entities that contribute to the Fund.
(2) The Commission shall appoint one of the committee members
as the chairperson of the Insurance Education Fund Committee.
(3) The functions of the Insurance Education Fund Committee
are to advise the Commission on the
(a) management of moneys; and

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(b) disbursement of moneys

from the Insurance Education Fund.
(4) The Insurance Education Fund Committee is an advisory
(5) The Insurance Education Fund Committee shall determine
the procedure for meetings of the Committee.
Management of the Insurance Education Fund
244. The Commission shall manage the Insurance Education Fund
including contributions to the F und.
Agricultural Insurance Fund
Establishment of the Agricnltural Insurance Fund
245. There is established by this Act, the Agricultural Insurance Fund.
Object of the Agricultural Insurance Fund
246. The objects of the Agricultural Insurance F und are to provide
financial resources
(a) to subsidise agricultural insurance premiums;
(b) to train agricultural extension officers an~ other persons
who are required to disseminate information on agricultural
insurance to farmers;
(c) for the acquisition of equipment for relevant agencies that
may generate the data required in the development of
agricultural insurance products;
{d) to build capacity of state institutions to provide consistent
and reliable data for the development of insurance products;
(e) to invest in technology to disseminate information on
agricultural insurance to farmers; and
(/) for any oth er activity related to the d evelopment of
agricultural insurance.
Somces of money for the Agricultural Insurance Fund
247. The sources of money for the Agricultural Insurance Fund are
(a) moneys approved by Parliament;
(b) contributions from licensed insurers and licensed reinsurers;
(c) contributions from the Commission.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee

248. (1) Without limiting subsection (1) of section 15, there is
established by this Act an Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee
(a) two representatives of the Ministry responsible for Finance
not below the rank of a Director;
(b) two representatives of the Ministry responsible for
Agriculture not below the rank of a Director;
(c) three representatives of the Commission; and
(d) two representatives of the insurance industry.
(2) The Commission shall appoint one of the members of the
Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee as the chairperson of the
Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee.
(3) The Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee shall formulate
a management strategy for the Agricultural Insurance Fund.
(4) The Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee shall determine
the procedure for meetings of the Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee.
Management of the Agricultural Insurance Fund
249. The Agricultural Insurance Fund Committee shall manage the
Agricultural Insurance Fund in consultation with the Commission.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Accounts, audit and annual report
250. Sections 34 and 35 apply to the Fire Control Fund, the Motor
Compensation Fund, the Client Rescue Fund, the Insurance Education
Fund and the Agricultural Insurance Fund with the necessary
Misleading advertisements and statements
251. (1) A person shall not, in the course of an activity that constitutes
a licensable business,
(a) whether or not that activity is carried on by that person or
the activity is one that that person is licensed to carry on
(i) issue, or cause or permit to be issued, a policy
summary, advertisement, brochure or similar
document, or
(ii) cause or permit to be made, a statement, promise
or forecast,

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

which that person knows, in a material particular is false or

misleading or contains an incorrect statement of fact;
(b) make, or cause or permit to be made, a statement, promise
or forecast, where the person is reckless as to whether the
statement, promise or forecast, in a material particular
(i) is false or misleading; or
(ii) contains an incorrect statement of fact;
(c) dishonestly conceal a material fact, whether in connection
with a policy summary, advertisemenc, brochure or similar
document, statement, promise or forecast, or otherwise.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable to pay to the
Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
(3) If the Commission is of the opinion that a policy summary,
advertisement, brochure or other similar document issued, or to be issued,
or a statement, promise or forecast made, or to be made, by or on behalf
of a licensee contravenes subsection (1) or is contrary to the public interest,
the Commission may
(a) direct the licensee in writing,
(i) not to issue the document,
(ii) not to make the statement, promise or forecast, or
(iii) to withdraw the statement, promise or forecast; or
(b) grant written approval tO the licensee to issue the document,
or make the statement, promise or forecast, with the changes
that the Commission may approve.
(4) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment
or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
False or misleading representations, statements, reports or returns
252. (1) A person shall not make or aid in making an oral or written
representation, statement, report or return,
(a) that is required or permitted by this Act or the Regulations
to be made to or, in the case of a document, submitted to
the Commission; and
(b) that contains a false statement of a material fact or that
omits to state a material fact required to be provided to the
Commission or necessary to avoid the statement or
document being materially misleading.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) A person does not contravene subsection (1) if that person

proves that that person did not know and, with the exercise ofreasonable
diligence, could not have known that the representation or statement
contained a false statement or omitted a material fact.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (I) commits an offence
and is liable on summary conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment
or to both as specified in the First Schedule.
Other penalties
253. Where the licensee contravenes a provision of this Act in respect
of anti-money laundering or counter financing of terrorism for three
consecutive times, the Commission may, in addition to the imposition
of the penalties specified in the First Schedule,
(a) blacklist the anti-money laundering reporting officer from
working with any licensee for not less than one year;
(b) sanction the senior management, the anti-money laundering
reporting officer or any other officer of the licensee who is
responsible for the contravention;
(c) publish the name of the licensee in the media;
(d) refuse to license new products of the licensee; or
(e) revoke the licence of the licensee.
Appeal to court
254. A person aggrieved by a decision of the Commission may, within
thirty days after the date of the decision, appeal to the Court.
Avoidance of contracts of insurance of nnHmited amount
255. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a contract of insurance entered into
by an insurer after the commencement date, is void if it is a contract
under which the insurer undertakes a liability the amount, or maximum
amount, of which is uncertain at the time when the contract is entered
(2) This section applies to motor insurance contracts despite
anything to the contrary in the Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance)
Act, 1958 (No. 42).
(3) The Commission, in consultation with the insurance industry
shall, by directives, prescribe a formula to compute the compensation in
respect of injury and deceased claims arising out of a motor accident.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

Minimum premium rates and maximum levels of commission or

256. (1) The Commission may, by written notice, specify
(a) minimum premium rates; and
(b) maximum levels of commission or other remuneration
for specified classes or sub-classes of insurance business or for insurance
contracts of a specified type or description.
(2) Any minimum premium rate specified under paragraph (a)
of subsection (1) shall apply to all licensed insurers.
(3) Any maximum level of commission or other remuneration
specified under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) shall apply to all licensed
insurance intermediaries or to a specific type or description of a licensed
insurance intermediary, as specified by the Commission in the notice.
(4) If a minimum premium rate specified by the Commission
under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) applies to an insurance contract
offered by a licensed insurer, the insurer shall not enter into, or agree to
enter into, the contract for a premjum rate lower than the specified
(5) If a maximum level of commission or other remuneration is
specified by the Commission under paragraph (b) of subsection (1), a
licensed insurer shall not pay a level of commission or other remuneration
that exceeds the specified maximum.
(6) A licen sed insurer that contravenes subsection (4) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
(7) A licensed insurer that contravenes subsection (5) is liable to
pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified in the First
(8) A licensed insurance intermediary that contributes to the
contravention of subsection (4) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Sched ule.
(9) A licensed insurance intermediary that contributes to the
contravention of subsection (5) is liable to pay to the Commission an
administrative penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Insurance database
257. (1) The Commission shall establish a database on insurance
products for the purpose of developing, regulating and supervising the
insurance industry.

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

(2) The Commission shall keep the database in accordance with

the relevant enactments.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Commission shall issue
directives to specify the information that the insurance regulated entities
shall provide to the Commission.
(4) A person who fails to comply with a directive issued under
subsection (3) shall be liable to pay to the Commission an administrative
penalty as specified in the First Schedule.
Payment of premium
258. (1) An insurance regulated entity shall not issue an insurance policy
to a policyholder on credit.
(2) A person who fails to pay the premium on an insurance
product shall have no cover in respect of the insurance risk.
(3) An insurer licensed under this Act shall record as income only
premiums that have been paid on insurance products.
(4) An insurance regulated entity that contravenes subsection (1),
is liable to pay to the Commission an administrative penalty as specified
in the First Schedule.
259. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
"annuities" means the payment stream that is received under
an annuity contract;
"annuity contract" means a contract under which the annuity
provider, in consideration for a sum of money or other
assets, agrees to make guaranteed fixed or variable periodic
payments, at some future time, to an annuitant, or to one
or more beneficiaries, for the lifetime of the annuitant or
beneficiary or for such shorter period as is stated in the
"anti-money laundering reporting officer" m eans a compliance
officer of an insurance company w h o oversees the
implementation of the anti-money laundering and counter
financing of terrorism framework of the ins urance
"appointed actuary" means a person appointed as an actuary
of a licensed insurer under subsection (1) of section 79;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

"approved bank" has the meaning assigned to it under

subsection (6) of section 68;
"bancassurance" means an arrangement between a licensed bank
and a licensed insurer by which the bank distributes an
insurance product of the insurer to customers of the bank
through an arrangement under which the bank acts as an
agent for the insurer;
"Board" means the governing body of the Commission
established under section 6;
"capital component" means a form of capital that is eligible
for inclusion in the capital resources of a licensed insurer;
"carrying on unlicensed business" means carrying on an y
licensable activity without
(a) a bcence that authorises that type of licensable
activity, or
(b) the benefit of an exemption provided for in this Act
or any other enactment;
"cedant" means a person entitled as a beneficiary to a payment
under a reinsurance contract;
"class" means a group of persons, insurers, insurance regulated
entities or insurance products with similar characteristics;
"coinsurance contract" means a contract between multiple
insurance companies in which
(a) the risk is spread among multiple ins ura nce
companies; and
(b) the insured is aware of the companies that have
taken on the risk of that insured;
"commercial building" means a building or space, including a
building occupied by the Government or a public institution
(a) to which members of the public have ingress and
egress; and
(b) which is used for
(i) business or commerce;
(ii) the provision of services, including educational
and medical services;
(iii) government or public administration; or
(iv) any other purpose specified in the Regulations;

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

"commercial building insurance contract" means a contract that

meets the requil'ements of sections 218 and 219;
"Commissioner" means the Commissoner of Insurance
appointed under section 18 of this Act;
"Commission" means the National Insurance Commission
established under section 1;
"compulsory insurance contract" includes
(a) a qualifying commercial building insurance
(b) a qualifying employer's liability insurance contract,
(c) a qualifying professional indemnity insurance
(d) a qualifying public liability insurance contract;
(e) a qualifying group life insurance contract;
(/) a qualifying marine insurance contract; and
(g) a qualifying motor insurance contract;
"connected person" means a person who is connected to another
(a) in the circumstance where both parties are
companies which fall within the same group of
companies whether as subsidiary companies or a
parent and a subsidiary;
(b) in the circumstance where both parties have a
common significant owner; and
(c) in any other circumstances specified in the directives
or Regulations, including cil'cumstances arising
(i) ownership;
(ii) employment or office;
(iii) partnership; or
(iv) a family relationship;
"control" means the circumstance where a person has significant
influence on another entity as defined in the directives or
the Regulations;
"control function" means
(a) in relation to a licensed insurer, a function specified
in section 77;
(b) in relation to a corporate insurance intermediary, a
function specified in section 134;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

"corporate insurance agent" means an insurance agent that is a

"corporate insurance intermediary" means
(a) a licensed insurance broker, a licensed insurance loss
adjuster, a licensed technical service provider or a
licensed insurance syndicate manager; or
(b) a licensed insurance agent, a licensed insurance loss
assessor or a licensed micro insurance agent
that is a company;
"correspondent agent" means an international financial
institution that acts on behalf of an insurance regulated
entity in a given transaction;
"Court" means a court of competent jurisdiction;
"customer" means
(a) in the case of a licensed insurer, a policyholder of
the insurer or a beneficiary under an insurance
contract entered into by the insurer, as insurer; or
(b) in the case of a licensed insurance intermediary, a
person, whether resident in or outside the country,
to whom the insurance intermediary provides,
agrees to provide or has provided a service for which
a licence is required;
"Deputy Commissioner" means Deputy Commissioner of
Insurance appointed under section 21 of this Act;
"direct insurance business" means the business of undertaking
liability as an insurer under a direct insurance contract;
"direct insurance contract" means an insurance contract that is
not a reinsurance contract;
"directives" mean instructions given by the Commission to an
entire class of licensees such as insurers, reinsurers or
insurance brokers;
"directions" mean instructions given by the Commission to a
particular licensee;
"director", in relation to an undertaking, means a person
appointed to direct the affairs of the undertaking and
(a) a person who is a member of the governing body
of the undertaking; and
(b) a person who, in relation to the undertaking,
occupies the position of director, by whatever name

Act1061 Insurance Act, 2021

"distribution" has the meaning assigned in subsection (3) of

section 66;
"employee" means a person who has entered into or is working
under a contract of service or appren ticeship with an
employer, whether
(a) skilled or unskilled, and
(b) the contract is expressed or implied, oral or in
"employer" means
(a) the Government;
(b) a body corporate or unincorporated;
(c) the legal personal representative of a deceased
(d) a person who enters into a contract of service or
apprenticeship to temporarily hire another person;
(e) a person who employs another person for the
purpose of this Act;
"external actuary", in relation to an insurer, means an actuary
who is not an employee of the insurer;
"financial condition report" means the document used to
document the solvency of an insurance company based on
the financial status of the insurance company and the
assessment of the ability of that company to handle future
risks including poor economic conditions;
"Financial Intelligence Centre" means the Centre established
under section 4 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2020
(Act 1044);
"financial statements" has the meaning specified in section 153;
"fit and proper person" means a person suitable to hold a specific
position based on
(a) tbe competency and capability of the person,
(b) the honesty and integrity of the person,
(c) the financial soundness of the person,
(d) the educational and professional qualification of the
person, and
(e) any other relevant criteria as determined by the

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

"foreign insurer" means a person who carries on insurance

business and is incorporated in a jurisdiction outside the
country including an underwriter who is a member of a
recognised association of underwriters;
"foreign reinsurer" means a reinsurer that is incorporated or
constituted in a jurisdiction outside the country
(a) the primary business of which is the business of
entering into reinsurance contracts, as reinsurer;
(b) which does not carry on a significant amount of
direct insurance business as a percentage of the
premium income of that reinsurer;
" foreign supervisory authority" means an authority in a
jurisdiction outside the country which performs
(a) functions similar to those performed by the
Commission; or
(b) a function that, in the opinion of the Commission,
relates to the regulation or supervision of financial
"Ghana Insurance College" means the institution established
by the Commission and the insurance industry to train
persons in the insurance industry;
"group" means an undertaking together with any undertaking
that is
(a) a subsidiary of the undertaking;
(b) a parent of the undertaking;
(c) a subsidiary of a parent of the undertaking;
(d) a parent of a subsidiary of the undertaking; or
(e) an undertaking in which the undertaking or any
undertaking specified in paragraphs (a) to (d) has a
qualifying participating interest within the meaning
of the directives;
"home country" means the country within which the
headquarters of a company is situate;
"inclusive insurance contract" means the product which is
targeted at a segment of the population and is usually under
served by insurance as defined in the Regulations;

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

" index-based insurance contract" means an insurance contract

(a) under which the liability of the insurer to make a
payment to the policyholder, and the amount of
that payment, is determined in accordance with one
or more indexes, rather than on an assessment of
the actual loss of the policyholder; and
(b) where the payment is designed to provide a level of
compensation, altho ugh not necessarily an
indemnity, to the policyholder in respect of any of
the following:
(i) losses, including consequential losses, that the
policyholder is expected to suffer, or
(ii) costs, including mi tigation costs, that the
policyholder is expected to incur,
in the event that payment is triggered by the index;
"innovative insurance business" means an insurance business
that uses new financial technology or any other innovative
technology or method in insurance business including the
(a) development of an insurance product,
(b) use of data,
(c) underwriting,
(d) pricing of risk, and
(e) distribution of an insurance product;
"innovative in surance intermediary" means an insurance
intermediary that uses financial technology or any other
innovative technology or method in the business of the
insurance intermediary;
"insolvent" means
{a) in the case of a license d ins urer or any o ther
insurer, the licensed insurer or other insurer
(i) does not meet the minimum solvency control
level specified in the directives; or
(ii) is unable to pay the debts or other liabilities
of the insurer as those debts and liabilities
fall due for payment; or
(b) in the case of a licensed insurance intermediary or
any other person, the licensed insurance intermediary
or other person
(i) has liabilities that in value exceed the value
of the ass ets of that licensed insuran ce
intermediary or other person; or

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(ii) is unable to pay the debts or other liabilities

of the licensed insurance intermediary or
other person as those debts and liabilities fall
due for payment;
"insurance agent"
(a) includes a person appointed and authorised by an
insurer to
(i) solicit applications for insurance,
(ii) negotiate for an insurance business on behalf
of the insurer, or
(iii) perform any o ther function of an agent,
assigned to the person by the insurer,
(b) does not include an individual who is a salaried
employee of the insurer;
"insurance agent licence" means a licence issued to a person
who intends to sell insurance on behalf of an insurer;
"insurance broker" means a person who acts as an independent
contractor or cons ultant for com mission or other
compensation, and not being an agent of the insurer, carries
out any of the following activities:
(a) soliciting or negotiating of insurance business,
including the renewal and continuance of the
business, on behalf of an insured person or a
prospective insured person other than the consultant
or contractor,
(b) bringing together, either directly or through the
agency of a third party, with a view to the insurance
of risks, of persons seeking insurance and insurers
and carrying out work preparatory to the conclusion
of contracts of insurance, or
(c) the provision of advice to customers concerning the
insurance requirements of the customer; and
(d) includes a reinsurance broker;
"insurance business" means the business of undertaking the
liability as an insurer or a reinsurer under an insurance or
reinsurance contract;
"insurance contract" means
(a) a contract under which the insurer, in exchange for
a premium , agrees with the policyholder, to make a

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

payment, or provide a benefit, to the policyholder

or another person on the occurrence of a specified
uncertain event, the occurrence of which will be
adverse to the interests of the policyholder; or
(b) an investment-linked contract;
(c) an annuity contract,
( d) a reinsurance contract; and
(e) an index-based insurance contract;
"insurance industry trade bodies" means the associations with
a direct or indirect interest in the insurance industry which
are formed by a segment of the insurance industry players
to represent the greater good of the members;
"insurance intermediary" includes
(a) an insurance broker;
(b) a reinsurance broker;
(c) an insurance agent;
(d) a bancassurance agent
(e) an insurance loss adjuster;
(/) an insurance loss assessor;
(g) a technical service provider;
(h) a micro insurance agent;
(i) an insurance investigator;
(j) an innovative insurance intermediary;
(k) an insurance syndicate manager;
(l) a third-party cell captive provider; and
(m) any other category as may be specified in the
"insurance intermediary licence" means a licence issued under
section 112;
"insurance loss adjuster" means a person who, for commission
or other compensation, including a salary, investigates and
negotiates the settlement of claims, under an insurance
contract solely, on behalf of either the insurer or the
insured person but does not include
(a) an individual who is an employee of an insurer or
an insurance agent while acting on behalf of the
insurer or insurance agent; or
(b) an insurance agent who is authorised to settle claims
on behalf of the insurer for whom the insurance
agent acts as agent;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

"insurance loss assessor" means a person who is appointed by a

po li cyholder to oversee a claim on behalf of the
"insurance market" means all persons who
(a) carry on insurance business;
(b) act as insurance intermediaries; or
(c) undertake activities ancillary to insurance business
or to the business of an insurance intermediary;
"insurance licence" means a licence issued under section 43;
"insurance penetration" means the ratio of gross insurance
premium written in a given year to the Gross Domestic
Product in that year;
"insurance pool" means an association between PNO or more
insurers, the objective of which is the sharing of insurance
risk, established either on a solely contractual basis or
through a separate legal entity;
"insurance regulated entity" means an insurance company, a
reinsurance company and an insurance intermediary;
"insurance syndicate manager" means a body corporate chat is
licensed to operate and manage an insurance syndicate;
"interest" includes a legal and a beneficial interest;
"investment-linked contract" has the meaning assigned to it in
the Regulations and directives;
"key person" means an employee or director of a company the
performance of whose functions is vital to the profitability
and success of that company;
"key person in a co ntrol function" means an individual
appointed by a licensed insurer, a licensed reinsurer or a
licensed insurance intermediary required to undertake or
have responsibility for and oversee a control function;
"law enforcement authority" means a person in or outside the
country that has functions to prevent or detect crime;
"licensable activity" means any business or activity for which a
licence is required under this Act;
"licensed bank" means a bank licensed by the Bank of Ghana
under the Banks and Specialised Deposit Taking Institutions
Act, 2016 (Act 930);
"licensed broker" means a person who holds a licence in the
category of an insurance broker or reinsurance broker;
"licensed insurance agent" means a person who holds an
insurance intermediary licence as an insurance agent;

Act 1061 Insurance A ct, 2021

"licensed insurance intermediary" means a person who holds

an insurance intermediary licence;
"licensed insurer" means a person who holds an insurance
licence that authorises that person to carry on direct
insurance business;
"licensed reinsurer" means a person who holds a reinsurer
licence that authorises the person to carry on reinsurance
"licensee" means a licensed insurer, licensed reinsurer or a
licensed insurance intermediary;
"long term business" means insurance business of a class
specified in the Regulations as long term business;
"long term insurer" means a licensed insurer whose licence
authorises that licensed insurer to carry on long term
"low income person" means a person having an income
determined to be low by the Ghana Statistical Service;
"microinsurance agent" means a person who acts as an
insurance agent with respect to rnicroinsurance contracts;
"microinsurance contract" means an insurance product that
(a) is designed to meet the needs of low income
(b) is marketed to low income persons or specific
description of low income persons in a particular
geographical area;
(l) the premium charged under the product is
affordable to low income persons; and
(d) is accessible to low income persons.
"Minister" means the Minister responsible for Finance;
"motor contribution" means a contribution paid to the
Commission, by an insurer that sells a motor insurance
"motor contributor" means a licensee that makes a motor
contribution to the Commission;
"parent" in relation to a company means an undertaking, being
the "first undertaking", and is the parent of another
undertaking, being the "second undertaking", if the first
(a) holds a majority of the shares in the second under-
(b) holds a majority of the voting rights in the second

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(c) is a member of the second undertaking and, whether

alone or under an agreement with other members
of the second undertaking
(i) is entitled to exercise a majority of the voting
rights in the second undertaking; or
(ii) has the right to appoint or remove a majority
of the board of directors of the second undertaking;
(d) has the right to exercise a dominant influence and
control over the second undertaking through a
provision in the constituting documents of the second
undertaking or through a contractual provision;
(e) has the power to exercise, or actually exercises, dominant
influence or control over the second undertaking;
(/) is a parent of a parent of the second undertaking;
"policyholder" includes a person entitled, as beneficiary, to a
payment under an insurance contract;
"premium" means the consideration payable under an insurance
contract by the policyholder to the insurer;
"professional indemnity insurance contract" means a contract
that complies with the requirements of sections 216 and
"public liability insurance contract" means a contract that
complies with the requirements of sections 214 and 215;
"qualifying foreign reinsurer" means a foreign reinsurer that
meets the requirements specified in the directives;
"recognised association of underwriters " means an
organisation which provides reinsurance and insurance
"recognised insurance industry trade bodies" means various
associations with direct or indirect interest in the insurance
industry formed by a segment of insurance industry players;
"Regulations" means the Regulations made under this Act;
"reinsurance broker" means a person who acts as an insurance
broker in relation to a reinsurance business and reinsurance
"reinsurance business" means the business of undertaking a
liability as a reinsurer under a reinsurance contract;
"reinsuran ce contract" means an insurance contract under
which a reinsurer indemnifies an insurer against any loss
on one or more contracts of insurance entered into by the

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

"restricted insurance contract" means all insurance policies that

cover risks arising from
(a) properties situate in the country;
(b) liabilities arising in the country; or
(c) goods, other than personal effects, being imported
into the country;
"retrocession contract" means an insurance contract under
which a reinsurer indemnifies another reinsurer against any
loss on one or more reinsurance contracts entered into by
the other reinsurer; "
"relevant company" has the meaning specified in section 146;
"reporting licensee" means a licensed insurer or a corporate
insurance intermediary;
"senior management" in respect of a licensed insurer or licensed
remsurer, means
(a) the senior managers of the insurer collectively; or
(b) the senior managers who have responsibility for
particular functions;
"senior management function" means the work of an employee
who, not having responsibility for a control function,
(a) acts as chief executive officer of the licensee or
occupies an equivalent position under a different
(b) holds a position that requires that employee to be
answerable to the directors of the licensee;
(c) has responsibility, alone or jointly with others, for a
key function; or
(d) bas a responsibility that includes the direct
involvement in the management or decision-making
process of the licensee at a senior level;
"senior manager", in relation to licensee, means an individual
employed under a contract of service with the licensee who
is appointed to undertake, or have responsibility for, one or
more senior management or key functions;
"share" includes any ownership interest in an undertaking;
"short term business" means an insurance business of a class
specified in the Regulations;

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

"short term insurer" means a licensed insurer whose licence

authorises that insurer to carry on a short term business;
"significant owner" means a person who exercises control over
an undertaking;
"solvency control level" has the meaning assigned to the term
in the directives and the Regulations;
"specified accounting standards " mean the internationally
recognised standards specified in a directive issued by the
"subsidiary" means an undertaking being the "first undertaking"
is the subsidiary of another undertaking being the "second
undertaking", if the second undertaking is the parent of
the "fust undertaking";
"suspicious transaction" means a transaction that appears to
involve or to be connected to unlawful activity;
"systemic risk" means a risk of disruption in the financial system
with the potential to have serious negative consequences
for the financial system and the real economy;
"technical service provider" means a person that offers support
for the provision of insurance services including
(a) product development services;
(b) underwriting policies;
(c) distributing policies;
(d) administration of policies including premium
collection and customer services; and
(e) administration of claims; and
"third party cell provider" means a body corporate that is
licensed to operate and manage a third party cell captive;
"undertaking" means
(a) a company;
(b) a partnership;
(c) an unincorporated association; or
(d) any other entity determined by the Commission.
Repeal and savings
260. (1) The Insurance Act, 2006 (Act 724) is repealed.
(2) Despite the repeal of Act 724, Regulations, notices, orders,
directions, appointments, guidelines or any other act lawfully made or
done under the repealed enactment not being inconsistent with this Act
and in force before the coming into force of this Act shall continue in

Act 1061 Insurance Act, 2021

force as if made or done under this Act and shall continue to have effect
until reviewed, cancelled, withdrawn or terminated.
(3) This Act shall not affect Act 724 in the operation of offences
committed, penalties imposed or proceedings commenced before the
coming into force of this Act.
Transitional provisions
261. (1) A person who, before the coming into force of this Act, holds
a valid licence as an insurance broker, insurance agent or micro insurance
agent shall, within two months of the coming into force of this Act, notify
the Commission of this fact.
(2) The Commission shall, within one month of the receipt of
the notification under subsection (1), verify the licence.
(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a licence acquired by an
insurance broker, an insurance agent or a micro insurance agent under
Act 724 shall remain valid until the licence expires.
(4) The assets, rights and liabilities of the Commission established
under Act 724 and immediately before the coming into force of this Act
are transferred to the Commission established under this Act, and
accordingly proceedings taken by or against the Commission established
under Act 724 may be continued by or against the Commission established
under this Act.
(5) A person in the employment of the Commission established
under Act 724 immediately before the coming into force of this Act shall,
on the coming into force of this Act, be deemed to have been duly
employed by the Commission established under this Act on terms and
conditions which are not less favourable in aggregate to the terms and
conditions attached to the post held by the person before the coming into
force of this Act.
(6) A contract subsisting between the Commission established
under Act 724 and any other person and in force immediately before the
coming into force of this Act shall subsist between the Commission
established under this Act and that other person.
(7) Any moneys held by or on behalf of the Commission
established under Act 724 immediately before the coming into force of
this Act are transferred to the Commission established under this Act.

Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061


{sections 8(3), 36(3), 38(3), 40(9), 52(4), 54(6), 55(5), 56 (5), 56(6), 57(2), 59(5),
60(3), 61(3), 62(2), 63(2), 65(2), 66(2), 67(5), 68(7), 72(4), 73(3), 74(6), 75(4),
77(4), 78(4), 79(9), 81(3), 82(4), 83(8), 84(3), 85(3), 109(4), 122(4), 122(5),
124(6), 125(5), 126(5), 126(6), 127(2), 129(2), 130(3), 131(3), 131(4), 132(4),
133(2), 134(4), 135(4), 136(2), 137(2), 138(3), 140(3), 141(2), 142(3), 145(3),
151(5), 154(6), 155(2), 156(3), 157(3), 159(8), 162(6), 165(2), 166(6), 167(6),
169(2), 171(5), 171(6), 176(7), 178(3), 179(3), 180(2), 185(4), 186(4), 188(2),
192(5), 214(3), 216(3), 218(2), 221(2), 222(4)225(2), 230(2), 237(3), 242(4),
251(2), 251(4), 252(3), 253, 256(6), (7), (8)and(9), 257(4) and 258(4))


1. A person who commits an offence specified in the second column

of the table is liable on summary conviction to
(a) the fine corresponding to the offence as specified in the fifth
and seventh columns of the table;
(b) the custodial sentence corresponding to the offence as
specified in the sixth column of the table; or
(c) both the fine and the custodial sentence as indicated in the
2. A person who contravenes a provision as indicated in the second
column of the table is liable to pay to the Commission the administrative
penalty specified in the third or fourth column of the table.


Section General nature Penalty Penalty Penalty for """"


creating the
of the offence or (Corporat e body)
(individuals) Continuing
Cont ravention
Imprisonment Fine
8(3) F ailure of a Not less than N ot less than
member of the three years three thousand
Board to perform and not more penalty units and
duties expected than six years not more than
seven thousand
and five hundred
penalty units ~
36(3) ~
...... Carrying on or
N ot less Not less than
00 purporting to than two twenty five
carry on thousand penalty
insurance and -~
not more units and no t N
business without than five more than fifty ~
a licence years thousand penalty
38(3) Entering into a
restricted Fifty Thousand
insurance Penalty Units
contract with a
foreign insurer
without lawful
from the
40(9) Licensee Five Thousand
carrying on Pena lty Units
contrary to the
category or class
of licence

52(4) Failure to seek Five Thousand Five Thousand

required approval Pena.Icy Units Penalty Un its
for change in
ownership or
level of control S'
,__. Failure to comply ~
F ive Thousand ;:$
54(6) with the Penalty Units
'° requirements of ::i:...
disposal of interest
or prohibit the
exercise of rights

55(5) Appointing a One Thousand

director, senior Penalty Units
manager or key
person in a control
function without
the prior written
approval of the
Commission in >
accordance with .....
subsection (I) 0

55(5) Failure to
provide written
Five Hundred >
Penalcy Units
notice to the 0
Commission in
accordance with

subsection (3)

56(5) Acceptance of an Five Hundred

ap pointment Penalty Units
contrary to the
direction issued
under subsection
i--- ;:s
00 56(6) Failure to comply Five Thousand @
0 with the direction Penalty Units ;:r:,..
issued in ~~
accordance with t-v
subsection (1) ~

57(2) Failure to notify Five Thousand

the Commission Penalty Units
of information
that is reasonably
material to the fit
and proper
assessment of a
person as required
under subsection
(J )
59(5) Failure to meet One
requirements on Thousand
stated capitaJ. Penalty Units

60(3) Failure of a One Thousand

licensed insurer Penalty Units
or a licensed
reinsurer to
maintain capital
resources, in
accordance with
the directives
Failure to maintain One Thousand ~
....... adequate Penalty Units ;::;
....... 60(3) ~
procedures and
controls to monitor ~~
and assess capital l\...i
resources and ~
capital requirement.

Failure of a Two
licensed insurer or Thousand
licensed reinsurer Penalty Units
to comply with a
direction issued by
the Commission in
accordance with >
section 61 (1). ~

62(2) Failure to Two
establish and Thousand
maintain Penalty Units 0-..
funds as
required by the

Failure to notify One Thousand

63(2) the Commission Penalty Units
of likely failure
to comply with @
requirement, ~
1--4 under section 58, ~
00 ~
N 59, 60 or 62. ::i,,.
Issuing shares for a Two Thousand ~
consideration other Penalty Units ~
than cash without
the written
approval of the

66(2) Failure to comply Two

with requirement Thousand
for distribution by Penalty Units
licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer
67(5) Carrying out a Five Thousand
transaccion Penalry Units
specified under
subsection (1)
without giving
the Commission
written notice.

68(7) Failure of One Thousand

insurer or Penalty Units
reinsu rer to
make statutory
deposit. ~
72(4) Failure of insurer One Thousand ~
or reinsurer to :3
Penalry Units
(.>.) ~
establish and ~
maintain Jl.
reinsurance or ~
retrocession ~
procedures and

73(3) Failure to obtain One Tho usand

prior writl'en Penalty Units
authorisation from
the Commission

before entering
into a reinsurance
contract. 0
74(6) Failure of insurer or One Thousand >
reinsurer to establish Penalty Units ......
and maintain 0
governance framework
as required under

subsection (l)

74(6) Failure of insurer or One Thousand

reinsurer to establish Penalty Units
and maintain
strategies, policies,
and controls as
required under t...

subsection (2) $1
00 @
74(6) Failure of insurer or One Thousand ~~
reins urer to establish Penalty Un its ""-.>
and maintain ~
strategies, policies,
and controls as
specified in the

74(6) Failure of insurer One Thousand

or reins urer to
Penalty Units
maintain up to
date written record
of governance
75(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand
reinsurer to have Penalty Units
adequate number and
structure of directors as
required under
subsection (1)

75(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand

reinsurer to ensure Penalty Units
tha t the directors have
sufficient powers as
required under ~
subsection (2) ~
....... ;:s
00 @
Vi 77(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand
reinsurer to establish ~
Penalty Units ...l=i
and maintain control
functions as required
under subsection (1) ~

77(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand

reinsurer to ensure Penalty Units
that a contrnl function
is provided with
independence and
resources as required
under paragraph (a) of >
subsection (2) ~
77(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand
reinsurer to appoint ~
Penalty Units
individuals to 0
undertake °'
responsibilities of
each of the control
fun ctions as required
under paragraph (b)
of subsection (2)

77(4) Outsourcing a control Two Thousand

function without Penalty Units ~
permission from the ~
Commission as ~
....... ;:t
00 required under @
°' subsection (3) ~
78(4) Failure of insurer or One Thousand ~
reinsurer to establish Penalty Units
and maintain risk
strategies and policies

79(9) Failure to comply One Thousand

with requirement Penalty Units
for the
appointment of
appointed actuary
8 1(3) Failure of insurer or One T ho usand
reinsurer to notify the
Penalty Units
Commission in writing
as required under
subsection (1)

82(4) Failure to comply One Thousand

with requirement for Penalty Units
actuarial investigation
and fmancial
condition report

....... 83(8) Failure to cornpiy One Thousand ;::!
00 with requirement of Penalty Units ~
reporting obligations ::r::...
of an appointed -~
actuary t-.J
84(3) Failure of insurer or One Thousand
reinsurer to perform Penalty Units
obligations for
conduct of business

85(3) Failure to comply Five Thousand

with restriction on Penalty Units
transfers and
109(4) Carrying on business as Not less than Not less than two
an insurance two years and thousand and fi ve
intennediary without ......
not more than hundred penalty 0
licence five years units and not more
than ten thousand
penalty units
122(4) Failure to obtain One Thousand
written approval from Penalty Units
the Commission to
become a significant
owner of a corporate
intermediary S'
....... ;:s
00 122(5)
Permitting or One Thousand @
00 acquiescing any dealing Penalty Units ::i:,..
with the shares ; f that Ji
corporate insurance ~
intermediary that would ~
result in a contravention
of requirement for
change in significant
ownership or level of

124(6) Failure to comply with One Thousand

a notice issued on Penalty Units
disposal of interest or
prohibit exercise of
125(5) Appointing a director, Five Hundred
senior manager or key Penalty Units
person in a control
function without the
prior written approval
of the Commission.

125(5) Failure to provide Five Hundred

written notice to the Penalty Units
Commission in
accordance with
subsection (3)
........ Accepting an ~
126(5) Five Hundred ::s
appointment contrary to Penalty Units @
the direction of removal ~
of a director, senior ~""

manager or key person
in a control function
directed at that person

126(6) Failure to comply with One Thousand

a direction issued by Penalty Units
the Commission on
the removal of a
director, senior
manager or key
person in a control
function ~

127(2) Failure to give notice to Five Hundred
the Commission on Penalty Units
matters affecting the 0
suitability of the
signjficant owner,
director, senior manager
and key person in a
control function
129(2) Failure of licensed
One Tho usand
insurance broker, licensed
insurance loss adjuster, or Penalty Units
technical service provider
to ens ure that its equity is
equal or exceeds the ~
minimum capital ~
..... requirement ;::s

130(3) Failure of licensed One T housand
insurance broker, licensed t-.,.i
Penalty Units
insurance loss adjuster, or ~
technical service provider
to comply with a notice
issued in accordance with
subsection (I)

131(3) Failure of corporate Five Hundred

insurance intermediary Penalty Units
to give notice to the
Commission of likely
failure to comply with
requirements under
section 128
131(4) Failure of licensed insurance Five Hundred
broker, licensed insurance Penalty Units
loss adjuster or a licensed
technical service provider to
give notice to the
Commission of the likely
failure to comply with
requirements under section

132(4) Failure of licensed insurance Five Hundred

broker, licensed insurance Penalty Units
loss adjuster or a licensed
technical service provider to
establish and maintain ~
governance framework as ~
...... required under subsection (1) ::t
132(4) ::i:...
Failure of licensed insurance
broker, licensed insurance Five Hundred --~
loss adjuster or a licensed Penalty Units
technical service provider to ~
establish and maintain
strategies, policies,
procedures and controls as
required under subsection (2)
133(2) Failure of licensed insurance
Five Hundred
broker, licensed insurance loss
adjuster or a licensed Penalty Units
technical service provider to

have adequate number and
structure of directors as
required under this section 0
134(4) Failure to establish and Five Hundred >
maintain control functions Penalty Units .....
as required under subsection 0

134(4) Outsourcing a control Five Hundred

funclion without Penalty Units
permission from the
Commission as required
under subsection (2) ~

134(4) Failure to ensure that a
control function is provided
with authority,
Five Hundred
Penalty Units
independence and resources
as required under subsection

135(4) Failure of licensed

Five Hundred
insurance broker, licensed
Penalty Units
insurance loss adjuster or a
licensed insurance insurance
technical service provider to
establish and maintain risk
management strategies and
136(2) Failure of a licensed Five Hundred
insurance intermediary to Penalty Units
perform obligations in the
conduct of business.

137(2) Licenced insurance Five Hundred

intermediary conducting Penalty Units
business with insurer or
reinsurer who does not hold
licence as licensed insurer or
licensed reinsurer

138(3) Failure co comply with
directives to provide receipt
of and dealing with
premiums and other
One Thousand
Penalty Units

insurance moneys '"'

140(3) Failure to comply with
Five Hundred
directives for receipt and
Penalty Units
holding of moneys

141(2) Failure to maintain the Five Hundred

professional indemnity Penalty Units
insurance and other
insurance as specified in the
directives ~
]42(3) Appointment of unlicensed One Thousand >
insurance agents by a Penalty Units
licensed insurer """

Licensed insurer or reinsure
145(3) conducting business with or One Thousand
paying commission or other Penalty Units
remuneration to an unlicensed
insurance broker

151(5) Failure to comply with One Thousand

requirements for the Penalty Units
maintenance of financial
records ~
...... Failure to prepare financial @
One Thousand

statements in accordance
with accounting standards
Penalty Units ~
154(6) ~~
and in compliance with the t-.J
Act ~
Failure to submit the One Thousand One T housand
financial statements of the Penalty Units Penalty Units
155(2) reporting licensee to the for each week
Commission within the
specified period

Failure of a reporting licensee One T housand Fifty Penalty

to submit periodic fi nancial Penalty Units units for each
statements and returns to the week
Failure of a reporting licensee One Thousand
157(3) to comply with a direction by Penalty Units
the Commission to amend
financial statements

159(8) Failure of a reporting licensee One Thousand

to appoint an auditor in Penalty Units
accordance with requirements
specified in the directives

Failure of an auditor or One

162(6) ~
former auditor to comply Thousand
with reporting obligation of Penalty Units
....... the auditor
'-0 ~
Failure of a relevant person ~
165(2) One Thousand ~~
to grant access to an Penalty Units t-.J
authorized employee of the
Commission undertaking an
Failure to comply with Not less than Not less than two
notice to provide three months thousand and five
information or produce and not more hundred penalty
documents tha n one year units and not more
than five thousa nd
penalty units

167(6) Failure of a licensed insurer One Thousand
or licensed reinsurer to Penalty Units ~
comply with a direction to 0
prepare a recovery plan
169(2) Failure of licensed insurer or One Thousand >
licensed reinsurer to comply Penalty Units .......
with a recovery plan 0
171(5) Failure to comply with written One Thousand
direction of the Commission Penalty Vnits
in appointing a skilled person

171(6) Failure to give the needed One Thousand

assistance to skilled person Penalty Units
appointed by a licensee
176(7) Failure to provide assistance Not less than Not less than two
....... required by an investigator ~
three mo nths thousand and fi ve ;::!

'° appointed by the and not more hundred penalty

°' Commission than one year units and not more
or to both than five thousand
penalty units
178(3) Failure to comply with One Thousand
direction of the Commission Penalty Units
to licensed insurer and
licensed reinsurer

179(3) Failure to comply with One Thousand

direction of the Commission Penalty Units
to Jicensed insurance
180(2) Failure by a person carrying Not less than Not less than five
on unlicensed business to rwo years and thousand and five
comply with a directive. not more than hundred penalty
five years units and not more
chan fifteen
thousand penalty
185(4) Failure of a licensed insurer,
licensed reinsurer or a Five Thousand
licensed insurance Penalty Units
intermediary to establish,
maintain and implement
effective arrangements for
the disclosure of the
concerns of employees and
directors. S'
186(4) Failure of applicant to give One Thousand One Thousand i;::s:1
........ the Commission written Penalty Units Penalty Units
.....;i particulars of the change or ~
of the incomplete, ;:i,..
inaccurate or misleading -~
information or t--...l
documentation ~
188(2) Failure to comply with the Two Thousand
requirements specified by Penalty Units
the Commission for the
submission of reports and
returns by licensees
192(5) Failure to comply with Not less than Not less than two
restrictions on disclosure of one year and thousand and five
information nor more than hundred penalty
three years units and not more
than fifteen ~
thousand penalty 0
uni ts
214(3) Failure of a person specified
in the second schedule to
insure and maintain an
insurance under any
qualifying public liability
Not less than
one year and
not more than
five years, or
Not less than t\Vo
thousand and five
hundred penalty
units and not more

to both than five tho usand
insurance contract penalty units

216(3) Failure of employer specified Not less than Not less than two
in the second schedule to one year and thousand and five
insure and maintain an not more than hundred penalty
insurance under any five years units and not more ~~
qualifying professional than five thousand
indemnity insurance contract ~
....... penalty units ~
00 ~
218(3) Failure of a person who Not less than Not Jess than two N
constructs or causes to be one year and thousand and five ~
constructed a commercial building not more than hundred penalty
specified in the second schedule five years units and not more
to insure and maintain an than five thousand
insurance under any qualifying penalty units
commercial building insurance
contract as required under
subsection (1)
218(3) Failure of an occupier or Not less than Not less than two
owner of a building to insure one year and thousa nd and five
and maintain an insurance not more than hundred penalty
under any qualifying five years units and not more
commercial building than five thousand
insurance contract as penalty units
required under subsection (2)

22 1(2) Carrying on business with an

unlicensed insurance Not less than Not less than two
company without one year and thousand and five
authorisation from the not more than hundred penalty
Commission three years uni ts and not more S4

222(4) Failure to insure imported
than fifteen
thousand penalty

Not less than Not. less than two

goods other than personal one year and thousand and five ~
effects with an insurer not more than hundred penalty ~
licensed under the Act three years units and not more
than fifteen
thousand penalty
222(4) Placing marine cargo or hull Not less than Not less than two
busines, other than one year and thousand and five
reinsurance business, with an nor more than hundred penalty
insurer who is not licensed three years units and not more
without the prior written tha n fifteen >
approval of the Commission thousand penal ty ....

225(2) Failure by a licensed insurer
to pay contributions into the
Fire Control Fund.
One Thousand
Penalty Units

230(2) Failure by a licensed insurer One Thousand

to pay contributions into the Penalty Units
Motor Compensation Fund

Failu re by a licensed insurer One Thousand

or licensed reinsurer to pay Penalty Units
contributions into the Client
Rescue F und
Failure by a licensed insurer One Thousand ~
0 or licensed reinsurer to pay Penalty Units ~
contributions into the p.
Insurance Education Fund N
Providing false or misleading Two Thousand
or incorrect statements Penalty Units

251(2) Dishonestly conceal a Two Thousand

material fact in connection Penalty Units
with a policy summary,
advertisement, brochure or
similar document, statement,
promise or forecast
251(4) Providing misleading Not less than Not less than
advertisements and one year and two thousand
statements nor more and five hundred
than three penalty units and
years not more than
fifteen thousand
penalty units
252(3) Making , or aiding in making Not less than Not Less than
oral or written representation, one yea r and two thousand
statement, report or return not more and five hundred
that contains false statement than five penalty units and
of material facts or omits to
years not more than
state mate.rial facts five thousand >:::
penalty units ~
N ~
....... ~
256(6) Entering into a contract for a Five Thousand ::i:...
premium rate lower than the Penalty Units -~
specified minimum as N
required under subsection ~
(6) ........

256(7) Entering into a contract for a Five Thousand

premium rate lower than the Penalty Units
specified minimum as required
under subsection (8)

256(8) Entering into a contract for a Five Thousand

commission rate higher than
Penalty Units
the specified minimum under
subsection (7)
256(9) Entering into a contract for a Five Thousand
commission rate higher lhan Penalty Units .......
the specified minimum under O'I
subsection (9) ......

257(4) Failure to comply with a Two Thousand

directive to provide Penalty Units
information to the
Commission for the purpose
of developing insurance
Issuing an insurance policy Five thousand ~
to a policy holder on credit penalty units ~
N ~
Insurance Act, 2021 Act 1061

(sections 214, 216 and 218)
Classes of Persons and Properties Covered by Compulsory

Section Compulsory Insurance Class of Persons I Affected Commercial

Persons Building

214 Public Liability 1nsurance l. Office spaces

2. Banks
3. Shopping Malls
4. Factories
5. Hospitals
6. Any other place
tha t may be specified
by Regu lations

216 Professional Indemnity I . Accountan ts

2. Medical doctors
3. Insurance practitioners
4. Lawyers
5. Financial and
investment analys ts
6. Any other profession
that may be specified by

218 Insurance of Commercial

Buildings 1. Office spaces
2. Shopping Malls
3. Factories
4. Hospitals
5. Any other
commercial building
thal may be specified
by Regulations

222 Marine Insurance Persons importing goods,

other than personal effects,
into the country.

255(3) Motor Insurance Applicable persons under

the Motor Vehicles (Third
Party Insurance) Act,
1958 (No. 42).

Actl061 Insurance Act, 2021

Date of Gazette notification: S1h Jan uary, 2021.

PRINTED BY GHANA PUBLISHING COMPANY LTD. ASSEMBLY PRESS, ACCRA. GPCUA5 18/450/0G/2021 Ema1 l:[email protected] Tel· +233 0302-664338/9

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