Tide Breaker Digital

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Development Version 1.0.5

Copyright © 2022 Nicholas Butler

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

used in any manner without the prior written permission of the
copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book
ISBN: 979-8-9863489-0-2
[email protected]
Printed by Print Ninja in China
The world is awash in violence, creating a turbulent
sea of clashing forces. When a Tide Breaker
shows up, any fight is over. The tide is turned, the
waves of faceless enemies crash against the cliffs of
their Might as they break and wash away. You are
that Tide Breaker.

Tide Breaker is a tabletop RPG system that

lets you step into the role of hyper-competent
heroes and explore worlds that your group
creates together from the ground up. Customize
your abilities, get involved in clandestine plots,
and engage in epic battles against numbers that
would overwhelm almost anyone. Of course, it’d
just be a warm-up for you, at least until the Big
Bad shows up.
Your characters have access to the power of
HOPE, a meta-currency that’s used when the
chips are down, while the GM has DOOM, their
resource to make sure the stakes stay high. Our
blend of narrative play and tactical combat is
designed to encourage a variety of playstyles,
but trust us… once you’ve tried this game, you’ll
end the session feeling like a badass! The Tide
Breaker system is designed for traditional
GM-led campaign play with modules provided
by either our team, homebrew adventures
prepared by the GM, or improv’d by their players.
Get creative with our stunt system and if you
really impress your friends, watch as your dice
pool explodes with Showstoppers!

This game is dedicated to the following

My Grandfather, Elder “Bill” Prince. You put Heather Blaha, my partner of eight
all of your energy into your community and your wonderful years. They say you end up
family. You taught me so much and every day marrying your parents. You are the best parts of
that passes, I wish I had remembered more of my mother and grandmother, but in our time
your lessons. The Beacon Of Hope is my homage together, you’ve become so much more to me.
to your work, “Grey Splendor” to your wisdom You are a staunch supporter of me in every
and love of proverbs. I only hope to live up to way I could hope for. Your commitment to our
your expectations one day. RIP. family, your ability to listen and understand me
My Grandmother, Mary Ann Prince Parham. even when my mental health falters, your calm
I’ve never met anyone funnier and more fierce demeanor, and your incredible work ethic have
than you. You are regal and unbending. The helped shape me into a better man. Every day I
center of attention for any room you enter. A spend with you is another blessing I thank the
force of nature that not only demands respect, stars for, and another day I try to keep up with
but earns it from everyone you meet. If I had half your incredible trajectory upward and forward in
of your confidence and force of will, I’d surely the world.
take over this world. Thank you so much for I love you so much, my darling. You are the
being so wonderful! I dedicate the Stand Out Stone Polisher, and as such have this Stand Out
Feature “Sly Matriarch” in honor of your powerful dedicated to you for your unerring commitment
wit. to bringing out the best in us all.
My Mother, Renee Jackson. Thank you so Finally, I dedicate this game to all the
much ma! Your infinite patience and grace, marginalized kids and kids at heart out there
your willingness to face down any opposition that have ever wanted to do something
with equal measures of compassion and grit, more with their life, but have struggled. To
and your understanding and deep well of love anyone that has ever given up a dream because
for me and my siblings is an inspiration for my they thought they couldn’t make it, or their
work every day. No one will understand me like circumstances have held them back. I hope my
you do and believe in me with the same truly work brings you joy. I hope that if at all possible,
unconditional care that you have. Thank you. I you RISE UP. You go out there and do the thing.
love you. Karmic Envoy is my homage to your You are the hero you needed. Please, keep up
endurance, adaptability, and capacity for being a the good fight. I’m rooting for you.
fountain of Hope and encouragement for us all.

Nick Butler

THE TIDE BREAKER TEAM I originally made a list of quirks and Stand Out
Features dedicated to my family and friends.
Francita, Graphics Design and Layout. You’re Here are the people that inspired me so much
a great friend and a wonderful partner in this throughout my life and the effects dedicated to
work. Your willingness to go above and beyond them. If you’re on this list and have questions,
have brought us so much further than I could
ever have imagined working with anyone else. you have my phone number. Love you all!
Thank you! Bryan, Avatar of Tare (Standout)
Draconick, Editor. All that time we spent on Aunt Fi, Jubilant Survivor (Standout)
Twitter riffing off each other? Who would have Aunt Bridget, Concrete Rose (Standout)
thought we’d be working together? Well, me. I
knew you’d be the right man for the job and as Aunt Eldaria, Enigmatic Protector
I write this I watch you tirelessly pour through Aunt Doris, Hearth Keeper (Standout)
this mess of a manuscript I made and turn it
into some polished gold. Thank you for your Uncle James, Triumphant Catalyst (Standout)
dedication and flexibility. Uncle Melvin, Ambassador of the Muse
David Joyce, art. Dude. Your promotional art (Standout)
was the start for us to move so much further and Uncle Robert, Intrepid Philanthropist
I know that the love you put in is what got more (Standout)
eyes on our work. I can’t thank you enough.
Amber, Cool
Mythallica, art. My guy, you’re worth every
dollar. I didn’t think you’d even answer my DMs Bebo, Calm
and I’m just astounded by the couple of pictures Marvin, Marvelous
you put out for us. I’m hoping you remember us
when you’re done banging out classics for Taraji Anaise, Keen Eye
and them! Isaiah, Astute
Bokuwatamago, art. The work you did in Zack, Free Spirit
memorializing my deceased Aunt, the charm
you put into those kids helping those old folks. Chloe. My niece, basically the daughter I’ll
That’s the spirit of the game I wanted to put out never have. I love you kiddo. You’re going to
beyond all of the stylish combat and explosions, do amazing one day and I hope you never lose
and very few people could have captured that that sense of humor. Here’s to you- Unrivaled
with the same warmth and charm you put into Potential (Standout).
these pieces. Thank you! Me. Because I deserve thanks! Collected (Stand
J.N. Butler, art. You’re killing it out here, Out). Also, just so ya’ll know the pun is the
friend! Thank you for your hard work, but also combination of the combined initials of myself,
thank you for the dedication you’ve shown to Bebo, and Amber.
spreading the word for us! It makes me feel
amazing knowing that you’re so invested in what
we’re doing out here and I can’t understate how
much that means to me. You’re a treasure.
Polluxery, art. Good Lord, how I’ve leaned
on you! You’re a rare talent. Fast, flexible, and
skilled like few others. Your command of color
and composition is extraordinary and the look of
our game owes itself to your relentless output. I
hope we get to work together on so many more
projects in the future. Thank you!
Max Pinelli, art. Dude you’re mad talented. I’m
really happy to have found you even if it was so
late in the game. You’ve got great energy and
I’m excited to see what you come up with in the
future. If it’s anything like your art, it’s going to
be super bright, my friend!

Kevin Nowak. One of my first playtesters, but
also my most consistent. We’ve gone through
a lot together and brother, you have earned
that title for sure. For having my back through
thick and thin, even when I myself couldn’t do
the same for you, I dedicate “Compassionate
Guardian” to you.
Scott Holdaway. Back in the Smunchy Games
days, you were my partner. You held me down
when I had nobody else too. Though we don’t
speak much now, I won’t forget that. Thank you.
Drew “Dire Drew” Fox. You’re my most diligent
playtester. Funny, observant, caring. You’re
a good friend and an asset beyond measure.
Thank you, homie. AURA AURA AURA AURA AURA
AURA! Possum Creek Games
WVRN. Our campaigns wouldn’t have been the Jay Dragon! You’re a lifesaver. Seriously. Thank
same if you weren’t around. I hope whatever you so much for all the support you’ve given
you decide to do with life, you bring that same me in every way that one person could offer it.
wry wit and empathy to your work and hobbies. You took a chance on this project and helped
You’re awesome. us knock out that first hurdle that got us to and
Kenneth Johnson III. When we were kids, I through the Kickstarter. You could have stopped
promised you I’d be a game designer one day. there, but did not and have been a constant
Well, we meant video games at the time, but boon through this whole journey. Thank you for
here we are huh, old friend? I regret that we being in my corner.
parted and I found you again so late in your life.
I’m just glad you were happy. I’m glad you got to
be the hero your community needed. I hope to
make you proud too, buddy. RIP.
Sandy Pug Games
I know you don’t believe in debt, but all the
hours spent talking me off the ledge need to
be acknowledged. So my friend, I do that here.
Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on, a
great teacher, and overall amazing homie. I will
endeavor to push myself further and take what
you’ve taught me to help make this little space
better as much as I can!

Smunchy Games
Sean Fallon! The first to recognize my potential.
The impetus of this game’s prototype. My mentor
and friend. Though we couldn’t get through
the gate together, we still walk side by side all
the same. I’m looking forward to working with
you on future projects and I’m so happy for the
success you’ve had with your projects. Here’s to
gaming and friendship!

Gabe Hicks: Honestly, I’m really shocked
you decided to work with me at all. You’re the
shining star of the indie scene and it was mad
scary approaching you. Thank you for proving
that my fear was foolish and taking me under
your wing. The work you did with us is stellar
and just… wow dude! You’re awesome!
Meg Baker: MAMA BAKER! You should already
know how I feel about you, but let it be known
I love you! You’re one of my earliest influences
and anyone reading this: if you haven’t already,
stan Meg. She’s great! Thank you so much for
gracing these pages with your work. Thank you
for all of the advice and support over the years.
I may not have finished this game at all if it
weren’t for your kindness and support. You’re
a true Tide Breaker through and through,
Claire Lindeboom: You’re one of the earliest
members of the team from back in the Smunchy
Games days and the work we did together on
the Shadow Tantrum project has definitely had
an impact on the final project for this book that
can’t be understated. We’ve been yeeting bad Additional Writing
guys (and fastball special’n teammates) in every Monkey’s Paw Games: Thank you so much,
playtest since! Bondmaker is certainly in the big homie! Good lord, you came in right when
running for one of the best grooves in the book I needed you. The work you did saved me so
for genre emulation and I hope our readers are much energy right when I was at my lowest and
inspired by your contributions as we are! I can’t express how important that was to me yo!
Those examples, sample characters, and edits
you did were phenomenal and really express the
spirit of the game. I’m mad impressed and hope
to work with you again in the future! Much love,
Ewen Cluney: thank you so much for the
wonderful tables, friend. For the years of
inspiration for which this game would have
never come to pass without the work you
did first. Finally, thanks for being so chill and
helping out. You’re a champion my friend.
Janet Forbes: Yooo the main smith of the
World Anvil? Gracing these pages with some
tables that could have been mistaken for
something from your page? Not MY game!
NOOO! That ain’t real right? Well, I had to look at
the pages we produced again and yeah, they’re
still there. The universes that’ll spawn from the
work we did together will forever have your DNA
in them and I hope our players appreciate what
you did as much as I do. Thanks, Janet!

Without the following heroes, this game would have never seen the
light of day. You’re all legends in my book: Old friends, coworkers,
family, and strangers alike. Give yourselves a round of applause,

• Sandy Pug Games Naresh • Michael Gomez

• gamefiend • Christopher Kieta • Matt Gregory
• Austin Flaherty • Joshua Fisher • kvltjam
• Joshua Johnson • deleted • Vivek Santayana
• Tim • Richard Schwerdtfeger • Del Benjamin
• synxiec • SeaGnome • Gabriel Komisar
• Erin Hassett • Shannon McGuire • Collier Gladin
• William Corley • Bobby Lee • Josh
• Katie Quinlivan • Susan Beneville • sweeptheleg
• Andreas Walters • Christian Lindke • William Heath
• Mikkel • Lisa Gemino • Nigel Jones
• emacgregor • Phillip Ames • Elliot Wilson
• Sarah Johnson • Logan Dean • Colin Turner
• Rose Larson • Ryan Stansberry • Ruby Lavin
• Matthew Cmiel • Finn Mclellan • Luke Magnan
• Heckin Viv • Jan Martin • Joel Holland
• alwaysgoldbirb • Roger Long • Adam Baffoni
• Michael Bowman • Rob Donoghue • Nathan Laws
• James Malloy • Tom B. • Drew Wendorf
• Jessica Ross • TomHart • kevin nguyen
• Sudobyte • Cosme Dominguez • Victoria Elizabeth
• Kiji Marie Anastacio • Adam Mock • Alice Tobin
• Jamie Parrish • David Clark • Dave Alipio
• tzenes • Philippe Marcil • Jamie Lochrie
• Daniel Kearns • Brandon George • mark lawford
• Drake Sunryder • Anthony C Mackaronis • Tyler Crumrine
• Calvin Johns • Chris Waisanen • Cory Anderson
• Justin Guiel • Grace R • Eric
• Ajey Pandey • Francis Arachea • Josh Minnich
• Joseph Pollard • Daniel • Travis Lloyd
• JAMOX2 • bankuei • Eldrvarya
• Christopher Newton • Heather Rasmussen • Darla Burrow
• Olivier Malpuech • KT Pappas • Amber Logsdon
• Austin Beatty • Chris Harris • Danii Goldstein
• Kareem Reid • Ben Mahoney • Chris
• Óskar Örn Eggertsson • Zachary Oveson • Michael Charette
• Wade Rockett • Mark Englehart • Jim Stryker
• Kai Tave • Richard Linton • john
• Ky-Ree Burton • Jessica Meier • Chris Childers
• Jonathan Fish • Yamato_89 • Wyatt
• Christopher Grey • John Smithe • Eric Dalehite
• Adept Icarus • William Gooch • Jacob
• Amber Jackson • Charles Stockdale • Tyler Brunette
• Ian Horswill • Jake Merryman • Daniel Jacobsson
• Chris Bain • Cat Rambo • Ryan A Duchene
• Eric Alexander • Yvan Boily • Matthew Hrycenko
• Jim DelRosso • Daniel Andrlik • Benjamin Harvill
• Sumeet Panchal • Jeff Turille • Christopher Wilson
• Sohan Krish Govind • James Jefferson • Bran Hester

• Bill Garrett • Robert Farmer • Neocognitron
• Joshua radford • Ayleron • Milan Ardalan
• Jaime Rivera • Alex Macomber • woskis9161
• Michael Whiteley • Morgan Hill • Chris Challacombe
• Andrew Teply • K. A. Brown • Dylan Greene
• John Kraemer • DCR Arundottir • kels leedham
• Kofi Jamal Simmons • Jesse • Basil Walton
• Learn Larp, LLC. • Jon Smejkal • Duane Sibilly
• Bobby Tiedeken • Jonathan McNeill • Bobby Carpenter
• Allen Hueffmeier • Wesley S Mann
• Donna Prior • Gale • Angor
• GremlinHours • Aaron Jacobson • Dean Browell
• Patrick • Matthew • Victor Haerinck Jr
• Claude Weaver III • Afrhite • Stephen L McMorland
• Juan Manuel Trillo García • Tricia Brady • Tiffany Korta
• Dylan Coffey • MatchPlay Games • Anthony Cika
• Ian Jarrard • Sam Benke • Denzel
• Blake • Jonathan Schmidt • Benedikt Betz
• Marc Jacobs • Chris Taylor • Brad
• Jacob Auer • Jack • Noah Braganca
• Jens Hoelderle • Weston Schreiber • Geza Letso
• Huw Nicholas • Guillaume Tremblay • StarBlazer
• Richard • Ted Pick Jr. • Jonathan X Dunleavy
• Will Spreadbury • Bruce James Gardner • Ryan Percival
• Iris Lemke • Joseph Conard • Richard Johnson
• Anthony James Frandsen • Joshua Volz • Nicholas James Kallio
• Hillel Cooperman • Michael Leguillow • Jayson Bennett
• Brandon L Kou • Jose Napoleon Artiaga • Todd Poyadou
• June B. IV • Matthew Cheng
• V. Libertad Vidal • David • Alex
• daoist.piousfire • Colin Urbina • Jflowaz
• Penny for a Tale • Scott Chandler • Sean Walsh
• Kai Wren • Aaron Dykstra • Camden Grundeman
• Ken Lowery • Mitchell Portarianos • Rob Heinsoo
• Gernot Groß • Josh Blick • Oliver Williamson
• Joshua White • Rowan Speight • sarge2401
• Tim Gonzalez • Chad Smith • Jason Coburn
• Jill Poisson • Fumble GDR • Rob - MultipleManArmy
• Bedlam • Wyrmgear • Matthew Trimble
• Tyler Marbach • Navezof • Tarik Taylor
• Josh Pries • neil peacock • Epidiah Ravachol
• The Weight • Nico • Nicolas Schapira
• Jared Silveira • QuirkyAI • Jay
• Greg Leatherman • SammyBear • Dion Pickles-Teller
• Michael Owen Hill • Risa • Cyril Bodnar
• Aldric Hernick • Andre Canivet • Madison
• Sara Baum • Vic Harris • James RIce
• Addison Koski • Joseph Roberts • Scott Anderson
• Tom Huber • Dev • Sean Shannon
• Joshua Meischke • Jared Moore • Kyle Carson
• Sean Stephens • Contesse • Katie Rinda
• Alex April • Jared Buckley • Jeremy Williams
• Abby Hipolito • Lemons • Cris
• Dawn’s Herb Pantry • McGravin • Pearski
• Kyle • Cheriece D. • Corinne McCrory
• Sam W • Derrick • Morgan L’Fey
• Jolene Jones • Morgan Weeks • John Spencer

• Steven • Daniel Gregory
• Hector Reyes • Cypress Bromaz
• Josiah Turner • Bruce H.
• Casual Drunk • Brad Bishop
• Thoms T Adkins • J.T.
• Saoirse • Savanna Shepherd
• Axel Frost • Stephen James
• Navarre • philcoole
• Vincent Arebalo • Stephen
• Ter • Eoin Burke
• Marcus Falk • Jessy Zimmermann
• Wade Cottell • Chris Phillips
• Jason E. Petrea • Sally Tamarkin
• Tavon Gatling • Matt Johnson
• David Thomas • Jay Tallsquall
• Juuso Alanen • John Redding
• Florian • diego romero-aros
• Clancey Livingston • Wayan Williams
• Liam Spill • Brian
• Nik O’Guerra • Infinite Jest
• Daniel Ketzer • Chris Hoffman
• Fra • Torben Schmidt
• Rem Diaz • Michael Mooney
• AmyPearce • Jordan
• William Plant • Morgan Clapp
• Mutley Bear • Dave Shramek
• Jim • Logan
• Jesse Alford • [email protected]
• JustChris • Logan Bonner
• Katherine McCallum • Clay Gardner
• Kevin “Wolf” Patti • Annaya Youkai
• Larry Franks • Jesse Eveler
• Robert Daley • Matthew Hermosillo
• Robert Easter Jr. • LostWolf
• Pe Metawe Games • Nick VanDerBaan
• Jesse Haase • Stephen Sparks
• Anthony Alipio • Sagadatter
• Macernox • Heather Blaha
• Jachari J
• Max Lander
• Graeme “POCGamer” Barber
• Stephen Paterson
• Rudder Sails
• Hollow Mask
• Drakeswing
• David Naylor
• mark madrinan
• Andrew Posas
• Dr. Alexander Bustos
• Ahmed Hazyl Hilmy
• Robert Faucett
• Mac Larson
• Zakkary Magill
• Andrew Yarwood
• Josh Nichols
• George miller
• William Franks

Special thanks to our
Day 1 backers!
• Aaron Bolyard • Conner Carver
• Action Fiction • Connor Sheridan
• Adam Howe • Cornell Daly
• Adira Slattery • Cory Hockman
• Afterthought Committee • Courtney
• Aisling Jensen • Craig Shipman
• Akemi Maniwa • Dave Matney
• Alex • David A Hill Jr.
• Alex Spenkelink • David Vehonsky
• Alexander Beowulf Sutherland • Dee Pennyway
• Alissa Scire • Delwyn
• Amr • Derek
• Anastacia • Derek and Suzanne Thuecks
• Andrew Asplund • Derek Gustafson
• Andrew Cherry • DichotomusPrime
• Andrew Swink • Dorn Malloy
• Andy Zeiner • Don Arnold
• Anita Bridges • Drew
• Anna Mickelsen • Drouart
• Ansar A. Firdosi • Drowse
• Anthony “LibrariaNPC” DeMinico • Eberron
• Anthorion • Eli
• Arshia Khoshnood • Ender_Melchior
• Aufrank • Erik Seguinte
• Austin Dawes • Erin
• Austin S. Leavitt • Evan Brower
• Authentic Lime Flavor • Ezra Badb West da Wikked Hob
• B. Tait Washburn • FastcartCorp
• Bart Van Damme • Fayd
• Bayley Gillier • Fiona Hopkins
• Ben Crossley • Fish in the Pot
• Ben Fried-Lee • G. Michael Truran
• Ben Hale • Gary Anastasio
• Benjamin • Gary Nixon
• Bob Skerry • Geno
• Brad Roberts • Grahame Turner
• Braden Todd Curtis • Hans Chun
• Brandon Leon-Gambetta • Hawk Johenson
• Brandon Metcalf • Hibernica
• Brandy • Horacio Gonzalez
• Brenden Thoreson • Ian
• Brent Jans • Ian
• Brett Volz • Ian Elliot
• Brian Cooksey • Jack Maidment
• Bryon Casebolt • Jacky Leung
• Carl Nelson • James Firth
• CDGuanzon • James Gerber
• Cellemir • James Introcaso
• Chelsea Riexinger • Jason Bostwick
• Chip Warden • Jason Redford Drifter Trenner
• Chris Stone-Bush • Jay Dragon
• Christian Gonzalez • Jazz D
• Christopher Stoeffel • JD Brown
• Cole • Jeff Wheeldon
• Cole • Jen Parr
• Cole S. • Jenna Katerin Moran

• Jess Kung • Oscar Ortiz
• JN Butler • Patrick Oshea
• Joe Nosie • Paul Glen
• Joe Robinson • Picric
• John Bannister • Piper Thunstrom
• Jon Bernejo • Quinn Wilson
• Jon Richardson • Ralph Lee
• Jonah • Randomcitizenx
• Jonathan Ly Davis • Rebecca Kronenfeld
• Jonathon Boyle • Rob Randolph
• Joonas Lind • Rob Wieland
• Joseph Hackney • Robin G | Hobby Hive UK
• Josh rivers • Ryan boelter
• Kathryn Reeve • Ryan McRae
• Keith Stanley • Sadie L
• Kevin • Sam Lawton
• Kevin Borrup • Sam Wright
• Kinzles • Samantha O’Neal
• Kill H. Neori • Sasha “TK” De’ath
• Kristian Zirnsak • Sasha Reid
• Kurt Potts • SC ormond
• Kyle Decker • Scott
• Kyle Kiefer • Scott Beattie
• Kyle Kolbert • Sian Ada
• Lilit • Smunchy Games
• Lillie H • Snarkayde (Phillip)
• Lisa Padol • Spencer Campbell
• Logan Rollins • Stella Zwyssig
• Ludovic Chabant • Tanya DePass
• Ludovico Alves • Theo Rusmore
• Luke Zondevan • ThousandFacedHero
• Lupin Lyrebird • Tim baker
• Mangoose • Tim Davis
• Mara Crim • Ting Hwa
• Mariam Ahmad • Timan
• Mariel Hurd • Todd Thomas
• Marius Seebach • Trinity Knot Studio
• Mark Green • Troy LaGro
• Mark Sundermeier • Tyler Chase
• Matthew • VanDerBaan
• Matthew Gray • Viditya Voleti
• Matthew Verduyn • W.H. Arthur
• Melvin Davis • Wastelander1138
• Mendel • Watertex
• Michael Craig Adams • Wes Jones
• Michael Hagge • Wheeler
• Michael Loving • Will Esgro
• Michael OConnor • William Ludwig
• Michael Sayre • Xavier Aubuchon-Mendoza
• Miguel Classico • Zach
• Mike • Zach Cullimore
• Mitchell Kernot • Zachary Jeffreys
• Monkey’s Paw Games • Zak Barouh
• Morgan Nuncio
• Nascha Morrison
• Nate Finch
• Nathaniel Young
• Nick
• Nick Rome
• Nighthwk

• Stuff ............................................................................................................................ 1
Legal Stuff............................................................................................................................
• Basics ............................................................................................................................ 2
The Basics............................................................................................................................
• Dedication.. . ........................................................................................................................... 3
• Special Thanks.. ................................................................................................................. 4
The Tide Breaker Team........................................................................... 4
Family.................................................................................................. 4
Friends................................................................................................. 5

• Additional Thanks.. .......................................................................................................... 6

• Backers ....................................................................................................... 7
KickStarter Backers.......................................................................................................

• CH.1: So, how do you play this game? . . ............................. 18

• You’ve...played an RPG before, right? . . ............................................................. 18
Rule 0................................................................................................. 18

• We’re here to tell stories as a group,

cooperatively, even. . . .................................................................................................. 19
• Stories you say? What kind of
play? ........................................... 19
stories? What kind of character can I play?...........................................

• Stats, Dice Pools, Task Checks,

and the rest of the core rules you
skipped the above to read. . . ................................................................................. 20
What you need to play......................................................................... 20
Stats.................................................................................................. 20
Task Checks........................................................................................ 20
Excellence.......................................................................................... 23
Showstoppers..................................................................................... 24
Cliffhangers ....................................................................................... 25

• CH.2: Scenario Generation.......................................................

Generation ....................................................... 26
• Setting the Stage.. ....................................................................................................... 26
More On Scenario Generation............................................................... 26
Setting Generation Table: .................................................................... 28
Scenario Generation Table: Who, What, Where, When and Why?............... 30

• The Sphere of Influence . . ........................................................................................ 30
Locations........................................................................................... 30

• Randomizer .................................................................................................. 32
Location Randomizer..................................................................................................
Noir................................................................................................... 32
Shounen............................................................................................. 35
Supers............................................................................................... 37

• Randomizer ............................................................................... 42
Character Names Randomizer...............................................................................
Noir................................................................................................... 42
Shounen............................................................................................. 43

• Hope and Doom . . .............................................................................................................. 46

Hope.................................................................................................. 46
Doom................................................................................................. 50

• Game Setup Example.. .................................................................................................. 54

Location: Harper’s Hill......................................................................... 54

• Scenarios ................................. 55
Insert Established Settings & Premade Scenarios.................................

• CH.3: Ya Built It. Now Go Play In It.. .................................. 56

• Value: Everyone’s got a price and
consequence. ......................................................................... 57
everything has a consequence..........................................................................
Reputation......................................................................................... 57

• Assets . . .................................................................................................... 58
Objects and Assets.
Object Sizes........................................................................................ 58

• .............................................................................................................................. 58
Special Cost Modifiers.......................................................................... 60

• Monsters. .................................................... 61
Vehicles, Big Objects, and HUGE Monsters.....................................................
Vehicle Stats....................................................................................... 61
Vehicle Health and Damage.................................................................. 62
Vehicle Movement and Spacing............................................................ 63
Giant Monsters: .................................................................................. 63

• Subterfuge. . ...................................................................................................................... 63

Stealth Basics..................................................................................... 63

• Types ..................................................................................................................... 67
Scene Types.....................................................................................................................
Rising Tide......................................................................................... 67
Breaking Tide..................................................................................... 67
Receding Tide..................................................................................... 67

• CH.4: Character Generation

.................................................... 68
• First .................................................................................................................. 68
Concept First..................................................................................................................
• Ok, so what defines a character?. character? . . ................................................................. 69
• done ......................................................... 69
Goals: Everyone needs something done.........................................................
Making Goals...................................................................................... 69

• Stats ....................................................................................................... 70
Rolling Your Stats.......................................................................................................
But I don’t wanna roll! ........................................................................ 71
Secondary Stats.................................................................................. 71
Jobs and Specialties............................................................................ 71
Quirks: What makes you different?........................................................ 72
Ability Generation Rules...................................................................... 85
Associated Keywords and Rules:........................................................... 86

• Character Ability Idea Generator . . ................................................................... 118

Weapons .......................................................................................... 118
Martial Arts....................................................................................... 119
Superpowers.................................................................................... 120
Substance........................................................................................ 120
Trait................................................................................................. 121

• Randomizer ..................................................................................................... 121

Ability Randomizer.....................................................................................................
Type (D6 Table)................................................................................. 121
Offense............................................................................................ 122
Defense............................................................................................ 122
Utility.............................................................................................. 123
Movement........................................................................................ 123
Optional: Personal Themes............................................................... 124
Optional: Vignettes How to PROPERLY Introduce the Cast!.................... 124

• Generation ................................................ 125
Quick Checklist for Character Generation................................................
• Other Additions Checklist.. ................................................................................... 125

• CH.5: Getting Better

................................................................... 126
• Style ...................................................................................................... 126
Progression Style......................................................................................................
Standard Progression....................................................................... 126
Looter Progression............................................................................ 126
Mastery Progression.......................................................................... 126
Beat Progression............................................................................... 127
Getting Better At Your Job.................................................................. 127

• CH6: . . ..................................................................................................................................... 130

• Combat . . .............................................................................................. 130

• Initiative .......................................................................................................................... 130
• Movement . . ....................................................................................................................... 130
• .................................................................................................................................. 130
• Interactables.. ................................................................................................................ 131
• actions .................................................................................. 133
Attacks and other actions..................................................................................
Extended Actions.............................................................................. 134
Health And Damage........................................................................... 134
Defending yourself............................................................................ 137

• Here’s everything one more time!.. ................................................................. 139

Action list: On Your Turn..................................................................... 139
Action list: Not on your Turn............................................................... 139
Action list: On Your Turn while Taken Down/Out................................... 140

• Damage . . ..................................................................................... 140

Power Scaling of Damage.
Using the Power Scale........................................................................ 141

............................................................................... 142
• Keep It Heroic . . ............................................................................................................. 142
• Crap! My players are here and
Help!!! ........................................................................ 143
I don’t know what to do! Help!!!........................................................................
The Nuts and Bolts of Running Games................................................. 143

• Designs ............................................................................................................... 148

Grand Designs...............................................................................................................

Cataclysms....................................................................................... 149
Masterminds..................................................................................... 151
Advice on making your BBEG a REAL jerk............................................. 161
Mobbing: Or “What Makes Stooges Scary”........................................... 164
Running Stooges In Your Game........................................................... 165
Elite Enemies.................................................................................... 165

• ............................................................................................................................. 166
General Notes On Grooves.................................................................. 166
The Template.................................................................................... 166
Making your own............................................................................... 166
Examples.......................................................................................... 168

• Glossary by Chapter.................................................................
Chapter ................................................................. 176
Chapter 1.......................................................................................... 176
Chapter 2.......................................................................................... 177
Chapter 3.......................................................................................... 178
Chapter 4.......................................................................................... 178
Chapter 5.......................................................................................... 180
Chapter 6.......................................................................................... 180
Chapter 7.......................................................................................... 181

• Example Characters . . ................................................................. 182

• Raya . . ................................................................................................................................... 182
• Vayle Trevino . . .............................................................................................................. 184
• Sparks ....................................................................................................................... 186
Sir Sparks.......................................................................................................................
• Taramis. . ............................................................................................................................ 188
• ................................................................................................................................ 190
• Eydis “Saga” Regindottir ..................................................................................... 192
• Vaan “Gear” Stone. Stone . . .................................................................................................... 194
• Tybor Dorn . . .................................................................................................................... 196
• Luna .................................................................................................................................. 198

• Character Sheet.........................................................................
Sheet ......................................................................... 200

RPG is short for Roleplaying Game. You probably
knew that though, and you’ve probably read RULE 0
this section before in dozens of games. We ain’t You’re here to have fun. These rules are here
going to waste your time treating you like you to help you have fun. Tell your stories and
haven’t done this before, but in case you’re don’t let the rest of this book get in the way.
teaching someone new, we’ll tell you what we If something is confusing, talk it out amongst
think RPGs are. yourselves and be good to each other! If you
Who knows? Maybe our perspective will help can’t come to a decision, the GM has final say
you use our system! Roleplaying games are an over the interpretation of the rules or whether
excuse to pretend to be whoever you want to or not to toss them out the window. GMs, we’re
be, and sometimes that involves a little bit of counting on you to guide your players to having
improvised acting. Don’t worry though, if you’re the most fun possible, so make decisions that
not a great actor, it doesn’t matter. The bare favor them and the stories you tell with this
minimum is really getting together as a group, system, pretty please?
playing make-believe as various characters, Keep It Heroic: Some of the social function
using the rules as guidelines, and rolling some effects (See chapter 3) may lead to situations
dice to find out how hard you hit an imaginary in your games that call for the target to act in a
guy with an imaginary sledgehammer. way that may make you uncomfortable. At any
Maybe you’re not the “cracking skulls” type. time, you may call to Keep it Heroic to break
Sneaking into a stronghold, or convincing a the effect, no matter who the target is. If you
contact to divulge some information over drinks need to, pause the game and reflect on how the
is fair game too. The actual level of detail and scene is working out and change course. As a
acting involved is up to you and your group’s general rule, you may use this for ANY situation
comfort level. that comes up at your table as a signal to change
The Game-master, or GM for short, is going to things up. Remember, we’re here to have fun
give you some guidance, arbitrate the rules of and part of that is respecting each other’s
the game, voice various characters and bad boundaries, ok? You can read more on this
guys, and describe what the players see. As a subject in CH7 under the same title.
player, you’ll take this information and respond
to it as your character would. This back and forth
interaction is what makes the core of an RPG.
Fun right? Well, we hope so!


C h 1: S o , H o w D o Y o u P l a y T h i s G a m e ?
Mix together some conflict and suspense, add a
dash of subverted expectations, and you have
a recipe for a great story! Other than that, know
that you and your group are in unique positions
as both creators and consumers of your story. We’re glad you asked! Ham it up, be subtle,
While any other stories you might read, play, or play somewhere in between. In Tide
or watch have designers, writers, and editors Breaker, you play the kind of heroes that get
with the luxury of time to fix plots and develop things done. Typically, this means punching,
characters before release, you do not. You will shooting, or melting someone’s face. However,
create and resolve your story’s conflicts in real Tide Breaker’s heroes are also diplomats,
time. You’re behind the wheel and driving the artists, lovers of epic proportions, spies, and
plot wherever your group thinks is the coolest master detectives that play on the grandest
destination while your GM builds the road in scales you can imagine.
front of you. You and your group get to set up all
the character motivations, love triangles, bitter This game wants to give you the tools to play
rivalries, and the dramatic world-shattering hyper-competent, deliciously flawed, and
clashes. interesting characters with hopes and dreams
to make them feel as real as possible while you
But first, you’ve got to establish motivations and do things that feel anything but that. The quiet
set stakes. Make it clear to each other what can moments of contemplation between the hails
be lost if you and your friends fail. Get invested. of bullets and cries for vengeance are where this
There’s a buy-in involved in roleplaying and it’s system shines. So, build the world you want,
up to your group and the GM to establish that and play the coolest heroes you can muster.
immersion. That’s your job! Group storytelling! Whatever it is, we’ve got you covered!
It’s a bit of responsibility for sure, but if you
all just support each other equally, celebrate
victories, and avenge defeats when they come,
then you’ll get to enjoy some sweet heroic
It’s important to pay attention to what everyone
is telling each other, and a lot of the time that’s
non verbal. We’re providing rules to bring
awesome worlds to life, but it’s going to be how
you use them that makes great stories happen.
So when the player characters, or PCs for short,
make their Goals known, it’s basically waving a
sign in front of the GM demanding them to act
on it.Players can give the GM stuff to work with
just as the GM gives things for the players to use.
That’s group storytelling in a nutshell. Now, let’s
get to mechanics and stuff.

STATS, DICE POOLS, Focus: Focus determines your ability to Dodge.
Any task that requires intense concentration,
attention, or quick reflexes uses Focus. When the
TASK CHECKS, AND shots start coming from every possible direction,
your Focus is what’s going to keep you from
THE REST OF THE CORE getting pummeled.
Wits: Wits determines your Momentum
RULES YOU SKIPPED Generation and capacity for deceiving
opponents with Smart Offense, along with
THE ABOVE TO READ. anything that benefits from thinking on your
toes or thinking clearly under pressure.
WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY Intuition: Intuition determines Interaction
Discovery, which allows you to spot potential
interactable objects and use them to their
• Writing Utensils full potential. Preventing people from
• At least 5d6 per player outmaneuvering you with Smart Defense
• These rules abilities also is part of Intuition. Additionally,this
• A working knowledge of action movie determines how long you can withstand the
tropes (Optional, but so deliciously Momentum of an opponent and how many tasks
recommended) you gain when creating your job (see Character
Creation for details). Anything that involves
STATS difficult calculations and deep understanding
benefits from high Intuition.
Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. Tide Breaker PCs are exceptional! While
Tide Breaker characters, as awesome as the averageJoe’s attributes range from 1-3 a
they can be, aren’t any different. Your character’s Tide Breaker will have a 2 even in things
stats are a numerical representation of their they don’t excel at and top out at a 5! If you have
capabilities and can normally range from 1-5, a 5 in a stat, you’ve been REALLY working on that
though some abilities allow you to temporarily and it’s something character-defining. People
exceed this max value. with 5 Might are hands down the strongest
Characters in Tide Breaker are comprised of people in their world. Nothing can distract
the following stats: someone with 5 Focus, few things are beyond
the understanding of someone with 5 Intuition,
Might: Might determines your ability to hit and and so on.
deal damage. High Might also allows you to
move things, shake them, and break them. It’s
not always about how physically strong you
are. Sometimes it’s your ability to channel the When a player wishes for their character to
strength of the arcane or divine, or just having a attempt something that has a reasonable
really big gun. Anything that decides to stand in chance of failure, the GM may ask for a Task
the way of a character with high Might probably Check. To do a Task Check, roll a number of
should have tried dodging instead. d6s equal to your total Advantages, known as
your dice pool, and compare successes rolled
Endurance: Endurance determines how well against the difficulty rating (DR for short), which
you can Block, how fast your Recovery is, your is the number rolled against to determine if your
resistance to the elements and poison, and how character accomplishes the attempted action.
long you can keep up extended actions. Tide
Breakers go through a lot of crap on the job, no Dice Pool: The total number of dice rolled after
matter what your setting is. When that crap tries adding up all of your Advantages.
to physically stop them, a high Endurance is Success: Any dice that turn up as a 4, 5, or 6 are
what lets your character push through. considered a success against the difficulty of a
Agility: Agility determines how well you can task.
deal with an opponent’s Dodge and when you Bonuses: Any effect that says “+1” or more on
act in the initiative order. This covers tasks that it adds a +1d6 on rolls or + 1 to the target’s DR
require balance and fast reactions.High Agility (when applicable) unless otherwise noted.
lets you land hits accurately before your enemies Difficulty Rating: The number of successes
ever act. needed to accomplish a task. Higher difficulty
ratings equal greater challenges.

Special: Anything from morale bonuses

C h 1: S o , H o w D o Y o u P l a y T h i s G a m e ?
to technology and advanced magic falls
under special bonuses.
Stunt: Stunt bonuses can be gained from
thrilling descriptions and will always
add at least 1d6. Higher bonuses can be
gained based on your character’s abilities.
Descriptive bonuses will be awarded at
your GM’s discretion.
While Advantages are usually used to
determine how many dice a player needs
to roll, they will often be rolled against a
difficulty that your GM will set. These are
the odds you are fighting against. If you’re
a GM looking to learn how to do this, it
will be covered later on under Setting

A little more on
Stunts are anything you can describe
that sounds impressive to you and your
friends. When you roll for a Task Check in
Tide Breaker, you’re robbing yourself
and your friends of a glorious moment if
you cop out and say, “I shoot the guy by
the bar,” instead of jazzing it up with some
colorful description.
“I take a deep breath and slam the
magazine into my gun before
unloading it on the guy crouched by
the bar the moment he stops firing.”
You didn’t do anything fancy there,
but you’re putting a clearer picture
into everyone else’s head. We’re
here to tell cool cinematic stories
of heroes fighting bad guys and, “I
attack,” or, “I block,” doesn’t cut it
if you want those juicy stunt bonuses.

When building your dice pool to attempt a Task
Check add up the numbers from each of your
Advantages, bonuses gained from your stats,
functions, quirks, stunts, etc. and roll Xd6 where
X is equal to the combined total number of
all your Advantages together. Various types of
Advantages include:
Stat: The stat needed for each task will change
based on the nature of challenge the Task Check

Setting Difficulties
Tide Breaker’s characters are capable
individuals, but everyone has their limits. If they
Botches and Ignite
didn’t, we wouldn’t have fun stories of heroes Sometimes, all the skill in the world can only
pushing past them at the last moment, right? So, save you from just barely falling off a cliff face
after considering what stat the player should roll, on some alien world. Sometimes, you make
the GM should give them an appropriate number that lucky shot by what seems to be sheer
to hit. The exact difficulties of specific tasks providence. In Tide Breaker, PCs are
should change depending on the flavor of your usually skilled enough to disregard luck, but
game, but as a rule of thumb: circumstances can make them rely on or benefit
DR 1: Routine tasks that could pretty much only from fortune just like anyone else.
fail if someone tried to stop the player or they Botches: When worst comes to worst, Botches
are under severe duress are DR 1. happen. Tide Breakers never Botch by default,
DR 2: Things that take a bit of concentration, but an effect has to force a chance to Botch.
otherwise aren’t hard for a trained character are Botch levels can stack via certain functions and
DR 2. quirks. For example, if you have Botch 1 and an
DR 3: Anything that makes your character pause effect says to gain Botch 1, you are now at Botch
long enough to plan out how they’re going to 2. Botch may not increase higher than level 3.
approach the task are DR 3. If an effect afflicts you with Botch, roll your Task
DR 4: Really trying stuff, the things that make Check as normal then do the following:
you question why you took this job,and the Botch 1: Remove a success for each 1 in your
things that make you go “I’m the best because dice pool.
nobody else can do this,” are DR 4. Botch 2: The effect triggers on each 1 or 2 that
DR 5: Things that make you question your life shows up in your dice pool.
choices in general, the near impossible, and the Botch 3: Each 1, 2, or 3 rolled removes a success
stuff you brag about at the tavern are DR 5. from your dice pool.
DR 6+ should never be assigned by default, but Ignites: On the other hand, sometimes
some effects can introduce modifiers that push everything comes up 6’s! Tide Breakers do not
and challenge beyond the normal maximum. check for Ignite by default, but occasionally an
That’s perfectly fine! Just save this kind of effect will grant Ignite on your dice rolls.
thing for stuff that really should be impossible,
because if the heroes pull these off, then they Ignite levels can stack via certain functions and
should own that bar they were bragging about at quirks. For example, if you have Ignite 1 and an
DR 5. effect says to gain Ignite 1, you now are at Ignite
2. Ignite may not increase higher than Level 3.
EXAMPLE TASK CHECK WITH If an effect grants you Ignite, roll your Task Check
ADVANTAGES as normal then do the following:
Ignite: For each 6 in your dice pool, reroll the
Brian wants to open a lock. The GM determines lowest failure present.
this is a Wits roll with a DR of 3. Brian checks his Ignite 2: The effect now triggers for each 5 and
sheet. Going down his list of Advantages he has: 6.
Stat: + 3 Wits Ignite 3: The effect triggers for each 4, 5, or 6.
Special: + 2 lockpick training You may continue to reroll until no new Ignited
Stunt: + 0 dice appear or until your dice pool no longer
Adding his Advantages up, Brian comes up with shows any failures.
5d6 to open the lock. Rolling the dice, Brian Ignite and Botch dice will never make you roll
comes up with 5, 5, 2, 4, and 6 granting him any more or less dice than your roll would
4 successes, crushing the DR of the task, and normally call for, but still have a chance to alter
popping open the lock with ease. the roll for better or worse.

C h 1: S o , H o w D o Y o u P l a y T h i s G a m e ?
As a reward for exceptional roleplaying, the GM Swearing a passionate oath of vengeance
can reward Excellence, which may be redeemed against a villain in response to their
by any PC to trigger a “Spotlight Moment”. dastardly deeds. If the player ties in the names
of NPCs wronged by the villain, particular taboos
During a Spotlight Moment, the player gains of the setting/location/organization breached,
Hope once per turn in combat or once per Task or otherwise makes a grand case for their
Check performed outside of combat and may reasoning and what lengths they’ll take when
use Momentum to power up their dice rolls as they claim their revenge… reward them! Ham it
a stunt bonus for the duration of the scene. If up!
the player would be Taken Out for any reason or
fail a crucial roll, the GM may give the player an Making a personal sacrifice to save a friend
immediate Recovery roll to avoid it. or an innocent. This is a system made for telling
stories about heroes, regardless of the specific
If the character goes above and beyond in a genre you may be going for. Across all of fiction,
moment of glory, describing how they manage there’s few things we can think of greater than
to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat at giving something up for the benefit of another.
the last moment, the GM may offer the player GM- if one of your players commits a particularly
a chance to justify how they managed to pull selfless act, especially if it’s playing against what
through despite the odds. they’d normally do, please reward them.
However, if the player would still fail even with Doing something EXTRA heartwarming. If
this extra chance, they are “Assumed Dead” a player had a conversation with an old flower
and are Taken Out. While Out, they may take seller, and remembered that she couldn’t make
no actions, but generate Momentum until the trip to the far fields outside her village
they pass the Recovery check and return to because of the danger and they bring her back
the scene ending their Spotlight Moment some flowers, especially if it’s not related to any
immediately after. While Assumed Dead, they of the PC’S Goals, they should be rewarded.
are untargetable and immune from any indirect Tide Breaker character’s shouldn’t just be
damaging effects. badass one-man armies. Ideally, they should be
Star Defining Moment: The first time a prime examples of humanity’s best. Kindness
character would die, you may spend Hope and compassion should be their own reward,
equal to the Power Level (PL) of the character’s but a bit of Excellence never hurts either.
assailant to trigger a Spotlight Moment even if Playing up the backstory. All that collaborative
the player does not currently have Excellence. world building should mean something right?
Things you might reward the group If your players are engaging in the world you’ve
Excellence for: built together and doing their best to explore it,
an occasional reward of Excellence should be an
A heartfelt exchange between two PCs. incentive to maintain that level of immersion.
Players should seek to share character-
developing moments with each other, but Anything you find particularly awesome.
especially outside of battle when traveling or No really, if it’s so cool even a Showstopper
sitting down to hash out feelings and otherwise wouldn’t cut it,give up that sweet, sweet
process their emotions. Heroism is heavy stuff Excellence.
and talking it over can help ease the burden the
party feels.

EXAMPLE to the roll for your description, because you’re
trying to entertain your table and that SHOULD
Mark is playing Talon, an acrobatic ex-marine be rewarded. Additionally, when not engaged
who is fighting a jetpack-toting villain named in combat, Showstoppers generate Momentum
Prime. Talon starts his turn with 4 Momentum (See Character Generation for details on
on a rooftop a few zones away from Prime. Mark Momentum) equal to the stat used during the
spends his Excellence and Talon begins his stunt that triggered the Showstopper in addition
Spotlight Moment by jumping from rooftop to to the aforementioned effects!
rooftop to reach his target. So to Roll a Showstopper do the following:
Talon leaps off from the final roof only to
springboard through the air using Prime’s Flying
Stooges as stepping stones. Just as he is about
• Get a stunt badass enough to make
somebody noticeably appreciate it and do a
to reach the gloating Prime, who is still confident quick show of hands. If it’s good enough, go
in his aerial superiority, Mark fails the traversal on to step 2. Otherwise enjoy your regular
check to get to him. stunt bonus.
The GM goes, “However…,” prompting Mark • Check for Ignite dice. For each Ignite die
to think for a second. He remembers Talon’s result, reroll until you run out of rerolls or
grappling hook and fires it at Prime’s feet, failures.
spending the Momentum to increase his dice • Once all rerolling has finished, add a die
pool by 4 and succeed with ease swinging up, to your pool for each Ignite die result. New
around, and above his target to finally stab his Ignite results continue to add dice to your
jetpack with a triumphant roar! pool until no more appear, but do NOT add
any more rerolls.
Prime recovers on his turn and counterattacks,
smacking the hero through a roof. Talon ragdolls • Repeat step 3 until no more dice qualify for
Explosions and tally up your successes.
through the air before crashing into someone’s
swimming pool (ignoring how water actually
works for cinematic effect, of course), and is EXAMPLE SHOWSTOPPER
Taken Out for the rest of the scene. However,
Prime assumes Talon is dead and flies off. Remember that guy that was shooting that dude
Someone pulls Talon out the water and his at the bar when we were talking about stunts?
Spotlight Moment ends. He may have lost this Well, how would you make that stunt even
fight, but he survived. Prime won’t get away next cooler? Something as simple as referencing a
time! detail in the environment or a pithy one liner or
hell… both could do just fine! Just try to imagine
the things your friends would laugh at or get
SHOWSTOPPERS really excited and tailor your descriptions to be
as entertaining as possible.
Every so often, a stunt’s description will really Let’s say that guy getting shot at had a model
floor someone. When you describe something home he was working on behind the bar, still
that makes someone crack up or clap due to sitting in a display piece right around the booze.
how awesome it was, upgrade your stunt bonus At the end of our last description you could add
to a Showstopper. Showstopper stunts Ignite 6’s “and I don’t stop firing until all the bottles on
by default, automatically qualify for Explosions, the bar have sprayed alcohol everywhere. Right
the ability to add an extra die on all Ignite results before I return to my cover, I Yell ‘Hey asshole!
(yes, that means if you can stack Ignite you Drinks are on the House!’
get an extra die added on EVERY Ignited die),
cannot Botch. Showstoppers also ignore the
normal limitation for adding dice, except that
dice added by a Showstopper never qualify for
rerolls. They may continue to add dice until
you run out of qualifying rolls, but once you’re
out of your original allotment of rerolls, that’s
it. However, the first person to crack up has to
call for a Showstopper. If anyone agrees, you’re
good to go; otherwise, you’ll still get your plus 1

Tell my mother…: + 4 per player.

C h 1: S o , H o w D o Y o u P l a y T h i s G a m e ?
CLIFFHANGERS The players make plans and roll again, repeating
this until they succeed or fail the Cliffhanger.
Tide Breakers are nothing if not daring, and Bypasses (Optional): Some abilities just make
even the most cautious hero is bound to find sense to allow a character to find a way to
themselves in a situation where they can’t back make some problems moot. On a case by case
down without risking devastating consequences. basis, the GM may award one of the following
These are handled with Cliffhangers, a sequence conditions for quick thinking:
of Task Checks that depict your character
doing high-flying stunts in stages in order to
accomplish the near impossible. The GM will • Refresh Nailbiter.
give players the scenario, and players will work • Escape the Cliffhanger without
together to come up with a way to tackle the consequences (for one or more players).
challenge. • Ignite 1.
To do a Cliffhanger: • A Showstopper. No vote necessary.
• Automatic completion of the stage.
Set Up: Describe the general scenario and set
the stakes for failure. “Destroy the Star Carrier
• Automatic completion of the Cliffhanger.
before it blows up your Base,” for example, and
set up the first stage with two DRs: CLIFFHANGER EXAMPLE
The first DR is for the win condition for that The GM starts off by setting up the situation and
stage. Set the number as follows: announces that the player’s task is to “Destroy
Show Time!: 2 Per Player. Minimum 6. the star carrier before it blows up your Base”. The
Medium: 4 per Player. Minimum 12. GM states that the aircraft they are in has been
shot down before the Cliffhanger begins. The
Hard: 6 per Player. Minimum 18. players then decide the best course of action is
Tell my mother I love her: 8 per player. to hop off the jet!
Minimum 24. The GM has 5 players and wants to make this
The other is for a Nailbiter, or a near miss in the an opportunity for the players to have some
narrative. This DR should be roughly half of the fun and sets the difficulty to Medium (+ 2 DR
win condition. Describe what happens and how per player) for a DR of 10 and a Nailbiter of 5.
you recover. Be careful though, if you get two The players then make their plan, (something
nail biters you fail. involving blowing out the side of the carrier
Plan and Roll: Players make their plans for the with a combination of plastic explosives and a
stage and roll their dice together as a single Task fireball from the party caster), and roll for stage 1
Check. If they succeed, they continue forward. getting a combined total of 8 successes. The GM
If they don’t, they trigger a Nailbiter. Roll again, notes that they did not succeed, but managed to
and add their successes to their previous roll. pass the nailbiter DR, and describes the players
getting caught in the explosion and violently
Successes exceeding the current stage’s DR carry launched out of the jet!
over into the next stage, as do any effects caused
by expenditures of Doom. The players recover from the Nailbiter with some
good rolling and proceed to stage 2, carrying
If the players would fail again after rolling a over the excess successes from stage 1. In the
Nailbiter, they fail the entire Cliffhanger and next two stages, they pass the Cliffhanger after
suffer the aforementioned consequences. This two more rolls, hopping into the star carrier and
makes Cliffhangers a perfect chance to use any then murdering the crew in style.
Excellence you’ve gained.
Update and Repeat: The GM reacts with an
update to the situation and moves onward to
the Next Stage, adding on to the Cliffhanger’s DR
for the upcoming stage as follows:
Show Time!: + 1 per player.
Medium: + 2 per player.
Hard: + 3 per player.

The first step to getting the game up and
running is to determine what style of game the GENERATION
group wishes to explore. Genre, theme, and
background help set the tone of the campaign. Some GMs like to make their scenarios ahead of
Go through the following checklist with your time, but to ensure that even the most quiet of
group and be sure to keep track of the answers your players gets to add on their personal touch
you come up with together, as they will be used to the world you’re building, try following these
when creating the world your characters inhabit. steps.

1. Genre and theme: Pick the genre, like sci fi,

• The GM decides the genre, theme, and
and a theme, like corruption.
Situation with player consensus
2. What’s going on? : Name The Situation- • During the Key Events section, have each
an overarching event of the story (ex. “A player go around in a circle to add one
mutagen has spread through the air that element.
causes people to slowly turn into horrific
• When all of the Key Events have been
created, each player should make one goal
3. Describe 4 key events that led up to the around any of the events created, even if
they weren’t present. Keep in mind that
Situation. Decide with your GM if these
events are public knowledge or not. When they only need to be somehow affected or
describing the background events, cover connected.
the following: • Alternatively, use an “inciting incident”
that triggers an immediate Subplot for
• Who was involved? all characters. This incident gets resolved
• What was the event? within the first session or two to allow
• When this happen in relation to players to take their time and create their
the other key events? Where did Main Goal, Subplots, and related Questions
it happen? If it’s a universal thing, over the course of the game
where did it start, or who sparked
the event?
• Why did it happen?
4. Where is the action taking
place? This will be used for
determining the scale of the
game universe.
What your group comes up with
will be used in the following
section to determine the current
events of your world and where
the player characters fit in.
Keep track of the characters
mentioned in the key events.
Some of these may be important
NPCs, while others could be the
player characters themselves.

We’ll give you the “official” terminology USING THE TABLES
we found while doing research for Tide

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
Breaker and how we personally This game has several random tables
interpret it for our purposes in game. you can use to help come up with things
The joy of building your settings is for characters and worldbuilding. All of
getting to decide how you use these these are “d66” tables. To make a d66
things you learn exactly the way you roll, take two six-sided dice (preferably
want to, so while we encourage you to of different colors), and designate
use our definition, if you feel like you one the “tens” die and the other the
have something that fits your group
better than by all means, use that! Rule “ones” die. Roll them and put the two
of Fun is the dominant ideal here. digits together to get one of 36 possible
results numbered from 11 to 66. For
Genre, “official”: A category of artistic example, if you rolled a 4 on the tens
composition, as in music or literature, die and a 2 on the ones die, your result
characterized by similarities in form, would be 42. Most of these tables have
style, or subject matter. A genre is two or more columns, so you’ll roll
the result of “socially-agreed-upon multiple times and combine those
conventions developed over time.” results.
Genre, “Tide Breaker”: Really,
it’s deciding whether you want to play These tables are optional, a creative
pirates, ninjas, or some weird mecha tool rather than an ironclad rule. You
thing. We like to pair up the subject can use the results as is, reroll until you
matter with a movie style. See: “Film get something you like, or just use the
Noir Fighter Pilots” as an example. Use tables as examples to get the creative
what you know to drive the main idea juices flowing. They’re also deliberately
home. open to interpretation, and if you get
a result that doesn’t seem to work for
Theme, “official”: The subject of a talk, you, you may be able to make it work
a piece of writing, a person’s thoughts,
or an exhibition; a topic. A theme is just by looking at it in a different way.
a central topic, subject, or message
within a narrative.
Theme, “Tide Breaker”: We pretty
much agree, but would like to add the
additional focus on asking questions
about the overall story being told. An
example would be, “How far can you
fall before you are no longer a hero?”
Alternatively, a theme can be an
overarching concept like “Justice.” To
play a game of Tide Breaker is to
take your theme and explore through
the fiction, to borrow Apocalypse World
parlance. If you go with a singular
concept, push your group to ask what
you really want to explore. For the
justice example, it could be something
like, “What is the meaning of Justice?”
or something like, “Can you ever truly
find justice through revenge?” Play with
your themes, explore the tropes related
to them in your favorite media, and
bring them to life!

TABLE: d66 In a Genre plagued Conflict element
As an alternative to the standard Scenario
Generation method, this setting creation
table gives you a possibility of 23,328 story
setting seeds for your Tidebreaker Campaign! 23
Mythic ancient
35-36 ... Ninjas
Even better, it helps you create a cinematic Greece
trailer sentence for your campaign. For more
interesting mash-up settings, add the conflict
element, but you can leave this out for classic 24
... unstable/
genres. legend wild magic
Once you have rolled or chosen your genre,
optional conflict element and theme, read out
your cinematic trailer sentence: Flintlock ...mysterious
25 Fantasy

In a Genre world (plagued by Conflict element), our Tide

Breakers struggle with Theme in this epic adventure! 26 Wild West 45-46 ...Zombies

our Tide
Conflict Breakers 31 Weird West 51-52 ...an evil empire
d66 In a Genre plagued Theme
element struggle
Steampunk ...Vampires and/
32 west
or Werewolves
High magic
11 medieval 11-12 ...Dinosaurs 11 Revenge
33 Gothic Horror 55-56
Low magic
12 medieval 13-14 ... Pirates 12 Justice
fantasy ... a rising
34 1920s Noire 61-62

13 Urban fantasy 15-16 ...Cowboys 13 Found family

35 Roman era 63-64 ...super humans

14 Portal Fantasy 21-22 ...Samurai 14
with loss
36 Medieval era 65-66 ...a rising dark cult

Wuxia Fantasy
(Martial artists Overcoming Age of
15 23-24 ...Kaiju 15
in ancient obstacles 41 Enlightenment/
China) Exploration era

Sword and
16 25-26 ...Super spies 16 Taming nature
sorcery 42 Victorian era

Prehistoric ...a Demon/ Love

21 31-32 21
fantasy Alien invasion conquers all 43 Clockpunk

Mythic ancient Courage in

22 33-34 ... a Civil war 22
Egyptian adversity 44 Steampunk

our Tide our Tide
Breakers Conflict Breakers
Theme d66 In a Genre plagued Theme
struggle element struggle
with with

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
23 What is a
Exploration 45 Diesel punk 45

Understanding Redeeming
24 the other 46 Atompunk 46

Ancient The horrors

25 mysteries 51 Modern day era 51
of war

26 the dangers
Good vs. Evil 52 Cyberpunk 52
of ignorance

The circle
31 of Life 53 Solarpunk 53 immortality

32 Coming of age 54 Afrofuturism 54 Fading youth

33 Perseverance Weird Science Finding

55 Fiction

the power of
34 friendship 56
Near Future
Dystopia vs. Altruism

35 power 61
Chaos vs.
Fantasy Order

36 Redemption
Man vs.
Superhero Machine

Change vs.
41 Tradition 63 Space Opera 63
the one vs.
the many

42 vs. Nature 64 Military Scifi 64
your dreams

The mortality
43 of man 65
Inner & Outer
apocalyptic strength

Fate vs.
44 Free Will 66
Far Future
the loss of
Dystopia innocence

You might get inspired by your:
SCENARIO GENERATION • Pirate conflict element (an army of undead
• Mythic Ancient Greece genre (angered souls
WHEN AND WHY? are coming back from Hades),
This core Scenario Generation Table creates 300 • Revenge theme (every unquiet soul who
unique combinations on the roll of a d6. died since the incident has returned for
Once you’ve rolled, you’ll have a series of story
elements. Fine-tune these results to your setting You could even combine these ideas to create
by bouncing ideas around with your party, and an army of undead pirates, returned from
getting inspired by elements of your genre, Hades to wreak vengeance on the society who
conflict element, and theme! condemned them to death!
For example, say you rolled i) Mythic ancient Use your imagination. If you’d rather choose
Greece ii) Pirates iii) Revenge for your setting from the list than roll, then do it. This is your
and iv) Army of the Undead in your scenario game, and your group’s setting!
d6 X time ago Someone unleashed something in somewhere reason
When Who What Where Why
to fund their
1 a century ago terrorists a massive monster the capital city
evil activities

a generation a corporation, a horde of creatures, the whole

2 ago business or guild turned monstrous country

mad scientists/ a deadly pathogen the whole misguided

3 last year
mages or mutagen continent morality
a persistent or
a (secret) cult
4 a month ago
or cabal
worsening (super) the ocean curiosity
natural disaster

the government/
5 a week ago
ruling body
an invasion or war the skies revenge

five minutes the whole religious
6 ago
elements (aliens/ an army of undead
planet convictions


INFLUENCE The worlds of Tide Breaker are broken
up into building blocks known as Locations.
Once the basics of your game’s background A zone is the smallest unit of measurement
have been established, you can use the Sphere for any location in the game. Zones can be as
of Influence as a springboard to explore small as a bedroom or as big as a galactic sector
current events and the various PC and NPC depending on the average size and speed of
characters that they revolve around. The Sphere those traveling between them. Your average
of Influence, hereafter referred to as SOI, is a character will tend towards the minimum
tool to keep track of the locations and NPCs in of the above example. By default, several
your game. Using SOI, your group will be able characters can fit in a single zone and move
to easily weave together multiple locations of about comfortably without issue. Don’t be too
varying sizes on the fly and the relationships of concerned about the exact measurements of a
their inhabitants as they ally themselves with zone, they are meant to be loose representations
their neighbors, or backstab each other as they of a given space to facilitate faster play.
lust for power.

Locations Quick Start: During session 0, start
with building out the players’ current base of Now that we’ve got an idea for how big an
operations You don’t need to fully flesh out each area can be, we can define what areas actually
Key Location in the neighborhood or even have contain. Starting from Key Locations and
Key Figures and other NPCs, just do enough to onward, areas are defined by these details:

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
get the action moving. Once you get playing, the ● Residents: People or creatures that live or
GM can fill it out as you go or the players can work in the location. Residents can be PCs or
spend Hope to establish details as necessary. NPCs and use all relevant stats.
When creating a location try to think of three ● Issues: Large scale problems and other
adjectives that describe it. “Small, Bustling, threats to the residents. Each issue is
Diverse” makes for a good trade hub without represented by a simple statement like,
having to put in a ton of work doing a full write “The Decroix have been dislocated from
up. This advice also applies to any of the Key their ancestral home,” or something as
Figures, resources, etc. If you’re stuck, just try to direct as, “Poverty”. A location’s issues are
make it as quick, simple, and evocative as you things that can be tackled by the players,
can! but it sometimes may take longer than a
The worlds of Tide Breaker scale up from single session. For anything that your group
the average zone as follows: feels would take more than 3 sessions to
fix, consider adding it as an addition to
the Situation. Every issue that is resolved
• Key Location: The default would be restores 1 Hope to the party. If the issue
a house or similar building, but could is connected to one of the PC’s Goals, the
be a football field, cemetery, or other party’s maximum Hope is increased by 1.
appropriately sized area. Key locations tend
to be 4-5 zones, but can be as large and ● Resources: What the location produces.
detailed as desired. Resources cover anything that retains
value. They come in three forms (pick any
• Battlefields: Battlefields, covered combination in any amount, as your group
more in Chapter 6, are a collection
of zones that typically are around ○ Favors: Any sort of service that can
the size of a Key Location and may be rendered that doesn’t require
include one inside of them (but are crafting something by hand.
not required to). ○ Labors: Any sort of service or item
• Neighborhood: An area that covers that needs to be molded by a skilled
several Key Locations. The average
neighborhood could be a shopping plaza, ○ Info: Any sort of skill that could
a military complex, or a small village out be taught or secrets that could be
in the wilderness. A neighborhood can be leveraged against a political enemy.
anywhere between 5-10 Key Locations.
We don’t recommend going for numbers
greater than 10, as then you’d be just as
likely to describe every single place within
the neighborhood. Just focus on the
important locales.
• District: A district is a collection of
neighborhoods. Anything large enough to
contain several neighborhoods worth of
Key Locations qualifies to be a district.
• Regions: The largest measurement in
Tide Breaker, a region is a massive
space that holds several districts. An entire
state is just the beginning. Depending on
the scale, this could include a planet or an
entire star system.

Location Template

d66 d66
11 Alley 41 Factory

12 Art Gallery 42 Fancy Restaurant

13 Asylum 43 Hospital

14 Bank 44 Hotel

15 Bar/Speakeasy 45 Jazz Club

16 Billiards Hall 46 Liquor Store

21 Bookstore 51 Main Street

22 Capitol Building 52 Movie Studio

23 Carnival 53 Movie Theater

24 Casino 54 Museum

25 Cathedral/Church 55 Pawn Shop

26 Cemetery 56 Police Station

31 Central Park 61 Private Office

32 Concert Hall 62 Shipyard

33 Construction Site 63 Subway Station

34 Department Store 64 Supermarket

35 Diner 65 University

36 Docks 66 Warehouse


C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 d66
11 Actor 41 Homeless
12 Arms Dealer 42 Homemaker
13 Artist 43 Kid
14 Banker 44 Lawyer
15 Bartender 45 Lounge Singer
16 Card Dealer 46 Mafia/Organized Crime
21 Construction Workers 51 Mailman
22 Cop 52 Maître d'
23 Detective 53 Movie Star
24 Dock Worker 54 Newspaper Seller
25 Doctor 55 Nurse
26 Drug Dealer 56 Photographer
31 Editor 61 Police Chief
32 Fence 62 Priest
33 Fireman 63 Deacon
34 Gambler 64 Private Detective
35 Gang 65 Reporter
36 Hired Muscle 66 Writer

Resident Descriptors
d66 d66
11 Angry 41 Loud
12 Beautiful/Handsome 42 Naïve
13 Brilliant 43 Nosy
14 Cheerful 44 Opinionated
15 Corrupt 45 Philosophical
16 Crooked 46 Popular
21 Cynical 51 Prissy
22 Dangerous 52 Quiet
23 Easygoing 53 Secretive
24 Eccentric 54 Skilled
25 Elderly 55 Sleazy
26 Energetic 56 Spiritual
31 Famous 61 Tough
32 Friendly 62 Troubled
33 Green 63 Upstanding
34 Hard Living 64 Violent
35 Intellectual 65 Witty
36 Knowledgeable 66 Young

d66 d66
11 Abductions 41 Loan Sharks

12 Anti-Immigrant Sentiment 42 Mafia Rivalry

13 Arson 43 Muggings

14 Assassinations 44 Murders

15 Corporate Takeover 45 Organized Crime

16 Corrupt Cops 46 Pollution

21 Corrupt Government 51 Poverty

22 Crime Wave 52 Prostitution

23 Declining Economy 53 Protection Racket

24 Disaffected Youth 54 Riots

25 Discrimination 55 Serial Killer

26 Disease 56 Shortages

31 Drug Abuse 61 Slumlords

32 Extreme Sports Rivalry 62 Surveillance

33 Gang War 63 Theft

34 Gentrification 64 Vigilantism

35 Inequality 65 War Rationing

36 Labor Conditions 66 Yellow Journalism

d66 d66
11 Favor: Backstage Access 41 Labor: Locksmith
12 Favor: Backup 42 Labor: Repairman
13 Favor: Black Market Broker 43 Labor: Safe Cracker
14 Favor: Evidence Disposal 44 Labor: Sawbones
15 Favor: Fall Guy 45 Labor: Special Medicine
16 Favor: Fortune Teller 46 Labor: Tailor
21 Favor: Hired Muscle 51 Info: Bank Records
22 Favor: Lenient Inspector 52 Info: Blueprints
23 Favor: Loan 53 Info: Corporate Files
24 Favor: Police Help 54 Info: Corporate Ledger
25 Favor: Tickets 55 Info: Dirt on a Politician
26 Favor: Transportation 56 Info: Gang Tip-Offs
31 Labor: Cleanup 61 Info: Mayor’s Secret Files
32 Labor: Codebreaker 62 Info: Phone Logs
33 Labor: Forensics 63 Info: Police Files
34 Labor: Forger/Counterfeiter 64 Info: Psychologist’s Files
35 Labor: Gunsmith 65 Info: Rumors
36 Labor: Lawyer 66 Info: Victim’s Diary


C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 d66
11 Apartment 41 Mall
12 Arcade 42 Monument
13 Bar 43 Museum
14 Beach 44 Office
15 Bookstore 45 Park
16 Bridge 46 Planetarium
21 Clinic 51 Portal
22 Club Room 52 Ramen Restaurant
23 Coffee Shop 53 Residence
24 Dojo 54 Sea Port
25 Dormitory 55 Shopping District
26 Grocery Store 56 Shrine/Temple
31 High School 61 Tea Room
32 Hospital 62 Tokyo Tower
33 Internet Café 63 Train Station
34 Karaoke Lounge 64 University
35 Laboratory 65 Warehouse
36 Maid Café 66 Zoo

d66 d66
11 Artist 41 Model
12 Bureaucrat 42 Office Worker
13 Childhood Friend 43 Older Sibling
14 Classmate 44 Otaku/Nerd
15 Computer Expert 45 Parent(s)
16 Cook 46 Police Officer
21 Delivery Driver 51 Retail Worker
22 Detective 52 Scientist
23 Doctor/Nurse 53 Shopkeeper
24 Entertainer 54 Social Media Star
25 Fisherman 55 Street Toughs
26 Fortuneteller 56 Student Athlete
31 Homemaker 61 Student Council
32 Inventor 62 Teacher
33 Librarian 63 Town Gossip
34 Manager 64 Veterinarian
35 Martial Arts Teacher 65 Waiter/Waitress
36 Mentor 66 Younger Sibling

Resident Descriptors
d66 d66
11 Accomplished 41 Intelligent
12 Aggressive 42 Knowledgeable
13 Amorous 43 Lazy
14 Annoying 44 Loud
15 Athletic 45 Naïve
16 Awkward 46 Optimistic
21 Bookish 51 Passionate
22 Cheerful 52 Popular
23 Combative 53 Precise
24 Compassionate 54 Quiet
25 Easygoing 55 Secretive
26 Energetic 56 Sickly
31 Famous 61 Slovenly
32 Friendly 62 Spaced Out
33 Geeky 63 Stone Faced
34 Hungry 64 Strait-laced
35 Impulsive 65 Weird
36 Insomniac 66 Young

d66 d66
11 Abductions 41 Labor Conditions
12 Alien Invasion 42 Loan Sharks
13 Arson 43 Monsters
14 Assassinations 44 Natural Disasters
15 Bandits/Thieves/Pirates 45 Organized Crime
16 Bullying 46 Plague
21 Corruption 51 Pollution
22 Cultists 52 Poverty
23 Curse 53 Power with a Price
24 Dangerous Technology 54 Prejudice
25 Disaffected Youth 55 Reality Warping
26 Disappearances 56 Refugees
31 Drugs 61 Shortages
32 Ecological Problem 62 Stupid Leaders
33 Enemy Infiltration 63 Theft
34 Gangs 64 Traitors
35 Hauntings 65 Unjust Laws
36 Impending War 66 Vigilantism

d66 d66

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
11 Favor: Backup 41 Info: Schematics
12 Favor: Behind the Scenes Access 42 Info: Scripture
13 Favor: Doctor 43 Info: Scrying
14 Favor: Fall Guy 44 Info: Secret Files
15 Favor: Hacker 45 Info: Surveillance
16 Favor: Impersonation 46 Info: Treasure Map
21 Favor: Introduction 51 Labor: Alchemy
22 Favor: Loan of a Rare Item/Vehicle 52 Labor: Armorer
23 Favor: Lodgings 53 Labor: Cooking
24 Favor: Rare Item Broker 54 Labor: Divination
25 Favor: Tickets 55 Labor: Exorcism
26 Favor: Transportation 56 Labor: Healing
31 Info: Ancient Lore 61 Labor: Scientific Research
32 Info: Dark Web 62 Labor: Shipbuilding
33 Info: Grimoire 63 Labor: Smuggling
34 Info: Martial Arts Manual 64 Labor: Training
35 Info: Prophecy 65 Labor: Translation
36 Info: Rumors 66 Labor: Weaponsmith

d66 d66
11 Abandoned Church 41 Mansion
12 Abandoned Theme Park 42 Military Base
13 Airport 43 Moon Base
14 Alien Crash Site 44 Museum
15 Apartment 45 Nega-Space
16 Art Gallery 46 Newspaper Office
21 Atlantis 51 Restaurant
22 Bad Part of Town 52 Savage Sanctuary
23 Capitol Building 53 Secret Lab
24 Central Park 54 Server Room
25 Coffee Shop 55 Sewers
26 Construction Site 56 Shipyard
31 Convenience Store 61 Skyscraper
32 Corporate HQ 62 Space Station
33 Fortress 63 Suburban Home
34 Hideout 64 Super Academy
35 Junkyard 65 Super HQ
36 Mall 66 University

d66 d66
11 Actor 41 Lawyer
12 Athlete 42 Mafia/Organized Crime
13 Barista 43 Mercenary
14 Bartender 44 Musician
15 Building Manager 45 Nurse
16 College Student 46 Personal Trainer
21 Comedian 51 Photographer
22 Community Leader 52 Police
23 Construction Workers 53 Radio Host
24 Detective 54 Reporter
25 Doctor 55 Rescue Worker
26 Editor 56 Retail Worker
31 Gang 61 Scientist
32 Homeless 62 Security Guard
33 Homemaker 63 Student
34 Hunter 64 Superhero
35 Inventor 65 Wizard
36 Kid 66 Writer

Resident Descriptors
d66 d66
11 Alien 41 Friendly
12 Alternate Universe 42 Generous
13 Angry 43 Greedy
14 Boring 44 Knowledgeable
15 Brilliant 45 Lazy
16 Charismatic 46 Loud
21 Cheerful 51 Loudmouthed
22 Chill 52 Mutant
23 Compassionate 53 Naïve
24 Conspiratorial 54 Opinionated
25 Curmudgeonly 55 Otherworldly
26 Cynical 56 Plucky
31 Depressed 61 Powerful
32 Easygoing 62 Quiet
33 Eccentric 63 Reliable
34 Elderly 64 Secretive
35 Energetic 65 Unemployed
36 Exhausted 66 Young


C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 d66
11 Aftermath of Carnage 41 Government Corruption
12 Alien Disease 42 Impending Invasion
13 Alien Infiltration 43 Labor Conditions
14 Alien Refugees 44 Mass Awakening of Powers
15 Anti-Mutant Sentiment 45 Murders
16 Apocalyptic Cultists 46 Natural Disasters
21 Arson 51 Organized Crime
22 Assassinations 52 Pollution
23 Collateral Damage 53 Poverty
24 Corporate Takeover 54 Power with a Price
25 Corrupt Police 55 Sewer Monsters
26 Corrupted Technology 56 Someone Empowering Villains
31 Crime Wave 61 Super-Drugs
32 Curse 62 Surveillance
33 Dangerous Technology 63 Time Paradox
34 Devouring Entity 64 Unemployed Metahumans
35 Disaffected Youth 65 Vampires
36 Gentrification 66 Villain with Connections

d66 d66
11 Favor: Backstage Access 41 Info: Magical Lore
12 Favor: Funding 42 Info: Obscure Spells
13 Favor: Hacking 43 Info: Scientific Secret
14 Favor: Impersonation 44 Info: Secret Identity
15 Favor: Interpreting 45 Info: Security Vulnerability
16 Favor: Introduction 46 Info: Surveillance Footage
21 Favor: Loan of an Artifact 51 Labor: Alchemist
22 Favor: Medical Help 52 Labor: Cleanup
23 Favor: Mercenary Job Board 53 Labor: Costume Maker
24 Favor: Police Help 54 Labor: Enchantment
25 Favor: Scientific Analysis 55 Labor: Engineering
26 Favor: Teleportation 56 Labor: Fake Documents
31 Info: Bank Records 61 Labor: Forensics
32 Info: Corporate Files 62 Labor: Programmer/Hacker
33 Info: Dirt on a Politician 63 Labor: Public Relations
34 Info: Funding Source 64 Labor: Special Medicine
35 Info: Galactic Lore 65 Labor: Super Armorer
36 Info: Location Tracker 66 Labor: Surgeon

• Interests: These are things the
Key Figures character cares about. This can
be a person, place, organization,
Beyond regular residents, each location has a or even an idea. Working for or
Key Figure, or KF, an important figure that has against a character’s interest can
a lot of sway among their fellow residents. They shift your negotiation’s DR. Powerful
are defined by: characters may add their Reach
when resisting influence that goes
• Goals: Just like a PC, KF’s have Goals and against their interests. Interests are
listed using the same Value scale
Questions that push them into action.
KF Goals have set types listed after them as resources, with 4 point interests
in parentheses for the purpose of being being treated as Subplots and 5
targeted by quirks and abilities. The types point interests considered a Main
are: Goal for purposes of determining
related DRs. When doing something
• Motivation: A simple statement to hurt an NPC, the level of the
that describes what their primary interest counts as the DR for
driving force is, like “power,” “family,” convincing them to not go down
or something like, “Secure the Delta a level in attitude. When helping
Estate for the Marquis of Perry.” an NPC, the level of interest is a
• Fears: These are things that the bonus to go up a level. How the NPC
character tends to keep secret, but determines the level of Assistance
if discovered, could be used by granted is dependent on the initial
unsavory types as leverage against Value of the project taken for them.
them. Fears use the same Value See Needs.
scale as all resources. For more on • Influence: Where a KF is listed
the Value scale, see chapter 4. determines their level of influence.
• Relationships: Anything involving This is called Reach. This is
a problem or favor that needs to be expressed as a number, with a
done for someone that the KF is in Key Location being + 1 and region
contact with. being + 4. This can be used as a
special bonus when the character
• Resources: This is what the person attempts to persuade or resist being
provides for their Residents group. Notable persuaded by other characters.
items the character has control of use the
Value scale in Chapter 4. If the character • Some KFs have Reach
currently requires something not listed outside of their locale due to
here, list it as a need. Like Goals, resources a resource they have access
have set types that are listed in parentheses to. This can be expressed
as the main type of resource (favor/labor/ via family, political, or other
info) and the specific category. For example, special ties. This is listed as an
a character who owes a debt to the KF Addition. On the other hand,
can be listed as, “Hakeem, Debt (labor/ if the character is hated or
connections.)”If the KF needs to cause otherwise has their influence
someone to fall into debt with them, it weakened, it is written as an
would be listed as “Need: Hakeem, Debt Exception.

• Connections: This is a list of notable

character’s that the KF knows and
their attitude towards them (using
the Value scale in chapter 4.) Include
any debts or favors owed to them or
by them.
• Needs: These are resources the
character is actually looking for. The
value represents the DR before being
modified by attitude or interest.

Key Figure Template

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 Female Given Name d66 Male Given Name d66 Family Name
11 Amelia 11 Abram 11 Archer
12 Annika 12 Alfred 12 Bailey
13 Ashley 13 Aurelio 13 Berger
14 Audrey 14 Bill 14 Black
15 Ava 15 Brad 15 Burns
16 Betty 16 Brendan 16 Cairo
21 Celia 21 Bruce 21 Caldwell
22 Desdemona 22 Burt 22 Cole
23 Dinah 23 Carter 23 Collins
24 Donna 24 Cassian 24 Cooper
25 Doris 25 Charlie 25 Dannon
26 Ellie 26 Dale 26 Darling
31 Emily 31 Earl 31 De Fiore
32 Erika 32 Ernest 32 Doyle
33 Faye 33 Frank 33 Dundy
34 Gail 34 Gary 34 Farr
35 Harriet 35 Gordon 35 Fox
36 Jenny 36 Hank 36 Frye
41 Joan 41 Howard 41 Henderson
42 Josie 42 Jacob 42 Hughes
43 Julia 43 Jefferson 43 Jacoby
44 Kara 44 Jim/James 44 Jones
45 Laura 45 John 45 Jorgenson
46 Linda 46 Lindsay 46 Kane
51 Meg 51 Lucius 51 Ratner
52 Miranda 52 Miles 52 Reed
53 Miriam 53 Morton 53 Reynolds
54 Nadine 54 Nico 54 Rose
55 Netta 55 Niles 55 Smith
56 Rita 56 Noah 56 Spade
61 Ruby 61 Philip 61 Talbot
62 Ruth 62 Ricardo 62 Tate
63 Sadie 63 Sam 63 Turner
64 Sandy 64 Solomon 64 Wolf
65 Selina 65 Wayne 65 Wonderly
66 Sonia 66 Winston 66 Wu

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 Female Given Name d66 Male Given Name d66 Family Name
11 Akiko 11 Akira 11 Aogami
12 Arisu 12 Asuma 12 Araragi
13 Asuka 13 Genjuro 13 Asamiya
14 Aya 14 Hajime 14 Chidori
15 Chie 15 Hanzo 15 Fujiwara
16 Chiho 16 Hikaru 16 Gojo
21 Chizuru 21 Hitoshi 21 Hattori
22 Evangeline 22 Ichigo 22 Himegami
23 Fubuki 23 Iori 23 Ishihara
24 Hotaru 24 Issei 24 Itadori
25 Junko 25 Kazuya 25 Kagurazaka
26 Kaede 26 Kento 26 Kasuga
31 Kaname 31 Kiichi 31 Kinoshita
32 Kasumi 32 Kotaro 32 Kobayashi
33 Kotomi 33 Kyo 33 Kosaka
34 Kuroko 34 Misaki 34 Kujo
35 Kurumi 35 Osamu 35 Kurimoto
36 Kyoko 36 Ren 36 Kurosaki
41 Maya 41 Ryo 41 Kusanagi
42 Mikoto 42 Ryuji 42 Li
43 Mio 43 Saishu 43 Masaki
44 Misa 44 Satoru 44 McDonald
45 Mitsuko 45 Sebastian 45 Mihama
46 Nanoha 46 Shigeo 46 Mikasa
51 Rika 51 Shinji 51 Mizuhara
52 Rin 52 Soichiro 52 Mizuno
53 Ryoko 53 Sosuke 53 Sagara
54 Saki 54 Takahiro 54 Saito
55 Sakura 55 Takeshi 55 Sakuraba
56 Saori 56 Tatsuya 56 Suzuhara
61 Shinobu 61 Tsubasa 61 Tachibana
62 Subaru 62 Ukyo 62 Todo
63 Sumire 63 Yashiro 63 Tokiwa
64 Takane 64 Yuji 64 Tsukuyomi
65 Yuna 65 Yusuke 65 Yagami
66 Yuri 66 Yuta 66 Yomikawa

Supers (Civilian Names)
d66 Female Given Name d66 Male Given Name d66 Family Name
11 Abigail 11 Aaron 11 Bishop
12 Alicia 12 Adam 12 Blaze
13 Amanda 13 Adrian 13 Brock
14 Barbara 14 Alex 14 Castle
15 Bella 15 Amadeus 15 Chavez
16 Betty 16 Axel 16 Cho
21 Carina 21 Bruce 21 Frost
22 Carol 22 Carlos 22 Fury
23 Cassandra 23 Charles 23 Gardner
24 Charlotte 24 Connor 24 Green
25 Chloe 25 Danny 25 Grey
26 Diana 26 David 26 Hammer
31 Doreen 31 Eddie 31 Hunter
32 Emma 32 Frank 32 Jones
33 Felicia 33 Glenn 33 Kent
34 Gwen 34 Hank 34 Khan
35 Harper 35 Henry 35 Kim
36 Helen 36 Howard 36 Lee
41 Hope 41 Hugo 41 Morales
42 Iris 42 Jack 42 Murdock
43 Jessica 43 Jamie 43 Nelson
44 Kate 44 John 44 Olsen
45 Kathy 45 Johnny 45 Phoenix
46 Laura 46 Jonah 46 Pierce
51 Lily 51 Logan 51 Prince
52 Mary 52 Lucius 52 Richards
53 Moira 53 Luke 53 Ross
54 Molly 54 Malcolm 54 Sommers
55 Morgan 55 Nick 55 Stewart
56 Natasha 56 Peter 56 Stone
61 Pepper 61 Rick 61 Storm
62 Ruby 62 Scott 62 Strange
63 Stephanie 63 Steve 63 Stryker
64 Susan 64 Victor 64 West
65 Violet 65 William 65 Woo
66 Wanda 66 Xavier 66 Yamashita

Supers (Code Names)

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
d66 Part 1 d66 Part 2
11 Agent 11 Angel
12 Atomic 12 Arrow
13 Battle 13 Atom
14 Black 14 Bolt
15 Blue 15 Boy/Girl
16 Captain 16 Crawler
21 Cosmic 21 Dynamo
22 Crimson 22 Falcon
23 Doctor 23 Fate
24 Ghost 24 Fire
25 Golden 25 Fist
26 Green 26 Flash
31 Hell 31 Fury
32 Ice 32 Guardian
33 Iron 33 Hawk
34 King/Queen 34 Knight
35 Laser 35 Lightning
36 Magic 36 Man/Woman
41 Metal 41 Marvel
42 Mr./Mrs./Ms. 42 Miracle
43 Molecule 43 Nova
44 Moon 44 Patriot
45 Night 45 Phantom
46 Power 46 Raven
51 Professor 51 Rider
52 Robot 52 Runner
53 Rocket 53 Siren
54 Silver 54 Specter
55 Star 55 Storm
56 Steel 56 Strange
61 Super 61 Tornado
62 The 62 Valkyrie
63 Ultra 63 Walker
64 War 64 Wing
65 White 65 Witch
66 Wonder 66 Wolf

HOPE AND DOOM have to establish a source via a previous
expenditure of the “Spout Exposition” rule
or from a preexisting Key Player or resource
HOPE in the location.
• Generate Lead: Create a connection to a
Heroics can be exhausting work. You’re diving secret without Evidence, allowing the user
out of exploding buildings, saving orphans, of this effect to roll to unveil the secret.
and providing cover fire so your allies can stop Alternatively, you can use this effect to ask
the jerks demolishing your neighborhood. the GM one question about one of your
Sometimes it might be a bit more than your Goals. See Creating Secrets for
character can handle. When your stunt bonuses, more.
abilities, or quirks don’t cut it, you can rely on • Hold: When altering the world with
only one thing- Hope , the presence of good expenditures of Hope, there must be
and positive-minded badassery everywhere. a source for the change as mentioned
Hope is a meta-currency, a type of mechanic above. When any effect tries to alter a
that interacts with the game world from “outside resource or character, add the Reach of
of it” like a director on a film set interacts within the last player to spend Hope on the target
the world of the film they are creating with as an additional cost for the alteration.
their troupe of actors. Hope can be used to The aforementioned player may choose
accomplish several things in Tide Breaker to waive any additional cost related to
like: Hold at will. If the target has had no prior
engagement by the players, use the target’s
• Burst: You immediately gain 5 Momentum. Reach or Size to determine the cost as
• Could ya not? : Ignore any negative effects normal. If the player has no Reach, use
Power Level instead.
attached to an opponent’s abilities. This
does not stop damage or effects that would • I’m gonna feel that in the morning! : You
cause you to Botch or lose your turn. ignore damage that would kill you for a
• Expand Area: Creating a new resource round and instantly recover until the end of
your next turn. At the end of your next turn,
in a location of your choice. Hope can’t
make things pop up out of nowhere you must roll to recover or avoid death as
however. To create a new resource, first you normal or spend Hope on this effect again.

• Protection: Target becomes immune to Hope is an extremely versatile tool for players
Harbingers unless the GM spends Doom and can be used to do a LOT. While you’re
equal to target’s current Hold, as long as it learning how it works, use Hope to establish
is the current focus of the story. At the end facts with “Spout Exposition” and improve dice
of each scene, if no PCs are engaging with with “Push”. You can use “Generate Lead” mostly

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
the target of their Protection, the effect to ask the GM for help for what to do next, but
ends and the target may be affected by the main use is to turn you into a world-class
Harbingers again. private eye. As you get used to this, read through
• Push: Increase the die result of any die by the other options and laugh at your enemies as
1 point. Ex. By spending one point of Hope, you ignore their attacks and build communities
a die that came up as a 3 will be treated as worth writing songs about with “Expand Area”.
a 4. Each additional expenditure of Hope
repeats this effect until the die becomes a
6 or the player stops spending Hope. Dice Starting Hope
changed this way are retroactively treated
as the final result for any and all effects that The party starts off with 2 Hope per player in the
check for specific die rolls (like Botch and group, plus an additional Hope for each location
Ignite.) they are associated with (see Goals for more
• Spout Exposition: Establishing a fact details). The PCs restore spent Hope by resolving
about an individual or an area. The cost to issues in the locations they visit. This starting
do so is equal to the target’s Size or Reach value is also the group’s Maximum Hope. Once a
(use the rules for Reach when determining neighborhood has had all of its issues dealt with
cost for a location). the group’s Maximum Hope increases by 1. This
amount can be altered based on the scale of the
campaign. While some groups may be focused
on their local neighborhood, some stories span
across regions on the regular and would need to
be adjusted accordingly.

Beacon Of Hope
Every location in the world has something or
someone that inspires the Residents inhabiting
it. This could be an individual or group of people
that galvanize their community or a symbolic
building, piece of art, etc. When creating a
location, assign a Key Figure or resource to serve
as a Beacon of Hope. PCs from that location
may collectively roll their Intuition, adding all
successes rolled by the party together against
the parties’ maximum Hope to restore 1 Hope
back to the pool once per session. If the Beacon
is ever compromised the party’s maximum Hope
is reduced by 1 until it is restored.

Taki is a Lhasa Apso with short white
fur with black tips and an absolute
bundle of joy. The people of her home,
House B’dub treat the animal not as a
mere pet, but as their emotional anchor
and key member of their family. In the
Heroic Resolve
darkest of times, the dog never falters
in sensing the needs of her owners Goals are what gets your character out of the
and will run to provide them with bed in the morning to shoot lasers at bad guys.
companionship for the small price of a As such, whenever you spend Hope on a roll that
pat on the head or a chicken liver treat. involves defending your Main Goal or Home, it
Characters that meet the pupper queen applies to all of your dice instead of a single
for the first time immediately gain 1 die, up to once per scene. This is called Heroic
Resolve. When you spend Hope on a roll that
Hope. This accrual of Hope is special involves your Subplot, Heroic Resolve applies
however. Unlike normal accrual of the bonus once per session. On the other hand,
Hope, this point is tracked in a personal your Main Goal and Subplot can also be used
pool that may be used solely by the against you by other players and NPCs by adding
character meeting Taki. Subsequent the level of your Goal as a special bonus to
encounters with Taki restore Hope as convince you. You may spend Hope equal to the
normal for the cast communal pool influencer’s Power Level to ignore this effect. Of
without a need to roll as long as one course, you are under no obligation to abide by
scene is spent playing with the dog. any influence that you as a player are personally
uncomfortable with. There’s making people’s
skin crawl because it’s good for the story, and
there’s being a skeevy jerk. Keep it Heroic, folks,
and ask for consent if you’re not sure.

Restoring and Losing Hope
When things are at their worst, you’ll eventually find yourselves low
on spirits. In game, this means you’ve either spent too much Hope on
various effects or have taken one blow too many. Here you’ll find the

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
various ways to gain and lose Hope.

• Quirks and Standouts: Some characters • Subplot: Resolving your own issues grants
are naturally uplifting in nature and have the party some maximum Hope.
access to effects that can restore Hope, with • Visiting the Beacon: Taking some time to
a rare few that can affect maximum Hope! appreciate the beauty of life is restorative.
Explore your options! See Beacon of Hope for details.
• Excellence: Beyond the moments of stylish • Self Sabotage: A player may ask the GM to
heroism represented by Showstoppers, complicate themselves. This costs 0 Doom
Excellence, as explained in Chapter 1, can if asked for and restores 1 Hope in exchange
be used as an emergency supply of Hope as for an obstacle being applied to one of
a reward for truly outstanding roleplaying. that player’s questions. Upon resolving the
• Neighborhood Rewards: If your party obstacle, Hope is restored as normal.
has cleared an issue for a neighborhood,
restore 1 Hope. If you’ve solved all of a • Self Ruin: A player may go a bit
further and ask the GM to really
neighborhood’s issues, gain 1 maximum go Ham. This costs 0 Doom and
Hope. Community Service DOES pay! adds a new Goal with 3 obstacles
Alternatively, you may opt to gain Reach attached to it. This Goal is effectively
in that neighborhood. This applies to an obstacle in itself and should
locations of any size as long as you are usually take the form of a powerful
able to personally solve all of the issues opponent or other disaster actively
related to the location. If you have a poor seeking to destroy the player
relationship with another KF in the area that character. Upon resolving this Goal,
still has Influence, you will automatically increase maximum Hope by 1 and
gain a complication related to the conflict restore Hope for each obstacle
resulting from your new found power. cleared.

DOOM Cliffhanger to save any innocents that may
be affected starting on the next player’s turn
Hope is resisting the relentless onslaught of in combat.
despair. The unsettling march of tyranny heading • Complicate: Create a new question for
towards your collective doorstep is Doom. a location or Key Figure, or if a player
Doom is a resource used by the GM to character without any unresolved Goals
create tension and challenge the players at is targeted, they gain a new Goal instead.
their discretion. For the purposes of Doom, all The cost is the same as establishing a fact
instances of the word “You” refer to the NPC on any other target when targeting PCs. If
benefiting from the Doom effect or the GM the target has a Question or Goal already,
themselves. Instances of the word “Opponent” create an obstacle instead. An obstacle is
refer to any character the beneficiary of a Doom any physical obstruction, character, or other
effect has targeted: situation that must be resolved first before
making progress with the issue. Removing
an obstacle from a Player Goal restores
• Collateral Damage: You may spend 1 one Hope for the PCs. If possible, attach
Doom in combat to cause any missed the obstacle to any unanswered Questions
attacks to be redirected to an innocent attached to the target issue or Goal first.
bystander or support structure for the
location you’re in. When you use this effect,
• Dark Reflection: You may replicate any
effect that uses Hope by spending an equal
tell the players that they may either spend 1 amount of Doom, with the exception of
Hope to cause the attack to harmlessly pass Standout Features.
by or for the destroyed structure or object
to not cause further harm. Alternatively,
• Expand: Establish a fact about a location
or character. Typically, this is used for
the players may roll to overcome a 1 stage darker things, but the GM may choose to

do something positive with this, if only for • No Sell: Increase any DR by 1 per point of
ambiguity’s sake! It’s hard to want to punch Doom spent after it has been declared.
a bad guy while he’s out doting on his • Stooge Promotion: If 2 or less Stooges
mother. remain after rolling a survival check, you
• Gloat: You may gain Momentum equal may spend 1 Doom to X out their last

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
to your current Doom value + your Power Reinforcement box and introduce the
Level immediately after knocking down an survivor as an Elite. If you don’t have a
opponent. If you reveal a secret you may do character ready, borrow one of the PCs
so without paying the Doom cost. characters and then change it later if the
• Harbinger: A special mark that indicates newly empowered villain survives the
something bad will happen to the target encounter. See chapter 7 for details on
character, object, or location. Harbingers Stooges.
come in three stages: • THIS ISN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM: You
may spend Doom equal to the combined
• Something Approaches: The GM Power Level of PCs present in the scene
to treat yourself as under the effect of
announces that a Harbinger has
been set. The GM does not need Excellence. During this state you have 5 in
to announce what the Harbinger all of your stats and may Push all your dice
represents or what it targets at this up by 1 once per roll at will. If the combined
stage. Power Level of all PCs present is greater
• Something Strikes: The target of than 10, you may instead spend 10 Doom to
use this effect.
the Harbinger must be announced
at this point. Spend 1 Doom to place
the target In Peril, a status
that makes it eligible for the final
• You may opt to use one of the effects
in the “More on Harbingers” section
instead. If you do, trigger the effect
and remove all Harbingers from the
• Something Is Lost: The target is
removed from play. The GM may
decide if this is permanent. If the
target was under Protection, revert
back to Something Strikes and
remove its Protection.
• Desperate Escape: spend Doom
equal to your attacker’s Power Level
to ignore death from an attack and
somehow get away. This reduces
the GMs max Doom by the amount
spent each time it happens. In return
though, the villain will return with a +
1 to the defense used to escape. This
can raise the villain over the natural
cap. Being evil has its perks.

Starting Doom, Beacons the cost. If the game has no Mastermind, place
a Harbinger on a number of targets equal to the
of Doom, and Darkest total number of PCs at the table, disregarding
Hold and Protection until the end of the scene.
Hours. Each target affected this way is considered In
Peril until the end of the scene. If the players
The GM’s starting Doom is always twice or win, are able to break free, or save at least one
greater than the player’s total Hope and is target in the presence of multiple Harbingers,
restored on a 1 to 1 basis whenever players they gain 1 maximum Hope +1 more for each PC,
spend Hope on anything. The GM gains Key Figure, or Supporting Cast killed before and
maximum Doom whenever the players run out during the Darkest Hour.
of Hope. Additionally, areas controlled by villains
have Beacons of Doom that function exactly
like their good counterparts. Beacons of Doom More on Harbingers and
can replace a Beacon of Hope if a location falls
under the control of an antagonist. If the players Pacing
ever have a maximum Hope of 0, it triggers the
Darkest Hour, a final confrontation with the Using Doom to create a Harbinger is an
main antagonist or other source of conflict. extremely powerful foreshadowing technique.
You don’t have to explain to the players exactly
Darkest Hour: During the Darkest Hour, the what the Harbinger will do in game terms
Mastermind gains the effects of “This isn’t until you yourself are absolutely sure and wish
even my final form” and may trigger Gloat and them to know, but you should let them know
Collateral Damage once per turn without paying that something ominous is coming in the near

future. If, say, an eldritch horror has laid claim a goal, the most severe being “living.” See
to a character’s soul, you can place their mark “Combat” for more information.
on their hand and occasionally have it burn
when the unknowable’s presence draws near. A 3. Situational, things that aren’t necessarily
in direct opposition to you, but otherwise
Harbinger could be a long winter that threatens affect your ability to accomplish a goal.

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
to ruin your favorite region’s crops. The trick
is to show but don’t explicitly tell unless you The following are types of situations that can be
absolutely have to or feel that it would increase applied as obstacles with associated rules.
the tension at the table. Obviously, if your
players are uncomfortable, abort and take a
different approach. Remember your number one • Expensive: Increase Demand by 1 per
priority is to promote fun for the table. application of this obstacle.
Ultimately, Harbingers are always attacks in
• Fragile: If a character holding the object
is hit or if the object is hit, The character
nature. They may not do direct damage to an must roll their Endurance. If they fail, the
NPC or PC, but they should be a looming threat object breaks. Each instance of complicate
that your players want to deal with. Use them to increases the DR of this check by 1.
keep the game moving and bring the world to
life. Harbingers could be, but are not limited to:
• Heavily Contested: The target is being
fought over by a number of Key Figures
with Reach each equal to the level of Doom
• A drain on an area’s resources. spent on this instance of complicate.
• A physical attack on a character. Further applications of complicate increase
• A detrimental political or physical change in the Power Level of all targets fighting over
the environment. the target.
• Something or someone dangerous • Hidden: The target’s location or other
approaching. important information becomes a secret
• Introduce a red herring to an investigating with a DR equal to the level of Doom spent.
player. This can be used to target a Lead
that has been previously generated. If Hope
• Rare: The target is really hard to come by
and each instance of complicate increases
was spent to generate the Lead, restore 1 the DR to locate an instance of the target by
Hope. 1. Treat this as a secret.
• An Allied NPC is considering betraying the • Really far: Your objective is at least a
heroes. neighborhood or further away. Does not
• A new obstacle added to the target. need additional rules as the travel is the
If you just want to scare your players, set a barrier to success.
Harbinger up with no target in mind. Next time • Taboo to Creator, KF, or PC: The target is
something important comes up, that’s what you a Fear or automatically sets their attitude to
were targeting! The point is to make it feel like the owner of the target to a negative level
foreshadowing… it doesn’t actually have to equal to the amount of Doom spent on this
be in practice. Just because a character in the obstacle.
fiction doesn’t know doesn’t mean the audience • Time Sensitive: The target has a timer
doesn’t. Use this to drive home the idea that attached to it. When applying this obstacle,
things are always moving in the background, establish a consequence for failure, with the
even if you and/or the players aren’t quite aware default consequence being that the target is
of what those things might be. destroyed. Set a DR for the timer. Each level
of complicate applied to this effect changes
the timer accordingly:
More on Obstacles
Like Harbingers, obstacles can come in many • Level 1: 3 sessions. The timer
forms, but tend to fall within one of 3 categories: counts each session as 3 scenes
when an effect advances the timer.
1. Physical Obstructions, which include • Level 2: 2 sessions. The timer
counts each session as 3 scenes
objects and interactables of all kinds when an effect advances the timer.
that impede a character’s ability to move
around or access something they need. • Level 3: 1 session. The timer counts
each session as 3 scenes when an
2. Opposition, other characters that want to effect advances the timer.
actively stop a character from achieving

After starting the timer, each following use of
complicate advances the timer by 1 scene.
• Valued by another Key figure: The target UPTOWN
becomes a need to a Key Figure of your
choice, increasing by 1 per Doom spent. Apartment Blocks
• Well protected: The target has a security
detail attached to it. When applying this
obstacle, establish the kind of security • Residents: Uptown residents, Professor
attached to the target using the following. Shoatz, researcher, beleaguered town
mayor or council.
• Level 1: Traps, which are • Issue: Keep the town populace from
interactables of the hazard or gap contacting national news and ruining the
type, are strewn around the target. tourism industry.
Assign DRs equal to the Reach or • Resources:
Size of the target.
• Level 2: Added Stooge patrols. • Favors: Favors from the mayor.
Assign a Scale and Power Level • Labors: Independent stores &
equal to the Reach or Size of the businesses.
target. • Info: Rumors & intel, dirt on the
• Level 3: Named negatives with a college occult library.
Power Level equal to the Reach or
Size of the target. • Key Figure: Professor Shoatz

Each level of complicate applies the previous • Goals: Clear his name with the
levels’ effects when establishing the initial university, expose the true culprit
obstacles for the target. Additional applications behind the leaks of occult books.
of complicate to this target increase the level of • Resources: Allies (Tsidi Ibrahim).
existing Protections. If for any reason the level
of this obstacle would exceed 3, add another DOWNTOWN
obstacle at level 1 instead.
Shopping Center
GAME SETUP EXAMPLE • Residents: Downtown residents, Detective
Noora’s running a game of Tide Breaker Diggs.
with her friends. After talking it over with them • Issue: Investigation stymied by lack
to determine what kind of game everyone is of evidence or stonewalled by local
interested in, they decide they’re in the mood government & military.
for a horror adventure and want supernatural • Resources:
elements and monsters. For a theme, they
decide on “how deep does the conspiracy go?” • Favors: Turn a blind eye to minor
For the Situation, they decide that “students at crimes that assist investigation.
the local college are disappearing” and decide • Labors: Anything that could be
their four events are: bought at a small-town mall.
• Info: Rumors & intel.
1. A private military contractor;
• Key Figure: Detective Diggs
2. Researching portal technology;
3. Connected to a shadowy cult operating out • Goals: Find the missing kids.
of the college library; • Resources: Police resources, Allies
(Earl Grice).
4. Currently contained to a college town, but
threatening to spread.
Now with this in mind, Noora starts to work with
the group on the Sphere of Influence!

Housing Projects The Arrowhead Project

• Residents: Military staff, research team,

C h 2: S c e n a r i o G e n e r a t i o n
Residents: Suburban residents, Earl Grice. private contractors & mercenaries, Colonel
• Issue: Parents of missing children seeking Hawkins.
justice/revenge/answers. • Issue: Keeping the Arrowhead Project a
• Resources: secret, keeping it funded, and hunting
down the escaped monsters.
• Favors: Whatever resources are • Resources:
available to local residents.
• Labors: Box stores & strip malls. • Favors: Protection, training.
• Info: Rumors & intel. • Labors: Vehicles, weapons.
• Info: Information on the Arrowhead
• Key Figure: Earl Grice Project (thinking with portals).

• Goals: Find what happened to his • Key Figure: Colonel Hawkins

missing son.
• Resources: Allies (Detective Grice), • Goals: Keep the Arrowhead Project a
secret by any means necessary.
Neighborhood Organization.
• Resources: Private contractors &
Coffee House SCENARIOS
Dorms Introduce established settings and premade
scenarios in the same way that you’d set the
• Residents: Students & faculty, Tsidi
stage in your own setting! The genre and theme
Ibrahim, investigating missing students/
Arrowhead project. has largely been decided for you in this case. For
example, a game set in The Locked Tomb
• Issue: Students disappearing, the student
universe would incorporate sci-fi elements with
press is investigating.
fantasy magic and sword fighting. However, if
• Resources:
you’d like to have this scenario take place in an
alternate universe or an alternate spin, that’s fun
• Favors: Rumors & general favors by too! What’s going on is often also predetermined
students & faculty. in this case, especially with regards to adapting
• Labors: Research aides, computer premade scenarios. However, as with genre and
help. theme, this is changeable depending on the
• Info: Research center, occult & preferences of the table. Remember to involve
mundane. the others in their stars, wishes, goals, and
• Key Figure: Tsidi Ibrahim desires for play!
Adapting a premade scenario to Tide
• Goals: Find her missing classmates, Breaker is a simple matter of reading through
expose government corruption. the scenario and identifying how best to apply
• Resources: Engineering department Tide Breaker’s mechanics. For example,
hackers, Professor Shoatz. a Dungeon Crawl Classics scenario
would have Encounters (Stooges and named
NPC enemies), Traps and Puzzles (hazards and
obstacles), and a Boss at the end (Mastermind).
Take a look at the Grooves section for more
tools on adapting a variety of genres and themes
to your Tide Breaker table.


You’ve made a world with your friends, and and subterfuge systems. Both systems are
now you’re wondering what you can do within primarily focused on how you interact with
it. You have your characters, you’ve given them others in the world and the consequences
some jobs, and you’ve even highlighted some of your actions. reputation provides rules for
specialties for them. So now what? The answer is measuring and manipulating the opinions of
easy. You can explore, break into a castle, inspire groups and individuals while subterfuge tracks
the populace, conspire against tyrants, rescue how to get around without anyone finding
a cat from a tree... you’re heroes now, but that out what you did, or making sure you’re able
doesn’t mean everything is going to be epic. to pin it on someone else. Just because the
This chapter will provide the rules for social consequences can’t be avoided doesn’t mean
encounters, espionage, and general adventuring YOU have to suffer them, right?
mechanics you might want to know when you’re Woah woah woah I don’t wanna do all that:
playing crossing guard in between stopping That’s cool. We have Rule 0 for a reason. If you
bank robberies (or committing them, but let’s want to keep things super simple, then sneaking
try to keep it heroic, ok?) The vast majority of past people or convincing them to do stuff is
non-stylized violence-related action you’ll do in a Wits versus Int roll. You can add your Power
Tide Breaker is split between our reputation Level if you have a relevant speciality.

VALUE: EVERYONE’S large profit to fight against you.

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
3. Friendly: NPCs who are Friendly will
GOT A PRICE AND provide assistance if it’s not too threatening
or expensive, and they won’t fight you
EVERYTHING HAS A unless their interests are in danger.
4. Loyal: If an NPC is loyal, they will provide
CONSEQUENCE. assistance at some cost to themselves.
They won’t fight you unless their lives are
Your science class was wrong. Goods, services, endangered.
and information are what make the world go
around. Favors and labors represent these 5. Love: Those who love you will come to
your aid regardless of the cost, and will
things, which we handily explained in chapter 2. never fight you unless you betray them
Both use the following scale: somehow.
1. Worthless NEGATIVE
2. Cheap
3. Reasonable 1. Neutral: Depending on the interaction,
a neutral attitude can swing to uneasy or
4. Expensive cool.
5. Ludicrous 2. Uneasy: Those with an uneasy attitude
won’t help you unless it’s profitable, and
When you need to figure out the cost of will fight you for a small gain.
something, this scale can be used to determine
the DR needed to convince someone to give
3. Dislikes: An NPC who Dislikes you won’t
help you under any circumstances, and
you what you want. Also, if you have something they will fight against you solely for the sake
with high Value, then the Value of the resource is of hurting you if asked.
added as a special type bonus to whatever roll
you’re making. Oh yes, that’s right. You can trade
4. Hostile: A hostile NPC will fight you
without provocation, and at some cost
for things and turn them into Advantages on to themselves. However, they can still be
other rolls! Economics is suddenly exciting now! reasoned with.
5. Hatred: Those who have Hatred towards
REPUTATION you will come after you whenever they can.
The way people perceive you is just as important Interest: Interests are things the character cares
as what you can offer them. Reputation affects about. This can be a person, place, organization,
the cost of favors and labors you trade. Your or even an idea like honor. Working for or against
reputation is based on the following factors: a character’s interest can shift your negotiation’s
Attitude: This describes how a character feels DR. Powerful characters may add their Reach
about you. Negative feelings increase the DR, when resisting influence that goes against their
and positive feelings are treated as special type interest.
bonuses. If unlisted, assume an NPC either Interests are listed using the same Value scale
shares the location’s attitude towards the PCs as resources, with 4 point interest being treated
or is otherwise neutral. Treat neutral as a bonus as Subplots and 5 point considered Main Goals
or penalty based on the in-game RP as the for purposes of determining related DRs. When
conversation leans towards one direction or the doing something to hurt an NPC, the level of the
other. interest counts as the DR for convincing them to
not go down a level in attitude. When helping
POSITIVE an NPC, the level of interest is a bonus to go up
a level. How the NPC determines the level of
1. Neutral: Depending on the interaction, assistance granted is dependent on the initial
Value of the project taken for them. See Needs.
a neutral attitude can swing to uneasy or
2. Cool: Those with a cool attitude will help
you if you ask nicely, and would need a

Needs: These are resources the character is • Size 0: Anything up to a character.
actively looking for. The Value represents the DR • Size 1: Anything up to a motorcycle.
before being modified by attitude or interest. • SIze 2: Anything up to a large Tank.
• Size 3: Anything up to an aircraft carrier.
Hey aren’t these • Size 4: Basically, mountains.
• Size 5: Planets. At this point does it matter?
modifiers pushing You can lift it.
things past + 6? The general rule for Lifting things is simple: You
can Lift anything up to your own size without
Yup they totally are! Remember though, PCs that rolling. Anything you can lift, you can move
use high quality resources and work with NPC any distance without issue, and use as an
interests and needs will also get a bunch of extra interactable. Lifting anything larger than yourself
dice to meet those abnormally high DRs with requires something extra. functions, quirks, and
relative ease. Additionally, anyone that’s taken other effects in the game can allow you to grab
a speciality in chatting people up or anything on to larger objects and wield them successfully.
else relevant to convincing or selling people If you have access to the ability to pick up
something can add their Power Level along with an object larger than yourself, roll a Might
any stunt or Showstopper bonuses they may get. check against the object’s Size. If you have the
So use what ya got and throw the shiny math capability to Lift an object more than one Size
rocks! category larger than yourself, you may not use it
as an interactable or part of a function’s effect.
Objects are anything in Tide Breaker that PROJECTS
aren’t considered a character or a location. In Jobs require resources and time, because that’s
game terms, Tide Breaker uses objects how life works. However, we’re going to be
to describe anything a character might use to honest. We ain’t economics majors, ok? So some
defend themselves or to create anything they or abstraction is going to be necessary here. The
their community might need to survive, fight, or
restore Hope. An Asset is an object with a Value act of doing your job, creating a resource, etc is
score and may be used as currency to bribe known as taking on a Project. To determine the
NPCs, to build other objects and Assets as a general cost of a particular resource (labor, favor,
resource, or as a weapon/extra ability/etc. as any info gathering):
normal object would.
The most important thing for the following • Starting at 0 cost/DR, add up the modifiers
section is this: Assets have a Value and thus in the list below to determine the DR for
confer bonuses when used, regular objects creating the object or completing the task
don’t. On the other hand, this makes building associated with the Project.
regular objects MUCH cheaper, as you’ll see in • If the final DR is beyond the higher of either
the following section. the Power Level or Reach of the character
being asked, increase the cost by 1 Value
OBJECT SIZES per point of DR above their Power Level or
Generally speaking, your typical character • If this would increase the final DR to beyond
doesn’t have to worry about figuring out what Ludicrous levels, the character may need
they can or can’t lift, scale, or otherwise use to some extra convincing. If they still choose
get around or over something or someone. They to do the Project, increase the time scale
just do it, it’s one of the perks of being a Tide by 1 tier per point above Ludicrous Value.
Breaker PC. You have a tendency of being able In order of length of time, use one of the
to just have an idea and run with it. However, following intervals: scenes, skips, sessions,
there’s a few things that only the strongest of leaps, and arcs. If the Project exceeds a full
characters can Lift, which means to be able arc to complete, the Project is impossible.
to move or otherwise manipulate an object, Honestly, we think you really don’t have
and some that without some serious session 0 time for that, do you?
conversations you still shouldn’t even consider. For Projects that exceed one scene: The
By default use the following categories and character working on the Project may bank
adjust them to your table’s preferences: any successes rolled once per scene and

carry them over into the next scene until the • Area Size

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
Project has been completed. If the Project is
also a subterfuge task, treat all failures rolled • + 1 single person or zone.
as normal for determining awareness. See • + 2 Key Location.
Subterfuge later in this chapter for more details. • + 3 neighborhood.
• Copy the effects of a quirk + 1. • + 4 district.
• Copy the effects of a Standout Feature + 3. • + 5 region.
• Copy the effects of a function + 1 . • Usage Time
• Create an Asset of X Value. Equal to the
Value of Asset + 2. • Single Use- 0.
• Create an object larger than Size 0: + 1 per • Extra Uses- +1 per additional use.
Size level. • One scene- + 2 per scene, max
• Move an object larger than Size 0: + 1 per creator Power Level.
Size level. • One session- + 3 per session. No max
• Create an object that allows YOU to move per scene.
an object larger than Size 0: + 2 per Size • One leap- + 4 per leap.
level. • Permanent- + 5.
• Destroy an object of X Value. Equal to the
Value of object + 1. • Cost and Value: You may notice that the
• Reverse Engineer an object. You may either final cost of an object may not equal its
gain resources equal to the object’s DR, final Value. In fact, unless you explicitly
improve the object by 1 Value (causing spend resources to add Value to an object
objects to become an asset of Value 1), and make it an Asset, its Value is treated
lower the time required by one stage as 0. Small scale production is indeed very
anytime you choose to recreate this specific expensive.
Asset or gain one particular Asset of your
choice. Repeatable, choose a new option
for each time this option is chosen. + 5.
• Uncover a secret or evidence. Equal to the
DR of secret + 1.
• Create a secret or destroy evidence. Equal
to the DR + 2.
• Subterfuge Projects. Equal to total
estimated DR + 1.
• Information Gathering. Equal to target’s
Reach + 1.
• Scouting. Equal to Size of Area + 2. See Area
• Improve or Attack reputation of character.
Target Reach + 2.
• Healing. Equal to DR of attack used against
Target + 2.
• Headhunting- Gathering Stooges. + 1 per PL
+ 1 per scale.
• Headhunting- Gathering Key Figures + 2 per
PL + Reach.
• Headhunting- Removing Stooges. + 1 per
• Headhunting-Removing Key Figures. + 2 Per
PL + Reach.
• Beacons of Hope- Hope equal to the
Location Scale containing the Beacon.

NOTE ON OBJECTS AND make that happen for her. The GM asks what
Billie means by “truly righteous” and, after
ASSETS THAT COPY FUNCTIONS consulting the table, she settles on:
• Permanent + 5.
In combat, treat these as an ability • Copy the effects of a quirk + 1 (Special
“D” for your character. The ability, if Weapon).
an Asset, confers its Value as a special
bonus to any rolls using it. However, The unmodified cost of this project is 6, which
permanent objects are immediately is 1 higher than the cyber-mechanic’s DR of 5,
destroyed if the user is Taken Out and increasing the total modifier to 7. They hum and
all objects are destroyed if the ability haw as the GM determines that this particular
is subject to an effect that makes it cyber-mechanic will need additional convincing
unusable in combat. Objects destroyed to undertake such a potentially dangerous and
this way may be repaired by paying the expensive modification. Should Billie take care
cost associated with its Usage Time. of a little side job for them, they’d be willing
to go ahead with the modification (time skip
Tai needs a disguise to sneak into the Emperor’s SPECIAL COST MODIFIERS
ball and disrupt the ceremony before their true The default cost and DR of a Project is 0 until
love, the Emperor’s son, is married off to the evil modifiers from the above section are added to
Duke Vulku. Tai contracts a bog witch who, in the total.
tones of sinister foreshadowing, offers to brew a
potion to temporarily take on another face. The Attitude: Negative attitudes increase the final
GM asks Tai the extent of the potion they think Value of a Project by their level. Characters with
they’ll need to gain access. On some thought, Tai a negative attitude higher than 2 will not take
chooses: on a Project under any circumstances. Positive
attitudes count as resources equal to their
level for the purpose of paying a character for
• Copy a function + 1. completing a Project.
• Single Use + 0.
Demand: The GM may decide that certain
• Create an Asset of 1 Value + 3.
Projects are in high or low demand in a given
location and assign Demand as deemed
The GM informs Tai that their total is 4, 1 under appropriate. Characters from that location use
the bog witch’s Reach of 5. Since the total Value the positive attitude chart to determine the
isn’t above the bog witch’s Reach, they are starting cost of a Project, adding the level to the
able to brew the potion with no issue. There starting Value for the project. For character’s
is, however, the matter of price… Tai needs offering their service, use the positive attitude
to exchange something of Value 4, and soon, chart as bonus resources to the BUYER of their
because the Emperor’s ball is tonight! services to reflect situations where a Project is
Billie wants to upgrade her prosthetic left undervalued in the given location.
arm into something truly righteous, and is in
conversation with a cyber-mechanic that can

VEHICLES, BIG Weight Class: Vehicles can carry much more

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
than the average humanoid character. This is
governed by a new stat called Weight Class.
OBJECTS, AND HUGE Each rank of Weight Class costs an amount of
resources equal to its rank to buy. Treat the
MONSTERS. vehicle’s Weight Class as Size for all effects that
track Size, including Lifting.
Your heroes need to ride in style. Sometimes,
they need to ride a horse, sometimes it’s a
hoverboard, and sometimes it’s a giant city- • WC 0: You’re on foot.
smashing lizard. All of those (yes, including the • WC 1 Mounted/Bikes: You can put your
Kaiju) are vehicles. Vehicles have special rules own gear and yourself on the vehicle with
for use in Tide Breaker and are made like no problem and still fight. You can squeeze
player characters, with the follow exceptions: on a second passenger in a pinch, but all
your rolls to fight gain Botch 1.
VEHICLE STATS • WC 2 Motor vehicles: You can carry a team
of people and a ton of gear in the storage
Goals: Vehicles do not have Goals or Subplots of compartments with no problem. For most
their own. passenger-sized craft at this rating, fighting
with more than 5 people will give you Botch
Stand Out Features: Vehicles do not gain a 1. You may spend an additional resource
Stand Out feature per passenger to add a seat to avoid this
Speed: Vehicles travel MUCH faster than penalty upon creation of this vehicle.
humanoid characters. This is governed by a • WC 3 Really freaking big vehicles:
new stat- Speed. Each point of Speed costs an Aircraft, Star Carriers, Battleships, etc.
amount of resources equal to its rank to buy. You can fit whatever you want on these
things. You’re huge and trying to track your
maximum capacity is kind of pointless at
• Speed 0: Humanoid speed. Use the normal this point.
rules because you’re still on foot. The
vehicle can get to a new neighborhood in • WC 4 Could you get bigger? Yes. This is
where you get mistaken for moons, planets,
a scene, or a district in a skip, but can only and stars. Use the rules for WC 3 vehicles
dream of reaching a new region in a leap. with the exception that you’re also big
• Speed 1: Mounted vehicles like horses. enough that tracking THEM isn’t a problem.
The vehicle can travel to a new district in a
scene and a new region in a skip.
• Speed 2: Motor vehicles from cars to
airplanes. The vehicle can travel to a new
region in a scene, several in a skip, and
anywhere in the world in a leap.
• Speed 3: Spacecraft and Magical
Transportation. At this point, the bottom of
the scale starts over. A new world is a scene.
A new Galaxy is a skip.
• Speed 4+: Super Science and
Teleportation. It’s as fast as you need it
to be. Make your own scale based on the
previous entry.

characters may apply first aid to do repairs.
VEHICLE HEALTH AND Subsequent uses of the Deploy function resets
the amount of turns the object may stay in play
DAMAGE and automatically repairs one shift of damage
done to the object.
In combat, all vehicles are treated as an object The following changes are made to permanent
created by the Deploy function as follows: vehicles:
Deploy: Creates an object that takes on all
other functions associated with Deploy’s
ability. Objects made by Deploy enter play in • A Vehicle is considered a weapon for
purposes of all effects that reference
a zone of the player’s choice up to the ability’s interactables, including the Deploy
maximum range and may be used immediately function.
upon creation or Deployed as an interactable
(choose weapon, hazard, or wall). Once used • A Vehicle that has been destroyed in battle
can be repaired with resources equal to
or interacted with once, the object breaks and its total Value. A character with a repair-
is removed from play. Deploy may be picked related specialty can roll once per session
twice. If you do so objects created by Deploy to contribute resources until the Vehicle’s
may be used a number of times equal to your repair cost has been met, whereupon it
Power Level and gain health levels equivalent will be usable immediately. Any resources
to a player character. An object may not make contributed to this character’s roll count as
Recovery rolls and is destroyed if it takes bonus successes towards the roll.
damage while Taken Out. However, allied

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
SPACING For all intents and purposes, Giant Monsters
follow all the rules of a WC 2 + vehicle as well,
WC 1 Vehicle: Functions exactly like a normal with the exception of ignoring repair rules and
player character, with the exception that all treating them as a regular character for purposes
effects that reference dashes consider all of tracking damage, because ya know… they are
movement made by the vehicle to be a dash. A alive. Yeah, that’s it. They are pretty much big ol’
WC1 vehicle that spends its entire turn moving, vehicles that don’t need repairing. We weren’t
as per a dash, can cover 4 zones without gonna waste a bunch of space rewriting that, ok?
WC 2 Vehicle: Takes up an entire zone on
its own and will always roll to overcome any
hazards that zone contains. Unless it takes the
quirk “Pinpoint Controls,” it must take an action When things are in your way and diplomacy isn’t
to target infantry targets and then move to working, but direct violence isn’t on the table
attack on its following turn. A WC 2 vehicle that yet, you are probably going to be engaging in
spends its entire turn moving exits the battlefield subterfuge. This covers all of the breaking and
entirely. If there is an adjacent battlefield in the entering, information manipulating, security-
fight it enters on the end closest to its previous neutralizing fun your roguish little hands might
zone. sully themselves with. Don’t be misled though.
While being sneaky can help accomplish these
WC 3 Vehicle: Considered an entire battlefield Goals, it isn’t mandatory. What matters is getting
of its own and if it’s in combat with infantry WC to your targets and getting away with your dirty
entities. All of its attacks are considered to have deeds or dealing with what happens when you
Massive twice for any zones that it targets. If the don’t.
vehicle has an ability with the Massive function
it instead targets the entire battlefield it aims
at. A WC 3 vehicle engaged with infantry-sized STEALTH BASICS
targets that spends its entire turn moving loses
track of its targets and escapes the fight entirely. Stealth in Tide Breaker is a special type
If it has the ability to scan for life forms (which of challenge involving either overcoming
costs one additional resource), it may reenter Security, various non-sentient barriers and
the fight in one turn after the scan is complete. If threats, Trained Guards (which cover any named
it is in combat with other WC 3 entities, use the character or Stooge that needs to be snuck
regular rules for movement, scaled up for the past or snuck up on), or both. Depending on
combatants involved. A WC 3 vehicle must have the situation, your GM may determine how the
a Power Level of at least to be created. challenge is handled based on the following
WC 4 Vehicle: Really shouldn’t EVER see combat
in normal circumstances, but it’s happened in • Light: Minimal preventive measures barring
the movies so it can happen here! Use the rules entry or a single poorly trained guard at
for WC 3 vehicles, but scale it up by doing the entry point or guarding an objective. Create
following: All attacks are considered Massive an obstacle and roll a single check against
twice over. If a WC 4 vehicle has the Massive the obstacle.
function it hits absolutely EVERYTHING in the • Competent: Tricky-to-bypass security
scene except for itself. All attacks against targets measures or a group of trained guards. Roll
with an Power Level of less than 0 KILL on a a Cliffhanger to determine success.
critical, ignoring the Curb Stomp and Danger • Tight: A combination of tricky security
protections normally granted Tide Breaker measures and trained guards. Use stealth
characters. Targets with a Power Level of 0 or rules.
higher, up to 2 (treat damage normally), also • Showtime!: Use the stealth rules in multiple
suffer critical damage on hit, but cannot be sections.
immediately killed and maintain their normal
protections. A Size 4 vehicle must have a Power
Level of at least 2 to be created. If your GM decides to use the full stealth rules,
stealth uses combat time to determine how

far you may move and how long individual Hazard: Hazards are anything that could
actions take. “Breaking and Entering” provides cause a problem for a character that directly
the details involved with dealing with Security interacts with them, and so have a bypass
and “Moving Undetected” provides the rules for condition, but unlike barriers and gaps, hazards
dealing with Trained Guards. After the deed has do not have a transition DR and instead act as
been done, “Trying To Get Away With It” covers a direct attack for anyone entering the zone
the aftermath of your subterfuge attempts. that contains them. As an innate part of their
dangerous nature, hazards are always treated as
Breaking and Entering spectacular, regardless of their source and are
thus created with one or more functions that
What do thieves, siege engines, and hackers all trigger upon failing to bypass them. Hazards can
have in common? They are trying to subvert include things like a minefield, a highway full of
some form of Security to get somewhere the speeding vehicles, or something as simple as an
owner would rather they stay out of. Security oil slick waiting to catch fire and burn everyone
comes in 4 different variations divided between caught on top of it.
mundane and spectacular, which determines When interacting with a security measure you
their nature and potential to keep out intruders. may use any job skill for the roll. Describe how
These are: you try to overcome the obstacle, and the GM
Alerts: Alerts function exactly like hazards with will decide what stat you use to determine
the exception that the “attack” they initiate your dice pool. Qualifying descriptions may be
against their victims is not immediately harmful. rewarded with stunt or Showstopper bonuses,
Instead, it banks all successes and transfers so don’t be afraid to be creative!
them to any rolls the owner makes involving When assigning a bypass requirement, it can
awareness or locating the target. Mundane alerts be anything! Something the players may have
could include the classic tin can on a rope while picked up like a key from a guard, a fingerprint
spectacular alerts could be magical wards or or retinal scan, or even a specific aspect of
advanced security cameras and motion sensors. their character like a quirk/function/ability. Be
creative when assigning bypass requirements
Barrier: Barriers prevent movement from a and take into account what your players have
chosen direction. Barriers have a transition DR access to and how they might want to use it in
and a condition called a bypass, which allows game.
a character with the appropriate quirk, job, or
function to circumvent the barrier chosen upon If you want to reward your players for creatively
the creation of the security measure. Characters using their abilities outside of beating people up,
without the bypass requirement must spend feel free to offer them a Key or a trick for creative
an action to make the check to pass the barrier. solutions. Stunt rules always apply as well, so
Mundane barriers can be as simple as a wall in any use of an ability to solve a problem should
be rewarded with at least the standard +1 to the
a building, a fence, or a large rock in the road. roll, and if it applies, a Showstopper!
Spectacular barriers can be a pulsating mass of
teeth, an energy field, or a wall of fire. Whatever
the case, spectacular barriers will always have Moving Undetected
a function attached to them that triggers
whenever a character fails a check to bypass the Ok, you’re in, but now what? Well, either you
barrier or is otherwise forced to interact with the made a bunch of noise and just announced
barrier against their will. yourself to everyone inside or you were quiet
enough to go unnoticed. This depends on your
Gap: Gaps work in the same manner as target’s level of Awareness and how much
barriers, but while mundane barriers are always attention you just drew to yourself. Awareness
a physical obstruction, mundane gaps can is how quickly the target realizes they are being
range from wide fissures, stretches of water, or infiltrated. Awareness comes in 5 stages:
the collapsed floor dividing two rooms apart.
Spectacular gaps include things like the mouth
of a volcano, a rift in dimensions, or an infinite • Clueless/Sleeping: Sleeping or heavily
black void dotted with small footholds of reality. distracted targets have a DR of 5.
Like barriers, spectacular gaps include a function • Relaxed: Relaxed targets aren’t expecting
that triggers when a character fails a check to trouble and have a DR of 4.
bypass the gap or is pushed into the gap by • On Guard: On Guard targets are expecting
another effect. trouble, but don’t know exactly when or

where the threat might come from. They Trained Guards: Every check made while

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
have a DR of 3. On Guard targets that fail to moving undetected gives targets in the area 1
find anything suspicious remain On Guard, banked success. If you fail a check while moving
but lose any banked successes at the end of undetected, any targets in the area move up one
the round. stage closer to Aware. If a target would move
• Alerted: Alerted targets have a cause to up a stage while already Aware, you are caught.
search for you because of something you Whenever you attempt to move in a zone or
did. Their DR is 2. Alerted targets that fail to through a zone within line of sight of an target
find anything suspicious immediately move currently On Guard or higher, all targets in the
down to On Guard and lose any banked zone gain 1 bonus success and may roll to notice
successes at the end of the round. you. If they succeed, they immediately move to
• Aware: Aware targets absolutely know Aware. Whenever a target gains enough banked
you’re around. Ya know, cause they successes to pass a check without rolling, they
probably saw or heard the super obvious clear the banked successes then move up one
thing you just did. Their DR is 1. Aware stage closer to Aware. All named characters
targets that fail to find anything suspicious including player characters are considered
immediately move down to On Guard and Trained Guards for this purpose.
lose any banked successes at the end of the

EXAMPLE Trying to Get Away
JB, Ellis and Micah are sneaking past the
cyclopean sentries in the Tower of the Eye.
With It
Sticking to the shadows, the three try to Getting into a place, bypassing security, and
carefully avoid the searchlight-eyes of the stone finishing the job is pretty easy. Doing it without
monsters. The sentries are both Trained and leaving a hint of your presence isn’t. Anytime you
On Guard, meaning they get a banked success break something, leave behind a fingerprint, etc.,
for every check the players make - so while you leave behind evidence. Evidence is treated
they move through the zones the guards are as a bonus to any rolls related to exposing any
occupying, they’d better not make any mistakes! subterfuge-related activities. Evidence is ranked
It’s a close call, but JB, Ellis and Micah all in order of how easy it is for an investigator to
(narrowly) avoid the searching sentries and gain bust you using the following chart:
entry to the Tower. If the gang does botch a roll,
those guards are going to be alerted, and the • Clean: + 0. You left next to NOTHING.
party’s stealth mission is going to get a lot more • Circumstantial: + 1. You did something
complicated. And even once they’re out of sight, that gave the investigator a hunch, like
failing a roll still moves those guards one more using a familiar method you have used to
step towards Aware... hit up a similar target, but nothing more.
• Trace: + 2. Maybe a partial print or
something small was left behind.
Distractions: You may roll a Wits check against
the Intuition of any number of targets in a zone
• Shaky: + 3. Something like a full print,
but no motive or anything else that would
to move their attention away from a zone, directly tie you to a location.
object, or character of your choice. Roll once
and compare the result for each target affected
• Solid: + 4. Solid witness reports, good DNA
samples, etc.
by your distraction. For each target successfully
distracted, you may choose where they focus
• Damning: + 5. They saw you doing the
crime. Like did you even TRY to hide it? +5?
their attention for a number of rounds equal Damn, you on some amateur shit, bruh.
to your Power Level. If you directly distract a
target by choosing yourself as the object of their Evidence is accumulated whenever you fail a
attention this effect may be rerolled until you check while moving undetected or attempting
fail, however your target gains 1 banked success a subterfuge task, granting any investigating
for each round you keep them distracted and characters +1 per incident. Attacking a target or
an additional bonus success for each action breaking a security measure will automatically
you spend distracting them. Targets distracted generate Shaky Evidence against you unless
this way are treated as Relaxed towards you. If cleaned up. If you do so while being witnessed,
your target becomes Aware towards you, they but hide your identity, this is increased to Solid
catch on to your ploy and ignore any distraction Evidence. If you are unable to hide your identity,
attempts you make until the end of the scene. the Evidence level is increased to Damning.
Cleaning Up the Mess: Just because you may
EXAMPLE FOR DISTRACTION have left something behind doesn’t mean it
has to stay there. Whenever you leave evidence
Noora, Zora and Riley are hot on the trail of the behind, the GM will assign a DR for the specific
elusive Ghost-Faced Killer, who they believe is instance, defaulting to the DR of the security,
about to assassinate a minor crime boss and PL of character affected, or Value of the object.
throw the city into chaos. They’ve successfully The GM will also pick a stat that must be used
snuck into the nightclub, but while scoping to remove or otherwise neutralize the evidence
out the elevator to the boss’s office, they’re based on your description of how you handle it.
noticed by club security! Noora and Riley quickly On the other hand, not all evidence you leave
formulate a plan to distract the guards - Noora behind is obvious. The GM, for whatever reason,
grabs a drink off a nearby table and throws it into may use Doom to place evidence as a Harbinger,
Riley’s face, who immediately begins screaming spending Doom equal to the level of Evidence
back. Rolling Wits against the guard’s Intuition, left behind.
they focus the guards’ attention on themselves
and away from Riley. The guards move past Raising Awareness DR: While you’re still on the
the elevator to break up the two… leaving Zora job, you may cover your tracks by rolling to clear
to sneak up the elevator and possibly face the up Evidence. Upon success, the Awareness DR of
Ghost-Faced Killer alone. characters present in this scene rises by 1.

Creating Secrets doubts into the minds of the players. Use Rising

C h 3: Y a B u i l t I t . N o w G o P l a y I n I t
Tide scenes to establish the session’s themes
You can create a secret by rolling your Wits. and focus for the night. The scenes that follow
Secrets are information kept from all characters up should spring naturally from where your
but the creator of the secret and those present group’s play takes you. Feel free to linger as long
during the secret’s creation or otherwise filled as you need to, or jump straight into the action
in on its existence. The amount of successes if your group seems to want to move in that
you score is the DR for anyone looking to unveil direction instead.
the secret. However, before they are allowed to Get Ready! All hands on set!
make the roll, they need to spend Hope or Doom
to create a link known as a Lead to the secret, or • Planning
otherwise uncover evidence that suggests the • Arguments between allie’s
secret’s existence in a way that will generate a • Open challenges from bad guys
Lead. Use the secrets rule to cover any attempts • Traveling
at blackmail, bribery, intimidation, and slander,
or to represent any other form of misdirection BREAKING TIDE
and information manipulation you can come up
with. While a secret is in play, those that aren’t This is where the action takes place. Use your
aware of the secret’s target are unable to directly Doom pool to add obstacles, set up new
affect the target with any abilities that require Harbingers, resolve any Harbingers set up prior
the knowledge hidden until the secret has been to Breaking Tide scenes, and do your best to
unveiled. ramp up the energy to the maximum! Don’t be
More on Leads: Leads can also be used to afraid to throw as many haymakers as possible:
establish a connection to a character’s Goals. Breaking Tide is where the meat of the game
If you are stuck as to where to go next in your belongs and where you have as much license to
story, generate a Lead to ask the GM one ham it up as you want!
question about your Goal. Leads can only be Action!
used to either link to a secret or to ask a GM
question. • Investigations
• Heist
• Heated Negotiations
During a game of Tide Breaker, you have
the option of breaking up your scenes into RECEDING TIDE
specific types to introduce a general sense of Receding Tide scenes are about resolving
pacing and to help the group improv around a tension, giving the players a chance to rest, and
common agreed upon theme. Combined with just enjoying their lives a bit and focusing on
judicious use of the Goals system and/or the self care and levity. After a Breaking Tide scene
optional Personal Theme system, you may help or a particularly stressful Rising Tide scene,
piece together a story that follows a structure players may call for a Receding Tide to restore
closer to how novels and films are written, but any lost Hope used beforehand. Receding
one that can also maintain the sense of freedom Tides are about endings and transitions into
that sets TTRPGs apart by changing when each new beginnings. Call upon them to slow the
type of scene comes into play or if they come at pace down a bit before bringing forth the
all. The following section is advice and optional mayhem again. Tide Breaker characters are
rules for running a more structured game of Tide ultimately people (most of the time anyway) and
Breaker using three scene types: Rising Tide, need time to rest and think through the events
Breaking Tide, and Receding Tide, as explained of the game. This is a great time to explore who
your characters are when they aren’t flinging
below. bad guys through the scenery. Pull out your best
RISING TIDE drama chops and explore those emotions!
Cut! Take a Break Everyone!
Made to incite the coming action, Rising
Tide scenes are when Questions are asked, • Fun times and entertainment
preparations are made, and when the • Grief or Anger processing
challenges, mechanical or narrative, are issued. • Celebrations
Spend your Doom to create issues for the • Quiet Silence/Meditation/Communion with
player’s and the neighborhoods they inhabit or nature
to create a Harbinger to insert some lingering


CONCEPT FIRST Beyond their tools and powers, Tide

Characters in Tide Breaker are legendary, Breaker characters are defined by the things
they stride forward and alter the world and that drive them to action. Why do they seek
landscape around them. They are the tip of the to change their world? Characters in Tide
spear, driving deep into the heart of their world’s Breaker should all have one thing in common,
issues. Whether they are on the frontlines of a they are driven and powerful people both willing
massive war or deep in the political arena, your and able to make a difference in the world
characters have the power to reshape their around them. Beyond that, your character’s
world no matter where conflict may arise. particular motivation is up to you, just make sure
Your character is more than simply a powerful it’s awesome!
force with the capacity to change their You are your character’s powers, their
environment. They are alive. They breathe, convictions, and a walking magnet for all of the
move, and grow alongside their allies and the drama they can handle.
setting they inhabit. Players affect the setting
they live in and are in turn affected by it.

We shall tell you the tale of Julio, grandson of Pick an existing issue and describe how it affects
the legendary Alejandro Cortez. Inheriting his your character. Write this statement on your

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
grandfather’s connection with the element of character sheet. The location that the issue
lightning, but enjoying his own quality form of affects is called your Home. Write that down on
freestyle bare-fisted combat, Julio also enjoyed your character sheet for later!
drinking and befriending as many people as
he could. Usually, this involved him cheerfully
beating them into submission and offering them Alternative
a few rounds of high quality (in his mind this
means gut rot whiskey which in actuality, is as Pick anything that may interest you from the
gross as the name would imply) whiskey and a past events or create an unrelated Goal that you
job at his estate distillery. wish to explore. Creating a Main Goal that way
automatically establishes as canon the existence
of any objects, characters, or locations involved.
Write down any Key Location of your choice
OK, SO WHAT DEFINES for your Home. If it does not exist yet, doing so
establishes the location as canon.
So, you’ve got your concept done, and you’re EXAMPLE
thinking “Now What?”. It boils down to these
steps: The Park District has the issue of “The Diamante
Family have put our neighborhoods in a
• Making a cool Goal and concept stranglehold, preventing the locally owned
• Rolling stats businesses from operating safely.” The Goal
• Picking your quirks could be “I need to stop the Diamante enforcers
• And finally ABILITIES! that have been harassing my father’s bakery for
When you’re done, you’ll have some basic protection money.”
stats, some traits that help you realize that cool
vision you have in your head, some interesting
problems, and a set of abilities to make those Make at least 1 Goal per character, but try to
problems explode in a hilariously awesome shoot for 3. Once you have your Goals, choose
fashion. If you’ve been doing this in order, one to be the character’s Main Goal. A Main
you’ll also have a Goal to pair up with your cool Goal is the character’s endgame. It’s what gets
Concept! After you cover all that, your character the character out of bed everyday, and once
will be ready to go. Take some time to look over resolved will allow the character to rest and
the progression rules at the end of the chapter retire until something else shakes things up in
and go beat up some bad guys or convince them their lives again. The rest are Subplots, listed
to change their ways. You’re a Tide Breaker with letters starting from A and proceeding
now, it’s up to you! alphabetically. Until your Main Goal is dealt
with, every Goal that gets resolved increases the
party’s maximum Hope by 1.
NEEDS SOMETHING Rarely are the variables involved in resolving
DONE the problems your character takes on crystal
clear, and if they are, they are even less often
Once everything else is set in place, the players singular. Questions thus serve as extensions to
should talk amongst themselves and consider your character’s Goal and serve as the primary
the current events. Where are their characters method of fleshing out their motivations
and what spurs them to action? While sitting in game. Questions are attached to Goals,
on their haunches may be the safer choice, functioning as “mini goals” that offer an
it doesn’t make for an exciting campaign. opportunity for PCs to restore Hope before
The circumstances that drive the players to trying to tackle the greater objective they spawn
participate in the story are known as Goals. from. To make a Question do the following:
• Choose a Goal to associate the question

• Determine what the subject of your
Goal Types (optional)
question is. This should usually be
expressed in a “Who, What, Where, When,
or Why” format with the optional additions KF’s in Tide Breaker have Goals and
of “Can, Will, and Have”. Do not feel like you Questions categorized as seen in chapter 2.
are limited in these words. These are only You are free to use these if you wish. If you do,
offered to make formatting your questions some of your abilities and quirks will be able
easier. Questions should be framed to result to target these specific Goals and Questions
in “Yes” or “No” answers. just as they do with any NPCs. Doing so is
• Play until you find out the answer. If the completely optional and is no way mandatory
for completing character generation.
answer is a positive result, restore 1 Hope. If
the answer is negative, restore 1 Doom.

Example Questions:
To start, you will need 10d6, a piece of paper,
and a pencil. The six primary stats that make
Goal: Locate and defeat the kidnappers up a Tide Breaker are split into three pairs
responsible for abducting my son. of directly-related offensive and defensive
Question 1: Will I be able to find out where the attributes.
villain is located before they act?
Question 2: Can I determine how much time I
have before the villains change locations? Might
Question 3: Am I going to be able to determine Endurance
what the kidnappers objective is and how I can
leverage it to save my son?


The key to making a good Goal is
making it something that can be
resolved in a reasonable amount of time Wits
once the character has the resources
and information needed to get things Intuition
done. Tide Breaker is built for
campaign play for short and long term
games, but you’ll need to discuss your
Goals with your group and determine Start by rolling 10d6 and tallying up the total
if what you’ve made fits the pace of the number of successes rolled. The number of
game your table wants. successes rolled determines how many points
you have to spend on the first pair of stats.
Split your Subplots up into one Personal Repeat this process 2 more times, then allocate
Goal, something that the character your points to the stats in each pair in any order.
needs to do to advance their career/ Assign a minimum of 1 point in each and a
get revenge/learn a new skill/etc., and maximum of 5 points for any individual stat. If
a Social Goal, something that directly for any reason you roll a total of 1 or less, don’t
involves helping out their community, worry: dice hate us too! Take 5 and sweep that 1
friends, or love interest in some way. (or 0) under the rug and forget it ever happened.
In doing this, you can quickly flesh out
your character in a way that can lead
to far more interesting play scenarios EXAMPLE STAT ROLL:
for you and the group, especially when
paired with the various Key Figures Julio rolls 10d6 and gets 8 successes. Next to his
and important NPCs generated when Might/Endurance section, he notes 8. He then
creating the scenario! rolls 10d6 for his next set of stats, and only gets
a 5, noting that beside Agility/Focus. On the
final roll he gets a 7, noting that down beside his

Julio then must allocate the points to the two
stats that make up the pair. For his Might/
Endurance, he has 8 points, and he decides that SECONDARY STATS
he would rather be able to take more than he
can deal, so he puts 3 points in his Might, and 5 Secondary stats are made up from all that
goodness you just rolled together a moment ago

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
into his Endurance.
(with the exception of Momentum and Attrition,
With only 5 points for his Agility/Focus pair, Julio which are explained in more detail later in
decides to again prioritize defense, putting 2 chapter 5.)
points in his Agility, and 3 in his Focus.
Power Level: This number gets added to all of
For his final set, he rolled a 7. Julio wants to be your other secondary stats, save for Momentum
really good at talking with people and outwitting and Attrition, and to any attack rolls you make
his opponents, but isn’t that good at figuring out as a special bonus. Beginning characters start
when he’s being played himself. To reflect this, off with +2 and can get more later. See the
he puts a 5 in his Wits, but leaves his Intuition at Progression rules in chapter 5 for more details.
a 2.
Critical: Add Endurance + Focus + Power Level.
With his points allocated, Julio’s character sheet If an attack rolls higher than this, treat it as if you
now reflects his base stats. were hit twice. That means if you’re Up you are
now Out. If You’re Down you’re Dying. Rough
Stat Result
right? Well, don’t get hit!
Might 3 Recovery: Add your Might + Agility + Power
Level. If an opponent’s Recovery check beats this
Endurance 5 total they score a Reversal on you. Rough right?
Agility 2
Well, make sure you double tap, champ!
Attrition: When you are hit, all successes rolled
Focus 3 by your opponent are added to this pool. The
Wits 5 current rating of Attrition is added to the DR of
any future Recovery attempts you make.
Intuition 2
Momentum: This is a pool used to power up
your special abilities or trigger a “Momentum
Julio shows the results to his GM who looks Shift” on an unsuspecting opponent. Missing
it over and approves them and they continue attacks or triggering specific quirks or abilities
working on his character from there. will give you points equal to your Wits.
Additionally, triggering a Show Stopper outside
of combat generates Momentum equal to the
stat used for the roll, in addition to the usual
BUT I DON’T WANNA ROLL! effects. All Tide Breaker characters have
a maximum Momentum of 10. All generated
Then you don’t have to! Talk with your GM first Momentum resets to 0 at the end of every scene.
as a group, and, if they agree, you may use a stat
array instead. Stat arrays are pre-rolled sets that
you can distribute between each pair of stats.
Your GM will determine between these three
options: In addition to the quirks that make up who
your character is, each character has a job, a
• Legendary: 8/7/6 reflection of their general skill set. This allows
• Exceptional: 7/6/5 them to make certain types of checks that they
• Skilled: 6/5/4 normally would not be able to. For example,
Name High Mid Low a character with a medical background could
make a check to try and stitch up a bullet
Legendary 8 7 6 wound, which is something that not just anyone
knows how to do.
Exceptional 7 6 5 To create your job, pick a number of tasks
related to the job equal to your Intuition. These
Skilled 6 5 4 can be anything from “dressing wounds” to
“smelting” as long as they describe something
you imagine yourself doing on a regular basis.
Once your stat array has been decided, you may
assign them to each pair in any order.

Your choices are a reflection of your general you’re different. These differences are covered
training and allow you to roll normally with a by “Quirks”. Quirks are the things about your
stat chosen by the GM based on the descriptions character that define who they are in the fiction.
you give before rolling for related checks. After At the table, they are the things that happen in
picking your job’s tasks, pick a Speciality, an the background and support your more active
aspect of one of your tasks that you excel at. This abilities and job tasks. These are the things
should be a very specific aspect of your chosen that define exactly that moleman assassin
field. For example a doctor may have surgery who burrows under castle defenses to close
as one of their tasks and pick “Brain Surgeon” in on their prey, or the futuristic mercenary
as a specialty. Your speciality allows you to add with a jetpack rocket launcher. Quirks cover
your Power Level to rolls related to that aspect everything from the physical to the supernatural
of your job. You may roll for anything you are and everything in between. As long as it’s not
not trained, regardless of what it is, but will risk something directly involving shooting something
Botch on the check in turn. Tide Breaker out of your hands or crushing a bad guy in
characters are competent and are considered between your fingers, it’s likely a quirk. Characters
trained in all day-to-day tasks and anything in Tide Breaker start with three quirks.
generally associated with heroics in their setting.
Talk with your GM about what this list includes,
but our default would be general physical Stand Out Feature
tasks including: Running, Jumping, Climbing,
Swimming, Lifting, and driving common Those first three picks aren’t exactly unique to
vehicles. just you. Your GM is going to also use them to
define the rest of your Faction, which means
JOBS- TL;DR: groups of NPC allies or potentially even your
greatest rival that use your quirks. Factions
Jobs are a collection of actions you’re may represent anything categorized by species,
good at. You gain Botch 1 on everything political affiliation, martial arts school, etc. The
else. upside is that unlike those guys, you’ve got an
Tasks are actions related to your job. extra quirk that’s truly unique to you and you
They can be any verb you can think of. alone. For example, while a lot of people are
smart, strong, and fast, not everyone can boast
Tasks allow you to roll a Task Check of being a giant. Whatever you pick as your
with any stat that makes sense in the Stand Out Feature is something that makes
narrative. you unique even among a group of already
You get to pick a number of tasks equal outstanding individuals. Once you pick this,
to your Intuition. it’s locked in for you and you alone. There are
Heroics are a generic list of tasks a lot of ex-special forces agents out there, but
everyone can do without worrying you’re the only shapeshifter, for instance. We’ve
about Botching. provided quite a few unique quirks, but if you
feel like your ideal character needs a basic quirk
Specialties are what you’re AMAZING at. as their Stand Out Feature, don’t let us stop you,
You get ONE. they are also available too. However, if you pick
Specialties allow you to roll a Task a regular quirk as your Stand Out Feature, it will
Check with any stat that makes sense in only be unique among your Faction. If your table
the narrative and add your Power Level agrees on it, you are even totally free to make
to the roll. your own quirks and Stand Out Features. We’re
serious about that rule 0 thing, ya’ll.


DIFFERENT? Any effect (this includes quirks, Stand Out
Features, and most ability keywords) that ask
The default assumption in Tide Breaker you to pick between a stat is unchangeable after
is that your character is a humanoid of some picking the effect and does not repeat when
sort. Ya know, two sets of two limbs connected the effect is triggered unless specifically noted
to a torso with a head on the top. However, otherwise.
that doesn’t mean you’re human. Whatever
the reason, be it special training, genetics,
super science, being obscenely rich, etc.:

Quirks social rolls until the end of the scene.
Adorable: Your allies gain Momentum equal Berzerker: When you are Taken Down or Out
to your Wits when you are Taken Down. In you bank 1 Charge for each success rolled
diplomatic situations, you are always treated

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
as a friend until proven otherwise. over your defense DR. These Charges last until
the end of your next turn and may be used for
any ability you have that requires the use of
Adumbral: When you move undetected, Charges.
targets you share a zone with do not generate
banked success when you make Task Checks Calm: You may spend Momentum equal to
or move through their zones. Failing a check successes rolled on any attack targeting you
still moves targets in the area closer to Aware. to ignore the On Contact or On Dodge effects
Additionally, you may begin any scene associated with the ability your opponent
undetected by spending 1 Hope. If you step used. Additionally, when in a high pressure
out of the shadows to speak with another non-combat situation, you gain Ignite 1 on all
character you gain Ignite 1 on any Social task rolls involving promoting love and self-care.
Checks you make gain an additional Ignite
1 for each of the following actions: sipping
a drink, wearing a long coat or concealing Cautious: You may add your Focus to
garment, speaking rapidly or quietly. your Recovery checks and may reroll once
whenever you fail a subterfuge-related check.
Astute: Whenever you meet a new character,
you can learn one of their interests or Goals Charitable: You may apply first aid to a dying
after spending a scene talking to them. If ally in combat, upon succeeding that ally may
you do, any abilities with the Social keyword Rise Up and fight normally. When you succeed
on them gain Ignite 1 when used on that in doing a favor for an allied neighborhood,
character. you may use Expand Area for free.

Avenger: Whenever an allied character is Chessmaster: When causing a Momentum

Taken Out, you may spend 5 Momentum to shift, you may add your Wits to your attack
add their Power Level to your DR when facing roll. You may spend Hope to plant a red
their assailants until the end of the scene. herring whenever someone tries to investigate
Additionally, whenever you assemble a group you.
of 3 or more NPCs, you gain Ignite 1 on all

Clever: When you use an interactable or use your attack roll. If you may already add your
an ability with a function that mentions an Wits to your attack roll, your attack Ignites.
interactable, you may add the effects of one Additionally, your rolls to create secrets gain
of your abilities to the attack. Improvised Ignite 1 and gain an additional level of Ignite
weapons and cover allow you to choose any whenever you use a function with a social
and all effects of your associated ability upon effect against another named character.
successfully landing an attack upon your
opponent, including any On Dodge and On Efficient: When you use a weapon-type
Contact choices. When you are Breaking and interactable, it is always considered to have
Entering, you may spend 1 Hope to ignore any the “Lethal” function. You may spend 1 Hope
1’s rolled when checking for guard’s Alertness. to break the weapon immediately to Push all
of your dice once. If you manage to trigger a
Showstopper involving a writing utensil, all
Creative: When you use an ability with of your dice gain Push 3 instead. Additionally,
functions that last more than 1 turn, you gain whenever you are tasked with a Project you
Momentum equal to your Wits. When you may spend 5 Momentum to reduce the time,
start a Project involving creating an Asset, you cost, or required DR by one level.
may spend 1 Hope to create custom tools,
an unique kind of asset that allows you to
consider the special bonus conferred by your Empath: Your rolls to deliver first aid to a
Asset as bonus successes instead of bonus fallen ally Ignite and you may use your rolls
dice for a Project type of your choice. Choose as a Guarding Friends action that applies on
a number of product modifiers equal to your your allies next turn. You may always add
Power Level to define your Project type. You your Power Level when dealing with other
may not change this choice after the custom characters in diplomatic situations and spend
tools are created. Hope to increase your Power Level by 1 as
many times as you can afford to.
Comforter: At the end of any scene, if your
party has unspent Momentum, you may Foresight: You may add your Wits to your
convert 5 points of Momentum for 1 Hope Recovery against ranged attacks. Whenever
each. If there is any unspent Momentum you enter a scene, you may spend Hope to
afterwards, it is lost as normal. Once per roll using your Intuition+Power Level for a
session you may treat yourself as a Beacon of warning of danger from the GM. 1-2 gives you
Hope for your current neighborhood. a vague warning, 3-4 gives you specific details
of any threats, 5+ gives you dates, times, and
Cool: Whenever you would lose a success to
a Botch, you may spend Momentum equal
to the current DR to reroll the Botched die Flight: You treat all non-flying opponents
instead (i.e. the cause of the Botch, not the as separated by a mundane gap with a DR
success). Additionally you are always up to of your Power Level and ignore all other
date with the latest trends and are considered mundane gaps.
trained in savoir faire.
Floating Butterfly: Every turn you stay one
Coordinated: Whenever an ally uses an or more zones away from all opponents
ability with an On Contact or On Dodge effect, you gain Momentum equal to your Wits.
your rolls gain Ignite 1 and your allies gain Additionally, you never Botch on any checks
Ignite 1 when you do the same. When you are related to smooth-talking your way out of
part of a group of characters with a friendly a situation. If you have training related to
or higher attitude towards you attempting to smooth-talking, your rolls Ignite as long as
achieve the same objective, you may spend 1 you speak in rhyme.
Hope to add their combined Power Levels to
your roll as a special bonus. Free Spirit: You may spend Momentum equal
to your opponent’s Power Level whenever you
would be targeted by a “Choose an ability”
Devious: When you attack an opponent with effect, and you are treated as having picked
a disadvantage that leaves them Cornered, the best outcome for yourself regardless of
Overextended, Out, Unaware, Momentum/ your actual choice. Whenever you would be
initiative shifted this round, or affected by an the target of a social ability, you may spend
effect that forces them to seek an opportunity Momentum equal to the successes rolled to
to attack you, you may add your Wits to ignore the effect.

Glorybound: You gain Momentum equal Power Level to overcoming related obstacles.
to the total Power Level of all Elite or higher If you already could, your rolls Ignite.
opponents that share a zone with you at
the start of your turn. Whenever you lead a
group in negotiations or battle, friendly or Indomitable: Your Critical Value is

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
higher followers treat you as a Subplot as determined by using Endurance, Focus, and
long as you continue to push blindly forward Intuition. Additionally, you’re extremely hard
in the name of GLORY! If you decide to do to convince. Anyone trying to persuade you
something cautious or otherwise hesitate, using mental manipulation of any kind fails
your followers will act using their normal due to your extraordinary stubbornness,
relationship rating. unless the GM spends 1 Doom.

Inspirational: Whenever you spend a turn

Guard Dog: You retain Momentum at the end to monologue in combat, your allies gain
of combat equal to your Focus until the end of Momentum equal to your Wits + Power
the session. You may spend Momentum out Level. Additionally, you’re always considered
of combat to sniff out threats, adding each trained in motivational speaking and any rolls
point spent as an automatic success to detect involving pulling people out of the doldrums
hostile intentions from any character less or otherwise getting them to get back to being
than friendly to you and your party members. badasses gain Ignite 1. If you write a badass
mantra outside of the game for this, fire your
Harmonious: Whenever you use a movement GM if they don’t give you at least Excellence
or defense function against an opponent and a Showstopper the first time you recite it
(this includes when you are targeted by an at the table.
opponent while using a defense function,)
you may choose to Downshift or Upshift Inquisitive: When you miss an attack against
them or yourself as part of the action. If this an opponent, you may spend 5 Momentum
would cause your opponent to become to learn the enemy’s weakest defense and
Overextended or Cornered, you gain gain Ignite 1 on your next attack against that
Momentum equal to your Power Level. You opponent. Once per session, you may Spout
are always considered trained in mediation Exposition without meeting the prerequisites
techniques and may Push all your dice once or Hope cost.
per scene when breaking up an argument.
Keen Eye: Your rolls for pinpointing a fear,
uncovering a secret, or gathering evidence all
Heart: You gain Momentum equal to your gain Ignite 1. Additionally, whenever you use
Intuition or Focus which, once chosen, cannot your perception to create a resource for an
be changed when you’re Taken Down. When individual, its Value is raised by your Power
you speak out for something you believe in Level for that character only.
(i.e. a minor interest or greater,) you may Push
your dice once for free.
Living Tower: You are considered a Size 1
object for purposes of lifting objects. If you’re
High Strung: Your initiative rolls Ignite. in the same zone as your opponents, they
Whenever you Push your dice during an must dash to leave the zone. If an effect would
argument with someone less than friendly to already require them to do so, they cannot
you, you succeed on 3+. leave a zone you occupy unless they take you
Down or worse first. In addition, if you actually
Improv Ace: When you enter a new zone in use the close function, opponents must dash
combat, two interactables become obvious to to escape you and may only move one zone
you instead of one. Once a scene, when you away, barring any bonuses to movement.
act off the cuff, tell a joke to smooth over a When you act intimidating to characters that
situation, or otherwise do something CLEARLY are less than friendly with you, you may Push
unplanned, you gain Momentum equal to all of your dice for free once per scene.
your Wits that can be spent on a 1 to 1 basis
as a stunt bonus. Marksman: Gain +1 Power Level until the
end of your next turn whenever an opponent
Inboxer: You may add +1 to stunt bonuses for you target with an attack dodges. Shooting
melee attacks involving the use of the close your shot in a business or romance is also
function. When investigating or otherwise childsplay to you. You’re always considered
exploring in tight spaces, you may add your trained when closing the deal with an NPC.

Marvelous: As an interrupt, you may spend investigating characters using evidence you
Momentum equal to target’s current Attrition leave behind to erase any resulting Leads
to remove any negative effects applied on used to locate you until the end of the next
them and give them a bonus equal to your scene.
Power Level on their next Recovery check.
This Momentum cost replaces the normal cost
of an interrupt. Additionally, whenever you Opportunist: Whenever an opponent
provide a distraction for an ally, your target is initiative shifted by an ally, you gain
may not ignore any distraction attempts you Momentum equal to your Wits and also
make even if they are Aware towards you, consider them Momentum shifted until the
and they must either attack you or otherwise end of your next turn. You always recognize
successfully cause you to stop providing the an easy win and may add Ignite 1 to any stunt
distraction. Also, your target cannot gain involving you finding a loophole or weak
bonus successes towards finding you or your point when Breaking and Entering or debating
allies out for a number of actions equal to a topic you’re trained in.
your Power Level.
Photographic Memory: You may spend 1
Meat Wall: You’re able to use your podigious Hope to automatically acquire a function
size to guard your allies. Once per turn you you’ve seen used from any source as a new
may interrupt an attack targeting an ally in the trick. Once per scene, you may roll to uncover
same zone as you and retarget it to yourself. an extra secret about someone as long as you
Once per scene, you may reroll a failure from have made contact with them or any evidence
a mundane hazard. they may have left behind.

Metronome: For all purposes regarding Pinpoint Controls (Vehicle Only): This
initiative tracking, you are counted twice vehicle may ignore the movement penalty
and may choose how any bonuses related of being a WC 2+ vehicle and act normally
to Initiative Rank affect you. Additionally, while in combat. If you choose to take time
you may spend 5 Momentum to add an to aim at infantry or targets up to WC 1, your
additional initiative slot before activating an rolls gain Ignite 1. Also, anyone piloting this
ability, treating yourself as being counted an vehicle counts as having a specialty related
additional time per use of this effect. to piloting this vehicle when rolling to avoid
hazards and may add their Power Level to all
rolls related to piloting this vehicle.
Mockingjay: You gain Momentum equal to
your Focus when you dodge an opponent’s
attack against you. Whenever you taunt (Roll Precognition: Increase DR by 1 against
Wits against their Intuition to convince them Agility. Once per scene, you may roll to
to do something for you by insulting them) prepare for an upcoming threat or difficult
someone with a negative attitude towards social encounter using your Intuition + Power
you, you may treat their negative modifier Level. On a 1-2, all of your rolls are considered
as positive and add it to the roll to influence trained. On a 2-3, your rolls Ignite. On a 5+,
them to do what you want. you gain Explode 1 on all of your rolls.

Murderhobo: When you attempt a Prodigy: When you attempt a genius stunt
particularly brutal or painful-sounding stunt, that cleverly utilizes an interactable, gadget,
you get an additional + 1 to your Power or tactic, you get an additional + 1 to the
Level and brutal Showstoppers gain Ignite 2. check, and genius Showstoppers gain Ignite 2.
Finding places to stay is relatively simple for You’re always considered to have a specialty
you. If you’re on the run after well… being in a field of your choice, and once per scene
YOU, you may Push your dice once for free to can Spout Exposition for free for anything
find a place to lay low. related to your specialty.

Nebulous: When you successfully dodge Prominent: You may always add your Power
an attack, you may spend 5 Momentum to Level to your current Momentum when
avoid any On Dodge effects of that attacker’s interrupting an opponent that is attacking
abilities until the end of your next turn. an ally or is being attacked by an ally. If you
Immediately after completing a subterfuge do so and succeed, you may choose if your
action, you may spend 1 Hope to cause target attacks you instead or if your ally gains

the benefit of any Momentum Shift you trigger your next attack roll. Additionally, whenever
until the end of your next turn. You may you use the Hope ability- “Could ya Not”
choose to spend 10 Momentum to do both. when conducting negotiations, it also applies
If you do so, you may Momentum Shift your to abilities that would cause you to Botch.
target as part of this cost. Additionally, you

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
start off as having Reach equal to your Power
Level in your Home location. Resourceful: When you seek an opportunity,
you may spend 5 Momentum to create a
hazard with a DR equal to your Intuition that
Protective: You may use the Guarding lasts for your Power Level in turns in a zone of
Friends action even while your target is your choice. You may add your Power Level to
Up. If you use Guarding Friends while your any checks involving finding a tool to bypass
target is Up, your rolls apply to their DR a barrier or disable a trap and are always
and missed attacks against your ally trigger considered trained in “getting out of a pickle.”
a counterattack from them. Additionally,
whenever a Harbinger is placed on a Key Slippery Bastard: You move normally while
Figure, you may roll Intuition against the Taken Out. Your rolls to disappear whenever
target’s Reach to immediately determine someone stops paying attention to you
if they intend on betraying your party. out of combat Explode and you’re always
Upon success, the GM will tell you who the considered trained in getting out of mundane
Harbinger has been placed on and how many restraints. If you’re already trained in a similar
scenes are left before it will trigger. ability, your rolls Ignite.
Rapid Adapter: Whenever an opponent
attacks you with an ability used on the Stable: You are immune to all initiative shift
previous turn, you may add your Wits to your effects. You are always considered trained
DR. This bonus may only be gained once, but in adulting. No seriously, you got your
applies against any and all opponents until life together and any rolls involving being
the end of the round. You may spend Hope responsible, empathetic, respectful, and
once per scene to reroll any check and add consolidating debts or making money to
your Power Level to the reroll. If you could accomplish a Goal Ignite for you.
already add your Power Level, your rolls
Ignite. Steam Roller: You gain Momentum when
you enter a new zone equal to your Might.
You may spend 1 Hope to outright ignore a
Rage Fueled: Whenever you gain Attrition, mundane barrier.
gain an equal amount of Momentum up to
your Endurance. Whenever you fail a check
to deal with an obstacle, you may gain Steel Nerves: When an opponent causes a
Attrition. This Attrition may be used to give Momentum shift against you, you may spend
you Momentum that may be spent on a 1 to Momentum up to your Focus to increase your
1 basis as a stunt bonus to any checks you defense by that amount. Getting information
make until the end of the scene. out of you forcefully is especially difficult.
Attempts to physically extract secrets from
Regenerate: You may spend Momentum you fail unless the GM spends 1 Doom.
to add a bonus to recover from Out status.
You may add your Power Level to any checks Solid: You gain Momentum equal to your
related to physical hardship, being poisoned, Endurance whenever you successfully resist
or just going through a hard night’s drinking. If an attack with your Endurance. You always
you already could, your rolls Ignite. add your Power Level when using raw
strength to deal with obstacles.
Relentless: You gain Momentum for landing
attacks instead of missing attacks. You may Special Armor: Gives a +1 bonus to your
opt to reduce a character’s initial attitude defensive DR whenever you do a stunt
by 1 to automatically succeed on checks to defense involving the armor. Your armor
convince them to aid you. also gives you an extra Nailbiter during any
Cliffhanger involving death via blunt trauma
Resolute: Whenever you take damage, you or anything that it’d reasonably protect you
may spend 5 Momentum to add your Focus to from.

Special Weapon: Gives a +1 bonus to your Versatile: Every turn you change abilities,
choice of Might or Agility based attacks in gain + 1 to your attack rolls up to your Focus.
combat when you do a stunt involving the You gain a second specialty.
weapon and chosen stat. Your weapon
also gives you an extra Nailbiter during any Watchful: You are always considered alert
Cliffhanger involving cutting your way out of a when an opponent attempts to break and
tough situation. enter in any location you inhabit. Your rolls to
uncover secrets Ignite.
Spectral: You treat all non-spectral
opponents as separated by a mundane
barrier with a DR equal to your Power Level Vicious: Stooges you successfully
and ignore all mundane barriers. When attack immediately X out their current
Breaking and Entering anywhere, you ignore Reinforcement box and X out their next box
any failures rolled involving visual detection if they fail to recover on their next turn. Your
unless the GM spends 1 Doom. rolls to scare off character’s with a negative
attitude towards you Ignite.
Stinging Bee: You may spend 5 Momentum
to force opponents in your zone to treat you Whisper: If you move without taking
as if you were one zone further away from an action, your enemies must seek an
them. Your rolls to smooth-talk gain Ignite 1. opportunity to attack you until the beginning
If you also have Floating Butterfly, all Ignited of your next turn. When Breaking and Entering
dice Explode as per a Showstopper as long anywhere, you ignore any failures rolled
as you qualify for the bonus given by Floating involving sound-based detection unless the
Butterfly. GM spends 1 Doom.

Tactician: When causing a Momentum shift, Wounded Gazelle: You may hold your action
you may also use a trick you’ve learned to add your Wits to your defense DR. You may
without paying its cost. You are always interrupt the first attacker to miss you and
considered trained in strategy (choose add your Wits to your attack roll. You may fail
a specialty) and may spend 1 Hope to a roll in a social situation on purpose to give
automatically uncover a secret about your an ally Ignite 1 against any characters that
opponent’s tactics when leading a group checks on you.
in a confrontation involving your strategic
specialty. Stand Out Only
Thrillseeker: When you attempt an 11th Hour Savior: If you are not present
acrobatic stunt that involves flips, leaps, or when a party member is in combat and are
splits, you get an additional + 1 to the check able to travel, you may spend 1 Hope as
and acrobatic Showstoppers gain Ignite an interrupt to appear in the same zone as
2. Impressing people with your stunts is them, no matter how far the distance. You
especially easy. You instantly improve the join combat during the current turn and may
attitude of anyone witnessing your prowess initiative shift the character you interrupted
towards you by one rank whenever being a by 1 rank in either direction and take your
daredevil is socially appropriate. action immediately after. For each round that
passes before you join combat, gain + 1 Power
Level until the end of your next turn. For each
Tough: You may ignore the first damage you ally Taken Down or Out, gain Ignite 1 until the
receive each combat. Whenever your team end of your next turn.
would suffer from a physical barrier or other
hazard, you may take the hit to allow them to 37th Beast: Whenever you use an interrupt,
reroll. you may pay Hope equal to your attacker’s
Power Level. If you do, you may add your
Trickster: Every turn you attack with the Focus to your attack roll. If your Reversal
same ability, you may bank + 1 as a special interrupt includes a defense “choice function”
bonus that you may use when you change and you guess right, gain Ignite 3 until the end
abilities. You may add your Power Level of your next turn. Additionally, if you were
whenever you create a secret and anyone Out while triggering this interrupt, you may
investigating secrets you gain Botch 1 to their qualify for Reversals and any Reversals you
roll. land deal critical damage as if you were UP.

Ambassador of the Muse: Whenever you Blinding Footwork: Whenever you attack
tell a story or sing to a willing audience, you someone in melee and move away, you may
may spend 1 Hope to temporarily increase cause a Momentum shift against your target
the attitude of all members of your audience as part of your attack without paying the cost.
to Friendly. As long as you act to spread This shift happens before you move away, but

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
goodwill, you may offer to take a photo to you must declare you are using this Stand Out
commemorate the moment. If you do, your before getting the benefit. Additionally, if you
targets treat the photo as a resource with a spend 10 Momentum, your attacks allow any
Value equal to your Power Level (it increases allies in your zone to share this effect until the
as your Power Level does) and may add it to beginning of your next turn.
any rolls involving maintaining their friendly
attitude with each other or establishing new
relationships with anyone that also has a Calculated Assault: While using an extended
positive attitude towards you. Each time this action, you may spend 5 Momentum to use
happens, restore 1 Hope. Additionally, you are another action without releasing your action.
always treated as trained in photography and
gain a specialty in musicianship. Catastrophe Beacon: When the target of one
of your abilities checks for a Botch, they reroll
Avatar of Tare: You may spend Momentum their 2 highest successes before checking for
equal to the combined Power Level of all Ignite, ignoring any new successes.
named characters present (you have no cap
while doing so) to cause all present to Rise
Up, reduce all pools to 0, and instantly move Celestial Wrath: Once per combat, you
allied characters to you and move opponents may spend Hope at the beginning of your
3 zones away. turn to remove your Momentum cap, and
at any point as an interrupt you may spend
all of your Momentum (after paying for the
Baba Yaga: You are a living legend amongst interrupt) to immediately deal Attrition
your enemies. Whenever you fight a group to the target opponent equal to the total
of Stooges, they are always considered Momentum spent. If you do this before acting
Overextended, but for each group you take on your turn, you may then take your action
out you gain Ignite 1 until the end of the as normal.
scene. However, if you are Taken Out, this
bonus resets to 0. If you are Taken Out by a
Stooge group, the group is replaced as per Chosen Wielder: You start off with a level
the Doom Effect- Stooge Promotion. If you are one Artifact with the Oath Keeper limiter and
able to defeat this new enemy, you gain Ignite Hope source. Upon choosing this Stand Out,
3 until the end of the scene. Additionally, you may choose any Allure to attach to the
named enemies that witness your prowess Artifact. This artifact may be improved as per
gain Botch 1 for every Stooge group or named the project rules just as a Mastermind’s can. If
character you kill and remove from the scene you lose the artifact, you gain an obstacle to
permanently. your Main Goal until it is reclaimed.

Badass Normal: In a world of incredible Collected: You may spend 1 Hope and a
heroics and monstrous villains you are full round to compose yourself, ignoring any
overwhelmingly average. You start at Power effects that may target you, and increasing
Level 0. In exchange, you work harder than your Power Level by the total DR or Power
your more powerful or talented allies and Level of the source of all effects removed
opponents. When you Push your dice pool, in this way until the end of the scene. You
you are always treated as if defending your are also immune to any effects that would
Main Goal (which allows you to Push all of prevent you from moving or acting until the
your dice in a pool). When you Push your end of the scene. Additionally, if you have
dice while defending your Main Goal, you are Cool and Calm as quirks, you gain a speciality
treated as having Ignite 3. in basketball. Because puns (read the special
Brutal Pragmatist: When you use an thanks).
Emergency Defense action, you do not need
to spend Momentum. However, if you do, Colossal Strength: You may spend a Charge
you ignore your opponents Endurance when from any of your banked abilities to give
checking for Reversals and may cause critical target function “On Contact- If you missed
damage as if you were attacking normally. this attack, you may apply this function as if it

hit normally.” The function chosen does not Compassionate Guardian: You may spend
need to be from the ability you received the Hope equal to the combined total Power
Charges from, and you may spend multiple Level of all opponents present to prevent any
Charges to apply the On Contact effect to an damage they would do to a number of allies
additional function per Charge spent. You equal to your Power Level until the end of the
are also able to lift and wield objects one following round. At the beginning of your next
Size category higher than yourself and may turn, you gain Attrition equal to the amount
increase this limit until the end of the scene of successes banked by Compassionate
by an additional Size category by spending Guardian from damage prevented. If the
1 Hope. You can break this limit entirely and total Hope required would put the party into
fully interact with objects of any size for one the Darkest Hour, you may instead opt to
action by spending Hope equal to the object’s sacrifice your life instead. If you do, your party
Size. becomes immune to all damage and negative
effects for the rest of the scene and increases
the maximum Hope pool by your Power Level.

Concrete Rose: Whenever you find a new Fearless Tiger: If you hit an enemy with
neighborhood, you automatically discern a Downshift effect, you may spend 5
the location of the Beacon of Hope or Doom Momentum to add your Initiative Rank (count
and may Spout Exposition to immediately down) to your attack. If this would be enough
establish the attitude of target Key Figure to critical them, you may Downshift them

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
as Friendly towards you and a number of again. If you corner your enemy with this
allies equal to your Power Level for 1 Hope, effect, they are Momentum shifted against
regardless of their Reach. Additionally, you are you and your allies’ attacks until the end of
always considered trained in any task related your next turn.
to networking and gain a speciality in news
reporting for free.
Fondly Remembered: You may be dead,
locked away, or otherwise incapable of
Deus Ex: When you check for Ignite as part of joining the party in the flesh, but your
a Recovery action, you may roll and then take presence is always felt among your
the lowest two dice and reroll them, ignoring allies. Whenever an ally spends a scene
any dice that would Botch. These extra rerolls remembering one of your deeds, everyone
are in addition to the normal Ignite rule involved in the memory gains a Key. In battle,
granting a maximum total of 3 rerolls per level you roll initiative as normal, but you may
of Ignite. You may spend 1 Hope to cause not attack or otherwise use your abilities
each success rolled this way to also heal normally. Instead choose one of the following:
one point of Attrition, removing it from your An ally in your zone may choose one of your
running total. abilities and they gain access to it until the
end of your next turn. Allies that use your
Dissonant: When you are affected by any abilities add your Power Level to their own.
status effect, you may choose to ignore it and If your ally uses your ability successfully, you
take Attrition equal to the source’s Power gain a Key. This effect ignores the rules of your
Level + your Power Level to apply the effect to group’s Progression Style.
them instead.
You may choose to use an interactable to
trigger one of your abilities in your current
Eighteen out of Eighteen: Your shots don’t zone. Your ability uses the interactables DR
EVER miss, you just make your opponents in place of your own stats for purposes of any
THINK they do. When missing an attack action you take with it.
against an Elite or higher opponent, you may When you gain an Unlock Point, your allies
spend Hope to treat any non-Botched die up may use the Unlock Point after spending a
to your Power Level plus your Wits as bonus scene remembering how you gained it in the
successes for a free seeking an opportunity past.
check. This check uses only the bonus
successes gained from your original attack.
If you succeed, use the result as a new attack Ghost: Spend 10 Momentum to make all
against your opponent’s Intuition. opponents unable to track you until the end
of your next turn. Attacking an opponent ends
this effect and allows you to make a surprise
Enigmatic Protector: When you create a attack as if you entered combat with an
secret, you may Push all dice rolled once for unaware opponent. Surprise attacks triggered
free. A number of allies equal to your Power this way ignore the Danger Protection rule
Level may spend 1 Hope to invoke this secret and qualify for Dire Blows.
to add its DR as a special bonus to any rolls
they make until the end of the scene. This
does not reveal any evidence or connections. Grey Splendor: Whenever you spend a scene
Additionally, you are always considered imparting wisdom to an ally, restore 1 Hope.
trained in intrigue and gain a free specialty in Additionally, the next time that ally attempts
international relations. to learn a trick, they may spend 1 Hope to
quote you. If they do, the trick gains Ignite 1
and may be used without cost until the end of
Eternal Diligence: Pick an ability you know. the scene.
This ability may never Botch, and if you would
be subject to an effect that makes you Botch
you gain Ignite 1 instead. Grizzled Veteran: You start with Botch 3 on
all rolls. At the beginning of each scene, roll
Might + Power Level + any defense related

Advantages against your Endurance. You at the beginning of your turn to inspire
gain Ignite 1 until the end of the scene for your teammates. Any allies in your zone
each successive failure at this check, counting immediately gain a bonus to Recovery equal
each roll made until you succeed. When you to your critical value and you may spend
succeed on this roll, you become immune to Momentum to increase your critical value
Botching and all instances of Ignite grant a by 1 per 5 Momentum spent. If this bonus is
bonus success to your actions in combat and enough to beat the DR to recover, your ally
your specialty until the end of the scene. In may act immediately on their turn without
addition, you may continue to gain instances having to roll. You count as your own ally for
of Ignite, breaking the normal limit of Ignite 3 this effect and may use this quirk to skip a
for the purpose of granting bonus successes Recovery roll to act normally if down or out.
in this fashion. Values beyond Ignite 3 have no
effect beyond providing you additional bonus Infinite Perspective: You always go last
successes. and are immune to the Cornered condition.
Whenever you or an ally would be initiative
Hearth Keeper: You may spend a scene shifted, gain Momentum equal to your Power
providing comfort or protection to a number Level instead of changing initiatives. If an
of characters that enter your home or base ally would Downshift past you, they do not
of operations equal to your Power Level. change initiative and you gain Ignite 1 until
If you do, the next time they perform a the end of your next turn.
Showstopper they gain Ignite 3. If they would Intrepid Philanthropist: The Value of any
already have Ignite 3, their rerolls become goods, services, and consultancy you provide
successes automatically and Explode. If is increased by your Power Level. When used
you offer up a story of your family with food to improve the state of target community or
you’ve personally grown or otherwise created, a business with a reputation for supporting
your targets may also add the Value of what target community, you may add the Value
you offer to all rolls made during and after of your resources to a Key Figure’s rolls for
their Showstopper until the end of the scene. one scene, to hold off any target in that
Additionally, you are always considered community, or establish a new resource with
trained in horticulture and gain a speciality in a Value equal to the resource used in that
ancestral history. community. Additionally, you are always
considered trained in business negotiations
Hidden Potential: Once per session, treat and gain a speciality in corporate security.
an attack that would kill you as if triggering
a Spotlight Moment as per the Star Defining Jubilant Survivor: Whenever you would
Moment rule for Excellence. gain Attrition, you may spend an equal
amount of Momentum to avoid this accrual.
Hot Blooded: When fighting against This effect happens before any other triggers.
someone you truly despise, you gain a Additionally, you may use Momentum to add
temporary additional health level called bonus successes towards any Recovery rolls
“Hatred” placed before your UP health level. you or any ally makes. If you do, you and
Once your Hatred level has been used up all allies rolling Recovery rolls gain Ignite 3
it can only be restored upon successfully towards all Recovery and first aid rolls until
knocking Down your opponent. the end of your next turn.
Karmic Envoy: You may add your Intuition
Implacable: When you are damaged, you to the DR of each stage of the Grand Design.
may spend 1 Hope to cause your attacker to Whenever the villain fails, restore 1 Hope.
reroll attacks against you and gain Botch 1 for Additionally, you may spend 1 Hope to
all further attacks against you until the end research a new specialty for yourself. If you
of the scene. If they would fail because of this do, provide an explanation into how you plan
reroll, you ignore the damage. The second on using your new specialty towards resolving
time you do this within a scene, you lose the your Main Goal or revealing the current step
ability to clear Attrition through attacks. The of the Grand Design.
third time you do this, you lose the ability
to recover entirely, but may continue to do Lucky Thief: Upon picking Lucky Thief,
damage and move normally while Taken Out.

Infectious Heroism: You may spend Hope

pick a stat- At the beginning of each session, it without spending Hope. If you do, your rolls
record the results of a number of rolls equal Ignite. Additionally, if you make the check,
to your Power Level using the chosen stat. For pick one for every point above the DR you roll:
example, using your 4 Agility at Power Level You immediately make a connection with the
3 gives you 3 rolls with 4 dice. If you rolled creator of the secret based on your hunch.

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
3 successes, 1 success, and 4 successes you
would write down 3, 1, and 4 respectively. The Upgrade the level of Evidence by 1. This may
recorded rolls are known as your “Luck Pool”. be picked multiple times.
Whenever you would fail a roll, you may trade You may ignore a Harbinger used to create a
out one of your saved rolls and use it instead, Red Herring.
removing the roll from your Luck Pool. For
one Hope, you may instead replace any roll You make the check without drawing as
made from anywhere on the table with a 0 much attention. Increase the DR for people
and add the stolen roll to your pool. If your investigating YOUR investigation by your Wits.
pool is full, you must replace the stolen roll
with one from your pool. Noble’s Pride: When failing a check, you may
spend 10 Momentum to immediately reroll
the check and add any successes from the
Legendary Smith: Once per session you may original roll to the final result.
take a look at your allies’ weapons and armor
and adjust them to apply any non-Stand Out
quirk or function for a single combat. You’re Obfuscating Stupidity: You Botch on all
also trained in ALL of the crafting jobs of actions. When you would fail an action due to
your setting, and whenever you roll to create a Botch, you may bank all failures rolled up to
something, your rolls Ignite. Additionally, if an amount equal to your Wits and add them
you make the check, pick one for every point to your next check as bonus successes. You
above the DR you roll: may continue to bank successes over multiple
turns until you hit this cap. When you spend
You add a visible gleam to the item that when your bonus successes, you become immune
its user unveils it, it adds a special bonus to Botches, and an amount of dice equal to
equal to your Power Level. This effect may your bonus successes gain Ignite.
apply retroactively.
The item becomes a Beacon of Hope to its Patient Chiseler: Whenever you miss an
user. opponent, bank any successes rolled after
The item can never be the target of a gaining Momentum. These successes may
Harbinger. only be used against your original target and
the defense they chose when you began
Focusing on the item grants the user building these bonus successes. If you choose
Momentum equal to your Power Level (also to Momentum shift your target, you may
retroactive). spend any remaining Momentum to gain an
These extra abilities are all once per scene or additional bonus success for each point of
combat. Momentum spent.

Malevolence: You may spend 10 Momentum Peerless: Pick an ability you know. Once per
to act normally while Taken Out or 1 Hope to scene, you may treat all successful rolls on
act normally even while Dying or Dead. If you this ability Explosions, rerolling all dice before
deal damage to your opponent, you Rise Up. checking for Botches. You may spend Hope to
If you were dead, you may continue fighting refresh this quirk.
until the end of the scene, dying immediately
afterwards. Additionally, you may pick a Goal
to complete and spend 1 Hope to ignore Psychological Profiler: On the first turn of
death, spending an additional Hope per combat, you may declare you are using this
scene you stay alive until you run out of Hope ability before initiative is rolled, go last, and
or complete the Goal of your choice, dropping become immune to the Cornered effect until
dead immediately and irrevocably by any the end of your next turn. If you would receive
means afterwards. damage before your first turn, You may trigger
a free counterattack against your attacker if
they acted before you and you gain a bonus
Master Sleuth: When you enter a zone that a to this counterattack equal to how many slots
secret was created in, you may roll to uncover

above you they are on the initiative order, your initiative and add your Power Level. If
repeating this for each attacker that would you are already the first character in initiative,
damage you until your first action. If your your Agility rolls Ignite and already Ignited
attack lands, you ignore their damage and rolls Explode as long as you remain first in the
deal damage to your opponent as normal. initiative order until the end of combat. If you
If the number of combatants causes this would become Overextended, you gain Ignite
bonus to become less than your Power Level, 1 until the end of your next turn instead. If you
it rises to your Power Level instead. After would Downshift below first in the order, you
your first turn, you may add your Intuition to lose this effect until you are first in the order
any Reversal Attacks and counterattacks to again.
anyone you struck with a counterattack on
your first turn. You gain this benefit until the Stone Polisher: Once per session, you may
end of the scene. spend Hope equal to the value or Power Level
of target interactable or character to unleash
Reflection Eternal: Whenever you cause an its full potential. The character or wielder of
opponent to Upshift, Downshift, or move, you target interactable is treated as under the
do the exact opposite. You are immune to influence of Excellence (without restoring
any effects based on your own movement or Hope) and whenever they use Momentum
initiative shifts (you may choose to become to add dice to a roll they may also Push
subject to any of your own effects at any the result of each die added by 1 for free. If
time). If you cause an opponent to become the character would normally be under the
Cornered, Overextended, or moved into a influence of Excellence, they instead increase
hostile interactable or allied effect triggered the maximum Hope pool by one per round
by this movement, you gain Momentum equal or Task Check until the end of the scene.
to your Focus. Additionally you are always treated as trained
in social work and animal studies and gain a
speciality in geology.
Sleeping Dragon: You may spend 5
Momentum to Downshift and become
immune to Cornered until the beginning of Super Heroic: You may spend 1 Hope to gain
your next turn. If you do, count up until you Ignite 3 on all checks to Guard a Friend when
reach an enemy. Add +1 to your DR against protecting a Key Figure or other NPC and may
all attacks targeting you for each ally above opt to take all damage they would receive
your Initiative Rank. If your DR would be until the beginning of your next turn. If you
high enough to exceed your opponent’s do, all rolls your target makes may add your
Reversal rating, you may spend 1 Hope to Guard a Friend result regardless of whether
counterattack them. This is added to existing you remain Up or not. Additionally, you gain
DR, and the Reversal attack does not use your Ignite 1 on all Task Checks using heroics and
action for your turn. an extra Ignite 2 when a Task Check involves
rescuing anyone.
Sly Matriarch: You may spend 1 Hope to
Push a number of dice equal to your Power Temporal Anomaly: You may spend 1 Hope
Level by an amount equal to your Wits for as a special action to rearrange the Initiative
target ally. You may do this after the result of Ranks of a number of targets equal to your
a roll is shown by explaining an action you Power Level. You may arrange them in any
did in the background to ensure your target’s order as long as all targets are moved either
victory ahead of time. above you or all targets are moved below you
when your turn ends.
Soul Link: You cannot be killed as long as
you maintain a hold on your weapon. If you Tireless: You gain Momentum equal to your
are Taken Out while holding your weapon, it Endurance every turn and increase your
goes flying 1 zone away from you and you are Momentum cap by an amount equal to your
vulnerable to death again until you spend an Focus.
action to recover it.
Triumphant Catalyst: Whenever you spend
Speed Demon: On the first turn of combat a scene training an ally, you restore 1 Hope
you may declare you are using this ability and mark a Key for you and your ally. If the
right after initiative is rolled. If you are not the training involves building a community and/
first character on the initiative order, reroll or self-reliant problem solving, your ally gains

Ignite 3 the next time they face a Cliffhanger
alone and may offer all allies Ignite 1 if they EXAMPLE QUIRK/JOB SELECTION
face a Cliffhanger together. If the target ally
uses the Key to blend a trick you know, they Julio looks over the list of quirks, and decides
and an ally may also gain a Key whenever on a few that best represent who he is and

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
they spend a scene training their chosen ally what he does. In a fight, Julio has always been
any tricks they’ve blended from your abilities. a solidly unstoppable wall of muscle, ever
Additionally, you are always considered moving forward in the face of all opposition. To
trained in critical analysis and gain a specialty represent this, he chooses the following quirks:
in civil engineering. • Steamroller
• Rage-fueled
Unrivalved Potential: You start at Power • Tough
Level 0, but whenever you gain an Unlock you These quirks showcase some of Julio’s natural
also gain a Power Level until you hit Power tendencies. He is an unstoppable force that
Level 3. Each time you do, choose an ability: rushes into battle and endures through sheer
You may remove all functions associated with adrenaline and anger.
this ability, and spend 1 Hope to gain Ignite 3 To further cement the concept, Julio takes a
for and immediately Install any tricks gained moment to think about his Stand Out Feature
with this ability upon your next successful and picks Unshakeable Resolve. To him, combat
attack. Additionally, you are always considered and adventuring is just another way to find
trained in gymnastics and gain a specialty of cool people to drink with, but if he lets his new
your choice for free. friends down, they’ll never see the bar again and
that just can’t happen! Julio’s a simple guy with
Unshakeable Resolve: Once per session simple needs, after all.
during a Cliffhanger, you may trigger a
Spotlight Moment if your team’s failure would For his job, Julio decides he wants to have a
cause you or someone you care about to die. steady supply of alcohol for both himself and
You may then immediately act again. others to enjoy, so he chooses to take the
job: Brewmaster, picking “Pickling, Distilling,
Coopering, and Taste Testing,” with a specialty in
Walking Avalanche: You may spend 10 Orc Whiskey, to which he adds his Power Level
Momentum to increase your Power Level by on anything related specifically to the creation
1 until the end of combat. This Momentum and handling of Orc Whiskey.
may also be used to pay for any other effects
besides Walking Avalanche, up to the full
10 Momentum. For example, you may use
Walking Avalanche to pay for itself and to ABILITY GENERATION RULES
trigger a finisher.
A Tide Breaker character’s weapons,
martial arts, mutant powers, high tech gadgets,
Young Phoenix: You may spend 5 Momentum and even outright magic all have two things in
to Upshift in initiative and become immune common:
to Overextend until the beginning of your next
turn. If you do, count down in initiative order • They are all ways of describing your
until you reach an enemy. Add +1 to your DR capability to be effective in combat.
against the next attack to hit you for each ally • They are all known as abilities.
below your Initiative Rank. If your DR would Each character in Tide Breaker starts with
be high enough to exceed your opponent’s three abilities that they may improve over the
Reversal rating, you may spend 1 Hope to course of a campaign. An ability is not a narrow
Counterattack them. Focus, but a broad generalization of power
that the character can use. They are the many
avenues your character may walk down on their
path to victory in battle. While they may cover
specific things like firing a weapon with great
accuracy, the way one character’s “shooting”
ability works may differ greatly from another’s.
The unique expression of your character’s
approach is expressed via functions, traits that
determine the specifics of how your abilities
work in the game.

To create an ability
Functions And Their
1. Give the ability a name that describes its
Respective Categories
2. Describe how it should work. Your These are the types of functions that will appear
character’s abilities are primarily a way in Tide Breaker. While anything can be used
of either actively setting up, enduring, or to attack or defend, the functions are grouped
delivering an attack in battle. If you are by their primary use first, even if they could
unsure about if your idea would work as otherwise be considered to fall under another
an ability, ask yourself, “Is this something category.
I need to focus on to use, or can this work
without my direct input?” Things that don’t
need your direct input are more likely going Offense: Directly relating to doing damage.
to be quirks than abilities. If ya still need Offense effects trigger on hit unless stated
help deciding, build it as an ability and go otherwise. All offense functions last until the
over it with your GM later. The point is to end of the target’s next turn unless otherwise
have fun, not ponder these rules for half noted. If an offense function targets the user,
your game session. it lasts until the end of the user’s current turn
3. Pick two functions to establish the core unless otherwise noted.
of your ability, or more depending on the Defense: Avoiding damage by blocking,
Power Level of your campaign. dodging, or counterattacking in some
All abilities are able to be used as melee attacks manner. Defense effects trigger when
without any additional investment. activated unless stated otherwise. All defense
functions last until the beginning of the user’s
Using abilities next turn unless otherwise noted.
Utility: Anything related to increasing your
Using an ability works the same way as any other ability to attack and defend or hamper your
action in the game. Declare that you are using opponent’s ability to do so. Utility effects that
your ability and resolve any rolls as normal and target yourself or an ally trigger on activation
apply all of your abilities functions as necessary. unless stated otherwise. Utility effects that
What if I only want to use one function?: That’s target opponents trigger on hit unless stated
fine! Sometimes you want to leave out an effect otherwise. All utility functions last until
that might get yourself in trouble. Your character the beginning of the users next turn unless
knows how to use their abilities best, after all. otherwise noted.
You may use one or both functions in your ability Movement: Anything related to your ability
and are always able to choose which order they to get around or disable other’s ability to
activate in. get around. Movement effects that target
Rule of thumb for effects: When any effect from a yourself or an ally trigger on activation unless
quirk, Stand Out Feature, or ability keyword asks stated otherwise. Movement effects that
you to pick between a stat, this choice is made target opponents trigger on hit unless stated
when picking the effect and does not repeat otherwise. All movement functions that allow
or change when the effect is triggered unless the user to move trigger the movement at
specifically noted otherwise. any point the user chooses, up until the end
of their action. All movement functions that
THE CATEGORIES target an opponent trigger the movement
only if the opponent was hit or has triggered
Offensive, Defensive, Utility, and an On Contact or On Dodge clause.
Movement are NOT functions in and
of themselves. They are categories of
functions. When building your abilities, ASSOCIATED KEYWORDS
you can pick two functions from ANY of
these categories in any combination you AND RULES:
desire. When picking your functions,
please remember to check out the
• Alternate Function Uses: Many functions
have effects that are specifically made to be
keywords so you can have a better idea used outside of combat. These are tied to
of how each function works. There are the keywords Social and Adventure. Social
a lot of options, so take your time and effects are non-damaging powers that are
have fun! primarily used to win people over or non-
violently sabotage opponents. Adventure

effects are used to overcome the various • Forced Movement: Some attacks will
challenges thrown at you in your group’s cause you to be jettisoned out of your
game world and may or may not also be current zone and into another. If an effect
used to directly harm opponents. Do not gives you the option to move (as per a few
feel restricted to apply only these effects On Dodge functions), you shift down one

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
to your abilities if you have a more creative step in the initiative. Forced Movement
use for one of your abilities in mind. Like effects trigger on hit unless otherwise
everything else in Tide Breaker, stated.
creativity and fun come first. If you have a • Initiative Rank (Count Up): Count the
good idea, go for it! number of participants starting from the
• Associated Abilities: Some functions last in the initiative order until reaching
affect other functions tied to the ability yourself and use this number.
they were created with. Follow the text • Initiative Rank (Count Down): Count the
of the function to resolve these effects. If number of participants starting from the
your ability uses more than one associated top of the initiative order until reaching
ability effect, choose which function to use yourself and use this number.
first and ignore the associated ability clause • Interrupt: You may pay 5 Momentum to
of the other. trigger this function’s effects immediately.
• Bank: Some functions may ask you to bank If you interrupt during an opponent’s
successes or Attrition. This means you tally attack, your attack happens first and then
them up and save them for later. Abilities their attack will happen unless your effect
with the bank keyword typically will add explicitly prevents them from being able
them to the results of a check as part of to attack. Momentum gained during an
their resolution. interrupt is added to your pool at the end of
• Charge: A resource gained through certain the round unless an effect explicitly states
functions that employ extended actions otherwise.
or banked successes. All sources that call • On Contact/On Dodge: Some effects
for the expenditure of Charges may use will trigger regardless if the attack roll
banked successes in their place. Every two is successful based on the defense your
Charges gained from any source is equal opponent chose. On Contact effects still
to a full turn of holding an extended action work when your opponent blocks or uses
and may be used whenever an effect checks Endurance, but will not cause any shifts in
for how many rounds it has been held for. damage unless otherwise stated. On Dodge
If you have an ability with more than one effects work the same versus Dodge or
function that generates Charges, you may Agility-based defenses.
spend them to trigger any of that abilities’ • Optional Functions: Sometimes you
qualifying functions as you wish. may not want to use a particular function
• Cornered: If you are the last character to but still use the ability. You may withhold
act in the round and are Downshifted you any function contained within your ability
may not dodge and are treated as if you without rolling.
chose to Block instead. • Overextended: If you were the first
• Choose an ability: Some abilities ask the character to act in the round and are
player or their target to choose an ability to Upshifted, you may not block and are
be affected by the function. That ability will treated as if you chose to dodge instead.
be affected by the function until the end of • Self Targeting Abilities: Many functions
the user’s next turn unless otherwise noted under the defense and movement types will
by the function. If an ability has two or more have effects that target you instead of your
choices attached to it, the user picks the opponent. These effects will always happen
order in which they trigger. unless otherwise stated by the function and
• Downshift: You drop down one slot in the will always trigger before rolling any dice
initiative, regardless of your initial roll. unless otherwise noted.
• Upshift: You jump up one slot in the • Using Abilities Outside of Combat: See
initiative, regardless of your initial roll. chapter 2 for the details, but the short
• Extended Actions and Charges: Unless and skinny is this- Lots of obstacles have
the function states otherwise, each turn specific bypass requirements that may be
spent charging an ability adds an additional attached to a specific function or an entire
+1 of whatever attribute the function gives ability you know. Even if they aren’t, try
you (such as Badger giving + 1 Momentum anyway! The worst that can happen is you
on turn one, + 2 Momentum on turn 2, etc.) get a stunt bonus!
If you drop the action before releasing, you
lose the Charges gained.

• Various Status Effects: Any status effect Bushwack does not cause your target to
become alert or create any evidence until
(Jinx, Curse, etc.) afflicted by a function
lasts until the end of the target’s next turn damage is done.
unless otherwise stated by the function.
Status effects trigger on hit unless Adventure: You may cause two
otherwise stated. opposing (attitude dislike or worse)
• Weakness: This status effect grants an groups, each with a number of
attacker a bonus against affected targets or members equal to your Wits +
prevents the attacker from using a target Power Level to intersect each other
effect. while traveling. For the purposes
of this function, Stooges count as 1
regardless of scale. Once the groups
Offensive have noticed each other, you may
roll your Wits + Power Level against
Anticipate: You may add your Initiative Rank each group leader’s Intuition to cause
(counting down) to your next attack until the them to argue or immediately enter
end of your next turn. You may trigger this combat if attitude is worse enough.
function as an interrupt to gain the bonus You and a number of allies equal to
immediately until the end of the current your Power Level gain Ignite 1 for any
round. If you are not attacked before your attacks or subterfuge actions made
next turn, you gain Botch 1. You may ignore against either group until the end of
this instance of Botch by using this function the scene.
as an interrupt.
Breaching: If you attack from cover, your
Adventure: You may use this ability target may add the cover’s DR to their own
at the beginning of a scene. All this turn, but your attack counts as a surprise
enemies in the area that wish to attack. You may not gain an additional attack
attack you or any character with a in this way, but if your attack connects, it
friendly relationship to you must deals a shift of damage in addition to any
beat a DR equal to your Wits or Attrition that would be applied.
immediately alert you. Enemies that
alert you are treated as rolling a 0 on
their initiative. Social: You may use Breaching to
ignore the effect of any Social ability
that forces you into an agreement,
Bury: You immediately destroy target gap. oath, etc. that would make you act in
Any characters within the gap suffer Attrition a way that opposes your interest or
equal to the gap’s DR until they escape. The Goals. To do so, make a roll of Might +
gap is now considered a wall with a DR equal Power Level against the target’s Might
to the original gap’s DR. + Power Level. If you succeed, you
are able to ignore the social ability’s
Adventure: You may roll Might effects until the end of the next scene.
+ Power Level to destroy target
evidence and cause anyone that
witnesses this to gain Attrition equal Conditioning: Pick an ability slot: A, B, or C.
to your Power Level whenever they Whenever your opponent uses the ability in
attempt to reference it for a number that slot, you and your allies gain Ignite 1 for
of scenes equal to your Might. a number of turns equal to your Power Level.
Each time your opponent uses a different
ability, they gain Botch 1 instead until this
Bushwack: You may forgo dealing damage function’s effect ends.
this turn to prepare an action. Choose a zone
or target ability. For a number of turns equal Adventure: You may roll Wits against
to your Power Level, if your target moves into the target’s Intuition to attempt
the zone of your choice or uses the chosen to influence a character so that a
ability, you may use this as an interrupt to specific sensory trigger or command
surprise attack your opponent even if you’ve word causes them to compulsively
already acted that turn. Bushwack may not perform a single action which they
be triggered on the turn it was prepared are unaware of. The conditioned
on. Additionally, if Bushwack is used during action becomes a secret with a DR
stealth and you forgo dealing damage,

equal to your Wits + Power Level. dice, then your opponent takes damage as
Your target is aware of the secret, and normal. On Dodge- Your attack causes your
if they uncover the secret they may opponent to Downshift. Crash may be picked
roll once per scene to neutralize the twice, if you do, all of your On Contact effects
effect before it is triggered. If they Ignite and your On Dodge effects afflict Botch

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
succeed, they become immune to the 1 on your opponent in addition to their
same conditioning and may attempt normal effects.
an Intuition check against your Wits +
Power Level to discern that you were Social: Pick a specific resource.
the source. Anyone that wishes to trade that
resource must beat a DR equal to
Contaminate: At the beginning of your the stat of your choice + your Power
target’s next turn this function does damage Level.
to the target and spreads, dealing damage
to another enemy of your choice in range
(using the original attack roll). Contaminate Curse: Until the end of the opponent’s next
may be picked twice- If you do, you may turn, they treat 4’s as failures. If the target
attack enemies up to your Power Level (use succeeds on this check, refresh Curse until
your original attack roll for each). Each new they fail. Curse may be taken twice, if you
target uses the previous target’s location to do you may spend 10 Momentum to make
determine range. your opponent also treat 5’s as failures. This
additional effect does not carry over if your
opponent succeeds on their check.
Adventure: You may touch an object
to cause the next person to use it to
gain Botch 1 for all actions they take Adventure: Target object or zone
until the end of the next session. In of a Size up to your Power Level is
addition, while in possession of the protected by this function’s effect.
target object, the object’s owner may Any character that tries to Breaking
not benefit from any positive Hope/ and Entering, Steal, or otherwise
Doom effects until they drop the negatively affect your target suffers
object and travel at least one location Attrition equal to your Power Level
away from it. for a number of scenes equal to your
Might, Focus, or Wits value. Target
may break the curse only by fulfilling
Corrupt: You attack an interactable or an action of your choice, chosen
summon controlled by an opponent and turn upon using this ability on your
it into a spectacular hazard with a DR equal to protected target, or by spending a
your target’s Power Level. This hazard attacks scene researching a cure and beating
with all of the source’s functions until the end a roll equal to your Wits + Power
of your next turn. Level.

Social: Name another character- Delay: You may set your action to trigger on
Until the end of the scene, anyone a following turn for up to your Intuition in
that hears you speak of them turns. Delayed actions are obvious to your
immediately becomes hostile to opponents- When setting your action, declare
that character until the end of the how many turns must go by before the action
next session. The target character triggers. Each turn you wait, your delayed
must beat a DR equal to your Wits to attacks’s Power Level increases by +1. You
reverse their relationship with your may spend 5 Momentum to trigger the attack
audience or will be immediately early without gaining this bonus. Delay may
attacked by them (physically or be chosen twice. If you do, you may keep this
socially depending on the character’s bonus when triggering your action early.
Adventure: When you would die or
Crash: On Contact- Your attack adds your otherwise be removed from play by
Initiative Rank (count up, but If you have only an effect, you may instead ignore the
one opponent use your Power Level instead) effect entirely for a number of scenes
to your attack roll. These extra dice are added equal to your Power Level. You may
retroactively. If you would hit due to the extra extend this function’s duration by 1

scene and take an amount of Attrition against your Might + Bonus Successes
equal to the DR of the effect that added to the detonator to disarm
killed or removed you from play. If Detonate before it is triggered. If
your Attrition surpasses your Critical allowed to trigger, Detonate renders
Value, you are Taken Out and must the target and anyone in the same
roll to Rise Up. If you fail this Recovery zone as the target unusable or Taken
check you die or are affected as Out regardless of their defensive DR.
Disengaging: You may forgo dealing damage
Demolish: On Contact- You may destroy any this turn to add the DR of any cover you’re
barrier, cover, or weapon interactable in your using to a surprise attack on your next turn.
zone. If your target was using the interactable, If you are unable to initiate a surprise attack,
you may use it to attack the target, adding it’s this function adds the DR of any cover you’re
DR as a special bonus. Weapons destroyed by using as bonus successes to “Create a secret:
this function add your Wits to the attack roll My Position”. until the end of your next turn,
for determining Critical and Recovery attacks. opponents that wish to attack you must
On Dodge- Create a gap in your zone with a uncover this secret before being able to target
DR equal to your Might. Opponents in target you.
zone may spend 5 Momentum to leave the
zone before the gap is created. If they fail to Social: You may avoid the effects
do so, they fall inside and must spend their of any social abilities by offering a
next action overcoming the gap. resource with a Value equal to the
DR before slipping away, becoming
Social: You may use this function’s untargetable by any effects until the
normal effect to break target object end of the next scene.
as a show of force. If you do, you may
instill a Fear of you in Key Figures Element: Add an elemental damage type
that witness your feat, or improve of your choice to your attack. As part of
your relationship with all witnesses this ability’s creation, pick one elemental
by one stage. This effect does not weakness. This can be anything you wish it
work on those that have already to be, subject to GM approval. While using
witnessed your ability. this ability, gain +1 to your Power Level for all
attacks against targets not protected by your
Detonate: As an extended action you may elemental weakness.
bank successes. Each Charge spent increases
the DR of an interactable in your possession. Adventure: You automatically
Upon release, you may destroy the bypass any hazard or interactable
interactable as part of an attack against your that matches your element. If you
opponent and add its DR as bonus successes choose to roll to overcome a hazard
to your roll. The interactable must have at that matches your element, passing
least one Charge counter to be used in this the check instead gives you control of
way and always counts as having the Lethal the interactable until the end of the
function. scene.
Adventure: You may roll Wits + Power
Level to engineer the secret delayed Engulfing: If your attack would miss due to
remote destruction of a target your target using cover this turn, you may deal
resource, interactable, or vehicle Attrition equal to the number of successes
with a Size up to your Power Level. you rolled this turn instead.
At Power Level 5, you may target an
entire Key Location instead. When Adventure: You may increase the
setting the detonation, you may add area of effect of any one use of
bonus successes to your roll for each resources to include all targets in a
scene you delay its trigger. Characters zone of your choice.
attempting to uncover the secret
add the Size of your target as bonus Erode: On Contact- You may forgo dealing
successes to their roll. Characters damage to bank successes rolled this turn.
that discover the secret may roll their Each Charge spent adds 1 Attrition to your
Wits + the Size of your target + Hold target on your next attack.

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
Social: After failing to convince a Expose: Choose an element. On Contact,
character to do a favor or provide the target becomes weaker to the chosen
labor for you, your words stick with element. Attacks of the chosen element
them, adding your Power Level as against the target Ignite. If they already would
bonus successes to your original Ignite, gain Ignite 2
check result for a number of scenes
equal to your Wits. Any character Social: Target character’s DR to
can end this effect on your target by hide in a neighborhood you occupy
spending a scene discussing your increases by your Reach until the
conversation with your target and end of the session. You may further
beating a DR equal to your Wits + increase the DR by the value of
Power Level. any Evidence you have against the
character if it would implicate them
Exhausting: On Contact- Your opponent’s in harming a Key Figure in that
next attack may only deal damage on a neighborhood.
critical hit. On Dodge- opponents must reroll
and Botch their initiative on the following Feint: Before your opponent chooses
turn. their defense, you may opt to attack with
your Wits to deal no damage this turn and
Social: Your target gains Botch 1 for bank successes up to your target’s Intuition.
each social roll they make for the rest Banked successes may only be used to attack
of the session. the same opponent and may be saved over
multiple turns. Successes rolled that exceed
your opponent’s Intuition are converted into

Momentum. You may pick Feint a second may spend 5 successes to gain +1 Power Level
time. If you do, you may pay 5 Momentum until the end of scene.
to choose to Feint after your opponent picks
their defense rather than before. Adventure: You may store
Momentum gained in combat for
Adventure: You may create a a number of scenes equal to your
Harbinger-Red Herring effect to Power Level. Momentum stored this
distract anyone investigating or way can be used to gain bonus dice
otherwise tracking you. Unlike a as a special Advantage or for any
Harbinger created with Doom, the effect that requires Momentum to
Red Herring you create has a DR trigger.
equal to your Power Level and creates
a secret of its existence AND your Glorious: On Contact- Your enemy must pay
involvement with its creation. The DR 5 Momentum or lose any Charges they have
of this secret is equal to your Wits + stored. On Dodge- You gain Charges equal to
Power Level. your Power Level.

Fissure: You may create a spectacular gap Social: You may perform something
with a DR equal to your Power Level using “noteworthy” by the cultural standard
Fissure’s associated abilities’ functions in the of the location you are in to roll your
current zone. If hit, your target immediately Might + Power Level. You may create
falls into the gap. They may climb out of the a new interest in yourself with a value
gap by beating the DR, using flight, or using equal to your successes rolled for all
any form of instantaneous movement to who witness your actions that last
escape the gap created. While inside, they are for a number of scenes equal to your
treated as if they are one zone further away Power Level.
from all targets until they escape.
Hurl: You may propel interactables up to your
Size at your enemies a number of zones away
Social: You may create an issue equal to your Power Level. Doing so destroys
between two targets of your choice. the interactable and inflicts Attrition to your
Until resolved or a number of scenes target equal to the interactable’s DR. If you
equal to your Power Level passes, can lift objects larger than yourself, Hurl may
they are prevented from any form be picked twice. If you do so, you may add the
of constructive communication. Any interactable’s size as bonus successes to any
attempts by the two characters to talk attack rolls made with the object.
to one another instead causes both
to argue until they mutually decide to
leave the scene or come to blows. If a Social: You may roll your Might
fight occurs between the pair targeted against a target’s Endurance to hurl
by this function, the effect ends upon an insult so heinous at them they
the conclusion of the combat. becomes physically ill with disgust,
setting their attitude to Hatred and
causing them to ignore all ongoing
Flurry: On Dodge- Opponent must spend 5 projects, Goals, interest, and act only
Momentum to dodge this. If they do not have in self-preservation for a number of
the Momentum, add +1 to your Power Level scenes equal to your Power Level.
for this attack. On Contact- Opponent suffers During the scene Hurl is used, the
a Downward Initiative Shift. target will retreat from you in order
to take care of themselves, but for all
Adventure: You and a number of remaining scenes they will go out of
allies equal to your Power Level may their way to hunt you down until the
bank any successes rolled during duration ends.
a Cliffhanger involving a barrier
(without triggering a nailbiter) once Insidious: Choose On Contact or On Dodge.
per stage of the Cliffhanger. On Contact- ability hits over multiple turns,
add 1 Attrition per turn up to your Might. On
Dodge- Infect a zone for a number of turns
Gather Energy: Pick either Might or Intuition. equal to your Wits, inflict 1 Attrition to any
As an extended action, you may roll this stat who enter the zone or start their turn in the
and bank successes rolled. Upon release, you affected zone.

Social: You may target a zone or Karmic: You may forgo dealing damage this
an object to implant a “seed”. The turn to bank your successes, up to a number
seed is a secret with a DR equal equal to your current Attrition. Successes
to your Wits + Power Level. The that exceed your Attrition are converted to
seed’s existence is obvious, but any bonus Momentum instead. Each Charge used

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
character that encounters it becomes transfers a point of Attrition from you to your
obsessed with cracking the secret target on your next attack.
behind it, spending at least one
scene a session working on solving Social: After overcoming the effects
it. Characters that interact with the of a negative social effect, you may
seed may bank any successes rolled spend 10 Momentum to cause the
that scene towards solving the secret user to experience the same effect
until they succeed. Each scene spent themselves.
engaging with the seed increases the
level of an issue involving another
character of your choice with a topic Leech: May drain Momentum from
of your choosing. This issue gnaws opponents and replace it with an amount
at characters engaged with the seed of Attrition equal to the total amount of
until the secret is solved or the target successes rolled on your attack.
of the issue beats a DR equal to your
Wits + Power Level. Adventure: You may steal
Momentum equal to the DR of target
Intimidating: On Dodge- All opponents spectacular interactable and store it
in range must move out of target zone. On for a number of scenes equal to your
Contact- Your opponent may not choose you Power Level. Momentum stored this
as the target of a Counter or Reversal Attack way can be used to gain bonus dice
until the end of your next turn. as a special Advantage or for any
effect that requires Momentum to
Social: You apply an obstacle to any trigger.
Goal or issue of your choice to target
character with a DR equal to your Lethal: This interactable may now deal
Might or Wits + Power Level. Until this damage to characters. This may only be taken
obstacle is dealt with, the character for interactables.
cannot Focus on anything other
than the obstacle and may not use Massive: Your attack hits a number of
their abilities for anything other than characters in the target zone equal to your
self-defense or removing the obstacle Power Level. Roll using your choice of Might
unless they spend 5 Momentum to or Agility once for all targets. Each target in
trigger a chosen ability. range may pick a defense of their choice as
normal and takes damage if your successes
Jinx: Opponents hit by this Botch their next beat their defense as usual. On Dodge- The
check. If the target succeeds on this check, opponent(s) must move out of the zone or
refresh Jinx until they fail. You may pick Jinx be affected as normal. On Contact- Your
twice. If you do, you may spend 5 Momentum opponent’s interrupts gain Botch 1 until the
to add Botch 1 to your opponent’s next check. end of your turn. Massive may be picked
This additional source of Botch does not twice. If you do, you may target everything in
refresh if your opponent succeeds the check. the zone regardless of your Power Level.

Social: You may roll your Intuition Adventure: You may opt to ignore
to predict when and what another any adventure or social effect. If you
character will say and match their resist an effect this way, gain Attrition
wording and timing perfectly. If you equal to the effect’s original DR. This
succeed, you may ask a favor with a Attrition stays with you until the
value equal to your Power Level of next time you are Taken Out. If your
your target. If your target refuses they Attrition exceeds your Critical Value
gain Botch 1 on all social rolls for the you are Taken Out immediately and
rest of the session. must make a Recovery check to Rise
Up again.

Mirage: Target interactable or character avoiding this function’s effect if they escape
appears as an object of ludicrous value or the battlefield. You may choose Monumental
a loved character to the target. If the target twice. If you do, Monumental lasts for a
tries to touch or otherwise act upon Mirage’s number of turns equal to your Power Level.
subject, they are attacked by it. Characters
trigger a Reversal Attack with Ignite 1 and Social: You may cause actions which
objects are treated as a hazard that gives the affect your reputation in a community
target Botch 1 until the end of your next turn. to spread to other neighboring
communities, raising or lowering your
Adventure: You may cause target Key reputation in a number of locations
Location or any number of characters equal to your Power Level with a
and interactables inside to appear distance equal to your Focus (starting
as anything you wish. Even if an at zone and ending in region) as well
outsider touches your target, they if you desire.
must beat a DR equal to your Focus
+ Power Level or be utterly fooled
until the end of the scene. If a target Obstruct: You may add the DR of any hazards
disguised by Mirage does something in your current zone as a bonus to your next
unusual for what it is disguised as, attack. If you or an enemy are Cornered, you
anyone interacting with or witnessing may use this as an interrupt without paying
your target’s unusual behavior gets the cost.
another roll to see through the
disguise with Ignite 1, gaining an Adventure: You may roll your
additional Ignite 1 for each time this Endurance to treat yourself as a
happens until they succeed. spectacular barrier with a DR equal
to successes rolled against any
Mob: You gain Ignite 1 for each ally that used characters or interactables that
this function before you. If you are the first, would try to move through your zone.
gain +1 Power Level instead. This bonus does While acting in this way, all attacks
not apply if an enemy acts between you and against you immediately connect,
the last ally to use this function or if an enemy but you may not be Taken Out or die
would act directly after you and you are the until the end of the scene and any
first to use this function. This may be picked attacks that fail to beat your DR are
twice. If you do, you Upshift or Downshift your not counted towards any Attrition you
target before checking if you may receive this would gain. If your Attrition would
function’s bonuses. pass your critical value, you begin to
die immediately and cannot recover
Social: Target Group immediately unless you are first stabilized with
begins to dislike the character of your first aid and then healed enough to
choice for one scene. While affected remove all Attrition accrued.
by this ability, the target group will
do their best to assemble and march Overheat: Your target takes Attrition equal to
towards the chosen character’s base the amount of Charges they have stored.
or home and insult or otherwise do
their best to distress the character
until the chosen character or one of Adventure: You may cause target
their allies beats a DR equal to your interactable or vehicle to become
Wits + Power Level. Target Group inoperable until the end of the
will not attack the chosen character scene after its users roll a number of
unless provoked or the chosen successes equal to your Power Level.
character fails to dispel this function’s Overheat lasts for a number of scenes
effect via a Botched roll. equal to your Power Level.

Monumental: Add this function’s associated Overwhelming: On Contact- Opponents

abilities functions as a global effect that deals must spend 5 Momentum to block this. If
damage to anyone in the target battlefield. they do not have the Momentum, add +1 to
You may choose to be immune to the effect. your Power Level for this attack. On Dodge-
Any characters present notice the change Opponents must move out of the zone or be
immediately and may spend 10 Momentum affected as normal.
to Downshift themselves and move one zone,

Social: For the duration of the scene, unless another character aids them,
unless they beat a DR equal to your which allows the character to act
Might + Power Level, everyone within normally immediately). If a character
earshot of you becomes unable to is attacked while incapacitated by this
speak at all except when you directly function, they are treated as if they

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
address them or they fall under were surprised and combat starts
attack. after the attack as normal.

Pounce: If your opponent is suffering from an Singularity: You may cause a target gap
effect that causes them to be unable to target to remove all positive effects on characters
you, your attack becomes a surprise attack within it and destroy any interactables with
and gains Ignite 1. DR less than the gap’s DR caught inside.
Social: You may interject when Adventure: You cause a number of
someone uses a social ability by interactables to gain sentience for
rolling Agility + Power Level against a number of scenes equal to your
the target’s Focus. If you succeed, you Power Level. While sentient, they gain
may stop the use of their ability by the current setting’s most common
using one of your own. means to communicate and have a
Wits and Intuition value equal to the
Rush: You may add the number of enemies in user of Singularity. During this time,
your current zone as a bonus to your Power they may (via GM harbinger or use
Level. If you are Overextended, until the end of the Animate function) become
of your next turn, enemies that miss you this permanently sentient and adapt a
turn trigger a counterattack from you. fully independent form, no longer
qualifying as interactables and
Social: If you have a time limit to gaining the quirks and abilities of a
meet another character, you may gain full-fledged character.
Botch 1 on all actions until the end of
the scene to treat you and a number Splinter: You may attack any number of
of characters equal to your Power opponents by launching shrapnel from a
Level as having Speed 2 until the end barrier or cover you’re currently occupying. If
of the scene. If you are currently in you choose to do so, the interactable’s DR is
a vehicle or otherwise have Speed 2 reduced by 1 and you add it’s full DR to your
or higher before triggering Rush, you attack roll. If the interactable is reduced to 0
may increase your Speed by 1. DR, it is destroyed.

Sabotage: Choose an ability slot: A, B, or C. Social: Target group becomes

Your target gains +1 to their Power Level while incapable of organizing themselves,
using the ability in this slot until the end of removing access to any resources not
your next turn. If they use the chosen ability, individually controlled by characters
all failures rolled inflict 1 Attrition per failure. in the group and preventing
communication from the group’s
Adventure: You may cause target members unless they beat a DR
resource to appear to operate equal to your Wits + Power Level.
normally until either a character Splinter’s effect lasts for a number of
of your choice or the first person scenes equal to your Power Level, but
to interact with the target uses it. may be ended early if a number of
When the target is interacted with, members equal to your Power Level
you may choose for it to cease are able to beat the DR required to
functioning harmlessly, or for it to communicate with one another.
force the character using it to beat
a DR equal to your Wits + Power Stun: This ability does no damage, but your
Level or become immediately opponent may not spend or gain Momentum
incapacitated (treat as dying, but until the end of your next turn.
without need for a Recovery roll. The
character will Rise Up on their own Social: You may roll against a DR
at the beginning of the next scene equal to the Reach of all characters

within earshot of you to cause them the end of your next turn. Choose another
to forget what they were saying ability if you fail this check. The chosen ability
and immediately change subjects gains Ignite 1 until the end of your next turn.
on success. On a failure, they still Analyze may be used as an interrupt upon
forget what they were saying but an opponent declaring an attack. If you
their attitude worsens by one stage are hit while interrupting an opponent, the
instead. opponent’s chosen ability gains Ignite 1 this
Winding: You may Downshift and end your
turn to gain Ignite 1, + 1 Power Level, and Adventure: You may take an object
trigger your attack on your new initiative and roll your Intuition against the
instead. Any movement effects triggered object’s interactable DR + it’s owner’s
by your attack may be activated before the Reach. If you succeed, you gain
Downshift on your original turn or afterwards an intimate understanding of the
on your new initiative. object’s functions and may add your
Intuition as bonus successes for the
Adventure: You may force a number next roll involving any of the object’s
of targets equal to your Power Level functions.
to overcome a Cliffhanger challenge.
The DR starts at your Power Level Armor: You may Downshift and end your turn
and increases by 2 for each stage. to add your Power Level to your Endurance
The participants may not add their and trigger your attack on your new initiative
successes together and failure leaves instead. If you successfully block an attack
them lost for a number of scenes before finishing your action, gain Ignite 1.
equal to your Power Level. While lost, This Armor does not stack with itself. Once
they may not be the target of any triggered, Armor and all associated functions
effects or target any character other trigger on your new initiative the first time.
than themselves for a number of Yes, that means you’re essentially “locked in”
scenes equal to your Power Level or once taking an armored swing.
until you decide to end the effect. If
you or one of your targets are Taken
Out during this Cliffhanger, the effect Adventure: If you would fail a roll
ends immediately and your targets against any mundane interactable,
become immune to this function’s you may immediately gain Ignite 1
effects until the beginning of the next and reroll the check. Additionally,
session. you may spend 1 Hope to add any
successes from your previous roll to
your new total.
Defensive Badger: As a sustained action, you may gain
Absorb: Pick an element. Successes rolled Momentum equal to your Wits until your
on an opponent’s attack using that element target attacks you. If they do, you may spend
are turned into Momentum instead, up to an your Momentum to increase your DR by 1 per
amount equal to your Focus, Endurance, or Momentum spent. If your opponent misses,
Intuition. Successes exceeding your chosen you may trigger an immediate Reversal
stat are compared against your defense as Attack. Getting hit by anyone other than
normal. your target immediately ends this effect.
Momentum gained through Badger may be
Adventure: You may harmlessly pass spent for any other purpose and remains in
through any interactables that share your pool as per normal rules for Momentum
the chosen element with Absorb gain.
and may add the DR of it as bonus
successes towards your next action Social: As long as you continue to
this scene. speak, you prevent your target from
benefiting from any social effects
Analyze: You may roll Intuition against an from their allies and all attempts by
opponent’s Wits and choose an ability slot: A, the target to use a social effect are
B, or C. You may add your Intuition to your DR prevented until you are physically
against attacks using the chosen ability until

attacked or your target or one of their Social: You may treat your Focus +
allies succeeds at DR equal to your Wits as banked bonus successes to
Might + Power Level. cause all characters in your current
location to treat you as friendly.
Each time you directly interact with

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
Bait: You may call out an interrupt action a character, remove a success from
by spending 5 Momentum the moment your your total and compare to that
opponent attempts to interrupt you. If your character’s Intuition. Characters you
target attempts to interrupt you, you may interact with remain friendly to you
cancel your action to avoid any and all effects until you run out of banked successes
your target’s actions may apply. If you do, or your new total is less than that
your target does not gain any positive effects character’s Intuition. You may not use
from their action and you gain 10 Momentum. this ability in the same location again
This Momentum may be used to trigger any unless you change appearance or
effect immediately as an interrupt. leave the location for one scene and
return again.
Adventure: You may roll Wits + Power
Level to make your target irresistible Bewilder: Choose an ability slot: A, B, or C.
to a number of characters equal to Each time your opponent uses the ability in
your Wits. Any characters that detect that slot, you gain a Charge. You may increase
your target are drawn to their location yours or an ally’s DR by 1 per Charge spent.
and will move directly to them unless Bewilder may be picked twice. If you do, as an
they beat a DR equal to the successes interrupt you may spend a Charge to change
you rolled when activating this ability. your chosen ability.
Characters affected by this ability will
do their best to defend themselves,
but will only use enough force to Adventure: You may roll Agility + Wits
allow themselves to escape until against the Intuition of all targets that
reaching your target. Upon reaching can see you to put on a display so
the target, affected characters will act bizarre it fascinates characters whose
according to their attitude towards Intuition you beat, causing them to
the target as normal, but will not gain Botch 1 on all checks involving
leave the location until the end of the noticing or resisting any subterfuge
scene. actions until the end of the scene.

Beguiling: Choose Might or Agility. You Bracing: You may add the distance in zones
may add your Intuition to your or an ally’s your opponent or projectile is from you at the
defensive DR against targets using the chosen start of their turn to your DR against Might.
attack until the end of your next turn. Bracing may be used as an interrupt.

Social: You may roll Wits + Power Adventure: The cost to place a
Level against your target’s Focus. If harbinger on any target is increased
you succeed, your target is convinced by your Endurance or Focus until the
to offer you a resource with a Value end of the scene.
equal to your Wits for a number of
scenes equal to your Power Level. Bulwark: As an extended action, you may
For the duration of this effect, your roll Endurance or Focus and bank successes
target will not realize they have rolled. Upon release, each Charge adds +1 to
been affected by this ability, but will your DR until the end of your next turn. You
immediately learn the truth when this may release Bulwark as an interrupt. If you
abilitiy’s duration expires. have more than 5 successes, you may spend 5
successes to pay for the cost of the interrupt.
Betraying: You are considered an ally to all
characters in your zone and may benefit from Adventure: You may create an object
all positive effects cast by anybody until the that protects any location with a
end of your next turn. Size equal to your Power Level, with
zones starting at PL 1 and regions
at PL 5. The object’s DR is equal to
your Focus and adds its DR to the

protected location whenever the Defiant: You may add the number of enemies
location falls under attack from any in your current zone as a bonus to your DR. If
outside influence. For each attack the you are Cornered this turn, you may use this
location takes, reduce the object’s as an interrupt without paying the cost.
DR by 1. The object continues to
protect against all attacks until its Social: You may roll your Focus and
DR is reduced to 0, which renders it add any successes rolled to your
destroyed. Attacks from within the DR against all Social effects rolled
location may be protected against if against you until the end of the scene.
you are inside the location yourself,
and you may refresh the protective Discerning: Target hazard you control does
object any time you are within the not affect you or your allies. If you are forced
protected location. to overcome this hazard, you may instead
delay the hazard from triggering until you
Camouflage: Target character or hazard leave the zone.
of your choice becomes invisible (they are
considered to not be in the zone at all by Social: You become immune to
characters that can see into the zone) as any effects that disguise a character
long as it does not move or is otherwise or interactable until the end of the
directly interacted with by another character. scene.
Camouflage may be taken twice. If you do, the
target may move without breaking the effect
for a number of turns equal to your Power Discourage: You may roll Intuition against an
Level. If they act or are interacted with, the opponent’s Wits and choose an ability slot: A,
effect breaks immediately. B, or C. Until the end of your next turn, targets
that hit you with the ability in the chosen
slot trigger an immediate counterattack.
Adventure: You may hide a number Failing the initial check allows the unchosen
of characters and interactables abilities to Ignite. Discourage may be used
with a combined Size equal to your as an interrupt upon an opponent declaring
Power Level (every 2 human-sized an attack. If you are hit while interrupting
characters are a Size 1 object) by an opponent, the opponent’s chosen ability
rolling Wits + Power Level. Characters Explodes this turn.
that fail to beat this DR do not detect
your targets and ignore them as long
as they are not directly interacted Social: You may roll your Might
with. + Power Level to name a specific
action. Your target must beat a DR
equal to the successes rolled or
Confuse: Until the end of the round, you refuse to take the action until the end
may bank all failures from attacks that miss of the scene. Your target is affected
you as Charges. As an interrupt, you may by this ability for a number of scenes
redirect an attack against you and add your equal to your Power Level and may
stored Charges to your opponent’s attack roll only roll to try taking the named
as bonus successes for a new attack against action once per scene until this
an enemy of your choice. If an attacker has ability’s duration expires.
no allies, you may instead spend all Charges
stored (minimum attacker’s Intuition) to
cause the attack to miss you. If you do so, you Disorient: Target must seek an opportunity
may Counterattack the target as part of this before being able to attack you again.
Adventure: Your target loses track of
Adventure: You are treated as their current location, and whenever
appearing to be in a location of your they travel must beat a DR equal to
Power Level in Size (starting from your Power Level or begin traveling
a zone at Power Level 1) a distance in another direction of your choice.
away from your actual position equal If they succeed, this effect ends
to your Wits value until the beginning immediately and they become
of the next scene. immune to further uses of this ability
until the end of the next session.

Divert: Increases DR against Agility by 1. Ignite 1 for this action and you gain Ignite 1
You may use this function as an interrupt to until the end of your next turn.
Upshift your opponent. If you do, they gain
Botch 1 on all actions until the end of your Adventure: Roll Wits + Power Level.
target’s next turn. Target object increases in Value by

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
an amount equal to your roll and all
Social: Whenever one of your actions characters viewing it that consider
would cause a particular character it Ludicrous or beyond in Value are
to worsen their attitude towards drawn in for a number of scenes
you, you may roll against a different equal to your Power Level. Affected
character’s Intuition. If you succeed, characters will try to obtain the object
your target takes the blame for using force against any character
your actions instead and suffers the whose attitude is less than the
relationship change in your place. object’s Value. Whenever a character
attacks or is attacked by a character
Entrench: You may add your Initiative Rank they have a positive attitude towards,
(counting down) to your DR until the end of the effect immediately ends for that
your next turn. You may trigger this function character if they survive the attack
as an interrupt to gain the bonus immediately and they become immune to this
until the end of the current round. If you are ability for the rest of the session.
not attacked before the end of your next turn
or are hit after choosing to interrupt your Panacea: You or target ally may become
opponent, you Botch this action. immune to effects that prevent the use of
specific abilities. You may spend 5 Momentum
Adventure: You may create a to affect all allies in your zone with Panacea.
mundane gap with a DR equal to your
Power Level around a location with a Adventure: When a Harbinger is used
Size equal to your Power Level, with to destroy or kill a target, you may
zones starting at PL 1 and regions at prevent the Harbinger from taking
PL 5. You may add the Reach of any effect by rolling your Intuition against
Key Figures in the area that agree to the amount of Doom spent to trigger
help you to your Power Level when the Harbinger. Once the effect is
triggering this ability. As part of prevented, the cost to add another
triggering this ability, you may also Harbinger is reset to normal.
spend additional scenes to treat your
Power Level as one higher per extra
scene spent using Entrench. Redistribute: You may, as an interrupt,
spend 5 Momentum to transfer successes
rolled against you as Charges. If you would
Harden: Increase DR against Might by 1. still be Taken Out as a result of the attack, you
You may use this function as an interrupt to lose the Charges.
down shift your opponent. If you do, they gain
Ignite 1 on all actions until the end of your Adventure: You may move an
next turn. amount of Harbingers or levels of
Hold equal to your Power Level to
Adventure: You may increase the any number of targets. Once moved,
DR of any interactable with a Size the new recipients of the Harbingers
equal to or less than your Power or Hold take any related effects
Level by your Focus. Each time the immediately.
interactable is attacked or otherwise
in use, reduce the bonus by 1. You Reflect: Missed attacks redirect to the
may refresh this bonus whenever you original attacker, using your Endurance,
are in the location containing the Focus, or Intuition as the new attack roll.
Adventure: You may cause any
Lure: Force target opponent to attack you expenditure of Hope or Doom used
this turn. If they are unable to attack you, they on you to instead affect a target of
move as close to you as possible instead. Lure your choice. If the cost to affect your
may be used as an interrupt. Your target gains new target would be higher than

the amount of Hope or Doom spent, any secrets that character is involved
the effect is canceled out unless you in. Once you have done so, you may
spend the necessary amount instead. roll to uncover them as normal.

Resist: Pick an element. You are treated as +1 Scoff: Choose an ability slot: A, B, or C. The
Defensive Power Level against it until the end ability in the target slot gains Ignite 1 until the
of your next turn. end of your next turn. Your opponent’s other
abilities gain Botch 1 for a number of turns
Adventure: You and a number of equal to your Power Level.
targets equal to your Power Level gain
Hold equal to your Intuition until the Social: You may cause target
end of the scene. character’s attempt to use a social
function to gain Botch 1 after
the result of their roll is revealed,
Reveal: As an interrupt, you may ignore removing any affected successes from
the effects of a surprise attack this turn. their result retroactively. For each
Effects that would require you to seek an success removed in this way, you gain
opportunity to target your opponent or make Ignite 1 on your next social check. If
the opponent invisible to you do not work for this would cause you to gain Ignite
a number of turns equal to your Power Level. 3 or higher, you may maintain this
effect for one additional roll.
Adventure: You may roll Wits + Power
Level against the target’s Reach to
immediately make a connection to Snatch: Opponent chooses an ability slot: A,
B, or C. The ability in the target slot becomes

immune to this function’s effect. You may
then choose one of the remaining ability
slots. The ability in this slot is added to your Utility
list of abilities until the end of your next turn. Accelerate: You may spend 5 Momentum to
Your opponent loses access to that ability shift upward one spot in the initiative order

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
until the end of your next turn. or to immediately gain one turn’s worth of
Charges to any of your bank effects. This
Adventure: You may spend Hope function may be picked twice. If you do so,
to be treated as having retroactively take both effects.
stolen a resource from an enemy with
a Value equal to the amount of Hope Adventure: You may move along
spent. any task by a number of stages of
completion equal to your Power Level
Soak: Gain a temporary bonus Up level to (starting at 1 scene and ending at one
determine if you are downed by an attack. arc).
Adventure: Without rolling, you Amplify: You may increase your Size by one
may remove an amount of Evidence category for a number of rounds equal to your
equal to your Wits from the scene of Power Level. While Amplify is in effect, you
a subterfuge action. If your Wits isn’t may add your Size category to your Power
high enough to cover the evidence Level for the purpose of determining your
left behind, the GM must inform you secondary stats, lifting objects, and Might
before revealing any investigators checks.
on your trail. You may then spend
Hope equal to the DR to retroactively Adventure: You may cause the
cover the difference. If you do not Adventure or Social effects of all
spend Hope to do so, investigators allies present to either increase their
revealed in this manner still suspect range by one category (using the Area
you, but are unable to pinpoint your Size table in chapter 2) or extend
involvement without succeeding on the duration of their effects by your
additional rolls first. Power Level in rounds for effects
tracked in rounds and scenes for
Thorns: Your opponents gain “On Contact- effects tracked in scenes.
You gain Attrition equal to your current Power
Level. You may spend Momentum equal Animate: You may cause any interactable or
to your Power Level to avoid gaining this object made with Deploy to move on its own.
Attrition.” It adds all functions of Animate’s associated
ability to its own. If the object is bigger than
Troll: As an extended action you may cause you, you may instead ride inside or on it and
your opponent to gain Botch 1 whenever they add its DR to your attacks. Each time you
attack any target other than you. If you are attack or are targeted by an attack while riding
attacked, you and allies in your zone gain +1 on an interactable reduces its DR by 1. When
Power Level until the end of your next turn. the interactable’s DR reaches 0, it breaks and
becomes unrepairable. If the interactable or
Social: You may attempt a subterfuge object is owned by an opponent, Animate
check against target character to requires you to hit the owner.
anonymously taunt them. If you
succeed, your target becomes Adventure: You may empower an
enraged and becomes suspicious interactable to assist with a project
of all characters within their current you are working on or to undertake
location, causing all social abilities a project away from you within a
directed at your target to gain Botch range scaling with your Power Level
1, while your own social actions gain (distance starts at one zone and
Ignite 1 until the end of the scene. For ends at one region). Your animated
each successive scene you use Troll interactable gains a humanoid
against the same target, increase the shape and may manipulate other
Botch and Ignite gained by 1. interactables using its DR as its stats
for all purposes regarding the project

for a number of scenes equal to your Adventure: You may unlock the
Power Level before returning to its hidden potential of a character,
previous form. giving them a bonus to their Power
Level equal to your Power Level until
Aura: You become a hazard equal in value to target project is complete. This bonus
a stat of your choice + Power Level instead of Power Level only applies to any
rolling to attack. As an extended action, you rolls directly related to the project
may maintain this function and affect any and may not be used for projects
targets within a zone that you enter (or remain involving combat.
in at the end of your turn). Aura is considered
“non lethal,” meaning that characters that fail Banish: Remove creatures and objects
the hazard check will not become damaged, created with Summon or Deploy from a scene
but do suffer any effects associated with Aura. (they may be resummoned in). If the target is
While under the effects of Aura, characters owned by an enemy (or an ally that wishes to
may not Take A Breather and may not bank maintain the target), you must land a hit upon
successes towards clearing Attrition for any the enemy to trigger this.
reason. Aura may be chosen twice- If you do,
you may maintain this function up to your Social: You may roll against a target
Power Level in turns without the need to hold character’s Intuition to cause them
an extended action or Aura’s range becomes a to willingly leave the current scene
global effect affecting everything you can see and avoid you and anyone else that
until you release the extended action. This witnessed them for a number of
choice may not be changed upon creation. scenes equal to your Power Level.
Social: You become either a Beacon
of Hope or a Beacon of Doom to an Boon: You may allow an ally to apply any
area of a Size equal to your Power function attached to Boon’s ability to their
Level until the end of the scene, with attacks for a number of turns equal to your
zones starting at PL 1 and regions Power Level. If you spend 10 Momentum, you
at PL 5. Hope increases all positive may apply Boon to all allies in range.
interactions by your Power Level
as a special bonus to anyone in the Social: You imbue an area, object, or
area and Doom gives an equal bonus character with your blessing, giving
to any negative interactions you or them Ignite 1 on all social-related
any other character within your Aura rolls. While affected by Boon, your
takes. Characters that wish to resist target is treated as friendly to you if
may roll their Intuition against your sentient or if the target is an object or
Power Level to avoid either effect. area, Boon improves the attitude of
Once you’ve used this ability on an anyone that controls the target until
area, that area becomes immune to they lose control of the target or the
your influence until the end of the Boon’s duration ends.
current session.
Command: You take control of an
Awaken: Pick 2: Your target gains +1 Power interactable or summon for a number of turns
Level every turn, Your target is treated as if equal to your Power Level. If the target is
one zone closer to their targets, Your target controlled by an opponent, you must hit your
may Upshift or Downshift themselves as an opponent with this ability for it to take effect.
interrupt, On Dodge- Your target’s attacks Otherwise, you assume command of your
cause their opponents to pay 5 Momentum target without rolling.
or become Cornered, or On Contact- Your
target’s attacks may deal Attrition equal to Social: You convince a group of
their successes instead of dealing damage. Stooges with a Power Level equal
Your target gains the chosen effects for a to or less than your own and Scale
number of turns equal to your Power Level. equal to or less than your Might
You may pick Awaken twice. If you do, you to join your cause for a number of
may affect a number of targets in range equal scenes equal to your Wits. While
to your Power Level for a number of turns affected by Command, these Stooges
equal to your Power Level.. are still able to think for themselves,
and if they realize you are a threat

to them, they will break free of your attack against them or Downshift once and
control without needing a roll. At gain +2 to your DR against their next attack
the beginning of each scene, if you against you. You may choose Destabilize
do anything suspicious or lead the twice- if you do, you may choose to extend
Stooges into battle, roll your Wits the effect for a number of rounds equal to

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
against the Stooges’ Power Level + your Power Level.
Scale. If you succeed, you maintain
the effect, if you fail the Stooges Social: You may target a location with
turn on you and either retreat or a Size up to your Power Level (zones
join forces with your enemies, as the start at PL 1 and regions start at PL
situation demands. 5) and alter the Value of a number
of resources equal to your Wits and
Coordinate: You may Upshift or Downshift change them by an amount equal to
a target ally a number of ranks equal to your Power Level.
your Power Level. Target ally may add their
Initiative Rank (count up or down) to their Diving: You may forgo the use of defensive
Power Level until the end of your next turn. DR granted by cover, barriers, or flying effects
to use them as a special bonus on your attack.
Social: You may delay any social
effects you use to be timed exactly Adventure: You may ignore any
when target character uses theirs, movement and utility functions
making your preparations to trigger associated with spectacular
your abilities for a number of scenes interactables with DRs up to your
up to your Power Level in the future. Power Level. You still are affected
as normal if you fail the associated
Deploy: Create an object that takes on all DR while interacting with them, and
other functions associated with Deploy’s suffer any effects from the offensive
ability. Objects made by deploy enter play or defensive categories of these
in a zone of the player’s choice up to the interactables.
ability’s maximum range and may be used
immediately upon creation or deployed as an Disenchant: You forcefully remove any
interactable weapon, cover, hazard, or wall. Spectral or Flying effects from your target and
Once used or interacted with once, the object they gain Attrition equal to your Wits. If your
breaks and is removed from play. Deploy may opponent wasn’t Spectral and/or Flying, they
be picked twice. If you do so, objects created downshit and are unable to become Spectral
by deploy may be used a number of times or Fly.
equal to your Power Level and gain health
levels equivalent to a PC. An object may not
make Recovery rolls and is destroyed if it Social: You may detect and remove
takes damage while Taken Out. However, all effects which alter a character’s
allied character’s may apply First Aid to attitude toward another character by
do repairs. Subsequent uses of the Deploy rolling your Intuition against the DR
function reset the amount of turns the object of the effect’s source. If the source is a
may stay in play and automatically repair one character’s ability, use their successes
shift of damage done to the object. rolled, if it is an interactable, use the
interactable’s DR. Upon success, you
may roll Wits against this DR to break
Adventure: You may take an object the effect. You may choose if your
you have on hand and teleport it to a target remembers being under the
location a distance up to your Power influence of the effect or not upon
Level away, with a zone starting at PL breaking it.
1 and a region at PL 5. You may move
any number of objects with a total
Size equal to your Focus, with Size 0 Echo: If this ability would miss your target,
starting at Focus 1 and Size 4 at Focus you may add your Wits to your next attack.
Social: You may mimic the voice
and speech pattern of a character
Destabilize: You may either Upshift your you have heard speak before.
opponent twice and gain +1 to your next Any characters that hear you will

automatically believe you without Adventure: You may remove any
rolling unless they have dedicated a effect that affects only your target
Goal or interest with a value of 4 or caused by a Harbinger, hazard, or
higher in which the DR to fool them is ability. Hazards and abilities use the
equal to the value associated with the normal rules for determining DR.
character being impersonated. For The DR for treating a Harbinger is the
this purpose, Subplots are DR 4 and target’s Reach + the amount of Doom
Main Goals are DR 5. spent on the Harbinger.
Hindering: Choose an ability slot: A, B, or C.
Flash: You cannot be interrupted by an Your opponent loses access to the ability in
enemy. Flash can be picked twice- If you do, that slot for a number of turns equal to your
you may spend 10 Momentum to end the Power Level.
turn early. Doing so adds any Charges, turns,
extra successes, etc. that may occur with Social: You may cause any job to
the passing of a round as normal and play take a number of scenes longer
resumes at the top of the initiative order. to complete equal to your Power
Level. Characters that are currently
Social: Whenever another character participating in the project may roll
is following you, you may roll Wits their Focus against your Might +
against their Intuition to cause them Power Level to break this effect upon
to lose track of you. If you succeed, realizing what has happened.
you step in front of an object or
behind a vehicle for a brief second Hustle: Choose an ability slot: A, B, or C. The
and once the character following ability in the chosen slot gains “On Contact- if
passes it you may choose to either you miss, your Target gains 5 Momentum” and
stay in the location out of sight, in “On Dodge- If you miss, your target gains +1
which your pursuer gets to roll their Power Level until the end of your next turn.”
Wits against your Focus to track you If your opponent does not use the ability in
down, or to immediately travel to a this slot, choose another ability slot to apply
location of your choice of a distance Hustle to. This function lasts a number of
equal to your Power Level away, with turns equal to your Power Level. Using Hustle
zones starting at PL 1 and regions at on the same target resets this timer.
PL 5.
Social: You may roll Agility against
Forge: You may reshape an interactable into a Target’s Focus to cause them to
a weapon and add your Power Level to the lose track of a resource of your
new weapon’s DR. The new weapon retains choice. You may produce a similar-
any functions attached to it and gains any looking resource and pass it off as
functions of this associated ability. Forge may the genuine article instead. Upon
be picked twice. If you do, you may change an success, your target fully believes the
interactable into any type of your choosing. duplicate to be real for a number of
scenes equal to your Power Level.
Social: You may take any written,
electronic, or magical communication Hybridize: You may take a number of
and make an exact duplicate of interactables with a total DR equal to your
it. Characters interacting with the Intuition + Power Level and combine them
duplicate must beat a DR equal to together, adding their DR together and any
your Wits + Power Level or believe the functions they have into a new interactable
copy to be genuine. with a type of your choice.

Adventure: You may combine

Heal: Grant a bonus to an ally’s Recovery two projects together so that they
check or a First Aid check you make equal progress and resolve simultaneously,
to your Might or Intuition. Regardless of the both benefiting from the best
roll, the target immediately Rises Up as long bonuses of all collaborators.
as they are not currently Dying. If you pick
Intuition, this special Advantage is a separate
addition of your Intuition value. Heal may be Infuse: Your target gains a number of Charges
picked twice. If you do, targets that are dead equal to the amount of successes rolled that
can be brought back to life with this function. they may use for any of their bank abilities.

Adventure: You may lend your power attitudes, etc. You utilize the best or
to an interactable, granting it a bonus worst modifiers at your discretion,
to its Power Level equal to your own and each of you benefit from the
until the end of the scene. same collective modifiers.

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
Meld: You may absorb an object, summoned Mirror: You reverse the On Contact and
creature, or interactable into your body, On Dodge options of yours or your target’s
adding its DR to a stat of your choice for a functions. Mirror may be picked twice- If
number of turns equal to your Power Level. you do, you may also swap Ignite and
Meld may be picked twice. If you do, you may Botch effects on you and your target at your
permanently absorb targets with a combined discretion.
DR (or Power Level for Stooge groups and
named characters) no greater than your
Power Level or temporarily absorb anything Social: You may match your target’s
up to your Size for a number of turns equal speech and behavioral pattern by
to your Power Level. Characters willingly rolling Wits + Power Level against
absorbed by meld may lend you their abilities your Target’s Reach. Upon success,
to use as if they were on your character sheet you say or do just the right thing,
and extend the duration of the absorption to flipping your target’s attitude
one scene. Unwilling subjects deal Attrition towards you to the opposite of the
equal to your Power Level per turn until you spectrum. Characters with negative
are knocked Out. If you are knocked Out, Meld attitudes towards you will have their
ends and all targets are expelled one zone attitude changed to the equivalent
away from your body without harm. positive tier for a number of scenes
equal to your Power Level. If the
character already has a positive
Social: You and a number of allies attitude towards you, they instead
equal to your PL can count as increase their attitude by one tier
one individual for the purposes of permanently. Alternatively, you may
determining your reputation, Hold,

do this to antagonize your target, Paralyze: Your target may not use movement-
reversing the effect to cause them related functions or attempt any other form of
to flip from positive to negative and movement on their own.
increasing pre-existing negative
attitudes by one tier permanently. Adventure: You may cause target
character to give up on their plans and
Optimize: Choose an ability from either yours cease any travel from their current
or an ally’s ability slot: A, B, or C. The ability location completely for a number
in the chosen slot gives its user Power Level of scenes equal to your Power Level
1 and Botch 1 each time it’s used. If the user by rolling your Might against their
would miss an attack with the chosen ability Intuition. While under the effect of
after gaining Botch 3, the user and their target this function, they focus only on the
gain Attrition equal to the user’s Power Level most basic needs of survival and self-
and are both pushed one zone away from defense, traveling only far enough to
each other. After both characters have moved, procure necessities and immediately
remove Optimize from the target’s ability. returning to the location they were in
when originally affected by Paralyze.
Adventure: You may cause the end
result of a project you are involved Phasing: You may treat yourself or another
in to count as one tier higher for target as Spectral until the beginning of your
purposes of determining your choice next turn.
of Area of Effect, Value, or Usage
Social: You may cause a target
Outflank: You may Downshift or Upshift a location with a Size equal to your
target opponent a number of ranks equal Power Level (zones start at PL 1 and
to your Power Level. This may be done as regions at PL 5) to adopt or remove an
an interrupt. If your target is Cornered or interest of your choice with a value up
Overextended, they may not receive any to your Wits.
beneficial effects from their allies until the
end of your next turn. Pincer: You may swap Initiative Ranks with
target ally before attacking. If Downshifted, the
Adventure: You may maneuver a character may add their Initiative Rank (count
group of characters with a number down) to their DR this turn, and if Upshifted,
of members equal to or less than the character can add their Initiative Rank
your Agility (Stooge Groups count (count up) to their Power Level until the end of
as 1 character regardless of scale) to your next turn.
cause another group of characters
to gain Botch 1 on all actions against Adventure: You may coordinate
interactables, global effects, and two groups of characters each with
movement abilities once combat a number of members equal to or
starts. If you negotiate with a group less than your Focus (Stooge groups
you Outflank, you gain Ignite 1 on all count as 1 regardless of scale) around
Social abilities that target the group’s another group of characters with a
leader. number of members equal to or less
than the total of your two groups.
Overload: You may choose to forgo attacking If you do, you gain Ignite 1 in any
to roll your Intuition or Focus and bank any negotiations that happen, and all of
successes rolled. You may spend them at any your allies gain Ignite 1 to all actions
time to gain bonus Momentum at a 1 to 1 rate. for the first turn of any combat that
occurs with the Pincered group.
Adventure: You may target a
spectacular or mundane interactable Prepare: You may pay 5 Momentum to allow
and cause it to cease operating for your next interrupt ability to be used without
a number of scenes equal to your paying its Momentum cost. Charges may be
Power Level by rolling your Might + used in place of Momentum at a rate of 1
Power Level against its DR. Momentum per Charge spent. Additionally,
your next interrupt may not be interrupted and

gains Ignite 1. Effects triggered by spending occupied when targeted by this
additional Momentum must be paid for as ability. If you start your turn in this
normal. Prepare may be chosen twice. If you zone, you may reactivate this ability.
do, you may ready a number of interrupts on Natural Range: You may Downshift
your turn equal to your Power Level. You may yourself to gain a bonus success

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
only use one interrupt per action per round, to your next attack. On your new
but each interrupt you prepare in this way initiative, you may repeat this to gain
gains an additional Ignite 1 for each interrupt an additional bonus success. You may
prepared before it. do this a number of times equal to
Adventure: You can negate some your Focus. At any time after your first
of the requirements for undertaking Downshift, you may immediately use
a project, making it quicker by one this ability to add all currently saved
tier, and adding your Power Level as bonuses to your attack as an interrupt
additional resources for purposes without paying the cost.
of fulfilling the DR requirements Ranged may be chosen twice.
associated with its completion. You Choosing Ranged a second time
may only use this function once per upgrades this function into Long
project, but multiple characters using Ranged and allows you to attack
abilities with this function attached anything within line of sight with GM
add their results to your own. If the approval. Ranged attacks hit flying
time required is reduced to 0 and the opponents as normal.
DR is met via use of this function, the Social: You may use any of your
project completes at the beginning of social effects on targets a distance
the next scene. away equal to or less than your Power
Level, with zones starting at PL 1 and
Profile: You may forgo dealing damage to regions at PL 5
bank successes rolled as Charges this turn.
Each Charge spent gives you 1 Momentum. Refraction: You are considered one zone
Adventure: When you investigate any farther away for your opponent’s effects that
subterfuge action, name a number target you and one zone closer for your allies
of characters equal to your Power and your own. Refraction may be picked
Level and roll Intuition against the twice. If you do, you and all allies a number
Wits of each character (use the same of zones away from you equal to your Power
result for all). For every character you Level are treated as being one zone closer to
beat, the GM must tell you if they are each other and one zone further away from
involved with the action or not. If a your opponents for all purposes.
character is involved, The GM must
also give you the DR to uncover the Adventure: You and a number of
secret of their involvement as well. targets equal to your Power Level
become immune to all outside
Ranged: You may attack from 1 zone away expenditures of Hope or Doom for
from your target. Additionally, choose one of an amount of scenes equal to your
the following: Agility.
Ranged Shot: You may Spend 5 Reveling: You gain Momentum equal to your
Momentum to increase the number target’s current Attrition. Reveling may be
of zones away you may target from by picked twice. If you do so, all allies in range
your Power Level. On Contact- If you gain an equal amount of Momentum as well.
Momentum shifted your opponent
this round, you gain Ignite 1 on this
attack. Social: You may expose a target
character’s secret and gain resources
Ranged Toss: You may increase or become an interest with a value
the number of zones away you may equal to the secret’s DR to all
target from by your Power Level characters witnessing it. The exposed
for 5 Momentum. You may disable character’s attitude towards you
this ability to gain the following: immediately drops down by an equal
“On Contact- Your attack hits with amount.
increased force. Your opponent must
spend 5 Momentum or gain Attrition
equal to your Might. Additionally,

mark the zone your opponent
Sacrificial: You may gain 5 Attrition to gain Level. If the character targeted by Summon
5 Momentum to use before rolling for your refuses this function, it immediately fails
action. This may be repeated a number of unless you succeed at an attack roll against
times up to your Endurance. the character’s Intuition using your Wits.
Characters summoned in this manner do not
Social: You may immediately choose need to follow your orders and may choose to
to take a negative consequence attack you instead. If a character targeted by
intended for another character on a Summon dies or is Taken Out, they instead
yourself instead whenever target immediately return to their original location
character is affected by a harmful and recover to whatever state they were in
effect until the end of the scene. before the Summoning occurred.

Serpentine: Social: You may create a contract,

oath, or other other binding
Pick one: agreement with a character by
providing resources with a total Value
• You and your allies in your zone’s equal to their Reach + Power Level.
abilities with On Dodge gain Ignite If they accept, they gain a Subplot
1 against your target. related to the terms of your contract.
On Contact- Your target must pay While under contract, the character
5 Momentum or lose their next is always treated as “agreeing” to
action at the beginning of each of the use of the combat clause for
your and your allies’ turns. This Summon.
effect ends if they dodge or run
out of Momentum. Support: Self-targeting functions or functions
• You and your allies’ abilities with that would normally do damage may also
On Contact gain Ignite 1 against target allies. If you choose a damaging
your target until the beginning of function, you may choose to make it harmless
your next turn. while using this ability. You may spend 10
On Dodge- You and your allies Momentum to target all allies in range.
gain Momentum equal to your
Power Level at the beginning of Social: You may roll Intuition + Power
your next turn. This effect ends if Level against a target character’s
your target blocks. Reach + Power Level to spend a scene
Serpentine may be picked twice. If talking with them to allow them to
you do, gain both effects, but you resolve any of their issues without
must pick which to use each time this consequence. If you do so, the issue
function’s ability is used. is treated as completed and your
Social: You may roll Agility against team gains 1 Hope as normal for
a target character’s Focus to trick a resolving a Goal.
character into revealing a secret to
you. If you sing, dance, or quickly Sustain: You may spend 5 Momentum to
manipulate an interactable, you gain increase the duration of yours or an ally’s
Ignite 1 for this check. effect by a number of turns equal to your Wits
or Might.
Summon: Make a group of Stooges with Adventure: You may keep a number
Power Level equal to your Wits appear up to of target characters, interactables, or
this ability’s maximum range. Stooges created vehicles Up/Operationable by rolling
with Summon attack using any functions your Endurance + Focus + Power
paired with this ability. Stooges summoned Level against the current Attrition
with this ability stay in play a number of turns suffered by all of your targets, taking
equal to your Power Level. Summon may be on any amount of Attrition you wish
picked twice. If you do so, you may teleport before rolling. Upon success, your
a character you know into the scene. The targets become protected against
summoned character acts on your turn and any interactables, global effects,
follows your orders to the best of their ability and adventure or social effects that
for a number of turns equal to your Power would prevent them from moving

or otherwise acting normally. If you these benefits for your Power Level in turns
absorb more Attrition than your alongside one of the following penalties:
Critical Value, you are immediately You gain an elemental weakness, You may
Taken Out and cannot Rise Up until no longer dash or benefit from movement
you are given enough First Aid to functions, You no longer gain Momentum, You

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
clear all of the Attrition accrued. gain Attrition equal to your Power Level until
Unleash ends.
Swift: You may shift upward one spot in the
initiative order, acting in your new spot on Adventure: You may immediately
your next turn. You may pick this function free target character from any
twice gaining the following: You may spend 10 Adventure or Social effect that they
Momentum to cause opponents that attack may be suffering from. If the effect
you to suffer a downward initiative shift, does not have a DR listed, use the
trading places with you if they were above you user’s Might + Power Level.
in the order and moving down one position if
you acted before them. Wall: Create a transition barrier equal to
your (stat of your choice)+Power Level with
Adventure: You may roll your Agility a bypass of Flying or Spectral. Successes
against a DR equal to the Size + rolled against the Wall stay as Attrition. When
distance away from your current the Wall gains enough Attrition to exceed
location (zones start at PL 1 and its DR, it is destroyed. If you are in the same
regions at PL 5) to start the next scene zone as the wall when it is created, you
in that location. If you do, you are may choose to violently expel a number of
unaffected by any effects, events, or targets equal to your Power Level from the
obstacles while traveling until you zone containing the wall. Targets may roll to
stop moving. resist being pushed out by rolling versus the
Wall’s DR. Targets expelled in this manner are
pushed to an adjacent zone of your choice.
Synchronize: for a number of turns equal to The wall lasts for a number of turns equal to
your Power Level, whenever your target gains your Power Level or until broken. You may
Momentum or Attrition, you gain an equal only have one instance of Wall up at a time.
amount. Wall may be picked twice. If you do so, Wall
will destroy a number of entities created by
Adventure: For one scene, you and the Summon or Deploy functions equal to
target character may link each other’s your Power Level that fail to pass the barrier.
projects together, gaining successes Additionally, If Wall is picked twice, you may
towards completion when the other extend the Wall to a number of zones equal to
does at the cost of sharing the your Power Level.
completion time of the longer of the
two projects and increasing the DR to Social: You are treated as a
the more difficult of the two projects. spectacular barrier with a DR equal
to your Focus + Intuition + Power
Level for target character and block
Unburden: For 2 Momentum per 1 point all contact from characters who your
transferred, you may move Attrition from an target has not specifically invited
ally to yourself. to speak with them. Your target is
considered to be out of range for all
Social: You may take on another purposes regarding combat, social,
character’s issue or Goal as a subplot and adventure effects from anyone
of your own, gaining a + 4 bonus else and these effects immediately
towards all social rolls with them if target you instead until the end of the
you complete the objective. scene.

Unleash: Pick 2: Gain +2 in two stats of your Warp: Your target’s functions and other
choice, gain Ignite 1 on all attacks, opponents effects that convey bonuses to attacks or
gain Botch 1 on all attacks that target only Power Level give their targets equal bonuses
you, or you may spend 5 Momentum to in DR instead, and effects that give your target
ignore any effect that targets you, though DR give their attackers an equal bonuses to
you still take damage as normal. You keep Power Level instead. Any effects that would
cause your target to gain Charges give allies

of your choice in the same zone an equal off your favor for a number of scenes
amount of Momentum instead. equal to your Power Level. Afterwards,
they will return to attempting to
Social: By rolling Wits against your achieve the Goal you’ve set for them.
target’s Intuition, you may corrupt
a character’s persona so that their Bog: You may target a zone instead of an
social actions always result in opponent to cause opponents traveling
their target’s attitude becoming through the zone to require 2 points of
increasingly negative. All successes movement to travel through it. If you choose
rolled by your target cause characters to target an opponent, they are Downshifted
they interact with to balk at their once for each zone they move.
words and gestures, resulting in
successful checks to move them up
one tier towards negative attitude. Adventure: You may delay any
Stooges and other characters under project, interactable trigger, or stage
their control misunderstand orders of the Grand Design by one time
and will do the opposite of what your tier. Unlike most Adventure effects,
target wishes until the end of the this may be used in combat for the
scene. purpose of slowing down traps set by
your opponents, moving their triggers
Movement up by 1 round. If the target would take
one arc or longer, then it becomes
Ambush: You may Upshift your target by impossible.
the amount of zones they moved this turn. If
you use this as an interrupt and Overextend Catapult: You may add the distance you
your target, you may ignore the cost and gain moved as a special bonus to your attack this
Ignite 1. turn.

Adventure: You may roll Agility + Adventure: Interactables you control

Power Level to give a number of may launch anything smaller than
allies equal to your Power Level themselves, adding the interactable’s
visual cover with a DR equal to the DR or Value to rolls involving
successes you rolled. Any characters destroying any walls, buildings, or
that fails to beat the DR cannot other stationary structures of Size 2
perceive them until the end of the and above.
scene. If you or any of your allies
move to a different zone or attack, the Close: Targets affected by this function may
effect ends immediately. not move away from you unless they choose
to dash. If they do, they may only move one
Bind: Your target may not benefit from effects zone and do not gain the benefit of effects that
that create interactables or instantaneous trigger upon moving away from an opponent.
movement. If another effect limits your target to a single
zone of movement, they may not move this
Social: You may create a new Goal turn and are Cornered until the end of your
for a willing target character. This next turn.
Goal must take the form of a contract,
oath, or agreement that ties the Social: You may gain the trust of a
target to do one favor of value equal character with at least neutral attitude
to your Power Level. While under towards you by spending a scene
the effect of Bind, your target will do socializing with them. Roll your Wits
anything in their power that doesn’t ag against their Intuition. You may
directly endanger their life until they uncover the location of any resources
have met the terms set by Bind. with a total Value equal to the amount
However, this function is not mind of successes rolled or a number of
control, and if you ask for a favor that secrets or Goals equal to the amount
directly conflicts with the target’s of successes rolled.
interest, they may choose to resist
your influence without rolling and put

Drafting: If your opponent has moved before Social: You may roll your Wits +
you this turn, you may add the number of Reach against a target character’s
zones they moved as a bonus to your own Might + Reach to convince the
movement as long as you move towards members of a Key Location to bar
them. As an interrupt, you may follow behind your target from association with

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
your target, moving an equal number of zones them upon success.
as your target until they stop moving.
Fleet: Your movement increases by 1 zone,
Social: You may pay 1 Hope in allowing you to travel 2 zones normally and
exchange for 1 Value worth of 3 while dashing. Fleet may be picked twice.
resources whenever you make an If you do, you may increase the distance you
attempt to do Headhunting. may move by 1 per 5 Momentum you spend.

Drifting: Instead of attacking, you may Adventure: You may increase the
move at least 1 zone to roll Agility and bank speed by a number of targets equal
successes rolled. For each point of movement to your Power Level by one stage. If
left over when you stop, add 1 bonus success this would push speed beyond Tier 4,
to your roll. You may spend these bonus you may teleport instantaneously to
successes on your next attack or add to your target location a distance away that
DR until the end of the turn, adding +1 for the character or vehicle would have
each bonus success generated. normally been able to travel in one
Social: Whenever you enter a new
district, you become a person of Gate: For a number of turns equal to your
interest to all Key Figures you come Power Level, you bar all movement into and
across for a number of scenes equal out of target zone except for a single path
to your Power Level. Characters you between target zone and one other zone
interact with in this way gain a need: of your choice. This is considered a forced
Learn “your deal” and will act to try movement effect for all purposes. Gate may
to figure you out, gain your services, be picked twice. If you do so, you may extend
or attack you on sight based on their Gate a number of zones equal to your Power
attitude towards you upon meeting Level, choosing a new target point of entry for
you. each zone affected.

Exasperate: You may forgo dealing damage Adventure: You may apply the
to bank successes. Each Charge spent combat function of Gate to instead
increases the target’s cost to move by 1 link target zone to another location
Momentum. of your choice a number of regions
away equal to your Power Level.
Social: At the end of a scene spent Characters that step through the
speaking with a target character, you Gate are immediately transported
may roll Might against the target’s to the location of their choice within
Endurance to cause their attitude the region you selected. You may
towards you to move one step closer see where they end up by peering
to hostile and gain Botch 1 on all through the Gate yourself. The gate
social rolls for a number of scenes lasts until the end of the scene and
equal to your Power Level. may be used to walk back and forth
through either end until it closes.
Exile: You may instantaneously move your Harry: All opponents in the target zone treat
target to a zone of your choice up to your movement as if blocked by a transition DR
Power Level away from you and may prevent equal to your Power Level. This check may be
your target from moving away from the zone repeated until successful, Downshifting the
of your choice until the end of your next turn. target for each successive attempt made.
Your target does not trigger any hazards upon
moving into the zone and does not count as Adventure: You may cause a number
having moved for purposes of effects that of target characters equal to your
track movement. Power Level to be unable to start or
complete any projects for a number

of scenes equal to your Agility. At
the beginning of each new scene, while remaining in the same area for
your targets may roll Focus against a number of scenes equal to PL.
a DR equal to your Agility + Power Kiting: When you move this turn, you may
Level to break free from this effect, Upshift a number of targets up to your
immediately ending it for that Power Level that move into your zone. If you
character. Overextend a target, you and all of your allies
gain Ignite 1 against that target until the end
Hyper: You may attack while dashing, and if of your next turn.
you do, you may spend Momentum as Hope
for the purposes of Pushing dice for this Adventure: You may spend a
action until the end of your turn. scene flying kites, hang gliding, or
playing with various toys like paper
Adventure: You may take on a lanterns to restore 1 Hope. Yeah, not
number of projects equal to your everything has to be about social
Power Level, allowing one roll for manipulation and death-defying
each until the end of the scene. stunts, ok?
However, doing so requires great
concentration and while using this Launch: You may treat yourself or your target
function you are unable to pull as if flying until the beginning of your next
yourself away from your work and turn. If you choose to Launch an opponent,
any attacks directed at you are they take Attrition equal to your Might at the
considered surprise attacks. If you beginning of your next turn. Launch may
decide to keep working, you may be picked twice. If you do, you may spend
continue to apply Hyper, juggling 5 Momentum to target yourself and an
self-defense and productivity opponent. Additionally, If Launch is picked
simultaneously until you are Taken twice you may continue flying for a number of
Out or combat ends. rounds equal to your Power Level.

Jaunt: You may move one zone to Upshift Social: You may back any projects
yourself. You leave a copy of yourself in your initiated by a target of your choice,
former zone. Opponents that wish to target automatically covering a cost with a
you must pay 5 Momentum or target the copy. Value equal to your Power Level to be
put towards the project. Any left over
Adventure: You may appear in two cost must be covered as normal.
locations at once separated by a Pinned - On Contact: Target must roll a
maximum distance equal to your Might check (DR equal to your Power Level) or
Power Level, with a range of a zone may not attack this round. On Dodge- Target
starting at PL 1 and a region at PL 5. must roll an Agility check (DR equal to your
While using Jaunt, your concentration Power Level) or may not move this round.
is strained and you gain Botch 1 for This function may be picked twice. If you do,
all actions until the end of the scene, you may spend 10 Momentum to force your
even if you cancel Jaunt early. Once opponent to roll both checks this round.
Jaunt ends, you may decide where
you remain after your duplicate Social: You may create a Red Herring
disappears and resume play from pointing towards target character of
there. your choice. The DR for uncovering
this Red Herring is equal to your Wits
Juke: If you have moved this turn, your target + Power Level. Once uncovered, this
gains Botch 1 until the end of your next turn. Red Herring does not reveal your
You may use this as an interrupt to move 1 identity or count as a connection for
zone and gain Ignite 1 until the end of your revealing any secrets you are involved
next turn in addition to your target gaining with until an amount of Hope or
Botch 1. Doom equal to your Power Level is
spent first.
Adventure: You may roll Agility
against the Focus of all chasing you Propel: Forcefully move opponents out of
to become undetectable to pursuers their current zone and away from the source

of Propel. Propel can be chosen twice. Each extended action to increase the number of
time you do, you may spend 10 Momentum zones moved upon release. These extra zones
to move every opponent within reach, OR may be split between any interactables you
you may spend 5 Momentum to knock your rebound off of in any order you choose.
opponent prone. Opponents made prone by

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
this function must pay 5 Momentum to get up Social: Whenever you reduce your
or lose their action for the round. relationship with a character below
Friendly, you may spend 1 Hope to
Adventure: You may cause a number gain a bonus equal to your Power
of characters equal to your Power Level to any social checks you make
Level to continue to persevere towards anyone but the character
through any condition, granting them that triggered Rebounding for the
a bonus to all rolls and DR dealing remainder of the session.
with interactables, social effects,
and adventure effects equal to your Remote: You may move an interactable or
Power Level until the end of the an object made with the Deploy function a
scene. However, doing so is draining. number of zones equal to your Might + Power
Bank all successes rolled and all DR Level. Objects you do not share a zone with
gained and gain that much Attrition count their current range from you against the
at the end of the scene. If this Attrition total amount of zones you may move them.
would exceed your Critical Value, Objects that are bigger than you cannot be
you are Taken Out and cannot Rise moved with Remote. Remote may be picked
Up until enough First Aid is applied twice. If you do, remove the size restriction on
to you to clear all of the Attrition Remote, and you may also move a number of
accrued. objects and characters equal to your Power
Pull: Move targets one zone closer to the
source of Pull from up to one zone away. Adventure: You may operate any
Additionally, opponents targeted by Pull owned interactable or resource, or
become Downshifted on hit. Pull can be make vehicles travel to a location on
chosen twice. Each time you do, you may their own from a number of areas
spend 10 Momentum to pull every opponent away equal to your Power Level with
within reach, OR you may spend 5 Momentum a range of a zone starting at PL 1 and
to knock your opponent prone. Opponents a region at PL 5.
made prone by this function must pay 5
Momentum to get up or lose their action for
the round. Root: You are immune to effects that push or
pull you.
Social: You may lend your influence
to a character or event to draw as Social: You may gain Hold in a Key
much attention to it as possible, Location. For each scene you are
causing it to become an interest to all within the Key Location and use Root
characters within an area with a Size in this way, you may gain 1 point of
equal to your Power Level, with area Hold. Upon leaving the Key Location,
sizes starting at a zone at PL 1 and you may maintain Root’s effect for
ending at a region at PL 5. The value a number of scenes equal to your
of this interest is equal to your Might. Power Level.
Characters that interact with your
target from the location treat you as Slick: Your target gains +1 to their maximum
having gained an amount of Hold movement, but must move the full amount
equal to Might + Power Level. of zones on their next action. This does not
force them to dash, and your target may
still otherwise act normally. As an interrupt,
Rebounding: Hitting an interactable while you may force your opponent to move this
moving forces you to move 1 zone away additional distance. If an effect would prevent
from the interactable. If you land in a zone your target from moving the full distance,
with another interactable, you may continue your opponent gains Botch 1 until the end of
this movement. You may continue moving your next turn.
in this manner a number of times up to your
Endurance. You may bank Charges as an

Social: Until the end of the scene, or increase the time tier to complete
you gain Ignite 1 whenever you try their current task by one scene each
to use charm or deceit to negotiate time they roll for a number of scenes
the cost of a project or purchase of a equal to your Might.
Spring: Pick either Agility or Wits. As an
Sliding: You may move towards a zone extended action, you may roll this stat and
with a hazard to intentionally trigger it as an bank successes rolled. Upon Release, every
interrupt. If you are Cornered and succeed 2 Charges adds +1 to your movement for this
at this check, your target is affected instead. turn.
If you are not Cornered or you fail the check,
you do not trigger the hazard upon moving Adventure: You may create a secret
into the zone. You may spend 5 momentum around a target resource or character
to intentionally trigger the interactable even with an initial DR equal to your Power
if you’re not cornered. If you do so, you are Level. At the beginning of each scene,
affected by the interactable if you fail the roll. if the secret has not been unveiled,
you may add +1 to the DR of this
Adventure: Until the end of the secret. At any point, you may unveil
scene,you may consider yourself and the secret to add an amount of bonus
a number of characters up to your successes to any social rolls made
Power Level as 1 speed higher when equal to the secret’s DR until the end
traveling in regions known for their of the scene.
mountains, icy terrain, oil fields, or
other slippery surfaces. Use a Spout Substitute: You may change places with
Exposition to define such areas. an interactable or opponent in range of
this function’s ability. Substitute may be
Snare: Affected opponents treat all picked twice. If you do, your movement is
movement as if blocked by a transition DR instantaneous and does not trigger any effects
equal to Might, Agility, or Wits. that track your movement this turn.

Adventure: You may create a Social: Impersonate a target and

blockade in target Key Location, gain their Reach within their area of
preventing all movement into or influence for all purposes until the
out of the Key Location unless an end of the scene. If you manage to
affected creature beats a DR equal prevent your target from appearing
to your Might + Power Level. The in the same location as you for
blockade stays intact permanently the duration of this scene, you are
until destroyed and functions as immune to discovery as your disguise
a mundane wall with a shape of is utterly perfect to even their closest
your choice. Upon creating the loved ones. If you become subject
blockade, you may assign a number to a line of questioning that would
of characters up to your Power Level reveal your identity as a result of
that are immune from Snare’s effect careless statements or the GM using a
and you may reassign your choices by Harbinger, characters interacting with
touching the blockade, immediately you may roll their Wits against your
rejecting any who do not remain Intuition + Power Level to uncover
on your list. Rejected characters your deception.
are harmlessly expelled into the
nearest zone and may act normally Tether: You may target an ally, object, or
afterwards. enemy with this ability. On Contact- When
your target moves, you move an equal
Sprain: Movement causes your opponent to amount of zones.
gain Attrition equal to your Might.
Adventure: You may create a
Adventure: You may cause target connection with another character
character to pay an amount of that causes them to be unable to
successes equal to your Power Level leave an area you choose of a Size
equal to your Power Level, with size

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
starting at a zone for PL 1 and ending Vacuum: You may cause target gap to pull all
at region for PL 5. Also you know the characters 1 zone closer to the gap from an
character’s well-being at any given amount of zones away equal to your Power
time. If your target is Taken Out or Level. This is a forced movement effect.
killed, the effect ends immediately
and you gain Attrition equal to your Social: You may roll Might + Power
target’s Endurance + Power Level. If Level against a target’s Endurance.
your current Attrition would exceed If you succeed, your target is
your Critical Value, this causes you to considered to be alone for all intents
be Taken Out as well, preventing you and purposes for a number of scenes
from Rising Up until enough First Aid equal to your Power Level, even if
has been applied to clear all Attrition they are in a group.
from you.

Julio already has a pretty good idea of who he is, • Use an ability for an unique stunt (i.e.
something you haven’t done before) in
now he needs to determine what it is he does. To combat and succeed.
showcase these effects, Julio picks the following
abilities, with the attached functions: • Pick a function related to that stunt and run
it by the GM. If they OK it, add that function’s
effect to your attack.
• Brawl: Push, Hyper • Write a cool name for your new trick
• Evocation: Wild, Element: Lightning underneath the ability used for the stunt,
• Friendship: Summon, Confuse alongside the function you picked.

We’ll start with the first and simplest, Brawl. Using Tricks
This ability basically covers the act of bare-fisted When creating a trick for the first time, it’s free.
brawling that is found more commonly in street
and bar fights rather than in any kind of school • Following uses receive Botch 1, as if you
of martial arts. Any time Julio decides he wants were using an untrained task. You may
to punch, kick, or bite or swing a chair, he could ignore this application of Botch by spending
use his Brawl ability, and either or both of the 5 Momentum to concentrate on your action
functions tied to it. beforehand to use the trick perfectly.
Julio also has close ties to magic, specifically
• Tricks are essentially extensions of your core
abilities that you either haven’t gotten down
the element of lightning. This is represented perfectly yet or that take a considerable
by his second ability, Evocation. He focuses on amount of effort for you to do. That said,
launching elemental blasts and boosting his when you do use them, they are always
own physical capacity with his innate wild and added on to your core ability. For example,
electric style of magic. a sniper may have an ability describing
Finally, Julio is a people person. He likes friends how they shoot with the functions Range
and drinking, and would rather get drunk and and Bolster. If they decide to shoot through
party than fight. Because of this, his final ability their target’s cover, the attack would now
is Friendship, giving him the power to try and have Range, Bolster, and Penetrating. The
use his charismatic nature to befriend and trick would just be listed as “Name Of Trick:
befuddle foes, as well as call allies to his aid. Penetrating. Momentum 5 .“
With the Summon function tied to it, he can use • Forgetting a Trick: You can only keep
his ability to call friends he has made that will track of so much! Some people like to boast
happily fight for him in battle as Stooges. During that they’ve “Forgotten more than you’ve
a fight, Julio can try to confuse his foes by ever learned”. In the case of your character,
either attempting to convince them to join “the that might just be true. If you have 4 tricks
winning team,” or simply by encouraging them assigned to an ability and would learn a 5th,
to stop fighting and help out their hurt friends you must erase one and replace it with the
instead. new trick or “go back to the drawing board”
and disregard the new trick as not worth
remembering. Either way, mark a Key for the
Tricks and Momentum
You picked some functions, made some EXAMPLE: PUTTING IT ALL
abilities, put a guy through a wall with your TOGETHER
sonic cannonball launcher, and you’re thinking,
“What next? Can I shoot another cannonball In the back of the yellow pages that nobody uses,
into the bar and make all of the bottles vibrate or perhaps a business card found in a particularly
until they explode and spray shrapnel at the seedy bar, one in need might come across the services
group of Stooges hiding behind it?” Yeah, totally! of Eudora Hex, a “consultant and troubleshooter in
Just remember to also set the alcohol on fire matters occult and supernatural.” Hex is, of course,
afterwards, we’re going for max style points here. not her real name, just one that Aster always
Tricks are how to reward players for doing just liked. However, nobody needs to know that. Her
that. Making a trick works similar to creating transformation from “that mean goth nerd at the
another ability. In fact, they are extensions of your back of the class in nursing school” to “badass
pre-existing abilities! bullseye monster-hunting markswoman” came as
a result of her beloved older sister stumbling upon

an occult tome in the local college library and • Standout Feature: Soul Link (Aster’s
accidentally summoning a hideous monster, leaving locket)
Aster (mostly) dead and Eudora both (entirely) Eudora’s job is, of course, Monster Hunter. In the
traumatized and determined that no-one should gig economy, this is as viable a career option

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
suffer the way her family did. If the scratching at as driving for a rideshare or delivering pizzas,
your third-storey window has begun to whisper your after all. For her tasks, she chooses Research (to
name, if something is walking around in your best bone up on history and lore to learn a monster’s
friend’s skin pretending to be him, if the trail of dead weakness and hunting grounds), Scrounging
neighborhood animals leads to the house at the end (to get ahold of esoteric or rare materials to
of the creepy cul-de-sac… you might need the help of better hunt down monsters), and First Aid (to
Eudora Hex. reflect her education as a nursing student, and
• Concept: Monster hunter with the soul of because her monster hunting often leaves her
her dead sister riding shotgun in a locket at risk of injury). For her Speciality, she chooses
she wears around her neck. Handloading. After all, what better way to take
• Name: Eudora Hex down a monster than with a custom-made
• Goals: bullet?
• Main: Find out who put the
blasphemous spellbook Dei
• Job/Speciality: Monster Hunter //
Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis in the • Research
nonfiction section of the local college • Scrounging
library. • First Aid
• Second: Use her monster hunting Monster hunting is what Eudora does, and her
money to pay for med school. abilities are how she does it. Her sharpshooting
• Third: Find a way to break Aster’s ability allows her to keep distance between
curse and let her spirit rest. herself and whatever monsters she is currently
• Base Stats: hunting, and her two functions (Bushwhacking
and Disengaging) allow her to lay in wait and
• Might: 3 make a quick escape after a carefully lined-up
• Endurance: 2 shot. After all, not even Dracula is gangsta
• Agility: 4 after a .50 at center mass! Her second ability,
• Focus: 3 Monster Lore, reflects her experience and
• Wits: 2 research hunting monsters: Expose allows her
• Intuition: 3 to exploit the weaknesses she’s researched, and
• Secondary Stats: Banish helps her take down those pesky ghosts
• Power Level: +2 with a blessed bullet. Finally, her last ability
represents her sister Aster’s help in the form of a
• Critical: 7 ghostly curse against her enemies and a near-
• Reversal: 9 supernatural ability to camouflage herself to set
• Attrition: - up those sharpshooting shots.
• Momentum: -
Eudora looks over the list of quirks and decides
• Abilities:
on the ones that best represent her. She chooses Sharpshooting: Bushwhacking, Disengaging
Keen Eye to reflect the highly analytical and Monster Lore: Expose, Banish
research-based approach she takes to monster Aster: Curse, Camouflage.
hunting, Mockingjay to reflect her habit of
snarky quips as a fairly stereotypical “mean goth
nerd,” and Spectral to reflect the advantage the
assistance her ghostly sibling offers her. For her
Standout Feature, Eudora selects Soul Link and
asks her GM if instead of a weapon, she could
have it trigger on Aster’s silver locket: so long
as she has her sister watching her back, she is
absurdly difficult to kill.
• Quirks:
• Spectral
• Keen Eye
• Mockingjay

To use these tables, just roll on the left side for the prefix of your
ability name and on the right side for the suffix. For example a
weapon that rolls 22 on the left side and 55 on the right of the
weapon table is called a “Crimson Shotgun”. Roll on any of the
provided tables until you come up with an ability name that you
like. When you’re done, see the tables in the next section to quickly
generate functions for your new powers!

d66 Part 1 d66 Part 2
11 Armor Piercing 11 Axe
12 Astral 12 Blade
13 Black Hole 13 Buster Sword
14 Blast 14 Cane Sword
15 Blood 15 Cannon
16 Burning 16 Caster
21 Cosmic 21 Claws
22 Crimson 22 Club
23 Dimensional 23 Crossbow
24 Divine 24 Dagger
25 Dragon 25 Derringer
26 Eagle 26 Flintlock
31 Electromagnetic 31 Gauntlets
32 Explosive 32 Glaive
33 Fortune 33 Grenades
34 God 34 Hammer
35 Gravity 35 Katana
36 Hypersonic 36 Knuckle
41 Ice 41 Leaf
42 Infernal 42 Longbow
43 Laser 43 Longsword
44 Light 44 Pistol
45 Magnetic 45 Rifle
46 Multifunction 46 Ring Blades
51 Plasma 51 Ripper
52 Portal 52 Rod
53 Pulse 53 Scythe
54 Rocket 54 Short Sword
55 Shadow 55 Shotgun
56 Sniper 56 Shuriken
61 Sonic 61 Sickle
62 Soul 62 Slingshot
63 Spark 63 Spear
64 Supernova 64 Staff
65 Tiger 65 Whip
66 Water 66 Whip Sword


C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
d66 Part 1 d66 Part 2
11 Astral 11 Arts
12 Celestial 12 Blade
13 Computational 13 Boxing
14 Crane 14 Breathing
15 Crimson 15 Claw
16 Diamond 16 Combat
21 Dragon 21 Dancing
22 Drunken 22 Dо̄
23 Eightfold 23 Fighting
24 Elemental 24 Fist
25 Enlightened 25 God Fist
26 Ghost 26 Grappling
31 Gun 31 Hand
32 Horse 32 Jujutsu
33 Hypersonic 33 Karate
34 Imperial 34 Kata
35 Indiscriminate 35 Kempo
36 Iron 36 Kenjutsu
41 Killing 41 Kickboxing
42 Lotus 42 Kung Fu
43 Mantis 43 Ninjutsu
44 Monkey 44 Palm
45 North Star 45 Power
46 Panzer 46 Ryuu
51 Phoenix 51 School
52 Prismatic 52 Song
53 Ripple 53 Stance
54 Scorpion 54 Stick Fighting
55 Shadow 55 Style
56 Slayer 56 Swordsmanship
61 Spider 61 System
62 Street 62 Technique
63 Tiger 63 Training
64 Turtle 64 War Lore
65 Venom 65 Way
66 Weirding 66 Wrestling

The following tables produce a single name for
each entry. If you roll “Substance”, roll again on
the Substance table. If you roll “Trait”, roll again
on the trait table.

d66 d66
11 [Substance] [Trait] 41 Duplicate Self
12 [Substance] Absorption 42 Elasticity
13 [Substance] Armor 43 Extra Limbs
14 [Substance] Aura 44 Flight
15 [Substance] Blasts 45 Generate [Substance]
16 [Substance] Body 46 Healing
21 [Substance] Travel 51 Illusions
22 [Substance] Weapons 52 Invisibility
23 Adhesion 53 Merge With [Substance]
24 Animal Forms 54 Negate Powers
25 Aquatic 55 Phasing
26 Consume [Substance] 56 Regeneration
31 Control Animals 61 Shape [Substance]
32 Control Machines 62 Shrinking/Growth
33 Copy [Trait] 63 Skill Mimicry
34 Copy Powers 64 Super [Trait]
35 Create Gateway 65 Super Senses
36 Drain [Trait] 66 Teleport

d66 d66
11 Acid 41 Magnetism
12 Air 42 Metal
13 Blood 43 Miasma
14 Bone 44 Mirror
15 Cosmic 45 Plant
16 Crystal 46 Plasma
21 Electricity 51 Power
22 Energy 52 Psychic
23 Flame 53 Radiation
24 Force 54 Reality
25 Glue 55 Sand
26 Gravity 56 Shadow
31 Ice 61 Sonic
32 Ki 62 Space
33 Kinetic 63 Stone
34 Life Force 64 Time
35 Light 65 Water
36 Magic 66 Weather

d66 d66
11-12 Accuracy 41-42 Luck

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
13-14 Charisma 43-44 Memory
15-16 Combat 45-46 Skill
21-22 Durability 51-52 Speech/Words
23-24 Hearing 53-54 Speed
25-26 Intelligence 55-56 Stamina
31-32 Knowledge 61-62 Strength
33-34 Learning 63-64 Touch
35-36 Life Force 65-66 Vision

To use the Ability Randomizer, start with the type
table and generate your two functions via the dice
results. Once you have your results, roll on the
appropriate table for the function type until you
have both of your functions for your ability. Repeat
as many times as necessary until you have all the
abilities you need. If your result has two entries, roll
a d6: the first entry is 1-3 and the second is 4-6. Or
just pick the one you like better, we aren’t cops.


1 Offense

2 Defense

3 Utility

4 Movement

5 Reroll and use result twice

6 Reroll and then reroll again for second

d66 d66
11 Anticipate 41 Glorious
12 Bury 42 Hurl/Insidious
13 Bushwack 43 Intimidating
14 Breaching/Conditioning 44 Jinx
15 Contaminate 45 Karmic
16 Corrupt 46 Leech/Massive
21 Crash 51 Mirage
22 Curse/Delay 52 Mob
23 Demolish 53 Monumental
24 Detonate 54 Obstruct
25 Disengaging 55 Overheat
26 Element/Engulfing 56 Overwhelming
31 Erode 61 Pounce
32 Exhausting 62 Rush
33 Expose 63 Sabotage
34 Feint/Fissure 64 Singularity
35 Flurry 65 Stun
36 Gather Energy 66 Winding

d66 d66
11 Absorb 41 Disorient
12 Analyze 42 Divert
13 Armor 43 Entrench
14 Badger 44 Harden
15-16 Bait 45-46 Lure
21 Beguiling 51 Panacea
22 Betraying 52 Redistribute
23 Bewilder 53 Reflect
24 Bracing 54 Resist
25-26 Bulwark 55-56 Reveal
31 Camouflage 61 Scoff
32 Confuse 62 Snatch
33 Defiant 63 Soak
34 Discerning 64 Thorns
35-36 Discourage 65-66 Troll


C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
d66 d66
11 Accelerate 41 Optimize/Mirror
12 Amplify 42 Outflank/Overload
13 Animate 43 Paralyze
14 Aura 44 Phasing
15 Awaken/Banish 45 Pincer
16 Boon 46 Prepare/Profile
21 Command 51 Ranged
22 Coordinate 52 Refraction
23 Deploy 53 Revealing
24 Destabilize/Diving 54 Sacrificial
25 Disenchant 55 Serpentine
26 Echo 56 Summon
31 Flash 61 Support
32 Forge 62 Sustain
33 Heal/Hindering 63 Swift/Synchronize
34 Hustle 64 Unburden/Unleash
35 Hybridize 65 Wall
36 Infuse/Meld 66 Warp

d66 d66
11 Ambush 36 Launch
12 Bog 41-42 Propel
13 Catapult 43-44 Pull
14 Close 45 Rebounding
15 Drafting 46 Remote
16 Drifting 51 Root
21 Exasperate 52 Slick
22 Exile 53-54 Sliding
23-24 Fleet 55-56 Snare
25 Gate 61 Sprain
26 Harry 62-63 Spring
31-32 Hyper 64 Substitute
33 Jaunt 65 Tether
34 Juke 66 Vacuum
35 Kiting

your Tragic Flaw, restore Hope and add an
OPTIONAL: PERSONAL obstacle to a goal of your choice based on
the results of the scene.
When creating your Personal Theme, consider
As an additional step to character generation, the following Development Questions
you may add a Personal Theme, a single word (development questions are NOT questions for
or phrase that describes the kind of story beats progression reasons, but a tool to help you find
that tend to revolve around your character. inspiration for your roleplaying):
Stories your character becomes involved in tend
to boil down to one or two ideas based around
your Personal Theme. As an example, Marvel • Who is your character at the beginning of
Comics’ Spider Man is famous for exploring the the story?
concept of responsibility as a core feature in his • What holds them back from getting what
stories. Tide Breaker celebrates the stories they want or need?
of all heroes and draws inspiration from many • How did the events of the scenario shape
sources and lives and breathes the dramatic your character for better or worse?
tension created through asking questions about
these grand concepts that its characters attach As the game proceeds, spend time re-examining
themselves to. these ideas. How do they change? Who is your
In game, this is represented by the following character at the end of the first session versus
additional mechanics: the tenth? What holds them back now? What
• Your Personal Theme allows all of your about the scenario has helped your character
grow or set them back in their personal
job’s heroic tasks to be considered a
Speciality whenever you use the self- development?
sabotage option to add a complication
in relation to upholding your Personal
Theme’s ideals. For example, knowingly
ignoring a profitable opportunity to ensure
you’ve taken care of a close friend even
though you know that you’ll anger those
that offered the opportunity to you would
uphold a Personal Theme that focuses on
“Friendship.” If you’re looking for a great way to dive right into
• Interjects, a mechanic that allows your the action after character generation, try using
a Vignette. Inspired by dozens of heist movies,
fellow players to make a request related
to your Personal Theme in order to steer video games, and other media dripping with
the current scene in a more interesting style and personality, Vignettes are a snappy
direction once per session. This request way to have players introduce their characters.
can be anything the player can think up, Have each player go around and describe an
from requiring you to say a specific line to action scene where EVERYTHING goes exactly
attacking a character. If the request leads to right for them. They should describe themselves,
a positive conclusion, restore Hope. If the the stage they are on, and any other characters
request would lead to a negative conclusion or Stooges present. Afterwards, let them enjoy
restore Doom, but treat any related Task themselves for about a minute or two, and when
Check as if defending your Home with they finish, tell them to set up their “Title Card,”
Heroic Resolve. which should include the following:
• You gain a Tragic Flaw. This allows players
to make a request based on your flaw once
per session that you cannot refuse. Keep it • Their name.
Heroic still applies here, but Heroic Resolve • A description of the final shot (Ex. they dive
out of a window before a building explodes,
does not. This flaw is normally a character dust themselves off, and adjust their glasses
trait like “Rage,” but can be as varied or before walking off screen).
vague as you like, including things like,
“Cannot resist playing video games instead • Their “Title.” (Ex. Mei Tachibana “The
of working.” Whenever you succumb to
For bonus points, tie in your Personal Theme
somehow to establish your character’s

personality and what they stand for. Pick one
or two of the following ideas to help improvise OTHER ADDITIONS
a quick concept before running your Vignette.
Remember, these ideas are to apply the CHECKLIST
“Show, don’t tell” technique when introducing

C h 4: C h a r a c t e r G e n e r a t i o n
your character. If you want to be known as a The entries from Personal Themes are entirely
community leader, have your character organize optional, and those from the other sections are
something with members of their neighborhood technically things your character may gain as
before the action starts. If you want to be a play develops, but are not required for initial
professional soldier, introduce your character by character creation.
having them interact with a commanding officer
or have them take command of their unit and
issue orders. The point is to showcase who your
• From Personal Themes
character is through action.
• Personal Theme
• Tragic Flaw
GM Note for Vignettes • Development Questions.

A Vignette should also be done for the villain. • From Key Figures List
The bad guy should be introduced through
an action scene. Attach the players, or give • Resources
temporary character sheets to important NPCS
they play, or have the players just watch as the • From Value and Projects
bad guy wins. Alternatively, the players can pick
out a few particular things they are afraid of, and • Objects and Assets
then the GM can make the villain around these
ideas! After all, collaborative world building • From Subterfuge.
should also be fun for YOU too.
• Secrets
• Evidence
• From Grand Designs
• Boons
GENERATION • Personnel
• Make a concept for your character and pick • Artifacts
a name. No, really, don’t skip this.
• Make a Goal and a few Questions. You can
skip this until play starts if you’re stuck.
• Generate your basic stats and then use
them to make your secondary stats.
• Create a job and a Speciality.
• Pick 3 quirks and a Standout Feature.
• Make 3 abilities with 2 functions each.

So, in the end you’ll have at minimum:

1. Name and Concept

2. A Main Goal
3. Basic and secondary stats
4. A job, including its task and Speciality
5. 3 quirks and a Standout Feature
6. 3 abilities with 2 functions each

Where do you go when you’re already a badass?
Who are we kidding, we KNOW you know the LOOTER PROGRESSION
answer to this, because you’ve watched every Looter progression scraps tricks for old school
action movie, read all the superhero comics, style “beating up monsters and taking their stuff”
and saw all the spiky hair anime protagonists fun. Whenever you do a trick in combat, you may
do exactly what this chapter is about: go further spend 5 Momentum or gain Botch 1 to apply a
and beyond. These amps go up to 11, baby! Ok, function of your choice to your action. Do not
this is supposed to be a reference text… So, mark the trick on your character sheet. Instead,
yeah, it’s character progression time! CUE THE you’ll gain new functions permanently when you
MUSIC! Wait, we don’t have music. This is a text find them in the form of new weapons, spells,
document. Just imagine the hypest fighting scrolls, etc., that your GM spreads across the
music from your favorite media and insert that game world. functions attached to items may
here and we’ll get to the rules. Promise. be used without cost and count as tricks for the
purpose of upgrades that reference tricks. You
PROGRESSION STYLE may choose to pay the normal cost associated
with using tricks to gain Ignite 1 while using any
Tide Breaker has four main ways to functions attached to an item you are wielding.
approach your character’s growth: Standard, At the end of a battle, when gaining loot, or after
Looter, Mastery, and Beat. All four variants a Milestone Scene where you finish up a Goal or
require you to gain four Keys, rewards for permanently deal with a major enemy, mark a
fulfilling the requirements of your table’s chosen Key. When you get four, you may spend them on
Progression Style. When you would gain a Key, an Unlock Point.
mark one of the check boxes associated with
your character’s abilities. When you earn your
fourth Key, your character will gain an Unlock MASTERY PROGRESSION
Point, a fifth mark represented by a larger
checkbox on your character sheet. Unlock Points During character generation, do not assign
may be spent to gain an Upgrade, which are any functions to your starting abilities. Instead,
all the cool things you can get at the bottom of pick a single function per ability to serve as
this chapter! Each of your abilities has 4 Unlock a Foundation Trick. Once per session, each
Points to access. Once you’ve gained your final Foundation Trick may be used to gain a Key.
Unlock Point for an ability, you may no longer You may gain a Key whenever you fight a named
gain Keys for that ability. opponent with a Power Level equal to or higher
than your own for the first time each session and
they use an ability you haven’t seen before. Work
STANDARD PROGRESSION with your GM to create ability names distinctive
to your table’s setting. Each uniquely-named
Standard progression is the core Tide ability you encounter qualifies for this rule,
Breaker experience. Do a trick, get a Key. Get 4 regardless of functions Installed. The Install
Keys and get an Upgrade. Whenever you perform upgrade may be purchased without Unlock
a trick, mark the checkbox for the Key next to Points for one Key per function per ability slot
the trick’s parent ability. When you have learned until you have three abilities with two functions
your fourth trick, and thus gained your fourth each. Once you do, your Foundation Tricks no
Key, you may pick an Unlock. Keys you gain longer grant you Keys upon use. The Blend
cannot be used for Unlock Points on other ability upgrade now grants a permanent +1 to Power
tracks, and any you gain after your fourth Unlock Level when you use the associated ability to
has been gained are lost, so switch it up! defeat or rescue the function’s original user.

BEAT PROGRESSION It’s time for a
This progression type is focused solely on TRAINING MONTAGE!!!
the story your table tells. At the end of every
session, award your players a Key for every Alternatively, if things are getting real, you can
“Yes” answered in response to the following use the time you’d use to get better at your job

C h 5: G e t t i n g B e t t e r
questions: to pick up a new quirk. To gain the quirk, work
with your GM to create a cool montage scene
and assign an appropriate Cliffhanger challenge
• Did you overcome an obstacle or answer around how you come across your newfound
a question related to your Main Goal or power. If you fail the Cliffhanger, you may trade
Subplots? out a preexisting quirk as a reminder of how the
• Did your character help another overcome a experience changed you. You may spend one
challenge or solve an issue? Hope to try the Cliffhanger again the next time
• Did you do something kind for another the party has a quiet moment to “get better” and
player or an NPC? reclaim your old quirk.
• Were any discoveries made? This includes
important lore made through Spout
• Does your character have any new goals or Upgrades And Unlock

Did you uncover part of the Mastermind’s Points
Grand Design? Every 4 Keys you gain gets you the opportunity
• Did you get a Showstopper or gain to pop open an Unlock Point, which allows
Excellence? you to get one of the following upgrades.
• Did you Keep It Heroic? Each upgrade may only be picked once unless
• Did you help someone else have fun? otherwise noted, and all functions with a “You
may pick this function twice” clause count as a
You do not have to ask every question every single function for purposes of all Unlock effects.
session. Your players should be able to answer
these questions on their own and be rewarded Install: You can choose to take one of the
appropriately for each qualifying answer. tricks that you know and make it a part of
Answering “No” doesn’t bar a player’s progress your core ability. Erase the trick from your
in any way. Once they are able to answer yes to character sheet and add its function to the
any of the questions, reward them with a key. associated ability. Install may be picked twice
per ability.

GETTING BETTER AT YOUR Blending: You can choose upon reaching

JOB an Upgrade Point to expand upon your
abilities by picking a source: one of your
Your job skills get better whenever your Power other abilities, one of your allies’ abilities,
Level increases, in the form of gaining a bonus or a recurring villain or environment. Based
to your specialty, but what about learning some on your choice, you can Install a function
new trades or grabbing another Speciality? Well, from that source to an ability of your choice.
that takes time. At the end of a story arc , you Blending may be picked twice per ability.
can choose to grab two more tasks trained or
a new Speciality of your choice. When at least Capitalize: When one of your effects
one Main Goal for each party member has been causes an opponent to become Cornered,
completed or when you’ve iced the main villain Overextended, or lose an action, you may
of the day, you’ve finished a story arc. use this ability as an interrupt. This upgrade
can be taken twice. If you do, it also applies
to your allies’ effects and whenever your
opponent becomes Momentum shifted.

Finishers: You have practiced a particular attack still triggers, but gains Botch 1 for each
trick so much that it has become a signature ally that falls out of range.
of your fighting style. When creating a finisher, Synch may be selected any number of times,
select a trick you currently know. You may but must include a different ally each time.
now spend 10 Momentum to use this trick Additionally, Synch may be selected to
as an additional action immediately after combine multiple allies’ abilities together. All
landing an attack on an opponent. If this participants must spend an additional Unlock
action is an attack, it must target the same Point for each Synched ally after the first. For
opponent. Actions performed this way do example, to Synch three characters together,
not use the base functions of your trick’s each participant must spend 2 Unlock Points,
parent ability. The selected trick is ineligible or 3 for four members, and so on.
for further upgrades and cannot be removed
from its parent ability by any means.
Flawless Execution: You practiced this
technique religiously. You become immune
Refocus: If you decide a certain trick isn’t to Botching it, and whenever you are allowed
working out for you, you can roll a Cliffhanger to reroll you may also reroll successes while
to practice a new technique. Success transfers keeping the highest result rolled per die.
over the “mastery” gained so far to the newest Rerolled failures that become successes are
trick you’ve learned. Erase the old trick and treated as normal and rerolled successes that
replace it with a trick of your choice. Refocus succeed again Explode once, though dice that
does not require the use of an Unlock Point have already Exploded are exempt. Keep the
to be selected. Instead, you may pick Refocus highest result whenever you are allowed to
for the cost of one Key. If you do so, the Key is reroll.
removed from your character sheet.
Limit Breaker: Numerical variables change
Synch: When selecting Synch, pick an ally. to scale with Power Level on the chosen
The chosen ally may also spend an Unlock function. If you have any other bonuses to the
Point. Upon doing so, they pick an ability and ability, they apply after Limit Breaker.
mark the resulting upgrade as “Synch: Ally.” If
they do, they also gain Sync for their chosen
ability. When they do, you participate in a Intensify: Ignitions and Botches you apply
Cliffhanger and practice together to learn how changes their minimum number by 1, with
to combine the effects of one of your abilities. Ignites decreasing and Botch increasing. If
Failure creates a training-related obstacle. this would cause the effect to move past its
Once you deal with the obstacle, you may try limit, you may mark the ability with a star to
again without spending additional Unlock signify that you always have a free application
Points. of Hope or Doom to apply the Push effect
Upon success, the participating allies gain once per star.
the following effect for their chosen ability:
You may spend 5 Momentum per Synched Creature of Habit: When you reach an
ally (you count as an ally for this purpose) to Upgrade Point, you can decide to instead
have participating allies roll and add their just focus on what you’ve been doing. If you
successes to your next attack. All participating do so, you gain + 1 dice to that action as a
allies must be close enough to attack your special bonus and mark the ability or trick
target upon activating Synch and must you choose with + 1.
choose to do so on their turn instead of
taking their normal action, though they may
still move as normal. Each participating ally Overflow: Overflow may only be applied to
may spend Momentum to cover the cost of abilities with functions that bank successes,
this effect if you cannot pay for it on your collect Charges, or have extended actions. At
own. The resulting attack triggers on the last the end of a round, if you have more than 10
participating teammate’s turn, using your Momentum, you may exchange the excess for
abilities’ functions, and you choose if the extra Charges or bonus successes at a 1 to 1
attack triggers before or after that character’s rate, or gain an extra round at a 2:1 rate.
movement for turn. If a participating ally falls
out of range before the attack activates, the

Perfect Transformation: Upon picking this
upgrade, pick a function. You may spend
10 Momentum to treat this function as Improving Base Stats
permanently Installed to all of your abilities Every two Unlock Points you reach, you have
until the end of the current scene or until you the option to forgo an Unlock to improve one
are Taken Out. Perfect Transformation may of your base stats by one instead. This does not
be picked twice. If you do, the function is on spend the Unlock Point, but does expend the
until you choose to disable it. Re-enabling

C h 5: G e t t i n g B e t t e r
the function costs 10 Momentum as normal, Keys used to increase the stat. Mark the ability
and being Taken Out disables this upgrade as name with an X each time you choose this. This
normal. may not be used to increase any abilities above
5. An ability marked with an X may not be used
to improve your base stats again.
Inevitable: You may spend 10 Momentum
to ensure this attack will connect as long as
your target remains in range and you remain
Up when the associated ability activates.
Gimme more power!
This may only be attached to a trick from Once you have completed all the Unlocks for
the offense category, and once applied, the a single ability, your Power Level also goes up
trick may never be Installed, Blended or by 1. That’s it. Yeah, I know we spent a whole
otherwise made part of the parent ability. header for that but it’s easier to find that way,
Looter Progression characters must apply this right?
via Training Montage or by transforming the
parent item into an Artifact.
Beyond Power Level 5
Unstoppable: You may spend 10 Momentum
as an interrupt to prevent yourself from taking If you are playing with the “Star Power” rules (see
any damage from attacks, barring no effect chapter 6) and reach Power Level 5 naturally,
prevents you from using the associated ability you may “reset” one of your abilities, losing
before activation. This may only be attached all associated functions, tricks, and Unlocks
to a trick from the defense category, and once associated with this ability. If you do, you gain an
applied, the trick may never be Installed, additional + 1 Power Level, which starts you off
Blended or otherwise made part of the at Star 1 Power Level 0. You may use this ability
parent ability. Looter Progression character’s to gain an additional Power Level. Once you do,
must apply this via Training Montage or by mark the ability and choose another to reset and
transforming the parent item into an Artifact. gain another Power Level. You may repeat this
process as many times as desired.
Eternal: You may spend 10 Momentum to Alternative: You may also attempt a Training
add your Power Level to the duration of the Montage, starting at the lowest difficulty level,
associated ability or to your current stock of “Show Time,” and increasing by one for each
Charges gained. This may only be attached Power Level you gain after PL 5.
to a trick from the utility category, and once
applied, the trick may never be Installed,
Blended or otherwise made part of the
parent ability. Looter Progression Characters
must apply this via Training Montage or by
transforming the parent item into an Artifact.

Boundless: You spend 10 Momentum to

become immune to all effects except damage
and Attrition gain until the end of your next
turn when using the associated ability. This
may only be attached to a trick from the
movement category, and once applied, the
trick may never be Installed, Blended or
otherwise made part of the parent ability.
Looter Progression Characters must apply this
via Training Montage or by transforming the
parent item into an Artifact.

When two or more players or NPCs decide that • Overextended: If you were the first
negotiations aren’t panning out and neither character to act in the round and are
wants to just walk away, chances are they will Upshifted, you may not block and
start shooting, swinging, and biting. Tide are treated as if you chose to dodge
Breaker resolves these conflicts with an instead.
exciting turn-based combat system. Players will
roll dice and roleplay through their attacks and
• Cornered: If you are the last
character to act in the round and are
shout pithy one-liners at their opponents while down shifted, you may not dodge
the GM takes on the duty of commanding the and are treated as if you chose to
NPC opponents until one side can no longer Block instead.
fight or otherwise refuses to continue.
• Initiative Tie Breaker: Due to the nature
INITIATIVE of how initiative is rolled, every so often
you’ll come up with tied results for multiple
Initiative: When combat begins, roll characters. Use the following criteria to
Agility+Advantages then add and compare break ties, shifting the order as necessary:
successes. The combatant with the most goes • Ties: Total of Agility + Speed Advantages
first, with the rest following in descending order. • Still Tied: Heroes First.
A full round of combat represents about 10 • Still Tied REALLY?: Choose Order between
seconds of action with everyone acting at about Players.
the same time. Your group can and should • Can’t decide?: Villain goes first cause ya’ll
treat this number as more of a suggestion than spent too long bickering. SO META!
a hard fact when picturing the scene playing
out in your minds. While the action taking
place is happening roughly simultaneously, an MOVEMENT
individual’s turn should be treated more like a When your turn comes around, you may
close up in your favorite action movie. Time can combine your movement with an action.
stretch out a bit while the spotlight is on you and Actions in combat are anything that can be
whoever’s jaw you’re about to crush with your considered cinematically noteworthy. Climbing
shiny new energy gauntlet. up scaffolding, shooting a rifle, ducking behind
• Initiative Shift: Occasionally, some cover, and cobbeling a makeshift IED while
under fire are all actions.
functions or quirks will call for you to shift
up or down in the initiative. If you have
not acted yet and shift up in the initiative,
you may act one turn earlier, pushing ZONES
other character’s down in the order in the
process. Two effects happen if you are Movement in Tide Breaker takes place in
shifted up or down past the first or last slot Zones, loosely defined spaces just large enough
in the initiative order. They are: to allow multiple characters to hop in and out
of melee range. You may move one zone while
carrying out an action on your turn.

The party has gotten into a firefight at the Characters in Tide Breaker are always
ruins of an old star carrier versus some alien looking for a new angle when taking down
scavengers who want to steal parts to sell on the an opponent. Each zone on the battlefield is
black market. The GM describes the area as: defined by the opportunities within it waiting
to be leveraged by any eager combatants clever
• The clearing leading to the ship enough to utilize them. These opportunities
• The front of the crashed ship are called interactables. Interactables come in 4
• On top of the ship different variations divided between mundane
• Under the left wing

C h 6: C o m b a t
and spectacular, which determine the nature
• Broken right wing and potential uses of the interactable in combat.
• The woods behind the ship These include barriers, gaps, and hazards as
Anna, who is playing Talia, notices the explained in chapter 4, as well as weapon/cover
scavengers trying to break into the escape hatch with the following changes:
on the top of the ship. It is her turn, so she asks
the GM if it’s close enough to reach. Barrier: Barriers prevent movement from a
GM: You’re standing at the front of the ship right zone in a chosen direction. Barriers have a
now, so It is one zone away, but it’s too high to transition DR and a condition called a bypass
just walk up to it. I’ll assign a Transition Difficulty that allows a character with the appropriate
of 4 with a bypass of Flight. quirk or function to circumvent the barrier.
Anna: I can’t fly, but I think I’m going to jump for Characters without the bypass requirement
it. Talia has 5 Agility so here’s 5d6. 3, 2, 4, 1, 6. I must spend an action to make the check to
only got two successes. pass the barrier. Mundane barriers can be as
simple as a wall in a building, a fence, or a
GM: Unfortunately, it looks like you’re failing the large rock in the road. spectacular barriers can
transition due to not rolling high enough on the be a pulsating mass of teeth, an energy field,
Task Check. However, Talia notices that the ship or a wall of fire. Whatever the case, spectacular
is tilted to the right by the Broken Wing, and she barriers will always have a function attached to
could access the top from there. them that triggers whenever a character fails
Anna: Ok then, Talia moves to the Broken Wing a check to bypass the barrier or is otherwise
instead and ends her turn planning to run up the forced to interact with the barrier against their
side and attack directly on her next turn. will.
GM: Alright, cool! Next up are the scavengers
who just noticed your approach… Gap: Gaps work in the same manner as
barriers and use the same rules for bypass
requirements and subsequent action penalties
Battlefields: Normally, fights in Tide for not meeting them. However, while barriers
Breaker do not need to track distance strictly, are always a physical obstruction, gaps range
and thus do not have a need for tracking the from wide fissures to stretches of water, or
amount of zones an area contains. Occasionally, the collapsed floor dividing two rooms apart
a combat needs to go a bit further to highlight for mundane gaps. Spectacular gaps include
the distance traveled, usually when vehicles, things like the mouth of a volcano, a rift in
teleportation, or Kaiju get involved. In these dimensions, or an infinite black void dotted
cases, you can use a battlefield to judge with small footholds of reality. Like barriers,
distance. Battlefields are played on a 6x6 grid spectacular gaps include a function that
with each space representing a zone. You do triggers when a character fails a check to
not need to make each zone unique and may bypass the gap or is pushed into the gap by
opt for making some zones a continuation of another effect.
an adjacent zone (Ex: Grove 2 or North Lake/
South Lake) or a featureless space that takes on
the general aesthetic and characteristics of the Hazard: Hazards are anything that could
surrounding area. Moving from one battlefield cause a problem for a character that directly
to an adjacent one does not differ between interacts with them, and so have a bypass
normal movement and does not affect distance condition. However, unlike barriers and
calculations for purposes of any ranged attack gaps, hazards do not have a transition DR
launched between battlefields. and instead act as a direct attack for anyone

entering the zone that contains them and Weapon/Cover: Anything and everything
deal damage whenever a character is forced can be used as a weapon in the right hands,
to interact with them. As an innate part of while cover can be gained from anything
their dangerous nature, hazards are always large enough to hide behind. Like hazards,
treated as spectacular regardless of their weapons and cover are always considered
source and are thus created with one or more spectacular for purposes of qualifying for
functions that trigger upon failing to bypass function use. However, weapons and cover
them. Hazards that use bonus successes, have a unique function: Lethal, that must be
Charges, etc. can only hold up to their DR applied to cause damage to their targets. This
before releasing them as part of an attack. If is to ensure that things that would be hard to
no valid targets are nearby and an attack must justify killing a character, like throwing sand
be triggered, the hazard triggers it anyway in their eyes, can remain plausibly effective,
and resets itself, gaining Charges/bonus if not directly responsible for winning a fight.
successes/etc. again until reaching capacity
or interacted with. Hazards can include things To use a weapon or cover, roll your Wits +
like a minefield, a highway full of speeding Power Level against your target’s Intuition. If
vehicles, or something as simple as an oil you succeed, you grab the weapon or enter
slick waiting to catch fire and burn everyone the cover and may add any successes that
caught on top of it. exceed the target’s DR to your defense as a
stunt bonus or as Attrition to your target while
attacking, causing damage as normal if Lethal
is applied to the interactable.

C h 6: C o m b a t
Obvious Opportunities: Every zone starts battlefield as hazards, affecting combatants at
with one or more interactables that are the start of their turn. Global Conditions like
immediately obvious upon entering the zone. barriers and gaps, have a bypass condition
The first character that uses one of these that can be rolled for once per turn for free,
interactables may add their Wits to their once as a Seeking Opportunity, or bypassed
action or defense immediately if they use the automatically by meeting the condition as set
interactable as part of a stunt on their turn. by the GM.

Seek an Opportunity-Going off the cuff:

Players may look for new interactables on ATTACKS AND OTHER
their turn by rolling their Wits against a
standard DR of 2. If successful, you may create ACTIONS
a new interactable that can be used against
your opponent and roll again to immediately • Attacking: To attack your opponent,
use it as your action for your turn. Each describe your character’s action. Your
subsequent check increases the DR by 1, opponent will then choose to dodge or
regardless of success or failure. block your attack.

Global Conditions: Normally, each zone has

• If they block: Roll Might +
Advantages against their Endurance
interactables unique to themselves, imparting + Advantages .
the zone with a number of distinct functions
with triggers appropriate to the variety of
• If they dodge: Roll Agility +
Advantages against their Focus +
interactions assigned to the zone. Global Advantages.
conditions apply functions to the entire

If your successes meet or exceed the
opponent’s defense DR, you score a hit.
• Abilities and Basic Attacks: You may
choose to use an ability to attack or do a Extended actions count how many turns you
basic attack by opting to not use an ability. use the same ability in a row, starting from the
A basic attack has no functions, but is rolled first, until you release the action. You may
as normal. repeat an extended action for a number of
• Range: Melee attacks may be done while turns equal to your Endurance. While using an
in the same zone. Most ranged attacks can ability that requires an extended action, you
target anything within line of sight from 1 or may move normally unless otherwise noted
more zones away. Melee attacks attempted by the ability. Upon release, you stop using the
from more than a zone away automatically ability and trigger all functions associated with
fail. it immediately. After releasing, you may act
• Dashing: Alternatively, instead of using an normally again on your following turn.
ability, you can choose to move two zones.
While dashing, you may do any amount
of small actions like speaking, flipping
switches, jumping, etc. for free as part of the HEALTH AND DAMAGE
description of your movement as long as How a hit affects your opponent changes based
they would not require a Task Check. on their status. Characters in Tide Breaker
• Advantages: Attackers in combat add may either be Up, Down, or Out. The term used
any relevant Advantages to their dice pool for returning to the Up state is “Rising Up”, for
before rolling. being reduced to or currently in the Down state,
• Momentum: Characters in Tide it is “Taken Down”, and for being reduced to or
Breaker are quick to adapt in battle and currently in the Out state, it is “Taken Out.”
though they may miss an attack here and
there, they will eventually land a decisive
blow upon their enemies. Momentum is
a resource that is awarded to an attacker. Up
Whenever they miss an attack, award
Momentum equal to the attacker’s Wits. This is the default for all characters in Tide
Momentum can be spent to power up Breaker. When you are up, you may act
special abilities, but the most common use normally.
is a Momentum shift, an attack that forces
your opponent to use the defensive stat
of your choice against your own preferred
attack stat. To use a shift, spend Momentum
equal to your opponent’s Intuition and Characters hit by an attack that meets their
roll your attack against the defense stat defense DR switch to full defense mode as
of your choice using the attack of your they are placed in a trying situation and will
choice. If you would gain more than your do everything they can to escape. Downed
Momentum cap, you may spend the excess characters, however, are not prone or helpless
immediately. Any excess Momentum that unless explicitly stated by an attacker’s ability.
is not spent is lost at the end of your turn. Instead, they may move normally and use any
However, Momentum gains from sources abilities at their disposal to Rise Up. However,
other than the Hope effect “Burst” are not while Down your opponents may ignore any
gained until the end of the round unless damage you deal to them. Until a character
explicitly stated. successfully recovers, they remain Down.
• Surprise!: Attacking an opponent before Characters that suffer a critical hit while Taken
their guard is up is a valid tactic. If combat Down begin to die and can take no actions until
hasn’t started, you may ambush an enemy they recover (see “Death” for details).
by rolling your Wits against their Intuition.
If you succeed, the opponent immediately
adds your successes to their Attrition total
before any other effects resolve. Afterwards,
roll a normal attack and then roll for

Attrition Danger Protection (The
No fight can last forever. In Tide Breaker, Curb Stomp Rule):
this is represented by the accrual of Attrition,
a pool that increases whenever your character Any attacks that land before you take your next
takes damage in battle and through several action add any successes rolled to your current
nasty effects in game. Attrition is represented Attrition. If you fail or otherwise are denied your
by two numbers: the left being any Successes Recovery check (See “Recovery”) on your turn,
gained towards Recovery and the right number you are shifted one state farther down the health

C h 6: C o m b a t
being your current Attrition total. When you’re track just like if you suffered a critical hit. You
hit, convert all successes rolled against you into may not suffer more than one additional shift in
Attrition immediately. Any additional Attrition this manner. Once you have Risen Up from being
is added to your current total and remains until Taken Out once, this protection is removed
cured. and each hit you take deals shifts of damage as

Dealing With Attrition Dire Blow

Your current Attrition is added to the DR of any
Recovery attempts and Counterattacks you If an attack against an opponent who has
attempt (See “Recovery”). If you beat the DR suffered enough Attrition to exceed their Critical
of your Recovery check, you may clear all of Value rolls high enough to hit their Critical Value
your Attrition, immediately Rise Up, and act on its own, (counting only the raw dice result
normally on the following turn. If you fail to of this single attack roll) it deals a third shift of
Rise Up due to Attrition, any successes you roll damage. This can cause an opponent who is
on Recovery checks carry over to the next turn currently up to immediately drop into dying, and
until you recover or begin to die. Additionally, an opponent who is Down or Out to immediately
if you Rise Up without clearing all of your be killed without chance for First Aid. A Dire
Attrition, any new Attrition gained will be added Blow may not be triggered against an opponent
to your new total. If your Attrition total is ever protected by the Curb Stomp Rule.
higher than your Critical Value when taking a
hit this way, the hit is upgraded to a critical hit
automatically. However, all successes gained
through successful attacks and Recovery actions
are immediately banked for purposes of clearing While Out, you may use actions to recover or to
your Attrition. Banked Successes are marked on move a single zone without acting. Treat this as a
the left side of a slash with your current Attrition dash that only moves one zone. Characters that
total on the right (Ex. 9/15 Attrition means you are hit again while Taken Out begin to die and
have banked 9 successes out of 15 needed and can no longer act until they recover. Characters
once you have 15 or more you may reset your that suffer a critical hit while Taken Out are killed
Attrition to 0). or knocked unconscious, (attacker’s choice)
immediately without a chance of Recovery.
Characters that recover from being Taken Out
Critical Value Rise Up and may act normally on their next
turn. Characters that are currently Out may not
Some attacks are especially brutal. When a Rise Up by using the attack action or any ability,
character is hit by an attack that exceeds their quirk, or Standout Feature that deals damage
defense, check if the result would also still hit if or Attrition. They may, however, recover by
their other defensive stat was included. This final using interactables, or the Taking A Breather or
number is called the Critical Value, and hits that Seeking Safety actions found under “Recovery”.
exceed this are known as critical hits. Critical hits
move you two steps down the health track. Yes,
that means if you are crit while Taken Down, you
begin to DIE.

Death First Aid
Characters that are hit or would otherwise When you find an ally Taken Out and possibly
accrue additional Attrition while Taken Out Dying, it’s important to quickly treat their
begin to hear the footsteps of death approaching wounds or they’ll have to roll a new character
them and enter the Dying state. While Dying, you and everyone will have to wait, and that’s just
may take no actions and are removed from the awful, right?
initiative order. At the start of your turn, make
a check against your current Attrition. Failing
this check causes you to die at the end of the Giving First Aid
combat, barring immediate First Aid. If you are
hit again while in the dying state, your character Roll Wits + Intuition + Advantages against
is killed immediately and cannot be saved by your ally’s Attrition. This check may only be
First Aid. You may make a final speech at the end performed once per ally and only once per time
of the scene before your character slips away, target ally is Taken Out or Dying. If you fail, no
dying immediately after. successes are banked and your target remains in
their current state, losing any banked successes
Dying/Falling used on the First Aid roll. If you succeed, your
ally survives and Rises Up. If your ally happens
Unconscious to be Dying, they remain Taken Out until they
spend a scene getting extra treatment. During
When you are Dying you cannot act or defend this scene, no extra checks are needed as long
yourself. Any Opponent that chooses to on their as they aren’t attacked, but they are otherwise
turn can kill or KO a Dying character, unless that unavailable to fight while healing. Once this
character’s allies are in the same zone and try scene is over, they are restored to the Up state
to prevent them from doing so. Gaining Attrition and continue on as normal.
from sources other than a successful attack roll
cannot finish you off while in the Dying state.

• Stunt Defense: You may describe how This section highlights specific actions that you
may take on your turn to attempt to Rise Up.
you dodge or block an attack to gain a
+1 to your DR. If your stunt qualifies as
a Showstopper you add Botch 1 to your
opponent’s attack roll. • Reversal Attack/Recovery: When you’ve
been Taken Down by an opponent, you
• Emergency Defense: When attacked, you need to Recover. On your next turn you may
may seek an opportunity for 5 Momentum try to distract your enemies with an attack

C h 6: C o m b a t
to use an interactable immediately as an
interrupt. This action counts as a function action, rolling against your opponent’s
for the purpose of the interrupt keyword. current defense DR + your current Attrition
Doing so before your action cancels your + any opponent Advantages. If you succeed,
turn, but you may repeat this action as long you do no damage, but you still may apply
as you have Momentum remaining. You any other effects your functions allow, and
may move 1 zone as part of this action each you may Rise Up.
time you trigger it. The interactable used
may be in your current zone or the zone you • Reversals: Recovery actions
resolve this action in. that would still succeed when
• Advantages: Defenders add any relevant compared against an attacker’s
Advantages to their defense DR. When Reversal Defense are Reversals and
recovering, you may use stunt bonuses immediately deal damage to the
and interactables, adding your Intuition attacker. In addition, you Rise Up
to the roll. Interactable rolls do not add regardless of your current Attrition,
to Attrition. If your defensive stunt would banking any successes until your
qualify to be a Showstopper, you cause your Attrition is cleared. Characters
opponent to Botch their roll. that are Taken Out cannot make
• Abilities with Interrupts: You may use Reversals regardless of how high
an ability with the interrupt keyword to they roll. You may only attempt a
defend yourself, triggering your attack Reversal against the attacker that
before the action you choose to interrupt. originally injured you. Any other
The triggering action finishes immediately attack actions count as a normal
after your own unless the user is rendered Recovery attempt. Characters that
unable to act (via a function like paralyze are currently Out may not attempt a
versus a movement effect). Reversal by any means.
• Interrupting an Interrupt: If you are • Counterattack: Counterattacks may
interrupted, you may interrupt in response, be used to perform a Reversal on
canceling your original action to act first. anyone that triggers them, causing
In this case, your action happens first you to Rise Up as per the normal
and then the triggering action happens. Reversal rule.
This process may continue as long as all
participants have the Momentum to pay • Seek Safety: If you have not been attacked
for each interrupt. No matter how many or targeted by an opponent since being
interrupts are chained together, only the Taken Down and are not targeted by any
last interrupt and the triggering interrupt or enemy attacks at the beginning of your
normal action are resolved. turn, you may immediately recover without
• Counterattacks: Counterattacks are a need for a roll on your turn. Doing so does
a specific kind of interrupt triggered by not clear Attrition, and you take damage as
certain effects not limited to functions, normal upon Rising Up again. If you Seek
quirks, and Stand Out Features. When Safety while Taken Out, you Rise Up as
triggered, roll a basic attack against normal and remove your Danger Protection.
the target. The target triggering the
counterattack may interrupt you as normal,
• Take a Breather: If you move away from
your attackers or use cover to protect
but you may NOT cancel your counterattack yourself instead of attempting to make
action. Triggering a counterattack does not a Reversal Attack, roll your Critical Value
cost any Momentum unless specifically + Intuition + any Recovery-specific
stated by its source effect. Advantages against your current Attrition.

If you succeed, you Rise Up and may act any successful guard attempts count as a
normally on your next turn. You may bank Reversal for your ally. Guarding Friends may
successes from Seeking Safety checks for be combined with the Emergency Defense
the purposes of clearing Attrition gained. action. If you do, you do not take your turn
• Guarding Friends: You may spend your on your initiative and instead of aiding in
turn aiding a Down or Out ally by declaring your ally’s Recovery roll, you take the hit in
your intent to guard your friend. If you do your allies place if your interactable fails to
so, you hold your action until your ally defend you. However, If your Emergency
attempts to recover, adding your attack Defense succeeds, your ally may add the
roll to their result. You may only use this result of your seek an opportunity check to
option while you remain Up yourself, but their Recovery check.

Alex is playing Ferris, a human explorer who’s
just gotten into a fight with the jealous husband
of a shopkeeper he has been seeing. The GM
asks Ferris to roll for his initiative. He looks at
his character sheet and though he has 3 Agility,
Rolling 3d6 Alex comes up with a 4, 5, and 3
netting Ferris an initiative of 2. The husband
• Use ability and move.
however is much slower and rolls an initiative of • Special: Momentum Shift. May use

C h 6: C o m b a t
1, allowing Ferris to go first. for free as part of using an ability.
Alex (in character as Ferris): “Wait, hold on, • Special: Hold Extended Action. May
man! I’m not your guy, but if you wanna do use for free to continue an extended
this…” action triggered on a previous turn.
Alex: Ferris has been in this situation before and • Stunts: +1 to your attack roll if you
describe your action. Also applies to
doesn’t want to fight, so he gives some token interactables.
resistance followed by a very real right hook.
We’re in the same zone, so I shouldn’t have a • Showstopper: Adds the
problem right? I step on the man’s foot as I pull aforementioned bonus.
my arm back to swing at his jaw. Triggers as part of your action.
See Showstopper section for
GM: Excellent! I’ll give you an extra d6 as a stunt details.
bonus for the cool description! The husband
raises his arms up to defend himself, choosing to
try and block your punch. Roll Might.
• Use Interactable and move.

Alex: Alright, so looking at my sheet I have: • Seek Opportunity

• Special: Emergency Defense-
• + 3 Might Immediately Seek Opportunity
• + 2 Power Level and Use weapon/cover.
• + 1 special from my in-boxing ability for • Overcome Barrier, Use Weapon, Use
being in the same zone Cover.
• + 1 stunt from my “Special Weapon” quirk:
knuckle dusters • Dash: May not use an ability or interactable.
• +1 stunt from the bonus you just gave me, Move 2 zones.
for a total of 8d6 • First Aid.:Roll Wits + Intuition + Advantages
against your ally’s Attrition. If you succeed,
your ally survives and Rises Up.
Alex (continued): Cool! Alright, looks like I got 6
successes total. What happens? • Guarding Friends: May hold action to
attack on your ally’s turn. If you succeed,
GM: That’s more than enough to overcome you deal no damage, but your ally may add
the husband’s 2 Endurance. He rears his head your successes to their own roll. If your ally
back in pain as your fist slips around his guard, succeeds, they are guaranteed a Reversal
knocking out some of his teeth. He’s down! on any Reversal Attacks they make.
Alex: Aww no critical? • Special: Use Hope. See Hope effects
GM: Not this time, the husband has a decent
Focus bonus, so he was able to keep his head
down enough to stay conscious.
• Use an interrupt ability.
• Emergency Defense.
• Special: Stunt Defense. A non-action used
to add +1 DR by describing your defense
while being attacked.

• Reversal Attack. Use an ability or 0 - Totally harmless stuff, like hugs and
interactable. Roll Attrition + opponent compliments on your new haircut.
Advantages. If successful, deal no damage 1 - Bystander melee strikes, throwing rocks.
and Rise Up. Impossible while Taken Out.
2 - Small blunt weapons like bats, clubs,
punching, and kicking.
• Reversal. If Attack hits Reversal
3 - Small firearms, bladed weapons, large blunt
Defense, deal damage and Rise Up.
weapons like sledgehammers or telephone
• Take a Breather. If untargeted by poles, and energy blasts.
opponents, Rise Up. 4 - Large firearms, large energy blasts,and small
• Seek Safety. Move away or use cover to explosions.
roll Critical Value + Intuition + Advantages
against Attrition to Rise Up. May bank 5 - Large explosions and massive energy blasts.
successes against Attrition. May use regular 6 - Nope!
movement or cover as normal while Taken There are some things in every universe even the
Out. most impressive of heroes can’t crack without
• Special: Move. While Taken Out, movement exerting a great deal of effort and, though they
becomes a full action. Dash is impossible. may be fewer, some things that stand even after

receiving their potential once unleashed fully. the fight right then and there. Both
On the other hand, the reverse also applies, with combatants may spend a round to
some forces being too great for even the greatest prepare themselves. In universe, this
defense to withstand. For everything else, Tide may be smack talk, charging up a
Breaker categorizes the potential for resisting final attack, or just staring off into
or inflicting harm via the Power Scale. The the distance dramatically before the
Power Scale tracks everything from the weakest final charge. In game, this is a bonus
possible nuisance to the virtually unthinkable round to use any abilities to increase
sources of sheer devastation. your Power Level, gain Momentum,
or prepare any last second

C h 6: C o m b a t
protections necessary. Once ready,
USING THE POWER SCALE both roll Might + All Advantages
and compare their totals. At this
Each number on the scale represents a general point, unspent Momentum may be
range of damage a given attack can cause converted into bonus successes
or a defense can endure. This number gets to change the final result. Once all
added to all of your other secondary stats, save modifiers are applied, the loser
Momentum and Attrition, and to any attack suffers a critical hit and if reduced to
rolls you make as a special bonus. Beginning Dying or worse is immediately killed
character’s are assumed to start at Level 2 on the in an epic fashion described by the
scale. The above scale is a sample that may be winner, who may gloat and restore 1
tailored to fit your campaign just by swapping Hope or Doom.
out the examples and replacing them with
your own. Ultimately, this scale is actually just

character sheet with a star ✴
Go beyond! Ascending: Mark your

to your Power Level and reset it

how your group determines what the numbers
behind the Power Level stat represent, if it to 0. Adjust your secondary stats
wasn’t obvious. On the other hand... accordingly, because hubris is a
THING, right? Also, it’s less design
NOPE!/YUP! : Once a potential defense work for me. I mean seriously,
becomes level 6 or higher, most attacks become you’re not getting hit by most
a rhetorical question of “Can anything actually things now anyway, do you REALLY
bother me at this point?” For all but the greatest care about your secondary stats
of threats, the answer is “Nope!” When this at this point? Characters without
happens, just ignore any and all effects related an equal or greater number of
to this attack. However, if the attack’s source stars than you treat your defenses
is also level 6 or higher, then that rhetorical as “Nope!” influences unless they
question’s answer becomes “Yup!” In this case, raise their Power Level to 5 + the
treat both the attack and defense as level 0 on amount of stars you’ve earned.
the scale and roll as normal. Yes, this does mean getting more
stars suffers diminishing returns
after a while, but as of this version
Go further beyond there really shouldn’t be too many
feasible ways to hit Power Level
In the event that you wanna push your games 10, even temporarily. Your attacks,
beyond Power Level 5 and just solving things on the other hand, are always
with a quick YUP/NOPE check is a bit too simple considered to Momentum shift your
for you, we’ve got two optional rules for ya: opponents and result in a critical hit
if successful unless your opponent
• Titanic Struggle!!! : Keep raising raises their defense to 5 + the
amount of stars you have earned.
that Power Level! We know you
min-maxed those gains and gee There’s honestly no reason you can’t do both
gosh golly you’re gonna use those of these options together. As a matter of fact,
numbers! When an attacker with we kind of want you to. Send us some stories of
6 or higher Power Level attacks a what happens if ya do, ok?
character with 6 or higher Power
Level, the two enter a Titanic
Struggle, a special contest to end

Tide Breaker’s primary agenda is creating for your group. Not all players are vocal when
characters and exploring the world they inhabit. things are disturbing them, and it’s not always
The majority of this book consists of the rules easy to notice when things are bothering them.
the players use to interact with the world you Do not assume everything is ok, do the work
created together and the tools they have to ahead of time and your table will be better for it.
respond to the challenges you lay out for them. Use the simple rule of “Keep it Heroic,”
The players just have to describe what their introduced in chapter 1, which has its origins
characters are doing, saying, and thinking in in John Stravropoulos “X Card” tool, which can
a call and response fashion. That call though? be found in the link provided at the beginning
That’s what this chapter is about. We’ll be of this section. The intent behind our slogan is
teaching you as the GM our best practices for to pause the action and offer an opportunity
giving your players something to respond to. to change the direction of the scene being
portrayed with the explicit intent of reminding
the group of your particular social contract.
KEEP IT HEROIC I use it to highlight that a good standard would
You and your table are responsible for the be the same as your favorite comic book hero.
energy you invite into your game. As a GM, you As mentioned, you’re responsible for the energy
are doubly responsible for maintaining a certain you invite to your table. I recommend you
standard of living for your group so they can be channel that of the late Stan Lee’s works: Spider
comfortable and safe at your table. Even if you Man, Captain America, The Xmen, etc. Some of
use this system to tell the story of a group of these characters have stories that are dark, but
villains, at no point should YOU be the villain at ultimately they are all about good people who
your table. fight the good fight, that is, to be as frank as
Do your best to be aware of the room’s mood.
Safety tools are great (especially those made
by @KiennaS and @jl_nicegirl on Twitter. Find A stance that is against racism, sexism, facism, and
their work here: https://drive.google.com/drive/ any form of bigotry or oppression while upholding
folders/114jRmhzBpdqkAlhmveis0nmW73qkAZCj), truth, justice, and respect for all regardless of their
but ultimately it’s the responsibility of the race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
individual to uphold the social contract your cultural background.
group either implied informally or has explicitly
spoken about.
What this boils down to is: I personally stand by this as an author and a
person. It is what I wish to put forward into the
world and my greatest Hope, pun intended, is
A conversation about the expectations of behavior that my work helps inspire people to engage
at your table. in conversations that better the culture of their
tables and maybe ask the important questions
that lead to them being better as people. I
You don’t need to be particularly formal, but you understand that I have no way of enforcing
absolutely should broach the topic as early as this, but I sincerely hope that you use the tools
possible. Communication is the hallmark of our provided here to at least protect your own table
medium and it is good practice to utilize it early and provide as much fun for them as possible.
and often to ensure a safe and fun environment

CRAP! MY PLAYERS Remember to listen to your players,
ARE HERE AND I DON’T as they are an invaluable source of
information and feedback! As long as
KNOW WHAT TO DO! your group is having fun, you can feel
free to ignore any and all advice you get
HELP!!! from anywhere! Take a deep breath and
do your best, but don’t beat yourself up
if you make mistakes. Even seasoned

C h 7: GM S t u f f
It’s ok, my fledgling GM! You totally got this! First
step is to relax and remember you’re playing a GMs fumble once in a while, so don’t
game. You’ll find GM advice all over the internet sweat it!
and **gasp** other RPG titles! I mean, sure- It’s
serious business, but you are ultimately in the
business of fun before anything else. That’s
going to be your number one priority.
If you can keep that in mind and make THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF
adjustments when you find you or your group
aren’t having fun, then you are a success as
a GM and we are absolutely cheering for you! The art of being a Game Master boils down to
Also, we’re cheering for ourselves, because one act with hundreds of ways of expressing
let’s be real- you’re having fun playing our it that all boil down to personal preference:
game, and that makes us successful as game describe the situation to your players. Ok, that’s
developers. So yay us, maybe? Mostly, yay you the end of the chapter. You can stop here, grab
and your group. Seriously, we love you to death your dice, and hit the table running. Honestly,
for giving us a shot to tell your stories with our that’s only a half joke because, really, you don’t
rule set. It’s honestly a dream come true. With need to know much more than that and the core
the gushing out of the way, let’s get back to the rules expressed in the rest of this book.
advice and stuff, shall we? Just do your best and
be attentive to your players and yourself. Ask
questions, implement things that excite your
players based on their answers, and continually
adapt to their feedback in and out of game.
How Scenes Work.
GMing is mostly an exercise in observation as On the other hand, we can keep going, because
much as it is in storytelling, and if you keep that the act of describing the situation means
in mind, you’ll do fine. If all else fails, remember having an understanding of what’s going on,
these three golden rules: and depending on how much depth you and
• Rule of Cool: Do what’s the coolest if you’re the group want to give your shared world… we
could be here for a while. When you’re learning
confused about where to go next.
• Rule of Fun: If you’re in a bind, do what’s to GM, keep it simple. Describe things as you
going to be the most fun for the whole would to someone in your everyday life then
table. If you can’t, then make a concession ask, “what do you do?” If a smell, sight, sound,
somewhere to keep the game going until or feeling seems like it’s important, then roll with
you can. Sometimes this means ignoring that!
the rules and giving a PC something a
bit wacky because it was a good idea. Picture what the situation looks like in your
Remember that you’re playing the game head, then pick out a few things that stand out
too as GM. That means you also deserve to and tell your players about it and encourage
have some fun once in a while. them to respond. Let them come up with
• Rule of Drama: You’ll have to occasionally awesome things about the world, and if they
fit, incorporate them into your descriptions. If it
punch someone in the gut to set up
something fun later. Let your players know isn’t something you think would work initially,
that these things can happen once in a charge them some Hope and do it anyway.
while, but if they play along you’ll make Remember, it’s a game of calls and responses.
sure it’s worth it for them later. Again, the Give the players things to react to and offer them
GM is also a player and sometimes kicking feedback on how the world in turn responds.
a PC through a window and running off This includes the actions of NPCs, monsters, etc.
with their mcguffin can lead to a more Consider how they Might behave if the world
interesting story. were real and tell the players what they do.

How Time Works in Tide 2. Use one or two interesting sights in the
area, focusing on anything that could be an
Breaker interactable first.
3. Add a detail or two about any ambient
Time is abstracted into the following categories: sounds and smells that can bring the
location to life.
• Scenes: A short amount of time, usually 4. Use NPCs to help set the tone. Think like
no longer than a few minutes, but could be a movie director when introducing a new
up to an hour in-universe. Just think “ Long character.
enough to beat someone up or have a deep
• Follow this up with a quick
introduction to cement their
• Skips: When a scene is longer than an hour personality.
(like when you’re traveling long distances
but want to cover it because the travel itself
• Always keep the issues in mind
during conversations with NPCs,
is interesting,) it’s measured in skips. Skips followed by their personal hooks if
can be from a day up to a month or two. they are immediately relevant.
Think “Long enough to showcase that a lot
of time has passed, but not long enough 5. When enough details have been established
where the character’s situation has changed to push the players forward, let your
dramatically.” players ham it up to their heart’s delight!
Do the heroic stuff: fight, rescue a cat,
• Sessions: A session is a collection of scenes
leave a positive review on a friend’s itch.io
and skips that last just long enough for your
table to say “Ok, we’re going home now!” game! Let them take their time, and once
everyone is satisfied with the current scene,
• Leaps: Can represent any amount of time
wrap it up and move on.
longer than an hour or so, but you should
reserve these for moments where time has 6. Repeat until you’ve finished up for the
progressed dramatically and has altered the session. Keep this up until you’ve finished
setting’s dynamic substantially. Try to only the whole story!
use a leap forward or backward in time at
the start of a session to keep everyone on
the same page (or don’t because it may be What’s Next? Tips For

interesting too! Remember the rule of fun).
Arcs: Arcs are a collection of sessions and Your First Game
leaps. When an arc has been completed, Now you know how scenes work, you’ve ran
it usually means the party has finished up through your opening Vignettes with the players,
a few of their Goals and has done a lot of and everyone’s hyped up to get on with the
growing. Main villains have been foiled, heroics. There’s only a few more steps to get
maybe even once and for all! Always start your first game going.
a new arc with an explanation of what the
new situation is and allow players to come
up with new Goals that tie themselves to If you haven’t, have a talk about any
whatever is at hand. boundaries you want to set with your group.
Roleplaying is fun, and as GM, it’s your job to
help keep it that way. We’ve got safety tools
Time in Tide Breaker is abstracted to serve detailed in the book and there’s plenty online,
the purpose of the story, so use the above as but nothing beats healthy communication!
a loose gauge to track what’s been going on in Talk with your players. It doesn’t have to be
your game. super serious and solemn, but you should
take at least a few minutes to make sure
everyone’s on the same page.
Scenes TL;DR
1. Start with a quick description of the area, Run through the Scenario Creation:
highlighting its general vibe. Grab all that Establishing some of the major players and
good Scene creation stuff we did up in Ch. locations with your table will help you get an
2, and draw directly from that. Where are idea for the type of game everyone wants to
we, who’s there, what’s the deal. run. Take a note of the characters mentioned

by the players and jot down some ideas for
how you want to introduce them to your
group later. Generally, you want to do this
Tips for Better Stunts
before you ever touch any dice so after you
get through this part, you’ll have a bit of time
and Cliffhangers
to prepare more if necessary. Both of these boil down to “Watch cool movies
and shamelessly steal everything that makes you
go ‘DUDE, WHAT!?’” Tide Breaker considers
Help the table make some characters. Part the GM to also play the role of choreographer.
of the fun of the Vignette is that it gets a

C h 7: GM S t u f f
The main difference here is that you are
good picture of your player’s character in “suggesting” opportunities for awesomeness
their head, which is half of the battle when to happen and encouraging players to follow
making a character in Tide Breaker. The your lead when your various Stooges, monsters,
other half is applying those ideas and using and major villains do insane stuff. By no means
the options provided to come up with the should you be stealing the show as the GM, but
best interpretation of your player’s concept bring a spark for the group’s creative fire!
together. Use this as a learning experience Keep a list of a few things you want to happen.
for you and your players. Be sure to take Plan some opening attacks or phrases for each
some notes and get copies of the character scene or fight, stuff that happens during the
sheets. You’ll want to use them when making middle, and some stuff that can happen as an
other KF’s, NPCs, and the various Bad Guys epic last stand or climax. The real thing to keep
they face. To make your job easier, many of in mind is that these plans can and probably will
the faces you voice should (at least at first) fall apart when faced with a group of players.
be slight alterations of the character’s your That doesn’t mean that you can’t bring back
players made. your list of awesome things in another form
elsewhere, even if it’s some crazy thing that
could only happen in a certain location. The
While your players are making characters, beautiful thing about RPGS (and action movies)
quickly read over the rules in chapters 1 and is there’s no reason a set piece can’t be used
6 if you haven’t. Tide Breaker is a big more than once. I wouldn’t OVERUSE locations,
game, but the core experience is in solving but that’s another tip entirely.
problems stylishly and kicking ass! If you
aren’t sure of a rule or forget something, When making stunts, try to give a quick snappy
don’t sweat it! The rules are here to help description of what’s going on in the fiction.
A sharp kick to the stomach that sends your
you capture the tones and themes we’ve target flying into a shelf in your crowded retail
been talking about throughout the book. store fight is better than, “He punches you really
Adapt them to your game at your own pace. hard”. You don’t have to be an expert martial
This includes things like abilities, Stand Out artist or even a great writer to come up with a
Features, Momentum Shifts, etc. This is YOUR good stunt in a fight. Just take a moment to
game. Run it how you feel best and come picture what’s going on, try to add some bits of
back to the text if you need things clarified. the environment, and maybe a bit of emotional
flare. Think about the expression that your NPCs
Play out some opening scenes with the Might have on their face when kicking people
characters talking, exploring, and doing other through a shelf full of hardware. Small details
basic Task Checks. Try to incorporate your count just as much as flowery descriptions.
Practice and see what works for your group. If
characters’ jobs and specialties in the rolls. you’re qualifying for your own Showstoppers,
Once you’re comfy, throw in a combat with then you’ve probably got it right.
some of the default Stooges in this chapter. If
you have some bad guys written up, feel free Cliffhangers work the same way. Steal sequences
to throw them in. Remember, add things in as from your favorite chase scenes, tense bomb
you learn them and get comfy with them. New defusing moments, and acrobatic displays
games can take some time to get used to. No you’ve watched on TV. Split them up into 3
need to rush, just have fun and let your table stages and then see if your players bite. “Drive
entertain each other and you’re playing the through the crowded bazaar, cross the gap in
the river, and safely deliver the bomb without
game right! setting it off in the middle of the city,” is a good
Cliffhanger. The key is to think of the Cliffhanger

as an entire scene from start to finish. Offer
challenges, but don’t write the stunts for
the players. Think of it like you’re looking at Momentum- No, not
an empty level in your favorite video game
and imagining what kind of crazy things you
the resource…
could pull off, then let the players discover for We mean pacing this time, as in forward
themselves what they might accomplish. Be momentum. Consider that for a second. If your
aware of what you consume and take notes, and players are ever meandering about, what could
you’ll be sure to keep your players at the edges be happening in the background? Did they
of their seats in no time! do something to piss off an important crime
boss? How much time has passed? Were they
Goals in play followed? The world you make should be a
living, breathing, and constantly changing thing.
Once you’ve established your Goals and In fact, you should probably consider the world
questions, work with your table to decide what to be a character itself! The player characters are
your group wants to explore for the night. A movers and shakers and very capable people,
session of Tide Breaker should be broken and their actions have consequences.
up into 1-2 scenes per Question or Goal per Your job as a GM is to make sure that those
session on average. Take down a list of which consequences are interesting. Whenever things
Questions or Goals the group wants to look slow down, make them come to life. Throw
into, and based on what has already happened down some Harbingers with your Doom and
in game, order them in a way that would make get the players moving. Harbingers are signs
sense in the overall narrative and build your that bad things are going to happen, and most
scenes around them until all the group’s choices likely they are happening soon. Use them to rile
have been resolved. the players up and get them investigating, or at
You may also (and should occasionally) leave least have them up and about to prepare for the
some Questions purposefully unanswered. Use worst.
Harbingers to turn Leads into Red Herrings, NPCs have needs and interests and might know
place obstacles on Questions, and otherwise that the players can help them. You don’t need
try to leverage your ability to complicate the a resource for that if it’s established the players
situation for your players at your discretion. are in town and are interested in getting things
Every session should ultimately end in a done. If things are slow, you can have someone
Question or Goal being resolved or turned into walk in on the PCs and ask them for help. The
an opportunity to add new Questions, issues, thing about heroic characters in most media
and obstacles. Feel free to deny some requests is that adventure tends to find them if they are
if a time sensitive event is coming up, like the looking for it or not. As the GM, look towards
Grand Designs explained later in this chapter, your favorite media for influences and copy the
but do your best to be accommodating and have techniques you see in them and bring them to
fun! your table. Develop your own style and adapt to
the situation. Then, like we said at the beginning
The Situation as Goals of the chapter, tell the players and have them
respond. Call and Response!
After Scenario Generation has been completed
and play has officially started, it is eligible for
all effects that affect layer and Key Figure Goals,
Questions, and issues. Make an index card or Am I… the bad guy?
other way to track the situation and work with
your players to create some overall Goals for Nope! In fact, you should be the players’ biggest
the campaign and attach them to the situation. fan! Sure you have Doom in order to be a pain in
Similarly, you can do this to entire regions in their collective ass, but you’re using that more to
your world in lieu of attaching an issue to them. spice things up for the sake of flavor, not spoiling
Be bold and creative, swing for the fences, the whole dish by burning your player’s mouths,
and have fun with it! Your objective here is to so to speak. While you should be moving
make the world seem as wide and immersive things in the background and playing up to the
as possible. Let your players in on the fun of strengths of your NPCs and especially those of
building out the situation and expand upon any the villains, you are ultimately here to create an
issues that pop up in the locations they play in. entertaining story of action and daring for your

table. Provide them with interesting challenges
and conflict, but do so in order to entertain, not
to defeat your players.
Let them fail if that is what the fiction demands.
If it makes sense in universe and the dice just
happen to have a vendetta against them,
this is fine. We give the players Excellence,
Showstoppers, SOI bonuses, and a crap ton
of quirks and functions to overcome a bevy of

C h 7: GM S t u f f
challenges. If they still drop the ball, then they
probably deserve it for using up their resources
too quickly or something. Failure, of course,
doesn’t have to mean death either. Capture,
retreat, or just getting mocked by the big bad
and kicked in the stomach as they cackle and
go off to murder puppies or something awful
are other options you could use instead of
murdering the players’ characters, and that’s
just for failing in combat. If you need to make a
choice between what’s more realistic and what is
more fun or suits the story you’re telling, better
go with the later 100% of the time. GMing is
about providing fun and entertaining situations
first, not just about punishing your players, but
don’t avoid that either. Find the balance that
suits your group and you’ll do just fine.

But… I do PLAY the Bad

Yes, yes you do. Moving on! This section was
to make sure you read the rest of the stuff
preceding it. Also, we definitely have some
advice for how to make your bad guys feel EXTRA
bad in the upcoming sections.

Wrapping Up A Session GRAND DESIGNS
or... Bad guys usually have some sort of plot
they want to get done, and the particularly
competent amongst your table’s rogues’ gallery
“NEXT TIME ON TIDE have spent enough time to work through their
plots so they can reliably execute them even
BREAKER!” with some resistance from their opponents,
because you can’t be a good villain without
Wrapping up a session is as easy as deciding upsetting someone, right? Tide Breaker
everyone is satisfied with where the play has sums up all of these plots into 3 stage steps
taken them for the evening, and they’d like to get called a Grand Design. Think of each step as
some sleep now. However, you may want to add separate Projects that spread out over the
a bit more flair to the end of your games before course of several scenes or even an entire story
this happens. As an optional step, you can arc. To create a Grand Design:
declare it’s time to “Wrap it Up, Folks!” When
you do so, talk with your players about how
the session went, what can be improved, how • Give it a name you can remember.
everyone felt, what they are looking forward to, • Name the objective. It can be as simple as
and most importantly what Questions they want “Blow up city with Death Laser.”
to see next. • Name the steps that need to be taken.
Once you have this information, channel your
best cartoon or anime show announcer and For the Death Laser example, this could be:
start the preview cut. During a preview cut,
only the GM may speak as they control the • “ Get a focusing crystal.“
camera, the players, and the NPCs for a short • “ Establish a secure location to install the
while to establish the upcoming drama of the laser.“
next session. Choose 1 or 2 scenes you’d like • “Gather energy through some devious
to see and paint a picture that hints on what method and fire the laser.“
Use short quotes in the style of your PCs, make
quick breaks in the action of a single shot. Assign the following:
Describe someone getting smacked by a friend,
then move on to the next shot and put them • A Progression Rate: A time frame for
in hypothetical dramatic situations based on when your villain is allowed to roll. The
what has happened during the session you just Mastermind gains bonus successes to their
closed. rolls based on their Progression Rate as
When you’ve done this the first time, explain follows:
that it’s all hypothetical and what happens is still
up to them when they return back to the table. • Once per Scene: nothing
Afterwards, make sure to award any Keys earned • Beginning and end of Session: + 1
and allow your players to pick Unlocks and you • Once per skip (at least one
can declare “THATS A WRAP!” Milestone Scene must pass): + 2
• Once per Session: + 3
• Once per Leap (at least one
Milestone Scene must pass): + 4
per roll.
• Once per Arc: Automatically trigger
the next stage.
• A DR for each stage named in the
previous step: The villain may repeat this
roll as many times as their Progression
Rate allows them to. See “Cataclysms” for

• If the villain succeeds at passing
stage 3, trigger the cataclysm, the
end result of their plan. See the
Wrench in the Works
section on Cataclysms below for A player with a Lead on the current stage may
rules on designing your own devious roll to create a complication for the Mastermind.
disasters and rules on setting DR for Based on their description, the GM assigns
each stage. the stat used for the roll and determines if any
of their job/quirks/etc. apply to the roll. Each
• A DR for their Plan B, a backup plan: By success rolled for this check adds a level of

C h 7: GM S t u f f
default, this is half of the current stage’s DR. complicate to the villain’s current stage and the
villian may not proceed until overcoming the
• By default, if the villain succeeds at obstacle.
their backup plan, they may advance
to the next stage. However, this may
be altered to allow them to only
escape and regroup later or exact CATACLYSMS
• If the villain’s Plan B is boils down to 3 Goals: Control, Subjugation,
thwarted, they are defeated or Destruction with two categories of targets:
completely. Spend a scene People or Things. A Mastermind will first pick
with your players describing their Main Goal, its target, and the scale using
how they ultimately the location scale found in chapter 2. Once
overcome the villain’s efforts decided, the Mastermind will repeat this process,
permanently. creating a new project for each stage. We’ve
copied the table from chapter 2 and added
• A secret DR to uncover the plan: This
the 3 new cataclysm Goals to the table for easy
functions as per usual for secrets, requiring
a connection to be made via evidence reference here:
or for 1 Hope to be spent to establish a
connection. • Copy the effects of a quirk + 1.
• Copy the effects of a Standout Feature + 3.
• Each stage has its own DR for • Copy the effects of a function + 1.
uncovering the plot. If the players • Create an Asset of X Value. Equal to the
succeed, allow them a scene to Value of Asset + 2.
create their own plan to foil the • Destroy an Asset of X Value. Equal to the
Mastermind. Value of Asset + 1. This disables the Asset
until repaired. To repair an Asset, pay the
Whenever the villain rolls to accomplish a step, cost spent to destroy it + 2.
they have the opportunity to cover up their
action using a subterfuge check. Failure leaves
• Reverse Engineer an Asset. You may either
gain resources equal to the Asset’s DR,
evidence as normal that investigating characters or improve the Asset by 1 Value or lower
can use to create a Lead to the villain or their the time required by one stage anytime
scheme and attempt to stop them. You may you choose to recreate this specific Asset
choose for the villain to wait while they are or ONE particular Asset of your choice.
establishing their position before rolling to act Repeatable, choose a new option for each
openly. Grand Design rolls by default may be time this option is chosen. + 5.
banked with the aforementioned stipulation
of leaving evidence behind. Be sure to cackle
• Uncover a secret or evidence. Equal to the
DR of secret + 1.
maniacally when successfully executing part of
the Mastermind’s plan in front of the heroes!
• Create a secret or Destroy evidence. Equal
to the DR + 2.
• Subterfuge projects. Equal to total
estimated DR + 1.
• Information Gathering. Equal to target’s
Reach + 1.
• Scouting. Equal to size of area + 2 (zone + 1,
region + 5, etc.)
• Improve or Attack reputation of negative.

Change attitude by 1 towards the positive • Everything: Complete Stage 3 or
or negative axis. Target Reach + 2. Complete Stage 2 + pay the greater
• Healing. Equal to DR of attack used against of 50 or the combined total of all
Target + 2. entries in the campaign setting.
• Headhunting- Gathering Stooges. + 1 per PL
The target of your project can change the cost
+1 per scale .
• Headhunting- Gathering Key Figures. + 2 for the current stage. For general purposes, you
may use the table above as listed, but if your
per PL + Reach.
• Headhunting- Removing Stooges. + 1 per Mastermind needs to only target a certain aspect
as part of their plot, you may use the following
• Headhunting-Removing Key Figures. + 2 Per section to modify your cost using Doom instead
of generated resources.
PL + Reach.
• Usage Time People. Includes:
• Single Use + 1.
• Attitude (mind): You can change a
• One scene + 2. character or group’s attitude towards you
• One session + 3. or a plan you propose by paying 1 Doom for
• One leap + 4. each point of DR required.
• Permanent + 5.
• Needs (heart): You can instill a need for
• Cataclysm- Destruction: + 3 per PL/Size/ your plan in your target by paying 1 Doom
per point of Value of the need.
Reach of target. Remove target from the
game until otherwise noted or a healing • Life (body): You can incapacitate a
Project with a DR equal to the DR of your powerful character or PC by paying 1 Doom
cataclysm has been completed. per Power Level to either disable an ability
• Cataclysm- Control: + 2 per PL/Size/Reach or quirk that character possesses.
of target. Target is considered loyal to you
or otherwise completely at your disposal And Things. Includes:
until otherwise noted or a healing Project
with a DR equal to the DR of your cataclysm
has been completed. • Resources: You may delay access to a
• Cataclysm- Subjugation: + 1 per PL/ resource by spending 1 Doom per point of
Reach of the resource’s owner.
Size/Reach of target .Target is considered
captured by you and you gain Ignite 3 • Locations: You may isolate a location from
on all rolls to manipulate the target until its allies or cause it to be vulnerable to an
otherwise noted or a healing Project with attack by spending 1 Doom per scale based
a DR equal to the DR of your cataclysm has on the location size chart + the Reach of the
been completed. Key Figure protecting the area.
• Area Size (to find or provide amount of • Objects: You may disable an object’s effect
resource) by spending 1 Doom per point of Value of
your target.
• + 1 single person or zone.
• + 2 Key Location.
• + 3 neighborhood.
• + 4 district.
• + 5 region.
• Cataclysm- Acquire new Boon: Doom
cost of boon + 3.
• Cataclysmic Scale:

• Multiple Regions: Combined PL of

regions + Reach of Key Figures + 2.
• An Entire World (all combined
regions): Complete Stage 2 + 20, or
greater of combined regions as per
multiple regions.

C h 7: GM S t u f f
MASTERMINDS Your Mastermind has access to “boons” that
come in 3 flavors: power, personnel, and
When the foundation for the Grand Design is assets.
done, create the villain behind the Grand Design. Power includes options to boost personal
A villain behind a Grand Design is known as a strength.
Mastermind. To create a Mastermind, do the Personnel offers access to people of varying
following: quality, numbers, and loyalty.
Assets confer resources, locations, Beacons
• Follow the normal steps for creating a of Doom, and Artifacts, a new type of item
Tide Breaker PC. accessible only through boons or capturing
• Assign the character an allotment of them from your Mastermind, and Production,
boons, additional bonuses exclusive to the a modifier to a location that allows passive
Mastermind that help establish exactly why generation of resources.
they are a threat to be reckoned with. See Before the game begins, you may spend Doom
“Boons.” to acquire a boon. Based on how tough you
• Create a cataclysm the Mastermind wishes wish the Mastermind to be, you may raise their
to trigger. starting Doom to x3, x4, or x5 player Hope. If you
choose to boost starting Doom, the Mastermind
may begin play with less than x2 player Hope,
but may not exceed more than x2 player Hope
once play begins. Any effect the Mastermind has
access to that requires Hope to trigger may be
paid for in Doom instead.

Power • If first/not first.
• If last/not last.
• • If before or after X character.
Power Level: 2 Doom Per PL. • Turn 1/Turn 2/Turn 3.

• Ascension: + 5 Per Star (after Power • Effects:

Level is paid for) • 2nd Phase: Boss resurrects
and triggers Final Form for
• Additional Job Speciality: + 1 free. This version also adds
• Extra Functions: + 2 per function. another contingency effect of
• Unlock Points: + 4 Per Unlock. your choice with an additional
• Contingency Plans: + 2 each. An extra trigger of your choice.
quirk that can be activated upon the trigger
of your choosing. Contingency Plans
• 3rd Phase: Boss Absolute No
Sells attack and gains a third
happen as an interrupt upon meeting contingency. Requires 2nd
their prerequisites and are uninterruptible Phase to be active.
themselves. Once you choose a trigger,
it may be changed once per scene by • Absolute Despair: Trigger the
Darkest Hour. This costs an
spending 2 Doom. amount of Doom equal to the
current maximum Hope value.
• Triggers: All triggers allow you to • Absolute Focus: Cannot be
choose who or what the effect is damaged unless Momentum
referring to and you may combine Shifted first. This effect lasts
a number of choices equal to your until the end of the scene, but
Intuition. must be paid for again each
• Darkest Hour is active. time the boss takes damage.
• Upon characters or objects of If you cannot or choose not to
your choice entering a target pay for this effect, the effect
location you choose. ends.
• Upon leaving target • Absolute No Sell: You trigger
location: As entering the No Sell Doom effect and
location, but your selections absorb all damage dealt to
activate upon leaving the you.
location. • Activate Artifact Effect:
• Reputation Level: When As an additional cost, pay 2
the selected reputation Doom per Artifact Effect level
level is achieved, this trigger activated and any associated
activates. cost related to the chosen
• Upon X number of scenes effect.
passing. You may choose to • Aegis: Gain immunity to
trigger this after a number of target ability.
scenes equal to or less than • Agonize: You deal your Power
your Power Level have passed. Level in Attrition to your
• On hit. target.
• On damage. • Body Double: An effect that
• Taken Down. would have hit you is revealed
• Taken Out. to hit a simulacrum, a copy of
• Upon death. you instead. You may pay for
• On missing an attack. this multiple times in advance,
• On ability activation. having up to your Power Level
• On activation phrase: You in Body Doubles active at any
choose what must be said to given time.
trigger this contingency. This
can be a single word or any • Conditional Defense: Must
be hit with a specific kind of
combination of words. attack to deal damage. Define
• Cornered or OverExtended. attack type upon picking this.
• On Momentum Shifts or On • Death Curse: May only trigger
Initiative Shift.

upon your death. Choose until the end of your next turn.
another contingency effect • Last Word: You may end
and a trigger. Your target gains the current round after your
an obstacle with a DR equal to action. You must have used
your Power Level to their Main Urgency immediately before
Goal. Until cleared, Death triggering this.
Curse activates your chosen • Perfect Prediction:
contingency upon the target Opponent becomes
whenever they trigger this Momentum Shifted for a

C h 7: GM S t u f f
contingency again. number of rounds equal to
• Defame: You attack your your PL.
target’s reputation, creating • Perfect Punish: Gain
an obstacle with a DR equal immediate Counterattack on
to your Power Level related block or dodge.
to a recent action your target • Pharaoh’s Favorite: Upon
has completed. Choose a being triggered, this creates
location with a Size up to your an object with a function of
Power Level: All Key Figures your choice that attacks a
in this area with an attitude target of your choosing with
less than loyal to your target this function. If you use this in
treat the target as uneasy. response to being damaged,
Characters that are neutral or the object breaks and you
worse move one step closer avoid taking damage at this
to hostile instead until the time.
obstacle is removed. • Reserves: You gain your
• Devastation: Attack becomes Power Level in Charges for an
Critical. If an attack would ability, Artifact, or other effect
already qualify for a critical of your choice.
attack, deal a Dire Blow • Upstage: You Gloat as per
instead the Doom effect, ignoring
• Fading Defense: You may the normal prerequisite and
only be killed by being hit apply the Propel function to
once their Attrition reaches any number of characters,
their Critical Threshold. choosing any characters to be
Whenever you would be killed, excluded by this effect within
you trigger an interrupt and a number of zones away from
Rise Up instead. In exchange, you equal to your Power Level.
you may no longer use any Characters moved this way do
other Recovery method and not trigger any hazards by this
cannot remove Attrition from movement.
yourself in combat. • Urgency: You Initiative Shift
• Grand Defense: Whenever yourself ahead of the acting
you would be Taken Out, character, Downshifting them
lock down an ability instead. by one Initiative Rank and
Criticals lock out two abilities, acting immediately.
regardless of current health • Leadership: + 2 each. An extra quirk that
state. You may only be killed confers extra effects when dealing with
after all abilities have been Stooges. If the Mastermind would go Out,
locked out. Rising Up unlocks their Stooges become disorganized, are no
an ability. longer affected by any of these effects, and
• Guard Break/Exact Aim: resume attacking everything they can reach
Attack becomes impossible as normal. For each time Leadership is
to avoid or endure. Treat your picked, choose one of the following:
opponent’s DR as 0.
• Isolate: Place target in zone • Block them off: A leader may order
their Stooges to form a barrier with
of your choice. Target cannot a DR equal to the total number of
leave this zone by any means Stooges in the zone.

• Cover me: A leader may use their • Last Stand: If a lone wolf would
Stooges to give them covering fire be Taken Out or worse before an
or grab nearby opponents when amount of turns equal to their Power
the leader moves. Thi allows them Level has passed, their Momentum
to circumvent negative effects that immediately maxes out and they
would hamper their ability to move. become immune to damage until
• Focus fire: As part of a Momentum the end of their next turn. This
shift, a leader may command effect may only happen once per
Stooges to focus their attacks on a encounter.
single target, adding the leader’s • Quick Thinker: Lone Wolves gain
Wits to the attack roll. Momentum equal to Wits + PL
• Send in the reinforcements!: A for every turn that passes before
leader may spend 10 Momentum to they act. Additionally, their cap is
remove a mark from a Stooge group increased by their Power Level.
or summon a new group of Stooges • Watchful Defender: Lone
if none remain. wolves outnumbered by PCs may
• Take Cover: A leader may command spend Momentum equal to their
their Stooges to defend themselves opponents Power Level to trigger
better, adding their Wits to the counterattacks, dealing damage as
Stooge’s defensive DR. This effect a Reversal even when they are Down
costs 5 Momentum per use. or Out.
• Take the Hit: A leader that would be
Taken Down can reflexively increase Personnel
their defense DR by 1 per Stooge
they sacrifice as an interrupt. In
doing so, X out one Reinforcement
• Headhunting- Gathering Key Figures: + 2
per PL + Reach
box per point of DR gained in this
way. If this would cause the attack
to miss, the leader loses their action • + 2 per loyalty above neutral.
for their turn if they have yet to act.
Sacrificed Stooges must be in the
• Headhunting- Gathering Stooges: + 1 per
PL + 1 per scale .
same zone as the leader to use this
effect. • + 1 per Stooge quirk.
• Lone Wolf: + 2 each. An extra quirk that • + 1 per function.
confers extra effects when dealing with • + 1 per loyalty above neutral + 1
per location scale. This pays for
multiple named characters attacking. Each additional Stooges to staff the
time Lone Wolf is picked, choose one of the location for one session.
• Headhunting- Guardian: + 3 per PL +
• Always someone better: The lone Reach. This pays for a PC-level character
wolf is always + 1 Power Level when that protects the Mastermind or a target of
compared to the strongest PC in the their choice.
party. If this would put them above
6 They gain a Star and are treated as • + 3 per loyalty above neutral.
PL 0 + Star level. • + 1 per Lone Wolf ability
• Army of One: Lone wolf’s secondary • + 1 per Leadership ability
stats add Intuition for all defensive
abilities. If the lone wolf could
already do so, their attacker gains
Botch on their attack roll.
• Careful positioning: A lone wolf
may move away from an attacker
whenever they successfully dodge
an attack or push an opponent away
if they block.

Assets Artifacts
• Artifacts + 10 per Level: This may be used Artifacts are powerful items that may be
obtained by the Mastermind to complete their
to add an additional Allure and Limiter to
an existing Artifact. Grand Designs. Occasionally, other characters
might obtain an Artifact through force, luck, or
• Alternate Cost: Pick a Limiter to gain the Chosen Wielder Stand Out Feature. To create
an Artifact, pick an entry from the following
a level or to gain an additional Allure

C h 7: GM S t u f f
to the Artifact. Categories: Allure, Source, and Limiter. You
may choose to pay 10 Doom per level to gain
• Beacons of Doom: Doom equal to the an Artifact without a Limiter. When creating
Location Scale containing the Beacon. an Artifact, you may add any effect as per
• Locations: Doom equal to the Location the normal project rules to the Artifact for no
Scale + 5. The Mastermind is considered a additional cost.
Key Figure of cool reputation with everyone You may choose to create an Artifact Location
that resides there. by choosing for the Artifact to be an area upon
creation. Doing so changes the base cost via the
• Attitude Adjustment: + 1 per level following table:
up or down for the Mastermind or
other Key Figure.
• Key Location 4
• Production: Doom equal to cost of asset • Neighborhood 5
created by Production + 5 • District 6
• Region 7
• +2 for each copy of an asset created
per scene. You may use any effects attached to this Artifact
• Enough copies to equip all Stooges, as if it were in your hands as long as you remain
guardians, and allied Key Figures in the Artifact’s area of effect. Additionally,
in area for one session: Production Artifacts that include functions (see the project
Cost + Location Scale + 1 section’s “Ability D” sidebar) are immune to
• Permanently: + 10 to above being broken by being directly targeted, but may
cost. have their associated functions disabled as per
the regular ability rules.
• Resources: Doom equal to the cost of the
Once an Artifact is created, Doom may no longer
be generated when the PC’s spend Hope.

Allure is the draw of the Artifact due to its power,
its unprecedented value, etc. In any case, each
Artifact starts at level 1 and ends at level 3,
where it shows its true potential. Pick one from
the following list:

• Assurance: This Artifact may be used to

spend Doom to change all probability to
your favor.
• Level 1: You may spend Doom equal
to your target’s Power Level to make
them succeed or fail at your whim on
your target’s next check.

• Level 2: You may spend Doom equal additional actions to act before any
to your target’s Power Level to gain interrupts that may happen during
the Level 1 effect for an entire scene. your turn.
• Level 3: You may spend Doom equal • Level 3: You may rearrange the
to your targets’ Power Levels to initiative in any order by spending
apply the Level 1 effect on a number an amount of Doom equal to your
of targets equal to your Power Level. Power Level, and you act a number
of times equal to your Power Level,
• Conquest: This Artifact allows you to exert placing each of your actions in an
an unprecedented level of Power upon your order of your choosing in addition to
target regardless of their own abilities. the Level 2 effect.
• Level 1: You may spend Doom equal • Mint: This Artifact has no intrinsic power,
to your target’s Power Level to make
any attacks against them count as a but is absurdly rare and probably made of
critical. liquid gold, diamonds, platinum, and angel
• Level 2: All attacks you roll are
considered a critical hit if they are • Level 1: The Artifact is worth enough
successful. If you spend Doom equal that it can be traded for many things.
to your target’s Power Level, your You may roll your Wits and add your
attacks cause them to be Taken Out Power Level as bonus successes
regardless of defenses or current to establish the Artifact as an asset
health Level. of a Value equal to your total roll.
• Level 3: If you decide to not move Anyone with enough resources buys
this round, you may spend Doom it without question.
equal to your target’s Power Level • Level 2: The Artifact is in such high
to cause your attacks to become demand that the buyer will offer
unerring: causing them to be Taken anything up to their most valued
Out regardless of defenses or current possessions to own it. You gain all
health Level without rolling. of the resources owned by the target
character in trade for the Artifact.
• Favor: This artifact can only be triggered • Level 3: It can be used to pay for
when performing a stunt during a one project no matter how high the
Cliffhanger, while Taken Down or Out, or cost, scale, or risk to the buyer.
when otherwise facing overwhelming odds
at the GM’s discretion. • Necros: This Artifact may be used to
control the flow of life and death.
• Level 1: You may roll to add 1d6
levels of the Hope effect “Push” • Level 1: You may spend 5 Doom to
which may be spent among any return from defeat at any time.
combination of dice or sides on a • Level 2: You may bring back a
single roll. number of Stooges equal to your
• Level 2: The artifact gains an Power Level whenever you return
from defeat or you may spend Doom
additional 1d6. You may spend both
Charges as you wish once per scene. equal to a target’s Power Level to
• Level 3: The artifact gains another bring them back from the dead, and
you may do so while you are alive
1d6. You may spend each of the 3d6
in any combination you wish once by spending an additional 5 Doom.
per scene. Your target may resist being called
back to life by spending Hope equal
• HourGlass: This Artifact may be used to to your Power Level.
take additional actions. • Level 3: You may call upon any
target at will once per scene without
• Level 1: You may spend 1 Doom per spending Doom.
turn to take another action.
• Level 2: You may spend 1 Doom to • Psyche: This Artifact may be used to read
take a number of actions equal to the minds of your targets, allowing you to
your Power Level after your initial predict actions with such clarity it appears
action is completed. Additionally, that you are in fact controlling them
you may sacrifice one of your instead.

• Level 1: You may spend 1 Doom convert each success into a Charge
to change the result of any ability or turn a Charge into a banked
requiring you to choose between success.
multiple options after seeing your • Level 3: The Artifact can now
opponent’s choices. This happens convert 5 Momentum into 1 Charge
before resolving any interrupts that and 1 Charge into 1 Doom in
may be triggered. addition to the effects of the Level 2
• Level 2: In addition to the Level 1 version.
effect, you may spend Doom equal

C h 7: GM S t u f f
to your target’s Power Level to Soul Drinker: This Artifact cannot
control their actions for a number of gain a limiter and the user cannot gain
rounds equal to the target’s Power Momentum. When the user would gain
Level. Controlling a target requires Momentum, it is instead transferred into
you to spend your own action for the Artifact. Once activated, the Artifact
their turn. You may not choose to cannot store any more Momentum until
cause your opponent to self harm deactivated and begins to drain Momentum
or inflict harm to an ally or interest. equal to its Artifact Level for every action
Your target may spend Hope equal taken and each time the user is damaged.
to the Doom you spent to resist this While activated, increase the user’s Power
effect. Keep it Heroic breaks this Level by its Artifact Level. When attacked,
effect without any resources spent. lose an amount of Momentum equal to the
• Level 3: You may apply the Level 2 Power Level of the user’s attacker. When
attacking a target, the user gains Push
effect while acting independently of
your target. If you spend Doom equal value equal to the Artifact Level and Pushes
to the total Power Level of all of your all failures until all dice in the pool show
opponents, you may additionally successes, paying 1 Momentum for each
make their choices in combat for the die affected. Whenever the Artifact needs
next round. Momentum, it is drained from its own stores
and then from the user. If the user fails to
• QuickSilver: This Artifact allows you to deal damage to any targets for a number
transport yourself any distance. of rounds equal to their Power Level, the
Artifact will drain the user twice per action
• Level 1: You may spend 1 Doom to or instance of damage taken until the user
teleport yourself any distance. You
appear one scene later. has successfully Taken Down an opponent
or is killed. The Artifact remains activated
• Level 2: You may spend 1 Doom to and continues to drain Momentum until the
teleport yourself and a number of
targets of a combined Size equal to user stops fighting. If the user runs out of
your Power Level any distance. You Momentum while the Artifact is activated,
may spend 1 Doom to repeat this they immediately go unconscious and gain
effect before teleporting. an obstacle, and the Artifact is deactivated
automatically and remains deactivated
• Level 3: You may apply the Level 2 until the obstacle is overcome.
effect to yourself and any amount
of targets within your line of sight to
teleport all of them to any location • Turbine: This Artifact can be used to
accelerate any task or action.
instantly without cost.
• Level 1: Projects can be done
• Reactor: This Artifact can be used to instantly by paying Doom equal to
convert any resource or meta-currency into the time scale of the project with
any other for any purpose. scenes costing 1 Doom and arcs
costing 5.
• Level 1: The Artifact can convert • Level 2: Projects that would
5 Momentum into 1 Charge and 5
Charges into 1 Doom. normally take longer than an arc are
now possible. For each time scale
• Level 2: The Artifact can now level beyond 5 a project would take,
convert Doom into Charges or
Momentum at the same rates as the pay an additional 5 Doom to cause it
Level 1 version. Additionally, the to be finished instantly.
Artifact may bank successes and

• Level 3: No project is beyond the Whenever the user convinces a target to do
scope of this Artifact. No project is something truly awful, like betray a friend or
too expensive to be accelerated. murder, restore Doom equal to the target’s
Anything you wish to be done costs Power Level.
1 Doom to complete after paying for
its resources. • Emotion: All powerful feelings are
a catalyst for the user of this Artifact.
• Web: This Artifact allows you to control all Whenever the user triggers a Showstopper
movement within your vicinity. or is the target of an action benefitting from
a Showstopper, restore Doom equal to the
• Level 1: You may spend Doom user’s Power Level. Alternatively, whenever
equal to your target’s Power Level
to suspend them in place as an the user delivers a particularly effective
extended action, locking down all speech, roll against the Target’s Intuition
movement for that target, including + Power Level (or Reach if it is higher) and
basic actions. Your target may break restore Doom equal to the target’s Power
away by spending an equal amount Level.
of Hope and then beating a DR equal
to your Power Level. If they fail, • Extradimensional: The Artifact pulls
its power from a link to a place outside of
they must spend the same amount the user’s current plane of existence. Treat
of Hope again to make another this as if drawing souls from a Beacon of
attempt, but all successes rolled are Hope, with the exception that the user may
banked until they are freed. only pull from a Beacon of Doom instead.
• Level 2: Your target no longer is However, the user may place an Artifact
capable of banking successes when down and spend a scene communicating
caught by this Artifact’s effect. with the Artifact to turn their current
• Level 3: You may spend an amount location into a Beacon of Doom to establish
of Doom equal to the Power Level a connection with the extra dimensional
of all targets in your line of sight to plane, restoring Doom as per the Souls
apply the Level 2 effect to them or to Source.
a single target to prevent them from
escaping until you are Taken Out. • Hope: The Artifact uses the default Tide
Breaker rules. Whenever the PCs spend
Source Hope, restore Doom equal to the amount of
Hope spent.
A Source is what the Artifact uses to channel
the energy required to work its magic. Unless • Life Force: Life force is anything that can
otherwise specified, activating or otherwise be channeled to keep a character alive.
In your setting, this may be mana, chi,
using an Artifact to gather Doom through its raw magic, chakra, etc. Typically, when a
Source takes one full round of concentration character runs out of this, they die. This
in combat, and if the user is interrupted the Source allows the user to draw life force
process must be restarted on the following from either their own supply or that of
round. another. The user may spend 1 turn per
Power Level of the target holding the
• Contract: The Artifact is powered by a Artifact in contact with the target. At the
GM’s Discretion, this may be done using a
magical contract between either itself and
the user or the user and a 3rd party. The function like Tether, Ranged, Aura, etc. that
GM gives the user a new Goal based on is feasible for creating an unbroken link
the contract and an infinitely repeating with the target. If the user is able to keep
the Artifact in contact with the target for
question of “Can I fulfill the contract?” the number of turns required, it deals one
For each time the question is answered shift in damage to the target and restores
positively, restore Doom equal to the 1 Doom. If the user can capture their
Artifact level. target and restrain them completely, the
Artifact restores Doom equal to the target’s
• Corruption: The Artifact is powered by Power Level and damages the target once
the energy given off of once good natured per scene until the target is dead or the
characters acting in the name of their own maximum Doom value has been reached.
self-interest instead of the greater good.

• Pure Power: The Artifact simply absorbs • The Artifact may hold any number
energy from natural or man made power of souls and draws energy from the
sources like waterfalls or reactors. For each weakest souls inside first, in order of
scene spent in a location with an object lowest to highest Power Level.
that can be used to power an asset (See
Projects for more info), restore Doom equal • Time: The Artifact restores Doom equal to
to the largest asset that can be powered by its Artifact Level once per session.
that object.

C h 7: GM S t u f f
Silver Lining: The Artifact restores Doom
whenever its owner gains Attrition or is Limiters are potential drawbacks that an Artifact
affected by a negative effect for at least may come with. All power has a price, after all,
1 round from any source other than the and Artifacts are VERY powerful indeed.
Artifact or its owner. Each 10 Attrition
gained or effect suffered by the owner
restores 1 point of Doom, as does each • Ball and Chain: The Artifact loses power
unique instance of an effect suffered by the the further away it gets from its resting
owner. Gaining Doom in this manner does place, assigned upon the Artifacts creation.
not require an action and can be done from Each level gained counts as picking an
any location as long as the owner remains additional Limiter for the Artifact.
conscious. Choose an intensity:

• Special Materials: The GM creates a • Level 3: The Artifact begins at full

power but deactivates once the user
specific asset that the user must create to leaves the location it is in.
feed the Artifact with. This asset must have • Level 2: The Artifact begins at full
a Value equal to the Artifact’s current level. power and loses a level per Key
Once fed an amount of suitable assets Location away from the original
equal to the Artifact’s current level, restore resting place it is.
Doom equal to the Artifact Level. • Level 1: The Artifact begins at
full power and loses a level per
• Souls: The Artifact channels power
neighborhood away from the
through the spiritual remains of a deceased
character or the energy of an especially original resting place it is.
powerful object or location, like a Beacon • Cascade: The Artifact begins play at full
of Hope. The user may hold the Artifact in power without paying any Doom, but only
the air in the presence of any number of activates on round 2 at Level 1, and then
souls to capture a number of souls equal to gains a Level every round until it reaches its
the user’s Power Level. Captured souls are full power. If the user is Taken Down or Out
slowly drained of their energy, eventually before the Artifact gains its full power, the
restoring Doom at the following rates: Artifact deactivates and the user must start
• Named Characters: Roll an the process again by standing still and using
endurance check against the an action to activate the Artifact again.
Artifact’s level + the user’s Power
Level once per scene. This check • Cloudy Day: The user must intentionally
increases by +1 DR each time they fail a task that ends with the user being
succeed. If they fail, the character in immediate danger or suffering a loss of
takes damage as if they were alive. resources of an amount equal to or greater
If this damage would “kill” them, than half of what they have on hand and
they are absorbed by the Artifact and greater than what they can produce in a
restore Doom equal to their Power single session. Each time this condition is
Level. met, the Artifact gains one Level. When the
• Stooges: Once per scene a Stooge artifact is used to accomplish a goal or win
group loses 1 scale and restores 1 in battle, the Artifact’s Level is reset to 1 at
Doom. Once a Stooge group’s scale the end of the scene.
becomes 0, the group is absorbed
entirely and provides no more • Consuming: Roll Endurance against
Artifact Level upon Artifact activation.
Doom. Success activates the Artifact as normal

and gives the Artifact one point of • Oath Keeper: The Artifact begins at
Addiction. Addiction is a pool specifically full power, but is a sentient being with
for Artifacts with the Consuming Limiter. an unshakeable willpower and will only
For each point of Addiction the Artifact has, activate upon overcoming an obstacle set
increase the DR for activating the Artifact by the Artifact itself. The Artifact requires
by 1. Upon failing to activate the Artifact, the user to overcome one obstacle per level
the user gains a point of Craving. Craving accessed and upon reaching its maximum
is a pool specifically for users of Artifacts power, it will ask the user to swear to
with the Consuming Limiter. At the end of accomplish a final Goal within a specified
a scene in which the Artifact has not been time limit. If the user refuses or fails to
used, roll Focus against Craving. If the user satisfy the Artifact in the given time, it resets
succeeds, nothing happens. If the user its power and refuses to activate until the
fails, add Attrition equal to Artifact Level user pays 1 Doom to awaken the Artifact
+ Addiction until the user activates the again.
Artifact again. If the user’s Attrition exceeds
their Critical Threshold the user takes a • Power Limiter: Cannot gain Momentum.
critical hit and must roll to recover as if they When Momentum is gained, it is transferred
were hit in combat. into the Power Limiter instead. The Artifact
may only activate upon overcoming a
• Death Sentence: The Artifact begins specific obstacle per Artifact level. Once
at full power, but activating triggers a Activated, the Artifact gains a level for each
permanent timer. Each use of the Artifact 10 Momentum spent.
adds one Mark Of Obliteration to the user.
Once the user gains an amount of marks • Principled: The Artifact has strict usage
equal to their Power Level, the Artifact is requirements in the form of a rule chosen
deactivated and removes itself from the by the creator of the Artifact. If the user
user, gaining sentience and taking the form breaks a rule, the Artifact immediately
of a copy of the user that hunts them down deactivates until the user pays 1 Doom. The
until it is defeated or kills its former owner. user may pick multiple requirements, and
each time they do so the Artifact gains one
• Drought: The Artifact gains a level for Level. Alternatively, the user may increase
each point of Doom spent after activating the penalty for breaking the Artifact’s rule
it, but loses a level every round it is used. to 5 Doom to gain a level, up to level 3
Additionally, for each target of the Artifact’s Artifacts requiring 10 Doom to reactivate.
effect, the user must spend an additional
Doom to pay for it. If this would cost more • Sanity Devourer: The Artifact begins at its
than triggering an Artifact’s line of sight full power, but activating it takes the user’s
cost, then the user pays the cost of the line action to inflict 5 Attrition to themselves as
of sight cost instead and deactivates the a sacrifice. Once activated, the user may use
Artifact. An Artifact deactivated this way it normally, applying 1 Attrition per round
remains deactivated and gains an obstacle to themselves until the Artifact is turned
and may not be reactivated until the off. Turning off the Artifact requires the user
obstacle is overcome. to stand still and takes their action. If the
user’s Attrition ever exceeds their Critical
• Linked: The Artifact comes with an Threshold while the Artifact is activated,
additional component called a link, usually they temporarily lose control over their
in the form of a small piece of jewelry, but body, gaining Momentum equal to their
can take the form of anything the creator current Attrition. While in this state, the user
desires. If the Artifact is parted from the link, perceives all present as a threat and may
the Artifact immediately deactivates and only attack their closest enemy and attempt
the user must spend 1 Doom to reactivate to counterattack when Taken Down or Out
the Artifact upon reuniting the Artifact with until all perceived threats are eliminated
the link. If the link is destroyed, the Artifact or the user is killed. If the user survives, the
becomes deactivated until its total cost in Artifact is automatically deactivated, gains
Doom is paid. Upon doing so, a new link is an obstacle, and remains deactivated until
formed with a new object and the Artifact the obstacle is overcome.
may be activated again.

have gone down in game. Remember that your
primary goal is to facilitate fun in a SAFE fashion.
If your players are getting uncomfortable, knock
it off. Even when running villains, you have a
responsibility to KEEP IT HEROIC.
Now for some specific advice. If you really want
to sell your villain, try the following out, but
make sure that you use a Harbinger before doing
any of this unless it is a direct consequence to

C h 7: GM S t u f f
something in combat:

1. Ham it up! Enjoy being a bit evil. Use a silly

voice, or a dead serious one if you’ve got
the chops and feel like it. Cackle nefariously
ADVICE ON MAKING YOUR or with a deep and commanding baritone.

BBEG A REAL JERK 2. Set up Cliffhangers for your PCs, and make
them brutal. Spikes coming out of the
walls and floor of the temple while Stooges
First of all, what’s a BBEG? Well, they’re your shoot down from safety as a giant boulder
mastermind types, and it means Big Bad Evil rolls down to crush the PCs from behind?
Guy. We think it was popularized by TV TROPES, You’re probably still doing them a kindness.
which is the Author’s favorite website. Seriously, The Stooges are likely on a platform or
they deserve a writing credit or something. Being something, after all.
a great villain is a bit more than showing up to
curbstomp the heroes and sacrifice innocents 3. Have the villain be vindictive and petty.
on your altar to restore Doom between scenes. Write down things that the player
It’s about presence! The Doom mechanic is all characters enjoyed. Did they restore Hope
about establishing and enforcing your BBEG’s by attending their favorite singer in concert?
power and personal magnetism as much as it Televise that singer’s execution next time
is about instilling a lingering dread in your PCs the PCs pass a TV. Buy out their favorite
with things like Harbingers. soda factory and close it down. Be creative
and be cruel, or funny and lighthearted.
Study your favorite villains and take note of Tone is everything.
how they operate and interact with other
characters. How do they enter a scene? What 4. If the Heroes are down, be sure to spend
do they do in certain situations? How do they Doom to gloat. Use this moment to rub in
talk and otherwise carry themselves? When exactly how bad the Heroes are at what
you’re preparing to make a great villain, don’t they do. Tell them how pointless it all is.
be ashamed to judiciously steal everything Then kill one of them mercilessly without
that isn’t bolted down to enhance your BBEG’s blinking and have your villain just leave
characterisation. while the players try to recover.
On the other hand, some of this requires 5. Speaking of killing PCs, separate them and
making great HEROIC characters. Most of this demolish them one at a time. You have
should already be covered by the PC’s existing, extra Doom to spend before the game starts
but coordinate with your players in creating to make sure you can make the BBEG JUST
memorable NPCs. Develop history with them as deadly as you want them to be. You can
and create some loving memories. You can make set up Leads to go in different paths AND be
use of them later. Collaborative world building is on a time limit with obstacles. Go wild!
great for immersion, and immersion is great for
establishing a basis to punch your players in the
6. Make some surprise visits during the PCs’
downtime. Offer them alliances to corrupt
gut. them, or just watch them from the dark.
Be warned though, do not abuse your power Make it known that the BBEG can be at
and just murder, maim, and destroy everything their doorstep at your leisure, and they live
the players love just to be a jerk. Space out the because your villain finds it amusing or for
moments where the bad guy really goes for some other appropriate reason appropriate.
broke. Give your players time in between scenes We usually like to go for a more ominous
to process some of the awfulness that may and imposing tone though.

7. Spend Doom to save the Heroes every
once in a while. Sometimes this is just
because you as the GM want to be nice,
sometimes it’s because the BBEG needs Stooges are weak opponents that rely on
them to live just a bit longer. Maybe they;re ganging up and sloppily attacking single heroes.
just toying with them, or maybe they are These aren’t the terrifying monsters unearthing
using their emotions to power an Artifact or massive rocks to throw at you, nor are they the
something. clever masterminds you fight at the climax of
the story; these are the underlings, the faceless
8. Practice the “Breaking Speech”. This is hordes, and the rank and file put in between
a speech used specifically to make a PC the evil leaders and the heroes looking to kick
feel AWFUL. Spend Doom to keep the them into next week. Tide Breaker uses
players from interrupting you or place your Stooges to showcase how powerful the PCs are
BBEG somewhere they can’t be attacked as individuals while still offering a challenge to
or otherwise silenced. Tips for Breaking characters that try to take on too much on their
Speeches: own. A single PC can take on a group of Stooges
• Be a bad Nihilist. Nietzche is alone, but eventually even the mightiest of
a favorite amongst bad guys, heroes will get tired and the Stooges can get the
especially when his words are lucky hit needed to take them out.
being twisted to fit their warped Stooges use slightly different rules than regular
world view. Use this or any other characters so the GM can manage them better.
perversion of philosophy and ethics To create Stooge groups, do the following and
to belittle, berate, and disarm note the following rule changes:
your players. Target their Goals
and questions and point out how
worthless they are while waxing • Pick a quirk and a function for the Stooge
on about the futility of all of their group to use. You can use this as a naming
efforts. convention for easier tracking. For example,
• Guilt trip anyone who tries to fight “Inquisitive Bushwackers” would use
for the greater good or happiness. the Inquisitive quirk and the Bushwack
What’s the point after all? They’re function.
gonna die anyway, and likely at • Assign a Power Level to the group. Stooge
YOUR hand. Power Level may never rise above 5 for any
• Point out that Humanity and similar reason. Like PCs, Stooges default to Power
life forms deserve the wrath of the Level 2.
• Compare the heroes to the BBEG • Stooges are considered to always
themselves. They are just as have 0 in all of their stats and use
evil being the Stooge-stomping, their Power Level for all actions,
building-exploding, badass engines replacing any stats referenced by
of destruction they are. all effects with their Power Level
9. Make sure the players know or soon find •
Stooges gain 1 level of
out about every awful thing you’ve done to
them and their friends. EVERYTHING. Leave Reinforcements per Power Level.
evidence on purpose. Make it lead to a Reinforcements are check boxes
death trap. Again, be creative. that represent how often the Stooge
group replenishes itself when hit.
10. Force your heroes into sadistic choices.
Save the puppies or save the love interest?
You can only do one! Then laugh in their
• Assign their Scale, the number of Stooges
available per level of Reinforcements.
faces. Villany is always amplified when the Stooges default to a Scale of 1, but may go
BBEG is clearly ENJOYING their debauchery. as high as 5.
11. Set up situations where the Heroes have to
make a split-second decision to save each • Stooges are considered to always
other or a friend. Then wait at the end of the have 0 in all of their stats, but may
tunnel and murder the friend they saved use their Scale for all defenses
anyway. Make sure you set up a Harbinger instead.
first so it’s not explicitly cheap.

• If a Stooge is required to add their character. DR is added directly to the Stooges’
Power Level for an effect, they may Scale for purposes of determining if they receive
add their Scale instead. a critical hit or not.
• Optionally, assign the group a job task and
a Speciality. Stooges add their Scale for any Momentum shifts against
rolls using their Speciality.
Stooge Attacks

C h 7: GM S t u f f
Momentum shifts cost Momentum equal to
the group’s Scale. If Stooges are targeted by a
When attacking, use Power Level + Advantages Momentum shift they panic, losing their current
against the defender’s chosen defense stat. action for the round and gain Botch 1 on their
next turn if they survive.
Reinforcements and
Reversals against
Damaging Stooges
Stooges do not use the health level system that
PC’s benefit from. Instead, Stooges gain 1 level Any successful Recovery attempt against a
of Reinforcements per Power Level, represented Stooge automatically results in a Reversal Attack.
by a number of checkboxes equal to the group’s Successful Reversal Attacks mark Reinforcement
Power Level. Use the following rules when boxes as normal.
attacking a Stooge group:
Attacking characters roll using the stat of their
choice and tally successes as normal. If for Momentum
any reason an ability asks for a specific stat or
choice, the attacker may pick whatever they feel Stooges gain Momentum equal to their Scale
best suits the situation. upon missing attacks.
All attacks against Stooges are considered Stooges share Momentum as a group and may
successful if one or more successes are rolled, use it to cause shifts against heroes.
and Attrition counts for this purpose. Upon being Stooges led by an elite share their Momentum
hit, the targeted Stooge group receives a mark (a with the elite, as well as making the additional
slash or “half X”) in their left most Reinforcement coordination especially dangerous.
box. If the successes are more than their Scale,
fill the box and treat this as a critical hit for any
effects that track criticals. Stooge groups with Advanced Stooges
Power Level 0 do not have any Reinforcement
boxes and immediately die upon taking any hits. You may assign a + 1 to offense (noted as vs.
Focus/Endurance/Intuition) or + 1 defense (vs.
Might/Agility/Wits) per Power Level up to a total
Any successes beyond their Scale do not mark + 5 points spread across all offenses or defenses.
any further boxes, but unlike named characters, If you do so, note your Player’s choices when
additional attacks from other sources, such as they defend against Stooge attacks for purposes
characters and hazards, will continue to damage of determining damage and Momentum shifts.
the group, adding a mark for each additional attack
Quick Key Figures: You may use this method
of generating stats to quickly create Key Figures
and other NPCS in a pinch as well. Use Power
Whenever a Reinforcement box is filled, move Level for all offensive rolls, and Scale for all
onto the next one. When all Reinforcement defensive rolls (Scale ratings higher than 1 still
boxes are X’d, out remove the group from treat the NPC as an individual in this instance).
combat. Assign at least one quirk, an ability with at least
one function, and a Stand Out Feature and
For the cases of things like the Summon function you’re ready to go!
or a Mastermind with the appropriate abilities,
Stooges may gain DR as if they were a normal

EXAMPLE STOOGE CREATION: this function add your Wits to the attack roll
for determining Critical and Recovery attacks.
Fernando is excited to run a game of Tide On Dodge: Create a gap in your zone with a
Breaker with their homies and wants to make DR equal to your Might. Opponents in target
sure they have a cool bar fight scene ready to zone may spend 5 Momentum to leave the zone
go on game night. They stat up the bartender, before the gap is created. If they fail to do so,
naming him Jaw Cracker Sebby and giving him they fall inside and must spend their next action
some appropriate abilities in case he has to get overcoming the gap.
involved. After, Fernando moves to the patrons
that they intend to throw at their group. Looking
over the rules for creating a Stooge Group, they
decide to do the following:
• Looking over the quirk list, the folks of this Mobbing is the act of using overwhelming
area are pretty hardy, so they pick “Tough”. numerical strength to make up for their weaker
This lets the Stooges take a free hit at the individual strength. This power of numbers has
beginning of combat. the following effects for Stooges:
• Taking a peak at the functions, they mull
over their options before deciding on
“Demolish.” These guys are seasoned bar • Stooges may treat each Reinforcement box
fighters and have a tendency of smashing as a “separate character” on the board for
up the place when they get riled up. purposes of movement, attacking, and any
Sebby knows this and is waiting with his effects they may be suffering. They share
sledgehammer in case too much of his stuff the same initiative order.
gets broken up.
• Intending to keep things simple, Fernando • Momentum gain and damage
goes with the default numbers of Power applies to the entire Stooge group
Level 2 and Scale 1, and also decides that regardless of whether or not they can
each point in Scale represents a single man. hear or see other members being
• Looking over the rules one more time to be attacked. They have the benefit of
sure, Fernando sees this leaves them with knowing when a beat down is about
a group of 2 “Tough Demolisher Stooges.” to happen and will run or surrender
They have 2 Reinforcement boxes from their if they run out of Reinforcements.
2 Power Level, but at Scale 1, this only gives
them one man per box. Fernando quickly • Stooges act and move into different zones
changes their mind and ups the group’s and attack once for each Reinforcement
scale to 3. 6 fighters sounds like more fun, box they have left. Roll one time for the
after all! group regardless of how many members are
• With that, Fernando is done! Skipping over attacking, but resolve the attacks separately
assigning any task to the group, they write for each character being targeted by the
down the following in their notes before Stooge group.
calling their group to come over:
• If Stooges use these extra actions to
target a single character, roll once
Tough Demolishers
Power Level 2/Scale 3 Reinforcements ⬜⬜ and add a bonus success for each
group member, and a Mobbing
Reinforcement box is considered
Tough: You may ignore the first damage you
receive each combat. Whenever your team a “member” for this purpose and
would suffer from a physical barrier or other participates in the attack.
hazard, you may take the hit to allow them to This allows you to have up to 5 separate
reroll. characters per group attacking simultaneously,
Demolish - On Contact: You may destroy any but with only the necessity of tracking a single
barrier, cover, or weapon interactable in your initiative count and roll per turn. If you want
zone. If your target was using the Interactable, to combine different powers or just add more
you may use it to attack the target, adding its enemies to your combat encounter, just add a
DR as a special bonus. Weapons destroyed by separate group. Additional Stooge groups can

be tracked with their individual names or can opportunities to be badasses when fighting
be assigned letters to denote their place in the the faceless hordes your Masterminds throw at
initiative order (Stooge A, Stooge B, etc.) them.


A retired superhero known as The Defender was
found murdered, and Laurie thinks somebody Elites, also known as “named characters” are any
PC, KF, or other type of NPC that has a name and

C h 7: GM S t u f f
knows something at Jaw Cracker Sebby’s filthy
bar by the Third Street docks. Laurie goes by does not use the Stooge rules for their stats. Elite
himself because Laurie is a Tide Breaker, as a keyword has some interactions within Tide
and he’s more than capable of handling some Breaker for Stooges and some Quirks, but are
salty ex-bikers in the pursuit of justice, right? otherwise treated as a normal Tide Breaker
Things go sideways quickly when Jaw Cracker
Sebby doesn’t talk. All of a sudden, all of the
patrons in Sebby’s bar are hefting pool cues,
broken bottles and chairs. The Stooges count
their two Reinforcement boxes as a separate
character for movement and attack on the same
initiative, meaning Laurie is outnumbered. That
becomes problematic when one of Sebby’s
crew grapples Laurie from behind, letting Sebby
himself get in a free shot or three...


Adding Stooges in your game is as simple as
saying “You’re getting jumped by 15 armed
soldiers,” picking a function to pair with the
default stats of Power Level 2 and Scale 1, and
rolling for initiative. During combat with a group
of Stooges, try to keep the number of groups
around 1-3 at max. Remember that a single unit
of Stooges can split off into as many detached
groups as their Reinforcement boxes will allow.
If any of the boxes suffer damage, they all will, so
you only need to worry about tracking the health
of the one group. Don’t be afraid to spread them
out and attack your players from any angle!
Stooges are a great way to allow the players
to show off, but can also function as a vehicle
for your own stunts. Use Stooges to coordinate
attacks against players and describe how they
either dog pile their target or execute daring
team attacks against the heroes. You can also
use Stooges to set up your players to do cool
counterattacks with your descriptions.
For example, you could have a pair of Stooges
jump at a hero and slide at their feet at the same
time. Your players could decide to counterattack
by leaping at the aerial Stooge and kicking
him into his partner, or anything else they
could imagine. Your job is to give your table

GROOVES • Targets: Altered core rules, character
options, or subsystems are the primary
Tide Breaker comes standard with as many targets for a new Groove. If you add
options as we could feasibly fit in one book, but something new that the game doesn’t do
we know that the greater community likes to at all list it as a new system. Like seriously,
tinker with things. Sometimes this comes in the we’d like a take on being a veterinarian or
form of simple house rules, other times its large a farmer in the future. Tag us on Twitter if
scale “hacks,” or overhauls of varying complexity you’re up to it!
based on an existing rule set. We’d like to offer • Details: This is where the main content for
the following section as a guide to creating your Groove is. This is where the technical
“mini-hacks” for your own games, be it for your core of your work goes.
personal table, or for published products! Game
design is a special passion for many of us, and
those of us who worked on Tide Breaker
are no different. That said, we wanted to give
some tips and examples to encourage all you The main challenge in making a Groove is
creative folks out there to get in there and get to deciding what exactly you’re trying to emulate.
tinkering! Is it an existing system from another game? How
Have fun! about your favorite moment from that series
you’ve been binge watching? Or is it a general
idea, more in line with a broader concept like
GENERAL NOTES ON an emotion or a time period? The trick here is to
GROOVES try and encapsulate the vibe of your idea within
the mechanics and use the mechanics to bring
Grooves are alterations or additions to the rules the idea to life at the table. By default, Tide
that are meant to follow a specific theme or Breaker’s design focuses on competence,
otherwise try to recreate the feeling of a familiar community, heroism, movement, and choice.
trope you’ve been itching to explore within the Every mechanic and idea featured in this game
context of this system. Grooves, however, are tries to bring one or more of these ideas to life
not simply additions of new content. If you’re and instill them into the audience, be it a reader,
adding a new character option or entries for one player, or a literal audience watching the game
of the existing subsystems tables, you haven’t being played.
changed anything about how the game works. Consider how you alter the mechanics to change
Grooves are intended to be minor adjustments how they make your players feel. As an example,
to how the game plays in general. Removing the the Rising Up mechanic is meant to instill a
combat entirely and replacing it with a round feeling of gritty perseverance. If you altered how
of “Uno” would qualify as a Groove. Adding a that worked, you could make characters feel
function that auto-crits on a 6 is not, though even tougher by doing something as simple
making it a universal rule absolutely would, as it as always clearing Attrition when you recover,
changes expectations for everyone without any or make character’s feel more vulnerable by
investment in character creation or progression. removing the ability to Rise Up on your own.
Doing the latter could also encourage more
teamwork and make actions like First Aid more
THE TEMPLATE important. Try changing some of the following
options listed here by chapter, and feel free to
explore your imagination for inspiration, and use
• Name: What do you call it? We like to lean
the game’s glossary for other potential targets!
towards pairing up “Word + Breaker/Maker”
as the go to, but don’t feel limited to our
naming conventions. • Chapter 1:
• Purpose: Explain in a sentence or two what
your Groove is trying to accomplish. The
examples in the book are meant to capture
• The Dice and Other Direct Math
Changes: This has the potential
a specific vibe that the core book doesn’t for being the most work to change,
focus on (like Fear Breaker and it’s related but also can alter the flow of the
horror themed mechanics). game significantly. Successes on a
5+ instead of the default 4+ makes

character’s less likely to succeed. • Beacons of Hope or Doom: We
Changing the type of dice used can once considered giving the Beacons
alter things as well. Converting the themselves quirks, much like
game to no longer use a success- characters. Could more than an
based system at all would transform object or a character be a Beacon?
the game in a huge way! Could a Beacon affect a small area
• Botch, Ignite, and Explosions: or a single character for something
While these are typically the results other than Hope?
of abilities and other character

C h 7: GM S t u f f
options being triggered, you could Chapter 3:
make them defaults for rolls.
Consider what the game would
feel like if all rolls had Botch 1?
• Giant Monsters: There is SO much
here. Really, it’s more of a matter of if
What if all characters had Ignite somebody else beats me to making
1 by default? Default Botching a proper Kaiju Groove or not.
would make character’s a little less
sure of themselves and perhaps • Subterfuge: Check out the attitude
section. What consequences could
be a reflection of poor luck being happen based on the players
a greater factor in their lives. The actions? What about fences and
opposite holds true as well, and other things from the criminal
only becomes more apparent if you
add Explosions as a default rule. underworld and the various media
For instance, some games have inspired by it?
Exploding dice whenever you roll a
6, and others Explode BOTCHES. • Chapter 4:

• Chapter 2: • We mostly talked about this in the

introduction. See the examples
below for ideas of what you can
• The Sphere of Influence: As it is,
do with changes to the character
the SOI system is made to encourage
tables to build upon their worlds generation and combat rules.
and engage with the Key Figures
and other NPCs in their games. Try • Chapter 5:
thinking about what’s currently
present. What happens if you do • More progression modes? More
upgrades? Progression modes are
something like allow a Key Figure effectively Grooves in themselves,
to slowly gain more Reach as time as they change how the core game
goes on? You could add systems experience works as far as what is
where many deals are going on in being encouraged by the related
the background of the game world mechanics. Look into each entry and
and those involved become more see what you can gather from them.
influential in areas beyond their
original station. • Chapter 6:
• Hope and Doom: A lot can be done
by thinking about what options you
currently have and how much they • Changes to Attrition make combat
more threatening, it can make social
might cost, but more still could be situations more tense, or it can
done by adding or removing limits create general tension as characters
on when effects are triggered, who break down from other methods
or what they can target, and how of increasing it. Movement can be
Hope and Doom can be accrued. changed to be played on a grid for
What gains Hope normally? The more granular tracking. Initiative
default rules encourage building the can be sped up or slowed down to
community through solving issues emulate different types of games,
related to the Sphere of Influence with characters taking more actions
and its residents. However, things every turn to capture the feeling
like finishing a Project might be a of combo attacks or automatic
good place to start adjusting things. weapons.

• Chapter 7: player Momentum equal to their Wits.
They may execute the Harbinger to Jump
Scare their target, forcing them to spend
• Grand Designs: There are things
Momentum equal to the Mastermind’s
that can be changed here to make
your ideas come to life. Remove the Power Level + fear-based Advantages or
Projects as inspiration and replace trigger that target’s Fear Response.
them with something else entirely.
Change the Contingency Plans and
move them to center stage, as they
could be the entire plan to begin Fear Responses are consequences for
with. Alter how each stage works. whenever a character fails to resist
Perhaps a Cliffhanger is too slow or a Jump Scare or witnesses a named
risky and you want the Mastermind character being murdered. When
to be much more imposing in their your Fear Response is triggered, pick
planning. between one of the following effects:
• Stooges: Change how Stooges are • Fight: The character attempts to
hit, specifically if rolling is needed or attack anything remotely scary,
not. Change if you can hit multiple including anything that makes a
boxes or not. Can you cleave sudden movement or loud noise
through adjacent Stooge groups? Do near the character. If the character
they run when they are hit? Can they is currently Taken Down or Out, they
pile up on you and prevent you from may not pick this option.
• Harbingers can and should be used
EXAMPLES occasionally to make that thing an
ally who happened to walk around
the corner at a poor time.
Lead Breaker • Flight: The character runs towards
• Purpose: Makes for fun and deadlier gun the closest available escape route,
regardless of other logical options.
play. They can’t all be complex! PEW PEW!
• Targets: Attrition, Ranged function (and If they are under any movement
impairing effects, they cannot use
similar effects), cover.
• Details: Ranged attacks (defined as any this option.
attack with a range of more than one • Hide: The character dives for the
zone. Primarily from the Ranged function) first visual cover possible. This
auto-crit if they hit. Attrition stays on your can be used to create problems
character until healed. Cover gains Attrition by triggering Harbingers for
and is destroyed when Attrition exceeds DR. other survivors. If there are no
cover interactables available, the
Fear Breaker character cannot use this option.
• Freeze: When all other options
• Purpose: Simulate things from action are unavailable, the character
just panics and stays still in abject
horror movies and 80’s slasher films! Jump
scares! Bad guys that teleport off screen! horror. While under the effects
BOOO SPOOKY! of Freeze, they may not take any
• Targets: Masterminds, Harbingers, actions until either the end of the
scene or another character uses
Attrition, social effects, Doom, Power Level.
New keywords: Fear Response, Jump Scare. an action to Aid the character. Any
• Details: All social effects tied to your damage they take jolts them out of
this Fear Response and allows them
abilities now build up Attrition, though they
still won’t cause actual damage. Attrition to act normally again.
is permanent until healed. Masterminds Players may alternatively volunteer to
may not die while there is Doom remaining. trigger a Fear Response to trigger the
Masterminds may appear anywhere after Hope Effect Burst for free. This extra
the GM plays a Harbinger. Masterminds Momentum may be used to pay for
have a Power Level equal to 2 + the current bonus dice to succeed at any checks
number of untriggered Harbingers in play. provoked by their Fear Response on a 1
The GM may play a Harbinger to give target to 1 basis.

Spy Breaker
Climax Mode
• Purpose: Create the tense mind games
filled with information brokers, seedy • Purpose: Make some extra-challenging
nightclubs, and high-stakes plots of all boss fights akin to your favorite old school
your spy action movie favorites. Gameplay beat-em-ups and JRPGs.
becomes more focused on maneuvering in • Targets: Masterminds, characters, damage,
the background and gathering information abilities.
to uncover plans rather than how stylishly • Details: All named boss characters working

C h 7: GM S t u f f
you can take out your opponent in direct directly for the Mastermind gain a Favored
confrontation. Pair this with Case Breaker Ability (Pick an Ability slot: A, B, or C).
to add some additional complications to Favored Abilities auto-crit upon dealing a
your secret agents’ lives! hit. Boss characters and Masterminds also
• Targets: Attrition, Health Levels, evidence, deal their Might in Attrition when defending
Receding Tide scenes. with Endurance and Agility while dodging.
• Details: Attrition is replaced by Heat, and Masterminds and named characters allied
all combat becomes non-lethal until you with them always deal damage as if they
have generated more Heat than your Wits. were a boss using their special attack.
However, if you would suffer damage,
you gain Heat equal to your attacker’s
Wits. If you would suffer a critical hit or
are reduced to Taken Out or Dying, your Deal Breaker
attacker gains a link to your identity. If
your identity is revealed, you gain Attrition
• Purpose: This is for players that are fans
of Thieves Guilds in computer RPGs and
as normal. Doom cannot be spent to other stories of up-and-coming cutpurses
create a link to your identity. However, any that need someone to rinse those ill gotten
evidence you leave behind can establish a gains. Thieves in these stories tend to
connection by making an additional Wits survive more on their cunning than on raw
roll against your Intuition + Power Level. power, so pair this with Climax Breaker to
Investigators may add your current Heat also make Masterminds and their guards
as a special bonus for this roll. Heat can be more challenging.
removed during Receding Tide by rolling
to Clean Up The Mess. Each success rolled
• Targets: Beacons of Hope, resources,
past the DR for cleaning also removes a
point of Heat per success. If you have no
• Details: Introduces a new Beacon of Hope
known as a Fence. You may bring resources
evidence against you that they are aware of, gained through subterfuge checks and
you may roll this check without the DR to trade them to the Fence to restore Hope.
remove all currently accrued Heat. The cost depends on your relationship
with the Fence. Use the normal resource
tables to determine price. Hope starts at
Case Breaker Reasonable and fluctuates as normal.

• Purpose: Add new mechanics to facilitate

social combat in the game.
Targets: Subterfuge, zones, combat. Strike Breaker
• Details: Witnesses and victims of • Purpose: Makes combat a bit more relaxed,
subterfuge actions can roll an Accusation requiring characters to get creative and use
attack against a character as a social action interactables to deal real damage to their
against them to deal Heat to the character opponents.
instead of physical harm. When dealing • Targets: Combat, functions, interactables.
with Accusations, you may choose to use
the full combat rules to create areas of
• Details: All characters have their offense
and defense functions lose their combat
discussion instead of the usual zones and to effects and deal no damage when used
simulate your character expertly weaving in against an opponent. Utility and movement
and out of conversations and interrogations functions lose any combat effects that
or brute forcing their way to social freedom deal Attrition to an opponent directly or
with intimidation tactics.

indirectly and no longer deal damage to
opponents. Combat is still possible, but
must be done via interactables or with a Care Taker
basic attack, which is available to everyone • Purpose: Add even more emotional drama
at all times and treated as an ability with no to your Tide Breaker games. This
functions. All interactables deal your Power requires Joy Maker.
Level in Attrition On Contact and On Dodge.
Damage done with interactables may cause • Targets: Hangups, Hope, Grand Designs.
an opponent to be Taken Out, but may not • Details: Adds a cataclysm to KF’s Hangups
finish them off unless the interactable is as per the Grand Design rules, creating a
already considered Lethal. Opponents that “Cataclysm Clock” which progresses one
are Taken Out may be reduced to Dying stage once per session without rolling. The
with a basic attack by spending a full turn KF gains nothing for achieving stages of
(without moving) to attack them. If you are this “master plan,” instead suffering new
attacked and Taken Down or worse before effects listed per stage until reaching the
the round ends, your target survives and final cataclysm. Overcoming the Hangup
you must try again once you have Risen in this way also rewards 1 maximum Hope
Up. You may cancel your attempt to finish and restores 1 Hope per Hangup overcome.
off your opponent as an interrupt without Work with your table to make a list of
paying the Momentum cost and move away potential consequences for each stage of
if you are attacked before the turn is over. the cataclysm, and feel free to ignore the
usual effects, especially if you’re choosing
to use this to emulate a setting closer to
Joy Maker reality. Appropriate consequences can
affect relationship levels and include things
• Purpose: Add a bit more sunshine to your
games with some more attention to the
community-building aspects of heroism. • a break up with a spouse
• Targets: Key Figures, needs, Questions, • blowing up at the job and ruining
Hope, secrets, and links. their life
• Details: Key Figure’s needs are treated • alienating themselves from their
as player Questions, and you can fulfill friends
them to restore Hope. Some needs may
also be secrets if the Key Figure does not Remember to Keep It Heroic when approaching
wish for the need to be known publicly this sort of content and talk together so
or because sometimes... it can be hard everyone is safe while playing.
to help people because even they don’t
know what’s gonna help. In the latter case,
these secrets can be uncovered by the Key
Figure if they spend a scene with another Vice Breaker
character talking about their feelings • Purpose: Tide Breaker’s characters
and current problems. There is no need are normally extra-heroic paragons of
to establish a link, since being bothered Hope. This Groove removes Hope in favor
by something is enough to constitute a of creating an environment closer to the
link. All characters gain one task involving anti-hero movement of 90’s comic books,
emotional intelligence as a heroic job task.
PCs may roll this to establish links with leaning on their addictions and Doom itself
other characters that may know more about in a cynical attempt to process their lives
the KF the PCs wish to assist. KFs gain a as they combat evil without straying too far
new stat called Hangups, special obstacles from the righteous path themselves. This
serves to represent mostly-unprocessed requires Care Taker.
emotional trauma that must be dealt • Targets: Hope, Doom, Hangups.
with before addressing a need. Hangups • Details: Player characters gain 1 Hangup
are usually blocked by secrets, but can per Goal, a Cataclysm Clock for each PCs
be uncovered by either gaining evidence specific tragedy that may take place if they
through a KFs allies, or through reaching a fall too far, and a Vice. Vices are specific
certain attitude rating with the KF. actions that clear Attrition, pause the
character’s Cataclysm Clock, and restore
Doom upon use. PCs may pull upon Doom.

Whenever they do, their Cataclysm Clocks made and create abilities for them if they
all move forward one stage immediately. haven’t done so upon initial character
Upon creating your Vice, name the action generation. If a PC is discovered to be the
that must be taken to satisfy it and consult Mastermind, they assume control of the GM
with your table to ensure it does not create seat. Mastermind’s still roll normally with
any issues for the rest of your table and the Grand Design, but their plan cannot be
serves to make the story more interesting. If unveiled normally. Instead, whenever the
it fails to do either, rework the Vice’s action Mastermind attempts a subterfuge action or
until it does. attacks a KF or PC, they always leave some

C h 7: GM S t u f f
evidence behind. When enough Evidence is
gained to meet the DR of the current stage,
Cast Breaker the plot is revealed and a link is connected
to the Mastermind’s identity.
• Purpose: Create scenarios with a large
ensemble cast of characters that can die
at any time, akin to popular TV dramas on
your favorite cable stations.
Base Breaker
• Targets: Subterfuge, Masterminds, Grand • Purpose: Add some large scale tactical
Designs, character creation, scene flow, GM gameplay to your narratives.
control, Harbingers. • Targets: SOI, Beacons of Hope, Doom.
• Details: Upon starting the game, define • Details: Hope is determined by how many
all of the Key Figures and PCs involved Key Locations are under the control of
by having each Player make their starting the PCs’ allies. The PCs’ Home Base is the
character and any number of additional only Beacon of Hope in the setting. Each
Key Figures. For each character created, session, the GM must place a Harbinger
make a secret that connects them to the on a Key Location. Harbingers may only
Mastermind’s plot and to another character. destroy a Key Location if they exceed the
This is known as the Plot Secret. Hope Locations Size + Hold. Each Key Location is
and Doom may be spent to create Leads controlled by a single Key Figure. If that KF
that become attached to a character’s is removed from play, the location falls and
Plot Secret. This type of Lead is known as is taken over by the Mastermind, reducing
a Revelation, and may only be generated maximum Hope and increasing Doom by 1.
once per scene. Whenever a new Revelation If only the PCs Home remains in play, enter
is generated, have that character roll the Darkest Hour. If the PCs survive, they
their Focus + Power Level + any relevant may immediately take back a Key Location.
Advantages against the current number
of Revelations + Evidence levied against
them. If they fail, they draw suspicion from
all character’s present in the scene and Suit and Tie Breaker
must prove their innocence or remove all
witnesses present. If they are unable to do • Purpose: Add some more deterministic
action to your combat by giving everything
so, they are revealed as the Mastermind. an On Contact and On Dodge effect.
A character may roll Wits + Revelations +
Evidence against their target’s Intuition + • Targets: Functions, Emergency Defense,
General combat.
Power Level + Advantages to discredit them
and either remove a Revelation against • Details: Everything has On Contact and
On Dodge. If your ability already has an On
themselves or prevent that character from Contact or On Dodge function, gain Explode
creating a new Revelation until the end of 1. Emergency Defense causes attackers to
the session. If a character is discredited gain Botch 1 when you use cover and allows
again while currently discredited, they you to move 1 zone otherwise.
receive a Harbinger. If they receive a
second Harbinger for any reason, they
are removed from play, ignoring normal Don’t touch the threads, baby.
PC protections against Harbingers. If a PC
would die or otherwise be permanently
removed from the story, they may take
the identity of one of the Key Figure’s they

Storymakers are not targetable by any effects
Vance Breaker and have no applicable stats beyond their name
and background.
• Purpose: Add some more d20 to your GM, you have a bit of responsibility for the way
Tide Breaker spell casting. the fiction moves between the framing story of
• Targets: Progression, tricks, Momentum, the Storymakers sitting around telling tales of
ability generation. their heroes and the central story of the Tide
• Details: The game uses Looter Progression Breakers living those stories in real time. The
only. Characters start with one ability: bulk of the game is with the Tide Breakers, but
Wizardry. Wizardry Starts with 2 functions you should zoom out to the Storymakers as
and 4 tricks. You forget all of your tricks needed to get reaction shots, added bits, and so
at the start of each session unless in the on.
middle of combat, and may pick 4 new
tricks at the beginning of a new session. In the setup for the game, during Scenario
Momentum starts maxed out every day. Creation, figure out where your Storymakers are
You cannot use any Momentum gaining while they are telling the awesomely amazing
effects, but Momentum resets when you epic tale of the Tide Breakers they know and
spend a scene resting. The cost to use love. This is a place of safety and sharing, not
a trick is reduced to 2 Momentum. You somewhere with a lot of action. Consider this the
may spend an upgrade to increase your wide shot with the larger context, then zoom in
Momentum cap by 4. You may spend an to be your Tide Breaker, taking all KINDS of
upgrade to increase your maximum number action, in all KINDS of danger, creating the story
of tricks by 1. Doing so increases the your Storymaker is sharing at that gathering. Be
amount of keys required for an upgrade by 1. ready for strange twists!
GM, every so often during play, but especially
after a Botch or a Showstopper, cut from the
Storymaker Tide Breakers in the action and pull back to
the Storymakers sitting around the campfire or
pool table or wherever. Get a quick “reaction
• Purpose: Cast the entire game into local
shot” from them. For example, if the Tidebreaker
legend, family mythology, and tall tales
about real heroes who turned the tide of makes an especially awesome Showstopper
history. Credit: Meguey Baker. dive across the bar, two-fisting the guns while
shouting out “Drinks are on the house,” cut
• Targets: Character Creation, Scenario
to the Storymakers and have someone react,
Generation, GMing, Hope, Doom, Botch,
Ignite, Showstoppers. New keyword: “Aw man, Uncle Roy always with the puns!
Storymaker. Remember his lemonade? I’mma get another
drink before this next bit,” then switch back to
• Details: In addition to their Tide
the Tide Breakers and zoom in on the action
Breaker, players should each make an
extra character, someone who’s heard the again.
story dozens of times, enough to tell it well. The GM retains their usual role, but all players
All players do this; there’s not a Storymaker, making PCs have secondary PCs with access
you are all Storymakers. You need only a to pieces of the GM toolkit at various places.
few things for your Storymaker: a name, Players as Storymakers have access to the
how they know your Tide Breaker, Doom pool to spice up the story a bit during the
and roughly how old they are. All of your zoomed out scenes They may spend 1 Doom to
Storymakers know each other. They might add a complication. “You left out that bit when
be at a camp overnight, friends on a road Uncle Roy accidentally shot out the power lines!
trip, attending a family reunion, or even Tony and them had to fight in the dark!” “Oh
just a bunch of folks sitting around talking yeah, man! Tony was pissed about that! They
about how things went down that one had to track the robbers just by the muzzle
summer. flashes as they darted around the bar!”
GM, roll with that in the next Tide Breakers
scene. This might take things in a whole different
direction than anyone expected!

Each Storymaker is explicitly tied to one of the Tide
Breaker characters the action focuses on.
Phoenix Breaker
This link allows them to spend Hope OR Doom
to affect their Tide Breaker’s success. When • Purpose: Capture that moment when
the heroes are dropped to the ground but
spending Doom to meddle with themselves, treat
they need an overwhelming moment of
the Tide Breaker as protected by Excellence,
power or a surge of energy to allow them to
meaning nothing can permanently remove the
succeed even if it costs them their life. This
character from play without their Storymaker’s
is the dramatic bonus and boon for heroes

C h 7: GM S t u f f
approval. If an effect would permanently remove
that just want to feel like they channeled
the character from play, the Tide Breaker is
everything at that last moment, which may
incapicated for a minimum of 1 scene. Decide how
save their lives. Credit: Gabe Hicks
this is played out in the fiction and allow them to
return when Hope equals the Tide Breaker’s • Targets: Characters, damage, Excellence.
Power Level. Tide Breaker’s affected by this • Details: The first time a character is
reduced to Taken Down, Taken Out, or
rule do not receive the normal benefits of Excellence
an effect would cause them to die, the
beyond the aforementioned protection.
character temporarily Rises Up and must
A Storymaker can also spend Doom to complicate immediately make an attack at an enemy
things for another Tide Breaker. If they do so, foe or roll against any danger around them
the spent Doom is converted into Hope at a 1 to 1 using all available Momentum, Charges,
basis. etc. If the attack is successful they remain
Up. If the roll misses or fails, they remain
at their previous health level. If this would
GM, when you wrap up a session and the Tide reduce the character to Dying, their turn
Breakers have Done the Thing, zoom out back immediately ends. This Groove can also be
to the Storymakers and give them all a tiny combined with Limiter Breaker.
epilogue to close out the family gathering or
camping trip or whatever like you might after a
night of sharing stories about cool things folks
you know did back in the day. “Man, that sure
Limiter Breaker
was something to see, what they did.” “I was
lucky to know them.” “I Hope I can be that cool
• Purpose: Allow your party to push their
own limits as if they’re increasing their
one day.” strength to a massive capacity for a
As part of the epilogue, a Storymaker can spend temporary boost. This will also give more
1 Hope to Spout Exposition. “Uncle Roy was the Doom on the table to be used after the
coolest. We’ll have to pick this up later though. moment is resolved. This is intentionally
Maybe we can talk about how he and Tony designed to overpower them for a moment.
managed to pay for the damages!?” “Yeah, Mr. Credit: Gabe Hicks
Harris was pretty mad when he came in to do the • Targets: Characters, damage, abilities,
monthly inspection, wasn’t he? How DID Uncle interrupts, Doom.
Roy pay that debt off?” “Well, go to bed and we’ll • Details: This Groove provides all player
talk about that tomorrow, right?” characters a new action: Limiter Breaker.
You may use Limiter Breaker as an interrupt
to push your limits without paying the
Spout Exposition effects triggered in this manner Momentum cost to do so. If you do, double
affect the story in the following session. If done to your dice pool on your next roll. This comes
create an obstacle, no Hope or Doom needs to be at the risk of your own health, however.
spent. Using Limiter Breaker immediately causes
you to take one shift of damage, moving
an Up character to Taken Down, and so on.
You may avoid this instance of damage by
restoring Doom equal to the DR of the Task
Check Limiter Breaker was used for.

occur before any rolls happen. All
Undead Breaker the actions worked into the group
stunt resolve at the same time.
• Purpose: Many of us love a zombie survival However, not all the desired effects
of the action may be accomplished
experience, and one of the most terrifying
parts of it is the horde of undead that if some players fail to get successes
comes surging out, or you can just make on their part of the roll. If no player
a creature seem undead by making them succeeds, the group action fails
incredibly difficult to defeat. Credit: Gabe entirely. In initiative order, Synergy
Hicks Stunts occur on the turn of the
• Targets: Characters, abilities, damage. New player highest in the initiative, and
the turns of all subsequent players
quirk: Undead.
• Details: During combat, named characters are passed as they have already
acted as part of the Synergy Stunt.
that are not reduced to Dying or Dead by
a critical hit, Rise Up on their next turn Initiative order returns to normal
regardless of their current health level. when the next round begins.
Player characters and NPCs that Rise Up • Group Standout: The group
in this manner gain a new quirk: Undead. may choose a single Standout
Characters with this quirk immediately which they all gain the benefits of
attack any character without this quirk simultaneously, serving as a kind of
until the end of the scene or until reduced special move the players may only
to Dead once more. Characters reduced to use when acting as one. The group
Dead while possessing the Undead quirk may choose to activate this shared
remain dead and cannot be revived by any Standout once per session.
means. This ruleset is a variant of Phoenix • Shared Dreams: When acting to
Breaker, but rather than giving the character defend another player’s Main Goal
more power, it makes the character only or Home, players may spend Hope
defeatable by one method and it requires to gain Heroic Resolve on their roll.
significantly more power to do so. Each player may use this once per
• Stand Together: When one player
is taking the Guarding Friends action
Bondmaker to defend a Down or Out player,
either player may spend Hope to
• Purpose: Bondmaker is a magical girl eliminate the Attrition penalty on the
inspired Tide Breaker Groove designed downed player’s Recovery rolls. Also,
to encourage teamwork, combo strategies, the guarding player’s attack rolls
compelling roleplay between players, and gain Ignite 1. If the guarding player
invoke the power of friendship! Credit: is using Emergency Defense instead,
Claire Lindeboom their interactable gains +1 DR.
• Targets: Stunts, Standouts, Hope, Doom,
• Community of the Heart: The
Heroic Resolve, Harbingers. New keyword: party may be treated as if it were a
Redemption. location for the purpose of Hope
• Details: and Doom mechanics. The team
bond itself serves as the Beacon of
• Synergy Stunts: Players may give a Hope, and is accessible wherever
vivid description of how two or more members of the team are present.
of their characters coordinate their Players may also gain Hope
actions to overcome an enemy or through roleplay that increases or
obstacle. You may spend one Hope reaffirms their companionships.
to allow all involved players gain an When disagreements or drama
extra 1d6 per cooperating player to drive a wedge between the heroes,
their pool. In addition, players may the players can restore Hope by
lend dice from their pool to another resolving their disputes and healthily
player’s pool to assist their roll, as reaffirming their bonds via roleplay.
long as they keep a minimum of 2
dice in their pool. All lending must • The GM may use Doom to
inflict Harbingers that directly

target the unity or cohesion of the GM may reward compelling
the player group. In addition roleplay by granting extra dice to
to the standard Harbingers the Redemption roll. An opponent
in the core rulebook, such who resists Redemption may still
Harbingers include but are not voluntarily “fail” and feign remorse,
limited to: playing along with the intention
of betraying the players later.
• The actions of one A character who is successfully
player inadvertently
cause some harm or Redeemed either becomes an ally or

C h 7: GM S t u f f
hardship to another retires from the story.
player. This may occur
through recklessness,
misunderstandings, or
sheer accident.
• The goals of two players
become (or at least seem
to be) mutually exclusive;
one goal must fail for the
other to succeed.
• A previously friendly NPC
attempts to drive players
apart using lies, rumors,
or coercion. This may be
a genuine revealing of the
bad side of an NPC, or the
NPC may themselves be
under a threat or influence
that compels them to
cause trouble.
• One player gets the credit
for another player’s
• A player is given a
compelling reason to
betray or hinder another
• A player is framed for
actions performed by an
enemy of the group.
• Redemption Arc: If the players
defeat an adversary and deem them
worthy of forgiveness, the group can
attempt a Redemption. The players
collectively roll their Intuition vs.
the target’s Wits, adding all their
Intuition successes against the
adversary’s Wits or Focus successes.
Players can spend Hope to cause
the Redemption roll to gain Ignite
1. If the GM desires, they may spend
Doom to Ignite the opponent’s
roll to resist Redemption, with a
maximum of Ignite 3 if enough
Doom is spent. Compelling roleplay
may substitute the need for this roll
at the GM’s discretion. Otherwise,

• Special: Any bonus not related to
CHAPTER 1 your stats or the description of your
• Player: Person playing the game. I.E. YOU. • Stunts: A bonus to your dice pool
given by providing a cool description
• D6: a 6-sided dice. If there is a number
for your action.
before the D, it is how many dice you roll.
So 3d6 would be “roll three six sided dice.”
• PC: Player character. The character you are • Difficulty Rating (DR): The number that
must be met or exceeded to succeed at a
playing in the story. Task Check.
• GM: Game Master. They run all of the world
• Botches: An ability keyword. Tide
stuff and NPCS. Breaker characters do not Botch unless
• NPC: Non-player character. These are an effect specifically instructs them to do
characters that live in the universe you so. Botch comes in 3 stages, determined
made, usually run by the GM. by the source effect (I.E. an ability, quirk,
• Scene: The stretch of time where the action Standout Feature, etc. will say “gain Botch
takes place. 1”):
• Rising Tide: A type of scene that • Botch 1- For every 1 that appears,
builds upon unresolved tension. remove a success and reroll the 1.
• Breaking Tide: A type of scene that • Botch 2- For every 1 or 2 that
capitalizes on the tension built up appears, remove a success and reroll
beforehand via high stakes action. the 1’s and 2’s.
• Receding Tide: A type of scene • Botch 3- For Every 1, 2, or 3 that
used to process the action preceding appears, remove a success and reroll
it or to just goof off and relax. the 1’s 2’s and 3’s.
• Stat: A numerical measurement of your • If multiple sources give Botch 1, add
character’s various talents. Each stat is a them together and step up to Botch
barometer of a different capability. 2 and 3 as needed.
• Dice Pool: A number of d6’s rolled to
• Ignite: Ability keyword. Tide Breaker
resolve an action.
• Task Check: What you brought the dice characters do not Ignite unless an effect
specifically instructs them to do so. Ignite
for. Your GM will give you the stat you need
to build a dice pool using the following comes in 3 stages, determined by the
formula: source effect:
• Stat + Power Level (for attacks and • Ignite 1- For every 6 that appears,
tasks using your speciality) + stunt reroll a failure.
bonus. As you should ALWAYS be
doing stunts, that can be shortened
• Ignite 2- For every 6 or 5 that
appears, reroll a failure.
to “Stat + 3” (Power Level starts at 2,
and + 1 for doing a stunt) whenever
• Ignite 3- For Every 6, 5, or 4 that
appears, reroll a failure.
you’re using your speciality or
fighting, and “Stat + 1” otherwise.
• If multiple sources give Ignite 1, add
them together and step up to Ignite
• Results of 4+ are successes. Count 2 and 3 as needed.
up your successes. If they meet or
beat the target DR, you succeed. • Explode: Ability keyword. Add another die
to your dice pool upon the listed condition.
• Advantages: Situational bonuses added to • Excellence: A reward for truly excellent
your dice pool. roleplaying that not only entertains, but

also helps push the story forward. Takes
the form of temporary invulnerability and
• Relationship: A special type of
info listing all major characters the
increased Hope regeneration. character knows and their attitude
• Spotlight Moment: towards them.
• Showstopper: A stunt that makes • Influence/Reach: A bonus that can
someone in your group noticeably be used when a character attempts
cheer. When this happens, take a to persuade or resist persuasion
from others.

vote. If the vote passes, your rolls
gain Ignite 1 and all Ignited dice • Hope: A resource representing all
Explode. Dice added in this way do the good stuff in the world. Can be
not add more rerolls, but DO add used to pay for various effects in
more dice for each explosion. game.
• Cliffhanger: A special Task Check • Push: Add 1 to a die’s result.
divided up between three stages that • Burst: Gain 5 Momentum.
• Spout Exposition: The next

represents especially dangerous and
daring activities. thing you say about a location
is canon.

CHAPTER 2 • Expand Area: Add a new
feature to a preexisting
• The Situation: The overarching event of • Could ya Not?: Ignore status
the current campaign. effects.
• Sphere of Influence (SOI): System used to • I’m Gonna Feel That…:
keep track of the shape of the world and its Ignore lethal damage for a
inhabitants. while.
• Location: Place where the action takes • Hold: An additional cost
place, divided up by size. that must be paid to affect
a character or location with
• Zone: Large enough to run around Hope or Doom.
and close enough to punch
• Protection: Grant target
immunity from Harbinger
• Key Location: Typically the size progression.
of a building or a small park, but
minimum size can change based on
• Beacon of Hope: An object, place,
or character that can be interacted
your campaign. with to restore Hope.
• Neighborhood: Several Key • Heroic Resolve: When acting
Locations put together. to accomplish your Main Goal or
• District: Several neighborhoods. defending your Home, Hope applies
• Region: Several districts. to all dice once per scene. When this
applies to a Side Plot instead Hope
• Resident: Character that lives in a location. applies to all dice once per session.
• Issue: Problem that needs to be solved in a • Doom: A resource representing all
location. Doing so rewards Hope. the bad stuff in the world. Can be
• Resource: A pool that can be used to pay used to pay for various effects in the
for projects. world by the GM.
• Favor: Any resource that isn’t • No Sell: Increase any DR by 1
explicitly physical or based on per Doom.
knowledge. • Expand: Establishing a fact
• Labor: Physical jobs and other about a location or character.
activities. Typically, this is used by the
• Info: Information that can be used GM for darker things.
to accomplish difficult tasks. • Complicate: Create new
issues or add new Goals.
• Key Figure:
• Obstacle: Anything that
• Motivation: A statement that bars progress. Can be an
describes what the character’s object, interactable, or a
driving force is. situation.
• Fear: A special type of information • Gloat: Gain Momentum after
that can be used as leverage against
the character. taking an opponent down.

• Harbinger: Foreshadowing as • Vehicle: Anything other characters can ride,
a mechanic. including a really big character.
• In Peril: Target is eligible
for the final Harbinger • Speed: How far the vehicle can
stage. travel in a turn or scene.
• Desperate Escape: Ignore • Weight Class: How much space the
death by conceding to the vehicle takes. Use Size for relevant
PCs. effects.
• This isn’t even…: • Subterfuge: Task involving getting the
Temporarily max out stats and
gain Push 1 for all dice once upper hand on other characters through
per turn. illicit means.
• Stooge Promotion: Make a
Stooge a named character. • Barrier: A physical obstacle.
• Dark Reflection: Copy any • Gap: Hole in time, space, or
Hope effect. otherwise.
• Beacons Of Doom: An object, place, • Hazard: Obstacle that hurts when
or character that can be destroyed passed through.
to reduce maximum Doom. Each • Alert: Something that makes a
Beacon of Doom reduces max Hope character aware of a character using
by 1. subterfuge.
• Darkest Hour: A final confrontation • Awareness: A DR given to
with the bad guys or source of characters to avoid being found out.
conflict triggered by running out of • Evidence: A special bonus that
maximum Hope. allows investigating character’s to
track others.
• Secret: Information that is hidden
CHAPTER 3 from other characters.
• Value: What an object is worth. • Unveil: Term used for
overcoming the DR of a secret.
• Attitude: How a character feels about
Unveiled secrets no longer
another character.
function and their targets may
• Interest: Something a character cares
be affected normally again.
about that may be used to shift the DR of
a negotiation or that character’s attitude • Lead: Connection that allows
towards another. you to unveil a secret.
• Need: Something the character is looking

for. Can be used as leverage.
Object: Anything not a location or CHAPTER 4
character • Character: Your PC.

• Asset: Object with a Value modifier. • Goal: A stated objective of the PC.
• Size: How much space the object • Home: A Key Location that player
takes and the DC for lifting an object. characters consider especially
• Lift: Used for moving or carrying an important. Tied to Heroic Resolve.
object. Unless otherwise specified,
any object you can lift can be used
• Quirk: A passive trait that defines
the PC and other characters of
however you like. similar origins.
• Project: A special type of Task Check. Each • Stand-Out Feature: A
type of project has its own unique effect on powerful passive trait unique
the game world. to your PC.
• Job: A list of actions your character
• Time Scale: How many scenes a is good at.
project takes to complete.
• Cost: How many resources a project • Task: An action related to
your job.
needs to be completed.
• Specialty: A singular action

you excel at above all else. that will always trigger
• Heroics: Are a generic list of upon your target blocking,
tasks all PCs are good at. regardless of the die result.
• Ability: A special feature that • On Dodge: An effect that
represents all of your PC’s powers, will always trigger upon
weapons, fighting styles, and other your opponent dodging,
actions and equipment. regardless of the die result.
• Forced Movement: Any

• Function: Component that effect that forces your
can be mixed and matched to
create abilities. target to move against
their will.
• Keyword: Entry that explains • Status Effect: An effect
common mechanics in Tide that changes your target’s
Breaker. condition. Each effect has
• Extended Action/

its own rules given with its
Charges: Action that can source.
be held to collect a pool of • Alternate Function:

points that can be used to An alternate use for a
enhance abilities. function. Comes in Social
• Cornered: A special status and Adventure varieties.
that prevents your target
from dodging attacks. • Social: An alternate
function used outside
• Choose…: Any ability that of combat to affect the
allows you to choose from outcome of a social
several effects or abilities situation.
as part of its resolution.
• Overextended: A special • Adventure: An
alternate function used
status that prevents your outside of combat to
target from blocking affect the outcome
attacks. of a dangerous non-
• Initiative Rank: Where your combat situation.
character stands in the • Associated Ability: A
initiative order. keyword describing a
function tied to a specific
• Count Up: A number ability.
derived from counting
all characters in • Trick: A singular function
that is usually gained through
initiative from the the use of stunts that may be
bottom until reaching attached to an ability for the
yourself. cost of 5 Momentum.
• Countdown: A • Power Level: Secondary stat that measures
number derived from overall ability in relation to the game world.
counting all characters • Critical Value: Secondary stat that
in the initiative from measures how hard it is to seriously harm
the top until reaching the character.
yourself. • Recovery Value: Secondary stat that
• Interrupt: A special measures how hard it is to recover from this
character’s attacks.
effect that allows you to
disregard the current turn • Attrition: A pool used to determine how
order to act immediately. badly the character has been hurt over
• Upshift: Move your • Momentum: A pool used to showcase the
target up one slot in the character’s adaptability and advantage in a
initiative. situation.
• Downshift: Move your • Vignettes: Character defining moment for
target down one slot in the a PC in a stylish way.
• Self-Targeting: Target
yourself with an effect.
• On Contact: An effect

• Block: A reaction to an attack
CHAPTER 5 involving physically enduring an
• Progression: A method used to grow your • Dodge: A reaction to an attack
character’s strength over time. involving evading an attack
• Standard: The standard progression • Dash: An action that sacrifices your
method for Tide Breaker. Do a ability to attack to move further.
stunt, get a Key.
• Looter: A progression method • Health Level: An attribute that depicts your
inspired by traditional roleplaying character’s current physical or emotional
games. Find some loot, get some condition.
• Mastery: A progression style • Up: A health level that states your
involving learning from other character is currently unharmed and
characters to gain Keys. fully capable to fight.
• Beat (Milestones): A method • Down: A health level that states your
involving answering questions about character is at a disadvantage, but
the story to advance your character’s can still fight effectively.
power. • Out: A health level that states your
character is in grave danger of death
• Key: The standard reward for and must turn the situation around
accomplishing your progression before going back on the offensive.
type’s challenges. • Dead: You need to reroll a character
• Training Montage: A special scene at this point.
type involving hard training to gain
power. • Critical Hit: Your target moves down two
states from their current health level.
• Upgrade: A special effect that can • Danger Protection: A rule that prevents
be used to modify the power of your characters from suffering more than 2 shifts
abilities. of damage in a single turn. Protection is
• Unlock Point: A stat that tracks removed upon Rising Up from Out once.
how many Keys you need to gain an
Upgrade. • Rise Up: Return to the Up state.
• First Aid: An action used to stabilize an
allied character who may be Out or Dying.
CHAPTER 6 • Stunt Defense: A bonus given to you when
you describe how you react to an incoming
• Initiative: The order combatants act in. attack.
• Movement: How combatants get around. • Emergency Defense: A special reaction
• Battlefield: A collection of zones a combat that may be triggered for 5 Momentum to
use an interactable as part of your defense
takes place in. Multiple battlefields can be
used in a single combat to simulate moving as an interrupt.
extreme distances. • Counterattack: A special interrupt
• Interactables: Interesting elements in triggered by specific effects that allow you
to strike an opponent with a basic attack
the scene that can be manipulated to gain
advantages or avoided to stave off trouble. without spending Momentum.
• Recovery: A type of action used when your
• Weapons/Cover: Anything that can character has been reduced to Down or
Out. Success typically causes you to Rise
be used to inflict or avoid harm.
• Seek an Opportunity: A special Up.
action used to find a new
• Reversal Attack: Use an action
to attack your opponent and Rise
Up without doing damage. Does
• Global Conditions: Functions that affect damage on a critical hit.
the entire location listed.
• Attack: An action used to harm an • Reversal: Scored as part of
a Reversal Attack or granted
opponent. automatically by some functions to
• Basic Attack: An attack that has deal normal damage as if Up.
no functions, but deals damage as • Breather: Rise Up automatically if
normal. untargeted.

• Seek Safety: Move away or use Masterminds to enhance
cover to heal Attrition and Rise Up their own fighting ability.
once cleared. • Guardian: A PC-strength
• Guarding Friends: An action used NPC that guards the
to add your successes to an ally’s Mastermind or their
Recovery attempt. interests.
• Production: A passive
• Power Scale: A table used to establish

method to produce Assets.
the general power of attacks in your game
• Artifact: A powerful
item normally used by a
Mastermind to accomplish
• Nope: A result that negates all a Grand Design.
damage done to a character with 5+
Power Level. • Allure: What makes

Yup: A result that ignores any an Artifact desirable or
defense when attacking at Power powerful.
Level 5+. •

Source: What grants
the Artifact its power.
• Titanic Struggle: A special combat round Usually something that
between two characters of Power Level 6 or needs to be refilled.
higher to end the fight immediately.
• Go Beyond: An option to go past Power • Limiter: The downside
Level 5 by adding “stars” to your Power to using an Artifact.
Level and resetting to 0.
• Cataclysm: The result of a bad guy’s
plan going horribly right.
CHAPTER 7 • Plan B: What the bad guy uses to
continue their scheming when they
are thwarted.
• Keep It Heroic: A safety tool used to curtail
unsafe game play. • Stooge: Faceless mob to beat up.
• Rule of Cool: If it’s awesome, run with it.
• Rule of Fun: If it’s fun, run with it. • Reinforcements: A measurement
• Rule of Drama: If it’s super dramatic and of how many Stooges are willing to
your PCs dig it… run with it! fight.
• Wrap it Up!: The GM may declare this to • Mobbing: A technique used by
end the session and start a preview cut. Stooges to put extra hurt on their
• Preview Cut: A narrative technique to targets.
highlight possible dramatic situations that
can occur in a future session. • Elite: NPC that is particularly dangerous.
• Skip: A scene longer than an hour.
• Session: A collection of scenes that last just • Leader: Elite with extra abilities
long enough to call it a night in real life. related to controlling Stooges.
• Leap: Any amount of time longer than an • Lone Wolf: Elite with extra abilities
hour where enough time has passed to related to surviving greater numbers.
cause the setting to change dramatically.
• Arc: A collection of sessions and leaps. • Groove: Modifications made to the game
• Grand Design: Bad guy plans! by your table that are either chosen
from this book or created by your table.
• Mastermind: The bad guy heading Guidelines for creating Grooves are in
chapter 7.
the Grand Design.
• Boon: A passive effect that
enhances a Mastermind.
• Leadership: A suite
of abilities granted to
Masterminds to enhance
• Lone Wolf: A suite of
abilities granted to

Creator: Heather Blaha

• Job: Spirit Guide (Horticulture, Hunting,

Background Mediation, Medicine. Speciality: Druidic
She has been around since the dawn
of creation, one of the oldest sentient • Home Turf: The Arboreal Heart
beings to walk the earth. She witnessed
man harness fire, grow, and become • Core Stats
corrupted. Watching her cousins in • Might 3
humanity devolve into their current state, • Endurance 5
she and her family became reclusive and • Agility 2
fell back into the woods to protect nature • Focus 4
from man’s relentless expansion efforts. • Wits 3
She will occasionally step in to subtly • Intuition 4
alter the path for hikers who prove to • Power Level 2
honor the woods and prevent them from
stumbling upon the worst of nature’s • Secondary Stats
wrath. However, she will step forward • Critical 11
to show the full fury of her mother’s will • Recovery 7
to any who would harm the realms she
protects without hesitation or mercy. • Quirks: Free Spirit, Harmonious, Stable.
• Stand Out Feature: Stone Polisher.
• Concept: Protective spirit of the untamed
• Abilities
• Pronouns: She Her
A. Wyld Speaker - Awaken, Summon.
B. Maw of the Earth - Animate, Fissure.
• Age: 30 C. Gaia’s Wrath - Singularity, Defiant.

Example Characters

Creator: Matt P.

• Speciality: Non Euclidian Arcana

Background • Home Turf: Austin
Vayle was born in Austin, Texas and
likes to volunteer their time to helping • Core Stats
students and teachers at UT. They • Might 5
awakened their abilities when they were • Endurance 1
helping a student home after a party and • Agility 2
an equation they were scribbling on the • Focus 5
paper because they were tired allowed • Wits 3
them to manipulate the area around • Intuition 5
them through magical means with the • Power Level 2
use of science. To better explain it they
later learn to use science to manipulate • Secondary Stats
magic. They spend most of their time • Critical 8
on campus or their own apartment • Recovery 9
and are willing to help the school and
community. • Quirks: Prodigy, Resourceful, Versatile
• Stand Out Feature: Calculated Assault
• Concept: Literal Tech Wizard
• Abilities
• Pronouns: He/Him A. Be Kind, Rewind: Sliding, Rebounding
• Age: 23 B. Numeramancy: Warp, Refraction

• Job: Arcane Researcher (Theoretical C. Instrumentorum Educationis:

Physics), Cinemaphile, Astral Zoology, Conditioning, Sabotage
Computer Science, Partying

Example Characters

Creator: S.Sparks

• Home Turf: Merifin

Background • Core Stats
Sir Sparks of Camdon, chosen of • Might 4
Lord Merifin, first of his name, is • Endurance 4
an unassuming knight of limitless • Agility 3
compassion for those under his care. • Focus 4
He prefers to avoid braggadocio and act • Wits 4
only to support his homeland, his friends, • Intuition 2
and his lord. Blessed with the power of • Power Level 2
holy lightning and trained by his father,
Sir Sparks has been set with the task of • Secondary Stats
removing the undead blight in Merifin’s • Critical 10
capital of Harlifort. • Recovery 9

• Concept: Holy Knight of the Storm. • Quirks: Avenger, Glorybound, Prominent

• Pronouns: He/Him • Stand Out Feature: Noble’s Pride

• Age: 36 • Abilities
A. Camdon Holy Sword: Crash, Engulfing
• Job: Holy Knight (Stewardship, Chivalric
B. Righteous Faith: Synchronize, Panacea
C. Thundering Smite of Harlifort: Element:
• Speciality: Military Tactics) Electric, Monumental

Example Characters

Creator: Daiyoukai Geisha

• Concept: Gorgeous Executioner

Background • Pronouns: She/Her
The untrained eye tells lies of
convenience to the heart and mind. The • Age: 35
woman purchasing that latte at the bar?
She’s beautiful, she’s inviting, she wants
• Job: Assassin (Fashion, High Life Society,
Tracking, Chemistry)
you. Taramis knows this and manipulates
these lies to her benefit. It’s all part of the • Speciality: Infiltration
trade. Look innocent, harmless, safe. As
an expert in blades, unarmed combat, • Home Turf: San Juan
disguises, and poisons… she is anything
but. • Core Stats
Specializing in infiltration, espionage, • Might 4
and assassination. She prefers to live in • Endurance 2
a luxurious manner, but can change from • Agility 4
flamboyant fashionista to a nondescript • Focus 3
person on the road in an instant. She’s • Wits 5
excellent at all forms of manipulation. • Intuition 2
To most people she comes off as a great • Power Level 2
listener, a fun person to talk to while at
the cocktail party, but the fun of it for
• Secondary Stats
Taramis? They’ll never know if they are • Critical 7
either her next lover or her next mark. • Recovery 10
Love is a dangerous game after all. • Quirks: Opportunist, Whisper, Wounded
Pansexual, fiercely loyal to the very few Gazelle
close friends she’s allowed herself to
have, and a fleeting dream to her many • Stand Out Feature: Concrete Rose
lovers; but two men that have a place in
her heart. They know about each other, • Abilities
they know she’ll do anything for them, A. Unforgettable, Untraceable,
but they still don’t know everything Untouchable: Defiant, Prepare
about her… and that’s the way she likes
B. Deadly Ruse: Pounce, Betraying
C. Basilisk Tongue: Insidious, Lure

Example Characters

Creator: Jesse E.

• Speciality: Networking
Background • Home Turf: Shanghai
Thysis is shy, blunt, strong-willed, and
a bit stubborn but not unreasonable. • Core Stats
She has a strong sense of pride and self • Might 2
confidence but isn’t arrogant. She’s a • Endurance 4
loyal friend and very protective of the • Agility 4
people she sees as important to her. A • Focus 4
downside to this is that those few are • Wits 4
absolutely more important to her than • Intuition 3
the many. If she had to choose between • Power Level 2
the well being of those important to her
or that of people who have no relation to • Secondary Stats
her she will always choose the former. • Critical 10
• Recovery 8
• Concept: Counter Intelligence Operative • Quirks: inboxing, Nebulous, Watchful
• Pronouns: She/Her • Stand Out Feature: Temporal Anomaly
• Age: 35 • Abilities
• Job: Information Broker (Intelligence, A. Bajiquan: Discourage, Close
Marketing, Social Deduction) B. Spatial Manipulation: Exhausting, Bog
C. Void Walker: Phasing, Jaunt

Example Characters
Creator: Sagadatter

• Speciality: Mystic Perfume Craft

Background • Home Turf: Alfheim
Regin is the norse concept of divine
magic - as opposed to megin, the • Core Stats
energy and craft spun by mortals. It is • Might 4
said that the seidr of old who earned • Endurance 2
their capes lined with white cat fur and • Agility 3
their shoulder-length staves (the vol) • Focus 4
earned the title of volva by partaking in • Wits 3
divine magic. Saga embraced her norse • Intuition 5
heritage, and the feminine magics of • Power Level 2
her ancestors to express her nature and
help reshape herself into the woman she • Secondary Stats
wanted and needed to be. Displaying • Critical 7
skill for the weaving of her ancestral • Recovery 10
magics, she embraced her heroic streak
to change the world as well as the • Quirks: Comforter, Foresight, Precognition
woman within.
• Stand Out Feature: Hearth Keeper

• Concept: Divine Viking Heroine • Abilities

• Pronouns: She/Her
A. Tyr’s Courage: Armor, Propel
B. Ymir’s Breath: Ranged, Bind
• Age: Appears to be in her late twenties C. Volva Chanting: Curse, Erode
• Job: Volva (Natural Healing, Fortune
Telling, Nordic Magecraft, Ship Building, Ice

Example Characters

Creator: The Walking Virus

• Home Turf: Alfheim

Background • Core Stats
As a child Vaan was always obsessed with • Might 4
two things, building things and the larger • Endurance 3
than life heroes from the shows he would • Agility 3
watch as he worked on them, people who • Focus 5
would risk everything against impossible • Wits 3
odds to help those unable to help • Intuition 3
themselves. For better or worse Vaan • Power Level 2
grew up taking those attitudes to heart
and rushes headlong to the defense of • Secondary Stats
those in need, but although the odds get • Critical 10
stacked against him, he’s got a few tricks
up his sleeve to even them out
• Recovery 9
• Quirks: Creative, Heart, Steel Nerves
• Concept: Exo suit rocking vigilante. • Stand Out Feature: Eternal Diligence
(Gear Up)
• Pronouns: He/Him
• Age: 30 • Abilities
A. Gear Up!: Remote, Meld
• Job: Mecha Mechanic (Machinery, System
B. Flash Bang!: Disorient, Massive
Diagnostics, Movie Trivia )
C. Safety Override!: Optimize, Unleash
• Speciality: Mecha Tuning

Example Characters

Creator: Lost Wolf

• Speciality: Exorcisim
Background • Home Turf: Barcelona
Having been born as a lycanthrope
Tybor really had his life set for him. An • Core Stats
unnatural lifespan followed by years of • Might 3
training to fend for himself led to him • Endurance 4
becoming a dangerous adversary against • Agility 1
those that stalk the innocent. He has • Focus 5
a weird, almost supernatural way of • Wits 5
getting lost. Things or people around him • Intuition 3
seem to never notice that he seemingly • Power Level 2
disappears. This is only countered by
his extremely good luck, allowing him • Secondary Stats
to make the most of any unfortunate • Critical 7
situations he might otherwise find • Recovery 10
himself in.
• Quirks: Berzerker, Keen Eye, Regenerate,
• Concept: Immortal Werewolf • Stand Out Feature: Implacable
• Pronouns: He Him • Abilities
• Age: 1336, appears to be in late 40’s. A. Wolf’s Call: Awaken, Profile
B. Moonsword: Glorious, Rush
• Job: Demon Hunter ( World History,
C. Nocturne Symphony: Phasing, Hindering
Folklore, Occult Knowledge)

Example Characters

Creator: Ashara

• Speciality: Deific Ritual

Background • Home Turf: Mythic Compton
Luna and she is a teenage witch whose
power comes from her mother, the • Core Stats
African goddess Bast, who has survived • Might 3
all these years by masquerading as • Endurance 3
human and creating the stories around • Agility 2
some of the greatest African women in • Focus 5
history. In particular, Luna, was born on • Wits 4
the mythical island of California to her • Intuition 4
mother Bast who was going by Calafia at • Power Level 0
the time. Although she was not like the
other Amazonian warrior-goddesses that • Secondary Stats
lived on the island she had great talent • Critical 6
for magic. It’s actually Luna’s likeness and • Recovery 7
legend that is equated with the ancient
Greek sorceress Circe. • Quirks: Calm, Chessmaster, Mockingjay
• Stand Out Feature: Unrivaled Potential
• Concept: Daughter of Bast
• Abilities
• Pronouns: She/Her A. Compton Amazon: Hustle, Obstruct
• Age: 19 B. Bast’ Blessing: Summon, Amplify

• Job: Witch (Spiritualism, Street Smarts, C. WitchCraft: Gather Energy, Support

Legend Lore, Burial Rites)

Example Characters

Character Name
Player Name Pronouns


Home Turf Main Goal

Quirks 1.
3. Subplots 1.
Job/Specialty Recovery Power Level
Critical Advantages

Stand Out Feature

Might Intuition
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