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: Aligning With The Name of Seventy-Two Names | PDF | Creator Deity | Yahweh


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Swart, Jacobus G.: Aligning With The Name

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Alignment with the Powers of the "Name of Seventy-Two Names" (Shem Vayisa Vayet) Full description

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Aligning with the Powers of the

“Name of Seventy-Two
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Recite free15:1
Exodus titles
three times:

hrfy#i)f rmo)liI w@rm;)yowa hwhyla t)zoha hrFy#iha t)e l)irI #f y; i ynibI w; % h#emo ry#iyf z)f
Myfba hmfrF wobk;rwo : sw@s h)fgf h)ogf yk@i hwhyla
Az yashir mosheh uvnei yisra’el et ha-shirah ha-zot la-YHVH va-yomroo leimor
ashirah la-YHVH ki ga-oh ga-ah sus v’roch’vo ramah bayam .
Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto YHVH, and spoke, saying: I will sing unto
YHVH, for He is highly exalted; the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.

1. a. whw — Vehu
b. l)whw — Vehu’el

c. y#i(ro MyrImw
Ii % ydIwbO k; ydI(aba NgimI f hwhy htf)wa : [Psalm 3:3 (4)]
V’ataH YHVH magen ba’adi k’vodi Umeirim roshi
But thou, YHVH, art a shield about me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head.

2. a. yly — Yeli
b. l)yly — Yeli’el

% ytirzf (e: l; ytiwl

c. h#fwx % yF)e qxfrt: i l)a hwhy htf)wa : [Psalm 22:19 (20)]
V’atah YHVH al tirchak e YaLuti l’ezratI chushah
But Thou, YHVH, be not far off; O Thou my strength, hasten to help me.

3. a. +ys — Sit
b. l)+ys — Sit’el

c. wOb@ x+ab)
; e yhal)5 e ytidwf c% m;w% ysixm; a hwhyla rma)o [Psalm 91:2]
Omar la-YHVH machSI um’tzudati elohai ev Tach bo
I will say of the YHVH, who is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

4. a. Ml( — Elem This document is...
b. l)ml( — Elem’el
 
: a l)e wynfz): wf : MyqiydIca l)e hwhy yniyI (iI [Psalm 34:15 [16]]
c. Mtf(fw#
Einei YHVH a L tzadikiM v’oznav el shav’atam
The eyes of the YHVH are toward the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

5. #hm — Mahash
of 17 
b. l)#hm — Mahash’el
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Ii nif w: K1ynep%f r)ihI f w@nbiyI #iha twO)bfc; Myhil)5 e hwhy [Psalm 80:19 (20)]

c. h(f#w
YHVH ElohiM tz’va’ot HaSHiveinu ha-eir panecha v’nivashei’ah
YHVH God of hosts, restore us; cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.

6. a. hll — Lelah
b. l)hll — Lelah

c. MwOyha lk@f )rFq)

; e K1yle)Ii yk@i ynFd)5 a yninixI f [Psalm 86:3]
Chaneini Adonai ki ei Lecha ek’ra koL Ha-yom
Be gracious unto me Adonai; for unto Thee do I cry all the day.

7. a. )k) — Acha
b. l))k) — Acha’el

I s; y; I hwhy yk@i ytiwcO yqihe hnF#yf )iwF ytibka

c. ynikim ; #f yni)a [Psalm 3:5 (6)]
Ani shaCHav’ti va-Ishanah hekitzoti ki YHVH yis’m’cheini
I lay me down, and I sleep; I awake, for YHVH sustaineth me.

8. a. thk — Kahet
b. l)thk — Kahet’el

c. ynity
f ni(i hnfwm% )ewE K1y+ep#%f m; i qdece yk@i hwhy yti(;dyA f [Psalm 119:75]
Yada’ati YHVH Ki tzedek mishpatecha ve’emunaH iniTani
I know, YHVH, that Thy judgments are righteous, and that in faithfulness Thou hast afflicted me.

9. a. yzh — Hezi 
b. l)yzh — Hezi’el This document is...

e i K1ynep%f rytist; a y#ipna; xnazt; i hwhy hmf

c. ynimm lf [Psalm 88:14 
LamaH YHVH tiZnach nafshI tastir panecha mimeni
YHVH, why castest Thou off my soul? Why hidest Thou Thy face from me?

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

10. dl) — Elad

of 17 
b. l)dl) — Elad’el
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c. K1dge ne: hlfyl: ba a ytiq(a; cf MwOy yti(fw#% y: yhilI )5 e hwhy [Psalm 88:1 (2)]

YHVH Elohei y’shu’ati yom tza’akti ba-lai Lah neg’Decha
YHVH, God of my salvation, what time I cry in the night before Thee.

11. a. w)l — Lav

b. l)w)l — Lav’el

e ;@ hwhy bw%+b@; twO)r:li ytin:m)a he e )liwI l

c. MyyIxa Cre)b % [Psalm 27:13]
LulEI he’emanti lir’ Ot b’tuv YHVH b’eretz chayim
If I had not believed to look upon the goodness of YHVH in the land of the living!

12. a. (hh — Haha

b. l)(hh — Hahah’el

e x; a N(amla ; yni(iIy#iwhO y#ipna; hcflx; a hwhy hbfw#% [Psalm 6:5]

c. K1ds
ShuvaH YHVH chal’tzaH nafshi hoshi’EIni l’ma’an chas’decha
Return, YHVH, deliver my soul; save me for Thy mercy’s sake.

13. a. lzy — Yezel

b. l)lzy — Yezel’el

c. (+fnf r#e)a NwOnbfl; yziIr)

: a hwhy yciI(a w@(b@#; y; I [Psalm 104:16]
Yis’b’u atzei YHVH arZei L’vanon asher nata
The trees of YHVH have their fill, the cedars of Lebanon, which He hath planted.

14. a. hbm — Mebah

b. l)hbm — Mebah’el

This document is...
c. hrFcb
f @a twOt(il: bgF#m; i K7dlF a bgF#m
; i hwhy yhi
ywI [Psalm 9:9
Vihi YHVH Misgav ladach misgaV l’itot batzaraH
YHVH also will be a high tower for the oppressed, a high tower in times of trouble.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

15. yrh — Hari

of 17 
b. l)yrh — Hari’el
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c. hwhy )riy I : rbegf K7rba y5 NkiI yki hnih
I i [Psalm 128:4]

Hineih ki chein y’vorach gaveR Y’rei YHVH
Translation of relevant words:
Behold, surely thus shall the man be blessed that feareth YHVH.

16. a. Mqh — Hakem

b. l)mqh — Hakem’el
f a twOt(il; Myli(;ta qwOxrFb;@ dm5(ata hwhy hmflf [Psalm 10:1]
c. hrfcb
LamaH YHVH ta’amod b’rachoK ta’aliM l’itot batzarah
Translation of relevant words:
Why standest Thou afar off, YHVH? Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble?

17. a. w)l — Lav

b. l)w)l — Lav’el

O yli(a Mymi(abf w@(ydIwhO wOm#;bi w@)r:qi hwhyla w@dwOh [Psalm 105:1]

c. wytfwl
Hodu La’YHVH kir’U vish’mo hodi’U va’amim alilotav
O give thanks unto YHVH, call upon His name; make known His doings among the peoples.

18. a. ylk — Keli

b. l)ylk — Keli’el

c. wOnwOcr: y#iI(o wytfr#

: mf ; wy)fbfc; lk@f hwhy w@kr:b@f [Psalm 103:21]
Bar’chu YHVH KoL tz’va’av m’shar’tav osEI r’tzono
Bless YHVH, all ye His hosts; ye ministers of His, that do His pleasure.

19. a. wwl — Lov

b. l)wwl — Lov’el This document is...
c. yti(fw#
: a (ma#y; wI A yla)Ii +yiwI A hwhy ytiywIqi hwoqa [Psalm 40:1 (2)]
Kavoh kiviti YHVH vayet ei Lai Va-yishmah shaV’ati
I waited patiently for YHVH and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

20. lhp — Pahal

of 17 
b. l)lhp — Pahal’el
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Ii l
; a K1y+ep#%f miw@ hwhy )nf hcirI : yp%i twObd:ni [Psalm 119:108]

c. ynIdm
Nid’vot Pi r’tzeiH na YHVH umish’patecha Lam’deini
Accept, I beseech Thee, the freewill-offerings of my mouth YHVH, and teach me Thine

21. a. kln — Nelach

b. l)kln — Nelach’el

Ii )a a K1m#; l
c. hrFmz i w; @ hwhy MyIwgO ba K1dw: )O Nk@Ii l(a [Psalm 18:49 (50)]
Al keiN od’cha ba-goyim YHVH uL’shim’CHa azameirah
Therefore I will give thanks unto Thee, YHVH, among the nations, and will sing praises unto Thy

22. a. yyy — Yeyay

b. l)yyy — Yeyay’el

a ; Mylixya ma h; a t)e wy)fryIi : t)e hwhy hcewrO [Psalm 147:11]

c. wOds;xl
Rotzeh YHVH et Y’rei’Av et ham’yachalIm l’chasdo
YHVH taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that wait for His mercy.

23. a. hlm — Melah

b. l)hlm — Melah’el

c. wOb hxfm#
; ni; w: hlfyginf hwhy h#f(f MwOyha hze [Psalm 118:24]
Zeh ha-yoM asah YHVH nagiLah v’nis’m’chaH vo
This is the day which YHVH hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

24. a. whx — Chaho This document is...
b. l)whx — Chaho’el
 
I l; i hkfrb: ni; h(frk;F niw: hwExta #a ni; w@)b@o [Psalm 95:6]
c. w@n#iI(o hwhy ynip
Bo’u nishtaCHaveH V’nich’ra’ah nivr’chah lifnei YHVH oseinu.
O come, let us bow down and bend the knee; let us kneel before YHVH our Maker.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

25. a. htn — Netah

of 17 
b. l)htn — Netah’el
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c. ynilyf cihi ytawrO w%gm; lk@mf wi % yninf)wf : hwhy t)e yti#r; dA F [Psalm 34:4 (5)]
Darashti et YHVH v’aNani umikol m’guroTai Hitzilani
I sought YHVH and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.

26. a. ))h — Ha’a

b. l)))h — Ha’a’el

i A Myyi)i w@xm;#y; i Cre)h

c. Myb@r f f lgitI f Klfmf hwhy [Psalm 97:1]
YHVH malach tageil Ha-Aretz yism’chu Iyim rabim
YHVH reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad.

27. a. try — Yeret

b. l)try — Yeret’el

Ii n;; ti Mysimxf a #y)imIi (rf Mdf)mf Ii hwhy yniclIi x; a [Psalm 140:1 (2)]
c. ynirc
Chal’tzeinI YHVH mei’adam Ra mei’ish chamasim Tin’tz’reinu
Translation of relevant words:
Deliver me, YHVH, from the evil man; preserve me from the violent man.

28. a. h)# — Sha’ah

b. l)h)# — Sha’ah’el

; i l)aw; yhfl)
c. yli w@xm;#y o e hwhy K1qd; c: k;i yni+pIi #
; f [Psalm 35:24]
SHofteini ch’tzid’k’cha YHVH EloHai v’al yis’m’chu li
Judge me, YHVH my God, according to Thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me.

29. a. yyr — Riyi This document is...

b. l)yyr — Riyi’el
 
O yli(a Mymi(abf w@dygiha NwO ci b#iyI O hwhyla w@rm;za [Psalm 9:11 (12)]
c. wytfwl
Zam’Ru l’YHVH Yoshev tziYon ha-gidu va’amim alilotav
Sing praises to YHVH, who dwelleth in Zion; declare among the peoples His doings.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

30. Mw) — Om
of 17 
b. l)mw) — Om’el
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c. NwOyl:(e hwhy M#iI hrFmz
; )A wa A wOqd:ck@i ; hwhy hdew)

O [Psalm 7:17 (18)]
Odeh YHVH k’tzidkO va’azamrah sheM YHVH elyon
I will give thanks unto YHVH according to His righteousness; and will sing praise to the name
of YHVH Most High.

31. a. bkl — Lekav

b. l)bkl — Lekav’el

5 e yt@ri m: )a f hwhy yt%xi +; b

c. htf)f yhal) a f K1yle(f yni)wa A [Psalm 31:14 (15)]
Va’ani aLeCHa Vatachti YHVH amarti elohai atah
But as for me, I have trusted in Thee YHVH; I have said: “Thou art my God.”

32. a. r#w — Vesher

b. l)r#w — Vesher’el

; h+flm; a hwhy hnf)f )rFq); e hwhy M#iIbw; % [Psalm 116:4]

c. y#ipna
Uv’SHem YHVH ekRa anah YHVH maltah nafshi
Translation of relevant words:
But I called upon the name of YHVH: “I beseech thee, YHVH, deliver my soul.”

33. a. wxy — Yichu

b. l)wxy — Yichu’el

c. K1ytewb
O #;xm; a w@qm;(f d)om; hwhy K1y#e(ama w@ld:gf hma [Psalm 92:5 (6)]
Mah gad’lu ma’asEIcha YHVH m’od amku ma CH’sh’vOtecha
How great are Thy works, YHVH! Thy thoughts are very deep.

34. a. xhl — L’hach This document is...

b. l)xhl — L’hach’el
 
I wa : w@nn;rwA : w@xc;p%i Cre)h
c. w@rmiz f f lk@f hwhyla w@(yrIhf [Psalm 98:4]
Hari’u La-YHVH kol Ha-aretz pitz’CHu v’ran’nu v’zameiru
Shout unto YHVH all the earth; break forth and sing for joy, yea, sing praises.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

35. qwk — Kevek

of 17 
b. l)qwk — Kevek’el
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e q: ta ; ytilpf ti ; rqebb@o wa % yti(;w#A i hwhy K1yle)Ii yni)wa a [Psalm 88:13 (14)]

c. K1md
Va-ani eileCHa YHVH shiVa’eti uvaboKer t’filati t’kad’meka
But as for me, unto Thee YHVH do I cry, and in the morning doth my prayer come to meet Thee.

36. a. dnm — Menad

b. l)dnm — Menad’el

c. K1dw
e bO k@: Nk@#a m; i MwOqm;w% K1tye b@Ii NwO(m; ytibh; )a f hwhy [Psalm 26:8]
YHVH ahavti M’on beitecha um’kom mishkaN k’voDecha
YHVH, I love the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thy glory dwelleth.

37. a. yn) — Ani

b. l)yn) — Ani’el

c. ynidI(f
i sy; i hwhy K1ds: x: a yligr: A h+fmf ytirm: )a f M)i [Psalm 94:18]
Im amarti matah rag’li hasd’cha YHVH yis’adei NI
If I say: “My foot slippeth,” Thy mercy, YHVH, holdeth me up.

38. a. M(x — Cha’am

b. l)m(x — Cha’am’el

O m; tfm#; a NwOyl;(e ysixm: a hwhy htf)a yk@i [Psalm 91:9]

c. K1new(
Ki atah YHVH ma CH’si Elyon samta M’onecha
For thou hast made YHVH who is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation.

39. a. (hr — Reho

b. l)(hr — Reho’el

This document is...
c. lyixf h#f(o hwhy Nymiy: hmfmw
Ii r
O hwhy Nymiy; 
[Psalm 118:16] 
Y’min YHVH RomeimaH y’min YHVH Osah chayil
The right hand of YHVH is exalted; the right hand of YHVH doeth valiantly.

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

40. zyy — Yeyiz

of 17 
b. l)zyy — Yeyiz’el
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i wf @ Mrfz(e; hwhyba w@x+;b@i hwhy y)irI y: I [Psalm 115:11]

c. )w@h Mnfgm
Yir’EI YHVH bit’chu va-YHVH e Zram umaginam hu
Ye that fear YHVH, trust in YHVH! He is their help and their shield.

41. a. hhh — Hahah

b. l)hhh — Hahah’el

c. hyfmr
i : lNwO#lfmi rqe#e tpa#m; i y#ipna; hlfyciha hwhy [Psalm 120:2]
YHVH Ha-tzilaH nafshi misfat sheker milashon r’miya H
YHVH, deliver my soul from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue.

42. a. Kym — Mich

b. l)kym — Mich’el

c. K1#p
e na; t)e rmo#y; I (rF lk@mf i K1rm
: #f y; O hwhy [Psalm 121:7]
YHVH yishMorcha mikol ra Yishmor et nafsheCHa
YHVH shall keep thee from all evil; He shall keep thy soul.

43. a. lww — Veval

b. l)lww — Veval’el

c. Mlfw(
O d(aw: htf(amIi K1)we bO w@ K1t); ciI rmf#y; I hwhy [Psalm 121:8]
YHVH yishmor tzeit’cha UvO’echa mei’atah v’ad oLam
Translation of relevant words:
YHVH shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and for ever.

44. a. hly — Yelah

b. l)hly — Yelah’el

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c. wOtlfht
i ; lk@f (aymi#y; a hwhy twOrw%bg: llimI ya : ymi [Psalm 106:2]
MI y’maleil g’vurot YHVH yashmi’a ko L T’Hilato
Who can express the mighty acts of YHVH, or make all His praise to be heard?

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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

45. l)s — Se’al

of 17 
b. l)l)s — Se’al’el
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c. K7lf w@nl;xy
a I r#e)k@a a w@nyliI(f hwhy K1ds; x; a yhiy: [Psalm 33:22]

Y’hi chaSd’cha YHVH aleinu ka’Asher yichaLnu lach
Let Thy mercy, YHVH, be upon us, according as we have waited for Thee.

46. a. yr( — Ari

b. l)yr( — Ari’el

c. ynimm
e i qxart: i l)a yhal)5 e hwhy ynibzIi (a
: ta l)a [Psalm 38:21 (22)]
Al ta’Azveini YHVH elohai el ti Rchak mimenI
Forsake me not, YHVH; O my God, be not far from me.

47. a. l#( — Eshal

b. l)l#( — Eshal’el

: @i wynfpl
c. hnfnfrb f ; w@)b@5 hxfm#
; bi ;@ hwhy t)e w@db;(i [Psalm 100:2]
Ivdu et YHVH b’ Simchah bo’u L’fanav birnanah\
Serve YHVH with gladness; come before His presence with singing.

48. a. hym — Mih

b. l)hym — Mih’el

c. w@nlelh
; )a a Myb@ri A K7wtO b;w@ ypib;@ d)om; hwhy hdew)O [Psalm 109:30]
Odeh YHVH M’od b’fI uv’toch rabim aHal’lenu
I will give great thanks unto YHVH with my mouth; yea, I will praise Him among the multitude.

49. a. whw — Vehu

b. l)whw — Vehu’el

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u l: wi : d)om; llahmu w; @ hwhy l
c. rqexIi Ny)iI wOtlfdg wOdgf [Psalm 145:3]
GadOl YHVH um’ Hulal m’od V’lig’dulato ein cheiker
Great is YHVH, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.


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Aligning with the “Name of Seventy-Two Names”

50. ynd — Dani

of 17 
b. l)ynd — Dani’el
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c. K1ytew)
O l;pni; lk@f hrFps;% )a a yb@li i lkfb;@ hwhy hdew)O [Psalm 9:1 (2)]

ODeh YHVH b’chol libi asap’ra kol Nifl’otEIcha
I will give thanks unto YHVH with my whole heart; I will tell of all Thy marvelous works.

51. a. #xh — Hachash

b. l)#xh — Hachash’el

c. wy#f(amb
a ;@ hwhy xma#y; i Mlfw(l;
O hwhy dwObk; yhiy: [Psalm 104:31]
Y’Hi ch’vod YHVH l’olam yishma CH YHVH b’ma’aSav
May the glory of YHVH endure for ever; let YHVH rejoice in His works!

52. a. Mm( — Omem

b. l)mm( — Omem’el

c. hmfhIi Mlfw(
O miI yk@i K1ydEsxf wa A hwhy K1ymexra A rkoz: [Psalm 25:6]
Z’chor rachamecha YHVH va-chasadecha ki mei’OlaM heiMah
Remember, YHVH, Thy compassions and Thy mercies; for they have been from of old.

53. a. )nn — Nena

b. l))nn — Nena’el

a ; Mylixya mA l; a wy)fryIi : l)e hwhy Ny(iI hniIhi [Psalm 33:18]

c. wOds;xl
HiNeih eiN YHVH El y’rei’av lamyachalim l’chasdo
Behold, the eye of YHVH is toward them that fear Him, toward them that wait for His mercy.

54. a. tyn — Nit

b. l)tyn — Nit’el

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F gO K7ymiwt
c. ylirw O htf)a ysiwkw:
O yqilx; e tnfm; hwhy
 [Psalm 16:5]
YHVH m’Nat chelki v’chosI atah Tomich gorali
YHVH, the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup, Thou maintainest my lot.


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https://www.scribd.com/document/353605905/Swart-Jacobus-G-Aligning-with-the-Name-of-Seventy-two-Names 52/53
9/27/23, 4:53 PM Swart, Jacobus G.: Aligning With The Name of Seventy-Two Names | PDF | Creator Deity | Yahweh

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