Drawingmodul Topic1 Introductiontoengineeringdrawing

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Introduction to Engineering Drawing

1.1 The Use of Various Drawing Tools and Equipment

1.2 Preparing and Storing of Drawing Paper

1.3 Lettering, Line Work and Dimensioning Techniques

1.4 Technical Sketching


Upon completion of this topic, the student will be able to:-

 Identify and make use of various drawing tools and equipment for
engineering drawing purposes.
 Understand the procedures in preparing drawing paper for making
engineering drawing.
 Identify various lettering types, size and shape, and applying them in
engineering drawing assignments.
 Understand various line types and their usage and application in
engineering drawing assignments.
 Understand object’s dimensioning techniques in engineering drawing
 Understand the procedures in sketching different views of objects
Technical/engineering drawing, which involves specific characteristics and drawing
styles, is drawn with special tools and equipment by following certain techniques and
standards. The drawing consists of a combination and arrangement of various line types
with certain symbols which normally can be understood only by those who have
background knowledge in the fields of engineering and building construction.


Tools and equipment employed in making engineering drawing assignments should be
of good quality and high precision. Some of the typical drawing equipment include
drawing board, T-square, set squares (triangles), drawing set, architects’ and engineers’
scales, pencils/mechanical pencils/technical pens, pencil eraser, erasing shield, dusting
brush, circles and ellipses templates, Ames lettering guide, protractor and French curves
(see Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 Principal Items of Equipment

1. Drawing board 8. Architects’ scale 15. Erasing shield

2. T-square 9. French curve 16. Drawing paper
3. Set of drawing instruments 10. Protractor 17. Drafting tape
4. 45° triangle 11. Pencil/Mechanical pencil 18. Dusting brush
5. 30° x 60° triangle 12. Sandpaper pad 19. Adjustable triangle
6. Ames lettering guide 13. Pencil eraser
7. Engineers’ scale 14. Plastic eraser

The following equipment (not shown in Figure 1.1) may also be needed:
a). Technical Pen set (0.1 mm to 1.0 mm) d). Sliding ruler
b). Circle and ellipse templates e). Wiping cloth or cleaning tissue
c). Calculator

Drawing board

It can be found in various sizes and the selection is basically suited to the need and usage
of the draughtsman. In general, school and university students use drawing board sized
60 cm x 80 cm, which is usually made of soft wood. At least one of its edges must be
perfectly straight (normally the left edge). A drawing paper is placed on top of the board
and fastens using drafting tape or clipping pin.


It is made of either hardwood or celluloid plastic/clear perspex. It has two primary

components: head and blade (with transparent plastic edge). The T-square should be
firm and the working edge of the head is placed against the straight edge of the board,
thereby making a right angle with the straight working edge of the blade. Basically, T-
square is used to draw a straight horizontal line on a drawing paper.

Set square (triangles)

It is made of celluloid plastic or clear perspex. Normally, the set square is used to draw
vertical and inclined straight lines at 30°, 45°, 60° and etc. with the triangles used singly
or in combination.

Drawing sets

A set of drawing instruments normally contains various types of drawing instruments

made of stainless steel and amongst them are listed below:
i. Compass is used for drawing arcs and circles.
ii. Divider may be used for dividing a given distance into a number of equal parts by
trial and error and also be used for transferring a particular distance.
iii. Beam compass or trammel is used for drawing arcs or circles larger than those
that can be drawn with the regular compass and/or lengthening bar.
iv. Spring curved ruler is used for drawing and dividing smaller lines more precisely.
v. Ruling pen is used for drawing inking lines.

Various types of scales are usually made of plastic or hardwood and can be found in
either flat or triangular form. A full-divided scale is one in which the basic units are
subdivided throughout the length of the scale. The divisions are done in different ratios
recommended by the International Standard ratio for determining distance and dimension
precisely. Therefore it can be used to draw an object to scale or for measuring. Two types
of scales commonly employed in technical drawing are engineers’ scale and architects’
scale. In general, these scales use metric measurement system. Engineers’ scale is
widely used in drawings such as maps, charts and figures. The multipurpose architects’
scale is frequently used in architectural drawings. The commonly used ratios of reduction
include 1:10 / 1:100, 1:20 / 1: 200, 1:5 / 1:50 / 1:500, and 1:25 / 1:250 / 1: 2500.

Drawing Pencil / Mechanical Pencil

a) Drawing pencil is usually made of softwood and its lead is made of graphite with the
addition of either a polymer binder or kaolin (clay). Varying amounts of a polymer
binder or clay added to the graphite will produce a series of lead of different grades
ranging from 9H, the hardest, to 6B, the softest. The series of drawing pencils
manufactured are as follows:
 Series 9H, 8H, 7H and 6H - hardest
 Series 5H and 4H - hard
 Series 3H and 2H - medium hard
 Series H,F and HB - medium soft
 Series B, 2B and 3B - soft
 Series 4B,5B and 6B - softest

b) Mechanical pencil is a refillable drawing pencil with a holder that grips the lead firmly
without slipping and the lead needs no sharpening. Thin-lead mechanical pencils are
available with 0.3-, 0.5-, 0.7-, 0.9- mm-diameter drafting leads in several grades.

Pencil eraser

It is made of soft rubber or vinyl plastic and is used to erase extra unneeded lines or to
make correction or amendment.

Erasing shield

It is made of a very thin metal or celluloid plastic and to be used to erase a very small part
of a drawing without affecting the other adjacent lines.

Circle and ellipse templates

These templates are usually made of celluloid plastic or clear Perspex. They are
convenient for drawing a half circle and an ellipse without using a compass.
Dusting brush

It is made of animal feathers such as fox or camel feathers with a handle made of wood.
It is conveniently used to clean a drawing paper from dust and erasing waste.

Ames lettering guide

It is made of celluloid plastic or clear Perspex and is used for drawing guidelines in
lettering work to write the letters at a desired height.


It is used for measuring or setting off angles. It is available in full circle or a half circle and
is made of clear plastic or metal. The circular edge of the protractor is subdivided and
measured in degrees. Its diameter size is in the range of 100 mm to 150 mm.

French curve

It is made of clear plastic and is used for drawing inconsistent or complex curves that are
not easy to draw.


Drawing paper

For engineering drawing purposes, the preferred paper is white or light cream in colour,
and it is available in cut sheet A3 size (297 mm x 420 mm) with 110 gm thickness (based
on weight measurement). The paper should have a hard and smooth surface. In certain
drawing tasks, A2 size (420 mm x 594 mm) sheet may sometimes be used.

Placing drawing paper on drawing board

The drawing paper should be placed close enough to the left corner of the lower edge of
the board. However, the placing of the paper should also allow space at the bottom of the
sheet for using T-square and supporting the arm while drawing. Use both T-square and
set-square to ensure that the vertical edge of the paper is perfectly straight. To fasten the
paper in place on the board, drafting tape can be used at all the four corners. See Figure

Figure 1.2 Placing Paper on Drawing Board

Drawing border lines

Border lines can be considered as the frame of the overall drawing. Using T-square and
set-square, border lines are drawn at 10 mm from all edges of the paper. It is a full line
which is drawn using soft grade drawing pencil series such as HB. See Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 Layout of Drawing Paper

Drawing title block

A title block is used for recording the information with regards to the drawing in general
and the person who produces it. Its main functions are to make it easier for us to record,
store and trace any drawing from time to time. The title block is placed close to the border
line either at the bottom or at the right hand side of the paper. The items to be written
include institution’s name, student’s name, course name, drawing title, scale, date and
drawing’s reference number. The way to prepare the title block is shown in Figure 1.4.
The titles and contents for all the eight compartments are outlined below:

Compartment 1: Institution name, for example:

Compartment 2: Course name, for example:
Compartment 3: Drawing title, for example:
Compartment 4: Student’s name, for example:
Compartment 5: Date, for example:
DATE: 10/9/2014
Compartment 6: Scale used (if any), for example:
Compartment 7: Checker’s name, for example:
Compartment 8: Drawing reference number, for example:








50 mm

DATE : 10 SEPT 2014

100 mm
Figure 1.4 Title Block Information

Note: The texts should be done with vertical capital letters. All letters should be 4 mm high and
the spacing of the letters within each compartment from its top and bottom line is 3 mm.


Lettering should be learnt and racticed from the very early stage of the engineering
drawing subject. Its main function is to provide information with regards to the dimension,
title block, drawing details, etc.

Types of lettering

There are two standard lettering types widely used in technical and engineering drawings:
i. vertical letters standard
ii. inclined letters standard

Figure 1.5 Vertical Letters Standard

Figure 1.6 Inclined Letters Standard

Lettering should be done using HB drawing pencils . The letters are written in between
the guidelines to keep the letter height uniform. In technical and engineering drawing, the
letters are commonly 3.2 mm high.

a) Guide lines are thin horizontal lines created to keep the letter height uniform. In
addition, vertical and inclined guide lines are also needed when forming uniform
vertical or inclined letters. Guide lines should be very thin and lightly drawn using hard
series pencil such as 2H, 4H, 5H or 6H, and the lines need not be erased.
The height of the guide lines for writing both vertical and inclined capital letters is
usually 3.2 mm with the distance between the lines separating the top and bottom
letters or words can be in the range of 3/5 height to the full letter height, which is 3.2
mm. It is important to note that the distance between the lines separating the top and
bottom letters should not be less than a half of the letter’s height or greater than the
letter’s height (see both Figures 1.7 and 1.8).

Figure 1.7 Guidelines for Vertical Uppercase (Capital) Letters

Figure 1.7 Guidelines for Inclined Uppercase (Capital) Letters

Lettering control
In order to have a good lettering, the following controls should be observed:-
i. Lettering should be uniform, which is using only capital letters
ii. Guidelines can be used to keep the height of the letters uniform
iii. Use only vertical lettering methods.
iv. Darkness and thickness of the line to form any particular letter should be uniform
and neat.
v. The spacing between letters in any particular word should be correct and
consistent. Each letter is created according to consistent width and height, and
arranged next to each other to form a word.
vi. In any particular sentence, the spacing of each word should also be consistent.

Line Types (Line work)

Technical/engineering drawing is a line drawing which comprises straight and curved

lines of different types and thicknesses. Any particular line in the drawing is used to
provide specific information and meanings. For instance, if an object is created by
incorporating a few line types, thus those lines forming the object would describe its whole
meaning. This will help the reader to understand the drawing by interpreting all the line
types used to make up the object. Each line should have its own thickness as
recommended by the British Standard BS 308. Some of the line types are outlined below:

a). Border line is the thickest line drawn in any drawing. It is basically used in the layout
of the drawing paper, particularly to draw the borders and title block on the drawing
paper. It can be drawn using pencil series HB.

b). Object line is a clear dark and thick line, which is neatly drawn normally using pencil
series HB. It is used to show the visible outlines or edges of an object. The thickness
of the line should be appropriate to both the paper and drawing size.

c). Construction line is the thinnest and lightest line drawn in a drawing normally using
pencil series 2H or H. It is used in the initial stage of creating any object. Construction
lines need not be erased except those drawn unnecessarily or too long.
d). Hidden line is a medium thick and dark line normally drawn with a pencil series H. It
is a broken line comprising a series of short dashes spaced at equal distance from
each other. Its function is to show outlines or edges of any hidden object behind other
visible surfaces, or to show the forms and conditions inside an object.

Begin with a dash and not with a gap.

Dashes meet without a gap.

Dashes meet at corners without a gap.

Dashes meet at corners without a gap.

One exception is when a line continues as a

hidden line. Then begin the hidden line with a

Hidden arcs begin with a dash and not a


Again when an arc continues as a hidden arc, an

exception is made and the hidden is started with a

Two hidden arcs meet at a dash and not at a


Figure 1.9 Hidden Line Techniques

e). Cutting line is a full thin and clear line normally drawn using a pencil series 2H. The
line is slanting at 45° angle from horizontal and spaced at equal distance from one
another. Its function is to show surfaces which have been cut in sectional view.
f). Centre line is also a thin and clear line normally drawn with a pencil series 2H. It is
broken with one short dash in its centre (a broken line drawn alternately using a series
of long and short lines). It is an imaginary line that shows either an axis or the
mid/centre line or point of circular/cylindrical objects.

g). Dimension line is also a thin and clear line drawn using a pencil series 2H. It is used
to show dimension of an object where the arrowheads at its both end touch against
extension lines.

h). Extension line is also a thin and clear line drawn using a pencil series 2H. The lines
start with a gap about 1 mm projected from an object in which the dimension line is

i). Cutting plane line is a dark and thick line (same thickness and darkness with that of
an object line) normally drawn using a pencil series HB. There are two ways of drawing
this line: Firstly, the whole line can be drawn using a series of short dashes. Secondly,
the line can be drawn alternately using a series long line and two short dashes. It is
also an imaginary line, which is used in sectional drawing to show the cutting is made
through an object. Two short perpendicular lines with arrow heads are drawn at both
ends of the cutting plane line to show the view direction towards the parts or surfaces
of the object that has been cut.

j). Short-break line is also a thick and line normally drawn using a pencil series HB. This
freehand drawn line is used for showing a short-broken part inside a structure or an
k). Long-break line is a clear but thin line normally drawn using a pencil series 2H. It is
a straight line with a freehand drawn zigzag line. Its function is to show a very long
structure or object which has been cut off or shortened due to the limitation of space
to be drawn on the drawing paper.

l). Phantom line is also a clear but thin line normally drawn using a pencil series 2H.
The line is drawn alternately using a series of a long line and two short dases. It is
used for showing a moving part of an object, from its original position to a new
preferred position.
Figure 1.10 Types of Lines and Usage


In order to determine the accuracy of the measured object, and for the efficiency of work
that can save time, the information on the measured size or ‘dimension’ (normally
measured in metric or imperial unit) is included in the drawing. Details of the measurement
are provided in the form of lines, specific symbols, numerals, fractions, and also decimal

Students can acquire dimensioning skills by observing the following:

i. to learn about dimensioning techniques, line characteristics, dimension
distance, arrowhead, and etc.
ii. to know and understand the relevant rules in placing dimension in a drawing.
iii. to be able to choose the appropriate dimensioning types.

Line Types for Dimensioning

a). Dimension line is also a thin and clear line where arrowheads are drawn at its both
end to show direction and measurement. The line should be drawn at least 10 mm
from object line. If there is adequate space, the gap between each of the parallel
dimension lines should be consistent for the whole drawing, which is 6 mm or more.
Dimension line is drawn using a pencil series H or 2H.

b). Extension line is also a thin and clear line projected from an object at 1.5 mm gap
and it continues about 3 mm after the arrowhead of the dimension line. There should
not be a gap when these lines cross each other. Extension line is used for determining
the limit of dimension line. It is also drawn using a pencil series H or 2H.

c). Centre line is also a thin and clear line. It is a broken line drawn alternately using a
series of long and short dash lines. Its function is to show either an axis or the
mid/centre line or point of symmetrical objects.

d). Leader line is also a clear but thin line which is used for showing measurement or
notes with regard to an object. At one end of the line contains an arrowhead, while a
shoulder (a very short line) is placed at the other end. The line is slanting at any angle,
usually at 30°, 45° or 60° from horizontal. The arrowhead usually touches a line, circle,
or any parts of an object where the dimension is to be provided. When used for
dimensioning a circle, the leader line must go through to its centre (as if it is extended),
although it is actually not extended. Figure 1.11 illustrates five characteristics and
usage of a leader line. 23 GP means that the diameter of the circle is 23 mm.
Figure 1.11 Leader Line

Arrow head

An arrow head is drawn with two slanting lines pointing towards a point. The arrowhead
is about 3.2 mm long and its width is about 1/3 of its length (Figure 1.12).

Figure 1.12 Arrow heads

Dimensioning standard

Refer to Figure 1.13.

Figure 1.13 Standard of Dimensioning

Direction of dimension on the drawing

The two common systems for placing dimension on a drawing are unidirectional system
and aligned system. In this case, we will only discuss aligned system as it is more practical
to be used. For aligned system, dimensioning (particularly the figures) is read from bottom
or from right-hand side or in between those positions as shown by arrowhead A in Figure

Figure 1.14 Reading Directions of Figures

Shaded areas (Figure 1.14b) show the direction and dimensioning area which should be
avoided if possible (exclude the dimensioning at the vertical line).
Angular dimensioning

Once an angular measurement in degree is given, the angle is dimensioned by drawing

a dimension line in the form of an arc with arrowheads drawn using a compass from the
peak point of the angle. The angular measurement is written within horizontal guidelines.
However, for writing a larger angular measurement, guide lines which form arcs running
concurrent with the dimension line can be used (Figure 1.15).

Figure 1.15 Angular Dimensioning

Dimensioning Arcs

Arcs can be dimensioned by providing radius measurement to views where the actual
form of the arc is seen (Figure 1.16). A letter J or R which implies radius is usually written
right after the dimension value (figure).Where the space permits, the dimension value and
arrowhead should be placed inside the arc as depicted in Figures 1.16 (a) and (b).
However, when the space is limited the dimension value can be written outside the arc
as demonstrated in Figure (c), and if necessary the arrowhead also can be placed outside
the arc as shown in Figure (d). In some circumstances whereby other lines in the drawing
are too close to the arc, the technique shown in Figure (e) can also be utilized.
Figure 1.16 Dimensioning of Arcs

Dimensioning straight distances

Dimension values should be written in a drawing in order to provide information on the

actual size of an object or structure. In metric unit system, common fractions are not used.
The values can only be written in rounded figures or decimal fractions. Usually the
standard height of the dimension figures is 3 mm. Figure 1.17 illustrates some of the ways
to write dimension values in different conditions. When the space permits, dimension
value is written right above the dimension line as demonstrated in Figures 1.17(a) and
(b). For a limited space, only the dimension value is written in between the extension lines
with the arrowheads are drawn outside as illustrated in Figures 1.17 (c) and (d). When
the space is too tight, both the dimension value and arrowheads can be written and drawn
outside as depicted in Figure 1.17(e). Leader line also can be used for showing the
dimensioned locations as shown in Figure 1.17(f). Figure 1.17(g) illustrates a situation
where both a large and limited space is just next to each other. In this case, the two
dimension values can share the arrowhead in the middle.

Figure 1.17 Straight Distance Dimensioning

Placement of dimensions

Both correct and incorrect ways of placing dimensions are shown in Figures 1.18 and
1.19. As demonstrated in Figure 1.18(a), shorter dimension lines should be placed closest
to the object and also aligned in one straight line. It should be noted that it is not necessary
to have three shorter dimensions arranged in a straight line. The whole length of the object
is usually dimensioned away from the object.
Figure 1.18 Techniques of Placing Dimensions

While dimensioning a drawing, we should try to avoid from placing dimension whereby
the dimension lines cross the extension lines as illustrated in Figure 1.18(b). It is also not
acceptable to place dimension line right on the object or continue the dimension line from
one end of the object line to the other as shown in Figure 1.18(c). In addition, do not place
the dimension within the object as depicted in Figure 1.18(d) unless there is no other way
or unavoidable; for instance, in dimensioning arcs (refer to section 3.3.6). Finally, do not
place dimension as shown in Figure 1.18(e), where the extension lines cross object lines
though this is avoidable.

Figure 1.19 Crossed Lines

Extension lines can cross each other freely (Figure 1.19(a)). Do not shorten the extension
line as illustrated in Figure 1.19(b). In certain circumstances, it is allowable for extension
lines to cross object lines as demonstrated in Figure 1.19(c). Extension lines also cannot
be shortened as shown in Figure 1.19(d), or cut out when crossing object lines as
illustrated in Figure 1.19(e).
Types of dimensions

Basically there are two types of dimensions as outlined below:

Dimension of size
This type of dimension provides the measurement of size for objects such as circle,
arc, rectangle, and etc.

Dimension of location
This type of dimension shows the location of a point, line or an object form; and also
their relationship between each other in a drawing.

In Figure 1.20, dimension of size is denoted by a letter S, whilst a letter T denotes

dimension of location.

Figure 1.20 Dimensions of Size (S) and Dimensions of Location (T)

Dimension of size

There are three groups of dimension of size as listed below:

i Dimensioning of Prism.
ii. Dimensioning of Cylinder.
iii. Dimensioning of Cone, Pyramid and Sphere.

i) Dimensioning of Prism consists of three dimensions, which include width, height and
depth as shown in Figure 1.21(a). In order to describe all the three dimensions, two
views should be drawn (refer to Figures 1.21(b) and (c)). In these two figures, the
measurement of width (46 mm) and height (76 mm) are given in the Front View, whilst
the measurement of depth (23 mm) is given in either Plan View or Side View.
In Figure 1.21(b), the width measurement (dimension 46 mm) should be placed in
between the plan and front views, and should not be placed above the plan view or
below the front view. Both dimensions 76 mm and 23 mm should be lined along the
same vertical line. Following the same principle (Figure 1.21(c)), dimension 76 mm is
placed in between the front and side views; and both dimensions 46 mm and 23 mm
are lined along the same horizontal line. Nevertheless, these dimensions can also be
placed above each particular view. Figures 1.21 (d) and (e) show the dimensions for
a pressed ‘negative’ prism.

All dimensions shown in the figure below are dimensions of size.

Figure 1.21 Dimensioning of Prism

ii ) Dimensioning of Cylinder usually can be seen as a shaft or a circular hole (Figure

1.22). It should be dimensioned by giving both measurement of diameter and length
in the front view showing a rectangular form (Figures 1.22(b) and (c)). Do not
dimension the cylinder by giving its radius or diameter measurement in the plan
(Figures 1.22 (d), (e) and (f)). The techniques mentioned earlier should be followed
unless in circumstances where the length measurement of the cylinder has to be given
in note form as illustrated in Figure 1.22(g) or where the circular hole to be
dimensioned is too large.
Figure 1.22 Cylinder Dimensioning

All dimensions shown in the Figures above are dimensions of size.

iii) Dimensioning Cone, Pyramid and Sphere

Cone is dimensioned by giving both the measurement of altitude and diameter in the
front view showing a triangular form (Figure 1.23(a)). It is sometimes necessary to
provide measurement for its base diameter and also the angle at its peak as depicted
in Figure 1.23(b), or the measurement of the top and bottom diameters as well as the
altitude (Figure 1.23 (c)). Sometimes it is also necessary to provide measurement for
its base diameter and one of its inclined lines (i.e. in ratios) in note form (Figure 1.23
Figure 1.23 Dimensioning of Cone, Pyramid and Sphere

Pyramid is dimensioned by giving dimensions for its base in the plan view showing a
square or rectangle form, and its altitude in the front view showing a triangular form
(Figure 1.23(e)). If the base is in a square form, only one dimension for the base
should be provided, denoted by “SQ” (Figure 1.23(f)).

Sphere is dimensioned by giving its diameter measurement (Figure 1.23(g)).

All dimensions shown in the figures above are dimensions of size.

Dimension of location
As shown in Figures 1.24(a) and (b), square or rectangle form is placed at its location by
giving dimensions from surface to surface. Cylinder is placed at its location by giving
dimensions from its centre (Figures 1.24(c) and (d)). Dimensions of location for circular
holes should be given in the view showing circles for the holes, if possible (Figure 1.24
(d)). If not, the technique which is illustrated in Figure 1.24 (e) can be used.

Figure 1.24 Dimensions of Location

Dimensioning Contours

In any drawing, dimensions should be placed in views where the actual form of the object
is shown. When any particular view provides description about the shape of an object, it
should also provide a description about the size of the object. The meaning of any
dimension is obvious when it is placed in the view where the actual form of the object is
also shown. Figure 1.25(a) shows correct contour dimensioning and Figure 1.25(b) shows
some dimensioning works which violate contour dimensioning rules. In general, wherever
possible, avoid dimensioning hidden lines.
Figure 1.25 Contour Dimensioning

Superfluous dimension

It is essential to remind that dimensions and notes are equally important along with the
orthographic views. The views in any drawing provide description about the shape of an
object or structure, whilst dimensions provide information about its size. Without sufficient
dimensions, it is impossible to construct the object or structure. Therefore, it is vital to
provide sufficient dimensions in any drawing; however, it should be noted that providing
superfluous or extra unnecessary dimensions is not a good drawing practice and should
be avoided.

Before providing any dimension to a drawing, students should discuss among themselves
the reason for having such dimension. This is important to ensure whether or not the
dimension is really needed, and to decide on the most correct and suitable way of placing
the dimension.

In any drawing which has three orthographic views, which include plan, front view, and
side view, we have at least two selected views for placing any dimension. For one view
only, we also have two alternative locations for placing the dimension. Choose the most
appropriate view and location. Do not provide any one dimension more than once in the
same view or in other views.

Figure 1.26 demonstrates some examples of extra unnecessary dimensioning.

Dimensions which have been crossed out are the superfluous ones.
Figure 1.26 Unnecessary Dimensions


Freehand sketching are of great value to designers in organizing their thoughts and
recording ideas. Sketching is an effective and economical means of formulating
various solutions to a given problem so that a choice can be made between them. In
engineering side, a creative idea is important to an engineer to produce good and new
design. Usually these ideas are not produce through a neat orthographic or isometric
drawing but are roughly drawn by sketching first. The degree of prefection required in
a given sketch depende on its intended use. Quick sketches done to supplement oral
descriptions may be rough and incomplete. On the other hand, sketches that are
supposed to convey important and precise information to engineers, technicians, or
skilled workers should be executed as carefully and exactly as possible.

The term “freehand sketch” does not mean a crude or sloppy freehand deawing in
which no particular effort has been made. On the contrary, freehand sketch should be
made waith care and with attention to proportion, clarity, and correct line widths.
Sketches usually are not made to any scale. Objects should be sketched in their
correct proportions as accurately as possible, by eye. The size of sketch is purely
optional, depending on the complexity of the object and the size of paper available.
Small objects are often sketched oversize to show the necessary details clearly. One
advantage of freehand sketching is that it requires only pencil, paper and eraser. It
can be drawn in two or three dimensional views.

Types of sketching

Since technical sketches and drawings represent three-dimensional objects, your sketches should
conform to one of the four standard types of projection. The four major types of projection are
(1) multiview – the object is describe by its necessary views.
(2) axonometric (isometric)
(3) oblique, and
(4) perspective. .

Figure 1.27 The four types of projections.

Isometric Sketching

Isometric drawing is one of several simple methods of preparing pictorial sketches that
will be of grea assistance in learning the principles of multiview projection. To make
an isomeric sketch from an acual object, hold the object in your hand and tilt it toward
you, as shown in Figure 1.28 a. In this position the front corner will appear vertical and
the two receding bottom edges and those parallel to them, respectively will appear at
about 300 with the horizontl as shown. The steps in sketching are as follows:

1. Sketch the enclosing box lightly making AB vertical and AC and AD approximately
300 with the horizontal (Figure.1.28 (I)). These three lines are the isometric axes.
Make AB, AC and AD approximately proportional in length to the actual
corresponding edges on the object. Sketch the remaining lines parallel,
respectively to these lines.


Approx 300 Approx 300

Figure 1.28 (I)

2. Block in the recess and the projecting block (Figure 1.28 (II))
Figure 1.28 (II)

3. Lighten all construction lines with a soft eraser and heavy in all final lines (Figure
1.28 (III)).

Figure 1.28 (III)

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