IGJ Published InvertingGravityData 30-11-2023
IGJ Published InvertingGravityData 30-11-2023
IGJ Published InvertingGravityData 30-11-2023
Inverting Gravity Data to Density and Velocity Models for Selected Area in
Southwestern Iraq
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Inverting Gravity Data to Density and Velocity Models for Selected Area in
Southwestern Iraq
Athir J. Al-Inizi1 and Osamah S. Al-Saadi1
Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: The gravity method is a measurement of relatively noticeable variations in the Earth’s
16 March 2023
gravitational field caused by lateral variations in rock's density. In the current research, a
Accepted: new technique is applied on the previous Bouguer map of gravity surveys (conducted from
5 July 2023 1940–1950) of the last century, by selecting certain areas in the South-Western desert of
Iraqi-territory within the provinces' administrative boundary of Najaf and Anbar. Depending
on the theory of gravity inversion where gravity values could be reflected to density-contrast
30 November 2023
variations with the depths; so, gravity data inversion can be utilized to calculate the models
of density and velocity from four selected depth-slices 9.63 Km, 1.1 Km, 0.682 Km and
0.407 Km. The depths were selected using the power spectrum analysis technique of gravity
data. Gravity data are inverted based on gravitational anomalies for each depth slice or level
and the extracted equivalent depth data from available wells using a connection curve
between densities and velocities, which were mostly compatible with Nafe and Drake's
standard curve. The inverted gravity data images highlight the behavior of
anomalies/structures in the model and domain of density/velocity, which can be utilized in
the processing of the recorded seismic data and time to depth conversion, in parallel with
available well's data information within the intended study area of South-Western Iraq.
Keywords: Gravity data Inversion; Power Spectrum analysis; Density-Velocity Models;
SW Iraq
1. Introduction
Many of the theories and notions proposed by geophysicists in the field of earth sciences were
primarily intended to understand what is happening to the Earth's interior and surface related to
processes and deformations (Sjöberg and Bagherbandi, 2017). The current study is dependent on the
related potential topic, i.e., gravity data of the selected area in the southwest of Iraq within the provinces'
administrative boundary of Najaf and Anbar. Several exploratory geological/ geophysical studies in
several areas of central and south-central Iraq lack to provide a true/proper velocity model, due to the
lack of velocity data and oil-wells drilled within these areas (Mazeel, 2010).
Due to the less clarity (blurry) in the background of structural and stratigraphic subsurface models,
utilizing specific geophysical surveys and available well data/info, which is used as a control point will
to assist a large extent in resolving various geologic problems (Bornatici, 2011). The gravitational
method, which theoretically relies on variations in the densities of subterranean rocks, has usually
provided (in several situations) important details about the geometry of fault systems, subsurface
structures, basement rock's depth and sedimentary basins spread (Abdulrahim et al., 2022; Al-Khalidi
DOI: 10.46717/igj.56.2E.19ms-2023-11-24
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
et al., 2023; Carigali, 2004). In general, the residual procedure/analysis should be avoided in the Bouguer
gravity network process, since the data is suitable for processing without external control (Blakely,
1996). Instead, the processing of gravity data using the analysis of Power Spectrum (PSA), will highlight
the low and high amplitudes with the depth of the earth layers via behavior energy-decay curves
(Chamoli and Dimiri, 2010). The regional-residual gravity of the Southern desert of Iraq (i.e., southern
the current study area) has been studied and analyzed using the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD)
of the multi-dimensional technique (Al-Bahadily and Al-Rahim, 2023), they referred that the regional
structure of gravity anomaly was related to the deep-seated gravitational sources, while the residual
anomalies separated to three residual maps according to the depths of these positive and negative gravity
The current research is depending on inverting Bouguer gravity data to the density and velocity
models for a selected area in the South-Western Iraq within the provinces' administrative boundary of
Najaf and Anbar, i.e., to exploit the relationship between the density of rocks and the velocity for model
of the gravity, i.e., values density model at first, afterwards invert the density data-model to the velocity
model, in order to characterize subsurface features of the study area.
Fig. 1. The Map of Iraq with the site of the study area highlighted by the red square
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
3. Basement Rock Setting and the Stratigraphic Units of the Study Area
The basement rocks of the study area are completely dominated by low-density metamorphic rocks,
i.e., phyllite-type rocks, as shown (green-colored rocks) in Fig. 2, according to Jassim and Goff (2006).
To illustrate the stratigraphic unit's sequence within the southwestern desert area, the drilled oil well of
Ghalaisan-1 (Table 2) was used to explain the relationship between velocity and density within the
selected area of the south-western desert of Iraq (Al-Karadaghi, 2018).
Fig. 2. The distribution basement rocks map of Iraq, the white-color square represents the study area,
which is dominated by phyllite metamorphic rocks (after Jassim and Goff, 2006)
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Table 2. The Stratigraphic units and their depths of the Ghanaian (Gh-1) oil well (Modified from Al-
Karadaghi, 2018)
Period Epoch Formation Name
Eocene- Dammam Surface
Paleocene Umm Er- Radhumah 114.5
Tayarat 441.7
Shiranish 501.3
Hartha 641.5
Saadi 1010.5
Tanuma 1131
Khasib 1135.6
Kifl 1159
Cretaceous Rumaila 1169.4
Mauddud 1317.5
Nahr Umr 1355.6
Shuaiba 1479
Lower Zubair 1487.6
Ratawi 1727
Yamama 1793.6
Sulaiy 1815
Gotnia 1828
Jurassic Upper
Najmah 1883
Fig. 3. The Map of gravity measurement stations of the study area (Getech, 2011)
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig.4. The Flow chart of current geophysics integration which is consisting of input data, processing,
interpretation and output data
4.2. Analysis of Well Data and Estimate Density and Velocity Relation
There are several empirical relations illustrate the Seismic velocity (wave velocity) and Bulk
density of subsurface rocks and materials (Brocher, 2005). Here are common relations and their
equations which used the density (ρ) as a function of velocity (Vp):
Nafe and Drake’s (1961) curve relation is:
Where Vp in all mentioned equations represents the compressional wave velocity in (km/s), ρ is
the bulk density in g/cm³, and A and B in Eq.1 are the coefficients specific to the kind of rocks/materials
being studied (Brocher, 2005).
Depending on a regional study area which has 24 wells, containing well velocity survey, and 14
wells containing density logs (e.g., Wk-1, Ak-1, Dn-1, Ek-1, Js-1, Rt-5, Ga-2, Kl-1, Me-1, Kf-4, Ad-1,
Jr-1, Ns-1 and EB-1), as shown in Fig. 5. The curve of velocity data in wells represent the variants in
velocities and density in intended well, the total relation curve between density and velocity in 8wells
of total 14 well had highly matching with Nafe and Drake standard curve (red line) more than other
curves, as shown in Fig. 6. By Adopting this relation for the 8 wells in the study area and using Nafe
and Dark Equation (Nafe and Drake, 1961), we can calculate the estimated density and average velocity
in the study area (Al-Banna and Al-Karadaghi, 2018).
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig. 5. The velocity values and the Density relationship within regional certain deep wells (Modified
from Al-Banna and Al-Karadaghi, 2018), The colored dots represent scattering points showing the
linear relationship between velocity and density within the fourteen wells used to derive the linear
relationship in Fig. 7 (red color) to use the optimal equation (Nafe and Drake, 1961) in the conversion
Fig. 6. The general behavior matching of Density and Velocity curves in eight regional deep-wells (In
red) along the standard corresponding curve of Nafe and Drake (After Al-Banna & Al-Karadaghi,
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
These mentioned depths are consistent with the subsurface geologic formations related to the
stratigraphic depth units of the Ghalaisan-1 well (Al-Karadaghi, 2018) (Table 2).
Fig. 7. The analysis of Power Spectrum of Bouguer data, the map shows the spectrum-curve of the
high-low frequencies and amplitude variants
In density deduced model, it can extract any depth surface/level, which is then displayed in the
density domain. The process was conducted using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method, the density
model can be converted to a velocity model depending on the standard curve of Nafe and Drake (1961),
as shown in Figs. 9 and 10.
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig. 8. The spectral grids of the effectively dominated gravity anomalies at different depth levels, i.e.,
Basement rocks at 9630 m, Saadi Formation. at 1100 m, Hartha Formation. at 682 m and Tayarat
Formation. at 407 m depth, by applying the Power Spectrum Analysis to the gravity Bouguer data
Fig. 9. The Spectral Density in a 2D surface-grid, built up using the Fast Fourier Transform method
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig. 10. The Spectral velocity in 2D depth-levels constructed using the curve of Nafe & Drake for
data profile spectral of various depths
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig.11. The 3D velocity cube (in Seg-y format) with the depth range obtained after converting the
model to the inverted velocity model derived from the gravity subsurface-slice
The 3D model of velocity was used to extract the velocity of 2D lines within the study area, which
are matching with the supposed new seismic survey lines of the same selected area. The deduced 2D
velocity (Seg-y) lines will be helpful in the processing of the 2D reflection seismic lines, as shown in
Figs. 12 and 13.
Fig. 12. The 2D velocity lines map which is extracted from the 3D estimated velocity cube according
to the proposed 2D seismic survey lines
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
Fig.13. The 2D velocity line which is extracted from the 3D estimated velocity cube model with their
location in the Bouguer map
It was applied with seismic velocity process as a Quality Control (Q.C) of velocity model which
inverted from gravity (Horscroft and Bain, 2015). Through the processing works, the improvement was
evident in the quality of the seismic signal of records after using the average velocities deduced from
the gravitational data in the processing steps/process of seismic data, compared to the resulting quality
after using the Root Mean Square (RMS) velocity process (Fig. 14A & B), which is illustrated that the
technique is regarded as a preliminary procedure conducting by the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company (Al-
Banna and Al-Karadaghi, 2018).
Fig. 14. The Seismic lines comparison of 7Gn – 16, concerning the results of the seismic processing
section, using the velocity extract from gravity (Fig.14A), with a section of applying the RMS
velocity (Fig.14B), the common improvements in the reflectors was highlighted by the black (a) and
yellow circles (b) (after Al-Banna & Al-Karadaghi, 2018)
Iraqi Geological Journal Al-Inizi and Al-Saadi 2023, 56 (2E), 277-289
5. Conclusions
The current research which is dependent on the potential gravity data with the use of integrated
geophysical applications, illustrated that:
Analysis of the power spectrum process is an analytical process to separate levels of gravity data
with relevant depth in terms of amplitude and frequency changes, instead of estimating directly the
The model of density estimation of gravity data illustrates an inverted gravity model depending on
the data density of relevant wells as a preliminary model. In contrast, the Quality Standard (QS) factor
of density distribution levels is dependent on the geometric model, i.e., overall model-depth, data-levels
amount/density and the relevant corresponding depths.
This study illustrated the relationship transforms from the Density to Velocity covering the selected
region of the southwestern Iraqi-territory, which corresponded generally with the standard curve of Nafe
and Drake.
It is preferable to use velocity models resulting from gravitational data instead of RMS stack
velocity models in processing the seismic records, due to the good results acquired on the seismic
sections resulting after the processing. Furthermore, the Quality Standard (Q.S) was suitable for the
proposed output velocity applied to seismic records, which reflected a clear improvement in record
processing (e.g., the model extracted from the gravity data).
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