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1. Freya Stark travelled to Lebanon, where she learned Arabic.

2. Exploration of the Valleys of the Assassins was conducted by a

team of archaeologists.

3. Freya Stark's interest in the Orient was sparked by receiving a copy

of " One Thousand and One Nights" when she was 9 years old.

4. Freya Stark and her husband had children together.

5. The Valleys of the Assassins is a book about the life of Freya Stark.

6. Stark worked as a writer in the Middle East.

7. Freya Stark's career as an explorer ended with her marriage

to Stewart Perowne.

8. The Royal Geographical Society awarded Freya Stark a Gold Medal

for her exploration of the Valleys of the Assassins.

9. Freya Stark's accident at the age of thirteen resulted in the loss of her
left ear.

10. Stark made a journey to the Syrian mountains on a donkey.





1. Extensive (adj) Covering a large area; having a great range

Rộng rãi

Ex: Her knowledge of music is extensive

2. Commentary Writing, art, etc. that explains a situation or expresses an

(noun) opinion on it, or the opinions that it expresses
Bài bình luận

Ex: There's good arts coverage in the newspaper, but not

much political commentary.

3. Disfigure (verb) To spoil the appearance of something or someone, especially

/dɪsˈfɪɡ.ər/ their face, completely

Làm biến dạng

Ex: She was horribly disfigured by burns

4. Escape (verb) To get free from something such as a prison or cage, or from
/ɪˈskeɪp/ someone who will not allow you to leave

Bỏ trốn

Ex: Two prisoners have escaped.

5. Scalp (noun) The skin on the top of a person's head where hair usually
/skælp/ grows

Da đầu

Ex: Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of

the enemy they had killed in battle.

6. Bonnet (noun) A type of hat that covers the ears and is tied under the chin,
/ˈbɒn.ɪt/ worn by babies or, especially in the past, by women

Mũ ca-pô

Ex: There are too few people with bees in their bonnets at the

7. Take someone’s to talk to someone for a long time, usually loudly

ear off (idiom)
Nói lớn tiếng

Ex: She talked my ear off.

8. Tear (verb) to pull or be pulled apart, or to pull pieces off

Kéo, tách ra, rách

Ex: You have to be very careful with books this old because
the paper tears very easily.

9. Assistant (noun) someone who helps someone else to do a job

Trợ lý

Ex: She's a personal assistant as distinct from a secretary.

10. divorce (noun) an official or legal process to end a marriage

Ly hôn

Ex: The last I heard they were getting a divorce


Freya Stark was an explorer who lived during a time when
explorers were regarded as heroes. She travelled to far areas of the
Middle East, where few Europeans – especially women – had
travelled before. She also traveled far in Turkey, Greece, Italy,
Nepal and Afghanistan. She was born on 31 January 1893 in Paris,
where her parents were studying art. Her mother, Flora, was of
English, French, German, and Polish descent. Her father, Robert,
was an English painter from Devon. She spent much of her
childhood in northern Italy.
For her ninth birthday, she received a copy of One Thousand and
One Nights and became attracted with the Orient. She was often ill
while young and keep to the house, so she found a way in reading.
She was very pleased about reading French, in particular Alexandre
Dumas, and taught herself Latin. When she was thirteen, in an accident in a factory in Italy, her hair
was caught in a machine, tearing her scalp and her right ear off. She had to spend four months getting
skin grafts in hospital, which left her face disfigured. For the rest of her life, she would wear hats or
bonnets, often colorful ones, to cover her marks.
Hoping to escape her difficult life as a flower farmer in northern Italy, when she was thirty years old
she decided to study languages in university. Her teacher suggested Icelandic, but she decided to study
Arabic and later, Persian. She studied at Bedford College, London and the School of Oriental and
African Studies, both part of the University of London.

Although she had no formal education as a child. She moved about with her artist parents and learned
French, German and Italian. She entered London University in 1912. But at the start of World War I,
she joined the nurse corps and was sent to Italy. After the war, she returned to London and attended
the School of Oriental Studies. Her studies there led to large travel in the Middle Studies, enabling her
to finally become fluent in Persian, Russian and Turkish. She became well known as a traveller and
explorer in the Middle East. She travelled to Lebanon in 1927 at the age of 33 when she had saved
enough money, and while there, she studied Arabic.
In 1928, she travelled by donkey to the Jebel Druze, a hilly area in Syria. During another trip, she went
to a far region of the Elburnz, a mountain range in Iran. By 1931, she had done three dangerous
journeys into the wilderness of western Iran, parts of which no Westerner had ever visited, and had
located the long-fabled Valleys of the Assassins. She described these travellings in The Valleys of the
Assassins (1934). She received the Royal Geographical Society's Back Award in 1933. She was
searching for information about an ancient Muslim group known as the Assassins, which she wrote
about in Valley of the Assassins (1934), a classic for which she was rewarded a Gold Medal by Royal
Geographic Society.
For the next 12 yri, she continued her career as a traveller and writer, found a way which combined an
account of her journey with personal essays on the people, places, customs, history and politics of the
Middle East.
In 1947, at the age of 54, she married Stewart Perowne, a British manager, Arabist, and historian,
whom she had met while working as his assistant in Aden early in World War II. He was homosexual,
which she did not know when they first married, although most of his friends did. Their marriage had
many troubles and did not correct well to being the wife of a public servant. The couple had no
children, separated in 1952, but did not divorce.



She travelled to Lebanon in 1927 at the age of 33 when she had saved enough
1-T money, and while there, she studied Arabic.
(3rd Paragraph, 6th and 7th line)
Exploration of the Valleys of the Assassins was conducted by Freya Stark
2- F herself, not a team of archaeologists.
(5th Paragraph)
For her ninth birthday, she received a copy of One Thousand and One Nights and
3-T became attracted with the Orient.
(2nd Paragraph, 1st and 2nd line)
Freya Stark and her husband did not have children together.
4–F (7th Paragraph, 4th and 5th line)

"The Valleys of the Assassins" is not a book about the life of Freya Stark; it is a
5–F book about her exploration of the region.
(4th Paragraph)

6–T For the next 12 years, she continued her career as a traveller and writer, found a
way which combined an account of her journey with personal essays on the
people, places, customs, history and politics of the Middle East.
(5th Paragraph)
Freya Stark's career as an explorer did not end with her marriage to Stewart
7–F Perowne.
(Make iferences from the reading)
She was searching for information about an ancient Muslim group known as the
8–T Assassins, which she wrote about in Valley of the Assassins (1934), a classic for
which she was rewarded a Gold Medal by Royal Geographic Society.
(4th Paragraph, 6th and 7th line)
Freya Stark's accident at the age of thirteen resulted in the loss of her right ear,
9–F not her left ear.
(2nd Paragraph, 4th and 5th line)
In 1928, she travelled by donkey to the Jebel Druze, a hilly area in Syria. During
10 - T another trip, she went to a far region of the Elburnz, a mountain range in Iran.
(4th Paragraph, 1st and 2nd line)



He was born in 1968 in Basel, Switzerland, where his British parents were
working for a pharmaceutical company
(paragraph 1, line 2)
Patrick Malone is a traveller, writer and broadcaster.
(paragraph 1, line 1)

He was born in 1968 in Basel, Switzerland, where his British parents were
working for a pharmaceutical company
(paragraph 1, line 2)

4-E He then went to Leeds University to do a course in Human Geography.

(paragraph 1, line 4)

He wanted to become a town planner. However, the only work he could find
was as a teacher at a local school.
(paragraph 1, line 5)

At the time, Perkins was putting together a team of geographers and biologists
for a research trip to the Amazon, and asked Malone if he would like to go
with them. The expedition was for a whole year, and so he had to give up his
job at the school, but Malone did not hesitate to accept Perkins' offer.
(paragraph 3, lines 1 and 2)

He earned money by writing travel articles for magazines and newspapers,

which he illustrated with his own photographs.
(paragraph 4, lines 4)

In 1996, he married Margaret Logan, an American doctor he had met while

travelling around Africa.
(paragraph 5, lines 1)

In 1998 they had Adam, the first of three children (twins Amelia and Jennifer
9-D were born a year later)
(paragraph 5, lines

This was followed by an offer from a television company to present a TV

series about travelling with children.
(paragraph 6, lines 3)

1 Tom was motivated to travel around the world on foot after the death of one of his
close friends at the age of 17.

Tom made the decision to travel the world after one of his close friends died at the
age of 17. The misfortune encouraged Tom to make the most of his own life.
(Paragraph 2, sentence 1)

2 He completing college and working to save money, and in 2015, he finally quit his
job, crowded a few property, acquiring supplies and obtaining a dog

He spent the next few years completing college and working to save money, and in
2015, he finally quit his job, crowded a few property and set off on foot from his
home in New Jersey, USA.
He picked up a dog called Savannah from an animal shelter in Texas.
(Paragraph 2, sentence 3 & Paragraph 4, sentence 2)

3 No, Tom traveled to Antarctica and Europe aboard a ship. Following he resumed his
journey by walking across North Africa.

He took a route south through the USA and Central America and down the west
coast of South America. After that, he travelled to Antarctica and Europe aboard a
ship, and he is currently walking across North Africa.
(Paragraph 3, sentence 1, 2)

4 He picked up a dog called Savannah from an animal shelter in Texas.

He picked up a dog called Savannah from an animal shelter in Texas.

(Paragraph 4, sentence 2)

5 Savannah became a loyal travel companion rather than just a guardian.

At first, he thought it would be useful to have a dog protecting him, but the two soon
became perfect travel friends.
(Paragraph 4, sentence 3)

6 He has met a number of difficulties on the way, such as steep mountain, logistical
challenges, equipment wear and tear, cultural and language barriers.

- He has met a number of difficulties on the way, such as walking across the
mountains and volcanoes of Guatemala.
- He carries just a tent, a sleeping bag and a few basic supplies, all of which he
pushes a baby stroller, as he found that it requires less effort than carrying a
- However, few of them believe him when he tells them that he has walked to South
America on foot, assuming that he has made a mistake speaking Spanish.
(Paragraph 5, sentence 2, Paragraph 5, sentence 4 & Paragraph 7, sentence
7 Tom carries essential supplies with him during his travels, including: a tent, a
sleeping bag and a few basic supplies, all of which he pushes a baby stroller, as he
found that it requires less effort than carrying a backpack.

He carries just a tent, a sleeping bag and a few basic supplies, all of which he pushes
a baby stroller, as he found that it requires less effort than carrying a backpack.

(Paragraph 5, sentence 4)
He takes time at the end of the day to stretch his legs.

But he is now used to the exercise, although he makes sure to spend time at the end
of the day stretching his legs.
(Paragraph 6, sentence 2)


He makes a deal with a friend in the United States to send him new sneakers when he
needs them.

Tom has an arrangement with a friend in the States who mails him new pairs of
sneakers whenever he needs them.

(Paragraph 6, sentence 4)

10 Tom shares his journey experiences and adventures with others around the world
through several means, including: blog, Photography, Social media and public
speaking engagements.
- Tom keeps a blog where he documents his travels and posts wonderful photographs
that he has taken along the way.
- He hopes that after returning to the USA, he will be able to work as a travel writer or
- Through his blog and photographs, Tom shares his adventures with around the
world, inviting others to join him on his quest for search and revelation.
(Paragraph 8, sentence 1, 3, 4)


Le Corbusier, born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, was an influential architect who tended to support the
Brand-New Style called International Style, which emphasizing functionality and modern materials.
His designs, like the Villa Savoye, were revolutionary but faced criticism for their impracticalities. His
ambitious plan to overhaul Paris was rejected, earning him the label 'the man who tried to destroy
Paris. Despite controversies, his modernist influence spread globally, shaping cities like Bobigny with
towering structures. Ironically, his work also spurred a return to traditional architectural styles,
signaling a cultural shift away from stark modernism towards a blend of contemporary amenities with
timeless aesthetics.



“They don’t differentiate between rich and poor.”
1-B (2nd Paragraph, 4th line)
“This sets a mood of respect and makes people feel happier as people
concentrate on living a normal life without competition to accumulate
2-D more and this reduces the amount of stress in their lives and helps them
lead a much more satisfied and peaceful life.”
(2nd Paragraph, 7th - 10th line)
“the government makes sure that the citizens maintain the standards of
natural beauty”
3-C (3rd Paragraph, 3rd line)

4-C “Even in agriculture, the cultivation is majorly done through organic

farming and this reduces the risk of environmental damage even further.”
(3rd Paragraph, 8th – 10th line)

“The Bhutan government makes sure that the people of the country live a
5-A respectable life but are connected with spirituality”
(4th Paragraph, 3rd and 4th line)
“thus the king himself is connected and is often seen at temples and at
lectures where Buddhist monks get together and discuss matters on the
connect with the real world.”
(4th Paragraph, 4th – 6th line)
“In this modern age, the citizens of Bhutan have limited options when it
comes to cinematic and televised entertainment. This saves them from
being distracted and closing in as a society. But it doesn’t mean that there
7-C is no Internet connection to the cinema hall. Instead, they get out and
meet one another and this makes the bond between people even
(5th Paragraph, 1st – 5th line)
““It’s simple to be ourselves”. Every day, we work and interact with many
different people who are perhaps good, bad, rich or poor people. We are
competitive and jealous of one another about living standards and social
8-A status…These sometimes make you forget who you are.”
(6th Paragraph, 1st – 4th line)

greeder (adjective) = ambitious (adjective):

9-A a strong desire to continually get more of something.

“Their love story always inspires young couples that love is regardless of
class in society, age, wealth, poverty, but it comes from true love for each
(7th Paragraph, 2nd and/ 3rd line)

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