Cdi - Module 5

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Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Page 1



Lesson Objectives:

1. differentiate information in technical and legal perspective;

2. identify the possible sources of information; and
3. discuss the types and motives of informant.

The term information was consistently mentioned in the previous chapters. Technically,
it refers to the element of investigation necessary for gathering ana collection of data to
include its progress as it moved forward in solving the case. As opposed to is legal
perspective, information is defined as accusation in writing, charging a person with an
offense, subscribed by the fiscal, and filed in court.

In connection to intelligence, information is simply the “raw data”. This simply

implies that in the aspect of intelligence, information are just pieces or its part. These
pieces of information are useless without being analyzed and evaluated so that they can
be disseminated and used by appropriate person. In contrast with information,
intelligence refers to collated, analyzed, and evaluated information appropriately
acquired for a particular purpose.

Sources of Information
Source of information is the network of data which can be linked or grouped in order
to obtain a concrete and reliable information based on the prevailing need or as the need
arises. Some of these common sources are:

1. People as source of information

a. Regular source - these are information gathered through people who have come
directly to the attention of the police commonly the complainant, witness or victim.
b. Cultivated source -these are information generally taken through the use of informant
or informer.
c. Grapevine source- these sources of information are gathered from those who are in
the underworld criminals or ex-convicts.

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2. Record as source of information

a. Government source- these are sources taken from government agencies or any of is
b. Private source- these sources of information are usually taken from different private
entities and business organizations, public utilities such as water or electric bills, and all
other private sectors.
c. Internet source - this modem source of information is done through searching detail
by typing the desired key or phrase in the different search engine.

Types and Motives of informant

Technically, the term informant refers to any person who possess knowledge regarding
crime, criminal syndicate, or ongoing criminal activity and provides information with the
police with or without consideration. It is usually used interchangeable win the term
informer. However, the term informer refers most specifically to those persons who are
recruited or hired and paid in a regular basis just to provide information.

Below are the common types of informants:

1. Anonymous- these are unidentified or unknown informants and usually provide

information to the police through telephone or cellphones.

2. Double-crosser- these are those informants who provide information in order also to
gain information from the police. Worst, they acquire more information than what they

3. False Informant- these are those informants who provide false information or
information without bases.

4. Frightened Informants- an informant who provides information due to panic or anxiety

5. Legitimate- these are those informants who provide information voluntarily to the

6. Mercenary- these are those informants who provide information in exchange for a
reward, whether lor money or any other consideration.

7. Self-aggrandizing -an informant who provides exaggerated information to the police

in order to gain advantage or attention.

8. Women- these are the most dangerous and difficult type of informants against male

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In addition, below are the common motives of the informant in providing information such

1. Civic-mindedness- informant provides information as a sense of duty and obligation

assist the police.

2. Fear- the person gives information due to oppression by enemies or other impending

3. Gratitude or gain - informant provides information to obtain a privilege toward the

welfare of his family.

4. Jealousy- the informant is pushed to provide information to the police due to his
resentment to the accomplishments or possessions of another.

5. Remuneration - a person informs the police for some pecuniary other material gain
he is to receive.

6. Repentance -the informant provides information as a sign or regret for what he has
previously done.

7. Revenge -vengeance or retaliation is the sole purpose of the person in providing

information to the police.

8. Vanity - the person wants to gain favorable attention and importance from the police.

Legal limitation in Obtaining information

The power given by the state to police officers in gathering information is so huge that
it may be prone to abuse. To protect the privacy of an individual citizen, the law prohibits
certain police actions Such as the following.

1. Republic Act 4200 (Anti-Wiretapping). Under this law, the following acts are prohibited:
a. Tapping any wire or cable;

b. Using any other device or arrangement,

c. To secretly overhear, intercept, or record;

d. Private communication/conversation or spoken word; or

e. Without the knowledge or consent of all the parties.

2. Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act). Under this law, the following acts are prohibited:

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a. Unauthorized processing of personal information;

b. Accessing personal information due to negligence;

c. Improper disposal of personal information;

d. Processing of personal information for unauthorized purposes;

e. Unauthorized access or intentional breach;

f. Malicious disclosure; and

g. Unauthorized disclosure.

Take note, under the same law RA 10173, it defines personal information as any
information whether recorded in a material form or not, from which the identity of an
individual is apparent or can be reasonably and directly ascertained by the entity holding
the information, or when put together with other information would directly and certainly
identity an individual.

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The Characteristics and Context of Intelligence

Lesson Objectives:

1. explain the context of intelligence;

2. discuss the characteristics and scope of intelligence; and

3. apply the principle covered by intelligence.

In line with the intention of successful criminal investigation, intelligence is at part one
requirement that needs to be satisfied and be given attention. Even in history, intelligence
plays an important role in the success of every war. In like manner, the success of every
war demonstrates and shows how information was gathered and collected correctly and

In modem times, intelligence is used primarily to crack down organized crime, defend
from enemy attacks, and aid in the progress of either covert or overt operation. Overt
investigation simply means as operation conducted openly while covert investigation
in contrast is an operation conducted in clandestine manner. Clandestine simply means
as secret Considering that intelligence is the backbone of police operation, then no
operation should be made without successful and accurate intelligence.

In addition, it must be noted that intelligence is not only used in line with the different
police operation but also in improving the political, economic, and sociological advantage
of the nation. Apart from that, take note that intelligence should possess the following
characteristics as it serves its purpose. if not, any information gathered will be hampered
or might acquire false information. As whole, any operation or activity might be

1. Intelligence and operation are interdependent

As intelligence provides valuable inputs for the effectiveness of police operation, in like
manner, operation provides lor the continuity of intelligence activities.

2. Intelligence is continuous

This implies that intelligence must not be disrupted and must be continuous following
simple cycle from the time information is being collected in response to the need, up to
the time will be processed and disseminated to appropriate person.

3. Intelligence must be useful

This means that intelligence must meet the commander's need and should be relevant to
the Current operation.

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4. Intelligence must be available on time

Intelligence must be communicated and disseminated to appropriate person on time as

information that is too advance or late as useless.

5. Intelligence operations require imagination and foresight

Intelligence must be forecasted based on prudence with the intuition that information
possible to be collected from a particular source.

6. Intelligence must be flexible

It must be noted that intelligence is adaptable to every Situation of all kind as operation
might vary depending on ten purpose and occasion.

7. Intelligence requires continuous security measures

Take note to deny unauthorized disclosure or relevant information to enemy as well as

provide protection in handling classified materials.

Scope of Intelligence

Intelligence also covers a wide range of areas in is application. It might be a network

of information concerning national policy and national security which is known as National
intelligence. It could also be collected, analyzed, collated and evaluated information
concerning criminal investigation, criminal syndicate, organized crimes, and other police
problems which are known as Police intelligence. Those information regarding military
activities which is at the same time essential to the different military operations is known
as Military intelligence. Lastly, it could also be Departmental intelligence, which refers
to information needed by all the department agencies in the execution of government
plans and programs.

In the area of police intelligence, it includes criminal intelligence, internal security

intelligence, and public safety intelligence. Criminal Intelligence (CRIMINT) refers to the
knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest, and
prosecution of criminal offenders. Internal Security Intelligence (INSINT) refers to the
knowledge essential in the maintenance of peace and order. Lastly, Public Safety
Intelligence (PUSINT) which refers to the knowledge essential in ensuring the protection
of Ives and properties.

As to the typology of police intelligence, it could either be strategic intelligence or line

intelligence pertains whether an intelligence value is designed for future or immediate
use. Strategic intelligence is a type of intelligence that is long range in nature and
requires a longer period of time before being materialized and fully available. It is an

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intelligence data that are not of an immediate value. It is usually descriptive in nature,
accumulation of physical description of personalities and modus operandi. It does not
have immediate operational value, but rather long range that may become relevant to
future police operations.

Line Intelligence on the other hand is a type of intelligence that is immediate in nature
and can be available or developed within a short period of time. It is the kind of intelligence
required by the commander to provide for planning and conduct tactical administrative
operation in counterinsurgency. This includes knowledge of People, Weather, Enemy and
terrain (PWET) which is fundamental in planning and conducting tactical and
administrative operation counterinsurgency.

People includes the living condition of the people, sources of income, their education,
government livelihood projects, and the extent of enemy influence to the people. Weather
refers to the visibility, cloudy, temperature, precipitation (rain) or windy of the climate.
Enemy as the term suggest, refers to the study of location, strength, disposition, tactical
capacity, and vulnerability of the enemy. Terrain includes relief and drainage system,
vegetation, surface material, manmade features and some military aspects of terrain
which includes cover and concealment, obstacle, Critical key terrain features, observation
and fields of fire, and avenues of approach.

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Lesson Objectives:

1. discuss the application of counterintelligence and

2. apply the principle of counterintelligence

Counter intelligence is a type of intelligence employed to protect the interest and

safeguard lives property and important information against possible entry or infiltration of
enemy forces from being lost destroyed or stolen. In police parlance, this includes denying
and blinding enemy about police operation as well as giving the police officer the
opportunity to gather information without being detected. This is also the phase of
intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the effectiveness dl hostile foreign
activities and the protection of information against the following.

1. Espionage -refers to the stealing of vital information either physical or in electronic


2. Subversion- the recruitment of person who is working within an organization or

employment of any person to an organization who will work secretly in an attempt to
undermine or overthrow its current system;

3. Sabotage - refers to the stealing of properties or destruction of any material in order to

hamper or cause delay in the preparation or regular working duties.

Moreover, the application of counterintelligence is best appreciated in providing

Military Security as t provides the commander the necessary measures to be taken to
protect itself against espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, subversion or surprise. In
Port Frontier and Travel Security, counterintelligence aids in protecting the point of entry
and departure in international borders or boundaries. In the field of Civil Security,
counterintelligence helps in providing measures that affect nonmilitary nationals who are
residing in an area either permanently or temporarily. One of the best applications also of
counterintelligence is the Censorship, as this aids in controlling the movement of the
different person particularly those who are expected to destroy any government
institutions or projects. In the conduct of Special Operations, counterintelligence also
provides protection against counter subversion, sabotage, and espionage.

In the field of Counter intelligence (CI) Operation, it could either be Counter Human Intel,
Counter Imagery Intel or Counter Signal Intel. Counter Human Intel (HUMINT) seeks to
overcome enemy attempts to use human sources to collect information or to conduct
sabotage and subversion. Counter Imagery Intel (IMINT) are actions such as
surveillance radar, photo thermal and infrared systems and rely heavily

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on pattern and movement analysis and evaluation of the enemy. Lasty, Counter Signal
Intel (SIGINT) which determines enemy SIGINT and related enemy weaknesses,
capabilities and activities, assess friendly operations to identity patterns, profiles and
develop, recommend and analyze countermeasures.

In providing protection to vital information, the type of counterintelligence that could be

utilized either through passive or active measure. Passive CI Measures include
protection of classified and Sensitive information to the unauthorized individual through
secrecy, communication security, and other various safeguards. Active CI Measures on
the other hand, are those measures that actively block the enemies’ effort to gain
information or engage in espionage, subversion, and sabotage.

In addition, the concept of counterintelligence does not only limit to the protection of vital
information or to hide one’s identity from the enemy but also includes detection,
prevention, and neutralization of enemy activities. Detection is about knowing the
clandestine operation of the enemy. Prevention is about avoiding enemy attacks or
infiltration while neutralization is the suppression of enemy activities.

To sum up, counterintelligence is very significant to but not limited to the following such

1. Denying information to the enemy

2. Reducing the risk of a command

3. Protecting vital information and property,

4. Increasing security forces, and

5. Decreasing the enemy's ability to create plans against the organization.

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Intelligence Cycle

Lesson Objectives:

1. enumerate and explain the process involved in information gathering:

2. apply how reliability and accuracy of information is labeled; and

3. examine the process involved in intelligence cycle.

Intelligence Cycle is defined as the process of obtaining information which includes

proper procedure and sequence of steps starting from planning, collection, collation, and
the dissemination of information to appropriate persons. Intelligence cycle is important as
it provides the necessary details in attaining the mission. Mission Is the purpose why
intelligence should be gathered and used for particular undertaking. This is considered
as the heart of the intelligence cycle.




Intelligence Cycle

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Planning Phase

In intelligence cycle, planning is defined as the process of determining the extent and
scope of preparation which includes the supervision of the collection of information and
other requirements based on the standard priorities.

In planning for the collection of information, the following factors should be considered
such as.

1. Sources of information;

2. Operations of the command;

3. Characteristics of the enemy, and

4. Methods in gathering information.

Sources of information pertains to the individual or group, association or entity

which may possess possible information to which an individual desires to be gathered.
Operations of command is the manner how the collecting agency and even the agency
upon which data will be gathered acts or works lor a particular purpose in order to
determine the needed preparation or security. Characteristics of the enemy refers to
the capabilities, power, influence, and connections of the enemy forces or upon any
person to whom the data to be collected shall be directed or used. Methods in gathering
of information simply refer to the different approaches as to how information shall be
gathered or collected. This will help intelligence officer to provide the necessary Essential
Elements of Information (EEI). These are information pertaining to ne target area which
the commander feels he need before he can arrive with an accurate decision.

In addition, collecting agency refers to any organization, entity, association or

individual person that collects and gathers the needed information through an intelligence
officer. Target area refers to any individual, group, association or entity that subjected to
for operation or intelligence gathering.

Collection Phase

In intelligence cycle, collection refers to the information gathering done in compliance

with established procedure to avoid detection and penetrate successfully.

In collecting information, the following factors should be considered such as:

1. Who will collect the information;

2. What information will be collected

3. Where are the places whereby information shall be collected;

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4. When is the night time to gather the information

5 How this information shall be collected; and

6. Why this information should be collected?

Take note that since the collection and gathering of data is a cycle, any information
gathered or collected to which the intelligence officer finds less value or no value at all
shall be recorded and, if possible, preserved as it may be used for future endeavors.

In selecting the collecting agent, the following factors should be considered:

1. The placement or access to the information;

2. The capability to gather the information;

3. The number of people who will gather the information, and

4. The strength and security of the target area.

Collation Phase

In intelligence cycle, collation refers to the process involved in evaluating the accuracy
and reliability of the information collected. Reliability means judging the source or
information while accuracy simply means the level of truthfulness of the information

In collation stage, all collected information will undergo the following:

1. Recording- refers to the systematic sorting of all documented information and present
them either in writing or some other form of presentation so that they can be analyzed
and studied for future action.

2. Analysis- the collected information is divided into different components; and isolate
those that are relevant to the mission or those that has intelligence value which includes
looking into the source of information, truthfulness of the information and who provides
the information.

3. Evaluation - refers to the assessment of information done to determine the reliability

of the Source and providing judgement in line with accuracy to determine its truthfulness
as well as its pertinence to the current situation.
Table 1. Reliability and Accuracy Table

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A- COMPLETE RELIABLE 1- CONFIRMED by other T- Direct Observation by

Commander of Unit


Resident Agent


RELIABLE Captured Enemy
E- UNRELIABLE 5- IMPROBABLE X- Observation of gov’t
civilian employee
F- REALIBILITY cannot be 6- TRUTH cannot be Y- Member populace
judged judged

Z- Documentary

4. Integration - is the combination of all that isolated information from various sources
to produce a new information necessary for the success of the mission.

5. Interpretation- is the process involved in providing meaning and significance of new


6. Synthesis - provide conclusion based on the new information generated in relation to

the Current situation.

Take note, processed information is now called intelligence.

Dissemination Phase

In intelligence cycle, dissemination refers to the actions taken to transfer

processed information to appropriate persons. Extra care should be considered in
disseminating information and should be based on the "need to know principle". Meaning,
information or those that had already intelligence value should only be passed, handed,
and disseminated among persons who nave the personality to know or acquire the same.

In line with dissemination, the intelligence can be disseminated in any of the following:

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1. Fragmentary orders from top to bottom of the command

2. Memorandum, circulars, special orders

3. Operations order, oral or Written

4. Conference-staff members

5. Other report and intelligence documents

6. Personal Contact

Who are the users of intelligence?

1. National leaders;

2. Military commanders;

3. Advisors and Staff;

4. Friendly nations;

5. Head/ chairman of an organization; and

6. Any person with authority or right over the intelligence.

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Undercover Operations
Lesson Objectives:

1. explain the purpose of conducting undercover operations and

2. enumerate and apply the types of undercover operation and discuss the elements of
undercover operation.

Undercover operation is very vital in criminal investigation. This serves as their arm
in information gathering or even in the capture of suspects. As per definition, undercover
operation is a form of investigative technique whereby an undercover agent usually
investigators assume another identity in order to infiltrate the ranks of criminal syndicates.

Take note that undercover agent should have their best cover and cover story. Cover
refers to the means as to how investigators will hide his original identity while cover story
Is the biographical portrayal of the investigator as to what role he will depict toward
criminal syndicate while collecting vital information. The person who provides support to
the investigator is referred to as the cover support. Undercover operation is otherwise
known as roping although most of the time it refers to the surveillance of certain activities
or events.

In police work, undercover operation is done in order to acquire necessary inputs from
a particular person or place that might possess valuable information. It also assisted the
investigation in apprehending law violators.

Talking about over, it could either be artificial or multiple type of cover. Artificial cover is
done if the undercover agent is modifying his identity based on the current operation or
as the case may require while the multiple cover involves the use of different cover that
will fit to a given situation.

As to assignment, it could either be residential, social or work assignment. Residential

assignment involves the employment of undercover agents in an area where the subject
lives. Social assignment on the other hand is the employment of undercover agent in
the hangout places or areas where the subject frequents for fun and entertainment. Lastly,
work assignment is employment of undercover agents in areas where the subject works.

In addition, undercover operation is composed of ne following elements, namely: the

head; target, and agent.

The Head is the person who directs the organization conducting the undercover
operation. The target pertains to any person, place or things against which the
undercover operation is to be conducted while the agent refers to a person who conducts
the clandestine activity. This could either be a police officer or any person who can access
and gather information from the target.

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In the conduct of undercover operation, be cautious when confronting with the ranks of
criminal a syndicate. When gathering information, be sure that you are good in elicitation.
Elicitation is a form of extracting information done through an interview with the person
who might possess valuable information concerning person, event, organization or place
without his knowledge or suspicion.

In elicitation, be sure to have a good approach and a proper probing technique. Approach
pertains to the manner as to how you will start talking while probe refers to the manner
how will you keep the person talk.

When reporting to the office, the investigator should meet any personality or his
companion with the law enforcement agency in a safe house only. The term safe house
refers to a safe place where the investigator or his informant will meet for briefing or
debriefing purpose. To avoid any suspicion from those who are in the ranks of a criminal
syndicate, the undercover agent may use couriers to provide feedback as to the current
operation. Courier refers to the person who carries an information to another person.

It could also be through leaving a message in some places or drop. Drop refers to a
secure place Where agents or informants give their message to the other agents which
could be either.

1. Dead Drop- the agent merely leaves the message

2. Live Drop- the courier hand over the message directly to the agent.

It must be noted that undercover agent must be very cautious at all times as any
failure in this operation might cost his life. Be reminded of the following while conducting
undercover operations:

1. Act naturally as possible.

2. Do not overplay your part

3. Do not indulge in any activity, which is not in conformity with the assumed identity. This
means that if you play the part of a fisherman then act like a fisherman and have a
knowledge, attitude, and skills of a fisherman.

4. Do not make notes unless they are to be mailed or passed immediately. Use code or
cipher if possible (to be discussed in the next lesson).

5. Do not use liquor or any intoxicants except it necessary and limit the amount to avoid
being drunk.

6. Limit your association with women.

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Lesson Objectives:

1. discuss the principle of surveillance;

2. generate procedure in line with the conduct of surveillance;

3. explain the different types of surveillance and their Usage; and

4. apply the types and methods of how surveillance is conducted.

In collecting additional information about the person or some places that is

necessary in the conduct of investigation, surveillance may be conducted. Surveillance
is defined as the clandestine or secret observation of persons, places or objects to acquire
valuable information. Unlike undercover operation, which enters or infiltrates criminal
syndicates, surveillance is merely observation or watching the particular subject

In the conduct of surveillance, subject refers to who or what is being observed which can
be any person. place. property, vehicle. group of people, organization or object as the
target in conducting surveillance. The agent here or the person conducting surveillance
or making an observation is referred as the surveillant. He is usually an investigator who
disguises himself purposely for surveillance. The conduct of surveillance is guided by the
surveillance plan. Surveillance plan simply refers to the outline or Blueprint as to how
surveillance should be conducted.

While conducting surveillance, any person whom the subjects picks or deals with while
he is under observation is termed as contact. Take note to be observant as the subject
may be accompanied by a convoy or decoy. Convoy is an associate of the subject who
follows him to detect surveillance while decoy is a person or object used by the subject in
attempt to escape the eyes of surveillant.

The surveillant should be cautious not to alarm the subject since he might be bum out.
Bum out or Made happens when subject under surveillance becomes aware that he is
under observation and identifies the observer. If it happens, the subject often uses all the
means to elude the surveillance. When the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of
his subject or the subject had eluded the surveillance, it means lost.

To prevent this, as much as possible do not make yourself too close to the subject to
avoid detection. Just remember to have a log. Log refers to the chronological record of
activities that the subject had or took place in the target area. Target area refers to the
area of operation of surveillance activities. Remember not to forget to take note of
whatever happened and, if possible, take photographs.

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Types of Surveillance

The types of surveillance that the agent or surveillant use may vary depending on his
purpose. As such, it is the job of the police investigator in charge as to what should be
the best type of surveillance that should be done in order to acquire details necessary for
the case under investigation or for future endeavors. The types of surveillance are
discussed as follows:

1. Stationary surveillance - this Surveillance is otherwise known as fixed, plant or

stakeout Surveillance and is commonly done in one standard location. This is best useful

a. A stolen property is expected to be dropped; or

b. A crime is expected to happen.

2. Moving surveillance -this surveillance is employed when the subject moves from one
place to another. The person is commonly tailing or shadowing the subject. Tailing or
shadowing simply means as the act of following a person's movement either through
foot or with the use of an automobile. The subject of this surveillance is usually a person.
Under this method of Surveillance, this could be done in the following manner:

a. Rough tail or open tail- otherwise known as rough shadowing, and is commonly
employed if the subject knows about the presence of the surveillant. Rough tail can be
used in the following scenario:

 When the subject is a material witness of a crime; or

 A fugitive who knows that he is under constant surveillance.

Take note that rough tail also suffers some liabilities and charges like police harassment
or invasion of privacy.

b. Close tail or tight tail - this tailing is employed when tis extremely important not to
lose the subject and a constant surveillance is needed. Close tail is very useful when:

 The subject will commit a crime:

 There is a need to know the subject s exact habit, and

 Subject's activities are necessary to another critical operation.

This tailing is employed even if the subject recognizes the surveillant which means that
the subject must be within his distance and sight.

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c. Loose tail- refers to the tailing commonly employed if the surveillant wants to remain
undetected. This tailing could be used best when:

 Surveillant needs the general information about the subject, and

 Surveillant needs to know the subject's activities or associates.

lf the subject is lost during surveillance, relocate the subject and continue the surveillance.

3. Aerial surveillance - this type of surveillance is done using helicopters or other aerial
devices. This is commonly employed in areas that is not accessible to toot or surveillance

4. Video surveillance- this refers to the use of video equipment and other devices used
to record visual activity of the subject

5. Audio or electronic Surveillance- this refers to the employment of bugging or

wiretapping devices. These two differ such that:

a. Bugging- is the eavesdropping any communication or conversation with the aid of any
bug devices. Bug is a form of electronic device place in an establishment to record,
receive or transmit conversation.

b. Wiretapping- is the interception of communication lines such as telephone or

cellphone lines in order to listen or record conversation.

In addition, eavesdropping is the act of listening secretly to any conversation who are
within the same premise as with the person who intends to listen to the conversation.

Example of this:

 Listening to people who are talking at the table beside you, and

 Sitting beside the person who is talking to someone over telephone lines.

Methods of Surveillance

The manner as to how surveillance is to be conducted which includes the various

procedures and techniques employed by an agent or surveillant is referred to as the
methods in surveillance. This could be either be one-man shadow, two-man shadow,
or three-man shadow.

In one-man shadow, as the number speaks, there is only one surveillant following the
subject. If two-man shadow, two Surveillant. In three-man shadow three surveillant.

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Procedures in the Conduct of One Man Shadow

1. Follow the subject, but not too close. A distance that is enough for you to see the
subject, but not too far to lose the subject

2. If the subject tums, you either follow his path or cross to the other side, whichever you
think is practicable in the situation.

3. Make a good decision as to where the subject will be going. In that case, the surveillant
is at the advantage in taking the right position or placement while following the subject

4. Do not wear any apparel or clothing that are obvious or can caught the attention of the

5. Take photographs if possible, especially those contacts by the subject.

6. For photographic guidance, see Figure 7.

Figure 7. One-man Shadow

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Procedures in the Conduct of Two Man

1. The first surveillant (A) should subject while the second surveillant (B) follows the first
2. Both surveillant should have a proportionate distance. Meaning, a distance that is
enough for them to see, but not too far to lose subject. They must also have a
proportionate distance which means that they are not a or too close to one another.
3. If the subject either crosses the street or tums, allow the second surveillant (B) to follow
the subject while the first surveillant (A) should either cross or go straight but not on the
same side where the subject go. This time, the first surveillant should find the right place
and timing to regroup. He may stop and later follow surveillant (B) or turn and catch them
on the next corner depending on the situation.
4. Make a good decision as to where the subject will be going. In that case, the surveillant
is at the advantage in taking the night position or placement while following the subject.

5. Regroup if chances are possible. Meaning. have the original placement but necessarily
the same surveillant when you started doing the shadowing of the subject. This means
that the first surveillant (A) may now become the second surveillant (B) or vice versa.
6. Do not wear any apparel or clothing that is obvious or can catch the attention of the

7. Take photographs if possible, especially those contacts by the subject.

8. For photographic guidance, see Figure 8.

Figure 8. Two-man Shadow

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Procedures in the Conduct of Three Man Shadow

1. The first surveillant (A) should follow the subject while the second surveillant (B) follows
the first surveillant. The third surveillant (C) is in the same way where the subject is going
but on the opposite street parallel with surveillant (A).

2. Like in one man and two man shadow, both surveillant should have a proportionate

3. If the subject either crosses the street or turns, allow the second surveillant (B) to follow
the subject while the first surveillant (A) should either cross or go straight but not on the
same side where the subject gone. The third surveillant (C) should observe the subject
and act the role of either surveillant A or B depending on the situation. Whoever becomes
the third surveillant should follow the same. Later, they should find the right place and
timing to regroup.

4. Make a good decision as to where the subject will be going. In that case, the surveillant
is at the advantage in taking the right position or placement while following the subject.

5. Regroup if chances are possible but again, not necessarily the same place when you
started doing the shadowing of the subject. This means that the first surveillant (A) may
now become the second surveillant (B) or vice versa and surveillant (B) becomes now
the surveillant (C) and surveillant (C) becomes now the surveillant (A) or vice versa
depending on the situation.

6. Do not wear any apparel or clothing that is obvious or can caught the attention of the

7. Take photographs if possible, especially those contacts by the subject.

8. For photographic guidance, see Figure 9.

Take note that the procedure taken either in one man, two man, or three man shadow are
quite the same. They just differ in terms of their role and placement. In this way, alarming
the subject that he is under surveillance is quite small considering that there are two or
three persons conducting the surveillance.

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Figure 9. Three-man Shadow


Casing refers to the process of inspecting places to determine its suitability for
operational use. In the military, itis known as Reconnaissance. Sometimes, it is called
the surveillance of places or building.
Casing could be done either

1. Internal - it is the inspection of the different parts of the building or any structure which
includes but not limited to the different rooms within the building.

2. External- this is the inspection and observation of the immediate areas surrounding
the building or any structure which includes location, direction, possible exits, and others.

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Lesson Objectives:

1. discuss the role of agents in information gathering;

2. enumerate and explain the type of agents; and

3. illustrate the life of an agent.

An agent is defined as any person capable, skilled, and competent in collecting,

extracting, gathering, infiltrating, penetrating information of all kinds in various sources as
well as knowledgeable in the science of disguise in order to avoid detection from the
enemy or any unwanted forces while doing intelligence work. Intelligence work is
defined as the clandestine operation or activity done by any agents in order to gather
relevant facts for future operation.

Agents also play an important role in extracting information in any undercover operation.
They do interview of suspected individuals, infiltrate the rank of criminal syndicate or even
disguise as one of them with the sole purpose of acquiring vital information relevant to
the success of the operation. Most of the time, you do not recognize them or you do not
see them. That is part of their job in order to hide their identity as well as to protect the
lives of their family and loved ones.

There are agents who use authority to gain information. He is called an agent of influence.
For those who are recruited within a highly sensitive target are called agent in place.
There are also agents who leak false information to the enemy and they are called
expandable agents. Those agents who have reached the enemy camp. gathered
information, and are able to get back without being caught are called penetration agents.
However, there are also those who acted as double agents. He is an enemy agent who
has been taken into custody, turned around, and sent back where he came from as an
agent of his captors.

General Classification of Agents

Agents are generally classified based on their assignment whether they are those who
direct the planning in gathering information, directly penetrate the ranks of criminal
syndicate or supports the whole operation. These agents are as follows.

1. Principal Agents-These are the leader or management agent in the clandestine


2. Action Agents -These are those who conducts the clandestine operation which is
further classified into:

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a. Espionage Agent- an agent responsible for the collection of information;

b. Propagandist - these are agents who molds the attitude, action or opinion of an
individual or a group of people:

c. Saboteur - an agent directed to undertake action in line with destroying temporarily or

permanently, any material, an article or property which is necessary in their normal

d. Guerilla - these are agents who are part of paramilitary group organized to cause great
damage to the enemy during hot war situation;

e. Strong Am - these are those agents who provide special protection in times df
dangerous phase of clandestine operation; and

f. Provocateur - these are agents who induces the enemy to act on their own detriment
or put them in disadvantage.

3. Support Agents - These are those agents who engage in activities in line with giving
support to the clandestine operations. This includes:

a. Surveillant investigator - these are those who continue to Observe any person or
places that is connected to the operation;

b. Procurer of Funds- these are those who obtain money needed to sustain the

c. Safe house Keeper - is the person responsible in maintaining the safe house for
training, briefing, debriefing or any other purposes; and

d. Communication Agent- the person responsible for securing the clandestine


As a whole, people may think that agents are cool and skillful in various aspects.
However, those skills are necessary in order for them to survive and go back alive to their
respective agency and family Some of them were relocated and isolated in areas away
from home for the sole purpose of accomplishing their tasks as agents.

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Lesson Objectives:

1. discuss the purpose of cryptography in investigation and

2. apply to science of codes and ciphers.

The agent needs to communicate whatever valuable information they had possessed or
acquired and in like manner commander needs to provide instruction to the troops in the
ground without allowing the enemy to intercept this communication. However, sending
any form of communication through plain message might jeopardize the operation. With
this regard, all information should be sent with accompanying security measures and this
could be done with the aid of cryptography.

Cryptography is defined as an art and science that deals with codes and cipher. In line
with intelligence, this is used in order to protect vital information from being intercepted
by the enemy or if intercepted, will disable them to read or understand the information
contained in the communication.

Why cryptography is considered as an art?

Simply because it depends primarily with the undercover agent as to how he will
convert plain text into cryptogram or unintelligible.

Why cryptography is considered as a science?

It is science since it involves systematic process or procedure in converting the plain text
into cryptogram or unintelligible.

Take note, plain text refers to the readable and understandable message that will be
converted into Cryptogram. Cryptogram or unintelligible simply means as unreadable.
Cryptogram is the result of cryptography.


Codes is a system of words, numbers or symbols that are used to represent a word. In
using codes, one must possess a code book. Code book is defined as a compilation of
words, number, symbols, or a combination of either words, number, or symbol with their
corresponding meaning.

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Examples Code book Meaning

Words TAT Attack

Number 156 Retreat


Words & Number 14AB Base

Using the code system, use above example such that:

Original Message
(Plain Text) Coded Message

Attack the Base TAT the 14AB

Retreat and Defend 156 &

If the code system is used, the term of converting plaintext into unintelligible is known as
encode while the term of converting coded message into plain text is known as decode.
Coded message refers to the product or output of the code system. Also, coded message
is the cryptogram in the code system.
This is now the unreadable message ready for transmittal to the appropriate person or


Cipher is the system which involves the substitution or transposition of individual letters
to make it unreadable. Cipher can be either transposition cipher or substitution cipher. A
Transposition cipher involves the shuffling of individual letter or switching the original
position of individual letter. All letters in the original text are present, they are just merely

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Page 28


Original Text Ciphered Text

Need Eden

From Form

Help Leph

Using the transposition cipher system. Use the above example such that:

Original Message Ciphered Message

(Plain Text)

Need help from base Eden leph form sabe

On the other hand, the substitution cipher system involves the process of substituting
individual letters or number with another letter or number. An example is provided


The first row provides for the original arrangement of the letters in the alphabet while the
second row provides the propose letter to be used as the substitute.

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Using the transposition cipher system. Use the above example such that:

Original Message Ciphered Message

(Plain Text)

1. Need help from base Pggf jgnr htqo dcug

2. Attack the base Cvvcm vig dcug

3. Retreat and defend Tgvigcv cpl tghgpt

In contrary to the code system, if the cipher system is used then the term of converting
plaintext into unintelligible is known as encipher while the term of converting a ciphered
message into plain text is known as decipher. The ciphered message refers to the
product or output of the cipher system. Also, ciphered message is the cryptogram in the
cipher system. This is now the unreadable message ready for transmittal to the
appropriate person or organization

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