1 1 Transport and Circulation

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Compare and contrast transport and circulation in
plants and animals.
needed by animals to distribute oxygen and other essential
substances to all the cells in the body as well as to remove
excretory products from the cells.

In mammals, blood is circulated through a very complex

Circulatory System with the help of contraction of the heart

The circulatory system in humans and other mammals consists

of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.
• The circulatory system, also called the
cardiovascular system or the vascular
system, is an organ system that
permits blood to circulate and
transport nutrients (such as amino
acids and electrolytes), oxygen,
carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood
cells to and from the cells in the body
to provide.
Closed Circulation
Blood circulates in a continuous
system of tubes, the blood
• Single Circulation – blood
passes through the heart once
only in each circulation. Ex.
• Double Circulation – blood
passes through the heart
twice in each circulation. Ex.
Birds and Mammals
Open Circulation
Blood is pumped from the
heart into spaces called
hemocoel, within the
Ex. Insects
Types of Circulation
• Pulmonary
circulation moves
blood between the
heart and the

• Systemic
circulation moves
blood between the
heart and the rest
of the body.
Human Heart
 The human heart, which is an example
of mammalian heart, is a hollow
muscular organ about the size of
clenched fist and shaped like an
inverted cone.
The heart lies in the thoracic cavity
protected by the sternum.
The heart wall consist of cardiac
muscle, which is a specialized muscle
unique to the heart.
The cardiac muscle consists of
interlaced crisscross muscle fibers
which play an important role in the
cardiac cycle.
Layers of the Heart
Human Heart
 Passingover the surface of the
heart are coronary arteries and
coronary veins.
The heart is surrounded by a
two layered membranous sac
called the pericardium.
The cavity of the heart is
divided into four chambers.
The direction of blood flow in
the heart is controlled by a
number of valves to ensure a
one-way flow.
• Oneach side of the
septum are two

• The upper chamber

(receives blood) is the

• The lower chamber

(pumps blood out of
heart) is the ventricle.
•The heart has a
total of 4

•2 atriums
•2 ventricles
• Mitral or bicuspid valve is
present between the left
atrium and left ventricle and
• Tricuspid valve is found
between the right atrium and
the right ventricle.
• Semilunar valves are also
found before entering the
pulmonary artery.
• Aortic valve prevents the
backflow of blood in the
The blood has numerous functions:
•Transport gases, nutrients, wastes products
and hormones
•Maintains water balance and pH
•Carries platelets for clotting
•Destroys foreign materials
•Distributes antibodies for immunity
• Regulates body temperature
• Plasma is the clear,
yellowish portion of the
blood. and waste products.
• Erythrocytes or red • They deliver oxygen to
blood cells (RBCs) are
the most abundant type the body tissues.
of blood cells.
• Leucocytes or white blood cells (WBCs)
are involved in depending the body from
foreign materials.
• There are five different types of
leucocytes and each performs different
• Neutrophil (targets bacteria and fungi),
• Eosinophil (targets large parasites and
modulates allergic inflammatory
• Basophil (releases histamines, which are
substances for inflammatory responses,
• Lymphocyte (two types: B-cells- release
antibodies and T-cells undergo
phagocytosis or the process wherein a
cell engulfs a foreign body) and
monocyte (differentiates into
macrophages, which can also perform
• Bloodvessels are the
transport “highways” of
the blood. There are
three major types of
blood vessels: arteries,
veins and capillaries.
• Blood vessels are
classified to their
structure and function.
– carries oxygen-rich blood away
• Artery
from the heart and into the various
organs of the body.
• Thelargest artery is the aorta and the
only artery that carries oxygen-poor
blood is the pulmonary artery
• Capillary – the smallest type of blood
vessel. It is almost just one cell thick.
• Vein – carries deoxygenated blood
toward the heart. Veins are thinner than
• Thelargest vein in the human body is the
vena cava and the only vein that carries
oxygen-rich blood is the pulmonary vein.
Initiation of Heartbeat
One of the unique characteristics of the
heart is its ability to contract and relax
alternately in a non-stop rhythmic pattern.
Each cycle of contraction and relaxation
of heart is called one beat of the heart.
Each beat of the heart begins with the
contraction action of the heart muscle or
systole, followed by a pause (relaxation)
or diastole.
Theorigin of the heartbeat is not a nerve
impulse, but rather it is an inherent
property of the cardiac muscle.
Control of Heartrate
Heart rate is controlled by two
1. Nervous control by the
parasympathetic nerve and
sympathetic nerve of the
autonomic nervous system.

2. Hormonal control through

the actions of adrenaline
from the adrenal gland, and
thyroxine from the thyroid

The actions of these two

factors integrate at all times
in influencing the heart rate
and cardiac input.
Factors affecting Heart rate
Two important factors affecting heart rate
1. Change in pH of the blood
2. Temperature
Other Factors affecting
Heart rate
1. Body size 7. Medication and
2. Gender
3. Age
8. Environmental
4. Physical Activity
9. Smoking and
5. Stress Alcohol
6. State of health
Route of water movement in
Plant Tissues
Water moves in
flowering plants along
three important routes.
1. Apoplast Route
2. Symplast Route
3. Vacuolar Route
Apoplast Route
this route is made up of
spaces called apoplasm
classified as ‘free space’, found
in the cellulose cell walls.
Since this route does not
traverse the contents of living
cells, water moves without any
Almost90% of the water that
moves through a plant travels
through this route.
Symplast Route
 this route traverses the
content of living cells, that is,
the cytoplasm.
The cytoplasm of adjacent
cells is connected by
cytoplasmic connections,
known as plasmodesmata,
which pass through the cell
walls via minute perforations.
However, the movement of
water along this route is
normally hindered by
resistance caused by cell
organelles and membranes.
Vacuolar Route
 water also moves in
and out of cell vacuoles
by osmosis through the
tonoplast and cell
This route is not very
However, it is through
this route that cells
absorb water from the
apoplasm of cells.
Absorption of water by roots and
transport through the cortex
1. Water is absorbed from the soil by root hairs and other
epidermal cells through osmosis due to an absorption
pressure deficit gradient between the soil solution and the
cell sap in vacuoles.
2. The absorption pressure gradient is caused by the
concentration of dissolved substances such as sugar and
other metabolites in the cell sap being higher than the
concentration in the soil solution.
3. Therefore, water molecules move into the cell vacuoles,
passing through the cellulose cell walls and protoplasm.
4. Hence, any increase in the concentration of dissolved
substances in the cell or a decrease in turgidity will promote
intake of water into the cell vacuoles.
Absorption of water by roots and
transport through the cortex
5. The absorption of water by roots is through the
mechanism of osmosis, which is a passive process and
does not involve the use of energy.
6. However, it is believed that the absorption of water by
osmosis is usually assisted by active transport that
requires energy.
7. From the root hairs, water enters the vascular tissues
located deeper in the center of the roots, passing through
the cortex which comprises parenchyma cells.
8. Continuous discharge of water from the inner
parenchyma cells of the cortex into the xylem vessels of
the root produces an osmotic gradient, which is needed
for water to be absorbed from one parenchyma cell to the
next in the root.
Water movement in the cortex may
occur by three routes.

1. Water is absorbed into the cell sap of one vacuole and

then moves to another by osmosis.
2. Water is absorbed into the cytoplasm of one cell and
moves from cytoplasm to cytoplasm through the
3. Water diffuses along the cell walls and through
adjoining cell wall as well as through the small spaces
between cells.
Water route from the cortex to the
vascular system(xylem vessels)
1. The osmotic pressure created in leaves due to transpiration
produces a suction power, called transpiration pull. This
pulling forces causes water to be sucked into xylem vessels.
2. However, it has also been shown that there exists another
force that pushes from below. This is called root pressure and
is responsible for pushing water upwards along the stem.
3. It has been proven that water crosses the endodermal cells
which lie next to the parenchyma cells on the inner side of
the cortex.
4. The endodermal cell has a special feature called the
Casparian strip consisting of a lining of cork around the radial
and horizontal walls of the cell.
Movement of water upwards in the

1. Root pressure is not

enough to move water
up to the leaves this is
proven by the
following facts.
2. Transpiration –
Cohesion – Tension
The phenomenon demonstrated
can be explained by the adhesion
and cohesion properties of water
Water molecules adhere to one
another by cohesive forces, and
they adhere to the walls of the
tube by adhesives forces.
Therefore, the continuity of the
water column formed will not
break unless the cohesive and
adhesive forces are overcome
gravitational pull.
Uptake of Mineral Ions in
1. Apart from carbon dioxide and water, plants also
require minerals for growth and development. The
minerals are absorbed in the form of dissolved ions
from water in the soil.
2. Mineral ions are absorbed by the roots of plants from
the soil solution either by diffusion or active
Uptake of
Mineral Ions
in Plants
3. The concept of a carrier in
the active transport of
Translocation Transpiration
Is the transport of organic Is the loss of water in the
substances, produced by
photosynthesis, from the leaves to form of water vapor from
the other parts of the plants. plants through the stomata
found in leaves.
Translocation is carried out in the
vascular tissue know as phloem.
Cells in the Phloem Tissue
1.Sieve Cells
 located inside the sieve
tube, arranged end to end
forming cylindrical tubes.
do not contain nuclei or
typical cell organelle
they are separated from
one another by perforated
discs called sieve plates
These perforations allow
cytoplasm to flow from
one sieve tube to the next
in the form of cytoplasmic
Cells in the Phloem Tissue
2. Companion Cells
 arranged next to sieve
 contain a nucleus as well as
other cell organelles.
 connected to the sieve cell
beside plasmodesmata.
 contain a denser cytoplasm
and function in providing
essential metabolic
substances to the sieve
Factors Affecting Translocation of
Temperature •Rate of translocation increases with increase in

Light •Translocation to root increases as compared

to shoot when light intensity is increased

Metabolic inhibitors •Carbohydrate translocation gets inhibited by

metabolic inhibitors

Mineral deficiency •Absorption and translocation of sucrose by a

leaf are facilitated by boron

Hormones •Translocation of sucrose is much more

efficient in the presence of growth regulators

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