US 047F - Exercise Checklist 2024 Rev 0

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February 2024
Subject: Exercise Checklist 2024 REV 0 - Compliance with USCG
Prep Guideliness for Vessel Response Plans

Total: 11 pages (including Cover page).

RU 047F Dated: 5 February 2024

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0



The 2016 PREP Guidelines apply to all vessel response plan holders including tank and non-tank
vessels that operate in the U.S. and provide guidance for meeting the response plan drill and exercise
requirements, including the Salvage and Marine Firefighting (SMFF) exercise requirements. Within a
three-year cycle, all elements of the response plan must be exercised in a drill, or series of drills, involving
the vessel Owner/Operator, Qualified Individual (QI), Oil Spill Removal Organizations (OSRO) and SMFF
resource providers.
Many of the requirements involve self-certification. We recommend plan holders maintain sufficient
recordkeeping documentation and routinely review the exercise procedures to ensure all of the
applicable objectives are being met. The purpose of this checklist is to assist you in doing just that.

The QI Notification Exercise is intended to be a communication
QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL (QI) verification drill between a vessel and the QI.
Applies to all tank and non-tank vessels operating in U.S waters.
Quarterly, while operating in U.S. waters including the US Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),
(0 – 200nm).

For vessels that routinely operate outside of US waters, it is permissible to conduct this
exercise prior to arriving in the next US port or place if the vessel has not conducted and
documented an exercise during the past 3 months, but not more than four (4) times per year.

At least one (1) exercise per year must be conducted during non-business hours.
Master, or shipboard designee, call the 24-
hour emergency number.
+1 281 606 4818
2 State you are conducting a “QI Notification Exercise.”

REQUIRED 3 Command Center will acknowledge and make a record of your call.
ACTIONS 4 Document satisfactory QI Notification Exercise was completed.
Successful completion of these exercises should be documented and retained onboard the
vessel for three (3) years either in the ship’s log or by completing an internal exercise
documentation form and keeping it with the VRP/NTVRP, either electronically or in hard copy.
• A log entry recording successful contact with the QI by voice will satisfy USCG
requirements. Alternately, you may also use the internal exercise documentation form

provided at the end of this checklist.

• It is NOT required to record the name of the individual with whom you spoke to as long as
they identify themselves as a representative of O’Brien’s.
• Do NOT send exercise documentation of QI Notification Exercises conducted by voice
requesting acknowledgement as this constitutes an additional exercise via email and is
• It is permissible to do this exercise by email or fax, but it is recommended by the USCG to
make voice contact. If you have a real emergency, you must contact us by voice.
Exercises initiated by email or fax will NOT be considered complete until you have received
a return email or fax acknowledgement from the QI. If you conduct the exercise by email
only, send it to [email protected].

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0

The Emergency Procedures Exercise is a shipboard drill of the emergency

procedures for the vessel crew to mitigate or prevent the discharge or a substantial
EMERGENCY threat of discharge of oil as described in the shipboard spill mitigation procedures,
Section 3, of the VRP. These are the same exercises you are doing for the safety
PROCEDURES management system to satisfy ISM requirements.
Applies to all tank and non-tank vessels. These exercises are conducted onboard
the vessel and may be carried out anywhere in the world (not only in U.S. waters).
Quarterly, two (2) of the four (4) exercises per calendar year should involve
FREQUENCY a salvage or marine firefighting component and the other two (2) an oil spill
Master, or shipboard designee, must conduct an exercise of the vessel’s emergency
1 procedures to ensure the crew know the necessary actions to take in order to mitigate
a spill.
The exercise should involve one or more emergency procedures or scenarios

described in the shipboard spill mitigation section of the VRP.

• Grounding / stranding or wrecked
• Collision
2 • Explosion and/or fire
• Hull Failure
• Excessive list
• Equipment failure
• Security (Piracy or Sabotage)

At least two (2) exercises per calendar year should also be unannounced, initiated
by the plan holder, either the DPA or Master, without prior knowledge of the crew.
Successful completion of these exercises should be documented and retained
onboard the vessel for three (3) years either in the ship’s log or by completing an
DOCUMENTATION Internal Exercise Documentation form provided at the end of this checklist and
filing it with the VRP/NTVRP.

COMBINING The QI Notifications and Emergency Procedure Exercises (EP) may be combined,
SHIPBOARD allowing vessels to do as few as four (4) shipboard exercises per year to satisfy the
EXERCISES VRP/NTVRP requirements rather than as many as eight (8) separate exercises.

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0

The Remote Assessment and Consultation is intended to exercise plan

REMOTE notification and activation procedures to communicate a scenario from the
ASSESSMENT AND plan's shipboard emergency procedures section with a salvage professional
CONSULTATION from the contracted SMFF provider identified in the plan.
Applies to all tank and non-tank plan holders operating in U.S. waters
One (1) salvage and one (1) marine firefighting RACE per plan every three (3) years.
These may be combined into one exercise.

Plan holders must select one (1) vessel from their plan to conduct a RACE that includes a

salvage scenario and a marine firefighting scenario. These may be exercised separately or
combined into one scenario.

Non-tank vessels with an oil capacity of less than 250 barrels do NOT need to exercise a fire
scenario. Vessels with different salvage and marine firefighting providers must conduct a
RACE with both providers.

The participating vessel must follow the notification procedures below to initiate the exercise,
in accordance with the VRP or NTVRP activation procedures.
Master, or shipboard designee, follows VRP/NTVRP activation procedures by calling
1 the Qualified Individual (QI), who will notify the SMFF provider. Initial contact should
be made by voice at: +1 281 606 4818
When calling the QI, state that you are conducting a “Remote Assessment and
Consultation Exercise (RACE).”
The QI will request the following information to relay to the SMFF provider:

• Vessel Name
• IMO or Official Number

• Name of the Master or shipboard designee


Phone: call back number

• Email
3 • Location of the vessel stability model software*

For the RACE, it is NOT required to share details of the scenario with the QI. In the
event of an actual emergency or incident you would be asked by the QI to give a
description of the event.
*This is referring to who maintains the software, if required. For example, it may be
maintained by your office or outsourced to a third-party provider.
Upon receiving notification from the QI, the SMFF provider establishes
communications directly with Master, or shipboard designee, to obtain additional
scenario specific information necessary to conduct a remote assessment through an
identified salvage software program. Often times, the SMFF has provided a scenario
in advance and documentation or forms to be completed and submitted directly to
them in order to provide remote consultation and satisfactory complete the exercise.
The SMFF provider completes the remote assessment and consultation exercise and
5 sends documentation via email to all involved parties including the vessel, the DPA,
and the QI at: [email protected].
Records of the RACE that have been conducted to date should remain available
on board the vessel for a minimum of three (3) years.

DOCUMENTATION For future exercises, all vessels listed in the plan should retain a record of the
RACE onboard the vessel for three (3) years, even if they are not the participating
vessel. Records should also be maintained with the vessel owner or operators,
and SMFF provider as designated in the VRP or NTVRP.
This exercise can be conducted anywhere in the world, not only in U.S. waters. Also, this
exercise may be combined with a QI Notification Exercise and/or an Emergency Procedures
NOTE Exercise for the participating vessel. If you have more than one contracted SMFF provider
listed in your VRP / NT VRP, one exercise must be conducted with each provider.

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0


The IMT TTX is intended to exercise the IMT's organization,
INCIDENT MANAGEMENT communication, and decision‐making in managing a response. It is also an
TEAM TABLETOP opportunity to exercise the 15 core components found in Appendix A of
EXERCISE the PREP Guidelines.
Applies to all federal (USCG) plan holders, TANK and NONTANK

FREQUENCY Annually, this requirement is satisfied by completing our eLearning course.

Every three (3) years, this exercise must involve a worst-case discharge (WCD) event.

Exercise the IMT in a review of:

• Knowledge of the response plan;
• Proper notifications;
• Communications system;
• Ability to access resource providers;
• Coordination of internal organization personnel with responsibility for response;

• Annual review of the transition from a local team to a regional, national, and
international team as appropriate;
• Ability to effectively coordinate response activity with the NRS infrastructure (If
personnel from the NRS are not participating in the exercise, the IMT should
demonstrate knowledge of response coordination with the NRS);
• Ability to access information in the ACP for location of sensitive areas, resources
available within the area, unique conditions of area, etc.;
• Minimum of one IMT TTX in a triennial cycle must involve simulation of a WCD
• For any chemical or biological countermeasures or in‐situ burning cited in the VRP,
the ability to prepare and submit a request and usage plan to the FOSC/RRT. Each
such countermeasure listed in the plan will be exercised during the triennial cycle;
• When applicable to submit a request for aerial/vessel applied dispersants, American
Petroleum Institute (API) Technical Report 1148 contains an example of a Daily
Aerial/Vessel Dispersant Application Plan that may be appropriate for use in this
Records of event should be maintained with the vessel owner or operators, as designated in

the VRP, and retained for three (3) years. It is NOT required to maintain documentation of this
shore side exercise on board vessels.

O’Brien’s will issue a certification statement each year upon completion of the annual IMT TTX
and post it on VesselPro™. We will also provide both company and individual certificates of
participation from the IMT TTX events that may be used to satisfy this documentation
This exercise may be combined with the annual salvage and annual marine firefighting
tabletop exercises. The certificates of participation will indicate where a combined event has
NOTE satisfied both the incident management team and salvage and marine firefighting tabletop

PLAN HOLDER’S One or more plan holder representatives must participate in this exercise
annually. This is satisfied by attending one of the IMT TTX events held by
REQUIRED Witt O’Brien’s or by participating in the annual IMT TTX eLearning course.
ACTIONS Information about these events can be found at:

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0

The Salvage Exercise is intended to exercise the salvage management team’s

SALVAGE organization, communication, and decision-making in managing a salvage
TABLETOP response.
Applies to all federal (USCG) plan holders
FREQUENCY Annually, once per calendar year.

Exercise the salvage management team in a review of:

• Knowledge of the response plan;
• Proper notifications;
• Communications system;
• Ability to access a salvage provider;
• Coordination of internal organization personnel with responsibility for spill prevention
and salvage:
o Remote assessment and consultation;
o Begin assessment of structural stability;
o On‐site salvage assessment;

o Assessment of structural stability;

o Hull and bottom survey;
o Emergency towing;
o Salvage plan;
o External emergency transfer operations;
o Emergency lightering (not required for NTVs under 250-barrel oil capacity);
o Other refloating methods;
o Making temporary repairs;
o Diving services support;
o Special salvage operations plan;
o Subsurface product removal; and
o Heavy lift.
• Annual review of the transition from a local team to a commercial, regional, national,
and international team as appropriate;
• Ability to coordinate response activity effectively with the IMT and NRS infrastructure
(if personnel from the IMT or NRS are not participating in the exercise, the response
team should demonstrate knowledge of response coordination with the IMT or NRS);
• Ability to access information in the ACP for resources available within the area,
unique conditions of the area, etc.
Records of event should be maintained with the vessel owner or operators, as
DOCUMENTATION designated in the VRP, and retained for three (3) years. It is NOT required to
maintain documentation of this shore side exercise on board vessels.
This exercise may be combined with the annual IMT TTX and/or the annual
NOTE marine firefighting tabletop exercise.

PLAN HOLDER’S Participate in the annual combined IMT TTX to satisfy this exercise and/or
REQUIRED participate in a salvage specific tabletop exercise conducted by the
ACTIONS contracted SMFF provider identified in your plan.

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0

MARINE The Marine Firefighting Exercise is intended to exercise the marine firefighting
FIREFIGHTING management team’s organization, communication, and decision-making in managing
a marine firefighting response.
EXERCISE Applies to all federal (USCG) plan holders
FREQUENCY Annually, once per calendar year.
Exercise MFF management team in a review of:
• Knowledge of the response plan and when exercising the MFF team, the pre‐fire plan;
• Proper notifications;
• Communications system;

• Ability to access a MFF provider;

• Coordination of internal organization personnel with responsibility for spill prevention
and MFF;
• Remote assessment and consultation;
• On‐site fire assessment;
• External firefighting teams;
• External vessel firefighting systems.
• Annual review of the transition from a local team to a commercial, regional, national,
and international team as appropriate;
• Ability to coordinate response activity effectively with the IMT and NRS infrastructure
(if personnel from the IMT or NRS are not participating in the exercise, the response
team should demonstrate knowledge of response coordination with the IMT or NRS);
• Ability to access information in the ACP for resources available within the area,
unique conditions of the area, etc.
Records of event should be maintained with the vessel owner or operators, as
DOCUMENTATION designated in the VRP, and retained for three (3) years. It is NOT required to
maintain documentation of this shore side exercise on board vessels.
This exercise may be combined with the annual IMT TTX and/or the annual salvage table top
NOTE exercise.

Participate in the annual combined IMT TTX to satisfy this exercise and/or
participate in a marine firefighting specific tabletop exercise conducted by the
REQUIRED contracted SMFF provider identified in your plan.

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0


The Equipment Deployment Exercises are intended to demonstrate the ability of

the response personnel to deploy and operate response equipment and ensure the
EQUIPMENT response equipment is in proper working order.
These exercises are conducted and documented by the contracted OSRO and
OSRO AND SMFF providers identified in your plan as they maintain response equipment in the
SMFF US on behalf of all the vessels in your plans.

Applies to all federal (USCG) plan holders.

Annually, conducted and documented throughout the calendar year as appropriate
FREQUENCY for both the OSRO and SMFF provider.
Deploy and operate OSRO response equipment identified in the response plan for
an average most probable discharge (AMPD) response, or SMFF response
equipment identified in the response plan. There is no minimum amount of
equipment prescribed for SMFF exercises
REQUIREMENTS At least annually, conduct deployment of dispersant application resources, if

Regional OSRO and SMFF providers must conduct annual deployment exercises
in each operating environmental for each USCG Contingency Planning Area
Certification and supporting documentation of equipment deployment from the
OSRO and SMFF provider should be maintained with the vessel owner or
DOCUMENTATION operators, as designated in the VRP, and retained for three (3) years.

It is NOT required to maintain documentation of equipment deployment exercises

on board vessels.

Plan holders must ensure that the OSRO and SMFF provider have
completed the equipment deployment exercise requirements each
calendar year and have prepared the necessary documentation.
REQUIRED Simply citing an OSRO or SMFF provider in their response plan is
ACTIONS NOT sufficient to ensure credit for the equipment deployment
exercises, and plan holders should ensure they receive appropriate
documentation from their OSRO and SMFF to claim credit for these

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0


The GIUE focuses on an average most probable discharge (AMPD) scenario, which
will primarily affect tank vessels at this time. While GIUEs have been part of PREP
for some time, the USCG has decided to renew its focus on this unannounced
GOVERNMENT- exercise evaluation program in 2016 and beyond. The USCG has also reserved the
INITIATED authority to conduct GIUEs including SMFF resource providers, which may affect
UNANNOUNCED both tank and non-tank vessel plan holders in the future.
EXERCISE All plan holders directed to participate in a GIUE must do so unless specific
(GIUE) conditions exist that may result in a safety hazard. Failure to do so will result in the
issuance of a Notice of Violation from USCG.

Applies to all federal (USCG) plan holders, but emphasis is on tank vessels.
The USCG has limited to a maximum of four (4) total per Captain of the Port Zone (COTP) per

A vessel that successfully completes an exercise will NOT be required to participate in another
GIUE for at least 36 months from the date of the exercise in that COTP Zone.

Plan Holders with multiple vessels in their plan will also NOT be subject to another GIUE in the
COTP Zone where the exercise was completed for 36 months from the date of a successful
exercise. However, all vessels in the fleet plan may be subject to a GIUE in any other COTP
Zone in which they operate at any time.
Once notified by the USCG of an unannounced exercise they should:
Immediately notify your AMPD provider to authorize deployment of response

2 Contact the Qualified Individual at O'Brien's Command Center: +1 281 606 4818

State that the vessel is conducting a “Government Initiated Unannounced Exercise”


and provide details of the exercise scenario received from the USCG.
Indicate who the AMPD provider is to O’Brien’s. It is paramount we know who the
4 AMPD provider is, especially if it is not the identified and contracted OSRO in the
O’Brien’s will take the following actions:
Confirm that the Master has notified and authorized the AMPD provider to deploy
1 response resources. If the Master has not, O’Brien’s will direct him to hang up and
immediately do so, then call the QI back.
O’Brien’s will take some basic information to complete the GIUE documentation form
including the name and contact information of the AMPD provider.
The QI will verify directly with the AMPD provider to ensure immediate deployment of
response personnel and equipment has commenced.
Complete other required regulatory notifications to the appropriate federal and state
Prepare a GIUE documentation form. This form includes a timeline of the actions and
notifications made, a description of the scenario, and contact information for the
vessel, the AMPD provider, Designated Person Ashore (DPA), and Duty Incident
Commander (IC).
6 Send the completed GIUE documentation form to the vessel Master and DPA.

US Regulatory Update: Exercise Checklist 2024 Revision 0

O’Brien’s will prepare the GIUE documentation form and send the completed form to the Master
DOCUMENTATION and DPA. A sample of this form is included at the end of this checklist. The USCG will also
provide a GIUE Results Letter. This letter will identify any deficiencies, a timeline to correct
those deficiencies, and the exercise credit earned as a result of the GIUE. The COTP may
require plan holders to correct minor deficiencies, even if the exercise is deemed satisfactory.

Records of event should be maintained with the vessel owner or operators, as designated in
the VRP, and retained for three (3) years. As these exercises are vessel-specific a copy should
be retained on board with the Vessel Response Plan.


STATE AGENCY The states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California may board your vessel
INITIATED and request that you conduct an unannounced notification drill.
UNANNOUNCED These drills are usually in the form of notification exercises but may also be
DRILLS incorporated as part of a GIUE led by the USCG.
Do NOT delay as time is of the essence. Immediately notify the
QI at: + 1 281 606 4818
State: “This is a State-Initiated Unannounced Notification Exercise,” repeated three (3)
Tell the QI that you are involved in an unannounced drill and that you have state authorities on board.
We must follow special procedures on our side to successfully comply with the unannounced drill
requirements within 30 minutes. You must tell us this exercise is being required by state authorities.
Otherwise, we may mistake it for a normal QI Notification Exercise. This will undoubtedly lead to a failure
of the drill and a possible penalty for the ship.
Our watch standers will follow a similar but different process when communicating with vessel
Masters and crew for these exercises.
This includes completing a series of regulatory notifications and providing the vessel a written
confirmation via email or fax within 30 minutes of receiving the call.
In California, a boarding officer may also initiate an unannounced drill of your Incident Management Team
(O’Brien’s). If this happens the Master will be presented with a detailed scenario by the boarding officer
and must:

• Take the actions required by the California Vessel Oil Spill Contingency Plan.
• Immediately call our 24-hour emergency number +1-281-606-4818.
• State: “This is a State-Initiated Incident Management Team Exercise,” repeated three (3) times.
• Inform the Qualified Individual of the details of the unannounced drill.
• Provide support as requested by the Qualified Individual.

It is likely that the master will have little involvement in the exercise after initial notification has been
made. However, the guidelines are vague, so the master should be prepared to participate as required
by the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) Drill Coordinator and the Qualified Individual.
While there are no additional costs for unannounced QI Notification drill and exercises, there
is a cost to an unannounced IMT exercise. Depending upon the duration of the exercise (how
COSTS many objectives are being tested) which lasts between 2 – 6 hours on average, the estimated
costs are between $5 – 10K.

It is also common for state agency officials to be notified of federal (USCG) initiated GIUE as described
on the previous page and invited to participate. Depending upon availability they may also participate.

Vessel Name:
Date (DD/MM/YYYY): Time (GMT):
Conducted after normal business hours

2.0 EXERCISE TYPE: (check the box for the applicable exercise)
Remote Assessment and
QI Notification Only Emergency Procedures
Consultation (RACE)*

Combined QI Combined QI Notification,

Combined Emergency
Notification and Emergency Procedures
Procedures and RACE
Emergency Procedures and RACE
* Plan holders are only required to complete one (1) RACE per (fleet) plan on a triennial (3-year) cycle.

3.0 DESCRIPTION OF EXERCISE: For emergency procedures exercises only - provide a description
of the exercise scenario, including whether it was a salvage, marine firefighting, or oil spill exercise,
and if the exercise was unannounced.

4.0 OBJECTIVES: Check the following box upon completion of the exercise if satisfactory
Objectives of exercise were met


QI Notification A.1 Notifications
Emergency Satisfies PREP requirement, but does not exercise core
Procedures components
RACE A.5 Assessment: 1a – Remote Assessment and Consultation

6.0 LESSONS LEARNED/COMMENTS: Provide any notes or comments from exercise


Name / Title: Signature:

Maintain a copy of this exercise documentation for your records on board the vessel with
the VRP/NTVRP to make available upon request for at least three (3) years.
Do NOT send a copy to the QI or SMFF provider.

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