Food Recipes From AYUSH Split 8

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AYUSHMAN BHARAT .....................................



Sustenance of living beings is dependent on food. Many food recipes
are unique to particular region and culture. Indigenous concepts
about food are also inter-woven with basic principles of health.
Contemporary modern food science describes food based on its
nutritional values derived f rom proteins, carbohydrates, fats
vitamins, minerals while traditional systems like Ayurveda dietetics
place greater emphasis on inherent properties of food, its
compatibility and rules of food consumption etc.

There is a lot of similarity between AYUSH dietetics and traditional

foods in India. Intake of wholesome food and its proper digestion
play a pivotal role in growth, development and nourishment.
Benefits of food can be achieved only when taken judiciously,
customized to the individual and according to the health condition,
status of digestion, climate, habitat and habituation of a person. The
following recommendations may be generally followed to obtain
optimal benefit from food:

Ÿ Know your food: Keenly observe your own health and eat what
suits you.

Ÿ Eat with a pleasant mind: Psychological status is very important

while taking food. It is better to wait for some time and avoid food
when you are depressed or tensed. Even the wholesome food
taken in right amount does not get digested if the individual is in
the state of anger, fear, worry or depressed.

Ÿ Do not eat without desire: The food taken without having desire
may result in indigestion, anorexia, vomiting and colic.

Ÿ Enjoy the taste of food: Tasty foods bestow pleasantness of mind,

strength, nourishment, enthusiasm, exhilaration, satisfaction
and happiness.

Ÿ Eat fresh and warm food: It is better to consume food within one
hour of its preparation. The warm and fresh food is tasty and
results in fast digestion, proper absorption.

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