Food Recipes From AYUSH Split 8
Food Recipes From AYUSH Split 8
Food Recipes From AYUSH Split 8
Sustenance of living beings is dependent on food. Many food recipes
are unique to particular region and culture. Indigenous concepts
about food are also inter-woven with basic principles of health.
Contemporary modern food science describes food based on its
nutritional values derived f rom proteins, carbohydrates, fats
vitamins, minerals while traditional systems like Ayurveda dietetics
place greater emphasis on inherent properties of food, its
compatibility and rules of food consumption etc.
Ÿ Know your food: Keenly observe your own health and eat what
suits you.
Ÿ Do not eat without desire: The food taken without having desire
may result in indigestion, anorexia, vomiting and colic.
Ÿ Eat fresh and warm food: It is better to consume food within one
hour of its preparation. The warm and fresh food is tasty and
results in fast digestion, proper absorption.