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Exploring flood modelling in the

Koshi River Basin
Challenges and the way forward
Authors: Manish Shrestha, Mandira Singh Shrestha, Dilip Kumar Gautam, Thanapon Piman, Diganta Barman,
Atul Aditya Pandey, Dharam Raj Uprety

Flooding in the Koshi River The Koshi River system plays a vital role in the socio-
economic development of the region. It supplies water
Originating in the Tibetan plateau in China, the Koshi for agriculture, hydropower generation, and fisheries,
River flows southward, carrying water from several and it also has cultural and religious significance.
rivers in Nepal and India and draining into the Ganges However, due to the rugged and fragile topography and
River. The Koshi is one of the largest transboundary the impact of the monsoon season, the basin is prone
rivers in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region to natural disasters such as floods and landslides. These
(Figure 1), covering an area of about 88,000 km2. Of the hazards primarily occur during the monsoon season,
nearly 88,000 km2 area of the Koshi basin, 32.4% lies which lasts from June through September.
in China, 45% in Nepal and 22.6% in India (Wahid et
al., 2017). The basin can be divided into three major The region has experienced several devastating
physiographic zones: (a) the Trans-Himalaya, which floods in the past, causing a significant loss of life and
covers the high mountainous areas of Tibet, (b) the property. In 2008, a breach in an embankment close to
High and Middle Himalaya, mostly situated in Nepal, the Nepal-India border caused a flood that resulted in
and (c) the alluvial part consisting of the Terai region the loss of more than 500 lives and displaced thousands
of Nepal and the flat plains of India. The variations of families (Kafle et al., 2017). The glacier lake outburst
in elevation and climate make the basin rich in floods in the Bhote Koshi in 2016 and Barun Khola in
biodiversity, which sustains the livelihoods of almost 40 2017, the Terai floods in 2017, and the Melamchi flood
million people (Neupane et al., 2015).

The 2019 flood in Bhittamore, Bihar. (Photo: Ranjeet Jha)


disaster in 2021 are some of the major flood events Flood management in the Koshi basin
in the upper Koshi basin (Kafle, 2019; Maharjan et
al., 2021). Similarly, in Bihar state, downstream of the
Koshi basin, floods occur almost every year, which has
Early developments
earned the river the nickname ‘the sorrow of Bihar’. Given the Koshi basin’s vulnerability to flooding, several
The flood of 2019 inundated 12 out of 38 districts of efforts have been made to mitigate the impact of floods
Bihar, affecting 2.5 million people and damaging crops in the basin. The initial flood warning system in the
and infrastructure. Over the years, several efforts have Koshi basin relied on the observation of the river level.
been made to develop flood forecasting systems in the A watchtower (‘machan’ in the local language) was
Koshi basin to minimise the impact of floods. This state- used to observe the water level and disseminate flood
of-knowledge report sheds light on the available flood information to the community. This system provided a
forecasting and early warning systems in the Koshi very short lead time (only a few minutes) and relied on
basin, related challenges, and the way forward. manual data collection and analysis.

In 1954, the governments of India and Nepal signed a

bilateral agreement known as the Koshi Agreement to
regulate the flow of the river. As part of the agreement,
a barrage was constructed at the Nepal-India border

The Koshi barrage located near the Nepal-India border (Photo: ICIMOD)

to control floods and harness the water for agriculture the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
and hydropower (Bagale, 2020). Since the 1960s, of the Nepal government, three automatic weather
several manual gauge stations have been installed stations, 12 rain gauges, and seven real-time water
in the tributaries of the Koshi, increasing the lead level sensors were installed in the various tributaries
time by up to an hour. Telemetry and satellite-based (Shrestha et al., 2015). The transmission of real-time
systems were introduced in the basin in the early 2010s water level information enabled timely warning and the
(Kafle, 2019). As part of the HKH Hydrological Cycle system was able to increase the lead time by up to four
Observing System (HYCOS) project implemented by hours depending on the location of the community.

Left: Watchtower (also known as ‘machan’); and Right: Radar sensor for water level observation
(Photo: Karen Conniff and Pradeep Dangol)

Development of flood forecasting and The flood forecasting and warning service in China
warning system is managed by the Flood Control and Drought Relief
Headquarters hosted in the Ministry of Emergency
As the most significant non-structural measure for Response (Office of the State Council, 2020). The
flood control, Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Headquarters receives information on weather services
Systems (FFEWS) play an important role in supporting and flood forecasting from the China Meteorological
decision-makers for mass evacuation, rescue, and Administration and the Ministry of Water Resources,
relief. The availability of telemetry and satellite data respectively. In Nepal, the DHM under the Ministry
and high-performing computers paved the road for the of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation is the key
development of flood forecasting models (Shrestha et authority for collecting, forecasting and analysing flood
al., 2020). The main objective of the FFEWS is to provide hazard-related information. Similarly, in India, the
timely and reliable prediction and alerts on potential Central Water Commission (CWC) and the Ministry of
flood events (Tsering et al., 2022). The system uses Jal Shakti provide near real-time and five-day advisory
hydrological models that represent the basin properties flood forecasting at the national and basin level. In
to simulate its water cycle and a system to disseminate addition, the India Meteorological Department (IMD)
flood information. To provide accurate information, a under the Ministry of Earth Sciences provides flash
flood model requires precise real-time and forecasted flood guidance. IMD issues the flash flood bulletin
weather information as well as the biophysical data of for India and the broader South Asia region. There
the basin. are also other non-government agencies that provide
early warning services to the authorised agencies of
Several hydrological and hydrodynamic models have countries that share the Koshi basin (Figure 2). A list of
been developed and are operated by the respective flood forecasting systems for the Koshi River Basin is
government departments of the member countries. provided in the table below.



System Developer Data Interval/ Lead time Domain Website

Satellite data Satellite Meteorological 4 min Real-time China http://en.weather.com.cn/satellite/
Centre, China
Administration, China
Surface, upper- National Meteorological 0.0625°×0.0625° Real-time China http://data.cma.cn/en/?r=site/index
air, and radar Information Centre,
observation China Metrological 1 hour
Administration, China
China flash flood China Institute of Daily 1 Day China http://cdr.iwhr.com/fhkhjzzx/index.htm
hazard early Water Resources and
warning Hydropower, Ministry of
Water Resources, China
Real-time ground Flood Forecasting 10 min Real-time Nepal http://hydrology.gov.np/#/rainfall_watch
observation system Section, DHM, Nepal
for rainfall 42 Stations
Real-time ground Flood Forecasting 10 min Real-time Nepal http://hydrology.gov.np/#/river_watch
observation system Section, DHM, Nepal
for water level 13 Stations https://www.dhm.gov.np/hydrology/
Mike 11, NAM model Flood Forecasting 3 days Koshi basin
for Koshi Section, DHM, Nepal
RIMES WRF model Regional Integrated Multi- 6 hours 72 hours Asia
Hazard Early Warning 9km X 9Km
System for Africa and Asia
Global Flood European Commission’s Daily 30 days Global https://www.globalfloods.eu/glofas-
Awareness System Copernicus Emergency forecasting/
(GLOFAS) Management Service 7 (Nepal) + 1
(India) stations
GEOGloWS ECMWF ESRI, European Centre for Daily 10 days Global https://apps.geoglows.org/apps/
Streamflow Model Medium-Range Weather geoglows-hydroviewer/
Forecasts, and Brigham
Young University
South Asia flash World Meteorological 3 hrs 24 hrs South Asia https://mausam.imd.gov.in/responsive/
flood guidance Organization (WMO)/ IMD flashFloodBulletin.php
Regional flood ICIMOD 3 hrs 72 hrs Ganges and http://hkhhycos.icimod.org/GB/Source/
outlook Brahmaputra GB_new.htm
High-Impact ICIMOD 1 hr 54 hrs Nepal, https://servir.icimod.org/science-
Weather Assessment Bhutan, applications/high-impact-weather-
Toolkit (HIWAT) 4kmX4Km Bangladesh, assessment-toolkit-hiwat-nepal/
and NE India
Flash flood ICIMOD 1 hr 54 hrs Nepal https://servir.icimod.org/science-
prediction tool – applications/flash-flood-prediction-tool-
Nepal nepal/
Streamflow ICIMOD 1 hr 10 days HKH region https://servir.icimod.org/science-
prediction tool – applications/streamflow-prediction-tool-
Nepal nepal/
Five-day advisory Central Water 6 hrs 5 days India https://aff.india-water.gov.in/
flood forecast Commission, India
Real-time ground Indian Meteorological Districts Real-time India https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/
observation system Department contents/districtwisewarnings.php
for rainfall
Satellite data Indian Meteorological 30 min 3-7 days India https://mausam.imd.gov.in/imd_latest/
Department contents/satellite.php
Koshi flood Water Resources Hourly 72 hrs Koshi basin https://www.fmiscwrdbihar.gov.in/
forecasting and early Department, KosiFews/Home
warning system Government of Bihar 17 locations

Challenges and the way forward forecast, decision-makers, and the public by providing
more actionable information about the potential hazard
There has been substantial improvement in flood event. It helps us identify more vulnerable areas by
management in all three countries that share the Koshi providing critical information, such as when and to
basin. However, flood forecasting models currently in what extent the flood might inundate the exposed
place are within each country’s boundaries. Although communities and infrastructures.
some models capture the entire basin, most of them
are either at a global or regional scale. As a result, these FFEWS is extremely useful in providing people the time
models don’t capture the bio-physical properties at needed to evacuate and prepare for relief, but it doesn’t
a basin scale. In addition, most of these models lack prevent a flood. The use of both grey infrastructures
infrastructure components like the control flow from (such as dams and embankments) as well as Nature-
the Koshi barrage, and glacier, snowmelt and lake based Solutions (NbS) (e.g., the construction of bio-
simulation. These components play a vital role in the dykes, wetlands, and afforestation upstream) can help
accuracy of flood forecasting. Land-use changes also prevent floods from entering settlements. In addition,
have a profound impact on the flow of the river (Shrestha zoning the floodplain areas and avoiding building
et al., 2020). The rapid changes in the landscape of the settlements in high-risk areas can help minimise both
Koshi pose a challenge to modelling forecasts. One major human and economic losses.
reason behind the lack of a holistic flood forecasting
Initially relying on manual observation, FFEWS has
system is the lack of data and data-sharing mechanisms
advanced to incorporate a sophisticated modelling
among the member countries.
system. However, in addition to flood hazards,
Communication of early warning to the public is the Koshi faces several other hazards like GLOF,
another major component of FFEWS. The warning is landslides, and morphological changes. The GLOF
broadcasted via different channels like websites, radio, in the Zhangzangbu region of China caused massive
TV, mobile apps, and SMS to the communities. The damages to the Sunkoshi hydroelectric plant in
information shared usually includes near-real-time Nepal, claiming 200 lives (Campbell & Pradesh, 2005).
rainfall, trend of water level, and forecasted rainfall Similarly, the Jure landslides of 2014 resulted in the
and water level in the rivers. These warnings are loss of 156 lives, destroyed 120 houses, and obstructed
more generic and don’t have the element of exposure, the flow of the Sunkoshi River. Subsequently, this led
vulnerability and risk. Impact-based Forecasting to a flood that inflicted damage upon the Sunkoshi
(IbF) focuses on communicating the potential impact hydropower project (Panthi, 2021). The Koshi River is
of the forecast rather than on providing technical a highly dynamic and sediment-charged river and has
information. IbF aims to bridge the gap between the changed its course 115 km westwards in the last 200

The aftermath of the Melamchi disaster of 2021 in Melamchi bazaar, Nepal (Photo: Sudan Maharjan)

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For further information, please contact

Manish Shrestha [email protected]
Mandira Shrestha [email protected]

ICIMOD and its regional member countries gratefully acknowledge the generous support of Austria, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland
for core and programme funding, and Australia, Canada’s International Development Research Centre, the European Union, Finland,
Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the World Bank for project funding.

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