BTP4 ProgressTest2 U4-U6

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22 Progress

Progress TestTest
2, 4–6
2, Units Units 4–6
___________________ Class ________________
Class ___________________

Listening Grammar
a 35 Listen. Write T (true), F (false) or
1.35 a Complete the questions. (12 points)
D (don’t know) for each statement. (8 points) 1 Did she ask you _______ you _______ speak
1 Frank
Helen moved in to her
his new apartment two English?
weeks ago. Yes, she did. I told her I was fluent!
2 The apartment needs some work. 2 When _______ this _______ finished?
3 The windows are cracked. Probably by five o’clock.
Helen is going to paint the walls.
4 Frank 3 _______ Steve _______ to take a medical exam?
5 There is a problem with the air conditioning. Yes, he was. It’s company rules.
6 The windows haven’t been cleaned. 4 _______ you _______ to be here?
7 Frank
Helen is getting a new kitchen. No, I’m not. I should be at work.
8 Carlos
Sonia doesn’t want to help Helen.
Frank. 5 _______ your hair _______ cutting?
I don’t think so. It’s not very long.
b 37 Listen. Complete the conversation.
1.37 6 Weren’t you told _______ _______ eat junk food?
(6 points) Yes, I was, but I love burgers.
A: This place looks (1) _____________ .
B: It does? I’m glad you (2) _____________ . I’ve b Correct the sentences. (12 points)
had it redecorated.
1 She asked me that I open the window.
A: Oh yes, the (3) _____________ have been
painted white. Have you had new
(4) _____________ put up, too? 2 I wasn’t allowed speaking in class when I was
at school.
B: Yes. It was all done (5) _____________ . I’ve
had air conditioning installed as well. _________________________________________
A: You have? Well, it looks great. I’m so 3 The room was cold because the windows hadn’t
(6) _____________ ! be closed.
4 The police officer asked me where was I going.
c 29 Listen. Number each line of the
conversation in order. (6 points)
5 My boss lets me to leave work early on Fridays.
__ Apparently, Mr. Wilson caught him cheating on
his final exams! _________________________________________
__ Yes. I just asked Jim, and he said that it’s 6 They told me that they had had the house
definitely true. painting.
__ Oh no! He told me he was thinking of cheating, _________________________________________
and I warned him not to.
__ Really? How come? Do you know why? c Complete the sentences with one word.
__ Did you hear the news? Bruno
Mike is quitting college! (6 points)
__ At first he denied doing anything wrong, but 1 When _______ the three men arrested?
later admitted it was true.
2 He told me he _______ been to over
Total: … /20 40 countries.
3 When did you _______ your ears pierced?
4 My parents _______ me go to bed when I want.
5 This package is _______ to arrive before midday.
6 The TV _______ repairing.

Total: … /30

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Progress Test 2, Units 4–6
Progress Test 2, Units 4–6

Vocabulary Everyday English

a Write say, speak, talk or tell. (5 points) Choose the best response to each statement.
1 _______ your mind 4 _______ you’re sorry (20 points)
2 _______ someone off 5 _______ a joke 1 Sam told me to give you this letter.
3 _______ nonsense a How about you?
b Oh, I see.
c Guess what!
b Match each gradable adjective with a strong
2 Did they say why you didn’t get the job?
adjective. (6 points)
a Not exactly.
1 surprised a exhausted b Oh no! What a shame.
2 interesting b filthy c No way!
3 small c fascinating 3 The mail hasn’t been delivered today.
4 dirty d furious a Really? Why not?
5 angry e astonished b I don’t know.
6 tired f tiny c I think it should be.
4 James has had his head shaved.
c Complete the sentences. (6 points) a Really? He did?
b No! He has?
1 This mirror is a dyed.
c He had?
2 The carpet is b pierced.
5 Could I borrow your dictionary?
3 She’s had her ears c knocked down.
a Yes, you could.
4 That house will be d stained. b Sure you can.
5 The air conditioning is e cracked. c In fact, you might.
6 I’ve had my hair f installed. 6 I have to work next weekend.
a Lucky you!
d Match the verbs and phrases. (7 points) b Will you?
1 refuse a something to c Maybe you do.
someone 7 I think I’m catching a cold.
2 invite b someone about a Yes, you’d better.
something b You do.
3 deny c about something c That’s too bad.
4 complain d for doing something 8 If I were you, I’d hurry up.
5 apologize e someone to do a I don’t know.
something b Would I?
6 warn f doing something c Oh, OK.
7 say g to do something 9 It’s raining again, you know.
a I don’t know.
Total: … /24 b You never know.
c Really? It is?
10 Why don’t you watch a movie?
Pronunciation a Hmm. Let me think.
b Really? Do you think so?
Join the words that are linked together. (6 points) c Good idea. I’ll do that.
1 Can you turn on the light?
Total: … /20
2 Who was at the party?
3 They didn’t ask for my opinion.
Test total: … /100
4 I’ll give Tim a call soon.
5 This apartment is filthy.
6 I have a good idea.

Total: … /6

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