Engineering: Production and Marketing of Disposable Raincoat From Recycled Papers

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into a useful product, Decola Rubber developed to help reduce solid waste.
Industry created envi-roof shingles This study determined the feasibility of
which are proven to be more durable producing ecoat from paper waste for
and less likely to bend or curl than the residents of Brgy. Canlubang,
other roof materials. The study Calamba. The plant would be located
determined the feasibility of producing in Canlubang, Calamba because of its
rubber roof shingles using tires as raw accessibility to the target market. The
material for consumers in Calamba and raw materials for the production could
Sta. Rosa. The marketing study be easily acquired and delivered and its
showed that the business would be manpower could be hired within the
profitable for it would supply the high vicinity. Utilities such as electricity,
demand for roof shingles. water, communication would also be
The researchers selected Binan,
Laguna as production site because of Adopting the partnership type
its easy access and proximity to the of business organization, the company
target market, low rental fee, low labor was easier to form since big resources
cost, and potential supply of work force. could be more available. With the
Considering all the necessary partners’ equal capital distribution
components in the production, the amounting to Php 1,008,942.00, the
company could assure its consumers of capital investment would have a total of
good quality roof shingles. Php 3,026,826.00. With the payback
period of 2.20 years and the average
Capital investment needed to return on investment of 106.04% every
start the business was Php 30,814,200, year, the project would be profitable.
which would come from the partners’ Additional employment could be
equal capital distribution. The project provided by hiring at least 10 qualified
would have a payback period of 2.30 workers within the area.
years and an average return on
investment of 89.35% every year. Key terms: raincoat, recycled paper,
solid waste, accessibility, employment
Key terms: rubber shingles, tires,
profitability, labor
DISPOSABLE RAINCOAT FROM Researchers: Bernadette Faith Atienza,
RECYCLED PAPERS Nicole Banasihan, and Anjanneth
Researchers: John Zeus Cansicio, Earl Ramos
Ernest Elemos, and Princess Sonia Adviser: Engr. Raul Borlungay
Adviser: Engr. Edsel G. Anyayahan This study determined the
feasibility of producing Exfoclean body
Ecoat from eco and coat is an soap using banana peel and egg shell
eco-friendly, recyclable, and as an additive. Packed in a carton box,
biodegradable raincoat which was

RESEARCH REPORT 2014-2015 91

Exfoclean is a 95g bar soap made from Adviser: Engr. Raul B. Borlungay
coconut oil, glycerin, lye solution,
Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate (SLES), This study determined the
preservative, binder, banana peel and feasibility of producing ceiling insulation
egg shell that provide an extra clean using aluminum junks, Styrofoam, and
feeling compared to other body soaps PET bottles. Joined by a socket
found in the market. The product would screw, this product is durable, sound
be produced in Canlubang, Calamba proof, and economical that can be
because of its accessibility, large used in house construction. With a
number of population, and proximity to large quantity of available recyclable
the target market they intended to materials, the researchers were
serve. Committed to producing quality confident that the project would be
soaps, Aversa Manufacturing Company sustainable and would be carefully
would distribute the Exfoclean to the developed with quality standards.
residents of Cabuyao City, Calamba P.G.C. Manufacturing Company would
City and Los Baños where a significant distribute the ceiling insulation to the
demand for the product was noted. stores in Calamba City where there is a
significant demand for the product.
The company would have a Capital investment needed to start the
partnership type of business business was Php 4,565,968.87. The
organization since it is easier to control, market study showed an assurance of
and its legal requirements for the profitability of the project, indicating
ownership are less complex compared a payback period of 2.51 years and
to corporation. Capital investment of return on investment of 48.10% during
Php 6,132,870.93 was required to start the five (5) year operation. The project
the business. Based on the marketing would help reduce the unemployment
study, the project was assured of its rate of the city government and national
profitability with its payback period of government. Proper waste disposal
2.89 years. The City government and would be imposed.
the national government would greatly
benefit from the project through the Key terms: ceiling insulation, aluminum
taxes, which could help in the junk, Styrofoam, house construction
community development. The company
would implement proper waste
Key terms: soap, banana peel, egg HYACINTH AND RICE BRAN
shell, business, market Researchers: Ma. Socorro Llarena,
Maria Janine Calderon, and Johanes
M. Solis
PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF Adviser: Engr. Ronald S. Mariano
STYROFOAM AND PET BOTTLES the HRB Pig Mix to provide nutritious
Researchers: Heerah Garcia and Jan feeds essential for pigs at an
Mara Polintan affordable cost. The problem on the

92 RESEARCH REPORT 2014-2015

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