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Length-weight relationship and condition factor as an indicator of growth and

feeding intensity of Sea bream (Sparus aurata L, 1758) given feed with
different protein contents

Article in Indian Journal of Animal Research · December 2018

DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-998


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2 authors:

Aysun Kop Sule Gurkan

Ege University Faculty of Fisheries Ege University Faculty of Fisheries


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Indian J. Anim. Res., Res., 53(4) 2019: 510-514 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE
Print ISSN:0367-6722 / Online ISSN:0976-0555 www.arcc jour nals.co m

Length-weight relationship and condition factor as an indicator of growth and

feeding intensity of Sea bream (Sparus aurata L, 1758) given feed with different
protein contents
Aysun Kop*1, Ali Yıldırım Korkut1 and Sule Gurkan2
Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries,
Department of Aquaculture, Turkey Bornovo-35100, Izmir.
Received: 04-06-2018 Accepted: 01-12-2018 DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-998
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the length-weight and the condition factor of gilthead sea
bream (Sparus aurata L.,1758) fed with three types of feed with different levels of crude protein (A: 38% Crude Protein (CP)
and 18% Crude Lipid (CL); B: 42% CP and 18% CL; and C: 45% CP and 18% CL). The length-weight relationship of the fish
in groups A, B and C was determined as W=0.051*TL2.63, W=0.046*TL2.67 and W=0.046*TL 2.68 respectively and there was
no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). There was negative allometric growth in all experimental
groups. The lowest mean value in the groups according to Fulton’s condition factor (CF) was found in group B (1.66±0.17),
and the highest mean value was found in group C (1.71±0.18). It was determined that there was no statistically significant
difference between the groups (p>0.05).
Key words: Condition factor, Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.,1758), Length-weight relation, Protein content.
INTRODUCTION lipid levels of sea bream for optimal growth rate are between
Gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L. 1758), a 12-24% (Oliva-Teles, 2000). In addition to nutrition, the growth
species of the Sparidae family, is one of the most intensively of fish is affected by many factors, including the species,
cultured species in fish farms in Mediterranean countries age, genetic structure, the physico-chemical parameters of
due to the quality of its meat (Faggio et al., 2014). Turkey’s the aquatic environment and breeding periods.
total aquaculture production in 2016 amounted to 253395 Length-weight relationship is used to determine
metric tonnes, of which 58254 tonnes were obtained from growth in fish (Ighwela et al., 2011). Fish may show isometric
the production of sea bream (TUIK 2017). Turkey is the largest growth, negative allometric growth or positive allometric
producer of sea bream and bass in the Mediterranean region growth. Isometric growth (b = 3) means that the body shape
(FAO, 2015). does not change as an organism grows. Negative allometric
Fish are cold-blooded creatures, and water growth means that a fish becomes thinner as its weight
temperature and environmental conditions thus have an increases; positive allometric growth means that its body
impact on their growth rate (Faggio et al., 2014). According becomes relatively broader as the length of the fish increases
to Dobson and Holmes (1984), while a higher growth rate is (Riedel et al., 2007).
observed in fish during spring and summer, a decrease in growth Using condition factor (CF) in monitoring growth
and significant weight loss can be observed during winter. is also an important way of determining the status of the fish
This is due to the decrease in the metabolic rates of (Dirican et al., 2012). This factor is used to examine ecological
fish as a result of water temperature and a decrease in the and physiological processes, including deaths in winter
amount of feed consumed because of this. Although gilthead (Ibarz et al., 2010). In addition, the CF, which is an index of
sea bream survive in temperatures of between 6 and 32 °C, good nutrition, also shows the variations in the amount of
the best growth rate is observed between 23 and 27 °C nutrients stored in the fish’s muscles. The CF is affected by
(Barnabe, 1990). Gilthead sea bream is a carnivorous species age, season, sexual maturity, gender and nutritional
and the fish require a specific amount of protein for their conditions. For this reason, it is also used to determine
growth. The optimum protein requirement of gilthead sea the feeding activity of a species and whether it is best
bream for maximum growth and energy is 40-46% of what is utilizing a source of nutrition. Measuring physiological
consumed. Protein also meets the nutritional needs of the status generally involves analysis of fat content and is also
fish during the poor conditions in the cold seasons. The diet used in determining the amount of protein, ash and total
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Aquaculture 35100 Bornova İzmir/ Turkey.
Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Hydrobiology, Turkey.
Volume 53 Issue 4 (April 2019) 511
energy (Sutton et al., 2000). Since measuring a large number Length-Weight relationship: Fish total length (cm) and
of fish results in increased costs and loss of time, weight was measured using a measuring board and with
morphometric analyses, such as weight and length analyses, analytical scale (AND FZ-3000i WP), respectively. Length-
are usually applied. weight relationship was determined for the samples according
Studies have investigated the relationship between to the formula:
morphometric indices and physiological status for some W=a.Lb. (Pauly, 1983)
species (Striped bass (Moronesaxatilis) and Hybrid striped Where W = weight of fish in gram
bass (Moronesaxatilis X Moronechrysops) Brown and
L =Length of fish in cm
Murphy, (1991a); Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Sutton et
a = the rate of change of weight with length (intercept)
al., (2000); Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus): Ighwela et
b = weight at unit length (slope)
al., (2011); Chub [Squaliuscephalus (L., 1758)] Benzer (2012);
Snow trout (Schizothoraxcurvifrons) Qadri et al., (2017). After transforming the data in log 10 the a and b
However, there are no studies on whether the length-weight parameters were calculated. When b is equal to three (3),
relationship measured during the growth of gilthead sea isometric pattern of growth occurs but when b is not equal
bream in aquaculture conditions depends on feed. The to 3, an allometric pattern of growth occurs, which may be
purpose of this study is to investigate whether the use of positive if >3 or negative if <3.
feeds with different protein ratios affects the length-weight
The CF was calculated according to the formula
relationship of commercially-produced gilthead sea bream.
CF=100.W/L3 (Ricker 1979)
MATERIALSAND METHODS W: mean body weight of fish (g)
Experimental feeds: Three different feeds were used in the
L: mean body length (cm)
experiment, with different levels of protein (low: 38%; medium:
42%; high: 45%) and the same fat content (18%). All feeds Measurement of environmental parameters: Water quality
were formulated with ingredients commonly used, including parameters were measured with a YIS Environmental
fish meal, soy bean meal, wheat flour, corn flour, fish oil, Multiparameter device (model no. 2030).
mineral premix, vitamin premix, ascorbic acid, binder and Statistical analysis: The student’s t-test was used for the
chromic oxide (Table 1). Fish were fed ad libitum three times statistically significant difference between b and the ideal,
daily for 8 months. with an isometric value of 3. The results are presented as
Experimental fish and feeding trial: The study was carried mean ± standard deviation (SD). In addition, the STATISTICA
out at a fish farm located in the Bodrum- Muğla region of 6 program was used for statistical analysis. Values were
Turkey. A total of 45,000 gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata statistically significant when p<0.05.
L., 1758) with an average live weight of 122.62±18.73gr were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
used in the trial. For each feed group, three parallels were The parameters of the water conditions are given in
created. In total, 5000 fish were distributed randomly in nine Table 2. In this studyall environmental parameters were
cages. The net cages were made of polyethylene and the generally within the acceptable range for the growth of
size of each was 5x5x5 m. The study began in September and gilthead sea bream (FAO, 2005).
lasted for eight months.
The results of the mean weight and length value
Growth analysis: Changes in FCR and SGR values were and CF analysis of the experimental groups are presented in
monitored to follow the development process (De Silva and Table 3. At the end of the study, the mean lengths for trial
Anderson 1995). fish were 22.07±1.59, 22.06±1.58 and 23.03±1.63 cm
Feed conversion ratio (FCR) = feed consumed (g)/wet weight respectively, while the mean weights were 179.85±37.01,
gain (g).
181.09±37.05 and 184.15±39.18g respectively for the different
Specific growth rate (SGR) = (ln (final body weight/initial
ratios of protein (38%, 42% and 45%). There were no
body weight)/days of the experiment) ×100.
differences between the groups in terms of length or weight
Table 1: Nutritional composition of trial feeds. values according to the results (p>0.05).
Group (Crude Protein/Crude Lipid) Growth is said to be positive allometric when the
Food Compositions A (38/18) B (42/18) C (45/18) weight of an organism increases more than its length (b>3)
Moisture % 9.15 8 7.47
and negative allometric when its length increases more than
CP % 38.03 41.87 45.14 its weight (b<3) (Wootton 1992). Length-weight relationship
CL % 17.88 18.03 17.79 with respect to feed with different protein levels (38%, 42%
Ash % 8.14 8.88 8.69 and 45%) were estimated to be W= 0.051*TL 2.63 ,
Cellulose 1.26 1.96 1.89 W=0.046*TL2.67 and W=0.046*TL2.68 respectively in this
NFE 25.54 21.26 19.02 study (Fig1). These values were less than the ideal isometric
Gross Energy Kcal/kg 4941 5026 5093 or positive allometric value of 3, which suggests that there
Table 2: Water quality parameters.

Parameters Mean ± Standard Minimum Maximum

Temperature (oC) 19.53±0.81 15.0 27.8

Table 3: Mean values ± standard deviation (SD) for biometric measurements and feed evaluation of Gilthead sea bream fed at different protein levels for 8 months.
DO (mg/l) 6.54±0.26 4.3 7.4
Salinity(S %0) 37.49±1.74 36.26 40.12

pH 8.15±0.62 7.93 8.31
Ammonia (mg/l) 0.26±0.02 0.18 0.34

Ranges± SD
Nitrite - NO2 (mg/l) 0.18±0.01 0.12 0.21
Nitrate - NO3 (mg/l) 0.5±0.01 0.3 0.65
Fe 0.022±0.001 0.017 0.025
Cu 0.16±0.002 0.14 0.17
Pb 0.09±0.001 0.07 1.01
Phosphate (mg/l) 0.006±0.001 0.004 0.0069
Fluoride (mg/l) 1.15±0.01 1.06 1.18

length Ranges factor ± SD


was higher growth in length with respect to weight for all
experimental groups. Our results conform to the result
reported by Ceyhan et al., (2009) and Akyol and Gamsiz
(2011) in their study conducted in the Aegean Sea. These

researchers reported the b value for gilthead sea breams as

2.736 (26.7 cm average total length) and 2.73 (36.6 cm average
total length) respectively. The researchers concluded that
the reason why the b value was less than 3 is that the fish

End length
caught in winter were still in the spawning period (End of

(cm) ± SD
November-December). Similar results were also reported
from the Mediterranean Sea (b=2.83 (Sangun et al., 2007);
b=2.98 (Cicek et al., 2006); b=2.67 (Can et al., 2002). It was
considered that the differences in b value were the result of 19.52±1.09
various factors such as the length of the fish at initial maturity,

the age, gender, water temperature and amount of feed. In

this study, the negative allometric value in growth may be
due to gonadal development, as the fish were reaching the
length of sexual development during the period of study
End weight


(Table 3). According to Pešıć et al. (2015), the lowest


condition values could also be given by the length values.

Therefore, low condition values suggest that the species
had begun developing gonads.
The CF is a measure of the condition of fish. A CF
End weight

<1.0 indicates that a fish is in poor condition and a CF >1.4

(g) ± SD

indicates a fish is in good to excellent condition (Faggio et

al. 2014). In our research, the CFs computed for the gilthead
sea bream were 1.67±0.16, 1.66±0.17 and 1.71±0.18
respectively for fish feed with different levels of protein (38%,
Initial weight


42% and 45%).When amounts of feed were taken into

(g) ± SD

consideration, the lowest CF was exhibited for the B; and no

statistical difference was determined among other groups
(p>0.05). Thus, it was understood that in an average water
temperature of 15 °C in winter all trial groups received the
energy they needed from their feed. Hence, it is possible to
Feed B (42/18)
Feed C (45/18)
Feed A (38/18)

conclude that the fish were sufficiently nourished throughout

their growth period.
Previous studies have shown that the minimum

dietary protein content was 40% and the optimum lipid

Volume 53 Issue 4 (April 2019) 513
content for gilthead sea bream feeds was between 12 and
20% (Oliva-Teles, 2000).For the best growth and
development in the sea, Company et al. (1999) suggested
17% CF and 46% CP in sea bream feeds. Sanchez-Muros et
al. (2003) found that 14% CF and 45% CF in feeds provided
the best growth, while Yildiz et al. (2006) recommended 45%
CP and 20.5% CF. In our study, it was found that there was
no significant difference between groups in terms of growth,
development and feed evaluation rates, although the protein
in feed was kept under the recommended levels in group A.
The FCR and SGR values obtained from the
experimental groups are given in the Table 3. The FCR values
were 1.499, 1.493 and 1.463, and the SGR values were 0.675,
0.663 and 0.669 for the different levels of protein (38%, 42%
and 45%) respectively. There were no differences between
the groups in terms of FCR or SGR values according to these
results (p>0.05). Similarly, in their studies, Korkut and Balki
(2004) fed gilthead sea bream with an average live weight of
145 g. in the net cage with feed containing 44% crude protein
and 20% fat, and reported the FCR value as 1.48 and the SGR
value as 0.73.
Using feeds with different protein contents (38%,
42%, 45%) in this study did not produce any difference in
gilthead sea bream in terms of CF and the length-weight
relationship (p>0.05). The FCR, SGR and CF values suggest
that all the feeds used in this study would be suitable for
commercial production of S. aurata. However, fish in all
groups showed negative allometric growth. The research
period was eight months and the environmental conditions
varied during this period. Moreover, the fish also entered
the breeding season and developed gonads. A feeding
Fig 1: Length-weight relationships of S. aurata for Feed A, B and strategy that will provide a greater weight increase in fish
C groups. should be adopted during these periods.
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