TravelSmart Leaflet CHI

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Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited (“Blue Cross”) is a subsidiary of AIA Group Limited. With over 50 years of opera- 智在遊
tional experience in the insurance industry, Blue Cross provides a comprehensive range of products and services including
medical, travel, and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers. Blue Cross
Travel Smart
distributes its products through various channels, including AIA agency force, online platform, direct sales, BEA network,
insurance agents and brokers, as well as travel agencies.

In 2023, Blue Cross was assigned financial strength rating of A+ (stable outlook) and issuer credit rating of A+ (stable outlook)
by S&P Global Ratings.

With effect from Feb 2024
Blue Cross HK App


「智在遊」正是您遨遊天下的明智之選,它提供單次旅程保障、多次旅程保障(多達 3 個旅程)及全年保障 3 種保障類型,

■ 醫療費用保障及個人意外保障分別高達 HK$1,200,000
■ 回港後 90 天內覆診費用,包括所有中醫治療
■ 24 小時全球緊急援助,包括不設上限的緊急運送及送返起保地點(有關費用不會從「醫療費用保障」的賠償額扣除)
■ 外遊警示伸延保障全面覆蓋黃、紅及黑色外遊警示級別
■ 保障消閒及非專業性質的運動,包括滑雪及其他冬季運動、潛水、跳傘、笨豬跳、高山遠足及各種水上活動
■ 單次旅程保障提供郵輪計劃,涵蓋郵輪旅程取消及阻礙、岸上觀光取消及衛星電話費用



■ 旅程阻礙保障涵蓋當超額訂票導致未能登上公共交通工具時所引致的額外住宿及膳食費用,並因應住宿

■ 旅程取消保障若受保兒童需要出席學校面試或由香港考試及評核局舉辦的公開考試,但日期被重新編排

■ 行李保障涵蓋行李、手提電話、手提電腦、平板電腦及個人財物等等遺失或破損所引致的損失

手機或網上投保 即時確認
■ 成功投保後,將即時收到短訊確認通知,並透過電郵收到保單

■ 透過「至醒會」平台成功投保,可尊享保費折扣優惠,每 HK$1 淨保費更可賺取 1 分至醒積分

Fly@Ease 航班追蹤
■ 經 Blue Cross HK App 即可透過方便易用的航班追蹤功能,掌握實時航班以及出發/抵埗城市天氣的狀況,令旅程更輕

保障類型 單次旅程保障 多次旅程保障^ 全年保障


計劃級別 智選計劃

■ 郵輪計劃 (只適用於單次旅程保障)
■ 個人
■ 夫婦(只適用於單次旅程保障及全年保障)
■ 家庭*(只適用於單次旅程保障及全年保障)
(*包括投保人及/或配偶及其所有 18 歲以下未婚子女)
■ 1 次旅程 ■ 全年 3 次旅程▲ ■ 全年無限次旅程
保障期 ■ 每次旅程最長 180 天 ■ 每次旅程最長 5 天或 7 天 ■ 受 保 期 為 1 年, 每 次 旅 程
最長 90 天

自動延長保障期 因不能避免的延誤可延長保障期 10 天

增 加 高 達 HK$2,000,000 的
自選附加保障 – 個人意外保障額

投保年齡 6 星期或以上◆ 6 星期至 70 歲◆ +

自付額 沒有


◆ 18 歲以下的兒童必須獲家長或監護人同意方可單獨受保
+ 70 歲以上受保人的續保須作個別考慮


情景 1 – 「多次旅程保障」是每年 3 次旅行的最佳選擇

Rainbow 喜愛在新年、復活節及聖誕節等假期與友人外遊。她計劃於未來 1 年外遊 3 次,各為期 5 天。在這情況下,「多

次旅程保障」便最適合 Rainbow 了。如果她分 3 次投保「單次旅程保障」(智選計劃),保費合共 HK$510;但就同樣的旅
程次數投保 1 個「多次旅程保障」(智選計劃),保費只需 HK$229,為她節省 HK$281(即相比投保相同計劃級別的「單次
旅程保障」,每個旅程可節省高達 55% 保費)。

此外,「至醒會」平台將自動儲存 Rainbow 輸入的個人資料,當她確定了下次旅程的日期,便可以隨時隨地上網登記,過程


1 旅程 2 旅程 3 旅程
5 天 5 天 5 天
節省 HK$281

單次旅程保障 x 3 的保費
合共 HK$510

情景 2 – 「全年保障」對經常旅行人士較划算

任職跨國公司的 Joe 經常出外公幹,與不同企業及客人會面。他最適合投保全年為無限次旅程提供保障的「全年保障」。該

保障就每次旅程提供高達 HK$1,200,000 的醫療費用保障,其行李保障更可伸延至商業樣本。如 Joe 想提升個人意外保障,
他亦可以選擇支付額外保費,將基本的 HK$1,200,000 個人意外保障額增加。

假設 Joe 一年至少去 3 次 14 天旅程,如果他分 3 次投保「單次旅程保障」(尊尚計劃),所需保費合共 HK$2,160,而

投保「全年保障」(尊尚計劃)則只需 HK$2,080。此外,由於「全年保障」提供每年無限次旅程保障,因此,只要 Joe
至少去 3 次旅程,他其後同一年內的旅程等同於零保費,所以投保「全年保障」會較逐次投保「單次旅程保障」划算得多。

1 旅程 2 旅程 3 旅程 4, 5, 6... 旅程
14 天 14 天 14 天

單次旅程保障 x 3 的保費 單次旅程保障保費

合共 HK$2,160 x 每個旅程

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
1. 醫療費用保障1 1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000

1.1 旅程期間醫療費用 1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000 賠償因疾病或意外受傷而引致的醫療、手術及住院

- 住院房間及膳食費用 3,000 3,000 3,000

1.2 回港覆診費用 120,000 60,000 120,000 如受保人曾於外地就醫,賠償回港後 90 天內的醫

- 中醫治療費用 3,000 3,000 3,000

■ 每天每次 200 200 200

1.3 創傷輔導 20,000 20,000 20,000 賠償因被診斷罹患創傷後壓力症,並需於旅程期

間及/或回港後 90 天內接受輔導服務所引致的醫
- 每天每次 2,000 2,000 2,000

2. 海外住院或隔離現金

2.1 海外住院現金津貼 12,000 5,000 12,000

- 每天限額 500 500 500

2.2 強制隔離現金津貼 10,000 10,000 10,000 如受保人因疑似感染或確診患上傳染病而於旅程期

間或於回港後 7 天內被強制隔離,可獲現金津貼。
- 每天限額 500 500 500

3. 24 小時全球緊急援助

3.1 緊急運送2 不設上限 不設上限 不設上限

3.2 送返起保地點2,3 不設上限 不設上限 不設上限
點 的費用。

3.3 入院按金保證2 40,000 40,000 40,000 為受保人提供入院所需的按金保證。

■ 賠償受保人因嚴重身體受傷或嚴重疾病而需返回
起保地點 的額外交通及住宿費用。

■ 賠償因受保人於外地住院連續超過 3 天或不幸身

3.4 額外交通及住宿費用 故時令下列人士招致額外住宿及交通費用:

50,000 20,000 50,000
(包括親屬探望) a. 兩名直屬家庭成員前往探望及照料受保
b. 一名直屬家庭成員前往探望及一名同行夥

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
賠償將受保人的同行子女(18 歲以下)送返起保
3.5 缺乏照顧子女護送 40,000 20,000 40,000
地點 的額外交通及住宿費用。

3.6 遺體運返2 不設上限 不設上限 不設上限 賠償將受保人的遺體或骨灰運返起保地點 的費用。


3.7 身故恩恤金 20,000 10,000 20,000 致不幸身故,向受保人的合法遺產代理人或指定遺

3.8 轉介服務 適用 適用 適用

4. 個人意外保障4 1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000

就受保人於旅程期間因意外遭受 3 級程度燒傷作出
5. 嚴重燒傷保障 300,000 100,000 300,000

■ 受保人、其直屬家庭成員、緊密業務夥伴、外傭
疾病 ;或

受保人的寵物在旅程開始前身故 ;或

■ 受保兒童或受保人(同時為受保兒童之父母兼同
6. 旅程取消保障 50,000 10,000 80,000 排至旅程預定期間 ;或

■ 受保人須出任審判證人、陪審員或遭強制性隔
離 ;或

■ 出發前 10 天內,受保人在香港的住所因失火或
水浸而損毀 ;或

■ 出發前 7 天內,旅程目的地發生天然災難、傳染
工業行動、恐怖主義活動、暴動或內亂 ;或

■ 出發前 7 天內,旅程目的地獲發外遊警示(按外

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
7. 旅程阻礙保障 50,000 25,000 80,000

返回起保地點 所需的額外公共交通工具費用:

■ 受保人、其直屬家庭成員、緊密業務夥伴、外傭
7.1 縮短旅程 50,000 25,000 80,000 ■ 受保人的寵物在旅程期間身故 ;或

■ 已計劃前往的旅程目的地遇上惡劣天氣、天然災
■ 旅程期間當地獲發外遊警示(按外遊警示伸延

7.2 行程改道 10,000 2,500 10,000 保障旅程開始後,直接因遇上惡劣天氣、天然災

回起保地點 所引致的額外交通及住宿費用。

- 住宿費用(每天) 2,000 2,000 2,000

7.3 當地旅遊團取消5 5,000 2,500 5,000 ■ 當地旅遊承辦商因破產或清盤而倒閉;或
■ 由當地旅遊承辦商就該當地旅遊團提供的行程表

7.4 超額訂票 10,000 2,500 10,000 交通工具而並未獲有關公共交通工具機構或第三者

7.5 特別津貼 – 指定服務 用服務費用,但該指定服務提供者因破產或清盤倒
2,000 2,000 2,000
提供者倒閉 閉而未能提供,將賠償受保人需向其他替代指定服

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
8. 旅程延誤保障 已安排乘搭的公共交通工具的工業行動、恐怖主義活動、暴動或內亂或機場關閉,而導致

8.1 現金津貼9 1,500 900 1,500

- 每連續 6 小時延誤限額 300 300 300

8.2 額外旅遊費用9 延誤連續 6 小時或以上引致的合理及無可避免的額

a. 公共交通費用-延誤 10,000 2,500 10,000

b. 海外住宿費用 3,000 2,000 3,000

8.3 取消旅程9 3,000 3,000 3,000 10 小時或以上,而導致未能繼續或取消旅程,賠

9. 行李延誤保障 就公共交通工具機構把行李誤送或延誤,令受保人
- 現金津貼 1,000 500 1,000 在抵達海外目的地後 6 小時或以上仍未能取回行李

10. 行李保障 20,000 10,000 20,000 因盜竊、搶劫、爆竊、意外或承運者不小心處理

而令受保人的行李、手提電話 、手提電腦、平板

- 運動用品 5,000 3,000 5,000 電腦 或個人財物(金錢除外)遺失、破損或毀


(每件/每對/每套) 壞。

- 手提電話 10 3,000 1,000 3,000


- 手提電腦(每次旅程) 6,000 4,000 6,000

- 其他行李 3,000 2,000 3,000


- 商業樣本-只適用於 3,000 2,000 –


11. 旅行證件遺失保障 30,000 10,000 30,000 賠償因盜竊、搶劫、爆竊或意外而遺失旅遊證件

- 交通及住宿費用 2,000 1,000 2,000 最近地點補領所需的合理額外交通及住宿費用。

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
12. 個人錢財保障12 3,000 2,000 3,000 賠償於旅程期間因盜竊、搶劫或爆竊而導致鈔票、

13. 家居物品損失保障 30,000 5,000 30,000 賠償受保人於旅程期間因香港的空置住所遭爆竊,

- 每件/每對/每套 5,000 2,000 5,000 外)的費用。

14. 個人責任保障 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000

15. 信用卡保障 30,000 15,000 30,000

16. 高爾夫球保障 5,000 3,000 5,000

16.1 一桿入洞保障 3,000 1,000 3,000

16.2 預繳高爾夫球場地或 無法進行任何高爾夫球活動,按比例賠償已預先
5,000 3,000 5,000
課程費用 付費但未使用及不獲退回的高爾夫球場預訂費用

17. 租車自負額保障 5,000 3,000 5,000

公共交通工具延誤最少連續 8 小時,而令受保人未
18. 郵輪旅程取消及
– – 50,000
18.1 郵輪旅程取消
18.2 郵輪旅程阻礙

19. 郵輪出發後保障

■ 受保人或同行夥伴嚴重身體受傷或患上嚴重疾
19.1 岸上觀光取消 – – 10,000 病;或
■ 原定之岸上觀光行程目的地出現惡劣天氣、天然

保障類型 多次旅程保障

計劃級別 尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

保障項目 承保範圍
最高賠償額 (HK$)
19.2 衛星電話費用 – – 3,000 患上嚴重疾病而未能繼續旅程,導致受保人須直接


適用 適用 –
就 70 歲以上的受保人而言,醫療費用保障的最高賠償額為所選計劃限額的 50%。
任何支援或入院按金保證必須預先獲得藍十字核准。受保人或其代表須致電「24 小時全球緊急援助」熱線,並提供保險證明書號碼(適用
就 18 歲以下或 70 歲以上的受保人而言,個人意外保障的最高賠償額為所選計劃限額的 30%。
有關事項必須於保險證明書(適用於單次旅程保障及多次旅程保障中的每次旅程)或保單(適用於全年保障)繕發最少 24 小時後發生才
有關事項必須於旅程預定出發日期前 30 天(適用於單次旅程保障及多次旅程保障中的每次旅程)或 90 天(適用於全年保障)內發生才
為受保寵物之狗隻或貓隻。此保障適用於寵物身故時,受保人必須 (i) 為一份仍然生效之指定寵物保險保單之保單持有人;或 (ii) 與一
向受保人頒佈或發出有關出任審判證人、陪審員或遭強制性隔離的命令、公告或通知必須於 (i) 保險證明書(適用於單次旅程保障及多次
旅程保障中的每次旅程)或保單(適用於全年保障)繕發最少 24 小時後,及 (ii) 旅程預定出發日期前 30 天(適用於單次旅程保障及多次
旅程保障中的每次旅程)或 90 天(適用於全年保障)內送達,有關事項才會獲得賠償。
適用於設有通訊功能之手提電話,包括智能電話及個人電子手帳,每名受保人在同一個受保期內只可獲保障 1 部手提電話。
適用於屏幕達 7 吋或以上之平板電腦(以屏幕對角綫量度)。
個人錢財保障不適用於 10 歲以下的受保人。

1. 單次旅程保障、多次旅程保障及全年保障

1 意外身故 100%
2 永久傷殘(2.1 至 2.18)
2.1 永久完全傷殘 100%
2.2 永久及無法治癒的四肢癱瘓 100%
2.3 永久完全喪失雙目視力 100%
2.4 永久完全喪失單目視力 50%
2.5 喪失兩肢或永久完全喪失其功能 100%
2.6 喪失一肢或永久完全喪失其功能 50%
2.7 永久完全喪失語言及聽覺能力 100%
2.8 永久完全喪失聽覺能力
a) 兩隻耳朵 75%
b) 一隻耳朵 15%
2.9 永久完全喪失語言能力 50%
2.10 永久完全喪失單目的晶狀體 30%
2.11 通過外科手術切除下顎 30%
2.12 喪失拇指及四隻手指或永久完全喪失其功能
a) 右手 70%
b) 左手 50%
2.13 喪失四隻手指或永久完全喪失其功能
a) 右手 40%
b) 左手 30%
2.14 喪失一隻拇指或永久完全喪失其功能,說明如下:
a) 兩個右指骨 30%
b) 一個右指骨 15%
c) 兩個左指骨 20%
d) 一個左指骨 10%
2.15 喪失一隻手指或永久完全喪失其功能,說明如下:
a) 三個右指骨 10%
b) 兩個右指骨 7.5%
c) 一個右指骨 5%
d) 三個左指骨 7.5%
e) 兩個左指骨 5%
f) 一個左指骨 2%
(倘受保人為左撇子,於 2.12 至 2.15 列為適用於左右手之百分比將對調。)
2.16 喪失腳趾或永久完全喪失其功能,說明如下:
a) 一隻腳掌之全部腳趾 15%
b) 大腳趾之兩個趾骨 5%
c) 大腳趾之一個趾骨 3%
d) 大腳趾以外之其他腳趾 2%
2.17 折斷腿部或膝蓋而無法縫合 10%
2.18 腿部縮短不少於 5 厘米 7.5%


2. 增加個人意外保障額*(只適用於全年保障)
只 需 額 外 保 費, 您 便 可 增 加 個 人 意 外 保 障 額, 為 自 己 帶 來 更 大 的 旅 遊 保 障。 自 選 增 加 額 度 為:HK$500,000、
HK$1,000,000、HK$1,500,000 或 HK$2,000,000。

* 適用於 18 歲至 70 歲的受保人。此自選附加保障只可在保單續保時新增或取消。


伸延保障項目 黃色警示 紅色警示 黑色警示

1, 2, 3, 5
旅程取消保障 賠償被沒收金額之百分比
■ 賠償不能退回之預繳交通票據、住宿、旅行團或大型運動賽事、音樂
25% 50% 100%
3, 4, 5
縮短旅程保障 賠償可償損失之百分比
■ 按比例賠償未使用及不能退回之預繳交通票據、住宿、旅行團或大型
運動賽事、音樂劇、演唱會、博物館或主題公園入場券的費用 25% 50% 100%
受保人返回起保地點 所需的額外公共交通工具費用

3, 4, 7
縮短旅程額外現金津貼保障 金額 (HK$)
■ 額外現金津貼 300 600 1,200
外遊警示必須於緊接下述時間的 24 小時後發出:
(a) 適用於單次旅程保障及多次旅程保障:當保險證明書獲繕發;或
(b) 適用於全年保障:當 i) 保單獲繕發或
ii) 受保人或為受保人確認任何旅程安排,以較遲者為準。
旅遊安排 i) 不得早於旅程預定出發日前 7 天取消;及 ii) 須於相關外遊警示生效期內取消。
(a) 適用於單次旅程保障及多次旅程保障:當保險證明書獲繕發;或
(b) 適用於全年保障:當 i) 保單獲繕發或
ii) 受保人或為受保人確認任何旅程安排,以較遲者為準;

保費表 (HK$)


尊尚計劃 智選計劃 郵輪計劃

個人 夫婦^ 家庭* 個人 夫婦^ 家庭* 個人 夫婦^ 家庭*

1 159 303 366 113 215 260 390 741 897

2 170 323 391 124 236 286 390 741 897

3 191 363 440 141 268 325 390 741 897

4 245 466 564 159 303 366 390 741 897

5 278 529 640 170 323 391 390 741 897

6 338 643 778 197 375 454 460 874 1,058

7 398 757 916 215 409 495 500 950 1,150

8 445 846 1,024 238 453 548 540 1,026 1,242

9 480 912 1,104 255 485 587 580 1,102 1,334

10 514 977 1,183 276 525 635 630 1,197 1,449

11-13 635 1,207 1,461 300 570 690 730 1,387 1,679

14-16 720 1,368 1,656 360 684 828 830 1,577 1,909

17-20 780 1,482 1,794 405 770 932 920 1,748 2,116

21-25 860 1,634 1,978 465 884 1,070 1,050 1,995 2,415

26-30 990 1,881 2,277 560 1,064 1,288 1,150 2,185 2,645
第 30 天後每額外
180 342 414 80 152 184 210 399 483
5 天保障期
保障期最長為 180 天

*「家庭」組別包括投保人及/或配偶及其所有 18 歲以下未婚子女。

■ 受保人的年齡必須為 6 星期或以上。18 歲以下的兒童必須獲家長或監護人同意方可單獨受保。
■ 投保人的年齡必須為 18 歲或以上。

保費表 (HK$)
全年 3 次旅程,保費低至單次旅程保障保費的 45 折


尊尚計劃 智選計劃
個人 夫婦^ 家庭* 個人 夫婦^ 家庭*

5 375 – – 229 – –

7 537 – – 290 – –

*「家庭」組別包括投保人及/或配偶及其所有 18 歲以下未婚子女。

■ 受保人的年齡必須為 6 星期或以上。18 歲以下的兒童必須獲家長或監護人同意方可單獨受保。
■ 投保人的年齡必須為 18 歲或以上。



尊尚計劃 智選計劃

個人 夫婦^ 家庭* 個人 夫婦^ 家庭*

2,080 3,952 4,784 1,680 3,192 3,864

每次旅程之保障期最長為 90 天
*「家庭」組別包括投保人及/或配偶及其所有 18 歲以下未婚子女。

■ 受保人的年齡必須為 6 星期至 70 歲。年齡為 70 歲以上之受保人的續保會再作個別考慮。18 歲以下的兒童必須獲家長或監護人同意方可
■ 投保人的年齡必須為 18 歲或以上。

- 自選增加個人意外保障額 (HK$)

尊尚計劃 智選計劃

500,000 360

1,000,000 720

1,500,000 1,080

2,000,000 1,440

只適用於 18 歲至 70 歲的受保人。



緊接續保前之無索償期 1年 連續 2 年 連續 3 年或以上

折扣率 10% 15% 20%


受保人數 2人 3-4人 5 - 10 人 10 人以上

折扣率 10% 15% 20% 25%


1. 所有旅程須由起保地點出發。每次旅程之保障期最長為:
單次旅程保障:180 天
多次旅程保障:5 或 7 天
全年保障:90 天

2. 就取消保單而言,
保單持有人可於任何時候向藍十字發出不少於 7 天通知以取消保單。在未有於受保期內提出任何索償之前提下,保單持

3. 如受保人就同一次旅程受到多於一份由藍十字承保的旅遊保險保單所保障(任何由旅行代理商贈送的保險除外),就同一

4. 保單只適用於消閒或公幹(只限行政及文職)性質的旅程。

5. 如需指定受益人,請填妥受益人委任表。有關表格可於藍十字網站下載。受保人需於旅程出發前將填妥的表格交回

6. 藍十字保留隨時調整保費表的權利。

1. 戰爭(無論已宣戰與否)、侵略、外敵行動、內戰、叛亂、革命、暴動、內亂、軍事或篡奪行動、為軍隊或其他執法機

2. 任何受保人、其直屬家庭成員或同行夥伴蓄意、惡意、非法或故意的行為。

3. 核裂變、核聚變或輻射污染。

4. 任何已存在的病症,包括但不限於先天或遺傳的疾病、症狀或身體狀況、自殺、企圖自殺或蓄意自傷身體、精神或神經
而需進行的牙齒護理治療、人類免疫力缺乏症病毒(HIV)及/或任何與 HIV 有關的病症包括後天免疫缺乏症候群(即

5. 任何未能於發現行李、旅遊證件或個人錢財遺失後 24 小時內向有關機構(例如航空公司、旅行社、警方等)報告及提供

6. 因擁有、佔用、租用、使用或操作車輛、飛機、船隻或武器所引起的個人責任。

7. 受保人以專業性質參與任何可獲得收入或酬勞的運動或競賽、或參與任何速度賽(徒步以外)和比賽時發生的意外事故。

8. 在海拔 5 千米以上進行高山遠足、或在超過 30 米水深範圍潛水。

9. 受保人參與的任何空中活動,除非當時受保人 (i) 是以付費乘客身份在認可及持牌航空公司所經營的航機上,或 (ii) 所參與


10. 因於 (1) 保單申請日期(適用於單次旅程保障)、(2) 旅程登記日期(適用於多次旅程保障中的每次旅程)、或 (3) (i) 保單

繕發日或 (ii) 受保人或為受保人確認任何旅程安排當日,以較遲者為準(適用於全年保障)前已存在或宣佈的政府條例、

■ 客戶可於受保期到期(適用於單次旅程保障及多次旅程保障中的每次旅程)或引致保單下索償的事件發生(適用於全
年保障)後 30 天內向藍十字提交賠償申請表及所需文件,例如由醫院、醫生、警方、航空公司或其他有關機構(如
適用)發出的詳細報告、以及其他有效及完整的證明文件,亦可透過 Blue Cross HK App 或藍十字網站 24/7 運作
的「智」易 Claims 網上平台提交索償申請,只需 3 個簡單步驟(輸入、上傳及確認)便可完成。賠償款項將自動轉賬

■ 如受保人需就個人責任保障提出索償申請,須就可能會導致法律責任一事即時以書面知會藍十字,並連同證明文件一併

「智」易 Claims

■ 此小冊子僅在香港派發。派發此小冊子並不構成亦不應被詮釋為在香港境外出售、游說顧客購買或提供任何保險產品。此小冊子的中英文
■ 「智在遊」由香港獲授權之保險商-藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司承保。
■ 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司乃友邦保險控股有限公司之子公司,與 Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association 及其任何關聯公司或持牌人並

Travel Smart
Whether it is travelling for pleasure or business, all travellers want to be free from unexpected events that could ruin
their trips. A worry-free journey protected by a great flexible all-round insurance is vital to any traveller. With its range of
comprehensive coverage, Travel Smart is your best travel companion. This plan consists of 3 distinctive types of cover, i.e.
Single-trip Cover, Multi-trip Cover (maximum of 3 trips) and Annual Cover, catering for your different travel needs and
providing the protection from the many unexpected events that might happen.

All-round Coverage
■ Medical expenses benefit and personal accident benefit up to HK$1,200,000 each
■ Follow-up medical expenses incurred within 90 days after returning to Hong Kong including all treatments rendered by a
Chinese Medicine Practitioner
■ 24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid services, including unlimited coverage for emergency evacuation and repatriation to the
place of origin (such expenses will not be deducted from the benefit amount under Medical Expenses Benefit)
■ Comprehensive Outbound Travel Alert Extension for all Amber, Red and Black Travel Alerts
■ Leisure and non-professional sports activities, including skiing and other winter sports, diving, parachuting, bungee
jumping, hiking, and all water sports
■ Single-trip Cover provides cruise plan which covers cruise cancellation and interruption, shore excursion cancellation and
satellite phone expenses

Benefit Highlights

1 Cancellation of Local Tour Benefit covers irrecoverable prepaid cost in the event of closure of the tourist spot

due to unpredictable serious destruction or closure of the local tour operator


■ Trip Interruption Benefit covers additional accommodation and meal expenses for failure of boarding the
public conveyance due to overbooking and offers special allowance for purchasing alternative services if
closure of the accommodation or vehicle rental service providers occurs

■ Trip Cancellation Benefit covers the insured child and the insured person (who is a parent and at the same
time a travel companion of the insured child) if the insured child is required to attend a school interview or a
public examination arranged by Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority being rescheduled to a
date within the scheduled travel period

■ Baggage Benefit covers loss of or damage to baggage, mobile phone, laptop computer, tablet computer and
personal property, and more

Instant Confirmation upon Mobile or Online Enrolment

■ Instant SMS confirmation upon successful online enrolment and policy issuance via email

SmartClub Rewards
■ Enjoy premium discount and earn 1 SmartPoint for every HK$1 net premium spent upon successful enrolment via
SmartClub platform

“Fly@Ease” Flight Tracker

■ Get hold of the live status of your flight schedule and weather conditions at your departure/arrival cities with this easy-to-use
flight tracker via Blue Cross HK App. Make your travel stress-free

Plan Summary
Cover Type Single-trip Cover Multi-trip Cover^ Annual Cover

Premier Plan

Plan Level ■ Select Plan

Cruise Plan (for Single-trip Cover only)

■ Individual
■ Couple (for Single-trip Cover and Annual Cover only)
Premium Package
■ Family* (for Single-trip Cover and Annual Cover only)
(*including the applicant and/or spouse and all unmarried children below age 18)
■ 1 trip ■ 3 trips per year ▲ ■ Unlimited trips per year
Cover Period ■ Up to 180 days per trip ■ Up to 5 or 7 days per trip ■ Period of insurance is 1 year
and up to 90 days per trip

Automatic Extension of
10-day extension of insurance coverage for unavoidable delay
Period of Insurance

Increased Personal Accident

Benefit Limit: up to
Optional Benefit – HK$2,000,000
(additional premium required)

Enrolment Age 6 weeks or above◆ 6 weeks to age 70◆ +

Deductible No
Must enrol via SmartClub platform. Insured person’s information inputted during enrolment will be auto-saved for faster and more
convenient registration of the next trip(s)

All trips are required to register via Blue Cross website prior to the date of departure and complete within the 1-year validity period counting
from the date of enrolment
◆ Child below age 18 must obtain consent from the parent or guardian in order to be insured individually
+ For an insured person aged above 70, renewal is subject to individual consideration

Coverage Selection
Let’s find out the savings from Multi-trip Cover and Annual Cover.

Scenario 1 – Multi-trip Cover is the smart pick for travelling 3 times per year

Rainbow likes to travel with her friends during public holidays, particularly in the Chinese New Year, Easter and Christmas.
She plans to take 3 short overseas trips of 5 days each within a year. In such situation, Multi-trip Cover would be most
suitable for Rainbow. If she purchases 3 separate Single-trip Cover (Select Plan) for herself, the total cost will be HK$510.
However, 1 Multi-trip Cover (Select Plan) is comprised of the same number of journey, which costs only HK$229 with savings
of HK$281 by enrolling in 1 Multi-trip Cover with the same plan level. That means, she can save up to 55% of premium per
trip when compared with Single-trip Cover with the same plan level.

Meanwhile, with her personal information auto-saved on SmartClub platform, she can simply register online in a faster, easier
and more convenient way round-the-clock once the next journey period is confirmed.

Multi-trip Cover
1 Trip 2 Trip 3 Trip
5 days 5 days 5 days
Save HK$281

Total premium of 3 x Single-trip Cover


Scenario 2 – Annual Cover is more cost savings for a frequent traveller

Joe works at multinational company and frequently travels around the world to meet different enterprises and customers. It
is best for him to enrol in Annual Cover with unlimited number of trip coverage. It provides Medical Expenses Benefit up to
HK$1,200,000 for each trip and offers a benefit extension of Baggage Benefit for physical business sample. He can even top
up his basic Personal Accident Benefit of HK$1,200,000 with additional premium if he needs greater accident protection.

Assume Joe travels at least 3 trips a year, each spanning 14 days. If he purchases 3 Single-trip Covers (Premier Plan), the
total cost will be HK$2,160 while Annual Cover (Premier Plan) will only cost him HK$2,080. What’s more, Annual Cover
provides unlimited trips per year. That means, as long as Joe travels at least 3 times, his subsequent trips within the same
year are equivalent to free of charge. Thus, Annual Cover will be a lot more cost savings than enrolling in Single-trip Cover

Annual Cover
1 Trip 2 Trip 3 Trip 4, 5, 6... Trip
14 days 14 days 14 days
Enjoy free
coverage for the
subsequent trips

Total premium of 3 x Single-trip Cover Premium of Single-trip

HK$2,160 Cover x number of trips

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)

1. Medical Expenses Benefit1 1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000

1.1 Medical Expenses during 1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000 Reimburse the expenses of medical treatment,
the Journey surgery and hospitalisation arising from sickness or
accidental injury.
- Room & Board (per day) 3,000 3,000 3,000

1.2 Follow-up Medical 120,000 60,000 120,000 Reimburse medical expenses incurred within 90
Expenses in Hong Kong days after returning to Hong Kong if the insured
person has sought medical treatment abroad.
- Chinese Medicine 3,000 3,000 3,000
Practitioner Treatment

■ per visit per day 200 200 200

1.3 Trauma Counselling 20,000 20,000 20,000 Reimburse medical expenses for receiving counselling
services during the journey and/or within 90 days
after returning to Hong Kong upon the diagnosis of
post-traumatic stress disorder.
- per visit per day 2,000 2,000 2,000

2. Overseas Hospital or
Quarantine Cash Payable one of the following cash allowances due to the same cause.
Allowance Benefit

2.1 Overseas Hospital Cash 12,000 5,000 12,000


- limit per day 500 500 500

2.2 Compulsory Quarantine 10,000 10,000 10,000 Payable if the insured person is compulsorily sent to
Cash Allowance quarantine due to an infectious disease suspected
of suffering from or infected during the journey or
within 7 days after returning to Hong Kong.
- limit per day 500 500 500

3. 24-hour Worldwide
Emergency Aid

Arrange the emergency evacuation of the insured

3.1 Emergency Evacuation2 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited person to the nearest medical facility that is
capable of providing immediate medical treatment.

Cover the cost for repatriation of the insured person

3.2 Repatriation to the Place
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited to the place of origin3 at physician’s and Blue Cross’
of Origin2,3

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)
3.3 Hospital Deposit Cover the required admission deposit to hospital
40,000 40,000 40,000
Guarantee2 on behalf of the insured person.
■ Reimburse additional travelling and accommodation
expenses for repatriating the insured person to the
place of origin3 due to serious bodily injury or
serious sickness.
■ Reimburse additional accommodation and
3.4 Additional Costs travelling expenses incurred by the following
of Travel and persons if the insured person is hospitalised for
50,000 20,000 50,000
Accommodation more than 3 consecutive days or has passed away
(including Caring Visit) abroad:
a. 2 immediate family members to join the
insured person; or
b. 1 immediate family member and 1 travel
companion to join or stay behind to take
care of the insured person.

Reimburse additional travelling and accommodation

3.5 Return of Unattended
40,000 20,000 40,000 expenses for returning unattended children (under
Dependent Children
age 18) of the insured person to the place of origin3.

Reimburse transportation charges for the repatriation

3.6 Repatriation of Mortal
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited of mortal remains of the insured person to the place
of origin3.

Payable to the legal personal representative of the

insured person’s estate or named beneficiary (if
3.7 Compassionate Payment
20,000 10,000 20,000 applicable) in the event of death of the insured
on Death
person during the journey due to serious bodily
injury or serious sickness.

Referral services for legal assistance, interpreter and

3.8 Referral Services Included Included Included
replacement of lost travel document or travel pass.

Payable according to the Table of Personal Accident

4. Personal Accident Benefit in the event of death or permanent
1,200,000 600,000 1,200,000
Benefit4 disablement of the insured person due to an

Payable if the insured person suffers from third-

5. Major Burns Benefit 300,000 100,000 300,000
degree burns due to an accident during the journey.

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)
Reimburse the irrecoverable prepaid expenses of
travel ticket, accommodation, tour package, or
admission tickets to major sporting event, musical,
concert, museum or theme park in the event of:
■ death, serious bodily injury or serious sickness
of the insured person, his/her immediate family
member, close business partner, foreign domestic
helper or travel companion5,6; or
■ death of the insured person’s pet occurred prior
to the commencement of the journey5,6,7; or
■ insured child or the insured person who is a
parent and a travel companion of an insured child
if the insured child is required to attend school
interview or public examination arranged by Hong
Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
being rescheduled to a date within the scheduled
6. Trip Cancellation Benefit 50,000 10,000 80,000 travel period5 ; or
■ compliance with a witness summons, jury service
or compulsory quarantine of the insured person8;
■ fire or flood damage to the insured person’s home
in Hong Kong within 10 days before the departure
date5; or
■ natural disaster, infectious disease, unanticipated
outbreak of industrial action involving the
arranged public conveyance, act of terrorist, riot
or civil commotion at the destination within
7 days before the departure date5; or
■ the Outbound Travel Alert for the destination is
in effect within 7 days before the departure
date (payable according to Outbound Travel Alert

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)

7. Trip Interruption Benefit 50,000 25,000 80,000

Reimburse on a pro-rata basis the unused portion of

the irrecoverable prepaid expenses of travel ticket,
accommodation, tour package, or admission tickets
to major sporting event, musical, concert, museum
or theme park and the additional travelling expenses
incurred by the insured person for returning to the
place of origin3 by public conveyance in the event of:
■ death, serious bodily injury or serious sickness
of the insured person, his/her immediate family
member, close business partner, foreign domestic
helper or travel companion; or
■ death of the insured person’s pet occurred during
7.1 Trip Curtailment 50,000 25,000 80,000
the journey7; or
■ adverse weather conditions, natural disaster,
infectious disease, unanticipated outbreak of
industrial action involving the arranged public
conveyance, act of terrorist, riot or civil commotion
at the planned destination that prevents the insured
person from continuing with the journey; hijack of
an aircraft or conveyance in which the insured
person is travelling; or
■ the Outbound Travel Alert for the destination is
in effect during the journey (payable according to
Outbound Travel Alert Extension).

7.2 Re-routing 10,000 2,500 10,000 Cover the additional travelling and accommodation
expenses incurred for the purpose of continuing
the journey to the original planned destination or
returning to the place of origin3 if the itinerary has
been confirmed before the commencement of the
journey and the journey has to be re-routed after its
commencement as a direct result of adverse weather
conditions, natural disaster, infectious disease,
unanticipated outbreak of industrial action involving
the arranged public conveyance, act of terrorist, riot
or civil commotion which prevents the insured person
from continuing the original itinerary.

- Accommodation 2,000 2,000 2,000

Expenses (per day)

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)
Reimburse the irrecoverable prepaid expenses
of local tour, including purchase of travel and
admission tickets to the tourist spots from the local
tour operator, in the event of:
7.3 Cancellation of Local
5,000 2,500 5,000 ■ closure of the local tour operator due to bankruptcy
or winding-up; or
■ closure of the tourist spot specified in the
itinerary provided by local tour operator due to
unpredictable serious destruction.

Reimburse the additional accommodation and meal

expenses which are not provided, compensated or
7.4 Overbooking 10,000 2,500 10,000 subsidised by the public conveyance provider or third
party if the insured person fails to board the public
conveyance during the journey due to overbooking.

Cover the additional expenses incurred by the insured

person, who has prepaid for the accommodation or
7.5 Special Allowance - vehicle rental services, for purchasing the same
Closure of Designated 2,000 2,000 2,000 services from an alternative designated service
Service Providers provider in the event of the closure of original
designated service provider due to bankruptcy or

Cover one of the following benefits in the event of delay of the arranged public conveyance
due to adverse weather conditions, natural disaster, mechanical breakdown or hijack of the
8. Travel Delay Benefit
arranged public conveyance, unanticipated outbreak of industrial action involving the arranged
public conveyance, act of terrorist, riot or civil commotion or closure of airport.

8.1 Cash Allowance9 1,500 900 1,500

- limit for each period of 300 300 300

6 consecutive hours of

8.2 Additional Travel Reasonable and inevitable additional travel expenses

Expenses9 due to the delay of at least 6 consecutive hours.

a. Public conveyance
expenses for delayed 10,000 2,500 10,000
departure; and

b. Overseas 3,000 2,000 3,000

accommodation cost

Reimburse the irrecoverable prepaid expenses of

travel tickets, accommodation or tour packages
incurred by cancellation of or failure to proceed
8.3 Cancellation of Journey9 3,000 3,000 3,000
with the journey due to a departure delay of the
arranged public conveyance from Hong Kong for at
least 10 consecutive hours.

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)
9. Baggage Delay Benefit Payable if the baggage is delayed for at least 6 hours
- Cash Allowance 1,000 500 1,000 after the insured person’s arrival at a destination
overseas due to misdirection or delivery delay by
the public conveyance provider.

10. Baggage Benefit 20,000 10,000 20,000 Loss or physical breakage of, or damage to the
baggage, mobile phone10, laptop computer, tablet
- Sports equipment (per 5,000 3,000 5,000 computer11 or personal property (excluding money)
article/per pair/per set) of the insured person resulting from theft, robbery,
burglary, accident or mishandling by the carriers.
- Mobile phone10 (per 3,000 1,000 3,000
article/per pair/per set)

- Laptop computer (per 6,000 4,000 6,000


- Other baggage (per 3,000 2,000 3,000

article/per pair/per set)

- Business sample - 3,000 2,000 –

Annual Cover only
(per journey)

11. Loss of Travel 30,000 10,000 30,000 Reimburse the replacement cost of travel documents
Documents Benefit and/or travel pass which are lost due to theft,
robbery, burglary or accidental loss, and reasonable
- Travel and additional travelling and accommodation expenses
Accommodation 2,000 1,000 2,000 incurred during the journey due to such replacement
Expenses (per day) at the nearest location.

12. Personal Money 3,000 2,000 3,000 Reimburse the loss of banknotes, cash or traveller
Benefit12 cheques due to theft, robbery or burglary during
the journey.

13. Loss of Home Contents 30,000 5,000 30,000 Reimburse the replacement or repair cost of
Benefit household contents and personal effects (excluding
money) as a result of burglary occurred at the
- per article/per pair/ 5,000 2,000 5,000 insured person’s unoccupied home in Hong Kong
per set during the journey.

Cover the insured person against claims for legal

14. Personal Liability Benefit 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 liability to third parties arising from accidental
bodily injury or property damage due to negligence.

In the event of accidental death of the insured

person during the journey, reimburse the outstanding
15. Credit Card Protection
30,000 15,000 30,000 amount charged to the insured person’s credit cards
for goods purchased by the insured person during
the journey.

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)

16. Golfer Benefit 5,000 3,000 5,000

Payable the one-off bar expenses charged at the

16.1 Hole in One Benefit 3,000 1,000 3,000 same golf course to celebrate the insured person
hitting a hole in one on the same day.

Reimburse on a pro-rata basis the irrecoverable

and unused portion of prepaid booking fees of golf
16.2 Prepaid Booking for course and/or golf tuition fees if the insured person
5,000 3,000 5,000
Golf Course or Tuition is unable to engage in any golf activities during
the journey due to serious bodily injury or serious

Reimburse the rental vehicle insurance excess or

deductible and/or non-operation charge charged
17. Rental Vehicle Excess
5,000 3,000 5,000 by the licensed vehicle rental company due to
Protection Benefit
car accident, parking damage or theft of a rental
vehicle during the journey.

Reimburse one of the following benefits if travelling

to the port of departure by public conveyance is
delayed for at least 8 consecutive hours in the event
of adverse weather conditions, natural disasters,
unanticipated outbreak of industrial action involving
the arranged public conveyance, act of terrorist,
riot or civil commotion, hijack or mechanical
breakdown of the arranged public conveyance
18. Cruise Cancellation and during the journey, and as a result the insured person
– – 50,000
Interruption Benefit13,14 failed to board the cruise ship:
18.1 Cruise Cancellation
Irrecoverable and forfeited deposits or any payment
made in advance for the cruise tour; or
18.2 Cruise Interruption
Additional travelling expenses for travelling from
the port of departure to the next scheduled port of
call to catch up with the cruise tour.

19. Post-Departure Cruise


Reimburse the irrecoverable and forfeited deposits or

any payment made in advance for shore excursion
tour in the event of:
■ serious bodily injury or serious sickness of the
19.1 Shore Excursion insured person or his/her travel companion; or
– – 10,000
Cancellation ■ adverse weather conditions, natural disaster,
infectious disease, unanticipated outbreak of
industrial action, riot or civil commotion or act
of terrorist at the scheduled destination of the
shore excursion tour.

Schedule of Benefits
Single-trip Cover
Cover Type Multi-trip Cover
Annual Cover

Premier Select Cruise

Plan Level
Plan Plan Plan
Maximum Benefit Limit per Insured
Benefit Item Coverage
Person per Journey (HK$)
Reimburse the satellite phone call expenses incurred
on the cruise ship if the insured person must return
19.2 Satellite Phone directly to Hong Kong due to serious bodily injury
– – 3,000
Expenses or serious sickness of the insured person or his/her
travel companion during the journey which prevents
the insured person from continuing the journey.

Other Benefit

China Medical Card –

Included Included –
Annual Cover only
For an insured person aged above 70, the maximum amount of benefit payable under Medical Expenses Benefit shall be 50% of the limit
applicable to the plan selected.
Prior approval from Blue Cross is required before any assistance or hospital admission deposit is guaranteed. The insured person or his/her
representative should call the “24-hour Worldwide Emergency Aid” hotline to provide the insurance certificate number (applicable to
Single-trip Cover and each of the trips under Multi-trip Cover) or the policy number (applicable to Annual Cover), the name and HKID card
or passport number of the insured person, and the nature and the location of the emergency for validation.
Place of origin shall mean Hong Kong, unless otherwise agreed by Blue Cross in writing solely for Annual Cover.
For an insured person aged below 18 or above 70, the maximum amount of benefit payable under Personal Accident Benefit shall be 30%
of the limit applicable to the plan selected.
Payable only if the relevant event takes place at least 24 hours after the issue of the certificate of insurance (applicable to Single-trip Cover
and each of the trips under Multi-trip Cover) or the policy (applicable to Annual Cover).
Payable only if the relevant event takes place within 30 days (applicable to Single-trip Cover and each of the trips under Multi-trip Cover) or
90 days (applicable to Annual Cover) prior to the scheduled date of departure of the journey.
Pet shall mean any dog or cat which is owned by the insured person or any person residing with the insured person and is named as an
insured pet in the policy schedule or the subsequent endorsement of designated pet insurance policy upon its death. This benefit is
applicable where the insured person (i) is the policyholder of; or (ii) is residing with the policyholder of an in-force designated pet insurance
policy upon the death of the pet. For definition of designated pet insurance policy, please refer to the policy for details.
Payable only if the witness summons, jury service or compulsory quarantine notice or order has been served on the insured person (i) at
least 24 hours after the issue of the certificate of insurance (applicable to Single-trip Cover and each of the trips under Multi-trip Cover) or
the policy (applicable to Annual Cover), and (ii) within 30 days (applicable to Single-trip Cover and each of the trips under Multi-trip Cover)
or 90 days (applicable to Annual Cover) prior to the scheduled date of departure of the journey.
If the arranged public conveyance for commencing the journey is cancelled or delayed due to mechanical breakdown and the provider of such
arranged public conveyance is unable to provide an alternative transportation, the insured person can only claim either the Cash Allowance Benefit or
the Cancellation of Journey Benefit once under Travel Delay Benefit. No Additional Travel Expenses Benefit shall be payable in such circumstances.
Applicable to mobile phone with telecommunications function, including smartphone and personal digital assistant and only one mobile
phone for each insured person will be covered in the same period of insurance.
Applicable to tablet computers with a screen size 7 inches or above (measured diagonally).
Personal Money Benefit is not applicable to the insured person aged below 10.
Should a loss arise for which a claim under Cruise Cancellation and Interruption Benefit is payable, no further claims shall be payable under
Trip Cancellation Benefit and Trip Interruption Benefit in respect of the same loss.
Should a loss arise for which a claim under Cruise Cancellation and Interruption Benefit is payable, no further claims shall be payable under
Travel Delay Benefit.

Table of Personal Accident Benefit
1. Single-trip Cover, Multi-trip Cover and Annual Cover

Benefits Payable
Insured Events
(Percentage of Maximum Limit)
1 Accidental Death 100%
2 Permanent Disablement (2.1 to 2.18)
2.1 Permanent total disablement 100%
2.2 Permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs 100%
2.3 Permanent total loss of sight of both eyes 100%
2.4 Permanent total loss of sight of one eye 50%
2.5 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of two limbs 100%
2.6 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of one limb 50%
2.7 Permanent total loss of speech and hearing 100%
2.8 Permanent total loss of hearing in
a) both ears 75%
b) one ear 15%
2.9 Permanent total loss of speech 50%
2.10 Permanent total loss of the lens of one eye 30%
2.11 Removal of the lower jaw by surgical operation 30%
2.12 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of thumb and four fingers of
a) right hand 70%
b) left hand 50%
2.13 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of four fingers of
a) right hand 40%
b) left hand 30%
2.14 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of one thumb as particularised below:
a) both right joints 30%
b) one right joint 15%
c) both left joints 20%
d) one left joint 10%
2.15 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of a finger as particularised below:
a) three right joints 10%
b) two right joints 7.5%
c) one right joint 5%
d) three left joints 7.5%
e) two left joints 5%
f) one left joint 2%
(In the event that the insured person is left-handed, the applicable percentages for left and right hands
as shown in 2.12 to 2.15 shall be reversed.)
2.16 Loss of or permanent total loss of use of toes as particularised below:
a) all toes of one foot 15%
b) both joints of a great toe 5%
c) one joint of a great toe 3%
d) each toe other than a great toe 2%
2.17 Fractured leg or patella with established non-union 10%
2.18 Shortening of leg by at least 5 cm 7.5%

The aggregate benefit payable for the above insured events during the same journey shall not exceed 100% of the benefit amount of Personal
Accident Benefit for each insured person.

2. Increased Personal Accident Benefit Limit* (Annual Cover only)

With additional premium, you will enjoy greater travel protection by topping up your Personal Accident Benefit limit with
the following amount of your choice: HK$500,000, HK$1,000,000, HK$1,500,000 or HK$2,000,000.

* Applicable for an insured person aged 18 – 70. Addition or deletion of this optional benefit is only available during policy renewal.

Outbound Travel Alert Extension
The extended coverage for Outbound Travel Alert provides more comprehensive protection in different situations and
minimises the financial loss due to the issuance of any travel alert. The insured person will be entitled to the benefits listed
below for all levels of travel alerts.

Amber Red Black

Extension of Benefit Items
Alert Alert Alert

Trip Cancellation Benefit1, 2, 3, 5 % of benefits payable for the forfeited amount

■ Reimburse the irrecoverable prepaid expenses of travel ticket,
accommodation, tour package, or admission tickets to major sporting 25% 50% 100%
event, musical, concert, museum or theme park

Trip Curtailment Benefit3, 4, 5 % of benefits payable for the eligible loss

■ Reimburse on a pro-rata basis the unused portion of the irrecoverable

prepaid expenses of travel ticket, accommodation, tour package, or
admission tickets to major sporting event, musical, concert, museum
or theme park 25% 50% 100%
■ Additional travelling expenses incurred by the insured person for
returning to the place of origin6 by public conveyance

Additional Cash Allowance for Trip Curtailment Benefit3, 4, 7 Amount (HK$)

■ Additional Cash Allowance 300 600 1,200

The Outbound Travel Alert must be issued at least 24 hours after:
(a) for Single-trip Cover and Multi-trip Cover, the certificate of insurance is issued; or
(b) for Annual Cover, i) the policy is issued or
ii) any travel arrangements for the journey are confirmed by or for the insured person, whichever is later.
The Travel Arrangement is cancelled i) not earlier than 7 days before the scheduled date of departure of the journey; and ii) at a time when
the Outbound Travel Alert is in force.
If an Outbound Travel Alert for the destination is already in force when:
(a) for Single-trip Cover and Multi-trip Cover, the certificate of insurance is issued; or
(b) for Annual Cover, i) the policy is issued or
ii) any travel arrangements for the journey are confirmed by or for the insured person, whichever is later;
the extension of the benefit of Trip Cancellation, Trip Curtailment and Additional Cash Allowance for Trip Curtailment Benefits at the
prevailing alert level will not apply. However, if the alert level is then raised, the extended coverage against this higher alert level will apply
as usual.
Curtailment of the journey shall take place while such Outbound Travel Alert is in force.
Subject to the maximum benefit limit of the plan selected.
Place of origin shall mean Hong Kong, unless otherwise agreed by Blue Cross in writing solely for Annual Cover.
Blue Cross will pay the additional cash allowance if the extension of the Trip Curtailment Benefit is payable.

Premium Table (HK$)
Single-trip Cover

Single-trip Cover

Premier Plan Select Plan Cruise Plan

Coverage Period
(Days) Individual Couple^ Family* Individual Couple^ Family* Individual Couple^ Family*

1 159 303 366 113 215 260 390 741 897

2 170 323 391 124 236 286 390 741 897

3 191 363 440 141 268 325 390 741 897

4 245 466 564 159 303 366 390 741 897

5 278 529 640 170 323 391 390 741 897

6 338 643 778 197 375 454 460 874 1,058

7 398 757 916 215 409 495 500 950 1,150

8 445 846 1,024 238 453 548 540 1,026 1,242

9 480 912 1,104 255 485 587 580 1,102 1,334

10 514 977 1,183 276 525 635 630 1,197 1,449

11-13 635 1,207 1,461 300 570 690 730 1,387 1,679

14-16 720 1,368 1,656 360 684 828 830 1,577 1,909

17-20 780 1,482 1,794 405 770 932 920 1,748 2,116

21-25 860 1,634 1,978 465 884 1,070 1,050 1,995 2,415

26-30 990 1,881 2,277 560 1,064 1,288 1,150 2,185 2,645
Each Additional
5-day Coverage 180 342 414 80 152 184 210 399 483
Period over 30 Days
Maximum Coverage
180 days
^ The “Couple” package includes a legally married husband and wife.
* The “Family” package includes applicant and/or spouse and all unmarried children below age 18.

Enrolment age
■ Insurable age is 6 weeks or above. Individually insured children below age 18 must obtain consent from their parent(s) or guardian.
■ Applicants must be aged 18 or above.

Premium Table (HK$)
Multi-trip Cover
3 trips per year, save up to 55% of Single-trip Cover’s premium

Multi-trip Cover

Premier Plan Select Plan

Coverage Period
(Days) Individual Couple^ Family* Individual Couple^ Family*

5 375 – – 229 – –

7 537 – – 290 – –

^ The “Couple” package includes a legally married husband and wife.

* The “Family” package includes applicant and/or spouse and all unmarried children below age 18.

Enrolment age
■ Insurable age is 6 weeks or above. Individually insured children below age 18 must obtain consent from their parent(s) or guardian.
■ Applicants must be aged 18 or above.

Annual Cover

Annual Cover

Premier Plan Select Plan

Individual Couple^ Family* Individual Couple^ Family*

2,080 3,952 4,784 1,680 3,192 3,864

Maximum coverage period per journey is 90 days

^ The “Couple “package includes a legally married husband and wife.

* The “Family” package includes applicant and/or spouse and all unmarried children below age 18.

Enrolment age
■ Insurable age is from 6 weeks to 70 years. For age above 70, renewal is subject to individual consideration. Individually insured children
below age 18 must obtain consent from their parent(s) or guardian.
■ Applicants must be aged 18 or above.

- Optional Increased Personal Accident Benefit Limit (HK$)

Additional Premium Per Insured Person

Increased Personal Accident Benefit Limit
Premier Plan Select Plan

500,000 360

1,000,000 720

1,500,000 1,080

2,000,000 1,440

For an insured person aged 18 - 70.

Premium Discount
Annual Cover

No Claim Discount

No Claim Period
1 year 2 consecutive years 3 consecutive years or more
Immediately Preceding Renewal
Discount Rate 10% 15% 20%

Group Discount#

No. of Insured Person 2 3-4 5 - 10 Over 10

Discount Rate 10% 15% 20% 25%

# The Group Discount is only applicable to corporate client enrolling in “Individual” package. This discount can be enjoyed in conjunction
with the No Claim Discount and shall be applied on premium after No Claim Discount is offered (if applicable).

Important Notes
1. All journeys must depart from the place of origin. The maximum coverage period per journey is:
Single-trip Cover: 180 days
Multi-trip Cover: 5 or 7 days
Annual Cover: 90 days

2. For policy cancellation,

Single-trip Cover and Multi-trip Cover:
The policy is non-cancellable, and no premium refund will be made once the policy is issued.
Annual Cover:
The policyholder may cancel the policy at any time by giving no less than 7 days’ prior written notice to Blue Cross. Provided
that no claim has been made during the Period of Insurance, the Policyholder shall be entitled to a partial refund of premium
equivalent to the actual premium paid for that Period of Insurance less the premium to be charged as calculated at the
Blue Cross’s short period rates for the Period of Insurance has been in force.

3. If the insured person is covered under more than one travel insurance policy underwritten by Blue Cross for the same
journey, except for any complimentary insurance provided by the travel agent, the liability of Blue Cross in respect of
the insured person for the same journey is limited to the maximum benefits payable under one of the policies which
provides the highest amount of benefit. In addition, benefits under the complimentary insurance provided by the travel
agent will also be payable.

4. The policy is valid for the sole purpose of leisure travel or business travel (limited to administrative and clerical works only).

5. To designate a beneficiary, please complete the beneficiary designation form. The form can be downloaded at Blue Cross
website. The insured person should return the completed form to Blue Cross before departure.

6. Blue Cross reserves the right to adjust the premium table applicable from time to time.

Major Exclusions
1. War (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, civil war, rebellion, revolution, riot, civil commotion,
military or usurped power, performing duties as a member of armed forces, or other law enforcing agencies.

2. Any wilful, malicious, unlawful, or deliberate act of the insured person or his/her immediate family member or travel

3. Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or radioactive contamination.

4. Any pre-existing conditions, including but not limited to congenital or hereditary conditions, suicide, attempted suicide or
intentional self-inflicted bodily injuries, mental or nervous disorders, abortion, miscarriage, assigned complications,
pregnancy, child-birth, venereal and sexually transmitted diseases, the use of alcohol or drugs other than those prescribed
by a physician; dental treatment unless resulting from injury to sound and natural teeth; Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) and/or any HIV related illness including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

5. Losses of baggage, travel documents or personal money not reported to the relevant authorities (e.g. airlines, travel agents,
police, etc.) within 24 hours upon discovery of such loss and failure to provide a report certified by such authorities.

6. Personal liabilities arising from ownership, possession, hire, use or operation of vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, or weapons.

7. Accidents to the insured person whilst engaging in any sport or game in a professional capacity where the insured person
would or could earn income or remuneration from engaging in such sport or game or racing of any kind (other than on
foot) or any competition.

8. Trekking at an altitude limit greater than 5,000 metres above sea level or diving to a depth greater than 30 metres below
sea level.

9. Any activity or involvement of the insured person in the air unless the insured person is at the relevant time (i) travelling as
a fare paying passenger in a licensed aircraft operated by a recognised airline, or (ii) participating in such activity where the
maneuver or navigation of such activity is managed and controlled by another person who is adequately licensed for
guiding such activity and the provider of such activity must be authorised by the relevant local authority (excluding any
activities involving power driven flying machines).

10. Any loss directly or indirectly arising from any government’s regulations, control or any circumstances leading to the
relevant delay, cancellation or interruption of the journey which is existed or announced before the (1) policy application
date (applicable to Single-trip Cover), (2) registration date of the journey (applicable to each of the trips under Multi-trip
Cover), or (3) (i) issue date of the policy or (ii) the date when any travel arrangements for the journey are confirmed by or
for the insured person, whichever is later (applicable to Annual Cover).

Claim Procedure
■ Within 30 days from the expiry of the period of insurance (applicable to Single-trip Cover and each of the trips under
Multi-trip Cover) or after the occurrence of the event giving rise to a claim (applicable to Annual Cover), customers can
submit their claim by returning the claim form with the required documents, such as reports from hospitals, physicians,
police, airlines, or other responsible authorities (if applicable) and other satisfactory proofs and complete supporting
information to Blue Cross, or simply file their claims through the 24/7 Smart eClaims online platform at Blue Cross HK App
or Blue Cross website with 3 simple steps (Input, Upload and Confirm). The online service greatly shortens the claim
processing time so that the claim payment will be settled faster via autopay.

■ For claim under Personal Liability Benefit, written notice of the event giving rise to the legal liability must be given to
Blue Cross immediately together with required documents.

Smart eClaims
Travel Insurance

■ This brochure is for distribution in Hong Kong only. The distribution of this brochure is not and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or a
solicitation to buy or a provision of any insurance product outside Hong Kong. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the
Chinese versions of this brochure, the English version shall apply and prevail. This brochure is for reference only. Please refer to the policy
for the exact terms and conditions and the full list of policy exclusions.
■ Travel Smart is underwritten by Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited, an authorised insurer in Hong Kong.
■ Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited is a subsidiary of AIA Group Limited. It is not affiliated with or related in any way to Blue Cross
and Blue Shield Association or any of its affiliates or licensees.



Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited (“Blue Cross”) is a subsidiary of AIA Group Limited. With over 50 years of opera- 智在遊
tional experience in the insurance industry, Blue Cross provides a comprehensive range of products and services including
medical, travel, and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers. Blue Cross
Travel Smart
distributes its products through various channels, including AIA agency force, online platform, direct sales, BEA network,
insurance agents and brokers, as well as travel agencies.

In 2023, Blue Cross was assigned financial strength rating of A+ (stable outlook) and issuer credit rating of A+ (stable outlook)
by S&P Global Ratings.

With effect from Feb 2024
Blue Cross HK App


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