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Scheme and Syllabus

B.E. Mechanical Engineering

1st to 8th Semester

One Batch One Scheme for 2021-2025




To be Fountainhead of Technological solutions for Needs of Society and Industry.


1. To impart fundamental engineering skills and knowledge for analysis of engineering

2. To engage with Industry and Society for taking up stimulating problems on merits.
3. To take the project execution to "Minimum Usable Prototype (MUP)" stage/Pilot-testing and
secure IP rights.

Core Values

1. 100% coverage of syllabus by faculty.

2. Actual delivery of around 40 lectures for a subject.
3. Delivery of lecture for around 50 minutes by a faculty in a lecture class of one hour.
4. 100% engagement of Tutorials.
5. Presence of faculty in the lab during the entire time of lab class.
6. Regular checking of practical files by faculty.

Program Educational Objectives

1. About 5% of our students set up their own start-up companies.

2. Reputation of our students as innovators.
3. Appreciable number of our students working in product-development
4. Majority of our students work in the core engineering domain.
5. Appreciation of our students for their multi-disciplinary skills.
6. Recognition of our students for solving societal problems.
7. Appreciable number of our students go on to obtain PG degrees from IITs and reputed
international institutes.
8. Appreciable number of our students working in Research and Development.

Program Outcomes

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,

2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data,
3. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet the desired needs within
realistic constraints, such as, economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability,
4. An ability to function in multidisciplinary teams,
5. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems,
6. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility,
7. An ability to communicate effectively,
8. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context,
9. A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning,
10. A knowledge of contemporary issues, and
11. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.


Summary of Teaching Scheme

12 4 4 3 23
10.5 3 3 3 19.5
12 12 5 20 29
10.5 8 4 0 22.5
3 25 28
3 20 23
29 20 29
24 1 25
30 3 30
24 3 24
28 20 28
23 1 24
15 8 4 27
12 8 2 22
11 8 8 27
10 8 4 22
Hr 27 16 4 146 16 12 0 221
Cr 24 11 3 120 16 8 0 182

BS=Basic Science
DC=Department Core
DE=Department Elective
DP=Department Project
ES=Engineering Science
HS=Humanities and Social Science
OE=Open Elective
Hr= Hour

Scheme of Examination and Teaching

Semester 1
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 ASCX01 Applied Chemistry BS 400 4 50 50 100 - - -
ASCX51 Applied Chemistry 003 1.5 - - - 50 - 50
2 ASM101 Calculus BS 410 5 50 50 100 - - -
3 HSMCX01 Professional HS 200 2 50 50 100 - - -
HSMCX51 Professional 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Communication (P)
4 ESCX02 Computer ES 200 2 50 50 100 - - -
ESCX52 Computer 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
(Matlab) (P)
5 MEC101 Statics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Total 23 19.5 250 250 500 150 - 150

*Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

Host=Hosting Organization
LTP=Lecture Tutorial Practical

Semester 2
Scheme of Scheme of
Teaching Examination
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 Choice based Physics BS 400 4 50 50 100 - - -
Choice based Physics 003 1.5 - - - 50 - 50
Course (P)
2 ASM201 Differential Equations BS 410 5 50 50 100 - - -
and Transforms
3 ESCX04 Engineering Graphics ES 100 1 50 50 100 - - -
ESCX54 Engineering Graphics 004 2 - - - 50 - 50
4 ESCX53 Workshop Technology ES 004 2 - - - 50 - 50
5 MEC201 Rigid Body Dynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC251 Rigid Body Dynamics 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 ESCX05 Basics of Electrical and ES 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Electronics Engineering
7 ST251# Product Re-engineering DP 0020 0 Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
and Innovation
Total 29 22.5 250 250 500 200 - 200

* Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

# The students of first year will undergo a mandatory 2nd Semester Summer Training of two weeks
in their respective Departments/Workshop after their 2nd semester examinations. It will be a
non-credited mandatory course, the result, satisfactory or unsatisfactory, will be reflected in their
2nd semester mark sheet.

Semester 3
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC301 Thermodynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC351 Thermodynamics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
2 MEC302 Mechanics of Materials DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC352 Mechanics of Materials 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC303 Kinematics of Machines DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC353 Kinematics of Machines 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC304 Machine Drawing DC 100 1 50 50 100 - - -
MEC354 Machine Drawing (P) 004 2 - - - 100 - 100
5 MEC305 Manufacturing Processes DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC355 Manufacturing Processes 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 ASM301 Linear Algebra and BS 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Complex Analysis
Total 28 23 300 300 600 300 - 300

*Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

Semester 4
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC401 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC451 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Thermodynamics (P)
2 MEC402 Mechanics of Solids DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Mechanics of Solids
MEC452 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC403 Dynamics of Machines DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Dynamics of Machines
MEC453 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC404 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC454 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Technology (P)
5 MEC405 Fluid Mechanics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC455 Fluid Mechanics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 MEC406 Numerical Analysis DC 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC457 Internship 1# DP (0020) 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 29 25 300 300 600 300 - 300

*Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

#There will be a four week internship after the 4th Semester either in the institute or in an enterprise
approved by the Principal / Head of the Department. Internship marks include mid semester
evaluation and end semester evaluation.

Semester 5
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Code Name Theory Practical*
Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Total Int Ext Tot
Design of Machine
1 MEC501 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Elements 1
Design of Machine
MEC551 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Elements 1 (P)
Computer Aided
2 MEC502 Design and DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Computer Aided
MEC552 Design and 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Manufacturing (P)
3 MEC503 Robotics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC553 Robotics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC504 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC554 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Measurement (P)
5 MEC505 Mechatronics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC555 Mechatronics(P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 MEC506 Fluid Machinery DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC556 Fluid Machinery (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 30 24 300 300 600 200 - 200
Subjects offered by Design Innovation Centre (DIC) (OPTIONAL)
Principles of
7 CS 506 OE 003 3 0 - - - - -

*Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

Semester 6
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
Design of Machine
1 MEC601 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Elements 2
Design of Machine
MEC651 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Elements 2 (P)
Finite Element
2 MEC602 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Finite Element
MEC652 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Methods (P)
3 MEC603 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC653 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Vibrations (P)
4 MEC604 Heat Transfer DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC654 Heat Transfer (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Mechanical Behavior
5 MEC605 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
of Materials
Mechanical Behavior
MEC655 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
of Materials (P)
6 MEC606 Manufacturing DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC657 Internship 2# DP 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 28 24 300 300 600 300 - 300

*Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation.

#There will be a four week internship after the 6th Semester either in the institute or in an
enterprise approved by the Principal / Head of the Department. Internship marks include mid
semester evaluation and end semester evaluation

Semester 7
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
Refrigeration and Air
1 MEC701 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Refrigeration and Air
MEC751 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Conditioning (P)
2 MEC702 Automatic Control DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC752 Automatic Control (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC703 Vehicle Dynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC753 Vehicle Dynamics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
5 Elective-1# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
6 Elective-2# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC755 Minor Project^ DP 004 2 - - - 100 - 100
Total 27 22 250 250 500 300 - 300

* Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation

# A minimum number of students equal to 10% of allocated class strength is required for an
elective to be run.
^ Minor Project will continue for a period of two weeks after 7th semester examinations

7th Semester Electives
No Subject
Code Name
1 MEC704a Machine Learning
2 MEC704b Internet of Things
3 MEC704c Mechanics of Composites
4 MEC704d Production Operations Management
5 MEC704e Structural Dynamics
6 MEC704f Automotive Technology
7 MEC704g Industrial Engineering
8 MEC704h Continuum Mechanics
9 MEC704i Probability and Statistics for Engineers
10 MEC704j Total Quality Management
11 MEC 704k Fracture and Fatigue
12 MEC704l Introduction to Modern FORTRAN
13 MEC704m Smart Materials and Structures
14 MEC704n Optimization Methods in Engineering Design
15 HSMC701 Financial Management
16 HSMC702 Business laws
17 HSMC703 Human Resource Management

Semester 8 (Option 1)
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC801 Operations Research DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
2 MEC802 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Energy Sources
Computational Fluid
3 MEC803 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Computational Fluid
MEC853 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Dynamics (P)
4 Elective-3# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
5 Elective-4# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
6 MEC855 Major Project^ DP 008 4 - - - 150 - 150
Total 27 22 250 250 500 200 - 200

* Practical marks include continuous and end semester evaluation

^ Major Project will continue for a period of two weeks after 8th semester examinations.
# A minimum number of students equal to 10% of allocated class strength is required for an
elective to be run.

8th Semester Electives
No Subject
Code Name
1 MEC804a Tribology
2 MEC804b Additive Manufacturing
3 MEC804c Elasticity
4 MEC804d Product Design Development
5 MEC804e Variational Methods
6 MEC804f Nanotechnology
7 MEC804g Work Study
8 MEC804h Internal Combustion Engines
9 MEC804i Computational Solid Mechanics
10 MEC804j Micromechanics
11 HSMC 801 Project Management and Entrepreneurship

Semester 8 (Option 2)@
Subject Scheme of Teaching Scheme of Examination
Code Name Cat Duration Cr Host Dept Tot
1 MEC 856 Internship 3 DP 01 semester 22 200 450 650
Total 22 200 450 650#

# Internship marks are for mid and end semester evaluation

@The students who want to undergo one semester internship in the 8th semester (option 2)
are required to follow the following rules and regulations of the Training Committee.

1. Students should not have any pending reappear up to 6th semester before proceeding for
2. Students should have at least 6.5 CGPA up to 6th semester.
3. Student must not pay any fee to the company for training purpose
4. Students will have to submit a complete project proposal which they will be executing
during their training period, before proceeding for 6 months internship.The proposal should
* Tentative title of the project
* Literature survey
* Methodology
* Expected outcomes
* Timelines
* It should have consent of the industry mentor and a faculty mentor.
5. Permission will be given to a student to proceed on training on the basis of presentation by
student where the student has to defend the proposed training proposal before the training
committee and faculty-mentor. Students will be allowed to proceed for training by the
Training Committee if the committee finds training-proposal worth execution.
6. Against every training proposal approved/rejected by the Training Committee, the Training
Committee will write a paragraph in support of the decision taken and keep it in records.


Semester 1

Course Code ASCX01

Course Title Applied Chemistry

Course Type Core

Course LTP 400

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

To teach the fundamentals of basic chemical

Course Objectives sciences essential for the development of new
technologies to all branches of engineering.

1. The geometry and bonding in homonuclear,

heteronuclear molecules and coordination
compounds. Splitting of d-orbital in
octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar
field along with different properties of the
coordination compounds.
2. How the molecules are arranged in three
dimensional structure and how it leads to
the phenomena of various types of
Course Outcomes 3. The basic principles of spectroscopy and its
use to determine the chemical structure.
4. The different thermodynamic laws, heat
changes and energy calculations.
5. The role and mechanism of various
heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts
in increasing reactions rate of many
synthetically important chemical reactions.
6. The sustainable technology in design and
synthesis of polymers for its variety of


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Chemical Bonding (6 hrs)
Molecular orbital theory and its applications to the formation of homonuclear (H2, N2) and
heteronuclear diatomic molecules (NO, CO, CN), Valence bond theory as applicable to
coordination compounds and its limitations. Crystal Field Theory, Splitting of octahedral,
tetrahedral and square planner complexes, crystal field stabilization energies of

octahedral and tetrahedral complexes and its application.

2. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds (8 hrs)

Concept of isomerism. Types of isomerism. Optical isomerism–enantiomers, optical
activity, properties of enantiomers, diastereomers, meso compounds, resolution of
enantiomers, inversion, retention and racemization, R & S systems of nomenclature.
Geometric isomerism– determination of configuration of geometric isomers, E & Z system
of nomenclature Conformational isomerism – conformational analysis of ethane and
n-butane; conformations of cyclohexane, Newman projection.

3. Spectroscopy (9 hrs)
Spectroscopy: UV- Introduction, Lambert-Beer’s Law, selection rules, electronic
transitions, Application to simple organic molecules (auxochrome, chromophore), effect of
conjugation and solvent on transition of organic molecules, Woodward-Fieser Rules for
calculating λmax for dienes. Infrared Spectroscopy- Introduction, Principle of IR
spectroscopy-Fundamental vibrations, Application to simple organic molecules (effect of
masses of atoms, bond strength, nature of substituent, hydrogen bonding on IR
frequency), sample preparation for IR.

Part B

4. Thermodynamics (10 hrs)

Review of objectives and limitations of chemical thermodynamics, State functions,
Thermodynamic equilibrium, work, heat, internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity. Zeroth
law of thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics Reversible, isothermal and
adiabatic expansion & compression of an ideal gas. Irreversible isothermal and adiabatic
expansion of an ideal gas. Carnot cycle and efficiency of reversible engines, Enthalpy
change and its measurement. Flame temperature, Second and third law of
thermodynamics. Concept of entropy. Gibb’s and Helmholtz equations. Simple
numericals for calculating w, q, ΔE, ΔH and entropy.

5. Catalysis (6 hrs)
Catalysis and general characteristics of a catalytic reactions, Homogeneous catalysis,
Heterogeneous catalysis, Acid base catalysis and Enzyme catalysis – Michaelis Menten
equations, Application of catalysis for industrially important processes – Hydrogenation
(Wilkinson’s catalyst), Hydroformylation, Acetic acid process, Wacker process.

6. Polymers (6 hrs)
General introduction, classification of polymers, Mechanism of addition and condensation
polymerization, Idea of number average and weight average molecular masses of
polymers, Properties and uses of polystyrene, polyester, polyamide, epoxy,
phenol-formaldehyde and silicon resins.

Title Author Publisher

Atkin’s Physical Chemistry Peter Atkins, 7th Ed., Oxford University

Julio de Paula Press

Concise Inorganic Chemistry J D Lee 5th Edition, Chapman &

Hall, 2003

Organic Chemistry Joseph M. Brooke Cole Publishing

Hornback Company U.S.A.

A Textbook of Engineering Shashi Chawla Dhanpat Rai & Co. Pvt.
Chemistry Ltd., Delhi (2008)

Principles of Physical Chemistry Puri, Sharma W.H. Freeman & Co.

and Pathania 2008.

Introductory Polymer Chemistry G.S.Mishra John Wiley & Sons, New

York, 1993

Introduction to spectroscopy D. S. Pavia, 4th Edition, Thomson

G.M. learning, Indian Edition
Lasmpman and 2012.
G.S. Kriz

Basic Inorganic Chemistry. F.A. Cotton, G. 3rd Ed., John Wiley &
Wilkinson and Sons
P.L. Gaus

Inorganic Chemistry- Principles James E. 4th Ed. Pearson Edu. Asia

of structure and reactivity Huheey, Ellen A.
Keiter and
Richard L.

Organic Chemistry S. M. Mukherji, 1st Edition, Vol. 2, 1985,

S. P. Singh & R. New Age International Pvt.
P. Kapoor Ltd

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASCX51

Course Title Applied Chemistry (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 003

Course Credits 1.5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

Students will attend a laboratory session of three hours every week and perform any
eight experiments.

1. Verify Lambert Beer’s law using spectrophotometer and CoCl2 or K2Cr2O7

2. To determine the strength of an acid solution by using a conductivity meter.
3. Determination of saponification number of oil.
4. Preparation of a phenol formaldehyde resin.
5. Experiments on TLC (determination of Rf values and identification of various
6. To determine the heat of a neutralization reaction.
7. To determine the heat of solution of given compound.
8. Determination of total hardness of a water sample.
9. Determination of copper.
10. Determination of chloride ion and dissolved O2 in water.
11. Preparation of an inorganic complex/organic compound

Title Author Publisher

A textbook of Quantitative Inorganic A. I. Vogel Longman Gp. Ltd, 4th

Analysis edition

Essentials of Experimental Shashi Chawla Dhanpat Rai and Co.

Engineering Chemistry Delhi (2001)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASM101

Course Title Calculus

Course Type Core

Course LTP 410

Course Credits 5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

1. To understand the behaviour of infinite

series and its use.
2. To learn the concepts of functions of two
and more than two variables and their
Course Objectives 3. To learn the methods to evaluate multiple
integrals and their applications to various
4. To understand the concepts of Vector
calculus and their use in engineering

1. The students are able to test the

behaviour of infinite series.
2. Ability to analyze functions of more than
two variables and their applications.
Course Outcomes
3. Ability to evaluate multiple integrals and
apply them to practical problems.
4. Ability to apply vector calculus to
engineering problems


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.

Part A

1. Functions Of One Variable :

Sequences and Series: Sequences, Limits of sequences, Infinite series, series of
positive terms, Integral test, Comparison test, Ratio test, Root test. Alternating
series, Absolute and Conditional Convergence, Leibnitz test. Power series: radius of
convergence of power series, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s Series. (Scope as in Chapter
10, Sections 10.1 – 10.9 of Text 1).

Integral Calculus: Length of curves, Volume (disk and washer method) and surface
areas of revolution (Scope as in Chapter 6, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 of Text 1).

2. Differential Calculus Of Functions Of Two And Three Variables:

Concept of limit and continuity of a function of two and three variables, Partial
derivatives, total derivative, composite function, differentiation of an implicit function,
chain rule, change of variables, Jacobian, Taylor’s theorem (statement only),
Maxima and minima of a function of two and three variables, Lagrange’s method of
multipliers (Scope as in Chapter 14, Sections 14.1-14.4, 14.6-14.10 of 1).

Part B

3. Integral Calculus Of Functions Of Two And Three Variables:

Double and triple integrals, Change of order of integration, Change of Variables,
Applications to area, volume and surface area. (Scope as in Chapter 15 of Text 1).

4. Vector Differential Calculus:

Vector-valued functions and space curves and their tangents, integration, arc
lengths, unit tangent vector, Curvature and torsion of a curve, Gradient of a Scalar
field, Directional Derivative (Scope as in Chapter 13, Sections 13.1-13.5 Chapter 14,
Section 14.5 of Text 1).

5. Vector Integral Calculus:

Line integrals, Vector fields, Work, Circulation and Flux, Path Independence,
Potential functions and Conservative fields, Green’s theorem in the plane, Surface
Areas and Surface Integrals, Stoke’s Theorem, Gauss Divergence Theorem
(Statements only) (Scope as in Chapter 16 of Text 1).

Title Author Publisher

Calculus Maurice D. Weir, 12th edition, Pearson

Joel Hass, Frank R. Education.
Giordano, Thomas

Advanced Engineering E. Kreyszig. 8th edition , John Wiley.


Advanced Engineering Michael D. 2nd edition, Pearson

Mathematics Greenberg Education.

Advanced Engineering Wylie and Barrett Tata McGraw Hill


Higher Engineering B.V.Ramana Tata McGraw Hill.


Advanced Engineering R. K. Jain, S. R. K. Narosa Publications

Mathematics Iyenger


Course Code HSMCX01

Course Title Professional Communication

Course Type Core

Course LTP 200

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

The student will acquire basic proficiency in

Course Prerequisites English including reading and listening
comprehension, writing and speaking skills.

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.

Part A
1. English Grammar:
Subject-verb agreement , Noun-pronoun agreement , Misplaced modifiers , Articles
,Prepositions , Tenses, One word substitutes , Idioms and Phrases , Active-Passive ,
Synonyms -Antonyms (6)

2. Basic Writing Skills:

Sentence Structures, Use of phrases and clauses in sentences , Importance of proper
punctuation , Creating coherence , Organizing principles of paragraphs in documents,
Techniques for writing precisely , Paragraph , Essay and Letter writing (5)

3. Communication details:
Four Fundamental communication methods namely Writing, Speaking, Listening and
Reading ,7 Cs of Communication , Barriers to Communication (3)

Part B
4. Communication in Organizations:
Formal- Informal Communication, Communication Networks, Intra and Inter Firm
Communication (3)

5. Modes of Communication:
Emerging channels of communication , Telephone and Email Etiquettes, Non-Verbal
Communication, Cross-culture communication, Formal Presentations (3)

6. Communication methods:

Reports and their types , Layout of a report , writing a report ,Office notice , Memo
,Business proposals, Minutes of meeting (5)

Title Author Publisher

Practical English Usage Michael Swan OUP. 1995

Remedial English Grammar. F.T. Wood Macmillan.2007

On Writing Well William Zinsser Harper Resource Book. 2001

Liz Hamp-Lyons and Ben Cambridge University Press.

Study Writing
Heasly 2006.

Sanjay Kumar and Oxford University Press. 2011

Communication Skills

Exercises in Spoken English. Oxford University Press

Parts. I-III. CIEFL,

Title Author Publisher

Course Code HSMCX51

Course Title Professional Communication (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes The student will acquire basic proficiency in English including
reading and listening comprehension, writing and speaking

List of Experiments

Oral Communication (This unit involves interactive practice sessions in Language Lab)

1. Telling something about oneself

2. Storytelling and Event
3. Listening Comprehension
4. Pronunciation, Intonation, Stress and Rhythm
5. Common Everyday Situations: Conversations and Dialogues
6. Communication at Workplace
7. Facing an Interview
8. Formal Presentations

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESCX02

Course Title Computer Programming (MATLAB)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 200

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

No specific prerequisites are needed.

It is advisable to have a good familiarity with PC
operations and a working knowledge of some
Course Prerequisites basic application software (Excel). Basic
knowledge of computer programming and an
understanding of matrix and linear algebra are
highly beneficial.

The course provides a gentle introduction to the

MATLAB computing environment, and is
intended for beginning users and those looking
for a review. It is designed to give students a
basic understanding of MATLAB, including
popular toolboxes. The course consists of
lectures and sample MATLAB problems given
as assignments and discussed in class. No prior
Course Objectives programming experience or knowledge of
MATLAB is assumed. Concepts covered include
basic use, graphical representations and tips for
designing and implementing MATLAB code. The
main objectives are: understanding the MATLAB
environment; being able to do simple
calculations using MATLAB; being able to carry
out simple numerical computations and
analyses using MATLAB.

Upon successful completion of this course, the

student should be able to: understand the main
features of the MATLAB development
environment; use the MATLAB GUI effectively;
Course Outcomes
design simple algorithms to solve problems;
write simple programs in MATLAB to solve
scientific and mathematical problems; know
where to find help.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is

required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction: Introduction to basic features of Matlab and Matlab desktop. (2

2. Basic Programming Operations: Script M-files, Arrays and array operations,

Multidimensional arrays, Numeric data types, Cell arrays and structures,
Character strings, Relational and logical operations, Control flow. (6 hours)

3. Advance Programming Operations: Functions, M-file debugging and

profiling, File and directory management, Set, bit and base functions, Time
computations. (6 hours)

4. Basic Mathematical Applications: Matrix Algebra, Data analysis, Data

interpolation, Polynomials, Cubic splines. (6 hours)

Part B

5. Advance Mathematical Applications: Fourier analysis, Optimization,

Integration, Differentiation, Differential equations. (5 hours)

6. Basic Graphical Operations: Two-dimensional graphics, Three-dimensional

graphics, Use of colors and light in graphics, Generation of images. (5

7. Advance Graphical Operations: Development of movies and sounds,

Printing and exporting graphics, Handling graphics, Development of
graphical user interfaces. (5 hours)

8. Classes and Interfacing: Matlab classes and Object-Oriented Programming,

Matlab programming interfaces. (5 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Mastering MATLAB 7 D. Hanselman and B. Pearson

Littlefiels Education, New
Delhi, 2009

Getting started with Matlab: A Rudra Pratap Oxford

quick introduction for scientists University Press,
and engineers USA, 2009.

Programming in MATLAB for Chapman Stephen J. Cengage

Engineers Learning, New
Delhi, 2009.

MATLAB An Introduction with Amos Gilat John Wiley and

Applications Sons, New
Delhi, 2009

Essential Matlab for Engineers Brian Hahn Elsevier India

and Scientists

Matlab: A practical Introduction Attaway Elsevier India
To Programming

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESCX52

Course Title Computer Programming (MATLAB) (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites No specific prerequisites are needed.

It is advisable to be familiar with PCs.

Course Objectives The course provides a gentle introduction to the MATLAB computing
environment. It is designed to give students a basic understanding
of MATLAB, including popular toolboxes. The main objectives are:
understanding the MATLAB environment; being able to do simple
calculations using MATLAB; being able to carry out simple
numerical computations and analyses using MATLAB.

Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be
able to: understand the main features of the MATLAB development
environment; use the MATLAB GUI effectively; design simple
algorithms to solve problems; write simple programs in MATLAB to
solve scientific and mathematical problems; know where to find

List of Experiments

1. Basics such as command window, workspace, m-files, clc, clear, who, save, load,
format,,if, else, switch, for, while, continue, break, try, catch, return, ctrl+C, entering
matrices, transpose, subscripts, colon operator, modifying or deleting rows and columns,
addition, subtraction, matrix multiplication, element-by-element multiplication / division /
left-division, sum, diag, eye, zeros, ones, rand, randn, det, inv, variables, numbers,
strings, numeric operators, relational operators, functions.

2. 2-D and 3-D plotting. Modifying graph properties such as title, labels, limits, colors,
line-types, line-weights, lights etc. using graphic handles. Exporting graphs as TIFF, PDF
and JPEG files.

3. Application of matrix inversion in solving a system of simultaneous linear equations.

Measurement of time consumed in solving the problem.

4. Curve fitting and simple regression analysis of some simulated data.

5. Use of the FFT method to find the frequency components of a signal buried in a noisy
time domain signal.

6. Solution of a multi-variable optimization problem.

7. Differentiation and integration of a function using symbolics.

8. Solution of an ordinary differential equation and development of a corresponding GUI.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC101

Course Title Statics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Prior knowledge of Integral and Differential Calculus

Course Prerequisites
and Vector Algebra

The main objective of this course is to develop in the

student the ability to analyze any engineering
problem in a simple and logical manner with the help
of free body diagrams and then to apply the basic
Course Objectives principles of mechanics to solve the problem.The
students should develop skills to apply equilibrium
equations of statics to various problems to determine
reactions and also could determine centre of gravity
and moment of inertia of various bodies.

The student can apply the principles of Engineering

Mechanics to a wide range of applications from
Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
,Automotive Engineering to Medicine and Biology and
can make use of the concept of free body diagrams
Course Outcomes and equilibrium equations in statics to solve practical
engineering problems that are applicable to
engineering design. At the end of the course students
can determine the centre of gravity and moment of
inertia of any lamina which is required to solve
practical engineering problems.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. General Principles: Mechanics. Fundamental Concepts, Units of Measurement,
The International System of Units, Numerical Calculations, General Procedure
for Analysis.
2. Force Vectors: Scalars and Vectors, Vector Operations, Vector Addition of
Forces, Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces, Cartesian Vectors, Addition
and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors, Position Vectors, Force Vector Directed

Along a Line, Dot Product.

3. Equilibrium of a Particle: Condition for the Equilibrium of a Particle, the

Free-Body Diagram, Coplanar Force Systems, Three-Dimensional Force

4. Force System Resultants: Cross Product, Moment of a Force - Scalar

Formulation, Moment of a Force - Vector Formulation, Principle of Moments,
Moment of a Force about a specific Axis, Moment of a Couple, Movement of a
Force on a Rigid Body, Resultants of a Force and Couple System, Further
reduction of a Force and Couple System, Reduction of a Simple Distributed

5. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body: Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium, Equilibrium

in Two Dimensions and Free-Body Diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium,
Two-Force and Three-Force Members, Equilibrium in Three Dimensions,
Free-Body Diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium, Constraints for a Rigid-Body.

6. Structural Analysis: Simple Trusses, The Method of Joints, Zero-Force

Members, The Method of Sections, Space Trusses, Frames and Machines.

Part B
7. Internal Forces: Internal Forces developed in Structural Members, Shear and
Moment Equations and Diagrams, Relationships between Distributed Load and
Shear and Moment, Cables.

8. Friction – Characteristics of Dry Friction, Problems Involving Dry Friction,

Wedges, Rolling Resistance.

9. Center of Gravity and Centroid – Center of Gravity and Center of Mass for a
System of Particles, Center of Gravity and Center of Mass and Centroid for a
Body, Composite Bodies, Theorems of Pappus and Goldinus, Resultant of a
General Distribued Force System,

10. Moments of Inertia – Definition of Moments of Inertia for Areas, Parallel-Axis

Theorem for an Area, Radius of Gyration of an Area, Moments of Inertia for an
Area by Integration, Moments of Inertia for Composite Areas, Product of Inertia
for an Area, Moments of Inertia for and Area about Inclined Axes, Mohr's Circle
for Moments of Inertia, Mass Moment of Inertia.

11. Virtual Work – Definition of Work and Virtual Work, Principle of Virtual Work for
a Particle and a Rigid Body, Principle of Virtual Work for a System of
Connected Rigid Bodies, Conservative Forces, Potential Energy.

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Mechanics R.C. Hibbeler Pearson

Statics and Dynamics

Engineering Mechanics F.P. Beer et al. McGrawHill

Statics and Dynamics

Vector Mechanics Statics Merriam and Kraige Wiley and Sons Publishers
and Dynamics

Title Author Publisher

Semester 2

Course Code ASPX01

Course Title Applied Physics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 400

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.

Part A
Complete mathematical treatment for mechanical as well as electrical free, damped and forced

Simple harmonic oscillator and solution of the differential equation, Physical characteristics of SHM.
Superposition of two SHMs executing in the same and perpendicular direction of same frequency
and different frequencies, Lissajous figures. Superposition of n SHMs (4 hours)

Damped Oscillations: Concept and cause of damping, differential equation of a damped oscillator
and different kinds of damping, Methods of describing damping of an oscillator - logarithmic
decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, band width. Series LCR circuit as a damped oscillator. Use
of damping in shock absorbers and seismic dampers. (4 hours)

Forced Oscillations: States of forced oscillations, differential equation of forced oscillator – its
displacement, velocity and impedance, behavior of displacement and velocity with driver’s
frequency, Power, bandwidth, Quality factor and amplification of forced oscillator, resonance in
forced oscillators, vibration isolator (4 hours)

Electromagnetic waves:
Maxwell equations and their significance. Electromagnetic waves in vacuum conducting medium and
non-conducting medium. Energy and momentum carried by electromagnetic waves and examples.
Momentum carried by electromagnetic waves and resultant pressure. Reflection and transmission of
electromagnetic waves for oblique and normal incidence. (8 hours)

Part B
Modern Optics
Polarization: Methods of polarization, analysis of polarized light, quarter and half wave plates,
double refraction, optical activity. Use of polarization in testing of materials, working of LCDs,

projecting 3D movies ( 7 hours)

Lasers: Elementary idea of LASER production, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission,

Einstein’s coefficients, Helium-Neon, Ruby and semiconductor lasers, Applications of lasers in
optical communication and storage, laser machining, defence, geophysical sciences. (6 hours)

Fibre Optics: Basics of optical fibre - its numerical aperture, coherent and incoherent bundle, step
index and graded index fibre, material dispersion, fibre Optics sensors, applications of optical fiber in
communication systems, medical sciences, defence, mechanical applications . (7 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to Solid State Physics Charles Kittel

Physics for Engineers N.K. Verma Prentice Hall India

Solid State Physics S.O. Pillai

Physics of Vibrations and Waves (5 ed.) H.J.Pain John Wiley & Sons

Optics Ajoy Ghatak

Introduction to Electrodynamics David J. Griffiths

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASPX51

Course Title Applied Physics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 003

Course Credits 1.5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. To study Lissajous figures obtained by superposition of oscillations with different frequencies and
2. To find the wavelength of sodium light using Fresnel’s biprism.
3. (i) To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser using transmission grating.(ii) To determine the
slit width using the diffraction pattern.
4. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s rings method.
5. To determine the wavelength of sodium light using a diffraction grating.
6. To find the specific rotation of sugar solution using a Laurant’s Half shade/ Bi-quartz Polarimeter.
7. To design a hollow prism and used it find the refractive index of a given liquid.
8. To determine the wavelength of a laser using Michelson interferometer.
9. To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in different liquids using ultrasonic interferometer.
10. To study the frequency response and to find resonant frequencies of LCR series and parallel
circuits. Also to find the quality factor and bandwidth in LCR.
11. To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity and radius of gyration using bar pendulum.
12. Study of transverse and longitudinal standing waves and the measurement of the frequency of
the electrically maintained Tuning fork.
13. To study damping effects in spring mass system.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASPX02

Course Title Quantum Physics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 400

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.

Part A
Special Theory of Relativity
Inertial and non-inertial frames of reference, Galilean transformation, Michelson Morley Experiment,
Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Simultaneity, Length contraction,
Time dilation, Doppler effect, Addition of velocities, variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy
relation, Relativistic momentum, Minkowski space (8)
(Section 1.1 to 1.5, 1.7 to 1.9 of Book 1)

Origin and Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

Quantum theory of light, Blackbody Radiation, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, X-rays
production, spectrum & diffraction (Bragg’s law), pair production, photons & gravity, Gravitational
Red Shift, Black holes, de-Broglie hypothesis, particle diffraction, uncertainty principle and its
applications (9)

Postulates of quantum mechanics, wave function, Born interpretation and normalization,

Schrodinger theory, Time-dependent and Time-independent Schrodinger equation, Operators
(Adjoint operator, Identity operator, Hermitian operator, unitary operator etc.), expectation values,
Ehrenfest theorem (7)

(Sections 2.1-2.10, 3.1-3.5, 3.7-3.10, 5.1-5.7 of Book 1)

Part B
Applications of Quantum Mechanics
Particle in a box (infinite potential well), Potential step, Finite Potential Well and Barrier, Tunneling,
Linear harmonic oscillator (one-dimensional), 3-D rigid box and degeneracy (9)
(Sections 5.8 – 5.11 of Book 1)

Application of Quantum Mechanics to Solids

Free Electron theory of Metals (Classical and Sommerfield), Bloch’s theorem for particles in a

periodic potential, Kronig-Penney Model and origin of energy bands, conductors, insulators and
semiconductors, Fermi level, density of states, Effective mass, Specific heat of solids (12)
(Sections 6.35-6.38, 6.40, 6.41, 7.1-7.5 of book 4 and Section 1 of Chapter 10 of Book 2)

Title Author Publisher

Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser McGraw-Hill

Introduction to Solids by Leonid V. Azaroff

Elementary Solid state Physics M.Ali Omar Pearson Education

Solid State Physics C. Kittel Wiley Eastern

Solid State Physics S.O. Pillai New Age International

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASPX52

Course Title Quantum Physics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 003

Course Credits 1.5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. To study the quantized energy level of the first excited state in the Argon using the
Frank-Hertz setup.
2. To find the value of Planck’s constant and evaluate the work function of cathode material
by use of a photoelectric cell.
3. To study various characteristics of photo-voltaic cell: (a) Voltage-current characteristics,
(b) loading characteristics, (c) power-resistance characteristics and (d) inverse square
law behavior of the photo-current with distance of source of light from photo-voltaic cell
4. To study the response of a photo-resistor to varying intensity of light falling on it and
deduce spectral sensitivity of its semiconductor material.
5. To study the Balmer Series of Hydrogen spectrum using diffraction grating and calculate
Rydberg constant.
6. To evaluate charge on an oil drop using Millikan's oil drop method.
7. To verify Rutherford's alpha scattering formula using a mechanical model.
8. To calculate charge to mass ratio of an electron using Thompsonś method.
9. To determine Hall coefficient of a given semiconductor material and evaluate charge
carrier type, density and mobility of charge carriers.
10. To study temperature dependence of resistivity of a semiconductor using four probe
methods and determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor.
11. To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in different liquids using ultrasonic
12. To study probability theory using coins.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASPX03

Course Title Physics of Materials

Course Type Core

Course LTP 400

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.

Part A
1. Crystal structure : Bonding forces and energies, Primary and Secondary bonds,
Space Lattices, Symmetries in a cubic lattice, Crystal Structures (cubic and
hexagonal cells), Assignment of coordinates, directions and planes in crystals,
Linear, Planar and Space densities in crystals, close packed morphology (Hexagonal
and cubic close packing), single and polycrystalline structures, interstitial spaces
(trigonal, tetrahedral and octahedral voids)
Structure of ceramics (NaCl, Zinc blende, silica and silicates, diamond crystal,
Graphite, Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes)
Structure of polymers, crystallinity of long chain polymers
Crystal Structure analysis, X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law, Experimental methods
for study of X-ray diffraction pattern, Crystal Defects (Point, line, surface and volume
imperfections) (14 hours )

2. Diffusion : Diffusion mechanisms, steady state diffusion, non-steady state diffusion,

factors affecting diffusion, applications based on diffusion (corrosion resistance of
Duralumin, carburization of steel, decarburization of steel, doping of semiconductors)
( 3 hours )

3. Elastic Deformation : Elastic, Anelastic and Viscoelastic Behaviour Elastic behaviour

and its atomic model, rubber like elasticity, anelastic behaviour, relaxation processes,
viscoelastic behaviour ( 3 hours )

Part B
4. Plastic Deformations and strengthening mechanisms : Tensile properties (Yield
strength, Tensile Strength, Ductility, Resilience, Toughness), Dislocations and plastic

deformation, characteristics of dislocations, slip systems, slip in single crystals and
polycrystalline materials, mechanisms of strengthening in metals (grain size
reduction, solid-solution strengthening, strain hardening), recovery, recrystallization
and grain growth (5 hours)

5. Fracture, Fatigue and Creep : Fracture (Ductile and brittle fractures), principles of
fracture mechanics, fracture toughness, ductile to brittle transitions Cyclic stresses,
S-N curve, crack initiation and propagation, factors that affect fatigue life,
environmental effects, generalized creep behavior, stress and temperature effect
(5 hours)

6. Phase Diagrams : One-Component (or Unary) Phase Diagrams, Binary

Isomorphous Systems, Interpretation of Phase Diagrams, Development of
Microstructure in Isomorphous Alloys, Mechanical Properties of Isomorphous
Alloys ,Binary Eutectic Systems, Development of Microstructure in Eutectic Alloy,
Equilibrium Diagrams Having Intermediate Phases or Compounds, Eutectic and
Peritectic Reactions, the Iron-Carbon system. (6 hours)

7. Phase Transformations : Kinetics of phase transformation, kinetics of solid state

reactions, Isothermal transformation diagrams, continuous cooling transformation,
temper embrittlement (4 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Material Science and Engineering-An William D Callister 6Th edition, John

Introduction Wiley and Sons

Material Science and V. Raghvan 4th edition, Eastern

Engineering – A First Course economy edition

Solid State Physics S. O. Pillai New Age International

Introduction to Solids Leonid V Azaroff Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd


Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASPX53

Course Title Physics of Materials (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 003

Course Credits 1.5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. To study the quantized energy of the first excited state in Argon using the Frank-Hertz
2. To find the value of Planck’s constant and evaluate the work function of cathode material
by use of photoelectric cells.
3. To study various characteristics of photovoltaic cells: (a) Voltage-current characteristics
(b) loading characteristics (c) power-resistance characteristics and (d) inverse square
law behavior of photocurrent with distance of source of light from photovoltaic cell.
4. To study the response of a photoresistor to varying intensity of light falling on it and
deduce spectral sensitivity of its semiconductor material.
5. To determine Hall coefficient of a semiconductor material and then evaluate the type,
density and mobility of charge carrier in a given semiconductor material.
6. To study the hysteresis loop of magnetic material (iron, nickel and steel) and determine
its retentivity, coercivity and energy dissipated per unit volume per cycle of hysteresis.
7. To study temperature dependence of resistivity of a semiconductor material using four
probe methods and further deduce the band gap of this semiconductor.
8. To determine the Curie temperature of a ferroelectric material by measuring dielectric
constant as a function of temperature.
9. To determine thermal conductivity of bad conductor by using a guarded plate method
(Lee's disc method).

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASM201

Course Title Differential Equations and Transforms

Course Type Core

Course LTP 410

Course Credits 5

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

1. To learn the methods to formulate and

solve linear differential equations and their
applications to engineering problems
2. To learn the concepts of Laplace
transforms and to evaluate Laplace
transforms and inverse Laplace transform
Course Objectives
3. To apply Laplace transforms to solve
ordinary differential equations
4. To learn the concept of Fourier series,
integrals and transforms.
5. To learn how to solve heat, wave and
Laplace equations.

1. The student will learn to solve Ordinary

Differential equations.
2. The students will be able to apply the tools
of Laplace Transforms to model
engineering problems and solve the
Course Outcomes
resulting differential equations.
3. Students will understand the nature and
behaviour of trigonometric (Fourier) series
and apply it to solve boundary value


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is
required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Ordinary Differential Equations : Review of geometrical meaning of the
differential equation, directional fields, exact differential equations, solution
of differential equations with constant coefficients; methods of differential

operators. Non-homogeneous equations of second order with constant
coefficients: Solution by method of variation of parameters, reduction by
order. Power series method of solution.

2. Laplace Transforms : Laplace transform, Inverse transforms, shifting,

transform of derivatives and integrals. Unit step function, second shifting
theorem, Dirac’s Delta function. Differentiation and integration of
transforms. Convolution Theorem on Laplace Transforms. Application of
Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations with initial

Part B

3. Fourier Series and Transforms : Periodic functions, Fourier series, Even

and odd series, half range expansions, Complex Fourier Series,
Approximation by trigonometric polynomials. Fourier integrals, Fourier
Cosine and Sine transforms, Fourier Transforms .

4. Partial Differential Equations: Partial differential equations of first order,

origin, solution of linear partial differential equations of first order, Integral
surfaces passing through a given curve.

5. Boundary Value Problems: D’Alembert’s solution of wave equation,

separation of variables: one dimension and two dimensional heat and wave

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESCX04

Course Title Engineering Graphics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 100

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

1. To learn computer-aided-drafting skills

using computer software.
2. To communicate ideas using
Course Objectives engineering drawings.
3. To be able to interpret and express
using standard symbols and
conventions of engineering drawing.

1. Students will gain the ability to draw

engineering views of products using
Course Outcomes 2. Ability to turn their ideas into sketches
and drawings for good communication.
3. Ability to read and understand drawing
symbols and conventions.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction: Technical lettering as per BIS codes, Tabs and Panels, The Command Line
Box , Command Tools, Starting a New Drawing , Naming a Drawing , Drawing Units ,
Drawing Limits , Grid and Snap, Save and Save As, Open, Close, Terminology and
Conventions, Linear Dimension, Dimension Styles, Units, Aligned Dimensions, Radius
and Diameter Dimensions, Angular Dimensions, Ordinate Dimensions, Baseline
Dimensions, Continue Dimension, Quick Dimension, Center Mark, MLEADER and
QLEADER, Text Angle, Tolerances, Dimensioning Holes, Placing Dimensions, Fillets and
Rounds, Rounded Shapes (Internal), Rounded Shapes (External), Irregular Surfaces,
Polar Dimensions, Chamfers, Symbols and Abbreviations, Symmetry and Centerline,
Dimensioning to Points

2. Fundamentals of 2D Construction and Advanced Commands: Line-Random Points,

Erase, Line-Snap Point, Line-Dynamic Inputs, Construction Line, Circle, Circle
Centerlines, Polyline, Spline, Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, Point, Text, Move, Copy,

Offset, Mirror, Array, Rotate, Trim, Extend, Break, Chamfer, Fillet, Table, Osnap,
Osnap-Endpoint, Osnap-Snap From, Osnap-Midpoint, Osnap-Intersection,
Osnap-Apparent Intersection, Osnap-Center, Osnap-Quadrant, Osnap-Perpendicular,
Osnap-Tangent, Osnap-Nearest, Grips, Grips-Extend, Grips-Move, Grips-Rotate,
Grips-Scale, Grips-Mirror, Edit Polyline, Edit Spline, Edit Text, Constructing the Bisector
of an Angle

3. Sketching: Establishing Your Own Style, Graph Paper, Pencils, Lines, Proportions,
Curves, Isometric Sketches, Oblique Sketches, Perspective Sketches, Working in
Different Orientations

4. Orthographic Views: Points, Lines Parallel to both H P and V P, Parallel to one and
inclined to other, and inclined to both, contained in profile plane. True length and angle
orientation of straight line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method, Difference
between plane and lamina. Projection of lamina Parallel to one and perpendicular to
other, Perpendicular to one and inclined to other, Inclined to both reference planes,
Definition of solids, types of solids, and elements of solids. Projection of solids in first
quadrant, with axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other, axis parallel to one inclined
to other, axis inclined to both the principle plane, axis perpendicular to profile plane and
parallel to both H P and V P. Visible and invisible details in the projection. Three Views of
an Object, Visualization, Hidden Lines, Hidden Line Conventions, Drawing Hidden Lines,
Precedence of Lines.

Part B

5. Sectional Views: Cutting Plane Lines, Section Lines, Hatch, Styles of Section Lines,
Sectional View Location, Holes in Sections, Gradients, Offset Sections, Multiple Sections,
Aligned Sections, Drawing Conventions in Sections, Half, Partial, and Broken-Out
Sectional Views, Removed Sectional Views, Sectional View of Castings.

6. Isometric Views: Classification of pictorial views, Basic Principle of Isometric projection,

Difference between isometric projection and isometric drawing. Isometric projection of
solids such as cube, prism, pyramid and cylinder.

7. Development and Intersection: Purpose of development, Development of prism, cylinder,

cone and pyramid surface for both right angled and oblique solids, and development of
surface of sphere. Intersection of solids.

8. Auxiliary Views: Projection Between Normal and Auxiliary Views ,Transferring Lines
Between Views , Projecting Rounded Surfaces , Projecting Irregular Surfaces , Partial
Auxiliary Views , Sectional Auxiliary Views.

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Graphics with James Pearson (2016)

AutoCAD Bethune

Warren Literary Licensing LLC

Fundamentals of Engg. Drawing
J.Luzadder (2015)

Engineering Drawing and Design Cecil Jensen Mc-Graw Hill (2012)

Manual of Engineering Drawing T.E French Wentworth Press (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESCX54

Course Title Engineering Graphics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 004

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

The candidates will be required to make AutoCAD drawing sheets covering the following
as per B.I.S. SP46-2003 for general engineering drawing:

1. To draw two dimensional drawings in AutoCAD by using draw, modify, dimension,

layers and object-snap toolbars.
2. To draw orthographic views of points.
3. To draw orthographic views of lines and to find traces of the lines.
4. To find the true length of lines using rotation as well as trapezoidal methods.
5. To draw orthographic views of laminas in different positions.
6. To draw orthographic views of polyhedral solids in different positions.
7. To draw orthographic views of solids of revolution in different positions.
8. To draw sectional views of solids, true sections and apparent sections.
9. To draw auxiliary views of solids.
10. To draw isometric views of laminas and solids.
11. To draw development of polyhedral solids.
12. To draw development of solids of revolution.
13. To draw orthographic views of solids-in-intersection.
14. To draw basic solid models using AutoCAD by using solids and solid editing toolbars
and related commands.

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD Bethune Pearson (2016)

Fundamentals of Engg. Drawing Luzadder Literary Licensing (2015)

Engineering Drawing and Design Jensen Mc-Graw Hill (2012)

Manual of Engineering Drawing French Wentworth Press (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESCX53

Course Title Workshop Technology (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 004

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives 1. Know different machines, tools and equipment,

Identify different Engineering materials, metals and
2. Understand different Mechanisms, Use of Machines,
Tools and Equipment.
3. Knowledge of basic Manufacturing Processes in
Electronics, Electrical, Machine, Welding, Fitting,
Sheet Metal.Smithy, Foundry and Carpentry

Course Outcomes 1. Familiarity with common machines, Tools and

Equipment in basic Workshop Practices.
2. On hand basic workshop practices in Electronics,
Electrical, Machine, Welding, Fitting, Sheet Metal.
Smithy, Foundry and Carpentry Workshops in
Engineering professions.
3. Applications of Basic Workshop Practices.

List of Experiments

1. Welding Workshop :
Joining Processes, Welding and its Classification, Welding Processes, Fusion
Welding, Pressure Welding, Electric Arc Welding, Gas Welding, Resistance
Welding, Metal Inert gas Welding, Welding Joints, Welding Positions, Welding
defects, Welding Applications, Basic welding design and Procedures,
identification of materials,
Jobs: Butt Joint in Flat Position using SMAW, Lap Joint using Spot Welding,
Edge Joint in Horizontal Position using SMAW, Tee Joint in Flat position using
SMAW, Corner Joint in vertical position using SMAW.
Defect Identification and marking, Edge preparation and Fillet making, Tacking,
Distortion identification.

2. Electronics Workshop:
To know about Soldering mechanism and techniques, Familiarity with Electronic
Components / symbols, Testing of electronic components, Application of
Soldering, Circuit Assembly
Jobs : Practice of Soldering and desoldering, Identification and testing of a)
passive electronic components b) Active electronic components, Assembly of
Regulated Power supply circuit/Soldering of Full wave rectifier..

3. Electrical Workshop:
Introduction of Various Electric wirings, Wiring Systems, Electrical wiring material
and fitting, different type of cables, Conduit pipe and its fitting, inspection points,
switches of all types, Distribution boards, M.C.B’s etc., Electric Shock and its
management. Electric Tools: Conversance with various tools and to carry out the
following: Measurement of wire sizes using SWG and micrometer
Identification of Phase and neutral in single phase supply
Jobs: To control a lamp with a single way switch.To control a lamp from two
different places,To assemble a fluorescent lamp with its accessories
To control a lamp, fan and a three pin socket in parallel connection with single
way switches

4. Fitting Shop:
Introduction of Fitting, different type of operations, Tools, materials, precision
instruments like Vernier caliper and Micrometer etc, Safety precautions and
Practical demonstration of tools and equipments
Jobs:To make a square from MS Flat, Punching, Cutting, Filling techniques and
practice, Tapping, Counter Drilling.

5. Smithy Workshop:
Introduction of Smithy and Forging process, Tools and Equipment, Operations,
Heat Treatment processes, Advantages, Dis-advantages, Defects and Safety
Jobs: Drawing and Upsetting Practice using Open Hearth Furnace, Cold working
process practice, Heat Treatment \: Annealing and hardening process

6. Machine Shop:
Application, Function and different parts, Operations of Lathe, Type of Cutting
Tools and their materials, Drill machine Types, applications and Functions.
Hacksaw machines and functions, Work Holding devices and tools, chucks,
Vices, machine Vices, V Block, Measuring Instruments uses, Shaper and Milling
machine Applications.
Jobs: To perform Marking, Facing, Turning,taper Turing, Grooving, Knurling,
parting, Drilling, Reaming operations on lathe machine,Hacksawing practice on
Power hacksaw,Shaping operation practice on Shaper.

7. Carpentry Shop:
Classification of Tree, Timber. Advantages and uses of Timber, Seasoning of
Wood, Tools Used, Defects and Prevention of Wood,
Jobs: Tee Joint, Cross Joint,Tenon Joint, L Shape Joint, Practice of Wood
Working Lathe, Practice on multi-purpose Planer.

8. Foundry Shop:
Introduction to Foundry, Advantages and Disadvantages of castings process,
Introduction to pattern and various hand tools, Ingredients of Green sands,
Various Hand Molding processes, Introduction to Casting Defects.
Jobs: Identification and uses of hand tools, Preparation of Green sand in Muller,
Preparation of Sand Mould of Single piece solid pattern, Split pattern, Preparation
of Green sand Core, casting of a Mould and study its defects.

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Rajender Singh New Age International
Processes and Workshop Publication

Manufacturing Processes Chapman Viva Books Private


Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC201

Course Title Rigid Body Dynamics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Prior knowledge of Integral and Differential

Course Prerequisites
Calculus and Vector Algebra

The main objective of this course is to develop

in the student the ability to analyze any
engineering problem in a simple and logical
Course Objectives
manner with the help of free body diagrams
and then to apply the basic principles of
mechanics to solve the problem.

The student can apply the principles of

Engineering Mechanics to wide range of
applications from Mechanical Engineering,
Civil Engineering, Automotive Engineering to
Course Outcomes
Medicine and Biology and can make use of
the concept of free body diagrams to solve
practical engineering problems that are
applicable to engineering design.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Kinematics of a Particle: Introduction. Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous Motion.

Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion. General Curvilinear Motion. Curvilinear Motion:
Rectangular Components. Motion of a Projectile. Curvilinear Motion: Normal and
Tangential Components. Curvilinear Motion: Cylindrical Components. Absolute
Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles. Relative-Motion Analysis of Two Particles
Using Translating Axes.

2. Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration - Newton's Laws of Motion. The Equation of
Motion. Equation of Motion for a System of Particles. Equations of Motion: Rectangular
Coordinates. Equations of Motion: Normal and Tangential Coordinates. Equations of
Motion: Cylindrical
Coordinates. Central-Force Motion and Space Mechanics.

3. Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy - The Work of a Force. Principle of Work and
Energy. Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles. Power and Efficiency.
Conservative Forces and Potential Energy. Conservation of Energy.

4. Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse and Momentum - Principle of Linear Impulse and

Momentum. Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum for a System of Particles.
Conservation of Linear Momentum for a System of Particles. Impact. Angular Momentum.
Relation Between Moment of a Force and Angular Momentum. Angular Impulse and
Momentum Principles. Steady Fluid Streams. Propulsion with Variable Mass.

5. Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body - Rigid-Body Motion. Translation. Rotation About a

Fixed Axis. Absolute General Plane Motion Analysis. Relative-Motion Analysis: Velocity.
Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity. Relative-Motion Analysis: Acceleration.
Relative-Motion Analysis Using Rotating Axes.

Part B

6. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration - Moment of Inertia. Planar
Kinetic Equations of Motion. Equations of Motion: Translation. Equations of Motion:
Rotation About a Fixed Axis. Equations of Motion: General Plane Motion.

7. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Work and Energy - Kinetic Energy. The Work of a Force.
The Work of a Couple. Principle of Work and Energy. Conservation of Energy.

8. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Impulse and Momentum - Linear and Angular
Momentum. Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Conservation of Momentum. Eccentric

9. Three-Dimensional Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Rotation About a Fixed Point. The Time
Derivative of a Vector Measured from a Fixed and Translating-Rotating System. General
Motion. Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating and Rotating Axes.

10. Three-Dimensional Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Moments and Products of Inertia. Angular
Momentum. Kinetic Energy. Equations of Motion. Gyroscopic Motion. Torque-Free

11. Vibrations: Undamped Free Vibration. Energy Methods. Undamped Forced Vibration.
Viscous Damped Free Vibration. Viscous Damped Forced Vibration. Electrical Circuit

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Mechanics F.P. Beer et al. McGrawHill

Statics and Dynamics

Vector Mechanics Merriam and Kraige Wiley and Sons Publishers

Statics and Dynamics

Engineering Mechanics R.C. Hibbeler Pearson

Statics and Dynamics

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC251

Course Title Rigid Body Dynamics (p)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Prior knowledge of integral and differential calculus and

vector algebra

Course Objectives The main objective of this course is to develop in the

student the ability to analyze any engineering problem in a
simple and logical manner with the help of free body
diagrams and then to apply the basic principles of
mechanics to solve the problem.

Course Outcomes The student can apply the principles of Engineering

Mechanics to wide range of applications from Mechanical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Automotive Engineering to
Medicine and Biology and can make use of the concept of
free body diagrams to solve practical engineering problems
that are applicable to engineering design

List of Experiments

1. Wheel and Axle - Demonstration of the formation of an equilibrium of moments in

static systems
2. Determination of parameters of System of pulleys.
3. To determine the mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and efficiency of a screw
4. Determine the mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and Mechanical efficiency of
Wheel and Axle.
5. To determine the MA, VR of Worm Wheel ( double-start)
6. To find the time period of a simple and compound pendulum.
7. To calculate the mass moment of inertia and radius of gyration of the compound
pendulum of two bodies different in shapes and compare them to the theoretical
8. To study various types of gears – Helical, Cross helical, Worm, Bevel gear.
9. To Study various types of gear trains – Simple, Compound, reverted, Epicyclic
and Differential.
10. To obtain by experiment the velocity ratios of a simple or a compound train of
gears and to verify calculated values.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ESC X05

Basics of Electrical and Electronics

Course Title

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Elements in an electrical circuit: R, L, C, Voltage and current sources
(independent and dependant/controlled sources with examples. (3 hours)

2. DC circuits: Voltage and current sources, KCL, KVL, network analysis by mesh
and node analysis, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s
theorem, maximum-power transfer theorem (numerical based on these
theorem), Two port networks. (6 hours)

3. Single Phase AC Fundamentals: Alternating current systems, average and

RMS values of alternating, quantities, phasor notation, solution and phasor
diagram of single phase ac circuits with sinusoidal source excitation. (4 hours)

4. Three Phase AC Fundamentals: Three phase voltages and currents

generation, voltages and currents in star and delta connected systems, power
in a three phase system, solution of three phase balanced circuits, power and
power factor measurement by two watt-meters method. (4 hours)

5. Electronic Devices: p-n Junction diode and its VI characteristics, Transistor

operation and Characteristics, CB, CC and CE configurations, Introduction,
FET Construction, types of FET, Characteristics of FETs (4 hours)

Part B

1. Magnetic Circuit: Introduction to magnetic circuit, comparison of electric and
magnetic circuits, B/H curve, magnetic circuits calculations, self and mutual
inductance. Energy in magnetic field. (5 hours)

2. Transformers: Introduction, Basic Principle, EMF equation, losses, efficiency

and condition for maximum efficiency, voltage regulation, open circuit and short
circuit tests. (6 hours)

3. Electric Machines: Operating principle and application of DC machine and

three phase induction motors. Electromechanical energy conversion principles
with examples. Principle of measurement of voltage, current and power. (7

4. Electrical Generation and Transmission: Introduction to Resources of Electrical

Power, Conventional and Non-Conventional, AC transmission voltage levels,
Single Line Diagram of Power transmission network. Distribution network and
Single Line Diagram of Distribution Network. (6 hours)

5. Introduction to digital electronics: Introduction to digital electronics:

Introduction to Number Systems-Types-Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal;
Conversion from one number system to other , Logic Gates-Basic Gates, Other
gates, Universal Gates and realization of other gates using universal gates,

Title Author Publisher

Electrical & Electronic Technology Edward Hughes Pearson Education

Publication Asia,

Basic Electrical Engineering T.K. Nagsarkar and OXFORD University

M.S. Sukhija Press, 2004.

Basic Electrical Engineering Fitzgerald, McGraw Hill, 4th

Higginbotham, & edition.

Principles of Electrical Engineering Del Toro PHI, New-Delhi, 2nd


Basic Electrical Engineering TMH I.J.Nagrath and D.P. TMH, New Delhi,
Kothari 3rd edition.

Experiments in Basic Electrical S. K. Bhattacharya New Age

Engineering and K. M. Rastogi International
Publishers Ltd., New

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ST251

Course Title Product Reengineering and Innovation

Course Type Core (Mandatory Training lasting four weeks in respective

Department or Workshop)

Course LTP 0020

Course Credits 0

Course Assessment
● Continuous Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
● End of Semester

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcome


Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Semester 3

Course Code MEC301

Course Title Thermodynamics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Introduction to Thermodynamics
Course Prerequisites

1. To present a comprehensive and

rigorous treatment of classical
thermodynamics while retaining an
engineering perspective.
2. Understand the applications of
engineering thermodynamics in real life
3. To lay the groundwork for subsequent
Course Objectives
studies in such fields as fluid
mechanics, heat transfer and to prepare
the students to effectively use
thermodynamics in the practice of
4. To develop an intuitive understanding of
thermodynamics by emphasizing the
physics and physical argument

By the end of the course the students shall be

able to
1. Understand, explain and apply the basic
concepts of thermodynamics such as
system, state, state postulate,
equilibrium, process, and cycle, energy
and energy transfer, first law of
Course Outcomes
2. Understand, explain and apply analysis
of closed system, and concept of pure
3. Understand, explain and apply concept
of Mass energy and analysis of control
4. Understand ,explain and apply second
law of thermodynamics, entropy


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction: Thermodynamics and Energy, Application Areas of Thermodynamics,
Systems and Control Volumes , Properties of a System, Continuum , State and
Equilibrium, Processes and Cycles, Temperature and the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, Temperature Scales,

2. Energy, Energy Transfer, General energy Analysis: Forms of Energy, Energy Transfer by
Heat, Energy Transfer by Work, Electrical Work, Mechanical Forms of Work, Non
mechanical Forms of Work, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy Balance, Energy
Change of a System, Mechanisms of Energy Transfer, Efficiencies of Mechanical and
Electrical Devices

3. Properties of Pure Substances: Pure Substance, Phases of a Pure Substance Phase

Change Processes of Pure Substances, The T-v Diagram ,The P- v Diagram, The PT
Diagram, The P v T Surface Enthalpy—A Combination Property , Saturated Liquid and
Saturated Vapor States, Saturated Liquid Vapor Mixture, Superheated Vapor ,
Compressed Liquid, Reference State and Reference Values The Ideal Gas Equation of
State , Compressibility Factor, van der Waals Equation of State.

4. Analysis Of Closed Systems: Moving Boundary Work, Polytropic Process, Energy

Balance for Closed Systems, Specific Heats, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Specific
Heats of Ideal Gases, Specific Heat Relations of Ideal Gases, Internal Energy, Enthalpy,
and Specific Heats of Solids and Liquids Internal Energy Changes Enthalpy Changes

Part B
5. Mass and Energy Analysis of Control volumes: Conservation of Mass, Mass and Volume
Flow Rates, Conservation of Mass Principle, Mass Balance for Steady Flow Processes,
steady Incompressible Flow, Flow Work and the Energy of a Flowing Fluid, Total Energy
of a Flowing Fluid, Energy Transport by Mass, Energy Analysis of Steady Flow Systems,
Steady Flow Engineering Devices, Energy Analysis of Unsteady Flow Processes.

6. The Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Introduction to the Second Law, Thermal Energy
Reservoirs, Heat Engines, Thermal Efficiency, Kelvin Planck Statement, Refrigerators
and Heat Pumps, Coefficient of Performance, Heat Pumps, Performance of Refrigerators,
Air Conditioners, and Heat Pumps, Clausius Statement Equivalence of the Two
Statements, Perpetual Motion Machines, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, The
Carnot Cycle, The Reversed Carnot Cycle , The Carnot Principles, The Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale, The Carnot Heat Engine, The Carnot Refrigerator and Heat Pump.

7. Vapor And Combined Power Cycles: The Carnot Vapor Cycle, Rankine Cycle: The Ideal
Cycle for Vapor Power Cycles, Energy Analysis of the Ideal Rankine Cycle, Deviation of
Actual Vapor Power Cycles from Idealized Ones, Method to Increase the Efficiency of
the Rankine Cycle, The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle ,The Ideal Regenerative Rankine
Cycle, Open Feed water Heaters, Closed Feed water Heaters, Second Law Analysis of
Vapor Power Cycles, Cogeneration, Combined Gas Vapor Power Cycles.

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Borgnakke Wiley (2009)

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Moran Wiley (2015)

Engineering Thermodynamics Cengel McGraw-Hill (2015)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC351

Course Title Thermodynamics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives 1. Understand the applications of engineering

thermodynamics in real life situations
2. Understand working and application of boilers
3. Understanding the thermodynamics of separating
throttling calorimeter
4. Understanding the steam condensers operations and
uses Understanding the steam condensers
operations and uses

Course Outcomes 1. Students will understand the principles of thermal

energy. This includes the study of energy
transformations and thermodynamic relationships
applied to flow and non-flow processes in power and
refrigeration cycles.
2. Students will have analytical skills to solve and
analyze a variety of steam related problems. Like
boilers, condensers

List of Experiments

1. Study of Babcock and Wilcox boiler.

2. Study of Lancashire Boiler.
3. To Study of working, construction, mountings and accessories of various types
of boilers
4. To find the calorific value of a sample of fuel using a Bomb calorimeter.
5. To measure the dryness fraction of steam using a separating throttling
6. To study the working of a thermal power plant by visiting the site.
7. Study of construction and operation of various types of steam condensers.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC302

Course Title Mechanics of Materials

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

1. Provide clear understanding of

principles, assumptions, and limitations
underlying the mechanics of deformable
Course Objectives solids in equilibrium.
2. Apply above principles to engineering
design based on strength, stiffness, and
stability criteria.

1. The student should be able to develop a

physical understanding of a given
2. The student should then be able to
construct an idealized model.
3. Using equilibrium, compatibility, and
Course Outcomes
force-deformation relation the student
should be able to generate the solution
to the problem.
4. The student should be able to analyze
and design an element using the above


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Stress : Equilibrium of a Deformable Body, Stress, Average Normal Stress in an Axially
Loaded Bar, Average Shear Stress, Allowable Stress Design, Limit State Design.

2. Strain : Deformation, Strain.

3. Mechanical Properties of Materials : Tension and Compression Test, The Stress-Strain

Diagram, Stress-Strain behaviour of Ductile and Brittle Materials, Strain Energy,
Poisson’s Ratio, The Shear Stress-Strain Diagram.

4. Axial Load : Saint-Venant’s Principle, Elastic Deformation of an Axially Loaded Member,

Principle of Superposition, Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Members, The Force
and Displacement Methods of Analysis for Axially Loaded Members, Thermal Stress.

5. Torsion : Torsional Deformation of a Circular Shaft, The Torsion Formula, Power

Transmission, Angle of Twist, Statically Indeterminate Torque-Loaded Members.

Part B

6. Bending : Shear and Moment Diagrams, Bending Deformation of a Straight Member, The
Flexure Formula.
Shear in Straight Members, The Shear Formula, Shear Flow in Built-Up Members, Shear
Flow in Thin-Walled Members.
Elastic Curve, Slope and Displacement of Determinate and Indeterminate Beams by
Integration. Discontinuity Functions.

7. Combined Loading : Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels. State of Stress caused by Combined

Plane Stress Transformation, Equations, and Mohr Circle. Principal Stresses, Maximum
in-plane Shear Stress. Absolute Maximum Shear Stress.
Plane Strain Transformation, Equations, and Mohr Circle. Absolute Maximum Shear
Strain. Strain Rosettes.
Material Property Relations. Failure Theories. Prismatic Beam Design. Shaft Design.

8. Buckling : Critical Load. Ideal Column with Pin Supports. Columns with Various Supports.
Secant Formula.

9. Energy Methods : External Work and Strain Energy. Elastic Strain Energy for Various
Types of Loading. Conservation of Energy. Impact Loading. Principle of Virtual Work and
Applications.Castigliano’s Theorem and Applications.

Title Author Publisher

Mechanics of Materials Hibbeler Pearson (2018)

Engineering Mechanics of Solids Popov Pearson (2016)

Mechanics of Materials Goodno Cengage (2019)

Mechanics of Materials Beer McGraw Hill (2015)

Title Author Publisher

Strength of Materials Ryder MacMillan (1969)

Course Code MEC352

Course Title Mechanics of Materials (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Calculus, Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

Course Objectives The experiments aim at providing practical knowledge of the

theory material covered in the Mechanics of Materials class.

Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to relate the mathematical

models developed in theory to physical models.
2. In addition the student will learn about how to carry
out experiments, collect data, errors, and report

List of Experiments

1. Study Universal Testing Machine and perform Tension, Compression, Bending,

and Shear tests.
2. Study Torsion testing machine and perform torsion test.
3. Study of Izod and Charpy apparatus and perform impact tests.
4. Study hardness of various materials with Brinell, Vickers, Pyramid, and Rockwell
hardness tests.
5. Study Spring testing machine and perform test on helical spring to determine
Shear Modulus.
6. Study Beam bending apparatus and perform beam bending test to determine
Young’s Modulus.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Strength of Materials Ryder MacMillan

Strength of Materials Hearn Butterworth Heinemann

GUNT https://www.gunt.de/en/

TecQuipment https://www.tecquipment.com/

Course Code MEC303

Course Title Kinematics of Machines

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

1. Know different machine elements and

2. Understand Kinematics and Dynamics
Course Objectives
of different machines and mechanisms.
3. Select Suitable Drives and Mechanisms
for a particular application.

By the end of the course the students should

1. Familiar with common mechanisms
used in machines and everyday life.

2. Able to calculate mobility (number of

Course Outcomes
degrees-of-freedom) and enumerate
rigid links and types of joints within
3. Able to conduct a complete
(translational and rotational) position
analysis of mechanisms.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Basics of Mechanisms: Classification of mechanisms – Basic kinematic concepts and

definitions – Degree of freedom, Mobility – Kutzbach criterion, Gruebler’s criterion –
Grashof’s Law. Kinematic inversions of four-bar chains, slider crank chains and double
slider crank chains . Velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms –

Graphical method– Velocity and acceleration polygons. Velocity analysis using
instantaneous centers .Description of some common mechanisms – Quick return
mechanisms. Coriolis component of Acceleration

2. Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms: Movability, Number synthesis, Frudensteins’s

equation. Chebyshev spacing of precision points, Two and three position synthesis of
Four-bar mechanism and slider crank mechanism, Overlay Method, Block’s method,
Transmission angle, Limit position and Least square techniques.

3. Flywheel and turning moment diagrams: Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for
steam and IC engine, fluctuation of speed, coefficient of fluctuation of speed and
energy. Simple problems on turning moment diagrams and determination of size of
flywheel taking centrifugal stresses into consideration.

Part B

4. Governors: Introduction, Function and types of governors, Centrifugal governors, Watt

governor, Porter governor, Proell governor, Hartnell governor, Wilson Hartnell
Governor,characteristics of governor, stability, Sensitivity, isochronism, Hunting
,controlling forces and stability, Effort and power of governor,controlling force curve,
Effect of sleeve friction

5. Friction In Machine Elements: Surface contacts – Sliding and Rolling friction – Friction
drives. Friction in screw threads –Screw jack with square and V threadsFriction in
Bearings:Pivots and collar bearingsFriction clutches :Single disc clutch, multiple disc
clutch, cone clutchFriction in brakes- Shoe brake, band brakes ,band and block
brakes.Dynamometers: Prony brake, rope brake.Belt transmission dynamometer
Epicyclic gear train dynamometer, torsion dynamometer, Bevis Gibson flashlight

6. Belt, Ropes And Chains: Belt and rope drives – Action of belts on pulleys
Velocity ratio and slip, creepFlat and V-Belts ,Open and Cross Belt,Law of belting ,Ratio
of tight side to slack side tension , Power transmitted and centrifugal tension.Conditions
for maximum power transmission from belt drive.Types of chains, length of chain.

Title Author Publisher

Theory of Machines and Uicker OUP (2009)


Kinematics, Dynamics, and Waldron Wiley (2016)

Design of Machinery

Mechanisms and Machines: Stanisic Cengage (2014)

Kinematics, Dynamics, and

Kinematics and Dynamics of Wilson Pearson (2008)


Kinematics and Dynamics of Norton McGrawHill (2017)


Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Kinematics Vinogradov CRC (2000)

and Dynamics of Machines and

Kinematics and Dynamics of Rusell CRC (2018)

Mechanical Systems:
Implementation in MATLAB®
and SimMechanics®

Theory of Machines Bevan CBS (2005)

Mechanics of Machines I and II Hannah Butterworth and Heinemann (1984)

Mechanics of Machines Cleghorn OUP (2015)

Principles of Vibration Tongue OUP (2002)

Kinematics and Dynamics of Martin Waveland Press (2002)


Kinematics and Linkage Design Hall Waveland Press (1986)

Analysis of Mechanisms Hall Waveland Press (1987)

Course Code MEC353

Course Title Kinematics of Machines (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

Course Objectives 1. This design-oriented course addresses the kinematics and

dynamics of mechanisms with applications to linkage
systems, reciprocating engines, and industrial machinery.
2. Conventional as well as innovative rigid-body dynamic
systems are studied. Problems of kinematics and dynamics
are framed in a form suited for computer analysis.

Course Outcomes This course is designed to help students achieve the following
1. Familiarity with common mechanisms used in machines and
everyday life.
2. Ability to calculate mobility (number of
degrees-of-freedom) and enumerate rigid links and types
of joints within mechanisms.
3. Ability to conduct a complete (translational and
rotational) mechanism position analysis.

List of Experiments

1. Find the moment of inertia of a given body with the help of Fly-wheel.
Calculate the minimum possible periods of oscillation if the point of suspension
may be moved .

2. Study and draw the sketches of difference inversions of single slider chain and
double slider crank chain.

3. Find the coefficient of friction for different belt material on a cast iron : Pulley.

4. To perform the various practical on Universal Governor Apparatus.

5. Determination the characteristics of sleeve position against speed for all

Determination of the characteristics curves of radius of rotation against controlling
force for all governors.
To study the effect of varying the mass of central sleeve for porter and proell
To study the effects of varying initial spring compression for Hartnell Governor.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC304

Course Title Machine Drawing

Course Type Core

Course LTP 100

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Engineering Graphics

1. To enable students to be able to

communicate their ideas and concepts
using sketches, symbols and engineering
Course Objectives 2. To understand drawing and working of a
number of machine elements.
3. To develop the technical skills necessary
to create or modify the machine drawing
using Computer Aided Drafting system.

By the end of the course the students shall be

able to

1. Interpret and communicate engineering

drawings having a number of symbols,
standards and views.
2. Understand the technical intricacies
involved in drawing and working of
Course Outcomes screws, bolts, pipe fittings, cotter joint,
knuckle joint, pulleys, brackets, couplings,
bearings, engine parts, tail stock, screw
jack, vices, valves etc.
3. Create 3D models of engineering objects,
machine drawings with different views,
and an assembly of the objects that make
up engineered systems, using a CAD
system (e.g. AutoCAD etc.).


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Tolerancing: Introduction, Direct Tolerance Methods, Tolerance Expressions,
Understanding Plus and Minus Tolerances, Creating Plus and Minus

Tolerances with AutoCAD, Limit Tolerances, Creating Limit Tolerances by
Using AutoCAD, Angular Tolerances, Standard Tolerances, Double
Dimensioning, Chain Dimensions and Baseline Dimensions, Tolerance Studies,
Rectangular Dimensions, Hole Locations, Choosing a Shaft for a Toleranced
Hole, Standard Fits (Metric Values), Nominal Sizes, Hole and Shaft Basis,
Preferred and Standard Sizes, Surface Finishes, Surface Control Symbols.

2. Geometric Tolerances: Introduction, Tolerances of Form, Flatness,

Straightness, Straightness (RFS and MMC), Circularity, Cylindricity, Geometric
Tolerances Created by Using AutoCAD, Tolerances of Orientation, Datums,
Perpendicularity, Parallelism, Angularism, Profiles, Runouts, Positional
Tolerances, Virtual Condition, Floating Fasteners, Fixed Fasteners.

3. Threads and Fasteners: Introduction, Thread Terminology, Thread Callouts

(Metric Units), Thread Callouts (English Units), Thread Representations,
Orthographic Views of Internal Threads, Sectional Views of Internal Thread
Representations, Types of Threads, How to Draw an External Square Thread,
How to Draw an Internal Square Thread, How to Draw an External Acme
Thread, Bolts and Nuts, Screws, Studs, Head Shapes, Nuts, Standard Screws,
Setscrews, Washers, Keys, Rivets, Springs, Tool Palettes.

4. Working Drawings: Introduction, Assembly Drawings, Drawing Formats

(Templates), Title Block, Revision Block, Tolerance Block, Release Block, Parts
List (Bill of Materials–BOM), Detail Drawings, First-Angle Projection, Drawing
Notes, Design Layouts.

Part B

5. Gears, Bearings, and Cams: Introduction, Types of Gears, Gear

Terminology—Spur, Spur Gear Drawings, Selecting Spur Gears, Center
Distance Between Gears, Combining Spur Gears, Gear Terminology—Bevel,
How to Draw Bevel Gears, Worm Gears, Helical Gears, Racks, Ball Bearings,
Bushings, Cam Displacement Diagrams, Cam Motions, Cam Followers.

6. Fundamentals of 3D Drawing: Introduction, The World Coordinate System,

Viewpoints, Perspective and Parallel Grids, 3D Modeling, User Coordinate
System (UCS), Editing a Solid Model, Creating UCSs on a Perspective Grid,
Rotating a UCS Axis, Visual Errors, Orthographic Views, Line Thickness, Using
the Thickness Command to Create Objects.

7. Modeling: Introduction, Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Wedge, Torus, Extrude,

Revolve, Helix, Polysolid, Loft, Intersect, Union and Subtract, Solid Modeling
and UCSs, Combining Solid Objects, Intersecting Solids, Solid Models of
Castings, Thread Representations in Solid Models, List, Massprop, Face and
Edge Editing.

8. Projects: Introduction, Socket and Spigot Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flanged
Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flat Belt Pulley, V-Belt Pulley, Rope Pulley, Wall
Bracket, Cotter Joint with Sleeve, Cotter Joint with Socket and Spigot Ends,
Cotter Joint with a Gib, Knuckle Joint, Butt-Muff Coupling, Half-Lap Muff
Coupling, Split-Muff Coupling, Flanged Coupling, Protected Flanged Coupling,
Bushed Pin Type Flanged Flexible Coupling, Claw Coupling, Universal
Coupling (Hooke’s Joint), Oldham Coupling, Footstep bearing, Journal bearing,
Ball bearing, Roller bearing

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Graphics with Bethune Pearson (2016)


Fundamentals of Engg. Luzadder Literary Licensing LLC (2015)


Engineering Drawing and Jensen Mc-Graw Hill (2012)


Manual of Engineering French Wentworth (2016)


Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC354

Course Title Machine Drawing (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 004

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 100 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Engineering Graphics

Course Objectives 1. To develop the technical skills necessary to

successfully use a computer aided drafting system
such as Auto-CAD.
2. To develop the technical skills necessary to produce
assembly drawings.
3. To develop the ability to produce 3-D Solid model of
engineering products using CAD system

Course Outcomes 1. Ability to communicate the ideas and concepts using

CAD software.
2. Ability to draw and communicate assembly drawings
and sectional views.
3. Ability to develop 3-D solid models of real life
mechanical systems.

List of Experiments

The candidates will be required to make at least 20 three-dimensional solid models

covering the following as per B.I.S. SP46-2003 for general engineering drawing:

1. Simple Solids including Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, Wedges and
their combinations using Extrude, Union, Subtraction, Intersection Commands
(Minimum 5 Solid Models)
2. Socket and Spigot Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flanged Joint for Hydraulic Pipes
(Minimum 1 Solid Model)
3. Flat Belt Pulley, V-Belt Pulley, Rope Pulley, Brackets (Minimum 2 Solid Models)
4. Cotter Joint with Sleeve, Cotter Joint with Socket and Spigot Ends, Cotter Joint with
a Gib, Knuckle Joint (Minimum 3 Solid Models)
5. Butt-Muff Coupling, Half-Lap Muff Coupling, Split-Muff Coupling, Flanged Coupling,
Protected Flanged Coupling, Bushed Pin Type Flanged Flexible Coupling, Claw
Coupling, Universal Coupling (Hooke’s Joint), Oldham Coupling (Minimum 3 Solid
6. Footstep bearing, Journal bearing, Ball bearing, Roller bearing, Plummer block
(Minimum 2 Solid Models)
7. I.C. Engine Piston, Connecting Rod, Spark Plug, Fuel Pump, Fuel Injector
(Minimum 1 Solid Model)
8. Tail Stock, Screw Jack, Bench Vice, Crane Hook (Minimum 1 Solid Model)
9. Lever Safety Valve, Spring Loaded Safety Valve (Minimum 1 Solid Model)
10. Milling Vise, Tenon Jig (Minimum 1 Solid Model)

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD Bethune Pearson (2016)

Fundamentals of Engg. Drawing Luzadder Literary Licensing LLC (2015)

Engineering Drawing and Design Jensen Mc-Graw Hill (2012)

Manual of Engineering Drawing French Wentworth (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC305

Course Title Manufacturing Processes

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Workshop Technology, Engineering Drawing

1. To understand the importance and need

of Manufacturing processes
Course Objectives 2. Awareness, practical exposure to, and
applications of various Manufacturing

By the end of the course the students shall be

able to
1. Understand the fundamentals of
Engineering Materials
Course Outcomes
2. The principles of working and
controlling parameters of metal forming,
casting, moulding, and welding


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Fundamentals of Engineering Materials:
Metal (Cast Iron, Pig Iron and Steel) and Alloys (Aluminum, Copper,
Magnesium, Nickel and Steel), Non-ferrous materials (Aluminum, Cobalt,
Copper, lead, Magnesium, Nickel, Tin and Zinc) and Nonmetal, Mechanical
behavior, Physical properties, Manufacturing properties, Testing, Applications
of Engineering Materials. (Lectures 10)

2. Metal forming:
a. Definition and classification of metal forming, type of rolling, hot rolling,
rolling mills, forging, smith forging, drop forging, machining forging and
press forging, defects in forging.
b. Pipe and Tube manufacture, extrusion, hot spinning, drawing and
cupping, piercing, cold rolling, wire drawing, rod and tube drawing, metal
spinning, coining, embossing and shot peening, sheet metal working
operations, piercing, blanking, bending and drawing, punch and die

setup, presses. (Lectures 10)

Part B

3. Foundry:
Introduction to Casting Processes, Basic Steps in Casting Process,
Expandable and permanent mould casting processes, Pattern, Types of
Patterns, Pattern Allowances, Risers, Runners, Gates, Moulding Sand and its
composition, Sand Preparation, Molding Methods, Core Sands and Core
Making, Core Assembly, Mold Assembly, Melting and Pouring, Cooling and
Solidification, Elementary and brief description of various melting furnaces,
Fettling, (Lectures 7)

4. Welding:
a. Definition and classification, types of welded joints, weldability, Gas
welding: oxy-acetylene welding, equipment, lighting up, type of flames,
welding techniques, welding of cast iron, flame cutting, advantages and
limitations Electric arc welding : principle, metal transfer in arc welding,
straight & reverse polarity in AC & DC, relative merits & demerits,
various electric arc welding processes, coding & selection of welding
b. TIG, MIG welding processes, electric resistance welding, spot, butt,
seam, upset, projection & high frequency resistance welding, thermit
welding, brazing and soldering, description of special welding
techniques, choice of process for welding, defects in welding joint, their
causes and remedies. (Lectures 10)

5. Powder Metallurgy:

Definition and classification , of metal powder, advantages and

limitation, metal powder product, method of producing powders,
briquetting and sintering, hot iso-static Processing , sizing and finishing
operation. (Lectures 3)

Title Author Publisher

Workshop Technology Chapman Butterworth Heinemann (1972)

(Part 1,2, and 3)

Workshop Processes, Black Routledge (2015)

Practices and Materials

Principles of Modern Groover Wiley (2018)


DeGarmo's Materials and Black Wiley (2017)

Processes in

Manufacturing Kalpakjian Pearson (2018)

Engineering and

Title Author Publisher

Materials and Lindberg PHI (1988)

manufacturing Technology

Manufacturing Processes Ostwald Wiley (1997)

and Systems

Course Code MEC355

Course Title Manufacturing Processes (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Workshop Technology, Engineering Drawing

Course Objectives 1. To state the importance and need of Manufacturing

2. To tell the students about various tool materials.
3. To make the students aware of various Manufacturing
4. To give the students practical exposure of various
Manufacturing processes
5. To tell the students about applications of various
Manufacturing processes

Course Outcomes 1. The Fundamentals of Engineering Materials

2. The principle working and controlling parameters of
metal forming processes and the principle working
and controlling parameters of welding
3. The principle working and controlling parameters of
foundry and the process of mould making

List of Experiments
1. Experimental work pertaining to study & use of sand testing equipment
2. To prepare a mould & do casting.
3. Study of casting defects.
4. To prepare a lap joint using- electric arc welding.
5. To prepare a joint using- gas/spot welding.
6. Application of MIG/TIG welding
7. To study various processes of powder metallurgy

Title Author Publisher

Workshop Technology Chapman Butterworth Heinemann

(Part 1,2, and 3) (1972)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code ASM301

Course Title Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis (Abridged)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Calculus, Differential Equations

This course is an introduction to a broad range

of mathematical techniques for solving problems
that arise in Science and Engineering. The goal
Course Objectives is to provide a basic understanding of the
derivation, analysis and use of these techniques
along with a detailed understanding of linear
algebra in engineering applications.

1. Students will be able to manipulate and

understand systems of equations in
multi-dimensions. Additionally, students
will learn some standard techniques in
linear algebra, which allow them to deal
with matrices that might show up in
applications like load and displacements
in structures, compatibility in structures,
Course Outcomes finite element analysis (has Mechanical,
Electrical, and Thermodynamic
2. Successful study of this module should
enhance students skills in understanding
complex mathematical texts, working with
abstract concepts, constructing solutions
to problems logically and communicating
mathematical ideas clearly.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Systems of Linear equations : Introduction, Linear equations, solutions, Linear
equations in two unknowns, Systems of linear equations, equivalent systems,
Elementary operations, Systems in Triangular and echelon form, Reduction
Algorithm, Matrices, Row equivalence and elementary row operations,
Systems of Linear equations and matrices, Homogeneous systems of Linear
equations. (Scope as in Chapter 1, Sections 1.1-1.10 of Reference 1)

2. Vector Spaces : Introduction, Vector spaces, examples of vector spaces,

subspaces, Linear combinations, Linear spans, Linear dependence and
Independence, Basis and Dimension, Linear equations and vector spaces.
(Scope as in Chapter 5, Sections 5.1-5.8 of Reference 1)

3. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization : Introduction, Polynomials in

matrices, Characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Eigen-values
and Eigen-vectors, computing Eigen-values and Eigen-vectors, Diagonalizing
matrices. (Scope as in Chapter 8, Sections 8.1-8.5 of Reference 1).

4. Linear Transformations : Introduction, Mappings, Linear mappings, Kernal and

image of a linear mapping, Rank- Nullity theorem (without proof), singular and
non-singular linear mappings, isomorphisms. (Scope as in Chapter 9, Sections
9.1-9.5 of Reference 1).

Part B

5. Complex Functions : Definition of a Complex Function, Concept of continuity

and differentiability of a complex function, Cauchy – Riemann equations,
necessary and sufficient conditions for differentiability (Statement only). Study
of complex functions: Exponential function, Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic
functions, real and imaginary part of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions,
Logarithmic functions of a complex variable, complex exponents (Scope as in
Chapter 12, Sections 12.3 – 12.4, 12.6 – 12.8 of Reference 4).

6. Laurent Series of function of complex variable, Singularities and Zeros,

Residues at simple poles and Residue at a pole of any order, Residue
Theorem (Statement only) and its simple applications (Scope as in Chapter 15,
Sections 15.1 – 15.3 of Reference 4).

Title Author Publisher

Shaum’s Outline of Theory and Lipschutz McGraw Hill (1991)

Problems of Linear Algebra

Complex Variables and Applications Churchill McGraw Hill (1996)

Linear Algebra Sahai Narosa (2002)

Advanced Engineering Mathematics Greenberg Pearson

Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig Wiley


Title Author Publisher

Semester 4

Course Code MEC401

Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics

The purpose of this course is to enable

the student to gain an understanding of
how thermodynamic principles govern the
Course Objectives
behavior of various systems and have
knowledge of methods of analysis and design
of complicated thermodynamic systems.

By the end of the course the students shall be

able to

1. Apply the principles of thermodynamics

to reacting systems and analyze the
equilibrium of a reacting system using
Course Outcomes the computer.
2. Describe the characteristics of the Otto,
Diesel, and Brayton power cycles and
the method of analysis of each cycle.
3. Analyze the Rankine cycle with various
configurations to optimize the design of
a power plant and use the computer to
synthesize and evaluate the design.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Entropy: Entropy, The Increase of Entropy Principle , Entropy Change of Pure

Substances , Isentropic Processes, Property Diagrams Involving Entropy, Entropy and
Entropy Generation in Daily Life, The T ds Relations, Entropy Change of Liquids and
Solids, The Entropy Change of Ideal Gases,Entropy Generation, Closed Systems,
Control Volumes, Entropy Generation Associated with a Heat Transfer Process

2. Exergy: Introduction, Work Potential of energy Associated with Kinetic and Potential
Energy, Reversible Work and Irreversibility, Second Law Efficiency, Exergy Change of a
System, Exergy of a Fixed Mass, Exergy of a Flow Stream, Exergy Transfer by Heat,
Work, And Mass, The Decrease of Exergy Principle and Exergy Destruction, Exergy
Balance: Closed Systems Exergy Balance: Control Volumes, Exergy Balance for Steady
Flow Systems, Reversible Work, Second Law Efficiency of Steady Flow Devices

3. Gas Power Cycles: Basic Considerations in the Analysis of Power Cycles, The Carnot
Cycle and its Value in Engineering, Air Standard Assumptions, An Overview of
Reciprocating Engines, Otto Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Spark Ignition Engines, Diesel
Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Compression Ignition Engines, Stirling and Ericsson Cycles,
Brayton Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Gas Turbine Engines, Development of Gas Turbines,
Deviation of Actual Gas Turbine Cycles from Idealized Ones, The Brayton Cycle with
Regeneration, The Brayton Cycle with Intercooling, Reheating, and Regeneration, Ideal
Jet Propulsion Cycles, Modifications to Turbojet Engines, Second Law Analysis of Gas
Power Cycles.

Part B

4. Gas Mixtures: Composition of a Gas Mixture: Mass and Mole Fractions, p- v- T Behavior
of Gas Mixtures: Ideal and Real Gases, Ideal Gas Mixtures, Real Gas Mixtures, Ideal
Gas Mixtures Real Gas Mixtures

5. Chemical and Phase Equilibrium: Criterion for Chemical Equilibrium, The Equilibrium
Constant for Ideal Gas Mixtures, Chemical Equilibrium for Simultaneous Reactions,
Variation of Equilibrium constant with Temperature Phase Equilibrium for a Single
Component System ,The Phase Rule, Phase Equilibrium for a Multicomponent System.

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Borgnakke Wiley (2009)

Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics Moran Wiley (2015)

Engineering Thermodynamics Cengel McGraw-Hill (2015)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC451

Course Title Engineering Thermodynamics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics

Course Objectives The experiments aim at providing practical knowledge in

thermodynamics and to implement practical engineering

Course Outcomes 1. Understand the working ofIC Engines

2. Implement practical knowledge to improve the efficiency
of IC Engines.

List of Experiments

1. Study of constructional details, cooling system, Lubrication system and Fuel Flow
system of following Engines;
a. Two stroke and four stroke Diesel engine.
b. Four stroke Petrol Engine.

2. To find the mechanical and thermal efficiency of a Diesel Engine.

3. To draw the valve timing diagram for a Diesel Engine

4. Determination of B.H.P. at various loads (pump being given fixed setting not to be
changed by ( governor) for a Diesel Engine/Semi Diesel Engine. Graphical
representation of B.H.P. and torque with speed and its interpretation.

5. Trial of a Diesel Engine/Semi Diesel Engine. Determination of B.H.P., fuel

consumption ,I.H.P. and mechanical efficiency at various loads (speed parameters
constant). Discussion on variation of thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption
with B.H.P.

6. To estimate the indicated power, friction power and mechanical efficiency of a multi
cylinder petrol engine when running at constant speed under constant settings of a
carburetor (Morse test).
7. To obtain a power consumption curve, thermal and mechanical efficiency curve for
the four stroke diesel engine when tested over a range of power from no load to full
load. Also to draw up the heat balance sheet for this range of output of power.

8. Study of multi cylinder diesel engines.

9. To determine dryness fraction of steam using separating and throttling calorimeters.


Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC402

Course Title Mechanics of Solids

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Statics and Dynamics of RIgid Bodies,

Course Prerequisites
Mechanics of Materials

1. Provide clear understanding of

principles, assumptions, and limitations
underlying the mechanics of deformable
Course Objectives solids in equilibrium.
2. Apply above principles to engineering
design based on strength, stiffness, and
stability criteria.

1. The student should be able to develop a

physical understanding of a given
2. The student should be able to construct
an idealized model.
3. Using equilibrium, compatibility, and
Course Outcomes
force-deformation relation the student
should be able to generate the solution
to the problem.
4. The student should be able to analyze
and design an element using the above


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Concepts from The Theory of Elasticity : Plane Elastic problems, The Airy Stress
Function, Prandtl’s Stress Function in Torsion.

2. Topics from Advanced Mechanics of Materials : Shear Flow, Torsion of Closed

Thin-walled Tubes, Bending of Unsymmetrical Beams, Shear in Thin-Walled Beams,
Composite Beams, Curved Beams, Bending of Flat Plates, Thick-Walled Cylinders and
Rotating Disks, Stress Concentrations.

3. Energy Techniques in Stress Analysis : Work, Strain Energy, Castigliano’s First Theorem,

Complementary Strain Energy, Castigliano’s Second Theorem, Virtual Load Method,
Rayleigh’s Method.

Part B

4. Strength, Failure Modes, and Design Considerations : Strength, Design Factor, Strength
Theories, Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue Analysis, Structural Stability, Inelastic Behavior,
Engineering Approximations.

5. Experimental Stress Analysis : Analysis Techniques, Strain Gages - Configurations,

Instrumentations, Measurements. Theory of Photoelasticity, Photoelasticity Techniques

Title Author Publisher

Advanced Strength and Budynas McGraw Hill (2011)

Applied Stress Analysis

Title Author Publisher

Advanced Mechanics of Materials Boresi Wiley (2009)

Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Ugural Pearson (2019)

Applied Elasticity

Advanced Mechanics of Materials Cook Pearson (2013)

Advanced Mechanics of Materials Bickford Pearson (2015)

Experimental Stress Analysis Dally McGraw Hill

Elasticity Timoshenko McGraw Hill

M. H. Sadd, Elsevier (2014)

Elasticity: Theory, Applications & Numerics

Introduction to Mechanics of Solids Crandall McGraw Hill (2017)

Course Code MEC452

Course Title Mechanics of Solids (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives The experiments aim at providing practical knowledge of the

theory material covered in the Mechanics of Solids class.

Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to relate the mathematical

models developed in theory to physical models.
2. In addition the student will learn about how to carry
out experiments, collect data, errors, and report

List of Experiments

1. Study of Buckling Test

2. Study time dependent deformation with Creep test.
3. Study of wood testing machines and performance of various tests on it.
4. Study Fatigue behavior and perform a Fatigue test.
5. Experiment to find the shear centre for unsymmetrical sections.
6. Experiment to determine stress distribution in thin cylindrical pressure vessels.
7. Strain Gage Demonstration
8. Photo-elasticity Demonstration

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Strength of Materials Ryder MacMillan

Strength of Materials Hearn Butterworth Heinemann

GUNT https://www.gunt.de/en/

TecQuipment https://www.tecquipment.com/

Course Code MEC403

Course Title Dynamics of Machines

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics of Machines

1. To educate students on different gear and

gear train mechanisms
2. To introduce functioning of various types of
Course Objectives
3. To give knowledge about balancing and
inertia forces of various engine parts

1. Students will be able to design gears and

understand transmission of forces
2. Students will be able to design different types
of cam mechanism
3. Students will be able to understand the inertia
Course Outcomes forces involved during engine force and
power transmissions
4. Students can generate various mechanisms
related to lower pairs and solve engine
problems related to balancing of rotating and
reciprocating parts


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Inertia Forces in Mechanism: Determination of Forces and couples for a link,
inertia of reciprocating parts, dynamically equivalent system. Analytical and
graphical methods, inertia force analysis of basic engine 5 mechanism (crank,
connecting rod and piston etc). Torque required to overcome inertia and
gravitational force of a four bar linkage.

2. Lower Pairs, Universal Joint - single and double, calculation of maximum

torque, Oldham’s Coupling, steering mechanism including. AcKermann’s and
Davis steering mechanism. Mechanisms with lower pairs, pantograph, exact
and approximate straight line motion, engine indicators.elliptical trammel .

3. Gyroscope - Definition, axis of spin, axis of precession gyroscope, gyroscopic
couple, Gyroscope effect on the momentum of ships and vehicle, ship
stabilization, stability of automobile and locomotive taking a turn.

4. Cams:Types of cams and followers, definition – basic circle & least radius,
angle of ascent, dwell, 7 descent & action. Displacement, velocity and
acceleration diagrams for the followers with uniform velocity motion, simple
harmonic motion, uniform acceleration and retardation, determination of
maximum velocity, acceleration and retardation, analysis of follower motion for
pre-specified cam profiles (tangent cams and convex cams).

Part B

5. Balancing: Classification , need for balancing, balancing for simple and multiple
masses, static and dynamic balancing – Primary and secondary balancing for
reciprocating masses, inside and 7 outside the cylinder locomotive balancing,
swaying couple and variation of tractive effort, partial balancing of locomotive,
balancing of the coupled locomotives and its advantages multi cylinder in the
line engines ( primary and secondary balancing conditions and their
applications ), balancing of V-engines balancing machines (Static balancing
M/c: dynamic balancing M/c, universal balancing M/c), introduction of balancing
of the flexible rotors.

6. Gears: Toothed gears are their uses, types of toothed gears (spur gears,
internal spur gears, spur and rack, bevel gears, helical gears, double helical
gears, spiral gears, worm gears) definitions, pitch circle diameter, pitch
surface, pitch point, circular pitch, diametral pitch, module pitch, addendum,
dedendum, clearance addendum circle, outside diameter, internal
diameter, dedendum circle, root diameter ,base. Base circle diameter, face
and flank of tooth, fillet, angle of obliquity or pressure angle, path of contact,
arc of contact, arc of approach, condition for correct gearing, forms of teeth,
cycloid and its teeth variants epicycloids and hypocycloid, involute
methods of drawing in involute and cycloidal curves, interference in
involute gears and methods of its removal, comparison of involute and
cycloidal gear systems.

7. Gear Trains: Types of gear trains single and compound epicyclic gear
trains, Problems involving their applications, estimation of velocity ratio of
worm and worm wheel, helical and spiral gears (Determination of No. teeth,
spiral angle and efficiency).

Title Author Publisher

Theory of Machines and Uicker OUP (2009)


Kinematics, Dynamics, Waldron Wiley (2016)

and Design of Machinery

Mechanisms and Stanisic Cengage (2014)

Machines: Kinematics,
Dynamics, and Synthesis

Kinematics and Dynamics Wilson Pearson (2008)
of Machinery

Kinematics and Dynamics Norton McGrawHill (2017)

of Machinery

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Kinematics Vinogradov CRC (2000)

and Dynamics of Machines and

Kinematics and Dynamics of Rusell CRC (2018)

Mechanical Systems:
Implementation in MATLAB®
and SimMechanics®

Theory of Machines Bevan CBS (2005)

Mechanics of Machines I and II Hannah Butterworth and Heinemann (1984)

Mechanics of Machines Cleghorn OUP (2015)

Principles of Vibration Tongue OUP (2002)

Kinematics and Dynamics of Martin Waveland Press (2002)


Kinematics and Linkage Design Hall Waveland Press (1986)

Analysis of Mechanisms Hall Waveland Press (1987)

Course Code MEC453

Course Title Dynamics of Machines (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics of Machines

Course Objectives 1. To educate students on different gear and gear train

2. To introduce functioning of various types of cams
3. To give knowledge about balancing and inertia forces
of various engine parts

Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to design gears and understand

transmission of forces
2. Students will be able to design different types of cam
3. Students will be able to understand the inertia forces
involved during engine force and power transmissions
4. Students can generate various mechanisms related to
lower pairs and solve engine problems related to
balancing of rotating and reciprocating parts

List of Experiments

1. Balance experimentally the given known force by introducing two weight (forces)
parallel to the given force in two different planes and verify the result by analytical

2. Study the dynamic balancing machine & balance of a given body i.e. rotor by
different methods.

3. Study the working and construction of the two types of steering gears. Draw neat
sketches of each type and measure the angle in Ackerman's steering gear fined in
different vehicles. Find the ratio of intersection of two arms from the front axle to
the base of the vehicle.

4. Study the different types of mechanisms for tracing out the approximate straight

5. Find out the pressure distribution graph analytically & practically around a simple
Journal bearing under variable load conditions on the shaft.

6. To plot n-Ɵ (follower displacement Vs cam rotation) curves for different cam and
follower arrangements

7. To study gyroscopic effect on rotating disc and to verify the gyroscopic couple


8. Study the whirling speed apparatus and calculate the critical speed of the given

9. To study the model of an Epicyclic gear train and to determine the speed ratio.

10. To study the various tooth profiles and to generate the involute profile on a blank.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC404

Course Title Manufacturing Technology

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Manufacturing Processes

1. The primary objective of this course is

to help the student gain the knowledge
about traditional manufacturing
Course Objectives machines like lathe, drilling, milling,
grinding and welding machines.
2. To understand various tools and tool
signatures used on these machines.

1. Identify the different components and

operations of traditional machines.
Course Outcomes
2. Select and apply different manufacturing
processes to machine a component.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Metal cutting & Tool life:

Basic tool geometry, single point tool nomenclature, chips- types and mechanism of chips
formation, theoretical and experimental determination of shear angle, orthogonal and
oblique metal cutting, metal cutting theories, relationship of velocities, forces and power
consumption. Effect of operating parameters life tool geometry, cutting speed, feed depth
of out, coolant, materials etc on forces temp. Tool life, surface finish etc., tool life
relationship, tailor equation of tool life, tool material and mechanism. (7Hours)

2. Centre Lathe and Special Purpose Lathes:

Centre lathe, constructional features, cutting tool geometry, various operations, taper
turning methods, thread cutting methods, special attachments, machining time and power
estimation. Capstan and turret lathes – automats– single spindle, Swiss type, automatic
screw type, multi spindle - Turret Indexing mechanism, Bar feed mechanism. (4 Hours)

3. Shaping & Planning:

Principle, description & functions of lathe, specifications, work holding devices, tools &
operations. Working principle of shaper, planer and slotter, Specification of shaper, planer

and slotting machine Quick return mechanism, types of tools Speed and feed used in
above processes. Commonly used cutting tool materials. (5 Hours)

4. Milling & Drilling :

Milling; principle, types of milling machines, specifications of milling machine, Introduction
to indexing, Multipoint cutting tool, Types of milling cutters. Principles, Classification of
drilling machine, Different operations on drilling machine,Speed and feed in drilling. (4

Part B

5. Grinding, Boring and Broaching:

Types of grinding machines. Grinding wheels- Elements, codification and selection,
balancing, dressing, loading and truing, About Boring and Broaching operations and
applications. (7 Hours)

6. Gear Cutting:
Gear teeth introduction and terminology, Gear manufacturing by: casting; Template
methods; Gear shaper process; rack planning process; Hobbing process; Bevel gear
cutting, Cutting worm and worm wheel, Gear finishing (5 Hours)

7. Thread Manufacturing:
Screw threads: Introduction & classification, Elements of screw threads, specification,
forms and error of screw threads; Processes of making threads using die heads, Thread
milling, thread grinding, tread tapping, Automatic screw machine. (4Hours)

8. Metal Finishing and Coating:

Purpose of super finishing, surface roughness.Introduction of Honing, Lapping Polishing,
Buffing and super-finishing.Metal Spraying.Metal Coating; galvanizing, electro-plating and
anodizing. (4Hours)

Title Author Publisher

Principles of Manufacturing Campbell Tata McGraw Hill

Materials and Process

Groover's Principles of Modern Groover Wiley (2018)


Manufacturing Engineering and Kalpakjian Pearson (208)


Title Author Publisher

Workshop Technology (Part 1, Chapman CBS (2001)

2, 3)

Course Code MEC454

Course Title Manufacturing Technology (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Internship-1

Course Objectives 1. The objective of this course is to help the student

gain the knowledge and skills about traditional
manufacturing machines like lathe, drilling, milling,
grinding and welding machines.
2. To understand various tools and tool signatures used
on these machines.

Course Outcomes By the end of the course the students shall be able to
1. Identify the different components and operations of
traditional machines.
2. Select and apply different manufacturing processes
to machine a component.

List of Experiments:

1. To prepare a job on the lathe machine involves turning, grooving, drilling, boring
& threading operation.
2. To prepare a job on a shaper machine.
3. To prepare a job on a milling machine.
4. To prepare a job on a drill machine involves drilling, countersinking & reaming
5. To prepare a job involves-Grinding and thread manufacturing operation.
6. To study the different processes of gear manufacturing

Course Code MEC405

Course Title Fluid Mechanics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Statics and Dynamics of RIgid Bodies,

Course Prerequisites

1. To understand the structure and the

properties of the fluid.
2. To understand the behavior of fluids at
rest or in motion and the complexities
involved in solving the fluid flow
Course Objectives
3. To solve different type of problems
related to fluid flow in pipes and do the
prototype study of different type of

1. Explain the concept of fluid, stability of

bodies in fluid and different types of fluid
2. Use Bernoulli’s theorem to solve basic
problems involving pressure losses
through pipes and pipe bends and its
Course Outcomes application
3. Explain the importance of Dimensional
Analysis techniques and dimensionless
parameters in fluid mechanics;
Reynolds number; Mach number.
4. Lean the concept of potential flow,
viscous flow considering viscous forces


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Fundamental Concepts: Basic Fluid Properties, Classification of fluids, Viscosity, Vapour

pressure, Surface Tension and Capillarity.
2. Fluid Statics: Pressure, Absolute and Gauge Pressure, Static Pressure Variation,

Pressure Variation for Incompressible, Pressure Variation for Compressible Fluids,
Measurement of Static Pressure, Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces, Hydrostatic
Forces on an Incline Plane Surface, Buoyancy and Stability,
3. Kinematics of Fluid Motion: Types of Flow Description, Types of Fluid Flow, Graphical
Descriptions of Fluid Flow, Fluid Acceleration, Streamline Coordinates, The Reynolds
Transport Theorem. Rate of Flow and Average Velocity, Continuity Equation.
4. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Dimensional Analysis, Important Dimensionless
Numbers, The Buckingham Pi Theorem, Model and Similitude.

Part B

5. Energy of Moving Fluids: Euler’s Equations of Motion, The Bernoulli Equation,

Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation: Pipe flow, venturimeter, orifice, mouth pieces, weirs
and notches, Flow through pipes, minor and major losses, Energy and the Hydraulic
6. Viscous Flow within Enclosed Surfaces: Equation of motion for laminar flow through
pipes: Hagen Poiseuille formula, Flow between parallel flat plates, couette flow, Plane
Poiseuille flow, Transition from laminar to turbulent, Reynolds experiment, Eddy viscosity,
Mixing length concept.
7. Viscous Flow over External Surfaces: The Concept of the Boundary Layer, Laminar
Boundary Layers, The Momentum Integral Equation, Turbulent Boundary Layers,
Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layers, Lift and Drag on an Aerofoil.
8. Compressible Flow: Wave Propagation through a Compressible Fluid, Isentropic Flow
through a Variable Area, Isentropic Flow through Converging and Diverging Nozzles,
Normal Shock and Oblique Shocks.

Title Author Publisher

Fluid Mechanics White McGraw-Hill (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Cengel McGraw-Hill (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Hibbeler Pearson (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Munson Wiley (2015)

Fluid Mechanics Fox Wiley (2015)

Mechanics of Fluids Potter Cengage (2015)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC455

Course Title Fluid Mechanics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. To verify Bernoulli’s theorem.

2. To calibrate a venturimeter and to determine its coefficient of discharge.

3. To calibrate an orifice meter and study the variation of the coefficient of

discharge with the Reynolds number

4. To study the flow over V‐ notch ( weir) and Rectangular notch and to find their
coefficient of discharge.

5. To determine the metacentric height of a ship model.

6. To determine the friction coefficients for pipes of different diameters.

7. To determine the head loss in a pipe line due to sudden expansion/ sudden
contraction/ bend.

8. To determine the velocity distribution for pipeline flow with a pitot static probe.

9. Experimental evaluation of free and forced vortex flow.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC406

Course Title Numerical Analysis

Course Type Core

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

This course is an introduction to a broad

range of numerical methods for solving
mathematical problems that arise in Science
and Engineering. The goal is to provide a basic
Course Objectives
understanding of the derivation, analysis and
use of these numerical methods along with a
rudimentary understanding of finite precision

1. Choose and apply the appropriate

numerical techniques to solve
engineering problems when no
closed-form, analytical solution exists.
2. In addition to this, the students can
interpret the results and assess
Course Outcomes
accuracy. Identification and selection of
machines for a specific application.
3. The students will be able to write their
own programs (e.g. in MATLAB) to
implement these numerical methods to
solve engineering problems.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Modeling, Computers, And Error Analysis:
Motivation, Mathematical Background, Orientation, Mathematical Modeling and
Engineering Problem Solving, Programming and Software, Packages and Programming,
Structured Programming, Modular Programming, MATLAB, Mathcad, Other Languages
and Libraries, Approximations and Round-Off Errors, Significant Figures, Accuracy and

Precision, Error Definitions, Round-Off Errors, Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series,
The Taylor Series, Error Propagation, Total Numerical Error, Blunders, Formulation
Errors, and Data Uncertainty,

2. Roots Of Equations:
Bracketing Methods, Graphical Methods, The Bisection Method, The False-Position
Method, Incremental Searches and Determining Initial Guesses, Open Methods, Simple
Fixed-Point Iteration , The Newton-Raphson Method, The Secant Method, Brent’s
Method, Multiple Roots, Systems of Nonlinear Equations, Roots of Polynomials,
Polynomials in Engineering and Science, Computing with Polynomials, Conventional
Methods, Müller’s Method, Bairstow’s Method, Application to Ideal/Non-ideal Gas Laws,
Pipe friction

3. Linear Algebraic Equations:

Gauss Elimination, Solving Small Numbers of Equations, Naive Gauss Elimination,
Pitfalls of Elimination Methods, Techniques for Improving Solutions, Complex Systems,
Nonlinear Systems of Equations, Gauss-Jordan, LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion,
LU Decomposition, The Matrix Inverse, Error Analysis and System Condition, Special
Matrices and Gauss-Seidel, Application to Spring-Mass Systems (Mechanical/Aerospace

4. Curve Fitting:
Least-Squares Regression, Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Multiple Linear
Regression , General Linear Least Squares, Nonlinear Regression, Interpolation,
Newton’s Divided-Difference Interpolating Polynomials, Lagrange Interpolating
Polynomials, Coefficients of an Interpolating Polynomial, Inverse Interpolation, Spline
Interpolation, Multidimensional Interpolation, Fourier Approximation, Curve Fitting with
Sinusoidal Functions, Continuous Fourier Series, Frequency and Time Domains, Fourier
Integral and Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT),
The Power Spectrum, Curve Fitting with Software Packages, Application to Analysis of
Experimental Data (Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering)

Part B

5. Numerical Integration:
Motivation, Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas, The Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rules,
Integration with Unequal Segments, Open Integration Formulas, Multiple Integrals,
Integration of Equations, Newton-Cotes Algorithms for Equations, Romberg Integration,
Adaptive Quadrature, Gauss Quadrature, Improper Integrals

6. Numerical Differentiation:
High-Accuracy Differentiation Formulas, Richardson Extrapolation, Derivatives of
Unequally Spaced Data, Derivatives and Integrals for Data with Errors, Partial
Derivatives, Integration to Determine the Total Quantity of Heat, Root-Mean-Square
Current by Numerical Integration

7. Ordinary Differential Equations:

Runge-Kutta Methods, Euler’s Method, Improvements of Euler’s Method, Runge-Kutta
Methods, Systems of Equations, Adaptive Runge-Kutta Methods, Stiffness and Multistep
Methods, Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems, Using ODEs to Analyze the
Transient Response of a Reactor, The Swinging Pendulum (Mechanical/Aerospace

8. Differential Equations:
Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations, The Laplace Equation, Solution Technique,
Boundary Conditions, The Control-Volume Approach, Software to Solve Elliptic
Equations, Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations, The Heat-Conduction Equation,
Explicit Methods, A Simple Implicit Method, The Crank-Nicolson Method, Parabolic
Equations in Two Spatial Dimensions

Title Author Publisher

Numerical Methods for Chapra and Canale McGraw Hill (2016)


Numerical Methods using Matthew and Fink Pearson


Numerical Analysis Burden Cengage (2012)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC457

Course Title Internship 1

Course Type Core (Mandatory internship lasting four weeks in a

reputed Mechanical Engineering related Company or
Research Organization)

Course LTP 0020

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50
● End of Semester

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Workshop


Course Objectives 1. To provide an exposure to students to an industrial

work environment.
2. To make the students aware of work ethics and
professional ethics.

Course Outcomes 1. Ability to understand the real world industrial

problem and provide a practically possible solution

Semester 5

Course Code MEC501

Course Title Design of Machine Elements 1

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines,

Course Prerequisites
Mechanics of Materials

1. Develop the ability to analyze and

evaluate the different loads and
stresses acting on a machine element.
2. Understand the various failure modes of
Course Objectives
the element.
3. Apply the basic principles of mechanics
to design the machine element which
can meet the desired needs.

1. Ability to design and analyze both

permanent joints (riveted, welded, etc.)
and temporary joints (Bolts, keys, cotter,
knuckle)under concentric and eccentric
loading conditions.
2. Ability to design and analyze different
Course Outcomes types of levers.
3. Ability to analyze and design keys,
power transmission shafts (carrying
various elements like pulleys, gears etc)
and couplings.
4. Ability to design and analyze power
screws & screw jack.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction:
Scope and meaning of design with special reference to machine design, design process,
codes and standards, economic aspects of design, safety aspects of design. Stress and
strength, Design factors and Factors of safety, Concept of tearing, bearing, shearing,
crushing, bending,torsion ,deflection and stiffness. Basic criteria of selection material,
mechanical properties of materials, Failures resulting from static loading, stress
concentration, methods of avoiding stress concentration, Introduction to fatigue in metals,

mechanism of fatigue failure, S-N diagram, endurance limit, Fatigue strength, Endurance
limit modifying factors, Fatigue stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity

2. Design of Levers:
First, second and third types of levers, Design of hand lever, foot lever, bell crank lever,
safety valve lever

3. Design of Non permanent Joints :

Thread standards and definitions, Basic types of screw fastening, Bolt strength, Statically
loaded tension joints-Preload, Design of eccentrically loaded bolted joints.
Design of spigot and socket cotter joint, Design of knuckle joint.

4. Design of Permanent Joints:

Riveted Joints: Types of failures of riveted joints, strength and efficiency of a riveted
joint,Design of butt and lap joints of a boiler, design of Lozenge joint, design of
eccentrically loaded riveted joints.
Welded Joints: Types of welded joints, strength of a welded joint, design of welded joints
for various loading conditions in torsion, shear or direct loads, design of eccentrically
loaded welded joints.

Part B

5. Design of Shafts:
Design of solid and hollow shafts for transmission of torque, bending moments and axial
forces, Design of shaft for rigidity.

6. Design of keys and couplings:

Types of keys, effect of keyway on strength of shaft, design of keys under different
loading conditions. Types of couplings, design of sleeve coupling, clamp coupling, flange
coupling and pin type flexible coupling.
7. Design of Pipe Joints:
Design of pipes, design of circular, oval and square flanged pipe joints

8. Power Screw:
Various types of threads used in power screw drives, conditions for self-locking and
overhauling, efficiency of power screw drives, stresses developed in screws, design
procedure for power screw drives like screw jack etc.

Title Author Publisher

Machine Design Norton Pearson (2018)

Shigley's Mechanical Budynas McGraw Hill (2017)

Engineering Design

Machine Component Design Juvinall Wiley (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Machinery's Handbook Oberg Industrial Press (2020)

Course Code MEC551

Course Title Design of Machine Elements 1 (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Mechanics of

Materials, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines,
Engineering Drawing

Course Objectives The Design assignments aim at providing application of the

basic principles of mechanics to design the various
machine elements considering the static and dynamic
strength parameters.

Course Outcomes 1. Apply different theories of failure to design machine

elements like permanent joints (riveted, welded, etc.)
, detachable joints (bolts, keys, cotter, knuckle
etc.),shafts, couplings, levers, pipe joints and power
2. Prepare a working drawing of the machine element
showing dimensions, tolerances, surface finish
grades and special production requirements like heat
treatment etc.

List of Experiments

Design assignments to be given so as to cover the syllabus outlined in MEC 501

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC502

Course Title Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Manufacturing Technology

1. To introduce the student to the basic

concepts of computer-aided design
(CAD) and computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM).
Course Objectives 2. To expose the student to contemporary
computer design tools for mechanical
3. To prepare the student to be an
effective user of a CAD/CAM system.

1. Understand the role of CAD/CAM in

modern design and manufacturing.
2. Knowledge about the concept of
Geometric modeling and understanding
of various geometrical transformations.
3. Knowledge about the representations
Course Outcomes and manipulations of various curves,
surfaces and solids.
4. Understand the concepts of the NC,
CNC and DNC machines and be able to
select the appropriate code for
performing particular tasks in these


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction: The Design Process, Application of computers for design, definition of CAD,
CAM and CIM, benefits of CAD, CAM, Automation and types of automation.

2. Geometric Modeling: Introduction & need of geometric modeling, types: wire frame,
surface and solid model, coordinate systems, Geometric Modeling techniques. Use of
geometric modeling.

3. Transformations: 2D and 3D Transformations, coordinate system used in transformations,
Homogeneous transformation, translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear
transformation, concatenated transformations, 3D visualization.

4. Curves: curve entities, curve representation, analytic curves – lines, circles, ellipses,
parabolas, hyperbolas, conics, synthetic curves, hermite cubic spline, bezier curve and
B-spline curve.

Part B

5. Surfaces: Surface entities, representation and analysis, analytic surface, surface of


6. Solids:Solid models and representation scheme, boundary representation, constructive

solid geometry, sweep representation.

7. NC words: Introduction, CNC, DNC and Adaptive Control, Classification of CNC

machines, Coordinate Systems, Components of CNC machine, turning and machining

8. NC part programming: Introduction and basic terms of part programming, description of

codes, G code, M code, programming for 2D and 3D jobs. Canned cycles, Loops and
Subroutines programming, computer aided part programming.

Title Author Publisher

CAD/ CAM Theory and (P) Zeid McGraw Hill (2009)

Groover and Pearson (2003)


Automation, Production Systems Groover Pearson (2016)

and Computer-Integrated

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC552

Course Title Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Manufacturing Technology

Course Objectives 1. To introduce the students about the basic concepts of

computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM).
2. To expose the students to contemporary computer design
tools for mechanical engineers.
3. To prepare the students to be an effective user of a
CAD/CAM system.

Course Outcomes 1. Understanding of various geometrical transformations.

2. Representations and manipulations of various curves,
surfaces and solids.
3. Knowledge about the modelling of various mechanical parts
in CAD software.
4. Understanding of numerical controlled machines and basic
part programming

List of Experiments

1. Write code to generate a circle, an ellipse and a tabulated cylinder.

2. Implement simple programmes for the graphics representation of
a. Various transformation, ,
b. Cubic & splines curves/Surfaces.
3. CAD Modeling
a. Simple machine parts and components construction using 3D modeling software
b. Mechanical assembly of the parts.
4. Part programming using G and M codes and NC code generations.

Title Author Publisher

Mastering CAD/CAM Zeid McGraw Hill (2006)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC503

Course Title Robotics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam.)

Course Prerequisites Statics, Rigid Body Dynamics

Course Objectives 1. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to basics

of forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and modeling
2. This course also introduces students to dynamics and
trajectory planning of simple manipulators.

Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to carry out spatial manipulation and
design of simple manipulators
2. Students will be able to do kinematic and dynamics analysis
of different robotic manipulators


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Fundamentals of Robots: Introduction to robotics, anatomy of robot, robot classification

and configurations, characteristics and applications of Robots.
2. Spatial Descriptions and Transformations: Position, orientation and frames,
transformation from one frame to another, mapping of frames, transform equation,
description of orientations of frames, Inverse of transformation matrices, Conventions for
affixing frames to Links, forward manipulator kinematics.
3. Inverse Manipulator Kinematics: Solvability, Algebraic versus Geometric solutions,
reduction to polynomial solution, Pieper’s solution, Examples of inverse manipulator
4. Velocity Propagation: Linear and rotational velocities of rigid bodies, velocity
propagation, Jacobians, static forces in manipulators.
Part B

5. Manipulator Dynamics: Acceleration of a rigid body, Mass distribution, Iterative, Newton

equation-Euler Dynamic formulation, manipulator’s dynamic equation, Langrangian
mechanics, Cartesian Space torque equation
6. Trajectory Planning: Joint space vs. Cartesian-space descriptions, Joint space
trajectories, Cartesian space trajectories.
7. Linear Control of Manipulators: Feedback and Closed-Loop Control, Control of second order
linear systems, control Law, trajectory-following control, modeling and control of single joint
8. Manipulator Mechanism Design: Kinematic configuration, actuation schemes, stiffness
and deflections, force and position sensing.
9. Sensors: Robot sensors: proximity, range, force, tactile, visual, auditory sensors. position
sensing, force sensing.

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to Robotics Craig Pearson (2005)

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to Robotics Niku Wiley

Fundamentals of Robotics Schilling Pearson

A Textbook on Industrial Ganesh Hegde University Science Press


Course Code MEC553

Course Title Robotics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Lab Report, Practical Performance, Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Statics, Rigid Body Dynamics

Course Objectives 1. The purpose of this course is to introduce students

to basics of forward kinematics, inverse kinematics
and modeling
2. This course also introduces students to dynamics
and trajectory planning of simple manipulators.

Course Outcomes
By studying this course, students will

1. Understand and be able to solve basic robot

forward and inverse kinematics problems.
2. Understand and able to solve basic robotic
dynamics, path planning and control problems
3. Able to undertake practical robotics experiments
that demonstrate the above skills.

List of Experiments

1. Study of different types of manipulators based on configuration and application.

2. Study of different types of robotics links and joints.
3. Forward and Inverse kinematics for PUMA 560
4. Design of two link manipulator using D&H parameters in Matlab using robotics Toolbox
(Peter Corke)
5. Design of PUMA 560 D & H parameters in Matlab using robotics Toolbox (Peter Corke)
6. Study of different components of manipulators with drive systems and end effectors.
7. Simulate polynomial trajectories in MATLAB

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC504

Course Title Mechanical Measurement

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanics of


Course Objectives 1. To educate students on different measurement

systems and on common types of errors
2. To introduce different types of sensors, transducers
and strain gauges used for measurement.
3. To give knowledge about thermocouples,
thermometers and flow meters used for measurements
4. To introduce measuring equipment used for linear and
angular measurements.
5. To familiarize students with micro and nano scale

Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to design sensors and

transducers used for stress analysis.
2. Students will be able to design measuring equipment’s
for the measurement of temperature and flow
3. Students will be able to calibrate instruments.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Fundamentals of Mechanical Measurement:

Need and classification of measurements and instruments: basic and auxiliary functional
elements of a measurement system; Mechanical vs. electrical/electronics instruments,
primary, secondary and working standards. Functional elements of an instrument, Active
and passive transducers, Analog & digital modes of operation, Null & deflection methods,
Input-output configuration of instruments and measurement systems, Static
characteristics and static calibration, dynamic characteristics.

2. Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Instruments:

Range and span, accuracy and precision, calibration, hysteresis and dead zone,
sensitivity and linearity, threshold and resolution: speed of response, lag, fidelity and

dynamic error, dead time and dead zone.Zero, first and second order systems and their
response to step, ramp and sinusoidal input signals

3. Assessing and Presenting Experimental Data:

Common types of error. Introduction to uncertainty. Estimation of precision uncertainty.
Theory based on the population. Theory based on the sample. Goodness of fit. Statistical
analysis by computer. Bias and single-sample uncertainty. Propagation of uncertainty.
Examples of uncertainty analysis. Minimizing error in designing experiments.Statistical
analysis of test data.

4. Strain and Stress: Measurement and Analysis :

Electro-mechanical sensors and transducers – variable resistance,inductance and

capacitive pickups, photocells and piezo-electric transducers, and application of these
elements for measurement of position/displacement, speed/velocity/acceleration, force
and liquid level etc. Resistance strain gauges, gauge factor, bonded and unbonded
gauges, surface preparation and bonding techniques, signal conditioning and bridge
circuits, temperature compensation, application of strain gauges for direct, bending and
torsional loads.

Part B

5. Pressure and Flow Measurement:

Static and dynamic pressures. Pressure-measuring systems. Pressure-measuring
transducers. Gravitational-type transducers. Elastic-type transducers. Elastic diaphragms.
Secondary transducers used with diaphragms. Strain-gage pressure cells. Measurement
of high pressure. Measurement of low pressure. Dynamic characteristics of
pressure-measuring systems. Calibration methods.

Bourdon tube, diaphragm and bellows, vacuum measurement-Mcleod gauge, thermal

conductivity gauge and ionization gauge; Dead weight pressure gauge tester.

Flow characteristics. Obstruction meters. Obstruction meters for compressible fluids.

Predictability of obstruction meter performance. The variable-area meter. Additional
flowmeters. Measurements of fluid velocities. Pressure probes. Thermal anemometry.
Scattering measurements. Calibration of flow-measuring devices. Flow
visualization.Electromagnetic flow meters, ultra-sonic flow meters and hot wire

6. Temperature Measurement:

Thermal expansion methods- bimetallic thermometers, liquid-in-glass thermometer and

filled-in-system thermometers; thermo-electric sensors-common thermo couples,
reference junction considerations, special materials and configurations: metal resistance
thermometers and thermistors; optical and total radiation pyrometers; calibration
standards.Use of bimaterials. Pressure thermometers. Thermoresistive elements.
Thermocouples. Semiconductor-junction temperature sensors. The linear-quartz
thermometer.. Other methods of temperature indication. Special problems. Measurement
of heat flux.

7. Speed, Forces, Torque and Shaft Power Measurement:

Vibrometers and accelerometers. Elementary vibrometers and vibration detectors.
Elementary accelerometers. The seismic instrument. General theory of the seismic
instrument. The seismic accelerometer. Practical accelerometers. Calibration. Calibration

of vibrometers. Calibration of accelerometers. Mechanical tachometers, vibration
tachometer and stroboscope; proving ring, hydraulic and pneumatic load cells, torque on
rotating shafts, Different types of Dynamometers: electrical and mechanical.

8. Measurement Systems Applied to Micro & Nanotechnology.

Micro scale sensors, Micro-Motion-Positioning Systems, Particle Instruments and Clean –

Room Technology, Magnetic Levitation Systems for Wafer Conveyors, Scanning- Probe

Title Author Publisher

Measurement Systems Doebelin McGraw-Hill (2017)

Mechatronics and Measurement Systems Alciatore McGraw Hill (2011)

Mechatronics a Multidisciplinary Approach Bolton Pearson (2014)

Mechanical Measurements Beckwith Pearson (2013)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC554

Course Title Mechanical Measurement (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. Measurement of the area of an object by using a planimeter.

2. Calibration of Pressure-gauge with the help of a dead weight gauge tester.
3. Calibration of thermocouple.
4. Measurement of speed by photoelectric pick up/ electromagnetic pick up/ proximity
type sensors.
5. Measurement angular displacement by capacitive transducer.
6. Measurement of linear displacement by linear motion potentiometer/ servo
potentiometer/ LVDT/ inductive pick up/ capacitive pick up.
7. Measurement of load using load cell.
8. Measurement of strain using strain gauge.
9. Measurement of Torque.
10. Measurement of water level.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC505

Course Title Mechatronics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam.)

Course Prerequisites Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Statics and Dynamics of RIgid Bodies, Mechanics
of Materials

Course Objectives 1. To enable the students to understand the

modern mechatronics components.
2. To enable the students to understand the
interdisciplinary fundamentals of mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, control
systems, computer engineering and their
3. This course focuses particularly on providing
an overview of embedded controllers like
microprocessors/microcontrollers, PLCs,
sensors etc. and applications of
mechatronics to observe and control various
mechanical systems: thermal systems,
motion systems, pneumatic systems and
hydraulic systems.

Course Outcomes 1. The students will be able to integrate

mechanical, electronics, control and
computer engineering in the design of
Mechatronics systems.
2. The students will learn the basics of
microcontrollers, sensors and actuators
embedded in automated machines.
3. The students will be able to apply
knowledge of basic mechatronics to
construct a mechatronic system


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is
required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction: Mechatronics, measurement systems, Mechatronic system

2. Electric circuits and components: Basic electrical elements (resistor,
capacitor, inductor), Kirchoff’s laws, Voltage and current sources and
meters, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, Alternating current circuit
analysis, Power in electrical circuits, Transformer, Impedance matching,
Grounding and electrical interference
3. Semiconductor electronics: Semiconductor physics, Junction diode (Zener
diode, voltage regulators, optoelectronic diodes, analysis of diode circuits),
Bipolar junction transistor (common emitter transistor, bipolar transistor
switch, Darlington transistor), Field-Effect transistors (behaviour, symbols,
applications of MOSFETs)
4. Analog signal processing using operational amplifiers: Ideal model for the
operational amplifier, inverting amplifier, non inverting amplifier, summer,
difference amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, integrator, differentiator,
sample and hold circuit, comparator, The real Op Amp.
Part B
5. Digital circuits: Digital representation, combinational logic and logic classes,
timing diagrams, Boolean algebra, Design of logic networks, Boolean
expression from a truth table, sequential logic, Flip-flops, Application of
6. Microcontroller programming and interfacing: Microprocessors and
microcomputers, microcontrollers, The PIC16F84 microcontroller,
Programming a PIC, PicBasic Pro, Using interrupts, Interfacing common
PIC peripherals (keypad, LCD), interfacing to the PIC, method to design a
microcontroller based system. Programmable Logic controller, Basic PLC
structure, Ladder programming, Instruction lists, Sequencing, Shift
7. Data acquisition: Quantizing theory, Analog-to-Digital conversion,
Digital-to-Analog conversion, virtual instrumentation-data acquisition &
control using Labview software.
8. Mechanical and electrical actuation systems: Kinematic chains, Cams,
Gears, Ratchet & Pawl, Belt & chain drives, bearings, solenoids & relays,
DC motors, Stepper motor, examples of mechatronic systems consisting of
electrical-mechanical-electronic elements.

Title Author Publisher

Alciatore McGraw Hill (2011)

Mechatronics and Measurement Systems

Mechatronics a Multidisciplinary Approach Bolton Pearson (2014)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC555

Course Title Mechatronics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report writing and Viva voce)

Course Prerequisites Introductory Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Statics and

Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives 1. To enable the students to understand the interdisciplinary

fundamentals of mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, control systems, computer engineering
2. Also learn their integration and apply them in practical

Course Outcomes 1. The students will be able to integrate mechanical,

electronics, control and computer engineering in the design
of Mechatronics systems.
2. The students will be able to apply knowledge of basic
mechatronics to construct a simple mechatronic system and
incorporate it in a mechanical device

List of Experiments

1. To acquire signal from a sensor through A/D card on to a computer.

2. To send data signals from the computer to some actuator through a D/A card.
3. To carry out the position control of a geared DC motor using a servo mechanism.
4. To carry out the microprocessor based direction and speed control of a stepper motor
and to observe the effect of external load.
5. To study the DC speed control system built around a permanent variable loading.
6. To perform the PID control of an oven.
7. To assemble a pneumatic sorting system by means of a single acting cylinder magnet
DC motor, an optical pick-up and a slotted disk to measure the speed of the motor for
feedback control.
8. To find the characteristics of the system when subjected to a set of articles.
9. Use a pneumatic double acting cylinder to open and close the lid on a container.

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to Mechatronic Design Carryer Pearson

Mechatronic System Design Kolk Cengage
Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC506

Course Title Fluid Machinery

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics

The objectives of the course are

1. To understand the fundamental thermo-

and fluid-dynamic behavior of fluid
Course Objectives 2. To give detailed descriptions of the main
elements and applications of fluid
3. To understand the basic blade row
aerodynamics and their influence on the
machinery operating conditions

The students are able to

1. Explain principles of hydraulic machines

and turbines
2. Estimate the performance of Impulse
Course Outcomes and Reaction turbine
3. Solve the efficiency of centrifugal and
reciprocating pumps
4. Performance analysis of hydraulic
machines and Identify the various
hydraulic control devices.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Principles of Hydraulic Machines & General Study of Hydro Power Plants, flow over radial
vanes and construction of velocity triangles, classification of Hydraulic Power and

2. Turbines: Impulse Turbine: Description of Pelton impulse turbine, design of Pelton

turbines. Reaction Turbines: Description of Francis, Kaplan Turbines, Design of Reaction
turbines, Concept of Cavitation. Governing of Impulse and Reaction Turbines, Draft Tube:
Description, and function.

3. Turbomachinery Noise: Sound and Noise, Fan Noise, Sound Power and Sound Pressure,
Outdoor Propagation, Indoor Propagation, A Note on Pump Noise, Compressor and
Turbine Noise.

4. Performance estimation, machine selection and preliminary design: Cordier Diagram and
Machine Type, Estimating the Efficiency, Preliminary Machine Selection, Fan Selection
from Vendor Data, Pump Selection from Vendor Data, Selection of Variable Pitch and
Variable Inlet Vane Fans.

Part B

5. Centrifugal Pumps: Brief description and classification of Centrifugal, Design of

Centrifugal pump, work done and pressure rise, Minimum starting speed, Priming and
priming devices.

6. Dimensional Analysis and Performance of Hydro Machines: Buckingham Theorem and

its practical applications to turbines and pumps, Specific and unit quantities for turbines
and pumps by application of Buckingham theorem. Characteristics curves of turbine and

7. Reciprocating Pumps Slip and coefficient of discharge, Effect of acceleration on pressure

in suction and delivery pipes, Air vessels (work saved by air vessel on suction and
delivery pipe) Comparison with centrifugal pumps.

8. Hydraulic Devices: Construction, operation and applications of simple and differential

hydraulic accumulator, intensifier, fluid coupling and torque converter, Air lift and jet
pumps; gear pump, vane and piston pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Hydraulic valves, hydraulic
control systems

Title Author Publisher

Fluid Mechanics White McGraw-Hill (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Cengel McGraw-Hill (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Hibbeler Pearson (2017)

Fluid Mechanics Munson Wiley (2015)

Fluid Mechanics Fox Wiley (2015)

Mechanics of Fluids Potter Cengage (2015)

Title Author Publisher

Fluid Machinery: Application, Selection, Wright CRC Press (2009)

and Design

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Dixon Butterworth-Heinemann
of Turbomachinery (2014)

Principles of Turbomachinery Korpela Wiley (2019)

Pump Characteristics and Applications Volk CRC Press (2013)

Handbook of Fluid Dynamics and Fluid Fuhs, Wiley

Machinery Schetz

Course Code MEC556

Course Title Fluid Machinery (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes

List of Experiments

1. Determination of various efficiencies of Hydraulic Ram.

2. To draw characteristics of Francis turbine.

3. To study the constructional features of reciprocating pump and to perform test on it

for determination of pump performance.

4. To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine.

5. To draw the various characteristics of Centrifugal pump.

6. Determine the effect of vane shape and vane angle on the performance of centrifugal

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code CS506

Course Title Principles of Designing

Course Type Open Elective

Course LTP 003

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

1. Conceptualisation and development of

innovative, commercially important and
socially sound decisions related to
engineering products, processes and
Course Objectives
2. To train students to translate academic
developments in electronics, computational,
materials and energy engineering to real life
applications of interest to industry for
accelerated start of career.

On completion of this course, a student must be

able to
1. Develop and design engineering products
Course Outcomes
that are commercially and socially viable.
2. Develop real-time applications using
engineering design.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to designing:
Fundamentals of engineering designs and applications; social, economic,
sustainability, environmental and aesthetic rationales in design engineering,
design decisions related to competitiveness of products, processes, services
and systems. Impact of product design on business and market, product
portfolio development through continuity in designing.

2. Managing technologies and innovations:

Technology road mapping, market and trend analyses for design decisions,
managing technology and innovations, protecting designs by intellectual
property rights, IPR gap analysis, creative thinking, technology sharing and
transfer, founding start up companies, raising seed funding, challenges of

conceiving, creating and growing a new venture.

3. Design process:
Principles, tools and strategies for conceptualising the need and presenting
designs - product specifications, digital tools, analog drawings, design
modelling: mathematical modeling, simulation using computers, and creation of
2D and 3D scale models. Engineering fundamentals related to mechanical,
electrical, electronic and computational concepts in designing; environmental,
sustainability, life cycle analysis, upstream manufacturing economics and
downstream assembly, distribution, recyclability, robustness, maintenance and
safety aspects in design development; functional prototypes, iterations,
validation of product concept, product development .

Part B
4. Materials in Engineering Designs
Mechanical and structural properties of materials, application related needs,
stress analysis and fracture, heat transfer, conductivity, transparency, surface
properties etc. Nanomaterials, transparent ceramics, polymers, biocompatible
materials, composites for biomechanical applications.Case studies through
examples and minor projects on designing materials for dental restorative
applications, energy harvesting technologies and transparent ceramics.

5. Computational Designs
Theory and applications of computational design and manufacturing methods,
use of tools like, computer aided design, computer aided engineering,
computer aided manufacturing, Digital image capture and reconstruction,
additive and subtractive manufacturing using CAD CAM, milling and 3D
approaches. Examples by case studies and minor projects for designing
prosthetics and orthosis.

6. Challenges of Energy in Engineering Designs

Energy source, quality, costing, storage, utilisation, conservation and
sustainability in engineering designs. Examples by case studies and minor
projects on small energy capture, storage and management technologies.

7. Smart Systems in Engineering Designs

Smart system technologies, real time sensing and communication, embedded
intelligence, designing for internet of things, data acquisition and hardware
interfacing and robotics. Case studies and minor projects related to devices for
visually and hearing challenged individuals, traffic sensing and information

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Design Methods: Cross Wiley (2008)

Strategies for Product Design

Design Thinking Luchs Wiley (2015)

Mechanical Engineering Design. Budynas McGraw Hill (2010)

Product Design for Manufacture and Boothroyd CRC Press (2011)


Title Author Publisher

Semester 6

Course Code MEC601

Course Title Design of Machine Elements 2

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential

Equations, Statics and Dynamics of Rigid
Course Prerequisites Bodies, Mechanics of Materials, Kinematics
and Dynamics of Machines

Student will be able to:

1. Develop the ability to analyze and
evaluate the different loads and
stresses acting on a machine element.
Course Objectives 2. Understand the various failure modes of
the element.
3. Apply the basic principles of mechanics
to design the machine element which
can meet the desired needs.

1. Ability to design and analyze different

types of flexible drives (belt drive, rope
drive and chain drive) and rigid drives
(spur gear, helical gear, bevel gear and
worm gear drive)
2. Familiarity with different types of
Course Outcomes springs and spring terminology & ability
to design and analyze coil springs and
leaf spring
3. Acquaintance with the working of sliding
and rolling contact bearings & ability to
design them.
4. Ability to design and analyze clutches
and brakes.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Note - The use of a design data book is allowed.

Part A

1. Flexible Mechanical Elements: Introduction to belts, Flat and Round Belt Drives, V belts,
Roller Chain, Wire Rope.

2. Gears : Introduction, Loading on Spur Gear, Stresses in Spur Gear, Bending Stresses,
Surface Stresses, Design of Spur Gears, Helical Gear Geometry, Helical Gear Forces,
Virtual Number of Teeth, Contact ratio, Stresses in Helical Gears, Bevel Gear Geometry
and Nomenclature, Forces on Bevel Gears, Stresses in Bevel Gears, Wormset
Geometry, Design Procedure for Wormset.

3. Mechanical Springs : Introduction, Spring Rate, Spring Configuration, Spring Materials,

Helical Compression Springs, Spring Lengths, End Details, Active Coils, Spring Index,
Spring Deflection, Spring Rate, Stresses in Helical Compression Spring Coils, Designing
Helical Compression Spring for Static Loading, Designing Helical Compression Spring for
Fatigue Loading, Design of Leaf Spring, Nipping

Part B

4. Lubrication and Journal Bearings: Introduction, Lubricants, Viscosity, Types of

Lubrication, Full Film Lubrication, Boundary Lubrication, Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Theory, Petroff’s Equation, Reynold’s Equation for Eccentric Journal Bearings, Design of
Hydrodynamic Bearings.

5. Rolling Contact Bearing: Comparison of Rolling and Sliding Bearings, Types of Rolling
Element Bearings, Failure of Rolling Element Bearings, Selection of Rolling Element
Bearings, Basic Dynamic Load Rating, Basic Static Load Rating, Combined Radial and
Thrust Loads

6. Clutches and Brakes: Introduction, Types of Brakes and Clutches, Clutch and Brake
Materials, Disk Clutches, Uniform Pressure, Uniform Wear , Disk Brakes, Short-Shoe
External Drum Brakes, Long-Shoe External Drum Brakes, Internal-Shoe Internal Drum

Title Author Publisher

Machine Design Norton Pearson (2018)

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design Budynas McGraw Hill (2017)

Machine Component Design Juvinall Wiley (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Machinery's Handbook Oberg Industrial Press (2020)

Course Code MEC651

Course Title Design of Machine Elements 2 (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Statics and Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Mechanics of

Materials, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines,
Engineering Drawing

Course Objectives The Design assignments aim at providing application of the

basics of mechanics to design the various machine
elements considering the static and dynamic strength

Course Outcomes Students will be able to

1. Apply different theories of failure to design machine
elements like different mechanical drives(Belt Chain
and Rope Drives, Gear Drives),bearings,
Clutches, Brakes, Springs.
2. Prepare a working drawing of the machine element
showing dimensions, tolerances, surface finish
grades and special production requirements like heat
treatment etc.

List of Experiments

Design assignments covering material outlined in MEC 601

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC602

Course Title Finite Element Methods

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

1. This course aims at providing

fundamental knowledge in finite element
2. The course will present systematic
approaches for the derivation of various
Course Objectives
finite elements and solution of the
discretized governing equations.
3. Practical aspects of finite elements
analysis such as mesh generation will
also be presented

1. Understand the basic theory behind the

finite element method.
2. Develop finite element formulations for
various elements and solve them after
applying various boundary conditions.
3. Understand the use of basic finite
Course Outcomes
elements for structural applications
using truss, beam, frame and plate
4. Knowledge about the use of finite
element methods to solve dynamic


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Fundamental Concepts : Historical Background, Stresses and Equilibrium, Boundary

Conditions, Strain—Displacement Relations, Temperature Effects, The Rayleigh—Ritz
Method, Galerkin’s Method, Saint Venant’s Principle, Von Mises Stress, Overview of the
software used for FE methods, Advantages and disadvantages of FE methods

2. Discretization of the Domain: Types of elements, location of nodes, number of elements,

simplification offered by physical configuration of body, node numbering scheme.

3. One & Two Dimensional Problems : Introduction, Coordinates and shape functions,
Potential energy approach, Galerkin Approach, Assembly of the global stiffness matrix
and load vector, FE equations and treatment of boundary conditions, Quadratic shape
functions, ,Two dimensional problems using constant strain triangles. Quadrilateral

4. Axisymmetric solids subjected to axisymmetric loadings: Axisymmetric formulation, FE

modeling using triangular element, problem modelling and boundary conditions.

Part B

5. Static Analysis: Plane and three dimensional Trusses, Assembly of global matrix for the
banded and skyline solutions, Beams and frames under various boundary conditions.

6. Dynamic Analysis: Formulation for solid body with distributed mass, Element mass
matrices, Evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Guyan reduction, Rigid body

7. Pre-processing and Post processing: Pre-processing, Mesh generation, Post processing,

Deformed configuration and mode shape, Convergence requirements, Mesh refinement,
Error: sources and detection

8. FE based optimal design: Design parameterization, Structural optimization, Topology

optimization, Approximation techniques, and Design sensitivity analysis.

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to FE in Engineering Chandrupatla and Pearson (2015)


FE Method for Engineers Huebner Wiley (2009)

Fundamentals of FEA Hutton McGraw-Hill (2003)

Introduction to FEM Reddy McGraw-Hill (2017)

Introduction to FEM Thompson Wiley (2009)

FEA with ANSYS Moaveni Pearson (2011)

FE Procedures Bathe Pearson (2009)

Title Author Publisher

Introduction to FEM Reddy McGraw-Hill (2017)

Course Code MEC652

Course Title Finite Element Methods (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives The experiments aim at providing practical knowledge in finite

element methods and to solve practical engineering problem
using any FEM software.

Course Outcomes The student will be able to:

1. Understand the working of FEM software/Program
2. Get solutions of practical engineering Problems

List of Experiments

1. Introduction to use of Matlab for FE related programming.

2. To understand the concept of FE discretization by discretization of a circle to n
3. Plot and understand various shape functions used in Finite Element analysis using
4. Finite element method for truss analysis using Matlab.
5. Introduction to modeling and analysis in any existing general purpose finite element
(FE) analysis software.
6. FE modeling and analysis (Stress and deflection) of a rectangular beam having a
concentrated load under simply supported conditions.
7. FE modeling and analysis (Stress and deflection) of a rectangular beam having a
uniformly distributed load over its entire length, under simply supported conditions.
8. Using FE software for modeling and analysis (Eigenvalues and mode shapes) of
thin rectangular plate under one edge fixed type conditions.

Title Author Publisher

FEA with ANSYS Moaveni Pearson (2011)

Introduction to FE in Chandrupatla and Pearson (2015)

Engineering Belegundu

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC603

Course Title Mechanical Vibrations

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Statics & Dynamics of RIgid Bodies, Mechanics of Materials,

Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

Course Objectives 1. To state the importance of Mechanical Vibrations

2. To make the students aware about various modeling
techniques helpful in imitating a Mechanical system.
3. To give them practical exposure of Elements of a Vibrating
4. To make students learn the harmful effects of vibrations and
techniques required to make the system safe from its ill

Course Outcomes 1. The principle and working of Elements of a Vibrating system

2. Formulation of Workable model of a Vibrating system
3. Formulations and solution of equations of motion for various
types of vibrating systems
4. Methods to bring reduction in the levels of vibration in system
to which they are harmful by learning to design vibration
controlling Mechanical systems


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction, Primary Objective, Elements of a Vibratory System, Examples of Vibratory

Motions, Simple Harmonic Motion, Vectorial Representation of Harmonic Motions

2. Systems with one degree of freedom

Systems with one degree of freedom, Introduction, Degrees of Freedom, Equation of
Motion-Energy Method, Equation of Motion-Newton's Law of Motion, General Solution,
Complementary Function, Particular Integral, General Solution, Frequency Response
Method, Impedance Method, Transfer Function, Resonance, Damping, and Bandwidth,
Transient Vibration, Impulse Response, Convolution Integral

3. Systems with one degree of freedom - Applications

Introduction, Undamped Free Vibration, Damped-Free Vibration, Undamped Forced

Vibration-Harmonic Excitation, Damped Forced Vibration-Harmonic Excitation, Rotating
and Reciprocating Unbalance, Critical Speed of Rotating Shafts, Vibration Isolation and
Transmissibility, Systems Attached to Moving Support Seismic Instruments, Elastically
Supported Damped Systems, Damped Forced Vibration-Periodic Excitation, Transient
Vibration-Shock Spectrum, Equivalent Viscous Damping,

4. Systems with more than one degree of freedom

Introduction, Equations of Motion: Newton's Second Law, Undamped Free Vibration:
Principal Modes, Generalized and Coupling, Principal Coordinates, Modal
Analysis:Transient Vibration of Undamped Systems, Forced Vibration-Harmonic
Excitation, Influence Coefficients

Part B

5. Methods for finding natural frequencies

Introduction, Rayleigh Method, Transfer Matrix Method, Myklestad-Prohl Method

6. Discrete Systems
Introduction, Equations of Motion, Undamped Systems, Undamped Vibration Principal
Modes, Orthogonality and Principal Coordinates, Expansion Theorem, Quotient
Semidefinite Systems, Matrix Iteration, Undamped Forced Vibration-Modal Analysis,
Systems with Proportional Orthogonality of Modes of DampedSystems, Damped Forced
Vibration-Modal Analysis

7. Continuous Systems
Introduction, Continuous System: A Simple Exposition, Separation of the Time and Space
Variables, Problems Governed by the Wave Equation, Longitudinal Vibration of Rods,
Torsional Vibration of Shafts, Lateral Vibration of Beams, Rotary Inertia and Other Effects,
Shear Deformation and Rotary Inertia Effects, Effect of Axial Loading, The Eigenvalue
Problem, Orthogonality, Lagrange's Equations, Undamped Forced Vibration-Modal
Analysis, Rayleigh's Quotient, Rayleigh-Ritz Method

Title Author Publisher

Mechanical Vibrations Theory and Applications Tse CBS (2004)

Theory of Vibrations with Applications Thompson Pearson (2008)

Engineering Vibration Inman Pearson (2013)

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Vibration Meirovitch McGraw-Hill (2014)

Theory and Practise of Mechanical Vibrations J S Rao New Age (1999)

Mechanical Vibration S S Rao Pearson (2018)

Mechanical Vibration Kelly McGraw-Hill (2017)

Course Code MEC653

Course Title Mechanical Vibrations (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Statics & Dynamics of RIgid Bodies, Mechanics of Materials,

Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

Course Objectives 1. To state the importance Mechanical Vibrations

2. To make the students aware about various modeling
techniques helpful in imitating a Mechanical system.
3. To give them practical exposure of Elements of a
Vibrating system
4. To tell them about applications of Elements of a
Vibrating system
5. To make students learn the harmful effects of
vibrations and techniques required to make the system
safe from its ill effects.

Course Outcomes 1. The principle and working of Elements of a Vibrating

2. Hands on experience about working of various
vibratory systems

List of Experiments

1. To determine the mass moment of inertia of a body by Trifilar suspension.

2. To determine the damping ratio and natural frequency of a vibrating body by rap
3. To find frequency response of a system through a forced vibration test.
4. To identify a system from forced vibration test data..
5. Investigate nodes and antinodes of a centrally pivoted beam.
6. Simulate time response of a single degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system
7. Simulate time response of a two degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system
8. Use Newmark-Beta method to simulate time response of a three degree of
freedom system.
9. Find the first three natural frequencies of a body from it’s time response. (using
FFT algorithm of Matlab)
10. Experimentally find out different harmonic frequencies present in vibrations of an
IC engine.
11. Use an instrumented impact hammer to find transfer function between two given
points of a structure.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC604

Course Title Heat Transfer

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Differential

Course Prerequisites

1. To understand the basic concepts and

different methods of Heat transfer.
2. To understand the basic concepts of
3. To understand the cross-sections of fins
and their application in temperature
Course Objectives
4. To understand the principles of convection.
5. To understand the basic concepts of Heat
Exchangers and its types.
6. To understand the principles of radiation
and Phase change Heat transfer

1. Each student will be able to apply

conservation of mass and energy to a
control volume or control surface. Each
student understands and can analyze
conduction heat transfer in case of
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical
problems and is able to solve them.
2. Each student will be able to analyze
extended surfaces .
3. Each student understands the physical
phenomena associated with convection,
Course Outcomes
and will be able to solve convection heat
transfer problems. Each student will be
able to use empirical correlations to
analyze external and internal, forced and
free convection problems.
4. Each student understands the physical
mechanisms involved in radiation heat
transfer. Each student will be able to
calculate total, hemispherical radiative
properties of real surfaces from their
spectral, directional counterparts.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Basics Of Heat Transfer:Thermodynamics And Heat Transfer Engineering,

Heat Transfer, Heat And Other Forms Of Energy, The First Law Of
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer Mechanisms, Conduction, Convection ,
Radiation, Simultaneous Heat Transfer Mechanisms.

2. Heat Conduction Equation and Steady Heat Conduction: Introduction, One

Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation: Heat Conduction Equation In A
Large Plane Wall, Long Cylinder, Sphere, Combined One Dimensional Heat
Conduction Equation, General Heat Conduction Equation: Rectangular
Coordinates, Cylindrical Coordinates, Spherical Coordinates, Boundary And
Initial Conditions, Solution Of Steady One Dimensional Heat Conduction
Problems, Heat Generation In A Solid, Variable Thermal Conductivity,
Steady Heat Conduction In Plane Walls: The Thermal Resistance Concept,
Thermal Resistance Network, Multilayer Plane Walls, Thermal Contact
Resistance, Generalized Thermal Resistance Networks, Heat Conduction In
Cylinders And Spheres; Multilayered Cylinders And Spheres, Critical Radius
Of Insulation, Heat Transfer From Finned Surfaces; Fin Equation, Fin
Efficiency, Fin Effectiveness, Proper Length Of A Fin, Heat Transfer In
Common Configurations.

3. Fundamentals Of Convection: Physical Mechanism On Convection ,

Classification Of Fluid Flows ; Velocity Boundary Layer; Surface Shear Stress,
Thermal Boundary Layer; Prandtl Number, Laminar And Turbulent Flows;
Reynolds Number, Heat And Momentum Transfer In Turbulent Flow
Differential Convection Equations ; Conservation Of Mass Equation ,
Momentum , Energy Equation ( No Derivation ), Nondimensionalized
Convection Equations And Similarity, Functional Forms Of Friction And
Convection Coefficients , Analogies Between Momentum And Heat Transfer ,
Drag Force And Heat Transfer In External Flow; Friction And Pressure Drag ,
Parallel Flow Over Flat Plates; Friction Coefficient, Heat Transfer Coefficient ,
Mean Velocity And Mean Temperature, Non Dimensional Numbers And Their
Physical Significance, Empirical Correlations For Flat Plate, Circular Cylinder,
Circular Pipe (Horizontal Only).

Part B

4. Boiling And Condensation: Boiling Heat Transfer Pool Boiling; Boiling

Regimes And The Boiling Curve, Heat Transfer Correlations In Pool Boiling,
Enhancement Of Heat Transfer In Pool Boiling, Flow Boiling Condensation
Heat Transfer Film Condensation; Flow Regimes, Heat Transfer Correlations
For Film Condensation, Film Condensation Inside Horizontal Tubes,
Dropwise Condensation

5. Radiation Heat Transfer:Introduction, Thermal Radiation, Blackbody

Radiation, Radiation Intensity; Solid Angle, Intensity Of Emitted Radiation,
Incident Radiation, Radiosity, Spectral Quantities, Radiative Properties,

Kirchhoff’s Law , Atmospheric And Solar Radiation; The View Factor, View
Factor Relations The Reciprocity Relation The Summation Rule The
Superposition Rule The Symmetry Rule View Factors Between Infinitely Long
Surfaces: The Crossed Strings Method , Radiation Heat Transfer: Black
Surfaces , Radiation Heat Transfer: Diffuse, Gray Surfaces ; Radiosity, Net
Radiation Heat Transfer To Or From A Surface, Net Radiation Heat Transfer
Between Any Two Surfaces, Methods Of Solving Radiation Problems
Radiation Heat Transfer In Two Surface Enclosures, Radiation Heat Transfer
In Three Surface Enclosures , Radiation Shields.

6. Heat Exchangers: Types Of Heat Exchangers. The Overall Heat Transfer

Coefficient. Fouling Factor, Analysis Of Heat Exchangers. The Log Mean
Temperature Difference Method. Counter Flow Heat Exchangers.
MultipassAnd Cross Flow Heat Exchangers: Use Of A Correction Factor The
Effectiveness–NTU Method.

Title Author Publisher

Heat & Mass Transfer: Cengel McGraw-Hill (2020)

Fundamentals and Application

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Incropera Wiley (2018)


Heat Transfer Holman McGraw-Hill (2007)

Principles of heat transfer Kreith Cengage (2018)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC654

Course Title Heat Transfer (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics

Course Objectives 1. To understand the experimental overview of

conduction, and conduction related practicals, practical
significance of thermal conductivity
2. To understand the experimental overview of
convection, and convection related practicals, practical
significance of heat transfer coefficient
3. To understand the experimental overview of radiation ,
and radiation related practicals, calculation Stefan
Baltzmann coefficient , emissivity of surfaces.

Course Outcomes 1. Students will have the ability to calculate the

experimental values of heat transfer coefficient and
overall heat transfer coefficient in case of convection
and will have a good knowledge of convection related
2. Students will have the ability to calculate the
experimental values of Stefan Boltzmann constant
and emissivity of plates in case of radiation and will
have a good knowledge of radiation related apparatus

List of Experiments

1. To find the thermal conductivity of metal rods.

2. To determine heat transfer coefficient in natural convection.
3. To determine heat transfer coefficient in forced convection for air flowing in
a tube.
4. To determine the experimental and theoretical heat transfer coefficient in drop
wise and film wise condensation.
5. To determine the emissivity of a given plate at different temperatures.
6. To study and compare temperature distribution, heat transfer rate, overall heat
transfer coefficient in parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger.
7. To determine Overall Heat Transfer coefficient in Shell and tube heat exchanger.
8. To determine Stefan Boltzmann’s constant in the radiation heat transfer process.
9. To determine the value of thermal conductivity of lagging material

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC605 Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Course Title Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials

Course Prerequisites
and Materials Science

This course aims at:

1. Understanding mechanical behaviour of
materials, and finding possibilities of
Course Objectives
deformation/yielding of materials.
2. The modification in performance through
heat treatment

After completing the course, the student will be

able to
1. Understand the fundamental
relationships between the structure and
mechanical behavior of materials while
Course Outcomes
2. Design and analyze suitable heat
treatment processes to modify the
properties of metals and alloys for
specific engineering applications.
3. Create solutions using cost effective
materials for engineering applications


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Mechanical Properties of Metals (6 Lectures) :
Introduction, Concepts of Stress and Strain, Elastic Deformation, Stress–Strain
Behavior, Anelasticity, Elastic Properties of Materials, Plastic Deformation,
Tensile Properties, True Stress and Strain, Elastic Recovery After Plastic
Deformation, Compressive, Shear, and Torsional Deformations, Hardness,
Property Variability and Design/Safety Factors, Variability of Material
Properties, Design/Safety Factors.

2. Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms (7 Lectures) :

Introduction, Dislocations and Plastic Deformation, Basic Concepts,
Characteristics of Dislocations, Slip Systems, Slip in Single Crystals, Plastic
Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials, Deformation by Twinning,
Mechanisms of Strengthening in Metals, Strengthening by Grain Size
Reduction, Solid-Solution Strengthening, Strain Hardening, Recovery,
Recrystallization, and Grain Growth, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain Growth.

3. Failure (8 Lectures) :
Introduction, Fracture, Fundamentals of Fracture, Ductile Fracture, Brittle
Fracture, Principles of Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Toughness Testing,
Fatigue, Cyclic Stresses, The S–N Curve, Crack Initiation and Propagation,
Factors That Affect Fatigue Life, Environmental Effects, Creep, Generalized
Creep Behavior, Stress and Temperature Effects, Data Extrapolation Methods,
Alloys for High-Temperature Use.

Part B

4. Iron–Carbon System (3 Lectures) :

The Iron–Iron Carbide (Fe–Fe3C) Phase Diagram, Development of
Microstructure in Iron–Carbon Alloys, The Influence of Other Alloying

5. Phase Transformations - Development of Microstructure and Alteration of

Mechanical Properties (9 Lectures) :
Introduction, Phase Transformations, Basic Concepts, The Kinetics of Phase
Transformations, Metastable Versus Equilibrium States, Microstructural and
Property Changes in Iron–Carbon Alloys, Isothermal Transformation Diagrams,
Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams, Mechanical Behavior of
Iron–Carbon Alloys, Tempered Martensite.

6. Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Polymers (4 Lectures) :

Introduction, Mechanical Behavior of Polymers, Stress–Strain Behavior,
Macroscopic Deformation, Viscoelastic Deformation, Fracture of Polymers,
Miscellaneous Mechanical Characteristics, Mechanisms of Deformation and for
Strengthening of Polymers, Deformation of Semi-crystalline, Polymers, Factors
That Influence the Mechanical Properties of Semi-crystalline Polymers,
Deformation of Elastomers, Crystallization, Melting, The Glass Transition.

7. Corrosion and Degradation of Materials (5 Lectures) :

Introduction, Corrosion of Metals, Electrochemical Considerations, Corrosion
Rates, Prediction of Corrosion Rates, Passivity, Environmental Effects, Forms
of Corrosion, Corrosion Environments, Corrosion Prevention, Oxidation,
Corrosion of Ceramic Materials, Degradation of Polymers, Swelling and
Dissolution, Bond Rupture, Weathering.

Title Author Publisher

Materials Science and Engineering William D. Callister Wiley (2014)

Mechanical Behavior of Materials Norman Dowling Pearson (2017)

Mechanical Behavior of Materials Andre Meyers CUP (2009)

Mechanical Behavior of Materials Bowman Wiley (2003)

Mechanical Behavior of Materials Courtney McGraw Hill (2017)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC655

Course Title Mechanical Behavior of Materials (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Materials and

Materials Science

Course Objectives The experiments aims at providing knowledge in mechanical

behavior of materials

Course Outcomes Students will be able to

1. Understand the impact of heat treatment on
mechanical properties
2. Understand the type of material failure which helps in
design and material selection
3. Understand the structure and deformation under

List of Experiments

1. To study the effect of mechanical processing on the mechanical properties

(strength, hardness, ductility/malleability, toughness, fatigue resistance, creep
resistance etc) of materials.

2. To study microstructure of following materials before and after heat treatment:

a. Hypo-eutectoid steel and Hyper-eutectoid steel
b. Hypo-eutectic and Hyper eutectic steel
c. Grey and White Cast iron

3. Study of microstructure and hardness of steel at different rates of cooling.

4. Heat treatment: Annealing/Normalizing/Hardening/Tempering of mild steel

a. Tensile and Hardness testing of heat treated samples
b. Interpretation of microstructures and comparison

5. Heat treatment: Annealing/Normalizing/Hardening/Tempering of alloy steel

a. Hardness testing (Vicker/Brinell/Rockwell Test)
b. Impact test/Fatigue test

Title Author Publisher

Heat Treatment: Master Bryson, W. Hanser Publications
Control Manual

Materials Science and W D Callister John Wiley and Sons


Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC 606

Course Title Advanced Manufacturing Techniques

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Manufacturing Processes and

Course Prerequisites Manufacturing Technology

1. To state the importance and need to

develop the nontraditional machining
2. To make the students aware about
Course Objectives nontraditional machining methods
3. To give them practical exposure of
nontraditional machining methods
4. o tell them about applications of various
non conventional machining processes

Students will be able to understand

1. The principle and working of
nontraditional machining methods
2. The principle working and controlling
parameters of EDM,LBM, IBM
3. The principle working and controlling
Course Outcomes
parameters of AJM, WJM and AWJM
4. The principle working and controlling
parameters of Chemical and electro
chemical machining
5. The principle working and controlling
parameters of USM


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction:
Classification, Advantages & limitations of non conventional machining, Hybrid
Machining, Ultrasonic machining (USM)-Principle of operation, process details,
applications and advantages, limitations of USM. (8 Hours)

2. Abrasive and Water Jet Machining:
Basic principle, mechanism of material removal, working principle of Abrasive jet
machining (AJM), water jet machining (WJM), merits & demerits, application. (7 Hours)

3. Chemical Machining (CM):

Working principle, process characteristics, procedures, advantages & disadvantages of
chemical machining. (7 Hours)

Part B

4. Electrochemical Processes:
Fundamentals, details of machining setup, materials and selection of tools, applications,
Concept of others processes like ECG, Electrochemical deburring etc. (8 Hours)

5. Thermal Metal Removal Processes:

Working principles, Mechanism of material removal, process parameters, advantages &
limitations, applications of processes like electric discharge machining(EDM), Electron
Beam Machining (EBM), Ion Beam Machining (IBM) Plasma Arc Machining (PAM), Laser
Beam Machining (LBM) (10 Hours)

Title Author Publisher

Advanced Machining Processes V K Jain Allied

Non Conventional Machining Benedict McGraw Hill

Non Conventional Machining,” P.K.Mishra Narosa

Title Author Publisher

Non Conventional Machining M. Adithan Wiley

Course Code MEC657

Course Title Internship 2

Course Type Core (Mandatory internship of four week duration in a

reputed Mechanical Engineering related Company or
Research Organization)

Course LTP 0020

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50
● End of Semester

Course Prerequisites 1. Knowledge of various manufacturing processes

used in industry.
2. Knowledge of underlying principles of Solid
Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat transfer.

Course Objectives 1. To give students an opportunity to apply the

knowledge they have acquired on campus
practically in a real-life work situation and hence
sharpen their technical skills.
2. To provide an exposure to students to an industrial
work environment and give them an opportunity to
work on a live project and implement it.
3. To make the students industry ready and make
them aware of work ethics and professional ethics.
4. To provide students with employability

Course Outcome 1. Exposure to life in a typical Industrial setup

2. Realization of real-world industrial problems

Semester 7

Course Code MEC701

Course Title Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Basic Thermodynamics, Engineering Thermodynamics

1. To understand the basic concepts and different

cycles of refrigeration.
2. To understand the working and analysis of
commonly used refrigeration cycles.
3. To understand about various properties and usage
of refrigerants available and their selection for
various applications in refrigeration and air
Course Objectives conditioning.
4. To understand psychrometry principles and
various air conditioning processes.
5. To understand the concepts of load calculation for
air conditioning of different types of buildings
6. To understand the working and principles of
various refrigeration and air conditioning

1. To understand the basic concepts and different

cycles of refrigeration.
2. To understand the working and analysis of
commonly used refrigeration cycles.
3. To understand about various properties and usage
of refrigerants available and their selection for
various application in refrigeration and air
Course Outcomes conditioning.
4. To understand psychrometry principles and
various air conditioning processes.
5. To understand the concepts of load calculation for
air conditioning of different types of buildings
6. To understand the working and principles of
various refrigeration and air conditioning


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Basic concepts:
Natural and Mechanical refrigeration.Applications of Refrigeration using
different working substances.Units of refrigeration.Coefficient of performance
and Energy performance ratio.Refrigeration effect and refrigeration capacity.
Heating effect and heating capacity. Reversed Carnot, cycle and its limitations.
COP of refrigerator and heat pump working on reversed Carnot cycle and their

2. Air refrigeration systems:

Bell Coleman cycle and its analysis.Advantages and Disadvantage of Air
refrigeration systems.Necessity of cooling the Aircraft. Factors considered in
selecting the refrigeration system for Aircraft. Types of Aircraft refrigeration
systems: Simple cooling with Simple Evaporative, type Aircraft Air conditioning.
Bootstrap and Bootstrap evaporative type Aircraft Air conditioning,
Regenerative type Aircraft Air conditioning. Reduced Ambient type Aircraft Air
conditioning. Effect of moisture on enthalpy calculations. Power required for
pressurisation of cabin. Comparison of different Aircraft refrigeration systems,

3. Vapour compression refrigeration systems:

Vapour compression refrigeration cycles on T-s, h-s and p-h plots. Analysis of
Vapour compression refrigeration system.Comparison of Actual vapour
compression refrigeration cycle with Theoretical vapour compression
refrigeration cycle. Comparison of Air refrigeration cycle with Vapour
compression refrigeration cycle.Factors affecting C.O.P. of the vapour
compression refrigeration system.Method of improving C.O.P. of vapour
compression refrigeration system.Optimum inter stage pressure. Vapour
compression refrigeration systems with multiple evaporators and compressors.
Single load systems with multiple compressors.Multi-load systems with single
compressor.Multiple evaporator and compressor systems.Dual compression

4. Vapour absorption refrigeration systems:

Principle and components of vapour absorption systems. Types of
Vapour absorption refrigeration systems: Aqua-ammonia absorption
refrigeration system. Three fluid vapour absorption refrigeration system.
Lithium bromide vapour absorption refrigeration system. Comparison of Vapour
absorption and Vapour compression refrigeration systems.

Part B

5. Refrigerants:
Classification of refrigerants.Required properties of an ideal
refrigerant.Important refrigerants.Global warming potential, Ozone depleting
potential and their effect on choice of refrigerants.Secondary refrigerants,
Antifreeze solutions, Refrigerant oils.Refrigerant leakage detection methods.

6. Psychrometry:
Meaning of Air conditioning.Psychrometry and Psychrometric
properties.Psychrometric relations.Psychrometric chart.Psychrometric

7. Air conditioning:
Requirements of comfort air-conditioning, comfort and comfort chart. Factors

governing optimum effective temperature. Design considerations. Ventilation
and Ventilation standards.Summer air-conditioning and winter air-conditioning
systems.Year round air-conditioning systems.

8. Load Calculations and Design of Air-conditioning systems:

Calculation of heat load from different heat sources, internal and external:
Conduction load. Radiation load.Occupant load.Equipment load.Infiltration
load.Ventilation load.Miscellaneous heat sources.RSHF, GSHF and ESHF. By
pass factor. Design of Air-conditioning systems.Air washers.

9. Brief introduction to Refrigeration and air-conditioning equipments:

Compressors.Condensers and cooling towers.Evaporators.Expansion devices.
Piping and pumps. Electric motors.Air-cleaning and
air-filters.Humidifiers.Dehumidifiers.Fans and blowers.Grills.

Title Author Publisher

Principles of Refrigeration Dossat Pearson (2002)

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Stoecker McGraw-Hill (1983)

Modern Refrigeration and Air Althouse Goodheart-Wilcox (2004)


Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Hundy Butterworth-Heinemann

Heat Pumps

Air Conditioning Principles and Pita Pearson (2018)

Systems: An Energy Approach

Tomczyk, Cengage (2018)

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
and Whitman

Title Author Publisher

Industrial Refrigeration Stoecker McGraw-Hill (1998)


Course Code MEC751

Course Title Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics, Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat


Course Objectives 1. To understand the basic concepts and different cycles

of refrigeration.
2. To understand the working and analysis of commonly
used refrigeration cycles.
3. To understand about various properties and usage of
refrigerants available and their selection for various
applications in refrigeration and air conditioning.
4. To understand psychrometry principles and various air
conditioning processes.
5. To understand the concepts of load calculation for air
conditioning of different types of buildings.
6. To understand the working and principles of various
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.

Course Outcomes 1. Understand various cycles used in RAC

2. Understand various refrigerants available
3. Understand various air conditioning methods for
different environment
4. Understand different equipment used in RAC
5. Understand designing air conditioning systems for
different applications

List of Experiments

1. Study of various elements of a mechanical refrigerator system through cut sections

models / actual apparatus
2. Study and performance of domestic refrigerator,
3. Study the performance of and Electrolux refrigerator.
4. Study and performance of an Ice plant test rig. 5. 5.
5. Calculation/ Estimation of cooling load for large building
6. Visit to a central Air conditioning plant for study of processes for winter and
summer air conditioning
7. Study and performance of window type room air conditioner.
8. Study of Cooling Tower.


Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC702

Course Title Automatic Control

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics & Dynamics of Machinery, Thermodynamics

Course Objectives To learn how to control a mechanical system : pneumatic, hydraulic,

thermal etc.

Course Outcomes Ability to draw schematic of a system, write equations of motion and
then control the system using classical control.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction: A history of control systems, system configurations, analysis & design
objectives, the design process, Computer-Aided Design.

2. System Modeling: Introduction, Laplace transform review, The transfer function, Electrical
network transfer functions, Translational mechanical systems transfer functions,
Rotational mechanical system transfer function, Transfer functions for systems with
gears, Electromechanical system transfer functions, Electric circuit analogs,linearization.
Modeling in the time domain: Introduction, The general state-space representation,
converting a transfer function to state space, converting from state space to a transfer
function, linearization.

3. Reduction of multiple subsystems: Block diagrams, analysis and design of feedback

systems, signal flow graphs, Mason’s rule, Signal-flow graphs of state equations,
alternative representations in state space, Similarity transformations.

4. Time response: Introduction, Types of control action (P, PI, PID), Ziegler Nichols rules for
tuning PID controllers, Poles-zeros-system response, first order system, second order
systems, system response with zeros, Routh Hurwitz criterion of Stability.

Part B

5. Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Root-Locus Method. Introduction,

Root-Locus Plots , Plotting Root Loci with MATLAB, Root-Locus Plots of Positive

Feedback Systems, Root-Locus Approach to Control-Systems Design, Lead
Compensation, Lag Compensation, Lag–Lead Compensation, Parallel Compensation,

6. Control Systems Analysis and Design by the Frequency-Response Method Introduction,

Bode Diagrams, Polar Plots, Log-Magnitude-versus-Phase Plots, Nyquist Stability
Criterion, Stability Analysis, Relative Stability Analysis, Closed-Loop Frequency
Response of Unity-Feedback Systems, Experimental Determination of Transfer
Functions, Control Systems Design by Frequency-Response Approach, Lead
Compensation, Lag Compensation, Lag–Lead Compensation.

7. Control Systems Analysis in State Space, Introduction, State-Space Representations of

Transfer-Function Systems, Transformation of System Models with MATLAB, Solving the
Time-Invariant State Equation, Some Useful Results in Vector-Matrix Analysis,
Controllability, Observability

8. Control Systems Design in State Space, Introduction, Pole Placement, Solving

Pole-Placement Problems with MATLAB, Design of Servo Systems, State Observers,
Design of Regulator Systems with Observers, Design of Control Systems with Observers,
Quadratic Optimal Regulator Systems, Robust Control Systems

Title Author Publisher

Modern Control Engineering Ogata Prentice Hall

Control Systems Engineering Nise Wiley

Automatic Control Systems Kuo McGraw-Hill (2018)

Modelling and control of Dynamic Systems Macia Cengage

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC752

Course Title Automatic Control (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, Thermodynamics

Course Objectives To learn how to control a mechanical system : pneumatic, hydraulic,

thermal etc.

Course Outcomes Ability to draw schematic of a system, write equations of motion and
then control the system using classical control.

List of Experiments

1. Perform two mode (P + I) controls on a temperature/flow control trainer.

2. Perform two mode (P + D) controls on a temperature/flow control trainer.
3. Perform three mode (P + I + D) controls on a temperature/flow control trainer.
4. Tune the temperature/flow control trainer using Zeigler-Nichols method.
5. Simulate first order system and second order systems on Labview software.
6. Acquire data from an analog sensor using PC and Labview software.
7. Control vibrations of a cantilevered beam using negative velocity feedback.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC703

Course Title Vehicle Dynamics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

1. To provide an overview of important

Course Objectives
concepts of road vehicle dynamics

At the end of this course, one should be

able to analyze road vehicles for their

1. longitudinal dynamic response during

Course Outcomes acceleration and braking,
2. lateral dynamic response during
cornering, and
3. vertical dynamic response to analyze
ride, pitch and roll.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics (2):
Dynamics of the vehicle in motion, power source, chassis, power train, sub systems,
driver interaction, output requirements: safety during turn and braking, ride comfort,
economics. Approach for mathematical modeling.

2. Longitudinal Dynamics (5):

Vehicle Load Distribution – Acceleration and Braking - Brake Force Distribution, Braking
Efficiency and Braking Distance - Longitudinal dynamics of a Tractor-Semi Trailer

3. Tire Mechanics – An Introduction (7):

Mechanical Properties of Rubber - Slip, Grip and Rolling Resistance - Tire Construction
and Force Development - Contact Patch and Contact Pressure Distribution

4. Simple Tire Model (8):

Lateral Force Generation - Ply Steer and Conicity - Tire Models – Magic Formula -
Classification of Tire Models and Combined Slip

Part B

5. Lateral Dynamics (7):

Bicycle Model - Stability and Steering Conditions - Understeer Gradient and State space
Approach - Handling Response of a Vehicle - Mimuro Plot for Lateral Transient Response
- Parameters affecting vehicle handling characteristics

6. Vehicle Handling (4):

Subjective and Objective Evaluation of Vehicle Handling.

7. Vertical Dynamics (3):

Rollover Prevention, Half Car Model, Quarter Car Model

8. Noise, Vibration and Harshness (3):

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics Gillespie SAE

Vehicle Dynamics and Control Rajamani Springer (2008)

Vehicle Dynamics: Theory and Application Jazar Springer (2009)

Race Car Vehicle Dynamics Milliken SAE (1995)

Title Author Publisher

Dynamics and Optimal Control of Limebeer Oxford (2018)

Road Vehicles

The Science of Vehicle Dynamics Guiggiani Springer (2019)

The Multibody Systems Approach Blundell Butterworth-Heinemann (2014)

to Vehicle Dynamics

Vehicle Handling Dynamics Abe Butterworth-Heinemann (2015)

Course Code MEC753

Course Title Vehicle Dynamics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Course Objectives Provide an hands-on experience to students in simulating

dynamics of ground vehicles.

Course Outcomes 1. Create an analytical model of a ground vehicle in

2. Solve the mathematical model of the vehicle and find
the time response of the vehicle using MATLAB.
3. Perform vehicle dynamics simulation so as to
determine stability of a vehicle using MATLAB.

List of Experiments

1. Matlab simulation for longitudinal dynamic response during acceleration and

braking of automotive system
2. Matlab simulation for lateral dynamic response during cornering of automotive
3. Matlab simulation for vertical dynamic response to analyze ride, pitch and roll of
automotive system
4. Matlab simulation for Half Car Model
5. Matlab simulation for Quarter Car Model

Title Author Publisher

Road Vehicle Dynamics: Fundamentals Rill CRC (2020)

and Modeling with MATLAB®

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC755

Course Title Minor Project

Course Type Core

Course LTP 004

Course Credits 2

Course Assessment
● Continuous 100 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Machine design, Theory of Machines, Thermodynamics Fluid

mechanics, Solid mechanics, Heat-transfer and Vibrations

Course Objectives Exposure to innovation on some real-world problem

Course Outcomes Ability to provide technological solution to an interdisciplinary


Course Code MEC704a

Course Title Machine Learning

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Discrete Structures

The objective is to familiarize the students with

some basic learning algorithms and techniques
Course Objectives
and their applications, as well as general
issues related to analyzing and handling data.

After completion of this course, the students

will be able to:

1. Recall the concepts of supervised

learning, unsupervised learning and
neural networks.
2. Understand the fundamental issues and
challenges of machine learning: data,
model selection, model complexity.
3. Apply various learning algorithms to
Course Outcomes
4. Analyze the underlying mathematical
relationships within Machine Learning
algorithms and the paradigms of
supervised and unsupervised learning.
5. Implement regression, classification and
clustering techniques to various
6. Evaluate the designed models of
machine learning


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction
Overview of machine learning, related areas, applications, software tools

2. Parametric regression
Simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, nonlinear

regression, gradient descent in linear regression, gradient descent in multiple regression,
normal equation

3. Generative learning
Gaussian parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, bias and variance of

4. Classification
Logistic regression, decision boundary, gradient descent in logistic regression, multiclass
classification, overfitting problem, cost function regularization

5. Neural networks
The perceptron algorithm, multilayer perceptrons, backpropagation, multiclass
discrimination, training procedures, localized network structure, learning curves,
regularization, Support vector machines

Part B
6. Unsupervised learning
K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, density based clustering, latent dirichlet
allocation, dendrogram, hidden markov model

7. Dimensionality reduction
Feature selection, principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, factor
analysis, independent component analysis, multidimensional scaling

8. Evaluation methods
Evaluating hypotheses, classification accuracy, confusion matrix, precision, recall, F1
score, log loss, Area under curve, regression metrics, elbow method, silhouette analysis

Note: A selection of projects, from the following list, using the Python programming language
are to be assigned at the instructor’s discretion during the course of the semester.

1. Installing applications and creating environment

2. Reading csv into memory
3. Loading data from seaborn
4. Implement classification based on the K-nearest neighbors method, using the scikit-learn
5. Implement methods for linear regression (least-squares), and logistic regression
6. Implement methods for classification using a) support vector machines and b) decision
trees, and investigate the use of cross-validation for model evaluation
7. Implement methods for ensembles of trees (random forests, gradient boosted trees)
8. Implement neural networks (optional deep learning) based classifiers
9. Implement methods for dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering

Title Author Publisher

Elements of Statistical Learning Hastie Springer (2001)

Machine Learning Alpaydin MIT Press (2010)

Pattern Recognition and Machine Bishop Springer (2006)


Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Murphy MIT Press (2012)

Pattern Classification Duda Wiley (2000)

Machine Learning TMitchell McGraw Hlll (1997)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704b

Course Title Internet of Things

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites None

1. To understand the fundamentals of the

Internet of Things .
2. To learn about the basics of IOT
protocols .
Course Objectives
3. To build a small low cost embedded
system using Raspberry Pi.
4. To apply the concept of Internet of
Things in the real world scenario.

After completion of this course, the students

will be able to:

1. Understand the concepts of the Internet

of Things and enabling technologies.
2. Compare and contrast IoT architecture
with M2M, SDN and NFV architectures
3. Analyze basic protocols in wireless
sensor network.
Course Outcomes
4. Design IoT applications in different
domain and be able to analyze their
performance using Raspberry Pi and
5. Evaluate the impact of IoT applications
in the area of Data analytics, Software
6. Deploy basic IoT applications over the
Cloud like Amazon.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT):

Internet of Things, Characteristics of IoT, Physical Design, Logical Design, Functional

blocks of IoT, Communication models & APIs, IoT enabling Technologies, IoT Levels &
Deployment Templates, Challenges in IoT

2. IoT & M2M:

Machine to Machine Architecture, Difference between IoT and M2M, SDN and NFV for
IoT, SNMP protocol, IoT system management using NETCONF-YANG, IoT reference
model, Domain model - information model, functional model, communication model

Part B

1. IoTProtocols:
Protocol Standardization for IoT, Efforts, M2M and WSN Protocols, SCADA and RFID
Protocols, Unified Data Standards ,IEEE 802.15.4, BACNet Protocol,Modbus, Zigbee

2. Building IoT with RASPBERRY PI & Arduino:

Building IoT with RASPBERRY PI, Logical Design using Python, IoT Physical Devices &
Endpoints, IoT Device-Building blocks Raspberry Pi programming Interfaces with Python,
Other IoT Platforms like Arduino

3. Case Studies:
Real world design constraints - Applications - Asset management, Industrial automation,
smart grid, Commercial building automation, Smart cities - participatory sensing - Data
Analytics for IoT – Software & Management Tools for IoT Cloud Storage Models &
Communication APIs - Cloud for IoT - Amazon Web Services for IoT.

Title Author Publisher

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704c

Course Title Mechanics of Composites

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials, Materials Science

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction (1 Lecture):
Need for composites, Types of composites, Metal matrix, Ceramic matrix and
Carbon-Carbon composites; Polymer matrix composites

2. Constituent materials and fabrication methods (6 Lectures):

Characteristics of thermosetting and thermoplastic resins,
Characteristics of Glass, Carbon and Kevlar Fibers, method of making and properties,
types of fiber mats.
Manufacturing of fiber composites: Hand layup, Pressure bag, Vacuum Bag and
Autoclave processes, Pultrusion, Filament Winding, Bulk and Sheet molding compounds,
Prepregs etc, including a video demonstration of a hand layup process.

3. Micromechanics of continuous unidirectional fiber composites (8 Lectures):

Prediction of elastic properties using strength of materials approach
Introduction to elasticity based approach for prediction of elastic constants (concentric
cylinder model)
Empirical relations (Halpin-Tsai) for elastic property prediction
Comparison of different approaches with examples,
Prediction of strength and discussion on failure modes
Prediction of thermal and diffusion properties

4. Short fiber composites (3 Lectures):

Load transfer length, Prediction of elastic properties
Elastic property calculation for random fiber composites

Part B

5. Analysis of orthotropic lamina (8 Lectures):
Generalized Hooke’s law, Material symmetry
Orthotropic materials and transversely isotropic materials
Transformation of stress and strain,
Stress-strain relations for transversely isotropic lamina under plane stress in material axis
and off-axis
Failure theories (Maximum stress, strain, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu)

6. Analysis of laminated composites (12 Lectures):

Description of laminate sequence and type of laminates (UD, Symmetric and
Asymmetric, Balanced, Quasi-Isotropic) etc.
Classical laminate theory (CLT)
Failure analysis of laminates using CLT: First ply failure, progressive failure analysis
Hygro-thermal stresses in laminates
Discussion on interlaminar stresses

7. Additional topics (4 Lectures):

Characterization methods- Test methods for determining elastic constants and strength
Fracture oriented failure- Strength of notched composite laminates

Title Author Publisher

Engineering Mechanics of Daniel Oxford (2013)

Composite Materials

Analysis and Performance of Fiber Agarwal Wiley (2017)


Mechanics of Composite Materials Kaw CRC (2006)

Mechanics of Composites Jones Taylor & Francis (2015)

Principles of Composite Material Gibson CRC Press (2016)


Title Author Publisher

Theory of Elasticity Timoshenko McGraw Hill (2013)

Course Code MEC704d

Course Title Production Operations Management

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Manufacturing Processes

1. To enable the student to understand the

product and process design, inventory
management, plant layout.
Course Objectives
2. To enable the students to understand the
various SQC techniques, control charts,
inventory costs.

1. The students will be able to apply the

various control charts and SQC
2. The students will learn the basics of
product and process design, Plant layout,
Course Outcomes
inventory management etc.
3. The students will be able to make a plant
layout, SQC charts and Control charts
and be able to apply the knowledge of
these in real industrial situations.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.

Part A
1. Introduction
Operations functions in an Organization, Historical Evolution of Production and
Operations Management, Jobs/Decisions of Production and Operations Management,
Manufacturing v/s Service operations.

2. Product and Process Design

Need, Stages of Product Life Cycle, Product Development process, Product Design
v/s Process Design, Classification of a Production Process, Methodology for Process

3. Capacity planning
Need for capacity planning, capacity planning decisions, Strategies for modifying

capacity- Long term and short term capacity strategies, capacity planning models and
linear programming, Decision Tree analysis, Aggregate planning and strategies for

4. Aggregate Planning.
Facility location and layout
Need for facility location planning, General procedure for facility location planning;
Types of layouts, Merits and Demerits, layout planning, Line balancing.

Part B

5. Demand forecasting
Introduction, Forecasting Methods: Time series methods- Naïve method, Moving
average, Weighted moving average, Exponential smoothing method and Casual
methods- Linear Regression method, Forecasting Errors, Selection of the Forecasting

6. Operation scheduling
Need of operation scheduling, Factors effecting scheduling, Job Shop scheduling,
Priority sequencing, Batch scheduling.

7. Inventory control
Need of the inventory control, Inventory costs, basic EOQ model, Selective inventory
controls-ABC, FSN, VED, Fixed order quantity and fixed order interval system,
Material requirement planning.

8. Quality Management
Concept of Quality, quality cost, inspection, type of inspection, statistical quality
control, control charts, concept of TQM & ISO Certification

Title Author Publisher

Production and Operations Management: Dilworth McGraw Hill

Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing

Production and Operations Management: Adam Prentice Hall

Concepts, Models, and Behavior

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704e

Course Title Structural Dynamics

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. The science and art of structural dynamics:
Introduction to structural dynamics; Modeling of structural components and systems; FE
route of structural dynamics and its limitations; Experimental route of structural dynamics
and its limitations; Understanding structural dynamics in time domain versus frequency

2. Basic concepts:
Spring-mass model; Free vibrations of SDOF, 2-DOF and MDOF system; Dynamic matrix
equation; Eigenvalues; Eigenvectors; Modeshapes; Orthogonality of normal modes;
Damping ratios; Drive point and cross frequency response functions; Receptance,
Mobility, Accelerance
Real modes, Complex modes.

3. Undamped SDOF system:

Degrees of freedom; Undamped system; Springs in parallel or in series; Newton’s law of
motion; Free body diagram; D’ Alembert’s principle; Solution of differential equation of
motion; Frequency and period; Amplitude and motion.

4. Damped SDOF system:

Proportional versus non-proportional damping; Equation of motion; Analysis of critically
damped system; Analysis of under-damped system; Analysis of over-damped system.

Part B

5. Response of SDOF system to harmonic loading:

Harmonic excitation for undamped and damped systems; Evaluation of damping at
resonance; Bandwidth method to evaluate damping; Energy dissipated by viscous

damping; Equivalent viscous damping; Response to support motion; Force transmitted to
foundation; Seismic instruments; Response of SDOF system to harmonic loading.

6. Nonlinear structural response:

Nonlinear SDOF model; Integration of the nonlinear equation of motion; Constant
acceleration method; Linear acceleration step-by-step method; The Newmark beta

7. Structural dynamic analysis of beams:

Shape functions for a beam segment; System stiffness matrix; Inertial-properties lumped
mass; Inertial-properties consistent mass; Damping properties; External loads; Geometric
stiffness; Equation of motion; Element forces at nodal coordinates; Dynamic analysis of
beams using MATLAB

8. Structural dynamic analysis of systems with distributed properties:

Flexural vibrations of uniform beams; Solution of equation of motion in free vibration;
Natural frequencies and mode-shapes for uniform beams with both ends simply
supported, both ends free, both ends fixed, one end fixed and other end free, one end
fixed and other end simply supported; Orthogonality condition between normal modes.

Title Author Publisher

Dynamics of Structures Chopra Pearson (2007)

Structural Dynamics: Theory and Paz Springer (2006)


Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics Craig Wiley (2006)

Dynamics of Structures Humar CRC (2012)

Structural Dynamics for Engineers Buchholdt ICE (2011)

Title Author Publisher

Structural Analysis Hibbeler Pearson (2014)

Fundamentals of Structural Leet McGraw Hill (2010)


Course Code MEC704f

Course Title Automotive Technology

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Thermodynamics, Engineering
Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics, Kinematics and Dynamics of

1. To understand the basic concepts about

automobile and performance parameters.
2. To understand the working of an engine
and its subsystems.
3. To understand about function, necessity
and working of various types of clutches.
Selection for different applications.
4. To understand power transmission from
engine to tyres. Conversions at different
Course Objectives
stages, understanding working of
different sub-systems in transmission to
understand the power flow.
5. To understand the working of various
control systems like suspension, steering
and brakes.
6. To understand the environmental impacts
and study various means of emission
control from automobiles.

1. Basic understanding about working of

2. Understanding, importance of various
sub-systems in performance of
Course Outcomes
3. Understand importance of control in
4. Environmental friendly automobiles


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction : Components of automobile, basic structure, classification of
automobile, body styles, frame and frameless construction, power for
propulsion, traction and tractive effort, relation between engine revolution and
vehicle speed, road performance curves, calculation of equivalent weight, gear
ratio for maximum acceleration.

2. Automobile Engine : Automobile Engine Types and Classifications, Engine

Construction Valves, Engine Measurements wear and Performance,
Superchargers and Turbochargers, Fuel-Injection System, Automotive Battery,
Starting System, Charging System, Ignition System.

3. Clutches : Requirements of clutches, types of clutches, working of single plate,

multiplate and centrifugal clutch, clutch operation, clutch plate, fluid flywheel.

4. Transmission : Functions of transmission, necessity, types of transmission,

sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchromesh, selector mechanism, transfer box,
automatic transmission, torque converter, overdrive, propeller shaft, universal
joint, final drive, differential, rear axle, rear axle drive.

Part B

5. Suspension : Basic classifications, types of suspension systems, leaf springs,

shock absorbers, independent suspension, types of front wheel, independent
suspension system, air suspension.

6. Front Axle and steering : Front axle, wheel alignment, steering geometry,
under-steer and oversteer, steering linkage, steering gears, steering ratio,
reversibility, power steering.

7. Brakes wheel and Tyres : Brake efficiency and stopping distance, fading of
brakes, wheel skidding, types of brakes, drum and disk brakes, hydraulic and
pneumatic brakes, servo brakes, anti lock braking system, types of wheels,
wheel dimensions, types of tyres, cross ply, radial ply and belted-bias type, tyre

8. Emission control : Automotive air pollution, emission control, crank case

emission, evaporative emission control, exhaust emission control, catalytic

Title Author Publisher

Automotive Mechanics Crouse McGraw Hill (2017)

Automotive Engines Dempsey

Automotive Mechanics Heitner CBS (2004)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC 704g

Course Title Industrial Engineering

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Internship 1 and Internship 2

Introduce to Business and Management

Course Objectives
aspects related to Engineering

Ability to manage engineering projects while

Course Outcomes
keeping Business/economics in mind


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction:
Purpose and evolution of Industrial Engineering, The concept and importance of
Productivity, Business process reengineering, Total productivity management,
Performance management, Change management, Budgeting and planning for profits,
Life cycle cost analysis, Kaizen.

2. Product Design and Development:

Principles of good product design, tolerance design; quality and cost considerations;
product life cycle; standardization, simplification, diversification, value engineering and
analysis, concurrent engineering; comparison of production alternatives.

Part B

3. Work System Design:

Taylor’s scientific management, Gilbreths’s contributions
Productivity – concepts and measurements
Method study, micro-motion study, principles of motion economy
Work measurement −
a. Time study
b. Work sampling
c. Standard data
Job evaluation, merit rating, incentive schemes, and wage administration

4. Facility Design:
a. Facility location factors and evaluation of alternate locations
b. Types of plant layout and their evaluation
c. Computer aided layout design techniques
d. Assembly line balancing
e. Materials handling systems

Title Author Publisher

Maynard’s Industrial Engineerig Kjell B. Zandin McGraw Hill


Title Author Publisher

Facilities Planning James Tompkins Wiley

Factory Physics Hopp & Spearman Waveland Press

Richard Muther and Lee Hales Management & Industrial

Systematic Layout Planning
Research Publications

Course Code MEC704h

Course Title Continuum Mechanics

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction: (1 Lectures)

2. Mathematical Preliminaries: (6 Lectures)

Vector and tensor calculus.
Tensor analysis, derivatives of functions with respect to tensors
Fields, div, grad, curl
Divergence theorem, transport theorem

3. Kinematics: (6 Lectures)
Configurations of a body, displacement, velocity, motion
Deformation gradient, rotation, stretch, strain, strain rate, spin tensor
Assumption of small deformation and small strain

4. Balance laws: (6 Lectures)

Balances of mass, linear momentum and angular momentum
Contact forces and the concept of stress.
Balance of energy and Clausius-Duhem inequality.

Part B

5. Constitutive relation: (12 Lectures)

Frame indifference.
Material symmetry
Kinematic constraints (incompressibility, etc.)
Thermodynamic restrictions.

6. Viscous fluid: (4 Lectures)
Constitutive relations, non-Newtonian fluid, boundary value problem.

7. Finite elasticity: (5 Lectures)

Hyperelasticity, isotropy, simple constitutive relations, boundary value problem

Title Author Publisher

Continuum Mechanics Chadwick Dover (1998)

Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Gurtin CUP (2013)


Introduction to the Mechanics of a Malvern Pearson

Continuous Medium

Introduction to Continuum Mechanics Lai Elsevier (2014)

Continuum Mechanics for Engineers Mase CRC (2020)

Fundamentals of Continuum Bechtel Academic Press (2014)

Mechanics: With Applications to
Mechanical, Thermomechanical, and
Smart Materials

Title Author Publisher

A First Course in Rational Truesdell Academic Press

Continuum Mechanics

Rational Thermodynamics Truesdell McGraw Hill

The Non-Linear Field Truesdell Springer

Theories of Mechanics

Course Code 704i

Course Title Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Calculus, Familiarity with Excel or other

Course Prerequisites
spreadsheet software.

Recognize engineering problems requiring

Course Objectives
statistical methods and apply them.

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

(Note the capitalized terms in parentheses are EXCEL commands)

Part A
1. The Role of Statistics In Engineering: (2 lectures)
• Collecting Engineering Data, Data Representation, Graphing
and Analysis (with and without EXCEL)
• Statistics with EXCEL: sampling, Random Number Generator,
• Rank, percentile, mode, median, average, processes chart,
• Deming’s funnel
• Retrospective Study
• Observational Study
• Designed Experiments
• Observing Engineering Processes over time
• Preliminary definitions (random variable, sample, population)
• Probability and Probability Models

2. Introduction to Probability – Basic Concepts: (4 lectures)

• Sample space, discrete/continuous random variables, experiments with and without
repetition, experiments with and without order
• Outcome, Event, Tree Diagram, Venn Diagrams, de Morgan’s Law
• Interpretations and Axioms of Probability
• Absolute/relative Frequency, Probability, Addition Rules
• Conditional Probability, Multiplication and Total Probability Rule, (HISTOGRAM)
• Independence, Bayes’ theorem
• Counting Techniques, Permutations, Combinations


3. Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions: (5 lectures)

• Probability Distributions, and Probability Mass Functions
• Mean, Variance, Example: Discrete Uniform Distribution,
• Discrete Uniform Distribution
• Binomial distribution, (BINOMDIST), Bernoulli experiment
• Geometric Distribution and Negative Binomial Distribution,
• Poisson Distribution,
• Hypergeometric Distribution, (NEGBINOMDIST,HYPERGEOM DIST, POISSON)

4. Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions: (5 lectures)

• Continuous Random Variables
• Probability Distributions and Probability Density Functions,
• Cumulative Distribution Functions
• Mean and Variance of a Continuous Random Variable
• Normal Distribution: examples, Significance, Definition, Graph, Standardization
• Normal Distribution: Cumulative Normal Dist. Ф (z),examples (use of table, NORMDIST,
• Exponential Distribution,
• Erlang and Gamma Distributions,
• Weibull Distribution
• Normality Criteria (normal Prob. Plot), Central Limit
Theorem, Normal Distr. as Approximation (large samples, to the Binomial and Poisson
Distribution), Continuity Approximation

Part B

5. Descriptive Statistics: (3 lectures)

• Linear Function. of random variables, sample mean, variance,
central limit theorem
• Stem and Leaf Diagrams
• Frequency Distributions and Histograms, , sample mean and variance, range,
• Box Plots
• Time sequence plots
• Probability Plots
• Standard error of the mean
• Point estimator, bias, mean square error
• Maximum likelihood estimator

6. Introduction to Statistical Process Control (SPC): (6 lectures)

• Quality Improvement and Statistics
• Introduction to Control Charts
• Control limits, process limits, tolerance limits for X, R & S
Control Charts
• Control Charts for Individual Measurements
• Process Capability Indexes Cp & Cpk
• Attribute Control Charts (P Chart & U Chart)
• Time-Weighted Charts (CUSUM Charts)
• 6-Sigma Process and SPC Black Belts in Industry

7. Design and Analysis of Single Factor Experiments: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) : (4


• Designing Engineering Experiments
• Completely Randomized Single Factor Experiment
• The Random Effects Model
• Randomized Complete Block Design
• Design and Statistical Analysis

Title Author Publisher

Applied Statistics and Montgomery Wiley (2016)

Probability for Engineer

Probability and Statistics for Walpole Pearson (2013)

Engineers and Scientists

Probability and Statistics for Johnson, MIller, Freund Pearson (2015)


Probability and Statistics for Devore Brooks and Cole (2011)

Engineering and the Sciences

Title Author Publisher

A First Course in Probability Ross Pearson (2019)

Schaum's Outline of Probability Spiegel McGraw-Hill (2017)

and Statistics

Data Analysis using Microsoft Middleton Wadsworth (1997)


Engineering Statistics Montgomery Wiley (2013)

SPC - Practical Understanding of Abbott Robert Houston Smith

Capability by Implementing Publishers (1999)
Statistical Process Control

What is Six Sigma Pande McGraw Hill (2002)

Statistical Quality Control: A Montgomery Wiley (2010)

Modern Introduction

Course Code MEC704j

Course Title Total Quality Management

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Production Management, Operations

Course Prerequisites

1. The importance of Total Quality

2. To make the students aware of the
principles of TQM and Strategies of
Course Objectives TQM implementations
3. To provide understanding of
Statistical Process Control
4. To show the applications of TQM

1. The principles of TQM

Course Outcomes 2. implementation of TQM
3. Application of TQM tools


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two
questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction : Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Quality Planning,
Quality costs- Analysis Techniques for Quality Costs, Basic concepts of Total
Quality Management, Historical Review, Principles of TQM, Leadership –
Concepts, Role of Senior Management, Quality Council, Quality Statements,
Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers to TQM Implementation. (6)

2. TQM Principles : Customer satisfaction – Customer perception of quality –

Customer complaints – Service quality – Customer retention – Employee
involvement – Motivation – Empowerment – Teams – Recognition and reward –
Performance appraisal – Benefits – Continuous process improvement – Juran
trilogy – PDSA cycle – 5S – Kaizen – supplier partnership – Partnering –
Sourcing – Supplier selection – Supplier rating – Relationship development –
Performance measures – Basic concepts – Strategy – Performance measure. (9)

Part B

1. Statistical Process Control (SPC): The seven tools of quality – Statistical
fundamentals – Measures of central tendency and dispersion – Population and
sample – Normal curve – Control charts for variables and attributes – Process
capability – Concept of six sigma – New seven management tools. (6)

2. TQM Tools: Benchmarking – Reasons to benchmark – Benchmarking process –

QualityFunction Deployment (QFD) – House of quality – QFD process – Benefits
– Taguchi quality loss function-– Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Concept
– Improvement needs – FMEA – Stages of FMEA. (5)

3. Quality Systems : Need for ISO 9000 and other quality systems – ISO 9000:2000
quality system – Elements – Implementation of quality system – Documentation –
Quality auditing – TS 16949 – ISO 14000 – Concept – Requirements and

Title Author Publisher

Total Quality Management Besterfiled Pearson

Feigenbau McGraw Hill

Total Quality Management

Management and Control of Quality Evans Thompson

Quality Management – Concepts and Narayana NewAge International 1996


Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704k

Course Title Fracture and Fatigue

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials, Machine Design

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction (4):
Background; Griffith theory of fracture, energy release rate (ERR), conditions for
stable and unstable crack growth, crack arrest

2. Linear elastic fracture mechanics (14):

Williams analysis of stress field at the tip of a crack
Solution of stress and displacement field for plane cracks using complex methods
in plane elasticity (Westergaards or Kolosov-Muskhelishvili approach)
Stress intensity factor (SIF) for plane and penny shaped cracks
Equivalence of SIF and ERR, fracture toughness

3. Elasto-plastic fracture mechanics (10):

First order estimate of crack tip plastic zone using Irwin’s and Dugdle’s approach
Plastic zone for plane stress and plane strain situation and effect on fracture
Review of small strain plasticity
Crack tip fields in an elasto-plastic material (Discussion on HRR fields)
J-integral as a fracture parameter and crack tip opening displacement

Part B
4. Mixed mode fracture (3):
Prediction of crack path and critical condition for crack extension under mixed
mode loading using Maximum tensile stress, Minimum strain energy density and
Maximum energy release rate criteria

5. Experimental measurement of SIF and fracture toughness (3):

SIF measurement using strain gages, optical techniques

Evaluation of fracture toughness

6. Fatigue crack growth (4):

Mechanism of crack nucleation and growth under cyclic loading
Determination of life of a cracked solid using Paris-Erdogan law and its variants

7. Advanced topics (one from the following) (4):

Computational fracture mechanics, Dynamic fracture, Bi-material fracture

Title Author Publisher

Fracture Mechanics: Anderson CRC Press (2017)

Fundamentals and Applications

Fracture Mechanics, An Gdoutos Springer (2020)


Fracture Mechanics Sun Elsevier (2011)

Fatigue of Materials Suresh CUP

Deformation and Fracture Hertzberg Wiley (2014)

Mechanics of Engineering

Elementary Engineering Broek Springer ( 2012)

Fracture Mechanics

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704l

Course Title Introduction to Modern FORTRAN

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Introduction to Programming

Introduce student to scientific programming

Course Objectives

Students should be able to carry out research

and development related programming tasks
Course Outcomes
using Modern FORTRAN in an Engineering
Workstation environment.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction to Computers and The Fortran Language: The Computer * Data

Representation in a Computer * Computer Languages * The History of the Fortran
Language * The Evolution of Fortran

2. Basic Elements of Fortran: The Fortran Character Set * The Structure of a Fortran
Statement * The Structure of a Fortran Program * Constants and Variables * Assignment
Statements and Arithmetic Calculations * Intrinsic Functions * List-Directed Input and
Output Statements * Initialization of Variables * The IMPLICIT NONE Statement *
Debugging Fortran Programs
* Alternate KINDS of the REAL, INTEGER, and CHARACTER Data Type * COMPLEX
Data Type.

3. Program Design and Branching Structures: Introduction to Top-Down Design Techniques

*Use of Pseudocode and Flowcharts * Logical Constants, Variables, and Operators *

4. Constructs: Branches.

5. Loops: Control Constructs: Loops.

6. Characters: Character Assignments and Character Manipulations * Character

comparison operations * Intrinsic Character Functions * Passing Character Variables to

Subroutines and Functions * Variable-Length Character Functions * Internal Files

7. I/O Concepts: Formats and Formatted WRITE Statements * Output Devices, Control
Characters in Printer Output * Format Descriptors * Formatted READ Statements * An
Introduction to Files and File Processing * Namelist I/O * Unformatted files * Direct
Access Files * Stream Access Mode * Non Default I/O for derived types
(12 hours)

Part B

8. Arrays: Declaring Arrays * Using Array Elements in Fortran Statements * Using Whole
Arrays and Array Subsets in Fortran Statements * Input and Output * Multidimensional
Arrays * Using Intrinsic Functions with Arrays * Masked Array assignment : the WHERE
construct * FORALL
construct * Allocatable Arrays.

9. Procedures: Subroutines * Sharing Data Using Modules * Module Procedures * Fortran

Functions * Passing Procedures as Arguments to Other Procedures. * Passing
Multidimensional Arrays to Subroutines and Functions * The SAVE Attribute and
Statement * Allocatable Arrays
in Procedures * Automatic Arrays in Procedures * Allocatable Arrays as Dummy
Arguments in Procedures* Pure and Elemental Procedures * Internal Procedures *

10. Derived Data Types: Derived Data Types * Working with Derived Data Types * Input and
Output of Derived Data Types * Declaring Derived Data Types in Modules * Returning
Derived Types from Functions * Dynamic Allocation of Derived Data Types *
Parameterized Derived
Data Types * Type Extension * Type-Bound Procedures * The ASSOCIATE Construct
Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures: Pointers and Targets
* Using Pointers in Assignment Statements * Using Pointers with Arrays * Dynamic
Memory Allocation with Pointers *Using Pointers as Components of Derived Data Types *
Arrays of Pointers *Using Pointers in Procedures * Procedure Pointers

11. Object-Oriented Programming in Fortran: An Introduction to Object-Oriented

Programming * The Structure of a Fortran Class * The CLASS Keyword * Implementing
Classes and Objects in Fortran * Categories of Methods * Controlling Access to Class
Members * Finalizers *
Inheritance and Polymorphism * Abstract Classes.

12. Coarrays and Parallel Processing: Parallel Processing in Coarray Fortran * Coarrays *
Synchronization between Images *Allocatable Coarrays and Derived Data Types
*Passing Coarrays to Procedures * Critical Sections * The Perils of parallel Programming.
(12 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Modern Fortran Explained Metcalf Oxford (2011)

Guide to Fortran 2008 Brainerd Springer (2016)


Fortran for Scientists and Chapman McGraw-Hill (2017)

Introduction to Programming Chivers Springer (2018)

with Fortran

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704m

Course Title Smart Materials and Structures

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Materials Science, Mechanics of Materials

1. Students will understand the coupling

properties and underlying physical
phenomena of different active materials.
2. Students will have the foundation to
model and analyze engineering devices
and systems that incorporate smart
Course Objectives
materials under static and dynamic
3. Students will be introduced to
applications of active materials in
sensing, actuation, control, and energy

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Overview of Smart Materials:
Introduction to Smart Materials, Principles of Piezoelectricity, Perovskite
Piezoceramic Materials, Single Crystals vs Polycrystalline Systems, Piezoelectric
Polymers, Principles of Magnetostriction, Rare earth Magnetostrictive materials,
Giant Magnetostriction and Magneto-resistance Effect, Introduction to
Electro-active Materials, Electronic Materials, Electro-active Polymers, Ionic
Polymer Matrix Composite (IPMC), Shape Memory Effect, Shape Memory Alloys,
Shape Memory Polymers, Electro-rheological Fluids, Magnetorheological Fluids

2. High-Band Width, Low Strain Smart Sensors:

Piezoelectric Strain Sensors, In-plane and Out-of Plane Sensing, Shear Sensing,
Accelerometers, Effect of Electrode Pattern, Active Fibre Sensing,
Magnetostrictive Sensing, Villari Effect, Matteucci Effect and Nagaoka-Honda
Effect, Magnetic Delay Line Sensing, Application of Smart Sensors for Structural
Health Monitoring (SHM), System Identification using Smart Sensors [8]

Part B

3. Smart Actuators:
Modelling Piezoelectric Actuators, Amplified Piezo Actuation – Internal and
External Amplifications, Magnetostrictive Actuation, Joule Effect, Wiedemann
Effect, Magneto Volume Effect, Magnetostrictive Mini Actuators, IPMC and
Polymeric Actuators, Shape Memory Actuators, Active Vibration Control, Active
Shape Control, Passive Vibration Control, Hybrid Vibration Control [8]

4. Smart Composites:
Review of Composite Materials, Micro and Macro-mechanics, Modelling
Laminated Composites based on Classical Laminated Plate Theory, Effect of
Shear Deformation, Dynamics of Smart Composite Beam, Governing Equation of
Motion, Finite Element Modelling of Smart Composite Beams [8]

5. Advances in Smart Structures & Materials:

Self-Sensing Piezoelectric Transducers, Energy Harvesting Materials,
Autophagous Materials, Self-Healing Polymers, Intelligent System Design,
Emergent System Design [6]

Title Author Publisher

Smart Structures and Materials Culshaw Artech House (2000)

Smart Structures Gauenzi Wiley (2009)

Engineering Analysis of Smart Leo Wiley (2007)

Material Systems

Smart Materials and Structures Gandhi Springer (1992)

Smart Structures: Analysis and Srinivasan CUP (2000)


Adaptronics and Smart Janocha Springer (1999)

Structures: Basics, Materials,
Design and Applications

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC704n

Course Title Optimization Methods in Engineering Design

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Machine Design, Numerical Methods,

Course Prerequisites

This course will introduce the students to the

Course Objectives basic fundamentals of optimization methods
that can be used during a design process.

Ability to solve engineering optimization

Course Outcomes problems using computational techniques and
codes developed during the course.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction and overview of optimization problems including the notion of convergence

and convexity. (3 lectures)

2. Basics of univariate unconstrained minimization (3 lectures)

3. Fundamentals of multivariate optimization including equation solving and least squares

problem (4 lectures)

4. Discussion of applied methods for multivariate optimization (4 lectures)

5. Basics of constrained optimization (6 lectures)

Part B

6. Linear programming problems (3 lectures)

7. Quadratic programming problem (5 lectures)

8. Different family of methods for solving a constrained optimization problem (6 lectures)

9. Advanced topics - Integer and Geometric programming, genetic algorithms, simulated

annealing techniques. (6 lectures)

Title Author Publisher

Optimization for Engineering K Deb PHI (2012)


Optimization concepts and A. D. Belegundu and T. R. CUP (2014)

applications in engineering Chandrupatla.

Linear and Nonlinear S. Nash and A. Sofer. McGraw Hill (1996)


Title Author Publisher

Course Code HSMC701

Course Title Financial Management

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

The main aim of this course is to make

students learn different financial decisions i.e.
investing, financing and dividend, required to
be taken by a company and provide
Course Objectives
knowledge about the functioning of the
financial system (financial markets, financial
institutions, financial services and financial
instruments) of the country.

1. The students will learn to make the best

combination of financial decisions by
considering risk and return trade-off.
2. The students will identify how business
Course Outcomes can gain maximum through the financial
3. The students will understand how to
manage funds effectively so as to
maximize returns.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Financial Management:
Concept of Finance, Terminology Related to Finance, Financial Decisions, Factors
Affecting Financial Decisions, Risk-Return Trade-Off (3 hours)

2. Financial System:
Concept and Role of Financial System in Indian Economy (2 hours)

3. Financial Markets and Instruments:

Concept and Relevance of Money Market and Capital Market
Money Market Instruments: Call Money, Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, Certificate of
Capital Market Instruments: Equity Shares, Preference Shares and Debentures

Hypothetical Trading in Financial Markets (8 hours)

4. Financial Services:
Nature and Functions of Financial Services: Merchant Banking, Mutual Funds, Factoring,
Forfaiting, Credit Rating
Case Study on Financial Services (7 hours)

Part B
5. Financial Institutions:
Nature and Functions of Financial Institutions: Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) (6

6. Long Term Investment Decisions:

Capital Budgeting: Concept, Importance, Factors
Techniques/Methods with Numerical Applications (Payback Period, Accounting Rate of
Return, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Profitability Index), Case Study (7

7. Short Term Investment Decisions:

Working Capital: Nature, Type and Factors Affecting the Requirement of Working Capital,
Case Study (5 hours)

8. Financing Decisions:
Capital Structure: Essentials and Approaches of Capital Structure
Sources of Finance (long-term and short-term), Financial Leverage: Concept and
Numerical Application, Case Study (5 hours)

9. Dividend Decisions:
Types of Dividend, Dividend Policy: Nature and Factors Affecting Dividend Policy,Case
Study (2 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Financial Management Shah Dreamtech Press (2009)

Financial Markets and Services Gordon Himalaya Publishing House (2006)

Cases in Financial Management Pandey McGrawHill (India 2010)

Financial Management: Theory Chandra McGrawHill (India 2012)

and Practice

Financial Institutions and Bhole McGrawHill (India 2009)

Markets: Structure, Growth and

Financial Management Pandey Vikas Publishing House (2010)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code HSMC702

Course Title Business Laws

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

The main aim of this course is to make

students understand different types of
environment influencing business decisions
Course Objectives
and to provide knowledge about different laws
that needs to be followed for initiating and
managing business.

The students will gain knowledge about

Course Outcomes application and implementation of various
business laws in practice.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Business (5 hours)
Scope and Characteristics of Business, Classification of Business Activities Forms of
Ownership of Business: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company

2. Business Environment (10 hours)

Internal Environment: Concept and Elements (Value System, Vision Mission Objectives,
Management Structure, Human Resources, Company Image etc.)
SWOT Analysis: Concept and Case Study
External Environment: Micro Environment (Suppliers, Customers, Competitors, Market
Intermediaries etc.) and Macro Environment – PESTEL Analysis (Political, Economic,
Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal), Case Study on Impact of Environment on

3. Globalization (5 hours)
Concept, Pros and Cons of Globalization, Impact of Global Environment on Business
Globalization of Company – Case Study

Part B

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (5 hours)
Concept, Social Responsibility towards different stakeholders, Rationale for CSR. CSR –
Case Studies

5. Corporate Governance (5 hours)

Concept, Elements and Essentials of Good Governance

6. Contract Law (5 hours)

Concept, Types and Essentials Elements of Contract

7. Partnership Law (5 hours)

Nature of Partnership, Provisions of Partnership Act, Issues Related to Partnership Firm,
Hypothetical Formation of a Partnership Firm

8. Company Law (5 hours)

Nature of Company, Provisions of Company Act, Issues Related to Incorporation of
Company, Hypothetical Formation of a Company

Title Author Publisher

Business Environment: Text Cherunilam Himalaya Publications (2013)

and Cases

Legal Aspects of Business Pathak McGraw Hill (2013)

Essential of Business Aswathappa Himalaya Publications (2011)

Environment: Text, Cases
and Exercises

Business Law Including Gulshan New Age (2011)

Company Law

Business Law and Corporate Tulsian S Chand (2011)


Fundamentals of Business Bhushan S Chand (2013)

Organization & Management

Corporate Governance: Fernando Pearson (2011)

Principles, Policies and

Title Author Publisher

Course Code HSMC703

Course Title Human Resource Management

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

The main aim of this course is to provide an

overview of HRM, keeping the Indian business
Course Objectives scenario in the background and to acquaint the
students with the strategic role of HRM in
managing an organization.

1. The students will develop the ability to

solve problems in the area of HRM in
Course Outcomes 2. The students will become aware of the
latest developments in HRM practices
which are essential for effective
management in organization.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Human Resource Management (5 hours)
HRM: Nature, Scope, Functions, HRM Practices and Problems in India with Case

2. Human Resource Planning (HRP) (5 hours)

Concept and Process of HRP, Factors Affecting HRP

3. Job Analysis and Designing (5 hours)

Uses and Process of Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification:
Features and Hypothetical Formulation, Job Designing: Job Enrichment, Job

4. Recruitment and Selection (6 hours)

Recruitment: Sources and Methods
Selection: Selection Process, Selection Tests, Types and Nature of Interviews
Role Playing and Case Study on Selection Process, Tests and Interview

Part B
5. Induction and Internal Mobility (7 hours)
Induction Programme, Need and Scope of Internal Mobility: Transfer, Promotion,

6. Training and Development (8 hours)

Training: Need and Methods, Management Development: Need, Methods and
Management Development Programme HRM Games for Development of

7. Performance Appraisal and Compensation (6 hours)

Nature and Methods of Performance Appraisal, Hypothetical Performance
AppraisalCompensation: Financial and Non-Financial Benefits

8. Employee Health and Safety (3 hours)

Concept, Issues related to Health and Safety, Workplace Health Hazards

Title Author Publisher

Dessler Pearson (2011)

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management: Text and Aswathappa McGraw Hill (2013)


Human Resource Management: Text and Gupta S Chand (2012)


Human Resource Management: Text and Bedi Bharti (2012)


Human Resource Management Fottler Cengage (2013)

Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents
and Skill Builders

Human Resource Management: Text and Rao Excel Books (2002)


Title Author Publisher

Semester 8

Course Code MEC801

Course Title Operations Research

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Statistics, Manufacturing

Course Objectives Introduce students to formulate, analyze and solve mathematical

models that represent real-world problems using various techniques.

Course Outcomes 1. Understand scope, objectives, phases, models & limitations

of operations research.
2. Understand the theoretical working of linear programming
techniques like graphical, simplex algorithm and dual simplex
3. Solve specialized linear programming problems like
transportation and assignment models & model a dynamic
system as queuing model and computation of its important
performance measures.
4. Solve network models using PERT and CPM techniques


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction:
Operation Research Models, Solving the OR models, Queuing and Simulation models,
Phases of an OR study

2. Modelling with Linear Programing-I:

The Linear Programming Model, Assumptions of LP model, Two variable LP model,
Graphical LP solution- Solution of Minimization and Maximization model, Selected LP
applications like Urban Planning, Investment, Production planning and control, Blending,
Manpower planning.

3. Modelling with Linear Programing-II:
Simplex method; Artificial starting solution- Big-M method and Two Phase method;
Special cases in simplex like Degeneracy, Alternate optima, unbounded solution,
Infeasible solution; Duality and degeneracy in simplex method, Dual simplex method.

4. Transportation Model:
Definition of Transportation model, Mathematical model of Transportation problem, The
Transportation Algorithm, Determination of starting solution, Test for Optimality,
Unbalanced Transportation model and Degeneracy in Transportation model, The
Assignment Model- Hungarian Method.
Part B
5. Network Models
Scope and Definition of network models, Travelling Salesman’s problem and its solution
using Branch and Bound method

6. Queuing Systems
Introduction, Elements of a Queuing model, Performance Measures of a Queuing system,
Role of Exponential Distribution, Kendall’s notation, Single server queuing models,
Multiple-server models.


Introduction, Network Representation: Network Components and Precedence
Relationships; Critical Path (CPM) Computations: Forward Pass method, Backward Pass
method; Construction of the Time Schedule, The PERT approach: Optimistic, Pessimistic
& Most likely time Estimates, Estimation of Project completion time.

Title Author Publisher

Operations Research: An Introduction Taha Pearson (2019)

Introduction to Operations Research Hillier McGraw-Hill (2017)

Title Author Publisher

Probability And Statistics For Engineers Walpole Pearson (2013)

And Scientists

Probability and Statistics for Engineering Devore Cengage (2020)

and the Sciences

Probability and Statistics for Engineers Johnson & Miller Pearson (2015)

Course Code MEC802

Course Title Non-Conventional Energy Sources

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

1. Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources: Introduction to Non-conventional/Renewable

Energy Sources & Technologies, Their importance for Sustainable Development and
Environmental Protection.

2. Solar Radiations: Introduction, Extraterrestrial solar radiations, Components of radiation,

Measurement and Estimation of Solar Radiation; Characteristics of solar spectra including
Wave length Distribution; Radiation Properties and spectral Characteristics Materials;
Selective Surfaces.

3. Solar Thermal system: Introduction, Solar Collectors: Concentrating and

Non-Concentrating Collectors; Solar Water Heaters, Solar Passive Space Heating and
Cooling Systems, Solar Pond; Application of Solar Energy for Water Desalination and
Cooking etc.

4. Biomass: Introduction, Photosynthesis Process, Biofuels, Biomass resources, Biomass

Conversion Technologies, Biomass Gasification, Types of Gasifiers, Classification of
Biomass Plants, Biogas Production form Waste Biomass, Types of Biogas Digesters,
Types of Bioreactors, Status of development of biomass energy resources in India

Part B

5. Wind Energy: Basic Principles; Wind Turbine Siting, Wind Turbine Types, Basic
Components of Wind Energy Conversion System, Classification of Wind Energy
Conversion System, Application of Wind Energy, Wind Energy Programme in India.

6. Ocean Energy: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) principle, Open, Closed and
Hybrid cycle OTEC system; Energy from Tides, estimation of tidal power, tidal power
plants, single and double basin plants, site requirements, Advantages and Limitations;

7. Geothermal Energy: Nature of Geothermal Resources; Location & Potential Assessment;
Classification & Characteristics of Geothermal Resources- Types of Geothermal
Resources – Hot dry Rock; Hydrothermal- Vapour dominated, Liquid dominated and hot
water resources ; Hot magma and Geo-pressured Hot Rock, comparison of geothermal
power plant with conventional thermal power plants, Advantages and Limitations;
Geothermal Site selection criterion, Potential of geothermal energy in India.

Title Author Publisher

Sustainable Energy: Tester, Drake, Driscoll, MIT Press (2005)

Choosing Among Golay, and Peters

Renewable Energy Twidell, and Weir Taylor and Francis (2005)


Sustainable Energy – MacKay UIT Cambridge (2008)

without the hot air. Available free online
from www.withouthotair.com

Title Author Publisher

Wiley Encyclopedia of Attilio, and Boots Wiley-Interscience (1996)

Energy Technology and
the Environment.

Course Code MEC803

Course Title Computational Fluid Dynamics

Course Type Core

Course LTP 300

Course Credits 3

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Assignments, Quizzes, Sessionals)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam)

Course Prerequisites Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis

Course Objectives 1. To understand basics of computational fluid

2. To learn different methods for discretization of
Navier Stokes Equations
3. To implement various algorithms to solve Navier
Stokes Equations for Simple Flows

Course Outcome 1. Students will be able to discretize PDEs using

different methods
2. Students will develop understanding about
selection of different methods available for solving
Navier Stokes Equations according to different
boundary conditions.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction: Need for CDF, Comparison of the three basic approaches in engineering
problem solving – Analytical, Experimental and Computational Methods, Application in
different areas.
2. Governing Equation of Fluid Dynamics: Different Models of Flow, Substantial derivation,
Continuity equation, Momentum equations, energy equations, transformation of
conservation form of equation into non conservation form and visa-versa., Equations for
viscous flow and Inviscid flow for fluid dynamics, Physical Boundary conditions, types of
marching solutions in CFD.
3. Behaviour and classification of Partial Differential equation (PDE): Classification of PDE
using Cramer’s Rule and Eigenvalue method, discussion on behaviour of different types
of PDEs and types of flows governed by PDEs.
4. Discretization of PDE by Finite Difference Method: Representation of PDE by Forward,
Rear and Central Difference , Truncations Error, Difference Equations; Explicit and
Implicit Approach:, Error and Analysis of stability.

5. Discretization of PDE by Finite Volume Method: Finite volume method for diffusion
problems and convection-diffusion problems.
6. Discretization of PDE by Finite Volume Method: The central differencing scheme, the
upwind differencing scheme, the hybrid differencing scheme, quadratic upwind
differencing scheme, Properties of discretisation schemes, Properties of differencing
schemes, Assessment of each scheme
7. Solution algorithms for pressure velocity coupling in steady flows: Staggered grid, the
SIMPLE algorithm, SIMPLER Algorithms, application of algorithm to simple 1D flow
problems, Thomas algorithm for tridiagonal matrix.

Title Author Publisher

Computational Fluid Dynamics: The McGraw-Hill (2017)

Basics with Applications

An Introduction to Computational Versteeg and Pearson (2008)

Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Malalasekara

Title Author Publisher

Numerical Heat Transfer and Patankar Taylor & Francis (2017)

Fluid Flow

Course Code MEC853

Course Title Computational Fluid Dynamics (P)

Course Type Core

Course LTP 002

Course Credits 1

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites Fluid Mechanics, Numerical Analysis

Course Objectives 1. Solve fluid and heat-transfer problems using

computational techniques
2. To apply computational fluid dynamics to solve
fluid flow over common geometries.
Course Outcome 1. Ability to solve fluid and heat-transfer problems
using computational fluid dynamics.
2. Students will learn how to use CFD for analysis of
fluid flow under different sets of constraints over
different objects.

List of Experiments

1. 2D heat conduction in a rectangular geometry.

2. To solve the temperature distribution for a fin.
3. To solve two dimensional incompressible viscous flow in a lid driven cavity.
4. Temperature distribution for a heated plate subjected to insulated boundary
condition on one side.
5. Temperature distribution for a heated plate subjected to fixed boundary
6. Fluid flowover a spherical body .
7. Flow over an Aerofoil with a different attack angle.

Title Author Publisher

Computational Fluid McGraw-Hill

Dynamics: The Basics Anderson
with Applications

An Introduction to Versteeg and Pearson

Computational Fluid Malalasekara
Dynamics: The Finite
Volume Method

Title Author Publisher

Numerical Heat Transfer Patankar Taylor & Francis (2017)
and Fluid Flow

Course Code MEC855

Course Title Major Project

Course Type Core

Course LTP 008

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 150 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)

Course Prerequisites and Mechanics, Thermodynamics,Basics of Electrical

Requisite Engineering, Programming, Mechatronics, Automatic
controls, Mechanical measurements, Theory of Machines and
Machine Design. Problem identified for project should be real
(Trivial proposal has to be rejected by the project committee).

Course Objectives Engage student in innovation on some real-world problem

Course Outcomes Ability to: Identify a problem, mathematically capture a

problem, fabricate a test-rig and conduct tests.

Course Code MEC856

Course Title Internship 3

Course Type Optional (Internship of one semester duration in Industry or

Research Organization or UIET/CCET)

Course LTP

Course Credits 22

Course Assessment
● Continuous 250 (Hosting Organization)
● End and Mid Semester 450 (Mechanical Engineering Department)

Course Prerequisites and 1. CGPA 6.5 or more with no reappear upto 6 th semester
Requisites 2. Successful defense of Internship Proposal before a
committee (Training committee). Students will have to
give a formal presentation before a committee before
proceeding on training. Proposal should contain
objectives, Literature-Survey, Methodology, Timelines,
Consent of mentor from industry, Consent of mentor
from UIET/CCET and expected outcomes.
3. Desirable that the student is able to publish a paper at
least in a conference out of work done in the
4. Training report should be well written and hard-bound
training report submitted to the Training committee at
least 15 days before final evaluation.

Course Objectives 1. To give students an opportunity to apply the

knowledge they have acquired on campus practically
in a real-life work situation and hence sharpen their
technical skills.
2. To provide an exposure to students to industrial work
environment and give them an opportunity to work on
a live project and implement it
3. To make the students industry ready and make them
aware of work ethics and professional ethics.
4. To provide students with employability opportunities.

Course Outcomes 1. Exposure to Industrial problems

2. Ability to solve Industrial problems

Course Code MEC804a

Course Title Tribology

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction
Definition and Scope of tribology, Contact of solids, nature of surfaces, surface
topography, surface interactions and characterization, micro and nanotribology, surface
roughness measurement techniques.

2. Friction
Types, laws, modern theories, dry sliding friction, temperature of sliding surface,
Mechanism of rolling friction, friction instabilities, measurement of friction.

3. Wear
Classification, theories of adhesive, abrasive, surface fatigue and corrosives wear,
erosive, cavitation and fretting wear, wear models, wear of miscellaneous machine
components such as gears, plain bearings and rolling element bearings, ASTM standards
for wear measurement, wear resistant materials, wear resistant components, Study of
abrasion in grinding, lapping and honing. (12 hours)

Part B

4. Lubrication Theories
Lubrication regimes: hydrodynamic lubrication, hydrostatic lubrication,
elastohydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, squeeze films, turbulent lubrication.
Reynold’s equation, Pressure distribution, load carrying capacity, friction forces in oil film
and coefficient of friction
in journal bearing.

5. Bearing Design
Clearance in journal bearing, minimum film thickness, Sommerfeld Number. Oil grooves

and flow of oil in axial and circumferential grooves, cavitation and turbulence in oil
bearing. Heat generation and cooling of bearing. Design of air bearing and other gas

6. Applications
Application of tribology in manufacturing processes, Metal machining, Metal cutting, Tool
wear, Action of lubricants, Friction welding, Extrusion process (12 hours)

Title Author Publisher

Basic Lubrication Theory Cameron Ellis Horwood (1981)

Friction, Wear, and Lubrication Ludema CRC Press (2018)

Engineering Tribology Williams CUP (2005)

Introduction to Tribology Bhushan Wiley (2002)

Engineering Tribology Stachowiak Butterworth Heinemann (2016)

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804b

Course Title Additive Manufacturing

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) (05 hr)
General overview, Introduction to reverse engineering, Traditional manufacturing vis AM,
Computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) and AM, Different AM processes and
relevant process physics AM process chain.
Application level: Direct processes - Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling. Rapid Manufacturing;
Indirect Processes - Indirect Prototyping. Indirect Tooling, Indirect Manufacturing

2. Materials science for AM (04 hr)

Discussion on different materials used, Use of multiple materials, multifunctional and graded
materials in AM. Role of solidification rate, Evolution of non-equilibrium structure, Structure
property relationship, Grain structure and microstructure

3. AM technologies (12 hr)

Powder-based AM processes involving sintering and melting (selective laser sintering, shaping,
electron beam melting. involvement). Printing processes (drop!et based 3D)
Solid-based AM processes - extrusion based fused deposition modeling object Stereolithography
Micro- and nano-additive

Part B

4. Mathematical models for AM (13 hr)

Transport phenomena models: temperature, fluid flow and composition, buoyancy driven tension
driven free surface flow pool)
Case studies: Numerical Modeling of AM process, Powder bed melting based process,
Droplet based printing process Residual stress, part fabrication time,
cost, optimal orientation and optimal Defect in AM and role of transport

Simulations (choice of parameter, Model validation)

5. Process selection, planning, control for AM (06 hr)

Selection of AM technologies using decision methods
Additive manufacturing process plan: strategies and post processing. Monitoring and control of
defects, transformation

Title Author Publisher

Understanding additive Andreas Gebhardt Hanser Publishers

manufacturing: rapid (2011)
prototyping, rapid tooling, rapid

Laser-assisted fabrication of J.D. Majumdar and I. Springer Series in

materials, Manna Material Science

L. Lu, J. Fuh and Y.-S. Kluwer Academic

Laser-induced materials and
Wong (Press, 2001)
processes for rapid prototyping

Numerical modeling of the Zhiqiang Fan and lnTech (2012)

additive manufacturing (AM) Frank Liou,
processes of titanium alloy

Rapid prototyping: principles C.K. Chua, K.F. World Scientific

and applications Leong and C.S. Lim (2010)

Additive manufacturing Ian Gibson, David W. Springer (2010)

technologies: rapid prototyping Rosen, Brent Stucker
to direct digital manufacturing

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804c

Course Title Elasticity

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

The course will provide a basic treatment of

the formulation of linear elasticity theory and its
Course Objectives
application to problems of stress and
displacement analysis

The student will be able generate solution to

problems of engineering interest including
Course Outcomes two-dimensional problems of plane strain and
plane stress, fracture, torsion, bending and
stress concentration.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Mathematical Preliminaries
2. Deformation: Displacements and Strains
3. Stress and Equilibrium
4. Material Behavior - Linear Elastic Solids
5. Formulation and Solution Strategies
6. Strain Energy and Related Principles

Part B
7. Two Dimensional Formulation
8. Two Dimensional Problem Solutions
9. Extension, Torsion and Flexure of Elastic Cylinders
10. Introduction to Three Dimensional Problems
11. Optional advanced topics - Complex Variable Methods for Two-Dimensional Problems,
Anisotropic Elasticity, Thermoelasticity, Nonhomogeneous Elasticity, General
Displacement Potentials and Stress Functions.

Title Author Publisher

Elasticity Timoshenko McGraw Hill

Elasticity: Theory, Applications M. H. Sadd, Elsevier (2014)

& Numerics

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804d

Course Title Product Design and Development

Course Type Electives

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● Continuous
50 (University Examination)
● End of Semester

Basic knowledge of materials and their

Course Prerequisites properties
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

1. Provide knowledge of basic and important

concepts used in product design
Course Objectives 2. Introduce structured approach of product
design and development that applies
various concepts to design a new product

1. Understand the design process and

product life cycle
2. Understanding of basic and important
concepts used in new product design and
3. Know about concepts used in product life
cycle management.
Course Outcomes 4. Ascertain value of a product and compare
5. Select suitable material and process for a
6. Evaluate and apply design and
manufacturing principles.
7. Select a suitable IPR option for the


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Stages in Design Process:
Introduction to various stages of the design process: Formulation of problem, Generation
of alternatives, Evaluation, Guided Redesign. Case study.(6)

2. Product Life Cycle:

New product introduction: early introduction, increased product life. Life cycle
management tools: System integration, QFD, House of quality, Pugh’s method, Pahl and

Beitz method. Case studies.(6)

3. Value Engineering:
Introduction, nature and measurement of value. Value analysis job plan. Creativity and
techniques of creativity. Value analysis test. Case studies.(6)

4. Concurrent/Reverse Engineering:
Introduction, basic principles, components, benefits of concurrent engineering. Concept
of reverse engineering. (6)

Part B

5. Material selection: (6)

Materials in design. The evolution of engineering materials. Design tools and material
data. Function, material, shape and process. Material selection strategy, attribute limits,
selection process, computer aided material selection. Case studies.

6. Process selection: (6)

Introduction. Process classification: shaping, joining and finishing. Systematic process
selection. Ranking, process cost. Computer – aided process selection.

7. Design for manufacture and assembly: (4)

Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). Reasons for not implementing DFMA.
Advantages of DFMA with case studies. Design features and requirements with regard to
assembly, production. Design for Manufacture in relation to any two manufacturing
processes: machining and injection molding. Need, objectives.

8. Design for ‘X’: (4)

Introduction. Design for: Safety, packaging and storage, quality, reliability, energy
conservation, environment, aesthetics, ergonomics, maintenance, recyclability and
disposal. Case studies.

9. Patents, liability and ethics: (4)

Introduction. Protecting your design: patents, copyright, basic tools of design protection.
Liability issues in product design. Ethical considerations. Examples/ case studies.

Title Author Publisher

Integrated Product and John M. Usher, Utpal Roy and Tata McGraw Hill
Process Development H. R. Parasaei

Product Design for G. Boothroyd, P. Dewhurst and Marcel Dekker

Manufacture and Assembly W. Knight

Product Design and A. K. Chitale and R. C. Gupta PHI


Selection of Materials and M. Farag Prentice Hall

Manufacturing Processes for
Engineering Design

Engineering Design and John R. Dixon and Corrodo Field Stone Publishers

Design for Manufacturing: A Poli
structured approach

Material Selection in M. F. Ashby Elsevier

Mechanical Design

Title Author Publisher

Product Design & Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. McGraw Hill

Development Eppinger

Concurrent Engineering Biren Prasad Prentice Hall

Course Code MEC804e

Course Title Variational Methods

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

This course aims at providing fundamental

knowledge of variational methods for
Course Objectives formulating and solving different mechanical

1. Understand the basic theory behind the

variational methods.
Course Outcomes
2. Use appropriate variational methods to
solve the problem.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Formulation for Linear Problems of Elasticity (Differential Form): Vectors, Matrices,

Tensors, Definitions, Strain-Displacement Equations, Material Laws, Equilibrium,
Boundary conditions, Governing equations, Beam Theory, Torsion

2. Principles of Virtual Work (Integral Form): Work, Energy, Classical Variational

Principles, Generalize Variational Principles, Engineering Beam Theory,
Differential and Integral forms of Governing Equations, Fundamentals of
Variational Calculus

3. Solution Methods - Beam Elements: Fundamental relations for a Beam Element,

Element Matrices, Stiffness Matrices.

4. Solutions Methods - Structural Systems: Displacement Method, Virtual Work,

Direct Derivation, Stiffness Matrices, Trusses and Frames.

Part B

5. FInite Element Method: Trial Functions, Hamilton’s principle, Virtual Work,

Stiffness Matrix, Loading Vector, Displacements and Stresses, Convergence,

Accuracy, h and p convergence, Numerical Integration, Isoparametric Elements.

6. Direct Variational and Weighted Residual Methods: Governing Differential

Equations, Residual Methods, Variational Methods, Trial Function Methods.

7. Stability Analysis: Energy Criterion for Stability, Variationally based Stability


8. Dynamic Responses: Lagrange equations, Dynamic Response, Free Vibration


Title Author Publisher

Mechanics of Structures: Pilkey and Wunderlich CRC Press 1994

Variational and Computational

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804f

Course Title Nanotechnology

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics of Materials,

Course Prerequisites
Materials Science, Manufacturing Processes

1. Familiarizing students on property

variations in large and small scale
2. Sensitization on optics and electron
Course Objectives microscopy techniques of
3. Understanding importance of nano
materials in modern manufacturing and
engineering applications

1. Students will be able to design materials

in difference scales
2. Students will be able to apply various
Course Outcomes material characterization techniques
3. Students will be able to learn various
manufacturing techniques for


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction to Nanotechnology:
Basics of nanofabrication and nanocharacterization techniques as well as specific
applications of nanotechnology in commercial products. Light, x-rays, and electron
beams to characterize objects at the nanoscale.

2. Nano Measurement and Characterization Tools:

Sample preparation and imaging techniques used in scanning electron microscopy.
energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy can be paired with scanning electron microscopy to
gain elemental information about samples.Transmission electron microscopy and
cryo-transmission electron microscopy. micro-computed tomography, X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, and optical spectroscopy.

Part B

3. Nanofabrication:
Vacuum Pumps, Vapor Deposition and Thin Film Vacuum Deposition
Vacuum environment for nanofabrication, compare the operation of vacuum pumps,
vacuum deposition of thin films using three different methods: sputter evaporation,
e-beam evaporation and thermal evaporation.Techniques for making things with
nanotechnology using thin film techniques; compare atomic layer deposition, chemical
vapor deposition, and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.

4. Applications of Nanomaterials:
Nanocomposite materials for therapy and food packaging- Functional graphene- carbon
nanotube and polymer composite applications in defence and aerospace. Nanomaterials
for solar Cells- Nanoscale catalysts for energy and automobile industries. Rechargeable
batteries based on nanomaterials- Nanomaterials for electrodes and wearable
electronics- Nano based coating and paints.

Title Author Publisher

Fundamentals of Hornyak, G. Louis, Tibbals, H. CRC Press (2019)

Nanotechnology F., Dutta, Joydeep

Nanocomposite Science and P. M. Ajayan, L. S. Schadler, P. Wiley (2015)

Technology V. Braun

Introduction to Nanoscale Massimiliano Ventra, Stephane Springer (2009)

Science and Technology Evoy and James R. Heflin

Title Author Publisher

Nanostructures & G. Cao World Scientific (2011)

Nanomaterials: Synthesis,
Properties & Applications

Course Code MEC804g

Course Title Work Study

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introduction:
Introduction to Work Study, Productivity, Factors influencing Productivity, Productivity
Index, Kinds of productivity measurements.

2. Method Study:
Objectives of Method Study, General Problem solving procedure, Process Charts-
Operation Process chart, Flow Process chart; Left-and-Right hand chart, Man-Machine
Chart, Flow Diagram, String Diagram, and Travel Chart.

3. Micromotion Study
Purpose of Micromotion study, Micromotin study as an aid in Improving Methods,
Fundamental Hand Motions, Memomotion study, Cyclegraph, Chronocyclegraph, SIMO

4. Principles of Motion Economy:

Introduction, Principles of Motion Economy as related to use of Human Body, Principles
of Motion Economy as related to Work Place, Principles of Motion Economy as related to
Design for Tools and Equipments.

Part B

5. Time Study:
Time Study Equipment, Time Study Procedure, Number of Work Cycles to be Timed,
Performance Rating, Systems of Rating, Allowances in Time Standards and Calculation
of Standard Time.

6. Work Sampling and PMTS

Introduction, Statistical Basis of Work Sampling, Procedure, Determination of sample
size, Procedure for selecting random observations, Determining time standards by work
sampling, Overview of Predetermined Motion Time Systems, Methods-Time
Measurement (MTM), Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST)

7. Wage and Wage Incentives

Introduction, Wage incentive and its types, Piece work incentive schemes, Group
Incentives schemes.

8. Ergonomics
Introduction, areas of study under ergonomics, system approach to ergonomics model,
man-machine system. Components of man-machine system and their functions – work
capabilities of industrial workers, Workstation design.

Title Author Publisher

Motion and Time Study Design and Barnes Wiley (2009)

Measurement of Work

Work Systems: The Methods, Groover Pearson (2013)

Measurement & Management of

Introduction to Work Study ILO, Geneva Oxford

Title Author Publisher

The Handbook of Work Analysis: Wilson et al. Routledge

Methods, Systems, Applications and
Science of Work Measurement in

Course Code MEC804h

Course Title Internal Combustion Engines

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

Introduction to SI and DI engines, Engine operating characteristics, Ideal cycle analysis Disassembly and
assembly of engines, Combustion and thermochemistry, Kinetics, equilibrium and dissociation, Gas
properties and fuel - air cycle; cycle simulation, Mixture preparation in SI engines, Intake and exhaust
processes, SI engine combustion, SI engine emissions

Part B

Engine performance and emissions measurements, SI engine emissions, SI engine emissions control,
Emission measurements, Diesel engine characteristics, Diesel engine: injection, ignition and combustion,
Diesel engine emissions and control, Engine heat transfer, Engine friction and tribology, Turbocharging,
Hydrogen, fuel cell and battery
Bio fuels and hybrids

Title Author Publisher

Internal Combustion Engine J. B. Heywood McGraw Hill


Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804i

Course Title Computational Solid Mechanics

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Linear Finite Elements, Continuum Mechanics

Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A
1. Introductory lecture: review of Linear Finite Element Methods. (1 lecture)

2. Demonstration lecture on Abaqus or Calculix – installation and running the software,

geometric modelling, writing user subroutine – UMAT. (1 lecture)

3. Review of continuum Mechanics: Tensor algebra & Calculus (3 lecture), Kinematics (2

lecture), Stress measures (2 lecture), Clausius Duhem inequality (2 lecture), Objectivity
with examples, objective rates used in non-linear finite element computations –
comparisons using examples. (2 lectures)

4. Variational calculus: formulating linear and non-linear mechanics problems (2 lecture),

5. Introduction to Directional derivative. Variation of various stress and strain measures,

Introduction to Linearization. (2 lectures)

6. Introduction to Total and Updated Lagrangian formulations: derivation of weak forms,

Solution methods – Newton Raphson method and variants. (2 lecture)

7. Discretized FE equations using IsoParametric formulation. (2 lectures)

8. Constitutive Equations: Restrictions on the constitutive equations imposed by frame

indifference and thermodynamics (1 lectures)

Part B

9. Constitutive equations for hyperelasticity (with and without incompressibility), rate

dependent and independent plasticity in metals and Crystal plasticity. (5 lectures)

10. Linearization of constitutive equations to be used in weak forms (2 lecture)

11. Linearization of constitutive equations and FE discretisation: Example – Compressible,

Neo-Hookean material (other constitutive formulations may also be taken up here),
Geometric and material stiffness matrices – details of implementation, writing User
subroutine UEL in Abaqus/Calculix. (5 lecture)

12. Convergence measures, rate of convergence, Patch test (2 Lectures)

13. Geometric and material stiffness matrices – discussion on rank, deficiency and
implementation details. (1 lecture)

14. Discussion of techniques to deal with incompressibility condition (2 lecture)

15. Review Gauss Quadrature, Reduced integration, Locking issues. (3 lecture)

Title Author Publisher

Finite Element Procedures Bathe Prentice Hall (2014)

Nonlinear Finite Element Crisfield Wiley

Analysis (vol. 1,2)

Nonlinear Finite Elements for Belytschko Wiley (2013)

Continua and Structures

Nonlinear Solid Mechanics for Bonet CUP (2016)

Finite Element Analysis

Title Author Publisher

Course Code MEC804j

Course Title Micromechanics

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites Mechanics of Materials

The course introduces the fundamental

mechanics aspects required for the analysis of
heterogeneous materials, and concepts
required for their application in mechanical
3. Mechanics of multiphase materials such
as relevant to the design and the
analysis of composites, multiphase
alloys, porous solids, foams,
Course Objectives
honeycomb materials, architecture
4. Mechanics of material damage as this
emerges from the evolution of
microcracks and the growth of voids.
5. Material selection and design
approaches with microstructure
6. Implication to the design of mechanical
devices and structures with case

The student will be able to understand the

mechanics of materials with:
1. multiple phases including composites,
multiphase steels and alloys, porous
Course Outcomes 2. architecture, such as foams and
honeycomb structures, lattice materials,
and topologically interlocked material
3. damage and failure due to void growth
or microcracking.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or

five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.

Part A

1. Introduction: the nature of defects in solids; applications

2. Elasticity: Review; strain compatibility; stress

3. Inclusions: Eshelby solution to inclusion in an elastic solid; solution for ellipsoidal shapes;
Ellipsoidal inhomogeneities; Energetics of inclusions and inhomogeneities

4. Dislocations: Elastic field of dislocations; Volterra and Somigliana dislocations; dislocation

loop, continuous distribution of dislocations and its relation to strain compatibility

5. Disclinations and their elastic fields

Part B

6. Cracks

7. Interactions: Interaction of various defects; force acting on a defect; Solution to several

problems, for e.g. inclusion interacting with a dislocation etc.:

8. Homogenisation: Elementary homogenisation theory; Mori-Tanaka theory; macroscopic

properties of matter; Average elastic moduli of composite materials

9. Plasticity of polycrystalline metals

Title Author Publisher

Micromechanics of defects in T. Mura Springer (1987)


The Mechanics of Defects and J. D. Eshelby (Collected works) Springer (2006)


Introduction to the elasticity R. W. Balluffi CUP (2016)

theory of crystal defects

Title Author Publisher

Course Code HSMC801

Course Title Project Management and Entrepreneurship

Course Type Elective

Course LTP 310

Course Credits 4

Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)

Course Prerequisites

The main aim of this course is to make

prospective engineers familiar with the concept
of entrepreneurship and MSMEs and to provide
knowledge about different aspects to be
Course Objectives considered while formulating the business plan
for a new entrepreneurial venture. This course
also intends to create awareness among
students about financial and marketing functions
that is required for a new venture.

1. The students will be able to apply

engineering knowledge effectively in the
field of entrepreneurship development.
2. The students can make effective use of
Course Outcomes entrepreneurial knowledge to start and
manage their venture.
3. The students will learn to check the
feasibility of a new project to maintain its
long run sustainability.


Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.

Part A
1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Concept of Entrepreneurship, Characteristics and Functions of Entrepreneur
Forms of Ownership of Business, Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
Case Studies of Entrepreneurs (8 hours)

2. Women Entrepreneurship
Nature of Women Entrepreneurship, Problems of Women Entrepreneurs, Institutional
Initiatives for Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs (4 hours)

3. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

Concept of MSMEs, Schemes of MSMEs
Functions of Entrepreneurial Development Programmes (EDPs) (3 hours)

4. Project Identification
Idea Generation, Project Life Cycle, Concept of SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis of Selected Project (3 hours)

Part B

5. Project Planning and Formulation

Elements of Project Formulation: Product, Technical (Location, Scale, Technology,
Production Process, Layout, Manpower, Resources), Market, Finance and Economic
Feasibility Analysis: Financial Viability and Profitability, and Socio-Economic
Desirability (12 hours)

6. Project Report
Formulation of Business Plan and Project Report, Hypothetical Example of a
Real-Life Project (4 hours)

7. Finance and Marketing Function

Concept of Finance, Finance Related Terminologies, Sources of Finance, Cost
Marketing Mix: Product, Place, Price, Promotion, People, Process and Physical
Marketing Segmentation Targeting and Positioning (8 hours)

8. Discussions on Additional Reading (any one of the following in the semester)

- The New Age Entrepreneurs
- The $100 Startup: Fire your Boss, Do what you Love and Work Better to Live More
- A Guide to Entrepreneurship
- Dhandha: How Gujaratis Do Business
- Rokda: How Baniyas Do Business
- Take Me Home
- Business Families of Ludhiana

Title Author Publisher

Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Desai Himalaya Publishing House

Development & Management

Projects: Planning, Analysis, Chandra McGrawHill (India 2014)

Selection, Financing,
Implementation and Review

Title Author Publisher

Harvard Business School Harvard University Press

Entrepreneur’s Toolkit

Entrepreneurship Hisrich McGraw Hill (2006)

Roy Oxford University Press

Essentials of Project Ramakrishna Pearson


Entrepreneurship Gupta S Chand (2013)

Development in India


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