B e Mechanicalengineering3rdto8thse
B e Mechanicalengineering3rdto8thse
B e Mechanicalengineering3rdto8thse
Core Values
Program Educational Objectives
Program Outcomes
Summary of Teaching Scheme
12 4 4 3 23
10.5 3 3 3 19.5
12 12 5 20 29
10.5 8 4 0 22.5
3 25 28
3 20 23
29 20 29
24 1 25
30 3 30
24 3 24
28 20 28
23 1 24
15 8 4 27
12 8 2 22
11 8 8 27
10 8 4 22
Hr 27 16 4 146 16 12 0 221
Cr 24 11 3 120 16 8 0 182
BS=Basic Science
DC=Department Core
DE=Department Elective
DP=Department Project
ES=Engineering Science
HS=Humanities and Social Science
OE=Open Elective
Hr= Hour
Scheme of Examination and Teaching
Semester 1
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 ASCX01 Applied Chemistry BS 400 4 50 50 100 - - -
ASCX51 Applied Chemistry 003 1.5 - - - 50 - 50
2 ASM101 Calculus BS 410 5 50 50 100 - - -
3 HSMCX01 Professional HS 200 2 50 50 100 - - -
HSMCX51 Professional 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Communication (P)
4 ESCX02 Computer ES 200 2 50 50 100 - - -
ESCX52 Computer 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
(Matlab) (P)
5 MEC101 Statics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Total 23 19.5 250 250 500 150 - 150
Host=Hosting Organization
LTP=Lecture Tutorial Practical
Semester 2
Scheme of Scheme of
Teaching Examination
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 Choice based Physics BS 400 4 50 50 100 - - -
Choice based Physics 003 1.5 - - - 50 - 50
Course (P)
2 ASM201 Differential Equations BS 410 5 50 50 100 - - -
and Transforms
3 ESCX04 Engineering Graphics ES 100 1 50 50 100 - - -
ESCX54 Engineering Graphics 004 2 - - - 50 - 50
4 ESCX53 Workshop Technology ES 004 2 - - - 50 - 50
5 MEC201 Rigid Body Dynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC251 Rigid Body Dynamics 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 ESCX05 Basics of Electrical and ES 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Electronics Engineering
7 ST251# Product Re-engineering DP 0020 0 Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
and Innovation
Total 29 22.5 250 250 500 200 - 200
# The students of first year will undergo a mandatory 2nd Semester Summer Training of two weeks
in their respective Departments/Workshop after their 2nd semester examinations. It will be a
non-credited mandatory course, the result, satisfactory or unsatisfactory, will be reflected in their
2nd semester mark sheet.
Semester 3
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC301 Thermodynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC351 Thermodynamics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
2 MEC302 Mechanics of Materials DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC352 Mechanics of Materials 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC303 Kinematics of Machines DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC353 Kinematics of Machines 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC304 Machine Drawing DC 100 1 50 50 100 - - -
MEC354 Machine Drawing (P) 004 2 - - - 100 - 100
5 MEC305 Manufacturing Processes DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC355 Manufacturing Processes 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 ASM301 Linear Algebra and BS 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Complex Analysis
Total 28 23 300 300 600 300 - 300
Semester 4
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC401 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC451 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Thermodynamics (P)
2 MEC402 Mechanics of Solids DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Mechanics of Solids
MEC452 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC403 Dynamics of Machines DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Dynamics of Machines
MEC453 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC404 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC454 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Technology (P)
5 MEC405 Fluid Mechanics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC455 Fluid Mechanics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 MEC406 Numerical Analysis DC 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC457 Internship 1# DP (0020) 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 29 25 300 300 600 300 - 300
Semester 5
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Code Name Theory Practical*
Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Total Int Ext Tot
Design of Machine
1 MEC501 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Elements 1
Design of Machine
MEC551 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Elements 1 (P)
Computer Aided
2 MEC502 Design and DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Computer Aided
MEC552 Design and 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Manufacturing (P)
3 MEC503 Robotics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC553 Robotics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
4 MEC504 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC554 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Measurement (P)
5 MEC505 Mechatronics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC555 Mechatronics(P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
6 MEC506 Fluid Machinery DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC556 Fluid Machinery (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 30 24 300 300 600 200 - 200
Subjects offered by Design Innovation Centre (DIC) (OPTIONAL)
Principles of
7 CS 506 OE 003 3 0 - - - - -
Semester 6
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
Design of Machine
1 MEC601 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Elements 2
Design of Machine
MEC651 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Elements 2 (P)
Finite Element
2 MEC602 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Finite Element
MEC652 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Methods (P)
3 MEC603 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC653 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Vibrations (P)
4 MEC604 Heat Transfer DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC654 Heat Transfer (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Mechanical Behavior
5 MEC605 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
of Materials
Mechanical Behavior
MEC655 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
of Materials (P)
6 MEC606 Manufacturing DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC657 Internship 2# DP 1 - - - 50 - 50
Total 28 24 300 300 600 300 - 300
Semester 7
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
Refrigeration and Air
1 MEC701 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Refrigeration and Air
MEC751 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Conditioning (P)
2 MEC702 Automatic Control DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC752 Automatic Control (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
3 MEC703 Vehicle Dynamics DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
MEC753 Vehicle Dynamics (P) 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
5 Elective-1# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
6 Elective-2# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
7 MEC755 Minor Project^ DP 004 2 - - - 100 - 100
Total 27 22 250 250 500 300 - 300
7th Semester Electives
No Subject
Code Name
1 MEC704a Machine Learning
2 MEC704b Internet of Things
3 MEC704c Mechanics of Composites
4 MEC704d Production Operations Management
5 MEC704e Structural Dynamics
6 MEC704f Automotive Technology
7 MEC704g Industrial Engineering
8 MEC704h Continuum Mechanics
9 MEC704i Probability and Statistics for Engineers
10 MEC704j Total Quality Management
11 MEC 704k Fracture and Fatigue
12 MEC704l Introduction to Modern FORTRAN
13 MEC704m Smart Materials and Structures
14 MEC704n Optimization Methods in Engineering Design
15 HSMC701 Financial Management
16 HSMC702 Business laws
17 HSMC703 Human Resource Management
Semester 8 (Option 1)
Teaching Examination
Scheme Scheme
No Theory Practical*
Code Name Cat LTP Cr
Int Ext Tot Int Ext Tot
1 MEC801 Operations Research DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
2 MEC802 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Energy Sources
Computational Fluid
3 MEC803 DC 300 3 50 50 100 - - -
Computational Fluid
MEC853 002 1 - - - 50 - 50
Dynamics (P)
4 Elective-3# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
5 Elective-4# DE 310 4 50 50 100 - - -
6 MEC855 Major Project^ DP 008 4 - - - 150 - 150
Total 27 22 250 250 500 200 - 200
8th Semester Electives
No Subject
Code Name
1 MEC804a Tribology
2 MEC804b Additive Manufacturing
3 MEC804c Elasticity
4 MEC804d Product Design Development
5 MEC804e Variational Methods
6 MEC804f Nanotechnology
7 MEC804g Work Study
8 MEC804h Internal Combustion Engines
9 MEC804i Computational Solid Mechanics
10 MEC804j Micromechanics
11 HSMC 801 Project Management and Entrepreneurship
Semester 8 (Option 2)@
Subject Scheme of Teaching Scheme of Examination
Code Name Cat Duration Cr Host Dept Tot
1 MEC 856 Internship 3 DP 01 semester 22 200 450 650
Total 22 200 450 650#
1. Students should not have any pending reappear up to 6th semester before proceeding for
2. Students should have at least 6.5 CGPA up to 6th semester.
3. Student must not pay any fee to the company for training purpose
4. Students will have to submit a complete project proposal which they will be executing
during their training period, before proceeding for 6 months internship.The proposal should
* Tentative title of the project
* Literature survey
* Methodology
* Expected outcomes
* Timelines
* It should have consent of the industry mentor and a faculty mentor.
5. Permission will be given to a student to proceed on training on the basis of presentation by
student where the student has to defend the proposed training proposal before the training
committee and faculty-mentor. Students will be allowed to proceed for training by the
Training Committee if the committee finds training-proposal worth execution.
6. Against every training proposal approved/rejected by the Training Committee, the Training
Committee will write a paragraph in support of the decision taken and keep it in records.
Semester 1
Course Code ASCX01
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Chemical Bonding (6 hrs)
Molecular orbital theory and its applications to the formation of homonuclear (H2, N2) and
heteronuclear diatomic molecules (NO, CO, CN), Valence bond theory as applicable to
coordination compounds and its limitations. Crystal Field Theory, Splitting of octahedral,
tetrahedral and square planner complexes, crystal field stabilization energies of
octahedral and tetrahedral complexes and its application.
3. Spectroscopy (9 hrs)
Spectroscopy: UV- Introduction, Lambert-Beer’s Law, selection rules, electronic
transitions, Application to simple organic molecules (auxochrome, chromophore), effect of
conjugation and solvent on transition of organic molecules, Woodward-Fieser Rules for
calculating λmax for dienes. Infrared Spectroscopy- Introduction, Principle of IR
spectroscopy-Fundamental vibrations, Application to simple organic molecules (effect of
masses of atoms, bond strength, nature of substituent, hydrogen bonding on IR
frequency), sample preparation for IR.
Part B
5. Catalysis (6 hrs)
Catalysis and general characteristics of a catalytic reactions, Homogeneous catalysis,
Heterogeneous catalysis, Acid base catalysis and Enzyme catalysis – Michaelis Menten
equations, Application of catalysis for industrially important processes – Hydrogenation
(Wilkinson’s catalyst), Hydroformylation, Acetic acid process, Wacker process.
6. Polymers (6 hrs)
General introduction, classification of polymers, Mechanism of addition and condensation
polymerization, Idea of number average and weight average molecular masses of
polymers, Properties and uses of polystyrene, polyester, polyamide, epoxy,
phenol-formaldehyde and silicon resins.
Title Author Publisher
A Textbook of Engineering Shashi Chawla Dhanpat Rai & Co. Pvt.
Chemistry Ltd., Delhi (2008)
Basic Inorganic Chemistry. F.A. Cotton, G. 3rd Ed., John Wiley &
Wilkinson and Sons
P.L. Gaus
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASCX51
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
Students will attend a laboratory session of three hours every week and perform any
eight experiments.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASM101
Course Credits 5
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.
Part A
Integral Calculus: Length of curves, Volume (disk and washer method) and surface
areas of revolution (Scope as in Chapter 6, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 of Text 1).
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMCX01
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.
Part A
1. English Grammar:
Subject-verb agreement , Noun-pronoun agreement , Misplaced modifiers , Articles
,Prepositions , Tenses, One word substitutes , Idioms and Phrases , Active-Passive ,
Synonyms -Antonyms (6)
3. Communication details:
Four Fundamental communication methods namely Writing, Speaking, Listening and
Reading ,7 Cs of Communication , Barriers to Communication (3)
Part B
4. Communication in Organizations:
Formal- Informal Communication, Communication Networks, Intra and Inter Firm
Communication (3)
5. Modes of Communication:
Emerging channels of communication , Telephone and Email Etiquettes, Non-Verbal
Communication, Cross-culture communication, Formal Presentations (3)
6. Communication methods:
Reports and their types , Layout of a report , writing a report ,Office notice , Memo
,Business proposals, Minutes of meeting (5)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMCX51
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes The student will acquire basic proficiency in English including
reading and listening comprehension, writing and speaking
List of Experiments
Oral Communication (This unit involves interactive practice sessions in Language Lab)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESCX02
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is
required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: Introduction to basic features of Matlab and Matlab desktop. (2
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Matlab: A practical Introduction Attaway Elsevier India
To Programming
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESCX52
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Objectives The course provides a gentle introduction to the MATLAB computing
environment. It is designed to give students a basic understanding
of MATLAB, including popular toolboxes. The main objectives are:
understanding the MATLAB environment; being able to do simple
calculations using MATLAB; being able to carry out simple
numerical computations and analyses using MATLAB.
Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be
able to: understand the main features of the MATLAB development
environment; use the MATLAB GUI effectively; design simple
algorithms to solve problems; write simple programs in MATLAB to
solve scientific and mathematical problems; know where to find
List of Experiments
1. Basics such as command window, workspace, m-files, clc, clear, who, save, load,
format,,if, else, switch, for, while, continue, break, try, catch, return, ctrl+C, entering
matrices, transpose, subscripts, colon operator, modifying or deleting rows and columns,
addition, subtraction, matrix multiplication, element-by-element multiplication / division /
left-division, sum, diag, eye, zeros, ones, rand, randn, det, inv, variables, numbers,
strings, numeric operators, relational operators, functions.
2. 2-D and 3-D plotting. Modifying graph properties such as title, labels, limits, colors,
line-types, line-weights, lights etc. using graphic handles. Exporting graphs as TIFF, PDF
and JPEG files.
5. Use of the FFT method to find the frequency components of a signal buried in a noisy
time domain signal.
8. Solution of an ordinary differential equation and development of a corresponding GUI.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC101
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. General Principles: Mechanics. Fundamental Concepts, Units of Measurement,
The International System of Units, Numerical Calculations, General Procedure
for Analysis.
2. Force Vectors: Scalars and Vectors, Vector Operations, Vector Addition of
Forces, Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces, Cartesian Vectors, Addition
and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors, Position Vectors, Force Vector Directed
Along a Line, Dot Product.
Part B
7. Internal Forces: Internal Forces developed in Structural Members, Shear and
Moment Equations and Diagrams, Relationships between Distributed Load and
Shear and Moment, Cables.
9. Center of Gravity and Centroid – Center of Gravity and Center of Mass for a
System of Particles, Center of Gravity and Center of Mass and Centroid for a
Body, Composite Bodies, Theorems of Pappus and Goldinus, Resultant of a
General Distribued Force System,
11. Virtual Work – Definition of Work and Virtual Work, Principle of Virtual Work for
a Particle and a Rigid Body, Principle of Virtual Work for a System of
Connected Rigid Bodies, Conservative Forces, Potential Energy.
Title Author Publisher
Vector Mechanics Statics Merriam and Kraige Wiley and Sons Publishers
and Dynamics
Title Author Publisher
Semester 2
Course Code ASPX01
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.
Part A
Complete mathematical treatment for mechanical as well as electrical free, damped and forced
Simple harmonic oscillator and solution of the differential equation, Physical characteristics of SHM.
Superposition of two SHMs executing in the same and perpendicular direction of same frequency
and different frequencies, Lissajous figures. Superposition of n SHMs (4 hours)
Damped Oscillations: Concept and cause of damping, differential equation of a damped oscillator
and different kinds of damping, Methods of describing damping of an oscillator - logarithmic
decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, band width. Series LCR circuit as a damped oscillator. Use
of damping in shock absorbers and seismic dampers. (4 hours)
Forced Oscillations: States of forced oscillations, differential equation of forced oscillator – its
displacement, velocity and impedance, behavior of displacement and velocity with driver’s
frequency, Power, bandwidth, Quality factor and amplification of forced oscillator, resonance in
forced oscillators, vibration isolator (4 hours)
Electromagnetic waves:
Maxwell equations and their significance. Electromagnetic waves in vacuum conducting medium and
non-conducting medium. Energy and momentum carried by electromagnetic waves and examples.
Momentum carried by electromagnetic waves and resultant pressure. Reflection and transmission of
electromagnetic waves for oblique and normal incidence. (8 hours)
Part B
Modern Optics
Polarization: Methods of polarization, analysis of polarized light, quarter and half wave plates,
double refraction, optical activity. Use of polarization in testing of materials, working of LCDs,
projecting 3D movies ( 7 hours)
Fibre Optics: Basics of optical fibre - its numerical aperture, coherent and incoherent bundle, step
index and graded index fibre, material dispersion, fibre Optics sensors, applications of optical fiber in
communication systems, medical sciences, defence, mechanical applications . (7 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Physics of Vibrations and Waves (5 ed.) H.J.Pain John Wiley & Sons
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASPX51
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
1. To study Lissajous figures obtained by superposition of oscillations with different frequencies and
2. To find the wavelength of sodium light using Fresnel’s biprism.
3. (i) To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser using transmission grating.(ii) To determine the
slit width using the diffraction pattern.
4. To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s rings method.
5. To determine the wavelength of sodium light using a diffraction grating.
6. To find the specific rotation of sugar solution using a Laurant’s Half shade/ Bi-quartz Polarimeter.
7. To design a hollow prism and used it find the refractive index of a given liquid.
8. To determine the wavelength of a laser using Michelson interferometer.
9. To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in different liquids using ultrasonic interferometer.
10. To study the frequency response and to find resonant frequencies of LCR series and parallel
circuits. Also to find the quality factor and bandwidth in LCR.
11. To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity and radius of gyration using bar pendulum.
12. Study of transverse and longitudinal standing waves and the measurement of the frequency of
the electrically maintained Tuning fork.
13. To study damping effects in spring mass system.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASPX02
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.
Part A
Special Theory of Relativity
Inertial and non-inertial frames of reference, Galilean transformation, Michelson Morley Experiment,
Postulates of special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Simultaneity, Length contraction,
Time dilation, Doppler effect, Addition of velocities, variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy
relation, Relativistic momentum, Minkowski space (8)
(Section 1.1 to 1.5, 1.7 to 1.9 of Book 1)
Part B
Applications of Quantum Mechanics
Particle in a box (infinite potential well), Potential step, Finite Potential Well and Barrier, Tunneling,
Linear harmonic oscillator (one-dimensional), 3-D rigid box and degeneracy (9)
(Sections 5.8 – 5.11 of Book 1)
periodic potential, Kronig-Penney Model and origin of energy bands, conductors, insulators and
semiconductors, Fermi level, density of states, Effective mass, Specific heat of solids (12)
(Sections 6.35-6.38, 6.40, 6.41, 7.1-7.5 of book 4 and Section 1 of Chapter 10 of Book 2)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASPX52
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
1. To study the quantized energy level of the first excited state in the Argon using the
Frank-Hertz setup.
2. To find the value of Planck’s constant and evaluate the work function of cathode material
by use of a photoelectric cell.
3. To study various characteristics of photo-voltaic cell: (a) Voltage-current characteristics,
(b) loading characteristics, (c) power-resistance characteristics and (d) inverse square
law behavior of the photo-current with distance of source of light from photo-voltaic cell
4. To study the response of a photo-resistor to varying intensity of light falling on it and
deduce spectral sensitivity of its semiconductor material.
5. To study the Balmer Series of Hydrogen spectrum using diffraction grating and calculate
Rydberg constant.
6. To evaluate charge on an oil drop using Millikan's oil drop method.
7. To verify Rutherford's alpha scattering formula using a mechanical model.
8. To calculate charge to mass ratio of an electron using Thompsonś method.
9. To determine Hall coefficient of a given semiconductor material and evaluate charge
carrier type, density and mobility of charge carriers.
10. To study temperature dependence of resistivity of a semiconductor using four probe
methods and determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor.
11. To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in different liquids using ultrasonic
12. To study probability theory using coins.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASPX03
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions
from each part.
Part A
1. Crystal structure : Bonding forces and energies, Primary and Secondary bonds,
Space Lattices, Symmetries in a cubic lattice, Crystal Structures (cubic and
hexagonal cells), Assignment of coordinates, directions and planes in crystals,
Linear, Planar and Space densities in crystals, close packed morphology (Hexagonal
and cubic close packing), single and polycrystalline structures, interstitial spaces
(trigonal, tetrahedral and octahedral voids)
Structure of ceramics (NaCl, Zinc blende, silica and silicates, diamond crystal,
Graphite, Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes)
Structure of polymers, crystallinity of long chain polymers
Crystal Structure analysis, X-ray diffraction and Bragg’s law, Experimental methods
for study of X-ray diffraction pattern, Crystal Defects (Point, line, surface and volume
imperfections) (14 hours )
Part B
4. Plastic Deformations and strengthening mechanisms : Tensile properties (Yield
strength, Tensile Strength, Ductility, Resilience, Toughness), Dislocations and plastic
deformation, characteristics of dislocations, slip systems, slip in single crystals and
polycrystalline materials, mechanisms of strengthening in metals (grain size
reduction, solid-solution strengthening, strain hardening), recovery, recrystallization
and grain growth (5 hours)
5. Fracture, Fatigue and Creep : Fracture (Ductile and brittle fractures), principles of
fracture mechanics, fracture toughness, ductile to brittle transitions Cyclic stresses,
S-N curve, crack initiation and propagation, factors that affect fatigue life,
environmental effects, generalized creep behavior, stress and temperature effect
(5 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASPX53
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
1. To study the quantized energy of the first excited state in Argon using the Frank-Hertz
2. To find the value of Planck’s constant and evaluate the work function of cathode material
by use of photoelectric cells.
3. To study various characteristics of photovoltaic cells: (a) Voltage-current characteristics
(b) loading characteristics (c) power-resistance characteristics and (d) inverse square
law behavior of photocurrent with distance of source of light from photovoltaic cell.
4. To study the response of a photoresistor to varying intensity of light falling on it and
deduce spectral sensitivity of its semiconductor material.
5. To determine Hall coefficient of a semiconductor material and then evaluate the type,
density and mobility of charge carrier in a given semiconductor material.
6. To study the hysteresis loop of magnetic material (iron, nickel and steel) and determine
its retentivity, coercivity and energy dissipated per unit volume per cycle of hysteresis.
7. To study temperature dependence of resistivity of a semiconductor material using four
probe methods and further deduce the band gap of this semiconductor.
8. To determine the Curie temperature of a ferroelectric material by measuring dielectric
constant as a function of temperature.
9. To determine thermal conductivity of bad conductor by using a guarded plate method
(Lee's disc method).
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASM201
Course Credits 5
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is
required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Ordinary Differential Equations : Review of geometrical meaning of the
differential equation, directional fields, exact differential equations, solution
of differential equations with constant coefficients; methods of differential
operators. Non-homogeneous equations of second order with constant
coefficients: Solution by method of variation of parameters, reduction by
order. Power series method of solution.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESCX04
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: Technical lettering as per BIS codes, Tabs and Panels, The Command Line
Box , Command Tools, Starting a New Drawing , Naming a Drawing , Drawing Units ,
Drawing Limits , Grid and Snap, Save and Save As, Open, Close, Terminology and
Conventions, Linear Dimension, Dimension Styles, Units, Aligned Dimensions, Radius
and Diameter Dimensions, Angular Dimensions, Ordinate Dimensions, Baseline
Dimensions, Continue Dimension, Quick Dimension, Center Mark, MLEADER and
QLEADER, Text Angle, Tolerances, Dimensioning Holes, Placing Dimensions, Fillets and
Rounds, Rounded Shapes (Internal), Rounded Shapes (External), Irregular Surfaces,
Polar Dimensions, Chamfers, Symbols and Abbreviations, Symmetry and Centerline,
Dimensioning to Points
Offset, Mirror, Array, Rotate, Trim, Extend, Break, Chamfer, Fillet, Table, Osnap,
Osnap-Endpoint, Osnap-Snap From, Osnap-Midpoint, Osnap-Intersection,
Osnap-Apparent Intersection, Osnap-Center, Osnap-Quadrant, Osnap-Perpendicular,
Osnap-Tangent, Osnap-Nearest, Grips, Grips-Extend, Grips-Move, Grips-Rotate,
Grips-Scale, Grips-Mirror, Edit Polyline, Edit Spline, Edit Text, Constructing the Bisector
of an Angle
3. Sketching: Establishing Your Own Style, Graph Paper, Pencils, Lines, Proportions,
Curves, Isometric Sketches, Oblique Sketches, Perspective Sketches, Working in
Different Orientations
4. Orthographic Views: Points, Lines Parallel to both H P and V P, Parallel to one and
inclined to other, and inclined to both, contained in profile plane. True length and angle
orientation of straight line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method, Difference
between plane and lamina. Projection of lamina Parallel to one and perpendicular to
other, Perpendicular to one and inclined to other, Inclined to both reference planes,
Definition of solids, types of solids, and elements of solids. Projection of solids in first
quadrant, with axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other, axis parallel to one inclined
to other, axis inclined to both the principle plane, axis perpendicular to profile plane and
parallel to both H P and V P. Visible and invisible details in the projection. Three Views of
an Object, Visualization, Hidden Lines, Hidden Line Conventions, Drawing Hidden Lines,
Precedence of Lines.
Part B
5. Sectional Views: Cutting Plane Lines, Section Lines, Hatch, Styles of Section Lines,
Sectional View Location, Holes in Sections, Gradients, Offset Sections, Multiple Sections,
Aligned Sections, Drawing Conventions in Sections, Half, Partial, and Broken-Out
Sectional Views, Removed Sectional Views, Sectional View of Castings.
8. Auxiliary Views: Projection Between Normal and Auxiliary Views ,Transferring Lines
Between Views , Projecting Rounded Surfaces , Projecting Irregular Surfaces , Partial
Auxiliary Views , Sectional Auxiliary Views.
Title Author Publisher
Manual of Engineering Drawing T.E French Wentworth Press (2016)
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESCX54
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
The candidates will be required to make AutoCAD drawing sheets covering the following
as per B.I.S. SP46-2003 for general engineering drawing:
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESCX53
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
List of Experiments
1. Welding Workshop :
Joining Processes, Welding and its Classification, Welding Processes, Fusion
Welding, Pressure Welding, Electric Arc Welding, Gas Welding, Resistance
Welding, Metal Inert gas Welding, Welding Joints, Welding Positions, Welding
defects, Welding Applications, Basic welding design and Procedures,
identification of materials,
Jobs: Butt Joint in Flat Position using SMAW, Lap Joint using Spot Welding,
Edge Joint in Horizontal Position using SMAW, Tee Joint in Flat position using
SMAW, Corner Joint in vertical position using SMAW.
Defect Identification and marking, Edge preparation and Fillet making, Tacking,
Distortion identification.
2. Electronics Workshop:
To know about Soldering mechanism and techniques, Familiarity with Electronic
Components / symbols, Testing of electronic components, Application of
Soldering, Circuit Assembly
Jobs : Practice of Soldering and desoldering, Identification and testing of a)
passive electronic components b) Active electronic components, Assembly of
Regulated Power supply circuit/Soldering of Full wave rectifier..
3. Electrical Workshop:
Introduction of Various Electric wirings, Wiring Systems, Electrical wiring material
and fitting, different type of cables, Conduit pipe and its fitting, inspection points,
switches of all types, Distribution boards, M.C.B’s etc., Electric Shock and its
management. Electric Tools: Conversance with various tools and to carry out the
following: Measurement of wire sizes using SWG and micrometer
Identification of Phase and neutral in single phase supply
Jobs: To control a lamp with a single way switch.To control a lamp from two
different places,To assemble a fluorescent lamp with its accessories
To control a lamp, fan and a three pin socket in parallel connection with single
way switches
4. Fitting Shop:
Introduction of Fitting, different type of operations, Tools, materials, precision
instruments like Vernier caliper and Micrometer etc, Safety precautions and
Practical demonstration of tools and equipments
Jobs:To make a square from MS Flat, Punching, Cutting, Filling techniques and
practice, Tapping, Counter Drilling.
5. Smithy Workshop:
Introduction of Smithy and Forging process, Tools and Equipment, Operations,
Heat Treatment processes, Advantages, Dis-advantages, Defects and Safety
Jobs: Drawing and Upsetting Practice using Open Hearth Furnace, Cold working
process practice, Heat Treatment \: Annealing and hardening process
6. Machine Shop:
Application, Function and different parts, Operations of Lathe, Type of Cutting
Tools and their materials, Drill machine Types, applications and Functions.
Hacksaw machines and functions, Work Holding devices and tools, chucks,
Vices, machine Vices, V Block, Measuring Instruments uses, Shaper and Milling
machine Applications.
Jobs: To perform Marking, Facing, Turning,taper Turing, Grooving, Knurling,
parting, Drilling, Reaming operations on lathe machine,Hacksawing practice on
Power hacksaw,Shaping operation practice on Shaper.
7. Carpentry Shop:
Classification of Tree, Timber. Advantages and uses of Timber, Seasoning of
Wood, Tools Used, Defects and Prevention of Wood,
Jobs: Tee Joint, Cross Joint,Tenon Joint, L Shape Joint, Practice of Wood
Working Lathe, Practice on multi-purpose Planer.
8. Foundry Shop:
Introduction to Foundry, Advantages and Disadvantages of castings process,
Introduction to pattern and various hand tools, Ingredients of Green sands,
Various Hand Molding processes, Introduction to Casting Defects.
Jobs: Identification and uses of hand tools, Preparation of Green sand in Muller,
Preparation of Sand Mould of Single piece solid pattern, Split pattern, Preparation
of Green sand Core, casting of a Mould and study its defects.
Title Author Publisher
Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Rajender Singh New Age International
Processes and Workshop Publication
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC201
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
2. Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration - Newton's Laws of Motion. The Equation of
Motion. Equation of Motion for a System of Particles. Equations of Motion: Rectangular
Coordinates. Equations of Motion: Normal and Tangential Coordinates. Equations of
Motion: Cylindrical
Coordinates. Central-Force Motion and Space Mechanics.
3. Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy - The Work of a Force. Principle of Work and
Energy. Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles. Power and Efficiency.
Conservative Forces and Potential Energy. Conservation of Energy.
Part B
6. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration - Moment of Inertia. Planar
Kinetic Equations of Motion. Equations of Motion: Translation. Equations of Motion:
Rotation About a Fixed Axis. Equations of Motion: General Plane Motion.
7. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Work and Energy - Kinetic Energy. The Work of a Force.
The Work of a Couple. Principle of Work and Energy. Conservation of Energy.
8. Planar Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Impulse and Momentum - Linear and Angular
Momentum. Principle of Impulse and Momentum. Conservation of Momentum. Eccentric
9. Three-Dimensional Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Rotation About a Fixed Point. The Time
Derivative of a Vector Measured from a Fixed and Translating-Rotating System. General
Motion. Relative-Motion Analysis Using Translating and Rotating Axes.
10. Three-Dimensional Kinetics of a Rigid Body: Moments and Products of Inertia. Angular
Momentum. Kinetic Energy. Equations of Motion. Gyroscopic Motion. Torque-Free
11. Vibrations: Undamped Free Vibration. Energy Methods. Undamped Forced Vibration.
Viscous Damped Free Vibration. Viscous Damped Forced Vibration. Electrical Circuit
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC251
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ESC X05
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Elements in an electrical circuit: R, L, C, Voltage and current sources
(independent and dependant/controlled sources with examples. (3 hours)
2. DC circuits: Voltage and current sources, KCL, KVL, network analysis by mesh
and node analysis, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s
theorem, maximum-power transfer theorem (numerical based on these
theorem), Two port networks. (6 hours)
Part B
1. Magnetic Circuit: Introduction to magnetic circuit, comparison of electric and
magnetic circuits, B/H curve, magnetic circuits calculations, self and mutual
inductance. Energy in magnetic field. (5 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Basic Electrical Engineering TMH I.J.Nagrath and D.P. TMH, New Delhi,
Kothari 3rd edition.
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ST251
Course Credits 0
Course Assessment
● Continuous Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
● End of Semester
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcome
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Semester 3
Course Code MEC301
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: Thermodynamics and Energy, Application Areas of Thermodynamics,
Systems and Control Volumes , Properties of a System, Continuum , State and
Equilibrium, Processes and Cycles, Temperature and the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, Temperature Scales,
2. Energy, Energy Transfer, General energy Analysis: Forms of Energy, Energy Transfer by
Heat, Energy Transfer by Work, Electrical Work, Mechanical Forms of Work, Non
mechanical Forms of Work, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Energy Balance, Energy
Change of a System, Mechanisms of Energy Transfer, Efficiencies of Mechanical and
Electrical Devices
Part B
5. Mass and Energy Analysis of Control volumes: Conservation of Mass, Mass and Volume
Flow Rates, Conservation of Mass Principle, Mass Balance for Steady Flow Processes,
steady Incompressible Flow, Flow Work and the Energy of a Flowing Fluid, Total Energy
of a Flowing Fluid, Energy Transport by Mass, Energy Analysis of Steady Flow Systems,
Steady Flow Engineering Devices, Energy Analysis of Unsteady Flow Processes.
6. The Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Introduction to the Second Law, Thermal Energy
Reservoirs, Heat Engines, Thermal Efficiency, Kelvin Planck Statement, Refrigerators
and Heat Pumps, Coefficient of Performance, Heat Pumps, Performance of Refrigerators,
Air Conditioners, and Heat Pumps, Clausius Statement Equivalence of the Two
Statements, Perpetual Motion Machines, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, The
Carnot Cycle, The Reversed Carnot Cycle , The Carnot Principles, The Thermodynamic
Temperature Scale, The Carnot Heat Engine, The Carnot Refrigerator and Heat Pump.
7. Vapor And Combined Power Cycles: The Carnot Vapor Cycle, Rankine Cycle: The Ideal
Cycle for Vapor Power Cycles, Energy Analysis of the Ideal Rankine Cycle, Deviation of
Actual Vapor Power Cycles from Idealized Ones, Method to Increase the Efficiency of
the Rankine Cycle, The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle ,The Ideal Regenerative Rankine
Cycle, Open Feed water Heaters, Closed Feed water Heaters, Second Law Analysis of
Vapor Power Cycles, Cogeneration, Combined Gas Vapor Power Cycles.
Title Author Publisher
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Borgnakke Wiley (2009)
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC351
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC302
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Stress : Equilibrium of a Deformable Body, Stress, Average Normal Stress in an Axially
Loaded Bar, Average Shear Stress, Allowable Stress Design, Limit State Design.
Principle of Superposition, Statically Indeterminate Axially Loaded Members, The Force
and Displacement Methods of Analysis for Axially Loaded Members, Thermal Stress.
Part B
6. Bending : Shear and Moment Diagrams, Bending Deformation of a Straight Member, The
Flexure Formula.
Shear in Straight Members, The Shear Formula, Shear Flow in Built-Up Members, Shear
Flow in Thin-Walled Members.
Elastic Curve, Slope and Displacement of Determinate and Indeterminate Beams by
Integration. Discontinuity Functions.
8. Buckling : Critical Load. Ideal Column with Pin Supports. Columns with Various Supports.
Secant Formula.
9. Energy Methods : External Work and Strain Energy. Elastic Strain Energy for Various
Types of Loading. Conservation of Energy. Impact Loading. Principle of Virtual Work and
Applications.Castigliano’s Theorem and Applications.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC352
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
GUNT https://www.gunt.de/en/
TecQuipment https://www.tecquipment.com/
Course Code MEC303
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Graphical method– Velocity and acceleration polygons. Velocity analysis using
instantaneous centers .Description of some common mechanisms – Quick return
mechanisms. Coriolis component of Acceleration
3. Flywheel and turning moment diagrams: Turning moment and crank effort diagrams for
steam and IC engine, fluctuation of speed, coefficient of fluctuation of speed and
energy. Simple problems on turning moment diagrams and determination of size of
flywheel taking centrifugal stresses into consideration.
Part B
5. Friction In Machine Elements: Surface contacts – Sliding and Rolling friction – Friction
drives. Friction in screw threads –Screw jack with square and V threadsFriction in
Bearings:Pivots and collar bearingsFriction clutches :Single disc clutch, multiple disc
clutch, cone clutchFriction in brakes- Shoe brake, band brakes ,band and block
brakes.Dynamometers: Prony brake, rope brake.Belt transmission dynamometer
Epicyclic gear train dynamometer, torsion dynamometer, Bevis Gibson flashlight
6. Belt, Ropes And Chains: Belt and rope drives – Action of belts on pulleys
Velocity ratio and slip, creepFlat and V-Belts ,Open and Cross Belt,Law of belting ,Ratio
of tight side to slack side tension , Power transmitted and centrifugal tension.Conditions
for maximum power transmission from belt drive.Types of chains, length of chain.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC353
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Outcomes This course is designed to help students achieve the following
1. Familiarity with common mechanisms used in machines and
everyday life.
2. Ability to calculate mobility (number of
degrees-of-freedom) and enumerate rigid links and types
of joints within mechanisms.
3. Ability to conduct a complete (translational and
rotational) mechanism position analysis.
List of Experiments
1. Find the moment of inertia of a given body with the help of Fly-wheel.
Calculate the minimum possible periods of oscillation if the point of suspension
may be moved .
2. Study and draw the sketches of difference inversions of single slider chain and
double slider crank chain.
3. Find the coefficient of friction for different belt material on a cast iron : Pulley.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC304
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Tolerancing: Introduction, Direct Tolerance Methods, Tolerance Expressions,
Understanding Plus and Minus Tolerances, Creating Plus and Minus
Tolerances with AutoCAD, Limit Tolerances, Creating Limit Tolerances by
Using AutoCAD, Angular Tolerances, Standard Tolerances, Double
Dimensioning, Chain Dimensions and Baseline Dimensions, Tolerance Studies,
Rectangular Dimensions, Hole Locations, Choosing a Shaft for a Toleranced
Hole, Standard Fits (Metric Values), Nominal Sizes, Hole and Shaft Basis,
Preferred and Standard Sizes, Surface Finishes, Surface Control Symbols.
Part B
8. Projects: Introduction, Socket and Spigot Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flanged
Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flat Belt Pulley, V-Belt Pulley, Rope Pulley, Wall
Bracket, Cotter Joint with Sleeve, Cotter Joint with Socket and Spigot Ends,
Cotter Joint with a Gib, Knuckle Joint, Butt-Muff Coupling, Half-Lap Muff
Coupling, Split-Muff Coupling, Flanged Coupling, Protected Flanged Coupling,
Bushed Pin Type Flanged Flexible Coupling, Claw Coupling, Universal
Coupling (Hooke’s Joint), Oldham Coupling, Footstep bearing, Journal bearing,
Ball bearing, Roller bearing
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC354
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 100 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
1. Simple Solids including Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, Wedges and
their combinations using Extrude, Union, Subtraction, Intersection Commands
(Minimum 5 Solid Models)
2. Socket and Spigot Joint for Hydraulic Pipes, Flanged Joint for Hydraulic Pipes
(Minimum 1 Solid Model)
3. Flat Belt Pulley, V-Belt Pulley, Rope Pulley, Brackets (Minimum 2 Solid Models)
4. Cotter Joint with Sleeve, Cotter Joint with Socket and Spigot Ends, Cotter Joint with
a Gib, Knuckle Joint (Minimum 3 Solid Models)
5. Butt-Muff Coupling, Half-Lap Muff Coupling, Split-Muff Coupling, Flanged Coupling,
Protected Flanged Coupling, Bushed Pin Type Flanged Flexible Coupling, Claw
Coupling, Universal Coupling (Hooke’s Joint), Oldham Coupling (Minimum 3 Solid
6. Footstep bearing, Journal bearing, Ball bearing, Roller bearing, Plummer block
(Minimum 2 Solid Models)
7. I.C. Engine Piston, Connecting Rod, Spark Plug, Fuel Pump, Fuel Injector
(Minimum 1 Solid Model)
8. Tail Stock, Screw Jack, Bench Vice, Crane Hook (Minimum 1 Solid Model)
9. Lever Safety Valve, Spring Loaded Safety Valve (Minimum 1 Solid Model)
10. Milling Vise, Tenon Jig (Minimum 1 Solid Model)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC305
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Fundamentals of Engineering Materials:
Metal (Cast Iron, Pig Iron and Steel) and Alloys (Aluminum, Copper,
Magnesium, Nickel and Steel), Non-ferrous materials (Aluminum, Cobalt,
Copper, lead, Magnesium, Nickel, Tin and Zinc) and Nonmetal, Mechanical
behavior, Physical properties, Manufacturing properties, Testing, Applications
of Engineering Materials. (Lectures 10)
2. Metal forming:
a. Definition and classification of metal forming, type of rolling, hot rolling,
rolling mills, forging, smith forging, drop forging, machining forging and
press forging, defects in forging.
b. Pipe and Tube manufacture, extrusion, hot spinning, drawing and
cupping, piercing, cold rolling, wire drawing, rod and tube drawing, metal
spinning, coining, embossing and shot peening, sheet metal working
operations, piercing, blanking, bending and drawing, punch and die
setup, presses. (Lectures 10)
Part B
3. Foundry:
Introduction to Casting Processes, Basic Steps in Casting Process,
Expandable and permanent mould casting processes, Pattern, Types of
Patterns, Pattern Allowances, Risers, Runners, Gates, Moulding Sand and its
composition, Sand Preparation, Molding Methods, Core Sands and Core
Making, Core Assembly, Mold Assembly, Melting and Pouring, Cooling and
Solidification, Elementary and brief description of various melting furnaces,
Fettling, (Lectures 7)
4. Welding:
a. Definition and classification, types of welded joints, weldability, Gas
welding: oxy-acetylene welding, equipment, lighting up, type of flames,
welding techniques, welding of cast iron, flame cutting, advantages and
limitations Electric arc welding : principle, metal transfer in arc welding,
straight & reverse polarity in AC & DC, relative merits & demerits,
various electric arc welding processes, coding & selection of welding
b. TIG, MIG welding processes, electric resistance welding, spot, butt,
seam, upset, projection & high frequency resistance welding, thermit
welding, brazing and soldering, description of special welding
techniques, choice of process for welding, defects in welding joint, their
causes and remedies. (Lectures 10)
5. Powder Metallurgy:
Title Author Publisher
Engineering and
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC355
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
1. Experimental work pertaining to study & use of sand testing equipment
2. To prepare a mould & do casting.
3. Study of casting defects.
4. To prepare a lap joint using- electric arc welding.
5. To prepare a joint using- gas/spot welding.
6. Application of MIG/TIG welding
7. To study various processes of powder metallurgy
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code ASM301
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Systems of Linear equations : Introduction, Linear equations, solutions, Linear
equations in two unknowns, Systems of linear equations, equivalent systems,
Elementary operations, Systems in Triangular and echelon form, Reduction
Algorithm, Matrices, Row equivalence and elementary row operations,
Systems of Linear equations and matrices, Homogeneous systems of Linear
equations. (Scope as in Chapter 1, Sections 1.1-1.10 of Reference 1)
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Semester 4
Course Code MEC401
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
2. Exergy: Introduction, Work Potential of energy Associated with Kinetic and Potential
Energy, Reversible Work and Irreversibility, Second Law Efficiency, Exergy Change of a
System, Exergy of a Fixed Mass, Exergy of a Flow Stream, Exergy Transfer by Heat,
Work, And Mass, The Decrease of Exergy Principle and Exergy Destruction, Exergy
Balance: Closed Systems Exergy Balance: Control Volumes, Exergy Balance for Steady
Flow Systems, Reversible Work, Second Law Efficiency of Steady Flow Devices
3. Gas Power Cycles: Basic Considerations in the Analysis of Power Cycles, The Carnot
Cycle and its Value in Engineering, Air Standard Assumptions, An Overview of
Reciprocating Engines, Otto Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Spark Ignition Engines, Diesel
Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Compression Ignition Engines, Stirling and Ericsson Cycles,
Brayton Cycle: The Ideal Cycle for Gas Turbine Engines, Development of Gas Turbines,
Deviation of Actual Gas Turbine Cycles from Idealized Ones, The Brayton Cycle with
Regeneration, The Brayton Cycle with Intercooling, Reheating, and Regeneration, Ideal
Jet Propulsion Cycles, Modifications to Turbojet Engines, Second Law Analysis of Gas
Power Cycles.
Part B
4. Gas Mixtures: Composition of a Gas Mixture: Mass and Mole Fractions, p- v- T Behavior
of Gas Mixtures: Ideal and Real Gases, Ideal Gas Mixtures, Real Gas Mixtures, Ideal
Gas Mixtures Real Gas Mixtures
5. Chemical and Phase Equilibrium: Criterion for Chemical Equilibrium, The Equilibrium
Constant for Ideal Gas Mixtures, Chemical Equilibrium for Simultaneous Reactions,
Variation of Equilibrium constant with Temperature Phase Equilibrium for a Single
Component System ,The Phase Rule, Phase Equilibrium for a Multicomponent System.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC451
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
1. Study of constructional details, cooling system, Lubrication system and Fuel Flow
system of following Engines;
a. Two stroke and four stroke Diesel engine.
b. Four stroke Petrol Engine.
4. Determination of B.H.P. at various loads (pump being given fixed setting not to be
changed by ( governor) for a Diesel Engine/Semi Diesel Engine. Graphical
representation of B.H.P. and torque with speed and its interpretation.
6. To estimate the indicated power, friction power and mechanical efficiency of a multi
cylinder petrol engine when running at constant speed under constant settings of a
carburetor (Morse test).
7. To obtain a power consumption curve, thermal and mechanical efficiency curve for
the four stroke diesel engine when tested over a range of power from no load to full
load. Also to draw up the heat balance sheet for this range of output of power.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC402
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Concepts from The Theory of Elasticity : Plane Elastic problems, The Airy Stress
Function, Prandtl’s Stress Function in Torsion.
3. Energy Techniques in Stress Analysis : Work, Strain Energy, Castigliano’s First Theorem,
Complementary Strain Energy, Castigliano’s Second Theorem, Virtual Load Method,
Rayleigh’s Method.
Part B
4. Strength, Failure Modes, and Design Considerations : Strength, Design Factor, Strength
Theories, Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue Analysis, Structural Stability, Inelastic Behavior,
Engineering Approximations.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC452
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
GUNT https://www.gunt.de/en/
TecQuipment https://www.tecquipment.com/
Course Code MEC403
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Inertia Forces in Mechanism: Determination of Forces and couples for a link,
inertia of reciprocating parts, dynamically equivalent system. Analytical and
graphical methods, inertia force analysis of basic engine 5 mechanism (crank,
connecting rod and piston etc). Torque required to overcome inertia and
gravitational force of a four bar linkage.
3. Gyroscope - Definition, axis of spin, axis of precession gyroscope, gyroscopic
couple, Gyroscope effect on the momentum of ships and vehicle, ship
stabilization, stability of automobile and locomotive taking a turn.
4. Cams:Types of cams and followers, definition – basic circle & least radius,
angle of ascent, dwell, 7 descent & action. Displacement, velocity and
acceleration diagrams for the followers with uniform velocity motion, simple
harmonic motion, uniform acceleration and retardation, determination of
maximum velocity, acceleration and retardation, analysis of follower motion for
pre-specified cam profiles (tangent cams and convex cams).
Part B
5. Balancing: Classification , need for balancing, balancing for simple and multiple
masses, static and dynamic balancing – Primary and secondary balancing for
reciprocating masses, inside and 7 outside the cylinder locomotive balancing,
swaying couple and variation of tractive effort, partial balancing of locomotive,
balancing of the coupled locomotives and its advantages multi cylinder in the
line engines ( primary and secondary balancing conditions and their
applications ), balancing of V-engines balancing machines (Static balancing
M/c: dynamic balancing M/c, universal balancing M/c), introduction of balancing
of the flexible rotors.
6. Gears: Toothed gears are their uses, types of toothed gears (spur gears,
internal spur gears, spur and rack, bevel gears, helical gears, double helical
gears, spiral gears, worm gears) definitions, pitch circle diameter, pitch
surface, pitch point, circular pitch, diametral pitch, module pitch, addendum,
dedendum, clearance addendum circle, outside diameter, internal
diameter, dedendum circle, root diameter ,base. Base circle diameter, face
and flank of tooth, fillet, angle of obliquity or pressure angle, path of contact,
arc of contact, arc of approach, condition for correct gearing, forms of teeth,
cycloid and its teeth variants epicycloids and hypocycloid, involute
methods of drawing in involute and cycloidal curves, interference in
involute gears and methods of its removal, comparison of involute and
cycloidal gear systems.
7. Gear Trains: Types of gear trains single and compound epicyclic gear
trains, Problems involving their applications, estimation of velocity ratio of
worm and worm wheel, helical and spiral gears (Determination of No. teeth,
spiral angle and efficiency).
Title Author Publisher
Kinematics and Dynamics Wilson Pearson (2008)
of Machinery
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC453
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
1. Balance experimentally the given known force by introducing two weight (forces)
parallel to the given force in two different planes and verify the result by analytical
2. Study the dynamic balancing machine & balance of a given body i.e. rotor by
different methods.
3. Study the working and construction of the two types of steering gears. Draw neat
sketches of each type and measure the angle in Ackerman's steering gear fined in
different vehicles. Find the ratio of intersection of two arms from the front axle to
the base of the vehicle.
4. Study the different types of mechanisms for tracing out the approximate straight
5. Find out the pressure distribution graph analytically & practically around a simple
Journal bearing under variable load conditions on the shaft.
6. To plot n-Ɵ (follower displacement Vs cam rotation) curves for different cam and
follower arrangements
7. To study gyroscopic effect on rotating disc and to verify the gyroscopic couple
8. Study the whirling speed apparatus and calculate the critical speed of the given
9. To study the model of an Epicyclic gear train and to determine the speed ratio.
10. To study the various tooth profiles and to generate the involute profile on a blank.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC404
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
and slotting machine Quick return mechanism, types of tools Speed and feed used in
above processes. Commonly used cutting tool materials. (5 Hours)
Part B
6. Gear Cutting:
Gear teeth introduction and terminology, Gear manufacturing by: casting; Template
methods; Gear shaper process; rack planning process; Hobbing process; Bevel gear
cutting, Cutting worm and worm wheel, Gear finishing (5 Hours)
7. Thread Manufacturing:
Screw threads: Introduction & classification, Elements of screw threads, specification,
forms and error of screw threads; Processes of making threads using die heads, Thread
milling, thread grinding, tread tapping, Automatic screw machine. (4Hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC454
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Outcomes By the end of the course the students shall be able to
1. Identify the different components and operations of
traditional machines.
2. Select and apply different manufacturing processes
to machine a component.
List of Experiments:
1. To prepare a job on the lathe machine involves turning, grooving, drilling, boring
& threading operation.
2. To prepare a job on a shaper machine.
3. To prepare a job on a milling machine.
4. To prepare a job on a drill machine involves drilling, countersinking & reaming
5. To prepare a job involves-Grinding and thread manufacturing operation.
6. To study the different processes of gear manufacturing
Course Code MEC405
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Pressure Variation for Incompressible, Pressure Variation for Compressible Fluids,
Measurement of Static Pressure, Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces, Hydrostatic
Forces on an Incline Plane Surface, Buoyancy and Stability,
3. Kinematics of Fluid Motion: Types of Flow Description, Types of Fluid Flow, Graphical
Descriptions of Fluid Flow, Fluid Acceleration, Streamline Coordinates, The Reynolds
Transport Theorem. Rate of Flow and Average Velocity, Continuity Equation.
4. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Dimensional Analysis, Important Dimensionless
Numbers, The Buckingham Pi Theorem, Model and Similitude.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC455
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
4. To study the flow over V‐ notch ( weir) and Rectangular notch and to find their
coefficient of discharge.
7. To determine the head loss in a pipe line due to sudden expansion/ sudden
contraction/ bend.
8. To determine the velocity distribution for pipeline flow with a pitot static probe.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC406
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Modeling, Computers, And Error Analysis:
Motivation, Mathematical Background, Orientation, Mathematical Modeling and
Engineering Problem Solving, Programming and Software, Packages and Programming,
Structured Programming, Modular Programming, MATLAB, Mathcad, Other Languages
and Libraries, Approximations and Round-Off Errors, Significant Figures, Accuracy and
Precision, Error Definitions, Round-Off Errors, Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series,
The Taylor Series, Error Propagation, Total Numerical Error, Blunders, Formulation
Errors, and Data Uncertainty,
2. Roots Of Equations:
Bracketing Methods, Graphical Methods, The Bisection Method, The False-Position
Method, Incremental Searches and Determining Initial Guesses, Open Methods, Simple
Fixed-Point Iteration , The Newton-Raphson Method, The Secant Method, Brent’s
Method, Multiple Roots, Systems of Nonlinear Equations, Roots of Polynomials,
Polynomials in Engineering and Science, Computing with Polynomials, Conventional
Methods, Müller’s Method, Bairstow’s Method, Application to Ideal/Non-ideal Gas Laws,
Pipe friction
4. Curve Fitting:
Least-Squares Regression, Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Multiple Linear
Regression , General Linear Least Squares, Nonlinear Regression, Interpolation,
Newton’s Divided-Difference Interpolating Polynomials, Lagrange Interpolating
Polynomials, Coefficients of an Interpolating Polynomial, Inverse Interpolation, Spline
Interpolation, Multidimensional Interpolation, Fourier Approximation, Curve Fitting with
Sinusoidal Functions, Continuous Fourier Series, Frequency and Time Domains, Fourier
Integral and Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT),
The Power Spectrum, Curve Fitting with Software Packages, Application to Analysis of
Experimental Data (Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering)
Part B
5. Numerical Integration:
Motivation, Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas, The Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson’s Rules,
Integration with Unequal Segments, Open Integration Formulas, Multiple Integrals,
Integration of Equations, Newton-Cotes Algorithms for Equations, Romberg Integration,
Adaptive Quadrature, Gauss Quadrature, Improper Integrals
6. Numerical Differentiation:
High-Accuracy Differentiation Formulas, Richardson Extrapolation, Derivatives of
Unequally Spaced Data, Derivatives and Integrals for Data with Errors, Partial
Derivatives, Integration to Determine the Total Quantity of Heat, Root-Mean-Square
Current by Numerical Integration
8. Differential Equations:
Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations, The Laplace Equation, Solution Technique,
Boundary Conditions, The Control-Volume Approach, Software to Solve Elliptic
Equations, Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations, The Heat-Conduction Equation,
Explicit Methods, A Simple Implicit Method, The Crank-Nicolson Method, Parabolic
Equations in Two Spatial Dimensions
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC457
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50
● End of Semester
Semester 5
Course Code MEC501
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction:
Scope and meaning of design with special reference to machine design, design process,
codes and standards, economic aspects of design, safety aspects of design. Stress and
strength, Design factors and Factors of safety, Concept of tearing, bearing, shearing,
crushing, bending,torsion ,deflection and stiffness. Basic criteria of selection material,
mechanical properties of materials, Failures resulting from static loading, stress
concentration, methods of avoiding stress concentration, Introduction to fatigue in metals,
mechanism of fatigue failure, S-N diagram, endurance limit, Fatigue strength, Endurance
limit modifying factors, Fatigue stress concentration factor and notch sensitivity
2. Design of Levers:
First, second and third types of levers, Design of hand lever, foot lever, bell crank lever,
safety valve lever
Part B
5. Design of Shafts:
Design of solid and hollow shafts for transmission of torque, bending moments and axial
forces, Design of shaft for rigidity.
8. Power Screw:
Various types of threads used in power screw drives, conditions for self-locking and
overhauling, efficiency of power screw drives, stresses developed in screws, design
procedure for power screw drives like screw jack etc.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC551
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC502
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: The Design Process, Application of computers for design, definition of CAD,
CAM and CIM, benefits of CAD, CAM, Automation and types of automation.
2. Geometric Modeling: Introduction & need of geometric modeling, types: wire frame,
surface and solid model, coordinate systems, Geometric Modeling techniques. Use of
geometric modeling.
3. Transformations: 2D and 3D Transformations, coordinate system used in transformations,
Homogeneous transformation, translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear
transformation, concatenated transformations, 3D visualization.
4. Curves: curve entities, curve representation, analytic curves – lines, circles, ellipses,
parabolas, hyperbolas, conics, synthetic curves, hermite cubic spline, bezier curve and
B-spline curve.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC552
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC503
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam.)
Course Outcomes 1. Students will be able to carry out spatial manipulation and
design of simple manipulators
2. Students will be able to do kinematic and dynamics analysis
of different robotic manipulators
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
equation-Euler Dynamic formulation, manipulator’s dynamic equation, Langrangian
mechanics, Cartesian Space torque equation
6. Trajectory Planning: Joint space vs. Cartesian-space descriptions, Joint space
trajectories, Cartesian space trajectories.
7. Linear Control of Manipulators: Feedback and Closed-Loop Control, Control of second order
linear systems, control Law, trajectory-following control, modeling and control of single joint
8. Manipulator Mechanism Design: Kinematic configuration, actuation schemes, stiffness
and deflections, force and position sensing.
9. Sensors: Robot sensors: proximity, range, force, tactile, visual, auditory sensors. position
sensing, force sensing.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC553
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Lab Report, Practical Performance, Viva Voce)
Course Outcomes
By studying this course, students will
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC504
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
dynamic error, dead time and dead zone.Zero, first and second order systems and their
response to step, ramp and sinusoidal input signals
Part B
6. Temperature Measurement:
of vibrometers. Calibration of accelerometers. Mechanical tachometers, vibration
tachometer and stroboscope; proving ring, hydraulic and pneumatic load cells, torque on
rotating shafts, Different types of Dynamometers: electrical and mechanical.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC554
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC505
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam.)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question,
which is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual
questions of one mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper
will be divided into two parts having three questions each and the candidate is
required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC555
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report writing and Viva voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Mechatronic System Design Kolk Cengage
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC506
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Principles of Hydraulic Machines & General Study of Hydro Power Plants, flow over radial
vanes and construction of velocity triangles, classification of Hydraulic Power and
turbines. Reaction Turbines: Description of Francis, Kaplan Turbines, Design of Reaction
turbines, Concept of Cavitation. Governing of Impulse and Reaction Turbines, Draft Tube:
Description, and function.
3. Turbomachinery Noise: Sound and Noise, Fan Noise, Sound Power and Sound Pressure,
Outdoor Propagation, Indoor Propagation, A Note on Pump Noise, Compressor and
Turbine Noise.
4. Performance estimation, machine selection and preliminary design: Cordier Diagram and
Machine Type, Estimating the Efficiency, Preliminary Machine Selection, Fan Selection
from Vendor Data, Pump Selection from Vendor Data, Selection of Variable Pitch and
Variable Inlet Vane Fans.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Dixon Butterworth-Heinemann
of Turbomachinery (2014)
Course Code MEC556
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
List of Experiments
6. Determine the effect of vane shape and vane angle on the performance of centrifugal
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code CS506
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to designing:
Fundamentals of engineering designs and applications; social, economic,
sustainability, environmental and aesthetic rationales in design engineering,
design decisions related to competitiveness of products, processes, services
and systems. Impact of product design on business and market, product
portfolio development through continuity in designing.
conceiving, creating and growing a new venture.
3. Design process:
Principles, tools and strategies for conceptualising the need and presenting
designs - product specifications, digital tools, analog drawings, design
modelling: mathematical modeling, simulation using computers, and creation of
2D and 3D scale models. Engineering fundamentals related to mechanical,
electrical, electronic and computational concepts in designing; environmental,
sustainability, life cycle analysis, upstream manufacturing economics and
downstream assembly, distribution, recyclability, robustness, maintenance and
safety aspects in design development; functional prototypes, iterations,
validation of product concept, product development .
Part B
4. Materials in Engineering Designs
Mechanical and structural properties of materials, application related needs,
stress analysis and fracture, heat transfer, conductivity, transparency, surface
properties etc. Nanomaterials, transparent ceramics, polymers, biocompatible
materials, composites for biomechanical applications.Case studies through
examples and minor projects on designing materials for dental restorative
applications, energy harvesting technologies and transparent ceramics.
5. Computational Designs
Theory and applications of computational design and manufacturing methods,
use of tools like, computer aided design, computer aided engineering,
computer aided manufacturing, Digital image capture and reconstruction,
additive and subtractive manufacturing using CAD CAM, milling and 3D
approaches. Examples by case studies and minor projects for designing
prosthetics and orthosis.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Semester 6
Course Code MEC601
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Note - The use of a design data book is allowed.
Part A
1. Flexible Mechanical Elements: Introduction to belts, Flat and Round Belt Drives, V belts,
Roller Chain, Wire Rope.
2. Gears : Introduction, Loading on Spur Gear, Stresses in Spur Gear, Bending Stresses,
Surface Stresses, Design of Spur Gears, Helical Gear Geometry, Helical Gear Forces,
Virtual Number of Teeth, Contact ratio, Stresses in Helical Gears, Bevel Gear Geometry
and Nomenclature, Forces on Bevel Gears, Stresses in Bevel Gears, Wormset
Geometry, Design Procedure for Wormset.
Part B
5. Rolling Contact Bearing: Comparison of Rolling and Sliding Bearings, Types of Rolling
Element Bearings, Failure of Rolling Element Bearings, Selection of Rolling Element
Bearings, Basic Dynamic Load Rating, Basic Static Load Rating, Combined Radial and
Thrust Loads
6. Clutches and Brakes: Introduction, Types of Brakes and Clutches, Clutch and Brake
Materials, Disk Clutches, Uniform Pressure, Uniform Wear , Disk Brakes, Short-Shoe
External Drum Brakes, Long-Shoe External Drum Brakes, Internal-Shoe Internal Drum
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC651
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC602
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
simplification offered by physical configuration of body, node numbering scheme.
3. One & Two Dimensional Problems : Introduction, Coordinates and shape functions,
Potential energy approach, Galerkin Approach, Assembly of the global stiffness matrix
and load vector, FE equations and treatment of boundary conditions, Quadratic shape
functions, ,Two dimensional problems using constant strain triangles. Quadrilateral
Part B
5. Static Analysis: Plane and three dimensional Trusses, Assembly of global matrix for the
banded and skyline solutions, Beams and frames under various boundary conditions.
6. Dynamic Analysis: Formulation for solid body with distributed mass, Element mass
matrices, Evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Guyan reduction, Rigid body
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC652
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC603
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Vibration-Harmonic Excitation, Damped Forced Vibration-Harmonic Excitation, Rotating
and Reciprocating Unbalance, Critical Speed of Rotating Shafts, Vibration Isolation and
Transmissibility, Systems Attached to Moving Support Seismic Instruments, Elastically
Supported Damped Systems, Damped Forced Vibration-Periodic Excitation, Transient
Vibration-Shock Spectrum, Equivalent Viscous Damping,
Part B
6. Discrete Systems
Introduction, Equations of Motion, Undamped Systems, Undamped Vibration Principal
Modes, Orthogonality and Principal Coordinates, Expansion Theorem, Quotient
Semidefinite Systems, Matrix Iteration, Undamped Forced Vibration-Modal Analysis,
Systems with Proportional Orthogonality of Modes of DampedSystems, Damped Forced
Vibration-Modal Analysis
7. Continuous Systems
Introduction, Continuous System: A Simple Exposition, Separation of the Time and Space
Variables, Problems Governed by the Wave Equation, Longitudinal Vibration of Rods,
Torsional Vibration of Shafts, Lateral Vibration of Beams, Rotary Inertia and Other Effects,
Shear Deformation and Rotary Inertia Effects, Effect of Axial Loading, The Eigenvalue
Problem, Orthogonality, Lagrange's Equations, Undamped Forced Vibration-Modal
Analysis, Rayleigh's Quotient, Rayleigh-Ritz Method
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC653
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC604
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
Part B
Kirchhoff’s Law , Atmospheric And Solar Radiation; The View Factor, View
Factor Relations The Reciprocity Relation The Summation Rule The
Superposition Rule The Symmetry Rule View Factors Between Infinitely Long
Surfaces: The Crossed Strings Method , Radiation Heat Transfer: Black
Surfaces , Radiation Heat Transfer: Diffuse, Gray Surfaces ; Radiosity, Net
Radiation Heat Transfer To Or From A Surface, Net Radiation Heat Transfer
Between Any Two Surfaces, Methods Of Solving Radiation Problems
Radiation Heat Transfer In Two Surface Enclosures, Radiation Heat Transfer
In Three Surface Enclosures , Radiation Shields.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC654
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC605 Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Mechanical Properties of Metals (6 Lectures) :
Introduction, Concepts of Stress and Strain, Elastic Deformation, Stress–Strain
Behavior, Anelasticity, Elastic Properties of Materials, Plastic Deformation,
Tensile Properties, True Stress and Strain, Elastic Recovery After Plastic
Deformation, Compressive, Shear, and Torsional Deformations, Hardness,
Property Variability and Design/Safety Factors, Variability of Material
Properties, Design/Safety Factors.
Introduction, Dislocations and Plastic Deformation, Basic Concepts,
Characteristics of Dislocations, Slip Systems, Slip in Single Crystals, Plastic
Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials, Deformation by Twinning,
Mechanisms of Strengthening in Metals, Strengthening by Grain Size
Reduction, Solid-Solution Strengthening, Strain Hardening, Recovery,
Recrystallization, and Grain Growth, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain Growth.
3. Failure (8 Lectures) :
Introduction, Fracture, Fundamentals of Fracture, Ductile Fracture, Brittle
Fracture, Principles of Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Toughness Testing,
Fatigue, Cyclic Stresses, The S–N Curve, Crack Initiation and Propagation,
Factors That Affect Fatigue Life, Environmental Effects, Creep, Generalized
Creep Behavior, Stress and Temperature Effects, Data Extrapolation Methods,
Alloys for High-Temperature Use.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Mechanical Behavior of Materials Bowman Wiley (2003)
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC655
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Heat Treatment: Master Bryson, W. Hanser Publications
Control Manual
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC 606
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction:
Classification, Advantages & limitations of non conventional machining, Hybrid
Machining, Ultrasonic machining (USM)-Principle of operation, process details,
applications and advantages, limitations of USM. (8 Hours)
2. Abrasive and Water Jet Machining:
Basic principle, mechanism of material removal, working principle of Abrasive jet
machining (AJM), water jet machining (WJM), merits & demerits, application. (7 Hours)
Part B
4. Electrochemical Processes:
Fundamentals, details of machining setup, materials and selection of tools, applications,
Concept of others processes like ECG, Electrochemical deburring etc. (8 Hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC657
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50
● End of Semester
Semester 7
Course Code MEC701
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Basic concepts:
Natural and Mechanical refrigeration.Applications of Refrigeration using
different working substances.Units of refrigeration.Coefficient of performance
and Energy performance ratio.Refrigeration effect and refrigeration capacity.
Heating effect and heating capacity. Reversed Carnot, cycle and its limitations.
COP of refrigerator and heat pump working on reversed Carnot cycle and their
Part B
5. Refrigerants:
Classification of refrigerants.Required properties of an ideal
refrigerant.Important refrigerants.Global warming potential, Ozone depleting
potential and their effect on choice of refrigerants.Secondary refrigerants,
Antifreeze solutions, Refrigerant oils.Refrigerant leakage detection methods.
6. Psychrometry:
Meaning of Air conditioning.Psychrometry and Psychrometric
properties.Psychrometric relations.Psychrometric chart.Psychrometric
7. Air conditioning:
Requirements of comfort air-conditioning, comfort and comfort chart. Factors
governing optimum effective temperature. Design considerations. Ventilation
and Ventilation standards.Summer air-conditioning and winter air-conditioning
systems.Year round air-conditioning systems.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC751
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC702
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Outcomes Ability to draw schematic of a system, write equations of motion and
then control the system using classical control.
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: A history of control systems, system configurations, analysis & design
objectives, the design process, Computer-Aided Design.
2. System Modeling: Introduction, Laplace transform review, The transfer function, Electrical
network transfer functions, Translational mechanical systems transfer functions,
Rotational mechanical system transfer function, Transfer functions for systems with
gears, Electromechanical system transfer functions, Electric circuit analogs,linearization.
Modeling in the time domain: Introduction, The general state-space representation,
converting a transfer function to state space, converting from state space to a transfer
function, linearization.
4. Time response: Introduction, Types of control action (P, PI, PID), Ziegler Nichols rules for
tuning PID controllers, Poles-zeros-system response, first order system, second order
systems, system response with zeros, Routh Hurwitz criterion of Stability.
Part B
Feedback Systems, Root-Locus Approach to Control-Systems Design, Lead
Compensation, Lag Compensation, Lag–Lead Compensation, Parallel Compensation,
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC752
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Outcomes Ability to draw schematic of a system, write equations of motion and
then control the system using classical control.
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC703
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics (2):
Dynamics of the vehicle in motion, power source, chassis, power train, sub systems,
driver interaction, output requirements: safety during turn and braking, ride comfort,
economics. Approach for mathematical modeling.
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC753
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC755
Course Credits 2
Course Assessment
● Continuous 100 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Code MEC704a
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction
Overview of machine learning, related areas, applications, software tools
2. Parametric regression
Simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, nonlinear
regression, gradient descent in linear regression, gradient descent in multiple regression,
normal equation
3. Generative learning
Gaussian parameter estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, bias and variance of
4. Classification
Logistic regression, decision boundary, gradient descent in logistic regression, multiclass
classification, overfitting problem, cost function regularization
5. Neural networks
The perceptron algorithm, multilayer perceptrons, backpropagation, multiclass
discrimination, training procedures, localized network structure, learning curves,
regularization, Support vector machines
Part B
6. Unsupervised learning
K-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, density based clustering, latent dirichlet
allocation, dendrogram, hidden markov model
7. Dimensionality reduction
Feature selection, principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, factor
analysis, independent component analysis, multidimensional scaling
8. Evaluation methods
Evaluating hypotheses, classification accuracy, confusion matrix, precision, recall, F1
score, log loss, Area under curve, regression metrics, elbow method, silhouette analysis
Note: A selection of projects, from the following list, using the Python programming language
are to be assigned at the instructor’s discretion during the course of the semester.
Title Author Publisher
Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Murphy MIT Press (2012)
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704b
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
blocks of IoT, Communication models & APIs, IoT enabling Technologies, IoT Levels &
Deployment Templates, Challenges in IoT
Part B
1. IoTProtocols:
Protocol Standardization for IoT, Efforts, M2M and WSN Protocols, SCADA and RFID
Protocols, Unified Data Standards ,IEEE 802.15.4, BACNet Protocol,Modbus, Zigbee
3. Case Studies:
Real world design constraints - Applications - Asset management, Industrial automation,
smart grid, Commercial building automation, Smart cities - participatory sensing - Data
Analytics for IoT – Software & Management Tools for IoT Cloud Storage Models &
Communication APIs - Cloud for IoT - Amazon Web Services for IoT.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704c
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction (1 Lecture):
Need for composites, Types of composites, Metal matrix, Ceramic matrix and
Carbon-Carbon composites; Polymer matrix composites
Part B
5. Analysis of orthotropic lamina (8 Lectures):
Generalized Hooke’s law, Material symmetry
Orthotropic materials and transversely isotropic materials
Transformation of stress and strain,
Stress-strain relations for transversely isotropic lamina under plane stress in material axis
and off-axis
Failure theories (Maximum stress, strain, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704d
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.
Part A
1. Introduction
Operations functions in an Organization, Historical Evolution of Production and
Operations Management, Jobs/Decisions of Production and Operations Management,
Manufacturing v/s Service operations.
3. Capacity planning
Need for capacity planning, capacity planning decisions, Strategies for modifying
capacity- Long term and short term capacity strategies, capacity planning models and
linear programming, Decision Tree analysis, Aggregate planning and strategies for
4. Aggregate Planning.
Facility location and layout
Need for facility location planning, General procedure for facility location planning;
Types of layouts, Merits and Demerits, layout planning, Line balancing.
Part B
5. Demand forecasting
Introduction, Forecasting Methods: Time series methods- Naïve method, Moving
average, Weighted moving average, Exponential smoothing method and Casual
methods- Linear Regression method, Forecasting Errors, Selection of the Forecasting
6. Operation scheduling
Need of operation scheduling, Factors effecting scheduling, Job Shop scheduling,
Priority sequencing, Batch scheduling.
7. Inventory control
Need of the inventory control, Inventory costs, basic EOQ model, Selective inventory
controls-ABC, FSN, VED, Fixed order quantity and fixed order interval system,
Material requirement planning.
8. Quality Management
Concept of Quality, quality cost, inspection, type of inspection, statistical quality
control, control charts, concept of TQM & ISO Certification
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704e
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. The science and art of structural dynamics:
Introduction to structural dynamics; Modeling of structural components and systems; FE
route of structural dynamics and its limitations; Experimental route of structural dynamics
and its limitations; Understanding structural dynamics in time domain versus frequency
2. Basic concepts:
Spring-mass model; Free vibrations of SDOF, 2-DOF and MDOF system; Dynamic matrix
equation; Eigenvalues; Eigenvectors; Modeshapes; Orthogonality of normal modes;
Damping ratios; Drive point and cross frequency response functions; Receptance,
Mobility, Accelerance
Real modes, Complex modes.
Part B
damping; Equivalent viscous damping; Response to support motion; Force transmitted to
foundation; Seismic instruments; Response of SDOF system to harmonic loading.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704f
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Thermodynamics, Engineering
Course Prerequisites Thermodynamics, Kinematics and Dynamics of
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which
is compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one
mark each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into
two parts having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at
least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction : Components of automobile, basic structure, classification of
automobile, body styles, frame and frameless construction, power for
propulsion, traction and tractive effort, relation between engine revolution and
vehicle speed, road performance curves, calculation of equivalent weight, gear
ratio for maximum acceleration.
Part B
6. Front Axle and steering : Front axle, wheel alignment, steering geometry,
under-steer and oversteer, steering linkage, steering gears, steering ratio,
reversibility, power steering.
7. Brakes wheel and Tyres : Brake efficiency and stopping distance, fading of
brakes, wheel skidding, types of brakes, drum and disk brakes, hydraulic and
pneumatic brakes, servo brakes, anti lock braking system, types of wheels,
wheel dimensions, types of tyres, cross ply, radial ply and belted-bias type, tyre
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC 704g
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction:
Purpose and evolution of Industrial Engineering, The concept and importance of
Productivity, Business process reengineering, Total productivity management,
Performance management, Change management, Budgeting and planning for profits,
Life cycle cost analysis, Kaizen.
Part B
4. Facility Design:
a. Facility location factors and evaluation of alternate locations
b. Types of plant layout and their evaluation
c. Computer aided layout design techniques
d. Assembly line balancing
e. Materials handling systems
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704h
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: (1 Lectures)
3. Kinematics: (6 Lectures)
Configurations of a body, displacement, velocity, motion
Deformation gradient, rotation, stretch, strain, strain rate, spin tensor
Assumption of small deformation and small strain
Part B
6. Viscous fluid: (4 Lectures)
Constitutive relations, non-Newtonian fluid, boundary value problem.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code 704i
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. The Role of Statistics In Engineering: (2 lectures)
• Collecting Engineering Data, Data Representation, Graphing
and Analysis (with and without EXCEL)
• Statistics with EXCEL: sampling, Random Number Generator,
• Rank, percentile, mode, median, average, processes chart,
• Deming’s funnel
• Retrospective Study
• Observational Study
• Designed Experiments
• Observing Engineering Processes over time
• Preliminary definitions (random variable, sample, population)
• Probability and Probability Models
Part B
• Designing Engineering Experiments
• Completely Randomized Single Factor Experiment
• The Random Effects Model
• Randomized Complete Block Design
• Design and Statistical Analysis
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704j
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark
each or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts
having three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two
questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction : Definition of Quality, Dimensions of Quality, Quality Planning,
Quality costs- Analysis Techniques for Quality Costs, Basic concepts of Total
Quality Management, Historical Review, Principles of TQM, Leadership –
Concepts, Role of Senior Management, Quality Council, Quality Statements,
Strategic Planning, Deming Philosophy, Barriers to TQM Implementation. (6)
Part B
1. Statistical Process Control (SPC): The seven tools of quality – Statistical
fundamentals – Measures of central tendency and dispersion – Population and
sample – Normal curve – Control charts for variables and attributes – Process
capability – Concept of six sigma – New seven management tools. (6)
3. Quality Systems : Need for ISO 9000 and other quality systems – ISO 9000:2000
quality system – Elements – Implementation of quality system – Documentation –
Quality auditing – TS 16949 – ISO 14000 – Concept – Requirements and
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704k
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction (4):
Background; Griffith theory of fracture, energy release rate (ERR), conditions for
stable and unstable crack growth, crack arrest
Part B
4. Mixed mode fracture (3):
Prediction of crack path and critical condition for crack extension under mixed
mode loading using Maximum tensile stress, Minimum strain energy density and
Maximum energy release rate criteria
Evaluation of fracture toughness
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704l
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
2. Basic Elements of Fortran: The Fortran Character Set * The Structure of a Fortran
Statement * The Structure of a Fortran Program * Constants and Variables * Assignment
Statements and Arithmetic Calculations * Intrinsic Functions * List-Directed Input and
Output Statements * Initialization of Variables * The IMPLICIT NONE Statement *
Debugging Fortran Programs
* Alternate KINDS of the REAL, INTEGER, and CHARACTER Data Type * COMPLEX
Data Type.
4. Constructs: Branches.
Subroutines and Functions * Variable-Length Character Functions * Internal Files
7. I/O Concepts: Formats and Formatted WRITE Statements * Output Devices, Control
Characters in Printer Output * Format Descriptors * Formatted READ Statements * An
Introduction to Files and File Processing * Namelist I/O * Unformatted files * Direct
Access Files * Stream Access Mode * Non Default I/O for derived types
(12 hours)
Part B
8. Arrays: Declaring Arrays * Using Array Elements in Fortran Statements * Using Whole
Arrays and Array Subsets in Fortran Statements * Input and Output * Multidimensional
Arrays * Using Intrinsic Functions with Arrays * Masked Array assignment : the WHERE
construct * FORALL
construct * Allocatable Arrays.
10. Derived Data Types: Derived Data Types * Working with Derived Data Types * Input and
Output of Derived Data Types * Declaring Derived Data Types in Modules * Returning
Derived Types from Functions * Dynamic Allocation of Derived Data Types *
Parameterized Derived
Data Types * Type Extension * Type-Bound Procedures * The ASSOCIATE Construct
Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures: Pointers and Targets
* Using Pointers in Assignment Statements * Using Pointers with Arrays * Dynamic
Memory Allocation with Pointers *Using Pointers as Components of Derived Data Types *
Arrays of Pointers *Using Pointers in Procedures * Procedure Pointers
12. Coarrays and Parallel Processing: Parallel Processing in Coarray Fortran * Coarrays *
Synchronization between Images *Allocatable Coarrays and Derived Data Types
*Passing Coarrays to Procedures * Critical Sections * The Perils of parallel Programming.
(12 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Fortran for Scientists and Chapman McGraw-Hill (2017)
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704m
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Overview of Smart Materials:
Introduction to Smart Materials, Principles of Piezoelectricity, Perovskite
Piezoceramic Materials, Single Crystals vs Polycrystalline Systems, Piezoelectric
Polymers, Principles of Magnetostriction, Rare earth Magnetostrictive materials,
Giant Magnetostriction and Magneto-resistance Effect, Introduction to
Electro-active Materials, Electronic Materials, Electro-active Polymers, Ionic
Polymer Matrix Composite (IPMC), Shape Memory Effect, Shape Memory Alloys,
Shape Memory Polymers, Electro-rheological Fluids, Magnetorheological Fluids
Part B
3. Smart Actuators:
Modelling Piezoelectric Actuators, Amplified Piezo Actuation – Internal and
External Amplifications, Magnetostrictive Actuation, Joule Effect, Wiedemann
Effect, Magneto Volume Effect, Magnetostrictive Mini Actuators, IPMC and
Polymeric Actuators, Shape Memory Actuators, Active Vibration Control, Active
Shape Control, Passive Vibration Control, Hybrid Vibration Control [8]
4. Smart Composites:
Review of Composite Materials, Micro and Macro-mechanics, Modelling
Laminated Composites based on Classical Laminated Plate Theory, Effect of
Shear Deformation, Dynamics of Smart Composite Beam, Governing Equation of
Motion, Finite Element Modelling of Smart Composite Beams [8]
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC704n
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Part B
annealing techniques. (6 lectures)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMC701
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Financial Management:
Concept of Finance, Terminology Related to Finance, Financial Decisions, Factors
Affecting Financial Decisions, Risk-Return Trade-Off (3 hours)
2. Financial System:
Concept and Role of Financial System in Indian Economy (2 hours)
Hypothetical Trading in Financial Markets (8 hours)
4. Financial Services:
Nature and Functions of Financial Services: Merchant Banking, Mutual Funds, Factoring,
Forfaiting, Credit Rating
Case Study on Financial Services (7 hours)
Part B
5. Financial Institutions:
Nature and Functions of Financial Institutions: Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Discount and Finance House of India (DFHI) (6
8. Financing Decisions:
Capital Structure: Essentials and Approaches of Capital Structure
Sources of Finance (long-term and short-term), Financial Leverage: Concept and
Numerical Application, Case Study (5 hours)
9. Dividend Decisions:
Types of Dividend, Dividend Policy: Nature and Factors Affecting Dividend Policy,Case
Study (2 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMC702
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Business (5 hours)
Scope and Characteristics of Business, Classification of Business Activities Forms of
Ownership of Business: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership and Company
3. Globalization (5 hours)
Concept, Pros and Cons of Globalization, Impact of Global Environment on Business
Globalization of Company – Case Study
Part B
4. Corporate Social Responsibility (5 hours)
Concept, Social Responsibility towards different stakeholders, Rationale for CSR. CSR –
Case Studies
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMC703
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Human Resource Management (5 hours)
HRM: Nature, Scope, Functions, HRM Practices and Problems in India with Case
Part B
5. Induction and Internal Mobility (7 hours)
Induction Programme, Need and Scope of Internal Mobility: Transfer, Promotion,
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Semester 8
Course Code MEC801
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction:
Operation Research Models, Solving the OR models, Queuing and Simulation models,
Phases of an OR study
3. Modelling with Linear Programing-II:
Simplex method; Artificial starting solution- Big-M method and Two Phase method;
Special cases in simplex like Degeneracy, Alternate optima, unbounded solution,
Infeasible solution; Duality and degeneracy in simplex method, Dual simplex method.
4. Transportation Model:
Definition of Transportation model, Mathematical model of Transportation problem, The
Transportation Algorithm, Determination of starting solution, Test for Optimality,
Unbalanced Transportation model and Degeneracy in Transportation model, The
Assignment Model- Hungarian Method.
Part B
5. Network Models
Scope and Definition of network models, Travelling Salesman’s problem and its solution
using Branch and Bound method
6. Queuing Systems
Introduction, Elements of a Queuing model, Performance Measures of a Queuing system,
Role of Exponential Distribution, Kendall’s notation, Single server queuing models,
Multiple-server models.
Title Author Publisher
Probability and Statistics for Engineers Johnson & Miller Pearson (2015)
Course Code MEC802
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part B
5. Wind Energy: Basic Principles; Wind Turbine Siting, Wind Turbine Types, Basic
Components of Wind Energy Conversion System, Classification of Wind Energy
Conversion System, Application of Wind Energy, Wind Energy Programme in India.
6. Ocean Energy: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) principle, Open, Closed and
Hybrid cycle OTEC system; Energy from Tides, estimation of tidal power, tidal power
plants, single and double basin plants, site requirements, Advantages and Limitations;
7. Geothermal Energy: Nature of Geothermal Resources; Location & Potential Assessment;
Classification & Characteristics of Geothermal Resources- Types of Geothermal
Resources – Hot dry Rock; Hydrothermal- Vapour dominated, Liquid dominated and hot
water resources ; Hot magma and Geo-pressured Hot Rock, comparison of geothermal
power plant with conventional thermal power plants, Advantages and Limitations;
Geothermal Site selection criterion, Potential of geothermal energy in India.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC803
Course Credits 3
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Assignments, Quizzes, Sessionals)
● End of Semester 50 (University Exam)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction: Need for CDF, Comparison of the three basic approaches in engineering
problem solving – Analytical, Experimental and Computational Methods, Application in
different areas.
2. Governing Equation of Fluid Dynamics: Different Models of Flow, Substantial derivation,
Continuity equation, Momentum equations, energy equations, transformation of
conservation form of equation into non conservation form and visa-versa., Equations for
viscous flow and Inviscid flow for fluid dynamics, Physical Boundary conditions, types of
marching solutions in CFD.
3. Behaviour and classification of Partial Differential equation (PDE): Classification of PDE
using Cramer’s Rule and Eigenvalue method, discussion on behaviour of different types
of PDEs and types of flows governed by PDEs.
4. Discretization of PDE by Finite Difference Method: Representation of PDE by Forward,
Rear and Central Difference , Truncations Error, Difference Equations; Explicit and
Implicit Approach:, Error and Analysis of stability.
5. Discretization of PDE by Finite Volume Method: Finite volume method for diffusion
problems and convection-diffusion problems.
6. Discretization of PDE by Finite Volume Method: The central differencing scheme, the
upwind differencing scheme, the hybrid differencing scheme, quadratic upwind
differencing scheme, Properties of discretisation schemes, Properties of differencing
schemes, Assessment of each scheme
7. Solution algorithms for pressure velocity coupling in steady flows: Staggered grid, the
SIMPLE algorithm, SIMPLER Algorithms, application of algorithm to simple 1D flow
problems, Thomas algorithm for tridiagonal matrix.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC853
Course Credits 1
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, Viva Voce)
List of Experiments
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Numerical Heat Transfer Patankar Taylor & Francis (2017)
and Fluid Flow
Course Code MEC855
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 150 (Practical Performance, Report Writing, and Viva Voce)
Course Code MEC856
Course LTP
Course Credits 22
Course Assessment
● Continuous 250 (Hosting Organization)
● End and Mid Semester 450 (Mechanical Engineering Department)
Course Prerequisites and 1. CGPA 6.5 or more with no reappear upto 6 th semester
Requisites 2. Successful defense of Internship Proposal before a
committee (Training committee). Students will have to
give a formal presentation before a committee before
proceeding on training. Proposal should contain
objectives, Literature-Survey, Methodology, Timelines,
Consent of mentor from industry, Consent of mentor
from UIET/CCET and expected outcomes.
3. Desirable that the student is able to publish a paper at
least in a conference out of work done in the
4. Training report should be well written and hard-bound
training report submitted to the Training committee at
least 15 days before final evaluation.
Course Code MEC804a
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction
Definition and Scope of tribology, Contact of solids, nature of surfaces, surface
topography, surface interactions and characterization, micro and nanotribology, surface
roughness measurement techniques.
2. Friction
Types, laws, modern theories, dry sliding friction, temperature of sliding surface,
Mechanism of rolling friction, friction instabilities, measurement of friction.
3. Wear
Classification, theories of adhesive, abrasive, surface fatigue and corrosives wear,
erosive, cavitation and fretting wear, wear models, wear of miscellaneous machine
components such as gears, plain bearings and rolling element bearings, ASTM standards
for wear measurement, wear resistant materials, wear resistant components, Study of
abrasion in grinding, lapping and honing. (12 hours)
Part B
4. Lubrication Theories
Lubrication regimes: hydrodynamic lubrication, hydrostatic lubrication,
elastohydrodynamic lubrication, boundary lubrication, squeeze films, turbulent lubrication.
Reynold’s equation, Pressure distribution, load carrying capacity, friction forces in oil film
and coefficient of friction
in journal bearing.
5. Bearing Design
Clearance in journal bearing, minimum film thickness, Sommerfeld Number. Oil grooves
and flow of oil in axial and circumferential grooves, cavitation and turbulence in oil
bearing. Heat generation and cooling of bearing. Design of air bearing and other gas
6. Applications
Application of tribology in manufacturing processes, Metal machining, Metal cutting, Tool
wear, Action of lubricants, Friction welding, Extrusion process (12 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804b
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) (05 hr)
General overview, Introduction to reverse engineering, Traditional manufacturing vis AM,
Computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) and AM, Different AM processes and
relevant process physics AM process chain.
Application level: Direct processes - Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling. Rapid Manufacturing;
Indirect Processes - Indirect Prototyping. Indirect Tooling, Indirect Manufacturing
Part B
Simulations (choice of parameter, Model validation)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804c
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Mathematical Preliminaries
2. Deformation: Displacements and Strains
3. Stress and Equilibrium
4. Material Behavior - Linear Elastic Solids
5. Formulation and Solution Strategies
6. Strain Energy and Related Principles
Part B
7. Two Dimensional Formulation
8. Two Dimensional Problem Solutions
9. Extension, Torsion and Flexure of Elastic Cylinders
10. Introduction to Three Dimensional Problems
11. Optional advanced topics - Complex Variable Methods for Two-Dimensional Problems,
Anisotropic Elasticity, Thermoelasticity, Nonhomogeneous Elasticity, General
Displacement Potentials and Stress Functions.
Title Author Publisher
Elasticity Timoshenko McGraw Hill
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804d
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● Continuous
50 (University Examination)
● End of Semester
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Stages in Design Process:
Introduction to various stages of the design process: Formulation of problem, Generation
of alternatives, Evaluation, Guided Redesign. Case study.(6)
Beitz method. Case studies.(6)
3. Value Engineering:
Introduction, nature and measurement of value. Value analysis job plan. Creativity and
techniques of creativity. Value analysis test. Case studies.(6)
4. Concurrent/Reverse Engineering:
Introduction, basic principles, components, benefits of concurrent engineering. Concept
of reverse engineering. (6)
Part B
Title Author Publisher
Integrated Product and John M. Usher, Utpal Roy and Tata McGraw Hill
Process Development H. R. Parasaei
Engineering Design and John R. Dixon and Corrodo Field Stone Publishers
Design for Manufacturing: A Poli
structured approach
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804e
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Part B
Accuracy, h and p convergence, Numerical Integration, Isoparametric Elements.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804f
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology:
Basics of nanofabrication and nanocharacterization techniques as well as specific
applications of nanotechnology in commercial products. Light, x-rays, and electron
beams to characterize objects at the nanoscale.
Part B
3. Nanofabrication:
Vacuum Pumps, Vapor Deposition and Thin Film Vacuum Deposition
Vacuum environment for nanofabrication, compare the operation of vacuum pumps,
vacuum deposition of thin films using three different methods: sputter evaporation,
e-beam evaporation and thermal evaporation.Techniques for making things with
nanotechnology using thin film techniques; compare atomic layer deposition, chemical
vapor deposition, and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.
4. Applications of Nanomaterials:
Nanocomposite materials for therapy and food packaging- Functional graphene- carbon
nanotube and polymer composite applications in defence and aerospace. Nanomaterials
for solar Cells- Nanoscale catalysts for energy and automobile industries. Rechargeable
batteries based on nanomaterials- Nanomaterials for electrodes and wearable
electronics- Nano based coating and paints.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804g
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introduction:
Introduction to Work Study, Productivity, Factors influencing Productivity, Productivity
Index, Kinds of productivity measurements.
2. Method Study:
Objectives of Method Study, General Problem solving procedure, Process Charts-
Operation Process chart, Flow Process chart; Left-and-Right hand chart, Man-Machine
Chart, Flow Diagram, String Diagram, and Travel Chart.
3. Micromotion Study
Purpose of Micromotion study, Micromotin study as an aid in Improving Methods,
Fundamental Hand Motions, Memomotion study, Cyclegraph, Chronocyclegraph, SIMO
Part B
5. Time Study:
Time Study Equipment, Time Study Procedure, Number of Work Cycles to be Timed,
Performance Rating, Systems of Rating, Allowances in Time Standards and Calculation
of Standard Time.
Introduction, Statistical Basis of Work Sampling, Procedure, Determination of sample
size, Procedure for selecting random observations, Determining time standards by work
sampling, Overview of Predetermined Motion Time Systems, Methods-Time
Measurement (MTM), Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST)
8. Ergonomics
Introduction, areas of study under ergonomics, system approach to ergonomics model,
man-machine system. Components of man-machine system and their functions – work
capabilities of industrial workers, Workstation design.
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804h
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
Introduction to SI and DI engines, Engine operating characteristics, Ideal cycle analysis Disassembly and
assembly of engines, Combustion and thermochemistry, Kinetics, equilibrium and dissociation, Gas
properties and fuel - air cycle; cycle simulation, Mixture preparation in SI engines, Intake and exhaust
processes, SI engine combustion, SI engine emissions
Part B
Engine performance and emissions measurements, SI engine emissions, SI engine emissions control,
Emission measurements, Diesel engine characteristics, Diesel engine: injection, ignition and combustion,
Diesel engine emissions and control, Engine heat transfer, Engine friction and tribology, Turbocharging,
Hydrogen, fuel cell and battery
Bio fuels and hybrids
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804i
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Objectives
Course Outcomes
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
1. Introductory lecture: review of Linear Finite Element Methods. (1 lecture)
Part B
10. Linearization of constitutive equations to be used in weak forms (2 lecture)
13. Geometric and material stiffness matrices – discussion on rank, deficiency and
implementation details. (1 lecture)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code MEC804j
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each or
five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having three
questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from each part.
Part A
3. Inclusions: Eshelby solution to inclusion in an elastic solid; solution for ellipsoidal shapes;
Ellipsoidal inhomogeneities; Energetics of inclusions and inhomogeneities
Part B
6. Cracks
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Course Code HSMC801
Course Credits 4
Course Assessment
● Continuous 50 (Sessionals, Assignments, Quizzes)
● End of Semester 50 (University Examination)
Course Prerequisites
Note - The examiner will set seven questions of equal marks. The first question, which is
compulsory, will cover the entire syllabus, having ten conceptual questions of one mark each
or five questions of two marks each. Rest of the paper will be divided into two parts having
three questions each and the candidate is required to attempt at least two questions from
each part.
Part A
1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Concept of Entrepreneurship, Characteristics and Functions of Entrepreneur
Forms of Ownership of Business, Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
Case Studies of Entrepreneurs (8 hours)
2. Women Entrepreneurship
Nature of Women Entrepreneurship, Problems of Women Entrepreneurs, Institutional
Initiatives for Promotion of Women Entrepreneurs (4 hours)
Concept of MSMEs, Schemes of MSMEs
Functions of Entrepreneurial Development Programmes (EDPs) (3 hours)
4. Project Identification
Idea Generation, Project Life Cycle, Concept of SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis of Selected Project (3 hours)
Part B
6. Project Report
Formulation of Business Plan and Project Report, Hypothetical Example of a
Real-Life Project (4 hours)
Title Author Publisher
Title Author Publisher
Roy Oxford University Press