Legal Sityvebi
Legal Sityvebi
Legal Sityvebi
• lawyer- იურისტი
• attorney- ადვოკატი (In USA) {ზოგადი}
There are two types of lawyer who practise in England. They are called
barristers and solicitors. In the USA and most other countries a lawyer is
simply known as an attorney at law, or an attorney.
• qualified- კვალიფიცირებული
• litigation- სამართალწარმოება
• right of audience- აუდიტორიის უფლება
• practise- პრაქტიკა, ვარჯიში
• judge- მოსამართლე
• legal practice- სამართლებრივი პრაქტიკა
• advocacy- ადვოკატირება
• appear- გამოჩენა
• barristers- ადვოკატთა
• training contract- სასწავლო ხელშეკრულება
• partnership- პარტნიორობა
• pleading a case- საქმის აღძვრა
• solicitors- ადვოკატების
Most law students in England become solicitors. When they finish their
university studies they do a one year legal practice course and then a two-year
training contract with a law firm. After that, they are qualified solicitors. each
solicitor usually chooses to specialise in one particular area. They represent
their clients both in and out of court.
• law firm- იურიდიული ფირმა
• acting for- მოქმედი (საქმის წარმართვა სასამართლოზე)
• represent- წარმოდგენს
• specialise- სპეციალიზაცია
• clients- კლიენტები
• Claim- სარჩელი (filling a claim, issuing a claim, starting proceedings)
• Claimant- მოსარჩელე (plaintiff until 1999 in UK but In USA they still use it)
criminal law - the law that punishes acts against a person or against property
that people consider to be harmful to the whole community. The state
prosecutes criminals.
civil law - the law concerning the rights and duties of private individuals and
companies rather than criminal matters.
a matter - a subject or situation, e.g. a criminal matter, a civil matter.
a will - a legal document in which a person gives details of what they want to
happen to their property after their death.
to steal (stole) - to take something that belongs to someone else with the
intention of keeping it.
to be in dispute - to have a serious disagreement with another person.
(დავაში ყოფნა)
a party to a court case - the claimant or the defendant.
to owe money to someone - to have to pay someone for something that they
have done for you or given to you.
legal costs - the court fees and payment for the lawyer who is acting for you.
a procedure - a decided way of doing something.
to prosecute - to take legal action against someone in the criminal court.
Key vocabulary
• law of tort- სამართალდარღვევის კანონი
• injured person- დაშავებული პირი
• allegations- ბრალდებები
• carelessness- გაუფრთხილებლობა
• committed- ჩადენილი
• negligence- დაუდევრობა
• tort- სამართალდარღვევა
• to sue- ჩივილი
• no win-no fee- თუ გამარჯვება არა გადასახადიც არა
• damages- ზიანის ანაზღაურება (კომპეტენცია)
• grounds- საფუძველი
• breach- დარღვევა
• deliberately- განძრახ
• compensation- კომპესაცია
• drafting- შედგენა
• based in- the place where you live or do most of your work.
to write a contract
Bad collocation: to respect a contract
to infringe a contract
Collocation bank
to draft a contract
to honour a contract
to breach a contract
to qualify as a lawyer
to act for a client
to sit as a judge
to gain some experience
to issue a claim
to take an exam
to make a will
a breach of contract
to be made redundant
to pass information
to suffer a loss
to set up a business
to run a business
to draft an agreement
to claim damages
Preposition bank
an attorney at law
‘My daughter is an attorney at law in Atlanta.’
to work on something
‘I’m currently working on a merger agreement.’
to send a cheque for an amount of money
‘Please send a cheque for £2000.’
subject to something
‘The goods are for sale at this price subject to availability.’
to be known as something
‘They are known as barristers.’
to qualify as something
‘She qualified as a lawyer two years ago.’
to go into partnership with someone
‘He is going to go into partnership with his brother.’
to specialise in something
‘Tom specialises in commercial litigation.’
to work in a business
‘He works in a law firm but she works in a bank.’
to preside over a case
‘The insurance case has started and Judge Mortimer is presiding over it.’
to import goods from another country
‘She imported her car from Belgium.’
to import goods into a country
‘She imported her car into England.’
to take care over/with something
‘Please take care over/with that document because it is very important.’
to deal with something or someone
‘Could you please deal with Mr Jones for me as I am busy this morning?’
to pass information between two people or among a group of people
‘Once the confidential information had passed between the two of them, it
was known among the whole group in the office in just a few days.’
to be married to someone
‘She has been married to Peter for seven years.’
to be on full pay
‘The company suspended him from work on full pay.’