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Positive Learning Environments 1st

Edition John De Nobile

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Come, we will go and see how calm he looks in his majestic repose;”
and, without waiting for a reply, he drew her in through the heavily-
wrought curtains to the large, dimly-illumined apartment, where rested
a metal burial-case which contained all that was earthly of the gray-
haired chief, known as Morrillo, the bandit’s pride, there in the gloomy
fortress, and as Claudius Etheredge in the brilliant Roman home. But
none who met him at the brave display of chivalry, or in the more
courtly halls of etiquette, dreamed their haughty yet affable host was
the famous Morrillo, whom they feared and dreaded.
“He was my own dear friend,” Arabel said, in a low voice. “How will
you bury him?” she added, quickly, thinking of her own parents.
A mournful smile lighted Claud’s beautiful face for a moment as he
replied, “Tonight the carriage will come from Etheredge Hall, and
tomorrow he will be buried in state from our royal home. I shall be chief
mourner, sole mourner as to that part, except a few fawning relatives,
who know nothing of the dead, except that he is reputed to leave a
princely fortune;” and a darkly bitter smile crossed the young Italian’s
face. “I hate such detestable hypocrisy,” he said, “but my father always
had it to bear, and I must take his place in everything. So help me,
father!” and he bowed his head, and laid his hand on the cold, damp
Arabel was startled, alarmed, terrified, at his strange words. “How
can he go to Etheredge Hall?” she said, “Lord Etheredge is away, and
does not expect to return for thirty days, at least.”
“How know you?” exclaimed Claud, earnestly.
“My Uncle Fay Ortono, who married Lady Emelie Etheredge, half
sister to the noble lord,” was the reply.
“Then they are not your relatives,” he said. “But tell me, Bel, if you
can keep a secret.”
She nodded, silently and wonderingly.
“What is my name?” he asked.
“Claud Morrillo,” said Arabel, proudly.
Claud smiled sadly, and said, “Yes, to you I am; but I have two
names. Now, mind what I say, Arabel,” he said, sternly grasping her
arm; “my father and Lord Etheredge are one and the same person,
and I am now to take his title, and be Lord Etheredge in his stead. But,
by the acquaintance we have had with each other, Arabel Ortono, and
by the remembrance of our many meetings here, I warn you to tell no
one of what I have said tonight.”
Then tearfully they parted, that warm, soft night; Arabel to weep
until slumber closed her weary lids, and brought gay visions of future
happiness; Claud to return to the fortress, arrange his father’s
business, snatch a single hour of deep, unrefreshing repose, and, as
the bell on the high tower rung out the mystic midnight hour of twelve,
to see his father’s form placed in his own private carriage and whirl
rapidly away, drawn by his own splendidly caparisoned horses.
As morning dawned, Claud left the fortress in the care of the
banditti, and went in a disguised conveyance to his home in Rome,
and spent half the hours of that long day in pacing up and down the
gorgeous rooms. Friends called, but he steadily refused himself to
them; relatives arrived, but he kept from them in scorn. At last another
guest was announced. It was Fay Ortono, Lady Emelie and Luella
having accompanied him to the burial. Deeply and truly did they
sympathize with the young lord, and he appreciated their
disinterestedness; for were they not Arabel’s nearest friends; and
might he not, through them, become better acquainted with her?
At sunset, that night, Lord Etheredge was buried. Waxen tapers
were lit in the damp tomb, and heavy, mellow-toned bells tolled out the
last requiem of departed worth.
“He is not an infidel!” murmured Arabel, joyfully. “Mother in heaven!
Claud is good; for he believes, and the monks have said mass for
Another half-year went by with magic rapidity. Again came the
luscious harvest-time, and again the girls were needed more than ever
at the vineyard, when death came again; and this time, O terror, Uncle
Fay was called. The girls worked nobly, so said Lady Emelie; they
should be rewarded for it, and so they were; but when winter came,
they could stay no longer, and, by Claud’s invitation, they went
together to the fortress, and determined to make it, for a short time,
their home. There was but one female there at the time, and she was
the most silent of her famously loquacious sex. The girls lived very
pleasantly together, sometimes for whole weeks seeing no one
besides themselves, and again having company every day, when
Claud was about. But all this time Luella was fading. Her breath came
quick and painful, her pale cheeks wore a bright flush, and her firm
step faltered. Claud was first to make the sad discovery. He had been
away on a cruise, and, upon his return, had taken the fortress for his
home once more.
“You shall have all the physicians in Venice,” said the silent
housekeeper, as she saw how sick the girl was growing, “and the best
nurse in all Italy, rather than die so young.”
But it all availed nothing; she was dying. Aunt Emelie rode over in
her own beautiful carriage to take her back to the vineyard, but she did
not go. All the long winter she looked from the high, arched windows,
and when the warm spring air stole in through the rich, soft curtains,
the light reburned in her eyes, and she felt her strength returning. Then
they thought she would soon be well, and even she herself was for a
short time deceived.
But another subject was now uppermost in their minds. Christa
was to leave them for the vinter’s home. She was married in the dim
old cathedral, and a long train of attendants swept gaily out, for it was
grand to be married beneath the roof-tree of the young Lord
Etheredge, no one but Arabel knowing that the fortress was the
bandit’s hiding-place, and she, like a discreet girl, kept her own
counsel, and allowed them all to live in blissful ignorance.
Then Arabel was wedded, too, with lilies in her jeweled bouquet-
holder, and knots of pearls in her long golden brown curls; with a long
embroidered veil floating round her slight form, and her heavy blonde
sleeves caught up with pearls upon the shoulders of her satin spencer.
Luella kissed her tenderly, as a mother would a happy child, then
passed her hands over her smooth, dancing curls, and smiled to see
them roll up again.
“I know I look pretty, Lu,” Arabel said; “for when we stood together
by the statues, just now, Claud said, Luella was a perfect
representation of pride perfectly subdued; but Bel was a Diana when
moving, and a Madonna when still.”
Luella only smiled at her sister’s words. She knew Arabel was not
vain, and she had no fears for the future when her easy-chair was
placed in the large cathedral to witness the brilliant bridal. “Have I no
sister now?” she asked, half sadly, half playfully, as Arabel danced by
her, all radiant in her glorious beauty.
“Certainly,” answered a manly voice beside her; “she does not love
the old friend less, but loves the new one more.”
Luella turned quickly, and met a pair of searching blue eyes fixed
upon her beautiful face. “I beg pardon, lady,” said the man, in a slightly
confused tone, “I thought I was a stranger here, but I believe we have
met before.”
“It may be,” said Luella, thoughtfully; “your voice is familiar, but
your looks I have forgotton.” Then suddenly remembering herself, she
added, “Were you ever at Orton Village vineyard?”
The puzzled look left his face, as he replied, “So we are not
entirely unacquainted. May I ask how you succeeded in the work you
was engaged in when we last met?”
“Very well,” was her reply; “even better than I expected.”
“Then you are Lady Ortono?” he persisted.
“Yes; that is, I am recorded so. But I choose to be called by my
own simple name. I am only unwilling to believe that might makes
“You do not mean to say it was from entirely disinterested motives
that you strove so hard for the name of Ortono?” said the stranger,
wonderingly. “You had the property restored, had you not?”
“No, Mons. Jerold,” she replied; “I have no wealth, no honor, no
family. I honor you and your band, for your steady attachment to each
other. I could wish that the business you follow was more lawful, and
the firmness you evince was in a better cause. Adieu, Mons. Jerold;”
and, with a pleasant smile, and a graceful wave of her thin, white hand,
she glided away, leaving the bandit captain laughing at his own
inquisitiveness, and vexed that he could not be an equal with the fair
girl, who had only her own native pride to support the high position she
had taken.
All those long, warm days, Luella had been lingering like a spirit,
only half confined to earth; and now the hectic flush burned deeper,
and her eyes flashed with renewed brilliancy; the blue veins, like a net-
work of azure threads, were traced on her pure brow, and her hands
grew more transparent every day.
With the best medical attendance, and the kindest care that could
be procured, she felt that she was soon to pass away, and she often
spoke of death.
“Bury me down by the water’s edge,” she said one night, when
they were watching, from the high windows, the moonlight on the
dancing waves. “Not in the sparkling sand here by the friendly tower,
but away out, where the shadows are long and dark, where the pure
white cliff is rising in the still night, a watcher over the gulf. Then, when
night comes again, I will come back to earth and tell you how I live.”
And, before another moon had waxed and waned, Luella slept the
sleep that knows no waking. And they buried her under the pure chalky
cliff, where she had so often watched the sea-gulls at the approach of
a storm.
Arabel and Christa mourned for their sister, but Claud had just
become interested in the ideas of America as a grand resort. Arabel
was all on the qui vive to go, and, without one regret, with only a
parting farewell for Christa, and an earnest, gentle look at Luella’s
grave, she entered the boat with a light step and a light heart, and
bade adieu to her native land, perhaps forever. When they were far out
at sea, the last object on which her eyes rested was the pure white cliff
under which Luella slept. When they came in sight of land again it was
only a single hour past midnight, but the long, loud cry that rung out
from the stationed watch awakened every sleeper, and called up the
eager and curious to catch the first glimpse of land.
“Where are we now?” Arabel said, as she went upon deck, and felt
the land breeze sweeping around her, and filling the long flapping sails.
“We have reached our destination,” answered Harris, as Claud
directed the sailors to call him, for he felt that it was necessary to have
a new name for every place, to prevent suspicion.
Then fourteen of the crew manned a boat, and went ashore to
make discoveries; they returned at night-fall, having discovered the
place in Saugus known to this day as Pirate’s Glen, and still bearing
the evidence of having been inhabited. The next day there were heavy
black clouds in the horizon, and at night they burst in all their mad fury,
causing the black waves to seethe and boil against the rough rocks in
sight, and frightening Arabel almost away from her senses.
“We shall die, Claud, I know we shall,” she moaned, wearily
grasping the silken covering to the lounge on which she lay. Then she
fainted. Harris remembered a small public house he had seen upon
the beach, and determined that, be the consequences what they
might, he would reach that. The men readily volunteered to
accompany them, and this brings us back to the point where we
started, the night that first gave Wallace an acquaintance with the band
of men that afterward frequented Pirates’ Glen and Dungeon Rock. It
was, perhaps, a week that they spent there, and then returned again to
Italy; not, however, until they had aroused the suspicions of the
settlers, who were on the constant lookout for danger.
A few weeks after their return, a great rebellion arose in Spain.
Claud must go; Arabel dared not,—so she remained at the fortress,
with her own thoughts and the gorgeous works of art for company, and
he started on the wild and perilous adventure. When he returned the
boats were loaded with costly articles that had the indelible Spanish
stamp upon them. These he secreted in the ancient fort. Some were
carried away up to their hiding place in Wales, and others were
retained in Spain. The greater part, however, were brought there, and
to Arabel’s eager, childish questions of where he found them, and what
they were for, he only answered, with a sober smile, “They are all to be
changed into money, Bel, unless you want some of them to wear.”
But he heard flying rumors that he was suspected even there.
“That must not be,” he said, firmly; “for I dread the idea of being known
as a pirate. I cannot, will not, bear it.”
So he packed the goods he had stolen from the imperial Spanish
palace, all the beautiful adornings of the fair young queen,—for it was
she whom Don Jose had called little Cristelle in the first part of our
story,—and hid them in the low vaulted basement. Don Jose had been
the queen’s valet, and Claud took him to be of future use to them in
discovering the secrets concerning their enterprise in Spain. Then he
opened the doors of the ancient tower and fortress; lighted up the long
cathedral, with its dim arches, and quaint oaken carving, and gave his
friends in Rome and Venice a banquet, at which he and his young
bride presided. The rooms were crowded with beauty and fashion;
music floated through the long corridors, and up and down the winding
stairs, covered for the occasion with rich, soft carpets. The night
passed in revelry, and when morning dawned the guests departed
To Arabel it seemed like a fairy dream of beauty, so much life and
joy around; to Claud it was the hollow formalities of hypocrisy. He saw
the eager glances, the suspicious looks, the cautious steps, when they
entered the dim old rooms. He could bear his double part well,
however, and he did. It was not long after this that he carried the most
suspicious goods across the water, and landed them in the then
unbroken solitude of Pirates’ Glen.
By this time the foundery was nearly built. All the men of the place
met there to talk over their affairs, and here it was that Claud, or rather
Harris, used to station a watch, and sometimes he would stay himself
to hear what was said, and direct his own work accordingly.
Arabel had been staying at the Glen several days, and begged that
she might stop still longer,—the woody glade was so wild, and the
distant hills so high. She was not obliged to practice constant
deception there; she would remain a little while; and she did one whole
long day alone, but she was used to solitude.
That night the band was organized; it was to consist of six men,
with Veale for a leader, making seven beside Harris. There was
another such band in Italy; one in Spain, the beautiful land of legends
and romance; one in sunny, pleasant France; and one away in muddy
Wales, where meadows are greener and brighter for the stagnant
water beneath, and the ruinous old castle home of a former feudal lord
was damp and gray with age.
Two days Arabel remained in the glen alone, then Harris came
back from the boat with Don Jose; he appeared almost savage to
Arabel, but he soon learned that she was the leader’s bride, and could
do as she chose.
At this time the first history, that is considered as really authentic, is
commenced. A vessel, afterward known as the phantom ship, was
seen in the waters off Nahant, at or near sunrise. It presented to the
eye a strange optical delusion of a ship resting motionless upon the
water, and another, the exact counterpart of the first, suspended keel
upwards in the air; the masts and rigging of the two apparently
touching each other. It was the pirate ship Arabel, that had come too
far in at high tide, and was therefore obliged to wait until the water rose
again in order to get out to sea.
Don Jose returned to Spain, but his honor was gone, his queen
dethroned, and he himself treated like a traitor on all sides. “I’ll not
have the name without the game, I reckon,” he said, with true Spanish
bitterness; and taking his only living relative, a boy about twelve years
of age, left him by his sister, he joined the banditti as a wanderer, and
not as a resident, determined to wreak his vengeance on the Spanish
The next time the pirates came to America, Don Jose and the boy
both accompanied them. They landed early in the morning, and the
boy Carl took his place in the village as spy. All the long day he
wandered up and down, his quick ear catching every suspicious word,
and at night, while returning to the place fixed upon as the lookout, he
arranged the whole matter in his mind, making an accurate calculation
of how many reliable men the settlement numbered when they would
make their exploration, etc. By the time he had settled it all in his own
thoughts he arrived at “Lookout Hill,” or “High Rock,” as it is now
called. With a light, eager step, he clambered up the rocks, and
reached the firm platform upon the top. Soon he espied a moving
speck far out upon the blue waves, and immediately hoisting the signal
agreed upon, he raised a small glass to his eye, and commenced
scanning the distant object. He was dressed in the Spanish costume of
that day; but there was an oriental richness about it which is now lost
to the world. It looked more like the Turkish apparel of the present
time; the flowing trousers and tunic giving a graceful air to his slender
form, and quick, agile motions; and the whole occurrence gave rise to
the interesting novelette entitled, “The Child of the Sea.”
“What success, Carl?” asked Don Jose, as he came up the long
path from the boat-landing, and clasped the boy in his arms.
“The best, father,” was the reply, “but they are to have a meeting
tonight, which it will be best for some one of us to attend.” He then told
what he had heard through the day, and with his help the father
rehearsed it again to the band.
“I must go,” said Harris, springing up and preparing to leave.
“Why you, Sir Harris?” asked several voices.
“For this reason,” answered Harris, thoughtfully; “Don Jose has just
shown himself incapable of remembering, by being unable to repeat,
Carl’s story; Veal always needs to hear a story twice in order to
comprehend it; and the rest are not interested enough to understand
correctly, or report accurately; therefore I must go, or little Carl,” he
added, turning to the boy, who rose from his reclining posture and
stood beside his commander.
“I am not afraid, signor,” he said, firmly; “but it needs an older head
and truer skill than mine to study the craft of Englishmen.”
“Truly spoken, Carl,” answered Harris; “but you shall take my place
here,” and, pushing aside the heavy sail, he entered a little room
arranged for Arabel’s accommodation, followed by Carl.
“I am going over to the settlement, Bel,” he said “and have brought
you a new valet to entertain you while I am gone; if you like his
appearance, he shall be your page for the future.”
Arabel raised her eyes from the delicate chessboard, on which she
was listlessly arranging the men, and met Carl’s earnest childish gaze
with a pleasant smile. “But why must you go, Harris, there are enough
beside you,” she said, turning to him.
“We are liable to be routed from here at any time,” he replied, “and
I alone can manage the part of spy, and decide when to remove.” And
away he went, leaving Carl established in his new honors.
“I wish that I might die,” said Arabel, passionately, that night, after
she had heard Carl’s story of the great robbery, and listened to his
bewitching recital of the time when the young queen called him her
little page, and he supported her train in passing through the corridor,
or held her fan in the audience chamber. He did not know how
intimately connected his beautiful mistress and brave young
commander were with the robber Morrillo and his powerful band. “I
wish I had died long ago, in the little cottage by the waterside; not
when my mother did; so pure and calm was her spirit, mine would
have looked dark beside it; but, I was wild and thoughtless then.
Methinks I have lived a thousand years since that strange brightness
passed away. Where are you, mother? O, come back to me,—to your
own Arabel!”
Even then there was a raging fever heat in her veins, and a
delirious, wildering look in her dark eyes. Long before the morning
dawned, Harris returned to the Glen. The men noted his mischievous,
glancing smile, more than his stern, commanding look, as he came out
from the thick underbrush, and waved his hand as a signal for them to
“Have you removed and secured all your valuables?” he asked,
“for I have an inkling, from what has been said tonight, that they will
soon be on our track.”
“We have moved them all,” was the reply, “and are now waiting for
you to tell us what shall be done with our Madonna tonight. We might
leave her there, if we were sure Sir Wolf would wed her before
daybreak; but, then, she is a woman, and will be certain sure to do as
she is not wanted to.”
“Hold your peace, Don Jose!” thundered Harris, “or we will know
the reason. I would have you to know that my wife is your queen;” and
there was a slight, mocking emphasis on the words, which brought
back the courage of the abashed Don Jose. “Remember you are
seven in number and one in thought,” added Harris, as he turned to
leave them; “and now go on with your work.”
Then he retraced his steps to the deserted Glen, and knelt by the
couch where Arabel had thrown herself. Her eyes were closed; one
white hand lay above her head, half shaded by the rich fold, of her
satin dress, that looked, with its glittering ornaments, better fitted for a
bridal or a banquet, than for that lonely forest home.
“Mother,” she moaned, faintly, “I am not dying; I shall not die.”
“Arabel,” said Harris, softly.
“I did obey you, mother. I spoke my marriage vows, kneeling by the
altar side,” she went on; “the priest’s white robes swept by us, and the
holy prayers went softly up to God in the twilight.”
“Yes, Bel, we were married in proper order; but don’t stop to talk of
that,” Harris said again. “I want to ask you how much misery you can
Slowly she opened her large dark eyes, and fixed them on his
face. “I can bear all things, for I am strong,” she replied, quoting his
own words on a former occasion.
Harris paused; a momentary shudder passed over him, and he
asked, “Would you not like to be back to Italy?”
“Not yet,” she answered, for she feared the idea of being known
and recognized as the pirate’s bride, and felt that she was not strong
enough to carry out her two parts.
Then he told her how and why they must leave the Glen, pointed
out the slight but perfect trail they had formed, and took his own pocket
compass to show her how she could tell in what direction they each lay
from each other.
The next morning there was no trace of human life at the Glen; but
away across thick, densely-growing wood, and low, slimy swamps,
where the high cliff rose in bold relief against the fiery eastern sky, two
living beings could be seen upon the firm land, where a natural road
wound round the brow of the rocky hill. They were Harris and Carl, the
rest having left some time before, and they were now going to join
them, leaving Arabel alone there in the large chamber which the
earth’s convulsions had formed in the solid rock.
Noon came; the sun was pouring its fiercest rays upon the high hill,
and Arabel wandered to the thick vines with which the open door of the
entrance had been concealed, to catch, if she might, a single breath of
air to cool her throbbing brow. Suddenly, away where the tiny,
trembling needle told her to look for her former abiding place, she saw
a light smoke curling up. Instinctively she trembled with fear, forgetting
that the whole wood might be consumed, and still the sheltering rock
remain uninjured. “I must see what it is,” she said; and, climbing slowly
up the rocks, she reached the top, and proudly, fearlessly looked down
below. Scarcely discernible in the thick shadows she saw a party of
men, armed with flaming torches, creeping cautiously on toward the
Glen. She laughed a wild, ringing laugh, that echoed far and wide; and
for many years the weird-like story of the phantom lady, decked in silks
and jewels, and laughing at those who tried to discover the pirates’
treasures, was told beside the fire, in the long winter evenings, until at
last it was thrown aside as a superstitious falsehood, and now is only
remembered in a few families as a quaint legend of former years.
It was only two short days from then that Harris returned, but Bel
was a spirit. The excitement of those fearful hours had been too much
for her. She drew the downy, silken couch to the side of the spring in
the rock, where the clear water fell from the crevices above, with a
musical tinkle, into a large open basin below, and there, in that silent

“She rested her fair pale face alone

By the cool bright spring in the hallowed stone;”

her jewelled hand supporting her head, crowned with its tiara of velvet
and pearls, her long brown hair floating like a veil over her richly-
wrought dress, and her slippered feet resting on a smooth slab of
Italian marble, which had been brought there to confine the waters in
the spring.
And thus they found her, sleeping calmly, peacefully, her eyes
closed tightly, and her teeth set firmly together. There was a strange
calmness in Harris’ manner, as he pressed his hand upon her cold,
damp brow, and swept back her long spiral curls. Then, with a quick,
excited glance at her firmly closed eyes, he gave rapid orders for a
burial case, such as they always carried with them, to be brought up,
that her body might be placed in it and carried to Italy. As he raised the
inanimate form in his arms, and laid her head upon a cushion of velvet
and eider-down, a paper floated out from the heavy folds of her dress,
and rested on the stones at his feet. He took it up; it was a few verses
of poetry, traced in the delicate Italian penmanship of Arabel’s own
hand. Tears sprang to the almost girlish eyes of the boy, Carl, as he
saw them.
“She was like a sister to you, was she not, Carl?” Harris said,
kindly, laying his hand upon the boy’s head. A deep sigh was his only
answer, and the boy turned away. Then drawing a richly-chased knife
from a wrought case by his side, he lifted one of the long ringlets from
her dress, and turned a beseeching look upon Harris. “You may have
it, Carl,” he answered to the boy’s look; and the bright, polished steel
glanced in among the waving hair, until only the gold tipped haft was
“What will you do with that, signor?” Carl said, pointing to the
paper. Harris glanced over it, and then read aloud:

“Bury me not by the water’s edge,

Away in my dear old home,
Nor in the shade of the pure white cliff,
Where the screaming sea-gulls come.

But away, away, on the high hill’s brow,

Where the dark trees darker wave,
Ye have found for me a stranger home,—
O, give me a stranger grave!”

“I have no one but you to advise me, Carl; now tell me what to do,”
Harris said.
Carl looked out at the glowing western sky, and said: “She will be
better pleased if we will comply with her last request; we will bury her
Harris only smiled at the boy’s reply and he went on: “Will you give
her to the cold earth decked so showily? That brilliant, silken, flattering
dress, and those richly-gleaming pearls, are too earthly for death’s
bridal, are they not?”
“It makes very little difference what the poor frail body wears, Carl,”
Harris answered, mournfully. “We will bury her as she is.”
He did not stop to count the cost of the dress she wore. There
were plenty more of the same kind in the cases. Then he placed her in
the delicately-wrought coffin, only unclasping a single bracelet from her
rigid arm, to be kept as a remembrance of that dark day.
After that the men saw, or imagined, that Harris grew more stern
and changeless in his work, and more thoughtful in his life, than
before. One night, when they were preparing to leave, he said, “The
suspicion of the colony is aroused; we must keep it up.” Then taking a
slip of paper from his portmanteau, he wrote an order upon it and read
it aloud. It was for a certain amount of handcuffs, hatchets and chains,
to be left at a specified place in the wood, where a quantity of silver, to
their full value, would be found in their stead.
“Which of you will lay this beside the central forge in the foundery
tonight?” he asked, carelessly.
The men drew back, and an involuntary shudder appeared to pass
from one to the other. Is was the first time such a subject had been
broached. Force had never been used with them, and they apparently
dreaded the thought of it.
“Stand up, my brave men,” said Harris, bitterly; “let me see how
many cowards our crew numbers.”
Instantly, as though struck by an electric shock, the eight powerful
men rose to their feet, and eight strong right hands grasped the sword-
hilts by their sides.
Carl’s dark blue eyes looked trustfully into his commander’s face,
and he said, “Signor, the Madonna looks at you from the bright skies;
think you she would not mourn to hear you call the men, that have
served you so long and well, cowards?”
“True, Carl; I was angry and unreasonable. Your girlish manliness
makes me ashamed of myself,” answered Harris; “but I do not like to
give up the idea of frightening the colonists. They saw our little sailer
last night and yester morn, and will be on the lookout for her again.
Here, Roland, I know you are not afraid; take the order, and, to reward
you for going, I promise that the manacles shall never be used on
Then three cheers for little Carl rung out upon the air, and he lifted
the velvet cap from his dark flowing hair, and bowed low to
acknowledge the compliment.
Soon after this, Harris returned to Italy, and Don Jose became
commander of a clipper of his own, Carl accompanying him. After
Harris had arranged his affairs in Italy, so that they no longer needed
his presence, he entirely abandoned the idea of a home on the firm
land, and roamed about wherever fancy dictated or news called him.
Upon going to their hiding-place in Wales, at one time, he saw a girl,
habited in the common dress of Welsh peasants, half sitting, half
kneeling, by the roadside, making wreathes and bouquets from a
collection of flowers beside her, and placing them in a basket on fresh
green leaves.
“Buy flowers, sir? buy flowers?” she asked, as he came up.
“Yes,” was the reply, “take all you have; and come with me. I have
no way to carry them without your basket,—come.”
“Pay, sir?” she said, looking into his face with a roguish, merry
smile, making her black eyes dance, and showing her white even
Harris laughed, threw a bit of money towards her, and walked on.
She gathered up her treasures and followed. They entered the castle,
and every man drank to the health of the pretty flower-girl. She drew
back, trembling, and tried to run away. Harris stopped her, and led her
to a low seat where the sunlight looked in, bidding her go on with her
work, and when that was finished he had plenty more for her to do.
She laughed and pouted, and at last went to work again.
After that she was often at the castle, and at last she too embarked
on the waters, to find a home in the new country. There was a dark
rumor afloat, at the time, of force used to make the wild Cathrin go with
the pirate band; but it was soon forgotton.
After this there were more regular rules observed; only the seven
regular members staying at the Glen and rock, and sometimes only
five. Cathrin was given over to Veale, but why it was that she never
saw any more of Harris she did not know.
One morning the Arabel shot out of the snug little harbor of Lynn,
with all sail set, the whole crew on board, and all their hidden treasures
left in the sole care of Cathrin and the magic rattlesnake. But there was
trouble brewing. Even then one of the king’s cruiser’s was out upon the
watch for the little outlandish craft. They were well matched as to
sailing, but the Britisher’s broadside soon swept away the fore-topmast
of the Arabel. Then she was boarded, a hand-to-hand encounter
ensued, and the pirates, instead of being subdued, triumphed, and
took the others prisoners. This of course, was a flagrant, never-to-be-
forgotton offence; but they kept on their way rejoicing, and at last met
Harris at Wales.
“Where is the little flower-girl?” he asked, as they sat discussing
their business over the flowing wine.
The men looked surprised, and Veale answered, “She is in the
cave, your honor.”
“At the cave!” repeated Harris. “Why! was she willing to go?”
“I don’t know—that is—I didn’t ask her,” answered Veale,
stammering at the thought of Harris’ displeasure.
“Well,” Harris began, “this is worse than I thought would be laid at
our door just yet. You mean, low, detestable, contemptible wretch!” he
added, almost fiercely, turning to Veale, “do you know what you have
done? actually stolen the only child of fondly-doting parents, and now
trying to excuse yourself. I carried my mistress there, did I? But we
were married first—married by the rites of a church she loved and
revered; besides which, she left neither parents nor friends to mourn
for her, and went because she wished to. I will return with you, Veale,”
he continued, after a pause, “and bring the birdling back.”
It was long before the Arabel again reached America, and when, at
dead of night, the pirates landed and made their way to the Glen, they
were unnoticed, for the colonists had grown weary with watching, and
given up in despair.
“Will you go home with me, Katy?” Harris said kindly, the next
morning, as they reached the rock and commenced partaking of the
provisions which the nimble fingers set before them.
Tears came to her dancing black eyes, and she answered, firmly, “I
am afraid to go, sir. Can you not bring my mother here?”
Harris smiled, as he asked, “How old are you, Cathrin?”
“Eighteen summers and nineteen winters, sir,” she replied, looking
at him from under her long lashes.
“Indeed!” said Harris, in surprise; “you look less than that.”
A frightened, half-angry look passed her face, as she heard from
the furthest end of the cave the heavy voice of Veale swearing at one
of the men.
“You are not used to profanity, poor child!” he continued, but she
did not reply.
Soon after that another scene came up. Veale had been drinking
hard all day, and at night was fairly intoxicated. As Cathrin came into
the cave, her head crowned with evergreen, and her hands full of
flowers, she heard the merry, musical laugh, which she well knew
came from none but Harris, immediately followed by a volley of oaths,
such as she seldom heard.
“I can drink wine and not suffer for it in that style,” he said, “and
why cannot you? Come, get up, now, or by the powers, I will run you
through—do you hear?” and he brandished his glittering sword in true
buccaneer style.
Veale was lying upon the floor of the cave, apparently not too
insensible to carry on the joke. Cathrin shrunk trembling away, and
commenced clearing the tea-table. Her presence did not act as a
controlling influence, as Arabel’s had. The men are willing to do
anything in reason for the merry girl, however, and the life she led at
the cave was not altogether intolerable.
Months passed, and a little stranger opened his eyes and claimed
“Who will be thy mother, darling?” Cathrin said, pleasantly, for she
thought she would soon be a spirit. But things were differently ordered.
It was not long before she was out again, at night-fall, watching for the
And now again pictures, darker and more gloomy, arise before our
parti-colored glass.
It was early one bright, autumn morn that Cathrin was kneeling by
the spring, splashing the cool water over the flowers she had gathered,
to keep them fresh, when she heard a low, stifled, wailing cry from the
beautiful couch, where she had left the child. When she reached it,
Veale was walking slowly down the mountain path, and the babe lay
gasping for breath in the sunlight. All the long day did Cathrin chafe the
marble brow and tiny hands of the insensible child, and at night, when
the men returned, she was still holding it in her arms. Harris looked
pityingly upon her, and she laid the little form beside him on the silken
couch. But the bright-eyed stranger’s life had fled. Cathrin was
Again we leave them for a short time, but their crime is not
forgotten. They are watched constantly. At last three of them were out
at sea, the remaining four were traced to the Glen, and there were
taken. Before they reached the vessel that was to convey them to
England one escaped. Of course it was the daring Veale, who spurned
law and order, and defied pursuit. Harris had been in Italy some time
then, and had, therefore, no means of knowing what was going on.
Veale fled to the rock, but he was not pursued again. Cathrin lost her
merry, life-loving heart and pined in solitude. Veale used to light signal
fires upon rocks to wreck vessels along the coast, and only when she
saw him lighting his dark lantern, and preparing his flaming pine knots,
could she be won from her silent mournfulness. Then she would talk
hours in her thrilling childish way, and sing to him until her clear voice
filled every part of the cavern, and woke the echoes among the gray
old rocks; for she dreaded the idea of feeling that her very life was in
the keeping of one who would so heedlessly destroy others.
“You will not light the treacherous coys this fearful stormy eve?”
she said, pleadingly. “O, I will sing you all the legends of my Welsh
home, and all the songs Roland has taught me, if you will not go now.”
Sometimes she would prevail, and he would sit by the heavy chest
that served them for a table, and laugh at the brilliant fairy tales she
wove from her memories of the dear old home in Wales.
But Cathrin was dying. Day by day her strength was wasting itself
away, her cheek grew paler and thinner, and now a hectic flush burned
in lieu of her former health. Her eyes grew dull and expressionless,
and, at last, she died, her last song just echoing its burden of victory,
and her last glance fixed upon the blue sky and the gorgeous sunset.
Veale mourned for her as deeply as it was in his power to mourn
for any one, but he dared not bury her; he lived in constant fear that
he, or rather the treasures there, would be molested; so he raised her
in his strong arms and bore her to the inner room of the cave, then
gently laid her on the shelving rocks, flung the soft folds of her India
muslin over her pale face and staring black eyes, and went out from
the cave alone, a sterner and more merciless man.
All this time Wallace had been more or less interested in the
pirates and their work. His noble black horse was often urged over the
uneven road by Harris or himself; but now he took himself away and
denied all further knowledge of the procedure. Veale’s provisions were
exhausted. He dared not take the glittering golden coins to exchange
for bread, so he obtained some cheap work, and determined, for the
sake of occupying his mind, to earn his own food. How long he lived
thus, we do not care to tell, but he gave up his business as wrecker,
now that Wallace refused to assist him, and delivered him half the
profits of their eight months treachery.
Now we have told the history of Dungeon Rock up to the year one
thousand six hundred and fifty-eight, at which time the mortal
pilgrimage of Veale was unceremoniously ended by a terrible
earthquake, which closed the ancient entrance to the cavern, and thus
shut him off from light and life with his dearly-loved treasure, and the
superstition-guarded charm and rattlesnake.
From this time forth Dungeon Rock loses its interest and only a
weird-like fascination hanging round it prevented its being entirely
forgotten. It was years before anything more was done there, until,
about forty years ago, a man residing in the town adjoining the one
where the rock stands became impressed, or, as he styled it, dreamed,
that, by going to a certain place in Dungeon Pasture, he could discover
treasures formerly buried by the pirates. He went, as directed,
exhumed the treasure, and the probability is, had he been left to follow
his own impressions, would have used it to open the rock.
As it was, his nearest relatives took the matter up, hushed the
stories that were getting afloat about the money, accused the man of
insanity, and took the trash into their own hands. This seemed to have
an undue effect upon the mind of the man, whose name was Brown.
He had always been singularly nervous and impressible. When
young he could commit a lesson almost at a glance, and recite it with
perfect accuracy. As he grew older, he became morbid and sensitive;
would sit for hours talking or singing, his face lighted up with a strange
smile, which, when he was aroused from his half trance, would pass
away, and he become cross and peevish as before.
After finding the money in Dungeon Pasture, he dwelt more upon
such things than before, and often expressed a determination to run
away,—a threat which he afterward put into execution, finding there
was no way for him to recover his rightful property. He wandered away
down east, where he spent several years, and occasionally told his
strange story. It was by that that he was again discovered and brought
back to his home, where, by bribes and threats, he was induced to
leave off telling the story. He never could be induced to work; for he
constantly averred that he had enough to make him independent, and,
if they would let him alone, he knew where he could find plenty more.
He has always been supported, however, by those who were said to
have the management of what he found; and, upon the death of his
last near relative, a half brother, he was placed in the Ipswich asylum
for incurable insane people, where he will probably remain until his
The next movement of consequence was years afterward, when
the city of Lynn was said to have footed the bills for any quantity of
ammunition, to be used for the purpose of making a grand attack upon
the obstinate rock, and forcing it to give up its trust. It proved a failure,
and the city never paid the bills either; but, many a quiet night after
that, sober, respectable men laughed at each other about their fast-day
blow. Their object was to fill the principal crevices with powder, and
have them explode in such a manner as would shatter the rock into a

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