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Janzent E. Geronimo1, Louis Andrei Nojadera1, Gian Kert B. Loreno1,

Jervin N. Alburo1
John Howell C. Carbonilla1, and John Melver P. Baciles1
Senior High School, E.C. Bernabe National High School, Philippines
Email ID: [email protected]

Many countries experienced setbacks in terms of education, economy,
and social living and the emergence of the new normal changed the way the
people interact due to COVID-19 pandemic. To mitigate the morbid effects of
the virus, vaccines became the answer to improve the health immunity of the
citizens. The Philippines is one of the countries that pursued COVID-19
vaccination program and the main goal is to achieve herd immunity.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), a locale must have at least
80%-90% fully vaccinated residents to achieve herd immunity. However,
people have opposing views and perceptions regarding the vaccination
program. Some of them are still hesitant to take the vaccines for fear of
experiencing the possible health effects. This study used descriptive-
correlational research to describe the respondents and to investigate if there
is a significant difference between their perceptions on COVID-19
vaccination in terms of importance, vaccine brand, health protocols, IATF
rules, and possible effects in health, and herd immunity when they are
grouped according to their demographic profile. A modified survey-
questionnaire using a 4-point Likert Scale was disseminated to the
respondents via Google Forms. The results show that age, status of
vaccination, occupation, and socio-economic status affect the perceptions of
Bagac residents. It was also evident that the respondents believe that herd
immunity is a key to getting back the normal life, although Bagac has reached
only 68.11% of fully vaccinated residents based on the data from the RHU as
of March 9, 2022.
Keywords: COVID-19 Vaccination, Herd Immunity, New Normal,
Health Protocols, Perceptions

INTRODUCTION communities lacking knowledge on how

The pandemic has changed the lives of the virus can be mitigated. Residents
people in many ways. Challenges in terms belonging to the middle and lower classes
of education, labor, health, and economy have been affected the most by the
emerged and the new normal became an economic downturn. According to World
answer so that the world can live with the Health Organization (WHO), the best way
impact of this global crisis. COVID-19 to achieve the highest chance of surviving
cases are still rising, particularly in this pandemic/ disease is to get vaccinated.
Achieving herd immunity is the greatest achieving herd immunity. COVID-19
thing that one community can accomplish vaccination is one way to mitigate the
to have a safer environment away from the severity of the virus, but implementing it
morbid virus and to go back to the normal worldwide was not easy since people are
ways of living. As defined in [1] Mayo skeptic or have varied perceptions based on
Clinic Website (2021), herd immunity is how they learn about the information on
the term used to say that a large portion of vaccines and the goal of herd immunity.
a community is protected from a disease. Perceptions of individuals play a major role
Like measles, to say that a community has in the decision to vaccinate [4] (Amit, et
reached herd immunity, the percentage of al., 2021). Exposure to misinformation
people vaccinated is above 94% to break through media, social media, and the
the chain transmission of the disease. The community affects the number of people
WHO stated that with the rise of the getting vaccinated, making the rapid cases
COVID-19 virus, a community must reach of COVID-19 inflated. The political issue
80% to 90% of fully vaccinated brings a great impact to vaccine hesitancy
respondents. However, there are people of the people when it comes to choosing
who have opposing views regarding the vaccine brands.
vaccination program and it becomes a In Bagac, Bataan, the local
challenge with the health professionals and government officials and the church use
the government in general to encourage the different strategies to make the residents
citizens to go to vaccine sites and have their convinced to take the vaccine. Some of
shots. There are previous studies that stated those strategies are giving food,
that there are factors affecting vaccination specifically five kilos of rice grains and
uptake including socio-economic with winning raffle prizes like cash and
example of higher education (educational motorcycle as if hitting two birds with one
attainment) and higher income stone. Financial problem also constitutes to
(occupational status) cited from [2] Jain et the negative outcomes of the pandemic
al. (2018), as well as psychological factors crisis in Bagac. With this, laborers are
like perceived risk, susceptibility, and encouraged to take vaccines, as a rule,
severity [3] (Brewer et al., 2007). Some are employees refusing to take the vaccine
concerned that COVID-19 vaccines are not shall be respected with no discrimination.
safe or that potential side effects are not No vaccine, no-work policy is against the
worth the risk; others think the risk of law (Department of Labor and
getting COVID themselves is low. Employment, 2021). The main purpose of
Nevertheless, different countries are this study was to investigate and identify
making effective strategies and giving their the factors associated with Bagac
best in convincing their citizens to take the residents’ perceptions of COVID-19
vaccine. In the USA, they give free vaccination towards herd immunity.
burgers, drinks, vouchers, and many more The researchers diligently aligned the
things for those who take the vaccine. study with the great advocacy of the 17
Negative perceptions about COVID-19 Sustainable Development Goals of the
vaccine are prevalent, such as a lack of United Nations Development Program
knowledge and false information resulting (UNDP) focusing on number 3 (Good
in slower progress in adapting to the new health and well-being) which aims to
normal. provide knowledge about COVID-19
The Philippines has also encountered vaccination and herd immunity. This gives
the problem on vaccine hesitancy, but a successful stage to convey other essential
nowadays, our country is on its way to medical care administrations; number 8

(Decent work and economic growth) which was conducted in Bagac, Bataan. Thirty
gives a safe workplace to the employees (30) individuals who are unvaccinated and
and a safe place for people to make a living; forty (40) individuals who are vaccinated
and 11 (Sustainable cities and against COVID-19 virus were selected as
communities) that aims to protect them the respondents; however, minors were not
against the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic included. Altogether, this gave the
while performing the roles of sustaining the proponents a total of 70 respondents. An
communities through jobs, education, and informed consent was given to them to
economy. fully explain the nature of the conduct of
The general problem of this study is: the study. No names appeared on the data
What are the factors associated with Bagac gathering tool nor in the analysis of data.
residents’ perceptions of COVID-19 A 3-part questionnaire was used to
vaccination towards herd immunity? gather the data. The first part asked about
The researchers aimed to describe the the age, sex, status of vaccination,
respondents based on their demographic occupation, socio-economic status,
profile such as age, sex, status of religion, and comorbidity (if present) of the
vaccination, occupation, socio-economic respondents. The second part measured the
status, religion, and comorbidity. respondents’ perceptions of COVID-19
Furthermore, the study sought to identify if vaccination in terms of importance,
there is no significant difference between vaccine brand, health protocols, IATF rules
Bagac residents’ perceptions of COVID-19 in the community, and possible effects on
vaccination in terms of importance, health. The last part of the questionnaire
vaccine brand, health protocols, IATF rules measures the common perceptions of the
in the community, and possible effects on respondents about herd immunity. All
health, as well as their perceptions towards items were answerable using a 4-point
herd immunity when they are grouped Likert scale format ranging from “1”
according to profile. strongly disagree to “4” strongly agree.
The following scale was used to interpret
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the data: 1.00-1.74 = Strongly Disagree
The researchers used Quantitative (SD), 1.75-2.49 = Disagree (D), 2.50-3.24
study because it deals with mathematical = Agree (A), and 3.25-4.00 = Strongly
data. According to [5] Bhasin (2020), its Agree (SA).
goal is to apply mathematical theories in Most of the statement indicators were
reality, an important part of the process is lifted and modified from the study of [6]
that it connects math with real-world Mohamed, Solehan, Rani, Ithnin, &
observations. The researchers considered Isahak (2021) titled, “Knowledge,
the Independent Variable to Dependent Acceptance, and Perception on COVID-
Variable conceptual framework which 19 Vaccine among Malaysians: A Web-
focuses on the study’s descriptive- Based Survey.” Data was collected online
correlational design. Its purpose is to find using Google Form in the last week of
out if there is no significant difference (null March 2022 during the COVID-19
hypothesis) between the respondents’ pandemic. This was when Bagac went to
perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination and alert level 1. The data gathered were
herd immunity when they are grouped analyzed using Mean, Frequency,
according to profile. This framework Percentage, T-test of Assuming Equal
assisted the proponents in producing better Variances, and ANOVA Single Factor.
study findings that would benefit the The result was significant if the p-value
school and the community. The research was less than 0.05.

The researchers made use of purposive to the factors associated with Bagac
sampling technique. Purposive sampling is residents’ perceptions of COVID-19
a non-probability sampling technique vaccination towards herd immunity. The
where the researchers will select the researchers made sure that the survey
respondents by giving the judgment for questionnaire did not contain offensive
those who may have the capacity to answer statements.
the given questionnaire for a better result. After gathering all the needed data, the
Utilizing purposive samples can be very researchers arranged and totaled the
convenient in reaching desired samples survey. The results would optimistically
quickly, also proportionality in the sample help the students and teachers about the
is not the main concern. The proponents of basis on the findings of this study.
this study selected 30 unvaccinated The researchers utilized Google Forms
respondents and 40 vaccinated as a tool for the questionnaire, a survey
respondents. Unvaccinated refers to administration software by Google. In
individuals who have not received any dose search of respondents, the link to the
and who only have first dose. Vaccinated Google Forms questionnaire was
refers to those who have second dose and disseminated through Messenger, the most
booster shots. The researchers only convenient online messaging app and via
included respondents who are aged 18-60 E-mail. Google Forms was also used to
years old. track the gathered responses.
For the preliminary step, the After conducting the data gathering,
researchers wrote a letter of permission the retrieved data from the questionnaires
addressed to the school administrator were analyzed and interpreted by the
informing the purpose of the study and researchers. The gathered quantifiable
asking for approval of the conduct of the results from all the instruments used by the
study. Therefore, these papers prepared by researcher were analyzed utilizing the
the researchers helped them while following: Mean, Percentage, Proportion,
conducting their research. Moreover, the T-Test of Assuming equal variances, and
researchers provided a better Analysis of variance (ANOVA) single
understanding about the importance of factor.
getting vaccinated with the support of these The figures are as follow:
Figure 1
The researchers’ gathered studies,
literature, and theories that are valid and The IV-DV Framework of Bagac
can be used as a proof or the aim of the Residents’ Perceptions of COVID-19
researchers with the use of the internet. The Vaccination towards Herd Immunity
author has provided the sources that the
researchers gathered in addition to this
study, which will undoubtedly support the
researchers’ findings. As a result, while the
libraries are closed due to the pandemic,
the researchers will use the internet to find
a reliable source of information.
With the use of this google form
survey questionnaire, the researchers
gathered data and information from 70
respondents. The google form survey
questionnaire contained questions related

RESEARCH FINDINGS unvaccinated residents including children.
In this study, the researchers did not
The tables shown below are the
consider children as part of the inclusion
representations of the processed data that
criteria of selecting the respondents.
were gather and analyzed to come up with
findings responsive to the statement of the
problem. Table 2
Total Number of Respondents Using
Purposive Sampling
Table 1 Respondents Number
Updated Initial Data Count of Vaccinated Unvaccinated Residents 30
and Unvaccinated Residents Including Vaccinated Residents 40
Children by Bagac Rural Health Unit as of
March 9, 2022 TOTAL 70
Barangay Population Vaccinated Unvaccinated
The discrete numbers shown above
Ibaba 1,723 1,583 140
are the numbers of respondents from
Atilano Ricardo 2,881 2,377 504 Bagac, Bataan, dividing them into two
Tabing Ilog 1,322 1,059 263 category “Unvaccinated Residents” and
Bagumbayan 2,047 1,578 469
“Vaccinated Residents” with a total of 70
San Antonio 1,524 1,107 417
Parang 3,424 2,391 1,033
Table 3
Paysawan 802 530 272
Total Number of Respondents Using
Paysawan 802 530 272 Purposive Sampling
Banawang 3,097 2,021 1,076 Groups Frequency Percentage
Binukawan 2,743 1,716 1,018
Saysain 3,304 2,073 1,231
18-27 years old 31 44.28%
Pag-Asa 4,174 2,573 1,601 28-36 years old 10 14.29%
Ibis 2,104 1,148 956 37-45 years old 13 18.57%
Quinawan 621 334 287 46-54 years old 6 8.57%
Binuangan 776 305 471 55-60 years old 10 14.29%
20,795 9,738
TOTAL 30,533 (68.11% ) (including SEX
children) Male 31 44.29%
Female 39 55.71%
The researchers conducted an initial
data gathering of the total population who Vaccinated 40 57.14%
are vaccinated and unvaccinated in Bagac, Unvaccinated 30 42.86%
Bataan. Table 1 shows that the total
number of registered residents is 30,533. OCCUPATION
Student 26 37.14%
The number of vaccinated people is 20,795
Employed 15 21.43%
constituting to a 68.11%, thus, not yet Self-Employed 12 17.14%
achieving herd immunity. Based on the Unemployed 17 24.29%
framework of the World Health
Organization, a country or a community SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS
Below 5,000
must reach the minimum of 80% monthly income 23 32.86%
vaccinated residents to achieve herd 5,000-15,000
immunity. On the last column, it is monthly income 28 40%
indicated that there is a total of 9,738

15,001-25,000 In terms of socio-economic status, 23
monthly income 4 5.71%
or 32.86% of the respondents belong to
monthly income 7 10% range of below 5,000 monthly income; 28
Above 35,000 or 40% refer to those who have 5,000-
monthly income 8 11.43%
15,000 monthly income; 4 or 5.71% are the
RELIGION respondents who have 15,001-25,000
Roman Catholic 63 90% monthly income; 7 or 10% refer to those
Christian/ Born who have 25,001-35,000 monthly income;
Again 5 7.14%
Iglesia ni Cristo and 8 or 11.43% belong to the range of
2 2.86%
above 35,000 monthly income. It shows
COMORBIDITY that the highest number of respondents
Asthma 3 4.29% belong to socio-economic status with a
Heart Disease 5 7.14% range of 5,000-15,000 monthly income.
Hypertension 3 4.29% In terms of religion, 63 or 90% of the
None 59 84.29% respondents are Roman Catholic; 5 or
7.14% are Christian/ Born Again; and 2 or
The results of the table show that 31 or 2.86% are Iglesia ni Cristo. It shows that
44.28% of the respondents are of age 18-27 Roman Catholic, as a religious affiliation,
years old; 10 or 14.29% are of age 28-36 has the highest number of respondents.
years old; 13 or 18.57% are of age 37-45 Lastly, in terms of comorbidity or
years old; 6 or 8.57% are of age 46-54 present illness, 3 or 4.29% of the
years old; and 10 or 14.29% are of 55-60 respondents have asthma; 5 or 7.14% have
years old. The table shows that 18 to 27 heart disease; 3 or 4.29% have
years old has the highest frequency and hypertension; and 59 or 84.29% have no
percentage. It simply means that most of comorbidity. The table reveals that most of
the respondents belong to the young adult the respondents have no present illness. On
age group. the other hand, there are more respondents
In terms of sex, 31 or 44.29% of the who have heart disease than the other
respondents are of male category and 39 or comorbidities.
55.71% belong to female category. It In the study of [6] Mohamed
shows that the female group has the highest (2021), it is stated that the knowledge and
number of respondents. perceptions of the individuals regarding
In terms of status of vaccination, 40 or COVID-19 vary based on their experiences
57.14% of the respondents are vaccinated and based on how they see information
and 30 or 42.86% of the respondents are from the media. There are people with risks
unvaccinated. The researchers considered on health who do not prefer to getting
getting responses from two sides, but since vaccinated in fear that they experience
the data from the RHU reveals that there long-term negative effects, while others
are more vaccinated residents, the consider their livelihood, jobs, and
proponents also purposively selected a education as important for them, that’s why
higher number of vaccinated respondents. they choose to be vaccinated.
In terms of occupation, 26 or 37.14%
of the respondents are students; 15 or
21.43% are currently employed; 12 or
17.14% are self-employed; and 17 or
24.29% are unemployed. The table reveals
that the highest number of respondents are

Table 4 terms of age, sex, status of vaccination
Bagac Respondents’ Perceptions of means if they are vaccinated or
COVID-19 Vaccination unvaccinated, occupation, socio-economic
Groups Mean F/t-val p-val status, religion, and comorbidity or present
On Importance
disease. The respondents’ perceptions of
Age 2.78 9.61 0.005 COVID-19 vaccination are measured
Sex 2.92 -1.29 0.20 through importance, vaccine brand, health
Status of 2.89 -6.43 0.001 protocols, IATF rules in the community,
Occupation 2.78 8.65 0.006 and possible effects on health.
Socio-economic 3.07 4.73 0.002 The results show that when the
status respondents are grouped according to age,
Religion 2.91 1.20 0.31
Comorbidity 2.77 1.16 0.33
there is no significant difference between
their perceptions of vaccination in terms of
On Vaccine brand vaccine brand (p=0.09). However, there is
Age 2.57 7.05 0.09 a significant difference in terms of
Sex 2.7 -0.21 0.83
Status of 2.67 -6.11 0.006 importance (p=0.005), health protocols
vaccination (p=0.004), IATF rules (p=0.04), and
Occupation 2.65 8.65 0.006 possible effects on health (p=0.001). When
Socio-economic 2.65 2.45 0.05
the respondents are grouped according to
Religion 2.83 0.32 0.73 sex, there is no significant difference
Comorbidity 2.78 0.14 0.43 between their perceptions in terms of
importance (p=0.20), vaccine brand
On Health protocols
Age 3.36 4.28 0.004 (p=0.83), health protocols (p=0.29), IATF
Sex 3.47 -1.07 0.29 rules (p=0.09), and possible effects on
Status of 3.44 -5.25 0.002 health (p=0.75). When they are grouped
Occupation 3.43 7.66 0.002
according to status of vaccination, there is
Socio-economic 3.57 2.69 0.03 a significant difference between their
status perceptions in terms of importance
Religion 3.67 0.94 0.40 (p=0.001), vaccine brand (p=0.006), health
Comorbidity 3.36 0.92 0.43
protocols (p=0.002), IATF rules (p=0.004),
On IATF rules in the Community and possible effects on health (p=0.008).
Age 2.73 10.12 0.04 When they are grouped according to
Sex 3.04 -1.71 0.09
Status of 2.98 -10.05 0.004
occupation, there is no significant
Vaccination difference between their perceptions in
Occupation 2.95 15.62 0.009 terms of possible effects in health (p=0.19).
Socio-Economic 3.18 2.18 0.08 However, there is a significant difference
Religion 3.29 1.49 0.23
Comorbidity 2.8 1.46 0.23 in terms of importance (p=0.006), vaccine
brand (p=0.006), health protocols
On Possible effects on Health (p=0.002), and IATF rules (p=0.009).
Age 2.63 5.12 0.001
Sex 2.73 0.32 0.75
When they are grouped according to socio-
Status of 2.7 -3.50 0.008 economic status, there is no significant
vaccination difference between their perceptions in
Occupation 2.7 1.62 0.19 terms of IATF rules (p=0.08) and possible
Socio-Economic 2.82 2.27 0.07
Religion 2.74 0.01 0.99 effects on health (p=0.07). However, there
Comorbidity 2.65 0.77 0.51 is a significant difference in terms of
importance (p=0.002), vaccine brand
Note. The table demonstrates the (p=0.05), and health protocols (p=0.03).
demographic profiles of the respondents in When they are grouped according to

religion, there is no significant difference Socio-Economic 2.94 3.59 0.01
between their perceptions in terms of Status
importance (p=0.31), vaccine brand Religion 2.92 0.43 0.66
(p=0.73), health protocols (p=0.40), IATF
rules (p=0.23), and possible effects on Comorbidity 2.74 1.14 0.34
health (p=0.99). Lastly, when they are
grouped according to comorbidity, there is Note. The table demonstrates the
no significant difference between their demographic profiles of the respondents
perceptions in terms of importance and their perceptions about herd immunity.
(p=0.33), vaccine brand (p=0.43), health The results show that there is a
protocols (p=0.43), IATF rules (p=0.23), significant difference between the
and possible effects on health (p=0.51). respondents’ perceptions about herd
As stated in the website of [7] immunity when they are grouped
Healthwise Staff (2020), getting according to age (p=0.001), status of
vaccinated has at least two reasons why it’s vaccination (p=0.002), occupation
important: giving yourself protection and (p=0.003), and socio-economic status
to those around you. Vaccines are one of (p=0.01). On the other hand, there is no
the best ways to avert the spread of a significant difference between the
contagious/transmittable disease. Every respondents’ perceptions about herd
person’s cooperation is needed for a immunity when they are grouped
successful vaccination program. In according to sex (p=0.54), religion
addition, when vaccination becomes the (p=0.66), and comorbidity (p=0.34). This
topic of the citizens, the study of [8] means that the younger age group, the
Mendoza et al. (2021) indicates that the vaccinated individuals, the students and
dengvaxia controversy negatively affects unemployed people, and those who have
the perceptions of Filipinos in the latest 5,000-15,000 monthly family income
COVID-19 vaccine. There is a significance perceive herd immunity more positively
between the vaccine preferences and than the other respondents.
vaccine uptake/vaccine rejection against In the study of [10] Desai & Majumder
COVID-19. In understanding, COVID-19 (2020), herd immunity can only occur if the
is significantly directed to perceived significant portion of the population is
vulnerability and perceived severity but immune to an infectious disease or virus
perceived vulnerability and perceived that is further spreading.
severity have an indirect effect on the
intentions of individuals to follow DISCUSSIONS
particular rules or protocols [9] Prasetyo et The researchers selected a total of 70
al. (2020). respondents in Bagac, Bataan. In terms of
age, there were 31 or 44.28% of
Table 5 respondents belonging to 18-27 years old;
Bagac Respondents’ Perceptions about 10 or 14.29% belonging to 28-36 years old;
Herd Immunity 13 or 18.57% belonging to 37-45 years old;
Groups Mean F/t-val p-val 6 or 8.57% belonging to 46-54 years old;
Age 2.73 10.12 0.001 and 10 or 14.29% belonging to 55-60 years
Sex 2.84 0.64 0.53 old. In terms of sex/ gender, 31 or 44.29%
Status of 2.81 -5.81 0.002 of the respondents are male and 39 or
Vaccination 55.71% of them are female. In terms of the
Occupation 2.8 5.05 0.003 status of vaccination, 40 or 57.14% are
vaccinated respondents and 30 or 42.86%

are unvaccinated respondents. In terms of effects on health, the overall mean is 2.72
occupation, 26 or 37.14 of the respondents wherein most of the respondents agree that
are students; 15 or 21.43% of them are having short-term health effects is normal
employed; 12 or 17.14% are self- for those who are newly vaccinated,
employed; and 17 or 24.29% are especially that it doesn’t mean the lifespan
unemployed. In terms of socio-economic of a person will be longer after getting fully
status, 23 or 32.86% of the respondents vaccinated.
earn below 5,000 monthly family income; In Herd Immunity, the overall mean is
28 or 40% of them earn 5,000-15,000 2.84 wherein most of the respondents agree
monthly family income; 4 or 5.71% of that herd immunity is the key to taking
them earn 15,001-25,000 monthly family back normal life. They also agree that
income; 7 or 10% of them earn 25,001- unity, discipline, and trust are what we
35,000 monthly family income, and 8 or need to achieve herd immunity besides
11.43% of the respondents earn more than getting vaccinated. The respondents also
35,000 monthly family income. In terms of believe that hat there is progress in
religion, 63 or 90% of the respondents are achieving herd immunity, but even if the
Roman Catholic; 5 or 7.14% of them are community has reached herd immunity, the
Christian/ Born Again; and 2 or 2.86% of new normal will still be in all of our social
them are Iglesia ni Cristo. In terms of activities.
comorbidity or present disease, 3 or 4.29% On Age. There is a significant
of the respondents have asthma; 5 or 7.14% difference between the respondents’
of them have heart disease; 3 or 4.29% of perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination in
them have hypertension; and 59 or 84.29% terms of importance, health protocols,
of them have no comorbidity or present IATF rules in the community, and possible
disease. effects on health when the respondents are
In terms of importance, the overall grouped according to age. There is,
mean is 2.93 wherein most of the however, no significant difference between
respondents agree that getting vaccinated is their perceptions on vaccine brands
important especially for people going according to age. On Sex. There is no
outdoors, for teachers and students, and for statistically significant difference between
laborers/ workers. The overall mean for their perceptions in all the mentioned
vaccine brands is 2.70, with the majority of variables in COVID-19 vaccination. On
respondents agreeing that they prefer Status of Vaccination. There is a
vaccines with a high efficacy rate and significant difference between the
vaccine brands from trusted companies. In respondents’ perceptions of COVID-19
terms of health protocols, the overall mean vaccination in all the mentioned variables
is 3.48 wherein most of the respondents when they are grouped according to status
strongly agree that the health protocols of vaccination. On Occupation. There is a
should be observed, especially the significant difference between the
disinfection of vaccination sites regularly, perceptions of the respondents of COVID-
and the proper disposal of used masks and 19 vaccination in terms of importance,
syringes. In IATF Rules, the overall mean vaccine brands, health protocols, and IATF
is 3.05, indicating that most respondents rules in the community. In contrast, there is
think that vaccines are included in IATF no significant difference as they view the
rules in the community, particularly being possible effects on health when they are
vaccinated before traveling locally and grouped by occupation. On Socio-
internationally, and that vaccination economic Status. There is a significant
improves health immunity. In possible difference between the respondents’

perceptions on importance, vaccine brands, being misinformed about the possible
and health protocols when they are grouped effects of vaccination on their health. The
according to socio-economic status. On the researchers conclude that as long as the
other hand, there is no significant respondents are misinformed, herd
difference in the way they perceive the immunity will not be achieved in such
IATF rules in the community and possible time.
effects on health. On Religion. The results Most of the respondents perceive
show that there is no significant difference vaccination more positively in terms of its
in the respondents’ perceptions of all the importance. Based on the survey
aforementioned variables when they are questionnaire that was conducted, the
grouped according to religion. On respondents perceive that in any social
Comorbidity. There is no significant gathering such as leisure, jobs, or studying
difference in the respondents’ perceptions in school, being vaccinated is a must.
of all the aforementioned variables when Therefore, the importance of vaccination
they are grouped according to comorbidity against COVID-19 is evident among the
or present disease. residents of Bagac, Bataan.
There is a significant difference Some of the respondents perceive
between the perceptions of the respondents vaccination negatively in terms of
about herd immunity when they are importance, health protocols, IATF rules in
grouped according to age, status of the community, and possible effects on
vaccination, and occupation. In contrast, health when the respondents are grouped
there is no significant difference between according to age. The younger respondents
the respondents’ perceptions on herd perceive the indicators more positively
immunity when they are grouped unlike the older respondents. Therefore,
according to sex/ gender, socio-economic age can be a factor that affects the
status, religion, and comorbidity or present perception of a resident.
disease. The status of vaccination, occupation,
and socio-economic status also affect the
CONCLUSION perceptions of the respondents to COVID-
In the light of the findings of the study, 19 vaccination. The aforementioned
the researchers arrived at the following demographics are pieces of evidence that
conclusions: the vaccination program has not yet
The researchers gathered an initial data reached the maximum information
from the Rural Health Unit (RHU) of dissemination process.
Bagac, Bataan regarding the total number Bagac citizens prefer a vaccination site
of vaccinated and unvaccinated to be disinfected and proper disposal of
respondents (including children in the total face masks and syringes. This concludes
population). Based on the World Health that a safer environment is a factor for
Organization, a locale must have at least Bagac residents to be vaccinated.
80% to 90% vaccinated residents to On health protocols, even though
achieve herd immunity. As of March 9, wearing a face shield got the lowest score
2022, Bagac has reached 68.11% of fully among the indicators, the respondents still
vaccinated residents. Therefore, Bagac has agree that wearing a face shield in
not yet achieved herd immunity. vaccination sites must be observed at all
Although most of the residents in times. Therefore, wearing a face shield is
Bagac, Bataan are fully vaccinated, there is still necessary as perceived by the
still the presence of vaccine hesitancy respondents.
among other residents. This can be due to

The researchers discovered that one of organizations should tap other individuals/
the reasons why there are still unvaccinated civilians to be volunteers in strengthening
residents in Bagac is that they are still the COVID-19 vaccination program. This
looking for a brand that has high efficacy. will encourage other people to participate
Therefore, the researchers concluded that with the activities that target their health
the company and brand of COVID-19 statuses and this will also lead to a more
vaccine are very essential in choosing unified community.
whether they will get the vaccine or not. The youth must help expand the
In support of number 8, Bagac citizens understanding of the respondents on why it
prefer a higher vaccine efficacy rate and is important and necessary to get
vaccines from trusted companies. With vaccinated; what side effects will be
this, the researchers conclude and classify experienced after vaccination; why they
the potential of this issue as a gap in this must follow the health protocols; and why
research. the IATF rules in the community must be
The researchers also discovered that taken into consideration.
even though Bagac residents believe that The status of vaccination, occupation,
herd immunity is the key to resuming and socio-economic status of the
regular living, COVID-19’s impact would unvaccinated residents must undergo
continue to affect our daily lives. assessment mapping that can help in
improving the vaccination program in
Recommendations Bagac, Bataan and provide more data
On the basis of findings and needed by the RHU and other authorized
conclusions made, the researchers propose health organizations.
the following recommendations: Since social media is very accessible
The Rural Health Unit (RHU) of by most of the individuals these days, the
Bagac, along with the Local Government LGU should post a video of an actual
Unit (LGU), must provide community- regular disinfection featuring the sufficient
based activities in strengthening the equipment for the cleanliness of the
vaccination program against COVID-19 in vaccination sites and the trash bins used for
order to encourage other residents to be proper disposal of wastes. In this way,
vaccinated without any hesitance or with Bagac resident viewers will see the onset of
proper protocols. In this way, herd vaccination site protocols that contributes
immunity can be achieved in such time. to their perception to take the vaccine.
Misinformation about COVID-19 The researchers recommend to ease
vaccination is rampant especially in social health protocols regarding usage of face
media and this affects the perceptions of shields. Instead of using face shields, focus
the upper age group in a way that makes more on observing social distancing in the
them distrust vaccines. In this case, health vaccination site.
professionals should organize seminars, The RHU of Bagac, as well as the
webinars, and social media campaigns that LGU, should conduct a free lecture about
will mitigate the misinformation of the the information on the different brands of
COVID-19 vaccination program. This will COVID-19 vaccine available in this locale.
be helpful to all of the residents who still Providing a free discussion on this topic
have doubts about the efficacy of the will help the unvaccinated residents to be
vaccines. knowledgeable and to have their own
Since the importance of vaccination is decision in choosing the vaccine brands
evident among most of the residents in they prefer and eventually get their shot in
Bagac, Bataan, health professionals or

order to achieve herd immunity in Bagac, perception and health behavior:
Bataan. the example of vaccination.
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