Fall 2022 Parent Letter - English I
Fall 2022 Parent Letter - English I
Fall 2022 Parent Letter - English I
I would like to welcome you and your child to English I LEAP 2025. I am truly looking forward to a challenging and
rewarding semester helping your child grow and succeed in all strands of language arts.
Rules Consequences
Respect everyone and everything in the classroom at ALL times. 1 offense- verbal/non-verbal warning
Be on time: Students should be seated and ready to begin before the 2nd offense- verbal warning with teacher conference
bell rings.
Be prepared: Bring all books and materials to class daily. 3rd offense- lunch detention and parent contact
Follow directions the first time they are given. 4th offense- office referral
No cell phones should be used during class. Severe clause- immediate referral to office
We also believe that students should be rewarded for positive behavior, improvement, and achievement. In addition to
frequent praise, I will also reward students for using appropriate behavior in the classroom. Working together, we can
enable your child to have an exciting and successful school year!
Classroom Supplies
Students will need the following supplies by Friday, August 12, 2022.
Chromebook (provided by the district)
1 binder for class work
binder dividers
loose leaf paper
blue or black ink pens
highlighters: blue, green, yellow, and pink
sticky notes
Google Classroom
Most student assignments will be posted into Google Classroom. If students have questions, they can reach out to me via
email or Google Classroom. For more information about how to use Google Classroom or how it is set up, please visit my
teacher webpage.
Quarantine Information
If a student is required to quarantine for any length of time, he or she must email (mryan@stcharles.k12.la.us) the teacher
or send a message on Google Classroom in order to best help keep the student on track with the class. The student will
need to check Google Classroom for assignments and are encouraged to email or message for any assistance he or she
needs. Although there will be a time extension granted due to absence, it will be the responsibility of the student to make
up any missed assignments.
The grading policy is comprised of several elements, including:
Formative Assessments 40%
(quizzes, homework, participation, class work, warm-up, closure, etc.)
Summative Assessments 60%
(tests, projects, writing tasks, formal discussions, LEAP 2025 etc.)
**Please note: Students will not take a Midterm or Final exam in this course.
Academic Honesty
Any assessment a student completes in the course is expected to be a student’s original work. This applies to homework,
classwork, tests/quizzes, writing assignments, projects, etc. Students may not work with other students on these
assignments unless specifically directed to do so by the teacher. Students should only use resources provided or directed
to by the teacher. Please see the Academic Integrity Policy handout for more information.
Students are encouraged to work on any outstanding assignments that will benefit their grade. If a student fails to turn in
an assignment when it is due, there will be a daily cumulative penalty enforced. It is class policy that students lose 5% of
the total assignment grade per day the assignment is late.
For more information regarding the units and texts, please visit the Louisiana Curriculum Hub website:
https://louisianacurriculumhub.com/grade-9 as well as the Louisiana Department of Education website:
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks in advance for your cooperation this
Mandy Ryan
(985) 764-9946
Please sign and return this portion of the letter to acknowledge that you have read and understand the
expectations and course requirements outlined above.
____________________________________ ____________
Student Signature Date
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Parent Signature Date
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Email Address Contact Number