0161 Quality Construction

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0161 Quality (Construction)



General: Establish, implement and maintain a quality management system (QMS) that
provides confidence to the Principal of the following:
- The product specified can be produced.
- Critical processes are under control.
- Product performance has been confirmed.
Requirements: [complete/delete]
Designer: [complete/delete]
Authority requirements: [complete/delete]
- Requirement: Conform to the following:
- 0136 General requirements (Construction).
- 0152 Schedule of rates – supply projects.
The following documents are incorporated into this worksection by reference:
AS 1289 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
AS 1289.1.4.1-1998 Sampling and preparation of soils-Selection of sampling
or test sites-Random number method
AS/NZS ISO 9000: 2006 Quality management systems-Fundamentals and vocabulary
AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2008 Quality management systems-Requirements
AS/NZS ISO 10005: 2006 Quality management systems-Guidelines for quality plans
AS ISO 10013: 2003 Guidelines for quality management system documentation
AS/NZS ISO 19011: 2003 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management
systems auditing
Standard: To AS/NZS ISO 9001.
General: For the purposes of this worksection the following abbreviations apply:
- CAR: Corrective Action Request.
- ITP: Inspection and Test Plan.
- NATA: National Association of Testing Authorities.
- NCR: Nonconformance Report.
- NNC: Notice of Nonconformance.
- QAR: Quality Assurance Representative (Principal).
- QMR: Quality Management Representative (Contractor).
- QMS: Quality Management System.
- WAE: Work-as-executed.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

For the purpose of this worksection, the definitions given in AS/NZS ISO 9000 and the
following apply:
- Certification: A written assertion of facts.
- Corrective action request: A formal advice/instruction from the Superintendent requesting
action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or other undesirable situation. Unless
specifically noted, it will not require raising of an NCR.
- Disposition: Action taken to resolve nonconformance. (Lot Specific)
- Hold Point: A defined position during the Contract beyond which work can not proceed without
mandatory verification and acceptance by the Superintendent. The issue of an NCR or a NNC
automatically creates a Hold Point.
- Inspection and test plan: The working document which identifies the specific inspections and
tests to be carried out for works required by the Contract.
- Lot: Any part of the works which has been constructed/manufactured under a continuous
operation of uniform conditions and is essentially homogeneous with respect to material and
general appearance. The whole of the work included in a lot of a uniform quality without
obvious changes in attribute values.
- Nonconformance report: A mandatory (standard format) report submitted by the Contractor that
details the nonconforming work and the Contractor’s proposed disposition of the
- Notice of nonconformance: Formal instruction from the Superintendent regarding product
nonconformance from documented requirements. It automatically creates a Hold Point and
requires an NCR from the Contractor.
- Performance audit (Process audit, Technical procedure audit, Methods audit): An examination
to evaluate whether established methods and procedures are being adhered to in practice.
- Product: The result of a set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into
- Product audit (Conformance audit, Service audit): An assessment of the conformity of the
product with the specified technical requirements.
- Qualified surveyor: A surveyor who is eligible for membership of the Spatial Sciences Institute
as a certified engineering surveyor.
- Quality assurance representative (QAR): Appointed by the Principal for a specific project and
responsible for the auditing, review and surveillance of procedures and documentation required
by the Contractor’s approved Quality Plan.
- Quality check lists: Forms completed during the manufacture/construction process verifying key
steps, and records required for the quality register. Check lists apply to each identified lot of
- Quality management representative (QMR): Also known as Project quality representative,
appointed by the Contractor for a specific project with the authority and responsibility for the
implementation and operation of the Quality Plan, to ensure that QMS requirements are not
subordinated to design and productivity.
- Quality register: The files containing all quality control records such as test results, completed
check lists, certificates of compliance, consignment dockets for materials procured.
- Quality management system: The organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures,
processes and resources for implementing quality management.
- Quality management system requirements: The administrative activities affecting quality that
need to be implemented and controlled to make sure that the product or a service meets
documented quality requirements.
- Special processes: Those processes, the results of which cannot be directly examined to
establish full conformance. Assurance of satisfactory conformance depends on evidence
generated during the process.
- System audit: An examination of the documented quality management system represented by
the quality manual, quality plan and quality register to evaluate their effectiveness in meeting
the requirements of Australian Standards and the Contract documents.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

- Validation: Confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that requirements for a
specific intended use or application have been fulfilled.
- Witness point: A nominated position in the manufacture/construction stages of the Contract
where the option of attendance may be exercised by the Superintendent, after notification of
the requirement.
- Works: All labour, plant, equipment and materials required to complete a project in
conformance with the Contract documents.



Work on and off-site: Conform to the QMS described within the Quality Plan including
products and services for all works under the contract.
Contract documents: The QMS does not pre-empt, preclude or otherwise negate the
requirements of any part of the contract documents.
Responsibility: QMS requirements do not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to
conform with the contract documents.
Subcontractors and Suppliers: Conform with this worksection and AS/NZS ISO 9001.
This can be achieved by either of the following:
- Suppliers and Subcontractors operating their own QMS, linked to and coordinated under the
Contractor’s QMS.
- Suppliers and Subcontractors operating under the Contractor’s QMS.
System requirements
QMS: Plan, develop and maintain a documented QMS conforming to this worksection,
Annexure A and AS/NZS ISO 9001.
System purpose: To make sure of the following:
- The proposed work method is consistent with the specification requirements.
- ITPs and checklists are adequate and complete.
- Approved work methods are followed.
- The Superintendent adequately checks Hold and Witness Points.
Format: If the format of the QMS documents differ from the format of
AS/NZS ISO 9001, provide a matrix outlining how the documented requirements are
addressed by the QMS.
Management responsibility
Commitment: In the development a corporate QMS in conformance with
AS/NZS ISO 9001 section 5, top management must perform the following:
- Focus on customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.
- Define authorities and responsibilities.
- Appoint QMR.
- Establish internal communication and review procedures.
- Make sure resources are available.
QMS documentation requirements: Include the following:
- Quality policy and its objectives.
- Quality manual.
- Procedure documents.
- Work instructions.
- Forms.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

- Quality plans.
- Specifications.
- Relevant external documents.
- Records.
Changes: Immediately implement changes to the project Quality Plan and QMS if the
following occurs:
- Specification requirements are not adequately addressed.
- Nonconformity resulting from the Quality Plan or QMS.
- Audit initiates changes to the QMS.
- Practices have changed.
- Records: Provide copies of any quality records within 14 days of request.
AS/NZS ISO 9001: Keep a copy on site at all times.
Quality manual
Requirement: To AS/NZS ISO 9001 clause 4.2.2 and AS/NZS ISO 10013 clause 4.4.
Include the following in the Quality Manual:
- Responsibility statements.
- Corporate policy.
- All applicable system requirement descriptions with reasons for those not regarded as
- Standard method statements.
- Standard ITPs.
Project Quality Plan
- Requirement: Provide and maintain a Quality Plan to AS/NZS ISO 9001 and
AS/NZS ISO 10005. Provide the following:
- Progressive documentation of new procedures as the work types become evident.
- Planning and control systems: Describe critical processes and activities and provide verification
for product control.
- Coordination with the Contractor’s corporate Quality Manual.
- Project specific quality system: Inform and direct personnel about the specific quality practices,
resources, sequence of activities, controls and checks that must be implemented during the
- Controlled conditions: Documentation to explain how each work process will be carried out.
- Organisation structure: Include details of the specific responsibilities and authorities of the key
personnel nominated for the management of the project.
- QMR: Include the person’s qualifications, technical experience and present position, together
with responsibilities and authorities to resolve quality matters.
- Details of the personnel or contracted testing organisations who will be conducting each type of
compliance inspection of testing of completed works, their experience, qualification and
- Details of the person authorised to change construction processes on site.
- ITPs to verify the works conform with the contract documents.
- Purchasing quality requirements:
. Critical characteristics of purchased products that affect the quality of the final product.
. Method of communication with suppliers.
. Methods used to evaluate, select and control suppliers.
. The facilities and services that will be outsourced.
. Material samples: The approved sample is the quality benchmark.
- Purchasing quality verification: Conform to the following worksections:
. 0162 Quality (Supply).
. 0163 Quality (Delivery).

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Additional system elements: [complete/delete]

Staged quality plan:[complete/delete]
Control of documents
Document control: Conform to AS/NZS ISO 9001 clauses 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 and
AS/NZS ISO 10005 clauses 5.6 and 5.7.
Register: Maintain a register of each part of the Quality Plan. Register the number, date
and recipient(s). Reissue to all registered when the Quality Plan is changed, superseded or
recalled as required.
Requirement: Document within the Quality Plan the method of keeping quality registers,
tracking and handling of NCR’s, NNC’s and site correspondence.
Quality register: Implement and maintain systematic records, indexed and filed so they
are retrievable and accessible to the Superintendent or an appointed quality auditor within
one working day of request.
Register of method statements: Provide a register listing all method statements (both
standard and job specific) including the title, identifier and revision status.
Location: State in the quality plan where records are to be located.
WAE: Keep records of any amendments to design details for inclusion in WAE drawings.
Quality audit schedule: Include a quality audit schedule with the project quality plan in
conformance with AS/NZS ISO 19011.
Audit reports: Provide copies to the Superintendent as requested.
Conformance: Conform to AS/NZS ISO 9001 section 6 and AS/NZS ISO 10005 section
Provision of resources: Determine and provide resources for the successful
implementation of the project Quality Plan.
Limited availability: If a resource has limited availability, identify how demand from
other projects/contracts will be satisfied.
Human resources: Provide personnel with the appropriate education, training, skills and
experience for the project.
Infrastructure: Identify, provide and maintain the infrastructure required to achieve
product conformity.
Work environment: Establish and manage the work environment to achieve product
Planning and design
Planning: Conform to AS/NZS ISO 9001. Determine the following:
- Quality objectives and requirements for the product.
- Processes and documents specific to the product.
- Required verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection, test activities and the
criteria for acceptance of the product.
- Records required as evidence that the realisation processes and resulting products conform.
Design: Design and/or verify the following, to conform with the Technical Specifications
and AS/NZS ISO 9001:
- Temporary structures.
- Checking of permanent structures for construction loadings.
- Lifting devices for manufactured items.
- Alternative permanent structures or structural components proposed.
- Concrete mixes for structures and pavements and asphalt mixes for permanent works.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

- Traffic control, temporary roadways and detours.

- Permanent works where design is nominated in the contract.
Method statements: Detail the construction processes for all activities scheduled in Construction
activities table.
Content: Include the following:
- Sequence of operations.
- Documented procedures and work instructions.
- Types of equipment required, capability, maintenance and calibration.
- Any special working environment requirements.
- Personnel competency and skills required,
- Criteria for workmanship and tolerances.
- Materials required.
- Safety requirements.
- Reference documents.
- Records produced.
- Planning.
- Verification measures.
- Inspection, test and control points.
- Monitoring of continuous suitability.
- Responsibility for implementing and monitoring work process controls and rectifying any
Check list: Provide a checklist, including the relevant inspection and test points,
surveying control points, Hold Points, Witness Points and the officer responsible to verify
each check point.
System audit: Audit each method statement whilst the process is in effect.
Absence of a method statement: If a method statement for a particular activity is required
and there is none submitted, this will generate a Hold Point.
Construction activities table
Worksection Activity
0257 Landscape – roadways and street trees Landscaping
0292 Masonry walls Construction of masonry walls
0293 Crib retaining walls Construction of crib retaining walls
0319 Minor concrete works Sprayed concrete
1111 Clearing and grubbing Selective clearing and proposed equipment
Work near trees
Work within 4 m of tree
1112 Earthworks (Roadways) Excavation procedures
1113 Stabilisation Proposed curing method
1163 Rigid concrete and road safety barrier Precast barriers
systems Installation
1341 Water supply - reticulation (Construction) Protection of existing services
Cutting and disposal of existing asbestos pipe
1361 Sewerage systems – reticulation Protection of existing services
1392 Trenchless conduit installation Trenchless conduit installation
Existing services
1433 Footpath and kerb ramp repairs Safe work

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Lot identification
Lots: Divide all items of work into lots as follows:
- Limits: Before sampling, choose lots within the limits given in the particular technical
- Lot size: Not exceeding one day’s output for each work process being testing.
- Lot numbering: Allocate unique lot numbers compatible with the construction program. Use lot
numbers to be identifiers on all QMS data.
- Field identification: Physically identify each lot, clearly identify lot boundaries. Maintain
identification until the lot has achieved the specified quality.
Work on a lot: Do not commence work until the field identification is established.
Lot boundaries: When boundaries of a lot change, update the quality register.
Lot identification system: Make sure all site records and sample numbering systems allow
easy identification of all test results and the materials incorporated in the works.
General: Provide and maintain records of components for audit. Include the following
traceability in the records:
- Concrete: Start the trace at the batch plant and finish at the location where the concrete is
incorporated in the works.
- Asphalt: Start the trace at the batch plant and finish at the location where the asphalt is
incorporated in the works.
- Stabilised material: Start trace at the batch plant and finish at the location where the material is
incorporated in the works.
- Steel: Start the trace at the steelworks and finish at the location where the steel is incorporated
in the works. Record the steel heat number, testing details and final location of installation.
- Batch details: Record all batch quantities, mix and dispatch time, testing details and location of
Control of monitoring and measuring equipment
Equipment accuracy: Maintain inspection, testing and measuring equipment capable of
producing the degree of accuracy specified in the referenced test methods.
Records: Demonstrate accuracy with regular records of calibration.
Testing: Conduct testing by a NATA registered laboratory accredited for those test
methods and sampling procedures. Include the latest NATA advice of the terms of
registration and current signatories within the quality plan.
Sampling: Conduct by personnel from the NATA registered laboratory which has been
accredited for that sampling procedure and supervised by the approved signatory from
that laboratory.
Test results: Report on NATA endorsed test documentation which includes a statement by
the approved signatory certifying that the correct sampling procedures have been
Special accreditation: [complete/delete]
Reinstatement: Reinstate all core holes, test holes, excavations and any other disturbance
resulting from any testing activity to the standard within the Technical Specification.
Lots: All conformance inspections and tests are based on lots. In all cases the samples are
considered representative of the lot and all test results are required to meet the appropriate
tolerances for the lot.
Sampling locations: Propose sampling locations for approval prior to proceeding.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

In-process and conformance inspections: Required for all works to confirm conformance.
Performed by a responsible officer nominated in the Check List and certified by the
Contractor’s QMR
Frequency of testing
Minimum frequency of testing: Must be not less than that stated in the relevant
worksection and as listed within the Sub-annexures of Annexure C.
Reduced frequency of testing: Submit proposal for approval with supporting statistical
analysis verifying consistent conformance to the quality requirements.
Inspection and test plans
Document: Include within the quality plan all inspections, tests and documentation
necessary to demonstrate that the works conform.
ITP: Establish and progressively maintain a system to demonstrate inspection and testing
in conformance with AS/NZS ISO 9001 clause 8.2.4.
Minimum information for ITP (or ITP forms): Include the following:
- Person responsible for carrying out in-progress and final inspections or testing and at what
stage of works these are to be carried out.
- Proposed inspection or test methods and recording of results.
- Acceptance criteria and frequency of inspection and testing.
- Specification tolerances.
- Person responsible for reviewing inspection and test results, evaluating whether work
conforms, determining future action when work does not conform and closing out work lots.
- Measures to control nonconformity.
- When statistical analysis of test results is required.
- Person responsible for performing the final review of results to confirm that all inspections and
tests have been carried out to verify complete conformity for each lot.
- Time limits for testing, submission, Hold Points and Witness Points that are nominated in the
- Identification of Hold Points or Witness Points.
- Check list for each lot.
Test Register
- Lot identification register: Include the following information:
- Three dimensional surveyed location of the lot to include the chainage of the start and finish
points, lateral location and layer location and/or the particular structure (eg. pier or abutment
number, concrete placement number, etc).
- Indication of conformance or nonconformance.
- Summary of test results.
- Location of test sites including test identification numbers.
- For nonconforming lots, allocate a new number to the resubmitted/subdivided lot(s), ensure it
also references the original lot number.
Inspection and test status: Show either on the ITP records or physically mark in the field
the status of conformance for each lot.
Random sampling
Requirement: Use random sampling techniques for each lot for the control of compaction
of each continuous layer of earthworks, flexible pavement and asphalt.
Test locations: Determine test locations for random sampling in conformance with AS
Location restrictions: Do not restrict sampling to locations dimensioned or otherwise
defined for setting out the works in the drawings or specification.

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0161 Quality (Construction)


Hold points
- Format: A summary of Hold Points are tabled in the INSPECTIONS clause of each
- Notice of inspection: Notify the Superintendent in advance of a Hold Point being reached.
Requirements for approval to proceed: In conformance with the following:
- Provide the information required by the technical specification.
- Certify that the particular lot/process is conforming.
- Certify that all underlying and adjacent lots affected by the lot in question are conforming.
- Submit the appropriate form (Check List, NCR or NNC) at least 24 hours prior to the time the
Contractor wishes to proceed with the placement/construction of the next lot, unless some
alternative arrangements have been agreed with the Superintendent.
Witness point: If the Hold Point has resulted from an NCR or NNC, the Superintendent’s
approval may be conditional on a Witness Point being included. A summary of Witness
Points on-site and off-site are tabled in the INSPECTIONS clause of each worksections.
Survey control: A separate system requirement to include all measurement, calculation
and recording procedures necessary to:
- Set out the works.
- Verify conformance with the drawings and specification in relation to dimensions, tolerances
and three dimensional position.
- Determine lengths, areas or volumes of materials or products, where required for measurement
of work.
Method Statement: Describe the control parameters for special processes which cannot be
fully verified by inspection and testing. Address all potential errors that could be
introduced by survey methods.
Surveyor qualifications: Appoint qualified surveyors to supervise and take responsibility
for all surveying control.
Equipment: The procedures and equipment used must be capable of attaining the
tolerances nominated in the specification.
Survey locations: Surveying for conformance verification purposes is not restricted to the
locations used to set out the works.
Conformance verification surveys: Perform verification surveys as soon as practicable,
but not later than one working day after the lot or component has become accessible for
Control of documentation
Survey conformance report: Submit a survey conformance report for each lot or
component where design levels, position and/or tolerances have been specified. Refer to
the relevant worksection of the technical specification to establish if a Hold Point is
generated before further works can commence.
Information required: Indicate the difference between actual and specified values for
position and level (defined by co-ordinates or chainage and offset) and provide
certification by the qualified surveyor responsible for the verification survey.
Survey records: Provide all survey records including equipment calibration records and
nonconformity registers.
Field book pages: Include the following, clear labels, date and signature by the surveyor,
cross indexed references to equipment used and lot/component identification. Survey
conformance reports produced must reference the relevant field book page numbers.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Retain: Retain any automatically recorded data used for verification surveys, including a
printout of both raw (field) data and reduced data.
Audit trail: Prepare procedures to describe the records system, to include, the method of
storing and indexing of electronic records and the title of any computer software used for
the reduction of survey measurements and calculations.
Detection and reporting: Report any works that depart from the documented requirements
on a NCR form within two working days of detection, including the proposed disposition.
A sample NCR form is included in Annexure B.
Extension of time: The deliberation on disposition of a nonconformance does not justify
an extension of time to the contract period under any circumstances.
Proposed disposition: Include any of the following actions:
- Proposed additional works to bring the lot up to the specified standard.
- Proposed replacement of all or part of the lot to bring it up to the specified standard.
- A request to use the lot for a reduced level of service, if such a clause exists in the relevant
worksection of the Technical Specification.
- For incidental defects, a request that the Superintendent accept the lot without alteration, as an
exception with or without alteration to the respective unit rates.
Monitoring and measuring
NCR: Generates an automatic Hold Point until conformance has been achieved and the
Superintendent has signed authorisation to proceed.
Progress: Do not cover any nonconforming works until a disposition has been
accepted/approved and implemented.
Reworking: If the nonconformance can be overcome by reworking the lot with the
original process, an NCR will not be required. However, maintain a record of the non-
conformance to aid continual improvement.
Verification: Reworked/replaced lots to conform to the specified requirements.
Discrepancy: The Superintendent’s test results will prevail where there is any discrepancy
in test results.
Control of documentation
CAR: Issued by the Superintendent for nonconformance to the Contractor’s quality
system or methods. Unless specifically stated, this will not create a Hold Point.
NNC: Issued by the Superintendent for product nonconformance. This will immediately
create a Hold Point and the Contractor is required to submit an NCR.
NCR form: Example form provided in Annexure B. If using alternative form it must
include the following:
- Details of nonconformance.
- Proposed disposition.
- Provision for attachments.
- QAR comment/approval/rejection.
- Completion of disposition.
- Release of Hold Point.
- Corrective action to improve quality.
- Close out of NCR.
Authorised representative: All actions are to be signed off by authorised representatives
of the Contractor and Superintendent as applicable (i.e. QAR and QMR).
Register: Implement and maintain a suitable numbering and registration system for all
NCRs and NNCs, including cross referencing as required.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Corrective action
Requirement: Document procedure for corrective action to quality plan in conformance
with AS/NZS ISO 9001 clause 8.5.2.
Proposed corrective action: Indicate on the NCR form the corrective action appropriate to
ensure that the quality plan is effective in avoiding a recurrence of the nonconformance
and continues to be effective.
WAE: Submit WAE drawings for all works upon practical completion.
Register: Submit a copy of the quality register within one month of the date of practical
completion. If requested, also provide a copy of all quality records.
Defects liability period: All quality related issues must be resolved and closed out before
the end of the defects liability period.
Documents: Provide copies of all:
- Commissioning records.
- Operation manuals.
- Maintenance manuals.
- Product warranties.
Requirement: Organise meeting(s) at end of contract to review the quality system and
technical issues encountered on the project and the lessons to be learned for future
projects. Review to focus on:
- The identification of nonconformances and the implementation of corrective action.
- Issues arising from inspections and audits.
- Specification issues.
- Design and technical issues.
- Safety issues.
Timing: Hold meeting(s) as close to practical completion as possible, before key
personnel move on, so that they are still available to participate in review process.
Documentation: Determine procedures for end of contract review within quality plan.


Payments made to the Schedule of Rates: To 0152 Schedule of rates – projects, this
worksection, the drawings and Pay items 0161.1, 0161.2.
Unpriced items: If any item, for which a quantity of work is listed in the Schedule of
Rates, is not priced, make due allowance in the prices of other items for the cost of the
The following methodology will be applied for measurement and payment:
- Progress payments for Pay item 0161.1 are calculated on the basis of 30% of the Lump Sum
when the complete Quality Plan is available and the remainder on pro rata based on the
monthly value of work done.
- Progress payments for Pay item 0161.2 are made pro rata on the monthly value of work done.
- Include any costs associated with preparing and conforming to the supply Quality Plan, see
worksection 0162 Quality (Supply), in the unit price for product supply.

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0161 Quality (Construction)

- Include any costs associated with preparing and conforming to the delivery Quality Plan, see
worksection 0163 Quality (Delivery), in the unit price for product delivery.
Pay items Unit of measurement Schedule rate scope
0161.1 Quality system Lump sum All costs associated with the
documents and records preparation and submission
of the Quality Plan, the
provision of the QMR on site
and the maintenance of the
quality records during the
course of the Contract.
0161.2 Quality verification Lump Sum All costs for inspections,
and control conformance surveys and
testing required to verify that
all aspects of the Works
conform to the quality
assurance provisions of the

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0161 Quality (Construction)



Company Quality
Quality Manual Manual Including
Annexures SYSTEM

Specification for

Quality system Method Statements Standard Method

Inspection and Test Inspection and Test

Plans Plans

Checklists Standard Checklists

0147 Conditions
of contract




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0161 Quality (Construction)



No: ………………………..
Date: ……………………….
CONTRACT: ……………………………………………………..
PRODUCT OR SERVICE: ………………………………………
SUB-CONTRACTOR (if appropriate): …………………………



NONCONFORMANCE: ………………………………………………………………

DISPOSITION: ……………………………………………………………………………



COMMENT: ………………………………………………………………………………

SIGNATURE: …………………………………………………DATE: …………………..
(Contractor) ………………………………………………………DATE: ………………..

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0161 Quality (Construction)


(Superintendent) ………………………………………………….DATE: ………………..
QMR) …………………………………………….........................DATE: ……………..…

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0161 Quality (Construction)


Lot sizes and test frequency: To the following Sub-annexures.
Contract requirements summary: To the Contract requirements summary table.
Certification: If material/product quality certification can be obtained from the supplier,
documented tests need not be repeated.
Large projects: The Superintendent may relax the testing frequency after the Contractor
has demonstrated consistent conformance to the quality requirements.
Contract requirements summary table
Sub-annexure Reference Worksection
C1 Earthworks (Roadways) 1112 Earthworks (Roadways)
C2 Water cycle management 1121 Open drains, including kerb and gutter
1122 Kerb and channel (gutter) replacement
1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction)
1352 Pipe drainage
1353 Precast box culverts
1354 Drainage structures
C3 Pavement moisture control 1171 Subsurface drainage
1172 Subsoil and foundation drains
1173 Pavement drains
1174 Drainage mats
C4 Stabilisation 1113 Stabilisation
C5 Flexible pavement base and subbase 1141 Flexible pavement base and subbase
C6 Bituminous cold mix 1142 Bituminous cold mix
C7 Sprayed bituminous surfacing 1143 Sprayed bituminous surfacing
C8 Asphaltic concrete 1144 Asphaltic concrete
C9 Placement rolled concrete subbase 1131 Rolled concrete subbase
C10 Placement of lean mix concrete subbase 1132 Lean mix concrete subbase
C11 Placement of plain and reinforced concrete 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base
C12 Placement of steel fibre reinforced concrete 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base
C13 Placement of continuously reinforced 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base
concrete base
C14 Ready mixed concrete production and 0319 Minor concrete works
supply 1131 Rolled concrete subbase
1132 Lean mix concrete subbase
1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base
1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base
1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base
C15 Segmental paving 1145 Segmental paving
C16 Bituminous slurry surfacing 1146 Bituminous slurry surfacing
C17 Pavement markings 1191 Pavement markings
C18 Signposting 1192 Signposting
C19 Minor concrete works 0319 Minor concrete works
C20 Landscape – roadways and street trees 0257 Landscape – roadways and street trees
C21 Masonry walls 0292 Masonry walls
C22 Crib retaining walls 0293 Crib retaining walls
C23 Water supply - reticulation 1341 Water supply - reticulation (Construction)
C24 Sewerage systems - reticulation 1361 Sewerage systems - reticulation

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure Reference Worksection

C25 Water supply - pump stations 1342 Water supply – pump stations
C26 Sewerage systems - pump stations 1362 Sewerage systems – pump stations
C27 Pathways and cycleways 0282 Pathways and cycleways (Construction)

Sub-annexure C1 Earthworks (Roadways)

(1112 Earthworks (Roadways))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Stripping topsoil Surface levels 10,000 m² 1 Cross Section Survey
per 25 m
Excavation Geometry 10,000 m² 1 Cross Section Survey
per 25 m
Floor of cuttings Material quality: - CBR 5,000 m² 1 per 1,000 m² * AS 1289.6.1.1
Compaction 10,000 m² 1 per 500 m² AS 1289.5.4.1
AS 1289.5.7.1
Blasting Ground vibration/noise 1 day's blasting Continuous
control monitoring
Foundation for Compaction 5,000 m² 1 per 500 m² AS 1289.5.4.1
Embankments or
AS 1289.5.7.1
- General Geometry One layer 1 Cross Section Survey
10,000 m² per 25 m
Material quality: One layer 1 per 800 m³ AS 1289.6.1.1
- CBR 5,000 m²
Compaction/Moisture One layer 1 per 250 m³ AS 1289.5.1.1
content 5,000 m² AS 1289.5.4.1
AS 1289.5.7.1
- Select zone Geometry One layer 1 Cross Section Survey
10,000 m² per 25 m
Material quality:
- Particle size 10,000 m² 1 per 1,000 m³ *
distribution 10,000 m² 1 per 500 m³ * AS 1289.6.1.1
Compaction/moisture One layer 1 per 250 m³ * AS 1289.5.1.1
content 5,000 m² AS 1289.5.4.1
AS 1289.5.7.1
Fill adjacent to Material quality:
bridges, wingwalls, - Particle size 1 Structure 1 per 200 m³ *
retaining walls and distribution 1 Structure 1 per 200 m³ * AS 1289.3.3.1
culverts - Plasticity index
Compaction/moisture 1 Structure 1 per layer AS 1289.5.1.1
content AS 1289.5.4.1
AS 1289.5.7.1
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

© NATSPEC 37 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C2 Water cycle management

(1351 Stormwater drainage, 1325 Pipe drainage, 1353 Precast box culverts, 1354 Drainage
structures, 1121 Open drains including kerb and channel (gutter), 1122 Kerb and channel
(gutter) replacement)
Activity Key quality Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
verification size frequency
Supply of precast Precast quality: 1 batch 1 per type/size/
units Suppliers documentary class per batch
evidence and
Siting and Geometry 1 drainage 1 per drainage Survey
Excavation line/structure line/structure
Excavation by Peak particle velocity 1 drainage 1 per drainage Measure
Blasting line/structure line/structure
Foundation Compaction 1 drainage 1 per 20 lin m * AS 1289.5.4.1
Material Material quality: AS 1289.4.3.1
surrounding steel - pH/Electrical resistivity 1 drainage 1 per material AS 1289.4.4.1
structures line/structure
Bedding Material quality:
- Particle size 1 contract 1 per 200 m³ * AS 1141.11.1
Compaction/moisture 1 drainage 1 per layer, per AS 1289.5.4.1
content line/structure 20 lin m AS 1289.5.7.1
Concrete bedding Geometry 1 Cross Section Survey and 3 m
or lining per 25 m Straight Edge
Installation of Geometry 1 drainage 1 per drainage Survey
precast units line/structure line/structure
Selected backfill Material quality:
- Maximum particle size 1 contract 1 per 100 m³ *
- Plasticity index 1 contract 1 per 100 m³ * AS 1289.3.3.1
Compaction/moisture 1 drainage 1 per 2 layers AS 1289.5.4.1
content line/structure per 50 m² AS 1289.5.7.1
Rock fill for Material quality:
gabions/ wire - Wet strength 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
- Wet/dry strength 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
Kerb and gutter Geometry 1 contract 1 Cross section Survey and 3 m
per 25 m straight edge
* Note: or part thereof, per lot

Sub-annexure C3 Pavement Moisture Control

(1171 Subsurface drainage, 1172 Subsoil and foundation drains, 1173 Pavement drains,
1174 Drainage mats)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Material supply Material quality—Supplier's
documentary evidence and
certification of:
Pipe 1 contract/size 1 per type/size
Filter material:
- Grading (Type A, B, C, D) 1 contract/size 1 per type AS 1141.11.1

© NATSPEC 38 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
- Coefficient of permeability 1 contract/size 1 per type AS 1289.5.1.1
(Type B) ASTM-D2434-68
- Grading variation after 1 contract/size 1 per type AS 1141.11.1
Treatment (Type B)
- Wet Strength (Type C, D) 1 contract/size 1 per type AS 1141.22
- 10% Fines Wet/Dry 1 contract/size 1 per type AS 1141.22
(Type C, D)
Geotextile 1 contract 1 per type
Excavation – Line and Grade 1 drainage line 1 per 200 lin m Survey
Trench base Compaction 1 drainage line 1 per 200 lin AS 1289.5.4.1
Bedding and
backfill: Compaction 1 drainage line 1 per drainage AS 1289.5.4.1
- Filter material line
- Selected Compaction 1 drainage line 1 per 200lin m* AS 1289.5.4.1
- Earth backfill Compaction 1 drainage line 1 per 200lin m* AS 1289.5.4.1
Drainage mat Geometry 2000m² 1 Cross Survey
Section per
25 m
* Note: or part thereof, per lot

Sub-annexure C4 Stabilisation
(1113 Stabilisation)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Material supply Material quality – Supplier's documentary evidence and certification of:
- Cement 1 contract 1 per 100t AS 3972 and
AS 2350
- Quicklime
Available lime 1 contract 1 per 100t AS 3583.12
(CaO content)
Slaking rate 1 contract 1 per 100t T432
Particle size Dist'n 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.11.1
- Hydrated lime
Available Lime 1 contract 1 per 100t AS 3583.12
Residue on sieving 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3583.14
- Ground blast furnace 1 contract 1 per month AS 3583.2 and
slag AS 3582.2
- Flyash 1 contract 1 per month AS 3583.1 and
AS 3582.1
- Blended stabilising agent 1 contract 1 per month AS 2350.4
- Water
Chloride ion 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3583.13
Sulphate ion 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1289.4.2.1

© NATSPEC 39 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Undissolved solids 1 contract 1 per contract
Mix design NATA certification— 1 mix 1 per mix
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
Stationary Application rate of 1 day’s production 1 per 100t
mixing plant stabilising agent
Compressive strength of 1 day’s production 1 per 100t AS 1289.6.1.1
In-situ spreading Spread rate 1 layer 1,000 m² 1 per lot or
1 per 500m²
Mix uniformity 1 layer 1,000 m² 1 per 500m² Visual
Trimming and Geometry 1 layer 2,000 m², One cross Survey
compaction max 1 day's section per
placement 25 m
Surface quality 1 layer 2,000 m², 10 per 200 m 3 m straight
max 1 day's lane length * edge
Average layer thickness 1 layer 2,000 m², 1 per lot Survey
max 1 day's
Average width 1 layer 2,000 m², 1 per lot Measure/survey
max 1 day's
Relative 1 layer 2,000 m², 3 per lot AS 1289.5.7.1
compaction/moisture max 1 day's AS 1289.5.8.1
content placement
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

Sub-annexure C5 Flexible pavement base and subbase

(1141 Flexible pavement base and subbase)
Activity Key quality Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
verification size frequency
Base and subbase Material quality— 1 Contract
supply Supplier's documentary
evidence and
- Particle size 1 per 1,000t AS 1289.3.6.1
- Liquid Limit 1 per 1,000t AS 1289.3.1.1
- Plasticity Index 1 per 1,000t AS 1289.3.3.1
- Linear shrinkage 1 per 1,000t AS 1289.3.4.1
- Maximum dry 1 per 5,000t AS 1141.52
compressive strength
- Particle shape 1 per 1,000t AS 1141.14
- Aggregate wet strength 1 per 5,000t AS 1141.22
- Wet/Dry strength 1 per 5,000t AS 1141.22
- Los Angeles value 1 per 1,000t AS 1141.23
- CBR 1 per 5,000t AS 1289.6.1.1

© NATSPEC 40 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality Maximum lot Minimum test Test method

verification size frequency
- Modified Texas Triaxial 1 per contract T171
- Unconfined 1 per 5,000t AS 5101.4
compressive strength
- Unconfined 1 Contract 1 per mix design AS 5101.4
compressive strength
Geometry: Alignment & One layer 1 Cross Section Survey
level 2,000 m² or per 15 m
- Width and Surface max 1 day's 10 per selected Measure & 3 m
Trim placement 200 lin. m Straight Edge
Compaction/moisture One layer 10 per 5,000 m² T130
content / dry density 5,000 m² or layer or AS 1289.5.2.1
testing max 1 day's 3 per lot if less AS 1289.5.3.2A
placement S 1289.5.4.1
AS 1289.5.8.1

Sub-annexure C6 Bituminous cold mix

(1142 Bituminous cold mix)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Materials supply Material Quality—
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
- Coarse aggregates 1 contract or AS 2758.5
Grading 1 mth's prod'n 1 per month AS 1141.11.1
Wet strength 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 1141.22
Wet/dry strength " change in AS 1141.15
Flakiness index " material AS 1141.18
Fractured faces

- Fine aggregates 1 contract or

Grading 1 mth's prod'n 1 per month AS 1141.11.1

- Mineral filler 1 contract or 1 per month AS 2150

1 mth's prod'n
- Class 170 or 320 1 contract or AS 2008
bitumen binder 1 mth's prod'n 1 per month
Cutback bitumen 1 delivery/ tanker 1 per delivery/ AS 2157
Flux Oil and Cutter Oil 1 delivery/ tanker 1 per delivery/ AS 3568
Mix design Approval of mix and 1 mix per contract 1 per mix Approval
NATA documentation. (less than 12
Supplier's documentary months old)
evidence and certification.

© NATSPEC 41 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Production mix Grading Each production lot 1 per contract or AS 1141.11.1
Binder or 1 day’s as requested by AS/NZS 2891.
production Superintendent 3.1
(whichever is the (sampling by
lesser) production lot)

Sub-annexure C7 Sprayed bituminous surfacing

(1143 Sprayed bituminous surfacing)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test
requirements size frequency method
Materials supply Material Quality -
Suppliers documentary
evidence and certification
- Class 170 bitumen 1 tanker load 1 per tanker load AS 2008
- Refinery cutback 1 tanker load 1 per tanker load AS 2157
- Polymer modified binder 1 tanker load 1 per tanker load AS 2341.21
- Bitumen Adhesion agent 1 delivery 1 per delivery
- Cutback oils 1 delivery/ tanker 1 per AS 3568
- Aggregate precoating 1 delivery/ tanker 1 per delivery/
agent tanker
- Aggregate 1 contract 1 per 400 m³ AS 2758.2
Application rates Binder 1 day's operation Calculate per spray
Aggregate 1 day's operation Calculate per spray
* Note: or part thereof, per lot

Sub-Annexure C8 Asphaltic concrete

(1144 Asphaltic concrete (Roadways))
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Materials supply Material quality—
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
- Coarse and fine AS 2758.5
aggregates AS 1141.11.1
Grading 1 wk's prod'n 1 per day AS 1289.2.1.1
Moisture content 1 wk's prod'n 1 per day AS 1141.22
Wet strength 1 contract ) AS 1141.22
Wet/dry strength 1 contract ) 1 per AS 1141.14
variation 1 contract ) contract AS 1141.18
Particle shape 1 contract ) or change in AS 1141.42
Fractured faces 1 contract ) material
Polishing agg friction
- Mineral filler 1 contract or 1 contract or 1 per AS 2150
month’s month’s
production production

© NATSPEC 42 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
- Bitumen binder 1 refinery 1 per tanker load AS 2008
- Polymer modified
Elasticity recovery at 1 production 1 per tanker load AG:PT/T121
60°C batch by supplier AG:PT/T121
Viscosity on ER at AG:PT/T122
60°C AG:PT/T111
Torsional recovery
at 25°C
Viscosity at 180°C
- Bitumen adhesion agent 1 contract 1 per contract or T230 or
Resistance to change in material nominated
stripping equivalent
- Reclaimed asphalt 1 stockpile 1 per stockpile AS 1141.11.1
pavement (RAP)
- Bitumen emulsion 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 1160
change in material
Mix design – Approval of mix and 1 mix per contract 1 per mix
Nominated mix NATA certification.
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
Production mix Temperature 1 per truck load Measure
Moisture content 1144 7 from Spec AS/NZS 2891.
Grading 1144 Asphaltic concrete as included 10
Binder content as separate table below. AS/NZS 2891.
Additionally, max lot size one 12 hr 3.3
shift’s production. AS/NZS 2891.

Resistance to stripping 1 production mix1 per mix per T640

5000 t or once per
month (whichever
is the most
Laying and Temperature 1 day's laying per 1 per truck load Measure
compaction site
Levels 1 day's laying per 1 cross section Survey
site per 25 m
Shape 1 day's laying 10 per 200 m* 3 m Straight
lane length Edge
Relative compaction/layer 1 day's laying 6 cores per lot or AS 2891.9.3 or
thickness 10 nuclear density Nuclear
tests per lot Density Meter
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

Minimum Testing Frequencies For Asphalt Production

Quantity of asphalt in production lot Minimum frequency of testing
Less than 100 tonnes One per 50 tonnes or part thereof
101 to 300 tonnes One per 100 tonnes or part thereof
301 to 600 tonnes One per 150 tonnes or part thereof

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0161 Quality (Construction)

Over 600 tonnes One per 200 tonnes or part thereof

Sub-annexure C9 Placement of rolled concrete subbase

(1131 Rolled concrete subbase)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
Ready-mixed concrete
production and supply
Flyash Contract 1 per contract AS 3582.1
Consistency (Index of 1 day’s production 1 per day’s AS 1012.3.4
compactibility) production per
mix type
Drying shrinkage Contract 1 per contract AS 1012.13
per mix design
Compressive strength of Contract 3 per contract AS 1012.9
mix designs per mix design
Placement Compressive strength 1 layer 2000 m² or 1 per 50 m³ of AS 1012.8.1
(7 day and/or 28 day) 1 day’s production each mix type AS 1012.9
Field density 1 layer 2000 m² or 3 per 1000 m² AS 1289.5.8.1
1 day’s production layer or
3 per lot if less
Thickness and surface 1 layer 2000 m² or 10 stations per Survey
level 1 day’s production 1000 m² or
minimum of 4
for smaller lots
Profile factor (straight 1 layer 2000 m² or 10 stations per 3 m straight
edge tolerance) 1 day’s production 1000 m² or edge
minimum of 4
for smaller lots

Sub-annexure C10 Placement of lean mix concrete subbase

(1132 Lean mix concrete subbase)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure C14:
Ready-mixed concrete
Production and supply
Concrete/air temperature 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ Measure
Air content 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ AS 1012.4.2

Consistency—Slump 50 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1

Compressive strength (7 50 m³ 1 pair per AS 1012.1
day) 50 m³ AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Compressive strength (28 50 m³ 1 pair per AS 1012.1
day) 50 m³ AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Placement Thickness 50 m³ 5 m grid on Survey and
plan area check with

© NATSPEC 44 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Geometry 50 m³ 1 cross section Survey
per 15 m 3 m straight
Curing Material quality— 1 contract 1 per AS 3799
Supplier's documentary production AS 1160
evidence and certification batch
Application rate 1 day's work 1 per 1000 m²
Joints Geometry 50 m³ All joints Survey

Sub-annexure C11 Placement of plain and reinforced concrete base

(1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
Ready-Mixed Concrete
Production and Supply
Concrete/Air 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ Measure
Air Content 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ AS 1012.4.2
Method 2
Consistency - Slump 50 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Compressive Strength (7 50 m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Compressive Strength 50m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
(28 day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Placement Relative Compaction
- Machine placed 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³* AS 1012.14
- Hand placed Area between 2 2 per lot AS 1012.14
const. joints or
50 m³ (whichever
is the lesser)
Thickness 50 m³ 5 m grid on Survey
plan area
Geometry 50 m³ 1 cross section Survey and 3 m
per 15 m straight edge
Ride Quality Profile factor 1000 m² 10/lane/lot 3 m straight edge
Surface Texture Texture depth 1000 m² 2 per lot Survey
Curing Material quality - 1 contract 1 per AS 3799
supplier's documentary production AS 1160
evidence and certification batch
Application rate 1 day's work 1 per 1000 m²*
Joints Sealant material quality 1 contract 1 per prod'n
supplier's documentary batch
evidence and certification
Geometry 50 m³ All joints Survey
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

© NATSPEC 45 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C12 Placement of steel fibre reinforced concrete base

(1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
Ready-mixed concrete
production and supply
Concrete/air temperature A production lot As required by Measure
Air content 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1012.4.2
Method 2
Consistency—Slump 50 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Compressive strength 50 m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
(7 day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Compressive strength 50 m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
(28 day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Drying shrinkage 1 day’s product- 3 per lot AS 1012.13
ion or 150 m³
(whichever is the
Placement Relative compaction
- Machine placed 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ AS 1012.14
- Hand placed Area between 2 2 per lot AS 1012.14
consecutive const.
Thickness 50 m³ 5 m grid on Survey
plan area
Geometry 50 m³ 1 cross section Survey 3 m
per 15 m straight edge
Ride Quality Profile factor 50 m³ All lanes 3 m str. edge
Surface Texture Texture depth 50 m³ 2 per 50 m³ Survey
Curing Material quality— 1 contract 1 per AS 3799
Supplier's documentary production AS 1160
evidence and certification batch
Application Rate 1 day's work 1 per 1000 m²
Joints Material quality—Sealant 1 contract 1 per
supplier's documentary production
evidence and certification batch
Geometry 50 m³ All joints Survey and 3 m
straight edge
Steel supply Material quality— 1 Contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 4671
Supplier’s documentary
evidence and certification
Steel reinforcement 1 Contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 4671
Steel fibre 1 Contract 1 per contract ASTM A

© NATSPEC 46 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-Annexure C13 Placement of continuously reinforced concrete base

(1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Steel supply Material quality – 1 Contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 4671
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
Ready-mixed concrete
production and supply
Concrete/air temperature A production lot As required by Measure
Air content 1 Contract 1 per contract AS 1012.4.2
Method 2
Consistency - Slump 50 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
AS 1012.3.3
Compressive strength 50 m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
(7 day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Compressive strength 50 m³ 1 pair per 50 m³ AS 1012.1
(28 day) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Drying shrinkage 1 day’s production 3 per lot AS 1012.13
or 150 m³
(whichever is the
Placement Relative compaction
- Machine placed 50 m³ 1 per 50 m³ AS 1012.14
- Hand placed Area between 2 2 per lot AS 1012.14
consecutive const.
Thickness 50 m³ 5 m grid on Survey
plan area
Geometry 50 m³ 1 cross section Survey 3 m
per 15 m Straight Edge
Ride quality Profile factor 50 m³ All lanes 3 m Str.Edge
Surface texture Texture depth 1 day's work 1 per 2000 m² T240
Curing Material quality— 1 contract 1 per AS 3799
Supplier's documentary production AS 1160
evidence and certification batch
Application rate 1 day's work 1 per 1000 m²
Joints Material quality—Sealant 1 contract 1 per
supplier's documentary production
evidence and certification batch
Geometry 1 day's work All joints Survey & 3 m
Straight edge

© NATSPEC 47 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C14 Ready-mixed concrete production & supply

(0319 Minor concrete works, 1131 Rolled concrete subbase, 1132 Lean mix concrete
subbase, 1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base, 1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete
base, 1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Raw materials Material quality—
supply Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
Cement 1 mth's prod'n 1 per week AS 3972
Flyash 1 mth's prod'n 1 per month AS 3582.1
Water 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3583.13,
AS 1289.4.2.1
Admixtures 1 mth's prod'n 1 per month AS 1478.1
Fine aggregates
- Grading 1 wk's prod'n 1 per 200 m³ AS 1141.11.1
- Moisture content N/A 1 per day
- Sulphate soundness 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.24
- Bulk density 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Unit mass (Particle 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Water absorption 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Material finer 2 µm 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Deleterious material 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
Coarse aggregates:
- Grading 1 wk's prod'n 1 per 200 m³ AS 1141.11.1
- Moisture content N/A 1 per day
- Wet strength 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
- Wet/dry strength 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
- Sulphate soundness 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.24
- Particle shape 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.14
- Fractured faces 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.18
- Bulk density 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Unit mass (Particle 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Water absorption 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Material finer 75 µm 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Weak particles 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Light particles 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Deleterious materials 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Iron unsoundness 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
- Falling/dusting 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2758.1
Mix design Compressive strength 1 contract mix 1 per mix per AS 1012.9

© NATSPEC 48 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Aggregate moisture 1 contract mix 1 per mix per
content contract
Consistency—Slump 1 contract mix 1 per mix per AS 1012.3.1
Air content 1 contract mix 1 per mix per AS 1012.4.2
contract Method 2
Shrinkage 1 contract mix 1 per mix per AS 1012.13
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

Sub-annexure C15 Segmental paving

(1145 Segmental paving)
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Materials supply Material quality—
documentary evidence
and certification of:
- Concrete segmental 1 contract 1 per contract
paving units
- Clay segmental 1 contract 1 per contract
paving units
- Bedding sand 1 per contract
Grading 1 contract or change in AS 1141.11.1
- Joint filling sand 1 per contract
Grading 1 contract or change in AS 1141.11.1
Base Geometry One layer 5000 m², One cross Survey
max 1 day's section per
placement 25 m
Surface quality One layer 5000 m², 10 per 200 m² 3 m Straight
max 1 day's or lot Edge
Edge restraints Refer ‘Minor concrete 1 day’s placement 1 per 10 lin m Measure/
works’ Survey
Laying paver units Joint width 1 day's placement All joints Measure
Geometry 1 day's placement One cross Survey
section per
15 m
Surface quality 1 day's placement 10 per 200 m² 3 m Straight
or lot Edge

© NATSPEC 49 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C16 Bituminous slurry surfacing

(1146 Bituminous slurry surfacing)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Materials supply Material Quality—
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
- Bitumen (prior to 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2008
emulsification) or change in
- Bitumen Emulsion
Residual Binder 1 contract 2 per bulk AS 1160,
Content (Residue delivery App.D
from Evaporation)
- Mineral aggregates

Degradation factor 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.25.3

or 6 month
Los Angeles value 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.23
or 6 month
Aggregate wet 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
strength or 6 month
Wet/dry strength 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.22
variation or 6 month
Polished aggregate 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.42
friction value or 6 month
Sand equivalent 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1289.3.7.1
or 6 month
- Mineral filler 1 month's prod'n 1 per contract AS 2150
or 6 month
- Combined aggregate 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1141.11.1
grading or 6 month AS 1141.12
Mix design – Approval of mix and 1 contract 1 per mix
Nominated mix NATA certification —
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
Mix properties Wear loss 1 contract 1 per mix ISSA TB 100
Traffic time 1 contract 1 per mix ISSA TB 139
Adhesion 1 contract 1 per mix ISSA TB 114 or
Production mix Grading 1 day's prod'n or 2 per 50 m³* AS/NZS 2891.3
Residual binder content 50 m³ (whichever is 2 per 50 m³* .1
the lesser) AS 1160
Laying Levels 1 layer, max 200 m³ 1 cross section Survey
per 15 m

© NATSPEC 50 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
requirements frequency
Surface quality 1 layer, max 200 m³ 10 per 100 m* 3 m Straight
lane length Edge
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

Sub-annexure C17 Pavement markings

(1191 Pavement markings)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Materials supply Material Quality—
Supplier's documentary
evidence and certification
- Paint 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 4049.3
change in
- Glass beads 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 2009
change in
- Thermoplastic material 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 4049.2
change in
- Raised pavement 1 contract 1 per contract or AS 1906.3
markers change in
Paint application Wet film thickness 1 contract 1 per site visit or AS/NZS 1580.1
change in 07.3
Application rate of glass 1 contract 1 per site visit or 1191 Pavement
beads change in markings
pressure Annexure A
Thermoplastic Cold film thickness 1 contract 1 per site visit or Measure by
Application change in micrometer
Application rate of glass 1 contract 1 per site visit or 1911 Pavement
beads change in markings
pressure Annexure A

Sub-annexure C18 Signposting

(1192 Signposting)
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Materials supply Material quality—
Supplier's documentary
evidence and
certification of:
- Sign blanks 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 1743
change in material

© NATSPEC 51 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
- Aluminium extrusion 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 1866
backing change in material
- Retro-reflective 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 1743
material change in material
- Non-reflective paint 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 2311
change in material
- Non-reflective sheet 1 per contract, or
material change in material
- Steel sign support 1 per contract, or
structures change in material
- Grade 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 1627.9
change in material
- Protective treatment 1 contract 1 per contract, or AS 4680 and
change in material AS 1214
Concrete Refer 'Minor concrete
foundations works'

Sub-annexure C19 Minor concrete works

(0319 Minor concrete works)
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Subgrade Compaction 1000 lin m or 1 per 200 lin m AS 1289.5.4.1
1000 m² or 200 m²
Gravel subbase Compaction 1 day's placement 1 per 100 lin m AS 1289.5.4.1
construction or 100 m²
Subbase geometry 1 day's placement 1 per 25 lin m 3 m straight
Steel supply Material quality— 1 delivery 1 per production
Suppliers documentary batch
evidence and
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
Ready-mixed concrete
production and supply
Consistency—Slump 15 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Compressive strength (7 15 m³ 2 pairs per AS 1012.1
and 28 day) 15 m³ AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9
Concrete Finished Levels 15 m³ 1 cross section Survey and
placement per 15 m 3 m straight
Surface dimensions Single fabrication As required to measure
confirm design
Backfilling Material quality:
- Maximum particle size 1 contract/ material 1 per 200 m³
type or lot
- Plasticity index 1 contract/ 1 per 200 m³ AS 1289.3.3.1

© NATSPEC 52 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
material type or lot
Compaction 1 day’s work or 1 per 200 m² AS 1289.5.4.1
max 200 m² or lot
Sprayed concrete Test panels and cores 1 contract 3 test panels AS 1012.4.2
and 4 cores per AS 1012.9
mix design AS 1012.14
Compressive strength 15 m³ 2 per 15 m³ AS 1012.4.2
cores AS 1012.9
AS 1012.14
Curing material 1 contract 1 per production
quality—Supplier's batch
documentary evidence
and certification

Sub-annexure C20 Landscape – roadways and street trees

0257 Landscape – roadways and street trees
Activity Key quality Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
verification size frequency
Seed Certification of 1 contract Certification for
authenticity for the each production
prescribed mix batch delivered
Imported topsoil Material quality: AS 4419
- pH 10,000 m² 1 per 500 m³ *
- Organic content 10,000 m² 1 per 500 m³ *
- Soluble salt content 10,000 m² 1 per 500 m³ *
Mulch for planting Material quality 1 Contract 1 Contract AS 4454
* Note: or part thereof, per lot.

Sub-annexure C21 Masonry walls

(0292 Masonry walls)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Alignment Set out Contract 25 m sections Survey
Footing Concrete slump Contract 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Concrete strength Contract 1 per contract or AS 1012.9
100 m³ (whichever
is the lesser)
Concrete grout Strength Contract As required by AS 1012.9
Backfilling Drainage layer grading Contract 1 per contract AS 1141.11.1
Foundations and Compaction Contract or 200 3 per 200 lineal AS 1289.5.4.1
backfill lineal metres metres
(whichever is
the lesser)

© NATSPEC 53 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C22 Crib retaining walls

(0293 Crib retaining walls)
Activity Key quality verification Maximum lot Minimum test Test method
requirements size frequency
Alignment Set out Contract 25 m sections Survey
Footing Concrete slump Contract 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Concrete strength Contract 1 per contract or AS 1012.9
100 m³ (whichever
is the lesser)
Backfilling Quality and plasticity Contract 1 per contract AS 1289.3.3.1
Drainage layer grading Concrete 1 per contract AS 1141.11.1
Foundations and Compaction Contract or 200 3 per 200 lineal AS 1289.5.4.1
backfill lineal metres metres
(whichever is
the lesser)

Sub-annexure C23 Water supply - reticulation

(1341 Water supply - reticulation (Construction))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Materials supply Material quality—Supplier’s documentary evidence and certification of:
- uPVC pipes 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1477
- Ductile iron pipes 1 contract 1 per contract AS 2280 and
AS 2129
- Copper pipe 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1432
- Polyethylene pipe 1 contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 4130
- Stop valves material 1 contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 2638.1
AS/NZS 2638.2
and AS 2129
- Non return valves 1 contract 1 per contract AS 4794
- Spring hydrants 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3952
Siting and Geometry 1 line 1 per line Survey
Bedding Material quality
- Grading 1 contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 2032
per source
Thrust and anchor Refer sub-annexure
blocks C13
Concrete Refer sub-annexure
encasement C13
Chamber covers and Geometry 1 cover/frame 1 per survey
frames cover/frame
Testing of pipelines Pressure testing 1 line 1 per line As specified
1341 Water
supply –
clause 4.8
Backfill and Compaction 1 line 1 per 2 layers AS 1289.5.6.1
compaction max 100 m² or
AS 1289.5.7.1

© NATSPEC 54 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C24 Sewerage system - reticulation

(1361 Sewerage system - reticulation (Construction))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Materials supply Material quality—
Supplier’s documentary
evidence and
certification of:
- uPVC pipes 1 contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 1477
- Ductile iron pipes 1 contract 1 per contract AS/NZS 2280
and AS 2129
- Vitrified clay pipes 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1741
- Precast access 1 contract 1 per contract AS 4198
Siting and Geometry 1 line/ 1 per line/ Survey
excavation structure structure
Bedding Material quality— 1 contract 1 per contract AS 1152
Grading per source
Concrete bedding Refer Sub-Annexure
Laying and jointing Geometry 1 line 1 per line Survey
of pipes, access
Thrust and anchor Refer Sub-Annexure
blocks C13
Concrete Refer Sub-Annexure
encasement C13
Cast in situ access Material quality:
chambers - Tri-calcium aluminate
content 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3972
per source
- Fineness index 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3972
per source
- Minimum cement 1 contract 1 per contract AS 3972
content per source
Acceptance test of - Compressed air 1 line 1 per line As specified
gravitation mains & testing 1361 Sewerage
access chambers systems –
clause 4.9.
- Hydrostatic testing 1 per test length 1 per line 1361 Sewerage
Test length = systems –
1370 m pipeline reticulation
dia.(mm) clause 4.9
Backfill and Compaction 1 line 1 per 2 layers AS 1289.5.7.1
compaction max 100 m²

© NATSPEC 55 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Sub-annexure C25 Water supply - pump stations

(1342 Water supply – pump stations (Construction))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Switchgear and Electrical function each installation 1 test per As specified
controlgear installation 1342 Water
assembly supply– pump
clause 4.6
Commissioning of Certification testing of 1 installation 1 per installation As specified
pumping station electrical installation 1342 Water
in accordance with supply – pump
relevant Australian stations
Standards clause 4.9

Sub-annexure C26 Sewerage systems - pump stations

(1362 Sewerage systems – pump stations (Construction))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Switchgear and Electrical compliance each installation 1 test per AS/NZS 3439
controlgear installation
Commissioning of Certification testing of 1 installation 1 per installation As specified
pumping station electrical installation 1362 Sewerage
in accordance with systems –
relevant Australian pump stations
Standards clause 4.8

Sub-annexure C27 Construction of pathways and cycleways

(0282 Pathways and cycleways (Construction))
Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Subgrade Compaction 1000 lin m or 1 per 200 lin m AS 1289.5.4.1
1000 m² or 200 m²
Subbase/ Granular Compaction 1 day's placement 1 per 100 lin m AS 1289.5.4.1
base placement or 100 m²
Geometry 1 day's placement 1 per 25 lin m 3 m straight
Steel supply Material quality— 1 delivery 1 per production
Suppliers batch
evidence and
Concrete supply Refer Sub-Annexure
concrete production
and supply
Consistency—Slump 15 m³ 1 per load AS 1012.3.1
Compressive strength 15 m³ 2 pairs per 15 m³ AS 1012.1
(28 days) AS 1012.8.1
AS 1012.9

© NATSPEC 56 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Activity Key quality Maximum lot size Minimum test Test method
verification frequency
Concrete placement Finished Levels 15 m³ 1 cross section Survey and
per 15 m 3 m straight
Surface dimensions Single fabrication As required to Measure
confirm design

Annexure D – Matrix for compliance with AS/NZS ISO 9001 and this specification.
Clause AS/NZS ISO 9001 Records Project quality plan
2.1 QMS. - Project quality plan. - QMS and procedures.
- Quality manual. - Matrix for QMS.
- Subcontractor and
2.2 Control of documents - List of who holds issued - Description of how
documents. quality records will be
- Register of current stored and maintained.
2.3 Management - Corporate QMS. - List of responsibilities
responsibility and authorities for
Quality Assurance
2.4 Resource - Provision of resources. -
2.5 Design and - Design records.
2.5, 2.11 and 2.12 Purchasing - Evaluation of - Method and results of
Subcontractors and Subcontractor
Suppliers. evaluation for process
- Surveillance, audit of validation.
Subcontractors. - Supply/delivery/
- Subcontractor supplied Subcontractor quality
documentation. plan.
- Certificate of testing by
2.6 Control of production - Procedures describing
and service provision how to control work
- Records demonstrating
effectiveness of work
process controls.
- Records of process
validation when
2.6 Identification and - Product batch/traceability - Method of maintaining
traceability records. traceability.
- Lot identification register. - Method of subdividing
the work into lots and
allocating lot numbers.
2.6 and 2.9 Control of - Calibration certificates.

© NATSPEC 57 December 2013

0161 Quality (Construction)

Clause AS/NZS ISO 9001 Records Project quality plan

monitoring and - Survey control.
measuring devices
2.7 Inspection and test - ITP’s. - Procedure for
planning - Records/checklists of inspections, testing and
inspection and testing. closing out work lots.
- Conformity reports for - How to keep records of
each completed lot. inspection and test
- ITP and forms.
- Method for identifying,
controlling and verifying
inspection and test
2.8 Monitoring and - Hold Point and Witness - Method for release of
measurement Point schedule. Hold Points.
- Inspection and test
2.10 Control of - Nonconformity reports. - Method of registering
nonconforming - Notifications of and closing
nonconformity register. nonconformance.
Corrective action - Corrective action reports - Method of ensuring
and register. against corrective
- Corrective action action.

© NATSPEC 58 December 2013

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