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Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)

SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023

Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023


Foster the value of sustainable tourism, and nurture culture and heritage

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

Tourism Development Provinces, cities and municipalities:

At least two of the following:

1. Presence of local tourism officer

or designated officer
2. Tourist information and
Assistance Center or desk
3. Local Tourism Development Plan
4. Annual Supply Tourism Statistics

1. Presence of local Pursuant to Sec. 42 of RA 9593 (Tourism Act of 2009), For provinces, cities, and
● Executive order or similar
tourism officer or a province, city or municipality in which tourism is a municipalities: Must have at least a
issuance creating a local
designated officer significant industry shall have a permanent position for designated local tourism officer.
tourism office or
a tourism officer. Functions of said officer include taking
designating an officer for
the lead in the: preparation and implementation of local
tourism development and
tourism development plans, coordination with the
promotion with listed
Department of Tourism, and ensuring that local tourism
functions, duties and
development is in line with national policies.
Due to the emergence of tourism as a priority sector for ● Appointment of local
sustainable development and economic recovery for tourism officer
almost, if not all, LGUs, the LGUs have at least a ● Certified Form 2H Planning
designated personnel as a tourism officer. and Development Office on
local tourism condition (for
profiling purposes)
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

2. Establishment of a According to Sec. 43 of the Tourism Act, an LGU -- For provinces, cities, and
● Photo Documentation
Tourist information and where tourism is a significant industry, shall establish a municipalities: Actual existence of a
(Certified Form 2E DILG
Assistance Center or tourist information and assistance center which shall local tourism and assistance center
Field Office)
desk serve as one-stop information center or desk for tourists or desks with promotional materials
and tourism enterprises ● Actual tourist information and references for the tourist sights
and assistance center or found in the LGU.
desk, which may be located
in the
provincial/city/municipal hall
● Ordinance or similar
issuance creating the tourist
information and assistance
center or desk

3. Presence of Local Section 37 of R.A. 9593 stipulates that LGUs are Documentation supporting the For provinces, cities, and
Tourism Development encouraged to utilize their powers under the Local planning and formulation of the municipalities: Must have at least
Plan Government Code of 1991 and thus prepare local LocalTourism Development one of the following documents:
tourism development plans that integrate zoning, land Plan: 1. Approved Local Tourism
use, infrastructure development, the national system of Development Plan
standards for tourism enterprises, heritage, and ● Approved resolution or 2. Approved resolution or
environmental protection imperatives in a manner that executive order creating executive order creating the
encourages sustainable tourism development. the Tourism Tourism Development Plan
Development Plan Committee or Technical
According to The Organization for Economic Co- Committee or Technical Working Group
operation and Development (OECD), having a tourism Working Group 3. Approved Work plan for the
plan is an important indicator of tourism ● Approved Work Plan for
competitiveness. It assures that there is a policy formulation of the Tourism
the formulation of the Development Plan
response and that economic opportunity is considered.
OECD states that in tourism policy making, it is very Tourism Development 4. Draft Local Tourism
important to look into the competitiveness of the Plan Development Plan
destination. It is then crucial that there are indicators ● Copy of draft Local
that can describe tourism competitiveness not only at Tourism Development
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

the national level but more so at the local level where

the development happens.

4. Submission of According to Sec. 38 of the Tourism Act, LGUs shall For provinces, cities, and
● Actual Supply database
Annual Supply provide an inventory of all the resources available to the municipalities: Must have submitted
based on the DOT
Tourism Statistics Department to monitor the resources and to ascertain annual supply tourism statistics
Report the economic and social impact of tourism. Standard Reporting report for CY 2022, based on the
Format under the standard format under the SLTSS, to
They shall likewise periodically report to the Department Standard Local Tourism DOT Regional Office
on the status of tourism plans and programs, tourist Statistics System
arrivals, and tourism enterprises, among others, within (SLTSS)
their jurisdictions.
● Copy of transmittal to
DOT Regional Office
● Supply Database for
Establishments (SAE1)
● Supply Database for
Tourist Attractions
● Supply Database for
other Tourism
Enterprises (STE)

Cultural Heritage Promotion and Conservation Provinces, cities and municipalities:

At least three of the following:
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

5. Presence of a local council for

culture and the arts
6. At least 75% utilization rate of
budget appropriated for the
conservation and preservation of
cultural property for CY 2022
7. Updated cultural property
8. Documented and published
narrative of history and culture

5. Presence of local Cultural heritage promotion forms part of the general Provinces, cities and municipalities:
● Sanggunian Resolution or
council for the welfare mandate of local governments according to the Presence of local council for culture
similar issuance creating a
promotion of culture LG Code and National Heritage Act (RA 10066). Local and the arts
local council for culture and
and the arts governments have a very important role in enriching our
the arts with listed
cultural heritage and identity to be led by an established
functions, duties and
council for the promotion of culture and the arts.
responsibilities compliant to
DILG MC No. 2017-133
Per DILG MC No. 2017-133, the Council is headed by
the Provincial Governor or City/Municipal Mayor as
Chair with the following as members: (a) Sanggunian
Chair of Committee on Culture and the Arts; (b) Local
cultural officer or equivalent; (c) Local planning and
development officer; (d) Local information officer or
equivalent; (e) Local budget officer; (f) Local tourism
officer or equivalent; (g) NGA representatives from
DepEd, CHED, TESDA, PIA, NCCA; (h) Local tourism
council, if any; (i) Representatives from local
historical/heritage society, sectarian organization, local
museums, or local artist groups, if any; (j) Business
sector or chamber of commerce; (k) Professional
sector, academe, youth sector; and (l) Indigenous
Peoples and Cultural Communities, if applicable.
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

6. Approval and Local governments play an important role in the Provinces, cities and municipalities:
● Utilization Data per Certified
implementation of a conservation, development and promotion of cultural At least 75% utilization rate of CY
Form 2A Accounting Office
budget appropriated property that defines our national identity. Sec. 33 of 2022 budget appropriated for the
for the conservation RA 10066 encourages incorporation of cultural property ● 2022 Annual budget conservation and preservation of
and preservation of programs in the LGU budgets. Said appropriation may ● 2022 Annual Investment cultural property as of December 31,
cultural property be a mere incorporation in the LGU-funded Program 2022
environmental, educational and cultural activities.

7. Existence of an Documentation of cultural property is a cornerstone of Provinces, cities and municipalities:

● Cultural property inventory
updated Cultural effective cultural heritage preservation and promotion. Cultural inventory that is:
using the templates
property inventory in LGUs are to maintain a record of the cultural properties 1. Updated not earlier than
prescribed under DILG-
the LGU under its jurisdiction. These local inventories will 2022,
NCCA JMC No. 2021-001
eventually form part of the Philippine Registry of 2. Using the templates
Cultural Property (PRECUP) that is to be managed by ● Acknowledgement letter prescribed under DILG-
the National Commission for Culture and the Arts from NCCA NCCA JMC No. 2021-001,
(NCCA) (Sec. 16 of RA 10066 and DILG-NCCA JMC ● Proof of transmittal of 3. Adopted by the LGU, and
No. 2021-001). inventory 4. Submitted to NCCA for
Cultural property refers to all products of human ● Sanggunian Resolution
creativity by which a people and a nation reveal their adopting the inventory Consideration is given to LGUs with
identity including places of worship, schools and natural ● List of LGUs with inventory cultural inventory using the templates
history specimens and sites. submission from NCCA prescribed under DILG-NCCA JMC
No. 2021-001 that is updated not
At the minimum, the inventory/registry must contain the earlier than 2022, transmitted to
following information on each cultural property: (a) NCCA for review, but is yet to be
name of property; (b) significance or how the property adopted by the LGU.
depicts/represents the identity of the locals; (c)
classification; and (d) photograph or related multimedia
files (video, audio, etc), if available. Location and
ownership should be recorded but must be kept

Per NCCA Board Resolution No. 2017-330 and DILG-

NCCA JMC No. 2021-001, this inventory is to be
Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)
SGLG Technical Notes CY 2023
Document Code: Final Version as of June 6, 2023

Indicator Relevance / Description Data Source SGLG Minimum Requirement

submitted to NCCA including Sanggunian ordinances or

resolution recognizing such. Said submission shall be
formally acknowledged by the Commission through a
letter addressed to concerned LGU or through a
Certificate of Compliance.

8. Published narrative Availability of proper documentation of local narratives Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
● Photo documentation
of history and culture aimed to preserve and popularize historical and cultural Actual published narrative available
(Certified Form 2E DILG
heritage and resources. for public consumption or reference
Field Office)
on the historical and cultural
● Copy of published narrative background of the LGU
of history and culture
(website printscreen, book,
newsletter, magazine)
● Proof of LGU
acknowledging narrative
published (traditional or
digital) by a third party

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