Fbb-Triton Incident v1

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In the outer reaches of the solar system, Farsight
Station watches the depths of space for signs of life.

But as new data arrives on a newfound world, a bril-

liant scientist is murdered on the station.
introductor y elevation scenario
When the player characters investigate, nothing
turns out to be quite as it seems.

Then, the real trouble starts.

The Triton Incident is an introductory scenario for

Elevation. It is a freestanding adventure but the story
continues in Elevation.

M-SPACE and Elevation are needed to make full use of

the book, but it is compatible with most d100 games.

FrostByte Books
michael larrimore
In the outer reaches of the solar system, Farsight
Station watches the depths of space for signs of life.

But as new data arrives on a newfound world, a bril-

liant scientist is murdered on the station.

When the player characters investigate, nothing

turns out to be quite as it seems.

Then, the real trouble starts.

The Triton Incident is an introductory scenario for

Elevation. It is a freestanding adventure but the story
continues in Elevation.

M-SPACE and Elevation are needed to make full use of

the book, but it is compatible with most d100 games.

FrostByte Books 9 789198 239362

introductor y elevation scenario

michael larrimore

FrostByte Books

written by michael larrimore

cover art by axel torvenius

interior art by clarence redd, dan mackinnon

and jerome gautier

design and layout by clarence redd

special thanks to
pete nash and lawrence whitaker

This product references the Mythras

Imperative rules, available from The Design Mechanism at
www.thedesignmechanism.com and all associated logos and
trademarks are copyrights of The Design Mechanism. Used with permission. The
Design Mechanism makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or
suitability for purpose of this product.

ISBN: 978-91-982393-6-2
© FrostByte Books 2019. All rights reserved

» Starseeker deck plans and starship sheet

» Setting background for players

» Player map of Farsight Station

» Pre-generated characters


The Triton Incident

“Farsight Station to all points. We are under attack. I repeat, we are under attack.
Boarders have already breached the airlocks and are headed to command. We need
assistance immediately. Anyone who is listening, please help...”

Location: Farsight Station

As new recruits of Elevation, an organization that explores uncharted stars in search
of intelligent life, the player characters are sent to observe operations at an orbital
satellite facility called Farsight Station. As part of their mission, the characters are
also to retrieve recent data collected on potential exo-planets observed by the sta-
tion’s powerful broadband telescope and return it to Elevation’s central headquarters
on Terra.

Upon arrival the player characters meet the of staff and contracted researchers at the
space station. They are given the grand tour of the facility before they are assigned
work stations during their time stationed there. The characters have a few days on
board before they return to Terra with the requested data, but their simple orientation
mission is interrupted by an attempted murder and the arrival of a mysterious ship.

The craft is a stealth destroyer of the highly aggressive K’Taar, a warlike species that
has its sights set on Terra. The ship sends in a small strike team of combat androids
to secure the station so its powerful telescope and recording instruments can be used
to ascertain the defensive capabilities of humanity. With limited weapons and crew,
the player characters must find a way to repel the invaders and keep Farsight Station
Elevation insignia and its valuable data intact.


Setting Background

As more and more species gain access to faster-than-light travel, the dark corners of
the galaxy become lit by the fires of exploration. Each new star discovered brings with
it countless resources, and the most valuable of these commodities is a new species
of sentient beings. Intelligent aliens bring with them new ideas, new technologies,
and a new market for the consumer driven galactic culture. In the history of space
travel, there are many instances of a new culture being corrupted by the shiny baubles
and gadgets peddled to them by a more advanced species. There are also unfortunate
tales of a primitive species being ground under the boot of conquerors, enslaved or
worse by overlords from the stars.

A daring space explorer names Marcus Earther witnessed those very injustices
during his travels, and when he happened upon a previously undiscovered
species he decided to take a different approach. Calling himself a “first contact
facilitator,” he took it upon himself to act as an advocate for the aliens and assisted
them in getting fair treatment and trade agreements when they joined the galactic
community. Earther went on to create an organization called Elevation that worked to
explore the uncharted parts of the galaxy in search of more sentient beings to assist.

Years later, Elevation is on the verge of closing down. Marcus Earther disappeared
fifteen years prior when out on an exploration mission, possibly a victim of the ag-
gressive K’Taar. His granddaughter Juhi “Jules” Earther is trying to preserve her grand-
father’s legacy, but without a significant discovery it is only a matter of time before El-
evation’s funding dries up and they have to shut their doors. One of her most valuable
resources is a space station in orbit around Neptune’s moon Triton. Called Farsight
Station, it remains one of the most powerful deep space telescopes in the Sol system
and is invaluable in Elevation’s search for undiscovered planets. Jules sends out new
recruits to the station as part of their training so they can learn how the station oper-
ates and meet its eclectic staff. The player characters are such new recruits, and they
arrive just as some valuable data comes into the station’s instruments... and just as a
K’Taar scout ship arrives to capture the station for some nefarious purpose. Marcus Earther


Elevation Staff
Arrival On Farsight
Dr. Emma Galdus is the head of Eleva-
tion’s R&D division and the director of “Starseeker Four to Farsight docking control. We are on final approach and our
Farsight Station. She is a brilliant but
vectors match your signal and we are firing maneuvering thrusters. Docking in
detached scientist who rarely interacts
t-minus one minute.”
with anyone onboard.
The player characters arrive at Farsight Station after a journey of several hours, in-
Dr. Daniel Algernon is the Dr. Galdus’
cluding one short jump through an artificial wormhole known as a ‘rift.’ This form of
research assistant and second-in-
command of the station. He is friendly travel can be disorienting for those not used to it, so have them make an unmodified
and serves as the main contact for the Stamina roll to see if they develop temporary rift sickness, which imposes one level of
player characters. fatigue. Then read the following:

Jake Federan is the mechanic and When you signed up with Elevation, you had dreams of far-flung adventures
technician for the station. He often
out in the deepest reaches of the galaxy. While Neptune is not the distant sec-
seems distracted and seems annoyed if
tor you hoped for, it’s hard to deny the magnificence of its swirling gases and
the characters try to engage him or ask
its immensity compared to the tiny, late-model spacecraft you came here in. It
for a favor.
doesn’t take long for Triton to come into view, and you can just make out your
XO-14 is a late-model service robot and
destination within the black edge of the moon’s dark side.
serves as a mobile database for the
station. He acts as a liason and tour Farsight Station has been in orbit there for decades, and at its height it was the
guide for the characters while they are most advanced deep space observation post in the Sol system. Now it doesn’t
on station.
seem quite as impressive. Only a few lights are lit along its main ring, making
it apparent how much of the station is unused or abandoned now, and count-
less pock marks from micro-meteors bring up troubling questions about hull
integrity. At the center of the ring sits the stationary orb that contains several
multi-frequency telescopes that bring in most of the station’s valuable data.
You are tasked with learning about the inner workings of the station as part
of your orientation, but the thought of being stationed here for the next week
makes you wish you were anywhere else in the galaxy.

After docking, the player characters disembark and are greeted by the limited Eleva-
tion staff present on the station. Detailed descriptions of these characters are listed
in the NPC section at the end of the scenario. See the sidebar for a quick introduction.

Dr. Galdus gives a cursory welcome, trailing off before she even finishes to jot some-
thing down in a worn notebook before she wanders off. Jake appears uncomfortable
with the whole process and makes an excuse to leave as soon as he is able. Dr. Alger-


Elevation Residents
non and XO-14 are far more congenial, taking time to learn all the player characters’
names and give them a tour of the active parts of the facility. Dr. Algernon also shows Tenus Reld is an alien mid-level execu-
tive of the Ulthan Beverage Conglomer-
them the sealed doors that lead to the sections that are off-limits and empty to con-
ate who is on-board to do research on
serve power and resources. The tour ends on the command deck and Dr. Algernon
Triton’s liquid water for her employer.
takes his leave, allowing the characters full access to the sections that Elevation holds
Gregor Havarich is another executive
dominion over.
from Ulthan Beverage and works un-
Other sections of the station are leased out to universities and private enterprises as der Tenus. He is a salesman through
a means of paying for the upkeep costs. Currently there are only a few other people and through and always looking to get
on-board, and while they are not present upon the characters’ arrival, as they explore
they will encounter the other residents in the public areas and access corridors. Like Dr. Lanton Vettes is an astrophysicist
the Elevation staff, more detailed descriptions can be found in the NPC section. from a Terran university who frequents
the station to use its powerful tele-
scope. He is a workaholic but is friendly
if he is approached when he isn’t work-

Amy Tarver is a young graduate student

and works as Dr. Vettes assistant. She
is wide-eyed, a bit naive, and very ex-
cited about being out in space.

Ginger is an alien researcher who spe-

cializes in esoteric and fringe branches
of space studies. Naturally telepathic,
she has a hard time interacting with
others outside of their thoughts.

ALT-A0 is Ginger’s android assistant

and aids her in her research. He lacks a
strong personality, but sometimes acts
a bit too much like his owner.

Ginger, Aarqun Species


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Down to level 2 4

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14 3 Lift




Down to level 2


Up to level 1

Main & Observation

Computer Core

Docking Bay

Access Tunnel

2 Lift 1 Lift


Access Tunnel

Up to level 1

LEVEL 2: COMPUTER CORE 0 5 10 15 20 25 50m

Areas of Farsight Station
Most of the areas are inside the massive ring that comprises the running cycles of data collection for specific quadrants of unex-
bulk of the station. The ring rotates around a cylindrical central plored space. At times the staff from Elevation are present to do
core that contains the docking bays on the bottom, the computer more detailed observations, or the equipment is used by contrac-
core in the middle and the observation deck on the top. The ring tors present on station during time slots they are assigned. The
has nearly normal Terran gravity thanks to special nodes powered sensor equipment also monitors areas of space around the sta-
by a super-dense material known as nebulium, which is integral tion, keeping watch for micro-meteors, unknown objects, or in-
to artificial gravity and the rift drives that allow deep space travel. coming spacecraft, and alarm systems alert station personnel of
The central areas operates at half normal gravity in all areas, so it any potential danger.
requires more care when maneuvering around.
4. Elevation Quarters: The main crew quarters and galley for all El-
1. Docking Bay: The large circular hub directly underneath the evation staff on Farsight. The four state rooms are cramped, with
computer core is able to dock up to two medium size spacecraft bunk beds that can accommodate four people and a small bath-
or accomodate up to four smaller shuttles or fighters. Currently room area to be shared by all residents. The long-term staff each
there are two medium sized ships docked here, one being the ship have their own individual room, and while they are also cramped
the characters arrived on and the other belonging to the staff from they are far more comfortable than the state rooms. There is also
Ulthan Beverage Conglomerate. There is also a small shuttle the a communal galley and entertainment area that acts as a central
station uses for short range transportation and repairs, and four hub for the crew quarters, and it has automated food preparation
escape pods with sufficient air, food, and water for 14 galactic me- and waste disposal units that have their supplies refreshed every
dian days. The bay also contains automated repair systems and a three months.
refueling stations with sufficient supplies of protium and boron-11
5. Dr. Galdus’ Lab: As the head of Elevation Research and Develop-
for fusion reactors and nebulium for rift drives.
ment and of Farsight Station, Dr. Galdus maintains her own pri-
2. ADAC Computer Core: Autonomous Data Analysis and Collection vate laboratory on the station to conduct her experiments. It is
is one of the most valuable divisions of Elevation, using advanced by far the largest lab on the station, and while the equipment is
computers to gather and sift through all the data collected by Far- a decade out of date, Dr. Galdus makes her own updates to keep
sight Station. The entire room is filled with wall-to-wall screens it up to her personal specifications. She does not allow access to
of computer plastic, a special material that performs computa- anyone except Dr. Algernon, and becomes suspicious of anyone
tions and acts as data storage. The ADAC core of the station is who asks to gain entry, fearing they are attempting to steal her
very powerful, but it is almost entirely dedicated to the station’s ideas or inventions.
mission of deep space observation. Normally these operations are
6. Ulthan Beverage Quarters: One of the current tenants on-board,
automated, but sometimes one or more of the station’s residents
Ulthan Beverage has a suite of state rooms and a private galley for
are present to perform specific analysis.
their staff. Currently they are occupied by Tenus Reld and Gregor
3. Observation Core: At the top of Farsight Station’s central cyl- Havarich until additional staff arrive, and no other station per-
inder is the observation core, which contains a powerful multi- sonnel are allowed access without their express permission. The
band deep space telescope as well as advanced sensor systems. company installed state-of-the-art biometric locks on the access
Normally the systems here are controlled by the ADAC computers, hatch which are keyed to Tenus and Gregor.


7. Cal Tech Research Lab: One of the smaller research labs, the re- 12. Empty Lab: At the edge of the restricted area, this fully stocked
searchers from Cal Tech use it to conduct their research into deep laboratory is not currently being used. It was previously used for
space phenomenon and anomalies. Dr. Vettes and Amy Tarver split engineering work, and much of the equipment is geared towards
their time between here and the observation deck, and they are the design and production of technological devices. Most of the
more welcoming of visitors than most of the researchers on sta- equipment is sealed in plastic or stored in cabinets. Like most
tion. rooms on the station, it also has a wall-mounted disposal chute
that vents out into space.
8. Cal Tech Quarters: A small set of state room, the Cal Tech staff
spend their time off here to rest before the next round of research. 13. Power Core: In the uninhabited section lies the main power
Dr. Vettes and his assistant each have their own private room, and core, a bulbous projection on the far side of the ring that houses
they have a small galley to share between them. the fusion reactor that provides power to the station. The reac-
tor systems are mostly automated, but it can be accessed via a
9. Ginger’s Quarters: Ginger has her own private room on the far
maintenance shafts that lie underneath the station. Usually Jake
end of the station, closest to the restricted area. Her quarters
Federan or XO-14 are the only ones who have access to the power
are actually larger than most of the other state rooms, but it is
core, and they both are there at least a few times a week to per-
crammed with her research notes, charts, and old books.
form routine maintenance.
10. Medical Bay: While not large, the station’s medical bay (10.2) is
14. Restricted Area: About half of the station – crosshatched on the
serviceable and able to treat most minor injuries and some critical
map – is currently unoccupied thanks to budget cuts and downsiz-
ones. It is well stocked with basic medical supplies and medicines
ing of Elevation staff. Most of these spaces are completely empty,
(storage in 10.1), and it also has a limited AI auto-doc program
the equipment moved to other locations or sold off. Some parts
that can provide guidelines to aid in treatment. Any First Aid or
of the restricted area serve as long-term storage for data and
Medicine checks made with the equipment are one difficulty grade
equipment from Elevation’s heyday, although most of it is either
poorly maintained or woefully out of date. The restricted area has
11. Station Storage: Since most of Farsight Station is currently be- minimal life support and gravity, and power has been rerouted to
ing unused, large portions of the facility act as cold storage for the inhabited areas. All the core Elevation staff can access the
Elevation supplies and equipment. Parts of it are dedicated for restricted areas by using biometric locks on the bulkhead doors,
storage of supplies that see frequent use, such as foodstuffs, which also serve as airlocks into those sections of the station.
spare parts, space suits, and extra potable water and air tanks. It
Note: A player map of Farsight Station is included in 'Field Opera-
also has a small weapons locker that has six pistols (Damage 1d8,
tion Training Manual', the player's kit available on our website.
Range 20/100/200, Capacity 12, Load 3) and 200 rounds of am-
munition as well as four suits of light combat armor that grants
an armor rating of 4 to the head, chest, and abdomen. The locker
is kept locked, and only the core Elevation staff (Dr. Galdus, Dr.
Algernon, and Jake Federan) are linked to the biometric lock.


Interlude: Noises in the Dark
Since most of the station is currently unused, the player characters are restricted to
all the inhabited areas listed above. Curious characters may investigate the bulkhead
doors and if they do have them make a Perception test. If successful, they hear a faint
but noticeable banging sound that seems too random or irregular to be machinery. It
also seems to fluctuate in its intensity, growing faint and then becoming louder before
sounding distant again. If they ask any of the Elevation staff, Drs. Galdus and Algernon
brush it off as nothing and Jake grumbles about how he will “check on it later,” and he
will not budge as he has “more important things to worry about. Like keeping breath-
able air flowing on the station.” XO-14 is dutiful enough to offer to either investigate or
to allow the characters access to find the source of the noise. The non-Elevation per-
sonnel don’t have access to the restricted areas and won’t assist in any illicit attempts
to gain entry, although the characters can attempt to hack the locks on the doors with
a successful Hard Computers or ordinary Lockpicking check.

As mentioned above the restricted areas have limited life support and weak gravity,
so characters will need space suits or environmental suits to safely traverse those
sections of the station. There is also no lighting, so they will need some form of light
source. Standard space suits or environmental suits, both available on the characters’
ship or in the station storage room, have built-in lamps on the helmets with a range
of 30 metres and communicators.

Exploring the restricted areas is unnerving due to the emptiness, swirling dust, and
limited light. There are also many looming shadows from cargo containers of moth-
balled equipment stored haphazardly in the empty sections. Allow the characters an-
other Perception check as they explore, and if successful they again hear the strange
banging noises down a dark hallway. The source of the sound is an old cargo robot
that had a system glitch and activated on its own. It has very limited artificial intelli-
gence, and the short in its power systems skewed its programming. It attempts to grab
anything it sees to carry it off to no particular destination. It will view player characters
as another piece of cargo, crushing them if it gets its clamps on them. Read the follow-
ing when the characters first see the robot:


The clanking grows louder, carried through the thin air to the audio sensors in
your helmets. From a doorway ahead a massive figure squeezes through the
frame, nearly filling it with its bulk. It is a late model cargo robot, over three
metres tall and nearly as wide. Instead of hands it has large magnetic clamps
that open and close in a steady cadence, and its solitary glowing yellow opti-
cal sensor focuses on you. With heavy footfalls it advances, its clamps opening
and closing faster with each step.

Treat the malfunctioning robot as a K’Taar Kleev (see later), but it lacks the ability to
fly and its only attack is with its claws which inflict 1d4+1d4 damage with its melee
attacks. If it is able to achieve a grab special effect, it inflicts the same damage during
the hold as it crushes its target. The robot is oblivious to any attempt to reason with it,
and it focuses on a single target at a time no matter how many people are attacking it.
The robot can be tricked into targeting any object in the environment with a successful
Deceit check, or a character with the appropriate computer equipment can attempt to
hack into its systems to disable it with a successful opposed Computer check versus
the robot’s Willpower.

An Unexpected Space Walk

During their explorations of the station, one or more of the characters hears an alert
ahead of them indicating one of the airlocks is preparing to open and vent. If they
investigate, they arrive just in time to witness the following:

All around you the ambient lights dim, replaced by flashing orange warning
strobes and blaring klaxons, drowning out the dull hum of the station’s au-
tomated systems. At the end of the hallway you see one of the thick bulk-
head doors outlined in yellow warning signs that marks the station’s airlocks,
flanked by two orange warning lights flashing in a steady rhythm. Through the
square, clear view port you see the outer door slide open, venting what little
air was in the airlock into space. You also see a distressingly human-shaped
figure pulled out into the void along with the atmosphere.


Farsight Station in orbit around A successful Perception check allows them to catch a quick glimpse of the clothing (a
Neptune. lab coat and gray slacks) and from that they recognize as what Dr. Algernon was wear-
ing the last time they saw him.

There is a very short window of time to try to rescue or recover the poor scientist, and
if he is still alive that window is shorter still. The characters have several options, each
with different levels of risk and time needed.

Through the Airlock: The characters can attempt to use the same airlock to go out
and try and recover Dr. Algernon. There are lockers near the airlock hatch with three
space suits and the airlock needs to cycle thought its safety protocols before it can be
used again. Inside the airlock there is a 100 metre long emergency tether cable that
clips to a loop on the space suit belt.


Extended Conflict: Through the Airlock
This entire process is handled as an extended conflict opposed by Dr. Algernon’s En-
durance check of 50% with a CON pool of 10. The character attempting the rescue uses Skills: Zero-G, augmented by an Athlet-
ics check (to don the spacesuit quickly)
the stats in the sidebar.
and Electronics (to speed up the airlock
If the characters are able to deplete his pool first, they are able to rescue the doctor cycle time)
before he dies. If the character’s pool is depleted first, Dr. Algernon dies before they Conflict Pool: CON+DEX/2
reach him or he drifts out too far for them to reach him with the tether. A critical failure
Round Length: 1 round
on any of the checks outside the ship can result in the character out in space suffer-
ing a suit malfunction (suffering 1d4 hit points damage to a random location until Opposing Force: Endurance 50%, CON
Pool 10
repaired) or becoming detached from the tether if it is used.

External Repair Drone: The station is equipped with special remote controlled repair
drones to aid in repairs to the hull and external systems. There is a station for one of
these drones 50 metres down the hall from the airlock hatch, and it takes time to ac- Extended Conflict: Drone Rescue
cess the control system and boot up the drone. Skills: Pilot

Maneuvering it to Dr. Algernon requires an extended conflict check against Dr. Alger- Conflict Pool: DEX+INT/2 or the drone’s
non’s Endurance check of 50% with a pool of 14. See sidebar for stats. pool of 10, whichever is lower

If successful, the drone can be brought back to the external airlock hatch after it cy- Round Length: 1 round

cles through its safety protocols and the doctor can be brought inside. If unsuccessful, Opposing Force: Endurance 50%,
Dr. Algernon dies before he is reached or drifts beyond the range of the repair drone. Pool 14

Utilize a Shuttle: By far the slowest option, the characters can head to the dock-
ing bay to use the station’s shuttle to go out and retrieve Dr. Algernon. The shuttle
requires a minute to power up and another thirty seconds to maneuver it outside the
docking bay once the launch doors are opened. Due to the time it takes, characters
will need to make a successful Sensors check to locate the doctor’s body, and a Pilot
check to maneuver over to retrieve it with the shuttle’s external manipulator arms. If
they opt for this option, Dr. Algernon perishes before they can reach him.

The characters can also combine several methods to try to rescue Dr. Algernon, such
as sending someone out the airlock and using the repair drone to assist them in
getting back in with the body. In this case you can swap out different skills for the
extended conflicts, but use and average of the opposed pools involved.


Dr. Algernon Clues
No matter what method the characters use, when they retrieve Dr. Algernon it is im-
1. Down the hall from the airlock is a mediately evident that he suffered a lethal injury prior to being expelled out the air-
wall mounted toolbox, and a large pry
lock. The side of his head is caved in, possibly by a large blunt object, and the blood
bar used to open stuck bulkhead doors
and tissue are showing signs of damage from exposure to vacuum. A successful Hard
is missing.
Perception, Hard First Aid, or regular Medicine check also shows something off about
2. Dr. Algernon has tissue under his
Dr. Algernon’s tissues and blood as well as the visible internal structure of his head. A
nails from attempting to fend off his at-
quick examination by anyone trained in Medicine reveals his tissues are artificial, and
tacker. The tissue was too damaged by
the vacuum to be DNA matched, but a examining the skull cavity shows it was manufactured and not grown.
successful Medicine check identifies it
Dr. Algernon is actually an android body that contains a rhesus monkey outfitted with
as human.
advanced cybernetic cerebral enhancements in a compartment in the chest cavity.
3. Checking security camera footage Several years ago Dr. Galdus got frustrated with the lab assistants Elevation sent to
shows Dr. Algernon entered the com-
help her, so she decided to augment one of her lab animals to serve as her assistant.
puter core twenty minutes before he
The android body helped him in his duties and in interactions with other beings, and
was launched out the airlock. The cam-
eras in the computer room and in the
while it lacked full life support it will allow him to survive if the characters are able
hallways near the airlock were disabled to rescue him in time. If he survived and the chest cavity is opened, he mutters “sen-
and footage of the attack was not re- sors,” before he lapses into a coma.
Whether he survived or not, there are several clues that can be found on his android
4. Shortly before Dr. Algernon went body and near the airlock if the characters take time to search. See sidebar for details.
into the computer core, the locks on
the door registered Dr. Galdus’ biomet- Dr. Galdus becomes uncharacteristically emotional if told what happened to Dr. Alger-
ric key being used to enter the room. non, especially if he did not survive. Jake and XO-14 were not aware about Dr. Alger-
If interrogated, she denies going to non, and the station mechanic seems surprisingly angry if he is told the truth. A suc-
the computer core and can been seen
cessful Insight check reveals something seems off about Jake’s reaction to the news,
in her lab if the security cameras are
but he plays it off as being upset he was lied to about what Dr. Algernon really was.

The Wolf Inside

The station is rattled after the attack on Dr. Algernon, with each faction on board
keeping to themselves and casting a suspicious eye towards everyone else. If the
characters continue to investigate, they have several avenues to pursue leads about
the attack.


If they were able to locate the tissue under the doctor’s nails, it narrows the search
down to five potential suspects: Dr. Galdus, Jake Federan, Gregor Havarich, Dr. Vettes,
and Amy Tarver. They can take time asking each one questions, but given the current
state of paranoia there will be difficulty getting some of them to talk.

»» Dr. Galdus attempts to regain her normal odd but cold composure, but
the attack on Dr. Algernon seems to have really affected her. If he sur-
vived, she can often be found in the medical bay sitting next to him sing-
ing a quiet Irish folk song and stroking Dr. Algernon’s fur. She becomes
extremely upset if accused of harming him, storming off to her lab and
refusing to speak to the characters under any circumstance until the as-
sault on the station that occurs below.


»» Jake Federan maintains the story that he was caught off guard by the
revelation of what Dr. Algernon really was, and complains about how Dr.
Galdus needs to be put out to pasture for her weird experiments. He tries
to avoid everyone by isolating himself in the power core or other areas
of the station where he is the only one who has access. If pressed, he
becomes angry and belligerent at the accusations and threatens to report
the characters to Elevation command for slander of his character. A suc-
cessful Insight check reveals there is something off about his reactions,
and if confronted about this he refuses to talk any further.
»» Gregor Havarich stays in the Ulthan Beverage section of the ship, remain-
ing in his quarters doing work on his computer slate. He can be coaxed
out to talk, denying any role in the attack on Dr. Algernon. He dodges any
questions about his whereabouts on the station earlier that day, claiming
he was in his quarters all day working on sales projections of the project
he is there for. Like Jake, a successful Insight check reveals he is not being
truthful, but he sticks to his story unless confronted with evidence (see
»» Dr. Vettes seems anxious as soon as he is questioned, but tries to play
it off as being upset about the attack. He is far more willing to talk than
some of the others, and if pressed he denies having any role in the attack.
If the characters continue to interrogate him, he admits he has been hav-
ing an affair with his research assistant Amy and is fearful of his wife back
on Terra finding out.

»» Amy Tarver shuts down after the attack, staying in her room in the Cal
Tech quarters lying on her bed with music playing. If confronted, she
bursts into tears and tells the characters all about her affair with Dr. Vettes
and her fear that his wife or the university will find out and she will lose
her place in the graduate program.
»» A more detailed review of the security camera footage reveals the loca-
tions of all the above people in the time prior to the attack and immedi-
ately after. There is no check involved, but the process does take several
hours to complete. The check confirms that Dr. Galdus remained in her lab


and Dr. Vette and Amy Tarver were in their quarters the entire time. Jake
can be found several hours prior to the attack talking on his communica-
tor to someone, but is conspicuously absent during the time the cameras
malfunctioned. He can also be spotted in the distance on a hallway cam-
era near the empty lab (area 10) after the attack with a successful Percep-
tion check. Gregor was in his quarters most of the day, but about an hour
prior to the attack he can be seen entering the computer core and is never
seen exiting due to the malfunction. This is around the same time that Dr.
Galdus’ biometric key was used on the lock.
»» A search of the empty lab and a successful Hard Perception check (Easy if
the characters specifically look there) locates the missing pry bar stashed
in a waste disposal chute there. Someone attempted to dispose of it by
venting the chute into space, but the bar twisted sideways when it was
tossed in and got stuck. It does have fingerprints on it, but there are no
available fingerprint databases for the people present on station.
»» Searching the computer core itself can reveal a few more pieces of the
puzzle, especially if following-up on the last word Dr. Algernon said. Evi-
dence of tampering with the surveillance systems can be found with a
successful Computers check, and a basic system analysis reveals the sta-
tion’s long-range sensors and external long-range communications have
been disabled. Unlike the cameras, which were simply turned off, the
sensors and communicators had their internal systems destroyed. Wires
were cut, circuits were melted by intense heat, and vital components were
removed or completely shattered. Repairing the damage will take several
hours, spare parts, and will not be complete before the station is attacked
(see below).

If the characters investigate the options above, they may start to hone in on either
Gregor or Jake as the possible perpetrator of the attack. Both will remain evasive or
confrontational if they are pressed on where they were, but a successful opposed De-
ceit or Influence check against either of their Willpower causes them to crack.

Gregor admits that he was in the computer core without proper authorization attempt-
ing to steal planetary survey data from the station’s telescope. He utilized a special


A Kleev, the attack robots used by the

hacked keycard that cloned the last access code used, which was Dr. Galdus. He is
in deep debt due to a gambling problem and didn’t want his employers to find out
because that would label him as a business risk in their eyes. His plan was to sell the
data to the highest bidder since survey information is very valuable to explorers and
corporations looking to locate a new planet. Tenus Reld terminates his employment
when she finds out as his actions are a breach of contract with Elevation for their
rented time on Farsight Station.

Jake is a harder nut to crack, but if the characters are able to get him to talk he admits
to being the one who attacked Dr. Algernon, especially if he is confronted with the
pry bar (which has his fingerprints) and footage of him near the room where it was
stashed. He is reluctant to give his motive for the attack, demanding they call the au-
thorities to haul him away without any further explanation. With a successful opposed
Influence check against his Willpower he reveals why he attacked his coworker.


Jake Federan never expected to end up as a pawn of sinister alien conquerors. His
brother Jak was part of a corporate sponsored survey team that strayed too close to
the edge of K’Taar space and they were captured by a squadron of perimeter fight-
ers. After enduring hours of torture and interrogation, Jak revealed who his brother
worked for and how integral Jake was to the operations of Farsight Station. A K’Taar
warrior named Kar’dek was able to make contact with Jake using a secure channel,
offering his brother’s life in exchange for detailed schematics of the station and help
in getting past its sensors.

Dr. Algernon stumbled upon him disabling the station’s sensors in the computer core,
and Jake chased the poor scientist down the hall and struck him in the head with the
pry bar in desperation before throwing his body in the airlock. Jake’s anger over Dr.
Algernon was out of shame for attacking his coworker and that he failed to dispose of
the evidence of his actions. He admits his desperation came from fear that the K’Taar
would retaliate if they met any significant resistance during their assault, and he be-
lieves they will kill Jak without hesitation if he is no longer useful.

As the characters and crew are deciding what to do with Jake, or after 12 hours pass
after the attack on Dr. Algernon, someone shouts a cry of warning and points to one
of the view ports. Outside in the cold of space a sleek, angular spaceship of gold and
black coloration coasts through the blackness not far from the station.

Assault on Farsight
The spacecraft outside is a scout frigate of the infamous K’Taar, violently aggressive
aliens that have designs on conquering the known galaxy. The ship’s commander
Kar’dek plans to take over Farsight Station to use its instruments and telescope to
gather intelligence on Terra’s defenses and weak points for an eventual invasion.
Driven but arrogant, Kar’dek views this mission as beneath his ability and he does
not expect any significant opposition thanks to the information he obtained from his
unwilling spy on the inside. He also hopes his ambition in capturing the station will
gain him attention and accolades from his superiors.

Kar’dek was in communication with Jake via his personal communicator prior to the
attack on Dr. Algernon, awaiting word on whether he was successful in disabling the


Attack Preparations
station’s sensors. Once he had confirmation from Jake, Kar’dek brought his ship in
» The weapons locker in Station Stor- closer to prepare to launch his assault force. His ship is too large to use the station’s
age has the only known firearms on the
docking bay, so he disgorges a squad of ten Kleevs, deadly combat robots that the
station. Tenus Reld carries an energy
K’Taar leader controls directly with special cybernetic implants. He plans to have his
pistol called a pulser (Damage 2d4,
Range 10/30/120, Load 3, Capacity 10, robots gain entry through an airlock in the docking bay where five remain on guard
Special: ignores 2 points of the tar- as the other five head to the computer core to gain control of integral ship systems,
get’s armor) and she is willing to give killing or capturing anyone they encounter along the way. See their description below
it to someone who is better trained in for special tactics and rules for these robots. Kleevs rely on their armor and deadly
combat as long as they vow to keep her
plasma cannons to batter their way through defenses, but Kar’dek is clever enough to
use more careful tactics if they meet opposition. Once the station is secure, prisoners
» Dr. Galdus believes there are more will be loaded onto the K’Taar ship so they can be enslaved or held ransom. Kar’dek
weapons stored in the Restricted Ar-
never leaves his ship, preferring his robotic proxies to do all the work for him. If his
eas of the station, and she can either
forces encounter resistance, Kar’dek has five more Kleevs on his ship held in reserve,
have XO-14 retrieve them or guide the
characters to them. This will take a few
but he will only use them if he feels he can still capture the station.
minutes, allowing the Kleevs to gain It will only take the Kleevs a few minutes to fly to the airlock and breach it with their
entry, and if the characters did not deal
weaponry. If the characters plan to mount a defense they have little time to prepare
with the rogue cargo robot (see above)
but several options at their disposal. See some of the options in the sidebars.
they have another potential threat. In
another storage locker in the restricted The other crew aboard Farsight Station are not combatants, but all of them will try to
areas are two more pistols with 100
help since they know their lives are on the line. Jake is reluctant to help initially, but
rounds of ammunition, two rifles (Dam-
he can be convinced with a successful Influence check.
age 1d10, Range 50/200/500, Capacity
30, Load 3, Special: can fire bursts of If the characters manage to successfully repel more than half of the boarders, an
3 rounds which increases damage to enraged Kar’dek will start to bring his ship’s weapons to bear as retaliation for their
2d6) with fifty rounds of ammunition,
resistance. While the station has no defenses, if Dr. Galdus or XO-14 are still alive they
and a box with four concussion gre-
inform the characters of a large scale gravitonic shield that is installed on the station
nades (Damage 1d8 in a 3 metre radius,
Range 3/7/15).
in case of emergency. It can be controlled from the computer core and defending the
station is treated as an extended conflict opposed by the K’Taar scout ship’s pool of
» Dr. Galdus was working on several in-
17 and a skill value of 65%.
ventions in her lab that can help in the
attack. One of her pet projects is the Skills: Computers, augmented by Sensors (to monitor the K’Taar ship and its attacks)
development of a working gravitational
Conflict Pool: 16
shield for both personal and vehicular
use, and while she has not perfected ... Round Length: 1 round


If the characters succeed in overcoming the scout ship’s pool, read the following:
... it yet she does have a few working pro-
totypes that the characters can use.
The station’s shield comes up just as another barrage of white-hot plasma Referred to as her ‘gravitonic aegis,’
erupts from the K’Taar ship’s cannons, deflecting the blasts back at their these wrist mounted devices can gener-
source. The hull of the scout ship flares briefly with the orange glow of molten ate a short lived personal force shield
about the size of a large riot shield. In
metal before it ruptures, the ship breaking into dozens of pieces that flare as
game terms they allow a character to
they hit the energy field of the station’s defenses. A cheer erupts from the
parry anything, even energy blasts and
survivors as the enemy ship becomes little more than debris floating out in the projectiles, with a successful defensive
void beyond the station’s view port. combat skill check. The devices are
glitchy and after any successful parry
With Kar’dek gone any remaining Kleevs cease to function and are rendered inert.
roll percentile dice. If the roll is greater
If the scout ship manages to deplete their pool first, read the following: than 60%, the gravitonic aegis malfunc-
tions and can no longer be used. Dr.
The shield is a fraction of a second too late, the white hot plasma breaking
Galdus has three of these devices. She
through your defenses to strike true at a section of the ring on the far side of also has something she calls a ‘shunt
Farsight Station. Immediately warning klaxons blare and an automated voice stick,’ which is a metre long metallic
says, “Critical hull breach. Repeat, critical hull breach. Hull integrity failing. All rod topped with a cylindrical shaped
personnel please proceed to escape pods immediately.” It is a frantic scramble energy node. If used in melee, this de-
vice inflicts 1d10 damage with a force
as you rush down to the docking bay, the station lurching under your feet as
of Colossal and the target is flung back
you hurry. Just as you reach the escape pods you see a massive section of the
2d6 metres. If the target strikes a solid
great ring come loose and hurtle down towards the surface of Triton. As the object, both it and the object take fall-
pod launches, you look back in time to see the K’Taar ship turn away and head ing damage equal to the amount it was
off as what was once Farsight Station breaks apart into a mass of debris. hurled back. Like the gravitonic aegis,
the shunt stick malfunctions after a
The K’Taar ship leaves the system and in a few hours the emergency beacon from the
successful attack on a roll greater than
escape pod is picked up by a Terran patrol ship and the survivors are rescued. 60%.

» Enterprising characters or NPCs with

engineering and science backgrounds
can use devices, chemicals, and other
supplies on-board the station to impro-
vise traps, makeshift bombs, and other
items to aid in fending off the Kleevs.
The exact effect of these items is up to
the Games Master to determine based
on the ingenuity and die rolls of the


The outcome of the adventure depends on how the characters fared during the assault
on the station. If they were able to drive off the K’Taar ship and its deadly robots, they
are hailed as heroes and receive commendations from Elevation command. Whatever
crew remain will serve as allies and contacts for the characters, and Dr. Galdus will
feel especially indebted to them if they were able to save Dr. Algernon. If he survived,
Jake Federan is taken into custody for his actions in aiding the K’Taar, but before he is
taken away he pleads with the characters to try to find his lost brother Jak before the
K’Taar enact vengeance on him. Perhaps there is some clue as to where the scout ship
came from in its wreckage...

If they were not able to save the station, what happens depends on the fates of the
characters. If they were captured, they face imprisonment by a malevolent alien em-
pire on a harsh prison planet. If they are clever and bold enough, perhaps they can
mount an escape or get word out so someone can come rescue them. If they survived
the assault but failed to save the station, Elevation command will not be pleased at
the loss of such a valuable resource. They did manage to recover some of the survey
data from what Gregor attempted to steal, and there is a promising lead on a possible

Either way, the adventure continues in the Elevation source book.


For this adventure the main NPCs fall into several categories, so for simplicity’s sake
each is represented by a template given below. Any standard skill that is not listed
has a base rating of 40%, and feel free to add additional skills to flesh out the NPCs STR 10
as needed. CON 11

SIZ 10
Executive DEX 11

INT 12
Corporate workers, bureaucrats, government officials, and other individuals who work
with the power of their words and directives more than anything else. POW 12

CHA 13
Tenus Reld: A representative of Ulthan Beverage Conglomerate, Tenus Reld contract-
ed with Elevation to purchase time with their instruments to study the water content of
Move 6m
Triton to determine if it is viable for a soft drink they plan to market on Terra. She is a
Action Pt 2
no-nonsense business woman who is there to fulfill her duties to the parent company,
HP 10
and she does not want to be distracted so she can get back to the main corporate of-
Weapons –
fices on her home planet of Mercant Prime.
Armor –
Tenus is a female of the Rajolan species in her early fifties. Rajolans value business PP 12
and duty over all other things, and Tenus is very representative of her culture. Every Dmg Mod –
interaction is a transaction to her, and she treats any social contact as a means to
Skills: Commerce 65%, Deceit 60%, In-
another deal first and foremost.
fluence 65%, Insight 65%, Oratory 60%,
Gregor Havarich: Formerly a vice president of RE-FRSH, one of Terra’s largest manu- Willpower 60%
facturers of energy and sports drinks, Gregor took a lucrative deal with Ulthan Bever- Demeanor:
age to serve as their point man in all operations in the Sol system. He is ambitious Tanus Reld: Cold and business-like to
and opportunistic, always looking for the next angle or the next way to get ahead in everyone who is not Rajolan, constantly
his career. He is also vain and greedy, and thinks nothing of throwing someone else studies everyone around her.

under the bus to get what he wants. Gregor Havavich: Superficially pleasant
with a ready smile, will turn on anyone
Gregor is a human male in his mid-thirties. He is always well-dressed in the latest
if he can benefit from it.
business wear, even on his current assignment at the station. He always seems to be
Equipment: Computer slate, biometric
in Tenus Reld’s shadow and praises her constantly, but when her back in turned he
key card, wristcomp, designer clothing
often rolls his eyes or silently mocks her.

STR 9 Scientist
CON 10
Inventors, engineers, and researchers who look to unlock the secrets of the universe
SIZ 10 or push the boundaries of what is already known.
DEX 11
Dr. Emma Galdus: The head of Elevation’s Research and Development division, Dr.
INT 15 Galdus has advanced degrees in multiple fields of science and engineering and is one
POW 14 of the most brilliant minds in the Sol system. She is also the type of genius that is

CHA 11 so intelligent she can’t relate with anyone who is not on her level, and that rules out
most of the galaxy. She is a stereotypical ‘mad scientist’ and her inventions only make
Move 6m sense to her, although sometimes Dr. Galdus isn’t even sure exactly how they work.
Action Pt 2 Dr. Galdus is a human woman in her mid-sixties. Although she is head of operations
HP 10 on Farsight Station, she usually delegates day-to-day operations to Dr. Algernon or
Weapons – XO-14. This includes supervision of the player characters while they are there, includ-
Armor – ing interacting with them. When she is not performing her research, she engages in all
PP 14 sorts of quirky, bizarre behaviors such as counting her steps and writing the numbers
Dmg Mod – down in a small journal or making complex structures with flatware while mumbling
to herself.
Skills: Computers 60%, Craft (one type
of technology) 70%, Electronics 65%, Dr. Daniel Algernon: As Dr. Galdus’ research assistant, Dr. Algernon tries to assist
Mechanics 65%, Medicine 60%, Percep-
his mentor while also making sure Farsight Station runs as smoothly as it can. With
tion 65%, Research 70%, Sensors 60%,
multiple degrees in advanced fields, he is nearly on-par with Dr. Galdus in terms of
Science (one type) 75%
genius but he comes across as far more sociable. He also tries to curb some of his
Demeanor: Dr. Galdus: Scattered and
mentor’s stranger ideas and behaviors, and also manages the station’s sensors and
socially awkward, lost in thought.
monitoring equipment.
Dr. Algernon: Amicable and pleasant,
prone to odd periods of stillness. Dr. Algernon appears as a human male in his early forties. His actual form is a male
rhesus monkey with brown fur and extensive cybernetic implants on his scalp. He is
Dr. Vettes: Friendly and personable,
second-in-command on the station, but in truth he actually runs Farsight Station since
quiet and focused when working.
Dr. Galdus usually can’t be bothered with it. He will aid the player characters the best
Ginger: Calm and serene, excitable
he can while they are on-station, and he also keeps a close eye on sensor data to
when talking about her work.
see if there are any promising leads on new planets. While his mannerisms are more
Equipment: Computer slate, portable normal than Dr. Galdus, he can be found staring off at nothing for long periods and he
scanner, wristcomp, various tools and
never seems to sleep or rest. These periods are when his android body is recharging
or when he is resting inside his “man suit.”

Dr. Lanton Vettes: As a tenured professor of astrophysics at CalTech, Dr. Vettes is
well regarded in the academic community and has written several well-received pa-
pers on the subject of deep space anomalous objects and the quantum paradox of
black holes. He is a frequent contractor of time on Farsight Station, and is well known
among the long-term crew there. He is currently working on another research paper
as part of a grant application, and spends most of his time in the observation core at
the telescopes or working on the computers there.

Dr. Vettes is a human male in his late fifties. Soft-spoken and preoccupied with his
theories, he seems distant and cold but on the rare occasions when he takes a break,
he is actually very friendly and engaging. He is especially friendly to his research as-
sistant Amy, seeming like a different person when she is around. Dr. Emma Galdus

Ginger: One of the rare independent researchers to buy time on Farsight Station, Gin-
ger has been there for nearly two years as part of her extensive study into real world
implications of classic astrological beliefs. She became fascinated with the esoteric
ideologies when she first arrived on Terra, and has made her studies in a semi-lucra-
tive career publishing books and vids on the subject. She knows most serious minded
scientists believe her to be a kook or a charlatan, so she is determined to find some
basis for her theories while she is on the station.

Ginger is an Aarqun in her late seventies who identifies as female. Her people are
naturally telepathic and have difficulty communicating any other way, but her years
on Farsight Station have helped her develop a more personable demeanor than most
Aarqun. She is obsessed with proving her theories to the point of seeming almost
manic when discussing them, and recently she has developed a slight psychic tic that
causes those around her to get pressure in their heads when she is upset.

STR 11 Technician
CON 13 Gifted in the lingo of technology and the inner workings of its mechanisms, techni-
SIZ 11 cians can be hackers, starship mechanics, or generalists who know a little bit about

DEX 12 everything.

INT 12 Jake Federan: The station mechanic and head technician, Jake maintains all essen-

POW 11 tial systems as well as the computers that analyze all the data brought in from the
telescopes and sensors. He brings a blunt, blue-collar practicality to the intellectual
CHA 12
endeavors of the station and he treats the place like it was his child. He can almost
always be found in the bowels of the station, checking on its essential systems and
Move 6m
power core, and he becomes anxious if he is separated from his work for too long.
Action Pt 2
HP 12 Jake is a human male in his late thirties. While he’s the custodian and technician, Far-
Weapons – sight Station relies on him far more than anyone else to function and he knows it. He
Armor – has a quiet demeanor in most circumstances, but if anyone does something to dam-
PP 11 age Farsight Station Jake has a fiery temper that comes out in short bursts of anger.
Dmg Mod – He avoids others as much as he can, and seems annoyed when he is interrupted when
performing his duties.
Skills: Athletics 60%, Brawn 60%, Com-
ms 60%, Computers 55%, Electronics Amy Tarver: A grad student at CalTech, Amy is currently working as Dr. Vettes’ as-
60%, Mechanics 65%, Sensors 60%, sistant on his research as part of an independent study. Young and intelligent, she is
Unarmed 60% working on her engineering doctorate and follows around Dr. Vettes like a puppy. She
Demeanor: is fascinated by him and his research, and takes every opportunity to talk about his
Jake Federan: Keeps to himself and genius and how amazing his current project is.
private, quick to anger.
Amy is a human female in her early twenties. Pretty and cheerful, this is her first trip
Amy Tarver: Overly cheerful and enthu-
into space and everything is new and exciting to her. She is very smitten with Dr.
siastic, fascinated with aliens.
Vettes and spends most of her time with him, but she is also drawn to any alien spe-
Equipment: Biometric key card, wrist- cies because she has never encountered any before now.
comp, tool kit

Service Robot STR 10

An ubiquitous part of the future, robots aid their owners in their work or do tasks that CON 12

are too dangerous, or too menial, for biological beings to do themselves. SIZ 10

XO-14: Elevation had an exclusive deal with Capek Robotics thirty years ago to produce DEX 10
support robots known as the XO series to aid in their operations, based on a design by INT 14
Dr. Galdus. Although by modern standards they are outdated, the XO’s are still reliable
POW 10
and well-built enough to remain in operation. XO-14 has served on Farsight Station
CHA 12
since he was activated and has served the many different staff stationed there over
the years. XO-14 has extensive linguistics abilities, up-to-date astronomical databases,
Move 6m
and knows the station better than anyone else. He is an invaluable resource, especially
Action Pt 2
to new recruits sent to Farsight for orientation.
HP 11
XO-14 is a cylindrical-shaped robot that hovers using an internal ant-gravity propulsion
Weapons See equipment
system. He has numerous appendages with tools and manipulators inside its chassis,
Armor 2 (Polymer Shell)
and a front-mounted screen and holographic projector to display information. XO-14
PP –
presents as friendly and congenial in all situations, even in circumstances where it
Dmg Mod –
would not be appropriate. XO-14 is programmed to serve any Elevation personnel even
to the point of self-sacrifice. Skills: Astrogation 55%, Comms 60%,
Computers 70%, Courtesy 60%, Elec-
ALT-A0: A current model servitor android, ALT-A0 is owned by Ginger and aids her in all
tronics 55%, Knowledge or Language
of her studies. She purchased him to aid in data retrieval and research, but his constant
(two types relevant to function): 70%,
companionship has caused them to develop an odd sort of friendship. A0 follows her Perception 60%, Sensors 55%, Zero-G
around constantly, trading ideas and theories and regurgitating whatever anecdote she 60%
told to him to act as a sounding board. His loyalty to her is generally unquestionable, Demeanor:
but recently he has developed more of a sarcastic tinge to his interactions with Ginger, XO-14: Always cheerful and helpful,
the result of reading too many comments about the crackpot nature of her work. even in situations where it would seem
A0 is a spherical bodied android with long plastic coated arms and legs. He has a
panel in place of a face that displays emoji that match his mood or conversational ALT-A0: very dry and dull, with an un-
style, and it also displays information he has stored or retrieved. He usually speaks in a derlying sarcastic streak.

dull, droning monotone, but occasionally he lapses into an obvious parody of Ginger’s On-board Equipment: Scanner (allows
speech and mannerisms. scanning of multiple bands of electro-
magnetic spectrum and x-ray scan-
Special Rules: Robots are artificial beings and are not subject to toxins or diseases
ning), built-in toolkit, holographic dis-
that only affect living organisms. They have no need to breathe, eat, or sleep and are
no affected by hard vacuum or low levels of radiation, heat, or cold.

STR 12 K’Taar Kleev
CON 14
The front line shock troops of the K’Taar empire, Kleevs are mass produced robots
SIZ 12 equipped with deadly plasma blasters and whipping tendrils that are tipped with
DEX 12 whirling drill tips.

INT 10 Kleev Tactics: Kleev robots are linked to a warrior K’Taar that directs all their move-
POW 8 ments and tactics during an assault, although they are capable of independent action

CHA 8 once they receive their orders. They usually work in pairs or small groups of four to
six units, but if facing light resistance they can work individually. Against unarmed
Move 6m targets they attempt to subdue with plasma blasts to non-vital areas or by grabbing
Action Pt 2 foes with their metallic tendrils. Against armed foes they seek cover as needed unless
HP 13 the weapons used against them are incapable of penetrating their armored shell. Foes
Weapons See equipment that fight back are always targeted with deadly force, but Kleevs are usually ordered
Armor 4 (Arm. Carapace) to retrieve downed foes alive so they can be enslaved or interrogated for valuable

PP – intelligence.

Dmg Mod – The control units on the robots have extensive and complex security measures to
prevent them from being overridden or hacked, but it is still possible with a Hard
Skills: Athletics 60%, Brawn 60%, Com-
bat Style: Plasma Weapons 60%, Evade Computer check. Fail safes within the robot make hacked units go offline at the end of
55%, Perception 55%, Unarmed 65% the combat round they are compromised, rendering them inert until rebooted by their
warrior commander. If the commander is subdued, Kleevs will enact their last order
Demeanor: Kleevs have no personal-
ity at all, communicates only to K’Taar until given new commands. If the ship or command module from where they are be-
warrior that leads them and can also ing directed is disabled or destroyed, all Kleevs linked to it will go offline until a new
transmit messages from their com- command module is linked to their systems.
Special: Robots are artificial beings and are not subject to toxins or diseases that
only affect living organisms. They have no need to breathe, eat, or sleep and are no
affected by hard vacuum or low levels of radiation, heat, or cold.

Onboard equipment: Plasma rifle (Damage 2d6+1, Range 25/75/300, Capacity 24,
Load 3, may use Sunder special effect, expend 3 shots to fire stream out to 8 metres
for 2d6 damage), lashing drill tentacles (Damage 1d6+1, Size M, Ignores 2 points of
armor), multi-band scanner (allows scanning of multiple bands of electromagnetic
spectrum and x-ray scanning), flight systems (move 10m).

K’Taar Warrior STR 9

CON 12
Frightening in appearance but physically unimposing, K’Taar warriors are gifted with
minds that excel in multitasking and command small squads of deadly combat robots SIZ 14
that serve the K’Taar dreams of conquest. They use special cybernetic implants to DEX 11
control these robots, often from a great range if they have access to a transmitter or INT 13
shipboard communications array.
POW 12
Kar’dek: A recent victor in the Grand Game that determines who elevates up from the
CHA 10
lowest caste, Kar’dek seeks to prove his worth among his peers and rise up further in
the ranks of the K’Taar war machine. While he is not brilliant tactician, he is a shrewd Move 6m
opportunist and seized upon things when he learned of Jak Federan’s connection to Action Pt 2
Farsight Station. Kar’dek is arrogant enough to follow through on his plan without HP 13
informing his superiors in fear they would take over his operation for him. Weapons See equipment
Like most K’Taar, Kar’dek is physically frail and prefers to use his Kleev robots for most Armor 5 (Arm. Carapace)
tasks. He wears a rings of bronze and black on his tendrils as befitting his rank and PP 12
never leaves the command module of his scout ship. Dmg Mod –

Equipment: Plasma pistol (Damage 1d8+1, Range 8/24/100, Capacity 12, Load 3, may Skills: Astrogation 65%, Combat Style:
use Sunder special effect), armor carapace, control implants. Plasma Weapons 65%, Comms 55%,
Computers 65%, Deceit 55%, Evade
60%, Insight 60%, Perception 60%, Pi-
lot: Starship 70%, Sensors 65%, Will-
power 65%, Zero-G 70%

Demeanor: Cold and detached in inter-

actions, speaking in a dull voice through
a translator implant

» Starseeker deck plans and starship sheet

» Setting background for players

» Player map of Farsight Station

» Pre-generated characters

A new setting and campaign for M-SPACE

Elevation was a proud organisation of brave explorers,

seeking new worlds and alien species.

Now, 40 years later, its founder has been lost in space.

Funds dwindle and outdated equipment falls apart.

But a small team of die-hard explorers refuse to give up.


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