G-20 MCQ

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When was G20 established?
(a) 1995 (b) 1999 (c) 1985 (d) 2000
Ans. b
Explanation: G20 was established in 1999 to bring together finance ministers and central bank
Governors of developed and developing countries.
2. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the G 20?
(a) Now the G20 summits are attended by the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
of the member countries only.
(b) India never hosted any G20 summit
(c) Its main aim is to eliminate poverty from the world
(d) Its meetings are held annually.
Ans. c
Explanation: The main aim of this group is to promote financial stability and sustainable
development in the world.
3. Which of the following cities is organizing the recent G20 summit going to be held in
(a) Brisbane (b) Osaka (c) Antalya (d) India
Ans. d
Explanation: India is set to take over the G20 presidency from December 1, 2022, till
November 30, 2023.
4. What is the theme of the G20 summit happening in India?
(a) Shaping an Interconnected World
(b) Fighting poverty with rigidity
(c) "One Earth-One Family-One Future".
(d) Making the world together
Ans. c
Explanation: The theme for India's G20 Presidency is in sync with the key template of PM
Modi’s foreign policy - "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" or "One Earth-One Family-One Future".
5. Which of the following is not the member of the G20?
(a) Indonesia (b) Singapore (c) Mexico (d)Turkey
Ans. b
Explanation: Singapore is not a member of the G20.
6. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the G20?
(a) In the meetings of the G20, the EU is represented by the European Commission and by the
European Central Bank
(b) The G20 economies account for around 85% of the gross world product (GWP)
(c) The G20 economies account for around 80% of world trade
(d) The G20 economies account for around 40% population of the world
Ans. d
Explanation: The G20 economies account for around two-thirds population of the world.
7. Where was the first summit of G20 held?
(a) USA (b) Britain (c) Canada (d) France
Ans. a
Explanation: The first summit of the G20 was held in Washington in 2008.
8. To date how many summits of G20 have been held?
(a) 5 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 18
Ans. d
Explanation: The 18th summit was successfully done in India. The next G20 Summit will be
hosted by Brazil and then 2025.
9. Which of the following statements is correct about G20?
(a) The Presidency of G20 is supported by a "troika" made up of the current, immediate past,
and future host countries
(b) The G20 has a permanent secretariat
(c) In 2015 the G20 Presidency was held by China
(d) The G20 Presidency rotates every two year
Ans. a
Explanation: The Presidency of G20 is supported by a "troika" made up of the current,
immediate past, and future host countries
10. When will India hold the G-20 Summit?
(a) 2020 (b) 2023 (c) 2022 (d) None of the above
Ans. b
Explanation: It is surprising that India did not host any G-20 meeting so far. But in 2023 India
will host the 18th summit of the G-20.
11. What is the inspiration for G20 2023 logo?
(a) India’s national flag (b) Russia's national flag
(c)France's national flag (d) None of the above
Ans. a
Explanation: The G20 Logo draws inspiration from the vibrant colours of India’s national flag
– saffron, white and green, and blue. It juxtaposes planet Earth with the lotus, India’s national
flower that reflects growth amid challenges. The Earth reflects India’s pro-planet approach to
life, one in perfect harmony with nature. Below the G20 logo is “Bharat”, written in the
Devanagari script.
12. What is the meaning of G20?
(a) Grand 20 nations (b) Great 20 countries
(c) Group of 20 (d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Explanation: The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for international economic
13. Where is the headquarters of G20?
(a) India (b)USA (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above
Ans. (d)
Explanation: The G20 does not have a permanent secretariat or Headquarters. It keeps
changing with the host country.
14. What is the official language of the G 20 Summit?
(a) English (b) French (c) Spanish (d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Explanation: The G20 summit has English, French, and Spanish as its official language.
15. Which country will host G20 Summit in 2024?
(a) South Africa (b) Brazil (c) Russia (d) Japan
Ans. (b)
Explanation: Brazil will host the G20 in 2024, followed by South Africa in 2025.
16. PM Modi transferred the G20 presidency to
(a) Carmen Lucia (b) Jair Bolsonaro
(c) Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva (d) Michel Temer
Ans. c
Explanation: PM Modi passed the Gavel to the President of Brazil, Lula Da Silva on Sunday
as a mark of closure and transfer of presidency for the G20 Summit 2024.
17. What is the significance of the G20 Summit?
A. The G20 Summit brings together the world’s largest economies to address critical global
economic and environmental issues, representing a significant portion of the global GDP and
18. How is the G20 Summit organized?
A. The G20 Summit operates through two tracks: the Finance Track, led by Finance Ministers
and Central Bank Governors, and the Sherpa Track, led by Sherpas who represent the heads of
19. What percentage of the global GDP do G20 countries represent?
A. G20 countries collectively represent around 85% of the global GDP.
20. With their innovation, creativity, and sheer enthusiasm, the Indian youth can
significantly contribute to India’s G20 presidency. Underline any two ways in which
Indian youth can play their part in making India’s presidency successful.
A: a) suggest innovative and creative solutions to deal with significant issues like sustainable
development, green economy, disaster mitigation, climate finance and accounting, digital
b). can come up with new entrepreneurial ventures and recommend action plans to encourage
technological development and digital public infrastructure etc.
21. India’s G20 presidency will work to promote it’s 6 thematic priorities. Underline these
priorities and briefly explain at least three of them.
Ans: (1) Green Development, Climate Finance and LiFE- The Indian presidency will emphasise
on climate finance and technology, ensuring just energy transition for developing countries and
environmentally- conscious practices using Indian sustainable traditions.
(2). Accelerated, Inclusive and Resilient Growth. – it will focus on encouraging small and
medium- sized enterprises towards global trade, promoting labour rights and welfare,
addressing the global skills gap, and building inclusive agricultural value chains and food
(3). Accelerating Progress on SDGs: the presidency will also recommit to the targets set out in
the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, with a particular focus on addressing the impact
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
(4) Technological Transformation and Digital public Infrastructure
(5). Multilateral Institutions for the 21st century.
(6). Women-led Development
22. Write a short note on the formation of G20.
Ans: Group of Twenty known as G20 is a forum for international economic cooperation.
It was founded in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis as a forum for the Finance Ministers and
Central Bank Governors to discuss global economic and financial issues.
It 20 was launched as a forum for economic cooperation focusing majorly on broad
macroeconomic issues, but in due course of time and recognizing the need it has expanded its
agenda and includes trade, climate change, sustainable development, health, agriculture, energy,
environment, and anti-corruption.
The G20 consists of two parallel tracks: the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track.
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors lead the Finance Track
Sherpas lead the Sherpa Track after Finance Track.
The name is derived from the Sherpa people, a Nepalese ethnic community, who serve as guides in the

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