Geography 8 Revision Worksheet 2024

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Q1: Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following is a characteristic of industrialization?

a) Increase in agricultural output

b) Decline in manufacturing activities
c) Rise in urbanization
d) Dependence on subsistence farming

2. What is the primary goal of industrialization?

a) Maintaining traditional lifestyles

b) Reducing technological advancements
c) Increasing production efficiency
d) Limiting access to education

3. Which factor is essential for a successful industrialization process?

a) Limited access to capital

b) High dependency on imports
c) Skilled labor force
d) Weak infrastructure

4. International trade refers to:

a) Trade between countries

b) Trade within a country
c) Barter system
d) Weak infrastructure

5. Which trade barrier is imposed by a government to protect domestic industries from

foreign competition?

a) Tariff
b) Subsidy
c) Quota
d) Free trade agreement

6. Which organization is responsible for regulating international trade and resolving

trade disputes among member countries?

a) United Nations (UN)

b) World Health Organization (WHO)
c) World Trade Organization (WTO)
d) International Monetary Fund (IMF)

7. What is the purpose of a trade surplus?

a) To encourage imports
b) To reduce national debt
c) To promote domestic production
d) To increase foreign investment

8. Which country is known for its oil and gas and generates its economy through this?

a) Japan
b) Germany
c) South Korea
d) Nigeria

9. What is the primary natural resource that drives Kuwait's economy?

a) Oil
b) Natural Gas
c) Gold
d) Uranium

10. What is the main challenge faced by the cotton industry in terms of international

a) Higher labor costs

b) Lower quality of cotton
c) Low prices in the local and international markets
d) Lack of infrastructure

11. Which factor has contributed significantly to the decline of the cotton industry in

a) Climate change
b) Government policies
c) Technological advancements
d) Increase in global demand

Answer the following questions:

1. What do you understand about the term “International Trade”?



2. Why is it important for a country to establish regulations for carrying import and
export smoothly?



3. How does supply and demand play an important role in any country’s trade?




4. What are the possible reasons for the growing import needs of Pakistan?




5. Does Pakistan produce quality cotton? Which few factors support the growth of
cotton in our country?





6. Suggest three to four ways for the better production of the Textile industry in





7. Compare and contrast between Cotton industry of Pakistan and Cotton industry of
China by giving 1 difference and 2 similarity.









8. How has Industrialization transformed Pakistan’s economy? Support your answer
with an example.






Q1: Choose the correct answer:

1. What does GPS stand for?

a) Global Polar System

b) Global Positioning System
c) General Purpose Satellite
d) Geographic Positioning Service

2. Which ocean is known for its high ship traffic due to trade between Europe, Africa,
and the Americas?

a) Indian Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean

3. What is the main advantage of using air routes for passengers?

a) Cost-effectiveness
b) Ability to transport bulky cargo
c) Speed
d) Environmental friendliness

4. Which sea route connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea?

a) Panama Canal
b) Suez Canal
c) Bosphorus Strait
d) Strait of Gibraltar

5. Where are the two most popular domestic air routes located in the world?

a) New York to Los Angeles

b) London to Paris
c) Beijing to Shanghai
d) Tokyo to Osaka

6. Which of the following is an example of a telecommunication device?

a) Television
b) Telescope
c) Telephone
d) Thermometer

7. Which of the following highways connects the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan?

a) Makran coastal
b) Gawadar
c) Highway
d) M1 Motorway

8. Gwadar Port is part of which major economic corridor?

a) China-Russia Economic Corridor

b) Silk Road Economic Belt
c) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
d) Eurasian Economic Union

9. Gwadar Port is located in which province of Pakistan?

a) Punjab
b) Sindh
c) Balochistan
d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

10. What is the main purpose of Karachi Port?

a) Tourism
b) Trade and Commerce
c) Fishing
d) Defense

Answer the given questions:

1.Do you think the invention of the steam engine changed the lives of people across
the world? Write your answer in 30-35 points





2. There were a number of reasons for the people to move around the world?
Discuss at least three reasons.






3. What are the strategic importance and potential economic benefits of Gwadar
Port? Explain in 30-35 words.





4. How can Pakistan and China benefit from the CPEC?






5. Explain the role of Karachi Port in facilitating international trade and its impact
on the economy of Pakistan.






6. Case Study: Enhancing Urban Mobility through Sustainable Transport

In a bustling city, traffic congestion has reached critical levels, impacting productivity
and air quality. City officials implement a comprehensive sustainable transport plan,
including bike lanes, pedestrian-friendly zones, and efficient public transportation.

a) What are the key challenges faced by the city due to traffic congestion?


b) How can sustainable transport solutions alleviate these challenges?


c) What specific measures were implemented in the sustainable transport plan?


d) What are the anticipated benefits of these measures?


e) How can similar strategies be adapted to other urban areas facing similar issues?


7. Explain the following terms:

i) Infrastructure:



ii) World Trade Organization:



iii) Gross Domestic Product:



iv) Preferential Trade Agreements:



v) Gross Domesticl Product:



Social and Economic Development

Q 1. Circle the correct answer:

1) Which of the following is an example of social development?

a) Increasing GDP
b) Building new roads
c) Providing education for all children
d) Expanding industrial sectors

2) What is the main goal of economic development?

a) Improving the standard of living
b) Enhancing political stability
c) Protecting natural resources
d) Promoting cultural diversity

3) Which factor is not typically considered a measure of social development?

a) Literacy rate
b) Life expectancy
c) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
d) Gender equality

4) Which of the following is an example of economic development?

a) Increasing access to healthcare

b) Building new schools
c) Investing in infrastructure
d) Preserving natural habitats

5) Which term refers to the gap in income and wealth between different groups in

a) Poverty
b) Inequality
c) Development
d) Prosperity

6. What is the term for the total value of goods and services produced in a country in
a year?

a) Gross National Product (GNP)

b) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
c) Human Development Index (HDI)
d) Consumer Price Index (CPI)

7. Which of the following is not a factor influencing economic development?

a) Political stability
b) Access to natural resources
c) Population density
d) Climate

8. What is the term for the process of moving from a traditional agricultural society to
a more industrialized and urbanized society?

a) Urbanization
b) Globalization
c) Modernization
d) Industrialization

9. Which of the following is an example of a social development goal?

a) Reducing carbon emissions
b) Improving healthcare access
c) Increasing trade tariffs
d) Expanding military capabilities

10. What is the main purpose of sustainable development?

a) Maximizing economic growth

b) Protecting the environment
c) Increasing social inequality
d) Exploiting natural resources

Q 2. Underline the misconceptions in the statements given below and write

them correctly in the spaces provided.

1) Underdeveloped countries are in a position to provide the basic necessities of life to

their people.



2) Places situated on the higher latitudes receive more sunlight than lower latitudes.



3) Natural resources are the ones formed with human intervention.



4) In Asia and Europe, the OECD is helping countries to deal with environmental
degradation and the effects of climate change.



5) Oil is called black gold due to its commercial value.



Q 3.Answer the following questions:

1) What are natural resources? State your answer in 25 - 30 words.





2) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources with examples.





3) Explain the concept of fossil fuels. Give examples.





4) What are the main types of renewable energy sources? Provide examples of each.





5) Define the term "human-made resources." Provide examples.





6) Explain the concept of sustainable development and its importance in resource





7) What is meant by economic development? Explain with examples.





8) Define the term "human development." How is it measured?






9) What is the main role of OCED in supporting developing and underdeveloped











10) How does access to healthcare contribute to overall development?







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