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RHT0522-2720862 3HTRdiy FOOD

Phone 0522-2720863
PBX 0522-4914200
- 3 , faqfa zqr, qt4rM 7TY, AUTH-226010 (JOO)
T6-¥Vibhuti Khand, eomtiNagar,tuckrrow 226010(U.P
foD 08.04.2021
21 : vuwAt nd-21/rttaTgti fdudoW T`MIYEV/2021/dix
Sir, cited above
dated 07.04.2021 on the subject
Please refer to your office e-mail
In this regard, it is informed that
labour while FSD Jhansi has
20 Handling
1. FSD Orai has only 40 Handling Jhansi is 18980
is 29480 MT and FSD
labour. Whereas, Capacity of FSD Orai
to be queue for m a n y
due to insufficient no.
of labour trucks w e r e used
MT, So
days during Whcat Procurement
of FSD Orai &
2. Due to acute shortage
of labourers neither the storage capacity are
level nor the normal depot operation
FSD Jhansi is utilized at optimum
d o n e smoothly,
which hamper the NFSA & PDS operation.
we had to hire godown for
at Jhansi and Orai
3. Despite of having FCI Capacity
smooti PDS operation.
NWNP labour of FSD
Orai were pooled
the problem entire
4. In order to mitigate of rationalization in view
Jhansi under the process
and transferred to FSD direction of Supreme
dated 12.07.2016 and
FCI Hqrs Guideline
with contract labour system and
has been positioned
5. FSD Ora Jhansi, now both the depots are properly
positioned at FSD
NWNP 1:ibour were
Orai is not
NWNP labour at FSD
that clubbing of
6. Furthe: il is also mentioned of 29480 MT
to fill godown having capacity
possible as it would be imnpossible
by only 60 Handling labourers.
This issues with
the approval of the
GM (R). AAulo
3lat¢rcp cDiedcRI (3.), ofU31|
BIzrita Xua looji.
.3 JICIAID (34JI H.),
Industrial Relation (Labour)
4 U (KT) 31471/

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