Chapter Wise MCQ's On Developmental Psychology

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MCQ’s of Developmental Psychology

By; Zia Ud Din Zeb College of Nursing Timergara Dir Lower

Unit-1 Introduction to Psychology

1. The word psychology comes from ….. c) Social science
Language. d) Natural science
a) Latin 6. Who is the father of Experimental
b) Greek psychology?
c) Spanish a) G. Jung
d) Italian b) Wilhelm Wundt
2. The psychology is the scientific study of.... c) Sigmund Freud
a) People and environment d) None of the above
b) Belief and religion 7. According to the Freud theory; what is the
c) Perception and emotion correct order of five psycho sexual stages of
d) Mind and behavior development?
3. Developmental psychology is the scientific a) Oral ,anal , phallic, latency, genital
study of b) Anal ,oral , latency, phallic, genital
a) Social relationship c) Phallic, latency and genital
b) Changes in behavior and mental d) Both b and c
processes 8. Freud theory’s which stage of psychosexual
c) Changes in children and adults overtime development occurs during first year of life
d) Maturation of thought processes …?
4. According to the Freud, which component a) Oral
of structural theory operates the pleasure b) Anal
principle…...? c) Phallic
a) Ego d) Latency
b) Superego 9. In this stage of Sigmund Freud's Theory of
c) ID psychosexual development, the focus of
d) Ego ideal pleasure zone is the genitals; coping with
5. Psychology is a - incestuous sexual feelings?
a) Biological science a) Anal
b) Physical science b) Phallic

c) Latency 15. The study of how individuals develop and

d) Genital change across their lifespan is called:
10. Which field of psychology deals with how a) Behavioral psychology
people learn, think and remember? b) Cognitive psychology
a) Abnormal psychology c) Developmental psychology
b) Cognitive psychology d) Personality psychology
c) Behavioral psychology 16. The "fight or flight" response is associated
d) Developmental psychology with which branch of psychology?
11. Forensic psychology applies psychological a) Biological psychology
principal on …..... b) Social psychology
a) Legal and criminal issues c) Psychoanalysis
b) Animal d) Humanistic psychology
c) Social issues 17. Which perspective in psychology
d) Cognitive issues emphasizes the importance of unconscious
12. The field of psychology is primarily thoughts and childhood experiences?
concerned with the study of: a) Behaviorism
a) Animal behavior b) Psychoanalysis
b) Mental processes c) Humanism
c) Societal norms d) Gestalt psychology
d) Physical health 18. The scientific study of the measurement of
13. Who is known as the founder of modern human abilities, traits, and characteristics is
psychology? known as:
a) Sigmund Freud a) Personality psychology
b) Ivan Pavlov b) Behavioral genetics
c) William James c) Psychometrics
d) Wilhelm Wundt d) Clinical psychology
14. Who is known as the founder 19. The study of how individuals' thoughts,
psychoanalysis? feelings, and behaviors are influenced by
a) Sigmund Freud the presence of others is called:
b) Ivan Pavlov a) Cognitive psychology
c) William James b) Social psychology
d) Wilhelm Wundt c) Developmental psychology

d) Abnormal psychology b) Humanistic theory

20. The perspective of psychology that focuses c) Behaviorism
on how our behavior is influenced by d) Gestalt psychology
genetics and evolution is: 25. The specialized branch of psychology that
a) Biological psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating mental
b) Psychodynamic psychology disorders is:
c) Cognitive psychology a) Clinical psychology
d) Humanistic psychology b) Forensic psychology
21. Who is known for his famous experiment on c) Industrial-organizational psychology
classical conditioning with dogs? d) Educational psychology
a) Sigmund Freud 26. The belief that people's behavior is
b) Ivan Pavlov influenced by their unconscious desires and
c) B.F. Skinner conflicts is associated with:
d) Carl Jung a) Sigmund Freud
22. The process of encoding, storing, and b) Ivan Pavlov
retrieving information is the primary focus c) William James
of: d) Carl Rogers
a) Cognitive psychology 27. The study of how people interact in groups
b) Social psychology and how they influence each other is called:
c) Developmental psychology a) Cognitive psychology
d) Clinical psychology b) Social psychology
23. The study of how people's thoughts, c) Developmental psychology
feelings, and behaviors are influenced by d) Personality psychology
cultural factors is: 28. The perspective of psychology that focuses
a) Cognitive psychology on promoting mental health and personal
b) Social psychology growth is:
c) Developmental psychology a) Behaviorism
d) Cross-cultural psychology b) Humanism
24. The theory that suggests behavior is c) Psychoanalysis
learned through rewards and punishments d) Biological psychology
is known as:
a) Psychodynamic theory

29. The psychological perspective that b) Describe, predict, understand, and

emphasizes the importance of personal control behavior
experiences and free will is: c) Explain the functioning of the human
a) Behaviorism mind.
b) Humanism d) Compare, analyze, and control human
c) Psychoanalysis behavior
d) Cognitive psychology 34. Neurotic anxiety is one in which there
30. The interdisciplinary field that integrates occurs emotional response to a threat to
psychology and biology to understand ego that the impulses may break through
behavior is called: into:
a) Psychobiology a) Consciousness
b) Neuropsychology b) Unconsciousness
c) Cognitive neuroscience c) Sub consciousness
d) Biopsychology d) Super ego
31. A persistent focus on an earlier 35. The last stage of psychosexual development
psychosexual stage is refers to _______ is:
a) Oral stage a) Phallic Stage
b) Oedipus Complex b) Genital Stage
c) Fixation c) Oral Stage
d) Anal retentive d) Anal Stage
32. “Even though Michael needed money, he 36. “Penis envy” is found in girls in:
decided not to steal the money from the a) Oral Stage
cash register because he didn’t want to get b) Anal Stage
in trouble” this is the example of _______ c) Genital Stage
a) Morality d) Phallic Stage
b) Id 37. In Anal Stage of Psychosexual Develop-
c) Ego ment, pleasure is derived from:
d) Super ego a) Thinking
33. The goals of psychology are to b) Libido
c) Emotion
a) Develop effective methods of d) Expulsion and Retention

38. Which of the following is NOT one of d) Developing a sense of industry

Freud's psychosexual stages? 40. Freud believed that boys experience the
a) Trust vs. Mistrust Oedipus complex during the phallic stage.
b) Genital Stage What is the equivalent conflict for girls?
c) Oral Stage a) Electra complex
d) Anal Stage b) Oedipus complex
39. The phallic stage is characterized by: c) Latency stage
a) Competing with same-sex parent d) Oral stage
b) Fixation on the opposite-sex parent
c) Sexual exploration with peers

Unit-2 Introduction to Developmental Psychology

1. Which perspective emphasizes that "The b) Cognitive

scientific study of how & why Human being c) Emotional
changed over the course of life". d) Functional
6. Which component consider as the main
a) Psychology
elements of Erikson's psychosocial stage theory
b) Developmental psychology
is the development of ....... identity?
c) Biological psychology
d) Behavioral psychology a) ID
2. According to the stages of development the b) Super Ego
pre-school child from ....... year's old. c) Behavior
d) Ego
a) 6-11 year's
7. Who introduced the psychosexual theory of
b) 2_5 year's
c) 12_29 year's
d) 6_8 year's a) Erikson's
3. The first stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory b) Jean Piaget's
involved an infant need to.... c) Sigmund Freud's
d) Jain Marta
a) Initiate intellectual or motor task
8. How many stages does have Sigmund Freud's
b) Develop a basic sense of trust
psychosexual theory of development?
c) Explore and manipulate the objects
d) Making a sense about relationships building a) Four stages
4. The process of developing a sense of identity b) six stage's
during adolescence was introduced by..... c) Five stage's
d) Eight stages
a) Erickson psychosocial development theory
9. Pychodynamic / pychoanalytical
b) Freud's psychosexual development theory
developmental theory is also Called?
c) Piaget cognitive developmental theory
d) None of them a) Freud structural theory
5. As per Piaget theory children's ............... b) Freud psychosexual theory
development is progressing through four stages. c) Freud's social theory
d) None of the above
a) Physical

10. In sensorimotor stage of cognitive cognitive developmental theory stages it's

development theory an infant develop: known as ....

a) Eye hand coordination a) Conversation

b) Experimentation and creativity b) Animism
c) Exploring a world through senses c) Egocentrism
d) All of the above d) Centrism
11. In which stage symbolic thoughts present 15. In cognitive developmental theory children

but operational thought not present yet? focus on only one aspect situation or focusing
on one dimensions & neglecting others is called?
a) Sensorimotor stage
b) Pre _operational stage a) Centration
c) Concrete operational stage b) Conservation problem
d) Formal operational stage c) Seriation
12. The ability to work with symbols such as using d) None of them
the word "bicycle" or a picture of a bicycle to 16. In which state the children's is unable to

represent a real bicycle which not actually reverse things into previous position or order?
present it's called?
a) Class inclusion
a) Symbolic thought b) Irreversibility
b) Centration c) Language skills
c) Egocentrism d) None of these
d) Conservation 17. In which stage of Piaget cognitive

13. ...........means the children's tend to see the developmental theory children's categorized
world and experience of others from their own the objects by shape, size or weight.
point of view.
a) Operational stage
a) Egocentrism b) Pre-operational
b) Animism c) Concrete operational stage
c) Irreversibility d) Formal operational stage
d) Conservation 18. In which stage the person move beyond

14. This is the belief that inanimate objects reasoning only about concrete experience and
(such a toy's and teddy bears ) have human think in more abstract, idealistic and logical way?
feelings and emotions according to Piaget
a) Operational stage

b) Pre _operational 23. Which of the following is NOT one of the

c) Formal operational stages in Erikson's theory of psychosocial
d) Sensorimotor development?
19. Stages of psychosocial development;
a) Trust vs. mistrust
industry Vs inferiority...
b) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
a) 6_11 year's c) Success Vs Failure
b) Adolescence d) Isolation vs. despair
c) Young adulthood 24. According to Lev Vygotsky, what plays a
d) Middle adulthood crucial role in cognitive development?
20. Which is the developmental stage in
a) Social interaction
Erikson's theory represent 1 to 3 year's.
b) Genetic predisposition
a) Autonomy vs shame c) Maturation
b) Intiaitive vs guilt d) Reinforcement
c) Trust vs mistrust 25. What term refers to the emotional bond
d) Identity vs confusion that forms between an infant and caregiver?
21. Which theorist is known for the stages of
a) Attachment
psychosocial development?
b) Socialization
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Jean Piaget c) Maturation
c) Erik Erikson
d) Assimilation
d) Lev Vygotsky
22. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive 26. At what age does the "terrible twos"
development, in which stage do children typically occur, according to developmental
develop object permanence? psychology?

a) Sensorimotor a) 1-2 years

b) Preoperational b) 2-3 years
c) Concrete operational c) 3-4 years
d) Formal operational d) 4-5 years

27. What is the main outcome of successfully a) Five

completing the first stage of psychosocial b) Four
development? c) Six
d) Eight
a) Fidelity
32. Which best describes Piaget's cognitive
b) Hope
stage of formal operations?
c) Purpose
d) Confidence a) Deductive and abstract reasoning
28. According to Erikson, what is the primary b) Inductive reasoning and beginning logic
task during adolescence? c) Transductive reasoning and egocentrism
d) Cause-and-effect reasoning and object
a) Identity vs. role confusion
b) Intimacy vs. isolation
33. Jean Piaget's cognitive developmental
c) Industry vs. inferiority
theory focuses on four stages of development,
d) Initiative vs. guilt
29. What is the term used by Freud to describe
the process by which repressed memories and a) Formal operations.
emotions are brought into consciousness? b) Intimacy versus isolation.
(Hypnosis, catharsis) c) Latency.
d) The post conventional level.
a) Free association
34. Intelligence, understanding, thinking are
b) Dream interpretation
_____ process
c) Libido
d) Defense mechanism a) Socio
30. According to Erikson, what is the primary b) Cognitive
crisis of late adulthood? c) biological
d) Principles
a) Integrity vs. despair
35. After Nadia learned that penguins can't fly,
b) Generativity vs. stagnation
she had to modify her existing concept of birds.
c) Initiative vs. guilt
This best illustrates the process of:
d) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
31. Erikson believed that people move through a) Conservation
a series of ___ psychosocial stages throughout b) Habituation
the lifespan. c) Accommodation

d) Assimilation a) Trust
36. Joey is watching a horse race. He knows that b) Identity
his dog at home has four legs, a tail, and fur. c) Autonomy
When he sees the horses, he shouts out d) Initiative
"Doggies." Joey is demonstrating: 39. School-aged children according to Erikson
are in which of the following stage of
a) Accommodation
b) Assimilation
c) Irreversibility a) Autonomy vs shame and doubt
d) Conservation b) Industry vs inferiority
37. According to Erikson, what is the primary c) Sensorimotor stage
developmental task for adolescents? d) Autonomy vs shame
40. According to Erik Erickson, the primary task
a) Intimacy vs isolation
confronting young adults is ___.
b) Initiative vs guilt
c) Industry vs inferiority a) Intimacy versus isolation
d) Identity vs role confusion b) Integrity versus despair
38. According to Eriksons social theory, the c) Identity versus role confusion
crisis that needs resolution for adolescents d) Generativity versus stagnation
involves the search for?

Unit-3 Infancy 0-2 Years

1. The infant age range from……….to…………e
a) 1_3 year's
b) 0_2 year's
c) 1_2 year's
d) 2_3 year's
2. The parent of a 3-month-old infant asks the nurse, "At what age do infants usually begin drinking from
a cup?" The nurse would reply:
a) 5 months.
b) 9 months.
c) 1 year.
d) 2 years.
3. The most appropriate activity to recommend to parents to promote sensorimotor stimulation for a 1-
year-old would be to:
a) Ride a tricycle.
b) Spend time in an infant swing.
c) Play with push-pull toys.
d) Read large picture books
4. A 17-month-old child would be expected to be in what stage according to Piaget?
a) Coordination of reaction
b) Primary circular reaction
c) Secondary circular reaction
d) Tertiary circular reaction
5. Another name for newborn baby is ____
a) Embryo
b) Neonate
c) Fetus
d) None of the above
6. According to Erikson, a major conflict in the first year of life is that between
a) Trust versus mistrust.
b) Initiative versus guilt.
c) Autonomy versus shame and doubt.
d) Relatedness versus isolation.
7. During which stage of cognitive development do children acquire object permanence?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operation
8. I am 14 months old and fearful of strangers. I am in Piaget's stage of cognitive development.

a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational

c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
9. The developmental theorist who suggested that securely attached children develop an attitude of
basic trust is:
a) Piaget
b) Harlow
c) Erikson
d) None of the above
10. A child is largely nonverbal, is learning to coordinate purposeful movements with sense information,
and is developing the concept of object permanence. The child is in Piaget's ____ stage.
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operations
11. Johnny is playing in his crib when his teddy bear Mr. Peeps falls under the crib. Johnny cries knowing
that Mr. Peeps exists somewhere. Johnny is demonstrating
a) Centration
b) Object permanence
c) Reversibility
d) Egocentrism
12. Two closed, pyramid-shaped beakers containing clearly identical amounts of a liquid are suddenly
judged by a child to hold different amounts after one of the beakers is inverted. The child apparently
lacks a:
a) Sense of object permanence.
b) Concept of conservation.
c) Capacity for habituation.
d) Secure attachment.
13. During which stage of cognitive development do children acquire object permanence?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
14. The process of increasing in physical size of an object or a living being. This statement referred to
a) Development
b) Growth
c) Cognition

d) Growth hormone
15. The nurse is aware that the 7 months child should be able _______
a) Fetal posture
b) Just chin up
c) Just chest up & sit with support
d) Sit alone or sit without support
16. In which age infant should be understand the difference between animate and inanimate objects
a) Birth to 3 months
b) 3 to 6 months
c) 6 to 9 months
d) 9 months to 1 years
17. Infant understand the concept of object permanence
a) Birth to 3 months
b) 3 months 6 months
c) 6 months 9 months
d) 9 months to 12 months
18. Baby opens arms then closes them across chest when feels like falling, extends head and legs
a) Sucking reflex
b) Grasping reflex
c) Rooting reflex
d) Moro reflex
19. When you stroke the bottom of a baby's foot, the toes splay out
a) Babinski reflex
b) Stepping reflex
c) Rooting reflex
d) Moro reflex
20. The Moro reflex is often called a _____
a) Startle reflex
b) Plantar reflex
c) Babinski's reflex
d) Stepping reflex
21. When a baby's palm is stimulated, they grab on tightly
a) Stepping reflex
b) Planter reflex
c) Startle reflex
d) Palmar Reflex
22. The automatic involuntary, innate response to stimulation.
a) Reflexes
b) Sudden loss of support,
c) Sudden loss of pain
d) Motor behavior
23. The main achievement in sensorimotor stage of Piaget cognitive development theory is...

a) Egocentrism
b) Mental representation
c) Object permeance
d) Abstract concept
24. …………refers to the large body movement.
a) Fine motor skills
b) Gross motor skills
c) Achilles tendon reflex
d) Bicep tendon
25. When mother tape area between the eye brows of her baby. This stimulus caused the blinking of
eye's in infant such a reflex known as...
a) Rooting reflex
b) moro(startle) reflexes
c) Glabella reflexes
d) steeping reflexes
26. At which age of the following when mother sit the infant in high chair and they grasp
dangling/swinging object?
a) Five month
b) Seven month
c) Sixth month
d) Eight month
27. Which reflex in commonly observed in Infant and involved the baby's being touched on the cheek?
a) Rooting reflex
b) Grasping reflex
c) Moto reflex
d) Glabella reflex
28. At which age does the average infant started crawling or creeping?
a) Nine Month
b) Seven Month
c) Eight Month
d) Eleventh Month
29. When children's started noise in front of an infant baby , infant baby involuntary throw back his
head and extend the arm and leg ,this reflex named as ....
a) Moro reflex
b) Snout reflex
c) Startle reflex
d) Both A & C
30. According to which substage of Piaget sensorimotor stage the infant try out different sounds
and action for getting attention of her mother?
a) Primary circular reaction
b) Coordination reaction
c) Tertiary circular reaction

d) Mental representation
31. The event occurred at the age of three year's old when a person asked from a pre_ school child the
later experiences of life and they don't easily retrieved such a event's it's called ....
a) Infantile amnesia
b) Intelligence weakness
c) Adaptive behavior
d) Impaired alertness
32. According to the cognitive development milestones when the baby focused on his mother faced and
this milestone achieved the baby at which age?
a) 3 to 6 month
b) Birth to 3 month
c) 9 to 12 month
d) 1 to 12 Year
33. At which age do infants typically begin to show stranger anxiety?
a) 9 Month
b) 8 Month
c) 6 Month
d) 7 Month
34. Which reflexes is characterized by infant when the big toe bend back towards the top of the foot and
the others toe's fan out when the sole of the foot is strike?
a) Moro reflex
b) Rooting reflex
c) Bibinksi reflex
d) Grasp reflex
35. Which of the following is considered a fine motor skill in infancy?
a) Kicking a ball
b) Shaking a rattle
c) Running in a place
d) Jumping with both feet
36. The stepping/walking or dancing reflex in an infant is considered which type of motor skill ?
a) Voluntary
b) Involuntary
c) Fine motor
d) Gross motor
37. The stepping/walking or dancing reflex one of Gross motor skill in infant disappear at which age of of
life ?
a) 3 Month
b) 2 Month
c) 1 Month
d) 4 Month
38. Which of the following is true about the reflexive stage of sensorimotor development?
a) Infants begin to show goal-directed behavior.

b) Reflex actions are used to adapt to the world, such as sucking and grasping.
c) Infants start to understand object permanence.
d) This stage involves the coordination of vision and touch—hand-eye coordination.
39. What characterizes primary circular reactions in infants?
a) Repetition of actions that involve parts of the body that produce pleasurable or interesting
b) Intentional actions performed to get results beyond the infant's own body.
c) The beginning of logical thought processes.
d) Awareness that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen.
40. During which substage of sensorimotor do infants start to actively explore and experiment with
objects to see what effect they have?
a) Tertiary circular reactions (12-18 months)
b) Coordination of secondary schemes (8-12 months)
c) Secondary circular reactions (4-8 months)
d) Primary circular reactions (1-4months)


1. Jean Piaget defined egocentrism as:
a) The belief that young adults don't listen to their parents
b) The idea that preschool children cannot see things from another's point of view
c) The understanding that young children cannot learn outside of a structured classroom
d) The idea that young children are selfish and grow out of it over time
2. According to Jean Piaget, children understand the concept of symbolism during which stage of
a) Sensory-motor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
3. As a preschooler, Emma has developed a number of cognitive and social skills that she will use to
assume responsibility. According to Erik Erikson, which stage of psychosocial development is Emma in?
a) Trust versus mistrust
b) Autonomy versus self-doubt
c) Initiative versus guilt
d) Industry versus inferiority
4. Object permanence is to sensorimotor stage as conservation and reversibility are to
a) Formal operational stage.
b) Preoperational stage.
c) Informal operational stage.
d) Concrete operational stage
5. A child who thinks it gets dark so that she can sleep is demonstrating
a) Object permanence.
b) Reversibility
c) Conservation
d) Egocentrism.
6. According to ____, all children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual
a) Piaget
b) Erik's
c) Watson
d) Harlow
7. If her parents encourage little Tanya to ask questions, to use her imagination, and give her the
freedom to choose some activities, according to Erikson, they are encouraging
a. Industry.

b. Identity.
c. Generativity.
d. initiative.
8. Initiative and independence are fostered by
a) Giving a child freedom to play, to use imagination, and to choose activities.
b) A child's experience with toilet training.
c) Acquiring personal autonomy.
d) Learning a sense of industry.
9. Dr. Joan Goodman is studying how memory changes as people get older. She is most likely a(n)
a) Social
b) Cognitive
c) Developmental
d) Experimental
10. Piaget held that egocentrism is characteristic of the:
a) Sensorimotor stage.
b) Preoperational stage.
c) Concrete operational stage.
d) Formal operational stage.
11. Seeing things from only your point of view.........this statement referred to ___
a) Egocentrism
b) Conversation
c) Animism
d) Object permanence
12. The way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences
a) Syntax
b) Grammar
c) Private speech
d) Social speech
13. ____ refers to the ability to focus on only one aspect of something at a time.
a) Classification
b) Causality
c) Representation
d) Centration
14. ____ refers to the ability to understand that something remains the same even if its appearance is
altered and nothing was seen to be taken away or added.
a) Centration
b) Conservation
c) Classification
d) Centration

15. The phonology rule for language refers to ____.

a) How to put words together to form sentences
b) How to take part in a conversation
c) How to put sounds together to form words
d) How to interpret the meaning of words
16. According to Erikson, the primary psychosocial task of the preschool period is developing a sense of:
a) Identity.
b) Intimacy.
c) Initiative.
d) Industry.
17. The Preschool age child is in which age range? According to khyber medical University slides
a) 3-5 years
b) 3-7 years
c) 2-5 years
d) 2-7 years
18. The nurse knows that the resolution of the oedipus complex takes place when the child:
a) Rejects the parent of the same sex
b) Introjects behaviors of both parents
c) Identifies with the parent of the same sex
d) Identifies with the parent of the opposite sex
19. The nursing instructor asks a nursing student to present a clinical conference to peers regarding
Freud's psychosexual stages of development, specifically the anal stage. The student plans the
conference, knowing that which characteristic relates to this stage of development?
a) This stage is associated with toilet training
b) This stage is characterized by the gratification of self
c) This stage is characterized by a tapering off of conscious biological and sexual urges
d) This stage is associated with pleasurable and conflicting feelings about the genital organs
20 . Sigmund freud 3rd stage psychosexual stages refer to _____
a) This stage is associated with toilet training
b) This stage is characterized by the gratification of self
c) This stage is characterized by a tapering off of conscious biological and sexual urges
d) This stage is associated with pleasurable and conflicting feelings about the genital organs


1. What is the age rage for school aged children?
a) 7 to 12 years
b) 8 to 12 years
c) 5 to 12 years
d) 10 to 12 years
2. According to Jean Piaget, what type of learning do individuals acquire during the formal operational
a) Auditory learning
b) Symbolism
c) Abstract thought
d) Visual Learning
3. 5 to 7 years child Vocabulary increase to approximately ____ word?
a) 20
b) 200
c) 2000
d) 20000
4. The years between 5 to 12 middle childhood and early adolescence are the time of important
development advance that established children's _____ this period is often referred to as the school age
a) Sense of intimacy
b) Sense of isolation
c) Sense of identity
d) Sense of sexual feeling
5. Child know the concept of left and right in which age __
a) Birth to 3 year
b) 3 to 5 years
c) 5 to 7 years
d) 7 to 12 years
6. Understand concepts like yesterday today and tomorrow
In which ag ?
a) 7 to 12 years
b) 8 to 12 years
c) Birth to 12 years
d) 5 to 7 years
7. Understand money and can name months and days of week in order
a) 5 to 7 years
b) 7 to 12 years
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
8. A 5-year-old boy uses his father's flashlight to explore his 3-year-old sister's genitalia. According to
Freud, in which stage of psychosocial development should a nurse identify this behavior as normal?

a) Oral
b) Anal
c) Phallic
d) Latency
9. A 10-year-old child wins the science fair competition and is chosen as a cheerleader for the basketball
team. A nurse should recognize that this child is in the process of successfully accomplishing which stage
of Erikson's developmental theory?
a) Industry versus inferiority
b) Identity versus role confusion
c) Intimacy versus isolation
d) Generativity versus stagnation
10. Which relationship is of most concern to the nurse because of its importance in the formation of the
a) Peer
b) Sibling
c) Parent-child
d) Heterosexual
11. Strict toilet training before a client is ready will cause problems in personality development because
at this age a child is learning to:
a) Satisfy own needs
b) Identify own needs
c) Satisfy parent's needs
d) Live up to society's expectations
12. Who many types of Parenting?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
13. Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive and Uninvolved are type of ______?
a) Cognition
b) Emotional
c) Parenting
d) Psychology
14. Parents give children a wide range of freedom. Children may set their own rules
a) Permissive
b) Authoritarian
c) Authoritative
d) None of the above
15. The Phallic Stage is from _ to___ years
a) 3 - 6 years
b) 3 - 8 years
c) 4 - 6 years

d) 3 to 4 years
16. Freud believed that during this stage, potty training and learning to control your bowel movements
and bladder are a major source of pleasure and tension.
a) Oral
b) Anal
c) Phallic
d) Genital
17. The ____ is one of Freud’s most controversial ideas.
a) Oedipus complex
b) Potty training or toilet training
c) Sucking during oral Stage
d) Biting activity
18. Complex thought processes became evident and thinking becomes increasingly sophisticated. Think
about and solve abstract problems in a logical manner and according to Piaget, this is the final stage of
cognitive development and adult thinking is an extension of the abilities that were acquired in earlier
Key Characteristics
Abstract Thinking,
Logical Thinking
a) Formal Operational
b) Concrete Operational
c) Pre-Operational
d) Sensorimotor
19. Infants construct their understanding of coordinating sensory experience (list some senses) with
motor abilities.
Key Characteristics
Object Permanence
a) Sensorimotor- 0 to 2 years
b) Pre-Operational- 2 to 7 years
c) Concrete- 7 to 12 years
d) Formal Operational- 12+
20. Brain maturation, children aren't capable of certain stages of thinking until they reach a certain age
a) Cognitive development
b) Psychosocial development
c) Psychosexual development
d) None of the above

1. A period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily
during early adolescence
a) Puberty
b) Sexuality
c) Contraceptive
d) None of the above
2. The transition period between childhood and maturity
a) Adolescence
b) Adulthood
c) Infancy
d) Pre school age
3. What is the primary sex characteristic in males?
a) Ovaries
b) Testes
c) Facial hair
d) Pubic hair
4. What kind of development did Erikson study?
a) Psychosocial
b) Psychosexual
c) Cognitive development
d) All of the above
5. Main characteristics of Anorexia Nervosa Weight less than __% of what is considered normal for a
person's age and height An intense fear of gaining weight that does not decrease with weight loss
Having a distorted image of their body shape Amenorrhea (an abnormal absence of menstruation) 10
times more likely to occur in females than males
a) 85 %
b) 70 %
c) 60%
d) 50 %
6. WTF is Piaget's Formal Operational Stage (age 11+ years) refer to which of the following
a) More abstract than concrete operational thought

b) Increased verbal problem-solving ability

c) Increased tendency to think about thought itself
d) All of the above
7. _____refers to a group of behavioral and emotional problems characterized by a disregard for others.
a) Conduct Disorder CD
b) Anorexia nervosa
c) Bulimia nervosa
d) All of the above
8. _____ is an eating disorder. It is characterized by uncontrolled episodes of overeating (called
bingeing). This is followed by purging by self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, and other methods.
typically affects females and starts during the teenage years. But, it can also affect males.
a) CD
b) Anorexia nervosa
c) Hyper activity
d) Bulimia nervosa
9. During the stage, thinking becomes more abstract and hypothetical.
a) adolescent
b) Pre school
c) School age
d) Infancy
10. What problems are more commons in adolescence?
a) Conduct Disorder
b) Anorexia nervosa
c) Bulimia nervosa
d) All of the above
11. The psychosocial development theory Erik's erikson stage identity vs rules confusion basic virtue are
a) Why I am here
b) Who is my father
c) Love
d) Fidelity
12. Erik's erikson psychosocial stage during adolescence ____ 5th stage

a) Trust vs Mistrust
b) Autonomy vs shame
c) Initiative vs guilt
d) Identity vs rules confusion
13. During 5th stage of psychosocial development theory important Events are ____?
a) Sexual activity
b) Romantic activity
c) Morals activity
d) Social relationships
14. Development stage of adolescence are considered
A. Early 9 to 13 years
B. Mid 14 to 17 years
C. Late 18 to 21 years
D. All of the above
15. Adolescence typical age range from _ to ___ years
a) 12 to 18
b) 12 to 22
c) 10 to 22
d) Birth to 18
16. Adolescence is a time for rapid cognitive development. Adolescence think more quickly than
children. And adolescence are more likely to take risk than adults
Those are ___ development
a) Cultural
b) Cognitive
c) Physical
d) Social
17. What has the most influence in deterring an adolescent from beginning to drink alcohol?
a) Drinking habits of parents
b) Drinking habits of peers
c) Drinking philosophy of adolescent's culture
d) Drinking philosophy of adolescent's religion
18. In discussing the psychosocial development of the adolescent, it is important to understand that in

order for adolescents to be in intimate relationships in which feelings are mutually shared, both persons
must have which of the following?
a) An ability to be autonomous
b) A willingness to take initiative
c) An understanding of socialization and of isolation
d) A sense of trust and of identity
19. According to Erikson, the adolescent develops their own sense of being independent people with
their own thoughts and goals. This stage is referred to as which of the following?
a) Identity vs. role confusion
b) Industry vs. inferiority
c) Autonomy vs. doubt and shame
d) Intimacy vs. isolation
20. The period in which physical changes relating to sexual maturation take place is called:
a) Role confusion.
b) Identity diffusion.
c) Adolescent turmoil.
d) Puberty.

1. Developmental psychologists usually consider early adulthood to cover approximately age _ to__?
a) 20 to 30
b) 30 to 40
c) 20 to 40
d) 40 to 60
2. What are the years associated with middle adulthood?
a) 40 to 60 years
b) 18 to 40 years
c) over 60 years
d) 60 to 80 years
3. Daniel Levinson studied:
a) Child development
b) Adolescent behavior
c) Death and dying
d) Male adult psychosocial stages
4. At what stage do people typically settle in a career and develop expertise?
a) Adolescence
b) Early adulthood
c) Middle adulthood
d) Late adulthood
5. In late adulthood, people make up for the loss of many functions with what?
a) Memory
b) Strength
c) Empathy
d) Wisdom
6. Change in individual's biological nature ______
a) Physical process
b) Cognitive process
c) Socio-emotional process
d) All of the above
7. ____ is the time of Adjusting to retirement , decreasing strength and health.

a) Adolescence
b) Infancy
c) Late adulthood
d) Middle adulthood
8. Psychiatrist George vaillant identified ___ adult life tasks that must be successfully accomplished in
order for a person to mature as an adult
a) Six
b) Five
c) Four
d) Three
9. This allows a person to have reciprocal relationships with another person. Task involves expanding
one's sense of self to include another person
a) Development of intimacy
b) Developing an identity
c) career consolidation
d) Becoming Keeper of the Meaning
10. The person finds a career that is valuable to society and to him or herself according to vaillant, a job
turns into a career once one has contentment, compensation competence and commitment he notes
that such a career could be that of a spouse or stay at home parent as wel
a) Achieving Integrity
b) Generativity
c) Career consolidation
d) Development of intimacy
11. Early adult transition; a person begins exploring the possibilities and makes tentative commitments;
first adult relationships made
a) Levinson's Stage 1; 17-22
b) Levinson's Stage 2; 22-28
c) Levinson's Stage 3; 28-33
d) Levinson's Stage 4; 33-40
12. Settling down; reffered to which stage of levinson's Seasons of the life theory
a) Levinson's Stage 4
b) Levinson's Stage 5

c) Levinson's Stage 6
d) Levinson's Stage 7
13. Daniel Levinson's developed a comprehensive theory of the development. Referred to as the ______
a) Tasks theory
b) Social clock theory
c) Season of life theory
d) All of the above
14. Which of the following theory referred to tasks theory?
a) Levinson's theory
b) George vaillant theory
c) Bernice Neugartens theory
d) Erik's erikson theory
15. Social Clock theory created by _____. A timetable determined by a culture or social structure that
specifies a proper time for certain events.
a) Bernice Neugarten
b) Sigmund Freud
c) Erik's erikson
d) All of the above
16. According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of early adulthood is ____.
a) initiative versus guilt
b) industry versus inferiority
c) identity versus role confusion
d) intimacy versus isolation
17. According to Levinson, a early adult transition occurs around age
a) 17 years
b) 15 years
c) 13 years
d) 11 years
18. According to Vaillant, men focus on ____ in their twenties.
a) Intimacy concerns
b) Generativity
c) Career consolidation

d) Spiritual concerns
19. When Yolanda thought about the future, she planned to get her first job at 22, be married by 25, and
have her first child at 27, just like her older brother did. According to research by Bernice Neugarten,
Yolanda has a well-defined ____.
a) Seasons of the life
b) Social clock
c) Adult tasks
d) life structure
20. The adult learning theory developed by Malcolm Knowles based on four key principles that
influence how adults learn.
a) Andragogy
b) Pedagogy
c) Adultgogy
d) None of the above
21. A young adult is 20 years old and has been recently admitted into the hospital. According to Erickson
which of the following stages is the adult in?
a) Trust vs. mistrust
b) Initiative vs. guilt
c) Autonomy vs. shame
d) Intimacy vs. isolation
22. The world adutus drive from Latin ward which mean____
a) Grown to full size
b) Length
c) Maturade
d) All of the above
23. Which of the following is NOT considered a “marker event” for adulthood?
a) Completing formal education
b) Getting married
c) Turning 21
d) Having children


1. The gradual loss in physical ability is due to _____
a) Aging
b) Food habits
c) Disturbances
d) None of the above
2. Broad study of aging process refer to ____
a) Gerontology
b) Geriatrics
c) Andragogy
d) Pedagogy
3. According to quality of life and old age the combination of poor living conditions and high subjective
quality of life is called?
a) Wellbeing
b) Deprivation
c) Dissonance
d) Adaptation
4. Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family, and the greater
a) Physical activity
b) Biological activity
c) Social activity
d) Emotional activity
5. According to Erik Erikson the virtue of Generativity vs stagnation?
a) Love
b) Care
c) Hate
d) Hope
6. The Psychosocial development theory Erik's Erikson which of the following are not virtues in
Psychosocial development theory?
a) Love
b) Will

c) Purpose
d) Hate
7. The Seven stage of Erik Erikson theory Generativity vs stagnation occurs in which age of life ___?
a) Early adulthood 18 to 40 years
b) Middle adulthood 40 to 60 years
c) Late adulthood 60 years -death
d) Middle adulthood 50 to 60 years
8. Middle adulthood or Middle adult age range ____
a) 40 to 60 years
b) 60 years -death
c) 18 to 40 years
d) 60 to 65 years
9. Physical changes in old age the skin becomes ______
a) Less elastic
b) More lined
c) Less oil production
d) All of the above
10. According to quality of life old age combination of good objective living conditions and high objective
well being can be called ______?
a) Well-being
b) Deprivation
c) Dissonance
d) Adaptation
11. Physical changes in old age men and women produce lower levels of hormones starting in there age
a) 50 years
b) 35 years
c) 30 years
d) 38 years
12. Presbyopia physical change in old age associated with ______
a) Skin
b) Hair

c) Hearing
d) Sexual function
13. Depression, anxiety, Alzheimer disease are most common in old age people. Associated with ____
a) Social changes
b) Emotional changes
c) Sexual changes
d) Food habits changes
14. According to quality of life old age the combination of poor objective living conditions and low
subjective well-being can be called __
a) Well-being
b) Deprivation
c) Dissonance
d) Adaptation
15. All of the following are Physical changes in old age expect ____ ?
a) Sexual function loss
b) Urinary incontinence
c) Heart and blood circulation problems
d) None of the above
16. The Last stage of Erik Erikson Psychosocial development theory ___vs ___?
a) Generativity vs stagnation
b) Integrity vs self despair
c) Intimacy vs stagnation
d) Intimacy vs isolation
17. According to Erik the virtue of integrity vs self despair?
a) Wisdom
b) Love
c) Purpose
d) Hope
18. _____ Describes the combination of good living conditions and low objectives quality of life
a) Developmental psychology
b) Cognitive process
c) Dissonance

d) Adaptation
19. ____ vs _____ is the conflict during middle adulthood?
a) Autonomy vs shame doubt
b) Identity vs rules confusion
c) Integrity vs despair
d) Generativity vs stagnation
20. Generativity vs stagnation is a ____ stage of Erik Erikson Psychosocial developmental theory?
a) Seven
b) Six
c) Five
d) Eight last stage

1. ______ involves a mixture of physiological aroused behaviour and through
a) Needs
b) Belief
c) Emotion
d) All of the above
2. There are _____ components of the emotion process?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 3
d) 2
3. A strong feeling deriving from one circumstances mood or relationship with other
a) Emotion
b) Behaviour
c) Feeling
d) Affect
4. A broad range of feeling that people experience___
a) Affect
b) Emotion
c) Moods
d) Behaviour
5. Feeling that tend to be less intense than emotion and that lack a contextual stimulus.
a) mood
b) affect
c) emotion
d) behaviour
6. Arousal is important in regulation _____?
a) Sexual activity
b) Figth or flight response
c) Attention
d) All of the above
7. ____ is physical or verbal behaviour intended to cause harm to someone.

a) Direct Aggression
b) Indirect Aggressive
c) Cognitive Aggressive
d) Social Aggressive
8. Human Aggression can be classified ____
a) Social Aggression and political Aggression
b) Cognitive Aggression sexual Aggression
c) Direct Aggression and indirect Aggression
d) All of the above
9. There are ___ components of Emotional intelligence?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
10. Self Awareness, self Management, Social Awareness and Relationships Management those are
fundamental aspects of ___?
a) Components of Emotion
b) Components of Emotion skills
c) Components of Emotional intelligence EI
d) Components of cognitive sciences
11. You are on your way to college to take a big exam. Suddenly, on noticing that your pulse is racing
and that you are sweating, you feel nervous. With which theory of emotion is this experience most
a) James-Lange theory
b) Cannon-Bard theory
c) Sigmund freud theory
d) Erik's erikson theory
12. Recognize & understand other people's emotions.
a) Social Awareness
b) Self-Awareness
c) Self-Management
d) Relationship Management

13. Ability to understand oneself and others___

a) Facilitation of emotion
b) Understanding emotion
c) Managing emotion
d) Emotional intelligence
14. The ability to identify assess and control the emotions of oneself, of other and of group.
A. Emotional intelligence
B. Management of emotions felling
C. Cognitive process of emotions
D. None of the above
15. The authors defined your ability to accurately perceive your own emotions in the moment and
understand your tendencies across situations as:
a) Self-awareness
b) Self-management
c) Social management
d) Social awareness
16. The authors noted that the first component of social competence is:
a) Self-awareness
b) Social awareness
c) Interpersonal awareness
d) Interpersonal sensitivity
17. The authors noted that the most important elements of social awareness are:
a) Listening and observing
b) Feeling and relating
c) Understanding and assessing
d) Interpreting and responding
18. The authors defined the ability to use your awareness of your own emotions and those of others to
maintain interactions successfully as:
a) Social awareness
b) Relationship awareness
c) Relationship management
d) Relationship building

19. There are ___ emotional skills person should learn.

a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
20. Tackling Emotional upsets, High Self-esteem, Handling Egoism, Handling inferiority Complex
a) Emotional competency
b) Emotional maturity
c) Emotional security
d) Emotional sensitivity

1. It feeds active working memory with echoic and iconic memory.
a) Long-term memory
b) Short-term memory
c) Sensory memory
d) All of the above
2. Katie was able to remember the number 111 by associating it with Admiral Nelson, who happened to
have one eye, one arm, and one leg. This is an example of:
a) Retrieving
b) Storing
c) Encoding
d) Memory
3. Which type of memory is also referred to as working memory?
a) Long-term memory
b) Short-term memory
c) Sensory memory
d) Semantic memory
4. After forgetting the combination to several other locks, Nate was trying to find a way to remember
the combination to the new lock he bought last week. The combination is 19, 20, 9. To remember the
combination, he thinks of the year 1929. His method to remember this is an example of:
a) Memory span
b) Phonetically
c) A and B both
d) Chunk
5. Ray hurt his head in a car accident and has been experiencing problems recalling past events. Ray's
doctors told his parents that Ray may be suffering from
a) Retrograde amnesia
b) Anterograde amnesia
c) Infantile or child amnesia
d) None of the above
6. The correct order for the three stages of memory is __ , __ and___?
a) Long-term memory, short-term memory and sensory memory

b) Short-term memory, Long-term memory and sensory memory

c) Sensory memory, short-term memory and Long-term memory
d) None of the above
7. A form of sensory memory that holds a brief visual image of a scene that has just been perceived; also
known as visible persistence
a) Iconic memory
b) Echoic memory
c) Sounds memory
d) Word memory
8. A form of sensory memory for sounds that have just been perceived
a) Sounds memory
b) Word memory
c) Echoic memory
d) Iconic memory
9. The second stage of memory ____
a) Short-term memory
b) Long-term memory
c) Sensory memory
d) All of the above
10. The active system that stores, organizes, alters, and recover ( retrieves ) information
a) Memory
b) Emotion
c) Cognitive psychology
d) Learning
11. Which of the following ways to improve memory
a) Recitation
b) Rehearsal
c) Selection
d) All of the above
12. All of the following are ways to improve memory except?
a) Encoding
b) Rehearsal

c) Organization
d) Recitation
13. Explicit ( declarative ) memory , Semantic memory, Episodic memory and implicit ( procedural
memory this four are the types of ____?
a) Short-term memory STM
b) Sensory memory
c) Long-term memory LTM
d) All of the above
14. What is fact-based memory called at the level of separation of skill based and fact-based?
a) Procedural memory
b) Episodic memory
c) Declarative memory
d) Semantic memory
15. Which memory uses implicit memory?
a) Short term memory
b) Episodic memory
c) Semantic memory
d) Procedural memory
16. Which 'type' of memory is considered to be largely 'implicit'? Select one:
a) Declarative memory
b) Semantic memory
c) Long-term-memory
d) Procedural memory
17. Which type of memory is also referred to as working memory?
a) Long-term memory
b) Short-term memory
c) Sensory memory
d) Semantic memory
18. Amnesia following hippocampus damage typically leaves people unable to learn new facts or recall
recent events. However, they may be able to learn new skills, such as riding a bicycle or driving which is
an ____memory
a) Implicit

b) Explicit
c) Inplicit
d) Emplicit
19. Active processing occurring in the second memory stage_____
a) Chunking memory
b) Sounds memory
c) Working memory
d) All of the above
20. Memory of facts and experiences that one can consciously know and declare
a) Explicit memory
b) Implicit memory
c) Sensory memory
d) None of the above
21. Retention of learned skills or associations independent of conscious recollection
a) Explicit memory
b) Implicit memory
c) Sensory memory
d) None of the above
22. The type of long-term memory Semantic memory refers to which of the following
a) Intrapersonal fact and everyday knowledge
b) Personal experience with linked specific time and specific space
c) Verbal information is processed at different levels, affecting long-term retention
d) Encoding is more effective when spread over time


1. Gaining new knowledge or skills
a) Cognition
b) Behaviour
c) Learning
d) Memory
2. Used classical conditioning to train dogs to salivate to the sound of a bell
a) Pavlov
b) Skinner
c) Erik's
d) Sigmund
3. Study which demonstrated classical conditioning of a fear response
a) Pavlov
b) Little Albert
c) Skinner
d) Erik's
4. Studied operant conditioning
a) Skinner
b) Sigmund
c) Erik
d) None
5. A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if
followed by a punisher.
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Cognitive conditioning
d) None of the above
6. Behaviorism is a school psychology focuses mostly on ____ ?
a) Unobservable behaviour
b) Observable behaviour
c) Cognitive behaviour
d) Romantic behaviour

7. This learning theory is based on the premise that we all create our own perspective of the world,
based on individual experiences and internal knowledge.
a) Constructivism
b) Cognitivism
c) Behaviorism
d) None of the above
8. There are __ Major or basic learning styles
a) Four
b) Six
c) Eight
d) Nine
9. Visual learners learn best with
a) Pictures
b) Tables
c) Graphs
d) All of the above
10. Create own image, replace words with symbols and condense lecture notes
a) Visual learners
b) Auditory Learners
c) Auditory Learners
d) Kinesthetic learners
11. Kinesthetic learners learn best with
a) describe diagrams
b) practice
c) Lecture
d) Graphs
12. Basic learning styles Fleming's VARK model reffer to __ , __ , __ and ___?
a) Video , active , Rehearsal and kinesthetic
b) Visual , activity, Reading and kinesthetic
c) Visual, automation, Reading and kinesthetic
d) Visual, Auditory, Reading and kinesthetic
13. Provides explanations about the underlying mechanisms involved in learning.

a) Theory
b) Law
c) Structuralism
d) Functionalism
14. Psychologist that study a wide variety of mental phenomena: perception, memory, problem
solving, reading comprehension, and so on are known as?
a) Behaviorism psychologist
b) Behaviorists psychologist
c) Cognitive Psychologist
d) None of the above
15. In 1904 Pavlos won the Nobel prize for his work on ____?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Learning theory
d) Digestive system
16. The father of modern Learning theory __
a) Pavlov
b) Sigmund
c) Skinner
d) Erik's
17. The psychologist most closely associated with the study of operant conditioning was
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Erik's erikson
c) Pavlov
d) B. F. Skinner
18. You see your friend, you smile at her, and she smiles back
a) Positive reinforcement
b) negative reinforcement
c) Punishment reinforcement
d) None of the above
19. In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, salivation to meat was the
a) Conditioned stimulus CD

b) Unconditioned stimulus UCS

c) Conditioned Response CR
d) All of the above
20. In this step of a 5 E lesson, the teacher first asks students to describe what they learned in their
previous activity through a series of sequenced questions. Then, she clarifies concepts or introduces
new concepts to students in an engaging way. This step is...
a) Explain
b) Engage
c) Explain
d) Extend/Elaborate
21. How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective?
This should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson?
a) Explain
b) Engage
c) Evaluate
d) All of the above
● Multiple intelligences is a theory first posited by Harvard developmental psychologist Howard
Gardner in 1983.
eight sets of abilities that manifest multiple intelligences
● 8 Multiple of intelligence
• logical-mathematical intelligence = number smart
• Spatial-visual intelligence = picture smart
• bodily-kinesthetic intelligence = body smart
• Musical Intelligence = music smart
• interpersonal intelligence = people smart
• linguistic intelligence = word smart
• intrapersonal intelligence = self smart
• Natural intelligence = nature smart
● Explanation of 8 Multiple intelligence
☆ linguistic intelligence =
The ability to use language to express ones thoughts and to understand other people orally or in writing
☆ musical intelligence=

The ability to hear music in ones head and to hear tones, rhythms, and larger musical patterns
☆ logical-mathematical intelligence=
The ability to manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations accompanied by a love of dealing with
☆ spatial intelligence=
The ability to represent the spatial world visually in ones mind
☆ bodily-kinesthetic intelligence=
The ability to use the whole body or parts of the body to solve a problem, create a product, or put on
some kind of production
☆ intrapersonal intelligence=
The ability to know and understand ones self including goals, tendencies,talents, and limitations
☆ interpersonal intelligence=
The ability to notice and make distinctions amount individuals, a strong understanding of other people
☆ naturalist intelligence=
The ability to discriminate among living things and patterns also a sensitivity to features in the natural

1. IQ was originally defined as:
a) IQ= CA/MA x 100
b) IQ= MA/CA x 100
c) IQ= Multiple times × CA
d) All of the above
2. According to Louis termens the Average/Normal Score on in IQ is ____
a) 70
b) 50
c) 100
d) 55
3. _____ Test in which we present more ambiguous stimuli and ask for less specific responses. e.g
drawings , photographs etc
a) Objective Personality test
b) Projective Personality test
c) Attitudes test
d) Interest test
4. _____ test which presents specific stimuli and ask for specific responses e.g True false questions
a) Allen test
b) Objective Personality test
c) Projective Personality test
d) All of the above test
5. To test one's ability to learn.
a) Aptitude test
b) Achievement test
c) Projective
d) Objective
6. Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge
to adapt to new situations
a) Learning
b) intelligence
c) Emotion

d) All of the above

7. He wanted to show that intelligence increases with age when he designed his aptitude test for
a) Alfred Binet
b) Louis Terman
c) Sigmund Freud
d) Harvard
8. adapted Binet's intelligence test and created the process resulting in the intelligence quotient
a) Harvard
b) Erik
c) Alferd binet
d) Louise terman
9. Having an IQ score of 70 and below results in a diagnosis of an ___
a) intellectual disability
b) No 70 is normal score according to Louis termens
c) 70 score is no bad
d) All of the above
10. Possessing outstanding talent or showing the potential to perform at high levels; People with IQ
scores of 130 or higher are considered this___
a) Bright
b) Average intelligence
c) Gifted
d) None
11. Which of the following psychologists added a performance scale in an attempt to measure nonverbal
skills and rule out other cultural or educational biases?
a) Wechsler
b) Binet
c) Gardner
d) Sternberg
12. Which of the following types of tests measures the capacity of a test taker to perform some task or
role in the future?
a) Achievement

b) Aptitude
c) Conventional
d) Self-monitored
13. ___ is known as the father of intelligence mainly because of his work in:
a) Erik's
b) Alfred Binet
c) Sternberg
d) Gardner
14. Howrad Gardner in 1983 describes intelligence as being composed of___
a) general factor alone
b) a general factor and several specific abilities
c) seven primary mental abilities
d) eight multiple intelligences
15. Chalanda is described as suffering from a moderate mental disability. She likely has an IQ in the
range of
a) 81 to 90
b) 71 to 80
c) 50 to 70
d) 40 to 54
16. Among these individuals, who would be considered the earliest pioneer in the field of intelligence
a) Lewis Terman 1816 to 72
b) Alfred Binet 1900
c) Charles Spearman
d) Robert Sternberg
17. According to the data shown in the normal distribution of IQ scores, the average IQ score is _.
a) 200
b) 150
c) 100
d) 50
18. If someone has an IQ score above 130, they are defined as being
a) Gifted

b) Bright
c) Care
d) Powerful
19. The term ____ refers to the ratio of mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100.
a) Intelligence quotient IQ
b) Psychometrics
c) Crystallized
d) None of the above
20. Which of the following psychologist is responsible for creating intelligence test that are designed
specifically for adults, children and preschool age children
a) David Weschler
b) Binet
c) Howrad Gardner
d) Louise termens

1. Process that energizes, guides, and maintains b) Growth need

behavior toward a goal c) Both A and B

a) Emotion d) Existence need

b) Motivation 7. what are the 2 factors in Herzberg's Two-

c) Intelligence factor theory

d) All of the above a) Hygiene factors and motivators

2. What are the three parts of ERG theory? b) Self-awareness and motivation

a) Existence, relatedness, and growth c) Self-awareness and self actualization.

b) Exit , reading, graphics d) Self-awareness and estimate

c) Exam , replace, grant 8. Herzberg's Two-factor theory factors intrinsic

d) All of the above to the job; achievement, recognition,

3. ERG theory related to __ interesting work,

a) Herbergs two factor theory increased responsibilities, advancement, and

b) Herbergs three factor theory growth opportunities.

c) Maslow Hierarchy of human need a) Hygiene Factors

d) Erik's erikson psychosocial theory b) Motivators

4. ERG theory is a theory in psychology c) Both

proposed by __in 1969. d) Emotional factors

a) Erik's 9. what are the components of McClelland's

b) Sigmund Freud Aquired Needs Theory?

c) Maslow a) Power,

d) Alderfer b) Achievement

5. Need corresponding to physiological and c) Affiliation

saftey needs. Maslow frist two levels d) All of the above

a) Existence need 10. Individuals are motivated by a sense of

b) Relatedness need fairness in their interactions. theory of

c) Growth need motivation that

d) All of the above believes that individuals pay attention to the

6. Needs corresponding to esteem and self relationship between the inputs they contribute

actualization. Maslow fourth and fifth levels to the

a) Relatedness need

organization (such as performance, skills, conscious goals affect action; people have the
training, experience) and outcomes they receive power to actively control their lives through
from the purposeful
organization (such as pay, benefits, status, thought - we can select our own goals and
satisfaction, and opportunities). ignore what is irrelevant; goals direct attention
a) Maslow Hierarchy need and effort
b) Equity theory toward the task; serve as motivational tools
c) ERG theory a) goal setting theory
d) Reinforcement theory b) Reinforcement theory
11. ERG theory It is a revision of Maslow's c) Erik Erikson Psychosocial stage
theory and simplifies Maslow's 8 categories into d) Vroom
just _ 15. Effective goal setting principles are ___?
categories? a) Clarity,
a) 4 b) Commitment
b) 6 c) Challenging,
c) 4 d) All of the above
d) 3 16. There are ___ principles of goal setting
12. where does growth in ERG theory fit in theory
maslow's hierarchy of needs a) 5
a) Self-actualization b) 6
b) Esteem c) 7
c) Safety d) 8
d) A and b both 17. Goals must be clear and concise, reduces
13. where do motivator in two factor theory fit confusion, clear goals have more value,
in maslow's hierarchy of needs meaning they are
a) Physiological more likely to be achieved and act as
b) Safety motivation
c) Self-awareness a) Challenging principle
d) Self actualization b) Clarity principle
14. one of the most widely and frequently used c) Commitment principle
tools in counseling; strategy in SCT; key d) Feedback principle

18. A behaviouristic theory that suggests that

behaviour is a function of its consequences.
Not necessarily a motivation theory...
a) Reinforcement Theory
b) Goal setting theory
c) Maslow Hierarchy
d) All of the above
19. Process employees go through to make
choices (want pleasurable outcomes)
a) Reinforcement Theory
b) Expectancy Theory
c) Goal setting theory
d) Equity Theory
20. The desire for independence and freedom
from constraints.
a) affiliation
b) Autonomy
c) Two-factor theory of motivation
d) All of the above

1. Psychologist going to deal anxious a. Conservation

client in clinic , psychologist says b. Egocentrism
grandpa in the front of client due to c. Fixation
this, client start crying named as d. All of them
a. Interpretation 8. According to Sigmund Freud in
b. Latent content which of the following stage primary
c. Manifest content process thinking present at birth
d. Catharsis naturally
2. Psychoanalytic, psychodynamic and a. Genital
psychosexual theory explained by b. Latency
a. Erickson c. Oral
b. Maslow d. Anal
c. Freud 9. According to Sigmund Freud
d. Skinner masturbation common in which stage
3. All of the following therapies are also in male and female
effective to easily find out cause a. Genital
behind the stress except one b. Latency
a. Dream analysis c. Phallic
b. Analysis of resistance d. Oral
c. Counter transference 10. According to Sigmund Freudsexual
d. Hypnosis attraction of son to mother and
4. Rorschach ink blots show the phobia daughter to father resolved at which
of client due to which of the stage and due to which reasons
following one in front of psychologist a. Anal along with the strong toilet
a. Dog training
b. Cat b. Oral along with tension in biting
c. Rodent breast of mother
d. All of them c. Latency with appropriate social
5. According to Sigmund Freud activities
developmental stages ,in which stage d. At puberty with strong orgasm of
female interested in penis organ of male and female
male 11. According to Sigmund Freud sexual
a. Anal attraction of son to mother and
b. Oral daughter to father resolved at which
c. Phallic/oedipal age
d. Genital a. 3-5 years
6. According to Sigmund Freud b. Birth to 18 months
developmental stages ,in which age c. 12-13 years
son want gratification from mother d. 5-11 years
sexually 12. According to Sigmund Freud
a. Birth to 18 months intimacy develop among lovers at
b. 11 to 13 years which stage
c. 3 to 5 years a. Genital
d. 18 months b. Latency
7. According to Sigmund Freud when c. Oral
child not receive gratification of d. Anal
sucking on the mother breast nipple, 13. In which of the following theory
the child can lead to tension in later Sigmund Freud explain that some
stage named as people want attention and not admit

his or her mistake and also feel 19. According to behaviorism theory the
insecurity before showing himself bell is
and herself to people a. Unconditioned stimulus
a. Structural theory b. Unconditioned response
b. Narcissism c. Condition stimulus
c. Drive theory d. Condition response
d. All of them 20. According to behaviorism theory the
14. According to Sigmund Freudwhich of food is
the following principle explain that a. Unconditioned stimulus
some society show sense of right b. Unconditioned response
and wrong way of behavior c. Condition stimulus
a. ID d. Condition response
b. Morality 21. According to behaviorism theory dog
c. Superego salivation is
d. Both B and C a. Unconditioned stimulus
15. According to Sigmund Freud which b. Unconditioned response
of the following pleasure thinking of c. Condition stimulus
human being is completely d. Condition response
submerged under the water that is 22. A psychologist has become known
the part of ice berg as mother of behavior therapy, she
a. ID placed a white food with white rabbit
b. Ego again and again in front of child for
c. Superego which of the following purpose
d. Reality principle a. Conditioning fear
16. According to behaviorism theory b. Providing pleasure to child
when condition response gradually c. Deconditioning fear
decrease named as d. All of them
a. Spontaneous recovery 23. According toErickson when infant
b. Condition reflex feel insecure the world that’s infant
c. Extinction fall in which of the following one
d. Discrimination a. Shame
17. According to behaviorism theory b. Guilt
condition response become strong c. Mistrust
when condition stimulus repeated d. Despair
with unconditioned named as 24. According to Erickson when child are
a. Spontaneous recovery trying to emerge in own talent what is
b. Condition reflex the virtue of this child
c. Extinction a. Hope
d. Discrimination b. Purpose
18. According to behaviorism theory c. Fidelity
when condition stimulus repetition d. Competence
not occurs with unconditioned 25. According to Erickson a preschool
stimulus then the condition reflex child not encourage for development
can lead to which of the following of conscience preschool child can
a. Spontaneous recovery lead to which of the following one
b. Condition reflex a. Initiative
c. Extinction b. Identity
d. Discrimination c. Guilt
d. Stagnation

26. A young adult male failed in married d. lastone step in sensory motor
life and his marriage terminated by 31. In which of the following we studies
divorce, according to Erickson what physical, cognitive and social
is the reason of divorce changes of human through out of the
a. No meaningful attachment to life
wife a. Psychology
b. A lot of relationship with wife b. Behavioral psychology
c. Weak connection of intimacy c. Psychiatry
d. Low economic status d. Developmental psychology
27. According to Erickson athlete 32. Giving something good to increase
become famous and feel strong desire behavior called
belonging, what is the benefits of this a. Positive reinforcement
athlete and in which age athlete b. Negative reinforcement
trying to become famous c. Punishment
a. Will and preschool d. Only B
b. Competence and adolescence 33. Which of the following fundamental
c. Fidelity and adolescence belief in humanistic psychology
d. Will and school age a. People are innately good
28. According to Erickson a child begin b. Innately weak
development of conscience what is c. Innately bad
the meaning of conscience and what d. None of them
is the virtue and what is the age 34. According to piaget in which of the
a. Nurturing relationship, following one child thought is an
competence and young adult idealistic
b. Formulating a sense of self ,love a. Sensorimotor
and preschool b. Preoperational
c. Learning to manage conflict and c. Concrete operational
anxiety, fidelity and toddler d. formal operational
d. Learning to manage conflict and 35. In which of the following perspective
anxiety, purpose and preschool a psychologist describes 5 E,S for
29. A child become encourages for learning
further success and taken pleasure in a. behaviorism
accomplishment, according to b. cognitive
Erickson this child can consider in c. humanism
which? What is the virtue and age d. constructivism
a. Industry, love and middle adult 36. The child inability to take another
b. Inferiority, love and toddler person point of view called
c. Industry, competence and a. Conservation
school age b. Egocentrism
d. Industry, purpose and preschool c. Adaptation
age d. None of them
30. Which of the following is incorrect 37. Child interpret new experience based
about object permanence upon their present interpretation of
a. The things continue to exist the world called
when remove from sight of baby a. Conservation
b. Out of sight and out of mind b. Centration
occurs after 7 months c. Assimilation
c. After 6 months object d. Animism
permanence occur

38. In which of the following parenting , 45. A strong feeling deriving from one
parents control the children at all own circumstances called emotion
time what is meant by the circumstances
a. Authoritarian in this statement
b. Authoritative a. Party time event
c. Uninvolved b. Lose of love one event
d. Permissive c. Relationship with some one
39. In which of the following parenting, d. Both A and B
children are often obedient and more 46. In which of the following one
likely to suffer from low self emotional reaction occur and needs
confidence care
a. Permissive a. Mood
b. Uninvolved b. Emotion
c. Authoritarian c. Affect
d. Authoritative d. Indirect aggression
40. In which of the following parents 47. Feeling characterized by
makes few demands on a child along physiological process, behavior
with little communication expression and cognitive appraisal
a. Permissive what is meant by cognitive appraisal
b. Uninvolved and its role in emotional reaction
c. Authoritarian a. Mood
d. Authoritative b. Cognitive interpretation
41. The study of speech and sound c. Perceive events
called d. Both B and C
a. Semantics 48. Individual hit by someone and
b. Phonology directly physiological changes occur
c. Syntax and immediately aggression occurs
d. Pragmatics explained by
42. The study of social use of language a. Cannon-bard
called b. James-Lang
a. Semantics c. Erickson
b. Phonology d. Diana buamrind
c. Syntax 49. Which psychologist explained that
d. Pragmatics mind perceived event, perceiving of
43. According to humanism which of the event and emotional reaction
following is most important for activated at same time
human a. Cannon-bard
a. Elimination b. James-Lang
b. Security of life c. Erickson
c. Love d. Diana buamrind
d. Achievement 50. In which of the following one
44. In structural theory Sigmund Freud physical behavior of individual cause
have explained which one of the damage to someone
following a. Indirect aggression
a. ID, ego and super ego b. Direction aggression
b. Libido c. Emotional intelligence
c. Consciousness d. None of them
d. None of them 51. Physical size is increasing in the
body of infant named as

a. Development d. Snout reflex

b. Growth 58. Mother tap area between eye brows
c. Build body language of her baby, infant blinks eyelids
d. All of them named as
52. After six months level of function of a. Rooting reflex
cognition improving to maturity state b. Superficial reflex
named as c. Breathing reflex
a. Development d. Glabellas reflex
b. Growth 59. At which of the following age Mother
c. Build body language sit the infant on the supporting chair
d. All of them infant trying to grasp swinging
53. Through the improving development objects
of infant, infant trying to learn and a. Eleven month
perform various according his or her b. Twelfth month
body physique named as c. Six month
a. Growth d. Five month
b. Motor development 60. At which of the following age infant
c. Struggle can walk with the support of her
d. Interesting task for infant mother hand
54. Before six months when mother tap a. Eleven month
skin of abdomen of her baby with b. Twelfth month
pen, baby skin become contract c. Six month
involuntary named as d. Five month
a. Primitive reflex 61. At which of the following age infant
b. Rooting reflex lying down and moving both hands
c. Superficial reflex and legs and trying to reach to some
d. Breathing reflex object and cannot reach and miss the
55. When mother strike the cheek of her object
baby with breast nipple, the baby a. Eleven month
turn his head involuntary toward side b. Twelfth month
and trying to suck nipple named as c. Three month
a. Primitive reflex d. Five month
b. Rooting reflex 62. At which of the following age infant
c. Superficial reflex stand-alone by pulling table
d. Breathing reflex a. Eleven month
56. When elder sister start noise in front b. Twelfth month
of her infant baby, infant baby c. Three month
involuntary his both hands move d. Five month
upward named as 63. By the mind development infant
a. Rooting reflex focuses on the face of mother this
b. Superficial reflex millstone achieve baby at which age
c. Breathing reflex a. 7 to 8 months
d. Startle b. Birth to 3 months
57. When mother press close lips of c. 4 to 10 months
infant, infant show rood facial d. 9 to 12 months
expression named as 64. By the mind development infant can
a. Rooting reflex recognize face of mother and father
b. Superficial reflex at which age
c. Breathing reflex a. 3 to 6 months

b. Birth to 3 months a. Primary circular reaction

c. 4 to 10 months b. Tertiary circular reaction
d. 9 to 12 months c. Mental representation
65. Specific event occur at the age of 5, d. None of them
later when psychologist ask from 68. According to Erickson infant trying to
school child early that’s specific meet needs and struggling for
event the child do not reply properly satisfaction this stage called
this condition called a. Autonomy vs shame
a. Pathological change of b. Trust vs mistrust
hippocampus c. Initiative vs guilt
b. Intelligence weakness d. Industry vs inferior
c. Infantile amnesia 69. When infant fail in acquire training of
d. All of them bladder and bowel control that’s
66. Which of the following is incorrect statement explained by
about infant memory a. Kolb
a. Damage hippocampus can b. Kalley
cause loss of memory later c. Freud
b. Lack of memory experience can d. Thorndike
alter academic activity in future 70. Before six months when mother tap
c. Memory is has no association skin of abdomen of her baby with
with environment pen, baby skin become contract
d. Amnesia can low retrieving involuntary named as
some information a. Primitive reflex
67. According to Piagt`s infant try b. Rooting reflex
different sounds for the attention of c. Super fecial
mother called d. Breathing reflex

1. According to Erikson, a major conflict in the first year of life is that between .A
a. Trust vs mistrust a. Initiative vs guilt b. Autonomy vs shame c. Relatedness vs isolation
2. According to __________, we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life. C
a. James coleman b. Kohlberg c. Erik Erickson d. Sigmund freud
3. A failure to develop a consistent identity results in C
a. Isolation b. Inferiority c. Role confusion d. Stagnation
4. One recommended way for parents to handle problems of occasional bed wetting in children is to A
a. limit the amount of water they drink in the
b. punish them for "wet" nights.
c. wake them up during the night to use the toilet d. consider medication or psychotherapy.
5. Which of the following is one of the common life stages? A
a. Infancy b. Late adulthood c. Later adulthood d. Old adulthood
6. Lack of bladder control is called C
a. Colitis b. Anorexia c. Enuresis d. Encopresis
7. In the __________ level of moral development, moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of
actions. A
a. Preconventional b. Conventional c. Concrete d. Post conventional
8. Puberty C
a. Is the same as adolescence b. occurs earlier for boys than for girls.
c. is the period of growth and hormonal changes that d. involves a growth spurt of 1-2 years during which boys
lead to sexual maturity. are taller than girls.
9. Kohlberg identified the three levels of moral development as the A
a. preconventional, conventional, and postconventional b. conditional, unconditional, and postconditional
c. self-interested, social, and personal d. premoral, conventional, and postethical
10. Girls who mature early are more likely A
a. To engage in earlier sexual relations b. To be socially ostracized in middle and high school
c. To withdraw and become socially isolated d. To become tall and thin
11. Discrimination or prejudice on the basis of age is called C
a. Geronitism b. Autism c. Ageism d. Senilism
12. Kohlberg studied moral development by C
a. having subjects keep a daily journal of their actions b. evaluating criminal and delinquent person's court records
c. posing moral dilemmas to children of different ages d. having subjects perform various legal or illegal behaviors
13. A toddler learning to use the toilet who sometimes feels bad when he or she "messes up" is at Erikson's stage
called C
a. Identity vs role
b. Initiative vs guilt c. Autuonomu vs shame d. Intimacy vs isolation
14. If you are a young adult, you are interested in developing A
a. Intimacy b. Generative c. Integrity d. Initiative
15. Fertilization of an ovum outside a woman's body is called B
b. In vitro
a. Artificial insemination c. Eugencics d. Genetic engineering

16. The first milk produced by a woman in the first few days after giving birth is called C
a. Formula b. Enrichment c. Colostrums d. Aminocentesis
17. Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual development? C
a. Sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, postoperational
b. Preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor
c. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
d. Preoperational, informal operational, formal operational, postoperational
18. Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the existence of emotional attachment? A
a. Separation anxiety b. Learning to walk c. Imprinting d. Language development
19. The grasping, rooting, and sucking reflexes of infants are best described as D
a. Fixed actions
b. Instincts c. Conditioned reflexes d. Adaptive reflexes
20. Sucking, chewing, is a ________________ behavior during first stage of freud theory. D

a. Learned b. Experienced c. Thought d. Innate

21. Harlow's finding that baby monkeys prefer a terrycloth surrogate mother to a wire mother demonstrates the
importance of B
a. Imprinting b. Contact comfort c. Acceptance d. Good nutrition
22. Which reflex probably helps prevent failing? B
a. Moro reflex b. Grasping reflex c. Rooting reflex d. Sucking reflex
23. If touched on the cheek, neonates will turn their head in that direction. This is called the ______ reflex/response. B
a. Moro b. Rooting c. Orientation d. Babinski
24. Physical growth and development is called B
a. Readiness b. Maturation c. Mobility d. Hereditary
25. If the dilemah in the Erickson stages of development does not overcome, then the individual will ___ A
a. Stagnant b. No effect c. Succeed into next stage d. All
26. Object permanence is to sensorimotor stage as conservation and reversibility are to____ operational stage. D
a. Formal b. Pre c. Informal d. Concrete
27. Piaget is mainly known for studying __________ development. D
a. Language b. Sexual c. Social d. Cognitive
28. When her mother leaves, Linda cries. When her mother returns, Linda crawls into her lap. According to Mary
Ainsworth, Linda has a(n) __________ attachment. A
a. Securely attached b. Secure-avoidant c. Insecure-avoidant d. Insecure-ambivalent
29. A child who thinks that he is right, while others are wrong and letting him play is demonstrating____. D
c. Deprivation
a. Object permanence b. Imprinting d. Egocentrism
30.Which type of parenting is to “demand strict adherence to rigid standards of behavior” A
a. Authoritarian e. Demonstrative f. Responsive g. Dividend
31. Each cell possesses 46 __________ that are responsible for all the genetic information passed from parents to
children. B
a. Genes b. Chromosomes c. Zygotes d. Gametes
32. "I demand that you obey" is to authoritarian as "Do your own thing" is to B

a. Authoritative b. Permissive c. Permissionable d. Overprotective

33. Babies will imitate actions they see when mothers show joy or interest because of _________ referencing. D
a. Situational e. Learned f. Perceptual g. Social
34. The repetition by infants of meaningless language sounds (including both vowel and consonant sounds) is called A
a. Babbling b. Cooing c. Telegraphic speech d. Crying
35. According to __________, all children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual development. A
a. Piaget b. Bloom c. Watson d. Harlow
36. Environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except. D
a. Quality of learning b. Intelligence c. Quality of nutrition d. Culture
37. Which of the following reflexes are related to feeding, the __________ reflex? B
a. Moro & rooting b. Chewing & sucking c. More and sucking d. babinski
38. The progressive changes in behavior and abilities from conception to death C
a. Learning b. Tiring c. Development d. Fear
39. The study of changes in behavior from conception to death encompasses C
f. Developmental
a. Gerontology e. Thantology g. Social psychology
40. Using existing patterns of behavior in new situations is called A
a. Assimilation b. Adaptation c. Accommodation d. Conservation
41. Another name for a newborn baby is a(n) B
a. Embryo b. Neonate c. Zygote d. Fetus
42. "I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I am a __________ psychologist."
a. Cognitive
b. Learning c. Perception d. Personality
43. Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?
a. Freud b. Maslow c. Skinner d. Watson
44. According to John Watson, introspection was
a. A Valid Method of Research b. Unscientific
c. The commerstone of behaviorism d. The study of mind
45. The study of similarities and differences in the behavior of different species is called ______ psychology.
a. Biological b. Comparative c. Environmental d. Differential
46. Freud believed that all thoughts and actions are determined by
a. The first year of life b. Forces in the personality that are often unconscious
c. Needs for love and self esteem d. The drive for self actualization
47. The term cognition refers to
a. Predicting the future b. Analysis and synthesis
c. Thinking and knowing d. Introspection
48. Overt behavior is
a. Anything a person does b. Only those things a person does which you can see
c. Only those things which can be recorded by a d. Only those things a person can see with his/her
camera senses

49. Psychology is
a. The study of human origins, evolution and b. The scientific study of behavior and mental process
cultures of any living creature
c. The natural science of integrating physiology and d. The deductive study of forms and functions of human
neurology group
50. Evolutionary psychologist would study
a. The biological makeup of the human mind across
b. Historical behavior of a single species
c. Developmentally how champanzees and human
d. Male and female trends in mating choices
are similar
51. Who among the following can prescribe drugs to treat emotional problems?
a. Psychiastrist b. Social worker c. Psychologist d. Surgeon
52. According to john B. Watson psychology is the study of
a. The mind b. Conscious experience
c. Mental states d. Behavior
53. During piaget’s sensormotor stage, what is the ability to flexibly altering existing schemas into new
schemas called? A
a. Accommodation b. Assimilatin c. Adaption e. Equilibrium
54. According to Freud's theory of Psychosexual Development, during which stage is children's developmental focus
on gender identity and morality? B
a. Anal b. Phallic c. Oral d. Latent
55. According to Piaget's theory of Cognitive Development, during which stage do children develop the capacity for
conservation? C
c. Concrete
a. Sensorimotor b. Preoperational d. Formal operational
56. According to research comparing children in day-care centers versus children raised by mothers in their own
homes, the biggest differences were found in the children's. D
a. Physical health b. Intellectuality c. Attachment d. None
57. Freud established his theory of personality development on the basis of _________ urges. A
a. Sexual b. Social c. Genetics d. None
58. According to Freud, in anal stage sexual satisfaction comes through ______. B
a. Social b. Bowel c. Eating d. None
59. If a person is trained well during anal stage through toilet habits and are free to have bowel with free will, likely
to develop _______ personality. A
a. Anal repulsive b. Anal retentive c. Both d. None
60. The sense least likely to be stimulated during the fetal period is: A
a. Sight b. Hearing c. Touch d. None
61. The first sense to develop is: D
a. Sight b. Hearing c. Taste d. Touch
62. The infants utter their first word around _____ months C
a. 6 b. 8 c. 12 d. 15
63. Infants have learned the meanings of some common words, like "mommy" and "daddy" by: C
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 9
64. How many stages are there in Piaget's theory of infant development? C
a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 6
65. How many stages are there in Freud theory. A
a. 5 b. 1 c. 10 d. 2
66. The ideas of Freud are __________ mostly. A

a. Controversial b. Acceptable c. ethical d. all of the above

67. Socialization of a child is a part of ________________. B
a. Genetics b. Development c. Hormones d. None
68. Development is a ____________ process. A
a. Gradual b. Rapid c. Initiative d. None
69. Secondary sexual character are controlled mostly by A
a. Sex hormones b. Environment c. Fatigue d. None
70. The gradual loss in physical ability is due to ________ A
a. Aging b. Disturbance c. Food habits d. None

Mcq no Correct option Mcq no Correct option Mcq no Correct option

1. A 2. C 3. C

4. A 5. A 6. C

7. A 8. C 9. A

10. A 11. C 12. C

13. C 14. A 15. B

16. C 17. C 18. A

19. D 20. D 21. B

22. B 23. B 24. B

25. A 26. D 27. D

28. A 29. D 30. A

31. B 32. B 33. D

34. A 35. A 36. D

37. B 38. C 39. C

40. A 41. B 42. A

43. B 44. B 45. B

46. B 47. C 48. B

49. B 50. B 51. A

52. D 53. A 54. B

55. C 56. D 57. A

58. B 59. A 60. A

61. D 62. C 63. C

64. C 65. A 66. A

67. B 68. A 69. A

70. A


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