Understanding Semantic Segmentation With UNET - by Harshall Lamba - Towards Data Science

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4/23/24, 4:58 PM Understanding Semantic Segmentation with UNET | by Harshall Lamba | Towards Data Science

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Understanding Semantic Segmentation with

A Salt Identification Case Study

Harshall Lamba · Follow

Published in Towards Data Science
15 min read · Feb 17, 2019

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Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Prerequisites

3. What is Semantic Segmentation?

4. Applications

5. Business Problem

6. Understanding the data

7. Understanding Convolution, Max Pooling and Transposed Convolution

8. UNET Architecture and Training

9. Inference

10. Conclusion

11. References

1. Introduction

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4/23/24, 4:58 PM Understanding Semantic Segmentation with UNET | by Harshall Lamba | Towards Data Science

Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how

computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or
videos. From the perspective of engineering, it seeks to automate tasks that the
human visual system can do. (Wikipedia)

CV is a very interdisciplinary field

Deep Learning has enabled the field of Computer Vision to advance rapidly in the
last few years. In this post I would like to discuss about one specific task in
Computer Vision called as Semantic Segmentation. Even though researchers have
come up with numerous ways to solve this problem, I will talk about a particular
architecture namely UNET, which use a Fully Convolutional Network Model for the

We will use UNET to build a first-cut solution to the TGS Salt Identification challenge
hosted by Kaggle.

Along with this, my purpose of writing the blog is to also provide some intuitive
insights on the commonly used operations and terms in Convolutional Networks for
Image understanding. Some of these include Convolution, Max Pooling, Receptive
field, Up-sampling, Transposed Convolution, Skip Connections, etc.

2. Prerequisites
I will assume that the reader is already familiar with the basic concepts of Machine
Learning and Convolutional Networks. Also you must have some working
knowledge of ConvNets with Python and Keras library.

3. What is Semantic Segmentation?

There are various levels of granularity in which the computers can gain an
understanding of images. For each of these levels there is a problem defined in the

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Computer Vision domain. Starting from a coarse grained down to a more fine
grained understanding, let’s describe these problems below:

a. Image classification

Image Classification

The most fundamental building blockOpen

in Computer
in app
Vision is the Image classification
problem where given an image, we expect the computer to output a discrete label,
which is the main
Searchobject in the image. In image classification we assume that there
is only one (and not multiple) object in the image.

b. Classification with Localization

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Classification with localization

In localization along with the discrete label, we also expect the compute to localize
where exactly the object is present in the image. This localization is typically
implemented using a bounding box which can be identified by some numerical
parameters with respect to the image boundary. Even in this case, the assumption is
to have only one object per image.

c. Object Detection

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Object Detection

Object Detection extends localization to the next level where now the image is not
constrained to have only one object, but can contain multiple objects. The task is to
classify and localize all the objects in the image. Here again the localization is done
using the concept of bounding box.

d. Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic Segmentation

The goal of semantic image segmentation is to label each pixel of an image with a
corresponding class of what is being represented. Because we’re predicting for
every pixel in the image, this task is commonly referred to as dense prediction.

Note that unlike the previous tasks, the expected output in semantic segmentation
are not just labels and bounding box parameters. The output itself is a high
resolution image (typically of the same size as input image) in which each pixel is
classified to a particular class. Thus it is a pixel level image classification.
e. Instance segmentation

Instance Segmentation

Instance segmentation is one step ahead of semantic segmentation wherein along

with pixel level classification, we expect the computer to classify each instance of a
class separately. For example in the image above there are 3 people, technically 3
instances of the class “Person”. All the 3 are classified separately (in a different
color). But semantic segmentation does not differentiate between the instances of a
particular class.

If you are still confused between the differences of object detection, semantic
segmentation and instance segmentation, below image will help to clarify the point:

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Object Detection vs Semantic Segmentation vs Instance Segmentation

In this post we will learn to solve the Semantic Segmentation problem using Fully
Convolutional Network (FCN) called UNET.

4. Applications
If you are wondering, whether semantic segmentation is even useful or not, your
query is reasonable. However, it turns out that a lot of complex tasks in Vision
require this fine grained understanding of images. For example:

a. Autonomous vehicles
Autonomous driving is a complex robotics tasks that requires perception, planning
and execution within constantly evolving environments. This task also needs to be
performed with utmost precision, since safety is of paramount importance.
Semantic Segmentation provides information about free space on the roads, as well
as to detect lane markings and traffic signs.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATlcEDSPWXY

b. Bio Medical Image Diagnosis

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Machines can augment analysis performed by radiologists, greatly reducing the

time required to run diagnostic tests.

Source: https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.08816

c. Geo Sensing
Semantic Segmentation problems can also be considered classification problems,
where each pixel is classified as one from a range of object classes. Thus, there is a
use case for land usage mapping for satellite imagery. Land cover information is
important for various applications, such as monitoring areas of deforestation and

To recognize the type of land cover (e.g., areas of urban, agriculture, water, etc.) for
each pixel on a satellite image, land cover classification can be regarded as a multi-
class semantic segmentation task. Road and building detection is also an important
research topic for traffic management, city planning, and road monitoring.

There are few large-scale publicly available datasets (Eg : SpaceNet), and data
labeling is always a bottleneck for segmentation tasks.

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Source: https://blog.playment.io/semantic-segmentation/

d. Precision Agriculture
Precision farming robots can reduce the amount of herbicides that need to be
sprayed out in the fields and semantic segmentation of crops and weeds assist them
in real time to trigger weeding actions. Such advanced image vision techniques for
agriculture can reduce manual monitoring of agriculture.

Source: https://blog.playment.io/semantic-segmentation/

We will also consider a practical real world case study to understand the importance
of semantic segmentation. The problem statement and the datasets are described in
the below sections.

5. Business Problem
In any Machine Learning task, it is always suggested to spend a decent amount of
time in aptly understanding the business problem that we aim to solve. This not only
helps to apply the technical tools efficiently but also motivates the developer to use
his/her skills in solving a real world problem.

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TGS is one of the leading Geo-science and Data companies which uses seismic
images and 3D renderings to understand which areas beneath the Earth’s surface
which contain large amounts of oil and gas.

Interestingly, the surfaces which contain oil and gas, also contain huge deposits of
salt. So with the help of seismic technology, they try to predict which areas in the
surface of the Earth contain huge amount of salts.

Unfortunately, professional seismic imaging requires expert human vision to

exactly identify salt bodies. This leads to highly subjective and variable renderings.
Moreover it could cause huge loss for the oil and gas company drillers if the human
prediction is incorrect.

Thus TGS hosted a Kaggle Competition, to employ machine vision to solve this task
with better efficiency and accuracy.

To read more about the challenge, click here.

To read more about seismic technology, click here.

6. Understanding the data

Download the data files from here.

For simplicity we will only use train.zip file which contains both the images and
their corresponding masks.

In the images directory, there are 4000 seismic images which are used by human
experts to predict whether there could be salt deposits in that region or not.

In the masks directory, there are 4000 gray scale images which are the actual ground
truth values of the corresponding images which denote whether the seismic image
contains salt deposits and if so where. These will be used for building a supervised
learning model.

Let’s visualize the given data to get a better understanding:

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Sample data point and corresponding label

The image on left is the seismic image. The black boundary is drawn just for the
sake of understanding denoting which part contains salt and which does not. (Of
course this boundary is not a part of the original image)

The image on the right is called as the mask which is the ground truth label. This is
what our model must predict for the given seismic image. The white region denotes
salt deposits and the black region denotes no salt.

Let’s look at a few more images:

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Sample data point and corresponding label

Sample data point and corresponding label

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Sample data point and corresponding label

Notice that if the mask is entirely black, this means there are no salt deposits in the
given seismic image.

Clearly from the above few images it can be inferred that its not easy for human
experts to make accurate mask predictions for the seismic images.

7. Understanding Convolution, Max Pooling and Transposed Convolution

Before we dive into the UNET model, it is very important to understand the different
operations that are typically used in a Convolutional Network. Please make a note of
the terminologies used.
i. Convolution operation
There are two inputs to a convolutional operation

i) A 3D volume (input image) of size (nin x nin x channels)

ii) A set of ‘k’ filters (also called as kernels or feature extractors) each one of size (f x
f x channels), where f is typically 3 or 5.

The output of a convolutional operation is also a 3D volume (also called as output

image or feature map) of size (nout x nout x k).

The relationship between nin and nout is as follows:

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Convolution Arithmetic

Convolution operation can be visualized as follows:

Source: http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/

In the above GIF, we have an input volume of size 7x7x3. Two filters each of size
3x3x3. Padding =0 and Strides = 2. Hence the output volume is 3x3x2. If you are not

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comfortable with this arithmetic then you need to first revise the concepts of
Convolutional Networks before you continue further.

One important term used frequently is called as the Receptive filed. This is nothing
but the region in the input volume that a particular feature extractor (filter) is
looking at. In the above GIF, the 3x3 blue region in the input volume that the filter
covers at any given instance is the receptive field. This is also sometimes called as
the context.

To put in very simple terms, receptive field (context) is the area of the input image
that the filter covers at any given point of time.

ii) Max pooling operation

In simple words, the function of pooling is to reduce the size of the feature map so
that we have fewer parameters in the network.

For example:

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-max-pooling-in-convolutional-neural-networks#

Basically from every 2x2 block of the input feature map, we select the maximum
pixel value and thus obtain a pooled feature map. Note that the size of the filter and
strides are two important hyper-parameters in the max pooling operation.

The idea is to retain only the important features (max valued pixels) from each
region and throw away the information which is not important. By important, I
mean that information which best describes the context of the image.

A very important point to note here is that both convolution operation and specially
the pooling operation reduce the size of the image. This is called as down sampling.
In the above example, the size of the image before pooling is 4x4 and after pooling is

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2x2. In fact down sampling basically means converting a high resolution image to a
low resolution image.

Thus before pooling, the information which was present in a 4x4 image, after
pooling, (almost) the same information is now present in a 2x2 image.

Now when we apply the convolution operation again, the filters in the next layer will
be able to see larger context, i.e. as we go deeper into the network, the size of the
image reduces however the receptive field increases.

For example, below is the LeNet 5 architecture:

LeNet 5

Notice that in a typical convolutional network, the height and width of the image
gradually reduces (down sampling, because of pooling) which helps the filters in the
deeper layers to focus on a larger receptive field (context). However the number of
channels/depth (number of filters used) gradually increase which helps to extract
more complex features from the image.

Intuitively we can make the following conclusion of the pooling operation. By down
sampling, the model better understands “WHAT” is present in the image, but it
loses the information of “WHERE” it is present.

iii) Need for up sampling

As stated previously, the output of semantic segmentation is not just a class label or
some bounding box parameters. In-fact the output is a complete high resolution
image in which all the pixels are classified.

Thus if we use a regular convolutional network with pooling layers and dense layers,
we will lose the “WHERE” information and only retain the “WHAT” information
which is not what we want. In case of segmentation we need both “WHAT” as well as
“WHERE” information.

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Hence there is a need to up sample the image, i.e. convert a low resolution image to
a high resolution image to recover the “WHERE” information.

In the literature, there are many techniques to up sample an image. Some of them
are bi-linear interpolation, cubic interpolation, nearest neighbor interpolation,
unpooling, transposed convolution, etc. However in most state of the art networks,
transposed convolution is the preferred choice for up sampling an image.
iv) Transposed Convolution
Transposed convolution (sometimes also called as deconvolution or fractionally
strided convolution) is a technique to perform up sampling of an image with
learnable parameters.

I will not describe how transpose convolution works because Naoki Shibuya has
already done a brilliant job in his blog Up sampling with Transposed Convolution. I
strongly recommend you to go through this blog (multiple times if required) to
understand the process of Transposed Convolution.

However, on a high level, transposed convolution is exactly the opposite process of a

normal convolution i.e., the input volume is a low resolution image and the output
volume is a high resolution image.

In the blog it is nicely explained how a normal convolution can be expressed as a

matrix multiplication of input image and filter to produce the output image. By just
taking the transpose of the filter matrix, we can reverse the convolution process,
hence the name transposed convolution.

v) Summary of this section

After reading this section, you must be comfortable with following concepts:

Receptive field or context

Convolution and pooling operations down sample the image, i.e. convert a high
resolution image to a low resolution image

Max Pooling operation helps to understand “WHAT” is there in the image by

increasing the receptive field. However it tends to lose the information of
“WHERE” the objects are.

In semantic segmentation it is not just important to know “WHAT” is present in

the image but it is equally important to know “WHERE” it is present. Hence we

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need a way to up sample the image from low resolution to high resolution which
will help us restore the “WHERE” information.

Transposed Convolution is the most preferred choice to perform up sampling,

which basically learns parameters through back propagation to convert a low
resolution image to a high resolution image.

If you are confused with any of the terms or concepts explained in this section, feel
free to read it again till you get comfortable.

8. UNET Architecture and Training

The UNET was developed by Olaf Ronneberger et al. for Bio Medical Image
Segmentation. The architecture contains two paths. First path is the contraction
path (also called as the encoder) which is used to capture the context in the image.
The encoder is just a traditional stack of convolutional and max pooling layers. The
second path is the symmetric expanding path (also called as the decoder) which is
used to enable precise localization using transposed convolutions. Thus it is an end-
to-end fully convolutional network (FCN), i.e. it only contains Convolutional layers
and does not contain any Dense layer because of which it can accept image of any

In the original paper, the UNET is described as follows:

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If you did not understand, its okay. I will try to describe this architecture much more
intuitively. Note that in the original paper, the size of the input image is 572x572x3,
however, we will use input image of size 128x128x3. Hence the size at various
locations will differ from that in the original paper but the core components remain
the same.

Below is the detailed explanation of the architecture:

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Detailed UNET Architecture

Points to note:
2@Conv layers means that two consecutive Convolution Layers are applied

c1, c2, …. c9 are the output tensors of Convolutional Layers

p1, p2, p3 and p4 are the output tensors of Max Pooling Layers

u6, u7, u8 and u9 are the output tensors of up-sampling (transposed

convolutional) layers

The left hand side is the contraction path (Encoder) where we apply regular
convolutions and max pooling layers.

In the Encoder, the size of the image gradually reduces while the depth
gradually increases. Starting from 128x128x3 to 8x8x256

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This basically means the network learns the “WHAT” information in the image,
however it has lost the “WHERE” information

The right hand side is the expansion path (Decoder) where we apply transposed
convolutions along with regular convolutions

In the decoder, the size of the image gradually increases and the depth gradually
decreases. Starting from 8x8x256 to 128x128x1

Intuitively, the Decoder recovers the “WHERE” information (precise

localization) by gradually applying up-sampling

To get better precise locations, at every step of the decoder we use skip
connections by concatenating the output of the transposed convolution layers
with the feature maps from the Encoder at the same level:
u6 = u6 + c4
u7 = u7 + c3
u8 = u8 + c2
u9 = u9 + c1
After every concatenation we again apply two consecutive regular convolutions
so that the model can learn to assemble a more precise output

This is what gives the architecture a symmetric U-shape, hence the name UNET

On a high level, we have the following relationship:

Input (128x128x1) => Encoder =>(8x8x256) => Decoder =>Ouput (128x128x1)

Below is the Keras code to define the above model:

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Model is compiled with Adam optimizer and we use binary cross entropy loss
function since there are only two classes (salt and no salt).

We use Keras callbacks to implement:

Learning rate decay if the validation loss does not improve for 5 continues

Early stopping if the validation loss does not improve for 10 continues epochs.

Save the weights only if there is improvement in validation loss.

We use a batch size of 32.

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Note that there could be a lot of scope to tune these hyper parameters and further
improve the model performance.

The model is trained on P4000 GPU and takes less than 20 mins to train.

9. Inference
Note that for each pixel we get a value between 0 to 1.
0 represents no salt and 1 represents salt.
We take 0.5 as the threshold to decide whether to classify a pixel as 0 or 1.

However deciding threshold is tricky and can be treated as another hyper


Let’s look at some results on both training set and validation set:
Results on training set

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Results on Validation Set

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Results on training set are relatively better than those on validation set which
implies the model suffers from overfitting. One obvious reason could be the small
number images used to train the model.

10. Conclusion
Thank you for interest in the blog. Please leave comments, feedback and
suggestions if you feel any.

Full code on my GitHub repo here.

11. References



Machine Learning Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Unet

Convolutional Network


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Written by Harshall Lamba

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