Learning Activity Sheets WK 4

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Learning Activity sheets

Science 9 ( Week 4)

Name: ____________________________ Grade and Section : ___________ Score : ___


Energy is the name of the game. Everything exists or cease to exist
because of its presence or absence. It is stored in different forms
and can transfer and/or transform. It can be transferred without
being transformed. It can also transfers.

Different forms of Mechanical energy.

You have learned in Grade 8 that mechanical energy falls in two categories: potential energy (stored energy of
position) and kinetic energy (energy of motion). By this time, we will show you the basic equations of potential and
kinetic energy.

Kinetic Energy KE = ½ mv2 and Potential Energy as PE = mgh

KE = kinetic energy m = mass of object v = Velocity of object
PE = potential energy g = acceleration due to gravity h = height difference

Energy Transformation:

The evidence and varied uses of the different energy forms are
everywhere. It flows causes change through heat and work. In the
illustrations simplifies that electrical energy transforms to light
energy and heat energy.


Another consideration of transformation is found at home. Such of them are plugging television sets which
electrical energy is converted to radiant, heat and sound energies. Another example is the process of photosynthesis
wherein the suns radiant energy is converted into chemical energy.

Kinetic Energy is converted into potential Energy and then back to Kinetic Energy

The total mechanical energy of Lee Ben Fardest is the sum of the potential and kinetic energies. The two forms of energy sum up to
50 000 Joules. Notice also that the total mechanical energy of Lee Ben Fardest is a constant value throughout his motion. There are
conditions under which the total mechanical energy will be a constant value and conditions under which it will be a changing value.
This is the subject of Lesson 2 - the work-energy relationship. For now, merely remember that total mechanical energy is the energy
possessed by an object due to either its motion or its stored energy of position. The total amount of mechanical energy is merely the
sum of these two forms of energy. And finally, an object with mechanical energy is able to do work on another object.

Directions. A. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. What is the energy of a motorcycle going fast midway down a hill?
A. entirely kinetic B. entirely potential C. entirely gravitational D. both kinetic and potential
2. Which event is explained in the sequence of energy changes shown in the diagram below?
A. a blue spotlight is on B. a runner doing stretches C. an electric fan rotates D. the battery-powered toy car runs forward
3. In the Agus VI Hydroelectric Power (HEP) Plant, which energy transformation takes place?
A. electrical energy mechanical energy electrical energy. C. heat mechanical energy electrical energy.
B. gravitational potential energy kinetic energy electrical energy D. nuclear energy heat electrical energy
4. Which events does NOT describe potential energy being changed into kinetic energy?
A. A cart rolling down a hill. C. A student lets go a stretched slinky.
B. A rubber foam being compressed. D. A twig falling from a branch.
5. Which event illustrates the direct transformation of potential to kinetic energy?
A. A volleyball player blocks an incoming ball. C. The wide-open spring door closes slowly.
B. A sleeping cow stirs awake. D. The spring of a broken toy shoots up.
6. Which sequence of energy transformation best describes what happens when you prepare scrambled egg using an egg beater?
A. Mechanical Energy -> Electrical Energy -> Sound Energy C. Chemical Energy ->Mechanical Energy -> Sound Energy
B. Mechanical Energy -> Chemical Energy + Sound Energy D. Chemical Energy -> Mechanical Energy + Sound Energy
Chemical Energy Heat Mechanical Energy (with wasted heat)
7. Which among the objects is considered as having potential energy?
A. ambulance siren B. candle flame C. hot plate D. milk
8. Which of the following happens to raindrops?
A. Loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. C. Gains potential energy and loses kinetic energy.
B. Loses both potential energy and kinetic energy. D. Gains both potential energy and kinetic energy.
9. A runner jumps over a hurdle. Neglecting friction, the potential energy of the runner at the highest point compared to his kinetic energy at
the lowest point is _____
A. lesser. B. equal. C. greater. D. not related.
10. The potential energy of a 4-kg object on top of a hill is 72 J. What is its velocity in m/s just before it hits the ground?
A. 36 B. 18 C. 6 D. 3
11. The total mechanical energy of a yoyo
A. is equally divided between kinetic energy and potential energy. C. can never be negative.
B. at any one instant, is either all kinetic energy or all potential energy. D. is constant, if only conservative forces act.
12. A stone rolls down some distance and gains 45 J of kinetic energy. Considering air resistance, how much gravitational potential energy
did the bag lose?
A. more than 45 J B. exactly 45 J C. less than 45 J D. cannot be determined from the information given
13. A fully spring-wound toy fan that is about to rotate possesses
A. kinetic but no potential energy C. both potential and kinetic energy in equal amounts
B. potential but no kinetic energy D. neither potential nor kinetic energy
14. In which case is there an increase in gravitational potential energy?
A. Alex stretches horizontally a rubber band. C. The monkey-eating eagle swoops down from a tree.
B. A car ascends a car wash ramp. D. Water flows out a horizontal pipe.
15. A decorative stone fell off the fence. Considering the presence of air, how does the kinetic energy (K) of the stone just before striking
the ground compare to its potential energy (U) on the fence?
A. K is equal to U. B. K is greater than U. C. K is less than U. D. It is impossible to tell.

B. Solve the following problems. Show you solution.

1. A 2-kg toy car moves along a frictionless surface with a uniform speed of 6 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
A. 3.6 J B. 36 J C. 366 J D. 3660 J
2. Budoy, a junior high school student, lifts a 3-kg book from the floor into a cabinet 2.0 m high. With reference to the
floor, how much potential energy does the book acquire?
A. 5.88 J B. 58.88 J C. 588.88 J D. 5888.88 J

C. Energy Transformation. Give 2 examples each of energy transformation asked below.

1. Chemical energy to sound energy

2. Electrical energy to heat energy
3. Chemical energy to mechanical energy
4. Mechanical energy to heat energy
5. Electrical energy to mechanical energy

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