Midterm Test 2

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Họ và tên SV: Le Nguyen Mai Anh Mã số SV: 2157010019
Lớp:_______________________________ Hệ: CQ Học kỳ: …II…/ NH: 2023-2024

Điểm số Điểm chữ Chữ ký giáo viên Họ tên chữ ký Họ tên chữ ký Số phách
chấm thi CBCT1 CBCT2

Transfer your answers into the numbered spaces below
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D

11. C 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C

21. B 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. C

31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. D

41. B 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. A 50. D

51. A 52. B 53. B 54. D 55. B 56. C 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. C

61. B 62. B 63. A 64. C 65. A 66. D 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. C


1. The underlined part in “running shoes” is a(n) ___________.

A. bound base B. inflectional suffix C. derivational infix D. derivational suffix
2. The underlined part in “boiling water” is a(n) ________.
A. derivational suffix B. bound base C. inflectional suffix D. derivational infix
3. A word containing one bound morpheme is a _______ word.
A. Simple B. complex C. compound D. compound-complex
4. The word ‘widened’ contains ____ morpheme(s).
A. One B. two C. three D. four
5. The underlined word in ‘women’s clothes’ contains _________ inflectional suffix(es).
A. Three B. two C. four D. one
6. A base is a _____.
A. Morpheme with principal meaning C. segment of language with lexical meaning
B. Word to which an affix is attached D. mono-morphemic word
7. The underlined part in the word ‘undeveloped’ is a(n) ______.
A. bound base B. derivational suffix C. derivational infix D. inflectional suffix
8. The original word of ‘gym’ is ____.
A. Gymnast B. gymnasion C. gymnasium D. B&C
9. The original word of “sport” is __________.
A. Sportif B. sportive C. disport D. sportum
10. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. A phrase may contain a non-finite verb.
B. A phrase is named after its headword.

C. A phrase is a group of words clustering around a headword.
D. A phrase contains no verb.
11. Bases are different from affixes in their form, their meaning and ________.
A. their quantity B. their position C. their function D. their characteristics
12. A compound-complex sentence is the one consisting of __________.
A. Independent clause + subordinate clause(s)
B. Independent clause + independent clause
C. Main clause + main clause + subordinate clause
D. Main clause + subordinate clause
13. A simple sentence is the one consisting of ______.
A. Only one finite verb C. an independent and a main clause
B. Only one clause D. a main clause and a subordinate clause
14. Lexical words are the words with a _______ meaning.
A. dictionary B. functional C. grammatical D. structural
15. Which of the following is NOT true about noun clauses?
A. A noun clause can perform the functions of a noun.
B. A noun clause can be at different positions.
C. A noun clause acts as a noun.
D. A noun clause is identified by the introducing word.
16. By function, the underlined part in “Your requirement is over my ability.” is a(n) ______.
A. complement of verb C. subject complement
B. indirect object D. object of preposition
17. By function, the underlined part in “To be late to an interview is disappointing.” is a(n) ___.
A. Subject complement B. sentence modifier C. modifier adverbial D. predicate
18. By position, the underlined part in “To be late to an interview is disappointing.” is a(n) ____.
A. Adjectival B. adverbial C. verbal D. nominal
19. By function, the underlined part in “Coming home, I found my dog poisoned.” is a(n) ___.
A. complement of noun B. indirect object C. complement of verb D. direct object
20. The underlined part in “She declared it in the worst taste that they left nothing for the children.” can be
analysed as __________.
A. Prepositional phrase / complement of verb / nominal
B. Noun phrase / indirect object / nominal
C. Prepositional phrase / indirect object / nominal
D. Noun phrase / modifier / adverbial
21. By form, the underlined part in “I’ll live where you live.” is a(n) _______.
A. noun clause B. adverb clause C. noun phrase D. adjective phrase
22. By form, the underlined part in “Whether we are going for a picnic again is the question he’s always
asking.” is a(n) ______.
A. Adverb clause B. adjective clause C. noun clause D. noun phrase
23. By position, the underlined part in “Coming home, I found my dog poisoned.” is a(n) ____.
A. Adverbial B. nominal C. verbal D. adjectival
24. By function, the underlined part in “I come here to see you.” is a(n) ____.
A. Complement of noun B. direct object C. indirect object D. complement of verb
25. The underlined part in ‘George was given a tennis racket.’ is ________.
26. By function, the underlined part in “How glad I am to see you.” is a(n) _______.
A. Object of preposition C. complement of verb
B. indirect object D. subject complement
27. The sentence pattern of “The dentist says, ‘Open wide your mouth.” is ____.
A. Subject – verb – complement of verb C. subject – verb – direct object
B. Subject – verb – indirect object D. subject – verb – modifier

28. The underlined word in “Have you got any children?” is a(n) ____.
A. determiner B. coordinator C. preposition D. adverb
29. The underlined word in ‘I’ve never heard such stories as he’s telling.’ is a(n)_______.

A. relative pronoun B. conjunction C. preposition D. adverb
30. The underlined word in ‘There is no rose but has some thorn.’ is a(n)________.
A. conjunction B. preposition C. relative pronoun D. adverb
31. By form, the underlined part in ‘You look attractive in either the pink dress or the yellow.’ is
A. subordinating B. correlative C. coordinating D. connecting
32. By form, the underlined part in ‘You will succeed in life provided that you think optimistically.’ is
a___________ conjunction.
A. subordinating B. correlative C. coordinating D. connecting
33. The underlined parts in ‘After having dinner, he went to bed.’ and ‘After he had dinner, he went to
bed.’ are different from each other in:
A. function B. position C. form D. A&B
34. The underlined parts in ‘I don’t remember the town where I was born.’ is a(n)________.
A. relative pronoun B. interrogative pronoun C. conjunction D. adverb
35. The verb in ‘The local council have granted us permission to open a shop.’ can be identified as
____________ verb.
A. transitive B. ditransitive C. linking D. auxiliary
36. The verb in ‘The professor called on me for question 1.’ can be identified as __________ verb.
A. transitive B. phrasal C. linking D. prepositional
37. The verb in ‘Priscilla has to cut down on hamburgers and other greasy food. It's bad for her
cholesterol.’ can be identified as ____________ verb.
A. intransitive B. stative C. phrasal D. prepositional
38. The verb in ‘We’re all looking forward to having a few days’ holiday together.’ can be identified as
A. prepositional B. phrasal C. phrasal-prepositional D. irregular

39. By position, the units of a sentence can be classified as ____.

A. Subject, object, complement, modifier C. nominal, adjectival, adverbial & verbal
B. Noun, adjective, adverb, and verb D. lexical and functional
40. By position, the underlined part in “I come here to study.” is a(n) ____.
A. adverbial B. verbal C. nominal D. adjectival
41. By function, the sentence “Listed below are groups of words that are only pieces of sentence.” is
A. simple B. imperative C. affirmative D. mixed
42. By function, the sentence ‘There being no one in, I left a message.’is a/n ___sentence.
A. affirmative B. imperative C. mixed D. simple
43. The sentence pattern of “You should keep the food this way.” is _____.
A. Subject – verb – complement of verb C. subject – verb – modifier
B. Subject – verb – indirect object D. subject – verb – direct object
44. The sentence pattern of “The workers worked hard all night to finish the job.” is ____.
A. Subject – verb – modifier C. subject – verb – complement of verb
B. Subject – verb – direct object D. subject – verb – indirect object
45. The sentence pattern of “The President made her his assistant.” is a(n) ____.
A. Subject – verb – direct object – object complement
B. Subject – verb – direct object – indirect object
C. Subject – verb – complement of verb
D. Subject – verb – modifier
46. The sentence pattern of “She is never at home on weekends.” is ___.
A. Subject – verb – direct object C. subject – verb – complement of verb
B. Subject – verb – modifier D. subject – verb – indirect object
47. ‘Enraged by the taunting of the boys, the huge gorilla leaped from his enclosure and chased them up a
hill and down a pathway to the exit gates.’ is a ________ sentence.
A. compound B. complex C. simple D. compound-complex
48. ‘After the two soccer players lost their game, they joined their other teammates for lunch, and they
went to the movies.’ is a ________ sentence.
A. compound-complex C. complex

B. compound with complex object D. complex with compound predicate
49. ‘Maria registered for all of her classes by mail, but Brad was not able to do so.’ is a __________
A. complex C complex with compound predicate
B. compound D.compound-complex
50. The underlined part in “She appears to be aware of what is going on.” can be analysed as ____.
A. Noun clause / object of preposition / nominal
B. Prepositional phrase / modifier / adverbial
C. Prepositional phrase / modifier / adjectival
D. Prepositional phrase / complement of adjective / nominal
51. The underlined part in ‘Seeing is believing.’ is a _______.
A. G/SC B. G/OC C. PresP/DO D.PresP/IO
52. The underlined part in “He’s coming today in spite of the fact that I told him I didn’t want him.”
can be analysed as ____
A. prepositional phrase / modifier / adjectival C. Adverb clause / modifier / adverbial
B. Adverb phrase / modifier / adverbial D. NP/OP/nominal
53. The underlined part in “Standing next to Kim made Jane taller than she is.” can be analysed as _____.
A. Gerund phrase / subject / nominal C. PresPP/M/Adjectival
B. PresPP/S/nominal D. AdjC/S/nominal
54. The underlined part in “He strongly denied the rumor that was then being circulated.” can be analysed
as ____.
A. NP/OP/nominal B. AdvP/M/Adval C. Adj/M/Ajal D. Adv/M/Adval
55. The underlined part in “Before the exhibition opened, the gallery had been certain his paintings would
sell extremely well.’ can be analysed as __________.
A. AdvC/M/Adval B. NC/CoA/Nal C. NC/CoA/Ajal D. NC/DO/Nal
56. The underlined part in ‘My dream is to travel to Europe.’ can be analysed as __________.
A. Inf.P/C/Val B. Inf.P/DO/Val C. Inf.P/SC/Nal D. Inf.P/C/Val
57. The underlined part in ‘It’s wasteful to leave these lights on when you’re not in the room.’ can be
analysed as __________.
A. Inf.P/CoA/Val B. Inf.P/M/Val C. Inf.P/CoA/Nal D. Inf.P/S/Nal
58. The underlined part in ‘Delayed by the bad weather, the plane arrived an hour late.’ can be analysed
as _________.
A. PreP/M/Adval B. NP/M/Adval C. VP/M/Adval D. AdvP/M/Adval
59. By form, function, and position respectively, the underlined part in ‘The client whose order he was
handling died.’ is ___________.
A. AdjP/M/Ajal B. NP/DO/Nal C. NP/M/Nal D. NP/DO/Ajal
60. The underlined part in ‘To do exercise regularly is good for your health.’ can be analysed as
A. InfP/M/Nal B. NP/M/Nal C. InfP/S/Nal D. InfP/SC/Nal
61. The underlined part in ‘I am fearful that they are lost.’ can be analysed as _________.
A. AdjC/DO/Nal B. NC/DO/Nal C. NC/M/Nal D. NC/CoA/Nal
62. The underlined part in ‘He is aware that very few jobs are available.’ can be analysed as ________.
A. NC/SC/Ajal B. AdjC/SC/Nal C. AdjC/O/Nal D. NC/O/Ajal
63. The underlined part in ‘The question is whether he can do the job.’ can be analysed as ___________.
A. NC/SC/Nal B. AdjC/SC/Ajal C. NC/M/Adval D. NC/SC/Adval

64. The underlined part in ‘Although Sam finds the work difficult, he continues to do his best.’can be
analysed as ________.
A. VP/IO/Nal B. infP/DO/Nal C.AdvP/M/Adval D. AdvP/M/Val
65. The underlined part in ‘Why you didn’t come to his party is a mystery to me.’ can be analysed as
A. NC/S/Nal B. NC/C/Nal C. AdjC/S/Ajal D. NC/S/Adval
66. The underlined part in ‘A little confused, she didn’t know how to answer the question.’ can be analysed
as _________
A. VP/DO/Val B. AdjP/DO/Ajal C.infP/DO/Nal D. NP/DO/Nal

67. By form, function, and position respectively, the underlined part in ‘I doubt whether there will be an
economic recovery.’ is ___________.
A. NC/IO/Adval B. NC/IO/Nal C. NC/DO/Ajal D. NC/DO/Nal
68. The underlined part in ‘I do sometimes wonder if all this education doesn’t drive people crazy.’ can be
analysed as _________.
A. NC/DO/Nal B. AdjC/DO/Nal C. NC/M/Ajal D. NC/M/Nal
69. The underlined part in ‘Although Jim finds the work difficult, he continues to do his best.’ can be
analysed as _________.
A. NC/M/Adval B. AdvC/M/Adval C. AdjC/M/Ajal D.NC/M/Ajal
70. The underlined part in “Their child being hurt on the playground, the parents sued the city.” can be
analysed as _________.
A. GP/S/Nal B. GP/Pred/Val C. Passive Participle/Pred/Val D.


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