Sensor 2 Mechatronics

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Senter: 3 gages ; BWratn 4ager measure SWain 5 Méakiunements canbe. divectty Velated to bree 9 Ferre L herquue MiG) fit) OMe ms of Strain gages; dis placemunt-y Gteelinahon 5 Preacure J bemperat t a e perabunr 5 qui 4 a” o> Resistanu type Change ef elechical reb(abane } Hp woterial When muchanicatly deformed R-pt 2D area Of Crss-section Ps Resiotevity of mm material - ing legoriam & YO, log R = leg ht log (2/a) ning difterentiobet FeO; (oA GR) oe) = (2 eis nee Change — chomge in shape) Se ny re ; a qnakerial f kemains For a P ads operaking TOMGE ° Ths, ARS Sy€ = . ; R PS: gig fester or senaitevely soa : 3 For i metalic strain, Saye “9 Semicenducker Skrein gag’ ) Wheatstona Brcdge Ctrcurh | Meee Constant votbag® > Crotant Volkage de supely > bridge cukpuk im oper cies con very high load wertatence oukpuk », > Pe ve | Reedy Be \ Dee = PRR RatRy ft RR, RR pe a Coie. Pret “Cava, (Rat Ra) For batamud bridge (oulpub volley RiRy = Ri Ry > & Ra Ra Ry — += = Re R Troreme A, bye SR (R1SR)R~ RQ? Ets RR eye Su, = éR 4R meprerembs Sensi a = Bree Evo 4 RQ 5 Bridge Measure “t i Mp = iro (b> = (00 (i= neo (1 ; too (1 — 50 nenlinaweiby \ine ackuat cukeh evilky £ R semsikivety enon dur f° Knee alien pened cube) 4, fe grease ~~ $R/ Ro (at 28elR) | 4+ ne ) ER ‘he = se) +f, 0 ts Triaty Ry B= Ra~ Pa ~® eae. Get BR dinette OF F* Two achive elemmnbs Hacking a Bridge ruber 2 Awa’ reegeye CR S** Comatemnh crane Settee y fow wequtvemenh Of ee foo nenasswsrevrlles: « Cowatern Caren lovidge is prefs lus venlineye» tt ‘qed a oe power Supply Wintec coatly thar equated power suerys Pin es Sera C high impedamar load) R= Gurent Groh Ry : RR, Gawrenk Groh Ry = Current Trough Ry = 2 eee R34 Ry Veet Ee Rit Rat Ry CRy+ Re YER + Rt) % : wef CR\+R, + R344) +R )( R372 Bias DoRrey —Geseates ghee Le Varciakiows CRy+ Ro) CRs tR) Carrot Rs +R) . a R, Ra — RaRs Leet ah an iti ; Rit Rat Ry t Ry Be regetat’ vole“ 4 Cendikion, =RQeR 5 Moe | B bg . pectes. 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Sat Boot 8u, 6x guid Pears x1RUS 4 200K20 —— = = v3 a BxidoK 1X0 3, (esx >) = 0-94 M8 Sv = Saé Pros ° a ' 5B. > Bs: a ar Ow Ge $9 0-9 grain/ = 20 * 200 gseher [Bris qiad grain &y 4 LPB XO. gh 5x0” ge? Srrin a 4a = — Nuwdour = 4-26 4 j Correspendins volrage = O° 94X42 =.4-0 V = 40/4 = 225 | Ampifier gain = Hatt ~ betdge cir cut 2 mr a half lorkdge hay, ow two arnt ; Cukpule is tapped frome Wid point of true Orem. ceteris ob Cte ra, Or ou exiled WOURORAS 5 end we amd oAur —ve. + Org = = Vat + initio RY RR Tino lovidge ik eaten Be Voller ahs MRM leads of ©p-amep Be Atak Cite Wisiis gain) Guwrenh ob we ingas hand of pete OAL rm Cdn ty nigh Woltage ab nodu A = 9 Garrenr lalane at node 4 , ipa impedamea) BM. Orig: Veo g Ry Re Re Pe Aoi Be e3= Re (Rt RL) ne Ry is inereamd boy SR ise — ib is am ac bridge 7 boridge “ie ercited oy On 2 Aver Bor. —r Ubed in @) fo vuasure” Capaci hence ot. Aanhoes bb) fo Weasure induebenie = on VO Trdutlenee Rings and <4 Aine. ©) % Oscilteker Geewth. An Covent feuld “Atvve oo 0. Com yuenin Reuree ef a Signal { or it Could be wed to determir unknen Craik Pruawniky 044 oseit\ating Frequency. Frempunety Speclruum , . Valeo) = SIEGES (es £4.42.) (25tZ4) Balanud-) Gndiliew XH Zs iat ye inductama: by and. Capacitene G, by bridge alana metiod, inductor , Laplace Tramafermalion , Opacihive |. oh Vays L a l@) 7 YO is Peciatic- Tw) ~ urvent tay: csv Oscillaber dt. SiGe sate Rola! Tae Bis. 2 ju ce & BD = + jue = Zw x jo Cg atamud Condition, Be, =|2375 Ry ee Ra Rees Ie JWQRy we, ) Ry Ra Mio 6, = Ru (14 jog Ry) Ct +14 = Ra 1 jw Ry TIO Ry 0:24.40nGuSg@aee)) ed wit ui weal 2 tmaginety powks , >O. Bact — eo cq RgRA) 1 i” > 63 Cq Rg R4 { ba is : VQQR R\Rals > Baw Sere ERs: Re 3 e unknoe® peer ite Si Gre qpent of wee 8 Torque sensor Application + 1, Peleetic tele amd mamufacte srigeing » Suto gouges 2. 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