Brain Aneurysm Classification Via Whale Optimized Dense Neural Network

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International Journal of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IJDSAI)

Volume 02, Issue 02, March – April (2024)



Ghazanfar Ali Safdar 1, * and Xiaochun Cheng 2
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Networking, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom, University of
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom.
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Swanesa University, SA1 8EN Wa & United Kingdom
*Corresponding e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract –A brain aneurysm is caused by faulty blood vessel medical imaging. The size of the aneurysm is a significant
walls. When a brain aneurysm ruptures or leaks, it can cause contributor to bleeding risk and must be taken into account
bleeding in the brain. It is common for brain aneurysms to not while assessing treatment risk. It produces size estimates for
burst but to damage the body and cause symptoms. In this the clinically important type of basilar tip aneurysms and
paper, a novel WHO-DNN model (Dense neural network
optimized with Whale optimization algorithm) has been
automatically detects cerebral aneurysms from MRI images
proposed to identify the types of aneurysms classes. For this [4,5]. Extracranial carotid aneurysms are more common than
classification, the segmented MRI images are used as input to other artery aneurysms, accounting for less than 1% of all
advance the survival rate of patients. Initially, the segmented artery aneurysms [6]. The essential morphologic
MRI images are pre-processed by Adaptive Median Filter characteristics of these aneurysms can only be partially
(AMF) to remove the noise from the input images. Then, the assessed by digital subtraction angiography, according to
textural features are extracted to generate the feature sets. The MRI imaging. Combining MRI images enables us to better
Dense Neural Network (DNN) is utilized to identify and classify understand the different pathophysiology of large and
the input images to discriminate types of aneurysms classes enormous aneurysms [7].
namely normal, Fusiform aneurysn, and Pseudo aneurysm.
Finally, the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WHO) to improve Computer vision-based intelligent image processing
the parameters of the DNN to attain better classification results. techniques are efficient tools for detecting diseases at an
The competence of the proposed WHO-DNN model was early stage while saving both time and cost [8, 9]. Artificial
determined through specific network metrics. The proposed
neural network (ANN) methods provide an attractive
WHO-DNN model attains a total accuracy of 98.69%, which is
comparatively better than the existing techniques.
approach for a direct multi-category classification problem
[10, 11]. The major contribution of this paper to represent a
Keywords – Brain aneurysm, Deep learning, Adaptive median filter, deep learning based a WHO-DNN model (Dense neural
Dense neural network, Whale optimization algorithm. network optimized with Whale optimization algorithm) has
1. INTRODUCTION been proposed to identify the types of aneurysms classes.

In brain aneurysms, the vessel wall weakens, causing • Initially, the segmented MRI images are
localized dilation of blood vessels. Shape, size, and preprocessing by using Adaptive Median Filter
phenotype are characteristics that distinguish aneurysms, (AMF) to remove the noise from the input
which can form all within the Circle of Willis. There are three images.
types of aneurysms: saccular, fusiform, and microaneurysms • Then, the Dense Neural Network (DNN) is
[1]. The growth is significantly influenced by small, utilized to recognize and classified the input
symptomless brain aneurysms. If the aneurysm burst or images to discriminate types of aneurysms
leaks, there will be bleeding in your brain [2]. Aneurysms classes namely normal, Fusiform aneurysm,
can occur in any blood vessel in the body, but the brain and and Pseudo aneurysm.
abdominal aorta are particularly at risk of aneurysms. The • Finally, the Whale Optimization (WHO)
identification of aneurysms depends mainly on computed algorithm to improve the parameters of the
tomography angiography (CTA) and digital subtraction DNN for classification.
angiogram (DSA) images [3]. • The overall effectiveness of the Proposed
model is calculated using the parameters
Using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
namely specificity, accuracy, and sensitivity.
recent developments in artificial intelligence have enabled
the creation of automatic diagnostic tools, specifically in

ISSN: 2584-1041 ©KITS PRESS Publications

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar et al. / IJDSAI, 02(02), 63-67, 2024

The rest of this research is pre-arranged as follows: architectures, are also used. The total accuracy was 92% and
section 2 designates the literature review, section 3 defines 81%, respectively.
the proposed WHO-DNN model, section 4 narrates the
In 2020, Kaur et al. [19] suggested a range of transfer
results and discussion, and Section 5 explains the conclusion.
learning-enhanced DCNN models for identifying MR brain
2. LITERATURE SURVEY images. They included Google Net, Resnet50, AlexNet,
VGG-16, VGG-19, Inceptionv3, Inception-ResNetV2, and
In recent days several methods and techniques remained
Resnet101, among other pre-trained DCNNs. The method
presented by researchers mainly to classify the types of brain
gives an overall accuracy of 94%.
aneurysm efficiently. Some of those preprocessing, and
classification techniques are studied briefly in this section. In the above literature review, the MRI brain aneurysm
image might improve the quality of the medical images. To
In 2021, Sugimori et al. [12] presented a deep learning
overcome these issues, this research used high-quality MRI
based on the classification of various types of brain MRI
images to identify brain abnormalities using deep learning
images. For brain MRI images classified by ResNet, the
networks. It also improves the visual quality of medical
CNN architecture demonstrated an overall accuracy of 98%
images and how these images enhance classification
using 10,000 training images. As a result, the techniques will
accuracy for the early diagnosis of brain aneurysms.
be more effective at identifying medical images.
In 2021, Gupta et al. [13] suggested a CNN classification
model using DenseNet architecture to detect aneurysms from In this paper, a novel WHO-DNN model (Dense neural
MRI scans. Based on the medical imaging data provided by network optimized with Whale optimization algorithm) has
Vaso Gnosis Inc., collated from various hospitals, also used been proposed to identify the types of aneurysms classes. For
open-source images. The experimental outcomes of the this classification, the segmented MRI images are used as
method give an overall accuracy of 95.54%. input to advance the survival rate of patients. Initially, the
segmented MRI images are preprocessing by using Adaptive
In 2022, Qian et al. [14] suggested a brain tumor
Median Filter (AMF) to remove the noise from the input
automated diagnosis system. The final diagnosis is made
using a convolutional neural network (CNN) after features
from MRI images have been extracted using a discrete Afterward, the textural features are extracted to generate
wavelet transform (DWT) and a GLCM. The method focuses the feature sets. The Dense Neural Network (DNN) is
on analysing the comparison of the features of adjacent utilized to recognize and classify the input images to
regions. discriminate types of aneurysms classes namely normal,
Fusiform aneurysm, and Pseudo aneurysm. Finally, the
In 2019, Simohammed et al. [15] suggested a deep
Whale Optimization (WHO) algorithm to optimize the
learning-based neural architecture for classifying similar
parameters of the DNN for classification. Figure 1 illustrates
brain cancers. Additionally, a comparison of the deep
the overall diagram of the proposed WHO-DNN model.
learning architectures is performed. The dataset’s 99%
classification accuracy demonstrates the effectiveness of 3.1. Adaptive Median Filter (AMF)
deep learning architectures for classifying the brain
The input segmented MRI images are pre-processed by
using AMF to reduce the noise. Preprocessing is necessary to
In 2020, Choudhury et al. [16] suggested a CNN-based remove noise and emphasize minute changes in medical
method that differentiates between brain MRI images to imaging. It is used to improve the characteristics of input
indicate the contain tumors. The significance of predictive images and reduce unwanted distortions.
treatment and diagnostic deep learning applications using a
A median adaptive filter reduces noise in pap smear
CNN and neurological principles to detect brain tumors. The
images. An adaptive median filter can adjust the anticipated
proposed models attain the f1-score was 97.3% and its
output by converting the kernel's width across the broken
accuracy was 96.08%.
image. In comparison to the median filter, the adaptive filter
In 2020, Jia et al. [17] proposed a brain aneurysm can be does not change every pixel cost to its median cost.
divided into distinct groups utilizing deep learning
The adaptive filter computes the kernel's median cost
techniques, such as FAHS-SVM, which is a fully automatic
earlier than assessing if the modern pixel cost is an impulse.
heterogeneous segmentation. Brain MRI images of tumors
A corrupted pixel's cost is either continued or replaced with
have been subjected to training and testing using the
the median cost. A filter's adaptive behaviour is determined
probabilistic neural network classification method. An MRI
by the image within its clear filter sector. The adaptive clear
of the brain shows that diseased and normal tissue can be
filter is also capable of smoothing out a few non-impulse
identified with 98.51% accuracy.
noises even when there is a lot of extra spatially dense
In 2022, Wahlang et al. [18] suggested a deep learning impulse noise.
architecture to categorize normal or abnormal brain MRI
images. The LeNet, AlexNet, and ResNet, as well as more
conventional methods like SVM and other deep learning

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar et al. / IJDSAI, 02(02), 63-67, 2024

Figure 1. The overall diagram of the proposed WHO-DNN model.

3.2. Dense Neural Network (DNN) been trained is used. It has four dense blocks (DB) and three
transition blocks (TB), respectively. Every layer incorporates
The deep learning-based Dense neural network is
both the input, and output of the layer before it in its input.
utilized for extracting the relevant features and classifying
This enhances information transfer and allows for effective
the MRI images as normal, Fusiform aneurysn, and Pseudo
feature reuse. To solve the gradient loss problem, DenseNet
aneurysm. A Dense Neural Network model that has already
incorporates the feature map.

Figure 2. Architecture of the Dense neural network

In Figure 2 shows the architecture diagram of the dense Here, Xn signifies the output of layer l and E (•) describes
neural network. As a result, it is effective to acquire the a nonlinear transformation. At jth layer, there are K × (i − 1)
prospective characteristics from MRI images of brain +k0 convolution maps. K explains complicated feature maps
aneurysm. Instead of summarising the connections in the for every layer. DenseNet advances a N layer architecture
feature map, the dense block (DB) module concatenates them with (N(N+1))/2 connections.
as follows:
3.3. Whale Optimization Algorithm
𝑋𝑛𝑙 = 𝐸([𝑥0 , 𝑥1 , … . 𝑥𝑛−1 ]) (1)
An algorithm is developed to simulate the intelligent
hunting behaviour of humpback whales. The humpback

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar et al. / IJDSAI, 02(02), 63-67, 2024

whale uses a bubble net to collect food and it is a unique based on a random selection of search agents rather than the
foraging behaviour. During the hunt, whales circle their prey, top search agent so far discovered. The following formula
creating a typical bubble along a circular path. A humpback describes these two actions:
whale that engages in bubble net hunting dives to a depth of
approximately 12 meters, forms a spiral bubble around its 𝐸⃗ = |𝐹 . ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑌𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑 − 𝑌 ⃗, (8)
prey, and then swims up the surface along the bubble. ⃗ (𝑠 + 1) = ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑌 𝑌𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑 − 𝐵 ⃗ . 𝐸⃗ , (9)
Following is a mathematical model of spiral bubble mesh
feeding behaviour and can be used to perform the From a collection of random solutions, the WOA
optimization. algorithm emerges. The aforementioned justifications are
used by search agents to update their positions at each
3.3.1. Encircling prey repetition. WOA works on a worldwide level. Adaptive
The circling of their prey is a skill of humpback whales. adjustments allow the WOA algorithm to efficiently
It believes that the best search agent currently exists near the transition among exploitation and exploration. WOA only
target's prey, or at the target itself, while other search agents has two key internal parameters that can be changed. The
try to modify their locations to point in the direction of the position update technique that whales use is what gives WOA
best search agent. The formulas that describe this behaviour its high exploration capacity (9). The high exploitation and
are as follows: convergence which derive from (7), and (3) are highlighted.
These formulas show that the WOA algorithm can provide
𝐸⃗ = |𝐹 . ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗ (𝑠)|
𝑌 ∗ (𝑠) − 𝑌 (2) high local optima avoidance along with rapid junction during
⃗ (𝑠 + 1) = ⃗⃗⃗⃗ ⃗ . 𝐸⃗ iteration.
𝑌 𝑌 ∗ (𝑠) − 𝐵 (3)
where s denotes the current iteration, and is an element-by-
element multiplication. The number vectors are calculated as In this section, the proposed WHO-DNN method used to
follows: identify the types of aneurysms classes. It is measured with
different measures namely specificity, accuracy, and
⃗ = 2𝑏⃗. 𝑟 − 𝑏⃗,
𝐵 (4) sensitivity. Fig 3 displays the experimental fallouts of the
𝐸⃗ = 2𝑟, (5) proposed WHO-DNN model.

where is a random number between 0 and 1, and r is a

linear reduction from 2 to 0 throughout the length of the
3.3.2. Bubble-net attacking method
In a bubble-net approach, two strategies can be
combined mathematically as follows: Shrinking encircling mechanism
By lowering the value of in equation (4), this behaviour
of whales can be mimicked. That also contributes to a
reduction in the fluctuation range. The number b declines
from 2 to 0 during the iterations, and in this case is a random
number from the interval [-b, b]. If the random values for
vecB are placed in the range [-1,1], then the new position of
a search agent can be formed anywhere between the agent's
initial position and the position of the currently best agent. Spiral updating position
To imitate the helix-shaped motion of humpback whales,
the location of the whale and its prey are connected using the
spiral equation below:
𝐸⃗ = |𝑌
⃗⃗⃗⃗∗ (𝑠) − 𝑌
⃗ (𝑠)|, (6)
⃗ (𝑠 + 1) = 𝐸⃗ . 𝑒 𝑚𝑛 . 𝑐𝑜𝑠(2𝜋𝑙) + ⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑌 𝑌 ∗ (𝑠), (7)
where the separation among the whale and its prey, m is Figure 3. Experimental results of the Proposed WHO-DNN
the shape of logarithmic, which is a constant, and by n, which model
is a random number between [-1, 1]. Random selection is
used in nearly all meta-heuristic methods to discover the Fig 3 demonstrations the experimental outcomes of the
optimum. Because the location of the best design is unknown proposed WHO-DNN model. The segmented input images
in the bubble-net method, humpback whales hunt at random. are stored in column 1. Then, the pre-processed fallouts are
In exchange, the search agent's position will be updated

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar et al. / IJDSAI, 02(02), 63-67, 2024

in column 2. After that, the classification results are models in Figure 5. With more epochs, the pre-trained
displayed in column 3. network's accuracy increases. The proposed WHO-DNN
model obtains high accuracy in brain aneurysm MRI images.
4.1. Performance analysis
The results showed that the suggested WHO-DNN model
The performance of the proposed WHO-DNN model was 98.69% accurate, with a low error rate during training
was assessed built on the specific parameters viz., accuracy, epochs.
specificity, and sensitivity.
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = (10)
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 = (11)
𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = (12)

False positives and true negatives of the soil images are

designated as TP and FP, respectively, whereas false
positives and true negatives are designated as TN and FN,
respectively. The performance investigation of the WHO-
DNN model is determined based on the specified metrics for
sample images as demonstrated in Table 1.
Figure 4. Performance metrics for three classes
Table 1 shows the categorization of three classes of brain
aneurysm with specific metrics. The average specificity,
accuracy, and sensitivity of the Proposed WHO-DNN model
with the special metrics. The average specificity, and
sensitivity of the Proposed WHO-DNN model are 98.73%,
and 97.48% correspondingly. Figure 4 showed the
performance metrics for three classes.
Table 1. Performance analysis of the proposed WHO-DNN
Classes Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity
(%) (%) (%)
Normal 99.05 98.36 97.52
Fusiform 98.73 97.58 96.46
Pesudo 97.48 96.95 94.04 Figure 5. Accuracy curve of Proposed WHO-DNN
aneurysm model.
4.2. Comparative Analysis
Figure 5 represents the proposed WHO-DNN model In this comparison section, the proposed WHO-DNN
graphics, which accurately depict the performance curve model was compared with various deep learning networks on
during training and testing. The performance is evaluated the basis of different deep learning performance metrics. The
using the accuracy reached by the proposed model as well as competence of existing deep learning frameworks was
its sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. According to the analysed to demonstrate that the outcomes of the proposed
fallouts, the Proposed WHO-DNN model categorization WHO-DNN model are more efficient in the process of
accuracy was 98.69%. classification process. At first, the comparative estimation
The accuracy range and number of epochs are used to was accomplished between prior deep learning classification
estimate the accuracy and loss graphs of the deep learning networks as demonstrated in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison between the existing systems with the Proposed model
Networks Accuracy Specificity Sensitivity

CNN 96.46 94.56 92.34

Deep Belief Network 97.43 95.24 93.45
BiLSTM 95.67 93.64 90.47
Dense Neural Network 98.69 97.48 95.62

Ghazanfar Ali Safdar et al. / IJDSAI, 02(02), 63-67, 2024

From Table 2, the comparison between various MRI images are used as input to advance the survival rate of
classification networks in terms of the performance system patients. Initially, the segmented MRI images are
of measurement by attaining the proper parameters. preprocessing by using Adaptive Median Filter (AMF) to
However, the classification networks did not perform well remove the noise from the images. Afterward, the textural
compared to the dense neural network (DNN). The DNN features are extracted to generate the feature sets. The Dense
increases the overall specificity, and sensitivity by 97.48%, Neural Network (DNN) is utilized to classify the input
and 95.62% better than CNN, DBN, and BiLSTM images to discriminate types of aneurysms classes namely
respectively. The Proposed DNN increases the overall Normal, Fusiform aneurysm, and Pseudo aneurysm. The
accuracy is 98.69% better than CNN, DBN, and BiLSTM Whale Optimization (WHO) algorithm to improve the
respectively. The competence of the suggested network is parameters of the DNN to attain better classification results.
assessed based on the special metrics of the networks as The competence of the proposed WHO-DNN model was
illustrated in Figure 6. determined through specific network metrics. The Proposed
WHO-DNN model advances the overall accuracy by 0.69%,
3.19%, and 4.75% higher than ResNet+CNN [8],
DenseNet+CNN [9], and DCNN+Transfer learning [15]
respectively. The proposed WHO-DNN model attains a total
accuracy of 98.69%, which is comparatively better than the
existing techniques. In the future, it will be tested against a
large database as well as against other advanced methods for
detecting aneurysms.
The authors declare that they have no known competing
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Figure 6. The Comparison of Existing networks with the
This model outperforms other models in achieving Not applicable.
specific results with an accuracy of 98.69%. The
classification result exposes that the proposed WHO-DNN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
model performs faster and attains the best results due to the The author would like to express his heartfelt gratitude
classification of the different techniques. From the above to the supervisor for his guidance and unwavering support
comparison, the proposed WHO-DNN model attains better during this research for his guidance and support.
accuracy than the state-of-art approaches.
From Table.3, the comparison of various techniques
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