Revisão 2 - Inglês (Otacílio)
Revisão 2 - Inglês (Otacílio)
Revisão 2 - Inglês (Otacílio)
17. “Slavery continues today and harms people in every a) mustn’t c) doesn’t have to
country in the world” (lines 2 and 3). The highlighted words b) shouldn’t d) doesn’t need to
can be substituted for _____.
26. Mark the option with the suitable question to answer the
a) them c) their fragment below.
b) theirs d) they “When someone is married against their will”. (lines 56 and
18. The word “goods” (line 6) means in the text
a) When does anyone get married?
a) nice, pleasant. c) purchase. b) When are women married?
b) items for sale. d) trade. c) When does it happen?
d) When is anyone getting married?
19. Mark the INCORRECT statement according to the text.
27. The author concludes that Anti-Slavery International
a) Slavery still exits worldwide. believes
b) The modern forms of slavery are encouraging helpless
people. a) we need new laws in order to combat slavery.
c) The issue of modern slavery hasn’t finished yet. b) it’s important to attack the origin of slavery to extinguish it
d) Slavery has continued until now. forever.
c) slavery is growing faster and faster.
20. One of the statements below is according to the text. Mark d) there’s no way to end slavery across the world.
28. Anti-Slavery International
a) Modern slavery is never considered a crime.
b) Modern slavery does not concern authorities. a) persuades us to tolerate the new forms of slavery.
c) Slavery today looks exactly the same as it was in the 19 th b) defends human rights.
century. c) can afford slaves’ working hours.
d) Measures are necessary to stop modern slavery. d) stops people from being killed.
21. Considering the use of possessive adjectives, mark the (EPCAR) Text for questions 29 – 44.
alternative that completes the sentence below correctly Most Common Prejudices
Modern slavery includes What are some of the most common ways people
discriminate against each other? Some of the areas where
a) an employee who has its work abused. people show their intolerance are well-known, such as race.
b) children who have his lives affected. But others are less acknowledged, even if more common:
c) a girl who has her marriage forced.
d) people who have your freedom restricted. Age: Ageism is more common than you think. Older people are
thought to be inflexible and stuck in the past, while younger
22. Mark the INCORRECT statement, considering the content people are seen as inexperienced and naive. One-fifth of
of the text. working adults say they experience ageism in the workplace.
a) If intimidated people don’t do the forced labour, they’re Class: Classism usually takes the form of discrimination by
going to suffer afterwards. wealthier people against those who are less well off. However,
b) If people cannot pay what they borrowed, they’ll have to classism goes both ways— people of lower economic status
work to pay off the debt. can see the wealthy as elite snobs who, while monetarily
c) Employers will threat explored people if they don’t do what secure, are morally bankrupt.
they want to.
d) If children don’t receive education, their owners will punish Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination based
them. only on the color of a person’s skin; how relatively dark or light
they are. Colorism takes place within and between races. It is
23. Mark the sentence from the text that is an example of common in multi-ethnic and non-white societies and societies
comparative form. with historical racial prejudice.
a) Owned or controlled by an ‘employer’. (line 18) Ability: Usually called ableism, a less well-known form of
b) Most child marriages can be considered slavery. (lines 58 prejudice is discrimination against people with visible
and 59) disabilities such as those in wheelchairs or with a learning
c) […] people are much more vulnerable to slavery[…] (lines disability. The disabled face discrimination not only from their
74 and 75) peers, but from institutions, schools, employers, and
d) […] that need to be taken to end slavery across the world. landowners who are hesitant to accommodate the disabled.
(lines 86 and 87)
Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long running
24. Mark the option that replaces the underlined words, prejudice is that based on a person’s gender or sex.
respectively, keeping the same meaning. Historically, sexism has placed men in a more advantageous
“[…] many people often confuse child slavery with child labour position than women.
[…]” (lines 48 and 49)
a) a lot. c) much.
Inglês JB Curso Prof. otacílio
Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination based on a
person’s body size or weight. Sizeism works with social 35. The word “workplace” means
standards of beauty and usually takes the form of
discrimination against the overweight — anti-fat prejudice. a) an institution for people who need professional care.
b) a place where people work.
Religion: Religious discrimination and persecution has been c) home for old people.
common throughout history. But prejudice based on religious d) a school where people live.
affiliation doesn’t end with organized religion; atheists are
prone to discrimination and being discriminated against. 36. The topic “ability” mentions people who
30. The word “others” (underlined) refers to a) A person and body size or weight.
b) The body size or weight of a person.
a) people. c) Body size and person’s weight.
b) each other. d) The body’s size or weight of a person.
c) some of the most common ways.
d) areas where people show their intolerance. 40. The word “persecution” (underlined) means
31. Mark the INCORRECT definition of the word “ageism” a) treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way.
(underlined). b) keeping common types of prejudice.
c) having a religion.
a) Law against age prejudice. d) showing intense belief in something.
b) Treating people unfairly because of their age.
c) Discrimination on the grounds of a person's age. 41. Mark the correct question for the sentence “prejudice
d) Prejudice against people's age. based on religious affiliation” (underlined).
32. Mark the FALSE statement below in relation to the text. a) Which prejudice did you talk about?
b) Which religion talked you about?
a) Some institutions are hesitant to accommodate the c) Which affiliation talk you about?
disabled. d) Which religious prejudice you talked about?
b) For some people, overweight is not an acceptable standard
of beauty. 42 - Choose the option which contains the correct negative for
c) Everybody experiences some kind of prejudice. “atheists are prone to discrimination”.
d) Religious intolerance exists for a long time. Atheists ________prone to discrimination.
33. Mark the concept that is mentioned in the text. a) don’t c) aren’t
b) didn’t d) can’t
a) Natural selection.
b) The illegality of non-native people in a country. 43. Mark the sentence below that CANNOT answer the
c) Nature. following question correctly.
d) Abundance of valuable possessions or money. “ Which prejudice do you have?”.
34. The sentence “one-fifth of working adults say they a) I have some. c) I have none.
experience ageism in the workplace” (underlined) means that b) I don't have any. d) I don't have no prejudice.
a) twenty per cent of working adults suffer the consequences 44. Mark the group of uncountable words extracted from the
of ageism at work. text above.
b) 1/15 of adults work under pressure.
c) 1/5 of workers experience prejudice against their type of a) Prejudice – experience – ability.
work. b) Orientation – body – position.
d) half of the adult population experiences intolerance at work. c) Discrimination – intolerance – racism.
d) History – status – religion.
Inglês JB Curso Prof. otacílio
(Epcar) Read the next text for questions 45 – 50. 50. The comparative form of the underlined word in the
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE: HOW THE INTERNET IS sentence “Webster’s dictionary [_] adopted the American
CHANGING LANGUAGE orthography familiar today” (lines 6 and 7) is
Online, English is now a common language for users from
around the world. In the process, the language itself is a) most familiar. c) the most familiar.
changing. Noah Webster thought that a common language b) more familiar than. d) the more familiar.
brings people together and helps create a new identity.
Webster’s dictionary, now is in its 11th edition, adopted the (Epcar) Read the text for questions 51 – 58.
Americanized orthography familiar today “–er” in place of “–re” DANCING EFFECTS ON THE HUMAN BODY
in theatre, not using the “u” from colour, losing one “l” in These days, people love to watch other people dance.
traveller, and listed new words for example, skunk and squash. Competitive dance shows, like “So you think you can dance”
The Internet is creating a similar language evolution, but at a and “Dancing with the stars”, are dominating the world of reality
much faster velocity. Some linguists anticipate that in 10 years television. So, if you get off the sofa and dance, you can keep
English will dominate the Internet, but in very different forms. your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing can
That’s because people who speak English as a second improve your heart health, helps you lose weight and stay
language are more in number than native speakers. And they flexible, reduces stress and can also help you get old in a
use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, pleasant way. Dancing, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce the
particularly on the Internet where people don’t pay so much risk of heart problems and high blood pressure. You can learn
attention to grammar and orthography and users don’t have to ballroom dancing, participate in a dance-fitness class or dance
preoccupy about their way of speaking. Users of Facebook, for with a video in your house. There are many ways to enjoy
example, _______ in a number of different “Englishes” dancing and get a good aerobic exercise at the same time.
including Indian English, or Hinglish, Spanglish (Spanish Dance training helps you to lose weight. The number of calories
English) and Konglish (Korean English). For a long time, these burned per hour depends on the type of dance and the weight
variations existed in individual cultures, but now they are of the dancer. Observe the chart below.
expanding and becoming popular online. “On the Internet all Type of dance Calories/hour Weight
that is important is that people can communicate – nobody has Rhythmical 260 80 kg
a right to tell them what the language has to be,” says Baron. Vigorous 500 80 kg
The intensification of the use of the Internet in everyday life Aerobic 442 80 kg
means that language online is not a zero result game. On the 590 100 kg
contrary, it permits multiple languages to show up and they are Another good effect is that dancing works on the part of the
mixing into English that is becoming the world’s lingua franca. brain that controls memory – hippocampus. So, what are you
45. Choose the option that completes the blank. waiting for? Let's dance!
51. Mark the INCORRECT option.
a) is using c) uses
b) are socializing d) socializes a) People can choose different types of dance to lose weight.
b) Dancing helps your brain control your memory.
46. According to the text, c) People who don't dance are stressed.
d) There are many good effects on your body when you
a) more and more people are communicating on the net in dance.
b) the Internet language is really difficult to understand. 52. According to the chart, mark the correct alternative.
c) linguists say that many languages will dominated the net.
d) people speak languages in a very fast way. a) Rhythmical dance burns more calories than aerobic dance.
b) Vigorous dance isn't good to burn calories.
47. The text says that c) The calories burned per hour depend on the type of dance.
d) An eighty-kilo man can lose more weight if he does
a) grammar and spelling are important when talking on the rhythmical dance.
b) words like skunk, squash are very old in English language. 53. In the sentence “Studies show that dancing can improve
c) the Webster’s changed as much as the English language your heart health [R]” (lines 6 and 7) the verb can expresses
d) the English language is creating more native speakers. a) ability. c) permission.
b) possibility. d) capacity.
48. In the Webster’s dictionary, the words theatre, colour and
traveller 54. Mark the correct question to the sentence below.
“Dance training helps you to lose weight.”
a) are now written the same way.
b) changed their orthography to one more common in Britain. a) When do you lose weight?
c) don’t exist anymore. b) What does dance training do?
d) were adapted to American orthography. c) How does dance training help you to lose weight?
d) Who helps you to lose weight?
49. Mark the option in which only one question is
grammatically correct. 55. Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
According to the text, dancing
a) Did English became the world’s lingua franca? (lines 33
and 34) a) makes people get old fast.
b) Is multiple languages mixing into English? (lines 32 and 33) b) doesn’t improve heart condition.
c) Do they use it to communicate with other non-native c) doesn’t contribute to flexibility.
speakers? (lines 16 and 17) d) improves memory.
d) They are expanding and becoming popular online? (lines
26 and 27)
Inglês JB Curso Prof. otacílio
56. Mark the alternative that DOESN’T complete the following d) offensive use of technology to make someone angry or
sentence: “To improve your heart health you can unhappy.
58. Mark the alternative that completes the sentence. 62. Mark the option that is the correct question for the
Some dance shows on TV are dominating the world because sentence “One of the reasons is the great use of cell phones
a) these days people like to see other people dance.
b) people are interested in dancers' life. a) When do children practice cyberbullying?
c) they keep people's mind healthy. b) What kind of children practice cyberbullying?
d) they substitute dance-fitness class. c) Why do children often practice cyberbullying?
d) How often do children practice cyberbullying?
(EPCAR) Read the text below for questions 59 – 28.
63. Bullies are
Bullying among children and teenagers is not
something new but it is getting more and more common by a) victims of physical attacks at school.
modern methods of communication. b) teenagers and children who are afraid of cyberbullying.
c) adolescents who treat others very badly on social networks.
Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in
d) teenagers with an aggressive attitude with their parents
danger by another child or teenager by photos or text
messages sent to cell phones or posted on social networks. and teachers.
Sometimes cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or
64. Bullying on social networks is popular because
take passwords of other teenagers and log on to websites with
false identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun
of each other in many ways. a) the bullies don't show themselves.
A study by a Canadian University shows that half of b) the victims’ parents use cell phones.
c) some teens want to punish themselves.
the young people interviewed said that they suffer bullying. One
d) teenagers like to make fun of themselves.
of the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past
years. Today’s children are connected with each other
electronically. They call friends every time they want or 65. “Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens
can stay anonymous”. The underlined verb expresses
communicate with them on Facebook.
Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because
teens can stay anonymous. Many adolescents act this way a) possibility. c) prohibition.
because they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish b) obligation. d) permission.
somebody for something that happened to them. At other times
66. “Many adolescents act this way because they feel
they do it just for fun or because have nothing else to do.
Parents usually don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They frustrated or angry (…)”. The comparative form of the
perceive it just when the victim or the victim’s parents contact underlined word is
a) more angry. c) more angrier.
This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many
people think. In some cases it can lead to suicide. Many b) angrier than. d) more angry than.
countries have organized campaigns to inform adults and
67. “At other times they do it just for fun or because have
children of its dangers.
There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, nothing else to do.”. Mark the option that substitutes the
it is important to show children that they have to respect others underlined sentence correctly.
and they are responsible for what they do. For victims it is
a) have anything else to do.
important not to play the bully’s game or answer their emails
and text messages. It is also important to get help from parents b) have something else to do.
and teachers. c) don’t have anything else to do.
d) don’t have something else to do.
Often schools get involved. They bring together the
parents of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them.
Cyberbullying does not always end at school. Often, parents go 68. Choose the option that has the same meaning of “Parents
to the police and accuse the bullies. usually don’t know their child is a cyberbully.”.
59. Cyberbullying is a/an a) Parents’ child usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
b) Parents child’s usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
a) way to use technology for fun. c) Child parents’ usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
b) inoffensive kind of bullying at schools. d) Child’s parents usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
c) popular way to communicate with teenagers.
Inglês JB Curso Prof. otacílio
69. “They perceive it (…)” (underlined). The underlined
pronoun refers to
a) victims. c) parents.
b) children. d) cyberbullies.
74. Mark the option to complete the sentence with the correct
tag question form. “They bring together the parents of victims,