Lnctu Bca (CS) Vi Sem Syllabus

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Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Cloud Computing BCA-601 L T EST CAT Total

Basics 3 1 70 30 100

Course objective The objective of this course is to provide students with the fundamentals and essentials of
Cloud Computing. Also to provide students a sound foundation of the Cloud computing so
that they are able to start using and adopting Cloud Computing services and tools in their
real life scenarios.
Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week
I Cloud Computing Overview: Origins of Cloud computing, Cloud 8 Hours
components, Essential characteristics, On-demand service, Broad network
access, Location independent resource pooling, Rapid elasticity, measured
II Cloud scenarios, Benefits: scalability, simplicity, vendor security, Limitations, 8 Hours
Sensitive information, Application development, Security concerns, privacy
concern with a third party, security level of third party, security benefits,
Regularity issues and Government policies.
III Cloud architecture: traditional IT Model Software as a Service (SaaS) : Saas 8 Hours
service providers, Google App Engine, Salesforce.com and Google platform,
Operational benefits, Economic benefits, Evaluating SaaS Platform as a Service
(PaaS),PaaS service providers, Right Scale, Salesforce.corn,
RackspaceForce.com, Services and Benefits.
IV Infrastructure as a Service (laaS): IaaS service providers - Amazon EC2, 8 Hours
GoGrid Microsoft, implementation and support, Amazon EC service, level
agreement, Recent developments Benefits, Cloud deployment model: Public
clouds, Private clouds, Community clouds, Hybrid clouds, Advantages of
Cloud computing.
V Virtualization: Virtualization and cloud computing, Need of virtualization, 8 Hours
cost & administration, Types of hardware virtualization, Full virtualization,
partial virtualization, Para-virtualization, Desktop virtualization, Software
virtualization, Memory virtualization, Storage virtualization, Data
virtualization, Network virtualization, Microsoft Hypervisor, VMware features
and infrastructure, Virtual Box.

Name of Author Title of the Book Edition Name of the

Anthony T.Velte, Toby J. Cloud computing a practical approach 2010 TATA McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi
Michael Miller Cloud Computing: Web-Based 2008 Que Publishing
Applications That Change the Way You
Work and Collaborate

Course out come The Students will be able to :-

Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

CO 1 Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm.

CO2 Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.

CO3 Identify resource management fundamentals, i.e. resource abstraction, sharing and sandboxing
and outline their role in managing infrastructure in cloud computing
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Introduction to BCA-602 L T EST CAT Total

3 1 70 30 100

Course Objective: Introduction to the open source Web scripting language PHP. Build dynamic Web
applications. Semantics and syntax of the PHP language, including discussion on the practical
problems that PHP solves. Write server-side cross-platform HTML-embedded scripts to
implement dynamic Web pages that interact with databases and files.

Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week

I Introduction: What is PHP? – History of PHP – Installing PHP – 8 Hours
Language Basics: Lexical Structure – Data types – What’s a Variable?–
PHP variable and value types – Using PHP Variables – Expression and
Operators – #Flow Control statements#.

II Functions: Calling a function – Defining a function – Introduction to 8 Hours

Strings – Comparing Strings – Manipulating and Searching strings –
#Arrays: Types of Arrays# – Array functions – Storing data in Arrays.

III Form Handling: Form Validation – $_GET variable – $_ POST variable 8 Hours
– $_REQUEST variable – Creating the Form –#Creating the Upload
script# – Using your File system: File paths and permissions – Displaying
directory contents – Working with fopen( ) and fclose( ).

IV Using Cookies: What are Cookies? – Setting Cookies – Using Cookie 8 Hours
variables – Session Basics: What’s a session? – Understanding Session
variables – Managing User preferences with Sessions – Graphics:
Drawing functions – #Creating and Drawing images#.

V Installing and Configuring MySQL: Establishing a connection and 8 Hours

poking around – Creating a database table – Inserting data into the table –
#Selecting and displaying data.

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the

Julie Meloni and Matt PHP 6, Course Technology India Edition, 2008 CENGAGE
Telles Learning

Kevin Tatroe, Peter Programming PHP 3rd edition, 2013 O’REILLY

MacIntyre and media
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Course outcome The students will be able to:-

CO1 Write regular expressions including modifiers, operators, and metacharacters.

CO2 Create PHP programs that use various PHP library functions, and that manipulate files and

CO3 Analyze and solve various database tasks using the PHP language.
CO4 Analyze and solve common Web application tasks by writing PHP programs.
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Code Theory

Linux BCA-603 L T EST CAT Total
Internals E3(1) 3 1 70 30 100

Objective: This course introduces the student to the basics of Linux Operating system with particular emphasis on
command line tools, utilities and shell scripting. The student will learn and apply the various
commands and utilities related to file system management, process management, program
development and data processing and Shell Programming.

Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week

I Linux: An introduction – Linux Commands: Directory Oriented Commands – 12 Hours
File Oriented Commands – Process Oriented Commands – #Communication
Oriented Commands# – General Purpose Commands.
II Pipes and Filters : Pipe – redirection – Filters – Vi Editor : Starting Vi modes – 12 Hours
insert, delete and replace commands – #Search Commands# – Redo, Undo
III Shell Programming : Shell script – Shell variables – escape mechanisms - Shell 12 Hours
meta characters – #control statements# – iterative statements.
IV Shell scripts – System Administration: system administrator – booting and 12 Hours
shutting down the system – adding and deleting a user.
V The C Shell : Setting variables – input – loops – MySQL and PHP : MYSQL – 12 Hours
working with mysql – operators – data types – creating a table – inserting and
selecting values – updating and altering a table – dropping a table – #PHP# – First
example – variables.
Text Books/Reference Books

Name of Author Title of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Mohamed Ibrahim Linux – A Practical Approach, By Firewall 2005 Media publications

Richard Petersen Linux – The Complete Reference Sixth Edition Tata McGRAW Hill

Course out come The students will :-

CO1 Understand the basic commands of Linux operating system and can write shell scripts.
CO2 Create file systems and directories and operate.
CO3 Create processes background and fore ground etc..by fork() system calls
CO4 Create shared memory segments, pipes ,message queues and can exercise interprocess
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Mobile Application BCA-603 L T EST CAT Total

Development E3(2) 3 1 70 30 100

Course Objective The objective of this course is to teach the Android fundamentals and the development
environment. And also explain building applications with user interface components and
enhance the mobile application with the set of powerful android features.

Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week

I Introduction:-Android Fundamentals-Getting Started with Android, Mastering 8 Hours
the Android Development Tools
II Android Applications :-Building Android Applications, Installing Eclipse 8 Hours
IDE and Android SDK, Configuring Development Hardware, Managing
Application Resources, Configuring the Android Manifest File, Designing an
Application Framework.
III Building an Application Framework :- Implementing an Animated Splash 8 Hours
Screen, Implementing the Main Menu Screen, Developing the Help and Scores
IV Building Forms:- Building Forms to Collect User Input, Using Dialogs to 8 Hours
Collect User Input, Adding Application Logic.
V Android Features:-Working with Images and the Camera, Adding Support for 8 Hours
Location-Based Services, Adding Network Support, Adding Social Features,
Develop Android application for other devices and test it.

Name of Author Title of the Book Edition Name of the

Lauren Darcey, Teach Yourself Android Application 3rd Ed.,2014 Sams Publishing
Shane Conder Development in 24 Hours
Wei-Meng Lee Beginning Android 4 Application 1st Ed.,2012 Wiley
Reto Meier Professional Android 4 Application 3rd Ed.,2012 Wrox

Course Outcome The students will be able to :-

CO1 Gain insight into android fundamentals and development tools.

CO2 Develop a new Android project with added custom layouts and shared preferences.
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Web and BCA-603 L T EST CAT Total

Social E3(3) 3 1 70 30 100
Objective: The aim of this course is to teach web and social media analytics.

Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week

I Introduction to web analytics :- Definition of analysis, Is analysis worth the 8 Hours
effort? • Small businesses • Medium and large scale businesses Analysis vs
intuition, What is web analytics? How Web Analytics Works , Basic
Segmentation, Intermediate Metrics, Custom Metrics, Calculated Metrics. How
Web Analytics collects Web Data and other types of data.
II Google Analytics:- Getting Started With Google Analytics How Google 8 Hours
Analytics works? Accounts, profiles, and users navigating Google Analytics
Basic metrics The main sections of Google Analytics reports Traffic Sources
Direct, referring, and search traffic Campaigns AdWords, Adsense
III Content performance analysis:- Pages and Landing ,Pages Event Tracking and 8 Hours
AdSense Site Search.
IV Visitor analysis:- Unique visitors, Geographic and language information 8 Hours
Technical reports, Benchmarking
V Social media & CRM analytics:- Face book insights Twitter analytics YouTube 8 Hours
analytics Social Ad analytics / ROI measurement ,Radian6,Sentiment analysis,
Workflow management Text analytics.
Text Books/Reference Books

Name of Author Title of the Book Edition Name of the Publisher

Avinash Kaushik Web Analytics 2.0 1st ed. Wiley
Avinash Kaushik Web Analytics: An Hour a day 1st.ed. Wiley

Course Outcome The students will:-

CO1 Utilize various Application Programming Interface (API) services to collect data from different
social media sources such as YouTube, Twitter, and Flickr.
CO2 Use different tools for collecting, analyzing, and exploring social media data for research and
development purposes.
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Cyber Law And BCA-604 L T EST CAT Total

IT Security E4(1) 3 1 70 30 100

Course Objective The objective of this course is to study about cyber security, laws and intrusion detection.

Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week

I Introduction to Cyber Security: Overview of Cyber Security, Internet 8 Hours
Governance – Challenges and Constraints, Cyber Threats- Cyber Warfare,
Cyber Crime, Cyber terrorism, Cyber Espionage, Need for a Comprehensive
Cyber Security Policy, Need for a Nodal Authority, Need for an International
convention on Cyberspace.
II Cyber Security Vulnerabilities and Cyber Security Safeguards: 8 Hours
Overview, Vulnerabilities in software, System administration, Open Access
to Organizational Data, Weak Authentication, Unprotected Broadband
communications, Poor Cyber Security Awareness. Cyber Security
Safeguards- Overview, Access control, Audit, Authentication, Biometrics,
Cryptography, Deception, Denial of Service Filters, Ethical Hacking,
Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Response, Scanning, Security policy,
Threat Management.
III Securing Web Application, Services and Servers: Introduction, Basic 8 Hours
security for HTTP Applications and Services, Basic Security for SOAP
Services, Identity Management and Web Services, Authorization Patterns,
Security Considerations, Challenges.
IV Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Intrusion, Physical Theft, Abuse of 8 Hours
Privileges, Unauthorized Access by Outsider, Malware infection, Intrusion
detection and Prevention Techniques, Anti-Malware software, Network based
Intrusion detection Systems, Network based Intrusion Prevention Systems,
Host based Intrusion prevention Systems, Security Information Management.
V Cyberspace and the Law: Introduction, Cyber Security Regulations, Roles 8 Hours
of International Law, the state and Private Sector in Cyberspace, Cyber
Security Standards. The INDIAN Cyberspace, National Cyber Security Policy
Text Books/Reference Books
Name of Title of the Book Edition Name of the
Author Publisher
Ankit Fadia E-Mail Hacking Revised Ed,2012 Vikas Publishing
House .
Nina Godbole, Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crime, 2nd Ed. Willey India
Sunit Belapur, Computer Forensic and Legal Perspectives, Publication
Dr M Dasgupt Cyber Crime in India 2016 Centax
Barkha U, Cyber Laws and Crimes 5th Ed. Universal Laws
Rama Mohan
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Course Outcome The students will be able to:-

CO1 Become familiar with the Social And Intellectual Property issues emerging From Cyberspace.

CO2 Have depth Knowledge Of Information Technology Act And Legal Frame Work Of Right To
Privacy, Data Security And Data Protection.
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Introduction to BCA-604 L T EST CAT Total

Entrepreneurship E4(2) 3 1 70 30 100
Course Objective: The objective of the course is that the students acquire necessary knowledge and skills
required for organizing and carrying out entrepreneurial activities, to develop the ability of
analyzing and understanding business situations in which entrepreneurs act and to master
the knowledge necessary to plan entrepreneurial activities.
Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week
I Entrepreneur - meaning- importance-Qualities, nature, types, traits, 8 Hours
culture, similarities and Economic and differences between
Entrepreneur and Intra-preneur. Entrepreneurship development-its
importance- Role of Entrepreneurship -Entrepreneurial environment
II Evolution of Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurial promotion. Training and 8 Hours
developing motivation : Factors - mobility of Entrepreneurs -
Entrepreneurial change - occupational mobility-factors in mobility -
Role of consultancy organizations in promoting Entrepreneurs-Forms
of business for Entrepreneurs.
III Creating and starting the venture - Steps for starting a small industry - 8 Hours
selection of types of organization - International entrepreneurship
IV Managing, growing and ending the new venture - Preparing for the new 8 Hours
venture launch – early management decisions Managing early growth
of the new venture- new venture expansion strategies and issues -
Going public - ending the venture
V Entrepreneurship Development and Government: Role of Central 8 Hours
Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship -
Introduction to various incentives, subsidies and grants - Export
Oriented Units - Fiscal and Tax concessions available. Women
Entrepreneurs Reasons for low / no women Entrepreneurs their Role,
Problems and Prospects

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the

Vasanth Desai Dynamics of Entrepreneurial 2nded. " Himalaya
Development and Management Publishing
N.P. Srinivasan & G. P. Gupta Entrepreneurial Development 1st ed. Sultan chand &
P. Saravanavelu Entrepreneurship Development 1st ed. Eskapee
Satish Taneja Entrepreneur Development 1st ed. New Venture
Robert D. Hisrich, Michael P. Peters Entrepreneurship Development 1st ed. Tata McGraw
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Course outcome The students will be able to :-

CO1 Analyze the business environment in order to identify business opportunities.
CO2 Identify the elements of success of entrepreneurial ventures.

CO3 Consider the legal and financial conditions for starting a business venture
CO4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different entrepreneurial strategies
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code Theory

Foundation of Data BCA-604 L T EST CAT Total

Warehousing and E4(3)
Mining 3 1 70 30 100

Course Objective: This course will introduce the concepts of data ware house and data mining, which gives a
complete description about the principles, used, architectures, applications, design and
implementation of data mining and data ware housing concepts.
Unit Contents (Theory) Hours/Week
I Data Warehousing: History of Data Warehouses; Concepts; Benefits; 8 Hours
Comparison of OLTP and Data Warehousing, Data Marts.
II Principles of Dimensional Modeling: Objectives; Requirements to Data 8 Hours
Design; STAR Schema: concept of Keys, Advantages. Dimensional
Modeling: Updates to the Dimension tables; miscellaneous dimensions;
SNOWFLAKE schema; Aggregate fact tables; Families of STARS..
III Data Warehousing Architecture: Data: Operational, Store, Detailed, 8 Hours
Lightly and Highly summarized, Metadata; Archive/Backup; Manager:
Load, Warehouse, Query; Architecture models: 2,Tier, 3,Tier and 4,Tier .
IV OLAP: Definitions, Rules, Characteristics, Features and functions, 8 Hours
Dimensional analysis; Hypercube; Drill, Down and Rollup; Slice, and,
Dice or Rotation; OLAP Models.
V Data Mining: Definition; Knowledge discovery process (KDP); OLAP vs. 8 Hours
Data mining; Data mining vs. Data warehouse; Major data mining
techniques; Cluster detection; Decision trees; Memory based reasoning;
Neural networks; Genetic algorithms; Applications; Benefits..

Name of Authors Titles of the Book Edition Name of the

Pieter Adriaans, Dolf & Zantinge Data mining 1996 Addison
Sam Anahory & Dennis Murray Data Warehousing in real world 1997 Addison
Paulraj Ponniah Data Warehousing: 2012, Second Edition Wiley India
Fundamentals for IT Pvt Ltd.
Mark Hall, Ian Witten and Eibe Frank Data Mining: Practical Machine 2011, Third edition Morgan
Learning Tools and Techniques Kaufmann

Course outcome The Students will be able to:-

CO1 Understand the functionality of the various data mining and data warehousing components .
CO2 Have a deeper understanding of database systems and their underlying theory to be able to
improve the decision-making process
CO3 Compare different approaches of data ware housing and data mining with various technologies.
Program: BCA Semester-VI Session:2020-21

Name of Paper Paper Code
Credit Marks
Project BCA-605
4 2 70 30 100

Contents (Practical)

Process: - Project Guide of the project will be allotted by Director/Head of Department. Team of 3 to 4
members will be made. Any related technology can be chosen for development of Project. It is to be done
in Industry/Organisation.

Course Outcome The students will be:-

CO 1 Acquire practical knowledge within the chosen area of technology for

project development.

CO2 Identify, analyze, formulate and handle programming projects with a

comprehensive and systematic approach.

CO3 Develop effective communication skills for presentation of project related


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