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Discipline: Engineering (Track & Civil) Category: Standard

Non-Destructive Testing of Rail

(for Internal & Surface Defects)

ARTC Network Wide 

Primary Source
NSW Standards TES 03, TES 05, TEP 15, TEP 16, TEP 17, TEP 18, TEP 19, the Rail Fail Form and Manual RC 2407.

Document Status

Version Date Reviewed Prepared by Reviewed by Endorsed Approved

1.5 21 Jan 14 Standards Stakeholders Manager General Manager

Standards Technical

Amendment Record

Version Date Clause Description of Amendment


1.0 10 Sep 08 First issue

1.1 14 Jan 09 Various Minor editorial corrections to cross references identified following
Risk & Safety Committee approval and Regulator notification

1.2 21 Jun 10 4.7 (Table 6) Includes the option of hand testing when the signal from the zero
probe is lost as per Instruction ETI-01-06 which is now withdrawn.
Applicability and disclaimer updated.

1.3 30 Jun 10 4.7 (Table 6) Updated for clarification regarding action for complete loss of
detection by zero probe - speed restriction of 40km/h has been
reinstated for rail risk score 1 and note added to all rail risk scores
that hand testing is acceptable.

© Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited 2014

This document has been prepared by ARTC for internal use and may not be relied on by any other party without ARTC’s prior written consent. Use
of this document shall be subject to the terms of the relevant contract with ARTC.
ARTC and its employees shall have no liability to unauthorised users of the information for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by
reason of an unauthorised user using or relying upon the information in this document, whether caused by error, negligence, omission or
misrepresentation in this document.
This document is uncontrolled when printed.
Authorised users of this document should visit ARTC’s intranet or extranet ( to access the latest version of this document.
Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)

1.4 6 Nov 12 Table 6 Revised table 6 to allow 7 days for NDT/KK Ultrasonic testers to
check on rail which is untestable by the Ultrasonic Test Car,
without imposing TSR. Response time to return form ETE0103-03
to Infrastructure Manager increased from 1 to 3 days, as well as
minor clarifications in table regarding timing of rectification, as well
as reformatting of table for ease of reading. Minor editorial
changes throughout document.

1.5 21 Jan 14 3.1.1 Updated to include note that any changes to test frequency must
follow ARTC Change Management Process, including notification to

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)

1 Scope ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Included in Standard: ......................................................................... 5
1.2 Limitations of this Standard: ............................................................... 5

2 Personnel Qualifications ......................................................................... 5

2.1 Non-Destructive Testing Qualifications .................................................. 5
2.2 Visual Capability ................................................................................ 6
2.3 Records ............................................................................................ 6
2.4 Re-Certification.................................................................................. 6

3 Non-Destructive Testing Requirements .................................................. 7

3.1 Existing Rail and Welds (Main Line, Loops and Sidings) ........................... 7
3.1.1 Testing Frequency: Safety Limits ............................................... 7
3.1.2 Maintenance Limits................................................................... 7
3.2 NDT of New Welds (Aluminothermic, Wire Feed (Fluxcore) and Flashbutts) 8
3.2.1 Ultrasonic Inspection of Welds ................................................... 8
3.2.2 Visual Inspection of Welds ......................................................... 8
3.2.3 Geometric Inspection of Welds ................................................... 8
3.2.4 Inspection of Punch Marks ......................................................... 8
3.3 Acceptance of Used or Worn Rail .......................................................... 8
3.4 Switches and Crossings (Main Line, Loops, Crossovers and Sidings) ......... 8

4 Ultrasonic Testing ................................................................................... 9

4.1 General Guidance to Ultrasonic Testing Philosophy ................................. 9
4.2 Calibration Process ............................................................................. 9
4.2.1 Calibration and Equipment Inspection Periods .............................. 9
4.2.2 Calibration Blocks .................................................................... 9
4.2.3 Calibration Settings for Hand Test Probes ...................................10
4.2.4 Continuous Test Car Calibration ................................................10
4.2.5 Pre-test Checks ......................................................................10
4.3 Environmental Requirements .............................................................. 10
4.3.1 Ambient Temperature .............................................................. 10
4.4 Equipment Requirements ...................................................................11
4.4.1 Resolution ..............................................................................11
4.5 Equipment Technical Specifications .....................................................11
4.5.1 Hand Held Ultrasonic Equipment ...............................................11
4.5.2 Rail Mounted Continuous Ultrasonic Testing Equipment ................12
4.5.3 Couplant ................................................................................12

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)

4.6 Continuous Ultrasonic Testing............................................................. 12

4.6.1 Management of Human Factors .................................................12
4.7 Assessment Required of any Ultrasonic Shielding ..................................13

5 Alternative Non-Destructive Testing Techniques .................................. 16

6 Classifying and Sizing Defects .............................................................. 16

6.1 Classifying Defects ............................................................................16
6.2 Sizing Defects ..................................................................................16

7 Recording and Reporting Requirements for Rails and Welds ................ 17

7.1 Format of Reports .............................................................................17
7.2 Inspection Report .............................................................................17
7.2.1 Ultrasonic Test Records ............................................................ 17
7.2.2 Weld Test Records...................................................................18
7.2.3 Defect Reports ........................................................................18
7.3 Shielding Reports ..............................................................................18

8 Site Marking ......................................................................................... 19

8.1 Rail Defects ...................................................................................... 19
8.2 Weld Integrity ..................................................................................19
8.3 Weld Geometry .................................................................................19

9 Appendix A – Record and Report of Ultrasonic Test (example only) ..... 20

10 Appendix B – Rail Flaw Report (example only) ..................................... 21

11 Appendix C – Rail Surface Condition Report (example only) ................. 22

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)

1 Scope

1.1 Included in Standard:

This standard sets out the minimum test requirements for Non Destructive Testing (NDT) of Rail
for rail and welds.
This includes, but is not limited to:
• Ultrasonic Testing by:
o Hand Held Equipment
o Trolley
o Rail mounted continuous ultrasonic testing equipment
• Dye Penetrant Testing
• Magnetic Particle Testing
• Visual Inspection
The standard applies to Australian Rail Track Corporation leased and owned tracks.
ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-Destructive Testing of Rail details the processes that should be used
in conjunction with this standard.
This standard should be read in accordance with the ARTC Track & Civil Code of Practice (T&C
CoP) Section 1: Rail (Clause 1.4.8).
In NSW this standard should also be read in accordance with procedure ETM-01-04 Rail Defect

1.2 Limitations of this Standard:

It is recognised that NDT is not ‘infallible’.
There are a number of limitations of existing ultrasonic techniques:
• Some defects can lie in zones of the rail that are not tested ultrasonically: in particular
the foot of the rail
• There is no positive (failsafe) feedback to confirm that the angled probes (70º and 35º)
have continuous contact with the rail
• There is no positive (failsafe) feedback to confirm that the angled probes (70º and 35º)
are penetrating the depth of the rail
• AS2207 recommends that probes with incident angles greater than 20° to the major
expected reflecting surface should not be used (for further information, see page 10
AS2207, line 20 in “NOTICE”).

2 Personnel Qualifications

2.1 Non-Destructive Testing Qualifications

Non Destructive testing shall only be carried out by ARTC certificated personnel who have been
assessed as competent, by a Qualified Level III trainer, or through a Registered Training
• (For Ultrasonic testing) to carry out the testing methods described in ETN-01-04 Manual for
Non-Destructive Testing of Rail.
• (Dye Penetrant testing) to carry out the duties described in ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-
Destructive Testing of Rail.
• For all other methods, as approved by Manager Standards.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Personnel Qualifications

Assessment should conform to AS 3998 Non-Destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification

of Personnel or an equivalent international standard.

Note: A rail specific NDT course has been developed by ARTC. This course is based on the
experience, training and competency assessment requirements stated in ETP-00-01
Written Practice for the Training Competency Assessment and Certification of
Personnel in Non-Destructive Testing to SNT-TC-1A (2001 Edition). Certification from
this course meets the competency requirements of 2.1

2.2 Visual Capability

All Ultrasonic testers must be able to:
• Read a Jaeger Number 1 Chart at a distance of not less than 305mm
• Be capable of distinguishing and differentiating contrast between colours and shades of
grey used in the method.
All Ultrasonic testers shall carry out a visual check annually.

Note: These competencies are in addition to other ARTC requirements for items such as
Safeworking, medical requirements, etc.

2.3 Records
Records shall be kept with respect to each certification of:
• Name of certified employee
• Level of certification method
• Procedures in which they have been assessed as competent
• Examination results
• Competency assessment tool
• Dates of certification
• Signature of Employer’s Representative.

2.4 Re-Certification
Certified employees shall be re-certified at intervals of no more than 3 years for ARTC Ultrasonic
Levels I and II and 5 years for ARTC Ultrasonic Level III. Re-certification may be made on the
basis of continued satisfactory performance but for ARTC Ultrasonic Levels I and II it must
include a practical, Performance Checklist in the relevant method.
Re-certification may be undertaken at any time at the discretion of the employer where the
scope of work changes, there is concern that performance has deteriorated or technological
change necessitates re-certification. Where an employee has had no practical hands-on-
experience for more than 6 months, re-certification should be undertaken before the team
member resumes testing activity.
As a result of such re-certification, the team member’s certification may be extended or

Note: ‘ARTC Ultrasonic Levels I, II, and III’ are defined in ETP-00-01 Written Practice for the
Training Competency Assessment and Certification of Personnel in Non-Destructive
Testing to SNT-TC-1A (2001 Edition)

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Non-Destructive Testing Requirements

3 Non-Destructive Testing Requirements

3.1 Existing Rail and Welds (Main Line, Loops and Sidings)

3.1.1 Testing Frequency: Safety Limits

Internal and rail surface condition shall be tested at a frequency that maintains combined rail
and weld breaks at or below 0.02 breaks per km per year. Rail break averages shall be
calculated over a sufficient number of km’s and years to demonstrate trends and rail break
concentrations. 1 Test frequency for each line section shall be published annually in the Technical
Maintenance Plan.
Rail may be tested more frequently or less frequently at the discretion of the Infrastructure

Note: Any changes to test frequency must follow the ARTC Change Management Process,
including notification to Regulators.

When proposing to vary established testing intervals, the proposing officer must document the
basis for the change. The recommended maximum adjustment to the testing frequency at any
one time shall be:
• In the case of a shorter interval: the new testing interval shall not be shorter than ⅓ of the
previous interval
• In the case of a longer interval: the new testing interval shall not be longer than 1½ times
the previous interval.
The main factors to consider when proposing a change to test frequency are:
• Broken rail rate per kilometre
• Broken Rails as a % of the Total defect rate per kilometre
• Presence of high risk locations.
The main factors to consider when seeking to reduce the number of defects:
• Ambient temperature differential and neutral temperature
• Curvature
• Rail section
• Rail head wear
• Axle loads.

3.1.2 Maintenance Limits

Rail internal and surface condition shall be tested at a frequency that provides sufficient
information for the annual planning of corrective and maintenance works.

Note: For maintenance planning it is recommended that all lines be tested at least once a
year to obtain sufficient records to track trends.

ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-Destructive Testing of Rail provides guidance notes on how to determine the frequency of testing to
maintain rail breaks below 0.02 breaks per km. It also covers some ways to reduce overall defect numbers.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Non-Destructive Testing Requirements

3.2 NDT of New Welds (Aluminothermic, Wire Feed (Fluxcore) and

All new welds shall be Non-Destructively Tested. Testing shall include visual inspection,
ultrasonic inspection and geometric inspections (see below). Testing shall be carried out:
For all tracks no sooner than 5 hours after grinding (and where
practicable 24 hours after grinding)
Tracks rated ≥ 30 tonne axle load not later than 14 days of being installed.
Tracks rated < 30 tonne axle load not later than 3 months of being installed.

3.2.1 Ultrasonic Inspection of Welds

The ultrasonic test shall be carried out in accordance with the methods contained in ETN-01-04
Manual for Non-Destructive Testing of Rail.

3.2.2 Visual Inspection of Welds

The visual inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix E “Visual Inspection and
Alignment” of AS 1085.20 Railway Track Material – Welding of Steel Rail.

3.2.3 Geometric Inspection of Welds

The ultrasonic inspector shall carry out an inspection of the Weld Geometry in accordance with
ETM-01-01 Rail Weld Geometry Standard.

3.2.4 Inspection of Punch Marks

Where welding has been carried out as part of a restressing of the rails the ultrasonic inspector
shall examine the punch marks on the rail. A measurement is to be taken of the length between
punch marks and recorded on the Welders’ Return Form.

3.3 Acceptance of Used or Worn Rail

All second hand Rail with unknown ultrasonic history shall be Non-Destructively Tested as per
figure 1.1 “Rail Acceptance Ultrasonic test flow diagram” in ARTC T&C CoP Section 1: Rail before
it is placed in service.

3.4 Switches and Crossings (Main Line, Loops, Crossovers and

All parts of switches and crossings should be Non-Destructively Tested on the main line ‘through
road’ and ‘turnout road’ at the frequency identified in Section 3.1.1 of this document.
Switch and Crossing are to be tested by the continuous test car. Where this is not successfully
completed, the locations and sections which were not tested are to be notified to the
Infrastructure Manager or nominated representative at the end of each day as part of the
continuous testing car’s daily report.
Planning of the ultrasonic car should include an analysis of areas that are routinely
unsuccessfully tested. Areas which cannot be tested by the machine include: Switch blades,
Manganese crossings and Housed points (car may need to lift probes to avoid damage)
Sections that are missed by the ultrasonic car should be hand tested. Any areas which cannot
be ultrasonically tested (either car or by hand) are to be identified and tested using an
alternative method of NDT (alternative methods can include visual inspection).
Dye penetrant testing is not required to be programmed on a cyclic basis, but can be used as a
means of achieving the required rail break rate when ultrasonic testing is not possible.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

4 Ultrasonic Testing

4.1 General Guidance to Ultrasonic Testing Philosophy

The following sections are intended to standardise the existing technologies to enable
consistency amongst the various testers. It is NOT intended to limit the innovation and
development of new techniques or equipment. ARTC recognises the limitations of current
techniques and actively encourages any improvement to testing capabilities. Where variance to
the following standard is required, an application for a waiver should be sought from the
Manager Standards.

4.2 Calibration Process

All ultrasonic equipment shall be re-calibrated within the intervals specified in Section 4.2.1.
Calibration test methods shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of AS 2083
and are detailed in ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-Destructive Testing of Rail.

4.2.1 Calibration and Equipment Inspection Periods

Instrument Features Recording Intervals

Vertical linearity 12 monthly Yes

Horizontal linearity 12 monthly Yes

Probe shoe condition Daily Not Required

Angle beam probe index point Daily Yes

Angle beam probe beam angle Daily Yes

All probe gain reserve (OSG) >20dB, 12 monthly Yes

Calibration Blocks 2 Yearly Yes

Pulse Count (Machine only) Daily Yes

Table 1: Calibration Schedule for Ultrasonic Testing Equipment

4.2.2 Calibration Blocks

The following blocks shall be used for calibrating the hand held ultrasonic equipment:
• Block V1 (from AS 2083)
• Block V2 (from AS 2083) may also be used for field calibration
• Rail Specific Gain Reference Block.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

4.2.3 Calibration Settings for Hand Test Probes

Hand testing probes shall be calibrated for range and sensitivity as shown in table 2.

Probe Angle Frequency Range Calibration Sensitivity Calibration

Normal Rail tests

Probe 1 80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @
70° 2MHz 0-200mm
Single 70° 25mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning
Bolt hole Tests 0-250mm

Probe 2 80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @

38° 2MHz 0-250mm
38° 50mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning

Probe 3 80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @

0° 2MHz 0-200mm
Single 0° 50mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning

Probe 4 0° 2MHz 0-200mm

80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @
Twin 0° 50mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning

Probe 5 4MHz 80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @

0° 0-100mm
Small 0° miniature 50mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning

80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @

Probe 6 70° 4-5MHz 0-100mm 15mm depth of V1 block, plus 6dB
Single 70°
for scanning

80% FSH from a 1.5mm SDH @
Probe 6 70° 4-5MHz twin 0-100mm
25mm depth, plus 6dB for scanning
Twin 70°

Table 2: Calibration Settings

Note: FSH = Full Screen Height SDH = Side Drilled Hole

4.2.4 Continuous Test Car Calibration

The continuous test car is required to calibrate the machine on a daily basis. The exact method
of calibration can be agreed between the contractor and ARTC Performance Manager. It could
• Technical measurement of the machine’s testing equipment as detailed in ETN-01-04
Manual for Non-Destructive Testing of Rail
• Recorded comparison of car measurements against the hand testing sizes (hand held
equipment having been calibrated in accordance with section 4.2 of this document)
• Checks of defect identifications against known sections of defects.
It is recommended that auditing checks are periodically carried out on the performance of the
car through the use of an undisclosed test track. ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-Destructive Testing
of Rail details means of setting up ‘dummy defects’ or a test track for this purpose.

4.2.5 Pre-test Checks

In addition to calibration checks, all equipment should have pre-test checks as appropriate to its

4.3 Environmental Requirements

4.3.1 Ambient Temperature

Continuous Rail Testing should not be programmed to be ultrasonically tested at times where
rail temperature is likely to exceed 50°.
Where possible, the Continuous Rail Testing should be programmed at times when the rail
temperature is below the Stress Free Temperature (SFT) of the Rail.
Where the rail is programmed to be tested once or twice a year, the test should not be
programmed during the summer months.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

4.4 Equipment Requirements

All ultrasonic testing equipment shall have sufficient resolution, sensitivity and accuracy to be
capable of identifying and recording the following minimum defect sizes:
• Transverse defect in weld 10mm height
• Transverse defect in rail 5mm height
• Longitudinal defect 10mm length
• Bolt hole cracks >10mm oblique length
• Multiple transverse defects: identify separate defects of 20mm separation.

4.4.1 Resolution
The equipment should be capable of readily resolving adjacent reflectors with a separation along
the beam axis of 2.5 wavelengths. The resolution requirements are:

Nominal Frequency Compression Wave Probes Shear Wave Probes

(MHz) (mm) (mm)

2.0 7.4 4.1

2.5 5.9 3.3

4.0 3.7 2.0

4.5 Equipment Technical Specifications

The ultrasonic testing equipment shall employ A-scan presentation and shall have a reserve
sensitivity of at least 20dB at the maximum beam path used. The equipment and probes shall
be capable of operation within a frequency range of 2MHz to 6MHz.

4.5.1 Hand Held Ultrasonic Equipment

The following ultrasonic probes are the specified minimum for hand testing in ARTC. The
ultrasonic inspector should carry all six probes.

Name Shape & Size Measurement Angle Frequency

Probe 1
‘14x14’mm to ‘20x22’mm 70° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz
Single 70°

Probe 2
‘14x14’mm to ‘20x22’mm 38° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz

Probe 3
24mm diameter 0° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz
Single 0°

Probe 41
7x18mm 0° ±2° 2.0 - 2.5 MHz
Twin Crystal 0°

Probe 5
10mm diameter 0° ±2° 4.0 – 5.0 MHz
Small 0°

Probe 6
Single Crystal 70° or ‘10 x 10’mm or 70° ±2° 4.0 - 5.0 MHz
Twin Crystal 70° 3.5 x 10mm

Table 3: Ultrasonic Probes for Hand Held Rail Testing

These probes are specified to standardise current probe usage: refer to section 4.1 of
this document for the introduction of other equipment.
Probe 4 is an alternative to Probe 3
The Probes specified are the minimum requirements for general testing of rail and
welds. Other probes maybe used to target other areas or specific rail defects.

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

4.5.2 Rail Mounted Continuous Ultrasonic Testing Equipment

An audible alarm shall be fitted to the 0° ultrasonic probe to indicate ‘loss of bottom’ over any
length greater than 10mm.
The minimum specified probes for continuous ultrasonic testing equipment in ARTC are shown in
Table 4.

Name Measurement Angle Signal Frequency

Probe 1
70° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz
Forward and rear facing 70°

Probe 2
38° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz
Forward and rear facing 38°

Probe 3
0° ±2° 2.0 – 2.5 MHz
Single 0°

Table 4: Minimum Ultrasonic Probes for Continuous Rail Testing

The Probes specified are the minimum requirements for continuous testing of rail and
welds. Other probes maybe used to target other areas or specific rail defects.
Use of a 45º probe in place of the 38º probe may be considered in conjunction with
the Manager Engineering Performance.

4.5.3 Couplant
For normal rail testing, water will be used as a couplant. This can be thickened with methyl-
cellulose (e.g. wall paper paste) if necessary. A detergent (i.e. dish washing liquid or truck
wash) can be added to the water as a wetting agent.
However, water SHOULD NOT be used if the rail is below 0º C unless the operator is satisfied
that an antifreeze additive has been added to enable the correct testing procedure.
Oil may be used as a couplant on calibration blocks, but note that AS2207 recommends that
couplants used in calibration are the same as those used during testing.
In exceptional circumstances diesel may be used as a couplant over short distances. Care
should be taken to minimise the amount used and to record the location.

4.6 Continuous Ultrasonic Testing

Continuous ultrasonic testing shall be carried out on a face at the frequencies determined in
Section 3.1. The continuous testing contractor shall demonstrate that they have detected at
least 65% of all defects listed as reportable in ETM-01-04 Rail Defect Standards and ARTC T&C
CoP Section 1: Rail.
All anomalous indications found during the Continuous ultrasonic testing shall be evaluated
The continuous ultrasonic testing car is required to record the rail temperature. At least two
temperature readings should be taken daily to capture the maximum and minimum

4.6.1 Management of Human Factors

The testing process, and in particular the conditions in the car vehicle should be optimised to
facilitate the concentration of the operator on the data being analysed and to minimise the risk
of a missed defect. This includes:
• The judicious use of post analysis facilities of recorded data
• In-car working conditions and temperature
• Computer screens that are adequately protected from sun glare

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

• Monitoring that the speed of the car is compatible with the ability to analyse data
• Safeworking practices are adequately catered for outside the time allowed for test
• Fatigue management of operators (consideration of rotation of operators with hand
• Undue pressure on time allowed in section
• Peer development and regular training in compliance with this document
• Monitoring of operators’ performance in terms of % of defect identified.

4.7 Assessment Required of any Ultrasonic Shielding

During ultrasonic testing there shall be continuous monitoring of positive indications of normal
test procedure, e.g., continuous back wall echo as per section 4.5.2, grain structure, heat
affected zone etc.).
Where lengths of rail are considered untestable or “difficult to test” at normal speed, the test
car is to stop and retest the section at 5km/h, with additional couplant if necessary. Categories
of shielding or “difficult to test” are defined in Table 5. The response times are shown in Table 6.
Reporting requirements of ultrasonic shielding are set out in section 7.3.

Difficulty Level Problem encountered.

i – Minor Testable but:

- the gain had to be turned up and/or
- the vehicle had to reduce speed

ii – Intermittent Loss of 0º probe but <50mm

iii – Moderate Existing defects were undetectable

Loss of 0º over 50+ to 199mm

iv – Major Loss of 0º probe over 200mm

v – Untestable Untestable all probes

Table 5: Shielding Priorities

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

With the ultrasonic car testing at normal speed

Severity of Shielding Response Time Action

Loss of detection of 0º The test car is to stop. Track should be examined to identify
probe, if the rail is cause of loss of detection. Section shall be retested at 5km/h
generally difficult to test, with additional couplant (if necessary).
or operator suspects that
other probes are not Ultrasonic Car to Report loss of detection to Infrastructure
7 days
penetrating. Manager on form ETE0103F-03 (See Appendix C).

With the ultrasonic car testing at 5km/h (with additional couplant if necessary)

Severity of Shielding Response Time Action

Testable but still difficult 3 days Ultrasonic Car to report testing problems on form ETE0103F-
to test 03 to Infrastructure Manager.

Rectification to occur within timeframes determined in

Corridor Management Plans.

Unable to size existing Speed restrict to 40km/h until rail is ground, re-railed or
defect plated.

Operator to Report testing on form ETE0103F-03 to

3 days
Infrastructure Manager for listing as RCF defect in fault

Operator to Report testing on form ETE0103F-03 to

Complete loss of detection 3 days
Infrastructure Manager for listing as RCF defect in fault
of 0° Probe (with no known
database. Rectification to occur within timeframes determined
untestable defects)
in Corridor Management Plans.

Undertake hand testing and if there is still complete loss of

7 days1
detection of 0° Probe, apply the appropriate speed restriction
as detailed below until re-railed or ground, and retested.

Rail score type 1* 40km/h

Rail score type 2* 80km/h

Rail score type 3* if required

Note 1: Check sooner if applicable latitude in ETE-00-03 Civil Technical Maintenance Plan already expired.

Table 6: Assessment of Shielding

*Rail Risk Score: treat the rail risk as the highest risk given by any one of the following factors
in Table 7

Rail Risk Passenger Annual Rail size Head No of breaks/km

Score Traffic MGT wear

1 (Highest Risk) More than once 50+ ≤ 80lb (40 kg) >30% >0.025 Broken Rails per km
a day

2 (Medium Risk) Once a day or 15 to 50 81lb to 59kg 15%-30% 0.015 to 0.025 Broken Rails
less per km

3 (Lowest Risk) None <15 ≥ 60kg <15% <0.015 Broken Rails per km

Table 7: Rail Risk Score

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Ultrasonic Testing

Notes: The Rail can be rendered untestable for a number of reasons including: grease, rust,
shelling, poor geometry and corrugations.

Only the 0º probe will give positive indications of ’untestable’. Angled probes are
unlikely to return a signal from surface cracking and will not indicate that they are not
penetrating the rail.

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Alternative Non-Destructive Testing Techniques

5 Alternative Non-Destructive Testing Techniques

Alternative Non-Destructive Testing techniques may be used where appropriate.
Where alternative methods are used, equipment and products should comply with the relevant
Australian Standard. Personnel shall complete specialist training in all NDT Testing techniques
and shall be certified for each technique.
• Dye Penetrant testing carry out the duties described in ETN-01-04 Manual for Non-
Destructive Testing of Rail.
All testing methods and frequencies shall ensure that the broken rail risk profile of 0.02 breaks
per km per year (as in Section 3.1) is not compromised.

Note: Switch blades and Manganese Crossings cannot be ultrasonically tested.

6 Classifying and Sizing Defects

6.1 Classifying Defects

All weld geometry defects should be classified in accordance with ETM-01-01 Rail Weld
Geometry Standard Network wide
All rail and weld internal and surface defects should be classified in accordance with ARTC T&C
CoP unless approved by ARTC e.g. in a Technical Maintenance Plan.

Note: Procedures for defect classification are contained in the NSW document TES 02 Rail
Defects in New South Wales.

6.2 Sizing Defects

All indications exceeding 40% of full screen height at evaluation sensitivity shall be measured
for precise size. All defects shall be recorded in mm. See Section 7 for reporting requirements.
All defect sizing should be determined by using the “last significant echo” method. Any loss of
back wall echo or other known reflectors (during hand test sizing) shall be investigated by visual
inspection and scanning from the other faces of the rail.

Figure 1 - Definition of Defect Dimensions

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Engineering (Track & Civil) Standard
ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Recording and Reporting Requirements for Rails and Welds

7 Recording and Reporting Requirements for Rails

and Welds

7.1 Format of Reports

Electronic Record keeping is recommended. Where electronic means are used a daily back-up
must be made.
Where paper based systems are used examples of the forms are included in the Appendices.
These forms are not mandatory; the collection of the information can be done on other forms or
in an electronic spreadsheet. Inspection reports need to contain the listed reportable data of
sections 7.2, 7.3 & 7.4, regardless of the format used.

7.2 Inspection Report

Every ultrasonic test and weld geometry test undertaken shall be recorded (a sample form
ETE0103F-01 Record and Report of Ultrasonic Test is shown in Appendix A). Any defects found
should be reported as per section 7.2.3 Defect Reports.
A record of every ultrasonic test shall be kept. The report shall be kept even if no defect is
found; or if defect found is small and is not referred to as ‘reportable’ or ‘to be monitored’ in the
defect standards.

7.2.1 Ultrasonic Test Records

The ultrasonic test records shall record (as a minimum):
• Date & place of test
• Areas tested
• Location of test
• Name of the operator
• Ultrasonic flaw detector (type, serial No)
• Probes used (type, serial No)
• Couplant used
• Reference to this procedure
• Test results
• Any variations from the requirements of this procedure
• Any test restrictions
• Rail temperature:
o Hand Testing: If above stress free temperature
o Continuous Car Testing: At least two temperature readings daily to capture the
Maximum and minimum temperature
• Any additional tests (dye penetrant etc.) and results
• Pulse count (if applicable).
These records may be kept electronically or using paper based forms such as ETE0103F-01
Record and Report of Ultrasonic Test (shown in Appendix A as an example).

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Recording and Reporting Requirements for Rails and Welds

7.2.2 Weld Test Records

A record of every Weld Test shall be kept. In addition to the requirements of 7.2.1, the Weld
Test report shall include:
• the weld number
• date of test
• location of weld
• result of visual inspection
• result of ultrasonic inspection
• result of geometric inspection.
These records may be kept electronically or using paper based forms.

7.2.3 Defect Reports

All sizable rail or weld, internal or surface defects, or any weld geometry defect, shall be
reported. A sample form ETE0103F-02 Rail Flaw Report is shown in Appendix B.
In addition to the requirements of 7.2.1, the Defect report shall include as a minimum:
• Location of defect (within 5m accuracy)
• If a weld - the weld number
• If in a turnout – the turnout number
• Date of test
• Type of defect
• Size of defect
• Tests carried out & results
• Any action already applied (e.g. speed restriction, defect plated etc.)
• Rail specification (e.g. rail size, presence of rail wear, SC or HH etc.)
These records will be kept electronically in the relevant Works Management System.

Note Engineering Manual RC 2400 Rail Defects Handbook gives more detail and information
on the various defect modes.

7.3 Shielding Reports

Any areas of ultrasonic ‘shielding’ found using the ultrasonic testing car shall be reported. See
Appendix C for sample form ETE0103F-03 Rail Surface Condition Report. The report may be
paper based or recorded as an electronic database.
The report shall include details of the degree of difficulty in measurement and shall record as a
• Date & place of test
• Location of test
• Degree of difficulty in measurement
• Suspected reason for shielding (Gauge corner cracking, head checking, grease)
• Speed of test
• Name of the operator
• Ultrasonic flaw detector (type, serial No)
• Probes used (type, serial No)

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Site Marking

• Couplant used
• Reference to test procedure
• Any variations from the requirements of the procedure
• Any test restrictions
• Rail temperature (If above stress free temperature)
• Any additional tests (reduced speeds, dye penetrant etc.) and results.

Note This can be on an individual form, however when the continuous ultrasonic testing is
carried out it is more likely to be stored in a spreadsheet.

8 Site Marking

8.1 Rail Defects

Rail assessed as requiring remedial action or reassessment shall be painted yellow on the foot,
web and side of head.
And where possible:
 The remove-by date, defect type and defect boundary could also be marked with white
 The priority of the defect can be marked with paint colours in addition to the yellow

8.2 Weld Integrity

All new field welds when ultrasonically tested are to be sprayed with paint on both sides of the
 Blue – if the weld is satisfactory
 As per 8.1 – if the weld is defective

8.3 Weld Geometry

All new field welds, when checked for top surface straightness and alignment, are to be sprayed
with a paint dot on the web on both sides of the weld area approximately 100mm from the
 Blue Dots – if the surface straightness is satisfactory
 Yellow Dots – if the surface straightness is not satisfactory.
The date of examination and identification code of the ultrasonic operator is also to be marked
on the rail.

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Appendix A – Record and Report of Ultrasonic Test (example only)

9 Appendix A – Record and Report of Ultrasonic

Test (example only)

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Appendix B – Rail Flaw Report (example only)

10 Appendix B – Rail Flaw Report (example only)

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ETE-01-03 Non-Destructive Testing of Rail (for Internal & Surface Defects)
Appendix C – Rail Surface Condition Report (example only)

11 Appendix C – Rail Surface Condition Report (example only)

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