Reading-And-Writing - As-1 - Q3 2

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Printed Activity Sheet No.

Quarter 3- Weeks 1 & 2: Patterns of Written Texts across Disciplines

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

MELC #1: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines

Name:____________________________________ AVERAGE DIFFICULT
Grade and Section:__________________________
Date Submitted:____________________________

Insights to Keep
A paragraph is a group of related sentences joined together to develop one idea. This single
idea is called the main idea, and the subject matter it deals with is the topic. The sentence of the
paragraph that expresses the main idea is the topic sentence. The other sentences in the paragraph
that give facts, details, and examples to support or develop the main idea are called supporting
sentences. A paragraph that stands alone often needs a concluding sentence to wrap up or generalize
the ideas presented in the paragraph.
Topic sentence can be found in the beginning, middle, end, or is indirectly stated.

Traditionally, writing patterns are divided into the following forms: exposition, description,
narration, argumentation or persuasion. In exposition, the writer provides information and
explains particular subject. Patterns of development in exposition include: (1) giving examples, (2)
detailing a process of doing or making something, (3) analyzing cause and effect, (4) comparing or
contrasting, (5) defining a term or concept, and (6) classifying. A description is a verbal picture of a
person, place, or thing. In narration, a writer tells a story of something that happened while persuasion
is an attempt to prove a point or defend an opinion.

When we write a paragraph, we can develop the topic using many patterns. When we
describe, we give the attributes or qualities of the subject, when we compare, we show the
similarities, when we contrast, we show the differences, when we classify, we show the categories,
when we define, we show the class and characteristics. When we use problem-solution pattern, we
present the problem and offer solutions to the problem. When we convince others to believe in
something or to do something, we use the persuasion pattern.

Easy Level
Instructions: Identify the pattern of paragraph development used in each given paragraph. Write the
letter of your answers on the boxes provided.
A. Narration E. Cause and Effect
B. Description F. Persuasion
C. Definition G. Problem-Solution
D. Comparison and Contrast H. Classification
1. The canines are the teeth in the human dentition that are located between the incisors
and the bicuspids, one in each quadrant. The incisors, sharp, chisel-shaped teeth used for
biting or cutting, have one root.
2. My day was a disaster. First, it had snowed during the night, which meant I had to
shovel before I could leave for work. I was mad that I hadn’t gotten up earlier. Then I
had trouble starting my car, and to make matters worse, my daughter wasn’t feeling well
and said she didn’t think she should go to school. When I eventually did arrive at work,
I was twenty minutes late. Soon I found out my assistant had forgotten to make copies
of a report I needed at nine o’clock. I quickly had to make another plan. By five o’clock,
I was looking forward to getting my pay check. Foolish woman! When I went to pick it
up, the office assistant told me that something had gone wrong with the computers. I
would not be able to get my check until Tuesday. Disappointed, I walked down the hill
to the parking lot. There I met my final defeat. In my hurry to park the car in the
morning, I had left my parking lights on. Now my battery was dead. Even an optimist
like me had the right to be discouraged!
3. While many students regard proms as peak events in high school life, I believe that
high school proms should be banned. One reason is that even before the prom takes
place. it causes problems. Teenagers are separated into “the ones who were asked and
“the ones who weren’t”. Being one of those who weren’t asked can be heart-breaking to
a sensitive young person. Another pre-prom problem is money. The price of the various
items that are needed can add up quickly to a lot of money. The prom itself can be
unpleasant and frustrating, too.
4. A thick, reddish-brown shag rug is laid across the living-room floor, and its long
curled fibre seems to whisper as you walk through them in your bare feet, and when you
squeeze your toes into the deep covering, the soft fibres push back at you with spongy
5. Karla, my brother’s new girlfriend, is a catlike creature. Her face, with its wide
forehead, sharp cheekbones, and narrow, pointed chin, resembles a triangle. Karla’s skin
soft, velvety brown. Her large brown eyes slant upward at the corners, and she
emphasizes their angle with a sweep of maroon eye shadow. Her nose is small and flat.
The sharply outlined depression under it leads the observer’s eye to a pair of red-tinted
lips. With their slight upward tilt at the corners, Karla’s lips make her seem self-satisfied
and secretly pleased. Karla’s face is framed by a smooth layer of brown hair that always
looks just combed.
6. The viola is a stringed instrument in the violin family. It is only slightly larger than
the violin and is tuned at a lower pitch. Like its smaller relative, the viola is held on the
shoulder under the chin and is played with a bow. While the violin has many uses, the
viola is used mainly in orchestral and chamber music.
7. The harpsichord and the piano are closely related. Both are keyboard instruments, and
both produce sound when jacks or hammers attached to keys strike metal strings. The
piano is a direct descendant of the harpsichord and takes its shape from that instrument.
In fact, many musical compositions played on one can be adapted to the other. However,
today the piano is the more popular of the two instruments. It is capable of producing
greater volume and variety of tone, and it is more versatile than its predecessor. Pianos
provide accompaniment for vocalists.
8. Because of the location and other geographical characteristics, the Philippines is one
of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. It is vulnerable to typhoons, volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes, tropical cyclones, and tidal waves.
9. While there were many contributing factors to the French Revolution, a primary cause
was a financial crisis brought on by royal extravagance. Or years before the revolution
finally exploded in 1789, the royal government had been borrowing heavily to cover
deficit spending
10. Darkness enveloped the sky as only a slight curve of the moon shone in the night;
consequently, this made the perfect stage for the breath-taking view of twinkling stars.
In the still of the night many galaxies glittered from the depths of the sky as I felt
hypnotically drawn into the mesmerizing show above me.

Average Level
Instructions: With the given subject, formulate a topic sentence which can be developed into three
paragraphs with three patterns of your choice. Refer to the given sample answer. Your output will be
graded based on the assessment rubric below. (15 points)
Subject Paragraph #1 Paragraph #2 Paragraph #3
Covid 19 Recovering from There are many good The COVID 19 disease
COVID 19, was an reasons why we should is different from other
unforgettable take COVID vaccine. virus-causing diseases.
experience for me (persuasion) (comparison-
(narration) contrast)
Distance Learning

Assessment Rubric for Topic Sentence Writing

Superior Sufficient Minimal Score
5 4 3
Content Content demonstrates Content demonstrates Content does not demonstrate an
an insightful an understanding of the understanding of the task; was able to
understanding of the task; was able to give 2 give only 1 form of pattern of
task; was able to give 3 different forms of development.
different forms of patterns of
patterns of development.
Structure Writing shows a very Writing shows a clear Writing lacks consistency. There are
clear, sophisticated structure. Few errors in many errors in spelling, punctuation
structure. No errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
spelling, punctuation and grammar.
and grammar.

Difficult Level

Instructions: On a clean A4 bond paper. Make an illustration of how reading and writing are related.
You are free to color your work. Give at least 1 paragraph description of your work.

Criteria 5 4 3 Score
Substance/Content The paragraph is an excellent and The paragraph is a very good The paragraph is a good
substantial interpretation of the topic. interpretation of the topic. interpretation of the topic.

Creativity The paragraph shows a very impressive The paragraph shows an The paragraph does not show
creativity in the play of words, and in impressive creativity in the creativity in the play of words
the presentation of supporting play of words, and in the and lacks presentation of
information. presentation of supporting supporting information.
Impact The paragraph can have a great impact The paragraph can have a very The paragraph can have a good
into the lives of the audience. good impact into the lives of impact into the lives of the
the audience. audience.

The paragraph was submitted on time. The paragraph was submitted The paragraph was submitted 4
Timeliness 1-3 days later than the or more days later than the
deadline. deadline

Total Score

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