Team Report Total Quality Management Assigned By: SIR UMAIR KHALID Group Members

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Group Members:
Muhammad Hamza (188-2020)
Kainat Gul (430-2020)
Taskeen Wali (727-2020)
Meer Chakar (76-2020)
Muhammad Shoaib Abbasi (525-2020)
Program/Section: BBA 7 TH Semester


“All gratefulness and thanks to ALLAH almighty the courteous the most
forgiving and the most beneficent who gave us the courage to complete their
We are very thankful to the management of KASSIM TEXTILE (PVT) LTD. For
welcoming us in their company and for treating us in a way that we didn’t face any
difficulties. We are very thankful to you Arsalan Ul Haq (Regional sales manager)
for helping us to explore the ambiance and management of the company. At last,
we are really thankful to Sir Umair Khalid for teaching us in a friendly way and
she has helped us in fulfilment this course.
Kassim Textile Mills Profile:
Privately held
71368 square meter
Kassim textile is the largest exporter of the denim in Pakistan
Pakistan (Karachi & Lahore)
Turkey (Istanbul)
USA (New York)
Dhaka Bangladesh
1001-2000+ Employees
Employee Turnover rate:
7% per month
Kassim Textile Mills, is a producer of denim fabric. Textile manufacturing is a major
industry. It is based in conversion of three type of fiber in two yarn, then fabric, then textiles.
Kassim utilizes the most modern equipment and latest technology to produce world class denim
fabric. Kassim denim have worked with some of the world’s best known fashion brands to create
top quality material. And in particular denim production, which has been known to have large
scale impact on supply. Be innovative, customer focused and quality conscious. Focus on quality
of management as well as product and customer satisfaction.

Company Description:
Kassim Textile Mills Private Limited, striked into the textile business in 1991 by starting a
small unit at Madurai, Tamil Nadu. Since its establishment, the company has jolted to
prominence as one of the leading Manufacturer and Exporter of Greige Woven fabric under the
able leadership of Mr A.Shahul Hameed. He was loyal in his goal to guide the chances of the
organization with his absolute persistence and modesty.
The company managed to glide over the challenging situations, thanks to the determined
management to never accommodate the quality of its product and its delivery schedule in spite of
bellicose business conditions. The company has achieved its Organic growth by scrabble about
itself into every least possible detail of quality constancy and living up to the presumption of the
customer. It is located on National highway, Bin Qasim Town, Karachi, Sindh.

 Vision:
To positively influence the lives of all its stakeholders by motivating and comforting Organic
growth over unlike domain of its business activities. Dynamic, quality based denim garments
and ever progressive.

 Mission:
To usually remind ourselves of the trackway that guide us to fame by scrabble out into and
increasing the executive levels of continuing product quality and obeying with quantified
delivery schedules.
Attain and retain market leadership in Denim manufacturing bring about to the tallest quality
standards excel through continuous development attain and exceed the presuppositions of our
customers be social in its practices. Operate through team work. Making sure honest come back
to stake holders attain social responsibilities.

Kassim has joined plant to make fiber product on quality base. Kassim management make
structured planning and programmed decisions like shortage of cotton fall continues production.
Director of Kassim textile plan for making more denim jeans for maximizing Kassim’s profit.
Goals (strategic goal vs. financial goal):
Financial goals are milestones that you want your money to cover a specific time whereas
strategic goals are specific objectives and results a company aims to achieve over a specific
period of time.
Strategic vs Operational Plan:
A strategic plan is developed to help the organization achieve its long term vision. Whereas,
operating plan involve the process of Deciding what needs to be done the achieve the tactical
objective of the business.
Long term vs Short Term Plan:
Short term planning show you progress in the present. Long term planning comprises of goals.

Kassim textiles top management arranging the and structuring work to accomplish the denim
fabric, by processing through spinning and weaving for making quality based product. The
organizational goals the director Shabir Kassim organize the work in department and teams to
get the real goals. Shabir Kassim focused on the shared values and set the policies on the basis of
employees perception and defined clear rules and regulations .


• 1001-2000 employee leading organization
• Manufacturer of fiber products since 24 years
• 7% employment turnover and recruitment 11% each year

• 24-hours
• Office workers, Morning (9:00-5:00)
• Labor workers are divided in three shifts
• Shift A from 8:30am to 4:30pm
• Shift B from 4:30pm to 11:30pm
• Shift C from 11:30pm to 8:30am
Indicate number of employees and departments?
There are 1001- 2000 employee leading organization and 5 departments.

It involves working with and through people to accomplish organizational goals. Managers who
are successful leaders usually connect with their employees by using interpersonal skills and
motivate team members to perform to the best of their abilities.

Diversity-male/female ratio; cultures, religions and ethnicities they belong to?

Male – 62 percent
Female – 38 percent
Muslims – 72 percent
Hindus – 12 percent
Christians – 16 percent

• Kassim has ISO 9001 certification and also is registered in international market
• Performing manager planning if matched
• External environmental changes which is symbolic
• Means the goals are matched with pre-planned
• Kassim purchased 500 pound bales in raw material form to produce 3.0 million meters fabric
• Manager look after of this production either fully achieved or not.


• Feeding inspection
• Traffic control system
• Clipping Inspection
• End line inspection
• Final inspection
• Presentation inspection
• Packing inspection

Quality Control Department:

 Lab testing
 Strength of yarn
 Density of clothes
 Computerizing equipment verifier

• Bleeding Test
• Scorching Test
• Hot Wet Press Test
• Cotton Polyester Test
• Shrinkage Test
• Width Stretch Test.
• Qualified fabric specialists in a lab do these tests.

• Monitoring the system
• evaluating staff involved
• assuring quality of product The main objective of the quality assurance departments is to
ensure the quality of finished products according to the customer’s specification.

 Strong security
 High quality product
 Latest mechanized automated machineries
 Skilled technicians and operators
 Well experienced management
 Own power generation

 Highly cost of cotton provided from raw material supplier
 No plant of gas generation
 Increased employee turnover by 7% in 6 months
 Centralized decisions

 Kassim can expand product line of denim jeans
 Kassim can hire or appoint skilled and well experienced employees
 Organization can capture new markets for export more than 3 million meters of fiber

 Raw material supply in between march to July
 Changes of government policies
 Dynamic environment
 Labor work in not highly educated

Q. What quality management tools and practices do you currently have in place?
Ans. PDCA cycle: This is a continuous improvement cycle consisting of four stages, Plan, Do,
Check, and Act, which helps organizations identify and solve problems to improve their
Statistical process control (SPC): This tool involves the use of statistical methods to monitor
and control processes, ensuring that they operate within acceptable limits.
Six Sigma: This is a methodology that uses statistical analysis to identify and eliminate defects
in processes, reducing variability and improving quality.
Lean management: This approach emphasizes the elimination of waste and the optimization of
processes to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
Kaizen: This practice involves continuous improvement through small, incremental changes to
processes and systems.
Total productive maintenance (TPM): This practice focuses on improving equipment
reliability and reducing downtime through regular maintenance and improvement activities.
Quality circles: These are small groups of employees who work together to identify and solve
problems related to quality and productivity.

Q. How do you ensure consistency in quality across your operations?

Ans. Develop quality standards: Establishing clear and measurable quality standards for all
products or services is essential to ensure consistency in quality. These standards should be
based on customer needs, industry standards, and regulatory requirements.
Train employees: Employees are the key to achieving consistency in quality. Proper training
should be provided to all employees to ensure they understand the quality standards, policies,
and procedures and are capable of performing their tasks according to the established guidelines.
Document processes: Documenting all processes involved in the production or delivery of a
product or service is critical to ensuring consistency in quality. The documentation should
include procedures, checklists, and quality control measures to ensure that all steps are
performed correctly and consistently.
Conduct regular audits: Regular audits of the QMS and production or service delivery
processes can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that quality standards are being
met consistently.
Implement corrective actions: When issues are identified during audits or inspections,
corrective actions should be taken immediately to prevent them from happening again in the
Use quality control tools: Implementing quality control tools such as statistical process control,
Six Sigma, or Lean principles can help identify and eliminate defects and waste in the production
process, resulting in consistent quality and improved efficiency.

Q. How do you approach supplier management selection?

Ans. Most of the time our suppliers some are purchase a raw material mostly are contact to
coming company our purchase products to selling coming to purchasing department our
company to purchase company to Kassim denim textile mill to the company to purchase are
product to approach our customers 80to 70those or most of the market our those to selling are
product to coming first to the consumer or the customer most of the time supplier are the rate to
our company like example pen some supplier purchase 10 rs some our 15rs are some supplier
purchase products to different price or quality to see than purchase some companies are sample
to Kassim denim textile mill other company then are selecting our company selection are
company are department quality purchasing department just sample collect our rate or save then
save are company to production to run then to see the results to the selected or involved costing
department as well this then to guide to categories to the results like 10 supplier are sample then
to select just 3 then to talk to the rate then last 3 to select on this grades.

Q. How do you involved the employee at all levels in the quality management process?
Ans. Our employees involved to good quality the reason is to advise to the employee or ideas as
well to improve the quality our company to utilize this idea as well to the company. The
independent as Machine operate to quality day by to improve our company experiment allow
then experiment allow to that are allowed to the senior as well long.

Q. What steps do you take to address quality issues when they arise?
Ans. Our company with in the production testing labs and this testing problem not our company
testing more to control this example 1000 fabric one piece cut to check normal routine then to
one normal then change to two time 400meter or 500meter one piece cut then testing this thing
to control to quality issues
Q. What is your KPI for quality and how do you track them?
Ans. Kassim denim textile mill company's specific KPIs or how they track them. However, I can
provide some general information on KPIs and how they can be tracked. KPIs are key
performance indicators that are used to measure the success of a company's goals and objectives.
They provide a way to track progress towards these goals and help identify areas that need
improvement. defect rate first pas yields customer complaints to track these KPIs, a kassim
denim textile mill may use a combination of manual tracking methods and automated systems.
For example, quality control personnel may manually record defect rates and customer
complaints, while automated systems can track delivery times and first pass yield. Regular
reporting and analysis of these KPIs can help identify trends and areas for improvement in the
mill's quality control processes.

Q. How do you collect and analyze customer feedback to improve quality?

Ans. Our company specific feedback to collect analysis process to improve quality products are
collect Feedback categories feedback analyze feedback take action Overall, collecting and
analyzing customer feedback is a critical step in improving product quality. By listening to your
customers and taking action on their feedback, you can improve the quality of your products and
build a loyal customers.

Q. How do you manage quality while working with suppliers and partners?
Ans. We Establish clear quality standards that suppliers and partners must stick to. These
standards should be communicated clearly to suppliers and partners so they understand the
expectations. Develop supplier contracts: Supplier contracts should include quality requirements
and expectations.

Q. How do you measure the success of your quality management initiatives?

Ans. We measure our quality initiatives we compare with the last month production like how
much we did production last month and how many productions in this month. We make
Machines down time least and do their preventative maintenances then keep them ok because of
for make production as much as increase with best to best quality.

Q. Why failures occurs in supply chain? What to do overcome them?

Ans. 1) in our supply chain process production line we make sure of it machine always in 100%
good foam. In advance we arranged preventative maintenance for them
2) Secondly our mechanical department always ready there in company with in one 1 to 2
minutes they will available there in machine if there is any mechanical or electrical issues they
solved that problem
3) The third important thing we follow strictly is we monthly base’s plain one machine
preventive maintenance. Examples are oiling, glycerin extra and also fixed or replace all defects
which make problem in future of machine working. So this help us to protect from upcoming
failures, in supply chain protect from production lost, also protect from downtime period.

Q. What way or tool to apply that any that any product piece of defective?
Ans. If there is a defective product from Kassim Denim, the first step would be to contact the
company’s customer service department to report the issue. Kassim Denim takes quality control
very seriously and has processes in place to address any quality issues that may arise. The
specific process for handling defective products may vary depending on the nature and severity
of the defect, but it is likely to involve the following steps:
Inspection and analysis: The defective product will be inspected and analyzed to determine the
cause of the defect. This may involve testing the fabric for strength, colorfastness, and other
quality factors.
Documentation and communication: The defect will be documented, and the customer will be
informed of the findings. If necessary, the customer may be asked to provide additional
information or samples to assist with the analysis.
Remediation: Kassim Denim will take steps to address the defect, which may include replacing
the defective product or issuing a credit or refund.
To prevent defective products in the first place, Kassim Denim has a rigorous quality control
process that includes testing each batch of fabric before it is shipped to customers. The company
also has a continuous improvement process that involves identifying areas for improvement and
implementing changes to prevent defects from occurring in the future.
In terms of tools or technologies that may be used to manage defective products, Kassim Denim
likely uses a combination of quality control software, testing equipment, and communication
tools to track and manage quality issues. The specifics of these tools may vary depending on the
specific needs of the company and the nature of the defects being addressee.

Q. Kassim denim textile mill your company apply prevent cost or not?
Ans. Preventive costs can include investments in quality control measures such as regular
inspections of raw materials and finished products, testing of fabrics for strength and durability,
and employee training programs on quality control techniques. By implementing these measures,
companies can minimize defects and product recalls, improve production efficiency, reduce
waste and rework, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Therefore, it is likely that Kassim Denim Textile Mill Company is also applying preventive cost
measures to ensure high-quality products and minimize costs associated with quality problem.

Q. What is your kassim denim textile mill company structure or procedures you can apply
your supply chain department?
Ans. Kassim Denim Textile Mill Company’s structure or procedures. However, I can provide
some general information on the structure and procedures that a supply chain department may
apply in the textile industry. The supply chain department in a textile company is responsible for
managing the flow of materials and products from the supplier to the customer there are
following are kassim denim textile mill are supply chain department consider are:
1 organization structure, 2 supplier management, 3 demand planning.

Kassim textile mill being the largest and oldest textile company in Pakistan has obtained all the
quality assurance certificates which a company needs to be successful in the competitive global
market. Top management and employees work side by side for continuous improvement of the
quality. Now company is giving preference to its personals separate personnel department is
established and a ladies wing is also incorporated. Financially the company is performing well.
It's sales are increasing and its profits are repidly growing. Simply we can say that Kassim textile
apparel division is performing well.

For Further Information:


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