A1 Tatiana-30-39

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Five funny monsters!

fly swim read jump run sing

Look at the ticks (V) Alphabet V X X V V X
and crosses (K).
Bean X X X X X V
Alphabet Carrot X X V V V V

Which monster? Write the names.

1 He can sing but he can't run, read, fly, swim or jump.
2 She can jump, run, sing and read but she can't fly or swim
3 He can't fly or read or jump or run or sing but he can swim!

(� D Listen and tick (V) the boxJ

1 Where is Doll?

2 Where is Bean singing? 3 What is Carrot reading about?

4 What can Egg's baby brother do? 5 What can Alphabet draw?
C Read about me and my classmates. Write our names.

Kim has got a really big garden. He can play badminton with
his dad there.
Lucy can ride a horse. She's really good at riding horses.
I love Anna's paintings. They're so cool! She draws fantastic pictures!
Nick likes riding his bike. He can ride his bike to school.
Dan has got a new camera. He can take really good photos.
My name's May. I can play the guitar very well. Can you see my guitar?
Bill's good at singing. He writes funny songs and sings them in class!
Grace loves fishing. She's got a boat and catches lots of fish in the sea.
Alice has got a new tennis racket. She plays tennis with her sister.
Mr Page is our teacher. He's really good at swimming. We can have a
swimming lesson now!

1 A�........
........ 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

__...,"'""u..,:, Play the game! Stand up. Sit down again.

\4� Big, small, hap ,,,,·�,)

py or sad?
A Look and answer the questions.

1 What's this? a ________

2 Have you got a .......................?
3 Is this ....................... big or small?

1 What are these?

2 Are you wearing ....................... today?
3 Are these ....................... long or short?

1 What's this? a
2 What colour is this .......................?
3 Is this ....................... old or new?

1 What are these?

2 Do you wear ....................... to school?
3 Are these ....................... clean or dirty?

B Write the word under the picture.

beautiful young ugly old short J:lecrn long dirty old new

1 2 3 4 5


a ....�.... a ................ an ................ a ............... . a ................

car car sho e sho e woman
6 7 8 9

an ................ a ............... . an ................ a ................ a ................

woman spider spider skirt skirt
C Choose words and draw pictures.

A big boy is drawing a red snake.

sad girl is painting a blue computer.
funny zebra is holding a yellow kite.
small cat is playing with a black fish.
happy elephant is riding a green alien.
short mouse is watching a white balloon.

(� Look and read. Write yes or noJ

Anna Pat

The small dog is happy. . .. !1�?....
The big ball is in the dog's mouth. . . . . no
1 The girl in the blue dress is sad.
2 One boy is wearing red shoes.
3 One of the girls is eating an ice cream.
4 The boy with dirty hands is smiling.
5 These children are in a house.

E Read, write and draw lines.

1 Pat's wearing ...... j�?........ and a blue and white T-shirt.
2 Anna's got long brown ........................ She's wearing a blue dress. She's happy today.
3 Eva's got a chocolate ice cream. She's wearing ..................................................... .
4 Hugo's playing with Pat. Hugo's wearing ................................................................. .

� Play the game! Opposites bingo.

Match animal numbers and animal words .
chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?.�� •..�r.t?�I'.'.,. _i.iajjc...................
donkey ........................... ...................................................... .

hippo ..................................................................... 1

� '
4 polar bear ..................................................................... ���

spider .....................................................................
sheep ·····················································,················

jellyfish .....................................................................

�· 14

� lizard

B Write words next to the animals.

black grey red fly

long blue orange white jump

beautiful brown pink yellow run
short green purple swim
ugly walk
' small
C Where are Tom's pets? Draw lines.

OJ in the box

0 on the ball
[I] in the shoe

G under the kite

m on the cap

in the water

(� Talk about the picture)

Where's? What's? How many? What colour? What's he/ she/ it doing?
Fruit? ____
.,,,.._ ...._
Look at the pictures. Write the words.

5 carrot
3 (A, p e

7 onion

8 orange

10 potato

B What is it?
1 It's a fruit. It's long and yellow. Monkeys like it. It's a .......P.@@�....... .
2 It's very small and green, but it's not a bean. It's a .......................... .
3 It's brown and white. There's lots of milk in it. It's a .......................... .
4 It's yellow. You can make a great drink from it. It's a .......................... .
5 It's a fruit and a colour. You can make fruit juice from it. It's an ........................ .
6 It's red and round. Some people put it on pizzas. It's a .......................... .
7 It's long and orange and horses love eating it. It's a .......................... .
8 It's green and black but it's not a grape. It's a .......................... .
C Spell and say tomatoes and potatoes!
,, , '


.£.. _Q__ 1.. a, - - - -

D Q What's in Ben's funny fruit drink?

Tick (V) five boxes.
pear D
tomato D
carrot D
orange D
apple D
grapes D
mango D
banana D
lemon D
What's in your drink?
................. : ..... , ....................... , ....................... , ....................... and ....................... !

E Talk about the picture.

1 Where's the coconut? 4 What colour is the ....................... ?
2 Where are the lizards? 5 How many ....................... are there?
3 What's this? 6 What's the bird standing on?

F � Play the game! Say it three times.

Write the menu. Add your favourite
lunch, too!
Today's menu
For lunch, try our
• . -�!1-r.9�.. �4.. �w�. sausages
• ·······························
• ············ ····· ·
• ·········· · · · · · · · · · · · · · tomatoes
• ······························· eggs

B Write the drinks.

c1 Jue {}0

rn k , L
�rr/e o L�0°'e
w k e _,,. e
C D Listen and tick (v'} Lucy's lunch D Write Matt's lunch.
and Matt's lunch.

Today's menu
fish tomatoes ice cream
chicken peas fruit
apple pie and,
eggs beans
to�. And, ectn I ho.xe
sausages carrots some too?

E What would you like for lunch? Write your words.

. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . and,
to�. And, ectn I ho.,ve
some too?

(Q' D Listen and draw linesJ

Sam Alice Hugo Eva

Sue Bill Grace

G Talk about the picture.

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