IC600 Training Presentation v1 0

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IC600 series

IC600 - Intelligent monitor and control
device for HP cone crushers in
Lokotrack applications
- LT200HP
- LT300HP

Benefits of IC

• Standard electrical system in all

- main control center
- engine control center
- hydraulic control center
• Same SW in all machines
• System language selectable
• All I/O modules are the same
-> one spare part with
automatic program
• Improved diagnostics
• Online help system

2 © Metso
IC600 system lay-out

• IC600 controls Lokotrack‟s:

- Feeder

- Conveyors
• Lifting, main, re-circulating,
by-pass and side conveyors
- Screen
- Engine
< UCD HCM SCM - Crusher
• Lubrication
- Tracks
Module: Location:
DCM = Device Control Module Main control center, inside
HUB = Power supply unit & hub junction module Main control center, inside
ECM = Engine Control Module Engine module
UCD = Unit Control Display Main control center
HCM = Hydraulics Control Module Hydraulics center
SCM = Screen Control Module Screen

3 © Metso
Control module

• I/O module has four male
• XM4 is in use for CAN bus and
the operating voltage for the
• In electric drawings the inputs
< and outputs are named
according to connector.
- Example:
DCM XM1.14 = DCM module,
Connector XM1, pin14. Pins are
numbered in the bottom of the
XM4 XM3 connector.
-Operating voltage

4 © Metso
Hub junction module

• Hub junction module has five

male connectors.
• XH1, XH2, XH3, XH5
XH5 XH1 distributes CAN-bus &
operating voltage to display
and I/O modules.
• XH4 is the socket to power the
control system & emergency
stop identification.

5 © Metso
CAN bus connection in XM4 connector

• XM4 connector connects each

module to CAN bus and
deliveries power for modules.
Each module power and CAN PIN2 CAN 1H

bus connection (XM4) is similar. PIN3 CAN GND

PIN4 +24 Vdc

< PIN5 +24 Vdc



6 © Metso

Plug and header assembly colors Header assembly

are mechanically keyed to mate (inside a module)
only with identical colors.



Wedge lock


7 © Metso
Unit Control Display

labels and
• XM1, 8 pins
XM1 part number - operating power to display
- CAN connection
- CAN2 connection for upper level
• XM2, 23 pins
- service key connection
< - USB connection for program


8 © Metso
Main Control Center
4 5 6 7

1. Emergency stop

2. Lubricating unit

3. Radio key

4. Water pump

5. Display

3 8 6. Process start
7. Key switch
2 9
8. Signal horn
11 9. Process stop
10. Working light
11. Driving light

9 © Metso
Using Unit Control Display

• Five control buttons

- Control symbols on display shows
the function of the control button in
current window
• if no symbol, then no function
Symbols - 2nd button always opens info
Control window

- Don‟t press the control buttons • When main control center‟s key
with a screwdriver or any other switch is turn the control system
sharp object. It‟s best to press the starts for about 30 seconds,
control buttons with bear hands
without gloves.
then main window (0) is shown.

10 © Metso
IC600 display windows structure
0 - Main

1 - Unit 2 - Info 3 - Process 4 - Parameters 5 - Diagnostics

11 © Metso
Main window (0) User level
= 0, operator level
Active control device (radio = 1, technician level
or cable image) in window 0
Fuel level = 2, Metso Minerals service level
(In any other window)
Symbol describing the
Feed speed Cavity level *

Crusher power

Crusher setting
Engine RPM
< Values are shown
Crusher RPM
numerically and with Message field
graphic bar. Colors are
according to system * If digital level sensor
settings. is selected symbol
Unit information Process Diagnostics is shown when cavity
level is high
blue = idle Info Parameters
green = normal
yellow = high
orange = max.
red = excessive
12 © Metso
Alarm popup

In any window the alarm

popup is shown on top of
the window.

Alarm number


Reset popup

Alarm specified information

13 © Metso
Unit information (1)

Process Hydraulics
Crusher Time counters

Engine Gearbox*

< Crusher info charts Production

Active function is
highlighted with a

* The symbol is showed if Press ok to Use arrow buttons to

gearbox drive is selected. enter to the choose the function
active function

14 © Metso
Process window (1.1)
Values are process‟
measured data

Feeder control % * Crusher setting

Feeder speed * Crusher speed
Feed hopper
material level * Crusher power
Lifting conveyor control % Generator statuses
& speed *
< Crusher cavity
Generator frequency /

* optional equipment Generator statuses

= normal temp
= high temp
= voltage OK
= frequency OK
= no voltage
15 © Metso
= no frequency
Crusher window (1.3)
Values are crusher‟s
measured data

Feed status and feed Crusher cavity

control % material level*
Clamping and release
pressure switch state
Crusher‟s setting
Cooler status
Crusher‟s status and
Lubrication oil tank rpm
< status
- level - heater Main conveyor‟s
- pump - tank temp status
- pressure Crusher power

Lubrication functions Status symbols: stop

(see next slide) pause * If digital level sensor
is selected symbol
feed with min speed
is shown when cavity
running, normal speed level is high
running, fast speed
16 © Metso
Lubrication oil tank status

Lub. Pump speed and

status Oil pressure status
arrow=on, no arrow=off pressure symbol = pressure OK
no pressure symbol = no pressure
Lub. oil level ! = switch fault
red blinking=low level) Oil line to crusher
blue = pump not ready
Heater green = ok to start
(red=on, white=off)

Oil temperature in tank
Return oil temperature,
numeric and color
blue = crusher not ready
green = normal temp
red = high temp

17 © Metso
Engine (1.4)

Engine coolant temp Engine actual rpm

Engine load % Engine target rpm

Engine oil pressure Coolant level

Hourmeter Charged air temp

Fuel consumption Air filter status
Voltage Cooler‟s control
Coolers speed is
control current
Coolant level
0 = no coolant conversely
1 = coolant ok

Air filter status

ok =

18 © Metso
clogged =
Hydraulics (1.5)

Hydraulic oil temp Crusher pressure ***

Hydr. oil filter status * Pump pressure
current ***
Hydr. oil level ** Engine load %
Device pump pressure Icons are shown
if hydraulic drive is
< selected

* Filter status ** Hydr oil level *** optional equipment

ok = ok =
clogged = low =

19 © Metso
Counters (1.6)

Process equipment
hourmeters, category 1

Track-drive Feed
Lubrication pump Fuel consumption
Lubrication pump
< Crusher
Clutch‟s operating times * Engine

Hourmeters, category 2
* Optional for service interval

20 © Metso
Distribution gear & clutch (1.7)

Hydraulic control pressure

Clutch slip %

Clutch shaft rpm

Crusher v-belt pulley rpm

Distribution gear oil temp
Clutch status
no image = unclutched

slipping clutched

21 © Metso
Production data (1.8)

Crusher Power
Date consumption

Process on -hourmeter Crusher on load


< Production data log will be

stored for eight weeks (56
After this it will be erased
by new production data.

Erase log
(User level 2 = service mode only. Press
buttons 4 & 5 for 3 seconds to change
button 3 to Erase log -button)

22 © Metso
Crusher charts menu (1.9)

Chart of four different

value measured can be
Feed control %

Engine load %

Crusher power

< Lubrication temperatures

23 © Metso
Chart window (1.9.1-1.9.4)

Chart is being scaled

according the highest
measured value. Chart line color

< Chart based on

measured data Time axis
is set to 60 min

24 © Metso
Info window

Info window can be

opened by pressing
-button Info text and it‟s
Each window has it‟s own Texts are according to
info text. selected language.

Use arrow buttons

< to scroll up / down the info


Press -button to
go back to the previous
window back up down

25 © Metso
Process control (3)

Manual feed control Feed automatic /

Target feed control *** manual mode
Crusher speed
Lubrication oil Lokotrack manual
heating control
Crusher manual

Screen (with can control)** Process options

***Target feed modes
** optional equipment
Target power mode:

Target level mode:

26 © Metso
Manual use of Lokotrack (3.1)
Engine and generator‟s Main conveyor
voltage status

Feeder * Screen
Screen‟s undersize
Lifting conveyor
By-pass conveyor * Screens side conveyor
Side conveyor * Screens hydraulic
support legs
Re-circulating conveyor * Hydraulic outlet
Engine rpm control
Dust removal unit on *
Hydr oil cooler on
Engine cooler on Dust removal unit
- If engine is off devices can be manually controlled. vibrating on *
- If engine is running hydraulic devices can be manually controlled. Safety devices will affect. Generators
output voltage status has to be OK to control electrical devices manually.

Device statuses: = OFF = running

= ON = not running
Power supply: = Engine stopped = Electric power OK
= Engine running = Electric power disabled
27 © Metso
Screen module manual control (3.2)

Screen‟s direction
Side conveyors speeds
and control % Screen speed and
control %

Undersize conveyor
speed and control %

Side conveyors and discharge conveyor have same maximum oil flow. Conveyors
speeds can be changed, but if control value is increased over 100%, then the other
conveyor(s) control value is decreased by the same amount.

28 © Metso
Process options (3.3)

Hydraulic outlet

Side conveyor

Dust removal
Return conveyor

< Bypass conveyor

Screen direction

29 © Metso
Crusher manual control (3.4)

Heater Belt tensioning


Lubrication pump
Accessory devices
Belt loosening

* Showed icons are depended

from the crusher drive types

30 © Metso
Parameters menu (4)

General (G) Setting calibration

Feed (F) Parameter tools
Crusher (C) Display settings
Tracking (T) User level
< Engine (E) Programming

Distribution gear, Katsa (K)

Hydraulics (H) Screen (S)

Lubrication (L) Alarms (A)

31 © Metso
Parameters - display & adjusting

Parameter selection Display and adjusting

Parameter letter and metric / imperial
- Adjusting is done
with metric system
General, G
Feed, F
Crusher, C
< Tracking, T Parameter description
Engine, E
Distribution gear, K
Hydraulics, H
Lubrication, L
Screen, S
Alarms, A

32 © Metso
Crusher setting calibration (4.1)

Crushing time since

last calibration

Calibration date

Used crusher power

Current crusher setting since last calibration

Calibration value

33 © Metso
Parameter tools (4.2)

Save parameters

Load parameters
Save parameters
to USB memory
< Load parameters
from USB memory

34 © Metso
Data transfer of parameters from system to a
file – 4.2.1

File name
Rename file
New file Delete file

File transfer progress

bar, percentage value
< Save parameter group

Selection down / up
Previous letter / next letter

35 © Metso
Parameter data transfer from file to system –

File name
Rename file
Delete file

File transfer progress

bar, percentage value
< Parameter data transfer

Selection down / up
Previous letter / next letter

The new parameter settings replace the old

settings, unless the old parameters were not
previously saved.
36 © Metso
Saving parameters to USB memory – 4.2.3

File transfer progress

bar, percentage value
< Parameter data transfer
to USB memory

37 © Metso
Loading a parameter file to the display – 4.2.4

File name

File transfer progress

bar, percentage value
< Parameter data transfer
from USB memory

Parameter data transfer is possible only when the

machine engine is switched off or the external
power source is switched off.

38 © Metso
Display settings (4.3)



System of measures,
metric / imperial
< Display‟s contrast

39 © Metso
User level lock (4.4)

Input frame of user level 1

Input frame of user
level 1 lock code
Input frame of user level 2

< Display frame of the

generated level 2 lock

To open / close user levels User level

it is possible to use user = 0, operator level
level codes or a tool to
open the lock. N02495935 = 1, technician level
= 2, Metso Minerals service level

40 © Metso
Diagnostics menu (5)

Modules Engine fault codes

Tracking, radio Parameter log

Push buttons Calibration log

< Alarms log Temperature log

41 © Metso
Module diagnostics (5.1)

Modules and connectors

< Modules program

version info

42 © Metso
Module pins diagnostics
How to read input / output data

Select module and the involved Value / status Module
connector from module diagnostics internal temp
I/O‟s pin number

43 © Metso
Modules program version info (5.1.1)

Version number
Publication date
Runtime version
(module low level
operating system)


44 © Metso
Module program loading window

Module program loading

window will open
automatically if needed

Estimated remaining time

Loading progress bar

and percentage
When loading is ready,
< this image will appear
-> turn key switch to 0-

Do not cancel in the

middle of loading.

45 © Metso
Track drive and remote control diagnostics

Cable remote / radio

Engine rpm - +
remote control active
Target rpm & rpm
increasing, decreasing
Track control %
Feed - +

Feed off/on
Control position
< Tracking / process
Track movement selection
slow /fast

46 © Metso
Push-button diagnostics (5.3)

Radio key switch

Feed start Engine start
Feed stop Horn / beacon
Feed speed decrease Process stop
Feed speed increase
Process start

47 © Metso
Alarm log (5.4)

Alarm number

Date Alarm counter.

Number of times the
Time alarm of this number
is activated


Erase log
(User level 2 = service mode only. Press
buttons 4 & 5 for 3 seconds to change
button 3 to Erase log -button)

48 © Metso
Engine‟s active alarms log (5.5)

Suspected Parameter

Failure Mode Identifier

Alarm counter

To non active engine

alarms log

49 © Metso
Engine‟s non-active alarms log (5.5.1)

Suspected Parameter

Failure Mode Identifier

Alarm counter

50 © Metso
Parameter changes log (5.6)

Date Parameter‟s previous

and changed value

Changed parameter


Erase log
(User level 2 = service mode only. Press
buttons 4 & 5 for 3 seconds to change
button 3 to Erase log -button)

51 © Metso
Calibration log (5.7)

Date Change to crushers
setting value caused
by calibration

Crushing time since last

Used crusher power
since last calibration

Erase log
(User level 2 = service mode only. Press
buttons 4 & 5 for 3 seconds to change
button 3 to Erase log -button)

52 © Metso
Temperature history log (5.8)
Alarm limit counter
Warning limit counter

4 weeks average
Hydraulic oil
Engine coolant
Lubrication return oil
Lubrication tank oil
< Distribution gearbox oil**

** log is shown if gearbox Erase log

drive is selected (User level 2 = service mode only. Press
buttons 4 & 5 for 3 seconds to change
button 3 to Erase log -button)

53 © Metso
Operations with IC600

NOTE! Read unit‟s user manual for safety issues

before operating the machine in any way!

54 © Metso
Basic use
1. Start engine

2. Start Process
3.Control / Tune / Monitor the Process

55 © Metso
Feed control, basic control
Feeder can be started by the user
or automatically by the IC system
conveyor F27
control range After start the control
is restricted value is set by manual or
between automatic feed control
F26 & F27
(F35 & F36)

Lifting conveyor
acceleration and
Lifting conveyor min deceleration speed is set
speed running time is set with parameter FS25
with parameter F31 (F41) (FS78)

56 © Metso
Feed control, Manual feed control
Feed speed: lifting conveyor and feeder speed can be manually
controlled from the IC. Feed start and stop buttons are same
regardles of control mode.
Increase/Decrease feed speed from the display, remote control or
from the service platform control box.
Set feed control to ‟M‟ (Manual)
Start feed if not already running

Feed control percent

Select for to increase feeder speed
Select for to decrease feeder speed

NOTE! There is interlocking between control positions. Control can be always made
from the display, if display‟s page 3 is open, then other devices are not enable. Service
platform control buttons are enbled only when display is not on page 3 and remote control
is not selected. Feed can be always stopped from all positions.
57 © Metso
Feed control, Automatic (Target) control
TARGET POWER (Parameter FS97 = 1)
Feed speed is changed for to gain wanted crusher load. Target value
can be changed same way as feed control percent with manual control.

TARGET LEVEL (Parameter FS97 = 2)

Feed speed is changed for to gain wanted crusher cavity level. Target
value can be changed same way as feed control percent with manual

Set feed control to ‟A‟ (Automatic)

Increase or decrease target value

58 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID-Controller basics

(level, power or Process

Lifting conveyor
Target value
PID Controller / feeder
From the user

P = Proportional value
I = Integration time
P, I (and D)
D = Derivation time

59 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Parameters
100% 100% P-Control
Target parameter value Feed control value

P * Difference
Measured signal Difference

t t

100% PI-Control
100% PID-Control

P * dM
P * Difference

60 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.3, I = N/A, D = N/A
• Controller is set only for P
• P value is too low because
Target control reacts too slowly

• Signals
- Target: Display‟s parameter value
set by the operator

- Measurement: Cavity level or
crusher power
- Control: Feed control percent


61 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = N/A, D = N/A
• P value is now increased to 0.6
• Control is faster and starts to
slightly undershoot




62 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 1.0, I = N/A, D = N/A
• P value is now increased to 1.0
• Control reacts too fast
• Control is undershooting and
causing too much load to the
lifting conveyor and feeders
• Measurement is also far from
the target value, thereby
Control intgration is needed
• P value should be set to
previous value, set P to 0.6


63 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 15s, D = N/A
• Controller is now set to PI mode
by setting the integration time to
Target • Integration time is too long.
Measurement is gaining target
too slowly



64 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 1s, D = N/A
• Integration time is now set to 1
Measurement • Control starts to vibrate. This
will cause excessive load to
lifting conveyor and feeders
motor and feed will be paused
due high load.
• Increase integration time


65 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 2s, D = N/A
• Integartion time is increased
only a one second
Measurement • Control is no longer vibratin, but
still undershooting clearly
• Increase integration time



66 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 5s, D = N/A
• Integration time is now
increased to 5 seconds
• Control is behaving very well



67 © Metso
PID-Controller, Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 5s, D = 0.1s
• Controller is now set to PID
mode with setting the Deritative
Control time to 0.1s
Target • Deritative time is so small so it
Measurement does not affect to the control


68 © Metso
Automatic Feed control, PID Tuning
P = 0.6, I = 5s, D = 0.5s
• Deritative time is no increased
to 5 seconds
• Control starts to
over/undershoot in the start
• D feature does not improve
control, so set it to 0,1s
• Controller should be now tuned
- P = 0.6, I = 5s
• Default values are:
- P = 0.8, I = 15s, D = 0.1s
• Note! The measured signal
filttering is also a key parameter
40s (see parameters CS88, FS85)

69 © Metso
Changing crusher speed

Crusher speed can be changed by selecting the speed slider and

moving the slider from process control page. With clutch driven crusher
the slider changes engine rpm. With hydraulic driven crusher the target
speed is changed.

70 © Metso
Moving the unit

• Unit has three driving speeds that is selected by increasing or

decreasing the engine revolutions (requested rpm)
• Unit movements can be controlled by using remote control (via radio)
or drive box (via cable)
• I/O module controls the proportional valve with voltage (Danfoss)

71 © Metso
Hydraulics, adjustments

A. Set control from the IC system to moderately low level

B. Open the valve restriction screw
C. Start the device and measure the speed
D. Heat up the hydraulic oil to at least 40°C (?)
E. Increase IC‟s control value (current / control percent) untill the
maximum speed (specified in the hydraulic diagrams) is
A. Lifting conveyor: Make sure that feed control (and F27 value) is in 100%
B. Feeder: Make sure that feed control (and F36 value) is in 100% value.
C. Screen module: Increase side conveyors and undersize conveyor speed in
turns from the screen control page for to adjust maximum speeds. Set both
controls back to 100% and adjust nominal speed current values from the
F. Tighten the valve restriction screw
72 © Metso
Diagnostics, Messages
Engine start
• “Ask” from the system
what is wrong:
- Switch key switch to
start position
Process start - Press process start
• System gives a
message for to notify
why engine or process
is disabled

Message field

73 © Metso
Diagnostics, Alarms

• System activates an alarm

when malfunction appears or
user attention is needed
• Press 2nd button for to
receive information regarding
the alarm (reason / result /
• Reset popup with 1st button
• Alarms does not have to be
Reset popup acknowledged

Alarm specified information

74 © Metso
Diagnostics, Engine

“Fault location”
Parameter Number)

“ Fault mode” (Failure

Mode Identifier)


75 © Metso
Diagnostics, modules
Module name

Select module and the involved Value / status Module

connector from module diagnostics internal temp
I/O‟s pin number
Software and
firmware versions

76 © Metso
* Depends from the pin type

Diagnostics, module inputs

• DI (Digital Input), 2 stages, „0‟ (<1V* or <4.2V*), „1‟ (>2V* or >4.8V*)

• PI (Pulse Input), Frequency and Pulse count, <0.5/2.5kHz, „0‟

(<4.2V), „1‟ (>4.8V)

• AI (Analog Input), 16bit (65535 values), 0-22.7mA / 0-5V

• AI (Analog Input,+5Vsupply), 16bit (65535 values), 0-5V

• FB (Current Feedback), 15bit (32767 values), 0-1000mA

77 © Metso
Diagnostics, module outputs

• DO (Digital Output), 2 stages, „0‟  0V, ‟1‟ 24V (Ubat)

• PWM (Pulse Width Modulated),Analog output based on PWM

signal‟s pulse ratio. 40-500Hz (max 2,5kHz)

• PWM + FB (Current control circuit)

78 © Metso

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