Lesson 5.1 Mean Value Theorem

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Lesson 5.

1: The Mean Value Theorem (MVT)

Name: Date: Period:

Objective: What are the requirements for average rate of change on a closed interval [a, b] be
equal to the instantaneous rate of change on the open interval (a, b). In other words what are the
requirements for slope of secant line on a closed interval [a, b] be equal to the slope of secant
line on the open interval (a, b).

Take notes:
Mean Value Theorem:
Activity 1: Be interactive work with your team
Activity 2 Do not use a graphing device or software

1. f(x) is continuous for all real numbers.

2. f(x) is continuous for all real numbers.

3. f ( x) = x 2/3

4. f ( x) = x + 4
x 
5. f ( x) = sin  
 3 

x 
6. f ( x) = tan  
 3 

 x2 + 3 x  1
7. f ( x) = 
2 x + 2 x  1
Printed Notes: Mean Value Theorem

Geometrical Meaning of the mean value theorem: If the function is continuous on a closed interval and has no
points of non-differentiability (No cusps, corners, vertical tangents) then there will be at least on point on the
curve (c, f(c)) between the end points on the curve at which the tangent line is parallel to the secant line.

From the above graphs we can see that it is reasonable by interpreting it geometrically. Figures above show points
A (a, f(a)) and B(b, f(b)) on the graphs of two differentiable functions. The slope of the secant line AB or the
average rate of change of f(x) on the closed interval [a, b] is

Since f (c ) is the slope of the tangent line at the point P(c,f(c)), the conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem
implies that there is at least one point P(c,f(c)) on the graph where the slope of the
tangent line is the same as the slope of the secant line AB. In other words, there is a point
P where the tangent line is parallel to the secant line AB and we have
Review of Intermediate Value Theorem:

THEOREM : The Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Functions

If ƒ(x) is a continuous function on a closed interval [a, b], and if is any value f(c) between
ƒ(a) and ƒ(b), then for some c in interval a  c  b for which f(c) is between f(a) and f(b).
Problem 1: The table below represents a table for the function g and its derivative g  . The
function g is twice differentiable for all real numbers. The graph of function h is shown below.

a) Let a function k ( x ) be defined by k ( x) = h( g ( x)) . Is there a number r on the interval [−4, −3] for
which the function k is zero on the interval (−4, −3) . Justify your answer.

b) Is there a number c in the closed interval [−5, −3] such that g (c) = −4 ? Justify your answer.

c) Is there a number n in the closed interval [−5,0] for which g (n) = 0. Justify your answer.
Problem 2:

The functions f and g are differentiable for all real numbers. The table above gives values of the
functions and their first derivatives at selected values of x. The function h( x) = f ( g ( x)) is given
by h( x) = f ( g ( x)) − 6 .
a) Explain why there must a value r for 1  r  3 such that h( r ) = −3 .

b) Explain why there must be a value c for 1  c  3 such that h(c) = −5

Problem 3

(a) Is there a time at which r (t ) = −6 on the interval 0  t  3 . Justify your answer.

(b) Is there a time at which 3 on the interval 3  t  7 . Justify your answer.

Problem 4:
a) Find the average rate of change of f on the
interval −4  x  3 .

b) Explain why the existence of a number c is not

guaranteed by the Mean Value theorem on the
interval −4  c  3 , for which f (c) is equal to the
average rate of change in part(a).
Problem 5:

Problem 6

Problem 7: Let f be a twice-differentiable function such that f (2) = 5 and f (5) = 2 . Let g be the
function given by g ( x) = f ( f ( x)) .
a) Explain why there must be a value c for 2 < c < 5 such that f (c) = −1 .

b) Show that g (2) = g (5) . Use this result to explain why there must be a value k for 2  k  5
such that g (k ) = 0 .

c) Let h( x) = f ( x) − x . Explain why there must be a value r for 2  r  5 such that h(r ) = 0
Problem 8: Suppose that f(0) = −3 and f ( x)  5 for all values of x. How large can f (2) possible

Multiple Choice Problems


Selected values of a differentiable function f are given in the table above. What is the fewest possible number
of values of c n the interval [1, 9] for which the Mean Value Theorem guarantees that f (c ) = 6?

(A) zero (B) one (C) Two (D) Three

10) The Mean Value Theorem can be applied to which of the following functions on the closed interval [ - 5, 5]?

1 x −1 x2 x2
(A) f ( x) = (B) f ( x) = (C) f ( x) = (D) f ( x) =
sin x x −1 x 2 − 36 x2 − 4
11) let f be the function given by f ( x) = . Which of the following intervals can the Mean Value
( x − 4)( x + 2)
Theorem be applied to f?

I. [-1. 3] because f is continuous on [-1,3] and differentiable on (-1,3).

II. [5, 7] because f is continuous on [5, 7] and differentiable on (5, 7).

III. [1, 5] because f is continuous on [1,5] and differentiable on (1, 5).

(A) None (B) I only (C) I and II only (D) I, II, and III




Summary of the lesson:
a) State the hypothesis and conclusion of the Mean value theorem. If the hypothesis is true,
what is the mathematical relationship which summarizes the outcome of the theorem? Illustrate
your understanding with a graph sketch. Make sure you use appropriate What technical
vocabulary to summarize your understanding of the Mean Value Theorem.

b) Make a list of all function types on an interval for which the hypothesis of Mean Value
Theorem is violated. Draw some graph sketches.

c) Compare the hypothesis and conclusion of IVT and MVT. Be specific in your reasoning. How
would you know which theorem to use in a problem.

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