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Registration Number : E21CSR076,E21CSR090,E21CSR122,E21CSR124


A report for the mini project 1 Submitted to the Department of



The partial fulfillment of the award of the degree of




MAY 2024


Certified that this project report titled “ONLINE EDUCATION SYSTEM ” is the bonafide

work of Mr.Vijay.V, Mr.VigneshKumar.R, Mr.Rammohan.S, Mr.Muralilitharan.K

(Registration Number: E21CSR124, E21CSR122, E21CSR090, E21CSR076), who carried

out the mini project1 – 1904CS653 Software Prototype Development under the Course

Coordinator’s. Certified further, that to the best of Course Coordinator’s knowledge the work

reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of

which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the Course Coordinator Signature of the HOD

Submitted to Mini Project I Viva voce Examination held on ------------------------

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We thank GOD, the almighty for end owing his immense blessing that helped us in
each step of our progress towards the successful completion four mini project II. We wish to
express heartfelt thanks to our college Founder (late) CHEV. Dr. G. S. PILLAY, chairman Mrs.
JOTHIMANI G. S. PILLAY, Secretary Shri.S. SENTHIL KUMAR, Joint Secretary Shri.
Dr.S.RAMABALAN,M.E.,Ph.D., Head of the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Dr.T.GANESAN,M.E.,Ph.D, our Course Coordinator’s who had always stood as a moral
support and guided me tirelessly with their valuable ideas along with constant encouragement,
throughout the period of study and encouraged me to shine as a good technologist.

I also thank other Staff Members and Technical Staff Members in our department for
their constant support throughout my project work and encouraged me to complete this project

Finally, with a deep feeling of intentness, I thank my parents and friends who have
encouraged me with good spirit by the incessant prayers to complete this project.








Our online education platform offers a unique learning experience tailored to individual needs. We
provide video-based classes accessible through low-cost subscriptions or free for students who verify their
identity with an ID card.Courses cover a wide range of subjects, allowing learners to study at their own pace,
anytime, anywhere. Upon successful completion, participants receive certification, enhancing their skills and
credentials.Our platform prioritizes accessibility and affordability, empowering learners from diverse
backgrounds to pursue their educational goals. Join us in shaping a future where quality education is within
reach for all.

 Development of “Online Education System” is mainly required by students and learners

to prepare themselves for learning the classes directly through smart phones and tablets in
their hands.
 we offer cost-effective subscription plans. Additionally, individuals with a valid ID card
can enjoy complimentary access to our courses. At our core, we believe in the
democratization of education, ensuring equal opportunities for all learners.

The objective of our online education platform is to provide accessible and affordable
learning opportunities to individuals with following features,
 Easy Course Selection
 User-Friendly Design
 Learn at Your Own Pace
 Free for Students
 Get Certificates

Our online education platform aims to make learning accessible and affordable for everyone,
regardless of their background or financial status. We want to empower individuals to enhance their skills
and knowledge, helping them achieve their academic and career goals. The ultimate goal is to empower
learners to enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and achieve their academic and professional
aspirations in a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

The objective of our online education platform is to provide accessible and affordable learning
opportunities to individuals worldwide.


Our online education platform is a place where anyone can learn new things easily. You can pick
from many different courses on topics you're interested in. It's really simple to use, with videos and
activities to help you learn at your own pace. You can also talk to other students and teachers if you need
help or want to share ideas.

The best part is, it's affordable! You can pay a small fee for access to lots of courses, or if you're a
student with an ID card, you can even get in for free. And when you finish a course, you'll get a certificate
to show what you've learned, which can help you in your future studies or job searches.

So, whether you want to improve your skills, explore new interests, or just have fun learning, our
platform is here to help you reach your goals.



Our online education platform is designed to be a convenient and affordable way for people to learn
new things. It's like having a library full of courses right at your fingertips. The purpose of our platform is to
make learning easy and accessible for everyone, no matter where they are or what their background is.

From the product's perspective, it's all about providing a user-friendly experience. We want people to
be able to find courses easily, understand the material, and track their progress. Whether someone is studying
for personal interest or professional development, our platform is here to support them every step of the way.

Overall, the purpose of our platform is to empower individuals to expand their knowledge and skills,
opening doors to new opportunities and possibilities.


Our online education platform aims to offer a wide range of courses on various subjects, making
learning accessible to all. Users can expect an easy-to-use interface, interactive learning materials, and
opportunities for personal growth. With affordable subscription plans and free access for students, our
platform aims to reach a diverse audience.


This section gives the list of Functional and non functional requirements which are applicable.
Functional requirements are nothing but the services provided by the system to it send users. There
are three sub modules in this phase.

The user interface to make the process should be effective that is the system will help the
candidates to register easily. The system should be user friendly.

1. Response Time-
The systems hall give response in 2 sec after user login.

2. Capacity-
The system can support multiple computer but it need to be install one very
computer separately.

The online education system should be able to serve the applicant with correct information
and day-to-day update of information.


 User Registration and Authentication

 Course Selection and Enrollment
 Learning Materials
 Progress Tracking


 System :AtomProcessor2.6 GHz.

 Hard Disk : 360 GB.
 Monitor : 15 LCD/Led Color.
 Mouse : Logitech.
 Ram : 2 GB.


 Operating system :Windows 10

 Coding Language :JAVA script
 Data Base :Real-time Database




Table of Contents

Table of Contents................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Revision History................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Purpose..........................................................................................................................................3

1.2 Document Conventions.................................................................................................................3

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...............................................................................3

1.4 Project Scope................................................................................................................................4

1.5 References.....................................................................................................................................5

2. Overall Description............................................................................................................................6

2.1 Product Perspective.......................................................................................................................7

2.2 Product Features............................................................................................................................7

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics...................................................................................................7

2.4 Operating Environment.................................................................................................................9

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.......................................................................................9

2.6 User Documentation....................................................................................................................16

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies..................................................................................................16

3. System Features...............................................................................................................................16

3.1 System Feature 1.........................................................................................................................16

3.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)......................................................................................................18

4. External Interface Requirements...................................................................................................20

4.1 User Interfaces............................................................................................................................23

4.2 Hardware Interfaces....................................................................................................................25

4.3 Software Interfaces.....................................................................................................................27

4.4 Communications Interfaces.........................................................................................................29

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements...............................................................................................31

5.1 Performance Requirements.........................................................................................................33

5.2 Safety Requirements...................................................................................................................35

5.3 Security Requirements................................................................................................................37

5.4 Software Quality Attributes........................................................................................................39

6. Other Requirements........................................................................................................................41

Appendix : Glossary...............................................................................................................................42


The Software Requirements Specification (SRS) will provide a detailed description of the
requirements for the Online Education System (OES).The clear understanding of the OES and its’
functionality will allow for the correct software to be developed for the end user and will be used for the
development of the future stages of the project. This SRS will provide the foundation for the project. From
this SRS, the OES can be designed, constructed, and finally tested.
In this software system an MSMS will be designed for an ordering purpose of this system is to
continue all the previous knowledge about different courses in a single database, which will manipulate
and update frequently.it will maintain records of the course details, purchase courses, and record
assessments, it will help students to search for courses, prices, and their availability at our own website.
Students can purchase courses through EMI options and offers are available for students who are
pursuing their degree in any institutions by their Id card and bonafide provided from the college.

1.2 Document Conventions

This document follows the APA 7th edition format. Sub headings and emphasized parts are written
in bold text. The words are enlisted in glossary are highlighted throughout the document and italic text is
used to label diagrams and for figure and table captions.
This document provides relevant information to stakeholders and creates an appropriate mean for
dialogue and aids in advanced information on the project concepts according to the context.
The report also provides a window for stockholders to better understand the project. This
document aims to at providing user friendly and accessible system information available to stakeholders
during the course of this system development.

Table 1: abbreviations used in the SRS document

Abbreviation Full Form
SRS Software Requirement specifications
OES Online Education System
SQL Structured Query Language
HTML Hyper Text Makeable Language

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The document is intended to be read by teachers, students, investors and documentation writers.
This Document contains relevant information and requirements for the developers, investors and
customers with different pairs intended for a different purpose.it guides through the necessary knowledge
required for the understanding purpose and the functionality of the software.

Table 2: Reading Suggestions for the SRS document.

S.NO Section Name Intended For Relevance
1 Overall Description Student and Developer Gives Overview of
specification, the
Online Education
System will provide to
2 External Interfaces Developer Lists all types of
Requirements interactions that the
courses must support
3 System Features Customer and Gives a top level
Developer overview of
requirements for
features that the OES
will have.
4 Other Non Functional Developers How the Product will
Requirements look for the student
5 Other Non Functional Developers Other requirements not
Requirements covered elsewhere in
the SRS including
objects for the project
Appendix A Glossary Customer Define words the reader
may not know
Appendix B Analyze Developer Gives description of
system and design
model such as ER
diagram, data flow
diagram etc.

Project Scope
Online education system encompasses a comprehensive platform designed to revolutionize the
learning experience. It aims to provide learners worldwide with seamless access to high-quality
educational resources, personalized learning paths, and interactive tools. The system will feature robust
user authentication and profile management functionalities to ensure security and customization options.
Course management tools will facilitate the exploration of a diverse catalog of courses, with features for
enrollment, progress tracking, and certification.

Interactive learning resources, including multimedia content and collaborative tools, will enhance
engagement and knowledge retention. Additionally, adaptive learning capabilities will enable personalized
learning experiences tailored to individual preferences and proficiency levels. The platform will prioritize
accessibility and inclusive, with mobile accessibility and support for diverse learning needs.

Google - https://www.google.com/
Brave – https://brave.com/blog/decentralized-websites/

Chatgpt –https:// openAI.com
Tutorialpoint – https://Tutorialpoints.com

Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The software product being developed is a web-based system which functions is to learn easily.
The product is created with the intention to provide ease to students for buying courses with EMI options
with their ID card. The product works with other database to extract and store courses information.
Following are the main features that are included in the Medical store management system:
 Database: The system is linked with local database where record of learners that were
learned, graduated, and currently learning students data is maintained.
 User accounts: The system allows the users to register their accounts in the system an
avail the feature of updating and viewing profiles.
 Search: It is simply a local search engine based on trending/ongoing course name.
 Record: The previous record of registered users can be stored for future use.
 Administration: It maintains database records, students,learners and purchases and
maintains the whole system.

Figure1: shows the major components of software of the system software, scheme linkage,and
external interfaces

2.2 Product Functions

The Major Functions That the product are:

` Administrator should have permission to update the records of the learners, delete or add a new
courses, change the password of the login, or to communicate with the customers, system document must
be available for the users to know how to learn the course.

System admin will keep the record of active learners updated by updating new courses every time
based on trending subjects. He will manage the records of the learners and courses..


The product will allow to customer to register themselves customer should be provided with
restricted access to the product with the facility to view courses available, their exam date,prices,and
detailed information. Effective searching should be vacillated by a user friendly interface.

The product will generate a bill receipt for both the system admin and the buyer. Order verification
and confirmation must be made for each order placed. The order tracking must be available to for the
1. Admin  ID The Admin user Class interacts with the
 Name system on an administrative level, admin
 Login Id will login in to the system and will
 Email Id register the account of users, active
 Address learners and exam. Admin also manages
 Contact no and maintains and the student project
record and database
 Gender

2 student  Name The student user class has limited access

 Login Id to the system .
 Email Id
 Address
 Contact no

3 Assistant system  Id The assistant system admin user class has

admin  Name a management role.
 Login Id
 Email Id
 Address
 Contact no
 Gender

4 Customer support  Id This team User Class has a moderated

team  Name access to the system.
 Login Id
 Email Id
 Address
 Contact no
 Gender
5 Courses Record  Name In course Record contain the information
 subject about medicine such as assessment date,
 Price price for certification project,
 duration duration,credit,subject.
 credit
 assessment
 project
 certification

2.4 Operating Environment

The software will operate with any operating system (WindowsXP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS.)
and browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,and Internet Explorer with full support for network
connectivity. It is web – based so it will require a client and server

2.5 Design and Implementation

The constraints related to design and implementation of this software are specified by the
programming language used for implementation . the software engineering environment , the
programming methodology used , and the availability of supporting tools for automatic system analysis to
keep the patent functions in distinct modules.
This software system allows more than one user to login and use it at a time. It has no limitations
for the number of users using it. Only the developer will be able to view and edit its source code


1. Use Case Diagram:
A use case diagram illustrates the interactions between various actors (users, system components,
or external systems) and the system itself. It shows the different use cases and the actors involved in each
use case. For a Online Education System, the actors could be customers,students, and administrators. The
use cases could include managing student records,duration,, managing customers,managing inventory, and
generating reports.

Fig : 1 Use case diagram


2. Class Diagram:
A class diagram represents the static structure of a system, including the classes, their attributes,
and their relationships. For an Online Education System, the classes could include course, Assessments,
Customer, and Administrator. The relationships could include associations (e.g., an Order is associated
with a Customer and system admin), inheritances (e.g., Courses can have subclasses like topic,
duration,assessments and projects), and aggregations or compositions (e.g., an user can many courses).

Fig : 2 Class diagram


3. Sequence Diagram:
A sequence diagram represents the interactions between different objects or components of a
system over time. It shows the sequence of messages exchanged between objects or components, along
with the time or order in which they occur. For aonline education System, a sequence diagram could
illustrate the interactions between a user, system admin, and the system components (such as Order or
cancel) when placing an order, checking course availability, or managing database.

Fig : 3 Sequence diagram


4. Activity Diagram:
An activity diagram represents the flow of activities or processes in a system, including the
decision points, branching, and parallel processing. For an Online Education System, an activity diagram
could illustrate the steps involved in managing student records, managing courses, or managing database,
including decision points (e.g., checking course availability), and parallel activities (e.g., updating
database and managing users and their records).

Fig : 4 Activity diagram


5. Component Diagram:
In UML, component diagrams show the structure of the software system, which describes the
software components, their interfaces, and their dependencies. You can use component diagrams to
model software systems at a high level or to show components at a lower, package level.

Fig : 5 Component diagram


6. Deployment Diagram:
In UML, deployment diagrams model the physical architecture of a system. Deployment
diagrams show the relationships between the software and hardware components in the system and the
physical distribution of the processing.

Fig: 6 Deployment diagram

2.6 User Documentation
User Documentation This software product will include a quick start guideline user manual
covering complete overview of the product, configuration of SQL server along with other tools, technical
details, and backup procedures.

2.7 Assumption and Dependencies

Nowadays students are learning many value added courses in various online learning platform But
they are doing the course only by submitting assessments and online exam only but they lack of practical
knowledge so we provide course by submitting and doing project based on their course instead of online
MCQ exams and this project it will improve students to learn real time project knowledge and also we
providing EMI options.
3 System Features
3.1 System Feature 1
An online web based education platform for doing online courses with some addition features
available in our platform. We provide discounts for students and new users.we provide real time project
for students for getting certificate instead of exams and this will attract student to gain knowledge in their
choosed course.

1. User and Role Management:

The system should allow for different user roles such as admin,database admin, and users, each
with their own access levels and permissions. User and role management features can include user
authentication, authorization, and password management.

2. Course Catalog Management:

The system should have a comprehensive course catalog that includes details such as course name,
duration, credit, pricing, availability, and project date. It should allow for easy addition, editing, and
deletion of course from the cart.

3. Payment Options:
The system should enable users to place course orders, and track order status. We provide EMI
options for students they can avail EMI by uploading their current student ID from their schools/colleges
also discounts for new users and we have UPI,online banking,credit card options for paying the fees.

4. Records Management:
The system should allow for managing records, including their contact information, pricing, and
availability. It should facilitate communication and coordination with users for order placement and
payment processing.

5. Database Management:
The system should provide real-time tracking of coursedatabase data’s, including stock-in and
stock-out notifications, batch/project number and assessment date. It should generate reports on records
status, usage,completion and trends for informed decision making.

6. Assesment Management:
The system should allow for capturing and managing assessments from course instructors,
including assessment details, user information, and records. It should also support electronic prescriptions
and comply with relevant regulations and standards.

7. Reporting and Analytics:

The system should generate various reports and analytics on course orders, assment
submission,database and user performance. It should provide insights and trends to optimize project
procurement, fees management, and certifications.

8. Integration with External Systems:

The system should have the ability to integrate with external systems, such as POS systems,
gpay,online banking billing and payment systems, and regulatory authorities for seamless data exchange
and process automation.

9. Alerts and Notifications:

The system should have built-in alerts and notifications, such as assessment submission alerts,
cpmpletion status, project submission reminders, and user communication alerts, to ensure timely actions
and proactive management.
10. Security and Compliance:
The system should comply with relevant security and privacy regulations, such as HIPAA, GDPR,
and data encryption. It should have robust authentication, authorization, and audit trail features to ensure
data integrity and prevent unauthorized access.

11. User-friendly Interface:

The system should have an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for users to navigate, place orders,
manage inventory, and generate reports. It should also be responsive and accessible across different
devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

12. Customization and Scalability:

The system should be customizable to suit the specific needs of the healthcare or pharmacy
organization, including branding, workflows, and user preferences. It should also be scalable to handle
growing volumes of learning courses, database,records and users data.these are some of the key features
that can be included in a online education system.

3.2 System Feature 2

Continuing from the previous list, here are some additional system features that can be included in
an online education system:
13. Search and Filter Functionality:

The system should allow users to easily search and filter courses, orders, durations, and other data
within the system based on criteria such as course name, subject, assessment date, user name, and more, to
quickly locate relevant information.

14. EMI and Discount Management:

We provide EMI options for students they can avail EMI by uploading their current student ID
from their schools/colleges also discounts for new users and we have UPI,online banking,credit card
options for paying the fees.

15. Order Tracking and Status Updates:

The system should provide real-time tracking of course orders with status updates, including order
confirmation, discount coupons,subscription and payment status. It should allow users to view the
progress of orders and receive notifications on any changes or assessment submission.

16. Communication and Collaboration Tools:

The system should facilitate communication and collaboration among users, instructors, and other
stakeholders involved in the course purchasing process. It can include features such as messaging,
notifications, and document sharing to streamline communication and ensure timely actions .

17. Course Completion Monitoring and Assessments Submission Alerts:

The system should track the completion course percentages in the records and generate alerts and
notifications for assessment submission. It should facilitate proper management of keep tracking the user
performance record for project and certification

18. Analytics and Forecasting:

The system should provide advanced analytic and forecasting capabilities to analyze historical
data, predict future demand, and optimize project based course and records management. It can
include features such as demand forecasting, database turnover analysis and course trend analysis.

19. Mobile App or Web Portal for Customers:

The system can include a customer-facing mobile app or web portal that allows learners to do
course orders, view assessment history, track course completion status, and communicate with the
developer. It can also provide features EMI options and online banking for doing payments.
20. Audit Trail and Reporting:

The system should maintain an audit trail of all actions and transactions within the system for
compliance and accountability purposes. It should also provide comprehensive reporting features,
including custom reports, dashboards, and data exports for performance monitoring, compliance reporting,
and business insights.

These are additional features that can be included in a online education system to enhance its
functionality and efficiency in managing course orders, inventory, and related processes. The actual
feature set of the system can be customized based on the specific requirements and workflows of the
healthcare or educational organization using the system.

4. External Interface Requirements

External interface requirements are specifications that define how a online educational System
interacts with external systems, users, or devices. Here are some common external interface requirements
for such a system:

1. User Interface:

The system should have a user-friendly interface that allows users, instructors, and administrators
to interact with the system easily. It should provide intuitive screens, forms, and controls for entering
prescriptions, placing orders, managing inventory, and generating reports.

2. Assessment alerts:

There is a tracker tracking the users performance and keep their completion in records and based
on that collected record it notify users to submit their assignment within the due time.

3. Project Validation:
The system should integrate with external systems or databases and check the assignment marks
and fees completion status for validating the final project for get the course completion certification of

4. Order Placement:

Users can order their prefered course by clicking place order and by uploadig their id card they do
course by EMI and Gpay,online banking,credit card for place the order.
5. Database Management:

The system should integrate with database management systems to update the inventory based on
user interests. It should allow for tracking number of users, assessment dates, and course credits. The
system should also generate notifications for assessment submission due date for the users.

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

The system should have secure mechanisms for user authentication and authorization. It should
provide interfaces for users to log in with their credentials and authenticate their identity. The system
should also enforce role-based access control (RBAC) to manage user permissions based on their roles,
such as instructors, developers and administrators.

2. Reporting and Analytics:

The system should provide interfaces or APIs for generating reports and analytic on medicine
orders, prescription trends, and inventory management. The reports should be accessible to authorized
users and provide visualizations or dashboards to facilitate decision-making.

3. Notifications and Alerts:

The system should have the capability to send notifications and alerts to users via email, SMS, or
other communication channels. This can include notifications for fees payment and assignment

4. Integration with External Systems:

The system may need to integrate with external systems, such admin systems, platform
information systems, or third-party APIs for instructor information or validation. The interfaces for such
integrations should be well-defined and comply with relevant standards or protocols.

5. Security:

The system should have robust security measures in place to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of data. This can include encryption of data at rest and in transit, regular
security audits,

6. Scalability and Performance:

The system should be designed to handle a large number of users and orders efficiently. It should
be able to handle concurrent requests, minimize response times, and ensure high availability to meet the
performance and scalability requirements of the healthcare environment.
7. Error Handling:

The system should have proper error handling mechanisms in place to handle errors, exceptions,
and unexpected scenarios gracefully. Appropriate error messages and notifications should be provided to
users to help them understand and resolve issues effectively

These are some common external interface requirements for a Online Education System. The
specific requirements may vary depending on the unique needs of the student or the system's intended
users. It's important to thoroughly analyse and define these requirements during the system's design and
development phase to ensure seamless interaction with external systems, users, and devices.


The user interface (UI) of a Online Education System should be designed to be intuitive, user-
friendly, and efficient for students, instructors, and administrators to interact with the system. Here are
some key considerations for designing the UI of such a system:

1. Dashboard:

The system should have a dashboard that provides an overview of the system's functionalities, such
as prescription management, order placement, inventory status, and reports. The dashboard should be
visually appealing, display relevant information at a glance, and allow users to access different
functionalities easily.

2. Course Input:

The prescription input interface should allow doctors to input prescription details accurately and
efficiently. It should provide fields for entering student information, course name, duration, assessment,
and project. The interface should have built-in validation checks to ensure that the prescriptions are
complete and accurate.

3. Order Placement:
The system should enable users to place course orders, and track order status. We provide EMI
options for students they can avail EMI by uploading their current student ID from their schools/colleges
also discounts for new users and we have UPI,online banking,credit card options for paying the fees.

4. Data Management:
The database management interface should allow instructors to manage the number of couses
efficiently. It should provide features such as tracking stock levels, due dates, and reordering points. It
should also allow for easy updating of inventory, marking as paid , and generating alerts for low credit

5. Search and Filter:

The system should provide search and filter functionality to allow users to easily search for
preferred course, orders based on different criteria such as course name, subject name, or order status. The
search and filter options should be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly locate the
information they need.

6. Notifications and Alerts:

The system should display notifications and alerts to users for important events such as assessment
submission status, order status updates, or low credit levels. These notifications should be prominently
displayed in the UI and should be easily dismissible or actionable, allowing users to take appropriate
actions based on the notifications.

7. Reporting and Analytics:

The reporting and analytic interface should allow users to generate reports and visualize data
related to course orders, course trends, and database management. It should provide options for selecting
different data parameters, generating different types of reports, and visualizing data in charts or graphs for
easy analysis.

8. User Authentication and Authorization:

The user authentication and authorization interface should allow users to log in securely with their
credentials and manage their user profiles. It should enforce role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure
that users only have access to functionalities and data that are relevant to their roles. The interface should
also allow users to reset passwords, manage session timeouts, and update their profile information.

9. Error Handling:
The system should have proper error handling mechanisms in place to handle errors, exceptions,
and unexpected scenarios gracefully. The error messages should be clear, informative, and displayed in a
user-friendly manner, helping users understand and resolve issues effectively.

10. Responsive Design:

The UI should be designed to be responsive, allowing users to access the system from different
devices such as desktops, tablets, or smartphones. The interface should adapt to different screen sizes and
resolutions, ensuring a consistent and optimal user experience across different devices.

11. Help and Documentation:

The system should provide help and documentation features to assist users in understanding how to
use the system effectively. This can include user guides, tool-tips, contextual help, and FAQs.
The hardware interface for an Online Education System would typically include the physical
devices and equipment that are required to interact with the system. Here are some common hardware
interfaces that may be required for an Online Education system:

1. Computer System:

A computer system with appropriate specifications, such as a desktop computer, laptop, or server,
would be needed to run the software application of the medicine store management system. The computer
system should have sufficient processing power, memory, and storage capacity to handle the data
processing and storage requirements of the system.

2. Input Devices:

Input devices such as keyboards, mice, bar code scanners, and touchscreens may be used to enter
data into the system. For example, pharmacists or store staff may use bar code scanners to scan medication
bar codes for inventory management or order fulfillment.

3. Output Devices:

Output devices such as monitors, printers, and receipt printers may be used to display information
or generate printed reports, receipts, or labels. Pharmacists or store staff may need to print labels for
medication bottles, generate receipts for customers, or print reports for inventory management.

4. Point of Sale (POS) Terminal:

If the medicine store management system includes a point of sale (POS) functionality for selling
medicines to customers, a dedicated POS terminal may be required. This may include a computer, a
touchscreen monitor, a receipt printer, and a cash drawer for handling sales transactions.

5. Bar code Labels and Scanners:

Bar code labels may be used for labeling payment Qr code and other inventory items. Bar code
scanners may be required to scan these labels for inventory management, order fulfillment or sales

6. Internet Connectivity:

Internet connectivity may be required for online ordering, real-time updates, or data
synchronization with external systems, such as instructors, customers-or other users within a chain.

7. Security Devices:

Security devices such as CCTV cameras, access control systems, and alarm systems may be
required to secure the physical premises of unauthorized access, or other security threats.
8. Backup and Storage Devices:

Backup and storage devices such as external hard drives, NAS (Network Attached Storage), or
cloud storage may be used for data backup, storage, and disaster recovery purposes to ensure the safety
and availability of the system data.

9. Mobile Devices:
Mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets may be used by instructor or store user for mobile
inventory management, order processing, or other functionalities on the go.

It's important to note that the specific hardware requirements may vary depending on the size,
complexity, and functionality of the online education system, as well as the specific needs and
preferences of the store. the software application and the overall system requirements is essential to
ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of the hardware components with the online
education system.


The software interface for an online education system refers to the interaction between the system
and the software components that are used to manage the various functionalities of the system. Here are
some common software interfaces that may be required for a course ordering management system:

1. Database Management System (DBMS):

The system may need to interact with a DBMS, such as MySQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server,
for storing and retrieving data related to medicines, inventory, orders, customers, suppliers, etc. The
software components of the system would need to communicate with the DBMS through appropriate APIs
or libraries to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database .

1. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs):

The system may need to integrate with external APIs for various functionalities, such as ordering
medicines from suppliers, processing payments, or interacting with other external systems, such as point
of sales (POS) systems, insurance providers, or logistics services. The software components of the system
would need to communicate with these APIs using appropriate protocols, such as REST, SOAP, or
GraphQL, to send and receive data.

1. User Interface (UI) Frameworks:

The system may have a user interface (UI) for users to interact with the system, such as
users,instructors, or customers. The UI may be implemented using UI frameworks, such as Angular, React,
or Vue, and would need to communicate with the back end software components through APIs or other
methods to perform actions, such as placing orders, managing inventory, or processing payments.
2. Payment Gateways:

If the system includes online ordering and payment functionalities, it may need to integrate with
payment gateways, such as G pay,online banking,credit/debit card,paypal to process payments securely.
The software components of the system would need to communicate with the payment gateways through
appropriate APIs or libraries to handle payment transactions and ensure data security.

3. Messaging Services:

The system may need to integrate with messaging services, such as email, SMS, or push
notifications, to send notifications, alerts, or reminders to users, such assessment updates, order
confirmations, or due alerts. The software components of the system would need to communicate with
these messaging services through appropriate APIs or libraries to send and receive messages.

4. Security Services:
The system may need to interact with security services, such as authentication, authorization, or
encryption services, to ensure the security and privacy of the data and system. The software components
of the system would need to communicate with these security services through appropriate APIs or
libraries to implement robust security measures.

5. Reporting and Analytics Tools:

The system may need to generate reports, perform data analysis, or provide insights into the
performance and trends of the medicine store. The software components of the system may need to
communicate with reporting and analytic tools, such as Tableau, Power BI, or Google Analytic, through
appropriate APIs or libraries to extract data, generate reports, and perform analytic.

6. Integration with Education Information System (EIS):

If the online platform is part of a larger organization or has a Education Information System (EIS)
in place, the course ordering management system may need to integrate with the PIS for seamless data
flow and interoperability. This may require communication through APIs or other methods to exchange
data related to medications, patients, prescriptions, etc.

It's important to note that the specific software interfaces required for a course ordering
management system may vary depending on the requirements, functionalities, and integration's of the
system. Close coordination with the overall system architecture, requirements, and software components is
essential to ensure smooth integration and optimal performance of the software interfaces with the course
g management system.
Communication is a critical aspect of a Online Education System, as it involves interactions
between various components of the system, as well as with external entities such as suppliers, customers,
and other systems. Here are some examples of communication in an Online Education System:

1. Order Placement:

Customers can place orders through the system, either online or through other channels such as
phone or email. The system should provide a user-friendly interface for customers to enter order details,
select courses, specify subjects, and provide any additional instructions. The system should also validate
the order details, check for availability of courses in the inventory, and provide order confirmation to the

2. Order Processing:

Once an order is placed, the system should initiate order processing, which may involve multiple
steps such as order verification, payment processing, and order fulfillment. The system may communicate
with external payment gateways for processing online payments and with the inventory management
system to update stock levels and initiate order fulfillment.

3. Supplier Communication:

The system may communicate with suppliers to place orders, track order status, and manage
inventory. This may involve integration with supplier systems through APIs or other communication
protocols to exchange order information, update inventory levels, and receive order status updates. The
system should also handle any communication related to order changes, cancellations, or returns.

4. Inventory Management:
The system should communicate with the inventory management system to manage stock levels,
track replenishment, and update inventory information. This may involve real-time data synchronization
between the Online Education System and the inventory management system to ensure accurate and
updated inventory information, including course availability, due dates, and student numbers.

5. Prescription Management:

If the system includes electronic prescription management, it should communicate with electronic
prescription services or POS systems to receive and process electronic prescriptions from healthcare
providers. This may involve validating prescriptions, checking for drug interactions or contraindications,
and updating prescription status.
6. Customer Communication:

The system should communicate with customers to provide order updates, delivery status, and
other notifications. This may involve sending notifications via SMS, email, or other messaging services,
and updating the order status in the system for customers to track their orders.

7. Reporting and Analytic:

The system may communicate with reporting and analytic tools to generate customized reports and
analyze data for business insights. This may involve extracting data from the medicine ordering
management system, processing it, and generating reports or visualizations for analysis.

8. Mobile Application Communication:

If the system includes a mobile application, it should communicate with the back end system to
exchange data, synchronize information, and provide seamless functionality to mobile app users. This may
involve APIs or other communication protocols to ensure real-time data exchange between the mobile
application and the Online Education System.

Effective communication within the Online Education System and with external entities is crucial
for efficient order processing, accurate inventory management, timely customer notifications, and overall
system functionality. Proper integration with external systems, adherence to communication standards,
and error handling mechanisms are essential to ensure smooth communication and reliable operation of
the system.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

Apart from the functional requirements, an Online Education System should also meet various
non-functional requirements to ensure its reliability, security, performance, and usability. Here are some
examples of non-functional requirements for a Online Education System:

1. Security:
The system should have robust security measures in place to protect sensitive data such as
customer information, order details, and payment information. This may include encryption of data at rest
and in transit, authentication and authorization mechanisms, role-based access control, and protection
against common security threats such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and other

2. Performance and Scalability:

The system should be able to handle a large number of concurrent users, process orders efficiently,
and provide fast response times. It should be designed to handle peak loads during high-demand periods,
and should scale seamlessly as the user base grows.
3. Reliability and Availability:

The system should be highly reliable and available, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted
operation. It should have mechanisms in place to handle system failures, such as redundant servers,
backup and disaster recovery plans, and automated monitoring and alerting systems to detect and resolve
issues in a timely manner.

4. Usability:

The system should be user-friendly and easy to use, with a well-designed and intuitive user
interface. It should provide clear and concise instructions for placing orders, managing records, and
tracking order status. Accessibility features such as support for screen readers and keyboard navigation
should also be considered to ensure usability for users with disabilities.

5. Compatibility:
The system should be compatible with different operating systems, web browsers, and mobile
devices to provide a consistent experience across different platforms. It should also be able to integrate
with other systems, such as, payment gateways, and inventory management systems, through APIs or
other communication protocols.

6. Compliance:

The system should comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as data protection laws,
healthcare regulations, and industry standards for security and privacy. This may include ensuring proper
handling of sensitive data, adherence to HIPAA regulations (if applicable), and compliance with PCI-DSS
standards for handling payment information.

7. Maintenance and Support:

The system should be designed for ease of maintenance and should have proper documentation,
logging, and error handling mechanisms in place. It should also have a support plan in place to address
any issues, provide timely updates and bug fixes, and ensure continuous improvement of the system.

8. Training and Documentation:

The system should provide comprehensive documentation, user guides, and training materials to
enable users to understand and effectively use the system. This may include tutorials, videos, and other
instructional resources to facilitate user adoption and proficiency.

Considering and addressing these non-functional requirements in the design and implementation of
a Online Education System will help ensure its reliability, security, performance, usability, and
compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
5.1 Performance requirements
Performance requirements are crucial for a Online Education System to ensure that it operates
efficiently and provides a satisfactory user experience. Here are some examples of performance
requirements for a Online Education System :

1. Response Time:

The system should have fast response times for various actions, such as loading product pages,
processing orders, and updating order status. The response time should be within acceptable limits defined
by the system's performance goals, typically in seconds or milliseconds, to provide a smooth and
responsive user experience.

2. Concurrent User Load:

The system should be able to handle a high number of concurrent users, especially during peak
periods of high demand. The system should be designed to efficiently manage multiple concurrent
requests without significant degradation in performance. The concurrent user load requirements should be
based on the expected user base and usage patterns.

3. Scalability:
The system should be saleable, meaning it should be able to handle increased workload and user
base over time without performance degradation. This may involve implementing horizontal scaling,
where the system can handle increased load by adding more servers or resources, or vertical scaling,
where the system can handle increased load by upgrading hardware or resources on existing servers.

4. Database Performance:

The system may involve database operations, such as storing and retrieving product information,
customer data, and order details. The database performance should be optimized to ensure fast data
retrieval and storage, efficient query processing, and minimal database latency.

5. Caching Mechanisms:

The system may implement caching mechanisms to improve performance, such as caching
frequently accessed data, storing session data, and caching database query results. The caching
mechanisms should be designed to minimize data retrieval and processing overhead and reduce latency.

6. Image and File Handling:

The system may involve handling images and files, such as product images, description uploads,
and other documents. The system should be optimized for efficient handling of images and files, such as
image compression, file storage optimization, and minimizing file transfer times.
7. Performance Monitoring:

The system should have performance monitoring mechanisms in place to track and analyze system
performance in real-time. This may involve logging system performance metrics, setting up alerts for
performance degradation, and conducting performance testing and profiling to identify and resolve
performance bottlenecks.

8. Third-Party Integration:

The system may integrate with third-party systems, such as payment gateways, inventory
management systems and. The system should be optimized for efficient and reliable integration with these
systems to ensure smooth data exchange and processing.

9. Load Testing:

The system should undergo load testing to assess its performance under different load conditions,
such as high concurrent user loads and peak demand periods. Load testing helps identify and address
performance issues before they impact the system's production environment.

By considering and implementing performance requirements in the design and implementation of a

Online Education System , the system can provide efficient and responsive performance, ensuring a
smooth user experience and high user satisfaction.

5.2 Safety requirements

Safety requirements are essential for an Online Education System to ensure the safety and security
of users, data, and transactions. Here are some examples of safety requirements for an online education

1. User Authentication and Authorization:

The system should have robust authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only
authorized users can access the system and perform actions based on their roles and permissions. This may
involve implementing secure login mechanisms, password policies, and multi-factor authentication (MFA)
for user accounts.

2. Data Privacy and Security:

The system should ensure the privacy and security of sensitive data, such as customer information,
prescription details, and payment data. This may involve implementing encryption mechanisms, secure
data storage practices, and compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA.
3. Secure Communication:

The system should use secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, to encrypt data
transmitted over the network to prevent eavesdropping or data tampering during transit. It should also
implement proper validation and sanitation of user input to prevent security vulnerabilities like SQL
injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

4. Role-based Access Control (RBAC):

The system should implement RBAC mechanisms to ensure that users only have access to the
functionalities and data that are necessary for their roles and responsibilities. This helps prevent
unauthorized access and misuse of system features or data.

5. Error Handling and Logging:

The system should have robust error handling and logging mechanisms to capture and log system
errors and exceptions for troubleshooting and auditing purposes. This helps in identifying and resolving
issues promptly, and also aids in tracking and auditing system.

6. Disaster Recovery and Backup:

The system should have a robust disaster recovery and backup plan in place to ensure the
availability and integrity of data in case of any unexpected events, such as system failures, data breaches,
or natural disasters. This may involve implementing regular data backups, off-site data storage, and
disaster recovery plans.

7. Vulnerability Management:

The system should undergo regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify
and address potential security vulnerabilities. This helps in proactively addressing security risks and
ensuring that the system is protected against known security threats.

8. Compliance with Industry Standards:

The system should comply with relevant industry standards and regulations, such as FDA
regulations for online pharmacies, PCI-DSS for payment processing, and other applicable regulations.
This ensures that the system meets the required safety and security standards for the industry it operates in.

9. User Education and Awareness:

The system should provide user education and awareness mechanisms, such as user guidelines,
security best practices, and system usage policies, to ensure that users are informed about the safe and
secure use of the system.
5.3 Security requirements

In addition to the functional, performance, safety, and security requirements mentioned earlier,
there are other important requirements for a Online Education System.

1. Scalability:

The system should be designed to handle increasing volumes of orders and data as the business
grows. It should be able to scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate increased user load, without
compromising system performance or functionality.

2. Availability:

The system should have high availability to ensure that it is accessible and operational for users as
per the defined service level agreements (SLAs). This may involve redundant hardware and software
configurations, fault-tolerant architecture, and backup and recovery mechanisms to minimize downtime.

3. Usability:

The system should be user-friendly, with an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user interface. It should
be designed to meet the needs of various users, including instructors upload their course easily and users
can also use with the east access UI.

4. Reliability:

The system should be reliable, with minimal system failures or errors. It should be designed with
robust error handling and fault tolerance mechanisms to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation.
Proper logging and monitoring mechanisms should be in place to detect and address any issues promptly.

5. Integration:

The system may need to integrate with other external systems, such as POS and payment
gateways, and inventory management systems. Proper integration interfaces and protocols should be
defined and implemented to ensure seamless data exchange and interoperability with other systems.

6. Compliance:

The system should comply with relevant legal, regulatory, and industry standards, such as data
privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA), healthcare regulations, and industry-specific standards (e.g.,
NCPDP for pharmacy data interchange). Compliance with these standards ensures that the system meets
7. Maintenance and Support:

The system should be designed with ease of maintenance and support in mind. This includes
proper documentation, version control, and release management practices. Additionally, a support
mechanism should be in place to handle user inquiries, issues, and incidents in a timely and efficient

8. Performance Monitoring and Reporting:

The system should have performance monitoring and reporting capabilities to track system
performance, resource utilization, and user activity. This helps in identifying performance bottlenecks,
optimizing system resources, and generating reports for analysis and decision-making.

9. Cost-effectiveness:

The system should be designed to be cost-effective in terms of development, deployment,

maintenance, and operations. This may involve careful selection of technologies, infrastructure, and
resources, as well as optimizing system performance and scalability to minimize operational costs.

10. Vendor Management:

If the system involves third-party vendors, proper vendor management practices should be in place,
including vendor assessment, contract management, and service level agreements (SLAs) to ensure that
vendors meet the required quality, security, and performance standards.

By considering these additional requirements in the design and implementation of a Medicine

online education System, the system can be well-equipped to meet the needs of users, comply with
relevant standards and regulations, and provide efficient and reliable services.


Thus the main project 1 to develop software prototype for Online Education System
is done successfully with software requirement specification document.

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