ReactJS Questions and Answers

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Top 70 ReactJS Interview Questions and

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ReactJS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What is ReactJS?
ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front-end JavaScript library essential for the
view layer of the application. It is supported by Facebook.

ReactJS utilizes a virtual DOM-based structure to fill in the information in HTML DOM. The
virtual DOM works quickly, possessing a way that it only modifies single DOM components
rather than refreshing the complete DOM every time.

The React application comprises several components, each answerable for outputting a
small, reusable part of HTML. Components can be embedded inside other components to
permit complex applications to work out of basic building blocks.

A component can also support an internal state. For instance, a TabList component can save
a variable compared to the directly open tab.

2. What are the benefits of ReactJS?

The main advantages of ReactJS are as follows:
Easy to learn
ReactJS is not a core but a JS library that takes together objects and targets a specific thing
to complete it effectively. It is the view controller in the MVC structure. Any developer who
learns JavaScript can interpret React, master its fundamentals, and develop a fantastic app.

Reusable Components
Reusing components is the primary feature of React JS. Even Facebook has executed
React as it supports the reuse of framework components. A developer can begin with
numerous components like a checkbox, button, etc.

We develop wrapper components made out of those smaller components. Then, we write
higher-level wrapper components. It goes on like that until we have this one root component,
and that component is our app.

Virtual DOM
When we are about to build a web application with high customer connection and view
updates, similar to the new form-maker on JotForm 4.0, we have to consider the available
execution problem.

Updating DOM is generally the bottleneck concerning web execution. React attempts to
understand this issue by utilizing virtual DOM and a DOM kept in memory.

Flux and Redux architecture

Facebook developed Flux architecture for its various web applications. It is like React
components in its unidirectional flow. This structure has action creators that facilitate making
action from method parameters. It also supports a library for these methods.

All these actions are supported together by a focal dispatcher to refresh stores. All views are
restored according to the stores. There is likewise Redux, which is an upgraded version of
flux architecture.

It has an individual store which is not needed in flux. Redux also allows a feature where
middleware can be characterized to capture dispatched actions.

SEO is the pillar of a strong business. A superior ranking is equivalent to more commitment
from the person, which results in more income.

In addition, ReactJS generally provides a quicker speed by decreasing the time of page
load, which is crucial for SEO.
Developer Tools
The React Developer Tools have been described as Chrome and Firefox dev extensions and
permit us to review the React component order in the virtual DOM.

It also allows us to choose specific components and check and alter their current props and

Scope for Code Testing

The applications of ReactJS are simple to set. Moreover, it allows developers to test and
debug their programs using native tools quickly.

Performance Enhancement
ReactJS improves execution because of virtual DOM. The DOM is a cross-platform
programming API that manages with HTML, XML, or XHTML.

Some developers face the issue when updating the DOM, which hinders the application’s
performance. ReactJS solved this problem by representing virtual DOM.

The React Virtual DOM exists in memory and is a definition of the internet browser's DOM.
When we compose a React element, we do not correspond precisely to the DOM.

Instead, we are comprising virtual elements that React will pass into the DOM, enabling
smoother and quicker performance.

3. What is Create React App?

This is one of the frequently asked React interview questions for freshers. Find the answer

Create react app is a React app standard generator developed by Facebook. It supports a
development setting configured for usability with minimal setup.

Here are some of the most important things to know about “create react app”:

● It involves ES6 and JSX transpilation

● Consists of a Dev server with hot module reloading
● Used for Code linting
● Can contain CSS auto-prefixing
● It can develop the script with JS, CSS, picture packaging, and sourcemaps
● Used for the Jest testing system.
4. What are the features of ReactJS?
There are several features of ReactJS as follows:

Virtual DOM
In React, for each DOM object, there is a corresponding "virtual DOM object." A virtual DOM
object is a definition of a DOM object and makes a virtual replica of the initial DOM.

It is a one-way data-binding; therefore, controlling the virtual DOM is faster than updating the
initial DOM since nothing gets drawn onscreen.

JSX represents JavaScript XML. It is a JavaScript syntax extension. It is an XML or HTML
like syntax utilized by ReactJS.

This syntax is handled in JavaScript calls of React framework. It broadens the ES6 so
HTML-like content can exist together with JavaScript react code. It is not necessary to utilize
JSX, but it is endorsed to use it in ReactJS.

ReactJS uses the JSX file, which makes the application simple to program and understand.

We learn that ReactJS is a component-based technique that establishes the code reusable
as our need. This creates it simple to use and learn.

One-way Data Binding

One-way data binding defines that data flows only in one direction through the entire
application. This provides better control over it. The data is moved from the parent
component to the child component through read-only props.

These props cannot be sent back to the parent component. This is how one-way data
binding works. Although, the child component can interact with the parent component to
update the state via callback functions.

React Native
React Native is a custom performed for React, directly comparable to React DOM on the
web. It uses native components rather than web components like React as building blocks.

It can start with React Native, and we must know the essential React concepts, like JSX,
components, state, and props. It also provides an approach to these platform features, from
changing the React program to working on iOS and Android.
5. What are the disadvantages of ReactJS?
The disadvantages of ReactJS are as follows:

Dynamic Technology
One of the disadvantages of ReactJS is that it keeps on changing with time. Therefore, it is a
constant learning technique for the developers, who have to understand new methods of
doing things that come with uncertain circumstances.

Average Documentation
It is another disadvantage of constantly updating technologies. There is a lack of suitable
documentation because of the fast updating of React technologies.

JSX as a barrier
ReactJS utilizes JSX, which is a syntax extension that enables the combining of HTML and
JavaScript. This method is helpful, but some development community members treat JSX as
a barrier, especially the new developers. In addition, developers argue about the learning
curve complexity of JSX.

View Part
Only UI layers of the app get covered by ReactJS. Therefore, choosing a few other
technologies is necessary to get a complete collection of tooling for the project's

6. How to install ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library included in a single file react-<version>.js that can be
contained in any HTML page. The developers also generally install the React DOM library
react-dom-<version>.js along with the main React file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/react.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/react-dom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Use react JavaScript program here or in an individual file
To obtain the JavaScript files, go to the of the
official React documentation.

React also provides JSX syntax. JSX is an extension generated by Facebook that inserts
XML syntax into JavaScript. It can use JSX we require to contain the Babel library and
change <script type="text/javascript"> to <script type="text/babel"> for translating JSX to
Javascript program.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/react.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/react-dom.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/browser.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/babel">
// Use react JSX program here or in an individual file

Installing ReactJS via npm

We can also install React using npm by doing the following:

npm install --save react react-dom

To use React in our JavaScript project, we can do the following:

var React = require('react');

var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, ...);

Installing React via Yarn

Facebook released its package manager, Yarn, which can also be used to install React.
After installing Yarn, we are just required to run this command:

yarn add react react-dom

We can then use React in our project precisely as if we had installed React via npm.
7. What is the difference between ReactJS and AngularJS?
This is among the most common ReactJS interview questions. We have curated a simple
tabular comparison to help you understand the differences between ReactJS vs AngularJS.

ReactJS AngularJS
Definition ReactJS is an open-source AngularJS is an
JavaScript library. It is open-source JavaScript
used to develop a user framework that can
interface for a single-pagedevelop a powerful web
application. It is application. It is an MVC
answerable only for the framework that works
view layer of the with the MVC platform,
application. where it facilitates
development by giving a
dependable solution.
Developed By Facebook Google
Data Binding ReactJS supports one-way AngularJS uses a two-way
binding. It provides data binding, which links
singular behavior for your the Document Object
application. One-way Model (DOM) values to
data-binding defines model data. It defines if a
some changes we create new value is supported in
to the model that the app for user
influence the view, but interaction with the field.
not the other way around. It will appear in the
In these methods, the update of both the view
data only flows in one and the model.

Simplicity React is not simple, and it Angular is easy and simple

takes some time to start a to understand. However,
project. its inherent complexity
sometimes confuses.
DOM Usage React uses a virtual DOM. Angular uses the
A virtual DOM is a secure browser's DOM.
version of the DOM. We
can modify any element
rapidly without needing
to render the whole
Application Structure React is not an MVC-like Angular is a
Framework. It is like a complete-featured MVC
view-based library. React Framework. Angular
does not demand its MVC-based structure
client or developer to use always permits the
some particular application to split into
application structure. three associated parts so
that they can be simply

8. What is the difference between ReactJS and React Native?

Here is the ReactJS and React Native comparison to understand the differences between
the two:

React JS React Native

Definition ReactJS is a JavaScript React Native is an
library responsible for open-source JavaScript
developing a hierarchy of framework. It facilitates a
user interface mobile application for iOS
components. It is Android, and Windows. It
essential for the rendering uses only JavaScript to
of user interface develop a cross-platform
components. It offers mobile app. React Native
support for both the is similar to React but
front-end and server-side. uses native components
instead of web
components as building
Setup and Running React.js is a JavaScript In React Native, we have
Process library that we can use for everything we require to
web development. When establish and get started.
beginning a new project It is so simple and quick to
and setting up ReactJS, release the framework. All
we must choose it takes is to run one
Webpack, a bundler. We command in our terminal,
will then determine which and we are ready to begin
wrapping modules will programming our
particularly suit our first-ever React Native
project. app. We will require
Xcode (for iOS) or Android
Studio (for Android)
installed on our system to
run the app. It uses an
emulator of the focus
platform or tests its
implementation on our
Animations In Reactjs, animation is In React Native, an
possible using CSS, just animated API is used for
like typcial web persuasive animation
development. across multiple elements
of the React Native
DOM and Styling Virtual DOM is used to In React Native, native
deliver browser code in APIs are used to deliver
Reactjs. elements on mobile.
Capabilities React JS was created to React Native is exclusively
keep Search Engine dedicated to developing
Optimization mobile UI. It defines that
(SEO) in mind, in which separated from being
node is utilized for centered on UI, Reacts
rendering on the Native also serves as a
client-server. Though JavaScript library, not a
numerous equivalent framework. Hence the UI
tools support this view of built is hugely responsive
the server to rendering, and adds a smooth feel to
they are accessible to our mobile application
insecure hacks. This is and quicker load times.
separate from an
extensive amount of
developer support
needed for maintenance.

9. Which browsers does ReactJS support?

It supports all the popular and most used web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox,
Mozilla, Microsoft Edge, etc. It doesn’t support browsers built without ES5 methods,
like Internet Explorer.
10. What is JSX in React?
JSX is a preprocessor phase that inserts XML syntax into JavaScript. We can use React
without JSX, yet JSX makes React a lot more classic.
It is just a similar XML. JSX tags contain a tag name, attributes, and children. If an
attribute value is placed within quotes, the value is a string. Alternatively, wrap the
value in braces, and the value is the confined JavaScript expression.
JSX gives syntactic sugar to React.createElement(component, props, ...children)

11. What are the benefits of using JSX in React?

The advantages of JSX are as follows:
● It is always quick as it implements optimization while assembling a program to
vanilla JavaScript.
● JSX is additionally type-safe, which defines it as carefully composed, and most
of the errors can be found during the compilation of the JSX code to
● It consistently makes writing templates simpler and quicker if we are simple
with HTML syntax.

12. What is the difference between DOM and Virtual DOM in

Another common question asked in the ReactJS job interviews is about the comparison
between DOM and VDOM. Here is the answer:


DOM represents the Document Object Model. It is also known as HTML DOM, an
abstraction of a structured code known as HTML for web developers. DOM and HTML
code are associated, as the elements of HTML are called nodes of DOM.
It describes a structure where users can create, alter, modify documents, and present
the content. Therefore while HTML is text, DOM is an in-memory definition of this
Virtual DOM (VDOM)

VDOM in ReactJS is a method that syncs the virtual user interface with the real
document object model. It is not a dedicated technology but a pattern that helps in
handling the events, updating manual DOM, as well as manipulating the attributes.

13. What is the use of keys in ReactJS?

Keys recognize unique virtual DOM elements with their related data driving the UI. It
supports React to develop rendering by recycling existing DOM components. Keys
must be unique numbers or strings. Rather than re-rendering with keys, React only
re-orders the components. It enhances the application’s execution.

14. What is Relay in ReactJS?

Relay is a JavaScript framework supporting an information layer and user-server
connection to web applications utilizing the React view layer.

15. What is the difference between createElement and

JSX components are transpiled to React.createElement() functions to make React
elements that will be used for the object definition of UI.
Whereas, cloneElement is used to clone an element and pass it new props.

16. How to create components in React?

It is one of the frequently asked React interview questions for freshers. You must
know that there are two approaches to creating a component in ReactJS:

Functional Components

It is the simplest method of creating the React component. These pure JavaScript
functions obtain the props object as the first argument and return the react
function Hello({ message }) {
return <h1>{`Hello, ${message}`}</h1>
Class components

We can use ES6 class to create a component. The function component can be written
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <h2>{`Hii, ${this.props.message}`}</h2>

17. What is a React State?

States are the soul of React elements. These are the source of information and
should be maintained as simply as feasible.
ReactJS states are the objects which decide the component’s rendering and behavior.
They are mutable, unlike the props, and generate powerful and interactive elements.
They are accessed through this.state().

18. What are React Props?

Props are inputs to components. They are read-only components that should be kept
immutable. ReactJS Props are used to pass information and methods from a parent
component to a child component.

19. What are Default Props?

In ReactJS, defaultProps authorize us to set default, or fallback, values for our
component props. defaultProps are helpful when we call components from various
views with fixed props, but in some views, we are required to pass several values.

Example of React Default Props

class MyApp extends React.Component {...}

MyApp.defaultProps = {
randomObject: {},
20. What is the difference between state and props in
Here is the tabular comparison between React state and props:

State Props
The state is mutable. Props are immutable.
The state influence data about the Props enable us to pass data from one
components. component to another as an argument.
They do not allow to generate reusable They allow to make reusable components.
The State is internal and managed by the Props are external and managed by
component itself. whatever renders the component.
The child component cannot access states. The child component can access props.

It can be used for rendering dynamic It is used to connect components.

changes with the component.

21. What is setState() in ReactJS?

The primary method using which we create UI updates to our React applications is through a
call to the setState() function. This function will execute a shallow merge between the new
state that we give and the previous state and trigger a re-render of our component and all

22. What are the Parameters of setState()?

There are two parameters of setstate() as follows:
1. Updater: It can be an object with several key-value pairs that should be
combined into the state or a function that restores such an object.
2. Call-back (optional): The function implemented after setState() is
implemented effectively. Because calls to setState() are not ensured by React
to be atomic, this can be beneficial if we need to implement some action after
we are positive that setState() has been performed effectively.

24. What is the arrow function in React?

An arrow function is also known as the ‘fat arrow function (=>).’ It enables binding
the context of components properly because auto-binding is not possible by default
in ES6. In addition, it creates it easier to work with higher-order components.

1. Without using Arrow functions

render() {
return (<MyInput onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this) } />)
2. Using Arrow Functions
render() {
return (<MyInput onChange={(e)=>this.handleOnChange(e) } />)

25. What is the context in ReactJS?

The context supports a method to pass information through the component tree
without giving props down manually at each level.
For example, authenticated customers, locale preference, and UI theme should be
acquired in the application by many components.
const {Provider, User} = React.createContext(defaultValue)

26. What are React Mixins?

Mixins are an approach to separate elements from having standard functionality. It
should not be used and can be replaced with higher-order components or decorators.

27. What is the context.consumer in React?

A consumer is a React element that subscribes to text changes. It needed a function
as a child that accepts the current context value as a parameter and returns a react
node. The value parameter passed to the function will be similar to the nearest
provider’s value props for this context above in the tree.


{value => /* render something depend on the context value */}

28. What is React Fiber?

Fiber is the new reconciliation engine or re-executing the basic algorithm in React
v16. The objective of React Fiber is to expand its appropriateness for fields like
animation, design, gestures, and the ability to pause, abort, or reuse work and assign
priority to multiple types of updates; and new concurrency primitives.

29. What is React reconciliation?

When a component's props or state changes, React determines whether an actual
DOM update is essential by contrasting the recently returned element with the
previously rendered one.
When they are not similar, they will update the DOM. This process is known as
reconciliation in ReactJS.

30. What are Pure Components?

Pure components are the easiest and quickest components that can be written. They
can restore any component which has a render(). These components upgrade the
program's simplicity and the application's execution.

Advanced ReactJS Interview Questions for Experienced

If you have worked in this field for some years, then our ReactJS interview questions for
senior developer or experienced professionals (1-5 years) are as follows:

1. Why use JSX in React?

There are a number of important reasons behind using JSX:
● It is faster than regular JavaScript because it implements optimization while
translating the program to JavaScript.
● JSX can separate innovations by placing markup and logic in separate
documents, React uses components that include both.
● It is type-safe, and some bugs can be found at compilation time.
● It makes it simpler to develop templates.
2. Why a web directory can’t read JSX?
Web directory cannot read JSX directly because they can only read JavaScript objects,
and JSX is not an ordinary JavaScript object. Accordingly, we must change the JSX
document into a JavaScript object using transpilers like Babel and then pass it to the

3. What is DOM diffing?

When the elements are rendered twice, Virtual DOM starts checking the changes
elements have got. They define the changed component on the page. Several other
components don’t go through changes. It can decrease the DOM changes due to
client activities, and treat DOM doffing. It is generally done to boost the execution of
the browser. This is the reason for its capability to execute all the functions rapidly.

4. What is the role of of render() in React?

Every React component should have a render() necessarily. It returns a single React
component, which describes the native DOM component. If more than one HTML
element should be rendered, then they should be arranged inside one enclosing tag
including <form>, <group>, <div>, etc.
This function should remain pure, i.e., it must return a similar outcome each time it is

5. What is the difference between elements and components in

Here is the tabular comparison of React elements and components:

Elements Components
An element is a plain JavaScript object A component is the core building
representing the component state, DOM structure of the React application. It is a
node, and desired properties. class or function which takes an input
and returns a React element.
It only holds data about the component It can contain state and props and access
type, its properties, and any child the React lifecycle methods.
elements inside it.
It is immutable. It is mutable.
Example: Example:
const element = React.createElement( function Button ({ onLogin }) {
'div', return React.createElement(
{id: 'login-btn'}, 'div',
{id: 'login-btn', onClick: onLogin},
'Login' 'Login'
) )

6. What are Stateless Functional Components?

In numerous applications, smart components occupy state but render dumb
components that receive props and return HTML as JSX. Stateless functional
components are substantially more reusable and have a positive execution impact on
our application.
They have two main characteristics:
● When rendered, they get an object with all the props passed down.
● They should restore the JSX to be rendered.

7. What are Stateful Components in ReactJS?

If the component’s behavior is dependent on the state of the component, it tends to
be defined as a stateful component. These stateful components are continually class
components and have a state that gets initialized in the constructor.

8. What is the difference between Stateful and Stateless

We have compared the stateful and stateless components below:

Stateful Component Stateless Component

It stores info about a component’s state It evaluates the internal state of the
change in memory. components.
It includes information on past, current, It contains no information on history,
and likely future changes in state. present, or potential future state
It is also called a class component. It is also called a functional component.

It can work with all the lifecycle It cannot work with any lifecycle method
methods of React. of React.
9. When to use the class component over a function
If the component requires state or lifecycle methods, then use class components;
otherwise, use function components.
From React 16.8, with the inclusion of hooks, we can use state, lifecycle methods,
and other characteristics that were only feasible in a class component right in our
function component.

10. What is the differences between setState() and

replaceState() methods?
When we use setState(), the current and previous states are joined. replaceState()
throws out the current state and restores it with only what we provide.
setState() is used except if we require to delete all previous keys for some reason. We
can also set state to false/null in setState() rather than using replaceState().

11. What is Prop Drilling?

When developing a React application, a deeply nested element often needs to use
data provided by another element that is much higher in the hierarchy. The simplest
method is passing a prop from each component to the next in the authority from the
source element to the deeply nested element. This is called prop drilling.

12. What is the difference between componentWillMount() and

This is one of the most common React interview questions for senior developer. You must
know the differences between the two, as mentioned below:

componentWillMount() componentDidMount()
This is called only once through the It is called only on the user end. It is
component lifecycle before the element generally performed after the initial
is rendered to the server. It is used to render when a user has received data
determine props and do any excess logic from the server.
based on them.
It is used to execute state changes It enables us to implement all kinds of
before the initial render. advanced interactions, including state
It is invoked just directly after the Putting the data loading code in this
mounting has occurred. only ensures that data is fetched from
the client's end.
Users should avoid using async The data does not store until the initial
initialization to minimize side effects or render is done. Hence, users must set an
subscriptions in this method. initial state properly to eradicate
undefined state errors.

13. How to bind approaches or event handlers in JSX

There are three possible approaches to manage this:

Binding in Constructor

The methods are not constrained by default in JavaScript classes. A similar thing
relates to react event handlers represented as class methods. It can generally bind
them in the constructor.
class Component extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)

handleClick() {
// ...

Public class fields syntax

If we don't like to use the bind method, then public class fields syntax can be used to
bind callbacks accurately.
handleClick = () => {
console.log('this is:', this)
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>
{'Click me'}

Arrow functions in callbacks

We can use arrow functions precisely in the callbacks.

<button onClick={(event) => this.handleClick(event)}>
{'Click me'}

14. How are Error Boundaries handled in React V15?

React version 15 supports the error boundaries by utilizing the unstable_handleError
method. It is termed to componentDidCatch in React Version 16.

15. What is the aim of getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle

A new static getDerivedStateFromProps() lifecycle method is invoked after an
element is instantiated as well as before it is re-rendered. It can return an object to
refresh the state or nullify that the new props do not need state updates.
class MyApp extends React.Component {
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
// ...
16. What is render prop in React?
Render prop is a simple method for sharing programs between components using a
prop whose value is a function. The following component uses render prop, which
returns a React element.
<DataProvider render={data => (
<h1>{`Hello ${}`}</h1>

17. What is the lifecycle method of React Component?

Lifecycle methods are used to run programs and interact with our components at
various points in the component’s life. These methods are based on a component,
Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.

Component Creation

When a React component is created, several functions are called:

● If we are using React.createClass (ES5), 5 user-defined functions are called.
● If we are using class Component extends React.Component (ES6), 3
user-defined functions are called.
getDefaultProps() (ES5 only)

This is the first method called.

Prop values restored by this function will be used as defaults if they are not described
when the component is instantiated.
getInitialState() (ES5 only)

This is the second method called.

The return value of getInitialState() describe the initial state of the React component.
The React core will call this function and select the restore value to this.state.
this.state.count will be initialized with the value of this.props.initialCount:
getInitialState() {
return {
count : this.props.initialCount
componentWillMount() (ES5 and ES6)

This is the third method called.

This function can make final changes to the component before being added to the
componentWillMount() {
render() (ES5 and ES6)

This is the fourth method called.

The render() function must be a pure function of the component's state and props. It
returns a single element that defines the component during the rendering process
and should either be a description of a native DOM component (e.g., <p/>) or a
composite component. If nothing should be performed, it can return invalid or
This function will be recalled after the component's props or state changes.
render() {
return (
Hello, {}!
componentDidMount() (ES5 and ES6)

This is the fifth method called.

The component has been mounted, and we can create the component's DOM nodes,
e.g., via refs.
This method should be used for:
● Preparing timers
● Fetching information
● Adding event listeners
● Manipulating DOM component
componentDidMount() {
ES6 Syntax

If the component is represented using ES6 class syntax, the functions

getDefaultProps() and getInitialState() cannot be used.
Rather than we declare our defaultProps as a static property on the class and declare
the state shape and original state in the constructor of our class. These are both set
on the class instance at construction time before any other React life cycle function is
The following example shows this alternative approach:
class MyReactClass extends React.Component {
this.state = {
count: this.props.initialCount
upCount() {
this.setState((prevState) => ({
count: prevState.count + 1
render() {
return (
Hello, {}!<br />
You clicked the button {this.state.count} times.<br />
<button onClick={this.upCount}>Click here!</button>
MyReactClass.defaultProps = {
name: 'Bob',
initialCount: 0
Replacing getDefaultProps()

Default values for the component props are stated by framework the defaultProps
property of the class:
MyReactClass.defaultProps = {
name: 'Bob',
initialCount: 0
Replacing getInitialState()

The idiomatic way to set up the component's initial state is to set this. state in the
this.state = {
count: this.props.initialCount

Component Removal

This method is known before a component is unmounted from the DOM. This phase
includes only one method and is given below.
This method is invoked directly before a component is destroyed and unmounted
permanently. It implements any necessary cleanup related function, including
invalidating timers, and event listeners, canceling network requests, or cleaning up
the DOM component. If a component instance is unmounted, we cannot mount it
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export default class SideMenu extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.openMenu = this.openMenu.bind(this);
this.closeMenu = this.closeMenu.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener("click", this.closeMenu);
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener("click", this.closeMenu);
openMenu() {
closeMenu() {
render() {
return (
href = "javascript:void(0)"
className = "closebtn"
onClick = {this.closeMenu}
Some other structure
Component Update

It is the next stage of the lifecycle of a react component. This stage allows managing
user interaction and support interaction with the components hierarchy. In addition,
this stage aims to ensure that the component is showing the latest version of itself.
This is the function called on properties changes. When the component's properties
change, it will call this function with the new properties. We can access the old props
with this.props and the new props with nextProps.
With these variables, we can do some comparison operations between old and new
props or call functions because of a property change, etc.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
This is the second function known as properties changes and the first on state
By default, if another component / our component changes a property/state of our
component, it will render a new version. Therefore, in this method, this function
always returns true.
We can override this function and select more accurately if our component must
update or not.
This function is generally used for optimization.
In the method of the function returns false, the update pipeline stops directly.
componentShouldUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
return !== ||
this.state.count !== nextState.count;
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
This function works like componentWillMount().Here, we can't modify the
component state by invoking this.setState() method. It will not be known,
if shouldComponentUpdate() returns false.
It is invoked to determine this.props and this.state and return one of the following
types: React elements, Arrays and fragments, Booleans or null, String and Number. If
shouldComponentUpdate() returns false, the code within render() will be invoked
again to assure that the component shows itself correctly.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState)
It is invoked directly after the component updating appears. In this method, we can
put some code inside this, which we need to implement once the updating occurs.
This method is not invoked for the basic render.

18. What is PropTypes library in React?

PropTypes is the type-checking addition to React Library, which exports a range of
validators to ensure the data component received is valid. As a result, it reduces
several bugs and makes components self-documented.

19. How can we renew the State of a component?

We can renew the State of a component using this.setState() method. This method
does not continually replace the State immediately. Instead, it only include changes
to the initial State. It is the main method to update the user interface in response to
event handlers and server responses.

20. What is NextJS?

Next.js is a famous and lightweight framework for static and server-rendered
applications that work with React. It also gives styling and routing solutions.

21. What are the features of Next.js?

The main features of Next.js are as follows:
● It is used to server-rendered by default.
● It contains programmed code-parting for quicker page loads.
● It is used to clean user-side routing (page-based).
● It can have a Webpack-based dev setting that provides (HMR).
● It can be easy to perform with Express or another Node.js HTTP server.
● It is used customizable with our own Babel and Webpack configurations.
22. What are Error Boundaries?
One of the frequently asked ReactJS interview questions for experienced
professionals is about error boundaries. You must know its meaning and role, as
explained below.
Error boundaries are the React components that catch the JavaScript errors
somewhere in their child component tree and log those errors. As a result, they will
show a fallback user interface rather than the component tree that crashed.
A class would be an error boundary if it defines both the lifecycle methods static
getDerivedStateFromError() or componentDidCatch(). The need for static
getDerivedStateFromError() is for rendering a fallback UI after a bug has been
thrown. The need for componentDidCatch() is for logging the error data.

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