Shock Layer and Entropy
Shock Layer and Entropy
Shock Layer and Entropy
Hypersonic flight has special traits, some of which are seen in every hypersonic
flight. Presence of these particular features during a flight is highly dependant
on type of trajectory, configuration etc. In short it is the mission requirement
which decides the nature of hypersonic atmosphere encountered by the flight
vehicle. Some missions are designed for high deceleration in outer atmosphere
during re-entry. Hence, those flight vehicles experience longer flight duration at
high angle of attacks due to which blunt nosed configuration are generally
preferred for such aircrafts. On the contrary, some missions are centred on low
flight duration with major deceleration closer to earth surface hence these
vehicles have sharp nose and low angle of attack flights. Re-entry flight path of
hypersonic vehicle is thus governed by the parameters called as ballistic
parameter and lifting parameter. These parameters are obtained by applying
momentum conservation equation in the direction of the flight path and normal
to it. Velocity-altitude map of the flight is thus made from the knowledge of
these governing flight parameters, weight and surface area. Ballistic parameter
is considered for non lifting re-entry flights like flight path of Apollo capsule,
however lifting parameter is considered for lifting re-entry trajectories like that
of space shuttle.
Therefore hypersonic flight vehicles are classified in four different types based
on the design constraints imposed from mission specifications.
Each of these vehicles faces different flight challenges based on their missions
and flight configurations. These challenges from the topic of research in the
field of hypersonic aerodynamics.
Definition of flow regime is based on the Mach number of the flow. If Mach
number is below unity then the flow is called as subsonic. Sonic flow has Mach
number exactly equal to one however flow in the narrow range of Mach number
beween 08-1.2 is called as transonic flow. When the flow Mach number exceeds
beyond 1 then flow is called as supersonic flow. As per the thumb rules, when
flow speed exceeds five times the sound speed, it is treated as hypersonic flow.
However hypersonic flow has certain characteristics which when experienced in
the flow, should then only be termed as hypersonic. These characteristics of
hypersonic flow are mentioned below.
Region between shock and the body (flight vehicle) is named as shock layer.
From the relations between shock angle, Mach number and flow deflection
angle or wedge angle, it would be clear that, for same flow deflection angle,
shock angle decreases with increase in Mach number. Hence the thickness of
the shock layer decreases with increase in Mach number for the same flow
deflection angle. Therefore hypersonic flows have thin shock layer. This
interpretation of shock layer thinness for calorically perfect gas is also
applicable for thermally perfect gas and chemically reacting flow. However,
complexity of flow field increases due to thin shock layer where the boundary
layer thickness and shock layer thickness become comparable.
Entropy Layer
One of the main properties of the curved shock waves in that, each streamline
passing through the shock faces differential entropy rise where stronger portion
of shock leads to higher entropy rise than the weaker portion. Therefore, a layer
of entropy variation getting formed downstream of the shock is termed as
entropy layer. Analysis of hypersonic flow becomes further troublesome with
consideration of this entropy layer since according to Croco's principle the
entropy layer leads to vorticity. As it was evident that the shock layer thickness
decreases with increase in Mach number and shock comes closer to the sharp
leading edge configurations like wedge or cone, it is also obvious that shock
detachment distance decreases with increase in Mach number for blunt bodies.
Hence the entropy layer exhibits strong gradient of entropy which leads to
higher vorticity at higher magnitudes of Mach numbers. Due to presence of
entropy layer it becomes difficult to predict the boundary layer properties and
properties at the edge of the boundary layer of hypersonic flow due to
interaction of boundary layer vorticity and entropy layer vorticity. This
interaction is termed as vorticity interaction.
Viscous Interaction
As we know, formation of boundary layer takes place near the wall due to no-
slip property of the viscous fluid flow. Formation of this boundary layer takes
place across enourmous loss of kinetic energy at hypersonic speeds. This kinetic
energy necessarily gets converted in to thermal energy which leads to increase
in temperature of the flow in the vicinity of the wall. This phenomenon is called
as viscous dissipation. Viscous dissipation leads to increase in boundary layer
thickness due to increase in viscosity coefficient with temperature. This
situation can also be interpreted from boundary layer theory where pressure is
considered to be constant across the boundary layer. This thickened boundary
layer displaces outer inviscid flow hence freestream hypersonic flow encounters
an inflated object which changes the shock shape and intren boundary layer
parameters along with surface pressure, wall heat flux, skin friction etc. This
interaction or communication loop between viscous boundary layer and outer
inviscid flow is called as viscous interaction. As a result of this interaction
aerodynamic parameters such as lift, drag etc deviate a lot from their base value
without interaction. Hence it becomes mandatory to treat viscous interaction for
hypersonic flights since whole shock layer tends to become viscous due to this
High-Temperature Flows
Low-Density Flow
Hypersonic flights at higher altitudes experience very low density flows. The
governing non-dimensional parameter for these regimes is called as Knudsen
number which is defined as the ratio of mean free path to the characteristic
length of the object. Here mean free path is termed as the mean distance
traveled by the fluid molecule between two successive collisions with other
molecules. Since density of air is very high on the earth's surface, therefore
Knudsen number is close to zero for standard dimensions of hypersonic flights.
However if we consider any standard hypersonic flight taking off from earth
surface, it becomes clear that, the flight vehicle is going to encounter change in
density with increase in altitude. Validation of continuum assumption and in
turn the usage of usual governing equations remains intact till the altitude of
around 90 km from earth surface where Knudsen number is below 0.3. Above
this altitude, till 150 km from earth surface, density becomes lower as a effect of
which fluid velocity and temperature at the surface do not remain in equilibrium
with the surface. Therefore flow for Knudsen number in range 0.3 to 1 is treated
in the transitional regime where slip wall boundary conditions should be used
along with the usual governing equations based on continuum assumption.
However above 150 km from earth's surface, density of air becomes very low
therefore this region is called as free molecular flow where Knudsen number
becomes more than or equal to unity. Thus need for change in governing
equations arise in this regime. Hence kinetic theory of gases finds its application
for hypersonic flights at such altitudes.